Adobe Scan 28-Mar-2023

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Sale LeB
mgnutacuneia cade
Uavi8us methsds Joke aduttijaemen
Roisenal Comdacds Demd
3 f
ao@1 Convones
Qmd Sales Jutkrp Je f6mete the
Sale 6t he 206ds SeUice
k 2

a Sal
ub Pon H9meti4 meu Jme t
broducts in peh 3nert dedatl
gOu selt

S02 Spet Colenyleesut2s0062

DagPai Sautabh 8amaiS
WWW be
Spatr 1843-(om
Ret-No Sale /Coimau/24 DaHe 29
COURIER mastch, 2023||
The maNaAAI
8ung CSub
6 Combay be

Sob ickel t6ducd n heau decoum.

Dea ma Auag Xadau
HOU and ow1 futm have been J1eco -
mmended by Souwiab baypai that
oU my imtuTeed nhe mew
Sme b1Bducde ha e made fa
the 3P ebtys

Thp ime Com bany has tBda ed Shadk

bo1edutdsKeepirg n min he nees
thethe yovm GHCKedpn8 Audiculenly
Sut mew CHicket br JJoutg cmd
ble avte beirg aphrccicted by
diforestt Sbet Club amd Covcket atcden
3have enclosed Jotet
Cadolegve 9
The Same we av
Gtt1 lng l07. discoun
buadhcomin Hthe a00d3
3000 q bove Cmd 07 dis Caun

buiChagiy het J004

U1Upees So00 amdaboue.90
Oke to meel a

desiJte d -Pate Place qnd +Ime

dig Co UBe abott dhe udatily

Pted Ucete and
asSule You abett
healai bussmess Oe IHon if
e have Please
feel tnee Cortact
Phome U mben 638G 69148
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Sincexu ousB
P mahajom
Ses Executive
Co1edr Jetys
Now Pay Le3
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of the busene
The erot hle Cte
wsutren t Bhe See Rins
S6 he t8t m Ctedi
Cot9a Ctedo-
Corte dit
dtect messg
se misin Pa mem fuichin
Yo a t e Uined Kumas1, the
P3otche 2ee man e zast Commun
Coiom usutee

the Sals Man ezC P

Tem Stat eSecta 7i8 fi Velcd
fenIace in
Fisi3 9of Top CJtedis

ayte the Partchezes Tromcaun

aueemo CommuncaHen
whride a Aellart to the
Sal man eg Tern Stas
tot Place a aldu
Gtop 0n Ctedit

4 Daksh
Tnarlket tali kocd
013 2567345 Soolhar
yah m

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