8874inter 1st Year Commerce Model Paper - 1 Telugu Medium

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Junior Inter Commerce Model Paper

” 8 Purchased goods
Trial Balance(A…MýS×ê) »êÅ…MŠæ ¯]l$…_ ™ðl_a¯]l ¯]lVýS§ýl$
from Tarun 9,000
Debit Balances Amount Credit BalancesAmount ” 18 Salaries paid by
Cheque 200
™èlÆý‡$×Šæ ¯]l$…_ Mö¯]l²
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 yðl¼sŒæ °ËÓË$ Rs. {MðSyìlsŒæ °ËÓË$ Rs.
Opening Stock 3,200 Capital 20,000 ^ðlMýS$P §éÓÆ> ^ðlÍÏ…_¯]l
PART- I (Marks - 50) ” 10 Returned goods to
{´ëÆý‡…¿¶æ çÜÆý‡$MýS$ Ð]lÊË«§ýl¯]l… i™éË$
SECTION - A Tarun 1,000
Purchases 8,000 Creditors 2,000 ” 25 Cash purchases 300
I. Answer Any Two of the following questio- ¯]lVýS§ýl$ Mö¯]l$Vøâ¶æ$Ï ™èlÆý‡$׊æMýS$ çÜÆý‡$MýS$
Mö¯]l$Vøâ¶æ$Ï Æý‡$×æ§é™èlË$ Ðéç³çÜ$Ë$
ns in not exceeding 40 lines each. Wages 1,000 Sales 10,000 ” 31 Paid in the Bank 400
” 15 Purchased goods
HOÐðl¯é Æð‡…yýl$ {ç³Ô¶æ²ËMýS$ 40 ç³…MýS$¢Ë$ Ñ$…^èlMýS$…yé Ðól™èl¯éË$ AÐ]l$ÃM>Ë$ »êÅ…MýS$ÌZ ¯]lVýS§ýl$
from Varun 11,000
çÜÐ]l*«§é¯éË$ Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. 2×10 = 20M Carriage 500 Purchase 20. From the following information, prepare a
1. Define Partnership. Write its merits and Bank Reconciliation Statement of M/s
Ð]lÆý‡$×Šæ ¯]l$…_ çÜÆý‡$MýS$
Æý‡Ðé×ê Returns 900 Mö¯]l$VøË$
demerits. Mö¯]l$VøË$ Ðéç³çÜ$Ë$ Geetha Traders as on 31-12-2014:
” 17 Purchased mac-
¿êVýSÝëÓÐ]l$Å ÐéÅ´ëÆ>°² °Æý‡Ó_…_, Ìê¿¶æ ¯]lÚët˯]l$ Rent and Taxes 1,500
31-12-2014¯] lÐðl$çÜÞÆŠæÞ X™é {sôæyýlÆŠæÞ »êÅ…MŠæ °ËÓË
hinery from Jagan 5,000
Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. A§ðlª, 糯]l$²Ë$ çÜÐ]l$¯]lÓĶæ$ ç³sìætMýS¯]l$ ™èlĶæ*Æý‡$ ^ólĶæ$…yìl.
2. Distinguish between Private Company and 1) Balance as per Cash Book Rs. 25,000.
fVýS¯Œæ ¯]l$…_ Ķæ$…{™èl…
Public Company.
Bills receivable 2,600
¯]lVýS§ýl$ ç³#çÜ¢MýS… {ç³M>Æý‡… °ËÓ Æý‡*.25,000 Mö¯]l$VøË$
Ð]lçÜ*Ë$ çßæ$…yîlË$ ” 19 Purchased goods
[Oò³Ðólr$ MýS…ò³±, ç³¼ÏMŠæ MýS…ò³± Ð]l$«§ýlÅ ™ólyé˯]l$ 2) Cheques issued but not presented for
Factory expenses 500 from Karun 10,000
Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. payment Rs. 9,500.
3. What is Business finance? Explain its need
¸ëÅMýStÈ QÆý‡$aË$ gêÈ ^ólíܯ]l ^ðlMýS$PË$, »êÅ…MŠæÌZ §éQË$ ^ólĶæ$°Ñ MýSÆý‡$×Šæ ¯]l$…_ çÜÆý‡$MýS$
and significance in the business organisation. Oil and Fuel 600 Æý‡*.9,500 Mö¯]l$VøË$
¯]l*¯ðl, C…«§ýl¯]l… (Trade discount 15%)
ÐéÅ´ëÆý‡Ñ™èl¢… A…sôæ HÑ$sìæ? JMýS ÐéÅ´ëÆý‡ çÜ…çܦÌZ 3) Cheques deposited into Bank but not
Motor Van 4,000 (Ð]lÆý‡¢MýSç³# yìlÝûP…sŒæ)
§é° AÐ]lçÜÆ>°², {´ëÐ]l¬RêÅ°² ÑÐ]lÇ…^èl…yìl. credited upto 31-12-2014 Rs. 5,300
Ððl*sêÆý‡$ Ðéçßæ¯]l… ” 23 Returned outwards
Ð]lçÜ*Ë$ MøçÜ… »êÅ…MýS$MýS$ ç³…í³¯]l ^ðlMýS$PË$ 31-
SECTION - B Trade marks 2,000 to Varun 1,000
12-2014 ÌZç³# Ð]lÜ
ç *Ë$ M>°Ñ Æý‡*.5,300
II. Answer Any Four of the following questi- {sôæyŠæ Ð]l*Æý‡$PË$ 4) Bank credited Rs. 3,500 for receiving
Ð]lÆý‡$׊æMýS$ Ðéç³çÜ$ ^ólíܯ]l
ons in not exceeding 20 lines each. Debtors(Æý‡$×æ{VýSçÜ$¢Ë$) 8,000 dividend through Electronic Clearing
HOÐðl¯é ¯éË$VýS$ {ç³Ô¶æ²ËMýS$ 20 ç³…MýS$¢Ë$ Ñ$…^èlMýS$…yé Cash (¯]lVýS§ýl$) 1,000 System.
çÜÐ]l*«§é¯éË$ Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. 4×5 =20M 32,900 32,900 DïÜG‹Ü §éÓÆ> »êÅ…MýS$ {MðSyìlsŒæ ^ólíܯ]l yìlÑyðl…yŠæ
4. Define Industry. Explain the types of Industries. Adjustments: çÜÆý‡$ª»êr$Ï Æý‡*.3,500 Answer Any Five of the following questions.
ç³Ç{ÔèæÐ]l$ A…sôæ HÑ$sìæ? ÐésìæÌZ° Æý‡M>˯]l$ Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. 1) Closing stock Rs. 5,800 5) Bank charges debited by Bank Rs. 200. HOÐðl¯é I§ýl$ {ç³Ô¶æ²ËMýS$ çÜÐ]l*«§é¯]l… Æ>Ķæ$…yìl.
5. Define Joint Hindu Family? Write its Ð]l¬W…ç³# çÜÆý‡$MýS$ Æý‡*. 5,800 »êÅ…MýS$ yðl¼sŒæ ^ólíܯ]l »êÅ…MýS$ ^éÈjË$ Æý‡*.200 5 × 2 = 10M
features. 2) Depreciation on Motor Van 10% 25. What are Drawings? (Ý÷…™èl ÐéyýlM>Ë$)
EÐ]l$Ãyìl íßæ…§ýl* MýS$…r$…º ÐéÅ´ëÆ>°² °Æý‡Ó_…_, Ððl*sêÆý‡$ Ðéçßæ¯]l… ™èlÆý‡$VýS$§ýlË 10% SECTION – F 26. Contra Entry. (G§ýl$sìæ 糧ýl$ª)
Ë„ýS×ê˯]l$ Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. 3) Reserve for bad and doubtful debts 5% III. Answer Any Two of the following questions 27. Book Keeping. (º$MŠæ MîSí³…VŠæ)
6. What is partnership deed? write its contents. Æ>° »êMîSË °«¨ 5% HÆ>µr$ ^ólĶæ*Í. HOÐðl¯é Æð‡…yýl$ {ç³Ô¶æ²ËMýS$ çÜÐ]l*«§é¯éË$ Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. 28. Dual Aspect Concept (§ýlÓ…§ýlÓ ¿êÐ]l¯]l)
¿êVýSÝëÓÐ]l$Å Jç³µ…§ýl… A…sôæ HÑ$sìæ? §é°ÌZ 4) Outstanding rent Rs. 500 2 × 5 =10M 29. Suspence Account (A¯éÐ]l$™èl$ Rê™é)
A…Ô>˯]l$ ™ðlËç³…yìl. ^ðlÍÏ…^éÍÞ¯]l A§ðlª Æý‡*. 500 21. Explain the advantages of Double Entry 30. Journalise the following transactions:
7. Define MNC, and explain the advantages 5) Prepaid wages Rs. 200 System. MìS…¨ Ð]lÅÐ]làÆ>ËMýS$ _sêt 糧ýl$ªË$ Æ>Ķæ$…yìl.
of MNC to Host country. Ð]l¬…§ýl$V> ^ðlÍÏ…_¯]l Ðól™èl¯éË$ Æý‡*. 200 f…r糧ýl$ª Ñ«§é¯]l… {ç³Äñæ*f¯éË$ Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. 2014 (Rs.)
ºçßæ$â¶æ gê¡Ä¶æ$ çÜ…çܦË$ A…sôæ HÑ$sìæ? A†¤ 22. Explain various types of Errors. January 1 Started business
§ólÔ>ËMýS$ MýSÍVóS {ç³Äñæ*f¯éË$ ™ðl˵…yìl. ™èlç³#µÌZÏ Æý‡M>Ë VýS$Ç…_ Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. with Cash 50,000
8. Define E-Business. What are the benefits II. Answer Any One of the following questions. 23. Prepare Anitha’s Account from the following: ÐéÅ´ëÆý‡… MøçÜ…
of E-Business? HO§ðl¯é JMýS {ç³Ô¶æ²MýS$ çÜÐ]l*«§é¯]l… Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. 1 × 10 =10M MìS…¨ Ð]lÅÐ]làÆ>Ë ¯]l$…_ A°™èl Rê™é¯]l$ ™èlĶæ*Æý‡$ ™ðl_a¯]l Ð]lÊË«§ýl¯]l…
D&ÐéÅ´ëÆý‡… A…sôæ HÑ$sìæ? {ç³Äñæ*f¯éË$ ™ðlËç³…yìl. 19. Prepare Three Column Cash Book from the ^ólĶæ$…yìl. ” 5 Purchased from Hari 30,000
9. What is Articles of Association? Explain its following particulars: Rs. ß
ç æÇ ¯]l$…_ Üç Æý‡$MýS$
contents. MìS…§ýl C_a¯]l ÑÐ]lÆ>Ë ¯]l$…_ Ð]lÊyýl$ Ð]lÆý‡$çÜË ¯]lVýS§ýl$ 2014, Dec. 1 Balance due Mö¯]l$VøË$
MýS…ò³± °Ä¶æ$Ð]l*Ð]lã A…sôæ HÑ$sìæ? A…§ýl$ÌZ° ç³#çÜ¢M>°² ™èlĶæ*Æý‡$ ^ólĶæ$…yìl. from Anitha 1,900 ” 10 Sold goods
A…Ô>˯]l$ Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. Rs. A°™èl ¯]l$…_ Æ>ÐéÍÞ¯]l for cash 20,000
2015, July 1 Cash in Hand 5,500 »êMîS °ËÓ ¯]lVýS§ýl$MýS$ AÑ$ï]l çÜÆý‡$MýS$
^ól†ÌZ ¯]lVýS§ýl$ ” 9 Sold goods to ” 12 Wages paid 800
III. Answer Any Five of the following questi- Cash at Bank 10,000 Anitha 1,000 Ðól™èl¯éË ^ðlÍÏ…ç³#
ons in not exceeding 5 lines each. »êÅ…MýS$ÌZ ¯]lVýS§ýl$ A°™èlMýS$ AÑ$ï]l çÜÆý‡$MýS$ 31. Write the following particulars as opening
HOÐðl¯é I§ýl$ {ç³Ô¶æ²ËMýS$ I§ýl$ ç³…MýS$¢Ë$ Ñ$…^èlMýS$…yé ” 5 Cash Sales 950 ” 12 Purchased goods Journal Entries on 1-01-2014:
çÜÐ]l*«§é¯éË$ Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. 5 × 2 =10M ¯]lVýS§ýl$ AÐ]l$ÃM>Ë$ from Anitha 750 MìS…¨ °ËÓË ¯]l$…_ 1-01-2014 ¯ésìæ {´ëÆý‡…¿¶æ
10. What is Profission? (Ð]l–†¢) ” 7 Issued Cheque to 900 A°™èl ¯]l$…_ Mö¯]l² çÜÆý‡$MýS$ 糧ýl$ª¯]l$ Æ>Ķæ$…yìl.
11. Active Partner. (çÜ{MìSĶæ$ ¿êVýSçÜ$¢yýl$) Ram ” 15 Returned goods to Anitha 200 Cash (¯]lVýS§ýl$) Rs. 12,000
12. Kartha (MýSÆý‡¢) Æ>ÐŒl$MýS$ C_a¯]l ^ðlMýS$P A°™èlMýS$ Ðéç³‹Ü ^ólíܯ]l çÜÆý‡$MýS$ Stock (çÜÆý‡$MýS$) Rs. 8,000
13. Business Finance (ÐéÅ´ëÆý‡ Ñ™èl¢…) Received Discount 100 ” 20 Anitha returned goods 100 Furniture (çœÇ²^èlÆŠæ) Rs. 20,000
14. Define Service Enterprises (õÜÐé çÜ…çܦË$) Ð]l_a¯]l yìlÝûP…sŒæ A°™èl ¯]l$…_ Ð]l_a¯]l Ðéç³çÜ$Ë$ Machinery (Ķæ$…{™éË$) Rs. 10,000
15. E-Commerce (D & M>Ð]l$ÆŠæÞ) ” 9 Received Cash ” 25 Received cheque Creditors (Æý‡$×æ §é™èlË$) Rs. 3,000
16. Retained Earnings (°Íí³ E…_¯]l BÆý‡j¯]lË$) from Jaya 750 from Anitha 400 Bank Overdraft (KÐ]lÆŠæ {y鋳t) Rs. 2,000
17. Government Company ({糿¶æ$™èlÓ MýS…ò³±) fĶæ$ ¯]l$…_ Ð]l_a¯]l ¯]lVýS§ýl$ A°™èl ¯]l$…_ Ð]l_a¯]l ^ðlMýS$P 32. Prepare Trial Balance from the following
Cheque 200 ” 28 Paid cash to Anitha 600 transactions:
PART- II (50 MARKS) ^ðlMýS$P A°™èlMýS$ ^ðlÍÏ…_¯]l ¯]lVýS§ýl$ MìS…¨ °ËÓË ¯]l$…_ A…MýS×ê˯]l$ ™èlĶæ*Æý‡$ ^ólĶæ$…yìl.
SECTION- D Allowed Discount 75 24. Enter the following transactions in the Carriage (Æý‡Ðé×ê) Rs. 600
I. Answer the following question: C_a¯]l yìlÝûP…sŒæ proper subsidiary books. Capital (Ð]lÊË«§ýl¯]l…) Rs. 15,000
MìS…¨ {ç³Ô¶æ²MýS$ çÜÐ]l*«§é¯]l… Æ>Ķæ$…yìl. (cheques sent to Bank) MìS…¨ Ð]lÅÐ]lçßæÆ>˯]l$ çÜOÆð‡¯]l çÜàĶæ$MýS _sêtÌZÏ Salaries (i™éË$) Rs. 4,000
1 × 20 = 20M (»êÅ…MýS$MýS$ ç³…í³¯]l ^ðlMýS$PË$) ¯]lÐðl*§ýl$ ^ólĶæ$…yìl. Rs. Cash in hand (^ól†ÌZ ¯]lVýS§ýl$) Rs. 5,400
18. Prepare final accounts of Ramesh Traders ” 15 Cash withdrawn 2015, Nov. 1 Purchased goods Creditors (Æý‡$×æ §é™èlË$) Rs. 4,000
for the year ending 31-03-2014: from bank for from Arun 5,800 Sales (AÐ]l$ÃM>Ë$) Rs. 31,000
Æý‡Ðól$‹Ù {sôæyýlÆŠæÞ Ð]l¬W…ç³# ÌñæMýSP˯]l$ 31&03&2014 office use 300 AÆý‡$×Šæ ¯]l$…_ Debtors (Æý‡$×æ{VýSçÜ$¢Ë$) Rs. 8,000
¯ésìæMìS ™èlĶæ*Æý‡$ ^ólĶæ$…yìl. Bïœ‹Ü AÐ]lçÜÆ>Ë MøçÜ… çÜÆý‡$MýS$ Mö¯]l$VøË$ Cash at Bank (»êÅ…MŠæÌZ ¯]lVýS§ýl$) Rs. 32,000

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