Flyer Ehe Englisch 1
Flyer Ehe Englisch 1
Flyer Ehe Englisch 1
has a main or second residence. you both meet the requirements to marry, you
You can find all information on the locations can get married at any registry office in
and opening hours of Berlin’s registry offices Germany within the next six months. Contact
Marriage certificates How to quickly register
You will receive your marriage certificates your intent to marry
immediately after your marriage ceremony
takes place.
You can purchase the following documents:
You can find further information
Marriage certificate in German
(in German) online:
International marriage certificate in
multiple languages
Berlin’s Registry Offices Certified copy of the marriage registry
Tel. + 49 30 115 entry
© Berlin’s Registry Offices The fee is €12 for each of these certificates
As of May 2023
and €6 for each additional certificate of the
same kind issued at the same time.
Registering your intent to marry Documents required in all cases: If your prior marriage was dissolved in another
Valid passports or German identity cards country, it may be necessary to have the
The first step in getting married is registering relevant state court in Germany recognize the
for both partners
your intent to marry, which you should do at the Certified copy of birth registry entries for foreign decree. If you have changed your
registry office of the borough where the main both partners (issued max. six months name since your last marriage / civil union was
or second residence for you or your partner is previously) dissolved, you will also need:
located. You can register no earlier than six Registration certificate (issued max. 14 Proof of your current name or change of
days previously) indicating the marital name certificate
months in advance of your desired wedding
status of any partner(s) whose main place
date. A registration fee will be due. If you are
of residence is outside Berlin You and your partner have children together:
unable to attend your registration appointment Additional documents required:
in person, your partner must bring a completed Each child’s birth certificate
You were previously married or a partner in a
authorization form from you. Acknowledgement of paternity, if
registered civil union:
You can find it here applicable
You must present evidence that any former
Custody decree, if applicable
(in German): marriage or civil union has ended. Depending
on the reason, this evidence could be:
You are a naturalized citizen of Germany or Marriage certificate or copy of the a late ethnic German resettler:
marriage record entry noting that the Additional documents required:
Required documents marriage has been dissolved Naturalization certificate, if applicable
Civil union certificate or copy of the civil Repatriation certificate or resettler
Original documents are required. A certified
union record entry noting that the civil registration card, if applicable
translation is needed for any relevant union has been dissolved Proof of your current name, if applicable
document not issued in German. Marriage certificate and final divorce
The specified documents are required decree You are a foreign national:
separately for each of you. In certain cases, Civil union certificate and final decree of A personal consultation is required.
its dissolution
other documents not listed in this flyer may be
Marriage / civil union certificate and death