Rent Agreement
Rent Agreement
Rent Agreement
NH No.8, Vadodara By Pass, Near Dhara
Vadodara 390024
ColororColorsofbody PIJREWNITE
Type or Body: CAB & CHASSIS
ChassisNo. MC2DCHRC0RD007608
EnglneNo, VEOXS'663249'K6'P
URN Uniqle Reference Number: AT8O55H1A1T1F2B6
CMVRCertiricateDescriplion : ECIIERPRO8055HSLPRcAB&T
SuppLier's GST Reg No. 24ADZPP9289N1Z3 Net Total 4 250,000.00
1 lranyobjectLon islo be made regarding lhis invoice. tsholld reach !swithn days
rorrlcdareof \cueorLlawiserhsi.roi,esl be@}'de€d a.@pted.
2 A I disputes subjecl to the jurisdiclion or VaDODARAG UJAMT only.
3 vehiceon@ soldwl notbelaken back
Regisle.ed OfiicerNH No.8, Vadodara ByP6ss, NearDha.a
Dea e6h p Address r NN No.8, Vadodara By Pass Near Dhara P€tol Puhp,