The%20 Power%20 Of%20 Bible%20 Meditation
The%20 Power%20 Of%20 Bible%20 Meditation
The%20 Power%20 Of%20 Bible%20 Meditation
This is a discipline that is e ective in helping Christians to walk in their full authority. However,
for some reason this discipline is neglected in many churches today.
Even though there are many references to meditation in the Bible, it is a neglected art.
The Art of Bible Meditation is the habit of waiting on God, with His Word.
Bible Meditation is the act of lling yourself with the Word of God.
Psalm 119 v 11
“Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I may not sin against Thee.”
And then you pray, and you ask God to speak through this scripture.
So you want to learn what this scripture means to God.
And so I would suggest doing this every day, with a di erent scripture each time.
This not only helps you to memorize scripture, but it also helps you to learn what the Lord is
really saying through His Word.
Many times, man will try and interpret scripture based on literary or historical context.
Where the Bible is considered to be a book of history, of what happened in the past.
The Bible needs to be the living Word, and not a history of what happened 2,000 years ago.
And as you learn to hear the voice of God, you will nd every day, that your life comes more
into alignment with His plans.
If your life is not in alignment, you will not receive the blessings that the Lord has for you.
And not just the Law in a general sense, which would be Logos.
But instead, the Rheama Word, the Living Word, where God speaks to us through His Word.
And yes, God can speak to us in other ways.
But usually, and almost 100% of the time, the Lord wants to speak to you through His Word.
And reading the Bible as a textbook, without being open to revelation from Heaven.
No, it is about seeking Him and His face, through His Word.
I would suggest starting with some better known scriptures, and as you spend time in the Word
you will likely nd other scriptures that stand out.
I could recommend almost every verse from Proverbs, many verses from Ecclesiastes, most
verses from Psalms.
In the New Testament, almost every scripture in every book, can be of value.
But it is also personal preference, you may nd value in meditating on some scriptures that
others may not like.
Here are some suggested scriptures to meditate on:
Micah 6 v 8
1 Chronicles 18 v 14
Deuteronomy 28 v 1
Deuteronomy 28 v 8
Deuteronomy 30 v 1 - 3
Joshua 1 v 5
1 Chronicles 19 v 13
1 Chronicles 22 v 11 - 13
1 Chronicles 28 v 20
Psalms 1 v 1-3
Psalm 119 v 11
Jeremiah 1 v 5
Matthew 6 v 33
John 1 v 1 - 5
Galatians 5 v 16 - 26
Philippians 1 v 6
1 Thessalonians 5 v 12 - 22
There are many other scriptures, however, this is only a starting point for you.
9. At rst you may not hear very much, but over time, you will learn to hear his voice more
10. And because you write this down, you will be able to go back over time, and review the
things that God has said to you.
1. Increased obedience.
2. Increased authority.
3. Increased ability to hear and know His voice.
4. Greater authority against the lies of the enemy.
5. More fruit in ministry.
6. Greater peace and strength in times of adversity.
I think that your health will improve, and that you will see more miracles.
If you do not have a notebook or a pen, at least try to spend some time every day in the Word.
And those scriptures write down, and spend time on those scriptures.
As a sheep will graze on the grass, so also, you can spend time feeding on the Word of God
every day.
And you will nd, that at times di erent Bible verses will come to mind, to help you through the
My prayer for you, is that all of the destiny that Jesus Christ has for you would be ful lled.
David Cosburn