Production Technology Casting 2024 New

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Casting is a process in which molten metal flows by gravity or other force into a
mold where it solidifies in the shape of the mold cavity. The term casting is also
applied to the part that is made by this process.

The principle of casting seems simple: melt the metal, pour it into a mold, and
let it cool and solidify; yet there are many factors and variables that must be
considered in order to accomplish a successful casting operation.

Castings are made in a large number of metals and alloys, both ferrrous and
non-ferrous. Grey cast iron components are very common; steel castings are
stronger and are used for components subject to higher stresses. Bronze and
brass castings are used on ships and in marine environment, where ferrous items
will be subjected to heavy corrosion. Aluminium and aluminium-magnesium
castings are used in automobiles. Stainless steel castings are used for making
cutlery items.
disadvantages For different casting methods.

1-These include limitations on mechanical properties.

2-poor dimensional accuracy and surface finish for some

casting processes.

3-safety hazards to humans when processing hot molten


4-environmental problems.

Solid or single piece pattern:


Split pattern:

Loose piece pattern:

Steps in investment casting:
(1) wax patterns are produced.

(2) several patterns are attached to a sprue form a pattern tree

(3) the pattern tree is coated with a thin layer of refractory material.

(4) the full mold is formed by covering the coated tree with sufficient refractory
material to make it rigid

(5) the mold is held in an inverted position and heated to melt the wax and
permit it to drip out of the cavity.

(6) the mold is preheated to a high temperature, which ensures that all
contaminants are eliminated from the mold; it also permits the liquid metal to
flow more easily into the detailed cavity; the molten metal is poured; it

(7) the mold is broken away from the finished casting. Parts
are separated from the sprue.
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