Root Rot Bacteria

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2. Agriculture
3. Avocado
4. Phytophthora Root Rot
Agriculture: Avocado Pest Management Guidelines

Phytophthora Root Rot

 Phytophthora cinnamomi
On This Page
 Symptoms and Signs

 Comments on the Disease

 Management

 Important Links

Symptoms and Signs

(View photos to identify root and crown diseases)

Foliar symptoms of Phytophthora root rot include small, pale green or yellowish
leaves. Leaves often wilt and have brown, necrotic tips. Foliage is sparse and new
growth is rare. There may be little leaf litter under infected trees. Small branches die
back in the tree top, exposing other branches and fruit to sunburn because of the lack of
shading foliage. Fruit production declines, but diseased trees frequently set a heavy
crop of small fruit.

Small, fibrous feeder roots are scarce at advanced stages of this disease. Where
present, small roots are black, brittle, and dead from infection. Foliage is wilted even
when soil under diseased trees is wet. Affected trees will decline and often die either
rapidly or slowly.

Comments on the Disease

Phytophthora root rot is the most serious and important disease of avocado worldwide.
The causal agent, Phytophthora cinnamomi, has over 1,000 hosts, including many
species of annual flower crops, berries, deciduous fruit trees, ornamentals, and
Root rot thrives in areas of excess soil moisture and poor drainage. Trees of any size
and age may be affected. The pathogen is easily spread through movement of
contaminated nursery stock of avocado and other plants, on equipment and shoes, in
seed from fruit lying on infested soil, or by any activity by people or animals that moves
moist soil from one place to another. Phytophthora produces four different spore stages
that are involved in disease development and survival: sporangia, zoospores,
chlamydospores, and oospores. They spread easily and rapidly in water moving over or
through the soil. Entire areas can readily become infested. Phytophthora species are
not true fungi but have many fungal-like attributes.

Look for diseases and disease-promoting conditions regularly throughout the grove
IPM video Monitoring for Root and Crown Diseases in Avocado Orchards. Use an
integrated approach that emphasizes prevention.

 Purchase certified disease-free nursery stock and root rot-resistant cultivars.

 Inspect roots before planting and if their health appears questionable seek advice from a
farm advisor or private consultant before planting trees.
 Employ stringent sanitation measures, good cultural practices, and appropriate chemical
controls. The most important control of this disease is good irrigation management. For
example, where new trees are interplanted among older trees, separate irrigation lines are
needed to ensure appropriate irrigation timing and amounts for the different aged trees.

Cultural Control
Use cultural practices that promote healthy growth of the tree while discouraging growth
of the pathogen.

Provide favorable soil conditions

In new plantings, avoid soils and soil conditions favorable to root rot development,
including poorly drained, saline, or pathogen-infested soils. Plant on well-drained soil, or
improve drainage by planting on a soil berm, deep-ripping impervious subsoils, or
installing subsurface drains. In established plantings, manage soils carefully so that
excess moisture does not accumulate.

Use certified disease-free nursery stock

Request certified, disease-free plants, especially when planting new areas, because
disease is especially damaging to young trees. Nurseries should disinfest propagation
material, such as by immersing seed in water at 120 to 122°F for 30 minutes and then
quickly cooling it. Nurseries should also use pasteurized soil mix, clean irrigation water
from deep wells or disinfested surface water, and stringent sanitation to prevent
pathogen introduction and spread. Nurseries that rely only on fungicides for disease
prevention can promote fungicide resistance and produce symptomless plants with
infections that develop after planting.

Plant resistant rootstocks

Certain rootstock cultivars are more tolerant of root rot, including Dusa, Latas, and
others. Newer recommended cultivars such as Uzi and Zentmyer may also be available.
Barr Duke, Duke 7, and Duke 9 can also be good rootstocks but have
less Phytophthora-resistance than some newer cultivars. To obtain rootstocks with
maximum resistance to Phytophthora root rot, choose rootstocks produced by a nursery
using the clonal method because clones of recommended cultivars are more resistant
than seedlings. Be aware that resistant rootstocks are not immune to root rot; if they are
planted or maintained under adverse conditions, they may be killed by the combination
of adverse conditions and the pathogen.

Prevent soil or water movement from infested areas

Excluding P. cinnamomi from an uninfested grove is the most economical control

 Install water-tight drains to divert surface runoff if a diseased area lies above a healthy
 Control gophers, as their burrows can provide means of moving the pathogen in water.
 Do not work in infested groves when the soil surface is wet; Phytophthora is readily
spread by activities such as walking or driving on infested wet soil.
 Bring only clean bins and equipment into groves.
 Begin harvesting and other activities in healthy areas of the grove; work in diseased areas
last to minimize pathogen movement.
Soil solarization

Soil solarization can be effective for treating infested soil following tree removal in warm
inland areas of California through a process in which radiant heat from the sun is
trapped under clear polythene sheets laid on the surface of the soil. Solarization is
effective when soil temperatures in the top 2 inches of soil reach between 108° to

Establish a barrier

If Phytophthora root rot occurs in only one area of the grove and cannot spread downhill
in surface runoff or drainage water, erect a physical barrier and post warning signs to
prevent people and activities from spreading the fungus into protected areas. Establish
the barrier around healthy sections of the grove, at least two tree rows beyond where
tests indicate the fungus is present.

Irrigate carefully

Appropriate irrigation is the single most critical practice for improving tree health and
managing root rot. Schedule irrigation frequency and amount using sophisticated
methods, such as based on local evapotranspiration or by installing soil moisture
monitoring devices, such as tensiometers. Good irrigation management is especially
important where trees are diseased, near the margins of diseased areas of groves, and
beneath thick mulch. It may be necessary to replace irrigation emitters around
unhealthy trees by installing lower output sprinklers to avoid saturating the soil. Install
valves for irrigation lines for infected portions of the grove because infected trees do not
use water at the same rate as the healthy portion of the grove. Do not water soil that is
already wet because it will become waterlogged and accelerate disease.

Use high-quality irrigation water

Irrigation water with high overall salinity or an excess of boron, chloride, or sodium
promotes infection of roots by Phytophthora. Phytophthora can contaminate irrigation
water, such as surface water that is runoff from infested soil. The extra cost of
purchasing high quality water can often be justified by reduced disease and increased
crop quality and yield.

Apply gypsum and mulch

Create soil conditions that suppress development of Phytophthora root rot.

 Apply, wood chip mulch and gypsum when the orchard is being established. Consider
periodically applying additional mulch. Reapply gypsum as the old material dissolves from
 Apply gypsum under the canopy of each tree, perhaps 25 lb beneath a medium-size tree.
Gypsum supplies calcium, which suppresses the formation of Phytophthora spores.
 Apply at least 4 to 6 inches of coarse wood chip mulch onto soil beneath canopies, but
keep mulch several inches away from the trunk. Use coarse organic mulch such as
avocado trimmings, composted greenwaste (yard trimmings), or hardwood chips which
provides better Phytophthora control than naturally dropped leaves. Mulching promotes
root growth into the mulch, enhances the development of beneficial microorganisms
antagonistic to P. cinnamomi, and reduces the adverse effects of saline soil and water.
Provide appropriate nutrition

Moderate amounts of nitrogen promote good growth that helps avocado better tolerate
root rot. Avoid excess amounts of fertilizer, especially avoid large amounts of animal
manures or other products high in ammonia or salts. Avocado roots are sensitive to
ammonia and salts.

Rotate crops
Replanting infested soil to resistant crops for at least several years reduces
Phytophthora root rot propagules in soil. The fungus has a wide host range, but plants
such as cherimoya, citrus, and persimmon are highly resistant to the Phytophthora sp.
causing Phytophthora root rot in avocado.

Chemical Control
Certain phosphonate fungistats (phosphorous acid and phosphonate compounds) can
markedly improve trees' ability to tolerate, resist, or recover from infection
by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Good control requires using materials in combination with
other recommended practices, such as careful irrigation practices and applying wood
chip mulch. Phosphonates cannot eradicate Phytophthora from the grove and
Phytophthora root rot requires ongoing management throughout the life of the trees.

Fumigation is not recommended even if the the maximum rate of fumigant is applied.
Often P. cinnamomi re-invades fumigated soil and the Phytophthora root rot becomes
worse than before because the soil microbial community and competing
microorganisms have been reduced by the fumigation.

Application methods

Varying with the product label, phosphonate (phosphite; FRAC Group 33) may be
sprayed onto bark or foliage, injected into soil with irrigation water (chemigation), or
injected into trunk vascular tissue. If permitted on the product label, proper trunk
injection is generally the most effective application method when treating severely
diseased trees. Proper application timing is critical. Phosphites can move both up and
down within plants. To induce phosphites to move to roots, apply phosphites prior to
initiation of new root growth. This effective application time is when about three-fourths
of leaf flush is complete or just as new leaves harden, usually in late spring (May) and
summer (August). Optimal application dates vary according to local conditions. If
applied during early flush or when many new leaves are flushing, most of the phosphite
will move to leaves and provide little Phytophthora control. If injected when new leaves
are hardening, phosphites will move upward in the xylem stream, then move downward
in the phloem where they can encourage healthy new root growth.

Inject trunks using proper equipment, such as spring powered or gas powered (CO2)
injectors. Drill relatively small diameter holes to the depth of the drill bit, at a slightly
downward and sidewise angle so that more of the phosphonate material is deposited in
the outer wood. Larger holes do not heal properly and continuous weeping and bacterial
infection in the holes often occurs. Drill holes into smooth sections of the trunk or main
limbs, avoiding knots and side branches. Where feasible, locate holes above any trunk
area that is wetted by mini-sprinklers to facilitate injection wound closure.

Application (spraying) directly onto bark is usually not effective for managing
Phytophthora root rot. Bark application may be more effective in managing the trunk
canker fungus Phytophthora mengei. Application through the irrigation system is more
effective in slowing down the spread of Phytophthora root rot disease than it is in
controlling disease in already infected trees.

Common name Amount per acre REI

(Example trade name) (hour

Pesticide precautions Protect water Calculate VOCs Protect bees

Not all registered pesticides are listed. The following are ranked with the pesticides having
listed first—the most effective and least likely to cause resistance are at the top of the table
pesticide, consider information relating to the pesticide's properties and application timing
and environmental impact . Always read the label of the product being used.

Common name Amount per acre REI

(Example trade name) (hour



(Aliette WDG) Drench: 5 oz/10 gal 12

(Aliette WDG) Foliar: 5 oz/100 gal 12

COMMENTS: For drench application: apply 1 qt per pot or sleeve of each tree 2 to 3 days before
application: begin application at transplanting or the start of the growing season and continue for u
year at 60-day intervals.



(Agri-fos, Fosphite) Label rates 4


COMMENTS: Do not apply with copper-based fungicides or fertilizers; allow 10 days before apply
compound after phosphorous acid treatment or 20 days before applying phosphorous acid after c
apply to dormant or heat- or moisture-stressed trees.



(Aliette WDG) 5 lb 12

COMMENTS: Begin application at the start of the growing season and repeat every 60 days. Do n

Common name Amount per acre REI

(Example trade name) (hour

(Ridomil Gold SL) Label rates 48


COMMENTS: Apply as a drench or by chemigation. Trials indicate this material is less effective o
effective for a few years on young trees that have been replanted into Phytophthora-infested soil.

‡ Restricted entry interval (REI) is the number of hours (unless otherwise noted) from treatment until
safely entered without protective clothing. Preharvest interval (PHI) is the number of days from trea
cases the REI exceeds the PHI. The longer of two intervals is the minimum time that must elapse b

N Not applicable.

Group numbers are assigned by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) according to
Fungicides with a different group number are suitable to alternate in a resistance management prog
no more than one application of fungicides with mode-of-action group numbers 1, 4, 9, 11, or 17 be
with a different mode-of-action group number; for fungicides with other group numbers, make no m
applications before rotating to fungicide with a different mode-of-action group

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