Amm (2022)

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V Semester B.B.A. Examination, March/April 2A22

{CBCS} (F+R} {2016 - 17 and Onwards)
Paper - 5.6 : Elective Paper - ll : Advertising and Media Management

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

lnstruction : All answers shauld be tegibty written in English only"


Answer any five sub-questions. Each sub-question carrles two marks. {5x2=10)

1. a) Wlrai do you understand by copy testing ?

bi Mention any two main objectives of advertising.

c) Expand AIDAS.
d) Give the meaning of advertising copy
e) What do you mban hy window display ?

f) State the methods of measuring advertising effectiveness.

g) Detine media planning.


Answer any three Q,ljestions. Each question carries six marks. (3x6=18)

2. Discuss the irnportance of advertising.

3. Describe the Porter's five forces model.

4. Elucidate the points to be remenrbered wfrite writing an advertising copy.

5. Elucidate the steps evolved in development of media plan"

6. Explicate the functions of an advertising agency.

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7. Explain the economic and social aspects of advertising.

B. Expound the steps in developing advertising plan.

g. Describe the different advertising appeals used by advertising agencies.

10. Enumerate and explain various medias of advertising.

1'tr. Wriie a noie cn:Eriu and functions of an advertising aEency.

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