365 IELTS Exercises 1

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Paraphrase this:

The company’s pro ts are

higher this year than they
were last year.

Sample answers

This year, the company’s pro ts have gone up.

There has been an increase in the rm’s net earnings this

year compared to last year.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

People are too

distracted by their

Sample answer

I agree with this. Mobile phones are a major distraction for

many people. I have seen people looking at their phones
while walking along the street and even whilst driving,
which is extremely dangerous.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Many people dislike

their jobs.

Sample answer

I think people dislike their jobs mainly because they would

like to be free to follow their own rules, rather than be at
the mercy of a boss.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of an interesting

Sample answer

I think Elon Musk is an interesting person. He has an

unusual name, for a start! But more importantly, I nd it
amazing that he manages to run so many di erent
companies and projects, from his Tesla electric cars to his
space travel business. I would like to know how his mind

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

They spend too much

time __ television.

Correct answer

This was a trick question. Many people will think that “on”
is the correct answer, but it isn’t. If you say that you spend
time “on” television, it sounds like you are someone who
appears on television (e.g. a TV presenter).

To avoid the confusion that “on television” causes, we need

to say “They spend too much time watching television”.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

I’m studying English


Sample answer

…I know that it will open doors to job opportunities for

me, either in my home country or abroad.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

The bene ts of

Some ideas

• Education gives people knowledge and skills.

• People with quali cations are more likely to nd work.
• They can earn a higher salary.
• They can contribute positively to society.
• Schools aim to teach young people moral values such
as tolerance and sharing.
• Schools prepare children to be members of a society.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The map shows the

development of a city.

Sample answers

The diagram shows stages in the expansion of a city.

The map gives information about a city’s growth.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

How can we reduce

traf c congestion?

Sample answer

I believe that the best way to reduce tra c on the roads is

by improving the public transport infrastructure and by
building more lanes for cyclists. Perhaps these measures
would encourage people to leave their cars at home and
travel by train, bus or bicycle instead.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Some people choose

not to eat meat.

Sample answer

Some people choose to become vegetarian or vegan for

moral or ethical reasons. In other words, they do not
believe that humans have the right to kill animals for food.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of an animal that
people in your country

Sample answer

Here in the UK, dogs are probably the most popular animal.
Many people have a pet dog, and we consider dogs to be
faithful friends or even part of the family.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Juvenile delinquency is
__ the increase.

Correct answer

In this sentence, the word “increase” is a noun. We say that

something is “on the increase”.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Children’s behaviour
is in uenced by…

Sample answers

…their parents, siblings and peers, and by what they see

on television and on the Internet.

…the behaviour of those around them, including

celebrities and the people they follow on social media

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Arguments for and

against private

Arguments for

• Private hospitals have shorter waiting lists for appointments.

• Patients can bene t from faster treatment.
• Many people prefer to pay for a more personal service.
• Patients have their own room and more comfortable facilities.

Arguments against

• Good healthcare should be available to everyone for free.

• State healthcare is paid by the government using money from taxes.
• State hospitals give everyone the same quality of care and treatment.
• Private healthcare is unfair because only wealthy people can a ord it.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The graph shows changing

levels of unemployment in
three countries from 2008
to 2018.

Sample answer

The line graph compares the unemployment rate in three

countries over a 10-year period.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Parents do not spend

enough time with their
children nowadays.

Sample answer

This is probably true for the majority of parents, although

there are exceptions of course. Most of the parents that I
know work long hours, and they are lucky if they spend
more than an hour or two of quality time with their children
on weekdays.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Many students want to

study abroad.

Sample answer

The main reason for this trend, in my opinion, is that

students hope to improve their employment prospects by
gaining quali cations from prestigious universities.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a possession that
you couldn’t live

Sample answer

I have to admit that I would nd it di cult to live without my

car. It would take me twice as long to get to work by public
transport, and I don’t know how I would visit certain friends
and family members. I really do depend on my car, and I
would need to make big changes to my lifestyle without it.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Each person should

__ responsibility
for his or her actions.

Correct answer

You can also use verbs like have, bear, shoulder and accept
with the noun responsibility. However, we tend to use these
verbs in other contexts (e.g. accept responsibility for a
mistake). In the context of “responsibility for your actions”,
“take” is by far the most natural choice.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

I use my mobile phone


Sample answers

…make calls, send text messages, check my email, search

the Internet, and to do countless other things.

…do almost everything that you can imagine, from

chatting with friends to preparing documents for work.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Some possible causes

of crime

Some ideas

• poverty, unemployment
• lack of opportunities in the local area
• parental neglect
• lack of guidance during childhood and adolescence
• lack of direction in life
• mental disorders
• negative in uences e.g. family members, peer group, local gangs
• certain crimes may be glamourised in lms and music

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The ow chart shows six

stages in the bread-making
process, from mixing to

Sample answer

The diagram shows how bread is made from a mixture of

raw ingredients in a six-step process.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Children’s toys should

be educational,
not just fun.

Sample answer

I would have to disagree with this statement because I do

not think that all toys should be designed with education
in mind. Toys should be fun, and the act of playing is
bene cial, in the sense that it encourages children to
use their imagination and creativity.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Immigration is often
a subject of political

Sample answer

Immigration is often debated by politicians because it is an

issue that divides voters. On the one hand, immigrants
may bring skills, nd employment, and therefore
contribute to the economy of the host country. On the
other hand, some voters worry that immigrants will take
their jobs, especially if they are willing to work for lower

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a practical skill that

you think children
should be taught.

Sample answer

I believe that children should be taught more about

managing money. Most of us leave school with no idea
about how taxes, savings or household bill payments
work. It would be so easy for teachers to introduce these
money management skills, and young adults would
bene t greatly.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Governments should
invest in __ energy.

Possible answers

• renewable
• sustainable
• green
• solar
• nuclear

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

One argument in
favour or zoos is that

Sample answer

…play an important role in wildlife conservation.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Some positives and

negatives of

Some positives

• It promotes free trade between countries.

• This can strengthen political relationships.
• It may create employment opportunities in multinational companies.
• It encourages investment in less developed countries.
• It could reduce poverty in the developing world.

Some negatives

• Companies move to countries where labour is cheap.

• This creates redundancies in the countries that the companies left.
• Employees cannot be con dent that they have stable jobs.
• Companies may exploit workers in developing countries.
• Global trade creates more waste and pollution.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Please respond to my
request as quickly as

Sample answers

I await your prompt response.

Please get back to me as soon as you can.

Note: The rst sample answer above is the best sentence to use at the
end of a formal letter. The second answer is less formal, and could be used
at the end of an email.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

The problem with

advertising is that it makes
us more materialistic.

Sample answer

I agree that advertising creates the desire for material

possessions and therefore makes us more materialistic.
The aim of any advertisement is to provoke an emotional
response in the consumer. Advertisers want us to feel a
strong urge to buy their products or services, and this is
the essence of materialism and our consumer culture.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Many high street shops

have gone out of business
in recent years.

Sample answer

I would blame the Internet and online shopping for this

trend. High street shops cannot compete with giant
companies like Amazon, which sell a wider variety of
products at cheaper prices than any physical store.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a popular tourist

Sample answer

The nearest popular tourist destination to where I live is the

Lake District in northern England. It is a protected national
park, so people go there for the unspoilt beauty of the
lakes and mountains. It is a great place for outdoor
activities like walking, climbing and mountain biking, and it
is also known as the home of some famous English writers
like Beatrix Potter.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

I believe that the

Internet will __

Correct answer

Note: Other words or phrases might be possible, but

‘replace’ is the natural choice.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

My ideal job would be


Sample answers

…as a doctor.
…for a multinational company.
…in a school.
…from home.
…with people I admire.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

How should we tackle

the problem of climate

Governments could

• introduce laws to limit emissions.

• invest in renewable energy.
• impose ‘green taxes’ on drivers and airline companies.

Individuals could

• take public transport rather than driving.

• try to be ‘greener’ by using less energy in their homes.
• take fewer ights abroad.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

University enrolment
gures doubled between
1990 and 2010.

Sample answers

From 1990 to 2010, there was a twofold increase in the

number of students entering universities.

Twice as many students enrolled in universities in 2010

compared to 1990.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

English has become too

dominant as the world’s
lingua franca.

Sample answer

I disagree with the idea that English has become too

dominant, because that would seem to suggest that the
use of English as a global language is having a negative
impact. I believe that we need a global language for
trade, scienti c research, education and many other
areas of life. English just happens to ful l this role at the
present time.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

The gap between rich and

poor people is becoming
wider in many countries.

Sample answer

Perhaps the global economic crisis of 2008 is the main reason

for this trend. Following the crash, many governments pursued
policies of austerity. In other words, they cut spending on the
kind of services that help poorer members of society. In some
European countries, the salaries and pensions of working
people have been cut because governments are in debt to
central banks and lenders. These measures have made many
people poorer, while the rich have remained una ected.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a person who was

kind to you.

Sample answer

I had a particularly kind teacher at university. I remember

being stuck on the same grade in every assignment that I
completed, and this one teacher took me aside and helped
me to see what I was doing wrong. After following his
advice, which was to synthesise information from a wider
range of sources, my grades improved dramatically.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

People are migrating

from rural to __

Correct answer

Note: ‘city’ would also be possible, but the collocation

‘urban areas’ is more natural.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

In my opinion, the main

duty of a government is…

Sample answers

…to protect citizens.

…to create jobs and economic growth.
…to raise people’s standard of living.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Why is obesity on the

rise in so many

Some ideas

• junk food, fast food, processed food, pre-prepared meals

instead of traditional cooking
• the abundance of food choices, overeating
• levels of fat, sugar and salt in many foods
• sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Governments should spend

more money on healthcare
and education.

Sample answers

Governments should increase spending on schools and


Schools and healthcare providers should receive a larger

proportion of government budgets.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Plastic packaging for food

and household products
should be banned.

Sample answer

My instinct is to agree with this suggestion because

plastic packaging is so damaging to the environment. I
worry about the plastic particles that end up in the
oceans and ultimately in the food chain. A complete ban
on plastic packaging might be the best way to solve this

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

It is important for people

to celebrate festivals and
other special occasions.

Sample answer

I would say that celebrations are important because they

bring people together and make our relationships stronger.
Festivals and parties are the glue that holds families,
communities and whole societies together.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of something you
bought online.

Sample answer

The last item that I bought online was a copy of an English

language teaching textbook called ‘The Natural Approach’.
I think this book is out of print, so it isn’t available in any of
my local bookshops. I found a second-hand copy on
Amazon, and it was delivered to my door a couple of days

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

What have you been

__ to since we last
saw each other?

Correct answer

Note: ‘to be up to something’ means ‘to be doing something’, and it is a

common phrase in informal, spoken English.

For example:

• What are you up to? = What are you doing?

• What did you get up to at the weekend? = What did you do at the
• He’s up to no good. = He’s doing something bad / naughty / illegal.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Although some people

prefer to work alone,
I believe that…

Sample answers

…it is better to cooperate with others.

…more can be achieved when people work together.
…teamwork is the key to success in most areas of life.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

How can the number

of road accidents be

Some ideas

• stricter punishments for speeding e.g. nes, losing your driving

• more speed cameras and tra c calming measures
e.g. road bumps
• campaigns to promote safer driving e.g. TV advertisements
showing the consequences of careless driving
• in the future, driverless cars will reduce human errors that
cause accidents

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The table compares six rail

networks in terms of yearly
passenger numbers.

Sample answers

The table shows the annual number of passengers who

use six di erent railway systems.

The table shows the number of people using rail networks

in six di erent cities / countries each year.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

School children should

be grouped according
to academic ability.

Sample answer
I have mixed feelings about this idea. On the one hand, I can see
how it might be more e cient to put children of similar ability levels
together. Streaming can make the teacher’s job easier because he
or she can give the same tasks to every child, and because one
pace of work is likely to be suitable for everyone. On the other hand,
it does seem wrong to judge children in this way. I worry that children
in the bottom groups may start to believe that they are not capable
of doing academic work, and that they may lose interest in
education. It seems more ethical to put all children together,
regardless of their academic strengths or weaknesses.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

More than ever before,

young adults remain
dependent on their

Sample answer

I think the cost of living is probably the main reason for this
trend. House prices, in particular, are so much higher than
they were twenty or thirty years ago, and many young
adults nd it impossible to get onto the property ladder
without help from their parents.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a profession in which
robots may soon replace
human workers.

Sample answer

Well, if we can consider a driverless car to be a type of

robot, I imagine that many driving jobs, such as taxi driver
or lorry driver, will no longer exist.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

I am writing with
__ to an item that
I bought recently.

Correct answer

Note: ‘Regard’ is more natural than ‘reference’ in this context. I

might use ‘I am writing with reference to…’ if I’m writing about a job
application, or perhaps something that has been given a speci c
‘reference number’.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

The traits that employers

look for when recruiting
staff are…

Sample answers

…emotional intelligence

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

What is the difference

between knowledge
and skill?


• learnt information
• the result of reading, studying, schooling, education
• facts and gures
• understanding of a subject
• e.g. you can learn the grammar of English


• a practical ability
• the result of repeated practice
• expertise or the ability to do something well
• doing and using, rather than merely understanding
• e.g. in order to speak English, you need to practise

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

People have different

views about whether
criminals can be

Sample answers

Some people believe that it is possible to rehabilitate

those who commit crimes, whereas others argue that
o enders should simply be punished.

Opinions di er as to whether criminals can be re-

educated so that they become law-abiding members of

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

A university degree does

not have the value and
status that it used to have.

Sample answer

In my opinion, university quali cations are still valuable, and they

continue to give graduates a higher status and more opportunities
for employment. However, it is true that a university degree no
longer guarantees employment or a high salary. For example, many
graduates nd themselves unemployed or working in jobs that are
unrelated to their elds of study. The main reason for this, I
imagine, is that a far higher proportion of young people study at
university these days.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

The job market has

become more competitive
over the last twenty years.

Sample answer

I suppose that globalisation could be the main reason for

this. Many companies now operate at a multinational
level, and they aim to recruit the best sta that they can
nd, regardless of nationality. Google, for example, hires the
best computer programming graduates from around the
world, and there is erce competition to work there.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a book that you

would recommend to

Sample answer

I would recommend a book called Atomic Habits. It is about

the compounding e ect that small decisions and
minuscule changes can have on people’s lives. I found the
whole idea of the ‘science of tiny habits’ fascinating.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

School leavers __ the

dilemma of whether to get
a job or continue their

Correct answer

Note: ‘face’ is the best word here, but you could also use
‘are faced with’.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Some people believe

that everybody should
be allowed to…

Sample answers

…own a gun.
…speak freely.
…take paid maternity or paternity leave.
…live according to their own moral convictions.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

What are your

predictions for the
future of education?

Some ideas

• more online learning, fewer face-to-face classes

• a huge increase in self-study courses
• a massive increase in the range of subjects and lessons
• teachers will continue to be important
• people will still want some face-to-face contact

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The table compares deliveries

(in kilos) of rice and pasta to
three supermarkets over
a 12-month period.

Sample answers

The chart shows the amount of two types of food, namely

rice and pasta, that were delivered to three supermarkets
during one year.

The table gives information about 12 months of rice and

pasta deliveries to three supermarkets.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

It is wasteful and
unnecessary to produce
paper versions of books
and newspapers.

Sample answer

I would probably have to agree with this in the case of newspapers,

but not when we’re talking about books. I do think that the daily
production of newspapers is wasteful and unnecessary, especially
because online news sites are just as good. Books, however, are
di erent and special. They can be read and reread, and they can be
given as presents or kept in libraries. So I believe that physical books
are important, and I think they can be made from recycled paper to
avoid waste.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Many museums allow

visitors to enter
free of charge.

Sample answer

This is certainly true here in the UK, and it is because

museum exhibits are seen as part of our national
heritage. Museums are subsidised by governments so
that residents and tourists can all have access to important
artefacts and great works from the past. I think it would
be wrong to charge entry fees and limit access to these
treasures to wealthier people only.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a controversial issue
or opinion.

Sample answer

Here in the UK, the issue of Brexit, and any strong opinion
related to it, was controversial.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Scientists found no __
between the two

Correct answer

Note: Other words (e.g. link, connection, relationship) are

also possible, but “correlation between variables” seems to
be the strongest collocation - it’s such a common phrase in
science and statistics.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

People who have

a good sense of

Sample answers

…are easy to talk to.

…are perceived as being more intelligent and attractive.
…do better in their careers.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Professional sports
stars earn too much
money. Discuss.


• Sports professionals earn too much money.

• They do not provide a vital service.
• Football players earn enormous salaries by simply kicking a ball.
• We could all live happily without professional football.
• Sports salaries should be compatible with an average wage.


• It is fair that the best professionals earn a lot of money.

• Sport is a multi-million-pound industry.
• There is a large audience of sports fans.
• Sports on television attract many viewers.
• Sports stars have dedicated hours of practice to developing their skills.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

In 2005, there were

around 300,000
marriages in the UK.

Sample answers

Approximately 300,000 people got married in the UK in


The gure for UK marriage ceremonies in 2005 stood at

roughly 300,000.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Old, traditional buildings

are much more attractive
than modern buildings.

Sample answer

Generally speaking, I would have to agree with this opinion, although

there are exceptions. When I think about old buildings, those that
come to mind tend to be historic, landmark buildings like the
great cathedrals, palaces, museums and libraries that can be seen in
the UK and across Europe. These are ornate, beautiful works of art
that were built by skilled stonemasons. By contrast, most modern
structures are made of concrete, steel and glass, and I have to say
that they are ugly and dull by comparison.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

News broadcasts tend to

focus on negative rather
than positive news.

Sample answer

I think it has been shown that negative news ‘sells’ better than
positive news because it provokes a stronger emotional
reaction. Negative news makes us worried, afraid or angry, and
news journalists know this. They present news stories that grab
our attention and keep us watching; after all, most news
broadcasters are commercial companies, and their aim is to
increase their audience size in order to increase pro ts.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of something that rich

countries could do to
help poorer countries.

Sample answer

Rich countries can, of course, send money to poorer

countries. However, in my view, it is vital that this money is
invested properly. So I think the governments of richer
countries should o er more support on the investment
side, rather than just handing money to political leaders.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

An internship can be a
good way for young adults
to __ experience.

Correct answer

Note: We can also use ‘get’, but ‘gain’ is better for more
formal or academic contexts.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Universities should…

Sample answers

…be free.
…be accessible to everyone.
…put lifelong learning at the heart of their work.
…focus on good teaching rather than marketing.
…teach students how to access knowledge.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

The qualities of a
good teacher, and
of a good student

A good teacher

• should have good subject knowledge, be passionate about the subject

• should explain clearly, create interesting and challenging lessons
• should be understanding, patient, dynamic, fair, organised, systematic

A good student

• should be a keen learner, be truly interested in the subject

• should trust his/her teacher, ask questions, be willing to make mistakes
• should be motivated, hard-working, curious, open to new ideas

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Technology has

Sample answers

There has been a revolution in communication due to


New technologies have completely transformed the way

we communicate.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Family relationships
are more important
than friendships.

Sample answer

I agree with this opinion, mainly because I have seen how

friends can come and go. For example, we have school
friends, but then we make new friends at university and in
the di erent jobs that we do. By contrast, relationships with
family members tend to remain constant throughout
most people’s lives, and these are the people with whom
we share our most important moments.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

It is dif cult to explain

what ‘happiness’

Sample answer

The main reason for this di culty is that happiness is

subjective, and so it means something slightly di erent
to each person. While one person may nd happiness in
social or family situations, other people need to achieve
things in their professional lives in order to feel

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a lm that conveys
a positive message.

Sample answer

The rst lm that comes to mind is ‘Forrest Gump’,

probably because the main character is so memorable. In
the lm, Forrest is a simple man who retains a childlike
innocence, honesty and decency. He has no real opinions
or ambitions, but simply accepts what life gives him. So I
think the message of the lm is that we could all be a bit
more like Forrest.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Advertising that is
__ at children
should be banned.

Correct answers
aimed / targeted

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

The best way to

improve my city
would be to…

Sample answers

…redesign one of its central squares, which is currently very ugly.

…provide more cycle lanes to encourage people to use bicycles.
…create more green spaces, such as parks and gardens.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

How can teachers

improve the behaviour
of their pupils?

Some ideas

• set clearer expectations about good behaviour

• be rm but fair with all pupils
• agree on a set of rules with pupils
• introduce a system of punishments that pupils understand
• introduce rewards for good behaviour
• highlight examples of good behaviour among pupils in the class
• the teacher should set a good example
• the teacher should be a good role model

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The UK prison population

rose by 40,000 between
1990 and 2010.

Sample answers

From 1990 to 2010, the number of prisoners in the UK

increased by 40,000.

The gure for imprisonment in the UK went up by 40,000

over the 20 years from 1990 to 2010.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Landing on the moon

was humankind’s
greatest achievement.

Sample answer

Landing on the moon was an incredible feat of human

ingenuity, so I nd it hard to disagree with this statement. If
we could go back in time and talk to people from any era
before the moon landing, I think they would nd it
unbelievable that humans would one day travel to the
moon. So from this perspective, I cannot think of a greater

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Some people prefer

to rent rather than
buy a house.

Sample answer

When people choose to rent, even if they can a ord to buy

a house, I imagine that the key reason is exibility.
Renters can move from one home to the next without
having to worry about the buying or selling processes.
Renting gives people the freedom to live in di erent cities
or even in di erent countries.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a food brand that

might be considered
‘junk food’.

Sample answer

I suppose the brand that is most commonly associated

with junk food is McDonald’s. This is the most famous
name when we think of pre-prepared foods that are full of
salt, sugar and other unhealthy arti cial ingredients.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

December saw by __
the most traf c

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

The best way to

improve your spelling
is by…

Sample answers

…learning from your mistakes.

…making a list of the words that you nd di cult.
…learning di cult spellings by heart.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Advantages and
disadvantages of
spending time alone

Some advantages

• rest and relax

• have time to think and re ect on life
• work, read or do hobbies without any distractions
• take a break from our usual responsibilities

Some disadvantages

• time alone can be boring

• lack of human interaction can cause loneliness
• shared activities are often more enjoyable than solitary hobbies
• working alone is di cult in terms of motivation and creativity

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The media has

a major impact on
the way we behave.

Sample answers

The media in uences our behaviour to a great extent.

Our behaviour is greatly in uenced by mass

communication through broadcasting, publishing and the

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Motivation is more
important than ability.

Sample answer

I tend to agree with this statement, because it is very

di cult to achieve anything worthwhile if you are not
motivated to do the necessary work. For example, I
remember a school friend who was a gifted athlete, but
who had no real desire to train hard. I think his potential
was wasted due to his lack of motivation.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

We are losing
our traditional values
and customs.

Sample answer

The main reason for this must be the globalisation of

culture. In particular, most young adults are exposed to
the new cultural world through their phones and through
the social media platforms that they use. Instead of
spending time with family members and learning the values
of their elders, young people are on their phones looking
at photos, videos and news items from around the world.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of something that you

think is unfair.

Sample answer

I think it is unfair that young people now have to pay

university fees here in the UK, when higher education was
completely free until about 20 years ago. I think it was
wrong for politicians, who studied for free, to introduce
tuition fees that place a huge burden on young

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

A fair society is one

in __ everyone has
the same opportunities.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

One thing that makes

me angry is…

Sample answers

…tra c.
…people who drop litter.
…when I leave the house and realise that I’ve forgotten something.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Do computer games do
more harm than good?


• Computer games are addictive.

• They are a huge waste of people’s time.
• Some of them are violent.
• They encourage young people to stay indoors.
• Video game fans could be exercising or doing something more productive.


• Video games can improve motor skills.

• They can be educational.
• People can play games together and make new friends online.
• Some games promote tness and exercise.
• Games may encourage young people to learn computer programming.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

I came to live in the UK

just over a year ago.

Sample answers

I moved to the UK in…

A little over a year ago, I immigrated to the UK.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Have our lives really

improved in the last
50 years?

Sample answer

Yes, I would say that our lives have improved in several ways since
50 years ago. Technology has obviously changed completely, and we
now have access to in nitely more information through the
Internet. There have also been some real advances in medicine,
and we are now more likely to survive illnesses that would have
been fatal in the 1970s. Transport also comes to mind, because it
was much rarer for people to go on overseas holidays back then;
the world seems much smaller these days.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Many people say that

they hate mathematics.

Sample answer

I think people often have a bad experience with

mathematics at high school. Maths lessons can seem
boring, abstract and repetitive, and teenagers nd it hard
to maintain the motivation to work through the typical
exercises that maths teachers give them. So they stop
trying, and they assume that maths is too hard or too
boring for them.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a form of physical
exercise that you enjoy.

Sample answer

I enjoy swimming because it’s a great activity for strength

building and for cardiovascular tness. I also like the
feeling of gliding through the water, and swimming always
reminds me of fun times that I had in swimming pools as a

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gaps:

__ people experience
stress at some point in
their __.

Correct answers
Most / Many

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

There are convincing

arguments both for
and against…

Sample answers

…the government’s new proposal.

…community service as a form of punishment.
…free market capitalism.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

What can history

teach us?

Some ideas

• how di erent civilisations lived

• the bene ts and drawbacks of di erent political systems
• the morals, attitudes and behaviour of di erent societies
• how important discoveries were made
• about the people who shaped our world
• we can nd role models
• we can learn from other people’s successes and mistakes

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The chart compares

the amount of water
used for agriculture
in four countries.

Sample answers

The chart gives information about the water used for

farming in four di erent countries.

The chart compares four countries in terms of how much

water their farming sectors use.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

We should look after

ourselves before we
try to help others.

Sample answer

Although it might seem like a sel sh idea, I do agree with

this statement to a large extent. People who are secure and
happy are in a much better position to help others than
those who have their own problems and worries.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Many teachers reward

effort rather than

Sample answer

When teachers reward achievement, it seems that only the

most successful students are valued, and the same
children ‘win’ every time. But if e ort is rewarded, every
child has the chance to receive recognition for doing his
or her best. In other words, I think it is fairer or more
egalitarian for teachers to value their students’ e orts.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a meal that you like

to cook.

Sample answer

My favourite way to cook is on a barbecue, and I enjoy cooking big

barbecue meals for family and friends when the weather is nice. The
ideal barbecue meal, for me, would be a mix of grilled meats, such
as chicken, burgers and sausages, and perhaps some vegetables
like peppers and onions. I like cooking this type of meal because it
makes a change to be outside in the open air, and there’s
something special about cooking on a re, rather than using an

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gaps:

By writing down your goal,

you move one step
__ __ achieving it.

Correct answer
closer to

Note: ‘nearer to’ is also ne, but ‘closer to’ is the most
natural collocation when we’re talking about progress
towards a goal.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

The most serious

problem facing
humanity is…

Sample answers

…climate change.
…the possibility of future pandemics.
…poverty and inequality.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Positives and negatives

of nuclear power


• a sustainable energy source

• fossil fuels are running out
• cleaner energy, less pollution than from fossil fuels
• reduce carbon emissions


• the risk of accidents and contamination

• nobody wants to live near nuclear power stations
• nuclear waste disposal is very di cult
• terrorists could use radioactive materials in weapons

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Some people know

from an early age what
job they want to do.

Sample answers

Some people decide on a career path when they are still


Some young people have a very clear idea about their

future careers.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

The Internet will lead to

the death of books.

Sample answer

I disagree with this. We have had access to the Internet for

over 20 years now, and books are still very popular. I think
there’s something special about reading a book, and the
Internet is no substitute for this experience.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Many people like to

live near to the sea.

Sample answer

Living on a coast or near to a beach is seen as desirable,

and I think the main reason for this is that we nd sea views
beautiful. There is something special about being able to
gaze out to sea, especially when the sun is rising or
setting on the horizon, and many people aspire to live in
a house that has such a view.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of something that
requires many years
of practice.

Sample answer

The rst thing that comes to my mind is a musical

instrument. It takes years of practice to master the piano,
guitar, drums, or any other instrument, because of the ne
motor skills that are involved in coordinating our ngers,
hands and arms to play sequences of notes correctly.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gaps:

I am faster at typing
than writing __ __.

Correct answer
by hand

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

What makes me laugh


Sample answers

…when someone says something funny by accident.

…the way little children talk to each other.
…how easily people get into silly arguments online.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Compare the
importance of art
versus science.


• it can inspire us
• it can be used to educate us
• it communicates ideas and emotions
• it unites us through enjoyment and shared experiences
• it becomes part of our cultural identities


• it leads to advances in technology

• it can improve living standards
• it helps us to answer questions about life, our world, the universe
• medical advances allow us to combat diseases and live longer
• we no longer rely on ancient superstitions

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

By 2050, the world’s

population is expected
to reach 9 billion.

Sample answer

It is predicted that there will be 9 billion people on the

planet in the year 2050.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Relationships today are

completely different from
the way they were
50 years ago.

Sample answer

I disagree with this statement. Although we now

communicate with family members and friends using
technologies that did not exist 50 years ago, our
relationships are still essentially the same. Technology has
not changed our emotions or our need for friendship,
support and a ection from others. We still relate to each
other in the same way as our grandparents did.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

More and more people

are closing down their
social media accounts.

Sample answer

I think people are realising that social media platforms are a

poor substitute for real-life interactions with other
people. Perhaps people see that they are spending too
much time on these platforms, and that this has a negative
e ect on their work and on their ‘real’ social lives.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a photograph that
you like.

Sample answer

My favourite photo is one that I took on holiday last

summer. The photo shows my family on a beach on a sunny
day; the adult family members all look relaxed, and the
children are happily making sandcastles. I think the photo
captured a happy moment that summed up our holiday.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

There’s a __ line
between con dence
and arrogance.

Correct answer

Note: “There’s a ne line between x and y” is a common

‘ xed’ phrase, so it wouldn’t seem natural to replace ‘ ne’
with any other word.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Home-cooked food

Sample answers

…the best!
…healthier than restaurant food or fast food.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

What does it mean to

live a good life?

Some ideas

• it could mean di erent things to di erent people

• for some, it means being successful
• it might mean living according to a set of principles
• being a good person
• being a good family member and friend to others
• being kind and honest
• living life to the full
• living a long life
• experiencing life’s ups and downs
• being satis ed at the end of life with how you lived

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

In 1999, roughly 55%

of university graduates
were female.

Sample answers

Females constituted approximately 55% of all graduating

university students in the year 1999.

Women made up just over half of all university graduates

in 1999.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Libraries are no longer


Sample answer

I strongly disagree with this view. Libraries continue to function as

places for quiet reading and study, and this is especially important
for young people who do not always have a study area at home. I
also believe that there is something special about being able to
browse or borrow physical books, magazines and journals. Finally,
libraries are such an important part of our cultural history, and it
would be a great shame to lose this connection to the past.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Dif cult challenges

make us happier than
easy tasks.

Sample answer

When we embark on a really challenging task, we worry about

failing and we know that success will require planning, hard work
and determination. Therefore, if we complete the task successfully,
it seems that we have truly deserved the result, and our self-
esteem is given a boost. By contrast, completion of an easy task
never feels like a hard-earned victory. It feels like something that
anybody else could have done.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a new hobby that

you would like to try.

Sample answer

I’d like to try snowboarding because it looks like great fun.

I like mountains and being out in the snow, and I’m sure it
would be a thrill to speed down a snowy mountain slope.
Yes, I’d love to try that.

Note: This is an informal ‘spoken’ style answer.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

I should have __
more attention in English
lessons at school.

Correct answer

Note: The normal collocation is ‘to pay attention’.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

The main role of a

school teacher is…

Sample answers

…to impart knowledge.

…to teach good lessons about his or her subject.
…to meet the needs of his or her students.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

What do we mean by
consumerism and

Dictionary de nitions

• Consumerism: The preoccupation of society with the acquisition of goods.

• Materialism: A tendency to consider material possessions and physical
comfort as more important that spiritual values.

In our own words

• Our economies are built around the buying of goods and services.
• Advertising and marketing are all around us.
• We are persuaded that buying new things will make us happy.
• We are persuaded that possessions improve our status in society.
• We prefer not to see ourselves as materialistic consumers.
• But it is di cult to escape from the prevailing culture.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

A is caused by B.

Sample answers

A is the result / consequence of B.

B causes / leads to / gives rise to / produces / brings

about / triggers A.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Longer prison sentences

are the best way to bring
crime rates down.

Sample answer

I disagree with this idea, mainly because I do not believe

that criminals consider the length of prison sentences
before they commit crimes. Instead of using punishments
to bring crime rates down, politicians should focus on the
causes of crime, such as poverty, lack of education and
poor parenting.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

We should all experience

living abroad at some
point in our lives.

Sample answer

Yes, I agree with this idea. In my experience, people who

have lived abroad are more open-minded, perhaps I would
even say ‘wiser’, because they have learnt that other ways
of life, other cultural norms, and other attitudes and
behaviours do exist. In other words, living abroad can
really help us to develop into more mature, rounded
human beings.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of something that you

consider to be timeless.

Sample answer

The rst example that comes to my mind is a classic

men’s suit. While clothing fashions change every year, the
type of suit that men wear to work or to formal occasions
has been the same for as long as I can remember.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

I’ve been working

__ out all week.

Correct answer

Note: ‘to work at out’ is a common phrase in English. It

means ‘to work hard without a break’.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

If I had to choose

Sample answer

…wealth and happiness, I would choose happiness.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Some cultural
differences in two

Comparing the UK and Spain

• Di erent work schedules: The UK workday is typically 9am -

5pm. The Spanish have a longer lunch break but nish later.

• Di erent food cultures: We eat more pre-prepared meals (e.g. a

quick sandwich for lunch) and international foods in the UK,
whereas the Spanish value traditional home-cooked food.

• Openness: British people tend to be a little more private (e.g. we

don’t ask other people how much they earn). Spanish are, on
average, more friendly when they meet new people.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The chart shows the

number of accidents that
occurred in ve different

Sample answers

The table compares gures for accidents that took place in

ve working environments.

The chart compares ve companies (or company

departments) in terms of the number of accidents that took
place in each one.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Over the centuries, we

have seen incredible
advances in science, but no
real advances in the arts.

Sample answer

I agree with this statement, but there is a simple reason why the
arts have not seen the same advances as the sciences. Art
forms such as music, painting and literature are the expression
of human ideas and emotions, and humans have not
developed in the way that technology has. So, while the arts
may change as people express their ideas in di erent ways,
they do not necessarily progress as science and technology do.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Some people prefer to

buy organic food.

Sample answer

I suppose the main reason is that people see organic food

as healthier, because it is grown or prepared without the
use of chemicals.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a behaviour that is
typical amongst

Sample answer

Teenagers typically want to live more independently from

their parents, and they can become moody and defensive
when told what to do, or when treated like children by
adult family members.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

While there are many

bene ts, the drawbacks
are also __ considering.

Correct answer

Note: ‘Something is worth doing’ is a normal construction

in English.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

By this time next year…

Sample answers

…I will have graduated.

…the pandemic will be a distant memory.
…the cost of living will probably have risen even higher.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Advantages and
disadvantages of
public transport


• cheaper than owning a car

• avoid parking problems
• often faster than driving (e.g. underground systems in big cities)
• help to reduce pollution
• reduce tra c congestion


• sometimes slow and unreliable

• sometimes overcrowded and dirty
• people feel like ‘sardines in a can’
• private cars are more comfortable
• you need to do more walking

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Crime rates are higher

in cities than in small

Sample answers

There is more crime in cities than in smaller urban areas.

Small towns tend to be safer than cities, in the sense that

there is less crime.

Criminality is more prevalent in cities than in towns.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

More products should be

produced locally, rather
than imported from

Sample answer

I agree that we should produce and buy local products

wherever possible. This is a good idea from both an
economic perspective, because it can boost local
employment, and from an environmental perspective,
because it will reduce the pollution caused by transporting

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Politeness is more
important in some
cultures than in others.

Sample answer

It is di cult to say why this is the case. I imagine that the

accepted norms around politeness and behaviour have
developed over hundreds or even thousands of years in
each part of the world. In other words, they can be seen as
part of the social history of each country or culture.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of volunteer work that

some people choose
to do.

Sample answer

Here in the UK, some people volunteer to work in places

called ‘food banks’. These are charity organisations that
provide free food to those who are living below the poverty

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Many young adults nd

it dif cult to __ with

Correct answer

Note: You could also write ‘live’ or ‘deal’, but “cope with
stress” is a very common collocation.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

People follow the lives

of celebrities because…

Sample answers

…they enjoy reading about gossip and glamour.

…famous people live more interesting lives than most of us.
…they admire the achievements of their favourite stars.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Arguments for domestic

tourism instead of
holidays abroad

Some ideas

• cheaper than travelling overseas

• support the local tourist economy
• learn more about the di erent parts of your own country
• better for the environment, less pollution from travel
• easier to use your own language and currency
• no culture shock

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The percentage of people who

study for career purposes is
higher than that of people who
study for pleasure.

Sample answers

More students attend university to further their careers

than to learn about subjects that interest them.

Most people study for professional reasons, rather than

for enjoyment.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Today’s young people are

more worried about the future
than previous generations of
young people were.

Sample answer

I would say that this is true. Young people are very

concerned about environmental issues, and we see this
in the demonstrations and protests by the ‘Extinction
Rebellion’ movement. I also think that this generation of
young people has more worries related to their future
careers and whether they will be able to a ord a home.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Some people enjoy

dangerous sports.

Sample answer

I imagine that dangerous sports are thrilling and give you a

rush of adrenaline. Some people say that these emotions
make them feel more alive.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a vehicle that you

would like to own or
travel in.

Sample answer

If I had the money, I’d like to buy my own helicopter. I

recently saw a TV programme about someone who ew
around in his own helicopter, and I remember thinking that it
would be great to have one!

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

We should __ more
emphasis on well-being
and quality of life.

Correct answer
place / put

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

What I have learnt

recently is…

Sample answers

…that life is full of surprises.

…to think carefully before I speak.
…that people see the world in very di erent ways.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

The bene ts and

drawbacks of television

Bene ts

• a good way to relax

• programmes can be entertaining and enjoyable
• some programmes are informative and educational
• we learn about events around the world


• we waste time that could be used more productively

• children copy the behaviour that they see
• watching too much television is linked to poor physical health
• some people think that violence on television causes real-world

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

I am writing with regard to

a mistake that one of your
staff members made.

Sample answers

I am writing to bring to your attention an error that was

made by an employee of yours.

I would like to inform you about an error committed by a

member of your sta .

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Over the next fty years,

robots will make many
human workers redundant.

Sample answer

Unfortunately, I believe that this prediction will come true.

To give just one example, robots are being developed that
can carry out surgical procedures and operations with
much greater accuracy than human doctors. It is therefore
likely that these robots will cause redundancies in the
medical profession.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Music is a part of all

human cultures.

Sample answer

In my opinion, the main reason why music is so important

to humans is that we use it as a form of communication.
Children learn simple songs before they can even speak
properly, and adults use music to express their emotions.
Regardless of language or cultural background, music
seems to unite us all.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a household chore
that you don’t like

Sample answer

I de nitely don’t enjoy cleaning. No matter how tidy my

house is, the dust gathers and oors need to be
vacuumed regularly. The cycle of cleaning never ends!

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

__ to a new study,
creativity may be a
partly inherited trait.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

One regret that I have


Sample answers

…I didn’t practise playing the guitar more as a child.

…I didn’t spend more time with my grandparents.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Advantages and
disadvantages of living in
a country with a hot


• You can wear summer clothes all year round.

• Hot weather can be better for people’s health.
• You can do lots of di erent outdoor sports and activities.
• You can eat meals outside / in your garden.


• You need to install air conditioning.

• Too much heat can make you tired and lazy.
• It is nice to live through other seasons, like autumn and winter.
• I would need to apply sun cream every day.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Creativity should be
valued over rote

Sample answers

We should attach more importance to inventiveness than

to memorisation of facts.

Children should be encouraged to use their imagination

and express their own ideas, rather than just learn
information by heart.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Governments should tackle

poverty by building many
more affordable homes.

Sample answer

Yes, I agree with this idea. Lack of a ordable housing is

one of the main causes of poverty where I live, and
politicians could lift many people out of poverty by
addressing this problem.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

More importance
should be given to the
study of history.

Sample answer

An understanding of history is vital if we want to avoid the

mistakes of the past. For example, if an economist has
studied previous nancial crises, he or she should know
what measures governments and central banks should
take in a future economic downturn.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a building that you

consider to be

Sample answer

The rst building that comes to mind is Notre Dame

cathedral in Paris, France. I love the gothic architecture of
the cathedral, with its high ceilings, stained glass
windows, and its intricate stonework. I especially like the
many gargoyles - the strange sculpted creatures that can
be seen peering down from the building.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

History gives us an __
into who we are.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Just as we need to take

physical exercise,
we also…

Sample answers

…need to exercise our minds.

…need to keep our brains working.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Different ways to
reduce traf c

Some ideas

• increase taxes on drivers

• introduce congestion charges in cities
• improve the public transport infrastructure
• make buses and trains cheaper
• build more cycle lanes to encourage cyclists
• encourage more people to work from home

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The chart compares

annual precipitation
data for two countries.

Sample answers

The graph compares the amount of rain that falls in

country A and country B in an average year.

The graph shows gures for yearly rainfall in… and…

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Good parenting is
more important than
good schooling.

Sample answer

That is almost certainly true. Parents and the home

environment have a huge in uence on children in the early
years of their lives. In fact, children’s behavioural patterns
are probably well established by the time they start
primary school at age 4 or 5, so even the best schooling
may not make much of a di erence.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Clothes fashions are

constantly changing.

Sample answer

I think the main reason for this is that it makes good

business sense to keep consumers buying new products.
Clothes designers, manufacturers and shops can sell
more clothes and make more pro t because new trends
ensure a constant demand.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a game that you

enjoyed playing as a

Sample answer

I remember loving a game called dodgeball when I was

at primary school. We were taught this game in a physical
education lesson, and it was great fun. Two teams of
players had to throw balls at each other, and the aim was to
hit the players on the other team and avoid getting hit by

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

From an __ perspective,
video games encourage
creativity and problem-

Correct answer

Note: After the word ‘an’ we need a word that begins with a
vowel. We could also use ‘individual’, but ‘educational’ ts
better with the idea that video games encourage creativity
and problem-solving.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Personally, I disagree
with the idea that…

Sample answers

…English is an easy language to learn.

…computers will one day replace human teachers.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Arguments for and

against capital

Arguments for

• The death penalty may deter people from committing crimes.

• It can be seen as a form of revenge for victims of crime.
• The cost of imprisonment is avoided.
• The o ender cannot pose a threat to others.

Arguments against

• Innocent people could be wrongly convicted and executed.

• Crime rates are not necessarily reduced.
• Executing prisoners creates a violent culture and encourages revenge.
• We have no right to take another human life.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

At the rst stage in the

process, the raw materials
are mixed together.

Sample answers

The process begins with the mixing of raw materials.

First, materials A, B and C (name the raw materials) are

blended together / combined.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

All children should

learn to play a musical

Sample answer

I disagree with that idea. I certainly believe that children

should be encouraged to try playing various musical
instruments. However, some children prefer sports and
other outdoor activities, and they shouldn’t be forced to
stay indoors practising an instrument if that doesn’t
appeal to them.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Life expectancy
increased dramatically
over the last century.

Sample answer

I imagine that developments in medicine, and in particular

the discovery of antibiotics and other life-saving drugs,
played an important part in this.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a piece of furniture
that you like.

Sample answer

My favourite piece of furniture is a big leather armchair

that I have in my living room. I like it because it’s so
comfortable and because it’s in the perfect position next
to a window where I can watch the sun set in the evening.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

I have a __ amount of
respect for them.

Correct answers
huge / tremendous / great

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Various measures could

be taken to…

Sample answers

…reduce tra c in the city centre.

…bring crime rates down.
…mitigate the environmental impact of tourism.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

The consequences of
ageing populations

Some ideas

• more people of retirement age who receive a pension

• a smaller proportion of younger, working adults
• therefore, more pressure on government nances
• a greater tax burden on workers
• a rise in the demand for healthcare for the elderly
• the need to build more retirement homes

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The diagram shows the

life cycle of a butter y.

Sample answers

The diagram illustrates the stages in the life of a butter y.

The picture shows the various stages in a butter y’s life.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Children should be
prohibited from bringing
phones into school.

Sample answer

This is a di cult topic, because some children may need to

contact their parents at the end of the school day. It also makes
sense for parents to be able to message their children if, for
example, they need to change arrangements for pickup after
school. However, I totally support the idea that phones should
be banned in the classroom.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Copying is generally seen

as something negative or
morally wrong.

Sample answer

Copying is seen as wrong because it is akin to stealing the

work or the ideas of another person. In a school context it
is seen as cheating, and the plagiariser or ‘copier’ is
generally considered to be lazy or incapable of doing the
work independently.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a team project that

you were involved in.

Sample answer

I was involved in a team project during my nal term at

business school. There were four of us on the team, and
our task was to work with a local company to research a
new market, in a European country, for one of their
products or services. Our objective was to produce a
report and give a presentation.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

They identi ed a __
in the market.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

People choose their

careers according to…

Sample answers

…a variety of di erent factors.

…their skills, abilities and aptitudes.
…how much money they want to earn.
…the work-life balance that they desire.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

The qualities that make

someone a good friend

Some ideas

• A friend should be honest, trustworthy and supportive.

• be interesting, fun, good to be around
• Friends should share common interests.
• have lots in common with each other
• enjoy the same hobbies and activities
• have the same sense of humour

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Mobile phone usage

rose, whereas landline
usage fell.

Sample answers

• There was a rise in the use of mobile phones, and a fall

in the use of landlines.
• A rise in the use of mobile phones was accompanied by
a fall in the use of landlines.
• More people used mobile phones, while fewer people
used landline phones.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

People should not expect

to have one career for the
whole of their lives.

Sample answer

As a general rule, I agree with this. We live in a rapidly

changing world in which stable, lifelong careers are now
the exception rather than the rule. Most people will need
to retrain and perhaps move into an entirely new sector at
some point in their lives, especially as advances in
technology create new markets and replace many

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Some people believe that

ghting sports, like boxing,
should be banned.

Sample answer

Many people argue that those sports encourage violence

and send the wrong message to young people. They
worry that famous ghters are negative role models.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a funny situation that

made you laugh.

Sample answer

I remember I once had a funny stumble as I was walking through

the city centre with a friend. All of a sudden, the wind blew a
discarded plastic bag into my path and under one of my feet.
Bizarrely, my other foot then caught on the bag as I continued to
walk, and I tripped myself up. I remember doing a kind of slow-
motion fall as my friend watched in disbelief. He couldn’t stop
laughing, and I had to laugh at myself and the strangely
embarrassing incident.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Since the __ of this

measure, the situation
has improved.

Correct answers
introduction / implementation

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

There are two main

bene ts to…

Sample answers

…doing regular exercise.

…taking lessons rather than studying alone.

It is normal to say “bene ts of (doing) exercise” and
“bene ts to doing exercise”. It might seem strange that
we use “to + ing”, but this is a possible structure in English.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Reasons to learn more

than one language

Some ideas

• to make travelling abroad easier and more interesting

• to make friends in other countries
• to truly understand another country and its culture
• to broaden the mind
• to learn more about the world and become wiser
• as a challenge
• as a mental exercise that sharpens the mind

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

I disagree with the idea

that every worker should
be paid the same salary.

Sample answers

In my opinion, it would be wrong to pay all employees

exactly the same wage.

I do not believe that all workers deserve equal pay.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

To master a skill, you

just need enough

Sample answer

I think this is broadly true. People with high levels of

motivation and enthusiasm tend to become pro cient at
their chosen skills. For example, a person who practises a
musical instrument for ve hours every day is likely to
master the instrument in the end, regardless of his or her
initial level of natural ability.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Many people
procrastinate instead of
doing their work.

Sample answer

Procrastination is about avoiding work and putting it o

until later, and I think we do this when a task seems di cult
or when we’re expected to produce our best work. We
worry that we won’t do the task well enough, so we
distract ourselves with something easier instead of
making a start.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of an interesting
journey that you went

Sample answer

A few summers ago, my family and I travelled by ferry back

from Spain to England, which is a journey that takes about
24 hours. We normally make the same trip by plane, so it
was a novel experience for us to spend a night in a little
cabin with bunk beds and a view out to sea. We even
spotted some dolphins through our port hole at one

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

The potential bene ts

do not __ the risks

Correct answers
outweigh / negate

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

People have different

views about…

Sample answers

…whether (or not) schools should separate children

according to academic ability.

…how governments should spend their budgets.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Arguments for and

against experiments
using animals

Arguments for

• Animals are used in important scienti c research.

• It is necessary to do medical tests on new drugs.
• Many medical discoveries involved experimentation on animals.
• Researchers aim to minimise the su ering that animals experience.

Arguments against

• The bene ts of animal testing do not justify the su ering caused.

• There are alternative methods of research.
• The lives of animals should be respected.
• Humans have no moral right to do experiments on animals.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Over 75% of people

use their phones to
search the Internet.

Sample answers

The majority of people browse the Web on their phones.

More than three quarters of the population do Internet

searches on their mobile phones.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

For young children,

play is more important
than formal learning.

Sample answer

Play is certainly essential for all children, but a certain

amount of formal learning becomes important from around
age 5, in my opinion. For example, teachers can help
children to begin reading, writing and doing basic maths.
So, perhaps young children should spend most of their time
playing, but I think they can bene t from some daily
instruction too.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Engineering, law and

medicine are the most
popular degree courses.

Sample answer

Engineering, law and medicine are popular because they

are seen as high-status vocational courses. In other
words, they are courses that prepare students for
professions with relatively high salaries and a certain
amount of prestige in society.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a popular children’s

Sample answer

Lego toys have been popular for as long as I can remember,

and they are great for children of all ages. For example,
toddlers love using the big, colourful Lego bricks to make
simple towers, and older children enjoy following detailed
instructions to make complex models, such as vehicles,
houses, and even whole cities.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

It makes __ to
research the market
before buying.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

In my experience,…

Sample answers

…most work projects take twice as long as predicted.

…the simplest answer is usually the best.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Which services should

be government funded?

Some ideas

• state primary schools and high schools

• police, re ghters, armed forces
• some maintenance of infrastructure e.g. road repairs
• basic and emergency healthcare
• some level of welfare support e.g. unemployment,
disability, elderly care, maternity, childcare

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

I’m afraid I’m going to

turn your offer down.

Sample answers

I’ll have to decline your o er I’m afraid.

Unfortunately I won’t be able to accept your proposal /

suggestion / bid.*

*Di erent words can be used depending on the type of o er

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Tourism destroys
natural wildlife

Sample answer

Unfortunately, I suppose that this must be true. The tourist

industry requires the building of hotels, roads, airports and
so on, and this activity must lead to the destruction of
natural areas.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

A competitive market
can lead to better
products and services.

Sample answer

It stands to reason that companies will try to outdo each

other as they compete to attract customers, and this
does result in improved products and services. For
example, mobile phone technology is constantly
advancing due to competition between manufacturers
like Apple and Samsung.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a tree, plant or
ower that people in
your country like.

Sample answer

The oak tree is seen as special here in the UK. In fact, the
most famous oak tree in England even has a name. The
‘Major Oak’ in Sherwood Forest was supposedly Robin
Hood’s hideout. The wood from oak trees has always been
used in the construction of houses and furniture, and it
symbolises history, strength and reliability.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

The famous monument

is a talking __ for

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

While some people

argue that…

Sample answers

…teachers should be strict with their pupils, others believe

that children respond best to friendly encouragement.

…nuclear power is dangerous, others see it as an important

source of low-carbon energy.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Are the Olympic

Games a waste of


• Most Olympic Games go over budget and fail to make a pro t.

• Public money is used that could have been spent on other projects.
• Facilities are built that fall into disuse afterwards.
• There are no lasting bene ts for local communities.


• Hosting the Olympic Games is seen as prestigious.

• The Games attract global attention and put host cities on the map.
• The Olympics unite people of all nationalities.
• It is worth spending money on events that inspire young people.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

London received the

highest number of
visitors of any UK city.

Sample answers

More people visited London than any other city in the UK.

London was the UK’s most visited city.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

It is better to learn by
experience than by

Sample answer

I think this is very often true. For example, the best chefs
are those who have spent years working in restaurants, not
those who have read the most cookery books. Similarly,
the best writers are those who put pen to paper every day,
not those who spend their time theorising about how to

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

In spite of traf c problems,

many people still prefer to
drive rather than use
public transport.

Sample answer

I think the main reasons why people choose to drive are

comfort and convenience. Drivers do not have to walk to
a train or bus station, wait with other travellers, or put up
with delayed or overcrowded services. They simply get
into their cars and drive straight to their destinations.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of how the behaviour

of parents can in uence

Sample answer

A simple example could be the way parents speak to each

other at home. If children see their parents shouting or
arguing, they may copy this behaviour at school, and if
parents speak to each other more calmly and respectfully,
their children are likely to communicate with peers and
teachers in the same way.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

When I want to
improve my __ I go
for a walk.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

My favourite colour is
blue because…

Sample answer

…I nd it peaceful and calming; it isn’t too brash, bright

or bold.

…it reminds me of a clear sky or a tranquil sea on a sunny


365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

The in uence of nature

versus nurture


• the in uence of genetics and other biological factors

• the physical characteristics that we are born with
• our inherited character traits
• e.g. introverted versus extroverted, agreeable versus competitive


• the in uence of the external environment

• the impact that parents, teachers and peers have on young children
• e.g. strict versus lenient parenting styles
• life experiences, trauma, good luck and bad luck

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Children should be
allowed to make decisions
for themselves.

Sample answers

We should let children make their own decisions.

Adults should allow children to take responsibility for their

own choices in life.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Which world city is the

best place to live, and

Sample answer

I think the best place to live is wherever you feel at home

and have family and friends. So, although it might not have
the cultural life of London, the architecture of Venice, or
the climate of Barcelona, I’m going to say that Manchester
is currently the best place for me.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Some people treat

shopping as a hobby.

Sample answer

Shopping can be exciting, interesting and fun, just like

any other hobby. Compulsive shoppers, or ‘shopaholics’,
love searching for something new, keeping up with trends
and fashions, or perhaps simply enjoying a day out in a
city centre or shopping mall with friends.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a common mistake
that learners of English

Sample answer

English learners often make little mistakes with articles like

‘a’ and ‘the’. It’s di cult to know exactly when to use an
article and when an article isn’t required.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

My __ years were the

happiest of my life.

Correct answers
early / childhood / school / student / college / university

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Teachers should be
given the power to…

Sample answers

…con scate mobile phones when children have them in

the classroom.

…create their own courses according to their students’


365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

The advantages and

disadvantages of
having wealthy parents


• Education: attend the best schools, have private tutors

• Possessions: clothes, gadgets, toys, cars
• Experiences: holidays abroad, expensive hobbies, cultural events
• Work: parents may use connections to nd jobs for their children


• Children may become spoilt and entitled

• they may lack drive, motivation, purpose
• feel under pressure to live up to their parents’ expectations
• life can be boring without challenges and struggle

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Around 5 million
people travel to work
by train each day.

Sample answers

Approximately 5 million commuters take the train on a

daily basis.

Each day, roughly 5 million workers commute by train.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Work experience is
more important than
quali cations.

Sample answer

I think this depends on the job or profession. For example,

on-the-job experience might be the priority for a
restaurant manager who needs to recruit a chef, but a
prestigious degree might be valued much more highly at
a technology giant like Google.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Advertising campaigns
are often aimed at

Sample answer

Advertisers know that children are easily in uenced, and

that they pester their parents when they want something.
So, a fast food franchise may choose to target children
with their marketing because they want whole families to
eat in their restaurants.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a future plan that is

not related to work or

Sample answer

One plan that I have is to do more exercise and get in

better shape. I haven’t planned exactly how I’ll do this yet -
perhaps I’ll start swimming or join a gym - but I am
determined to work on this area of my life at some point
in the future.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

We live in a rapidly
__ world.

Correct answer

Note: ‘evolving’ is also possible, but ‘changing’ is by far the most

common choice in this context.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Recycling should be…

Sample answers

…taught in schools.
…a priority for governments.
…the job of local councils.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

How should a country’s

success be measured?

Some ideas

• in terms of its wealth or GDP (gross domestic product)

• levels of education e.g. average literacy and numeracy
• how healthy the population is
• how happy the average person is
• how disadvantaged members of society are treated
e.g. support for unemployed, sick or disabled people
• social mobility i.e. how easy it is to improve one’s
position in a society
365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon

Paraphrase this:

The process begins with

the collection of waste

Sample answers

At the rst stage in the process, waste paper is collected.

The rst stage of the process involves waste paper


365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Children do not spend

enough time playing

Sample answer

I agree with this view. The culture around children’s play

has changed in recent years because children have
access to the Internet, on-demand TV and lms, video
games and social media. I believe that outdoor play is
healthier than these indoor, sedentary activities, and it
should be encouraged.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Some people choose to

live in the same house
for their whole lives.

Sample answer

A family home can hold a lot of memories that people do

not want to lose. For example, a certain room may remind
parents of when their children were younger, or perhaps a
speci c chair reminds family members of a deceased

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a physical activity
that you would like to
try doing.

Sample answer

I would like to try scuba diving in a tropical ocean or sea.

I imagine that it’s a wonderful experience to swim in
crystal clear waters with brightly coloured sh and other
interesting sea creatures.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Working overseas has

__ my horizons.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

I am pro cient at…

Sample answers

…my job.
…using this software.
…creating spreadsheets.

Note: You can also say “I am pro cient in English”.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Imagine what a perfect

society would be like.

Some ideas

• no social problems like poverty, crime, unemployment

• we would have cures for all illnesses
• we would live in harmony with the natural environment
• we would be free to pursue our individual dreams

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The average person

walks over 200 miles
per year.

Sample answers

On average, we each walk more than 200 miles every year.

Each person walks an average of over 200 miles annually.

The average distance that each of us walks per year is

200 miles.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Tourists should pay

more than locals to visit
cultural attractions.

Sample answer

I agree with this, and it may already happen in an indirect

way. For example, many attractions put their prices up
during holiday seasons, so tourists end up paying more.
During the o season, places like museums and art
galleries must rely on local visitors, and they may drop their
prices to attract them.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

We all need time for


Sample answer

When we work hard, we also need time to relax and

unwind. This leisure time helps us to feel refreshed and
ready to approach work with renewed vigour.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a New Year’s
resolution that you
once made.

Sample answer

More than once I have resolved to eat more healthily, lose

weight and get in shape. However, like many people, I
often fail to keep my New Year’s resolutions for longer
than a few weeks!

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

I take __
in my appearance.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Every member of
society should try to…

Sample answers

…consume less.
…save energy.
…live according to a set of moral principles.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Compare old and new

building designs.

Old buildings

• often built using stone, bricks and wood

• architects valued beauty and elaborate stone work
• large buildings were low but wide and sprawling
• Example: beautiful Gothic buildings in Venice, Italy

New buildings

• usually built using materials like steel, glass and concrete

• architects value functionality, e ciency and minimalism
• large buildings tend to be tall, with many storeys
• Example: skyscrapers in modern cities like Dubai

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Governments could
implement measures to
mitigate this problem.

Sample answers

Governments could take steps to address this issue.

The problem could be alleviated if governments took


365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Companies, not
individuals, are the
main cause of waste
and pollution.

Sample answer

I completely agree with this statement. Companies produce

tonnes of rubbish in the form of packaging, they
contaminate rivers with their waste products, and they
pollute the air as a result of their manufacturing
processes. They do far more damage than individuals.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Some people drop litter

in public places.

Sample answer

I nd it di cult to understand why anyone would do this. I

suppose the simple reason must be that those people are
lazy and inconsiderate.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of an old object that

you own or would like
to own.

Sample answer

Well, it would be nice to own something that has become a

valuable antique or a rare collector’s item. For example, I
would like to own the rst edition of a novel by a famous
writer like Charles Dickens.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Many people are

afraid of having to
speak in __.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

I am writing this letter

with regard to…

Sample answers

…an item that I purchased from your store.

…the proposed closure of my local sports centre.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

The positives and

negatives of credit


• convenience: pay for something that you cannot currently a ord

• spread the cost by paying o the debt gradually
• protection: claim your money back if there is a problem
• receive rewards e.g. special o ers, loyalty points, air miles


• debts can pile up quickly

• fees and interest rates make purchases more expensive
• people are encouraged to spend money that they don’t have
• credit cards promote materialism and addictive shopping behaviours

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

We are bombarded
with advertisements.

Sample answers

Advertising is all around us.

Advertising is ubiquitous.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

The aim of most news

broadcasters is to
entertain people, not to
inform them.

Sample answer

This might well be true. I think the main aim of most

broadcasters is to make money, and they do that by
choosing sensational news stories that attract larger
audiences. For example, a scandal in the private life of a
politician will be given much more news coverage than
the same politician’s day-to-day work.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Community service is
often used as a way to
punish criminals.

Sample answer

Community service is often judged to be the appropriate

punishment when the lawbreaker is a rst-time o ender
or is not deemed to be a threat to society. In these
circumstances, a prison sentence might be seen as harsh
and unnecessary.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a school subject that

you disliked.

Sample answer

There was a period during my school years when I disliked

mathematics. I found it boring that we had to do so many
repetitive exercises, and much of what we studied
seemed abstract and pointless. Perhaps the main
problem was that my maths teachers weren’t very
enthusiastic or motivating.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Household devices, such

as dishwashers, have
made people __.

Correct answers
lazy / idle / dependent

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Advances in genetic
technologies may one
day allow us to…

Sample answers

…clone human organs.

…cure diseases.
…manipulate the genes of unborn babies.
…live longer, healthier lives.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Why are families

getting smaller?

Some ideas

• Both parents often have to work.

• Parents are busy and under too much stress.
• Raising children is expensive.
• Childcare costs are too high.
• It is easier to focus on just one or two children.
• Modern parents spend huge amounts of money on their
children’s hobbies and extracurricular activities.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Research shows that

television can affect
children’s mental health.

Sample answers

According to researchers, the mental health of children can

be a ected by television.

Television can have a negative psychological e ect on

children, according to some studies.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

If given the choice, most

people would prefer to
work from home.

Sample answer

I disagree with this. When they are able to work from home,
people soon realise that they miss the social interactions
that they had in their workplaces. I think most people prefer
to work in teams and have real face-to-face contact with

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

In many countries,
smoking is banned in

Sample answer

Smoking is banned because it has been shown to cause

illnesses like cancer, and because it is unfair for non-
smokers to be put in a situation where they are forced to
breathe in smoke all day.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a seasonal job.

Sample answer

Many jobs in the tourist industry are seasonal. For

example, many hotels in beach resorts only open during
the summer season, so all hotel sta would be classed as
seasonal workers.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

A living wage is the

minimum income that
people need to __
their basic needs.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

If I could live anywhere

in the world, I…

Sample answers

…would live next to a beach in a warm country.

…would stay exactly where I am.
…would move to (country / city).

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Bene ts of reading
quickly versus reading

Reading quickly

• glean lots of information in a short time

• read a wide range of books and articles
• get a good overview of a whole subject or topic
• scan and skim for key information only

Reading slowly

• gain a deeper understanding of a given text

• have time to re ect on what you have read
• have time to appreciate the way a text is written
• If you scan or skim, you may miss things or misunderstand ideas.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

I believe that other

factors are equally

Sample answers

In my opinion, other considerations should be given

equal importance.

I would argue that a range of other factors are of

comparable signi cance.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Exercise is the best way

to deal with stress.

Sample answer

I completely agree. Physical exercise is by far the easiest

and most e ective way to alleviate stress. Even a brisk
walk is enough to change a person’s mood or mental

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

The teenage years are

dif cult for many

Sample answer

Adolescence is a di cult stage in life because it is a period

of transition from dependent child to independent adult.
Teenagers typically want to distance themselves from
their parents and nd their own identities.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a person whom you

consider to be a
positive role model.

Sample answer

My father was a positive role model for me as I was growing

up. As a parent he was rm but fair, and he almost never
raised his voice or became angry. I think he dealt with
problems well, and he was hard-working and trustworthy. I
aspire to be the same.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Sales of product A
were higher than __
of product B.

Correct answer
(to avoid repeating ‘sales’)

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

One of my earliest
memories is of…

Sample answers

…playing a xylophone at my rst nursery school.

…unwrapping Christmas presents in the living room of my

childhood home.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

What are humanity’s

biggest challenges?

Some ideas

• climate change
• preparing for the next pandemic
• global cooperation to avoid con ict
• mitigating the risks of a nuclear war
• the dangers of arti cial intelligence

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Sales gures in 2019

were twice as high as in

Sample answers

Sales doubled between 2017 and 2019.

Over the two years from 2017 to 2019, there was a twofold
increase in sales.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

All children should play

a team sport at school.

Sample answer

Yes, I think they should. Team sports, like football,

basketball and hockey, foster a spirit of cooperation and
healthy competition. They teach children to work together
and support each other in the pursuit of shared goals.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Some parents pay for

their children to attend
private schools.

Sample answer

One reason tends to be that private schools are seen to

have stricter discipline policies and fewer issues with
bad behaviour in lessons. Private schools can achieve this
because they are able to expel disruptive pupils with
relative ease.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a possession that
you lost.

Sample answer

I seem to be good at losing umbrellas! I don’t usually carry

an umbrella, so if I ever do take one with me, it’s very easy
for me to forget about it and leave it somewhere. I bought a
huge umbrella a couple of years ago, and I have no idea
where I lost it.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

You can’t pay on the

day. You must book
in __.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Holidays are important


Sample answers

…they give us something to look forward to.

…we all need time to relax and recharge our batteries.
…life would be dull without them.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

What are the most

important moments in a
person’s life?

Some ideas

• births, marriages and deaths in the family

• school and university examinations
• choosing a profession or career
• an important job interview
• meeting a future partner

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Salaries in London are

higher than in the rest
of England.

Sample answers

Workers in London are paid more than those in other areas

of the country.

London wages are the highest in England.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

It is better to get advice

from a friend than from
a family member.

Sample answer

As a general rule, I would say that this is true. Family

members can be overprotective, and parents, in particular,
tend to o er advice from a very cautious and caring
perspective. Friends are more likely to give honest advice,
regardless of whether it might be a little harsh or critical.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

The majority of people

lead sedentary lives.

Sample answer

Most of us spend our days sitting down at work, we travel

to and from work by car or using public transport, and we
feel too tired in the evenings to do any strenuous
activities. Rather, we choose to watch television, play
video games or chat to friends online. This certainly is a
sedentary lifestyle.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a family celebration
that you enjoyed.

Sample answer

I really enjoyed my brother’s wedding, particularly the

wedding reception, which is what we call the celebration
after the marriage ceremony. It was a very special day,
and I was delighted to see members of my extended
family whom I hadn’t seen for several years.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Scientists have __ out

extensive research.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

As a child I…

Sample answers

…loved playing hide-and-seek.

…got on well with all of my classmates at school.
…always looked forward to the summer holidays.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Arguments for and

against a cashless

Arguments for

• Contactless payments are fast and convenient for customers.

• Shops no longer need cash registers.
• a reduction in crime e.g. street muggings and bank robberies
• Tax collection becomes more accurate and di cult to avoid.

Arguments against

• Elderly people prefer cash and struggle with new technologies.

• Cyber crimes are on the increase.
• less privacy because digital payments are traceable
• Governments could potentially con scate people’s money.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Smartphones have

Sample answer

Smartphones have completely changed the way we

communicate with each other.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Money can buy


Sample answer

To a certain extent I agree with this. A degree of nancial

stability enables a person to live a more comfortable life,
free from worries about basic needs like having a home
and being able to a ord food and clothing. Money can
also buy experiences that may increase happiness, such
as holidays or a meal with friends in a nice restaurant.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Many people have

debts that they are
unable to pay off.

Sample answer

People are often tempted to use a credit card or bank loan

to buy things, such as clothes, cars, gadgets and holidays,
that they cannot really a ord. Unfortunately, this
sometimes leads to the accumulation of massive,
unpayable debts.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a useful tip that

someone gave you.

Sample answer

Somebody once advised me to say “no” more often. At the

time, I felt that I was always too busy, and I was in the
habit of constantly doing things for others and saying yes
to every request, both at work and outside work. Learning
to politely say no has helped me to focus on what is

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Salaries __ up a
large proportion of the
company’s spending.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

People should be
encouraged to…

Sample answers

…recycle household rubbish.

…learn a second language.
…save a proportion of their monthly income.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Arguments for and against

video surveillance
in public places

Arguments for

• deter criminals, such as shoplifters and pickpockets

• make it easier for the police to monitor city centres
• Members of the public may feel safer.
• Police can be alerted to accidents, overcrowding and other incidents.

Arguments against

• Some see surveillance as an invasion of privacy.

• People feel that they are being watched by the authorities.
• a form of state control that reduces individual freedom
• an excuse to reduce the number of police o cers on the streets

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The table shows levels

of air pollution in ve

Sample answers

The chart compares ve cities in terms of their air

pollution levels.

The table gives information about air quality in… (name

the ve cities).

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Universities should not

charge tuition fees.

Sample answer

I am uncertain as to whether I agree or disagree with this,

because there are strong arguments on both sides. From an
idealistic perspective, I support free education for everyone,
and I believe that university graduates make valuable
contributions to society. However, from a more practical
perspective, I understand that universities are expensive to
run, and I accept that many taxpayers do not want their money
to be spent on the education of an elite minority.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

The habitats of wild

animals must be

Sample answer

If we do not protect wildlife habitats, we will be responsible

for dwindling numbers of wild animals and the extinction
of entire species.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of an indoor game
(not a sport) that
you enjoy playing.

Sample answer

I enjoy playing a game called Monopoly. The aim of this

game is to buy houses and hotels on famous London
streets, to earn money from other players who land on your
properties, and nally to win by making everyone else
bankrupt. It’s a fun game for all the family.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

She practises to hone

her __.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

There are several

factors that contribute

Sample answers

…success in any given situation.

…physical and mental health problems.
…the underrepresentation of women in science careers.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

The bene ts and

drawbacks of being an
optimistic person

Bene ts

• Optimistic people tend to be happier.

• They look on the bright side and see problems as challenges.
• They are more likely to learn from failures and setbacks.
• They avoid stress and anxiety.


• Optimism sometimes becomes delusion.

• An optimist may be naive in dangerous situations.
• Optimists may fail to plan for negative outcomes.
• They may su er huge disappointments when things go wrong.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Between 2005 and 2015,

waste production rose from
50 to 70 million tonnes.

Sample answers

The amount of waste increased by 20 million tonnes from

2005 to 2015.

In 2005, 50 million tonnes of waste were produced, and this

gure rose to 70 million tonnes in 2015.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Video games can be a

good teaching tool.

Sample answer

I suppose this would be true, although I have never seen a

teacher using video games in a lesson. Video games are
colourful, interactive and fun, so I’m sure they could be
used to present information or practise skills in a way
that engages children.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Cities should always

have parks and green

Sample answer

City parks and gardens provide much-needed places for

people to escape from the hustle and bustle of busy
streets, shops and o ce buildings. If you visit one of these
green spaces, you are likely to see people jogging,
sunbathing, eating lunch, playing with their children, going
for a stroll, or relaxing in some other way.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a daily routine that

you have.

Sample answer

Well, every morning I start the day with a cup of co ee in a

café close to where I work. While I obviously like drinking
co ee, what I like most is having a bit of time to myself
before my working day begins.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Workers are __ risk

__ redundancy.

Correct answer
at risk of

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

It is pointless to…

Sample answers

…worry about situations that are beyond your control.

…have rules if nobody follows them.
…complain about a problem that can easily be xed.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Arguments for and

against a universal
basic income
UBI is the idea that governments could give a basic income to all citizens.

Arguments for

• reduce poverty by giving everyone a basic wage

• ensure that all citizens’ basic needs are met
• remove the need for unemployment and other welfare bene ts
• make work a choice rather than a necessity

Arguments against

• Rich people would also receive this income, which seems wrong.
• reduce people’s motivation to work.
• cause in ation as prices rise because everyone is wealthier
• cause a surge in immigration from other countries

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The charts give information

about household spending
in two countries.

Sample answers

The charts compare two countries in terms of household


The charts compare the amounts of money spent by

households in… (name the countries).

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Women make better

primary school
teachers than men.

Sample answer

I consider this to be an overgeneralisation. Perhaps the

stereotype is that female teachers are kinder and more
gentle with little children, but this isn’t always true. Besides,
there are many other qualities that make both men and
women good teachers, such as the ability to control a
class or make learning fun.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Some people like to

collect things.

Sample answer

Building a collection of items, which could be anything from

stamps to cars, gives people a sense of purpose and
belonging. The collector becomes part of a community
of like-minded people who have the same hobby and who
can discuss and compare their prized possessions.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of something that you

nd easy and something
that you nd dif cult.

Sample answer

I nd it easy to express my ideas in writing, but di cult to

stand up in front of an audience and deliver the same
ideas in the form of a spoken presentation.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

My parents __ me
__ well.

Correct answer
brought me up

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

It is likely that…

Sample answers

…it will take me a couple of weeks to nish this project.

…we will see more extreme weather events over the

coming decade.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Ways to reduce road


Some ideas

• reduce the speed limit on all roads

• introduce tougher punishments for dangerous driving
• increase the number of tra c police o cers
• use more tra c calming measures e.g. road bumps
• make use of new technologies e.g. cameras and
sensors in cars that trigger braking in emergencies

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The chart compares two

companies in terms of the
waste disposal methods
that they use.

Sample answers

The chart shows how two companies process their waste


The chart gives information about the waste processing

methods of two companies.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

It is not the responsibility

of governments to care
for the elderly.

Sample answer

In an ideal world, elderly people would be looked after by

family members in their own homes. However, this is not
always possible, and I believe that governments should
fund facilities and programmes, such as residential
homes and community nursing, so that all ageing citizens
are cared for.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Having to speak in front of

an audience is many
people’s biggest fear.

Sample answer

Public speaking is a very common fear because most of us

worry about making fools of ourselves in front of others.
Having to speak in front of an audience exposes us to
scrutiny and judgement, and we don’t want to come
across as incompetent, unintelligent or boring.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of something that you

remember winning.

Sample answer

A few years ago, I was lucky enough to win the rst prize in
a charity ra e at a football match. I had bought a ra e
ticket simply to donate to the charity, and I did not expect
to win anything. To my surprise, my ticket number was
called out, and I won a football shirt that had been signed
by the whole team.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Sometimes my mind
goes __.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

In spite of…

Sample answers

…the rain, we had an enjoyable day out.

…my nervousness, I performed well in the test.

…the fact that she had very little experience, the

company hired her because of her positive attitude.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Compare traditional
values with modern

Traditional values

• be modest, respectful and diligent

• put family needs before your own desires
• love your country and accept your place in society
• defer to the wisdom of elders and leaders

Modern values

• be con dent and know your own worth

• prioritise your own happiness
• strive to improve yourself and achieve great things
• have your own opinions, make your own path in life

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Around 10% of people in

country A and only 2%
of people in country B
were aged 70 or older.

Sample answers

The proportion of the population aged 70 and over stood at

approximately 10% in country A and 2% in country B.

The proportion of people aged 70 or more was ve times

higher in country A (10%) than in country B (2%).

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

People should be free

to live in whichever
country they choose.

Sample answer

Yes, it would be nice to live in a world without borders, in

which people could move around freely. However, I
understand that there are many practical and political
reasons why immigration rules and controls exist. It is
unrealistic to believe that we should all be able to live
wherever we like.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Many criminals
reoffend after serving
prison sentences.

Sample answer

The main reason must surely be that having a criminal

record makes nding work much more di cult. So, at the
end of a prison sentence, the o ender may see crime as the
only way to make a living.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a song that you

remember from your

Sample answer

I remember singing Christmas songs like ‘Jingle Bells’ every

year during the festive season. When I hear this song, it
takes me back to that feeling of anticipation and
excitement that I had as a child each December.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

I fully __ the view


Correct answers
support / endorse

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

I recently started
taking an interest in…

Sample answers

…20th century history.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Bene ts and drawbacks

of living alone

Bene ts

• live however you choose

• no need to consider others before making decisions
• plenty of time for hobbies and relaxation
• no interruptions when studying or working


• only one person paying the rent or mortgage

• lack of daily interactions may lead to loneliness
• nobody to share fun moments with e.g. watching a lm
• boredom can lead to bad habits e.g. overeating

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Some people argue that

sports should be played
rather than watched.

Sample answers

It is sometimes said that sports are for playing, not for


One view is that we should participate in sports instead

of watching them.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Countries are becoming

more similar culturally,
and this is a negative

Sample answer

Overall, I would agree with this view. When I travel to

di erent countries as a tourist, what I enjoy most is
experiencing a completely di erent way of life. I like to
be surprised by di erent customs, behaviours, clothing and
foods. So, a world with less cultural variety is a blander
world, in my opinion.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Tourism sometimes has

a negative impact.

Sample answer

One negative e ect of tourism is that it tends to raise the

cost of living for local people. Shops and local
businesses know that they can charge higher prices
because of the in ux of visitors, but this also makes life
more di cult for permanent residents.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of an interesting
newspaper article that
you read recently.

Sample answer

I recently read an article about the idea that governments

could set a maximum salary for company bosses and
executives, who often earn hundreds of times more than
their own employees. I’m not sure whether this idea will be
put into practice, but it could be one way to address the
widening wage gap between the average worker and the
wealthiest members of society.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Is junk food to __ for

the rise in obesity?

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

Teenagers often argue

with their parents about
things like…

Sample answers

…tidiness, household chores and homework.

…pocket money, clothing choices and going out with


365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

What duties do you

think large companies
should have?

Some ideas

• create products and services that are safe and high quality
• have ethical business and employment practices
• value their employees and pay fair wages
• pay appropriate taxes in countries where they operate
• manage waste products responsibly

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

Many people emigrate

for work-related

Sample answers

It is quite common for people to move abroad in search of


A large number of people leave their home countries to

seek employment opportunities abroad.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Online shopping will lead

to the disappearance of
most high street shops.

Sample answer

I disagree, because I predict that high streets will simply

change with the times. In other words, shops that can
thrive on the Internet will disappear, but they will be
replaced by shops that work better in a physical location.
Besides, people will always enjoy doing their shopping in

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

Many people listen to

music while doing
physical exercise.

Sample answer

I think the main reason is that music is good for motivation

and positivity, especially if it has an upbeat rhythm that
drives you to put more e ort into a workout.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of something that you

like about a foreign

Sample answer

For me, the rst thing that comes to mind is the café
culture in France. Whenever I’m over in France, I start the
day by nding a nice place to have a cup of co ee and a
croissant while I read a book or newspaper.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

As a university student
I lived in a __ of

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

I have mixed feelings


Sample answers

…this project / idea / suggestion.

…my new job.
…being ___ years old.
…having to take this test.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

In what areas should

countries cooperate
rather than compete
with each other?

Some ideas

• facilitating trade
• allowing tourists and business people to travel freely
• dealing with criminals who cross borders
• ensuring good political relations
• avoiding disputes that can escalate into wars
• implementing measures to protect the environment

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

I agree with the

assertion that we live in
a throwaway society.

Sample answers

It is true that we live in a wasteful, consumerist society.

It is true that modern cultures have become materialistic

and wasteful.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give your opinion:

Countries with young

populations are in a better
position than those with
older populations.

Sample answer

This seems logical, because countries with younger

populations have more people of working age who can
contribute to the economy and pay taxes. Countries with
ageing populations will inevitably struggle with the
burden of huge pension obligations and the need to care
for their elderly residents.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give a reason:

We should reduce the

amount of plastic that
we use.

Sample answer

Perhaps the biggest problem with plastics is that they nd

their way into the natural environment, into our drinking
water, and into the food chain. The microplastics that end
up in our food and water may have a negative impact on
our health in the future.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Give an example…

of a character trait that

you would like to have
or improve.

Sample answer

I would like to be a bit more motivated and driven. I’m

quite an easy-going person, and I think I would achieve
greater things in life if I had the kind of persistent drive
that many high achievers seem to possess.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Fill the gap:

Visitors spent an __
of $50.

Correct answer

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Finish the sentence:

In the end, we…

Sample answers

…will have to make a decision one way or the other.

…(will) only regret the opportunities that we didn’t take.
…all grow old.
…only have one life.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Brainstorm this topic:

Arguments for and

against uniforms for
school children

Arguments for

• reduce peer pressure and bullying related to clothing

• make parents’ lives much easier and save them money
• foster a sense of pride, unity and community in the school
• encourage a more serious, respectful attitude among students

Arguments against

• promote conformity over individuality

• restrict students’ freedom of expression
• less comfortable than casual clothes
• often expensive, which places a nancial burden on some parents

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


Paraphrase this:

The key to good writing

is clear, coherent

Sample answers

If you want to write well, you should rst learn to think

clearly and coherently.

Logical thinking is the secret to cogent writing.

365 IELTS Exercises By IELTS Simon


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