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United States Patent (19) 11) 4,277,510

Wicklund et al. 45) Jul. 7, 1981

54 PROCESS OF MAKING POTATO CHIPS 3,397,993 8/1968 Strong.................................. 426/637
3,424,591 1/1969 Gold ....... ... 426/441 X
(75. Inventors: Peter A. Wicklund; John T. Ivers, 3,649,305 3/1972 Wilder ............................. 426/44 X
both of Lewisville, Tex. 3,681,084 8/1972 Rock et al. ........................... 426/441
73 Assignee: Frito-Lay, Inc., Dallas, Tex. 3,835,222 9/1974 Wisdom et al. ... 426/438 X
3,946,116 3/1976 Weaver et al. . ... 426/637 X
21) Appl. No.: 127,040 4,084,008 4/1978 Yueh et al. ........................... 426/464
22 Filed: Mar. 4, 1980 Primary Examiner-Arthur L. Corbin
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Bernard & Brown
Related U.S. Application Data 57 ABSTRACT
63) Continuation of Ser. No. 114, Jan. 2, 1979, abandoned. Potato chips of relatively low oil content are prepared
51) Int. Cl. ......................... A23B 7/03; A23L 1/216 by a process which comprises the steps of forming pota
52 U.S. Cl. .................................... 426/441; 426/438; toes into slices having a thickness which is suitable for
426/464; 426/472; 426/473; 426/506; 426/511; making potato chips, drying the slices in a mono-layer
426/637; 426/808 by exposing both major surfaces of the slices to contact
58) Field of Search ............... 426/637, 438, 441, 455, with a gaseous atomosphere under drying conditions
426/456, 464, 465,472, 473, 482, 483,506, 511, whereby the average moisture content of the slices is
518, 808 reduced to about 30 to 65% by weight, contacting the
56) References Cited resultant dried potato slices with steam under condi
tions whereby substantial rehydration of the slices is
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS avoided, and frying the steam-treated potato slices to
Re. 23,891 11/1954 Chase ................................... 426/637 provide potato chips of relatively low oil content. The
1,676, 160 7/1928 Ruffner ............. ... 426/637 potatoes, after peeling, may be treated with hot water
2,101,506 12/1937 Morrow et al. .. ... 426/441 or steam to avoid making fried chips with white edges.
3,044,880 7/1962 Bogyo et al...... ... 426/438 X
3,230,094 1/1966 Hilton .............................. 426/44 X 9 Claims, No Drawings
treatment are about 10 to 180 seconds, preferably 10 to
PROCESS OF MAKING POTATO CHIPS 120 seconds, depending upon the temperature of the
steam. Blanching of the potatoes prior to slicing results
This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 000,114, in the formation of a gelatinized shell in the outer pe
filed Jan. 2, 1979, now abandoned. riphery of the potatoes, and upon slicing, this shell pro
This invention relates to the production of potato vides a slow-drying gelatinized ring around the edges of
chips of relatively low oil content. More specifically, the slices which prevents undesired over-drying of the
this invention relates to a process for producing potato edges, known as "White-edging.' The avoidance of
chips having reduced oil content, compared with that of white edges around the dried slices is desired since the
potato chips made in the usual manner. In the process of 10 white edges tend to remain in the final fried products
the invention potato slices are dried under controlled thereby detracting from their appearance to the con
conditions in a mono-layer to reduce the moisture con sumer. The gelatinized ring should have sufficient
tent of the slices prior to steam treating and frying the width to avoid the appearance of white edges on the
slices. The potatoes, after peeling, may be treated with slices after subsequent drying. This width may be at
hot water or steam to avoid making fried chips with 15 least about 1/32 inch in order to prevent or minimize
white edges. "white-edging', and generally this width need not ex
Potato chip products presently on the commercial ceed about or inch. The condition of blanching
market contain generally in excess of, for instance, should be such, however, that a majority of the potato
about 38% oil. Oil contributes substantially to the calo remains in an uncooked state.
rie content of potato chips and, accordingly, it is desir 20 After slicing, the potato slices that are formed may be
able to provide a potato chip product having a reduced subjected immediately to drying, but preferably the
oil content and a resulting reduced calorie content as potato slices are washed in water prior to drying. Wash
well. Also by reducing the oil content of the potato chip ing of the potato slices prior to drying improves their
product the actual amount of oil required to make the handling characteristics during further processing ac
chips is reduced providing a more economical product. 25 cording to the invention. Specifically, washing of the
Accordingly, the instant invention provides an econom potatoes removes surface starch and diminishes the
ical process for producing a good quality potato chip tendency of the slices to stick together or to stick to
product having reduced oil content, a crunchy texture, machinery. Washing may proceed for a period suffi
and desirable organoleptic properties. cient to reduce this sticking tendency, for instance, in
The process of the present invention involves form 30 excess of about 5 seconds, preferably at least about 10
ing potatoes into slices having a thickness suitable for to, say, about 120 seconds or more.
making potato chips and drying the slices in a mono The sliced potatoes, in a preferred embodiment, may
layer by exposing both major surfaces of the slices to be chemically blanched prior to drying. This blanching
contact with a gaseous atmosphere under drying condi of the slices may be accomplished by including a chemi
tions whereby the average moisture content of the slices 35 cal blanching agent in the wash water for the slices, in
is reduced to about 30 to 65% by weight. The resultant an amount which is effective to chemically blanch and
dried potato slices are contacted with steam under con thereby minimize or prevent discoloration of the potato
ditions whereby substantial rehydration of the slices is slices. Inclusion of a chemical blanching agent in the
avoided prior to frying the steam-treated potato slices wash water will generally not affect the washing time.
to provide potato chips of relatively low oil content. Alternatively, the slices may be immersed in a separate
The process of the invention can be conducted by blanching solution either before or after, but preferably
slicing essentially uncooked potatoes into slices which. after washing of the potato slices. Where chemical
are suitable for processing into potato chips. The pota blanching of the slices is accomplished in a separate
toes, and the resulting slices, generally have a moisture solution, the slices can be immersed in the aqueous
content above about 70 weight %, for instance, in the 45 solution containing the blanching agent for a sufficient
range of about 75 to 90%. Slicing may be accomplished period of time to effect the desired blanching, generally
by means of any of various known apparatus which are for a period in excess of about 5 seconds, preferably
available for use in slicing potatoes to be made into about 10 to 60 seconds. The preferred chemical blanch
potato chips. Typically, whole, raw potatoes may be ing agent is sodium bisulfite, and it has been found that
scrubbed prior to slicing and they may be either peeled 50 an aqueous solution of about 0.05 to 0.5%, preferably
or left unpeeled, although unpeeled potatoes are pre about 0.1 to 0.4%, by weight sodium bisulfite is effec
ferred for use in the process because the edges of potato tive to chemically blanch the slices whether the blanch
slices formed from unpeeled slices do not tend to be ing agent is included in the wash water or in a separate
come overly dried, which is undesired for reasons dis blanching solution.
cussed herein, when treated pursuant to the process. 55 After slicing, and in preferred embodiments after one
Generally, individual potato slices having a thickness of or both of washing and blanching of the slices, the slices
from about 0.03 to 0.1 inch have been found to be suit are dried in a mono-layer. As used herein, the term
able for making into potato chips according to the pro mono-layer refers to an arrangement of the slices
cess of the invention, although a slice thickness of from wherein a major proportion, and preferably essentially
about 0.05 to 0.07 inch is preferred. 60 all, of both major surfaces of the slices are exposed to
Where the potatoes are peeled prior to slicing, it is direct contact with a gaseous atmosphere under drying
preferred to blanch the potatoes prior to slicing. This conditions. The gas may be air, and the gas can be rela
can be accomplished by contacting the potatoes with tively quiescent as, for instance, in a radiant oven, but
water at a temperature of about 150 F. to 212 F., preferably it is in moving contact with the potato slices.
although immersion in boiling water is preferred, for a 65 During drying the slices are not disposed in overlapping
short period of time, for instance, about 10 to 180 sec contact with one another to a substantial extent. The
onds, preferably about 35 to 90 seconds, or by treating slices can be at least slightly separated from each other,
the potatoes with steam. Suitable times for the steam and then may be positioned in the same general plane.
3 4.
In any event, a major portion of both of the largest the market made by known techniques which on aver
surfaces of the potato slices are exposed to conditions of age have an oil content in excess of about 35% by
desired treatment, i.e. drying conditions. Such drying is weight typically about 40% by weight. Thus, the chip
accomplished with the gaseous atmosphere in contact products made by the process of the instant invention
with the potato slices being at an elevated temperature. have a reduced oil content and reduced calorie content
In one embodiment of the invention, drying of the slices as compared to potato chip products presently on the
can be accomplished by passing a mono-layer of the
slices supported on an open surfaced, wire belt in market and the process is more economical since less oil
contact with a gentle cross-draft or stream of gas in a is consumed. At the same time a product is provided
drying oven at a desired belt speed and at a temperature 10 which has very desirable flavor and texture characteris
sufficiently high to remove the desired amount of mois tics and especially a crunchy texture, which is particu
ture. Generally, the potato slices just prior to drying larly desirable in products of this type.
will have a moisture content of at least about 70% by The instant invention may be further understood by
weight, for instance about 75 to 90% by weight. When reference to the following examples which are not to be
drying of the slices in a mono-layer pursuant to the 15 construed as limiting the scope of the subject matter of
invention the moisture content of the slices will be re the invention.
duced to about 30 to 65% by weight, preferably about
40 to 60% by weight. Thus, generally from about 40 to EXAMPLES 1-4
95, preferably about 50 to 90%, of the moisture present In Examples 1-4 unpeeled raw potatoes having a
in the potato slices prior to the drying step is removed 20
during the mono-layer drying procedure. moisture content of about 82-87% by weight were
It has been found that by drying the potato slices in a scrubbed, sliced to a thickness of 0.062 inch, washed for
mono-layer, thereby exposing both major surfaces of one minute in 0.2 percent sodium bisulfite solution, and
the potato slices to gaseous drying contact, drying of dried in a mono-layer in an oven at 170° to 190 F. for
the slices is accelerated, and the speed of the belt carry 25 the period of time indicated in Table I to reduce the
ing the potato slices through the dryer may be main moisture content of the slices to about 60-65% by
tained fairly high. This operation contributes to the weight. The unpeeled, dried slices were steam-treated
provision of slices whose characteristics are such that a at 210" F. for 30 seconds, after which the moisture
lesser amount of oil is absorbed by the slices during content of the slices rose only slightly to an average of
frying. During drying, both major surfaces of the slices 30 about 65–70% by weight, i.e. about 69.2 percent by
are desirably exposed to drying conditions for about 3 weight for example 4. Subsequently the slices were fried
to 45 minutes, preferably about 5 to 25 minutes, at tem in cottonseed oil until boiling of the oil ceased (herein
peratures of from about 150 F. to 350 F., preferably
about 170 F. to 320 F., depending, as will be appreci BEP) at a temperature of 340-360 F. In Examples 1-4
ated by those skilled in the art, upon the equipment 35 summarized in Table I, the drying time was varied as
used, the quantity of potatoes being sliced in a given indicated, and the oil analysis of the resultant chips are
time period, the moisture of the drying oven and other provided.
variables. TABLE
After the potato slices are dried according to the Drying Time
process of the invention, they are steam treated and this Example Minutes % Oil Analysis
avoids undesirable color formation in the chip product.
During this steam treatment the slices are under condi 2
tions whereby substantial rehydration of the slices is 3 15 27.0
avoided. During this treatment surface starch on the 4. 15 -
slices is apparently gelatinized. In general the moisture 45
increase, if any, should be less than about 20% by The conditions were the same as for Example 3, except the slices were multi-lay
ered on the oven conveyor and the resultant slices showed wet areas where they
weight, preferably less than about 10%, based upon the were in contact during drying. Because of the presence of wet areas on the surface
total moisture content of the slices just prior to steam of the slices they were determined to be unsuitable for frying.
treatment. It has been found that this conditioning of
the slices for about 15 to 60 seconds, preferably about 20 50 EXAMPLE 5-8
to 40 seconds, in water vapor generated by, for instance,
boiling water therebelow will accomplish the desired In a continuous pilot plant process, raw, whole, un
treatment of the slices. peeled potatoes having a moisture content of about 82
After the latter steam treatment, the slices are fried by to 85% by weight, were scrubbed, sliced to a thickness
any suitable means for frying potato chips. Typically 55 of 0.062 inch, washed for one minute in 0.2 percent
the slices are immersed in a cooking oil, e.g. liquid cot sodium bisulfite solution, and dried in a mono-layer by
tonseed oil, for a period of from about 45 to 120 sec passing through a forty foot long drying oven on a belt
onds, preferably about 60 to 90 seconds, at a tempera at an average temperature of 185 F. The residence time
ture of from about 300 F. to 400 F., preferably 325 F. in the oven was 20 minutes and 45 seconds. After drying
to 380 F. to fry the slices. The slices are then removed the average moisture content of the slices was about
from the fryer, cooled, and, if desired, salt or other
flavoring agents may be added. The slices are then 60-65% by weight. A subsequent steam treatment of
ready for packaging by means known in the art. the dried slices was conducted at 210 F. for the period
Potato chips made by the above process typically will of time for each Example indicated below in Table II,
have a relatively low average oil content of about 20 to 65 increasing the moisture content by about 4-6% by
less than about 35% by weight say, up to about 32 or weight. Frying time was one minute and 15 seconds,
38%, or only up to about 30%. This result compares and frying temperatures employed and resulting oil
very favorably with potato chip products presently on analysis were as indicated in Table II.
5 6
Steam-treat- Blanching Conditions
Oven ment Time Frying Percent Example Time (sec) Temperature
Example Temperature (Seconds) Temperature Oil 5 13 5 20 F.
5 185 F. 50 353 F. 28.5 14 10 219 F.
6 185 F. 30 353 F. 28.5 15 15 210 F.
7 180° F. 30 353 F. 27.0
8 180° F. 30 340 F. 28.5
Results: It was determined that blanching times of 10
O and 15 seconds gave sufficient gelatinization to avoid
Results: The chips which were produced in Examples white edging upon drying the slices.
5-8 showed relatively good appearance and had a EXAMPLE 16-18
crunchy texture. Chips produced at a higher frying
temperature than illustrated in Table II of, for instance, In Examples 16-18 the same procedure was followed
375 F. were more tender, whereas the lower-frying 15 in each instance using Monona potatoes, all from the
temperature of 340 F. illustrated in Example 8 gave a same lot. Thus, the potatoes were peeled, dipped in
crunchier and harder texture to the chips. boiling water for 45 seconds, sliced to a thickness of
0.55-0.60 inch, washed, dipped in a 0.2 percent sodium
EXAMPLE 9 bisulfite solution for 15 seconds, dried in a mono-layer
Potato slices were immersed in a 0.2 precent solution 20 at 310-320 F. for 9 minutes, steam-treated at 210 F.
of sodium bisulfite for 15 seconds and were dried in a for 30 seconds, and fried in liquid cottonseed oil at 355
mono-layer for 16 minutes at 170-190 F. In this Exam
F. until BEP, providing potato chip products having an
ple, separate samples of hand-peeled and mechanical average oil content of about 28-32% by weight. The
entire process was done continuously except for the
peeled potatoes were sliced and treated with no blanch 25 potato dipping, slice-washing and feeding of the slices
ing of the whole peeled potatoes prior to slicing. It was into the dryer in a mono-layer. The percent H2O analy
found that both samples exited from the drying oven sis for the potato slices after drying for each Example is
with white edges indicating a loss of moisture on the provided in Table V below:
edges of the slices. The slices were not processed fur TABLE V
ther due to the presence of the undesired white edges on 30
Percent H2O Analysis
the dried slices. (After drying before steam
Examples treatment)
16 57.5
The procedure as set forth in Example 9 was foll 17
lowed in Examples 10-12 except that the whole peeled 35
potato was blanched by treatment with steam, in a 58.5 (average)
steam blancher to test the effects of surface gelatiniza
tion. In Examples 10-12 summarized below in Table III EXAMPLE 19-26
the conditions of blanching were varied with the results
set forth. A procedure was used in Examples 19-26 that was
similar to that outlined for Examples 16-18 using
Monona potatoes although from a different lot. The
Blanching Conditions potatoes were sliced to a thickness of 0.062-0.065 inch;
Example Time (min.) Temperature Results
- 45
mono-layer drying was at 310-320 F. for 9 minutes. A
10 2 210 F. to inch ring subsequent steam treatment of the slices was conducted
of gelatinized starch at 210 F. for 30 seconds, and frying was at 355 F. until
appeared around each BEP (about 1 to 1.5 minutes). The percent oil in the
skin. No white edges chip products is set forth below in Table VI.
were observed after TABLE VI
drying. 50
11 1 185 F. Gelatinization Example Percent Oil
around the slice edges 19 31.58
was slightly visible 20 28,13
(less than 1/32 inch); 21 30,65
white edges were 22 30.92
observed after drying, 55 23 28.57
12 1.5 185 F. The ring of gelatin 24 31.38
ized starch was less 25 30.13
than 1/16 of an inch 26 33.87
and there were no
white edges after
drying. 60 Comment: The average percent oil analysis for example
19-26 was 30.65.

Whole peeled potatoes were blanched by dipping in A continuous pilot plant process was used. Potatoes
water at the temperatures and for the times indicated in
65 from a different lot than was used in all the previous
Examples were peeled, dipped in water at 210 F. for 45
Table IV below prior to slicing. Blanching conditions seconds, sliced to a thickness of 0.60-0.65 inch, washed
were as indicated below in Table IV. in clear water, dipped in a 0.2 percent sodium bisulfite
7 8
solution for 15 seconds, dried in a mono-layer in a 40 contact with a heated air stream at a temperature of
foot long oven at 310-320 F. for 9 minutes, steam about 170 F. to 320 F. whereby the average moisture
treated at 210 F. for 30 seconds, and fried in liquid content of the slices is reduced to about 30 to 65 percent
cottonseed oil at 355 F. unitl BEP. In Examples 27-36, by weight, contacting the resultant dried potato slices
using the above-described pilot plant process, the oil with steam under conditions whereby any moisture
analyses are as indicated below in Table VII: content increase is less than about 10 percent based on
TABLE VII the total moisture content of the potato slices just prior
Example Percent Oil Analysis to steam treatment, and frying the steam-treated potato
27 31.8 slices to provide potato chips of relatively low oil con
10 tent.
28 32.4
29 32.4 3. A process according to claim 2, wherein said slices,
prior to drying, are contacted with an aqueous washing
32 31.2 solution to remove surface starch.
33 30.0
15 4. A process according to claim 2, wherein said dry
ing is accomplished by exposing the slices to contact
36 34.8
with a heated air stream for about 5 to 25 minutes at
about 150 F. to 350 F.
5. A process according to claim 4, wherein the tem
Comments: The average percent oil content for Exam 20 perature of said heated air stream is about 170 F. to
ples 30-39 was 31.5. Without including Example 36, 320 F.
which was not used in evaluating the product, the aver 6. A process according to claim 2 wherein said steam
age oil content was 31.1 percent. treatment of said slices is accomplished under condi
EXAMPLE 37-42 tions whereby any moisture content increase is less than
25 about 10% based on the total moisture content of the
The same procedure was used as in Examples 27-36 potato slices just prior to steam treatment.
above except that potatoes from another lot were used. 7. A process for preparing potato chips of relatively
The percent oil analyses in Examples 37-42 using pota low oil content which comprises peeling potatoes, con
toes from this other lot were as set forth below in Table
VIII. tacting the peeled potatoes with steam or boiling water
30 to gelatinize surface starch to a width of at least about
TABLE VIII 1/32 inch on the periphery of said potatoes, forming the
Example Percent Oil Analysis potatoes into slices having a moisture content above
37 30.6 about 70% by weight and a thickness of about 0.03 to
38 31.2 0.1 inch, drying the slices in a mono-layer by exposing
39 24.0 35 both major surfaces of the slices to contact with a gase
40 27.0
41 27.6 ous atmosphere under drying conditions at elevated
42 26.4 temperature whereby the average moisture content of
the slices is reduced to about 30 to 65% by weight,
Comment: The average percent oil analysis for Exam contacting the resultant dried potato slices with steam
ples 37-42 was 27.8 under conditions whereby substantial rehydration of the
What is claimed is: slices is avoided, and frying the steam-treated potato
1. A process for preparing potato chips of relatively slices to provide potato chips of relatively low oil con
low oil content which comprises peeling potatoes, con 8. A process for preparing potato chips of relatively
tacting the potatoes with boiling water or steam to 45 low oil content which comprises peeling potatoes, con
gelatinize surface starch to a width of at least about 1/32
inch on the periphery of said potatoes, forming said tacting the peeled potatoes with steam or water at about
potatoes into slices having a moisture content above 150-212 F. to form a gelatinized shell, in the outer
above 70% by weight and a thickness of about 0.03 to periphery of the potatoes to avoid the appearance of
0.1 inch, drying the slices by exposing the slices to 50 white edges on the potatoes after subsequent slicing and
contact with a heated air stream at a temperature of drying, forming the potatoes into slices having a mois
about 170 F. to 320” F. whereby the average moisture ture content above about 70% by weight and a thick
content of the slices is reduced to about 30 to 65 percent ness of about 0.03 to 0.1 inch, drying the slices in a
by weight, contacting the resultant dried potato slices mono-layer by exposing both major surfaces of the
with steam under conditions whereby any moisture 55 slices to contact with a gaseous atmosphere under dry
content increase is less than about 10 percent based on ing conditions at elevated temperatures whereby the
the total moisture content of the potato slices just prior average moisture content of the slices is reduced to
to steam treatment, and frying the steam-treated potato about 30 to 65% by weight, contacting the resultant
slices to provide potato chips of relatively low oil con dried potato slices with steam under conditions
tent of up to about 30% by weight. whereby substantial rehydration of the slices is avoided,
2. A process for preparing potato chips of relatively 60 and frying the steam-treated potato slices to provide
low oil content which comprises peeling potatoes, con potato chips of relatively low oil content.
tacting the potatoes with boiling water or steam to 9. A process according to claim 1, 2, 7, 5 or 8 wherein
gelatinize surface starch to a width of at least about 1/32 the moisture content of the potato slices before drying is
inch on the periphery of said potatoes, forming said 65 about 75 to 90 percent by weight, and during drying the
poatatoes into slices having a moisture content above moisture content of the potato slices is reduced to about
about 70% by weight and a thickness of about 0.03 to 40 to 60 percent by weight.
0.1 inch, drying the slices by exposing the slices to t k sk sk
Patent No. 4-2775 lo Dated Tully 7 - 198l
Inventor(s) Peter A. Wicklund and John T. Ivers
It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent
and that said Letters Patent are hereby corrected as shown below:

Column 3, line 67, delete "38%" and insert --33%--.

eigned and sealed this
Seventeenth Day of November 1981

Attesting Officer. Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks

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