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Sample 11+ Assessment Test — Non-Verbal Reasoning

Allow 30 minutes to do this test and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you want to answer
these questions in multiple-choice format, use the separate multiple-choice answer sheet. If you’d prefer
to answer them in standard write-in format, circle the correct answer from the options A to E.

Section 1 — Find the Figure Like the First Two

For each question below there are two figures that are like each other in some way.
Find which of the five figures on the right is most like the two figures on the left.

a b c d e

Answer: c

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e
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a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e


a b c d e

/ 10
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Section 2 — Complete the Series

Each of these questions has five squares on the left that are arranged in order.
One of the squares is missing. One of the squares on the right should go in its place.
Find which one of the five squares on the right should go in place of the empty square.


a b c d e

Answer: a

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

Carry on to the next question Æ Æ

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a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e


a b c d e

/ 10
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Section 3 — Find the Figure like the First Three

For each of the questions below there are three figures that are like each other in some way.
Find which of the five figures on the right is most like the three figures on the left.


a b c d e

Answer: c

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

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a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e


a b c d e

/ 10
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Section 4 — Odd One Out

Each of the questions below has five figures.

Find which figure in each row is most unlike the others.


a b c d e

Answer: b

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e
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a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e


a b c d e

/ 10
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Section 5 — Vertical Code

Each question has some shapes on the left with code letters that describe them.
You need to work out what the code letters mean. There is then a shape on its
own next to a choice of five codes. Work out which code describes this shape.

Example: P

a b c d e
Answer: a

The arrow pointing right has the letter code P, the arrow pointing left has the letter code R,
and the arrow pointing up has the letter code Q. The new shape is an arrow pointing right,
so the code must be P and the answer is a.

Example: BT

a b c d e
BR Answer: d
Both black shapes have the letter code B, and the white shape has a C, so the first letter
is for shading. The second letter code must be the code for shape. T stands for a pentagon,
the letter S for a circle and the letter R for a triangle. The new shape must have a B because
it is black, and an S because it is a circle. The code must be BS and the answer is d.



a b c d e



a b c d e

3 AX


a b c d e
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a b c d e



a b c d e


a b c d e

7 DU

a b c d e

8 AS

a b c d e
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Section 6 — Complete the Grid

On the left of each question below is a big square with one small empty square.
Find which of the five squares on the right should replace the empty square.

a b c d e
Answer: c

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e
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a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e


Total / 56

End of Test

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Sample Test — CGP 11+ NVR (GL) For help with 11+ NVR, visit cgpbooks.co.uk/11plus © CGP 2018
Answers to Sample 11+ Assessment 9) C
Test for GL Assessment — The two-headed arrow rotates 90 degrees in each series square.
The line with the squares and the circles rotates 45 degrees
Non-Verbal Reasoning clockwise each time. The circles swap colours in each series square.
10) A
Section 1 — Find the Figure
The column with only two dots moves one place left in each
Like the First Two
series square. The white dot moves one place to the right.
1) B
All figures must be triangles with a flat side at the bottom. Section 3 — F
 ind the Figure
2) C Like the First Three
All figures must have the same number of dots as inside lines. 1) A
3) D All figures must be shapes with a line going
All figures must have a black shape at the front. through them which shows a line of symmetry.
4) B 2) D
All figures must have two shapes and an arrow pointing up. All figures must be made of two
5) B straight lines and two curved lines.
All figures must have a dot directly next to the 3) A
middle of the flat side of the large white shape. All figures must be identical apart from rotation.
6) B 4) C
All figures must have a large shape with the same All figures must be grey with one white quarter.
small shape overlapping it on the left hand side. 5) E
7) E All figures must have a line which crosses both shapes.
All figures must have a large shape with five sides. There 6) D
must be the same number of raindrops as the number of In all figures, the number of sides of the overlapping
shapes with dashed outlines inside the five-sided shape. shapes must add up to eleven (ignoring the
8) D inner shapes created by the overlaps).
All figures must have the same number of lines at 7) A
the bottom as the number of dots at the top. There In all figures, the shape with the smallest
must be black and white dots at the top. All the vase number of sides must have a dashed outline.
shapes must be shaded black up to the same level.
8) E
9) B
All figures must have the same number of small lines
All figures must have one less inner line crossing the outline of the shape as the number of sides
than the number of sides of the shape. of the shape (including curved sides). There must be the
10) E same number of crosses as the number of curved lines.
In all figures, the shaded parts of the two inner 9) A
shapes must equal one whole inner shape. All figures must have a large arrow shape with
ten sides, with a four-sided black shape inside it.
Section 2 — Complete the Series 10) E
1) E In all figures, it must be possible to arrange the shapes into a
The circle rotates 90 degrees clockwise in each series square. square. There must be at least one grey and one white shape.
2) C
The whole series square reflects across each time. Section 4 — Odd One Out
3) C 1) D
All of the circles move up one row in each series All other figures have a black dot.
square. When they reach the top, they go back 2) E
to the bottom in the next series square. All other figures are hatched in the same direction.
4) A 3) B
The cube turns one face in each series square. All other figures are made of two identical shapes.
The front cube face becomes the left hand cube face,
4) B
and a new cube face appears at the front.
In all other figures, the two shapes are overlapping.
5) A
5) D
In each series square, the grey square in the previous series square
becomes white, and one of the black squares becomes grey. All other figures have an arrow pointing
towards the grey semicircle.
6) E
6) A
The four-headed arrow shape rotates 45 degrees in
each series square. The black dot moves anticlockwise All other figures have an arrowhead which
round the corners of the series square. The two-headed is touching the outline of the right hand shape.
arrow shape gets smaller in each series square. 7) E
7) B In all other figures, the two shapes cut out from
The circle in the bottom left hand corner gets bigger, the large shape are reflections of each other.
and the centre circle gets smaller in each series square. 8) E
The two circles alternate colours between black and white. All other figures have one less shape
The star gets an extra point in each series square. in each row than in the row below.
8) A 9) C
The hatching rotates 45 degrees anticlockwise in each series All other figures have a small triangle inside
square. The raindrop rotates 90 degrees anticlockwise, the right hand side of the hourglass shape.
and alternates between being white and transparent.
© CGP 2018
10) D
All other figures have one less dot than the number of
curved sides of the shape immediately around the dots.

Section 5 — Vertical Code

1) C (PY)
P = solid outline, R = long-dashed outline,
S = short-dashed outline.
X = ellipse, Y = circle.
2) E (LR)
K = vertical rectangle, L = horizontal rectangle.
P = hatched rectangle, R = cross-hatched rectangle.
3) E (AY)
A = outside shape has the most sides,
B = inner shape has the most sides.
X = black inner shape, Y = white inner shape.
4) D (PZ)
P = inner triangle, R = inner circle , S = inner square.
X = arrow pointing down, Y = arrow pointing right,
Z = arrow pointing left.
5) E (GNX)
F = jagged inner line, G = straight inner line.
M = one black dot, N = two black dots.
X = six big rectangles, Y = five big rectangles.
6) B (JX)
G = central shape divided into three, H = divided into four,
J = divided into six, K = divided into two.
L = curved brackets, P = square brackets,
X = hexagonal brackets.
7) C (BV)
A, B, C and D = different rotations of the cross in the circle.
U = two black circles, V = one black circle,
W = three black circles.
8) B (BS)
A = grey square, B = white square.
P = bottom v-shape is on the right,
R = in the middle, S = on the left.

Section 6 — Complete the Grid

1) A
Working from top to bottom, the outer
shape shrinks to fit inside the star.
2) C
Working from top to bottom, each shape moves one grid
square left. The shape in the left hand grid square disappears,
and a new shape appears in the right hand grid square.
3) A
Working from left to right, the two shapes
swap places, sizes and shadings.
4) E
Working from left to right, the outer shape reflects
across. The whole inner shape shrinks, and the shaded
half splits into quarters. The shaded quarters move
to the top and bottom of the inner shape.
5) C
Working from left to right, the contents of
the grid square rotate 45 degrees clockwise.
6) E
Working from left to right, the line in the circle rotates 45 degrees
anticlockwise. The rest of the arrow rotates 90 degrees clockwise.
7) C
Working from left to right, the grid square
rotates 90 degrees anticlockwise.
8) E
Working from left to right, the number of corners
in the arrow line increases by one in each grid square.
The three different arrangements of the black and
white shapes each only appears once in each row.
© CGP 2018
Sample 11+ Assessment Test
for GL Assessment — Non-Verbal Reasoning CGP
Pupil’s name: Test date:

School name:
Date of Birth
Day Month Year
Pupil Number School Number
0 0 January 2005

Please mark
1 1 February 2006
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 March
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2007
1 1 1 1 1 1 April
3 3 2008
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
like this:
4 May 2009
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 June 2010
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 July 2011
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 August 2012
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 September 2013
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 October 2014
Sample Test 8

EXAMPLE 1 2 3 4 5
Section 1 a a a a a a
b b b b b b
c c c c c c
d d d d d d
e e e e e e

6 7 8 9 10
a a a a a
b b b b b
c c c c c
d d d d d
e e e e e

EXAMPLE 1 2 3 4 5
Section 2 a a a a a a
b b b b b b
c c c c c c
d d d d d d
e e e e e e

6 7 8 9 10
a a a a a
b b b b b
c c c c c
d d d d d
e e e e e

Sample Test — CGP 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning (GL)

© CGP 2018
For unbeatable 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning books visit cgpbooks.co.uk/11plus
EXAMPLE 1 2 3 4 5
Section 3 a a a a a a
b b b b b b
c c c c c c
d d d d d d
e e e e e e

6 7 8 9 10
a a a a a
b b b b b
c c c c c
d d d d d
e e e e e

EXAMPLE 1 2 3 4 5
Section 4 a a a a a a
b b b b b b
c c c c c c
d d d d d d
e e e e e e

6 7 8 9 10
a a a a a
b b b b b
c c c c c
d d d d d
e e e e e

Section 5 a a a a a
b b b b b
c c c c c
d d d d d
e e e e e

4 5 6 7 8
a a a a a
b b b b b
c c c c c
d d d d d
e e e e e

EXAMPLE 1 2 3 4
Section 6 a a a a a
b b b b b
c c c c c
d d d d d
e e e e e

5 6 7 8
a a a a
b b b b
c c c c
d d d d
e e e e

Sample Test — CGP 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning (GL)

© CGP 2018
For unbeatable 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning books visit cgpbooks.co.uk/11plus

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