S Mime
S Mime
S Mime
By Vijetha Y C
What is S/MIME?
Before S/MIME
Emails could only be sent in NVT 7-bit format in the past, due to which
images, videos, or audio were not a part of e-mail attachments. Bell
Communications launched the MIME standard protocol in 1991 to increase
the email’s restricted functionality. S/MIME is an upgrade of
MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). Due to the limitations of
MIME, S/MIME came into play. S/MIME is based on asymmetric
cryptography which means that communications can be encrypted or
decrypted using a pair of related keys namely public and private keys.
-- Alice signs the message using her private key in her device
and sends the message to Bob.
Purpose of S/MIME
Applications of S/MIME
Advantages of S/MIME
1. It offers verification.
2. It offers integrity to the message.
4. It offers seclusion.
secure manner.
Key Features:
Key Features:
Key Features:
● Email Authentication: Ensures that emails are sent from
legitimate sources.
● Reporting: Provides reports to domain owners about email
authentication failures.
● Policy Enforcement: Allows domain owners to specify how to
handle emails that fail authentication checks (e.g.,
quarantine or reject).
Key Features:
S/MIME protocol (or method) has been one of the safest ways to
transmit data or share data between companies or users. The
benefits that S/MIME provides are data integrity, confidentiality,
verification, and non-repudiation. Moreover, S/MIME has been
widely used for providing security services in various companies.