Cat Fdao Syn
Cat Fdao Syn
Cat Fdao Syn
® ™
Synthetic Final Drive and Axle Oil for off-highway trucks and
large track-type tractors.
Typical Characteristics*
SAE Viscosity Grade Multigrade
ISO Viscosity Grade 320
Caterpillar Test FD-1
Gravity, API (ASTM D287) 33.4 S•O•S Services for early problem detection
Flash Point, °C (°F) (ASTM D92) 246 (474) min. Protect your investment with Cat S•O•S oil
Pour Point, °C (°F) (ASTM D97) -39 (-38) analysis, the ultimate detection and
diagnostic tool for your equipment. S•O•S
Viscosity helps you detect potential problems before
cP @ -20°C (ASTM D2983) 34,100 they can lead to major failures and costly
cP @ -30°C (ASTM D4684) 131,200 unscheduled downtime.
cSt @ 40°C (ASTM D445) 320
cSt @ 100°C (ASTM D445) 31.6
Cat Filters: Complete protection for your machine
Combine Cat Fluids with Cat Filters for the
Viscosity Index (ASTM D2270) 138 highest level of contamination control
Copper Strip (ASTM D130, 2 hrs @ 100°C) 1A and protection for your machine. We
recommend Cat Filters for all Cat machine
*The values shown are typical values and should not be used as quality control parameters to either
accept or reject product. Specifications are subject to change without notice.