NSL Energy Brochure
NSL Energy Brochure
NSL Energy Brochure
Capacity (2015)
Energy source Capacity
Wind 850 MW
Biomass 15 MW
Hydel 155 MW
Solar 100 MW
Total 1120 MW
NSL wind farm at Jagalur, Karnataka
We are acknowledged as being one of Our business model is unique: we use
India’s leading wind energy players. From the Developer Model, that uses our own
the start, we’ve pioneered the latest highly-experienced team to execute our
technologies: we were one of the first projects, right from site identification to
few companies in the country to install implementation. This model gives us a
750 KW, 950 KW capacity WTGs, and host of advantages: better control, greater
the first to install GE make 1,500 KW flexibility, timely execution, lower project
WTGs (one of our GE 1,500 KW WTGs costs, higher efficiencies and plant load
has, in fact, achieved a world record factors, and ultimately greater optimisation
generation of 58,50,000 KW per annum, of returns.
with a 44.52% PLF). We are also one
of the first companies to install Vestas Our focus on optimising capacities and plant
make 1,650 KW WTGs. It is significant, load factors has resulted in plant load factors
too, that our Jagalur wind farm has twice that are among the highest in the world:
received an award (06-07, 09-10) for the an average of approximately 32% on an
Best Operating Wind Farm from the India installed base of 98 MW.
Wind Power Association.
We are very bullish on the potential of Himachal Pradesh, on the Rivers Tidong,
hydel energy in India and believe there is Pabbar, Supin and Peja. Here we are in an
great opportunity in terms of the number advanced state of implementing projects
of sites available for hydel projects. Our that will generate a total of 155 MW of
long-term strategy is to focus mainly on energy. All these projects are conceived to
developing hydel projects, with capacities be highly environmental-friendly/run-of-
of up to 100 MW. the-river, and hence, eligible for awaiting
CER Revenue under Clean Development
Starting in 2004, we have been allotted, Mechanisms (CDM).
or acquired, four hydel projects in
Medical services sponsored by Mandava Foundation Services at the veterinary hospital set up
by Mandava Foundation
Nuziveedu Seeds NSL Cotton branded bale Cloth designs of NSL Textiles
NSL Sugars, Koppa unit NSL ICON, Hyderabad (NSL Infratech) Wind turbine of ReGen Powertech
NSL Renewable Power Pvt. Ltd.
NSL Icon, 8-2-684/2/A, Road No.12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500034, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Tel: +91 - 40 - 30514444 | www.nslpower.com