Experimental Responses of Jacketed RC Beams: Panuwat Joyklad
Experimental Responses of Jacketed RC Beams: Panuwat Joyklad
Experimental Responses of Jacketed RC Beams: Panuwat Joyklad
4, November 2017
Suniti Suparp
Kasem Bundit University, Thailand
Email: [email protected]
Abstract—Repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete countries. Steel jacketing is proved very effective and has
(RC) beams is commonly carried out by “jacketing”. been widely used all over the world, however,
Jacketing is the addition of concrete or cement mortar and experimental tests show that shear and flexural forces can
steel reinforcement to an existing beam. This paper cause these externally bonded plates to peel away before
describes an experimental investigation into the behavior of
the design load is reached [8]. Other issues such as
reinforced concrete beams strengthened by jacketing. Static
load tests to failure were carried out on five reinforced corrosion, heavy weight and installation difficulties (in
concrete shallow beams. The mortar used in the jacket was case of high rise buildings) are also reported. In recent
non-shrink cement grout. The steel bars were fixed to the years, fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are
beams by using two inexpensive and simple anchorage introduced and demonstrated to be successful for
systems i.e., epoxy anchorage system and mechanical strengthening concrete structures. Common types of
expansion anchors with steel plate anchorage system. Based FRPs that have been successfully used for strengthening
on experimental results, it was noted that jacketing using reinforced concrete beams are carbon (CFRP), glass
mortar and steel bars is very effective method to enhance (GFRP), and aramid (AFRP) [11]. A large number of
ultimate load carrying capacity of RC beams compared with
studies have been carried out in the last decade on the
control beams. Proposed anchorage systems were proved
effective to securely attach the steel bars to the beam. The
behavior of FRP-strengthened beams. These FRPs are
anchorage system with mechanical anchors is resulted into found very effective to enhance ultimate load carrying
higher load carrying capacity of RC beams compared with capacity and ductility of strengthened members. Many of
epoxy anchorage system. The control beam failed at the these studies reported premature failures by de-bonding
peak ultimate load of 23.70 kN. The RC beams jacketed of the FRP with or without the concrete cover attached.
using epoxy anchorage were failed at 13% to 27% higher The most commonly reported de-bonding failure occurs
peak load compared with control beam, whereas RC beams at or near the plate end, by either separation of the
jacketed using mechanical anchors were failed at 84% to concrete cover or interfacial de-bonding of the FRP plate
105% increased load compared with control beam.
from the RC beam [12]. Tom Norris et al. (1997)
Index Terms—flexural strengthening, anchorage system,
performed an experimental study to investigate the
jacketing, epoxy, mechanical anchors behavior of damaged or understrength concrete beams
retrofitted with thin carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP)
sheets. In their study, the CFRP sheets were epoxy
I. INTRODUCTION bonded to the tension face and web of concrete beams to
Strengthening reinforced concrete (RC) beams can be enhance their flexural strength. The effect of CFRP sheets
done by different methods such as steel plate jacketing on strength and stiffness of the beams was considered for
[1], [2], jacketing by fiber reinforced concrete [3] various orientations of the fibers with respect to the axis
jacketing by RC [4], [5] and recently jacketing by of the beam. The authors concluded that CFRP sheets can
wrapping fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites [6], provide the increase in strength and stiffness to existing
[7]. The technique of gluing mild steel plates to the soffits concrete beams when bonded to the web and tension face.
of reinforced concrete beams can be used to improve the The failure mode of CFRP strengthened beams were
flexural performance of RC beams as it increases the reported as peeling of the CFRP [13]. Wu et al. (2011)
strength and rigidity and also reduces the flexural cracks has enlisted different methods which were successfully
widths in the concrete [8]. This plating technique has applied to prevent the FRP de-bonding such as
further advantages as it has been found in practice to be mechanical anchors, near-surface mounted (NSM)
simple to apply. It does not reduce the height of the installation, wrapping of FRP strips in different shapes,
structure and can be applied while the structure in use. use of protruding fiber and anchor bolts, using comb-
This procedure has been used to repair buildings [9] and shaped anchors and mechanical-interlocking anchorage
to strengthen bridges [10], especially in many European systems [14]. Although these FRPs are proved very
successful for the strengthening propose due to their light
weight, superior strength-to-weight ratios, corrosion
Manuscript received July 13, 2017; revised November 3, 2017.
Figure 3. Epoxy anchorage system (mm) Figure 6. Welding of steel bars with steel plate
F. Material Properties
A single concrete mix (28 day’s target strength of 25
Figure 4. Installation of epoxy anchorage system
MPa) was used to construct concrete beams. The concrete
mix proportions are given in Table II. The concrete was
made of ordinary Portland cement and coarse aggregate
with the maximum size of 19 mm. The actual concrete
strength at the testing days (around 40-45 days) was
slightly higher than the target design strength. In this
experimental program commercially available high
performance non-shrink cement grout manufactured by
Sika (Thailand) Limited was used for jacketing purpose.
Cement 360
Load (kN)
calibrated load cell placed under the loading piston of the
hydraulic jack. Linear variable differential transducers 30.0
(LVDTs) were placed under the beam at the mid span to
measure vertical deflection. During the test, the initiation 20.0
and propagation of cracks were visually inspected and
recorded by photographs. MEAS-6
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0
Mid span deflection (mm)
A. Cracking Load
In the control beam, small cracks were observed at the
mid-span prior to the appearance of large inclined cracks.
The cracking load of the control beam was 8.70 kN. With
the further increase in load, new inclined flexural cracks
Figure 9. Loading setup were also appeared at the mid span and near the support
region. In the jacketed RC beams the cracking load was
observed higher than the control beam. This is due to the
III. TEST RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS presence of the additional external steel bars at the soffit
The experimental results in terms of cracking load, of the beam. The increase in cracking load is proving the
ultimate load, mid span deflection at the peak load and effectiveness of the proposed anchorage systems. The
failure modes are summarized in Tables III and IV. The cracking loads are summarized in the Table IV. Similar to
load-deflection curves of jacketed RC beams along with the control beam, small cracks were observed at the mid-
control beam are shown in Fig. 10. The experimental span prior to the appearance of large inclined cracks in
results are further discussed in detail in the following the jacketed RC beams. A further load increase resulted
sections; in the widening of flexural cracks as well as the initiation
60.0 of new flexural and diagonal cracks.
40.0 Beam Cracking load % Increase in
Load (kN)
designation (kN) cracking load
A CONT 8.70 -
EAS-6 12.00 38
10.0 EAS-10 20.50 136
0.0 MEAS-6 16.00 84
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 C
Mid span deflection (mm) MEAS-10 19.00 118
B. Load Carrying Capacity and Mid Span Deflection In the experimental program external reinforcement
The load deflection curves of jacketed RC beams along was provided using different diameters of steel bars (i.e.,
with control beam are shown in the Figs. 10 and 11. This 2RB6 and 2DB10). A comparison of normalized load is
data can be used to evaluate the impact of the jacketing shown in Fig. 13. It can been seen that reinforcement
on the load carrying capacity of the beams. The load and ratio had a significant impact on ultimate load carrying
deflection curves of beams in group B along with control capacity of RC beams. There is found an increase in the
beam are shown in Fig. 10. The control beam failed at the load carrying capacity with an increase in reinforcement
peak ultimate load of 23.70 kN. As shown in Fig. 10, the ratio. As shown in Fig. 13, the increase in ultimate load
13% and 27% increases in peak load were recorded for carrying capacity of 13% and 11% were recorded for
the beams jacketed using epoxy anchorage system i.e., beams EAS-10 and MEAS-10 compared with beams
EAS-6 and EAS-10. Similar to the beams in group B, the EAS-6 and MEAS-6, respectively.
jacketed beams in group C also failed at higher load C. Failure Modes
compared with control beam. In this group, 84% and
A summary of failure modes of all specimens is
105% increased load were observed for beams MEAS-6
provided in Table V. In the experimental test, a typical
and MEAS-10, respectively.
pattern of crack formation was observed. The first
1) Effect of Anchorage Systems
flexural crack occurred in the mid-span of the beam, and
In this experimental study, two different types of
was followed by the formation and propagation of many
anchorage systems namely EAS and MEAS were
smaller cracks which were symmetrically distributed
proposed and investigated. Based on experimental results
about the mid-span of the beam. The un-strengthened
it can be concluded that both systems are effective to
(control) beam failed in a conventional flexural manner
securely attach the external reinforcement to the beam
with the concrete crushing in compression in the mid
soffit. However the efficiency of MEAS system was
span of the beam as shown Fig. 14. In all concrete
found higher than the EAS system. This is supposedly
jacketed RC beams with anchorage systems, no pullout of
due to the stress transfer over a large area in MEAS (due
re-bars and anchors were observed prior to the final
to the presence of steel plate) compared with stress
failure of the beams except beam MEAS-10. These
transfer in EAS. The comparison of both anchorage
beams (i.e., EAS-6, EAS-10 and MEAS-6) were failed
systems is shown in Fig. 12.
due to the inclined cracks that were formed along the
2) Effect of Reinforcement Ratio loading and anchoring points as shown in Figs 15-17. The
beam MEAS-10 was failed suddenly due to the
separation of anchorage system from beam soffit as
shown in Figs 18 and 19. This separation was occurred
due to the failure of threaded bolt in mechanical
Normalized load (kN)
expansion anchored with steel plate anchorage system.
Normalized load (kN)
Beam specimens
Figure 14. Failure mode of control beam
Figure 13. Comparison of normalized load (effect of reinforcement ratio)
This paper has provided the experimental investigation
on responses of jacketed reinforced concrete beams. The
investigation included use of different anchorage systems
to fix external steel bars and percentage of external
reinforcement. Based on the experimental results, the
following conclusions can be drawn:
1. Jacketing using non-shrink cement grout is very
Figure 15. Failure mode of beam EAS-6
effective method to enhance ultimate load carrying
capacity of RC beams.
2. Both proposed anchorage systems are found
capable to securely attach the external
reinforcement to the beam soffit.
3. Overall, the increase in ultimate load carrying
capacity is found increasing with steel
reinforcement ratio for both types of anchorage
4. Future studies should examine a wider range of
beam geometry such as beam size and externally
fixed rebar materials such as carbon and glass.
Figure 16. Failure mode of beam MEAS-6
Authors are very thankful to Asian Institute of
Technology (AIT) for supporting test facilities. We also
thank Dr.Qudeer Hassain, Kasem Bundit University for
assistance with particular of experimental
technique/methodology and his valuable sharing
comments during the course of this research.
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