AMAAL Menepouse
AMAAL Menepouse
AMAAL Menepouse
menopause may be asymptomatic Mood swings, depression and concentration difficulties are
psychologic symptoms that are associated with menopause.
vasomotor symptoms:
hot flashes, characterized by
sudden sensation of heat in the Sleep ddistarbance
upper body
perspiration Cognitive
flushing such as forgetfulness, difficulties with word retrieval, and
chills "brain fog"
anxiety Regularity –frequency –duration –volume of flow –
heart palpitations postmenopausal bleeding –post coital bleeding –dysmenorrhea –
night sweats age of menarche
sleep disturbance methods of contraception-HOW MANY CHILD –CS-or SVD
urogenital symptoms:
vaginal dryness Last screening
itching history of conditions with known or possible
dyspareunia contraindications to hormone therapies5
sexual dysfunction breast cancer (including family history of breast cancer)
reduced libido endometrial hyperplasia or endometrial cancer
cardiovascular disease, including
Medication history deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
OCP pulmonary embolism (PE)
GNRH AGONIST arterial thromboembolic disease, such as
HRT myocardial infarction or stroke
factors associated with induced liver impairment or disease
menopause, protein C, protein S, or antithrombin deficiency, or other
hysterectomy thrombophilic disorders
radiation therapy gallbladder disease
chemotherapy hypertriglyceridemia
diabetes mellitus
Red flags Post menopausal bleeding
DDX OR causes
Smoking Allergy
Trauma-travelling –contact with ill Contact with TB OR COVIED 19 PT ?when –Mosquito bite
feeding history Obstetric and Menstrual history and contraception
Developmental history
Immunization history
Child neglect
PMHX Chronic dissese- Medication- Chronic dissese-hospitalization-
Previous similar illness
Genetic history- Same problem in family- Chronic dissesse
FAMILY HISTORY Be specific According to complain
age at onset of menopause
history of vasomotor symptoms
Social history • Substance abuse +herbal- Stress in family and work –Diet-
• smoking
• sleep patterns (increased sleep latency, decreased
sleep time)-exercise
I. affect on daily activities: affecting sleeping and
embarrassing her inwork . 4
Physical examinations:
+CVR assessment body mass index > 30 kg/m2 may increase risk of moderate-to-
severe hot flashe
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH):not rottenly recommended for diagnosis
• normal range
o child < 4 milliunits/mL
o reproductive period 6-10 milliunits/mL
o perimenopause 14-24 milliunits/mL
o menopause > 30-40 milliunits/m
Clarify Explain to pt the physiological nature of
postmenopausal symptoms , 7
It will stop 3-4 years spontaneously
Reassurance ﺗطﻣن ﻻ ﺗﺧﺎف اﺣﻧﺎ ﻣوﺟودﯾن ﻟﺧدﻣﺗك
Diet –exercise
ADVICE See aafp tabele
For hot flashes
Non pharmacological o Avoidance of triggers (e.g., bright lights, predictable
emotional triggers)
o Environmental temperature regulation (e.g., using
For impaired sleep and/or hot flashes: exercise,
acupuncture, and relaxation techniques
Complementary and alternative medicine:
➢ No RCT evidence for efficacy of acupuncture,
yoga, Chinese herbs.
➢ Modest benefit of vit.E
➢ Mixed evidence for dietary phytoestrogens &
black cohosh
Prescription HRT
For atrophic vaginal
ü For healthy, peri/postmenopausal women with
symptoms: vaginal estrogen creams, moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms impacting
rings, or tablets (Estrogen therapy sleep, quality of life, or ability to function, and who
may reduce the incidence of UTIs and are within 10 years of menopause (or <60 years of
age), we suggest MHT (Grade 2B).
features of overactive bladder.) ü For most women, the benefits of MHT outweigh the
Depression risks (figure 1). Exceptions include women with a
Depression more than Hot flushes history of breast cancer, coronary heart disease
SSRI (CHD), a previous venous thromboembolic (VTE)
Hot flashes more than depression event or stroke, active liver disease, or those at high
MHT risk for these complications.
Depression and Hot flashes
MHT + SSRI + refer to a psych pharmacologist ü Standard recommendations for duration of use are
three to five years.
ü We no longer use MHT for the prevention of chronic
disease (osteoporosis, CHD, or dementia).
ü NON Hormonal therapy
ü paroxetine (an SSRI) 7.5 mg/day orally is the only
approved nonhormonal therapy for treatment of
menopause-related vasomotor symptoms
• Selective estrogen receptor modulators: tamoxifen,
ospemifene , and raloxifene
• Paroxetine: for vasomotor symptoms (i.e., hot flashes)
• Clonidine and/or gabapen
Referral cognitive behavioral therapy
Early symptoms
1. According to the scenario, how would you continue the consultation
II. Clarify the presenting symptom 4
III. Onset , trigger ( 2 months , no clear trigger ) 4
IV. Duration and frequency ( no specific timen , day and night last for 2-3
mints ) 4
V. Associated with ( palpitation , vaginal dryness , sleep disturbance ,
difficulty in concentration ) 4
VI. affect on daily activities: affecting sleeping and embarrassing her in
work . 4
VII. Past medical hx : hypothyroidism 4
VIII. Past surgical : non 3
IX. Medicin and allergies : thyroxin 100mcg 4
X. Last screening : breast and cervical uptodate (8 months ago ) 4
XI. Ob/gyne hx : p6+0 all svd 4
XII. Family hx : unremarkable 4
XIII. Social hx : non smoker 3
XIV. Physical examination: unremarkable 4
What will be your management ?
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