Geography Optional Paper I Pyq Topic Wise Compilation

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Geography Optional Paper I

Previous Years Questions
Topic Wise Compilation
(1980 - 2020)

Edited &Compiled By
Venkateswarlu Nagineni


Marks have been modified in this compilation for the questions asked before 2013, because
earlier UPSC (before 2013) used to ask questions for 60 marks, 30 marks, 25 marks and
short note questions for 20 marks. But from past 7 years UPSC is asking 10 marks, 15
marks and 20 marks questions only. So, we have adjusted the marks of those
questions (before 2013) to 10, 15 and 20 marks according to the scope of the
question, to make the aspirants to adapt and process his/her knowledge to meet
the present demand of UPSC.

This compilation contains questions of past 41 Years (1980-2020) and we have

intentionally omitted very few questions (mostly from papers of 1980-2000) which are not
having much relevance to present context.

There are few concepts between/among the chapters and within the chapters of the given
syllabus, which are highly interlinked, complementary and overlapped. We tried to
segregate as much as possible according to our best knowledge. If any one finds any
discrepancies, please follow your judgement only.

Word limit for questions:

For 10 Mark Question - 150 words (2 Pages Space)

For 15 Mark Question - 200 words (3 Pages Space)
For 20 Mark Question - 250 words (4 Pages Space)


There are many misconceptions about Geography Optional, regarding the syllabus and
also about the questions. And few of them may even true also, but not all. And I agree,
there were some years where, few questions are really difficult to answer from
conventional books, but that’s not the case always. The problem here is not with the
subject, but aspirant’s clarity and approach towards the subject and his/her false beliefs
about the preparation strategy.

Most of the aspirants are relying on short-cuts in preparation (like rather than referring
standard books and understanding concepts, reading institutions material, class notes and some
model answers and thinking that they prepared very well), they rarely do refer to the syllabus
and previous year questions to check their preparation efficiency in reality.

At present many are struggling in the vast ocean of resources and in the confusion of what
to do and lack of confidence about whatever one is doing. And the major factor for this
situation is IGNORANCE about one’s own self, IGNORANCE about his/her abilities and

To do preparation with AWARENESS and CONFIDENCE, the potential way is to take

SYLLABUS AND PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTIONS as sacred guidelines which are
there to guide always. It’s just that one has to be ready to use them.

ENSO ACADEMY through this compilation is intended to bring a little bit of

AWARENESS into aspirants’ preparation who are ready for that.

Venkateswarlu Nagineni

Telegram ID:


 To give the aspirant a glimpse of understanding about the language of

questionaries asked by the UPSC.

 To provide a reference through which the aspirant can check his/her

understanding of the concepts and his/her abilities to decipher the demand of the
questions and to make framework for answers.

 To serve as a reference for checking the suitability of material in terms of its

sufficiency or insufficiency to answer the previous year questions.

 Also, to help the aspirant to understand the need of having a thorough

understanding of contemporary issues and examples and linking/updating them
with the static syllabus.

 And to also make the aspirant aware of whether his understanding of a concept is
holistic/multi-dimensional or is limited to what is given in materials/class notes/or
the so-called model answers provided by different institutions.


Chapter Wise Marks Trend Analysis (2014-2020)

Total marks: 8×50=400

Chapter 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

65 60 45 60 55 50
Geomorphology (10+20+1 (10+20+ (10+20+1 (10+15+2 (10+10+1 (10+20+
5+20) 15+15) 5) 0+15) 5+20) 20)

45 60 60 45 45 45
Climatology (10+15+2 (10+15+ (10+15+1 (10+15+2 (10+15+2 (10+20+
0) 20+15) 5+20) 0) 0) 15)

40 45 35 40
Oceanography (10+15+1 10 (10+15+2 (10+10+1 15 (10+15+
5) 0) 5) 15)

40 55
25 25 25 25
Biogeography 15 (10+15+1 (10+15+
(10+15) (10+15) (10+15) (10+15)
5) 15+15)

40 55 70 60
25 25 30
Environmental (10+15+1 (10+10+ (10+15+1 (10+20+1
(10+15) (10+15) (15+15)
Geography 5) 15+20) 5+15+15) 5+15)

80 110
Perspectives 40 45 40 45
(10+20+ (10+20+1
in Human (10+15+1 (10+20+1 (10+10+2 (10+20+1 0
15+15+2 5+15+15+
Geography 5) 5) 0) 5)
0) 20+15)

40 45 50
Economic 25 25 25 25
(10+15+1 (10+20+1 (10+10+
Geography (10+15) (10+15) (10+15) (10+15)
5) 5) 15+15)

Population and 35 55 60 60
30 25 (10+10+
Settlement (10+10+ (10+10+1 (15+15+1 (10+15+2
(10+20) (10+15) 20+20+1
Geography 15) 5+20) 5+15) 0+15)

40 30
Regional 30 25
(10+15+ (15+15) - 10 10
Planning (10+20) (10+15)

Models, 45 45 50 60 45
Theories and (10+20+1 20 (10+15+2 (10+20+2 (10+15+2 (10+20+
Laws in Human 5) 0) 0) 0+15) 15)

Section- A

Factors controlling landform development; endogenetic and exogenetic
forces; Origin and evolution of the earth’s crust; Fundamentals of
geomagnetism; Physical conditions of the earth’s interior; Geosynclines;
Continental drift; Isostasy; Plate tectonics; Recent views on mountain
building; Vulcanicity; Earthquakes and Tsunamis; Concepts of
geomorphic cycles and Landscape development ; Denudation
chronology; Channel morphology; Erosion surfaces; Slope development;
Applied Geomorphology : Geohydrology, economic geology and

Physical conditions of the earth’s interior;

1. Write short notes on Role of seismic waves in the study of earth’s interior. 10 Marks
2. Bring out the relevance of seismic study in determining the structure of the interior
of the earth. 15 Marks <2010>

Fundamentals of geomagnetism;

1. Write short notes on Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism. 10 Marks <2011>

Origin and evolution of the earth’s crust; Continental drift; Plate


1. Write short notes on the Impact of Pleistocene Ice Age on the crust of Earth.
10 Marks <2013>
2. State, in detail, and appraise fully the arguments in favour of and against the
theory of Continental Drift. 20 Marks <1980>
3. Critically evaluate the continental drift hypothesis of A. Wegner. 20 Marks <2006>
4. Write short notes on Paleozoic glacial evidence for Continental Drift. 10 Marks
5. Critically analyse the concept of plate tectonics and bring out the evidences to
support it. 20 Marks <1988>
6. Write short notes on Plate tectonics. 10 Marks <1990>
7. Discuss the limitations of the theory of Continental Drift and show how the theory
of plate tectonics is an improvement over it. 20 Marks <1995>
8. Bring out the distinctions between the ‘continental drift’ theory and the ‘plate
tectonics’ theory. 20 Marks <1999>
9. Write short notes on Seafloor spreading theory. 10 Marks <2008>

10. “Offshore Acoustic study helped the development of the concept of sea floor
spreading.” Explain. 20 Marks <2013>
11. Compare and contrast different types of plate boundaries. 15 Marks <2019>
12. Write an essay on the evolution of continents and oceans using various theories and
models. 20 Marks <2020>


1. Present a critical analysis of the theory of Isostasy. 20 Marks <2001>

2. Define the concept of Isostasy and discuss the postulations of Airy and Pratt.
20 Marks <2007>
3. Explain the concept of Isostasy as postulated by Airy and Pratt. 20 Marks <2011>

Endogenetic and exogenetic forces;

1. Discuss the character of the main types of force and earth movements, involved in
the production of land forms. 20 Marks <1985>
2. Write short notes on Classification of Earth Movements. 10 Marks <1992>
3. Write short notes on Geomorphic processes. 10 Marks <1998>
4. Attempt a classification of geomorphic processes from zonal point of view. 10 Marks
5. Discuss with examples, the influence of volcanism and diastrophism on the
evolution of landscape. 20 Marks <1993>
6. Describe the landforms which are products of endogenetic forces. 20 Marks <2004>
7. Discuss the processes of mechanical and chemical weathering and show their
relationship with soil formation. 20 Marks <1996>
8. Write short notes on Weathering and soil formation. 10 Marks <1997>
9. “Weathering is a complex phenomenon involving a number of processes and is
influenced by various factors.” Elaborate. 15 Marks <2010>
10. Name the climatically controlled agents of erosion. Explain how they differ in terms
of properties of matter. Compare the landforms produced by each one of them.
20 Marks <2011>
11. Explain weathering and mass wasting, and describe their geomorphic significance.
20 Marks <2014>


1. Write short notes on Geosyncline. 10 Marks <2002>

Recent views on mountain building;

1. Discuss the mountain building process in the world with a special reference to the
origin of the Himalayas. 20 Marks <1982>

2. Discuss the mountain-building processes with suitable examples. 20 Marks


3. With reference to the theory of Plate Tectonics, explain the origin and growth of
young fold mountain systems of the world. 20 Marks <2000>

4. State the concept of plate tectonics. How does it help in explaining the formation
of the Himalayas and Appalachian Mountains? 20 Marks <2014>

5. Evaluate how far Kober’s geosynclinal theory explains the mountain building
process. 20 Marks <2018>

Vulcanicity; Earthquakes and Tsunamis;

1. Discuss the concept of vulcanicity and show how the theory of Plate Tectonics
explains the mechanism of volcanism and volcanic eruptions. 20 Marks <1998>
2. Write a note on pseudovolcanic features. 10 Marks <2017>
3. Describe the phreatic eruptions and their consequences. 10 Marks <2019>
4. Discuss the methods of measuring the intensity and magnitude of earthquakes.
How are seismic zones demarcated? 20 Marks <2019>

Concepts of geomorphic cycles and Landscape development;

1. Discuss the views of W.M. Davis and Walter Penck on the cycle of erosion. 20 Marks
2. Discuss the concept of cycle of erosion and bring out clearly the difference between
the views of Davis and Penck. 20 Marks <1994>
3. Provide a critique of the ‘geographical cycle’ model propounded by Davis. 20 Marks
4. Critically examine the concept of geomorphic cycle& discuss the views of W.M.
Davis and W. Penck. 20 Marks <2008>
5. Write short notes on differences between Normal cycle and Arid cycle of Davis.
10 Marks <2013>
6. Explain the characteristics of the standard epigene cycle of erosion. 20 Marks
7. “In explaining the concept of ‘Pediplanation’, King combined the ideas of Davis,
Penck and Wood with his own.” Elaborate. 20 Marks <2016>
8. Write short note: The typical feature in a region of limestone rocks. 10 Marks
9. Analyse the sequential development of landforms in either karst or coastal region.
20 Marks <1991>
10. Explain the sequential development of landforms associated with coastal areas.
20 Marks <2003>
11. Write short notes on Karst landforms. 10 Marks <1984>

12. Write short notes on Karst landforms. 10 Marks <1988>

13. Write short notes on Essential conditions for the development of karst topography.
10 Marks <2010>
14. How are sandspits and tombolos formed? 10 Marks <2019>
15. Discuss the evolution and characteristics of the landforms of the glaciated regions.
20 Marks <1987>
16. Describe the “Basket of eggs topography”. 10 Marks <2016>
17. Discuss the concept of Periglacial cycle as propounded by Peltier. 20 Marks <2017>
18. Discuss the contributions of the American School of Subaerial Denudation in
geomorphology. 20 Marks <2015>
19. Write short note on polycyclic land mass. 10 Marks <1983>
20. Write Short notes on Rejuvenated landforms. 10 Marks <1989>
21. Write Short note on polycyclic landforms. 10 Marks <1991>
22. Explain the factors causing rejuvenation in landscape and describe the resultant
landforms. 20 Marks <1992>
23. Discuss the concept of polycyclic landforms and present an analytical study of the
polycyclic landforms of a region. 20 Marks <1997>
24. Highlight the geomorphic features essentially found in topographies under the
Second Cycle of Erosion. 15 Marks <2009>
25. Define the term ‘meander’ and describe the basic characteristics of entrenched
meander and ingrown meander. 10 Marks <2014>
26. “Present-day landforms bear more complexity than simplicity.” Elucidate.
15 Marks <2015>
27. Write short notes on Treppen concept. 10 Marks <1993>
28. What is ‘Base level’? Explain types of base level. 15 Marks <2013>
29. Write short notes on Systems approach to landform analysis. 10 Marks <2012>

Erosion surfaces; Denudation chronology;

1. Write short notes on Peneplain. 10 Marks <1982>

2. Write short notes on Peneplain. 10 Marks <2004>
3. State the concept of erosion surfaces and highlight the factors responsible for their
development. 15 Marks <2014>
4. Discuss the problems of erosion surfaces and explain the different methods to
identify them with suitable diagrams. 20 Marks <2020>

Slope development;

1. Analyse the differences in the models of slope evolution proposed by Davis and
Penck. 20 Marks <1990>
2. Discuss views on slope development provided by L.C. King. 15 Marks <2009>
3. Explain how Bosche and Haldenhang lead to the Theory of Slope Replacement.
20 Marks <2012>

4. “The knowledge of slope analysis has limited field application in the slope
management.” Explain. 15 Marks <2017>

Channel morphology;

1. Explain with examples as to how channel dynamics has been responsible for the
development of alluvial fans and cones. 15 Marks <2015>
2. “Climate, slope gradient and rock structure influence the avulsion of channels.”
Explain. 15 Marks <2017>

Factors controlling landform development;

1. 'Landscape is the function of structure, process and stage.' Discuss. 20 Marks

2. “Landscape is a function of structure, process and stage.” Critique the statement.
10 Marks <2018>
3. Structure is a dominant control factor in the evolution of landforms. Discuss with
suitable examples. 20 Marks <2005>
4. “Geological structure has a dominant control on landforms and is reflected on
them.” Discuss. 15 Marks <2016>

Applied Geomorphology: Geohydrology, economic geology and


1. Why is mapping important for analysing geo-hydrological investigations?

10 Marks <2020>

Temperature and pressure belts of the world; Heat budget of the earth;
Atmospheric circulation; atmospheric stability and instability,
Planetary and local winds; Monsoons and jet streams; Air masses and
frontogenesis, Temperate and tropical cyclones; Types and distribution
of precipitation; Weather and Climate; Koppen’s, Thornthwaite’s and
Trewartha’s classification of world climates; Hydrological cycle; Global
climatic change and role and response of man in climatic changes,
Applied climatology and Urban climate.

Temperature and pressure belts of the world; Heat budget of the earth;
atmospheric stability and instability; Atmospheric circulation;

1. Discuss the complete mechanism by means of which the atmosphere is able to

maintain its heat-balance. Is the atmosphere getting progressively hotter, and if so,
why? 20 Marks <1980>
2. Discuss the nature and composition of earth’s atmosphere. 20 Marks <1998>
3. Differentiate between insolation and temperature and explain anomalous
temperature. 10 Marks <2016>
4. Write short notes on Tropical atmospheric instability. 10 Marks <2009>
5. Write short notes on Inversion of Temperature. 10 Marks <1995>
6. Write short notes on Inversion of temperature. 10 Marks <2010>
7. Discuss the forces which govern the air movement on the Earth’s surface. 20 Marks
8. Discuss the mechanism and significance of tricellular meridional circulation of
atmosphere. 20 Marks <2003>
9. Explain the meridional circulation of the atmosphere and its importance in world
climate. 15 Marks <2015>
10. Discuss in detail the tri-cellular model of atmospheric circulation. 20 Marks <2019>

Planetary and local winds;

1. Discuss the development of local winds and their influence on local weather, giving
three examples of the well-known local winds in the world. 20 Marks <2007>
2. With suitable examples, bring out the impact of local winds on the climate of an
area. 20 Marks <2013>
3. Discuss the salient features of ‘sirocco’ and ‘mistral’. 10 Marks <2014>
4. Write a geographical note on Halloween Storm. 10 Marks <2020> (ambiguity is
there regarding this question, it can also be a geomorphology related question if
geomagnetic storm meaning is assigned to Halloween Storm)

Monsoons and jet streams;

1. With particular reference to India, explain the origin of the "monsoon". Describe
and account for the World distribution of monsoon climates, bringing out the
significant differences between each of them. 20 Marks <1981>
2. Discuss the mechanism and origin of monsoon winds and explain the role of El Nino
on Monsoon circulation. 20 Marks <2008>
3. Discuss the nature and origin of Indian monsoon and recent techniques of its
prediction. 20 Marks <2014>
4. Explain the origin, progress and retreat of Indian monsoon and discuss its impact
on the Indian economy. 20 Marks <2018>
5. Explain how various factors influence the origin and development of the Indian
monsoon system. 20 Marks <2020>
6. Write short note on Jet stream. 10 Marks <1983>
7. Write short notes on Rossby waves and Jet Stream. 10 Marks <2011>

Air masses and frontogenesis,

1. Write short note on Air masses. 10 Marks <1982>

2. Attempt a classification of air masses and give the characteristic features and
associated weather conditions of each class. 20 Marks <1988>
3. Discuss the origin, movements and characteristics of air masses and explain their
role in influencing world climates. 20 Marks <1992>
4. Define air masses. How do they originate? Classify them and state the
characteristics of any one type. 20 Marks <1997>
5. Discuss the concept of air masses and present their classification. 20 Marks <2001>
6. Classify airmasses and explain how ‘cP’ airmass affects global climate. 20 Marks
7. Discuss the concept of warm and cold fronts and the weather associated with them.
20 Marks <1984>
8. Discuss as to how frontogenesis contributes to weather instability. 10 Marks
9. Explain the characteristic features of Frontogenesis and Frontolysis. 15 Marks

Types and distribution of precipitation;

1. Give an account of the types and distribution of precipitation on the surface of the
earth. 20 Marks <2000>
2. Examine the various kinds of atmospheric humidity and their associated forms.
20 Marks <2010>
3. Give an account of global distribution of precipitation. 20 Marks <2011>
4. Discuss Dew point and the various forms of condensation. 15 Marks <2013>

Temperate and tropical cyclones;

1. Discuss critically the characteristics of tropical cyclones and analyse the extent to
which they differ from the temperate cyclones. 20 Marks <1987>
2. Explain the origin, characteristics and distribution of temperate cyclones. 20 Marks
3. Explain and illustrate the life-cycle of a temperate cyclone and also describe the
weather associated with it. 20 Marks <1995>
4. What is polar front and how does cyclone develop along this front? Describe the
weather conditions associated with it. 20 Marks <2010>
5. Explain the origin, characteristics and distribution of tropical cyclones. 20 Marks
6. Make a comparative study of the tropical and temperate cyclones. 20 Marks <1999>
7. Compare the structure and associated weather conditions of tropical cyclone with
that of temperate cyclone. 20 Marks <2006>
8. Compare and contrast tropical cyclone and temperate cyclone. 10 Marks <2012>
9. Compare the origin and weather conditions associated with the tropical and
temperate cyclones. 15 Marks <2016>
10. Describe the origin and development of thunderstorms with examples. 15 Marks

Hydrological cycle;

1. Write short notes on Hydrological Cycle. 10 Marks <1985>

2. Write short notes on Hydrological cycle. 10 Marks <1991>
3. Explain the role of evaporation in the hydrological cycle. 10 Marks <2018>

Koppen’s, Thornthwaite’s and Trewartha’s classification of world


1. Compare the basis of the climatic classification of Koppen with that of

Thornthwaite's classification. 20 Marks <1986>
2. Explain the basis of Koppen’s classification of climates. Also mention its merits and
limitations. 20 Marks <1994>
3. Write short notes on Cs type of climate, as per Koppen’s classification. 10 Marks
4. Discuss the main features of the climatic classification system evolved by Koppen.
Also point out its anomalies. 20 Marks <2005>
5. Discuss the basis of Koppen’s climatic classification. Bring out the salient
characteristics of ‘Cs’ type of climate. 20 Marks <2015>
6. Examine critically the drawbacks of Koppen’s classification of climates. Explain
how Thornthwaite attempted to overcome Koppen’s limitations. 20 Marks <1996>
7. Explain the basic criteria used in Thornthwaite’s 1948 classification of climates.
20 Marks <1990>

8. Discuss the criteria which Thornthwaite adopted for his 1948 classification of world
climates. 20 Marks <2002>
9. Write short notes on Potential evapotranspiration. 10 Marks <2004>
10. What is potential evapotranspiration? Explain how it is used in assessing the water
balance in an area. 15 Marks <2015>
11. Explain the techniques to calculate potential evapotranspiration suggested by
Thornthwaite. 10 Marks <2019>
12. Critically examine the basis and scheme of climatic classification proposed by G.T.
Trewartha. 15 Marks <2018>

Weather and Climate; Global climatic change and role and response of
man in climatic changes;

1. How would the impact of global warming differ from one part of the earth to
another? Give a reasoned account. 20 Marks <2004>
2. Give a reasoned account on how the impact of Global Warming differs from one part
of the Earth to the other. 15 Marks <2016>
3. Explain the factors contributing to the global climate change. 15 Marks <2009>
4. Discuss the consequences of Climate Change on agriculture and food security, and
on the Coastal Zones of the World. 15 Marks <2009>
5. “Contemporary global climate change is an anthropogenic phenomenon.” Discuss.
20 Marks <2011>
6. Write about Impact of Cryosphere on global climate. 15 Marks <2012>
7. Discuss the significance of World Climate Research Programme and its core
projects in the understanding of climate change. 20 Marks <2016>
8. “Climate Change is a reality.” Explain with suitable examples. 20 Marks <2017>

Applied climatology and urban climate.

1. How does Climate Change affect urban areas? 15 Marks <2009>

2. Explain the nature of urban climates and their impact on global environmental
change. 15 Marks <2019>

Bottom topography of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans;
Temperature and salinity of the oceans; Heat and salt budgets, Ocean
deposits; Waves, currents and tides; Marine resources: biotic, mineral
and energy resources; Coral reefs, coral bleaching; sea-level changes; law
of the sea and marine pollution.

Bottom topography of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans;

1. Give a reasoned account of the content of the Atlantic Ocean and their impact on
the climatic conditions of the coastal regions. 20 Marks <1987>
2. Write short notes on Ocean bottom relief. 10 Marks <1989>
3. Draw a hypsographic curve to represent the major physiographic units of the ocean
and comment on their permanency. 20 Marks <1991>
4. Explain and illustrate the ocean floor topography and give a detailed account of the
mid-Atlantic ridge. 20 Marks <1996>
5. Explain and illustrate the sub marine relief of the Atlantic Ocean. 20 Marks <1998>
6. Write short notes on Submarine canyons. 10 Marks <1999>
7. Discuss the mid-Atlantic ridge in terms of the origin, extent and relief. 20 Marks
8. Explain the scientifically sound methods of bathymetry and give an account of the
bottom topography of the Atlantic Ocean. 20 Marks <2010>
9. Present a concise account of bottom relief of the Indian Ocean. 20 Marks <2003>
10. Describe the configuration of the Pacific Ocean Floor. 15 Marks <2017>

Temperature and salinity of the oceans; Heat and salt budgets;

1. Give a reasoned account of the distribution of salinity in the oceans and partially
enclosed seas. 20 Marks <1993>
2. Write short notes on T-S diagram. 10 Marks <2000>
3. Write short notes on Salinity patterns in Indian Ocean. 10 Marks <2011>
4. Comment on marine heat budget and the oceanic circulation system. 15 Marks
5. Temperature, salinity and density differences in ocean water are the prime causes
of ocean water circulation. Elaborate. 20 Marks <2011>
6. Write short notes on Different layers of ocean water above abyssal plain. 10 Marks

Ocean deposits;

1. Present the classification of Oceanic deposits and account for the origin, types and
distribution of Pelagic deposits in the World Oceans. 20 Marks <1981>
2. Discuss the sources and nature of various deposit found on the floor of the oceans.
20 Marks <1985>
3. Write short notes on Pelagic deposits. 10 Marks <1986>
4. Write short notes on Pelagic deposits. 10 Marks <2004>
5. Discuss the different bases for classifying the ocean deposits and give a detailed
account of pelagic deposits of the oceans. 20 Marks <2007>
6. Write short notes on Ocean deposits. 10 Marks <2010>
7. Describe the characteristics of different types of pelagic deposits. 10 Marks <2015>

Marine resources: biotic, mineral and energy resources;

1. Discuss different types of marine resources and mention their possible utilization.
20 Marks <1983>
2. Write short notes on marine resources. 10 Marks <1984>
3. Give an account of marine resources and discuss their present-day utilization.
20 Marks <1986>
4. Write short notes on Food from the sea. 10 Marks <1995>
5. Write short notes on Marine resources, biotic, mineral and energy resources.
10 Marks <1997>
6. Analyse the reasons for a comparatively poorer development of fishing grounds in
tropical areas. 15 Marks <2013>
7. Bring out the various ecological problems associated with the exploitation and use
of oceans and their resources. 20 Marks <2016>
8. Describe the potential marine energy resources with reference to their benefits,
harvestability, environmental impacts. 20 Marks <2018>
9. Examine economic significance of the resources of the Continental Shelf of the
Indian Ocean. 15 Marks <2009>
10. Marine resources are economically very significant. Discus citing suitable
examples. 10 Marks <2020>

Waves, currents and tides;

1. How are ocean waves formed? Distinguish between a wave of oscillation and wave
of translation. 15 Marks <2019>
2. Differentiate Storm Surges and Seiches. 10 Marks <2013>
3. Distinguish between low energy coasts and coral coasts. 10 Marks <2017>
4. Describe and account for the surface currents of the Indian Ocean and explain how
and why they differ from those of the Atlantic. 20 Marks <1980>
5. Write short note: Cold water coasts. 10 Marks <1981>

6. "In the northern part of the Indian ocean there is a complete reversal of currents
between winter and summer as a result of the alternating monsoon winds." Discuss.
20 Marks <1982>
7. “The relationship between the winds and the currents is best seen in the Indian
Ocean.” Justify. 15 Marks <2016>
8. Write short notes on Ocean currents of Northern Atlantic Ocean. 10 Marks <2006>
9. Explain the currents of the North Atlantic Ocean and their significant role in the
climate of Western Europe. 15 Marks <2020>
10. Illustrate the origin and nature of Sargasso Sea and Lagoon. 10 Marks <2014>
11. Discuss the impacts of ocean currents on air mass behaviour. 10 Marks <2017>

Coral reefs, coral bleaching;

1. Write short notes on coral reefs. 10 Marks <1988>

2. Discuss the theories of formation of coral reefs proposed by Daly, Darwin and Davis.
20 Marks <1990>
3. Examine critically the theories of the formation of coral reefs and atolls. 20 Marks
4. Write short notes on formation of coral reefs. 10 Marks <2001>
5. Describe the ideal conditions for coral reef formation and discuss the glacial control
theory of coral reef formation. 20 Marks <2008>
6. “Atolls present the most challenging explanation in the evolution of coral reefs.”
Discuss. 15 Marks <2012>
7. Compare the Subsidence and Glacial control theories on the formation of coral reefs.
20 Marks <2013>
8. Give an account of recent observations on coral bleaching with reference to Clive
Wilkinson’s Report. 15 Marks <2014>
9. Discuss the concept of coral bleaching, its recovery and macroalgal regime shifts
due to this process. 15 Marks <2020>

Sea-level changes;

1. Write short notes on Eustatic changes of Sea level. 10 Marks <2007>

2. Describe the causes and consequences of sea level changes. 10 Marks <2018>

law of the sea and marine pollution.

1. Discuss Maritime Zones. 10 Marks <2016>

2. Give a critical account of reasons and consequences of marine pollution. 15 Marks

Genesis of soils; Classification and distribution of soils; Soil profile; Soil
erosion, Degradation and conservation; Factors influencing world
distribution of plants and animals; Problems of deforestation and
conservation measures; Social forestry; agro-forestry; Wild life; Major
gene pool centers.

Genesis of soils; Soil profile;

1. Write short notes on Soil genesis. 10 Marks <1998>

2. Write short notes on Genesis of Soils. 10 Marks <2003>
3. Write short notes on Soil profile. 10 Marks <2000>
4. How are soil acidity and soil alkalinity related to soil fertility? 15 Marks <2019>

Classification and distribution of soils;

1. Classify soils of the world and discuss the distribution and characteristics of each.
20 Marks <1985>
2. Present a classification of the soils of the world and give their economic significance.
20 Marks <1992>
3. Write short notes on distribution of soils. 10 Marks <2006>
4. Write short notes on Zonal and Azonal soils. 10 Marks <2009>
5. Write short notes on Soil profile in Zonal and Azonal soils. 10 Marks <2011>
6. Classify soils based on their zonal distribution and describe the characteristics of
pedocals. 15 Marks <2015>
7. Distinguish between the characteristics of Chernozem and Seirozem soils.
15 Marks <2017>
8. Distinguish between intrazonal and azonal soils. Describe in brief the
characteristics and importance of azonal soils. 10 Marks <2018>

Soil erosion, Degradation and conservation;

1. Write short notes on Soil erosion and conservation. 10 Marks <2005>

2. “Land degradation is a threat to productivity and sustainable resource
management.” Explain with suitable examples from India. 15 Marks <2020>
3. Write short notes on Desertification and its preventive measures. 10 Marks <1996>
4. Write short notes on Desertification as an environmental hazard. 10 Marks <2008>

Factors influencing world distribution of plants and animals; Wild life;

1. Write short notes on the Types of endemic plants and their degree of vulnerability
to extinction. 10 Marks <2013>
2. Bring out the relationship between climate and vegetation in the mountain biome.
15 Marks <2013>
3. Give a classification of plants based on the amount of water requirement. 15 Marks
4. Describe the characteristics of biological deserts. 10 Marks <2017>
5. Amensalism is a biotic factor that determines the geographic limits of the species.
Explain. 10 Marks <2019>
6. Which factors influence the growth of wild plants in India? Discuss their economic
significance. 10 Marks <2020>
7. Divide world into major biotic regions giving the basis of your division. 20 Marks
8. Write short notes on World’s biotic regions. 10 Marks <1986>
9. Write short notes on characteristics of monsoon forests. 10 Marks <1987>
10. Divide the world into major biotic regions and explain the basis of your division.
20 Marks <1989>
11. Indicate the major biotic regions of the world and discuss the ecological aspects of
the Monsoon region. 20 Marks <1994>
12. Give a brief account of the principal land biomes and their latitudinal distribution.
15 Marks <2009>
13. Define the term biome. List the terrestrial biomes and describe the characteristics
of Savanna biome. 20 Marks <2011>
14. State the uniqueness of the Eurasian Steppe Biome. 10 Marks <2014>
15. Bring out the ecological significance of Tropical Rainforest Biome. 10 Marks <2016>
16. Land use/Land cover and soil types influence forage quantity and quality in semi-
arid regions of the world. Discuss with relevant examples. 15 Marks <2020>
17. Write short notes on Floristic kingdoms, based on their global distribution.
15 Marks <2010>
18. Describe Newbigin’s scheme of Floristic regions of the world and explain the
Mediterranean Floristic Region. 15 Marks <2016>
19. Write short notes on the Uniqueness of fauna in the Notogean realm. 10 Marks
20. Write about Adaptation and distribution of animals in the Ethiopian realm.
15 Marks <2012>
21. Define zoogeographic region. Also describe the basic faunal makeup of the Neo-
Arctic zoogeographic region. 15 Marks <2014>

Problems of deforestation and conservation measures; Social forestry;


1. Discuss the causes of degradation of tropical rainforests and suggest remedial

measures for their prevention, conservation and development. 15 Marks <2018>

2. Explain the effects and causes of deforestation, and its impact on the pattern of
agriculture in India. 15 Marks <2020>
3. Write short notes on Agroforestry. 10 Marks <2001>
4. Write short notes on Social forestry and environmental conservation. 10 Marks

Major gene pool centers.


Environmental Geography
Principle of ecology; Human ecological adaptations; Influence of man on
ecology and environment; Global and regional ecological changes and
imbalances; Ecosystem their management and conservation;
Environmental degradation, management and conservation;
Biodiversity and sustainable development; Environmental policy;
Environmental hazards and remedial measures; Environmental
education and legislation.

Principle of ecology;

1. Write short notes on Ecosystem Concept. 10 Marks <1985>

2. Write short notes on Concept of Ecosystem. 10 Marks <1992>
3. Discuss the concept, components and functioning of an ecosystem. 20 Marks <2001>
4. Give an account of the structure of ecosystem and describe its functional aspects.
20 Marks <2010>
5. Write in detail the concept of biosphere as an ecosystem. 20 Marks <2002>
6. Give an account of the nature of biosphere as an ecosystem. 10 Marks <2014>
7. Write short notes on Biotic succession. 10 Marks <1993>
8. Explain the characteristics of ecological succession. 10 Marks <2015>
9. “Human ecology is the study of mutual relationship of people and their environment
both natural and social.” Discuss in detail using ecological concepts. 15 Marks

Human ecological adaptations;

1. Explain the different stages of ecological adaptation of man and bring out the
changing balance between man and development. 20 Marks <2015>

Influence of man on ecology and environment; Global and regional

ecological changes and imbalances;

1. Discuss in detail man’s impact on ecosystem as a result of the modern technological

advancement. 20 Marks <1988>
2. Define ecosystem and describe briefly its various components. Also discuss how and
to what extent the modern man has affected the various types of ecosystems.
20 Marks <1993>
3. ‘Man must realize the importance of maximizing agricultural production without
destroying the ecological basis on which our entire food production system rests.’
Explain with examples. 20 Marks <1995>

4. Examine the impact of advanced agricultural technology on environment. Support

your answer with examples. 20 Marks <1998>
5. “Food productivity with purity of ecosystem is the need of the hour.” Elaborate.
15 Marks <2014>
6. Write short notes on Man, and Amazon rainforest. 10 Marks <1996>
7. Write a critical note on the tendency of “use and throw” in the context of economic
status and environment. 15 Marks <2016>
8. Write short note on Ecological imbalance. 10 Marks <1983>
9. Discuss man's role in creating ecological imbalances taking examples from a
geographical region. 20 Marks <1984>
10. Examine the causes of ecological imbalances and briefly explain the measures
taken to rectify them. 20 Marks <1989>
11. Discuss the global ecological imbalances and their management. 20 Marks <2006>
12. Write about Programmes initiated by the International Council of Science on Earth
System studies. 20 Marks <2012>
13. Write short notes on Major components of IGBP. 10 Marks <2012>

Ecosystem their management and conservation; Environmental

degradation, management and conservation;

1. Write short notes on Marine Ecosystem. 10 Marks <2011>

2. What are the characteristics that make CHC a serious threat to the ecosystem?
Give examples. 15 Marks <2013>
3. How do mountaineers constitute a threat to Mount Everest? 10 Marks <2019>
4. Discuss the causes and consequences of environmental degradation and highlight
the related conservation measures. 20 Marks <2000>
5. Discuss how different types of mining lead to different types of environmental
problems. 15 Marks <2012>
6. Enumerate the major causes of increasing degradation of environment in hills and
hillslopes, and state its down-valley impact. 15 Marks <2014>
7. Explain the ecosystem approach to environmental management and highlight its
advantages and disadvantages. 15 Marks <2018>
8. “The web of life is seamless and the consequences of disruption to one part of the
ecosystem ripple through the whole”. Elaborate. 15 Marks <2019>
9. Explain the concept of micro carbon sink and its relevance. 10 Marks <2017>
10. Discuss the Perception, Attitude, Value and Emotion (PAVE) Theory of
environmental management. 15 Marks <2017>

Biodiversity and sustainable development;

1. Write short notes on Biodiversity. 10 Marks <1994>

2. Write short notes on Sustainable development. 10 Marks <1994>
3. Write short notes on Sustainable development. 10 Marks <2006>
4. Explain the concept of sustainable development and propose a model for
agricultural development. 20 Marks <2007>

5. Write short notes on Buffer zone. 10 Marks <1997>

6. Discuss the relevance of ‘watershed’ as an ecosystem for the purpose of sustainable
development. 20 Marks <1999>
7. Discuss the methods of conserving biodiversity for sustainable development.
15 Marks <2015>
8. Why is it necessary to conserve genetic diversity of species? Do protected areas
serve any useful purpose in this context? 20 Marks <2019>

Environmental hazards and remedial measures;

1. Write short notes on Natural hazards. 10 Marks <1995>

2. Write short notes on Environmental pollution. 10 Marks <2003>
3. Bring out major problems of environmental pollution at global scale and suggest
measures to check it. 20 Marks <2005>
4. Explain the levels of Noise pollution and the legislative measures to control it.
15 Marks <2013>
5. Explain the hydro- meteorological hazards in the Himalayas. 10 Marks <2016>
6. Explain the natural and anthropogenic causes and mitigation measures of frequent
flooding in Mumbai. 10 Marks <2018>
7. “Geomorphological changes are largely responsible for environmental hazards in
the Himalayan region.” Comment with relevant examples. 15 Marks <2018>
8. The impact of floods on life and property can be most effectively reduced by hazard
mapping. Comment. 15 Marks <2019>
9. Discuss the human response to and management of hazards and disasters in India.
15 Marks <2020>

Environmental policy; Environmental education and legislation.

1. “Controlling population growth is the sustainable solution to environmental

problems.” Express your views with suitable arguments. 15 Marks <2018>
2. Comment on the impact of environmental education on quality of life. 10 Marks
3. Discuss the objectives and principles of environmental education. Describe the
basic concerns of formal and non-formal environmental education in India.
15 Marks <2018>


Perspectives in Human Geography

Areal differentiation; regional synthesis; Dichotomy and dualism;
Environmentalism; Quantitative revolution and locational analysis;
radical, behavioural, human and welfare approaches; Languages,
religions and secularisation; Cultural regions of the world; Human
development index.

Contributions to the development of geographical thought (not

mentioned directly in the syllabus);

1. What were the significant geographical ideas of the Arabs of the 10th and 12th
centuries? How did they differ from those of their Christian contemporaries?
20 Marks <1980>
2. Discuss the contributions of either Paul Vidal De La Blache or W.M. Davis in
advancement of our geographical knowledge. 15 Marks <1982>
3. Write an essay on the contribution of European geographers to the development of
geographic thought. 20 Marks <1989>
4. Explain the major contribution by Arab geographers of the early medieval period
in the development of geographic thought. 20 Marks <1991>
5. Give a comparative assessment of the works of Humboldt and Ritter leading to the
foundation of modern geographical thought. 20 Marks <1992>
6. Discuss the contributions of Al Beruni towards the development of geographical
knowledge. 10 Marks <1995>

Areal differentiation; regional synthesis;

1. Write short notes on Areal differentiation. 10 Marks <2005>

2. Critically examine the changing perspectives on the concept of areal
differentiation.15 Marks <2010>
3. “Areal differentiation forms the core theme in geography.” Explain. 10 Marks
4. “Areal differentiation has provided the theoretical justification for studying
‘regions’ and ‘regional geography’.” Comment. 20 Marks <2018>
5. “Regional synthesis is the crux of geographical studies.” Elaborate. 20 Marks

Quantitative revolution and locational analysis;

1. Is the Quantitative method in Geography a means to an end or the Geographic

method itself? Discuss clearly bringing out the purpose of Geography. 10 Marks

2. Write a critical essay on the quantitative revolution in geography. 20 Marks <1983>

3. What is meant by quantitative revolution in geography? Discuss its impact on the
development of subject. 20 Marks <1986>
4. What is understood by quantification in geography? Discuss the significance of
quantification in modern geographical studies with examples. 20 Marks <1998>
5. ‘Quantitative Revolution and model building provided an empirical basis for
geographical research’- Elaborate. 15 Marks <2009>
6. Trace the origin and progress of Quantitative Revolution in Geography and bring
out its merits and demerits. 20 Marks <2016>
7. Discuss critically the manner in which quantitative revolution provided the
methodological foundation for models and modelling in geography. 15 Marks

Radical, behavioural, human and welfare approaches;

1. Write short notes on Radical approach in human geography. 10 Marks <2001>

2. Discuss the contribution of geographers in the development of radical geography.
15 Marks <2014>
3. Elaborate upon the influence of Marxist philosophy on geographical research,
outline the key themes addressed by Marxist geographers since the 1970’s.
15 Marks <2018>
4. Write short notes on quantitative and behavioural revolutions in geography.
10 Marks <1990>
5. “The emergence of Behavioural Geography was due to disillusionment with axioms
on which models were based and the axioms were far removed from reality.”
Comment. 20 Marks <1996>
6. Write short notes on Behavioural Geography. 10 Marks <2008>
7. Elaborate the concept of mental map. 10 Marks <2014>
8. Discuss the approaches to the study of behavioural geography. 15 Marks <2015>
9. Present a critical analysis of human and welfare approaches in human geography.
20 Marks <2003>
10. Provide a brief outline of ideas related to “sense of place” as propounded by Yi- Fu
Tuan and Relph in the humanistic geography that emerged in the 1970’s. 15 Marks
11. Distinguish between radical and welfare approaches in geographic studies.
20 Marks <2004>
12. Write short explanatory notes on Welfare Approach in Human Geography.
10 Marks <2011>
13. “The welfare face of geography makes it an inter-disciplinary subject.” Elaborate.
10 Marks <2015>
14. Comment upon the contributions of D.M. Smith in outlining ‘welfare’ as a key focus
in the geographies of social well-being. 15 Marks <2018>
15. “Welfare geography emphasizes special inequality and territorial justice”.
Comment with reference the main ideas and scope of the subfield. 20 Marks <2018>

16. Describe the sequence of major paradigm shifts in geographic thought during the
twentieth century. 20 Marks <1999>
17. Discuss the impact of positivism in paradigm shift in Geography. 15 Marks <2011>
18. Discuss the contemporary paradigms of Geography. 20 Marks <2017>
19. “Geography is a contested and multiparadigmic discipline with a strong
eurocentricity that has only recently challenged.” Comment. 10 Marks <2018>
20. Explain the concept of Time – Geography. 10 Marks <2017>

Dichotomy and dualism; Environmentalism;

1. Discuss the scope of human geography. 20 Marks <1980>

2. Critically examine the concept of dualism with special reference to physical versus
human geography. 20 Marks <1997>
3. Write short notes Dualism in geography. 10 Marks <2007>
4. Critically examine the development of determinism and possibilism in geography.
20 Marks <1984>
5. Write short notes on Environmental Determinism. 10 Marks <1988>
6. Examine critically the concepts of ‘determinism’ and ‘possibilism’. 10 Marks <1994>
7. Write short explanatory notes on Neo-determinism. 10 Marks <2010>
8. “Ellen Churchill Semple is an ardent supporter of Determinism”. Explain. 10 Marks
9. Discuss the relevance of ‘Stop and Go Determinism’ in the present-day context.
15 Marks <2016>
10. Write short notes Neo-environmentalism. 10 Marks <2002>
11. “There is a rejuvenation of environmentalism as a paradigm in geographical
studies.” Comment. 20 Marks <2015>

Languages, religions and secularisation; Cultural regions of the world;

1. Give a critical account of the cultural evolution of man. Illustrate your answer with
suitable examples. 20 Marks <1988>
2. Write short notes on Major cultural realms of the world. 10 Marks <1989>
3. Write short notes on Cultural regions of the World. 10 Marks <2006>
4. Provide a broad classification of world cultural regions. 20 Marks <2009>
5. Write short explanatory notes on Occidental cultural realm. 10 Marks <2010>
6. “Indo-Gangetic hearth is considered to be one of the world’s richest cultural
realms.” Examine. 15 Marks <2014>
7. “Cultural regions are most suited units to study the diversity of an area.” Comment.
15 Marks <2015>
8. “The traditional cultural identities are at loss with the growth of global
connectivity.” Explain. 10 Marks <2017>
9. Globalisation can often subsume folk culture. What are its positive and negative
effects? 15 Marks <2019>

10. “A language originates at a particular place and diffuses to other location through
the migration of its speakers.” Examine this statement in the context of language
hot spots and endangered language hot spots. 10 Marks <2019>

Human development index.

1. Critically examine the method of deriving Human Development Index. 20 Marks

2. Explain the parameters for assessment and the spatial pattern of Human
Development Index in the World. 15 Marks <2013>
3. HDI has brought about a paradigm shift in the way people think about the
development process. Critically examine the inherent limitations of HDI. 20 Marks

Economic Geography
World economic development: measurement and problems; World
resources and their distribution; Energy crisis; the limits to growth;
World agriculture: typology of agricultural regions; agricultural inputs
and productivity; Food and nutrition problems; Food security; famine:
causes, effects and remedies; World industries: locational patterns and
problems; patterns of world trade.

World economic development: measurement and problems;

1. "The economic development of a country depends as much on the stage of

development of the people as on the able resources. Discuss this statement with
examples. 20 Marks <1980>
2. Write short notes on Definition and Scope of Economic Geography. 10 Marks
3. How far do the patterns of economic development and those of human development
correspond with each other in the world? Illustrate your answer with examples.
20 Marks <1999>
4. To what extent do the regional patterns of economic development and human
development in the world correspond with each other? Highlight situations of
departure, in particular. 20 Marks <2002>
5. Write an essay on gender equity and equality in India in the context of balanced
human development. 15 Marks <2020>

World resources and their distribution;

1. Discuss the petroleum resources of the Middle East and its impact on international
politics. 20 Marks <1984>
2. Oil has placed in the hands of Arab nations a tremendous geopolitical weapon with
which to wield power. Comment 20 Marks <1994>
3. Write shot notes on Land capability. 10 Marks <1990>
4. Write short notes on Land capability versus Land use efficiency. 10 Marks <1992>
5. Water is a scarce resource in plenty. Comment and discuss its importance in the
balanced habitat development. Support your answers with examples from Asia.
20 Marks <1997>
6. Explain the term resource management. Discuss its relevance in the context of
global resource scarcity and the future of mankind. 20 Marks <1998>
7. Write short notes on role of Venezuela in the production and the export of oil.
10 Marks <2013>
8. Discuss the environmental and economic problems associated with coal production.
15 Marks <2014>
9. “World is passing through a global resource dilemma.” Comment. 15 Marks <2014>

Energy crisis;

1. Write short notes on World energy crisis. 10 Marks <1983>

2. Discuss the various sources of energy and their uses. Suggest the measures to
overcome the present-day energy crisis. 20 Marks <1988>
3. Write short notes on World energy crisis. 10 Marks <1991>
4. Write short notes on the countries most affected in case of shutdown of Nuclear
power. 10 Marks <2013>
5. “Energy mix is a step towards sustainability.” Discuss. 10 Marks <2015>
6. “The intensity of energy crisis varies regionally.” Explain. 15 Marks <2017>
7. Identify the causes and effects of energy crisis, and suggest suitable measures to
solve the problem. 10 Marks <2020>

The limits to growth;

1. Write short notes on Concept of limits to growth. 10 Marks <1991>

2. Write short notes on the limits to growth. 10 Marks <2000>
3. Write short notes on Concept of limits to growth. 10 Marks <2003>
4. Write short notes on ‘Limits to Growth’ model. 10 Marks <2009>
5. Discuss in brief the main thesis in “Limits to Growth” (1972) and also provide a
critique of the same. 15 Marks <2018>

World agriculture: agricultural inputs and productivity; Typology of

agricultural regions;

1. Write short notes on Diffusion of innovation in agricultural technology. 10 Marks

2. Write short notes on Measures of agricultural efficiency. 10 Marks <1993>
3. Mention the types of farming commonly being practised in the tropics. Discuss their
significance and the present position in the international market. 20 Marks <1982>
4. Mention different types of world agriculture and describe the areas and salient
features of each type. 20 Marks <1985>
5. Give an account of the agricultural typology of the world as presented by Whittlesey
and critically examine the parameters used in its delineation. 20 Marks <1993>
6. Examine the bases of classification of agricultural regions as proposed by
Whittlesey and explain the causes for the essential difference between intensive
subsistence tillage with rice dominant and without rice in the crop association.
20 Marks <1996>
7. Write down main agricultural types and their associated features with special
reference to Whittlesey. 20 Marks <2006>
8. Mention the agricultural regions as classified by Whittlesey and discuss their
relevance. 20 Marks <2011>
9. Elaborate the idea of ‘Compage’. 10 Marks <2016>

10. “Whittlesey’s agricultural regions are relevant even today.” Discuss. 10 Marks
11. Write short notes on Dry land farming. 10 Marks <1995>
12. Write short notes on Types of farming. 10 Marks <1998>
13. Write about impact of failure of Monsoon on Gujarat Agro-climatic zone. 15 Marks

Food and nutrition problems; Food security; famine: causes, effects and

1. Assess the nature of the "food problem" of India, both qualitatively and
quantitatively at the present time. What practical suggestions can you offer
towards its solutions? 20 Marks <1980>
2. Discuss the food and nutrition problems of the world. 20 Marks <1983>
3. Give an account of spatial pattern of world food production and analyse the related
problems of malnutrition and malnutrition diseases. 20 Marks <1990>
4. Provide a geographical account of global production and distribution of food.
20 Marks <2009>
5. Define stunting and wasting. Why are these more prevalent among children in
developing countries? 10 Marks <2019>
6. Write short notes on growth of population and food resources of the world. 10 Marks
7. Write short explanatory notes on Population and Food Security. 10 Marks <2011>
8. Give an account of food security issues in developing countries. 10 Marks <2014>
9. Analyse India’s food security in the context of population growth. 10 Marks <2020>
10. “Famine, to considerable extent, is a man-made hazard.” Elaborate. 15 Marks
11. “Man-induced famines are becoming more common than nature induced ones.”
Comment. 15 Marks <2015>
12. “Famine is a social phenomenon rooted in institutional and political economic
arrangements, which determine access to food by different classes and strata.”
Comment. 20 Marks <2018>

World industries: locational patterns and problems;

1. Analyse the factors of localization of the Iron and Steel industry with special
reference to India. Suggest an ideal location for this industry in India and make a
comparative assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of Visakhapatnam
and Salem steel plants. 20 Marks <1980>
2. Analyse the factors of localization of the cotton-textile industries, and assess how
far their location has been influenced by the availability of indigenous raw
materials and proximity to the markets. 20 Marks <1981>

3. Discuss the general distributional pattern of industrial development in the world

and its associated problems. 20 Marks <1984>
4. Examine the world patterns of industrial development and explain the problems of
industrial development at national levels. 20 Marks <1991>
5. “A large-scale global shift in manufacturing is the outcome of deindustrialization
in the developed world matched by industrialization in the developing world.”
Analyse this statement. 15 Marks <2019>
6. Write about Locational significance of Rotterdam in European economy. 15 Marks
7. Write short notes on Problems faced by industries which developed due to inertia.
10 Marks <2012>
8. Discuss the degree of importance of transportation costs as a factor of industrial
location with respect to “footloose industries”. 10 Marks <2018>
9. Analyse the dynamics of industrial location in the metropolitan cities of India.
15 Marks <2020>

Patterns of world trade.

1. Give an account of the pattern of international trade and examine the linkages
between resource endowed regions and resource utilizing regions. 20 Marks <1987>
2. “Linkages between resources endowed regions and resource utilizing regions
determine the pattern of international trade.” Elaborate with suitable examples.
15 Marks <2016>
3. Discuss the role of World Trade Organization in determining the pattern of world
trade. 15 Marks <2010>
4. Write short notes on Globalization of trade and industry. 10 Marks <1996>
5. Analyse the causes for changes in the pattern of World trade. 20 Marks <2013>
6. Discuss the changing pattern of production and export of Coffee in the world.
10 Marks <2013>

Population and Settlement Geography

Growth and distribution of world population; demographic attributes;
Causes and consequences of migration; concepts of over, under-and
optimum population; Population theories, world population problems
and policies, Social wellbeing and quality of life; Population as social

Types and patterns of rural settlements; Environmental issues in rural

settlements; Hierarchy of urban settlements; urban morphology:
Concepts of primate city and rank-size rule; Functional classification of
towns; Sphere of urban influence; Rural - urban fringe; Satellite towns;
Problems and remedies of urbanization; Sustainable development of

Growth and distribution of world population; demographic attributes;

world population problems and policies;

1. What are the determinants of population growth? Discuss comparatively the trends
in population growth in the developed and the developing countries of the world,
mentioning the socio-economic implications of these trends in each case. 20 Marks
2. Give an account of existing distributional pattern of population in the world and
give your assessment regarding the importance of geographical factors for such a
pattern. 20 Marks <1987>
3. Trace and account for the various trends of population growth in the world during
the present century. 20 Marks <1991>
4. Write short notes on Similarities in the population distribution of southern
continents and reasons for the same. 10 Marks <2012>
5. Write short notes on Status of infant mortality rate in the world. 10 Marks <2012>
6. Discuss the impact of changing fertility ratio on world population distribution.
15 Marks <2012>
7. “There are considerable demographic similarities between West European nations
and Japan.” Explain. 15 marks <2017>
8. Explain the relationship between net reproductive rate (NRR) and true
replacement level of population. 10 Marks <2019>
9. What is Geriatrics? What are the problems associated with Geriatric population?
20 Marks <2013>
10. Describe the regional pattern of Life Expectancy in the world and bring out the
challenges faced by developing countries due to increasing life expectancy.
20 Marks <2016>
11. Assess the challenges for countries with largest shares of aged populations.
15 Marks <2019>

12. “Huge populations of developing countries are not a curse. These may be and also
are an asset, if situations are properly managed.” Elaborate on this assertion.
20 Marks <2010>
13. Citing examples from Asia and Europe, comment upon the contexts within which
pronatalist population policies advanced. What could be the implications of these
policies on women’s workforce participation? 15 Marks <2018>

Concepts of over, under-and optimum population; Population theories;

1. Write short notes on Demographic Transition. 10 Marks <1981>

2. Write short notes on Demographic transition. 10 Marks <1986>
3. Provide an account of world population transition in the context of fertility decline
and socio-economic development. 15 Marks <2020>
4. Critically examine the concept of optimum population. 10 Marks <1982>
5. Write short notes on Concept of optimum population. 10 Marks <2001>
6. Write short explanatory notes on Optimum population. 10 Marks <2010>
7. Examine the theories about population control and explain the relative merits of
these theories in limiting population growth. 20 Marks <1995>
8. Write a note on the parameters used to describe the demographic transitions in the
developing countries like India. 20 Marks <2007>
9. Discuss the social and economic theories of population growth. 20 Marks <2008>
10. “Marx’s view on population is more humanistic.” Comment. 10 Marks <2015>
11. Compare and contrast the Malthusian and Neo-Malthusian perspectives in the
context of population growth, resource use and environmental impact. 20 Marks

Causes and consequences of migration;

1. Examine the role of pull and push factors in the migration of population. 20 Marks
2. Discuss the causes and consequences of major international migrations of the
present time. 20 Marks <1985>
3. Examine the causes of international migration of the last 50 years or so and the
socio economic and political problems generated by them. 20 Marks <1990>
4. Discuss the major international streams of migration in the world in recent times
and account for the relationship that exists between population pressure areas and
migration prospects. 20 Marks <1993>
5. Discuss the causes and consequences of population migration in the world.
20 Marks <2000>
6. Write short notes on Impact of migration on urban demography. 10 Marks <2012>
7. Examine the causes and consequences of forced migration of population in the
present context. 15 Marks <2017>

8. What do you mean by ‘climate migrants’? Suggest appropriate policies and

programmes for their resettlement. 15 Marks <2019>
9. Distinguish between mobility and migration. What are the causes and
consequences of rural to urban migration in India? 10 Marks <2020>
10. Write short notes on Gravity model. 10 Marks <1999>
11. Critically examine the theories on population migration. 15 Marks <2015>
12. Discuss the application of Gravity model in Geographical studies. 10 Marks <2016>

Social wellbeing and quality of life; Population as social capital.

1. Define the quality of life and explain its parameters with adequate examples.
15 Marks <2017>
2. Explain the concept of social capital in relation to India. 15 Marks <2017>

Types and patterns of rural settlements; Environmental issues in rural


1. Write short notes on rural settlements patterns. 10 Marks <1985>

2. Citing suitable examples from India, explain the role of site and other physical
factors in determining the types and patterns of rural settlements. 20 marks
3. Discuss the role of site in determining the types and patterns of rural settlements.
15 Marks <2016>

Hierarchy of urban settlements; urban morphology: Concepts of primate

city and rank-size rule; Functional classification of towns;

1. Discuss with examples the factors of origin and growth of towns and cities.
20 Marks <1980>
2. What is meant by Urban Functions? How are they different from Rural Functions?
10 Marks <1982>
3. Briefly discuss the trend of urbanisation in the world since the beginning of the
present century. 20 Marks <1983>
4. Write short notes on Central Business District. 10 Marks <1981>
5. Discuss the major characteristics of ‘CBD’. 10 Marks <2016>
6. Examine the various theories concerning the internal structure of cities and discuss
how they are applicable to Indian cities. 20 Marks <1987>
7. Enumerate the different models of the internal structure of cities. Choose one of
them and discuss it in its application to a particular city. 20 Marks <1990>
8. Explain and illustrate the models of internal structure of cities as proposed by
Burgess and Hoyt. Mention also the limitations of these models. 20 Marks <1995>

9. Bring out the sequential improvements in models of city structure by E.W. Burgess,
Homer Hoyt, and Harris and Ullman. 20 Marks <2010>
10. Bring out the contrast between the internal structure of the pre-industrial and
industrial cities. 20 Marks <1999>
11. Write short notes on Primate city. 10 Marks <1999>
12. Write short notes on Concept of primate city. 10 Marks <2005>
13. Write short notes on Primate Cities. 10 Marks <2008>
14. Write short notes on Rank-size rule. 10 Marks <2000>
15. In Urban Geography what are the concepts of Primate city and Rank size rule?
Discuss in detail. 20 Marks <2006>
16. Write short notes on Classification of cities. 10 Marks <1989>
17. Discuss Nelson’s method of functional classification of towns. 10 Marks <2015>
18. Elaborate the concept of Megapolis and discuss the characteristics and problems
related to such regions selecting one each from North America and Europe.
20 Marks <2009>
19. Explain the concepts of “megapolis” and “exopolis” with regard to the growth of
cities indicating whether the two can and do overlap. 10 Marks <2018>
20. Write short notes on Relevance of distance decay principle in Indian cities.
10 Marks <2012>
21. Evaluate the various models on population density distribution in urban centers.
20 Marks <2012>
22. “Urban Geography is nothing but city “in” area and city “as” area.” Elaborate.
20 Marks <2013>

Sphere of urban influence; Rural - urban fringe; Satellite towns;

1. Write short notes on urban sphere of influence. 10 Marks <1984>

2. Define the urban sphere of influence and discuss different methods of determining
the spheres of influence of cities. 20 Marks <1986>
3. Define umland and discuss with specific examples, the criteria for its delimitation.
20 Marks <1993>
4. Examine the concept of sphere of urban influence and discuss the qualitative and
quantitative methods used in its delimitation. 20 Marks <2003>
5. Explain the qualitative and quantitative methods of delineation of the sphere of
urban influence. 20 Marks <2014>
6. Write short notes on Rural-urban fringe. 10 Marks <1997>
7. Write short notes on Delineation of Urban Fringe. 10 Marks <2007>
8. Write short notes on the Misra’s theoretical stages of Rural- Urban process.
10 Marks <2013>
9. Write short explanatory notes on Secondary cities in the context of urbanization in
developing world. 10 Marks <2011>

Problems and remedies of urbanization; Sustainable development of


1. Write short notes on Slums and Squatter settlements. 10 Marks <1994>

2. Discuss the factors responsible for counter urbanization. 10 Marks <2014>
3. Discuss the problems associated with the living environment in million plus cities
in India. How can these be managed? 10 Marks <2020>
4. “Though 70% of Indian population is rural, urban planning is crucial to the
development of India.” Discuss. 15 Marks <2012>
5. “Urban Solid Waste Management poses the greatest challenge in Metropolitan
planning”. Elaborate. 20 Marks <2013>
6. What changes in the current planning, management and governance of the human
settlements are needed to face the changing environment including climate change
and disaster vulnerabilities in cities? 20 Marks <2019>
7. Discuss the concept of urban resilience in the context of planning for sustainable
development with reference to towns and cities of India. 20 Marks <2020>
8. Write about Regional shifts in the world urbanization after 1950 and the varied
characteristics of urban process. 20 Marks <2012>
9. “Colonial forces resulted in the primate pattern of urban process in most Southeast
Asian countries.” Discuss. 20 Marks <2012>

Regional Planning
Concept of a region; Types of regions and methods of regionalisation;
Growth centres and growth poles; Regional imbalances; regional
development strategies; environmental issues in regional planning;
Planning for sustainable development.

Concept of a region; Types of regions and methods of regionalisation;

1. Write short notes on regional concept in Geography. 10 Marks <1985>

2. Bring out the significance of regional concept. 10 Marks <1994>
3. What is a region? Discuss the types of regions and methods of regionalization.
20 Marks <2000>
4. What is a region? Discuss the methods of regionalization. 20 Marks <2005>
5. What is the concept of a region? Discuss the types of regions. 20 Marks <2006>
6. What is a ‘region’? Describe ‘Thiessen’ polygon method of regional delimitation.
15 Marks <2016>
7. What are natural regions? How are they different from planning regions? 10 Marks

Growth centres and growth poles;

1. Critically examine the role of growth centers and growth poles in regional
development process. 20 Marks <2001>
2. Write short notes on Growth pole. 10 Marks <2004>
3. Write short explanatory notes on Growth poles. 10 Marks <2010>

Regional imbalances; regional development strategies;

1. What is regional survey? How does it lead to planning? Discuss with suitable
examples. 20 Marks <1982>
2. Examine the spatial patterns of development disparity prevailing in the world.
20 Marks <2001>
3. Write short notes on Regional imbalances. 10 Marks <2003>
4. “Geographical traits lead to regional imbalances.” Examine. 15 Marks <2015>
5. Discuss various strategies for correcting regional imbalances. 20 Marks <2004>
6. Enumerate alternative strategies of planning for backward regions. 20 Marks
7. Write about Salient features of watershed planning and its advantages and
disadvantages. 20 Marks <2012>
8. Explain the relevance of bottom-up and top-down approaches in the development
of agrarian economy. 10 Marks <2014>

9. “Rural sustainability is necessary for urban sustainability”. Discuss the statement

in the backdrop of integrated development approach. 20 Marks <2014>
10. “Vital statistics are necessary ingredients for development planning.” Elaborate.
15 Marks <2015>
11. Examine the role of small towns in the regional development process. 15 Marks
12. “Where economic growth is sustained over long time periods, its incidence works
towards a progressive integration of the space economy.” Elucidate. 10 Marks

Environmental issues in regional planning; Planning for sustainable


1. Highlight the significance of environmental issues in Regional Planning. 15 Marks

2. “Development planning has a component of environmental cost.” Discuss. 10 Marks
3. In what ways can geographers contribute towards optimal land use planning in a
region? 15 Marks <2016>
4. Write an essay on sustainable development from the perspective of geography.
20 Marks <2002>
5. Write short explanatory notes on Ingredients of Sustainable development.
10 Marks <2011>
6. Give an account on sustainable development and its components. 10 Marks <2017>

Models, Theories and Laws in Human Geography

Systems analysis in Human geography; Malthusian, Marxian and
demographic transition models; Central Place theories of Christaller and
Losch; Perroux and Boudeville; Von Thunen’s model of agricultural
location; Weber’s model of industrial location; Rostov’s model of stages of
growth; Heartland and Rimland theories; Laws of international
boundaries and frontiers.

Systems analysis in Human geography;

1. Write short notes on systems approach in geography. 10 Marks <1987>

2. Write short notes on System approach in Geography. 10 Marks <1993>
3. Discuss the concept and application of systems analysis in human geography.
20 Marks <2001>
4. Discuss Systems Approach and its applicability in Geography. 20 Marks <2011>
5. Giving suitable examples, describe the importance of system analysis in
geographical studies. 15 Marks <2014>
6. Write an explanatory note on geographical systems. 10 Marks <2017>
7. Write short notes on Models in Geography. 10 Marks <1994>
8. Critically analyse the application of models in Geography. 10 Marks <2014>

Malthusian, Marxian and demographic transition models;

----- Covered under Population and Settlement Geography Chapter----

Central Place theories of Christaller and Losch;

1. Analyse Christaller’s Central Place theory and the modifications introduced in it

and examine its relevance in the present-day context. 20 Marks <1988>
2. Write short notes on Central place theory. 10 Marks <1992>
3. Explain the basis and applicability of Christaller’s Central Place Theory. Bring out
the recent modifications. 20 Marks <2000>
4. Bring out the main points of difference between the Central Place theories of
Christaller and Losch. 20 Marks <2002>
5. Give an account of the functional bases of central place hierarchy. 20 Marks <2007>
6. Critically examine the salient features of Central Place Theory propounded by
Christaller and Losch. 20 Marks <2011>
7. What are the basic postulates in the Central Place Model of Christaller? 20 Marks
8. Give a critical account of Losch’s theory of central places. 20 Marks <2016>
9. Discuss the applicability of Christaller’s Central Place Theory. 20 Marks <2017>

Perroux and Boudeville (Also Covered under Regional Planning


1. Write a note on “forward and backward linkages” in Perroux’s thesis of economic

growth and regional development. 10 Marks <2018>
2. “Growth is not uniform in different places”. Critically examine this statement in
the context of growth pole theory. 15 Marks <2019>

Von Thunen’s model of agricultural location;

1. Write short notes on Theories of agricultural location. 10 Marks <1987>

2. Discuss von Thunen’s model of agricultural land use and examine if the model is
applicable to India. 20 Marks <1994>
3. Write short notes on Isolated states. 10 Marks <2002>
4. Discuss the views of von Thunen on agricultural location. 20 Marks <2008>
5. Write short explanatory notes on von Thunen’s concept of economic rent. 10 Marks
6. Discuss the relevance of Von Thunen’s model on agricultural location in the
contemporary context. 20 Marks <2015>
7. Write a note on the relevance of von Thunen’s agricultural location theory in the
present context. 10 Marks <2020>

Weber’s model of industrial location;

1. Review in detail the various theories of location of industries. 20 Marks <1989>

2. Discuss the theories of industrial location propounded by any two of the following:
Weber; Hoover; Smith. 20 Marks <1992>
3. Critically examine Alfred Weber’s Theory of the Location of Industries. 20 Marks
4. Write short notes on Location Triangle. 10 Marks <1998>
5. Discuss Weber’s theory of industrial location and assess its relevance in the
present-day context. 20 Marks <2005>
6. Write short notes on Weight Triangle. 10 Marks <2009>
7. Write short explanatory notes on Isodapane in the Theory of Industrial Location.
10 Marks <2011>
8. Explain ‘Isodapane’. 10 Marks <2016>
9. Distinguish between ‘isodapanes’ and ‘isotims’. Critically examine the least cost
theory of industrial location given by Alfred Weber. 20 Marks <2019>

Rostov’s model of stages of growth;

1. Critically examine the stages of Economic Growth Model propounded by Rostov.

Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. 20 Marks <2003>
2. Explain the necessary conditions of takeoff and subsequent stages of development
of a nation as propounded by Rostov. 20 Marks <2014>
3. Outline briefly the “age of mass consumption” as described by Rostov in his ‘multi
stage theory of growth’. 10 Marks <2018>

Heartland and Rimland theories;

1. Is it true to say that Mackinder's "Citadel of land power" stands mightier than ever,
even at the present day? 20 Marks <1980>
2. Discuss the concepts of heartland and rimland and examine their present-day
validity. 20 Marks <1985>
3. Write short notes on Geopolitics. 10 Marks <1988>
4. Discuss in detail the Heartland concept of Mackinder and the criticism it has
attracted in recent years. 20 Marks <1989>
5. Examine Heartland Theory and assess its merits and demerits. 20 Marks <2005>
6. “The Heartland Theory is gaining importance once again.” Comment. 20 Marks
7. Write short notes on the Relevance of Heartland theory in Contemporary world.
10 Marks <2013>
8. Discuss how and why Mackinder modified his concept of Pivot Area after the World
Wars. 20 Marks <2020>
9. Without Mediterranean Europe could not be held, without Middle East the
Mediterranean could not be held. Discuss. 20 Marks <1996>
10. Write short notes on Rimland Theory 10 Marks <2002>
11. To what extent are the Heartland and Rimland theories helpful in understanding
the world political situation today? Express your opinion clearly. 20 Marks <2004>
12. Examine the relevance of the ‘rimland theory’ in the contemporary world. 15 Marks

Laws of international boundaries and frontiers

1. With suitable examples selected from different part of the World, discuss, in detail,
the problems in using either language or religion as a criterion for boundary
determinations. 20 Marks <1981>
2. Discuss the genetic classification of international boundaries. How does it differ
from the morphological classification? 20 Marks <1986>
3. Describe the laws of international boundaries and frontiers. 20 Marks <2008>
4. Distinguish between boundaries and frontiers. Identify different types of
boundaries. 20 Marks <2011>

5. Define and differentiate between boundaries and frontiers. Describe the

geometrical boundaries with suitable examples. 15 Marks <2016>
6. Discuss the genetic classification of boundaries suggested by Hartshorne. 10 Marks
7. In the modern world, most of the frontiers have been replaced by boundaries.
Explain the reasons. 15 Marks <2020>


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