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A2 | Tuesday, February 6, 2024 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Home Buyers Are Finding a Wider Inventory
BY NICOLE FRIEDMAN lowing week, according to the one day, the couple had an of- Average 30-year fixed-rate their homes and buying differ- made up about one-third of
Mortgage Bankers Associa- fer accepted on a three-bed- mortgage ent ones. single-family homes for sale
Falling mortgage rates tion. room home in Chesterfield, Feb. 1 Although active listings in in December, up from a histor-
boosted home-shopping activ- The gains to affordability Va. The house had been on the 8.0% 6.63% January rose 7.9% from the ical norm of 10% to 20%.
ity in January, luring the first are notable. Since mortgage market since October, and the t1.16 pct. pts.* same month a year earlier, Many builders are paying
wave of opportunistic buyers rates peaked last fall, a home seller had lowered the price they were still nearly 40% be- to lower buyers’ mortgage
back to the market after last buyer with a $3,000 monthly multiple times. 7.5 low typical prepandemic lev- rates using discount points,
year’s collapse in home sales. budget has gained nearly “We just felt like it was els, according to which can make newly built
A number of home seekers $40,000 in purchasing power, perfect,” she said. (News Corp, parent of The homes far more affordable
who paused when borrowing according to real-estate bro- Last year was the worst Wall Street Journal, operates than existing ones. About 62%
rates marched higher last year kerage Redfin. year for existing-home sales 7.0 of builders offered sales in-
have resumed their search, Home seekers had also since 1995. Elevated mortgage “It’s definitely more com- centives in January, including
real-estate agents say. Real-es- hoped more inventory would rates, home prices around re- petitive than it was last year,” rate buydowns, according to
tate showings in the week become available after the hol- cord highs and low supply 6.5 said Mike Ferrante, a real-es- the National Association of
ended Jan. 31 were up 9.9% idays. There are signs that is thwarted potential buyers. tate agent in Solon, Ohio. “You Home Builders.
from the first week of the starting to happen. Active list- Home-buying affordability in have buyers re-entering the Builders are also pivoting
year, according to Showing- ings in January were up from October fell to the lowest level market and not so many sell- to smaller floor plans to try to
Time, a unit of Zillow Group. a year earlier while the typical since 1985, according to the ers.” keep prices down for buyers.
Buyers are seizing on the time on market was down, ac- National Association of Real- March June Sept. Dec. For-sale inventory typically While existing-home sales
recent reversal in mortgage cording to tors. *From recent peak in October
increases in the spring, which slumped last year, sales of
rates, which hit a 23-year high Home purchases won’t re- Source: Freddie Mac via St. Louis Fed could give buyers more op- newly built homes rose 4.2%
of 7.79% in October. The aver- turn to normal levels, market tions. Homeowners who to 668,000, according to the
age rate on a 30-year fixed January thaw participants say, unless mort- weather, chief economist at wanted to sell last year but Census Bureau.
mortgage has fluctuated be- Sarah and William Re- gage rates fall further. A rate Redfin. decided to wait for mortgage Home builder PulteGroup’s
tween 6.6% and 6.7% this year ithmeyer are part of this below 6% is a key level to at- Inventory of homes re- rates to fall might not be will- sales picked up in December
and was at 6.63% last week, year’s wave of new buyers. tract more buyers, said Rick mains low by historical stan- ing to wait any longer, Fair- as mortgage rates declined.
according to Freddie Mac. They started looking for their Palacios Jr., director of re- dards and is keeping a lid on weather said. “The strength has really
That recent drop looks first house in September but search at John Burns Re- sales activity. Many home- continued into January,” said
poised to bolster sales activity decided to pause their search. search & Consulting. owners either bought homes Chief Executive Ryan Marshall
in 2024. Mortgage purchase When they resumed in Janu- Despite the recent increase or refinanced their mortgages Builders benefit on a Jan. 30 earnings call.
applications rose in the week ary, “there were tons of new in activity, “we’re still very far when mortgage rates fell to Home builders, meanwhile, “We continue to be in a situa-
ended Jan. 19 to the highest listings coming up,” Sarah Re- off from a healthy housing new lows in recent years, and continue to benefit from the tion where there’s low supply.
seasonally adjusted level since ithmeyer said. market where lots of sales are now they are reluctant to give shortage of existing homes on Affordability has definitely
April, before falling the fol- After touring 11 homes in happening,” said Daryl Fair- up those low rates by selling the market. Newly built homes gotten better.”

Team Cow strong objection to labeling

plant-based products “as nu-
tritious dairy products when

Takes on they are fundamentally differ-

ent than the true dairy prod-
ucts that Wisconsin farmers

Team Oat produce.”

Jeff Karbash, owner of the
Duck Inn in Delavan, Wis.,
said he hoped to stay off the
Continued from Page One governor’s radar. Karbash
them to milk shaming.” Cue substituted oat milk for dairy
the staged footage of kids and milk in the restaurant’s food
adults ostracized over dairy and grasshopper cocktails
drinks. while filming an ad for Oatly,
One man recounts a disas- the Swedish oat milk com-
trous first date. He orders a pany.
glass of milk, only to have his “The governor may close
date throw it in his face be- me down after doing this,”
fore storming off. A snippet Karbash says in the ad. No
from what looks like footage rumblings yet from Evers, the
from a restaurant security restaurateur said in an inter-
camera replays the humiliat- view.
ing shower. Oatly squeezed into pea-
The YouTube video drew nuts-and-Crackerjacks terri-
some 6,000 callers to a vic- tory last year, serving its fro-
tims’ hotline, 1-888-OK2MILK, zen dessert bars at more than
said Yin Woon Rani, chief ex- 50 minor-league baseball
ecutive of MilkPep. A thou- parks.
sand people left voice mails, Company promotions in-
she said. cluded a free Oatly dessert
Plant-based milk compa- bar to a whole row of fans
nies aren’t milksops in this when a foul ball was caught
contest. Sales of plant-based in an area near first base des-
milk, measured by dollars, ignated as the “oat field,”
have grown 48% since 2018 said Adam Marco, spokesman

but edged down in the past and radio broadcaster for the
year. Califia Farms recruited Scranton Wilkes-Barre Rail-
Cookie Monster, the blue- An image from a dairy industry video featuring Queen Latifah. She offers support to victims of ‘milk shaming’ in the spoof. Riders in Moosic, Pa.
furred “Sesame Street” Mup- Not enough balls were
pet, to try almond milk in his Milk producers and their idea churned milk to medi- He has occasionally posted caught there so the promo-
cereal for an ad. No surprise, allies are lobbying to scrub outrage among eval times, dis- sticky notes that say “This is tion was expanded to any foul
the celebrity milk dunker “milk” off the labels of plant- both dairy and Team Cow’s pelling any no- not milk” on supermarket re- ball hit to the oat field, Marco
liked it, calling himself “a based rivals. Their position nondairy com- view: If it tion it frigerator doors that open to said.
multifaceted individual.” is: If it doesn’t come from a batants. originated in plant-based milks, he said. Some companies have a
Dairy milk had $15.8 billion lactating animal, it isn’t Blue Dia- doesn’t come an artisanal “I’m not trying to restrict hoof in both camps. Dairy gi-
in sales last year compared milk. mond Growers, coffee joint. what you can drink. Just la- ant Danone North America
with just under $2.5 billion “An almond doesn’t lac- a cooperative
from a mammal, Dairy de- bel it what it is,” Simpson launched a weeklong “Feel
for plant-based milk, accord- tate,” former FDA Commis- of almond it isn’t milk. fenders hope to said. “I got no problem with Planty Good Challenge,” invit-
ing to Circana, a market-re- sioner Scott Gottlieb fa- growers, said herd federal almond ‘drink.’ ” ing people to try Silk plant-
search firm. The two rivals mously noted. in comments to lawmakers into The bill’s sponsors include based milks in their morning
also face a tsunami of bottled- The Food and Drug Admin- the FDA that prohibiting any Democratic Sen. Peter Welch smoothies.
, canned- and boxed-water istration last year proposed customers aren’t confused food made of nuts, seeds, of Vermont, a smaller dairy “We see the real estate in
competitors—all vying to fill a that plant-based beverages about the difference between plants or algae from using state. “I wouldn’t go near consumers’ refrigerators as
limited niche. “Your stomach could still be called milk but almond and dairy milk. The such dairy terms as milk or them,” he said of plant-based both dairy and plant based,”
can only take so much liquid,” should carry labels that ex- Almond Alliance, a trade cheese. Republican Rep. Mike beverages. said Domenic Borrelli, the
said John Crawford, a dairy plain the nutritional differ- group, told the FDA that his- Simpson of Idaho, a big dairy Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers company’s president of plant-
industry analyst at Circana. ences with cow’s milk. The torians have traced almond state, is a sponsor of the bill. wrote to the FDA, lodging a based food and drink.

Stocks Fall second day, closing at 4.163%.

The yield is up almost one-
third of a percentage point
But some investors caution
that tech shares are priced for
perfection and that the lagged
Survey data released on
Monday showed that the U.S.
services sector expanded
Index performance on Monday
Nasdaq Composite
S&P 500

On Signal since Thursday, its largest effect of interest rate in- faster than expected in Janu- Dow Jones Industrial Average
two-day gain since June 2022. creases mean there are still ary, the latest in a string of 0
Higher bond yields are an- risks in the economy. strong economic data releases

From Powell other sign that investors now

think the Fed will take longer
to cut rates.
“We’re focused on the fact
that despite all the soft land-
ing talk, we might have yet to
that have some investors
questioning whether inflation
will keep cooling. Goldman

Falling inflation, the pros- feel all of the profound im- Sachs economists are more –0.4
Continued from Page One pect of rate cuts, and a huge pacts of historical rate hikes,” optimistic.
to CME Group. rally in technology shares said Adam Hetts, global head “Could the recent outsize
The benchmark 10-year have helped major stock in- of multi-asset at Janus Hen- strength of the U.S. economy –0.6
Treasury yield climbed for a dexes set records in 2024. derson Investors. derail continued progress on
disinflation? We don’t think –0.8
so,” Goldman Sachs chief
(USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660)
CORRECTIONS  economist Jan Hatzius wrote
in a note to clients Monday. –1.0
(Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241)
Editorial and publication headquarters:
AMPLIFICATIONS “With global growth on firm
footing and rate cuts ahead,
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036 –1.2 Five-minute intervals
our market views remain con-
Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays. Belinda Román at the begin- structive.” 10 a.m. 11 noon 1 p.m. 2 3 4
Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices. ning of last year forecast an un- For the year, the S&P 500 Source: FactSet
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal, employment rate of 3.4% for is still up 3.6%.
200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020. December 2023. A U.S. News ar- While stock indexes stalled it would lay off up to 5% of its chain’s shares were 3.7%
All Advertising published in The Wall Street Journal is subject to the applicable ticle on Monday about Román, Monday, AI mania was in full workers. lower.
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accurate economist for 2023, Shares of chip manufac- among the S&P 500’s best antir Technologies reported
10036. The Journal reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. Only
publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the incorrectly said the forecast turer Nvidia jumped more performers, jumping 9.5% af- accelerating revenue growth
advertiser’s order. was for December 2022. than 4.8% to a fresh record af- ter it reported revenue and and record profit, sending its
Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email: [email protected] ter Goldman Sachs analysts profit that exceeded Wall shares up 17%.
Short-interest ratios for the published a bullish growth Street expectations. Other companies scheduled
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Our newspapers are 100% sourced from sustainably certified mills. In earnings, Estée Lauder Meanwhile, McDonald’s day but were gaining at mid-
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