Srimanthsimlab 6
Srimanthsimlab 6
Srimanthsimlab 6
Date: 18-06-24 Roll No:21021A0843
Problem statement:
A Homogeneous gas reaction A3R has a report rate at 215 0c, -ra=10^ (-2) *Ca^ (1/2), Find
the spacetime needed for 80% inert feed to PFR operating at 215 0c & 5 atm, Cao=0.0625
mol/liter having 50% 0f A and 50% of inerts by using Simpson’s rule and trapezoidal rule.
X f
0 1.0000
0.1000 1.1055
0.2000 1.2247
0.3000 1.3628
0.4000 1.5275
0.5000 1.7321
0.6000 2.0000
0.7000 2.3805
0.8000 3.0000
The Space time for PFR using Simpson’s 1/3 rule is , T=33.1899 min
The Space time for PFR using trapezoidal rule is , t=33.3328 min
MATLAB Code (prob12srimanth.m):
clear all
CA0=0.0625; % initial concentration in mol/lit
dx=0.1; % difference between conversion
X(1)=0; % initial value of conversion
a=0; % initial limit for integration
b=0.8; % final limit for integration
n=8; % number of terms
f(1)=sqrt((1+X(1))/(1-X(1))); % initial value of f
disp(' X f') % displaying titles of output
for i=2:9 % using for loop
X(i)=X(i-1)+dx; % equation to find values of X
f(i)=sqrt((1+X(i))/(1-X(i))); % equation to find values of f
disp([X(i) f(i)]); % displaying output
iv=dx/3*(f(1)+f(9)+4*(f(2)+f(4)+f(6)+f(8))+2*(f(3)+f(5)+f(7))); % using Simpsons rule
Tp=((b-a)/(2*n))*(f(1)+f(9)+2*(f(2)+f(3)+f(4)+f(5)+f(6)+f(7)+f(8));% using trapezoidal rule
T=100*(CA0^(1/2))*iv; %space time using Simpsons rule
T= 100*(CA0^(1/2))*Tp; % space time using trapezoidal
plot(X,f) % plotting f vs X
area(X,f) % area under the curve
xlabel('conversion(X)') % labelling x axis
ylabel('f') % labelling y axis
title('Variation of f wrt conversion') % title to the plot
fprintf(‘The Space time for PFR using Simpson’s 1/3 rule is , T=%2.4f min/n’,T)
fprintf(‘The Space time for PFR using trapezoidal rule is , t=%2.4f min/n’,t)
The space time required for the given Plug Flow Reactor to reach 80% of conversion at given
conditions by using the Simpson’s 1/3 rule and Trapezoidal rule is obtained as 33.1899 min
and 33.3328 min.
Problem No:13 Name: S.S. SRIMANTH VARMA
Date: 18-06-24 Roll No:21021A0843
Problem statement:
proceeds at 649 0C with first order rate -r PH 3 =10(con) PH 3 .what size of PFR operating at
649 0C & 466kpa can produce 80% conversion of feed containing 40 m0les of pure
phosphene per hour by using Simpson’s rule and Trapezoidal rule.
X f
0 1.0000
0.1000 1.1944
0.2000 1.4375
0.3000 1.7500
0.4000 2.1667
0.5000 2.7500
0.6000 3.6250
0.7000 5.0833
0.8000 8.0000
The volume of PFR using Simpson’s rule is, V=0.1479 m^3
The volume required for the given Plug Flow Reactor to reach 80% of conversion at given
conditions by using the Simpson’s 1/3 rule and Trapezoidal rule is obtained as 0.1479 m^3
and 0.1500 m^3.