Volume 1

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All India (English-efnvoer)

Fuesefkeäš^keâue FbpeerefveÙeefjbie
ØeMve yeQkeâ
(Chapterwise & Sub Topicwise Objective Questions)
Useful for : SSC JE, HSSC JE, Metro JE (DMRC/LMRC/JMRC/BMRC), States JE/AE (UP Jal Nigam, UPSSSC, Uttar
Pradesh JE, Uttarakhand JE/AE, Rajasthan JE, RPHED, MP JE, GPSC JE, HP JE, CG JE, Bihar JE, HMWS,
J&K JE), Central Diploma JE (DRDO, ISRO, IOF, BARC, MES), Power Generation/ Transmission/
SJVNL, VIZAG STEEL), PGCIL, DDA JE, AAI JE, ESE, RRB JE, Asstt. Loco Pilot & Technician Exams

mebheeove SJeb mebkeâueve

Fuesefkeäš^keâue DeefYeÙeblee hejer#ee efJeMes<e%e meefceefle
uesKeve menÙeesie
Fbpeer. DeJeOesMe kegâceej hešsue, Fbpeer. oerhekeâ ceewÙee&
keâchÙetšj «eeefHeâkeäme
yeeueke=â<Ce, ÛejCe efmebn
mebheeokeâerÙe keâeÙee&ueÙe
ÙetLe keâe@efcheefšMeve šeFcme
12, ÛeÛe& uesve, ØeÙeeiejepe-211002
cees. : 9415650134
Email : [email protected]
website : www.yctbooks.com
ØekeâeMeve Iees<eCee
mecheeokeâ SJeb ØekeâeMekeâ Deevevo kegâceej cenepeve ves ™he efØebefšbie Øesme, ØeÙeeiejepe mes cegefõle keâjJeekeâj,
ÙetLe keâe@efcheefšMeve šeFcme, 12, ÛeÛe& uesve, ØeÙeeiejepe-2 kesâ efueS ØekeâeefMele efkeâÙee~
Fme hegmlekeâ keâes ØekeâeefMele keâjves ceW mecheeokeâ SJeb ØekeâeMekeâ Éeje hetCe& meeJeOeeveer yejleer ieF& nw
efHeâj Yeer efkeâmeer $egefš kesâ efueS Deehekeâe menÙeesie SJeb megPeeJe meeoj Dehesef#ele nw~
cetuÙe : 495/-
efkeâmeer Yeer efJeJeeo keâer efmLeefle ceW vÙeeefÙekeâ #es$e ØeÙeeiejepe nesiee~
Chapterwise Solved Papers
ceewefuekeâ JewÅegle DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâer
(Basic Electrical Engineering)
JewÅegle Meefòeâ keâe mebÛejCe SJeb efJelejCe
(Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power)
JewÅegle GheÙev$e SJeb ceeheve
(Electrical Instruments and Measurements)
JewÅegle efmJeÛeefieÙej SJeb j#eCe
(Electrical Switchgear and Protection)
JewÅegle SJeb Fueskeäš^e@efvekeäme DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâer meece«eer
(Electrical and Electronic Engineering Material)
Yet-mecheke&âve leLee JeeÙeefjbie
(Earthing and Wiring)
JewÅegle ceMeerve-I
(Electrical Machine-I)
JewÅegle ceMeerve-II
(Electrical Machine-II)
Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e
(Power Plant)
JewÅegle Tpee& kesâ GheÙeesie
(Utilization of Electrical Energy)
hee@Jej Fueskeäš^e@efvekeäme
(Power Electronics)
kebâš^esue efmemšce
(Control System)
heer.Sue.meer., ceeF›eâeskebâš^esuej Deewj mkeâe@[e
(P.L.C., Microcontroller and Scada)
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 2 YCT
efJe<eÙe-metÛeer (VOLUME-I)
ceewefuekeâ JewÅegle DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâer (Basic Electrical Engineering)........................................................................... 5-413
ceewefuekeâ efJeÅegleerÙe (Basic Electricity)........................................................................................................................ 5
[er.meer. vesšJeke&â SJeb efmeæeble (D.C. Network and Theory)........................................................................................ 48
efmLej-JewÅegeflekeâer Deewj Oeeefjlee (Electrostatics and Capacitance)............................................................................... 103
Ûegcyekeâ Deewj ÛegcyekeâlJe (Magnet and Magnetism).................................................................................................. 128
efJeÅegle-DeheIešdÙe Deewj mebÛeeÙekeâ yewš^er (Electrolysis and Storage Batteries)................................................................ 173
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Deewj heefjheLe (Alternating Current and Circuits).............................................................................. 204
yengkeâuee ØeCeeueer (Polyphase System).................................................................................................................. 290
JewÅegle Meefòeâ keâe mebÛejCe SJeb efJelejCe (Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power)....................... 414-514
JewÅegle ueeFveeW keâe DeefYekeâuheve (Design of Electrical Lines)..................................................................................... 414
ueeFveeW kesâ ØeeÛeue Ùee efmLejebkeâ (Parameters of Lines)...............................................................................................424
ueIeg ueeFveeW keâe efve<heeove (Performance of Short Lines)........................................................................................ 436
ueeFveeW keâe Ùeebef$ekeâ DeefYekeâuheve (Mechanical Design of Lines)................................................................................440
Yetefceiele kesâefyeueW (Underground Cables)................................................................................................................457
efo<šOeeje efÉleej SJeb leerve-leej efJelejCe ØeCeeueer (D.C. Two and 3-Wire Distribution System).....................................470
MeefkeäleiegCekeâ mebMeesOeve (Power Factor Improvement)..............................................................................................476
efJeÅegle Glheeove keâe DeLe&MeeŒe (Economics of Power Generation)........................................................................... 479
JewÅegle efmJeÛe efieÙej SJeb j#eCe (Electrical Switchgear and Protection)......................................................... 515-577
JewÅegle Øeoes<e (Electrical Faults)........................................................................................................................... 515
efmJeÛe leLee DeeFmeesuesšme& (Switches and Isolators)..................................................................................................522
heäÙetpe (Fuse)...................................................................................................................................................... 523
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ (Circuit Breaker)...................................................................................................................... 526
efjues (Relay)...................................................................................................................................................... 537
yeme-yeej (Bus-Bar)............................................................................................................................................. 546
JewÅegle ceMeerveeW keâe j#eCe (Protection of Electrical Machines)................................................................................ 559
hees<ekeâeW keâe j#eCe (Protection of Feeder)............................................................................................................ 564
DeefOeJeesušleeDeeW kesâ efJe™æ j#eCe (Protection Against Overvoltage)........................................................................567
ØeefleIeelekeâ (Reactors).......................................................................................................................................... 574
Goemeerve Yet-Ùeespeve Ùee Yet-mecheke&âve (Neutral Earthing or Grounding)....................................................................... 575
JewÅegle GheÙev$e SJeb ceeheve (Electrical Instruments and Measurements)...................................................... 578-712
JewÅegle ceeheÙev$eeW kesâ efueÙes heefjÛeÙe (Introduction to Electrical Measuring Instruments).............................................578
ceeheve leLee $egefšÙeeB (Measurements and Errors).................................................................................................... 580
GheÙev$e leLee Gvekeâer DeeJeMÙekeâleeSB (Instruments and Their Requirements).............................................................. 591
Sceeršme& SJeb Jeesušceeršme& (Ammeters and Voltmeters)...........................................................................................601
Jeešceeršme& SJeb cewefkeämecece ef[ceeb[ Fefv[kesâšj (Wattmeters and Maximum Demand Indicator)................................... 625
Fvepeeaceeršj (Tpee&ceeheer) (Energy Meter).................................................................................................................638
efJeefJeOe ceeheve GheÙev$e DeLee&led ceeheÙev$e (Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments).......................................................644
ØeeflejesOe (R), ØesjkeâlJe (L) leLee Oeeefjlee (C) keâe ceeheve (Measurement of Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance)............653
Øe›eâce GheÙev$eCe kesâ DeJeÙeJe (Elements of Process Instrumentation)...................................................................... 669
JewÅegle SJeb Fueskeäš^e@efvekeäme DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâer meece«eer (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Material)............... 713-779
Yet-mecheke&âve leLee JeeÙeefjbie (Earthing and Wiring)................................................................................ 780-802
meer.heer.[yuÙet.[er. efveÙece 2013 (CPWD Rule 2013)......................................................................................... 803-809
YeejleerÙe efJeÅegle DeefOeefveÙece-1956 (I.E. Rule-1956)......................................................................................... 810-827
cenlJehetCe& efJeÅegleerÙe Øeleerkeâ (Important Electrical Symbols).......................................................................... 828-832
Note : Electrical Machine-I, Electrical Machine-II, Power Plant, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Electronics-I, Electronics-II,
Power Electronics, Control System and P.L.C., Microcantroller and Scada DeOÙeÙeve nsleg VOLUME-II heÌ{W~

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 3 YCT

Basic concepts, Circuit law, Magnetic Circuit, AC Fundamentals, Measurement and Measuring instruments,
Electrical Machines, Fractional Kilowatt Motors and single phase induction Motors, Synchronous Machines,
Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Estimation and Costing, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Basic
Detailed Syllabus (JE Electrical Engineering)

Basic concepts:
Concepts of resistance, inductance, capacitance, and various factors affecting them. Concepts of current,
voltage, power, energy and their units.
Circuit law :
Kirchhoff’s law, Simple Circuit solution using network theorems.
Magnetic Circuit :
Concepts of flux, mmf, reluctance, Different kinds of magnetic materials, Magnetic calculations for
conductors of different configuration e.g. straight, circular, solenoidal, etc. Electromagnetic induction, self
and mutual induction.
AC Fundamentals :
Instantaneous, peak, R.M.S. and average values of alternating waves, Representation of sinusoidal wave
form, simple series and parallel AC circuits consisting of R.L. and C, Resonance, Tank Circuit. Poly Phase
system – star and delta connection, 3 phase power, DC and sinusoidal response of R-Land R-C circuit.
Measurement and measuring instruments :
Measurement of power (1 phase and 3 phase, both active and re-active) and energy, 2 wattmeter method of
3 phase power measurement. Measurement of frequency and phase angle. Ammeter and voltmeter (both
moving oil and moving iron type), extension of range wattmeter, Multimeters, Megger, Energy meter AC
Bridges. Use of CRO, Signal Generator, CT, PT and their uses. Earth Fault detection.
Electrical Machines :
D.C. Machine – Construction, Basic Principles of D.C. motors and generators, their characteristics, speed
control and starting of D.C. Motors. Method of braking motor, Losses and efficiency of D.C. Machines. (b)
1 phase and 3 phase transformers – Construction, Principles of operation, equivalent circuit, voltage
regulation, O.C. and S.C. Tests, Losses and efficiency. Effect of voltage, frequency and wave form on
losses. Parallel operation of 1 phase / 3 phase transformers. Auto transformers. (c) 3 phase induction motors,
rotating magnetic field, principle of operation, equivalent circuit, torque-speed characteristics, starting and
speed control of 3 phase induction motors. Methods of braking, effect of voltage and frequency variation on
torque speed characteristics.
Fractional Kilowatt Motors and Single Phase Induction Motors: Characteristics and applications.
Synchronous Machines –
Generation of 3-phase e.m.f. armature reaction, voltage regulation, parallel operation of two alternators,
synchronizing, control of active and reactive power. Starting and applications of synchronous motors.
Generation, Transmission and Distribution –
Different types of power stations, Load factor, diversity factor, demand factor, cost of generation, inter-
connection of power stations. Power factor improvement, various types of tariffs, types of faults, short
circuit current for symmetrical faults. Switchgears – rating of circuit breakers, Principles of arc extinction by
oil and air, H.R.C. Fuses, Protection against earth leakage / over current, etc. Buchholtz relay, Merz-Price
system of protection of generators & transformers, protection of feeders and bus bars. Lightning arresters,
various transmission and distribution system, comparison of conductor materials, efficiency of different
system. Cable – Different type of cables, cable rating and derating factor.
Estimation and costing :
Estimation of lighting scheme, electric installation of machines and relevant IE rules. Earthing practices and
IE Rules.
Utilization of Electrial Energy :
Illumination, Electric heating, Electric welding, Electroplating, Electric drives and motors.
Basic Electronics :
Working of various electronic devices e.g. P N Junction diodes, Transistors (NPN and PNP type), BJT and
JFET. Simple circuits using these devices.

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 4 YCT

ceewefuekeâ efJeÅegle DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâer
(Basic Electrical Engineering)
*6. Determine the value of current (in A) that
1. ceewefuekeâ efJeÅegleerÙe flows through a resistor of 9 ohms, when the
potential difference between the ends of the
(Basic Electricity)
resistor is 36 V.
1. A free electron means? 9 Deesÿe kesâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeOÙece mes ØeJeeefnle efJeÅegle Oeeje
Skeâ cegòeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve keâe celeueye nw? keâe ceeve (SeqcheÙej ceW) efveOee&efjle keâjW, peye ØeeflejesOe kesâ
(a) All the electrons in an atom efmejeW kesâ yeerÛe efJeYeJeevlej 36 Jeesuš nw~
Skeâ hejceeCeg ceW meYeer Fueskeäš^e@vme (a) 8 (b) 7
(b) The electrons not belongs to the atom itself (c) 4 (d) 3
Fueskeäš^e@vme pees mJeÙeb hejceeCeg kesâ Devleie&le vener Deelee nw *7. What will be the potential difference (in V)
(c) Valence electrons which are loosely attached between the ends of a resistor of 10 ohms
to the nucleous/mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@vme pees veeefYekeâ mes resistance, when the current through the
{erues ®he mes pegÌ[s nw resistor is 3.5 A?/Skeâ 10 Deesÿe kesâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ efmejeW
(d) All the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer kesâ yeerÛe keâe efJeYeJeevlej (heesšWefMeÙeue ef[HeâjWme) Jeesuš ceW
2. The speed with which the effect of emf is
keäÙee nesiee peye ØeeflejesOe mes ØeJeeefnle efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe
experienced at all parts of a conductor
resulting the flow of current is ceeve 3.5 SefcheÙej nw?
ieefle efpemekesâ meeLe Ûeeuekeâ kesâ meYeer efnmmeeW ceW emf kesâ (a) 35 (b) 40
ØeYeeJe keâe DevegYeJe efkeâÙes peeles nw efpemekesâ heefjCeecemJe™he (c) 45 (d) 50
Oeeje keâe ØeJeen neslee nw– *8. How much time (in sec) will be taken by 40 C
of charge to pass through a point in a circuit, if
(a) Velocity of charge/DeeJesMe kesâ Jesie mes
a current of 8 A flows through it ?
(b) Velocity of propagation of electric field
heefjheLe ceW efkeâmeer efyevog keâes heej keâjves kesâ efueS 40 ketâuee@ce
efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ ØeÛeej kesâ Jesie mes
(c) Speed of response/Øeefleef›eâÙee keâer ieefle mes
kesâ DeeJesMe keâes efkeâlevee meceÙe (meskesbâ[ ceW) ueiesiee, Ùeefo
(d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR efyevog kesâ ceeOÙece mes yenleer efJeÅegle Oeeje 8 SefcheÙej nw?
3. The C.G.S. unit of heat is (a) 2 (b) 3
C.G.S. heæefle ceW T<cee keâer FkeâeF& nw– (c) 4 (d) 5
*9. Determine the power (in W) dissipated by a 16
(a) Joule/petue
ohms resistor, when the potential difference
(b) Watt/Jee@š
between the ends of the resistor is 32 V.
(c) Temperature/leeheceeve
Skeâ 16 Deesÿe ØeeflejesOe Éeje #eÙe efJeÅegle Meefòeâ keâe
(d) Calorie/kewâueesjer
efveOee&jCe (Jeeš cebs) keâjW, peye ØeeflejesOe kesâ efmejeW kesâ yeerÛe
4. An open inductive coil has
Skeâ Keguee ngDee ØesjkeâerÙe kegâC[ueer keâe .......... nw~ Jeesušspe Deblej 32 Jeesuš nw~
(a) 1000 ohm resistance /1000 Deesce ØeeflejesOe (a) 66 (b) 68
(c) 62 (d) 64
(b) Zero resistance /MetvÙe ØeeflejesOe
10. Which type of resistors are called as thermistors?
(c) 100 ohm resistance /100 Deesce ØeeflejesOe
efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâes Leefce&mšj keâne peelee nw?
(d) Infinite resistance /Devevle ØeeflejesOe
(a) PTC Resistors/ Oeveelcekeâ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ ØeeflejesOe
5. The melting point of aluminium is
SuÙegefceefveÙece keâe ieueveebkeâ efyevog nw~ (b) Varistors/Jewefjmšj
(a) 8100C (b) 6600C (c) LDR/ ueeFš ef[hesv[Wš jefpemšj
(c) 5600C (d) 3600C (d) NTC Resistors/$e+Ceelcekeâ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 5 YCT
11. For testing insulation resistance of the most (a) metallic resistor/OeeeflJekeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ
suited electrical supply is (b) carbon resistor/keâeye&ve ØeeflejesOekeâ
efJeÅegle jesOeve ØeeflejesOe keâer peeBÛe keâjves kesâ efueS meyemes
(c) wire wound resistor/JeeÙej JeeGC[ ØeeflejesOekeâ
GheÙegòeâ JewÅegle Deehetefle& ........... nw~
(d) variable resistor/heefjJele&veerÙe ØeeflejesOekeâ
(a) Alternating current/ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje
18. Which one of the following does not have
(b) Direct current /efo° Oeeje negative temperature co-efficient?
(c) Pulsating current/heumesefšbie Oeeje efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Skeâ keâe $e+Ceelcekeâ leeheceeve
(d) Oscillating current /oesueve Oeeje iegCeebkeâ veneR nw?
12. For a human body the ear to ear resistance is (a) Aluminium/SuÙegefceefveÙece (b) Paper/heshej
about ................. ohm
ceeveJe Mejerj kesâ efueS keâeve mes keâeve lekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe (c) Rubber/jyej (d) Mica/DeYeükeâ
19. 1 kg weight = ..............
ueieYeie ............... Deesce nw~
1 efkeâuees«eece Yeej = ............... nw~
(a) 100 ohm (b) 400 ohm
(c) 1000 ohm (d) 800 ohm (a) 9 Newtons /9 vÙetšve
13. Two resistors are said to be connected in series (b) 10.8 Newtons /10.8 vÙetšve
when/oes ØeeflejesOeeW keâes ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[e ngDee keâne peelee (c) 9.8 Newtons /9.8 vÙetšve
nw, peye– (d) 8.5 Newtons /8.5 vÙetšve
20. Torque =
(a) same current passes in turn through both
yeueeIetCe& =
oesveeW JeleeX mes meceeve Oeeje neskeâj iegpejleer nw
(a) force × acceleration/yeue × lJejCe
(b) both carry the same value of current
(b) force × distance /yeue × otjer
oesveeW meceeve ceeve kesâ Oeeje keâes Jenve keâjles nQ
(c) force × radius /yeue × ef$epÙee
(c) total current equals the sum of branch
(d) force × speed /yeue × ieefle
currents/kegâue Oeeje, MeeKee OeejeDeeW kesâ Ùeesie kesâ yejeyej
21. Which variety of copper has the best
nesleer nw mechanical strength?/efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ leeByee keâer
(d) sum of IR drops equals the applied e.m.f.
meyemes DeÛÚer Ùeebef$ekeâ meeceLÙe& nesleer nw?
IR [^ehe keâe IR Ùeesie, ØeÙegòeâ e.m.f. kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
(a) Annealed copper/Sveeru[ leeByee
14. Ohm's law is not applicable to
(b) Hard drawn copper/keâ"esj keâef<e&le leeceü
Deesce keâe efveÙece GheÙegòeâ veneR nw– (c) Cast copper /keâemš leeByee
(a) vacuum tubes/efveJee&le veueer (d) Soft copper /cegueeÙece leeByee
(b) carbon resistors/keâeye&ve ØeeflejesOekeâeW 22. Electrically charged atom is generally termed
(c) high voltage circuits/GÛÛe Jeesušspe kesâ heefjheLeeW as :/efJeÅegleerÙe ®he mes DeeJesefMele hejceeCeg keâes meeceevÙele:
(d) circuits with low current densities keâne peelee nw~
keâce IevelJe Jeeues heefjheLeeW kesâ meeLe (a) Iron/ueesne (b) Isotope/mecemLeeefvekeâ
15. For which of the following 'ampere second' (c) Ion /DeeÙeve (d) Cations/OeveeÙeve
could be the unit?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmekesâ efueS 23. Conventional flow of electric current is from:
‘SefcheÙej-meskesâC[’ FkeâeF& nes mekeâleer nw? efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe heejbheefjkeâ ØeJeen neslee nw~
(a) Reluctance/Øeefle°cYe (b) Charge/DeeJesMe (a) + Ve to – Ve/Oeveelcekeâ mes $e+Ceelcekeâ
(b) – Ve to + Ve /$e+Ceelcekeâ mes Oeveelcekeâ
(c) Power/Meefòeâ (d) Energy/Tpee&
(c) Phase to neutral/hesâpe mes Goemeerve
16. All of the following are equivalent to watt except
(d) Neutral to phase/ Goemeerve mes hesâpe
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes meYeer Jeeš kesâ leguÙe nQ ........... kesâ
24. In a single phase system of supply, which of the
Deefleefjòeâ following is used to test the supply correctly?
(a) (amperes)2ohm(SefcheÙej)2 Deesce Deehetefle& kesâ Skeâue keâuee ØeCeeueer ceW, Deehetefle& keâe mener
(b) joules/sec.petue/meskeâC[ lejerkesâ mes hejer#eCe keâjves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele ceW mes
(c) amperes×volts SefcheÙej × Jeesuš efkeâmekeâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(d) amperes/volt SefcheÙej /Jeesuš (a) Neon tester/efveÙee@ve šsmšj
17. A resistance having rating 10 ohms, 10 W is (b) Ammeter/Deceeršj
likely to be a/Skeâ ØeeflejesOe efpemekeâer jsefšbie 10 Deesce, (c) Wattmeter/Jeešceeršj
10 Jee@š nw, pees mebcYeJele: nw– (d) Test lamp/šsmš uewche

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 6 YCT

25. The melting point of silver is (c) Resistance will increase/ØeeflejesOe yeÌ{ peeSiee
efmeuJej keâe ieueveebkeâ efyevog nw– (d) Negative temperature Coefficient
(a) 8100C (b) 6600C $e+Ceelcekeâ leehe iegCeebkeâ
(c) 960 C (d) 3600C 35. 18 S.W.G. = ........... mm
26. The diameter of the nucleus of an atom is of the 18 Sme.[yuÙet.peer. = ................... efceceer
order of/Skeâ hejceeCeg kesâ veeefYekeâ keâe JÙeeme efkeâmekesâ (a) 1.22 (b) 1.42
›eâce keâe neslee nw? (c) 0.91 (d) 0.61
36. A source of emf is required in order to:
(a) 10–31 m (b) 10–25 m efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue keâe Skeâ œeesle............ DeeJeMÙekeâ nw~
(c) 10 m (d) 10–14 m
(a) prevent the escape of electrons
27. What is the working temperature of a thoriated
Fueskeäš^e@vees kesâ heueeÙeve keâes jeskeâves kesâ efueS
tungsten filament?/Skeâ LeesjerSšs[ šbiemšve levleg keâe
(b) insulate the electrons from the unbalanced
keâeÙe&keâejer leeheceeve keäÙee nw? atoms/Demeblegefuele hejceeCegDeeW mes Fueskeäš^e@vees keâes
(a) 16000C (b) 17000C efJeÅeglejesefOele keâjves kesâ efueS
(c) 1800 C (d) 20000C (c) get the electrons into motion
28. Valency of aluminium is Fueskeäš^e@vees keâes ieefle ceW ueeves kesâ efueS
SuÙegefceefveÙece keâer mebÙeespekeâlee ............. nesleer nw~ (d) change the property of conductance into
(a) 1 (b) 2 resistance/ÛeeuekeâlJe kesâ iegCe keâes ØeeflejesOe ceW yeoueves kesâ
(c) 3 (d) 4 efueS
29. Resistance above ............... ohm is called high 37. Heat in a conductor is produced on the passes
resistance/................. Deesÿe kesâ Thej kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâes of electric current due to
GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe keâne peelee nw~ Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW T<cee keâe Glheeove efJeÅegle Oeeje kesâ
(a) 1 mega ohm/1 cesiee Deesce ØeJeeefnle nesves hej ............. kesâ keâejCe neslee nw~
(b) 0.1 mega ohm/0.1 cesiee Deesce (a) reactance/ØeefleIeele (b) capacitance/Oeeefjlee
(c) 10 kilo ohm/10 efkeâuees Deesce (c) impedance/ØeefleyeeOee (d) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
(d) 100 mega ohm/100 cesiee Deesce 38. The insulation on a current carrying conductor
30. Fourth colour band of a resistance is brown in is provided/Skeâ OeejeJeener Ûeeuekeâ hej efJeÅeglejesOeve
four colour band system, the tolerance of the Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw–
resistance is/Ûeej jbie heóer heæefle ceW ØeeflejesOe kesâ ÛeewLeer (a) to prevent leakage of current
heóer keâe jbie Yetje nw~ ØeeflejesOe keâer menveMeeruelee nw– Oeeje kesâ efjmeeJe keâes jeskeâves kesâ efueS
(a) 2% (b) 5% (b) to prevent shock
(c) 1% (d) 3% efyepeueer kesâ Peškesâ keâes jeskeâves kesâ efueS
31. The melting point of copper is (c) both of the above factors/Ghejesòeâ oesveeW keâejkeâeW
keâe@hej keâe ieueveebkeâ efyevog nw– (d) none of the above factors
(a) 22000C (b) 6600C Ghejesòeâ keâejkeâeW ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) 1083 C (d) 3600C 39. The thickness of insulation provided on the
32. Freezing point of mercury is ............ conductor depends on/Ûeeuekeâ hej Øeoeve keâer ieF&
cejkeâjer keâe peceeJe efyevog nw efJeÅeglejesOeve keâer ceesšeF& ......... hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~
(a) 350C (b) 360C (a) the magnitude of voltage on the conductor
(c) 38 C (d) –390C Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Jeesušspe kesâ heefjceeCe hej
33. The quality of a good conductor is (b) the magnitude of current flowing through it
Skeâ DeÛÚs Ûeeuekeâ kesâ iegCe nQ– Fmekesâ ceeOÙece mes yenves Jeeueer Oeeje kesâ heefjceeCe hej
(a) any specific resistance/kegâÚ Yeer efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe (c) both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(b) medium specific resistance/ceOÙece efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) low specific resistance/efvecve efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe *40. A 500 W, 220 V bulb is supplied with 110 V.
(d) high specific resistance /GÛÛe efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe Power consumption by the bulb will be
34. On application of heat on electrolyte it exhibit Skeâ 500 W, 220 V kesâ yeuye keâes 110 V kesâ meeLe
Fueskeäš^esueeFš hej G<cee kesâ DevegØeÙeesie mes Ùen ØeoefMe&le Deehetefle& Øeoeve keâjles nQ~ yeuye Éeje Meefòeâ Kehele nesiee–
keâjlee nw~ (a) slightly less than 125 W/125 W mes LeesÌ[e keâce
(a) Positive temperature coefficient (b) slightly greater than 125 W
Oeveelcekeâ leehe iegCeebkeâ 125 W mes LeesÌ[e DeefOekeâ
(b) No change in its resistance (c) exactly 125 W/ efyeukegâue 125 W
Fmekesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR neslee (d) 250 W

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 7 YCT

41. Resistance of a tungsten lamp ........... as applied 48. The speed of electricity is
voltage increases/Skeâ šbiemšve uewche keâe ØeeflejesOe, efJeÅeggle keâer ieefle nw
ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe kesâ yeÌ{ves mes – (a) 2,97,842 km/s
(a) decreases/Iešlee nw (b) 2,97,842 km/m
(c) 2,97,842 km/hr
(b) increases/yeÌ{lee nw
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) remains same/meceeve jnlee nw 49. Which one among Aluminium, Constantan,
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Mercury, Carbon have highest resistivity:
42. Electric current passing through the circuit SuÙegefceefveÙece, keâevmešsvšve, heeje, keâeye&ve, ceW mes
produces/heefjheLe mes iegpejves Jeeueer efJeÅegle Oeeje efkeâmekeâer meyemes DeefOekeâ ØeeflejesOekeâlee nw?
............ GlheVe keâjleer nw– (a) Aluminium/SuÙetefceefveÙece
(a) magnetic effect/ÛegcyekeâerÙeØeYeeJe (b) Constantan/keâevmešsvšve
(b) luminous effect/oerhle ØeYeeJe (c) Mercury/heeje
(c) thermal effect/T<ceerÙe ØeYeeJe (d) Carbon/keâeye&ve
(d) all above effects/Ghejesòeâ meYeer ØeYeeJe 50. For a two terminal device, resistance decreases
when the temperature increases, the device is:
43. If the efficiency of a machine is to be high, what
Skeâ oes šefce&veue Ùegefòeâ kesâ efueS, peye leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ
should be low?/Ùeefo efkeâmeer ceMeerve keâer o#elee DeefOekeâ
nesleer nw lees ØeeflejesOe Ieš peelee nw, Ùegefòeâ nw –
nes lees keäÙee keâce nesveer ÛeeefnS–
(a) made up of a metal/Skeâ Oeeleg mes yevee
(a) Input power/Fvehegš Meefòeâ
(b) a semiconductor/Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
(b) Losses/neefveÙeeB
(c) a dielectric/Skeâ hejeJewÅegle
(c) True component of power/Meefòeâ keâe mener Ieškeâ (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) kWh consumed/ kWh GheYeesie *51. A stove element draws 15A when connected to
*44. Two bulbs of 500 W and 200 W rated at 250 V 230 V line. How long does it take to consume
will have resistance ratio as one unit of energy?
500 Jeeš Deewj 200 Jeeš kesâ oes yeuye pees 250 Jeesuš hej 230 V ueeFve mes pegÌ[s nesves hej Skeâ mšesJe DeJeÙeJe 15A
efveOee&efjle nw, keâe ØeeflejesOe Devegheele nesiee– «enCe keâjlee nw~ Tpee& keâer Skeâ FkeâeF& keâe GheYeesie keâjves
(a) 4 : 25 (b) 25 : 4 kesâ efueS Ùen efkeâlevee meceÙe uesiee?
(c) 2 : 5 (d) 5 : 2 (a) 3.45 h/3.45 IeCše (b) 2.16 h/2.16 IeCše
45. A heater with short circuited heating element is (c) 1.0 h/1.0 IeCše (d) 0.29 h/0.29 IeCše
tested with a series test lamp, the test lamp will 52. The unit of volume resistivity is
ueIeg heefjheLe leehekeâ DeJeÙeJe Jeeues Skeâ leehekeâ keâes Skeâ DeeÙeleve ØeeflejesOekeâlee keâer FkeâeF& nw–
ßesCeer uewche kesâ meeLe hejer#eCe efkeâÙee peelee nw~ hejer#eCe (a) ohm–m3/m2/Deesce-ceer.3/ceer.2
uewche– (b) ohm–m2/m/ Deesce-ceer.2/ceer.
(a) glow brightly/Ûecekeâoej Ûecekesâiee (c) ohm–gram–m/gram/ Deesce-«eece-ceer./«eece
(b) glow dim/cebo Ûecekesâiee (d) ohm–m4/m3/ Deesce-ceer.4/ceer.3
(c) glow normally/meeceevÙe ™he mes Ûecekesâiee 53. Keeping the length constant, the diameter of a
(d) not glow/veneR Ûecekesâiee wires is reduced to one half. The new resistance
46. What is the temperature co–efficient value of will be :
aluminium at 200 Celsius?/200 mesefumeÙeme hej uecyeeF& keâes efmLej jKeles ngS, Skeâ leej keâe JÙeeme Iešekeâj
SuÙegefceefveÙece kesâ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee? DeeOee keâj efoÙee peelee nw~ veÙee ØeeflejesOe nesiee–
(a) 40.3 × 10–4 (b) 40.3 × 10–3 (a) One-fourth of the original/cetue keâe Skeâ–ÛeewLeeF&
(b) Half of the original/cetue keâe DeeOee
(c) 40.3 × 10 (d) 40.3 × 10–5
47. One ampere–hour is equal to (c) 4 times of the original/cetue keâe 4 iegvee
Skeâ SefcheÙej-IeCše ............ kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~ (d) Two times of the original/cetue keâe 2 iegvee
(a) 36000 Coulombs /36000 ketâuee@ce 54. Which material have least resistivity?
(b) 3600 Coulombs /3600 ketâuee@ce efkeâme heoeLe& keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee meyemes keâce nw?
(c) 360 Coulombs /360 ketâuee@ce (a) Copper/leeByee (b) Mercury/heeje
(d) 36 Coulombs /36 ketâuee@ce (c) Zinc/efpebkeâ (d) Brass/heerleue
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 8 YCT
55. For carbon resistance, what is the colour for 4? 61. A closed switch has a resistance of
keâeye&ve heÇeflejesOe kesâ efueS ‘4’ kesâ efueS jbie keäÙee nw? Skeâ yevo efmJeÛe keâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee :
(a) Green/nje (b) Yellow/heeruee (a) zero/MetvÙe
(c) Black/keâeuee (d) Gray/Oetmej (b) infinity/Devevle
56. The length of a conductor is doubled and its (c) about 10 Ω/ueieYeie 10 Deesce
area of cross section is also doubled. Then its (d) at least a 1 kΩ /keâce mes keâce 1 efkeâuees-Deesce
resistance will be? 62. 1 newton is the same as
Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâer uecyeeF& keâes oesiegvee Deewj Gmekesâ 1 vÙetšve kesâ meceeve nw–
DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eheâue keâes Yeer oesiegvee keâjves hej Gmekeâe (a) 105 ergs /105Deie& (b) 105 joules/105 petue
ØeeflejesOe nesiee: (c) 10 dynes /10 [eF&ve (d) 105 W/105 Jeeš
5 5

(a) doubled/oesiegvee nes peeSiee 63. Specific resistance is the resistance offered
between the two ends of material having :
(b) remain unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le jnsiee
efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe heoeLe& kesâ oes efmejeW kesâ yeerÛe Øemlegle
(c) increase in four times/Ûeej iegvee yeÌ{ peeSiee
ØeeflejesOe nw–
(d) decrease in four times/Ûeej iegvee keâce nes peeSiee
(a) volume of 1 cm3/1 mesceer3 keâe DeeÙeleve
57. Whether circuit may be AC or DC one,
(b) area of 1 cm2 and length 1 cm
following is most effective in reducing the
1 mesceer2. keâe #es$eheâue Deewj uecyeeF& 1 mesceer.
magnitude of the current./Ûeens heefjheLe S.meer. nes
(c) diameter of 1 cm and length 1 cm
Ùee [er.meer. efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve Oeeje kesâ heefjceeCe 1 mesceer. keâe JÙeeme Deewj uecyeeF& 1 mesceer.
keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS ØeYeeJeer nw? (d) circumference of 1 cm and length 1 cm
(a) Reactor/ØeefleIeelekeâ (b) Capacitor/mebOeeefj$e 1 mesceer. keâer heefjefOe Deewj uecyeeF& 1 mesceer.
(c) Inductor/Øesjkeâ (d) Resistor/ØeeflejesOekeâ 64. The resistance of a conductor is inversely
58. When a low resistance is connected in parallel proportional to its :/Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe
with a high resistance, the combined resistance ............. JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw~
is (a) Cross sectional area/DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eheâue kesâ
peye Skeâ GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe meceevlej ceW Skeâ efvecve (b) Length/uecyeeF& kesâ
ØeeflejesOe mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw, mebÙegòeâ ØeeflejesOe nw– (c) Material/heoeLe& kesâ
(a) Always more than the high resistance (d) Voltage/Jeesušlee kesâ
ncesMee GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe mes DeefOekeâ *65. Energy consumed by a heater of rating 1000
(b) Always less than the low resistance watts by operating it for a period of 2 hours
ncesMee efvecve ØeeflejesOe mes keâce will be?/1000 Jee@š jsefšbie Jeeues Skeâ neršj keâes oes Iebšs
(c) Always between the high resistance & low lekeâ ØeÛeeefuele keâjves hej Fmekesâ Éeje GheYeesie keâer ieF&
resistance./ncesMee GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe Deewj efvecve ØeeflejesOe kesâ Tpee& nesieer?
yeerÛe (a) 1 unit/1 F&keâeF& (b) 2 unit/2 F&keâeF&
(d) Either lower or higher than low resistance (c) 2.5 unit/2.5 F&keâeF& (d) 4 unit/4 F&keâeF&
depending on the value of high resistance.
*66. An electric heater is marked with 1000 W, 200
GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeve kesâ DeeOeej hej efvecve ØeeflejesOe mes V. The resistance of the coil is?
efvecve Ùee DeefOekeâ Skeâ JewÅegle neršj hej 1000 W, 200 V Debefkeâle nw~
*59. The cost of running 3 kW load for 10 hours at kegâC[ueer keâe ØeeflejesOe nw?
60 Ps/kWh is Rs ...................
60 hewmes/efkeâuees-Jeeš IeCše ceW 10 IeCšs kesâ efueS 3 (a) 4 Ω (b) 400 Ω
(c) 40 Ω (d) 5 Ω
efkeâueesJeeš uees[ keâes Ûeueeves keâer ueeiele nw~ *67. What would be the value of the voltage drop of
(a) Rs. 18 (b) Rs. 30 a 2 kW electric heater with 20Ω resistance?
(c) Rs. 10 (d) Rs. 60
20 Ω ØeeflejesOe Jeeues 2 kW kesâ efJeÅegle neršj keâer Jeesušlee
60. For a given line voltage, four heating elements
will produce maximum heat when connected in : heele keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee?
efkeâmeer efoS ieS ueeFve Jeesušspe kesâ efueS, Ûeej nerefšbie (a) 25 V (b) 50 V
DeJeÙeJeeW ceW DeefOekeâlece T<cee GlheVe nesieer peye mebÙeesefpele (c) 100 V (d) 200 V
*68. A constant current of 3 A flows through a DC
nesieW– Circuit. What is the number of electrons
(a) All in series/meYeer ßesCeer ceW passing through the circuit every minute?
(b) Two parallel pairs in series 3 A keâer melele efJeÅegle Oeeje, DC meefke&âš mes ØeJeeefnle
ßesCeer ceW oes meceevlej peesÌ[er nesleer nw~ Skeâ efceveš ceW meefke&âš mes efkeâleves Fueskeäš^e@ve
(c) All in parallel/meYeer meceevlej ceW ØeJeeefnle neWies?
(d) one pair in parallel and other in series (a) 1.602 × 1021 (b) 1.12 × 10-19
Skeâ pees[Ì er meceevlej ceW Deewj ëe=bKeuee ceW DevÙe (c) 1.302 × 10-19 (d) 1.12 × 1021
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 9 YCT
*69. A 100 W, 330 V lamp is connected to a 330 V *74. When a current of 5A flows through a resistor
supply. A 100 W, 110 V lamp is supplied with of 4Ω, the power dissipated by it is :
110 V. The ratio of their resistances is peye 4Ω kesâ Skeâ ØeeflejesOe ceW mes 5A keâer efJeÅegle Oeeje
Skeâ 100 W, 330 V kesâ uewche keâes 330 V Deehetefle& Øeoeve ØeJeeefnle keâer peeleer nw, lees Fmekesâ Éeje Kehele keâer ieF&
keâer ieF& nw~ 100 W, 110 V kesâ uewche keâes 110 V Deehetefle& Meefòeâ keäÙee nesieer?
Øeoeve keâer ieF& nw~ Gvekesâ ØeeflejesOeeW keâe Devegheele keäÙee (a) 6.25 W (b) 80 W
nesiee? (c) 20 W (d) 100 W
(a) 1 (b) 3 *75. Calculate the length of a wire required for an
(c) 9 (d) 6 electric radiator to dissipate 1 kW when
*70. Which of the following is the dimensional connected to a 230 V supply, if the coils of the
formula of conductance? radiator are made of wire 0.5 mm in diameter
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve ÛeeuekeâlJe keâe efJeceerÙe met$e nw– having resistivity of 60 µΩ cm.
(a) M L T I 1 2 –3 –1
(b) M L T I1 –2 –3 –2 230 V Deehete|le mes peesÌ[ves hej 1 kW keâes Kehele kesâ efueS
(c) M L T I –1 –2 3 2
(d) M L T I1 1 –3 1 Skeâ Fuesefkeäš^keâ jsef[Sšj kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ leej keâer
*71. Determine the value of current (in A) drawn uecyeeF& keâer ieCevee keâjW Ùeefo jsef[Sšj keâer kegâC[efueÙeeW
from a 8V battery, when a wire of 24 ohms keâer JÙeeme 0.5 mm leLee ØeeflejesOekeâlee 60 µΩ cm nQ~
resistance is stretched doubled its original length
and then cut into two equal parts and these (a) 753 cm (b) 1456 cm
equal part are connected in parallel with the (c) 1732 cm (d) 400 cm
battery? 76. One kWh equal nearly ..............k Cals.
8 Jeesuš yewšjer mes yeves efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe ceeve (SeqcheÙej ceW) 1 ef k eâuees
J eeš IeCše ueieYeie .................. efkeâuees kewâueesjer
keäÙee nesiee, peye 24 Deesÿe ØeeflejesOe keâe leej efpemekeâer cetue kes â yejeyej nw ~
uebyeeF& keâes KeeRÛe keâj oesiegvee efkeâÙee peelee nw, efheâj Gmes oes (a) 3600 (b) 860
(c) 4200 (d) 9800
yejeyej YeeieeW ceW keâeš efoÙee peelee nw Deewj Ùes yejeyej YeeieeW 77. Ohm's law is applicable only when:
keâes yewšjer kesâ meceevlej ceW peesÌ[e peelee nw– Deesce keâe efveÙece leYeer ueeiet neslee nw peye–
(a) 0.33 (b) 0.65
(a) voltage is constant/Jeesušspe efmLej nes
(c) 0.24 (d) 0.47
*72. Determine the heat (in joules) dissipated (b) length is same/uecyeeF& meceeve nes
through a resistor of 15 ohms resistance, when (c) cross sectional area is same
0.5 A of current is flowing through the resistor DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eheâue meceeve nes
for 8 seconds. (d) temperature is constant/leeheceeve efmLej nes
15 Deesÿe ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeOÙece mes T<cee keâe DeheJÙeÙe *78. Ten numbers of 20 ohm resistors are connected
(petue ceW) efveOee&efjle keâjW, peye ØeeflejesOe kesâ Éeje 0.5 in parallel across a 220 V DC supply. The
SeqcheÙej keâer efJeÅegle Oeeje 8 meskebâ[ kesâ efueS yen jner nw– branch current is:
(a) 40 (b) 30 20 Deesce kesâ 10 ØeeflejesOe 220 V [er.meer. Deehetefle& kesâ
(c) 20 (d) 60 S›eâeme meceevlej ceW mebÙeesefpele nQ~ MeeKee Oeeje nw–
73. Which of the following statement is TRUE? (a) 20 A (b) 11 A
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nQ? (c) 22 A (d) 110 A
(a) The resistivity of a conductor does not 79. In a lamp load when more than one lamp are
depend on alloying of conductor material. switched on the total resistance of the load
megÛeeuekeâ keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee megÛeeuekeâ Oeeleg keâer efceßelee hej Skeâ uewche uees[ ceW peye Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ uewche uees[ keâes
efveYe&j vener keâjleer nw~ Ûeeuet efkeâÙee peelee nw lees uees[ keâe kegâue ØeeflejesOe–
(b) The resistivity of a conductor does not (a) increases/yeÌ{lee nw
depend on the temperature./megÛeeuekeâ keâer
(b) decreases/Iešlee nw
ØeeflejesOekeâlee leeheceeve hej efveYe&j veneR keâjleer nw~
(c) The resistivity of a conductor does not (c) remains same/meceeve jnlee nw
depend on the length of the conductor. (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
megÛeeuekeâ keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee, megÛeeuekeâ keâer uecyeeF& hej 80. Two lamps 100 W and 40 W are connected in
efveYe&j veneR keâjleer nw~ series across 230 V (alternating). Which of the
(d) The resistivity of a conductor does not following statement is correct?
depend on the mechanical stress on the oes uewche 100 W Deewj 40 W, 230 V kesâ S›eâeme ßesCeer
conductor./megÛeeuekeâ keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee, megÛeeuekeâ kesâ ceW (Skeâevlej) pegÌ[s ngS nQ~ efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee
Ùeebef$ekeâ leveeJe hej efveYe&j veneR keâjleer nw~ keâLeve mener nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 10 YCT
(a) 100 W lamp will glow brighter 86. Switching of a lamp in house produces noise in
100 Jeeš keâe uewche DeefOekeâ Ûecekesâiee the radio. This is because switching operation
(b) 40 W lamp will glow brighter
Iej ceW Skeâ uewche keâes efmJeÛe keâjves mes jsef[Ùees ceW Meesj
40 Jeeš keâe uewche DeefOekeâ Ûecekesâiee
GlheVe neslee nw~ Ssmee FmeefueS neslee nw keäÙeesefkeâ efmJeefÛebie
(c) Both lamps will glow equally bright
Dee@hejsMeve GlheVe keâjlee nw–
oesvees uewche yejeyej Ûecekesâies (a) arcs across separating contacts
(d) 40 W lamp will fuse he=Lekeâ mebhekeâex kesâ S›eâeme Deeke&â
40 Jeeš keâe uewche HeäÙetpe nes peeSiee (b) mechanical noise of high intensity
*81. Resistance of 220 V, 100 W lamp will be GÛÛe leer›elee keâe Ùeebef$ekeâ Meesj
220 V, 100 W uewche keâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee– (c) both mechanical noise and arc between
(a) 4.84 Ω (b) 48.4 Ω contacts/oesvees Ùeebef$ekeâ Meesj Deewj mebhekeâex kesâ yeerÛe Deeke&â
(c) 484 Ω (d) 4840 Ω (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
82. In the case of direct current 87. Sparking occurs when a load is switched off
efo° Oeeje kesâ ceeceues ceW– because the circuit has high
mheeefkeËâie leye nesleer nw peye Skeâ Yeej efmJeÛe Dee@heâ neslee
(a) magnitude and direction of current remains
nw~ keäÙeesbefkeâ heefjheLe kesâ heeme GÛÛe..............neslee nw~
constant/Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe Deewj efoMee efmLej jnleer nw
(a) resistance /ØeeflejesOe (b) inductance/ØesjkeâlJe
(b) magnitude and direction of current changes
with time/Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe Deewj efoMee meceÙe kesâ meeLe (c) capacitance/Oeeefjlee (d) impedance/ØeefleyeeOee
*88. Copper wire of certain length and resistance is
yeouelee nw drawn out to three times its length without
(c) magnitude of current changes with time change in volume, the new resistance of wire
Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe meceÙe kesâ meeLe yeouelee nw becomes
(d) magnitude of current remains constant kegâÚ efveef§ele uebyeeF& Deewj ØeeflejesOe kesâ leeByes kesâ leej keâes
Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe efmLej jnlee nw efyevee DeeÙeleve ceW heefjJele&ve efkeâÙes Fmekeâer uebyeeF& keâes leerve
83. When electric current passes through a bucket iegvee KeeRÛee peelee nw, leej keâe veÙee ØeeflejesOe nesiee–
full of water, lot of bubbling is observed. This (a) 1/9 times/1/9 iegvee
suggests that the type of supply is (b) 3 times/3 iegvee
peye efJeÅegle Oeeje heeveer mes Yejer yeeušer mes iegpejleer nw, lees (c) 9 times/9 iegvee
yengle DeefOekeâ yegueyeguee osKee peelee nw~ Ùen megPeeJe oslee (d) unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le
nw efkeâ Deehetefle& keâe Øekeâej nw– 89. When resistance element of a heater fuses and
(a) A.C. /S.meer then we reconnect it after removing a portion
of it, the power of the heater will
(b) D.C./[er.meer. peye Skeâ leehekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe DeJeÙeJe HeäÙetpe nes peelee nw
(c) any of the above two/Ghejesòeâ oesveeW ceW mes keâesF& Yeer Deewj efHeâj nce Fmekesâ kegâÚ Yeeie keâes nševes kesâ yeeo Fmes
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR hegve: peesÌ[les nQ, leehekeâ keâer Meefòeâ nesieer–
84. Resistance of carbon filament lamp ........... as (a) decrease/Iešsieer
the applied voltage increases./ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe kesâ (b) increase/yeÌ{sieer
yeÌ{ves hej keâeye&ve levleg uewche keâe ØeeflejesOe– (c) remain constant/efmLej jnsieer
(a) increases/yeÌ{lee nw (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) decreases/Iešlee nw 90. When two resistance are connected in series,
(c) remains same/meceeve jnlee nw they have :
peye oes ØeeflejesOe ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s ngS nQ leye Gvekesâ heeme–
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ keâesF& veneR (a) same resistance values
85. Bulbs in street lighting are all connected in oesveeW keâe ØeeflejesOe meceeve nesiee
mš^erš ueeFefšbie ceW meYeer yeuye pegÌ[s nesles nQ– (b) same voltage across them
(a) parallel/meceeveeblej ceW oesveeW kesâ S›eâeme meceeve Jeesušspe nesiee
(c) different resistance values
(b) series/ßesCeer ceW
oesveeW keâe ØeeflejesOe Demeceeve nesiee
(c) series-parallel/ßesCeer - meceeveeblej ceW (d) same current passing through them
(d) end-to-end/Deble mes Deble lekeâ oesveeW mes meceeve Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesieer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 11 YCT
91. Newton–meter is the unit of: 98. Which is the best conductor of electricity?
vÙetšve–ceeršj keâer FkeâeF& nw– efvecve ceW mes keâewve efJeÅegle keâe meyemes DeÛÚe Ûeeuekeâ nw?
(a) energy/Tpee& (b) torque/yeueeIetCe& (a) Carbon/keâeye&ve (b) Silver/ÛeeBoer
(c) power/Meefòeâ (d) work/keâeÙe& (c) Copper/leeByee (d) Iron/ueesne
*92. If a 220 V heater is used on 110 V supply, heat 99. With the rise in temperature, the resistance of
produced by it would be carbon :
Ùeefo Skeâ 220 V kesâ neršj keâe GheÙeesie 110 V keâer leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe, keâeye&ve keâe ØeeflejesOe–
Deehetefle& hej efkeâÙee peelee nw lee Fmekesâ Éeje Glheeefole (a) decreases/Iešlee nw
T<cee nesieer– (b) increases/yeÌ{lee nw
(a) one–half/DeeOee (b) twice/oes iegvee (c) becomes zero/MetvÙe nes peelee nw
(c) one–fourth/Skeâ–ÛeewLeeF& (d) four times/Ûeej iegvee (d) remains unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le
93. In resistance colour coding the value of 5 is *100. Two resistances of equal value when connected
represented by :/ØeeflejesOe jbie mebkesâleerkeâjCe ceW ‘5’ kesâ in parallel give an equivalent resistance of R. If
ceeve kesâ Éeje ............... efve®efhele keâjles nw~ these resistors are connected in series, the
equivalent resistance will be:
(a) Green colour /nje jbie
meceeve ceeve kesâ oes ØeeflejesOe peye meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nesles nw
(b) Orange colour /veejbieer jbie
leye leguÙe ØeeflejesOe R osles nw~ Ùeefo Fve ØeeflejesOekeâes keâes
(c) Brown colour /Yetje jbie
ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peeS, leye Gvekeâe leguÙe
(d) Violet colour /yewieveer jbie
94. One Coulomb of charge is equal to the charge
Øeef lejesOe nesiee~
on ............. electrons./Skeâ ketâuee@ce keâe DeeJesMe (a) R (b) 4R
(c) 2R (d) R/2
............... Fueskeäš^e@ve kesâ DeeJesMe kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
101. According to modern electron theory, the last
(a) 628×1010 (b) 628×106 orbit of an atom cannot accommodate more
(c) 6.25×1018 (d) 628×1030 than ............... electrons.
95. One Watt is same as: DeeOegefvekeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve efmeæevle kesâ Devegmeej, Skeâ hejceeCeg
Skeâ Jeeš .......... kesâ meceeve nw~ keâer Deefvlece keâ#ee ceW ................... mes DeefOekeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve
(a) Ampere/sec/SefcheÙej/ meskesâC[
meceeÙeesefpele veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(b) Volt/sec/Jeesuš/meskesâC[
(a) 8 (b) 18
(c) Joules/sec /petue/meskesâC[ (c) 4 (d) 32
(d) Ohm/sec /Deesce/meskesâC[ 102. The atomic weight and atomic number of
96. In a parallel bank with unequal branch copper are 64 and 29 respectively. Therefore, a
resistances : copper atom has:
Demeceeve MeeKee ØeeflejesOeeW kesâ meeLe Skeâ meceevlej yeQkeâ ceW leeByes keâe hejceeCeg Yeej Deewj hejceeCeg mebKÙee ›eâceMe: 64
(a) The current is highest in the lowest R Deewj 29 nw~ FmeefueS leeByes kesâ hejceeCeg ceW.......... nesies~
efvecve ØeeflejesOe (R) ceW GÛÛelece Oeeje (a) 35 protons, 35 electrons and 29 neutrons
(b) the voltage is highest across the lowest R (b) 35 protons, 29 electrons and 29 neutrons
efvecve ØeeflejesOe (R) kesâ S›eâeme GÛÛelece Jeesušspe (c) 29 protons, 35 electrons and 29 neutrons
(c) the current is highest in the highest R (d) 29 protons, 29 electrons and 35 neutrons
GÛÛelece ØeeflejesOe (R) ceW GÛÛelece Oeeje 103. Volt is the ornamental name for
(d) the current is equal in all branches Jeesuš kesâ efueS mepeeJešer veece nw
meYeer MeeKeeDeeW ceW yejeyej Oeeje (a) Watt per hour/Jeeš/IeCše
97. A tolerance of 20% in the value of carbon (b) Joule second/petue-meskesâC[
resistor is represented by (c) Watt hour/Jeeš-IeCše
keâeye&ve ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeve ceW 20 ØeefleMele keâer menveMeeruelee (d) joule per coulomb/petue/ketâuee@ce
keâes............. kesâ Éeje ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙee peelee nw~ 104. When electric current passes through a
(a) gold band/megvenjer heóer metallic conductor, its temperature rises. This
(b) black band/keâeueer heóer is due to/peye efJeÅegle Oeeje Skeâ OeeeflJekeâ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ
(c) silver band/efmeuJej heóer ceeOÙece mes iegpejleer nw leye leeheceeve yeÌ{ peelee nw, Ùen
(d) without any band/efyevee efkeâmeer heóer kesâ ............. kesâ keâejCe neslee nw~

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 12 YCT

(a) collisions between conduction electrons and *112. A uniform wire of resistance R is divided into
atoms/Ûeeuekeâ Fueskeäš^e@veeW Deewj hejceeCegDeeW kesâ yeerÛe 10 equal parts and all of them are connected in
škeâjeJe parallel. The equivalent resistance will be
(b) the release of conduction electrons from Øeef lejesOe R kesâ Skeâ meceeve leej keâes 10 yejeyej YeeieeW ceW
parent atoms/cetue hejceeCegDeeW mes Ûeeueve Fueskeäš^eveeW keâe efJeYeeefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw Deewj Jes meYeer meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s
cegòeâ nesvee nw~ leguÙe ØeeflejesOe nesiee :
(c) mutual collisions between metal atoms (a) 0.01 R (b) 0.1 R
Oeeleg hejceeCegDeeW kesâ yeerÛe heejmheefjkeâ škeâjeJe (c) 10 R (d) 100 R
(d) mutual collisions between conducting 113. Melting point of Tungsten filament is
electrons./meJebnve Fueskeäš^e@veeW kesâ yeerÛe heejmheefjkeâ šbiemšve levleg keâe ieueveebkeâ efyevog nw–
škeâjeJe (a) 36000C (b) 3200C
105. Ampere is (c) 3400 C 0
(d) 48000C
SefcheÙej neslee nw – 114. Potential drop in a resistor is
(a) Joules per coulomb/petue/ketâuee@ce Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ ceW efJeYeJe-heele nw–
(b) Joules per unit time/petue/ FkeâeF& meceÙe (a) VI (b) VR
(c) Coulomb per unit time/ketâuee@ce/ FkeâeF& meceÙe V
(d) Coulomb per joule/ketâuee@ce/petue (c) IR (d)
106. The curve representing Ohm's law is 115. The circuit through which current flow is
Deesce kesâ efveÙece keâes oMee&ves Jeeuee Je›eâ nw– called a ............. circuit
(a) Sine function/pÙee heâueve Jen heefjheLe efpemekesâ ceeOÙece mes Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nes
(b) parabola/hejJeueÙe ............... heefjheLe keâne peelee nw~
(c) Cosine function/keâespÙee heâueve (a) Open/Keguee (b) Series/ßesCeer
(d) Linear/jsKeerÙe (c) Parallel/meceevlej (d) Closed/yevo
107. Most preferred material for standard resistors
116. In a parallel circuit
ceevekeâ ØeeflejesOekeâeW kesâ efueS meyemes hemeboeroe heoeLe& nw–
Skeâ meceevlej heefjheLe ceW–
(a) Nichrome/veeF›eâesce
(a) Voltage is same/Jeesušspe meceeve neslee nw
(b) Platinum/huesefšvece
(b) Current is same/Oeeje meceeve nesleer nw
(c) German silver/pece&ve efmeuJej
(c) Voltage and current are same
(d) Manganin/ceQieefveve
108. One kWh is equal to
Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje meceeve nesles nw~
1 efkeâueesJeeš–IeCše yejeyej nw– (d) Resistance is same/ØeeflejesOe meceeve neslee nw~
(a) 3.6×10 Joule 5
(b) 3.6×10 Joule 117. One 60 W and one 100 W bulbs are connected
(c) 3.6×106 Joule (d) 6.6×108 Joule in series. When the supply is given
109. A glass rod when rubbed with silk cloth is Skeâ 60 W Deewj Skeâ 100 W keâe yeuye ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s
charged because nQ~ peye Deehetefle&& oer peeleer nw leye–
jsMece kesâ keâheÌ[s kesâ meeLe Skeâ iueeme je@[ keâes jieÌ[ves hej (a) 60 W bright less/60 Jeeš keâe keâce Ûecekesâiee
DeeJesefMele nes peeleer nw keäÙeeWefkeâ–
(b) 100 W bright more/100 Jeeš keâe pÙeeoe Ûecekesâiee
(a) it takes in proton/Øeesše@ve «enCe keâj ueslee nw
(c) Both brights equally/oesveeW yejeyej ÛecekeWâies
(b) its atoms are removed/hejceeCeg nše efoS peeles nQ
(d) 60 W brights more/60 Jeeš keâe pÙeeoe Ûecekesâiee~
(c) it gives away electrons /Ùen Fueskeäš^e@ve keâes oslee nw
118. At balance Wheatstone bridge galvanometer
(d) it given away positive charge
Ùen Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe oslee nw
110. The total no. of basic SI unit is
meblegefuele Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe hej iewuJesveesceeršj efoKeelee nw~
cetue SI FkeâeFÙeeW keâer kegâue mebKÙee nw– (a) High deflection/GÛÛe efJe#esheCe
(a) 4 (b) 5 (b) Low deflection/efvecve efJe#esheCe
(c) 6 (d) 7 (c) Null deflection/MetvÙe efJe#esheCe
111. The opposition offered by a substance of the (d) Maximum deflection/DeefOekeâlece efJe#esheCe
flow of electric current is called/Skeâ heoeLe& Éeje
119. The resistivity of copper is 1.72 × :
Oeeje ØeJeen ceW Øemlegle DeJejesOe keânueelee nw– leeByes keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee 1.72 × ............. nw~
(a) voltage/Jeesušspe (b) power/Meefòeâ (a) 10–6 ohm m (b) 10–8 ohm m
(c) current/Oeeje (d) resistance/ØeeflejesOe –8
(c) 10 ohm cm (d) 10–8 ohm mm
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 13 YCT
120. In............resistance increases with temperature *128. If 12.25×1016 electrons pass through a
............. ceW leeheceeve Je=efæ kesâ meeLe ØeeflejesOe yeÌ{lee nw~ conductor in 1sec, then how much current (in
(a) Insulator/efJeÅeglejesOekeâ mA) will/Ùeefo 12.25 × 1016 Fueskeäš^e@ve 1 meskebâ[ ceW
(b) Semi conductor/Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ceeOÙece mes iegpejles nw, lees efJeÅegle Oeeje
(c) Plastics/hueeefmškeâ (efceueer-SefcheÙej ceW) efkeâleveer nesieer?
(d) Metals/OeelegDeeW (a) 17.6 (b) 18.6
121. The resistance of perfect insulator is: (c) 19.6 (d) 20.6
hetCe& kegâÛeeuekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe neslee nw– 129. The precision resistors are?/heefjMegæ ØeeflejesOe nw?
(a) zero/MetvÙe (a) carbon composition resistors
(b) 1 Ω/1 Deesce keâeye&ve jefÛele ØeeflejesOe
(c) 20 mega ohm/20 cesiee-Deesce (b) wire-wound resistors/JeeÙej JeeGv[ ØeeflejesOe
(d) infinite/Devevle (c) resistors with a negative temperature coefficient
122. The P.T.C. resistor is called $e+Ceelcekeâ leehe iegCeebkeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe
P.T.C. ØeeflejesOekeâ keâes keâne peelee nw–
(d) resistors with a positive temperatures
(a) Thermistors/Leefce&mšj coefficient/Oeveelcekeâ leehe iegCeebkeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe
(b) Sensistors/meWefmemšj *130. Electric charge measured in Coulombs has the
(c) Varistors/Jewefjmšj charge of how many electrons?/ketâuee@ce ceW Fuesefkeäš^keâ
(d) LDR/ØekeâeMe DeefßeÇle ØeeflejesOekeâ Ûeepe& efkeâleves Fueskeäš^e@veeW kesâ DeeJesMe kesâ yejeyej nw?
123. The unit of quantity of electricity expressed in (a) 6.242 × 1018 (b) 6.242 × 108
the SI unit is : (c) 8.242 × 10 18
(d) 8.242 × 1018
SI FkeâeF& ceW JÙeòeâ efJeÅegle keâer cee$ee keâer FkeâeF& nw~
131. What is the resistivity of lead?
(a) Ampere/Second/SefcheÙej/meskesâC[ meermes keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee keäÙee nw?
(b) Coulomb/ketâuee@ce (a) 5Ω m (b) 22.5 × 10–8 Ω m
(c) Ampere/Minute/SefcheÙej/efceveš (c) 20.8 × 10–8 Ω m (d) 10 Ω m
(d) Ampere/mm2/SefcheÙej/efceceer2 *132. If 2.2 m long conductor has a cross sectional
124. The formula to find out the quantity of area of 0.025 m2 and resistance of 5 ohms, find
electricity is : its resistivity : /Ùeefo efkeâmeer 2.2 m uecyes Ûeeuekeâ keâe
efJeÅegle keâer cee$ee keâe helee ueieeves kesâ efueS met$e nw– DevegØemLe keâeš 0.025 m2 SJeb ØeeflejesOe 5 Deesÿe nw, lees
(a) Voltage × Current/Jeesušspe × Oeeje Gmekeâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee %eele keâerefpeS–
(b) Current × Time/Oeeje × meceÙe (a) 0.072 ohm m/0.072 Deesÿe ceer
(c) Power × Time/Meefòeâ × meceÙe (b) 0.057 ohm m/0.057 Deesÿe ceer
(d) Current × Resistance/Oeeje × ØeeflejesOe (c) 0.58 ohm m/0.58 Deesÿe ceer
125. Constantan wire is used for making rheostat
(d) 0.67 ohm m/0.67 Deesÿe ceer
because :/keâevmešsvšve leej keâe GheÙeesie efjÙeesmšsš
*133. The number of electrons constituting 1 C of
yeveeves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ– charge it :
(a) high specific resistance/GÛÛe efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe Skeâ ketâuee@ce DeeJesMe ceW pecee Fueskeäš^e@ve keâer mebKÙee nw–
(b) no change in resistance when temperature (a) 8.854 × 109 (b) 4 × 1010
varies/leeheceeve kesâ yeoueves hej ØeeflejesOe ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve (c) 0.625 × 10 19
(d) 1.6 × 1019
veneR neslee 134. An electron has :/Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve ceW neslee nw–
(c) it is easily available/Ùen Deemeeveer mes GheueyOe nw (a) Negative charge/$e+Ceelcekeâ DeeJesMe
(d) it is an alloy/Ùen Skeâ efceße Oeeleg nw (b) Fixed positive charge/efveÙele Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe
126. One mega ohm is equal to : (c) Variable positive charge/heefjJeleea Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe
Skeâ cesiee–Deesce ........... kesâ yejeyej nw~ (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) 1×10–6 ohm (b) 1×106 ohm
3 *135. Point form of Ohm's law is represented by the
(c) 1×10 ohm (d) 1×10–3 ohm
127. The use of silver in electrical accessories is :
efJeÅegle kesâ meneÙekeâ GhekeâjCe ceW ÛeeBoer keâe GheÙeesie nw– Deesÿe kesâ efveÙece keâes efyevog ™he ceW ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(a) Contact points/mecheke&â efyevog yeveeves kesâ efueS σ
(a) J = (b) J = σE
(b) Switch terminal/efmJeÛe šefce&veue yeveeves kesâ efueS E
(c) Lamp terminal/uewche šefce&veue yeveeves kesâ efueS E
(c) J = (d) J = σ2 E
(d) Wire/leej yeveeves kesâ efueS σ

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 14 YCT

136. Which of the following have same dimensional 143. In power control circuit the resistor used are:
formula Meefòeâ efveÙeefv$ele heefjheLe ceW ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmekesâ meceeve efJeceerÙe met$e nw– peelee nw~
(a) Work and Energy / keâeÙe& SJeb Tpee& (a) Carbon resistors/keâeye&ve ØeeflejesOekeâ
(b) Impulse and Momentum / DeeJesie SJeb mebJesie (b) Metal resistor on ceramic base
(c) Both Work and Energy & Impulse and Ûeerveer efceóer kesâ DeeOeej hej Oeeleg ØeeflejesOekeâ
Momentum (c) Wire wound resistor/JeeÙej JeeGC[ ØeeflejesOekeâ
keâeÙe& SJeb Tpee& Je DeeJesie SJeb mebJesie oesveeW (d) Etched circuit resistor/ Etched heefjheLe ØeeflejesOekeâ
(d) None of these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR 144. A circuit having current zero when load and
supply is given is :
137. Potential Difference is : efJeYeJeeblej nw : peye Yeej Deewj Deehetefle& efoÙee peelee nw lees Skeâ heefjheLe ceW
(a) Scalar Quantity/Skeâ DeefoMe jeefMe Oeeje MetvÙe nesieer–
(b) Vector Quantity/Skeâ meefoMe jeefMe (a) short circuit/ueIeg heefjheLe
(c) Both Scalar Quantity & Vector Quantity (b) Open circuit /Keguee heefjheLe
Skeâ DeefoMe jeefMe Je Skeâ meefoMe jeefMe oesveeW (c) (a) or (b)/ (a) Ùee (b)
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
138. The maximum number of electrons which the *145. A small portion of a 1000 W heater coil is
valence shell of an atom can have is : broken. The power consumed by the remaining
Fueskeäš^esveeW keâer DeefOekeâlece mebKÙee pees Skeâ hejceeCeg keâe portion which is connected to the same supply
mebÙeespekeâ keâesMe OeejCe keâj mekeâlee nw– will be:
1000 W neršj kegbâ[ueer keâe Skeâ Úesše mee efnmmee štš
(a) 6 (b) 8
(c) 18 (d) 2
peelee nw~ Mes<e yeÛes ngS Yeeie Éeje GheYeesie efkeâ peeves
*139. Under thermal and electrical system analogy, Jeeueer Meefòeâ nesieer pees meceeve Deehetefle& mes pegÌ[er nw?
temperature is considered analogous to (a) 1000 W/1000 Jeeš
leeheerÙe Deewj efJeÅegleerÙe ØeCeeueer ceW leeheceeve efkeâmekesâ (b) less than 1000 W/1000 Jeeš mes keâce
meceeve neslee nw? (c) greater than 1000 W/1000 Jeeš mes DeefOekeâ
(a) Current/Oeeje (b) Charge/DeeJesMe (d) zero/MetvÙe
146. Four lamps 40 W, 60 W, 100 W and 150 W of
(c) Voltage/Jeesušspe (d) Capacitance/kewâheeefmešWme
same voltage rating is connected in series and
140. One watt is defined as : connected across the rated voltage. Which bulb
Skeâ Jeeš keâes ............. kesâ ®he ceW heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee will take more power?
peelee nw~ 40 W, 60 W, 100 W Deewj 150 W kesâ Ûeej meceeve
(a) Joule per second/petue/meskesâC[ Jeesušlee jsefšbie kesâ yeuye ßesCeer ceW Deewj efveOee&efjle Jeesušlee
(b) Joule-second/ petue–meskesâC[ kesâ S›eâeme pegÌ[s ngS nQ~ keâewve mee yeuye DeefOekeâ Meefòeâ
(c) Joule- minute/ petue–efceveš uesiee–
(a) 150 W (b) 100 W
(d) Joule per minute/ petue/efceveš
(c) 60 W (d) 40 W
141. The unit of resistivity is : 147. When a voltage source is connected to a load,
efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe keâe cee$ekeâ nw– its terminal voltage falls due to:
(a) Ohm/Deesce peye Skeâ Jeesušlee œeesle Skeâ Yeej mes pegÌ[lee nw lees Fmekeâe
(b) Ohm/meter/Deesce/ceeršj šefce&veue Jeesušspe .......... kesâ keâejCe mes efiejlee nw~
(c) Ohm–metre/Deesce–ceeršj (a) high source impedance/GÛÛe œeesle ØeefleyeeOee
(d) Mho/cnes (b) low source impedance /efvecve œeesle ØeefleyeeOee
*142. When voltage reduces to 1/2, the power (c) low source voltage/ efvecve œeesle Jeesušspe
consumption of bulb becomes : (d) high load resistance/GÛÛe Yeej ØeeflejesOe
peye Jeesušspe Ieškeâj DeeOee nes peelee nw, yeuye keâer Kehele 148. The example of non ohmic resistance is
Meefòeâ ............ nes peeÙesieer~ iewj- Deesefcekeâ ØeeflejesOe keâe GoenjCe nw–
(a) copper wire/leeByes keâe leej
(a) zero/MetvÙe (b) times/Skeâ–ÛeewLeeF& (b) carbon resistance/keâeye&ve keâe ØeeflejesOe
(c) aluminium wire/SuÙegefceefveÙece keâe leej
(c) times/DeeOee (d) 2 times /oes iegvee (d) tungsten wire/šbiemšve keâe leej
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 15 YCT
149. The resistance of human body is about 155. Electric shock is:
ceeveJe Mejerj keâe ØeeflejesOe ueieYeie neslee nw– JewÅegle Peškeâe neslee nw–
(a) 200 Ω/Deesce (b) 10 Ω/Deesce (a) always fatal/ncesMee Ieelekeâ
(c) 1000 Ω/Deesce (d) 25 Ω/Deesce (b) never fatal/keâYeer Ieelekeâ veneR
150. A field of force can exist only between (c) sometimes fatal/keâYeer–keâYeer Ieelekeâ
yeue keâe Skeâ #es$e kesâJeue ............ kesâ yeerÛe ceW ner ceewpeto (d) always disfiguring/ncesMee efJe™efhele keâjves Jeeuee
nes mekeâlee nw~ 156. Which of the following conductor has lowest
(a) two molecules/oes DeCegDeeW resistivity at 2730 K
(b) two ions/oes DeeÙeveeW efvecveefueefKele ÛeeuekeâeW ceW mes 2730 K hej efkeâmekeâer
(c) two atoms/oes hejceeCegDeeW ØeeflejesOekeâlee meyemes keâce nesieer?
(d) two metal particles/oes Oeeleg kesâ keâCeeW (a) aluminium/SuÙegefceefveÙece (b) copper/leeByee
151. A substance whose molecules consist of (c) brass/yeÇeme (d) iron/ueesne
dissimilar atoms is called 157. Specific resistance of a conductor depends
Skeâ heoeLe& efpemekesâ DeCeg Demeceeve hejceeCeg mes efceuekeâj upon/Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe .......... efveYe&j
yeves nesles nQ, keânueelee nw~ keâjlee nw~
(a) semi–conductor/Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ (a) composition of the conductor
(b) super–conductor/Deefle-Ûeeuekeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâer mebIešve hej
(c) compound/Ùeewefiekeâ (b) length of the conductor /Ûeeuekeâ keâer uecyeeF& hej
(d) insulator /kegâÛeeuekeâ (c) area of cross section of the conductor
152. Insulating materials have the function of Ûeeuekeâ kesâ DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eheâue hej
efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& keâe keâeÙe& nw: (d) resistance of the conductor /Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe
(a) preventing a short circuit between conducting 158. The ratio of voltage and current in a closed
wires/ Ûeeuekeâ leejeW kesâ yeerÛe ueIeg heefjheLe keâes jeskeâvee circuit remains :/Skeâ yevo heefjheLe ceW Jeesušspe Deewj
(b) preventing an open circuit between the Oeeje keâe Devegheele ............. yevee jnlee nw~
voltage source and the load/Jeesušspe œeesle Deewj (a) constant/efmLej
Yeej kesâ yeerÛe Kegues heefjheLe keâes jeskeâvee (b) increases/yeÌ{lee nw
(c) conducting very large currents (c) decreases/Iešlee nw
yengle yeÌ[er OeejeDeeW keâe mebÛeeueve keâjvee (d) varied/heefjJeefle&le neslee nw
(d) storing very high currents
159. Resistance of a material always decreases if
yengle GÛÛe OeejeDeeW keâe YeC[ejCe keâjvee Skeâ heoeLe& keâe ØeeflejesOe ncesMee Iešlee nw Ùeefo–
153. The minimum charge on an ion is
(a) temperature of material is decreased
Skeâ DeeÙeve hej vÙevetlece DeeJesMe neslee nw–
heoeLe& keâe leeheceeve Ieš peelee nw
(a) equal to the atomic number of the atom
(b) temperature of material is increased
hejceeCeg keâer hejceeCeg mebKÙee kesâ yejeyej heoeLe& keâe leeheceeve yeÌ{ peelee nw
(b) equal to the charge of an electron
(c) number of free electrons available becomes
Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve kesâ DeeJesMe kesâ yejeyej more/GheueyOe cegòeâ Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee DeefOekeâ nes
(c) equal to the charge of the number of electrons
in an atom/Skeâ hejceeCeg ceW Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee kesâ
peeleer nw
(d) none of the above is correct
DeeJesMe kesâ yejeyej
GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& mener veneR nw
(d) zero/MetvÙe
160. Which of the following statement is correct?
154. In a series circuit with unequal resistances
Demeceeve ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe Skeâ ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW– efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
(a) the highest resistance has the most of the (a) A semi-conductor is a material whose
current through it/GÛÛelece ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeOÙece mes conductivity is same as between that of a
conductor and an insulator/Deæ&-Ûeeuekeâ Skeâ Ssmee
meyemes pÙeeoe Oeeje peeSieer
(b) the lowest resistance has the highest voltage heoeLe& nw efpemekeâer efJeefMe° Ûeeuekeâlee, megÛeeuekeâ Deewj Skeâ
drop /meyemes keâce ØeeflejesOe ceW meyemes DeefOekeâ Jeesušlee-heele kegâÛeeuekeâ kesâ yeerÛe nesleer nw
nesiee (b) A semi-conductor is a material which has
(c) the lowest resistance has the highest current/ conductivity having average value of
meyemes keâce ØeeflejesOe ceW meyemes DeefOekeâ Oeeje nesieer conductivity of metal and insulator/Deæ&-Ûeeuekeâ
(d) the highest resistance has the highest voltage Skeâ Ssmee heoeLe& nw efpemekeâer efJeefMe° Ûeeuekeâlee, Oeeleg
drop/GÛÛelece ØeeflejesOe ceW meyemes DeefOekeâ Jeesušlee-heele Deewj kegâÛeeuekeâ keâer efJeefMe° Ûeeuekeâlee keâe Deewmele ceeve
nesiee neslee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 16 YCT
(c) A semi-conductor is one which conducts only (c) Emits or Absorb Neutron
half of the applied voltage/Skeâ Deæ&-Ûeeuekeâ Jen vÙetš^e@ve keâes Glmee|pele Ùee DeJeMeesef<ele keâjlee nw
nw pees ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe kesâ kesâJeue DeeOes Yeeie Éeje (d) None of these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
mebÛeeefuele neslee nw 166. Current always flow in direction :
(d) A semi-conductor is a material made of Oeeje ncesMee ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw :
alternate layers of conducting material and (a) Opposite to that of Electron
insulator/Deæ&-Ûeeuekeâ Skeâ heoeLe& nw pees Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& Fueskeäš^e@ve kesâ efJehejerle efoMee ceW
Deewj kegâÛeeuekeâ kesâ Skeâevlej hejleeW mes yevee neslee nw (b) Direction same as of electron
161. A rheostat differs from potentiometer in the Fueskeäš^e@ve kesâ meceeve efoMee ceW
respect that it/Skeâ efjÙeesmšsš, efJeYeJeceeheer mes efYeVe (c) Independent of electron flow
neslee nw, Fme mecyevOe ceW efkeâ Fmekeâer- Fueskeäš^e@ve ØeJeen hej efveYe&j veneR keâjlee
(a) has lower wattage rating (d) None of these/Fvecebs mes keâesF& veneR
efvecve Jee@š #ecelee oj-efveOee&jCe *167. A light bulb draws 300 mA when the voltage
across it is 240 V. The resistance of the light
(b) has higher wattage rating
bulb is/Skeâ efJeÅegled yeuye peye Gme keâe Jeesušspe 240 V
GÛÛe Jee@š #ecelee oj-efveOee&jCe
jnlee nw leye Jen 300 mA Øeehle keâjlee nw~ Gme efJeÅegled
(c) has large number of turns
DeefOekeâ Jele&vees keâer mebKÙee yeuye keâe ØeeflejesOe nw
(a) 400 Ohms (b) 600 Ohms
(d) offers large number of tappings
(c) 800 Ohms (d) 1000 Ohms
yeÌ[er mebKÙee ceW šwefhebie Øeoeve keâjlee nw 168. If the energy is supplied from a source, whose
162. An open resistor, when checked with an ohm- resistance is 1 Ohm, to a load of 100 Ohms the
meter reads/Skeâ Keguee ØeeflejesOekeâ, peye Skeâ Deesce- source will be
ceeršj kesâ meeLe peeBÛe efkeâÙee peelee nw, lees heÌ{lee nw– 1 Deesce ØeeflejesOe Jeeues œeesle mes Ùeefo 100 Deesce Yeej keâess
(a) zero/MetvÙe Tpee& mehueeF& keâer peeleer nw, lees œeesle nesiee
(b) infinite/Devevle (a) a voltage source/Jeesušspe œeesle
(c) high but within tolerance (b) a current source/ØeJeen œeesle
GÛÛe uesefkeâve menveMeeruelee kesâ Devoj (c) both of above/ Thejer oesveeW
(d) low but not zero/efvecve uesefkeâve MetvÙe veneR (d) none of the above/Thejer keâesF& veneR
163. For an electron to be confined to a nucleus its 169. Which particle act as a current carrier in a
speed relative to speed of light would have to be metallic conductor?
Fueskeäš^e@ve keâes vÙetefkeäueÙeme ceW meerefcele jnves kesâ efueÙes keâewve-mee keâCe efkeâmeer OeeeflJekeâ megÛeeuekeâ ceW efJeÅegle
Fmekeâer mecyeefvOele ieefle, ØekeâeMe keâer ieefle mes ––––– Jeenkeâ keâe keâeÙe& keâjlee nw?
nesleer nw– (a) Only electrons/kesâJeue Fueskeäš^e@ve
(a) equal / yejeyej (b) Only ions/kesâJeue DeeÙeve
(b) less / keâce (c) Electrons and defect electrons
(c) greater / DeefOekeâ Fueskeäš^e@vme Deewj ef[Hesâkeäš Fueskeäš^e@vme
(d) equal to infinity / Deveble kesâ yejeyej (d) Electrons and ions/Fueskeäš^e@vme Deewj DeeÙeve
*164. If 120 C of charge passes through a conductor 170. If atom loses one or more electrons it becomes
in 60 sec, the current in the conductor is Ùeefo hejceeCeg ceW Skeâ Ùee DeefOekeâ Fueskeäš^e@vme keâce nes peeS
Ùeefo Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ mes 60 meskeâC[ ceW 120 C DeeJesMe lees Jes nes peeles nQ–
ØeÛeeefuele neslee nw lees Ûeeuekeâ ceW ØeJeeefnle Oeeje nesieer- (a) Electrically neutral/efJeÅegle mes Goemeerve
(a) 3.33 A (b) 1 A (b) Electrically positive/efJeÅegle mes Oeveelcekeâ
(c) 2 A (d) 0.3 A (c) Electrically negative/efJeÅegle mes $e+Ceelcekeâ
165. While transisting from One level to another (d) A neutral ion/Skeâ Goemeerve DeeÙeve
Level an electron
171. Resistivity of electrical conductors is affected by –
Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve peye Skeâ uesJesue mes otmejs uesJesue ceW
efJeÅegle megÛeeuekeâeW keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee ØeYeeefJele nesleer nw–
heejieceve keâjlee nw leye–
(a) temperature/leeheceeve
(a) Emits or absorbs Proton
(b) pressure/oyeeJe
Øeesše@ve keâes Glmee|pele Ùee DeJeMeesef<ele keâjlee nw
(b) Emits or Absorbs Photon (c) composition/mebIešve
Heâesše@ve keâes Glmee|pele Ùee DeJeMeesef<ele keâjlee nw (d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 17 YCT

*172. A current of 18 A flows through a conductor 178. Voltage dependent resistors are usually made
for half a minute. The total charge flown from./Jeesušlee Deeefßele ØeeflejesOekeâ Deeceleewj hej.........mes
within the conductor in the same time was–
yeves nesles nQ~
Skeâ kebâ[keäšj mes 18 A keâer Oeeje DeeOes efceveš kesâ efueS
yenleer nw~ Gleves meceÙe ceW kebâ[keäšj kesâ Yeerlej yene kegâue (a) charcoal/Ûeejkeâesue
DeeJesMe– (b) silicon carbide/efmeefuekeâe@ve keâeyee&F[
(a) 724 C (b) 90 C (c) nichrome/veeF›eâesce
(c) 540 C (d) 9 C (d) graphite/«esHeâeFš
173. Ohm's Law is applicable to–
Deesÿe keâe efveÙece _____ hej ueeiet neslee nw~ 179. Voltage dependent resistors are used
1. Conductors/kebâ[keäšj
Jeesušlee Deeefßele ØeeflejesOekeâes keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee
2. Thermistors/Leefce&mšj nw–
3. Alloys/SueeÙe (a) for inductive circuits/ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLeeW kesâ efueS
4. Diodes/[eÙees[ (b) to supress surges/mepe& keâes (oyeeves) kesâ efueS
(a) Only 1/kesâJeue 1 (c) as heating elements/leehekeâ DeJeÙeJe kesâ ™he ceW
(b) Only 1 and 4/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 4
(d) as current stabilizers/Oeeje mLeeÙeerkeâejer kesâ ®he cesW
(c) Only 1, 3 and 4/kesâJeue 1, 3 Deewj 4
*180. With three resistance connected in parallel, if
(d) Only 1 and 2/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
each dissipates 20 W the total power supplied
*174. A potential difference of 12 V is applied to a
by the voltage source equals
7.5Ω resistance for a period of 5 seconds. The
electric charge transferred in this time is : meceeveevlej ceW pegÌ[s leerve ØeeflejesOeeW kesâ meeLe, Ùeefo ØelÙeskeâ
12 V keâe efJeYeJeevlej 7.5Ω kesâ Skeâ ØeeflejesOe hej 5 20 Jeeš DeheJÙeÙe keâjlee nw, lees Jeesušspe Œeesle Éeje
meskeâC[ kesâ efueS ueieeÙee peelee nw Fme meceÙe ceW Deehetefle& keâer ieF& kegâue Meefòeâ yejeyej nesieer–
mLeeveevleefjle efJeÅegle DeeJesMe nw~ (a) 10 W (b) 20 W
(a) 1.6 C (b) 1 C (c) 40 W (d) 60 W
(c) 1.28×10-16C (d) 8 C *181. Three conductances in parallel have the values
*175. Represent the resistivity of the wire material in G1=2000 µ ℧ , G2=3000 µ ℧ and G3=4000 µ ℧ .
LMIT System. The total conductance will be
(Where M = mass, L = length, T = time, I =
current) meceeveevlej ceW leerve ÛeeuekeâlJe kesâ ceeve G1 =2000 µ ℧ ,
LMTI leb$e ceW leej heoeLe& keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee G2=3000 µ ℧ Deewj G3=4000 µ ℧ nw~ kegâue
(resistivity) efkeâleveer nesieer– ÛeeuekeâlJe nesiee–
M = õJÙeceeve, L = uebyeeF&, T = meceÙe, I = Oeeje (a) 6000 µ ℧ (b) 7000 µ ℧
(a) ML2T–2I–2 (b) ML2T–3I–2 (c) 9000 µ ℧ (d) 10000 µ ℧
(c) ML3T–3I–2 (d) ML3T–2I–2
182. If I, R and t are the current, resistance and
176. ........... are the materials having electrical
time respectively, then according to joule's law
conductivity much less than most of the metals
but much greater than that of typical heat produced will be proportional to
insulators. Ùeef o I, R Deewj t ›eâceMe: Oeeje, ØeeflejesOe Deewj meceÙe nQ,
............. heoeLeex keâer efJeÅegle efJeefMe° Ûeeuekeâlee lees petue kesâ efveÙeceevegmeej Glheeefole T<cee.........kesâ
DeefOekeâebMe OeelegDeeW keâer leguevee ceW yengle efvecve nw, uesefkeâve Devegheeeflekeâ nesieer~
Øee™heer kegâÛeeuekeâ keâer leguevee ceW yengle DeefOekeâ nw~ (a) I2Rt (b) I2Rt2
(a) Varistors/Jewefjmšj (c) I2R2t (d) I2R2t2
(b) Thermistor/Leefce&mšj 183. Nichrome wire is an alloy of
(c) Semi-conductor/Deæ&-Ûeeuekeâ veeF›eâesce leej Skeâ efceßeOeeleg nw–
(d) Variable resistors/heefjJeefle&le ØeeflejesOekeâ (a) lead and zinc/meermee Deewj efpebkeâ
177. All good conductors have high (b) chromium and vanadium/›eâesefceÙece Deewj Jesvesef[Ùece
meYeer DeÛÚs ÛeeuekeâeW ceW GÛÛe .............neslee nw~ (c) nickel and chromium/efveefkeâue Deewj ›eâesefceÙece
(a) conductance/ÛeeuekeâlJe
(d) copper and silver/leeByee Deewj ÛeeBoer
(b) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
184. When a voltage of one volt is applied, a circuit
(c) reluctance/Øeefle°cYe allows one microampere current to flow
(d) thermal conductivity/leeheerÙe efJeefMe° Ûeeuekeâlee through it. The conductance of the circuit is
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 18 YCT
peye Skeâ Jeesuš keâe Jeesušspe ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw, lees heefjheLe 191. All good conductors have high:
Skeâ ceeF›eâes-SefcheÙej Oeeje keâes Deheves ceeOÙece mes ØeJeen meYeer DeÛÚs Ûeeuekeâ GÛÛe ............ jKeles nQ~
keâjves keâer Devegceefle oslee nw~ heefjheLe keâe ÛeeuekeâlJe nQ– (a) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
(a) 1 µ ℧ (b) conductance/ÛeeuekeâlJe
(b) 10 ℧ 6 (c) electrical conductivity/efJeÅegle ÛeeuekeâerÙelee
(c) 1 m ℧ (d) electrical and thermal conductivity
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR efJeÅegle Deewj leeheerÙe ÛeeuekeâerÙelee
185. Which of the following can have negative 192. International ohm is defined in terms of the
temperature coefficient?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes resistance of :
Debleje&°^erÙe Deesce keâes Fmekesâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ meboYe& ceW
efkeâmekeâe $e+Ceelcekeâ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ nes mekeâlee nw?
heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~
(a) Compounds of silver/ÛeeBoer kesâ Ùeewefiekeâ
(a) a cube of carbon/keâeye&ve kesâ Skeâ Ieve mes
(b) Liquid metals/lejue Oeeleg
(b) a cube of copper /leeByee kesâ Skeâ Ieve mes
(c) Metallic alloys/Oeeleg efceße
(c) a column of mercury/heejs kesâ Skeâ mlecYe mes
(d) Electrolytes /efJeÅegle-DeheIešŸe (d) the unit length of metal wire
186. Resistance of earth should be : Oeeleg leej keâer FkeâeF& uecyeeF& mes
he=LJeer keâe ØeeflejesOe nesvee ÛeeefnS– 193. An electric filament bulb can work from:
(a) high/GÛÛe Skeâ efJeÅegle efheâueeceWš yeuye .............hej keâeÙe& keâj
(b) low/keâce mekeâlee nw~
(c) infinite/Devevle (a) AC supply /S.meer. Deehetefle&
(d) as minimum as possible (b) DC supply /[er.meer. Deehetefle&
efpelevee keâce mes keâce mebYeJe nes (c) battery supply /yewšjer Deehetefle&
*187. The temperature coefficient of resistance of a
(d) all of the above /Ghejesòeâ meYeer
wire is 0.00080C. If the resistance of the wire is
8 ohm at 0 C, what is the resistance at 100 C? 0 194. In absence of 150 Ω resistor it can build with:
Skeâ leej kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ 0.0008 C nw~
0 150 Deesce ØeeflejesOekeâ keâer DevegheefmLeefle ceW Fmekeâe efvecee&Ce
Ùeefo 00C hej leej keâe ØeeflejesOe 8 Deesce nw, 1000C hej nes mekeâlee nw-
ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nw? (a) three 100 Ω resistor in parallel
(a) 8.64 ohm (b) 8.08 ohm 100 Deesce kesâ leerve ØeeflejesOekeâ meceevlej ceW pees[Ì keâj
(c) 7.92 ohm (d) 7.20 ohm (b) two 100 Ω resistor in series
188. Electric pressure is also called the 100 Deesce kesâ oes ØeeflejesOekeâ ßesCeer ceW peesÌ[keâj
efJeÅegle oeye keâes ............. Yeer keâne peelee nw~ (c) two 100 Ω in parallel with one 50 Ω in series
(a) resistance/ØeeflejesOe (b) voltage/Jeesušspe ßesCeer ceW 50 Deesce kesâ meeLe meceeveevlej ceW oes 100 Deesce
(c) power/Meefòeâ (d) energy/Tpee& peesÌ[keâj
189. The minimum requirements for causing flow of (d) two 50 Ω in series and two 100 Ω parallel
current are : oes 50 Deesce kesâ ßesCeer ceW Deewj oes 100 Deesce kesâ meceevlej
Oeeje ØeJeen kesâ efueS vÙetvelece DeeJeMÙekeâleeSB nQ~ ceW peesÌ[keâj
(a) a power source and a bulb 195. Volt denotes
Skeâ Meefòeâ œeesle Deewj Skeâ yeuye Jeesuš .............. keâes oMee&lee nw~
(b) a voltage source and a conductor (a) Newton/coulomb/vÙetšve/ketâuee@ce
Skeâ Jeesušspe œeesle Deewj Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ (b) work done/coulomb /ke=âle keâeÙe&/ketâuee@ce
(c) a voltage source a resistor and a switch (c) ampere/charge/SefcheÙej/DeeJesMe
Skeâ Jeesušspe œeesle Skeâ ØeeflejesOe Deewj Skeâ efmJeÛe (d) coulomb/charge/ketâuee@ce/DeeJesMe
(d) a voltage source, a conductor, an ammeter
*196. If the total current through a parallel
and switch/Skeâ Jeesušspe œeesle, Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ, Skeâ
combination of 2Ω and 3Ω is 6A, current
Sceeršj Deewj Skeâ efmJeÛe through 2Ω resistor is:
190. The electrical conductivity of metals is typically Ùeef o 2 Deesce Deewj 3 Deesce kesâ meceeveeblej mebÙeespeve kesâ
of the order of (in ohm–1 m–1)
ceeOÙece mes kegâue 6 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje pee jner nw, lees 2
OeelegDeeW keâer efJeÅegle Ûeeuekeâlee Deeceleewj hej ............. kesâ
Deesce kesâ ØeeflejesOe mes Oeeje peeSieer-
›eâce (Deesce –1.ceer. –1) keâer nw~
(a) 6 × 2 5 A (b) 6 × 6 5 A
(a) 105 (b) 10–6
(c) 10–4 (d) 107 (c) 6 × 3 5 A (d) 6 × 3 6 A

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 19 YCT

197. Which of the following statement is incorrect? 203. In a circuit containing two unequal resistors
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve DemelÙe nw connected in parallel :/Skeâ heefjheLe efpemeceW oes
(a) resistance is a passive element Demeceeve ØeeflejesOekeâ meceevlej ›eâce ceW pegÌ[s nQ leye–
ØeeflejesOe Skeâ efveef<›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe nw (a) the current is the same in both the resistor
(b) inductor is a passive element Oeeje oesveeW ØeeflejesOekeâeW ceW meceeve nw
Øesjkeâ Skeâ efveef<›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe nw (b) a large current flows through the large
(c) current source is a passive element resistor/yeÌ[s ØeeflejesOekeâ mes DeefOekeâ Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesieer
Oeeje œeesle Skeâ efveef<›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe nw (c) the voltage drop across both the resistances
(d) current source is an active element will be same/oesveeW ØeeflejesOeeW kesâ S›eâeme efJeYeJe heleve
Oeeje œeesle Skeâ meef›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe nw~ meceeve nesiee
198. The force tending to move the electricity is (d) the smaller resistance has smaller conductance.
called/efJeÅegle keâes mLeeveebleefjle keâjves kesâ efueS ØeJe=òe yeue Úesšs ØeeflejesOe ceW Úesše ÛeeuekeâlJe nw~
keâes ............. keâne peelee nw~ 204. With the rise in temperature the insulating
(a) potential difference/efJeYeJeevlej property of an insulator :/leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe
(b) emf/efJeÅegle-Jeenkeâ-yeue Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâe efJeÅeglejesOeer iegCe
(c) current/Oeeje (a) weakness/keâcepeesj nesiee
(d) resistance/ØeeflejesOe (b) gains/yeÌ{ peeSiee
199. Which of the following is not bilateral element? (c) remains unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le jnsiee
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve efÉhe#eerÙe DeJeÙeJe veneR nw? (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) constant current source/efmLej Oeeje œeesle *205. If the diameter of a conductor is doubled, its
(b) resistor/ØeeflejesOekeâ current conducting capacity becomes:
(c) inductor/Øesjkeâ Ùeef o Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe JÙeeme oes iegvee nes peeS lees Fmekeâer
(d) capacitance/Oeeefjlee Oeeje Jenve #ecelee nes peeSieer:
200. Production of heat due to current is related by (a) one fourth/Skeâ ÛeewLeeF&
which law?/Oeeje kesâ keâejCe leehe keâe Glheeove efkeâme (b) doubled/oes iegvee
efveÙece mes mebyebefOele nw? (c) half/DeeOee
(a) Ohm's law/Deesce kesâ efveÙeceevegmeej (d) four times/Ûeej iegvee
(b) Joule's law/petue kesâ efveÙeceevegmeej *206. Two resistors of 10Ω are connected in series. A
(c) Kelvin's law/kesâefuJeve kesâ efveÙeceevegmeej short is placed across the combination. The
(d) Maxwell's law/cewkeämeJesue kesâ efveÙeceevegmeej resistance of the circuit will be :
201. Metals approach super conductivity conditions: 10 Deesce kesâ oes ØeeflejesOekeâs ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s ngS nQ~ Fme
OeelegSB Deefle ÛeeuekeâerÙelee keâer efmLeefle ceW hengBÛeleer nw– mebÙeespeve kesâ Deejheej ueIegheLe efkeâÙee peelee nw, heefjheLe keâe
(a) near critical temperature/›eâebeflekeâ leeheceeve kesâ heeme ØeeflejesOe nesiee~
(b) near absolute zero temperature (a) 20 Ω (b) 5 Ω
efvejhes#e MetvÙe leeheceeve kesâ heeme (c) zero/MetvÙe (d) 2.5 Ω
(c) at triple point/ef$ekeâ efyevog hej 207. To neglect a voltage source the terminals across
(d) under the condition of high temperature and the source are/Skeâ Jeesušspe œeesle keâer Ghes#ee keâjves kesâ
pressure/GÛÛe leeheceeve Deewj oeye keâer efmLeefle kesâ efueS œeesle kesâ šefce&veue kesâ S›eâeme neslee nw-
Deòeie&le (a) open circuited/Keguee heefjheLe
*202. Two resistances are joined in parallel whose (b) short circuited /ueIeg heefjheLe
resultant is 6/5 ohm. One of the resistance (c) replaced by some resistance
wires is broken and the effective resistance kegâÚ ØeeflejesOe kesâ Éeje ØeeflemLeeefhele keâjkesâ
becomes 2Ω. Then the resistance in ohm of the (d) replaced by inductor
wire that got broken was: Øesjkeâ kesâ Éeje ØeeflemLeeefhele keâjkesâ
oes ØeeflejesOe meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s ngS nQ efpevekeâe leguÙe *208. Energy consumed by a heater of rating 1000
ØeeflejesOe 6/5 Deesce nw~ Skeâ ØeeflejesOe keâe leej štš peelee watts by operating if for a period of 2 hours
nw Deewj ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe 2 Deesce nes peelee nw~ štšs ngS will be
leej kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve Deesce ceW Lee– Skeâ neršj efpemekeâer jsefšbie 1000 Jeeš nw Gmekesâ Éeje 2
3 IeCšs keâer heefjÛeeueve DeJeefOe kesâ efueS neršj Éeje Kehele
(a) (b) 2
5 efJeÅegle Tpee& nesieer~
6 (a) 1 unit/1 FkeâeF& (b) 2 unit /2 FkeâeF&
(c) (d) 3
5 (c) 2.5 unit /2.5 FkeâeF& (d) 4 unit /4 FkeâeF&
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 20 YCT
209. The conductivity of a super conductor is .......... 215. One international ohm is equal to:
Skeâ Deefle Ûeeuekeâ keâer ÛeeuekeâerÙelee ................ nesleer nw~ Skeâ Devleje&°^erÙe Deesce kesâ yejeyej ............nw~
(a) very large/yengle pÙeeoe (a) 1.049 absolute ohm/1.049 efvejhes#e Deesce
(b) very small/yengle keâce (b) 1.00049 absolute ohm /1.00049 efvejhes#e Deesce
(c) infinite/Devevle (c) 0.99951 absolute ohm /0.99951 efvejhes#e Deesce
(d) zero/MetvÙe (d) 0.951 absolute ohm /0.951 efvejhes#e Deesce
210. The electric current in a liquid is due to the *216. A coil has a resistance of 100 Ω at 900C. At
flow of ............../Skeâ õJe ceW efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe ØeJeen 1000C, its resistance is 101 Ω. The temperature
............... kesâ keâejCe neslee nw~ coefficient of the wire at 900C is:
(a) electrons only/kesâJeue Fueskeäš^e@vme Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâe 900C hej ØeeflejesOe 100 Deesce nw~
(b) positive ions only/kesâJeue Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeve 1000C hej, Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe 101 Deesce nw~ 900C hej
(c) negative and positive ions both leej keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ nw~
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeve oesveeW (a) 0.01 (b) 0.1
(d) electrons and positive ions both (c) 0.0001 (d) 0.001
Fueskeäš^e@vme Deewj Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeve oesveeW 217. For testing appliances, the wattage of test lamp
211. In M.K.S. system one Kilo Watt is equal to– should be :/hejer#eCe GhekeâjCeeW kesâ efueS, hejer#eCe uewche
M.K.S. heæefle ceW Skeâ efkeâueesJeeš yejeyej ................ keâer Jee@š #ecelee nesveer ÛeeefnS–
neslee nw- (a) very low/yengle efvecve (b) low/efvecve
(a) 1.38 HP (b) 1.35 HP
(c) high/GÛÛe (d) any value/keâesF& ceeve
(c) 1.5 HP (d) 1.66 HP
*212. The resistance of 1 m length of 18 gauge copper 218. Eureka has ............. temperature co–efficient of
wire is 1 kΩ. The resistance of 1 m length of 24 resistance :/Ùetjskeâe keâe ØeeflejesOe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ
gauge copper wire will be: ................ neslee nw~
1 ceeršj uecyeeF& kesâ 18 iespe keâe@hej leej keâe ØeeflejesOe 1 (a) negative/$e+Ceelcekeâ
efkeâuees Deesce nw~ Skeâ ceeršj uecyeeF& kesâ 24 iespe keâe@hej (b) positive/Oeveelcekeâ
leej keâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee~ (c) almost zero/ueieYeie MetvÙe
K (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
2Ω 219. Which of the following materials possesses least
18 resistivity?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee heoeLe& meyemes
24 KΩ efvecve ØeeflejesOekeâlee jKelee nw?
K (a) iron/ueesne (b) copper/leeByee
Ω (c) silver/ÛeeBoer (d) polythene/hee@efueLeerve
(d) more than 1 k Ω/1 efkeâuees Deesce mes DeefOekeâ 220. Which of the following copper conductor will
213. The resistors are normally specified by: have least electrical resistance?
ØeeflejesOekeâ meceevÙe ®he mes ............ kesâ Éeje efveefo&° efkeâÙes efvecveefueefKele leeByee Ûeeuekeâ ceW mes efkeâmekeâe keâce mes keâce
peeles nw~ efJeÅegle ØeeflejesOe nesiee?
(a) nominal value of the resistor (a) short wire of CSA 2mm2
ØeeflejesOekeâ keâs Debefkeâle ceeve CSA 2mm2keâe Úesše leej
(b) tolerance limit for the resistance value (b) short wire of CSA 3mm2
ØeeflejesOe ceeve kesâ efueS menveMeeruelee keâer meercee CSA 3mm2keâe Úesše leej
(c) loading capacity in watts (c) long wire of CSA 2mm2
Jeeš ceW Yeej Jenve keâjves keâer #ecelee CSA 2mm2keâe uecyee leej
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (d) long wire of CSA 3mm2
214. If an atom looser one or more electrons it CSA 3mm2keâe uecyee leej
becomes/Ùeefo keâesF& hejceeCeg Skeâ Ùee Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ 221. The change in the resistance of a conductor per
Fueskeäš^e@ve Kees oslee nw lees Ùen yeve peelee nw– unit original resistance per degree rise in
(a) electrically positive /efJeÅegleerÙe Oeveelcekeâ temperature is called :
(b) electrically neutral/efJeÅegleerÙe Goemeerve Øeefle DebMe leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ efueS Øeefle FkeâeF& cetue
(c) a neutral ion/Skeâ Goemeerve DeeÙeve ØeeflejesOe Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW heefjJele&ve keâes keâne
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR peelee nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 21 YCT
(a) specific heat capacity/efJeefMe° G<cee #ecelee 228. For finding the resistance of a lamp when
(b) temperature coefficient of resistance wattage and voltage is given, the formula used
ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ is .............
(c) resistance temperature ratio efoÙes ieÙes Jeešspe leLee Jeesušspe hej Skeâ uewche kesâ ØeeflejesOe
ØeeflejesOe leeheceeve Devegheele keâes %eele keâjves kesâ efueS met$e–
(d) temperature correlation factor V2
(a) W = (b) W = I 2 R
leeheceeve men-mecyevOe keâejkeâ R
222. A 'short circuit' is that which V
(c) W = VI (d) I =
Skeâ ueIeg heefjheLe Jen nw pees– R
(a) uses short pieces of wire 229. If the voltage across a load is to be dropped, a
leej kesâ Úesšs šgkeâÌ[s keâe GheÙeesie keâjlee nw resistor should be placed in
(b) goes only a short distance Ùeefo Skeâ Yeej kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušspe keâes keâce keâjvee nw lees
kesâJeue Skeâ Úesšer otjer hej peelee nw Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâes .............. ceW jKevee ÛeeefnS–
(c) is used for dimming light (a) series/ßesCeer
ØekeâeMe keâes OegOebuee keâjves kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw (b) parallel/meceevlej
(d) offers very low resistance path for current to (c) series–parallel/ßesCeer meceevlej
flow/Oeeje ØeJeen kesâ efueS yengle efvecve ØeeflejesOe keâe heLe (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
Øeoeve keâjlee nw 230. For a dc voltage an inductor
223. Voltage is form of efo° Oeeje Jeesušspe kesâ efueS Skeâ Øesjkeâ–
Jeesušspe ............ keâe ™he nw~ (a) is virtually a short circuit/Jemlegle: ueIeg heefjheLe nw
(a) potential energy/efJeYeJe Tpee& (b) is an open circuit/Keguee heefjheLe nw
(b) kinetic energy/ieeflepe Tpee& (c) depends on polarity/OeÇgJelee hej efveYe&j nw
(c) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees a Ùee b (d) depends on voltage value
(d) none of these/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Jeesušspe kesâ ceeve hej efveYe&j nw
224. Pure metals generally have : 231. The value of α (temperature co–efficient of
meeceevÙele: Megæ OeelegDeeW kesâ heeme neslee nw– resistance) depends upon
(a) high conductivity and low temperature α keâe ceeve (ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ).........hej
coefficient/GÛÛe ÛeeuekeâerÙelee Deewj efvecve leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
(b) high conductivity and large temperature (a) volume of the material/heoeLe& kesâ DeeÙeleve hej
coefficient/GÛÛe ÛeeuekeâerÙelee Deewj DeefOekeâ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ (b) length of the material/heoeLe& keâer uecyeeF& hej
(c) low conductivity and zero temperature (c) cross–sectional area and temperature
coefficient/efvecve ÛeeuekeâerÙelee Deewj MetvÙe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ heoeLe& kesâ DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eheâue Deewj leeheceeve hej
(d) low conductivity and high temperature (d) nature of the material and temperature
coefficient/efvecve ÛeeuekeâerÙelee Deewj GÛÛe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ heoeLe& keâer Øeke=âefle Deewj leeheceeve hej
225. The diameter of an atom is about 232. The hot resistance of an incandescent lamp is
Skeâ hejceeCeg keâe JÙeeme ueieYeie ......... neslee nw~ about ................ its cold resistance
(a) 10–10 m (b) 10–8 m Skeâ Göerhle uewche keâe iece& ØeeflejesOe ueieYeie Fmekesâ "b[
(c) 10 m –2
(d) 10–15 m ØeeflejesOe mes...........neslee nw-
226. One c.c (cubic centimeter) of copper has about (a) 10 times /10 iegvee (b) 2 times /2 iegvee
............... free electrons at room temperature (c) 100 times /100 iegvee (d) 50 times /50 iegvee
leeByes kesâ Skeâ meer.meer. (IeveerÙe mesceer.) ceW keâcejs kesâ leeheceeve 233. Static electricity is produced by
hej ueieYeie .......... cegòeâ Fueskeäš^e@vme nesles nQ~ efmLej efJeÅegle .............. kesâ Éeje GlheVe efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) 200 (b) 20×1010 (a) chemical reaction/jemeeÙeefvekeâ DeefYeef›eâÙee
(c) 8.5×10 (d) 3×105
(b) friction/Ie<e&Ce
227. ................ wire will give greater resistance
(c) induction/hesÇjCe
.............. leej keâe DeefOekeâ ØeeflejesOe nesiee–
(d) both friction and induction/Ie<e&Ce Deewj ØesjCe oesveeW
(a) thick/ceesše
234. Charge of electron is
(b) thin/heleuee Fueskeäš^e@ve keâe DeeJesMe nw
(c) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b) (a) 1.6×10–18 C (b) 1.6×10–19 C
(d) not defined/heefjYeeef<ele veneR nesiee (c) 16×10–19 C (d) 0.16×10–19 C
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 22 YCT
235. Electron–volt is the unit of : 243. Limiting temperature of class F insulating
Fueskeäš^e@ve-Jeesuš keâer FkeâeF& nw~ material is ................
(a) Voltage/Jeesušspe (b) Energy/Tpee& Jeie& F efJeÅeglejesOeer meece«eer keâe meerefcele leeheceeve nw–
(c) Current/Oeeje (d) Power/Meefòeâ (a) 1200C (b) 1300C
(c) 155 C (d) 1800C
236. The wire material used in rheostat is ............
244. The combined resistance of two equal resistors
efjDeesmšsš ceW ØeÙegòeâ leej meece«eer nw– connected in parallel is equal to
(a) Nichrome/veeF›eâesce oes yejeyej ØeeflejesOekeâeW keâes meceevlej ceW peesÌ[ves hej Gvekeâe
(b) Eureka/Ùetjskeâe mebÙegòeâ ØeeflejesOe .........kesâ yejeyej nw~
(c) Platinum iridium/huesefšvece Fefjef[Ùece (a) twice the resistance of one resistor
(d) Tungsten/šbiemšve Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe oesiegvee ØeeflejesOe
237. The presence of an electric current is made (b) four times resistance of one resistor
known by/Skeâ efJeÅegle Oeeje keâer GheefmLeefle.........kesâ Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe Ûeej iegvee ØeeflejesOe
Éeje %eele nesleer nw~ 1
(c) the resistance of one resistor
(a) flashing/HeäuewefMebie 2
(b) Effects produced/Glheeefole ØeYeeJe Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe
(c) Cracking/›ewâefkebâie
(d) Electric shock/efJeÅegle Mee@keâ (d) the resistance of one resistor
238. While removing the insulation of a cable, the 1
knife kept at an angle of ................. to avoid Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe
nicks in the conductor.
245. Between 1 mA to 20 mA, electric shock will be
peye Skeâ kesâyeue kesâ efJeÅeglejesOeve keâes nševes kesâ efueS Skeâ efceueer SefcheÙej mes 20 efceueer SefcheÙej kesâ yeerÛe,
Ûeeketâ keâes............. kesâ keâesCe hej jKee peelee nw, Ûeeuekeâ efJeÅegle keâe Peškeâe nesiee–
ceW KejesÛe mes yeÛeves kesâ efueS~ (a) just bearable/kesâJeue menveerÙe
(a) 200 (b) 300 (b) painful/keâ°oeÙekeâ
(c) 900 (d) 600
(c) stop breathing/mee@me keâes jeskeâves Jeeuee
239. Full name of S.W.G.
(d) fibrillation of heart/efoue keâer levleg jÛevee keâjves Jeeuee
S.W.G. keâe hetje veece
246. In a parallel combination of three resistances,
(a) Standard Wire Gas/ceevekeâ leej iewme the total resistance of a circuit is
(b) Stranded Wire Gauge/mš^wv[s[ leej hewceevee leerve ØeeflejesOe kesâ Skeâ meceevlej mebÙeespeve ceW heefjheLe keâe
(c) Standard Wire Gauge/ceevekeâ leej hewceevee kegâue ØeeflejesOe nesiee–
(d) Standard Width Gauge/ceevekeâ ÛeewÌ[eF& hewceevee (a) R1 + R2 + R3 = R
240. Electrician knife has ............. blades. (b) R1 × R2 + R3 = R
efJeÅeglekeâej Ûeeketâ kesâ .................. yues[ nesles nw~ R R + R 2 R 3 + R1R 3
(c) 1 2
(a) one/Skeâ (b) two/oes R1R 2 R 3
(c) three/leerve (d) no/veneR R1R 2 R 3
241. The temperature coefficient is represented in R1R 2 + R 2 R 3 + R1R 3
the form of/leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ØeoefMe&le 247. The sure test of electrification is
efkeâÙee peelee nw? efJeÅegleerkeâjCe keâe efveef§ele hejer#eCe nw
(a) ohm/°C (b) ohm/ohm °C (a) induction/ØesjCe (b) friction/Ie<e&Ce
(c) ohm–ohm°C (d) °C (c) repulsion/Øeeflekeâ<e&Ce (d) attraction/Deekeâ<e&Ce
242. For determining of sign for emf a rise in 248. When electrician works on a power equipment,
potential should be considered he should ............... assume that the circuit is
emf keâs efueÙes efÛeÖ efveOee&jCe keâjves kesâ efueS efJeYeJe ceW dead./peye Fuesefkeäš^efMeÙeve Meefòeâ GhekeâjCeeW hej keâeÙe&
Je=efæ hej efJeÛeej efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS– keâjles nw lees Gmes ............... ceeve uesvee ÛeeefnS efkeâ
(a) negative/vekeâejelcekeâ heefjheLe ØeeCenerve nw~
(b) positive/Oeveelcekeâ (a) always/ncesMee
(c) neutral/Goemeerve (b) never/keâYeer veneR
(d) both positive and negative (c) occasionally/keâYeer–keâYeer
Oeveelcekeâ Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ oesveeW (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâeF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 23 YCT

249. When one leg of a parallel circuit gets opened 256. Conductivity of aluminium is:
out, the current drawn from the supply will SuÙegefceefveÙece keâer Ûeeuekeâlee nw–
peye meceevlej heefjheLe keâer Skeâ MeeKee Kegue peeleer nw lees (a) 50% to that of copper /leeByes keâe 50 ØeefleMele
Deehetefle& mes efvekeâueves Jeeueer Oeeje ...............nesieer~ (b) 40% to that of copper/ leeByes keâe 40 ØeefleMele
(a) reduce/keâce nes peeSieer (c) 60% to that of copper / leeByes keâe 60 ØeefleMele
(b) increase/yeÌ{ peeSieer (d) 90% to that of copper / leeByes keâe 90 ØeefleMele
(c) remain the same/meceeve jnsiee 257. If a number of resistors are connected in
(d) uncertain/Deefveef§ele parallel, the reciprocal of the combined
resistance is equal to the :
250. An ideal current source has zero
Skeâ DeeoMe& Oeeje œeesle keâe ............ MetvÙe neslee nw~ Ùeef o keâF& ØeeflejesOekeâes keâes meceevlej ceW peesÌ[e peeS lees
mebÙegòeâ ØeeflejesOe keâe Guše......... kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
(a) internal conductance/Deebleefjkeâ Ûeeuekeâlee
(a) Sum of the individual resistances
(b) internal resistance/Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe JÙeefòeâiele ØeeflejesOe keâe Ùeesie
(c) voltage on no load/efyevee Yeej keâe Jeesušspe (b) Lower resistance in the circuit
(d) ripple/Gefce&keâe heefjheLe ceW efvecvelej ØeeflejesOe
251. If the diameter of a metal wire of a given length (c) Sum of the reciprocal of the individual
is doubled, its resistance will resistances/JÙeefòeâiele ØeeflejesOees kesâ Øeefleueesce keâe pees[
efkeâmeer efoS ieS uecyeeF& kesâ efueS Ùeefo Skeâ Oeeleg kesâ leej (d) Highest resistance in the circuit
keâe JÙeeme oes iegvee nes peeS, lees Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe- heefjheLe ceW GÛÛelece ØeeflejesOe
(a) be doubled/oes iegvee nes peeSiee 258. Direction of magnetic field in a current
(b) be halved/DeeOee nes peeSiee carrying conductor is determined by:
(c) remain the same/meceeve jnsiee
Skeâ Oeeje Jeenkeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer efoMee
efveOee&efjle keâer peeleer nw–
(d) be 1 4 time/Skeâ–ÛeewLeeF& iegvee nes peeÙesiee
(a) Lenz's law/uesvpe kesâ efveÙece mes
252. One joule is: (b) Fleming's right hand rule
Skeâ petue nw– heäuesefcebie kesâ oeBÙes neLe kesâ efveÙece mes
(a) 1 Watt sec/1 Jeeš meskesâC[ (c) Fleming's left hand rule
(b) 1 Volt sec/1 Jeesuš meskesâC[ heäuesefcebie kesâ yeeBÙes neLe kesâ efveÙece mes
(c) 1 Ampere sec/1 SefcheÙej meskesâC[ (d) Ampere's right hand rule
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR SefcheÙej kesâ oeBÙes neLe kesâ efveÙece mes
*253. The total resistance of a 30 ohms resistor and a 259. Which of the following is the lightest particle –
60 ohms resistor connected in parallel is efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meyemes nukeâe keâCe nw?
Skeâ 30 Deesce keâe ØeeflejesOekeâ Deewj Skeâ 60 Deesce keâe (a) Electron/Fueskeäš^e@ve
ØeeflejesOekeâ meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nQ Gvekeâe kegâue ØeeflejesOe (b) Neutron/vÙetš^e@ve
nesiee- (c) proton/Øeesše@ve
(a) 20 ohms/20 Deesce (b) 90 ohms /90 Deesce (d) All have identical weight/meYeer keâe Yeej meceeve nw
(c) 45 ohms /45 Deesce (d) 15 ohms /15 Deesce 260. Which of the following is the heaviest particle –
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meyemes Yeejer keâCe nw?
254. Value of mechanical equivalent of heat is
T<cee kesâ Ùeebef$ekeâ mecekeâ#e keâe ceeve nw– (a) Electron/Fueskeäš^e@ve
(b) Neutron/vÙetš^e@ve
(a) 4.18 joules/calorie/4.18 petue/kewâueesjer
(c) Proton/Øeesše@ve
(b) 4.18 joules /4.18 petue
(d) All have same mass/meYeer keâe õJÙeceeve meceeve nw
(c) 4.18 calorie/joules /4.18 kewâueesjer / petue
261. In a copper atom, first orbit contains:
(d) 4.18 calorie /4.18 kewâueesjer Skeâ leeByes kesâ hejceeCeg ceW, ØeLece keâ#ekeâ ceW nesles nQ–
255. Force of attraction or repulsion between two
(a) One electron/Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve
charged body is given by:
oes DeeJesefMele efvekeâeÙe kesâ yeerÛe Deekeâ<e&Ce Ùee Øeeflekeâ<e&Ce (b) Two electrons /oes Fueskeäš^e@vme
(c) Eight electrons /Dee" Fueskeäš^e@vme
keâe yeue efkeâmekesâ Éeje efoÙee peelee nw?
(d) Eighteen electrons /Deúejn Fueskeäš^e@vme
(a) Charl's law/Ûeeume& keâe efveÙece
262. What is the unit of conductance?
(b) Biot–Savarts law /yeeÙeesmesJeš& keâe efveÙece ÛeeuekeâlJe keâer FkeâeF& keäÙee nw?
(c) Coulomb's law /ketâueeBce keâe efveÙece (a) Ohm/Deesce (b) Mho/cnes
(d) Len's law /uesvpe keâe efveÙece (c) Henry/nsvejer (d) Watt/Jee@š
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 24 YCT
263. Heat developed in a conductor is proportional (a) 10.25 ohms /10.25 Deesce
to the square of the :/Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW efJekeâefmele T<cee (b) 16 ohms /16 Deesce
............... kesâ Jeie& kesâ meceevegheeleer nesleer nw~ (c) 25 ohms /25 Deesce
(a) current/Oeeje (b) voltage/Jeesušspe (d) 12.5 ohms /12.5 Deesce
(c) power/Meefòeâ (d) time/meceÙe *271. Four resistances of values 400, 300, 200 and 100
264. Electrical energy is measured in: ohms are connected in parallel, the equivalent
JewÅegle Tpee& keâes ........... ceW ceehee peelee nw~ Resistance will be :
(a) Volt–ampere/Jeesuš-SefcheÙej 400 , 300, 200 Deewj 100 Deesce ceeve kesâ Ûeej ØeeflejesOe
(b) kW/efkeâueesJeeš meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nQ~ leguÙe ØeeflejesOe nesiee–
(c) KVA/efkeâueesJeesuš-SefcheÙej (a) more than 1000 ohms/1000 Deesce mes DeefOekeâ
(d) KWh/efkeâueesJeeš-Iebše (b) 500 ohms /500 Deesce
265. The colour code for 100Ω resistor is: (c) 1000 ohms /1000 Deesce
100 Deesce ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ efueS jbie keâes[ nw– (d) less than 100 ohms /100 Deesce mes keâce
(a) Black, Red, Orange/keâeuee, ueeue, veejbieer 272. In a carbon resistor the tolerance band is not
marked, than its tolerance will be:
(b) Red, Black, Red/ueeue, keâeuee, ueeue
Skeâ keâeye&ve ØeeflejesOekeâ ceW menveMeeruelee heóer efÛeefÖle veneR
(c) Brown, Black, Brown/Yetje, keâeuee, Yetje
nw~ leye Fmekeâer menveMeeruelee nesieer–
(d) Black, Black, Red/keâeuee, keâeuee, ueeue
(a) 0% (b) 10%
266. One micro volt is written as: (c) 20% (d) 5%
Skeâ ceeF›eâes Jeesuš........ kesâ ™he ceW efueKee peelee nw~ 273. 1 Mega ohm, 1 Watt resistance is likely to be a:
(a) 1×103 V (b) 1×106 V 1 ces iee Dees c e, 1 Jeeš keâe Øeef l ejes
O e ............ kesâ nesves keâer
(c) 1×10–6 V (d) 1×10–3 V
Skeâ mecYeeJevee nw~
*267. If three, thirty ohm resistances are connected
in parallel. Find the effective resistance: (a) wire wound resistor/JeeÙej JeeGb[ ØeeflejesOekeâ
Ùeefo leerme Deesce kesâ leerve ØeeflejesOe meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nQ~ (b) carbon resistor /keâeye&ve ØeeflejesOekeâ
ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe %eele keâerefpeS~ (c) rheostat /efjÙeesmšsš
(a) 10 Ω/10 Deesce (b) 90 Ω/90 Deesce (d) none of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
274. A thermister has :
(c) 30 Ω/30 Deesce (d) 270 Ω/270 Deesce
Skeâ Leefce&mšj nw–
268. From the following materials, which one has
higher resistivity at 20 C: 0 (a) High temperature co–efficient
efvecveefueefKele meeceef«eÙeeW ceW mes, 20 C hej efkeâme Skeâ keâer
0 GÛÛe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ
(b) Variable temperature co–efficient
ØeeflejesOekeâlee GÛÛe nesieer?
heefjJele&veerÙe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ
(a) Copper/leeByee
(c) Positive temperature co–efficient
(b) German silver/pece&ve-efmeuJej Oeveelcekeâ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ
(c) Mercury/heeje (d) Negative temperature co–efficient
(d) Nichrome/veeF›eâesce $e+Ceelcekeâ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ
269. The sequence of colour band on a 47 kΩ with ± 275. A circuit has resistors, capacitors and semi–
5% tolerance resistor will be: conductor diodes. The circuit will be known as:
47 kΩ kesâ ØeeflejesOe hej keâuej yewC[ keâe Deveg›eâce 5% Skeâ heefjheLe kesâ ØeeflejesOekeâ, mebOeeefj$e Deewj Deæ&–Ûeeuekeâ
menveMeeruelee kesâ meeLe nesieer– [eÙees[ nw~ heefjheLe keâes ............ kesâ ™he ceW peevee
(a) yellow, violet, yellow and gold peeÙesiee~
heeruee, yewieveer, heeruee Deewj megvenje (a) linear circuit/jwefKekeâ heefjheLe
(b) yellow, violet, orange and gold (b) bilateral circuit /efÉ–he#eerÙe heefjheLe
heeruee, yewieveer, veejbieer Deewj megvenje (c) non–linear circuit/DejwKeerkeâ heefjheLe
(c) yellow, violet, orange and silver
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
heeruee, yewieveer, veejbieer Deewj ÛeeBoer 276. One horse power is:
(d) yellow, violet, brown and silver Skeâ DeÕe Meefòeâ nw–
heeruee, yewieveer, Yetje Deewj ÛeeBoer
(a) 735.5 Nm/s/735.5 vÙetšve ceeršj/meskesâC[
*270. The resistance of a heating coil required in a
2500 watts heater used on 200 V main will be: (b) 756 watts/756 Jee@š
200 Jeesuš cegKÙe Deehetefle& hej ØeÙegòeâ 2500 Jeeš kesâ neršj (c) 1000 Wh/1000 Jeeš IeCše
ceW DeeJeMÙekeâ nerefšbie kegâC[ueer keâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee– (d) 746 Ws/746 Jeeš messkesâC[

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 25 YCT

277. Solder is an alloy of : *283. Two bulbs marked 200 watts–250 V, and 100
meesu[j Skeâ efceße Oeeleg nw– watts–250 V are joined in series to 250 V
(a) Lead+Tin/ues[+efšve supply. The power consumed by the circuit is
(b) Copper+Tin/leeByee+efšve oes yeuye efÛeefÖle 200 Jeeš 250 Jeesuš Deewj 100 Jeeš
(c) Tin+Silver/efšve+ÛeeBoer 250 Jeesuš ëe=bKeuee ceW 250 Jeesuš Deehetefle& mes pegÌ[s nQ~
(d) Tin+Silver+Lead/efšve+ÛeeBoer+ues[ heefjheLe kesâ Éeje Kehele Meefòeâ nw-
278. In an electric circuit electrons flows from a (a) 33 watt/33 Jee@š (b) 200 watt /200 Jee@š
point of / Skeâ efJeÅegle heefjheLe ceW Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâe ØeJeen
(c) 300 watt /300 Jee@š (d) 67 watt /67 Jee@š
...........keâer Deesj neslee nw~
(a) lower potential to higher potential *284. A wire of resistance 10Ω is bent to form a
efvecve efJeYeJe mes GÛÛe efJeYeJe circle. Effective resistance between two points
(b) higher potential to lower potential on any diameter of the circle is :
GÛÛe efJeYeJe mes keâce efJeYeJe Skeâ leej keâe ØeeflejesOe 10 Deesce nw Fmes Skeâ Je=òe kesâ ™he
(c) high altitude of low altitude ceW ceesÌ[e ieÙee nw~ Je=òe kesâ efkeâmeer Yeer JÙeeme hej oes
pÙeeoe TBÛeeF& mes efvecve TBÛeeF& efyevogDeeW kesâ yeerÛe ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe nesiee-
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) 10 Ω/10 Deesce (b) 5 Ω/5 Deesce
279. What is the difference between an atom and an
(c) 15 Ω/15 Deesce (d) 2.5 Ω/2.5 Deesce
ions?/Skeâ hejceeCeg Deewj Skeâ DeeÙeve kesâ yeerÛe keäÙee
Devlej neslee nw? *285. Two resistances R1 and R2 give combined
resistances 4.5 Ω and 1 Ω when they are
(a) Ions have always larger mass than the atoms
of the same element/Skeâ meceeve DeJeÙeJees kesâ efueS connected in series and parallel respectively.
What would be the values of these resistances?
DeeÙeveeW kesâ õJÙeceeve ncesMee hejceeCegDeeW mes DeefOekeâ nw~
(b) Ions are neutral particles while atoms always
oes ØeeflejesOe R1 Deewj R2 ëe=bKeuee Deewj meceevlej ceW peesÌ[ves
carry a positive charge/DeeÙeve Goemeerve keâCe nesles nQ hej meceleguÙe ØeeflejesOe ›eâceMe: 4.5 Deesce Deewj 1 Deesce nw~
peyeefkeâ hejceeCeg ncesMee Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe Jenve keâjles nw Fve ØeeflejesOeeW kesâ ceeve keäÙee neWies–
(c) Ions are always charged particles while the (a) 3 Ω and 6 Ω /3 Deesce Deewj 6 Deesce
atoms neutral as a whole /DeeÙeve ncesMee DeeJesefMele (b) 1.5 Ω and 3 Ω/1.5 Deesce Deewj 3 Deesce
keâCe neslee nw peyeefkeâ hejceeCeg hetCe& ™he mes Goemeerve nesles nQ (c) 3 Ω and 9 Ω/3 Deesce Deewj 9 Deesce
(d) Ions can only exist in liquid solutions
DeeÙeve kesâJeue lejue efJeueÙeve ceW ner ceewpeto jn mekeâlee nw (d) 6 Ω and 9 Ω/6 Deesce Deewj 9 Deesce
280. Resistivity of a wire depends on 286. Mass of a proton in how many times greater
Skeâ leej keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee.........efveYe&j keâjleer nw~ than mass of an electron
(a) material/heoeLe& hej Skeâ Øeesše@ve keâe õJÙeceeve Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve kesâ õJÙeceeve mes
(b) length/uecyeeF& hej efkeâlevee iegvee DeefOekeâ neslee nw?
(c) cross section area/DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eheâue hej (a) 184000 (b) 18400
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (c) 1840 (d) 184
281. When n numbers resistances of each value r 287. The heating element of an electric heater should
are connected in parallel, then the resultant be made with a material which should have:
resistance is x. When these n resistances are Skeâ JewÅegle neršj keâs nerefšbie DeJeÙeJe keâes Gme heoeLe& keâs
connected in series. total resistance is
peye ØelÙeskeâ r ceeve keâe n mebKÙee kesâ ØeeflejesOe meceevlej ceW meeLe yeveeÙee peevee ÛeeefnS efpemekesâ heeme .............. nw~
(a) high specific resistance and high melting
pegÌ[s nesles nQ lees heefjCeeceer ØeeflejesOe x neslee nw~ peye Ùes n
point/GÛÛe efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe Deewj GÛÛe ieueveebkeâ efyevog
ØeeflejesOe ëe=bKeuee ceW pegÌ[les nQ~ lees kegâue ØeeflejesOe nesiee–
(a) nx (b) n2x (b) high specific resistance and low melting point
(c) x/n (d) r nx. GÛÛe efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe Deewj efvecve ieueveebkeâ efyevog
*282. Resistance of a wire is r ohms. The wire is (c) low specific resistance and low melting point
stretched to double its length, then its efvecve efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe Deewj efvecve ieueveebkeâ efyevog
resistance will be/Skeâ leej keâe ØeeflejesOe r Deesce nw~ (d) low specific resistance and high melting point
leej keâes KeeRÛekeâj Fmekeâer uecyeeF& keâes oesiegvee keâjves hej efvecve efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe Deewj GÛÛe ieueveebkeâ efyevog
Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee– *288. Two equal resistors R Connected in series
r across a voltage source V dissipate power P.
(a) (b) 4r
2 What would be the power dissipated in the
r same resistors when they are connected in
(c) 2 r (d)
4 parallel across the same voltage source?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 26 YCT
oes yejeyej ØeeflejesOekeâ R Skeâ Jeesušspe œeesle V kesâ S›eâeme 293. All of the following have negative temperature
ëe=bKeuee ceW pegÌ[s nesves hej Meefòeâ JÙeÙe P keâjles nw~ Gvner coefficient Except
meceeve ØeeflejesOekeâeW ceW JÙeÙe Meefòeâ keäÙee nesieer peye Jes ef vecveefueefKele ceW efkeâmes ÚesÌ[keâj meYeer keâe leeheceeve
meceeve Jeesušspe œeesle kesâ S›eâeme meceevlej ceW peg[
Ì s nesles nQ– ieg Ceebkeâ vekeâejelcekeâ neslee nw?
(a) 4 P (b) P (a) paper/heshej (b) tungsten/šbiemšve
(c) 2 P (d) 16 P (c) germanium/ pecex e f v eÙece (d) rubber/jyej
*289. Two identical resistors are first connected in *294. The hot resistance of a tungsten lamp is about
parallel then in series. The ratio of resultant 10 times the cold resistance. Accordingly, cold
resistance of the first combination to the second resistance of a 100 W, 200 V lamp will be
will be Skeâ šbiemšve uewche keâe iece& ØeeflejesOe Fmekesâ "b[s ØeeflejesOe
oes meceeve ØeeflejesOekeâ henues meceevlej ceW efHeâj ëe=bKeuee ceW keâe ueieYeie 10 iegvee neslee nw~ leodvegmeej, 100 Jeeš, 200
pegÌ[les nw~ henues mebÙeespeve mes otmejs mebÙeespeve kesâ heefjCeeceer Jeesuš uewche keâe "b[e ØeeflejesOe nesiee~
ØeeflejesOe keâe Devegheele nesiee? (a) 400 Ω (b) 40 Ω
(a) 4 (b) 0.25 (c) 4 Ω (d) 800 Ω
(c) 2 (d) 0.5 295. Which of the following material is not used as
*290. 5×1016 electrons pass across the section of a fuse element?
conductor in 1 minutes and 20 second. The efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meer meece«eer keâe GheÙeesie heäÙetpe
current flowing is DeJeÙeJe kesâ ™he ceW veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw?
5×1016 Fueskeäš^e@ve Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ DevegØemLe keâeš keâes 1 (a) Silver/efmeuJej (b) Copper/leeByee
efceveš Deewj 20 meskesâC[ ceW heeme keâjles nQ~ ceewpetoe (c) Aluminium/SuÙegefceefveÙece (d) Carbon/keâe@ye&ve
ØeJeeefnle Oeeje nw~ 296. Four resistance R1, R2, R3 & R4 are connected
(a) 0.1 mA/0.1 efceueer SefcheÙej in series across a 220 V supply. The resistances
(b) 1 mA /1 efceueer SefcheÙej are such that, R1>R2>R3>R4. The least power
(c) 10 mA /10 efceueer SefcheÙej consumption will be in
220 Jeesuš Deehetefle& kesâ S›eâeme Ûeej ØeeflejesOe R1, R2, R3
(d) 100 mA /100 efceueer SefcheÙej
291. Three element having conductance G1, G2 and
Deewj R4 ëe=bKeuee ceW pegÌ[s nQ~ ØeeflejesOe Fme Øekeâej nw efkeâ
G3 are connected in parallel. Their combined R1>R2>R3>R4. efvecvelece Meefòeâ Kehele...........ceW nesieer~
conductance will be (a) R2 (b) R4
leerve DeJeÙeJe efpevekeâer Ûeeuekeâlee G1, G2 Deewj G3 nw, (c) R 1 (d) R3
meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nQ~ Gvekeâer mebÙegòeâ Ûeeuekeâlee nesieer– 297. Drift velocity of electron is
Fueskeäš^e@ve keâe Devegieceve Jesie neslee nw~
(a) (G1 + G2 + G3)–1
(b) G1 + G2 + G3 (a) less than speed of light/ØekeâeMe kesâ Jesie mes keâce
1 1 1 (b) greater than speed of light
(c) + + ØekeâeMe kesâ Jesie mes pÙeeoe
G1 G 2 G3
(c) almost equal to speed of light
 1 1 1  ueieYeie ØekeâeMe keâer ieefle kesâ yejeyej
(d)  + + 
 G1 G 2 G3  (d) very small in comparison to speed of light
292. A 60 W bulb in series with a room heater is ØekeâeMe keâer ieefle keâer leguevee ceW yengle keâce nw~
connected across the mains. If the 60 W bulb is 298. The colour bands on a fixed carbon resistor are
replaced by 100 W bulb red, red, gold, Its value is:
cegKÙe Deehetefle& kesâ S›eâeme Skeâ 60 Jeeš keâe yeuye Skeâ Skeâ efveef§ele keâeye&ve ØeeflejesOekeâ hej jbie heæefle ueeue,
™ce neršj kesâ meeLe ëe=bKeuee ceW peg[
Ì e nw~ Ùeefo 60 Jeeš kesâ ueeue, megvenjer nw, Fmekeâe ceeve nw~
yeuye keâes 100 Jeeš kesâ yeuye Éeje ØeeflemLeeefhele efkeâÙee (a) 22 Ω (b) 2.2 Ω
peeÙe leye – (c) 0.22 Ω (d) .225 Ω
299. Which of the following current is considered
(a) the heater output will increase dangerous for the human body?
neršj keâe DeeGšhegš yeÌ{ peeSiee efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meer Oeeje ceeveJe Mejerj kesâ efueS
(b) the heater output will decrease
Kelejveekeâ ceeveer peelee nw?
neršj keâe DeeGšhegš Ieš peeSiee
(a) 0.5 mA/0.5 efceueer SefcheÙej
(c) the heater output will be same
neršj keâe DeeGšhegš meceeve jnsiee (b) 50 mA/50 efceueer SefcheÙej
(d) the heater output will slightly decrease. (c) 1 mA/1 efceueer SefcheÙej
neršj keâe DeeGšhegš LeesÌ[e keâce nes peeSiee~ (d) 25 mA/25 efceueer SefcheÙej

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 27 YCT

300. Two bulbs 100 W, 250 V and 200 W, 250 V are oes MeeKeeDeeW mes Ùegòeâ Skeâ meceeveeblej heefjheLe keâe
connected in series across a 500 V line, then ØeeflejesOe 12 Deesce nw~ Ùeefo Skeâ MeeKee keâe ØeeflejesOe 18
oes yeuye 100 Jeeš, 250 Jeesuš Deewj 200 Jeeš, 250 Deesce nw, lees otmejs keâe ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nw?
Jeesuš 500 Jeesuš ueeFve kesâ S›eâeme ëe=bKeuee ceW pegÌ[s ngS
(a) 18 Ω (b) 36 Ω
nQ, leye (c) 48 Ω (d) 64 Ω
(a) 100 W bulb will be fused *306. Four wires of same material, the same cross-
100 Jeeš keâe yeuye heäÙetp[ nes peeSiee~ sectional area and the same length when
(b) 200 W bulb will be fused connected in parallel give a resistance of 0.25
200 Jeeš keâe yeuye heäÙetp[ nes peeSiee~ Ω. If the same four wires are connected in
(c) Both bulb will be fused series the effective resistance will be
oesveeW yeuye heäÙetp[ nes peeSiee~ meceeve heoeLe&, meceeve DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eHeâue Deewj
(d) No bulb will be fused meceeve uebyeeF& kesâ Ûeej leej peye meceeveeblej ceW pegÌ[s ngS nQ
keâesF& yeuye heäÙetp[ veneR nesiee~ lees 0.25 Ω keâe ØeeflejesOe osles nQ~ Ùeefo ßesCeer ceW meceeve
301. Comparing No. 10 and No. 14 bare copper
wires of equal length, the No. 14 wires will have Ûeej leej pegÌ[s nes, lees ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe nesiee–
greater (a) 1 Ω (b) 2 Ω
meceeve uecyeeF& Jeeues mebKÙee 10 Je mebKÙee 14 kesâ oes veive (c) 3 Ω (d) 4 Ω
leeceü leejeW keâer leguevee keâjves hej mebKÙee 14 Jeeues leej keâe *307. A current of 16 amperes divides between two
............. DeefOekeâ nesiee~ branches in parallel of resistances 8 ohms and
12 ohms respectively. The current in each
(a) weight/Yeej (b) strength/meeceLÙe&
branch is
(c) resistance/ØeeflejesOe (d) cost/cetuÙe
16 SefcheÙej keâer Skeâ Oeeje meceeveeblej ceW oes MeeKeeDees kesâ
302. EMF in a circuit ................
Skeâ heefjheLe ceW efJeÅegle-Jeenkeâ-yeue.............. Øeef lejesOees 8 Deesce Deewj 12 Deesce kesâ yeerÛe ›eâceMe:
(a) causes current to flow efJeYeeefpele nw~ ØelÙeskeâ MeeKee ceW Oeeje nw–
Oeeje ØeJeen keâe keâejCe neslee nw (a) 6.4 A, 6.9 A (b) 6.4 A, 9.6 A
(b) maintains potential difference (c) 4.6 A, 6.9 A (d) 4.6 A, 9.6 A
efJeYeJeevlej keâes yeveeS jKelee nw 308. Current velocity through a copper conductor is
(c) increases the circuit resistance Skeâ leeceü Ûeeuekeâ mes neskeâj peeves Jeeueer Oeeje keâe Jesie
heefjheLe keâe ØeeflejesOe yeÌ{elee nw ............ neslee nw~
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) the same as propagation velocity of electric
*303. Four identical resistors are first connected in energy
parallel and then in series. The resultant efJeÅegle Tpee& kesâ Øemeej Jesie kesâ meceeve
resistance of the first combination to the second
(b) independent of current strength
will be
Ûeej meceeve ØeeflejesOekeâ henues meceevlej ceW Deewj efheâj Oeeje meeceLÙe& mes mJeleb$e
ëe=bKeuee ceW pegÌ[s nesles nQ~ henues mebÙeespeve kesâ (c) of the order of a few µs/m
heefjCeecemJe™he efÉleerÙekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee kegâÚ µs/m kesâ ›eâce keâe
1 1 1 1 (d) nearly 3×108 m/s
(a) times/ iegvee (b) times / iegvee ueieYeie 3×108 m/s
16 16 4 4
(c) 4 times / 4 iegvee (d) 16 times/ 16 iegvee *309. You have to replace 1500Ω resistor in radio.
*304. A light bulb draws 300 mA when the voltage You have no 1500 Ω resistor but have several
across it is 240 V. The resistance of the light 1000 Ω ones which you would connect
bulb is Deehekeâes jsef[Ùees ceW 1500Ω kesâ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâes yeouevee nw~
Skeâ ØekeâeMe yeuye 300 mA Jenve keâjlee nw, peye Fmekesâ Deehekesâ heeme 1500Ω keâe ØeeflejesOe veneR nw, efkeâvleg 1000
S›eâeme Jeesušspe 240 Jeesuš neslee nw~ ØekeâeMe yeuye keâe Ω kesâ keâF& ØeeflejesOe efoÙes ieÙes nw lees Deehe Fmes efkeâme
ØeeflejesOe nw– Øekeâej peesÌ[sies?
(a) 400Ω (b) 600Ω (a) two in parallel/oes meceeveeblej ceW
(c) 800Ω (d) 1000Ω (b) two in parallel and one in series
*305. The resistance of a parallel circuit consisting of oes meceeveeblej ceW Deewj Skeâ ßesCeer ceW
two branches is 12 ohms. If the resistance of
(c) three in parallel/leerve meceeveeblej ceW
one branch is 18 ohms, what is the resistance of
the other? (d) three in series/leerve ßesCeer ceW

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 28 YCT

310. The unit of electrical conductivity is *317. A wire of resistance R Ω has it length and
efJeÅegle Ûeeuekeâlee keâer FkeâeF& nw– cross–section area both doubled. Its resistance
(a) mho/metre /cnes/ceeršj will become
(b) mho/sq.m /cnes/ceeršj2 R Deesce ØeeflejesOe kesâ Skeâ leej keâer uecyeeF& Deewj DevegØemLe
(c) ohm/metre /Deesce/ceeršj keâeš #es$eheâue oesveeW keâes ogiegvee keâjves hej Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe
(d) ohm/sq.m /Deesce/ceeršj2 nes peeSiee~
311. Which of the following bulbs will have the least (a) 4 R (b) 2R
resistance? (c) R (d) R/4
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme yeuye keâe ØeeflejesOe keâce nesiee 318. An electric current is the
(a) 220 V, 60 W/220 Jeesuš, 60 Jeeš efJeÅegle Oeeje nesleer nw?
(b) 220 V, 100 W /220 Jeesuš, 100 Jeeš (a) random movement of electrons in a conductor
(c) 115 V, 60 W /115 Jeesuš, 60 Jeeš efkeâmeer Ûeeuekeâ ceW Fueskeäš^e@vees keâer ÙeeÂefÛÚkeâ ieefle
(d) 115 V, 100 W /115 Jeesuš, 100 Jeeš (random movement)
*312. The ratio of the resistance of a 100 W, 220 V (b) movement of free electorns predominately in
lamp to that of a 100 W, 110 V lamp will be
one direction/Skeâ efoMee ceW cegKÙe ®he mes cegòeâ
Skeâ 100 Jeeš, 220 Jeesuš leLee 100 Jeeš, 110 Jeesuš Fueskeäš^e@vees keâer ÙeeÂefÛÚkeâ ieefle
uewche kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe Devegheele ueieYeie nesiee (c) pressure difference between two poles
(a) 4 (b) 2 oes OeÇgJeeW kesâ ceOÙe oeye Devlej
1 1 (d) the power that cause drift of electrons
(c) (d)
2 4 Jen Meefòeâ pees Fueskeäš^e@vees kesâ yeneJe keâe keâejCe nesleer nw
*313. A wire of 0.14 mm diameter and specific *319. Copper has a resistivity of 17 × 10–9Ω-m. What
resistance 9.6 micro ohm–cm is 440 cm long. is the end to end resistance of a copper strip, 2
The resistance of the wire will be cm long with cross sectional dimensions
0.14 efceceer JÙeeme keâe Skeâ leej Deewj efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe
9.6 ceeF›eâes Deesce–mesceer. 440 mesceer. uecyee nw~ leej keâe
keâe@hej keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee 17 × 10-9 Ω-m nw~ 5 mm ×
ØeeflejesOe nesiee 1mm DevegØemLe keâeš efJecee Jeeues 2 cm uecyes, keâe@hej
(a) 9.6 ohm /9.6 Deesce
efmš^he kesâ efmejs mes efmejs lekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe nw?
(b) 11.3 ohm /11.3 Deesce
(a) 31 µΩ (b) 68 µΩ
(c) 13.7 ohm /13.7 Deesce
(c) 34µΩ (d) 64µΩ
(d) 27.4 ohm/27.4 Deesce
320. For a fixed supply voltage the current flowing
314. Ohm's law is not applicable to
through a conductor will increase when its
Deesce keâe efveÙece ueeiet veneR neslee nw–
Skeâ efveef§ele Deehetefle& Jeesušlee kesâ efueS efkeâmeer Ûeeuekeâ mes
(a) DC circuits/[er.meer. heefjheLe
(b) high currents/GÛÛe Oeeje
ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje yeÌ{sieer peye Fmekeâe–
(c) small resistors/efvecve ØeeflejesOekesâ (a) area of x-section is reduced
(d) semi–conductors/Deæ&–Ûeeuekeâes DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eHeâue IešeÙee peeS
*315. A metal resistor has resistance to 10 ohm at (b) length is reduced/uecyeeF& IešeF& peeS
00C and 11 ohms at 1600C, the temperature (c) length is increased/uecyeeF& yeÌ{eF& peeS
coefficient is (d) length is increased and x-sectional area is
Skeâ Oeeleg ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe 00C hej ØeeflejesOe 10 Deesce reduced/uecyeeF& yeÌ{eF& peeS Deewj DevegØemLe keâeš
Deewj 1600C hej 11 Deesce nw~ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ nw- #es$eHeâue IešeÙee peeS
(a) 0.00625/0C (b) 0.0625/0C
(c) 0.000625/0C (d) 0.625/0C *321. A 12 V automobile light is rated at 30W. The
316. A resistance of 5 ohms is further drawn so that total charge that flows through the filament in
its length becomes double. Its resistance will one minute is
now be Skeâ 12 Jeesuš keâe DeeBšesceesyeeFue ØekeâeMe 30 Jee@š hej
Skeâ 5 Deesce kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâer uecyeeF& keâes KeerÛekeâj efveOee&efjle nw~ Skeâ efceveš ceW levleg mes neskeâj ØeJeeefnle nesves
oesiegvee efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Deye Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee– Jeeues kegâue DeeJesMe nw-
(a) 5 ohms/5 Deesce (b) 7.5 ohms /7.5 Deesce (a) 30 C (b) 12 C
(c) 10 ohms /10 Deesce (d) 20 ohms /20 Deesce (c) 150 C (d) 180 C
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 29 YCT
322. The flow of current in solids is due to 329. Out of the following which is not a poor
"esmees ceW Oeeje keâe ØeJeen ........... kesâ keâejCe neslee nw– conductor?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ Kejeye
(a) electrons/Fueskeäš^e@veeW Ûeeuekeâ veneR nw?
(b) electrons and ions/Fueskeäš^e@veeW Deewj DeeÙeveeW (a) Cast iron/{ueBJee ueesne (b) Copper/leeByee
(c) atoms/hejceeCegDeeW (c) Carbon/keâeye&ve (d) Tungsten/šbiemšve
330. Out of the following which is an insulating
(d) nucleus/veeefYekeâ
323. One commercial unit of energy equals efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& nw?
Tpee& keâer Skeâ JeeefCeefpÙekeâ FkeâeF&............... kesâ yejeyej (a) Copper/leeByee (b) Gold/meesvee
nesleer nw– (c) Silver/ÛeeBoer (d) Paper/keâeiepe
(a) 500 watt-seconds/500 Jeeš-meskesâC[ 331. The property of a conductor due to which it
(b) One watt-hour/Skeâ Jeeš-IeCše passes current is called
(c) One kilowatt-hour/Skeâ efkeâueesJeeš-IeCše Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe Jen iegCe efpemekesâ keâejCe Ùen Oeeje keâes
(d) ten kilowatt-hour/ome efkeâueesJeeš-IeCše ieg peejlee nw, keânueelee nw–
*324. The electrical energy required to heat a bucket (a) resistance/ØeeflejesOe (b) reluctance/Øeefle°cYe
of water to a certain temperature is 4 kWh. If (c) conductance/ ÛeeuekeâlJe (d) inductance/ØesjkeâlJe
the heat losses are 20 percent, the energy input 332. Conductance is reciprocal of
is ÛeeuekeâlJe keâe JÙegl›eâce nw–
Skeâ efveef§ele leeheceeve hej heeveer keâer Skeâ yeeušer keâes iece& (a) resistance /ØeeflejesOe (b) inductance/ØesjkeâlJe
keâjves kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ efJeÅegle Tpee& 4 kWh nw~ Ùeefo (c) reluctance/Øeefle°cYe (d) capacitance/Oeeefjlee
T<cee neefve 20 ØeefleMele nes, lees Fvehegš Tpee& nw– 333. With rise in temperature the resistance of pure
(a) 2 kWh (b) 3.2 kWh metals
(c) 5 kWh (d) 6 kWh leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe Megæ OeelegDeeW keâe ØeeflejesOe–
325. In gases the flow of current is due to (a) increases/yeÌ{lee nw
iewmeeW ceW Oeeje keâe ØeJeen ............ keâs keâejCe neslee nw– (b) decreases/Iešlee nw
(a) electrons only/kesâJeue Fueskeäš^e@vees (c) first increases and then decreases
(b) positive ions only/kesâJeue Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeveeW henues yeÌ{lee nw Deewj efHeâj Iešlee nw
(c) electrons and positive ions (d) remains constant/efmLej jnlee nw
Fueskeäš^e@veeW Deewj Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeveeW 334. With rise in temperature the resistance of
(d) electrons, positive ions and negative ions
leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe Deæ&-Ûeeuekeâes keâe ØeeflejesOe–
Fueskeäš^e@veeW, Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeveeW Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeÙeveeW
(a) decreases/Iešlee nw
*326. The maximum current rating for a 10 kΩ, 0.5
(b) increases/yeÌ{lee nw
W resistor is/10 kΩ, 0.5 W ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ efueS
(c) first increases and then decreases
DeefOekeâlece Oeeje efveOee&jCe nw– henues yeÌ{lee nw Deewj efHeâj Iešlee nw
(a) 0.707 mA (b) 7.07 mA (d) remains constant/efmLej jnlee nw
(c) 14.14 mA (d) 28.28 mA
*335. The resistance of a copper wire 200 m long is
327. The S.I. unit of power is 21Ω. If its thickness (diameter) is 0.44 mm, its
Meefòeâ keâer S.I. FkeâeF& nw– specific resistance is around
(a) henry/nsvejer (b) coulomb/ketâuee@ce 200 ceeršj uebyes leeByes kesâ leej keâe ØeeflejesOe 21 Deesce nw~
(c) watt/Jeeš (d) watt-hour/Jeeš-IeCše Ùeefo Fmekeâer ceesšeF& (JÙeeme) 0.44 efceceer nw, Fmekeâe
328. The substances which have a large number of efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe ueieYeie nw–
free electrons and offer a low resistance are (a) 1.2×10–8Ω-m (b) 1.4×10–8Ω-m
called/efpeve heoeLeex ceW cegòeâ Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee (c) 1.6×10 Ω-m (d) 1.8×10–8Ω-m
DeefOekeâ nesleer nw Deewj keâce ØeeflejesOe Øeoeve keâjles nw, GvnW *336. Three resistances of 10 ohms, 15 ohms and 30
ohms are connected in parallel. The total
keâne peelee nw– resistance of the combination is
(a) insulators/kegâÛeeuekeâ 10 Deesce, 15 Deesce Deewj 30 Deesce kesâ leerve ØeeflejesOe
(b) inductors/Øesjkeâ meceeveeblej ceW pegÌ[s ngS nQ~ mebÙeespeve keâe kegâue ØeeflejesOe nw–
(c) semi-conductors/Deæ&&-Ûeeuekeâ (a) 5 ohms/5 Deesce (b) 10 ohms/10 Deesce
(d) conductors/Ûeeuekeâ (c) 15 ohms/15 Deesce (d) 55 ohms/55 Deesce

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 30 YCT

*337. The equivalent resistance of a series parallel 343. A drawn wire of resistance 5 Ω is further
circuit shown in/efoKeeS ieS ßesCeer meceeveeblej heefjheLe drawn so that its diameter becomes one-fifth of
keâe leguÙe ØeeflejesOe nw– the original. What is its resistance with volume
remaining the same?
efkeâmeer KeerÛeW ngS 5Ω ØeeflejesOe Jeeues leej keâes Deeies Deewj
KeeRÛee peelee nw efpemekesâ keâejCe Fmekeâe JÙeeme cetue keâe
(a) 8 ohms/8 Deesce (b) 10 ohms/10 Deesce 1/5 nes peelee nw~ lees DeeÙeleve meceeve jKeles ngS Fmekeâe
(c) 12 ohms/12 Deesce (d) 16 ohms/16 Deesce ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nw?
*338. The resistance of two wires is 25Ω when (a) 25Ω (b) 125Ω
connected in series and 6Ω when joined in
parallel. The resistance of each wire is (c) 625Ω (d) 3,125Ω
oes leejeW keâe ØeeflejesOe 25Ω nw peye Jes ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s nw *344. Three parallel resistive branches are connected
Deewj 6Ω peye Jes meceeveeblej ceW peg[s nQ~ ØelÙeskeâ leej keâe across a dc supply. What will be the ratio of the
ØeeflejesOe nw– branch current I1 : I 2 : I3 if the branch
resistances are in the ratio R1 : R2 : R3 : : 2 : 4 : 6?
(a) 10 Ω, 15 Ω (b) 20 Ω, 30 Ω
(c) 5 Ω, 10 Ω (d) 10 Ω, 20 Ω ØeeflejesOeer keâer leerve meceeblej MeeKeeSB efkeâmeer [er.meer.
339. An instrument which detects electric current is Deehetefle& kesâ S›eâe@me mebÙeesefpele nQ~ Ùeefo MeeKee ØeeflejesOeeW
known as/Skeâ GhekeâjCe pees efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe helee keâe Devegheele R1 : R2 : R3 : : 2 : 4 : 6 nes lees MeeKee
ueieelee nw, Gmes peevee peelee nw– OeejeDeeW keâe Devegheele I1 : I2 : I3 keäÙee nesiee?
(a) voltmeter/Jeesušceeršj (a) 3 : 2 : 6 (b) 2 : 4 : 6
(b) rheostat/efjÙeesmšsš (c) 6 : 3 : 2 (d) 6 : 2 : 4
(c) wattmeter/Jeešceeršj *345. Two bulbs of 100 W/250 V and 150 W/250 V
(d) galvanometer/iewuJesveesceeršj are connected in series across a supply of 250
*340. In a circuit a 33 Ω resistor carries a current of V. The power consumed by the circuit is?
2A. The voltage across the resistor is oes yeuye 100W/250V Deewj 150 W /250V kesâ, 250 V
Skeâ heefjheLe ceW 33Ω keâe ØeeflejesOekeâ 2 A keâer Oeeje Jenve mehueeF& kesâ S›eâe@me ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nw~ heefjheLe kesâ Éeje
keâjlee nw~ ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušspe nw–
Kehele Meefòeâ nw?
(a) 33 V (b) 66 V
(c) 80 V (d) 132 V (a) 30 W (b) 60 W
*341. If the length of a wire of resistance R is (c) 100 W (d) 250 W
uniformly stretched to n times its original 346. How many 200W/200V incandescent lamps
value, its new resistance is connected in series would consume the same
Ùeefo ØeeflejesOe R Jeeues Skeâ leej keâes Skeâmeceeve ™he mes total power as a single 100W/220V
KeeRÛekeâj Fmekeâer uecyeeF& cetue uecyeeF& keâe n iegvee keâj incandescent lamp?
efoÙee peeS lees Fmekeâe veÙee ØeeflejesOe nw? 200W/200V kesâ ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s ngS efkeâleves Goerhle uewche
(a) n R (b) R/n Gleveer ner kegâue Meefòeâ Kehele keâjWies efpelevee keâer
(c) n2 R (d) R/n2 100W/220V keâe Skeâ Goerhle uewche keâjlee nw?
342. What happense to the resistance of a conductor
if its length is increased three times and (a) not possible/mebYeJe veneR nw
diameter is halved? (b) 4
Ùeefo efkeâmeer Ûeeuekeâ keâer uecyeeF& leerve iegvee yeÌ{e oer peeleer (c) 3
nw Deewj Fmekeâe JÙeeme DeeOee keâj efoÙee peelee nw lees Fmekeâe (d) 2
ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nesiee? *347. Two wires A and B have the same cross-section
(a) Resistance remains the same and are made of the same material. RA=600Ω
ØeeflejesOe DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw and RB=100Ω. The number of times A is longer
(b) Resistance is increased 3 times than B is
ØeeflejesOe leerve iegvee yeÌ{ peelee nw oes leejs A Deewj B keâe DevegØemLe keâeš meceeve nw Deewj
(c) Resistance is increased 6 times meceeve heoeLe& kesâ yeves nQ~ RA=600Ω Deewj RB=100Ω
ØeeflejesOe Ú: iegvee yeÌ{ peelee nw nw, lees A. B mes efkeâlevee iegvee uecyee nw?
(d) Resistance is increased 12 times (a) 6 (b) 2
ØeeflejesOe 12 iegvee yeÌ{ peelee nw (c) 4 (d) 5
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 31 YCT
348. The factor which will have least effect on the (a) the same at different temperatures.
voltage at the load end of a two-wire supply efYeVe-efYeVe leeheceeve hej meceeve jnlee nw
circuit is/Jen keâejkeâ pees oes leej Deehetefle& heefjheLe kesâ (b) higher at higher temperatures.
Yeej efmejs hej keâce mes keâce ØeYeeJe [euesiee? GÛÛe leeheceeve hej GÛÛe neslee nw
(c) different at different temperatures.
(a) length of the circuit/heefjheLe keâer uecyeeF&
efYeVe-efYeVe leeheceevees hej efYeVe-efYeVe neslee nw
(b) whether supply frequency is 25 Hz or 50 Hz
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Ùeefo Deehetefle& DeeJe=efòe 25 Hz nes Ùee 50 Hz 354. Temperature coefficient of resistance is defined
(c) amount of load on the circuit as/ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ ........... kesâ ™he ceW
heefjheLe hej Yeej keâer cee$ee heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(d) cross-section of the circuit wires (a) increase in resistance per ohm per 0C
heefjheLe leejes keâe DevegØemLe keâeš ØeeflejesOe ceW Øeefle Deesce Øeefle 0C Je=efæ
349. For current to flow, a circuit must be (b) increase in resistance per 0C
Oeeje ØeJeen nesves kesâ efueS Skeâ heefjheLe keâes nesvee ÛeeefnS– ØeeflejesOe ceW Øeefle 0C Je=efæ
(a) isolated/efJeueefiele (b) insulated/efJeÅeglejesOeer (c) decrease in resistance per ohm per 0C
(c) complete/hetCe& (d) protected/megjef#ele ØeeflejesOe ceW Øeefle Deesce Øeefle 0C keâceer
350. If a 'live' conductor of a public supply touches (d) the ratio of decrease in resistance per 0C to
the resistance at 00C/Øeefle 0C ØeeflejesOe ceW keâceer mes
earth metal/meeJe&peefvekeâ Deehetefle& keâe mepeerJe leej Ùeefo
0ºC hej ØeeflejesOe keâe Devegheele
Yet-Oeeleg keâes mecheke&â keâjs lees– 355. For a series as well as a parallel circuit
(a) supply voltage will increase ßesCeer kesâ meeLe-meeLe meceeblej heefjheLe kesâ efueS–
Deehetefle& Jeesušlee yeÌ{sieer (a) resistance's are additive/ØeeflejesOe Ùeesieelcekeâ nesles nQ
(b) supply voltage will decrease (b) powers are additive/Meefòeâ Ùeesieelcekeâ nesleer nw
Deehetefle& Jeesušlee Iešsieer (c) currents are additive/Oeeje Ùeesieelcekeâ nesleer nw
(c) no current will flow/keâesF& Oeeje ØeJeeefnle veneR nesieer (d) voltage drops are additive
(d) current will flow to earth Jeesušlee heele Ùeesieelcekeâ nesleer nw
Oeeje-he=LJeer ceW ØeJeeefnle nesieer 356. The heating effect of electric current is not
351. Which of the following statements regarding a used in/JewÅegle Oeeje keâe leeheve ØeYeeJe .......... ceW
capacitor is not true? GheÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw~
mebOeeefj$e kesâ mecyevOe ceW efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee (a) Electric furnaces/JewÅegle YeefóÙeeW
keâLeve melÙe veneR nw? (b) Geysers/ieerpej
(a) DC cannot flow through it (c) Electric irons/JewÅegle Øesme
Fmemes DC ØeJeeefnle vener nes mekeâlee nw (d) Vacuum cleaners/JewkeäÙetce keäueervej
(b) AC can flow 'through' it 357. A passive network has
Fmemes AC ØeJeeefnle nes mekeâlee nw Skeâ efveef<›eâÙe heefjheLe ceW .......... neslee nw~
(c) current flows when a capacitor is connected (a) no current source/keâesF& Oeeje Œeesle veneR
for the first time across a battery/peye kewâhesefmešj (b) no emf source/keâesF& emf Œeesle veneR
keâes Skeâ yewš^er kesâ S›eâe@me henueer yeej peesÌ[e peelee nw lees (c) only emf source/kesâJeue emf Œeesle
Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw (d) neither current source nor emf source
(d) slight moisture increases its capacitance ve lees Oeeje Œeesle ve ner emf Œeesle
LeesÌ[er yengle veceer Fmekesâ Oeeefjlee keâes yeÌ{eleer nw 358. Which of the following is a scalar quantity?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meer DeefoMe jeefMe nw?
352. Ohm's law is applicable to
(a) Electric field strength/JewÅegle #es$e meeceLÙe&
Deesce keâe efveÙece ............ kesâ efueSueeiet neslee nw~
(b) Electric displacement density
(a) semi-conductors/Deæ&Ûeeuekeâes JewÅegle efJemLeeheve IevelJe
(b) vacuum tubes/efveJee&led šŸetye (c) Electric potential/JewÅegle efJeYeJe
(c) electrolytes/JewÅegleDeheIešŸe (d) Force/yeue
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
359. The number of compounds available in nature
353. The values of temperature coefficient of is?
resistance of a given conductor are Øeke=âefle ceW GheueyOe Ùeewefiekeâes keâer mebKÙee nw-
efkeâmeer efoS ieS Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ (a) 105 (b) 300
keâe ceeve– (c) 1000 (d) unlimited/Demeerefcele

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 32 YCT

360. The electrons in the last orbit of an atom are 366. Potential difference has the unit of?
called?/efkeâmeer hejceeCeg keâer Debeflece keâ#ee ceW Fueskeäš^e@veeW efJeYeJeevlej keâer FkeâeF& nw?
keâes keâne peelee nw- (a) charge/DeeJesMe
(a) free electrons/cegòeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve (b) power/Meefòeâ
(b) bound electrons/yeeOÙe Fueskeäš^e@ve (c) energy/Tpee&
(c) valence electrons/mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@ve (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) thermionic electrons/leeheerÙe Fueskeäš^e@ve 367. The electric current in a liquid is due to the
flow of?/efkeâmeer lejue ceW efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe ØeJeen efkeâmekesâ
361. If the number of valence electrons of an atom is
less than 4, the substance is usually? keâejCe neslee nw?
Ùeefo efkeâmeer hejceeCeg kesâ mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee 4 (a) electrons only/kesâJeue Fueskeäš^e@vme
mes keâce nw, lees heoeLe& Deeceleewj hej nw? (b) positive ions only/kesâJeue Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeve
(a) a conductor/Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ (c) negative and positive ions both
(b) an insulator/Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeve oesveeW
(d) electrons and positive ions both
(c) a semiconductor/Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
Fueskeäš^e@vme Deewj Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeve oesveeW
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
368. Electric current is a?
362. If the number of valence electrons of an atom efJeÅegle Oeeje Skeâ nw?
is more than 4, the substance is usually?
(a) scalar quantity/DeefoMe jeefMe
Ùeefo efkeâmeer hejceeCeg kesâ mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@vees keâer mebKÙee 4
(b) vector quantity/meefoMe jeefMe
mes DeefOekeâ nw, lees heoeLe& Deeceleewj hej nw?
(c) sometimes scalar and sometimes vector
(a) a semiconductor/Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ kegâÚ meceÙe DeefoMe Deewj kegâÚ meceÙe meefoMe
(b) a conductor/Ûeeuekeâ (d) number only/kesâJeue mebKÙee
(c) an insulator/efJeÅeglejesOekeâ *369. How much power (in W) will be dissipated by a
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR 5 Ohm resistor in which the value of current is
363. If the number of valence electrons of an atom is 2 A?/5 Deesÿe kesâ ØeeflejesOekeâ Éeje efkeâleveer Tpee& (Jee@š
4, then the substance is usually? ceW) keâes #eÙe efkeâÙee peeSiee efpemeceW efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe ceeve
Ùeefo efkeâmeer hejceeCeg kesâ mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee 4 2 SefcheÙej nw?
nw, lees heoeLe& Deeceleewj hej nw? (a) 10 (b) 30
(c) 20 (d) 40
(a) a semiconductor/Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
*370. Which of the following is the dimension of
(b) an insulator/efJeÅeglejesOekeâ resistance?
(c) a conductor/Ûeeuekeâ efvecveefueefKele ceW mes ØeeflejesOe keâe efJecee keäÙee nw?
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR ML2 Q2T 2
(a) (b)
364. The electric current is due to the flow of? QT2
efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe ØeJeen efkeâmekesâ keâejCe neslee nw? ML2 ML
(c) (d)
(a) positive charges only/kesâJeue Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe QT 2
QT 2
(b) negative charges only/kesâJeue $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeJesMe *371. Which one of the following is the dimension of
(c) both positive and negative charges energy ?/efvecve ceW mes keâewve meer Tpee& keâe efJecee nw?
Oeveelcekeâ Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeJesMe oesveeW ML2
(a) (b)
(d) neutral particles only/kesâJeue Goemeerve hejceeCeg
T T2
365. The electric current in a metallic conductor is T2 ML2
(c) 2
due to the flow of? ML QT 2
Skeâ OeeeflJekeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe ØeJeen efkeâmekesâ *372. What will be the potential difference (in V)
keâejCe neslee nw? between the terminals of the resistor of 8 ohms,
when the current through the resistor is 3A ?
(a) electrons only/kesâJeue Fueskeäš^e@vme
8 Deesÿe kesâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ šefce&veueeW kesâ yeerÛe heesšsWefMeÙeue
(b) positive ions only/kesâJeue Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeve ef[HeâjWme (Jeesuš ceW) keäÙee nesiee, peye ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeOÙece
(c) electrons and positive ions only mes yenves Jeeueer efJeÅegle Oeeje 3 SefcheÙej nw?
kesâJeue Fueskeäš^e@vme Deewj Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeve (a) 24 (b) 22
(d) neutral atoms only/kesâJeue Goemeerve hejceeCeg (c) 36 (d) 30
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 33 YCT
*373. What will be the value of current (in A) *380. A piece of aluminium wire is stretched to
through a resistor of 40 Ohms when the reduce its diameter to half of its original value.
potential difference between two ends of the Its resistance will become?
resistor is 20 V?/Skeâ 40 Deesÿe kesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW SuÙegefceefveÙece leej kesâ Skeâ šgkeâÌ[s keâe JÙeeme KeeRÛekeâj
efJeÅegleOeeje keâe ceeve (SefcheÙej ceW) keäÙee nesiee peye Gmekesâ cetue ceeve keâe DeeOee keâj efoÙee peelee nw~ leye
ØeeflejesOe kesâ oesveeW efmejeW kesâ yeerÛe efJeYeJeevlej 20 V nwb? Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee?
(a) 2 (b) 0. 5 (a) two times/oes iegvee
(c) 4 (d) 0.2
*374. A billion electrons pass through a cross-section (b) four times/Ûeej iegvee
of a conductor in 10-3s. The current is? (c) eight times/Dee" iegvee
Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ DevegØemLe keâeš mes 10 s ceW Skeâ -3
(d) sixteen times/meesuen iegvee
efyeefueÙeve Fueskeäš^e@vme kesâ iegpejves hej Oeeje nw- 381. The thermal speed of electrons is of the order
(a) 10-7 A (b) 1.6 × 10-7 A of ?
(c) 2 × 10 A -4
(d) 2.6 × 10 A -3 Fues keäš^e@vees keâer leeheerÙe ieefle ..........kesâ ›eâce keâer nesleer nw~
375. The electric current in a discharge tube (a) 1 ms-1 (b) 10-3 ms-1
containing a gas is due to? (c) 10 ms 6 -1
(d) 3 × 103 ms-1
Skeâ iewme Ùegòeâ efJemepe&ve šŸetye ceW efJeÅegle Oeeje efkeâmekesâ *382. The resistance of a material 2 m long and 2m2
keâejCe neslee nw? in area of x-section is 1.6 × 10-8 Ω. Its specific
(a) electrons only/kesâJeue Fueskeäš^e@vme resistance will be?
(b) positive ions only/kesâJeue Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeve 2m uebyes Deewj 2m2 DevegØemLe keâeš #es$e Jeeues Skeâ heoeLe&
(c) negative and positive ions both keâe ØeeflejesOe 1.6×10–8Ω nw, Fmekeâe efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeve oesveeW nesiee~
(d) electrons and positive ions both (a) 1.6 × 10-8 Ωm (b) 6.4 × 10-8 Ωm
Fueskeäš^e@vme Deewj Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeve oesveeW (c) 3.2 × 10-8 Ωm (d) 0.16 × 10-8 Ωm
376. The quantity of charge that will be transferred *383. The resistivity of a material is 2 × 10 Ωm.
by a current flow of 10A over 1 hour period is? What will be the resistance of a hollow pipe of
DeeJesMe keâer Jen cee$ee pees Skeâ IeCšs keâer DeJeefOe ceW the material of length 1 m and having inner
ØeJeeefnle 10A keâer Oeeje.......... kesâ Éeje mLeeveevleefjle and outer radius 10 cm and 20 cm respectively?
nesieer~ Skeâ heoeLe& keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee 2 × 10-8 Deesce-ceeršj nw~
(a) 10 C (b) 3.6 × 104 C
Skeâ ceeršj uecyeeF& kesâ heoeLe& kesâ Skeâ KeesKeues heeFhe keâe
(c) 2.4 × 10 C 3
(d) 1.6 × 102 C ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nesiee Deewj Deevleefjkeâ Deewj Jee¢e ef$epÙee
*377. A length of wire has a resistance of 6 ohms. The ›eâceMe: 10 mesceer Deewj 20 mesceer nw?
resistance of a wire of the same material three (a) 2 × 10-4 Ω (b) 2.1 × 10-7 Ω
times as long and twice the cross-sectional area (c) 3 × 10-5 Ω (d) 2.82 × 10-3 Ω
will be? *384. If a differential charge dq is given a differential
Skeâ leej keâer uecyeeF& keâe ØeeflejesOe 6 Deesce nw~ meceeve energy dw, the rise in potential of the charge is:
heoeLeeX mes yeves leej keâer uecyeeF& leerve iegvee Deewj Ùeefo Skeâ DeJekeâueveerÙe DeeJesMe dq keâes dw Tpee& oer
DevegØemLe-keâeš #es$e oes iegvee keâjves hej ØeeflejesOe nesiee- peeleer nw lees DeeJesMe kesâ efJeYeJe ceW Je=efæ (rise)
(a) 36 ohms (b) 9 ohms (a) ∫ dq (b) ∫ dw
(c) 1 ohm (d) 12ohms
378. The drift velocity of free electrons is of the dq dw
(c) I = (d) ν =
order of? dw dq
cegòeâ Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâe yeneJe Jesie efkeâme ›eâce keâe neslee nw? *385. A device stores 500 J of energy. It releases this
(a) 1 ms-1 (b) 10-5 ms-1 energy in the form of an electric current of 40
(c) 10 ms6 -1
(d) 3 × 108 ms-1 A, which has a duration of 5 ms. Determine the
*379. The potential difference of an energy source voltage across the terminals of the device.
that provides 50 mJ of energy for every Skeâ Ùegefòeâ 500 J Gpee& meb«eefnle keâjleer nw~ Ùen Fme Gpee&
microcoulomb of charge the flows is? keâes 40 A efJeÅegle Oeeje kesâ ™he ceW efveceg&òeâ keâjleer nw
Skeâ Tpee& œeesle keâe efJeYeJeevlej pees DeeJesMe kesâ ØelÙeskeâ efpemekeâer meceÙeeJeefOe 5 ms nQ~ lees Ùegefòeâ kesâ efmejs kesâ
ceeF›eâesketâuee@ce kesâ efueS 50 mJ Tpee& Øeoeve keâjlee nw- S›eâeme Jeesušlee %eele keâerefpeS~
(a) 5 V (b) 50 V (a) 2500 V (b) 25 V
(c) 500 V (d) 50 kV (c) 250 V (d) 2.5 V

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 34 YCT

*386. Let dq. be the differential charge, dw be the *392. What is the power consumed by the resistor of
differential energy. The rate of change of 20 Ω connected across 100 V source?
energy with time is given as: 100 V œeesle kesâ Deejheej 20 Ω keâe ØeeflejesOe ueiee nw lees
Ùeefo dq DeeJekeâueveerÙe DeeJesMe Deewj dw DeJekeâueveerÙe Gmekesâ Éeje Meefòeâ JÙeÙe efkeâleveer nesleer nw?
Tpee& nw, lees meceÙe kesâ meeLe Tpee& heefjJele&ve keâer oj nw- (a) 300 W (b) 500 W
(c) 50 W (d) 100 W
dw dq dw dq *393. One Watt hour contains ______Joules
(a) / (b) +
dq dt dq dt Skeâ Jeeš ne@Jej ceW______petue nesles nQ~
dq dq dw dq (a) 3.6×108 (b) 3.6×105
(c) × (d) × (c) 3.6×10 3
(d) 3.6×10−1
dw dt dq dt
394. Which of the following is a common unit of a
*387. Determine the conductance of a short circuit physical quantity in M.K.S. & S.I. systems.
on 120 V, which results in a short circuit efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Yeeweflekeâ FkeâeF& keâer MKS Deewj
current of 500 A? SI ØeCeeueer ceW meceeve FkeâeF& nesleer nw?
120 V hej ueIegheefjheLe kesâ Ûeeuekeâlee keâer ieCevee keâjW,
(a) ampere / SeqcheÙej (b) kelvin / kesâequJeve
efpemekeâe heefjCeece ueIegheLeve Oeeje 500 A nw~ (c) mole / ceesue (d) joule/sec/petue/meskebâ[
(a) 4.16 S (b) 41.6 S *395. When a 2A current flows in a copper wire for
(c) 2.16 S (d) 20 S 3µs, what will be the number of electron
*388. Determine the resistance of a 1 km strip of flowing in the cross section of the wire during
copper of rectangular cross-section 2.5 cm by that time?/peye 2A Oeeje, Skeâ leeByes keâer leej ceW 3
0.05 cm. Assume ρ is the resistivity of the ceeF›eâes meskesâC[eW kesâ efueS ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw, leye Gme
copper. oewjeve (Fueskeäš^e@ve keâe Ûeepe& =1.6 × 10–19 C) leej kesâ
2.5 mesceer. Deewj 0.05 mesceer. keâer DeeÙeleekeâej DevegØemLe DevegØemLe keâeš (cross-section) ceW ØeJeeefnle Fueskeäš^e@veeW
keâeš Jeeueer keâehej keâer 1 efkeâceer. keâer efmš^he (heòeer) kesâ keâer keâjeryeve mebKÙee keäÙee nesieer?
ØeeflejesOe keâer ieCevee keâjW, ceevee ρ keâehej keâer (a) 3.75×1011 (b) 3.75×1012
(c) 3.75×10 (d) 3.75×1014
ØeeflejesOekeâlee nw~ *396. A pellet carying a charge of 0.5C is accelerated
(a) 80 ×ρ m Ω (b) 8 ×ρ M Ω from rest through a p.d. of 2000V,it attains
(c) 80×ρ Ω (d) 80 ×ρ M Ω K.E. of-
0.5C mes DeeJesefMele Újx keâes 2000V efJeYeJeeblej #es$e ceW
389. The time rate of flow of electric charge past a
lJeefjle efkeâÙee ieÙee nes lees ieeflepe Tpee& keäÙee nesieer-
given point is known as:
(a) 1000J (b) 1000 KW-hr
efkeâmeer efyevot hej DeeJesMe ØeJeen keâer oj keâes keânles nw-
(c) 1000eV (d) zero
(a) current/Oeeje *397. A conductor carries a current of 4 A and if
(b) net charge storage/DeeJesMe meb«enCe magnitude of charge of an electron e = 1.6×10-19
Coulomb, then the number of electrons which
(c) charge density/DeeJesMe IevelJe
flow through the cross section per sec is
(d) voltage/Jeesušlee Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW 4A Oeeje nes Je Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve keâe
*390. Find the current in an element when the charge DeeJesMe e=1.6×10–19 Coulomb nes lees DevegØemLe keâeš mes
entering the element is q(t) = 10e C. Øeefle meskebâ[ yenves Jeeues Fueskeäš^e@ve keâer mebKÙee nesieer-
Skeâ DeJeÙeJe ceW Oeeje keâer ieCevee keâjW peyeefkeâ DeJeÙeJe ceW (a) 2.5×10 19 (b) 1.6×10 19
ØeJesefMele DeeJesMe q (t) = 10.e–t ketâuee@ce nes~ (c) 6.4×10 19
(d) 0.4×10 19
(a) -10A (b) -10 e A -t *398. Determine the potential difference (in V)
(c) 10 A (d) 10 e A t between the ends of a conductor when the
conductor has a conductance of 0.4 Siemens
*391. A conductor has a constant current of 6A, how and carrying a current of 8 A.
many electrons pass a fixed point on the Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ oesveeW ÚesjeW kesâ yeerÛe kesâ efJeYeJeevlej keâe
conductor in two minute. ceeve (Jeesuš ceW) %eele keâerefpeÙes Ùeefo Ûeeuekeâ keâer Ûeeuekeâlee
efkeâmeer kebâ[keäšj ceW 6A keâe keâe@vmšWš keâjWš nes, lees oes 0.4 meercesvme nw Deewj ØeJeeefnle efJeÅegle Oeeje 8 SsefcheÙej nw~
efceveš ceW Gme kebâ[keäšj hej Skeâ efveef§ele efyebog mes efkeâleves (a) 10 (b) 20
Fueskeäš^e@ve iegpejles nQ? (c) 30 (d) 50
21 *399. Determine the temperature coefficient of
(a) 4.49×10 electrons/sec
resistance of a resistor at 0 degree Celsius,
(b) 5.49×1021 electrons/sec when the resistor has a resistance of 20 ohms at
(c) 6.49×1021 electrons/sec 0 degree Celsius and 40 ohms at 60 degree
(d) 7.49×1021 electrons/sec Celsius.
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 35 YCT
ØeeflejesOe kesâ leehe iegCeebkeâ keâe ceeve 0 ef[«eer mesefumeÙeme hej 405. Ampere-hour is the unit of?
%eele keâerefpeÙes peye ØeeflejesOekeâ keâer ØeeflejesOe 0 ef[«eer hej SefcheÙej-Iebše efkeâmekeâer FkeâeF& nw?
20 Deesÿe nw Deewj 60 ef[«eer mesefumeÙeme hej 40 Deesÿe nw~ (a) quantity of electricity/efJeÅegle keâer cee$ee
(a) 0.012 (b) 0.013 (b) strength of current/Oeeje keâer meeceLÙe&
(c) 0.017 (d) 0.019 (c) power/Meefòeâ
400. A piece of aluminium (Al) and germanium (Ge) (d) energy/Tpee&
are cooled fromT K to T K. The resistance of?
1 2
SuÙegefceefveÙece Deewj pecexefveÙece keâe Skeâ šgkeâÌ[e T1K mes *406. Fig. shows the temperature/resistance graph of
a conductor. The value of α0 will be.........
T2K lekeâ "b[e efkeâÙee peelee nw, keâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee?
Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe leeheceeve/ØeeflejesOe «eeheâ efÛe$e ceW
(a) each of them increases ØeoefMe&le nw~ α0 keâe ceeve nesiee-
GveceW mes ØelÙeskeâ keâer Je=efæ nesieer
(b) each of them decreases
GveceW mes ØelÙeskeâ ceW keâceer nesieer
(c) aluminium increases and that of germanium
decreases/SuÙegefceefveÙece ceW Je=efæ Deewj pecexefveÙece ceW
keâceer nesieer,
(d) aluminium decreases and that of germanium
increases/SuÙegefceefveÙece ceW keâceer Deewj pecexefveÙece ceW
Je=efæ nesieer~
401. At 0 K, germanium behaves as:
0 K hej pecexefveÙece JÙeJenej keâjlee nw~
(a) 0.005/0C (b) 0.004/0C
(a) a conductor/Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâer lejn 0
(c) 0.4/ C (d) 0.05/0C
(b) an insulator/Skeâ kegâÛeeuekeâ keâer lejn
*407. Referring to Fig. the value of α50 will be.......... ?
(c) a superconductor/Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ keâer lejn efÛe$e keâes meboefYe&le keâjles ngS α50 keâe ceeve nesiee-
(d) a ferromagnetic substance
Skeâ ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâer lejn
*402. A copper wire is stretched so that its length is
increased by 0.1%. The change in its resistance
is?/Skeâ leeByes keâe leej KeeRÛee peelee nw leeefkeâ Gmekeâer
uecyeeF& 0.1% yeÌ{ peeS~ Fmekesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW heefjJele&ve nw?
(a) 0.3%
(b) 0.4%
(c) 0.2%
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
403. If an electric current is passed through a nerve,
the man?/Ùeefo Skeâ efJeÅegle Oeeje lebef$ekeâe leb$e mes neskeâj (a) 0.005/ºC (b) 0.004/ºC
peeleer nw lees ceveg<Ùe? (c) 0.04/ºC (d) 0.05/ºC
*408. The value of α0 of a conductor is 1/236 per
(a) begins to laugh/nBmevee Meg™ keâj oslee nw
ºC.The value of α18 will be...............?
(b) begins to weep/jesvee Meg™ keâj oslee nw Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ α0 keâe ceeve 1/236 Øeefle ºC nw~ α18 keâe
(c) is excited/Glmeeefnle neslee nw ceeve nesiee-
(d) becomes insensitive to pain (a) 1/218 per ºC
oo& kesâ Øeefle DemebJesoveMeerue nes peelee nw (b) 1/272 per ºC
*404. The temperature co-efficient of resistance of a (c) 1/254 per ºC
wire is 0.00125 per ºC. At 300 K, its resistance (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& veneR
is 1 Ω. The resistance of the wire will be 2 Ω at?
*409. The value of α25 of a conductor is 1/255 per ºC.
Skeâ leej keâe ØeeflejesOe leehe iegCeebkeâ 0.00125 Øeefle ºC nw~ The value of α20 will be?
300K, hej Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe 1 Ω nw~ leej keâe ØeeflejesOe Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ α25 keâe ceeve 1/255 Øeefle ºC nw~ α20 keâe
.......... hej 2 Ω nesiee- ceeve nesiee-
(a) 1154 K (b) 1100K (a) 1/300 per ºC (b) 1/230 per ºC
(c) 1400 K (d) 1127 K (c) 1/250 per ºC (d) 1/265 per ºC
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 36 YCT
*410. The value of α50 of a conductor is 1/230 per ºC. keâes R1 kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW jKee peeS lees R1 kesâ Éeje #eÙe
The value of α0 will be?/Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ α50 keâe Meefòeâ-
ceeve 1/230 Øeefle ºC nw~ α0 keâe ceeve nesiee? (a) decreases/Iešleer nw
(a) 1/180 per ºC (b) 1/280 per ºC (b) increases/yeÌ{leer nw
(c) 1/250 per ºC (d) none of the above (c) remains the same/DeheefjJeefle&le
*411. The number of free electrons passing through (d) any of the above depending upon the values
the filament of an electric lamp in one hour of R1 and R2/ R1 Deewj R2 kesâ ceeveeW kesâ DeeOeej hej
when the current through the filament is 0.32 A
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
will be?
417. In case of liquids, Ohm's law is.
peye levleg kesâ ceeOÙece mes 0.32 A keâer Oeeje iegpej jner nes,
õJe keâer efmLeefle ceW Deesce kesâ efveÙece.........neslee nw~
lees efJeÅegle uewche kesâ levleg mes Skeâ Iebšs ceW iegpejves Jeeues
(a) fully obeyed/hetjer lejn mes ueeiet
cegòeâ Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee nesieer?
(b) partially obeyed/DeebefMekeâ ®he mes ueeiet
(a) 3 × 1022 (b) 2 × 1026
(c) there is no relation between current and
(c) 7.2 × 1019 (d) 7.2 × 1021 p.d./Oeeje Deewj efJeYeJeevlej kesâ yeerÛe keâesF& mebyevOe veneR nw
412. In which of the following substances the
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
resistance decreases with increase in
temperature? *418. Two electric bulbs rated for the same voltage
have powers of 200 W and 100W. If their
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme heoeLe& kesâ leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ resistances are respectively R1 and R2 then?
meeLe ØeeflejesOe keâce nes peelee nw? meceeve Jeesušlee kesâ efueS efveOee&efjle oes efJeÅegle yeuye keâer
(a) carbon/keâeye&ve MeefòeâÙeeB 200 W Deewj 100W nw~ Ùeefo Gvekesâ ØeeflejesOe
(b) constantan/keâevmešsvšve ›eâceMe: R1 Deewj R2 nw leye?
(c) copper/leeByee (a) R1 = 2 R2 (b) R2 = 2 R1
(d) silver/ÛeeBoer (c) R2 = 4 R1 (d) R1 = 4 R2
413. A wire having very high value of conductance *419. A copper wire has a resistance of 10 Ω. It is
is said to be?/ÛeeuekeâlJe kesâ yengle GÛÛe ceeve Jeeues leej stretched by one-tenth of its original length.
Then its resistance will be?
keâes keâne peelee nw- Skeâ leeByes kesâ leej keâe ØeeflejesOe 10 Ω nw~ Fmes Fmekesâ cetue
(a) very good conductor/yengle DeÛÚe Ûeeuekeâ uecyeeF& kesâ omeJeW efnmmes lekeâ KeeRÛee peelee nw~ leye Fmekeâe
(b) moderately good conductor/ceOÙece DeÛÚe Ûeeuekeâ ØeeflejesOe nesiee?
(c) insulator/efJeÅeglejesOekeâ (a) 10 Ω (b) 12.1 Ω
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 9 Ω (d) 11 Ω
*414. An electric heater is marked 2000 W, 200 V. 420. The current-voltage graphs for a given metallic
The resistance of the coil is? wire at two different temperatures T1 and T2
2000W, 200V jsefšbie kesâ Skeâ JewÅegle leehekeâ kesâ kegâC[ueer are shown in Fig. Then?
keâe ØeeflejesOe.............nw~ oes Deueie-Deueie leeheceeveeW T1 Deewj T2 hej Skeâ efoS ieS
(a) 0/1 Ω (b) 20 Ω
OeeeflJekeâ leej kesâ efueS Oeeje Jeesušlee «eeheâ efÛe$e ceW
(c) 1/20 Ω (d) 200 Ω
efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw~ leye?
*415. What voltage drop will be there across a 1 kW
electric heater whose resistance when hot is
1 kW efJeÅegle neršj kesâ Deej-heej Jeesušlee [^e@he keäÙee
nesiee, efpemekeâe ØeeflejesOe peye iece& nes, 40 Ω nw~
(a) 100 V (b) 50 V
(c) 150 V (d) 200 V
416. A resistor R1 dissipates the power P when
connected to a certain generator. If resistance
R2 is put in series with R1, the power dissipated (a) T2 > T1
by R1? (b) T2 < T1
peye Skeâ ØeeflejesOe R1 keâes Skeâ efveef§ele peefve$e mes peesÌ[e (c) T2 = T1
peelee nw lees Meefòeâ P #eÙe keâjlee nw~ Ùeefo ØeeflejesOe R2 (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 37 YCT
*421. 1020 electrons each having a charge of 1.6 × *427. How much voltage is necessary to create a flow
10-19 C pass from a point X to a point Y in 0.1 s. of 0.24C in 0.8s through a resistance of 500Ω?
The current flowing is? 500Ω kesâ Skeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeOÙece mes 0.8s ceW 0.24C
10 Fueskeäš^e@vees ceW mes ØelÙeskeâ kesâ heeme 1.6 × 10 C keâe
20 –19
keâe ØeJeen GlheVe keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâlevee Jeesušlee
DeeJesMe nw~ pees X mes efyevog Y lekeâ 0.1s ceW heeme neslee nw~ DeeJeMÙekeâ nw?
ØeJeeefnle Oeeje nw- (a) 50 V (b) 300 V
(a) 16 A (b) 1.6A (c) 150 V (d) 75 V
*428. The maximum possible conductance of a 75
(c) 160 A (d) 1 A
kΩ, 10% resistor is?/Skeâ 75 kΩ, 10% ØeeflejesOekeâ
*422. A carbon electrode has a resistance of 0.125 Ω
at 20ºC. The temperature coefficient of carbon
keâe DeefOekeâlece mecYeJe ÛeeuekeâlJe nw?
is – 0.0005 at 20ºC.What will be the resistance (a) 20 µS (b) 14.81 µS
of electrode at 85ºC? (c) 18.71µS (d) 24.5 µS
Skeâ keâeye&ve Fueskeäš^es[ keâe 20ºC hej ØeeflejesOe 0.125 Ω *429. A certain electrical appliance consumers
energy at the rate of 540J/s. How many kWh of
nw~ keâeye&ve keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ 20ºC hej –0.0005 nw~ energy does it consume in 3.5 h?
85ºC hej Fueskeäš^es[ keâe ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nesiee? Skeâ efveef§ele efJeÅegle GhekeâjCe GheYeesòeâe 540J/s keâer oj
(a) 4 Ω (b) 0.5 Ω mes Tpee& JÙeÙe keâjlee nw~ 3.5h ceW Ùen efkeâleves kWh Tpee&
(c) 1.2 Ω (d) 0.121 Ω keâer Kehele keâjlee nw?
*423. The specific resistance of a wire 1.1m long, 0.4 (a) 5.4 kWh (b) 10.8 kWh
mm diameter having a resistance of 4.2 Ω will (c) 2.89 kWh (d) 1.89 kWh
be?/4.2 Ω kesâ ØeeflejesOe Jeeues 1.1 ceer. uecyes, 0.4mm *430. The power dissipated in a resistor in terms of
JÙeeme kesâ leej keâe efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nesiee? its conductance G and the voltage V across it is
Øeef lejesOekeâes ceW Fmekesâ ÛeeuekeâlJe G Deewj Fmekesâ S›eâe@me
(a) 48 ×10-8 Ω m
Jeesušlee V kesâ heoes ceW JÙeÙe Meefòeâ nesleer nw-
(b) 40 ×108 Ω m
(a) V2G (b) V2/G
(c) 4 ×10-6 Ω m 2
(c) G F (d) G2/V
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR 431. On the voltage versus current graph of a 10 kΩ
*424. The percentage by which the incandescence of resistor, what is the total change in voltage
lamp decreases due to drop of current by 3% when the current changes from 1 mA to 5.5
is?/Jen ØeefleMele nw, efpemekesâ Éeje uewche keâe Göerheve, Oeeje mA?
keâer 3% keâceer kesâ keâejCe Ieš peelee nw - 10 kΩ ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ Jeesušlee Deewj Oeeje «eeheâ hej, peye
(a) 6% (b) 3% Oeeje 1mA mes 5.5 mA lekeâ yeouelee nw, lees Jeesušlee ceW
(c) 9% (d) 12% kegâue heefjJele&ve keäÙee neslee nw?
425. As the temperature of a metallic resistor is (a) 55 V (b) 110 V
increased, the product of its resistivity and (c) 45 V (d) 50 V
conductivity? *432. How much energy does a 100W bulb consume
pewmes-pewmes OeeeflJekeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe leeheceeve yeÌ{eÙee in a day?/100 W keâe Skeâ yeuye Skeâ efove ceW efkeâleveer
peelee nw, Gmekeâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee Deewj Ûeeuekeâlee keâe Tpee& keâer Kehele keâjlee nw?
(a) 2400 Wh (b) 100 Wh
(c) 1200 Wh (d) 600 Wh
(a) increases/yeÌ{lee nw *433. A light bulb is rated at 120W to supply 230V.
(b) decreases/Iešlee nw Find the current flowing through the bulb.
(c) remains constant/efmLej jnlee nw 230 V keâer mehueeF& kesâ efueS Skeâ ueeFš yeuye keâes 120
(d) may increase or decrease/yeÌ{ Ùee Ieš mekeâlee nw~ W hej jsš efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ yeuye kesâ ceeOÙece mes ØeJeeefnle
*426. A resistor develops 400 J of thermal energy in
nes ves Jeeueer Oeeje (keâjbš) %eele keâerefpeS~
10 s when a current of 2 A is passed through it. (a) 1.916 A (b) 0.321 A
The resistance of the resistor is? (c) 2.65 A (d) 0.522 A
Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ 10s ceW 400J keâe leeheerÙe Tpee& efJekeâefmele *434. An energy source forces a current of 1A for 10
s to flow through a light bulb If 2.3 kJ is given
keâjlee nw peye Fmekesâ ceeOÙece mes 2 A keâer Oeeje heeme nesleer off in the form of light and heat energy, then
nw~ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe nw? calculate the voltage drop the bulb
(a) 10 Ω (b) 20 Ω Skeâ Tpee& Œeesle Skeâ ØekeâeMe yeuye kesâ ceeOÙece mes
(c) 5 Ω (d) 40 Ω ØeJeeefnle nesves kesâ efueS 1A keâer Oeeje 10 meskesâC[ kesâ efueS
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 38 YCT
Øeoeve keâjlee nw~ Ùeefo 2.3 kJ keâer Tpee&, ØekeâeMe Deewj *440. The current entering the terminal of an
leehe Tpee& kesâ ®he ceW oer peeleer nw lees yeuye keâe Jeesušspe element is given by :
[^ehe %eele keâerefpeS i = (6t2 – 2t) A
The total charge entering the terminal between
(a) 220 V (b) 230 V
t = 1 s and t = 3 s is?
(c) 20 V (d) 16 V
efkeâmeer DeJeÙeJe kesâ efmejes ceW ØeJesMe keâjves Jeeueer Oeeje oer
*435. Wh = ________ J
(a) 1200 (b) 3600
ieF& nw-
(c) 7200 (d) 2400 i = (6t2 – 2t) A
*436. An electric iron consume 4A at 230V. Find the t = 3 s Deewj t = 1 s kesâ yeerÛe efmejes ceW ØeJesMe keâjves Jeeuee
resistance. kegâue DeeJesMe nw-
Skeâ Fuesefkeäš^keâ DeeÙejve 230 V hej 4 A GheYeesie keâjleer (a) 25 C (b) 44 C
nw~ Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe %eele keâerefpeS~ (c) 8 C (d) 12.5 µC
(a) 57.5 Ω (b) 4 Ω 441. The current entering the positive terminal of
an element is given by :
(c) 920 Ω (d) 230 Ω
i = 5 cos 60 πt A
*437. Each of two electric heaters has four heating
The power delivered to the element at t =3 ms
elements of resistance 50 Ω each. In the first
when the voltage across the element is 3i is
heater, four heating elements are connected in
given by :
series. In the second heater, elements are
connected in parallel. When supply voltage of ef keâmeer DeJeÙeJe kesâ Oeveelcekeâ efmejes ceW ØeJesMe keâjves Jeeueer
each heater is 400 V, the rate of heat in calories Oeeje............. kesâ Éeje oer ieF& nw~
per second of the first and second heaters i = 5 cos 60 πt A
respectively, are peye DeJeÙeJe kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee 3i efoÙee ieÙee nw lees t =
(Consider 1 Calorie = 4.2 Joule) 3ms hej DeJeÙeJe Éeje Øeoeve keâer ieF& Meefòeâ nesieer-
oes Fuesefkeäš^keâ neršjeW ceW mes ØelÙeskeâ ceW 50 Ω ØeeflejesOe kesâ (a) 18.43 W (b) 26.4 W
Ûeej nerefšbie lelJe nQ~ henues neršj ceW, Ûeej nerefšbie lelJe (c) 53.48 W (d) 63.28 W
meerjer]pe ceW pegÌ[s ngS nQ, otmejs neršj ceW, nerefšbie lelJe *442. A copper wire of area of X-section 1 mm2 is
meceeveeblej pegÌ[s ngS nQ~ ØelÙeskeâ neršj keâe mehueeF& Jeesušspe carrying a current of 10A. If the number
400V nesves hej, henues Deewj otmejs neršj keâer kewâueesjer ceW density of conduction electrons is 1028 m-3, then
drift velocity of conduction electrons is?
Øeefle meskeWâ[ leehe oj ›eâceMe: keäÙee nesieer?
1 mm2 DevegØemLe keâeš #es$e keâe Skeâ leeByes keâe leej 10A
(1 kewâueesjer = 4.2 petue kesâ ceeve hej) keâe Oeeje Jenve keâj jne nw~ Ùeefo Ûeeueve Fueskeäš^e@vees keâer
(a) 3047.6, 190.5 (b) 190.5, 3047.6 mebKÙee keâe IevelJe 1028 m-3 nes, lees Ûeeueve Fueskeäš^e@vees
(c) 800, 12800 (d) 12800, 800
keâe ØeJeeefnle Jesie nw-
*438. If a copper wire was wrapped around the earth
10 times it would take how many seconds to (a) 1/160 ms-1 (b) 1/20 ms-1
turn the light on at the other end? (c) 1/30 ms (d) 1/80 ms-1
Deiej he=LJeer kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj Skeâ leeByes keâe leej 10 yeej *443. A copper wire of area of X-section 4 mm is 4
m long and carries a current of 10A. The
uehesše peeS lees leej kesâ otmejs Úesj hej ueeFš Dee@ve nesves number density of free electrons is 8 × 1028 m-3.
ceW efkeâleves meskesâC[ ueieWies? The time required by an electron to travel the
(a) 0.5 sec (b) 2.5 sec length of the wire is?
(c) 1.3 sec (d) 1.5 sec 4mm2 kesâ DevegØemLe keâeš #es$e kesâ Skeâ leeByes keâe leej 4
*439. The total charge entering the terminal of an ceeršj (m) uecyee nw Deewj 10 A keâe Oeeje Jenve keâjlee nw~
element is given by : cegòeâ Fueskeäš^e@vees keâer mebKÙee keâe IevelJe 8 × 1028 m-3 nw~
q = (6t2-12t)mC Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve kesâ Éeje leej keâer uecyeeF& keâer Ùee$ee keâjves
The current at t = 3s is
kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ meceÙe nw-
efkeâmeer DeJeÙeJe kesâ efmejeW ceW ØeJesMe keâjves Jeeuee kegâue
(a) 8.2 h (b) 4.3 h
DeeJesMe efoÙee ieÙee nw- (c) 5.7 h (d) 1.2 h
q = (6t2-12t)mC *444. A solid cube of silver has mass of 84 g. The
t = 3s hej Oeeje nw- density of silver is 10.5 g/cm3 and its resistivity
(a) 12 mA (b) 48 mA is 1.6 × 10-6 Ω cm. The resistance between the
(c) 36 mA (d) 24 mA opposite faces of the cube is?

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 39 YCT

ÛeeBoer kesâ Skeâ "esme Ieve keâe õJÙeceeve 84 «eece nw~ ÛeeBoer *450. What will be the cross-sectional area (in sq. m)
keâe IevelJe 10.5 «eece/mesceer3 Deewj Fmekeâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee of an 18 m long cylindrical wire when the
resistivity of the wire is 0.67 ohm-meter and
1.6 × 10 Ω cm nw~ Ieve kesâ efJehejerle melenes kesâ yeerÛe
the resistance of the wire is 12 ohms?
ØeeflejesOe nw- Skeâ 18 ceer. uecyes yesueveekeâej leej keâe keâeš-DevegØemLe
(a) 2 × 10-6 Ω (b) 0.8 × 10-6 Ω #es$e (Jeie& ceer.) ceW keäÙee nesiee peye leej keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee
(c) 1.6 × 10-6 Ω (d) 4 × 10-6 Ω
0.67 Deesÿe-ceer nw Deewj leej keâe ØeeflejesOe 12 Deesÿe nw–
*445. The temperature at which the resistance of a
(a) 2 (b) 3
conductor becomes double to that at 0ºC is-
(c) 1 (d) 6
Jen leeheceeve efpeme hej Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe 0ºC hej *451. Determine the power (in W) of lamp A and
ØeeflejesOe keâe oesiegvee nes peelee nes, nw- lamp B respectively for the given circuit
(a) 1/3 α0 ºC diagram.
(b) 1/α0 ºC efoS ieS heefjheLe DeejsKe ceW ueQhe A Deewj ueQhe B keâer
(c) 1/2 α0 ºC Meefkeäle ›eâceMe: (Jeeš ceW) efveOee&efjle keâjW–
(d) none of above/GheÙegòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*446. If a wire is a melted and recast to half of its
length, then the new resistance is?
Ùeefo efkeâmeer leej keâes efheIeueeÙee peeS Deewj Gmekeâer uecyeeF&
keâes DeeOee keâjves kesâ efueS Gmes efheâj mes {euee peeS lees
veÙee ØeeflejesOe nw-
(a) R/4 (b) R/2
(c) R (d) 2 R (a) 75.56, 33.64 (b) 76.65, 38.86
*447. An electron (charge = 1.6 × 10 C) is moving -19 (c) 70.76, 35.37 (d) 68.62, 38.86
in a circle of radius 5.1 × 10 m at a frequency *452. A factory runs in 4 shifts of 6 hours each, in
of 6.8 × 10 revolutions per second. The which it consumes 36 kW, 86kW, 50 kW and
equivalent current is approximately? 20 kW in each shift respectively. Calculate the
energy (in kWh) consumed by the factory per
Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve (DeeJesMe = 1.6 × 10 C) 6.8 × 10
-19 15
day./Skeâ keâejKeevee 6 Iebšs keâer 4 heeefueÙeeW ceW Ûeueleer nw,
heefjYeüceCe Øeefle meskeâC[ keâer DeeJe=efòe hej 5.1 × 10-11
efpemeceW Ùen ›eâceMe: ØelÙeskeâ efMeheäš ceW 36 efkeâuees-Jeeš,
ceeršj ef$epÙee kesâ Skeâ Je=òe ceW ieefle keâj jne nw~ meceleguÙe
86 efkeâuees Jeeš, 50 efkeâueesJeeš Deewj 20 efkeâuees-Jeeš keâer
Oeeje ueieYeie nw?
Kehele keâjlee nw~ keâejKeeves keâer Øeefleefove Tpee& Kehele
(a) 5.1 × 10-3 A (b) 6.8 × 10-3 A
(efkeâuees-Jeeš-Iebšs ceW) keâer ieCevee keâjW–
(c) 1.1 × 10 A -3
(d) 2.2 × 10-3 A
(a) 216 (b) 557
*448. At 20 degree Celsius, aluminium wire has a
(c) 1152 (d) 1920
resistance of 30 ohms. The temperature
coefficient of resistance is 0.00305 per degree *453. What is the resistivity (in Ohms-m) of a 2 Ohm
Celsius. What is the approximate resistance of cylindrical wire when the length and the
the wire (in ohms) at 30 degree Celsius ? diameter of the wire are 10 m and 0.4 m
20 ef[«eer mesefumeÙeme hej, SuÙetceerefveÙece leej ceW 30 Deesÿe respectively?
Skeâ 2 Deesÿe yesueveekeâej leej keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee (Deesÿe–
ØeeflejesOe neslee nw~ ØeeflejesOe keâe leehe iegCeebkeâ 0.00305
Øeefle ef[«eer mesefumeÙeme nw~ 30 ef[«eer mesefumeÙeme hej leej ceer . ceW) keäÙee nesieer peye leej keâer uecyeeF& Deewj leej keâe
keâe Devegceeefvele ØeeflejesOe (Deesÿe ceW) keäÙee nesiee? JÙeeme ›eâceMe: 10 ceer. Deewj 0.4 ceer. nw?
(a) 28 (b) 31 (a) 0.025 (b) 0.0025
(c) 35 (d) 45 (c) 0.25 (d) 0.05
*449. What will be the resistance (in ohms) of a *454. Two wires of same resistivity have equal
resistor, when the current through the resistor length. The cross sectional area of first wire is
is 2 A and the potential difference between the two times to the area of the other. What will be
ends of the resistor is 40 V? the resistance (in Ω ) of the wire that has a large
ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe (Deesÿe ceW) keäÙee nesiee, peye cross sectional area, if the resistance of the
ØeeflejesOe ceW 2A keâer Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nes Deewj ØeeflejesOekeâ other wire is 20 Ω?
kesâ oesveeW efmejeW kesâ yeerÛe efJeYeJeevlej 40 Jeesuš nw– Skeâ ner ØeeflejesOekeâlee kesâ oes leej meceeve uecyeeF& kesâ nw~
(a) 20 (b) 10
Skeâ leej keâe DevegØemLe #es$eheâue otmejer leej keâe oesiegvee nw~
(c) 30 (d) 40 efpeme leej keâe DevegØemLe #es$eheâue pÙeeoe nw, Gmekeâe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 40 YCT
ØeeflejesOe (Ω ceW) keäÙee nesiee Deiej otmejs leej keâe ØeeflejesOe *460. What will be the resistance (in ohms) of a
20 Ω nw? cylindrical wire, if the length, diameter and the
resistivity of the wire is 4 m, 0.2 m and 0.4
(a) 40 (b) 20 Ohms-m respectively?
(c) 30 (d) 10
Deiej Skeâ yesueveekeâej leej keâer uecyeeF&, JÙeeme Deewj leej keâer
*455. Determine the conductance (in Siemens) of a
conductor, when the potential difference
ØeeflejesOekeâlee ›eâceMe: 4 ceeršj, 0.2 ceeršj Deewj 0.4 Deesÿe-
between the ends of the conductor is 30 V and ceeršj nw, lees Gme leej keâe ØeeflejesOe (Deesÿe ceW) keäÙee nesiee?
the current flowing through the conductor is (a) 49 (b) 56
3 A. (c) 54 (d) 51
Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâer Ûeeuekeâlee (meerceWme ceW) efveOee&efjle keâjW, *461. Determine the power (in W) of a lamp of 220V,
when the resistance of the lamp is 100 Ohms.
peye Ûeeuekeâ kesâ efmejeW kesâ yeerÛe keâe efJeYeJeevlej Ùeefo Skeâ 220 Jeesuš kesâ ueQhe keâe ØeeflejesOe 100 Deesåce nw,
(heesšWefMeÙeue ef[heâjWme) 30 Jeesuš nw Deewj Ûeeuekeâ kesâ lees Gmekeâer Meefòeâ (W ceW) %eele keâjW~
ceeOÙece mes yenleer efJeÅegle Oeeje 3 SeqcheÙej nw– (a) 448 (b) 486
(a) 0.1 (b) 1.1 (c) 484 (d) 488
(c) 2.4 (d) 4.2 *462. Determine the critical current (in A) for a wire
*456. How much power (in W) will be dissipated by a of a material that has a diameter of 2 mm at 8
K if the critical temperature for the material is
10 ohms resistor, when the current through the
12 K and the magnetic field is 6 × 104 Am–1.
resistor is 3 A?/10 Deesÿe ØeeflejesOe Éeje efkeâleveer Meefkeäle Skeâ heoeLe& kesâ leej keâe 8 K hej JÙeeme 2 mm nw~ Ùeefo
keâe #eÙe (Jeeš ceW) nesiee, peye ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ ceeOÙece mes Fme heoeLe& keâe ›eâebeflekeâ leeheceeve 12 K nw Deewj ÛegbyekeâerÙe
efJeÅegle Oeeje 3 SefcheÙej nw– #es$e 6×104 Am–1 nw lees Gmekeâe ›eâebeflekeâ Oeeje (A ceW)
(a) 30 (b) 40 keäÙee nesiee?
(c) 60 (d) 90 (a) 221.3 (b) 214.4
*457. Determine the resistance (in Ohms) of resistor (c) 232.5 (d) 207.6
when the potential difference between the ends *463. The value of supply voltage for 500 W, 5 ohm
of the resistor is 24 V and the current flowing load is ……/500 W, 5 Deesÿe uees[ kesâ efueS Deehetefle&
through the resistor is 3 A. Jeesušspe keâe ceeve .............. nw–
ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve (Deesÿe ceW) efveOee&efjle (a) 100V (b) 500V
keâjW, peye ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ efmejeW kesâ yeerÛe keâe efJeYeJeevlej (c) 50V (d) 10V
(heesšWefMeÙeue ef[heâjWme) 24 Jeesuš nw Deewj ØeeflejesOe mes *464. Which of the following is equivalent to 0.5 kWh?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee 0.5 efkeâuees–Jeeš Dee@Jej kesâ yejeyej nw?
yenleer efJeÅegle Oeeje 3 SefcheÙej nw–
(a) 1800000 W/1800000 Jeeš
(a) 12 (b) 10
(b) 1800000 J/1800000 petue
(c) 8 (d) 4
(c) 18000000 J/18000000 petue
*458. Determine the value of load resistance (in
Ohms) for a circuit, when the maximum power (d) 36000000 J/36000000 petue
transferred from the source of 50 V to the load *465. What is the conductivity (in Mho/m) of a 2
is 25 W. Ohm circular wire, when the length and the
diameter of the wire are 10 m and 0.8 m
Skeâ heefjheLe kesâ efueS uees[ ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeve keâe respectively ?
efveOee&jCe (Deesÿe ceW) keâjW, peye 50 Jeesuš kesâ œeesle mes 2 Deesÿe Jeeues ieesueekeâej leej keâer Ûeeuekeâlee (cnes/ceer. ceW)
uees[ lekeâ DeefOekeâlece Meefkeäle mLeeveeblejCe 25 Jeeš nw– keäÙee nesiee, peye leej keâer uebyeeF& Deewj JÙeeme ›eâceMe: 10
(a) 50 (b) 40 ceer. Deewj 0.8 ceer. nw?
(c) 35 (d) 25 (a) 10 (b) 1
*459. What will be the resistance (in Ohms) of a (c) 0.1 (d) 5
resistor, when the dissipated power and the *466. Determine the resistance (in ohms) of a 14 m
current flowing through the resistor is 12W long circular wire when the diameter and the
and 2A respectively? conductivity of the wire are 0.6 m and 12
ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve (Deesÿe ceW) keäÙee nesiee, mho/meter respectively.
Skeâ 14 ceeršj uebyeer ieesueekeâej leej keâe ØeeflejesOe (Deesÿe
peye efJeIeefšle Meefòeâ Deewj ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ ceeOÙece mes
ceW) efveOee&efjle keâjW, peye leej keâe JÙeeme Deewj leej keâer
efJeÅegle Oeeje ›eâceMe: 12 Jeeš Deewj 2 SefcheÙej nw?
Ûeeuekeâlee ›eâceMe: 0.6 ceeršj Deewj 12 cnes/ceeršj nw~
(a) 6 (b) 24
(a) 1.79 (b) 2.84
(c) 2 (d) 3 (c) 3.64 (d) 4.17
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 41 YCT
*467. Determine the heat dissipated (in Joule) (a) 0.28 (b) 1.28
through a conductor of 10 ohms resistance, (c) 2.28 (d) 3.28
when 1 A of current is flowing through the *473. Calculate the current (in Amperes) flowing in
conductor for 5 seconds./10 Deesÿe ØeeflejesOe kesâ Skeâ the conductor when 5×1019 electrons are
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ceeOÙece mes efJeIeefšle T<cee (petue ceW) flowing per second through it.
efveOee&efjle keâjW, peye 1 SefcheÙej efJeÅegle Oeeje Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW yenves Jeeueer Oeeje keâer (ScheerÙej ceW) ieCevee keâjW
ceeOÙece mes 5 meskebâ[ kesâ efueS yen jner nw– peye Fmemes 5×1019 Fueskeäš^e@ve Øeefle meskebâ[ yen jner nw~
(a) 50 (b) 40 (a) 5 (b) 3
(c) 20 (d) 60 (c) 8 (d) 1
*468. What will be the value of current (in A) *474. Two bulbs of rating 60 W, 250 V and 100 W,
through a resistor, when the power dissipated 250 V are connected in series across a supply of
through the resistor is 40 W and the potential 250 V in a room. What will be the total power
difference between the ends of the resistor is dissipation in the circuit?
100 V?/Ùeefo Skeâ ØeeflejesOe 40 Jeeš Meefòeâ keâer Kehele 60 W, 250 V leLee 100 W, 250 V kesâ efveOee&jCe Jeeues
keâjlee nw Deewj Gme ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ oes efmejeW kesâ yeerÛe keâe oes yeuye Skeâ keâcejs ceW 250 V keâer Deehetefle& keâer yeerÛe
efJeYeJeevlej 100 Jeesuš nw lees efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe ceeve ëe=bKeuee ceW peesÌ[s peeles nQ~ heefjheLe ceW kegâue efJeÅegle #eÙe
(SefcheÙej ceW) keäÙee nesiee? efkeâlevee nesiee?
(a) 0.4 (b) 4
(a) 37.5 W (b) 60.0 W
(c) 40 (d) 0.04
(c) 100.0 W (d) 160.0 W
*469. What will be the length (in m) of a 10 Ohm
*475. A 100 watt 100V lamp is to be operated on 250
wire, when the resistivity of the wire is 0.1
volt supply, the value of additional resistance to
Ohms-m and the diameter of the wire is 0.5 m?
Skeâ 10 Deesÿe Jeeues leej keâer uecyeeF& (ceer. ceW) keäÙee be connected in series will be:
Skeâ 100 Jee@š 100 Jeesuš uewche keâes 250 Jeesuš Deehetefle&
nesieer, peye leej keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee 0.1 Deesÿe-ceer. Deewj
hej ØeÛeeefuele efkeâÙee peevee nw, ëe=BKeuee ceW Deeyeæ
JÙeeme 0.5 ceer. nw?
(a) 18.65 (b) 19.62 Deefleefjòeâ ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve nesiee:
(c) 16.68 (d) 14.25 (a) 250 ohms/250 Deesÿe
*470. What will be the value of critical current (in A) (b) 100 ohms /100 Deesÿe
through a wire that has a diameter of 4mm at (c) 150 ohms /150 Deesÿe
10K? If the critical temperature of the material
(d) None of these /FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
is 20K and the magnetic field strength is 2×103
A-m –1 *476. A copper conductor has a resistance of 10Ω at
10 kesâefuJeve leeheceeve hej 4 efceueerceeršj kesâ JÙeeme Jeeues 20 C and RTC of 0.0039 per 0C at 200C. Find
RTC at 00C./200C hej Skeâ leeByes kesâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe
leej kesâ ceeOÙece mes ›eâebeflekeâ efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe ceeve
(SefcheÙej ceW) keäÙee nesiee? Ùeefo heoeLe& keâe ›eâebeflekeâ
ØeeflejesOe 10Ω nw Deewj Deejšermeer 0.0039 Øeefle 0C nw~
leeheceeve 20 kesâefuJeve nw Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer leer›elee 00C hej Deej.šer.meer. %eele keâjW~
2×103 A-m–1 nw~ (a) 0.0000423 per 0C (b) 0.00324 per 0C
(c) 0.00423 per C (d) 0.000124 per 0C
(a) 6.28 (b) 18.84
*477. A current of 3A flows for 50 hours through a
(c) 21.68 (d) 22.68
6Ω resistor. The energy consumed by the
*471. A hot wire supplies 100 kJ in 10 minutes. What
is the potential difference (in V) across the resistor is.
wire, when the current is 2 A? Skeâ 6 Ω ØeeflejesOe ceW mes 50 Iebšs kesâ efueS 3 A efJeÅegle
Skeâ iece& leej 10 efceveš ceW 100 efkeâuees-petue Øeoeve Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw~ ØeeflejesOekeâ Éeje GheYeesie keâer ieF&
keâjlee nw~ leej kesâ oesveeW Deble kesâ yeerÛe heesšsbefMeÙeue Tpee& efkeâleveer nesieer?
ef[heâjWme (Jeesuš ceW) keäÙee nw, peye GmeceW efJeÅegle Oeeje 2 (a) 0.9 kWh (b) 9 kWh
SefcheÙej nw? (c) 27 kWh (d) 2.7 kWh
(a) 80.33 (b) 83.33 *478. Two bulbs with power 500W and 200W
(c) 85.33 (d) 88.33 respectively, and rated at 250V, will have the
*472. Calculate the value of maximum safe current resistance ratio as:
(in A) that can flow in a 50 Ohms, 4 W resistor. ›eâceMe: 500 W Deewj 200 W Meefòeâ Jeeues oes yeuye 250
DeefOekeâlece megjef#ele efJeÅegle Oeeje kesâ ceeve keâer ieCevee V hej efveOee&efjle nQ, Gvekesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe Devegheele nesiee?
(SefcheÙej ceW) keâjW pees 50 Deesÿe, 4 Jeeš kesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW (a) 5 : 2 (b) 2 : 5
ØeJeeefnle nes mekeâleer nw~ (c) 25 : 4 (d) 4 : 25
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 42 YCT
*479. The resistance of a silver conductor at 250C is *486. The resistance of a wire is 6Ω if the length of
55Ω and at 750C is 57.2Ω. Find its RTC at 00C. the same wire is increased 3 times and cross-
ÛeeBoer kesâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe 25oC hej 55Ω nw Deewj sectional area is increased 2 time, then the
75 C hej 57.2Ω nw~ 0 C hej Fmekeâer Deej.šer.meer. %eele
o o resistance of wire will become.
keâjW~ Skeâ leej keâe ØeeflejesOe 6 Ω nw~ Ùeefo leej keâer uebyeeF& ceW 3
(a) 0.9/0C (b) 0.009/0C iegvee Je=efæ keâer peeleer nw Deewj DevegØemLe keâeš kesâ #es$eheâue
(c) 0.0009/ C 0 0
(d) 0.09/ C ceW 2 iegvee Je=efæ keâer peeleer nw, lees leej keâe ØeeflejesOe keäÙee
*480. A 100W electric bulb is connected to 250V AC nes peeSiee?
supply. The current in the circuit is: (a) 3 Ω (b) 9 Ω
100 W keâe Skeâ efJeÅegle yeuye 250 V ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (c) 12 Ω (d) 36 Ω
(S.meer.) Deehetefle& kesâ meeLe mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ *487. If a wire conductor of 0.2 ohm resistance is
heefjheLe ceW efkeâleveer Oeeje nw? doubled in length, its resistance becomes
(a) 4 A (b) 0.3 A Ùeefo 0.2 Deesce ØeeflejesOe keâe Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ leej uebyeeF& ceW
(c) 0.4 A (d) 0.6 A oesiegvee nes peelee nw, lees Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee–
*481. The potential difference of an energy source
that provides 75 mJ of energy for every micro- (a) 0.4 ohm/0.4 Deesce (b) 0.6 ohm/0.6 Deesce
coloumb of charge that flows is : (c) 0.8 ohm/0.8 Deesce (d) 1.0 ohm/1.0 Deesce
Skeâ Tpee& œeesle, pees ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeues DeeJesMe kesâ 488. Three 60 W bulbs are in parallel across the 60
ØelÙeskeâ ceeF›eâes-ketâuee@ce kesâ efueS 75 mJ Tpee& Øeoeve V power line. If one bulb burns open.
keâjlee nw, keâe efJeYeJeeblej keäÙee nw? leerve 60 Jeeš kesâ yeuye 60 Jeesuš keâer Meefòeâ ueeFve kesâ
(a) 750 V (b) 75 V S›eâeme meceeveeblej ceW nQ~ Ùeefo Skeâ yeuye peuekeâj Kegue
(c) 7.5 V (d) 75 kV peelee nw, lees–
*482 A 3Ω resistor with 2A current will dissipate
(a) there will be heavy current in the main line
power of :
2A efJeÅegle Oeeje Jeeuee Skeâ 3 Ω keâe ØeeflejesOekeâ efkeâleveer cegKÙe ueeFve ceW DeefOekeâ Oeeje nesieer
Meefkeäle DeheJÙeÙe keâjsiee? (b) rest of the two bulbs will not light
(a) 4 W (b) 3 W yeekeâer oes yeuye veneR ØekeâeefMele nesieW
(c) 12 W (d) 8 W (c) all three bulbs will light
*483. If a current of 5 A flows for a period of 3 meYeer leerve yeuye ØekeâeefMele nesieW
minutes, then the quantity of charge (d) the other two bulbs will light
transferred will be: DevÙe oes yeuye ØekeâeefMele nesieW
Ùeefo 5A keâer efJeÅegle Oeeje 3 efceveš keâer DeJeefOe kesâ efueS
489. Two resistances R1 and R2 are conected in
ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw, lees mLeeveebleefjle DeeJesMe keâer cee$ee keäÙee series across the voltage source where R2 > R1.
nesieer? The largest drop will be across
(a) 900 C (b) 60 C oes ØeeflejesOe R1 Deewj R2 Jeesušlee Œeesle kesâ S›eâeme ßesCeer
(c) 600 C (d) 100 C
ceW pegÌ[s ngS nQ~ peneB R2 > R1, meyemes pÙeeoe [^e@he
*484. An aluminium conductor, having resistance of
15 Ω at 40 C, is heated to 120 C If the RTC at 0 ........... kesâ S›eâeme nesiee~
0 0 0
0 C is 0.00333/ C its RTC at 40 C will be (a) R2
.............. 0C. (b) R1
Skeâ SuegefceefveÙece keâes, efpemekeâe ØeeflejesOe 40oC hej 15 Ω (c) either R1 or R2/Ùee lees R1 Ùee R2
nw, 120oC lekeâ iece& efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Ùeefo Fmekeâer (d) none of them/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(Deej.šer.meer.) 0oC hej 0.00333/oC nw, lees 40oC hej *490. What will be energy used by the battery if the
Fmekeâer (Deej.šer.meer.) .............../oC nesieer~ battery has to drive 6.28×1018 electrons with
(a) 0.00033 (b) 0.0033 potential difference of 20 V across the
(c) 0.00029 (d) 0.0029 terminal?
*485. For transfering a charge of 300C, how long yewšjer Éeje GheÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer Tpee& keäÙee nesieer Ùeefo
must a current of 0.1 A flow? yewšjer keâes šefce&veue kesâ S›eâeme 20 Jeesuš kesâ efJeYeJeevlej kesâ
300 C kesâ DeeJesMe keâes mLeeveebleefjle keâjves kesâ efueS, 0.1
meeLe 6.28×1018 Fueskeäš^e@vees keâes Ûeueevee nw?
A efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe ØeJeen efkeâleves meceÙe lekeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS?
(a) 5 joules/5 petue (b) 10 joules/10 petue
(a) 50 min (b) 5 min
(c) 50 s (d) 5 s (c) 15 joules/15 petue (d) 20 joules/20 petue

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 43 YCT

491. The hot resistance of the bulb's filament is *496. Two copper conductors have equal length. The
higher than its cold resistance because the cross-sectional area of one conductor is four
temperature co-efficient of the filament is times that of the other. If the conductor having
yeuye efHeâueeceWš keâe iece& ØeeflejesOe, Fmekesâ "b[s ØeeflejesOe smaller cross-sectional area has a resistance of
40 ohms the resistance of other conductor will be
keâer leguevee ceW DeefOekeâ neslee nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ levleg keâe oes leeByes kesâ ÛeeuekeâesW keâer uebyeeF& meceeve nw~ Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ
leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ nw– keâe DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eheâue otmejs keâe Ûeej iegvee nw~ Ùeefo
(a) zero/MetvÙe Úesšs DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eheâue Jeeues Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe
(b) negative/$e+Ceelcekeâ 40 Deesce nw, lees DevÙe Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee–
(c) positive/Oeveelcekeâ (a) 160 ohms/160 Deesce
(d) about 2 ohms per degree (b) 80 ohms/80 Deesce
ueieYeie 2 Deesce Øeefle ef[«eer (c) 20 ohms/20 Deesce
*492. A 25W, 220V bulb and 100W, 220V bulb are (d) 10 ohms/10 Deesce
joined in parallel and connected to a 220V *497. A nichrome wire used as a heater coil has the
supply. Which bulb will glow more brightly. resistance of 2Ω/m. For a heater of 1 kW at 200
Skeâ 25 W, 220 V keâe yeuye Deewj Skeâ 100 W, 220 V V, the length of wire required will be
keâe yeuye meceeblej ceW mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙes ieS nQ Deewj 220 V neršj kegâC[ueer kesâ ®he ceW GheÙeesie efkeâS peeves Jeeues Skeâ
Deehetefle& mes pegÌ[s ngS nQ~ keâewve–mee yeuye DeefOekeâ ØekeâeMe veeF›eâesce leej keâe ØeeflejesOe 2Ω/m nw~ 200 V hej 1 kW
GlheVe keâjsiee? kesâ neršj kesâ efueS, DeeJeMÙekeâ leej keâer uebyeeF& nesieer–
(a) Voltage is not sufficient to glow the bulbs (a) 80 m (b) 60 m
yeuye Éeje ØekeâeMe GlheVe keâjves kesâ efueS Jeesušspe heÙee&hle (c) 40 m (d) 20 m
498. Temperature co-efficient of resistance is
veneR nw expressed in terms of
(b) 25 W bulb / 25 W yeuye ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ ............. kesâ heo ceW JÙeòeâ
(c) 100 W bulb / 100 W yeuye efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(d) Both will glow with the same brightness (a) ohms/0C (b) mhos/ohms0C
oesveeW yeuye Skeâ meceeve ØekeâeMe GlheVe keâjWies (c) ohms/ohms C 0
(d) mhos/0C
*493. Three identical resistors are first conected in 499. Which of the following materials has the least
parallel and then in series. The resultant resistivity?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme heoeLe& keâer meyemes
resistance of the first combination to the keâce ØeeflejesOekeâlee nw?
second will be
(a) Zinc/efpebkeâ (b) Lead/meermee
leerve Skeâ meceeve ØeeflejesOe keâes henues meceevlej ›eâce ceW
(c) Mercury/heeje (d) Copper/leeByee
Deewj efheâj ßesCeer ›eâce ceW peesÌ[e ieÙee nw~ henues mebÙeespeve *500. Which of the following lamps will have least
keâe otmejs mebÙeespeve mes heefjCeeceer ØeeflejesOe ............ nesiee~ resistance at room temperature?
(a) 9 times/9 iegvee (b) 1/9 times/1/9 iegvee ef vecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme uewche kesâ heeme keâcejs kesâ
(c) 1/3 times/1/3 iegvee (d) 3 times/3 iegvee leeheceeve hej vÙetvelece ØeeflejesOe nesiee?
494. Which of the following relation is incorrect? (a) 25 W, 220 V (b) 100 W, 220 V
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee mebyebOe ieuele nw? (c) 200 W, 220 V (d) 60 W, 220 V
501. Which resistor will be physically larger in size?
(a) P = VI (b) P = I2R
keâewve mee ØeeflejesOekeâ Yeeweflekeâ ®he mes Deekeâej ceW yeÌ[e
V V2 nesiee?
(c) P = 2 (d) P =
R R (a) 100 Ω, 10 W (b) 10 Ω, 50 W
495. Three 6 ohm resistors are connected to form a
triangle. What is the resistance between any (c) 1MΩ, W (d) 1 kΩ, 1W
two corners?/leerve 6 Deesce kesâ ØeeflejesOekeâ Skeâ ef$eYegpe
502. When current flows through heater coil it
kesâ ™he ceW pegÌ[s nw~ efkeâmeer Yeer oes keâesveeW kesâ yeerÛe keâe glows but supply wiring does not glow because
ØeÇeflejesOe keäÙee nesiee? peye neršj kegâC[ueer kesâ ceeOÙece mes Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw
(a) 3/2 Ω (b) 6 Ω lees Ùen Ûecekeâlee nw uesefkeâve Deehetefle& JeeÙeefjbie veneR
(c) 4 Ω (d) 8/3 Ω Ûecekeâleer nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 44 YCT
(a) current through supply line flows at slower *507. At 300K temperature coefficient of a wire is
speed/Deehetefle&& ueeFve kesâ ceeOÙece mes Oeeje Oeerceer ieefle mes 0.001250C and its resistance is 1Ω. What will be
yenleer nw its resistance at 1100 K
300 K hej, Skeâ leej kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheeceve iegCeebkeâ
(b) supply wiring is covered with insulation layer
0.00125/0C nw Deewj Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe 1 Ω nw~ 1100 K
Deehetefle& JeeÙeefjbie efJeÅeglejesOeer hejle kesâ meeLe {keâer jnleer nw hej Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nesiee?
(c) resistance of heater coil is more than the (a) 5.1225 Ω (b) 6.125 Ω
supply wires/neršj kegâC[ueer keâe ØeeflejesOe Deehetefle& leejes (c) 2 Ω (d) 3 Ω
mes DeefOekeâ nw *508. Calculate the maximum safe current that can
(d) supply wires are made of superior material pass through a 1.8 kΩ resistor rated at 0.5 W.
Gme DeefOekeâlece megjef#ele efJeÅegle Oeeje keâer ieCevee keâjWs pees
Deehetefle&& leejs yesnlej heoeLe& kesâ yeves nesles nQ
0.5 W hej efveOee&efjle efkeâÙes ieS 1.8 kΩ ØeeflejesOekeâ ceW mes
503. The condition for the validity under Ohm's law
is that/Deesce kesâ efveÙece kesâ lenle JewÅelee kesâ efueS Mele&
iegpej mekeâleer nw?
(a) 0.16 mA (b) 16 mA
Ùen nw efkeâ– (c) 16 µA (d) 16 A
(a) resistance must be uniform *509. The resistance of a conductor is 5Ω at 500C and
ØeeflejesOe Skeâmeceeve nesvee ÛeeefnS 6Ω at 1000C. Calculate its resistance at 00C.
(b) current should be proportional to the size of
Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe 50oC hej 5Ω Deewj 100oC hej
the resistance/Oeeje ØeeflejesOe kesâ Deekeâej kesâ 6 Ω nw~ 0oC hej Fmekesâ ØeeflejesOe keâer ieCevee keâjW?
(a) 2Ω (b) 1Ω
Deevegheeeflekeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS (c) 4Ω (d) 3Ω
(c) resistance must be wire wound type *510. Given the current i and voltage v of a circuit
ØeeflejesOe JeeÙej JeeGb[ Øekeâej keâe nesvee ÛeeefnS elements, the power P and energy w are given
(d) temperature at positive end should be more by :
than the temperature at negative end/Oeveelcekeâ
Skeâ heefjheLe kesâ DeJeÙeJe keâe Oeeje Deewj Jeesušlee ›eâceMe:
i Deewj v nw lees Meefòeâ (P Watt) Deewj Tpee& nesieer-
efmejs hej leeheceeve, $e+Ceelcekeâ efmejs kesâ leeheceeve mes DeefOekeâ t
nesvee ÛeeefnS (a) p = v.i.t and w = ∫ o
*504. At 0 C, a specimen of copper has a resistance of t

a 4mΩ and its temperature coefficient of

(b) p = v.i and w = ∫ o
resistance is 1/234.5 per 0C. Find the value of (c) p = ∫ pdτ and w = v.i
its resistance at 700C t
00C hej, leeByes kesâ Skeâ vecetves ceW 4 mΩ keâe ØeeflejesOe nw (d) p= ∫ pdτ and w = v.i.t

Deewj Fmekesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ 1/234.5 Øeefle *511. The battery of a flashlight develops 3V, and the
C nw~ 700C hej Fmekesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve %eele keâjW– current through the bulb is 200 mA. Calculate
the energy absorbed by the bulb in a five-
(a) 5.55 mΩ (b) 4.52 mΩ minute period.
(c) 5.19 mΩ (d) 4.22 mΩ Skeâ heäuewMeueeFš keâer yewš^er 3V yeveeleer nw, Deewj yeuye ceW
*505. At 00C a specimen of copper has a resistance of
Oeeje 200 mA nw~ lees 5 efceveš meceÙe kesâ oewjeve yeuye
4mΩ and its temperature coefficient of
resistance is 1/234.5 per 0C. Find the value of
Éeje DeJeMeesef<ele keâer ieF& Gpee& keâer ieCevee keâjW-
its temperature coefficient at 700C. (a) 60 W.h (b) 50 W.h
(c) 50 unit (d) 50 mW-h
00C hej, leebyes kesâ Skeâ vecetves ceW 4mΩ keâe ØeeflejesOe nw
*512. What is the current through an elements if the
Deewj Fmekesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ 1/234.5 Øeefle charge entering the elements is q = 10t C?
C nw~ 700C hej Fmekesâ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ keâe ceeve %eele Skeâ DeJeÙeJe ceW Oeeje keäÙee nesieer, Ùeefo DeJeÙeJe ceW
keâjW~ ØeJesefMele DeeJesMe q = 10t ketâueece (C) nes?
(a) 0.003284 per 0C (b) 0.003428 per 0C (a) 5t2 A (b) 10 A
0 0 (c) 10t2 A (d) 1t2 A
(c) 0.003434 per C (d) 0.003248 per C
*513. The load resistance in a 220 V circuit is 40Ω
*506. A 240V, 60W lamp has a working resistance of:
Determine the load current.
Skeâ 240 V, 60 W ueQhe keâe keâeÙe&Meerue ØeeflejesOe efkeâlevee 220 V kesâ heefjheLe ceW Yeej ØeeflejesOe 40Ω nw, Yeej Oeeje
nesiee? keâer ieCevee keâjW-
(a) 1,400 Ω (b) 60 Ω (a) 5.5 A (b) 6.5 A
(c) 690 Ω (d) 960 Ω (c) 2. 75 A (d) 5 A
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 45 YCT
*514. Energy consumed by an electric iron of rating (c) smaller current flows in smaller value resistance
1000W as compared to 750W will be____: vÙetvelece ceeve kesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW vÙetvelece Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesieer
750W keâer leguevee ceW 1000W jsefšbie Jeeueer efJeÅegle FŒeer (d) potential difference across each is same
(Øesme) Éeje efkeâleveer Tpee& KeÛe& nesieer- oesveeW kesâ Deej-heej efJeYeJeevlej meceeve nesiee
(a) More/DeefOekeâ (b) Less/keâce 520. Varistors are
(c) Half/DeeOeer (d) Same/meceeve Jewefjmšj nesles nQ–
*515. A human nerve cell has an open- circuit voltage (a) insulators/kegâÛeeuekeâ
of 80 milli Volt and it can deliver a current of 5 (b) non-linear resistors/DejsKeerÙe ØeeflejesOekeâ
nano Ampere through a 6 mega Ω load. What
(c) carbon resistors/keâeye&ve ØeeflejesOekeâ
is the maximum power available from the cell?
Skeâ ceeveJe lebef$ekeâe keâesefMekeâe ceW 80 efceueer Jeesuš (mV) (d) resistors with zero temperature co- efficient
keâer Skeâ Kegueer heefjheLe Jeesušlee (Deesheve mee|keâš Jeesušspe) MetvÙe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ kesâ meeLe ØeeflejesOekeâ
nw Deewj Ùen 5 vewvees SsefcheÙej (nA) keâer Skeâ Oeeje 6 cesiee 521. Insulating materials have the function of
Ω uees[ kesâ ceeOÙece mes efJeleefjle keâj mekeâleer nw~ mesue ceW efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLees& keâe keâeÙe& neslee nw–
(a) preventing a short circuit between conducting
efceueves Jeeueer DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ keäÙee nw?
wires/Ûeeuekeâ leejeW kesâ yeerÛe ueIeg heefjheLe keâes jeskeâvee
(a) 0.16 nano watt/0.16 vewvees Jeeš
(b) preventing an open circuit between the
(b) 16 milli watt/16 efceueer Jeeš
voltage source and the load/Jeesušspe Œeesle Deewj
(c) 1.6 watt/0.16 Jeeš
Yeej kesâ yeerÛe Kegues heefjheLe keâes jeskeâvee
(d) 16 pico watt/16 efhekeâes Jeeš
(c) conducting very large currents
516. Four 100 W bulbs are connected in parallel
across 200V supply line. If one bulb gets
yengle DeefOekeâ Oeeje keâe mebÛeeueve keâjvee
fused.......... (d) storing very high currents
Ûeej 100 W kesâ yeuye 200V Deehetefle& ueeFve mes meceevlej yengle GÛÛe Oeeje keâe meb«enCe keâjvee
ceW pegÌ[s nQ~ Ùeefo Skeâ yeuye HeäÙetpe nes peeS lees,............ 522. The filament of an electric bulb is made of
(a) No bulb will light/keâesF& yeuye oerhle veneR nesiee Skeâ efJeÅegle yeuye keâe efHeâueeceWš yevee neslee nw–
(b) All the four bulbs will light (a) carbon/keâeye&ve
ÛeejeW yeuye oerefhlele neWies~ (b) aluminium/SuÙetefceefveÙece
(c) Rest of the three bulbs will light (c) tungsten/šbiemšve
Mes<e leerveeW yeuye oerefhlele nesieW (d) nickel/efveefkeâue
(d) None of these/Fvecebs mes keâesF& veneR
*523. A 3Ω resistor having 2 A current will dissipate
*517. A conductors provides a path for flow of the power of
current in circuit due to property of–
Skeâ 3 Ω keâe ØeeflejesOekeâ efpemeceW 2 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje nw,
Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ efkeâme iegCe keâer Jepen mes heefjheLe ceW Oeeje
.......... Meefòeâ keâe #eÙe keâjsiee~
ØeJeen kesâ efueS heLe Øeoeve keâjlee nw–
(a) 12 watt/12 Jeeš (b) 4 watt/4 Jeeš
(a) conductance/Ûeeuekeâlee (b) reluctance/efjuekeäšWme
(c) resistance/ØeeflejesOe (d) inductance/Øesjkeâ (c) 6 watt/6 Jeeš (d) 8 watt/8 Jeeš
518. Calculate the power taken by each of the two 524. Which of the following statement is true?
resistors of value 100Ω, connected in parallel efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
across 100V supply: (a) A galvanometer with low resistance in
oes jefpemšj meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nQ efpemekesâ S›eâeme 100V parallel is a voltmeter/meceevlej ceW keâce ØeeflejesOe kesâ
keâer mehueeF& nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ jefpemšj keâe ceeve 100Ω nw~ meeLe iewuJesveesceeršj, Skeâ Jeesušceeršj neslee nw
ØelÙeskeâ jefpemšj Éeje efueÙes ieÙes Meefòeâ keâer ieCevee keâjW~ (b) A galvanometer with high resistance in
(a) 1500W (b) 1.5 W parallel is a voltmeter/meceevlej ceW GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe kesâ
(c) 100 W (d) 2000 W meeLe iewuJesveesceeršj, Skeâ Jeesušceeršj neslee nw
519. A circuit contains two unequal resistance in (c) A galvanometer with low resistance in
parallel, then :/Skeâ heefjheLe ceW oes Demeceeve ØeeflejesOe parallel is an ammeter/meceevlej ceW keâce ØeeflejesOe kesâ
meceevlej ceW ueies nQ, leye– meeLe iewuJesveesceeršj Skeâ Sceeršj neslee nw
(a) large current flows in larger value resistance (d) A galvanometer with high resistance in series
DeefOekeâlece ceeve kesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW DeefOekeâ Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesieer is an ammeter/ßesCeer ceW GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe Skeâ
(b) current is same in both/oesveeW ceW meceeve Oeeje nesieer iewuJesveesceeršj, Skeâ Sceeršj neslee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 46 YCT
525. The resistance of a few metres of wire 531. Conductance : mho : :
conductor in closed electrical circuit is ÛeeuekeâlJe : cnes : :
yebo efJeÅegle heefjheLe ceW Ûeeuekeâ leej kesâ kegâÚ ceeršj keâe (a) resistance : ohm/ØeeflejesOe : Deesce
ØeeflejesOe nw–
(b) capacitance : henry/Oeeefjlee : nsvejer
(a) practically zero/JÙeJeneefjkeâ ®he mes MetvÙe
(c) inductance : farad/ØesjkeâlJe : Hewâj[
(b) low/keâce
(d) lumen : steradian/uÙetcesve : mšsjsef[Ùeve
(c) high/GÛÛe
532. 1 angstrom is equal to
(d) very high/yengle GÛÛe
1 Sbiemš^ece........kesâ yejeyej nw~
*526. Two bulbs of 500 W and 200 W rated at 250 V
will have resistance ratio as: (a) 10-8 mm (b) 10-6
250 V hej efveOee&efjle 500 W Deewj 200 W kesâ oes yeuyeeW (c) 10 m (d) 10–14 m
keâe ØeeflejesOe Devegheele keäÙee nesiee? 533. One newton meter is same as
(a) 4 : 25 (b) 25 : 4 Skeâ vÙetšve ceeršj ............ kesâ meceeve nw~
(c) 2 : 5 (d) 5 : 2 (a) one watt/Skeâ Jeeš
*527. Magnitude of the electric shock on human (b) one joule/Skeâ petue
body depend on
ceveg<Ùe kesâ Mejerj hej efyepeueer kesâ Peškesâ keâer cee$ee efvecve (c) five joule/heeBÛe petue
hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw : (d) one joule second/Skeâ petue meskeâsC[
(a) The line voltage/ueeFve Jeesušlee 534. In a conductor, current density is the :
(b) The line current/ueeFve Oeeje Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW Oeeje IevelJe oMee&lee nw?
(c) The line voltage and line current (a) Current flowing per unit area
ueeFve Jeesušlee leLee ueeFve Oeeje Øeefle FkeâeF& #es$eheâue ceW ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje
(d) Current flowing through human body (b) Current flowing per unit volume
ceveg<Ùe kesâ Mejerj ceW ØeJeeefnle nes jner Oeeje Øeefle Skeâue FkeâeF& kesâ DeeÙeleve ceW ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje
*528. Two bulbs of rating 60W, 250V and 100W, (c) Current flowing per unit mass
250V are connected in series across a supply of Øeefle Skeâue õJÙeceeve ceW yenves Jeeueer Oeeje
250V in a room. What will be the total power (d) Current flowing per unit length
dissipation in the circuit?/60W, 250V leLee Øeefle Skeâue FkeâeF& keâer uecyeeF& ceW yenves Jeeueer Oeeje
100W, 250V kesâ jsefšbie Jeeues oes yeuye Skeâ keâcejs ceW *535. A charge of 360 C is transferred in 2 minutes.
250V keâer Deehetefle& kesâ yeerÛe ëe=bKeuee ceW peesÌ[s peeles nQ~ The current flowing is :
heefjheLe ceW kegâue efJeÅegle #eÙe efkeâlevee nesiee? 360C kesâ DeeJesMe keâe 2 efceveš ceW DeblejCe efkeâÙee peelee
(a) 37.5 W (b) 60.0 W nw~ efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe ØeJeen efvecveefueefKele nesiee :
(c) 100.0 W (d) 160.0 W (a) 180 A (b) 60 A
*529. A 100 Ω 1 W resistor and an 800 Ω 2 W (c) 2 A (d) 3 A
resistor are connected in series. The maximum *536. If 750 µA is flowing through 11 kΩ of
DC voltage that can be applied continuously to resistance, what is the voltage drop across the
the series circuit without exceeding the power resistor?
limit of any of the series resistors is–
Ùeefo 11 kΩ kesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW 750 µA ØeJeeefnle nes jne nw
Skeâ 100 Ω, 1 W ØeeflejesOe SJeb Skeâ 800 Ω, 2 W
lees hetjs ØeeflejesOe ceW Jeesušlee heele efkeâlevee nesiee?
ØeeflejesOe ßesCeer ceW ueies ngS nQ~ ßesCeer ØeeflejesOekeâeW keâer
(a) 82.5 V (b) 8.25 V
Meefkeäle meercee heej efkeâÙes efyevee ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW ueieeleej (c) 146 V (d) 14.6 V
efkeâleveer DeefOekeâlece DC Jeesušlee Deejesefhele keâer pee *537. An electric cabin heater draws 15 A at 110 V.
mekeâleer nw? If the voltage is reduced to 95 V, the current
(a) 90 V (b) 50 V will be–
(c) 45 V (d) 40 V Skeâ Fuesefkeäš^keâ kesâefyeve neršj 110 Jeesušspe hej 15
*530. How much will be the current drawn when 15 SeqcheÙej Oeeje Øeehle keâjlee nw~ Ùeefo Jeesušspe keâce neskeâj
lamps of 50 watts are used for 5 hours per day
in a hostel? 95 Jeesušspe jn peelee nw, lees efkeâleveer efJeÅegle Oeeje
efkeâleveer efJeÅegle keâer Kehele nesieer Ùeefo 50 Jeeš keâe 15 ØeJeeefnle nesieer–
ueQhe Skeâ Úe$eeJeeme YeJeve ceW Øeefleefove 5 Iebšs lekeâ (a) 13 A/13 SeqcheÙej
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? (b) 1.30 A/1.30 SeqcheÙej
(a) 6.125 A/SeqcheÙej (b) 5.125 A/ SeqcheÙej (c) 7.3 A/7.3 SeqcheÙej
(c) 4.125 A/ SeqcheÙej (d) 3.125 A/ SeqcheÙej (d) None of these/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 47 YCT
543. A linear resistor having 0 < R < ∞ is a
2. [er.meer. vesšJeke&â SJeb efmeæeble Skeâ jwefKekeâ ØeeflejesOe 0 < R < ∞ nw~
(D.C. Network and Theory) (a) voltage controlled resistor
Jeesušspe efveÙebef$ele ØeeflejesOe
538. Superposition theorem can be applied only to
(b) current controlled resistor/Oeeje efveÙebef$ele ØeeflejesOe
circuits having/meghejheespeerMeve ØecesÙe kesâJeue Gve
(c) both voltage controlled and current controlled
heefjheLe kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie nes mekeâlee nw efpemeceW...............nes
Jeesušspe efveÙebef$ele leLee Oeeje efveÙebef$ele oesveeW
(a) resistive elements/ØeeflejesOekeâ DeJeÙeJeeW
(d) neither voltage controlled nor current
(b) passive elements/ efveef<›eâÙe DeJeÙeJeeW controlled/ve lees Jeesušspe efveÙebef$ele leLee ve ner Oeeje
(c) non-linear elements/ DejwefKekeâ DeJeÙeJeeW efveÙebef$ele
(d) linear bilateral elements/jwefKekeâ efÉhe#eerÙe DeJeÙeJeeW 544. Which of the following characteristic
539. The concept on which Superposition theorem is represents a non-linear resistor?
based on/Jen DeJeOeejCee efpeme hej meghejheespeerMeve ØecesÙe efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee DeefYeue#eCe DejwefKekeâ ØeeflejesOe keâes
DeeOeeefjle neslee nw– Øeoe|Mele keâjlee nw?
(a) reciprocity/heejmheefjkeâlee (b) duality/ Éwle
(a) v + 10i = 0
(c) non-linearity/DejsKeerÙe (b) i + 3v = 10
(d) linearity /jsKeerÙe
(c) v = i2
540. Between the branch voltage of a loop the
Kirchhoff's voltage law imposes (d) all of the above/GheÙeg&keäle meYeer
Skeâ uethe keâer MeeKee Jeesušspe kesâ yeerÛe, efkeâjÛee@Heâ 545. The expression for current (i) and voltage (v)
for an inductor is given as v(t) = L (di/dt)
Jeesušspe efveÙece ueeiet neslee nw~ where t represents the time. The above
(a) linear constraints/jwefKekeâ yeeOee inductor is.
(b) non-linear constraints/DejwefKekeâ yeeOee ØesjkeâlJe kesâ efueS Oeeje (i) leLee Jeesušspe (v) ceW mecyevOe
(c) no constraints/keâesF& yeeOee veneR v(t) = L (di/dt) efoÙee ieÙee nw~ peneB t meceÙe keâes
(d) none of these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR Øeoe|Mele keâjlee nw~ Thej efoÙee ieÙee Øesjkeâ nw–
541. The characteristics of the open circuit on (a) linear-time invariant/jwefKekeâ-meceÙe DeheefjJele&veerÙe
current (I)–voltage (V) plot is (b) linear-time varying/jwefKekeâ-meceÙe heefjJele&veerÙe
Oeeje (I) leLee Jeesušspe (V) hueeš hej Keguee heefjheLe (c) non-linear-time invariant/iewjjwefKekeâ-meceÙe DeheefjJele&veerÙe
DeefYeue#eCe neslee nw– (d) non-linear-time varying/iewj-jwefKekeâ meceÙe heefjJele&veerÙe
(a) a horizontal line above the origin 546. Z parameter is
cetue efyevog mes Thej Skeâ #eweflepe jsKee Z efmLejebkeâ nw–
(b) a horizontal line through origin (a) Short circuit admittance parameter
cetue efyevog mes peeves Jeeueer Skeâ #eweflepe jsKee Meeš& mee|keâš ØeJesMÙelee efmLejebkeâ
(c) a vertical line though origin (b) Open circuit admittance parameter
cetue efyevog mes peeves Jeeueer Skeâ TOJee&Oej jsKee Keguee mee|keâš ØeJesMÙelee efmLejebkeâ
(d) a vertical line away from origin (c) Short circuit impedance parameter
cetue efyevog mes otj Skeâ TOJee&Oej jsKee Meeš& mee|keâš ØeefleyeeOee efmLejebkeâ
542. Y - parameter is (d) Open circuit impedance parameter
Y-efmLejebkeâ nw~ Keguee mee|keâš ØeefleyeeOee efmLejebkeâ
(a) Open circuit independence parameter 547. The super-position theorem is applicable to
Keguee heefjheLe mJeleb$e efmLejebkeâ meghej heesefpeMeve ØecesÙe ............. hej ueeiet neslee nw~
(b) Open circuit admittance parameter (a) linear responses only/kesâJeue jwefKekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee
Keguee heefjheLe ØeJesMÙelee efmLejebkeâ (b) linear and non-linear responses only
(c) Short circuit admittance parameter kesâJeue jwefKekeâ Deewj DejwefKekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee
ueIeg heefjheLe ØeJesMÙelee efmLejebkeâ (c) linear, non-linear and time variant responses
(d) Short circuit independence parameter jwefKekeâ, DejwefKekeâ Deewj meceÙe heefjJele&veerÙe Øeefleef›eâÙee
ueIeg heefjheLe mJelev$e efmLejebkeâ (d) none of these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 48 YCT
*548. The D driving point impedance of Circuit 553. Total number of branches is
heefjheLe kesâ D [^eFeEJeie efyevog ØeefleyeeOee nw– kegâue MeeKeeDeeW keâer mebKÙee nw~

1 1
S+ S+ (a) four/Ûeej (b) six/Ú:
9 2 9 3
(a) (b) (c) eight/Dee" (d) nine/veew
4 S+ 1 4 S+ 1
3 3 554. Total number of meshes is
1 1
kegâue cesmeeW keâer mebKÙee nw-
S+ S+
(c) 9 2 (d) 9 3
1 1
S+ S+
3 2
*549. A star circuit has each element of resistance
R/2. The equivalent delta elements will be
Skeâ mšej heefjheLe ceW ØelÙeskeâ lelJe keâe ØeeflejesOe R/2 nw~
lees meceleguÙe [suše ceW ØelÙeskeâ lelJe keâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee– (a) two/oes (b) four/Ûeej
(c) six/Ú: (d) eight/Dee"
(a) R (b) 3 R
555. The maximum number of possible loops is
(c) 3/2 R (d) R/6
mebYeeefJele DeefOekeâlece uetheeW keâer mebKÙee nw~
*550. A delta circuit has each element of value R/2.
The equivalent elements of star circuit will be
Skeâ [suše heefjheLe ceW ØelÙeskeâ lelJe keâe ØeeflejesOe R/2 nw~
lees meceleguÙe mšej ceW ØelÙeskeâ lelJe keâe ØeeflejesOe nesiee–
(a) 2 R (b) 6 R
(c) 3/2 R (d) R/6
551. In case of delta connected circuit, when one (a) six/Ú: (b) twelve/yeejn
resistor is open, power will be (c) sixteen/meesuen (d) eighteen/Dee"
[ssuše keâveskeäšs[ mee|keâš ceW peye Skeâ ØeeflejesOe Keguee nes 556. In order to find Z in Thevenin's theorem
lees Meefkeäle nesieer– Z keâes LesJesefveve ØecesÙe ceW Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS–
(a) zero/MetvÙe (a) all independent voltage and current sources
are short circuited/meYeer mJeleb$e Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje
(b) reduced to 1/3/Ieškeâj 1/3 jn ieÙee nw
œeesle keâes ueIegheefLele keâjves hej
(c) reduced by 1/3/1/3 Ieš ieÙee nes (b) all independent voltage sources are short
(d) unaltered/efmLej circuited and all independent current sources
are open circuited/meYeer mJeleb$e Jeesušspe œeesle keâes
552. The number of nodes is
ueIegheefLele Deewj meYeer mJeleb$e Oeeje œeesle keâes Keguee heefjheLe
peesÌ[ keâer mebKÙee nw~
keâjves hej
(c) all independent current sources are short
circuited and independent voltage sources are
open circuited/meYeer mJeleb$e Oeeje œeesle keâes ueIegheefLele
Deewj meYeer mJeleb$e Jeesušspe œeesle keâes Keguee heefjheLe keâjves
(d) all independent voltage sources are open
circuited and all independent current sources
are short circuited/meYeer mJeleb$e Jeesušspe œeesle keâes
(a) four/Ûeej (b) five/heeBÛe Keguee heefjheLe Deewj meYeer mJeleb$e Oeeje œeesle keâes ueIegheefLele
(c) six/Ú: (d) eight/Dee" keâjves hej
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 49 YCT
557. In Thevenin's theorem, Thevenin's voltage is
equal to/LesJesefveve ØecesÙe ceW, LesJesefveve Jeesušspe ...... kesâ
yejeyej neslee nw~
(a) Open circuit voltage across source when load
resistance is removed from the circuit./peye Yeej
ØeeflejesOe keâes heefjheLe mes nše efoÙee peeÙes lees œeesle kesâ
S›eâe@me Keguee heefjheLe Jeesušspe
(b) Open circuit voltage across output terminals
(a) (b)
when load resistance is kept in the circuit./peye
Yeej ØeeflejesOe keâes heefjheLe ceW jKe efoÙee peeÙes lees DeeGšhegš
še|ceveue kesâ S›eâe@me Keguee heefjheLe Jeesušspe
(c) Open circuit voltage across source when load
resistance is kept in the circuit./peye Yeej ØeeflejesOe (c) (d)
keâes heefjheLe ceW jKe efoÙee peeÙes lees œeesle kesâ S›eâe@me Keguee
heefjheLe Jeesušspe
561. Application of Norton's theorem to a circuit
(d) Open circuit voltage across output terminals
yields/Skeâ heefjheLe kesâ efueS vee@š&ve ØecesÙe keâe DevegØeÙeesie
when load resistance is removed./peye Yeej
ØeeflejesOe keâes heefjheLe mes nše efoÙee peeÙes lees DeeGšhegš Øeoeve keâjlee nw-
še|ceveue kesâ S›eâe@me Keguee heefjheLe Jeesušspe (a) equivalent current source/meceleguÙe Oeeje œeesle
558. In Norton's theorem, Norton's equivalent (b) equivalent impedance/meceleguÙe ØeefleyeeOee
current is equal to/vee@š&ve ØecesÙe ceW, vee@š&ve meceleguÙe (c) equivalent current source and impedance in
Oeeje ......... kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~ series/meceleguÙe Oeeje œeesle Deewj ßesCeer ceW ØeefleyeeOee
(a) Short circuit current when output terminals (d) equivalent current source and impedance in
are short circuited./peye DeeGšhegš še|ceveue ueIeg parallel/meceleguÙe Oeeje œeesle Deewj meceevlej ceW ØeefleyeeOee
heefjheLe nes, lees ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje *562. For the circuit shown in Fig. the Norton
(b) Short circuit current when source input equivalent circuit will have the values of Req
terminals are short circuited./peye œeesle Fvehegš and Ieq as
ueIeg heefjheLe nes, lees ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje efÛe$e ces efoKeeÙes ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS, meceleguÙe vee@š&ve
(c) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW heefjheLe kesâ Req Deewj Ieq keâe ceeve nesiee-
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
559. If IN is Norton's equivalent current, VTH is
Thevenin's voltage, RN is norton's equivalent
resistance and RTh is Thevenin's equivalent
resistance. Then which relation is incorrect? (a) Req = 2 Ω, Ieq = 2 A
Ùeefo IN vee@š&ve meceleguÙe Oeeje, VTH LesJesefveve Jeesušspe, (b) Req = 10 Ω, Ieq = 2.4 A
RN vee@š&ve meceleguÙe ØeeflejesOe Deewj RTh LesJesefveve meceleguÙe (c) Req = 0, Ieq = 0
ØeeflejesOe nw~ leye keâewve-mee mecyevOe ieuele nesiee? (d) Req = 0, Ieq = 2 A
(a) RTH = RN 563. For the circuit given below, current through
V 1Ω resistance is:/veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes heefjheLe kesâ efueS 1
(b) I N = TH
R Th Deesce ØeeflejesOe ceW yenves Jeeueer Oeeje keäÙee nesieer–
(c) VTH = IN⋅RN 1 V
(d) None of them/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
*560. For the circuit shown in Fig. four equivalent
circuits are shown below. Which circuit
represents Thevenin equivalent circuit?
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjheLe kesâ efueS Ûeej meceleguÙe
heefjheLeeW keâes veerÛes efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw lees keâewve-mee heefjheLe (a) 1.67A/1.67 ScheerÙej (b) 2A/2 ScheerÙej
LesJesefveve meceleguÙe heefjheLe keâes Øeoe|Mele keâjsiee? (c) 1.43A/1.43 ScheerÙej (d) 1.14A/1.14 ScheerÙej
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 50 YCT
*564. For the circuit shown in fig. if Vs1 = 8 V and *567. The value of A and D of ABCD parameter are
ABCD efmLejebkeâ kesâ A Deewj D keâe ceeve nw-
Vs2 = 0 V, the power delivered to the 100 ohm
resistor will be
eqÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjheLe kesâ efueS Ùeefo Vs = 8 V

Deewj Vs = 0 V, lees 100 Ω ØeeflejesOe ceW Øeoeve keâer ieÙeer


Meefòeâ nesieer–
(a) (s + 1) and (s + 1)/(s + 1) Deewj (s + 1)
(b) (s + 1) and s(s + 2)/(s + 1) Deewj s(s + 2)
 1   1 
(c)   and (s + 1) /   Deewj (s + 1)
 s +1   s +1 
1 1
(d) s(s + 2) and / s(s + 2) Deewj
s +1 s +1
(a) 0.04 W *568. The equivalent resistance between point L to M
(b) 0.4 W in the network shown in Fig. is given by
(c) 4 W efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieÙes vesšJeke&â ceW L leLee M efyevogDeeW kesâ
(d) 40 W ceOÙe leguÙe ØeeflejesOe .......... kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw –
*565. For the circuit shown in Fig. the value of ix,
when both voltage sources are reduced to 0V,
will be
efoKeeÙes ieÙes efÛe$e ceW ix keâe ceeve nesiee, peye oesveeW
Jeesušspe œeesle Ieškeâj 0V nes peeÙes–



(a) –2 A (a) 2 ohms

(b) –1 A (b) 4 ohms
(c) 1 A (c) 6 ohms
(d) 2 A (d) 8 ohms
*566. The currents I1 and I2 entering at port 1 and 2 569. "Maximum power output is obtained from a
respectively of a two port network are given by network when the load resistance is equal to
the following equations : the output resistance of the network as seen
Oeeje I1 Deewj I2 oes heesš& vesšJeke&â ceW ›eâceMe: heesš& 1 Deewj from the terminals of the load".
The above statement is associated with
heesš& 2 hej ØeJesMe keâj jns nw pees efvecveefueefKele meceerkeâjCeeW
DeefOekeâlece Meefkeäle efveie&le Skeâ vesšJeke&â mes Øeehle efkeâÙee
Éeje efoS ieS nQ–
peelee nw peye uees[ ØeeflejesOe vesšJeke&â kesâ efveie&le ØeeflejesOe
I1 = 0.5 V1 – 0.2 V2
kesâ meceeve neslee nw peesefkeâ Yeej kesâ efmeje mes osKee peelee nw~
I2 = –0.2 V1 + V2
The value of z11 from z-parameter is
GheÙeg&keäle keâLeve mes mecyeefvOele neslee nw–
z efmLejebkeâ mes z11 keâe ceeve nw– (a) Millman's theorem/efceuecewve ØecesÙe

(a) 1.087 Ω (b) Thevenin's theorem/ LewJeefveve ØecesÙe

(b) 2.174 Ω (c) Superposition theorem/ DeOÙeejesheCe ØecesÙe
(c) 0.4348 Ω (d) Maximum power transfer theorem
(d) None DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ mLeeveevlejCe ØecesÙe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 51 YCT
570. "Any number of current sources in parallel *573. Thevenin's equivalent (Eth, Rth) for the circuit
may be replaced by a single current source shown in Fig. will be
whose current is the algebraic sum of efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjheLe kesâ efueÙes LewJesefveve keâe
individual source currents and source
resistance is the parallel combination of
leguÙeebkeâ (Eth, Rth) nesiee–
individual source resistance".
The above statement is associated with
‘‘meceevlej ceW Oeeje Œeesle keâer efkeâmeer Yeer mebKÙee keâes Skeâ 1Ω
Skeâue Oeeje Œeesle Éeje Øeefle mLeeefhele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee
nw efpemekeâer Oeeje JÙeefòeâiele Œeesle OeejeDeeW keâe
(a) 16.5 V, 6 Ω (b) 12.5 V, 3 Ω
yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Ùeesie nw Deewj Œeesle ØeeflejesOe JÙeefòeâiele
(c) 10.5 V, 2 Ω (d) 7.5 V, 1.5 Ω
Œeesle ØeeflejesOeeW keâe meceevlej mebÙeespeve nw’’–
*574. Thevenin's equivalent (Eth, Rth) for the circuit
Ghejesòeâ keâLeve efkeâmekesâ meeLe pegÌ[e ngDee nw~ shown in Fig. will be
(a) Thevenin's theorem/LewJesefveve ØecesÙe efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjheLe kesâ efueÙes LewJesefveve keâe
(b) Millman's theorem/efceuecewve ØecesÙe leguÙeebkeâ (Eth, Rth) nesiee –
(c) Maximum power transfer theorem
DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ mLeeveevlejCe ØecesÙe
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
571. "In any linear bilateral network, if a source of
e.m.f. E in any branch produces a current I in (a) 20 V, 5.6 Ω (b) 18 V, 4 Ω
any other branch, then same e.m.f. acting in the (c) 16 V, 3 Ω (d) 12 V, 2 Ω
second branch would produce the same current
*575. The current drawn from 4 V battery in the
I in the first branch.".
network shown in the Fig will be
The above statement is associated with
‘‘efkeâmeer jsKeerÙe efÉhe#eerÙe vesšJeke&â ceW Ùeefo efkeâmeer MeeKee efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes vesšJeke&â ceW 4 V keâer yewšjer mes
ceW Skeâ efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue œeesle E efkeâmeer otmejer MeeKee ØeJeeefnle Oeeje keâe ceeve nesiee –
ceW Oeeje I GlheVe keâjlee nw, lees otmejer MeeKee ceW meceeve
keâeÙe&keâejer efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue henueer MeeKee ceW meceeve
Oeeje I GlheVe keâjsiee~’’ –
GheÙeg&òeâ keâLeve efvecve mes mecyeefvOele nw–
(a) compensation theorem/keâcheWmesMeve ØecesÙe
(b) superposition theorem/DeOÙeejesheCe ØecesÙe (a) 1.4 A (b) 0.9 A
(c) 0.6 A (d) 0.39 A
(c) reciprocity theorem/heejmheefjkeâ ØecesÙe
*576. Using Thevenin's theorem, the current in
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
branch MS of the network shown in Fig. will be
*572. In the circuit shown in Fig. Rth equals
LewJesefveve keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles ngÙes, efÛe$e ceW oMee&Ùes ieÙes
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjheLe ceW Rth yejeyej nw–
vesšJeke&â kesâ yeÇebÛe MS ceW Oeeje nesiee–

(a) R 3
(R ×R2 )
+ 1
R1 + R 2

(b) R 1 +
(R2 ×R3 )
R 2 + R3

(c) R 2 +
( R 3 × R1 ) b
R 3 + R1 (a) 3.7 A (b) 2.7 A
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 1.6 A (d) 0.6 A

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 52 YCT

577. Which of the following is non-linear circuit [suše vesšJeke&â ceW ØelÙeskeâ lelJe keâe ceeve R neslee nw lees
parameter? mšej vesšJeke&â kesâ meceleguÙe ceW ØelÙeskeâ lelJe keâe ceeve
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee DejwefKekeâ heefjheLe efmLejebkeâ nw– nesiee–
(a) Inductance/ØesjkeâlJe
(b) Condenser/keâv[svmej (a) (b)
6 4
(c) Wire wound resistor/JeeÙej JeeGv[ ØeeflejesOekeâ R R
(c) (d)
(d) Transistor/š^ebefpemšj 2 3
578. A capacitor is generally a 581. Kirchhoff's law is applicable to
Skeâ mebOeeefj$e meeOeejCeleÙee Skeâ neslee nw– efkeâjÛee@heâ keâe efveÙece kesâ efueÙes ueeiet neslee nw–
(a) bilateral and active component (a) passive networks only/kesâJeue hewefmeJe vesšJeke&â
efÉefoMeerÙe leLee meef›eâÙe keâcheesvesvš (b) a.c. circuits only/kesâJeue S.meer. heefjheLe
(b) active, passive, linear and non-linear (c) d.c. circuits only/kesâJeue [er.meer. heefjheLe
component/meef›eâÙe, efveef<›eâÙe, jwefKekeâ, DejwefKekeâ
(d) both a.c. as well d.c. circuits
oesveeW S.meer. leLee [er.meer. heefjheLe
(c) linear and bilateral component
582. Kirchhoff's law is not applicable to circuits
jwefKekeâ leLee efÉefoMeerÙe keâcheesveWš
with/efkeâjÛee@heâ keâe efveÙece heefjheLe kesâ meeLe ueeiet veneR
(d) non-linear and active component
neslee nw–
DejwefKekeâ leLee meef›eâÙe keâcheesveWš
579. "In any network containing more than one (a) lumped parameter/uech[ efmLejebkeâ
sources of e.m.f. the current in any branch is (b) passive elements/hewefmeJe Sueercesvš
the algebraic sum of a number of individual (c) distributed parameters/efJeleefjle efmLejebkeâ
fictitious currents (the number being equal to
(d) non-linear resistances/DejwefKekeâ ØeeflejesOe
the number of sources of e.m.f.), each of which
is due to separate action of each source of 583. Kirchhoff's voltage law applies to circuits with
e.m.f., taken in order, when the remaining efkeâjÛee@heâ keâe Jeesušspe efveÙece heefjheLe kesâ meeLe ueeiet
sources of e.m.f. are replaced by conductors, neslee nw–
the resistances of which are equal to the
(a) non-linear elements only/kesâJeue DejwefKekeâ lelJeeW
internal resistances of the respective sources".
The above statement is associated with (b) linear elements only/kesâJeue jwefKekeâ lelJeeW
‘‘efkeâmeer Yeer MeeKee ceW Oeeje kesâ Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ ŒeesleeW (c) linear, non-linear, active and passive elements
Jeeues efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue efkeâmeer Yeer vesšJeke&â ceW JÙeefòeâiele jsKeerÙe, DejwefKekeâ, meef›eâÙe leLee efveef<›eâÙe lelJeeW
keâeuheefvekeâ OeejeDees keâer mebKÙee keâe yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Ùeesie (d) linear, non-linear, active, passive, time
neslee nw (efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue kesâ ŒeesleeW keâer mebKÙee kesâ varying as well as time-invarient elements
yejeyej mebKÙee), efpeveceW mes ØelÙeskeâ Deueie keâeÙe&Jeener kesâ jsKeerÙe, DejwefKekeâ, meef›eâÙe, hewefmeJe, meceÙe heefjJeleea kesâ
keâejCe nselee nw efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue kesâ ØelÙeskeâ Œeesle keâes meeLe-meeLe meceÙe DeheefjJeleea
›eâce ceW efueÙee peelee nw, peye efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue kesâ Mes<e *584. The resistance LM will be
Œeeslees keâes Ûeeuekeâes Éeje ØeeflemLeeefhele efkeâÙee peelee nw, ØeeflejesOe LM nesiee–
efpemekesâ ØeeflejesOe mebyebefOele Œeeslees kesâ Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOees
kesâ yejeyej nesles nw’’, GheÙegòeâ keâLeve kesâ meeLe pegÌ[e ngDee nw~
(a) Thevenin's theorem/LewJeefveve ØecesÙe
(b) Norton's theorem/vee@š&ve ØecesÙe (a) 6.66 Ω (b) 1 Ω
(c) Superposition theorem/DeOÙeejesheCe ØecesÙe (c) 18 Ω (d) 20 Ω
585. For high efficiency of transfer of power,
(d) None of the above/GheÙe&gòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
internal resistance of the source should be
*580. In a delta network each element has value R.
Meefòeâ mLeeveevlejCe kesâ GÛÛe o#elee kesâ efueÙes Œeesle keâe
The value of each element in equivalent star
network will be Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe nesvee ÛeeefnÙes–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 53 YCT
(a) equal to the load resistance (a) series with each other
Yeej ØeeflejesOe kesâ yejeyej Skeâ otmejs kesâ meeLe meerjerpe ceW nes
(b) less than the load resistance/Yeej ØeeflejesOe mes keâce (b) parallel with each other
(c) more than the load resistance Skeâ otmejs kesâ meeLe meceevlej ceW nes
Yeej ØeeflejesOe mes DeefOekeâ (c) series with the voltage source
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Jeesušlee Œeesle kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW nes
586. Efficiency of power transfer when maximum (d) parallel with the voltage source
transfer of power occurs is Jeesušlee Œeesle kesâ meeLe meceevlej ceW nes
Meefòeâ mLeeveevlejCe keâer o#elee leye nesleer nw peye Meefòeâ 591. In the given circuit, the Kirchhoff's current law
keâe DeefOekeâlece mLeeveevlejCe neslee nw– at the point L is applied. Which of the following
relation is correct?
(a) 100% (b) 80%
efoÙes ieÙes heefjheLe ceW efkeâjÛee@Heâ keâe Oeeje efveÙece efyevog L
(c) 75% (d) 50%
*587. If resistance across LM in Fig. is 15 ohms, the hej ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee mecyevOe mener nw–
value of R is/Ùeefo efÛe$e ceW LM kesâ Deej-heej ØeeflejesOe I3
15Ω nes lees R keâe ceeve nw– I2

(a) I1 – (I2 + I3) = 0 (b) I1 = I2 – I3

(c) I1 + I2 – I3 = 0 (d) I1 + I2 + I3 = 0
R 592. If a circuit does not contain any source of
energy or e.m.f. it is known as
Ùeefo Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue Ùee Tpee& keâe keâesF&
Œeesle OeejCe veneR keâjlee nw lees kesâ ™he ceW peevee peelee nw–
(a) 10 Ω (b) 20 Ω (a) unilateral circuit/SkeâefoMeerÙe heefjheLe
(c) 30 Ω (d) 40 Ω (b) bilateral circuit/efÉefoMeerÙe heefjheLe
588. If the energy is supplied from a source, whose
(c) passive network/efveef<›eâÙe vesšJeke&â
resistance is 1 ohm, to a load of 100 ohms the
source will be (d) active network/meef›eâÙe vesšJeke&â
Ùeefo Tpee& Skeâ Œeesle efpemekeâe ØeeflejesOe 1 Deesce nw, Skeâ *593. The resistance between points A and B is
100Ω Yeej keâes Deehetefle& keâer peeleer nw lees œeesle nesiee– A Deewj B efyevog kesâ yeerÛe ØeeflejesOe neslee nw–
(a) a voltage source/Skeâ Jeesušlee Œeesle
(b) a current source/Skeâ Oeeje Œeesle
(c) both of above/Ghejesòeâ oesvees
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
589. The circuit whose properties are same in either
direction is known as
heefjheLe efpemekeâe iegCe oesveeW efoMeeDeeW ceW meceeve nw, keâes
(a) 4 Ω (b) 6 Ω
peevee peelee nw–
(c) 8 Ω (d) 12 Ω
(a) unilateral circuit/Skeâ efoMeerÙe heefjheLe *594. The Laplace transform of a unit step function is
(b) bilateral circuit/efÉefoMeerÙe heefjheLe Skeâ Ùetefveš mšshe HebâkeäMeve keâe ueehueeme š^ebmeHeâe@cexMeve nw
(c) irreversible circuit/DeheefjJele&veerÙe heefjheLe (a) F(s) = 1 (b) F(s) = (s)
(d) reversible circuit/heefjJele&veerÙe heefjheLe
(c) F(s) = s (d) F(s) = 1/s
590. In a series parallel circuit, any two resistances *595. The Laplace transform of a unit ramp function is
in the same current path must be in Skeâ Ùetefveš jsche HebâkeäMeve keâe ueehueeme š^ebmeHeâe@cexMeve nw
Skeâ meerjerpe meceevlej heefjheLe ceW keâesF& oes ØeeflejesOe meceeve (a) F(s) = s (b) F(s) = s2
Oeeje heLe ceW nes Fmekesâ efueÙes ÛeeefnÙes efkeâ– (c) F(s) = 1/s (d) F(s) = 1/s2
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 54 YCT
*596. The Laplace transform of a unit parabolic *604. The Laplace transform of teat is
function is teat keâe ueehueeme ™heevlejCe nw–
Skeâ Ùetefveš hejJeueÙe HebâkeäMeve keâe š^ebmeHeâe@cexMeve nw~ (a) 1/s2 (b) 1/(s – a)2
(a) s (b) 1/s (c) 1/s(s – a) (d) 1/s2
(c) 1/s2 (d) 1/s3 *605. The Laplace transform of t is
597. S is the Laplace transform of t keâe ueehueeme ™heevlejCe nw–
S keâe ueehueeme ™heevlejCe nw
(a) s (b) 1/s
(a) δ(l) (c) 1/s2 (d) 1/(s – a)
(b) unit step function/Ùetefveš mšshe HebâkeäMeve *606. The Laplace transform of unit-impulse
(c) unit doublet/Ùetefveš
[yeue function is
(d) unit impulse function/FkeâeF& DeeJesie HebâkeäMeve FkeâeF& DeeJesMe HebâkeäMeve keâe ueehueeme ™heevlejCe nw–
598. A unit ramp function when integrated yields (a) 1 (b) s
Skeâerke=âle nesves hej Skeâ Ùetefveš jQhe HebâkeäMeve nw– (c) 1/s (d) 1/s2
(a) unit parabolic function/Ùetefveš hejJeueÙe HebâkeäMeve *607. Laplace Transform of sin ωt is
(b) unit ramp function/Ùetefveš jQhe HebâkeäMeve sin ωt keâe ueehueeme ™heevlejCe nw–
(c) unit doublet/Ùetefveš [yeue s 1
(a) (b) 2
(d) unit impulse function/FkeâeF& DeeJesie HebâkeäMeve s +ω 2 2
s + ω2
599. A unit impulse function is obtained on the (c) 2 (d) s 2 + ω2
differentiation of s + ω2

Skeâ FkeâeF& DeeJesie HebâkeäMeve kesâ DeJekeâueve hej Øeehle *608. A 2-port network is shown in the Fig. The
parameter h21 for this network can be given by
efkeâÙee peelee nw–
Skeâ oes heesš& vesšJeke&â efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee nw~ Ùen vesšJeke&â
(a) a unit ramp function/Skeâ Ùetefveš jQhe HebâkeäMeve
kesâ efueS efmLejebkeâ h21 Éeje efoÙee pee mekeâlee nw–
(b) a unit step function/Skeâ Ùetefveš mšshe HebâkeäMeve
(c) a unit triplet/Skeâ FkeâeF& efš^heue
(d) a unit doublet/Skeâ FkeâeF& [yeue
*600. The Laplace transform of e–at is
e–at keâe ueehueeme ™heevlejCe nw–
(a) 1/s (b) 1/s + a (a) – 1/2 (b) +1/2
(c) 1/s – a (d) s/a (c) –3/2 (d) +3/2
*601. The Laplace transform of te–at is *609. The Z parameters Z11 and Z21 for the 2-port
te–at keâe ueehueeme ™heevlejCe nw– network in the figure are
(a) 1/s – a (b) 1/(s – a)2 Z efmLejebkeâ Z11 Deewj Z21 kesâ efueS 2 heesš& vesšJeke&â efÛe$e
(c) 1/(s + a)2 (d) s/(s – a)2 ceW nw–
*602. The Laplace transform of cos (ω0t + φ) is
cos (ω0t + φ) keâe ueehueeme ™heevlejCe nesiee–
s − ω0 φ s 2 + ω02
(a) (b)
s 2 + ω02 s cos φ − ω0 sin φ
s 2 + ω2 s cos φ − ω0 sin φ −6 16
(c) (d) (a) Z11 = Ω, Z21 = Ω
ssin φ + ω0 cos φ s 2 + ω02 11 11
6 4
*603. A planar graph has 6 branches and 3 (meshes). (b) Z11 = Ω, Z21 = Ω
The total number of nodes is 11 11
Skeâ hueevej «eeHeâ kesâ heeme 6 yeÇebÛe Deewj 3 cesMe nw lees kegâue 6 −16
(c) Z11 = Ω, Z21 = Ω
veesÌ[eW keâer mebKÙee nesieer– 11 11
4 4
(a) 6 (b) 4 (d) Z11 = Ω, Z21 = Ω
(c) 3 (d) 2 11 11

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 55 YCT

*610. The impedance parameters Z11 and Z12 of the oes heesš& vesšJeke&â keâe ueIeg heefLekeâ S[efcešsvme cewefš^keäme
two-port network in the figure are  0 −1/2 
1/2 nw~ heesš& vesšJeke&â nw
ØeefleyeeOee efmLejebkeâ Z11 Deewj Z12 kesâ efueS oes heesš&  0 
vesšJeke&â efÛe$e ceW nw– (a) non-reciprocal and passive
vee@ve-jsmeerØeeskeâue Deewj hewefmeJe
(b) non-reciprocal and active
vee@ve-jsmeerØeeskeâue Deewj SefkeäšJe
(c) reciprocal and passive/jsmeerØeeskeâue Deewj hewefmeJe
(a) Z11 = 2.75 Ω and Z12 = 0.25 Ω (d) reciprocal and active/jsmeerØeeskeâue Deewj SefkeäšJe
(b) Z11 = 3 Ω and Z12 = 0.5 Ω 615. Ùeefo Skeâ oes heesš& vesšJeke&â keâer mkewâšeEjie cewefš^keäme (S) nw~
(c) Z11 = 3 Ω and Z12 = 0.25 Ω
 0.2 < 0° 0.9 < 0° 
(d) Z11 = 2.25 Ω and Z12 = 0.5 Ω S= 
 0.9 < 0° 0.1 < 0° 
*611. For a 2-port network to be reciprocal,
leye Ùen heefjheLe nw–
Skeâ oes heesš& vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS heejmheefjkeâ nesiee–
(a) neefvejefnle Deewj JÙegl›eâce
(a) z11 = z22 (b) y21 = y12
(b) neefvejefnle uesefkeâve JÙegl›eâce veneR
(c) h21 = –h12 (d) both (b) and (c)
(c) neefvejefnle veneR uesefkeâve JÙegl›eâce
*612. In the circuit of figure, the equivalent
impedance seen across terminals A, B is (d) ve neefvejefnle ve JÙegl›eâce
efÛe$e kesâ heefjheLe ceW, efoKeeÙes ieS še|ceveue AB kesâ ›eâe@me 616. The circuit shown in the figure represents a-
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee heefjheLe ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw, Skeâ-
meceleguÙe ØeefleyeeOee nw–

(a) voltage controlled voltage source

Jeesušlee efveÙeefv$ele Jeesušspe œeesle
(a) (16/3) Ω
(b) voltage controlled current source
(b) (8/3) Ω
Jeesušlee efveÙeefv$ele Oeeje œeesle
(c) (8/3 + 12j) Ω
(c) current controlled current source
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR Oeeje efveÙeefv$ele Oeeje Œeesle
613. Two two-port networks are connected in (d) current controlled voltage source
cascade. The combination is to the represented Oeeje efveÙeefv$ele Jeesušspe œeesle
as a single two-port network, by multiplying
617. A network contains only independent current
the individual sources and resistors. If the values of all
oes, oes heesš& vesšJeke&â kewâmkesâ[ ceW pegÌ[s ngS nw~ mebÙeespeve keâes resistors are doubled, the values of the node
Skeâue oes heesš& vesšJeke&â kesâ ™he ceW oMee&Ùee peelee nw, voltages?
Fv[erefJepetJeue iegCee kesâ Éeje, Skeâ vesšJeke&â ceW kesâJeue Deveeefßele Oeeje Œeesle Deewj
ØeeflejesOekeâ nw~ Ùeefo meYeer ØeeflejesOekeâeW keâe ceeve ogiegvee keâj
(a) z-parameter matrices/z-efmLejebkeâ cewefš^keäme
efoÙee peeS lees vees[ Jeesušspe keâe ceeve?
(b) h-parameter matrices/h-efmLejebkeâ cewefš^keäme
(a) will become half/DeeOee nes peeSiee
(c) y-parameter matrices/y-efmLejebkeâ cewefš^keäme (b) will remain unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le jnsiee
(d) ABCD parameter/ABCD efmLejebkeâ (c) will become double/ogiegvee nes peeSiee
614. The short-circuit admittance matrix of two- (d) cannot be determined unless the circuit
 0 −1/2  configuration and the values of the resistors
port network is  . The two-port
1/2 0  are known /peye lekeâ heefjheLe efJevÙeeme Deewj ØeeflejesOekeâeW
network is keâe ceeve %eele veneR neslee efveOee&efjle veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 56 YCT
618. A network N consists of resistors, dependent Ùeefo Skeâ vesšJeke&â ceW yeÇebÛeeW keâer mebKÙee B nes, vees[eW keâer
and independent voltage and current source. If meKÙee N nes Deewj Deeefßele uetheeW keâer mebKÙee L nes leye
the current in one particular resistances is I A,
it will be doubled if the values of all the?
Deveeefßele vees[ meceerkeâjCeeW keâer mebKÙee nesieer?
Skeâ vesšJeke&â N ceW ØeeflejesOekeâ Deeefßele Deewj Deveeefßele (a) N + L – 1 (b) B – 1
(c) B – N (d) N – 1
Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje Œeesle nw~ Skeâ JÙeefòeâiele ØeeflejesOe ceW
623. The number of independent KVL and KCL
Ùeefo Oeeje IA nes, Ùen ogiegveer nes peeSieer Ùeefo meYeer kesâ equations for a network with n-nodes and l
ceeve- links are respectively?
(a) independent voltage sources are doubled N vees[ Deewj l efuebkeâ Jeeues vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS Deveeefßele
Deveeefßele Jeesušspe Œeesle ogiegvee nes peeÙeW KVL Deewj KCL meceerkeâjCeeW keâer mebKÙee ›eâceMe: nw?
(b) independent current sources are doubled
(a) l and n/l Deewj n
Deveeefßele Oeeje Œeesle ogiegves nes peeÙeW
(b) l and n – 1/l Deewj n – 1
(c) dependent and independent voltage and
(c) n – 1 and l/n – 1 Deewj l
current sources are doubled/Deeefße$e Deewj Deveeefßele
Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje Œeesle ogiegves nes peeÙeW (d) n – 1 and l – 1/n – 1 Deewj l – 1
(d) independent voltage and current sources are 624. The graph associated with an electrical
doubled/Deveeefßele Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje Œeesle ogiegves nes peeÙeW network has 7 branche and 5 nodes. The
number of independent KCL equations and the
619. The dual of a parallel R-C circuit is a
number of independent KVL equations,
meceeblej R-C heefjheLe keâe oesnje (dual) nw- respectively, are?
(a) series R-C circuit/ßesCeer R-C heefjheLe efJeÅegle vesšJeke&â mes mecyeefvOele Skeâ «eeHeâ ceW 7 MeeKeeS
(b) series R-L-circuit/ßesCeer R-L heefjheLe Deewj 5 vees[ nw~ lees Deveeefßele KCL Deewj KVL
(c) parallel R-C circuit/meceeblej R-C heefjheLe meceerkeâjCeeW keâer mebKÙee ›eâceMe: nw?
(d) parallel R-L circuit/meceeblej R-L heefjheLe (a) 2 and 5 (b) 5 and 2
620. Two networks are said to be dual when? (c) 3 and 4 (d) 4 and 3
efkeâmeer vesšJeke&â keâes ognje (dual) keâne peelee nw, peye? 625. An electric circuit with 10 brances and 7 nodes
(a) their node equations are the same will have? / 10 yeÇebÛeeW Deewj 7 vees[eW Jeeueer Skeâ efJeÅegle
Gvekeâe vees[ meceerkeâjCe Skeâmeceeve nes heefjheLe ceW neWies?
(b) the loop equations of one network are (a) 3 loop equations/3 uethe meceerkeâjCe
analogous to the node equations of the
(b) 4 loop equations/4 uethe meceerkeâjCe
other/Skeâ vesšJeke&â keâe uethe meceerkeâjCe otmejs DevÙe
(c) 7 loop equations/7 uethe meceerkeâjCe
vesšJeke&â kesâ vees[ meceerkeâjCe kesâ Deveg™he nes
(d) 10 loop equations/10 uethe meceerkeâjCe
(c) their loop equations are the same
Gvekesâ uethe meceerkeâjCe meceeve nes 626. The graph of an electrical network has N nodes
and B branche. The number of links L, with
(d) the voltage sources of one network are the
respect to the choice of a tree, is given by?
current sources of the other/Skeâ vesšJeke&â keâe
Skeâ JewÅegle vesšJeke&â kesâ «eeHeâ ceW N vees[ Deewj B yeÇebÛe nw~
Jeesušspe œeesle otmejs vesšJeke&â keâe Oeeje Œeesle nes
š^er (tree) kesâ ÛJeeFme (Choice) kesâ meehes#e efuebkeâ (L)
621. In an electric circuit, the number of
independent meshes M is (where B is number keâer mebKÙee kesâ Éeje oer peeleer nw?
of branches and N is number of nodes)? (a) B – N + 1 (b) B + N
Skeâ efJeÅegle heefjheLe ceW, Deveeefßele cesMeeW (M) keâer mebKÙee (c) N – B + 1 (d) N – 2 B – 1
nw? (peneB B yeÇebÛeeW keâer mebKÙee nw Deewj N vees[eW keâer 627. In a connected graph, the total number of
branches is b and the total number of nodes is
mebKÙee nw)
n. Then the number of links L of a co-tree is?
(a) 2 B – N + 1 (b) B – N + 1
Skeâ keâveskeäšs[ «eeHeâ ceW kegâue yeÇebÛeeW keâer mebKÙee b nw leLee
(c) 2 B – N – 1 (d) B – N – 1
622. If the number of branches in a network is 'B',
kegâue vees[eW keâer mebKÙee n nes lees keâes-š^er (co-tree) kesâ
the node is 'N' and the number of dependent efueS efuebkeâ (L) keâer mebKÙee nw?
loops is 'L', then the number of independent (a) b – n (b) b – n – 1
node equations will be? (c) b + n – 1 (d) b – n + 1
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 57 YCT
628. Consider the following statements regarding (c) The number of f- circuits is the same as the
trees? number of chords/ f- heefjheLeeW keâer mebKÙee, keâe[&dme
š^er kesâ mecyevOe ceW efvecve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW? (Chords) keâer mebKÙee kesâ meceeve neslee nw
1. A tree contains all the nodes of the graph (d) There are at least two edges in a circuit
Skeâ š^er ceW «eeHeâ kesâ meYeer vees[dme nesles nQ Skeâ heefjheLe ceW keâce mes keâce oes efkeâveejs (edges) nesles nw
2. A tree shall contain any one of the loops
*632. The number of edge in a complete graph of n
Skeâ š^er ceW keâesF& Yeer uethe nesiee vertices is? / n-keâesveeW Jeeues hetCe& «eeHeâ ceW efkeâveejeW
3. Every connected graph has at least one tree
(edges) keâer mebKÙee nw?
ØelÙeskeâ keâveskeäšs[ «eeHeâ ceW keâce mes keâce Skeâ š^er neslee nw
Which of the above statements are correct? n(n − 1)
(a) n (n – 1) (b)
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mes keâLeve melÙe nw? 2
(c) n (d) n – 1
(a) 1 and 2 only/1 Deewj 2 kesâJeue
633. A graph in which at least one path
(b) 1 and 3 only/1 Deewj 3 kesâJeue
(disregarding orientation) exists between any
(c) 2 and 3 only/2 Deewj 3 kesâJeue two nodes of the graph is a?
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 Skeâ «eeHeâ efpemeceW «eeHeâ kesâ efkeâmeer Yeer oes vees[eW kesâ yeerÛe
629. A connected network of N > 2 nodes has at keâce mes keâce Skeâ heLe (DeefYeefJevÙeeme keâes ve ceeveles ngS)
most one branch directly connecting any pair
of nodes. The graph of the network? ceewpeto neslee nw?
N > 2 Jeeues vees[eW keâe Skeâ keâveskeäšs[ vesšJeke&â efkeâmeer Skeâ (a) connected graph/mebÙeesefpele «eeHeâ
peesÌ[er (pair) vees[eW keâes peesÌ[ves Jeeueer DeefOekeâebMe (at (b) directed graph/efveoxefMele «eeHeâ
most) Skeâ MeeKee ceW nw~ vesšJeke&â keâe «eeHeâ ceW? (c) sub-graph/meye-«eeHeâ
(a) must have at least N branches for one or more (d) fundamental graph/cetue «eeHeâ
closed paths to exist/Skeâ Ùee Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ yebo
634. Consider the following with regards to graph
heeLe kesâ efueS keâce mes keâce N MeeKeeSb nesveer ÛeeefnS as shown in the figure given below?
(b) can have an unlimited number of branches veerÛes efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS «eeHeâ kesâ mebyebOe ceW
MeeKeeDeeW keâer mebKÙee Demeerefcele nes mekeâleer nw
efvecveefueefKele hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
(c) can only have at most N branches
1. Regular graph/jsieguej «eeHeâ
kesâJeue DeefOekeâlece N MeeKeeSb nes mekeâleer nw
(d) can have a minimum number of branches not 2. Connected graph/keâveskeäšs[ «eeHeâ
decided by N/MeeKeeDeeW keâer mebKÙee keâce nes mekeâleer nw 3. Completed graph/keâcheefuešs[ «eeHeâ
pees N Éeje efveOee&efjle veneR nesleer nw 4. Non-regular graph/vee@ve jsieguej «eeHeâ
630. The total number of branches in a network is Which of the above are correct?
equal to b. The graph of the network has n
Ghejesòeâ keâewve mee mener nw?
number of branches. The minimum number of
line current is?
efkeâmeer vesšJeke&â ceW kegâue MeeKeeDeeW keâer mebKÙee b kesâ yejeyej
nw~ vesšJeke&â kesâ «eeHeâ ceW MeeKeeDeeW keâer mebKÙee n nw~ lees
ueeFve Oeeje keâer vÙetvelece mebKÙee nw?
(a) b + n (b) b
(c) b – n (d) n
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 3 and 4
631. Which one of the following statements is not
correct? (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 2
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ mener veneR nw? 635. The number of possible ordered trees with 3
nodes A, B, C is? / 3 vees[dme A, B, C kesâ meeLe mebYeJe
(a) A tree contains all the vertices of its graph
Skeâ š^er ceW Fmekesâ «eeHeâ kesâ meYeer keâesves nesles nQ Dee@[&j[ š^er keâer mebKÙee nw?
(b) A circuit contains all the vertices of its graph (a) 6 (b) 8
Skeâ heefjheLe ceW Fmekesâ «eeHeâ kesâ meYeer keâesves nesles nQ (c) 10 (d) 12
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 58 YCT
*636. The number of chords in the graph of the given 640. Consider the following statements with regard
circuit will be? to a completer incidence matrix?
efoS ieS heefjheLe kesâ «eeHeâ ceW keâe[&me keâer mebKÙee nesieer? hetCe& Iešvee DeeJÙetn kesâ mebyebOe ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej
efJeÛeej keâjW?
1. The sum of the entries in any column is zero
efkeâmeer Yeer mlebYe ceW ØeefJeef°ÙeeW keâe ÙeesiÙe MetvÙe nw
2. The rank of the matrix is n – 1 where n is the
number of nodes/DeeJÙetn keâe jQkeâ n – 1 nw peneB n
(a) 3 (b) 4 vees[dme keâer mebKÙee nw
(c) 5 (d) 6 3. The determinant of the matrix of a closed
637. For a given fixed tree of a network, the loop is zero/Skeâ yebo uethe kesâ DeeJÙetn keâe efveOee&jkeâ
following form an independent set? MetvÙe nw
efkeâmeer vesšJeke&â kesâ efoS ieS efveefMÛele š^er kesâ efueS, Which of the statements given above are
efvecveefueefKele Skeâ Deveeefßele mesš nw?
Thej ef o S ieS keâLeveeW ceW mes keâew v e mee mener nw ?
1. Branch currents/MeeKee Oeeje
(a) 1 and 2 only/1 Deewj 2 kesâJeue
2. Link Voltages/efuebkeâ Jeesušspe
(b) 2 and 3 only/2 Deewj 3 kesâJeue
Which of the above is/are correct? (c) 1 and 3 only/1 Deewj 3 kesâJeue
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mee mener nw? (d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
(a) 1 only/1 kesâJeue 641. Number of fundamental cut-sets of any graph
(b) 2 only/2 kesâJeue will be?/ efkeâmeer Yeer «eeHeâ kesâ cetueYetle keâš-mesšdme keâer
(c) Both 1 and 2/oesveeW 1 Deewj 2 mebKÙee nesieer?
(d) Neither 1 nor 2/ve lees 1 Deewj veneR 2 (a) same as the number of twigs
638. According to network graphs, the network šdJeerpe keâer mebKÙee kesâ meceeve
with? (b) equal to one/Skeâ kesâ yejeyej
vesšJeke&â «eeHeâ kesâ Devegmeej, vesšJeke&â kesâ meeLe? (c) same as the number of nodes
1. only two odd vertices is traversable vees[dme keâer mebKÙee kesâ meceeve
kesâJeue oes efJe<ece efmeje š^sJemexyeue nw (d) None of the above/GheÙe&gòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2. no odd vertices is traversable 642. For the network graph, the number of trees (P)
and the number of cut-sets (Q) are
keâesF& efJe<ece efmeje š^sJemexyeue veneR nw respectively?
3. two or more than two odd vertices are vesšJeke&â «eeHeâ kesâ efueS, š^er (P) keâer mebKÙee Deewj keâš-
traversable/oes Ùee oes mes DeefOekeâ efJe<ece efmeje mesšdme (Q) keâer mebKÙee ›eâceMe: nw?
š^sJemexyeue nw
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve mee mener nw?
(a) 1 only/1 kesâJeue (b) 2 only/2 kesâJeue
(c) 3 only/3 kesâJeue (d) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
(a) 4 and 2/4 Deewj 2 (b) 6 and 2/6 Deewj 2
*639. The determinant of the matrix
(c) 4 and 6/4 Deewj 6 (d) 2 and 6/2 Deewj 6
1 0 0 0 
100 1 0 0 
643. For determining the polarity of the voltage
 is : drop across a resistor, it is necessary to know
100 200 1 0  the?
  Skeâ jefpemšj ceW Jeesušspe [^e@he keâer OegÇJelee keâe efveOee&jCe
100 200 300 1 
keâjves kesâ efueS, Ùen peevevee DeeJeMÙekeâ nw?
1 0 0 0 
100 1 (a) value of resistor/jefpemšj keâe ceeve
0 0 
DeeJÙetn  keâe ef[šjefcevewš nw? (b) value of current/Oeeje keâe ceeve
100 200 1 0 
  (c) direction of current flowing through the
100 200 300 1  resistor/jefpemšj mes Oeeje ØeJeen keâer efoMee
(a) 100 (b) 200 (d) value of emf in the circuit
(c) 1 (d) 300 heefjheLe ceW efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue keâe ceeve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 59 YCT
644. Kirchhoff's laws are not applicable to circuits (a) 0.34 A from M to N/0.34 A mes M to N
with?/efkeâjÛee@Heâ keâe efveÙece.............heefjheLe kesâ meeLe (b) 0.29 A from M to N/0.29 A mes M to N
ueeiet veneR neslee nw? (c) 0.29 A from N to M/0.29 A mes N to M
(a) distributed parameters/ef[efmš^yÙetšs[ efmLejebkeâ (d) 0.34 A from N to M/0.34 A mes N to M
(b) lumped parameters/uech[ efmLejebkeâ *649. For the circuit shown below the value of r
(c) passive elements/hewefmeJe DeJeÙeJe connected between C and D is such that the
equivalent resistance of the circuit by looking
(d) nonlinear resistances/DejsKeerÙe ØeeflejesOe into circuit through terminals A and B is r only.
645. Kirchhoff's current law is applicable to? Then the value of r is?
efkeâjÛee@Heâ keâe Oeeje efveÙece ueeiet nw? veerÛes efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS r keâe ceeve C Deewj D
1. Closed loops in a circuit/heefjheLe kesâ yebo uethe ceW mes pegÌ[e nw Fme lejn mes efmeje A Deewj B kesâ ceeOÙece mes
2. Junction in a circuit/heefjheLe kesâ pebkeäMeve ceW heefjheLe keâes osKeves mes heefjheLe keâe meceleguÙe ØeeflejesOe r nw~
3. Magnetic circuits/ÛegbyekeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW leye r keâe ceeve nw?
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve mee mener nw?
(a) 1 only/1 kesâJeue
(b) 2 only/2 kesâJeue
(c) 3 only/3 kesâJeue
(a) 2 Ω (b) 4 Ω
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
(c) 3 Ω (d) 6 Ω
646. Kirchhoff's voltage law is concerned with?
*650. The voltages developed across the 3Ω and 2Ω
efkeâjÛee@Heâ keâe Jeesušspe efveÙece mebyebefOele nw? resistors shown in the figure are 6V and 2 V
(a) IR drop/IR [^ehe mes respectively. With the polarity as marked.
(b) battery emf/yewšjer efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue mes What is the power (in Watt) delivered at the 5V
voltage source?
(c) junction voltage/pebkeäMeve Jeesušspe mes
3 Ω Deewj 2Ω ØeeflejesOeeW ceW GlheVe Jeesušspe ›eâceMe: 6V
(d) both (a) and (b) /(a) Deewj (b) oesvees
Deewj 2V nw efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw, pees OegÇJelee kesâ ™he
*647. What is the current through the 5Ω resistance ceW efÛeefvnle nw~ 5V Jeesušspe œeesle hej Meefòeâ (Jee@š ceW)
in the circuit shown?/efoKeeSb ieS heefjheLe ceW 5Ω
keäÙee nw?
ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeOÙece mes Oeeje keäÙee nw?

(a) 5.33 A (b) 4.66 A (a) 5 (b) 7

(c) 2.66 A (d) 1.33 A (c) 10 (d) 14
*651. In the given circuit, the value of the voltage
*648. What is the current through the 8 Ω resistance
source E is?
connected across terminals, M and N in the
efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW, Jeesušspe œeesle E keâe ceeve nw?
circuit?/heefjheLe ceW efmeje, M Deewj N mes pegÌ[s 8Ω
ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeOÙece mes Oeeje keäÙee nw?

(a) – 16 V (b) 4 V
(c) – 6 V (d) 16 V
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 60 YCT
*652. What is the voltage across the load resistance, *656. The current through 120 ohm resistor in the
RL in the below circuit? The value of each circuit shown in the figure is?
resistor connected in the circuit is 10Ω? efoKeeS ieS efÛe$e ceW heefjheLe ceW 120 Deesce ØeeflejesOe mes
veerÛes heefjheLe ceW uees[ ØeeflejesOe RL ceW Jeesušspe keäÙee nw? neskeâj Oeeje nw?
heefjheLe ceW pegÌ[s ØelÙeskeâ ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve 10Ω nw?

(a) 1 A (b) 2 A
(c) 3 A (d) 4 A
(a) 3.33V (b) 33.33V *657. For the network shown in the figure, what is
(c) 333.33V (d) 0 V the voltage across the current source I?
*653. What is the value of I for the below shown efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS, Oeeje œeesle I kesâ
circuit, if V = 2 volts? Deej-heej Jeesušspe keäÙee nw?
veerÛes efoS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS I keâe ceeve keäÙee nw, Ùeefo
V = 2 Jeesušme nw?

(a) V – RI (b) V + RI
(c) Zero (d) RI – V
(a) 2 A (b) 4 A *658. For the circuit shown, what is the voltage V if
the source voltage is reduced by 50%?
(c) 6 A (d) 8 A
efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS, Jeesušspe V keäÙee nw Ùeefo
*654. The current through the 2kΩ resistance in the
circuit shown is œeesle Jeesušspe 50³ keâce nes peelee nw?
efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe ceW 2kΩ ØeeflejesOe mes Oeeje nw?

(a) IR + E (b) E – IR
(a) 0 mA (b) 1 mA (c) 2 IR – (E/2) (d) + IR
(c) 2 mA (d) 6 mA
*659. For the circuit shown, the value of current, I
*655. Assuming ideal elements in the circuit shown
below, the voltage Vab will be?
efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS, Oeeje I keâe ceeve nw?
veerÛes efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe keâes DeeoMe& ceeveles ngS Jeesušspe
Vab nesiee?

(a) 2 A (b) 3 A
(c) 6 A (d) 12 A
*660. The current I1 and I2 in the below circuit are
(a) –3V (b) 0V respectively?
(c) 3 V (d) 5 V veerÛes efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe ceW Oeeje I1 Deewj I2 ›eâceMe: nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 61 YCT
(a) 4 A ; 4 A (b) 3 A ; 5 A (a) 4 Ω (b) 6 Ω
(c) 2 A ; 6 A (d) 6 A; 2 A (c) 8 Ω (d) 18 Ω
*661. For the circuit shown, the voltage across the 1 *665. If the voltage V across 10 Ω resistance is 10 V,
ohm resistor is given by? what is the voltage E of the voltage source in
efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS, 1 Deesce ØeeflejesOe ceW the circuit shown?
Jeesušspe efoÙee peelee nw? Ùeefo 10 Ω ØeeflejesOe ceW Jeesušspe V, 10 V nw, heefjheLe ceW
efoKeeS ieS Jeesušspe œeesle ceW Jeesušspe E keäÙee nw?

7 5
(a) V (b) V
4 4
7 2
(c) V (d) V
3 3 (a) –50 V (b) – 10 V
*662. The voltage Vx across the 2Ω resistance in the (c) 10 V (d) 50 V
circuit is? *666. For the circuit as shown in the figure, what is
2Ω ØeeflejesOe kesâ heefjheLe ceW Jeesušspe Vx nw? the value of I?
heefjheLe kesâ efueS, pewmee efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw, I keâe
ceeve keäÙee nw?

(a) 16 V (b) 60 V
(c) 18 V (d) 10 V
*663. What is the voltage across the current source (a) 4 A (b) 3 A
for the below shown circuit? (c) 2 A (d) 1 A
veerÛes efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS Oeeje œeesle ceW Jeesušspe *667. The currents I1 and I2 in the below circuits are
keäÙee nw? respectively?
veerÛes efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW Oeeje I1 Deewj I2 ›eâceMe: nw?

(a) 1.818 A; – 0.4545 A

(a) 5.0 V (b) 7.5 V (b) 2.451 A; – 1.568 A
(c) 12.5 V (d) 17.5V (c) 0.4545 A; – 1.818 A
*664. If the 12Ω resistor draws a current of 1 A as (d) 1.56 A; – 2.45 A
shown in the figure, the value of resistance R *668. The current Ix and voltage Vx in the below
is? circuit are, respectively?
efoKeeS ieS efÛe$e ceW 12Ω jefpemšj, 1 A keâer Oeeje ueslee veerÛes efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW Oeeje Ix Deewj Jeesušspe Vx
nw~ ØeeflejesOe R keâe ceeve nw ›eâceMe: nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 62 YCT
*672. When the wheatstone bridge shown in the
figure is used to find the value of resistor Rx,
the galvanometer G indicates zero current
when R1 = 50 Ω, R2 = 65Ω and R3 = 100 Ω. If R3
is known with ±5% tolerance on its nominal
value of 100Ω, what is the range of Rx in
(a) 5 A; 10 V (b) 10 A; 20 V Ohms?
(c) 6 A; 12 V (d) 4 A; 8 V peye efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS efJnšmšesve efyeÇpe keâe GheÙeesie
*669. A wheatstone bridge has got three resistances jefpemšj Rx keâe ceeve Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee
taken in clockwise direction as 120Ω, 150Ω and nw, iewuJeesveesceeršj G MetvÙe Oeeje oMee&lee nw peye R1 = 50
150Ω. The value of the fourth resistance for
null balance would be? Ω, R2 = 65Ω Deewj R3 = 100 Ω nw~ Ùeefo R3 keâes 100Ω
Skeâ efJnšmšesve efyeÇpe keâes 120Ω, 150Ω Deewj 150Ω kesâ kesâ veece cee$e ceeve hej ±5% menveMeeruelee kesâ meeLe
™he ceW oef#eCeeJele& efoMee ceW ØeeflejesOe efoÙee ieÙee nw~ MetvÙe peevee peelee nw; Deesce ceW, Rx keâer meercee keäÙee nw?
meblegueve kesâ efueS ÛeewLes ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve nesiee?
(a) 150 Ω (b) 120 Ω
(c) 300 Ω (d) 750 Ω
*670. In the circuit shown, when the current through
the branch AD is zero, the battery current IB
is?/efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe ceW, peye yeÇevÛe AD kesâ ceeOÙece
mes Oeeje MetvÙe nw, yewšjer Oeeje IB nw?

(a) [123.50, 136.50] (b) [125.89, 134.12]

(c) [117.00, 143.00] (d) [120.25, 13975]
*673. The dependent current source shown in given
efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee Deeefßele Oeeje œeesle?

(a) 1 mA (b) 2 mA
(c) 10 mA (d) 20 mA
*671. An unbalanced dc Wheatstone bridge is shown
in the figure. At what value of p will the (a) delivers 80 W/80 W efJelejCe keâjlee nw
magnitude of V0 be maximum?
Skeâ Demeblegefuele [ermeer efJnšmšesve efyeÇpe keâes efÛe$e ceW (b) absorbs 80 W/80 W DeJeMeesef<ele keâjlee nw
efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw~ p kesâ efkeâme ceeve hej VO keâe heefjceeCe (c) delivers 40 W/40 W efJelejCe keâjlee nw
DeefOekeâlece nes peeÙesiee? (d) absorbs 40 W/40 W DeJeMeesef<ele keâjlee nw
*674. The power dissipated in the controlled source
of the network shown below is?
veerÛes efoKeeS ieS vesšJeke&â kesâ efveÙeb$eCe œeesle ceW Meefòeâ
DeheJÙeÙe nw?

(a) (1 + x) (b) (1 + x)
(c) (d) (1 − x) (a) 36 W (b) 15 W
(1 + x) (c) 7 W (d) 14 W

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 63 YCT

*675. In the given circuit, the values of V1 and V2 *679. For the circuit shown below, the value of R is
respectively are? adjusted, so as to make the current in RL equal
efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW, V1 Deewj V2 keâe ceeve ›eâceMe: nw? to zero. What is the value of R?
veerÛes efoS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS, R keâe ceeve JÙeJeefmLele
efkeâÙee peelee nw, leeefkeâ RL ceW Oeeje keâes MetvÙe kesâ yejeyej
yeveeÙee pee mekesâ~ R keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?

(a) 5 V, 25V (b) 10 V, 30 V

(c) 15 V, 35 V (d) 0 V, 20 V
*676. The below network contains resistors and
controlled sources G 12 = 2 is?
veerÛes vesšJeke&â ceW ØeeflejesOekeâ Deewj efveÙebef$ele œeesle
V2 (a) 1 Ω (b) 2 Ω
G 12 = Meeefceue nw- (c) 3 Ω (d) 4 Ω
680. In a network containing active components,
output voltage?/meef›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe Jeeues Skeâ vesšJeke&â
ceW, DeeGšhegš Jeesušspe neslee nw?
(a) will always be greater than input voltage
ncesMee efveJesMe Jeesušspe mes DeefOekeâ nesiee
(b) will always be equal to the input voltage
4 3 ncesMee efveJesMe Jeesušspe kesâ yejeyej nesiee
(a) − (b) −
5 5 (c) can be less than or greater than input voltage
(c) −
(d) −
1 only/kesâJeue efveJesMe Jeesušspe mes keâce Ùee Gmemes DeefOekeâ
5 5 nes mekeâlee nw
*677. Consider the circuit given below. What is the (d) will be less than, equal to or greater then
power delivered by the 24 V source? input voltage/efveJesMe Jeesušspe mes keâce Ùee Gmemes
veerÛes efoS ieS heefjheLe hej efJeÛeej keâjW~ 24 V œeesle Éeje DeefOekeâ Ùee yejeyej nesiee
efJeleefjle Meefòeâ keäÙee nw? 681. Which of the following are satisfied in a
nonlinear network?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ DejwKeerÙe vesšJeke&â ceW mebleg°
neslee nw?
1. Associative/menÙeesieer
2. Superposition/meghejheesefpeMeve
(a) 96 W (b) 114 W 3. Homogeneity/Skeâ™helee
(c) 192 W (d) 288 W 4. Bilaterality/efÉhe#eerÙe
*678. In the circuit shown in the figure, the value of Select the correct answer using the codes given
the current will be given by? below :
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe Éeje Oeeje keâe ceeve nesiee? veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ mener Gòej ÛegveW
(a) 1 and 3 only/1 Deewj 3 kesâJeue
(b) 1 and 4 only/1 Deewj 4 kesâJeue
(c) 2 and 3 only/1 Deewj 3 kesâJeue
(d) 2 and 4 only/2 Deewj 4 kesâJeue
682. Which of the following statements are correct
in association with the superposition theorem?
(a) 0.31 A (b) 1.25 A efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve meghejheesefpeMeve ØecesÙe kesâ meeLe
(c) 1.75 A (d) 2.5 A mener nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 64 YCT
1. It is applicable to networks having more than
one source/Ùen Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ œeesle Jeeues vesšJeke&â
hej ueeiet neslee nw~
2. It is used to determine the current in a branch
or voltage across branch/Ùen MeeKee ceW Oeeje Ùee
MeeKee kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe efveOee&efjle keâjves kesâ efueS (a) 0 A (b) 1/3A
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (c) 5/6 A (d) 4 A
3. It is applicable to direct current circuits only *686. In the given circuit, what is the voltage across
Ùen kesâJeue efo° Oeeje heefjheLe kesâ efueS ueeiet neslee nw~ the current source Is?/efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW, Oeeje
4. It is applicable to networks having linear and œeesle Is kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe keäÙee nw?
bilateral elements/Ùen jsKeerÙe Deewj efÉhe#eerÙe DeJeÙeJe
Jeeues vesšJeke&â hej ueeiet neslee nw~
Select the correct answer using the code given
veerÛes efoS ieS keâes[ keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ mener Gòej ÛegveW?
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
(a) 0 V (b) 2 V
(b) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2 Deewj 4 (c) 3 V (d) 6 V
(c) 1, 3 and 4/1, 3 Deewj 4 *687. In the given circuit, I = 1 A for IS = 0. What is
(d) 2, 3 and 4/2, 3 Deewj 4 the value of I for IS = 2A?
683. In a linear circuit, the superposition principle ef oS ieS heefjheLe ceW, IS = 0 kesâ efueS I = 1 A nw~ IS =
can be applied to calculate the. 2A kesâ efueS I keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?
Skeâ jsKeerÙe heefjheLe ceW, meghejheesefpeMeve efmeæevle.........
keâer ieCevee keâjves kesâ efueS ueeiet efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw-
(a) voltage and power/Jeesušspe Deewj Meefòeâ
(b) voltage and current/Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje
(c) current and power/Oeeje Deewj Meefòeâ
(d) voltage, current and power (a) 7 A (b) 4 A
Jeesušspe, Oeeje Deewj Meefòeâ (c) 3 A (d) 2 A
*684. In the circuit shown, what is the value of the *688. In the circuit shown below, what is the voltage
current I? across 5 Ω resistor?
efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe ceW, Oeeje I keâe ceeve keäÙee nw? veerÛes efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW, 5 Ω jefpemšj kesâ S›eâe@me
Jeesušspe keäÙee nw?

(a) 1 A (b) 2 A (a) – 30 V (b) 30 V

(c) 3 A (d) 4 A (c) 1250 V (d) – 1250 V
*685. In the network shown below, what is the *689. For the circuit shown in the given figure the
current I in the direction shown? current I is given by
veerÛes efoKeeS ieÙes vesšJeke&â ceW, efoKeeS ieS efoMee ceW Oeeje efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS, Oeeje I
I keäÙee nw? efoÙee ieÙee nw-
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 65 YCT
*693. In the given figure, the value of R is?
efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW, R keâe ceeve nw?

(a) 3 A (b) 2 A
(c) 1 A (d) zero
*690. For the circuit given in the figure the power
delivered by the 2 V source is given by? (a) 10 Ω (b) 18 Ω
efÛe$e ceW efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW 2 V œeesle Éeje efJeleefjle (c) 24 Ω (d) 12 Ω
Meefòeâ efoÙee peelee nw? *694. In the given figure, the value of the source
voltage is
efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW, œeesle Jeesušspe keâe ceeve nw?

(a) 4 W (b) 2 W
(c) – 2 W (d) – 4 W
*691. In the circuit shown in the figure, the value of
VS is 0, when I = 4A. The value of I when VS = (a) 12 V (b) 24 V
16 V, is? (c) 30 V (d) 44 V
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS, VS keâe ceeve 0 nw, *695. Consider the following circuit : What is the
peye I = 4A nw~ I keâe ceeve nw peye VS = 16 V nw? value of current I in the 5 Ω resistor in the
circuit given in the figure?
efvecveefueefKele heefjheLe hej efJeÛeej keâjW~ efÛe$e ceW efoS ieS
heefjheLe ceW 5 Ω jefpemšj ceW Oeeje I keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?

(a) 6 A (b) 8 A
(c) 10 A (d) 12 A
*692. Consider the following circuit : In this above
circuit, when VS = 3 V, I = 4 A, what is the
value of I when VS = 12 V?
efvecveefueefKele heefjheLe hej efJeÛeej keâjW, Fme Ghejesòeâ
heefjheLe ceW, peye VS = 3 V, I = 4 A, peye VS = 12 V nw (a) 0 A (b) 2 A
(c) 3 A (d) 4 A
lees I keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?
*696. The value of V in the circuit shown in the given
figure is?
efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe ceW V keâe ceeve nw?

(a) 5.5 A (b) 10 A (a) 1 V (b) – 2 V

(c) 15 A (d) 20 A (c) – 3 V (d) 4 V
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 66 YCT
*697. In the circuit shown, the current i1 is? Which of the above is/are correct?
efoKeeS ieS efÛe$e ceW, Oeeje i1 nw? Ghejesòeâ keâewve mee mener nw?
(a) 1 only/1 kesâJeue
(b) 2 only/2 kesâJeue
(c) Both 1 and 2/oesveeW 1 Deewj 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2/ve lees 1 Deewj ve ner 2
701. In nodal analysis, if there are N nodes in the
circuit, then how many equations will be
(a) 4 A (b) 2 A written to solve the network?
(c) 4.76 A (d) 20 A vees[ue efJeMues<eCe ceW, Ùeefo heefjheLe ceW N vees[dme nw, efHeâj
*698. What is the current through the 2 Ω resistance vesšJeke&â keâes nue keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâleves meceerkeâjCe efueKee
for the circuit as shown below? peeSiee?
veerÛes efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe ceW 2 Ω ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeOÙece mes (a) N – 1 (b) N + 1
Oeeje keäÙee nw? (c) N (d) N – 2
702. Consider the following statements on mesh and
nodal analysis?/cesMe Deewj vees[ue Sveeefueefmeme hej
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
1. Networks that contain many series –
connected elements voltage sources or
meshes having common current sources
(super meshes) are more suitable for mesh
analysis than for nodal analysis/Ssmes vesšJeke&â
(a) 5 A (b) 4 A efpeveceW keâF& ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s DeJeÙeJeeW Jeesušspe œeesle Ùee
(c) 3 A (d) 2 A keâeceve Oeeje (meghej cesMesme) œeesle Jeeues cesme nesles nw
*699. If a resistance 'R' of 1 Ω is connected across the vees[ue Sveeefueefmeme keâer leguevee ceW cesMe Sveeefueefmeme pÙeeoe
terminals AB as shown in the figure, then the GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~
current flowing through R will be?
2. Networks with parallel connected elements,
Ùeefo 1 Ω keâe ØeeflejesOe 'R' efmeje AB kesâ S›eâe@me pegÌ[e current sources or nodes connected by voltage
ngDee nw pewmee efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw, R kesâ ceeOÙece mes sources are more suitable for nodal analysis
Oeeje ØeJeen nesiee? than mesh analysis/meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s DeJeÙeJeeW kesâ
meeLe, Jeesušspe ŒeesleeW mes pegÌ[s Oeeje œeesle Ùee vees[dme cesMe
Sveeefueefmeme keâer leguee ceW vees[ue Sveeefueefmeme pÙeeoe
GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~
3. A circuit with fewer nodes than meshes is
better analysed using mesh analysis, while a
circuit with fewer meshes than nodes is better
analyzed using nodal analysis/cesMe keâer leguevee ceW
keâce vees[dme kesâ meeLe Skeâ heefjheLe, cesMe Sveeefueefmeme keâe
GheÙeesie keâjkesâ yesnlej Sveeefueefmeme efkeâÙee ieÙee nw peyeefkeâ
(a) 1 A (b) 0.5 A vees[dme keâer leguevee ceW keâce cesme kesâ meeLe heefjheLe, vees[due
(c) 0.25 A (d) 0.125 A Sveeefueefmeme keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ yesnlej Sveeefueefmeme efkeâÙee ieÙee
700. The mesh-current method. nw~
cesMe-Oeeje efJeefOe- Which of the statements given above are correct?
1. Works with both planar and non-planar Thej efoS ieS keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve mee mener nw?
circuits/oesveeW hueevej Deewj vee@ve-hueevej heefjheLe kesâ meeLe (a) 1 and 2 only/1 Deewj 2 kesâJeue
keâece keâjlee nw? (b) 2 and 3 only/2 Deewj 3 kesâJeue
2. uses Kirchhoff's voltage law (c) 1 and 3 only/1 Deewj 3 kesâJeue
efkeâjÛee@Heâ kesâ Jeesušspe efveÙece keâe GheÙeesie keâjlee nw~ (d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 67 YCT
703. It is required to find the current through a *707. When KCL is applied at the super node in the
particular branch of linear bilatral network below circuit, the current equation in terms of
without mutual coupling when the branch node voltages V1 and V2 is?
impedance takes four different values. Which veerÛes efoÙes ieS heefjheLe ceW peye KCL meghejvees[ hej ueeiet
one of the following methods will be perferred? efkeâÙee peelee nw, vees[ Jeesušspe V Deewj V kesâ heo ceW Oeeje 1 2
peye DevÙeesvÙe Ùegice kesâ efyevee jsefKeÙe efÉhe#eerÙe vesšJeke&â meceerkeâjCe nw?
keâer Skeâ efJeMes<e MeeKee kesâ ceeOÙece mes Oeeje keâes Øeehle
keâjvee DeeJeMÙekeâ nw peye MeeKee ØeefleyeeOee Ûeej Deueie-
Deueie ceeve ueslee nw~ efvecve efJeefOeÙeeW ceW mes keâewve mee
yesnlej nesiee?
(a) Mesh analysis/cesMe Sveeefueefmeme
(b) Thevenin's equivalent circuit
LesJesefveve keâe meceleguÙe heefjheLe
(c) Nodal analysis/vees[ue Sveeefueefmeme
(d) Superposition theorem/meghejheesefpeMeve ØecesÙe
V1 V2
*704. Find the voltage of the node A with respect to (a) −6 = +
'O' for the circuit as shown below? 2 4
veerÛes efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS 'O' kesâ mebyebOe ceW vees[ V −V V −V
(b) 4 = 1 2 + 1 2
A keâe Jeesušspe helee keâjW? 2 20
V V −V
(c) 4 = 1 + 1 2
2 20
V1 V2
(d) 4 = +
2 4
*708. For the circuit shown in the figure. What is the
value I?/efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS, I keâe
ceeve keäÙee nw?
(a) 40 V (b) 20 V
(c) 50 V (d) 60 V
*705. The node voltage V in the
efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW vees[ Jeesušspe V nw?

(a) 10 A (b) 6 A
(c) 3.7 A (d) 3 A
*709. What is the value of the current I in the circuit
(a) 6 V (b) 30 V efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe ceW Oeeje I keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?
(c) 36 V (d) 92 V
*706. The potential difference VAB in the circuit is?
heefjheLe ceW efJeYeJeevlej VAB nw?

(a) 20 A (b) 25 A
(c) 30 A (d) 36 A
710. While Thevenizing a circuit between two
terminals, VTH is equal to.
(a) 0.8 V (b) – 0.8 V oes efmejeW kesâ yeerÛe Skeâ heefjheLe ceW LesJesefveve ØeÙeesie keâjles
(c) 1.8 V (d) – 1.8 V meceÙe, VTH yejeyej neslee nw-
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 68 YCT
(a) short – circuit terminal voltage *713. The output resistance of the circuit at port AB
ueIeg-heefjheLe efmeje Jeesušspe kesâ is?/heesš& AB hej heefjheLe keâe DeeGšhegš ØeeflejesOe nw?
(b) open-circuit terminal voltage
Keguee-heefjheLe efmeje Jeesušspe kesâ
(c) net voltage available in the circuit
heefjheLe ceW GheueyOe kegâue Jeesušspe kesâ
(d) emf of the battery nearest to the terminals
efmejeW kesâ efvekeâš yewšjer kesâ efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue kesâ
711. Thevenin's equivalent circuit of a network N is
shown below (at terminals 1 – 1') to determine (a) 1 Ω (b) 1.2 Ω
the value of R? (c) 1.33 Ω (d) 1.5 Ω
Skeâ vesšJeke&â N kesâ LesJesefveve keâe meceleguÙe heefjheLe (efmeje *714. The Thevenin's equivalent voltage and
1 – 1 hej) efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw~ R kesâ ceeve keâe efveOee&jCe resistance across AB shown in the figure
keâjves kesâ efueS? respectively are?
1. all initial conditions are set to zero LesJesefveve keâe meceleguÙe Jeesušspe Deewj ØeeflejesOe AB kesâ
meYeer ØeejbefYekeâ efmLeefleÙeeW keâes MetvÙe hej mesš efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ S›eâe@me efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw ›eâceMe: nw?
2. all independent sources are turned off
meYeer efyevee Deeefßele Œeesle yebo nw~
3. all controlled sources are turned off
meYeer efveÙebef$ele Œeesle yebo nw~
4. small load connected to terminals 1 – 1'
(outside network N) is removed/efmeje mes pegÌ[s
Úesšs uees[ 1 – 1' (vesšJeke&â N kesâ yeenj) nšeÙee peelee nw~ 15V

(a) 5 V and 5 Ω/5 V Deewj 5 Ω

(b) 25 V and 3 Ω/25 V Deewj 3 Ω
(c) 35 V and 2 Ω/35 V Deewj 2 Ω
(d) 25 V and 5 Ω/25 V Deewj 5 Ω
(a) 1 and 2 only/1 Deewj 2 kesâJeue *715. For the network given in figure below, the
(b) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2 Deewj 4 Thevenin's voltage Vab is?
(c) 3 and 4 only/3 Deewj 4 kesâJeue veerÛes efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS, LesJesefveve keâe
(d) 3 only/3 kesâJeue Jeesušspe Vab nw?
*712. Thevenin equivalent circuit to the left of the
terminals a and b in the circuit, has equivalent
voltage sources Vth and equivalent resistance
Rth, respectively, as?
heefjheLe ceW efmejeW a and b kesâ yeeÙeW LesJesefveve meceleguÙe
heefjheLe, meceleguÙe Jeesušspe œeesle Vth Deewj meceleguÙe
ØeeflejesOe Rth ›eâceMe: nw?
(a) –1.5 V (b) –0.5 V
(c) 0.5 V (d) 1.5 V
*716. For the circuit shown, Thevenin's open circuit
voltage VOC and Thevenin's equivalent
resistance Req at terminals A – B are,
(a) 12 V and 16 Ω/12 V Deewj 16 Ω respectively?
(b) 20 V and 4 Ω/20 V Deewj 4 Ω
efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS, efmeje A – B hej LesJesefveve
(c) 12 V and 12 Ω/12 V Deewj 12 Ω keâe Keguee Jeesušspe VOC Deewj LesJesefveve keâe meceleguÙe
(d) 12 V and 3 Ω/12 V Deewj 3 Ω ØeeflejesOe Req ›eâceMe: nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 69 YCT
*719. Thevenin's equivalents of the network in fig. (i)
are 10 V and 2 Ω. If a resistance of 3 Ω is
connected across terminals AB as shown in fig.
(ii), what are Thevenin's equivalents?
efÛe$e (i) ceW, vesšJeke&â kesâ LesJesefveve keâe meceleguÙe 10 V
Deewj 2 Ω nw~ Ùeefo 3 Ω keâe Skeâ ØeeflejesOe efmeje AB kesâ
(a) 6.25 V and 2.5 Ω/6.25 V Deewj 2.5 Ω S›eâe@me pegÌ[e ngDee nw pewmee efÛe$e (ii) ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw,
(b) 12.5 V and 5 Ω/12.5 V Deewj 5 Ω LesJesefveve keâe meceleguÙe keäÙee nw?
Fig-1 Fig-2
(c) 6.25 V and 5 Ω/6.25 V Deewj 5 Ω
(d) 12.5 V and 2.5 Ω/12.5 V Deewj 2.5 Ω
*717. What are the Thevenin's equivalent voltage
VTH and resistance RTH between the terminals
A and B of the circuit?
(a) 10 V and 1.2 Ω/10 V Deewj 1.2 Ω
efmeje A Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe heefjheLe keâe LesJesefveve keâe (b) 6 V and 1.2 Ω/6 V Deewj 1.2 Ω
meceleguÙe Jeesušspe VTH Deewj ØeeflejesOe RTH keäÙee nw? (c) 10 V and 5.2 Ω/10 V Deewj 5.2 Ω
(d) 6 V and 5.2 Ω/6 V Deewj 5.2 Ω
*720. For the circuit shown, the black box contains
resistors and independent sources only. The
current I is 3 A and 1.5 A for R = 0 and 2 Ω,
respectively. For R = 1 Ω, what is the current?
efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS, yuewkeâ yee@keäme ceW kesâJeue
jefpemšme& Deewj efyevee Deeefßele œeesle nw~ R = 0 Deewj 2 Ω,
kesâ efueS Oeeje ›eâceMe: 3 A Deewj 1.5 A nw~ R = 1 Ω, kesâ
(a) 4.16 V and 120Ω/4.16 V Deewj 120Ω
efueS, Oeeje keäÙee nw?
(b) 41.67 V and 120 Ω/41.67 V Deewj 120 Ω
(c) 4.16 V and 70 Ω/4.16 V Deewj 70 Ω
(d) 41.67 V and 70Ω/41.67 V Deewj 70Ω
*718. For the circuit shown in the figure, Thevenin's
voltage and Thevenin's equivalent resistance at (a) 1 A (b) 2 A
(c) 3 A (d) 4 A
terminals a-b is?/efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ
*721. In the given circuit, if V = 3 volts for E = 1 volt,
efueS, efmeje a-b hej LesJesefveve keâe Jeesušspe Deewj LesJesefveve I = 0; and V = 2 volts for I = 2 A and E = 0,
keâe meceleguÙe ØeeflejesOe nw? when E = 1 volt and I is replaced by a resistor
of 2 ohm, then what is the value of V?
efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW, Ùeefo E = 1 Jeesuš kesâ efueS V = 3
Jeesušme I = 0; Deewj I = 2A kesâ efueS V = 2 Jeesušdme
Deewj E = 0, peye E = 1 Jeesuš Deewj I, 2Ω jefpemšj Éeje
yeoue efoÙee ieÙee, leye V keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?

(a) 5 V and 2 Ω/5 V Deewj 2 Ω

(b) 7.5 V and 2.5 Ω/7.5 V Deewj 2.5 Ω
(c) 4 V and 2 Ω/4 V Deewj 2 Ω (a) 2 volts/2 Jeesušme (b) 4 volts/4 Jeesušme
(d) 3 V and 2.5 Ω/3 V Deewj 2.5 Ω (c) 6 volts/6 Jeesušme (d) 8 volts/8 Jeesušme

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 70 YCT

*722. The Thevenin's equivalent resistance Rth for *725. Norton equivalent to the network N to the left
the given network is./efoS ieS vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS of AB is a current source IN = 4A from B to A,
LesJesefveve keâe meceleguÙe ØeeflejesOe Rth nw- RN = 2Ω. The current through R when it is
connected across AB = 2 A. What is the value
of resistance R?
vesšJeke&â N kesâ efueS veeš&ve leguÙeebkeâ ceW AB kesâ yeeSb Oeeje
Œeesle IN = 4A, A mes B keâer Deesj, RN = 2Ω nw~ ØeeflejesOe
R mes heÇJeeefnle Oeeje 2 A nw peye Ùen AB kesâ S›eâe@me
mebÙeesefpele nw~ ØeeflejesOe R keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?

(a) 1 Ω (b) 2 Ω
(c) 4 Ω (d) infinity/Devevle
(a) 1 Ω (b) 2 Ω
*723. For the network shown. Thevenin's equivalent
voltage source and resistance are, respectively. (c) 3 Ω (d) 4 Ω
efoKeeS ieS vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS, LesJesefveve keâe meceleguÙe 726. The resistance seen from the terminals A and B
Jeesušspe œeesle Deewj ØeeflejesOe ›eâceMe: nw- of the device whose characteristic is shown in
the figure is.
Skeâ Ùegefòeâ kesâ efmejeW A Deewj B keâer Deesj mes osKeves hej
ØeeflejesOe ........... nw, efpemekeâe DeefYeue#eCe veerÛes efÛe$e ceW
efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw-

(a) 1 mV and 10Ω/1 mV Deewj 10Ω

(b) 1 V and 1 kΩ/1 V Deewj 1 kΩ
(c) 1 mV and 1 kΩ/1 mV Deewj 1 kΩ
(d) 1 V and 10 Ω/1 V 10 Ω
*724. The voltage-current relationship feeding the
network N is shown in the below figure. The (a) –5Ω (b) − Ω
Thevenin's equivalent of network N will have 5
VTH and RTH as? 1
(c) (d) 5Ω
veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes efÛe$e ceW vesšJeke&â N keâe Jeesušspe-Oeeje 5
mecyevOe efoÙee ieÙee nw~ vesšJeke&â N keâe LesJesefveve kesâ *727. A wire has a resistance of 6 ohms. It is bent in
meceleguÙe VTH Deewj RTH nesiee? the form of an equilateral triangle. The
effective resistance between any two corners of
the triangle is?
Skeâ leej keâe ØeeflejesOe 6 Deesce nw, Fmes ceesÌ[keâj Skeâ
meceyeeng ef$eYegpe yeveeÙee peelee nw, ef$eYegpe kesâ efkeâmeer oes
keâesves kesâ yeerÛe ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe nw-
(a) 4.7 Ω (b) 6 Ω
(c) 4/3 Ω (d) 3 Ω
(a) 5 V and 25 Ω/5 V Deewj 25 Ω 728. When resistances are connected in parallel, the
(b) – 25 V and 5 Ω/– 25 V Deewj 5 Ω current divides itself in?
(c) 25 V and – 5 Ω/25 V Deewj – 5 Ω peye ØeeflejesOe meceevlej ceW peesÌ[s peeles nw leye Oeeje Deheves
(d) 25 V and 5 Ω/25 V Deewj 5 Ω Deehe keâes ........... ceW yee@šleer nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 71 YCT
(a) direct ratio of resistances 25 Jee@š, 110 Jeesuš Deewj 100 Jee@š 110 Jeesuš hej
ØeeflejesOe kesâ ØelÙe#e Devegheele efveOee&efjle, oes yeuye 220 Jeesuš Deehetefle& mes ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s
(b) inverse ratio resistances/ØeeflejesOe kesâ efJeueesceevegheele nw~ heefjheLe ceW keäÙee nesiee?
(c) inverse ratio of potentials/efJeYeJe kesâ efJeueesceevegheele (a) 100 W bulb will burn out
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR 100 Jee@š keâe yeuye peue peeÙesiee
729. When a d.c. battery of e.m.f. E and internal (b) 25 W bulb will burn out
resistance r delivers maximum power to an 25 Jee@š keâe yeuye peue peeÙesiee
external resistance R, the ratio r/R is? (c) both bulbs will burn out/oesveeW yeuye peue peeÙeWies
E efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue Deewj Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe r Jeeueer (d) no bulb will burn out/keâesF& yeuye veneR peuesiee
Skeâ [er.meer. yewšjer, Skeâ yeenjer ØeeflejesOe R keâes *733. In a circuit, two cells of 1.5 V and 2 V e.m.f.
DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ Yespeleer nw, r/R Devegheele nw– having internal resistances of 1 Ω and 2 Ω
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 1 respectively are connected in parallel so as to
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 1/2 send current in the same direction through an
external resistance of 5 Ω. The circuit current is?
*730. Five identical lamps each of resistance R =
1100 Ω are connected to a 220 V supply as
Skeâ heefjheLe ceW 2 Jeesuš Deewj 1.5 Jeesuš efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ
shown in Fig. The reading of ideal ammeter is? yeue kesâ oes mesue, Fvekesâ Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe ›eâceMe: 1
heeBÛe meceeve uewche, ØelÙeskeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe R = 1100 Ω, Deesce Deewj 2 Deesce nes, meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nw, pees 5 Deesce
220 Jeesuš Deehetefle& mes pegÌ[s nw, pewmee efkeâ efÛe$e ceW kesâ yeenjer ØeeflejesOe ceW meceeve efoMee ceW Oeeje Yespelee nw,
efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw~ DeeoMe& Deceeršj keâe hee"Ÿeebkeâ nw- heefjheLe keâe Oeeje nw-
17 12
(a) A (b) A
5 5
5 5
(c) A (d) A
17 12
734. A standard 40 W tube light is in parallel with a
room heater and both are connected to main
supply line. What will happen when light is
(a) 1/5 A (b) 2/5 A switched off?
(c) 3/5 A (d) 1 A Skeâ ceevekeâ 40 Jeeš šŸetye ueeFš Skeâ keâcejs kesâ neršj
*731. A torch bulb rated at 4.5 W, 1.5 V is connected kesâ meceevlej ceW nw Deewj oesveeW cegKÙe Deehetefle& ueeFve mes pegÌ[s
as shown in Fig. 2.61. The e.m.f. of the cell ngS nw~ peye ØekeâeMe yebo nes peeSiee lees keäÙee nesiee?
needed to make the bulb glow at full intensity is? (a) the heater output will increase
4.5 Jee@š, 1.5 Jeesuš hej efveOee&efjle Skeâ šeÛe& yeuye keâes neršj keâe efveie&le yeÌ{siee
mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw, pewmee efkeâ efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee (b) the heater output will decrease
ieÙee nw~ hetCe& leer›elee hej yeuye keâes peueeves kesâ efueÙes neršj keâe efveie&le Iešsiee
DeeMÙekeâ mesue keâe efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue keäÙee nw? (c) the heater output will remain same
neršj keâe efveie&le meceeve jnsiee
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
*735. The total conductance of two 0.1 S
conductances in series is?
ßesCeer ceW oes 0.1 S ÛeeuekeâlJe keâe kegâue ÛeeuekeâlJe nw?
(a) 0.5 S (b) 0.2 S
(c) 1 S (d) 0.05 S
*736. Three conductances G1 = 0.5 S, G2 = 0.3 S and
(a) 4.5 V (b) 1.5 V G3 = 0.2 S are in parallel. If the total circuit
(c) 2.56 V (d) 13.5 V current is 4 A, current in G1 is?
732. Two bulbs rated at 25 W, 110 V and 100 W, leer ve ÛeeuekeâlJe G1 = 0.5 S, G2 = 0.3 S Deewj G3 = 0.2
110 V are connected in series to a 220 V supply. S meceevlej ceW nw~ Ùeefo heefjheLe keâer kegâue Oeeje 4 SefcheÙej
What will happen to the circuit? nw, G1 ceW Oeeje nw-
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 72 YCT
(a) 1.2 A *741. Two wires of the same metal have the same
(b) 2A length but their cross-sectional areas are in the
(c) 0.8 A ratio 3 : 1. They are joined in series. The
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ keâesF& veneR resistance of the thicker wire is 10Ω. The total
resistance of the combination is?
*737. A resistor in a circuit has a value of 560 Ω. It is
desired to decrease its resistance to 344 Ω. The
meceeve uecyeeF& Je meceeve heoeLe& kesâ oes leej uesefkeâve Gvekesâ
resistance to be connected in parallel with it is? DevegØemLe keâeš keâe #es$eheâue 3:1 kesâ Devegheele ceW nw~ Ùes
heefjheLe ceW Skeâ ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve 560 Deesce nw~ Fmekesâ ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s nw, ceesšs leej keâe ØeeflejesOe 10 Deesce nw,
ØeeflejesOe keâes 344 Deesce lekeâ Ieševes kesâ efueÙes leÙe efkeâÙee mebÙeespeve keâe kegâue ØeeflejesOe nw-
ieÙee nw~ Fmekesâ meeLe meceevlej ceW mebÙeesefpele nesves Jeeuee (a) 5/2 Ω (b) 40/3 Ω
ØeeflejesOe nw– (c) 40 Ω (d) 100 Ω
(a) 740 Ω (b) 1090 Ω 742. A resistor of 5 Ω is connected in series with a
(c) 892 Ω (d) 540 Ω parallel combination of a number of resistors,
*738. For the circuit shown in Fig. the voltage drop each of 5 Ω. If the total resistance of the circuit
across G3 is? is 6 Ω, the number of resistors in parallel is?
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe kesâ efueS efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw, G3 5 Deesce keâe Skeâ ØeeflejesOe ßesCeer ceW keâF& ØeeflejesOe kesâ
kesâ Deej–heej Jeesušspe [^ehe nw- meceevlej mebÙeespeve kesâ meeLe pegÌ[e nw ØelÙeskeâ ØeeflejesOe 5
Deesce nw, heefjheLe keâe kegâue ØeeflejesOe 6 Deesce nw, meceevlej
ceW ØeeflejesOees keâer mebKÙee keäÙee nw?
(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 5
(d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ keâesF& veneR
743. Consider the following statements:
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW:
1. Network theorems are not derivable from
Kirchhoff's law/vesšJeke&â ØecesÙe efkeâjÛee@Heâ kesâ efveÙece mes
GlheVe veneR nw~
2. To get the Norton current, one has to short the
current source/veeš&ve Oeeje Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS, Oeeje
(a) 1.5 V (b) 5.5 V œeesle keâes ueIeg-heefLele keâjles nw~
(c) 7.5 V (d) 2.5 V 3. Thevenin's theorem is suitable for a circuit
739. Conductance can be? involving voltage sources and series
ÛeeuekeâlJe nes mekeâlee nw- connections/LesJesefveve keâe ØecesÙe Skeâ heefjheLe kesâ efueS
(a) positive only/kesâJeue Oeveelcekeâ GheÙegòeâ nw efpemeceW Jeesušspe œeesle Deewj meerjerpe mebÙeespeve
(b) negative only/kesâJeue $e+Ceelcekeâ Meeefceue nw~
(c) positive or negative/Oeveelcekeâ Ùee $e+Ceelcekeâ Which of the above statements is / are correct?

(d) information incomplete/metÛevee DeOetje nw

Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve mee mener nw?
740. The power dissipated in a resistor in terms of (a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 (b) 1 only/1 kesâJeue
its conductance G and current I through it is? (c) 2 only/2 kesâJeue (d) 3 only/3 kesâJeue
Skeâ ØeeflejesOe ceW Meefòeâ #eÙe Fmekesâ ÛeeuekeâlJe G Deewj *744. The Norton's equivalent of circuit shown in
Oeeje I kesâ ™he ceW nw- Fig. 1 is drawn in the circuit shown in Fig. The
2 values of ISC and Req in Fig. 2 are respectively.
(a) I G
(b) I /G ef Ûe$e 1 ceW heefjheLe keâe veeš&ve keâe meceleguÙe efoKeeÙee ieÙee
(c) G2/I pees efÛe$e 2 ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjheLe ceW KeeRÛee ieÙee nw~
(d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ces keâesF& veneR ISC leLee Req keâe ceeve ›eâceMe: nw-

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 73 YCT

efÛe$e (a) ceW veerÛes efoKeeÙes ieÙes efyevee Deeefßele ŒeesleeW Deewj
ØeeflejesOeeW kesâ meeLe Skeâ vesšJeke&â ceW LesJesefveve Jeesušspe VT
Deewj LesJesefveve ØeeflejesOe RT nw~ efÛe$e (b) ceW veeš&ve
meceleguÙe Oeeje IN Deewj ØeeflejesOe RN keäÙee nw~

5 5
(a) A and 2 Ω / A Deewj 2 Ω
2 2
2 2
(b) A and 1Ω / A Deewj 1Ω
5 5
4 12 4 12
(c) A and Ω / A Deewj Ω VT RT RL
5 5 5 5 (a) ,
2 2  RT RL  RT + RL
(d) A and 2 Ω / A Deewj 2 Ω  
5 5  RT + RL 
*745. Applying Norton's Theorem, the Norton's V
equivalent circuit to the left of the terminals a (b) T , RN = RT
and b in the below circuit is having equivalent
current source (IN) and equivalent resistance V
(c) T , RN = RL
(RN) as? RT
veeš&ve keâe ØecesÙe ueeiet keâjkesâ veerÛes heefjheLe ceW efmejeW a (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer veneR
Deewj b kesâ yeeÙeW veeš&ve keâe meceleguÙe heefjheLe keâe meceleguÙe 748. When a source is delivering maximum power
Oeeje œeesle (IN) Deewj meceleguÙe ØeeflejesOe (RN) nw? to a load, the efficiency of the circuit is always.
peye Skeâ œeesle Skeâ uees[ keâes DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ efJeleefjle
keâjlee nw, lees heefjheLe keâer o#elee ncesMee nesiee-
(a) 50%
(b) 75%
(c) 100%
(a) IN = 5 A; RN = 4Ω (d) depends on the circuit parameters
(b) IN = 4 A; RN = 6Ω heefjheLe efmLejebkeâ hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw
(c) IN = 9 A; RN = 1.6Ω *749. If a constant current generator of 5A, shunted
(d) IN = 4 A; RN = 3Ω by its own resistance of 1Ω, delivers maximum
*746. Consider the circuits A and B. For what values power P in watts to its load of RL Ω, then the
respectively of I and R, the circuit B is voltage across the current generator and P are.
equivalent to circuit A? Ùeef o 5A keâe Skeâ efveÙele Oeeje pevejsšj, 1Ω kesâ Deheves
heefjheLe A Deewj B hej efJeÛeej keâjW~ I Deewj R kesâ ›eâceMe: ØeeflejesOe Éeje Mebš efkeâÙee ieÙee nes, RL Ω kesâ Deheves uees[
keäÙee ceeve kesâ efueS, heefjheLe B heefjheLe A kesâ yejeyej nw? keâes Jee@š ceW DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ P ef[ueerJej keâjlee nw leye
Oeeje pevejsšj kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe Deewj P nw-
(a) 5 V and 6.25/5 V Deewj 6.25
(b) 2.5 V and 12.5/2.5 V Deewj 12.5
(c) 5 V and 12.5/5 V Deewj 12.5
(d) 2.5 V and 6.25/2.5 V Deewj 6.25
*750. A practical dc current source provides 20kW to
a 50Ω load and 20kW to a 200 Ω load. The
(a) 3 A, 40 Ω (b) 4 A, 24 Ω maximum power that can be drawn from it, is?
(c) 1 A, 100 Ω (d) 2 A, 100 Ω Skeâ ØeÙeesefiekeâ [ermeer Oeeje œeesle 20kW, 50Ω uees[ keâes
747. A network with independent sources and
Deewj 20kW, 200 Ω uees[ keâes Øeoeve keâjlee nw~
resistors shown below in fig (a) has a Thevenin
voltage VT and Thevenin resistance RT. What DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ efpemes Fmemes efueÙee pee mekeâlee nes, nw-
are the Norton equivalent current IN and (a) 22.5 kW (b) 30.3 kW
resistance RN in the Fig. (b)? (c) 40.5 kW (d) 45.0 kW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 74 YCT
*751. In the circuit shown below, the maximum *755. The current in the given circuit with a
power absorbed by the load resistance RL is? dependent voltage source is?/Skeâ Deeefßele Jeesušspe
veerÛes efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe ceW, uees[ ØeeflejesOe RL Éeje œees le kesâ meeLe efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW Oeeje nw?
DeJeMeesef<ele DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ nw?

(a) 10 A (b) 12 A
(c) 14 A (d) 16 A
(a) 1.5 W (b) 2.25 W *756. Consider the circuit as shown in the figure,
(c) 2.5 W (d) 5 W which has a current dependent current source.
*752. In the given circuit, the value of R required for V
The value 2 is?
the transfer of maximum power to the load V1
having a resistance of 3Ω is? heefjheLe hej efJeÛeej keâjW pewmee efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw,
efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW, 3Ω kesâ ØeeflejesOe Jeeues uees[ keâes V
efpemeceW Oeeje, Deeefßele Oeeje œeesle nw~ 2 keâe ceeve nw?
DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ mLeeveevleefjle keâjves kesâ efueS, V1
DeeJeMÙekeâ R keâe ceeve nw?

(a) 1 (b) 2
1+ α α
(c) (d)
(a) zero/MetvÙe (b) 3 Ω 2 + α 2 + α
757. Tellegen's theorem (as applicable to any
(c) 6 Ω (d) infinity/Devevle lumped dc network, regardless of the elements
*753. What is the value of resistance R which will being linear or non-linear, time varying or time
allow maximum power dissipation in the circuit? invariant) implies that?
ØeeflejesOe R keâe ceeve keäÙee nw pees heefjheLe ceW DeefOekeâlece šsueerieve keâe ØecesÙe (pewmee efkeâ efkeâmeer Yeer uech[ [ermeer
Meefòeâ DeheJÙeÙe keâjsiee? vesšJeke&â hej ueeiet neslee nw, ueerefveÙej Ùee vee@ve-ueerefveÙej
DeJeÙeJees keâer hejJeen efkeâS efyevee, šeFce Jewefjbie Ùee šeFce
FveJewefjÙeWš) keâe DeLe& nw efkeâ?
(a) sum of the voltage drops across each network
element is equal to the total voltage applied to
the network/ØelÙeskeâ vesšJeke&â DeJeÙeJe kesâ S›eâe@me
Jeesušspe [^ehe vesšJeke&â hej ueeiet kegâue Jeesušspe kesâ yejeyej
neslee nw~
(a) 11.66 Ω (b) 10.33 Ω (b) sum of the powers taken by all elements, in
(c) 8.33 Ω (d) 7.66 Ω the networks within the constraints imposed
*754. A load is connected to an active network. At the by KCL and KVL is zero/KCL Deewj KVL Éeje
terminals to which the load is connected, Rth = ueieeS ieS yeeOeeDeeW kesâ Yeerlej vesšJeke&â ceW meYeer DeJeÙeJeeW
10Ω and Vth = 60 V. Then maximum power Éeje efueS ieS MeefòeâÙeeW keâe Ùeesie MetvÙe neslee nw~
supplied to the load is? (c) sum of the currents meeting at any node is not
Skeâ uees[ Skeâ meef›eâÙe vesšJeke&â mes pegÌ[e ngDee nw~ efmejeW the same as the current in that mesh/efkeâmeer Yeer
hej efpemekesâ meeLe uees[ pegÌ[e ngDee nw, Rth = 10Ω Deewj vees[ hej efceueves Jeeueer OeejeDeeW keâe Ùeesie Gme cesMe ceW Oeeje
kesâ meceeve veneR nesleer nw~
Vth = 60 V nw~ efHeâj uees[ keâes DeefOekeâlece efyepeueer keâer
(d) it is applicable to a branch which is not
Deehetefle& keâer peeleer nw? coupled to other branches of the network/Ùen
(a) 360 W (b) 90 W Skeâ yeÇevÛe hej ueeiet neslee nw pees otmejs yeÇevÛe kesâ vesšJeke&â
(c) 60 W (d) 10 W hej Ùegice vener neslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 75 YCT
758. For a linear network containing generators and The above statement is associated with ______
impedances, the ratio of the voltage to the theorem.
current produced in other loop is the same as Ghejesòeâ keâLeve............ØecesÙe kesâ meeLe pegÌ[e ngDee nw~
the ratio of voltage and current obtained if the
(a) Thevenin's /LesJesefveve
position of the voltage source and the ammeter
measuring the current are interchanged. The (b) Millman's/efceuecewve
network theorem is known as? (c) Norton/vee@š&ve
pesvejsšme& Deewj ØeefleyeeOee Jeeues Skeâ jsKeerÙe vesšJeke&â kesâ (d) reciprocity/jsefmeheÇesefmešer
efueS, Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje keâe Devegheele DevÙe uethe ceW 762. The theorem that enables a number of voltage
GlheVe Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje kesâ Devegheele kesâ meceeve nw~ Ùeefo (or current) sources to be combined directly
Jeesušspe œeesle keâer efmLeefle Deewj Oeeje keâes ceeheves Jeeuee into a single voltage (or current) source is the
Deceeršj yeoue efoS ieS~ vesšJeke&â ØecesÙe kesâ ™he ceW peevee ______ theorem.
peelee nw? ØecesÙe pees keâF& Jeesušspe (Ùee Oeeje) ŒeesleeW keâes meerOes Skeâ
(a) Millman's theorem/efceuecewve keâe ØecesÙe Jeesušspe (Ùee Oeeje) œeesle ceW peesÌ[lee nw, Jen .................
(b) Norton's theorem/veeš&ve keâe ØecesÙe ØecesÙe nw~
(c) Tellegen's theorem/šsueerieve keâe ØecesÙe (a) compensation/keâchevemesMeve
(d) Reciprocity theorem/jsmeerØeesefmešer ØecesÙe (b) reciprocity/jsefmeheÇesefmešer
759. In a balanced wheatstone bridge, if the (c) Millman's/efceuecewve keâe
positions of detector and source are (d) Maxwell's/cewkeämeyesue keâe
interchanged, the bridge will still remain
763. Millman's theorem yields equivalent.
balanced. This inference can be drawn from.
meblegefuele Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe ceW, Ùeefo ef[[skeäšj Deewj œeesle efceuecewve keâe ØecesÙe meceleguÙe ....... Øeoeve keâjlee nw~
keâer efmLeefle Deeheme ceW yeoue oer peeleer nw efyeÇpe DeYeer Yeer (a) impedance or resistance/ØeefleyeeOee Ùee ØeeflejesOe
meblegefuele jnsiee~ Ùen efve<keâ<e& .......... mes efvekeâue mekeâlee nw~ (b) current source/Oeeje œeesle
(a) reciprocity theorem/jsefmeØeesefmešer ØecesÙe (c) voltage source/Jeesušspe œeesle
(b) duality theorem/[dÙetefuešer ØecesÙe (d) voltage or current source/Jeesušspe Ùee Oeeje œeesle
(c) compensation theorem/keâchesvemesMeve ØecesÙe 764. Substitution theorem applies to?
(d) equivalence theorem/FkeäJeeryewueWme ØecesÙe meyemšeršŸetMeve ØecesÙe...........ceW ueeiet neslee nw?
760. Which of the following theorems can be applied (a) linear networks/ueerefveÙej vesšJeke&â
to any networks. linear or nonlinear, active or (b) non-linear networks/DejsKeerÙe vesšJeke&â
passive, time-variant or time-invariant?
(c) linear time-invariant networks
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee ØecesÙe efkeâmeer Yeer vesšJeke&â hej ueeiet
jsKeerÙe šeFce-FveJewefjbÙeš vesšJeke&â
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ jsKeerÙe Ùee DejsKeerÙe, meef›eâÙe Ùee
(d) any networks/keâesF& Yeer vesšJeke&â
efveef<›eâÙe, šeFce JewefjbÙeš Ùee šeFce FveJewefjÙesš?
*765. The total power developed in the circuit, if V0 =
(a) Thevenin theorem/LesJesefveve ØecesÙe 125 V is?
(b) Norton theorem/veeš&ve ØecesÙe heefjheLe ceW GlheVe kegâue Meefòeâ nw, Ùeefo V0 = 125 V nw?
(c) Tellegen theorem/šsueerieve ØecesÙe
(d) Superposition theorem/meghejheesefpeMeve ØecesÙe
761. The common voltage across parallel branches
with different voltage source can be computed
from the relation?
efJeefYeVe Jeesušlee œeesle mes Ùegòeâ meceevlej MeeKeeDeeW kesâ
Deej-heej keâe@ceve Jeesušlee, efvecve mebyebOe mes heefjkeâefuele
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ (a) 0 watt/0 Jee@š
V1 V2 V3 (b) 4000 watts/4000 Jee@šdme
+ +
R1 R 2 R 3 (c) 8000 watts/8000 Jee@šdme
1/R1 | 1/R 2 + 1/R 3 (d) 16000 watts/16000 Jee@šdme
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 76 YCT
*766. In given figure Ra, Rb and Rc are 20Ω, 10Ω and *769. In the given circuit, each resistor has a value
10Ω respectively. The resistances R1, R2 and R3 equal to 1Ω. What is the equivalent resistance
in ohms of an equivalent star-connection are. across the terminals a and b?
efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW Ra, Rb Deewj Rc ›eâceMe: 20Ω, 10Ω efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW, ØelÙeskeâ ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve 1Ω kesâ
yejeyej nw~ efmejeW a Deewj b kesâ S›eâe@me meceleguÙe ØeeflejesOe
Deewj 10Ω nw~ Skeâ meceleguÙe mšej keâveskeäMeve kesâ ØeeflejesOe
keäÙee nw?
R1, R2 Deewj R3 Deesce ceW nQ~

1 1
(a) Ω (b) Ω
6 3
(a) 2.5, 5, 5 (b) 5, 2.5, 5
9 8
(c) 5, 5, 2.5 (d) 2.5, 5, 2.5 (c) Ω (d) Ω
20 15
*767. Consider the star network shown in figure. The
*770. Consider a delta connection of resistors and its
resistance between terminals A and B with C
equivalent star connection as shown below. If
open is 6Ω, between terminals B and C with A all the elements of the delta connection are
open is 11Ω, and between terminals C and A scaled by a factor K, K > 0, the elements of the
with B open is 9Ω. Then- corresponding star equivalent will be scaled by
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS mšej vesšJeke&â hej efJeÛeej keâjW~ C a factor?
ØeeflejesOeeW kesâ Skeâ [suše keâveskeäMeve hej efJeÛeej keâjW Deewj
Keguee kesâ meeLe efmeje A Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe ØeeflejesOe 6Ω nw,
Fmekeâe meceleguÙe mšej keâveskeäMeve veerÛes efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw~
A Keguee kesâ meeLe efmeje B Deewj C kesâ yeerÛe ØeeflejesOe 11Ω Ùeefo [suše keâveskeäMeve kesâ meYeer DeJeÙeJe Skeâ Hewâkeäšj K
nw Deewj B Keguee kesâ meeLe efmeje C Deewj A kesâ yeerÛe kesâ Éeje yeÌ{eÙee peelee nw, K > 0, mebyebefOele mšej mecekeâ#e
ØeeflejesOe 9Ω nw~ leye- kesâ DeJeÙeJe Skeâ keâejkeâ........... Éeje yeÌ{eÙee peeÙesiee?

(a) RA = 4Ω, RB = 2Ω, RC = 5Ω (a) K2 (b) K

(b) RA = 2Ω, RB = 4Ω, RC = 7Ω (c) 1/K (d) K
(c) RA = 3Ω, RB = 3Ω, RC = 4Ω *771. A two –port device is defined by the following
pair of equations.
(d) RA = 5Ω, RB = 1Ω, RC = 10Ω
Skeâ oes-heesš& ef[JeeFme keâes meceerkeâjCeeW keâer efvecveefueefKele
768. If the three resistors in a delta network are all
peesÌ[er Éeje heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~
equal in values i.e., RDELTA , then the value of
the resultant resistors in each branch of the i1 = 2v1 + v2 and i2 = v1 + v2
Its impedance parameters (z11, z12, z21, z22) are
equivalent star network i.e., RSTAR will be equal
given by.
to./Ùeefo [suše vesšJeke&â ceW leerve ØeeflejesOeeW kesâ meceeve ceeve
Fmekesâ ØeefleyeeOee efmLejebkeâ (z11, z12, z21, z22) ......... Éeje
R[suše nw, efHeâj meceleguÙe mšej vesšJeke&â keâer ØelÙeskeâ yeÇevÛe efoS ieS nw~
ceW heefjCeecemJe™he ØeeflejesOeeW keâe ceeve, Rmšej yejeyej nesiee-  2 1  1 −1 
(a)   (b)  
R DELTA R [suše
/ (b)
R DELTA R [suše
/ 1 1  −1 2 
3 3 2 2 1 1   2 − 1
(c)   (d) 
(c) 2R DELTA / 2R [suše (d) R DELTA / R [suše 1 2  −1 1

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 77 YCT

V(s) s + 3 1. is linear/jsKeerÙe nw
*772. For the network function = , the v
I(s) 2s + 3 2. contains bilateral elements
(t) at t = 0 for the relaxed circuit with unit step efÉhe#eerÙe DeJeÙeJees keâes Meeefceue keâjlee nw
i (t), is?
3. has high impedance/GÛÛe ØeefleyeeOee nw
V(s) s + 3
vesšJeke&â HebâkeäMeve kesâ efueS, = , Ùetefveš mšshe 4. is resonant/vesšJeke&â jspeesvewš nw
I(s) 2s + 3
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
i (t), kesâ meeLe efjuewkeäme[ heefjheLe kesâ efueS t = 0 hej v (t) nw?
Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve mee mener nw?
(a) 0.5 V (b) 1.0 V
(c) 1.5 V (d) 2.0 V (a) 1 and 2 only/1 Deewj 2 kesâJeue
*773. The linear network as shown has only resistors. (b) 1, 3 and 4 only/1, 3 Deewj 4 kesâJeue
If I1 = 8A and I2 = 12 A; V is found to be 80 V. (c) 2 only/2 kesâJeue
V = 0 when I1 = – 8 A and I2 = 4A. Then the
value of V when I1 = I2 = 10A, is? (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1, 2, 3 Deewj 4
efoKeeS ieS jsKeerÙe vesšJeke&â ceW kesâJeue jefpemšme& nw~ Ùeefo *776. A two –port network is defined by the relation?
I1 = 8A Deewj I2 = 12 A; Jeesušspe 80 V heeÙee peelee nw~ Skeâ oes-heesš& vesšJeke&â mebyebOe Éeje heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw?
V = 0 peye I1 = – 8 A Deewj I2 = 4A peye I1 = I2 = I1 = 5V1 + 3 V2
10A, lees V keâe ceeve nw? I2 = 2V1 – 7V2
The value of Z12 is
Z12 keâe ceeve nw?
(a) 3 (b) –3
3 2
(c) (d)
41 31
(a) 25 V (b) 50 V *777. A two – port network is characterized by?
(c) 75 V (d) 100 V Skeâ oes-heesš& vesšJeke&â?
*774. The parameters of the circuit shown in the I1 = 3V1 + 4V2 ; 6 I2 = 2V1 – 4V2
figure are Ri = 1 MΩ, R0 = 10Ω, A = 106 V/V. If Its A, B, C and D parameters are, respsectively?
Vi = 1 µV, the output voltage, input impedance I1 = 3V1 + 4V2 ; 6 I2 = 2V1 – 4V2 Éeje DeefYeue#eefCekeâ
and output impedance respectively are?
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efmLejebkeâ Ri = 1 MΩ, nw~ Fmekesâ A, B, C Deewj D efmLejebkeâ ›eâceMe: nw?
R0 = 10Ω, A = 106 V/V nw~ Ùeefo Vi = 1 µV DeeGšhegš (a) 2, 3, 6 and 9/2, 3, 6 Deewj 9
Jeesušspe, Fvehegš ØeefleyeeOee Deewj DeeGšhegš ØeefleyeeOee (b) 2, –3, 10 and –9/2, –3, 10 Deewj –9
›eâceMe: nw? (c) 3, 2, – 9 and 6/3, 2, – 9 Deewj 6
(d) 3, –2, 9 and – 6/3, –2, 9 Deewj – 6
*778. In a linear network, a 1Ω resistor consumes a
power of 4W when voltage source of 4V is
applied to the entire circuit, and 16W when the
voltage source is replaced by and 8V source.
The power consumed by the 1Ω resistor when
(a) 1 V, ∞, 10Ω. (b) 1 V, 0, 10Ω. 12V is applied will be?
(c) 1 V, 0, ∞ (d) 10V, ∞, 10Ω Skeâ jsKeerÙe vesšJeke&â ceW, 1Ω jefpemšj 4W keâe Meefòeâ
*775. Consider the following statements? Kehele keâjlee nw peye 4V keâe Jeesušspe œeesle hetjs heefjheLe
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
keâes efoÙee peelee nw, Deewj peye Jeesušspe œeesle 8V œeesle
The transfer impedances at a 2-port network
remain constant when the position of excitation Éeje yeoue efoÙee peelee nw, lees 16W Kehele keâjlee nw~
and response are interchanged if the network? peye 12V efoÙee peelee nw lees 1Ω jefpemšj Éeje Meefòeâ
2-heesš& vesšJeke&â hej mLeeveevlejCe ØeefleyeeOee efveÙele jnlee Kehele nesiee?
nw peye SkeämeeFšsMeve Deewj efjmheeBme Deoue-yeoue efoS (a) 0 W (b) 20 W
peeles nw Ùeefo vesšJeke&â? (c) 36 W (d) 144 W
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 78 YCT
*779. A 2-port network is represented by the
following equations?
Skeâ 2-heesš& vesšJeke&â efvecveefueefKele meceerkeâjCeeW Éeje
efve™efhele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw?
V1 = 60 I1 + 20 I2
V2 = 20 I1 + 40 I2
The ABCD parameters of the above network 3 + j 4 2 + j 2 3 + j 4 3 + j 4
(a)  (b) 
would be?
2 + j 2 5 + j 6  3 + j 4 5 + j 6 
Thej vesšJeke&â keâe ABCD efmLejebkeâ nesiee?
2 + j 2 3 + j 4 3 + j 4 2 + j 2 
 1 100 3  (c)   (d)  
(a)  2
20  (b)   2 + j 2 5 + j6 1 + j 2 3 + j 4 
  2 1 
3 100   783. The lattice circuit has the following impedances
20 
ZA = 3 + 4j, ZB = 3 – j4. Then the Z-parameters
3 100 would be?
100 20 
(c)   (d)  1 
uew efšme heefjheLe ceW efvecveefueefKele ØeefleyeeOee nw ZA = 3 +
6 3  2 
 20  4j, ZB = 3 – j4, leye Z-efmLejebkeâ nesiee?
*780. A one –port network consists of a capacitor of 2
F in parallel with a resistor of Ω. Then the
input admittance is?
Skeâ Skeâ-heesš& vesšJeke&â Ω kesâ jefpemšj kesâ meeLe
meceevlej ceW 2 F keâe mebOeeefj$e Meeefceue keâjlee nw~ leye
 3 + j4 0  3 − j4 
efveJesMe ØeJesMÙelee nw? (a)   (b)  
 0 3 + j4   − j4 3 
(a) 2s + 3 (b) 3s + 2
2 1 s  3 − j4 3   − j4 3 
(c) + (d) + 3 (c)   (d)  
s 3 2  3 3+ j4   3 + j4 
*781. The Z-parameters of the 2-port network as *784. For the two-port network shown in the figure
shown below are? the z-matrix given by?
2-heesš& vesšJeke&â keâe Z-efmLejebkeâ pewmee efkeâ veerÛes efoKeeÙee efoKeeS ieS efÛe$e ceW oes-heesš& vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS Z-DeeJÙetn
ieÙee nw? efoÙee ieÙee nw?

11 4 6 4  Z1 Z1 + Z 2   Z1 Z1 
5   5
(a)   (b)  Z + Z
(a) 
 (b) 
 Z
 1 + Z 2 Z 2   1 2 Z 2 
4 6  4 11 
 5 
5  5 5   Z1 Z2  Z Z1 
(c)   (d)  1
Z2 Z1 + Z 2   Z1 Z1 + Z 2 
4 6 4 4
5 5 5 5 *785. For the two-prot network, the impedance
(c)   (d)  
11 4 11 6 Z Z12 
parameter matrix [Z] =  11  is?
 5 
5 
5 
5  21 Z 22 
*782. The Z-parameter matrix of the two port oes-heesš& vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS, ØeefleyeeOee efmLejebkeâ
network as shown below is?
veerÛes efoKeeÙes ieÙes 2-heesš& vesšJeke&â keâe Z-efmLejebkeâ Z Z12 
DeeJÙetn [Z] =  11  nw?
DeeyÙetn nw?  Z 21 Z 22 
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 79 YCT
peye oes-heesš& vesšJeke&â keâe heesš&-1 ueIeg heefjheLe nw, I1 =
4 I2 Deewj V2 = 0.5 I2, lees efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee
melÙe nw?

60Ω 100Ω   40Ω 100Ω 

(a)  (b) 
 40Ω 60Ω  60Ω 40Ω 
60Ω 40Ω   40Ω 100Ω 
(c)   (d) 
 40Ω 100Ω  100Ω 60Ω 
*786. For the circuit shown in the given figure, when (a) Y11 = 4 mho (b) Y12 = 8 mho
the voltage E is 10V, the current i is 1A. If the (c) Y21 = 16 mho (d) Y22 = 0.25 mho
applied voltage across terminal C-D is 100V, *790. For the two-port network as shown below, Y12
the short circuit current flowing through the is equal to?
terminal A-B will be? veerÛes efoKeeÙes ieÙes efÛe$e ceW, oes-heesš& vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS
efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS, peye Y12 yejeyej nw?
Jeesušspe E, 10V, Oeeje i 1A nw~ Ùeefo efmeje C-D kesâ
S›eâe@me efoÙee ieÙee Jeesušspe 100V nw, efmeje A-B kesâ
ceeOÙece mes ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje nesieer?

 YY 
(a) 0.1A (b) 1A (a) YA + YB (b) YC +  A B 
(c) 10A (d) 100A  YA + YB 
*787. A two-port network is described by the (c) –YC (d) YC
following equations *791. For the 2-port network shown in the figure,
Skeâ oes-heesš& vesšJeke&â keâes efvecve meceerkeâjCeeW Éeje JeefCe&le what is the value of parameter h21?
efkeâÙee ieÙee nw efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS 2-heesš& vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS efmLejebkeâ
h21 keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?
V1 = 50 I1 + 20 I2
V2 = 30 I1 + 10 I2
Then, which one of the following is not correct?
lees, efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee mener veneR nw?
(a) Z12 = 20 (b) Y12 = 0.2
(c) h12 = 2.0 (d) A = 25 (a) 1.5 (b) –0.4
*788. A 2-port network is defined by the relation (c) 0.6 (d) –0.5
Skeâ oes-heesš& vesšJeke&â kesâ mebyebOe nw- *792. In the two-port network shown, which of the
following is correct?
3 1 1 1
V1 = I1 − I 2 , V2 = − I1 + I 2 . oes-heesš& vesšJeke&â efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw, efvecve ces mes keâewve mee
4 4 2 2
mener nw?
Then y12 is–
leye y12 nw?
1 1
(a) ℧ (b) − ℧
2 2
(c) 1℧ (d) −1℧
*789. When port-1 of a two-port network is short
circuited, I1 = 4 I2 and V2 = 0.5 I2, then which of (a) ib = ic (b) ia = ib
the following is true? (c) ic = id (d) both (b) and (c)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 80 YCT

*793. For the two port network as shown below, the
parameters h11 and h21 are?
veerÛes efoKeeÙes ieÙes oes heesš& vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS efmLejebkeâ h11
Deewj h21 nw?

(αR3 + R2 ) (1 − α )R3
(a) − (b)
R2 + R3 R2 + R3
(1 − α )R2 R2
(c) (d)
R2 + R3 R2 + R3
(a) 1Ω and 2Ω/1Ω Deewj 2Ω *797. The h parameters for a two–port network are
defined by
(b) 2 Ω and 1/2 Ω Deewj 1
oes heesš& vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS h efmLejebkeâ heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee
1 1
(c) 1 and Ω/1 Deewj Ω ieÙee nw
2 2
 E1   h11 h12   I1 
1 1
(d) Ω and 1/ Ω Deewj 1  I  = h h   E 
2 2  2   21 22   2 
*794. The terminal voltage and currents of a two- For the two-port network shown in figure, the
port network are indicated on the below figure. value of h12 is given by
If the two-port is reciprocal, then? efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS oes heesš& vesšJeke&â Éeje h12 keâe ceeve
Skeâ oes-heesš& vesšJeke&â kesâ efmeje Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje veerÛes efoÙee ieÙee nw
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ Ùeefo oes-heesš& heejmheefjkeâ
nw, lees?

(a) 0.125 (b) 0.167

(c) 0.625 (d) 0.25
*798. If an ideal transformer has an inductive load
element at port 2 as shown in the figure below,
the equivalent inductance at port 1 is
Z12 1 veerÛes efoKeeÙes ieÙes efÛe$e ceW Ùeefo Skeâ DeeoMe& š^ebmeHeâece&j
(a) = Z122 − Z11 . Z 22 (b) Z12 =
Y12 Y22
ceW heesš& 2 hej Skeâ DeJeÙeJe ØesjkeâlJe Yeej nw, lees heesš& 1
(c) h12 = −h21 (d) AD – BC = 0 hej meceleguÙe ØesjkeâlJe nw-
*795. The h parameters h11 and h22 are related to z
and y parameters as
h efmLejebkeâ h11 Deewj h22, z Deewj y efmLejebkeâ mes mebyebefOele
nw, pewmes-
(a) h11 = z11 and h22 = 1/z22
(b) h11 = z11 and h22 = y22 (a) nL (b) n2L
(c) h11=1/y11 and h22 = 1/z22
n n2
(d) h11 = 1/ y11 and h22 = y22 (d) (c)
*796. Consider the two-port network as shown. The 799. Consider the following standard symbols for
hybrid parameter h12 is two-port parameters
oes heesš& vesšJeke&â hej efJeÛeej keâjW pewmee efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee oes heesš& efmLejebkeâ kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele ceevekeâ ØeleerkeâeW
ieÙee nw~ neFefyeÇ[ efmLejebkeâ h12 nw hej efJeÛeej keâjW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 81 YCT
1. h12 and h21 are dimensionless
h12 Deewj h21 efyeceenerve nw
2. h11 and B have dimensions of ohms
h11 Deewj B keâer efyecee Deesce nw
3. BC is dimensionless/BC efyeceenerve nw
4. C is dimensionless/C efyeceenerve nw (a) 0 (b) 1
Which of the above are correct? (c) 2 (d) 3
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mee mener nQ? *804. For a two-port symmetrical bilateral network,
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only/1, 2 Deewj 3 kesâJeue if A = 3 and B = 1Ω, the value of parameter C
will be
(b) 1, 2 and 4 only/1, 2 Deewj 4 kesâJeue
Skeâ oes heesš& meceefcele efÉhe#eerÙe vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS A = 3
(c) 3 and 4 only/3 Deewj 4 kesâJeue
Deewj B = 1Ω lees efmLejebkeâ C keâe ceeve nesiee
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1, 2, 3 Deewj 4
(a) 4 S (b) 6 S
*800. For a two-port reciprocal network, the three (c) 8 S (d) 16 S
transmission parameters are A = 4, B = 7 and C
*805. For parallel plate transmission line at very high
= 5. What is the value of D?
frequency characteristic impedance (Z0) is real
oes heesš& heejmheefjkeâ vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS leerve š^ebmeefceMeve and is given by
efmLejebkeâ A = 4, B = 7 Deewj C = 5 nw~ D keâe ceeve keäÙee nw? meceevlej huesš š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve kesâ efueS yengle GÛÛe
(a) 9.5 (b) 9.0 DeeJe=efòe keâer DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee (Z0) JeemleefJekeâ
(c) 8.5 (d) 8.0 nw Deewj Fmekesâ Éeje oer ieF& nw
*801. The condition for reciprocity for a two-port
transmission network is expressed by (a) Z 0 =
oes heesš& š^ebmeefceMeve vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS heejmheefjkeâlee kesâ L
efueS Mele& Fmekesâ Éeje JÙeòeâ keâer peeleer nw (b) Z 0 =
 A B  A D
(a)  =0 (b)   =1 L
C D  B C  (c) Z 0 =
A C  A B
(c)   =0 (d)   =1 (d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& Yeer veneR
B D  C D 
*806. RA and RB are the input resistances of circuits
802. A passive 2-port network is in a steady-state. as shown below. The circuits extend infinitely
Compared to its input, the steady state output in the direction shown. Which one of the
can never offer following statements is TRUE?
Skeâ efveef<›eâÙe oes heesš& vesšJeke&â Skeâ efmLej efmLeefle ceW nw, veerÛes efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efveJesMe ØeeflejesOe RA and
Fmekesâ efveJesMe keâer leguevee ceW efmLej DeJemLee efveie&le keâYeer RB nQ, heefjheLe kesâ efoKeeÙes ieÙes efoMee ceW Devevle ™he mes
Yeer Dee@Heâj veneR keâj mekeâlee nw- yeÌ{eles nw lees efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe
(a) higher voltage/GÛÛe Jeesušspe nw?
(b) lower impedance/keâce ØeefleyeeOee
(c) greater power/DeefOekeâ Meefòeâ
(d) better regulation/yesnlej efJeefveÙeceve
803. Consider the following network : What is the
minimum number of states of the network
given above in order to determine the complete
output of the network overall future time for a
given input?
efvecveefueefKele vesšJeke&â hej efJeÛeej keâjW, efkeâmeer efoÙes ieS
efveJesMe kesâ efueS hetJe& De«e meceÙe ceW vesšJeke&â keâe hetje
Glheeove efveOee&efjle keâjves kesâ efueS hej efoS ieS vesšJeke&â (a) RA = RB (b) RA = RB = 0
keâer DeJemLee keâer vÙetvelece mebKÙee nw? (c) RA < RB (d) RB = RA / (1 + RA)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 82 YCT

*807. Two identical T-sections, such as one shown 810. According to Kirchhoff's voltage law, the
below are connected in series. What is the y11 of algebraic sum of all IR drops and e.m.fs. in any
the combination? closed loop of a network is always
oes meceeve šer meskeäMeve pewmes efkeâ veerÛes efoKeeÙee ieÙee Skeâ efkeâjÛee@Heâ kesâ Jeesušspe efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej Skeâ vesšJeke&â kesâ
ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s ngS nQ~ mebÙeespeve keâe y11 keäÙee nw? efkeâmeer yevo uethe ceW meYeer IR [^e@hme Deewj efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ
yeue keâe yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Ùeesie ncesMee..........neslee nw~
(a) negative/$e+Ceelcekeâ
(b) positive/ Oeveelcekeâ
(c) determined by battery e.m.fs.
(a) 11/240 ℧ (b) 22/240 ℧ yewšjer Éeje efveOee&efjle efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue
(c) 11/360 ℧ (d) 22/120 ℧
(d) zero/MetvÙe
*808. The impedance Z (s) in the circuit shown is
efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe ceW ØeefleyeeOee Z nw 811. Kirchhoff's current law is applicable to only
efkeâjÛee@Heâ keâe Oeeje efveÙece kesâJeue.......... kesâ efueS ueeiet
neslee nw~
(a) junction in a network/Skeâ vesšJeke&â ceW mebefOe
(b) closed loops in a network/Skeâ vesšJeke&â ceW yebo uethe
(c) electric circuits/efJeÅegle heefjheLe

  (d) electronic circuits/Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ heefjheLe

 s+  812. Kirchhoff's voltage law is related to
1 L
(a)   efkeâjÛee@Heâ keâe Jeesušlee efveÙece..................mes mecyeefvOele
C  s2 +  R  s + 1 
   neslee nw–
L LC 
 1  (a) junction currents/mebefOe OeejeDeeW
1  RC  (b) battery e.m.fs./ yewšjer efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue
(b)  
L  s2 + 1 s + 1  (c) IR drops/ DeeF&.Deej. [^eHme
 RC LC 
(d) both (b) and (c)/ oesvees (b) SJeb (c)
 R 
s+ 813. Thevenin resistance Rth is found
1  L 
(c)  1 1  LewJesefveve ØeeflejesOe Rth heeÙee peelee nw–
L  s2 + s+ 
 RC LC  (a) by removing voltage sources along with their
internal resistances/Jeesušlee œeesleesb keâes Gvekesâ meeLe
 1 
 s+  Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOeeW keâes nšekeâj
1 RC
(d)   (b) by short-circuiting the given two terminals
C  s2 +  R  s + 1 
   efoÙes ieÙes oes efmejes keâes ueIeg heefLele keâjkesâ
L LC 
809. Kirchhoff's current law states that (c) between any two 'open' terminals
efkeâjÛee@Heâ keâe Oeeje efveÙece JeCe&ve keâjlee nw efkeâ– efkeâmeer Yeer oes Kegues efmejes kesâ yeerÛe
(a) net current flow at the junction is (d) between same open terminals as for Eth
positive/meefvOe hej kegâue Oeeje ØeJeen Oeveelcekeâ nesleer nw Eth kesâ efueS meceeve Kegues efmejes kesâ yeerÛe
(b) algebraic sum of the currents meeting at the 814. An ideal voltage source should have
junction is zero/mebefOe hej efceueves Jeeueer OeejeDeeW keâe Skeâ DeeoMe& Jeesušspe œeesle nesvee ÛeeefnÙes–
yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Ùeesie MetvÙe neslee nw~ (a) large value of e.m.f.
(c) no current can leave the junction without
DeefOekeâ efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue ceeve keâe
some current entering it./keâesF& Yeer Oeeje mebefOe keâes
(b) small value of e.m.f.
efyevee FmeceW ØeJesMe kesâ ÚesÌ[ veneR mekeâlee nw
(d) total sum of currents meeting at the junction keâce efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue ceeve keâe
is zero/mebefOe hej efceueves Jeeueer kegâue OeejeDeeW keâe Ùeesie (c) zero source resistance/ MetvÙe Œeesle ØeeflejesOe
MetvÙe neslee nw (d) infinite source resistance/Devevle œeesle ØeeflejesOe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 83 YCT
815. For a voltage source (a) a vertical line/Skeâ TOJee&Oej jsKee
Skeâ Jeesušspe œeesle kesâ efueÙes– (b) a horizontal line/Skeâ #eweflepe jsKee
(a) terminal voltage is always lower than source (c) a diagonal line at 45° to either axes extending
e.m.f./efmeje Jeesušlee meowJe œeesle efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue mes from I quadrant to III quadrant
keâce nesleer nw 45° hej Skeâ eflejÚer jsKee pees 1st Ûeleg&LeebMe mes 3rd
(b) terminal voltage cannot be higher than source
ÛelegLeeËMe lekeâ Hewâueer nes
(d) a diagonal line at 45° to either axes extending
e.m.f./efmeje Jeesušlee œeesle efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue mes DeefOekeâ
from IV quadrant to II quadrant./45° hej Skeâ
vener nes mekeâleer nw eflejÚer jsKee pees IV Ûeleg&LeebMe mes II Ûeleg&LeebMe lekeâ Hewâueer
(c) the source e.m.f. and terminal voltage are nes
equal/œeesle efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue leLee efmeje Jeesušlee *820. Unit step function has value, when t > 0
meceeve nesleer nw peye t > 0, lees mšshe Ùetefveš HebâkeäMeve keâe ceeve neslee nw–
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) u(t) = 1 (b) u(t) = 0
816. A non-linear network does not satisfy (c) u(t) = ∞ (d) any value
Skeâ iewj-jsKeerÙe vesšJeke&â mebleg° veneR keâjlee nw– *821. A pure resistor of 5 ohms has an applied
voltage V(t) given by
(a) homogeneity condition/Skeâ™helee keâer efmLeefle
Skeâ 5 Ω kesâ Megæ ØeeflejesOe hej ueieeÙee ieÙee Jeesušspe
(b) super-position condition/DeOÙeejesheCe keâer efmLeefle V(t) efoÙee ieÙee nw–
(c) both homogeneity as well as super-position
 ( ωt)2 ( ωt)4 ( ωt)6 
condition/oes™helee leLee DeOÙeejesheCe keâer efmLeefle V(t) = 100 1 − + − ....  volts.
 ∠2 ∠4 ∠6 
(d) homogeneity, super position and associative
The instantaneous current in the resistor is
condition/Skeâ™helee, DeOÙeejesheCe leLee SmeesefmeSefšJe
given by
efmLeefle ØeeflejesOekeâ ceW leel#eefCekeâ Oeeje ......kesâ Éeje oer peeleer nw~
817. An ideal current source has zero (a) 100 sin ωt (b) 100 cos ωt
Skeâ DeeoMe& Oeeje œeesle keâe ............. MetvÙe neslee nw– (c) 20 cos ωt (d) 20 sin ωt
(a) internal conductance/Deevleefjkeâ Ûeeuekeâlee *822. A 100 ohm resistor is needed in an electric
circuit to carry a current of 0.3 ampere. Which
(b) internal resistance/Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe
of the following resistor would you select ?
(c) voltage on no load/vees-uees[ hej Jeesušspe Skeâ efJeÅegle heefjheLe ceW, 0.3 Amp Oeeje Jenve keâjves kesâ
(d) ripple/Ge|cekeâe efueS 100 Ω ØeeflejesOekeâ keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~ efvecve ceW mes
*818. Steady state is reached with S open. Switch S is keâewve-mes ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe Deehe ÛeÙeve keâjWies?
closed at t = 0. At t = ∞, the voltage marked V (a) 100 ohms, 1 watt
is given by (b) 100 ohms, 5 watts
S Kegues nesves hej, efmLej DeJemLee Øeehle nesleer nw~ efmJeÛe S, (c) 100 ohms, 7.5 watts
t = 0 hej yebo nw, lees megmhe° Jeesušspe V, t = ∞ hej ........ (d) 100 ohms, 10 watts
*823. Four pieces of apparatus are connected as
kesâ Éeje efoÙee peelee nw~ shown in figure. Free electrons circulate at a
constant rate in the direction A–B–C–D. The
quantity of electricity passing a reference point
on the circuit in a given time is 50 coulombs.
During this time, in A, the electrons receive
(a) 1 (b) 2 energy in the amount of 600 joules. In B energy
of 200 joules is given up by the electrons, and in
(c) 3 (d) 3/2
C, 300 joules is supplied to the electrons. The
*819. If abscissa represents current and ordinate the element A is a
voltage, the characteristics of an ideal current GhekeâjCe kesâ ÛeejeW Yeeie efoKeeÙes ieÙes efÛe$e kesâ Devegmeej
source will be represented by mebÙeesefpele nw~ mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^e@ve, efveÙele oj mes A-B-C-D
Ùeefo Yegpe, Oeeje keâes leLee keâesefš Jeesušspe keâes Øeoe|Mele efoMee ceW ØeJeeefnle (Circulate) nes jne nw~ Skeâ efveefMÛele
keâjleer nw, lees DeeoMe& Oeeje meesme& keâe DeefYeue#eCe efkeâmekesâ meceÙe ceW heefjheLe hej Skeâ meboYe& efyevog mes iegpejves Jeeueer
Éeje Øeoe|Mele nesiee? efJeÅegle keâer cee$ee 50 ketâuee@ce nw~ Fme meceÙe kesâ Devlejeue
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 84 YCT
ceW, A ceW Fueskeäš^e@ve 600 petue keâer Tpee& Øeehle keâjles nw~ B *828. At t = 0+ with zero initial condition, which of
ceW 200 petue keâer Tpee& Fueskeäš^e@veeW Éeje oer peeleer nw Deewj the following acts as open circuit ?
C ceW 300 petue keâer Tpee& Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâes oer peeleer nw~ t = 0+ hej, MetvÙe ØeejefcYekeâ DeJemLee ceW efvecve ceW mes keâewve
lelJe A nw– Keguee heefjheLe keâer lejn JÙeJenej keâjlee nw~
(a) inductor/Øesjkeâ
(b) capacitor/mebOeeefj$e
(c) resistor/ØeeflejesOe
(d) all of the above/FveceW mes meYeer
(a) resistor of 100 ohms/100 Ω keâe ØeeflejesOe *829. With zero initial conditions an inductor at t = ∞
will act as/MetvÙe ØeejefcYekeâ DeJemLee kesâ meeLe, Øesjkeâ t =
(b) capacitor of 100 µF/100 µF keâer Oeeefjlee
∞ hej JÙeJenej keâjlee nw?
(c) battery of 12 volts/12 V keâer yewšjer
*824. Laplace Transform of f(t) is given by (a) open circuit/Keguee-heefjheLe
ueehueeme š^ebmeHeâece& f(t) efkeâmekesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw– (b) short circuit/ueIegheLe heefjheLe
∞ ∞ (c) a source of voltage/Jeesušspe meesme&
(a) F(s) = ∫ f (t)est dt (b) F(s) = ∫ f (t)e− st dt
0 0 (d) a source of current/Oeeje meesme&
d d 2 f (t) *830. At t = 0+ with zero initial condition which of the
(c) F(s) = f (t) (d) F(s) =
dt dt 2 following will act as short circuit?
*825. In the circuit shown in figure, if P is the power MetvÙe ØeejefcYekeâ DeJemLee ceW, t = 0+ hej, efvecveefueefKele ceW
dissipated in the resistance R2, the power mes keâewve-mee ueIegheLe heefjheLe keâer lejn JÙeJenej keâjleer nw?
dissipation in the circuit- (a) Inductor/Øesjkeâ
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW, Ùeefo R2 ceW Meefkeäle DeheJÙeÙe
(b) Capacitor/mebOeeefj$e
P nw, lees heefjheLe ceW Meefkeäle DeheJÙeÙe nesiee–
(c) Resistor/ØeeflejesOe
(d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
*831. With some initial charge at t = 0+, a capacitor
will act as/kegâÚ ØeejefcYekeâ Ûeepe& kesâ meeLe, t = 0+ hej
Skeâ mebOeeefj$e JÙeJenej keâjlee nw–
(a) 16 P (b) 4 P
(a) a voltage source/Skeâ Jeesušspe meesme&
4 5
(c) P (d) P (b) a current source/Skeâ Oeeje meesme&
3 4
*826. In the circuit shown below, the current I (c) short circuit/ueIegheLe heefjheLe
marked is (d) open circuit/Keguee heLe
veerÛes Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe ceW, Oeeje I keâe ceeve nw– *832. Three resistances of 1 Ω, 2 Ω and 3 Ω are
connected in delta. These resistance are to be
replaced by star connection as shown in figure
maintaining the same terminal conditions. The
value of highest resistance in star will be
(a) 1/2 (b) 1/3
leerve ØeeflejesOe 1 Ω, 2 Ω leLee 3 Ω [suše ceW mebÙeesefpele nw~
(c) 1 (d) 1/4 Fve ØeeflejesOeeW keâes ØeeflemLeeefhele keâjkesâ, efÛe$e kesâ Devegmeej
*827. The condition AD – BC = 1 for a 2 port mšej ceW meceeve še|ceveue keâer DeJemLee ceW mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee
network implies that the network is ieÙee nw~ mšej ceW mebÙeesefpele GÛÛelece ØeeflejesOe nesiee–
Skeâ št-heesš& vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS AD – BC = 1 Mele& ueeiet
nesleer nw lees Jen vesšJeke&â nw–
(a) lossless/neefvejefnle
(b) reciprocal/JÙegl›eâce
(c) lumped element network/ueche[ lelJe vesšJeke&â
(d) unilateral element network (a) 1/2 ohm (b) 1/3 ohm
Skeâ efÉMeerÙe lelJe vesšJeke&â (c) 1/4 ohm (d) 1 ohm
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 85 YCT
*833. In the network shown/efoKeeS ieÙes vesšJeke&â ceW, *837. Twelve 1 Ω resistance are used as edge to form
i1 = 2A, i3 = 4A, i7 = 3A, i8 = 6A. a cube. The resistance between two diagonaly
opposite corners of the cube is?
Skeâ Ieve (Cube) yeveeves kesâ efueS 1 Ω kesâ 12 ØeeflejesOeeW
keâes efkeâveejs (edges) keâer lejn ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Ieve
kesâ oes efJekeâCe&le efJehejerle keâesveeW (corners) kesâ ceOÙe keâe
ØeeflejesOe nw?
(a) Ω (b) 1 Ω
The value of current i2 is / Oeeje i2 keâe ceeve nw– 6
6 3
(a) 2 A (b) –2 A (c) Ω (d) Ω
(c) 4 A (d) –4 A 5 2
*838. N resistors each of resistance R when
*834. In the network shown/efoKeeS ieÙes vesšJeke&â ceW,
connected in series offer an equivalent
i1 = 1A, i2 = 2A, i3 = 4A and i8 = 5A. resistance of 50 Ω and when reconnected in
parallel the effective resistance is 2 Ω. The
value of R is?
ØelÙeskeâ R Deesce ØeeflejesOe Jeeues N ØeeflejesOekeâ peye ßesCeer
ceW mebÙeesefpele efkeâS peeles nQ lees 50 Ω keâe leguÙe ØeeflejesOe
osles nQ~ peye hegve: meceevlej ceW mebÙeesefpele keâjles nQ lees
ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe 2 Ω nw~ lees R keâe ceeve nw?
(a) 2.5 Ω (b) 5 Ω
The value of current i4 is- (c) 7.5 Ω (d) 10 Ω
Oeeje i4 keâe ceeve nw- *839. In a parallel resistive circuit, opening a branch
(a) 1 A (b) 3 A results in?
(c) 4 A (d) 5 A Skeâ meceeblej ØeeflejesOeerÙe heefjheLe ceW, Skeâ MeeKee kesâ Kegue
*835. Three parallel branches of resistors are peeves keâe heefjCeece nw?
connected across a dc source as shown in the 1. Increase in total resistance/mechetCe& ØeeflejesOe ceW Je=efæ
figure. What is I1 : I2 : I3 ?
2. decrease in total power/mechetCe& Meefòeâ ceW keâceer
ØeeflejesOe keâer leerve meceeblej MeeKeeSB efkeâmeer [er.meer. Œeesle
3. no change in total voltage and branch voltage
kesâ S›eâe@me efoS ieS efÛe$e kesâ Devegmeej mebÙeesefpele nw~ lees I1
mechetCe& Jeesušspe Deewj MeeKee Jeesušspe ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR
: I2 : I3 nw?
Which of the above is/are correct?
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mener nw?
(a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 (b) 2 only/kesâJeue 2
(c) 3 only/kesâJeue 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
*840. How are 500 Ω resistors connected so as to give
an effective resistance of 750Ω?
(a) 3 : 2 : 6 (b) 2 : 4 : 6 500 Ω kesâ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâes efkeâme Øekeâej peesÌ[e peeS efkeâ
(c) 6 : 3 : 2 (d) 6 : 2 : 4
ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe 750Ω nes?
*836. For the circuit shown below the equivalent
resistance will be? (a) Three resistors of 500Ω each, in parallel
veerÛes ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe kesâ efueS leguÙe ØeeflejesOe nesiee? ØelÙeskeâ 500Ω kesâ leerve ØeeflejesOekeâ meceeblej ceW
(b) Three resistors of 500 Ω each, in series
ØelÙeskeâ 500Ω kesâ leerve ØeeflejesOekeâ ßesCeer ceW
(c) Two resistors of 500 Ω each, in parallel
ØelÙeskeâ 500Ω kesâ oes ØeeflejesOekeâ meceeblej ceW
(d) Two resistors of 500 Ω each, in parallel and
the combination in series with another 500Ω
(a) 36 Ω (b) 12 Ω resistors/ØelÙeskeâ 500Ω kesâ oes ØeeflejesOekeâ meceeblej ceW
(c) 4 Ω (d) 6 Ω Deewj 500Ω keâe Skeâ DevÙe ØeeflejeOe Fmekesâ ßesCeer ceW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 86 YCT
*841. In given figure, the value of resistance R in Ω is? 846. Electrical appliances are not connected in
efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW ØeeflejesOe R keâe ceeve Deesce ceW nw? series because?
efJeÅegle GhekeâjCeeW keâes ßesCeer ceW veneR peesÌ[les nw keäÙeeWefkeâ
(a) series circuit is complicated
ßesCeer heefjheLe peefšue neslee nw
(b) power loss is more/Meefòeâ neefve DeefOekeâ neslee nw
(c) appliances have different current ratings
GhekeâjCeeW keâer Oeeje jsefšbie Deueie nesleer nw
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
(a) 10 (b) 20 847. Electrical appliances are connected in parallel
(c) 30 (d) 40 because it?/efJeÅegle GhekeâjCeeW keâes meceevlej ceW peesÌ[e
*842. In the figure given below the value of R is? peelee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ-
veerÛes efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW R keâe ceeve Deesce ceW nw? (a) is a simple circuit/Skeâ meeOeejCe heefjheLe nw
(b) draws less current/keâce Oeeje ueslee nw
(c) results in reduced power loss
heefjCeece ceW Meefòeâ neefve Iešelee nw
(d) makes the operation of appliances independent
of each other/GhekeâjCeeW keâe ØeÛeeueve Skeâ otmejs hej
(a) 2.5Ω (b) 5.0Ω efveYe&j veneR neslee nw
(c) 7.5Ω (d) 10.0Ω *848. Voltage drop across 14.5Ω resistor in Fig. is?
*843. The equivalent resistance between the points A efÛe$e ceW 14.5 Deesce ØeeflejesOe ceW Jeesušspe [^ehe nw-
and D is?
efyevog A Deewj D kesâ yeerÛe leguÙe ØeeflejesOe nw?

(a) 29 V (b) 30.5 V

(a) 10Ω (b) 20Ω
(c) 14 V (d) 18 V
(c) 30Ω (d) 40Ω *849. If a d.c. supply of 180 V is connected across
844. A d.c. circuit usually has.......as the load? terminals AB in Fig., then current in 6 Ω
Skeâ [er.meer. heefjheLe ceW Deeceleewj hej Yeej neslee nw- resistor will be?
(a) resistance/ØeeflejesOe efÛe$e ceW efmejs AB kesâ yeerÛe Ùeefo 180 Jeesuš [er.meer.
(b) inductance/ØesjkeâlJe
mehueeF& mes pegÌ[e nw, leye 6 Deesce kesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW Oeeje
(c) capacitance/Oeeefjlee
(d) both inductance and capacitance
ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee oesveeW
845. The purpose of load in an electric circuit is to?
Skeâ efJeÅegle heefjheLe ceW Yeej keâe GösMÙe nw-
(a) increase the circuit current/heefjheLe Oeeje yeÌ{evee
(b) utilise electrical energy
efJeÅegle Tpee& keâe GheÙeesie keâjvee
(c) decrease the circuit current/heefjheLe Oeeje Ieševee
(a) 10 A (b) 5 A
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR (c) 12 A (d) 6 A
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 87 YCT
*850. A battery of 24 V is applied across terminals
AB of the circuit shown in Fig. The current in 2
Ω resistor will be?
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le Skeâ 24 Jeesuš keâer yewšjer keâes heefjheLe
kesâ efmejeW AB kesâ yeerÛe ueieeÙee ieÙee nw~ 2 Deesce kesâ
ØeeflejesOekeâ ceW Oeeje nesieer-
(a) 13 S (b) 1.6 S
(c) 6 S (d) 2.5 S
*855. The voltage across the parallel circuit shown in
Fig. is?/efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS meceevlej heefjheLe kesâ Deej-
heej Jeesušspe keäÙee nw?

(a) 3 A (b) 6 A
(c) 2.5 A (d) 1.5 A
*851. A wire has a resistance of 12 Ω. It is bent in the (a) 15 V (b) 10 V
(c) 30 V (d) 12.5 V
form of a circle. The effective resistance
856. Three 2 ohm resistors are connected to form a
between the two points on any diameter of the
triangle. The resistance between any two
circle is? corners is?
Skeâ leej keâe ØeeflejesOe 12 Deesce nw~ Fmes Je=òe kesâ ™he ceW leerve 2 Deesce kesâ ØeeflejesOe Skeâ ef$eYegpe keâer lejn pegÌ[s nw
ceesÌ[e ieÙee nw~ Je=òe kesâ efkeâmeer JÙeeme hej oes efyevogDeeW kesâ efkeâmeer oes keâesves kesâ yeerÛe ØeeflejesOe nw-
yeerÛe ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe nw- (a) 6 Ω (b) 2 Ω
(a) 6 Ω (b) 3 Ω (c) (3/4) Ω (d) (4/3) Ω
*857. A 200 W and 100 W bulb both meant for
(c) 12 Ω (d) 24 Ω
operation at 220 V are connected in series.
852. The smallest resistance obtained by connecting When connected to a 220 V supply, the power
50 resistances of 1/4 ohm each is? consumed by them is?
50 ØeeflejesOe ØelÙeskeâ 1/4 Deesce keâe nw peesÌ[ves mes Øeehle 200 Jee@š Deewj 100 Jee@š yeuye oesveeW 220 Jeesuš hej
meyemes Úesše ØeeflejesOe- ØeÛeeueve nsleg GösefMele, keâes ßesCeer ceW peesÌ[e ieÙee nw~ peye
(a) 50/4 Ω (b) 4/50 Ω 220 Jeesuš Deehetefle& mes mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peeÙe lees Gvekesâ
(c) 200 Ω (d) 1/200 Ω Éeje Kehele keâer peeves Jeeueer Meefòeâ nw–
*853. The internal resistance of a cell of e.m.f. 2.0 V (a) 66 W (b) 33 W
(c) 100 W (d) 300 W
is 0.1 Ω. It is connected to a resistance of 3.9 Ω.
*858. An electric fan and a heater are marked as 100
The voltage across the cell is?
W, 220 V and 1000 W, 220 V respectively. The
2.0Jeesuš efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue kesâ mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ resistance of heater is?
ØeeflejesOe 0.1Deesÿe nw~ Fmes 3.9Deesÿe kesâ ØeeflejesOe mes Skeâ efJeÅegle hebKee Deewj Skeâ neršj ›eâceMe: 100 Jee@š 220
mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ mesue kesâ Deej-heej Jeesušlee nw– Jeesuš Deewj 1000 Jee@š 220 Jeesuš kesâ ™he ceW efÛeefvnle nw,
(a) 0.5 V (b) 1.95 V neršj keâe ØeeflejesOe nw-
(c) 1.9 V (d) 2 V (a) zero/MetvÙe
*854. The total conductance of the circuit shown in (b) greater than that of fan/hebKes mes DeefOekeâ
Fig. is? (c) less than that of fan/hebKes mes keâce
heefjheLe keâe kegâue ÛeeuekeâlJe efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw- (d) equal to that of fan/hebKes kesâ yejeyej

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 88 YCT

859. The e.m.f. of a cell depends upon? oes ØeeflejesOe meceevlej ceW nw Deewj 6/5 Deesÿe keâe leguÙe
Skeâ mesue keâe efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue ............ hej efveYe&j ØeeflejesOe osles nQ~ Skeâ ØeeflejesOe štš peelee nw leLee ØeYeeJeer
keâjlee nw~ ØeeflejesOe 2Deesÿe nes peelee nw~ štšs ngÙes ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe
(a) internal resistance/Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe ØeeflejesOe nw–
(b) external resistance/yee¢e ØeeflejesOe (a) 3/5 Ω (b) 2 Ω
(c) electrolyte and electrodes of the cell (c) 3 Ω (d) 6 Ω
efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe Deewj mesuees keâs Fueskeäš^es[ 864. Fig. shows currents in the part of an electric
(d) none of these factors/FveceW mes keâesF& keâejkeâ vener nw circuit. Then current i is
860. Given three equal resistances. How many efÛe$e, efJeÅegle heefjheLe kesâ efkeâmeer Yeeie ceW Oeeje keâes
combinations of these three resistances can be efoKeelee nw, leye Oeeje i nw-
leerve meceeve ØeeflejesOees keâes efoÙee ieÙee nw, Fve leerve
ØeeflejesOees keâs efkeâleves mebÙeespeve yeveeÙes pee mekeâles nw?
(a) three/leerve (b) four/Ûeej
(c) five/heeBÛe (d) two/oes
861. Identical wires of nichrome and copper are
connected in series in a circuit. This results in?
Skeâ heefjheLe ceW veeF›eâesce leLee leeByes kesâ meceeve leejeW keâes
ßesCeer ceW peesÌ[e ieÙee nw~ Ùen heefjCeece oslee nw– (a) 1.7 A (b) 3.7 A
(a) greater current in nichrome (c) 1.3 A (d) 1 A
veeF›eâesce ceW Oeeje DeefOekeâ *865. Fig. shows a part of a closed circuit. What is the
(b) greater current in copper/leeByee ceW Oeeje DeefOekeâ potential difference between points A and B?
(c) greater heat in nichrome/veeF›eâesce ceW leehe DeefOekeâ efÛe$e, yevo heefjheLe keâs Skeâ Yeeie keâes efoKeelee nw, efyevog
(d) greater heat in copper/leeByee ceW leehe DeefOekeâ A Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe efJeYeJeevlej keäÙee nw-
*862. The effective resistance between B and C of letter
A containing resistances as shown in Fig. is?
efÛe$e ceW De#ej A Ùegòeâ ØeeflejesOe efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw, B Deewj
C kesâ yeerÛe ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe nw-

(a) 6 V (b) 12 V
(c) 24 V (d) 18 V
*866. Fig. shows a part of a closed electrical circuit.
Then VA – VB is
efÛe$e, yevo efJeÅegle heefjheLe keâs Skeâ Yeeie keâes efoKeelee nw,
leye VA – VB nw–

(a) 60 Ω (b) 40 Ω
(c) 160/9 Ω (d) 80/3 Ω (a) -8 V (b) 6 V
863. Two resistances are in parallel and give (c) 10 V (d) 3 V
equivalent resistance of 6/5 Ω. One of the *867. A current of 2 A flows in a circuit shown in Fig.
resistances is broken and the effective The potential difference V A – VB is?

resistance is 2 Ω. The resistance of the broken efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieÙes heefjheLe ceW 2 SeqcheÙej keâer Oeeje
resistor is? ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw~ efJeYeJeevlej VA – VB nw-
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 89 YCT
*870. Five resistances are connected as shown in Fig.
The effective resistance between points A and B
efoKeeS ieS efÛe$e ceW heeBÛe ØeeflejesOe mebÙeesefpele nw, efyevog A
Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe nw?

(a) -1 V (b) +1 V
(c) 4 V (d) 2 V
*868. For what value of unknown resistance X, the
potential difference between points B and D
will be zero in the circuit shown in Fig?
efÛe$e ceW efyevog B Deewj D kesâ yeerÛe efJeYeJeevlej heefjheLe ceW
MetvÙe nesiee efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw lees De%eele ØeeflejesOe X keâe
ceeve keäÙee nw- (a) 10/3 Ω (b) 20/3 Ω
(c) 15 Ω (d) 6 Ω
*871. n similar resistors each of resistance r when
connected in parallel have the total resistance
R. When these resistances are connected in
series, the total resistance is?
n meceeve ØeeflejesOe, ØelÙeskeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe r nw peye meceevlej
ceW peesÌ[e peelee nw lees kegâue ØeeflejesOe R nw, peye Ùes ßesCeer
ceW peesÌ[e peelee nw lees kegâue ØeeflejesOe nw–
(a) nR (b) R/n2
(a) 4 Ω (b) 2 Ω (c) n R (d) R/n
(c) 3 Ω (d) 6 Ω 872. Kirchhoff's current law at a junction deals with?
*869. For what value of unknown resistance X, the Skeâ mebefOe hej efkeâjÛee@heâ keâe Oeeje efveÙece ............ keâer
potential difference between B and D will be YeeBefle yelee&Je keâjlee nw~
zero in the circuit shown in Fig.?
(a) conservation of energy/Tpee& keâe mebj#eCe
efÛe$e ceW B Deewj D kesâ yeerÛe efJeYeJeevlej heefjheLe ceW MetvÙe
nesiee efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw lees De%eele ØeeflejesOe X keâe ceeve (b) conservation of momentum/ieefle keâe mebj#eCe
keäÙee nw- (c) conservation of angular momentum
keâesCeerÙe ieefle keâe mebj#eCe
(d) conservation of charge/DeeJesMe keâe mebj#eCe
*873. Fig. shows part of a closed circuit. What is the
value of VA – VB?
efÛe$e ceW yevo heefjheLe keâe Skeâ Yeeie efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw,
VA – VB keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?

(a) 4 Ω (b) 2 Ω (a) 12 V (b) 9 V

(c) 3 Ω (d) 6 Ω (c) 18 V (d) 6 V
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 90 YCT
874. Kirchhoff's voltage law deals with? 878. For a series and a parallel circuit, the
efkeâjÛee@heâ keâe Jeesušspe efveÙece ............ keâer Yee@efle yelee&Je equivalent total value of certain parameter X is
keâjlee nw~ given by
(a) conservation of energy/Tpee& keâe mebj#eCe Xe = X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 +.........+Xn
(b) conservation of charge/DeeJesMe keâe mebj#eCe where Xi is the ith value of the parameter and
Xe is the equivalent value, and n is the number
(c) conservation of momentum/ieefle keâe mebj#eCe
of elements. The parameter X can be :
(d) conservation of angular momentum
efkeâmeer ßesCeer Deewj meceeblej heefjheLe kesâ efueS Skeâ efveefMÛele
keâesCeerÙe ieefle keâe mebj#eCe
ØeeÛeeue X keâe leguÙe mechetCe& ceeve
875. A wire of resistance 0.1 Ω/cm is bent to form a
square ABCD of side 10 cm. A similar wire is Xe = X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 +....+Xn Éeje efoÙee peelee nw?
connected between B and D to form the peneB Xi ØeeÛeeue keâer ith ceeve nw leLee Xe leguÙe ceeve nw,
diagonal BD. If a 2 V battery of negligible
internal resistance is connected between A and
Deewj n DeJeÙeJeeW keâer mebKÙee nw~ lees ØeeÛeeue n nes mekeâlee nw?
C, then total power dissipated is? (a) resistance/ØeeflejesOe (b) current/Oeeje
0.1 Deesce/mesceer. ØeeflejesOe keâe Skeâ leej ceesÌ[keâj Skeâ (c) voltage/Jeesušlee (d) power/Meefòeâ
10 mesceer. Yegpee keâe ABCD Jeie& yeveeÙee peelee nw~ *879. Which of the following relation is not correct?
meceeve leej keâes B Deewj D kesâ yeerÛe peesÌ[keâj efJekeâCe& BD efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee mecyevOe mener vener nw?
yeveeÙee peelee nw~ Ùeefo veieCÙe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe keâer V
Skeâ 2 Jeesuš keâer yewšjer keâes A Deewj C kesâ yeerÛe peesÌ[e (a) P = 2 (b) P = VI
peelee nw~ lees kegâue Meefòeâ JÙeÙe nw-
(a) 2 W (b) 3 W (c) I = (d) V = PR
(c) 4 W (d) 6 W R
*876. Consider the following circuit. What is the *880. When a resistor R is connected to a current
value of current I in the circuit shown? source, it consumes a power of 18 W. When the
efvecveefueefKele heefjheLe hej efJeÛeej keâjW~ ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW same R is connected to a voltage source having
Oeeje I keâe ceeve keäÙee nw? the same magnitude as the current source, the
power absorbed by R is 4.5 W. The magnitude
of the current source and the value R are?
peye Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ R efkeâmeer Oeeje Œeesle mes mebÙeesefpele
efkeâÙee peelee nw lees Ùen 18W keâer Meefòeâ keâe GheYeesie
keâjlee nw~ peye Ùener R efkeâmeer Jeesušspe Œeesle mes peesÌ[e
peelee nw efpemekeâe heefjceeCe Oeeje Œeesle kesâ ner yejeyej nw
lees R Éeje DeJeMeesef<ele Meefòeâ 4.5W nw~ lees Oeeje Œeesle
keâe heefjceeCe Deewj R keâe ceeve nw?
(a) 18 A and 1Ω (b) 3 A and 2 Ω
(c) 1 A and 18Ω (d) 6 A and 0.5 Ω
*881. A certain network consists of a large number of
(a) 1 A (b) 2 A
ideal linear resistances, one of which is
(c) 3 A (d) 4 A designated as R and two constant ideal sources.
*877. What is the potential drop across the 80Ω The power consumed by R is P1 when only the
resistor in the figure?/efÛe$e ceW 80Ω kesâ ØeeflejesOekeâ first source is active, and P2 when only the
kesâ S›eâe@me (across) Jeesušlee heele nw? second source is active. It both source are
active simultaneously then the power consumed
by R is?
Skeâ efveefMÛele vesšJeke&â ceW yeÌ[er mebKÙee ceW DeeoMe& jwefKekeâ
ØeeflejesOe nw, efpeveceW mes Skeâ keâes R Deewj oes efmLej DeeoMe&
ŒeesleeW keâes efveefo&° efkeâÙee peelee nw~ peye kesâJeue henuee
(a) 20 V (b) 15 V Œeesle meef›eâÙe nes lees R Éeje Kehele Meefòeâ P1 nw peyeefkeâ
(c) 10 V (d) 5 V peye kesâJeue otmeje Œeesle meef›eâÙe nes lees P2 nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 91 YCT
Ùeefo oesveeW Œeesle Skeâ meeLe meef›eâÙe nes lees R Éeje Meefòeâ *886. Four resistance each of value4 Ω are connected
Kehele nw? as shown in Fig. The equivalent resistance
(a) P1 ± P2 (b) P1 ± P2 between points A and B is?
ØelÙeskeâ 4 Deesce ceeve kesâ Ûeej ØeeflejesOeeW keâes mebÙeesefpele
( )
( P1 ± P2 )
(c) P1 ± P2 (d) efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~, pewmee efkeâ efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le nw~ efyevog A
*882. The incandescent bulbs rated respectively as P1 Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe leguÙe ØeeflejesOe nw–
and P2 for operation at a specified main voltage
are connected in series across the mains as
shown in the figure. Then the total power
supplied by the main to the two bulbs?
Skeâ efJeefMe° cegKÙe Jeesušspe hej ØeÛeeefuele nesves kesâ efueS
GÅeerhle uewche efpevekeâer jsefšbie ›eâceMe: P1 Deewj P2 nw efÛe$e
kesâ Devegmeej cesvme kesâ S›eâe@me ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s nw~ leye oesveeW
yeuyeeW keâes cesvme Éeje Deehetefle& keâer ieF& kegâue Meefòeâ nw?

P1 P2 (a) 3 Ω (b) 6 Ω
(a) (b) P12 + P22
P1 + P2
(c) 9 Ω (d) 12 Ω
(c) ( P1 + P2 ) (d) P1 × P2
*887. The resistance between P and Q in the circuit
883. A short in any type of circuit (series, parallel or shown in Fig. is?
combination) causes the total circuit? efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe ceW P Deewj Q kesâ yeerÛe
efkeâmeer Øekeâej kesâ heefjheLe (ßesCeer, meceeblej Ùee mebÙeesie) ØeeflejesOe nw-
keâe ueIeg (Short) nesvee mechetCe& heefjheLe keâe keâejCe neslee nw?
1. resistance to decrease/ØeeflejesOe kesâ Iešves keâe
2. power to decrease/Meefòeâ kesâ Iešves keâe
3. current to increase/Oeeje kesâ yeÌ{ves keâe
4. voltage to increase/Jeesušlee kesâ yeÌ{ves keâe
Which of the above are correct?
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mener nw?
(a) 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 4
(c) 1 and 4 (d) 1 and 3
884. Which of the following is not bilateral element?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve efÉhe#eerÙe DeJeÙeJe veneR nw?
(a) constant current source/efveÙele Oeeje Œeesle
(b) Resistor/ØeeflejesOe
(c) Inductor /Øesjkeâ
(d) Capacitor/mebOeeefj$e (a) 6 Ω (b) 12 Ω
885. The circuit having same properties in either (c) 18 Ω (d) 24 Ω
direction is known as _________circuit?
*888. Eight resistors each of resistance 10 Ω are
efkeâmeer Yeer efoMee ceW meceeve iegCe Jeeues heefjheLe keâes...........
connected as shown in Fig. The resistance
heefjheLe kesâ ™he ceW peeveles nQ? between points A and B is?
(a) bilateral/efÉhe#eerÙe
ØelÙeskeâ 10 Deesce kesâ Dee" ØeeflejesOe pegÌ[s nw pewmee efkeâ
(b) unilateral/Skeâhe#eerÙe
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw, efyevog A Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe
(c) irreversible/Devegl›eâceCeerÙe
ØeeflejesOe nw-
(d) reversible/Gl›eâceCeerÙe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 92 YCT
(a) 30 Ω (b) 60 Ω
(a) 3 A (b) 6 A
(c) 45 Ω (d) 90 Ω
(c) 9 A (d) 12 A
*889. What is the equivalent resistance between the
terminals A and B in Fig.? *891. Eight resistances each of resistance 20 Ω are
efÛe$e ceW šefce&veue A Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe meceleguÙe ØeeflejesOe connected as shown in Fig. The resistance
between points A and B in the circuit is?
keäÙee nw?
efoKeeS ieS efÛe$e ceW Dee" ØeeflejesOe ØelÙeskeâ ØeeflejesOe 20
Deesce kesâ pegÌ[s nw~ heefjheLe ceW efyevog A Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe
ØeeflejesOe nw-

(a) 2R (b) 3R (a) 30 Ω (b) 60 Ω

(c) R (d) R/3 (c) 45 Ω (d) 90 Ω
*890. It is known that the potential difference across 892. Fig. shows a network of resistances. The
6 Ω resistor in Fig. is 48 V. The entering effective resistance between points A and B of
current I is the network is?
efÛe$e ceW Ùen ceeuetce nw efkeâ 6 Deesce ØeeflejesOe hej efÛe$e, ØeeflejesOeeW kesâ Skeâ vesšJeke&â keâes efoKeelee nw~ vesšJeke&â
efJeYeJeevlej 48 Jeesuš nw, ØeJesMe keâjves Jeeueer Oeeje I nw- kesâ efyevog A Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe keâe ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 93 YCT
(a) 10 Ω (b) 20 Ω
(c) 5 Ω (d) 30 Ω
*896. The equivalent resistance of the arrangement
(a) 3 Ω (b) 2 Ω of resistances shown in Fig. between points A
and B is?
(c) 5 Ω (d) 6 Ω
*893. In the circuit shown in Fig., find the potential efoKeeS ieS efÛe$e ceW efyevog A Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe ØeeflejesOe
difference Vp - VQ kesâ JÙeJemLeeDeeW keâe leguÙe ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nw?
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjheLe ceW, efJeYeJeevlej Vp - VQ
%eele keâerefpeÙes–

(a) 3.6 V (b) 6.0 V

(c) 3.0 V (d) 7.2 V
*894. In the circuit shown in Fig., the galvanometer
reads zero. The value of resistance R is?
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjheLe ceW, iewuJeveesceeršj MetvÙe
heÌ{lee nw~ ØeeflejesOe R keâe ceeve nw- (a) 6 Ω (b) 8 Ω
(c) 16 Ω (d) 24 Ω
897. Referring to Fig., the resistance across
terminals AE is?/efÛe$e keâe efpe›eâ keâjles ngS efmeje AE
kesâ S›eâe@me ØeeflejesOe nw-

(a) 42 Ω (b) 28 Ω
(c) 21 Ω (d) 14 Ω
*895. The equivalent resistance of the arrangement
(a) 9 Ω
of resistances shown in Fig. between points A
and B is? (b) 18 Ω
efoKeeS ieS efÛe$e ceW efyevog A Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe ØeeflejesOe (c) 11 Ω
kesâ JÙeJemLeeDeeW keâe leguÙe ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nw? (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 94 YCT
*898. The current in a coil of resistance 90 Ω is to be (a) less than/keâer Dehes#ee keâce
reduced by 90%. What value of resistance (b) more than/keâer Dehes#ee DeefOekeâ
should be connected in parallel with it?
(c) equal to/kesâ yejeyej
90 Deesce ØeeflejesOe keâer kegâC[ueer ceW Oeeje 90% lekeâ keâce
(d) none of the above/FmeceW mes keâesF& veneR
keâjvee nw, Fmekesâ meeLe meceevlej ceW ØeeflejesOe keâe keäÙee ceeve
*902. Two equal resistances are connected in series
peesÌ[e peevee ÛeeefnS?
across a certain supply. If the resistances are
(a) 9 Ω (b) 100 Ω now connected in parallel, the power produced
(c) 90 Ω (d) 10 Ω will become?
*899. If a battery of 6V is applied across terminals 1 oes meceeve ØeeflejesOe efkeâmeer Deehetefle& kesâ Deej-heej ßesCeer ceW
and 2 in Fig. then current in the horizontal 2 Ω pegÌ[s nw, Ùeefo Deye ØeeflejesOe meceevlej ceW peesÌ[ efoÙe peeles nw
resistor will be?
lees GlheVe Meefòeâ nesiee-
efÛe$e ceW šefce&veue 1 Deewj 2 kesâ S›eâe@me Ùeefo 6 Jeesuš keâer
(a) oes iegvee
Skeâ yewšjer keâes ueieeÙee peelee nw leye 2 Deesce kesâ #eweflepe
(b) Ûeej iegvee
ØeeflejesOe ceW Oeeje nesiee-
(c) DeeOee
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
*903. In fig. the switches s1 and s2 are closed then
total circuit resistance will be.
efÛe$e ceW efmJeÛe S1 Deewj S2 yevo efkeâÙes ieÙes nw, leye
heefjheLe keâe kegâue ØeeflejesOe nesiee-

(a) 1 A (b) 2 A
(c) 6 A (d) 0.5 A
*900. The potential difference between points A and
B in Fig. will be?
efÛe$e ceW efyevog A Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe efJeYeJeevlej nesiee- (a) 400 Ω (b) 1200 Ω
(c) 1000 Ω (d) 2400 Ω
*904. Fig. shows a part of a closed circuit. The
potential difference between points A and B is?
efÛe$e, Skeâ yevo heefjheLe Yeeie keâes efoKeelee nw, efyevog A
Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe efJeYeJeevlej nw-


(a) 12 V (b) 24 V
(a) 2/3 V (b) 3 V (c) 18 V (d) 29 V
(c) 8/9 V (d) 4/3 V 905. In the Wheatstone bridge shown in Fig., P = 9
901. In order to get maximum current in series- Ω, Q = 11 Ω, R = 4 Ω and S = 6 Ω. How much
parallel grouping of cells, the external resistance must be put in parallel to resistance
resistance should be .......... the total internal S to balance the bridge?
resistance of the battery? efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe ceW, P = 9 Deesce,
mesuees kesâ ßesCeer-meceevlej mecetn ceW DeefOekeâlece Oeeje Øeehle Q = 11 Deesce, R = 4 Deesce Deewj S = 6 Deesce~ efyeÇpe keâes
keâjves kesâ efueS yee¢e ØeeflejesOe, yewšjer kesâ kegâue Deevleefjkeâ meblegefuele keâjves kesâ efueS S ØeeflejesOe kesâ meceevlej ceW
ØeeflejesOe ..........nesvee ÛeeefnS~ efkeâlevee ØeeflejesOe peesÌ[e peevee ÛeeefnS?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 95 YCT
*907. The current in 2 Ω resistor shown in Fig. is?
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le 2 Deesce kesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW Oeeje nw-


(a) 1.2 A (b) 0.4 A

(c) 1.4 A (d) 1 A
908. The element which are not capable of
(a) 24 Ω (b) 26.4 Ω delivering energy by its own are known as?
Jen DeJeÙeJe pees mJeÙeb mes Tpee& ef[efueJej (deliver) keâjves
(c) 15 Ω (d) 11 Ω
ceW me#ece veneR nw............. kesâ ™he ceW peeves peeles nQ?
906. Six equal resistances, each of 2 Ω, are
connected as shown in Fig. the resistance (a) unilateral elements/Skeâ he#eerÙe DeJeÙeJe
between any two corners is? (b) nonlinear elements/DejsefKeÙe DeJeÙeJe
Ú: meceeve ØeeflejesOe, ØelÙeskeâ keâe ceeve 2 Deesce nw efoKeeÙes (c) passive elements/efveef<›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe
(d) active elements/meef›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe
ieÙes efÛe$e keâer YeeBefle peesÌ[s ieÙes nw~ efkeâvner oes keâesvees kesâ
yeerÛe ØeeflejesOe nw– 909. A network having one or more than one source
of emf is known as _________ network?
Jen vesšJeke&â efpemeceW Skeâ Ùee Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ emf Œeesle
nesles nQ.............vesšJeke&â kesâ veece mes peeveles nQ?
(a) passive/efveef<›eâÙe (b) active/meef›eâÙe
(c) linear/jsefKeÙe (d) nonlinear/DejsefKeÙe
910. A circuit having neither any energy source nor
emf source is called the _______ circuit?
Skeâ Ssmee heefjheLe efpemeceW ve keâesF& Tpee& Œeesle nw, ve keâesF&
F&.Sce.Sheâ. Œeesle nw..........heefjheLe keânueelee nw?
(a) unilateral/Skeâhe#eerÙe (b) bilateral/efÉhe#eerÙe
(c) passive/efveef<›eâÙe (d) active/meef›eâÙe
911. A network in which all the elements are
physically separable is called a?
Skeâ Ssmee vesšJeke&â efpemeceW meYeer DeJeÙeJe Yeeweflekeâ ™he mes
Deueie keâjves ÙeesiÙe nes keânueelee nw?
(a) distributed network/efJeleefjle vesšJeke&â
(b) lumped network/uech[ vesšJeke&â
(a) 1 Ω (b) 4 Ω (c) passive network/hewefmeJe vesšJeke&â
(c) 2 Ω (d) 8 Ω (d) reactive network/efjSefkeäšJe vesšJeke&â
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 96 YCT
*912. Consider the following circuit : Which one of 916. Which of the following statements is correct
the following statements is correct? regarding resistance?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee
efvecveefueefKele heefjheLe hej efJeÛeej keâjW? efvecveefueefKele ceW keâLeve ØeeflejesOe kesâ mebyebOe ceW mener nw?
mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw? (a) the resistance of a conductor is the hindrance
by which the conductor oppose the flow of
current through it/Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe Skeâ yeeOee nw
efpemekesâ Éeje Ûeeuekeâ Oeeje kesâ ØeJeen keâe efJejesOe keâjlee nw
(b) the resistance of wire is independent of the
temperature for most of the materials/ueieYeie
(a) Passive and linear/efveef<›eâÙe Deewj jwefKeÙe meYeer heoeLeX kesâ efueS leej keâe ØeeflejesOe leehe mes mJeleb$e
(b) Active and linear/meef›eâÙe Deewj jwefKeÙe neslee nw
(c) Passive and nonlinear/efveef<›eâÙe Deewj DejsefKeÙe (c) the resistance of a wire does not depend upon
(d) Active and nonlinear/meef›eâÙe Deewj DejsefKeÙe its material/leej keâe ØeeflejesOe Fmekesâ heoeLe& hej efveYe&j
913. A switched capacitor network is/are? veneR keâjlee nw
Skeâ efmJeÛ[-mebOeeefj$e vesšJeke&â nw? (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1. Time variant sample data network *917. The current in a coil changes uniformly from
meceÙe ™heevlej Øeefle™he [eše vesšJeke&â 10A to 1A in half a second. A voltmeter
2. Nonlinear network/DejsKeerÙe vesšJeke&â connected across the coil gives a reading of 36
V. The self –inductance of the coil is?
3. Linear time invariant network
kegâC[ueer ceW Oeeje DeeOes meskeâC[ ceW Skeâ meceeve ™he mes
jsKeerÙe meceÙe DeheefjJele&veerÙe vesšJeke&â
10A mes 1A lekeâ heefjJeefle&le nesleer nw~ kegâC[ueer kesâ S›eâe@me
(a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 (b) 2 only/kesâJeue 2
mebÙeesefpele Jeesušceeršj 36 V keâer jeref[bie oslee nw~ kegâC[ueer
(c) 3 only/kesâJeue 3 (d) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
keâe mJe-ØesjkeâlJe nw?
*914. A 3V dc supply with an internal resistance of 2
Ω supplies a passive nonlinear resistance (a) 0.5 H (b) 1 H
2 (c) 2 H (d) 4H
characterised by the relation VNL = INL . The
power dissipated in the nonlinear resistance is? *918. The current in a coil changes from 5 A to 1 A in
Skeâ 2 Ω Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe Jeeueer 3V dc mehueeF& Skeâ 0.4 second. The induced voltage is 40V. The
efveef<›eâÙe DejsKeerÙe ØeeflejesOe pees mecyevOe VNL = INL2 Éeje self-inductance in henry is?
efJeMes<eerke=âle efkeâÙee ieÙee nw keâes Deehetefle& keâjleer nw~ lees Skeâ kegâC[ueer ceW Oeeje 0.4 meskeâC[ ceW 5A mes 1A lekeâ
DejsKeerÙe ØeeflejesOe ceW Meefòeâ #eÙe nw? heefjJeefle&le nesleer nw~ Øesefjle Jeesušlee 40V nw~ mJe-ØesjkeâlJe
(a) 1.0 W (b) 1.5 W nsvejer ceW nw?
(c) 2.5 W (d) 3.0 W (a) 1 (b) 2
915. The v-i characteristic of an element is shown in (c) 4 (d) 10
the given figure. The element is? *919. The voltage and current waveforms for an
efkeâme DeJeÙeJe keâe v-i DeefYeue#eCe efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW element are shown in the figure.
ØeoefMe&le nw~ Jen DeJeÙeJe nw? The circuit element and its value are
Skeâ DeJeÙeJe kesâ efueS Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje lejbie™he efÛe$e
ceW ØeoefMe&le nw~ heefjheLe DeJeÙeJe Deewj Fmekeâe ceeve nw-

(a) nonlinear, active, nonbilateral

DejsefKeÙe, meef›eâÙe, vee@ve yeeFuewšjue
(b) linear, active, nonbilateral
jwefKeÙe, meef›eâÙe, vee@ve-yeeFuewšjue
(a) Capacitor, 2F/mebOeeefj$e 2F
(c) non-linear, passive, non-bilateral
DejsefKeÙe, efveef<›eâÙe, vee@ve yeeFuewšjue (b) Inductor, 2H/ Øesjkeâ 2H
(d) nonlinear, active, bilateral (c) Capacitor, 0.5 F/mebOeeefj$e 0.5 F
DejwKeerÙe, meef›eâÙe efÉefoMeerÙe (d) Inductor, 0.5 H/ Øesjkeâ 0.5 H

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 97 YCT

920. Which of the following statements associated (b) A capacitor resists an abrupt change in the
with inductors is wrong?/Øesjkeâ mes mecyeefvOele current flowing through it/mebOeeefj$e Deheves ceW mes
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve ieuele nw? ØeJeeefnle Oeeje ceW Deekeâefmcekeâ heefjJele&ve keâe efJejesOe keâjlee nw~
(a) An inductor is a short circuit to dc (c) It is impossible to change the voltage across a
Skeâ Øesjkeâ dc kesâ efueS ueIeg heefjheLe keâer lejn nw capacitor even if the current through the
(b) An inductor is a open circuit to dc capacitor by a finite amount in zero time, for
this requires infinite current through the
Skeâ Øesjkeâ [er.meer. kesâ efueS Deesheve heefjheLe keâer lejn nw
capacitor/mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe heefjJeefle&le keâjvee
(c) An inductor never dissipates energy but only
DemebYeJe nw, ÙeneB lekeâ efkeâ MetvÙe meceÙe ceW mebOeeefj$e ceW
stores it/Skeâ Øesjkeâ keâYeer Yeer Tpee& #eÙe veneR keâjlee nw
uesefkeâve kesâJeue Ùen Tpee& meb«eefnle keâjlee nw Oeeje heefjefcele cee$ee ceW nes, Fmekesâ efueS mebOeeefj$e ceW Devevle
Oeeje keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~
(d) A finite amount of energy can be stored in an
inductor even if voltage across it is zero, such (d) A finite amount of energy can be stored in a
as when the current through it is constant /Ùeefo capacitor even if the current through the
capacitor is zero, such as when the voltage
Øesjkeâ kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe MetvÙe nes leye Yeer FmeceW Skeâ
across it is a constant/Ùeefo mebOeeefj$e ceW Oeeje MetvÙe
meerefcele cee$ee ceW Tpee& meb«eefnle keâer pee mekeâleer nw, pewmee
nes leye Yeer mebOeeefj$e ceW Skeâ heefjefcele cee$ee ceW Tpee& meb«eefnle
efkeâ peye FmeceW mes ØeJeeefnle Oeeje efmLej nes
jnleer nw, pewmes efkeâ peye Ùen Jeesušspe efmLej neslee nw~
921. Statement (I) : Inductor is not used to realize a
923. Consider the following?
lag network.
keâLeve (I) : uewie vesšJeke&â keâes mecePeves nsleg Øesjkeâ keâe ØeÙeesie efvecve hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
Energy storage capability of basic passive
veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw~
elements is due to the fact that?
Statement (II) : Inductor produces time delay and
hysteresis loss.
Skeâ cetue hewefmeJe DeJeÙeJe keâer Tpee& meb«enCe #ecelee Fme
keâLeve (II) : Øesjkeâ meceÙe osjer Deewj efnmšsefjefmeme neefve GlheVe leLÙe keâe keâejCe nw? efkeâ
keâjlee nw~ 1. resistance dissipates energy
Codes : / ketâš : ØeeflejesOe Tpee& #eÙe keâjlee nw~
2. capacitance stores energy
(a) Both statement (I) and Statement (II) are
individually true and statement (II) is the mebOeeefj$e Tpee& meb«eefnle keâjlee nw~
correct explanation of statement (I)/oesveeW keâLeve 3. inductance dissipates energy
(I) Deewj (II) JÙeefòeâiele ™he mes melÙe nw leLee keâLeve II, ØesjkeâlJe Tpee& #eÙe keâjlee nw~
keâLeve I keâe mener JÙeeKÙee nw~ Which of the above is/are correct?
(b) Both statement (I) and statement (II) are Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mener nw?
individually true but statement (II) is not the (a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
correct explanation of statement (I)/oesveeW keâLeve (b) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3
(I Deewj II) JÙeefòeâiele ™he mes melÙe nQ uesefkeâve keâLeve II,
(c) 3 alone/3 Dekesâues
keâLeve I keâer mener JÙeeKÙee veneR nw~
(d) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
(c) statement (I) is true but statement (II) is
924. Constant voltage source is?
false/keâLeve I mener nw uesefkeâve keâLeve II ieuele nw~
efmLej Jeesušlee Œeesle nw?
(d) Statement (I) is false but statement (II) is
true/keâLeve I ieuele nw uesefkeâve keâLeve II mener nw~ (a) active and bilateral/meef›eâÙe Deewj efÉhe#eerÙe
922. Which of the following statements associated (b) passive and bilateral/efveef<›eâÙe Deewj efÉhe#eerÙe
with capacitors is wrong?/mebOeeefj$e mes mecyeefvOele (c) active and unilateral/meef›eâÙe Deewj Skeâhe#eerÙe
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve ieuele nw? (d) passive and unilateral/efveef<›eâÙe Deewj Skeâhe#eerÙe
(a) A capacitor resists an abrupt change in the 925. An ideal voltage source should have?
voltage across it in a manner analogous to the DeeoMe& Jeesušspe Œeesle ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS?
way a spring resists abrupt change in its
displacement/efpeme Øekeâej efmØebie, efJemLeeheve ceW (a) large emf/GÛÛe F&SceSheâ
Deekeâefmcekeâ heefjJele&ve keâe efJejesOe keâjleer nw Gmeer Øekeâej (b) small emf/efvecve F&SceSheâ
mebOeeefj$e Deheves S›eâe@me Deekeâefmcekeâ Jeesušspe heefjJele&ve keâe (c) zero resistance/MetvÙe ØeeflejesOe
efJejesOe keâjlee nw~ (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 98 YCT

926. Which one of the following gives the V-I 929. Consider the following statements?
characteristic of an ideal voltage sources? efvecveefueefKele keâLeve hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve Skeâ DeeoMe& Jeesušspe Œeesle keâe Any element connected in?
V-I DeefYeue#eCe ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw? ceW pegÌ[e ngDee keâesF& Yeer DeJeÙeJe?
1. Series with an ideal current source is
redundant /Skeâ DeeoMe& Oeeje Œeesle kesâ meeLe ßesCeer
ceW efvejLe&keâ nw~
2. parallel with an ideal current source is
redundant /Skeâ DeeoMe& Oeeje Œeesle kesâ meeLe
meceeblej ceW efvejLe&keâ nw~
3. series with an ideal voltage source is
927. If an ideal voltage and ideal current source are
redundant /Skeâ DeeoMe& Jeesušspe Œeesle kesâ meeLe
connected in series, the combination?
Ùeefo Skeâ DeeoMe& Jeesušspe Œeesle Deewj Skeâ DeeoMe& Oeeje ßesCeer ceW efvejLe&keâ nw~
Œeesle ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele efkeâS peeS lees mebÙeespeve ceW? 4. parallel with an ideal voltage source is
redundant/Skeâ DeeoMe& Jeesušspe Œeesle kesâ meeLe
(a) has the same properties as a current source
alone/Dekesâues Oeeje Œeesle keâer YeeBefle meceeve iegCe nesles nw meceeblej ceW efvejLe&keâ nw~
(b) has the same properties as a voltage source Which of the above statements is/are correct?
alone/Dekesâues Jeesušspe Œeesle keâer YeeBefle meceeve iegCe nesles nw~ Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve mener nw?
(c) has the same properties as the source which (a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 (b) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3
has a higher value/Gme Œeesle keâer YeeBefle meceeve iegCe (c) 2 only/kesâJeue 2 (d) 1 and 4/1 Deewj 4
nesles nw efpemekeâe ceeve GÛÛe nw~ *930. Three 30Ω resistors are connected in parallel
(d) results in the branch being redundant across an ideal 140 V source. What would be
MeeKee ceW heefjCeece efvejLe&keâ nw~ the equivalent resistance seen by the load
928. Consider the following two types of non- connected across this circuit?
identical sources?/efvecveefueefKele oes Øekeâej kesâ 30Ω Jeeues leerve ØeeflejesOekeâ Skeâ 140 V kesâ DeeoMe&
Demeceeve Œeesle hej efJeÛeej keâjW? Jeesušspe Œeesle kesâ S›eâe@me meceeblej ceW mebÙeesefpele nw~ Fme
1. Voltage source e1 (t) and e2 (t) heefjheLe kesâ S›eâe@me mebÙeesefpele efkeâS ieS uees[ Éeje osKee
Jeesušspe œeesle e1 (t) leLee e2 (t) ieÙee leguÙe ØeeflejesOe nesiee?
2. Current sources i1 (t) and i2 (t) (a) 0 Ω (b) 10 Ω
Oeeje Œeesle i1 (t) leLee i2 (t) (c) 20 Ω (d) 30 Ω
Regarding the mode of their connection in a *931. In the circuit shown below, the voltage and
circuit? current sources are ideal. The voltage (Vout)
Skeâ heefjheLe ceW Gvekesâ mebÙeespeve kesâ mecyevOe ceW? across the current source, in volts, is?
(a) 1 cannot be connected in parallel, and 2 veerÛes ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje Œeesle DeeoMe&
cannot be connected in series/1 keâes meceeblej ceW nQ~ Oeeje Œeesle kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe (Vout) Jeesuš ceW nw?
mebÙeesefpele veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw, Deewj 2 keâes ßesCeer ceW
mebÙeesefpele veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(b) 1 cannot be connected in series, and 2 cannot
be connected in parallel/1 keâes ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele
veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw, Deewj 2 keâes meceeblej ceW
mebÙeesefpele veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(c) Both 1 and 2 cannot be connected in series (a) 0 (b) 5
oesveeW 1 Deewj 2 ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele veneR efkeâS pee mekeâles nw~ (c) 10 (d) 20
(d) Both 1 and 2 cannot be connected in parallel 932. A parctical current source is represented by?
oesveeW 1 Deewj 2 meceeblej ceW mebÙeesefpele veneR efkeâS pee mekeâles Skeâ JÙeeJeneefjkeâ Oeeje Œeesle.................Éeje ØeoefMe&le
nQ~ neslee nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 99 YCT
(a) a resistance in series with an ideal current
source/DeeoMe& Oeeje Œeesle kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW Skeâ ØeeflejesOe
(b) a resistance in parallel with an ideal current
source /DeeoMe& Oeeje Œeesle kesâ meeLe meceeblej ceW Skeâ
(c) a resistance in parallel with an ideal voltage
source /DeeoMe& Jeesušspe Œeesle kesâ meeLe meceeblej ceW Skeâ
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
933. A dependent source? *936. In the network shown, the value of E which will
permit power dissipation of 180 watts in the 20
Skeâ Deeefßele Œeesle? ohm resistor
(a) may be a current source or a voltage source oMee&Ùes ieÙes heefjheLe ceW E keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee pees 20 Ω
keâesF& Oeeje Œeesle Ùee Jeesušspe Œeesle nes mekeâlee nw~ kesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW 180 Jeeš keâer Meefkeäle DeheJÙeÙe keâjlee nw
(b) is always a voltage source
meowJe Jeesušspe Œeesle neslee nw~
(c) is always a current source
meowJe Oeeje Œeesle neslee nw~
(d) neither a current source nor a voltage source (a) 90 V (b) 135 V
(c) 165 V (d) 210 V
ve lees Oeeje Œeesle neslee nw Deewj ve lees Jeesušspe Œeesle *937. In the network shown, the voltage needed
*934. In the network shown the value of the current across PQ so that the voltage drop across the
supplied by the battery will be 15 ohm resistor is 45 volts will be
efoKeeS ieÙes vesšJeke&â ceW yewšjer Éeje Øeoeve keâer ieF& Oeeje oMee&Ùes ieÙes vesšJeke&â ceW PQ kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe [^e@he keäÙee
keâe ceeve nesiee– nesiee peyeefkeâ 15 Ω ØeeflejesOe kesâ S›eâe@me 45 Jeesuš keâe
[^e@he neslee nw–

(a) 1.17 A (b) 11.7 A

(c) 11.7 mA (d) 117 mA
*935. For the network shown in figure, which figure (a) 200 V (b) 150 V
represent the equivalent T-network (c) 105 V (d) 98 V
938. Which parameter is known as transmission
efoS ieÙes vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS keâewve-mee efÛe$e meceleguÙe T parameter?/efkeâme efmLejebkeâ keâes š^ebmeefceMeve efmLejebkeâ kesâ
vesšJeke&â Øeoe|Mele keâjlee nw~ ™he ceW peevee peelee nw?
(a) ABCD parameter/ABCD efmLejebkeâ
(b) z-parameter/z-efmLejebkeâ
(c) Y-parameter/Y-efmLejebkeâ
(d) h-parameter/h-efmLejebkeâ
939. To determine the polarity of the voltage drop
across a resistor, it is necessary to know
Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ Deej-heej Jeesušspe [^e@he keâer OeÇgJelee
(a) keâe efveOee&jCe keâjves kesâ efueS Ùen peevevee DeeJeMÙekeâ
neslee nw–
(a) value of current through the resistor
ØeeflejesOekeâ mes neskeâj Oeeje keâe ceeve
(b) direction of current through the resistor
ØeeflejesOekeâ mes neskeâj Oeeje keâer efoMee
(c) value of resistor/ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe ceeve
(d) e.m.fs. in the circuit/heefjheLe ceW efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 100 YCT
*940. The Thevenin's equivalent between points L 945. A non-linear network does not satisfy
and M for the network shown in Fig. is given Skeâ DejwefKekeâ vesšJeke&â mevleg° veneR keâjlee nw–
by/efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieÙes vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS L leLee M (a) superposition condition/meghejheespeerMeve keâv[erMeve
efyevogDeeW kesâ ceOÙe LewJesefveve keâe leguÙeebkeâ .......... kesâ Éeje (b) homogeneity condition/nesceespesefvešer keâv[erMeve
efoÙee ieÙee nw– (c) both homogeneity as well as super-position
condition/oesveeW nesceespesefvešer kesâ meeLe-meeLe
meghejheespeerMeve keâv[erMeve
L M (d) homogeneity, superposition and asso-ciative
condition/nesceespesefvešer, meghejheespeerMeve leLee
SJemeerefmeÙesefšJe keâv[erMeve
946. The superposition theorem is applicable to
(a) 5 V, 0 ohm DeOÙeejesheCe ØecesÙe kesâ efueÙes ueeiet neslee nw–
(b) 5 V, 5 ohm (a) linear, non-linear and time variant responses
(c) 5 V, 10 ohm jsKeerÙe, DejsKeerÙe leLee meceÙe heefjJeleea efjmhee@vme
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) linear and non-linear resistors only
941. The circuit parameters may be kesâJeue jsKeerÙe leLee DejsKeerÙe ØeeflejesOekeâ
heefjheLe efmLejebkeâ nes mekeâlee nw– (c) linear response only/kesâJeue jsKeerÙe efjmhee@vme
(i) active/meef›eâÙe (ii) passive/efveef<›eâÙe (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
(iii) linear/jwefKekeâ (iv) non-linear/DejwefKekeâ 947. Which of the following is not a non-linear
Which of the following is valid for a gas diode?
veerÛes efoÙee ieÙee keâewve-mee Skeâ DejwefKekeâ lelJe veneR nw–
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee iewme [eÙees[ kesâ efueS ceevÙe nw?
(a) Gas diode/iewme [eÙees[
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iv)
(b) Heater coil/neršj kegâC[ueer
(c) (ii) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iii)
942. Which of the following is linear and bilateral (c) Tunnel diode/šveue [eÙees[
parameter?/veerÛes efoÙee ieÙee keâewve-mee jwefKekeâ Deewj (d) Electric arc/Fuesefkeäš^keâ Deeke&â
efÉhe#eerÙe efmLejebkeâ nw– 948. Application of Norton's theorem to a circuit
yields/vee@š&ve kesâ ØecesÙe keâe GheÙeesie Skeâ heefjheLe kesâ
(a) resistors/ØeeflejesOekeâ
efueÙes Øeoeve keâjlee nw–
(b) semi-conductor diodes/Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ [eÙees[
(a) equivalent current source and impedance in
(c) electron tubes/Fueskeäš^e@ve šŸetye series/leguÙe Oeeje Œeesle leLee ßesCeer ceW ØeefleyeeOee
(d) transistor/š^e@efpemšj (b) equivalent current source and impedance in
*943. For the circuit shown in Fig. the current parallel/leguÙe Oeeje Œeesle leLee meceevlej ceW ØeefleyeeOee
through R2 will be/efÛe$e ceW oMee&Ùes ieÙes heefjheLe kesâ (c) equivalent impedance/leguÙe ØeefleyeeOee
efueÙes R2 mes neskeâj yenves Jeeueer Oeeje nesieer– (d) equivalent current source/leguÙe Oeeje Œeesle
949. The superposition theorem is applicable to
DeOÙeejesheCe ØecesÙe kesâ efueÙes ueeiet neslee nw–
(a) voltage only/kesâJeue Jeesušlee
(b) current only/kesâJeue Oeeje
(a) 2.5 A (b) 8.5 A (c) both current and voltage/Oeeje leLee Jeesušlee oesveeW
(c) 4.5 A (d) 5.5 A (d) current voltage and power
944. The circuit has resistors, capacitors and semi- Oeeje Jeesušlee leLee Meefòeâ
conductor diodes. The circuit will be known as
*950. Between the branch voltages of a loop the
efkeâmeer heefjheLe kesâ heeme ØeeflejesOekeâ, mebOeeefj$e leLee Deæ& Kirchhoff's voltage law imposes
Ûeeuekeâ [eÙees[dme nw~ heefjheLe............ kesâ ™he ceW peevee Skeâ uethe kesâ yeÇebÛe Jeesušspe kesâ yeerÛe ceW efkeâjÛee@heâ
peeÙesiee– Jeesušlee keâe efveÙece ØeYeeJe [euelee nw–
(a) non-linear circuit/DejwefKekeâ heefjheLe (a) non-linear constraints/DejwefKekeâ keâevmeš^wvšdme
(b) linear circuit/jwefKekeâ heefjheLe (b) linear constraints/jwefKekeâ keâevmeš^wvšdme
(c) bilateral circuit/efÉefoMeerÙe heefjheLe (c) no constraints/keâesF& keâevmeš^wvšdme veneR
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 101 YCT
951. Which of the following is the passive element? 956. In Thevenin's theorem, to find Z
veerÛes oer ieÙeer keâewve-meer efveef<›eâÙe SefueceWš (Passive LewJesefveve kesâ ØecesÙe ceW Z keâes heeves kesâ efueÙes–
Element) nw– (a) all independent current sources are short
circuited and independent voltage sources are
(a) Capacitance/mebOeeefj$e open circuited/meYeer mJelev$e Oeeje Œeesle ueIegheefLele keâj
(b) Ideal current source/DeeoMe& Oeeje Œeesle efoÙes peeles nw leLee mJelev$e Jeesušlee Œeesle Keguee heefjheLe ceW
(c) Ideal voltage source/DeeoMe& Jeesušlee Œeesle nesles nw
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (b) all independent voltage and current sources
are open circuited /meYeer mJelev$e Jeesušlee leLee Oeeje
952. Which of the following is a bilateral element?
Œeesle Kegues heefjheLe nesles nw
veerÛes efoÙee ieÙee keâewve-mee Skeâ efÉhe#eerÙe SefueceWš
(c) all independent voltage and current sources
(bilateral element) nw– are short circuited/meYeer mJelev$e Jeesušlee leLee Oeeje
(a) Constant current source/efmLej Oeeje Œeesle Œeesle ueIegheefLele nesles nw
(b) Constant voltage source/efmLej Jeesušlee Œeesle (d) all independent voltage sources are short
circuited and all independent current sources
(c) Capacitance/Oeeefjlee
are open circuited/meYeer mJelev$e Jeesušlee Œeesle
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR ueIegheefLele nesles nw leLee meYeer mJelev$e Oeeje Œeesle Kegues
953. A closed path made by several branches of the heefjheLe ceW nesles nw~
network is known as 957. While calculating Rth in Thevenin's theorem
vesšJeke&â kesâ keâF& Øekeâej kesâ MeeKeeDeeW kesâ Éeje Skeâ yevo and Norton equivalent
heeLe yeveeÙee peelee nw– peye LewJesefveve ØecesÙe Deewj vee@š&ve meceleguÙe ceW Rth keâer
(a) branch/MeeKee
ieCevee keâj jns nes lees –
(a) all independent sources are made dead
(b) loop/uethe
meYeer mJelev$e Œeesle [s[ yeveeÙes peeles nw~
(c) circuit/heefjheLe (b) only current sources are made dead
(d) junction/pebkeäMeve kesâJeue Oeeje Œeesle [s[ yeveeÙes peeles nw~
954. A linear resistor having 0 < R < ∞ is a (c) only voltage sources are made dead
Skeâ jsKeerÙe ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe ceeve 0 < R < ∞ nw~ Ùen kesâJeue Jeesušlee Œeesle [s[ yeveeÙes peeles nw~
Skeâ– (d) all voltage and current sources are made dead
meYeer Jeesušlee leLee Oeeje Œeesle [s[ yeveeÙes peeles nw~
(a) current controlled resistor
958. The number of independent equations to solve
Oeeje efveÙeefv$ele ØeeflejesOekeâ a network is equal to
(b) voltage controlled resistor mJelev$e meceerkeâjCeeW keâer mebKÙee keâes nue keâjves kesâ efueÙes
Jeesušlee efveÙeefv$ele ØeeflejesOekeâ Skeâ vesšJeke&â ......... kesâ yejeyej neslee nw–
(c) both current controlled and voltage controlled (a) the number of chords/peerJee keâer mebKÙee
resistor/Oeeje efveÙeefv$ele leLee Jeesušlee efveÙeefv$ele (b) the number of branches/MeeKeeDeeW keâer mebKÙee
ØeeflejesOekeâ oesveeW (c) sum of the number of branches and chords
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR MeeKeeDeeW leLee peerJee mebKÙeeDeeW keâe Ùeesie
*955. A star circuit has element of resistance R/2. (d) sum of number of branches, chords and nodes
The equivalent delta elements will be MeeKeeDeeW, peerJee leLee vees[dme keâer mebKÙeeDeeW keâe Ùeesie
Skeâ mšej heefjheLe R/2 ØeeflejesOe keâe SueerceWš jKelee nw 959. The superposition theorem requires as many
circuits to be solved as there are
meceleguÙe [suše SueerceWš nesiee– DeOÙeejesheCe ØecesÙe keâes Gleves heefjheLeeW keâes nue keâjves keâer
(a) R/6 DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw efpeleves efkeâ Jeneb hej nesles nw–
R (a) sources, nodes and meshes/Œeesle, vees[dme leLee cesMe
2 (b) sources and nodes/Œeesle leLee vees[dme
(c) 2 R (c) sources/Œeesle
(d) 4 R (d) nodes/vees[dme
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 102 YCT
(c) The conduction current flows through the
3. efmLej-JewÅegeflekeâer Deewj Oeeefjlee capacitor
(Electrostatics and Capacitance) Ûeeueve efJeÅegle ØeJeen kewâhesefmešj kesâ ceeOÙece mes yenlee nw
(d) Current can not be quantified as displacement
960. The charging of a capacitor through a current or conduction
resistance follows efJeÅegle ØeJeen keâes Ûeeueve ØeJeen DeLeJee efJemLeeheve ØeJeen
Skeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeOÙece mes mebOeeefj$e keâe DeeJesMeve kesâ ™he ceW heefjceeefCele veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
DevegmejCe keâjlee nw– 966. The best place to install a capacitor is ............
(a) linear law/ jsKeerÙe efveÙece Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâes mLeeefhele keâjves keâe meyemes DeÛÚe mLeeve
(b) square law/ Jeie& efveÙece nw............. ~
(c) exponential law/ IeeleebkeâerÙe efveÙece (a) very near to inductive load
(d) none of these/ FveceW mes keâesF& veneR ØesjkeâerÙe uees[ kesâ yengle heeme
961. In a charged capacitor, the energy is stored in : (b) across the terminals of the inductive load
Skeâ DeeJesefMele mebOeeefj$e ceW, Tpee& -------- ceW ØesjkeâerÙe uees[ kesâ S›eâe@me šefce&veueeW hej
meb«eefnle nesleer nw~ (c) Far away from the inductive load
(a) The negative charges/ $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeJesMe ØesjkeâerÙe uees[ mes yengle otj
(b) the positive charges/ Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe (d) Any where/ efkeâmeer Yeer mLeeve hej
(c) the field between the plates 967. Paper condenser is :
huesšeW kesâ yeerÛe kesâ #es$e heshej mebOeeefj$e nw-
(d) none of these/ FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) a variable condenser/ heefjJeefle&le mebOeeefj$e
*962. The ratio of effective capacitance of two equal (b) always polarized/ meowJe heesuesjeFp[
capacitors connected in series to connected in (c) usually used in AC/ Deeceleewj hej S.meer. ceW GheÙeesieer
parallel is : (d) Electrolytic condenser/Fueskeäš^esueeFefškeâ mebOeeefj$e
ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s oes meceeve mebOeeefj$e keâes meceevlej ceW peesÌ[e
968. The capacitance of a capacitor is .............
peelee nw lees ØeYeeJeer Oeeefjlee keâe Devegheele nw- relative permittivity.
(a) 1:4 (b) 4:1 mebOeeefj$e keâer Oeeefjlee meehesef#ekeâ heejiecÙelee --------
(c) 1:2 (d) 2:1 nesleer nw~
963. Capacitors are said to
(a) directly proportional to
mebOeeefj$eeW kesâ efueS keâne peelee nw-
keâs meerOes Deevegheeeflekeâ
(a) block AC and pass DC
(b) inversely proportional to/ kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
AC keâes yueekeâ Deewj DC keâes heeme keâjvee
(c) independent of/ mes mJeleb$e
(b) Block DC and pass AC
(d) directly proportional to square of
DC keâes yueekeâ Deewj AC keâes heeme keâjvee
kesâ Jeie& kesâ meerOes Deevegheeeflekeâ
(c) Pass AC and DC/ AC Deewj DC keâes heeme keâjvee
969. Electrolytic capacitor is the most commonly
(d) Block AC and DC/ AC Deewj DC keâes yueekeâ keâjvee used type but it has two disadvantages, namely
*964. A capacitor stores 0.12 coulombs at 5 volts. Its Fueskeäš^esueeFefškeâ mebOeeefj$e meyemes DeefOekeâ Fmlesceeue efkeâS
capacitance is :
peeves Jeeuee Øekeâej nw, uesefkeâve Fmekesâ oes vegkeâmeeve nQ,
5 Jeesuš hej Skeâ mebOeeefj$e 0.12 ketâuee@ce DeeJesMe Skeâef$ele
keâjlee nw, lees Fmekeâer Oeeefjlee nw-
(a) low insulation resistance and suitable for DC
(a) 0.6 F (b) 0.12 F
only / keâce efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOe Deewj kesâJeue [er.meer. kesâ
(c) 0.024 F (d) none of these
965. When a current source is connect to a
efueS GheÙegòeâ
capacitor, ………. (b) high insulation resistance and suitable for AC
Skeâ efJeÅegle ØeJeen keâe œeesle Skeâ kewâhesefmešj mes pegÌ[e nw– only/ GÛÛe efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOe Deewj kesâJeue S.meer. kesâ
(a) The displacement current flows through the efueS GheÙegòeâ
capacitor/efJemLeeheve efJeÅegle ØeJeen kewâhesefmešj kesâ ceeOÙece (c) high capacitance and high insulation
mes yenlee nw resistance/GÛÛe Oeeefjlee Deewj GÛÛe efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOe
(b) No current flows through the capacitor (d) high capacitance and low insulation resistance
kewâhesefmešj kesâ ceeOÙece mes keâesF& Yeer efJeÅegle ØeJeen veneR yenlee nw GÛÛe Oeeefjlee Deewj efvecve efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 103 YCT
*970. What charge would be taken by the practical to (a) D.C. only/kesâJeue [er.meer.
10 micro farad capacitor if connected to a 200 (b) A.C. only/kesâJeue S.meer.
volt supply? (c) both D.C. as well as A.C.
10ceeF›eâes Hewâj[ keâer mebOeeefj$e Ùeefo 200 Jeesuš keâer [er.meer Deewj S.meer. oesveeW kesâ efueS
Deehetefle& mes pegÌ[e nes lees ØeÙeesefiekeâ DeeJesMe efkeâlevee nesiee? (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) 20 volt / 20 Jeesuš 976. The capacitance of a capacitor is not affected by
(b) 20 ampere / 20 SefcheÙej Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâer Oeeefjlee ............. kesâ Éeje ØeYeeefJele
(c) 20 micro coulomb/ 20 ceeF›eâes ketâuee@ce veneR neslee nw–
(d) 2.0 mili coulomb/ 2.0 efceueer ketâuee@ce (a) distance between plates
971. To test a capacitor which is suspected to short huesšeW kesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer
circuit, it is connected in series with a 120V (b) area of plates/huesšeW kesâ #es$eheâue
lamp across a 120V DC supply. If the capacitor (c) thickness of plates/huesšeW keâer ceesšeF&
is really short-circuited, the lamp will (d) all of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW meYeer
Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâe hejer#eCe keâjves kesâ efueS efpemes Mee@š& 977. The capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor is
meefke&âš keâe mebosn nw, Ùen 120V DC Deehetefle& kesâ Deej- given by
heej 120V uewche kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[e nw~ Ùeefo Skeâ yesueveekeâej mebOeeefj$e keâer Oeeefjlee nesleer nw–
mebOeeefj$e JeemleJe ceW Meeš& meefke&âš nw lees uewche - ε0ε r 2πε 0 ε r 2
(a) (b)
(a) flash on and off intermittently log e r2 / r1 log e r2 / r1
®keâ-®keâ keâj heäuewMe keâjsiee 3πε 0ε r 2πε 0 ε r
(b) flash once and then become and remain dark (c) (d)
log e r2 / r1 log e r2 / r1
Skeâ yeej heäuewMe keâjkesâ efheâj DebOesje keâjsiee 978. Which of the following is not a vector?
(c) remain dark/ DebOesje keâjsiee efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ meefoMe veneR nw–
(d) burn normally/ meeceevÙe ™he mes peuesiee~ (a) Linear momentum/jsKeerÙe mebJesie
972. A capacitor that has been connected across a (b) Angular momentum/keâesCeerÙe mebJesie
battery for comparatively long time becomes
(c) Electric field/efJeÅegle #es$e
Skeâ mebOeeefj$e pees legueveelcekeâ ™he mes uecyes meceÙe kesâ
(d) Electric potential/efJeÅegle efJeYeJe
efueS Skeâ yewšjer mes pegÌ[e nw Jen nesiee - 979. In a capacitive circuit
(a) charged/ DeeJesefMele Skeâ OeeefjleerÙe heefjheLe ceW–
(b) discharged/ DeveeJesefMele (a) a steady value of applied voltage causes
(c) short circuited/ ueIegheefLele discharge/efmLej ceeve keâe Jeesušspe ØeÙegòeâ keâjves hej
(d) defective/oes<ehetCe& DeveeJesefMele neslee nw
(b) an increase in applied voltage makes a
*973. If three 10 µF capacitors are connected in
parallel, the net capacitance is capacitor charge/ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe
Ùeefo 10 µF kesâ leerve mebOeeefj$e meceeveevlej ceW pegÌ[s nQ lees mebOeeefj$e DeeJesefMele neslee nw
(c) decrease in applied voltage makes a capacitor
leguÙeOeeefjlee nw–
charge/ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe ceW keâceer keâjves mes mebOeeefj$e
(a) 20 µF (b) 30 µF DeeJesefMele neslee nw~
(c) 40 µF (d) 50 µF
(d) none of the above/Ghe&Ùegòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
974. A dielectric material must be
980. When a dielectric slab is introduced in a
Skeâ hejeJewÅegle heoeLe& DeJeMÙe ner nesvee ÛeeefnÙes– parallel plate capacitor, the potential difference
(a) resistor/ØeeflejesOekeâ between plates will
(b) insulator/kegâÛeeuekeâ peye Skeâ hejeJewÅegle muewye keâes meceevlej huesš mebOeeefj$e ceW
(c) good conductor/DeÛÚe Ûeeuekeâ [euee peelee nw, lees huesš kesâ yeerÛe efJeYeJeevlej nesiee–
(d) semi-conductor/Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ (a) remain unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le jnsiee
975. An electrolytic capacitor can be used for (b) decrease/Iešsiee
Skeâ Fueskeäš^esueeFš mebOeeefj$e ............ kesâ efueÙes ØeÙeesie (c) increase/yeÌ{siee
efkeâÙee peelee nw– (d) become zero/MetvÙe nesiee

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 104 YCT

*981. The equivalent capacitance of the circuit shown 987. The unit of capacitance is
in Fig. will be Oeeefjlee keâer FkeâeF& nesleer nw–
efÛe$e ceW efoÙes ieÙes heefjheLe keâer meceleguÙe Oeeefjlee nesieer– (a) henry/nsvejer (b) ohm/Deesced
(c) farad/hewâj[ (d) farad/m/hewâj[/ceer.
*988. A capacitor charged to 200 V has 2000 µC of
charge. The value of capacitance will be
(a) 0.2 µF (b) 0.4 µF Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâes 200V lekeâ DeeJesefMele keâjves hej 2000
(c) 0.6 µF (d) 0.8 µF µC keâe DeeJesMe nw lees Oeeefjlee keâe ceeve nesiee–
982. Capacitance increases with (a) 10 F (b) 10 µF
mebOeeefj$e yeÌ{lee nw peye– (c) 100 µF (d) 1000 µF
(a) increase in plate area and decrease in distance 989. A capacitor in a circuit become hot and
between the plates/huesš kesâ #es$eheâue ceW Je=efæ Deewj ultimately exploded due to wrong connections,
huesšeW kesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer ceW keâceer keâjves mes which type of capacitor it could be?
(b) increase in plate area and distance between heefjheLe ceW Skeâ mebOeeefj$e ieuele mebÙeespeve mes iece& neslee nw
the plates/huesš kesâ #es$eheâue Deewj huesšeW kesâ yeerÛe keâer Deewj Deblele: efJemHeâesefšle nes ieÙee nes lees Ùen efkeâme Øekeâej
otjer ceW Je=efæ keâjves mes keâe mebOeeefj$e nes mekeâlee Lee–
(c) decrease in plate area and value of applied
voltage/huesš kesâ #es$eheâue Deewj ØeÙegòeâ efJeYeJe kesâ ceeve ceW (a) Paper capacitor/heshej mebOeeefj$e
keâceer keâjves mes (b) Ceramic capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e
(d) reduction in plate area and distance between (c) Electrolytic capacitor/Fueskeäš^esueeFš mebOeeefj$e
the plates/huesš kesâ #es$eheâue Deewj huesšeW kesâ yeerÛe keâer (d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
otjer ceW keâceer keâjves mes 990. Voltage across capacitor at any time T during
983. A capacitor consists of charging from a D.C. source of voltage V is
Skeâ mebOeeefj$e ------- keâe yevee neslee nw~ given by
(a) two insultaors separated by a conductor Skeâ V Jeesušspe kesâ [er.meer. Œeesle mes DeeJesefMele keâjves hej
Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ Éeje Deueie oes efJeÅeglejesOekeâeW T meceÙe ceW mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee------ kesâ
(b) two conductors separated by an insulator Éeje oer peeleer nw~
Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ Éeje Deueie oes ÛeeuekeâeW
ν = V (1 − e − t / λ )
(a) ν = Ve− t /λ
(c) two insulators only/kesâJeue oes efJeÅeglejesOekeâeW
(d) two conductors only/kesâJeue oes ÛeeuekeâeW (c) ν = V 2 e − t / λ (d) ν = V 2 (1 − e − t / λ )
984. A gang condenser is a
991. The ratio of electric flux density to electric field
Skeâ ieQie keâC[svmej neslee nw Skeâ– intensity is called.......of the medium
(a) polarised capacitor/OegÇJeerÙe mebOeeefj$e efJeÅegle heäuekeäme IevelJe Deewj efJeÅegle #es$e leer›elee kesâ
(b) variable capacitor/heefjJele&veerÙe mebOeeefj$e Devegheele keâes ceeOÙece keâer ------ keâne peelee nw~
(c) ceramic capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e
(a) permeability/ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) permittivity/efJeÅegleMeeruelee
985. A paper capacitor is usually available in the
form of/Skeâ heshej mebOeeefj$e meeOeejCeleÙee ............. kesâ (c) reluctance/Øeefle<šcYe
™he ceW GheueyOe neslee nw~ (d) capacitance/Oeeefjlee
(a) tubes/šdÙetye 992. Energy stored in the electric field of a capacitor
C when charged from a D.C. source of voltage
(b) rolled foil/uehesšer ngF& hevveer
V is equal to.......joules
(c) disc/Ûekeâleer
Skeâ V Jeesuš kesâ [er.meer. Œeesle Éeje mebOeeefj$e C keâes
(d) meshed plates/peeueeroej huesš
DeeJesefMele keâjves hej efJeÅegle #es$e ceW meb«eefnle Tpee&
986. Air capacitors are generally available in the
range/JeeÙeg mebOeeefj$e meeOeejCeleÙee ............ hejeme ceW ............ petue kesâ yejeyej nesleer nw~
GheueyOe neslee nw~ (a)
CV 2 (b)
1 2
(a) 10 to 400 pF (b) 1 to 20 pF 2 2
(c) 100 to 900 pF (d) 20 to 100 pF (c) CV2 (d) C2V
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 105 YCT
993. The absolute permittivity of free space is given by 1000. While testing a capacitor with ohm-metre, if
cegkeäle mLeeve keâer hejce efJeÅegleMeeruelee nesleer nw– the capacitor shows charging, but the final
(a) 8.854 × 10 F/m –9 resistance reading is appreciably less than
normal, it can be concluded that the capacitor is
(b) 8.854 × 10–10 F/m
Deesce-ceeršj mes mebOeeefj$e keâe hejer#eCe keâjles meceÙe, Ùeefo
(c) 8.854 × 10–11 F/m
meb Oeeefj$e DeeJesefMele efoKeelee nw uesefkeâve Deefvlece ØeeflejesOe
(d) 8.854 × 10–12 F/m
hee"dÙeebkeâ meeceevÙe mes keâeHeâer keâce nes lees Ùen efve<keâ<e&
994. The relative permittivity of free space is given by
cegkeäle mLeeve keâer meehesef#ekeâ efJeÅegleMeeruelee nesleer nw– efvekeâeuee pee mekeâlee nw efkeâ mebOeeefj$e ............ nw~
(a) 1 (b) 10 (a) short-circuited/ueIeg heefjheLe
(c) 100 (d) 1000 (b) open circuited/Keguee heefjheLe
995. Electric field intensity is a.......quantity (c) all right/meYeer "erkeâ
efJeÅegle #es$e leer›elee Skeâ ....... jeefMe nesleer nw~ (d) leaky/efÚõ Ùegòeâ
(a) scalar/DeefoMe
*1001.If a 6 µF capacitor is charged to 200 V, the
(b) vector/meefoMe charge in coulombs will be
(c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW Ùeefo Skeâ 6 µF keâe mebOeeefj$e 200V lekeâ DeeJesefMele
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw lees ketâuee@cye ceW DeeJesMe nesiee–
*996. When 4 volts e.m.f. is applied across a 1 farad (a) 800 µC (b) 900 µC
capacitor, it will store energy of
(c) 1200 µC (d) 1600 µC
peye 4 Jeesuš keâe efJe.Jee. yeue Skeâ 1 hewâj[ mebOeeefj$e kesâ
1002. Which capacitor will be physically smaller for
Deej-heej ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw lees Ùen ...... Tpee& the same ratings?
meb«eefnle keâjsieer– keâewve mee mebOeeefj$e meceeve efveOee&jCe kesâ efueÙes Yeeweflekeâ ™he
(a) 2 joules (b) 4 joules
mes Úesše nesiee–
(c) 6 joules (d) 8 joules
997. Which steady D.C. voltage from a battery (a) Ceramic capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e
applied to a capacitance, after it charges to the (b) Paper capacitor/heshej mebOeeefj$e
battery voltage, the current in the circuit (c) Both will be equal size
peye Skeâ yewšjer mes efmLej [er.meer. Jeesušspe, mebOeeefj$e hej oesveeW yejeyej Deekeâej kesâ neWies
ØeÙegòeâ keâer peeleer nw, lees– (d) None of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) is smaller for larger values of capacitance
*1003.What is the value of capacitance that must be
Oeeefjlee kesâ DeefOekeâlece ceeve kesâ efueÙes keâce nesleer nw connected in parallel with 50 pF condenser to
(b) is greater for larger values of capacitance make an equivalent capacitance of 150 pF?
Oeeefjlee kesâ DeefOekeâlece ceeve kesâ efueÙes DeefOekeâ nesleer nw meceleguÙe Oeeefjlee 150 pF keâes yeveeves kesâ efueS 50 pF
(c) is zero for any capacitance value Oeeefjlee kesâ meeLe meceeveevlej ceW pegÌ[s DeeJeMÙekeâ Oeeefjlee
Oeeefjlee kesâ efkeâmeer ceeve hej MetvÙe nesleer nw
keâe keäÙee ceeve nw?
(d) depends on the current rating of the battery
(a) 50 pF (b) 100 pF
yewšjer kesâ Oeeje efveOee&jCe hej efveYe&j nesleer nw
(c) 150 pF (d) 200 pF
998. The capacitor preferred for high frequency
circuits is/ GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe heefjheLe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegkeäle 1004. A mica capacitor and a ceramic capacitor both
have the same physical dimensions. Which will
mebOeeefj$e neslee nw– have more value of capacitance?
(a) air capacitor/JeeÙeg mebOeeefj$e Skeâ DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e Deewj Skeâ efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e oesveeW
(b) mica capacitor/DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e Skeâ pewmeer Yeeweflekeâ efJeceeSW jKeles nQ efkeâme mebOeeefj$e keâe
(c) electrolytic capacitor/Fueskeäš^esueeFš mebOeeefj$e
ceeve DeefOekeâ nesiee?
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) Ceramic capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e
999. The capacitor bank used in power factor
corrections is expressed in terms of (b) Mica capacitor/DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e
Meefkeäle iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve ceW ØeÙeesie keâer ieÙeer mebOeeefj$e yeQkeâ (c) Both will have indentical value of capacitance
keâer Oeeefjlee ------ kesâ heoeW ceW JÙekeäle keâer peeleer nw~ oesveeW mebOeeefj$e kesâ yejeyej ceeve nesies
(a) kW (b) kVA (d) It depends on applied voltage
(c) kVAR (d) volts Ùen ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 106 YCT
1005. Which of the following material has least value (b) A six dot mica capacitor colour coded white,
of dielectric constant?/efvecve ceW mes keâewve mes heoeLe& green, black, red and yellow has the
keâe hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâ keâe ceeve meyemes keâce nw? capacitance value of 500 pF/Skeâ DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e
(a) Ceramics/efmejsefcekeâ keâe Ú: efyevog keâuej keâes[ ›eâceMe: meHesâo, nje, keâeuee,
(b) Oil/Dee@Ùeue ueeue Deewj heeruee nw, Oeeefjlee keâe ceeve 500 pF (heerkeâes
(c) Glass/iuee@me
Hewâjs[) nw~
(c) Capacitors in series provide less capacitance
(d) Electrolytic/Fueskeäš^esueeFš
but a higher voltage breakdown rating for the
1006. Which of the following capacitors will have the combination/mebOeeefj$ees keâes ßesCeer ceW ueieeÙes peeves hej
least value of breakdown voltage?
keâce Oeeefjlee hejvleg Fme mebÙeespeve hej DeefOekeâ Yebpeve
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mes mebOeeefj$e keâer Yebpeve Jeesušlee keâe
Jeesušlee efveOee&jCe nesiee
ceeve meyemes keâce nesiee?
(d) A capacitor can store charge because it has a
(a) Mica/DeYeükeâ dielectric between two conductors/Skeâ mebOeeefj$e
(b) Paper/heshej DeeJesMe meb«eefnle keâj mekeâlee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ oes ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ
(c) Ceramic/efmejsefcekeâ ceOÙe Skeâ hejeJewÅegle nw~
(d) Electrolytic/Fueskeäš^esueeFš 1012. Paper capacitors usually have a tolerance of
1007. Dielectric constant for mica is nearly heshej mebOeeefj$e keâer meeOeejCeleÙee --------- keâer
DeYeükeâ kesâ efueÙes hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâ ueieYeie neslee nw– menveMeeruelee nesleer nw~
(a) 200 (b) 100 (a) ± 5% (b) ± 10%
(c) 3 to 8 (d) 1 to 2 (c) ± 15% (d) ± 20%
1008. The value of dielectric constant for vacuum is 1013. For closer tolerances which of the following
taken as/efveJee&le kesâ efueÙes hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâ keâe ceeve capacitors is usually preferred?
efueÙee peelee nw– efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mes mebOeeefj$e kesâ menveMeeruelee kesâ efueÙes
(a) zero/MetvÙe (b) 1 meeOeejCeleÙee hemebo efkeâÙes peeles nQ?
(c) 4 (d) 10 (a) Paper capacitor/heshej mebOeeefj$e
1009. Which of the following capacitor is marked for (b) Mica capacitor/DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e
(c) Ceramic disc capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ Ûekeâleer mebOeeefj$e
efvecve ceW mes efkeâme mebOeeefj$e keâes OeÇgJelee kesâ efueÙes efÛeefvnle
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
efkeâÙee peelee nw?
*1014.The electrostatic force between two charges of
(a) Air/JeeÙeg one coulomb each and placed at a distance of
(b) Paper/heshej 0.5 m will be
(c) Mica/DeYeükeâ ØelÙeskeâ Skeâ ketâuee@cye kesâ oes DeeJesMeeW kesâ ceOÙe keâer otjer
(d) Electrolytic/Fueskeäš^esefueefškeâ 0.5 m nw lees JewÅegle efmLeeflekeâ yeue nesiee–
1010. Which of the following capacitors can be used (a) 36 × 106 (b) 36 × 107 N
for temperature compensation? (c) 36 × 108 N (d) 36 × 109 N
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee mebOeeefj$e leeheceeve #eeflehetefle& kesâ 1015. The units of volume charge density are
efueÙes ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? DeeJesMe IevelJe DeeÙeleve keâer FkeâeF& nesleer nw–
(a) Air capacitor/JeeÙeg mebOeeefj$e (a) Coulomb/metre/ketâuee@cye/ceeršj
(b) Ceramic capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e (b) Coulomb/metre2/ketâuee@cye/ceeršj
(c) Paper capacitor/heshej mebOeeefj$e (c) Coulomb/metre3/ketâuee@cye/ceeršj
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) Coulomb/metre4/ketâuee@cye/ceeršj
1011. Which of the following statements is incorrect? 1016. The potential of the sphere is given by
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve DemelÙe nw? ieesues keâe efJeYeJe ----- kesâ Éeje efoÙee peelee nw~
(a) The thinner the dielectric, the more the Q2 Q
capacitance and the lower the voltage (a) (b)
4πε 0 r 4πε0 r
breakdown rating for a capacitor/heleuee hejeJewÅegle
nesves mes mebOeeefj$e keâer Oeeefjlee DeefOekeâ leLee Yebpeve Jeesušlee (c) (d)
πε0 r 8πε0 r 2
efveOee&jCe keâce nesieer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 107 YCT
1017. Dielectric strength of mica is *1023.If three capacitors C1, C2 and C3 of values of 1
DeYeükeâ keâe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& neslee nw– µF, 2 µF and 4 µF respectively are in series and
(a) 10 to 20 kV/mm connected across a potential of 230 V, then
charge on each capacitor is
(b) 30 to 50 kV/mm
Ùeefo leerve mebOeeefj$e C1, C2 Deewj C3 kesâ ceeve ›eâceMe: 1
(c) 50 to 200 kV/mm µF, 2 µF Deewj 4 µF ßesCeer ›eâce ceW nQ Deewj 230 V kesâ
(d) 300 to 500 kV/mm Skeâ efJeYeJe kesâ Deej-heej pegÌ[s nQ leye ØelÙeskeâ mebOeeefj$e hej
1018. The dielectric constant (relative permittivity) of DeeJesMe nw–
glass is given by
(a) 111 × 10–6 C (b) 121 × 10–6 C
iueeme keâer hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâ (meehesef#ekeâ efJeÅegleMeeruelee)
(c) 131 × 10–6 C (d) 161 × 10–6 C
........... nesleer nw~
1024. The inverse of capacitance is called
(a) 0.1 to 0.4 (b) 0.5 to 1.0 Oeeefjlee kesâ JÙegl›eâce keâes keâne peelee nw–
(c) 2.0 to 4.0 (d) 5 to 100
(a) reluctance/Øeefle°cYe
1019. ........... capacitors are mainly used for radio
frequency tuning. (b) conductance/Ûeeuekeâlee
........... mebOeeefj$e cegKÙe ™he mes jsef[Ùees DeeJe=efòe šŸetefvebie (c) susceptance/memhešWme
kesâ efueÙes ØeÙeesie keâer peeleer nw– (d) elastance/FueemešWme
(a) Paper/heshej 1025. When the dielectric is homogeneous, the
potential gradient is/peye hejeJewÅegle mece™he nw lees
(b) Air/JeeÙeg
efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee nesleer nw–
(c) Mica/DeYeükeâ
(a) uniform/Skeâ meceeve
(d) Electrolytic/Fueskeäš^esueeFš
(b) non-uniform/Demeceeve
1020. ......... capacitors are used in transistor circuits
(c) zero/MetvÙe
.......... mebOeeefj$e keâe GheÙeesie š^ebefpemšj meefke&âš (heefjheLe)
(d) any of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
1026. The potential gradient across the material of
(a) Ceramic/efmejsefcekeâ low permittivity is ....... than across the material
(b) Paper/heshej of high permittivity.
(c) Air/JeeÙeg keâce efJeÅegleMeeruelee kesâ heoeLe& kesâ Deej heej efJeYeJe
(d) Electrolytic/Fueskeäš^esueeFš ØeJeCelee GÛÛe efJeÅegleMeeruelee heoeLe& kesâ S›eâe@me keâer
1021. ......... capacitors are used for audio frequency Dehes#ee ........... nesleer nw~
and radio frequency coupling and tuning. (a) smaller/keâce
......... mebOeeefj$e Deeef[ÙeeW DeeJe=efòe Deewj jsef[Ùees DeeJe=efòe (b) greater/DeefOekeâ
keâheefuebie leLee šŸetefvebie kesâ efueÙes ØeÙeesie efkeâÙes peeles nQ~ (c) both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(a) Air/JeeÙeg (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Mica/DeYeükeâ 1027. ........ field is associated with the capacitor.
(c) Plastic film/hueeefmškeâ efHeâuce ......... #es$e mebOeeefj$e mes mecyeefvOele neslee nw~

(d) Ceramic/efmejsefcekeâ (a) Electric/efJeÅegle

*1022.The area of plates of the parallel plate (b) Magnetic/Ûegcyekeâ
capacitor, to obtain capacity of 0.3 × 10 µF if –3 (c) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
they are separated by a distance of 10 mm and (d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
a dielectric between them of permittivity = 2.5, *1028.A capacitor having capacitance of 5 µF is
will be charged to a potential difference of 10,000 V.
0.3 × 10–3 µF keâer Oeeefjlee kesâ mebOeeefj$e keâes 10 mm The energy stored in the capacitor is
keâer otjer mes Deueie efkeâÙee peelee nww Deewj Gvekesâ yeerÛe keâer Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâer Oeeefjlee 5 µF nw peesefkeâ 10,000 V
efJeÅegleMeeruelee 2.5 nw lees meceebvlej huesšeW keâe #es$eHeâue efJeYeJeevlej mes DeeJesefMele neslee nw lees mebOeeefj$e ceW meb«eefnle
nesiee– Tpee& nw–
(a) 0.1 m2 (b) 0.125 m2 (a) 50 joules (b) 150 joules
(c) 0.135 m2 (d) 0.235 m2 (c) 200 joules (d) 250 joules
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 108 YCT
*1029.A single core cable used on 33000 V has 1034. Dielectric strength .......... with increasing
conductor diameter 10 mm and the internal thickness
diameter of sheath 25 mm. The maximum hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& ceesšeF& yeÌ{ves kesâ meeLe ...........~
electrostatic stress in the cable is
(a) increases/yeÌ{leer nw
Skeâ efmebieue keâesj kesâefyeue kesâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe JÙeeme 10 mm
(b) decreases/Iešleer nw
leLee MeerLe keâe Deevleefjkeâ JÙeeme 25 mm nw, keâes 33000
(c) remains unaltered/DeheJeefle&le jnleer nw
V hej GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ kesâefyeue ceW DeefOekeâlece
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
efmLej JewÅegle leveeJe nw-
1035. The relation between the breakdown voltage V
(a) 62 × 105 V/m (b) 72 × 105 V/m and the thickness (t) of the dielectric is given V
(c) 82 × 105 V/m (d) 92 × 105 V/m = At2/3, where A is a constant depending on the
1030. Electric displacement is a .........quantity. nature of the medium and also on the thickness t.
efJeÅegle efJemLeeheve Skeâ .......... jeefMe nw– The above statement is known as
(a) scalar/DeefoMe Yebpeve Jeesušlee V leLee hejeJewÅegle keâer ceesšeF& (t) kesâ yeerÛe
(b) vector/meefoMe
meb yebOe V = At2/3 efoÙee ieÙee nw, peneB A efmLejebkeâ nw, pees
(c) both of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes oesveeW
efkeâ ceeOÙece keâer Øeke=âefle leLee ceesšeF& t hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Ùen keâLeve nw-
1031. "The surface integral of normal component of (a) Kirchhoff's law/efkeâjÛee@Heâ keâe efveÙece
the electric intensity E over a closed surface is (b) Faraday's law/Hewâje@[s keâe efveÙece
equal to
times the total charge inside it". (c) Baur's law/yeesj keâe efveÙece
∈0 (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
The above statement is known as 1036. The property of a capacitor to store electricity
efJeÅegle #es$e leer›elee E kesâ meeceevÙe Ieškeâ keâe Skeâ yevo is called is/efJeÅegle keâes meb«eefnle keâjves keâe mebOeeefj$e keâe
1 iegCe keânueelee nw–
he=‰ hej melen mechetCe&, Fmekesâ Devoj kegâue DeeJesMe kesâ
∈0 (a) capacitance/Oeeefjlee
iegves kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~ (b) charge/DeeJesMe
Ghejesòeâ keâLeve peevee peelee nw– (c) energy/Tpee&
(a) Gauss's theorem/iee@me keâe efmeæevle (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Faraday's law/Hewâje[s keâe efveÙece 1037. ......... is that property of a capacitor which
(c) Lenz's law/uesvpe keâe efveÙece delays any change of voltage across it.
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
......... Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâe Jen iegCe nw pees Fmekesâ Deej-heej
*1032.A point charge of 10–9 C is placed of a point A
Jeesušspe keâs heefjJele&ve keâes osj keâjleer nw~
in a free space. The intensity of electrostatic (a) Inductance/ØesjkeâlJe
field on the surface of a sphere of radius 50 mm (b) Capacitance/Oeeefjlee
and centre A is given by (c) Potential gradient/efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee
cegòeâ mLeeve ceW efmLele Skeâ efyevog A hej efyevog DeeJesMe 10–9 C
(d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
nw~ kesâvõ A leLee 50 mm ef$epÙee Jeeues ieesues kesâ melen hej 1038. Capacitance of a multiplate capacitor is given
efJeÅegle mLeweflekeâ #es$e keâer leer›elee ------- kesâ Éeje by/yeng huesš mebOeeefj$e keâer Oeeefjlee --------- Éeje oer
efoÙee peelee nw~ peeleer nw~
(a) 2000 V/m (b) 3000 V/m
( n − 1) ε0 ε r A ( n − 1)
ε0 ε r A
(c) 3151 V/m (d) 3595 V/m (a) 2
(b) 2
d d
1033. .......... at a point is equal to the negative
potential gradient at that point. ( n − 1) ε0 ε r A 2
( n − 1) ε0 ε r A
(c) (d)
Skeâ efyevog hej ------- Gme efyevog hej $e+Ceelcekeâ d d
efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~ 1039. In a concentric cable capacitor the diameter of
(a) Electric intensity/efJeÅegle leer›elee the inner and outer cylinders are 3mm and 10
mm respectively. If εr for insulation is 3, find its
(b) Electric flux/efJeÅegle Heäuekeäme capacitance per metre.
(c) Magnetic flux/ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme Skeâ mebkesâefvõle kesâyeue mebOeeefj$e ceW Deevleefjkeâ leLee yee¢e
(d) Magnetic flux density/ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme IevelJe efmeefuev[j keâe JÙeeme ›eâceMe: 3 mm leLee 10 mm nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 109 YCT
Ùeefo efJeÅeglejesOeve kesâ efueS εr 3 nes, lees Fmekeâer Øeefle ceeršj *1044.A capacitor of 80 µF is charged a p.d. of 250 V.
Oeeefjlee %eele keâerefpeS- The charge acquired by it is
(a) 100 pF (b) 110 pF 80 µF keâer Skeâ mebOeeefj$e 250 V keâer Skeâ efJeYeJeevlej mes
(c) 118.8 pF (d) 138.8 pF DeeJesefMele neslee nw lees Fmekesâ Éeje Øeehle DeeJesMe nw–
*1040.Two capacitors A and B are connected in series (a) 0.02 C (b) 0.2 C
across a 100 V supply and it is observed that (c) 0.3 C (d) 0.4 c
the p.ds. across them are 60 V and 40 V
1045. If an ohmmeter reading immediately goes
respectively. A capacitor of 2 µF is now
practically to zero and stays there, capacitor is
connected in parallel with A and p.d. across B
rises to 90 V. What is capacitance of A and B in Ùeef o Skeâ Deesÿeceeršj keâe hee"Ÿeebkeâ MeerIeÇ MetvÙe nes peeleer
µF? nw leLee ™keâ peeleer nw, lees mebOeeefj$e nw–
oes mebOeeefj$e A Deewj B Skeâ 100 V mehueeF& kesâ Deej-heej (a) charged/DeeJesefMele
ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nw, oesveeW hej ›eâceMe: 60 V Deewj 40 V (b) short-circuited/ueIeg-heLe
keâe efJeYeJeevlej nw mebOeeefj$e A kesâ meceevlej ceW 2 µF keâe (c) lossy/neefve
mebOeeefj$e peesÌ[ves hej B kesâ S›eâe@me efJeYeJeevlej yeÌ{keâj 90 (d) satisfactory/meblees<epevekeâ
V nes peelee nw~ µF ceW A Deewj B keâer Oeeefjlee keäÙee 1046. A capacitance of 1 µF equals
nesieer? 1 µF keâer Skeâ Oeeefjlee yejeyej neslee nw–
(a) 0.16 µF, 0.24 µF (b) 0.28 µF, 0.42 µF (a) 10–12 F (b) 10–8 F
(c) 0.64 µF, 0.9 µF (d) 1.2 µF, 1.8 µF (c) 10 F –6
(d) 10–4 F
*1041.An air capacitor of capcitance 0.005 µF 1047. Voltage applied across a dielectric produces an
connected to a direct voltage of 500 V is electrostatic field 50 times greater than air. The
disconnected and then immeresed in oil with a
dielectric constant of the dielectric will be
relative permittivity of 2.5. What is the energy
stored in the capacitor before and after
Skeâ hejeJewÅegle kesâ Deej-heej ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee ieÙee Jeesušspe
immersion. JeeÙeg keâer Dehes#ee 50 iegvee DeefOekeâ efJeÅeglemLeweflekeâ #es$e
Skeâ JeeÙeg mebOeeefj$e efpemekeâer Oeeefjlee 0.005 ceeF›eâes Hewâj[ GlheVe keâjleer nw lees Gme hejeJewÅegle keâer hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâ
nw 500 Jeesuš kesâ œeesle mes peesÌ[e peelee nw~ Deye Gmekeâes nesieer–
mehueeF& mes nšekeâj lesue ceW [gyeeÙee peelee nw~ lesue keâer (a) 5 (b) 10
Deehesef#ekeâ efJeÅegleMeeruelee 2.5 nw lesue ceW [gyeeves mes henues (c) 20 (d) 50
Deewj yeeo ceW mebOeeefj$e ceW mebefÛele Tpee& keâe ceeve keäÙee nw– 1048. Out of the following capacitors of identical
(a) 125 × 10–6 J, 50 × 10–6 J rating which one will have the smallest
(b) 625 × 10–6 J, 250 × 10–6 J
(c) 800 × 10–6 J, 400 × 10–6 J
efvecve ceW mes, meceeve jsefšbie kesâ efkeâme mebOeeefj$e keâer meyemes
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR Úesšer efJecee nw?
1042. What is the appropriate dielectric strength in (a) Aluminium foil capacitor
(volts/mm) of gutta-percha? SuÙegefceefveÙece heVeer mebOeeefj$e
ieóe-hejÛee keâe GefÛele [eF-Fueseqkeäš^keâ mš^WLe (b) Mica capacitor/DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e
(volts/mm) ceW efkeâlevee neslee nw?
(c) Ceramic capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e
(a) 10,000–25,000 (b) 10,000–20,000
(d) Paper capacitor/heshej mebOeeefj$e
(c) 10,000–40,000 (d) 10,000–35,000
1043. The bridge used for the measurement of the 1049. The minimum value of potential gradient in a
value of the capacitance is cable occurs in
Oeeefjlee kesâ ceeve keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS ........... mesleg ØeÙeesie kesâyeue ceW efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee keâe vÙetvelece ceeve ------ ceW
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ neslee nw~
(a) Wien's bridge/Jesve efyeÇpe (a) insulation/DeÛeeuekeâ
(b) Wheatstone bridge/Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe (b) conductor/Ûeeuekeâ
(c) Schering bridge/efMeÙeefjbie efyeÇpe (c) outer sheath/MeerLe kesâ yeenj
(d) Hay's bridge/ns efyeÇpe (d) uniformly all over/meYeer hej Skeâ meceeve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 110 YCT
1050. Dielectric strength of medium 1055. In a fluorescent tube starter, condenser is used;
ceeOÙece keâer hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& heäueesjesmeWš šŸetye mšeš&j ceW, mebOeeefj$e keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee
(a) increases with rise in temperature peelee nw~
leeheceeve yeÌ{ves kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw (a) for reducing current
(b) increases with moisture content Oeeje keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
Deeõ&lee kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw (b) for minimising radio interference
(c) is same for all insulating materials jsef[Ùees FbšjhesâjWme keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
meYeer efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& kesâ efueS meceeve neslee nw (c) to minimise time taken to emit light
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR ØekeâeMe Glmeefpe&le keâjves ceW ueieves Jeeues meceÙe keâes keâce
1051. Which of the following is a passive component? keâjves kesâ efueS
FveceW mes keâewve mee efveef<›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe nw?
(d) for interference splitting the phase
(a) semiconductor devices/Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ Ùegefòeâ
hesâpe kesâ FbšjhesâjWme efJeYeeefpele keâjves kesâ efueS
(b) vaccum tube devices/efveJee&le šŸetye Ùegefòeâ
1056. A trimmer is a variable capacitor in which
(c) capacitors/mebOeeefj$e
capacitance is changed by changing
(d) All of these/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
efš^cej Skeâ heefjJele&veerÙe mebOeeefj$e nw efpemeceW ------
1052. A 'trimmer' capacitor is a variable capacitor
used for :/Skeâ ‘efš^cej’ mebOeeefj$e Skeâ heefjJele&veerÙe yeoueves mes Oeeefjlee yeoue peeleer nw~
mebOeeefj$e nw efpemekeâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw- (a) distance between plates / huesšeW kesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer
(a) 'tuning up' a radio for best sensitivity (b) plate area /huesš #es$e
meyemes DeÛÚer mebJesoveMeeruelee kesâ efueS jsef[Ùees ‘šŸetefvebie’ ceW (c) both (a) and (b) / (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(b) tuning a radio to different stations (d) dielectric/ hejeJewÅegle
efJeefYeVe mšsMeveeW ceW jsef[Ùees šŸetefvebie kesâ efueS 1057. The most convenient way of achieving large
(c) eliminating whistling in a transistor radio capacitance is by using
Skeâ š^ebefpemšj jsef[Ùees ceW meeršer keâes Kelce keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâmekeâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ yeÌ[s Oeeefjlee keâes Øeehle keâjves keâe
(d) changing the original capacitance by several meyemes megefJeOeepevekeâ lejerkeâe nw?
hundred picofarads.
(a) multiplate construction/ ceušerhuesš mebjÛevee
keâF& meew heerkeâeshewâj[ Éeje cetue Oeeefjlee keâes yeoueves kesâ
(b) decreased distance between plates
huesšeW kesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer Ieše keâj
1053. In a single phase AC motor, condenser is used :
efmebieue hesâpe Smeer ceesšj ceW, mebOeeefj$e keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee (c) air as the dielectric/ nJee keâes hejeJewÅegle kesâ ™he ceW
peelee nw~ (d) dielectric of low permittivity
(a) for splitting the phase keâce heejiecÙelee keâe hejeJewÅegle
hesâpe keâes efJeYeeefpele keâjves kesâ efueS 1058. Tubular type ceramic capacitors are available
in the range/šŸetyeuej šeF&he efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e efkeâme
(b) minimising the current/Oeeje keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
(c) minimising radio interference jWpe ceW GheueyOe neslee nw?
jsef[Ùees nmle#eshe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS (a) 0.5 to 1000 pF (b) 0.002 µF to 0.1 µF
(c) 0.5 µF to 1000 µF (d) 0.5 F to 100 F
(d) minimising the losses/ ne@efve keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
1054. A bank of capacitors across the load of a 1059. Disc type ceramic capacitors are available in
factory is used to :/DeewÅeesefiekeâ Yeej kesâ S›eâe@me the range/ef[mkeâ šeF&he efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e efkeâme jWpe ceW
mebOeeefj$e kesâ yeQkeâ keâe GheÙeesie ........... efkeâÙee peelee nw~ GheueyOe neslee nw?
(a) improving fluctuation (a) 0.5 pF to 1000 pF (b) 0.002 µF to 0.1 µF
Gleej-ÛeÌ{eJe ceW megOeej kesâ efueS (c) 0.5 µF to 1000 µF (d) 0.4 F to 100 F
(b) improving power factor 1060. When a triangular voltage wave is applied
hee@Jej hewâkeäšj ceW megOeej kesâ efueS across a capacitor, the current wave shape will
(c) for quick starting of motors be :/peye ef$ekeâesCeerÙe Jeesušspe lejbie keâes mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâe@me
ceesšj kesâ MeerIeÇ ØeÛeeueve kesâ efueS ueieeÙee peelee nw, lees Oeeje lejbie keâe Deekeâej nesiee-
(d) for reducing the power factor (a) triangular/ ef$ekeâesCeerÙe (b) square/ Jeie&
hee@Jej hewâkeäšj keâce keâjves kesâ efueS (c) cosine/ keâespÙee (d) sine/ pÙee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 111 YCT
1061. Out of the following capacitors, cost per µF of 1067. A variable capacitor is one whose capacitance
.............. capacitor is maximum Skeâ heefjJele&veerÙe mebOeeefj$e nw efpemekeâer Oeeefjlee-
efvecveefueefKele mebOeeefj$eeW ceW mes, .......... mebOeeefj$e keâer Øeefle (a) changes with time/ meceÙe kesâ meeLe yeoueleer nw
µF DeefOekeâlece ueeiele nw~ (b) changes with temperature
(a) plastic / hueeefmškeâ (b) mica/ DeYeükeâ leeheceeve kesâ meeLe yeoueleer nw~
(c) paper/ heshej (d) electrolyte/Fueskeäš^esueeFš (c) changes with voltage/ Jeesušspe kesâ meeLe yeoueleer nw~
1062. A capacitance C is charged through a (d) can be changed/ yeoue mekeâleer nw
resistance R. The time constant of the charging *1068.What capacitance must be placed in series with
circuit is given by :
a 15µF capacitor to give a total capacitance of
Skeâ Oeeefjlee C keâes Skeâ ØeeflejesOe R kesâ ceeOÙece mes 5µF?/5µF keâer kegâue Oeeefjlee keâs efueS 15µF mebOeeefj$e
DeeJesefMele efkeâÙee peelee nw~ DeeJesefMele heefjheLe keâe meceÙe kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW keäÙee Oeeefjlee jKeveer ÛeeefnS?
efmLejebkeâ efoÙee peelee nw-
(a) 4 µF (b) 7.5 µF
(a) RC (b) 1/RC (c) 10 µF (d) 25 µF
(c) C/R (d) R/C
*1069.If four 10 µF capacitors are connected in series
1063. If a glass slab is slipped between the plates of
the net capacitance is/Ùeefo 10µF kesâ Ûeej mebOeeefj$e
an air capacitor without moving the plates,
then ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s nQ, lees vesš Oeeefjlee nw–
Ùeefo huesšeW keâes efnueeS efyevee efkeâmeer JeeÙeg mebOeeefj$e keâer (a) 10 µF (b) 40 µF
huesšeW kesâ yeerÛe Skeâ iueeme muesye efheâmeue peeleer nw, lees– (c) 90 µF (d) none of these
(a) capacitor is discharged 1070. Dielectric strength of air is nearly
mebOeeefj$e DeveeJesefMele nes peelee nw JeeÙeg keâe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& ueieYeie nw~
(b) its capacitance is increased (a) 3 kV/mm (b) 30 kV/mm
Fmekeâer Oeeefjlee yeÌ{ peeleer nw (c) 300 kv/mm (d) 3000 kv/mm
(c) Its capacitance is decreased 1071. Dielectric strength of a medium is usually
Fmekeâer Oeeefjlee Ieš peeleer nw expressed in
(d) Its capacitance is hardly affected Skeâ ceeOÙece keâer hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& meeOeejCeleÙee
Fmekeâer Oeeefjlee MeeÙeo ner ØeYeeefJele nesleer nw ............. ceW JÙekeäle keâer peeleer nw~
1064. Present day capacitors which have capacitance (a) J/mm (b) C/m2
in small size use a dielectric of : (c) kV/mm (d) N/mm
Jele&ceeve ceW Úesšer OeeefjleeDeeW Jeeues mebOeeefj$eeW ceW keâewve mes 1072. Which of the following medium will have
hejeJewÅegle keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? highest value of relative permittivity?
(a) paper/ heshej (b) rubber/ jyej ef
vecve ceW mes keâewve-mes ceeOÙece keâer meehesef#ekeâ efJeÅegleMeeruelee
(c) ceramic/ efmejsefcekeâ (d) mylar/ ceeFuej GÛÛelece nesieer?
1065. The electrical equipment occasionally (a) Water/heeveer (b) Glass/iueeme
connected across relay contacts for minimizing (c) Mica/ceeFkeâe (d) Paper/heshej
arcing is a/an *1073.A positive and a negative charge are initially 50
keâYeer-keâYeer Deeke&â keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS efjues mechekeâeX
mm apart. When they are moved close together
kesâ S›eâeme Skeâ efJeÅegle GhekeâjCe peesÌ[e peelee nw Jen nw–
so that they are now only 10 mm apart, the
(a) resistor/ ØeeflejesOekeâ (b) inductor/ Øesjkeâ
force between them will be
(c) carbon/ keâeye&ve Skeâ Oeveelcekeâ Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeJesMe Skeâ-otmejs mes 50
(d) capacitor/ mebOeeefj$e
1066. When a rectangular voltage wave form is mm otjer hej nw peye Jes Skeâ otmejs keâer Deesj Skeâ meeLe
applied to a capacitor, the wave form of its Ûeueles nw leye otjer 10 mm nes peeleer nw oesvees kesâ yeerÛe
charging current is yeue nesiee–
peye Skeâ DeeÙeleekeâej Jeesušspe lejbie keâes mebOeeefj$e hej (a) 5 times smaller than before/henues mes 5 iegvee keâce
ueeiet efkeâÙee peelee nw, lees Fmekeâer DeeJesefMele Oeeje keâe (b) 5 times greater than before
lejbie ™he neslee nw- henues mes 5 iegvee DeefOekeâ
(a) sinusoidal/ pÙeeJe›eâerÙe (c) 10 times greater than before
(b) sawtooth/ mee-štLe henues mes 10 iegvee DeefOekeâ
(c) rectangular/ DeeÙeleekeâej (d) 25 times larger than before
(d) none of the above/ FveceW mes keâesF& veneR henues mes 25 iegvee DeefOekeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 112 YCT
*1074.The force between two charges is 120 N. If the 1080. Electric field inside a hollow metallic charged
distance between the charges is doubled, the sphere is/Skeâ KeesKeues OeeeflJekeâ DeeJesefMele ieesues kesâ
force will be Devoj efJeÅegle #es$e neslee nw–
oes DeeJesMeeW kesâ yeerÛe 120 N keâe yeue nw, Ùeefo DeeJesMeeW (a) increasing towards centre/kesâvõ keâer Deesj yeÌ{lee nw
kesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer oesiegveer nes peeÙes lees yeue nesiee– (b) decreasing towards centre/kesâvõ keâer Deesj Iešlee nw
(a) 60 N (b) 30 N (c) zero/MetvÙe
(c) 40 N (d) 15 N
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1075. The mass of an electron is equal to
1081. A conducting body has surface charge density
Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve keâe õJÙeceeve .......... kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~ of σ coulombs/m2, the field intensity at its
(a) 1.602 × 10 kg –19
(b) 9.11 × 10 kg –31
surface will be
(c) 1.673 × 10 kg –27
(d) 9.11 × 10–20 kg Skeâ ÛeeuekeâerÙe yee@[er keâe he=‰ DeeJesMe IevelJe σ
1076. As per Coulomb's law ketâuee@cye/ceer2 nw, lees he=‰ hej #es$e leer›elee nesieer–
ketâuee@ce kesâ efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej– σ σ2
(a) (b)
(a) F =
Q1Q 2
(b) F=
Q1Q 2 ε0ε r ε0ε r
ε0 εr d 2 4πd 2
(c) ε 0 ε r (d)
Q1Q 2 Q1Q 2 ε0ε r
(c) F = (d) F=
4πε 0 ε r d 2 4πε 0 ε r d
1082. Two plates of a parallel plate capacitor after
*1077.The electric field intensity at a point situated 4 being charged from a constant voltage source
metres from a point charge is 200 N/C. If the are separated apart by means of insulated
distance is reduced to 2 metres, the field handles, then the
intensity will be Skeâ mebOeeefj$e kesâ oes meceeblej huesšeW keâes Skeâ efmLej
Skeâ efyevog DeeJesMe mes 4 ceeršj otjer hej efmLele efyevog hej Jeesušspe œeesle mes DeeJesefMele nesves kesâ yeeo efJeÅegle jesefOele
efJeÅegle #es$e keâer leer›elee 200 vÙetšve/kegâuee@ce nw Ùeefo otjer heoeLe& kesâ Éeje Deueie keâj efoÙee peelee nw, leye–
2 ceeršj lekeâ keâce keâj oer peeÙes lees efJeÅegle #es$e keâer (a) voltage across the plates increases
leer›elee nesieer– huesšeW kesâ Deej-heej Jeesušlee yeÌ{leer nw
(a) 400 N/C (b) 600 N/C (b) voltage across the plates decreases
(c) 800 N/C (d) 1200 N/C huesšeW kesâ Deej-heej Jeesušlee Iešleer nw
1078. If a capacitor is charged by a square wave (c) charge on the capacitor decreases
current source, the voltage across the capacitor mebOeeefj$e hej DeeJesMe keâce neslee nw
is................ (d) charge on the capacitor increrases
Ùeefo Skeâ mebOeeefj$e Skeâ Jeie& lejbie Oeeje œeesle mes mebOeeefj$e hej DeeJesMe DeefOekeâ neslee nw
DeeJesefMele neslee nw, lees mebOeeefj$e hej.........Jeesušlee nesieer- 1083. If A.C. voltage is applied to capacitive circuit,
the alternating current can flow in the circuit
(a) a squre wave/Jeie& lejbie
because/Ùeefo Skeâ OeeefjleerÙe heefjheLe hej S.meer. Jeesušspe
(b) triangular wave/ef$ekeâesCeerÙe lejbie
ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw, lees ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer
(c) step function/mšshe HebâkeäMeve nw keäÙeeWefkeâ–
(d) zero/MetvÙe (a) varying voltage produces the charging and
1079. Two metal plates distance of 'd' apart from a discharging currents/heefjJele&veerÙe Jeesušlee DeeJesefMele
capacitor of value C farads. Another metal leLee DeveeJesefMele Oeeje GlheVe keâjleer nw
plate of thickness d/2 and of the same area is
(b) of high peak value/DeefOekeâlece Meer<e& ceeve
inserted in between these two plates,
capacitance of this three plate capacitor will be (c) charging current can flow
'd' otjer hej efmLele oes huesšeW kesâ mebOeeefj$e keâe ceeve C DeeJesefMele Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nes mekeâleer nw
hewâj[ nw~ oesveeW huesšeW kesâ yeerÛe d/2 ceesšeF& leLee meceeve (d) discharge current can flow
#es$eHeâue keâe Oeeleg huesš Yeje peelee nw lees Fme leerve huesš efJemeefpe&le Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nes mekeâleer nw
1084. Voltage applied across a ceramic dielectric
mebOeeefj$e keâer Oeeefjlee nesieer– produces an electrolytic field 100 times greater
(a) 4 (b) 2 than air. What will be the value of dielectric
(c) 1/2 (d) 1/4 constant?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 113 YCT
Skeâ efmejsefcekeâ hejeJewÅegle kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe ØeÙegòeâ keâjves 1089. In a charging RC circuit with supply voltage =
hej GlheVe Fueskeäš^esefueefškeâ #es$e nJee mes 100 iegvee Vs, the value voltage at time t = RC will be-
DeefOekeâ neslee nw~ hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâ keâe ceeve keäÙee Skeâ RC DeeJesMeve heefjheLe ceW Deehetefle& Jeesušspe = Vs,
nesiee– GmeceW meceÙe t = RC hej Jeesušspe keâe ceeve nesiee-
(a) 0.5 V (b) 0.63 Vs
(a) 50 (b) 100
(c) 0.86 Vs (d) 0.95 Vs
(c) 150 (d) 200
1090. Which of the following expression is correct for
1085. Which of the following statements is correct? electric field strength?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw? efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve efJeÅegle #es$e meeceLÙe& kesâ
(a) Air capacitors have a blackband to indicate efueÙes melÙe nw–
the outside foil/JeeÙeg mebOeeefj$e keâe yuewkeâyewC[
(a) E = D/ε (b) E = D2/ε
DeeGšmeeF[ HeääJeeÙeue keâes Fbefiele keâjlee nw
(c) E = πD (d) E = πD2
(b) Electrolytic capacitor must be connected in
1091. In a capacitor the electric charge is stored in
the correct polarity/Fueskeäš^esueeFš mebOeeefj$e mener
Skeâ mebOeeefj$e ceW efJeÅegle DeeJesMe ............... ceW meb«eefnle
OeÇgJelee ceW peg[Ì e nesvee ÛeeefnÙes neslee nw~
(c) Ceramic capacitors must be connected in the
(a) metal plates/Oeeleg huesšdme
correct polarity/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e mener OegÇJelee ceW
(b) dielectric/hejeJewÅegle
pegÌ[e nesvee ÛeeefnÙes
(d) Mica capacitors are available in capacitance (c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
value of 1 to 10 µF/ DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e 1 mes 10 µF (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
keâer Oeeefjlee ceW GheueyOe neslee nw 1092. Which of the following materials has the
highest value of dielectric constant?
1086. The dissipation factor of a good dielectric is of
the order of/Skeâ DeÛÚs hejeJewÅegle keâe efJemejCe iegCeebkeâ efvecve ceW mes keâewve mes heoeLe& keâe [eF&-Fuesefkeäš^keâ efmLejebkeâ
------ kesâ ›eâce keâe neslee nw~ keâe GÛÛelece ceeve neslee nw?
(a) Glass/keâe@Ûe (b) Vacuum/efveJee&le
(a) 0.0002 (b) 0.002
(c) 0.02 (d) 0.2 (c) Ceramics/efmejsefcekeâ (d) Oil/Dee@Ùeue
1087. "The total electric flux through any closed 1093. Which of the following capacitors will have the
surface surrounding charges is equal to the least variation?/efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mes mebOeeefj$e ceW
amount of charge enclosed". meyemes keâce heefjJele&ve nesiee?
The above statement is associated with (a) Paper capacitor/heshej mebOeeefj$e
‘‘efkeâmeer yevo he=<" kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj DeeJesMeeW kesâ ceeOÙece ceW (b) Ceramic capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e
kegâue efJeÅegle Heäuekeäme yevo DeeJesMe keâer cee$ee kesâ yejeyej (c) Silver plated mica capacitor
neslee nw’’ Ghejesòeâ keâLeve mecyeefvOele nw– ÛeeBoer huesš keâe DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e
(a) Coulomb's square law/ketâuee@cye kesâ Jeie& keâe efveÙece (d) None of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Gauss's law/iee@me keâe efveÙece 1094. Which of the following capacitors has relatively
(c) Maxwell's first law/cewkeämeJesue keâe ØeLece efveÙece shorter shelf life?/efvecve ceW mes efkeâme mebOeeefj$e keâe
(d) Maxwell's second law/cewkeämeJesue keâe efÉleerÙe efveÙece mJeÙeb peerJevekeâeue keâce neslee nw?
*1088.Three capacitors each of the capacity C are (a) Mica capacitor/DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e
given. The resultant capacity 2/3 C can be (b) Electrolytic capacitor/Fueskeäš^esueeFš mebOeeefj$e
obtained by using them (c) Ceramic capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e
leerve mebOeeefj$e ØelÙeskeâ keâer Oeeefjlee C nw~ heefjCeeceer (d) Paper capacitor/heshej mebOeeefj$e
Oeeefjlee 2/3 C Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS Gvekeâes ........... ceW 1095. The sparking between two electrical contacts
peesÌ[les nw~ can be reduced by inserting a
(a) all in series/meYeer ßesCeer ceW oes efJeÅegle mecheke&â kesâ ceOÙe mheeefkeËâie keâes ........... peesÌ[
(b) all in parallel/meYeer meceeblej ceW keâj keâce efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(c) two in parallel and third in series with this (a) capacitor in parallel with contacts
combination/oes meceeblej ceW Deewj leermeje Fmekesâ meeLe mebhekeâeX kesâ meeLe meceevlej ceW mebOeeefj$e
ßesCeer ceW mebÙeespeve (b) capacitor in series with each contacts
(d) two in series and third in parallel across this ØelÙeskeâ mebhekeâex kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW mebOeeefj$e
combination/oes ßesCeer ceW Deewj leermeje meceevlej kesâ (c) resistance in line/ueeFve ceW ØeeflejesOe
meeLe mebÙeespeve (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 114 YCT
1096. In the case of a lossy capacitor, its series 1102. The direction of electric field due to positive
equivalent resistance value will be charge is / Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe kesâ keâejCe efJeÅegle #es$e keâer
Skeâ neefve hetCe& mebOeeefj$e kesâ ceeceues ceW Fmekesâ ßesCeer leer›elee ............ nesleer nw~
meceleguÙe ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve nesiee– (a) away from the charge/DeeJesMe mes otj
(a) small/keâce (b) very small/yengle keâce
(b) towards the charge/DeeJesMe keâer lejheâ
(c) large/DeefOekeâ (d) zero/MetvÙe
(c) both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
1097. The power dissipated in a pure capacitor is
Skeâ Megæ mebOeeefj$e ceW efJemejCe Meefkeäle nesleer nw– (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) zero/MetvÙe 1103. A field line and an equipotential surface are
(b) proportional to applied voltage Skeâ #es$eerÙe jsKee Deewj Skeâ meceefJeYeJe he=<" neslee nw–
ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe kesâ meceevegheeleer (a) always parallel/meowJe meceevlej
(c) proportional to value of capacitance (b) always at 90o/meowJe 90o hej
Oeeefjlee kesâ ceeve kesâ meceevegheeleer (c) inclined at any angle θ/efkeâmeer eflejÚe keâesCe θ hej
(d) both (b) and (c) above/(b) Deewj (c) oesveeW (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*1098.The equivalent capacitance of the circuit shown
1104. The ability of charged bodies to exert force on
in Fig. will be
one another is attributed to the existence of
efÛe$e ceW efoÙes ieÙes heefjheLe keâer meceleguÙe Oeeefjlee nesieer–
DeeJesefMele yee@[er keâer ÙeesiÙelee Deewj yee¢e yeue kesâ efueÙes
efkeâmeer Skeâ otmejs hej DeefmlelJe kesâ efueÙes JeCe&ve keâjlee nw–
(a) electrons/Fueskeäš^eve
(b) protons/Øeesše@ve
(c) neutrons/vÙetš^e@ve
(d) electric field/efJeÅegle #es$e
(a) 6 µF (b) 8 µF
(c) 10 µF (d) 12 µF 1105. If the sheet of a bakelite is inserted between the
1099. Electric intensity (E) at any point in an electric plates of an air capacitor, the capacitance will
field is equal to Ùeef o yewkesâueeFš keâer Meerš Skeâ JeeÙeg mebOeeefj$e kesâ huesšdme
Skeâ efJeÅegle #es$e ceW efkeâmeer Skeâ efyevog hej efJeÅegle leer›elee kesâ yeerÛe Yejer peeleer nw lees Oeeefjlee–
(E) yejeyej nesleer nw– (a) decrease/Ieš peeÙesieer
(a) (potential gradient)/efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee (b) increase/yeÌ{ peeÙesieer
(b) (potential gradient)2/(efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee) (c) remains unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le jnsieer
/ 1/2
(c) (potential gradient)1 2/(efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee)
/ 1/3 (d) become zero/MetvÙe nes peeÙesieer
(d) (potential gradient)1 3/(efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee)
*1106.A capacitor stores 0.24 coulombs at 10 volts. Its
1100. The lines of force due to charged particles are capacitance is
DeeJesefMele keâCeeW kesâ keâejCe yeue keâer jsKeeSB nw– 10 Jeesuš hej Skeâ mebOeeefj$e 0.24 kegâuee@ce mebjef#ele keâjlee
(a) always straight/meowJe meerOeer
nw, lees Fmekeâer Oeeefjlee nw–
(b) always curved/meowJe Je›eâerÙe
(a) 0.024 F (b) 0.12 F
(c) sometimes curved/LeesÌ[e meceÙe Je›eâerÙe (c) 0.6 F (d) 0.8 F
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR 1107. For making a capacitor, it is better to select a
1101. The electric field at a point situated at a dielectric having
distance d from straight charged conductor is Skeâ mebOeeefj$e yeveeves kesâ efueÙes Skeâ hejeJewÅegle kesâ ÛeÙeve
meerOes DeeJesefMele Ûeeuekeâ mes d otjer hej efmLele efyevog hej
kesâ efueÙes GmeceW nesvee ÛeeefnS-
efJeÅegle #es$e neslee nw–
(a) low permittivity/efvecve efJeÅegleMeeruelee
(a) proportional to d/d kesâ meceevegheeleer
(b) inversely proportional to d (b) high permittivity/GÛÛe efJeÅegleMeeruelee
d kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer (c) permittivity same as that of air
(c) inversely proportional to d2 JeeÙeg kesâ meceeve efJeÅegleMeeruelee
d2 kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer (d) permittivity slightly more than that of air
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR JeeÙeg mes LeesÌ[e-mee DeefOekeâ efJeÅegleMeeruelee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 115 YCT
1108. The units of capacitance are *1113.Two capacitors each having capacitance C and
Oeeefjlee keâer FkeâeF& nesleer nw– breakdown voltage V are joined in series. The
capacitance and breakdown voltage of the
(a) volts/coulomb/Jeesušdme/ketâuee@ce
combination will be :
(b) coulombs/volt/ketâuee@cye/Jeesuš ØelÙeskeâ Oeeefjlee C Deewj yeÇskeâ[eGve Jeesušspe V Jeeues oes
(c) ohms/Deesÿe mebOeeefj$e ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s ngS nQ~ mebÙeespeve keâer Oeeefjlee Deewj
(d) henry/Wb/nsvejer/Jesyej yeÇskeâ[eGve Jeesušspe nesieer-
*1109.If three 15 µF capacitors are connected in (a) 2C and 2V (b) C/2 and V/2
series, the net capacitance is (c) 2C and V/2 (d) C/2 and 2V
Ùeefo 15 µF kesâ leerve mebOeeefj$e ßesCeer ›eâce ceW pegÌ[s nQ lees 1114. The unit of electric intensity is :
leguÙeOeeefjlee nw– efJeÅegle leer›elee keâer FkeâeF& nw:
(a) 5 µF (b) 30 µF (a) Joule/coulomb / petue / ketâuee@ce
(c) 45 µF (d) 50 µF (b) newton/coulomb / vÙetšve /ketâuee@ce
1110. The capacitor commonly used for ceilling fan (c) volt/meter / Jeesuš /ceeršj
motors has a value of 2.3µF. The type of (d) both (b) and (c) / (b) Deewj (c) oesveeW
capacitor used is generally
1115. Inside a conducting sphere ............... remains
meeceevÙele: meerefuebie hewâve ceesšme& kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâS constant
peeves Jeeues mebOeeefj$e keâe ceeve 2.3µF nw~ meeceevÙele: Skeâ mebJeenkeâ ieesues kesâ Devoj ........ efmLej jnlee nw~
mebOeeefj$e kesâ Øekeâej keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ (a) electric flux/ efJeÅegle heäuekeäme
(a) paper capacitor/ heshej mebOeeefj$e (b) electric intensity/ efJeÅegle leer›elee
(b) electrolytic capacitor/ Fueskeäš^esueeFefškeâ mebOeeefj$e (c) charge/ DeeJesMe
(c) parallel plate with mica dielectric (d) electric potential/ efJeÅegle efJeYeJe
meceevlej huesš kesâ meeLe DeYeükeâ hejeJewÅegle 1116. Coulomb's law for the force between electric
(d) none of these/ FveceW mes keâesF& veneR charges most closely resembles with
1111. A small capacitor is connected across a battery efJeÅegle DeeJesMeeW kesâ yeerÛe yeue kesâ efueS ketâuee@ce kesâ efveÙece
for a minute or so. If now, an ammeter is kesâ pewmee ner efveÙece nw–
inserted to measure the current drawn by the
(a) Newton's law of motion/ vÙetšve keâe ieefle efveÙece
capacitor, it would read.
(b) Law of conservation of energy
Skeâ Úesše mebOeeefj$e Skeâ efceveš kesâ efueS Skeâ yewšjer mes
Tpee& mebj#eCe keâe efveÙece
pegÌ[e ngDee nw~ Ùeefo Deye, mebOeeefj$e Éeje efueS ieÙes Oeeje
(c) Gauss's theorem/ ieewme keâe efmeæeble
keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS Skeâ Sceeršj [euee peelee nw lees Ùen
(d) Newton's law of gravitation
heÌ{siee? vÙetšve keâe ieg®lJeekeâ<e&Ce efveÙece
(a) zero/ MetvÙe 1117. Polarization of dielectric materials results in :
(b) high current/ GÛÛe Oeeje hejeJewÅegle heoeLeeX kesâ OegÇJeerkeâjCe ceW heefjCeece neslee nw:
(c) low current/ efvecve Oeeje (a) production of eddy currents
(d) alternating current/ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje YeBJej OeejeDeeW keâe Glheeove
1112. One of the best ways to check for an open (b) release of protons / ØeesševeeW keâes cegòeâ keâjvee
electrolytic capacitor in a circuit is to (c) creation of dielectric dipoles
heefjheLe ceW Kegues Fueskeäš^esueeFefškeâ mebOeeefj$e keâer peeBÛe [eF&uesefkeäš^keâ efÉOegÇJeeW keâe efvecee&Ce
keâjves keâe Skeâ meyemes DeÛÚe lejerkeâe nw~ (d) absorption of electrons/ Fueskeäš^eBveeW keâe DeJeMees<eCe
(a) use capacitor checker 1118. The electric field lines and equipotential lines
mebOeeefj$e peeBÛekeâlee& keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ efJeÅegle #es$e jsKeeSB Deewj meceefJeYeJe keâer jsKeeSB-
(b) measure DC voltage across it (a) are parallel to each other
Fmekesâ S›eâe@me [er.meer. Jeesušspe keâes ceehe keâj Skeâ otmejs kesâ meceevlej nesleer nQ~
(c) remove it and insert a good one (b) are one and the same / meceeve Deewj Skeâ nesleer nw
Fmekeâes nšekeâj Deewj Skeâ DeÛÚe efveJesMe keâjkesâ (c) cut each other orthogonally
(d) temporarily connect a known good capacitor Skeâ otmejs keâes uecyekeâesCeerÙe keâešleer nw
across it (d) can be inclined to each other at any angle
Fmekesâ S›eâe@me DeÛÚs mebOeeefj$e keâes DemLeeÙeer keâveskeäš keâjkesâ efkeâmeer Yeer keâesCe hej Skeâ otmejs kesâ efueS Pegkeâ mekeâleer nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 116 YCT
1119. Space surrounding a charge, within which the 1127. What is the S.I. unit of electric field?
influence of its charge extends is known as efJeÅegle #es$e keâer Sme.DeeF&. FkeâeF& keäÙee nw?
Skeâ DeeJesMe kesâ Deeme-heeme keâe mLeeve, efpemekesâ Yeerlej –1
(a) Am–1/ ScheerÙej ceeršj
Fmekesâ DeeJesMe keâe ØeYeeJe nw, ............ kesâ ™he ceW peevee –1
peelee nw~ (b) Vm–1/ Jeesuš ceeršj
(a) electric field / efJeÅegle #es$e (c) cm / mesvšerceeršj
(b) magnetic field / ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e (d) NC/ vÙetšve ketâuee@ce
(c) lines of force / yeue jsKeeSB 1128. A rubber sheet is introduced between two
(d) electric intensity / efJeÅegle leer›elee charges separated by a distance. Then the force
1120. Static electricity is produced by between them will :
mLeweflekeâ efJeÅegle ............ Éeje Glheeefole efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Skeâ jyej keâer Meerš keâes oes DeeJesMeeW kesâ yeerÛe jKee peelee
(a) friction / Ie<e&Ce nw, leye Gvekeâs yeerÛe keâe yeue-
(b) induction / ØesjCe
(a) increases / yeÌ{siee
(c) chemical reaction/ jemeeÙeefvekeâ meceerkeâjCe
(b) decreases / Iešsiee
(d) both (a) and (b) / (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
1121. One coulomb is equal to : (c) remain the same/ meceeve jnsiee
Skeâ ketâuee@ce .......... kesâ yejeyej nw~ (d) be reduced to zero / MetvÙe nesiee
(a) 6 × 1012 electrons (b) 6 × 1010 electrons 1129. In charging by induction, the charging body
(c) 6 × 10 electrons (d) 6 × 1018 electrons ØesjCe Éeje DeeJesefMele, DeeJesefMele yee@[er kesâ–
1122. The sure test of electrification is :
efJeÅegleerkeâjCe keâer megefveefMÛele hejer#eCe nw- (a) loses part of its charge
(a) induction / ØesjCe (b) friction / Ie<e&Ce DeeJesMe kesâ YeeieeW ceW neefve nesleer nw~
(c) repulsion / efJekeâ<e&Ce (d) attraction / Deekeâ<e&Ce (b) loses whole of its charge
1123. The charge distribution on a conical shaped Fmekesâ hetjs DeeJesMe keâer neefve nesleer nw~
conductor is : (c) does not lose any charge
MebkeäJeekeâej Deekeâej kesâ Ûeeuekeâ hej DeeJesMe efJelejCe DeeJesMe ceW keâesF& neefve veneR nesleer nw~
.......... neslee nw~
(d) gains charge/ DeeJesMe yeÌ{lee nw
(a) none uniform / Demeceeve ™he mes
*1130.The ratio of the force between two small point
(b) uniform / meceeve ™he mes
charges in air and in a medium of dielectric
(c) positive / Oeveelcekeâ
constant K is
(d) none of these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
nJee ceW leLee hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâ K ceeOÙece ceW oes Úesšs
1124. An electric field can deflect :
Skeâ efJeÅegle #es$e efJe#esefhele keâj mekeâlee nw~ efyevog DeeJesMeeW kesâ yeerÛe yeue keâe Devegheele nw-
(a) x-rays / x-efkeâjCeW (b) neutrons / vÙetš^e@ve (a) K : 1 (b) 1 : K2
(c) α-particles /α- keâCe (d) γ-rays/ γ-efkeâjCeW (c) K : 1 (d) 1 : K
1125. A hollow sphere of charge does not produce an 1131. An electric line of force always starts on :
electric field at any efJeÅegle yeue jsKeeSB meowJe efvekeâueleer nQ-
DeeJesMe kesâ efkeâme KeesKeues #es$e ceW efJeÅegle #es$e keâe (a) A positive charge and ends on the same
Glheeove veneR neslee nw? charge / Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe mes Deewj Gmeer DeeJesMe ceW
(a) interior point/ Deevleefjkeâ efyevog
meceehle nes peeleer nw~
(b) outer point / yeenjer efyevog
(b) a positive charge goes to infinity
(c) surface point/ melen hej
Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe mes Devevle ceW peeleer nQ~
(d) none of these/ FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
1126. The S.I. unit of charge is : (c) a positive charge and goes to another positive
DeeJesMe keâer Sme.DeeF&. FkeâeF& nw:- charge / Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe mes Deewj otmejs Oeveelcekeâ
(a) stat coulomb / mšsš ketâuee@ce DeeJesMe ceW peeleer nw~
(b) e.s.u. of charge / DeeJesMe keâer F&.Sme.Ùet. (d) a positive charge and ends on a negative
(c) coulomb / ketâuee@ce charge / Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe mes Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeJesMe
(d) Faraday / hewâje@[s ceW meceehle nes peeleer nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 117 YCT
1132. The electric field strength of a charge *1138.A capacitance of 100 µF is connected in series
Skeâ DeeJesMe kesâ efJeÅegle #es$e keâer #ecelee - with a resistance of 8000 Ω. The time constant
(a) increases with distance of the circuit is
otjer kesâ meeLe yeÌ{leer nw Skeâ 100 µF keâer Oeeefjlee, Skeâ ØeeflejesOe 8000 Ω kesâ
(b) decreases with cube of distance meeLe ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[e nw lees Gme heefjheLe keâe meceÙe efmLejebkeâ
otjer kesâ Ieve kesâ meeLe Iešleer nw~ (time constant) yeleeFS –
(c) decreases with distance (a) 0.2 s (b) 0.4 s
otjer kesâ meeLe Iešleer nw (c) 0.6 s (d) 0.8 s
(d) decreases with square of distance 1139. In a cable capacitor, voltage gradient is
otjer kesâ Jeie& kesâ meeLe Iešleer nw~ maximum at the surface of the
1133. Static charges generated in liquid reside : Skeâ kesâefyeue mebOeeefj$e ceW efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee .......... kesâ he=‰
õJe efjmeeF[ ceW efmLej DeeJesMe GlheVe nesles nQ : hej DeefOekeâlece neslee nw–
(a) at the bottom of the liquid/õJe kesâ veerÛeues melen hej (a) earth/he=LJeer
(b) on the top surface of liquid (b) conductor/Ûeeuekeâ
õJe kesâ Thejer melen hej (c) sheath/MeerLe
(c) uniformly throughout the liquid (d) insulator/kegâÛeeuekeâ
hetjs õJe ceW meceeve ™he mes 1140. The time constant of an R-C circuit is defined
(d) at the centre of the volume of the liquid as the time during which capacitor charging
õJe keâer cee$ee kesâ kesâvõ hej voltage actually rises to .......... percent of its ......
1134. The electric charges is transferred from one
body to another insulated metal body only Skeâ R-C heefjheLe ceW meceÙe efmLejebkeâ Jen meceÙe nw efpeme
when : hej meb Oeeefj$e keâer DeeJesMeve Jeesušlee yeÌ{keâj Deheves
efJeÅegle DeeJesMeeW keâes Skeâ Oeeleg mes otmejs efJeÅeglejesOeve Oeeleg ............ keâe ........... ØeefleMele neslee nw~
ceW leYeer mLeeveebleefjle efkeâÙee peelee nw peye- (a) 37, initial (b) 63.2, initial
(a) the medium is any dielectric (c) 63.2, final (d) 37, final
keâesF& Yeer hejeJewÅegle ceeOÙece nes 1141. The time constant and R-C circuit may also be
(b) the medium is vacuum defined as the time during which the charging
current falls to ...... percent of its initial
efveJee&le ceeOÙece nes maximum value.
(c) the medium is dry air R-C heefjheLe keâe meceÙe efmLejebkeâ Jen meceÙe nw efpemeceW
Meg<keâ JeeÙeg ceeOÙece nes DeeJesMeve Oeeje efiejkeâj Deheves ØeejefcYekeâ DeefOekeâlece ceeve
(d) all the above statements are correct
keâe ............ ØeefleMele neslee nw~
Ghejesòeâ meYeer keâLeve mener nw
(a) 37 (b) 42
1135. The relative permittivity of most materials lies
(c) 63 (d) 73
between ............/DeefOekeâebMe heoeLeeX keâer meehes#e
1142. Permittivity is expressed in
efJeÅegleMeeruelee ....... kesâ yeerÛe nesleer nw- efJeÅegleMeeruelee ........... ceW DeefYeJÙekeäle nesleer nw~
(a) 1 and 10 (b) 20 and 100 2
(a) Farad/sq-m/Hewâj[/ceer
(c) 10 and 20 (d) 100 and 200
1136. The charge of an isolated conductor resides : (b) Farad/metre/ Hewâj[/ceer
He=Lekeâ Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& kesâ DeeJesMe efmLele nesles nQ- (c) Weber/metre/ Jesyej/ceer.
(a) at the conductor surface / Ûeeuekeâ kesâ melen hej (d) Weber/sq-m/ Jesyej/ceer
(b) inside the conductor / Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Devoj 1143. What will happen to an insulating medium if
voltage more than the breakdown voltage is
(c) partly at the surface and partly inside the
applied on it?
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ kegâÚ melen hej Deewj kegâÚ Devoj Yebpeve Jeesušlee mes DeefOekeâ Jeesušlee ØeÙegòeâ keâjves hej
efJeÅeglejesOeer ceeOÙece keäÙee nesiee?
(d) none of the above / Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
1137. The minimum value of the charge on any (a) It will become magnetic/Ùen ÛegcyekeâerÙe nes peeÙesiee
object cannot be less than (b) It will melt/Ùen efheIeue peeÙesiee
efkeâmeer Yeer Jemleg hej DeeJesMe keâe vÙetvelece ceeve efkeâmemes (c) It will get punctured or cracked
keâce veneR nes mekeâlee nw~ Ùen hebÛej DeLeJee ›ewâkeâ nes peeÙesiee~
(a) 1.6 × 10–19 coulomb (b) 3.2 ×10–19 coulomb (d) Its molecular structure will get changed
(c) 1.10–19 coulomb (d) 1 coulomb Fmemes DeCeg mebjÛevee heefjJeefle&le nes peeÙesies
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 118 YCT
1144. Which medium has the least dielectric 1150. When air is replaced by a medium of dielectric
strength? constant K in between electric charges, the
keâewve ceeOÙece meyemes keâce hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& jKeleer nw– force of attraction between them is :
(a) Paraffin wax/hewjeefHeâve ceesce peye efJeÅegle DeeJesMeeW kesâ yeerÛe nJee keâes hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâ
(b) Quartz/keäJee&špe K kesâ ceeOÙece mes ØeeflemLeeefhele efkeâÙee peelee nw, lees Gvekesâ
(c) Glass/iuee@me yeerÛe Deekeâ<e&Ce yeue–
(d) Air/JeeÙeg (a) decreases K times / K iegvee Iešlee nw
1145. 1 volt/metre is same as (b) Increases K times / K iegvee yeÌ{lee nw~
1 Jeesuš/ceeršj yejeyej neslee nw–
(c) remains unchanged / DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw
(a) 1 metre/coulomb/1 ceeršj/ketâuee@cye
(d) becomes zero / MetvÙe neslee nw
(b) 1 newton metre/1 vÙetšve ceeršj
1151. Electric potential is a .............
(c) 1 newton/coulomb/1 vÙetšve/ketâuee@cye
efJeÅegle efJeYeJe Skeâ .......... nw~
(d) 1 joule/coulomb/1 petue/ketâuee@cye
1146. One volt is the same as (a) scalar quantity/DeefoMe jeefMe
Skeâ Jeesuš yejeyej neslee nw– (b) vector quantity / meefoMe jeefMe
(a) one joule/coulomb/Skeâ petue/ketâuee@cye (c) phaser/ hesâpej
(b) one coulomb/joule/Skeâ ketâuee@cye/petue (d) none of these/ FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) one coulomb/Skeâ ketâuee@cye 1152. An equipotential surface is one which has all
(d) one joule/Skeâ petue points at........potential
1147. The capacitance between two plates increases Skeâ meceefJeYeJe melen Jen nw efpemekesâ meYeer efyevog hej
with/oes huesšdme kesâ yeerÛe ceW Oeeefjlee ............ kesâ meeLe ........... efJeYeJe nesles nw~
yeÌ{leer nw–
(a) same/meceeve
(a) shorter plate area and higher applied
voltage/keâce huesš #es$eHeâue Deewj ØeÙegòeâ GÛÛe Jeesušspe (b) different/efYeVe
(b) shorter plate area and shorter distance (c) zero/MetvÙe
between them/keâce huesš #es$eHeâue Deewj Gvekesâ yeerÛe (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
keâce otjer 1153. The capacitance of an isolated sphere is given by
(c) larger plate area, longer distance between Skeâ DeeFmeesuesšs[ ieesues keâer Oeeefjlee ........... nesleer nw~
plates and higher applied voltage/DeefOekeâ huesš
(a) 4πε0r F (b) 4π2ε0εr F
#es$eHeâue, huesšeW kesâ yeerÛe keâer DeefOekeâ otjer Deewj ØeÙegòeâ 2
(c) 2πε0r F (d) 3πε0r2 F
GÛÛe efJeYeJe
(d) larger plate area and shorter distance between 1154. The total deficiency or excess of electrons in a
plates/ DeefOekeâ huesš #es$eHeâue Deewj huesšeW kesâ yeerÛe keâer body is known as
keâce otjer Skeâ yee@[er ceW Fueskeäš^e@ve keâer kegâue keâceer Ùee DeefOekeâlee kesâ
1148. The relative permittivity of an insulator cannot ®he ceW peevee peelee nws–
be/Skeâ efJeÅegle jesOeve keâer meehes#e efJeÅegleMeeruelee ............ (a) current/Oeeje
veneR nes mekeâleer nw~ (b) voltage/efJeYeJe
(a) 20 (b) 33
(c) potential gradient/efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee
(c) 6 (d) infinity / Devevle
1149. A hollow metal sphere of radius 5cm is charge (d) charge/DeeJesMe
such that the potential surface is 10 volts. The 1155. The relative permittivity has the following units
potential at the centre of sphere is : efvecve ceW mes meehesef#ekeâ efJeÅegleMeeruelee keâe cee$ekeâ nw–
5 mesceer. ef$epÙee kesâ KeesKeues Oeeleg ieesues hej Fme Øekeâej (a) F/m (b) m/F
DeeJesMe nw, efkeâ melen efJeYeJe 10 Jeesuš nw~ lees #es$e kesâ
(c) Wb/m (d) no units
kesâvõ hej efJeYeJe nw-
*1156.If the relative permittivity of mica is 5, its
(a) zero/ MetvÙe
absoulte permittivity is
(b) 10V/ 10 Jeesuš Ùeefo DeYeükeâ keâer meehesef#ekeâ efJeÅegleMeeruelee 5 nw lees Fmekeâer
(c) same as at a point 5cm away from the surface
hejce efJeÅegleMeeruelee nw–
#es$e mes 5 mesceer. otjer hej meceeve
(d) same as at a point 25cm away from the (a) 44.27 × 10–12 F/m (b) 44.27 × 10–11 F/m
surface / melen mes 25 mesceer. otjer hej meceeve (c) 44.27 × 10–10 F/m (d) 44.27 × 10–9 F/m
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 119 YCT
1157. The direction of the lines of force at any point 1162. The value of E within the field due to a point
is the direction along which a unit .......... charge charge can be found with the help of
placed at that point would move if free to do so Skeâ #es$e ceW Skeâ efyevog DeeJesMe kesâ keâejCe E keâe -----
efkeâmeer Yeer efyebog hej yeue jsKeeDeeW keâer efoMee Jen efoMee ---- keâer meneÙelee mes ceeve Øeehle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
nesleer nw efpemekesâ meeLe Gme efyevog hej jKee ieÙee Skeâ (a) Faraday's laws/Hewâje[s keâe efveÙece
FkeâeF& ........... DeeJesMe ieefle keâjsiee, Deiej Ssmee keâjves kesâ (b) Kirchhoff's laws/efkeâjÛee@Heâ keâe efveÙece
efueS mJeleb$e nes lees~ (c) Coulomb's laws/ketâuee@ce keâe efveÙece
(a) positive/Oeveelcekeâ
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) negative/$e+Ceelcekeâ 1163. .............. at a point may be defined as equal to
(c) both of the above/GheÙegòeâ ceW mes oesveeW the lines of force passing normally through a
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR unit cross-section at that point.
1158. It was suggested by ........ that the electric field ef keâmeer efyevog hej ............. Gme efyevog hej Skeâ FkeâeF&
should be imagined to be divided into tubes of DevegØemLe keâeš ceW mes meeceevÙe ™he mes iegpejves Jeeueerr yeue
force containing a fixed number of lines of jsKeeDeeW kesâ yejeyej nesleer nw~
(a) Electric intensity/efJeÅegle leer›elee
Ùen efkeâmekesâ Éeje megPeeJe efoÙee ieÙee Lee efkeâ efJeÅegle #es$e
(b) Magnetic flux density/ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme IevelJe
keâer yeue jsKeeDeeW keâer Skeâ efveefMÛele mebKÙee yeue Ùegòeâ
šŸetyeeW ceW efJeYeeefpele nesves kesâ efueÙes keâuhevee keâer peeveer (c) Electric flux/efJeÅegle Heäuekeäme
ÛeeefnÙes– (d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
1164. Electric intensity at any point in an electric
(a) Kelvin/kesâefuJeve
field is equal to the .............. at that point.
(b) Newton/vÙetšve Skeâ efJeÅegle #es$e ceW efkeâmeer efyevog hej efJeÅegle leer›elee Gme
(c) Faraday/Hewâje@[s efyevog hej................kesâ yejeyej nesleer nw~
(d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes meYeer
(a) electric flux/efJeÅegle Heäuekeäme
1159. The phenomenon of an uncharged body getting
(b) magnetic flux density/ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme IevelJe
charged merely by the nearness of a charged
body is known as....... (c) potential gradient/efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee
Skeâ DeeJesefMele efheb[ kesâ vepeoerkeâ, Skeâ DeveeJesefMele efheC[ (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
kesâ DeeJesefMele nesves keâer Øeef›eâÙee keânueeleer nw– 1165. Electric flux density (D) is related to electric
(a) pholoelectric effect/HeâesšesFuesefkeäš^keâ ØeYeeJe field intensity (E) by the relation
efJeÅegle Heäuekeäme IevelJe (D) keâe mecyevOe efJeÅegle#es$e keâer
(b) chemical effect/jemeeÙeefvekeâ ØeYeeJe
leer›elee (E) mes ------ Éeje mecyeefvOele nw~
(c) magnetic effect/ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeYeeJe
(a) D = ∈0∈rE (b) D =∈0∈rE2
(d) induction/ØesjCe
1160. A unit tube of flux is known as.......tube (c) D = ∈0∈r E (d) D = ∈rE 3

Heäuekeäme keâer Skeâ FkeâeF& šŸetye keâes ........... šŸetye kesâ ®he 1166. A negatively charged body has ..........
ceW peevee peelee nw~ Skeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeJesefMele efheb[ ceW ........ nesleer nw~
(a) Newton/vÙetšve (a) deficit of electrons / Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer keâceer

(b) Faraday/Hewâje@[s (b) excess of neutrons / vÙetš^e@veeW keâer DeefOekeâlee

(c) Michale/cewkeâeues (c) excess of electrons / Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer DeefOekeâlee
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ mes keâesF& veneR (d) deficit of neutrons / vÙetš^e@veeW keâer keâceer
1161. The number of Faraday tubes of flux passing 1167. The field due to dipole on the exial line is
through a surface in an electric field is called proportional to :/yeenjer jsKee hej efÉOeÇgJe kesâ keâejCe
Hewâje@[s šŸetye kesâ heäuekeäme keâer mebKÙee Skeâ efJeÅegle #ebs$e ceW #es$e kesâ meceevegheeeflekeâ nw-
Skeâ he=‰ ceW mes neskeâj iegpejves hej keâner peeleer nw– (a) r2 (b) r3
(a) electric flux/efJeÅegle Heäuekeäme (c) 1/r (d) 1/r
1168. A rod insulating material is given a positive
(b) electric flux density/efJeÅegle Heäuekeäme IevelJe
charge by rubbing it with a piece of fabric and
(c) magnetic flux density/ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme IevelJe the Fabric is then tested for electric charge.
(d) electric charge density/efJeÅegle DeeJesMe IevelJe You would expect the fabric to have :
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 120 YCT
Skeâ je@[ efJeÅegle jesefOele heoeLe& keâes keâheÌ[s kesâ šgkeâÌ[s mes *1173.A wire 1m long carries a current of 5A and is
jieÌ[ keâj Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe efoÙee peelee nw Deewj efheâj at angle of 300 with B = 1.5 wb/m2. Magnitude
keâheÌ[s keâes efJeÅegle DeeJesMe kesâ efueS hejer#eCe efkeâÙee peelee of force
nw DeehekeâeW keâheÌ[s mes Gcceero keâjveer ÛeeefnS- 1 ceeršj uecyee leej 5 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje keâe ØeJeen
(a) a positive charge equal to that on the rod keâjlee nw Deewj 300 kesâ keâesCe hej B = 1.5 wb/m2 nw lees
je@[ hej Gmekesâ yejeyej Skeâ Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe yeue keâe heefjceeCe nw-
(b) a negative charge equal to that on the rod (a) 2 N / 2vÙetšve (b) 2.5 N / 2.5 vÙetšve
je@[ hej Gmekesâ yejeyej Skeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeJesMe (c) 3.75 N / 3.75 vÙetšve (d) 5 N/ 5 vÙetšve
(c) a positive charge less than that on the rod 1174. Which of following can induce the maximum
je@[ hej Gmemes Úesše Skeâ Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe induced voltage?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve DeefOekeâlece
(d) a negative charge greater than that on the rod Øesefjle Jeesušspe GlheVe keâj mekeâlee nw?
je@[ hej Gmemes yeÌ[e Skeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeJesMe
(a) 1 amp dc. (b) 1 amp 1 Hz.
1169. Two charges of equal magnitude are separated (c) 1 amp 100 Hz. (d) 20 amp dc.
by some distance. If the charges are increased 1175. If a body has identical properties all over, it is
by 10% to get the same force between them,
known as
their separation must be
meceeve heefjceeCe kesâ oes DeeJesMeeW keâes kegâÚ otjer mes Deueie Ùeefo efkeâmeer efvekeâeÙe ceW meceeve iegCe nesles nQ, lees Fmes Fme
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Ùeefo Gve oesveeW kesâ yeerÛe meceeve yeue ™he ceW peevee peelee nw~
Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS DeeJesMe ceW 10%keâer Je=efæ keâer peeleer (a) elastic. / Fueeefmškeâ
nw, lees Gvekeâe he=LekeäkeâjCe nesvee ÛeeefnS- (b) homogeneous./ mece™he
(a) increased by 21% / 21% mes Je=efæ (c) isotropic/ Fmeesš^esefhekeâ
(b) increased by 10% / 10% mes Je=efæ (d) none of them./ FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) decreased by 10% / 10% mes keâceer 1176. The rate of change of potential with respect to
(d) none of these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR the distance is called as?/otjer kesâ meehes#e efJeYeJe kesâ
1170. A soap bubble is given a negative charge then heef jJele&ve keâer oj keâes keäÙee keâne peelee nw?
its radius (a) Potential Gradient / efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee
Skeâ meeyegve kesâ yegueyegues keâes $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeJesMe efoÙee (b) Potential difference / efJeYeJeeblej
peelee nw, leye Fmekeâer ef$epÙee–
(c) Capacitance / Oeeefjlee
(a) Decreases / Iešleer nw
(d) Potential energy / efJeYeJe Tpee&
(b) increases / yeÌ{leer nw
1177. Ohm's law in point from field theory can be
(c) remains unchanged / DeheefjJeefle&le jnleer nw expressed as
(d) none of these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR heâeru[ efmeæeble mes Deesce kesâ efveÙece keâes Fme ™he ceW JÙeòeâ
1171. Equal charges are given to two spheres of efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
different radius. The potential will ..............
Demeceeve ef$epÙee kesâ oes ieesuees keâes meceeve DeeJesMe efoÙee (a) J = σE. (b) V = IR.
peelee nw, efJeYeJe ........~ (c) J = E/σ. (d) D.R = ρ × (1/A)
1178. Electric field inside a hollow metallic charged
(a) be more on the smaller sphere
sphere is/Skeâ KeesKeues Oeeleg DeeJesefMele #es$e kesâ Devoj
Úesšs ieesueW hej DeefOekeâ nesiee
(b) be more on the bigger sphere
efJeÅegle #es$e neslee nw~
yeÌ[s ieesueW hej DeefOekeâ nesiee (a) increasing towards centre /kesâvõ keâer Deesj yeÌ{lee nw
(c) be equal on both the sphere (b) decreasing towards centre/kesâvõ keâer Deesj Oešlee nw
oesveeW ieesueW hej meceeve nesiee (c) zero./ MetvÙe
(d) none of these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) none of above./ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1172. Electric potential at the centre of a charged 1179. The work done in moving a positive charge
conductor is ............... from one point to another in an equipotential
Skeâ DeeJesefMele Ûeeuekeâ kesâ kesâvõ ceW efJeÅegle efJeYeJe.....nw~ plane is?/Skeâ meceefJeYeJe he=‰ ceW Skeâ efyevog mes otmejs
(a) zero / MetvÙe efyevog hej Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe keâes mLeeveevleefjle keâjves ceW
(b) twice as that on the surface/ melen hej oes iegvee efkeâÙee ieÙee keâeÙe& nw-
(c) half of that on the surface / melen keâe DeeOee (a) Maximum/ DeefOekeâlece (b) Positive/ Oeveelcekeâ
(d) same as that on the surface / melen kesâ meceeve (c) Zero/ MetvÙe (d) Negative/ $e+Ceelcekeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 121 YCT
1180. A point charge in space is attracted towards a 1187. XEROX machine is working on
dielectric material because of the XEROX ceMeerve efkeâme hej keâeÙe& keâjlee nw?
Debleefj#e ceW Skeâ efyebog DeeJesMe Skeâ hejeJewÅegle heoeLe& keâer
(a) magnetic effect / ÛegbyekeâerÙe
Deesj Deekeâef<e&le neslee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ-
(b) electrostatic effect / Fueskeäš^esmšwefškeâ ØeYeeJe
(a) phenomenon of dielectric polarisation.
hejeJewÅegle OeÇgJeerkeâjCe keâer Iešvee (c) heating effect of current / Oeeje keâe T<ceerÙe ØeYeeJe
(b) maximisation of electrostatic flux. (d) peltier effect / hesušerÙej ØeYeeJe
Fueskeäš^esmšwefškeâ heäuekeäme keâe DeefOekeâlece *1188.100 V keâer yewšjer keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ Skeâ 800 pF
(c) dielectric hysteresis./ hejeJewÅegle efnmšsefjefmeme mebOeeefj$e (kewâhesefmešj) Ûeepe& efkeâÙee peelee nw~ mebOeeefj$e
(d) all of above./ Ghejesòeâ meYeer Éeje efkeâleveer efmLejJewÅegle (Fueskeäš^esmšwefškeâ) Tpee& meb«enerle
1181. When a dielectric is placed in an electric field keâer peeleer nw?
the field strength/peye Skeâ hejeJewÅegle efJeÅegle #es$e ceW
(a) 8 × 10-6 J (b) 4×10-6 J
jKee peelee nw lees #es$e keâer meeceLÙe&-
(c) 6×10-6 J (d) 2×10-6 j
(a) decreases./ Iešleer nw
*1189.The formula for capacitance (C), with
(b) increases/ yeÌ{leer nw dielectric (K) between the plates, is given by :
(c) reduce to zero./ MetvÙe mes Iešleer nw Where.
(d) remain unchanged./ kegâÚ veneR yeouelee nw~ A : Area of plate
1182. Electric displacement is a ............ quantity. d : separation between plates
efJeÅegle efJemLeeheve Skeâ .......... jeefMe nw~ huesšeW kesâ ceOÙe hejeJewÅegle K kesâ meeLe Oeeefjlee (C) kesâ
(a) scalar./ DeefoMe efueS met$e efkeâmekesâ Éeje efoÙee peelee nw?
(b) vector. / meefoMe peneB,
(c) both of above/ Ghejesòeâ oesveeW A : huesšeW keâe #es$eHeâue
(d) none of above./ Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
d : huesšeW kesâ ceOÙe DeueieeJe
1183. The unit of electric displacement vector is
efJeÅegle efJemLeeheve keâe cee$ekeâ nw~ (a) C = ( ε0 A ) / Kd 2 (b) C = ( ε0 K ) / Ad
(a) C/m2 / ketâuee@ce /ceer (c) C = ( ε0 A ) / Kd (d) C = ( ε0 KA ) / d
(b) C/m. / ketâuee@ce/ceer. *1190.Four capacitors of 15 mF are connected in
(c) Ampere-m./ SefcheÙej –ceeršj parallel. What is the equivalent capacitance (in
(d) C-m. / ketâuee@ce-ceeršj mF) of the combination ?/15 efceueer–Hewâj[ kesâ Ûeej
1184. Which of following is not a vector? mebOeeefj$e meceeveeblej ceW pegÌ[s ngS nQ~ mebÙeespeve keâer meceleguÙe
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meefoMe jeefMe veneR nw? mebOeeefjlee (efceueer–Hewâj[ ceW) keäÙee nw?
(a) Linear momentum / jsKeerÙe ieefle (a) 60 (b) 65
(b) Angular momentum / keâesCeerÙe ieefle (c) 70 (d) 75
(c) Electric potential / efJeÅegle efJeYeJe *1191.Calculate the equivalent capacitance (in µF)
(d) Electric field / efJeÅegle #es$e between point A and B./efyevog A Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe
1185. The potential gradient across the material of meceleguÙe mebOeeefj$e keâer ieCevee (µF ceW) keâjW~
low permittivity is ................ than across the
material of high permittivity.
GÛÛe efJeÅegleMeeruelee heoeLe& keâer leguevee ceW keâce
efJeÅegleMeeruelee heoeLe& keâer efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee ......... neslee nw~
(a) greater / yeÌ[e
(b) smaller / Úesše
(c) both (a) and (b) / (a) Deewj (b)oesveeW
(d) none of above / Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
1186. When a dielectric is placed in an electric field,
it becomes?/peye Skeâ efJeÅegle #es$e ceW hejeJewÅegle jKee
peelee nw, lees Ùen yeve peelee nw?
(a) conductive/ ÛeeuekeâerÙe (b) negative/ $e+Ceelcekeâ (a) 6.7 (b) 8.7
(c) positive / Oeveelcekeâ (d) polarized / OegÇJeerkeâjCe (c) 9.7 (d) 10.7
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 122 YCT
*1192.Determine the equivalent capacitance (in µF) 1197. To prevent the generation of static charges on
of the given electrical network./efoS ieS efJeÅegle kesâ rubber or flat leather
vesšJeke&â ceW meceleguÙe Oeeefjlee (µF ceW) efveOee&efjle keâjW– jyej Ùee Heäuewš uesoj (ÛeceÌ[s) hej mLeweflekeâ DeeJesMe kesâ
Glheeove keâes jeskeâves kesâ efueÙes–
(a) surface is moistened/he=‰ hej veceer keâer peeleer nw
(b) conductive dressing is done
ÛeeuekeâerÙe [^sefmebie efkeâÙee peelee nw
(a) 24.21 (b) 21.25 (c) oil compound dressing is done
(c) 26.64 (d) 22.66 lesue keâchee@Gv[ [^sefmebie efkeâÙee peelee nw
*1193.A voltage of 50 sin1000t V is applied across a (d) talcum powder is sprayed on the surface
parallel plate capacitor with plate area of 5 cm 2
šwuekeâce heeG[j keâe efÚ[Ì keâeJe melen hej efkeâÙee peelee nw~
and plate separation gap of 5 mm. If the 1198. A capcitor having a capacitance of 40 µF is
dielectric material in the capacitor has ? = 2?0, connected across 250 V D.C. source. The
then capacitor current in (Amperes) will charging current will be least
be........../huesš #es$eHeâue 5 cm2 Deewj huesš kesâ yeerÛe Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâer Oeeefjlee 40 µF nw pees efkeâ 250 V D.C
he=Lekeâ Deblejeue 5 mm Jeeues meceeblej huesš mebOeeefj$e ceW Œeesle kesâ Deej heej pegÌ[e nw DeeJesefMele Oeeje keâce mes keâce
50 sin1000t V keâer Jeesušspe Deehetefle& keâer peeleer nw~ Ùeefo nesieer –
mebOeeefj$e cebs hejeJewÅegle meece«eer ε= 2ε0 nes, lees mebOeeefj$e (a) when capacitor is fully charged
Oeeje (SefcheÙej ceW) keäÙee nesieer? peye mebOeeefj$e hetCe& DeeJesefMele neslee nw
(a) [10 /ε0]cos10 t 3
(b) ε010 cos10 t
4 3 (b) when capcitor is half charged
(c) [10 /ε0]sin10 t 3
(d) ε010 sin10 t
4 3 peye mebOeeefj$e DeeOee DeeJesefMele neslee nw
1194. "The force of attraction or repulsion between (c) when capacitor is almost 25% charged
two charges Q1 and Q2 at a distance d metres peye mebOeeefj$e 25% henues mes DeeJesefMele neslee nw
apart is proportional to the product of charges (d) initially/ØeejcYe ces
and inversely proportional to the square of the 1199. A variable capacitance is one whose capacitance
distance between the two charges".
Skeâ heefjJele&veerÙe Oeeefjlee Jen neslee nw efpemekeâer Oeeefjlee–
The above statement is associated with
(a) changes with temperature
‘‘Skeâ otjer d ceeršj hej oes DeeJesMe Q1 Deewj Q2 kesâ yeerÛe
leeheceeve kesâ meeLe heefjJele&ve
Deekeâ<e&Ce Ùee Øeeflekeâ<e&Ce keâe yeue DeeJesMe kesâ iegCeveHeâue
(b) changes with time/meceÙe kesâ meeLe heefjJele&ve
kesâ meceevegheeleer neslee nw Deewj oesveeW DeeJesMe kesâ yeerÛe keâer (c) can be changed manually or by mechanical
otjer kesâ Jeie& kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw’’ Ghejesòeâ keâLeve means/mJeÙeb heefjJele&ve efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw DeLeJee
efkeâmekeâe nw– Ùeebef$ekeâ Éeje
(a) Maxwell's law/cewkeämeJesue keâe efveÙece (d) changes with voltage/Jeesušspe kesâ meeLe heefjJele&ve
(b) Lenz's law/uesvpe keâe efveÙece 1200. Which of the following capacitor is preferred in
(c) Coulomb's law/ketâueecye keâe efveÙece case of single phase motor?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee mebOeeefj$e efmebieue hesâpe ceesšj ceW
(d) Faraday's law/Hewâje@[s keâe efveÙece
ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw–
1195. Which is the most superior dielectric out of the
following? (a) Mica capacitor/DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e
efvecve ceW mes keâewve meyemes DeÛÚe hejeJewÅegle neslee nw? (b) Paper capacitor/heshej mebOeeefj$e
(a) air/JeeÙeg (b) glass/keâe@Ûe (c) Electrolytic capacitor/Fueskeäš^esueeFš mebOeeefj$e
(c) bakelite/yewkesâueeFš (d) paper/heshej (d) Ceramic capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e
1201. A capacitance is a circuit component that
1196. When a dielectric is placed in an electric field
oppose the change in circuit
the field strength/peye Skeâ hejeJewÅegle Skeâ JewÅegle #es$e
Skeâ mebOeeefj$e heefjheLe keâe DeJeÙeJe nw pees heefjheLe ceW ---
ceW jKeer peeleer nw lees #es$e meeceLÙe&– ----- heefjJele&ve keâe efJejesOe keâjlee nw~
(a) decreases/Iešlee nw (a) current/Oeeje
(b) increases/yeÌ{lee nw (b) voltage/Jeesušspe
(c) reduces to zero/MetvÙe mes keâce (c) impedance/ØeefleyeeOee
(d) remain unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw (d) none of the above/GheÙegòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 123 YCT
1202. If Q and C be the charge and capacity of a 1207. The electrons, in a dielectric, get detached from
condenser, then the energy stored in the the atoms under/Jen Fueskeäš^e@ve Skeâ hejeJewÅegle ceW Gme
capacitor is given by DeCeg kesâ DeOeerve mes nš peelee nw–
Ùeefo Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâe DeeJesMe Q leLee Oeeefjlee C nes lees (a) high current/GÛÛe Oeeje
mebOeeefj$e ceW meb«eefnle Tpee& neslee nw– (b) high voltage/GÛÛe Jeesušspe
1 2 1 2 2 (c) variable current/heefjJele&veerÙe Oeeje
(a) CQ (b) Q /C
2 2 (d) breakdown/Yebpeve
1 2 1 2 2 1208. When a capacitor undergoes a dielectric
(c) Q /C (d) CQ
2 2 breakdown/peye Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâe hejeJewÅegle yeÇskeâ
1203. In a capacitor, the electric charge is stored in [eGve neslee nw lees–
Skeâ mebOeeefj$e ceW efJeÅegle DeeJesMe ceW ................... meb«eefnle (a) dielectric stores energy rendering plates
nesleer nw– chargeless/hejeJewÅegle ceW meb«eefnle Tpee& huesšes ceW DeeJesMe
(a) metal plates/Oeeleg huesš nerve nes peeleer nw
(b) electrons get scattered/Fueskeäš^e@ve ØekeâeaCe nes peeles nw
(b) dielectric/hejeJewÅegle
(c) electrons cease to move from one plate to
(c) dielectric as well as metal plates another/Fueskeäš^e@ve Skeâ huesš mes otmejs huesš hej Ûeues
hejeJewÅegle leLee Oeeleg huesš peeles nw
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW keâesF& veneR (d) permanent conduction path is established
1204. Internal heating of a capacitor is usually between plates/huesšes kesâ ceOÙe mLeeF& Ûeeueve heLe
attributed to mLeeefhele nes peelee nw
Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâer Deevleefjkeâ T<cee meeOeejCeleÙee ........... 1209. If C be the capacitance, V be the potential
kesâ keâejCe nesleer nw~ difference and I be the current, then
(a) electron movement/Fueskeäš^e@ve mebJesie CV
have the unit of
(b) leakage resistance/#ejCe ØeeflejesOe
Ùeefo C Oeeefjlee nw V efJeYeJeevlej nw Deewj I Oeeje leye
(c) dielectric charge/hejeJewÅegle DeeJesMe
(d) plate vibration/huesš keâcheVe keâer FkeâeF& nesieer–
*1205.Total capacitance between the points L and M (a) frequency/DeeJe=efòe
is/L Deewj M keâer efyevog kesâ yeerÛe ceW kegâue Oeeefjlee nesieer–
(b) power/Meefòeâ
(c) reactive power/ØeefleIeeefleÙe Meefòeâ
(d) time/meceÙe
*1210.If a current of 2 A passes through a lamp for
200 seconds, the number of coulombs of charge
passing through the lamp in that time will be
Ùeefo 2 A keâer Oeeje 200 meskesâC[ kesâ efueÙes Skeâ uewche mes
(a) 1.45 µF (b) 1.85 µF
neskeâj iegpejleer nw leye ketâuee@ce keâer mebKÙee–
(c) 2.05 µF (d) 4.05 µF
(a) 100 C (b) 200 C
1206. If the dielectric of a capacitor is replaced by a
(c) 300 C (d) 400 C
conducting material
1211. A ceramic and a mica capacitor have the same
Ùeefo Skeâ mebOeeefj$e kesâ hejeJewÅegle kesâ mLeeve hej ÛeeuekeâerÙe physical dimensions. Which has the higher
Oeeleg Éeje heefjJele&ve keâj efoÙee peeS lees– value of capacitance?/Skeâ efmejsefcekeâ Deewj Skeâ
(a) the capacitance value of the capacitor will DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e keâer Yeeweflekeâ efJecee meceeve nw~ leye
shoot upto very high value/mebOeeefj$e yengle DeefOekeâ efkeâmekeâer Oeeefjlee keâe GÛÛelece ceeve nw?
ceeve keâe Oeeefjlee nes peeÙesiee (a) Ceramic capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e
(b) the capacitor can store infinite charge (b) Mica capacitor/DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e
mebOeeefj$e Devevle DeeJesMe meb«eefnle keâj mekeâlee nw (c) Both have identical value of capacitance
(c) the plates will get short-circuited oesveeW kesâ yejeyej Oeeefjlee nesleer nw
huesš ueIegheefLele nes peeÙesiee (d) It is not possible to conclude on the basis of
(d) the capacitor will get heated up due to eddy information supplied/mehueeF& mebkesâle kesâ DeeOeej hej
currents/mebOeeefj$e YeJej Oeeje kesâ keâejCe lehle nes peeÙesiee Fmes Meeefceue veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 124 YCT
*1212.What is the equivalent capacitance (in µF) *1218.What is the expression for current in the R–C
between the terminals A and B in the circuit circuit?
given below ?/veerÛes efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW šefce&veue A R-C heefjheLe ceW Oeeje kesâ efueS JÙebpekeâ keäÙee neslee nw?
Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe meceleguÙe mebOeeefjlee (µF ceW) keäÙee nw? V  −t 
(a) i =   − exp  
R  RC 
V  t 
(b) i =   − exp  
R  RC 
V  −t 
(c) i =   exp  
R  RC 
(a) 4.56 (b) 5.67 V  t 
(d) i =   + exp  
(c) 18.58 (d) 51  
R  RC 
1213. Which of the following is NOT a type of *1219.During capacitor charging the voltage actually
capacitor? rises to ______ percent of its ____
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mebOeeefj$e keâe Øekeâej veneR nw? value/mebOeeefj$e DeeJesMeve kesâ oewjeve JeemleJe ceW Jeesušlee
(a) Ceramic/efmejsefcekeâ Deheves ........... ceeve keâe ........... ØeefleMele yeÌ{lee nw~
(b) Electrolytic/Fueskeäš^esueeFefškeâ (a) 63.2, final/63.2, Deefvlece
(c) Film/efHeâuce (b) 3.2, initial/3.2, ØeejefcYekeâ
(d) Wire wound/JeeÙej JeeGv[ (c) 37, initial/37, ØeejefcYekeâ
*1214.A 1 µF capacitor is connected to a 12 V battery. (d) 37, final/37, Deefvlece
What is the energy stored in the capacitor? 1220. An uncharged conductor is placed near a
Skeâ 1 µF keâe mebOeeefj$e 12 V kesâ Skeâ yewšjer mes pegÌ[e nw, charged conductor, then
Skeâ DeveeJesefMele Ûeeuekeâ keâes DeeJesefMele Ûeeuekeâ kesâ heeme
mebOeeefj$e ceW meb«enerle Tpee& keäÙee nw?
jKee peelee nw, leye–
(a) 48×10–6 J (b) 24×10–6 J (a) the uncharged conductor gets charged by
(c) 12×10–6 J (d) 72×10–6 J conduction/DeeveeJesefMele Ûeeuekeâ Ûeeueve kesâ Éeje
*1215.During discharging of a capacitor of C = 100 µf DeeJesefMele neslee nw
through a resistance of 1 KΩ applied with 50 (b) the uncharged conductor gets charged by
V, the voltage at the time of the it's time induction and then attracted towards the
constant is:/50 V kesâ meeLe 1 KΩ ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeOÙece charging body/DeveeJesefMele Ûeeuekeâ ØesjCe Éeje
mes Skeâ mebOeeefj$e C = 100 µf efveJe&nve kesâ oewjeve Fmekesâ DeeJesefMele neslee nw Deewj leye DeeJesefMele efheC[ keâer Deesj
meceÙe efmLejebkeâ hej Jeesušspe nQ~ Deekeâef<e&le neslee nw
(a) 20 V (b) 15 V (c) the uncharged conductor is attracted first and
(c) 18.5 V (d) 50 V then charged by induction/DeveeJesefMele Ûeeuekeâ
*1216.A 20-mF capacitor is in series with a 150-ohm meJe& ØeLece Deekeâef<e&le neslee nw Deewj leye ØesjCe kesâ Éeje
resistor. The combination is placed across a 40- DeeJesefMele neslee nw
V DC source. The time constant of the circuit is (d) it remains as such/Ùen DeJeMes<e kesâ ™he ceW jnlee nw~
_____./Skeâ 20 mF mebOeeefj$e, 150 Deesÿe ØeeflejesOe kesâ 1221. Paper condneser is
meeLe ëe=bKeuee ceW nw~ mebÙeespeve keâes 40 V DC œeesle hej heshej mebOeeefj$e neslee nw–
jKee ieÙee nw~ heefjheLe keâe meceÙe efmLejebkeâ ........... nw~ (a) always polarised/meowJe OeÇgJeerÙe
(a) 2.4 s (b) 8 s (b) usually of fixed value/meeceevÙele: efmLej ceeve keâe
(c) 6 s (d) 3 s (c) electrolytic condenser/Fueskeäš^esueeFš mebOeeefj$e
*1217.Two capacitors of capacitances C1 = 0.1 µF and (d) a variable condenser/Skeâ heefjJele&veerÙe mebOeeefj$e
C2 = 0.2 µF are connected in series across a 1222. Mica capacitors are characterised by all of the
300–V source. The voltage across C1 will be following except/efvecve ceW mes DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e keâer
_____./C1 = 0.1 µF Deewj C2 = 0.2 µF Oeeefjlee kesâ oes efJeMes<elee nesleer nw efmeJeeÙe–
mebOeeefj$eeW keâes 300 V œeesle hej ëe=bKeuee ceW peesÌ[e ngDee (a) stable operation/mLeeÙeer ØeÛeeueve
nw~ C1 hej Jeesušspe .......... nesieer~ (b) accurate value/Megæ ceeve
(a) 300 V (b) 100 V (c) low leakage reactance/keâce #ejCe ØeefleIeele
(c) 200 V (d) 150 V (d) low losses/keâce neefve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 125 YCT
*1223.A variable capacitor of 100 µF carries a charge 1228. Which of the following statements is correct?
of 0.35 µC. The capacitance is subsequently efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
reduced to 40 pF. The voltage appearing across (a) Mica capacitors are available in capacitance
the capacitor after reduction of its capacitance values of 5 to 20 µF/DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e 5 mes 20 µF
will be keâer Oeeefjlee ceW GheueyOe nw
100 µF keâer Skeâ heefjJele&veerÙe mebOeeefj$e 0.35 µC keâe
(b) Air capacitors have a black band to indicate
DeeJesMe Jenve keâjlee nw heefjCeece-mJe™he Oeeefjlee 40 pF the outside foil/JeeÙeg mebOeeefj$e ceW mebkesâlekeâ kesâ ™he ceW
keâce nesleer nw lees Fme Oeeefjlee keâer keâceer yeeo ceW Gme yeenj heVeer keâer lejHeâ Skeâ keâeuee yewv[
mebOeeefj$e kesâ Deej-heej Jeesušspe nesieer– (c) Electrolytic capacitors must be connected in
(a) 8750 V (b) 4350 V correct polarity/Fueskeäš^esueeFš mebOeeefj$e keâes mener
(c) 2000 V (d) 1500 V OeÇgJelee ceW DeJeMÙe peg[Ì e nesvee ÛeeefnS
*1224.A potential of 400 V is applied to a capacitor, (d) Ceramic capacitors must be connected in
the plates of which are 4 mm apart. The correct polarity/ efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e keâes mener OeÇgJelee
strength of electric field is ceW DeJeMÙe peg[e nesvee ÛeeefnS
400 V keâer Skeâ efJeYeJe Skeâ mebOeeefj$e kesâ efueÙes ueeiet
1229. Which of the following capacitors preferred for
nesleer nw efpeveceW mes huesšs 4 mm Deueie nesleer nw lees JewÅegle high frequency circuits?
#es$e keâer meeceLÙe& nesleer nw– efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee mebOeeefj$e GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe heefjheLe kesâ
(a) 100 kV/m (b) 10 kV/m efueÙes DeefOekeâ hemebo efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(c) 5 kV/m (d) 2 kV/m (a) Air capacitor/JeeÙeg mebOeeefj$e
1225. For a good 0.5 µF capacitor ohmmeter reading (b) Electrolytic capacitor/Fueskeäš^esueeFš mebOeeefj$e
should/Skeâ DeÛÚs 0.5 µF mebOeeefj$e kesâ efueS Deesce (c) Mica capacitor/DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e
ceeršj keâe hee"Ÿeebkeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS– (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) show low resistance momentarily and back 1230. An electrolytic capacitor is generally made to
off to a very high resistance/LeesÌ[er osj kesâ efueS provide/Skeâ Fueskeäš^esueeFš mebOeeefj$e meeOeejCeleÙee
keâce ØeeflejesOe ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw Deewj yeeo ceW Skeâ GÛÛe ........... kesâ efueÙes yeveeÙee peelee nw~
ØeeflejesOe (a) low capacitance/keâce Oeeefjlee
(b) show high resistance momentarily and then a (b) fixed capacitance/efmLej Oeeefjlee
very low resistance/LeesÌ[er osj kesâ efueS GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe
(c) variable capacitance/heefjJele&veerÙe Oeeefjlee
Deewj yeeo ceW keâce ØeeflejesOe
(d) large value of capacitance
(c) go quickly to 50 ohm approximately and
remain there/MeerIeÇlee mes 50 Deesce ueieYeie Deewj JeneR
Oeeefjlee kesâ DeefOekeâ ceeve
nesiee 1231. In order to remove static electricity from
(d) not move at all/meYeer hej veneR Iegcesiee ceMeervejer mes mLeweflekeâ JewÅegle keâes nševes kesâ efueS–
1226. The ohmmeter reading for a short circuited
(a) construct insulated cabins
capacitor is/Skeâ ueIegheefLele mebOeeefj$e kesâ efueÙes Deesce
kesâefyeve kebâmš^keäš efJeÅeglejesefOele keâjvee
ceeršj keâe hee"Ÿeebkeâ neslee nw–
(b) insulate the machinery/ceMeervejer efJeÅeglejesefOele keâjvee
(a) infinity/Devevle
(c) ground the framework/øesâce Jeke&â «eeGv[
(b) few kilo ohms/kegâÚ efkeâuees Deesce
(d) humidify the surroundings/ÛeejeW lejHeâ veceer keâjvee
(c) few megaohms/kegâÚ cesiee Deesce
1232. If a third equal and similar charge is placed
(d) zero/MetvÙe between two equal and similar charges, then
1227. Which of the following capacitors will have this third charge will
least energy stored in it?/efvecve ceW keâewve meer mebOeeefj$e Ùeefo Skeâ leermeje yejeyej Deewj Skeâ pewmee DeeJesMe kesâ oes
ceW keâce mes keâce Tpee& meb«eefnle nesieer- Skeâ pewmes Deewj meceeve DeeJesMe kesâ yeerÛe ceW jKee peelee nw
(a) A 20 µF capacitor charged to 400 V lees Ùen leermejer DeeJesMe nesieer–
Skeâ 20 µF mebOeeefj$e 400 V mes DeeJesefMele nes (a) move out of the field of influence of the two
(b) A 1 µF capactior charged to 5 kV charges/oesveeW DeeJesMeeW kesâ ØeYeeefJele #es$e mes yeenj nesiee
A 1 µF mebOeeefj$e 5 kV mes DeeJesefMele nes (b) remain in stable equilibrium
(c) A 600 pF capacitor charged to 15 kV mLeeF& ™he mes meblegefuele nesiee
Skeâ 600 pF mebOeeefj$e 15 kV mes DeeJesefMele nes (c) not be in equilibrium/mevlegueve ceW veneR nesiee
(d) Energy stored in each above will be same (d) be in unstable equilibrium
ØelÙeskeâ ceW meceeve Gpee& meb«eefnle nesieer DemLeeF& ™he mes mevlegefuele nesiee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 126 YCT
*1233.If two 5-µF capacitors are connected in *1239.An air-filled parallel plate capacitor made of
parallel, then the effective capacitance will square plates, each 10cm×10cm, has a
be_____./Ùeefo oes 5 µF mebOeeefj$e meceeveeblej ceW pegÌ[s nw, capacitance C. If the plates are reduced to 2.5
lees ØeYeeJeer Oeeefjlee ......... nesieer~ cm×2.5cm, what would be the new capacitance?
(a) 25 µF (b) 20 µF Skeâ air-filled parallel plate capacitor pees 10 cm
(c) 2.5 µF (d) 10 µF × 10 cm kesâ square plates mes yevee nes keâe mebOeeefj$e C
*1234.After _____ number of time constants the nw~ Ùeefo huesš keâe #es$eheâue Iešekeâj 2.5 cm × 2.5 cm
transient portion reaches more than 99% of its keâj efoÙee peeÙes lees Fmekeâe veÙee mebOeeefj$e ceeve nesiee-
final value./meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ .......... mebKÙee kesâ yeeo
(a) C/4 (b) C/8
Fmekeâe #eefCekeâ Yeeie Deefvlece ceeve kesâ 99% ØeefleMele mes (c) C/16 (d) C/32
DeefOekeâ hengBÛelee nw~ 1240. A circuit requires a capacitor of 100 µF , 25 V.
(a) 0 (b) 1 The capacitor can be :/efkeâmeer heefjheLe keâes 100 µF ,
(c) 3 (d) 5
25 V kesâ mebOeeefj$e keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~ mebOeeefj$eeW
*1235.If Q is the charge and C be the capacitance, then
the energy stored in the capacitor is given by efkeâme Øekeâej keâe nes mekeâlee nw?
______./Ùeefo Q ØeYeej Deewj C Oeeefjlee nw, lees mebOeeefj$e ceW (a) Paper capacitor/keâeiepe mebOeeefjle
meb«eefnle Tpee& ............ kesâ Éeje oMee&F& peeleer nw~ (b) Electrolytic capacitor/efJeÅegle DeheIešveer mebOeeefj$e
Q 1 (c) Ceramic capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e
(a) (b) QC
2C 2 (d) Any type of capacitor/efkeâmeer Øekeâej keâe mebOeeefj$e
1 Q2 *1241.If a 10- µF capacitor is connected to a voltage
(c) (d) source with v(t) = 50 sin 2000 t V, then the
current through the capacitor is --------------A.
*1236.Determine the current i at t = 1s for the given
Ùeefo 10- µF mebOeeefj$e keâes v(t) = 50 sin 2000 t V kesâ
network/efoS ieS vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS t = 1 meskeâsC[ hej
Oeeje %eele keâjW~ Jeesušspe œeesle mes peesÌ[ efoÙee peeS, lees mebOeeefj$e ceW
ØeJeeefnle Oeeje efkeâleves Ampere nesieer ?
(a) cos 2000 t
(b) 500 cos 2000 t
(c) 106 cos 2000 t
(d) 5 × 10−4 cos 2000 t
*1242.The capacitor voltage in the circuit long after
the switch has been closed is :
(a) 3A (b) 4A heefjheLe ceW kegBâpeer kesâ yevo nesves kesâ uecyes meceÙe yeeo
(c) 1A (d) 2mA
mebOeeefj$e keâe efJeYeJe nesiee :
*1237.The total charge that has entered circuit
element is q(t) = 0.50(1-e-5t) when t ≥ and q(t) =
0 when t < 0. Determine the current in this
circuit element for t ≥ 0
peye t < 0, leye heefjheLe lelJe ceW hetCe& DeeJesMe
q(t)=0.5(1-e–5t) ØeJesMe keâjlee nw, t≥0 kesâ efueS heefjheLe
ceW Oeeje keâes %eele keâerefpeS–
(a) i(t) = –0.250e–5tA
(b) i(t) = 2.5e–5tA
(c) i(t) = –0.50(1-e–5t)A (a) 5.1 V (b) 0 V
(d) i(t) = –0.50(t+0.2e–5t)A (c) 12 V (d) 6 V
*1238.During charging of a capacitor of C = 100 µF *1243.The unit for polarisation is ______.
through a resistance of 1 KΩ applied with 100 OeÇgJeerkeâjCe kesâ efueS FkeâeF& nw–
V, the voltages at constant is .....................
ÛeeefpeËie kesâ oewjeve Skeâ 100 µF mebOeeefj$e keâes 1 KΩ kesâ (a)
ØeeflejesOe Éeje Skeâ 100V ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw, m2
(b) Hm2
Jeesušspe efmLejeBkeâ nw–
(c) Tesla/šsmuee
(a) 36.7V (b) 63.2V
(c) 100V (d) 63.7V (d) cm2
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 127 YCT
1250. Coefficient of self induction in a coil is ....... in
4. Ûegcyekeâ Deewj ÛegcyekeâlJe the coil :/Skeâ kegâC[ueer ceW mJeØesjCe iegCeebkeâ keâgC[ueer ces
(Magnet and Magnetism) .............. neslee nw~
(a) AT per Weber / SefcheÙej Jele&ve Øeefle Jesyej
1244. The direction of magnetic lines of force is : (b) Weber turns per ampere/ Jesyej Jele&ve Øeefle SefcheÙej
ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue jsKeeDeeW keâer efoMee nesleer nw - (c) AT per VOH / SefcheÙej Jele&ve Øeefle JeerDeesSÛe
(a) From North pole to South Pole (d) Weber turn per volt / Jesyej Jele&ve Øeefle Jeesuš
Gòejer OeÇgJe mes oef#eCeer OeÇgJe keâer Deesj 1251. The dynamically induced emf in a conductor
(b) From South pole to North pole does not depend on:
oef#eCeer OeÇgJe mes Gòejer OeÇgJe keâer Deesj Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW ieefleMeerue Øesefjle efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue
(c) From any one end to another ........... hej efveYe&j veneR keâjlee nw~
efkeâmeer Skeâ efmejs mes otmejs efmejs keâer Deesj (a) flux density / heäuekeäme IevelJe
(d) From centre to end (b) its active length / Fmekeâer meef›eâÙe uecyeeF&
kesâvõ mes Deble keâer Deesj (c) its velocity / Fmekeâer Jesie
1245. Unit of susceptibility is : (d) its conductivity /Fmekeâer efJeefMe° Ûeeuekeâlee
DevegkeâeÙe&lee keâer FkeâeF& nw– 1252. Leakage factor is
(a) Webers/meter square / Jesyej/ceeršj2 #ejCe iegCeebkeâ neslee nw–
(b) Henry per meter / nsvejer/ceeršj (a) less than unity / Skeâ mes keâce
(c) Tesla / šsmuee (b) more than unity / Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ
(d) No units / keâesF& FkeâeF& veneR (c) equal to unity / Skeâ kesâ yejeyej
1246. Example of ferromagnetic material is: (d) none of these / Fveces mes keâesF& veneR
ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâe GoenjCe nw 1253. Two current carrying conductors lying parallel
(a) Nickel / efvekeâue (b) Copper / leebyee to each other are exerting a force of attraction
on each other. The currents are
(c) Tungstem / šbiemšve (d) Silver / ÛeeBoer
oes OeejeJeener Ûeeuekeâ Skeâ otmejs mes meceevlej ceW nQ Jes Skeâ
1247. The magnetic permeability of a paramagnetic
substance is :/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâer ÛegcyekeâerÙe otmejs hej Skeâ Deekeâ<e&Ce yeue Deejesefhele keâjles nw lees Oeeje
ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee nesleer nw nesieer—
(a) low / efvecve
(a) large and positive / yeÌ[e leLee Oeveelcekeâ
(b) very high / yengle DeefOekeâ
(b) small and negative / Úesše leLee $e+Ceelcekeâ
(c) in opposite direction / efJehejerle efoMee ceW
(c) small and positive / Úesše leLee Oeveelcekeâ
(d) in the same direction / meceeve efoMee ceW
(d) large and negative / yeÌ[e leLee $e+Ceelcekeâ
1254. To find out the direction of rotation of lines of
1248. The direction of magnetic field around a force about the conductor/Ûeeuekeâ kesâ yeue jsKeeDeeW
current carrying conductor is found by applying
kesâ IetCe&ve keâer efoMee %eele keâjves kesâ efueS
rule./OeejeJeener Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e
(a) Lenz's law / uesvpe efveÙece
keâer efoMee ........... keâe efveÙece ØeÙegòeâ keâjkeâs %eele keâer
(b) Ampere rule / SefcheÙej efveÙece
peeleer nw~ (c) Cork screw rule / keâeke&â heWÛe efveÙece
(a) Right hand thumb rule (d) End rule / Deble efveÙece
oeBÙes neBLe kesâ Debiet"s keâe efveÙece 1255. In cycle dynamo we use
(b) Fleming's right hand rule meeFkeâue [eÙeveceeW ceW nce GheÙeesie keâjles nQ
heäuesefcebie kesâ oeÙes neLe keâe efveÙece (a) electromagnet / efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ
(c) Fleming's left hand rule (b) permanent magnet / mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ
heäuesefcebie kesâ yeeÙes neLe keâe efveÙece (c) both a and b / a leLee b oesveeW
(d) Lenz's law / uesvpe keâe efveÙece (d) none of these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
1249. The basic principle of electromagnetic induction 1256. The ratio of M.M.F to reluctance is :
is :/efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØesjCe keâe cetue efmeæevle nw : ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue Deewj Øeefle°cYe keâe Devegheele neslee
(a) Fleming's left hand rule nw–
heäuesefcebie kesâ yeeBÙes neLe keâe efveÙece (a) flux / Heäuekeäme
(b) Steinmetz law / mšsvecesšdpe keâe efveÙece (b) current / Oeeje
(c) Ohm's law / Deesce keâe efveÙece (c) permeance /ØeJesMÙelee
(d) Faraday's laws / hewâje[s keâe efveÙece (d) conductance / Ûeeuekeâlee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 128 YCT
1257. Oxygen belong to 1263. A permeable substance is one
Deekeämeerpeve mebyeefvOele nw Skeâ heejiecÙe heoeLe& neslee nw Skeâ–
(a) Diamagnetic material / Øeefle-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& (a) which is a good conductor/pees Skeâ DeÛÚe Ûeeuekeâ nw
(b) paramagnetic material /Deveg-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& (b) which is a bad conductor/pees Skeâ Kejeye Ûeeuekeâ nw
(c) ferromagnetic material /ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& (c) which is a strong magnet/pees Skeâ cepeyetle Ûegcyekeâ nw
(d) none of these /FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) through which the magnetic lines of force can
1258. Which of the materials has more hysteresis pass very easily/efpemekesâ ceeOÙece mes ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue
constants? jsKeeSb yengle Deemeeveer mes iegpej mekeâleer nQ
keâewve mes heoeLeeW& ceW efnmšsjerefmeme efmLejebkeâ DeefOekeâ neslee nw~ 1264. The meterials having low retentivity are
(a) silicon steel / efmeefuekeâe@ve Fmheele suitable for making/keâce OeejCe meeceLÙe& Jeeues heoeLe&
(b) cast steel / {@ueJee Fmheele ........... keâes yeveeves kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ nw~
(c) cast iron / {@ueJee ueesne (a) weak magnets/ogye&ue Ûegcyekeâ
(d) wrought iron / efhešJee ueesne (b) temporary magnets/DemLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ
1259. A loop of wire is rotating in a strong steady (c) permanent magnets/mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ
magnetic field the voltage induced is
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& vener
leej keâe Skeâ heeMe ÂÌ{ efmLej ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW ieefle keâj
1265. A magnetic field exists around
jne nw, lees Øesefjle Jeesušspe nw— efkeâmeer ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e .............. kesâ ÛeejeW lejheâ ceewpeto
(a) dc / [er.meer. neslee nw~
(b) ac / S.meer.
(a) iron/ueewn
(c) pulsating dc /mheboveMeerue [er.meer.
(b) copper/leebyee
(d) rectified dc / jsefkeäšheâeF[ [er.meer.
(c) aluminium/SuÙegceerefveÙece
1260. Two conductors are laying parallel and close to
each other. They are carrying currents in (d) moving charges/ieefleceeve DeeJesMeeW
opposits directions. The force between them is 1266. A magnet does not attract
oes Ûeeuekeâ Skeâ otmejs kesâ meceevlej leLee heeme ceW nQ, Jes Skeâ Ûegcyekeâ .............. keâes Deekeâef<e&le veneR keâjlee nw~
efJehejerle efoMee ceW Oeeje keâe Jenve keâjles nQ~ Gvekesâ yeerÛe (a) cobalt/keâesyeeuš (b) nickel/efveefkeâue
yeue nesiee— (c) copper/leebyee (d) iron/ueesne
(a) repulsive / Øeeflekeâ<e&keâ 1267. Aluminium and platinum are ............ materials
(b) attractive / Deekeâ<e&keâ SuÙegceerefveÙece Deewj huewefšvece ............ heoeLe& nesles nQ~
(c) zero as currents are opposite (a) ferromagnetic/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe
MetvÙe kesâ ™he ceW OeejeSB efJehejerle nesieer (b) diamagnetic/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe
(d) very high / yengle DeefOekeâ (c) paramagnetic/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe
1261. Continuous path occupied by magnetic lines of (d) insulating/kegâÛeeuekeâ
force is called. / ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue jsKeeDeeW Éeje ueieeleej 1268. A property of material which opposes the
Iesje peeves Jeeuee heLe keânueelee nw- creation of magnetic flux in it, is known as
(a) electric circuit / efJeÅegle heefjheLe heoeLe& keâe Jen iegCe pees FmeceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme yeveves
(b) magnetic circuit / ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe keâe efJejesOe keâjlee nw ........... kesâ ®he ceW peevee peelee nw~
(c) magnetic field / ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e (a) Magnetomotive force / ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue
(d) M.N.A / Sce.Sve.S. (b) Reluctance / Øeefle°cYe
1262. Permeability is the ratio between flux density (c) permeance / ØeJesMÙelee
to...../ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee, Heäuekeäme IevelJe Deewj ........... kesâ (d) Reluctivity / Øeefle°efcYelee
yeerÛe keâe Devegheele nw~ 1269. In which of the following expression the e.m.f.
induced in a conductor is maximum
(a) M.M.F / Ûeg. Jee. yeue efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme JÙebpekeâ ceW, Ûeeuekeâ ceW Øesefjle
(b) E.M.F. / efJe. Jee. yeue efJe. Jee. yeue DeefOekeâlece nesiee~
(c) magnetic field intensity / ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e leer›elee
(a) BIL sinθ (b) BIv sinθ
(d) magnetic retentivity / ÛegcyekeâerÙe OeejCe meeceLÙe& (c) BIL (d) BLv
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 129 YCT
1270. The B-H curve is used to find the m.m.f. of....in 1275. An air-cored choke is used for ............
a magnetic circuit applications./...............kesâ DevegØeÙeesie kesâ efueS, Skeâ
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW ............ kesâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue JeeÙeg ›eâes[ Ûeeskeâ keâe GheÙeesie keâjles nw~
keâes %eele keâjves kesâ efueS B-H Je›eâ keâe GheÙeesie keâjles nw~ (a) radio frequency /jsef[Ùees DeeJe=efòe
(a) air gap / JeeÙeg-Devlejeue (b) audio frequency /Deeef[Ùees DeeJe=efòe
(b) iron part / ueewn Yeeie (c) power frequency /Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòe
(c) both air gap and iron part (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
JeeÙeg-Devlejeue leLee ueewn Yeeie oesveeW
1276. If a 10-turn coil has a second layer of 10 turns
(d) None of the above / Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
wound over the first, then total inductance will
1271. The force between two current carrying be about .............. the original inductance.
conductors is 10 JeleeX Jeeueer kegâC[ueer kesâ efÉleerÙe hejle ceW JeleeX keâer
oes OeejeJeener ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ yeerÛe yeue neslee nw– mebKÙee 10 nw pees efkeâ henues Jeeues hejle keâes hetjer lejn mes
(a) Proportional to the direction of currents
{kesâ ngS nw~ lees mechetCe& ØesjkeâlJe keâe ceeve cetue ØesjkeâlJe
Oeeje keâer efoMee kesâ meceevegheeleer neslee nw
(b) Inversely proportional to the distance keâe ...........nesiee~
between them (a) two times /oes iegvee
Gvekesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw (b) four times /Ûeej iegvee
(c) Proportional to the distance between them (c) six times /Ú: iegvee
Gvekesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer kesâ meceevegheeleer neslee nw (d) three times /leerve iegvee
(d) Constant irrespective of the distance between *1277.An iron-cored coil of 10 turns has reluctance of
them 100 AT/Wb. The inductance of the coil is
Gvekesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer kesâ efvejhes#e efmLej neslee nw ................
1272. According to Lenz's law, the direction of 10 JeleeX Jeeueer Skeâ ueewn-›eâes[ kegâC[ueer keâe Øeefle°cYe
induced e.m.f. and hence current 100 AT/Wb nw~ lees kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe..........nw~
uesvpe efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej, Øesefjle efJe. Jee. yeue keâer efoMee
(a) 1 H (b) 10 H
Deewj Oeeje— (c) 0.1 H (d) 5 H
(a) Can be found by the right hand rule 1278. We can produce induced e.m.f. in a coil by
oeSB ne@Le efveÙece Éeje %eele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw changing/ ..........keâes heefjJeefle&le keâjkesâ, nce kegâC[ueer ceW
(b) Always opposes the cause producing it Øesefjle efJe.Jee. yeue GlheVe keâj mekeâles nw~
ncesMee Fmekeâes GlheVe keâjves Jeeues keâejCe keâe efJejesOe keâjlee nw
(a) magnetic field B /ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e B
(c) Is determined by the rate of cutting flux
(b) area A of coil in the field
Heäuekeäme keâšves keâer oj mes efveOee&efjle efkeâÙee peelee nw
#es$e ceW, kegâC[ueer kesâ #es$eheâue A
(d) Depends on whether the coil is wound with a
(c) position of coil w.r.t. field
right or left hand spiral/Fme hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw efkeâ
#es$e kesâ meehes#e, kegâC[ueer kesâ efmLeefle
kegâC[ueer Skeâ oeÙes Ùee yeeÙeW neLe mes hesÛeoej IegceeJe nw Ùee
(d) all above /Ghejesòeâ meYeer
vener –2
*1273.A circuit has inductance of 2H. If the circuit *1279.A metallic wire cuts magnetic flux of 0.2×10
current changes at the rate of 10A/second, then Wb in 0.12s. The magnitude of e.m.f induced is
self-induced e.m.f. is ........... Skeâ OeeeflJekeâ leej 0.2×10–2 Wb Jeeues heäuekeäme keâes
Skeâ heefjheLe ØesjkeâlJe 2 nsvejer nw~ Ùeefo heefjheLe ceW Oeeje 0.12s ceW keâš keâjlee nw lees Øesefjle efJe.Jee. yeue keâe
heefjJele&ve keâer oj 10A/second nes leye mJe-Øesefjle efJe.Jee. heefjceeCe nw-
yeue.............neslee nw~ (a) 0 (b) 0.0167 V
(a) 5 V (b) 0.2 V (c) 0.83 V (d) 0.756 V
(c) 20 V (d) 10 V *1280.A coil of area A is kept perpendicular in a
*1274.A current of 2 A through a coil sets up flux uniform magnetic field B. If the coil is rotated
linkages of 4 Wb-turn. The inductance lf the through 180 , the change in magnetic flux is
coil is ....................... Skeâ kegâC[ueer efpemekeâe #es$eheâue A nw, keâes Skeâ meceeve
Skeâ kegâC[ueer mes 2A keâer Oeeje neskeâj peeves hej mLeeefhele ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e B kesâ uecyeJele jKee ieÙee nw~ Ùeefo
heäuekeäme efuebkesâpe 4 Wb-turn nw~ leye kegâC[ueer ceW kegâC[ueer 180º mes Ietceleer nw lees ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme ceW
ØesjkeâlJe...........nw~ heefjJele&ve neslee nw-
(a) 8 H (b) 0.5 H (a) BA (b) 2BA
(c) 2 H (d) 1 H (c) –2BA (d) 4BA
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 130 YCT
*1281.A current of 3A flowing in the primary coil is *1286.The coupling between two magnetically
reduced to zero in 0.001 s and the induced coupled coils is said to be ideal if the coefficient
e.m.f. in the secondary is 15000 V. The mutual of coupling is
inductance between the two coils is oes ÛegcyekeâerÙe Ùegeficele kegâC[ueer kesâ ceOÙe Ùegiceve keâes
ØeeLeefcekeâ kegâC[ueer ceW ØeJeeefnle 3Amp keâer Oeeje 0.001 s DeeoMe& ceevee (keâne) peelee nw Ùeefo Ùegiceve iegCeebkeâ.........
ceW Ieškeâj MetvÙe nes peeleer nw Deewj efÉleerÙekeâ ceW Øesefjle neslee nw~
efJe.Jee.yeue 15000V nw lees oes kegâC[ueer kesâ yeerÛe (a) 0 (b) 0.1
heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe nw- (c) 2 (d) 1
(a) 5 H (b) 0.5 H *1287.At a certain current, the energy stored in an
(c) 1.5 H (d) 10 H iron-cored coil is 1000 J and its copper loss is
*1282.A magnetic field of 2×10 T act at right angles 2000 W. The time constant (in seconds) of the
2 coil is
to a coil of area 100 cm with 50 turns. The
average induced e.m.f. in the coil is 0.1 when it Skeâ efveef§ele Oeeje hej ueewn-›eâes[ kegâC[ueer ceW meb«eefnle
is removed from the field in t sec. The value Tpee& 1000 petue nw~ Deewj Fmekeâe leeceü-neefve 2000
of t is Jee@š nw~ lees kegâC[ueer keâe meceÙe-efmLejebkeâ (meskesâC[ ceW)
100 cm2 #es$eheâue kesâ meeLe 50 JeleeX Jeeueer Skeâ kegâC[ueer neslee nw-
mes mecekeâesCe hej 2×10 T keâe Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâeÙe&
(a) 1 (b) 2
keâjlee nw~ peye kegâC[ueer keâes t meskesâC[ ceW #es$e mes nše (c) 0.5 (d) 0.25
efoÙee peelee nw lees kegâC[ueer ceW Øesefjle Deewmele efJe.Jee.yeue *1288.Given two inductors L 1 and L2. Their mutual
inductance M satisfies
0.1 nw~ t keâe ceeve nw- oes Øesjkeâ L1 Deewj L2 efoÙee ieÙee nw~ Gvekesâ heejmheefjkeâ
(a) 10 s (b) 0.01 s
ØesjkeâlJe M mebleg° nesles nw-
(c) 1 s (d) 0.1 s
L + L2
*1283.The magnetic flux linked with a signle-turn coil (a) M = L21 + L 2 (b) M > 1
is given by the equation: φ = 5t + 3t + 6. The2 2
induced e.m.f. in the coil in the fourth second (c) M ≤ L1L 2 (d) M > L1L 2
will be 1289. The cores in electrical machines are generally
Skeâue Jele& Jeeueer kegâC[ueer mes mecyeæ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme made of laminations to reduce
keâe meceerkeâjCe φ = 5t2 + 3t + 6 nw~ ÛeewLes meskesâC[ ceW, .......... keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS JewÅegle ceMeerve kesâ ›eâes[
kegâC[ueer ceW Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue nesiee- keâes meeOeejCeleÙee hejleoej yeveeÙee peelee nw~
(a) 20 V (b) 40 V (a) hysteresis loss /MewefLeuÙe neefve
(c) 10 V (d) 80 V (b) eddy current loss /YeBJej Oeeje neefve
1284. The magnetic energy in an inductor changes
(c) copper loss /leeceü-neefve
from maximum value to minimum value in 5
ms when connected to an a.c. source. The (d) all above /Ghejesòeâ meYeer
frequency of the source is 1290. When two coils having inductances of
Skeâ Øesjkeâ keâes peye ØelÙeeJeleea œeesle kesâ meeLe peesÌ[ efoÙee inductance M, the coefficient of coupling k is
given by ;
peelee nw leye ÛegcyekeâerÙe Tpee& ceW heefjJele&ve, DeefOekeâlece
peye oes kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe, M ØesjkeâlJe keâe nw~ lees
ceeve mes vÙetvelece ceeve lekeâ 5 ms ceW neslee nw~ lees Œeesle
Ùegiceve iegCeebkeâ k keâes.........kesâ Éeje efoÙee peelee nw~
keâer DeeJe=efòe nw-
(a) 200 Hz (b) 20 Hz (a) k = (b) k = 1 2
2L1L 2 M
(c) 50 Hz (d) 500 Hz
*1285.Two coils have self-inductances of 10mH and 2M M
(c) k = (d) k =
15 mH and effective inductance of 40 mH when L1L 2 L1L 2
connected in series adding. The equivalent
*1291.Two coils of self inductances 150mH and 250
inductance when they are connected in series
mH and mutual inductance 120 mH are
opposing is
connected in parallel adding. The total
oes kegâC[ueer kesâ heeme mJe-ØesjkeâlJe 10 mH Deewj 15 mH inductance is
nw Deewj menÙeesieer ëe=bKeuee ceW peesÌ[ves hej ØeYeeJeer ØesjkeâlJe oes kegâC[ueer keâe mJeØesjkeâlJe 150 mH Deewj 250 mH
40 mH nw~ efJejesOeer ëe=bK euee ceW peesÌ[ves hej leguÙe nw leLee heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe 120 mH nw, keâes meneÙekeâ
ØesjkeâlJe nw– meceevlej ›eâce ceW peesÌ[e ieÙee nw lees kegâue ØesjkeâlJe nw-
(a) 20 mH (b) 10 mH (a) 0.036 H (b) 0.72 H
(c) 5 mH (d) 0 (c) 0.144 H (d) 0.048 H
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 131 YCT
*1292.An iron-cored coil has an inductance of 2H. If 1298. The unit of relative permeability is
the reluctance of the magnetic path is 200 meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee keâer FkeâeF& nesleer nw–
AT/Wb, the number of turns on the coils is
.......... (a) henry/metre/nsvejer/ceeršj
Skeâ ueewn-›eâes[ kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe 2H nw~ Ùeefo (b) henry/nsvejer
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heeLe keâe Øeefle°cYe 200 AT/Wb nw~ lees (c) henry/sq.m/nsvejer/ceeršj2
kegâC[ueer kesâ JeleeX keâer mebKÙee nw- (d) it is dimension less/Ùen efJecee jefnle nw
(a) 100 (b) 400
1299. A conductor of length L has current I passing
(c) 50 (d) 20
through it, when it is placed parallel to a
1293. Ferrites are .......... materials
magnetic field. The force experienced by the
HesâjeFšdme ........ heoeLe& nesles nQ~ conductor will be
(a) paramagnetic/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe L uecyeeF& keâer Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW Oeeje I Fmemes iegpejleer nw,
(b) diamagnetic/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe
peye Fmes Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ meceevlej ceW jKee peelee
(c) ferromagnetic/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe
nw~ Ûeeuekeâ Éeje cenmetme efkeâÙee ieÙee yeue nesiee–
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& vener
(a) zero/MetvÙe (b) BLI
1294. Air gap has ........ reluctance as compared to
iron or steel path/ueewn Ùee Fmheele heLe keâer leguevee ceW (c) B2LI (d) BLI2
JeeÙeg Devlejeue keâe Øeefle°cYe ......... neslee nw~ 1300. The force between two long parallel conductors
is inversely proportional to
(a) littele/Úesše (b) lower/keâce
oes uecyes meceeveevlej ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ yeerÛe keâe yeue ..........
(c) higher/GÛÛe (d) zero/MetvÙe
1295. Which of the following is a vector quantity?
kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw~
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ meefoMe jeefMe nw? (a) radius of conductors/ÛeeuekeâeW keâer ef$epÙee
(a) Relative permeability/meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee (b) current in one conductor/Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW Oeeje
(b) Magnetic field intensity/ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer leer›elee (c) product of current in two conductors
(c) Flux density/Heäuekeäme IevelJe oes ÛeeuekeâeW ceW Oeeje kesâ iegCeveHeâue
(d) Magnetic potential/ÛegcyekeâerÙe efJeYeJe (d) distance between the conductors
1296. Magnetising steel is normals difficult because ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ ceOÙe otjer
Fmheele ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe meeceevÙele: cegefMkeâue nw keäÙeeWefkeâ– 1301. Materials subjected to rapid reversal of
(a) it corrodes easily/Ùen Deemeeveer mes meb#eeefjle neslee nw magnetism should have
(b) it has high permeability ÛegcyekeâlJe kesâ leer›e heefjJele&ve kesâ DeOeerve heoeLeex keâe
Fmekeâer ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee GÛÛe nesleer nw ............ nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(c) it has high specific gravity (a) large area of B-H loop
Fmekeâe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe GÛÛe neslee nw B-H heeMe keâe yeÌ[e #es$eHeâue
(d) it has low permeability
(b) high permeability and low hysteresis loss
Fmekeâer ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee efvecve nesleer nw
GÛÛe ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee Deewj efvecve efnmšsefjefmeme neefve
1297. The left hand rule correlates to
yeeÙeW neLe keâe efveÙece .......... mes mecyeefvOele nw~ (c) high coercivity and high retentivity
(a) current, induced e.m.f. and direction of force GÛÛe efJeÛegcyekeâve Deewj GÛÛe OeejCe meeceLÙe&
on a conductor/Oeeje, Øesefjle F&.Sce.SHeâ Deewj Skeâ (d) high coercivity and low density
Ûeeuekeâ hej yeue keâer efoMee GÛÛe efJeÛegcyekeâve Deewj efvecve IevelJe
(b) magnetic field, electric field and direction of 1302. Indicate which of the following material does
force on a conductor/ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e, efJeÅegle #es$e not retain magnetism permanently.
Deewj Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ hej yeue keâer efoMee metefÛele keâjs efkeâ efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee heoeLe&
(c) self induction, mutual induction and direction mLeeÙeer ™he mes ÛegcyekeâlJe keâes veneR yeveeÙes jKelee nw–
of force on a conductor/mJeØesjCe, DevÙeesvÙe ØesjCe
(a) Soft iron/vece& ueesne
Deewj Ûeeuekeâ hej yeue keâer efoMee
(b) Stainless steel/pebiejesOeer Fmheele
(d) current, magnetic field and direction of force
on a conductor/Oeeje, ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e Deewj Skeâ (c) Hardened steel/keâ"esj Fmheele
Ûeeuekeâ hej yeue keâer efoMee (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 132 YCT
1303. The main constituent of permalloy is (a) meter is surrounded by strong magnetic fields
hejceSuee@Ùe keâe cegKÙe Ieškeâ nw– ceeršj ÛeejeW lejHeâ mes cepeyetle ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$eeW mes efIeje neslee nw~
(a) cobalt/keâesyeeuš (b) chromium/›eâesefceÙece (b) a soft iron shielding is used
(c) nickel/efveefkeâue (d) tungsten/šbiemšve Skeâ vece& ueewn keâJeÛe GheÙeesie nesleer nw~
1304. The use of permanent magnets is not made in (c) a plastic shielding is provided
mLeeÙeer ÛegcyekeâeW keâe GheÙeesie ............. keâes yeveeves ceW veneR Skeâ hueeefmškeâ megj#ee Øeoeve keâer peeleer nQ~
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (d) a shielding of a non-magnetic material is used
(a) magnetoes/ÛegcyekeâeÙe Skeâ DeÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâer megj#ee GheÙeesie nesleer nw~
(b) energy meters/Tpee&ceeheer 1310. Reciprocal of permeability is
(c) transformers/heefjCeeefce$e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee keâe JÙegl›eâce nw–
(d) loud-speakers/ueeG[-mheerkeâj (a) reluctivity/Øeefle°efcYelee
1305. Degaussing is the process of (b) susceptibility/meg«ee¢elee
[eriee@eEmeie .............. keâer Øeef›eâÙee nw~ (c) permittivity/efJeÅegleMeeruelee
(a) removal of magnetic impurities (d) conductance/Ûeeuekeâlee
ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeMegefæÙeeW keâs efve<keâemeve 1311. The relative permeability is less than unity in
(b) removing gases from the materials case of/............ kesâ ceeceues ceW meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
heoeLeeX mes iewmeeW keâs efve<keâemeve Skeâ mes keâce nesleer nw~
(c) remagnetising matallic parts
(a) ferromagnetic materials/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
Oeeleg šgkeâÌ[eW keâs hegve: ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe
(d) demagnetising metallic parts (b) ferrites/HesâjeFšdme
Oeeleg šgkeâÌ[eW keâs efJeÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe (c) non-ferrous materials/Deueewn-heoeLe&
1306. In the left hand rule, forefinger always (d) diamagnetic materials/Øeefle-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
represents/yeeÙeW neLe kesâ efveÙece ceW lepe&veer Debiegueer 1312. The magnetism left in the iron after exciting
ncesMee ØeoefMe&le keâjleer nw– field has been removed is known as
(a) voltage/Jeesušlee Gòesefpele #es$e keâes nševes kesâ yeeo ueesns ces yeÛes ngS
(b) current/Oeeje ÛegcyekeâlJe keâes ........... keâs ™he ces peevee peelee nw~
(c) magnetic field/ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e (a) permeance/ØeJesMÙelee
(d) direction of force on the conductor (b) residual magnetism/DeJeefMe° ÛegcyekeâlJe
Ûeeuekeâ hej yeue keâer efoMee (c) susceptance/DevegkeâeÙe&lee
1307. Ferrites are a sub-group of (d) reluctance/Øeefle°cYe
HesâjeFšdme ............ keâe Skeâ Ghe-mecetn nw~ 1313. Which of the following is not a unit of flux?
(a) non-magnetic materials/DeÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-meer Heäuekeäme keâer FkeâeF& vener nw?
(b) ferro-magnetic materials/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX (a) Maxwell/cewkeämeJesue
(c) paramagnetic materials/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX
(b) Tesla/šsmuee
(d) ferri-magnetic materials/Hesâjer-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX
(c) Weber/Jesyej
1308. Gilbert is a unit of
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
efieueyeš& ............. keâer Skeâ FkeâeF& nw~
1314. Which of the following is expected to have the
(a) electromotive force/JewÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue
maximum permeability?
(b) magnetomotive force/ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue efvecveefueefKele ceW efkeâmekeâer DeefOekeâlece ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee nesves
(c) conductance/Ûeeuekeâlee keâer Gcceero nw?
(d) permittivity/efJeÅegleMeeruelee
(a) Brass/heerleue (b) Copper/leeByee
1309. The working of a meter is based on the use of a
(c) Zinc/pemlee (d) Ebonite/SyeesveeF&š
permanent magnet. In order to protect the
meter functioning from stray magnetic fields 1315. One tesla is equal to
Skeâ ceeršj keâe mebÛeeueve Skeâ mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ kesâ Skeâ šsmuee yejeyej neslee nw–
Fmlesceeue hej DeeOeeefjle nw~ mš^s ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e mes ceeršj (a) 1 Wb/mm2 (b) 1 Wb/m
keâer keâeÙe& heæefle keâer megj#ee kesâ efueÙes– (c) 1 Wb/m 2
(d) 1 m Wb/m2
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 133 YCT
*1316.How much will be flux density in tesla units of 1323. Demagnetising of magnets can be done by
flux of 45 µ Wb through 6 × 10–4 m2? Ûegcyekeâ keâe efJeÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe..............kesâ Éeje efkeâÙee pee
6 × 10–4 ceeršj kesâ ceeOÙece mes 45 µ Wb Heäuekeäme keâe mekeâlee nw~
šsmuee ceW Heäuekeäme IevelJe efkeâlevee nesiee? (a) rough handling /jheâ nwC[efuebie
(a) 0. 075 T (b) 0.75 T
(b) heating /leeheve
(c) 0.65 T (d) 1.5 T
1317. When a magnet is in motion relative to a coil (c) magnetising in opposite direction
the induced e.m.f. does not depend upon efJehejerle efoMee ceW ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe
peye Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ meehes#e Skeâ Ûegcyekeâ ieefle ceW nw leye (d) all of the above /Ghejesòeâ meYeer
Øesefjle F&.Sce.SHeâ. .......... hej efveYe&j veneR keâjlee nw~ 1324. The relative permeability of iron is of the order
(a) resistance of the coil/kegâC[ueer kesâ ØeeflejesOe of/ueesns keâer meehesef#ekeâ ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee.............kesâ ›eâce
(b) motion of the magnet/Ûegcyekeâ keâer ieefle keâe neslee nw~
(c) number of turns of the coil (a) 0 (b) 104
kegâC[ueer kesâ Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee (c) 1 (d) 10–4
(d) pole strength of the magnet *1325.One maxwell is equal to
Ûegcyekeâ keâer OeÇgJe meeceLÙe& Skeâ cewkeämeJesue yejeyej neslee nw–
1318. A magnetic needle is kept in a non-uniform (a) 10–8 webers/10−8 Jesyej
magnetic field. It experiences
Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe megF& keâes Skeâ Demeceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW (b) 104 webers/104 Jesyej
jKee peelee nw leye Ùen DevegYeJe keâjlee nw~ (c) 10–4 webers/10−4 Jesyej
(a) a force and a torque /yeue Deewj yeueeIetCe& (d) 108 webers/108 Jesyej
(b) a force but not a torque/yeue efkebâleg yeueeDeeIetCe& veneR 1326. Supermagnetic materials are composed of
(c) a torque but not a force/yeueeIetCe& efkebâleg yeue veneR DeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ........... kesâ yeves nesles nQ~
(d) neither a force nor a torque
ve lees yeue Deewj ve ner yeueeIetCe& (a) ferromagnetic particles in ferromagnetic
1319. Magnetic flux passes more readily through matrix/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe cewefš^keäme ceW ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe keâCe
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme........mes DelÙeefOekeâ Deemeeveer mes neskeâj (b) non-ferromagnetic particles in para-magnetic
peeleer nw~ matrix/Deveg-ÛegcyekeâerÙe cewefš^keäme ceW Deueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(a) air /JeeÙeg (b) wood /uekeâÌ[er keâCe
(c) vacuum /efveJee&le (d) iron /ueewn (c) ferromagnetic particles in a non-ferromagntic
1320. Iron is ferromagnetic matrix/Skeâ Deueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe cewefš^keäme ceW ueewn-
ueesne, ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& nw- ÛegcyekeâerÙe keâCe
(a) above 770oC/770oC mes Thej
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& vener
(b) below 770oC/770oC mes veerÛes
(c) at all temperatures /meYeer leeheceeveeW hej 1327. Susceptibility is positives for
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR meg«ee¢elee ............. kesâ efueÙes Oeveelcekeâ nesleer nw~
1321. The relative permeability of a material is (a) non-magnetic substances/DeÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLees&
0.9998. it is/Skeâ heoeLe& keâer meehesef#ekeâ ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
(b) diamagnetic substances/Øeefle-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLees&
0.9998 nw lees Ùen heoeLe&.......nw~
(c) ferromagnetic substances/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLees&
(a) diamagnetic / ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
(b) paramagnetic / DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& (d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& vener
(c) ferromagnetic /ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& *1328.Two long parallel conductors carry 100 A. If
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR the conductors are separated by 20 mm, the
1322. Magnetic lines of force force per metre of length of each conductor will
ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue jsKeeSb- be/oes uecyes meceeveevlej Ûeeuekeâ 100 SefcheÙej Jenve keâjles
(a) intersect at infinity /Deveble hej keâešleer nw nw~ Ùeefo ÛeeuekeâeW keâes 20 efceceer Éeje Deueie keâj efoÙee
(b) intersect within the magnet peelee nw, lees ØelÙeskeâ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Øeefle ceeršj uecyeeF& hej
Ûegcyekeâ kesâ Devoj keâešleer nw yeue nesiee–
(c) cannot intersect at all
keâYeer Yeer Skeâ-otmejs keâes veneR keâeš mekeâleer (a) 100 N (b) 10 N
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 1 N (d) 0.1 N
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 134 YCT
*1329.A 300 mm long conductor is carrying a current (a) left /yeeSb
of 10 A and is situated at right angles to a (b) right /oeSb
magnetic field having a flux density of 0.8 T; (c) left or right depending on magnitude of
the force on the conductor will be current /yeeSb Ùee oeSb Ùen efveYe&j keâjlee nw, Oeeje kesâ
Skeâ 300 mm uecyeer Ûeeuekeâ 10 A keâer Oeeje Jenve heefjceeCe hej
keâjleer nw Deewj 0.8 T Heäuekeäme IevelJe Jeeues Skeâ (d) data incomplete /[eše DeOetje nw
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e mes mecekeâesCe hej efmLele nw; Ûeeuekeâ hej 1333. Which end of the coil shown in Fig. is the north
yeue nesiee– pole? / efoKeeS ieÙes efÛe$e ceW kegâC[ueer kesâ keâewve mes efmejs
(a) 240 N (b) 24 N hej Gòejer OeÇgJe nw?
(c) 2.4 N (d) 0.24 N
*1330.A 200 turn coil having an axial length of 30 mm
and a radius of 10 mm is pivoted in a magnetic
field having a flux density 0.8 T. If the coil
carries a current of 0.5 A, the torque acting on
the coil will be (a) left /yeeSb
Skeâ 200 Jele&ve Jeeueer kegâC[ueer keâer De#eerÙe uecyeeF& 30 (b) right /oeSb
mm leLee ef$epÙee 10 mm nw pees 0.8 T Heäuekeäme IevelJe (c) neither left nor right /ve lees yeeS Deewj ve ner oeSb
Jeeues Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ces keâsefvoÇle nw~ Ùeefo kegâC[ueer (d) data incomplete /[eše DeOetje nw
0.5 A keâer Oeeje Jenve keâjleer nw, kegâC[ueer hej keâeÙe&jle 1334. The force on the conductor in Fig. will be
yeueeIetCe& nesiee– efÛe$e ceW, Ûeeuekeâ hej ueieves Jeeuee yeue nesiee-
(a) 4.8 N-m (b) 0.48 N-m
(c) 0.048 N-m (d) 0.0048 N-m
*1331.The electromagnet has 50 turns and a current (a) downward /veerÛes keâer Deesj
of 1 A flows through the coil. If the length of
(b) from left to right /yeeSb mes oeSb keâer Deesj
the magnet circuit is 200 mm, what is the
magnetic field strength? (c) from right to left /oeSb mes yeeSb keâer Deesj
efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ ceW 50 Jele&ves nw Deewj kegâC[ueer kesâ ceeOÙece (d) upward /Thej keâer Deesj
1335. If fig. the armature will move in
mes 1 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw~ Ùeefo Ûegcyekeâ
efÛe$e ceW, DeecexÛej...........ceW Ietcesiee~
heefjheLe keâer uecyeeF& 200 mm nw, lees ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e
meeceLÙe& keäÙee nw?
(a) 2500 AT/m/2500 SefcheÙej Jele&ve/ceeršj
(b) 250 AT/m/250 SefcheÙej Jele&ve/ceeršj (a) anticlockwise direction /JeeceeJele& efoMee
(c) 25 AT/m/25 SefcheÙej Jele&ve/ceeršj (b) clockwise direction /oef#eCeeJele& efoMee
(c) horizontal direction /#eweflepe efoMee
(d) 2.5 AT/m/2.5 SefcheÙej Jele&ve/ceeršj
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
1332. Fig. shows a cross-section of a coil. Based on
1336. If the iron in Fig. is withdrawn, current being
dot and cross notation, which end of the coil is
the same, then flux density will
the north pole?
Oeeje keâes meceeve jKeles ngS Ùeefo (efÛe$e ceW) ueesns keâes
efÛe$e kegâC[ueer kesâ DevegØemLekeâeš kesâ #es$e keâes ØeoefMe&le
efvekeâeue efueÙee peeÙes lees heäuekeäme IevelJe............
keâjlee nw~ efyebog Deewj ›eâeme ØeleerkeâeW hej DeeOeeefjle nw~
kegâC[ueer kesâ keâewve mes efmejW hej Gòejer OegÇJe nw~

(a) increase /yeÌ{ peeÙesiee

(b) remain unchanged /DeheefjJeefle&le jnsiee
(c) decrease /Ieš peeÙesiee
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 135 YCT
1337. The magnetic intensity in the solenoid in fig. *1342.What is the magnitude and the direction of
will be force per 1.1m length of a pair of conductors of
(efÛe$e ceW) heefjveeefuekeâe ceW, ÛegcyekeâerÙe leer›elee.........nesieer~ a direct current line carrying 10 amperes and
spaced 100 mm apart?
100 mm keâer otjer hej efmLele Deewj 10 SefcheÙej keâer Skeâ
efo° Oeeje Jenve keâjves Jeeues Skeâ peesÌ[s Ûeeuekeâes kesâ Øeefle
(a) same at every point /nj efyebog hej meceeve 1.1 m uecyeeF& hej yeue keâer efoMee Deewj heefjceeCe keäÙee nw?
(b) greatest at the ends of the coil (a) 22 × 10–8 N (b) 22 × 10–7 N
kegâC[ueer kesâ efmejeW hej DeefOekeâlece
(c) 22 × 10–6 N (d) 22 × 10–5 N
(c) greatest at the centre of the coil
*1343.A square cross-sectional magnet has a pole
kegâC[ueer kesâ keWâõ hej DeefOekeâlece
strength of 1 × 10–3 Wb and cross-sectional
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
area of 20 mm × 20 mm. What is the strength
1338. When a charged particle moves through a
at distance of 100 mm from the unit pole in air?
magnetic field, it suffers a change in
peye Skeâ DeeJesefMele keâCe ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e mes neskeâj Skeâ Jeiee&keâej DevegØemLe keâeš kesâ Ûegcyekeâ keâe OeÇgJe
iegpejlee nw lees Fmekesâ..........heefjJele&ve ceW mecemÙee Deeleer nw meeceLÙe& 1 × 10−3 Wb nw Deewj DevegØemLe keâeš keâe
(a) direction /efoMee #es$eHeâue 20 mm × 20 mm nw~ JeeÙeg ceW FkeâeF& OeÇgJe mes
(b) speed /ieefle 100 mm keâer otjer hej meeceLÙe& keäÙee nw?
(c) energy /Tpee& (a) 63.38 N/Wb (b) 633.8 N/Wb
(d) no change /keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR (c) 6338 N/Wb (d) 63380 N/Wb
1339. By increasing the number of turns 3 times in a *1344.A straight wire carrying a current of I1
toroid, the magnetic flux amperes is placed along the axis of a circular
šesje@F[ ceW JeleeX keâer mebKÙee leerve iegvee yeÌ{e efoÙee peeS current- carrying coil. What is the force of
lees ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme- interaction between the wire and the coil if a
(a) will remain unchanged /DeheefjJeefle&le jnsiee current of I2 amperes flows in the coil? The
(b) will become three times /leerve iegvee nes peeÙesiee radius of coil is r metres.
(c) will reduce to one-third OeejeJeener kegâC[ueer kesâ Je=òeerÙe De#e kesâ meeLe I1 SefcheÙej
Skeâ-efleneF& lekeâ Ieš peeÙesiee keâer Oeeje ues peeves Jeeuee Skeâ meerOee leej jKee ieÙee nw~
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Ùeefo kegâC[ueer ceW I2 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nes jner
1340. A current is passed through a straight wire. nes leye leej Deewj kegâC[ueer kesâ ceOÙe Deevleefjkeâ yeue
The magnetic field established around it has
efkeâlevee nw? kegâC[ueer keâe ef$epÙee r ceer. nw~
magnetic lines of force
Skeâ meerOes leej mes neskeâj Oeeje iegpejleer nw~ Fmekesâ Ûeejes µ 0 I1I2
(a) tesla (b) Infinite
Deesj mLeeefhele ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ............ ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue 4 π r
jsKeeÙes nesleer nw~ µ 0 I1I2
(c) (d) zero
(a) circular and endless /Je=òeekeâej Deewj efmejeefJenerve 2r
1345. A conducting loop of radius r carries a
(b) straight /meerOee
constant current I. It is placed in a uniform
(c) oval in shape and endless
magnetic field B0 such that B0 is perpendicular
DeC[ekeâej Deekeâej Deewj efmejeefJenerve to the plane of the loop. The magnetic force on
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR the loop is
1341. A charged particle enters a magnetic field Skeâ r ef$epÙee Jeeuee Skeâ ÛeeuekeâerÙe uethe Skeâ efmLej Oeeje
perpendicular to the magnetic lines of force.
I Jenve keâjlee nw Fmes Skeâ-meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e B0 ceW
The path of the particle is
Skeâ DeeJesefMele keâCe ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue jsKeeDeeW kesâ uecyeJele Fme Øekeâej jKee peelee nw efkeâ B0 uethe kesâ meceleue kesâ
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW ØeJesMe keâjlee nw lees DeeJesefMele keâCe keâe uecyeJele nes~ leye uethe hej ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue keâe
ceeie&..........nw~ ceeve.........nw~
(a) Straight line /mejue jsKee (a) IrB0
(b) circular /Je=òeekeâej (b) zero/MetvÙe
(c) ellipse /oerIe&Je=òe (c) 2πIrB0
(d) spiral /IetceeJeoej (kegâC[efuele) (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 136 YCT
*1346.A portion of a conducting wire is bent in the µ0 I × θ 2µ 0 I
(a) (b) sin θ
form of a semicircle of radius r as shown in 4πr 4
Fig. At the centre O of the semicircle, the 2µ 0 I 2µ 0 Isin θ
magnetic field will be (c) sin θ (d)
2r 2r
Skeâ ÛeeuekeâerÙe leej keâes efoKeeS ieÙes efÛe$e kesâ Devegmeej 1349. In fig. what is the magnetic field at point O?
Deæ&Je=òeekeâej ™he ceW ceesÌ[e ieÙee nw efpemekeâer ef$epÙee r nw~ efÛe$e ceW, keWâõ O hej ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâe ceeve.........nw~
Deæ&Je=òe kesâ keWâõ O hej ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e nesiee-

(a) zero (b) infinite

µ 0 I πI µ 0 πI µ0I µ0I µ0I
(c) (d) (a) (b) +
8π r 4π r 4 πr 4r 2πr
*1347.A wire PQRS formed by joining two µ0I µ0I µ0I µ0I
(c) + (d) −
semicircular wires of radius R1 and R2 carries 4r 4πr 4r 4πr
a current I as shown in Fig. The magnitude of 1350. Magnetic field inside a current carrying
magnetic field at the centre O is solenoid is
efoKeeÙes ieÙes efÛe$e kesâ Devegmeej oes Deæ&Je=òeekeâej leejeW keâes OeejeJeener heefjveeefuekeâe kesâ Devoj ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e-
peesÌ[keâj Skeâ leej PQRS keâe efvecee&Ce efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (a) directly proportional to current
efpemekeâer ef$epÙee R1 leLee R2 nw Deewj Ùen Oeeje I Jenve Oeeje kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
(b) directly proportional to its length
keâjleer nw, lees kesâvõ O hej ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâe heefjceeCe
uecyeeF& kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
(c) inversely proportional to number of turns
JeleeX keâer mebKÙee kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
(d) inversely proportional to current
Oeeje kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
*1351.A 2MeV proton is moving perpendicular to a
uniform magnetic field of 2.5 T. The force on
the proton is
Skeâ 2MeV Øeesše@ve 2.5 šsmuee Jeeues Skeâ meceeve
µ0I  1 1  µ0I  1 1  ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW uecyeJele Ietce jne nw lees Øeesše@ve hej
(a)  −  (b)  − 
4  R1 R 2  4π  R1 R 2  yeue keâe ceeve.......... nw~
(a) 8×10–12 N (b) 6.5×10–10 N
µ0I  1 1  µ0I  1 1 
(c)  −  (d)  + 
(c) 2.5×10 N (d) 2.5×10–10 N
2π  R1 R 2  4  R1 R 2 
*1352.Currents of 10A and 2A are passed through
1348. A current I amperes flows in the loop having two parallel wires A and B respectively in
circular arc of radius r meters subtending an opposite directions. If the wire A is infinitely
angle θ radian as shown in fig. The magnitude long and the length of wire B is 2m, the force
of magnetic field at the centre O is on conductor B at a separation of 10 cm from
I SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje r ceer. ef$epÙee Jeeues Je=òeerÙe Ûeehe kesâ A will be
uethe mes ØeJeeefnle nes jne nw pees efkeâ θ jsef[Ùeve keâesCe hej 10A leLee 2A keâer Oeeje, oes meceevlej leejeW ›eâceMe: A
Pegkeâe nw pewmes efkeâ efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw~ keWâõ O hej Deewj B ceW efJehejerle efoMee ceW ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw~ Ùeefo leej
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâe heefjceeCe...........nw~ A Deveble ™he mes uecyee leLee B keâer uecyeeF& 2m nw~ lees
leej A mes 10 cm keâer otjer hej leej B hej ueieves Jeeuee
yeue nesiee?
(a) 4×10–5 N (b) 8×10–5 N
(c) 4π×10–5 N (d) 4π×10–7 N
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 137 YCT
1353. Mutual inductance between two coils can be 1358. If an electron enters a uniform magnetic field
decreased by ................ obliquely, the path of the electron will become
oes kegâC[ueer kesâ yeerÛe heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe keâes........kesâ Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW efleÙe&keâ ™he
Éeje IešeÙee (keâce) pee mekeâlee nw~ mes ØeJesMe keâjlee nw~ lees Fueskeäš^e@ve keâe heLe............nesiee~
(a) increasing the number of turns of either coil (a) an ellipse /oerIe& Je=òeerÙe
keâesF& Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ JeleeX keâer mebKÙee yeÌ{ekeâj (b) a circle /Je=òeerÙe
(b) moving the coils closer
(c) a spiral /kegâC[ueve kesâ Deekeâej
ieefleMeerue kegâC[ueer keâes yengle vepeoerkeâ keâjkesâ
(c) moving the coils apart (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
ieefleMeerue kegâC[ueer keâes otj keâjkesâ *1359.A solenoid is a 1m long and 3 cm in mean
diameter. It has five layers of winding of 100
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
turns each and carries a current of 5A. What is
1354. Magnetic moment is a the magnetic field at its centre?
ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeeIetCe& Skeâ ......... nw~ Skeâ heefjveeefuekeâe efpemekeâer uecyeeF& Skeâ ceeršj leLee ceeOÙe
(a) pole strength/OeÇgJe meeceLÙe& 3 mesceer. nw~ Fmekesâ heeme heeBÛe hejleeW kesâ 100 Jele& Jeeueer
(b) universal constant/meeJe&Yeewefcekeâ efmLejebkeâ Skeâ kegâC[ueer nw~ leLee ØelÙeskeâ 5 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje Jenve
(c) scalar quantity/DeefoMe jeefMe keâjleer nw~ lees Fmekesâ keWâõ hej ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâe ceeve
(d) vector quantity/meefoMe jeefMe efkeâlevee.............nw~
1355. The change of cross-sectional area of conductor (a) 3.14×10–2 T (b) 0.314×10–2 T
in magnetic field will affect –2
(c) 31.4×10 T (d) 25×10–3 T
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW Ûeeuekeâ keâer DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eHeâue ceW 1360. A current flows in a conductor from east to
heefjJele&ve .......... keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjsiee~ west. The direction of magnetic field at a point
(a) reluctance of conductor/Ûeeuekeâ keâs Øeefle°cYe above the conductor is
(b) resistance of conductor/Ûeeuekeâ keâs ØeeflejesOe Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW, Oeeje hetJe& mes heef§ece keâer Deesj ØeJeeefnle
(c) (a) and (b) both in the same way neslee nw~ lees Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Thej efkeâmeer Skeâ efyebog hej
(a) Deewj (b) oesvees keâes meceeve lejerkesâ mes ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer efoMee-
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& vener (a) toward north /Gòej keâer Deesj
1356. The uniform magnetic field is (b) toward south /oef#eCe keâer Deesj
Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e neslee nw– (c) toward east /hetJe& keâer Deesj
(a) the field of a set of parallel conductors (d) toward west /heef§ece keâer Deesj
meceeveevlej ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ #es$e keâe Skeâ mesš 1361. A charged particle moves through a magnetic
(b) the field of a single conductor field perpendicular to it. The energy of the
Skeâ Skeâue Ûeeuekeâ keâe #es$e particle will
(c) the field in which all lines of magnetic flux
Skeâ DeeJesefMele keâCe Deheves mes uecyeJele Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe
are parallel and equidistant/Jen #es$e efpemeceW #es$e ceW Ietcelee nw~ leye keâCe keâer Tpee&..........
ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme keâer meYeer jsKeeÙeW meceeveevlej Deewj (a) decrease /Ieš peeÙesieer
meceeve otjer hej efmLele nesleer nw (b) increase /yeÌ{ peeÙesieer
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& vener (c) remain unchanged /DeheefjJeefle&le jnsieer
1357. The magneto-motive force is (d) become zero /MetvÙe nes peeÙesieer
ÛegcyekeâerÙe–Jeenkeâ yeue nw– *1362.A very long solenoid has 800 turns per metre
(a) the voltage across the two ends of exciting length of the solenoid. A current of 1.6 A flows
through it. Then magnetic flux density at the
coil/Gòesefpele kegâC[ueer kesâ oes efmejeW kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee
end of the solenoid on its axis is nearly
(b) the flow of an electric current
Skeâ yengle uecyeer heefjveeefuekeâe efpemekesâ heeme Øeefle Skeâebkeâ
Skeâ efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe ØeJeen
ceeršj keâer uecyeeF& hej JeleeX keâer mebKÙee 800 nw Deewj
(c) the sum of all currents embraced by one line
of magnetic field/ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ jsKeeDeeW Éeje
Fmemes 1.6 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw~ leye
meYeer OeejeDeeW kesâ meceeefJe° keâe Ùeesie Fmekesâ De#e hej heefjveeefuekeâe kesâ efmejeW hej ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(d) the passage of magnetic field through an heäuekeäme IevelJe ueieYeie............. nw~
exciting coil/Skeâ Gòesefpele kegâC[ueer ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e (a) 4×10–4 T (b) 2.5×10–3 T
keâe ceeie& (c) 16×10–4 T (d) 8×10–4 T
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 138 YCT
1363. A proton is moving along the negative direction *1367.What will be the magnetic potential difference
of x-axis in a magnetic field directed along the across the air gap of 2 cm length in magnetic
positive direction of y-axis. The proton will be field of 200 AT/m?
deflected along the negative direction of 200 SefcheÙej Jele&ve/ceeršj kesâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW 2 mesceer.
Skeâ Øeesš^e@ve, ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW x- De#e kesâ meeLe uecyeeF& kesâ JeeÙeg Devlejeue kesâ S›eâeme ÛegcyekeâerÙe
$e+Ceelcekeâ efoMee ceW Ietce jne nw pees efkeâ y- De#e kesâ meeLe efJeYeJeevlej keäÙee nesiee?
Oeveelcekeâ efoMee keâer Deesj mebÛeeefuele nw~ leye- (a) 2 AT (b) 4 AT
Øeesš^[email protected]â meeLe $e+Ceelcekeâ efoMee ceW efJe#esefhele nesiee~ (c) 6 AT (d) 10 AT
(a) z-axis/z- De#e 1368. Which of the following statements is correct?
(b) x-axis/x- De#e efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
(c) y-axis/y- De#e (a) The magnetic flux inside an exciting coil is
(d) none of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR lower than its outside surface/Skeâ Gòesefpele
*1364.Two long straight parallel conductors, 10 cm kegâC[ueer kesâ Devoj ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme Fmekeâer yeenjer melen
apart, carry currents 5A each in opposite keâer Dehes#ee keâce nesleer nw
directions. Then the magnetic flux density at a (b) The magnetic flux inside an exciting coil is
point mid-way between them is zero/Skeâ Gòesefpele kegâC[ueer kesâ Devoj ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme
10 mesceer. keâer otjer hej oes uecyes meerOes leLee meceevlej
MetvÙe neslee nw
Ûeeuekeâ, efpemeceW ØelÙeskeâ 5A keâer Oeeje efJehejerle efoMee ceW (c) The magnetic flux inside the exciting coil is
ues peeles nw leye Gvekesâ ceOÙe efyebog hej ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme greater than its outside surface/Gòesefpele kegâC[ueer
IevelJe keâe ceeve..........nw~ kesâ Devoj ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme Fmekeâer yeenjer melen keâer
(a) zero/MetvÙe Dehes#ee DeefOekeâ nesleer nw
(b) 10–5 T (d) The magnetic flux inside the exciting coil is
(c) 4×10–5T same as on its outside surface/Gòesefpele kegâC[ueer
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR kesâ Devoj ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme Fmekeâer yeenjer melen kesâ
1365. A uniform electric field and a uniform meceeve nesleer nw
magnetic field are produced, pointed in the
1369. The magnetic reluctance of a material
same direction. An electron is projected with
its velocity pointed in the same direction, then Skeâ heoeLe& keâe ÛegcyekeâerÙe Øeefle°cYe–
Glheeefole Skeâ meceeve JewÅegle #es$e leLee Skeâ meceeve (a) decreases with increasing cross sectional area
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e Skeâ ner efoMee ceW ueies nw~ Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve of material/heoeLe& kesâ DevegØemLe-keâeš #es$eHeâue ceW Je=efæ
keâes Gmekesâ Jesie kesâ meeLe Gmeer efoMee ceW Øe#esefhele efkeâÙee kesâ meeLe Iešlee nw~
(b) increases with increasing cross sectional area
peeÙes leye-
of material/heoeLe& kesâ DevegØemLe-keâeš #es$eHeâue ceW Je=efæ
(a) the electron will turn to its right
Fueskeäš^e@ve Fmekesâ oeÙeW mes cegÌ[ peelee nw kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw~
(b) the electron will turn to its left (c) does not vary with increasing cross sectional
area of material/heoeLe& kesâ DevegØemLe-keâeš #es$eHeâue ceW
Fueskeäš^e@ve Fmekesâ yeeÙeW mes cegÌ[ peelee nw
(c) the electron velocity will increase Je=efæ kesâ meeLe keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR neslee~
Fueskeäš^e@ve keâe Jesie yeÌ{ peeÙesiee (d) any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeerr
(d) the electron velocity will decrease 1370. The initial permeability of an iron rod is
Fueskeäš^e@ve keâe Jesie Ieš peeÙesiee Skeâ ueesns kesâ ÚÌ[ keâer ØeejbefYekeâ ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee nesleer nw–
*1366.What will be the current passing through the (a) the highest permeability of the iron rod
ring shaped air cored coil when number of ueesns kesâ ÚÌ[ keâer GÛÛelece ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
turns is 800 and ampere turns are 3200? (b) the lowest permeability of the iron rod
eEjie Deekeâej Jeeues JeeÙeg ›eâes[ kegâC[ueer mes iegpejves Jeeueer ueesns kesâ ÚÌ[ keâer efvecvelece ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
Oeeje keäÙee nesieer peye Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee 800 Deewj (c) the permeability at the end of the iron rod
SefcheÙej Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee 3200 nw? ueesns kesâ ÚÌ[ kesâ efmejs hej ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
(a) 2 (b) 4 (d) the permeability alomost in non magnetised
(c) 6 (d) 8 state/ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee ueieYeie DeÛegcyekeâerÙe DeJemLee ceW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 139 YCT
1371. Which part of the magnetic path requires 1375. The bar magnet has
largest m.m.f.?/ÛegcyekeâerÙe heLe kesâ efkeâme Yeeie keâes ÚÌ[ Ûegcyekeâ ceW ........... neslee nw~
DeefOekeâlece Sce.Sce.SHeâ. keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw? (a) the dipole moment/efÉOeÇgJe DeeIetCe&
(a) Air gap/JeeÙeg Devlejeue (b) monopole moment/Skeâ OeÇgJe DeeIetCe&
(b) Coil/kegâC[ueer (c) (a) and (b) both/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(c) Inductance/ØesjkeâlJe (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) Core/›eâes[ 1376. Which of the following type of materials are not
1372. How does the magnetic compass needle behave very important for engineering applications?
in a magnetic field?/Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee heoeLe& DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâer
ÛegcyekeâerÙe keâcheeme megF& kewâmes JÙeJenej keâjleer nw? DevegØeÙeesiees kesâ efueS yengle cenòJehetCe& veneR nw?
(a) It assures a position right angle to magnetic (a) Ferromagnetic/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe
field/Ùen ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ efueS Skeâ mener keâesCe keâes
(b) Paramagnetic/Deveg-ÛegcyekeâerÙe
efveef§ele keâjlee nw
(c) Diamagnetic/Øeefle-ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(b) It starts rotating/Ùen Ietcevee ØeejcYe keâj oslee nQ
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& vener
(c) It assures a position which follows a line of
1377. A direct current is sent through a helical
magnetic flux/Ùen Skeâ efmLeefle keâes efveef§ele keâjlee nw
spring. The spring tends
pees ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme keâer jsKee keâe DevegmejCe keâjlee nw Skeâ efo° Oeeje keâes kegâC[efuele Úuues mes Yespee peelee nw lees
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Úuues keâer ØeJe=efòe.........
1373. In a simple magnetic field the strength of
(a) to get shorter /Úesše nes peelee nw
magnetic flux/Skeâ meeOeejCe ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW
(b) to rotate about the axis /De#e keâer Deesj Ietcelee nw
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme keâer meeceLÙe& –
(c) to get longer /yeÌ[e nes peelee nw
(a) is constant and has same value in energy part
(d) to move eastward /hetjye keâer Deesj Ietcelee nw
of the magnetic field/efmLej nesleer nw Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe
1378. A charge will experience a force in a magnetic
#es$e kesâ Tpee& Yeeie ceW meceeve ceeve jKeleer nw~
field when it is
(b) increases continuously from initial value to ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW Skeâ DeeJesMe Deheves Thej Skeâ yeue keâes
final value/ØeejefcYekeâ ceeve mes Deefvlece ceeve lekeâ
cenmetme keâjlee nw peye Ùen-
efvejvlej yeÌ{leer nw~
(a) stationary /efmLej jnlee nw
(c) decreases continuously from initial value to
(b) moving /Ietcelee jnlee nw
final value/ØeejefcYekeâ ceeve mes Deefvlece ceeve lekeâ
(c) stationary or moving /efmLej Ùee Ietcelee jnlee nw
efvejvlej Iešleer nw~
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& veneR
(d) first increases and then decreases till it
becomes zero/henues yeÌ{leer nw Deewj leye MetvÙe nesves 1379. Two wires are of equal length. One is bent into
square loop and the other into circular loop.
lekeâ Ùen Iešleer nw~
They are suspended in uniform magnetic field
1374. The stray line of magnetic flux is defined as and the same current is passed through them.
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme keâer mš^s jsKee ........... kesâ ™he ceW The torque will be
heefjYeeef<ele nesleer nw ~ oes meceeve uecyeeF& kesâ leej, efpemeceW mes Skeâ keâes Jeiee&keâej
(a) a line vertical to the flux lines uethe leLee otmejs keâer Je=òeekeâej uethe ceW ceesÌ[e ieÙee~ GvnW
Heäuekeäme jsKeeDeeW mes TOJee&Oej jsKee Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ueškeâeÙee ieÙee nw Deewj GveceW
(b) the mean length of a ring shaped coil mes meceeve Oeeje heeme nesleer nw~ lees yeueeIetCe&..........nesiee ~
Skeâ eEjie Deekeâej kesâ kegâC[ueer keâer ceeOÙe uecyeeF& (a) equal in two cases /oesveeW ner efmLeefle ceW meceeve nesiee
(c) a line of magnetic flux in a non uniform field (b) more on square loop
Skeâ Demeceeve #es$e ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme keâer jsKee Jeiee&keâej uethe ceW DeefOekeâ nesiee
(d) a line of magentic flux which does not follow (c) more on circular loop
the designed path/ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme keâer jsKee pees Je=òeekeâej uethe ceW DeefOekeâ nesiee
DeefYekeâefuhele heLe keâe DevegmejCe vener keâjleer (d) data incomplete /[eše DeOetje nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 140 YCT
1380. A circular loop of area 0.01 m2 carrying a 1385. The magnetic materials exhibit the property of
current of 10A is held perpendicular to a magnetisation because of/ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX kesâ
uniform magnetic field of intensity 0.1T. The ÛegcyekeâlJe keâe iegCe Øeoe|Mele keâjves keâe keâejCe nw–
torque acting on the loop is
(a) orbital motion of electrons
Skeâ Je=òeekeâej uethe efpemekeâe #es$eheâue 0.01m2 nw leLee
Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâe keâ#eerÙe ieefle
Ùen 10 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje Jenve keâjleer nw~ Fmes 0.1 šsmuee
(b) spin of electrons/Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâe Ûe›eâCe
Jeeues Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer leer›elee kesâ uecyeJele
(c) spin of nucleus/veeefYekeâ keâe Ûe›eâCe
ceW jKee ieÙee nw~ lees uethe hej ueieves Jeeues yeueeIetCe& keâe
(d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
ceeve .......... nw~
1386. For which of following materials the net
(a) 0.01 Nm (b) 0.001 Nm
magnetic moment should be zero?
(c) 0.8 Nm (d) zero
1381. A charge moving with a velocity v in Y. efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâve heoeLeeX kesâ efueS kegâue ÛegcyekeâerÙe
direction is subjected to a magnetic field of DeeIetCe& MetvÙe nesvee ÛeeefnS?
intensity B in the negative direction of X. As a (a) Diamagentic materials/Øeefle–ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
result, the charge will
(b) Ferrimagnetic materials/Hesâjer-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
Skeâ DeeJesMe v Jesie mes Y efoMee ceW ieefle keâj jne nw~ Ùen
(c) Antiferromagnetic materials
efoMee, X kesâ vekeâejelcekeâ efoMee ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer
Øeefle-ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
leer›elee B keâer Deesj ueiee nw~ lees heefjCeecemJe™he DeeJesMe
(d) Ferromagnetic materials/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
1387. Strength of an electromagnet can be increased
(a) retard along X-axis
by/Skeâ efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ kesâ meeceLÙe& keâes ........... yeÌ{eÙee
X- De#e keâer efoMee ceW Oeercee nes peeÙesiee
(b) accelerate along X-axis pee mekeâlee nw~
X- De#e keâer efoMee ceW lJeefjle nesiee (a) increasing the cross-sectional area
(c) remain unaffected /DeØeYeeefJele jnsiee DevegØemLe keâe@š #es$eHeâue yeÌ{ekeâj
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) increasing the number of turns
1382. A magnetic field is produced by Jele&vees keâer mebKÙee yeÌ{ekeâj
Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâes..........kesâ Éeje GlheVe efkeâÙee (c) increasing current supply
peelee nw~ Deehetefle&& Oeeje yeÌ{ekeâj
(a) current-carrying conductor /OeejeJeener Ûeeuekeâ (d) all above methods/Ghejeskeäle meYeer efJeefOeÙeeB
(b) moving charge /ieefleMeerue DeeJesMe 1388. Core of an electromagnet should have
(c) changing electric field /JewÅegle #es$e kesâ heefjJele&ve Skeâ efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ keâe ›eâes[ nesvee ÛeeefnÙes–
(d) all of the above /Ghejesòeâ meYeer (a) low coercivity/efvecve efJeÛegcyekeâve
1383. The susceptibility of paramagnetic materials (b) high susceptibility/GÛÛe meg«ee¢elee
generally lines between
(c) both of the above/Ghejeskeäle oesveeW
Deveg-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX keâer meg«ee¢elee meeOeejCele:
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
........... jsKeeDeeW kesâ yeerÛe nesleer nw~
1389. Magnetism of a magnet can be destroyed
(a) 10–3 and 10–5/10–3 Deewj 10–5 by/Skeâ Ûegcyekeâ kesâ ÛegcyekeâlJe keâes ve° efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee
(b) 10–3 and 10–7/10–3 Deewj 10–7 nw–
(c) 10–4 and 10–8/10–4 Deewj 10–8 (a) heating/iece& keâjkesâ
(d) 10–2 and 10–5/10–2 Deewj 10–5 (b) hammering/heerškeâj
1384. For which of the following materials the (c) by inductive action of another magnet
saturation value is the highest?
otmejs Ûegcyekeâ Éeje ØesjkeâerÙe keâeÙe& keâjkesâ
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâve heoeLeex kesâ efueS meble=efhle ceeve
(d) by all above methods
GÛÛelece neslee nw~
Ghejeskeäle meYeer efJeefOeÙeeW Éeje
(a) Ferromagnetic materials/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
1390. An air gap is usually inserted in magnetic
(b) Paramagnetic materials/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& circuits to
(c) Diamagnetic materials/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& Skeâ JeeÙeg Devlejeue ØeeÙe: ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW .............
(d) Ferrites/HesâjeFšdme kesâ efueÙes Devleefve&efJe° efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 141 YCT
(a) increrase m.m.f./Sce.Sce.SHeâ. yeÌ{eves 1395. If l is the magnetic path in fig. then
(b) increase the flux/heäuekeäme yeÌ{eves magnetising force is
efÛe$e ceW Ùeefo ÛegcyekeâerÙe heLe l nw lees Ûegcyekeâve yeue nw–
(c) prevent saturation/meble=efhle jeskeâves
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1391. The relative permeability of a ferromagnetic I
material is/Skeâ ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâer meehes#e
ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee nesleer nw–
(a) less than one/Skeâ mes keâce
(b) more than one/Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ (a) NI (b) NI×l
(c) more than 10/10 mes DeefOekeâ ℓ NI
(c) (d)
(d) more than 100 or 1000/100 Ùee 1000 mes DeefOekeâ NI ℓ
1396. The reluctance of the magnetic circuit shown in
1392. In fig. The point ......... represents the
Fig. is/efoKeeÙes ieÙes efÛe$e ceW, ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe keâe
saturation condition./efÛe$e ceW, efyevog ...........meble=efhle
Øeefle<šcYe nw–
efmLeefle keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~

NI φ
(a) (b)
ℓ NI
NI φ
(c) (d)
φ ℓ
*1397.The SI unit of reluctance is
Øeefle°cYe keâe Sme.DeeF&. cee$ekeâ nw–
(a) b (b) c (a) AT/Wb (b) AT/m
(c) a (d) e (c) AT (d) N/Wb
1393. Permeability in a magnetic circuit corresponds *1398.A magnetic circuit has a m.m.f. of 400 AT and
to ..........in an electric circuit. a reluctance of 2×10 AT/Wb. The magnetic
flux in the magnetic circuit is
Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee, Skeâ efJeÅegle
Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe keâe ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue 400
heefjheLe ceW .............kesâ Deveg™he neslee nw~ SefcheÙej Jele&ve Deewj Øeefle°cYe 2×105 SefcheÙej-Jele&ve Øeefle
(a) resistance/ØeeflejesOe Jesyej nw~ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme nw–
(b) resistivity/ØeeflejesOekeâlee (a) 3×10–5 Wb (b) 2×10–3 Wb
(c) conductivity/efJeefMe° Ûeeuekeâlee (c) 1.5×10 Wb (d) 2.5×10–4 Wb
*1399.A 2 cm long coil has 10 turns and carries a
(d) conductance/Ûeeuekeâlee current of 750 mA. The magnetising force of
1394. Point out the wrong statement. Magnetic the coil is
leakage is undesirable in electric machines Skeâ 2 mesceer. uecyeer kegâC[ueer ceW 10 Jele&ves nw Deewj 750
because it efceueer SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje Jenve keâjleer nw~ kegâC[ueer keâe
ieuele keâLeve keâes oMee&Ùess, efJeÅegle ceMeerveeW ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe Ûegcyekeâve yeue nw–
#ejCe DeJeebÚveerÙe nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen– (a) 225 AT/m (b) 675AT/m
(a) lowers their power efficiency (c) 450 AT/m (d) 375 AT/m
*1400.A magnetic device has a core with cross section
Gvekeâer Meefòeâ o#elee keâes keâce keâjlee nw of 1 inch2. If the flux in the core is 1mWb, then
(b) increases their cost of manufacture flux density (1 inch =2.54cm) is
Gvekeâer efvecee&Ce keâer ueeiele keâes yeÌ{elee nw Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe GhekeâjCe ceW 1 FbÛe2 DevegØemLe keâeš kesâ
(c) leads to their increased weight meeLe Skeâ ›eâes[ nw~ Ùeefo ›eâes[ ceW heäuekeäme 1 efceueer Jesyej
Gvekesâ yeÌ{s ngS Yeej keâes Deeies yeÌ{elee nw nw lees heäuekeäme IevelJe nw– (1 FbÛe = 2.54 mesceer)
(a) 2.5 T (b) 1.3 T
(d) produces fringing/eføeâefpebie Glhevve keâjlee nw
(c) 1.55 T (d) 0.25 T
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 142 YCT
*1401.The reluctance of a magnetic circuit varies as (a) high, high/GÛÛe, GÛÛe
........... /ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe keâe Øeefle°cYe............kesâ ™he (b) low, high/efvecve, GÛÛe
ceW heefjJeefle&le neslee nw~ (c) high, low/GÛÛe, efvecve
(a) length × area /uecyeeF& × #es$eheâue
(d) low, low/efvecve, efvecve
(b) length ÷ area /uecyeeF& ÷ #es$eheâue
1408. The rate of rise of current through an inductive
(c) area ÷ length /#es$eheâue ÷uecyeeF&
coil is maximum/Skeâ ØesjefCekeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ ceeOÙece mes
(d) (length) + area /(uecyeeF&) + #es$eheâue
Oeeje Je=efæ keâer oj DeefOekeâlece nesleer nw–
1402. The reluctance of a magnetic circuit is ......
relative permeability of the material (a) at 63.2% of its maximum steady value
comprising the circuit. Fmekesâ DeefOekeâlece efmLej ceeve kesâ 63.2³ hej
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe keâe Øeefle°cYe, heefjheLe keâes yeveeves (b) at the start of the current flow
Jeeues heoeLe& kesâ meehesef#ekeâ ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee _____neslee nw~ Oeeje ØeJeen keâer Meg™Deele ceW
(a) directly proportional to/kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer (c) after one time constant/Skeâ meceÙe efmLejebkeâ kesâ yeeo
(b) inversely proportional to/kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer (d) near the final maximum value of current
(c) independent of/mes mJelev$e Oeeje kesâ Debeflece DeefOekeâlece ceeve kesâ efvekeâš
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 1409. When both the inductance and resistance of a
1403. Relative permeability of vacuum is coil are doubled the value of
efveJee&le keâer meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee nesleer nw– peye Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ oesveeW, ØesjkeâlJe leLee ØeeflejesOe oes
(a) 1 (b) 1 H/m iegves nes peeles nw, keâe ceeve–
(c) 1/4π (d) 4π × 10–7 H/m (a) time constant remains unchanged
*1404.The magnetising force (H) and magnetic flux meceÙe efmLejebkeâ DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw
(B) are connected by the relation (b) initial rate of rise of current is
Ûegcyekeâve yeue H Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme IevelJe B doubled/ØeejefcYekeâ Oeeje kesâ Je=efæ keâer oj oesiegveer nes
...........mecyevOe Éeje peg[s ngS nww~ peeleer nw
(a) B = µrH/µ0 (b) B = µH (c) final steady current is doubled
(c) B = H/µrµ0 (d) B = µ0H/µr Debeflece efmLej Oeeje oesiegvee nes peelee nw
1405. Permanent magnets are normally made of (d) time constant is halved
mLeeF& Ûegcyekeâ meeOeejCeleÙee ............. kesâ yeves nesles nQ~ meceÙe efmLejebkeâ DeeOee nes peelee nw
(a) alnico alloys/Sefuvekeâes efceße Oeeleg 1410. The saturation flux density for most magnetic
(b) aluminium/SuÙegceerefveÙece materials is about ........
(c) cast iron/{ueJee@ ueesne DeefOekeâebMe ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX kesâ efueS meble=efhle heäuekeäme
(d) wrought iron/efhešJee@ ueesne IevelJe ueieYeie.............neslee nw~
*1406.Energy stored by a coil is doubled when its (a) 0.5 Wb/m2 (b) 10 Wb/m2
current is increased by ......... percent. (c) 2 Wb/m (d) 1 Wb/m2
Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ Éeje Skeâef$ele Meefkeäle ogiegveer nes peeleer nw 1411. Hysteresis is the phenomenon of ........ in a
magnetic circuit./ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW, MewefLeuÙe
peye Fmekeâer Oeeje.......ØeefleMele yeÌ{eÙeer peeleer nw~
........... keâer Iešvee nesleer nw~
(a) 25 (b) 50
(c) 41.4 (d) 100 (a) lagging of B behind H / H mes B keâe he§eieeceer
1407. Those magnetic materials are best suited for (b) lagging of H behind B / B mes H keâe he§eieeceer
making armature and transformer cores which (c) setting up constant flux/efveÙele heäuekeäme keâer mLeehevee
have ....... permeability and ...... hysteresis loss (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Jes ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& pees DeecexÛej Deewj š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j ›eâes[ 1412. In fig. ............. represents the residual
yeveeves kesâ efueS meyemes GheÙegòeâ nesles nw efpeveceWs ........... magnetism./efÛe$e ceW, .............DeJeefMe° ÛegcyekeâlJe keâes
ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee Deewj ........... efnmšsjerefmeme neefve neslee nw~ ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 143 YCT
1416. The materials used for the core of a good relay
should have ........ hysteresis loop.
Skeâ DeÛÚs efjues kesâ ›eâes[ kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙes peeves
Jeeues heoeLe& keâe MewefLeuÙe heeMe ..............nesvee ÛeeefnS ~
(a) large /yeÌ[e
(b) very large /yengle yeÌ[e
(c) narrow /mebkeâerCe&
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1417. The magnetic material used for ....... should
have a large hysteresis loop.
...........kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙes ieÙes ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâe
MewefLeuÙe heeMe yeÌ[e nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(a) of (b) oc (a) transformers /heefjCeeefce$e
(c) ob (d) none of the above (b) d.c. generators /[er.meer. peefve$e
1413. In fig. oc represent the ...... (c) a.c. motors /S.meer. ceesšj
efÛe$e ceW oc ......... keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~ (d) permanent magnets /mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ
1418. When transformer primary is fed from a.c., its
core heats up due to ..........
peye heefjCeeefce$e kesâ ØeeLeefcekeâ keâes ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje oer
peeleer nw lees Fmekeâe ›eâes[.........kesâ keâejCe iece& nes peelee nw~
(a) permeability of core /›eâes[ keâer ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
(b) reluctance of core /›eâes[ kesâ Øeefle°cYe
(c) ferromagnetism /ueewn ÛegcyekeâlJe
(d) hysteresis loss /MewefLeuÙe neefve
1419. Hysteresis loss can be reduced by ...........
MewefLeuÙe neefve keâes ............... kesâ Éeje keâce efkeâÙee pee
mekeâlee nw~
(a) laminating the magnetic circuit
(a) residual magnetism /DeJeefMe° ÛegcyekeâlJe ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe keâes hešefuele keâjkesâ
(b) using material of narrow hysteresis loop
(b) coercive force /efve«en yeue mebkeâerCe& MewefLeuÙe heeMe Jeeues heoeLe& keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ
(c) retentivity /OeejCe meeceLÙe& (c) increasing m.m.f. of the circuit
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR heefjheLe kesâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue keâes yeÌ{ekeâj
1414. If a magnetic material is located within a coil (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*1420.What is the mean magnetic length of the
through which alternating current (50 Hz
magnetic circuit shown in fig. ?
frequency) flows, then ........... hysteresis loops efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe keâe ceeOÙe
will be formed every second. /Ùeefo Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe ÛegcyekeâerÙe uecyeeF& efkeâlevee nw?
heoeLe& kegâC[ueer kesâ Devoj efmLele nw efpememes neskeâj
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (50 nš&dpe DeeJe=efòe) ØeJeeefnle neslee nw,
Øeefle meskesâC[ .......... keâe MewefLeuÙe heeMe efveefce&le nesiee~
(a) 50 (b) 25
(c) 100 (d) 150
1415. Out of the following materials, the area of
hysteresis loop will be least for ...........
efoÙes ieÙes heoeLeeX ceW mes, ...........kesâ efueS MewefLeuÙe heeMe
keâe #es$eheâue meyemes keâce nesiee~
(a) wrought iron /efhešJeeB ueesne
(b) hard steel /keâ"esj Fmheele
(c) silicon steel /efmeefuekeâe@ve Fmheele
(a) 1.2m (b) 2.4m
(d) soft iron /ce=og ueesne (c) 0.24m (d) 0.8m

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 144 YCT

1421. A ferromagnetic core subjected to cycles of 1427. The transformer cores operating at microwave
magnetisation will exhibit hysteresis when the frequency range, are usually made of
cycle is / ÛegcyekeâerÙekeâjCe kesâ Ûe›eâes kesâ DeOeerve Skeâ ueewn ceeF›eâesJesJe DeeJe=efòe hejeme hej ØeÛeeefuele š^ebmeHeâece&j ›eâes[
ÛegcyekeâerÙe ›eâes[ efnmšsjerefmeme ØeoefMe&le keâjsiee peye Ûe›eâ meceevÙele: yevee neslee nw–
............ neslee nw~ (a) carbon/keâeye&ve
(a) rotating/IetCeeaÙe (b) copper/leeceü
(b) alternating/ØelÙeeJeleea (c) silicon steels/efmeefuekeâe@ve mšerue
(c) pulsating/heumesefšbie (d) ferrites/hesâjeFšdme
(d) any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer 1428. The property of coil by which a counter e.m.f.
1422. Hysteresis loss least depends on is induced in it when the current through the
efnmšsjerefmeme neefve........... hej keâce mes keâce efveYe&j efveYe&j coil changes is known as
keâjleer nw~ kegâC[ueer keâe Jen iegCe efpemekesâ Éeje FmeceW efJejesOeer efJeÅegle
(a) volume of material/heoeLe& kesâ DeeÙeleve Jeenkeâ yeue Glhevve neslee nw, peye kegâC[ueer kesâ ceeOÙece mes
(b) frequency/DeeJe=efòe Oeeje heefjJeefle&le nesleer nw, keâes peevee peelee nw–
(c) steinmetz co-efficient of material (a) self-inductance/mJe-ØesjkeâlJe
heoeLe& keâe mšsveceWšdpe iegCeebkeâ (b) mutual inductance/heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe
(d) ambient temperature/heefjJesMeer leeheceeve (c) series aiding inductance/ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[e ØesjkeâlJe
1423. The area of hysteresis loop is a measure of (d) capacitance/Oeeefjlee
efnmšsjerefmeme uethe keâe #es$eHeâue ........... keâe ceehe neslee nw~ 1429. As per Faraday's laws of electromagnetic
(a) permittivity/efJeÅegleMeeruelee induction, an e.m.f. is induced in a conductor
(b) permeance/ØeJesMÙelee whenever it/hewâje[s kesâ efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØesjCe kesâ
(c) energy loss per-cycle/Øeefle Ûe›eâ Tpee& neefve efveÙeceevegmeej Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue Glhevve
(d) magnetic flux/ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme neslee nw peye Yeer Ùen–
1424. In Fig. the magnetic circuit is the path (a) lies perpendicular to the magnetic flux
efÛe$e ceW, ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe keâe ceeie&........ nw~ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme kesâ uecyeJele neslee nw
(b) lies in a magnetic field
I Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW efmLele nw
(c) cuts magnetic flux
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme keâes keâešlee nw
(d) moves parallel to the direction of the
(a) DAB (b) ABCDA magnetic field/ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer efoMee kesâ meceeblej
(c) ABC (d) ABCD ieefle keâjlee nw
1425. Permeance is to reluctance as conductance is to
1430. Which of the following circuit element stores
heÇefle<šcYe keâs efueÙes heÇJesMÙelee nw pewmes ........... keâs efueÙes energy in the electromagnetic field?
Ûeeuekeâlee ~ efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee heefjheLe lelJe JewÅegle
(a) ampere turns/SefcheÙej Jele&ve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW Tpee& Skeâef$ele keâjlee nw?
(b) inductance/ØesjkeâlJe (a) Inductor/Øesjkeâ
(c) capacitance/Oeeefjlee (b) Condenser/mebOeeefj$e
(d) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
(c) Variable resistor/heefjJele&veerÙe ØeeflejesOekeâ
1426. According to steinmetz hysteresis law,
(d) Resistance/ØeeflejesOe
hysteresis loss in a material is proportional to
mšsvecesšpe efnmšsjerefmeme efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej Skeâ heoeLe& ceW 1431. The inductance of a coil will increase under all
the following conditions except
efnmšsjerefmeme neefve meceevegheeleer nesleer nw–
Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe efvecveefueefKele meYeer efmLeefleÙeeW
(a) B3.6 (b) B1.6
1.2 2.6 kesâ lenle yeÌ{lee nw, efmeJeeÙe–
(c) B (d) B
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 145 YCT
(a) when more length for the same number of 1436. The slope of B-H curve of a material gives its
turns is provided/peye Jele&veeW keâer meceeve mebKÙee kesâ heoeLe& kesâ B-H Je›eâ keâer ØeJeCelee Fmekesâ.........keâes oslee nw~
efueÙes DeefOekeâ uecyeeF& Øeoeve keâer peeleer nw (a) absolute permeability /efvejhes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
(b) when the number of turns of the coil (b) relative permeability /meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
increase/peye kegâC[ueer ceW Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee yeÌ{ peeleer nw
(c) retentivity /OeejCe meeceLÙe&
(c) when more area for each turn is provided
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
peye ØelÙeskeâ Jele&ve kesâ efueÙes DeefOekeâ #es$eheâue Øeoeve efkeâÙee
peelee nw 1437. The value of relative permeability of
ferromagnetic materials ........... with increase in
(d) when permeability of the core increases
peye ›eâes[ keâer ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee yeÌ{ peeleer nw
ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâer meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee keâe
1432. Which flux line in fig. represents leakage?
efÛe$e ceW, keâewve meer heäuekeäme jsKee, #ejCe keâes ØeoefMe&le ceeve leeheceeve yeÌ{ves kesâ meeLe ........... nw~
keâjleer nw? (a) increases /yeÌ{lee
(b) decreases /Iešlee
(c) remians the same /DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*1438.In fig. the cross-section of the core is circular
and has radius 1.25 mm. The mean length of
the core is 30cm. If the flux in the core is
0.6×10–5 Wb, then H in air-gap is
efÛe$e ceW, ›eâes[ keâe DevegØemLe keâeš Je=òeekeâej nw Deewj
ef$epÙee 1.25 efceceer. nw~ ›eâes[ keâer ceeOÙe uecyeeF& 30 mesceer.
nw~ Ùeefo ›eâes[ ceW heäuekeäme keâe ceeve 0.6×10–5 Wb nw, leye
JeeÙeg Devlejeue ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue (H) nw -

(a) 1 (b) 4
(c) 3 (d) 2
1433. In non-magnetic materials descending and
ascending B-H curves
DeÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeex ceW, DeJejesner Deewj Deejesner B-H
(a) coincide /mecheeleer nesles nw
(b) do not coincide /mecheeleer veneR nesles nw
(c) sometime coincide and sometime not (a) 2.5×106 AT/m (b) 1.5×107 AT/m
keâYeer mecheeleer nesles nw Deewj keâYeer veneR (c) 8.2×104 AT/m (d) 9.71×105 AT/m
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 1439. An electromagnet uses
*1434.What is the magnetic field intensity in a Skeâ efJeÅegle-Ûegcyekeâ ceW ........... GheÙeesie neslee nw~
material whose relative permeability is 1 when
(a) soft iron core /ce=og ueewn ›eâes[
the flux density is 0.005 T?
Skeâ heoeLe& ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer leer›elee efkeâleveer nesleer nw (b) steel core /Fmheele ›eâes[
efpemekeâer meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee 1 nw peye Heäuekeäme IevelJe (c) nickel core /efveefkeâue ›eâes[
0.005 šsmuee ? (d) copper core /leeceü ›eâes[
(a) 250 AT/m (b) 452 AT/m 1440. Magnetic shields are made from materials
(c) 3980 AT/m (d) 1715 AT/m having/ÛegcyekeâerÙe {eueeW keâes ............Jeeues heoeLeex mes
1435. The relative permeability of air is yeveeÙee peelee nw~
JeeÙeg keâer meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee ............nesleer nw~
(a) 0 (a) low permeability /efvecve ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
(b) 1 (b) high permeability /GÛÛe ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
(c) infinite /Deveble (c) zero permeability /MetvÙe ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 146 YCT
1441. The hysteresis cycle for the material of a *1446.The permeability in the core in Fig. is 6×10–5
transformer is/heefjCeeefce$e kesâ heoeLe& kesâ efueS MewefLeuÙe Wb/AT-m. The flux density in the core is
Ûe›eâ.......... neslee nw~ ef Ûe$e ceW, ›eâes[ ceW ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee 6×10–5 Wb/AT-m nw~
(a) tall and narrow /uecyee Deewj mekeâje ›eâes[ ceW heäuekeäme IevelJe nw–
(b) tall and wide /uecyee Deewj ÛeewÌ[e
(c) short and narrow /Úesše Deewj mekeâje
(d) short and wide /Úesše Deewj ÛeewÌ[e
1442. The Ohm's law for magnetic circuit is
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe kesâ efueS Deesÿe keâe efveÙece nw-
(a) reluctance =
m.m.f .
Øeefle°cYe =
ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue (m.m.f) (a) 0.5 T (b) 1.2 T
reluctance (c) 1.5 T (d) 0.1 T
(b) m.m.f . =
flux 1447. Both the number of turns and the core length
Øeefle°cYe of an inductive coil are double. Its self-
ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue = inductance will be
Heäuekeäme Skeâ ØesjefCekeâ kegâC[ueer keâer Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee Deewj ›eâes[
(c) m.m.f . = keâer uecyeeF& oesveeW keâes oesiegvee keâj efoÙee peelee nw~ Fmekeâe
mJeØesjkeâlJe nesiee–
ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue = (a) unaffected/DeØeYeeefJele (b) doubled/oesiegvee
(c) halved/DeeOee (d) quadrupled/Ûeej-iegvee
(d) m.m.f. = flux × reluctance
ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue = heäuekeäme × Øeefle°cYe 1448. If current in a conductor increases then
according to Lenz's law self-induced voltage
1443. The curie temperature of iron is will
ueesns keâe keäÙetjer leeheceeve .......... neslee nw~ Ùeefo Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW Oeeje yeÌ{leer nw leye uesvpe efveÙece kesâ
(a) 200oC (b) 430oC Devegmeej mJe-Øesefjle Jeesušlee–
(c) 770 C (d) 550oC
(a) aid the increasing current
1444. Higher the self-inductance of a coil, Oeeje keâes yeÌ{eves ceW meneÙelee keâjsieer
Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâe mJe-ØesjkeâlJe DeefOekeâ keâjves hej– (b) tend to decrease the amount of current
(a) lesser its weber-turns Oeeje keâer cee$ee ceW keâceer keâjves keâe heÇÙeeme keâjsieer nw
Fmekesâ Jesyej Jele&veeW ceW keâceer nes peeleer nw (c) produce current opposite to the increasing
(b) lower the e.m.f. induced current/yeÌ{leer Oeeje kesâ efJehejerle Oeeje keâe Glheeove
Glhevve efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue Ieš peeleer nw keâjsieer
(c) greater the flux produced by it (d) aid the applied voltage
Fmekesâ Éeje Glheeefole heäuekeäme DeefOekeâ nes peelee nw ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee ceW meneÙelee keâjsieer
(d) longer the delay in establishing steady current 1449. The law that the induced e.m.f. and current
always oppose the cause producing them is due to
through it/Fmekesâ ceeOÙece mes efmLej Oeeje mLeeefhele keâjves
Jen efveÙece efpemeceW Øesefjle efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue Deewj Oeeje
ceW DeefOekeâ osjer nesleer nw
ncesMee Gvekesâ GlheVe nesves kesâ keâejCe keâe efJejesOe keâjles nes,
1445. An open coil has
........... kesâ keâejCe neslee nw~
Skeâ Kegueer kegâ[bueer ces ........... neslee nw~
(a) Faraday/hewâje[s (b) Lenz/uesvpe
(a) zero resistance and high inductance
(c) Newton/vÙetšve (d) Coulomb/ketâuee@ce
MetvÙe ØeeflejesOe Deewj GÛÛe ØesjkeâlJe 1450. Which of the following is not a unit of
(b) infinite resistance and zero inductance inductance?
Deveble ØeeflejesOe Deewj MetvÙe ØesjkeâlJe efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee ØesjkeâlJe keâer FkeâeF& veneR nw~
(c) infinite resistance and normal inductance (a) Henry/nsvejer
Deveble ØeeflejesOe Deewj meeceevÙe ØesjkeâlJe (b) Coulomb/volt ampere/ketâuecye/Jeesuš SefcheÙej
(d) zero resistance and normal inductance (c) Volt-second per ampere/Jeesuš-meskesâC[ Øeefle SefcheÙej
MetvÙe ØeeflejesOe Deewj meeceevÙe ØesjkeâlJe (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 147 YCT
1451. In case of an inductance, current is uecyeeF& oesiegveer keâj oer peeÙes, DevÙe meYeer jeefMeÙeeB meceeve
proportional to/Skeâ ØesjkeâlJe keâer efmLeefle ceW, Oeeje jns lees ØesjkeâlJe nesiee–
............. keâs Deevegheeeflekeâ nesleer nw~ (a) 3 mH (b) 12 mH
(a) voltage across the inductance (c) 24 mH (d) 48 mH
ØesjkeâlJe kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee *1457. The self inductances of two coils are 8 mH
(b) magnetic field/ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e and 18 mH. If the co-efficients of coupling is
(c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW 0.5, the mutual inductance of the coil is
oes kegâC[efueÙeeW keâe mJe-ØesjkeâlJe 8 mH Deewj 18 mH nw~
(d) niether (a) nor (b)/ve ner (a) Deewj vee ner (b)
Ùeefo Ùegiceve iegCeebkeâ 0.5 nw, lees kegâC[ueer keâe DevÙeesvÙe
1452. Which of the following circuit elements will
oppose the change in circuit current? ØesjkeâlJe nw–
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee heefjheLe lelJe, heefjheLe Oeeje (a) 4 mH (b) 5 mH
ceW heefjJele&ve keâe efJejesOe keâjsiee– (c) 6 mH (d) 12 mH
*1458.Two coils have self-inductances of 10 H and 2
(a) Capacitance/mebOeeefj$e
H, the mutual inductance being zero. If the two
(b) Inductance/ØesjkeâlJe coils are connected in series, the total
(c) Resistance/ØeeflejesOe inductance will be
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer oes kegâC[efueÙeeW keâe mJe-ØesjkeâlJe 10 nsvejer Je 2 nsvejer
1453. For a purely inductive circuit which of the nw, DevÙeesvÙe ØesjkeâlJe MetvÙe nw~ Ùeefo oesveeW kegâC[efueÙeeB
following is true?/Megæ ØesjefCekeâ heefjheLe kesâ efueS ßesCeer-›eâce ceW mebÙeesefpele neW lees kegâue ØesjkeâlJe nesiee–
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee mener nw? (a) 6 H (b) 8 H
(a) Apparent power is zero/DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ MetvÙe nesleer nw (c) 12 H (d) 24 H
(b) Relative power is zero/meehesef#ekeâ Meefòeâ MetvÙe nesleer nw 1459. In case all the flux from the current in coil 1
(c) Actual power of the circuit is zero links with coil 2, the co-efficient of coupling will
heefjheLe keâer JeemleefJekeâ Meefkeäle MetvÙe nesleer nw be/kegâC[ueer 1 keâer Oeeje mes mechetCe& heäuekeäme keâe mecyevOe
(d) Any capacitance even if present in the circuit kegâC[ueer 2 kesâ meeLe nesves keâer efmLeefle ces, Ùegiceve iegCeebkeâ
will not be charges/keâesF& mebOeeefj$e,heefjheLe ceW nesiee–
GheefmLele nesves hej Yeer DeeJesefMele veneR nesiee (a) 2.0 (b) 1.0
1454. Which of the following is the unit of inductance? (c) 0.5 (d) zero
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee ØesjkeâlJe keâe cee$ekeâ nw– *1460.The energy in joules stored in the magnetic
field of 0.15 H inductance with a 180 mA
(a) Ohm/Deesÿe
current will be
(b) Henry/nsvejer
180 efceueer SefcheÙej Oeeje keâs meeLe 0.15 nsvejer heÇsjkeâlJe
(c) Ampere turns/SefcheÙej Jele&ve
keâer ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ces Tpee& petue keâs ™he ces Skeâef$ele
(d) Weber/metre/Jesyej/ceeršj
*1455.An e.m.f. of 16 volts is induced in a coil of
inductance 4H. The rate of change of current (a) 2.43 (b) 2.43 × 10–3
must be (c) 2.43 × 10 –6
(d) 2.43 × 10–9
Skeâ 4 nsvejer ØesjkeâlJe Jeeueer kegâC[ueer ceW 16 Jeesuš keâe 1461. A coil with negligible resistance has 50 V across
efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue Øesefjle neslee nw, Oeeje kesâ heefjJele&ve keâer it with 10 mA. The inductive reactance is
10 efceueer SefcheÙej keâs meeLe veieCÙe heÇeflejesOe Jeeueer Skeâ
oj nesveer ÛeeefnÙes–
keâgC[ueer efpemekeâs Deej-heej 50 Jeesuš ueiee ngDee nw~
(a) 64 A/s/64 SefcheÙej/meskeâC[
heÇsjkeâerÙe heÇefleIeele nesiee–
(b) 32 A/s/32 SefcheÙej/meskeâC[
(a) 50 ohms/50 Deesÿe
(c) 16 A/s/16 SefcheÙej/meskeâC[
(d) 4 A/s/4 SefcheÙej/meskeâC[ (b) 500 ohms/500 Deesÿe
*1456.The core of a coil has a length of 200 mm. The (c) 1000 ohms/1000 Deesÿe
inductance of coil is 6 mH. If the core length is (d) 5000 ohms/5000 Deesÿe
doubled, all other quantities remaining the *1462.A conductor 2 metres long moves at right
same, the inductance will be angles to a magnetic field of flux density 1 tesla
Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ ›eâes[ keâer uecyeeF& 200 efceceer nw with a veolocity of 12.5 m/s. The induced e.m.f.
kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe 6 efceueer nsvejer nw~ Ùeefo ›eâes[ keâer in the conductor will be
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 148 YCT
Skeâ 2 ceeršj uecyee Ûeeuekeâ 1 šsmuee heäuekeäme IevelJe kesâ 1468. At low frequencies, the material used for
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW 12.5 ceer/mes. Jesie keâs meeLe mecekeâesCe transformer cores is/efvecve DeeJe=efòeÙeeW hej, heefjCeeefce$e
hej ieefle keâjlee nw~ Ûeeuekeâ ceW Glhevve efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue ›eâes[ kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peeves Jeeuee heoeLe& nw–
nesiee– (a) copper /leeceü
(b) silicon iron /efmeefuekeâeve ueesne
(a) 10 V (b) 15 V
(c) soft iron /ce=og ueesne
(c) 25 V (d) 50 V
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1463. The hysteresis loop of a material having low
retentivity is/efvecve OeejCe meeceLÙe& Jeeues heoeLe& keâe 1469. Ferromagnetic materials exhibit hysteresis
when/ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& MewefLeuÙe ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw
MewefLeuÙe heeMe neslee nw-
(a) wide /ÛeewÌ[e
(a) they are taken to saturation only
(b) narrow /mebkeâerCe& Gmes kesâJeue meble=efhle kesâ efueS efueÙee peelee nw
(c) very wide /yengle ÛeewÌ[e (b) they are not taken even to saturation
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Gmes meble=efhle kesâ efueS Yeer veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw
1464. The SI unit of µ0 is /µ0 keâe SI cee$ekeâ nw- (c) they are heated to very high temperature
(a) AT/m Gmes yengle GÛÛe leehe hej iece& efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(b) Wb/m (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) Wb/AT-m 1470. A permanent magnet should have
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Skeâ mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ ceW.............nesvee ÛeeefnS~
1465. The point 2 in fig. represents (a) high coercivity /GÛÛe efve«en
efÛe$e ceW efyebog 2 ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw– (b) low coercivity /efvecve efve«en
(c) zero coercivity /MetvÙe efve«en
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1471. The B-H curve of a ferromagnetic material is
ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâe B-H Je›eâ..............neslee nw~
(a) linear /jwKeerÙe
(b) non-linear /DejwKeerÙe
(c) circle /Je=òe
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1472. Magnetic materials that have high retentivity
have a /ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeex efpemekeâer OeejCe meeceLÙe& GÛÛe
(a) residual flux density /DeJeefMe° heäuekeäme IevelJe nesleer nw, ceW .......... neslee nw~
(b) coercive force /efve«en yeue (a) narrow hysteresis loop / mebkeâerCe& MewefLeuÙe heeMe
(b) circular hysteresis loop / Je=òeekeâej MewefLeuÙe heeMe
(c) saturation flux density / meble=hle heäuekeäme IevelJe
(c) nearly square hysteresis loop
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
ueieYeie Jeiee&keâej MewefLeuÙe heeMe
1466. The unit of relative permeability is
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
meehesef#ekeâ ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee keâe cee$ekeâ neslee nw-
1473. The hysteresis loop of the core material of a
(a) AT/m (b) N/Wb transformer should have
(c) AT/m2 (d) a number/Skeâ mebKÙee heefjCeeefce$e kesâ ›eâes[ heoeLe& keâe MewefLeuÙe heeMe ............
1467. The hysteresis loss in a ferromagnetic material nesvee ÛeeefnS~
is/ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ceW MewefLeuÙe neefve.........neslee nw~
(a) a large area /Skeâ yeÌ[e #es$e
(a) directly proportional to area of loop
(b) a small area /Skeâ Úesše #es$e
heeMe kesâ #es$eheâue kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer
(c) an infinite area /Skeâ Deveble #es$e
(b) inversely proportional to area of loop
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
heeMe kesâ #es$eheâue kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
*1474.The magnetic intensity in the air core of the
(c) directly proportional to square of area of loop
solenoid shown in Fig. is changed by 20AT/m.
heeMe kesâ #es$eheâue kesâ Jeie& kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer By what amount the flux density in the core is
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR changed?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 149 YCT
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjveeefuekeâe kesâ JeeÙeg-›eâes[ ceW (c) The inductance the coil carrying a constant
ÛegcyekeâerÙe leer›elee 20AT/m heefjJeefle&le keâer peeleer nw~ D.C. current will not affect the current/Skeâ
›eâes[ ceW Heäuekeäme IevelJe keâer cee$ee ceW efkeâlevee heefjJele&ve efmLej [er.meer. Oeeje Jenve keâjves Jeeueer kegâC[ueer keâe
efkeâÙee ieÙee nw? ØesjkeâlJe Oeeje keâes ØeYeeefJele veneR keâjsiee
(d) The inductance of the coil carrying a constant
D.C. current will decrease the current/Skeâ
efmLej [er.meer. Oeeje Jenve keâjves Jeeueer kegâC[ueer keâe
ØesjkeâlJe Oeeje keâes IešeÙesiee
1480. The limit beyond which the strength of a
(a) 2×10–6T (b) 1T
–4 magnet cannot be increased is called
(c) 3.58×10 T (d) 2.51×10–5T
Jen meercee efpemekesâ Deeies Ûegcyekeâ keâer meeceLÙe& keâes veneR
1475. In an electromagnet, the flux density at
saturation should be yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw, keânueelee nw—
efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ ceW, meble=efhle hej heäuekeäme IevelJe........ (a) elastic limit / levÙe meercee
nesiee~ (b) magnetic limit / ÛegcyekeâerÙe meercee
(a) high /GÛÛe (c) coercive point / efve«en efyevog
(b) low /efvecve (d) magnetic saturation / ÛegcyekeâerÙe meble=efhle
(c) zero /MetvÙe 1481. Magnetisation by electric current is a method
used for making :
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
efJeÅegle Oeeje Éeje ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe Skeâ ............ yeveeves kesâ
1476. A permanent magnet should have
efueS Skeâ ØeÙegòeâ efJeefOe nw~
Skeâ mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ ceW .......... nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(a) temporary magnet / DemLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ
(a) low remanence /efvecve ØeefleOeeefjlee
(b) permanent magnet / mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ
(b) high remanence /GÛÛe ØeefleOeeefjlee
(c) both a and b / a Deewj b oesveeW
(c) zero remanence /MetvÙe ØeefleOeeefjlee
(d) none of the these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1482. A material that can be permanently
1477. In practical magnetic circuits, the air-gap is
magnetized is generally said to be:
kept/JÙeJeneefjkeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLees ceW, JeeÙeg Devlejeue
Skeâ heoeLe& pees mLeeÙeer ®he mes Ûegcyeefkeâle nes mekeâlee nw,
jKee peelee nw- Deeceleewj hej keâne peelee nw–
(a) very small /yengle keâce
(a) Magnetic / ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(b) large /yeÌ[e (b) Electromagnetic / efJeÅegle-ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(c) very large /yengle yeÌ[e (c) Permanently magnetic /mLeeÙeer-ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) Ferromagnetic / ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe
1478. The minimum relative permeability of a 1483. Magnetic flux can always be attributed to:
material can be/heoeLe& keâer vÙetvelece meehes#e ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme meowJe Deejesefhele keâj mekeâlee nw
ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee...........nes mekeâleer nw~ (a) Ferromagnetic materials / ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
(a) 1 (b) Aligned atoms / mebjsefKele hejceeCeg
(b) slightly less than 1/Skeâ mes LeesÌ[e mee keâce
(c) Motion of charged particles
(c) 0.005 DeeJesefMele keâCeeW keâer ieefle
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) The geomagnetic field /Yet-ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e
1479. Which of the following statements is correct? 1484. Lines of magnetic flux are said to originate.
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw? ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme jsKeeSB GlheVe ngF& keâner peeleer nQ—
(a) The inductance of the of coil carrying a (a) In atoms of ferromagnetic materials
constant D.C. current will change the current ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ hejceeCegDeeW ceW
into pulses/Skeâ efmLej [er.meer. Oeeje Jenve keâjves Jeeueer (b) At a north magnetic pole.
kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe Oeeje keâes heume ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjsiee Gòejer ÛegcyekeâerÙe OeÇgJe hej
(b) The inductance of the coil carrying a constant (c) Where the lines converge to a point.
D.C. current will increase the current/Skeâ efmLej peneB jsKeeSB Skeâ efyebog hej heefjJeefle&le nesleer nQ
[er.meer Oeeje Jenve keâjves Jeeueer kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe Oeeje (d) In charge carries.
keâes yeÌ{eÙesiee DeeJesMe JeenkeâeW ceW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 150 YCT
1485. Lenz's law is a consequence of the law of *1490.Three pure inductance are connected as shown
conservation of in Fig. The equivalent inductance to replace
uesvpe keâe efveÙece ........... mebj#eCe efveÙece keâe heefjCeece nw~ this circuit is
leerve Megæ ØesjkeâlJe pegÌ[s ngS nQ pewmee efkeâ efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee
(a) induced current/Glhevve Oeeje
ieÙee nw~ Fme heefjheLe keâes mLeeveevleefjle keâjves kesâ efueS
(b) charge/DeeJesMe meceleguÙe ØesjkeâlJe nw–
(c) energy/Tpee&
(d) induced e.m.f./Glhevve efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue
*1486.Find the force acting on a conductor 3 m long
carrying a current of 50 amperes at right (a) 0.4 H (b) 0.8 H
angles to a magnetic field having a flux density (c) 1.2 H (d) 1.6 H
of 0.67 tesla.
*1491.Two 300 µH coils in series without mutual
Skeâ 3 ceer. uecyeer 50 SefcheÙej OeejeJeener Ûeeuekeâ 0.67 coupling have a total inductance of
šsmuee Heäuekeäme IevelJe Jeeues ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e mes mecekeâesCe oes 300 µH keâer kegâC[efueÙeeB efyevee heejmheefjkeâ Ùegiceve kesâ
hej nw, Ûeeuekeâ hej ueieves Jeeuee yeue %eele keâerefpeS– ßesCeer ›eâce ceW nw, keâe mechetCe& ØesjkeâlJe nw?
(a) 100 N (b) 400 N (a) 300 µH (b) 600 µH
(c) 600 N (d) 1000 N (c) 150 µH (d) 75 µH
1487. The co-efficient of coupling between two air *1492.Current changing from 8 A to 12 A in one
core coils depends on second induced 20 volts in a coil. The value of
oes JeeÙeg ›eâes[ kegâC[efueÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe Ùegiceve iegCeebkeâ inductance is/Oeeje 1 meskesâC[ ceW 8A mes 12A
........... hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~ heefjJeefle&le keâjves mes Skeâ kegâC[ueer ceW 20 Jeesuš Øesefjle ngF&
nw~ ØesjkeâlJe keâe ceeve nw–
(a) self inductance of two coils only
(a) 5 mH (b) 10 mH
kesâJeue oesveeW kegâC[efueÙeeW kesâ mJe-ØesjkeâlJe hej (c) 5 H (d) 10 H
(b) mutual inductance between two coils only 1493. A crack in the magnetic path of an inductor
kesâJeue oesveeW kegâC[efueÙeeW kesâ heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe hej will result in/Skeâ Øesjkeâ kesâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heeLe ceW ojej
(c) mutual inductance and self inductance of two nesves mes heefjCeece nesiee–
coils/oesveeW kegâC[efueÙeeW kesâ heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe Deewj mJe-
(a) unchanged inductance/ØesjkeâlJe DeheefjJeefle&le nesiee
ØesjkeâlJe hej (b) increased inductance/ØesjkeâlJe yeÌ{siee
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) zero inductance/ØesjkeâlJe MetvÙe nesiee
*1488.An average voltage of 10 V is induced in a 250 (d) reduced inductance/ØesjkeâlJe keâce nesiee
turns solenoid as a result of a change in flux 1494. A coil is wound on iron core which carries
which occurs in 0.5 second. The total flux current I. The self-induced voltage in the coil is
change is not affected by
250 Jele&veeW Jeeueer heefjveeefuekeâe ceW 0.5 meskesâC[ ceW nesves Skeâ kegâC[ueer ueewn ›eâes[ hej kegâC[efuele nw pees I Oeeje
Jeeues Heäuekeäme ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ heefjCeecemJe™he 10 Jeesuš Jenve keâjleer nw~ kegâC[ueer ceW mJe-Øesefjle Jeesušlee .......... mes
keâer Deewmele Jeesušlee Øesefjle nesleer nw~ hetCe& heäuekeäme ØeYeeefJele veneR nesleer nw~
(a) variation in coil current
heefjJele&ve nw–
kegâC[ueer Oeeje ceW heefjJele&ve
(a) 20 Wb (b) 2 Wb
(b) variation in voltage to the coil
(c) 0.2 Wb (d) 0.02 Wb kegâC[ueer kesâ Jeesušlee ceW heefjJele&ve
*1489.A 500 turns solenoid develops an average (c) change of number of turns of coil
induced voltage of 60 V. Over what time
kegâC[ueer kesâ Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee ceW heefjJele&ve
interval must a flux change of 0.06 Wb occur to
(d) the resistance of magnetic path
produce such a voltage?
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heeLe keâe ØeeflejesOe
Skeâ 500 Jele&veeW Jeeueer heefjveeefuekeâe 60 Jeesuš keâe
1495. AT/m is the unit of
Deewmele Jeesušlee Glhevve keâjleer nw~ efkeâme meceÙe Devlejeue SefcheÙej Jele&ve/ceeršj FkeâeF& nw–
hej Fme lejn kesâ Jeesušlee keâe Glheeove keâjves kesâ efueS (a) m.m.f / Ûeg. Jee. yeue
0.06 Jesyej keâe Heäuekeäme heefjJele&ve nesvee ÛeeefnS? (b) reluctance / Øeefle°cYe
(a) 0.01 s (b) 0.1 s (c) magnetising force / ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue
(c) 0.5 s (d) 5 s (d) magnetic flux density / ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme IevelJe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 151 YCT
1496. Substances having permeability less than the Ùeefo JeeÙeg Devlejeue leLee ueewn Úuues keâs ÛegcyekeâerÙe heeLe
permeability of free space are know as ces Heäuekeäme ›eâceMe: 0.150 Wb leLee 0.6 Wb nw, lees
cegòeâ mLeeve keâer ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee mes keâce ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee #ejCe iegCeebkeâ nw—
Jeeues heoeLees& keâes peevee peelee nw– (a) 1.25 (b) 4
(a) Diamagnetic / ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe (c) 2.02 (d) 0.833
(b) Bipolar / efÉOeÇgJeer 1502. In fig. the direction of induced e.m.f. in the
(c) Paramagnetic /DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe conductor A is ..............
(d) Ferromagnetic /ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe ef Ûe$e ceW, Ûeeuekeâ A ceW Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue keâer efoMee nw-
1497. In Fleming's right hand rule the direction of
induced e.m.f. is given by
heäuesefcebie kesâ oeBS ne@Le kesâ efveÙece ceW Øesefjle efJe. Jee. ye. keâer
efoMee .............kesâ Éeje oer peeleer nw~ (a) into the plane of paper /keâeiepe kesâ leue kesâ Devoj
(a) First finger / henueer Debiegueer (b) out of plane of paper /keâeiepe kesâ leue kesâ yeenj
(c) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Thumb / Debiet"e
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
(c) Middle finger / ceOÙe Debiegueer
1503. In fig. the rate of change of flux linkage of
(d) None of the above / Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
conductors A and B is ................
1498. The purpose of shielding meter with soft iron is
efÛe$e ceW, Ûeeuekeâ A Deewj B kesâ ceOÙe heäuekeäme efuebkesâpe kesâ
vece& ueesns kesâ meeLe ceeršj heefjj#eCe keâe GoddosMÙe nw—
heefjJele&ve keâer oj............nesleer nw~
(a) To protect meter movement form stray
magnetic fields/mš^s ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e mes ceeršj kesâ
ÛeueeÙeceeve keâer j#ee keâjvee
(b) To prevent damage from rough use
(a) minimum /vÙetvelece
ieuele lejerkesâ mes GheÙeesie mes Kejeye nesves mes yeÛeevee~
(b) maximum /DeefOekeâlece
(c) To keep moisture out of the movement
(c) mid-way between (a) and (b)
veceer keâes ÛeueeÙeceeve mes yeenj jKeves kesâ efueS
(a) Je (b) kesâ ceOÙe
(d) None of the above
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1504. The e.m.f. induced in a ............ is the statically
1499. Iron core material of inductors used in radio at
induced e.m.f./.........ceW Øesefjle efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue,
high frequencies/GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe hej jsef[Ùees ces heÇÙegkeäle
Øesjkeâ keâe ueewn-›eâes[ heoeLe& – mLeweflekeâ Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue neslee nw~
(a) d.c. generator /efo° peefve$e
(a) Is laminated/hešefuele neslee nw
(b) Has low permeability (b) transformer /heefjCeeefce$e
keâer efvecve ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee nesleer nw (c) d.c. motor /efo° Oeeje ceesšj
(c) Is called ferrite/hesâjeF&š keânueelee nw (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) Reduces inductance as well as losses 1505. The e.m.f. induced in a ......... is dynamically
neefveÙeeW kesâ meeLe-meeLe ØesjkeâlJe Iešleer nw induced e.m.f. /.........ceW Øesefjle efJe.Jee. yeue ieefleMeerue
1500. Hysteresis loss can be minimised by selecting a Øesefjle efJe.Jee. yeue nw~
magnetic material having (a) alternator /ØelÙeeJele&keâ
efnmšsefjefmeme neefve keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe (b) transformer /heefjCeeefce$e
heoeLe& keâe ÛeÙeve efkeâÙee peelee nw efpemekeâe– (c) d.c. generator /efo° Oeeje peefve$e
(a) High retentivity/GÛÛe OeejCe meeceLÙe& (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) High resistivity/GÛÛe ØeeflejesOekeâlee *1506.In fig. single conductor of length l metres
(c) Low hysteresis coefficient moves at right angles to a uniforms field of B
efvecve efnmšsjerefmeme iegCeebkeâ Wb/m2 with a velocity of v m/s. The e.m.f.
induced is ...........
(d) Large B-H loop area/yeÌ[e B-H heeMe #es$eHeâue
efÛe$e ceW Skeâ Skeâue Ûeeuekeâ efpemekeâer uecyeeF& l ceeršj nw,
*1501.If the flux in the air gap and the magnetic path
of the iron ring is 0.150 Wb and 0.6 Wb Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e B Wb/m2 mes mecekeâesCe hej
respectively, the leakage factor is v ceer/mes. keâer ieefle mes Ietcelee nw~ lees Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue nw-
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 152 YCT
1511. The inductance of a coil is ............ the
reluctance of magnetic path.
kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe, ÛegcyekeâerÙe heeLe kesâ Øeefle°cYe.......
(a) independent of /mes mJeleb$e neslee nw
(b) directly proportional to
kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
(c) inversely proportional to
kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*1512.If the number of turns of a coil is increased two
times, its inductance is ..............
ℓ v
(a) B (b) B Ùeefo kegâC[ueer kesâ JeleeX keâer mebKÙee 2 iegvee yeÌ{e efoÙee
v ℓ
peeÙes lees Fmekeâe ØesjkeâlJe......... nw~
(c) Bℓv (d) (a) increased two times /oes iegvee yeÌ{ peelee
1507. In fig the component of velocity that does not (b) decreased two times /oes iegvee Ieš peelee
induce any e.m.f. in the conductor is .............. (c) decreased four times /Ûeej iegvee Ieš peelee
efÛe$e ceW, ieefle keâe Jen Ieškeâ pees efkeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW efkeâmeer (d) increased four times /Ûeej iegvee yeÌ{ peelee
Yeer Øekeâej keâe efJe.Jee.yeue Øesefjle veneR keâjlee..........nw~ 1513. In the phenomena of mutual induction between
two coils are
oes kegâC[efueÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe DevÙeesvÙe ØesjkeâlJe keâer Iešvee nw—
(a) Electrically coupled / efJeÅegleerÙe Ùegeficele
(b) Magnetically coupled / ÛegcyekeâerÙe Ùegeficele
(c) Both types of coupling / oesveeW Øekeâej kesâ Ùegiceve
(d) None of the above / Ghejesòeâ ceW mesW keâesF& veneR
1514. Energy stored in an inductance is given by
Skeâ ØesjkeâlJe ceW meb«eefnle Tpee& oer peeleer nw–
(a) 1/2 LI2 joule (b) 2LI2 joule
(c) 0 joule (d) Nφ/I joule
(a) v sin θ (b) v cos θ 1515. The magnetic material used in permanent
(c) v tan θ (d) none of magnets is
1508. Inductance opposes ...... in current in a circuit. mLeeF& Ûegcyekeâ ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙes peeves Jeeuee ÛegcyekeâerÙe
ØesjkeâlJe heefjheLe ceW Oeeje kesâ..........keâe efJejesOe keâjlee nw~ heoeLe& nw
(a) only increase /kesâJeue Je=efæ (a) iron /ueewn
(b) only decrease/ kesâJeue keâceer (b) soft steel /ce=og Fmheele
(c) change/heefjJele&ve (c) nickel /efveefkeâue
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) hardened steel /keâ"esj Fmheele
*1509.If the number of turns of a coil is increased, its 1516. Magnetic flux density is a
inductance ................. ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme IevelJe Skeâ.............nw~
Ùeefo kegâC[ueer ceW JeleeX keâer mebKÙee yeÌ{e oer peeÙes lees (a) vector quantity /meefoMe jeefMe
Fmekeâe ØesjkeâlJe-
(b) scalar quantity /DeefoMe jeefMe
(a) remains the same /Jener jnsiee
(c) phasor /Hesâpej
(b) is increased /yeÌ{ peeÙesiee
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) is decreased /Ieš peeÙesiee
1517. A solenoid coil must have
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Skeâ heefjveeefuekeâe kegâC[ueer ceW DeJeMÙe nesveer ÛeeefnS–
1510 Inductance in a circuit...............
heefjheLe ceW ØesjkeâlJe- (a) Length and breadth equal
(a) prevents the current from changing uecyeeF& leLee ÛeewÌ[eF& yejeyej
Oeeje heefjJele&ve keâes jeskeâlee nw (b) Length greater than breadth
(b) delays the change in current uecyeeF& , ÛeewÌ[eF& mes DeefOekeâ
Oeeje heefjJele&ve ceW osjer keâjlee nw (c) Breadth greater than length
(c) causes power loss /kesâ keâejCe Meefòeâ neefve neslee nw ÛeewÌ[eF&, uecyeeF& mes DeefOekeâ
(d) causes the current to lead the voltage (d) None of the above
kesâ keâejCe Oeeje, Jeesušlee mes De«eieeceer nesleer nw Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 153 YCT
1518. When the direction of current in a solenoid coil *1524.The two conductors of a transmission line
is anti clockwise the polarity at the near end carry equal current I in opposite directions.
will be The force on each conductor is
peye heefjveeefuekeâe kegâC[ueer ceW Oeeje keâer efoMee JeeceeJele& nw Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ oes Ûeeuekeâ efJehejerle efoMee ceW
lees Deefvlece efmejs hej OeÇgJelee nesieer- yejeyej Oeeje I Jenve keâjles nQ, lees ØelÙeskeâ Ûeeuekeâ hej
(a) North / Gòej
yeue nw–
(b) South / oef#eCe (a) proportional to I/I kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer
(c) North south both / Gòej oef#eCe oesveeW (b) proportional to I2/I2 kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer
(c) proportional to distance between the
(d) None of the above / Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
conductors/ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ yeerÛe otjer kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer
*1519.The relative permeability of a ferromagnetic
(d) inversely proportional to I2/I2 kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
material is 10000. Its absolute permeability will
be 1525. The polarity of the counter e.m.f. by a falling
current is .......... the source voltage
ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâer meehesef#ekeâ ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee Oeeje efiejeJeš kesâ Éeje efJejesOeer efJe.Jee.yeue keâer OeÇgJelee......
10000 nw lees Fmekeâer JeemleefJekeâ ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee nesieer– Jeesušlee nw~
(a) 106H/m (a) series-aiding /ßesCeer meneÙekeâ
(b) 4π×10–3H/m (b) series-opposing /ßesCeer efJejesOeer
(c) 4π×10–11H/m (c) zero /MetvÙe
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& veneR (d) none of above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*1520.The absolute permeability of a material having 1526. When the core of a inductance coil is moved
a flux density of 1 Wb/m2 is 10–3 H/m. The away from its winding, the inductance of coil
value of magnetising force is peye ØesjkeâlJe kegâC[ueer keâe ›eâes[ Fmekesâ kegâC[ueve mes nš
1 Wb/m2 heäuekeäme IevelJe Jeeues heoeLe& keâer efvejhes#e peeÙes leye kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe-
ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee 10–3 H/m nw~ lees ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue keâe (a) increases /yeÌ{siee
ceeve............nw~ (b) decreases /Iešsiee
(a) 10–3 AT/m (b) 4π×10–3 AT/m (c) remains same /Jener jnsiee
(c) 1000 AT/m (d) 4π×103 AT/m (d) becomes zero /MetvÙe nes peeÙesiee
1521. The greater percentage of substances are 1527. A coil having number of turns N and area A is
DeefOekeâebMele: heoeLe&...........nesles nw~ rotated in a uniform magnetic field B with an
angular velocity ω. The maximum e.m.f.
(a) diamagnetic / ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe induced in the coil is
(b) paramagnetic / DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe peye kegâC[ueer kesâ heeme JeleeX keâer mebKÙee N leLee #es$eheâue
(c) ferromagnetic /ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe A nw pees efkeâ Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e (B) ceW, Skeâ
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR keâesCeerÙe Jesie ω mes Ietce jne nw lees kegâC[ueer ceW Øesefjle
*1522.The magnetic flux density in an air-cored coil is DeefOekeâlece efJe.Jee.yeue..........nw~
10–2 Wb/m2. With a cast iron core of relative (a) N A B ω
permeability 100 inserted, the flux density will NAB
become (b)
Skeâ JeeÙeg-›eâes[ kegâC[ueer efpemekeâe heäuekeäme IevelJe 10–2 NAω
Wb/m2 nw, Fmes peye {ueJee ueesne ›eâes[ efpemekeâer B
meehesef#ekeâ ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee 100 nw, keâes efveefJe° efkeâÙee (d) none of above/GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& veneR
peelee nw leye ÛegcyekeâerÙe IevelJe...........nesiee~ 1528. The north pole of a magnet is moved away
from a metallic ring (see fig.). The induced
(a) 10–4Wb/m2 (b) 104 Wb/m2 current in the ring flows
–2 2
(c) 10 Wb/m (d) 1Wb/m2 Ûegcyekeâ keâe Gòejer OeÇgJe OeeeflJekeâ Úuues mes otj nšlee nw
1523. The source of a magnetic field is (efÛe$e osKes) lees Øesefjle Oeeje Úuues mes ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw-
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâe Œeesle nw-
(a) an isolated magnetic pole
Skeâ efJeueefiele ÛegcyekeâerÙe OegÇJe
(b) static electric charge /mLeweflekeâ JewÅegle DeeJesMe
(c) magnetic substances /ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
(d) current loop /Oeeje uethe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 154 YCT
(a) clockwise /oef#eCeeJele& GlheVe neslee nw~ lees Ûeeskeâ kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe
(b) anticlockwise /JeeceeJele& ..............neslee nw~
(c) first anticlockwise and then clockwise (a) 5 H (b) 2.5 H
henues JeeceeJele& Deewj efheâj oef#eCeeJele&(c) 1.5 H (d) 2 H
(d) first clockwise and the anticlockwise *1534.A current through a coil of inductance 5H is
henues oef#eCeeJele& efheâj JeeceeJele& decreasing at the rate of 2 A/sec. The e.m.f.
1529. The movable wire in Fig. is moved to the right induced in the coil is
causing an anticlockwise induced current. The 5 nsvejer ØesjkeâlJe Jeeues Skeâ kegâC[ueer mes neskeâj peeves
direction of magnetic field producing the Jeeueer Oeeje 2A/sec. keâer oj mes Ieš jne nw lees kegâC[ueer
induced current in the region P ceW Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue nw~
efÛe$e ceW ieefleMeerue leej oeÙes lejheâ Ietcelee nw efpemekesâ (a) 2.5 V (b) –2V
keâejCe JeeceeJele& ceW Skeâ Oeeje Øesefjle neslee nw~ lees P #es$e (c) –10V (d) 10V
ceW, Øesefjle Oeeje kesâ Éeje Glheeefole ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer *1535.The flux (in weber) in a closed circuit of
efoMee- resistance 10Ω is given by ;
φ = 6t + 5t + 2
What is the induced current at t= 1 second?
10Ω kesâ ØeeflejesOe Jeeues yebo heefjheLe ceW heäuekeäme (Jesyej ceW)
efoÙee ieÙee nw- φ = 6t2 + 5t + 2 lees Skeâ meskesâC[ ceW
(a) points to the right /efyebog mes oeÙes efkeâleveer Oeeje Øesefjle nesleer nw~
(b) points to the left /efyebog mes yeeS (a) 0.1A (b) 1.7 A
(c) points vertically up/efyebog mes GOJee&Oej Thej keâer Deesj (c) 2.3 A (d) 4.8 A
(d) points vertically down/efyebog mes GOJee&Oej veerÛes keâer Deesj *1536.A coil of radius R has 400 turns and a self-
1530. Choke coil words on the principle of inductance of 32 mH. What will be the
Ûeeskeâ kegâC[ueer ............ kesâ efmeæevle hej keâeÙe& keâjlee nw inductance of a similar coil of 300 turns?
R ef$epÙee Jeeues Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ heeme 400 Jele& leLee
(a) mutual inductance /heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe
mJeØesjkeâlJe 32mH nw~ lees "erkeâ Gmeer Øekeâej kesâ 300 Jele&
(b) self-inductance /mJe-ØesjkeâlJe
(c) dynamically induced e.m.f. Jeeues Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe efkeâlevee nesiee?
ieefleMeerue Øesefjle efJe.Jee. yeue (a) 18 mH (b) 64 mH
(c) 8 mH (d) 16 mH
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1537. A car moves on a plain road. The e.m.f.
*1531.A current of 4 A through a coil of 1000 turns
induced in the axle connecting the two wheels is
produces a magnetic flux of 400 lines. The self-
maximum when it moves
inductance of the coil is
1000 Jeleex Jeeueer Skeâ kegâC[ueer mes 4 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje
Skeâ keâej Skeâ meceleue meÌ[keâ hej Ietceleer nw~ oes heefnÙeeW
400 jsKee keâer Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme Glheeefole keâjleer
keâes peesÌ[ves Jeeues Skeämeue ceW Øesefjle efJe.Jee. yeue
nw~ lees kegâC[ueer keâe mJeØesjkeâlJe nw- DeefOekeâlece nesiee~ peye Ùen .......... Ietcelee nw-
(a) 0.1 mH (b) 100 mH (a) at equator /YetceOÙe osKee hej
(c) 1 mH (d) 0.001 mH (b) at pole /OeÇgJe hej
1532. A magnet is moved (a) quickly (b) slowly (c) no e.m.f. is induced /efJe.Jee. yeue Øesefjle veneR neslee
towards a coil. The e.m.f. induced in the coil is (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Skeâ Ûegcyekeâ kegâC[ueer keâer Deesj (a) lespeer mes (b) Oeerjs mes 1538. A horizontal straight conductor of length l is
Ietcelee nw lees kegâC[ueer ceW Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue- placed along east-west direction. It is allowed
(a) larger in case (a) /efmLeefle (a) ceW pÙeeoe nesiee to fall under gravity from a height h at a place
(b) smaller in case (a) /efmLeefle (a) ceW keâce nesiee where the horizontal component of earth's
magnetic field is H and the vertical component
(c) equal in both cases /oesveeW efmLeefle ceW meceeve nesiee
is V. Then maximum e.m.f. induced in the
(d) larger in case (b) /efmLeefle (b) ceW pÙeeoe nesiee conductor is
*1533.The current through a choke coil increases l uecyeeF& kesâ Skeâ #eweflepe meerOes Ûeeuekeâ keâes hetJe&-heef§ece
from zero to 6 A in 0.3 second and an induced
e.m.f. of 30 V is produced. The inductance of
efoMee ceW jKee ieÙee nw~ peneb hej he=LJeer kesâ #eweflepe Ieškeâ
the choke coil is H leLee GOJee&Oej Ieškeâ V nw JeneB mes Ùen h ceeršj keâer
Skeâ Ûeeskeâ kegâC[ueer ceW 0.3 meskesâC[ ceW Oeeje keâe ceeve TÛeeF& mes ieg®lJe kesâ Devleie&le efiejlee nw~ leye Ûeeuekeâ ceW
MetvÙe mes 6 SefcheÙej yeÌ{eves hej 30 V Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue DeefOekeâlece Øesefjle efJe.Jee. yeue...............nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 155 YCT
(a) 0 (b) Hl 2gh (c) direction of force on a current carrying
conductor in a magnetic field/ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW
(c) Vl 2gh (d) V 2 + H 2 2gh
Skeâ Oeeje Jeenkeâ Ûeeuekeâ hej yeue keâer efoMee
1539. When magnetic flux linking a conductor
(d) polarity of a magnetic pole
changes-/peye Ûeeuekeâ mes mecyeæ heäuekeäme ceW heefjJele&ve
Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe OeÇgJe keâer OeÇgJelee
neslee nw leye-
(a) an e.m.f. is always induced 1544. The ratio of intensity of magnetisation to the
magnetisation force is known as
ncesMee Skeâ efJe.Jee. yeue Øesefjle neslee nw
(b) a current is always induced ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe yeue leLee ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe keâer leer›elee keâe
ncesMee Skeâ Oeeje Øesefjle neslee nw Devegheele ......... ™he ceW peevee peelee nw~
(c) both e.m.f. and current are always induced (a) flux density/Heäuekeäme IevelJe
ncesMee efJe.Jee. yeue leLee Oeeje oesvees Øesefjle neslee nw (b) susceptibility/meg«ee¢elee
(d) neither e.m.f. nor current is induced
(c) relative permeability/meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
ve lees efJe.Jee. yeue Deewj ve ner Oeeje Øesefjle neslee nw
1540. If N is the number of turns of the coil the (d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& vener
inductance varies as 1545. A magnetic needle is kept in a uniform
Ùeefo kegâC[ueer kesâ JeleeX keâer mebKÙee N nw lees magnetic field. It experiences
ØesjkeâlJe.......kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le neslee nw Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe megF& keâes Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW
(a) N (b) N jKee peelee nw lees Ùen DevegYeJe keâjlee nw-
(c) N–2 (d) N2 (a) a force and a torque /yeue Deewj DeeIetCe&
1541. A material which is slightly repelled by a
(b) a force but not a torque /yeue efkebâleg yeueeIetCe& vener
magnetic field is known as
Skeâ heoeLe& pees Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ Éeje LeesÌ[e mee (c) a torque but not a force /yeueeIetCe& efkebâleg yeue vener
nš peeÙes, keâes ........... keâs ™he ces peevee peelee nw~ (d) neither a torque nor a force /ve lees yeueeIetCe& Deewj
(a) ferromagnetic material/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ve ner yeue
1546. The unit of pole strength is
(b) diamagnetic material/Øeefle-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
OeÇgJe meeceLÙe& keâe cee$ekeâ..........nw~
(c) paramagnetic material/Deveg-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
(a) A/m2 (b) Am
(d) conducting material/Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& (c) Am2 (d) Wb/m2
1542. When an iron piece is placed in a magnetic 1547. When the relative permeability of a material is
field/peye Skeâ ueesns kesâ šgkeâÌ[s keâes Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e slightly more than 1, it is called a
ceW jKee peelee nw– peye Skeâ heoeLe& keâer meehesef#ekeâ ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee keâe ceeve
(a) the magnetic lines of force will bend away Skeâ mes LeesÌ[e mee pÙeeoe nes leye Ssmes heoeLe&
from their usual paths in order to go away
keâes.........keâne peelee nw~
from the piece/ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue jsKeeSB, šgkeâÌ[s mes otj
(a) diamagnetic material / ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
peeves kesâ efueS Deheves meeceevÙe heLe mes otj cegÌ[ peeleer nQ
(b) the magnetic lines of force will bend away (b) paramagnetic material / DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
from their usual paths in order to pass through (c) ferromagnetic material /ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
the piece/ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue jsKeeSB, šgkeâÌ[s ceW mes iegpejves (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
kesâ efueS Deheves meeceevÙe heLe mes otj ceg[Ì peeleer nQ *1548.The distance between two magnetic poles is
(c) the magnetic field will not be affected doubled and their pole strengths are also
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ØeYeeefJele vener nesiee doubled. The force between them
(d) the iron piece will break oes ÛegcyekeâerÙe OeÇgJeeW kesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer keâes oes iegvee Deewj
ueesns keâe šgkeâÌ[e štš peeSiee Gvekesâ OeÇgJe meeceLÙe& keâes Yeer oes iegvee keâj efoÙee peeÙes leye
1543. Fleming's left hand rule is used to find Gvekesâ yeerÛe yeue-
heäuesefcebie keâs yeeSs neLe kesâ efveÙece keâe ØeÙeesie ......... %eele (a) increases four times /Ûeej iegvee yeÌ{ peelee nw
keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (b) decreases four times /Ûeej iegvee Ieš peelee nw
(a) direction of magnetic field due to current (c) remains unchanged /DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw
carrying conductor/Oeeje Jeenkeâ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ keâejCe (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer efoMee 1549. Fig. shows the magnetic field around a
(b) direction of flux in a solenoid conductor. In which direction is the current
Skeâ heefjveeefuekeâe ceW Heäuekeäme keâer efoMee flowing?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 156 YCT
efÛe$e, Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Ûeejes Deesj ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâes efoKeelee 1554. An electron is travelling horizontally towards
nw~ lees Oeeje keâe ØeJeen efkeâme efoMee ceW nes jne nw~ east. A magnetic field in vertically downward
direction exerts a force on electron along
Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve #eweflepe mes hetjye efoMee keâer Deesj ieefle keâj
jne nw ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e Fueskeäš^e@ve hej Skeâ yeue GOJee&Oej
efoMee ceW ...........keâer Deesj ueieelee nw~
(a) from right to left /oeSb mes yeeSb keâer Deesj (a) north /Gòej (b) south /oef#eCe
(b) from left to right /yeeSb mes oeSb keâer Deesj (c) east /hetjye (d) west /heef§ece
(c) can the either of above
1555. A strong magnetic field is applied on a
Ghejesòeâ keâesF& Yeer nes mekeâlee nw stationary electron. Then the electron
(d) data incomplete /[eše DeOetje nw Skeâ cepeyetle ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâes, Skeâ efmLej DeeJesMe kesâ
1550. A charged particle enters a magnetic field at an
Thej Deejesefhele efkeâÙee peelee nw leye Fueskeäš^e@ve-
angle of 30o to the direction of magnetic field.
Its path becomes (a) remains stationary /efmLej ner jnlee nw
Skeâ DeeJesefMele keâCe ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW, ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e (b) starts spinning /Ûe›eâCe keâjvee ØeejcYe keâjlee nw
keâer efoMee mes 30º kesâ keâesCe hej ØeJesMe keâjleer nw lees Fmekeâe (c) moves in the direction of field
ceeie&......... nes peelee nw~ #es$e efkeâ efoMee ceW ner ieefle keâjlee nw
(a) circular /Je=òeekeâej (d) moves in the opposite direction
(b) straight line /mejue jsKee efJehejerle efoMee ceW ner ieefle keâjlee nw
(c) elliptical /oerIe& Je=òeekeâej 1556. The Biot-savart's law is a general modification
(d) helical /kegâC[ueeroej of/yee@Ùees-mesJeš& keâe efveÙece ........... keâe Skeâ meeceevÙe
*1551.A conductor of length 1 m carrying current of ™heevlejCe nw~
1A is placed parallel to a magnetic field of 1 (a) Kirchhoff's law/efkeâjÛee@Heâ efveÙece
Wb/m2. The magnetic force acting on the
(b) Lenz's law/uesvpe efveÙece
conductor is
1A keâer Oeeje Jenve keâjves Jeeuee Ûeeuekeâ efpemekeâer uecyeeF& (c) Ampere's law/SefcheÙej efveÙece
1 m nw, keâes 1 Wb/m Jeeues ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ meceevlej
(d) Faraday's law/Hewâje[s efveÙece
jKee ieÙee nw~ Ûeeuekeâ hej ueieves Jeeues ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue keâe 1557. Magnetising force at the centre of a square is
ceeve........nw~ given by/Skeâ Jeie& kesâ kesâvõ hej Ûegcyekeâve yeue ...........
(a) zero/MetvÙe (b) 1 N Éeje efoÙee peelee nw~
(c) 0.5 N (d) 2.5 N
1552. A current is flowing toward north along a
power line. The direction of magnetic field
above it is (neglecting earth's field) toward
Skeâ Meefòeâ ueeFve ceW Oeeje Gòej keâer Deesj ØeJeeefnle nes
jner nw~ lees Fmekesâ Thej ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer efoMee (Yet-
#es$e keâe veieCÙe ceeveves hej).........keâer Deesj nesiee~
(a) north /Gòej (b) east /hetjye 2I 2 2I
(a) A/m (b) A/m
(c) west /heef§ece (d) south /oef#eCe πa π2 a 2
*1553.Two parallel wires each 0.5 m long are at a 2I I
distance of 1m from each other. If current (c) A/m (d) A/m
πa π2 a 2
flowing through each wire is 1A, the force
1558. Field strength at the centre of a circular coil of
between the wires is
radius r is / r ef$epÙee kesâ Skeâ Je=òeerÙe kegâC[ueer kesâ kesâvõ
ØelÙeskeâ 0.5 ceer. uecyeeF& kesâ oes meceevlej leej Skeâ-otmejs
mes 1 ceer. keâer otjer hej nw~ Ùeefo ØelÙeskeâ leej mes ØeJeeefnle hej #es$e meeceLÙe& nesleer nw–
nesves Jeeueer Oeeje 1A nw lees leejeW kesâ ceOÙe ueieves Jeeuee NI NI
(a) A/m (b) A/m
yeue............nw~ 6r 2r
(a) 1 N (b) 0.5 N N2I N2I2
(c) A/m (d) A/m
(c) 10–7 N (d) 107 N 4r 6r

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 157 YCT

1559. The most effective and quickest way of making 1563. The relative permeability of ...... materials is
a magnet from soft iron is by not constant./............ heoeLeeX keâer meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
vece& ueesns Éeje Skeâ Ûegcyekeâ yeveeves keâe meyemes DeefOekeâ efmLej veneR nesleer nw~
ØeYeeJekeâejer Deewj MeerIeÇlece GheeÙe neslee nww– (a) diamagnetic/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe
(a) placing it inside a coil carrying current (b) paramagnetic/Deveg-ÛegcyekeâerÙe
Fmes OeejeJeener kegâC[ueer kesâ Devoj jKekeâj (c) ferromagnetic/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(b) induction/ØesjCe (d) insulating/kegâÛeeuekeâ
(c) the use of permanent magnet *1564.In a hydrogen atom, the electron moves in an
mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ kesâ Fmlesceeue mes orbit of radius 0.5Å making 1016 revolutions
(d) rubbing with another magnet per second. The magnitude of magnetic
moment associated with the orbital motion of
otmejs Ûegcyekeâ kesâ meeLe jieÌ[keâj
electron in Am2 is
1560. The commonly used material for shielding or Skeâ neF[^espeve hejceeCeg ceW, Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve 1016
screening magnetism is
heefjYeüceCe Øeefle meskesâC[ kesâ efnmeeye mes 0.5Å ef$epÙee Jeeues
heefjj#eCe Ùee DeeJejCe ÛegcyekeâlJe kesâ efueS meeceevÙele:
Skeâ keâ#ee ceW Ietce jne nw~ Fueskeäš^e@ve kesâ keâ#eerÙe Ûeeue kesâ
GheÙeesie nesves Jeeuee heoeLe& nw–
meeLe pegÌ[s ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeeIetCe& keâe heefjceeCe Am2 ceW
(a) copper/leeByee
.............. nw~
(b) aluminium/SuÙegefceefveÙece (a) 1.25×1018 (b) 25π×10–20
(c) soft iron/vece& ueesne (c) 1.25×10 –23
(d) 4.5×1016
(d) brass/heerleue 1565. A neutron, a proton, an electron and an α-
1561. If a copper disc is rotated rapidly below a particle enter a region of uniform magnetic
freely suspended magnetic needle, the magnetic field with equal velocities. The magnetic field is
needle shall start rotating with a velocity perpendicular and directed into the paper. The
track of the particles are labelled in Fig. The
Ùeefo Skeâ leeByes keâer ef[mkeâ keâes mJelev$e ™he mes efveueefcyele electron follows the track
ÛegcyekeâerÙe megF& kesâ veerÛes lespeer mes IegceeÙee peelee nw lees Skeâ vÙetš^e@ve, Skeâ Øeesš^e@ve, Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve Deewj Skeâ
ÛegcyekeâerÙe megF& Skeâ Jesie kesâ meeLe Ietcevee ØeejcYe keâj Deuheâe keâCe Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW, meceeve Jesie
osieer– mes ØeJesMe keâjlee nw~ keâeiepe kesâ leue kesâ uecyeJele
(a) less than that of disc but in opposite direction ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ueiee ngDee nw~ efÛe$e ceW keâCeeW kesâ heeLe keâes
Gme ef[mkeâ mes keâce hejvleg efJehejerle efoMee ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw~ lees Fueskeäš^e@ve ..........heeLe keâe DevegmejCe
(b) equal to that of disc and in the same direction keâjlee nw~
Gme ef[mkeâ kesâ yejeyej Deewj meceeve efoMee ceW
(c) equal to that of disc and in the opposite
direction/Gme ef[mkeâ keâer ieefle kesâ yejeyej Deewj efJehejerle
efoMee ceW
(d) less than that of disc and in the same direction (a) A (b) B
Gme ef[mkeâ mes keâce Deewj meceeve efoMee ceW (c) C (d) D
1562. A permanent magnet 1566. An electron moves with a uniform velocity v
Skeâ mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ– and enters a region of uniform magnetic field
B. If v and B are parallel to each other, then
(a) attracts some substances and repels others/kegâÚ electron will
heoeLeeX keâes Deekeâef<e&le Deewj DevÙe keâes Øeeflekeâef<e&le keâjlee nw Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e B ceW Skeâ
(b) attracts all ferromagnetic substances and meceeve Jesie v mes ØeJesMe keâjlee nw~ Ùeefo v leLee B Skeâ-
repels others/meYeer ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX keâes otmejs kesâ meceevlej nes leye Fueskeäš^e@ve.........
Deekeâe|<ele leLee DevÙe keâes Øeeflekeâe|<ele keâjlee nQ~ (a) move in a circular path /Je=òeekeâej heLe ceW Ietcesiee
(c) attracts only ferromagnetic substances (b) move in a direction perpendicular to B
kesâJeue ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX keâes Deekeâe|<ele keâjlee nw B kesâ uecyeJele efoMee ceW Ietcesiee
(d) attracts ferromagnetic substances and repels (c) continue to move in the same direction
all others/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX keâes Deekeâe|<ele leLee ueieeleej Skeâ ner efoMee ceW Ietcelee jnsiee
DevÙe meYeer keâes Øeeflekeâe|<ele keâjlee nQ~ (d) not move at all /efkeâmeer Yeer efoMee ceW veneR Ietcesiee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 158 YCT
*1567.A point pole having a strength of 10 Wb is M ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeeIetCe& keâe Skeâ DeeÙeleekeâej Ûegcyekeâ
placed in a magnetic field at a distance of 250 meceeve uecyeeF& kesâ oes šgkeâÌ[es ceW keâeše peelee nw~ ØelÙeskeâ
mm from another pole in air and is acted upon
šgkeâÌ[s keâe ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeeIetCe& nesiee–
by a force of 1.5 N. What is the pole strength of
the other pole? (a) M (b) M/2
10 Wb meeceLÙe& Jeeues Skeâ efyevog OeÇgJe keâes JeeÙeg ceW Skeâ (c) 2 M (d) M/4
otmejs OeÇgJe mes 250 mm keâer otjer hej ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW 1573. A keeper is used to
jKee ieÙee nw Deewj efpeme hej 1.5 N keâe yeue keâeÙe&jle nw~ keâerhej keâe GheÙeesie .......... keâs efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
otmejs OeÇgJe keâer OeÇgJe meeceLÙe& keäÙee nw? (a) change the direction of magnetic lines
ÛegcyekeâerÙe jsKeeDeeW keâer efoMee yeoueves
(a) 147.9 × 10–7 Wb (b) 14.79 × 10–7 Wb
(b) amplify flux/Heäuekeäme yeÌ{eves
(c) 1.479 × 10–7 Wb (d) 0.1479 × 10–7 Wb
1568. The tubes of force within the magnetic material (c) restore lost flux/Kelce Heäuekeäme kesâ hegve:mebÛeÙe
are known as (d) provide a closed path for flux
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ceW efveefnle yeue keâer veefuekeâeDeeW keâes Heäuekeäme kesâ efueS Skeâ yebo heLe Øeoeve keâjves
......... kesâ ™he ceW peevee peelee nQ~ 1574. Which of the graphs in Fig. shows the variation
of magnetic flux density B with r from a long
(a) electric flux/efJeÅegle Heäuekeäme
straight wire carrying a steady current?
(b) lines of force/yeue keâer jsKeeSb efÛe$e ceW keâewve mee DeefYeuesKe («eeheâ), ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme
(c) tubes of induction/ØesjCe keâer veefuekeâeSB IevelJe B keâe efmLej OeejeJeener uecyes meerOes leej r kesâ
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR meeLe, kesâ yeoueeJe keâes efoKeelee nw?
1569. The unit of flux is the same as that of
heäuekeäme keâer FkeâeF& ............. kesâ meceeve nw~
(a) reluctance/Øeefle°cYe
(b) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
(c) permeance/ØeJesMÙelee
(d) pole strength/OeÇgJe meeceLÙe&
1570. The .......... materials are a bit inferior
conductors of magnetic flux than air.
............. heoeLe& JeeÙeg keâer Dehes#ee, ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme keâe 1575. A moving electric charge will produce
LeesÌ[sÌ Kejeye Ûeeuekeâ nesles nw~ Skeâ ieefleMeerue JewÅegle DeeJesMe.........Glheeefole keâjsiee~
(a) ferromagnetic/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe (a) electric field only /kesâJeue JewÅegle #es$e
(b) paramagnetic/Deveg-ÛegcyekeâerÙe (b) both electric and magnetic fields
(c) diamagnetic/Øeefle-ÛegcyekeâerÙe
JewÅegle SJeb ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e oesveeW
(c) magnetic field only /kesâJeue ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e
(d) dielectric/hejeJewÅegle
(d) no field /keâesF& #es$e veneR
1571. Hysteresis loop in case of magnetically hard
1576. A current carrying coil is subjected to a
materials is more ......... in shape as compared
uniform magnetic field. The coil will orient so
to magnetically soft materials.
that its plane becomes
ÛegcyekeâerÙe ®he mes keâ"esj heoeLeex kesâ ceeceues ceW Skeâ OeejeJeener kegâC[ueer Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ
efnmšsefjefmeme uethe, ÛegcyekeâerÙe ®he mes vece& heoeLeex keâer DeOeerve efmLele nw~ kegâC[ueer keâes Fme Øekeâej efoMeeefveefo&°
leguevee ceW ............ Deekeâej kesâ ®he ceW DeefOekeâ neslee nw~ keâjvee nesiee leeefkeâ Fmekeâer melen..........nes peeÙes~
(a) circular/Je=òeerÙe (a) parallel to the magnetic field
(b) triangular/ef$ekeâesCeerÙe ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ meceevlej
(c) rectangular/DeeÙeleekeâej (b) inclined at 45o to the magnetic field
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& vener
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW 45º hej Pegkeâe ngDee
(c) perpendicular to the field /#es$e kesâ uecyeJele
1572. A rectangluar magnet of magnetic moment M
is cut into two piece of same length, the (d) inclined at arbitrary angle to magnetic field
magnetic moment of each piece will be ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ meeLe Skeâ ner keâesCe hej Pegkeâe ngDee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 159 YCT
*1577.A horizontal wire AB of mass 3×10–3 kg and 1581. The strength of an electromagnet is determined
length one meter carries a current of 9.8A. The by/JewÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe meeceLÙe& keâes........kesâ Éeje %eele
wire lies in the field acting perpendicular to the efkeâÙee peelee nw~
wire. What is the magnitude of the field which (a) current and number of turns
can support the weight of wire? Oeeje Deewj JeleeX keâer mebKÙee
3×10–3 kg õJÙeceeve leLee Skeâ ceeršj uecyeeF& keâe #eweflepe
(b) shape and size /Deekeâej Deewj Øeceehe
leej AB 9.8 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje Jenve keâjlee nw~ leej Gme (c) core material /›eâes[ heoeLe&
#es$e ceW efmLele nw peneB hej #es$e leej kesâ uecyeJele keâeÙe& keâj (d) all of the above /Ghejesòeâ meYeer
jne nw~ lees #es$e keâe heefjceeCe keäÙee nesiee, pees leej kesâ 1582. The attraction capacity of electromagnet will
Yeej keâe meceLe&ve keâj mekeâlee nw~ increases if the
(a) 2×10–2 T (b) 1.5×10–3 T efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ keâer Deekeâ<e&Ce #ecelee yeÌ{sieer Ùeefo–
(a) core length increases/›eâes[ keâer uecyeeF& yeÌ{leer nw
(c) 2.5×10 T (d) 3×10–3 T
*1578.Two parallel conductors, each carrying 20A, (b) core area increases/›eâes[ keâe #es$eHeâue yeÌ{lee nw
experience a force of 300N. If the medium is
(c) flux density decreases/Heäuekeäme IevelJe Iešlee nw
filled with oil of µr=3, then force between them
will be (d) flux density increases/Heäuekeäme IevelJe yeÌ{lee nw
ØelÙeskeâ 20 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje ues peeves Jeeues oes meceevlej 1583. Which of the following statements is correct?
Ûeeuekeâ 300N keâe yeue cenmetme keâjles nw~ Ùeefo ceeOÙece efvecveefueefKele keâLevees ceW mes keâewve-mee melÙe nw?
keâes lesue efpemekeâe meehesef#ekeâ ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee µr=3 kesâ (a) The conductivity of ferrites is better than
ferromagnetic materials/HesâjeFšdme keâer efJeefMe°
meeLe Yej efoÙee peeÙes lees Gvekesâ yeerÛe yeue keâe ceeve nesiee–
Ûeeuekeâlee ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX mes yesnlej nesleer nw
(a) 900 N
(b) 100 N (b) The conductivity of ferromagnetic materials
(c) 300 N is better than ferrites/ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX keâer
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR efJeefMe° Ûeeuekeâlee HesâjeFšdme mes yesnlej nesleer nw
*1579.Two thin long parallel wires separated by a (c) The conductivity of ferrites is very high
distance b are carrying current i amperes each. HesâjeFšdme keâer efJeefMe° Ûeeuekeâlee Deefle GÛÛe nesleer nw
The magnitude of force per unit length exerted (d) The conductivity of ferrites is same as that of
by one wire on the other is ferromagnetic materials/HesâjeFšdme keâer efJeefMe°
oes heleues uecyes meceevlej leej pees efkeâ Skeâ-otmejs mes b otjer Ûeeuekeâlee ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX kesâ meceeve nesleer nw
hej nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ i SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje ues peeles nw~ Skeâ 1584. The magnetisation and applied field in
leej kesâ Éeje otmejs leej hej, Øeefle Skeâebkeâ uecyeeF& hej ferromagnetic materials are related
ueieves Jeeues yeue keâe heefjceeCe...........nw~ ueew n ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX ceW ÛegcyekeâlJe Deewj ØeÙegkeäle #es$e ceW
µ 0i 2 µ 0i
mecyevOe nw–
(a) (b) (a) sinusoidally/pÙeeJe›eâerÙe
b 2b 2
µ 0i 2
µ 0i (b) linearly/jsKeerÙe
(c) (d)
2πb 2πb (c) non-linearly/DejsKeerÙe
*1580.Two identical coils carrying equal currents (d) parabolically/hejJeueÙeekeâej
have a common centre and their planes are at 1585. In which of the materials the spin moments
right angles to each other. What is the ratio of associated with two sets of atoms are aligned
magnitudes of the resultant magnetic field and antiparallel to each other?
the field due to each coil at the centre? efkeâve heoeLeeX ces hejceeCegDeeW kesâ oes mesšeW mes mecyeefvOele
oes DeeoMe& kegâC[ueer meceeve Oeeje ues peeleer nw leLee oesveeW Ûe›eâerÙe DeeIetCe& Skeâ otmejs mes efJehejerle meceeveevlej meerOe ces
keâe keWâõ meceeve nw Deewj Gvekesâ melen Skeâ-otmejs mes nesles nw?
mecekeâesCe hej efmLele nw~ lees Gvekesâ heefjCeeceer ÛegcyekeâerÙe (a) Ferromagnetic materials/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
#es$e leLee ØelÙeskeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ keWâõ kesâ keâejCe #es$e kesâ
(b) Ferrites/HesâjeFšdme
heefjceeCe keâe Devegheele efkeâlevee nw?
(c) Ferrimagnetic materials/Hesâjercewivesefškeâ heoeLe&
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 2 :1 (d) Antiferromagnetic materials
(c) 1 : 1 (d) 1: 2 ØeefleueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 160 YCT
1586. Temporary magnets are used in 1591. A metallic ring is attached to the wall of a
DemLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ ............ ceW ØeÙeesie efkeâÙes peeles nQ~ room. When the north pole of a magnet is
(a) loud-speakers/OJeefve efJemleejkeâ Ùeb$ees brought near the ring, the induced current in
the ring is
(b) generators/peefve$ees Skeâ OeeeflJekeâ Úuues keâes keâcejs keâer oerJeej mes ueieeÙee
(c) motors/ceesšjes ieÙee nw~ peye Ûegcyekeâ kesâ Gòejer OeÇgJe keâes Úuues kesâ
(d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer vepeoerkeâ ueeÙee peelee nw lees Úuues ceW Øesefjle Oeeje nw-
1587. When the number of turns in a coil is doubled (a) anticlockwise /JeeceeJele&
without any change in the length of the coil, the
(b) clockwise /oef#eCeeJele&
self-inductance becomes
peye kegâC[ueer kesâ uecyeeF& keâes efyevee yeoues, JeleeX keâer (c) zero /MetvÙe
mebKÙee keâes oes iegvee keâj efoÙee peeÙes lees, mJe-ØesjkeâlJe (d) infinite /Deveble
*1592.Flux (in weber) in a closed circuit of resistance
neslee nw-
10 Ω varies with time t (in seconds) according
(a) double /oes iegvee (b) four times /Ûeej iegvee to the relation :
(c) halved /DeeOee (d) two times /oes iegvee φ = 6t2 – 5t +1
*1588.The magnetic flux passing perpendicular to the What is the magnitude of induced current at t
plane of the coil and directed into the paper = 0.25 sec?
(see fig.) is varying according to the relation : 10Ω ØeeflejesOe Jeeues yebo heefjheLe ceW heäuekeäme (Jesyej ceW)
φ = 6t2 +7t +1 meceÙe t (meskesâC[ ceW) kesâ meeLe efoÙes ieÙes meceerkeâjCe kesâ
where φ is in milliwebers and t is in second.
The magnitude of induced e.m.f. in the coil Devegmeej yeouelee nw~
when t = 2 sec is φ = 6t2 – 5t +1
kegâC[ueer kesâ leue kesâ uecyeJeled iegpejves Jeeuee Heäuekeäme Øesefjle Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe t = 0.25 meskesâC[ hej efkeâlevee nw?
efpemekeâer efoMee keâeiepe kesâ Devoj nw, pees efoÙes ieÙes (a) 1.2 A (b) 0.2 A
(c) 0.4 A (d) 0.6 A
meceerkeâjCe kesâ Devegmeej yeouelee nw φ = 6t2 +7t +1
1593. The normal drawn to the surface of a
peneB φ (heäuekeäme) efceueerJesyej leLee (meceÙe) t messkesâC[ conductor makes an angle θ with the direction
ceW nw~ lees t = 2 meskesâC[ ceW kegâC[ueer ceW Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue of field B. The flux φ passing through area A is
keâe heefjceeCe nw- Ûeeuekeâ kesâ melen mes Skeâ uecye KeerÛee ieÙee pees efkeâ
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e (B) keâer efoMee mes θ keâesCe yeveelee nw~ lees
#es$eheâue (A) mes neskeâj peeves Jeeues heäuekeäme keâe ceeve nw-
(a) φ = BA (b) φ = B/A
(c) φ = AB sin θ (d) φ = AB cos θ
1594. When a loop wire is rotated in a 2-pole
magnetic field, the direction of induced e.m.f.
(a) 25 mV (b) 4.2 mV changes once in every
(c) –21 V (d) –31 mV peye Skeâ heeMe leej oes OeÇgJeerÙe ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW Ietcelee
1589. In the above question, what is the direction of nw lees Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue keâer efoMee ØelÙeskeâ...........ceW yeoue
induced current through resistor R?
peelee nw
Ghejesòeâ ØeMve ceW, ØeeflejesOe mes neskeâj peeves Jeeueer Øesefjle
(a) 1/4 revolution /1/4 heefjYeüceCe
Oeeje keâer efoMee keäÙee nw?
(b) 1 revolution /1 heefjYeüceCe
(a) from left to right /yeeBS mes oeBS
(c) 1/2 revolution /1/2 heefjYeüceCe
(b) from right to left /oeBS mes yeeBS
(d) 2 revolution /2 heefjYeüceCe
(c) is clockwise /oef#eCeeJele&
1595. When a magnet is moved with its N-pole
(d) none of above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR towards a closed coil, the nearer end of the coil
*1590.The current in a self-inductance L = 40 mH is acts as / peye Ûegcyekeâ keâe Gòejer OeÇgJe N, yebo kegâC[ueer
to be increased uniformly from 1 A to 11A in 4
milliseconds. The induced e.m.f. produced in L
keâer Deesj peelee nw lees kegâC[ueer kesâ heeme Jeeuee efmeje keâeÙe&
during the process is keâjlee nw-
ØesjkeâlJe L = 40 mH ceW Oeeje keâes 4 efceueer meskesâC[ ceW (a) N-pole /N- OeÇgJe
Skeâ meceeve ™he mes yeÌ{ekeâj 1A mes 11A keâj efoÙee peelee (b) S-pole /S- OeÇgJe
nw~ Fme Øeef›eâÙee kesâ oewjeve L ceW GlheVe Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue nw- (c) sometimes N-pole and sometimes S-pole
(a) 40 V (b) 200 V keâYeer N- OeÇgJe Deewj keâYeer S- OeÇgJe
(c) 100 V (d) 440 V (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 161 YCT
*1596.A coil of wire of radius r has 600 turns and a *1601.A 50 Hz alternating current of peak value 1A
self-inductance of 108 mH. Self-inductance of a flows through the primary of a transformer. If
similar coil of 500 turns will be mutual inductance between the primary and
Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ r ef$epÙee Jeeues leej kesâ 600 Jele&ve nw secondary is 1.5 H, what is the peak voltage
Deewj mJe-ØesjkeâlJe 108 efceueer nsvejer nw lees 500 Jele& induced in the secondary?
50 Hz kesâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje keâe efMeKej ceeve 1 SefcheÙej nw
Jeeues Gmeer kegâC[ueer keâe mJe-ØesjkeâlJe nesiee~
(a) 90 mH (b) 75 mH pees efkeâ heefjCeeefce$e kesâ ØeeLeefcekeâ ceW ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw~
(c) 108 mH (d) 108 mH Ùeefo ØeeLeefcekeâ SJeb efÉleerÙekeâ kesâ ceOÙe heejmheefjkeâ
*1597.Two coils X and Y are placed in a circuit such ØesjkeâlJe 1.5 nsvejer nw lees efÉleerÙekeâ ceW Øesefjle efMeKej
that a current changes by 2A in coil X and the Jeesušlee keâe ceeve efkeâlevee neslee nw?
magnetic flux change of 0.4 Wb occurs in coil (a) 100 V (b) 300 V
Y. The mutual inductance between the coils is (c) 200 V (d) 400 V
oes kegâC[ueer X Deewj Y keâes heefjheLe ceW Fme Øekeâej jKee *1602.A circular disc 10 cm in diameter rotates at
ieÙee nw efkeâ kegâC[ueer X ceW Oeeje heefjJele&ve 2A nesves mes 1800 rev/min about an axis through its centre
kegâC[ueer Y ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme ceW heefjJele&ve 0.4 Jesyej and at right angles to disc. A uniform magnetic
neslee nw lees kegâC[ueer kesâ ceOÙe heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe neslee field of 1 Wb/m2 is perpendicular to the disc.
The potential difference between the axis of the
disc and rim is
(a) 0.8 H (b) 1.6 H Skeâ Je=òeekeâej Ûekeâleer keâe JÙeeme 10 mesceer. nw pees efkeâ
(c) 0.05 H (d) 0.2 H
*1598.A coil of resistance 20Ω and inductance 5H has
keWâõ mes neskeâj peeves Jeeues De#e Deewj Ûekeâleer mes mecekeâesCe
been connected to a 100V battery. The energy hej Ûeejes Deesj 1800 heefjYeüceCe/efceveš mes Ietcelee nw 1
stored in the coil is Wb/m2 keâe ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e Ûekeâleer kesâ uecyeJele nw~ lees
Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâe ØeeflejesOe 20Ω leLee ØesjkeâlJe 5H nw~ Ûekeâleer Deewj efjce kesâ De#eeW kesâ ceOÙe efJeYeJeevlej nw-
Fmes 100 Jeesuš keâer yewšjer kesâ meeLe peesÌ[e ieÙee nw lees (a) 0.5 V (b) 1.2 V
kegâC[ueer ceW meb«eefnle Tpee& nesleer nw- (c) 3.8 V (d) 0.23 V
(a) 32 J (b) 62.5 J *1603.An 8 H choke is carrying a current of 500 mA.
(c) 115 J (d) 125 J The energy stored in the magnetic field is ........
1599. A square coil of area 10 m is placed –2 2 Skeâ 8 H keâe Ûees k eâ 500 mA keâer Oeeje Jenve keâjleer nw
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of lees Ûeg c yekeâer Ùe #es $e ceW meb « eef n le Tpee& nw -
intensity 103T. The magnetic flux through the (a) 1 J (b) 0.5 J
coil is (c) 2 J (d) 4 J
10–2 ceeršj #es$eheâue Jeeues Skeâ Jeiee&keâej kegâC[ueer keâes 1604. When current in R-L series circuit is constant
Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer leer›elee 103T kesâ (say I), then ............. / peye R-L ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW
uecyeJele jKee ieÙee nw lees kegâC[ueer mes neskeâj peeves Jeeues Oeeje efmLej nes (keânves keâes-I) leye
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme keâe ceeve................. nw (a) voltage across R is zero
(a) 10 Wb R kesâ Deej-heej Jeesušlee MetvÙe
(b) 10–5 Wb (b) voltage across L is zero
(c) 0.1 Wb L kesâ Deej-heej Jeesušlee MetvÙe
(d) None of the above/ GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& veneR (c) magnetic energy stored is zero
1600. A copper rod of length l is rotated about the meb«eefnle ÛegcyekeâerÙe Tpee&-MetvÙe
end perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field (d) voltage across L is equal to supply voltage
of flux density B with a constant angular L kesâ Deej-heej Jeesušlee Deehetefle& Jeesušlee kesâ yejeyej
velocity ω. The induced e.m.f. between the two 1605. The lifting power of an electromagnet is ...........
ends is Skeâ JewÅegle Ûegcyekeâ keâer GlLeehekeâ Meefòeâ
Skeâ l uecyeeF& keâer leeceü ÚÌ[ pees Deheves Deefvlece efmejs kesâ (a) directly proportional to (flux density)2
ÛeejeW Deesj Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ heäuekeäme IevelJe heäuekeäme IevelJe kesâ Jeie& kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
(B) kesâ uecyeJele Skeâ efmLej keâesCeerÙe (ω) Jesie mes Ietcelee (b) inversely proportional to area of pole
nw lees oes efmejeDeeW kesâ ceOÙe Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue nw- OeÇgJe kesâ #es$eheâue kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
1 (c) directly proportional to µ0
(a) 2 Bl ω2 (b) Bωℓ 2 efvejhes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee µ0 kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
1 1 2 (d) inversely proportional to flux density
(c) Bℓω2 (d) Bℓ ω heäuekeäme IevelJe kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
8 2
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 162 YCT
1606. If the frequency of flux is increased two times, oes Megæ Øesjkeâ efpemeceW ØelÙeskeâ keâe mJeØesjkeâlJe L nw,
the eddy current power loss is ............ meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nw~ efkebâleg Skeâ otmejs mes DeÛÚer lejn mes
Ùeefo heäuekeäme kesâ DeeJe=efòe keâes oes iegvee yeÌ{e efoÙes peeÙes lees Deueie nw~ leye mechetCe& ØesjkeâlJe nw-
YeBJej Oeeje Meefòeâ neefve...........nw~ (a) L (b) 2L
(a) increased two times /oes iegvee yeÌ{ peeleer (c) L/4 (d) L/2
(b) decreased two times /oes iegvee Ieš peeleer *1612.Two series – opposing inductors have values of
1 H and 1.7 H. What is their total inductance if
(c) increased four times /Ûeej iegvee yeÌ{ peeleer
their mutual inductance is 300 mH?
(d) decreased four times /Ûeej iegvee Ieš peeleer oes ßesCeer-efJejesOeer Øesjkeâ keâe ceeve 1H leLee 1.7H nw Ùeefo
1607. A series combination of L and R is connected Gvekeâe heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe 300 mH nw lees Gvekeâe
to a battery of e.m.f. E having negligible
resistance. The final value of current depends
mechetCe& ØesjkeâlJe efkeâlevee nw-
upon/L Deewj R kesâ ßesCeer mebÙeespeve keâes Skeâ yewšjer (a) 1 H (b) 2 H
(c) 2.1 H (d) 0.5 H
efpemekeâe efJe.Jee.yeue E Deewj veieCÙe ØeeflejesOe nw, kesâ meeLe *1613.Two uncoupled 3 H inductors are connected in
peesÌ[e ieÙee nw~ lees Oeeje keâe Deefvlece ceeve..........hej efveYe&j parallel. Their total inductance is
keâjlee nw~ oes DeÙegeficele Øesjkeâ 3H kesâ meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nw~ lees Gvekeâe
(a) L and R (b) E and R mechetCe& ØesjkeâlJe nw-
(c) L, R and E (d) E and L (a) 1.5 H (b) 6 H
1608. When the rate of change of current is unity, the (c) 12 H (d) 3 H
induced e.m.f. is equal to *1614.A coil having 500 square loops each of side 10
peye Oeeje heefjJele&ve keâer oj FkeâeF& nw lees Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue cm is placed normal to a magnetic flux which
.......... kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~ increases at a rate of 1 T/ sec. The induced
e.m.f. is
(a) inductance of coil /kegâC[ueer kesâ ØesjkeâlJe Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ heeme 500 Jeiee&keâej heeMe, ØelÙeskeâ keâer
(b) number of turns in the coil
Yegpee 10 cm nw Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme kesâ uecyeJele
kegâC[ueer kesâ JeleeX keâer mebKÙee
jKee ieÙee nw peesefkeâ 1 T/ sec keâer oj mes yeÌ{ peelee nw~
(c) total flux linked with coil
kegâC[ueer mes mecyeæ mechetCe& heäuekeäme lees Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue nw-
(a) 1 V (b) 0.5 V
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) 0.1 V (d) 5 V
*1609.The mutual inductance between two coils each *1615.A 100 mH coil carries a current of 1A. Energy
of N turns is M. If a current i in the first coil is stored in the magnetic field is
brought to zero in a time t, then e.m.f. induced Skeâ 100 mH Jeeueer Skeâ kegâC[ueer 1 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje
in the second coil is
ues peeleer nw~ lees ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW meb«eefnle Tpee& nw-
ØelÙeskeâ N JeleeX Jeeueer oes kegâC[ueer kesâ ceOÙe heejmheefjkeâ
(a) 1 J (b) 0.05 J
ØesjkeâlJe M nw Ùeefo meceÙe t ceW henues Jeeues kegâC[ueer ceW (c) 1.5 J (d) 2.5 J
ueeÙeer ieÙeer Oeeje i MetvÙe nes lees efÉleerÙe kegâC[ueer ceW Øesefjle 1616. The mutual inductance between two coils
efJe.Jee. yeue neslee nw- depends upon/oes kegâC[ueer kesâ ceOÙe heejmheefjkeâ
MNi Mt ØesjkeâlJe.........hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
(a) (b) (a) medium between the coils only
t iN
Mi NMt kesâJeue kegâC[ueer kesâ yeerÛe kesâ ceeOÙece hej
(c) (d) (b) separation between the coils only
t i
*1610.If L and R denote inductance and resistance kesâJeue kegâC[ueer kesâ yeerÛe otjer (DeueieeJe) hej
respectively, then dimensions of L/R are (c) both (a) and (b) /(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
Ùeefo L Deewj R ›eâceMe: ØesjkeâlJe leLee ØeeflejesOe nes lees (d) none of above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
L/R keâer efJecee...........nw~ *1617.An air core solenoid has 1000 turns and is 1m
(a) ML T 2 0 long. Its cross-sectional area is 10cm2. The self-
inductance of the solenoid is
(b) M2L0T
0 0
(c) M L T
Skeâ ceeršj uecyeer Deewj 1000 JeleeX Jeeueer Skeâ JeeÙeg-›eâes[
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR heefjveeefuekeâe efpemekeâe DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eheâue 10 cm2
*1611.Two pure inductors each of self inductance L, nw~ lees heefjveeefuekeâe keâe mJe-ØesjkeâlJe nw-
are connected in parallel but are well separated (a) 1.4 mH (b) 0.8 mH
from each other. Than total inductance is (c) 0.25 mH (d) 1.25 mH
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 163 YCT
1618. In a d.c. R-L series circuit, when current is at (a) inversely proportional to/kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
its steady state value, the counter e.m.f. is (b) directly proportional to/kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer
Skeâ efo° RL ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW, peye Oeeje Deheves Deefvlece (c) independent of/mes mJeleb$e
efmLej ceeve hej nesleer nw lees efJejesOeer efJe.Jee.yeue neslee nw- (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) maximum /DeefOekeâlece 1624. In electro-mechanical conversion devices (e.g.
(b) minimum /keâce motors and generators), a small air gap is left
(c) zero /MetvÙe between the rotor and stator in order to .......
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR JewÅegle-ÙeeBef$ekeâ heefjJele&veerÙe GhekeâjCees ceW (pewmes ceesšj
1619. When d.c. R-L series circuit is broken, the Deewj peefve$e) ........... kesâ GösMÙe mes mšsšj Deewj jesšj kesâ
counter e.m.f. is yeerÛe LeesÌ[er meer peien ÚesÌ[er peeleer nw~
peye efo° R-L ßesCeer heefjheLe štšlee nw lees efJejesOeer (a) complete the magnetic path
efJe.Jee.yeue neslee nw- ÛegcyekeâerÙe heLe keâes hetCe& keâjves
(a) zero /MetvÙe (b) decrease the reluctance of magnetic path
(b) very small /yengle keâce ÛegcyekeâerÙe heLe keâe Øeefle°cYe Ieševes
(c) hundreds of times larger than d.c. source (c) permit mechanical clearance
voltage /efo° œeesle kesâ Jeesušlee keâer leguevee ceW 100 ceskesâefvekeâue keäueerÙejWme keâer Devegceefle
iegvee pÙeeoe (d) increase flux density in air gap
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR JeeÙeg Devlejeue ceW heäuekeäme IevelJe yeÌ{eves
*1620.A 0.7 H inductor has 30Ωwinding resistance. *1625.A magnetic circuit carries a flux φi in the iron
How long will it take a dc current to reach its part and a flux φg in the air gap. Then leakage
maximum value in this inductor? co-efficient is .......
0.7 nsvejer Jeeues Skeâ Øesjkeâ kesâ kegâC[ueve keâe ØeeflejesOe Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe, ueewn Yeeie ceW heäuekeäme φi leLee
30Ω nw~ Fme Øesjkeâ ceW efo° Oeeje Deheves DeefOekeâlece ceeve JeeÙeg Devlejeue ceW heäuekeäme φg Jenve keâjlee nw leye #ejCe
hej hengÛeves ceW efkeâlevee meceÙe uesieer~ iegCeebkeâ .............. neslee nw~
(a) 116.7 ms (b) 46.4 ms φi
(c) 112.2 ms (d) 70.2 ms φg
1621. Main causes of noisy solenoid are φg
Meesj Ùegòeâ heefjveeefuekeâe keâe cegKÙe keâejCe nQ– (b)
(a) strong tendency of fan out of laminations at
the end caused by repulsion among magnetic (c) φg × φi
lines of force/yeue keâer ÛegcyekeâerÙe jsKeeDeeW kesâ yeerÛe (d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Øeeflekeâ<e&Ce kesâ keâejCe efkeâveejs hej hešuees mes yeenj Heâwve keâer 1626. The value of leakage co-efficient for electrical
machines is usually about ...........
Øeyeue ØeJe=efòe efJeÅegle ceMeervees kesâ efueS #ejCe iegCeebkeâ keâe ceeve
(b) uneven bearing surface, caused by dirt or
uneven wear between moving and stationary
meeceevÙele: ............ neslee nw~
parts/Ûeue Deewj DeÛeue YeeieeW kesâ yeerÛe ievoieer Deewj Oetue (a) 0.5 to 1 (b) 4 to 10
(c) above 10 (d) 1.15 to 1.25
kesâ keâCe kesâ Demeceeve peceeJe kesâ keâejCe Demeceeve efyeÙeeEjie 1627. The reluctance of a magnetic circuit depends
melen upon................. / ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe keâe Øeefle°cYe
(c) both of the above/Ghejeskeäle oesvees .........hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& vener (a) current in the coil /kegâC[ueer ceW Oeeje
1622. M.M.F. in a magnetic circuit corresponds to (b) no. of turns of coil /kegâC[ueer kesâ Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee
......... in an electric circuit. (c) flux density in the circuit
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue, efJeÅegle heefjheLe ceW heäuekeäme IevelJe
heefjheLe ceW _____ kesâ Deveg™he neslee nw~ (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) voltage drop/Jeesušlee heele 1628. The B-H curve for ............ will be a straight
(b) potential difference /efJeYeJeevlej line passing through the origin.
(c) electric intensity /efJeÅegle leer›elee .......... kesâ efueS B-H Je›eâ, cetue efyevog mes neskeâj iegpejleer
(d) e.m.f. /efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue Skeâ mejue jsKee nesieer~
*1623.Permeance of a magnetic circuit is .......... area (a) air /JeeÙeg
of x-section of the circuit. (b) soft iron /ce=og ueesne
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe keâer ØeJesMÙelee heefjheLe kesâ DevegØemLe (c) hardened steel /keâ"esj Fmheele
keâeš #es$eheâue ______neslee nw~ (d) silicon steel /efmeefuekeâeve Fmheele
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 164 YCT
1629. Whatever may be the flux density in ........ the *1635.In fig. the mutual inductance between the two
material will never saturate. coils is .............
............ ceW pees kegâÚ Yeer heäuekeäme IevelJe nes mekeâlee nw, efÛe$e ceW, oes kegâC[ueer kesâ ceOÙe heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe nw-
heoeLe& keâYeer Yeer meble=hle veneR nesiee~
(a) Soft iron /ce=og ueesne
(b) cobalt steel /keâesyeeuš Fmheele
(c) air /JeeÙeg
(d) silicon steel /efmeefuekeâeve Fmheele
1630. The B-H curve of ......... will not be a straight
............ keâe, B-H Je›eâ meerOeer jsKee veneR nesieer~
(a) 4.8 mH (b) 15 mH
(a) air /JeeÙeg (b) copper /leeceü
(c) 4 mH (d) 24 mH
(c) wood /uekeâÌ[er (d) soft iron /ce=og ueewn *1636.In fig. the maximum mutual inductance
*1631.If the co-efficient of coupling between two coils between the coils can be ...............
is increased, mutual inductance between the
ef Ûe$e ceW oes kegâC[ueer kesâ ceOÙe DeefOekeâlece heejmheefjkeâ
Ùeefo oes kegâC[efueÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe keâe Ùegiceve iegCeebkeâ yeÌ{e ØesjkeâlJe nes mekeâlee nw-
efoÙee peeÙes lees kegâC[efueÙeeW kesâ ceOÙe heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe-
(a) is increased /yeÌ{ peeÙesiee
(b) is decreased /Ieš peeÙesiee
(c) remains unchanged /DeheefjJeefle&le jnsiee
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1632. The maximum mutual inductance between the
coils shown is fig is given by ........
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes oes kegâC[efueÙeeW kesâ ceOÙe DeefOekeâlece (a) 15 mH (b) 24 mH
heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe keâes ........ Éeje %eele efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (c) 6 mH (d) 4.8 mH
*1637.In fig. the inductance of coil 1 is ............
efÛe$e ceW, kegâC[ueer 1 keâe ØesjkeâlJe nw-

(a) LA LB (b)
LB (a) 2 H
( LA LB )
(c) LA LB (d) (b) 5 H
(c) 50 H
1633. The mutual inductance between two coils is
zero when fluxes produced by them ........... (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
oes kegâC[efueÙeeW kesâ ceOÙe heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe MetvÙe nesiee 1638. In fig. the co-efficient of coupling between the
peye Gvekesâ Éeje Glheeefole heäuekeäme- coils is ...............
(a) aid each other /Skeâ-otmejs mes peg[
Ì eJe jKeles nw efÛe$e ceW kegâC[ueer kesâ ceOÙe Ùegiceve keâe iegCeebkeâ nw-
(b) oppose each other /Skeâ-otmejs keâe efJejesOe keâjles nw
(c) are at right angles to each other
Skeâ otmejs mes mecekeâesCe hej nesles nw
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*1634.The mutual inductance between two unity
coupled coils of 9 H and 4 H is ............
oes Skeâue Ùegiceve iegCeebkeâ Jeeues kegâC[ueer keâe mJe ØesjkeâlJe
›eâceMe: 9H Deewj 4H nw lees kegâC[ueer kesâ ceOÙe heejmheefjkeâ (a) 1.25
(b) 0.8
ØesjkeâlJe nw-
(c) 0.008
(a) 36 H (b) 13 H
(c) 2.2 H (d) 6 H (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 165 YCT
1639. The co-efficient of coupling between the *1645.The time constant of the circuit shown of the
primary and secondary of a practical iron- circuit shown in fig. is ............
cored transformer is about ............ efoÙes ieÙes efÛe$e ceW, efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjheLe keâe meceÙe
Skeâ JÙeJeneefjkeâ ueewn-›eâes[ heefjCeeefce$e kesâ ØeeLeefcekeâ SJeb
efmLejebkeâ nw-
efÉleerÙekeâ kesâ ceOÙe Ùegiceve keâe iegCeebkeâ ueieYeie nw-
(a) 0.9 (b) 0.1
(c) 1.5 (d) 0.2
1640. In fig. the inductance of coil L1 will become
efÛe$e ceW, kegâC[ueer L1 keâe ØesjkeâlJe neslee nw-

(a) 2 seconds (b) 0.5 second

(c) 5 second (d) 1.5 seconds
(a) 9 H (b) 6 H *1646.After closing the switch in fig. the current will
(c) 12 H (d) 3 H reach the steady value in about ............
1641. In fig. the inductance of coil L2 will become efÛe$e ceW, efmJeÛe keâes yebo keâjves kesâ yeeo Oeeje ueieYeie.......
efÛe$e ceW, kegâC[ueer L2 keâe ØesjkeâlJe neslee nw- ceW Deheves efmLej ceeve hej hengÛeleer nw~

(a) 7H (b) 1 H
(c) 12 H (d) 1.33H
*1642.The total inductance of the circuit in fig. is ....
efÛe$e ceW, heefjheLe keâe mecheCe& ØesjkeâlJe nw-
(a) 0.5 second (b) 2.5 seconds
(c) 5 seconds (d) 1 second
1647. The magnetic energy stored in an inductor is
............. current.
Øesjkeâ ceW meb«eefnle ÛegcyekeâerÙe Tpee& Oeeje kesâ.........
(a) 13 H (b) 10 H
(a) directly proportional to /Deveg›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
(c) 12 H (d) 19 H
*1643.The co-efficient of coupling in fig. is ....... (b) inversely proportional to /JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
efÛe$e ceW, Ùegiceve keâe iegCeebkeâ nw- (c) directly proportional to square of
Jeie& kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
(d) inversely proportional to square of
Jeie& kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
1648. The B-H curve is used to find the m.m.f. of
(a) 0.33 (b) 0.75 ........ in a magnetic circuit.
(c) 0.6 (d) 0.5 Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW,.........kesâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ
*1644.Total inductance in fig. is ........... yeue keâes %eele keâjves kesâ efueS B-H Je›eâ keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee
efÛe$e ceW mechetCe& ØesjkeâlJe nw-
peelee nw~
(a) air gap /JeeÙeg Devlejeue
(b) iron part /ueewn Yeeie
(c) both air gap and iron part
(a) 5 H (b) 7 H JeeÙeg Devlejeue Deewj ueewn Yeeie oesveeW
(c) 16 H (d) 19 H (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 166 YCT
*1649.The magnetic flux density in the core in Fig. is 1653. Silicon steel is used in electrical machines
efÛe$e ceW, ›eâes[ keâe ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme IevelJe............. nw~ because it has
efmeefuekeâe@ve Fmheele efJeÅegle ceMeervees ceW ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee
nw keäÙeeWefkeâ FmeceW ............nesleer nw~
(a) low co-ercivity/efvecve efJeÛegcyekeâve
(b) low retentivity/efvecve OeejCe meeceLÙe&
(c) low hysteresis loss/efvecve efnmšsjerefmeme neefve
(d) high co-ercivity/GÛÛe efJeÛegcyekeâve
1654. The property of a material which opposes the
creation of magnetic flux in it is known as
Skeâ heoeLe& keâe iegCeOece& pees FmeceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme kesâ
(a) 1T (b) 0.5T efvecee&Ce keâe efJejesOe keâjlee nw, .......... kesâ ™he ceW peevee
(c) 1.5T (d) 0.8T
peelee nw~
*1650.If the magnetising force required at the
working flux density in fig. is 400 AT/m (from (a) reluctivity/Øeefle°efcYelee
B-H curve), the required number of turns is (b) magnetomotive force/ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue
efÛe$e ceW keâeÙe&jle heäuekeäme IevelJe hej Ùeefo DeeJeMÙekeâ
(c) permeance/ØeJesMÙelee
ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue 400 AT/m (B- H Je›eâ mes) nw, lees
DeeJeMÙekeâ Jele&vees keâer mebKÙee.............. nw~ (d) reluctance/Øeefle<šcYe
1655. The magnetic flux around a straight current
carrying wire :/Skeâ meerOeer OeejeJeener leej kesâ Ûeejes
Deesj ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme neslee nw–
(a) Gets stronger with increasing distance from
the wire./leej mes yeÌ{leer otjer kesâ meeLe Øeyeue neslee nw
(b) Is strongest near the wire.
leej kesâ efvekeâš Øeyeue neslee nw
(c) Dose not vary in Strength with distance from
the wire
leej mes otjer kesâ meeLe Øeyeuelee ceW heefjJele&ve veneR neslee nw
(d) Consists of straight lines parallel to the wire.
leej kesâ meceeveevlej meerOeer jsKeeDeeW ceW nesles nw
(a) 120 (b) 240 1656. The gauss is a unit of :
(c) 180 (d) 320 iee@me FkeâeF& nw—
*1651.The initial rate of rise of current through a coil
(a) Overall magnetic field strength.
of inductance 10 H when suddenly connected to
a D.C. supply of 200 V is ........ A/s mechetCe& ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e meeceLÙe&
10 H kesâ ØesjkeâlJe keâer Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ ceeOÙece mes Oeeje (b) Ampere-turns.
Je=efæ keâer ØeejefcYekeâ oj............. A/s ceW nesieer peye SefcheÙej-Jeleve&
DeÛeevekeâ 200 V keâer [er.meer. mehueeF& mes peesÌ[er ieÙeer nes– (c) Magnetic flux density.
(a) 50 (b) 20 ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme IevelJe
(c) 0.05 (d) 500 (d) Magnetic power
1652. A material for good magnetic memory should ÛegcyekeâerÙe Meefòeâ
have/DeÛÚs ÛegcyekeâerÙe cesceesjer Meefòeâ kesâ efueÙes Skeâ 1657. A unit of overall magnetic field quantity is the:
heoeLe& ceW nesvee ÛeeefnÙes– mechetCe& ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer cee$ee keâer FkeâeF& nw–
(a) low hysteresis loss/efvecve efnmšsjerefmeme neefve (a) Maxwell / cewkeämeJesue
(b) high permeability/GÛÛe ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee (b) Gauss / ieewme
(c) low retentivity/efvecve OeejCe meeceLÙe& (c) Tesla / šsmuee
(d) high retentivity/GÛÛe OeejCe meeceLÙe& (d) Ampere-turn / SefcheÙej-Jele&ve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 167 YCT
*1658.If a wire coil has 10 turns and carries 500 mA 1663. An advantage of a magnetic disk, as compared
of current , What is the magnetomotive force in with magnetic tape. for data storage and
ampere-turus? retrieval is that:
Ùeefo Skeâ leej keâgC[ueer ceW 10 Jele&ves nw Deewj 500 mA [eše meb«eefnle Je hegve: Øeeefhle kesâ efueS ÛegcyekeâerÙe šshe keâer
keâer Oeeje Jenve keâjleer nw lees SefcheÙej-Jele&ve ces ÛegcyekeâerÙe leguevee ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe ef[mkeâ kesâ ueeYe nw efkeâ
Jeenkeâ yeue keäÙee nesiee? (a) A disk lasts longer.
(a) 5000 (b) 50 Skeâ ef[mkeâ uecyes meceÙe lekeâ jnlee nw
(c) 5.0 (d) 0.02 (b) Data can be stored and retrieved more
*1659.If a wire coil has 100 turns and carries 1.30 A quickly with disks than with tapes./ šshe keâer
of current, what is the magnetomotive force in leguevee ceW [eše keâes ef[mkeâ kesâ meeLe DeefOekeâ lespeer mes
gilberts? meb«enerle Deewj hegve: Øeehle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
Ùeefo Skeâ leej kegâC[ueer ceW 100 Jele&ves leLee 1.30 A keâer (c) Disks look better
Oeeje Jenve keâjleer nw, lees efieueyešdd&me ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ ef[mkeâ yesnlej efoKeles nQ,
yeue keäÙee nesiee? (d) Disks are less susceptible to magnetic fields.
(a) 130 (b) 76.9 ef[mkeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$eeW kesâ efueS keâce ÙeesiÙe nesles nQ
(c) 164 (d) 61.0 1664. The unit of retentivity is
1660. Which of the following is not generally possible OeejCe meeceLÙe& keâer FkeâeF& nw–
in a geomagnetic storm? (a) weber/Jesyej
efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve cegKÙele: Yet-ÛegcyekeâerÙe Ûe›eâJeele ceW (b) weber/sq.m/Jesyej/ceer
mebYeJe veneR nw— (c) ampere turn/metre/SefcheÙej Jele&ve/ceeršj
(a) Charged particles streaming out from the sun.
(d) ampere turn/SefcheÙej Jele&ve
metÙe& mes otj yenves Jeeuee DeeJesefMele keâCe
1665. Reciprocal of reluctance is
(b) Fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field.
Øeefle°cYe keâe JÙegl›eâce nw–
he=LJeer kesâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW DeefmLejlee
(c) Disruption of electrical power transmission. (a) reluctivity/Øeefle°efcYelee
efJeÅegle Meefòeâ heejs<eCe keâe efJeIešve (b) permeance/ØeJesMÙelee
(d) Disruption of microwave radio links (c) permeability/ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
met#ce lejbie jsef[Ùees efuebkeâ keâe efJeIešve (d) susceptibility/meg«ee¢elee
1661. An advantage of an electromagnet over a 1666. While comparing magnetic and electric
permanent magnet is that :/mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ hej Skeâ circuits, the flux of magnetic circuit is
efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ keâe ueeYe Ùen nw efkeâ— compared with which parameter of electrical
(a) An electromagnet can be switched on and circuit?
off. peye Yeer ÛegcyekeâerÙe Deewj efJeÅegle heefjheLe keâer leguevee keâer
efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ keâes Dee@ve leLee Dee@heâ efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw peeleer nw, lees ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe kesâ Heäuekeäme keâer leguevee
(b) An electromagnet does not have specific efJeÅegle heefjheLe kesâ efkeâme hewjeceeršj kesâ meeLe keâer peeleer nw?
polarity (a) E.M.F./F&.Sce.Sheâ
efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ ceW efJeefMe° OegÇJelee veneR nesleer nw (b) Current/Oeeje
(c) An electromagnet requires no power source.
(c) Current density/Oeeje IevelJe
efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ kesâ efueS efkeâmeer Meefòeâ Œeesle keâer
(d) Conductivity/efJeefMe° Ûeeuekeâlee
DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nesleer nw
1667. The unit of reluctance is
(d) permanent magnets must always be
cylindrical. Øeefle°cYe keâer FkeâeF& nw–
mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ meowJe yesueveekeâej nesvee ÛeeefnS (a) metre/henry/ceeršj/nsvejer
1662. A substance with high retentivity is best suited (b) henry/metre/nsvejer/ceeršj
for making/GÛÛe OeejCe meeceLÙe& kesâ meeLe Skeâ heoeLe& (c) henry/nsvejer
............ yeveeves kesâ efueÙes meyemes GheÙegòeâ nw~ (d) 1/henry/1/nsvejer
(a) An a.c. electromagnet /Skeâ S.meer. efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ 1668. A ferrite core has less eddy current loss than an
(b) A d.c. electromagnet /Skeâ [er.meer. efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ iron core because
(c) An electrostatic shield /Skeâ JewÅegle mLeweflekeâ Meeru[ Skeâ HesâjeFš ›eâes[ ceW, Skeâ ueewn ›eâes[ keâer leguevee ceW keâce
(d) A permanent magnet /Skeâ mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ YebJej Oeeje neefveÙeeB nesleer nw keäÙeeWefkeâ–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 168 YCT
(a) ferrites have high resistance 1673. Which point on the B-H curve in Fig.
hesâjeFš ces GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe neslee nw represents the average permeability?
(b) ferrites are magnetic/hesâjeFš ÛegcyekeâerÙe neslee nw efÛe$e ceW, B-H Je›eâ hej keâewve mee efyebog Deewmele
(c) ferrites have low permeability ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw?
hesâjeFš keâer ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee keâce nesleer nw
(d) ferrites have high hysteresis
hesâjeFš keâe GÛÛe efnmšsjerefmeme neslee nw
1669. The hysteresis loop for materials having high
retentivity is/GÛÛe OeejCe meeceLÙe& Jeeues heoeLeex keâe
MewefLeuÙe heeMe......... neslee nw~
(a) wide /ÛeewÌ[e
(b) narrow /mekeâje (mebkeâerCe&)
(c) straight line passing through origin (a) point 5 /efyevog 5
cetue efyebog mes neskeâj peeves Jeeueer Skeâ meerOeer jsKee
(b) point 2 /efyevog 2
(d) data insufficient /DeebkeâÌ[s DeheÙee&hle (c) point 3 /efyevog 3
1670. Fringing effect is ignored in a magnetic circuit (d) point 4 /efyevog 4
if air-gap is
1674. The direction of induced e.m.f. can be found by
Ùeefo JeeÙeg Devlejeue.............nes lees ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW
Øesefjle efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue keâer efoMee ........... kesâ Éeje
eføebâefpebie ØeYeeJe keâes DeveosKee efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
Øeehle keâer pee mekeâleer nw~
(a) large /yeÌ[e
(a) Laplace's law/uee@hueeme efveÙece
(b) small /Úesše
(c) very large /yengle yeÌ[e (b) Lenz's law/uesvpe efveÙece
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) Fleming's right hand rule
1671. An air- cored coil carries steady current. If air- heäuesefcebie kesâ oeefnves neLe keâe efveÙece
core is replaced by a ferromagnetic material, (d) Kirchhoff's voltage law
the flux density in the core will efkeâjÛee@heâ Jeesušlee efveÙece
Skeâ JeeÙeg ›eâesef[le kegâC[ueer efmLej Oeeje Jenve keâjleer nw~ 1675. Air-core coils are practically free from
Ùeefo JeeÙeg-›eâes[ keâes ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ Éeje JeeÙeg ›eâes[ kegbâ[ueer ØeÙeesieelcekeâ ™he mes cegkeäle nesleer nw–
yeoue efoÙee peeÙes, leye ›eâes[ ceW heäuekeäme IevelJe nesiee- (a) hysteresis losses/MewefLeuÙe neefveÙeeW
(a) remain same /Jener jnsiee (b) eddy current losses/Ye@Jej Oeeje neefveÙeeW
(b) decrease /Ieš peeÙesiee (c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(c) increase /yeÌ{ peeÙesiee (d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 1676. The magnitude of the induced e.m.f. in a
1672. Another name of B-H curve in fig. is conductor depends on the
efÛe$e ceW, B- H Je›eâ keâe otmeje veece nw- Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW Øesefjle efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue keâe heefjceeCe
..........hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
(a) flux density of the magnetic field
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ heäuekeäme IevelJe hej
(b) amount of flux cut/heäuekeäme keâšves keâer cee$ee hej
(c) amount of flux linkages
heäuekeäme mebueivees keâer cee$ee hej
(d) rate of change of flux linkages
heäuekeäme mebueiveeW kesâ heefjJele&ve keâer oj hej
(a) magnetisation curve /Ûegcyekeâve Je›eâ 1677. A laminated iron core has reduced eddy-
(b) permeability curve /ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee Je›eâ current losses because
(c) shielding curve /heefjj#eCe Je›eâ Skeâ hešefuele ueewn ›eâes[ Ye@Jej Oeeje neefve keâes keâce keâj
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR oslee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 169 YCT
(a) more wire can be used with less D.C. (a) nature of material /heoeLe& keâer Øeke=âefle
resistance in coil/kegâC[ueer ceW keâce [er.meer. ØeeflejesOe (b) max. flux density /DeefOekeâlece heäuekeäme IevelJe
kesâ meeLe DeefOekeâ leej GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw (c) initial state of material
(b) the laminations are insulated from each heoeLe& keâer ØeejefcYekeâ DeJemLee
other/hešefuele Skeâ otmejs mes efJeÅeglejesefOele nesles nw (d) all of the above /Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(c) the magnetic flux is concentrated in the air *1683.An air-cored solenoid has length l = 15 cm and
gap of the core/ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme ›eâes[ kesâ JeeÙeg inside diameter D= 1.5cm. If the coil has 900
turns and carries a current of 100 mA, the total
Deblejeue ceW mebkesâefvõle neslee nw flux within the solenoid is
(d) the laminations are stacked vertically Skeâ JeeÙeg-›eâes[ heefjveeefuekeâe keâer uecyeeF& (l) = 15 mesceer.
hešefuele ›eâce yeæ lejerkesâ mes TOJee&Oej jKes nesles nw Deewj Deevleefjkeâ JÙeeme (D) = 1.5 mesceer. nw~ Ùeefo kegâC[ueer
1678. The co-efficient of self-inductance for a coil is ceW 900 Jele&ves nw Deewj 100 efceueer SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje Jenve
given as/Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâs efueS mJe-ØesjkeâlJe iegCeebkeâ keâjleer nw, lees heefjveeefuekeâe kesâ Devoj kegâue heäuekeäme nw-
............ kesâ ™he ceW efoÙee peelee nw~ (a) 2×10–6 Wb (b) 1.33×10–7 Wb
NI Nφ (c) 2.33×10 Wb (d) 6.75×10–7 Wb
(a) (b) *1684.A 0.5 mm air gap has a cross-sectional area of
φ I
7cm2. In order to generate a total flux of
NI 2
Nφ 50µWb in the air gap, the m.m.f. required is
(c) (d)
φ I2 0.5 efceceer. kesâ Skeâ JeeÙeg-Devlejeue keâe DevegØemLe keâeš
*1679.The relative permeability of the rectangular #es$eheâue 7 mesceer.2 nw~ JeeÙeg Devlejeue ceW 50µWb kesâ
core shown in Fig. is 750. What is the flux mechetCe& heäuekeäme keâes Glheeefole keâjves kesâ ›eâce ceW
density in the core? DeeJeMÙekeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe Jeenkeâ yeue nw-
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes DeeÙeleekeâej ›eâes[ keâer meehes#e (a) 28.4 AT (b) 52.6 AT
ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee 750 nw~ ›eâes[ ceW heäuekeäme IevelJe keäÙee nw? (c) 14.6 AT (d) 73.5 AT
*1685.A sample of silicon steel has a volume of
1000,000 mm3 and hysteresis coefficient of 100.
The flux is alternating at 50 Hz such that the
maximum flux density is 2T. The hysteresis
power loss is
efmeefuekeâe@ve Fmheele kesâ Skeâ vecetves keâe DeeÙeleve 1000,000
efceceer.3 Deewj MewefLeuÙe iegCeebkeâ 100 nw~ 50 Hz hej
ØelÙeeJeleea heäuekeäme Fme Øekeâej nw efkeâ DeefOekeâlece heäuekeäme
(a) 0.5 T (b) 1.2 T IevelJe 2T nw~ MewefLeuÙe Meefòeâ neefve nw-
(c) 0.047 T (d) 0.23 T (a) 30.4 W (b) 19.2 W
1680. Due to fringing at the air gaps in a magnetic (c) 15.2 W (d) 52.6 W
circuit, the effective area of the air gaps is *1686.In a certain transformer, the hysteresis loss
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW JeeÙeg Devlejeue hej eføebâefpebie kesâ was found to be 160 W when the maximum
flux density was 1.1 T and the frequency 60 Hz.
keâejCe JeeÙeg Devlejeue keâe ØeYeeJeer #es$eheâue ..........nw~ When the maximum flux density is reduced to
(a) increased /yeÌ{lee 0.9 T and frequency reduced to 50 Hz, the
(b) decreased /Iešlee power loss will be
(c) same/meceeve Skeâ efveef§ele š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j ceW 60 Hz DeeJe=efòe Deewj 1.1
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR šsmuee DeefOekeâlece Heäuekeäme IevelJe hej MewefLeuÙe neefve 160
1681. The magnetic potential difference in a Jeeš Lee~ peye DeefOekeâlece Heäuekeäme IevelJe keâes Iešekeâj
magnetic circuit is given by 0.9 šsmuee Deewj DeeJe=efòe keâes Iešekeâj 50 Hz keâj efoÙee
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe efJeYeJeevlej .............. kesâ peeÙes leye Meefòeâ neefve nesieer-
Éeje efoÙee peelee nw~ (a) 48. 24 W (b) 36.64 W
(c) 78.28 W (d) 96.64 W
(a) H / l (b) B × l
*1687.In a specimen of iron, the flux is alternating at
(c) Hl (d) Bl × H 50 Hz such that maximum flux density is 1.5 T.
1682. The shape and size of hysteresis loop depends If the hysteresis power loss/m3 is 93,000 W,
upon/MewefLeuÙe heeMe keâe Deekeâej SJeb Deeke=âefle, efveYe&j then hysteresis coefficient of the specimen
keâjlee nw- (assuming loss ∝ B1.8
max ) is

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 170 YCT

DeeÙejve kesâ Øeefle™he ceW, 50 Hz hej ØelÙeeJeleea heäuekeäme 1694. For 1 m3 of material, the hysteresis loos will be
Fme Øekeâej nw efkeâ DeefOekeâlece heäuekeäme IevelJe 1.5 šsmuee minimum for/1 m3 Jeeues heoeLe& kesâ efueS MewefLeuÙe
nw~ Ùeefo ØeefleIeve ceeršj hej MewefLeuÙe neefve 93000 Jeeš nw neefve ........... kesâ efueS vÙetvelece nesiee~
leye Øeefle™he keâe MewefLeuÙe iegCeebkeâ (ceeve ues neefve (a) soft iron /ce=og ueewn
∝ Bmax )............. nw~
1.8 (b) steel /Fmheele
(a) 200.5 (b) 896.5 (c) cobalt steel /keâesyeeuš Fmheele
(c) 432.8 (d) 556.7 (d) silicon steel /efmeefuekeâeve Fmheele
1688. The flux density B in a core having relative 1695. The basic requirement for inducing e.m.f. in a
permeability µr and length l metres when I coil is that ........... /kegâC[ueer ceW efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue keâes
amperes of current flows in its N-turn winding is Øesefjle keâjves kesâ efueS DeeOeejYetle DeeJeMÙekeâlee Ùen nw efkeâ-
Skeâ ›eâes[ ceW peye I SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje Fmekesâ N- Jele& ceW (a) flux should link the coil
ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw efpemekeâe meehesef#ekeâ ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee µr heäuekeäme kegâC[ueer mes pegÌ[e nesvee ÛeeefnS
leLee uecyeeF& l ceeršj nw lees heäuekeäme IevelJe nw- (b) there should be change in flux linking the
µ 0µ r ℓ µ 0 ℓNI coil /kegâC[ueer mes peg[Ì s ngS heäuekeäme ceW heefjJele&ve nesvee ÛeeefnS
(a) (b) (c) coil should form a closed loop
NI µr
kegâC[ueer, Skeâ yebo heeMe kesâ ™he ceW nes
NI µ 0µ r NI (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) (d)
µ 0µ r ℓ ℓ 1696. The e.m.f. induced in a coil is ....... the rate of
1689. The hysteresis loop of a material that cannot be change in flux linkages.
magnetised easily is kegâC[ueer ceW Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue, heäuekeäme efuebkesâpe ceW
Skeâ heoeLe& keâe MewefLeuÙe heeMe efpemes Deemeeveer mes heefjJele&ve keâer oj kesâ.........
Ûegcyeefkeâle vener efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw, Jen ........... nw~ (a) directly proportional to
(a) narrow /mebkeâje meerOes Deveg›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
(b) very narrow /yengle mebkeâje (b) inversely proportional to
(c) wide /ÛeewÌ[e JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) independent of /mJeleb$e neslee nw
1690. The hysteresis effect in an electrical machine (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Skeâ efJeÅegle ceMeerve ceW MewefLeuÙe ØeYeeJe mes- 1697. The e.m.f. induced in a coil of N turns is given
(a) results in power loss by ........... / N JeleeX keâer kegâC[ueer ceW Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue
heefjCeecele: Meefòeâ Üeme neslee nw keâes oMee&Ùee peelee nw–
(b) raises machine temperature dφ dφ
ceMeerve keâe leehe yeÌ{lee nw (a) (b) N
dt dt
(c) reduces machine efficiency dφ dt
ceMeerve keâer o#elee keâce nesleer nw (c) − N (d) N
dt dφ
(d) all of the above /Ghejesòeâ meYeer 1698. The direction of induced e.m.f. in a conductor
1691. The effect of fringing is that air gap (or coil) can be determined by ...........
efHebâefpebie keâe ØeYeeJe Ùen nw efkeâ JeeÙeg Devlejeue keâe- Ûeeuekeâ (Ùee kegâC[ueer) ceW, Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue keâer efoMee
(a) reluctance decreases /Øeefle°cYe Iešlee nw keâes.........kesâ Éeje %eele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(b) reluctance increases /Øeefle°cYe yeÌ{lee nw (a) work law /keâeÙe& efveÙece
(c) area decreases /#es$eheâue Iešlee nw (b) Ampere's law /SefcheÙej kesâ efveÙece
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) Fleming's right hand rule
1692. The energy required to demagnetise 1m3 of soft heäuesefcebie kesâ oeBÙes neLe kesâ efveÙece
iron is about (d) Fleming's left hand rule
1 ceeršj kesâ ce=og ueewn keâes efJeÛegcyekeâerke=âle keâjves kesâ efueS heäuesefcebie kesâ yeeBS neLe kesâ efveÙece
DeeJeMÙekeâ Tpee& ueieYeie................nesleer nw~ 1699. In Fig. the conductor is moving upward. The
(a) 500J/m3 (b) 10 J/m3 direction of induced e.m.f. is ..............
(c) 100 J/m3 (d) 250 J/m3 efÛe$e ceW Ûeeuekeâ Thej keâer Deesj Ietce jne nw~ lees Øesefjle
1693. The hysteresis loop is nearly square for efJe.Jee.yeue keâer efoMee.........nesieer~
MewefLeuÙe heeMe.............kesâ efueS ueieYeie Jeiee&keâej neslee nw~
(a) iron core /ueewn ›eâes[
(b) steel core /Fmheele ›eâes[
(c) ferrite core /hesâjeFš ›eâes[
(d) wrought iron core /efhešJeeB ueewn ›eâes[
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 171 YCT
(a) from A to B /A mes B keâer Deesj *1706.Mutual inductance between two coils is 4H. If
(b) from B to A /B mes A keâer Deesj current in one coil changes at the rate of 2 A/
(c) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR second, then e.m.f. induced in the other coil is
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer oes kegâC[ueer kesâ ceOÙe heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe 4H nw~ Ùeefo
1700. A magnet is able to attract Skeâ kegâC[ueer ceW Oeeje heefjJele&ve keâer oj 2 A/ second nes
Skeâ Ûegcyekeâ Deekeâef<e&le keâjves ceW me#ece nw— leye DevÙe kegâC[ueer ceW GlheVe efJe.Jee.yeue nw-
(a) Iron,aluminium and brass (a) 8V
ueesne, SuÙegceerefveÙece leLee heerleue (b) 2V
(b) Nickel, cobalt and steel (c) 0.5 V
efveefkeâue, keâesyeeuš leLee Fmheele (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) iron, copper and nickel *1707.If in fig. φ12= 2 Wb, N2 = 20 and I1= 20A, then
ueesne, leebyee leLee efveefkeâue mutual inductance between the coils is ........
(d) iron, cobalt and zinc Ùeefo efÛe$e ceW φ12= 2 Wb, N2= 20 Deewj I1= 20A leye
ueesne, keâesyeeuš leLee pemlee
kegâC[ueer kesâ ceOÙe heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe nw-
1701. The hysteresis loss in a given specimen of a
magnetic material may be decreased by
efoÙes ieÙes ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ vecetves ceW efnmšsjerefmeme neefve
keâes IešeÙee pee mekeâlee nw–
(a) Leminated it/ Fmes hešefuele keâjkesâ
(b) increasing flux density / Heäuekeäme IevelJe yeÌ{e kesâ
(c) Decreasing maximum flux density established
through it/Fmekesâ ceeOÙece ceW mLeeefhele DeefOekeâlece
Heäuekeäme IevelJe keâes Ieše keâjkesâ (a) 200 H (b) 20 H
(d) None of these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 4 H (d) 2 H
1702. When a current carrying conductor is placed *1708.If in fig. N1 = 100, N2 = 1000 and mutual
in magnetic field it experiences inductance between the coils is 2H, the
peye OeejeJeener Ûeeuekeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW jKee peelee nw reluctance of magnetic circuit is ...........
lees Ùen DevegYeJe keâjlee nw– efÛe$e ceW Ùeefo N1 = 100, N2 = 1000 Deewj kegâC[ueer kesâ
(a) Increases in e.m.f. / efJe. Jee. yeue ceW Je=efæ ceOÙe heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe 2H nw lees ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe
(b) Decreases in e.m.f. / efJe. Jee. yeue ceW keâceer keâe Øeefle°cYe nw-
(c) A force / Skeâ yeue
(d) None of the above / Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1703. In the core of a Solenoid
Skeâ heefjveeefuekeâe keâer ›eâes[ ceW—
(a) Copper is used / leebyes keâe GheÙeesie neslee nQ
(b) Soft iron is used / vece& ueesns keâe GheÙeesie neslee nw~
(c) Aluminium is used/SuÙetceerefveÙece keâe GheÙeesie neslee nw~
(d) None of the above / Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1704. A dot in the circle indicates current flowing. (a) 5×104 AT /Wb (b) 105 AT/ Wb
Je=òe ceW Skeâ efyevog Oeeje keâes Fbefiele keâjlee nw– (c) 20 AT/ Wb (d) 5 AT/Wb
(a) Into the plane of paper / keâeiepe keâer he=‰ mes Devoj *1709.In fig. the rate of change of current at the
(b) Out of the plane of paper instant of closing the switch is .....
keâeiepe keâer he=‰ mes yeenj efÛe$e ceW, efmJeÛe kesâ yebo keâjves kesâ oewjeve Oeeje ceW
(c) In clockwise direction / IeÌ[er keâer efoMee ceW heefjJele&ve keâer oj nesleer nw
(d) In anti-clock wise direction
IeÌ[er keâer efoMee kesâ efJehejerle ceW
*1705.The mutual inductance between two coils is
.................. reluctance of magnetic path.
oes kegâC[ueer kesâ yeerÛe heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe ceeve,
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heeLe keâer Øeefle°cYe kesâ-
(a) directly proportional to /Deveg›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw (a) 15 A /sec
(b) inversely proportional to /JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw (b) 7.5 A/sec
(c) independent of /mes mJeleb$e neslee nw (c) 10 A/ sec
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 172 YCT
1716. Which one of the following instruments is used
5. efJeÅegle-DeheIešdÙe Deewj mebÛeeÙekeâ yewš^er for measuring specific gravity of electrolyte?
(Electrolysis and Storage Batteries) efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mes GhekeâjCe keâe ØeÙeesie
Fueskeäš^esueeFš kesâ efJeefMe° ieg®lJe (Specific gravity) keâes
1710. Cells are connected in parallel in order to ceeheves ceW keâjles nQ?
mesue meceevlej ›eâce ceW pegÌ[s ngS nw lees– (a) Lactometer/uewkeäšesceeršj
(a) increase the voltage available (b) Barometer/yewjesceeršj
GheueyOe Jeesušspe yeÌ{siee (c) Voltmeter/Jeesušceeršj
(b) reduce cost of wiring/JeeÙeefjbie efkeâ ueeiele keâce nesieer
(d) Hydrometer/neF[^esceeršj
(c) increase the current available/GheueyOe Oeeje yeÌ{siee 1717. The number of negative plates in Lead-acid cell
(d) reduce the time required to fully charge them is : / Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue ceW $e+Ceelcekeâ huesšeW keâer
after use/GheÙeesie kesâ yeeo hegâue Ûeepe& kesâ DeeJeMÙekeâ mebKÙee nesleer nw–
meceÙe keâes keâce keâjsiee (a) one more than number of positive plates
1711. A battery is a sources of
Oeveelcekeâ huesšeW keâer mebKÙee mes Skeâ DeefOekeâ
yewšjer Skeâ ......... keâe Œeesle nw~
(b) one less than number of positive plates
(a) DC voltage/[er.meer. Jeesušspe Oeveelcekeâ huesšeW keâer mebKÙee mes Skeâ keâce
(b) 1- φ AC voltage/efmebieue hesâpe S.meer. Jeesušspe (c) equal to positive plates/Oeveelcekeâ huesš kesâ yejeyej
(c) 3- φ AC voltage/LeÇer hesâpe S.meer. Jeesušspe (d) there is no such restriction
(d) AC or DC voltage/S.meer. DeLeJee [er.meer. Jeesušspe Ssmee keâesF& ØeefleyevOe veneR nw
1712. During charging, the electrolyte of a lead acid 1718. Which of the following is a secondary cell?
cell becomes/Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue keâe Fueskeäš^esueeFš efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve efÉleerÙekeâ mesue nw–
ÛeeefpeËie kesâ oewjeve neslee nw– (a) Voltaic cell/JeesušeFkeâ mesue
(a) Stronger/cepeyetle (b) Weaker/keâcepeesj
(b) Daniel cell/[sefveÙeue mesue
(c) Water/peue (d) Diluted/heleuee
(c) Dry cell/metKee mesue
1713. A battery having 10 cells each of 2V, out of
(d) Lead-acid cell/meermee-Decue mesue
which two of them connected in the reverse
direction by mistake. What is its effective 1719. What is the colour of anode plate of lead acid
voltage? cell?/meermee-Decue mesue kesâ Svees[ huesš keâe jbie keäÙee nw?
Skeâ yewšjer ceW 10 mesue nw, ØelÙeskeâ 2 Jeesuš kesâ nw, efpemeceW (a) Brown/Yetje (b) Black/keâeuee
mes oes mesue ieueleer mes efJehejerle ceW pegÌ[ ieÙes nw, Fvekeâe (c) Grey/«es (d) Yellow/heeruee
ØeYeeJeer Jeesušspe keäÙee nw? 1720. Which is the fastest method of charge in
(a) 20 V/20 Jeesuš (b) 16 V/16 Jeesuš batteries?
(c) 10 V/10 Jeesuš (d) 12 V/12 Jeesuš
yew šefjÙeeW ceW ÛeeefpeËie keâer meyemes lespe efJeefOe keâewve-meer nw?
1714. Which one of the following in which reverse (a) constant current system/efmLej Oeeje ØeCeeueer
chemical reaction takes place? (b) constant power system/efmLej Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve efjJeme& jemeeÙeefvekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee (c) constant energy system/efmLej Tpee& ØeCeeueer
keâjlee nw? (d) constant voltage system/efmLej Jeesušspe ØeCeeueer
(a) Laclanche cell/uewkeäueeMeW mesue 1721. The electrolyte used in ordinary dry cell is
(b) Voltaic cell/JeesušeFkeâ mesue meeOeejCe Meg<keâ mesue ceW Fueskeäš^esueeFš ØeÙegòeâ keâjles nQ–
(c) Secondary cell/efÉleerÙekeâ mesue (a) Dilute Sulphuric Acid/meevõ meuheäÙetefjkeâ Decue
(d) Primary cell/ØeeLeefcekeâ mesue (b) Nickel Hydroxide/efveefkeâue neF[^ekeämeeF[
1715. What is the colour of the positive plate in a (c) Copper Sulphate/keâehej meuhesâš
Lead acid cell at fully discharged condition? (d) Salt Ammonium Chloride
Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue kesâ hetjer lejn DeveeJesefMele keâer meeuš DeceesefveÙece keäueesjeF[
efmLeefle ceW Oeveelcekeâ huesš keâe jbie keäÙee neslee nw? 1722. For electroplating the material to be coated is
(a) Chocolate Brown/Ûeekeâuesš yeÇeGve connected with :/Fueskeäš^eshuesefšbie kesâ efueS keâesšs[
(b) Whitish/mehesâo heoeLe& ........ kesâ meeLe pegÌ[e neslee nw–
(c) Grey/«es (a) Phase/hesâpe (b) Neutral/vÙetš^ue
(d) Light Blue/nukeâe veeruee (c) Positive/Oeveelcekeâ (d) Negative/$e+Ceelcekeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 173 YCT
1723. A Lechlanche cell has : 1730. The active material of the positive plates of
Skeâ uewkeäueebMeer mesue jKelee nw– silver-zinc batteries is/ÛeeBoer-pemlee yewšefjÙeeW kesâ
(a) a depolariser/Skeâ efJeOeÇgJekeâ Oeveelcekeâ huesšeW keâe meef›eâÙe heoeLe& neslee nw–
(b) a cathode of carbon/keâeye&ve keâe Skeâ kewâLees[ (a) silver oxide/efmeuJej Dee@keämeeF[
(c) an electrolyte of H2SO4 (b) lead oxide/ues[ Dee@keämeeF[
H2SO4 keâe Skeâ Fueskeäš^esueeFš (c) lead/meermee
(d) large current capacity/GÛÛe Oeeje #ecelee (d) zinc powder/pemlee ÛetCe&
1724. The active material on the negative plate of a 1731. Lead acid cell has a life of nearly ..... charges
fully charged lead acid cell is and discharges
Skeâ hetCe& DeeJesefMele meermee-Decue mesue kesâ $e+Ceelcekeâ meermee-Decue mesue keâe DeeJesMeve Deewj efvejeJesMeve
huesš hej meef›eâÙe heoeLe& nw– peerJevekeâeue ueieYeie .......... neslee nw~
(a) 500 (b) 700
(a) lead peroxide/ues[ hej-DeekeämeeF[
(c) 1000 (d) 1250
(b) lead pentoxide/ues[ hesvšeDeekeämeeF[
1732. Life of the Edison cell is at least
(c) pure lead/Megæ ues[ S[ermeve mesue keâe peerJeve keâeue keâce mes keâce neslee nw-
(d) red lead/js[ ues[ (a) five years/heeBÛe meeue
1725. Which of the following is used as an electrolyte (b) seven years/meele meeue
in a lead acid battery?
(c) eight years/Dee" meeue
efvecveefueefKele ceW efkeâmekeâe ØeÙeesie meermee-Decue yewšjer ceW
(d) ten years/10 meeue
Fueskeäš^esueeFš kesâ ™he ceW keâjles nQ?
1733. The open circuit voltage of any storage cell
(a) Distilled water/Deemegle peue depends wholly upon
(b) Hydrochloric acid/neF[^eskeäueesefjkeâ Decue efkeâmeer Yeer mebÛeeÙekeâ mesue keâe Keguee heefjheLe Jeesušlee hetjer
(c) sulphuric acid/meuheäÙetefjkeâ Decue lejn mes efveYe&j neslee nw–
(d) Sodium chloride/meesef[Ùece keäueesjeF[ (a) its chemical constituents
1726. Which of the materials used in solar cells: Fmekesâ jemeeÙeefvekeâ mebIeškeâ hej
keâewve-mee heoeLe& meesuej mesue ceW ØeÙeesie keâjles nwb– (b) on the strength of its electrolyte
(a) Boran/yeesjeve (b) Barium/yesefjÙece Fmekesâ efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe kesâ meeceLÙe& hej
(c) Silicon/efmeefuekeâe@ve (d) Selenium/mesuesefveÙece (c) its temperature/Fmekesâ leeheceeve hej
1727. E.C.E. of silver is............ (d) all above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
efmeuJej keâe E.C.E. nw– 1734. When the specific gravity of the electrolyte of a
lead-acid cell is reduced to 1.15 to 1.1 the cell is
(a) 1.118 (b) 1.304
in/peye Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue kesâ efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâe
(c) 1.072 (d) 2.072
efJeefMe° ieg®lJe 1.15 mes 1.1 lekeâ Ieš peelee nw lees mesue nw–
1728. Which of the following is an example of
secondary cell?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve efÉleerÙekeâ (a) charged state/DeeJesefMele DeJemLee ceW
mesue keâe Skeâ GoenjCe nw? (b) discharged state/efJemeefpe&le DeJemLee ceW

(a) Daniel cell/[sefveÙeue mesue (c) both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(d) active state/meef›eâÙe DeJemLee ceW
(b) Leclanche cell/uewkeäueeMeW mesue
1735. In .......system the charging current is
(c) Nickel iron cell/efveefkeâue DeeÙejve mesue
intermittently controlled at either a maximum
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR or minimum value
1729. For high current applications we use : .............. ØeCeeueer ceW, DeeJesefMele Oeeje keâes Ùee lees
GÛÛe Oeeje kesâ efueS nce DevegØeÙeesie keâjles nw– DeefOekeâlece Ùee vÙetvelece ceeve hej efveÙebef$ele efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) Leclanche cell/ueskeäueeMeW mesue (a) two rate charge control/oes oj DeeJesMe efveÙev$eCe
(b) Daniel cell/[sefveÙeue mesue (b) trickle charge/Deuhecee$ee DeeJesMe
(c) Bichromate cell/yeeF›eâescesš mesue (c) floating charge/DeefmLej DeeJesMe
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) an equalizing charge/Skeâ mecekeâejer DeeJesMe

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 174 YCT

1736. Undercharging ......... 1742. In constant current charging method, the
efvecve DeeJesMeve............. supply voltage from discharged to fully
(a) reduces specific gravity of the electrolyte charged condition
efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe Iešelee nw efmLej Oeeje DeeJesMeve efJeefOe ceW, DeveeJesefMele mes hetCe&
(b) increases specific gravity of the electrolyte DeeJesefMele efmLeefle ceW mehueeF& Jeesušspe nw–
efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâer efJeefMe° ieg®lJe yeÌ{elee nw (a) decreases/Iešlee nw
(c) produces excessive gassing
(b) increases/yeÌ{lee nw
DelÙeefOekeâ iewmes GlheVe keâjlee nw~
(d) increases the temperature/leeheceeve yeÌ{lee nw (c) remains constant/efmLej jnlee nw
1737. The effect of sulphation is that the internal (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ keâesF& veneR
resistance 1743. Following will happen if the specific gravity of
meuHesâMeve kesâ ØeYeeJe mes Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe– electrolyte becomes more than 1.23.
(a) increases/yeÌ{lee nw Ùeefo efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe 1.23 mes
(b) decreases/Iešlee nw DeefOekeâ nes peelee nw lees efvecve ef›eâÙee nesiee–
(c) remains same/meceeve jnlee nw
(a) Loss of capacity/#ecelee keâer neefve
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Loss of life/peerJeve keâeue keâer neefve
1738. Excessive formation of lead sulphate on the
surface of the plates happens because of (c) Corrosion of the grids of the plate
huesšeW kesâ he=‰ hej ues[ meuHesâš kesâ DelÙeefOekeâ ie"ve keâe huesš kesâ ef«e[ keâe Dehe#eÙe
keâejCe nw– (d) All above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(a) allowing a battery to stand in discharged 1744. Batteries are charged by
condition for a long time/Skeâ yewšjer keâes efJemeefpe&le yewšefjÙeeB ............. kesâ Éeje DeeJesefMele nesleer nw–
DeJemLee ceW uecyes meceÙe lekeâ ÚesÌ[ osvee
(a) rectifiers/efo°keâejer
(b) topping up with electrolyte/efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe kesâ
meeLe še@efhebie (Thej [euevee) (b) engine generator sets/Fbpeve peefve$e mesš
(c) persistent undercharging/ melele efvecve DeeJesMeve (c) motor generator sets/ceesšj peefve$e mesš
(d) all above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (d) any one of the above methods
1739. The substances which combine together to Ghejesòeâ efJeefOe ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
store electrical energy during the charge are 1745. The electrochemical reactions are not reversible
called ......... materials
in case of/ efJeÅegle-jemeeÙeefvekeâ DeefYeef›eâÙee ........ keâer
heoeLe& pees DeeJesMeve kesâ oewjeve efJeÅegle Tpee& keâe Skeâ
meeLe mebÛeÙe keâjles nw .......... heoeLe& keânueeles nw~ oMee ceW Gl›eâceCeerÙe veneR nesleer nw~
(a) active/meef›eâÙe (b) passive/efveef<›eâÙe (a) primary cells only / kesâJeue ØeeLeefcekeâ mesueeW
(c) inert/Deef›eâÙe (d) dielectric/hewjeJewÅegle (b) secondary cells /efÉleerÙekeâ mesueeW
1740. In a lead-acid cell, lead is called as (c) both primary and secondary cells
Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue ceW, meermee keânueelee nw– ØeeLeefcekeâ Deewj efÉleerÙekeâ oesveeW mesueeW
(a) positive active material/Oeveelcekeâ meef›eâÙe heoeLe& (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) negative active material/$e+Ceelcekeâ meef›eâÙe heoeLe& 1746. The electrode for a battery must be
(c) passive material/efveef<›eâÙe heoeLe& Skeâ yewšjer kesâ efueS Fueskeäš^es[ ........ nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR (a) a good conductor of electricity
1741. Following will occur if level of electrolyte falls efJeÅegle keâe Skeâ DeÛÚe Ûeeuekeâ
below plates/Ùeefo efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâe mlej huesšeW kesâ (b) a bad conductor of electricity
veerÛes peelee nw lees efvecveefueefKele Ieefšle nesiee– efJeÅegle keâe Skeâ DeÛeeuekeâ
(a) capacity of the cell is reduced (c) a semi-conductor /Skeâ Deæ&-Ûeeuekeâ
mesue keâer #ecelee keâce nes peeÙesiee (d) an insulator /Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ
(b) life of the cell is reduced 1747. For a discharged lead acid battery, the specific
mesue keâe peerJeve keâeue Ieš peelee nw gravity of the acid is /Skeâ efvejeJesefMele meermee-Decue
(c) open plates are converted to lead sulphate yewšjer kesâ efueS, Decue keâe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe ........ nw~
Keguee huesš ues[ meuHesâš ceW heefjJeefle&le nes peelee nw (a) 0.9 (b) 1.0
(d) all above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (c) 1.12 (d) 1.3
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 175 YCT
1748. In a lead accumulator, the plates are placed (a) increasing discharge rate
close to each other, as : /Skeâ meermee mebÛeeÙekeâ ceW, yeÌ{les ngS efvejeJesefMele oj
huesšs Skeâ otmejs kesâ meceerhe efmLele nw pewmes– (b) decreasing state of charge
(a) it makes the lead accumulator sturdy Iešles ngS DeeJesMe keâer DeJemLee
Ùen cepeyetle meermee mebÛeeÙekeâ yeveelee nw~ (c) decreasing temperature /Iešles ngS leeheceeve
(b) it increases the e.m.f. of the accumulator (d) none of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& veneR
Ùen mebÛeeÙekeâ keâe efJeÅegle-Jeenkeâ yeue (e.m.f.) yeÌ{elee nw~ 1753. The ampere hour capacity of a battery used on
(c) it decreases the internal resistance of the trucks is / Skeâ yewšjer keâer SefcheÙej-IeCše #ecelee š^keâ
accumulator/Ùen mebÛeeÙekeâ keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe hej ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw-
Iešelee nw (a) 5–10 Ah / 5-10 SefcheÙej-IeCše
(d) it increases the life span of the accumulator (b) 30–60 Ah / 30-60 SefcheÙej-IeCše
Ùen mebÛeeÙekeâ kesâ peerJeve DeJeefOe keâes yeÌ{elee nw~ (c) 100–150 Ah/ 100-150SefcheÙej-IeCše
1749. Even when not in use, the self-discharge of a (d) 200–250 Ah / 200–250 SefcheÙej-IeCše
battery occurs at the rate of 1754. Which test is used to ascertain whether the
ÙeÅeefhe peye ØeÙeesie ceW veneR nw, Skeâ yewšjer keâe mJele: battery plates are defective or not?
efvejeJesefMele ......... kesâ oj hej Øeehle neslee nw~ efkeâme hejer#eCe keâe ØeÙeesie helee ueieeves kesâ efueS keâjles nw
(a) 0.5 to 1% of rated capacity per hour efkeâ yewšjer keâer huesšW oes<ehetCe& nw Ùee veneR?
Øeefle IeCše efveOee&efjle #ecelee kesâ 0.5 mes 1 ØeefleMele (a) Cadmium test /kewâ[efceÙece hejer#eCe
(b) 0.5 to 1% of rated capacity per day (b) High discharge test /GÛÛe efJemepe&ve hejer#eCe
Øeefle efove efveOee&efjle #ecelee kesâ 0.5 mes 1 ØeefleMele (c) Open volt test /Keguee Jeesuš hejer#eCe
(c) 0.5 to 1% of rated capacity per week
(d) Specific gravity test /efJeefMe° ieg®lJe hejer#eCe
Øeefle mehleen efveOee&efjle #ecelee kesâ 0.5 mes 1 ØeefleMele
1755. Which of the following is the common voltage
(d) 0.5 to 1% of rated capacity per month
of automobile batteries/efvecveefueefKele keâewve mee
Øeefle ceen efveOee&efjle #ecelee kesâ 0.5 mes 1 ØeefleMele
Dee@šesceesyeeFue yewšefjÙeeW keâer meeceevÙe Jeesušlee nw?
*1750.Which of the following statements is not
correct? A lead accumulator of 20 ampere (a) 2 V (b) 10 V
hour can supply (c) 12 V (d) 25 V
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe veneR nw? Skeâ 1756. Internal resistance of a cell is reduced by
20 SefcheÙej-IeCše kesâ meermee mebÛeeÙekeâ Deehetefle& keâj Skeâ mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe IešeÙee peelee nw–
(a) using vent plug to permit gas formed during
mekeâles nQ-
discharge/efJemepe&ve kesâ oewjeve Jesvš hueie kesâ Fmlesceeue
(a) 20 A of current for 20 hours
20 IeCšs kesâ efueS 20 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje
mes iewmeeW kesâ mLeeveevlejCe mes
(b) 1 A of current for 20 hours (b) increasing the plate area
20 IeCšs kesâ efueS 1 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje huesš kesâ #es$eHeâue keâes yeÌ{ekeâj
(c) 20 A of current for 1 hour (c) putting plates very close together
1 IeCšs kesâ efueS 20 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje huesšeW keâes Skeâ otmejs kesâ efyeukegâue vepeoerkeâ jKekeâj
(d) 0.1 A of current for 200 hours (d) all above methods/Ghejesòeâ meYeer efJeefOe mes
200 IeCšs kesâ efueS 0.1 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje 1757. Which metal is deposited for electro-forming?
1751. The term trickle charge is associated with efJeÅegle-ie"ve kesâ efueS keâewve mee Oeeleg efveef#ehle (pecee)
efš^keâue DeeJesMe keâe heo .......... kesâ meeLe Ùegòeâ nw~ nesleer nw?
(a) dry cells /Meg<keâ mesueeW (a) Nickel /efveefkeâue (b) Chromium /›eâesefceÙece
(b) silver zinc batteries /efmeuJej efpebkeâ yewšefjÙeeW (c) Silver /ÛeeBoer (d) Iron /ueesne
(c) lead acid batteries /meermee Decue yewšefjÙeeW 1758. Which of the following metal is deposited to
(d) nickel iron batteries. /efveefkeâue ueewn yewšefjÙeeW provide hard wearing surface?
1752. When the battery is being discharged, the keâ"esj menveMeerue melen Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS
terminal voltage decreases with efvecveefueefKele keâewve meer Oeeleg efveef#ehle (pecee) nesleer nw?
peye yewšjer efvejeJesefMele (efJemeefpe&le) nes jner nesleer nw, (a) Chromium /›eâesefceÙece (b) Bronze /heerleue
šefce&veue Jeesušlee ......... kesâ meeLe Iešlee nw~ (c) Zinc /efpebkeâ (d) Nickel /efveefkeâue
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 176 YCT
1759. Which of the following metal is deposited to 1765. Aluminium surface in contact with air is
provide an undercoat for chromium? always cover with a thin layer of
›eâesefceÙece kesâ efueS Skeâ Demlej Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS nJee kesâ meeLe mecheke&â ceW SuÙetefceefveÙece melen ...... kesâ Skeâ
efvecveefueefKele keâewve meer Oeeleg efveef#ehle nesleer nw? heleues hejle kesâ meeLe ncesMee {keâer jnleer nw~
(a) Copper /leeceü (b) Silver /ÛeeBoer (a) nitride /veeFš^eF[ (b) carbide /keâeyee&F[
(c) hydrate /neF[^sš (d) oxide /DeekeämeeF[
(c) Bronze /heerleue (keâeBmee) (d) Lead /meermee
1766. Aluminium is produced from bauxite by
1760. Silver coating is provided for
yee@keämeeFš mes SuÙetefceefveÙece .............. kesâ Éeje Glheeefole
ÛeeBoer keâer melen ...... kesâ efueS Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~
neslee nw~
(a) protective purposes /megjef#ele GösMÙeeW
(a) electrolytic process /efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe Øeef›eâÙee
(b) decorative purpose /mepeeJešer GösMÙeeW (b) oxidation /DeekeämeerkeâjCe
(c) bearing surfaces /menveMeeruelee meleneW (c) rotating /IetCe&ve
(d) all of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer (d) froth flotation. /Peeie lewjves keâer ef›eâÙee
1761. The character of metal deposited is affected by 1767. Highest purity copper is obtained by
Oeeleg kesâ hee$e efveef#ehle nw...... ØeYeeJe kesâ Éeje~ GÛÛelece Megæ leeceü ........ kesâ Éeje Øeehle efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) current density /Oeeje IevelJe (a) smelting /õJeerYetle keâjves (ieueeves)
(b) metal concentration /Oeeleg mebkesâvõCe (b) roasting /Yetvevee (hekeâevee)
(c) temperature /leeheceeve (c) electroplating /efJeÅegle-uesheve
(d) any of the above processes
(d) all of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& Øeef›eâÙeeDeeW
1762. Assuming internal resistance of battery
1768. Coating generally recommended for hard
negligible, a voltmeter connected between surfacing is / keâ"esj melenerkeâjCe kesâ efueS meeceevÙele:
points A and B should reads as
............ hejle keâer efmeheâeefjMe keâer peeleer nw~
yewšjer keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe veieCÙe ceeveles ngS, Skeâ
(a) lead plating /meermee huesefšbie
Jeesušceeršj efyevog A Deewj B kesâ yeerÛe mebÙeesefpele hee"Ÿeebkeâ
(b) copper plating /leeceü huesefšbie
.......... nesvee ÛeeefnS~ (c) chromium plating /›eâesefceÙece huesefšbie
(d) None of the above. /GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& veneR
1769. Battery container should be acid resistance,
therefore it is made up of
yewšjer kebâšsvej DecuejesOeer nesvee ÛeeefnS FmeefueS Ùen
yeveeÙee peelee nw–
(a) 0 V (b) 1.2 V (a) glass/keâeBÛe (b) plastic/hueeefmškeâ
(c) 3.0 V (d) 4.8 V (c) wood/uekeâÌ[er (d) all above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
1763. Rust, scale and oxides can be removed with the 1770. In a lead-acid cell, if the specific gravity of
help of sulphuric acid is 1.8, it will require following
pebie, ceeheve (veehe), DeekeämeeF[ ............ keâer meneÙelee kesâ ratio of acid to water to get mixture of specific
gravity of 1.3
meeLe mLeeveevleefjle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue ceW Ùeefo meuHeäÙetefjkeâ Decue keâe
(a) various acids /efJeefYeVe DecueeW
efJeefMe° ieg®lJe 1.8 nw~ leye Fmekeâes 1.3 keâe efJeefMe°
(b) alkali salt solutions /#eejerÙe vecekeâ efJeueÙeve
ieg®lJe Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS Fmes peue leLee Decue kesâ
(c) mechanical abrasion /Ùeebef$ekeâ Ie<e&Ce efceßeCe keâes efvecveefueefKele Devegheele keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesieer–
(d) any of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& (a) 6 parts of acid to 4 parts of water
1764. The character of metal deposited is affected by 6 Yeeie Decue ceW 4 Yeeie peue
efveef#ehle (pecee efkeâÙee) Oeeleg keâe hee$e ...... kesâ Éeje (b) 4 parts of acid to 4 parts of water
ØeYeeefJele neslee nw~ 4 Yeeie Decue ceW 4 Yeeie peue
(a) Structure of the metal /Oeeleg keâer mebjÛevee (c) 4 parts of acid to 6 parts of water
(b) surface preparation /melen meece«eer 4 Yeeie Decue ceW 6 Yeeie peue
(c) metal-ion concentration /Oeeleg DeeÙeve mebkesâvõCe (d) 4 parts of acid to 8 parts of water
(d) all of the above. /GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer 4 Yeeie Decue ceW 8 Yeeie peue
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 177 YCT
1771. Internal resistance of a cell is due to 1776. NiCd battery in the charged state consists of ---
efkeâmeer mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe ............ kesâ keâejCe ------- in the positive electrode and -------- in the
neslee nw~ negativve electrode.
(a) resistance of electrolyte DeeJesefMele DeJemLee ceW NiCd yewšjer kesâ Oeveelcekeâ
efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâe ØeeflejesOe efJeÅeglee«e (Fueskeäš^es[) ceW ––––– Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ
(b) surface contact resistance between electrode efJeÅeglee«e (Fueskeäš^es[) ceW ––––– neslee nw~
and electrolyte/Fueskeäš^es[ Deewj efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâe (a) cadmium peroxide, nickel
melener mecheke&â ØeeflejesOe kewâ[defceÙece hejDee@keämeeF[, efvekeâsue
(c) electrode resistance/Fueskeäš^es[ ØeeflejesOe (b) cadmium, nickel
(d) all above/Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer kewâ[defceÙece, efvekeâsue
1772. Complete the cell reaction at positive electrode (c) nickel hydroxide, Cadmium oxide
for nickel-Cadmium -------- battery. efveefkeâue neF[^e@keämeeF[, kewâ[defceÙece Dee@keämeeF[
2NiOOH + 2H2O + 2e– ←  → (d) nickel hydroxide, cadmium
charge 
efveefkeâue neF[^e@keämeeF[, kewâ[defceÙece
efveefkeâue–kewâ[defceÙece yewšjer kesâ efueS Oeveelcekeâ efJeÅeglee«e
1777. Batteries are composed of one or more cells,
(Fueskeäš^es[) hej mesue DeefYeef›eâÙee keâes hetje keâjW~
each containing :
(a) 3Ni2SO4 + 2HCI (b) 2Ni(OH)2 + (H2O) yewšefjÙeeB Skeâ Ùee Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ mesueeW mes yeveer nesleer nw,
(c) Ni2HO2 + 2H2O (d) 2Ni(OH)2 + 2(OH)–
1773. Complete the cell reaction at the negative efpeveceW ØelÙeskeâ ceW keäÙee meefcceefuele neslee nw?
electrode for a lead-acid battery: (a) positive electrode and negativve electrode
 → Oeveelcekeâ efJeÅeglee«e (Fueskeäš^es[) Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ efJeÅeglee«e
Pb + H2SO4 ←
charge  (Fueskeäš^es[)
meermee Decue yewšjer kesâ efueS $e+Ceelcekeâ efJeÅeglee«e (b) a neutral electrode, negative electrode,
(Fueskeäš^es[) hej mesue DeefYeef›eâÙee keâes hetje keâjW– separator and electrolyte
 → Skeâ Goemeerve efJeÅeglee«e (Fueskeäš^es[), Skeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ
Pb + H2SO4 ←
charge  efJeÅeglee«e (Fueskeäš^es[), efJeYeepekeâ Deewj efJeÅegle DeheIešdÙe
(a) PbSO4 + 2H+ + 2e– (Fueskeäš^esueeFš)
(b) PbO2 + H2SO4 + 2H+ + 2e–
(c) a positive electrode, ionic electrode, separator
(c) PbO2 + H2SO4
(d) 3Pb2SO4 + 2HCI and electrolyte
1774. Complete the cell reaction at negative electrode Skeâ Oeveelcekeâ efJeÅeglee«e (Fueskeäš^es[), Skeâ DeeÙeefvekeâ
for nickel-cadmium battery. efJeÅeglee«e (Fueskeäš^es[), efJeYeepekeâ Deewj efJeÅegle DeheIešdÙe
Discharge (Fueskeäš^esueeFš)
Cd + 2(OH) – ← →
charge  (d) a positive electrode, negative electrode,
efveefkeâue–kewâ[efceÙece yewšjer kesâ efueS $e+Ceelcekeâ separator and electrolyte
(Fueskeäš^es[) hej mesue DeefYeef›eâÙee keâes hetje keâjW~ Skeâ Oeveelcekeâ Fueskeäš^es[, Skeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ Fueskeäš^es[,
Cd + 2(OH)– ←
 → efJeYeepekeâ Deewj efJeÅegle DeheIešdÙe (Fueskeäš^esueeFš)
charge  1778. Batteries operate by converting chemical
(a) 2Ni(OH)2 + H2O + 2e– energy into electrical energy through ------------
(b) 2Ni(OH)2 + Cd(OH)2 reactions.
(c) 2Ni(OH)2 + 2 (OH) -------- DeefYeef›eâÙeeDeeW mes yewšefjÙeeB jemeeÙeefvekeâ Tpee&
(d) Cd(OH)2 + 2e–
1775. Complete the overall cell reaction for a lead- keâes efJeÅegle Tpee& ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjkesâ ØeÛeeefuele neslee nw~
acid battery :/meermee Decue yewš^er kesâ efueS mechetCe& (a) electromechanical discharge
DeefYeef›eâÙee keâes hetje keâjW : JewÅegle Ùeeefv$ekeâ efJemepe&ve
Discharge (b) electron discharge / Fueskeäš^e@ve efJemepe&ve
PbO2 + Pb + 2H2SO4 ←  →
charge (c) chemically neutral / jemeeÙeefvekeâ ¤he mes Goemeerve
(a) PbOH4 + 2SO2 (b) 3Pb2SO4 + 2H2O (d) electrochemical discharge
(c) 2H2SO4 + 2PbOH (d) 2PbSO4 + 2H2O JewÅegle jemeeÙeefvekeâ efJemepe&ve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 178 YCT
1779. Complete the cell reaction at the positive 1784. Life of the batteries is in the following
electrode for lead acid battery : ascending order./efvecveefueefKele ceW yewšjer kesâ
+ Discharge
PbO2 + H2SO4 + 2H + 2e ←→ peerJevekeâeue keâe yeÌ{lee ngDee ›eâce nw–
meermee Decue yewšjer kesâ efueS Oeveelcekeâ efJeÅeglee«e (a) Lead-acid cell, Edison cell, Nickel cadmium
(Fueskeäš^es[) hej mesue DeefYeef›eâÙee keâes hetje keâjW~ cell/meermee-Decue mesue, S[ermeve mesue, efveefkeâue
Discharge kewâ[efceÙece mesue
PbO2 + H2SO4 2H + + 2e ←
Charge (b) Lead-acid cell, Nickel-cadmium cell, Edison
(a) Pb2O4 + 2SO2 (b) 3Pb2SO4 + 2HC1 cell/meermee-Decue mesue, efveefkeâue kewâ[efceÙece mesue,
(c) PbSO4 + 2H2O (d) NaOH + 2H2O
S[ermeve mesue
1780. The Electroplating is an example for the _____
(c) Edison cell, Nickel-cadmium cell, lead-acid
of the electric current.
efJeÅegle DeheIešve, efJeÅegle Oeeje kesâ _____ keâe Skeâ cell/S[ermeve mesue, efveefkeâue-kewâ[efceÙece mesue, meermee-
GoenjCe nw~ Decue mesue
(a) chemical effect/jemeeÙeefvekeâ ØeYeeJe (d) Nickel-cadmium cell, Edison cell, lead-acid
(b) physical effect/ Yeeweflekeâ ØeYeeJe cell/efveefkeâue kewâ[efceÙece mesue, S[ermeve mesue, meermee-
(c) magnetic effect/ ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeYeeJe Decue mesue
(d) heating effect/ G<ceerÙe ØeYeeJe 1785. Persons preparing electrolyte should wear
*1781.How much of silver will be liberated during efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe lewÙeej keâjves Jeeues JÙeefòeâÙeeW keâes henvevee
electrolysis when two coulomb charge is passed ÛeeefnS
through it? Assume the ECE of silver is 11.13
mg/c. (a) goggles or other face shield
Fueskeäš^esefueefmeme kesâ meceÙe efkeâlevee Ûee@oer cegòeâ nesiee Ùeefo ÛeMcee Ùee otmeje Ûesnje keâJeÛe
Fmemes 2- ketâueece DeeJesMe ØeJeeefnle nes jne nes? Ùeefo (b) rubber/jyej
Ûee@oer keâe ECE 11.13 mg/c ceeveles nw~ (ECE= efJeÅegle (c) rubber boots and gloves/jyeÌ[ kesâ petles Deewj omleeves
jmeeÙeefvekeâ leguÙeebkeâ) (d) all above safety devices
(a) 5.557 mg (b) 2.226 mg
(c) 22.26 mg (d) 55.57 mg
Ghejesòeâ meYeer megj#ee GhekeâjCe
1782. If a battery is wrongly connected on charge 1786. Excessive charging a battery tends to
following will happen yewšjer keâe DelÙeefOekeâ DeeJesMeve meneÙekeâ neslee nw–
Ùeefo Skeâ yewšjer ieuele lejerkesâ mes DeeJesMeve hej pegÌ[er nw~ (a) produce gassing/iewmes GlheVe keâjvee
efvecveefueefKele nesieer– (b) increase the internal resistance of the battery
(a) current delivered by the battery will be high yewšjer keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe yeÌ{eves
yewšjer Éeje Øeoeve nesves Jeeueer Oeeje GÛÛe nesieer
(c) to corrode the positive plates into lead
(b) current drawing will be nil/MetvÙe Oeeje uesieer peroxide thereby weakening them physically
(c) current drawing will be very small
Oeveelcekeâ huesšeW keâes ues[ heje@keämeeF[ ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS
Oeeje yengle keâce uesieer
efpememes Jes Meejerefjkeâ ™he mes keâcepeesj nes peeles nw
(d) current drawing will be very high
Oeeje yengle DeefOekeâ uesieer (d) bring about all above changes
1783. If a lead-acid cell is discharged below 1.8 V the Ghejesòeâ meYeer heefjJele&ve ueeves mes
following will happen. 1787. Shelf life of a small dry cell is
Ùeefo Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue 1.8 V mes veerÛes efJemeefpe&le Skeâ Úesšs Meg<keâ mesue keâer DeÛeue peerJeve keâeue neslee nw–
neslee nw lees efvecveefueefKele Ieefšle nesiee– (a) equal to that of large dry cell
(a) Capacity of cell will reduce yeÌ[s Meg<keâ mesue kesâ yejeyej
mesue keâer #ecelee Ieš peeSieer (b) less than that of large dry cell
(b) Sulphation of plates will occur
yeÌ[s Meg<keâ mesue mes keâce
huesšeW keâe meuHesâMeve nesiee
(c) more than that of large dry cell
(c) Internal resistance will increase
Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe yeÌ{sieer yeÌ[s Meg<keâ mesue mes pÙeeoe
(d) All above will occur/Ghejesòeâ meYeer Øeehle nesiee (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ keâesF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 179 YCT

1788. Proper charging rate of a battery in ampere is 1794. For given ampere capacity, weight of lead-acid
about ...... of its ampere-hour capacity. cell is ..... times that of Edison cell.
Skeâ yewšjer keâer meeceevÙe DeeJesMe oj SefcheÙej ceW Fmekesâ efoS ieS SefcheÙej #ecelee kesâ efueS, meermee-Decue mesue keâe
SefcheÙej-IeCše #ecelee kesâ ueieYeie ........... neslee nw~ Yeej S[ermeve mesue keâe ............. iegvee neslee nw~
1 3
1 1 (a) (b)
(a) (b) 2 4
8 6
1 1 (c) 1 (d) 2
(c) (d) 2
4 2 1795. All dry cells when new have about ..... V.
1789. ......... of electrolyte indicates the state of charge meYeer Meg<keâ mesue peye veÙeer nes, Gmekeâer Jeesušlee ueieYeie
of the battery ............ nesleer nw~
efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe, yewšjer kesâ DeeJesMeve keâer efmLeefle keâes (a) 1.0 (b) 1.2
........... ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~ (c) 1.5 (d) 2.0
(a) colour/jbie 1796. Polarisation in a cell is due to accumulation of
.......gas over anode
(b) mass/õJÙeceeve Skeâ mesue ceW Svees[ hej ..............iewmeeW kesâ peceeJe kesâ
(c) viscosity/MÙeevelee keâejCe OeÇgJeerkeâjCe neslee nw~
(d) specific gravity/efJeefMe° ieg®lJe (a) H2 (b) O2
1790. The following indicate that battery on charge (c) N2 (d) SO2
has attained full charge 1797. To prevent local action in battery, only ...... is
used in electrolytes.
efvecveefueefKele ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw efkeâ DeeJesMeve hej yewšjer yewšjer ceW mLeeÙeer ef›eâÙee keâes jeskeâves kesâ efueS efJeÅegle
hetCe& DeeJesefMele nes Ûegkeâer nw– DeheIešŸeeW ceW kesâJeue ............ ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(a) colour of electrode/Fueskeäš^es[ keâe jbie (a) pump water/heche peue
(b) gassing/iewefmebie (b) distilled water/Deemegle peue
(c) specific gravity/efJeefMe° ieg®lJe (c) tap water/veue kesâ peue
(d) combination of (a) and (c)
(d) all above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(a) Deewj (c) keâe mebÙeespeve
*1791.If the e.m.f. of a cell is 2 V, internal resistance
1798. Even though voltage of a dry cell, big or small,
0.2 Ω and the external resistance 0.8 Ω then the is 1.5 V, small cell delivers less current because
current delivered will be it has comparatively ......... internal resistance.
Ùeefo Skeâ mesue keâe e.m.f. 2 V nw, Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe Skeâ Meg<keâ mesue keâe Jeesušspe Yeues ner yeÌ[e Ùee Úesše nes,
0.2 Ω Deewj yee¢e ØeeflejesOe 0.8 Ω leye oer ieF& Oeeje 1.5 V nw, legueveelcekeâ ™he mes Úesšer mesue keâce Oeeje
nesieer– Øeoeve keâjleer nw keäÙeesefkeâ Fmekeâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe nw–
(a) 0.5 A (b) 1 A (a) zero/MetvÙe (b) less/keâce
(c) 1.5 A (d) 2 A (c) more/DeefOekeâ (d) same/meceeve
1792. Dry cell is modification of 1799. Charger used to charge the Batteries of Car are
Megg<keâ mesue ™heevlejCe Ùee megOeje ™he nw– keâej keâer yewšefjÙeeW keâes Ûeepe& keâjves kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie ceW
Deeves Jeeues Ûeepe&j nesles nQ–
(a) Deniell cell/[sefveÙeue mesue keâe (a) Fast Chargers / Heâemš Ûeepe&j
(b) Leclanche cell/uewkeäueebMes mesue keâe (b) Trickle Chargers / efš^keâue Ûeepe&j
(c) Lead-acid cell/meermee-Decue mesue keâe (c) Pulse Chargers / heume Ûeepe&j
(d) Edison cell/S[ermeve mesue keâe (d) Inductive chargers / Fb[efkeäšJe Ûeepe&j
1800. Photo conductive cell is used for
1793. In alkaline cell the electrolyte is
ØekeâeMe ÛeeuekeâerÙe mesue........... kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
#eejerÙe mesue ceW efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe nw– (a) High frequency application
(a) dilute sulphuric acid/leveg meuHeäÙetefjkeâ Decue GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe DevegØeÙeesie
(b) concentrated sulphuric acid (b) Medium frequency application
meevõ meuHeäÙetefjkeâ Decue ceOÙe DeeJe=efòe DevegØeÙeesie
(c) Low frequency application
(c) NaOH/meesef[Ùece neF[^ekeämeeF[ efvecve DeeJe=efòe DevegØeÙeesie
(d) KOH/ heesšwefMeÙece neF[^ekeämeeF[ (d) All of these/FveceW mes meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 180 YCT
1801. Name the circuit element maintaining a 6 mesueeW Jeeueer Skeâ yewšjer hetCe&le: DeeJesefMele DeJemLee mes
prescribed voltage across the terminals in spite hetCe& efJemeefpe&le DeJemLee kesâ yeerÛe ........... Jeesuš keâe [^ehe
of the current flowing in those terminals ØeoefMe&le keâjsiee~
Gme meefke&âš SueerceWš keâe veece yeleeÙeW pees šefce&veume ceW (a) 1.0 (b) 1.5
ØeJeeefnle nesves kesâ yeeJepeto Gve šefce&veume ceW efveOee&efjle (c) 2.4 (d) 2.5
Jeesušspe keâes ceWšsve keâjlee nw~ 1808. Charging of sulphated battery produces.....
(a) Ideal current source/DeeoMe& Oeeje œeesle heat/meuHesâš Ùegòeâ yewšjer kesâ DeeJesMeve mes ............ T<cee
(b) Independent source/Fbef[hesv[Wš meesme& GlheVe nesleer nw~
(c) Ideal voltage source/DeeoMe& Jeesušspe meesme& (a) no/MetvÙe (b) very little/yengle keâce
(d) Dependent source/ef[hesv[Wš meesme& (c) less/keâce (d) more/DeefOekeâ
1802. The process of coating of a metallic surface 1809. Hydrogen envolved during charging produces
with a harder metal by electro-deposition is explosive mixture when it is more than
known as : DeeJesMeve kesâ oewjeve efJekeâefmele neF[^espeve efJemHeâesškeâ
Skeâ Oeeleg keâer melen keâer Skeâ "esme Oeeleg keâer efJeÅegle efceßeCe hewoe keâjlee nw peye Ùen .................mes DeefOekeâ
efve#esheCe Éeje coating ef›eâÙee keânueeleer nw? neslee nw~
(a) electrofacing (a) 2% (b) 4%
(b) electro ionisation/efJeÅegle DeeÙeveerkeâjCe (c) 6% (d) 8%
1810. Weston standard cell at 20oC has voltage of
(c) electrometallisation/efJeÅegle OeeeflJekeâjCe ....... volts.
(d) electroforming Jesmšve ceevekeâ mesue keâer 20oC hej Jeesušlee .............
1803. The active material of a nickel-iron battery is
Jeesuš keâer nesleer nw~
______./efveefkeâue ueewn yewšjer keâe meef›eâÙe heoeLe& nw–
(a) 0.8 (b) 0.9
(a) powdered NaCl and its oxide (c) 1.0187 (d) 1.5
NaCl heeG[j Deewj Fmekesâ Dee@keämeeF[ 1811. The function of the depolarizer in a carbon-
(b) 98% solution of KCI/KCI keâe 98% efJeueÙeve zinc cell is that..............
(c) 21% solution of H2SO4 keâeye&ve-efpebkeâ mesue ceW [erheesuejeFpej keâe keâeÙe& keäÙee neslee nw?
H2SO4 keâe 21% efJeueÙeve (a) It converts the produced hydrogen into water
(d) nickel hydroxide/efveefkeâue neF[^ekeämeeF[ Ùen GlheVe neF[^espeve keâes peue ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjlee nw~
(b) It prevents the fast chemical action on the
1804. Ampere hour capacity of an industrial battery
zinc container/Ùen efpebkeâ hee$e ceW leer›e jemeeÙeefvekeâ
is based on ...... hours discharge rate.
Skeâ DeewÅeesefiekeâ yewšjer keâer SefcheÙej IeCše #ecelee Fmekesâ ef›eâÙee keâes jeskeâlee nw~
(c) It synthesis the decomposed electrolyte
............ IeCše efJemepe&ve oj hej DeeOeeefjle nesleer nw– Ùen DeheIeefšle Fueskeäš^esueeFš keâes mebMuesef<ele keâjlee nw~
(a) 8 (b) 12 (d) It absorbs the oxygen produced in the cell
(c) 16 (d) 24 Ùen mesue ceW GlheVe Dee@keämeerpeve keâes DeJeMeesef<ele keâjlee nw~
1805. Specific gravity of electrolyte in Edison cell is 1812. Which of the following statements about the
S[ermeve mesue ceW efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe nw– zinc-carbon cell is true?
efpebkeâ-keâeye&ve mesue kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee
(a) 0.8 (b) 0.95
(c) 1.1 (d) 1.21
keâLeve melÙe nw?
(a) The zinc container has a potential of 1.5V
1806. All the electrical connections between the
against the carbon electrode/keâeye&ve Fueskeäš^es[ kesâ
battery and vehicle should be by
efJe®æ efpebkeâ kebâšsvej ceW efJeYeJe 1.5V neslee nw~
yewšjer Deewj Jeenve kesâ yeerÛe meYeer efJeÅegle mebÙeespeve kesâ
(b) The air in the air space is needed for the
Éeje nesvee ÛeeefnS– oxidation of zinc/efpebkeâ kesâ Dee@keämeerkeâjCe kesâ efueS
(a) thin aluminium wires/heleues SuÙegceerefveÙece leejeW mes JeeÙeg #es$e ceW JeeÙeg keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~
(b) thin copper wires/heleueer keâe@hej leejeW mes (c) When current is drawn from the cell, the
carbon rod is partly consumed
(c) rigid cables/keâ"esj kesâefyeuees mes
peye mesue mes Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw, lees keâeye&ve je@[ keâe
(d) flexible cables/ueÛeerues kesâefyeueeW mes DeebefMekeâ #ejCe neslee nw~
1807. A battery of 6 cells will show a drop of ...... (d) The depolarizer mainly contains brown iron
volts from fully charged state to fully ore and corbon powder/efJeOeÇgJekeâ ceW cegKÙele: Yetje
discharged state. ueewn DeÙemkeâ Deewj keâeye&ve heeG[j neslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 181 YCT
1813. The advantage of the iron-nickel battery over (c) Same as photo conductive cell
the lead acid battery is that.............. heâesšes keâv[efkeäšJe mesue keâer lejn
ues[ Sefme[ yewšjer keâer leguevee ceW DeeÙejve-efveefkeâue yewšjer (d) Same as photo voltaic cell
keâe ueeYe Ùen nw efkeâ...............~ heâesšes JeesušeefÙekeâ mesue keâer lejn
(a) the cell voltage of the iron nickel battery is *1819.What will be the energy used by the battery if
higher/DeeÙejve-efveefkeâue yewšjer keâer mesue Jeesušlee the battery has to deliver 6.28 × 1018 electrons
with potential difference of 20V across the
(Jeesušspe) DeefOekeâ nesleer nw
(b) it has a much higher efficiency
Ùeefo efkeâmeer yewšjer keâes šefce&veue mes 20 V kesâ efJeYeJeeblej
Fmekeâer o#elee DeefOekeâ nesleer nw
hej 6.28 × 1018 Fueskeäš^e@vme mes Tpee& Øeehle keâjveer nes, lees
(c) it needs less maintenance
FmeceW Devegj#eCe keâer keâce DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw yewšjer Éeje efkeâleveer Tpee& keâe GheÙeesie nesiee?
(a) 5 J (b) 10 J
(d) it is much cheaper/Ùen DeefOekeâ memlee neslee nw~
(c) 15 J (d) 20 J
1814. Which of the following acts as a depolariser in 1820. The usable capacity of a battery ………..
a dry cell? Skeâ yewšjer keâe GheÙeesie keâjves ÙeesiÙe #ecelee–
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes Meg<keâ mesue ceW keâewve ef[heesuejeFpej keâer (a) increases with increased discharge current
lejn keâeÙe& keâjlee nw? JeefOe&le efveJe&nve efJeÅegle ØeJeen kesâ meeLe yeÌ{leer nw
(a) Carbon powder/keâeye&ve heeG[j (b) decreases with increased discharge current
(b) Manganese dioxide/cewieveerpe [eFDee@keämeeF[ JeefOe&le efveJe&nve efJeÅegle ØeJeen kesâ meeLe keâce nes peeleer nw
(c) Ammonium chloride/DeceesefveÙece keäueesjeF[ (c) is independent of discharge current
(d) Zine chloride/eEpekeâ keäueesjeF[ efveJe&nve efJeÅegle ØeJeen mes mJeleb$e nw
1815. In dry cells, free electrons are released at : (d) depends on discharge time
Meg<keâ mesueeW ceW cegòeâ Fueskeäš^eve keâneB mes efveceg&òeâ nesles nQ– efveJe&nve meceÙe hej efveYe&j nw
(a) cathode and anode both 1821. Which one of the following sources of energy
does a fuel cell consist of ?/Skeâ F&Oeve mesue (fuel
kewâLees[ Deewj Ssvees[ oesveeW hej
(b) outside the electrolyte chamber cell) Tpee& kesâ efvecve œeesle ceW mes Skeâ keâe yevee neslee nw–
efJeÅegle DeheIešdÙe Ûewcyej kesâ yeenj (a) Hydrogen/neF[^espeve
(c) anode/Ssvees[ hej (b) Electrical storage/efJeÅegle Yeb[ejCe
(d) cathode/kewâLees[ hej (c) Natural gas/Øeeke=âeflekeâ iewme
1816. Salt solutions are : (d) Petroleum/hesš^esefueÙece
vecekeâ keâe efJeueÙeve nw : 1822. The electrolyte in a Leclanche cell is
(a) Insulators/kegâÛeeuekeâ Skeâ ueskeäueebMes mesue ceW efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe neslee nw–
(b) Semi–conductors/Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ (a) pyrogallic acid/heeFjesiewefuekeâ [(C6H3(OH)3] Decue
(c) Good conductors of electricity (b) lead stearate/meermee mšerÙejsš
efJeÅegle keâe DeÛÚe Ûeeuekeâ (c) dilute sulphuric acid/leveg meuHeäÙetefjkeâ Decue
(d) Do not posses electrical properties (d) aqueous solution of ammonium chloride
efJeÅegle kesâ iegCe veneR nw~ DeceesefveÙece keäueesjeF[ keâe peueerÙe efJeueÙeve
*1817.Electro chemical equivalent of nickel is 30.4 × *1823.12 V lead-acid battery has an internal
10–8 kg/C, mass of nickel is to be deposited on a resistance of 0.01 Ω. How much current will
shaft is 2.147 kg. What will be the theoretical flow when the battery is short-circuited?
value of quantity of electricity required? Skeâ 12 V meermee-Decue yewšjer keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe
efveefkeâue keâe efJeÅegle jemeeÙeefvekeâ leguÙeebkeâ 30.4 × 10–8
0.01 Ω keâe nw~ peye yewšjer ueIeg heefjheLe nesleer nw lees
kg/C nw, Skeâ Mee@Heäš hej peceeS peeves Jeeues efveefkeâue keâe
efkeâlevee Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesieer?
Yeej 2.147 efkeâuees«eece nw~ efyepeueer keâer cee$ee keâe
(a) 10 A (b) 100 A
DeeJeMÙekeâ mewæebeflekeâ ceeve keäÙee nesiee? (c) 600 A (d) 1200 A
(a) 1100 Ah (b) 561 Ah 1824. Which of the following is a dry storage cell?
(c) 1961 Ah (d) 1470 Ah efvecve ceW mes keâewve Skeâ Meg<keâ mebÛeeÙekeâ mesue nw?
1818. A solar cell is :
Skeâ meesuej mesue nw– (a) Carbon-zinc cell/keâeye&ve-efpebkeâ mesue
(a) Same as photometer/heâesšes ceeršj keâer lejn (b) Mercury cell/cejkeâjer mesue
(b) Same as a photo emissive cell (c) Nickel-iron/efveefkeâue DeeÙejve
heâesšes FefceefmeJe mesue keâer lejn (d) Nickel-cadmium cell/efveefkeâue kewâ[efceÙece mesue

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 182 YCT

1825. Find the odd one out Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe r = 4 Deesce keâer Skeâ 24 V keâer yewšjer
Skeâ efJe<ece Úe@efšS Skeâ heefjJeefle&le ØeeflejesOe R mes pegÌ[er nw~ ØeeflejesOe ceW T<cee
(a) lead-acid cells/meermee-Decue mesue DeheJÙeÙe keâer oj DeefOekeâlece nesieer, peye yewšjer mes ueer ieF&
(b) solar cells/meewj mesue Oeeje I nes, yewšjer mes ueer ieF& Oeeje I nesieer peye R
(c) fuel cells/F&Oeve mesue 2
yejeyej nw–
(d) dry cells/Meg<keâ mesue
(a) 8 Ω (b) 12 Ω
1826. The efficiency of a solar cell may be in the range
(c) 16 Ω (d) 20Ω
meewj mesue kesâ o#elee keâer meercee nes mekeâleer nw–
1830. For a group of cells when internal resistance of
(a) 2 to 5%/ 2 mes 5% the group is equal to external load resistance,
(b) 10 to 15% / 10 mes 15% the group will deliver maximum
(c) 30 to 40% / 30 mes 40% mesueeW kesâ Skeâ mecetn kesâ efueS, peye mecetn keâe Deebleefjkeâ
(d) 70 to 80% / 70 mes 80% ØeeflejesOe yeenjer Yeej ØeeflejesOe kesâ yejeyej neslee nw, lees
*1827.A discharged battery is put on charge at 5 A mecetn DeefOekeâlece efJeleefjle keâjsiee–
for 3.5 hours. After charging it is used to (a) voltage /Jeesušspe
supply current for 6 hours to a resistance R (b) current /Oeeje
ohms. The terminal voltage across the
(c) ampere-hour /SefcheÙej-Iebše
resistance is 12 V. If the ampere hour efficiency
of the battery is 85% the value of R is (d) efficiency /o#elee
Skeâ efvejeJesefMele yewšjer keâes 5 A hej 3.5 IeCšs kesâ efueS 1831. The arrangement of 12 cells, each of internal
DeeJesefMele efkeâÙee peelee nw~ DeeJesMeve kesâ yeeo Fmekeâe resistance 1.5 Ω, to give maximum current in
external load resistance of 2 Ω will be
GheÙeesie 6 IeCšs kesâ efueS R Deesce ceW Oeeje ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee
12 mesuees kesâ ØeyebOe ceW ØelÙeskeâ keâe Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe 1.5
peelee nw~ ØeeflejesOe ceW efmeje Jeesušlee 12 V nw~ Ùeefo yewšjer
Ω nw, 2 Ω kesâ yeenjer Yeej ØeeflejesOe ceW DeefOekeâlece Oeeje
keâe SefcheÙej IeCše o#elee 85% nw lees R keâe ceeve nw–
osves kesâ efueS nesieer~
(a) 2 ohm/2 Deesÿe
(a) all 12 cells in series /meYeer 12 mesuees keâes ßesCeer ceW
(b) 4 ohm/4 Deesÿe
(b) all 12 cells in parallel/meYeer 12 mesuees keâes meceeblej ceW
(c) 4.84 ohms/4.84 Deesÿe
(c) 4 cells in series with 3 rows in parallel
(d) 5.5 ohms/5.5 Deesÿe
ßesCeer ceW 4 mesuees kesâ meeLe, meceeblej ceW 3 hebefòeâÙeeB
*1828.Five cells are connected in series in a row and
(d) 3 cells in series with 4 rows in parallel
then four such rows are connected in parallel to
ßesCeer ceW 3 mesuees kesâ meeLe, meceeblej ceW 4 heefòeâÙeeB
feed the current to a resistive load of 1.25 Ω.
Each cell has an emf of 1.5 V with an internal 1832. Standard cell
resistance of 0.2 Ω. The current through the ceevekeâ mesue–
load will be. (a) will have precise and accurate constant
heeBÛe mesue Skeâ hebefòeâ ceW ßesCeer ›eâce ceW pegÌ[s nw, Deewj efHeâj voltage when current drawn from it is few
Ûeej Ssmeer ner hebefòeâÙeeB 1.25 Ω kesâ ØeeflejesOekeâ Yeej keâes microamperes only. /ÙeLeeLe& Deewj heefjMegæ efmLej
Oeeje Heâer[ keâjves kesâ efueS meceeblej ceW pegÌ[er nesleer nQ~ 0.2 Jeesušspe nesiee, peye Fmemes ueer ieF& Oeeje kesâJeue kegâÚ
Ω kesâ Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe ØelÙeskeâ mesue keâe emf
ceeF›eâesSefcheÙej keâer nesieer~
(b) will have precise and accurate constant
1.5 V nw~ Yeej kesâ ceeOÙece mes Oeeje nesieer?
voltage when few milliamperes are drawn
(a) 3.33A (b) 23.33A from it./ÙeLeeLe& Deewj heefjMegæ efmLej Jeesušspe nesiee, peye
(c) 5 A (d) 1 A
Fmemes ueer ieF& Oeeje kesâJeue kegâÚ efceueerSefcheÙej keâer nesieer~
1829. A 24 V battery of internal resistance r = 4 Ω
(c) will continue to have constant voltage
connected to a variable resistance R. The rate
irrespective of loading conditions/ueesef[bie keâer
of heat dissipation in the resistor is maximum
when the current drawn from the battery is I. efmLeefle kesâ mecyevOe ceW Jeesušspe ueieeleej efmLej yevee jnsiee
The current drawn from the battery will be I/2 (d) can supply voltages up to 10V
when R is equal to 10V lekeâ Jeesušspe keâer Deehetefle& keâj mekeâlee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 183 YCT
1833. During electroplating the weight of a substance 1838. Which of the following substances on adding in
deposited depends upon electrolyte helps in producing bright finish?
Fueskeäš^eshuesefšbie kesâ oewjeve pecee nesves Jeeues heoeLe& keâe Yeej Ûecekeâeruee efHeâefveMe Glheeove keâjves kesâ efueS Fueskeäš^esueeFš
efveYe&j keâjlee nw ceW efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee heoeLe& efceueeles nQ–
(a) shape of the article /Jemleg kesâ Deekeâej hej (a) Glycerine /efiuemejerve
(b) quantity of electricity /efJeÅegle keâer cee$ee hej (b) Dextrol /[smš^esue
(c) room temperature. /keâcejs keâe leehe hej (c) Phenol /efHeâveesue
(d) all of the above /Ghejeskeäle meYeer (d) Any of these /FmeceW mes keâesF&
1834. Pickling is 1839. The output voltage of a silver oxide cell is
efheefkeäuebie nw– Skeâ efmeuJej Dee@keämeeF[ mesue keâe DeeGšhegš Jeesušspe nw–
(a) protection of surface from rusting (a) 1.2 V (b) 1.3 V
pebie mes melen keâer megj#ee keâjvee (c) 1.5 V (d) 1.9 V
(b) a layer coating for preventing surface 1840. The ampere-hour (A.h.) capacity of a battery
deterioration /melen keâes Kejeye nesves mes jeskeâves kesâ efueS used on cars is/Skeâ keâej kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ yewšjer keâer
hejle keâe ueshe ÛeÌ{evee SefcheÙej IeCše (A.h.) #ecelee nw–
(c) removal of scale, grease etc, from the surface. (a) 5 to 10 Ah/5 mes 10 Ah
mkesâue, «eerme Deeefo keâes melen mes nševee (b) 15 to 20 Ah/15 mes 20 Ah
(d) none of the above. /FmeceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 20 to 30 Ah/20 mes 30 Ah
1835. Oil and grease can be removed from a surface (d) 30 to 60 Ah/30 mes 60 Ah
with the help of
1841. When n cell each of e.m.f. E volts and internal
Skeâ melen mes lesue Deewj «eerme keâes efkeâmekeâer meneÙelee mes resistance r ohms are connected in parallel the
nšeÙee pee mekeâlee nw? strength of current I is given by
(a) soaps /meeyegve peye n mesue, efpemeceW ØelÙeskeâ keâe e.m.f. E leLee
(b) hot alkaline solutions /iece& #eejerÙe Ieesue Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe r Deesÿe nes, meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nes lees
(c) solvents such as gasoline or carbon tetrachloride Oeeje I keâer #ecelee oer peeleer nw–
iewmeesueeFve Ùee keâeye&ve šsš^ekeäueesjeF[ pewmee efJeueÙeve  r  n
(a) E /  R +  (b) E /R + 
(d) any of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW keâesF& Yeer  n  r
1836. For achieving uniform thickness of deposit on (c) E/ (R + r) (d) E / (n + Rr)
irregular surface/Demeceeve melen hej pecee Skeâ meceeve 1842. Capacity of a dry cell, is
ceesšeF& Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS– Skeâ Meg<keâ mesue keâer #ecelee, nw–
(a) anode and cathode are kept farther apart (a) more when it supplies current continuously
Svees[ Deewj kewâLees[ Deueie jKee peelee nw DeefOekeâ peye Ùen ueieeleej Oeeje Deehetefle& keâjlee nw
(b) anode and cathode are kept closer (b) more when it supplies current intermittently
Svees[ Deewj kewâLees[ keâes heeme ceW jKee peelee nw DeefOekeâ, peye Ùen Oeeje ®keâ-®keâ keâj Deehetefle& keâjlee nw
(c) high current densities are used. (c) not affected by the type of discharge
GÛÛe Oeeje IevelJe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw ef[mÛeepe& kesâ Øekeâej mes ØeYeeefJele veneR neslee nw
(d) electrolyte is agitated constantly (d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Fueskeäš^esueeFš ueieeleej Gòesefpele neslee nw 1843. The emf of primary cell depends upon the
1837. Addition of which of the following substances ØeeLeefcekeâ mesue keâe emf Fmekesâ ...........hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw
in electrolyte promotes smooth deposition? (a) physical dimensions of a cell.
efÛekeâveer peceeJe keâes yeÌ{eJee osves kesâ efueS Fueskeäš^esueeFš ceW mesue kesâ Yeeweflekeâ DeeÙeece hej
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee heoeLe& efceueeles nw– (b) nature of electrolyte
(a) Albumen /MJeslekeâ Fueskeäš^esueeFš keâer Øeke=âefle hej
(b) Glucose /iuetkeâes]pe (c) nature of electrode
(c) Phenol /efHeâvee@ue Fueskeäš^es[ keâer Øeke=âefle hej
(d) Any of these /FmeceW mes keâesF& (d) both (b) and (c) /(b) Deewj (c) oesveeW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 184 YCT
1844. Internal resistance of primary cell varies efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee hejer#eCe Ùen helee ueieeves kesâ
ØeeLeefcekeâ mesue keâe Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe yeouelee nw– efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw efkeâ yewšjer keâer huesš Kejeye nQ Ùee
(a) inversely with the surface area of electrodes. vener?
Fueskeäš^es[ keâer melen #es$e kesâ meeLe JÙegl›eâce ®he mes (a) Specific gravity test /efJeefMe<š ieg®lJe hejer#eCe
(b) directly with the distance between electrodes (b) High discharge test /GÛÛe efJemepe&ve hejer#eCe
meerOes Fueskeäš^es[ kesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer kesâ meeLe (c) Cadmium test /kewâ[efceÙece hejer#eCe
(c) with the nature of electrodes (d) None of the above /FmeceW mes keâesF& veneR
Fueskeäš^es[ keâer Øeke=âefle kesâ meeLe 1850. Vent plug is provided in each lead acid cell to
(d) all of the above except (a) ØelÙeskeâ meermee-Decue mesue ceW Jesvš hueie GheueyOe keâjeÙee
(a) keâes ÚesÌ[keâj Ghejesòeâ meYeer peelee nw–
1845. When two cells of unequal voltages are in (a) pour water or electrolyte when needed
parallel, the e.m.f. of the combination is equal peye DeeJeMÙekeâlee nes lees heeveer Ùee Fueskeäš^esueeFš keâes
to the e.m.f. of the ....... cell.
peye oes Demeceeve Jeesušlee kesâ mesue meceevlej ceW nes lees
(b) check the electrolyte level
mebÙegòeâ e.m.f. ......... mesue kesâ e.m.f. kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~ Fueskeäš^esueeFš kesâ leue keâes peeBÛeves ceW
(a) small/Úesše (c) allow escape out of gases during charging
(b) large/yeÌ[er DeeJesMeve kesâ meceÙe efveefkeâueves Jeeues iewmees keâes yeenj
(c) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ keâesF& Yeer efvekeâeuevee
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ keâesF& veneR (d) all of the above /Ghejeskeäle meYeer
1846. Battery charging room is to be kept well 1851. In lead acid batteries, sedimentation occurs
ventilated so as to reduce the hydrogen due to/meermee-Decue yewšjer ceW DeJemeeove............ kesâ
concentration below ........ percent. keâejCe neslee nw–
yewšjer DeeJesMeve kesâ ®ce keâes DeÛÚer lejn nJeeoej jKevee (a) idleness for a longer period
ÛeeefnS leeefkeâ neF[^espeve keâer meevõlee ........... ØeefleMele mes uecyes meceÙe lekeâ efveef<›eâÙe
keâce nes~ (b) overcharging at slow rate
(a) one/Skeâ (b) two/oes efvecve oj hej GÛÛe DeeJesMeve
(c) three/leerve (d) four/Ûeej (c) overcharging at high rate
1847. Extent of corrosion in the underground metal
GÛÛe oj hej GÛÛe DeeJesMeve
work depends upon/YetÙeesefpele OeeeflJekeâ keâeÙe& ceW (d) slow charging at low rate
meb#eejCe keâer meercee efveYe&j keâjleer nw– efvecve oj hej efvecve DeeJesMeve
1852. In a lead acid battery, excessive formation of
(a) amount of moisture/veceer keâer cee$ee hej lead sulphate occurs due to
(b) type of metals/OeelegDeeW kesâ Øekeâej hej Skeâ meermee-Decue yewšjer ces DelÙeefOekeâ ues[ meuHesâš kesâ
(c) type of soil chemicals/ce=oe kesâ jemeeÙeefvekeâ Øekeâej hej yeveves keâe keâejCe neslee nw–
(d) all above factors/Ghejesòeâ meYeer keâejkeâes hej (a) idleness of battery for a long time.
1848. In a lead acid battery, fillers are provided to uebyes meceÙe lekeâ yewšjer keâer efveef<›eâÙelee
meermee-Decue yewšjer ceW efHeâuej GheueyOe keâjeÙee peelee nw– (b) low level of electrolyte
(a) facilitate flow of gasses. Fueskeäš^esueeFš keâe efvecve mlej
iewmees kesâ yeneJe ceW megiecelee kesâ efueS (c) persistent undercharging
(b) prevent flow of gasses ueieeleej DeeJesMeve kesâ keâejCe
iewmees kesâ yeneJe keâes jeskeâves kesâ efueS (d) all of the above /Ghejeskeäle meYeer
(c) recover acid losses through vapours 1853. Sulphated cells are indicated by the
Jee<heve mes Decue neefve keâes hetje keâjves kesâ efueS meuHesâšs[ mesueeW Éeje mebkesâle efoÙee peelee nw–
(d) reduce tendency for polarisation (a) low specific gravity /efvecve efJeefMe<š ieg®lJe
OeÇgJeerkeâjCe keâer ØeJe=efòe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS (b) low voltage on discharge
1849. Which of the following tests is performed for efvecve Jeesušpe hej efJemepe&ve
ascertaining whether the battery plates are (c) low capacity /efvecve #ecelee
defective or not? (d) all of the above /Ghejeskeäle meYeer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 185 YCT

1854. Charging of a sulphated battery at high rate 1859. The capacity of a lead acid battery is adversely
causes/GÛÛe oj hej meuHesâšs[ Ùegkeäle yewšjer kesâ ÛeeefpeËie affected by increase in
kesâ keâejCe neslee nw– efvecve ceW mes efkeâmekeâer Je=efæ mes meermee-Decue yewš^er keâer
(a) warping of plates #ecelee hej Øeefleketâue ØeYeeJe heÌ[lee nw–
huesšeW keâe ceg[Ì vee Ùee šsÌ{e nes peevee (a) discharge rate /efJemepe&ve oj
(b) boiling of electrolyte owing to gassing (b) charge rate /DeeJesefMele oj
Fueskeäš^esueeFš kesâ Gyeueves kesâ keâejCe iewefmebie keâe nesvee (c) temperature /leeheceeve
(c) damage to separators, cell caps, covers and (d) specific gravity of the electrolyte
battery case due to excessive temperature
Fueskeäš^esueeFš kesâ efJeefMe<š ieg®lJe
DelÙeefOekeâ leeheceeve kesâ keâejCe efJeYeepekeâ, mesue kewâhe,
1860. During charging and discharging of an Edison
DeeJejCe Deewj yewšjer kesâ Keesue keâer #eefle cell/Skeâ S[ermeve mesue kesâ ÛeeefpeËie Deewj ef[mÛeeefpeËie kesâ
(d) all of the above. /Ghejeskeäle meYeer
1855. Short circuiting of a cell may be caused by
(a) electrolyte does not take part in chemical
Skeâ mesue keâer ueIeg heefjheLe.........kesâ keâejCe nes mekeâlee nw– reaction / Fueskeäš^esueeFš jemeeÙeefvekeâ Øeef›eâÙee ceW Yeeie
(a) buckling of plates /huesšeW keâe cegÌ[vee veneR ueslee nw
(b) breakdown of one or more separators
(b) emf remains the same / efJe.Jee.ye. Jener jnlee nw
Skeâ Ùee Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ efJeYeepekeâeW keâe štšvee
(c) corrosive fumes are produced
(c) excessive accumulation of sediments at the
meb#eejkeâ OegDeeb Glhevve neslee nw
bottom of the cell/mesue kesâ leue hej leueÚš keâe
(d) nickel hydroxide remains unsplit
DelÙeefOekeâ mebÛeÙe
efveefkeâue neF[^e@keämeeF[ Skeâ jnlee nw
(d) any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF&
1861. Nickel–cadmium accumulators in comparison
1856. Short circuiting of a cell results in to nickel–iron accumulators have the advanta-
Skeâ mesue keâer ueIeg heefjheLe keâe heefjCeece nesiee– ges of / efveefkeâue-DeeÙejve mebÛeeÙekeâeW keâer leguevee ceW
(a) reduced gassing during charging efveefkeâue-kewâ[efceÙece mebÛeeÙekeâeW kesâ ueeYe–
ÛeeefpeËie kesâ oewjeve iewefmebie keâe keâce nesvee (a) being lighter in weight and cheaper in cost
(b) abnormal high temperature
Jepeve ceW nukeâe nesvee Deewj ueeiele ceW memlee nesvee
DemeeceevÙe GÛÛe leeheceeve
(b) low internal resistance and longer life
(c) low specific gravity of the electrolyte
keâce Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe Deewj pÙeeoe DeeÙeg
Fueskeäš^esueeFš keâe efvecve efJeefMe<š ieg®lJe
(c) higher emf and higher efficiency
(d) all of the above /Ghejeskeäle meYeer
GÛÛe efJe.yee.ye. Deewj GÛÛe o#elee
1857. If the specific gravity of the electrolyte in a lead
(d) all of the above /Ghejeskeäle meYeer
acid cell increases beyond 1.23 there will be
Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue ceW Ùeefo efJeefMe<š ieg®lJe keâe ceeve 1862. Mercury cell has which of the following
characteristics? / efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve-mee cejkeâjer
1.23 mes pÙeeoe nes peeÙes lees–
mesue keâe DeefYeue#eCe nw?
(a) loss of life. /DeeÙeg keâer keâceer
(a) Flat discharge current-voltage curve
(b) loss of capacity /#ecelee keâer keâceer
meeceevÙe efJemepe&ve Oeeje-Jeesušlee Je›eâ
(c) increase in internal resistance
(b) High power to weight ratio
Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe ceW Je=efæ
Meefòeâ Deewj Yeej keâe GÛÛe Devegheele
(d) corrosion of the grids of the plate
(c) Comparatively longer shelf life under adverse
huesš kesâ ef«e[es keâe #ejCe
conditions of high temperature and
1858. The capacity of a lead acid battery does not
humidity/GÛÛe leeheceeve Deewj Deeõ&lee keâer Øeefleketâue
depend upon
Skeâ meermee-Decue yewš^er keâer #ecelee efveYe&j veneR keâjleer nw efmLeefle kesâ lenle legueveelcekeâ ™he mes uecyeer peerJevekeâeue
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(a) charge rate /DeeJesefMele oj hej
1863. In a lead-acid cell the relationship between no
(b) discharge rate /efJemeefpe&le oj hej
load voltage (V) of the cell and the specific
(c) temperature /leeheceeve hej gravity (S) of the electrolyte is given by
(d) density of electrolyte V=S+k
Fueskeäš^esueeFš kesâ IevelJe hej where the value of k is
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 186 YCT
Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue ceW MetvÙe Yeej Jeesušlee (V) leLee (c) anyone of the two can be added to other
efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe (S) kesâ yeerÛe chemical/oesveeW ceW mes keâesF& Skeâ keâes otmejs jmeeÙeve kesâ
mecyevOe efoÙee peelee nw meeLe efceueevee ÛeeefnS
V=S+k (d) none of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
peneB K keâe ceeve nw– 1868. Which of the following is incorrect?
(a) 0.40 efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee ieuele nw?
(b) 0.84 (a) A storage cell has a reversible chemical
(c) 1.5 reaction/Skeâ mebÛeeÙekeâ mesue keâer jemeeÙeefvekeâ DeefYeef›eâÙee
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR ØeefleJeleea nesleer nw
1864. To avoid freezing in cold weather, specific (b) A lead-acid cell can be recharged
gravity of electrolyte of lead-acid cell should be Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue hegve:DeeJesefMele nes mekeâlee nw
kept above (c) A carbon-zinc cell has unlimited shelf life
"b[ kesâ ceewmece ceW peceves mes jeskeâves kesâ efueS Skeâ meermee- Skeâ keâeye&ve-efpebkeâ yewšjer keâer Demeerefcele peerJeve keâeue nesleer nw
Decue mesue kesâ efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe kesâ efJeefMe° ieg®lJe (d) A primary cell has an irreversible chemical
.............. mes Thej nesveer ÛeeefnS~ reaction/Skeâ ØeeLeefcekeâ mesue ceW Skeâ DeheefjJele&veerÙe
(a) 1.1 (b) 1.2 jemeeÙeefvekeâ DeefYeef›eâÙee nesleer nw~
(c) 1.225 (d) 1.3 1869. Which of the following has lower specific.
1865. For a cell to work, which of the following gravity?
condition(s) become necessary? ef vecveefueefKele ceW efkeâmekeâe vÙetvelece efJeefMe° ieg®lJe nw?
Skeâ mesue keâes keâeÙe& keâjves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele ceW mes (a) Dilute H2SO4/ leveg H2SO4
keâewve meer DeJemLee pe™jer nesleer nw? (b) Concentrated H2SO4/meevõ H2SO4
(a) Two electrodes of different metals should be (c) Water/peue
inserted in the electrolyte, not touching each (d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
other/oes efJeefYeVe Oeeleg Jeeues Fueskeäš^es[ pees efyevee Skeâ
1870. Under normal charging rate, the charging
otmejs mes mheMe& kesâ efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe ceW [tyes nes current should be / meeceevÙe DeeJesMeve kesâ lenle
(b) Electrolyte must chemically react with one of DeeJesMeve Oeeje nesvee ÛeeefnS–
the electrodes/efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâes keâce mes keâce Skeâ
(a) 10% of capacity/ #ecelee keâe 10%
Fueskeäš^es[ kesâ meeLe jemeeÙeefvekeâ ef›eâÙeeMeerue nes
(b) 20% of capacity/ #ecelee keâe 20%
(c) Electrolyte liquid or paste should be
(c) 30% of capacity/ #ecelee keâe 30%
conducting/efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe õJe Ùee uegioer ÛeeuekeâerÙe
nesvee ÛeeefnS (d) 40% of capacity/ #ecelee40% keâe
(d) All above three conditions are necessary 1871. When two batteries are connected in parallel, it
should be ensured that
Ghejesòeâ leerveeW DeJemLee pe™jer nw
peye oes yewšefjÙeeB meceevlej ceW pegÌ[er nes lees Ùen megefveef§ele
1866. Which of the following primary cells has the
highest voltage? / efvecveefueefKele ceW efkeâme ØeeLeefcekeâ
efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS efkeâ–
(a) they have same e.m.f./Gvekesâ e.m.f. meceeve nes
mesue keâer Jeesušlee GÛÛe nesleer nw?
(b) they have same make/Gvekeâer yeveeJeš meceeve nes
(a) Manganese-alkaline/ceQieveerpe-#eejerÙe
(c) they have same ampere-hour capacity
(b) Carbon-zinc/keâeye&ve-efpebkeâ
Gvekeâer SefcheÙej-IeCše #ecelee meceeve nes
(c) Lithium/ueerefLeÙece
(d) they have identical internal resistance
(d) Mercury/cejkeâjer Gvekeâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe meceeve nes
1867. While preparing electrolyte for a lead acid 1872. A typical output of a solar cell is
battery/peye meermee-Decue yewšjer keâe efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe Skeâ meesuej mesue keâe efJeefMe° DeeGšhegš nw–
lewÙeej keâjves kesâ efueS– (a) 0.1 V (b) 0.26 V
(a) water is poured into acid (c) 1.1 V (d) 2 V
Decue ceW peue efceueevee ÛeeefnS 1873. What is the reasonable value of current that
(b) acid is poured into water can be continuously drawn from a 120 ampere-
peue ceW Decue efceueevee ÛeeefnS hour capacity lead-acid cell?

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 187 YCT

Oeeje keâe GefÛele ceeve keäÙee nw efpemes ueieeleej 120 *1879.A battery cell having an emf of 2.2 volts and an
SefcheÙej-Iebšs #ecelee Jeeues meermee Decue mesue mes efueÙee pee internal resistance of 0.03 ohms is connected to
mekeâlee nw? an external resistance of 0.10 ohm.
(a) 2 A (b) 20 A
Skeâ yewšjer mesue efpemekeâe Skeâ efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (emf)
(c) 40 A (d) 70 A 2.2 Jeesušdme Deewj Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe 0.03 Deesÿe kesâ
1874. In a lead-acid battery the energy is stored in 0.10 Deesÿe kesâ Skeâ Jee¢e ØeeflejesOe mes mebÙeesefpele nw~
the form of/Skeâ meermee-Decue yewšjer ceW Tpee& efvecve ™he The efficiency of battery was nearly
ceW mebefÛele nesleer nw– yewšjer keâer o#elee ueieYeie ........ Leer~
(a) charged ions/DeeJesefMele Dee@Ùevme (a) 88% (b) 77%
(b) chemical energy/jemeeÙeefvekeâ Tpee& (c) 66% (d) 55%
(c) electrostatic energy/efJeÅegle mLeweflekeâ Tpee& 1880. In nickel-iron cell the electrolyte is
efveefkeâue-DeeÙejve mesue ceW efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe .......... nw~
(d) electromagnetic energy/efJeÅegleÛegcyekeâerÙe Tpee&
1875. Which among the following constitutes the (a) dilute sulphuric acid/leveg meuheäÙetefjkeâ Decue
major load for an automobile battery? (b) dilute potassium hydroxide
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve Skeâ Jeenve Ûeeuekeâ yewšjer kesâ leveg heesšwefMeÙece neF[^ekeämeeF[
efueS ØecegKe Yeej keâe ie"ve keâjlee nw? (c) dilute ammonium hydroxide
(a) Brake light/yeÇskeâ ueeFš
leveg DeceesefveÙece neF[^ekeämeeF[
(d) dilute sodium chloride solution
(b) Self starter/mJe–DeejcYekeâ
leveg meesef[Ùece keäueesjeF[ efJeueÙeve
(c) Parking lights/heeefke&âie ueeFš
1881. In Edison cell the concentration of electrolyte
(d) Spark plugs/mHegâefuebie hueie S[ermeve mesue ceW efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâe meevõCe
1876. Which secondary cell has the highest voltage
(a) increases during charging
output?/keâewve mes efÉleerÙekeâ mesue keâe GÛÛe Jeesušlee
DeeJesMeve kesâ oewjeve yeÌ{lee nw
DeeGšhegš neslee nw?
(b) decreases during charging
(a) Nickel-cadmium/efveefkeâue kewâ[efceÙece DeeJesMeve kesâ oewjeve Iešlee nw
(b) Lead-acid/meermee-Decue (c) increase during discharging
(c) Silver-cadmium/efmeuJej-kewâ[efceÙece efJemepe&ve kesâ oewjeve yeÌ{lee nw
(d) Silver-zinc/efmeuJej-efpebkeâ (d) remains unaltered. /DeheefjJeefle&le
1877. Satellite power requirement is provided through 1882. The electrolyte used in nickel cadmium cell is
Ghe«en keâes DeeJeMÙekeâ Meefòeâ ............. kesâ ceeOÙece mes efveefkeâue-kewâ[efceÙece mesue ceW ØeÙegòeâ efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe
Øeoeve keâer peeleer nw~ ......... neslee nw~
(a) solar cells/meewj mesue Éeje (a) Sodium chloride solution
(b) dry cells/Meg<keâ mesue Éeje meesef[Ùece keäueesjeF[ efJeueÙeve
(b) Sulphuric acid (dilute) /meuheäÙetefjkeâ Decue (leveg)
(c) nickel-cadmium cells/efveefkeâue kewâ[efceÙece mesue Éeje
(c) Potassium hydroxide / heesšwefMeÙece neF[^e@keämeeF[
(d) lead-acid batteries/meermee-Decue yewšefjÙeeW Éeje
1878. If a battery is to be charged at a much higher (d) Ammonium hydroxide /DeceesefveÙece neF[^e@keämeeF[
rate as compared to normal charging rate, the 1883. A cell which is used as a voltage reference
charging should be restricted to source for instrument calibration is
Ùeefo Skeâ yewšjer meeceevÙe DeeJesMeve oj keâer leguevee ceW Skeâ mesue pees Jeesušlee mevoYe& Œeesle keâer lejn GheÙeb$e
yengle DeefOekeâ DeeJesMeve oj mes DeeJesefMele efkeâÙee peelee nw, DebMeekeâve kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ nw~
lees DeeJesMeve keâes ØeefleyeefvOele efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS– (a) mercury-cadmium cell /ceke&âjer kewâ[efceÙece mesue
(a) 95% of the capacity of battery (b) solar cells /meesuej-mesue
yewšjer keâer #ecelee keâe 95% (c) dry cell /Meg<keâ mesue
(b) 80% of the capacity of battery
(d) nickel-cadmium cell /efveefkeâue kewâ[efceÙece mesue
yewšjer keâer #ecelee keâe 80%
*1884.A 10 kw electric motor drives a vihicle at an
(c) 55% of the capacity of battery
average speed of 50 km/h Ten 12v, 100 Ah
yewšjer keâer #ecelee keâe 55% batteries supply the motor.
(d) 35% of the capacity of battery The total Ah rating for batteries that will
yewšjer keâer #ecelee keâe 35% provide a range of 400 km will be
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 188 YCT
ome, 12 Jeesuš keâer 100 Ah #ecelee Jeeueer yewš^er pees 10 (a) 3 Ω (b) 1.5 Ω
kw Jeeueer ceesšj keâes mehueeF& osleer nw efpemekeâer Deewmele (c) 15 Ω (d) 30 Ω
ieefle 50 km/h pees Jeenve keâes Ûeueeleer nw, lees 1889. For preparing electrolyte for lead-acid battery,
acid is poured into water to
yewšefjÙeeW kesâ efueS kegâue SefcheÙej-Oeeje efveOee&jCe pees 400
meermee-Decue yewšjer kesâ efueS efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe lewÙeej keâjves
efkeâueesceeršj keâer Skeâ ßesCeer Øeoeve keâjsieer ........... nesieer~
kesâ efueS, Decue keâes heeveer ceW [euee peelee nw–
(a) 1600 Ah / 1600 SefcheÙej-IeCše
(a) avoid explosion/efJemHeâesš mes yeÛeves kesâ efueS
(b) 3130 Ah1/ 3130 SefcheÙej-IeCše
(c) 5555Ah/5555 SefcheÙej-IeCše (b) make initial mixture too weak
(d) 667 Ah. / 667 SefcheÙej-IeCše
ØeejefcYekeâ efceßeCe keâes keâcepeesj keâjves kesâ efueS
*1885.Two identical cells, when connected in series, (c) conserve consumption of acid
supply a current of 0.45 amperes to a 10 ohm Decue keâer Kehele keâe mebj#eCe kesâ efueS
resistor. When these cells are connected in (d) avoid generation of excess heat
parallel, they supply 0.24 A to the same DeefOekeâ T<cee keâer Glheefòe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
resistor. The internal resistance of each cell 1890. In a lead-acid battery during charging
must be
Skeâ meermee-Decue yewšjer ceW DeeJesMeve kesâ Éewjeve–
oes Skeâ-meceeve mesues, peye ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nw, Skeâ 10
(a) specific gravity of acid increases
Deesÿe ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ efueS 0.45 SefcheÙej keâer Skeâ Oeeje
Decue keâe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe yeÌ{lee nw
Deehetefle& nw~ peye Ùes mesues meceevlej ceW mebÙeesefpele keâer peeleer
(b) voltage drops/Jeesušlee heele neslee nw
nw, Jes meceeve ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ efueS 0.24 SefcheÙej keâer
(c) anode becomes whitish in colour
Deehetefle& keâjles nQ~ ØelÙeskeâ mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe
Svees[ keâe jbie otefOeÙee nes peelee nw
......... nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(d) the cell gives out energy/mesue, Tpee& cegòeâ keâjlee nw
(a) 0.024 ohm / Deesÿe
1891. In a battery, cover is placed over the elements
(b) 0.45 ohm/0.45 Deesÿe and sealed at the top of the battery container.
(c) 2.4 ohm / 2.4 Deesÿe This is done in order to
(d) 1.2 ohm / 1.2 Deesÿe Skeâ yewšjer ceW, DeJeÙeJeeW keâes Gmekesâ mLeeve hej {keâe Deewj
1886. 119 cells, each of emf 0.119V and internal yewšjer keâvšsvej keâes Meeru[ efkeâÙee peelee nw
resistance 0.119 Ω are connected in parallel.
The emf of the parallel combination will be
Ùen Ssmee efkeâÙee peelee nw
119 mesues, ØelÙeskeâ keâe efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (e.m.f.) (a) exclude dirt and foreign matter from the
0.119 Jeesuš Deewj Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe 0.119 Deesÿe electrolyte /Oetue Deewj yeenjer heoeLe& keâes Fueskeäš^esueeFš
meceeveevlej ceW mebÙeesefpele nw~ meceeveevlej mebÙeespeve keâe mes Deueie keâjvee
(b) reduce evaporation of water from electrolyte
efJeÅegle-Jeenkeâ yeue (e.m.f.) ......... nesiee~
Fueskeäš^esueeFš mes heeveer kesâ Jee<heve keâes keâce keâjvee
(a) 0.119 V / 0.119 Jeesuš
(c) both (a) and (b) /oesveeW (a) Deewj (b)
(b) 119×0.119 V / 119×.0.119 Jeesuš
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW keâesF& veneR
(c) (119+0.119) V / (119+0.119) Jeesuš
*1892.A battery has a 20 hour charge rate of 10 A,
(d) 1000 V / 1000 Jeesuš
the mean value of terminal voltage during
1887. Thirty zinc carbon dry cells are connected in charging being 2.35 V. It supplies 7 A for 25
series. The total voltage output will be hours when used and the mean terminal
leerme efpebkeâ-keâeye&ve Meg<keâ mesuesb ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nw~ voltage, during discharging is 1.955 V. The
kegâue efveie&le Jeesušlee nesieer– ampere-hour and watt-hour efficiencies
(a) 1.5 V (b) 30 V respectively of the battery are
(c) 45 V (d) 60 V Skeâ yewšjer ceW 10 A hej 20 IeCšs DeeJesMeve oj nw,
1888. A 45 V source with an internal resistance of 1.5 DeeJesMeve kesâ oewjeve efmeje Jeesušlee keâe ceeOÙeceeve 2.35
ohm is connected across a wire wound resistor.
V nw~ Ùen 25 IeCšs kesâ efueS 7 A keâer hetefle& keâjlee nw
Maximum power will be dissipated on the
resistor when its R is peye efJemepe&ve kesâ oewjeve Fmekeâe ceeOÙe efmeje Jeesušlee
Skeâ 45 Jeesuš œeesle 1.5 Deesce kesâ Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ 1.955 V Fmlesceeue neslee nw~ yewšjer keâer SefcheÙej-IeCše
meeLe Skeâ JeeÙej JeeGC[ ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ S›eâeme mebÙeesefpele leLee Jeeš IeCše o#elee ›eâceMe: nw–
nw~ ØeeflejesOekeâ hej DeefOekeâlece efJekeâerCe& Meefòeâ, peye (a) 10%, 8% (b) 40%, 30%
Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe (R) nw– (c) 50%, 45% (d) 87.5%, 72.79%

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 189 YCT

*1893.A cell supplies a current of 0.75 A for 10 hours. 1899. In electroplating, the character of metal
Then its terminal voltage drops to a low value. deposited is affected by
What is the Ah rating of the cell? efJeÅegle huesefšbie ceW, Oeeleg keâe Skeâ$eCe ØeYeeefJele neslee nw–
Skeâ yewšjer 0.75 A keâer Oeeje 10 IeCšs kesâ efueS ØeJeeefnle (a) surface preparation/melener JÙeJemLeeDeeW kesâ Éeje
keâjleer nw~ leye Fmekesâ efmeje Jeesušlee heele keâe ceeve (b) metal-ion concentration
vÙetvelece neslee nw~ mesue keâer efveOee&efjle Ah keäÙee nw? Oeeleg-DeeÙeve kesâ meevõCe Éeje
(a) 2.5 Ah (b) 5 Ah
(c) structure of the metal/Oeeleg keâer mebjÛevee Éeje
(c) 7.5 Ah (d) 15 Ah
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
1894. A bank of 12 cells is connected into 3 parallel
branches containing 4 cells in series. What is 1900. Coating usually recommended for electrical
the equivalent open circuit e.m.f. of bank? contacts is that of/efJeÅegle mechekeâex kesâ efueS keâesefšbie
12 mesueeW keâe mecetn ëe=Kebuee ceW 4 mesueeW Jeeues 3 meceevlej DeefveJeeÙe& keâer peeleer nw pees neslee nw–
MeeKeeDeeW ceW peg[s nQ~ mecetn keâe leguÙe Keguee heLe e.m.f. (a) tin/efšve (b) gold/meesvee
keäÙee nw? (c) chromium/›eâesefceÙece (d) silver/ÛeeBoer
(a) 2 V (b) 4 V 1901. Galvanising is coating of
(c) 6 V (d) 12 V pemleerke=âle keâer keâesefšbie nw–
*1895.The open-circuit e.m.f. of a storage cell is 2.2 V.
(a) chromium/›eâesefceÙece keâe
The terminal voltage measured when current is
6 A is found to be 1.98 V. The internal (b) lead/meermee keâe
resistance of the cell is (c) zinc/pemlee keâe
Skeâ mebÛeeÙekeâ mesue keâe Keguee heefjheLe e.m.f. 2.2 V nw, (d) tin/efšve keâe
peye 6 A Oeeje hej efmeje Jeesušlee ceehee ieÙee lees Ùen 1902. For zinc plating optimum temperature is
1.98 V Øeehle neslee nw~ mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe nw– efpebkeâ huesefšbie kesâ efueS Devegketâuelece leeheceeve nw–
(a) 0.00366 Ω (b) 0.0366 Ω (a) 5oC (b) 10 to 150C
(c) 0.366 Ω (d) 3.66 Ω (c) 25 to 40oC (d) 50 to 80oC
1896. A 30 V source with a internal resistance of 1 Ω 1903. 121 cells, each of e.m.f. 0.121 V and internal
is connected across a wire wound resistor. resistance 0.121 Ω are connected in parallel.
Maximum power will be dissipated in the The e.m.f. of parallel combination will be
resistor when its R is 121 mesue, efpemeceW ØelÙeskeâ keâe e.m.f. 0.121 V Deewj
1 Ω kesâ Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe 30 Jeesuš keâe Skeâ
Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe 0.121 Ω nw, meceevlej ceW pegÌ[e nw~
Œeesle JeeÙej JeeGC[ ØeeflejesOe kesâ S›eâe@me mebÙeesefpele nw
meceevlej mebÙeespeve keâe e.m.f. nesiee–
ØeeflejesOe ceW DeefOekeâlece Oeeje Kehele nesieer peye R ....... nw~
(a) 121 × 0.121 V (b) 0.121 V
(a) 1 Ω (b) 1.5 Ω
(c) 100 V (d) 1000 V
(c) 2 Ω (d) 2.5 Ω
1904. Higher current density is usually recommened
1897. Electric supply for electroplating should be for/meeceevÙe ™he mes GÛÛe Oeeje IevelJe kesâ efueS
efJeÅegle huesefšbie kesâ efueS efJeÅegle Deehetefle& nesveer ÛeeefnS–
DeefveJeeÙe& nw–
(a) low voltage a.c. voltage/vÙetve Jeesuš S.meer Jeesušlee
(a) tin plating/efšve
huesefšbie kesâ
(b) low frequency a.c. voltage
(b) cadmium plating/kewâ[efceÙece huesefšbie
vÙetve DeeJe=efòe S.meer Jeesušlee
(c) bronze plating/keâebmÙe huesefšbie kesâ efueS
(c) d.c. voltage/ [er.meer Jeesušlee
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ keâesF& Yeer (d) chromium plating/›eâesefceÙece huesefšbie
1898. Highest purity copper is obtained by 1905. A fuel cell converts ....... energy into electrical
energy/Skeâ F&Oeve mesue......... Tpee& keâes efJeÅegle Tpee& ceW
GÛÛe Megælee Jeeuee leeByee Øeehle efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(a) electroplating/efJeÅegle huesefšbie Éeje
heefjJeefle&le keâjlee nw~
(b) roasting/yengle pÙeeoe iejce nesves mes (a) mechanical/Ùeebef$ekeâ

(c) smelting/efheIeueeves mes (b) magnetic/ÛegcyekeâerÙe

(d) any of the above processes (c) solar/meewj
Ghejesòeâ keâesF& Yeer Øeef›eâÙee mes (d) chemical/jemeeÙeefvekeâ

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 190 YCT

1906. Due to sulphation of cell,........colour is noticed (a) All pins / meYeer efheves
on plates/mesue kesâ meuhesâMeve kesâ keâejCe, huesšesb hej (b) Gems clips / peJeenjele efkeäuehme
............ jbie osKee peelee nw~ (c) Steel balls / Fmheele ieWos
(a) red/js[ (b) black/keâeuee (d) All of the above / GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
(c) whitish/mehesâo (d) yellow/heeruee 1913. A battery whose emf is 45 volts is connected to
1907. Specific gravity of alkaline cell is....... a 20 ohm resistance and a current of 2.1 Amp.
#eejerÙe mesue keâe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe ........ neslee nw~ flows. The terminal voltage is
(a) changes from 1.280 when fully charged to
Skeâ yewšjer efpemekeâe efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (emf) 45
1.15 when discharged/peye hetCe& Ûee@pe& neslee nw lees Jeesušdme Skeâ 20 Deesÿe ØeeflejesOe mes mebÙeesefpele nw Deewj 2.1
1.280 mes heefjJeefle&le neslee nw Deewj peye ef[mÛeepe& neslee nw SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw~ šefce&veue Jeesušlee
lees 1.15 lekeâ heefjJeefle&le neslee nw~ ........ nw~
(b) changes from 1.380 when fully charged 1.15 (a) 42 V (b) 45 V
when discharged/peye hetCe& Ûeepe& neslee nw lees 1.380 (c) 54 V (d) 40 V
mes heefjJeefle&le neslee nw leLee peye ef[mÛeepe& neslee nw lees 1914. Current efficiency in electroplating is usually
efJeÅegle uesheve ceW Oeeje o#elee meeceevÙele: ....... nesleer nw~
1.15 mes heefjJeefle&le neslee nw~
(a) 99% (b) 90% to 98%
(c) remains unchanged/meceeve jnlee nw (c) 70% to 80% (d) 50% to 60%
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR 1915. Energy efficiency during electroplating is
1908. Positive plate of alkaline cell is usually in the range
#eejerÙe mesue keâe Oeveelcekeâ huesš nesleer nw– efJeÅegle uesheve kesâ oewjeve meeceevÙele: Tpee& o#elee ....... kesâ
(a) Iron oxide/DeeÙejve DeekeämeeF[ ›eâce ceW nesleer nw~
(b) Lead peroxide/ues[ hejekeämeeF[ (a) 50 to 80% (b) 80 to 85%
(c) 80 to 95% (d) 90 to 99%
(c) Nickel hydroxide/efveefkeâue neF[^ekeämeeF[
1916. Zinc cadmium and lead coating is generally
(d) spongy lead/mhee@peer ues[ provided for
1909. When the battery is not in use, it should efpebkeâ kewâ[efceÙece Deewj meermee keâe uesheve meeceevÙele: ......
recharged once in :/peye yewšjer ØeÙeesie ceW ve nes, Fmes kesâ efueS Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Skeâ yeej _______ ceW DeeJesefMele keâjvee ÛeeefnS~ (a) decoration / mepeeJeš
(a) one week/Skeâ mehleen (b) one month/Skeâ cenerves (b) electrical contacts /efJeÅegle mecheke&â
(c) three months/leerve cenerves (d) six months/Ú: cenerves (c) corrosion /me#eebjCe
1910. Distilled water is invariable used in electrolytes (d) all of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
because it/ efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe ceW Deemegle peue keâe ØeÙeesie 1917. Recommended coating for food containers is
efmLejlee mes neslee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen– KeeÅe hee$eeW kesâ efueS ............. hejle keâer efmeheâeefjMe keâer
(a) Prevents polarisation/OegÇJelee jeskeâlee nw peeleer nw~
(b) Prevents local action/mLeeÙeer ef›eâÙee keâes jeskeâlee nw (a) zinc /efpebkeâ (b) cadmium /kewâ[efceÙece
(c) accelerates electro chemical action (c) tin /efšve (je@iee) (d) brass /heerleue (keâebmee)
efJeÅegle jemeeÙeefvekeâ ef›eâÙee keâes lJeefjle keâjlee nw~ 1918. Coating usually recommended for electrical
(d) improves specific gravity of the electrolyte contacts is that of
efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe kesâ efJeefMe° ieg™lJe keâes yeÌ{elee nw~ efJeÅegleerÙe mecheke&â kesâ efueS meeceevÙele: ....... kesâ hejle keâer
1911. The most common impurity found in the efmeheâeefjMe keâer peeleer nw~
battery electrolyte is :/efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe yewšjer ceW (a) chromium /›eâesefceÙece (b) tin /efšve (jeieeB)
cegKÙele: _______meeceevÙe DeMegefæ heeÙeer peeleer nww~ (c) silver /efmeuJej (ÛeeBoer) (d) gold /meesvee
(a) sodium chloride/meesef[Ùece keäueesjeF[ 1919. Which coating is usually recommended for
(b) iron/ueewn reflectors?/hejeJele&keâ kesâ efueS meeceevÙele: efkeâme hejle
(c) lead/ues[ keâer efmeheâeefjMe keâer peeleer nw?
(d) dust/Ietue-keâCe (a) Rhodium coating /je@ef[Ùece hejle
1912. Which of the following is plated by barrel (b) Cadmium coating /kewâ[efceÙece hejle
plating? (c) Lead coating /meermee hejle
efvecveefueefKele keâewve mee yewjue huesefšbie kesâ Éeje uesefhele nw? (d) Brass coating /keâebmee hejle

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 191 YCT

1920. The best instrument for the measurement of 1927. Internal resistance of a battery cell increases
emf of a cell is/Skeâ mesue kesâ efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (emf) with/yewšjer mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe................, kesâ
kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS DeÛÚe GhekeâjCe ........ nw~ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw
(a) voltmeter / Jeesušceeršj (a) increases in concentration of electrolyte
(b) ammeter / Deceeršj Fueskeäš^esueeFš keâer mebkesâvõCe (kebâmeš^sMeve) ceW Je=efæ
(c) potentiometer / efJeYeJeceeheer (b) increase in distance between two electrodes
(d) wheatstone bridge / £eršmšesve mesleg oes Fueskeäš^es[ kesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer ceW Je=efæ
1921. The temperature recommended for bronze (c) increase in area of the plates inside the
plating is usually/meeceevÙele: keâebmee hejle kesâ efueS electrolyte/Fueskeäš^esueeFš kesâ Deboj huesšes kesâ #es$e ceW
............ leeheceeve keâer efmeheâeefjMe keâer peeleer nw~ Je=efæ nes peeleer nw~
(a) 10 to 20oC / 10 mes 20 ef[«eer mesCšer«es[ (d) increase in size of the electrodes
(b) 20 to 35oC / 20 mes 35 ef[«eer mesCšer«es[ Fueskeäš^es[ kesâ Deekeâej ceW Je=efæ
(c) 40 to 60oC / 40 mes 60 ef[«eer mesCšer«es[ 1928. Unit of electro-chemical equivalent of the
substance of electrolyte
(d) 70 to 80oC / 70 mes 80 ef[«eer mesCšer«es[
1922. All of the following metals are generally
Fueskeäš^es-jemeeÙeefvekeâ leguÙeebkeâ keâer FkeâeF& heoeLe& kesâ
deposited for protection EXCEPT Fueskeäš^esueeFš kesâ–
efvecveefueefKele meYeer OeelegSB meeceevÙele: efveef#ehle (pecee) (a) Kg-Coulomb/efkeâ«ee ketâuee@ce
nesleer nw efmeJeeÙe ...... kesâ mebj#eCe kesâ efueS~ (b) Kg/Coulomb/efkeâ«ee/ketâuee@ce
(a) Zinc / efpebkeâ (b) Tin / efšve (jebiee) (c) Coulomb/Kg/ketâuee@ce/efkeâ«ee
(c) Nickel / efvekesâue (d) Gold / meesvee (d) Kg/ºC/efkeâ«ee/ef[«eer mesefumeÙeme
1923. For chromium plating the current density is 1929. Negative electrode of simple voltaic cell is made
usually/›eâesefceÙece ÛeÌ{eves kesâ efueS meeceevÙele: Oeeje of/mejue JeesušeefÙekeâ mesue keâe $e+Ceelcekeâ Fueskeäš^es[
IevelJe ........ neslee nw~ yevee nw–
(a) 30 to 80 amps/m2 (a) copper/keâe@hej (b) zinc/efpebkeâ
30 mes 80 SefcheÙej/ceeršj2 (c) lead/ues[ (d) carbon/keâeye&ve
(b) 100 to 200 amps/m2
1930. For all substances, [chemical equivalent/
100 mes 200 SefcheÙej/ceeršj2 electro-chemical equivalent]=
(c) 300 to 800 amps/m meYeer heoeLeeX kesâ efueS, (jemeeÙeefvekeâ leguÙeebkeâ/Fueskeäš^es
300 mes 800 SefcheÙej/ceeršj2
jemeeÙeef vekeâ leguÙeebkeâ) ·
(d) 1500 to 2500 amps/m2
1500 mes 2500 SefcheÙej/ceeršj2 (a) 96500 Coulombs/96500 ketâuee@cye
1924. Which of the following coating is used for (b) 9650 Coulombs/9650 ketâuee@cye
bearing surfaces?/efyeÙeefjbie meleneW kesâ efueS (c) 965 Coulombs/965 ketâuee@cye
efvecveefueefKele efkeâme hejle keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ? (d) 96.5 Coulombs/96.5 ketâuee@cye
(a) Lead coating /meermee hejle *1931.A cell has an Ah efficiency of 80%. It has an
(b) Zinc coating/efpebkeâ hejle average terminal voltage on discharge and
charge of 1.2 V and 1.6 V respectively. The
(c) Iron coating/ueesne hejle
Watt-hour efficiency of the cell is ......... %.
(d) Gold coating/meesvee hejle Skeâ mesue keâer 80% keâer o#elee nw~ FmeceW ›eâceMe: 1.2V
1925. The electrolyte used in Edison cell is Deewj 1.6V kesâ ef[mÛeepe& Deewj Ûeepe& hej Deewmele šefce&veue
S[ermeve mesue ceW ØeÙegòeâ Fueskeäš^esueeFš neslee nw– Jeesušspe nw~ mesue keâer Jeeš Iebšs o#elee nw–
(a) NaCl (b) HCl (a) 60% (b) 80%
(c) KOH (d) NaOH (c) 100% (d) 50%
1926. The storage battery generally used in electric 1932. Effect of temperature on internal resistance of
power station is/Deeceleewj hej Fuesefkeäš^keâ heeJej mšsMeve a battery is/Skeâ yewšjer kesâ Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe hej
ceW Fmlesceeue nesves Jeeueer mšesjspe yewšjer nw leeheceeve keâe ØeYeeJe neslee nw–
(a) nickel-cadmium battery/efveefkeâue kewâ[efceÙece yewšjer (a) directly proportional/meerOes Deevegheeeflekeâ
(b) zinc-carbon battery/efpebkeâ–keâeye&ve yewšjer (b) inversely proportional/JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
(c) lead-acid battery/ues[–Sefme[ yewšjer (c) no effect/keâesF& ØeYeeJe veneR
(d) none of above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 192 YCT
1933. Negative plate of an Edison cell is made of 1940. A external resistance R is connected to a cell of
S[ermeve mesue keâer efveiesefšJe huesš yeveer nesleer nw– internal resistance r, then the current is
(a) copper/keâe@hej maximum when
(b) lead/ues[
Skeâ mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe r leLee Jee¢e ØeeflejesOe
(c) iron/DeeÙejve R mes mebÙeesefpele nw Oeeje keâe ceeve DeefOekeâlece nesiee peye–
(d) silver oxide/efmeuJej Dee@keämeeF[ (a) R < r (b) R > r
(c) R = r (d) none of the above
1934. One ampere hour charges is equivalent to
Skeâ SefcheÙej Iebšs DeeJesMe ........... kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~ 1941. When the internal resistance of a cell is large
compared to the external resistance in the
(a) 36 coulombs/36 ketâuee@cye circuit then high current can flow through the
(b) 360 coulombs/360 ketâuee@cye external resistance by grouping the cells
(c) 3600 coulombs/3600 ketâuee@cye peye heefjheLe ceW yee¢e ØeeflejesOe keâer leguevee ceW efkeâmeer mesue
(d) 36000 coulombs/36000 ketâuee@cye keâe Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe DeefOekeâ neslee nw leye mesueeW kesâ
1935. The internal resistance of a dry cell is of the ........... mecetnve Éeje yee¢e ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeOÙece mes GÛÛe
order of Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nes mekeâlee nw~
Meg<keâ mesue keâe Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe.......... kesâ ›eâce keâe nw~
(a) as in series/ßesCeer ceW
(a) 0.2 to 0.4 Ohm/0.2 mes 0.4 Deesce
(b) in parallel/meceevlej ceW
(b) 1 to 1.5 Ohm/1 mes 1.5 Deesce
(c) in either series or parallel/ßesCeer Ùee meceevlej ceW
(c) 2 to 5 Ohm/2 mes 5 Deesce
(d) mixed/efceefßele
(d) 1 to 15 Ohm/1 mes 15 Deesce
1942. When the battery is being charged, the
1936. When water is added to sulphuric acid
terminal voltage decreases with
peye heeveer keâes meuheäÙetefjkeâ Decue ceW efceueeÙee peelee nw
peye yewšjer Ûeepe& keâer pee jner nw, lees šefce&veue Jeesušspe
keâce nes peeleer nw~
(a) colour of acid changes/Decue keâe jbie yeouelee nw~
(a) increase charging rate/yeÌ{leer ngF& Ûeepe& oj
(b) lot of heat is generated/yengle T<cee GlheVe nesleer nw~
(b) increasing state of charge
(c) water start boiling/heeveer Gyeueves ueielee nw~
yeÌ{leer ngF& Ûeepe& efmLeefle hej
(d) acid particles get separated
(c) increasing temperature/yeÌ{les leeheceeve
Decue keâCe Deueie nes peeles nw~
1937. A constant voltage source has (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
Skeâ efveÙele Jeesušspe œeesle ceW........... neslee nw~ 1943. Two battery having unequal emf
(a) low internal resistance/keâce Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe oes yewšjer Demeceeve EMF kesâ nQ–
(b) high internal resistance/GÛÛe Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe (a) can be connected in parallel
(c) minimum efficiency/vÙetvelece o#elee meceeblej ceW peesÌ[e pee mekeâlee
(d) minimum current capacity/vÙetvelece Oeeje #ecelee (b) cannot be connected in series
1938. Which battery is used in aeroplanes? ßesCeer ceW pees[Ì e veneR pee mekeâlee
nJeeF& penepe ceW keâewve-meer yewšjer GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (c) can be connected in series only
(a) Dry cell battery/Meg<keâ mesue yewšjer kesâJeue ßesCeer ceW peesÌ[e pee mekeâlee nw~
(b) Lead acid battery/meermee-Decue yewšjer (d) may be connected in parallel or series
(c) Edision cell/S[ermeve mesue meceevlej Ùee ßesCeer ceW pees[Ì e pee mekeâlee nw~
(d) Nickel-cadmium/efveefkeâue kewâ[efceÙece 1944. Battery Charging equipment is generally
installed/Deeceleewj hej yewšjer ÛeeefpeËie GhekeâjCe mLeeefhele
1939. The greater of internal resistance of a cell
mesue keâe Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe DeefOekeâ nesiee lees– ef keâÙes peeles nQ~
(a) the lesser the emf/emf keâce nesiee~ (a) in well ventilated location/nJeeoej peien ceW
(b) the lesser the terminal voltage (b) in clean and dry place/mJeÛÚ Deewj metKeer peien ceW
šefce&veue Jeesušspe keâce nesiee (c) as near as practical to the above features
(c) the greater the emf/emf DeefOekeâ nesiee yewšjer Ûeepe& keâjves kesâ efueS JÙeeJeneefjkeâ ™he mes efvekeâš ceW
(d) the greater the terminal voltage (d) in location having all above features
šefce&veue Jeesušspe DeefOekeâ nesiee meYeer Ghejesòeâ megefJeOeeDeeW Jeeues mLeeve ceW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 193 YCT
1945. Cell short circuit results in 1952. The lead acid cell should not never be
mesue Meeš& meefke&âš............ kesâ heefjceeCe nw~ discharged beyond/meermee-Decue mesue keâYeer Yeer
(a) low specific gravity/efvecve efJeefMe° ieg®lJe ........... mes DeefOekeâ ef[mÛee@pe& vener nesvee ÛeeefnS–
(b) abnormal high temperature (a) 1.8 V (b) 1.9
DemeeceevÙe GÛÛe leeheceeve (c) 2 V (d) 2.1 V
(c) reduced gassing on charge 1953. The internal resistance of lead acid cell is ........
ÛeeefpeËie kesâ meceÙe keâce iewefmebie that of Edison cell./meermee-Decue mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ
(d) all of above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer ØeeflejesOe S[ermeve mesue _______neslee nw~
1946. Which of the following is invariably seen in an (a) less than/mes keâce
electroplating plant?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee (b) more than/mes pÙeeoe
Skeâ Fueskeäš^eshuesefšbie mebÙeb$e ceW osKee peelee nw? (c) equal to/mes yejeyej
(a) Distilled water/Deemegle peue (d) none of above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Rectifier/efo°keâejer 1954. When the lead acid cell is fully charged the
(c) Barrel/yewjue electrolyte assumes........appearance.
(d) Carbon brushes/keâeye&ve yeÇMesme peye Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue hetCe&™he mes DeeJesefMele neslee nw
1947. Which law(s) find application in electrolysis? lees Fueskeäš^esueeFš ________ kesâ ™he ceW ceevee peelee nw~
Fueskeäš^esefueefmeme ceW efkeâme efveÙece keâe DevegØeÙeesie efkeâÙee (a) dull/cebo (b) reddish/ueeue
peelee nw– (c) bright/Ûecekeâoej (d) milky/otefOeÙee
(a) Ohm's law/Deesce keâe efveÙece 1955. The ratio of ampere-hour efficiency to watt-
(b) Gauss's law/ieewme keâe efveÙece hour efficiency of a lead acid cell is
(c) Faraday's law/hewâje[s keâe efveÙece meermee-Decue mesue keâer SefcheÙej Dee@Jej #ecelee mes Jeeš-
(d) Coulomb's law/ketâuee@ce keâe efveÙece Dee@Jej #ecelee keâe Devegheele neslee nw–
1948. Electro-chemical equivalent is usually (a) just one/yeme Skeâ
expressed in/efJeÅegle jemeeÙeefvekeâ leguÙeebkeâ Deeceleewj hej
(b) always greater than one/ncesMee Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ
JÙeòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(c) always less than one/ncesMee Skeâ mes keâce
(a) mg per volt/(mg Øeefle Jeesuš)
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) mg per kVA/(mg Øeefle kesâJeerS)
1956. Sulphation in a lead acid battery occurs due to
(c) mg per kW/(mg Øeefle kW)
meermee-Decue mesue ceW meuhesâmeve GlheVe nesves keâe keâejCe–
(d) mg per coulomb/(mg Øeefle ketâuee@ce)
(a) heavy charging/Yeejer DeeJesefMele
1949. Container of a lead acid battery
ues[–Sefme[ yewšjer keâe keâvšsvej neslee nw– (b) fast charging/lespe DeeJesefMele
(a) molded hard rubber/{euee keâ"esj jyej (c) trickle charging/efš^keâue DeeJesefMele
(b) ceramics/efmejsefcekeâ (d) incomplete charging/DeOetje DeeJesefMele
(c) celluloid/mesuÙegueeF[ 1957. In a lead acid cell PbSO4 formed during
(d) any of above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
meer m ee-Decue mesue ceW PbSO4 ------- kesâ oewjeve
1950. Active materials of a lead acid cell are efveefce&le neslee nw–
ues[–Sefme[ mesue keâer meef›eâÙe meece«eer nesleer nw– (a) charging only/kesâJeue DeeJesMeve
(a) spongy lead/mhebpeer ues[ (b) discharging only/kesâJeue efvejeJesMeve
(b) lead peroxide/ues[–hejekeämeeF[ (c) both charging or discharging
(c) dilute H2SO4/ leveg H2SO4 DeeJesMeve Ùee efvejeJesMeve oesveeW
(d) all of above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (d) neither charging nor discharging
1951. The life of a lead acid battery is expected to be ve ner DeeJesMeve ve ner efvejeJesMeve kesâ oewjeve
ues[–Sefme[ mesue keâe peerJeve keâeue ueieYeie.............. 1958. The body of Edison cell is made of
neslee nw~ S[ermeve mesue keâe DeeJejCe yevee neslee nw–
(a) 6 months/6 cenervee (a) bakelite/yewkesâueeFš
(b) 1 year/1 meeue (b) rubber/jyeÌ[
(c) 2 to 5 years/2 mes 5 meeue (c) nickel plated steel/efvekesâue-huesšs[ mšerue
(d) 10 to 15 years/10 mes 15 meeue (d) aluminium/SuÙegceerefveÙece

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 194 YCT

1959. The current flowing between electrodes inside a 1965. The value of specific gravity of acid when a
lead acid battery is/Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue kesâ Deboj lead acid battery is fully charged is
Fueskeäš^es[ kesâ yeerÛe yenves Jeeueer Oeeje nw– peye Skeâ meermee-Decue yewšjer hetCe&le: DeeJesefMele nesleer nw
(a) electron current/Fueskeäš^e@ve Oeeje lees Decue kesâ efJeefMe° ieg®lJe keâe ceeve .......... neslee nw~
(b) proton current/Øeesš^e@ve Oeeje (a) 1.285 (b) 2.185
(c) ionization current/DeeÙeveerkeâjCe Oeeje (c) 2.585 (d) 2.9585
(d) polarization current/OeÇgJeerkeâjCe Oeeje 1966. The active materials on the positive and
negative plates of a fully charged lead acid
1960. A lead acid battery of 24 volts consists
battery are
Skeâ 24 Jeesuš keâer meermee-Decue yewšjer mecyeefvOele nw–
Skeâ hetCe&le: DeeJesefMele meermee-Decue yewšjer kesâ Oeveelcekeâ
(a) 12 cells in parallel/12 mesue meceeveevlej ceW
Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ huesšeW hej meef›eâÙe heoeLe& ........ nQ~
(b) 6 cells series/6 mesue ßesCeer ceW
(a) pure lead and lead oxide
(c) 24 cells in parallel/24 mesue meceeveevlej ceW
Megæ ues[ Deewj ues[ Dee@keämeeF[
(d) 12 cells in series/12 mesue ßesCeer ceW (b) lead peroxide and lead sulphated
1961. What is the name of defect occurred in a cell, ues[ hej-Dee@keämeeF[ Deewj ues[ meuhesâšs[
due to the presence of impurities on the zinc
(c) lead peroxide and pure lead
plate?/efpebkeâ huesš hej DeMegefæÙeeW keâer GheefmLeefle kesâ
keâejCe Skeâ mesue ceW nesves Jeeues $egefš keâe keäÙee veece nw? ues[ heje@keämeeF[ Deewj Megæ ues[
(d) lead sulphate and lead oxide
(a) Polarisation/OegÇJeCe
ues[ meuhesâš Deewj ues[ Dee@keämeeF[
(b) Sulphation/meuhesâMeve
1967. Which cell has the reversible chemical
(c) Buckling/yekeâefuebie reaction? keâewve mee mesue Gl›eâceCeerÙe (ØeefleJeleea)
(d) Local action/ueeskeâue ef›eâÙee jemeeÙeefvekeâ DeefYeef›eâÙee nw?
1962. The plates of a lead acid battery are made of
(a) Lead acid /meermee-Decue
Skeâ meermee-Decue yewšjer keâer huesšs ....... keâer yeveer nesleer nQ~
(a) rolled zinc-copper alloy (b) Mercury oxide /ceke&âjer DeekeämeeF[
uehesše ngDee efpebkeâ-leeceü efceße Oeeleg (c) Carbon zinc /keâeye&ve efpebkeâ
(b) cast animonial lead alloy (d) Silver oxide /efmeuJej DeekeämeeF[
keâemš SefveceseefveÙeue meermee efceße Oeeleg 1968. Which of the following statements is correct?
(c) perforated nickel cadmium alloy efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
efÚefõle efvekesâue kewâ[efceÙece efceße Oeeleg (a) In a voltaic cell, the anode and cathode are
(d) pressed antimony bismuth alloy carbon and zinc rod respectively
oyee ngDee SCšerceveer efyemceLe efceße Oeeleg Skeâ JeesušeFkeâ mesue ceW, Svees[ Deewj kewâLees[ ›eâceMe:
1963. Voltage required for barrel plating is usually
yewjue (yevotkeâ keâer veeue) huesefšbie kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ keâeye&ve Deewj efpebkeâ je[ kesâ nQ
(b) Leclanche cell suffers from local action and
Jeesušlee meeceevÙele: .......... neslee nw~
polarization /ueskeäueebMeer mesue mLeeveerÙe ef›eâÙee Deewj
(a) 3 to 5 Volts / 3 mes 5 Jeesušdme
(b) 6 to 16 Volts / 6 mes 16 Jeesušdme
OegÇJeCelee mes iegpejlee nw
(c) 20 to 50 Volts / 20 mes 50 Jeesušdme (c) Dry cell is basically a Leclanche cell
(d) 50 to 200 Volts / 50 mes 200 Jeesušdme
Meg<keâ mesue meeceevÙele: Skeâ ueskeäueebMeer mesue nw
1964. In a lead acid battery, separators are provided (d) Edison alkali cell is a primary cell.
Skeâ meermee-Decue yewšjer ceW, efJeYeepekeâ ........... Øeoeve S[ermeve #eejerÙe mesue Skeâ ØeeLeefcekeâ mesue nw
keâjles nQ~ 1969. On watt-hour basis the efficiency of a lead acid
(a) to reduce tendency for polarizations battery is in the range of
OegÇJeerkeâjCe kesâ efueS ØeJe=efòe keâce keâjves kesâ efueS Jee@š-IeCše kesâ DeeOeej hej Skeâ meermee Decue yewšjer keâer
(b) to facilitate flow of current o#elee ........ keâer meercee (ßesCeer) ceW nw~
Oeeje kesâ ØeJeen keâes megiece yeveeves kesâ efueS (a) 90 to 95 percent /90 mes 95 ØeefleMele
(c) to reduce internal resistance (b) 80 to 85 percent /80 mes 85 ØeefleMele
Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
(c) 70 to 80 percent /70 mes 80 ØeefleMele
(d) to avoid internal short circuits.
Deevleefjkeâ ueIeg heefjheLe mes yeÛeves kesâ efueS (d) 60 to 70 percent /60 mes 70 ØeefleMele

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 195 YCT

1970. The defects of a primary cell is : 1978. In a battery if proper level and gravity of
Skeâ ØeeLeefcekeâ mesue keâe oes<e nw– electrolyte is not maintained, then........... may
(a) Sulphation and buckling/meuhesâMeve Deewj yekeâefuebie be permanently damaged
(b) Local action and polarization Skeâ yewšjer ceW efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâe meeceevÙe mlej Deewj
ueeskeâue ef›eâÙee Deewj OegÇJeCe ieg™lJe mecegefÛele ve nes, lees ______mLeeÙeer ™he mes
(c) Sulphation and local action #eefle«emle nesles nQ~
meuhesâMeve Deewj ueeskeâue ef›eâÙee (a) separators and plates/he=Lekeäkeâejer Deewj huesšs
(d) Buckling and polarization/yekeâefuebie Deewj OegÇJeCe (b) separators and container/he=Lekeäkeâejer Deewj DeeIeelehee$e
1971. The EMF per cell of an Edison cell is: (c) plates and connectors/huesšs Deewj mebÙeespekeâ
Skeâ S[ermeve mesue keâe Øeefle mesue JewÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (d) vent plugs/JesCš hueie
(E.M.F) nw– 1979. Any charge given to the battery when taken off
(a) 1.3/1.3 Jeesuš (b) 1.2/1.2 Jeesuš the vehicle is called
(c) 1.5/1.5 Jeesuš (d) 1.4/1.4 Jeesuš yewšjer keâes efoÙee peeves Jeeuee keâesF& DeeJesMe peye Jnerkeâue mes
1972. When the lead acid cell is fully discharged the Deueie keâj efoÙee peelee nw, lees keânueelee nw–
anode becomes?
(a) bench charge/yeWÛe DeeJesMe
peye Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue hetCe&™he mes ef[mÛeepe& nes
(b) step charge/mšshe DeeJesMe
peelee nw leye Svees[ neslee nw–
(c) trickle charge/efš^keâue DeeJesMe
(a) PbSO4 (b) Pb
(c) PbO2 (d) PbO (d) float charge/heäueesš (yenles) DeeJesMe
1973. The voltage of a simple voltaic cell is : 1980. In a simple voltaic cell, zinc plate is
Skeâ meeOeejCe JeesušeFkeâ mesue keâe Jeesušspe neslee nw– amalgamating with mercury to prevent
(a) 1.5 V (b) 1.08 V Skeâ meeOeejCe JeesušsFkeâ mesue ceW efpebkeâ huesš keâe ceke&âjer
(c) 1.28 V (d) 1.4 V kesâ meeLe SkeâerkeâjCe ............ mes yeÛeeves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee
1974. As compared to lead acid cell the efficiency of a peelee nw~
nickel-iron cell is/Skeâ efveefkeâue-ueewn mesue keâer
(a) local action/ueeskeâue ef›eâÙee
o#elee, meermee-Decue mesue mes leguevee keâjves hej............nw~
(b) polarization/OeÇgJeCe
(a) less/efvecve
(c) buckling/yekeâefuebie
(b) more/GÛÛe
(d) sulphation/ meuhesâMeve
(c) same/Skeâ meceeve
1981. Which of the following primary cell has lowest
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
voltage?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme ØeeLeefcekeâ mesue ceW
1975. With constant voltage method of charging, the
time of charging is almost reduced to
efvecvelece Jeesušlee neslee nw?
DeeJesMeve keâer efmLej Jeesušlee efJeefOe kesâ meeLe, DeeJesMeve (a) carbon-zinc/keâeye&ve-efpebkeâ
keâe meceÙe DeefOekeâebMele: ________ Iešlee nw~ (b) manganese-alkaline/ceQieveerpe #eejerÙe
(a) one fourth/Skeâ ÛeewLeeF& (c) mercury/ceke&âjer
(b) one eighth/Skeâ Dee"JeeB Yeeie (d) lithium/efueefLeÙece
(c) half/DeeOee (Deæ&) 1982. What is the arrangement to get the maximum
(d) zero/MetvÙe current in 3Ω resistance in the case of 24 cells,
each of internal resistance 2 ohms?
1976. In constant current method of charging, the
cell temperature does not exceed ....... ºC. 24 mesueeW keâer oMee ceW 3 Deesce ØeeflejesOe ceW DeefOekeâlece
DeeJesMeve keâer efmLej Oeeje efJeefOe ceW, mesue keâe leeheceeve Oeeje Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS keäÙee JÙeJemLee nw, ØelÙeskeâ keâe
.................ef[«eer mesCšer«esš mes DeefOekeâ ve nes~ Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe 2 Deesce nw?
(a) 30 (b) 45 (a) 12 cells in series with two rows in parallel
(c) 25 (d) 40 meceeveevlej ceW oes hebefòeâÙeeW kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW 12 mesueeW
1977. The specific gravity of a battery should not (b) 3 cells in series with three rows in parallel
vary more than .......... between the cells meceeveevlej ceW leerve hebefòeâÙeeW kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW 3 mesueeW
Skeâ yewšjer keâe efJeefMe° ieg™lJe mesueeW kesâ yeerÛe (c) 6 cells in series with four rows in parallel
________mes DeefOekeâ heefjJeefle&le veneR nesvee ÛeeefnS~ meceeveevlej ceW Ûeej hebefòeâÙeeW kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW 6 mesueeW
(a) 0.025 (b) 1 (d) 4 cells in series with six rows in parallel
(c) 0.5 (d) 6 meceeveevlej ceW 6 hebefòeâÙeeW kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW 4 mesueeW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 196 YCT
1983. The e.m.f. of a storage battery depends upon (a) 4 positive plate and 4 negative plate
Skeâ mebÛeeÙekeâ yewšjer keâe efJeÅegle-Jeenkeâ yeue ........ hej
4 Oeveelcekeâ huesš Deewj 4 $e+Ceelcekeâ huesš
efveYe&j keâjlee nw~ (b) 5 positive plate and 4 negative plate
(a) size of the electrodes /Fueskeäš^es[dme kesâ Deekeâej 5 Oeveelcekeâ huesš Deewj 4 $e+Ceelcekeâ huesš
(b) shape of the cell /mesue kesâ Deekeâej (c) 5 positive plate and 5 negative plate
(c) nature of electrodes /Fueskeäš^es[dme keâer Øeke=âefle 5 Oeveelcekeâ huesš Deewj 5 $e+Ceelcekeâ huesš
(d) 4 positive plate and 5 negative plate
(d) all of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
4 Oeveelcekeâ huesš Deewj 5 $e+Ceelcekeâ huesš
1984. When n cells, of emf E volts and internal
resistance r ohms are connected in series, the 1989. A lead acid cell is rechargeable because
current i through an external resistance R Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue DeeJesefMele nesleer nw keäÙeesefkeâ–
ohms is given by (a) It is a wet cell/Ùen Skeâ veceerÙegòeâ mesue nw~
peye n mesueW, ØelÙeskeâ keâe efJeÅegle-Jeenkeâ yeue (emf) E (b) Its electrolyte has high specific gravity
Jeesušdme Deewj Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe r Deesÿe ßesCeer ceW Fmekeâe efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe GÛÛe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe keâe nw
mebÙeesefpele nw, Oeeje i Skeâ Jee¢e ØeeflejesOe R Deesÿe kesâ (c) Its chemical reaction is reversible
ceeOÙece mes ........ kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~ Fmekeâer jemeeÙeefvekeâ ef›eâÙee Gl›eâceCeerÙe nw~
(d) Its electrolyte is H2SO4
nE E
(a) i = (b) i = Fmekeâe efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe H2SO4 nw~
R + nr R+
n 1990. The depolarizer used in leclanche cell is :
nE E ues k eäu eeMeW mesue ceW efJeOeÇgJekeâ ______ keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(c) i = (d) i = (a) Zn2O2 (b) ZnO2
r + nR R+r
(c) Mn2O2 (d) MnO2
1985. The mass of a substance liberated from an
electrolyte by one coulomb of electricity is 1991. When four no of 2V, 4Ah cells are connected in
parallel, What will be it's Ah capacity :
termed as :
peye 2 Jeesuš kesâ Ûeej, 4 SefcheÙej IeCše mesue meceevlej ceW
Skeâ kegâuee@ce efJeÅegle kesâ Éeje Skeâ Fueskeäš^esueeFš mes cegòeâ
mebÙeesefpele nQ, SefcheÙej-IeCše #ecelee keäÙee nesieer?
Skeâ heoeLe& keâe õJÙeceeve ............. kesâ heo ceW neslee nw~
(a) 4 Ah/4 SefcheÙej-IeCše
(a) electrochemical equivalent
(b) 8 Ah/8 SefcheÙej-IeCše
efJeÅegle jemeeÙeefvekeâ meceleguÙe
(c) 2 Ah/2 SefcheÙej-IeCše
(b) quantity of electricity/efJeÅegle keâer cee$ee
(d) 16 Ah/16 SefcheÙej-IeCše
(c) electro charge/efJeÅegle DeeJesMe 1992. Boost charging method of battery is used the
(d) electrochemical expression battery for
efJeÅegle jmeeÙeefvekeâ SkeämeØesMeve yewšjer DeeJesefMele keâjves kesâ efueS yewšjer kesâ yetmš DeeJesMeve
1986. What is the method of charging the battery at efJeefOe keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw
very low rate?/yengle efvecve oj hej yewšjer keâes DeeJesefMele (a) Over discharge battery/Deefle efJemeefpe&le yewšjer
keâjves keâer efJeefOe keäÙee nw? (b) Initial charging of battery
(a) Rectifier method/efo°keâjCe
efJeefOe yewšjer keâe ØeejefcYekeâ DeeJesMeve
(b) Constant current method/efmLej Oeeje efJeefOe (c) For charging a dead cell
(c) Trickle charge method/efš^keâue DeeJesMeve efJeefOe
Skeâ ce=le mesue DeeJesMeve kesâ efueS
(d) For normal charging of a battery
(d) Constant voltage method/efmLej Jeesušlee efJeefOe
Skeâ yewšjer kesâ meeceevÙe DeeJesMeve kesâ efueS
*1987. Six carbon-zinc cells in series have an output of 1993. Impurities in an electrolyte can cause an
ßesCeer ceW Ú: keâeye&ve efpebkeâ mesume keâe efveie&le nw– internal short-circuit condition called:
(a) 6 V/6 Jeesuš (b) 9 V/9 Jeesuš Skeâ efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe ceW, Deevleefjkeâ ueIeg-heefjheLe keâs
(c) 12 V/12 Jeesuš (d) 7.5 V/7.5 Jeesuš keâejCe DeMegælee ........... keânueelee nw~
1988. How many number of positive and negative (a) Electrolysis/efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe
plates are placed in a 9 plate lead acid cell (b) Depolarization/efJeOeÇgJekeâ
9 huesš keâer Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue ceW efkeâleveer Oeveelcekeâ (c) Polarization/OeÇgJeCe
Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ huesšeW keâer mebKÙee nw? (d) Local action/ueeskeâue ef›eâÙee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 197 YCT
1994. Five carbon zinc cells in series have an output 2000. A graph of terminal voltage of battery as a
of function of the current drawn from it for
ßesCeer ceW heeBÛe keâeye&ve efpebkeâ mesueeW keâe Skeâ efveie&le nw– various external resistance in the circuit is
(a) 1.5 V (b) 5.0 A plotted. Which of the following statements
(c) 7.5 V (d) 10.0 A about this graph is valid?
*1995.A lead acid battery discharges at the rate of 8 heefjheLe ceW DeeuesefKele efJeefYeVe Jee¢e ØeeflejesOe kesâ efueS
A for 10 hours. How many coulombs of charge yewšjer keâer šefce&veue Jeesušlee keâe efÛe$e Fmekesâ Éeje
must be put back into the battery to restore the
original charge assuming 50% efficiency?
ØeoefMe&le Oeeje kesâ Skeâ heâueve keâer lejn nw~ Fme jsKeeefÛe$e
Skeâ meermee Decue yewšjer 10 IeCšs kesâ efueS 8 SefcheÙej keâer kesâ yeejs ceW efvecveefueefKele keâewve mee keâLeve ceevÙe nw?
oj mes efJemeefpe&le (efvejeJesefMele) nes peeleer nw~ 50 ØeefleMele (a) The graph will have parabolic shape
o#elee ceeveles ngS efkeâleves ketâuee@ce kesâ DeeJesMe JeemleefJekeâ jsKee-efÛe$e hejJeueefÙekeâ Deekeâej keâe nesiee
DeeJesMe keâes hegve: mLeeheve keâjves kesâ efueS yewšjer ceW heMÛe (b) The graph will be straight line parallel to
current axis /jsKee-efÛe$e Oeeje De#e kesâ meceeveevlej
mebÙeesefpele keâjveer ÛeeefnS?
(a) 1.44×105C / 1.44×105 ketâuee@ce
meerOeer jsKee nesiee
(c) The graph will pass through the origin
(b) 2.38 × 105C / 2.38 × 105 ketâuee@ce
jsKee efÛe$e cetue (œeesle) kesâ ceeOÙece mes heeme (GòeerCe&) nesieer
(c) 5.76×105C / 5.76×105 ketâuee@ce
(d) The slope of the graph will be equal to the
(d) 8.88×105C / 8.88×105 ketâuee@ce internal resistance of the battery.
1996. For a voltage source when internal resistance is jsKee-efÛe$e keâe Ì{eue (Gleej) yewšjer kesâ Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe
equal to- load resistance, RL, which of the
following is maximum? kesâ yejeyej nesiee
Skeâ Jeesušlee Œeesle kesâ efueS peye Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe 2001. If 'p' number of cells are connected in series
Yeej ØeeflejesOe RL kesâ yejeyej nes peeÙes, efvecveefueefKele and 'q' number of such series combinations are
connected in parallel. The entire set is
keâewve mee DeefOekeâlece nw? connected through an external resistance R.
(a) Power in RL / RL ceW Meefòeâ The internal resistance of individual cell is 'r'.
(b) Current /Oeeje The assembly will yield maximum current
(c) Voltage across RL / RL kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee when
(d) Efficiency of the circuit /heefjheLe keâer o#elee Ùeefo ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele mesueeW keâer mebKÙee 'p' nw Deewj 'q'
1997. A constant voltage source has mebKÙee kesâ Ssmes ner ßesCeer mebÙeespeve meceeveevlej ceW mebÙeesefpele
Skeâ efveÙele Jeesušlee Œeesle kesâ – nw~ mechetCe& mecetn Skeâ Jee¢e ØeeflejesOe R kesâ ceeOÙece mes
(a) low internal resistance / efvecve Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe mebÙeesefpele nw~ efJeefMe° mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe 'r' nw~
(b) high internal resistance / GÛÛe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe GlheVe DeefOekeâlece Oeeje mecetn nesiee peye-
(c) minimum efficiency / efvecvelece o#elee (a) R = 4 (b) R = pr
(d) minimum current capacity /efvecvelece Oeeje #ecelee q.r p.r
1998. The current in a chemical cell is a movement of (c) R = (d) R =
p q
due to/Skeâ jemeeÙeefvekeâ mesue ceW Oeeje keâer ieefle .........
2002. Two batteries, each having emf E, are
kesâ keâejCe nw~ connected in series. The combination is
(a) positive hole charges connected to an external variable resistor R. If
Oeveelcekeâ nesue (megjeKe) ØeYeej the internal resistance of the batteries is r1 and
(b) positive ions only /kesâJeue Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeveeW r2 respectively, then the terminal voltage across
(c) negative ions only /kesâJeue $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeÙeveeW the first cell (internal resistance r1) will be zero
(d) positive and negative ions. when
Oeveelcekeâ Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeÙeveeW oes yewšefjÙeeB ØelÙeskeâ keâer efJeÅegle-Jeenkeâ yeue (emf) E,
1999. Cells are connected in series to ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nQ~ Skeâ Jee¢e heefjJeleea ØeeflejesOekeâ R
mesueeW keâes ßesCeer ceW ....... kesâ efueS mebÙeesefpele keâjles nw~ mes mebÙeespeve mebÙeesefpele nw~ Ùeefo yewšefjÙeeW keâe Deevleefjkeâ
(a) increase the voltage output /Jeesušlee efveie&le yeÌ{eves ØeeflejesOe ›eâceMe: r1 Deewj r2 nw, leye ØeLece mesue
(b) decrease the voltage output (Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe r1) kesâ S›eâeme šefce&veue Jeesušlee
Jeesušlee efveie&le Ieševes
MetvÙe nesiee peye –
(c) decrease the internal resistance
(a) R=0 (b) R = (r1+r2)
Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe Ieševes
r +r
(d) increase the current capacity./Oeeje #ecelee yeÌ{eves (c) R = 1 2 (d) R= (r1–r2)
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 198 YCT
2003. Which efficiency of a battery is more than the *2008.A battery cell having an emf of 2.2 volts and an
remaining? internal resistance of 0.03 ohms is connected to
efkeâme Skeâ yewšjer keâer o#elee DevÙe Mes<e mes DeefOekeâ nw? an external resistance of 0.10 ohm.
(a) Watt hour efficiency /Jeeš-IeCše o#elee Skeâ yewšjer mesue efpemekeâe Skeâ efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (emf)
(b) Ampere hour efficiency /SefcheÙej-IeCše o#elee 2.2 Jeesušdme Deewj Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe 0.03 Deesÿe kesâ
(c) Overall efficiency / mechetCe& o#elee 0.10 Deesÿe kesâ Skeâ Jee¢e ØeeflejesOe mes mebÙeesefpele nw~
(d) (a), (b) and (c) above have the same value. The current drawn from the battery could be
GheÙeg&òeâ (a), (b) Deewj (c) kesâ meceeve ceeve yewšjer mes ØeoefMe&le Oeeje nes mekeâlee nw–
2004. While comparing alkaline batteries, with lead (a) 83 A (b) 22 A
acid batteries, which one of the following can (c) 16.9 A (d) 10.2 A
be cited as the advantage of the former over 2009. It is normally specified by the manufactures
the latter? that a lead-acid battery should not remain
efpeme meceÙe #eejerÙe yewšefjÙeeW keâer leguevee meermee Decue discharged for more than
yewšefjÙeeW kesâ meeLe keâjles nQ, GòejJeleea kesâ Thej hetJe&Jeleea Deeceleewj hej efvecee&leeDeeW Éeje efveefo&° neslee nw efkeâ Skeâ
kesâ ueeYe Flevee, efvecveefueefKele Skeâ keâewve mee GodOe=le nes meermee-Decue yewšjer keâes efvecve mes DeefOekeâ meceÙe lekeâ kesâ
mekeâlee nw? efueS efJemeefpe&le veneR ÚesÌ[vee ÛeeefnS–
(a) Low initial cost /efvecve ØeejefcYekeâ ueeiele (a) one hour/Skeâ IeCše
(b) Electrical robustness /efJeÅegleerÙe cepeyetleer (b) 24 hours/24 IeCšs
(c) High output voltage /GÛÛe efveie&le Jeesušlee (c) one week/Skeâ nHeäles
(d) All of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer (d) one month/Skeâ cenerves
*2005.The open-circuit emf of a storage cell is 2.2 2010. Three cells are connected in series to form a
volts. The terminal voltage measured when the battery. The internal resistance is 0.1 Ω each.
current is 12 A is found to be 1.98 volts. The The internal resistance of the battery is
internal resistance of the cell is
Skeâ mebÛeeÙekeâ mesue kesâ Keguee-heefLele efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue leerve mesue ßesCeer ceW Skeâ yewšjer kesâ ™he ceW pegÌ[s nw~ ØelÙeskeâ
(emf) 2.2 Jeesušdme nw~ ceeefhele šefce&veue Jeesušlee peye
mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe 0.1 Ω nw~ yewšjer keâe
Oeeje 12 SefcheÙej nw 1.98 Jeesušdme heeÙee ieÙee~ mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe nw–
Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe .......... nw~ (a) 0.1 Ω (b) 0.2 Ω
(a) 0.00183 Ω (b) 0.0183 Ω (c) 0.3 Ω (d) 0.6 Ω
(c) 0.183 Ω (d) 1.83 Ω 2011. In case of a lead-acid battery a wet battery
*2006.A voltmeter connected across the terminal of a cover indicates
dry cell, reads 1.40 volts when the cell is open- Skeâ meermee-Decue yewšjer kesâ ceeceues ceW yewšjer kesâ DeeJejCe
circuited. The voltmeter reads 1.02 volts when keâe ieerueeheve ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw–
the cell delivers a current of 3.0 A. The internal (a) over filling of the battery/yewšjer keâe DeefleYejeJe
resistance of the cell is (b) excessive gassing during charging
Skeâ Jeesušceeršj Skeâ Meg<keâ mesue šefce&veue kesâ S›eâeme DeeJesMeve kesâ oewjeve DelÙeefOekeâ iewefmebie
mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw, hee"Ÿeebkeâ 1.40 Jeesušdme peye
(c) leaky seals at covers/DeeJejCe kesâ meerue hej efjmeeJe
mesue Keguee-heefLele nw~ peye mesue 3.0 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ keâesF& Yeer
Øeoeve keâjleer nw lees Jeesušceeršj keâe hee"Ÿeebkeâ 1.02
2012. Which of the following statements is incorrect
Jeesušdme nw~ mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe .......... nw~ about lead acid batteries?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve
(a) 0.00127 Ω (b) 0.127 Ω mee keâLeve meermee-Decue yewšjer kesâ yeejs ceW ieuele nw?
(c) 0.467 Ω (d) 0.34 Ω
(a) The electrolyte in weak sulphuric acid
*2007.Four dry cells having emfs 1.50, 1.30, 1.35, 1.40
volts and resistances 0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1 ohms, are keâcepeesj meuHeäÙetefjkeâ Decue ceW Fueskeäš^esueeFš
connected in series to operate a relay having a (b) When fully charged both of the plates become
resistance of 10 ohms. The relay current is lead-per-oxide. /peye oesveeW huesš hetjer lejn mes Ûee@pe&
Ûeej Meg<keâ mesueW 1.50, 1.30, 1.35, 1.40 Jeesušdme nes peeleer nQ lees meermee-heje@keämeeF[ yeve peeles nw
efJeÅegle-Jeenkeâ yeue (emf) kesâ Deewj ØeeflejesOe 0.3, 0.4, (c) The number of plates is always odd.
0.2, 0.1 Deesÿe kesâ ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele, 10 Deesÿe huesšes keâer mebKÙee ncesMee efJe<ece nesleer nw
ØeeflejesOe kesâ efjues keâes ØeÛeeefuele keâjves kesâ efueS nw~ efjues (d) The number of negative plates is one more
Oeeje ........ nw~ than the number of positive plates /$e+Ceelcekeâ
(a) 0.134 A (b) 1.34 A huesšeW keâer mebKÙee Oeveelcekeâ huesšeW keâer mebKÙee mes Skeâ
(c) 0.504 A (d) 4.86 A DeefOekeâ neslee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 199 YCT
2013. Which of the following statements is correct 2017. A cell does 5 joules of work in carrying 10
about lead acid batteries?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve coulombs of charge around a closed circuit.
mee keâLeve meermee-Decue yewšjer kesâ yeejs ceW mener nw? The emf of the cell is
(a) It delivers current as soon as its components Skeâ yevo heefjheLe kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj 10 ketâuee@ce keâe DeeJesMe
are put together /pewmes ner Fmekesâ IeškeâeW keâes Skeâ meeLe ues peeves ceW Skeâ mesue 5 petue keâe keâeÙe& keâjlee nw mesue keâe
jKee peelee nw Ùen Oeeje oslee nw, efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (emf) nw-
(b) Density of electrolyte increase while (a) 4 volts (b) 3 volts
delivering current /Fueskeäš^esueeFš keâe IevelJe yeÌ{lee
(c) 1 volt (d) 0.5 volt.
nw, peye Oeeje oslee nw 2018. The current flow through electrolyte is due to
(c) It does not deliver current on putting its the movement of
components together until it is supplied
electrical energy from an external source
efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe kesâ ceeOÙece mes ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje
Fmekesâ IeškeâeW keâes Skeâ meeLe jKeves hej Ùen Oeeje efJeleefjle ....... kesâ ieefleMeeruelee kesâ keâejCe nesleer nw~
vener keâjlee nw peye leye efkeâ Fmes yeenjer Œeesle mes efJeÅegle (a) electrons / Fueskeäš^e@vme (b) protons / Øeesše@ve
Tpee& keâer Deehetefle& ve keâer peeÙe~ (c) holes / nesume (d) ions / DeeÙeveeW
(d) it has lead as positive plates. 2019. The greater the internal resistance of a cell
Fmekeâe Oeveelcekeâ huesš meermee neslee nw Skeâ mesue kesâ DeefOekeâlece Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ–
*2014.A battery cell having an emf of 2.2 volts and an (a) the lesser the emf / ueIegòej efJeÅegle-Jeenkeâ yeue
internal resistance of 0.03 ohms is connected to
(b) the lesser the terminal voltage
an external resistance of 0.10 ohm.
Skeâ yewšjer mesue efpemekeâe Skeâ efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (emf) efvecvelej šefce&veue Jeesušlee
2.2 Jeesušdme Deewj Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe 0.03 Deesÿe kesâ (c) the greater the emf
0.10 Deesÿe kesâ Skeâ Jee¢e ØeeflejesOe mes mebÙeesefpele nw~ DeefOekeâ mes DeefOekeâ efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue
The power lost in battery was nearly (d) the greater the terminal voltage
yewšjer ceW #eÙe Meefòeâ ueieYeie ........ Leer~ DeefOekeâ mes DeefOekeâ šefce&veue Jeesušlee
(a) 86 watts / 86 Jee@š (b) 43 watts / 43 Jee@š 2020. The plates of lead acid storage battery are most
(c) 8.6 watts / 8.6 Jee@š (d) 4.3 watts / 4.3 Jee@š likely to be short circuited if
*2015.A battery cell having an emf of 2.2 volts and an meermee Decue mebÛeeÙekeâ yewšjer keâer huesšs DeefOekeâebMele:
internal resistance of 0.03 ohms is connected to GheÙegòeâ-ueIeg heefLele nesleer nw Ùeefo–
an external resistance of 0.10 ohm. (a) the electrolyte evaporates
Skeâ yewšjer mesue efpemekeâe Skeâ efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (emf)
Jeeef<hele efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe
2.2 Jeesušdme Deewj Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe 0.03 Deesÿe kesâ
(b) the battery is charged too slowly
0.10 Deesÿe kesâ Skeâ Jee¢e ØeeflejesOe mes mebÙeesefpele nw~
yengle Oeerceer ieefle mes yewšjer DeeJesefMele nw~
The useful power as
GheÙeesieer Meefòeâ pewmes - (c) sediments collect at the bottom of the battery
(a) 28.6 watts / 28.6 Jee@š
yewšjer kesâ melen hej leueÚš pecee nes
(b) 21.1 watts / 21.1 Jee@š (d) too much water is added.
(c) 14.2 watts /14.2 Jee@š yengle DelÙeefOekeâ heeveer mebÙeesefpele nQ~
(d) 10.6 watts / 10.6 Jee@š 2021. To keep the terminals of a lead acid storage
*2016.A experimenter connects four 0.25 ohm cells in battery free from corrosion, it is advisable to
series but one cell is wrongly connected with its Skeâ meermee Decue mebÛeeÙekeâ yewšjer kesâ šefce&veue keâes
terminals reversed. The external resistance is 1 meb#eejCe mes mJeleb$e jKeves kesâ efueS Ùen GefÛele nw–
ohm. If each cell has emf of 1.5 volt, the
(a) apply petroleum jelly
current flowing is
Skeâ ØeÙeesiekeâlee& 0.25 Deesce kesâ Ûeej mesues ßesCeer ceW hesš^esefueÙece pesueer ØeÙegòeâ keâjves kesâ efueS
peesÌ[lee nw uesefkeâve Skeâ mesue Fmekesâ JÙegl›eâce šefce&veue kesâ (b) drill holes on the terminal top
meeLe ieuele ™he mes mebÙeesefpele nw~ Jee¢e ØeeflejesOe 1 Deesce šefce&veue kesâ efMeKej hej ef[^ue mes Úso keâjves kesâ efueS
nw~ Ùeefo ØelÙeskeâ mesue keâe efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (emf) 1.5 (c) keep the electrolyte level low
Jeesuš, ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje nw– efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâe mlej efvecve jKeves kesâ efueS
(a) 1.5 A (b) 4/3 A (d) charge the battery at frequent intervals.
(c) 3/4 A (d) 0 efvelÙe Devlejeue hej yewšjer DeeJesefMele keâjves kesâ efueS
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 200 YCT
2022. The colour of the positive plate of a fully 2028. The output voltage of a charger is
charged lead acid cell is : Skeâ DeeJesMekeâ keâe efveie&le Jeesušspe neslee nw–
hetCe& ™he mes Ûeepe& Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue keâer hee@efpeefšJe (a) less than the battery voltage
huesš keâe jbie– yewšjer keâer Jeesušlee mes keâce
(a) light brown/nukeâe Yetje (b) higher than the battery voltage
(b) deep chocolate brown/ienje Ûeekeâuesšer Yetje yewšjer keâer Jeesušlee mes DeefOekeâ
(c) light grey/nukeâe Yetje jbie (c) the same as the battery voltage
(d) dark grey/ienje Yetje yewšjer keâer Jeesušlee kesâ meceeve
2023. The amount of current in a battery can furnish (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ keâesF& veneR
over a period of time is called.
2029. During the charging and discharging of a
Skeâ meceÙeeJeefOe ceW Skeâ yewšjer ceW Oeeje keâer cee$ee keâes nickel-iron cell/Skeâ efveefkeâue-ueewn mesue kesâ DeeJesMeve
................keâne peelee nw
Deewj efvejeJesMeve kesâ oewjeve–
(a) ampere hour/SefcheÙej–IeCše
(a) corrosive fumes are produced
(b) watt hour/Jeeš–IeCše
meb#eejkeâ OegSB GlheVe neslee nw
(c) discharge rate/efJemeefpe&le oj
(b) water is neither formed nor absorbed
(d) constant-current charging/efmLej Oeeje ÛeeefpeËie heeveer ve lees ieef"le neslee nw ve ner DeJeMeesef<ele neslee nw
2024. When charging a battery, the electrolyte
(c) nickel hydroxide remains unsplit
temperature should not be more than
peye Skeâ yewšjer keâes Ûeepe& efkeâÙee peelee nw leye efveefkeâue neF[^ekeämeeF[ DeÛeue jnlee nw
Fueskeäš^esueeFš keâe leeheceeve ––––––––mes pÙeeoe veneR (d) its e.m.f. remains constant
nesvee ÛeeefnS~ Fmekeâe e.m.f. efmLej jnlee nw~
2030. A dead storage battery can be revived by
(a) room temperature/keâcejs kesâ leehe
(b) 20º C
Skeâ ce=le mebÛeeÙekeâ yewšjer ........... kesâ Éeje hegvepeeaefJele
(c) 40ºC efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(d) 0ºC (a) adding distilled water/Deemegle peue efceueekeâj
2025. The charge required to liberate one gram (b) adding so-called battery restorer
equivalent of any substance is known as .......... leLeekeâefLele efj-mšesj yewš^er peesÌ[vee
constant/efkeâmeer Yeer heoeLe& kesâ Skeâ «eece leguÙe cegòeâ
(c) a does of H2SO4/ H2SO4 kesâ ef›eâÙee
keâjves kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ DeeJesMe ............ efveÙeleebkeâ kesâ
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
™he ceW peevee peelee nw~
2031. As compared to a lead-acid cell, the efficiency
(a) time/meceÙe
of nickel-iron cell is less due to its
(b) Faraday's/Hewâje[s
Skeâ meermee-Decue mebÛeeÙekeâ mesue keâer leguevee ceW, efveefkeâue
(c) Boltzman/yeesušpecewve
ueewn mesue keâer o#elee keâce nesves keâe keâejCe nw, Fmekeâe–
(d) Faraday's and Boltzman
(a) compactness/megmenefle (meIevelee)
Hewâje[s Deewj Jeesušpecewve
2026. Active materials of a lead-acid cell are (b) lower e.m.f./efvecve efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue
Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue keâe meef›eâÙe heoeLe& nw– (c) small quantity of electrolyte used
(a) spongy lead/mhebpeer meermee efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe keâe keâce cee$ee ceW Fmlesceeue
(b) lead peroxide/ues[-hejekeämeeF[ (d) higher internal resistance/GÛÛe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe
(c) dilute H2SO4/leveg meuHeäÙetefjkeâ Decue 2032. Trickle charging of a storage battery helps to
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer Skeâ mebÛeeÙekeâ yewšjer keâes efš^keâue DeeJesMeve ceoo keâjlee
2027. The active materials of a nickel-iron battery nw–
are (a) maintain proper electrolyte level
Skeâ efveefkeâue-ueewn yewšjer keâe meef›eâÙe heoeLe& nw– efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe mlej meceevÙe jKeves kesâ efueS
(a) nickel hydroxide/efveefkeâue neF[^e@keämeeF[ (b) increase its reserve capacity
(b) powdered iron and its oxide Fmekeâer Deejef#ele #ecelee yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS
ueewn ÛetCe& Deewj Fmekesâ Dee@keämeeF[ (c) prevent sulphation/meuHesâMeve keâes jeskeâves ceW
(c) 21% solution of KOH/KOH keâe 21% Ieesue (d) keep it fresh and fully charged
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer Fmes mJeÛÚ Deewj hetCe& DeeJesefMele jKeves kesâ efueS
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 201 YCT
2033. Those substances of the cell which take active 2038. The capacity of a lead-acid cell depends on
part in chemical combination and hence Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue keâer #ecelee efveYe&j keâjlee nw–
produce electricity during charging or
discharging are known as ...... materials. (a) rate of discharge/efJemepe&ve oj
mesue kesâ Jes heoeLe& pees jemeeÙeefvekeâ mebÙeespeve ceW meef›eâÙe (b) temperature/leeheceeve
Yeeie uesles nQ Deewj Fme Øekeâej DeeJesMeve Ùee efvejeJesMeve kesâ (c) density of electrolyte/Fueskeäš^esueeFš keâe IevelJe
oewjeve efJeÅegle Glheeefole keâjles nw ............ heoeLe& nesles nw– (d) all above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
(a) passive/efveef<›eâÙe 2039. The e.m.f. of an Edison cell, when fully
(b) active/meef›eâÙe charged, is nearly
(c) redundant/DeveeJeMÙekeâ Skeâ S[ermeve mesue, peye hetCe&le: DeeJesefMele nes, lees efJeÅegle
(d) inert/Deef›eâÙe Jeenkeâ yeue neslee nw, ueieYeie–
2034. In a lead-acid cell dilute sulphuric acid (a) 1.4 V (b) 1 V
(electrolyte) approximately comprises the (c) 0.9 V (d) 0.8 V
2040. The internal resistance of an alkali cell is
Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue ceW leveg Decue (Fueskeäš^esueeFš)
nearly .......... times that of the lead-acid cell.
efvecve keâe ueieYeie efceßeCe neslee nw–
Skeâ #eejerÙe mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe, meermee-Decue
(a) one part H2O, three parts H2SO4
mesue mes ueieYeie ............ iegvee neslee nw~
Skeâ Yeeie H2O , leerve Yeeie H2SO4
(b) two parts H2O, two parts H2SO4 (a) two/oes (b) three/leerve
oes Yeeie H2O, oes Yeeie H2SO4 (c) four/Ûeej (d) five/heeBÛe
(c) three parts H2O, one part H2SO4 2041. The average charging voltage for alkali cell is
leerve Yeeie H2O, Skeâ Yeeie H2SO4 about/#eejerÙe mesue kesâ efueS Deewmele DeeJesefMele Jeesušlee
(d) all H2SO4/meYeer H2SO4 ueieYeie nesleer nw–
2035. It is noticed that during charging (a) 1 V (b) 1.2 V
DeeJesMeve kesâ oewjeve Ùen OÙeeve efoÙee peelee nw efkeâ– (c) 1.7 V (d) 2.1 V
(a) there is a rise in voltage/Jeesušlee ceW Je=efæ ngF& nw 2042. On the average the ampere-hour efficiency of
(b) energy is absorbed by the cell an Edison cell is about
mesue kesâ Éeje Tpee& DeJeMeesef<ele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw Skeâ S[ermeve mesue keâer Deewmele SefcheÙej-IeCše o#elee
(c) specific gravity of H2SO4 is increased neslee nw ueieYeie–
H2SO4 keâe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe yeÌ{ ieÙee nw~ (a) 40% (b) 60%
(d) all above/ GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer (c) 70% (d) 80%
2036. It is noticed that during discharging the 2043. In a nickel cadmium cell potassium hydroxide
following does not happen (KOH) is :/Skeâ efveefkeâue kewâ[efceÙece mesue ceW heesšwefMeÙece
Ùen OÙeeve efoÙee peelee nw efkeâ efJemepe&ve kesâ oewjeve
neF[^e@keämeeF[ (KOH) nw–
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes veneR Ieefšle neslee nw?
(a) the electrolyte/efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe
(a) both anode and cathode become PbSO4
kewâLees[ Deewj Svees[ oesveeW PbSO4 nes peeleer nw (b) the positive plate/Oeveelcekeâ huesš
(b) specific gravity of H2SO4 decreases (c) the negative plate/$e+Ceelcekeâ huesš
H2SO4 keâe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe Iešlee nw (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) voltage of the cell decreases 2044. In a fully charged lead acid battery, positive
mesue keâer Jeesušlee Iešlee nw and negative plates are:
(d) the cell absorbs energy Skeâ hetCe&le: DeeJesefMele ues[–Sefme[ yewšjer ceW, Oeveelcekeâ
mesue Tpee& DeJeMeesef<ele keâjlee nw~ Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ huesš ........... nw~
2037. The ampere-hour efficiency of a lead-acid cell
(a) lead and lead sulphate/ues[ Deewj ues[ meuhesâš
is normally between
Skeâ meermee-Decue mesue keâer SefcheÙej-IeCše o#elee (b) lead and lead peroxide
meeceevÙe ................ kesâ yeerÛe neslee nw– ues[ Deewj ues[ hej-DeekeämeeF[
(a) 20 to 30% (b) 40 to 50% (c) lead peroxide and lead/ues[ heje@keämeeF[ Deewj ues[
(c) 60 to 70% (d) 90 to 95% (d) lead and lead/ues[ Deewj ues[
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 202 YCT
2045. When cells are connected in parallel grouping, 2051. Electrolyte for silver plating is
then efmeuJej huesefšbie kesâ efueS efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe ....... nw~
peye mesues meceeveevlej mecetnerkeâjCe ceW mebÙeesefpele nw, leye (a) double cyanide of silver and potassium
(a) Current-capacity decreases /Oeeje-#ecelee Iešlee nw solution / heesšwefMeÙece Ieesue (efJeueÙeve) Deewj efmeuJej kesâ
(b) Current capacity increases /Oeeje-#ecelee yeÌ{lee nw oesnje meeFveeF[
(c) EMF increases /efJeÅegle-Jeenkeâ yeue yeÌ{lee nw
(b) dilute sulphuric acid / leveg ievOekeâ keâe Decue
(d) EMF decreases /efJeÅegle-Jeenkeâ yeue Iešlee nw
(c) potassium nitrate solution
2046. For cadmium plating cathode current density
heesšwefMeÙece veeFš^sš efJeueÙeve
is usually restricted to
kewâ[efceÙece huesefšbie kesâ efueS kewâLees[ Oeeje IevelJe (d) any of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF&
meeceevÙele: ...... kesâ efueS ØeefleyebefOele (Jeefpe&le) nw~ 2052. For nickel plating the electrolyte consists of
(a) 1 to 3 amperes/dm 2 efveefkeâue huesefšbie kesâ efueS efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe .............. mes
1 mes 3 SefcheÙej /Jeie& [smeerceeršj efveefnle nw~
(b) 5 to 10 amperes /dm2 (a) double sulphate of nickel and ammonium
5 mes 10 SefcheÙej /Jeie& [smeerceeršj efveefkeâue Deewj DeceesefveÙece kesâ oesnjs meuhesâš
(c) 10 to 15 amperes/ dm2 (b) double cyanide of potassium and silver solution
10 mes 15 SefcheÙej /Jeie& [smeerceeršj heesšwefMeÙece Deewj efmeuJej efJeueÙeve kesâ oesnjs meeFveeF[
(d) 25 amperes/ dm2 / 25 SefcheÙej /Jeie& [smeerceeršj (c) copper nickel sulphate /leeceü efveefkeâue meuhesâš
2047. Out of the following which one will have the
(d) any of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF&
lowest cathode current density?
efoÙes ieÙes efvecveefueefKele Skeâ efkeâmekeâe kewâLees[ Oeeje 2053. For cadmium plating electrolyte used is
IevelJe efvecvelece nesiee? kewâ[efceÙece huesefšbie kesâ efueS efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe ........
(a) Zinc plating / efpebkeâ huesefšbie ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
(b) Cadmium plating / kewâ[efceÙece huesefšbie (a) sodium cyanide, cadmium and caustic soda
(c) Silver plating. / efmeuJej huesefšbie meesef[Ùece meeÙeveeF[, kewâ[efceÙece Deewj keâeefmškeâ mees[e
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) cadmium hexa meta phosphate
2048. Out of the following which one will have the kewâ[efceÙece nskeämee cesše heâemhesâš
highest anode current density? (c) cadmium sulphate and sulphuric acid
efoÙes ieÙes efvecveefueefKele Skeâ efkeâmekeâe Svees[ Oeeje IevelJe kewâ[efceÙece meuhesâš Deewj ievOekeâ keâe Decue
GÛÛelece nesiee? (d) any of the above / GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF&
(a) Zinc plating / efpebkeâ huesefšbie 2054. Zinc plating solution consists of
(b) Cadmium plating / kewâ[efceÙece huesefšbie efpebkeâ huesefšbie efJeueÙeve ....... yevee neslee nw~
(c) Silver plating. / efmeuJej huesefšbie (a) Zinc, sodium cyanide and sodium hydroxide
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR solution / efpebkeâ, meesef[Ùece meeÙeveeF[ Deewj meesef[Ùece
2049. In zinc plating the rate of deposit per minute at
neF[^ ekeämeeF[ efJeueÙeve
4A/dm will be nearly
(b) Zinc, chloride and ammonium hydroxide
efpebkeâ huesefšbie ceW efve#eshe (pecee) keâer oj Øeefle efceveš 4
efpebkeâ keäueesjeF[ Deewj DeceesefveÙece neF[^e@keämeeF[
SefcheÙej/Jeie& [smeerceeršj hej ueieYeie .......... nesieer~
(c) Zinc sulphate and dilute sulphuric acid
(a) 0.8 microns / 0.8 ceeF›eâesve
efpebkeâ meuhesâš Deewj leveg ievOekeâ keâe Decue
(b) 80 microns / 80 ceeF›eâesve
(d) any of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF&
(c) 0.8 mm / 08 efceceer
2055. EMF of cell depends upon
(d) 80 mm. / 80 efceceer
mesue keâe efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (EMF) ......... hej efveYe&j
2050. For zinc plating the anode current density is
usually keâjlee nw~
efpebkeâ huesefšbie kesâ efueS Svees[ Oeeje IevelJe meeceevÙele: (a) External resistance /Jee¢e ØeeflejesOe
..........neslee nw~ (b) Internal resistance /Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe
(a) 0.5 to 1 A /dm2/ 0.5 mes 1 SefcheÙej /Jeie& [smeerceeršj (c) Electrolyte & electrodes
(b) 2 to 4 A/ dm2 / 2 mes 4 SefcheÙej /Jeie& [smeerceeršj efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe Deewj Fueskeäš^es[
(c) 5 to 10 A/dm / 5 mes 10 SefcheÙej /Jeie& [smeerceeršj
(d) Area of plates inside electrolyte
(d) 10 to 20 A/dm2 /10 mes 20 SefcheÙej/Jeie& [smeerceeršj efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe kesâ Devoj huesšeW kesâ #es$eheâue
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 203 YCT
2060. In a parallel RL circuit, IR = 20 mA and line
6. ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Deewj heefjheLe current I=18 mA. The statement is
(Alternating Current & Circuits) Skeâ meceeveevlej RL heefjheLe ceW, IR = 20 efceueer SefcheÙej
Deewj ueeFve Oeeje I = 18 efceueer SefcheÙej~ keâLeve....... nw~
2056. In fig. the circuit current I (a) correct /melÙe
efÛe$e ceW heefjheLe Oeeje I...........nw~
(b) incorrect /DemelÙe
(c) lacking data /DeekeâÌ[s keâer keâceer
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2061. When it is not appropriate to use the formula
fr = for a practical parallel LC circuit?
2π LC
(a) lags IR / IR mes he§e
(b) leads IR / IR mes De«e
Skeâ JÙeJeneefjkeâ meceeveevlej LC heefjheLe kesâ efueS keâye
(c) sometimes leads, sometimes lags IR met$e fr = keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele veneR neslee nw?
IR mes keâYeer-keâYeer De«e, keâYeer-keâYeer he§e 2π LC
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) When Q of inductor is less than 10
*2057.In the circuit shown in fig. the total circuit peye Øesjkeâ keâe Q 10 mes efvecve neslee nw
impedance is/efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW kegâue heefjheLe (b) When Q of inductor is more than 10
ØeefleyeeOee.............. nw~ peye Øesjkeâ keâe Q 10 mes DeefOekeâ neslee nw
(c) When Q of inductor is less than 100
peye Øesjkeâ keâe Q 100 mes efvecve neslee nw
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2062. In a practical parallel resonant circuit,
Skeâ JÙeJeneefjkeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW-
(a) 6 kΩ (b) 12 kΩ (a) IL= IC (b) IL > IC
(c) 8 kΩ (d) 24 kΩ (c) IL < IC (d) IL = 100 IC
*2058.In the circuit shown in fig. what is the line 2063. In a parallel resonant LC circuit, the line
current I? current is / Skeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer LC heefjheLe ceW,
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW ueeFve Oeeje I keäÙee nw? ueeFve Oeeje....... neslee nw~
(a) equal to IL or IC /IL Ùee IC mes yejeyej
(b) much greater than IL or IC
IL Ùee IC mes yengle DeefOekeâ
(c) much less than IL or IC /IL Ùee IC mes yengle keâce
(a) 1.5 mA (b) 4.5 mA (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) 6.5 mA (d) 2.5 mA 2064. At parallel resonance, the circuit susceptance is
2059. In the circuit shown in fig. the line current I is meceeveevlej Devegveeo hej, heefjheLe DevegkeâeÙe&lee........ nw~
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW ueeFve Oeeje I......... nw~
(a) zero/MetvÙe
(b) maximum /DeefOekeâlece
(c) 1
(d) cannot say /keân veneR mekeâles
2065. At parallel resonance, the circuit admittance is
(a) less than the arithmetic sum of IR + IL equal to circuit ........... / meceeveevlej Devegveeo hej,
IR + IL kesâ DebkeâieefCeleerÙe Ùeesie mes efvecve heefjheLe ØeJesMÙelee.......heefjheLe kesâ yejeyej nw~
(b) greater than the arithmetic sum of IR + IL (a) resistance /ØeeflejesOe
IR + IL kesâ DebkeâieefCeleerÙe Ùeesie mes DeefOekeâ
(b) conductance /Ûeeuekeâlee
(c) equal to the arithmetic sum of IR + IL
(c) susceptance /DevegkeâeÙe&lee
IR + IL kesâ DebkeâieefCeleerÙe Ùeesie kesâ yejeyej
(d) inductance /ØesjkeâerÙe
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 204 YCT
2066. At resonant frequency, the power dissipated in 2071. In the circuit shown in fig. the line current I
a parallel resonant circuit is P. The power efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW ueeFve Oeeje I .........nw~
dissipated at half-power frequencies is
Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe hej, Skeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe
ceW efJekeâerCe& Meefòeâ P nw~ Deæ&-Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòeÙeeW hej
efJekeâCe& Meefòeâ ............. nw~
(a) 2P (b) 1.5P
P P (a) leads IC / IC mes De«e
(c) (d)
2 2 (b) lags IC / IC mes he§e
2067. If f1 and f2 are the half-power frequencies in a (c) sometimes leads, sometimes lags IC
parallel resonant circuit, then resonant IC mes keâYeer-keâYeer De«e, keâYeer-keâYeer he§e
frequency is / Skeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2072. At parallel resonance, the reactive component
Ùeefo f1 Deewj f2 Deæ&-Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòeÙeeB nw, leye Devegveeoer
of line current is/meceeveevlej Devegveeo hej, ueeFve
DeeJe=efòe.......... nw~ Oeeje keâe Øeeflekeâejer DeJeÙeJe.......... neslee nw~
f2 (a) very large /yengle GÛÛe
(a) (b) f1f2
f1 (b) small /efvecve
f1f 2
(d) f1f 2 (c) zero /MetvÙe
2 (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2068.The dynamic impedance of a parallel resonant *2073.What is the value of capacitance (in µF) in the
circuit is 500 kΩ. The circuit consists of 250 pF RLC circuit given below?/veerÛes efoÙes ieS DeejSuemeer
capacitor in parallel with a coil of resistance of heefjheLe ceW mebOeeefj$e keâe cetuÙe (µF ceW) keäÙee nw?
10 Ω. The coil inductance is
Skeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe keâer ieeflekeâerÙe
ØeefleyeeOee 500 efkeâueesDeesndce nw~ Skeâ 10 Deesce ØeeflejesOe
keâer kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe meceeveevlej ceW 250 heerkeâes hewâj[
mebOeeefj$e heefjheLe efveefnle nw~ kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe
............... nw~
(a) 30 (b) 56.94
(a) 1.25 mH (b) 3.52 mH
(c) 75.68 (d) 88.42
(c) 2.5 mH (d) 4.25 mH
*2074.Calculate the induced emf (in V) in the
2069. At resonant frequency, the impedance of a
inductor of a series RL circuit having
parallel resonant circuit is Zr. The circuit inductance of 1.8 H and resistance of 90 Ohms
impedance at half-power frequencies is after 20 milli–seconds when supplied by a 20 V
Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe hej Skeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe DC source./20 efceueer–meskebâ[ kesâ yeeo, 1.8 nsvejer kesâ
keâer ØeefleyeeOee Zr nw~ Deæ&-Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòeÙeeW hej heefjheLe ØesjkeâlJe Deewj 90 Deesce kesâ ØeeflejesOe Jeeues ëe=bKeuee
ØeefleyeeOee........... nw~ DeejSue heefjheLe kesâ Øesjkeâ ceW Øesefjle F&SceSHeâ keâer ieCevee
Zr (Jeesuš ceW) keâjW peye heefjheLe keâes 20 Jeesuš kesâ [ermeer
(a) 2 Zr (b)
2 œeesle Éeje Deehetefle&le efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Zr (a) 7.36 (b) 10.03
(c) 1.5 Zr (d)
2 (c) 14.76 (d) 20
*2070.An inductor of resistance 10Ω and inductance *2075.Calculate the power factor of an AC circuit
100 mH is in parallel with a 10 nF capacitor. having an impedance of 16 Ohms, if a 4 A
current flows through it and its average power
The resonant angular frequency is
consumptions is 200 W./16 Deesce kesâ Skeâ ØeefleyeeOee
Skeâ Øesjkeâ kesâ 10 Deesndce kesâ ØeeflejesOe Deewj 100 efceueer
Jeeues ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe kesâ Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ keâer
nsvejer keâe ØesjkeâlJe Skeâ 10 vewvees-hewâj[ mebOeeefj$e kesâ meeLe
ieCevee keâjW, Ùeefo heefjheLe ceW 4 SefcheÙej efJeÅegle Oeeje nw
meceeveevlej ceW nw~ Devegveeoer keâesCeerÙe DeeJe=efòe........ nw~ Deewj Fmekeâer Deewmele efJeÅegle Kehele 200 Jeeš nw~
(a) 1.8×102 rad/s (b) 2.8×104 rad/s (a) 0.68 (b) 0.78
(c) 5.78×103 rad/s (d) 3.16×104 rad/s (c) 0.88 (d) 0.98
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 205 YCT
*2076.Calculate the time (in seconds) taken by a
series RL circuit having inductance of 0.6 H
and resistance of 30 ohms to reach a steady
state value./Skeâ ëe=bKeuee RL heefjheLe Éeje mLeeÙeer
DeJemLee lekeâ hengBÛeves ceW efueS ieS meceÙe keâer ieCevee
(meskesâC[ ceW) keâjW, efpemeceW 0.6 nsvejer keâe ØesjkeâlJe Deewj (a) 0.126 (b) 1. 26
30 Deesce keâe ØeeflejesOe nes~ (c) 12.6 (d) 126.1
(a) 0.02 (b) 0.05 *2082.Calculate the average value of sinusoidal wave
(c) 0.1 (d) 0.5 cos2 θ over a complete cycle./hetCe& Ûe›eâ kesâ efueS
*2077.What will be the value of inductance (in mH) pÙeeJe›eâerÙe lejbie cos2 θ kesâ Deewmele ceeve keâer ieCevee keâjW~
connected in parallel with a capacitance of 4 F
(a) 1 (b) 0.637
in a series RLC circuit having a quality factor
(c) 0.5 (d) 0.707
2, when the resonant frequency is 6 rad/sec?
2083. Which of the following is required in series RLC
Skeâ ßeb=Keuee DeejSuemeer heefjheLe ceW 4 hewâj[ kesâ mebOeeefjlee
circuit to get Q > 1?/Q > 1 heeves kesâ efueS ëe=bKeuee
kesâ meeLe meceeveeblej ceW pegÌ[s ØesjkeâlJe keâe ceeve (efceueer-
RLC meefke&âš ceW efvecve ceW mes keäÙee DeeJeMÙekeâ nw?
nsvejer ceW) keäÙee nesiee, peye iegCeJellee keâejkeâ 2 nw, peye
(a) XL < R
Devegveeoer DeeJe=eflle 6 jsef[Ùeve/meskebâ[ nw– (b) XL > R
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) XL = R
(c) 5 (d) 7 (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& Yeer veneR
*2078.What is the average value of a DC voltage 2084. By which of the following elements transients
having a peak value of 25 V ?/25 V kesâ Ûejce cetuÙe will not occur?
Jeeues [ermeer Jeesušspe keâe Deewmele cetuÙe keäÙee nesiee? efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee lelJe #eefCekeâ veneR nesiee?
(a) 0 (b) 17.73 (a) L (b) R
(c) 22.5 (d) 25 (c) C (d) All of these/meYeer efJekeâuhe
*2079.Calculate the impedance (in Ω) of the series 2085. If the supply frequency of the circuit in fig. is
RLC circuit given in the figure below ? increased, the circuit power factor will
veerÛes efoS ieS ëe=bKeuee DeejSuemeer heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee Ùeefo efÛe$e ceW heefjheLe keâer Deehetefle& DeeJe=efòe yeÌ{e efoÙee
keâer ieCevee (Deesÿe ceW) keâjW– peeÙes, heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ...........nesiee~


(a) increase /yeÌ{siee

(b) decrease /IešWiee
(a) 130 (b) 120 (c) remain same /Skeâ meceeve yevee jnsiee
(c) 13 (d) 12
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2080.What is the bandwidth (in kHz) of a series
RLC circuit having resistance, inductance and 2086. In the circuit shown in fig the currents IL and
capacitance of 80 Ohms, 2 mH and 0.01 mF IC are
respectively ?/Skeâ ëe=bKeuee Deej.Sue.meer. heefjheLe keâer ef Ûe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW Oeeje IL Deewj IC........ nw~
yeQ[efJe[dLe kesâ cetuÙe keâer ieCevee (kHz ceW) keâjW efpemekeâe
ØeeflejesOe, Deewj ØesjkeâlJe, Oeeefjlee ›eâceMe: 80 Ohms, 2 IL IR
mH Deewj 0.01 mF nw~
(a) 10 (b) 20
(c) 40 (d) 80
*2081.What will be the capacitive susceptance (in
Siemens) of the circuit given below ?
veerÛes efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW mebOeeefj$e keâe memeshšWme (meercebsme (a) 90o out of phase (b) 45o out of phase
ceW) keäÙee nesieer? o
(c) 120 out of phase (d) 180o out of phase

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 206 YCT

2087. In the circuit shown in fig. if XL>XC, then
circuit current I /efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW Ùeefo
XL>XC leye heefjheLe Oeeje I ........~

(a) increase /Je=efæ
(b) decrease /keâceer
(c) remain same /Skeâ meceeve
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2091. At resonance, the angle between V and I in fig.
(a) will lag behind the applied voltage V is / Devegveeo hej, efÛe$e ceW Jeesušlee V Deewj Oeeje I kesâ
ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee V mes he§e keâjsiee yeerÛe keâesCe........... neslee nw~
(b) will lead the applied voltage V
Deehetefle& Jeesušlee V mes De«e nesiee IR
(c) will sometimes lead, sometimes lag V
Jeesušlee V mes, keâYeer De«e nesiee keâYeer he§e nesiee
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2088. At resonance, the line current I in fig is equal
to / Devegveeo hej, efÛe$e ceW ueeFve Oeeje I .........kesâ yejeyej
nesiee~ (a) 90o (b) 180o
(c) 45 (d) 0o
2092. In fig. the resonant frequency fr is
IL IR efÛe$e ceW Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe fr ..........nw~


(a) IL (b) IC
(c) IR (d) IL + IC
2089. In fig. except at resonance, the circuit
impedance Z is / efÛe$e ceW Devegveeo kesâ efmeJeeÙe, heefjheLe 1 1
(a) (b)
ØeefleyeeOee Z ....... nesleer nw~ LC 2π LC
R R2
(c) (d)
2093. At resonance, the LC combination in fig. offers
Devegveeo hej, efÛe$e ceW LC mebÙeespeve.........jKelee nw~


(a) greater than R /R mes DeefOekeâ

(b) less than R/R mes keâce
(c) equal to R /R kesâ yejeyej
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2090. In fig. if XL > XC increasing the supply (a) zero impedance /MetvÙe ØeefleyeeOee
frequency will cause phase angle to (b) infinite impedance /Devevle ØeefleyeeOee
efÛe$e ceW, Ùeefo mehueeF& DeeJe=efòe kesâ yeÌ{ves kesâ keâejCe XL > (c) a few ohms /kegâÚ Deesndce
XC nes lees Hesâpe keâesCe ceW .............. nesiee~ (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 207 YCT
2094. The magnitude of impedance of the circuit 2098. A series R-L-C circuit has a resonant
shown in fig. is frequency of 1000 Hz. The maximum voltage
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe kesâ ØeefleyeeOee keâe heefjceeCe across C is likely to occur at a frequency of
........... nw~ about :/Skeâ R-L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe keâer Devegveeoer
DeeJe=efòe 1000 Hz nw~ C kesâ Deej heej DeefOekeâlece
Jeesušlee ueieYeie DeeJe=efòe hej nesves keâer mecYeeJevee nw–
(a) 1025 Hz (b) 1000 Hz
(c) 900 Hz (d) 2000 Hz
RX L X C *2099.The current in a circuit follows the relation i =
(a) 200 sinωt. If frequency is 50 Hz, how long will
( RX L − RX C )
+ X L2 X C2 it take for the current to rise to 100 A/heefjheLe ceW
R 2 X L XC ØeJeeefnle Oeeje i = 200 sinωt nw Ùeefo DeeJe=efòe 50 Hz
R +X X
2 2
nes lees Oeeje keâes 100 A yeÌ{ves ceW efkeâlevee meceÙe ueiesiee–
R 2 X L2 X C2 (a) 3.33 ms (b) 5.98 ms
(c) (c) 0.32 ms (d) 1.66 ms
R 2 + X L2 X C2
*2100.Which one of the following condition is true
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR about parallel RLC circuit?/efvecve ceW keâewve mee
*2095.In the circuit shown in fig. when IL=36 mA and
circuit current I=1.2 mA, the Q of the circuit is meceevlej RLC heefjheLe kesâ efueS melÙe nw–
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW peye IL = 36 efceueer SefcheÙej (a) IR=V/Xc, Ic = V/R, IL = V/XL
Deewj heefjheLe Oeeje I = 1.2 efceueer SefcheÙej, heefjheLe keâe (b) VR= IR, VL=1. XL, VC = 1. Xc
Q nw- (c) IR=V/R, Ic=V/Xc, IL=V/XL
(d) IR=V/XL, Ic=V/R, IL=V/Xc
*2101.A resistance 'R' Ω and inductance of '0.232' H
are connected in series across 240 V, 50 Hz
supply. Power dissipated in the circuit is 300 W
and the voltage across R is 100 V. In order to
(a) 72 improve the power factor to unity, the
(b) 18 capacitor that is to be connected in series
(c) 30 should have a value of:
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Skeâ ØeeflejesOe 'R' Ω Deewj Skeâ Øesjkeâ (L) .232 H Jeeuee
*2096.In fig if Q=40, R = 20 kΩ and V = 60V, then IC heefjheLe 240 V, 50 Hz Deehetefle& mes meerjerpe ceW pegÌ[e nw~
is /efÛe$e ceW Ùeefo Q = 40, R = 20 efkeâueesDeesndce Deewj V
heefjheLe (meefke&âš) ceW ØeJeeefnle Meefòeâ 300 W nw Deewj R ceW
= 60 Jeesuš, leye IC............nw~
Jeesušspe 100 V nw~ FkeâeF& keâe Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ yesnlej keâjves
kesâ efueS ßesCeer ceW pees[
Ì s ieS mebOeeefj$e keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee?
(a) 43.7 µF (b) 4.37 µF
(c) 437 µF (d) 0.437/ µF
*2102.A 50 Hz current of zero reference has an
(a) 30 MA (b) 60 mA average value of 45A. Its instantaneous value at
(c) 15 mA (d) 120 mA an angle of 300 is :/Skeâ 50 Hz MetvÙe efjheâjsvme
*2097.A two branch tuned circuit has a coil of (Reference) keâe Current efpemekeâe Deewmele ceeve 45A
resistance R and inductance L in one branch
and capacitance C in the second branch. If R is nw, 30º keâesCe hej Fmekeâe leel#eefCekeâ ceeve keäÙee nesiee?
increased, the dynamic resistance :/ Skeâ oes MeeKee (a) 22.5A (b) 32A
Jeeueer šdÙetv[ heefjheLe kesâ Skeâ MeeKee kesâ kegâC[ueer keâe (c) 35.33A (d) 16A
ØeeflejesOe R Deewj ØesjkeâlJe L Deewj otmejer MeeKee ceW C *2103.Find the power p(t), supplied by the element
Oeeefjlee nw~ Ùeefo R yeÌ{lee nw, ieeflekeâ ØeeflejesOe– 1
when v(t) = 4 cos 3t V and i(t) = sin 3t A .
(a) may increase or decrease/Ieš Ùee yeÌ{ mekeâlee nw 12
(b) decrease/Iešlee nw Skeâ DeJeÙeJe Éeje Øeoòe Meefòeâ p(t)keâer ieCevee keâjW peye
(c) increase/yeÌ{lee nw 1
v(t) = 4 cos 3t V Deewj i(t) = sin 3t A
(d) remains constant/efmLej jnlee nw 12
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 208 YCT
(a) An inductor/Øesjkeâ
(b) A capacitor/mebOeeefj$e
(c) A resistor/ØeeflejesOekeâ
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
2109. A pure capacitance connected across 50Hz, 230V
1 1 supply consumes 0.04W. This consumption is
(a) P (t) = cos 6t W (b) P (t) = sin 3t W
6 6 attributed to............./Skeâ Megæ mebOeeefj$e 50 Hz, 230V
(c) P (t) = sin 6t W (d) P(t) = sin 6t W
1 Deehetefle& mes pegÌ[ves hej 0.04W keâe GheYeesie keâjlee nw~ Fme
6 12 GheYeesie kesâ efueS ..............GòejoeÙeer nw~
*2104.A series RLC circuit has a reasonance (a) ohmic loss due to ohmic resistance of plates
frequency of 175 kHz and Q = 50 Find the huesš cebs Deesnce ØeeflejesOe kesâ keâejCe Deesnefcekeâ #eÙe
bandswidth of the circuit. (b) Loss of energy in dielectric
Skeâ ßesCeer RLC heefjheLe keâer Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe 175 hejeJewÅegle cebs Tpee& keâe #eÙe
kHz Deewj keäJeeefuešer hewâkeäšj Q = 50 lees Gmekeâer yewC[ (c) Capacitive reactance in ohms
ÛeewÌ[eF& (yewC[efJe[dLe) %eele keâerefpeS~ Deesnce ceW mebOeeefj$e ØeefleIeele
(a) 50 Hz (b) 35 kHz (d) Both ohmic loss due to ohmic resistance of
(c) 350 Hz (d) 3.5 kHz plates and loss of energy in dielectric
*2105.To a highly inductive circuit, a small capacitance huesš ceW Deesnce ØeeflejesOe kesâ keâejCe Deesnefcekeâ #eÙe Deewj
is added in series. The angle between voltage and hejeJewÅegle ceW Tpee& keâe #eÙe oesveeW
current will............../GÛÛe ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe kesâ efueS, *2110.A certain R–L series combination is connected
Skeâ Úesšer Oeeefjlee keâes ßesCeer ceW peesÌ[e peelee nw~ Jeesušlee across a 50 Hz single–phase ac supply. If the
Deewj Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe keâesCe.............. instantaneous power drawn was found to be
(a) increase/yeÌ{siee negative for 2 milliseconds in one cycle, the
(b) decrease/Iešsiee power factor angle of the circuit must
be..........?/ keâesF& efveef§ele R–L ßesCeer mebÙeespeve 50 Hz
(c) remain nearly the same/ueieYeie meceeve jnsiee
Skeâue Hesâpe S.meer. mehueeF& mes pegÌ[e nw~ Ùeefo Skeâ Ûe›eâ ceW
(d) become indeterminant/DeefveOee&efjle nes peeSiee
2 efceueer meskeâsC[ lekeâ leelkeâeefuekeâ Meefòeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ heeF&
*2106.Two currents having r.m.s. values 50A and 75A
with a phase difference of 600. What is ieF&, lees heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ Ieškeâ keâesCe keäÙee nesiee?
resultant sum of these two currents ? (a) 9° (b) 18°
oes OeejeDeeW efpevekeâe r.m.s ceeve 50 Amp leLee 75 (c) 36° (d) 45°
Amp nw efpevekeâe keâueevlej 600 nw~ heefjCeeceer Ùeesie oesveeW 2111. The average of all the instantaneous values of a
Oeeje keâe keäÙee nesiee? sinusoidal quantity over a cycle is :
(a) 50 + 75j (b) 75+50 j
pÙeeJe›eâerÙe jeefMe kesâ meYeer leel#eefCekeâ ceeveeW keâe Deewmele
(c) 64.49 – 87.5j (d) 87.5–64.9 j ceeve Skeâ Ûekeäkeâj ceW neslee nw~
2107. At a frequency less than the resonant (a) 0.707 times its maximum value
frequency_____: GÛÛelece ceeve keâe 0.707 iegvee
Devegveeo DeeJe=efòe mes keâce DeeJe=efòe hej_____ (b) Unity/FkeâeF&
(a) series circuit is capacitive and parallel circuit (c) Maximum/GÛÛelece
is inductive/ßesCeer heefjheLe mebOeeefj$e Deewj meceeveeblej (d) Zero/MetvÙe
heefjheLe Øesjkeâ neslee nw~ *2112.For a Parallel R-L-C circuit the frequency
(b) series circuit is inductive and parallel circuit terms are given by 1/ LC and 1/ 2RC the
is capacitive/ßesCeer heefjheLe Øesjkeâ Deesj meceeveeblej system is said to be over-damped if –
heefjheLe mebOeeefj$e neslee nw~ Skeâ meceeveeblej R-L-C meefke&âš kesâ efueS eføeâkeäJeWmeer šce&
(c) both circuits are inductive
1/ LC Deewj 1/ 2RC Éeje Øeoeve keâer ieF& nw~ ØeCeeueer
oesveeW heefjheLe, Øesjkeâ nesles nQ~
(d) both circuits are capacitive keâes leye DeesJej [wch[ keâne peeÙesiee Deiej–
oesveeW heefjheLe, mebOeeefj$e nesles nQ~ (a) (l/ LC ) > (1/ 2RC
2108. Which one of the following can act as an open (b) (1 LC ) = (1/ 2RC )
circuit for dc and a short circuit for ac of high (c) (1/ LC ) < (1/ 2RC )
frequency ?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve, efo° Oeeje kesâ efueS
(d) (1/ LC ) is not equal to (1/2RC)
Kegues heefjheLe Deewj ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje kesâ efueS Meeš& meefke&âš
leLee GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe kesâ ™he ceW keâeÙe& keâj mekeâlee nw? (1/ LC ) Ùen (1/2RC) kesâ yejeyej vee nes
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 209 YCT
2113. The characteristic equation of the series RLC (a) i = Im sin (ωt + 5o) amps
circuit is– (b) i = Im sin (ωt – 25o) amps
ßesCeer ›eâce RLC heefjheLe keâe DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ meceerkeâjCe nw– (c) i = Im sin (ωt + 25o) amps
(a) s2 + (LC) s + R/L = 0 (d) i = Im sin (ωt – 5o) amps
(b) s2 + s + R/ L = 0 2118. The instantaneous power of a 1-phase series
2 R circuit supplying R-L load from a sinusoidal
(c) S + s + LC = 0
L voltage source has in each cycle
R Skeâ pÙeeJe›eâerÙe Jeesušlee œeesle mes R-L Yeej keâer hetefle&
(d) S2 + s + 1/ LC = 0
L keâj jns 1-keâuee ßesCeer heefjheLe keâer leel#eefCekeâ Meefòeâ kesâ
2114. A DC voltage source is connected across a series ØelÙeskeâ Ûe›eâ ceW nesles nQ
RLC circuit. Under steady conditions, the (a) negative twice, zero four times
applied DC voltage drops entirely across the– $e+Ceelcekeâ oes yeej, MetvÙe Ûeej yeej
Skeâ DC Jeesušlee m$eesle ßesCeer RLC heefjheLe kesâ S›eâeme (b) zero twice, negative once
mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ eqmLej DeJemLee ceW, ØeÙegkeäle DC MetvÙe oes yeej, $e+Ceelcekeâ Skeâ yeej
Jeesušlee [^e@he hetCe& ™he mes efkeâmekesâ heefjle: nesieer? (c) negative four times, zero twice
(a) R only/kesâJeue R $e+Ceelcekeâ Ûeej yeej, MetvÙe oes yeej
(b) L only/kesâJeue L (d) negative twice, zero once
(c) C only/kesâJeue C $e+Ceelcekeâ oes yeej, MetvÙe Skeâ yeej
(d) R and L combined/ R Deewj L ceW mebÙegkeäle ™he mes 2119. In a pure inductive circuit if the supply
2115. Parameters for a RLC circuit are R = 2 Ω, L= frequency is reduced to 1 , the current will?
1 H, C = 1 F. If these are connected in series Skeâ efJeMegæ ØesjefCekeâ heefjheLe ceW Ùeefo ØeoeÙe DeeJe=efòe
first and then in parallel, the system response
for both the circuits will be: Ieše keâj 1 2 keâj oer peeleer nw lees Oeeje efkeâleveer nesieer?
Skeâ heefjheLe kesâ hewjeceeršj R = 2 Ω. L = 1 H, C = 1 F (a) be four times as high
nQ, Ùeefo FvnW henues ßesCeer ›eâce ceW peesÌ[e peeÙes Deewj Gmekesâ Ûeej iegvee efpeleveer DeefOekeâ nes peeSieer
yeeo meceeblej ›eâce ceW peesÌ[e peeÙes lees oesveeW heefjheLe keâe (b) be reduced to one fourth
efmemšce efjmhee@vme nesiee- Ieš keâj Skeâ ÛeewLeeF& nes peeSieer
(a) underdamped, undamped (c) be doubled./ogiegveer nes peeSieer
vÙetve-DeJecebefole, Deve-DeJecebefole (d) be reduced by half./Ieš keâj DeeOeer nes peeSieer
(b) critically damped, overdamped *2120.The total charge entering a circuit element
›eâebeflekeâ DeJecebefole, Deefle-DeJecebefole between t = 1 sec and t = 2sec if the current
passing through the element is i = 5t, is :
(c) critically damped, underdamped
›eâebeflekeâ DeJecebefole, vÙetve-DeJecebefole meceÙe t = 1 meskeâC[ leLee t = 2 meskeâC[ kesâ ceOÙe Skeâ
(d) under damped, critically damped efJeÅegle heefjheLe ceW ØeJesMe keâjves Jeeuee kegâue DeeJesMe, Deiej
vÙetve-DeJecebefole, ›eâebeflekeâ DeJecebefole heefjheLe ceW ØeJeeefnle Oeeje keâe ceeve i = 5t nw, nesiee :
2116. In a series R-L-C circuit, magnitude of (a) 10 C (b) 5 C
resonance frequency can be changed by (c) 7.5 C (d) 15 C
2121. At very high frequencies, the parallel RL
changing the value of
circuit behave as–
R-L-C meerjerpe heefjheLe ceW Devegveeo DeeJe=efòe keâes –––
yengle GÛÛe DeeJe=eflleÙeeW hej, meceeveeblej RL meefke&âš
keâes yeoue keâj yeouee pee mekeâlee nw– ______ kesâ ™he ceW JÙeJenej keâjlee nw~
(a) R only / kesâJeue R (b) L only / kesâJeue L (a) a pure inductive circuit/Skeâ Megæ Øesjkeâ meefke&âš
(c) C only / kesâJeue C (d) L or C / L Ùee C (b) an LC circuit/Skeâ LC meefke&âš
*2117.The voltage wave V = Vm sin (ωt – 15o) volts is (c) a pure capacitive circuit
applied across an A.C. circuit. If the current Skeâ Megæ kewâhesefmeefšJe meefke&âš
leads the voltage by 10o and the maximum (d) a pure resistive circuit/Skeâ Megæ ØeeflejesOekeâ meefke&âš
value of current is Im, then the equation of 2122. Series R-L circuit is the dual of ………….
current is ßesCeer RL heefjheLe ........... keâe efÉJeJeeÛekeâ (Ùegicekeâ) nw~
Skeâ A.C. heefjheLe kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee lejbie V = Vm sin (a) series RC circuit/ßesCeer RC heefjheLe
(ωt – 15o) Jeesuš ueieeF& ieF& nw~ Ùeefo Oeeje, Jeesušlee kesâ (b) parallel RL circuit /meceevlej RL heefjheLe
10o De«e nw Deewj Oeeje keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeve Im, nw, lees (c) parallel RC circuit/meceevlej RC heefjheLe
Oeeje keâe meceerkeâjCe nw (d) series RL circuit /ßesCeer RL heefjheLe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 210 YCT
*2123.A sine wave has a frequency of 50 Hz. Its 2129. If two sinusoids of the same frequency but of
angular frequency is ........ radian/second. different amplitudes and phase angles are
Skeâ pÙee lejbie keâer DeeJe=efòe 50 nšd&pe nw~ Fmekeâer keâesCeerÙe subtracted, the resultant is
DeeJe=efòe ........... jsef[Ùeve/meskesâC[ nw~ Ùeefo meceeve DeeJe=efòe keâer hejvleg efYeVe-efYeVe DeeÙeecees leLee
(a) 100 π (b) 50 π keâuee keâesCeeW keâer oes pÙeeJe›eâeW keâes IešeÙee peelee nw lees
(c) 25 π (d) 5 π heefjCeeceer nw–
*2124.The reactance offered by a capacitor to
(a) a sinusoid of the same frequency
alternating current of frequency 50 Hz is 20 Ω.
If frequency is increased to 100 Hz, reactance Skeâ meceeve DeeJe=efòe keâer Skeâ pÙeeJe›eâ
becomes ....... ohms. (b) a sinusoid of half the original frequency
50 nšd&pe DeeJe=efòe keâer ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Deæ& JeemleefJekeâ DeeJe=efòe keâer Skeâ pÙeeJe›eâ
mebOeeefj$e Éeje Øemlegle ØeefleIeele 20 Deesce nw~ Ùeefo DeeJe=efòe (c) a sinusoid of double the frequency
keâes 100 nšd&pe lekeâ yeÌ{e efoÙee peelee nw lees ØeefleIeele oes iegveer DeeJe=efòe keâer Skeâ pÙeeJe›eâ
........... Deesce nes peelee nw~ (d) not a sinusoid/Skeâ pÙeeJe›eâ veneR
(a) 2.5 (b) 5
*2130.The peak value of sine wave is 200 V. its
(c) 10 (d) 15
average value is/pÙee lejbie keâe Meer<e& ceeve 200 Jeesuš
2125. The period of a wave is
Skeâ lejbie keâer DeJeefOe nesleer nw– nw~ Fmekeâe Deewmele ceeve nw–
(a) the same as frequency/DeeJe=efòe kesâ pewmes meceeve (a) 127.4 V/Jeesuš (b) 141.4 V/Jeesuš
(b) time required to complete one cycle (c) 282.8 V/Jeesuš (d) 200 V/Jeesuš
Skeâ Ûe›eâ hetje keâjves kesâ efueÙes DeeJeMÙekeâ meceÙe 2131. If two sine waves of the same frequency have a
(c) expressed in amperes/SefcheÙeme& ceW ØeoefMe&le phase difference of π radians, then
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Ùeefo Skeâ meceeve DeeJe=efòe keâer oes pÙee lejbieeW ceW π
2126. The form factor is the ratio of jsef[Ùeve keâe keâueevlej nw, leye-
®he iegCekeâ .......... keâe Devegheele neslee nw~
(a) both will reach their minimum values at the
(a) peak value to r.m.s. value
same instant/oesvees Deheves vÙetvelece ceevees hej Skeâ
Meer<e& ceeve Deewj Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve
(b) r.m.s. value to average value
meceeve meceÙe hej hengÛesieer
Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve Deewj Deewmele ceeve (b) both will reach their maximum values at the
(c) average value to r.m.s. value same instant/oesveeW Deheves DeefOekeâòece ceeveeW hej Skeâ
Deewmele ceeve Deewj Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve meceeve meceÙe hej hengÛesieer
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) when one wave reaches its maximum value,
1 the other will reach its minimum value/peye
*2127.The period of a sine wave is seconds. Its
50 Skeâ lejbie Deheves DeefOekeâlece ceeve hej hengÛeleer nw leye
frequency is/pÙee lejbie keâer DeJeefOe
meskesâC[ nw~ otmejer Deheves vÙetvelece ceeve hej hengBÛesieer
50 (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Fmekeâer DeeJe=efòe nw–
*2132.The r.m.s. value of a sine wave is 100 A. Its
(a) 20 Hz/20 nšd&pe (b) 30 Hz/30 nšd&pe peak value is/Skeâ pÙee lejbie keâe Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve
(c) 40 Hz/40 nš&dpe (d) 50 Hz/50 nšd&pe
100 SefcheÙej nw~ Fmekeâe Meer<e& ceeve nw–
*2128.An A.C. current is given by i = 200 sin 100 πt.
(a) 70.7 A (b) 141.4 A
It will achieve a value of 100 A after ......
second. (c) 150 A (d) 282.8 A
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje i = 200 sin 100 πt efoÙee ieÙee nw~ 2133. if two waves are expressed as
Ùen 100 SefcheÙej keâe ceeve ......... meskesâC[ yeeo Øeehle e1 = Em1 sin (ωt + α1 )
keâjsiee~ and
1 1 e2 = Em2 sin (ωt + α2 ), then
(a) (b) Ùeefo oes lejbies ØeoefMe&le nw pewmes
900 800
1 1 e1 = Em1 sin (ωt + α1 )
(c) (d)
700 600 Deewj e2 = Em2 sin (ωt + α2 ), leye
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 211 YCT
(a) e1 is leading by e2 ∠ (α2 – α1) 2139. For the same peak value, which of the following
e1 De«eieeceer nw e2 mes ∠ (α2 – α1) kesâ Éeje wave has the least mean value?
(b) e2 is leading by e1 ∠ (α2 – α1)
Skeâ meceeve Meer<e& ceeve kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes efkeâme lejbie
e2 De«eieeceer nw e1 mes ∠ (α2 – α1) kesâ Éeje keâe vÙetvelece ceeOÙe ceeve nw?
(a) half wave rectified sine wave
(c) e2 is leading by e1 ∠ (α1 – α2)
Deæ& lejbie efoef°ke=âle pÙee lejbie
e2 De«eieeceer nw e1 mes ∠ (α1 – α2) kesâ Éeje
(b) triangular wave/ef$eYegpeekeâej lejbie
(d) e1 is in phase with e2
(c) sine wave/pÙee lejbie
e1, e2 kesâ meeLe Skeâ ner Hesâpe ceW nw
(d) square wave/Jeiee&keâej lejbie
2134. The voltage of domestic supply is 220 V. This
*2140.For a sine wave with peak value Imax the r.m.s.
figure represents
value is/Meer<e& ceeve Imax kesâ meeLe pÙee lejbie kesâ efueS
Iejsuet mehueeF& keâer Jeesušlee 220 Jeesuš nesleer nw~ Ùen
Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve nw–
DeebkeâÌ[e ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw–
(a) 0.5 Imax (b) 0.707 Imax
(a) mean value/ceeOÙe ceeve (c) 0.9 Imax (d) 1.414 Imax
(b) r.m.s. value/Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue ceeve *2141.For a sine wave with peak value Emax the
(c) peak value/heerkeâ (Meer<e&) ceeve average value is/Skeâ pÙee lejbie efpemekeâe Meer<e& ceeve
(d) average value/Deewmele ceeve Emax nw, Gmekeâe Deewmele ceeve neslee nw–
2135. Two waves of the same frequency have (a) 0.636 Emax (b) 0.707 Emax
opposite phase when the phase angle between (c) 0.434 E max (d) 1.414 Emax
them is *2142.The current in a circuit is given by:
Skeâ meceeve DeeJe=efòe keâer oes lejbies efJehejerle Hesâpe ceW nesleer i = 100 sin 314 t amperes
The maximum value and frequency of current
nw, peye Gvekesâ yeerÛe hesâpe keâesCe........neslee nw~ are
(a) 360o (b) 180o Skeâ heefjheLe ceW Oeeje keâe ceeve kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw–
(c) 90o (d) 0o
i = 100 sin 314 t SefcheÙeme&
2136. The power consumed in a circuit element will
be least when the phase difference between the
Oeeje keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeve Deewj DeeJe=efòe nw–
current and voltage is (a) 50 2A, 100 Hz (b) 100 2A, 100 Hz
Skeâ heefjheLe DeJeÙeJe ceW Meefòeâ keâer Kehele vÙetvelece nesieer (c) 100 A, 50 Hz (d) 70.7 A, 50 Hz
peye Oeeje leLee Jeesušlee kesâ yeerÛe keâueevlej nw- 2143.The phase difference between voltage and
current wave through a circuit element is given
(a) 180o (b) 90o
o o as 30o. The essential condition is that
(c) 60 (d) 0
Skeâ heefjheLe DeJeÙeJe kesâ ceeOÙece mes Jeesušlee leLee Oeeje
2137. The r.m.s. value and mean value is the same in
the case of/efkeâme oMee ceW Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue ceeve Deewj
lejbie kesâ yeerÛe keâueevlej 30º kesâ ™he ceW efoÙee ieÙee nw~
DeeJeMÙekeâ efmLeefle nw efkeâ-
ceeOÙe ceeve Skeâ meceeve neslee nw~
(a) both waves must have same frequency
(a) triangular wave/ef$eYegpeekeâej lejbie oesveeW lejbies Skeâ meceeve DeeJe=efòe keâer nesveer ÛeeefnS~
(b) sine wave/pÙee lejbie (b) both waves must have identical peak values
(c) square wave/Jeiee&keâej lejbie oesveeW lejbies Skeâ pewmes Meer<e& ceeveeW keâer nesveer ÛeeefnS~
(d) half wave rectified sine wave (c) both waves must have zero value at the same
Deæ& lejbie efo°erke=âle pÙee lejbie time/oesveeW lejbieeW kesâ MetvÙe ceeve, Skeâ meceeve meceÙe hej
2138. For the same peak value which of the following nesves ÛeeefnS~
wave will have the highest r.m.s. value? (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Skeâ meceeve Meer<e& ceeve kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes efkeâme lejbie *2144.An A.C. voltage of 50 Hz has a maximum value
keâe DeefOekeâlece Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve nesiee? of 50 V. Its values after 1/600 second after the
instant the current is zero, will be
(a) square wave/Jeiee&keâej lejbie
50 Hz keâer Skeâ S.meer. Jeesušlee keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeve
(b) half wave rectified sine wave 50V nw~ Oeeje MetvÙe nesves kesâ #eCe kesâ yeeo Fmekeâe ceeve
Deæ& lejbie efo°erke=âle pÙee lejbie 1/600 meskeâC[ yeeo nesiee-
(c) triangular wave/ef$eYegpeekeâej lejbie (a) 5 V/Jeesuš (b) 12.5 V/Jeesuš
(d) sine wave/pÙee lejbie (c) 25 V/Jeesuš (d) 43.3 V/Jeesuš
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 212 YCT
2145. When two waves are in phase they have peak (a) capacitive circuit /OeeefjleerÙe heefjheLe
values at an interval of (b) inductive circuit /ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe
peye oes lejbies Skeâ ner Hesâpe ceW nw lees Gvekeâe....... Devlejeue (c) resistive circuit /ØeeflejesOeer heefjheLe
hej Meer<e& ceeve nesiee~ (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) 180o 2151. If the circuit shown in fig. is operated below the
(b) 120o resonant frequency, the circuit behaves as
(c) 90o Ùeefo efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe kesâ veerÛes
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR ØeÛeeefuele nw, heefjheLe .........keâer lejn JÙeJenej keâjlee nw~
*2146.For 200 Vrms value triangular wave, the peak
voltage will be
ef$eYegpeekeâej lejbie kesâ 200 Jeesuš Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve
kesâ efueÙes heerkeâ Jeesušspe nesiee–
(a) 200 V (b) 222 V (a) capacitive circuit /OeeefjleerÙe heefjheLe
(c) 282 V (d) 346 V (b) inductive circuit /ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe
*2147.A sine wave of voltage varies from zero to (c) resistive circuit /ØeeflejesOeer heefjheLe
maximum of 200 V. How much is the voltage at (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
the instant of 30 of the cycle? 2152. In the circuit shown in fig. if Q of the coil is 5,
Jeesušlee keâe Skeâ pÙee lejbie MetvÙe mes 200V kesâ the phase angle between V and IL is
DeefOekeâlece ceeve lekeâ heefjJeefle&le neslee nw~ Ûe›eâ kesâ 30º kesâ ef Û e$e ceW Øeoef Me&le heefjheLe ceW Ùeefo kegâC[ueer keâe Q, 5 nw,
#eCe hej Jeesušlee efkeâleveer nw? lees Jeesušlee V Deewj Oeeje IL kesâ yeerÛe hesâpe keâesCe........ nw~
(a) 50 V/Jeesuš (b) 82.8 V/Jeesuš
(c) 100 V/Jeesuš (d) 173.2 V/Jeesuš
*2148.How much r.m.s. current does a 300 W. 200 V
bulb take from the 200 V, 50 Hz power line?
Skeâ 300 Jeeš, 200 Jeesuš yeuye, 200V, 50 Hz heeJej
ueeFve mes efkeâleveer Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue Oeeje uesleer nw? (a) 54o (b) 45o
(c) 36 (d) 79o
(a) 0.5 A(SefcheÙej) (b) 1.5 A (SefcheÙej) 2153. In the circuit shown in fig. if IL=IC the circuit
(c) 2 A (SefcheÙej) (d) 3 A (SefcheÙej) will be/efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW Ùeefo IL = IC
*2149.Two sinusoidal currents are given by heefjheLe......... nesiee~
i1 = 100 sin (ωt + π/3), and
i2 = 150 sin (ωt – π/4)
The phase difference between them is .......
oes pÙeeJe›eâerÙe OeejeSB oer ieÙeer nw
i1 = 100 sin (ωt + π/3) Deewj (a) resistive circuit /ØeeflejesOeer heefjheLe
i2 = 150 sin (ωt – π/4) (b) inductive circuit /ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe
Gvekesâ yeerÛe Hesâpe Devlej ............ DebMe nw~ (c) capacitive circuit /OeeefjleerÙe heefjheLe
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) 15 (b) 50
2154. In the circuit shown in fig. at resonance
(c) 60 (d) 105
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW Devegveeo hej-
2150. If the circuit shown in fig. is operated above its
resonant frequency, the circuit behaves as
Ùeefo efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe Deheves Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe
kesâ Thej ØeÛeeefuele nw, heefjheLe..........keâer lejn JÙeJenej
keâjlee nw~

(a) IL = IC
(b) IL<IC
(c) IL > IC
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 213 YCT
*2155.In the circuit shown in fig. if Q=10, the angle *2159.The r.m.s. value of a half-wave rectified
between IL and V is current is 100 A. Its value for full-wave
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW Ùeefo Q = 10, Oeeje IL Deewj rectification would be ....... amperes.
Jeesušlee V kesâ yeerÛe keâesCe........ nw~ Skeâ Deæ& lejbie efo°erke=âle Oeeje keâe Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve
Oeeje 100 SefcheÙej nw~ Fmekeâe ceeve hetCe& lejbie efo°keâjCe
kesâ efueS......... SefcheÙeme& nesiee~
(a) 141.4 (b) 200
(c) 200/π (d) 40/π
2160. From the two voltages equations
(a) 84o (b) 46o
(c) 25 o
(d) 37o e1 = Emax sin 100πt, and
*2156.In the circuit shown in fig. what will be the Q e2 = Emax sin (100πt + π/6), it is obvious that
of the inductor with R = 50 Ω; L = 20 mH and oes Jeesušlee kesâ meceerkeâjCe mes–
fr = 15 kHz?
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW R = 50 Deesndce, L = 20 e1 = Emax sin 100πt, Deewj
efceueer nsvejer Deewj fr = 15 efkeâuees nš&dpe kesâ meeLe Øesjkeâ keâe e2 = Emax sin (100πt + π/6),
Q keäÙee nesiee? Ùen mhe° nw efkeâ–
(a) e1 leads e2 by 30o/e1 De«e nw e2 mes 300 kesâ Éeje
(b) e2 lags behind e1/e2 he§e nw e1 kesâ heerÚs
(c) e2 achieves its maximum value second
before e1 does/e2 DeefOekeâlece ceeve, e1 keâer Dehes#ee
(a) 25.4 (b) 37.7 1
(c) 85.6 (d) 112.3 meskeâC[ henues Øeehle keâjlee nw
*2157.In the circuit shown in fig. what is the resonant
frequency in rad/s? 1
(d) e1 achieves its zero value second before
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe 600
jsef[Ùeve/meskesâC[ ceW keäÙee nw? e2/e1 MetvÙe ceeve keâes, e2 keâer Dehes#ee
henues Øeehle keâjlee nw
2161. The r.m.s. value of a sinusoidal A.C. current is
equal to its value at an angle of ....... degrees.
(a) 1450 rad/s (b) 825 rad/s
Skeâ pÙeeJe›eâerÙe S.meer Oeeje keâe Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue ceeve.........
(c) 12500 rad/s (d) 9525 rad/s DebMe keâesCe hej Deheves ceeve kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
2158. If the resonant frequency of the circuit shown (a) 90 (b) 60
in fig. is fr, then circuit impedance at a
(c) 45 (d) 30
frequency other than fr will be
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe keâer Ùeefo Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe fr 2162. Capacitive reactance is more when
nw, leye fr keâer Dehes#ee DevÙe efkeâmeer DeeJe=efòe hej heefjheLe OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele DeefOekeâ neslee nw peye–
ØeefleyeeOee nesieer? (a) capacitance is less and frequency of supply is
less/Oeeefjlee keâce nes Deewj mehueeF& keâer DeeJe=efòe keâce nes
(b) capacitance is less and frequency of supply is
more/Oeeefjlee keâce nes Deewj mehueeF& keâer DeeJe=efòe DeefOekeâ nes
(c) capacitance is more and frequency of supply
(a) the same as at fr /fr hej kesâ meceeve is less/Oeeefjlee DeefOekeâ nes Deewj mehueeF& keâer DeeJe=efòe keâce nes
(b) smaller than at fr /fr hej mes keâce (d) capacitance is more and frequency of supply
(c) greater than at fr / fr hej mes DeefOekeâ is more/Oeeefjlee DeefOekeâ nes Deewj mehueeF& keâer DeeJe=efòe
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR DeefOekeâ nes
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 214 YCT
2163. Time constant of a capacitive circuit increases (c) overloads alternators, transformers and
with the/Skeâ OeeefjleerÙe heefjheLe keâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ distribution lines/ØelÙeeJele&keâeW, heefjCeeefce$eeW Deewj
........... kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw efJelejCe ueeFveesb keâes DeefOekeâ Yeeefjle keâjlee nw~
(a) increase of capacitance and decrease of (d) results in all above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer heefjCeece nw
resistance/Oeeefjlee kesâ yeÌ{ves Deewj ØeeflejesOe kesâ Iešves 2169. Capacitors for power factor correction are
(b) increase of capacitance and increase of rated in / Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve kesâ efueS mebOeeefj$e
resistance/Oeeefjlee kesâ yeÌ{ves Deewj ØeeflejesOe kesâ yeÌ{ves ......... ceW efveOee&efjle nesles nw~
(c) decrease of capacitance and decrease of
(a) kW/efkeâueesJeeš
resistance/Oeeefjlee kesâ Iešves Deewj ØeeflejesOe kesâ Iešves
(d) decrease of capaitance and increase of (b) kVA/efkeâueesJeesuš SefcheÙej
resistance/Oeeefjlee kesâ Iešves Deewj ØeeflejesOe kesâ yeÌ{ves (c) kV/efkeâueesJeesuš
2164. In a Series circuit on resonance, following will (d) kVAR/efkeâueesJeesuš SefcheÙej efjSefkeäšJe
occur / Devegveeo hej Skeâ ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW efvecveefueefKele 2170. In series resonant circuit, increasing
Ieefšle nesiee- inductance to its twice value and reducing
(a) V = V (b) X = X capacitance to its half value
(c) Z = R (d) all above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW ØesjkeâlJe keâes Fmekesâ oesiegvee
2165. In a Series resonant circuit, the impedance of ceeve lekeâ Je=efæ leLee Oeeefjlee keâes Fmekesâ DeeOes ceeve lekeâ
the circuit is/Skeâ ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW, heefjheLe keâceer–
keâer ØeefleyeeOee nesleer nw- (a) will change the maximum value of current at
(a) minimum/efvecvelece resonance/Devegveeo hej Oeeje keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeve yeoue
(b) maximum/DeefOekeâlece osiee
(c) zero/MetvÙe (b) will change the resonance frequency
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe yeoue osiee~
2166. Power factor of an electrical circuit is equal to (c) will change the impedance at resonance
Skeâ efJeÅegleerÙe heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ........kesâ yejeyej frequency/Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe hej ØeefleyeeOee keâes yeoue
neslee nw~ osiee
(d) will increase the selectivity of the circuit
(a) R/Z/ØeeflejesOe/ØeefleyeeOee
(b) cosine of phase angle difference between
heefjheLe keâer mesuesefkeäšefJešer (Q) yeÌ{e osiee
current and voltage/Oeeje Deewj Jeesušlee kesâ yeerÛe 2171. Pure inductive circuit
hesâpe keâesCe Devlej keâer keâespÙee Megæ ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe–
(c) kW/kVA/efkeâueesJeeš/efkeâuees Jeesuš SefcheÙej (a) consumes some power on average
(d) all above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer Deewmele hej kegâÚ Meefòeâ keâe Kehele keâjlee nw~
2167. The best place to install a capacitor is (b) does not take power at all from a line
Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâes mLeeefhele keâjves keâe meyemes DeÛÚe mLeeve ueeFve mes efyeukegâue Yeer Meefòeâ vener ueslee nw~
nw– (c) takes power from the line during some part of
the cycle and then returns back to it during
(a) very near to inductive load
other part of the cycle/ueeFve mes Ûe›eâ kesâ kegâÚ Yeeie
ØesjkeâerÙe uees[ kesâ yengle vepeoerkeâ
(b) across the terminals of the inductive load
kesâ oewjeve Meefòeâ uesleer nw Deewj leye Ûe›eâ kesâ DevÙe Yeeie kesâ
ØesjkeâerÙe uees[ šefce&veue kesâ Deej-heej oewjeve Fmes Jeeheme ueewše osleer nw~
(c) far away from the inductive load (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
ØesjkeâerÙe uees[ mes otj 2172. Inductance affects the direct current flow
(d) any where/efkeâmeer peien ØesjkeâlJe, efo° Oeeje ØeJeen keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjlee nw–
2168. Poor power factor (a) only at the time of turning off
Kejeye/efvecve Meefòeâ iegCekeâ– kesâJeue šefve&ie Dee@Heâ meceÙe hej
(a) reduces load handling capability of electrical (b) only at the time of turning on
system/efJeÅegleerÙe heæefle keâer Yeej OeejCe #ecelee keâce nes kesâJeue šefveËie Dee@ve meceÙe hej
peeleer nw (c) at the time of turning on and off
(b) results in more power losses in the electrical šefveËie Dee@ve Deewj šefveËie Dee@Heâ meceÙe hej
system/efJeÅegleerÙe heæefle ceW DeefOekeâ Meefòeâ neefve keâe (d) at all the time of operation
keâejCe yevelee nw~ ØeÛeeueve kesâ meYeer meceÙe hej
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 215 YCT
2173. Inductance of a coil varies (c) reactive power is more than the actual
Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe heefjJeefle&le neslee nw– power/efjSefkeäšJe Meefòeâ JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ mes DeefOekeâ
(a) directly as the cross-sectional area of nesleer nw~
magnetic core/ÛegcyekeâerÙe keâesj kesâ DevegØemLe #es$eHeâue (d) actual power is more than its reactive
kesâ meerOes meceevegheeleer power/JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ efjSefkeäšJe Meefòeâ mes DeefOekeâ
(b) directly as square of number of turns nesleer nw~
šve& keâer mebKÙee kesâ Jeie& kesâ meerOes meceevegheeleer 2178. Power factor of the following circuit will be
(c) inversely as the length of the iron path zero
ueewn heeLe keâer uecyeeF& kesâ efJeueesceevegheeleer efvecveefueefKele heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ MetvÙe nesiee-
(d) as (a) to (d)/ (a) mes (d) lekeâ keâer YeeBefle (a) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
2174. All the rules and laws of D.C. circuit also apply (b) inductance/ØesjkeâlJe
to A.C. circuit containing (c) capacitance/Oeeefjlee
[ermeer meefke&âš kesâ meYeer efveÙece Deewj keâevetve ........ Ùegòeâ (d) both (b) and (c)/ (b) Deewj (c) oesvees
S.meer. meefke&âš kesâ efueÙes Yeer ueeiet nesles nw~ 2179. Power factor of the following circuit will be
(a) capacitance only/kesâJeue Oeeefjlee unity
(b) inductance only/kesâJeue ØesjkeâlJe efvecveefueefKele heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ FkeâeF& nesiee-
(c) resistance only/kesâJeue ØeeflejesOe (a) inductance/ØesjkeâlJe
(d) all above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer (b) capacitance/Oeeefjlee
2175. Time constant of an inductive circuit (c) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
Skeâ ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe keâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ- (d) both (b) and (c)/ (b) Deewj (c) oesveeW
(a) increases with increase of inductance and 2180. Power factor of the system is kept high
decrease of resistance/ØesjkeâlJe kesâ yeÌ{ves Deewj heæefle keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ GÛÛe jKee peelee nw–
ØeeflejesOe kesâ Iešves kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw (a) to reduce line losses
(b) increases with the increase of inductance and ueeFve neefveÙeeB keâce keâjves kesâ efueÙes
the increase of resistance/ØesjkeâlJe kesâ yeÌ{ves Deewj
(b) to maximise the utilization of the capacities of
ØeeflejesOe kesâ yeÌ{ves kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw generators, lines and transformers
(c) increases with decrease of inductance and peefve$ees, ueeFvees Deewj heefjCeeefce$ees keâer #eceleeDeeW keâer
decrease of resistance/ØesjkeâlJe kesâ Iešves Deewj GheÙeesefielee keâes DeefOekeâ keâjves efueÙes
ØeeflejesOe kesâ Iešves kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw (c) to reduce voltage regulation of the line
(d) increases with decrease of inductance and ueeFve keâer Jeesušlee efveÙeceve keâes Ieševes kesâ efueÙes
increase of resistance/ØesjkeâlJe kesâ Iešves Deewj
(d) due to all above reasons
ØeeflejesOe kesâ yeÌ{ves kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw
GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer keâejCees kesâ keâejCe
2176. Power factor of an inductive circuit is usually
2181. In the R-L-C containing R = 4.5 Ω, L = 0.06 H,
improved by connecting capacitor to it in
C = 0.6 µF the power factor will be
Skeâ ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ meeceevÙele: FmeceW
R = 4.5 Deesce, L = 0.06 nsvejer, C = 0.6 µF mes Ùegòeâ
........ceW mebOeeefj$e keâes mebÙeesefpele keâj megOeeje pee mekeâlee nw~
R-L-C ceW Meefòeâ iegCekeâ nesiee–
(a) parallel/meceeveevlej
(a) zero/MetvÙe (b) lagging/he§eieeceer
(b) series/ßesCeer
(c) leading/De«eieeceer (d) unity/FkeâeF&
(c) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b)
2182. In a loss-free R-L-C circuit the transient
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR~
current is
2177. In a highly capacitive circuit the neefve jefnle R-L-C heefjheLe ceW š^ebefpeSbš Oeeje nesleer nw–
Skeâ GÛÛe OeeefjleerÙe heefjheLe ceW–
(a) oscillating/oesueefvekeâ
(a) apparent power is equal to the actual
(b) square wave/Jeiee&keâej lejbie
power/DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
(b) reactive power is more than the apparent (c) sinusoidal/pÙeeJe›eâerÙe
power/efjSefkeäšJe Meefòeâ DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ mes DeefOekeâ nesleer nw~ (d) non-oscillating/efyevee-oesueefvekeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 216 YCT
2183. The r.m.s. value of alternating current is given 2187. The power factor at resonance in R-L-C
by steady (D.C.) current which when flowing parallel circuit is/R-L-C meceevlej heefjheLe ceW
through a given circuit for a given time
Devegveeo hej Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ neslee nw-
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje keâe Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue ceeve efmLej (efo° (a) zero/MetvÙe
Oeeje) Oeeje Éeje efoÙee peelee nw efpemes peye Skeâ efoÙes ieÙes (b) 0.08 lagging/0.08 he§eieeceer
meceÙe kesâ efueÙes Skeâ efoÙes ieÙes heefjheLe kesâ Éeje ØeJeeefnle (c) 0.8 leading/0. 8 De«eieeceer
efkeâÙee peeÙes lees........ GlheVe keâjlee nw~ (d) unity/FkeâeF&
(a) the more heat than produced by A.C. when 2188. In the case of an unsymmetrical alternating
flowing through the same circuit/Gmeer heefjheLe mes current the average value must always be taken
ØeJeeefnle ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Éeje GlheVe T<cee keâer Dehes#ee over/Skeâ Demeceefcele ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje keâer oMee ceW Deewmele
DeefOekeâ T<cee ceeve keâes ncesMee .........lekeâ efueÙee peevee ÛeeefnS~
(b) the same heat as produced by A.C. when
(a) unsymmetrical part of the wave form
flowing through the same circuit/Gmeer heefjheLe mes
ØeJeeefnle ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Éeje GlheVe meceeve T<cee lejbie ®he kesâ DemececeerefleÙe Yeeie
(c) the less heat than produced by A.C. flowing (b) the quarter cycle/Skeâ ÛeewLeeF& Ûe›eâ
through the same circuit/Gmeer heefjheLe mes ØeJeeefnle (c) the half cycle/DeeOes Ûe›eâ
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Éeje GlheVe T<cee keâer Dehes#ee keâce T<cee (d) the whole cycle/hetCe& Ûe›eâ
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 2189. In a pure resistive circuit
2184. The square waveform of current has following Skeâ Megæ ØeeflejesOeer heefjheLe ceW–
relation between r.m.s. value and average
value./Jeiee&keâej lejbie ™he Jeeues Oeeje keâer Deej.Sce.Sme. (a) current lags behind the voltage by 90o
ceeve leLee Deewmele ceeve kesâ yeerÛe efvecveefueefKele mecyevOe Oeeje Jeesušlee kesâ heerÚs 90º Éeje he§eieeceer nesleer nw
neslee nw- (b) current leads the voltage by 90
(a) r.m.s. value is equal to average value Oeeje Jeesušlee mes 90º De«eieeceer nesleer nw
Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue ceeve Deewmele ceeve kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~ (c) current can lead or lag the voltage by 90o
(b) r.m.s. value of current is greater than average Oeeje Jeesušlee mes 90º De«eieeceer Ùee he§eieeceer nes mekeâleer nw
value/Oeeje keâe Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve, Deewmele ceeve mes (d) current is in phase with the voltage
DeefOekeâ neslee nw~ Oeeje Jeesušlee kesâ meeLe Skeâ ner keâuee ceW nesleer nw
(c) r.m.s. value of current is less than average 2190. In a pure inductive circuit
value/Oeeje keâe Jeie&-ceeOÙe cetue ceeve Deewmele ceeve mes Skeâ Megæ ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW–
keâce neslee nw~ (a) the current is in phase with the voltage
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& vener
Oeeje, Jeesušlee kesâ meeLe Skeâ ner keâuee cesW neslee nw
2185. The double energy transient occur in the
(b) the current lags behind the voltage by 90o
oesiegveer Tpee& š^ebefpeSbš .......... ceW Ieefšle nesleer nw~
Oeeje, Jeesušlee kesâ heerÚs 90º Éeje he§eieeceer nesleer nw
(a) purely inductive circuit/Megæ ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe
(c) the current leads the voltage by 90o
(b) R-L circuit/ R-L heefjheLe
Oeeje, Jeesušlee mes 90º De«eieeceer nesleer nw
(c) R-C circuit/ R-C heefjheLe
(d) the current can lead or lag by 90o
(d) R-L-C circuit/ R-L-C heefjheLe
Oeeje, Jeesušlee mes 90º De«eieeceer Ùee he§eieeceer nes mekeâleer nw
2186. The transient currents are associated with the
2191. In a circuit containing R, L and C, power loss
š^ebefpeSbš OeejeÙeW.........kesâ meeLe mecyeefvOele nesleer nw~
can take place in
(a) changes in the stored energy in the inductors
R, L Deewj C Ùegòeâ Skeâ heefjheLe ceW Meefòeâ ne@efve ..........
and capacitors/ØesjkeâeW leLee mebOeeefj$eeW ceW Skeâef$ele Tpee&
ceW heefjJele&veeW ceW mLeeve ues mekeâlee nw~
(b) impedance of the circuit/heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee (a) C only/kesâJeue C
(c) applied voltage to the circuit (b) L only/kesâJeue L
heefjheLe keâes Deejesefhele Jeesušspe (c) R only/kesâJeue R
(d) resistance of the circuit/heefjheLe kesâ ØeeflejesOe (d) all above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 217 YCT
2192. Inductance of coil (c) 63% of maximum value
kegâC[ueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe- DeefOekeâlece ceeve kesâ 63%
(a) is unaffected by the supply frequency (d) 90% of maximum value
mehueeF& DeeJe=efòe mes DeØeYeeefJele nesleer nw DeefOekeâlece ceeve kesâ 90%
(b) decreases with the increase in supply 2197. Magnitude of current at resonance in R-L-C
frequency/mehueeF& DeeJe=efòe ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe Iešleer nw circuit
(c) increases with the increase in supply R-L-C heefjheLe ceW Devegveeo hej Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe-
frequency/mehueeF& DeeJe=efòe ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe ye{leer nw
(a) depends upon the magnitude of R
(d) becomes zero with the increase in supply
R kesâ heefjceeCe hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw
frequency/mehueeF& DeeJe=efòe ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe MetvÙe nes
peeleer nw (b) depends upon the magnitude of L
2193. In any A.C. circuit always L kesâ heefjceeCe hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW ncesMee– (c) depends upon the magnitude of C
(a) apparent power is more than actual power C kesâ heefjceeCe hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw
DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ mes DeefOekeâ neslee nw (d) depends upon the magnitude of R, L and C
(b) reactive power is more than apparent power R, L leLee C kesâ heefjceeCe hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw
efjSefkeäšJe Meefòeâ DeYeemeer Meefòeâ mes DeefOekeâ neslee nw 2198. In a R-L-C circuit
(c) actual power is more than reactive power Skeâ R-L-C heefjheLe ceW–
JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ efjSefkeäšJe (Øeefleef›eâÙee) Meefòeâ mes DeefOekeâ (a) power is consumed in resistance and is equal
neslee nw to I2R/ØeeflejesOe ceW Meefòeâ keâer Kehele nesleer nw Deewj Ùen
(d) reactive power is more than actual power I2R kesâ yejeyej neslee nw
efjSefkeäšJe Meefòeâ JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ mes DeefOekeâ neslee nw (b) exchange of power takes place between
2194. Which of the following circuit component inductor and supply line/Meefòeâ keâe Deeoeve-Øeoeve
opposes the change in the circuit voltage?
Øesjkeâ Deewj mehueeF& ueeFve kesâ yeerÛe mLeeve uesleer nw
efvecveefueefKele heefjheLe DeJeÙeJe ceW keâewve, heefjheLe Jeesušlee
(c) exchange of power takes place between
heefjJele&ve keâe efJejesOe keâjlee nw?
capacitor and supply line/Meefòeâ keâe Deeoeve-Øeoeve
(a) Inductance/ØesjkeâlJe
Oeeefjlee Deewj mehueeF& ueeFve kesâ yeerÛe mLeeve uesleer nw
(b) Capacitance/Oeeefjlee
(d) all above are correct/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer melÙe nw
(c) Conductance/Ûeeuekeâlee
2199. Physical quantities of resistance, inductance
(d) Resistance/ØeeflejesOe
and Capacitance are represented by R, L and
2195. Pure inductive circuit takes power from the C respectively. The combinations which have
A.C. line when/Megæ ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje dimensions of frequency are
mes Meefòeâ uesleer nw peye– ØeeflejesOe, ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee keâer Yeeweflekeâ cee$eeÙeW
(a) applied voltage decreases but current increases ›eâceMe: R, L SJeb C Éeje ØeoefMe&le keâer peeleer nw~
ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe Iešleer nw uesefkeâve Oeeje yeÌ{leer nw
DeeJe=efòe keâer efJeceeÙes jKeves Jeeuee mecyevOe nw–
(b) applied voltage increases but current decreases
ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe yeÌ{leer nw uesefkeâve Oeeje Iešleer nw (a) C/L (b) R/L
(c) both applied voltage and current increase (c) 1/RC (d) 1/ LC
ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe leLee Oeeje oesveeW yeÌ{les nw
2200. In R-L-C series resonant circuit, magnitude of
(d) both applied voltage and current decrease resonance frequency can be changed by
ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe leLee Oeeje oesveeW Iešles nww changing the value of
2196. Time constant of a circuit is the time in seconds R-L-C ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW, Devegveeo DeeJe=efòe kesâ
taken after the application of voltage to each heefjceeCe keâes........ kesâ ceeve keâes yeouekeâj heefjJeefle&le efkeâÙee
Skeâ heefjheLe keâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ ØelÙeskeâ........ Jeesušlee pee mekeâlee nw~
kesâ DevegØeÙeesie kesâ yeeo meskeâC[ ceW efueÙee meceÙe neslee nw~
(a) R only/kesâJeue ØeeflejesOe
(a) 25% of maximum value
(b) L only/kesâJeue ØesjkeâlJe
DeefOekeâlece ceeve kesâ 25%
(b) 50% of maximum value (c) R, L or C/ØeeflejesOe, ØesjkeâlJe Ùee Oeeefjlee
DeefOekeâlece ceeve kesâ 50% (d) L or C/ØesjkeâlJe Ùee Oeeefjlee

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 218 YCT

2201. In a Series L-C circuit at the resonant 2207. At parallel resonance, the phase angle between
frequency the applied voltage and line current is
Skeâ ßesCeer L-C heefjheLe ceW Devegveeo DeeJe=efòe hej- meceeveevlej Devegveeo hej, ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee V Deewj Oeeje I
(a) current is maximum/Oeeje DeefOekeâlece nesleer nw kesâ yeerÛe hesâpe keâesCe.............nw~
(b) current is minimum/Oeeje vÙetvelece nesleer nw (a) 0 (b) 90o
(c) impedance is maximum/ØeefleyeeOee DeefOekeâlece nesleer nw (c) 180 (d) 45o
(d) voltage across C is minimum 2208. Which of the following coil will have large
C kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe vÙetvelece neslee nw resonant frequency?/efvecve ceW mes efkeâme kegâC[ueer kesâ
2202. In a R-L-C series circuit if voltage V across the heeme DelÙeefOekeâ Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe nesieer?
circuit is reduced to half the current I will (a) A coil with large resistance
change to/ Skeâ R-L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW Ùeefo heefjheLe Skeâ kegâC[ueer DelÙeefOekeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe
kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee V keâes DeeOee keâj efoÙee peeÙes lees (b) A coil with low resistance
Oeeje..........lekeâ heefjJeefle&le nesieer~ Skeâ kegâC[ueer efvecve ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe
(a) 2I (b) I/2 (c) A coil with large distributed capacitance
(c) 3/4 I (d) 5/8 I Skeâ kegâC[ueer DelÙeefOekeâ efJeleefjle Oeeefjlee kesâ meeLe
2203. The time constant of a series R-C circuit is (d) A coil with low distributed capacitance
given by
Skeâ R-C ßesCeer heefjheLe keâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ......... efoÙee Skeâ kegâC[ueer efvecve efJeleefjle Oeeefjlee kesâ meeLe
ieÙee nw~ 2209. The safest value of current the human body can
carry for more than 3 second is
(a) R/C (b) RC2
ceeveJe Mejerj keâe meyemes megjef#ele ceeve keâer Oeeje, 3
(c) RC (d) R2C
2204. If resistance is 20 Ω and inductance is 2H in a
meskesâC[ mes DeefOekeâ kesâ efueS ues pee mekeâleer nw~
R-L series circuit, then time constant of this (a) 4 mA/4 efceueer SefcheÙej
circuit will be (b) 9 mA/9 efceueer SefcheÙej
Skeâ R-L ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW Ùeefo ØeeflejesOe 20 Deesce nw (c) 15 mA/15 efceueer SefcheÙej
Deewj ØesjkeâlJe 2 nsvejer nw leye Fme heefjheLe keâe meceÙe
(d) 25 mA/25 efceueer SefcheÙej
efveÙeleebkeâ nesiee–
2210. The input of an A.C. circuit having power
(a) 0.001 s (b) 0.1 s
factor of 0.8 lagging is 40 kVA. The power
(c) 10 s (d) 100 s
drawn by the circuit is
*2205.In the circuit shown in fig. the total circuit
impedance is / efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW kegâue
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe keâer Fvehegš 0.8 he§eieeceer
heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee ................ nw~ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ kesâ meeLe 40 efkeâuees Jeesuš SefcheÙej nw~
heefjheLe Éeje ueer ieÙeer Meefòeâ nw-
(a) 12 kW/12 efkeâueesJeeš
(b) 22 kW/22 efkeâueesJeeš
(c) 32 kW/32 efkeâueesJeeš
(a) 432 Ω (b) 832 Ω
(c) 115 Ω (d) 676 Ω (d) 64 kW/64 efkeâueesJeeš
2206. In the circuit shown in fig. the phase angle 2211. The effective resistance of an iron-cored chocke
between applied voltage V and circuit current I working on ordinary supply frequency is more
is / efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee V Deewj than its true resistance because of
heefjheLe Oeeje I kesâ yeerÛe hesâpe keâesCe.......... nw~ meeOeejCe mehueeF& DeeJe=efòe hej keâeÙe&jle Skeâ ueewn-›eâesef[le
Ûeeskeâ keâe ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe Fmekesâ JeemleefJekeâ ØeeflejesOe keâer
Dehes#ee DeefOekeâ neslee nw........... kesâ keâejCe~
(a) iron loss in core/keâesj ceW ueewn neefve
(a) equal to 45o /45º kesâ yejeyej (b) skin effect/efmkeâve ØeYeeJe
(b) less than 45o /45º mes keâce (c) increase in temperature/leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ
(c) greater than 45o /45º mes DeefOekeâ (d) capacitive effect between adjacent coil turns
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR heeÕe& kegâC[ueer Jele&veeW kesâ yeerÛe OeeefjleerÙe ØeYeeJe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 219 YCT
2212. In an A.C. circuit, a low value of kVAR 2218. In an A.C. circuit power is dissipated in
compared with kW indicates Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW Meefòeâ ............ ceW #eÙe
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW, efkeâueesJeeš (kW) kesâ nesleer nw~
meeLe leguevee ceW efkeâueesJeesuš SefcheÙej efjSefkeäšJe (kVAR) (a) resistance only/kesâJeue ØeeflejesOe
keâe keâce ceeve Fbefiele keâjlee nw–
(b) inductance only/kesâJeue ØesjkeâlJe
(a) low efficiency/keâce o#elee
(c) capacitance only/kesâJeue Oeeefjlee
(b) high power factor/DeefOekeâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) unity power factor/FkeâeF& Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
2219. In a parallel R-C circuit, the current always
(d) maximum load current/DeefOekeâlece uees[ Oeeje
.......... the applied voltage
2213. The ratio of active power to apparent power is Skeâ meceevlej R-C heefjheLe ceW Oeeje ncesMee ØeÙegòeâ
known as ...... factor.
JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ Deewj DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ kesâ Devegheele keâes Jeesušlee mes .......... nesleer nw~
..........iegCekeâ kesâ ™he ceW peevee peelee nw~ (a) lags/he§eieeceer
(a) demand/ef[ceeb[ (b) load/uees[ (b) leads/De«eieeceer
(c) power/Meefòeâ (d) form/™he (c) remains in phase with/kesâ meeLe keâuee ceW nesleer nw
2214. All definitions of power factor of a series R-L-C (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR~
circuit are correct except 2220. At very low frequencies a series R-C circuit
Skeâ ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe kesâ Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ keâer meYeer behaves as almost purely .......
heefjYee<eeÙeW mener nw, efmeJeeÙe- yengle efvecve DeeJe=efòeÙeeW hej Skeâ ßesCeer R-C heefjheLe
(a) ratio of net reactance and impedance ueieYeie Megæ .......... ™he mes JÙeJenej keâjleer nw~
Megæ ØeefleIeele Deewj ØeefleyeeOee keâe Devegheele (a) resistive/ØeeflejesOeer
(b) ratio of kW and kVA (b) inductive/ØesjkeâerÙe
efkeâueesJeeš Deewj efkeâueesJeesuš SefcheÙej keâe Devegheele
(c) capacitive/OeeefjleerÙe
(c) ratio of R and Z/ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØeefleyeeOee keâe Devegheele
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) ratio of W and VA
2221. At ......... frequencies the parallel R-L circuit
Jeeš Deewj Jeesuš SefcheÙej keâe Devegheele
behaves as purely resistive.
2215. The apparent power drawn by an A.C. circuit
is 10 kVA and active power is 8 kW. The
.......... DeeJe=efòeÙeeW hej meceeveevlej R-L heefjheLe Megæ
reactive power in the circuit is ØeeflejesOeer keâer lejn JÙeJenej keâjlee nw~
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe Éeje ueer ieÙeer DeeYeemeer (a) low/efvecve
Meefòeâ 10 kVA nw Deewj JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ 8 efkeâueesJeeš (b) very low/yengle efvecve
nw~ heefjheLe ceW ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ nw– (c) high/GÛÛe
(a) 4 kVAR (b) 6 kVAR (d) very high/yengle GÛÛe
(c) 8 kVAR (d) 16 kVAR
2222. In a sine wave the slops is constant
2216. What will be the phase angle between two
alternating waves of equal frequency, when one pÙee lejbie ceW PegkeâeJe efveÙele neslee nw–
wave attains maximum value the other is at (a) between 0o and 90o/00 Deewj 900 kesâ yeerÛe
zero value? (b) between 90o and 180o/900 Deewj 1800 kesâ yeerÛe
meceeve DeeJe=efòe keâer oes ØelÙeeJeleea lejbiees kesâ yeerÛe keâuee
(c) between 180 and 270 /180 Deewj 270 kesâ yeerÛe
o o 0 0

keâesCe keäÙee nesiee, peye Skeâ lejbie DeefOekeâlece ceeve Øeehle

(d) no where/keâner veneR~
keâjleer nes, otmejer MetvÙe ceeve hej nes?
2223. The power is measured in terms of decibles in
(a) 0o (b) 45o
o case of / ........keâer oMee ceW Meefòeâ keâes [sefmeyeue heo ceW
(c) 90 (d) 180o
2217. The purpose of a parallel circuit resonance is to
ceehee peelee nw~
magnify / meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe keâe GösMÙe (a) electronic equipment/Fueskeäš^eefvekeâ GhekeâjCe
...........keâes yeÌ{evee neslee nw~ (b) transformers/heefjCeeefce$eeW
(a) current/Oeeje (b) voltage/Jeesušlee (c) current transformers/Oeeje heefjCeeefce$eeW
(c) power/Meefòeâ (d) frequency/DeeJe=efòe (d) auto-transformers/mJee–heefjCeeefce$eeW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 220 YCT
2224. Capacitive susceptance is a measure of (c) a coloured tag or band for distinction between
OeeefjleerÙe Devegef›eâÙelee............ keâe Skeâ ceeheve nw~ different phases of a 3-phase supply
(a) reactive power in a circuit 3–φ mehueeF& kesâ efJeefYeVe keâueeDeeW kesâ yeerÛe efJeYeso kesâ
Skeâ heefjheLe ceW ØeefleIeeleerÙe Meefòeâ efueS Skeâ jbieerve šwie Ùee yeQ[
(b) the extent of neutralisation of reactive power (d) an insturment used for measuring phases of
in a circuit/Skeâ heefjheLe ceW ØeefleIeeleerÙe Meefòeâ kesâ an unbalanced 3-phase load/Skeâ Demevlegefuele 3–φ
GoemeerveerkeâjCe efJemleej uees[ kesâ keâueeDees kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ Skeâ GheÙev$e
(c) a purely capacitive circuit's ability to pass 2228. The inducatance of a coil can be increased by
current/Skeâ Megæ OeeefjleerÙe heefjheLe mes Oeeje ØeJeeefnle Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ ØesjkeâlJe keâes........ yeÌ{e mekeâles nw~
keâjves keâer #ecelee (a) increasing core length
(d) a purely capacitive circuit's ability to resist keâesj uecyeeF& keâes yeÌ{ekeâj
the flow of current/Skeâ Megæ OeeefjleerÙe heefjheLe mes (b) decreasing the number of turns
Oeeje ØeJeen keâe efJejesOe keâjves keâer #ecelee IegceeJeeW keâer mebKÙee keâes Iešekeâj
(c) decreasing the diameter of the former
2225. Which of the following statements pertains to
resistors only? / efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve kesâJeue henues kesâ JÙeeme keâes Iešekeâj
ØeeflejesOekeâeW mes mecyevOe jKelee nw? (d) choosing core material having high relative
permeability/DelÙeefOekeâ meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee Ùegòeâ
(a) can dissipate considerable amount of power
keâesj heoeLe& keâe ÛegveeJe keâjkesâ
Meefòeâ keâer keâeheâer cee$ee keâe DeheJÙeÙe keâj mekeâlee nw
2229. A series R-L-C circuit has
(b) can act as energy storage devices
R = 80 Ω, L = 100 µ H and C = 300 p F, V = 20 V
Tpee& meb«enCe GhekeâjCe keâer Yeebefle keâeÙe& keâj mekeâlee nw~ The current at resonance will be
(c) connecting them in parallel increases the total Skeâ ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe ceW, R = 80 Deesce, L = 100
value/Fvns meceeveevlej ceW pees[Ì ves mes kegâue ceeve yeÌ{lee nw ceeF›eâes nsvejer Deewj C = 300 heerkeâes hewâj[, V = 20 V
(d) oppose sudden changes in voltage
Jeesuš~ Devegveeo hej Oeeje nesieer–
Jeesušspe ceW DeÛeevekeâ heefjJele&ve keâe efJejesOe keâjles nw
(a) 0.125 A/.125 SefcheÙej
2226. Which of the following refers to a parallel
circuit? / efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee meceeveevlej heefjheLe mes (b) 1.25 A/1.25 SefcheÙej

mecyevOe jKelee nw? (c) 0.25 A/0.25 SefcheÙej

(a) The current through each element is (d) 5 A/5 SefcheÙej

same/ØelÙeskeâ DeJeÙeJe ceW Oeeje meceeve nesleer nw 2230. For the full wave rectified sine wave the r.m.s.
value is/hetCe& lejbie efo°erke=âle pÙee lejbie kesâ efueS Jeie&
(b) The voltage across element is in proportion to
its resistance value/DeJeÙeJe kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe ceeOÙe cetue ceeve neslee nw–
Deheves ØeeflejesOe ceeve kesâ meceevegheele ceW nesles nw (a) 0.707 Imax (b) 0.636 Imax
(c) 0.318 Imax (d) zero
(c) The equivalent resistance is greater than any
2231. Which of the following waves has the highest
one of the resistors/meceleguÙe ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve efkeâmeer
value of peak factor?/efvecve ceW mes efkeâme lejbie keâe
Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ mes DeefOekeâ neslee nw~
Meer<e& iegCeebkeâ, GÛÛelece ceeve keâe nw?
(d) The current through any one element is less
than the source current/efkeâmeer Skeâ DeJeÙeJe ceWb (a) Square wave/Jeiee&keâej lejbie
Oeeje, Œeesle Oeeje mes keâce nesleer nw (b) Sine wave/pÙee lejbie
2227. A phasor is (c) Half wave rectified sine wave
Skeâ Hesâpej neslee nw– Deæ& lejbie efo°erke=âle pÙee lejbie
(a) a line which represents the magnitude and (d) Triangular wave/ef$eYegpeekeâj lejbie
phase of an alternating quantity/Skeâ jsKee pees 2232. The frequency of domestic power supply in
India is
ØelÙeeJeleea cee$ee kesâ heefjceeCe Deewj keâuee keâes efve®efhele keâjleer nw
Yeejle ceW Iejsuet Meefòeâ mehueeF& keâer DeeJe=efòe nesleer nw–
(b) a line representing the magnitude and
direction of an alternating quantity/ØelÙeeJeleea (a) 200 Hz/200 nšd&pe (b) 100 Hz/100 nšd&pe
cee$ee kesâ heefjceeCe leLee efoMee keâes efve™efhele keâjleer Skeâ jsKee (c) 60 Hz/60 nšd&pe (d) 50 Hz/50 nšd&pe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 221 YCT
*2233.The r.m.s value of half wave rectified sine wave 2237. The r.m.s. value of pure cosine function is
is 200 V. The r.m.s. value of full wave rectified Megæ keâespÙee Heâueve keâe Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve nw–
A.C. will be (a) 0.5 of peak value/Meer<e& ceeve keâe 0.5
Deæ&lejbie efo°erke=âle pÙee lejbie keâe Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue ceeve (b) 0.707 of peak value/Meer<e& ceeve keâe 0.707
200 Jeesuš nw~ hetCe& lejbie efo°erke=âle S.meer. keâe Jeie&ceeOÙe (c) same as peak value/Meer<e& ceeve keâer YeeBefle meceeve
cetue ceeve nesiee– (d) zero/MetvÙe
(a) 282.8 V/282.8 Jeesuš 2238. Ohm is unit of all of the following except
(b) 141.4 V/141.4 Jeesuš efvecveefueefKele ceW Deesce meYeer keâe cee$ekeâ nw efmeJeeÙe-
(c) 111 V/111 Jeesuš (a) inductive reactance/ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele
(d) 100 V/100 Jeesuš (b) capaicitve reactance/OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele
*2234.The voltage in a circuit follows the law (c) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
v = 100 sin ωt (d) capacitance/Oeeefjlee
If the frequency is 25 Hz, how long will it take 2239. If A = 8 ∠ 30o and B = 2 ∠ 15o the value of A/B
for the voltage to rise to 50 volts? will be / Ùeefo A = 8 ∠ 30o Deewj B = 2 ∠ 15o A/B
Skeâ heefjheLe ceW Jeesušlee v = 100 sin ωt efveÙece keâe keâe ceeve nesiee–
heeueve keâjlee nw– (a) 4 ∠ 15o
Ùeefo DeeJe=efòe 25 nšd&pe nw, Jeesušspe keâes 50 Jeesušdme (b) 6 ∠ 30o
lekeâ yeÌ{eves kesâ efueÙes Ùen efkeâlevee meceÙe uesiee? (c) 8 ∠ 15o
1 1 (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) s (b) s 2240. The series and parallel resonance on L-C
50 100
circuit differs in that/ ßesCeer Deewj meceevlej L-C
1 1
(c) s (d) s Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW efYeVelee nw efkeâ–
300 600
(a) series resonance needs a low-resistance
2235. The negative maximum of a cosine wave occurs
source for sharp rise in current/ßesCeer Devegveeo keâes
at / keâespÙee lejbie keâe vekeâejelcekeâ DeefOekeâlece........ hej
Oeeje ceW leer#Ce yeÌ{esòejer kesâ efueS efvecve ØeeflejesOe Œeesle keâer
Øeehle neslee nw~ DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw
(a) 30o (b) 45o (b) series resonance needs a high-resistance
(c) 90 (d) 180o source for sharp increase in current
2236. In a series R-L circuit the Instantaneous ßesCeer Devegveeo keâes Oeeje ceW leer#Ce yeÌ{esòejer kesâ efueS GÛÛe
voltage is given by ØeeflejesOe Œeesle keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw
 ωL 
v T = R 2 + ( ωL ) I m sin  ωt + tan -1
(c) parallel resonance needs a low-resistance

 R  source for a sharp increase in impedance
The above equation indicates that meceeveevlej Devegveeo keâes ØeefleyeeOee ceW leer#Ce yeÌ{esòejer kesâ
Skeâ ßesCeer R-L heefjheLe ceW leel#eefCekeâ efueS efvecve ØeeflejesOe Œeesle keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw
(d) parallel resonance needs a low-resistance
Jeesušlee, v T = R 2 + ( ωL )2 I m sin  ωt + tan-1
ωL 
 source for a sharp rise in line current
 R 
meceeveevlej Devegveeo keâes ueeFve Oeeje ceW leer#Ce yeÌ{esòejer kesâ
Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~ efueS efvecve ØeeflejesOe Œeesle keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw
GheÙeg&òeâ meceerkeâjCe ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw efkeâ– 2241. Which of the following expression is true for
(a) the current lags the voltage by an angle apparent power in an A.C. circuit?
ωL ωL ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ kesâ efueS efvecve
tan −1 /Oeeje Jeesušlee mes keâesCe tan −1 mes Éeje
R R ceW mes keâewve mee JÙepebkeâ mener nw?
he§eieeceer nesleer nw~ (a) VI cos φ (b) Vav × Iav
(b) the current lead the voltage by an angle (c) Vr.m.s. × Ir.m.s. (d) Vpeak × Ipeak
ωL ωL
tan −1 /Oeeje Jeesušlee mes keâesCe tan −1 Éeje 2242. The quality factor of R-L-C circuit will
increase if
De«eieeceer nesleer nw~ R-L-C heef jheLe keâe iegCeJeòee iegCeebkeâ yeÌ{siee Ùeefo–
(c) the current lags the voltage by 60 o
(a) R increases/ØeeflejesOe yeÌ{lee nw
Oeeje Jeesušlee mes 60o Éeje he§eieeceer nesleer nw~ (b) R decreases/ØeeflejesOe Iešlee nw
(d) the current leads the voltage by 60 o
(c) impedance increases/ØeefleyeeOee yeÌ{lee nw
Oeeje Jeesušlee mes 60o Éeje De«eieeceer nesleer nw~ (d) voltage increases/Jeesušlee yeÌ{lee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 222 YCT
2243. The phasors for which of the following pair are
180o out of phase for VL, VC and VR?
efvecve ceW mes efkeâme Ùegice kesâ efueÙes hesâpeme&, VL, VC leLee
VR kesâ Øeefle 180º hesâpe mes yeenj nesles nw?
(a) VC and VR/ VC Deewj VR
(b) VL and VR/ VL Deewj VR
(c) VC and VL/ VC Deewj VL (a) an ohmic resistance/Skeâ Deesefcekeâ ØeeflejesOe
(d) None of the above/GheÙet&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) a capacitor/Skeâ mebOeeefj$e
(c) a coil with low inductance
2244. If impedance Z1 = 30 ∠ 30o and Z2 = 15∠15o,
Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâce ØesjkeâlJe kesâ meeLe
what will be the value of Z1 × Z2 ?
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Ùeefo ØeefleyeeOee Z1 = 30 ∠ 30o Deewj Z2 = 15∠15o Z1
2249. The frequency of an alternating current is
× Z2 keâe keäÙee ceeve nesiee? Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe keâer DeeJe=efòe nesleer nw–
(a) 450 ∠ 45o (b) 300 ∠– 15o (a) the speed with which the alternator runs
(c) 150 ∠ 45 o
(d) 50 ∠– 15o Ûeeue efpemekesâ meeLe ØelÙeeJele&keâ ieefle keâjlee nw
2245. Which of the following values of an altenating (b) the number of cycles generated in one minute
current is indicated by a normal universal Skeâ efceveš ceW efJekeâefmele Ûe›eâes keâer mebKÙee
measuring instrument? / efvecve ceW mes ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (c) the number of waves passing through a point
kesâ keâewve mes ceeve Skeâ meeceevÙe meeJe&Yeewefcekeâ ceeheve in one second/Skeâ meskeâC[ ceW Skeâ efyevog mes iegpejves
GheÙeb$e Éeje ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙes peeles nw? Jeeues lejbiees keâer mebKÙee
(a) Iav. (b) Ir.m.s. (d) the number of electrons passing through a
point in one second/Skeâ meskeâC[ ceW Skeâ efyevog mes
(c) Iav./2 (d) Imax
iegpejves Jeeues Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee
2246. An alternating voltage is given in volts by
2250. In an A.C. circuit, the voltage and current are
expression V = 326 sin 314 t. Its r.m.s. value
represented by
and frequency are
v = Vmax sin θ, and
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee JÙebpekeâ ceW yeesuš (V) = 326 sin
i = Imax sin (θ + α)
314 t Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~ Fmekeâe Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue ceeve The power factor is
Deewj DeeJe=efòe nw– Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW, Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje mes
(a) 230 V, 50 Hz/230 Jeesuš, 50 nš&dpe ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙes peeles nw
(b) 230 V, 100 Hz/230 Jeesuš 100 nšd&pe v = Vmax sin θ, leLee
(c) 326 V, 50 Hz/326 Jeesuš 50 nš&dpe i = Imax sin (θ + α)
(d) 326 V, 100 Hz/326 Jeesuš 100 nš&dpe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ nw–
2247. According to which of the alternating current (a) cos α leading/ cos α De«eieeceer
values in the cross-sectional area of a (b) cos α lagging/ cos αhe§eieeceer
conductor with regard to the heating effect is (c) cos (α + θ)
selected? / T<ceerÙe ØeYeeJe kesâ DeeOeej hej Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
kesâ DevegØemLe #es$e ceW efkeâme ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje ceeve kesâ 2251. A pure capacitor connected across an A.C.
Devegmeej Ûegvee peelee nw? voltage consumed 50 W. This is due to
Skeâ S.meer. Jeesušlee kesâ S›eâe@me mebÙeesefpele Skeâ Megæ
(a) peak value/Meer<e& ceeve
mebOeeefj$e 50 Jee@š Kehele keâjleer nw~ Ùen.......... kesâ keâejCe
(b) half peak value/Deæ& Meer<e& ceeve neslee nw~
(c) average value/Deewmele ceeve (a) the capacitive reactance in ohms
(d) r.m.s. value/Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue ceeve Deesce ceW OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele
2248. The Fig. shows the current and voltage wave (b) the current flowing in capacitor
forms of a circuit element. The circuit element mebOeeefj$e ceW ØeJeeefnle Oeeje
used is / efÛe$e Skeâ heefjheLe DeJeÙeJe kesâ Oeeje leLee (c) the size of the capacitor being quite big
Jeesušlee lejbie Deeke=âefleÙeeW keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~ ØeÙegòeâ mebOeeefj$e keâe Deekeâej keâeheâer ye[e nesves
heefjheLe DeJeÙeJe nw- (d) the statement is incorrect/keâLeve DemelÙe nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 223 YCT
2252. The power factor of a D.C. circuit is always 2258. In a pure inductive circuit if the supply
efo° Oeeje heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ncesMee neslee nw– frequency is reduced to 1/2, the current will
(a) less than unity/FkeâeF& mes keâce Skeâ Megæ ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW Ùeefo mehueeF& DeeJe=efòe keâes
(b) unity/FkeâeF& 1/2 lekeâ keâce keâj efoÙee peeÙes, Oeeje–
(c) greater than unity/FkeâeF& mes yeÌ[e (a) be reduced by half/DeeOeer Ieš peeÙesieer
(d) zero/MetvÙe (b) be doubled/oes iegveer nes peeÙesieer
2253. The product of apparent power and cosine of (c) be four times as high
the phase angle between circuit voltage and Ûeej iegvee efpeleveer GÛÛe nes peeÙesieer
current is (d) be reduced to one fourth/Skeâ ÛeewLeeF& Ieš peeÙesieer
DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ leLee heefjheLe Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe 2259. In a pure capacitive Circuit if the supply
keâuee keâesCe keâer keâespÙee keâe iegCee neslee nw- frequency is reduced to 1/2, the current will
(a) true power/JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ Skeâ Megæ OeeefjleerÙe heefjheLe ceW, Ùeefo mehueeF& DeeJe=efòe keâes
(b) reactive power/efjSefkeäšJe Meefòeâ 1/2 lekeâ Ieše efoÙee peeÙes, Oeeje-
(c) volt-amperes/Jeesuš-SefcheÙej (a) be reduced by half/DeeOeer Ieš peeÙesieer
(d) instantaneous power/leel#eefCekeâ Meefòeâ (b) be doubled/oes iegveer nes peeÙesieer
2254. The equation of 50 Hz current sine wave (c) be four times at high
having r.m.s. value of 60 A is
Ûeej iegvee efpelevee GÛÛe nes peeÙesieer
60A Jeie& ceeOÙe-cetue ceeve Ùegòeâ 50 Hz Oeeje keâer pÙee
(d) be reduced to one fourth/Skeâ ÛeewLeeF& Ieš peeÙesieer
lejbie keâe meceerkeâjCe nw-
2260. The relation between the apparent power,
(a) 60 sin 25 t (b) 60 sin 50 t
actual power and reactive power is given by
(c) 84.84 sin 314 t (d) 42.42 sin 314 t
DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ, JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ Deewj efjSefkeäšJe Meefòeâ
2255. The unit of frequency of an A.C. signal is
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje efmeiveue keâer DeeJe=efòe keâe cee$ekeâ nw- kesâ yeerÛe mecyevOe ........... kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~
(a) Apparent power = actual power + reactive
(a) cycle/Ûe›eâ
power/DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ = JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ ± efjSefkeäšJe
(b) cycle-sec/Ûe›eâ-meskesâC[
(c) hertz/sec/nš&pe/meskesâC[
(b) Apparent power = actual power – reactive
(d) hertz/nšd&pe
power/DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ = JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ – efjSefkeäšJe
2256. Which of the following values of alternating
voltage should an insulation absolutely
withstand? (c) Aparrent power =
ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee kesâ efvecveefueefKele ceeveeW ceW mes efkeâmekesâ ( actual power ) − ( reactive power )
2 2

efueÙes efJeÅeglejesOeve hetCe&le: menveMeerue nesvee ÛeeefnÙes?

DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ ·
(a) The average value/Deewmele ceeve
(b) The r.m.s. value/Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue ceeve 2 2
( JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ ) − ( efjSefkeäšJe Meefòeâ )
(c) The peak value/Meer<e& ceeve
(d) Aparrent power =
(d) Half the effective value/Deæ& ØeYeeJeer ceeve
( actual power ) + ( reactive power )
2 2
2257. An A.C. voltage is impressed across a pure
resistance of 3.5 ohms in parallel with a pure
inductance of impedance of 3.5 ohms,
DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ ·
3.5 Deesce ØeefleyeeOee kesâ meceevlej ceW Skeâ Megæ ØesjkeâlJe kesâ ( JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ ) + ( efjSefkeäšJe Meefòeâ )
2 2

meeLe 3.5 Deesce kesâ Skeâ Megæ ØeeflejesOe kesâ Deej-heej Skeâ
2261. When an alternating current passes through an
S.meer. Jeesušlee Deejesefhele keâer peeleer nw– ohmic resistance the electrical power converted
(a) the current through the resistance is more into heat is/peye Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Skeâ DeesÿeerÙe
ØeeflejesOe mes neskeâj Oeeje DeefOekeâ nw ØeeflejesOe mes neskeâj iegpejleer nw, lees T<cee ceW heefjJeefle&le
(b) the current through the resistance is less
efJeÅegle Meefòeâ nesleer nw-
ØeeflejesOe mes neskeâj Oeeje keâce nw
(a) apparant power/DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ
(c) both resistance and inductance carry equal
currents/ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØesjkeâlJe oesveeW Skeâ meceeve Oeeje (b) true power/JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ
uesleer nw (c) reactive power/efjSefkeäšJe Meefòeâ
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 224 YCT
2262. In each of the three coils of a three phase (b) the voltage across R lags the voltage across L
generator, an alternating voltage having an by 90o/ØeeflejesOe kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee ØesjkeâlJe kesâ S›eâe@me
r.m.s. value of 220 V is induced. Which of the Jeesušlee mes 900 he§eieeceer nesleer nw
following values is indicated by the voltmeters?
(c) the voltage across R leads the voltages across
ef$ehesâpeer peefve$e kesâ leerveeW kegâC[efueÙeeW kesâ ØelÙeskeâ ceW 220
L by 90o/ØeeflejesOe kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee ØesjkeâlJe kesâ
Jeesuš ceeve keâer Deej.Sce.Sme. Ùegòeâ Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea
S›eâe@me Jeesušlee mes 900 De«eieeceer nesleer nw
Jeesušlee efJekeâefmele nesleer nw~ efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee ceeve
(d) voltage across R and L are in phase/ØeeflejesOe
Jeesušceeršj kesâ Éeje ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙee peelee nw?
Deewj ØesjkeâlJe kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe Skeâ ner Hesâpe ceW nesleer nw
(a) 220 V/220 Jeesuš
2267. While drawing vector diagram for a series
(b) 220 3 V / 220 3 Jeesuš circuit, the reference vector is
(c) 220 / 3 V / 220 / 3 Jeesuš peye Skeâ ßesCeer heefjheLe keâe Jeskeäšj [eÙe«eece KeeRÛee peelee
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR nw, meboYe& Jeskeäšj neslee nw-
2263. The true power drawn by a balanced three (a) voltage/Jeesušlee
phase consumer for line voltage V and line (b) current/Oeeje
current I is given by (c) power/Meefòeâ
ueeFve Jeesušlee V leLee ueeFve Oeeje I kesâ efueÙes Skeâ
(d) phase angle/keâuee keâesCe
meblegefuele ef$ehesâpeer «eenkeâ Éeje ueer ieÙeer JeemleefJekeâ
2268. In an A.C. circuit I sin φ is called
Meefòeâ.........kesâ Éeje efoÙee peelee nw~
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW I sin φ keânueelee nw–
(a) VI cos φ (b) 3 V I cos φ
(a) active component/meef›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe
(c) 3 V I cos φ (d) 3VI (b) wattless component/Meefòeânerve DeJeÙeJe
*2264.An electric iron designed for 110 V A.C. supply (c) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& Yeer
was rated at 500 W. It was put across a 220 V
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
supply. Assuming that at 110 V it supplied 500
W output, (i.e., no losses) at the new voltage it 2269. In a R-L-C circuit the impedance is given by
will supply R-L-C heefjheLe ceW ØeefleyeeOee ................... kesâ Éeje oer
110 Jeesuš ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje mehueeF& nsleg ef[peeFve Skeâ peeleer nw~
efJeÅegleerÙe DeeÙejve 500 Jeeš hej efve™efhele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ (a) Z = R + XL – XC
Fmes 220 Jeesuš mehueeF& kesâ S›eâe@me jKee ieÙee Lee~ Ùen (b) Z = R – XL + XC
ceeveles ngÙes efkeâ 110 Jeesuš hej Ùen 500 Jeeš DeeGšhegš (c) Z = ( R + X L ) + X 2C

Deehetefle& keâjlee nw, (DeLee&le keâesF& #eÙe veneR) veÙes Jeesušlee

(d) Z = R 2 + ( X L − X C )
hej Ùen mehueeF& keâjsiee?
(a) 2500 W (b) 2000 W *2270.An alternating voltage V = 160 + j 120 V is
(c) 500 W (d) 250 W applied to a circuit and the subsequent current
*2265.A coil is connected across a 200 V, 50 Hz flowing I = –6 + j 15 A. The impedance of the
supply and takes a current of 10 A. The loss in circuit is
the coil is 1000 W. The impedance and ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušspe V = 160 + j 120 Jeesuš Skeâ heefjheLe
resistance of the coil are
Skeâ kegâC[ueer 200 Jeesuš, 50 nš&pe mehueeF& kesâ S›eâe@me kes â efueÙes ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw Deewj Deeieeceer Oeeje I = –
6 + j 15 SefcheÙej ØeJeeefnle nes jner nw~ heefjheLe keâer
mebÙeesefpele nw Deewj 10 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje uesleer nw~
kegâC[ueer ceW neefve 1000 Jee@š nw~ kegâC[ueer keâer ØeefleyeeOee ØeefleyeeOee nw–
leLee ØeeflejesOe nw- (a) 12 – j 3.2
(b) 3.2 – j 12
(a) 10 Ω, 8 Ω (b) 15 Ω, 8 Ω
(c) 6.4 – j 24
(c) 20 Ω, 10 Ω (d) 30 Ω, 15 Ω
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
2266. In an A.C. circuit (sine wave) with R and L in
series / ßesCeer ceW R leLee L kesâ meeLe Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje *2271. The impedance 3.2 – j 12 in the polar form is
heefjheLe (pÙee lejbie) ceW- given as/ØeefleyeeOee 3.2 – j 12 OeÇgJeerÙe ™he ceW .........
(a) voltage across R and L are 180o out of keâer Yeebefle efoÙee peelee nw~
phase/ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØesjkeâlJe kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee 1800 (a) 6.4 ∠ –75o (b) 8.4 ∠ – 75o
DeeGš Dee@heâ Hesâpe ceW nesleer nw (c) 10.4 ∠ – 75o (d) 12.4 ∠ –75o

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 225 YCT

*2272.A coil of 20 ohms resistance and 0.16 H 2277. In a series resonant circuit the voltage across
inductance is connected in parallel with a 100 µ the circuit is the same as the voltage across
F condenser to a constant voltage variable ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW, heefjheLe kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe
frequency supply. The frequency (neglecting ............ kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe kesâ meceeve neslee nw-
the resistance) at which the current in the main
(a) inductance/ØesjkeâlJe
is a minimum is given by
20 Deesce ØeeflejesOe leLee 0.16 nsvejer ØesjkeâlJe keâer Skeâ (b) capacitance/Oeeefjlee
kegâC[ueer keâes Skeâ 100 µ F mebOeeefj$e kesâ meceevlej ceW, (c) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
Skeâ efmLej Jeesušlee heefjJele&veerÙe DeeJe=efòe Deehetefle& mes (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw~ DeeJe=efle (ØeeflejesOe keâes veieCÙe 2278. The value of operator j2 is equal to
Deehejsšj j2 keâe ceeve kesâ yejeyej nw–
ceeveles ngÙes) efpeme hej cesve ceW Oeeje vÙetvelece nes........kesâ
(a) zero/MetvÙe (b) + 1
Éeje efoÙee peelee nw~
(a) 20 Hz/20 nš&dpe (b) 30 Hz/30 nšd&pe (c) – 1 (d) −1
2279. A series R-L-C circuit draws current at leading
(c) 40 Hz/40 nš&dpe (d) 50 Hz/50 nšd&pe
power factor at / Skeâ ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe ...........
*2273.A balanced star connected load is supplied
from a symmetrical three phase 440 V system.
hej De«eieeceer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej Oeeje nesleer nw~
It draws current of 40 A at 0.866 power factor (a) more than resonant frequency
lagging. The total power taken by the load will Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe mes DeefOekeâ
be (b) less than resonant frequency
Skeâ meblegefuele mšej mebÙeesefpele uees[ keâes Skeâ meceefcele Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe mes keâce
ef$ehesâpeer 440 Jeesuš ØeCeeueer mes mehueeF& oer peeleer nw~ Ùen (c) resonant frequency/Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe
0.866 he§eieeceer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej 40 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
uesleer nw~ uees[ Éeje ueer ieÙeer kegâue Meefòeâ nesieer- 2280. For a L-C parallel circuit at resonance, all the
(a) 13.2 kW (b) 26.4 kW statements given below are correct except
(c) 30.4 kW (d) 40.4 kW Devegveeo hej L-C meceeveevlej heefjheLe kesâ efueS meYeer
2274. In A.C. circuit the power curve is a sine wave veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâLeve melÙe nw efmeJeeÙe–
having/ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW Meefòeâ ............ Skeâ (a) the line current is maximum at resonance
pÙee lejbie neslee nw~ Devegveeo hej ueeFve Oeeje DeefOekeâlece nesleer nw
(a) double the frequency of voltage (b) the branch currents at resonance are equal
Jeesušlee keâer oesiegveer DeeJe=efòe Devegveeo hej MeeKee OeejeSB yejeyej nesleer nw~
(b) same frequency as that of voltage (c) the angle between the branch currents is 180o
Jeesušlee keâer Yeebefle meceeve DeeJe=efòe at resonance/Devegveeoer hej MeeKee OeejeDeeW kesâ yeerÛe
(c) half the frequency of the voltage keâesCe 1800 neslee nw~
Jeesušlee keâer DeeOeer DeeJe=efòe (d) the admittance is minimum at resonance
(d) three times the frequency of the voltage Devegveeoer hej ØeJesMÙelee vÙetvelece nesleer nw
Jeesušlee keâer leerve iegveer DeeJe=efòe 2281. In a series R-L-C circuit, the voltage across
inductance will be maximum
2275. The resonant frequency for a parallel circuit is
given by / meceeveevlej heefjheLe kesâ efueS Devegveeoer
Skeâ ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe ceW ØesjkeâlJe kesâ S›eâe@me
DeeJe=efòe ......... kesâ Éeje oer peeleer nw- Jeesušspe ......... DeefOekeâlece nesiee~
(a) at resonance frequency/Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe hej
1 1 1
(a) (b) (b) just before resonant frequency
LC 4π L2 C
Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe mes legjvle henues
1 1 1 L (c) just after resonant frequency
(c) (d)
8π LC2 2π 2C Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe mes legjvle yeeo
2276. In a series resonant circuit, the impedance of (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
the circuit is/ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW, heefjheLe keâer 2282. In a series R-L-C circuit at resonance
ØeefleyeeOee nesleer nw- Devegveeo hej Skeâ ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe ceW–
(a) maximum/DeefOekeâlece (b) minimum/vÙetvelece (a) ωLC = 1 (b) ωL2C2 = 1
(c) zero/MetvÙe (d) infinite/Demeerefcele (c) ω2LC = 1 (d) ω2L2C = 1
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 226 YCT
2283. The ability of a resonant circuit to discriminate 2289. Selectivities of different resonance circuits are
between one particular frequency and all compared in terms of their
others is called its efJeefYeVe Devegveeoer heefjheLeeW keâer mesuesefkeäšefJešer keâer leguevee
Skeâ efJeMes<e DeeJe=efòe leLee meYeer DevÙe kesâ yeerÛe efJeYeso Gvekesâ ........kesâ heo ceW keâer peeleer nw~
keâjves keâer Devegveeoer heefjheLe keâer ÙeesiÙelee,
(a) impedances/ØeefleyeeOeeDeeW
Fmekeâer...........keânueeleer nw~
(b) reactances/ØeefleIeeleeW
(a) impedance/ØeefleyeeOee
(c) frequencies/DeeJe=efòeÙeeW
(b) selectivity/mesuesefkeäšefJešer
(d) bandwidths/yewC[efJe[dLeeW
(c) conductance/Ûeeuekeâlee
2290. The power factor of a series R-L-C circuit at its
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
half-power points is/ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ
2284. The current in a circuit is given by (4.5 + j 12)
when the applied voltage is (100 + j 150). The iegCekeâ Fmekesâ Deæ& Meefòeâ efyevog hej neslee nw–
complex expression for the impedance is (a) unity/FkeâeF&
heefjheLe ceW Oeeje (4.5 + j 12) Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw peye (b) lagging/he§eieeceer
ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee (100 + j 150) nw~ ØeefleyeeOee kesâ efueS (c) leading/De«eieeceer
efceefßele Øemeej yeleeFS–
(d) lagging or leading/he§eieeceer Ùee De«eieeceer
(a) 13.7 – j 3.2 (b) 3.2 – j 13.7
2291. The voltage applied across an R-L circuit is
(c) 27.4 – j 6.4 (d) 6.4 – j 27.4
equal to ........ of VR and VL
2285. An R-L-C circuit consists of a resistance of
1000 Ω, an inductance of 100 mH and a Skeâ R-L heefjheLe kesâ S›eâe@me ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe VR Deewj
capacitance of 10 µµF. The Q-factor of the VL kesâ ........... kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
circuit is (a) phasor sum/Hesâpej Ùeesie
Skeâ R-L-C heefjheLe, 1000 Deesce kesâ ØeeflejesOe, 100 (b) arithmetic sum/ieefCeleerÙe Ùeesie
mH kesâ ØesjkeâlJe leLee 10 µµF kesâ Oeeefjlee keâe yevee
(c) sum of the squares/Jeieex kesâ Ùeesie
neslee nw~ heefjheLe keâe Q- iegCeebkeâ nw-
(d) algebraic sum/yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Ùeesie
(a) 10 (b) 20
(c) 50 (d) 100 2292. The dynamic impedance of R-L and C parallel
2286. At half-power points of a resonance curve, the circuit at resonance is ..... ohm
current is ........ times the maximum current. Devegveeo hej R-L leLee C meceeveevlej heefjheLe keâer
Devegveeoer Je›eâ kesâ Deæ&-Meefòeâ efyevog hej, Oeeje ieeflekeâerÙe ØeefleyeeOee .........Deesce nesleer nw~
DeefOekeâlece Oeeje keâer ........iegvee nesleer nw~ (a) R/LC (b) C/LR
(a) 1/2 (b) 1/ 2 (c) LC/R (d) L/CR
(c) 2 (d) 2 2293. A parallel resonant circuit can be used
2287. A resonance curve for a series circuit is a plot Skeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe ØeÙegòeâ nes mekeâlee nw–
of frequency versus (a) as a high impedance/DeefOekeâ ØeefleyeeOee keâer lejn
ßesCeer heefjheLe kesâ efueS Devegveeoer Je›eâ DeeJe=efòe Deewj (b) to reject a small band of frequencies
........... kesâ yeerÛe KeerÛee peelee nw~ DeeJe=efòeÙeeW kesâ keâce yeQ[ keâes nševes kesâ efueÙes
(a) Current/Oeeje (b) voltage/Jeesušspe (c) both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(c) impedance/ØeefleyeeOee (d) reactance/ØeefleIeele (d) to amplify certain frequencies
2288. Higher the Q of a series circuit, efveef§ele DeeJe=efòeÙeeW keâes yeÌ{eves kesâ efueÙes
Skeâ ßesCeer heefjheLe keâe keäJeeefuešer Hewâkeäšj GÛÛe nesves mes-
2294. The ratio of the bandwidth to the resonance
(a) broader its resonance curve frequency is called the ...... of the circuit.
Fmekeâe Devegveeoer Je›eâ ÛeewÌ[e neslee nw yewC[efJe[dLe Deewj Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe keâe Devegheele heefjheLe
(b) narrower its pass band
keâer.........keânueeleer nw~
Fmekeâe heeme yewC[ heleuee neslee nw
(a) impedance/ØeefleyeeOee
(c) greater its bandwidth
Fmekeâe yewC[efJe[dLe DeefOekeâ neslee nw (b) susceptance/memmeshšwvme
(d) sharper its resonance (c) quality factor/iegCeJeòee iegCeebkeâ
Fmekeâe Devegveeo lespe nes peelee nw (d) selectivity/messuesefkeäšefJešer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 227 YCT

2295. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve DemelÙe nw–
(a) Resistance is a passive element
ØeeflejesOe Skeâ efveef<›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe nw~
(b) Voltage source is an active element
Jeesušspe Œeesle Skeâ meef›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe nw
(c) Conductance is a passive element (a) 20 W/Jeeš (b) 50 W/Jeeš
Ûeeuekeâlee Skeâ efveef<›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe nw~ (c) 100 W/Jeeš (d) 200 W/Jeeš
(d) Current source is a passive element 2300. In the circuit shown in Fig. maximum power
Oeeje œeesle Skeâ efveef<›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe nw~ will be transferred when
2296. A capacitor with no initial charge at t = ∞ acts
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjheLe ceW DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ
efyevee Meg®Deeleer DeeJesMe kesâ meeLe Skeâ mebOeeefj$e t = ∞ hej mLeeveevleefjle nesieer peye-
keâeÙe& keâjlee nw-
(a) voltage source/Jeesušspe œeesle
(b) current source/Oeeje œeesle
(c) short-circuit/ueOeg-heefjheLe
(d) open-circuit/Keguee-heefjheLe
*2297.The ammeter reading in the circuit shown in (a) ZL = 13 – j 9 (b) ZL = 13 + j 9
Fig. will be/efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjheLe ceW Deceeršj (c) ZL = 9 – j 13 (d) ZL = 9 + j 13
keâe hee"Ùeebkeâ nesiee– 2301. The frequency at which maximum voltage
occurs across the inductance in R-L-C series
circuit is
R-L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW ØesjkeâlJe kesâ S›eâe@me efpeme hej
DeefOekeâlece Jeesušspe Ieefšle neslee nw, DeeJe=efòe nw-
1 1
(a) (b)
LC − C R 2 2
2π LC − R 2
(a) 12 A/SefcheÙej (b) 15 A/SefcheÙej 2π
(c) 20 A/SefcheÙej (d) 36.6 A/SefcheÙej 1 1
(c) (d)
2298. To neglect a current source, the terminals 2π LC C2 R 2
2π LC −
across the source are / Oeeje œeesle keâes nševes hej, 2
Œeesle kesâ S›eâe@me šefce&veume nesles nw– 2302. The frequency at which maximum voltage
occurs across the capacitance in R-L-C series
(a) replaced by source resistance
circuits is given by
œeesle ØeeflejesOe kesâ Éeje efJemLeeefhele R-L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW Oeeefjlee kesâ S›eâe@me efpeme hej
(b) replaced by capacitance DeefOekeâlece Jeesušspe Ieefšle neslee nw DeeJe=efòe ......... kesâ
Oeeefjlee kesâ Éeje ØeeflemLeeefhele Éeje oer peeleer nw~
(c) short-circuited/ueIeg-heefjheLe
1 1 R2 1 1 R2
(d) open-circuited/Keguee-heefjheLe (a) − (b) −
2π LC 2L2 2π LC 2L

2299. In the circuit shown in Fig. the voltage function

1 1 R2
v(t) = 200 sin ωt and R = 200 Ω. The average (c) (d)
2π LC 2π LC 2L

power is given by
2303. For the circuit shown in fig. the current IR at
efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙes ieÙes heefjheLe ceW Jeesušlee hebâkeäMeve v(t) = resonance is
200 sin ωt leLee R = 200 Ω Deewmele Meefòeâ.......kesâ Éeje efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe kesâ efueS Devegveeo hej IR Oeeje
oer ieÙeer nw~ ........... neslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 228 YCT
2308. The series element of a band stop filter is
Skeâ yewC[ mše@he efHeâušj keâe ßesCeer DeJeÙeJe neslee nw-
(a) capacitive/OeeefjleerÙe
(b) inductive/ØesjkeâerÙe
(a) 0 A (b) 10 A (c) parallel combination of L and C
(c) 5 A (d) 0.5 A ØesjkeâlJe (L) Deewj Oeeefjlee (C) keâe meceevlej mebÙeespeve
*2304.A coil of resistance 5Ω and inductance 39µH is (d) series combination of L and C
shunted by a capacitor of 2 nF. The bandwidth ØesjkeâlJe (L) Deewj Oeeefjlee (C) keâe ßesCeer mebÙeespeve
of the resonant circuit is 2309. The dominant wave is characterised by
Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ 5 Deesndce kesâ ØeeflejesOe Deewj 39 [e@efcevesvš lejbie keâe DeefYeue#eefCekeâ nw–
ceeF›eâes-nsvejer keâe ØesjkeâlJe Skeâ 2 vewvees-hewâj[ mebOeeefj$e (a) highest cut off wave length
kesâ Éeje MeCšs[ nw~ Devegveeoer heefjheLe keâer yewC[- DeefOekeâlece keâš-Dee@Heâ lejbie owOÙe&
(b) lowest cutt off wave length
ÛeewÌ[eF&........... nw~ efvecvelece keâš-Dee@Heâ lejbie owOÙe&
(a) 10 kHz (b) 20 kHz (c) lowest attenuation/ meyemes keâce #eerCeve
(c) 25 kHz (d) 15 kHz
(d) highest attenuation/ meyemes DeefOekeâ #eerCeve
2305. In series as well as parallel resonant circuits,
2310. The reflection co-efficient of the simplest
increasing the value of resistance would lead to standing wave is
ßesCeer leLee meceevlej oesveeW Devegveeoer heefjheLeeW ceW ØeeflejesOe mejuelece mšQef[bie lejbie keâe hejeJele&ve iegCeebkeâ neslee nw–
kesâ ceeve keâes yeÌ{eves mes ........keâes yeÌ{eÙesiee~ (a) – 1 (b) 1
(a) decrease in bandwidth of both the circuits (c) zero/MetvÙe (d) infinity/Demeerefcele (∞)
oesveeW heefjheLe kesâ yewC[efJe[dLe ceW keâceer 2311. The shunt element in a band pass filter is
(b) increase in bandwidth of both the circuits
yewC[ heeme efHeâušj ceW MeCš DeJeÙeJe neslee nw–
(a) capacitive/OeeefjleerÙe
oesveeW heefjheLe kesâ yewC[efJe[dLe ceW Je=efæ
(b) inductive/ØesjkeâerÙe
(c) decrease in bandwidth in series circuit and
(c) parallel combination of L and C
increase in parallel circuit/ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW
ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee keâe meceevlej mebÙeespeve
yewC[efJe[dLe ceW keâceer Deewj meceeveevlej heefjheLe ceW Je=efæ
(d) series combination of L and C
(d) increase in bandwidth in series circuit and ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee keâe ßesCeer mebÙeespeve
decrease in parallel circuit/ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW 2312. The shunt element of prototype high pass filter is
yewC[efJe[dLe ceW Je=efæ Deewj meceeveevlej heefjheLe ceW keâceer ØeesšesšeFhe neF&-heeme efHeâušj keâe Mevš DeJeÙeJe neslee nw–
2306. A coil with large distributed capacitance has a (a) resistive/ØeeflejesOeer
DeefOekeâ efJeleefjle Oeeefjlee Ùegòeâ Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâer ......... (b) inductive/ØesjkeâerÙe
nesleer nw~ (c) capacitive/OeeefjleerÙe
(d) combination of L and C
(a) high resonant frequency/DeefOekeâ Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee keâe mebÙeespeve
(b) low resonant frequency/keâce Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe 2313. The phase velocity ν in a transmission line is
(c) low quality factor/efvecve keäJeeefuešer iegCekeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW HeWâpe ieefle ν nesleer nw-
(d) low resistance/efvecve ØeeflejesOe (a) LC (b) C/L
2307. The series element in band pass filter is 1
(c) L/C (d)
yewC[ heeme efHeâušj ceW ßesCeer DeJeÙeJe neslee nw- LC
(a) capacitive/OeeefjleerÙe 2314. The series element for a prototype high pass
filter is / ØeesšesšeFhe neF&-heeme efHeâušj kesâ efueÙes ßesCeer
(b) inductive/ØesjkeâerÙe DeJeÙeJe neslee nw-
(c) parallel combination of inductance and (a) resistive/ØeeflejesOeer
capacitance/ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee keâe meceevlej (b) inductive/ØesjkeâerÙe
mebÙeespeve (c) capacitive/OeeefjleerÙe
(d) series combination of inductance and (d) combination of L and C
capacitance/ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee keâe ßesCeer mebÙeespeve ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee keâe mebÙeespeve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 229 YCT
2315. If f1 and f2 are half-power frequencies and f0 be (a) magnitude only/kesâJeue heefjceeCe
resonant frequency, the selectivity of R-L-C (b) direction only/kesâJeue efoMee
series circuit is given by (c) both magnitude and direction
Ùeefo f1 Deewj f2 Deæ& Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòeÙeeB nw Deewj f0 heefjceeCe Deewj efoMee oesveeW
Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe nw, ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe keâer (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
mesuesefkeäšefJešer ..........kesâ Éeje oer peeleer nw~ 2320. What is the rms value of the voltage waveform
(a) ( f 2 − f1 ) / 2f 0 (b) ( f 2 − f1 ) / f 0 shown in the figure? / efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele Jeesušlee
(c) ( f 2 − f 0 ) / ( f1 − f 0 ) (d) ( f 2 − f1 ) / ( f1 − f 0 ) lejbie ™he keâe Deej.Sce.Sme. ceeve keäÙee nw?
2316. At a frequency less than the resonant
Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe mes keâce DeeJe=efòe hej-
(a) series circuit is inductive and parallel circuit
is capacitive/ßesCeer heefjheLe ØesjkeâerÙe neslee nw Deewj
meceeveevlej heefjheLe OeeefjleerÙe neslee nw~
(b) series circuit is capacitive and parallel circuit (a) 200/π V (b) 100/π V
is inductive/ßesCeer heefjheLe OeeefjleerÙe neslee nw Deewj (c) 200 V (d) 100 V
meceeveevlej heefjheLe ØesjkeâerÙe neslee nw 2321. The average value of the full-wave rectified
(c) both circuits are capacitive sine wave with period π and a peak value of Vm
is :
oesveeW heefjheLe OeeefjleerÙe neslee nw
DeJeefOe π Deewj Vm efMeKej ceeve kesâ meeLe hetCe& lejbie
(d) both circuits are inductive
efo<škeâeefjle pÙee lejbie keâe Deewmele ceeve nw–
oesveeW heefjheLe ØesjkeâerÙe neslee nw~
(a) 0.707 Vm (b) 0.500 Vm
2317. A series resonant circuit is capacitive at f = 150
(c) 0.637 Vm (d) 0.318 Vm
Hz. The circuit will be inductive somewhere at
2322. The rms value of a half wave rectified
Skeâ ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe f = 150 Hz hej OeeefjleerÙe nw symmetrical square wave current of 2 A is :
kegâÚ peien ..........hej heefjheLe ØesjkeâerÙe nesiee~ 2 A Oeeje Jeeueer Deæ&lejbie efo<škeâeefjle meceefcele Jeie&
(a) f greater than 150 Hz lejbie keâe Deej.Sce.Sme. ceeve neslee nw–
150 nš&pe mes DeefOekeâ DeeJe=efòe
(a) 2 A (b) 1 A
(b) f less than 150 Hz/150 nš&pe mes keâce DeeJe=efòe
(c) f equal to 150 Hz by increasing the value of (c) A (d) 3 A
the resistance/ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeve ye{ves kesâ Éeje 150
*2323.The rms value of the voltage u (t) = 3 + 4 cos
Hz kesâ yejeyej DeeJe=efòe (3t) is : / Jeesušlee u (t) = 3 + 4 cos (3t) keâe
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Deej.Sce.Sme. ceeve nesiee–
2318. A current is said to be direct current when its:
(a) 17 V (b) 5 V
efkeâmeer Oeeje keâes ØelÙe#e Oeeje keâne peelee nw, peye
Fmekeâe– (c) 7 V (d) (3 + 2 2) V
(a) magnitude remains constant with time 2324. The rms value of the resultant current in a wire
which carries a d.c current of 10 A and a
heefjceeCe meceÙe kesâ meeLe efmLej jnlee nw sinusoidal alternating current of peak value
(b) magnitude changes with time 20 A is– / Skeâ leej pees 10 A keâer [er.meer. Oeeje Deewj 20
heefjceeCe meceÙe kesâ meeLe heefjJee|lele neslee nw A keâer efMeKej ceeve keâer pÙeeJe›eâerÙe ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje keâes
(c) direction changes with time Jenve keâj jne nw, ceW heefjCeeceer Oeeje keâe Deej.Sce.Sme.
efoMee meceÙe kesâ meeLe heefjJee|lele nesleer nw ceeve nesiee–
(d) magnitude and direction changes with time (a) 14.1 A (b) 17.3 A
heefjceeCe Deewj efoMee meceÙe kesâ meeLe heefjJee|lele neslee nw
(c) 22.4 A (d) 30.0 A
2319. A current is said to be alternating when it *2325.For the triangular waveform in the figure, the
changes in rms value of voltage is equal to–
keâesF& Oeeje ØelÙeeJeleea keânueeleer nw, peye Ùen .......... ceW efÛe$e ceW ef$eYegpeekeâej lejbie ™he kesâ efueS Jeesušlee keâe
heefjJee|lele nesleer nw~ Deej.Sce.Sme. ceeve ............ kesâ yejeyej nesiee~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 230 YCT
mebÙeesefpele nw~ oesveeW uewcheeW Éeje Kehele keâer ieF& kegâue Meefòeâ
(a) 120 W (b) 60 W
(c) 30 W (d) 15 W
*2331.The current waveform as shown in figure, is
applied in a pure resistor of 10Ω. What is the
1 1 power dissipated in the resistor?
(a) (b)
6 3 Oeeje lejbie ™he pewmee efkeâ efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele nw, keâes 10Ω
1 2 kesâ Skeâ Megæ ØeeflejesOekeâ hej ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(c) (d)
3 3 ØeeflejesOe ceW Meefòeâ #eÙe keäÙee nw?
2326. The rms value of the periodic waveform given
in the figure is / efoS ieS efÛe$e ceWb DeeJeefOekeâ lejbie
™he keâe Deej.Sce.Sme. ceeve nesiee–

(a) 270 W (b) 135 W

(c) 52 W (d) 7 W
(a) 2 6 A (b) 6 2 A
2332. A 10 mH inductor carries a sinusoidal current
(c) 4 / 3 A (d) 1.5 A of 1 A rms at a frequency of 50 Hz, The
2327. In a purely resistive circuit, the average power average power dissipated by the inductor is–
Pav is _________ the peak power Pmax
Skeâ 10 mH keâe Øesjkeâ 50 Hz keâer DeeJe=efòe hej 1 A
Skeâ Megæ ØeeflejesOeer heefjheLe ceW Deewmele Meefòeâ Pav efMeKej
Meefòeâ Pmax keâe ........... nesleer nw~ Deej.Sce.Sme. keâer pÙeeJe›eâerÙe Oeeje Jenve keâjlee nw, lees
(a) double/oesiegvee (b) one-half of/DeeOee
Øesjkeâ Éeje #eÙe keâer ieF& Deewmele Meefòeâ nesieer–
(c) one-fourth/Skeâ-ÛeewLeeF& (d) equal to/yejeyej (a) 0 W (b) 0.25 W
(c) 0.5 W (d) 1.0 W
2328. A boiler at home is switched on to the ac mains
supplying power at 230 V, 50 Hz. The 2333. When the frequency of the applied voltage (sine
frequency of instantaneous power consumed wave) across an inductor is increased then the
is– current will–
Iej hej Skeâ yeeÙeuej keâes 230 V, 50 Hz hej Meefòeâ keâer Skeâ Øesjkeâ kesâ S›eâe@me peye ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee (pÙee lejbie)
Deehete|le keâjves Jeeues S.meer. cesve hej efmJeÛe Keesue efoÙee keâer DeeJe=efòe yeÌ{eÙeer peeleer nw, lees Oeeje–
(Dee@ve) peelee nw, lees leel#eefCekeâ Meefòeâ Kehele keâer (a) decrease/Iešsiee
DeeJe=efòe nesieer– (b) increase/yeÌ{sieer
(a) 0 Hz (b) 50 Hz
(c) remains same/meceeve jnsieer
(c) 100 Hz (d) 150 Hz
*2329.The resistance of a 1 kW electric heater when (d) be zero/MetvÙe nesieer
energized by a 230 V 1-phase ac is– 2334. Inductive reactance X is a function of
Skeâ 1 kW keâe efJeÅegle leehekeâ peye 230 V 1-φ (Hesâpe) inductance L and frequency f. The value of X
S.meer. Éeje Ge|pele efkeâÙee peelee nw, lees Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe increases when–
nesiee– ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele X, ØesjkeâlJe L Deewj DeeJe=efòe f keâe Skeâ
(a) 52.9 Ω (b) 230 Ω heâueve nw~ X keâe ceeve yeÌ{lee nw, peye–
(c) 1000 Ω (d) 4.2 Ω (a) both L and f increase/L Deewj f oesveeW yeÌ{les nw
*2330.Two lamps each of 230 V and 60 W rating are (b) L increases and f decreases
connected in series across a single phase 230 V
L yeÌ{lee nw Deewj f Iešlee nw~
supply. The total power consumed by the two
lamps would be– (c) both L and f decrease/L Deewj f oesveeW Iešles nw~
oes uewche efpeveceW ØelÙeskeâ keâer jseEšie, 230 V Deewj 60 W (d) L decrease and f increases
nw, 1–φ (Hesâpe), 230V mehueeF& kesâ S›eâe@me ßesCeer ceW L Iešlee nw Deewj f yeÌ{lee nw~

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 231 YCT

2335. A pure capacitance connected across 50Hz, 230 efkeâmeer oes-še|ceveue Jeeues keâeues yee@keäme ceW Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ
V supply consumes 0.04 W. This consumption Deewj Skeâ De%eele oes še|ceveue Jeeues jsKeerÙe ef[JeeFme keâe
is attributed to :
ßesCeer mebÙeespeve nw~ pewmes ner keâesF& yewš^er keâeues yeekeäme mes
50Hz, 230 V mehueeF& kesâ S›eâe@me mebÙeesefpele Skeâ Megæ
mebÙeesefpele keâer peeleer nw, lees Øeehle Oeeje MetvÙe nesleer nw~
mebOeeefj$e 0.04 Jeeš Kehele keâjlee nw~ Ùen Kehele ..........
Ùegefòeâ nww–
kesâ efueS efpeccesoej nw~
(a) an inductor/Skeâ Øesjkeâ
(a) ohmic loss due to ohmic resistance of plates
huesšeW kesâ Deesefÿekeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ keâejCe Deesefÿekeâ neefve (b) a capacitor/Skeâ mebOeeefj$e
(b) loss of energy in dielectric (c) a resistor /Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ
hejeJewÅegle ceW Tpee& keâer neefve~ (d) an unknown/Skeâ De%eele
(c) capacitive reactance in ohms 2340. The pf of a practical inductor is:
Deesce ceW OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele Skeâ JÙeeJeneefjkeâ Øesjkeâ keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ (pf) neslee nw–
(d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (a) unity/FkeâeF& (b) zero/MetvÙe
2336. A circuit component that opposes the change in (c) lagging/heMÛeieeceer (d) leading/De«eieeceer
circuit voltage is– / Skeâ heefjheLe DeJeÙeJe pees heefjheLe 2341. The power factor of an ordinary electric bulb
Jeesušlee ceW heefjJele&ve keâe efJejesOe keâjlee nw, Jen nw– is:
(a) resistance/ØeeflejesOe Skeâ meeOeejCe JewÅegle yeuye keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ neslee nw–
(b) capacitance/Oeeefjlee (a) zero/MetvÙe
(c) inductance/ØesjkeâlJe (b) unity/FkeâeF&
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (c) slightly more than unity/FkeâeF& mes LeesÌ[e pÙeeoe
*2337.The reactances of a 10µ F capacitor at f = 0 Hz (d) slightly less than unity/FkeâeF& mes LeesÌ[e keâce
and f = 50 Hz are respectively: *2342.For a series R-L circuit
f = 0 Hz Deewj f = 50 Hz hej Skeâ 10µ F mebOeeefj$e kesâ Skeâ ßesCeer R-L heefjheLe kesâ efueS
ØeefleIeele ›eâceMe: nesiesb– i (t ) = 2 sin(ωt − 45°)
(a) ∞ and 318.47 Ω/∞ Deewj 318.47 Ω If ωL = 1Ω, the value of R is :
(b) 10.0Ω and 318.47Ω/10.0Ω Deewj 318.47Ω Ùeefo ωL = 1Ω, leye R keâe ceeve nesiee–
(c) ∞ and 31.84Ω/∞ Deewj 31.84Ω (a) 1 Ω (b) 3 Ω
(d) 0.01 Ω and 31. 84Ω/0.01 Ω Deewj 31. 84Ω (c) 3 Ω (d) 3 3 Ω
2338. A voltage of 50 sin 1000t V is applied across a 2343. Due to skin effect, the current flows:
parallel plate capacitor with plate area of 5 cm2 lJeeefÛekeâ ØeYeeJe kesâ keâejCe Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw–
and plate separation gap of 5 mm. If the
(a) uniformly through the conductor
dielectric material in the capacitor has ε = 2ε0,
then the capacitor current in (amperes) will be: Ûeeuekeâ ceW Skeâmeceeve ™he mes
50 sin 1000t Jeesuš keâer Jeesušlee keâes meceevlej huesš (b) near the surface of the conductor
mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâe@me ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw, efpemekeâe Ûeeuekeâ kesâ melen kesâ heeme mes
#es$eheâue 5 cm2 Deewj huesš DeueieeJe Devlejeue 5 mm nw~ (c) through central core of the conductor
mebOeeefj$e ceW Ùeefo hejeJewÅegle heoeLe& ε = 2ε0 nw, lees Ûeeuekeâ kesâ kesâvõerÙe keâesj mes
mebOeeefj$e Oeeje (SefcheÙej ceW) nesieer– (d) in the centre of the conductor
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ kesâvõ ceW
(a) cos103 t (b) ε 0 10 cos10 t
4 3
2344. Skin effect occurs when a conductor carries
ε0 current at ________ frequencies.
104 lJeeefÛekeâ ØeYeeJe Ieefšle neslee nw peye Ûeeuekeâ ..........
(c) sin103 t (d) ε 0 10 4 sin103 t
ε0 DeeJe=efòeÙeeW hej Oeeje keâe Jenve keâjlee nw~
2339. A two-terminal black box contains a series (a) very low/yengle efvecve
combination of a resistor and unknown two- (b) low/efvecve
terminal linear device. As soon as the battery is
(c) high/GÛÛe
connected to the black box the current is found
to be zero. The device is : (d) All of the above/GheÙegòe&â ceW meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 232 YCT
2345. The power factor of an ac circuit lies between: *2349.Consider the following, with respect to the
efkeâmeer S.meer. heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ ........... kesâ ceOÙe circuit as shown below:
efveefnle neslee nw~ Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe kesâ meehes#e efvecve hej efJeÛeej keâerefpeÙes~
(a) 0 and 1/0 Deewj 1
(b) –1 and 1/–1 Deewj 1
(c) 0 and – 1/0 Deewj – 1
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2346.In a certain single-phase ac circuit the
instantaneous voltage is given by v = V sin (ωt
+ 30 °) p.u. and the instantaneous current is 1. VR = 100 2V
given by i = I sin (ωt – 30°) p.u. Hence the per- 2. | I |rms = 2 A
unit value of reactive power is:
3. L = 0.25 H
efkeâmeer 1-φ S.meer. heefjheLe ceW leel#eefCekeâ Jeesušlee v = V
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
sin (ωt + 30 °) p.u. Éeje oer ieF& nw Deewj leel#eefCekeâ
Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve melÙe nw?
Oeeje i = I sin (ωt – 30°) p.u. Éeje oer ieF& nw, lees
(a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 (b) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3
efjSefkeäšJe hee@Jej keâe Øeefle FkeâeF& ceeve nesiee–
(c) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3 (d) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
1 1
(a) (b) *2350.For an ac circuit, if v (t) = 160 sin (ωt + 10°)
4 2 and I (t) = 5 sin (ωt – 20°), then reactive power
3 3 absorbed by the circuit is
(c) (d)
4 2 Skeâ S.meer. heefjheLe kesâ efueS Ùeefo v (t) = 160 sin (ωt +
2347. For the AC circuit as shown below, if the rms 10°) Deewj I (t) = 5 sin (ωt – 20°), leye heefjheLe Éeje
voltage across the resistor is 120V, what is the DeJeMeesef<ele efjSefkeäšJe hee@Jej nesieer–
value of the inductor?
(a) 100 VARs (b) 200 VARs
S.meer. heefjheLe kesâ efueS pewmee efkeâ veerÛes Øeoe|Mele nw, Ùeefo (c) 300 VARs (d) 400 VARs
ØeeflejesOe kesâ S›eâe@me Deej.Sce.Sme. Jeesušspe 120V nw, lees *2351.A certain R-L series combination is connected
Øesjkeâ keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee? across a 50Hz, single-phase ac supply. If the
instantaneous power drawn was found to be
negative for 2 milliseconds in one cycle, the
'power factor angle' of the circuit must be:
Skeâ efveef§ele R-L ßesCeer mebÙeespeve Skeâ 50Hz, 1-φ
S.meer. mehueeF& kesâ S›eâe@me mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Ùeefo ØeoefMe&le keâer ieF& leel#eefCekeâ Meefòeâ Skeâ Ûe›eâ ceW
(a) 0.5H (b) 0.6H 2 efceueer meskesâC[ kesâ efueS $e+Ceelcekeâ Øeehle nes, lees
(c) 1.0H (d) 1.5H heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ keâesCe nesvee ÛeeefnS–
*2348.An iron-cored choke coil has an equivalent (a) 9º (b) 18º
resistance of 5Ω. It draws 10A when the (c) 36º (d) 45º
applied voltage is 240V, 50 Hz. Its inductance 2352. In the given RC circuit, the current i (t) = 2 cos
and power factor respectively are 5000t A. The applied voltage v (t) is:
Skeâ DeeÙejve-keâesj Jeeueer Ûeeskeâ kegâC[ueer keâe leguÙeebkeâ efoS ieS RC heefjheLe ceW, Oeeje i (t) =2cos5000t
ØeeflejesOe 5Ω nw~ peye ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee 240V, 50 Hz nes, SefcheÙej (A) nw, lees ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee v (t) nw–
lees Ùen 10A uesleer nw~ Fmekeâe ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ
›eâceMe: nw–
(a) 7.5 mH and 0.1 (lag)
7.5 mH Deewj 0.1 (heMÛeieeceer)
(b) 747 mH and 0.1 (lag)
747 mH Deewj 0.1 (heMÛeieeceer)
(c) 74.7 mH and 0.208 (lag) (a) 28.28 cos (5,000t – 45°) V
74.7 mH Deewj 0.208 (heMÛeieeceer) (b) 28.28 cos (5,000t + 45°) V
(d) 7.5 mH and 0.208 (lag) (c) 28.28 sin (5,000t – 45°) V
7.5 mH Deewj 0.208 (heMÛeieeceer) (d) 28.28 sin (5,000t + 45°) V
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 233 YCT
2353. A square wave is fed to an R-C circuit. Then : *2357.Consider an L-R circuit in which a current i =
Skeâ Jeie& lejbie efkeâmeer R-C heefjheLe keâes oer peeleer nw, 5e–2t A is flowing. The voltage across the R-L
circuit is given by
Skeâ R-L heefjheLe hej efJeÛeej keâerefpeS, efpemeceW Oeeje
(a) voltage across R is square and across C is not
i = 5e–2t A ØeJeeefnle nes jner nw, R-L heefjheLe kesâ S›eâe@me
square/R kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee Jeiee&keâej leLee C kesâ
Jeesušlee .......... kesâ Éeje oer peeleer nw~
S›eâe@me Jeiee&keâej veneR nw~
(b) voltage across C is square and across R is not
square/C kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee Jeiee&keâej leLee R kesâ
S›eâe@me Jeiee&keâej veneR nw~
(c) voltage across both R and C is square
R Deewj C oesveeW kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee Jeiee&keâej nw~
(d) voltage across both R and C is not square (a) 20e–2t V (b) –10 e–2t V
R Deewj C oesveeW kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee Jeiee&keâej veneR nw~
(c) 10 e –2t V
(d) 5 e–2t V
2354. If a capacitor is energized by a symmetrical *2358.The power absorbed by the network excited by
square wave current source, then the steady a 50 ∠0° sinusoidal source is 168 W. The value
state voltage across the capacitor will be a: of the mutual inductive reactance jXM should
Ùeefo Skeâ mebOeeefj$e Skeâ meceefcele Jeie& lejbie Oeeje œeesle be :
50 ∠0° pÙeeJe›eâerÙe œeesle Éeje Gòesefpele Skeâ vesšJeke&â
Éeje Te|pele efkeâÙee peelee nw, leye mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâe@me
Éeje DeJeMeesef<ele Meefòeâ 168 W nw, lees DevÙeesvÙe ØesjkeâerÙe
efmLej-DeJemLee Jeesušlee nesieer–
ØeefleIeele jXM nesvee ÛeeefnS–
(a) square wave/Jeie& lejbie
(b) triangular wave/ef$ekeâesCeerÙe lejbie
(c) step function/mšshe
(d) impulse function/DeeJesieer heâueve
*2355.A single-phase ac voltage source has 200V rms
and a system connected consumes an active
power 300 W. What is the reactive power (a) 13Ω (b) 10Ω
consumed by the system if 2.5 A rms current is (c) 6.3Ω (d) 3Ω
drawn? *2359.An ac source of 200 V rms supplies an active
power of 1200 W and a reactive power of 1600
Skeâ 1-φ (Hesâpe) S.meer. Jeesušlee œeesle ceW 200V
VAR to a load. The rms current and the power
Deej.Sce.Sme. nw Deewj Skeâ mebÙeesefpele ØeCeeueer 300W keâer factor of the load respectively are
meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ keâer Kehele keâjlee nw~ Ùeefo 2.5A keâer 200 V Deej.Sce.Sme. keâe Skeâ S.meer. œeesle uees[ keâes
Deej.Sce.Sme. Oeeje ØeoefMe&le keâer peeleer nw, lees ØeCeeueer 1200 W keâer meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ Deewj 1600 VAR keâer
Éeje Kehele keâer ieF& efjSefkeäšJe hee@Jej keäÙee nesieer? Øeeflekeâejer Meefòeâ Øeoeve keâjlee nw~ uees[ keâe Deej.Sce.Sme.
(a) 100 VAR (b) 200 VAR Oeeje Deewj Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ›eâceMe: nw–
(c) 300 VAR (d) 400 VAR (a) 10 A and 0.6/10 A Deewj 0.6
*2356.The power consumed by a coil is 300W when (b) 8 A and 0.8/8 A Deewj 0.8
connected to a 30V dc source and 108W when
(c) 10 A and 0.8/10 A Deewj 0.8
connected to a 30V ac source the reacatnce of
coil is- (d) 8A and 0.6/8A Deewj 0.6
Skeâ kegâC[ueer peye 30V [er.meer. œeesle mes mebÙeesefpele keâer *2360.Three moving iron voltmeters are connected as
shown in the figure. Voltmeter readings are V,
peeleer nw, lees Fmekesâ Éeje Kehele keâer ieF& Meefòeâ 300W nw V1 and V2 as indicated. The correct relation
Deewj peye 30V S.meer. œeesle Éeje mebÙeesefpele keâer peeleer nw, among the voltmeter readings is:
lees Kehele keâer ieF& Meefòeâ 108W nw, lees kegâC[ueer keâe leerve Ûeue-ueewn Jeesušceeršme& Øeoe|Mele efÛe$e kesâ Devegmeej
ØeefleIeele nesiee– mebÙeesefpele nw~ JeesušceeršjeW kesâ hee"dÙeebkeâ V, V1 Deewj V2
(a) 3Ω (b) 4Ω nw, pewmee efkeâ mebkesâle efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ Jeesušceeršj hee"dÙeebkeâ
(c) 5Ω (d) 6.67Ω kesâ yeerÛe mener mecyevOe nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 234 YCT
*2364.If phasors P1 = 3 + j4 and P2 = 6 – j8, then |P1–
P2| is :/ Ùeefo hesâpej P1 = 3 + j4 Deewj P2 = 6 – j8, lees
|P1 – P2| nesiee–
(a) 5 (b) 53
(c) 73 (d) 153
V1 V2 *2365.For the network shown, if the current i (t) =
(a) V = (b) V1 + V2
2 2 2 sin (ωt – 30°), then what is the value of R?
(c) V = V1 V2 (d) V = V2 – V1 efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS, Ùeefo Oeeje i (t) =
2361. A capacitor used for power factor correction in
2 sin (ωt – 30°), lees R keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?
single-phase circuit decreases :
1-φ (Hesâpe) heefjheLe ceW Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve kesâ efueS
ØeÙegòeâ mebOeeefj$e Iešelee nw–
(a) the power factor/Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ keâes
(b) the line current/ueeFve Oeeje keâes
(a) 1Ω (b) 2Ω
(c) both the line current and the power factor
ueeFve Oeeje Deewj Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ oesveeW keâes (c) 3 Ω (d) 3 3 Ω
(d) the line current and increases power factor *2366.A voltage of V = 100 ∠ 30° is applied to an
impedance Z = 3 + j4. Which one of the
ueeFve Oeeje keâes Deewj Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ keâes yeÌ{elee nw following is the power triangle
2362. A 100 W, 100 V bulb is to be supplied from 220 V = 100 ∠ 30° keâer Jeesušlee Skeâ ØeefleyeeOee Z = 3 +
V, 50 Hz supply. Which of the following
j4 keâes oer peeleer nw, lees efvecve ceW mes keâewve Skeâ Meefòeâ
arrangements is preferable?
Skeâ 100 W, 100 V keâe yeuye 220 V, 50 Hz Deehete|le ef$eYegpe nw?
mes Deehete|lele efkeâÙee peevee nw~ efvecve ceW mes keâewve-meer
JÙeJemLee yesnlej nw?
(a) Additional pure inductance in series with
lamp/uewche kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW Deefleefjòeâ Megæ ØesjkeâlJe
(b) Additional resistance in series with lamp
uewche kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW Deefleefjòeâ ØeeflejesOe
(c) Additional inducatnce and capacitance in
series with the lamp/uewche kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW *2367.A 240V single-phase ac source is connected to a
Deefleefjòeâ ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee load with an impedance of 10∠60°Ω . A
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR capacitor is connected in parallel with the load.
2363. In a RLC circuit, supplied from an ac source, If the capacitor supplies 1,250 VAR, the real
the reactive power is proportional to the power supplied by the source is
Skeâ R-L-C heefjheLe ceW, pees S.meer. œeesle mes Deehete|lele Skeâ 240V efmebieue Hesâpe S.meer. œeesle keâes ØeefleyeeOee
keâer ieF& nes, ceW efjSefkeäšJe Meefòeâ efkeâmekesâ meceevegheeleer 10∠60°Ω Jeeues uees[ mes mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw~
nesieer? uees[ kesâ meeLe meceevlej ceW Skeâ mebOeeefj$e mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee
(a) average energy stored in the electric field
peelee nw~ Ùeefo mebOeeefj$e 1,250 VAR Deehetefle& keâjlee nw,
JewÅegle #es$e ceW meb«eefnle Deewmele Tpee& lees œeesle Éeje Deehetefle& keâer peeves Jeeueer JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ nw?
(b) average energy stored in the magnetic field (a) 3,600 W (b) 2, 880 W
(c) 2,400 W (d) 1,200 W
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW meb«eefnle Deewmele Tpee&
*2368.For a series R-C circuit, the power factor
(c) sum of the average energy stored in the corresponding to maximum power is–
electric field and that stored in the magnetic
ßesCeer R-C heefjheLe kesâ efueS, DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ kesâ
field/JewÅegle #es$e Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW meb«eefnle Deewmele
Deveg™he Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ neslee nw–
Tpee& keâe Ùeesie
(a) 0.5 lag/0.5 heMÛeieeceer
(d) difference between the average energy stored
in the electric field and that stored in the (b) 0.5 lead/0.5 De«eieeceer
magnetic field/JewÅegle #es$e Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW (c) 0.707 lag/0.707 heMÛeieeceer
meb«eefnle Deewmele Tpee& keâe Devlej (d) 0.707 lead/0.707 De«eieeceer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 235 YCT
*2369.For the given ac circuit, what is the value of I? 2373. At resonant frequency an R-L-C circuit draws
efoS ieS S.meer. heefjheLe kesâ efueS, I keâe ceeve keäÙee nw? maximum current due to the reason that
Devegveeo DeeJe=efòe hej Skeâ R-L-C heefjheLe efkeâme keâejCe
mes DeefOekeâlece Oeeje ueslee nw?
(a) the difference between capacitive reactance
and inductive reactance is zero/OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele
Deewj ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele kesâ yeerÛe Devlej MetvÙe neslee nw~
(b) the impedance is more than resistance
ØeefleyeeOee ØeeflejesOe keâer Dehes#ee DeefOekeâ nesleer nw~
(a) 1 + j1 (b) 1 + j 0
(c) the voltage across the capacitor equals the
(c) 2 − j1 (d) 0 + j 0 applied voltage/mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee ØeÙegòeâ
2370. For the network shown in the given figure Z (0) Jeesušlee kesâ yejeyej nesleer nw~
= 3Ω and Z (∞) = 2Ω. What are the values of R1 (d) the power factor is less than unity
and R2, respectively? Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ FkeâeF& mes keâce neslee nw~
efoÙes ieÙes efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS Z (0) = 3Ω 2374. The low-frequency circuit impedance and the
high-frequency circuit impedance for a series
Deewj Z (∞) = 2Ω, lees R1 Deewj R2 kesâ ceeve ›eâceMe: resonant circuit respectively are:
keäÙee nw? ßesCeer Devegveeo heefjheLe kesâ efueS efvecve DeeJe=efòe heefjheLe
ØeefleyeeOee Deewj GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee ›eâceMe:
nesles nw–
(a) capacitive and inductive/OeeefjleerÙe Deewj ØesjkeâerÙe
(b) inductive and capacitive/ØesjkeâerÙe Deewj OeeefjleerÙe
(a) 2Ω, 1Ω (b) 3Ω, 2Ω (c) resistive and inductive/ØeeflejesOeer Deewj ØesjkeâerÙe
(c) 1Ω, 2Ω (d) 2Ω, 3Ω (d) capacitive and resistive/OeeefjleerÙe Deewj ØeeflejesOeer
2371. The total impedance Z (j ω) of the circuit shown *2375.A coil having an inductance of 0.5 H and a
resistance of 60Ω is connected in series with a
is / Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe keâer mechetCe& ØeefleyeeOee Z (j ω) nw–
capacitance of 10µF. The coil is connected to
100V ac supply. What is the source frequency
and current flowing in the circuit under
resonance condition?
Skeâ kegâC[ueer efpemekeâe ØesjkeâlJe 0.5 H nw Deewj ØeeflejesOe
60Ω nw Skeâ 10µF kesâ kewâheefmešWme kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW
mebÙeesefpele nw~ kegâC[ueer 100V S.meer. mehueeF& mes mebÙeesefpele
nw~ Devegveeo keâer efmLeefle ceW œeesle DeeJe=efòe Deewj heefjheLe mes
(a) (6 + j0) Ω (b) (7 + j0) Ω ØeJeeefnle Oeeje keäÙee nw?
(c) (0 + j8) Ω (d) (6 + j8) Ω
(a) 7.121 Hz and 16.7 A/7.121 Hz Deewj 16.7 A
2372. The rms value of the current i (t) in the circuit
(b) 7.121 Hz and 1.67 A/7.121 Hz Deewj 1.67 A
shown in the figure is : / efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe ceW
(c) 71321 Hz and 16.7 A/71321 Hz Deewj 16.7 A
Oeeje i (t) keâe Deej.Sce.Sme ceeve nw–
(d) 71.21 Hz and 1.67 A/71.21 Hz Deewj 1.67 A
*2376.A series L-C-R circuit has a resonant
frequency f0, with R = 1 Ω, L = 1 H and C = 1
F. If the component's values are tripled, the
new resonant frequency will be
R=1Ω, L=1H Deewj C=1F kesâ meeLe Skeâ ßesCeer L-C-
− R heefjheLe keâer Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe f0 nw~ Ùeefo DeJeÙeJeeW kesâ
ceeve leerve iegvee nes peeÙes lees veÙeer Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe nesieer~
A (b)
A (a) 3f0 (b) unaltered /DeheefjJee|lele
2 2 f0 f0
(c) (d)
(c) 1A (d) 2A 3 3

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 236 YCT

2377. In a series resonant circuit, at resonance, (a) resonant frequency will decrease
selectivity Q is equal to : Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe Iešsieer~
Skeâ ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW, Devegveeo hej (b) Q will decrease/ Q-Iešsiee~
mesuesefkeäšefJešer Q efkeâmekesâ yejeyej nesleer nw? (c) bandwidth will increase/yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF& yeÌ{sieer~
1 1 C (d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW~
(a) (b) 2383. Which of the following will not be affected due
to change in R? / 'R' ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ keâejCe efvecve ceW
1 L
mes keâewve ØeYeeefJele veneR nesiee?
R C R (a) Bandwidth/yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF&
2378. For a series RLC resonant circuit, which one of (b) Q
the following gives the impedances at the lower (c) Resonant frequency/Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe
and upper half power frequencies, respectively (d) None/keâesF& veneR~
efkeâmeer ßesCeer RLC Devegveeoer heefjheLe kesâ efueS efvecve ceW 2384. Change in circuit voltage will affect:
mes keâewve ›eâceMe: efvecve Deewj GÛÛe Deæ&Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòe hej heefjheLe Jeesušlee ceW heefjJele&ve ......... keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjsiee~
ØeefleyeeOee oslee nw? (a) resonant frequency/Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe
(a) 2 R ∠45°; 2 R∠ − 45° (b) bandwidth/yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF&
(c) current/Oeeje
 1   1 
(b)   R∠ − 45°;   R∠45° (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer
 2  2 2385. An R-L-C series circuit has f1 and f2 as the half
(c) R∠45°; R∠ − 45° power frequencies and f0 as the resonant
frequency. The Q-factor of the circuit is given
(d) 2 R∠ − 45°; 2 R∠45°
by :
2379. When Q-factor of a circuit is high, then: Skeâ ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe ceW f1 Deewj f2 Deæ& Meefòeâ
efkeâmeer heefjheLe keâe peye Q-keâejkeâ GÛÛe neslee nw, leye– DeeJe=efòeÙeeB nw Deewj f0 Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe nw~ heefjheLe keâe
(a) power factor of the circuit is high Q-keâejkeâ efkeâmekesâ Éeje efoÙee peeSiee?
heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ GÛÛe neslee nw~ f1 + f 2 f1 − f 0
(a) (b)
(b) impedance of the circuit is high 2 f0 f2 − f0
heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee GÛÛe nesleer nw~ f0 f1 − f 2
(c) bandwidth is large (c) (d)
f 2 − f1 f0
yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF& DeefOekeâ nesleer nw~ 2386. Resonant frequency fr of a series R-L-C circuit
(d) none of these is related to half power frequencies f1 and f2 as:
FveceW mes keâesF& veneR~ Skeâ ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe keâer Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe (fr)
2380. A high Q-coil has: Deæ& Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòeÙeeW f1 Deewj f2 mes efkeâme ™he ceW
Skeâ GÛÛe Q-kegâC[ueer ceW neslee nw– mecyeefvOele nw?
(a) large bandwidth/DeefOekeâ yewC[ Ûeew[ Ì eF& f1 + f 2
(a) f r = (b) f r = f1 + f 2
(b) high losses/GÛÛe neefveÙeeB 2
(c) low losses/efvecve neefveÙeeB (c) f r = f 2 − f1 (d) f r = f1 + f2
(d) flat response/meceleue Øeefleef›eâÙee *2387.In a series R-L-C circuit supplied by a source
of 125 Volt at a resonant frequency of 220 Hz,
2381. In a series resonant circuit, with the increase in the magnitudes of the voltages across the
L :/ ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW L ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe– capacitor and the inductor are found to be
(a) resonant frequency will decrease 4,150 V. If the resistance of the circuit is 1Ω ,
Devegveeo DeeJe=efòe Iešsieer~ then the selectivity of the circuit is:
Skeâ ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe ceW 125 Jeesuš Skeâ Œeesle
(b) bandwidth will decrease/yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF& Iešsieer~
Éeje Deehetefle&le nw 220 nš&pe Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe hej,
(c) Q will increase/Q-yeÌ{siee~ mebOeeefj$e Deewj Øesjkeâ kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee keâe heefjceeCe
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer~ 4150 Jeesuš heeÙee ieÙee Ùeefo heefjheLe keâe ØeeflejesOe 1
2382. In a series resonant circuit with the increase in Deesce nw, leye heefjheLe keâer ÛeÙeveelcekeâlee nw
the value of C: (a) 33.20 (b) 3.32
ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW C kesâ ceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe– (c) 0.0301 (d) 0.301
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 237 YCT
*2388.The resonant frequency of an RLC series
circuit is 1.5 MHz with the resonating
capacitor of 150 pF. The bandwidth is 10 kHz.
The effective value of the resistor is
150 heerkeâes Hewâj[ Devegveeoer mebOeeefj$e kesâ meeLe Skeâ RLC
ßesCeer heefjheLe keâer Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe 1.5 cesiee nš&pe nw~
(a) increase /Je=efæ
yewC[-ÛeewÌ[eF& 10 efkeâueesnš&pe nw~ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe ØeYeeJeer (b) decrease /keâceer
ceeve nw– (c) remain the same /Skeâ-meceeve
(a) 16.3 Ω (b) 9.5 Ω (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) 7.4 Ω (d) 4.7Ω 2394. The circuit given below is constituted by an
*2389.A series RLC circuit has ω0 = 105, Q = 50, R = iron-cored coil and a capacitor. At resonance,
400 Ω. The value of C is: the circuit behaves like:
Skeâ ßesCeer RLC heefjheLe ceW ω0 = 105, Q = 50, R = veerÛes efoÙee ieÙee heefjheLe Skeâ ueewn keâesj kegâC[ueer Deewj
400 Ω nw~ C keâe ceeve nesiee– Skeâ mebOeeefj$e Éeje yeveeÙeer ieF& nw~ Devegveeo hej heefjheLe
(a) 250 pF (b) 1000 pF efkeâme lejn JÙeJenej keâjlee nw?
(c) 500 pF (d) 1.25 pF
*2390.A series RLC circuit has a bandwidth of 300
rad/sec at a resonant frequency of 3000 rad/sec
when exited by a voltage source of 100V. The
inductance of the coil is 0.1 H. The value of R
and the voltage across C are, respectively:
Skeâ ßesCeer RLC heefjheLe peye Jeesušlee œeesle 100V Éeje
Gòesefpele keâer peeleer nw, lees Devegveeo DeeJe=efòe 3000 (a) an open circuit/Keguee heefjheLe
rad/mes. hej yewC[d ÛeewÌ[eF& 300 rad/mes. nw~ kegâC[ueer keâe (b) a short circuit/ueIeg heefjheLe
ØesjkeâlJe 0.1 H nw~ R keâe ceeve Deewj C kesâ S›eâe@me (c) a pure resistor of value R
Jeesušlee ›eâceMe: nw R ceeve keâe Skeâ Megæ ØeeflejesOekeâ
(a) 10Ω and 100 V/10Ω Deewj 100 V (d) a pure resistor of value much higher than R
R mes yengle DeefOekeâ ceeve kesâ Skeâ Megæ ØeeflejesOekeâ
(b) 30 Ω and 100 V/30 Ω Deewj 100 V
2395. The circuit comprises a coil of resistance R and
(c) 30 Ω and 1,000 V/30 Ω Deewj 1,000 V inductance L, in parallel with an ideal
(d) 300Ω and 1,000 V/300Ω Deewj 1,000 V capacitor C. At the resonant frequency, the
2391. A series resonant circuit is tuned to 10 MHz impedance of the parallel combination is:
and provide 3-dB bandwidth of 100 kHz. The Skeâ heefjheLe Skeâ Ssmes kegâC[ueer mes yeveer nw, efpemeceW
quality factor Q of the circuit is: ØeeflejesOe R Deewj ØesjkeâlJe L Skeâ DeeoMe& mebOeeefj$e C kesâ
Skeâ ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe 10 MHz hej šdÙetv[ keâer meeLe meceevlej ceW nw~ Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe hej meceevlej
peeleer nw Deewj 100 kHz keâer 3-dB yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF& Øeoeve mebÙeespeve keâer ØeefleyeeOee nw–
keâjleer nw~ heefjheLe keâe keäJeeefuešer hewâkeäšj Q nw–
(a) 30 (b) 1 (a) R (b)
(c) 100 (d) 10
*2392.If the Q-factor of a coil at resonant frequency (c) (d) ∞
of 1.5 MHz is 150 for a series resonant circuit, RC
then the corresponding bandwidth is: 2396. A parallel circuit is said to be in resonance
Skeâ ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe kesâ efueS Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe when the admittance is purely:
1.5 MHz hej Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâe Ùeefo Q-hewâkeäšj 150 Skeâ meceevlej heefjheLe Devegveeo ceW leye keâne peeSiee, peye
nes, lees Deveg™heer yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF& nesieer– ØeJesMÙelee Megæ ™he mes nes~
(a) 225 MHz (b) 1.06 MHz (a) capacitive/OeeefjleerÙe (b) inductive/ØesjkeâerÙe
(c) 50 KHz (d) 10 KHz (c) susceptive/memeshšerJe (d) conductive/ÛeeuekeâerÙe
2393. If the supply frequency in fig. is increased, the 2397. In order to tune a parallel resonant circuit to a
circuit power factor will lower frequency, the capacitance must:
efÛe$e ceW Ùeefo Deehetefle& DeeJe=efòe keâes yeÌ{e efoÙee peeÙes, Skeâ meceevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe keâes efvecve DeeJe=efòe hej
heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ..........nesiee~ šdÙetve keâjves kesâ efueS Oeeefjlee–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 238 YCT
(a) be increased/yeÌ{vee ÛeeefnS efoS ieS S.meer. heefjheLe ceW Fmes efmLej ØeeflejesOe heefjheLe Ùee
(b) be decreased/Iešvee ÛeeefnS mehueeF& Oeeje kesâ efueS Fmekesâ DeeJe=efòe mes mJeleb$e yeveeves
(c) be zero/MetvÙe nesvee ÛeeefnS nsleg Oeeefjlee 'C' keâe ceeve nw–
(d) remain the same/meceeve jnvee ÛeeefnS
*2398.A lossy capacitor is represented by an ideal
capacitor C with a high resistance R in parallel.
What is the Q of the circuit at frequency ω? 4Ω
Skeâ #eeflekeâejkeâ mebOeeefj$e Skeâ DeeoMe& mebOeeefj$e C Deewj
meeLe ceW meceevlej ceW GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe R Éeje Øeoe|Mele
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ DeeJe=efòe ω hej heefjheLe keâe Q keäÙee nw? 1 1
(a) (b) F
16 12
(a) ω CR (b) 1 1
(ω CR) (c) F (d) F
8 4
ωC R *2403.For a parallel RLC circuit, if R = 40 Ω. L = 2 H
(c) (d)
R (ω C ) and C = 0.5 F, the bandwidth and quality
2399. The resonant frequency for the given circuit factor are respectively
will be : Skeâ meceevlej RLC Devegveeoer heefjheLe kesâ efueS Ùeefo R =
efoS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe nesieer– 40 Ω . L = 2 H Deewj C = 0.5 F nes, lees yewC[–ÛeewÌ[eF&
Deewj keäJeeefuešer hewâkeäšj ›eâceMe: nw–
(a) 20 rad/s, 0.05 (b) 10 rad/s, 20
(c) 20 rad/s, 10 (d) 0.05 rad/s, 20
2404. A parallel resonant circuit can be employed
Skeâ meceevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe .......... hej ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee
(a) 1 rad/S (b) 2 rad/S
pee mekeâlee nw~
(c) 3 rad/S (d) 4 rad/S (a) as a high impedance/GÛÛe ØeefleyeeOee kesâ ™he ceW~
2400. In the given circuit, at resonance, IR amperes is (b) to reject a small band of frequencies
equal to : / efoS ieS heefjheLe ceW, Devegveeo hej IR DeeJe=efòeÙeeW kesâ Úesšs yewC[ keâes efjpeskeäš keâjves nsleg~
SefcheÙej efkeâmekesâ yejeyej nw? (c) to amplify certain frequencies
efveefMÛele DeeJe=efòeÙeeW keâes ØeJee|Oele keâjves~
(d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW~
2405. Consider the following statements with respect
to a parallel R-L-C circuit :
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW Skeâ meceevlej R-L-
(a) 0 A (b) 10 A C heefjheLe kesâ meehes#e
(c) 5 A (d) 0.5 A 1. The bandwidth of the circuit decreases if R
*2401.The value of Z in given figure which is most is increased/Ùeefo R yeÌ{lee nw lees heefjheLe keâer
appropriate to cause parallel resonance at yewC[–ÛeewÌ[eF& Iešleer nw
500 Hz is : 2. The bandwidth of the circuit remains same
efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW Z keâe ceeve pees 500 Hz hej meceevlej if L is increased/Ùeefo L yeÌ{lee nw lees heefjheLe
Devegveeo kesâ keâejCe kesâ efueS meyemes GefÛele nes– keâer yewC[-ÛeewÌ[eF& DeheefjJeefle&le jnleer nw
3. At resonance, input impedance is real
quantity/Devegveeo hej, efveJesMe ØeefleyeeOee
JeemleefJekeâ cee$ee nw
4. A resonance, the magnitude of the input
impedance attains its minimum
(a) 125.00 mH (b) 304.2 µF value/Devegveeo efveJesMe ØeefleyeeOe keâe heefjceeCe
(c) 2.0 µF (d) 0.05 µF vÙetvelece ceeve Øeehle nesleer nw
*2402.The value of the capacitance 'C' in the given ac Which of the above statements are correct?
circuit to make it a constant resistance circuit GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
or for the supply current to be independent of (a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 1, 3 and 4
its frequency is (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 239 YCT
2406. Consider the following statements : 2410. The maximum power will be transferred from
If a high Q parallel resonance circuit is loaded a voltage source to a load when:
with a resistance. Skeâ Jeesušlee œeesle mes Yeej keâes DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ
1. The circuit impedance reduces mLeeveevleefjle nesieer, peye–
2. The resonant frequency remains the same
(a) the source impedance is half that of the load
3. The bandwidth reduces
impedance/œeesle ØeefleyeeOee, Yeej ØeefleyeeOee keâer DeeOee nes~
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
efvecveefueefKele keâLeve keâer ieCevee keâjs– (b) the source impedance is equal to that of the
load impedance/œeesle ØeefleyeeOee, Yeej ØeefleyeeOee kesâ
Ùeefo Skeâ GÛÛe Q meceevlej Devegveeo heefjheLe Skeâ
ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe Yeeefjle nw yejeyej nes~
(c) the source impedance is twice that of the load
1. heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee Iešleer nw~
impedance/œeesle ØeefleyeeOee, Yeej ØeefleyeeOee keâe oesiegvee nes~
2. Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe DeheefjJeefle&le jnleer nw~
(d) both source and load impedance must be
3. yewC[-ÛeewÌ[eF& Iešleer nw~ zero/œeesle Deewj Yeej ØeefleyeeOee oesveeW MetvÙe nesvee ÛeeefnS~
GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve mee keäLeve melÙe nw– 2411. A voltage source, connected to a load, has an
(a) 3 only (b) 2 only emf of 10V and an impedance of (500 + j100)Ω.
(c) 1 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 The maximum power that can be transferred
2407. What is the locus of the tip of the voltage to the load is :
phasor across R in a series R-L-C circuit?
Skeâ Yeej mes mebÙeesefpele Skeâ Jeesušlee œeesle keâe F&.Sce.Sheâ
Skeâ ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe ceW R kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe
10V nw Deewj ØeefleyeeOee (500 + j100)Ω nw, Jen
hesâpej kesâ efšhe keâe ueeskeâme keäÙee neslee nw?
DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ pees Yeej keâes mLeeveevleefjle keâer pee
(a) A parabola/Skeâ hejJeueÙe
mekeâleer nw–
(b) An ellipse/Skeâ oerIe&Je=òe
(a) 0.2 W (b) 0.1 W
(c) A circle/Skeâ Je=òe
(c) 0.05 W (d) 0.01 W
(d) A rectangular hyperbola
2412. The theorem which states that in any linear
Skeâ DeeÙeleekeâej DeeflehejJeueÙe
nonlinear, passive, active, time-variant and
*2408.A source vs = V cos 100 πt has an internal time-invariant network, the summation of
impedance of (4 + j3) Ω. If a purely resistive instantaneous powers is zero will be called as:
load connected to this source has to extract the
maximum power out of the source, its value in
Jen ØecesÙe pees Ùen keânlee nw efkeâ efkeâmeer jsKeerÙe, DejsKeerÙe,
Ω should be hewefmeJe, SefkeäšJe, meceÙe-heefjJele&veerÙe Deewj meceÙe-
Skeâ œeesle vs = V cos 100 πt keâe Deebleefjkeâ ØeefleyeeOee DeheefjJele&veerÙe vesšJeke&â ceW leel#eefCekeâ Meefòeâ keâe Ùeesie
(4 + j3) Ω nw~ Ùeefo DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ Fme œeesle mes MetvÙe neslee nw, keânueeSiee–
efvekeâeueves kesâ efueS Skeâ Megæ ØeeflejesOeer Yeej keâes Fme (a) Tellegen's theorem/šsefueieve ØecesÙe
œeesle mes peesÌ[e ieÙee nw~ lees Fmekeâe ceeve Deesce ceW nesvee (b) compensation theorem/#eeflehete|le ØecesÙe
ÛeeefnS~ (c) reciprocity theorem/jsmeerØeeskesâšer ØecesÙe
(a) 3 (b) 4
(d) superposition theorem/DeOÙeejesheCe ØecesÙe
(c) 5 (d) 7
2413. The phase sequence of the 3-phase system
*2409.The maximum power that can be transferred
in the load ZL in the given circuit is shown in given figure is:
oer ieF& heefjheLe ceW uees[ (Yeej) ZL ceW mLeeveevleefjle keâer efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele 3-φ ØeCeeueer keâe keâuee
pee mekeâves Jeeueer DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ nw~ Deveg›eâce nw?

(a) 12.25 W (b) 62.5 W (a) RYB (b) RBY

(c) 24.5 W (d) 500 W (c) BRY (d) YBR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 240 YCT
2414. The rated voltage of a 3-phase power system is 2419. For delta-connected circuit the correct
given as / 3-φ Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer keâer efveOee&efjle Jeesušlee relationship is:
efkeâme ™he ceW oer peeleer nw? [suše mebÙeesefpele heefjheLe kesâ efueS mener mecyevOe nw–
(a) rms phase voltage/Deej.Sce.Sme. hesâpe Jeesušlee (a) VL = Vph
(b) peak phase voltage/efMeKej hesâpe Jeesušlee (b) I ph × 3 = I L
(c) rms line-to-line voltage (c) VL = I L × 3
Deej.Sce.Sme. ueeFve mes ueeFve Jeesušlee (d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(d) peak line-to-line voltage 2420. A three-phase star connected load is operating
efMeKej ueeFve mes ueeFve Jeesušlee at a power factor angle φ, with φ being the
2415. Total instantaneous power supplied by a 3- angle between
phase ac supply to a balanced R-C load as Skeâ 3-φ mšej mebÙeesefpele Yeej Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ keâesCe 'φ'
Skeâ 3-φ S.meer. mehueeF& Éeje meblegefuele R-C uees[ keâes hej ØeÛeefuele nes jne nw~ 'φ' efkeâmekesâ ceOÙe keâe keâesCe nw?
Deehete|le keâer peeves Jeeueer mechetCe& leel#eefCekeâ Meefòeâ nesleer (a) line voltage and line current
nw– ueeFve Jeesušspe SJeb ueeFve Oeeje
(a) zero/MetvÙe (b) phase voltage and phase current
(b) constant/efmLej hesâpe Jeesušspe Jeb hesâpe Oeeje
(c) pulsating with zero average (c) line voltage and phase current
MetvÙe Deewmele kesâ meeLe mheboveerÙe ueeFve Jeesušspe SJeb hesâpe Oeeje
(d) phase voltage and line current
(d) pulsating with non-zero average
DeMetvÙe Deewmele kesâ meeLe mheboveerÙe hesâpe Jeesušspe SJeb ueeFve Oeeje
2421. To improve the pf in three-phase circuits, the
2416. In the balanced 3-phase voltage system
capacitor bank is connected in delta to make
generated by a star-connected alternator, EYB
3-φ heefjheLe ceW Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ megOeejves kesâ efueS ...........
lags behind ER by :
mšej mebÙeesefpele ØelÙeeJele&keâ Éeje peefvele mevlegefuele yeveeves nsleg mebOeeefj$e yewkeâ [suše ceW mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw~
ef$ekeâuee Jeesušlee ØeCeeueer ceW EYB, ER mes .......... Éeje (a) capacitance calculation easy
heMÛeieeceer neslee nw~ kewâheefmešsvme ieCevee Deemeeve
(b) capacitance very small
(a) 90° (b) 120°
kewâheefmešsvme yengle keâce
(c) 60° (d) 30°
(c) the connection elegant
2417. For a 3-phase load balanced condition, each
phase has the same value of _________ mebÙeespeve keâes
Skeâ 3-φ Yeej mevlegefuele efmLeefle kesâ efueS ØelÙeskeâ keâuee ceW (d) the pf correction more effective
.......... keâe ceeve meceeve neslee nw~ Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve DeefOekeâ ØeYeeJeer
2422. A balanced delta-connected load of (8 + j6)Ω
(a) impedance/ØeefleyeeOee
per phase is connected to a 400 V, 50 Hz, 3-
(b) resistance/ØeeflejesOe phase supply lines. If the input power factor is
(c) power factor/Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ to be improved to 0.9 by connecting a bank of
(d) all of these/FveceW mes meYeer star –connected capacitor the required kVAR
of the bank is:
2418. The phase voltage of a three-phase, star-
(8 + j6)Ω Øeefle hesâpe keâe Skeâ mevlegefuele [suše mebÙeesefpele
connected alternator is V. By mistake, the
connection of R phase got reversed. The new uees[ 400 V, 50 Hz, 3-φ mehueeF& ueeF&ve mes mebÙeesefpele
line voltages will have a relationship: mebOeeefj$e yeQkeâ keâes mebÙeesefpele keâjkesâ Ùeefo Fvehegš Meefòeâ-
3-φ mšej mebÙeesefpele ØelÙeeJele&keâ keâer hesâpe Jeesušlee V nw~ iegCekeâ keâes 0.9 lekeâ megOeejvee nes, lees yeQkeâ keâe DeeJeMÙekeâ
ieueleer mes R-hesâpe keâe mebÙeespeve yeoue peelee nw, lees veÙes kVAR nw–
ueeFve JeesušleeDeeW ceW mecyevOe nesiee– (a) 42.7 (b) 10.2
V V (c) 28.8 (d) 38.4
(a) VRY = VBR = YB (b) VRY = VYB = BR *2423.If the current flowing through a 20 ohm
3 3
resistor is given as,
VRY 20Ω ØeeflejesOekeâ mes ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje Ùeefo Fme
(c) VYB = VBR = (d) VRY = VYB = VBR
3 ™he ceW efoÙee nw,
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 241 YCT
i (t) = 4 + 5 sin ωt – 3 cos 3 ωt amp, 2428. Which of the following will act as open circuit
then what is the power consumed by the at t = 0+ with zero initial conditions?
resistor? efvecve ceW mes keâewve MetvÙe ØeejefcYekeâ DeJemLee kesâ meeLe
lees ØeeflejesOe Éeje Kehele Meefòeâ keäÙee nw? t = 0+ hej Keguee heefjheLe keâer lejn keâeÙe& keâjsiee~
(a) 1000 W (b) 660 W (a) Resistor/ØeeflejesOekeâ
(c) 500 W (d) 180 W (b) Capacitor/mebOeeefj$e
2424. In ac applications, a different measure of
(c) Inductor/Øesjkeâ
harmonics is needed. The total harmonic ratio
(THR) is given by : (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
S.meer. DevegØeÙeesieeW ceW neceexefvekeâ keâe Skeâ Deueie ceeheve 2429. Transients are caused because:
DeeJeMÙekeâ nw~ mechetCe& neceexefvekeâ Devegheele ........... kesâ Éeje š^eBefpeSbš nesles nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ–
efoÙee peeSiee~ 1. the load is suddenly connected to or
disconnected from the supply.
f rms − f12rms 2
f rms − f12rms uees[ DeÛeevekeâ mes mehueeF& mes mebÙeesefpele Ùee
(a) (b) 2
f rms f rms efJemebÙeesefpele nesles nw~
f12rms − f rms f12rms − f rms 2. of the sudden change in applied voltage
(c) (d) from one finite value to the other.
f rms f1rms
Skeâ efveefMÛele ceeve mes DevÙe lekeâ ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee ceW
2425. In a 3-phase system _______ the harmonics heefjJele&ve
have negative phase sequence.
3. of the change in stored energy in inductors
3-φ ØeCeeueer ceW ........... neceexefvekeäme ceW $e+Ceelcekeâ
and capacitors.
keâueeveg›eâce neslee nw~ Øesjkeâ Deewj mebOeeefj$e ceW meb«eefnle Tpee& ceW heefjJele&ve~
(a) 5
Which of the above statements are correct?
(b) 11
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve-mes keâLeve mener nw?
(c) 17
(d) All of these/FveceW mes meYeer (a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
2426. In a three-phase, balanced, delta connected (b) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
system, each phase voltage contains a (c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 2
fundamental, a third harmonic and a fifth (d) 1, 2 and 3/kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 3
harmonic of RMS values : 100 V, 30 V and 20 2430. There are no transients in pure resistance
V respectively. What is the RMS value of the circuits because they : / Megæ ØeeflejesOeer heefjheLe ceW
line-to-line voltage?
leerve Hesâpe, meblegefuele [suše keâveskeäšs[ efmemšce ceW, ØelÙeskeâ š^eBeEpeSš veneR nesles nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ Jes–
(a) offer high resistance
Hesâpe Jeesušspe ceW ceewefuekeâ (cegKÙe) Skeâ leermeje
nejceexefvekeäme Deewj Skeâ hee@ÛeJee nejceexefvekeäme Meeefceue nw GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe ØemleeefJele keâjles nw~
(b) obey ohm's law
efpevekesâ ceeve RMS ceW ›eâceMe: 100 V, 30 V Deewj 20
Deesce kesâ efveÙece keâe heeueve keâjles nw~
Jeesuš nw ueeFve mes ueeFve Jeesušspe keâe RMS ceeve
(c) have to stored energy
keäÙee nw?
Tpee& meb«eefnle keâjvee heÌ[lee nw~
(a) 1002 + 302 + 202 (d) are linear circuits
(b) 3 × 1002 + 302 + 202 jsKeerÙe heefjheLe nesles nw~
2431. In electrical circuits, transient currents are
(c) 1002 + 202 associated with : / JewÅegle heefjheLeeW ceW efkeâmekesâ meeLe
(d) 3 × 1002 + 202 š^eBeEpeSš OeejeSB mecyeefvOele nesleer nw–
2427. Which of the following will act as short circuit (a) resistors/ØeeflejesOekeâeW
at t = 0+ with zero initial conditions?
(b) inductors/ØesjkeâeW
efvecve ceW mes keâewve MetvÙe ØeejefcYekeâ DeJemLee kesâ meeLe t =
(c) capacitors/mebOeeefj$eeW
0+ hej heefjheLe ueIeg heefjheLe keâer lejn keâeÙe& keâjsiee?
(d) both (b) and (c)/(b) Deewj (c) oesveeW
(a) Capacitor/mebOeeefj$e
2432. The transients produced due to sudden but
(b) Inductor/Øesjkeâ energetic changes from one steady state of a
(c) Resistor/ØeeflejesOekeâ circuit to another are known as _______
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR transients
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 242 YCT
heefjheLe kesâ Skeâ efmLej DeJemLee mes otmejer hej DeÛeevekeâ 2438. An ideal voltage source will charge an ideal
uesefkeâve Tpee&Ùegòeâ heefjJele&veeW kesâ keâejCe GlheVe š^eBeEpeSš capacitor
keâes efkeâme ™he ceW peevee peelee nw? Skeâ DeeoMe& Jeesušlee œeesle Skeâ DeeoMe& mebOeeefj$e keâes
(a) transistion/š^ebefpeMeve Ûeepe& keâjlee nw–
(b) relaxation/efjuekeäMesmeve (a) in infinite time/Devevle meceÙe ceW
(c) initiation/ØeejcYeve (b) exponentially/ÛejIeeleebkeâer ™he ceW
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) instantaneously/leel#eefCekeâ ™he mes
2433. For a dc voltage an inductor: (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
[er.meer. Jeesušlee kesâ efueS Skeâ Øesjkeâ– 2439. If a unit step current is passed through a
(a) is virtually a short circuit capacitor what will be the voltage across the
JeemleefJekeâ ™he mes Meeš& mee|keâš neslee nw
Ùeefo Skeâ Ùetefveš mšshe Oeeje Skeâ mebOeeefj$e mes ØeJeeefnle
(b) is an open circuit/Keguee heefjheLe neslee nw
nesleer nw, lees mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe keäÙee nesiee?
(c) depends on polarity/OeÇgJelee hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw
(a) 0/MetvÙe
(d) depends on voltage value
Jeesušlee ceeve hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw (b) A step function/Skeâ mšshe Heâueve
*2434.A coil of resistance 20Ω and inductance 0.8 H is (c) A ramp function/Skeâ jwche Heâueve
connected to a 200V dc supply. The rate of (d) An impuse function/Skeâ DeeJesieer Heâueve
change of current of at t = 0+ is 2440. A capacitor of 100µF is charged to 10V
20Ω ØeeflejesOe Deewj 0.8 H ØesjkeâlJe Jeeueer Skeâ kegâC[ueer through a resistance of 10kΩ. It would be fully
200V [er.meer. mehueeF& mes mebÙeesefpele keâer peeleer nw~ t = 0+ charged in
hej Oeeje heefjJele&ve keâer oj nw– Skeâ 100µF, 10kΩ kesâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeOÙece mes 10V
(a) 16 A (b) 160 A lekeâ Ûeepe& efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Ùen ........... ceW hetCe& ™he mes
(c) 250 A (d) 4,000 A DeeJesefMele efkeâÙee peeSiee~
2435. When a unit impulse voltage is applied to an (a) 5 sec/5 meskesâC[ (b) 0.1 sec/0.1 meskesâC[
inductor of 1H, the energy supplied by the
source is / peye Skeâ FkeâeF& Fcheume Jeesušspe 1H Øesjkeâ (c) 1.0 sec/1.0 meskesâC[ (d) 0.5 sec/0.5 meskesâC[
hej ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw, lees œeesle Éeje mehueeF& keâer 2441. A coil with a certain number of turns has a
specified time constant. If the number of turns
peeves Jeeueer Tpee& nw– is doubled, its time consant would
(a) 2 J (b) 1 J Skeâ efveefMÛele Jele&ve mebKÙee Jeeueer kegâC[ueer ceW Skeâ
(c) 1/2 J (d) 1/4 J
efJeefMe<š meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ nw~ Ùeefo Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee
2436. Inductance affects the flow of direct current at
the time of : / ØesjkeâlJe efo<š Oeeje kesâ ØeJeen keâes efkeâme
oesiegveer keâj oer peeS, lees Fmekeâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ nesiee–
meceÙe ØeYeeefJele keâjlee nw? (a) remain unaffected/DeØeYeeefJele jnsiee

(a) turning off /še\veie Dee@heâ (b) become doubled/oesiegvee nesiee

(b) turning on /še\veie Dee@ve (c) become four fold/Ûeej iegvee nesiee

(c) turning on and off /še\veie Dee@ve Deewj Dee@heâ (d) get halved/DeeOee nes peeSiee
*2442.For the R-L circuit shown, the current i (t) for
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
unit step input voltage will rise to 0.63 in:
2437. A current impulse, 5 d(t) is forced through a
Øeoe|Mele R-L heefjheLe kesâ efueS ........... ceW Ùetefveš mšshe
capacitor C. The voltage, vC (t), across the
capacitor is given by: Fvehegš Jeesušspe kesâ efueS Oeeje 0.63 lekeâ yeÌ{sieer~
Skeâ Oeeje Fcheume 5 d(t) Skeâ mebOeeefj$e kesâ ceeOÙece mes
heâesme& efkeâÙee peelee nw~ mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe
vC (t) efkeâmekesâ Éeje efoÙee peeSiee?
(a) 5t (b) 5 u (t) – C
5 5u (t ) (a) 1s/1 meskesâC[ (b) 2s/2 meskesâC[
(c) t (d)
C C (c) 0.5s/0.5 meskesâC[ (d) 1.5s/1.5 meskesâC[
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 243 YCT
*2443.When a series R-L circuit is connected to a (c) It may have either the form (a) or the form of
voltage V at t = 0, the current passing through (a) plus (b)/Fmekeâe ™he Ùee lees (a) nes mekeâlee nw Ùee
the inductor L at t = 0+ is : lees ™he (a)+(b) nes mekeâlee nw~
t = 0 hej peye Skeâ R-L ßesCeer heefjheLe Skeâ Jeesušlee (d) It has the form e+at/Fmekeâe ™he e+at nw~
œeesle mes mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw, lees t = 0+ hej Øesjkeâ 2447. In the circuit shown in the figure, the switch is
mes ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje nw– opened at t = 0 after having been closed for a
long time. What is the current through 50Ω
(a) (b) ∞ resistor?
R efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe ceW yengle meceÙe kesâ efueS yevo
V nesves kesâ yeeo t = 0 hej efmJeÛe Keesue efoÙee peelee nw~ 50Ω
(c) 0 (d)
L ØeeflejesOekeâ mes ØeJeeefnle Oeeje nw?
*2444.The circuit shown in the figure is in steady-
state when the switch is closed at t = 0.
Assuming that the inductance is ideal, the
current through the inductor at t = 0+ equals
efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe t = 0 hej peye efmJeÛe yevo nw,
lees Ùen efmLej DeJemLee ceW nw~ Ùen ceeveles ngS efkeâ ØesjkeâlJe
(a) 3 e–1/160t (b) 3 e–1/100t
DeeoMe& nw, lees t = 0+ hej Øesjkeâ mes ØeJeeefnle Oeeje efkeâmekesâ –100t
(c) 3 e (d) 3 e–160t
yejeyej nw? 2448. A 0.2H inductor with an initial current of 4A is
in parallel with a resistor of 100Ω. The current
at 0.8 ms is :
4A ØeejefcYekeâ Oeeje kesâ meeLe Skeâ 0.2H keâe Øesjkeâ
100Ω kesâ Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ meeLe meceevlej ceW nw~
0.8ms hej Oeeje nw?
(a) 0 A (b) 0.5 A −6
(a) 4 e–0.4 A (b) 4e −16 × 10 A
(c) 1 A (d) 2 A −3 −3

2445. A unit step voltage is applied at t = 0 to a series (c) 4e −0.4 × 10 A (d) 4e −16 × 10 A
RL circuit with zero initial conditions: 2449. If an R-L circuit having impedance angle φ is
t = 0 hej MetvÙe ØeejefcYekeâ efmLeefle kesâ meeLe Skeâ Ùetefveš switched on when the applied sinusoidal
mšshe Jeesušspe efkeâmeer ßesCeer R-L heefjheLe hej ØeÙegòeâ voltage wave is passing through an angle θ.
There will be no switching transient if -
efkeâÙee peelee nw–
Ùeefo Skeâ R-L heefjheLe efpemeceW ØeefleyeeOee keâesCe φ nes,
(a) it is possible for the current to be oscillatory
peye ØeÙegòeâ pÙeeJe›eâerÙe Jeesušlee lejbie Skeâ keâesCe θ mes
Oeeje keâes oesueveerÙe nesves kesâ efueS Ùen mebYeJe nw~
iegpejlee nw, lees efmJeÛe Dee@ve efkeâÙee peelee nw~ keâesF&
(b) the voltage across the resistor at t = 0+ is zero
efmJeeEÛeie š^eBefpeSbš veneR nesiee, Ùeefo–
t = 0+ hej ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee MetvÙe nesleer nw~
(a) θ – φ = 0 (b) θ + φ = 0
(c) the energy stored in the inductor in the
(c) θ – φ = 90° (d) θ + φ = 90°
steady-state is zero/efmLej DeJemLee ceW Øesjkeâ ceW
2450. In an R-L circuit connected to an alternating
meb«eefnle Tpee& MetvÙe nesleer nw~ sinusoidal voltage the magnitude of transient
(d) the resistor current eventually falls to zero current primarily depends on the:
ØeeflejesOe Oeeje Devle ceW MetvÙe lekeâ efiejleer nw~ Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea pÙeeJe›eâerÙe Jeesušlee mes mebÙeesefpele Skeâ
2446. Which of the following is true for the complete heefjheLe ceW š^ebefpeSbš Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe cegKÙe ™he mes
response of any network voltage or current efveYe&j keâjlee nw–
variables for a step excitation to a first order (a) instant in the voltage cycle at which circuit is
circuit? closed/Jeesušspe Ûe›eâ ceW #eCe efpeme hej heefjheLe yevo
ØeLece keâesefš heefjheLe kesâ mšshe Gòespeve kesâ efueS efkeâmeer neslee nw~
vesšJeke&â Jeesušlee Ùee Oeeje Ûej kesâ hetCe& Devegef›eâÙee kesâ (b) impedance of the circuit/heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee
efueS efvecve ceW mes keâewve mener nw? (c) frequency of the voltage/Jeesušlee keâer DeeJe=efòe
(a) It has the form k 1e–at/Fmekeâe ™he k 1e–at nw~ (d) peak value of steady state current
(b) It has the form k./Fmekeâe ™he k nw~ efmLej DeJemLee Oeeje keâe efMeKej ceeve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 244 YCT
2451. An R-C series circuit is excited by a dc source. (a) zero/MetvÙe
After its switching on: (b) – 1 A
Skeâ R-C ßesCeer heefjheLe [er.meer. œeesle Éeje Gòesefpele (c) + 1 A
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Fmekeâes efmJeÛe Dee@ve keâjves kesâ yeeo–
(d) indeterminate/DeefveOee&efjle
(a) the voltages across resistance R and
capacitance are equal/ØeeflejesOe R Deewj kewâheefmešsvme 2455. In the following figure, C1 and C2 are ideal
capacitors, C1 has been charged to 12V before
kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee yejeyej nw~
the ideal switch S is closed at t = 0. The current
(b) the voltage across resistance is zero
i (t) for all t is:
ØeeflejesOe kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee MetvÙe nw~
efvecve efÛe$e ceW C1 Deewj C2 DeeoMe& mebOeeefj$e nw~ t = 0 hej
(c) the voltage across capacitance is zero
kewâheefmešsvme kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee MetvÙe nw~ DeeoMe& efmJeÛe S kesâ yevo nesves kesâ henues C1 keâes 12V
(d) the sum of the voltage across R and C is lekeâ Ûeepe& efkeâÙee peelee nw~ meYeer t kesâ efueS Oeeje i (t)
always equal to the supply voltage./ R Deewj C nw–
kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee keâe Ùeesie meowJe mehueeF& Jeesušspe kesâ
yejeyej neslee nw~
2452. What should be done to find the intial values of
the circuit variables in a first-order R-C circuit
excited by only initial conditions?
kesâJeue ØeejefcYekeâ efmLeefle Éeje Gòesefpele ØeLece keâesefš R-C (a) zero/MetvÙe
heefjheLe ceW heefjheLe ÛejeW keâe ØeejefcYekeâ ceeve Øeehle keâjves
(b) a step function/Skeâ mšshe heâueve
nsleg keäÙee keâjvee ÛeeefnS?
(c) an exponentially decaying function
(a) To replace the capacitor by a short circuit
mebOeeefj$e keâes Meeš& mee|keâš Éeje ØeeflemLeeefhele keâjvee~ Ûej Ieeleebkeâer ™he mes Iešlee ngDee heâueve
(b) To replace the capacitor by an open circuit (d) an impulse function/Skeâ Fcheume heâueve
mebOeeefj$e keâes Deeshesve mee|keâš Éeje ØeeflemLeeefhele keâjvee~ 2456. An ideal current source is connected to the
(c) To replace the capacitor by a voltage source disconnected circuit shown in the figure t = 0.
mebOeeefj$e keâes Jeesušlee œeesle Éeje ØeeflemLeeefhele keâjvee~ The time constant of the circuit is:
(d) To replace the capacitor by a current source t = 0 hej Skeâ DeeoMe& Oeeje œeesle Skeâ efJemebÙeesie heefjheLe
mebOeeefj$e keâes Oeeje œeesle mes ØeeflemLeeefhele keâjvee~ mes mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw, pewmee efkeâ efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele
2453. An initially relaxed RC-series network with R nw~ heefjheLe keâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ nw–
= 2 M Ω and C = 1 µF is a switched on to a 10V
step input. The voltage across the capacitor
after 2 seconds will be:
R = 2 MΩ Deewj C = 1 µF kesâ meeLe ØeejefcYekeâ ™he mes
efveefMÛele Skeâ RC-ßesCeer vesšJeke&â 10V mšshe Fvehegš hej
efmJeÛe Dee@ve efkeâÙee peelee nw~ 2 meskesâC[ yeeo mebOeeefj$e kesâ
S›eâe@me Jeesušspe nesiee– (a)
(b) RC
(a) zero/MetvÙe (b) 3.68 V 2
(c) 6.32 V (d) 10 V 9 RC
(c) 2RC (d)
*2454.In the circuit shown in the figure, the switch S 2
is closed at t = 0. *2457.The time constant for the given circuit will be:
The value of current at t = 0+ will be : efoS ieS heefjheLe kesâ efueS meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ nesiee–
efÛe$e ceW bØeoe|Mele heefjheLe ceW t = 0 hej efmJeÛe S yevo keâj
efoÙee peelee nw~ t = 0+ hej Oeeje keâe ceeve nesiee–

(a) 1/9s (b) 1/4s

(c) 4s (d) 9s
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 245 YCT
*2458.The time constant of the network shown in the 2462. The switch in the circuit has been closed for a
figure is : long time. It is opened at t = 0. At t = 0+, the
efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele vesšJeke&â keâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ nw– current through the 1 µF capacitor is:
heefjheLe ceW efmJeÛe uebyes meceÙe kesâ efueS yevo efkeâÙee ieÙee
nw~ t = 0 hej Ùen Keesuee ieÙee nw~ t = 0+ hej 1 µF
mebOeeefj$e mes ØeJeeefnle Oeeje nw–

(a) CR (b) 2CR

(c) (d)
4 2 (a) 0 A (b) 1 A
*2459.What is the time constant of the circuit? (c) 1.25 A (d) 5 A
heefjheLe keâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ keäÙee nw– 2463. In the circuit, if Vc (0) = 25V, the expression for
Vc (t) for t > 0 is:
heefjheLe ceW Ùeefo Vc (0) = 25V nes, lees t > 0 kesâ efueS Vc
(t) kesâ efueS JÙebpekeâ nw–

(a) 0.5s (b) 1s

(c) 2s (d) 4s
2460. An 11V pulse of 10µs duration is applied to the
circuit shown in given figure. Assuming that (a) Vc (t) = 20 e–0.4t V (b) Vc (t) = 20 e–2.5t V
the capacitor is completely discharged prior to –0.4t
(c) Vc (t) = 25 e V (d) Vc (t) = 25 e–2t V
applying the pulse, the peak value of the 2464. At t = 0, the switch K is thrown from b to a of
capacitor voltage is: the circuit shown in the figure. What are the
10µs DeJeefOe keâe Skeâ 11V heume efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW values of v (0+) and i (0+) ?
Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe hej ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw~ heume ØeÙegòeâ t = 0 hej Øeoe|Mele efÛe$e ceW heefjheLe keâe efmJeÛe K, b mes
keâjves mes henues Ùen ceeveles ngS efkeâ mebOeeefj$e hetCe& ™he mes a hej ueiee efoÙee peelee nw, lees v (0+) Deewj i (0+) keâe
ef[mÛeepe& nw, lees mebOeeefj$e Jeesušspe keâe efMeKej ceeve ceeve nw?

(a) 11 V (b) 5.5 V (a) 50 V, 90mA (b) 50 V, 100mA

(c) 6.32 V (d) 0.96 V (c) 50 V, 110mA (d) 50 V, 120mA
2465. The circuit shown in the given figure is in
2461. In the circuit shown in given figure, the switch
steady-state with switch S open. The switch is
is closed at t = 0. The current through the
closed at t = 0. What are the values of VC (0+)
capacitor will decrease exponentially with a
and VC (∞), respectively?
time constant:
efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe, efmJeÛe S Deeshesve kesâ
efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe ceW t = 0 hej efmJeÛe yebo
meeLe efmLej DeJemLee (mš[er mšsš) ceW nw~ t = 0 hej
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ mebOeeefj$e mes ØeJeeefnle Oeeje ........... meceÙe
efmJeÛe S yebo keâj efoÙee peelee nw, lees VC (0+) Deewj VC
efveÙeleebkeâ kesâ meeLe ÛejIeeleebkeâer ™he mes Iešleer nw~
(∞) kesâ ceeve ›eâceMe: nw?

(a) 0.5 s (b) 1 s (a) 0V, 0V (b) 0V, 2V

(c) 2s (d) 10 s (c) 2V, 0V (d) 2V, 2V
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 246 YCT
2466. Steady state is reached with S open. S is closed L
at t = 0. What is value of the current I at t = 0+? (a) R = 0 (b) R > 2
S Keguee nesves kesâ meeLe efmLej DeJemLee hengBÛelee nw~ t = 0
hej S yevo efkeâÙee peelee nw~ t = 0+ hej Oeeje I keâe ceeve (c) R < 2 (d) R = 2
keäÙee nw? 2471. When is a series RLC circuit overdamped?
ßesCeer RLC heefjheLe keâye Deefle DeJecebefole nesleer nw?

R2 1 R2 1
(a) = (b) <
4 L2 LC 4L C
(a) 1 A (b) 2 A R2 1 R2 1
(c) > (d) =
(c) 3 A (d) 4 A 4L C 4C 2
2467. In the circuit shown in the given figure, the 2472. For a parallel R-L-C resonant circuit, the
values of i (0+) and I (∞), will be respectively damped frequency is 8 r/s and bandwidth is
efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe ceW i (0+) Deewj I (∞) 2 r/s. What is its resonant frequency?
keâe ceeve ›eâceMe: nesiee– meceevlej R-L-C Devegveeoer heefjheLe kesâ efueS [wch[
DeeJe=efòe 8 r/s Deewj yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF& 2 r/s nw~ Devegveeoer
DeeJe=efòe keäÙee nw?
(a) 2 (b) 7
(c) 10 (d) 3
2473. In a network containing resistances and
reactances the roots of the characteristic
(a) zero and 1.5 A/zero Deewj 1.5 A equation give for the circuit :/ Skeâ vesšJeke&â efpemeceW
(b) 1.5 A and 3 A/1.5 A Deewj 3 A ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØeefleIeele nes, lees DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ
(c) 3 A and zero/3 A Deewj zero meceerkeâjCe kesâ cetue heefjheLe kesâ efueS osles nw–
(d) 3 A and 1.5 A/3 A Deewj 1.5 A (a) the forced response/yeuehetCe& Devegef›eâÙee
(b) the total response/mechetCe& Devegef›eâÙee
2468. A series L-C circuit is suddenly connected to a
dc voltage source of V volts. The current in the (c) the natural response/Øeeke=âeflekeâ Devegef›eâÙee
series circuit, just after the switch is closed, is (d) the damped response/DeJeceefvole Devegef›eâÙee
equal to 2474. The circuit shown in the given figure is a:
Skeâ ßesCeer L-C heefjheLe DeÛeevekeâ V Jeesuš kesâ [ermeer efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe nw, Skeâ–
Jeesušlee œeesle mes mebÙeesefpele neslee nw~ efmJeÛe yebo nesves kesâ
legjvle yeeo ner ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW Oeeje......... kesâ yejeyej nw~
(a) (b)
(c) zero /MetvÙe (d)
LC (a) low pass filter/efvecve heeme efheâušj
*2469.A 100Ω resistor has an effective inductance of (b) high pass filter/GÛÛe heeme efheâušj
0.1 µH and a distributed capacitance of 10 pF. (c) band pass filter/yewC[ heeme efheâušj
Its time constant at medium frequency is:
(d) band stop filter/yewC[ mše@he efheâušj
Skeâ 100Ω kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe ØeYeeJeer ØesjkeâlJe 0.1 µH nw 2475. If the numerator of a second-order transfer
Deewj efJeleefjle Oeeefjlee 10 pF nw~ ceOÙece DeeJe=efòe hej function F(s) is a constant, then the filter is a:
Fmekeâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ nesiee– efÉleerÙe keâesefš kesâ š^ebmeheâece&j heâueve F(s) keâe DebMe Ùeefo
(a) 0 ns (b) 1 ns efveÙele nes, lees efheâušj neslee nw–
(c) 2 ns (d) 3 ns (a) band -pass filter/yewC[ heeme efheâušj
2470. Transient current in an R-L-C circuit is (b) band -stop filter/yewC[ mšehe efheâušj
oscillatory when :/ R-L-C heefjheLe ceW š^ebefpeSbš Oeeje (c) high-pass filter/GÛÛe heeme-efheâušj
oesueveerÙe nesleer nw, peye– (d) low-pass filter/efvecve heeme efheâušj
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 247 YCT
2476. If two identical first order low-pass filters are 2480. The circuit of the figure represents a:
cascaded non-interactively, then the unit step efÛe$e keâe heefjheLe Øeoe|Mele keâjlee nw–
response of the composite filter will be :
Ùeefo oes Skeâmeceeve ØeLece keâesefš kesâ efvecve heeme efheâušj
iewj hejmhej ™he mes keâemkesâ[ efkeâS ieS nes, leye keâcheesefpeš
efheâušj keâe Ùetefveš mšshe Devegef›eâÙee keäÙee nesieer?
(a) critically damped/›eâebeflekeâ ™he mes DeJecebefole
(b) underdamped/DeC[j[wch[
(c) overdamped/DeesJej[wch[
(a) low pass filter/efvecveheeme efheâušj
(d) oscillatory/oesueveerÙe
2477. The RC circuit shown in the figure is: (b) high pass filter/GÛÛe heeme efheâušj
efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele RC heefjheLe nw– (c) band pass filter/yewC[ heeme efheâušj
(d) band reject filter/yewC[ efjpeskeäšj efheâušj
2481. The maximum value of an ac quantity is
S.meer. jeefMe keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeve keânueelee nw ............
(a) a low-pass filter/Skeâ efvecve-heeme efheâušj (a) Amplitude/DeeÙeece
(b) a high-pass filter/Skeâ GÛÛe-heeme efheâušj (b) Peak of peak value/ Meeer<e& mes Meer<e& ceeve
(c) a band-pass filter/Skeâ yewC[-heeme efheâušj (c) RMS value/Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve
(d) a band-reject filter/Skeâ yewC[-efjpeskeäš efheâušj (d) None of above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR~
2478. The pole-zero pattern of a certain filter is 2482. Average power is purely resistive ac circuit is
shown in figure. The filter must be: equal to P = ............. / Megæ ØeeflejesOeer S.meer. heefjheLe
Skeâ efveefMÛele efheâušj keâe OeÇgJe-MetvÙe hewšve& efÛe$e ceW keâe Deewmele Meefòeâ P kesâ yejeyej nw
Øeoe|Mele nw, lees efheâušj nesvee ÛeeefnS–
(a) VI sin φ (b) VI cos φ
(c) VI (d) VMIM
2483. The ............... can never store energy.
.............. keâYeer veneR Tpee& Yeb[eefjle keâj mekeâlee nw~
(a) Resistor/ØeeflejesOe
(b) Inductor/Øesjkeâ
(c) Capacitor/Oeeefjlee
(d) Energy source/Tpee& œeesle
(a) low-pass type/efvecve-heeme šeFhe
2484. The average power consumed by a pure
(b) high-pass type/GÛÛe-heeme šeFhe capacitor is ..................
(c) band-pass type/yewC[-heeme šeFhe Megæ mebOeeefj$e kesâ Éeje Kehele Deewmele Meefòeâ nw–
(d) all-pass type/meYeer-heeme šeFhe (a) VI sin φ (b) VI
2479. The pole-zero pattern shown in the given figure (c) VI cos φ (d) 0
is for :/efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heesue-MetvÙe hewšve& 2485. The RLC series circuit is ............... if XL = XC.
.......... kesâ efueS nw~ ßesCeer RLC Devegveeoer heefjheLe nw .......... Ùeefo XL = XC
(a) Inductive/ØesjkeâerÙe
(b) Capacitive/OeeefjleerÙe
(c) Resistive/ØeeflejesOeer
(d) None of above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2486. The parallel resonant circuit is called
meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe keânueelee nw –
(a) a low-pass filter/Skeâ efvecve-heeme efheâušj (a) Selector/mesueskeäšj
(b) a high-pass filter/Skeâ GÛÛe-heeme efheâušj (b) Rejecter/efjpeskeäšj
(c) an all -pass filter/meYeer-heeme efheâušj (c) Voltage amplifier/Jeesušlee ØeJeOe&keâ
(d) a band-pass filter/Skeâ yewC[-heeme efheâušj (d) None of above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 248 YCT
2487. The reactive power is also called as .......... *2494.An alternating voltage is represented by V = 25
power and it expressed in ................ sin (200πt) then its form factor is .............
efjSefkeäšJe hee@Jej ........... Yeer keânueeleer nw Deewj Fmes ......... Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee V = 25 sin (200πt) kesâ Éeje
ceW ØeoefMe&le keâjles nw~ ØeoefMe&le nw leye Fmekeâe ™he iegCekeâ nw–
(a) True, VAR/JeemleefJekeâ, VAR (a) 1.0
(b) Imaginary, VAR /keâeuheefvekeâ, VAR (b) 1.11057
(c) Imaginary, VA/keâeuheefvekeâ VA (c) 2.0
(d) Real, VA/JeemleefJekeâ, VA (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
2488. 1 Cycle = ........... 2495. The lamp load is an example of ............. load.
Skeâ Ûe›eâ = ............. ? uewche uees[ ............ keâe GoenjCe nw~
(a) π radian/π jsef[Ùeve (b) 2π radian/2π jsef[Ùeve (a) Purely resistive/Megæ ØeeflejesOeer
(c) 4 radian /4 jsef[Ùeve (d) 180 0 (b) Purely inductive/Megæ ØesjkeâerÙe
2489. The average value of a symmetrical AC (c) Purely capacitive/Megæ OeeefjleerÙe
waveform is determined from the ................. of (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR~
the waveform. *2496.The time constant of an RL circuit is 1 second
Skeâ meceefcele S.meer. JesJeHeâece& keâe Deewmele ceeve ........... kesâ and its inductor is 8H, the resistance of the coil
JesJeHeâece& mes %eele keâjles nw~ is ................. Ω. / RL heefjheLe keâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ 1
(a) Full cycle/hetCe& Ûe›eâ meskesâC[ nw Deewj Fmekeâe ØesjkeâlJe 8H (nsvejer), kegâC[ueer
(b) Half cycle/Deæ& Ûe›eâ keâe ØeeflejesOe Deesce ceW nw~
(c) Full or half cycle/hetCe& Ùee Deæ& Ûe›eâ (a) 8 (b) 1/8
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 0.25 (d) 1
2490. The length of the phasor represents the ............ 2497. Two impedances (16 + j12) and (6 + j10) are
of the sinusoidal / hesâpej keâer uecyeeF& pÙeeJe›eâ kesâ connected in series the net impedance will be:
......... keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~ oes ØeefleyeeOeeSB (16 + j12) Deewj (6 + j10) ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[er
(a) Amplitude/DeeÙeece ngF& nw meceleguÙe ØeefleyeeOee nesieer–
(b) Average value/Deewmele ceeve (a) (10 + j12) (b) (22 + j22)
(c) RMS value/Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue ceeve (c) (22 + j2) (d) (22 – j2)
2498. A coil has a reactance of 100 ohms at 100 Hz.
(d) Instantaneous value/leel#eefCekeâ ceeve
The reactance of this coil at 1 kHz will be:
2491. The phasor rotates in ............. direction.
hesâpej............... ceW Ietcelee nw~ Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâe ØeefleIeele 100 Deesce nw 100 nšd&pe hej~
1 kHz hej Fme kegâC[ueer keâe ØeefleIeele nesiee-
(a) Clockwise /IeÌ[er keâer efoMee
(a) 10 ohms (b) 10 k ohms
(b) Anti Clockwise/IeÌ[er keâer efJehejerle efoMee
(c) 100 ohms (d) 1 k ohms
(c) Random/FOej–GOej (efpeie–pewie) 2499. The Q–factor of a coil is given by
(d) None of these /FveceW mes keâesF& veneR Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâe Q–iegCekeâ neslee nw–
2492. ............... is the rate of change of ωt with (a) Its power factor cos φ /Fmekeâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ cos φ
respect to time. / ............ meceÙe kesâ meehes#e ωt ceW
(b) Ratio of max. energy stored & energy
heefjJele&ve keâer oj neslee nw~ dissipated per cycle/DeefOekeâlece YeC[eefjle Tpee& keâe
(a) One cycle/Skeâ Ûe›eâ Devegheele Deewj Tpee& Glmeefpe&le hej ØelÙeskeâ Ûe›eâ
(b) Angular velocity/keâesCeerÙe ieefle (c) Reciprocal of its power factor
(c) Frequency/DeeJe=efòe Fvekesâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâe JÙegl›eâce
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) Ratio R/Z/R/Z keâe Devegheele
2493. Amount of light produced by a lamp or the 2500. In an R–L–C circuit, the phase of the current
amount of heat produced by an iron is with respect to the circuit voltage will be
proportional to the ............. .............
Skeâ uewche kesâ Éeje GlheVe ngF& ØekeâeMe keâer cee$ee Ùee Skeâ Skeâ R–L–C heefjheLe ceW, Oeeje keâe hesâpe heefjheLe Jeesušlee
ueewn kesâ Éeje GlheVe ngF& T<cee keâer cee$ee...... meceevegheeleer kesâ meehes#e .......... nesiee~
nesleer nw~ (a) Leading/De«eieeceer
(a) Square of RMS value/Jeie& keâe Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve (b) Same/Skeâ meceeve/ DeheefjJeefle&le
(b) RMS value/Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve (c) Lagging/he§eieeceer
(c) Square of average value/Jeie& keâe Deewmele ceeve (d) Depends upon the value of L and C
(d) Average value/Deewmele ceeve L Deewj C kesâ ceeve hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 249 YCT
2501. The frequency of DC supply is .............. 2508. VI cos φ is same as :
DC keâer mehueeF& DeeJe=efòe nesleer nw– VI cos φ keâs meceeve nw pewmes–
(a) Zero/MetvÙe (b) 16 Hz/16 nšd&pe (a) I2R (b) I2Z
(c) 50 Hz/50 nšd&pe (d) 100 Hz/100 nšd&pe (c) IR (d) V/I
2502. Q factor of an inductive coil is given by 2509. In a balanced star connected polyphase system
Skeâ ØesjkeâerÙe kegâC[ueer keâe Q–iegCekeâ efoÙee ieÙee nw– the current flowing. through the neutral wire is :
R 2πfr Skeâ meblegefuele mšej ceW pegÌ[er yenghesâpe heæefle ceW, vÙetš^ue
(a) (b)
Z R JeeÙej mes yenves Jeeueer Oeeje nw–
2πfL 1r (a) sum of the three phase current
(c) (d)
R ℓ leerve hesâpe Oeeje keâe Ùeesie
2503. The relationship between the frequency of ac
(b) zero/MetvÙe
wave and the time period is given by
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje lejbie keâer DeeJe=efòe Deewj DeeJele& keâeue kesâ (c) equal to current in one phase
yeerÛe mecyevOe efoÙee ieÙee nw– Skeâue hesâpe ceW yenves Jeeueer Oeeje kesâ yejeyej
(d) difference of current in two phases
(a) f = T (b) f = oes hesâpe ceW Oeeje keâe Devlej
2510. Power factor is the ratio of:
(c) f = (d) f = T 2 Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ......... keâe Devegheele neslee nw~
2504. In an a.c. circuit, a purely inductive coil is (a) Resistance/Impedance/ØeeflejesOe/ØeefleyeeOee
connected. What is the power factor of this (b) Impedance/Resistance /ØeefleyeeOee/ØeeflejesOe
circuit? (c) Resistance/Reactance /ØeeflejesOe/ØeefleIeele
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW Skeâ Megæ ØesjkeâerÙe
(d) Reactance/Resistance /ØeefleIeele/ØeeflejesOe
kegâC[ueer pegÌ[er nw~ Fme heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keäÙee nw~ 2511. Unit of apparent power is
(a) Zero/MetvÙe DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ keâer FkeâeF& nw–
(b) Unity/FkeâeF&
(a) KVA (b) KW
(c) 0.5 (c) KVAR (d) KWH
(d) 0.5 to unity/0.5 mes FkeâeF& 2512. In a star connected 3 phase system:
2505. Total instantaneous power supplied by a 3– Skeâ mšej/leeje ceW pegÌ[er ngF& leerve hesâpe heæefle ceW
phase ac supply to a balanced R–L load is
Skeâ 3-Hesâpe ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Deehetefle& Éeje Skeâ meblegefuele (a) phase voltage = 3 × line voltage
R–L uees[ keâes Deehetefle& keâer ieF& kegâue leel#eefCekeâ Meefòeâ nw– hesâpe Jeesušlee = 3 × ueeFve Jeesušlee
(a) Zero/MetvÙe (b) phase voltage = Line voltage
(b) Constant/efveÙele hesâpe Jeesušlee = ueeFve Jeesušlee
(c) Pulsating with zero average
line voltage
MetvÙe Deewmele kesâ meeLe heumesefšbie (c) Phase voltage =
(d) Pulsating with non–zero average
DeMetvÙe Deewmele kesâ meeLe heumesefšbie ueeFve Jeesušlee
hesâpe Jeesušlee =
2506. If the capacitance C of a capacitor is kept 3
constant, the capacitive reactance Xc varies (d) phase voltage = 3× line voltage
inversely proportional with
hesâpe Jeesušlee = 3 × ueeFve Jeesušlee
Ùeefo Skeâ mebOeeefj$e kesâ Oeeefjlee C keâes efveÙele jKee peeS
2513. KVAR = .................... :
lees OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele Xc kesâ meeLe JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer nesleer nw–
(a) VI cosφ (b) KW sinφ
(a) current/Oeeje (b) voltage/Jeesušlee
(c) KW cosφ (d) KVA sinφ
(c) resistance/ØeeflejesOe (d) frequency/DeeJe=efòe 2514. The form factor of a ................. wave is 1.
2507. An alternating voltage is represented by .................. lejbie keâe ™he iegCekeâ 1 neslee nw~
e=141.4 sin 377t. What is the frequency?
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee e = 141.4 sin 377t kesâ Éeje (a) sinusoidal/pÙeeJe›eâerÙe
ØeoefMe&le keâer ieF& nw, DeeJe=efòe keäÙee nw? (b) square/Jeiee&keâej
(a) 50 Hertz (b) 60 Hertz (c) rectangular/DeeÙeleekeâej
(c) 40 Hertz (d) 55 Hertz (d) triangular /ef$eYegpeekeâej

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 250 YCT

2515. The efficiency of single phase system for same 2521. A reactance having an inductor of 0.15 H is
output is : / Skeâue–hesâpe heæefle keâer o#elee Skeâ connected in series with 10 Ω resistance. What
meceeve efveie&le kesâ efueS nw– will be the inductive reactance?
Skeâ efjSkeäšWme 0.15 nsvejer ØesjkeâlJe kesâ meeLe 10 Deesce
(a) more than three phase/leerve hesâpe mes DeefOekeâ
ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe ßesCeer›eâce ceW peg[
Ì e nw~ ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele
(b) equal to three phase/leerve hesâpe kesâ yejeyej
keäÙee nesiee?
(c) less than three phase/leerve hesâpe mes keâce
(a) 4815 Ω
(d) half times of three phase/leerve hesâpe keâe DeeOee
(b) 47.1 Ω
2516. In active filter which element is absent? (c) 1.5 Ω
meef›eâÙe efheâušj ceW keâewve mee DeJeÙeJe DevegheefmLele neslee nw? (d) None of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF&
(a) Inductor/ØesjkeâlJe 2522. Peak factor is defined as ratio of
(b) Capacitor/Oeeefjlee heerkeâ (Meer<e&) iegCekeâ kesâ Devegheele ceW heefjYeeef<ele nw–
(c) Both of above/Thej kesâ oesveeW (a) maximum value to rms value.
(d) Resistor/ØeeflejesOe DeefOekeâlece ceeve Deewj Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve
2517. A capacitor of 50 microfarad is connected is (b) average value to rms value.
series with a resistance of 120 Ω. If above Deewmele ceeve Deewj Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve
circuit is connected across 240 V, 50 Hz 1–φ (c) rms value to average value.
supply. Find the capacitive reactance? Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve Deewj Deewmele ceeve
Skeâ 50 ceeF›eâesHewâj[ mebOeeefj$e Skeâ 120Ω kesâ ØeeflejesOe (d) rms value to maximum value.
kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ›eâce ceW pegÌ[e nw~ Ùeefo GheÙeg&òeâ heefjheLe Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve Deewj DeefOekeâlece ceeve
2523. Whenever current is supplied by a source it's
240 V, 50 Hz kesâ S›eâe@me pegÌ[e nw~ OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele
terminal voltage
%eele keâjs~ peye keâYeer Oeeje Œeesle kesâ Éeje mehueeF& keâer peeleer nw,
(a) 63.7 Ω (b) 0.015 Ω Fmekeâe šefce&veue Jeesušspe–
(c) 135.86 Ω (d) 1.765 Ω (a) increases/yeÌ{lee nw
2518. To a highly inductive circuit, a small
(b) decreases/Iešlee nw
capacitance is added in series. The angle
(c) remains constant/DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw
between voltage and current will
Skeâ GÛÛe ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe kesâ efueS Skeâ Úesše mebOeeefj$e (d) increases exponentially/IeeleebkeâerÙe yeÌ{lee nw
2524. A branch of a network is said to be passive
ßesCeer ceW peesÌ[e ieÙee~ Jeesušlee Deewj Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe keâesCe
when it contains / efkeâmeer vesšJeke&â keâer Skeâ MeeKee keâes
nesiee– efveef<›eâÙe keâne peelee nw peye FmeceW Meeefceue neslee nw–
(a) decrease/Iešesòejer
(a) voltmeter/Jeesušceeršj
(b) increase/yeÌ{esòejer (b) voltage source/Jeesušlee œeesle
(c) remain same/DeheefjJeefle&le (Skeâ meceeve) (c) current source/Oeeje œeesle
(d) indeterminate /DemeejefCekeâ (FefC[šjefcevesš) (d) battery/yewšjer
2519. Advantage of active filter is *2525.An RLC circuit has a resonance frequency of
meef›eâÙe efheâušj keâe ueeYe nw– 160 kHz and a Q–factor of 100. Its band width
(a) do not offer gain/ueeYe Øeoeve veneR keâjlee is / Skeâ ßesCeer RLC heefjheLe keâer Devegveeo DeeJe=efòe 160
(b) easy to tune/ efšŸetve keâjves ceW Deemeeve efkeâueesnšd&pe nw Deewj keäJeeefuešer iegCekeâ Q 100 nw~ Fmekeâe
(c) both of above/GheÙeg&òeâ oesveeW yewC[efJe[dLe nw–
(d) derive high impedance load (a) 1.6 kHz/1.6 efkeâueesnšd&pe
GÛÛe ØeefleyeeOee uees[ Øeehle keâjs (b) 0.625 kHz/0.625 efkeâueesnšd&pe
2520. The voltage across R and L in a series RL (c) 16 MHz/16 efkeâueesnšd&pe
circuit are found to be 200 V and 150 V (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
respectively. The rms value of the voltage *2526.A certain AC circuit has resistance of 10 Ω and
across the series combination is .................V.
impedance of 20 Ω. The phase angle of voltage
ØeeflejesOe (R) Deewj ØesjkeâlJe (L) kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušspe Skeâ and current of the circuit is
ßesCeer R L heefjheLe ceW ›eâceMe: 200 Jeesuš Deewj 150 Skeâ efveef§ele ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe keâe ØeeflejesOe 10
Jeesuš heeÙee ieÙee~ ßesCeer mebÙeespeve kesâ S›eâe@bme Jeesušlee keâe Deesce Deewj ØeefleyeeOee 20 Deesce nw~ heefjheLe kesâ Jeesušlee
Jeie& ceeOÙe cetueceeve ............. Jeesuš ceW nw~ Deewj Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe hesâpe keâesCe nw–
(a) 360 (b) 250 (a) 600 (b) 300
(c) 200 (d) 450 (c) 900 (d) 450
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 251 YCT
2527. A circuit with resistor, inductor, capacitor is Skeâ ßesCeer RL heefjheLe kesâ 30 Deesce ØeeflejesOe Deewj 40
series is resonant of 50 Hz. If all the values are Deesce ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele keâe, ØeefleyeeOee nw–
now doubled, the new resonant frequency is (a) 70 ohms (b) 40 ohms
Skeâ heefjheLe ØeeflejesOe, ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee ßesCeer ceW (c) 10 ohms (d) 50 ohms
Devegveeo kesâ meeLe 50 nšd&pe nw~ Ùeefo meYeer ceeve Deye oes 2535. In a parallel R C circuit, 1 A flows through
iegvee nes peeS veS Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe nw– resistive branch and 1 A through the capacitive
branch. What is the total current?
f0 f
(a) (b) 0 Skeâ meceeveevlej R C heefjheLe ceW, 1 SefcheÙej Oeeje
2 4
(c) 2f 0 (d) stillf 0 / f 0 lekeâ
ØeeflejesOeer MeeKee mes Deewj 1 SefcheÙej OeeefjleerÙe MeeKee mes
yenleer nw kegâue Oeeje keäÙee nw?
2528. The maximum value of power factor in an A.C.
(a) 1 A (b) 2 A
circuit is / Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceWs Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
(c) 1.41 A (d) 2.28 A
keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeve nw– 2536. What is the effect of low power factor in the
(a) 100 (b) 10 electrical system?
(c) 0 (d) 1 efJeÅegle heæefle ceW efvecve Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâe keäÙee ØeYeeJe nw?
2529. While drawing the phasor diagram of a (a) Efficiency will be more/o#elee DeefOekeâ nesiee
parallel circuit, which one is taken as the
(b) Current will be increased/Oeeje yeÌ{ peeSieer
reference : / meceevlej heefjheLe keâe Hesâpej [e@Ùe«eece
(c) Current will be reduced /Oeeje Ieš peeSieer
KeerÛeles meceÙe efkeâmekeâes mevoYe& kesâ ®he ceW efueÙee peelee nw? (d) Life of the equipment is increased
(a) Current/Oeeje GhekeâjCe keâe peerJeve yeÌ{ peelee nw
(b) Voltage/Jeesušspe 2537. The reciprocal of impedance is:
(c) Power/Meefòeâ ØeefleyeeOee keâe Guše/efJehejerle nw–
(d) None of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) susceptance /memmeshšsvme
2530. If one cycle of AC waveform occurs every (b) conductance /Ûeeuekeâlee
millisecond, the frequency will be (c) admittance /ØeJesMÙelee
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje lejbie keâe Skeâ Ûe›eâ ØelÙeskeâ efceueermeskesâC[ (d) inductance /ØesjkeâlJe
ceW Øeehle neslee nw, DeeJe=efòe nesieer– 2538. Amplitude factor of the sinusoidal AC is:
(a) 100 Hz (b) 1000 Hz pÙeeJe›eâerÙe S.meer. keâe DeeÙeece iegCekeâ nw~
(c) 50 Hz (d) 10 Hz (a) 1.11 (b) 1.414
2531. The r.m.s. value of sine wave is: (c) 0.707 (d) 0.637
pÙee lejbie keâe Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue ceeve nw– 2539. A 3 phase 15 KVA load is having 0.8 power
(a) 1 (b) 0.5 factor. The true power of the circuit is:
(c) 0 (d) 0.707 Skeâ 3–φ (leerve keâueerÙe) 15 efkeâueesJeesuš SefcheÙej
2532. What is represented by the hypotenuse of (KVA) keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ 0.8 nw~ heefjheLe keâe JeemleefJekeâ
impedance triangle?
ØeefleyeeOee ef$eYegpe kesâ neFheesšsveme (keâCe&) Éeje keäÙee keäÙee Meef òeâ nw :
(a) 15 KW (b) 20 KW
oMee&Ùee peelee nw? (c) 8 KW (d) 12 KW
(a) Impedance drop/ØeefleyeeOee [^ehe (Kehele) 2540. What is the formula for reactive power in a 3–
(b) Resistance drop/ØeeflejesOe [^ehe phase system?
(c) Reactance drop/ØeefleIeele [^ehe 3–φ heæefle ceW efjSefkeäšJe Meefòeâ kesâ efueS met$e keäÙee nw?
(d) Apparent power/DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ (a) 3VL IL sin φ (b) 3 Vph Iph sin φ
2533. What is the periodic Time T of an oscillation of
50 cycles per second? (c) 3 VL I L cos φ (d) 3 VL IL sin φ
50 Ûe›eâ/mes. Skeâ oesueve keâe DeeJele&keâeue (T) keäÙee nw? 2541. Three phase balanced load means, all the three
(a) T = 2ms/T = 2 efceueer meskesâC[ phase has : / leerve hesâpe (3–φ) meblegefuele uees[ keâe DeLe&,
(b) T = 20 ms/T = 20 efceueer meskesâC[ meYeer leerve hesâpe nw–
(c) T = 5 ms/T = 5 efceueer meskesâC[ (a) equal power factor/meceeve Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
(d) T = 50 ms/T = 50 efceueer meskesâC[ (b) equal phase current/meceeve hesâpe Oeeje
2534. A series RL circuit has a resistance of 30 ohms (c) equal power factor and phase current
and an inductive reactance of 40 ohms. The meceeve Meefòeâ iegCekeâ Deewj hesâpe Oeeje
impedance is : (d) equal line current/meceeve ueeFve Oeeje
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 252 YCT
2542. Ratio of resonance frequency to band width is: 2549. If a resistor 6 Ω is connected is series with a 8Ω
Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe Deewj yewC[ efJe[dLe keâe Devegheele neslee capacitive reactance, Find its impedance
nw– Ùeefo Skeâ 6 Deesce ØeeflejesOe, 8 Deesce OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele
(a) Form factor/™he iegCekeâ kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[e nw~ Fmekeâe ØeefleyeeOee %eele keâerefpeS–
(b) Resonance factor/Devegveeoer iegCekeâ (a) 14 Ω (b) 10 Ω
(c) Peak factor/heerkeâ (Meer<e&) iegCekeâ (c) 8 Ω (d) 6 Ω
What frequency will be the fourth harmonic of
(d) Q–factor/Q–iegCekeâ
12 MHz?
2543. Total opposition offered by R–L series circuit is 12 cesiee nšd&pe keâe ÛelegLe& neceexefvekeäme keäÙee nesieer?
called/R–L/ßesCeer heefjheLe Éeje Øemlegle kegâue DeJejesOe -
(a) 48 MHz/48 cesieenšd&pe
------- keâes keâne peelee nw~
(b) 4 MHz/4 cesieenšd&pe
(a) Resistance/ØeeflejesOe
(c) 120 MHz/120 cesieenšd&pe
(b) Reactance/ØeefleIeele
(d) 3 MHz/3 cesieenšd&pe
(c) Impedance/ØeefleyeeOee 2551. In a balanced star connected system:
(d) Inductive reactance/ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele Skeâ mevlegefuele mšej ceW pegÌ[er heæefle ceW
2544. The unit of inductive reactance is: (a) line current are 1800 apart
ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele keâer FkeâeF& nw– ueeFve Oeeje 1800 otj neslee nw
(a) Volt/Jeesuš (b) Henry/nsvejer (b) line current are 300 behind phase current
(c) Calorie/kewâueesjer (d) Ohm/Deesce ueeFve Oeeje 300 hesâpe Oeeje kesâ heerÚs nw
2545. The cause with low power factor is : (c) line voltage are 1200 apart
efvecve Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâe keâejCe nw– ueeFve Jeesušlee 1200 otj neslee nw
(a) More inductive load/DeefOekeâ ØesjkeâerÙe uees[ (d) line and phase voltages are same
(b) More than rated load/jsšs[ uees[ mes DeefOekeâ ueeFve Deewj hesâpe Jeesušlee meceeve nw~
2552. The conjugate of (–a–jb) is
(c) More than rated voltage/jsšs[ Jeesušspe mes DeefOekeâ
(–a–jb) keâe mebÙegiceer nw–
(d) Not properly earthed/mener {bie mes DeLe& veneR
(a) –a + jb (b) a + jb
2546. 3–phase star connection: (c) a – jb (d) – jb –a
3–φ mšej mebÙeespeve– 2553. A resistance is connected is series with an
(a) Line current is less than phase current inductive coil. The phase difference between
ueeFve Oeeje keâce nw hesâpe Oeeje mes the current and applied voltage:
(b) Line current = 3 phase current
Skeâ ØeeflejesOe Skeâ ØesjkeâerÙe kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW
pegÌ[er nw~ ØeÙegòeâ Oeeje Deewj Jeesušlee kesâ yeerÛe hesâpe Devlej nw–
ueeFve Oeeje = 3 hesâpe Oeeje
(a) Increases with increase in supply frequency
(c) Line current is more than phase current
mehueeF& DeeJe=efòe kesâ yeÌ{ves kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw
ueeFve Oeeje DeefOekeâ nw hesâpe Oeeje mes
(b) Remains constant/efveÙele jnlee nw
(d) Line current = phase current
(c) Decreases with increase in frequency
ueeFve Oeeje = hesâpe Oeeje
DeeJe=efòe kesâ yeÌ{ves kesâ meeLe Iešlee nw
2547. In the complex number 4+j7, 7 is called the
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
............. component
meefcceße mebKÙee 4+j7 ceW 7........... DeJeÙeJe keânueelee nw~ 2554. The electrical degrees in between the phase of a
3 phase system is / Skeâ leerve hesâpe heæefle ceW hesâpees kesâ
(a) real/JeemleefJekeâ
yeerÛe efJeÅegleerÙe keâesCe nesleer nw~
(b) imaginary/keâeuheefvekeâ
(a) 150 (b) 100
(c) phase/hesâpe (c) 120 (d) 90
(d) quadrature/keäJee[^sÛej 2555. The power factor of a purely capacitive circuit
2548. In a parallel ac circuit, power loss is due to is :/Skeâ Megæ OeeefjleerÙe heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ nw–
................/ meceeveevlej ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW, (a) zero lag/MetvÙe he§e (b) 0.5 lead/0.5 De«e
Meefòeâ neefve kesâ Éeje neslee nw– (c) zero lead/MetvÙe De«e (d) 0.5 lag/0.5 he§e
(a) conductance alone/kesâJeue Ûeeuekeâlee 2556. The peak–to–peak value of a 40 V sine wave is
(b) susceptance alone/kesâJeue memmeshšsvMe Skeâ 40 Jeesuš pÙee lejbie keâe heerkeâ-št-heerkeâ ceeve nw–
(c) both A and B/A Deewj B oesveeW (a) 80 V/80 Jeesuš (b) 100 V/100 Jeesuš
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 113 V/113 Jeesuš (d) 120 V/120 Jeesuš
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 253 YCT
*2557.An alternating voltage is given by v=20 sin 2563. A sinusoidal alternating current has a
157t. The frequency of the alternating voltage maximum value of Im. Its average value will be
is ............... ........
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee v=20 sin 157t kesâ Éeje efoÙee Skeâ pÙeeJe›eâerÙe ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje kesâ DeefOekeâlece ceeve Im
ieÙee nw ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee keâer DeeJe=efòe .......... nw~ nw~ Fmekeâe Deewmele ceeve .......... nesiee~
(a) 50Hz (b) 25Hz Im
(c) 100Hz (d) 75Hz π
*2558.A sine wave has a maximum value of 20 V. Its Im
value at 135o is ............. / Skeâ pÙee lejbie keâe (b)

DeefOekeâlece ceeve 20 Jeesuš nw~ Fmekeâe ceeve 135º hej 2 Im
........... nw~ π
(a) 10V (b) 14.14V (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) 15V (d) 5V *2564.The area of a sinusoidal wave over a half cycle
*2559.A sinusoidal current has a magnitude of 3A at is .............. / Skeâ pÙeeJe›eâerÙe lejbie keâe #es$e Skeâ Deæ&
120o. Its maximum value will be ........... Ûe›eâ lekeâ ............nw~
Skeâ pÙeeJe›eâerÙe Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe 120º hej 3 SefcheÙej (a) max. value ÷2/DeefOekeâlece ceeve ÷ 2
nw~ Fmekeâe DeefOekeâlece ceeve ............nesiee~ (b) 2×max. value/ 2× DeefOekeâlece ceeve
(a) 3A (b) 3/2A (c) max. value ÷π/DeefOekeâlece ceeve ÷ π
(c) 2 3A (d) 6A (d) max. value ÷2π/ DeefOekeâlece ceeve ÷ 2π
2560. We have assigned a frequency of 50 Hz to 2565. The r.m.s. value of sinusoidally varying current
power system because it ......... is ....... that of its average value.
Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer kesâ efueS Skeâ 50 nš&pe kesâ DeeJe=efòe keâes pÙeeJe›eâerÙe heefjJeleea Oeeje kesâ Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue (r.m.s.)
nceW meeQhee ieÙee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen.............. ceeve Fmekesâ Deewmele ceeve ........... neslee nw~
(a) can be easily obtained (a) more than /mes DeefOekeâ
Deemeeveer mes Øeehle keâj mekeâles nw (b) less than /mes keâce
(b) gives best result when used for operating
(c) same as /kesâ meceeve
both lights and machinery /DeÛÚe heefjCeece oslee
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
nw, peye oerhekeâ (ØekeâeMe) Deewj keâue-hegpex oesveeW kesâ
2566. Alternating voltages and currents are
heefjÛeeueve kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ nw expressed in r.m.s. values because ...........
(c) leads to easy calculations ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee Deewj Oeeje Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue (r.m.s.)
mejue ieCeveeDeeW kesâ efueS De«e nw ceeve ceW ØeoefMe&le nw keäÙeeWefkeâ............~
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& veneR (a) they can be easily determined
*2561.An alternating voltage is given by v=100 sin Jes Deemeeveer mes %eele efkeâÙes pee mekeâles nw
314t volts. Its average value will be ..........
(b) calculations become very simple
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee v =100 sin 314t Jeesušspe kesâ
ieCeveeBS yengle mejue nes peeleer nw
Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~ Fmekeâe Deewmele ceeve...........nesiee~ (c) they give comparison with d.c.
(a) 70.7V (b) 50V Jes efo° Oeeje (d.c.) kesâ meeLe leguevee osles nw~
(c) 63.7V (d) 100V
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2562. An alternating current whose average value is
1A will produce ............. 1A d.c. under similar 2567. The average value of sin θ over a complete

conditions. cycle is ...............

Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje efpemekeâe Deewmele ceeve 1 SefcheÙej nw~ Skeâ hetCe& Ûe›eâ hej sin2θ keâe Deewmele ceeve...........nw~
(a) +1 (b) –1
............1 SefcheÙej efo° Oeeje meceeve oMee kesâ Devleie&le
(c) 1/2 (d) 0
GlheVe keâjsiee~ 2568. The 3 phase supply system voltage in India is
(a) less heat than /mes efvecve T<cee ............... V. / Yeejle ceW leerve hesâpe mehueeF& heæefle keâe
(b) more heat than /mes DeefOekeâ T<cee Jeesušlee......... Jeesuš nw~
(c) the same heat as /kesâ meceeve T<cee (a) 230 (b) 240
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 400 (d) 415
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 254 YCT
2569. In an a.c. circuit v(t) = 20 sin(314t+5π/6) and 2576. The maximum value, positive or negative, of an
i(t) = 10 sin(314t+2π/3). The p.f. of the circuit is alternative quantity is known as:
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW, v(t) = 20 sin(314t+5π/6) ØelÙeeJeleea jeefMe keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeve Oeveelcekeâ Ùee
Deewj i(t) = 10 sin(314t+2π/3) heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ keânueelee nw–
iegCekeâ nw– (a) amplitude/DeeÙeece (b) average/Deewmele
(a) 0.866 lag/0.866 he§e (c) minimum/vÙetvelece (d) phase/hesâpe
(b) 0.866 lead/0.866 De«e 2577. The Q factor of a coil is given by ...............
(c) 0.5 lead/0.5 De«e Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâe Q iegCekeâ efoÙee ieÙee nw–
(d) 0.5 lag /GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR R 1
(a) (b)
2570. A resistance is connected in series with an XL XL
inductive coil the phase difference between the
1 XL
current and applied voltage (c) (d)
Skeâ ØeeflejesOe Skeâ ØesjkeâerÙe kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW R R
2578. The phasor form of capacitive reactance is
pegÌ[er ngF& nw efpevekesâ Oeeje Deewj Jeesušlee kesâ yeerÛe hesâpe
OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele keâe hesâpej ™he nw–
Devlej nw–
(a) X c ∠900 (b) X c ∠00
(a) remains the same/DeheefjJeefle&le
(b) increases/yeÌ{leer nw (c) X c ∠1800 (d) X c ∠ − 900
(c) decreases/Iešleer nw 2579. The two possible phase sequence are
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR oes mecYeJe hesâpe Deveg›eâce nw–
2571. Real part of admittance is (a) B–R–Y, R–Y–B (b) R–Y–B, Y–B–R
ØeJesMÙelee keâe JeemleefJekeâ Yeeie nw– (c) R–B–Y, Y–R–B (d) R–Y–B, R–B–Y
(a) impedance/ØeefleyeeOee 2580. In a R–L–C resonant circuit magnification is
(b) resistance /ØeeflejesOe Skeâ R–L–C Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW ØeJeefOe&le nw–
(c) susceptance/DevegkeâeÙe&lee ωL
(a) (b) ωL
(d) conductance/Ûeeuekeâlee R
2572. P = 3 VI cosφ is applicable to (c) ωLC (d) Z
0 0
P = 3 VI cosφ mes GheÙegòeâ nw– 2581. A = 10∠60 ,B = 5∠ 20 .A × B = ?

(a) single phase load/Skeâue hesâpe uees[ (a) 15 ∠800 (b) 15 ∠12000
(b) 2 phase load/oes hesâpe uees[ (c) 50 ∠800 (d) 50 ∠400
(c) dc load/[ermeer uees[ 2582. The main difference between scalar and vector
(d) 3 phase load/leerve hesâpe uees[ quantity is
2573. Out of the following............wave is the peakiest DeefoMe Deewj meefoMe jeefMe kesâ yeerÛe cegKÙe Devlej nw–
efvecveefueefKele efoS lejbie .......... vegkeâeruee neslee nw~ (a) Scalar has magnetic and direction
(a) sinusoidal/pÙeeJe›eâerÙe (b) square/Jeiee&keâej DeefoMe kesâ heeme ÛegcyekeâerÙe Deewj efoMee neslee nw
(c) rectangular/DeeÙeleekeâej (d) triangular/ef$eYegpeekeâej (b) Vector has magnitude and direction
2574. Phase sequence is the order of attaining meefoMe kesâ heeme heefjceeCe Deewj efoMee neslee nw
Hesâpe Deveg›eâce Øeeefhle keâe ›eâce nw– (c) Scalar has direction only
(a) Maximum value/DeefOekeâlece ceeve DeefoMe kesâ heeme kesâJeue efoMee neslee nw
(b) RMS value/Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve (d) vector has direction only
(c) Average value/Deewmele ceeve meefoMe kesâ heeme kesâJeue efoMee neslee nw
(d) None of the above/keâesF& ceeve veneR 2583. In a R–L–C series resonant circuit
2575. The inductive reactance of an inductor in a dc Skeâ R–L–C ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW–
circuit on ohm is / Skeâ efo°Oeeje heefjheLe ceW FC[keäšj
(a) R = Z (b) R = XL
(Øesjkeâ) keâe ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele Deesce ceW nw– (c) R = XC (d) XL > XC
(a) infinity/Devevle/Demeerefcele (b) zero/MetvÙe *2584.A coil has an inductance of 0.1 Henry and is
1 connected to 230 V, 50 Hz AC supply the value
(c) 2π (d)
2π of reactance is :
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 255 YCT
Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ heeme ØesjkeâlJe 0.1 nsvejer Deewj 230 2591. Impedance of an ac circuit is a .............
Jeesuš 50 nš&dpe ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje mehueeF& mes peg[er nw Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe keâe ØeefleyeeOee Skeâ nw–
ØeefleIeele keâe ceeve nw– (a) phasor/hesâpej
(a) 31.4 Ω /31.4 Deesce (b) 23.0 Ω/23.0 Deesce (b) vector quantity/meefoMe cee$ee
(c) 2300Ω/2300 Deesce (d) 3.1 Ω/3.1 Deesce (c) scalar quantity/DeefoMe cee$ee
2585. For multiplication or division of phasors, we (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
use ................ form. / hesâpej kesâ iegCee Ùee Yeeie kesâ *2592.A voltage wave of 50 Hz, having an rms value
efueS nce efkeâme ™he keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw? of 415 V is expressed as
(a) rectangular/DeeÙeleekeâej Skeâ Jeesušlee lejbie keâe 50 nšd&pe Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve kesâ
(b) trigonometrical/ef$ekeâesCeefceleerÙe meeLe 415 Jeesuš ØeoefMe&le nw pewmes–
(c) polar/OeÇgJeerÙe (a) 415 sin 314 t (b) 415 2 sin 314t
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) 415 2 sin 50t (d) 415 sin 50 t
2586. The relation between the line current and
phase current in delta connection :/ [suše ceW pegÌ[er 2593. The formula for calculating power in R–L
circuit is
ngF& ueeFve Oeeje Deewj hesâpe Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe mecyevOe nw– heefjheLe ceW Meefòeâ keâer ieCevee keâjves kesâ efueS met$e nw–
(a) I L = 3 × Iph /ueeFve = 3 × hesâpe Oeeje (a) V.I (b) I2Z
(b) I L = I ph /ueeFve Oeeje = hesâpe Oeeje (c) VI sin φ (d) VI cos φ
2594. In a particular circuit, Im sin ( ωt–270) & V =
(c) I L = 3 I ph /ueeFve Oeeje = 3 × hesâpe Oeeje Vm sin ( ωt+90). Then type of circuit is
(d) I L = 3 I ph /ueeFve Oeeje = 3 × heâspe Oeeje Skeâ efJeefMe° heefjheLe cesW Im sin ( ωt–270) & V = Vm
sin ( ωt+90) leye heefjheLe keâe Øekeâej nw–
2587. Which of the following wave has least value of
peak factor? / efvecve ceW mes efkeâme lejbie kesâ heeme keâce (a) pure resistive circuit/Megæ ØeeflejesOeer heefjheLe
ceeve keâe heerkeâ (Meeer<e&) iegCekeâ nw– (b) pure inductive circuit /Megæ ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe
(a) sine wave /pÙee lejbie (c) pure capacitive circuit /Megæ OeeefjleerÙe heefjheLe
(b) square wave/Jeiee&keâej lejbie (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) triangular wave/ef$eYegpeekeâej lejbie 2595. A series R–L circuit is suddenly connected to a
(d) full wave rectified sine wave dc voltage source of V volts. The current in this
hetCe& lejbie efo°keâejer pÙee lejbie circuit, soon after the switch is closed is equal to
2588. The form factor of dc voltage is Skeâ ßes
C eer R–L heefjheLe DeÛeevekeâ efo°Oeeje Jeesušlee
efo°Oeeje Jeesušlee keâe ™he iegCekeâ nw– Œeesle V Jeesuš mes pegÌ[e nw~ Fme heefjheLe ceW Oeeje efmJeÛe
(a) zero/MetvÙe (b) infinite/Demeerefcele Dee@Heâ keâjves kesâ yeeo yejeyej nesiee–
(c) unity/FkeâeF& (d) 0.5 V
(a) Zero/MetvÙe (b)
2589. In a pure inductive circuit, the power is zero L
because : V VL
Skeâ Megæ ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW Meefòeâ MetvÙe nw keäÙeeWefkeâ– (c) (d)
(a) voltage = 0/Jeesušlee (V) = 0 2596. In an R–L series ac circuit, XL = R. The phase
(b) Current = 0/Oeeje (I) = 0 angle is / Skeâ R–L ßesCeer ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW
(c) Impedance = 0/ØeefleyeeOee (Z) = 0 XL = R hesâpe keâesCe nw–
(d) Power factor = 0/Meefòeâ iegCekeâ = 0 (a) 900
2590. An open coil has (b) 300
Skeâ Kegueer kegâC[ueer kesâ heeme– (c) 450
(a) infinite resistance and zero inductance (d) cannot be predicted/%eele veneR keâj mekeâles
Demeerefcele ØeeflejesOe Deewj MetvÙe ØesjkeâlJe 2597. In a practical parallel resonant circuit,
(b) zero resistance and high inductance Skeâ ØeeÙeesefiekeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW–
MetvÙe ØeeflejesOe Deewj GÛÛe ØesjkeâlJe (a) IL = IC (b) IL > IC
(c) infinite resistance and normal inductance (c) IL < IC (d) IL = 100 IC
Demeerefcele ØeeflejesOe Deewj meeceevÙe ØesjkeâlJe 2598. In a parallel ac circuit, it the supply frequency
(d) zero resistance and inductance is more than the resonant frequency, then the
MetvÙe ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØesjkeâlJe circuit is ..............
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 256 YCT
Skeâ meceeveevlej ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW, Ùeefo mehueeF& 2604. An alternating current is given by i=Im sin θ.
DeeJe=efòe keâe ceeve Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe mes DeefOekeâ nw lees The average value of squared wave of this
current over a complete cycle is
heefjheLe nw–
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje i=Im sin θ kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~
(a) resistive/ØeeflejesOeer
Skeâ hetCe& Ûe›eâ lekeâ Jeiee&keâej lejbie kesâ Fme Oeeje keâe
(b) inductive/ØesjkeâerÙe
Deewmele ceeve............nw~
(c) capacitive/OeeefjleerÙe
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR I2 Im
(a) m (b)
2599. The form factor of a half wave rectified as is 2 π
............... 2 Im
(c) (d) 2Im
Skeâ Deæ& lejbie efo°keâejer keâe ™he iegCekeâ nw– π
(a) 2 (b) 1.11 *2605.The form factor of a sinusoidal wave is ..........
(c) 1.414 (d) 1.57 Skeâ pÙeeJe›eâerÙe lejbie keâe ™he-iegCekeâ.............nw~
2600. The a.c. system is preferred to d.c. system (a) 1.414 (b) 1.11
because. ........... (c) 2 (d) 1.5
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c) ØeCeeueer efo°Oeeje (d.c) ØeCeeueer kesâ 2606. The filament of a vacuum tube requires 0.4 A
d.c. to heat it. The r.m.s. value of a.c. required
Øeefle ØeeLeefcekeâlee oer peeleer nw keäÙeeWefkeâ...........~
is ...............
(a) a.c. Voltages can be easily changed in
Skeâ efveJee&le šŸetye kesâ levleg keâes Fmes iece& keâjves kesâ efueS
magnitude /ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c) Jeesušlee heefjceeCe ceW
0.4 SefcheÙej ef° Oeeje keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~
Deemeeveer mes heefjJeefle&le efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje kesâ Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue (r.m.s.) ceeve keâer
(b) d.c. motors do not have fine speed control
efo° Oeeje (d.c) ceesšj kesâ "erkeâ ieefle efveÙeb$eCe veneR nw DeeJeMÙekeâlee ...............nw~
(c) high voltage a.c. transmission is less efficient (a) 0.4 × 2A / 0.4 × 2 SefcheÙej
GÛÛe Jeesušlee ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje mebÛejCe efvecve keâeÙe& me#ece nw (b) 0.4+2A/0.4 + 2 SefcheÙej
(d) d.c. voltages cannot be used for domestic (c) 0.8 ÷ 2A / 0.8 ÷ 2 SefcheÙej
appliances /efo° Oeeje (d.c) Jeesušlee Iejsuet GhekeâjCe (d) 0.4A/0.4 SefcheÙej
kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw 2607. A 100V peak a.c. is as effective as .......... dc.
2601. In a.c. system, we generate sine wave form Skeâ 100 Jeesuš keâer efMeKej ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c) Glevee
because............ ØeYeeJeer nw efpelevee ......... efo° Oeeje (d.c.)
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c) ØeCeeueer ceW, nce pÙee lejbie ™he
(a) 100V/100 Jeesuš
GlheVe keâjles nw keäÙeeWefkeâ..........~
(b) 50V/50 Jeesuš
(a) it can be easily drawn
(c) 70.7V/70.7 Jeesuš
Ùen Deemeeveer mes ØeoefMe&le keâer pee mekeâleer nw
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) it produces least disturbance in electrical
2608. The form factor of a ................ wave is 1.
circuits/Ùen efJeÅegleerÙe heefjheLe ceW efvecvelece DeMeebefle
Skeâ...........lejbie keâe ™he iegCekeâ 1 nw~
GlheVe keâjlee nw
(a) sinusoidal /pÙeeJe›eâerÙe
(c) it is nature's standard /Fmekeâe mJeYeeJe ceevekeâ nw
(b) square /Jeiee&keâej
(d) other waves cannot be produced easily
DevÙe lejbies Deemeeveer mes GlheVe veneR keâer pee mekeâleer (c) triangular /ef$eYegpeekeâej
2602. ............... will produce a.c. voltage. (d) saw tooth /Deejer-ovle
............ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee GlheVe keâjsiee~ 2609. When a 15-V square wave is connected across a
50-V a.c. voltmeter, it will read .........
(a) Friction /Ie<e&Ce
peye Skeâ 15-Jeesuš Jeiee&keâej lejbie Skeâ 50 Jeesuš
(b) Photoelectric effect /heâesšes-efJeÅegle ØeYeeJe
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) mes mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw,
(c) Thermal energy /leeheerÙe Tpee&
Fmekeâe hee"Ùeebkeâ ............ nesiee~
(d) Crystal /ef›eâmšue
(a) 15V/15 Jeesuš
2603. The average value of sinθ over a complete cycle
is ........... (b) 15× 2 V/15× 2 Jeesuš
Skeâ hetCe& Ûe›eâ lekeâ sinθ keâe Deewmele ceeve.......... nw~ (c)
(a) 0 (b) +1 2 2
(c) –1 (d) 1/2 (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 257 YCT
2610. The breakdown voltage of an insulation (a) saw tooth /Deejer-ovle
depends upon ....... value of alternating voltage. (b) square /Jeiee&keâej
Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOeve keâe Yebpeve Jeesušlee ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee (c) triangular /ef$eYegpeekeâej
kesâ.......... ceeve hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~ (d) sinusoidal /pÙeeJe›eâerÙe
(a) average/ Deewmele 2615. The average value of a sinusoidal current is
(b) r.m.s./ Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue 100A. Its r.m.s. value is ............
(c) peak/ efMeKej Skeâ pÙeeJe›eâerÙe Oeeje keâe Deewmele ceeve 100 SefcheÙej nw~
(d) twice the r.m.s./ Jeie& ceeOÙe cettue kesâ oes iegves Fmekeâe Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve ............. nw~
2611. The peak factor of a half-wave rectified a.c. (a) 63.7A (b) 70.7A
is.......... /Skeâ Deæ&-lejbie efo°ke=âle ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (c) 141.4A (d) 111A
(a.c.) keâe efMeKej iegCekeâ............. nw~ 2616. A current wave is given by i=4+2 2 sin
(a) 1.57 (b) 2
3θ+4 2 sin 5θ. The r.m.s. value of current
(c) 1.11 (d) 1.4142
2612. The form factor of a half-wave rectified a.c. wave is ...........
is.......... /Skeâ Deæ&lejbie efo°ke=âle ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje keâe Skeâ Oeeje lejbie i=4+2 2 sin 3θ+4 2 sin 5θ kesâ Éeje
™he iegCekeâ nw~ efoÙee ieÙee nw~ Oeeje lejbie keâe Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue (r.m.s.)
(a) 2 (b) 1.11 ceeve............. nw~
(c) 1.414 (d) 1.57 (a) 10A/10 SefcheÙej (b) 6A/6 SefcheÙej
2613. If fig. the wave that will produce maximum
heat under similar conditions is ........... (c) 56A / 56 SefcheÙej (d) 5A/5 SefcheÙej
Ùeefo efÛe$e ceW lejbie meceeve oMee kesâ Devleie&le pees 2617. The waveforms of voltage and current shown
DeefOekeâlece T<cee GlheVe keâjsiee............. nw~ in fig. would exist in .......... circuit.
Jeesušlee Deewj Oeeje keâe lejbie ™he efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le nw~
........ heefjheLe ceW ceewpeto nesiee~

(a) a resistive /Skeâ ØeeflejesOeer

(b) a capacitive /Skeâ OeeefjleerÙe
(a) square wave /Jeiee&keâej lejbie (c) an inductive /Skeâ ØesjkeâerÙe
(b) sinusoidal wave /pÙeeJe›eâerÙe lejbie (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) triangular wave /ef$eYegpeekeâej lejbie 2618. A hot wire ammeter reads 10A in an a.c. circuit
(d) saw tooth wave /Deejer-ovle lejbie containing 10Ω. The peak value of voltage
2614. In fig. ............. wave will have the highest half- across the resistor is
cycle average value. / efÛe$e ceW........... lejbie keâe Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW 10 Deesndce
GÛÛelece Deæ&-Ûe›eâ Deewmele ceeve nesiee meefcceefuele keâjles ngS Skeâ iece& leej Deceeršj 10 SefcheÙej
hee"Ÿeebkeâ ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~ ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ S›eâeme efMeKej
ceeve keâe Jeesušlee nw-
(a) 141.4V (b) 282.8V
(c) 100V (d) 400V
2619. A capacitor is a perfect insulator for
Skeâ mebOeeefj$e ........... kesâ efueS hetCe&le: efJeÅeglejesOeer nw~
(a) alternating current /ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje
(b) direct current /efo° Oeeje
(c) direct as well as alternating current
efo° kesâ meeLe ner meeLe ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 258 YCT
2620. In an a.c. circuit, electrical energy is consumed 2625. If an alternating current of 50 Hz is flowing in
in /Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW...........efJeÅegle a circuit, the current becomes zero
Tpee& keâer Kehele nesleer nw~ Ùeef o Skeâ 50 nšd&pe keâer ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Skeâ heefjheLe ceW
(a) L (b) C ØeJeeefnle nes jner nw, Oeeje MetvÙe nes peeleer nw–
(c) L and C (d) R (a) 50 times /50 yeej
2621. The potential difference V across and current I (b) 25 times /25 yeej
flowing through an instrument in an a.c. circuit (c) 100 times /100 yeej
are given by : (d) 200 times /200 yeej
V=5 cos ωt volts; I = 2 sin ωt amperes The 2626. A current of 5mA flows in a resistance less
power dissipated in the instrument is choke from a 220 V alternating source. The
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW efJeYeJeevlej (V) kesâ energy consumed in the choke is
S›eâeme Deewj Oeeje (I) Skeâ GheÙeb$e kesâ ceeOÙece mes ØeJeeefnle Skeâ ØeeflejesOe nerve ceW Ûeeskeâ ceW 5 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje Skeâ
220 Jeesuš ØelÙeeJeleea Œeesle mes ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw~ Ûeeskeâ ceW
nesves Jeeueer Oeeje Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe
Kehele Tpee&...........nw~
ceW......... kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~
(a) 1000 J (b) 500 J
V=5 cos ωt Jeesušdme I = 2 sin ωt SefcheÙej, GhekeâjCe ceW (c) 4.4 J (d) 0
efJekeâerCe& Meefòeâ .............nw~ *2627.The average power dissipated in 50 Ω resistor
(a) 0W (b) 10W in Fig. is / efÛe$e ceW 50 Deesndce ØeeflejesOekeâ ceW JÙeÙe
10 Deewmele Meefòeâ ..........nw~
(c) (d) 2.5W
*2622.An alternating voltage v = 200 2 sin 100 t is
connected to a 1 µF capacitor through an a.c.
ammeter. The reading of the ammeter shall be (a) 2W (b) 1.44W
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee v = 200 2 sin 100t 1 (c) 3.46W (d) 1.25W
ceeF›eâeshewâj[ mebOeeefj$e Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Deceeršj kesâ 2628. An alternating voltage or current is a ............
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee Ùee Oeeje Skeâ.............. neslee nw~
ceeOÙece mes mebÙeesefpele nw~ Deceeršj keâe hee"Ÿeebkeâ nesvee
(a) scalar quantity /DeefoMe jeefMe
(b) vector quantity /meefoMe jeefMe
(a) 40mA (b) 80mA
(c) phasor /hesâpej
(c) 100mA (d) 20mA
*2623.In an a.c. circuit, the current is given by i=100 (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
sin 200 π t amperes. The time taken by the 2629. Three parallel circuits take the following
current to reach peak value from zero is
leerve meceeveevlej heefjheLeW efvecveefueefKele OeejeSB uesleer nQ~
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW, Oeeje i=100 sin
i1 = 5 sin 314 t; i2 = 30 sin (314 t+π/2);
200 πt SefcheÙej kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~ Oeeje keâes MetvÙe
i3 = 25 sin (314 t–π/2);
mes efMeKej ceeve lekeâ hengÛeves ceW efueÙee ieÙee meceÙe The expression for the resultant current is ........
.............. nw~ heefjCeeceer Oeeje kesâ efueS DeefYeJÙeefòeâ ............ nw~
(a) 1/100 sec (b) 1/200 sec (a) 25 sin (314 t+π/3)
(c) 1/300 sec (d) 1/400 sec (b) 5 sin (314 t+π/2)
2624. A choke is preferred to a resistance for (c) 10 sin (314 t–π/6)
limiting current in an a.c. circuit because (d) 5 2 sin (314 t+π/4)
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW Oeeje keâes meerefcele 2630. The sum of the following two e.m.f.s will be
keâjves kesâ efueS Skeâ ØeeflejesOe mes Skeâ Ûeeskeâ GheÙegòeâ ..........
(hemeboeroe) nw~ e1 = 10 sin ωt; e2= 10 cos ωt
efvecveefueefKele oes efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeuees (e.m.f.s) keâe
(a) choke is cheap /Ûeeskeâ memlee nw
Ùeesie............ nesiee~
(b) there is no wastage of energy
e1 = 10 sin ωt; e2= 10 cos ωt
keâesF& Tpee& yeskeâej veneR peeleer (a) 10
(c) current becomes wattless (b) 20sin ωt
Oeeje Meefòeâ nerve nes peeleer nw (c) 14.14 cos ωt
(d) current strength increases /Oeeje meeceLÙe& yeÌ{leer nw (d) 14.14 sin(ωt +π/4)
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 259 YCT
2631. Each of the three coils generates an e.m.f. of 2635. In fig. ........... will have the least value.
230V. The e.m.f. of second leads that of the efÛe$e ceW .............keâe efvecve ceeve nesiee~
first by 120 and the third lags behind the first
by the same angle. The resultant e.m.f. across
the series combination of the coils is ..........
ØelÙeskeâ leerve kegâC[efueÙeeW 230 Jeesuš kesâ efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ
yeue (e.m.f.) GlheVe keâjleer nw~ efÉleerÙe keâe efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ
yeue pees efkeâ 120º ôeje ØeLece mes De«e nw Deewj le=leerÙe (a) E1 + E2 + E3 + E4
meceeve keâesCe kesâ Éeje ØeLece mes he§e heerÚs nw~ kegâC[ueer kesâ (b) E1 + E2 – E3 – E4
(c) E1 + E2 + E3 – E4
ßesCeer mebÙeespeve kesâ S›eâeme heefjCeeceer efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (d) – E1 + E4
(e.m.f).......... nw~ *2636.In a pure resistive circuit, the instantaneous
(a) 0V/0 Jeesuš voltage and current are given by:
v = 250 sin 314 t volts
(b) 230V/230 Jeesuš i= 10 sin 314t amperes
(c) 690V/690 Jeesuš The peak power in the circuit is ............
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Skeâ Megæ ØeeflejesOeer heefjheLe ceW, leel#eefCekeâ Jeesušlee Deewj
2632. In fig. I1+I2 is equal to ............ Oeeje...........kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~
efÛe$e ceW I1+I2 ...........kesâ meceeve (yejeyej) nw~ v = 250 sin 314 t Jeesuš
i= 10 sin 314t SefcheÙej
heefjheLe ceW efMeKej Meefòeâ.............. nw~
I2 (a) 1250W/1250 Jee@š (b) 25W/25 Jee@š
(c) 2500W/2500 Jee@š (d) 250W/250 Jee@š
2637. An alternating voltage v =Vm sin θ is applied to
a pure inductive circuit. The current equation
(a) 3A (b) 3.72A will be.............
(c) 9A (d) 3.43A Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee v = Vm sin θ Skeâ Megæ ØesjkeâerÙe
2633. In fig I2 + I3 is equal to ............ heefjheLe kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ nw~ Oeeje meceerkeâjCe..........nesiee~
efÛe$e ceW I2+I3 ...........kesâ yejeyej nw~ (a) Im sin θ (b) Im sin (θ–π/2)
3A (c) Im sin (θ+π/2) (d) All of the above
2638. The inductive reactance of a circuit is ............
I2 frequency. / heefjheLe keâe ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele DeeJe=efòe kesâ
............ neslee nw~
(a) directly proportional to /meerOes meceevegheeleer
(b) inversely proportional to /JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
(a) 7A
(c) independent of /mJeleb$e
(b) 13 A (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) 5A 2639. Power absorbed in a pure inductive circuit is
(d) None of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR zero because ............... /Skeâ Megæ ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe ceW
2634. In fig. E1+ E2 + E3 + E4 is equal to ............ DeJeMeesef<ele Meefòeâ MetvÙe neslee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ-
efÛe$e ceW E1+ E2 + E3 + E4 ...........kesâ yejeyej nw~ (a) reactive component of current is zero
Oeeje keâe ØeefleIeeleer DeJeÙeJe MetvÙe nw
(b) active component of current is maximum
Oeeje keâe meef›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe DeefOekeâlece nw
(c) power factor of the circuit is zero
heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ MetvÙe nw
(d) reactive and active components of current
(a) 7V (b) 5V cancel out /Oeeje kesâ efveef<›eâÙe Deewj meef›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe
(c) 20V (d) none of the above efvejmle nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 260 YCT
2640. An alternating voltage v = Vm sin θ is applied *2649.The voltage across a 0.5µF capacitor is v(t)=16
to a pure capacitive circuit. The current sin (2×103t) V. The capacitive reactance of the
equation will be ................. capacitor is
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee v=Vm sin θ Skeâ Megæ OeeefjleerÙe Skeâ 0.5 ceeF›eâes-hewâj[ mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee
heefjheLe kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ nw~ Oeeje meceerkeâjCe nesiee........ v(t)=16 sin (2×103t) Jeesuš nw~ mebOeeefj$e keâe OeeefjleerÙe
(a) Im sin θ (b) Im sin (θ–π/2) ØeefleIeele nw-
(c) Im sin (θ+π/4) (d) Im sin (θ+π/2) (a) 1.5kΩ (b) 1kΩ
*2641.What is the instantaneous output of a (c) 2.4kΩ (d) 3.6kΩ
generator at 20 electrical degrees if its output is *2650.The a.c. current through a 20 µF capacitor is
170V at 90 electrical degrees? i(t)=3 sin (800t) A. What is the peak voltage
Skeâ peefve$e keâe 20º efJeÅegleerÙe hej leel#eefCekeâ efveie&le keäÙee across the capacitor?
nw Ùeefo Fmekeâe efveie&le 170 Jeesuš 90º efJeÅegleerÙe hej nes? Skeâ 20 ceeF›eâes-hewâj[ kesâ ceeOÙece mes ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje
(a) 30V (b) 58.1V (a.c.) i(t)=3 sin (800t) SefcheÙej nw~ mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâeme
(c) 24.3V (d) 42.6V efMeKej Jeesušlee keäÙee nw?
*2642.What is the peak-to-peak value for 120V a.c.? (a) 187.5V (b) 90.5V
120 Jeesuš ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) kesâ efueS efMeKej-mes- (c) 118.4V (d) 55.6V
efMeKej ceeve keäÙee nw? *2651.The e.m.f. is given by e = 8 sin ωt+6 sin 2 ωt
(a) 240V (b) 480V volts. The r.m.s. value is / e = 8 sin ωt+6 sin 2 ωt
(c) 339V (d) 391V Jees ušdme kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (e.m.f.)
*2643.A 500 V sine wave generator appears across a nw~ Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue (r.m.s.) ceeve nw-
10kΩ resistor. What is the instantaneous (a) 10.2V (b) 12V
current in the resistor at a phase angle of 35o? (c) 7.07V (d) None of the above
Skeâ 500 Jeesuš pÙee-lejbie peefve$e Skeâ 10 efkeâueesDeesce 2652. A current is made up of two components viz.
ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ S›eâeme ØeoefMe&le nw~ 35º kesâ keâuee keâesCe hej 3A d.c. component and a.c. component given
by i=4 sin ωt. The average value of current is
ØeeflejesOekeâ ceW leel#eefCekeâ Oeeje keäÙee nw?
Oeeje oes DeJeÙeJeeW mes efceuekeâj yeveer nw DeLee&led 3 SefcheÙej
(a) 12.4mA (b) 22.6mA
(c) 52mA (d) 40.6mA
efo° Oeeje (d.c.) DeJeÙeJe Deewj ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.)
*2644.The instantaneous value of 55 sin (2π×16t) mA DeJeÙeJe i = 4 sin ωt kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~ Oeeje keâe
at t=1/32 second is / t=1/32 meskesâC[ hej 55 sin Deewmele ceeve nw-
(2π×16t) efceueer SefcheÙej keâe leel#eefCekeâ ceeve...........nw~ (a) 5A (b) 3A
(c) 7A (d) 11A
(a) 0mA (b) 5.08mA
2653. If a phasor points straight down, its angle can
(c) 1.2mA (d) 2.3mA
be given as 270o or
2645. Find the average value of v(t)=6+2sin (2π×100t)
Ùeefo Skeâ hesâpej efyevog meerOes veerÛes Fmekeâe keâesCe 270º kesâ
volts / v(t)=6+2 sin (2π×100t) Jeesušdme keâe Deewmele
lenle efoÙee pee mekeâlee nw Ùee............~
ceeve %eele keâerefpeS?
(a) –180o
(a) 6V (b) 12V (b) –90o
(c) 9.4V (d) 16.3V (c) +90o
2646. The instantaneous value of i(t) = 16 sin (d) none of above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(2π×18×104t–15o) mA at t=2 µs is 2654. An alternating current flows through a resistor
t = 2 ceeF›eâes-meskesâC[ hej i(t) = 16 sin (2π×18×104t– of resistance R. if peak value of current is Ip,
15o) efceueer SefcheÙej keâe leel#eefCekeâ ceeve nw- then power dissipated is
(a) 13.4mA (b) 14.55mA Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe R kessâ
(c) 8.9mA (d) None of the above ceeOÙece mes ØeJeeefnle neslee nw~ Ùeefo Oeeje keâe efMeKej ceeve
2647. The average value of 2A d.c. current is IP nw~ lees efJekeâerCe& Meefòeâ nw-
2A d.c. Oeeje keâe Deewmele ceeve nw-
(a) I 2p R
(a) 1A (b) 4A
(c) 2A (d) 3A 1 2
(b) Ip R
2648. The effective value of 2A d.c. current is 2
2A d.c. Oeeje keâe ØeYeeJeer ceeve nw- (c)
1 2
2 p
(a) 1A (b) 4A π
(c) 16A (d) 2A (d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 261 YCT
2655. The inductive reactance of an inductor in a d.c.
circuit is / Skeâ Øesjkeâ keâe Skeâ efo°-Oeeje (d.c.)
heefjheLe ceW ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele...........nw~
(a) ωL (b) I/ωL
(c) 0 (d) infinite/Devevle
2656. The time period of direct current is (a) 10A (b) 0 A
Skeâ efo° Oeeje keâe DeeJele&keâeue .............nw~ (c) 5A (d) 2A
(a) infinite /Devevle 2662. The frequency of d.c. in India is
(b) zero /MetvÙe Yeejle ceW efo° Oeeje (d.c.) keâer DeeJe=efòe............ nw~
(c) finite /meerefcele (a) 50Hz (b) 30Hz
(d) cannot say /vener keân mekeâles (c) 60 Hz (d) 0 Hz
2657. An electric bulb rated at 220 V is connected to *2663.The reactance of a capacitor at 50 Hz is 5Ω. If
220 V, 5 Hz a.c. source. Then the bulb the frequency is increased to 100 Hz, the new
220 Jeesuš hej efveOee&efjle Skeâ efJeÅegle yeuJe 220 Jeesuš 5 reactance is /Skeâ mebO eeef j $e keâe Øeef leIeele 50 nšd&pe hej
nšd&pe ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) Œeesle mes mebÙeesefpele nw~ leye 5 Deesndce nw~ Ùeefo DeeJe=efòe 100 nšd&pe lekeâ yeÌ{e oer peeS
yeuJe- lees veÙee ØeefleIeele ..............nw~
(a) does not glow /oerefhle veneR neslee nw (a) 5 Ω (b) 2.5 Ω
(c) 10 Ω (d) 25 Ω
(b) fuse /heäÙetpe nes peelee nw
2664. A choke coil is a coil having
(c) glows countiuously /ueieeleej oerefhle neslee nw Skeâ Ûeeskeâ kegâC[ueer nesleer nw..........mes Ùegòeâ kegâC[ueer~
(d) glows intermittently /™keâ-™keâ keâj oerefhle nesieer (a) low inductance and high resistance
*2658.In the circuit shown in fig. the value of VAB is efvecve ØesjkeâlJe Deewj GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW, VAB keâe ceeve ...........nw~ (b) low inductance and low resistance
efvecve ØesjkeâlJe Deewj efvecve ØeeflejesOe
(c) high inductance and negligible resistance
GÛÛe ØesjkeâlJe Deewj veieCÙe ØeeflejesOe
(d) high inductance and high resistance
GÛÛe ØesjkeâlJe Deewj GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe
(a) 30.8∠ − 45°V *2665.What is VAB in fig. ?
(b) 42.4∠0°V efÛe$e ceW VAB keâe ceeve keäÙee
(c) 24.3∠ − 22.5°V
(d) None of above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2659.The peak-to-peak alternating potential
difference across a 150Ω resistor is 339 V. The
rms. current in the resistor is
efMeKej-mes-efMeKej ØelÙeeJeleea efJeYeJe Devlej 150Ω (a) 5∠53.1°V
ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ S›eâeme 339 Jeesuš nw~ ØeeflejesOekeâ ceW Jeie& (b) 7∠90°V
ceeOÙe cetue (rms) Oeeje...........nw~ (c) 1.33∠90°V
(a) 0.5A (b) 1.2A (d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) 0.8A (d) 1.6A 2666. A pure inductor is connected to an alternating
2660. An a.c. source is 120 V, 60 Hz. The value of voltage source. If both the voltage and the
voltage after 1/720 sec from start is frequency are doubled, the circuit current
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Œeesle 120 Jeesuš, 60 nšd&pe nw~ Skeâ Megæ ØesjkeâlJe Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee Œeesle mes
ØeejcYe mes 1/720 meskesâC[ kesâ yeeo Jeesušspe keâe mebÙeesefpele nw~ Ùeefo Jeesušlee Deewj DeeJe=efòe oesveeW oesiegvee nes
ceeve.......... nw~ peeS, lees heefjheLe Oeeje-
(a) 84.8 V (b) 42.4 V (a) becomes double /oes iegvee nes peelee nw
(c) 24.4 V (d) 52.2 V
(b) is halved /DeeOee nes peelee nw
2661. The reactive component of line current in fig. is
.......... (c) becomes three times /leerve iegvee nes peelee nw
efÛe$e ceW ueeFve Oeeje keâe Øeeflekeâejer DeJeÙeJe.............nw~ (d) remains unchanged /DeheefjJeefle&le

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 262 YCT

*2667.The voltage across a 0.01 µF capacitor is v=240 2672. What is the average value of the waveform
sin (1.25 × 104 t –30o). The peak current in the shown in fig.
circuit is / Skeâ 0.01 ceeF›eâes-hewâj[ mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâeme efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le lejbie ™he keâe Deewmele ceeve keäÙee nw?
Jeesušlee v=240 sin (1.25 × 104 t –30o) nw~ heefjheLe ceW
efMeKej Oeeje nw~
(a) 0.1A (b) 0.03A
(c) 1.2A (d) 0.52A
2668. The voltage across an inductor is v= Vm sin ( ωt
–30o). The current through the inductor is i=Im
sin ( ωt –φ). The value of φ is (a) 0.127A (b) 0.1A
Skeâ Øesjkeâ kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee v= Vm sin ( ωt –30o) nw~ (c) 2.5A (d) 1.4A
Øesjkeâ kesâ ceeOÙece mes ØeJeeefnle Oeeje i=Im sin ( ωt –φ) nw~ 2673. An a.c. of frequency f is flowing in a circuit
containing only a choke coil L. If Vm and Im
φ keâe ceeve nw-
represent the peak values of voltage and
(a) 90o
current respectively, the average power
(b) 60o
supplied by the source is
(c) 120o
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) keâer DeeJe=efòe (f) Skeâ heefjheLe
(d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2669. An alternating current varies through
ceW kesâJeue Skeâ Ûeeskeâ kegâC[ueer (L) Ùegòeâ ØeJeeefnle nes jner
complete one cycle in 1µs. Its frequency is nw~ Ùeefo Vm Deewj Im ›eâceMe: Jeesušspe kesâ efMeKej ceeve
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje 1 ceeF›eâesmeskesâC[ ceW Skeâ hetCe& Ûe›eâ Deewj Oeeje keâes ›eâceMe: ØeoefMe&le keâjles nw, Œeesle kesâ Éeje
kesâ Éeje heefjJeefle&le nesleer nw~ Fmekeâer DeeJe=efòe...........nw~ Deehetefle& keâer ieÙeer Deewmele Meefòeâ nw............~
(a) 103 Hz 1 1 2
(b) 104 Hz (a) Vm Im (b) I m × 2πfL
2 2
(c) 10 Hz 1 2
(d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 0 (d) Vm × 2πfL
2670. An alternating current cannot be measured by 2674. The mains supply of a house is 230V,50 Hz.
a d.c. ammeter because The potential difference experienced by a
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) Skeâ efo° Oeeje (d.c.) Deceeršj person who happens to touch the line is
kesâ Éeje ceeheve veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee keäÙeeWefkeâ........ Skeâ Iej keâer cegKÙe Deehetefle& 230 Jeesuš, 50 nš&dpe nw~
(a) a.c. in virtual /ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) JeemleefJekeâ ceW nw Skeâ JÙeefòeâ kesâ Éeje DevegYeJe efkeâÙee ieÙee efJeYeJe Devlej
(b) a.c. cannot pass through d.c. ammeter pees Ûeeuekeâ keâes Úgves mes Ieefšle neslee nw~
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) efo° Oeeje (d.c.) Deceeršj kesâ (a) 230V (b) 460V
ceeOÙece mes heeme veneR keâj mekeâleer nw~ (c) 325V (d) 115V
(c) average value of a.c. over one cycle is zero 2675. The reactance of 1F capacitance when
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje keâe Deewmele ceeve Skeâ Ûe›eâ kesâ efueS MetvÙe nw~ connected to a d.c. circuit is
(d) none of above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 1 hewâj[ mebOeeefj$e keâe ØeefleIeele........peye Skeâ efo° Oeeje
*2671.The angular frequency of waveform shown in heefjheLe mes mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw~
fig. is
(a) infinite/ Devevle (b) zero/MetvÙe
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le lejbie ™he keâe keâesCeerÙe DeeJe=efòe..........nw~
(c) 1Ω (d) 0.5Ω
2676. Radio frequency choke is
jsef[Ùees DeeJe=efòe Ûeeskeâ...............nw~
(a) air-cored /nJee-keâesj
(b) iron-cored /ueesne-keâesj
(c) air as well as iron- cored
(a) 10 rad/s (b) 31.4 rad/s
nJee kesâ meeLe ner meeLe ueesne keâesj
(c) 12.3 rad/s (d) 21.2 rad/s (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 263 YCT
2677. The frequency of the waveform shown in fig. is 2682. The instrument used to measure average power
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le lejbie-™he keâer DeeJe=efòe.............nw~ in an a.c. circuit is
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW Deewmele Meefòeâ keâe
ceeheve keâjves kesâ efueS...........GheÙeb$e keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~
(a) varmeter /Jeejceeršj
(b) wattmeter /Jee@šceeršj
(c) kilowatt- hour meter /efkeâueesJee@š-IeCše ceeršj
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2683. A 10 mH inductor carries a sinusoidal current
of 1 A r.m.s. at a frequency of 50Hz. The
(a) 10kHz (b) 5kHz average power dissipated by the inductor is
(c) 2kHz (d) 2.5kHz Skeâ 10 efceueer nsvejer Øesjkeâ 50 nšd&pe DeeJe=efòe hej 1
*2678.A 40 Ω resistor is connected across a 15 V SefcheÙej kesâ (Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue) pÙeeJe›eâerÙe Oeeje uess pee
variable frequency source. The current jner nw~ Øesjkeâ kesâ Éeje efJekeâerCe& Deewmele Meefòeâ............nw~
through the resistor when frequency is 100Hz
(a) 0W (b) 0.25W
will be
(c) 0.5W (d) 1W
Skeâ 40 Deesndce ØeeflejesOekeâ Skeâ 15 Jeesuš heefjJeleea
*2684.The current wave shown in fig. passes through
DeeJe=efòe œeesle kesâ S›eâeme mebÙeesefpele nw~ peye DeeJe=efòe 100 a pure resistor of 10Ω. The power dissipated in
nšd&pe nw ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ Éeje Oeeje nesieer? the resistor is / efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le Oeeje lejbie 10
(a) 0.5A Deesndce kesâ Skeâ Megæ ØeeflejesOe kesâ Éeje neskeâj iegpejlee nw~
(b) 0.1A
(c) 0.375A Øeef lejesOekeâ ceW JÙeÙe Meefòeâ............nw~
(d) cannot be found/ %eele veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee
2679. A 110 V d.c. heater is used on a.c. source such
that the heat produced is the same. The rms.
value of the alternating voltage is
Skeâ 110 Jeesuš efo° Oeeje (d.c.) leehekeâ ØelÙeeJeleea
Oeeje (a.c.) Œeesle hej GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw pewmee efkeâ
leehekeâ meceeve T<cee GlheVe keâjlee nw~ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee (a) 7.29W (b) 52.4W
(c) 135W (d) 270W
keâe Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue (r.m.s.) ceeve...........nw~
*2685.The current through a resistor has the
(a) 55V (b) 220V waveform shown is fig. The reading shown by a
(c) 77.78V (d) 110V
moving coil ammeter will be
2680. The voltage across L-C combination in fig. is
Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ Éeje Oeeje keâe lejbie-™he efÛe$e ceW
efÛe$e ceW L-C mebÙeespeve kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee......... nw~ ØeoefMe&le nw~ Skeâ cegefJebie kegâC[ueer kesâ Éeje ØeoefMe&le
hee"Ÿeebkeâ ................nesiee~

(a) 0 (b) 200V

(c) 400V (d) 200 2V
2681. In a circuit containing an inductance of zero (a) 5 / 2A (b) 2.5 / 2A
resistance, the current leads the applied a.c. (c) 5 / πA (d) 0A
voltage by a phase angle of
*2686.An alternating voltage v= 200sin 314t is applied
Skeâ heefjheLe ceW Skeâ ØesjkeâlJe kesâ MetvÙe ØeeflejesOe to a device which offers an ohmic resistance of
meefcceefuele keâjles ngS, Oeeje Deehetefle& ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje 20Ω to the flow of current in one direction
(a.c.) Jeesušlee mes..........Skeâ hesâpe keâesCe kesâ Éeje De«e nw~ while entirely preventing the flow of current in
(a) –90o (b) 90o the opposite direction. The average value of
(c) 0o (d) 180o current is
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 264 YCT
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee v = 200sin 314t Skeâ Ùegefòeâ 2691. In an R-L series circuit, the phase difference φ
(Ùeb$e) kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ nw efpemekesâ Skeâ 20 Deesndce kesâ between applied voltage and circuit current
Deesndefcekeâ ØeeflejesOe keâes Skeâ efoMee ceW Oeeje kesâ ØeJeen keâer will increase if ............
Ûes°e (ØemleeJe) keâjlee nw efJehejerle efoMee ceW Oeeje kesâ ØeJeen Skeâ R-L ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW, Deehetefle& Jeesušlee Deewj
keâes hetjer lejn mes jeskeâlee nw~ Oeeje keâe Deewmele ceeve heefjheLe Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe hesâpe Devlej φ yeÌ{siee Ùeefo........~
............. nw~ (a) XL is increased / XL yeÌ{lee nw
(a) 5A (b) 3.18A (b) R is increased / R yeÌ{lee nw
(c) 1.57A (d) 1.1A (c) XL is decreased /XL Iešlee nw
*2687.The current through a resistor has a waveform
shown in fig. The reading shown by hot-wire (d) Supply frequency is decreased
ammeter will be mehueeF& DeeJe=efòe Iešleer nw
Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ Éeje Oeeje keâe lejbie™he efÛe$e ceW *2692.The power consumed in an a.c. circuit is given
ØeoefMe&le nw~ iece&-leej Deceeršj kesâ Éeje ØeoefMe&le hee"Ÿeebkeâ by ......... /Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW Kehele
........... nesiee~ Meefòeâ ....... kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~
Vm I m
(a) Vm Im (b) cos φ
(c) IZ cosφ (d) VmIm cos φ
*2693.The power factor of an a.c. circuit is given by
......... / Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-
iegCekeâ...... kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~
(a) 5 / 2A (b) 2.5 / 2A XL Z
(a) (b)
(c) 5 / πA (d) 0A R R
2688. A resistor eventually reaches a temperature of R R
o (c) (d)
65 C when it conducts a direct current of XL Z
75mA. The peak value of sinusoidal alternating
*2694.In an R-L series circuit, R=10Ω and XL= 10Ω.
current that will cause the resistor to reach the
same temperature is The phase angle between applied voltage and
Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ 65ºC leeheceeve kesâ Devle ceW hengÛeBlee nw circuit current is ..........
peye Ùen 75 efceueer-SefcheÙej Skeâ efo° Oeeje keâe vesle=lJe Skeâ R-L ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW, R = 10 Deesndce Deewj XL =
(DeeÙeesefpele) keâjlee nw~ pÙeeJe›eâerÙe ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje kesâ 10 Deesndce nw leess Deehetefle& Jeesušlee Deewj heefjheLe Oeeje kesâ
efMeKej ceeve keâe keâejCe ØeeflejesOe keâes meceeve leeheceeve yeerÛe hesâpe keâesCe.......... nw~
Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS nesiee- (a) 45o (b) 30o
(a) 75mA (b) 53mA (c) 60 (d) 36.8o
(c) 150mA (d) 106mA 2695. In fig. the supply voltage is ...........
2689. The impedance of an R-L series circuits is efÛe$e ceW, Deehetefle& Jeesušlee nw.........
given by ............/Skeâ R-L ßesCeer heefjheLe keâer
ØeefleyeeOee........kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~
(a) R+XL
(b) R 2 + X L2
(c) R 2 + X 2L
(d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2690. In an R-L series circuit, line current ......... (a) 500V (b) 100V
Skeâ R-L ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW, ueeFve Oeeje.........~ (c) 200V (d) 400V
(a) leads the applied voltage 2696. For greater accuracy, the value of φ (i.e. phase
Deehetefle& Jeesušlee mes De«e nesleer nw angle) should be determined from ..........
(b) lags behind the applied voltage
DeefOekeâlece ÙeLeeLe&lee kesâ efueS, φ keâe ceeve (DeLee&led hesâpe
Deehetefle& Jeesušlee mes he§e nesleer nw
(c) is in phase with applied voltage keâesCe) ..........mes %eele nesvee ÛeeefnS~
Deehetefle& Jeesušlee kesâ hesâpe ceW nw (a) cosφ (b) sin φ
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) tan φ (d) sec φ

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 265 YCT

2697. An inductive circuit draws a line current of *2702.The reactive power drawn by the circuit shown
10A. If the reactive component of line current in fig. is ......... / efÛe$e ceW oMee&Ùes ieÙes heefjheLe Éeje ueer
is 6A, then power factor of the circuit is ........ ieF& Øeeflekeâejer Meefòeâ.........nw~
Skeâ ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe 10 SefcheÙej keâer Skeâ ueeFve Oeeje
uesleer nw Ùeefo ueeFve Oeeje keâe ØeefleIeeleerÙe Ieškeâ 6
SefcheÙej nw, leye heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ.......nw~
(a) 0.6 lagging /0.6 he§eieeceer
(b) 0.8 lagging /0.8 he§eieeceer
(c) 0.5 lagging /0.5 he§eieeceer (a) 2400VAR (b) 4000VAR
(c) 3200VAR
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) 2000 VAR
2698. As the power factor of a circuit is increased, *2703.The active component of line current in fig. is
........ ...........
Skeâ heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ yeÌ{s, lees ............~ efÛe$e ceW ueeFve Oeeje kesâ meef›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe..........nw~
(a) reactive power is decreased
Øeeflekeâejer Meefòeâ keâer keâceer nesieer
(b) active power is decreased
meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ keâer keâceer nesieer
(c) reactive power is increased
Øeeflekeâejer Meefòeâ keâer Je=efæ nesieer (a) 12A (b) 16A
(c) 20A (d) 4A
(d) both active and reactive powers are increased
2704. The value of R in the circuit shown in fig. is
meef›eâÙe Deewj Øeeflekeâejer Meefòeâ oesveeW keâer Je=efæ nesieer ........
*2699.An R-L series a.c. circuit has 15V across oMee&Ùes ieÙes efÛe$e ceW, R keâe ceeve heefjheLe ceW ..........nw~
resistor and 20V across the inductor. The
supply voltage is ............
Skeâ R-L ßesCeer S.meer heefjheLe ceW ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ S›eâe@me
15 Jeesuš Deewj Øesjkeâ kesâ S›eâe@me 20 Jeesuš nw Deehetefle&
(a) 35V (b) 5V
(a) 16Ω (b) 10Ω
(c) 25V (d) 175V (c) 3Ω (d) 4Ω
2700. The power factor of the circuit shown in fig. is 2705. Power consumed in the circuit shown in fig. is
.......... ........
efÛe$e ceW heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ ØeoefMe&le nw- oMee&Ùes ieÙes efÛe$e ceW, heefjheLe ceW Kehele Meefòeâ .......... nw~

(a) 0.8 lagging /0.8 he§eieeceer

(b) 0.4 lagging /0.4 he§eieeceer
(a) 1200W (b) 2000W
(c) 0.75 lagging /0.75 he§eieeceer
(c) 60W (d) 600W
(d) 0.6 lagging /0.6 he§eieeceer *2706.The active and reactive powers of an inductive
*2701.The power consumed in the circuit shown in circuit are 60W and 80 VAR respectively. The
fig. is ......... power factor of the circuit is ........
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe keâer Kehele Meefòeâ...........nw~ Skeâ ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe kesâ meef›eâÙe Deewj Øeeflekeâejer MeefòeâÙeeB
›eâceMe: 60 Jee@š Deewj 80 VAR nw~ heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-
(a) 0.8 lagging/0.8 he§eieeceer
(b) 0.75 lagging/0.75 he§eieeceer
(a) 4000W (b) 2400W (c) 0.6 lagging/0.6 he§eieeceer
(c) 2000W (d) 1200W (d) 0.5 lagging/0.5 he§eieeceer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 266 YCT

2707. The active and apparent powers of an a.c. 220 V. 50 Hz keâe Skeâ ØesjefkeâÙe heefjheLe 30 hejÛeieeceer hej
circuit are equal in magnitude. The circuit 11A keâer Oeeje ueslee nw~ heefjheLe keâe ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele nw?
power factor is ............
(a) 1 Ω (b) 10 Ω
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe kesâ meef›eâÙe Deewj
(c) 20 Ω (d) 5 Ω
DeeYeemeer MeefòeâÙeeB heefjceeCe ceW yejeyej nw~ heefjheLe keâe
2714. The power factor of the circuit shown in fig. is
Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ ......... nw~ ..........
(a) 0.707 (b) 0.5 efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ........nw~
(c) 0.8 (d) 1
2708. A wattmeter indicates ........... power.
Skeâ Jee@šceeršj..........Meefòeâ ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw
(a) active /meef›eâÙe
(b) reactive /Øeeflekeâejer
(c) apparent /DeeYeemeer
(a) 0.6 lagging/0.6 he§eieeceer
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) 0.3 lagging/ 0.3 he§eieeceer
2709. If the lagging reactive power of an a.c. circuit
increases, the power factor of the circuit ......... (c) 0.8 lagging/0.8 he§eieeceer
Ùeefo Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe keâer he§eieeceer Øeeflekeâejer (d) 0.75 lagging/0.75 he§eieeceer
Meefòeâ yeÌ{leer nw, lees heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ.........~ *2715.In fig. the voltmeter will read .........
(a) is increased /yeÌ{lee nw
efÛe$e ceW Jeesušceeršj keâe hee"Ùeebkeâ..........nesiee~
(b) is decreased /Iešlee nw
(c) remains unchanged /DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2710. Reactive power in an a.c. circuit is ...........
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe ceW Øeeflekeâejer Meefòeâ........nw~
(a) measured by a wattmeter (a) 20V (b) 40V
Skeâ Jee@šceeršj kesâ Éeje ceeefhele (c) 120V (d) 60V
(b) the useful power /GheÙeesieer Meefòeâ *2716.The reactive component of line current in fig. is
(c) consumed in the circuit /heefjheLe ceW Kehele
efÛe$e ceW ueeFve Oeeje keâe Øeeflekeâejer DeJeÙeJe.........nw~
(d) a liability on the circuit /heefjheLe hej Skeâ oeefÙelJe
*2711.A 200V, 50 Hz inductive circuit takes a current
of 10A, lagging 30o. The inductive reactance of
the circuit is ............
Skeâ 200V, 50 Hz ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe 30º he§eieeceer hej
10 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje uesleer nw heefjheLe keâe ØesjkeâerÙe
ØeefleIeele.......... nw~ (a) 8A (b) 6A
(c) 10A (d) 12A
(a) 20Ω (b) 10Ω
2717. The power consumed in the circuit shown in
(c) 17.32Ω (d) 16Ω
fig. is ...........
2712. In an R-L series circuit, the two sides of the
oMee&Ùes ieÙes efÛe$e ceW, heefjheLe ceW Meefòeâ Kehele.........nw~
impedance triangle that form the phase angle
are ............
Skeâ R-L ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW, ØeefleyeeOee ef$eYegpe kesâ oes
YegpeeDeeW kesâ Hesâpe keâesCe nw Jen .........nw~
(a) R and XL/R Deewj XL
(b) R and Z/R Deewj Z
(c) Z and XL/Z Deewj XL (a) 1000W (b) 800W
(c) 1400W
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) 600W
*2718.A circuit when connected to 200V mains takes
2713. A 220 V. 50 Hz inductive circuit takes a a current of 20A, leading the voltage by one-
current of 11A, lagging at 300. The inductive twelfth of time period. The circuit resistance is
reactance of the circuit is? ............
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 267 YCT
peye Skeâ heefjheLe 200 Jeesuš cegKÙe Deehetefle& mes mebÙeesefpele Skeâ R-C ßesCeer heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee 100 Deesndce nw~
efkeâÙee peelee nw lees 20 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje ueslee nw, 1/12 Ùeefo heefjheLe Oeeje Deehetefle& Jeesušlee mes 45º De«e nw, lees
DeeJele&keâeue ceW Jeesušlee De«eieeceer nw lees heefjheLe keâe OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele..........nw~
ØeeflejesOe ..........nw~ (a) 70.7Ω (b) 141.42Ω
(a) 10Ω (b) 8.66Ω (c) 100Ω (d) 50Ω
(c) 20Ω (d) 17.32Ω 2724. In a R-C series circuit, XC= R. The phase angle
*2719.In fig. the voltmeter will read ............ between applied voltage and circuit current is
efÛe$e ceW, Jeesušceeršj...........heÌ{siee~ .............
Skeâ R-C ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW, XC = R nw~ Deehetefle& Jeesušlee
Deewj heefjheLe Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe hesâpe keâesCe...........nw~
(a) 30o (b) 45o
(c) 60 (d) 90o
*2725.An a.c. series circuit has R= 6Ω, XL = 20Ω and
(a) 100V (b) 50V
XC= 12Ω. The circuit power factor will be
(c) 200V (d) 175V ..............
*2720.The power factor of the circuit shown in fig. is Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) ßesCeer heefjheLe kesâ R = 6
Deesndce XL = 20 Deesndce Deewj XC = 12 Deesndce nw~ heefjheLe
ØeoefMe&le efÛe$e ceW heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ ........ nw~
keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ............nesiee~
(a) 0.8 lagging /0.8 he§eieeceer
(b) 0.5 leading /0.5 De«eieeceer
(c) 0.6 lagging /0.6 he§eieeceer
(a) 0.6 leading /0.6 De«eieeceer (d) 0.6 leading /0.6 De«eieeceer
(b) 0.8 leading /0.8 De«eieeceer 2726. A voltage of 230 V is applied across a series a.c.
circuit of XC= 25Ω, R = 15Ω and XL= 10Ω. The
(c) 0.75 leading /0.75 De«eieeceer
phase angle between applied voltage and
(d) 0.5 leading /0.5 De«eieeceer circuit current is ...........
*2721.The reactive power drawn by the circuit shown Skeâ 230 Jeesuš keâer Jeesušlee Skeâ ßesCeer ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje
in fig. is .........
(a.c.) heefjheLe kesâ XC= 25Ω, R = 15Ω Deewj XL= 10Ω
efÛe$e ceW oMee&Ùes ieÙes heefjheLe kesâ Éeje ueer ieF& Øeeflekeâejer
kesâ S›eâeme ØeÙegòeâ Deehetefle& nw~ ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee Deewj
heefjheLe Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe hesâpe keâesCe...........nw~
(a) Zero/MetvÙe (b) 30o
(c) 60o (d) 45o
*2727.If in an R-L-C series circuit, the frequency is
below the resonant frequency, then, ...............
(a) 250 VAR (b) 150 VAR Ùeefo Skeâ R-L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW, DeeJe=efòe Devegveeoer
(c) 200 VAR (d) 100 VAR DeeJe=efòe mes keâce nw, leye..........
2722. A low power factor of the circuit means that it
(a) XC = XL
will ........... / Skeâ efvecve Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ kesâ heefjheLe keâe
(b) XC < XL
leelheÙe& nw efkeâ Ùen ............nesiee~ (c) XC > XL
(a) draw more active power (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
DelÙeefOekeâ meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ uesieer 2728. At series resonance, ..............
(b) draw less line current /efvecve ueeFve Oeeje uesieer ßesCeer Devegveeo hej...........
(c) draw more reactive power (a) circuit impedance is very large
DelÙeefOekeâ Øeeflekeâejer Meefòeâ uesieer heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee yengle DeefOekeâ nesleer nw
(d) cause less voltage drop in the line (b) circuit power factor is minimum
ueeFve ceW efvecve Jeesušlee [^ehe keâe keâejCe yevesieer heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ efvecvelece nesleer nw
*2723.The impedance of an R-C series circuit is (c) voltage across L or C is zero
100Ω. If circuit current leads the applied L Ùee C kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee MetvÙe nesleer nw
voltage by 45o, then capacitive reactance is (d) circuit power factor is unity
......... heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ FkeâeF& nesleer nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 268 YCT
2729. At series resonance, the voltage across L or C is 2735. When supply frequency is less than the
.......... resonant frequency in a parallel a.c. circuit,
ßesCeer Devegveeo hej L Ùee C kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee......... nw~ then circuit is .............
(a) equal to applied voltage /ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee kesâ yejeyej Skeâ meceeveevlej Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW peye Deehetefle&
(b) less than applied voltage /ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee mes keâce DeeJe=efòe, Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe mes keâce nw leye heefjheLe.......nw~
(c) much more than applied voltage (a) resistive /ØeeflejesOeer
ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee mes yengle DeefOekeâ (b) capacitive /OeeefjleerÙe
(d) equal to voltage across R (c) inductive /ØesjkeâerÙe
R kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee kesâ yejeyej
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2730. The Q factor of a coil is ............ resistance of
*2736.Dynamic impedance of a parallel tuned circuit
is ........... / Skeâ meceeveevlej šŸetC[ heefjheLe keâer
Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâe Q- iegCekeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ ØeeflejesOe.......nw~
(a) inversely proportional to /kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
ieef lekeâerÙe ØeefleyeeOee ......... nw~
(b) directly proportional to /kesâ meceevegheeleer L RL
(a) (b)
(c) independent of /kesâ mJeleb$e CR C
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) (d)
*2731.An R-L-C series circuit is connected to a 200V
2737. A parallel resonant circuit magnifies ..............
a.c. source. If Q factor of the coil is 10, then
voltage across C at resonance is ....... Skeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe .......... Je=efæ keâjlee nw~
Skeâ R-L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe 200 Jeesuš ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a) current /Oeeje
(a.c.) Œeesle mes mebÙeesefpele nw~ Ùeefo kegâC[ueer keâe Q- (b) voltage /Jeesušlee
iegCekeâ 10 nw, lees Devegveeo hej C kesâ S›eâeme (c) both voltage & current /Jeesušlee Deewj Oeeje oesveeW
Jeesušlee....... nw~ (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) 200V (b) 2000V 2738. When the supply frequency is more than the
(c) 20V (d) 210V resonant frequency in a parallel a.c. circuit,
*2732.In an a.c. circuit shown in fig. the r.m.s. then circuit is ...............
current in the circuit is 5A. The circuit Skeâ meceeveevlej ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW, peye
impedance is Deehetefle& DeeJe=efòe Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe mes DeefOekeâ nw, leye
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le nw~ heefjheLe............nw~
heefjheLe ceW Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue (r.m.s.) Oeeje 5 SefcheÙej nw~
(a) resistive /ØeeflejesOeer
heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee nw.........~
(b) capacitive /OeeefjleerÙe
(c) inductive /ØesjkeâerÙe
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2739.The Q factor of a coil is given by .........
(a) 5Ω (b) 4Ω
Skeâ kegâC[ueer keâe Q iegCekeâ.........kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~
(c) 25Ω (d) 10Ω
2733. At parallel resonance, .............. R 1
(a) (b)
meceeveevlej Devegveeo hej,............ X L X L

(a) circuit impedance is minimum 1 XL

(c) (d)
heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee efvecvelece nesleer nw R R
(b) power factor is zero /Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ MetvÙe nesleer nw 2740. The dynamic impedance of a parallel resonant
(c) line current is maximum circuit is 1 M Ω. If C=1 µF and R = 1Ω, then
ueeFve Oeeje DeefOekeâlece nesleer nw value of L is .............
(d) power factor is unity/Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ FkeâeF& nesleer nw Skeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe keâer ieeflekeâerÙe
2734. A series resonant circuit magnifies ............ ØeefleyeeOee 1 cesiee-Deesndce nw~ Ùeefo C = 1 ceeF›eâes-hewâj[
Skeâ ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe Je=efæ keâjlee nw.......... Deewj R = 1 Deesndce leye L keâe ceeve...........nw~
(a) voltage /Jeesušlee (a) 1H
(b) current /Oeeje (b) 1012H
(c) both voltage & current /Jeesušlee Deewj Oeeje oesveeW (c) 10–12H
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 269 YCT
*2741.A coil is supplied with 200V and takes a *2746.In fig. what is the reading of the ammeter?
current of 2A at 45o lagging. The Q of the coil efÛe$e ceW Deceeršj keâe hee"Ùeebkeâ keäÙee nesiee?
is ..........
Skeâ kegâC[ueer 200 Jeesušlee kesâ meeLe Deehetefle&le nw Deewj
45º he§eieeceer hej 2 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje uesleer nw~ kegâC[ueer
keâe Q........... nw~
(a) 100 (b) 25
(c) 10 (d) 1 (a) 2A (b) 1.2A
*2742.A coil takes apparent and reactive powers of (c) 4A (d) 2.5A
100 VA and 80 VAR respectively. the Q factor *2747.Fig. shown an R-L-C series circuit connected
of the coil is ........... / Skeâ kegâC[ueer ›eâceMe: 100 VA across an a.c. source V. If the frequency of a.c.
Deewj 800 VAR kesâ DeeYeemeer Deewj Øeeflekeâejer Meefòeâ uesleer is more than the resonant frequency of the
circuit the circuit current (I)
nw~ kegâC[ueer keâe Q iegCekeâ nw........ efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le Skeâ R-L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe Skeâ
(a) 1.33
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) Œeesle V kesâ S›eâeme mebÙeessefpele nw~
(b) 8
(c) 10 Ùeefo ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) keâer DeeJe=efòe heefjheLe kesâ
(d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe mes DeefOekeâ nw heefjheLe Oeeje (I) nw.........
*2743.Fig. shows the potential difference across the
various circuit elements. The magnitude of
applied voltage (v) is.
efÛe$e efJeefYeVe heefjheLe DeJeÙeJees kesâ S›eâeme efJeYeJe Devlej
(p.d.s.) ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~ ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee (v) keâe
(a) is in phase with V/Jeesušlee V kesâ meeLe hesâpe ceW nw
heefjceeCe......... nw~
(b) leads V/Jeesušlee V mes De«e nw
(c) lags behind V/Jeesušlee V mes he§e heerÚs nw
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2748.A lamp consume 25% of peak power in an a.c.
circuit. What is the phase difference between
(a) 205V the applied voltage and circuit current?
(b) 35V Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW Skeâ uewche efMeKej
(c) 25V Meefòeâ keâe 25% Kehele keâjlee nw~ ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee Deewj
(d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR heefjheLe Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe hesâpe Devlej keäÙee nw?
2744. In a circuit element, the p.d. is higher than the π π
applied voltage of the source. That will be (a) (b)
6 3
Skeâ heefjheLe DeJeÙeJe ceW, ØeÙegòeâ Œeesle Jeesušlee mes π π
efJeYeJeevlej DeefOekeâ nw, lees ........... nesiee~ (c) (d)
4 2
(a) an a.c. circuit /Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe 2749. In R-L-C series a.c. circuit, the current
(b) an d.c. circuit /Skeâ efo° Oeeje heefjheLe R-L-C ßesCeer ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW,
(c) an a.c. or a d.c. circuit Oeeje.........
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Ùee Skeâ efo° Oeeje heefjheLe (a) is always in phase with applied voltage
(d) neither a.c. nor d.c. circuit ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee kesâ ncesMee hesâpe ceW nesleer nw
ve ner ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje ve ner efo° Oeeje heefjheLe (b) always lags behind the applied voltage
*2745.In fig what will be the reading of the voltmeter? ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee mes ncesMee he§e neslee nw
efÛe$e ceW Jeesušceeršj keâe hee"Ùeebkeâ keäÙee nesiee? (c) always leads the applied voltage
ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee mes ncesMee De«e nesleer nw
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2750.In an a.c. circuit, V and I are given by;
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW V Deewj I.......kesâ
Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~
(a) 80V (b) 20V V = 100 sin (100t) volts
(c) 40V (d) 0V I = 100 sin (100 t+ π/3) mA
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 270 YCT
The power dissipated in the circuit is *2755.A resistance of 1Ω, an inductance of 1H and a
heefjheLe ceW efJekeâerCe& Meefòeâ..........nw~ capacitance of 1F are connected in series and
(a) 2.5W (b) 10W the line current is 1A. The energy consumed in
(c) 5W (d) 104W 1 hour is
*2751.In the circuit shown in Fig. the current through Skeâ 1Ω Deesce keâe ØeeflejesOe, Skeâ 1H kesâ ØesjkeâlJe Deewj
the inductor is 0.7 A while that through the
Skeâ 1F kesâ mebOeeefj$e kesâ ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nw Deewj
capacitor is 0.5A. The circuit current is
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW Øesjkeâ mes neskeâj peeves Jeeueer ueeFve Oeeje 1 SefcheÙej nw~ Skeâ IeCšs ceW Kehele Tpee&
Oeeje 0.7 SefcheÙej nw peyeefkeâ Jener mebOeeefj$e mes neskeâj .............nw~
peeves Jeeueer 0.5 SefcheÙej nw~ heefjheLe Oeeje...........nw~ (a) 3600J (b) 1200J
(c) 1600J (d) 600J
*2756.When 100 V d.c. is applied across a solenoid, a
current of 1A flows in it. When 100V a.c. is
applied across it, the current drops to 0.5A. If
the frequency of a.c. is 50Hz, the impedance
(a) 0.1A (b) 1.2A and inductance of solenoid are
(c) 0.2A (d) 0.25A peye 100 Jeesuš efo° Oeeje Skeâ heefjveeefuekeâe kesâ S›eâeme
2752. Fig. shows the p.d.s. across the various circuit ØeÙegòeâ nw, Fmemes 1 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw~
elements. The power factor of the circuit is peye 100 Jeesuš ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) Fmekesâ S›eâeme
efJeefYeVe heefjheLe DeJeÙeJeeW kesâ S›eâeme efJeYeJe Devlej
ØeÙegòeâ nw, 0.5 SefcheÙej Oeeje [^ehe kesâ efueS Ùeefo
(p.d.s) efÛe$e ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~ heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje keâer DeeJe=efòe 50 nšd&pe nw, heefjveeefuekeâe
keâe ØeefleyeeOee Deewj ØesjkeâlJe nw.........
(a) 100Ω ; 0.25H (b) 200Ω; 1H
(c) 200Ω; 0.55H (d) 100Ω; 0.84H
2757. Wattless current is said to flow when phase
angle between voltage and current is
(a) 0 Meefòeânerve Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw peye Jeesušlee Deewj Oeeje
(b) 1 kesâ yeerÛe hesâpe keâesCe..........nw~
(c) 0.5
(a) 90o (b) 0o
(d) cannot be predicted
(c) 60o (d) 180o
YeefJe<ÙeJeeCeer veneR keâer pee mekeâleer
2758. Fig. shows the graph between current and
*2753.A steady current of 20A flows through a coil of
frequency for a series R-L-C circuit. The
inductance 0.03 H when connected to a 200 V
resonant frequency is
d.c. supply. When the coil is connected to 200V,
50Hz supply, the impedance of the circuit is Skeâ ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe ceW Oeeje Deewj DeeJe=efòe kesâ
Skeâ 20 SefcheÙej keâer efmLej Oeeje Skeâ kegâC[ueer kesâ efueS jsKee-efÛe$e («eeheâ) efÛe$e ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~
ØesjkeâlJe 0.03 nsvejer mes neskeâj ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw peye Skeâ Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe...........nw~
200 Jeesuš efo° Oeeje (d.c.) mes mebÙeesefpele keâer peeleer nw~
peye kegâC[ueer 200 Jeesuš, 50 nšd&pe Deehetefle& mes mebÙeesefpele
keâer peeleer nw heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee nw.......~
(a) 10Ω (b) 5.6Ω
(c) 23.38Ω (d) 13.73Ω
*2754.An e.m.f. given by 326 sin 418 t is applied to a
certain circuit and the current is 2 sin (418t–
π/3). The impedance of the circuit is
Skeâ efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (e.m.f) 326 sin 418 t kesâ Éeje
efoÙee ieÙee nw pees Skeâ efveef§ele heefjheLe mes DevegØeÙegòeâ
(ueeiet) nw Deewj Oeeje 2 sin (418t–π/3) nw~ heefjheLe keâer (a) 5kHz
ØeefleyeeOee.........nw~ (b) 10kHz
(a) 100Ω (b) 73.2Ω (c) 2.5kHz
(c) 163Ω (d) 112.6Ω (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 271 YCT
*2759.An R-L-C series circuit has R= 2.5Ω, C = 2764. A power triangle can provide information
100µF and a variable inductance. The applied about / Skeâ Meefòeâ ef$eYegpe........kesâ yeejs ceW metÛevee Øeoeve
voltage is 50V at 800 rad/sec. The inductance is keâj mekeâlee nw~
varied till voltage across resistance is (a) power factor/Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ
maximum. The value of inductance is (b) kVA
Skeâ R-L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe kesâ R = 2.5 Deesndce, C = (c) kVAR
100µF (ceeF›eâes-hewâj[) Deewj Skeâ heefjJele&veerÙe ØesjkeâlJe (d) all the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
nw~ 800 jsef[Ùeve/meskesâC[ hej ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee 50 Jeesuš 2765. A load is operating at a leading power factor.
For power factor correction, we should connect
nw~ ØeeflejesOe kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee DeefOekeâlece nw peye lekeâ .......... in parallel with the load.
ØesjkeâlJe heefjJeefle&le neslee nw~ ØesjkeâlJe keâe ceeve............nw~ Skeâ Yeej De«eieeceer Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ hej ØeÛeeefuele nes jne
(a) 0.012 H (b) 0.1 H nw~ Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ megOeej kesâ efueS, Yeej kesâ meeLe
(c) 0.0156 H (d) 0.1348 H meceeveevlej ceW..........nceW mebÙeesefpele keâjvee ÛeeefnS~
*2760.A series LCR circuit which resonates at fr = 500
(a) resistor/ØeeflejesOe
kHz has L = 100 µH, R = 25Ω and C= 1000pF.
The quality factor of the circuit at resonance is (b) capacitor/mebOeeefj$e
Skeâ L-C-R ßesCeer heefjheLe pees fr = 500 efkeâueesnšd&pe hej (c) inductor/Øesjkeâ
Devegveeefole nw, L = 100 ceeF›eâes nsvejer, R = 25 Deesndce (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2766.A series LCR circuit is resonant at 150 kHz
Deewj C = 1000 heerkeâes-hewâj[ nw~ Devegveeo hej heefjheLe keâe and has a Q. of 50. The lower half- power
iegCeJeòee-keâejkeâ ...........nw~ frequency is
(a) 12.6 (b) 25.2 Skeâ LCR ßesCeer heefjheLe 150 efkeâueesnšd&pe hej
(c) 38.3 (d) 41.8 Devegveeefole nw Deewj Q keâe ceeve 50 nw~ efvecvelej Deæ&-
2761. In the power triangle shown in Fig. the reactive Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòeÙeeB...........nw~
power is / efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le Meefòeâ ef$eYegpe ceW Øeeflekeâejer (a) 153 kHz (b) 148.5 kHz
Meefòeâ ............... nw~ (c) 147.5 kHz (d) 200 kHz
2767. The voltage applied in a circuit is given by 100
∠ 60° volts. It can be written as ............ /Skeâ
heefjheLe cesW ØeÙegkeäle Jeesušlee 100 ∠ 60° Jeesušdme kesâ Éeje
efoÙee ieÙee nw~ Ùen ........ keâer lejn efueKee pee mekeâlee nw~
(a) 100∠–60o volts/100∠–60o Jeesušdme
(b) 100∠240o volts/100∠240o Jeesušdme
(c) 100 ∠–300o volts/100 ∠–300o Jeesušdme
(a) 1000VAR leading /1000VAR De«eieeceer
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
(b) 1000 VAR lagging /1000VAR he§eieeceer
2768. The phasor 8∠60o is identical to ..........
(c) 866 VAR lagging /866VAR he§eieeceer Hesâpej 8∠60o ........... kesâ meceeve nw~
(d) 866 VAR leading /866VAR De«eieeceer (a) 8∠240o
*2762.For the power triangle if Fig. the apparent (b) 8∠780o
power is (c) 8∠310o
efÛe$e ceW Meefòeâ ef$eYegpe kesâ efueS DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ .........nw~ (d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
2769. For addition or subtraction of phasors, we use
............. form. /Hesâpej kesâ Ùeesie Ùee IešeJe kesâ efueS,
nce .......... ™he keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~
(a) polar/OeÇgJeerÙe
(a) 1000 VA (b) 500 VA
(c) 866 VA (d) 2000 VA (b) rectangular/DeeÙeleekeâej
2763. The difference between the half-power (c) trigonometrical/ef$ekeâesCeefceleerÙe
frequencies is called the (d) non of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
Deæ&-Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe Devlej.........keânueelee nw~ 2770. The quantity 2+ j 2 can be expressed in the
(a) quality factor /iegCeJeòee-keâejkeâ polar form as ........... /2+ j 2 cee$ee keâes ....... OeÇgJeerÙe
(b) bandwidth /yewC[-ÛeewÌ[eF& ™he ceW JÙekeäle keâj mekeâles nw~
(c) cut off frequency /keâš-Dee@heâ DeeJe=efòe (a) 2 2 ∠45° (b) 4 ∠90°
(d) resonant frequency /Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe (c) 2 2 ∠ − 45° (d) 1∠90°
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 272 YCT
2771. For multiplication or division of phasors, we 2777. In an a.c. circuit, the instantaneous voltage and
use ........... form. /Hesâpej kesâ iegCeve Ùee Yeeie current are given by;
(efJeYeepeve) kesâ efueS, nce ........ ™he keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW, leel#eefCekeâ
(a) rectangular /DeeÙeleekeâej Jeesušlee Deewj Oeeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~
(b) trigonometrical /ef$eYegpeekeâej v = Vm sin ( ωt + π/3)
(c) polar /OeÇgJeerÙe i = Im sin ( ωt –π/6)
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR The circuit power factor is
2772. If the impedance of an a.c. circuit is 10 ∠60oΩ, heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ nw-
then resistance in the circuit is ................ /Ùeefo (a) lagging /he§eieeceer
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee 10 ∠60o (b) leading /De«eieeceer
Deesce nw leye heefjheLe ceW ØeeflejesOe .......... nw~ (c) sometimes lagging sometimes leading
(a) 5 Ω/5 Deesce keâYeer-keâYeer he§eieeceer, keâYeer-keâYeer De«eieeceer
(b) 8.66 Ω/8.66 Deesce (d) cannot be predicted
(c) 10 Ω/10 Deesce Devegceeve veneR ueieeÙee pee mekeâlee
(d) None of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR 2778. In an R-L-C series circuit, the current through
resistance and inductance has a phase
2773. The conjugate of 10 ∠–40o is ......./ 10 ∠–40o keâe difference of
mebÙegiceer.......... nw~ Skeâ R-L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW, ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØesjkeâlJe mes
(a) 0.1∠40o (b) 0.1∠40o ØeJeeefnle Oeeje kesâ hesâpe Devlej..........nw~
(c) 10 ∠ 40 o
(d) 5∠–20o
2774. With the increase in frequency of a.c., the (a) π/2 (b) π/3
impedance of R-L-C series circuit (c) π/4 (d) 0o
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) kesâ DeeJe=efle ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe, R- *2779.A choke coil is joined to 200V, 50 Hz a.c. mains
and takes 10A. If the choke coil takes 10A on
L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee...........
100V d.c. supply, the power factor of choke coil is
(a) increases /yeÌ{leer nw
Skeâ Ûeeskeâ kegâC[ueer 200 Jeesuš, 50 nš&dpe ØelÙeeJeleea
(b) decreases /Iešleer nw
Oeeje (a.c.) cegKÙe mes mebÙeesefpele nw Deewj 10 SefcheÙej keâer
(c) remains constant /DeheefjJeefle&le jnleer nw
(d) first decreases, becomes minimum and then
Oeeje ueslee nw~ Ùeefo Ûeeskeâ kegâC[ueer 100 Jeesušlee efo°
increases /henues Iešlee nw, efvecvelece nes peelee nw Deewj Oeeje (d.c.) Deehetefle& hej 10 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje uesleer nw~
leye yeÌ{lee nw~ Ûeeskeâ kegâC[ueer keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ nw..........~
*2775.In an R-L-C circuit shown in Fig. the voltmeter (a) 1 (b) 0
and ammeter readings are (c) 0.5 (d) 0.2
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le Skeâ R-L-C heefjheLe ceW Jeesušceeršj *2780.In R-L-C series circuit shown in fig. the
Deewj Deceeršj keâe hee"Ÿeebkeâ............ nw~ frequency f of the a.c. source is variable. At f=0
and f=∞, the magnitude of circuit current will
be respectively
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le R-L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW f DeeJe=efòe keâe
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) Œeesle heefjJele&veerÙe nw~ f = 0 Deewj
f= ∞, hej, heefjheLe Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe ›eâceMe: ............

(a) 100V, 2A (b) 100V, 5A

(c) 800V, 4A (d) 400V, 3A
2776. Power factor of a circuit can be improved by
the use of / Skeâ heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ........kesâ (a) 0A, 8A
(b) 0A, 0A
ØeÙeesie Éeje megOeeje pee mekeâlee nw~ (c) 8A, 8A
(a) choke coil /Ûeeskeâ kegâC[ueer (d) None of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) capacitor /mebOeeefj$e *2781.A 120V, 50 Hz source is connected to a circuit.
(c) induction motor /ØesjCe ceesšj If the circuit current is 3A and power
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR consumed is 108 W, the circuit resistance is
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 273 YCT
Skeâ heefjheLe 120 Jeesuš, 50 nšd&pe Œeesle mes mebÙeesefpele nw~ *2786.A pure inductor is connected to a variable
Ùeefo heefjheLe Oeeje 3 SefcheÙej Deewj Kehele Meefòeâ 108 frequency a.c. source. The graph between
Jee@š nw, lees heefjheLe keâe ØeeflejesOe..........nw~ inductive reactance (XL) and frequency (f) will
(a) 24Ω
(b) 12Ω Skeâ Megæ Øesjkeâ Skeâ heefjJele&veerÙe DeeJe=efòe ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje
(c) 36Ω (a.c.) Œeesle kesâ meeLe mebÙeesefpele nw~ ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele
(d) cannot be predicted (XL) Deewj DeeJe=efòe (f) kesâ yeerÛe jsKee efÛe$e nesiee-
YeefJe<ÙeJeeCeer veneR keâer pee mekeâleer (a) straight line parallel to f-axis
2782. A resistor R is connected across a variable f- De#e kesâ meceeveevlej meerOeer jsKee
frequency a.c. source. The graph between R
(b) straight line parallel to XL-axis
and frequency (f) will be a straight line
Skeâ ØeeflejesOe R Skeâ heefjJele&veerÙe DeeJe=efòe ØelÙeeJeleea XL- De#e kesâ meceeveevlej meerOeer jsKee
Oeeje (a.c.) Œeesle kesâ S›eâeme mebÙeesefpele nw~ R Deewj (c) straight line passing through origin
DeeJe=efòe (f) kesâ yeerÛe jsKee-efÛe$e Skeâ meerOeer jsKee nesiee- cetue efyevot mes neskeâj peeves Jeeueer meerOeer jsKee
(a) passing through the origin/cetue mes neskeâj iegpejleer nw (d) hyperbola /DeeflehejJeueÙe
(b) parallel to frequency axis *2787.A pure capacitor is connected to a variable
DeeJe=efòe De#e kesâ meceeveevlej nw frequency a.c. source. The graph between
(c) parallel to R axis /R De#e kesâ meceeveevlej nw capacitive reactance (XC) and frequency (f)
(d) inclined at some angle to R axis will be
R De#e mes kegâÚ keâesCe hej Pegkeâe ngDee nw Skeâ Megæ mebOeeefj$e Skeâ heefjJele&veerÙe DeeJe=efòe ØelÙeeJeleea
2783. In the a.c. circuit shown in fig. the voltage Oeeje (a.c.) Œeesle kesâ meeLe mebÙeesefpele nw~ OeeefjleerÙe
across the capacitor is 3V. The voltage across ØeefleIeele (XC) Deewj DeeJe=efòe (f) kesâ yeerÛe jsKee-efÛe$e
resistor R is
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le nw
(a) a straight line passing through origin
mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee 3 Jeesuš nw~ ØeeflejesOekeâ (R)
cetue efyevog mes iegpejves Jeeueer meerOeer jsKee Œeesle nw
kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee............nw~
(b) a straight line parallel to f-axis
f- De#e kesâ efueS meceeveevlej Skeâ meerOeer jsKee
(c) a straight line parallel to XL-axis
XL De#e kesâ efueS meceeveevlej Skeâ meerOeer jsKee
(d) a hyperbola /Skeâ DeeflehejJeueÙe
(a) 4V (b) 2V *2788.In an a.c. series circuit, the inductive reactance
(c) 1V (d) 0V is 20Ω, the capacitive reactance is 60Ω, the
*2784.A coil when connected to an a.c. supply of 200 resistance is 30Ω and the current is 2A. The
V, 50Hz takes 2A. The power consumed is
impedance of the circuit is
200W. The circuit power factor is
Skeâ kegâC[ueer peye Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) Deehetefle& kesâ Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW, ØesjkeâerÙe
200 Jeesuš, 50 nšd&pe mes mebÙeesefpele nw 2 SefcheÙej keâer ØeefleIeele 20 Deesndce nw, OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele 60 Deesndce
Oeeje ueslee nw~ Kehele Meefòeâ 200 Jee@š nw~ heefjheLe keâe nw; ØeeflejesOe 30 Deesndce Oeeje 2 SefcheÙej nw~ heefjheLe keâe
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ.........nw~ ØeefleyeeOee nw...........~
(a) 1 (a) 50Ω (b) 25Ω
(b) 2 (c) 12.5Ω (d) 8.4Ω
(c) 0.5 2789. In R-L-C series a.c. circuit, if the inductive
(d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ
ceW mes keâesF& veneR reactance is equal to capacitive reactance. The
2785. In a R-L-C series circuit, R = 3Ω , XL=10Ω phase angle between applied voltage and
and XC= 11Ω. The applied voltage is 10V. The circuit current is
impedance of the circuit is Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) R-L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW,
Skeâ R-L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW, R = 3Ω , XL=10Ω ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele, OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele kesâ yejeyej nw~
Deewj XC= 11Ω~ ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee 10 Jeesuš nw~ heefjheLe ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee Deewj heefjheLe Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe hesâpe
keâer ØeefleyeeOee.......... nw~ keâesCe....... nw~
(a) 4Ω (b) 24Ω (a) 0o (b) 90o
(c) 8Ω (d) 2Ω (c) 45o (d) 60o
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 274 YCT
2790. L, C and R represent the physical quantities Skeâ R-L ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW 50 Jeesuš kesâ meeLe Deehetefle&le
inductance, capacitance and resistance heefjheLe Oeeje 100 efceueer-SefcheÙej keâer lejn ceehee ieÙee,
respectively. The combination which has the 25º hesâpe keâesCe kesâ meeLe heefjheLe kesâ efueS Deehetefle&
dimensions of frequency are
L, C Deewj R ›eâceMe: ØesjkeâlJe Oeeefjlee Deewj ØeeflejesOe
Øeeflekeâejer Meefòeâ keäÙee nw?
(a) 4 VAR (b) 2.1 VAR
Yeeweflekeâ cee$eeSB ØeoefMe&le keâjles nw~ mebÙeespeve efpemekesâ (c) 3.2 VAR (d) 7.8 VAR
DeeJe=efòe keâer efJecee nw- *2796.A series LC circuit is resonant at 150kHz and
1 R has a Q of 50. What is the bandwidth?
(a) (b)
RC L Skeâ L-C ßesCeer heefjheLe 150 efkeâueesnšd&pe hej Devegveeefole
C C nw Deewj iegCeJeòee Ieškeâ (Q) 50 nw~ yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF& keäÙee nw?
(c) (d)
L L (a) 3 kHz (b) 4 kHz
*2791.An alternating current i=Im sin ( ωt– π/2) flows (c) 6 kHz (d) 8 kHz
in an a.c. circuit across which alternating *2797.In R-L-C series resonant circuit, R=16Ω; L=20
voltage is v=Vmsin ωt. The power consumption mH and C = 0.01 µF. If the applied voltage is
in the circuit will be 4V, voltage VL across inductor is
R-L-C ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe ceW R = 16 Deesndce, L =
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje i=Im sin (ωt–π/2) Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea
20 efceueer nsvejer Deewj C = 0.01 ceeF›eâeshewâj[~ Ùeefo ØeÙegòeâ
Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw efpemekesâ S›eâeme
Jeesušlee 4 Jeesuš nw, Øesjkeâ kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee VL ........ nw~
ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee v=Vmsinωt nw~ heefjheLe ceW Kehele
(a) 312.5 V (b) 225.6 V
Meefòeâ..........nesieer~ (c) 115.4 V (d) 353.5 V
Vm I m Vm I m *2798.The power supplied when a 120V, 60 Hz source
(a) (b)
2 2 is connected to 50mH inductor is
Vm I m peye Skeâ 120 Jeesuš, 60 nšd&pe Œeesle mes 50 efceueer-
(c) (d) 0 nsvejer Øesjkeâ mebÙeesefpele nw, Meefòeâ Deehetefle&.........nw~
2792. The current in circuit is wattless if (a) 500 VAR (b) 430 VAR
Skeâ heefjheLe ceW Oeeje Meefòeânerve nw Ùeefo- (c) 766 VAR (d) 336 VAR
*2799.The power supplied when a 120V, 60 Hz source
(a) inductance in the circuit is zero
in connected to 33 µF capacitor is
heefjheLe ceW ØesjkeâlJe MetvÙe nw peye Skeâ 120 Jeesuš, 60 nš&pe Œeesle 33 ceeF›eâes-hewâj[
(b) resistance in the circuit is zero
heefjheLe ceW ØeeflejesOe MetvÙe nw mebOeeefj$e mes mebÙeesefpele nw, Meefòeâ Deehetefle&........nw~
(a) 122 VAR (b) 179 VAR
(c) current is alternating /Oeeje ØelÙeeJeleea nw
(c) 211 VAR (d) 312 VAR
(d) resistance and inductance are both zero 2800. A 60% lagging power factor implies that the
ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØesjkeâlJe oesveeW MetvÙe nw load is / Skeâ 60% he§eieeceer Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ keâe leelheÙe&
2793. A current of 5mA flows in a resistanceless nw efkeâ Yeej..........nw~
choke from 200V alternating voltage source.
(a) inductive /ØesjkeâerÙe
The energy consumed in the choke is
200V ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušspe Œeesle mes Skeâ DeØeeflejesOeer (b) capacitive /OeeefjleerÙe
Ûeeskeâ ceW 5 efceueer-SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje ØeJeeefnle neslee nw~ (c) inductive or capacitive /ØesjkeâerÙe Ùee OeeefjleerÙe
(d) resistive /ØeeflejesOeer
(a) zero/MetvÙe (b) 1100 J
2801. The current taken from a 230V, 50Hz supply is
(c) 2200 J (d) 4.4 J
measured as 10 A with a lagging p.f. of 0.7. A
*2794.In an R-L series a.c. circuit, XL= R. The phase
capacitor is connected in parallel with the load.
angle is / Skeâ R-L ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) ßesCeer
The true power
heefjheLe ceW, XL = R hesâpe keâesCe.........nw~ Skeâ 230 Jeesuš, 50 nšd&pe Deehetefle& mes ueer ieÙeer Oeeje
(a) 90o Skeâ 0.7 he§eieeceer Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ kesâ meeLe 10 SefcheÙej
(b) 30o
pees efkeâ ceeefhele nw Yeej kesâ meeLe meceeveevlej ceW Skeâ
(c) 45o
(d) cannot be predicted mebOeeefj$e mebÙeesefpele nw~ meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ..........nw~
YeefJe<ÙeJeeCeer vener keâer pee mekeâleer (a) increases /yeÌ{leer nw
*2795.In a series RL circuit supplied with 50 V, the (b) decreases /Iešleer nw
circuit current is measured a 100 mA, with a (c) remains unchanged /DeheefjJeefle&le jnleer nw
phase angle of 25o. What is the reactive power (d) cannot be predicted
supplied to the circuit? YeefJe<ÙeJeeCeer veneR keâer pee mekeâleer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 275 YCT
*2802.An R-L-C series resonant circuit has a Q of 50 2810. The cube root of 8∠30o is .........
and source voltage of 5V. The voltage VC 8∠30o keâe Ieve cetue ........ nw~
across the capacitor is
(a) 2∠10o
Skeâ R-L-C ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe keâe Q, 50 nw leLee
(b) 2∠30o
Jeesušspe Œeesle 5 Jeesuš nw~ mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâeme
(c) 8∠10o
Jeesušlee.......... VC nw~.
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
(a) 10 V (b) 250 V
(c) 125 V (d) 500 V 2811. The kVA drawn by an a.c. circuit is given by
2803. If Q of a circuit increases its BW (3+j 4) kVA. The active power drawn by the
Ùeefo Skeâ heefjheLe keâe Q yeÌ{lee nw lees Fmekeâer yewC[ circuit is ............ /Skeâ S.meer heefjheLe Éeje ueer ieÙeer
ÛeewÌ[eF&- kVA, (3 + j4) kVA efoÙee ieÙee nw~ heefjheLe kesâ Éeje
(a) decreases /Iešleer nw Øeoe|Mele meef›eâÙe Meefkeäle ............ nw~
(b) increases /yeÌ{leer nw (a) 3 kW/3 efkeâueesJee@š
(c) remains unchanged /DeheefjJeefle&le (b) 4 kW/4 efkeâueesJee@š
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 5kW/5 efkeâueesJee@š
*2804.The sum of two conjugate numbers results in (d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
............ /oes mebÙegiceer mebKÙeeDeeW kesâ Ùeesie keâe heefjCeece
2812. The impedance of an a.c. circuit is 45∠–30oΩ.
......... nw~
The circuit will be ............ /Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje
(a) a complex number /Skeâ meefcceße mebKÙee
(b) in-phase component only /kesâJeue keâuee-kesâ DeJeÙeJe heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee 45∠–30o Deesce nw~ heefjheLe
(c) quadrature component only nesiee.........
kesâJeue heeoefmLeefle DeJeÙeJe (a) resistive /ØeeflejesOeer
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR (b) inductive /ØesjkeâerÙe
2805. The difference of two conjugate numbers (c) capacitive /OeeefjleerÙe
results in ...... /oes mebÙegeficele mebKÙeeDeeW keâe Devlej keâe
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
heefjCeece ........... nw~ 2813. In an a.c. circuit, the apparent power in
(a) a complex number /Skeâ meefcceße mebKÙee complex form is equal to ............/Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea
(b) in-phase component only/kesâJeue keâuee-ceW DeJeÙeJe Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW, meefcceße kesâ ™he ceW DeeYeemeer
(c) quadrature component only
kesâJeue heeoefmLeefle DeJeÙeJe Meefkeäle ......... kesâ yejeyej nw~
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR (a) phasor voltage × conjugate of phasor current
2806. When two conjugate numbers are multiplied, Hesâpej Jeesušlee × Hesâpej Oeeje keâe mebÙegiceer
the result is .......... /peye oes meefcceße mebKÙeeÙeW iegCee (b) phasor voltage ÷ conjugate of phasor current
keâer peeleer nw, heefjCeece .......... nw~ Hesâpej Jeesušlee ÷ Hesâpej Oeeje keâe mebÙegiceer
(a) a complex number /Skeâ meefcceße mebKÙee (c) phasor voltage × phasor current
(b) no in-phase component /keâuee-ceW DeJeÙeJe veneR Hesâpej Jeesušlee × Hesâpej Oeeje
(c) no quadrature component /heeoefmLeefle DeJeÙeJe veneR (d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR *2814.The bandwidth of a series resonant circuit in
*2807.The value of 5∠40o×3 ∠20o is ....... which the half-power points occur at 150kHz
5∠40o×3 ∠20o keâe ceeve ........ nw~ and 180 kHz is
(a) 15∠60o (b) 15∠20o Skeâ ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe efpemeceW Deæ&-Meefòeâ efyevot
(c) 1.6∠2 o
(d) 15∠800o 150 efkeâueesnšd&pe Deewj 180 efkeâueesnšd&pe hej Øeehle neslee nw
*2808.The value of 9∠30 ÷ 3∠10o is
keâer yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF&...............nw~
9∠30o ÷ 3∠10o keâe ceeve ........... nw~ (a) 30 kHz (b) 115 kHz
(a) 27∠40o (b) 3∠20o (c) 330kHz (d) 15 kHz
(c) 3∠40 (d) 3∠3o 2815. The total impedance of a series resonant circuit is
*2809.The square root of 64 ∠36o is ......... Skeâ ßesCeer Devegveeoer heefjheLe keâer kegâue ØeefleyeeOee........nw~
64 ∠36o keâe Jeie& cetue .......... nw~
(a) purely inductive /Megæ ØesjkeâerÙe
(a) 8∠6o
(b) purely capacitive /Megæ OeeefjleerÙe
(b) 8∠18o
(c) 8∠36o (c) purely resistive /Megæ ØeeflejesOeer
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 276 YCT

2816. The reactive power drawn from the source i 2823. If a phasor is multiplied by j, then ............
fig. is Ùeefo Skeâ Hesâpej J kesâ Éeje iegCee efkeâÙee peelee nw,
efÛe$e ceW Œeesle mes ØeoefMe&le ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ..........nw~ leye...........~
(a) only its magnitude changes
kesâJeue Fmekeâe heefjceeCe yeouelee nw
(b) only its direction changes
kesâJeue Fmekeâer efoMee yeoueleer nw
(a) 300 VAR (b) 200 VAR (c) both magnitude and direction change
(c) 100 VAR (d) zero/MetvÙe heefjceeCe Deewj efoMee oesveeW yeouelee nw
*2817.An a.c. source of 200V (r.m.s.) supplies active (d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
power of 600W and reactive power of 800 2824. In the complex number 4+j 7, 7 is called the
VAR. The r.m.s. current drawn from the ......... component. /meefcceße mebKÙee 4+j 7 ceW, 7 .........
source is
200 Jeesuš (Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue) keâe S.meer. Œeesle 600 Jee@š
DeJeÙeJe keânueelee nw~
kesâ meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ Deewj 800 VAR kesâ ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ (a) real /JeemleefJekeâ
mehueeF& keâjlee nw~ Œeesle mes ueer ieF& Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue (b) imaginary /keâeuheefvekeâ
(r.m.s.) Oeeje..........nw~ (c) in-phase /keâuee-ceW
(a) 10A (b) 5A (d) quadrature /heeoefmLeefle (#es$ekeâueve)
(c) 3.75A (d) 2.5A 2825. The reciprocal of a complex number results in
2818. The power factor of an ordinary electric bulb is a ............ /Skeâ meefcceße mebKÙee kesâ JÙegl›eâce heefjceeCe
Skeâ meeOeejCe efJeÅegle yeuye keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ.........nw~ ceW Skeâ .......... nesleer nw~
(a) zero /MetvÙe (a) complex number /meefcceße mebKÙee
(b) unity /FkeâeF& (b) real component only /kesâJeue JeemleefJekeâ DeJeÙeJe
(c) slightly more than 1 /1 mes LeesÌ[e DeefOekeâ (c) quadrature component only
(d) slightly less than 1 /1 mes LeesÌ[e keâce kesâJeue heeoefmLeefle DeJeÙeJe
2819. In a series RLC circuit, which of the following (d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
quality factors has the steepest magnitude
2826. Rationalising the denominator of a complex
response curve near resonance?
number eliminates /Skeâ meefcceße mebKÙee kesâ nj keâe
Skeâ ßesCeer R-L-C heefjheLe ceW, efvecveefueefKele efkeâme
iegCeJeòee-keâejkeâ keâe lespe (leer›e {ueeveJeeuee) heefjceeCe heefjcesÙeerkeâjCe mes ......... otj keâjlee nw~
Øeefleef›eâÙee Je›eâ Devegveeo kesâ keâjerye nw? (a) j component in the numerator /DebMe ceW j DeJeÙeJe
(a) Q = 20 (b) Q = 12 (b) j component in the denominator
(c) Q = 8 (d) Q = 4 Yeepekeâ (nj) ceW j DeJeÙeJe
2820. When a phasor is multiplied by –j, it is rotated (c) j component in both numerator and
through ......... in the counter-clockwise denominator /DebMe Deewj nj oesveeW ceW j DeJeÙeJe
direction. (d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
peye Skeâ Hesâpej keâes –J kesâ Éeje iegCee efkeâÙee peelee nw, *2827.If two complex numbers are equal, then .........
Ùen .......... JeeceeJele& efoMee ceW Iegce peelee nw~ Ùeefo oes meefcceße mebKÙee yejeyej nw, leye .........
(a) 90o (a) only their magnitudes will be equal
(b) 180o kesâJeue Gvekesâ heefjceeCe yejeyej neWies
(c) 270o
(b) only their angles will be equal
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
kesâJeue Gvekesâ keâesCe yejeyej neWies
*2821.The value of j5 is equal to ...........
(c) their in-phase and quadrature components
j5 keâe ceeve ....... kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
will be separately equal /Gvekesâ keâuee-ceW Deewj
(a) 1 (b) −1
heeoefmLeefle DeJeÙeJe he=Lekeâ-he=Lekeâ yejeyej neWies
(c) –1 (d) – −1 (d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
2822. When a phasor is multiplied by j6, it is rotated
2828. A phasor 2∠180o can be expressed as ..........
through .......... in counterclockwise direction.
peye Skeâ Hesâpej J6 kesâ Éeje iegCee efkeâÙee peelee nw, Ùen Skeâ Hesâpej 2∠180o keâes ......... keâer lejn JÙekeäle keâj
............. mes JeeceeJele& efoMee ceW IegceeÙee peelee nw~ mekeâles nw~
(a) 540 o
(b) 360 o (a) j 2 (b) –j 2
(c) 90o (d) 270o (c) –2 (d) 2
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 277 YCT
*2829.A current of 3+j 4 amperes is flowing through *2835.In rectangular form, inductive susceptance
a circuit. The magnitude of current is ............... will be written as / DeeÙeleekeâej ™he ceW, ØesjkeâerÙe
3+j 4 SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje Skeâ heefjheLe mes neskeâj ØeJeeefnle DevegkeâeÙe&lee ........ keâer lejn efueKee peeÙesiee~
nes jne nw~ Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe ........... nw~ j
(a) 7A/7 SefcheÙej (b) 5A/5 SefcheÙej (a)
(c) 1 A/1 SefcheÙej (d) 1.33 A/1.33 SefcheÙej −j
2830. A series a.c. circuit has R= 4Ω and XL=3Ω. It ωL
will be expressed in the rectangular form as..... (c) jωL
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe kesâ R = 4 Deesce Deewj (d) none of the above /GheÙegòe&â ceW keâesF& veneR
XL = 3 Deesce nw~ Ùen ......... keâer lejn DeeÙeleekeâej ™he ceW *2836.In polar form, conductance will be written as
JÙekeäle nesieer OeÇgJeerÙe ™he ceW, ÛeeuekeâlJe ......... keâer lejn efueKee
(a) –4 –j 3 (b) –4 + j 3 peeÙesiee~
(c) 4+ j 3 (d) 4– j 3
2831. The two complex numbers are given as (a) R ∠0o (b) ∠90°
o o o
5(cos30 + jsin 30 ); 10 (cos 15 + jsin 15 ). The o R
value of product of these two numbers is equal 1
(c) R∠90o (d) ∠0°
to ........... /oes meefcceße mebKÙeeSb Fme Øekeâej oer ieÙeer nw, R
5(cos 30o + j sin 30o); 10 ( cos 15o +j sin 15o). Fve *2837.In rectangular form, conductance will be
oesveeW mebKÙeeDeeW kesâ iegCeve keâe ceeve ........ kesâ yejeyej nw~ written as / DeeÙeleekeâej ™he ceW, ÛeeuekeâlJe ......... keâer
(a) 50(cos 45o +j sin 45o) lejn efueKee peeÙesiee~
(b) 50(cos 15o +j sin 15o) 1
(a) + j0
(c) 50(cos 450o +j sin 450o) R
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR (b) R + j 0
2832. The voltage and current in an a.c. series circuit j
(c) R +
are 230∠0o volts and 100∠30o A respectively. R
The circuit will be .......... /Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
(a.c.) heefjheLe ceW Jeesušlee Deewj Oeeje ›eâceMe: 230∠0o *2838.The impedance of the network shown in Fig. in
Jeesušdme Deewj 100∠30o SefcheÙej nw~ heefjheLe nesiee– rectangular form is / efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele DeeÙeleekeâej
(a) resistive /ØeeflejesOeer ™he ceW vesšJeke&â keâer ØeefleyeeOee ........... nw~
(b) inductive /ØesjkeâerÙe
(c) capacitive /OeeefjleerÙe
(d) in resonance /Devegveeo ceW
*2833.In rectangular form, capacitive susceptance
will be written as
DeeÙeleekeâej ™he ceW, OeeefjleerÙe DevegkeâeÙe&lee ........ keâer
lejn efueKee peeÙesiee~ (a) (45 + j 60) Ω (b) (22 + j 41.5) Ω
j (c) (90 + j 120) Ω (d) (33 + j 40.2) Ω
(a) *2839.What is the sinusoidal expression for current in
j2 the circuit shown is Fig.?/ efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe
(b) kesâ efueS Oeeje keâe pÙeeJe›eâerÙe JÙebpekeâ keäÙee nw?
(c) jωC
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
*2834.In polar form, inductive susceptance will be
written as /OeÇgJeerÙe ™he ceW, ØesjkeâerÙe DevegkeâeÙe&lee ........
keâer lejn efueKee peeÙesiee~
1 (a) 3.54 sin (300 t – 45o) mA
(a) ωL ∠90o (b) ∠ − 90°
ωL (b) 5 sin (300 t – 26o) mA
1 (c) 4.8 sin (300 t – 64o) mA
(c) ωL ∠–90o (d) ∠90°
ωL (d) 8.7 sin (300 t – 25o) mA
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 278 YCT
10∠60° × 2∠ 20°
2840. The value of will be ..........
10∠60° × 2∠ 20°
keâe ceeve nesiee–
(a) 4∠40o (a) (150 + j 200) Ω (b) (300 – j 400) Ω
(b) 4∠120o (c) (150 – j 200) Ω (d) (300 + j 400) Ω
o 2847. In polar form, capacitive reactance will be
(c) 4∠300
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR written as / OeÇ g J eer Ùe ™he ceW , Oeeef jleerÙe ØeefleIeele .......
*2841.The current through a 4 H inductor is i=0.6 sin keâer lejn efueKee peeÙesiee~
(100t – 10o)A. Using phasor algebra, voltage 1
(a) ∠90°
across the inductor is ωC
Skeâ 4 nsvejer Øesjkeâ kesâ ceeOÙece mes Oeeje i=0.6 sin (100t 1
(b) ∠ − 90°
– 10o) SefcheÙej~ Hesâpej yeerpeieefCele kesâ ØeÙeesie mes, Øesjkeâ ωC
kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee nw– (c)
(a) 24∠100 V o
(b) 340∠70 V o ωC
(c) 48∠–90oV (d) 240 ∠80oV (d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& vener
*2842.The polar form of the following waveform is 2848. In rectangular form, capacitive reactance will
efvecveefueefKele lejbie ™he keâe OeÇgJeerÙe ™he nw– be written as / DeeÙeleekeâej ™he ceW, OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele
v1 = 16 sin ( ωt +35o) V .......... keâer lejn efueKee peeÙesiee~
v2 = 32 sin ( ωt –55 ) Vo
(a) (b) jωC
(a) v1 = 16 ∠70 V ; v2 = 32∠110 V
o o
(b) v1 = 16 ∠35oV ; v2 = 32∠–55oV −j
(c) ωC j2 (d)
(c) v1 = 8 ∠35oV ; v2 = 32∠55oV ωC
(d) none of above / GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& vener *2849.In polar form, capacitive susceptance will be
*2843.The current through a 400Ω resistor is i= 0.06 written as / OeÇgJeerÙe ™he ceW, OeeefjleerÙe DevegkeâeÙe&lee
sin ( ωt –30o)A. The voltage across the resistor ......... keâer lejn efueKee peeÙesiee~
is /400 Deesce ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ ceeOÙece mes Oeeje i= 0.06 1
(a) ωC∠90o (b) ∠90°
sin ( ωt –30o) SefcheÙej nw~ ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ S›eâeme ωC
Jeesušlee nw– (c)
∠ − 90° (d) ωC∠–90o
(a) 12∠30 V o ω C
(b) 48∠45oV 2850. For the circuit shown in Fig. the current i in
(c) 24∠–30 V o polar form is / efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe kesâ efueS
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR OeÇgJeerÙe ™he ceW Oeeje (i) ........ nw~
*2844.The reciprocal of 12 –j 16 in polar form is
OeÇgJeerÙe ™he ceW 12 –j 16 keâe JÙegl›eâce nw–
(a) 0.05∠53.13o
(b) 0.05∠–53.13o
(c) 20∠–31.8o (a) 0.525∠–23.3oA (b) 0.26∠–43oA
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& vener
(c) 0.85∠46.5 A (d) 0.895∠–33.43oA
*2845. The reciprocal of j is/j keâe JÙegl›eâce nw– 2851. In fig. the voltage VR across the resistor in
(a) j polar form is / efÛe$e ceW OeÇgJeerÙe ™he ceW ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ
(b) –j S›eâeme Jeesušlee VR ......... nw~
(c) j2
(d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& vener
*2846.In fig. R = 300Ω, L = 0.2H and v= 17sin (2000 t)
volts. The total equivalent impedance in
rectangular form is (a) 53.7∠–33.43oV
efÛe$e ceW R = 300 Deesce, L = 0.2 nsvejer Deewj v= 17sin (b) 26.5∠–23.3oV
(2000 t) Jeesušme DeeÙeleekeâej ™he ceW kegâue meceleguÙe (c) 12.5∠46.5oV
ØeefleyeeOee ......... nw~ (d) none of the above /GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 279 YCT
*2852.In fig. the magnitude of the circuit impedance *2857.The capacitive susceptance of a 5 µF capacitor
is /efÛe$e ceW heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee keâe heefjceeCe ....... nw~ at 16 kHz in polar form is
16 efkeâueesnšd&pe hej Skeâ 5 ceeF›eâesHewâj[ mebOeeefj$e keâer
OeeefjleerÙe DevegkeâeÙe&lee OeÇgJeerÙe ™he ceW ............ nw~
(a) 0.503∠90o siemens/0.503∠90o meercesvme
(b) 0.824∠–90o siemens/0.824∠–90o meercesvme
(c) 0.75∠–45o siemens/0.75∠–45o meercesvme
(a) 112.62 Ω (b) 134.16 Ω (d) 0.5∠45o siemens/0.5∠45o meercesvme
(c) 151.72 Ω (d) 185.76 Ω 2858. The capacitive susceptance of a 0.01 µ F
*2853.In the circuit shown in fig. the total impedance capacitor at d.c. is / efo° Oeeje hej Skeâ 0.01
in polar form is / efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe ceW kegâue ceeF›eâesHewâj[ mebOeeefj$e keâer OeeefjleerÙe DevegkeâeÙe&lee........ nw~
ØeefleyeeOee OeÇgJeerÙe ™he ceW .......... nw~ (a) 0.05 siemens/0.05 meercesvme
(b) 0.1 siemens/0.1 meercesvme
(c) 0.001 siemens/0.001 meercesvme
(d) zero/MetvÙe
*2859.The conductance of a 5Ω resistor in polar form
is / Skeâ 5 Deesce ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe ÛeeuekeâlJe OeÇgJeerÙe ™he ceW
(a) 42.5∠–30oΩ (b) 62.56∠–90oΩ ............ nw~
(c) 28.28∠–45oΩ (d) 25.62∠–60oΩ (a) 5∠0o siemens/5∠0o meercesvme
2854. In fig. the frequency of the circuit current is (b) 0.2∠90o siemens/0.2∠90o meercesvme
efÛe$e ceW heefjheLe Oeeje keâer DeeJe=efòe ............ nw~ (c) 0.2∠0o siemens/0.2∠0o meercesvme
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
*2860.The capacitive susceptance of a 0.2µF capacitor
at ω = 1.25×106 rad/s is
ω = 1.25×106 jsef[Ùeve/meskesâC[ hej Skeâ 0.2
ceeF›eâesHewâj[ mebOeeefj$e keâer OeeefjleerÙe DevegkeâeÙe&lee........ nw~
(a) 25 Hz (b) 50 Hz (a) 0.25∠90o siemens/0.25∠90o meercesvme
(c) 200 Hz (d) 100 Hz (b) 0.2∠0o siemens/0.2∠0o meercesvme
*2855.In fig. the voltage VR across the resistor is (c) 0.25∠–90o siemens/0.25∠–90o meercesvme
efÛe$e ceW ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee VR .......... nw~ (d) 0.2∠45o siemens/0.2∠45o meercesvme
*2861.A current of (120–j 50) A flows through a
circuit when the applied voltage is (8+ j2) V.
What is the magnitude of circuit impedance?
Skeâ heefjheLe mes ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje (120 – j50)
SefcheÙej nw peye ØeÙegkeäle Jeesušlee (8+ j2) Jeesuš nw~
(a) 28.28∠–45o V (b) 14.14∠45o V
heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee keâe heefjceeCe keäÙee nw?
(c) 48.5∠36 V o
(d) 52.42∠–53.13o V (a) 0.0635 Ω (b) 0.0256 Ω
*2856.If the circuit shown in Fig. is made to resonate, (c) 1.52 Ω (d) 1.325 Ω
the magnitude of circuit current will be *2862.In an R-L series circuit, R = 10Ω; XL= 8.66 Ω.
Ùeefo efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe Devegveeoer yeveeÙee peeÙes, If current in the circuit is (5–j10) A, the applied
voltage in polar form is
heefjheLe Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe nesiee–
Skeâ R-L ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW, R = 10 Deesce, XL= 8.66
Deesce~ heefjheLe ceW Ùeefo Oeeje (5 – j10) SefcheÙej nw,
OeÇgJeerÙe ™he ceW ØeÙegkeäle Jeesušlee ............ nw~
(a) 148∠–15.5oV (b) 24∠–27.5oV
(c) 105∠–23.7 V (d) 148∠–22.53oV
*2863.The power taken by the circuit shown in fig.
(a) 0.5∠0oA (b) 2.5∠0oA is....... / efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe kesâ Éeje ueer-ieÙeer
(c) 1∠0oA (d) 1.5∠0oA Meefòeâ...........nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 280 YCT
*2869.In fig. the voltage vc across the capacitor is
efÛe$e ceW mebOeeefj$e kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee vc ........... nw~

(a) 480W
(b) 1920W (a) 50∠–24.6o V (b) 87∠–54. 46o V
(c) 1200W (c) 92.2∠–36.8 V (d) 25∠–41.6o V
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR *2870.The complex power in the following case is
efvecveefueefKele oMee ceW meefcceße Meefkeäle ........... nw~
2864. The impedance of a circuit is 45∠–30 Ω. Then o

current phase angle is / Skeâ heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee v(t) = 112 cos (ω t+10o)V
i(t) = 4 cos (ωt – 50o)A
45∠–30o Deesce nw~ leye Oeeje Hesâpe keâesCe ............ nw~ (a) (62 + j58) VA/(62 + j58) Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
(a) –30o (b) 30o (b) (224 + j156) VA/(224 + j156) Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
(c) 60o (d) 45o
(c) (112+ j 194) VA/(112+ j 194) Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
*2865.An R-L series circuit is connected to a voltage
(d) (56 + j 127) VA/(56 + j 127) Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
of v=566 sin 314 tV. The circuit current is i=4
*2871.The complex power in the following case is
sin(314t–π/4)A. What is the value of resistance?
Skeâ R-L ßesCeer heefjheLe keâer Skeâ Jeesušlee v=566 sin efvecveefueefKele oMee ceW meefcceße Meefkeäle .......... nw~
V = 80∠60o V r.m.s.; Z= 50∠30o Ω
314 t Jeesuš mes mebÙeesefpele nw~ heefjheLe Oeeje i=4 sin(314
V = 80∠60o Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue Jeesušlee; Z= 50∠30o
t–π/4) SefcheÙej nw~ ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?
(a) 50 Ω (b) 25 Ω (a) (55 + j25) VA/(55 + j25) Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
(c) 100 Ω (d) 75 Ω
(b) (110 + j5) VA/(110 + j5) Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
*2866.If the potential drop across a circuit be
(c) (220.8 + j64) VA/(220.8 + j64) Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
represented by (40+j25) V with reference to
circuit current and power absorbed by the (d) (110.8 + j64) VA/(110.8 + j64) Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
circuit is 160 W, the complex expression for *2872. A load Z draws 12 kVA at a power factor of
impedance is 0.856 lagging from a 120V r.m.s. sinusoidal
heefjheLe Oeeje kesâ meboYe& kesâ meeLe, Ùeefo Skeâ heefjheLe keâe source. The complex power is
120 Jeesuš Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue Œeesle mes 0.856 heMÛeieeceer kesâ
efJeYeJe-heele (40+j25) Jeesušlee kesâ Éeje efve™efhele efkeâÙee
Skeâ Meefkeäle-iegCekeâ hej Skeâ Yeej Z, 12 efkeâuees-Jeesuš
peelee nw Deewj heefjheLe kesâ Éeje DeJeMeesef<ele Meefkeäle 160 SefcheÙej (kVA) ueslee nw~ meefcceße Meefkeäle ........ nw~
Jee@š nw, ØeefleyeeOee kesâ efueS meefcceße JÙebpekeâ ......... nw~ (a) (5.872 + j 3.645) kVA
(a) 11.8∠32o Ω (b) 26.4∠–18o Ω (5.872 + j 3.645) efkeâueesJeesuš-SefcheÙej
(c) 14.6∠12o Ω (d) 22.6∠49o Ω (b) (8.712 + j 2.745) kVA
*2867.In the circuit shown in Fig. the circuit current (8.712 + j 2.745) efkeâueesJeesuš-SefcheÙej
in polar form is /efÛe$e ceW Øeoe|Mele heefjheLe ceW, OeÇgJeerÙe (c) (10.272 + j 6.204) kVA
™he ceW heefjheLe Oeeje ........... nw~ (10.272 + j 6.204) efkeâueesJeesuš-SefcheÙej
(d) (7.826 + j 11.741) kVA
(7.826 + j 11.741) efkeâueesJeesuš-SefcheÙej
*2873.Find the complex power for the following case:
efvecveefueefKele oMee kesâ efueS meefcceße Meefkeäle %eele
(a) 0.36∠19.8o A (b) 1.46∠–32.5o A
Vr.m.s. =120∠30o V; Z = (40+j60) Ω
(c) 0.95∠32.5o A (d) 0.176∠35.54o A
Vr.m.s. =120∠30o Jeesuš; Z = (40+j60) Deesce
2868. In fig. the voltage VR across the resistor is
efÛe$e ceW ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee VR .......... nw~ (a) (55.25 + j106.21) VA
(55.25 + j106.21) Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
(b) (110.79 + j166.12) VA
(110.79 + j166.12) Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
(c) (201.26 + j136.12) VA
(201.26 + j136.12) Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
(a) 121.8∠35.54o V (b) 45.6∠39.4o V (d) (136.78 + j192.12 ) VA
(c) 105.7∠46.28o V (d) 212.4∠17.4o V (136.78 + j192.12 ) Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 281 YCT
*2874.The Thevenin impedance of a source is ZTh= (a) 24.24 kVA/24.24 efkeâueesJeesuš-SefcheÙej
(120+ j 60) Ω while the peak Thevenin voltage (b) 16.82 kVA/16.82 efkeâueesJeesuš-SefcheÙej
is VTh=(110+j0)V. The maximum available (c) 12.21 kVA/12.21 efkeâueesJeesuš-SefcheÙej
average power from the source is (d) None of the above/GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
Skeâ Œeesle keâer LesJeefveve ØeefleyeeOee ZTh= (120+ j 60) 2879. The quantity that contains all the power
Deesce nw peyeefkeâ efMeKej LesJeefveve Jeesušlee VTh=(110+j0) information in a given load is
Jeesuš nw~ Œeesle mes heÙee&hle DeefOekeâlece Deewmele Meefkeäle Skeâ Yeej ceW Meefòeâ metÛevee keâer cee$ee ............ nesleer nw~
............ nw~ (a) active power /meef›eâÙe Meefkeäle
(a) 24.24 W (b) 6.06 W (b) complex power /meefcceße Meefkeäle
(c) 36.38 W (d) 12.60 W (c) reactive power /ØeefleIeeleer Meefkeäle
2875. If the combined generator and line impedance (d) apparent power /DeeYeemeer Meefkeäle
is (5+j10)Ω, then for the maximum power 2880. In a power triangle for load, P represents
transfer to the load, the load impedance should active power, Q represents reactive power and
be /Ùeefo mebÙegkeäle peefve$e Deewj ueeF&ve ØeefleyeeOee (5+j10) S represents apparent power. Then magnitude
Deesce nw, leye Yeej mes DeefOekeâlece Meefkeäle ™heevlejCe kesâ of load power factor is /Yeej kesâ efueS Skeâ Meefkeäle
efueS, Yeej ØeefleyeeOee nesvee ÛeeefnS– ef $eYegpe ceW, P meef›eâÙe Meefkeäle efve™efhele keâjlee nw, Q
(a) (5+j 10) Ω (b) (5–j 10) Ω
ØeefleIeeleer Meefkeäle efve™efhele keâjlee nw Deewj S DeeYeemeer
(c) (5+j 5)Ω (d) 5Ω Meefkeäle efve™efhele keâjlee nw~ leye Yeej Meefkeäle-iegCekeâ keâe
2876. A voltage source having an internal impedance heefjceeCe ............. nw~
of (8+j6)Ω supplies power to a resistive load. (a)
What should be the load resistance for S P
maximum power transferred to it? P P
(c) (d)
Skeâ Jeesušlee Œeesle efpemekeâer Deevleefjkeâ ØeefleyeeOee (8 + S2 + P 2 Q+S
j6) Deesce Skeâ ØeeflejesOeer Yeej keâes Meefkeäle Deehete|le keâjles nw~ 2881. In a power triangle, the side representing the
Fmekesâ efueS DeefOekeâlece Meefkeäle ™heevlejCe kesâ efueS Yeej apparent power (S) lies in the first quadrant.
The load power factor is /Skeâ Meefkeäle ef$eYegpe ceW,
ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nesvee ÛeeefnÙes?
Yegpee DeeYeemeer Meefkeäle (S) keâes efve™efhele keâjlee nw pees
(a) 10 Ω (b) 8 Ω
ØeLece ÛelegLeeËMe ceW efmLele nw~ Yeej keâe Meefkeäle-iegCekeâ
(c) 6 Ω (d) 10Ω
............ nw~
*2877.A voltage source has an internal impedance
consisting of RS=100 Ω in series with LS= 20µH. (a) zero /MetvÙe (b) unity /FkeâeF&
What should be the reactive component (Ω) of (c) lagging /heMÛeieeceer (d) leading /De«eieeceer
load for maximum output at a frequency of 500 2882. The a.c. power in a load that is conserved is
kHz? Skeâ Yeej ceW ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Meef keäle ........... ™he ceW
Skeâ Jeesušlee Œeesle efpemekeâer Deevleefjkeâ ØeefleyeeOee RS = mebjef#ele nw–
100 Deesce LS = 20 ceeF›eâesnsvejer kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW (a) real /JeemleefJekeâ
efveefnle nw~ 500 efkeâuees-nš&pe kesâ Skeâ DeeJe=efòe hej (b) reactive /ØeefleIeeleer
DeefOekeâlece efveie&le kesâ efueS ØeefleIeeleer DeJeÙeJe (Deesce) (c) apparent /DeeYeemeer
(d) all above /GheÙeg&keäle meYeer
kesâ Yeej keäÙee nesves ÛeeefnÙes?
*2883.The active component of line current in fig. is
(a) 25.83 capacitive/25.83 OeeefjleerÙe ............
(b) 62.83 inductive/62.83 ØesjkeâerÙe efÛe$e ceW ueeFve Oeeje keâe meef›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe............nw~
(c) 62.83 capacitive/62.83 OeeefjleerÙe
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
*2878.An a.c. source supplies a load that is 10 kW
(resistive), 15 kVAR (capacitive) and 22kVAR
(inductive). The apparent power is
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) Œeesle Skeâ Yeej keâes Deehete|le
(a) 8 A
keâjlee pees efkeâ 10 efkeâueesJee@š (ØeeflejesOeer) 15 kVAR (b) 4 A
(OeeefjleerÙe) Deewj 22 kVAR ØesjkeâerÙe nw~ DeeYeemeer Meefkeäle (c) 5.3 A
.......... nw~ (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 282 YCT

*2884.If a load consumes 1000W at a lagging power *2889.The power factor of the circuit shown in fig. is
factor of 0.8, then apparent power drawn by ...........
the load is /0.8 kesâ Skeâ heMÛeieeceer Meefkeäle-iegCekeâ hej efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ...........nw~
Ùeefo Yeej 1000 Jee@š Kehele keâjlee nw, leye Yeej kesâ Éeje
ueer ieÙeer DeeYeemeer Meefkeäle .......... nw~
(a) 1200 VA/1200 Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
(b) 1250 VA/1250 Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
(c) 800 VA/800 Jeesuš-SefcheÙej
(a) 0.707 lagging /0.707 he§eieeceer
(d) none of above/GheÙeg&keäle keâesF& veneR
(b) 0.5 lagging /0.5 he§eieeceer
2885. In a power triangle, the side representing the
apparent power (S) lies in the fourth quadrant. (c) 0.866 lagging /0.866 he§eieeceer
The load p.f. is /Skeâ Meefkeäle ef$eYegpe ceW, Yegpee (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
DeeYeemeer Meefkeäle (S) keâes efve™efhele keâjles nw pees ÛelegLe& *2890.The total line current drawn by the circuit
shown in fig. is .......... / efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe kesâ
ÛelegLeeËMe ceW efmLele nw~ Yeej keâe Meefkeäle-iegCekeâ ........... nw~
Éeje kegâue ueeFve Oeeje..........nw~
(a) leading /De«eieeceer (b) unity/FkeâeF&
(c) lagging /heMÛeieeceer (d) zero /MetvÙe
2886. If the load p.f. is 75%, then the apparent power
utilised by the load is /Ùeefo Yeej keâe Meefkeäle-iegCekeâ
75 ØeefleMele nw, leye Yeej kesâ Éeje GheÙeesie keâer ieÙeer
DeeYeemeer Meefkeäle ............ nw~
(a) 37.5% (b) 75% (a) A (b) 16 A
(c) 60% (d) 25%
2887. Domestic appliances are connected in parallel (c) 8 2A (d) none of the above /j
across a.c. mains because......... *2891.The power consumed in the circuit shown in
Iejsuet GhekeâjCe, ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) cegKÙe Deehetefle& kesâ fig. is.........
S›eâeme meceeveevlej ceW mebÙeesefpele nesles nw keäÙeeWefkeâ............. efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW Kehele Meefòeâ............nw~
(a) it is a simple arrangement
Ùen Skeâ mejue JÙeJemLee nw
(b) operation of each appliance becomes
independent of the other/ØelÙeskeâ GhekeâjCe keâe
ØeÛeeueve DevÙe mes mJeleb$e nes peelee nw
(a) 480W
(c) appliances have same current ratings
(b) 960W
GhekeâjCeeW keâer Skeâ meceeve Oeeje jsefšbie nesleer nw
(c) 1200W
(d) this arrangement occupies less space
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Ùen JÙeJemLee keâce mLeeve keâypee keâjlee nw
*2892.The active component of line current in Fig. is
2888. When a parallel a.c. circuit contains a number efÛe$e ceW ueeFve Oeeje keâe meef›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe........nw~
of branches, then it is convenient to solve the
circuit by ..........
peye Skeâ meceeveevlej ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe
MeeKeeDeeW keâer mebKÙee jKelee nw, leye heefjheLe keâes ..........
kesâ Éeje nue keâjvee megefJeOeepevekeâ neslee nw~
(a) phasor diagram /hesâpej DeejsKe (a) 6 A (b) 3 A
(b) phasor algebra /hesâpej yeerpeieefCele (c) 13 A (d) 4 A
(c) equivalent impedance method *2893.The line current drawn by the circuit shown in
meceleguÙe ØeefleyeeOee efJeefOe fig. is ..... / efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe kesâ Éeje ueer ieF&
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR ueeFve Oeeje................nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 283 YCT
(a) 10 A
(b) 6 A
(c) 4 A
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2898.A Voltage source of 10sinπt V is connected
across a 5kΩ resistor. Find respectively, the
(a) 13 A current through the resistor and the power
(b) 6 A dissipated./10sinπt keâe Skeâ Jeesušspe Œeesle 5kΩ
(c) 5 A ØeeflejesOe kesâ S›eâe@me mebÙeesefpele nw~ ØeeflejesOekeâ mes ›eâceMe:
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Oeeje Deewj Dehe Meefòeâ keâer ieCevee keâjW~
*2894.The power factor of the circuit shown in fig. is
.......... (a) 2 sinπt mA, 20 sinπt mW
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ....... nw~ (b) 2 sinπt mA, 20 sin2πt mW
(c) 2 sinπt mA, 2 sinπt mW
(d) 2 sinπt mA, 5 sin2πt mW
2899. An RLC series circuit is resonating at 150 Hz,
its impedance at 50 Hz will be?
Skeâ RLC ßesCeer heefjheLe 150 Hz hej Devegveeo keâj jne
nw lees 50 Hz hej Fmekeâer ØeefleyeeOee nesieer?
(a) 0.8
(a) Inductive/ØesjefCekeâ
(b) 0.5
(c) 0.707 (b) Capacitive/Oeeefjlee
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) Only resistive/kesâJeue ØeeflejesOekeâ
*2895.The impedance of the circuit shown in fig. (d) Dependent on RLC elements values
is.......... RLC lelJeeW kesâ ceeve hej efveYe&j nw
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe keâe ØeefleyeeOee...........nw~ *2900.A sine wave has a maximum value of 30 V. Its
value at 900 is?/pÙee lejbie keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeve 30 V
nw~ 900 hej Fmekeâe ceeve nw?
(a) 30 V (b) 60 V
(c) 15 V (d) 0 V
*2901.Determine the capacitance (in mF) of a circuit,
(a) 180 ohms when the circuit is supplied with a 60 Hz
(b) 24 ohms frequency and the capacitive susceptence of the
(c) 48 ohms circuit is 0.5 Siemens.
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Skeâ heefjheLe keâer Oeeefjlee (efceueer-Hewâj[ ceW) %eele keâerefpeÙes
2896. The circuit shown in fig. is ............ peye heefjheLe keâes 60 nš&dpe DeeJe=efòe kesâ meeLe Deehetefle& keâer
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ..............nw~ peeleer nw lees Oeeefjlee memeshšsvme 0.5 meerceWme–
(a) 1.3 (b) 2.4
(c) 3.6 (d) 5.2
*2902.Determine the resonant frequency (in kHz) of a
tank circuit, when the capacitance and
inductance of the circuit is 0.08 mF and 0.08
mH respectively.
(a) resistive /ØeeflejesOeer Skeâ šQkeâ heefjheLe keâer Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe (efkeâuees nšd&pe ceW)
(b) capacitive /OeeefjleerÙe %eele keâerefpeÙes peye heefjheLe keâer Oeeefjlee Deewj ØesjkeâlJe
(c) inductive /ØesjkeâerÙe ›eâceMe: 0.08 efceueer–Hewâj[ Deewj 0.08 efceueer–nsvejer nw~
(d) in resonance /Devegveeo ceW (a) 1 (b) 2
2897. If in fig. XL is made equal to XC then line (c) 3 (d) 5
current will be ........... / Ùeefo efÛe$e ceW XL, XC kesâ *2903.Calculate the value of capacitance (in mF)
yejeyej nes lees ueeFve Oeeje...........nesieer~ connected in parallel with a inductance of 3 H,
when the resonant frequency of the circuit is 4
rad/sec./3 nsvejer kesâ ØesjkeâlJe kesâ meeLe meceeveeblej ceW pegÌ[s
mebOeeefjlee kesâ ceeve keâer ieCevee (efceueer–Hewâj[ ceW) keâjW,
peye heefjheLe keâer Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe 4 jsef[Ùeve/meskebâ[ nQ~
(a) 12.63 (b) 15.62
(c) 18.55 (d) 20.83
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 284 YCT
*2904.Determine the fastest rise time (in ms) of a sine (a) 8400 W
wave that is reproduced by a CRO, when the (b) 3600 W
bandwidth of the sine wave is 50 Hz./meeFve lejbie keâe (c) 4000 W
meyemes lespe Je=efæ meceÙe (efceueer–meskebâ[ ceW) efveOee&efjle keâjW pees (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Skeâ meer.Deej.Dees. Éeje hegve: GlheVe efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw, peye 2909. If the source frequency in fig. is low, then, .......
meeFve lejbie keâer yeQ[efJe[dLe 50 nšd&pe nesleer nw~ efÛe$e ceW Ùeefo Œeesle DeeJe=efòe efvecve nw leye............
(a) 7 (b) 6
(c) 5 (d) 3
2905. What will be the instantaneous value of the
alternating voltage (in V) which is represented
by v(t) = 120 sin(11t – 20)V, when the value of t
is 10?/ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušspe keâe leelkeâeefuekeâ cetuÙe (Jeesuš
ceW) keäÙee nesiee, pees v(t) = 120sin (11t – 20)V Éeje (a) coil takes a high lagging current
oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw, peye t keâe cetuÙe 10 nw– kegâC[ueer GÛÛe he§eieeceer Oeeje uesleer nw
(b) coil takes a low lagging current
(a) 0 (b) 60
(c) 84.85 (d) 120
kegâC[ueer efvecve he§eieeceer Oeeje uesleer nw
*2906.What is the value of quality factor of a series (c) capacitor takes a high leading current
RLC circuit having capacitance of 0.01 mF, mebOeeefj$e GÛÛe De«eieeceer Oeeje uesleer nw
inductance of 1 mH and resistance of 75 (d) circuit offers high impedance
Ohms?/0.01 efceueer hewâj[ Oeeefjlee, 1 efceueer-nsvejer keâe heefjheLe GÛÛe ØeefleyeeOee jKelee nw
ØesjkeâlJe Deewj 75 Deesÿe kesâ ØeeflejesOe Jeeues ßeb=Keuee 2910. If the source frequency in fig. is high, then,
Deej.Sue.meer. heefjheLe kesâ iegCeJeòee keâejkeâ keâe ceeve keäÙee nw– ..........
(a) 0.133 (b) 0.267 efÛe$e ceW Ùeefo Œeesle DeeJe=efòe GÛÛe nw leye..........
(c) 1.333 (d) 2.667
2907. Which of the following is CORRECT about
series RLC circuit?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee
keâLeve ßeb=Keuee DeejSuemeer heefjheLe kesâ yeejs ceW mener nw–
(a) Its bandwidth decreases with decrease in
inductance./ØesjkeâlJe ceW keâceer kesâ meeLe Fmekeâer
(a) coil takes a high lagging current
yeQ[efJe[dLe Ieš peeleer nw~ kegâC[ueer GÛÛe he§eieeceer Oeeje uesleer nw
(b) Its bandwidth decreases with decrease in
(b) capacitor takes a high leading current
mebOeeefj$e GÛÛe De«eieeceer Oeeje uesleer nw
ØeeflejesOe ceW keâceer kesâ meeLe Fmekeâer yeQ[efJe[dLe Ieš peeleer nw~
(c) capacitor takes a low leading current
(c) Its bandwidth decrease with increase in
resistance. mebOeeefj$e efvecve De«eieeceer Oeeje uesleer nw
ØeeflejesOe ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe Fmekeâer yeQ[efJe[dLe Ieš peeleer nw~ (d) circuit offers high impedance
(d) Its bandwidth is independent of both heefjheLe GÛÛe ØeefleyeeOee jKelee nw
inductance and resistance./Fmekeâer yeQ[efJe[dLe 2911. The circuit shown in fig. will be in resonance
ØesjkeâlJe Deewj ØeeflejesOe oesveeW mes mJeleb$e nw~ when .............
*2908.The power consumed in the circuit shown in efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe Devegveeo ceW nesiee, peye........
fig. is ................
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW Kehele Meefòeâ.........nw~

(a) XL = XC
(b) I1= I2
(c) V and I are in phase/V Deewj I hesâpe ceW nesles nw
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 285 YCT

*2912.The circuit shown in fig. is ......... (a) 14 S/14 meercesvme
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe...........nw~ (b) 0.6 S/0.6 meercesvme
(c) 0.06 S/0.06 meercesvme
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2917.The inductive susceptance of the circuit shown
in fig. is ........ / efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe keâe ØesjkeâerÙe
DevegkeâeÙe&lee ..........nw~
(a) in resonance /Devegveeo ceW
(b) resistive /ØeeflejesOeer
(c) inductive /ØesjkeâerÙe
(d) capacitive /OeeefjleerÙe
*2913.The circuit shown in fig. will consume a power (a) 8 S
of ......... / efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ............ Meefòeâ keâe (b) 0.8 S
Kehele keâjsieer~ (c) 0.08 S
(d) None of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2918. The circuit shown in fig. is ...........
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe............nw~

(a) 1200 W (b) 2400 W

(c) 500 W (a) resistive /ØeeflejesOeer
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) inductive /ØesjkeâerÙe
2914. If the admittance of a parallel a.c. circuit is (c) capacitive /OeeefjleerÙe
increased, the circuit current ............ (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Ùeefo Skeâ meceeveevlej ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe keâer *2919.The power loss in the circuit shown in fig. is
ØeJesMÙelee yeÌ{e efoÙee peeÙes, heefjheLe Oeeje......... ..........
(a) remains constant /DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW Meefòeâ neefve............nw~
(b) is decreased /Ieš peeleer nw
(c) is increased /yeÌ{ peeleer nw
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2915.The admittance of the circuit shown in fig. is
............. (a) 100 W (b) 10,000 W
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe keâer ØeJesMÙelee..........nw~ (c) 10 W
(d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2920. The conductance and susceptance components
of admittance are ............
ØeJesMÙelee kesâ ÛeeuekeâlJe Deewj memeshšsvme DeJeÙeJe........nw~
(a) series elements /ßesCeer DeJeÙeJe
(b) parallel elements /meceeveevlej DeJeÙeJe
(a) 10 S/10 meercesvme
(c) series-parallel elements /ßesCeer-meceeveevlej DeJeÙeJe
(b) 14 S/14 meercesvme
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) 0.1 S/0.1 meercesvme *2921.The impedance of a circuit is 10 ohms. If the
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR inductive susceptance is 1 S, then inductive
*2916.The conductance of the circuit shown in fig. is reactance of the circuit is .........
.......... Skeâ heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee 10 Deesndce nw~ Ùeefo ØesjkeâerÙe
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe keâe ÛeeuekeâlJe..........nw~ memeshšsvme 1 meercesvme nw, lees heefjheLe keâe ØesjkeâerÙe
(a) 10 Ω
(b) 1Ω
(c) 100 Ω
(d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 286 YCT
2922. The conductance and inductive susceptance of 2928. At parallel resonance, the circuit offers
a circuit have the same magnitude. The power impedance equal to ..............
factor of the circuit is ......... meceeveevlej Devegveeo hej, heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee .........kesâ
Skeâ heefjheLe keâe ÛeeuekeâlJe Deewj ØesjkeâerÙe memeshšsvme yejeyej ceeve jKelee nw~
meceeve heefjceeCe kesâ nw~ heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ..........nw~ L LC
(a) (b)
(a) 1 (b) 0.5 CR R
(c) 0.707 (d) 0.866 RL CR
2923. The admittance of a circuit is (0.1+j 0.8) S. The (c) (d)
circuit is ......................... / Skeâ heefjheLe keâer ØeJesMÙelee 2929. The impedance at parallel resonance is very
(0.1+j0.8) meercesvme nw~ heefjheLe ..........nw~ large because ............. / meceeveevlej Devegveeo hej
(a) resistive /ØeeflejesOeer ØeefleyeeOee yengle DeefOekeâ neslee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ.........
(b) capacitive /OeeefjleerÙe (a) R is very large /R yengle DeefOekeâ neslee nw
(c) inductive /ØesjkeâerÙe (b) ratio C/L is very large
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR C/L keâe Devegheele yengle DeefOekeâ neslee nw
2924. In a parallel a.c. circuit, power loss is due to (c) ratio L/C is very large
........... / Skeâ meceeveevlej ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe L/C keâe Devegheele yengle DeefOekeâ neslee nw
ceW.........kesâ keâejCe Meefòeâ neefve neslee nw~ (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) conductance alone /kesâJeue ÛeeuekeâlJe 2930. The Q-factor of a parallel resonant circuit is
given by ............. / Skeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe
(b) susceptance alone /kesâJeue memeshšsvme
(c) both conductance and susceptance
keâe Q- iegCekeâ..........kesâ Éeje efoÙee peelee nw~
ÛeeuekeâlJe Deewj memeshšsvme oesveeW (a)
1 L
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR R C
2925. The admittance of a parallel circuit is 0.12∠– 1 C
30o S. The circuit is ...... R L
Skeâ meceeveevlej heefjheLe keâer ØeJesMÙelee 0.12∠–30o 1 1
meercesvme nw~ heefjheLe ............nw~ (c)
(a) inductive /ØesjkeâerÙe (d) none of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) capacitive /OeeefjleerÙe 2931. In a parallel a.c. circuit, the supply frequency
(c) resistive /ØeeflejesOeer is less than the resonant frequency, then the
(d) in resonance /Devegveeo ceW circuit is ............
*2926.A circuit has a impedance of (1–j2) Ω. The
Skeâ meceeveevlej ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (a.c.) heefjheLe ceW, Ùeefo
susceptance of the circuit is ........... Deehetefle& DeeJe=efòe, Devegveeoer DeeJe=efòe mes keâce nw lees
Skeâ meceeveevlej heefjheLe keâer ØeefleyeeOee (1–j2) Ω nw~ heefjheLe........neslee nw~
heefjheLe keâe memeshšsvme............nw~ (a) inductive /ØesjkeâerÙe
(a) 0.1 S (b) capacitive /OeeefjleerÙe
(b) 0.2 S (c) resistive /ØeeflejesOeer
(c) 0.4 S (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR *2932.At parallel resonance, the circuit draws a
*2927.A circuit has admittance of 0.1S and current of 2 mA. If the Q of the circuit is 100,
conductance of 0.08 S. The power factor of the then current through the capacitor is ............
circuit is............ meceeveevlej Devegveeo hej, heefjheLe 2 efceueer SefcheÙej keâer
Skeâ heefjheLe keâer ØeJesMÙelee 0.1 meercesvme Deewj ÛeeuekeâlJe Oeeje uesleer nw~ Ùeefo heefjheLe keâe Q 100 nw lees mebOeeefj$e mes
0.08 meercesvme keâer nw~ heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ..........nw~ ØeJeeefnle Oeeje...........nw~
(a) 0.1 (a) 2 mA
(b) 0.8 (b) 1 mA
(c) 0.08 (c) 200 mA
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 287 YCT
*2933.The Q-factor of a parallel tuned circuit can be (a) it is not possible to draw impedance triangle
increased by ......... /Skeâ meceeveevlej šŸetC[ heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee ef$eYegpe keâe efÛe$e yeveevee mebYeJe veneR nw
keâe Q- iegCekeâ ...........kesâ Éeje yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ (b) impedance triangle can be easily drawn
(a) increasing circuit resistance ØeefleyeeOee ef$eYegpe keâe efÛe$e Deemeeveer mes yeveeÙee pee mekeâlee nw
heefjheLe ØeeflejesOe keâes yeÌ{ekeâj (c) data is insufficient /DeekeâÌ[s DeheÙee&hle nw
(b) decreasing circuit resistance (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
heefjheLe ØeeflejesOe keâes Iešekeâj 2938. For the circuit shown is fig. the circuit
impedance Z will be
(c) decreasing inductance of the circuit
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe kesâ efueS, heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee
heefjheLe kesâ ØesjkeâlJe keâes Iešekeâj
Z........... nesiee~
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2934. If a parallel resonant circuit is shunted by a
resistance, then, ...........
Ùeefo Skeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe Skeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ
Éeje MeCšs[ (IegceeÙee) nw leye......... (a) always more than XC or R
(a) circuit impedance is decreased XC Ùee R mes ncesMee DeefOekeâ
heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee keâce nes peeleer nw (b) always less than XC or R
(b) Q of the circuit is increased XC Ùee R mes ncesMee keâce
heefjheLe kesâ Q keâer Je=efæ nes peeleer nw (c) equal to XC + R / XC + R kesâ yejeyej
(c) the gain of the circuit is increased (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
heefjheLe kesâ ueeYe keâer Je=efæ nes peeleer nw *2939.In the circuit shown in fig. the magnitude of
impedance is
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW, ØeefleyeeOee keâe heefjceeCe
2935. If the resistance in the inductive branch of a
............... nw~
parallel resonant circuit is increased, then,
Ùeefo Skeâ meceeveevlej Devegveeoer heefjheLe kesâ ØesjkeâerÙe
MeeKee ceW ØeeflejesOe keâer Je=efæ nes peeleer nw, leye.........
(a) the circuit impedance is increased XC
heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee keâer Je=efæ nes peeleer nw R 2 + X C2
(b) Q of the circuit is increased
heefjheLe kesâ Q keâer Je=efæ nes peeleer nw (b)
R + X C2
(c) selectivity of the circuit is increased
heefjheLe kesâ ÛeÙevelee keâer Je=efæ nes peeleer nw (c)
(d) impedance of the circuit is decreased R 2 + X C2
heefjheLe kesâ ØeefleyeeOee keâer keâceer nes peeleer nw (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2936. In the circuit shown in Fig. if XC > R, then the 2940. In a parallel RC circuit with R>XC the phase
phase angle φ is angle will be / Skeâ meceeveevlej RC heefjheLe ceW R>XC
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW Ùeefo XC > R leye hesâpe kesâ meeLe hesâpe keâesCe..........nesiee
keâesCe φ.......... nw~ (a) 45o
(b) greater than 45o/45º mes DeefOekeâ
(c) 90o
(d) insufficient data/DeheÙee&hle DeekeâÌ[s
*2941.In the circuit shown in fig. the applied voltage
(a) φ = 90o (b) φ < 45o is
(c) φ > 45o (d) φ = 180o efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW, ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee..........nw~
2937. For the circuit shown in fig.
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe kesâ efueS-

(a) 1.5 V (b) 15 V

(c) 7.5 V (d) 10 V
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 288 YCT
*2942.In fig. the circuit impedance is (a) less than IR or IL /IR Ùee IL mes keâce
efÛe$e ceW heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee..........nw~ (b) greater than IR or IL / IR Ùee IL mes DeefOekeâ
(c) is equal to IR /IR kesâ yejeyej
(d) data is insufficient /DeekeâÌ[s DeheÙee&hle nw
2948. In fig. if frequency of voltage source is
increased, the phase angle will
(a) 832 Ω (b) 244 Ω efÛe$e ceW, Ùeefo Jeesušlee Œeesle keâer DeeJe=efòe yeÌ{e efoÙee
(c) 432 Ω peeÙes, hesâpe keâesCe...........nesiee~
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2943.In fig. the power dissipated in the circuit is
efÛe$e ceW, heefjheLe ceW efJekeâerCe& Meefòeâ............nw~

(a) decrease /keâceer

(b) increase /Je=efæ
(a) 5 W (b) 0.5 W (c) remain unchanged /DeheefjJeefle&le
(c) 0.1 W (d) 0.25W
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2944. In a parallel RC circuit, the phase angle is
Skeâ meceeveevlej RC heefjheLe kesâ efueS hesâpe keâesCe....... nw~ 2949. In fig. is supply frequency is decreased, the
circuit power factor will
(a) cos −1 (b) sin −1 efÛe$e ceW, Ùeefo Deehetefle& DeeJe=efòe Ieše efoÙee peeÙes, heefjheLe
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ..........nesiee~
R2 Z
(c) cos −1 (d) cos −1
2945. In the circuit shown in fig circuit impedance is
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW, heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee..........nw~

(a) increase /Je=efæ

(b) decrease /keâceer
(c) remain same /Skeâ meceeve
(a) XL (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) greater than R or XL /R Ùee XL mes DeefOekeâ *2950.In the circuit shown in fig. the circuit
(c) less than R or XL / R Ùee XL mes keâce impedance is
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW heefjheLe ØeefleyeeOee.........nw~
(d) R 2 + X L2
2946. In fig. R<XL, then phase angle will be
efÛe$e ceW R<XL leye hesâpe keâesCe.........nesiee~

(a) 2 kΩ (b) 3 kΩ
(c) 5 kΩ (d) 6 kΩ
(a) greater than 45o /45º mes DeefOekeâ *2951.In fig. the circuit power factor is
(b) less than 45o /45º mes keâce efÛe$e ceW heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ..........nw~
(c) exactly 90o /efyeukegâue 90º
(d) cannot be predicted /kegâÚ keâne veneR pee mekeâlee
2947. In fig. the line current I is
efÛe$e ceW ueeFve Oeeje I................nw~

(a) 0.707
(b) 0.85
(c) 0.61
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 289 YCT
*2957.The phase voltages across a certain load are
7. yengkeâuee ØeCeeueer given as Va = (176 – j132) V, Vb = (–128 – j96)
V and Vc = (–160 + j100) V. Compute positive
(Polyphase System) sequence component of voltage/Skeâ efveef§ele Yeej
2952. A 3-phase star-connected balanced load
kes â S›eâeme Hesâpe Jeesušspe Va = (176 – j132) V, Vb =
consumers P watts of power from 400V (line – (–128 – j96) V leLee Vc = (–160 + j100) V nw~
to – line voltage) supply. If the same load is Jeesušspe keâe Oeveelcekeâ efmekeäJeWme lelJe keâer ieCevee keâjW–
connected in delta across the same supply, (a) 0 (b) 163.24 – j35.1V
what is the power consumption? (c) 50.1 – j53.9 V (d) 25.1 – j53.9 V
Skeâ 3-φ mšej mebÙeesefpele meblegefuele Yeej 400V (ueeFve- 2958. If the p.f. of the load (phase sequence is RYB)
št-ueeFve) mehueeF& mes P Jeeš Kehele keâjlee nw~ Ùeefo Jener in fig. is unity, then, ..............
efÛe$e ceW Ùeefo Yeej keâe Meefkeäle iegCekeâ FkeâeF& nes
Yeej Gmeer mehueeF& kesâ S›eâe@me [suše ceW mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee
(keâueeveg›eâce RYB nw) leye–
peelee nw lees Meefkeäle Kehele keäÙee nw?
(a) 3PW (b) PW
(c) 3PW (d)
2953. A 3-phase, 3-wire supply feeds a load consisting
of three equal resistors connected in star. If one
of the resistor is open-circuited, then
percentage reduction in the load will be
Skeâ 3-φ, 3-leej mehueeF&, Skeâ Yeej keâes heâer[ keâjlee nw
efpemeceW leerve meceeve ØeeflejesOe mšej ceW mebÙeesefpele nQ~ Ùeefo
Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ Keguee heefjheLe nes peeS lees Yeej ceW (a) W1 will give more reading than W2
ØeefleMele keâceer nesieer– W1, W2 mes DeefOekeâ hee"dÙeebkeâ osiee
(b) both W1 and W2 will give equal and positive
(a) 75 (b) 50
reading./W1 Deewj W2 oesveeW meceeve Deewj Oeveelcekeâ
(c) 66.6 (d) 3.33
2954. The rated voltage of a 3-phase power system is
hee"dÙeebkeâ osiee
(c) W2 will give more reading than W1
given as /3-φ Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer keâer efveOee&efjle Jeesušlee
W2, W1 mes DeefOekeâ hee"dÙeebkeâ nesiee
....... kesâ ™he ceW oer peeleer nw~ (d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) r.m.s. phase voltage /r.m.s hesâpe Jeesušlee 2959. Three equal impedances are first connected in
(b) peak phase voltage /efMeKej hesâpe Jeesušlee star across a balanced 3 phase supply. If
(c) r.m.s. line–to–line voltage connected in delta across the same supply–
r.m.s ueeFve-št-ueeFve Jeesušlee 3 meceeve ØeefleyeeOee mšej mebÙeespeve ceW Skeâ 3-φ meblegefuele
(d) peak line –to– line voltage Deehetefle& mes peesÌ[er ieÙeer nQ~ Ùeefo Gmeer Deehetefle& mes [suše
efMeKej ueeFve-št-ueeFve Jeesušlee mebÙeespeve ceW peesÌ[e peeÙe lees–
2955. In a 3-φ circuit, true power (a) Phase current will be tripled
3-φ heefjheLe ceW, JeemleefJekeâ Meefkeäle nw– Hesâ]pe Oeeje efleiegveer nes peeÙesieer
(a) cannot exceed apparent power (b) Phase current will be doubled
DeeYeemeer Meefkeäle mes DeefOekeâ veneR nes mekeâleer nw Hesâ]pe Oeeje ogieveer nes peeÙesieer
(b) can exceed apparent power (c) Line current will become one third
DeeYeemeer Meefkeäle mes DeefOekeâ nes mekeâleer nw ueeFve Oeeje Skeâ-efleneF& nes peeÙesieer
(c) data insufficient /DeebkeâÌ[e DeheÙee&hle nw (d) Power consumed will increase three fold
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR Meefkeäle keâer Kehele leerve iegvee yeÌ{ peeÙesieer
2956. In a 3-φ circuit, the total instantaneous power 2960. In a 3-Phase delta connected system, the line
is equal to instantaneous power per phase voltage is
multiplied by 3-Hesâpe [suše mebÙeesefpele efmemšce ceW ueeFve Jeesušspe nw–
Skeâ 3-φ heefjheLe ceW, kegâue leel#eefCekeâ Meefkeäle, Øeefle hesâpe (a) equal to phase voltage/Hesâpe Jeesušspe kesâ yejeyej
leel#eefCekeâ Meefkeäle kesâ ----- iegCee kesâ yejeyej nesleer nw~ (b) 1/√3 times phase voltage/1/√3 iegvee Hesâpe Jeesušspe
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) √3 times phase voltage/√3 iegvee Hesâpe Jeesušspe
(c) 2.5 (d) 1.5 (d) 3 times phase voltage/3 iegvee Hesâpe Jeesušspe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 290 YCT
*2961.If each branch of a delta circuit has impedance (c) both W1 and W2 will read equal
3 Z, then each branch of the equivlanet Wye W1 Deewj W2 meceeve heÌ{Wies
circuit has impedance : (d) W2 will give negative reading
[suše heefjheLe kesâ ØelÙeskeâ MeeKee ceW Ùeefo ØeefleyeeOee W2 $e+Ceelcekeâ ceeve oWies
3 Z nes, leye leguÙe Y-heefjheLe kesâ ØelÙeskeâ MeeKee ceW *2966.Three coils, each having a resistance of 10
ohms and an impedance of 0.02 H, are
ØeefleyeeOee nw– connected in star across a 440-V, 50-Hz, three-
Z phase supply. What will be the line current
(a) (b) 3Z
3 leerve keâe@Fume, ØelÙeskeâ 10 Deesÿe ØeeflejesOe Deewj 0.02 H
Z Øesjkeâlee kesâ meeLe nw, efpevnW leerve hesâpe ceW 440 V, 50 Hz
(c) 3 3Z (d)
3 efJeÅegle Meefòeâ keâer Deehetefle& hej mšej ceW peesÌ[e ieÙee nw~
*2962.A balanced delta connected load has an ØeJeen Oeeje keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee~
impedance of 9∠ 30°Ω per phase. What is the (a) 25.4 A (b) 0 A
impedance per phase of its equivalent star? (c) 25 A (d) 21.51 A
Skeâ mevlegefuele [suše mebÙeesefpele uees[ keâer ØeefleyeeOee *2967.What will be the total power consumed when
three coils, each having a resistance of 10 ohms
9∠ 30 0 Ω Øeefle hesâpe nw~ Fmekesâ leguÙe mšej ceW Øeefle hesâpe and an inductance of 0.02 H, are connected in
ØeefleyeeOee nw? star across a 440-V, 50-Hz, three-phase supply?
(a) 27∠300 Ω (b) 27∠900 Ω leerve keâe@Fume, ØelÙeskeâ 10 Deesÿe ØeeflejesOe Deewj 0.02 H
(c) 3∠30 Ω 0
(d) 3∠200 Ω Øesjkeâlee kesâ meeLe nw efpevnW leerve hesâpe ceW 440 V, 50 Hz
*2963.A balanced load of 5 + j4 is connected in delta. efJeÅegle Meefòeâ keâer Deehetefle& hej mšej ceW pees[Ì e ieÙee nw~ Fvekesâ
What is the impedance per phase of the Éeje Kehele keâer ieF& kegâue efJeÅegle Meefòeâ efkeâleveer nesieer?
equivalent star connection? (a) 10 kW (b) 13.88 kW
5 + j4 keâe mevlegefuele Yeej [suše ceW mebÙeesefpele nw, lees (c) 21.51 kW (d) 25 kW
leguÙe mšej mebÙeespeve ceW Øeefle hesâpe ØeefleyeeOee keäÙee nw? *2968.A three-phase, balanced, delta-connected load
(a) 5 + j4 (b) 1.66 + j1.33 of (4+j8) Ω is connected to a 400-V, 3-φ
(c) 15 + j12 (d) 2.5 + j2 balanced power supply. Assuming that the
*2964.Find the phase current if a three-phase star- phase sequence is RYB, determine the phase
connected system is connected to a 400 V, 50 current is. /Skeâ leerve hesâpe meblegefuele, [suše mes pegÌ[e
Hz AC supply. Assume Zph = (9.8 + j10) Ω Yeej (4 + j8)Ω, 400 V, 3-φ meblegefuele efJeÅegle Meefòeâ keâer
Ùeefo Skeâ leerve hesâpe mšej keâveskeäšs[ ØeCeeueer keâes 400 V, Deehetefle& mes pegÌ[e ngDee nw~ hesâpe Deveg›eâce RYB keâes ceeveles
50 Hz AC Deehetefle& mes peesÌ[e ieÙee nw, lees hesâpe Oeeje keâes ngS, hesâpe Oeeje IR keâe ceeve %eele keâjW~
%eele keâjW~ Zph = (9.8 + j10) Ω ceeve ueW~ (a) 44.74 ∠63.4°A (b) 44.74 ∠ − 63.4°A
(a) 28.57 A (b) 11.44 A (c) 45.74 ∠63.4°A (d) 45.74 ∠ − 63.4°A
(c) 10 A (d) 16.5 A *2969.The measured phase power in a circuit is
2965. If the p.f. of the load (phase sequence is RYB) 500W. The phase current is 5A and phase
in fig. is 0.5, then, ........... voltage is 120V. The reactive power is
efÛe$e ceW Ùeefo Yeej keâe Meefkeäle iegCekeâ 0.5 nes efkeâmeer heefjheLe ceW, ceeefhele keâuee Meefkeäle 500W nw~ keâuee
(keâueeveg›eâce RYB) nes leye– Oeeje 5A nw Deewj keâuee Jeesušlee 120V nw~ ØeefleIeeleer
Meefkeäle nw–
(a) 217.5 VAR (b) 152.4 VAR
(c) 193.6 VAR (d) 331.7 VAR
2970. In a 3-phase circuit, the load p.f. is 1. The
relation between apparent power (S) and true
power (P) is / efkeâmeer ef$e-keâuee heefjheLe ceW Yeej Meefkeäle
iegCekeâ 1.0 nw~ DeeYeemeer Meefkeäle (S) Deewj JeemleefJekeâ
Meefkeäle (P) ceW mebyebOe nw–
(a) P = 2 S
(b) S = 2 P
(a) W2 will give total power/W2 kegâue Meefkeäle osiee (c) P = S
(b) W1 will give total power/W1 kegâue Meefkeäle osiee (d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 291 YCT
2971. The instantaneous power of a balanced three- *2977.A three-phase star-connected balanced load of
phase load is 2000 W when phase R is at its (4+j3)Ω per phase is connected across a three-
peak voltage. What will the instantaneous phase, 50 Hz, 400 V AC supply,Determine the
power be at 30o later?
power factor of the load./Skeâ leerve hesâpeer mšej
peye 'R' Hesâpe Deheves efMeKej Yeej Jeesušlee hej nes lees
meblegefuele 3-φ Yeej keâer leel#eefCekeâ Meefkeäle 2000 W nw~ keâveskeäšs[ (4 + j3) Ω keâe Øeefle hesâpe meblegefuele Yeej Skeâ
30º yeeo leel#eefCekeâ Meefkeäle keäÙee nesieer? leerve hesâpe 50 Hz, 400 V AC Deehetefle& mes pegÌ[e ngDee nw~
(a) 1000 W Yeej kesâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâe efveOee&jCe keâjW~
(b) 4000 W (a) 0.8 Lagging/he§e (b) 0.7 Leading/De«e
(c) 2000 W
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 0.9 Lagging/he§e (d) 0.3 Leading/De«e
2972. An a.c. voltmeter connected in series with the 2978. If the p.f. of the load (phase sequence is RYB)
coils of a correctly phased delta-connected in fig. is 0.4, then .........
source should indicate efÛe$e ceW Ùeefo Yeej keâe Meefkeäle iegCekeâ 0.4 nw leye
mener ™he mes hesâpe keâer ngF& [suše mebÙeesefpele Yeej keâer (keâueeveg›eâce RYB nw)–
kegâC[efueÙeeW kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele Skeâ A.C
Jeesušceeršj keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjvee ÛeeefnS–
(a) 0 V
(b) phase voltage /keâuee Jeesušlee
(c) line voltage /ueeFve Jeesušlee
(d) none of the above / Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2973. In a single circuit, a wattmeter indicates 200
W. The circuit current is 3 A and the circuit
voltage is 115 V. What is the reactive power?
efkeâmeer Skeâue heefjheLe ceW, Skeâ Jeešceeršj 200 W ØeoefMe&le
keâjlee nw~ heefjheLe Oeeje 3A nw Deewj heefjheLe Jeesušlee (a) W2 will give negative reading
115V nw~ ØeefleIeeleer Meefkeäle keäÙee nw? W2 $e+Ceelcekeâ hee"dÙeebkeâ osiee
(a) 546 VAR (b) 281 VAR (b) both W1 and W2 will give negative reading
(c) 342 VAR (d) 153 VAR W1 Deewj W2 oesveeW $e+Ceelcekeâ hee"dÙeebkeâ oWies
2974. For most efficient use of power distribution
(c) W1 will give negative reading
equipment, the power factor should be
Meefkeäle efJelejCe GhekeâjCe kesâ DeefOekeâ o#elee mes GheÙeesie W1 $e+Ceelcekeâ hee"dÙeebkeâ osiee
kesâ efueS Meefkeäle iegCekeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS– (d) both W1 and W2 will give positive reading
(a) 1 (b) 0.707 W1 Deewj W2 Oeveelcekeâ hee"dÙeebkeâ osiee
(c) 0.62 (d) 0.85 2979. In a 3-phase system, VYN=100∠–120oV and
2975. A wattmeter uses/Skeâ Jeešceeršj GheÙeesie keâjlee nw– VBN = 100 ∠120oV. What is VYB?
(a) D' Arsonval movement /[er. DeemeexveJeeue cetJecesvš efkeâmeer 3-φ ØeCeeueer ceW, VYN=100∠–120oV Deewj VBN
(b) electro-dynamometer movement = 100 ∠120oV lees VYB keäÙee nw?
Fueskeäš^es [eÙevesceesceeršj cetJecesvš
(a) 170∠90oV
(c) hot-wire principle /lehle leej efmeæevle
(b) 173∠–90oV
(d) none of the above / Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
2976. In a balanced three- phase system, the phase (c) 200∠60oV
voltage is 200∠30o V and the phase current is (d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle
ceW keâesF& veneR
8∠–30 A. The load p.f. is
2980. Voltage VEe = 15∠0 V and VFf = 12∠180oV.

efkeâmeer meblegefuele 3-φ ØeCeeueer ceW, keâuee Jeesušlee These voltages are connected in series with e
200∠30o V nw Deewj hesâpe Oeeje 8∠–30o A nw~ Yeej connected to f. What is VFE?
Meefkeäle iegCekeâ nw– Jeesušle VEe = 15∠0oV Deewj VFf = 12∠180oV 'e' mes
(a) 0.707 lagging/0.707 heMÛeieeceer mebÙeesefpele 'f' kesâ meeLe JeesušleeSb ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nQ,
(b) 0.64 lagging/0.64 heMÛeieeceer lees VFE keäÙee nw?
(c) 0.85 leading/0.85 De«eieeceer (a) 18∠–120oV (b) 9∠–60oV
(d) 0.5 lagging/0.5 heMÛeieeceer (c) 27∠180oV (d) 18∠–30oV
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 292 YCT
2981. The algebraic sum of instantaneous phase
voltages in a three-phase circuit is equal to
3-φ heefjheLe ceW leel#eefCekeâ keâuee Jeesušlee keâe
yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Ùeesie ....... kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
(a) zero /MetvÙe
(b) line voltage /ueeFve Jeesušlee
(c) phase voltage /keâuee Jeesušlee (a) line voltage and corresponding line current
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR ueeFve Jeesušlee Deewj Deveg™heer ueeFve Oeeje
2982. If the load connected to the 3-phase generator (b) phase voltage and corresponding phase
shown in fig. has a leading p.f. of cos φ, then current/keâuee Jeesušlee Deewj Deveg™heer keâuee Oeeje
(c) phase current and line current
angle between VRY and IR is ...........
keâuee Oeeje Deewj ueeFve Oeeje
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le 3-φ peefve$e mes mebÙeesefpele Yeej keâe Ùeefo
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Meefkeäle iegCekeâ cos φ De«eieeceer nw, leye VRY Deewj IR kesâ 2985. A 3-phase load is balanced if all the three
ceOÙe keâesCe nw– phases have the same .............
keâesF& 3-φ Yeej meblegefuele neslee nw Ùeefo meYeer leerveeW hesâpeeW ceW
meceeve ......... nesleer nw–
(a) impedance /ØeefleyeeOee
(b) power factor /Meefkeäle iegCekeâ
(c) impedance and power factor
ØeefleyeeOee Deewj Meefkeäle iegCekeâ
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*2986.Three 50-ohm resistors are connected in star
across 400V, 3-phase supply. If one of the
resistors is disconnected, then, line current will
be ...........
(a) 90o – φ (b) 90o + φ leerve 50 Ω ØeeflejesOekeâ 400 V, 3-φ mehueeF& kesâ S›eâe@me
(c) 60o + φ (d) 30o – φ mšej ceW mebÙeesefpele efkeâS ieS nQ~ Ùeefo Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ
2983. Each phase voltage in fig. is 230V. If efJemebÙeesefpele keâj efoÙee peeS leye ueeF&ve Oeeje nesieer–
connections of phase B are reversed, then, (a) 8A (b) 4A
.......... 8
efÛe$e ceW ØelÙeskeâ keâuee Jeesušlee 230V nw~ Ùeefo 'B' keâe (c) 8 3A (d)
mebÙeespeve efjJeme& keâj efoÙee peeS, lees- 2987. If capacitors of equal capacitance are shunted
across each phase in fig. then, .........
efÛe$e ceW Ùeefo meceeve Oeeefjlee kesâ mebOeeefj$e ØelÙeskeâ hesâpe kesâ
S›eâe@me MeCšs[ efkeâS peeles nQ, leye–

(a) VRY=230V (b) VRY > 230V

(c) VRY < 230V (d) VRY = 0 (a) total power drawn will change
2984. The power delivered by the 3-phase system kegâue ueer ieF& Meefkeäle heefjJeefle&le nes peeSiee
shown in fig. is 3VL I L cos φ . Here φ is the (b) total power drawn will not change
phase difference between ..........
kegâue ueer ieF& Meefkeäle heefjJeefle&le veneR nesieer
(c) power factor of the load remains same
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le 3-φ ØeCeeueer Éeje Øeoòe Meefkeäle Yeej keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ meceeve yevee jnlee nw
3VL I L cos φ nw~ ÙeneB φ ......... kesâ ceOÙe keâueeblej nw– (d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 293 YCT
*2988.What is the Correct expression for apparent (c) Line voltage depends on phase sequence
power of a balanced 3-phase delta connected ueeFve Jeesušspe keâuee Deveg›eâce hej efveYe&j keâjleer nQ~
system?/meblegefuele 3-Hesâpe [suše mebÙeesefpele ØeCeeueer keâer (d) Phase current depends on phase sequence
DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ kesâ efueS mener JÙebpekeâ keäÙee nw? Hesâpe Oeeje keâuee Deveg›eâce hej efveYe&j keâjleer nQ~
(a) 3 × VL × I L sin φ (b) 3 × VL × I L 2994. In a three-phase system, the order in which the
(c) 3 × VL × I L cos φ (d) 3 × VL × I L voltages attain their maximum positive value is
called ____./Skeâ leerve hesâpeer ØeCeeueer ceW efpeme ›eâce ceW
*2989.For a three phase system, calculate the
instantaneous voltage (in V) of phase Y, if the Jeesušspe Deheves DeefOekeâlece Oeveelcekeâ cetuÙe keâes Øeehle
instantaneous voltages of other two phases are keâjlee nw, Gmes ....... keâne peelee nw~
+70 V and –50 V respectively/leerve hesâpe ØeCeeueer kesâ (a) RMS voltage/RMS Jeesušspe
efueS, hesâpe Y kesâ leelkeâeefuekeâ Jeesušspe keâer ieCevee (Jeesuš (b) power factor/Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
ceW) keâjW, Ùeefo otmejs oes hesâpeeW keâe leelkeâeefuekeâ Jeesušspe
(c) peak-to-peak voltage/heerkeâ-št-heerkeâ Jeesušspe
›eâceMe: +70 Jeesuš Deewj –50 Jeesuš nw~
(d) a phase sequence/Hesâpe Deveg›eâce
(a) 20 (b) –20
2995. For a delta-connected load being measured for
(c) 60 (d) –60
power by the two-wattmeter method, if Iph will
*2990.When a 3–phase system is balanced, the
neutral wire carries:/peye Skeâ 3-hesâpe ØeCeeueer lead Vph by angle Φ then it is the case of _____.
meblegefuele nesleer nw, leye FveceW Goemeerve leej ues peelee nw~ Skeâ [suše keâveskeäšs[ Yeej kesâ efueS, efpemeceW oes Jeešceeršj
(a) no current/keâesF& Oeeje veneR
heæefle Éeje efJeÅegle Meefòeâ keâes ceehee peelee nw, Ùeefo Iph
(b) one third of current for each phase mes Vph keâer Deesj keâesCe Φ mes yeÌ{siee lees Ùen ........
ØelÙeskeâ Hesâpe kesâ efueS Oeeje keâe Skeâ efleneF& Yeeie keânueelee nw
(c) half of the current for each phase (a) Leading power factor/De«e Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
ØelÙeskeâ Hesâpe kesâ efueS Oeeje keâe DeeOee (b) Short circuit/ueIeg heefjheLe
(d) one fourth of current for each phase (c) Lagging power factor /he§e Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
ØelÙeskeâ Hesâpe kesâ efueS Oeeje keâe Skeâ ÛeewLeeF& ceeve
(d) Open circuit/Keguee heefjheLe
2991. For a 400 V, 3-phase 3-wire star connected
unbalanced load, the neutral point voltage can 2996. The phase sequence is important in
be:/400 V kesâ efueS, 3-hesâpe 3-JeeÙej mšej mebÙeesefpele determining the direction of rotation of the
............/keâuee Deveg›eâce IetCe&ve keâer efoMee efveOee&jCe keâjves
Demeblegefuele uees[ kesâ efueS Goemeerve, efyebog Jeesušspe keäÙee
nes mekeâlee nw? ceW cenlJehetCe& neslee nw–
(a) 400 V (b) Zero/MetvÙe (a) AC motor/Smeer ceesšj
(c) 20 V (d) 800 V (b) BLDC motor/yeerSue[ermeer ceesšj
*2992.In case of three phase alternating voltages, (c) DC shunt motor/efo° Oeeje Mevš ceesšj
various voltages are displaced at an angle of: (d) DC series motor/efo° Oeeje ßesCeer ceesšj
3-φ ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušspe kesâ efmLeefle ceW efJeefYeVe Jeesušspe *2997.The instantaneous values of line current into a
Skeâ keâesCe...........hej efJemLeeefhele neslee nw~ delta connected load in any two lines are + 2.5
4π π Amp. and – 1.25 Amp. the current in the third
(a) (b) line at the instant is:
3 3
2π 3π [suše ceW mebÙeesefpele uees[ ceW ueeFve Oeeje keâe leel#eefCekeâ
(c) (d) ceeve efkeâvneR Yeer oes ueeFveeW ceW + 2.5 Amp. leLee (–
3 2
2993. What is the principle behind the working of 1.25 Amp.) nw, Gmeer #eCe leermejer ueeF&ve ceW Oeeje
phase sequence indicators for 3-φ unbalanced nesieer–
3-wire loads? (a) 1A (b) –1.25 A
3-Hesâpe, 3 JeeÙej Demevlegefuele uees[ kesâ keâuee Deveg›eâce (c) 10A (d) 2.75A
metÛekeâ keâer keâeÙe&efJeefOe kesâ heerÚs efmeæevle keäÙee nQ~ 2998. The normal phase sequence of a 3 phase AC
(a) Line current depends on phase sequence supply is :
ueeFve Oeeje Hesâpe Deveg›eâce hej efveYe&j keâjleer nQ~ 3-Hesâpe AC mehueeF& keâe meeceevÙe keâuee Deveg›eâce nw-
(b) Phase voltage depends on phase sequence (a) RBY (b) RYB
Hesâpe Jeesušspe keâuee Deveg›eâce hej efveYe&j keâjleer nQ~ (c) BRY (d) YBR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 294 YCT
*2999.The power taken by a 3-φ load is given by the the equivalent star-connected load would be
expression:/Skeâ 3-φ uees[ kesâ Éeje ueer ieF& Meefòeâ keâes ..........
efkeâme Øekeâej JÙeòeâ efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw? 15 Ω ØelÙeskeâ kesâ leerve meceeve ØeeflejesOe 400 V, 3-φ
(a) 3VLIL cosφ (b) √3VLIL cosφ mehueeF& kesâ S›eâe@me [suše ceW mebÙeesefpele efkeâS ieS nQ~ leguÙe
(c) 3VLIL sinφ (d) √3VLIL sinφ mšej mebÙeesefpele Yeej kesâ ØelÙeskeâ Hesâpe ceW ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve
*3000.For a balanced star-star connection (Y–Y), the nesiee–
phase voltage is 200 V and load impedance is (a) 15 Ω (b) 7.5 Ω
100 ∠60° Ω. The magnitude of line current is: (c) 5 Ω (d) 30 Ω
Skeâ mevlegefuele mšej-mšej (Y–Y) keâveskeäMeve ceW, Hesâpe 3005. Three identical capacitances, each of 450 µF,
are connected in star. The value of capacitance
Jeesušspe 200 V leLee ØeefleyeeOee 100 ∠60° Ω nw~ ueeFve in each phase of the equivalent delta-connected
Oeeje keâe ceeve nw: load would be .............
(a) 2A (b) 2 3A ØelÙes keâ 450 µF keâer leerve meceeve mebOeeefj$e mšej ceW
mebÙeesefpele nQ~ leguÙe [suše mebÙeesefpele Yeej kesâ ØelÙeskeâ hesâpe
(c) 2 3A (d) 2 2A
ceW Oeeefjlee keâe ceeve nesiee–
*3001.The voltage drop across each inductor in fig. is
(a) 150 µF (b) 450 µF
(c) 225 µF (d) 900 µF
efÛe$e ceW ØelÙeskeâ Øesjkeâ kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušleeheele nw–
3006. Three identical resistances connected in star
carry a line current of 12 A. if the same
resistance are connected in delta across the
same supply, the line current will be ..............
mšej ceW mebÙeesefpele leerve meceeve ØeeflejesOe 12 A keâer ueeFve
Oeeje Jenve keâjles nw~ Ùeefo Jener ØeeflejesOe Gmeer mehueeF& kesâ
S›eâe@me [suše ceW mebÙeesefpele keâj efoÙeW peeS lees ueeFve Oeeje
(a) 184 V
(b) 138 V nesieer–
(c) 400 V (a) 12 A (b) 4 A
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 8 A (d) 36 A
*3002.The power consumed in each phase of the 3007. Three delta-connected resistors absorb 60 kW
circuit shown in fig. is ......... / efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le when connected to a 3-phase line. If the
resistors are connected in star, the power
heefjheLe kesâ ØelÙeskeâ keâuee ceW Meefòeâ Kehele nw– absorbed is ....................
leerve [suše mebÙeesefpele ØeeflejesOekeâ 60 kW DeJeMeesef<ele
keâjles nQ peye 3-φ ueeFve mes mebÙeesefpele efkeâS peeles nQ~ Ùeefo
ØeeflejesOekeâeW keâes mšej ceW mebÙeesefpele keâj efoÙee peeS lees
DeJeMeesef<ele Meefkeäle nesieer–
(a) 60 kW (b) 20 kW
(a) 2300 W (c) 40 kW (d) 180 kW
(b) 4000 W *3008.Which of the following equation is valid for a 3
(c) 3174 W phase balanced star connected system?
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee meceerkeâjCe 3 hesâpe meblegefuele mšej
*3003.Three identical resistances connected in star mebÙeespeve ØeCeeueer kesâ efueS JewOe nw?
consume 4000 W. If the resistances are (a) IR + IY + IB = 0
connected in delta across the same supply, the (b) IR + IY + 3IB
power consumed will be ............ (c) IR + IY – IB = 0
mšej ceW mebÙeesefpele leerve meceeve ØeeflejesOe 4000 W Kehele (d) (VR + VY + VB)/Z = IN
keâjles nQ~ Ùeefo meceeve mehueeF& kesâ S›eâe@me ØeeflejesOe [suše *3009.In three phase 400 volt, 50 Hz supply, the
ceW mebÙeesefpele neW lees Kehele Meefkeäle nesieer– phase to neutral voltage is
(a) 4000 W (b) 6000 W Skeâ ef$ekeâuee 400 Jeesuš, 50 Hz mehueeF& keâe, Hesâpe mes
(c) 8000 W (d) 12000 W vÙetš^ue kesâ yeerÛe Jeesušspe nesiee
*3004.Three identical resistances, each of 15 Ω, are
connected in delta across 400 V, 3-phase (a) 220 Volt/220 Jeesuš (b) 230 Volt/230 Jeesuš
supply. The value of resistance in each phase of (c) 440 Volt/440 Jeesuš (d) 150 Volt/150 Jeesuš

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 295 YCT

*3010.In 3 phase system with what degree there is a 3015. In a balanced star-connected system, line
phase displacement between different phases? voltage are .......... ahead of their respective
3 hesâpe efmemšce ceW, Deueie-Deueie hesâpeeW ceW nesves Jeeuee phase voltages.
hesâpe efJemLeeheve efkeâleveer ef[«eer keâe neslee nw? meblegefuele mšej mebÙeesefpele ØeCeeueer ceW, ueeFve Jeesušlee,
(a) 360 0
(b) 220 0 Deheves Deveg™heer keâuee Jeesušlee mes ...... Deeies neslee nw~
(c) 1800 (d) 1200 (a) 30o
3011.For balanced 3-phase supply system, the phasor (b) 60o
sum of the line currents is NOT zero if the load is (c) 120o
3 hesâ]pe Jeeueer meblegefuele ØeoeÙe ØeCeeueer kesâ efueS, efkeâme Yeej (d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
hej ueeFve OeejeDeeW keâe hesâ]pej Ùeesie MetvÙe veneR nesiee? 3016. In a star-connected system, the relation
(a) Balanced delta connected/meblegefuele [suše mebÙeesefpele between the line voltage VL and phase voltage
Vph is ...........
(b) Unbalanced delta connected
mšej mebÙeesefpele ØeCeeueer ceW, ueeFve Jeesušle VL Deewj
Demeblegefuele [suše mebÙeesefpele
keâuee Jeesušlee Vph kesâ ceOÙe mecyevOe neslee nw–
(c) Balanced star connected/meblegefuele mšej mebÙeesefpele
(a) VL = Vph
(d) Unbalanced star connected
Demeblegefuele mšej mebÙeesefpele (b) VL =
*3012.In the absence of neutral connection .............. .
vÙetš^ue mebÙeespeve keâer DevegheefmLeefle ceW– (c) VL = 3Vph
(a) the positive sequence line current is zero (d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ueeFve Oeeje MetvÙe nesleer nw~ 3017. Fig. shows a balanced star-connected system.
(b) the zero sequence line current is zero The line voltage VRY is giving by ............
MetvÙe Deveg›eâce ueeFve Oeeje MetvÙe nesleer nw~ efÛe$e Skeâ meblegefuele mšej mebÙeesefpele ØeCeeueer keâes ØeoefMe&le
(c) the negative sequence line current is zero keâjlee nw~ ueeFve Jeesušlee VRY............... kesâ Éeje oer
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ueeFve Oeeje MetvÙe nesleer nw~ peeleer nw–
(d) the positive and negative sequence line
currents are always equal/Oeveelcekeâ Deewj
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ueeFve Oeeje meceeve nesleer nw~
3013. The phase sequence of a three-phase system is
RYB. The other possible phase sequence can be
3-φ ØeCeeueer keâe keâeueeveg›eâce RYB nw~ DevÙe mebYeJe
keâueeveg›eâce nes mekeâlee nw–
(a) BRY (a) VRY = ERN – ENY ................. phasor
(b) YRB difference
(c) RBY VRY = ERN – ENY .................hesâpej Devlej
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) VRY = ERN – ENY ................ phasor difference
3014. The advantage of star-connected supply system VRY = ERN – ENY ................ hesâpej Devlej
is that ............ (c) VRY = ERN + ENY ................. phasor sum
mšej mebÙeesefpele Deehetefle& ØeCeeueer keâe ueeYe nw efkeâ– VRY = ERN + ENY ................. hesâpej Ùeesie
(a) line current is equal to phase current (d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceWs keâesF& veneR
ueeFve Oeeje, hesâpe Oeeje kesâ yejeyej nesleer nw 3018. If the load connected to the 3-phase generator
(b) two voltages can be used
shown in fig. has a lagging p.f. of cos φ, then
oes Jeesušlee ØeÙegkeäle keâer pee mekeâleer nw~ phase angle between VRY and IR is ..................
(c) phase sequence can be easily changed efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le, Ùeefo peefve$e mes mebÙeesefpele Yeej keâe
keâueeveg›eâce Deemeeveer mes heefjJeefle&le efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(d) it is a simple arrangement
heMÛeieeceer Meefkeäle iegCekeâ cos φ nw, leye VRY Deewj IR kesâ
Ùen meeceevÙe JÙeJemLee nw~ ceOÙe keâuee keâesCe nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 296 YCT
*3023.In star connected system the phase angle
difference between line and phase voltage is :
mšej-mebÙeesefpele efvekeâeÙe ceW, ueeFve Deewj hesâpe Jeesušlee kesâ
yeerÛe hesâpe keâesCe Deblej ______ nw~
(a) 300 (b) 1200
(c) 60 (d) 900
3024. If a phase sequence indicator rotates clockwise
for a phase sequence of RYB, then what
happens when the phase sequence is changed to
(a) 30o + φ (b) 30o – φ BRY/Ùeefo Skeâ Hesâpe meerkeäJeWme, RYB kesâ Hesâpe meerkeäJeWme
(c) 60o+φ (d) 120o–φ kesâ efueS IeÌ[er keâer metF& keâer efoMee ceW Ietcelee nw, lees keäÙee
3019. Voltage VCD = 48∠30 V. What is VDC ?
neslee nw peye Hesâpe meerkeäJeWme BRY ceW heefjJeefle&le neslee nw?
Jeesušlee VCD = 48∠30oV leye VDC keäÙee nw? (a) It will not rotate/Ùen veneR Ietcesiee
(a) 48∠–150oV (b) 48∠–180oV (b) It will rotate anticlockwise only
(c) 24∠30 V o
(d) 48∠–210oV Ùen kesâJeue IeÌ[er keâer metF& keâer efJehejerle efoMee ceW Ietcesiee
*3020.In a 3-φ system, if the instantaneous voltage (c) It will rotate clockwise or anticlockwise
values of phase R and Y are +60 V and –40 V Ùen IeÌ[er keâer metF& keâer efoMee ceW Ùee IeÌ[er keâer metF& keâer
respectively, then instantaneous voltage of efJehejerle efoMee ceW Ietcesiee~
phase B is (d) It will rotate clockwise only
3-φ ØeCeeueer ceW, R Deewj Y-hesâpe keâer leel#eefCekeâ Jeesušlee Ùen kesâJeue IeÌ[er keâer metF& keâer efoMee ceW Ietcesiee
keâe ceeve ›eâceMe: +60V Deewj –40V nw~ leye B-hesâpe keâer 3025. In a star connected balanced circuit the phase
leel#eefCekeâ Jeesušlee nw– difference between the line voltage VRY and the
phase voltage VRN is :
(a) –20V
(b) 40V
Skeâ mšej mes mebÙeesefpele meblegefuele heefjheLe ceW ueeFve
(c) 120V Jeesušlee VRY Deewj Hesâpe Jeesušspe VRN kesâ yeerÛe keâe Hesâpe
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW keâesF& veneR Deblej nw-
3021. In a three-phase load. __________different (a) 300 – φ (b) 600
impedances are connected together in a star or (c) 120 (d) 300
delta fashion. *3026.If each branch of a Delta circuit has impedance
efkeâmeer leerve hesâpeer Yeej ceW ............. efJeefYeVe ØeefleyeeOeeDeeW √3 Z, then each branch of the equivalent Y
circuit has impedance:/Ùeefo [suše ceW mebÙeesefpele
keâes mšej Ùee [suše ™he mes Skeâ meeLe peesÌ[e peelee nw~ ØelÙeskeâ MeeKee keâe ØeefleyeeOee √3 Z nw~ lees mšej ceW
(a) six/Ú: (b) zero/MetvÙe mebÙeesefpele ØelÙeskeâ MeeKee keâe ØeefleyeeOee meceleguÙe nesiee?
(c) one/Skeâ (d) three/leerve (a) Z/√3 (b) 3Z
3022. The delta in a three-phase system is formed by (c) 3√3Z (d) Z/3
connecting and the connections are continued 3027. Fig. shows balanced delta-connected supply
to form a closed loop. system. The current in line 1 is ............
ef$ehesâpeer ØeCeeueer keâes [suše ceW mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw efÛe$e meblegefuele [suše mebÙeesefpele mehueeF& ØeoefMe&le keâjlee
Deewj mebÙeespeve yevo heefjheLe Éeje peejer jKee peelee nw nw~ ueeFve ‘1’ ceW Oeeje nw–
(a) one end of the resistor to the inductor
ØeeflejesOe keâe Skeâ efmeje ØesjkeâlJe mes
(b) one end of an inductor to the starting end of
the resistor
hesÇjkeâlJe keâe Skeâ efmeje ØeeflejesOe kesâ ØeejefcYekeâ efmejs mes
(c) one end of the winding to the starting end of
other A three-phase, balanced, delta- (a) IR – IB ................. phasor difference
connected load of winding/kegâC[ueve keâe Skeâ IR – IB ................. hesâpej Devlej
efmeje DevÙe kegâC[ueve kesâ ØeejefcYekeâ efmejs mes (b) IB – IR ................. phasor difference
IB – IR ................. hesâpej Devlej
(d) one end of an inductor to the neutral end of
(c) IY – IR – IB ................. phasor difference
the resistor IY – IR – IB ................. hesâpej Devlej
ØesjkeâlJe keâe Skeâ efmeje ØeeflejesOe kesâ Goemeerve efmejs mes (d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 297 YCT
3028. In fig. line currents are ........... behind the *3032.The voltage rating of each resistor in fig.
respective phase currents. should be .............. / efÛe$e ceW ØelÙeskeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâer
efÛe$e ceW ueeFve Oeeje mebyebefOele hesâpe Oeeje mes .......... heerÚs Jeesušlee jsefšbie nesveer ÛeeefnS–
nesleer nw~

(a) 60o
(b) 30o
(c) 120o (a) 400 V
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) 400 × 2V
3029. The delta-connected generator shown in fig. (c) 230 V
has phase voltage of 200V on no-load. If (d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
connections of one of the phase is reversed, *3033.The power rating of each resistor in fig. is .......
then, resultant voltage across the mesh is........ efÛe$e ceW ØelÙeskeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâer Meefkeäle jsefšbie nw–
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le [suše mebÙeesefpele peefve$e ceW MetvÙe Yeej
hej keâuee Jeesušlee 200 V nw Ùeefo mebÙeespeve kesâ Skeâ keâuee
keâes efJeheefjle keâj efoÙee peeÙe lees cesMe kesâ S›eâe@me heefjCeeceer
Jeesušlee nw –

(a) 4000 W (b) 2300 W

(c) 4600 W (d) 5290 W
(a) 200 V
*3034.If one of the resistors in fig. were open-
(b) 200 × 3V circuited, then power consumed in the circuit is
(c) 400 V ............. / efÛe$e ceW Ùeefo Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ Keguee heefjheLe
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR nes lees heefjheLe ceW Kehele Meefkeäle nw–
3030. If one line conductor of a 3-phase line is cut,
the load is then supplied by ......... voltage.
3-φ ueeFve keâe Ùeefo Skeâ ueeFve Ûeeuekeâ keâeš efoÙee peeS
leye Yeej keâes ......... Jeesušlee Éeje mehueeF& efkeâÙee peeSiee~
(a) single phase /Skeâue keâuee
(b) two phase /efÉkeâuee
(c) three phase /leerve keâuee
(d) none of the above / Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
3031. The resistance between any two terminals of a
balanced star-connected load is 12 Ω. The
(a) 8000 W
resistance of each phase is ..............
(b) 4000 W
Skeâ meblegefuele mšej mebÙeesefpele Yeej kesâ efkeâvneR oes
(c) 16000 W
šefce&veueeW kesâ ceOÙe ØeeflejesOe 12 Ω nw~ ØelÙeskeâ hesâpe keâe (d) none of the above / Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
ØeeflejesOe nw– *3035.The power consumed in the star-connected
(a) 12 Ω load shown in fig. is 690 W. The line current is
(b) 24 Ω ........
(c) 6Ω efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le mšej mebÙeesefpele Yeej ceW Kehele Meefkeäle
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR 690 W nw~ ueeFve Oeeje nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 298 YCT
(a) The phase current is equal to the line current
hesâpe efJeÅegle Oeeje ueeFve efJeÅegle Oeeje kesâ yejeyej nw
(b) The phase voltage is less than the line voltage
hesâpe Jeesušspe ueeFve Jeesušspe mes keâce nw
(c) The system does not contain a neutral point
ØeCeeueer ceW keâesF& Goemeerve efyebog veneR nw
(a) 2.5 A (d) It is a four wire system/Ùen Ûeej leej Jeeueer ØeCeeueer nw
(b) 1 A *3040.Determine the total power (in kW) consumed
(c) 1.725 A by a 3-phase delta connected system supplied
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR by a line voltage of 230 V, if the value of phase
*3036.The power factor of the star-connected load current is 30 A and the current lags the voltage
shown in fig. is ........ / efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le mšej by 30 degree./230 Jeesuš kesâ Skeâ ueeFve Jeesušspe Éeje
mebÙeesefpele Yeej keâe Meefkeäle iegCekeâ nw– Deehetefle& keâer ieF& 3-hesâpe [suše keâveskeäšs[ ØeCeeueer Éeje
Kehele kegâue Meefkeäle (efkeâueesJeeš ceW) efveOee&efjle keâjW, Ùeefo
hesâpe efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe ceeve 30 SefcheÙej nw Deewj efJeÅegle
Oeeje Jeesušspe mes 30 ef[«eer heerÚs nw–
(a) 14.62 (b) 15.26
(c) 16.62 (d) 17.93
*3041.What is the magnitude of reactive power (in
kVAR) of a balanced 3–phase delta connected
system having a line voltage of 400 V and a line
current of 50 A and the phase difference
(a) 0.8 lagging/0.8 heMÛeieeceer
between the voltage and current is 53.13
(b) 0.6 lagging/0.6 heMÛeieeceer degrees?/Skeâ meblegefuele 3–Hesâpe [suše keâveskeäšs[
(c) 0.75 lagging/0.75 heMÛeieeceer ØeCeeueer keâer ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ keâe heefjceeCe (kVAR ceW)
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR keäÙee nesiee efpemekeâe ueeFve Jeesušspe 400 V, ueeFve
*3037.Three identical coils each having a resistance of efJeÅegle Oeeje 50A Deewj Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe
10 ohms and an inductance of 0.03 H are
53.13 ef[«eer keâe Hesâpe Deblej nw?
connected in delta across a 440V, 50Hz three-
phase supply. What will be the power factor? (a) 0.2771 (b) 2.771
(c) 27.71 (d) 277.1
leerve meceeve kegâC[efueÙeeB efpeveceW mes ØelÙeskeâ ceW 10 Deesÿe
*3042.Which of the following is NOT correct about a
keâe ØeeflejesOe neslee nw Deewj 0.03H keâe ØesjkeâlJe, 440 V, delta connected 3-phase circuit?
50 Hz leerve hesâpe keâer Deehetefle& ceW [suše ceW pegÌ[s nQ~ Fvekeâe FveceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve [suše mebÙeesefpele meblegefuele 3-
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keäÙee nesiee? Hesâpe heefjheLe kesâ yeejs ceW mener veneR nw?
(a) 0 (a) The phase current is less than the line
(b) 1 current/Hesâpe efJeÅegleOeeje ueeFve efJeÅegleOeeje mes keâce nw~
(c) 0.75 Leading/0.75 De«e (b) The phase voltage is equal to the line voltage
(d) 0.72 Lagging/0.72 he§e Hesâpe Jeesušspe ueeFve Jeesušspe kesâ yejeyej nw~
3038. What is the number of watt-meters required to (c) The system does not contain a neutral point
measure the power of a poly phase system ØeCeeueer ceW Skeâ Goemeerve efyebog veneR neslee nw~
containing 'n' conductors? (d) It is a four wire system/Ùen Ûeej-leej ØeCeeueer nw~
yeng-hesâpe ØeCeeueer, efpemeceW 'n' Ûeeuekeâ nw, ceW Meefkeäle keâes 3043. If a balanced delta load has an impedance of
ceeheves kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ Jeešceeršj keâer mebKÙee keäÙee nw– (6+j9) ohms per phase, then, impedance of each
(a) 0 (b) n – 1 phase of equivalent star load is .............
(c) n (d) n + 1 Ùeef o Skeâ meblegefuele [suše Yeej ceW Øeefle keâuee ØeefleyeeOee
3039. Which of the following is NOT correct about a (6+j9) Deesÿe nw~ leye leguÙe mšej Yeej kesâ ØelÙeskeâ hesâpe
star connected balanced 3-phase circuit? keâer ØeefleyeeOee nw–
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mšej 3-hesâpe heefjheLe (a) (6+j 9) ohm (b) (2+j 3) ohm
kesâ yeejs ceW mener veneR nw? (c) (12+j 18) ohm (d) (3+j 4.5) ohm

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 299 YCT

3044. In order to measure power in a 3–phase, 4 wire oes-Jeešceeršj efJeefOe ceW oes JeešceeršjeW kesâ hee"dÙeebkeâ keâe
unbalanced load, the minimum number of yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Ùeesie ‘melÙe Meefkeäle’ Fbefiele keâjsiee kesâJeue
wattmeters required would be ............ Ùeefo–
Skeâ 3-φ, 4-leej Demeblegefuele Yeej ceW Meefkeäle ceeheve kesâ (a) the load is balanced /Yeej mevlegefuele nes
efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ vÙetvelece Jeešceeršme& keâer mebKÙee nesieer– (b) phase sequence remains unchanged
(a) 1 (b) 2 keâueeveg›eâce DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw
(c) 4 (d) 3 (c) there is no source unbalance
3045. In the circuit shown in fig. the phase sequence m$eesle Demeblegefuele ve nes
is RYB. If the load p.f. is cos φ lagging, then (d) neutral wire available does not carry any
reading of wattmeter W2 will be ........... current/GheueyOe vÙetš^ue leej keâesF& Oeeje Jenve veneR
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le heefjheLe ceW keâueeveg›eâce RYB nw~ Ùeefo keâjlee nw
Yeej Meefkeäle iegCekeâ cos φ heMÛeieeceer nes leye Jeešceeršj 3048. Three-wattmeter method is not used to
W2 keâe hee"dÙeebkeâ nesiee– measure power in a 3-phase circuit because
leerve-Jeešceeršj efJeefOe, 3-φ heefjheLe ceW Meefkeäle ceeheves kesâ
efueS ØeÙegkeäle veneR keâer peeleer nw keäÙeeWefkeâ–
(a) it is complicated/Ùen peefšue nesleer nw
(b) generally neutral is not available or delta load
cannot be opened /meeceevÙele: vÙetš^ue GheueyOe veneR
neslee nw Ùee [suše Yeej Keesuee veneR pee mekeâlee nw
(c) it requires three wattmeters
FmeceW leerve Jeešceeršj keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) VLIL cos (30o – φ) 3049.The most difficult unbalanced 3-phase load to
(b) VLIL cos (30o + φ) deal with is ............ / ........ mes efvehešves kesâ efueS meyemes
(c) 3VL IL sin(30° + φ) keâef"ve Demeblegefuele Yeej nw~
(d) 3VL IL cos(30° + φ) (a) 4-wire star connected unbalanced load
4-leej mšej mebÙeesefpele Demeblegefuele Yeej
*3046.If the p.f. of the load shown in fig. (phase
(b) unbalanced ∆-connected load
sequence is RYB) is zero, then, .............
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le Yeej keâe Meefkeäle iegCekeâ Ùeefo MetvÙe nes Demeblegefuele ∆-mebÙeesefpele Yeej
(c) unbalanced 3-wire, Y-connected load
(keâueeveg›eâce RYB nw) leye– Demeblegefuele 3-leej, Y-mebÙeesefpele Yeej
(d) none of the above / Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*3050.The phase voltage in a 3-phase circuit is 90∠–
50o V and the corresponding phase current is
2.5 ∠–10o A. The power factor is
Skeâ 3-φ heefjheLe ceW hesâpe Jeesušlee 90∠–50o V nw Deewj
Deveg™heer hesâpe Oeeje 2.5 ∠–10o A nw~ Meefkeäle iegCekeâ nw–
(a) 0.766 (b) 0.85
(c) 0.623 (d) 0.45
3051. What is the phase relationship between line
currents in a delta system? / [suše ØeCeeueer ceW
(a) W1 will read zero/W1 MetvÙe heÌ{siee
ueeFve OeejeDeeW kesâ ceOÙe keâuee mecyevOe keäÙee neslee nw?
(b) W2 will read zero/W2 MetvÙe heÌ{siee
(a) 30o between each line current
(c) both W1 and W2 will read zero
ØelÙeskeâ ueeFve Oeeje kesâ ceOÙe 30º
W1 Deewj W2 oesveeW MetvÙe heÌ{siee
(b) 60o between each line current
(d) W1 and W1 will read equal and opposite ØelÙeskeâ ueeFve Oeeje kesâ ceOÙe 45º
W1 Deewj W2 oesveeW meceeve Deewj efJehejerle heÌ{Wies (c) 120o between each line current
3047. In two wattmeter method, the algebraic sum of ØelÙeskeâ ueeFve Oeeje kesâ ceOÙe 120º
the readings of two wattmeters will indicate (d) 45o between each line current
true power only if .......... ØelÙeskeâ ueeFve Oeeje kesâ ceOÙe 45º
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 300 YCT
3052. All a.c. equipment is rated in kVA because efkeâmeer meblegefuele [suše ØeCeeueer ceW ueeFve Oeeje 30A nw~
meYeer A.C. GhekeâjCe kVA ceW efveOee&efjle efkeâS peeles nQ, Yeej Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe keäÙee nw?
keäÙeeWefkeâ– (a) 10 A (b) 20 A
(a) kVA > kW (c) 30 A (d) 17.32 A
(b) kVA < kW 3058. The line currents in a 3-phase, 4-wire system
(c) of temperature rise limitation are 9∠–60oA, 15 ∠ 40oA and 12∠130oA. The
leeheceeve Je=efæ meercee neutral wire current is
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
ef keâmeer 3-φ, 4-leej ØeCeeueer ceW ueeFve OeejeSb 9∠–60oA,
*3053.The wattmeter in Fig. indicates 1420 W. The 15 ∠ 40 oA Deewj 12 ∠130 oA nQ~ vÙetš^ue leej keâer
power of the three phase load is Oeeje nw–
efÛe$e ceW Jeešceeršj 1420 W ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw, ef$ekeâuee (a) 13.8∠53.1o A
Yeej keâer Meefòeâ nw– (b) 6.8∠–43.5o A
(c) 36∠110o A
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
3059. Total instantaneous power supplied by a 3-
phase a.c. supply to a balanced R-C load is
efkeâmeer 3-φ a.c. mehueeF& Éeje meblegefuele R-C Yeej keâes
mehueeF& keâer peeves Jeeueer kegâ ue leel#eefCekeâ Meef keäle
nesl eer nw–
(a) 1420 W (b) 4260 W
(a) zero/MetvÙe
(c) 2130 W (d) none of the above /j
(b) constant/efveÙele
3054. In a three-phase circuit, if load p.f. is
(c) pulsating with zero average
decreased, the line current
MetvÙe Deewmele kesâ meeLe heumesefšbie
efkeâmeer 3-φ heefjheLe ceW Ùeefo Yeej Meefkeäle iegCekeâ Ieše efoÙee (d) pulsating with non-zero average
peeS lees ueeFve Oeeje– DeMetvÙe Deewmele kesâ meeLe heumesefšbie
(a) decreases /Ieš peeleer nw 3060. An alternator is delivering power to a balanced
(b) increases /yeÌ{ peeleer nw load at unity p.f. The phase angle between the
(c) remains the same /meceeve jnleer nw line voltage and the corresponding line current
is/Skeâ ØelÙeeJele&keâ, FkeâeF& Meefkeäle iegCekeâ hej efkeâmeer
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
3055. When a capacitor is connected across a single
meblegefuele Yeej keâes Meefkeäle Øeoeve keâj jne nw~ ueeFve
phase motor, then active power drawn by the Jeesušlee Deewj Deveg™heer ueeF&ve Oeeje kesâ ceOÙe keâuee
motor / peye Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâes efkeâmeer Skeâue keâuee keâesCe nw–
o o
ceesšj kesâ S›eâe@me mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw lees ceesšj Éeje (a) 30 (b) 60
(c) 90o (d) 0o
ueer ieF& meef›eâÙe Meefkeäle– *3061.Three identical impedances are connected in
(a) decreases /Iešleer nw delta to a 3-phase supply of 400 V. The line
(b) increases /yeÌ{leer nw current is 34.65 A and total power taken is 14.4
(c) remains same /meceeve jnleer nw kW. The resistance of the load in each phase is
leer ve meceeve ØeefleyeeOeeSb 400 V keâer 3-φ mehueeF& mes
(d) data insufficient /DeeBkeâÌ[e DeheÙee&hle nw
[suše ceW mebÙeesefpele nw~ ueeF&ve Oeeje 34.65 A nw Deewj
3056. A balanced ∆-connected load is converted to
equivalent balanced Y load. Then kegâue ueer ieF& Meefkeäle 14.4 kW nw~ ØelÙeskeâ keâuee ceW Yeej
Skeâ meblegefuele ∆-mebÙeesefpele Yeej, leguÙe meblegefuele 'Y' ceW keâe ØeeflejesOe nw–
™heevleefjle efkeâÙee peelee nw~ leye– (a) 20 Ω (b) 16 Ω
(c) 10 Ω (d) 12 Ω
(a) ZY = Z∆ *3062.A balanced delta connected load has an
3 impedance of 9∠30o Ω per phase. What is the
2 impedance per phase of its equivalent star?
(b) ZY = Z ∆
3 Skeâ meblegefuele [suše mebÙeesefpele Yeej ceW Øeeflekeâuee
(c) ZY = 3Z∆ ØeefleyeeOee 9∠30o nw~ Fmekesâ leguÙe mšej keâer Øeefle keâuee
(d) none of the above /Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR ØeefleyeeOee keäÙee nw?
3057. The line current in a balanced delta system is (a) 27∠30o Ω (b) 27 ∠90o Ω
30A. What is the magnitude of load current? (c) 3∠30o Ω (d) 3∠20o Ω

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 301 YCT

ANSWER : Basic Electrical Engineering
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (a)
8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (a)
15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (c) 21. (b)
22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (d) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (d) 28. (c)
29. (b) 30. (c) 31. (c) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (a)
36. (c) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (b) 41. (b) 42. (d)
43. (b) 44. (c) 45. (c) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (a) 49. (d)
50. (b) 51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (a) 55. (b) 56. (b)
57. (d) 58. (b) 59. (a) 60. (c) 61. (a) 62. (c) 63. (b)
64. (a) 65. (b) 66. (c) 67. (d) 68. (d) 69. (c) 70. (c)
71. (a) 72. (b) 73. (c) 74. (d) 75. (c) 76. (b) 77. (d)
78. (b) 79. (b) 80. (b) 81. (c) 82. (a) 83. (b) 84. (b)
85. (a) 86. (a) 87. (b) 88. (c) 89. (b) 90. (d) 91. (b)
92. (c) 93. (a) 94. (c) 95. (c) 96. (a) 97. (d) 98. (b)
99. (a) 100. (b) 101. (a) 102. (d) 103. (d) 104. (a) 105. (c)
106. (d) 107. (d) 108. (c) 109. (c) 110. (d) 111. (d) 112. (b)
113. (c) 114. (c) 115. (d) 116. (a) 117. (d) 118. (c) 119. (b)
120. (d) 121. (d) 122. (b) 123. (b) 124. (b) 125. (b) 126. (b)
127. (a) 128. (c) 129. (b) 130. (a) 131. (b) 132. (b) 133. (c)
134. (a) 135. (b) 136. (c) 137. (a) 138. (b) 139. (c) 140. (a)
141. (c) 142. (b) 143. (c) 144. (b) 145. (c) 146. (d) 147. (a)
148. (b) 149. (c) 150. (b) 151. (c) 152. (a) 153. (b) 154. (d)
155. (c) 156. (b) 157. (a) 158. (a) 159. (c) 160. (a) 161. (b)
162. (b) 163. (c) 164. (c) 165. (b) 166. (a) 167. (c) 168. (a)
169. (a) 170. (b) 171. (d) 172. (c) 173. (a) 174. (d) 175. (c)
176. (c) 177. (a) 178. (b) 179. (b) 180. (d) 181. (c) 182. (a)
183. (c) 184. (a) 185. (d) 186. (d) 187. (a) 188. (b) 189. (b)
190. (d) 191. (c) 192. (c) 193. (d) 194. (d) 195. (b) 196. (c)
197. (c) 198. (b) 199. (a) 200. (b) 201. (b) 202. (d) 203. (c)
204. (a) 205. (d) 206. (c) 207. (b) 208. (b) 209. (c) 210. (c)
211. (b) 212. (d) 213. (d) 214. (a) 215. (b) 216. (d) 217. (c)
218. (c) 219. (c) 220. (b) 221. (b) 222. (d) 223. (a) 224. (b)
225. (a) 226. (c) 227. (b) 228. (a) 229. (a) 230. (a) 231. (d)
232. (a) 233. (b) 234. (b) 235. (b) 236. (b) 237. (b) 238. (a)
239. (c) 240. (b) 241. (b) 242. (d) 243. (c) 244. (c) 245. (c)
246. (d) 247. (c) 248. (b) 249. (a) 250. (a) 251. (d) 252. (a)
253. (a) 254. (a) 255. (c) 256. (c) 257. (c) 258. (d) 259. (a)
260. (b) 261. (b) 262. (b) 263. (a) 264. (d) 265. (c) 266. (c)
267. (a) 268. (d) 269. (b) 270. (b) 271. (d) 272. (c) 273. (b)
274. (d) 275. (c) 276. (a) 277. (a) 278. (a) 279. (c) 280. (a)
281. (b) 282. (b) 283. (d) 284. (d) 285. (b) 286. (c) 287. (a)
288. (a) 289. (b) 290. (a) 291. (b) 292. (a) 293. (b) 294. (b)
295. (d) 296. (b) 297. (d) 298. (b) 299. (b) 300. (a) 301. (c)
302. (b) 303. (a) 304. (c) 305. (b) 306. (d) 307. (b) 308. (c)
309. (b) 310. (a) 311. (d) 312. (a) 313. (d) 314. (d) 315. (c)
316. (d) 317. (c) 318. (b) 319. (b) 320. (b) 321. (c) 322. (a)
323. (c) 324. (c) 325. (d) 326. (b) 327. (c) 328. (d) 329. (b)
330. (d) 331. (c) 332. (a) 333. (a) 334. (a) 335. (c) 336. (a)
337. (d) 338. (a) 339. (d) 340. (b) 341. (c) 342. (d) 343. (d)
344. (c) 345. (b) 346. (d) 347. (a) 348. (b) 349. (c) 350. (d)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 302 YCT

351. (d) 352. (d) 353. (c) 354. (a) 355. (b) 356. (d) 357. (d)
358. (c) 359. (d) 360. (c) 361. (a) 362. (c) 363. (a) 364. (c)
365. (a) 366. (c) 367. (c) 368. (a) 369. (c) 370. (a) 371. (b)
372. (a) 373. (b) 374. (b) 375. (d) 376. (b) 377. (b) 378. (b)
379. (d) 380. (d) 381. (c) 382. (a) 383. (b) 384. (d) 385. (a)
386. (d) 387. (a) 388. (d) 389. (a) 390. (b) 391. (a) 392. (b)
393. (c) 394. (d) 395. (c) 396. (a) 397. (a) 398. (b) 399. (c)
400. (d) 401. (b) 402. (c) 403. (b) 404. (b) 405. (a) 406. (a)
407. (b) 408. (c) 409. (c) 410. (a) 411. (d) 412. (a) 413. (a)
414. (b) 415. (d) 416. (a) 417. (a) 418. (b) 419. (b) 420. (a)
421. (c) 422. (d) 423. (a) 424. (a) 425. (c) 426. (a) 427. (c)
428. (b) 429. (d) 430. (a) 431. (c) 432. (a) 433. (d) 434. (b)
435. (b) 436. (a) 437. (b) 438. (c) 439. (d) 440. (b) 441. (c)
442. (a) 443. (c) 444. (b) 445. (b) 446. (a) 447. (c) 448. (b)
449. (a) 450. (c) 451. (c) 452. (c) 453. (a) 454. (d) 455. (a)
456. (d) 457. (c) 458. (d) 459. (d) 460. (d) 461. (c) 462. (d)
463. (c) 464. (b) 465. (a) 466. (d) 467. (a) 468. (a) 469. (b)
470. (b) 471. (b) 472. (a) 473. (c) 474. (a) 475. (c) 476. (c)
477. (d) 478. (b) 479. (c) 480. (c) 481. (d) 482. (c) 483. (a)
484. (d) 485. (a) 486. (b) 487. (a) 488. (d) 489. (a) 490. (d)
491. (c) 492. (c) 493. (b) 494. (c) 495. (c) 496. (d) 497. (d)
498. (c) 499. (d) 500. (c) 501. (b) 502. (c) 503. (a) 504. (c)
505. (a) 506. (d) 507. (c) 508. (b) 509. (c) 510. (b) 511. (d)
512. (b) 513. (a) 514. (a) 515. (a) 516. (c) 517. (a) 518. (c)
519. (d) 520. (b) 521. (a) 522. (c) 523. (a) 524. (c) 525. (a)
526. (c) 527. (b) 528. (a) 529. (b) 530. (d) 531. (a) 532. (c)
533. (b) 534. (a) 535. (d) 536. (b) 537. (a) 538. (d) 539. (d)
540. (a) 541. (c) 542. (c) 543. (c) 544. (c) 545. (a) 546. (d)
547. (a) 548. (a) 549. (c) 550. (d) 551. (c) 552. (b) 553. (c)
554. (b) 555. (b) 556. (b) 557. (d) 558. (a) 559. (d) 560. (b)
561. (d) 562. (b) 563. (c) 564. (a) 565. (a) 566. (b) 567. (a)
568. (c) 569. (d) 570. (b) 571. (c) 572. (a) 573. (d) 574. (a)
575. (d) 576. (b) 577. (d) 578. (c) 579. (c) 580. (d) 581. (d)
582. (c) 583. (d) 584. (a) 585. (b) 586. (d) 587. (c) 588. (a)
589. (b) 590. (a) 591. (a) 592. (c) 593. (a) 594. (d) 595. (d)
596. (d) 597. (c) 598. (a) 599. (b) 600. (b) 601. (c) 602. (d)
603. (b) 604. (b) 605. (c) 606. (a) 607. (c) 608. (a) 609. (c)
610. (a) 611. (d) 612. (b) 613. (d) 614. (b) 615. (b) 616. (c)
617. (c) 618. (d) 619. (b) 620. (b) 621. (b) 622. (d) 623. (b)
624. (d) 625. (b) 626. (a) 627. (d) 628. (b) 629. (a) 630. (d)
631. (b) 632. (b) 633. (a) 634. (d) 635. (d) 636. (a) 637. (c)
638. (d) 639. (c) 640. (d) 641. (a) 642. (c) 643. (c) 644. (a)
645. (b) 646. (d) 647. (c) 648. (d) 649. (b) 650. (a) 651. (a)
652. (b) 653. (c) 654. (a) 655. (a) 656. (c) 657. (b) 658. (d)
659. (d) 660. (c) 661. (a) 662. (c) 663. (d) 664. (b) 665. (b)
666. (d) 667. (c) 668. (a) 669. (b) 670. (c) 671. (a) 672. (a)
673. (a) 674. (d) 675. (a) 676. (c) 677. (d) 678. (b) 679. (b)
680. (c) 681. (b) 682. (b) 683. (b) 684. (d) 685. (a) 686. (d)
687. (d) 688. (b) 689. (c) 690. (b) 691. (b) 692. (a) 693. (d)
694. (c) 695. (a) 696. (c) 697. (a) 698. (d) 699. (c) 700. (b)
701. (a) 702. (a) 703. (b) 704. (b) 705. (d) 706. (b) 707. (a)
708. (d) 709. (c) 710. (b) 711. (b) 712. (d) 713. (c) 714. (c)
715. (a) 716. (d) 717. (d) 718. (b) 719. (b) 720. (b) 721. (a)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 303 YCT

722. (b) 723. (d) 724. (d) 725. (b) 726. (d) 727. (c) 728. (b)
729. (a) 730. (c) 731. (d) 732. (b) 733. (c) 734. (c) 735. (d)
736. (b) 737. (c) 738. (d) 739. (a) 740. (b) 741. (c) 742. (c)
743. (d) 744. (d) 745. (a) 746. (b) 747. (b) 748. (a) 749. (d)
750. (a) 751. (b) 752. (a) 753. (a) 754. (b) 755. (b) 756. (c)
757. (b) 758. (d) 759. (a) 760. (c) 761. (b) 762. (c) 763. (d)
764. (c) 765. (c) 766. (a) 767. (b) 768. (a) 769. (d) 770. (b)
771. (b) 772. (a) 773. (c) 774. (a) 775. (a) 776. (c) 777. (b)
778. (c) 779. (d) 780. (a) 781. (b) 782. (b) 783. (b) 784. (d)
785. (c) 786. (c) 787. (d) 788. (c) 789. (b) 790. (c) 791. (b)
792. (d) 793. (d) 794. (c) 795. (c) 796. (d) 797. (d) 798. (b)
799. (a) 800. (b) 801. (d) 802. (c) 803. (c) 804. (c) 805. (c)
806. (d) 807. (a) 808. (a) 809. (b) 810. (d) 811. (a) 812. (d)
813. (d) 814. (c) 815. (b) 816. (c) 817. (a) 818. (c) 819. (a)
820. (a) 821. (c) 822. (d) 823. (c) 824. (b) 825. (d) 826. (c)
827. (b) 828. (a) 829. (d) 830. (b) 831. (a) 832. (d) 833. (b)
834. (d) 835. (c) 836. (c) 837. (a) 838. (d) 839. (d) 840. (d)
841. (b) 842. (c) 843. (c) 844. (a) 845. (b) 846. (c) 847. (d)
848. (a) 849. (a) 850. (d) 851. (b) 852. (d) 853. (b) 854. (b)
855. (a) 856. (d) 857. (a) 858. (c) 859. (c) 860. (b) 861. (c)
862. (d) 863. (c) 864. (a) 865. (d) 866. (c) 867. (b) 868. (b)
869. (d) 870. (a) 871. (c) 872. (d) 873. (b) 874. (a) 875. (c)
876. (c) 877. (a) 878. (d) 879. (a) 880. (b) 881. (c) 882. (a)
883. (d) 884. (a) 885. (a) 886. (a) 887. (b) 888. (a) 889. (c)
890. (d) 891. (b) 892. (b) 893. (c) 894. (b) 895. (c) 896. (b)
897. (c) 898. (d) 899. (c) 900. (d) 901. (c) 902. (b) 903. (b)
904. (d) 905. (b) 906. (a) 907. (d) 908. (c) 909. (b) 910. (c)
911. (b) 912. (b) 913. (d) 914. (a) 915. (a) 916. (a) 917. (c)
918. (c) 919. (b) 920. (b) 921. (a) 922. (b) 923. (d) 924. (c)
925. (c) 926. (b) 927. (a) 928. (a) 929. (d) 930. (a) 931. (d)
932. (b) 933. (a) 934. (c) 935. (b) 936. (c) 937. (b) 938. (a)
939. (b) 940. (a) 941. (b) 942. (a) 943. (a) 944. (a) 945. (c)
946. (c) 947. (b) 948. (b) 949. (c) 950. (b) 951. (a) 952. (c)
953. (b) 954. (c) 955. (b) 956. (d) 957. (a) 958. (a) 959. (c)
960. (c) 961. (c) 962. (a) 963. (b) 964. (c) 965. (a) 966. (b)
967. (c) 968. (a) 969. (d) 970. (d) 971. (d) 972. (a) 973. (b)
974. (b) 975. (a) 976. (c) 977. (d) 978. (d) 979. (b) 980. (b)
981. (d) 982. (a) 983. (b) 984. (b) 985. (b) 986. (a) 987. (c)
988. (b) 989. (c) 990. (b) 991. (b) 992. (a) 993. (d) 994. (a)
995. (b) 996. (d) 997. (c) 998. (b) 999. (c) 1000. (d) 1001. (c)
1002. (a) 1003. (b) 1004. (a) 1005. (b) 1006. (d) 1007. (c) 1008. (b)
1009. (d) 1010. (b) 1011. (b) 1012. (b) 1013. (b) 1014. (d) 1015. (c)
1016. (b) 1017. (c) 1018. (d) 1019. (b) 1020. (a) 1021. (b) 1022. (c)
1023. (c) 1024. (d) 1025. (a) 1026. (b) 1027. (a) 1028. (d) 1029. (c)
1030. (b) 1031. (a) 1032. (d) 1033. (a) 1034. (b) 1035. (c) 1036. (a)
1037. (b) 1038. (d) 1039. (d) 1040. (a) 1041. (b) 1042. (a) 1043. (c)
1044. (a) 1045. (b) 1046. (c) 1047. (d) 1048. (c) 1049. (c) 1050. (d)
1051. (c) 1052. (a) 1053. (a) 1054. (b) 1055. (b) 1056. (a) 1057. (a)
1058. (a) 1059. (b) 1060. (b) 1061. (d) 1062. (a) 1063. (b) 1064. (c)
1065. (d) 1066. (d) 1067. (d) 1068. (b) 1069. (d) 1070. (a) 1071. (c)
1072. (a) 1073. (d) 1074. (b) 1075. (b) 1076. (c) 1077. (c) 1078. (b)
1079. (b) 1080. (c) 1081. (a) 1082. (b) 1083. (a) 1084. (b) 1085. (b)
1086. (a) 1087. (b) 1088. (c) 1089. (b) 1090. (a) 1091. (b) 1092. (c)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 304 YCT

1093. (c) 1094. (b) 1095. (a) 1096. (c) 1097. (a) 1098. (d) 1099. (a)
1100. (b) 1101. (b) 1102. (a) 1103. (b) 1104. (d) 1105. (b) 1106. (a)
1107. (b) 1108. (b) 1109. (a) 1110. (a) 1111. (a) 1112. (d) 1113. (d)
1114. (d) 1115. (d) 1116. (d) 1117. (c) 1118. (c) 1119. (a) 1120. (a)
1121. (d) 1122. (c) 1123. (b) 1124. (c) 1125. (a) 1126. (c) 1127. (b)
1128. (b) 1129. (c) 1130. (a) 1131. (d) 1132. (d) 1133. (b) 1134. (d)
1135. (a) 1136. (a) 1137. (a) 1138. (d) 1139. (b) 1140. (c) 1141. (a)
1142. (b) 1143. (c) 1144. (d) 1145. (c) 1146. (a) 1147. (d) 1148. (d)
1149. (b) 1150. (a) 1151. (a) 1152. (a) 1153. (a) 1154. (d) 1155. (d)
1156. (a) 1157. (a) 1158. (c) 1159. (d) 1160. (b) 1161. (a) 1162. (c)
1163. (a) 1164. (c) 1165. (a) 1166. (c) 1167. (c) 1168. (b) 1169. (b)
1170. (b) 1171. (a) 1172. (d) 1173. (c) 1174. (c) 1175. (b) 1176. (a)
1177. (a) 1178. (c) 1179. (c) 1180. (b) 1181. (a) 1182. (b) 1183. (a)
1184. (c) 1185. (a) 1186. (d) 1187. (b) 1188. (b) 1189. (d) 1190. (a)
1191. (a) 1192. (d) 1193. (b) 1194. (c) 1195. (c) 1196. (a) 1197. (b)
1198. (a) 1199. (c) 1200. (c) 1201. (b) 1202. (c) 1203. (b) 1204. (b)
1205. (c) 1206. (c) 1207. (d) 1208. (d) 1209. (a) 1210. (d) 1211. (a)
1212. (b) 1213. (d) 1214. (d) 1215. (c) 1216. (d) 1217. (c) 1218. (c)
1219. (a) 1220. (b) 1221. (b) 1222. (c) 1223. (a) 1224. (a) 1225. (a)
1226. (d) 1227. (c) 1228. (c) 1229. (c) 1230. (d) 1231. (c) 1232. (b)
1233. (d) 1234. (d) 1235. (d) 1236. (d) 1237. (b) 1238. (b) 1239. (c)
1240. (b) 1241. (a) 1242. (d) 1243. (a) 1244. (a) 1245. (d) 1246. (a)
1247. (c) 1248. (a) 1249. (d) 1250. (b) 1251. (d) 1252. (b) 1253. (d)
1254. (c) 1255. (b) 1256. (a) 1257. (b) 1258. (c) 1259. (b) 1260. (a)
1261. (b) 1262. (c) 1263. (d) 1264. (b) 1265. (d) 1266. (c) 1267. (c)
1268. (b) 1269. (d) 1270. (b) 1271. (b) 1272. (b) 1273. (c) 1274. (c)
1275. (a) 1276. (b) 1277. (a) 1278. (d) 1279. (b) 1280. (c) 1281. (a)
1282. (d) 1283. (c) 1284. (c) 1285. (b) 1286. (d) 1287. (a) 1288. (c)
1289. (b) 1290. (d) 1291. (c) 1292. (d) 1293. (c) 1294. (c) 1295. (b)
1296. (d) 1297. (d) 1298. (d) 1299. (a) 1300. (d) 1301. (b) 1302. (a)
1303. (c) 1304. (c) 1305. (d) 1306. (c) 1307. (d) 1308. (b) 1309. (b)
1310. (a) 1311. (d) 1312. (b) 1313. (b) 1314. (d) 1315. (c) 1316. (a)
1317. (a) 1318. (a) 1319. (d) 1320. (b) 1321. (a) 1322. (c) 1323. (d)
1324. (b) 1325. (a) 1326. (c) 1327. (c) 1328. (d) 1329. (c) 1330. (c)
1331. (b) 1332. (b) 1333. (b) 1334. (d) 1335. (a) 1336. (c) 1337. (c)
1338. (a) 1339. (b) 1340. (c) 1341. (b) 1342. (d) 1343. (c) 1344. (d)
1345. (b) 1346. (d) 1347. (a) 1348. (a) 1349. (c) 1350. (a) 1351. (a)
1352. (b) 1353. (c) 1354. (d) 1355. (c) 1356. (c) 1357. (c) 1358. (c)
1359. (b) 1360. (a) 1361. (c) 1362. (d) 1363. (a) 1364. (c) 1365. (d)
1366. (b) 1367. (b) 1368. (d) 1369. (a) 1370. (d) 1371. (a) 1372. (c)
1373. (a) 1374. (d) 1375. (a) 1376. (c) 1377. (a) 1378. (b) 1379. (c)
1380. (d) 1381. (c) 1382. (d) 1383. (a) 1384. (d) 1385. (d) 1386. (c)
1387. (d) 1388. (c) 1389. (d) 1390. (c) 1391. (d) 1392. (c) 1393. (c)
1394. (a) 1395. (d) 1396. (c) 1397. (a) 1398. (b) 1399. (d) 1400. (c)
1401. (b) 1402. (b) 1403. (a) 1404. (b) 1405. (a) 1406. (c) 1407. (c)
1408. (a) 1409. (a) 1410. (c) 1411. (a) 1412. (c) 1413. (b) 1414. (a)
1415. (c) 1416. (c) 1417. (d) 1418. (d) 1419. (b) 1420. (c) 1421. (d)
1422. (d) 1423. (c) 1424. (b) 1425. (d) 1426. (b) 1427. (d) 1428. (a)
1429. (c) 1430. (a) 1431. (a) 1432. (b) 1433. (a) 1434. (c) 1435. (b)
1436. (a) 1437. (b) 1438. (d) 1439. (a) 1440. (a) 1441. (a) 1442. (d)
1443. (c) 1444. (d) 1445. (b) 1446. (d) 1447. (b) 1448. (c) 1449. (b)
1450. (b) 1451. (b) 1452. (b) 1453. (c) 1454. (b) 1455. (d) 1456. (a)
1457. (c) 1458. (c) 1459. (b) 1460. (b) 1461. (d) 1462. (c) 1463. (b)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 305 YCT

1464. (c) 1465. (a) 1466. (d) 1467. (a) 1468. (b) 1469. (b) 1470. (a)
1471. (b) 1472. (c) 1473. (b) 1474. (d) 1475. (a) 1476. (b) 1477. (a)
1478. (b) 1479. (c) 1480. (d) 1481. (a) 1482. (d) 1483. (c) 1484. (b)
1485. (c) 1486. (a) 1487. (c) 1488. (d) 1489. (c) 1490. (b) 1491. (b)
1492. (c) 1493. (d) 1494. (b) 1495. (c) 1496. (a) 1497. (c) 1498. (a)
1499. (c) 1500. (c) 1501. (b) 1502. (b) 1503. (b) 1504. (b) 1505. (c)
1506. (c) 1507. (b) 1508. (c) 1509. (b) 1510. (b) 1511. (c) 1512. (d)
1513. (b) 1514. (a) 1515. (d) 1516. (a) 1517. (b) 1518. (b) 1519. (b)
1520. (c) 1521. (b) 1522. (d) 1523. (d) 1524. (b) 1525. (a) 1526. (b)
1527. (a) 1528. (b) 1529. (d) 1530. (b) 1531. (c) 1532. (a) 1533. (c)
1534. (d) 1535. (b) 1536. (a) 1537. (b) 1538. (b) 1539. (a) 1540. (d)
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1597. (d) 1598. (b) 1599. (a) 1600. (d) 1601. (b) 1602. (d) 1603. (a)
1604. (b) 1605. (a) 1606. (c) 1607. (b) 1608. (a) 1609. (c) 1610. (c)
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1646. (b) 1647. (c) 1648. (b) 1649. (a) 1650. (d) 1651. (b) 1652. (d)
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1702. (c) 1703. (b) 1704. (b) 1705. (b) 1706. (a) 1707. (d) 1708. (a)
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1793. (d) 1794. (d) 1795. (c) 1796. (a) 1797. (b) 1798. (c) 1799. (c)
1800. (c) 1801. (c) 1802. (a) 1803. (d) 1804. (a) 1805. (d) 1806. (d)
1807. (c) 1808. (d) 1809. (d) 1810. (c) 1811. (a) 1812. (d) 1813. (c)
1814. (b) 1815. (c) 1816. (c) 1817. (c) 1818. (d) 1819. (d) 1820. (b)
1821. (a) 1822. (d) 1823. (d) 1824. (a) 1825. (b) 1826. (b) 1827. (c)
1828. (c) 1829. (b) 1830. (b) 1831. (c) 1832. (a) 1833. (b) 1834. (c)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 306 YCT

1835. (d) 1836. (a) 1837. (d) 1838. (d) 1839. (c) 1840. (d) 1841. (a)
1842. (b) 1843. (d) 1844. (d) 1845. (b) 1846. (c) 1847. (d) 1848. (a)
1849. (c) 1850. (d) 1851. (c) 1852. (d) 1853. (d) 1854. (d) 1855. (d)
1856. (d) 1857. (c) 1858. (a) 1859. (a) 1860. (a) 1861. (b) 1862. (d)
1863. (b) 1864. (c) 1865. (d) 1866. (c) 1867. (b) 1868. (c) 1869. (c)
1870. (a) 1871. (a) 1872. (b) 1873. (c) 1874. (b) 1875. (b) 1876. (b)
1877. (a) 1878. (b) 1879. (b) 1880. (b) 1881. (d) 1882. (c) 1883. (a)
1884. (d) 1885. (b) 1886. (a) 1887. (c) 1888. (b) 1889. (d) 1890. (a)
1891. (c) 1892. (d) 1893. (c) 1894. (c) 1895. (b) 1896. (a) 1897. (c)
1898. (a) 1899. (d) 1900. (d) 1901. (c) 1902. (c) 1903. (b) 1904. (d)
1905. (d) 1906. (c) 1907. (c) 1908. (c) 1909. (b) 1910. (d) 1911. (b)
1912. (d) 1913. (a) 1914. (b) 1915. (a) 1916. (c) 1917. (c) 1918. (c)
1919. (a) 1920. (c) 1921. (d) 1922. (d) 1923. (d) 1924. (a) 1925. (c)
1926. (c) 1927. (b) 1928. (b) 1929. (b) 1930. (a) 1931. (a) 1932. (b)
1933. (c) 1934. (c) 1935. (a) 1936. (b) 1937. (a) 1938. (d) 1939. (b)
1940. (c) 1941. (b) 1942. (c) 1943. (c) 1944. (d) 1945. (d) 1946. (b)
1947. (c) 1948. (d) 1949. (d) 1950. (d) 1951. (c) 1952. (a) 1953. (a)
1954. (d) 1955. (b) 1956. (d) 1957. (b) 1958. (c) 1959. (d) 1960. (d)
1961. (d) 1962. (b) 1963. (b) 1964. (d) 1965. (a) 1966. (c) 1967. (a)
1968. (c) 1969. (c) 1970. (b) 1971. (b) 1972. (a) 1973. (b) 1974. (a)
1975. (c) 1976. (b) 1977. (a) 1978. (a) 1979. (a) 1980. (a) 1981. (c)
1982. (c) 1983. (c) 1984. (a) 1985. (a) 1986. (c) 1987. (b) 1988. (d)
1989. (c) 1990. (d) 1991. (d) 1992. (a) 1993. (d) 1994. (c) 1995. (c)
1996. (a) 1997. (a) 1998. (d) 1999. (a) 2000. (d) 2001. (d) 2002. (d)
2003. (b) 2004. (b) 2005. (b) 2006. (b) 2007. (c) 2008. (c) 2009. (b)
2010. (c) 2011. (d) 2012. (b) 2013. (c) 2014. (c) 2015. (a) 2016. (a)
2017. (d) 2018. (d) 2019. (b) 2020. (c) 2021. (a) 2022. (b) 2023. (a)
2024. (c) 2025. (b) 2026. (d) 2027. (d) 2028. (b) 2029. (b) 2030. (d)
2031. (d) 2032. (d) 2033. (b) 2034. (c) 2035. (d) 2036. (d) 2037. (d)
2038. (d) 2039. (a) 2040. (d) 2041. (c) 2042. (d) 2043. (a) 2044. (c)
2045. (b) 2046. (a) 2047. (c) 2048. (a) 2049. (a) 2050. (b) 2051. (a)
2052. (a) 2053. (a) 2054. (a) 2055. (c) 2056. (a) 2057. (a) 2058. (d)
2059. (a) 2060. (b) 2061. (a) 2062. (b) 2063. (c) 2064. (a) 2065. (b)
2066. (c) 2067. (d) 2068. (a) 2069. (b) 2070. (d) 2071. (b) 2072. (c)
2073. (d) 2074. (a) 2075. (b) 2076. (c) 2077. (d) 2078. (d) 2079. (a)
2080. (c) 2081. (a) 2082. (c) 2083. (b) 2084. (b) 2085. (b) 2086. (d)
2087. (b) 2088. (c) 2089. (b) 2090. (a) 2091. (d) 2092. (b) 2093. (b)
2094. (a) 2095. (c) 2096. (d) 2097. (b) 2098. (b) 2099. (d) 2100. (c)
2101. (a) 2102. (c) 2103. (c) 2104. (d) 2105. (b) 2106. (d) 2107. (a)
2108. (b) 2109. (d) 2110. (c) 2111. (d) 2112. (c) 2113. (d) 2114. (c)
2115. (c) 2116. (d) 2117. (d) 2118. (a) 2119. (c) 2120. (c) 2121. (d)
2122. (c) 2123. (a) 2124. (c) 2125. (b) 2126. (b) 2127. (d) 2128. (d)
2129. (a) 2130. (a) 2131. (c) 2132. (b) 2133. (b) 2134. (b) 2135. (b)
2136. (b) 2137. (c) 2138. (a) 2139. (a) 2140. (b) 2141. (a) 2142. (c)
2143. (a) 2144. (c) 2145. (d) 2146. (d) 2147. (c) 2148. (b) 2149. (d)
2150. (a) 2151. (b) 2152. (d) 2153. (c) 2154. (c) 2155. (a) 2156. (b)
2157. (c) 2158. (b) 2159. (a) 2160. (c) 2161. (c) 2162. (a) 2163. (b)
2164. (d) 2165. (a) 2166. (d) 2167. (b) 2168. (d) 2169. (d) 2170. (d)
2171. (c) 2172. (c) 2173. (d) 2174. (c) 2175. (a) 2176. (a) 2177. (c)
2178. (d) 2179. (c) 2180. (d) 2181. (c) 2182. (c) 2183. (b) 2184. (a)
2185. (d) 2186. (a) 2187. (d) 2188. (d) 2189. (d) 2190. (b) 2191. (c)
2192. (a) 2193. (a) 2194. (b) 2195. (a) 2196. (c) 2197. (a) 2198. (d)
2199. (d) 2200. (d) 2201. (a) 2202. (b) 2203. (c) 2204. (b) 2205. (b)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 307 YCT

2206. (b) 2207. (a) 2208. (c) 2209. (b) 2210. (c) 2211. (a) 2212. (b)
2213. (c) 2214. (a) 2215. (b) 2216. (c) 2217. (a) 2218. (a) 2219. (b)
2220. (c) 2221. (d) 2222. (d) 2223. (a) 2224. (c) 2225. (a) 2226. (d)
2227. (a) 2228. (d) 2229. (c) 2230. (a) 2231. (c) 2232. (d) 2233. (a)
2234. (c) 2235. (d) 2236. (a) 2237. (b) 2238. (d) 2239. (a) 2240. (a)
2241. (c) 2242. (b) 2243. (c) 2244. (a) 2245. (b) 2246. (a) 2247. (d)
2248. (a) 2249. (c) 2250. (a) 2251. (d) 2252. (b) 2253. (a) 2254. (c)
2255. (d) 2256. (c) 2257. (c) 2258. (b) 2259. (a) 2260. (d) 2261. (b)
2262. (a) 2263. (b) 2264. (b) 2265. (c) 2266. (b) 2267. (b) 2268. (b)
2269. (d) 2270. (b) 2271. (d) 2272. (c) 2273. (b) 2274. (a) 2275. (a)
2276. (b) 2277. (c) 2278. (c) 2279. (b) 2280. (a) 2281. (c) 2282. (c)
2283. (b) 2284. (a) 2285. (d) 2286. (b) 2287. (a) 2288. (b) 2289. (d)
2290. (d) 2291. (a) 2292. (d) 2293. (c) 2294. (d) 2295. (d) 2296. (d)
2297. (d) 2298. (d) 2299. (c) 2300. (c) 2301. (d) 2302. (a) 2303. (c)
2304. (b) 2305. (c) 2306. (a) 2307. (d) 2308. (c) 2309. (b) 2310. (b)
2311. (c) 2312. (b) 2313. (d) 2314. (c) 2315. (b) 2316. (b) 2317. (a)
2318. (a) 2319. (c) 2320. (d) 2321. (c) 2322. (a) 2323. (a) 2324. (b)
2325. (a) 2326. (a) 2327. (b) 2328. (c) 2329. (a) 2330. (c) 2331. (a)
2332. (a) 2333. (a) 2334. (a) 2335. (d) 2336. (b) 2337. (a) 2338. (b)
2339. (b) 2340. (c) 2341. (d) 2342. (a) 2343. (b) 2344. (c) 2345. (a)
2346. (d) 2347. (d) 2348. (c) 2349. (b) 2350. (b) 2351. (c) 2352. (a)
2353. (d) 2354. (b) 2355. (d) 2356. (b) 2357. (c) 2358. (d) 2359. (a)
2360. (d) 2361. (d) 2362. (a) 2363. (d) 2364. (d) 2365. (c) 2366. (b)
2367. (b) 2368. (d) 2369. (b) 2370. (a) 2371. (b) 2372. (b) 2373. (a)
2374. (a) 2375. (d) 2376. (d) 2377. (c) 2378. (d) 2379. (b) 2380. (c)
2381. (d) 2382. (d) 2383. (c) 2384. (c) 2385. (c) 2386. (a) 2387. (a)
2388. (d) 2389. (c) 2390. (c) 2391. (c) 2392. (d) 2393. (a) 2394. (d)
2395. (c) 2396. (d) 2397. (a) 2398. (a) 2399. (c) 2400. (c) 2401. (d)
2402. (a) 2403. (d) 2404. (d) 2405. (d) 2406. (d) 2407. (c) 2408. (c)
2409. (b) 2410. (b) 2411. (c) 2412. (a) 2413. (b) 2414. (c) 2415. (b)
2416. (a) 2417. (d) 2418. (a) 2419. (d) 2420. (b) 2421. (b) 2422. (b)
2423. (b) 2424. (b) 2425. (d) 2426. (a) 2427. (a) 2428. (c) 2429. (d)
2430. (c) 2431. (d) 2432. (a) 2433. (a) 2434. (c) 2435. (c) 2436. (c)
2437. (d) 2438. (c) 2439. (c) 2440. (a) 2441. (b) 2442. (c) 2443. (c)
2444. (c) 2445. (b) 2446. (c) 2447. (d) 2448. (a) 2449. (a) 2450. (a)
2451. (d) 2452. (c) 2453. (c) 2454. (c) 2455. (d) 2456. (c) 2457. (c)
2458. (a) 2459. (b) 2460. (c) 2461. (b) 2462. (b) 2463. (d) 2464. (b)
2465. (c) 2466. (d) 2467. (c) 2468. (c) 2469. (b) 2470. (c) 2471. (c)
2472. (d) 2473. (c) 2474. (a) 2475. (d) 2476. (a) 2477. (c) 2478. (b)
2479. (c) 2480. (d) 2481. (a) 2482. (c) 2483. (a) 2484. (d) 2485. (c)
2486. (b) 2487. (b) 2488. (b) 2489. (b) 2490. (a) 2491. (b) 2492. (b)
2493. (a) 2494. (b) 2495. (a) 2496. (a) 2497. (b) 2498. (d) 2499. (c)
2500. (d) 2501. (a) 2502. (c) 2503. (c) 2504. (a) 2505. (b) 2506. (d)
2507. (b) 2508. (a) 2509. (b) 2510. (a) 2511. (a) 2512. (c) 2513. (d)
2514. (b) 2515. (c) 2516. (a) 2517. (a) 2518. (a) 2519. (b) 2520. (b)
2521. (b) 2522. (a) 2523. (b) 2524. (a) 2525. (a) 2526. (a) 2527. (a)
2528. (d) 2529. (b) 2530. (b) 2531. (d) 2532. (a) 2533. (b) 2534. (d)
2535. (c) 2536. (b) 2537. (c) 2538. (b) 2539. (d) 2540. (d) 2541. (c)
2542. (d) 2543. (c) 2544. (d) 2545. (a) 2546. (d) 2547. (b) 2548. (a)
2549. (b) 2550. (a) 2551. (c) 2552. (a) 2553. (a) 2554. (c) 2555. (c)
2556. (c) 2557. (b) 2558. (b) 2559. (c) 2560. (b) 2561. (c) 2562. (a)
2563. (c) 2564. (b) 2565. (a) 2566. (c) 2567. (c) 2568. (d) 2569. (a)
2570. (c) 2571. (d) 2572. (d) 2573. (d) 2574. (a) 2575. (b) 2576. (a)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 308 YCT

2577. (d) 2578. (d) 2579. (d) 2580. (a) 2581. (c) 2582. (b) 2583. (a)
2584. (a) 2585. (c) 2586. (c) 2587. (b) 2588. (c) 2589. (d) 2590. (a)
2591. (b) 2592. (b) 2593. (d) 2594. (a) 2595. (a) 2596. (c) 2597. (b)
2598. (c) 2599. (d) 2600. (a) 2601. (b) 2602. (d) 2603. (a) 2604. (a)
2605. (b) 2606. (d) 2607. (c) 2608. (b) 2609. (a) 2610. (c) 2611. (b)
2612. (d) 2613. (a) 2614. (b) 2615. (d) 2616. (b) 2617. (c) 2618. (a)
2619. (b) 2620. (d) 2621. (a) 2622. (d) 2623. (d) 2624. (b) 2625. (c)
2626. (d) 2627. (b) 2628. (c) 2629. (d) 2630. (d) 2631. (a) 2632. (b)
2633. (c) 2634. (b) 2635. (a) 2636. (c) 2637. (b) 2638. (a) 2639. (c)
2640. (d) 2641. (b) 2642. (c) 2643. (d) 2644. (a) 2645. (a) 2646. (b)
2647. (c) 2648. (d) 2649. (b) 2650. (a) 2651. (c) 2652. (b) 2653. (b)
2654. (b) 2655. (c) 2656. (a) 2657. (d) 2658. (b) 2659. (c) 2660. (a)
2661. (b) 2662. (d) 2663. (b) 2664. (c) 2665. (a) 2666. (d) 2667. (b)
2668. (c) 2669. (c) 2670. (c) 2671. (b) 2672. (a) 2673. (c) 2674. (c)
2675. (a) 2676. (a) 2677. (b) 2678. (c) 2679. (d) 2680. (a) 2681. (a)
2682. (b) 2683. (a) 2684. (d) 2685. (c) 2686. (b) 2687. (a) 2688. (d)
2689. (c) 2690. (b) 2691. (a) 2692. (b) 2693. (d) 2694. (a) 2695. (b)
2696. (c) 2697. (b) 2698. (a) 2699. (c) 2700. (d) 2701. (b) 2702. (c)
2703. (a) 2704. (c) 2705. (a) 2706. (c) 2707. (d) 2708. (a) 2709. (b)
2710. (d) 2711. (b) 2712. (b) 2713. (c) 2714. (c) 2715. (d) 2716. (b)
2717. (b) 2718. (b) 2719. (c) 2720. (a) 2721. (c) 2722. (c) 2723. (a)
2724. (b) 2725. (c) 2726. (d) 2727. (c) 2728. (d) 2729. (c) 2730. (a)
2731. (b) 2732. (b) 2733. (d) 2734. (a) 2735. (c) 2736. (a) 2737. (a)
2738. (b) 2739. (d) 2740. (a) 2741. (d) 2742. (a) 2743. (c) 2744. (a)
2745. (d) 2746. (a) 2747. (c) 2748. (b) 2749. (d) 2750. (a) 2751. (c)
2752. (b) 2753. (d) 2754. (c) 2755. (a) 2756. (c) 2757. (a) 2758. (b)
2759. (c) 2760. (a) 2761. (c) 2762. (d) 2763. (b) 2764. (d) 2765. (c)
2766. (b) 2767. (c) 2768. (b) 2769. (b) 2770. (a) 2771. (c) 2772. (a)
2773. (c) 2774. (d) 2775. (a) 2776. (b) 2777. (a) 2778. (d) 2779. (c)
2780. (b) 2781. (b) 2782. (b) 2783. (a) 2784. (c) 2785. (d) 2786. (c)
2787. (d) 2788. (a) 2789. (a) 2790. (b) 2791. (d) 2792. (b) 2793. (a)
2794. (c) 2795. (b) 2796. (a) 2797. (d) 2798. (c) 2799. (b) 2800. (a)
2801. (c) 2802. (b) 2803. (a) 2804. (b) 2805. (c) 2806. (c) 2807. (a)
2808. (b) 2809. (b) 2810. (a) 2811. (a) 2812. (c) 2813. (a) 2814. (a)
2815. (c) 2816. (d) 2817. (b) 2818. (d) 2819. (a) 2820. (c) 2821. (b)
2822. (a) 2823. (b) 2824. (d) 2825. (a) 2826. (b) 2827. (c) 2828. (c)
2829. (b) 2830. (c) 2831. (a) 2832. (c) 2833. (c) 2834. (b) 2835. (b)
2836. (d) 2837. (a) 2838. (c) 2839. (a) 2840. (a) 2841. (d) 2842. (b)
2843. (c) 2844. (a) 2845. (b) 2846. (d) 2847. (b) 2848. (d) 2849. (a)
2850. (d) 2851. (a) 2852. (b) 2853. (c) 2854. (d) 2855. (b) 2856. (c)
2857. (a) 2858. (d) 2859. (c) 2860. (a) 2861. (a) 2862. (d) 2863. (b)
2864. (b) 2865. (c) 2866. (a) 2867. (d) 2868. (a) 2869. (b) 2870. (c)
2871. (d) 2872. (c) 2873. (b) 2874. (d) 2875. (b) 2876. (a) 2877. (c)
2878. (c) 2879. (b) 2880. (a) 2881. (c) 2882. (d) 2883. (a) 2884. (b)
2885. (a) 2886. (b) 2887. (b) 2888. (b) 2889. (a) 2890. (c) 2891. (b)
2892. (d) 2893. (c) 2894. (a) 2895. (c) 2896. (c) 2897. (c) 2898. (b)
2899. (b) 2900. (a) 2901. (a) 2902. (b) 2903. (d) 2904. (a) 2905. (d)
2906. (a) 2907. (b) 2908. (d) 2909. (a) 2910. (b) 2911. (c) 2912. (d)
2913. (a) 2914. (c) 2915. (c) 2916. (c) 2917. (c) 2918. (b) 2919. (a)
2920. (b) 2921. (c) 2922. (c) 2923. (b) 2924. (a) 2925. (a) 2926. (c)
2927. (b) 2928. (a) 2929. (c) 2930. (a) 2931. (a) 2932. (c) 2933. (b)
2934. (a) 2935. (d) 2936. (b) 2937. (a) 2938. (b) 2939. (c) 2940. (b)
2941. (d) 2942. (a) 2943. (c) 2944. (d) 2945. (c) 2946. (b) 2947. (b)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 309 YCT

2948. (a) 2949. (b) 2950. (d) 2951. (c) 2952. (a) 2953. (b) 2954. (c)
2955. (a) 2956. (a) 2957. (b) 2958. (b) 2959. (d) 2960. (a) 2961. (a)
2962. (c) 2963. (b) 2964. (d) 2965. (a) 2966. (d) 2967. (b) 2968. (b)
2969. (d) 2970. (c) 2971. (c) 2972. (a) 2973. (b) 2974. (a) 2975. (b)
2976. (d) 2977. (a) 2978. (c) 2979. (b) 2980. (c) 2981. (a) 2982. (d)
2983. (b) 2984. (b) 2985. (c) 2986. (b) 2987. (b) 2988. (d) 2989. (b)
2990. (a) 2991. (c) 2992. (c) 2993. (b) 2994. (d) 2995. (a) 2996. (a)
2997. (b) 2998. (b) 2999. (b) 3000. (a) 3001. (a) 3002. (c) 3003. (d)
3004. (c) 3005. (a) 3006. (d) 3007. (b) 3008. (a) 3009. (b) 3010. (d)
3011. (d) 3012. (b) 3013. (c) 3014. (b) 3015. (a) 3016. (c) 3017. (b)
3018. (a) 3019. (a) 3020. (a) 3021. (d) 3022. (c) 3023. (a) 3024. (d)
3025. (d) 3026. (a) 3027. (a) 3028. (b) 3029. (c) 3030. (a) 3031. (c)
3032. (c) 3033. (d) 3034. (a) 3035. (b) 3036. (b) 3037. (d) 3038. (b)
3039. (c) 3040. (d) 3041. (c) 3042. (d) 3043. (b) 3044. (d) 3045. (a)
3046. (d) 3047. (d) 3048. (b) 3049. (c) 3050. (a) 3051. (c) 3052. (c)
3053. (b) 3054. (b) 3055. (c) 3056. (a) 3057. (d) 3058. (a) 3059. (b)
3060. (a) 3061. (d) 3062. (c)

*6. (c) V 2 110 × 110
efoÙee nw, R = 9 Ω, V = 36 Jeesuš Power consumption (P) = = = 125
P 96.8
V 36 P = 125 watt
Oeeje I= = =4A
R 9 *44. (c)
*7. (a) P1 = 500 W, P2 = 200 W
efoÙee nw, ØeeflejesOe (R) =10Ω Oeeje (I) = 3.5 V1 = V2 = 250 V
Jeesušlee (V) = IR mes R1 : R2 = ?
= 3.5 ×10 V2
Jeesušlee (V) = 35 Jeesuš P 1 R1 ( 250 ) / R1

*8. (d) ∵ = =
P2 V 2 ( 250 )2 / R 2
efoÙee nw–DeeJesMe (q) = 40 ketâuee@ce
efJeÅegle Oeeje (i) = 8 SefcheÙej
meceÙe (t) = ? 500 R 2
= =
q = i t mes, 200 R1
40 R1 2
meceÙe (t) = = 5 second =
8 R2 5
*9. (d) R1 : R2 = 2 : 5
efoÙee nw– *51. (d)
R = 16Ω, V = 32 Jeeš × IeCše × efove
Ùetefveš keâer mebKÙee =
Meefkeäle (P) = mes 1000
R 230 ×15 × h
32 × 32 1=
Meefkeäle (P) = 1000
16 1000
Meefkeäle (P) = 64 Jee@š h=
230 × 15
*40. (b)
h = 0.29 hours
P = 500, V = 220 V
Power consumption (P) = ? *59. (a)
∵P =
V 2
ueeiele (Cost) = 10 × 3 × = 18 Rs.
*65. (b)
V 2 220 × 220 P = 1000 W
∴ R= = = 96.8 Ω
P 500 t = 2 IeCše
R = 96.8 Ω 1kWh = 1 Ùetefveš
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 310 YCT
Tpee& ·? I  W
= ∵ V = 
Jeeš × IeCše 1000 × 2 W  q 
Tpee& · = = 2 Ùetefveš
1000 1000 q
*66. (c) Iq
efoÙee nw- =
P = 1000 W V = 200V
I2 t
V 2 =
[∵ q = it ]
Formula - R =
P  I 2T 
200 × 200
= 40Ω =  
1000  ML2T −2 
 
*67. (d)
efoÙee nw- Ûeeuekeâlee = M −1L−2 T3I 2
*71. (a)
P = 2kW, R = 20Ω
leej keâes KeeRÛekeâj oes iegveer uecyeeF& keâjves hej leej keâe veÙee
formula P = VI = I2R
2 × 103 = I2 × 20
R = n2R
I = 10A
R = 2 2 × 24
Voltage drop V = IR
R = 96Ω
= 10 × 20 = 200 V oes yejeyej YeeieeW ceW yeebšves kesâ yeeo meceevlej ›eâce ceW peesÌ[ves
*68. (d) hej, meceleguÙe ØeeflejesOe
I=3A t = 1 min = 60 sec.
48 × 48
∵ Q = It R eq =
n.e = It 48 + 48
3 × 60 180 R eq = 24Ω
n= –19
= × 1019
1.6 × 10 1.6
V 8
= 1.12 × 1021 Fueskeäš^e@ve R 24
*69. (c) = 0.33A
100W, 330V uewche keâe ØeeflejesOe– *72. (b)
V2  V2  Oeeje (I) = 0.5 A meceÙe (t) = 8 second
R1 = 1 ∵ P =  ØeeflejesOe (R) = 15 Deesÿe
P1  R 
T<cee keâe DeheJÙeÙe (H) = I2Rt = 0.5 × 0.5 × 15 × 8
33 0 × 33 0 H = 0.25 × 120
10 0 H = 30 petue
= 1089Ω *74. (d)
100W, 110V uewche keâe ØeeflejesOe Formula–
Power dissipated (P) = I2R
R2 = efoÙee nw – I = 5A
P2 R = 4 = 4Ω
110 × 110 P = (5)2 × 4 = 5 × 5 × 4
= = 121 Ω P = 100W
10 0
*75. (c)
ØeeflejesOeeW keâe Devegheele =
=9Ω efoÙee nw,
121 P = 1kW, d = 0.5 mm V = 230 volt,
*70. (c)
ρ = 60µΩ − cm ρ = 60 × 10−6 Ω − cm
Ûeeuekeâlee keâer efJecee M–1L–2T3I2 nesleer nw~
1 ρ = 60 × 10−8 Ω − m
Ûeeuekeâlee ·
R ℓ 60 ×10−8 ℓ
1 R =ρ ⇒
[∵ V = IR ] mes A 2
=  0.5  −6
V π×   × 10
 2 
I 60 × 10−2 ℓ
= R=
V π×
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 311 YCT
R = 60 × 0.318 × 4ℓ × 10 −2 *100. (b)
R1 = R2 = R'
R = 305.73ℓ × 10−2 R' × R'
=R (Ist - in parallel)
V2 ( 230 ) 2 R '+ R '
= 1000 ⇒ = 1000 R '2
R 305.73ℓ ×10−2 =R
2R '
173.28 m
ℓ= R' = 2R
1000 ×10−2 Req = R' + R' = 2R + 2R (IInd - in series)
ℓ = 17.328 m Req = 4R
ℓ = 1732.8 cm *112. (b)
*78. (b)
ØelÙeskeâ Yeeie keâe ØeeflejesOe–
R' = R ' = (∵ 10 yejeyej YeeieeW ceW yeeBše pee jne nw)
1 1 1
= + ...........10 times
R eq R R
10 10
1 10 10
= + ...........10 times
R eq R R
1 10
R eq R
R eq = = 0.1Ω
∵ R eq = = 2Ω *128. (c)
e = 1.6 ×10−19 C 
220 q = ne
I= = 110 A
2 n = 12.25 × 1016 
q = it
Branch current =
= 11 A t = 1sec  q
10 q = 1.6 × 10−19 × 12.25 ×1016 i =
*81. (c)  t
q 19.6 × 10−3
V2 i= =
∵ P= t 1
i = 19.6 mA
( 220 ) = 220 × 220
∴ R= = R= *130. (a)
P 100 100 nce peeveles nw
R = 484 Ω q = ne
*88. (c) 1 e = 1.6 × 10−19 coloumb
Trick–Ùeefo efkeâmeer wire keâes Gmekesâ DeeÙeleve ceW heefjJele&ve n = no. of electron
efkeâÙes efyevee n iegvee lekeâ KeeRÛee peelee nw~ lees Gmekeâe veÙee q = charge
ØeeflejesOe cetue ØeeflejesOe keâes n iegvee nes peelee nw~
i.e Rnew = n2 Rold n=
Rnew = (3)2 × R 1
=9R =
1.6 × 10−19
= 9 iegvee n = 6.25 × 1018 electron
*92. (c) *132. (b)
V2 Ûeeuekeâ keâer uecyeeF& (l) = 2.2 m
∵ H= .t DevegØemLe keâeš (a) = 0.025m2
∴ H ∝ V2 ØeeflejesOe (R) = 5 Deesce
ℓ 2.2
 110 
R =ρ 5=ρ
H=  a 0.025
 220  5 × 0.025
1 ρ=
H= (Skeâ ÛeewLeeF&) 2.2
4 · 0.057 Deesce ceeršj
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 312 YCT
*133. (c) P ∝ V2
Skeâ SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje keâes Skeâ meskesâC[ lekeâ ØeJeeefnle efkeâÙes 1 1

peeves hej mLeeveevleefjle DeeJesMe keâer cee$ee ketâuee@ce nesleer nw~ P =   = times
2 4
∵Q = n × e
e = 1.6 × 10–19 1
P= times
Q 1 4
∴n = = *145. (c)
e 1.6 ×10−19
= 0.625 × 1019 l↓
∵ ↓R =ρ
Dele: Skeâ ketâuee@ce DeeJesMe ceW Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee A
= 0.625 × 1019 V2
and ↑P =
*135. (b) R↓
Deesÿe kesâ efveÙece keâes efyevog ™he ceW J = σE mes ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙee i.e greater than 1000 W.
peelee nw~ *164. (c)
Deesÿe efveÙece keâe standard heâece& Ûeepe& (Q)
V = IR Oeeje (I) =
meceÙe (t)
Deesce efveÙece keâe otmeje lejerkeâe hJeeFvš heâece& Deesÿe efveÙece nw~
hJeeFbš heâece& Deesÿe efveÙece yesefmekeâueer Oeeje IevelJe (current efoÙee ieÙee nw-
Q = 120, t = 60 meskesâC[
density) (J) Ûeeuekeâlee (σ) conductivity, Deewj efJeÅegle
#es$e (E) kesâ yeerÛe efjuesMeve nw- I=
=I I = 2A
R *167. (c)
 ρℓ  V
V ∵ R =  R=
= J×A  A I
ρℓ  I = J × A  240 24
A = = = 800 Ω
AV 300 ×10−3 30 ×10−3
= J×A *172. (c)
peneB J= Oeeje IevelJe, A = ›eâe@me meskeämeve SefjÙee Oeeje i = 18 A
meceÙe = 30 meskeâC[
 1 
∵ ρ = σ  Ûeeuekeâ keâe DeeJesMe (q) = Oeeje × meceÙe
J = σE   q =18 × 30
V = E  q = 540 C
 ℓ  *174. (d)
V 12 120
peneB E= vector quantity I= = =
R 7.5 75
σ = scalar quantity.
q = it
*139. (c)
Electrical System Thermal System 120
= × 5 = 8C
Charge (Q) → Heat flow (J) 75
J q = 8C
Current (I) → Heat flow rate  
S *175. (c)
Voltage (V) → temperature (oC) ρℓ RA
  R= ⇒ρ=
 oC  A ℓ
Resistance (Ω) → Resistance   V w
J  uesefkeâve R = peneB V =
  i Q
W 
w 1 A
 J  Dele: ρ = . .
Capacitance (C) → Capacitance  o  Q i ℓ
 C
ceW [ML2 T −2 ] [L2 ]
Thermal and electrical system analogy ρ= .
temperature voltage kesâ analogous neslee nw~ [IT][I] [L]
*142. (b) ρ = ML3 T −3 I −2
V2 peneB w = keâeÙe& Q = DeeJesMe i = Oeeje
R A = #es$eheâue ℓ = uecyeeF&
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 313 YCT
*180. (d) *206. (c)
P1 = P2 = P3 = 20 W
Ptotal = P1 + P2 + P3 [In parallel]
Pt = 20 + 20 + 20
Pt = 60 W
*181. (c) R=0
Gt = G1 + G2 + G3 [In parallel] keäÙeeWefkeâ Oeeje ncesMee ueIegheLe mes ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw~
= 2000 + 3000 + 4000 *208. (b)
G t = 9000µ℧ P = 1000W t = 2 hours
Jeeš × IeCše × efove
*187. (a) ÙetefvešeW keâer mebKÙee =
α = 0.0008 ºC = 8 × 10–4 ºC
1000 × 2
R0 = 8Ω R100 = ? t = 100ºC =
∵ Rt = R0(1 + α∆t)
= 2 F&keâeF&
R100 = 8(1 + 8 × 10–4 × 100)
*212. (d)
= 8 + 6.4 × 10-4 × 100
gauge x gauge y
R100 = 8.64 Ω =
resistance x resistance y
*196. (c)
18 24
Current in 2 Ω resistance– =
1kΩ y
I 2 Ω = 6 × (According to current divider rule) 24
5 y= ×1kΩ
y = kΩ
i.e more than 1 kΩ
*216. (d)
t1 = 90ºC R1 = 100 Ω t2 = 100ºC
R2 = 101 Ω α90 = ?
R 2 − R1
α90 =
*202. (d) R 1 ( t 2 − 90 )
6 RR
= 1 2 101 − 100
5 R1 + R 2 α90 =
100 (100 − 90 )
R1 = 2 Ω, R2 = ?
α90 = 0.001
6 2R 2
= *253. (a)
5 2 + R2
R 1R 2 30 × 60
12 + 6 R2 = 10 R2 Req = =
R 1 + R 2 30 + 60
4R = 12
Req = 20 Ω
R2 = = 3Ω *267. (a)
R1 = R2 = R3 = 30 Ω
*205. (d) 1 1 1 1
∵ IR = V = + +
R eq R 1 R 2 R 3
V V VA 1 1 1 1
I= = = = Vπd 2 = + +
R ρl ρl R eq 30 30 30
1 3
∴I∝d 2
R eq 30
I ∝ (2)2
I = 4 iegvee R eq = 10 Ω

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 314 YCT

*270. (b) *288.
V = 200 V P = 2500 W R e q = R + R = 2R [ In Series ]
V2 V
∵ P= P= .............(i)
R 2R
1 1 1
V 2 ( 200 ) [ In parallel]
200 × 200 = +
∴ R= = = = 16 Req R R
P 2500 2500
R = 16 Ω Req = R / 2
*271. (d) V2
1 1 1 1 1 P1 =
= + + + R/2
R eq 400 300 200 100
3 + 4 + 6 + 12 25 1 P1 = 2 .............(ii)
= = = R
1200 1200 48 meceer. (i) Je (ii) keâes nue keâjves hej
Req = 48 Ω
i.e less than 100 ohms P1 = 4P
*282. (b) *289. (b)
veÙee ØeeflejesOe– R.R R2 R
R' = n R Req P
R' = (2)2.r [n = 2] = R + R = 2R = 2
ReqS R + R 2R 2R
R' = 4r
*283. (d) R
Req p R 1
= 2 = = = 0.25
ReqS 2R 4R 4

R e qP
= 0.25
R e qS

*290. (a)
n = 5 × 1016 electrons

P1 × P2 t = 1minute 20 sec = 1× 60 + 20 = 80 sec

Kehele Meefòeâ ( P ) =
P1 + P2 i=?
200 × 100 it = ne
= = 67 W
200 + 100 ne 5 × 1016 × 1.6 × 10−19 8.0 ×10−3
i= = =
*284. (d) t 80 80
∵ oesveeW lejHeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe (R ') = R / 2 = = 5Ω i = 0.1mA
∴ oesveeW ØeeflejesOe (Parallel) ceW lees– *294. (b)
R 1R 2 5× 5 P = 100 W , V = 200V
Req = =
R1 + R 2 5 + 5 R =? [cold resistance ]
25 V2
Req = = 2.5 Ω ∵ P=
10 R
*285. (b) V 2 (200) 2
∴ R= =
R 1 + R 2 = 4.5 Ω ..............(i) P 100
R1 × R 2 200 × 200
= 1Ω ..........(ii) = = 400Ω [ hot resistance ]
R1 + R 2 100
meceer. (i) Je (ii) keâes nue keâjves hej 1
R cold = 400 × = 40
R 1 = 3Ω 10

R 2 = 1.5Ω R cold = 40Ω

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 315 YCT

*303. (a) *307. (b)
1 1 1 1 1
= + + + [ In parallel]
R e qP R R R R
R e qP =
R e qS = R+R+R+R [ In series]
R e qS = 4R
R e qP R/4 1 According to current division law–
= =
R e qS 4R 16 12 12
I 2 = 16 × = 16 × = 9.6 Amp
R e qp 12 + 8 20
= 8 8
R e qs 16 I 2 = 16 × = 16 × = 6.4 Amp
12 + 8 20
I1 and I2 = 6.4 A, 9.6 A
R e qp = R e qs *309. (b)
*304. (c)
i = 300 mA = 300 × 10–3 A
V = 240 V, R=?
∵ V = iR
V 240 24 1000 × 1000
R= = = R eq = + 1000
i 300 × 10-3 3 ×10−2 1000 + 1000
R = 800 Ω 100000
R eq = + 1000
*305. (b) 2000
According to question– R eq = 500 + 1000 = 1500Ω
R1 × R 2
= 12Ω Two in parallel and one in series
R1 + R 2 *312. (a)
R1 = 18Ω, R2 = ? P1 = 100 W , V1 = 220V
18 × R 2 220 × 220
= 12 R1 = = 484 Ω
18 + R 2 100
P2 = 100 W , V1 = 110V
18 R2 = 216 + 12 R2
18 R2 – 12 R2 = 216 110 ×110
R2 = = 121Ω
R2 = =36Ω R1 484
6 =
R 2 121
*306. (d)
R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = R (ceevee) =4
Req = 0.25 Ω (efoÙee nw)
*313. (d)
1 1 1 1 1 d = 0.14 mm
∵ = + + + (In Parallel)
R eq R1 R 2 R 3 R 4 0.14
r= = 0.07 mm = 0.07 × 10−3 = 7 × 10−5 m
1 1 1 1 1 2
= + + + ρ = 9.6 ×10 −6 × 10−2 Ω − m = 9.6 × 10−8 Ω − m
R eq R R R R
ℓ = 440 cm = 440 × 10 −2 m = 4.4 m
1 4
= ℓ 4.4
0.25 R ∵ R =ρ = 9.6 × 10−8 × 2
A πr
R = 0.25 × 4 = 1.00 Ω
42.24 × 10−8
R'eq = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 (In series) R=
R'eq = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 3.141× (7 ×10−5 ) 2
Req = 4 Ω R = 27.4Ω

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 316 YCT

*315. (c) 400
x= =5
t 0 = 00C , R 0 = 10Ω , t160 = 11Ω 80
Rt − R0 x = 5 kWh
∵ α0 =
R 0 ( t 2 − t1 ) *326. (b)
R = 10 kΩ = 10 × 103 Ω = 104 Ω
11 − 10
∵ α0 = P = 0.5 W
10(160 − 0) i=?
1 ∵ P = i2 R
α0 =
1600 P
α 0 = 0.000625 / C 0 R

*316. (d) 0.5 0.707

i= = = 0.707 × 10−2
R ' = n2R 104 102
R '− (2) 2 × 5 i = 7.07 mA
*335. (c)
= 4×5
l = 200 m R = 21 Ω
R ' = 20Ω d = 0.44 mm
*317. (c) 0.44
r= = 0.22 mm = 0.22 ×10−3 m
ℓ 2
R =ρ
A ρ=?
ℓ ℓ l l
R'= =ρ ∵ R= ρ =ρ 2
A A A πr

Rπr 2 21× 3.141× ( 0.22 ×10 )

i.e R ' = R −3 2

∴ ρ= =
*319. (b) l 200
ρ = 17 ×10 −9 Ω − m ρ = 1.6 × 10 Ω-m ueieYeie

A = 5 mm × 1mm = 5 × 10 −3 × 1× 10 −3 m 2 = 5 ×10 −6 m 2 *336. (a)

R1 = 10 Ω, R2 = 15 Ω R3 = 30 Ω
ℓ = 2 cm = 2 × 10 −2 m , R =?
Req = ?
ℓ 2 × 10−2 1 1 1 1
∵ R =ρ = 17 × 10−9 × ∵ = + + [ In parallel]
A 5 × 10−6 R eq R1 R 2 R 3
R = 68 µΩ 1 1 1 1 3 + 2 +1
= + + =
*321. (c) R eq 10 15 30 30
V = 12 V , P = 30 W , t = 1m = 60sec 30
Req = =5
q=? 6
Req = 5 Ω
q = it
*337. (d)
P 30 12 Ω resistance and 24 Ω resistance are in parallel–
i= =
V 12 1 1 1
= +
30 R eq 12 24
q= × 60 = 150 C
12 2 +1
q = 150 C 24
*324. (c) Req = = 8Ω
ceevee Input energy x kWh nw~
lees ØeMveevegmeej–
x − x× =4 R 'eq = 8 + 8 =16 Ω
100 x – 20 x = 400 R 'eq =16 Ω
80x = 400
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 317 YCT
*338. (a) *369. (c)
R1 + R2 = 25 Ω ....... (i) efoÙee nw,
R1 × R 2 ØeeflejesOe (R) = 5Ω efJeÅegle Oeeje (I) = 2 Amp.
= 6 Ω .........(ii) Meefòeâ (P) = I2 R mes,
R1 + R 2
meceer. (i) Je (ii) keâes nue keâjves hej Meefòeâ (P) = 20 Jee@š
R1 = 15 Ω R2 = 10 Ω *370. (a)
*340. (b) ML2
ØeeflejesOe keâe efJecee neslee nw~
R = 33 Ω, i = 2 Amp, V=? Q2T
∵ V = iR Q = IT
= 2 × 33 V
V = 66 V R
*341. (c) VT W
Q= V=
R ' = n2R R Q
*344. (c) VT
R1 : R 2 : R 3 = 2 : 4 : 6 Q
∵ = 2
R ML2 T −2T ML2
= = 2
1 Q2 Q T
I∝ *371. (b)
1 1 1 yeue (P) = õJÙeceeve (m) × lJejCe (a)
I1 : I 2 : I3 = : : = [ M ]  LT −2  =  MLT −2 
R1 R 2 R 3
1 1 1 keâeÙe& (W) = yeue (F) × efJemLeeheve (d)
= : : =  MLT −2  [ L] =  ML2 T −2 
2 4 6
12 12 12 ML2
= : : =
2 4 6 T2
keâeÙe& keâjves keâer #ecelee Tpee& keânueeleer nw leLee keâeÙe& keâjves keâer
I1 : I2 : I3 = 6 : 3 : 2
oj Meefòeâ keânueeleer nw~ Tpee& keâe cee$ekeâ petue neslee nw~ Tpee&
*345. (b) Skeâ DeefoMe jeefMe nesleer nw~ efpemeceW heefjceeCe lees neslee nw
P1 = 100 W , P2 = 150 uesefkeâve efoMee veneR nesleer~
*372. (a)
100 × 150
Peq = [ In series ] efoÙee nw–
100 + 150 ØeeflejesOe (R) = 8Ω
Peq = 60 W Oeeje (I) = 3A
Voltage (V) = ?
*347. (a)
Formula : V = IR
RA = 600 Ω
RB = 100 Ω
Area of A = Area of B V = 24 Volt
lA = lB = ? *373. (b)
l efoÙee nw,
R∝ρ Oeeje (I) · ? ØeeflejesOe (R) · 40Ω
efJeYeJeevlej (V) · 20V
R A lA V
= formula; current (I) =
R B lB R
600 lA 20
= I=
100 lB 40
lA = 6 lB (I) = 0.5 Ampere

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 318 YCT

*374. (b) *385. (a)
ne 10 ×1.6 × 10
9 −19 Tpee& ( w) = 500 J
I= = = 1.6 × 10−7 A
t 10−3 Oeeje ( I ) = 40 A
*376. (b) meceÙe (t ) = 5ms = 5 × 10 –3 sec
q = i t = (10) × (60 × 60) = 3.6 × 104 C Jeesušlee V = ?
*377. (b)
R1 = ρ 1 ;
R2 = ρ 2
Meefòeâ P = = VI mes
a1 a2 t
w w
R 2  l2   a1   3 l   a  = VI Ùee V =
∴ =   ×   =   ×   = 1.5 t t .I
R1  l1   a 2   l   2a 
500 50 × 10
or R2 = 1.5 R1 = 1.5 × 6 = 9 ohms V = =
–3 5× 4
*379. (d) 5 × 10 × 40
W 50 ×10−3 V = 2500V
V= = = 50 ×103 V = 50 kV *386. (d)
Q 1×10−6
DeJekeâueveerÙe DeeJesMe = dq
*380. (d)
DeJekeâueveerÙe Tpee& = dw
l1 l R l   a 
R1 = ρ ;R2 = ρ 2 ; 2 =  2 × 1  Devevle mes efkeâmeer Skeâebkeâ DeeJesMe keâes efJeÅegle #es$e ceW ueeves hej
a1 a 2 R1  l1   a 2  pees keâeÙe& keâjvee heÌ[lee nw Gmes efJeÅegle efJeYeJe keânles nw~
a  v=
Now, l1a1 = l2 a 2 or l1a1 = l2  1  ∴l2 = 4 l1
4 q
w = v.q
R 2  4l1  a1
∴ =  × = 16 or R 2 = 16 R1 Ùee dw = v.dq · Tpee&
R1  l1  ( a1 / 4 )
∵ keâeÙe& ner Tpee& neslee nw~
*382. (a) Deewj Tpee& heefjJele&ve keâer oj ner Meefòeâ keânueeleer nw~
RA 1.6 ×10−8 × 2 w dw
ρ= = ∴ = P=
l 2 t dt
ρ = 1.6 × 10−8 Ω − m P=
dw dw dq
= ×
dt dt dq
*383. (b)
dw dq
l P= ×
R =ρ dq dt
*387. (a)
Here, ρ = 2 × 10-8 Ω m ; l = 1 m ;
V = 120V ISC = 500A σ =?
a = πr2 Ùee π r 22 − r12 ) I 500
σ= =
a = π ( 0.2 ) − ( 0.1)  = 9.42 × 10−2 m 2
2 2 V 120
  σ = 4.16 S
1 *388. (d)
∴ R = 2 × 10−8 × = 2.1× 10−7 Ω ℓ = 1km = 103 m
9.42 × 10−2
*384. (d) DeeÙeleekeâej DevegØemLe keâeš keâe #es$eHeâue–
efoÙee nw- = 2.5 × 0.05cm = .125 × 10 −4 m 2
DeJekeâueveerÙe DeeJesMe = dq 1km = 1000m
DeJekeâueveerÙe Gpee& = dw · keâeÙe& 1m = 100cm
∴ Devevle mes efkeâmeer Skeâebkeâ DeeJesMe keâes efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ efkeâmeer
ρ = Resistivity
efyevog lekeâ ueeves ceW pees keâeÙe& keâjvee heÌ[lee nw Gmekeâes efJeÅegle
efJeYeJe keânles nw~
ℓ 1× 103 1000 × 103 ×104
w R =ρ =ρ −4

i.e. v= a 2.5 × 0.05 × 10 125
q R = 80ρMΩ
dw *389. (a)
Ùee V = Jeesuš efkeâmeer efyevot hej DeeJesMe ØeJeen keâer oj keâes efJeÅegle Oeeje keânles nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 319 YCT
efkeâmeer efyevog mes Øeefle meskesâC[ ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeues DeeJesMe nw~ *396. (a)
dq W (ieeflepe Tpee&)
i= efJeYeJeevlej (V ) =
dt Q (DeeJesMe)
q = i× t W
2000 =
*390. (b) 0.5
Given :
W= 2000 × 0.5
q (t ) = 10e − t
W = 1000petue
DeeJesMe ØeJeen keâer oj Oeeje keânueeleer nw~
d *397. (a)
i = (10e − t ) Oeeje (I) = 4A
Charge of an electron (e) = 1.6×10–19C
i = −10e − t A time(t) = 1sec
*391. (a) q
met$e – i =
kebâ[keäšj ceW 6A keâe keâebmšWš keâjWš yen jner nw t
q = it t = meceÙe and q = ne
⇒ 2 × 60 = 120 sec ⇒ i=
t = 120 sec t
q = 6 × 120 = 720 ketâuee@ce n × 1.6 × 10−19
q = ne ⇒ 4=
q 720 4
n= = ⇒ n=
e 1.6 ×10−19
1.6 × 10−19
720 × 1019 = 2.5×1019
1.6 *398. (b)
= 4.5 × 1021 Electron / sec efoÙee nw–
*392. (b) Ûeeuekeâlee = 0.4 meercesvme
V2 Oeeje = 8 Amp.
P= 1
R ØeeflejesOe = mes,
V = 100volt ÛeeuekeâlJe
R = 20Ω 1
ØeeflejesOe = = 2.5 Ω
P=? 0.4
100 ×100 Jeesušlee (V) = ØeeflejesOe × Oeeje
P= = 500W = 2.5 × 8 Jeesuš = 20 Jeesuš
P = 500W *399. (c)
efoÙee nw,
*393. (c)
∆t = t 2 − t1 = 60 − 0
Skeâ Jeeš ne@Jej ceW 3.6 × 103 petue nesles nw~
1 petue ∆t = 600 C
one watt hour = × 60 × 60 meskeâC[ Ro = 20 Ω
= 3600 Joule Rt = R60 = 40Ω
= 3.6 × 103 Joule Rt = R0 (1+α0 × ∆t)
*395. (c) 40 = 20(1 + α0 × 60)
I=2A t = 3µ sec = 3×10–6 sec 40 = 20 + 1200α0
e = 1.6 × 10–19 ketâuee@ce
20 = 1200α0
No of electron = ?
α0 = 0.017
1µ sec = 10−6 sec
∵ q = it = 2 × 3 × 10–6 = 6 × 10–6 ketâuee@ce *402. (c)
q 6 ×10−6 l l'
q = ne ⇒ n = = R = ρ ; R' = ρ '
e 1.6 ×10−19 a a
6 0.1 '
×10−6 ×10+19 = 3.75×1013 Now, l' = l+
× l = 1.001l
1.6 100
n = 3.75 × 1013 As volume remains the same, al
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 320 YCT
l al a 1 2 1
= a' l' or a' = a '
= = = × =
l 1.001l 1.001 230 25 250
R '  l'   a  α 20 =
∴ =   ×   = (1.001) × (1.001) = 1.002 /º C
R  l   a' 250
R '− R *410. (a)
or = 0.002 1
R α50 = /º C
∴ Percentage increase 230
R '− R α0 = ?
= ×100 = 0.002 ×100 = 0.2%
R α0
αt =
*404. (b) 1 + α0 t
The resistance of wire at 300 K (=27ºC) is 1 α0
R1 = 1Ω =
230 1 + α 0 × 50
Let at t ºC, the resistance of the wire be
230 α0 = 1 + 50 α0
2Ω (= R2)
Now, 1
α0 = /º C
R2 = R1 [1 + α (t – 27)] 180
2 = 1 [1 + 0.00125 (t – 27)] *411. (d)
On solving, t = 827ºC q ne
∴ Temp. in kelvin = 827 + 273 = 1100 K I= =
t t
*406. (a)
It 0.32 × 3600
Slope of temp./ resistance graph ∴n = = = 7.2 ×1021
α0 = e 1.6 × 10−19
*414. (b)
10 / 50 P = 2000 W V = 200 V R=?
= = 0.005 / 0 C
40 V2
*407. (b) ∵P =
Slope of temp./resistance graph
α50 = V2
R 50 ∴R =
10 / 50
( 200 )
= = 0.004 /º C 200 × 200
50 = =
2000 2000
*408. (c)
R = 20 Ω
α0 1 1
α18 = = = *415. (d)
1 + α 0 ×18 (1/ α 0 ) + 18 236 + 18
1 P= ∴ V = PR = 1000 × 40 = 200 volts
= / ºC R
254 *418. (b)
*409. (c) V2
α25 = 1/ 255 /º C α20 = ? R1 = ;
∵ αt = V 2 R 2 V 2 200
1 + α 0 .t R2 = ∴ = × =2
100 R 1 100 V 2
1 α0
= *419. (b)
255 1 + α 0 .25
DeeÙeleve ceW efyevee Je=efæ efkeâÙes, uecyeeF& ceW Je=efæ keâjves hej yeÌ{e
1 + 25 α0 = 255 α0 ngDee ØeeflejesOe–
1 R' = n2.R
α0 = /º C
230 2
 1
1 R' = 1 +  × 10 (ceevee cetue ue. 1 m nw)
 10 
α 20 = 230
1 121
1+ × 20 = ×10 = 12.1Ω
230 100

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 321 YCT

*421. (c) *432. (a)
n = 1020 electrons efoÙee nw–P = 100 Watt, t = 24 hours
t = 0.1 sec e = 1.6 × 10–19 C Skeâ efove ceW Tpee& keâer Kehele = P× t
= 100×24
∵ it = ne
= 2400 Wh
ne 1020 ×1.6 × 10−19 *433. (d)
i= =
t 0.1 efoÙee nw– P = 120 W , V = 230 V
16 × 10 × 10−19
yeuye kesâ ceeOÙece mes ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje
= 16 × 10 = 160 Amp I=
i = 160 Amp
*422. (d) 120
R85 = R20[1 + α20 (t2 – t1)] 230
= 0.125[1 + (-0.0005 × 65)] I = 0.522 A
= 0.121 Ω *434. (b)
*423. (a) I=1A t = 10 sec. H = 2.3 KJ
R = 4.2 Ω, l = 1.1 m H = I2Rt
d = 0.4 mm, r = 0.4/2 = 0.2 mm = 0.2 × 10–3 m Η 2.3 × 1000
ρ=? R= 2 = 2 = 230Ω
I t 1 ×10
∵R =ρ Voltage drop = iR
= 230 × 1 = 230 V
RA 4.2 × π × ( 0.2 ×10 )
−3 2

ρ = *435. (b)
l 1.1 1 wh = 60×60
ρ = 48 × 10–8 Ω-m = 3600 joule
*424. (a) *436. (a)
∆P ∆I efoÙee nw– V = 230V , I = 4A
P = I 2 R or ∆P = 2I(∆I)R or =2 = 2 × 3% = 6%
V = IR
*426. (a)
V 230
Energy = I 2 Rt R= =
I 4
Energy 400
∴R = = = 10 Ω R = 57.5Ω
I2 t (2) 2 × 10
*437. (b)
*427. (c)
ØeLece neršj- 50Ω kesâ nerefšbie lelJe ßesCeer ceW
Q 0.24
Current, I = = = 0.3A. Req = 50+50+50+50
t 0.8
= 200 Ω
Therefore, voltage = IR = 0.3 × 500 = 150 V.
*428. (b) efÉleerÙe neršj- 50Ω kesâ nerefšbie lelJe meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nQ-
Conductance G = 1/R so that conductance will be Req = 50||50||50||50
maximum when R is minimum. Minimum value = 50/4=12.5
of R = 75 – (75 × 10/100) = 67.5 kΩ V 2
400 × 400
∴ Maximum conductance P1 = = = 800 Joule/sec
R eq 200
1 1
= = S = 14.81µS V 2 400 × 400
67.5 kΩ 67.5 × 103 P2 = = = 12800 Joule/sec
*429. (d) R eq 12.5
Power, P = 540 J/s = 540 W. 1 kewâueesjer · 4.2 Joule
Therefore, energy consumed, E = Pt
= 540 × 3.5 Wh ∵ P1 = = 190.47 cal / sec
= 1890 Wh = 1.89 kWh.
*430. (a) P1 = 190.5cal / sec
V2 1 12800
Power dissipated, P = = V2 × = V2G P2 = = 3047.6 cal / sec
R R 4.2

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 322 YCT

*438. (c) *444. (b)
efoÙee nw– he=LJeer keâer ef$epÙee (r) = 6400 km Mass 84
Volume of cube = = = 8cm3 .
= 6400 × 103 Density 10.5
heefjefOe = 2πr Therefore, each side of the cube is (8)1/3 = 2 cm.
heefjefOe = 2 × 3.14 × 6400 × 103 ∴R =
= 1.6 × 10−6 ×
= 0.8 ×10−6 Ω
= 40192000 A 2× 2
leej keâer kegâue uecyeeF& = 40192000×10 *445. (b)
= 401920000 Rt = R0 (1 + α0t).
Ûetefkeâ efJeÅegle keâer ieefle, ØekeâeMe keâer ieefle kesâ yejeyej nesleer nw~ It is given that, Rt = 2R0.
Dele: otmejs End hej hengBÛeves ceW ueiee meceÙe ∴ 2R0 = R0 (1 + α0t) or t = 1/α0 ºC
*446. (a)
= = 1.3 meskesâC[ ρl ρl'
3 ×108 R= and new resistance R ' = '
*439. (d)
Since volume of wire remains same,
A l ' 0.5l 1
dq d lA = l'A' or = = =
i= = (q) A' l l 2
dt dt
R' l ' A 1 1 1
d Now, = × = × = ∴R' = R / 4
= (6t 2 − 12t) R l A' 2 2 4
*447. (c)
= (12t − 12) mA
At t = 3s, i = 12 × 3 – 12 = 36 – 12 = 24 mA Current = = Charge × Frequency
Time period
*440. (b)
Total charge = (1.6 × 10-19) × (6.8 × 1015) = 1.1 × 10-3A
3 3 *448. (b)
= ∫ idt = ∫ (6t 2 − 2t) dt = [2t 3 − t 2 ]13 = 44 C 20oC hej Al keâe ØeeflejesOe = 30Ω = Rt1
1 1
ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheiegCeebkeâ (α0) = 0.00305 Øeefle ef[«eer mesefumeÙeme
*441. (c) R t 2 = R t1 (1 + α0∆t) mes
Voltage, v = 3i = 3 (5 cos 60 πt)
= 15 cos 60 πt V (∵∆t = 300 − 20o C =10o C )
Power, p = vi = (15 cos 60πt) × (5 cos 60πt) R 30o = 30 (1 + 0.00305 × 10 )
= 75 cos2 60πt W
R 30o = 30 (1 + 0.0305 ) = 30(1.0305)
At t = 3 ms,
p = 75 cos2 (60π × 3 × 10-3) R 30o = 31 Ω
= 75 cos2 0.18π *449. (a)
= 53.48 W efoÙee nw– Oeeje (I) = 2 A
*442. (a) Jeesušlee (V) = 40 volt
I = 10 A; A = 1 mm2 = 10-6m2; V
e = 1.6 × 10-19 C; n = 1028m-3 ØeeflejesOe (R) = mes,
∴ Drift velocity, 40
I 10 = 20 Ω R=
vd = = 28 = 1/160 ms −1 2
nAe 10 × 10 × 1.6 × 10−19
Dele: ØeeflejesOe 20Ω nesiee~
*443. (c) *450. (c)
∴ Drift velocity, uecyeeF& ( ℓ ) = 18 ceer.
vd =
10 #es$eheâue (A) = ?
nAe 8 ×1028 × ( 4 ×10−6 ) × 1.6 × 10−19 ØeeflejesOekeâlee (ρ) = 0.67 Ω-m
ØeeflejesOe (R) = 12 Ω
= 1.95 × 10 −4 ms −1

∴ Time taken by the electron to travel the length ØeeflejesOe (R) = ρ mes,
of the wire is
0.67 ×18
l 4 #es$eheâue (A) = = 1.005
t= = −4
= 2.05 × 104 s = 5.7 h 12
v d 1.95 × 10 #es$eheâue (A) = 1 Jeie& ceeršj
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 323 YCT
*451. (c) *455. (a)
efoÙee nw, mehueeF& Jeesušlee = 40 volt Formula: V = IR
kegâue ØeeflejesOe = 10 + 5 (∵ 10Ω Je 5Ω ßesCeer›eâce ceW nw) V
= 15Ω I
Oeeje ( I ) = mes, G=
40 1 I
= = 2.66 A G= =
15   V
10Ω ØeeflejesOe keâer Meefkeäle PA = I2R mes,  
 I
= 2.66 × 2.66 ×10
I = 3A, V = 30V
= 70.75 W
5Ω ceW Meefkeäle PB = I2R mes I  1
G= ∵ R = 
= 2.66 × 2.66 × 5 V  G
= 35.37 W 3
G= = 0.1
Dele: 10Ω Je 5Ω ceW Meefkeäle ›eâceMe: 70.75 Jee@š, 30
35.37 Jee@š nesiee~ G = 0.1 S
*452. (c)
kegâue Meefòeâ = 36 + 86 + 50 + 20 = 192 kW *456. (d)
I = 3 Amp
Tpee& Kehele = 192 × 6 R = 10 Ω
= 1152 kWh Formula: Power loss = I2R
*453. (a) Power loss = (3)2 × 10 = 9 × 10 = 90 W
efoÙee nw, Power losses = 90 W
ØeeflejesOe (R) = 2Ω *457. (c)
leej keâer uecyeeF& (ℓ) = 10 ceeršj efoÙee nw– I = 3A , V = 24 , R =?
leej keâe JÙeeme (d) = 0.4 ceeršj V 24
R= = = 8Ω
RA I 3
ØeeflejesOekeâlee ρ = mes,
ℓ *458. (d)
d 0.4 efoÙee nw,
r= = = 0.2 m
2 2 E th = 50 V, Pm = 25 watt, RL = ?
R × πr 2 DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ mLeeveevlejCe keâer efmLeefle ceW,
ℓ E 2th E 2th
Pm = RL =
2 × 3.14 × ( 0.2 )
4R L 4Pm
10 50 × 50 2 × 25
0.2512 RL = = = 25Ω
ρ= 4 × 25 2
10 *459. (d)
ρ = 0.025 Ωm P = 12W
*454. (d) I = 2 Amp
efoÙee nw, R=?
P = I 2R
ℓ1 = ℓ 2 ρ1 = ρ2
ØeMveevegmeej– R= 2
A1 = 2A 2 12 12
R 2 = 20 Ω R1 = ? R= = =3
( 2) 4

R1 ℓ1 A 2
= × mes, (peye efkeâ ρ efmLej nw~) R = 3 ohm.
R 2 ℓ 2 A1 *460. (d)
R 1 ℓ1 A1 / 2  A1  uecyeeF& (length) = 4m
= × ∵ A 2 = 
20 ℓ1 A1  2  JÙeeme = 0.2m
20 0.2
R1 = = 10 Ω ef$epÙee (r) = = 0.1m
2 2
R 1 = 10 Ω leej keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee (ρ) = 0.4ohm-meter
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 324 YCT
{a = πr }
2 *465. (a)
R= d 0.8
a ef$epÙee (r) = = = 0.4 m
0.4 × 4 0.4 × 4 2 2
R= = ØeeflejesOe (R) = 2Ω, ℓ = 10m
π × ( 0.1)
× 0.01
7 ρℓ
4 × 4 × 7 ×10 A
= = 50.90 ≃ 51 ohm
22 RA
*461. (c) ρ=

V = 220V V = Voltage (volt)
2 × 3.14 × 0.4 × 0.4
R = 100Ohm R = Resistance (Ohm) ρ=
{∵ A = πr 2 }
P=? P = Power (Watt)
V2 6.28 × 0.16
Formula P = ρ=
R 10
220 × 220 1.0048
P= = 484W ρ=
100 10
P = 484W ρ = 0.10048 Ω-m
*462. (d) 1
›eâeefvlekeâ leehe (TC)= 12K ÛeeuekeâlJe (σ) =
›eâeefvlekeâ #es$e (H0)=6×104 A/m 1
leeheceeve (T)= 8K σ=
ef$epÙee (r) = 2/2=1×10-3m σ = 9.952 mho / m
›eâeefvlekeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e σ ≃ 10 mho / m
  T 2 
(H C ) = H 0 1 −    *466. (d)
  TC   efoÙee nw–
leej keâer uebyeeF& (l) = 14m
  8 2
= 6 × 104 1 −    leej keâe JÙeeme (d) = 0.6m
  12   Ûeeuekeâ keâer Ûeeuekeâlee (σ) = 12 cnes/ceeršj
 64  ØeeflejesOe R = ?
= 6 × 104 1 −
 144  1
Ûeeuekeâ keâer Ûeeuekeâlee ( σ ) = mho/meter
 144 − 64  6 × 10 × 80 ρ
= 6 × 104  =
 144  144 1
= 33333.3 A / m ρ
›eâeefvlekeâ Oeeje = 2πrHc 1
= 2 × 3.14 × 1 × 10−3 × 33333.3 = 209 A 12
*463. (c)
P = 500 W (2) Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe R =
R = 5 ohm A
V2 1 14  d2 
P= R= × ∵ A = π 
12 π  4
R ( 0.6 )

V = PR 4
14 × 4
= 500 × 5 =
12 × π ( 0.6 )
V = 50 Volt
14 × 4 14
*464. (b) = = = 4.12
∵ 1 Kilowatt hour = 1000 watt × 1 hour 12 × 3.14 × 0.6 × 0.6 3.39
= 1000 × 3600 watt second R ≅ 4.17
1 Kilowatt hour = 3600000 petue *467. (a)
∴ 0.5 Kilowatt hour =
petue efoÙee nw–
2 ØeeflejesOe (R) = 10Ω
0.5 kWh = 1800000 petue Oeeje (I) = 1 A meceÙe (t) = 5 sec.
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 325 YCT
efJeIeefšle T<cee = ? HCT = 2 × 103 × 0.75
HCT = 1.5 × 103
Formula efJeIeefšle T<cee ( Q ) = I 2 Rt
formula; (2) Critical current (IC) = 2πrHCT
= (1)2 × 10 × 5 0.004
IC = 2 π × × 1.5 × 103
( Q ) = 50 Joule 2
*468. (a) IC = 6 × π
efoÙee nw, IC = 18.84 Amp.
*471. (b)
Meefòeâ (P) · 40 watt
I = 2 Amp  P = VI
efJeYeJeevlej (V) · 100V 
H = 100 × 10 Joule  H = VIt
Oeeje (I) · ?
t = 10 minutes (10 × 60sec)  H = Pt
P 
formula; I =
V P=
H P = H
t  t
I= 100 × 10 3
1000 500
100 = = =
10 × 60 6 3
I = 0.4 SefcheÙej
*469. (b) V=
efoÙee nw, 500 250
ØeeflejesOe (R) · 10Ω V= = = 83.33 volt
3× 2 3
leej keâe ØeeflejesOekeâlee (ρ) · 0.1 Ω-m
V = 83.33 volt
leej keâe JÙeeme (d) · 0.5 m
*472. (a)
ℓ=? R = 50Ω, P = 4W, i=?
0.5 P=i R
r= = 0.25 m
2 P 4 1 10
i2 = = = =
ℓ R 50 12.5 125
formula; R = ρ
A 10 10 1 10
i= = =
A = πr 2 125 5×5×5 5 5
= 3.14 × ( 0.25) = 0.19625
2 2 1.414
= = = 0.28
RA 5 5
ℓ= i = 0.28 Amp
10 × 0.19625 *473. (c)
ℓ= efoÙee nw–
1.9625 No. of electrons (n)= 5×1019
ℓ= Time (t) = 1 sec., Current (I) = ?
0.1 Formula –
ℓ = 19.625 m q n.e
*470. (b)
I= = {∵ q = n.e
t t
efoÙee nw, 5 × 1019 × 1.6 ×10−19
Temperature (T) = 10K I=
{∵ e = 1.6 ×10 −19

Critical Temperature (TC) = 20K

I = 8.0
leej keâe JÙeeme · 4mm = 0.004m
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer leer›elee HC0 · 2 × 103 Am-1 I = 8 Amp
Critical current IC = ? *474. (a)
  T 2 
efoÙee nw– V1 = V2 = 250V , P1 = 60 W, P2 = 100 W
formula; (1) H CT = H C0 1 −   
  TC  

  10  2 
HCT = 2 × 103 1 −   
  20  
HCT = 2 × 10 [1– 0.25]

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 326 YCT

veesš– ßesCeer heefjheLe ceW peye oes yeuye ueies nes leLee Gvekeâer *478. (b)
Jeesušspe jsefšbie mehueeF& Jeesušspe kesâ meceeve nw~ leye heefjheLe keâer efoÙee nw–
P1 = 500W
kegâue hee@Jej keâes efvekeâeueves kesâ efueS efvecve met$e keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee
P2 = 200W
pee mekeâlee nw~ V1 = V2 = V = 250V
P ×P V2
Peq = 1 2 ∵ R=
P1 + P2 P
60 × 100 V2
Peq = = 37.5 Watt ∴ R1 =
160 P1
veesš – Ùeefo oesveeW yeuyeeW keâer Jeesušspe jsefšbie mehueeF& Jeesušspe V2
and R2 =
kesâ meceeve veneR nw leye Ùen met$e veneR ueiesiee~ P2
*475. (c) 2
R1 P2  V1 
= × 
R 2 P1  V2 
R1 200
R 2 500
R1 : R2 = 2:5
*479. (c)
ëe=bKeuee ceW Oeeje meceeve nesleer nw~ Rt = R0 (1+α0t)
ceevee yeuye kesâ S›eâebme ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje I nw~ 1st Condition–
formula– Rt = 55Ω
P = VI t = 250C
100 = 100×I 55 = R0 (1+α0 × 25)------------ (I)
I = 1 Amp. 2nd Condition–
Rt = 57.2Ω
V = V1 + V2
t = 750C
250 = 100 + IR
57.2 = R0 (1+α0 × 75)------------ (II)
Ùee 150 = 1× R {∵ I = 1A} meceer. (I) Je (II) keâer meneÙelee mes–
R = 150 ohm 55 R 0 (1 + α 0 × 25 )
*476. (c) =
57.2 R 0 (1 + α 0 × 75 )
∵ αt = ....(1) 55 + α 0 × 75 × 55 = 57.2 + α 0×25 × 57.2
1 + α 0t
2.2 = 2695 α 0
0.0039 = 2.2
1 + α 0 × 20 α0 =
0.0039 + 0.0039 α 0 × 20 = α 0 α 0 = 0.0008163
α 0 (1 − 0.0039 × 20) = 0.0039 α 0 ≃ 0.0009/0C
*480. (c)
α 0 (0.922) = 0.0039
α0 =
RTC at 0 °C α 0 = 0.00423 per °C
*477. (d)
Formula – E = I2 R × t
Formula – P = VI
efoÙee nw– efoÙee nw– P = 100W
I = 3A V = 250V
R = 6Ω lees
t = 50 hours
P 100
E = (3)2 × 6 × 50 = 9 × 6 × 50 I= =
V 250
E = 2700 wh
I = 0.4A
E = 2.7 kwh
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 327 YCT
*481. (d) efoÙee nw–
W ρ1 = ρ2 = ρ
Formula – V =
q ℓ = ℓ1, ℓ2 = 3 ℓ
efoÙee nw– W = 75mJ = 75×10–3J a1 = a a2 = 2a
q = 10–6C R1 = 6Ω R2 = ?
75 × 10 –3 ceeve jKeves hej–
V= –6
10 6 ρ ℓ 2a
V = 75×103V = × ×
R 2 ρ 3ℓ a
V = 75kV
*482. (c) 6×3
R2 =
formula – P = i2R 2
efoÙee nw– R2 = 9Ω
R = 3Ω *487. (a)
i = 2A R1 = 0.2 Ω, l1 = l,
P = (2)2 × 3 l2 = 2l, R2 = ?
P = 12W ∵ R =ρ
*483. (a) A
Formula– q = i.t. ∴R∝l
efoÙee nw– R 1 l1
i = 5A R 2 l2
t = 3minute = 3 × 60 second
0.2 l
q = 5 × 3 × 60 =
q = 900C R 2 2l
*484. (d) R2 = 0.2 × 2 = 0.4 Ω
α0 *490. (d)
Formula– α t =
1 + α0 t Energy used by the battery–
efoÙee nw– t = 400C  E or w 
α 0 = 0.00333
E = qV ∵ q = V 
α 40 = = ne.V
1 + 40 × 0.00333 = 6.28 × 1018 × 1.6 × 10–19 ×20
0.00333 = 1.0048 × 20
α 40 =
1.1332 = 20.096 J
α 40 = 0.00294
E = 20 J
*485. (a)
q = 300 C *492. (c)
i = 0.1A , t = ?
formula −
q = it
q 300
t= =
i 0.1
t = 3000 sec.
meceevlej ›eâce ceW Ùeefo yeuye keâer Jeesušspe meceeve nw lees efpeme
3000 yeuye keâer Meefkeäle jsefšbie pÙeeoe nesieer Jen lespe peuesiee (glow)~
t= minute
t = 50 minute P=
*486. (b)

ßesCeer ›eâce ceW efpeme yeuye keâer hee@Jej jsefšbie keâce nesieer Jen
Formula – R = ρ meyemes lespe peuesiee (glow)~
R1 ρ1 ℓ1 a 2 V2
= × × R=
R 2 ρ 2 ℓ 2 a1 P
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 328 YCT
*493. (b) *504. (c)
1 1 1 1 3 Formula– Rt = R0 (1+α0t)
= + + =
R eq R R R R efoÙee nw –
Req = R/3 Ω t = 700C
R'eq = R + R + R = 3R R0 = 4mΩ = 4 × 10–3Ω
According to question– 1
R eq R / 3 α0 = = 0.004264/0C
1 1 234.5
= = = iegvee
R 'eq 3R 3 × 3 9 Rt = 4 × 10–3 (1 + 0.004264 × 70)
1 = 4 × 10–3 (1 + 0.29848)
Req = R'eq
9 = 4 × 10–3 × 1.29848
*496. (d) Rt = 5.19392 × 10–3Ω
A1 = 4A2 = 4A l1 = l2 Rt = 5.19 mΩ
A2 = A (ceevee) *505. (a)
R2 = 40 Ω, R1 = ? Formula–
l α0
∵R =ρ αt =
A 1+ α 0t
∴ R∝ 1
A efoÙee nw– α0 = = 0.004264
R1 A 2
= t = 700C
R 2 A1
0.004264 0.004264
R1 A αt = =
= 1 + 0.004264 × 70 1 + 0.2985
40 4A
40 0.004264
R1 = = 10 αt =
4 1.2985
R1 = 10 Ω αt = 0.003284/0C
*497. (d) *506. (d)
R1 = 2 Ω l1 = 1 m efoÙee nw– V = 240V
l2 = ? V = 200 V P = 1 kW P = 60W
V 2 ( 200 )
200 × 200 V2
∵R2 = = = = 40Ω ∵ R=
P 1000 1000 P
R2 = 40 Ω
( 240 )2 240 × 240
l R= =
R= ρ 60 60
R∝l R = 960Ω
R 1 l1 *507. (c)
= met$e Rt = R0(1+α0t)
R 2 l2
2 1 Rt = 1Ω
= α0 = 0.00125 Øeefle 0C
40 l2
t = 300 K
l2 = = (300 – 273)=270C
l2 = 20 m Dele: Rt = R0(1+α0t)
*500. (c) Ùee 1= R0 (1+0.00125×27) ..............(i)
V2 R t2 = ?
∵R =
P t = 1100 K
1 = (1100 – 273)
∵↓ R ∝
P↑ = 8270C
Dele: efpeme uewche keâe heeJej DeefOekeâ nesiee Gmekeâe ØeeflejesOe keâce R t 2 =R0(1+0.00125×827) ...............(ii)
nesiee (keâcejs kesâ leeheceeve hej)
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 329 YCT
meceerkeâjCe (i) Je meceerkeâjCe (ii) mes meceÙe (t ) = 5 minute
1 1 + 0.00125 × 27 5
= = IeCše
R t 2 1 + 0.00125 × 827 60
Ùee R t 2 =
1 + 0.00125 × 827 ∵ DeJeMeesef<ele Tpee& ( E ) = V .I .t.
1 + 0.00125 × 27
–3 5
Ùee R t 2 =
≅ 2 Deesÿe
= 3 × 200 × 10 × Jeeš IeCše
1.03375 60
60 × 10 × 5
*508. (b)
Formula– ··
P = I 2R
= 50 × 10 w − h
efoÙee nw P = 0.5W
R = 1.8 kΩ = 1800 Ω E = 50 m.w.h.
P 0.5 *512. (b)
⇒ I= = q = 10t kegâueece], i = ?
R 1800
q 10t
5 1 i= = = 10
= = A = 16.67mA ≈ 16mA t t
18000 60
i = 10A
= 16 mA
*513. (a)
*509. (c) efoÙee nw-
Formula – Rt = R0 (1 + α0t)
V = 220 V, R = 40 Ω
Ist Condition–
V 220
Rt = 5Ω i= =
t = 500C R 40
5 = R0(1+50α0)----------- (I) i = 5.5A
IInd Condition– *514. (a)
Rt = 6Ω V2 V2
t = 1000C P= mes leLee R1000 =
R 1000
6 = R0 (1+100α0)----------- (II)
meceer. (I) Je (II) keâes nue keâjves hej R= R1000 keâe ØeeflejesOe keâce nesiee
6 R 0 (1 + 100α 0 )
= V2
5 R 0 (1 + 50α 0 ) R 750 = R750 keâe ØeeflejesOe pÙeeoe leLee
6 1 + 100α 0 Dele: I R keâe ceeve 1000 W keâe efJeÅegle Øesme pÙeeoe
5 1 + 50α 0 Glhevve keâjsiee~ keäÙeesefkeâ efJeÅegle GheÙeb$eeW keâes ncesMee meceevlej ceW
6 + 300 α0 = 5 + 500α0 peesÌ[e peelee nw~
1 *515. (a)
α0 = Vo = 6MΩ × 5nA
α0 = 0.005 = 6 ×106 × 5 × 10 −9 Volt
α0 keâe ceeve meceerkeâjCe (II) ceW jKeves hej = 30 × 10−3
6 = R0 (1+100×0.005)
Vo = 30 mV
R0 = = 4Ω
1.5 Vi = 80 − 30 = 50 mV
*510. (b) 50mV 50 × 10−3
Ùeefo Oeeje = iA leLee Jeesušspe = V nes lees R th = =
5nA 5 × 10−9
P = V.I Jeeš
t = 10 ×106 = 10 MΩ
leLee W = ∫0 Pdt petue DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ mLeeveevlejCe kesâ efueS,
*511. (d) R L = R th
efoÙee nw -
R L = 10 MΩ
Jeesušspe V = 3V
Oeeje ( I ) = 200 mA ( Vth )2 80 × 80 × 10−6
DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ = =
= 200 × 10 A
–3 4R th 4 × 10 × 106
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 330 YCT
6400 × 10−6 ×10−6 V2
= P=
40 R
= 16 ×10−11 V 2 = P.R
= 0.16 × 10 W V12 =1×100
Pmax = 0.16 nW V1 = 10 volt
*517. (a) V22 = 2 × 800
Ûeeuekeâlee ØeeflejesOe keâe JÙegl›eâce neslee nw pees heefjheLe ceW Oeeje kesâ efueS
heLe Øeoeve keâjlee nw~ V22 =1600
1 V2 = 40 volt
G= V = V1 + V2
Fmekeâe cee$ekeâ cnes Ùee meercesve neslee nw~ V = 40 + 10 = 50 V
*518. (c) V = 50
v2 *530. (d)
ØelÙeskeâ ØeeflejesOe Éeje efueÙee ieÙee Meefkeäle P = No. of Lamps = 15
100 ×100 Wattage of each Lamps = 50 W.
P= No. of hours used = 5 hrs
If system supply voltage = 240 V.
P = 100watt
Total wattages of 15 Lamp = 15 × 50 = 750 Watt
*523. (a)
∵ P = V.I
P = i2R = (2)2×3 = 4 × 3 = 12
P 750
P = 12 watt I= = = 3.125A
*526. (c) V 240
V = 250 Volt I = 3.125 A
P1 = 500 watt *535. (d)
P2 = 200 watt DeeJesMe (q) = 360C
V 2 250 × 250 meceÙe (t) = 2 efceveš = 2×60 mes.
R1 = = =125
P1 500 DeeJesMe 360
Fmeer Øekeâej, Oeeje (i) = = = 3A
meceÙe 2 × 60
V 2 250 × 250 625 *536. (b)
R2 == =
P2 200 2 V = IR
R 1 125× 2 I = 750 × 10-6A
= =2 : 5
R2 625 R = 11 × 103
*527. (b) V=?
ceveg<Ùe kesâ Mejerj hej efyepeueer kesâ Peškesâ keâjbš keâer Jepen mes V = 750 × 10-6 × 11 × 103
ueielee nw~ ⇒ 0.750 × 11 = 8.250
*528. (a) V = 8.25
60 watt leLee 100 watt kesâ oes yeuyeeW keâes Series ceW
*537. (a)
peesÌ[ves hej 250 V keâer supply osves kegâue power
V1 = 110 V I1 = 15 amp
P1 = 60 W V2 = 95 V, I2 = ?
P2 = 100 W V V2
∵ R1 = 1 & R2 =
Series ceW peesÌ[ves hej, I1 I2
p ×p 60 × 100 6000 ∵ R1 = R2 (for same Heater)
Total power = 1 2 ⇒ ⇒
p1 + p 2 60 + 100 160 V1 V2
Hence = =
= 37.5 watt I1 I2
*529. (b)
110 95
⇒ =
15 I 2
95 ×15
⇒ I2 = = 12.95 Ùee 13A
⇒ I2 = 13 A

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 331 YCT

*548. (a) R / 2× R / 2
RA =
+ +
2 2 2
R2 2 R
= × =
4 3R 6
[^eFeEJeie efyevog ØeefleyeeOee Fmeer Øekeâej,
 1   R R
Z1 =  6 ||  + 3 || 3 RB = Ω and RC = Ω
 S   6 6
 6  *560. (b)
 S 
Z1 =  + 3 || 3
6 + 1 
 S 
 6/S 
Z1 =  + 3 || 3
 ( 6S + 1) / S  R th = (12 || 24) + 2
Z1 = {
6S + 1
+ 3 || 3 } Rth = 10 Ω

Z1 = { 18S + 9
6S + 1
|| 3 }
(18S + 9)3 3 (18S + 9 )
6S + 1 = 6S + 1 3(18S + 9)
18S + 9 18S + 9 + 18S + 3 36S + 12 heefjheLe ceW meghej heespeerMeve ØecesÙe ueieeves hej
6S + 1 6S + 1 → oesveeW Jeesušspe œeesle keâes Mee@š& keâjves hej 24 Ω ceW 1/3 A
 1 keâer Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesieer~
S+ 
3 × 9(2S + 1) 9  2S + 1  9  2
= =  =   → Oeeje œeesle open leLee 40 V œeesle Mee@š& keâjves hej
12(3S + 1) 4  3S + 1  4  S + 1 
 3 24 Ω ceW 5/12 A keâer Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesieer
*549. (c) 5 1
24 Ω ceW total Oeeje = +
12 3
9 3
= = A (A mes B keâer Deesj)
12 4
Va − 40 + 24 × + 2 × 1 − Vb = 0
Vab = 40 – 20
Vab = 20 V
R R R / 2× R / 2
R AB = + + Vab = Vth = 20V
2 2 R/2

R AB = R + =
R 3R heefjheLe
2 2
Fmeer Øekeâej RAC = 3R/2 leLee RBC = 3R/2
*550. (d)

*562. (b)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 332 YCT

Rth = 6 + 4 = 10 Ω *567. (a)
Rth = Req = 10 Ω
Vth = 24 V

C = 1F into Ω (ohm)
24 1
ISC = = 2.4 A C= Ω
10 s
ISC = Ieq = 2.4 A V1 = AV2 – BI2
*564. (a) I1 = CV2 – DI2
Vs1 = 8 V V1 V1
A= ;B=−
Vs2 = 0 V V2 I2 = 0
I2 V2 = 0

I1 I1
C= ;D=−
V2 I2 = 0
I2 V2 = 0

When port (2) is open circuited, I2 = 0

R = (100||20) + 50
R= Ω
I= A
25 V2 = Voltage at 1/s
3 × 20 1 1 V1
I1 = = A V1 ×
25(120) 50 s= s
100 Ω ceW ef[ueerJej Meefkeäle = I12 R 1 s +1
s s
= × 100 V
2500 = 1
= 0.04 W 1+ s
*565. (a) V1 V1
I1 = =
oesveeW Jeesušspe œeesle keâes ueIeg heefLekeâ keâjves hej  1  1  s +1 1
1 +   
 s s  s  s
s +1 1
= s s
ix = –2A s +1 1
*566. (b) s s
I1 = y11V1 + y12V2 V1
I2 = y21V1 + y22V2 =
s +1 s
Thej efoÙes ieÙes meceerkeâjCeeW mes leguevee keâjves hej ×
s 2
y11 = 0.5s, y12 = –0.2s V1
y21 = –0.2s, y22 = 1s V (s + 2)s
= +1 = 1
y  s(s + 2) s +1
Z11 =  22  ⇒ ∆y = y11 y 22 − y12 y 21
 ∆y  When port (2) is short circuited, V2 = 0
= 0.5 × 1 – (–0.2) × (–0.2)
= 0.5 – 0.04
∆y = 0.46
Z1 = = 2.173 Ω
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 333 YCT
V1 V1 V1 12 × 12
I1 = = = ⇒ = 6Ω
1 1/ s 1 × 1/ s 1/ s 24
1 + 1/ s s + 1/ s
= = V1 (s + 1)
1/ s × s / s + 1
I ×1/ s
I2 = −x = − 1
1 + 1/ s
−V (s + 1) × 1/ s
= 1 12 × 12
s + 1/ s = 6Ω
−V (1 + s)
= 1 = −V1
(1 + s)
V1 V1 / V1
A= = 1+ s
V2 I2 = 0
1+ s

V1 −V1
B=− = 1Ω
I2 V2 = 0
12 × 12
I1 RLM =
C= =0 24
V2 I2 RLM = 6 Ω
V1s(s + 2) / s + 1 *572. (a)
= s(s + 2)
V1 /1 + s

I2 V2 = 0

−V1 (1 + s)
A Deewj D = (1 + s) Deewj (1 + s)
*568. (c)

RL is removed
Voltage source is short circuit
R × R2
R th = 1 + R3
R1 + R 2

12Ω R th = R 3 +
( R1 × R 2 )
R1 + R 2
*573. (d)

12 × 12
= 6Ω

RL is removed
Voltage source is short circuit

⇒ 6 + 6 = 12 Ω
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 334 YCT
2× 6 3 *575. (d)
R th = = = 1.5Ω
8 2
10 5
I= = A
8 4

VA − × 6 − VB = 0
15 efÉleerÙe (2) cesMe keâes ∆ mes mšej ceW yeoueves hej
VA − VB =
VAB = 7.5V
VAB = Eth = 7.5V
*574. (a)

5Ω is removed and voltage source is short circuit


 16  16 14
 6 +  + ||
 9 3 3
R = 10.26Ω
10 × 20 20
= Ω I=
30 3 10.26
20 56
+ 12 = Ω I = 0.39A
3 3
*576. (b)
R th = 3 = = 5.6Ω
+ 8 80
R th = 5.6Ω
= 20Ω
I= = 5A
8Ω ceW 2.5A keâer Oeeje flow nesieer~
Vth = 8 × 2.5

Vth = 20V

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 335 YCT

14 8 R
R th = + = 15
9 6 2
26 R= 30Ω
R th = Ω
9 *593. (a)
Vth = 24V

Delta keâes Star ceW yeoueves hej

26 80
R= +6 = Ω
9 9
24 × 9 216
I= =
80 80
= 2.7A
MS ceW 2.7 keâer Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesieer~
*580. (d)

8 = 2Ω

Convert into star

R ×R R
3R 3 RAB= 2+2
R AB = 4Ω
*594. (d)
L[f(t)] = F(s)
*584. (a) ∞
= ∫ f (t)e − st dt

L[u(t)] = F(s)

= ∫ u(t)e − st dt
1 1 1 1
= + + ∞
= ∫ 1e− st dt
R LM 20 20 20 0

20  e− st   e−∞ e0 
R LM =
3 =  = − 
 −s  0  −s −s 
R LM = 6.66Ω
 1 1
= 0 +  =
*587. (c)  s s
*595. (d)
ieefCeleerÙe jsche HebâkeäMeve
f(t) = kt
R Laplace transform
F(s) = 2
= 2
2R||2R||R= 15 s
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 336 YCT
*596. (d) meceekeâueve keâjves hej Øeehle nesiee–
P(t) = ∫ r(t)dt s cos φ − ω0 sin φ
s 2 + ω02
L [ P(t)] = F(s) = L  ∫ r(t)dt 
*603. (b)
 0 
= L [ r(t)] 3=6–N+1
s 3 – 7 = –N
1 1 1
= ⋅ 2 = 3 N=4
s s s
*604. (b)
*600. (b)
d  1 
∞ L  teat  = (−1)1
L e − at  = ∫ e − at e − st dt
0 ds  s − a 
∞ d  1 
= ∫ e( − at − st) dt =−
0 ds  s − a 

= ∫ e − (at + st ) dt 1
0 =
(s − a) 2
∫ e ⋅ dx = met$e mes,
*605. (c)
a L[t]

 e− (s+ a )t  L[t ⋅ 1]
 
 −(s + a)  0 ÛetBefkeâ L[1] =
0 s
 e − (s+ a ) t 
  d 1 
L[t ⋅1] = (−1)1
 (s + a)  ∞ ds  s 
1 0 d −1
 e − (s+ a ) t  =− (s )
s+a ∞
 e0 − e−∞  = −1× (−1)(s −2 )
s+a 
1 1 L[t] =
[1 − 0] = s2
s+a s+a
*606. (a)
− at1 Mathematically impulse signal is diffined as
L e  =
0 t ≠ 0 
i(t) =  
*601. (c) 1 t = 
L[te–at] Laplace transform of impulse function.
dn I(s) = k
 t n ⋅ f (t)  = (−1) n n f (s) mes
ds If k = 1 then above signal is called unit impulse
d 1 signal [δ(t)].
L  te − at  = (−1)1 ⋅ Laplace transform of unit impulse function.
ds (s + a)
I(s) = 1
d 1 
=−  
ds  s + a  *607. (c)
 e jωt − e − jωt 
1 L[sin ωt] = L  
L  te − at  =  2j 
(s + a)2
*602. (d) =  L(e jωt ) − L(e − jωt ) 
1 1 1 
∞ = −
= ∫ cos(ω0 t + φ)e − st dt
2 j  s − jω s + jω 

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 337 YCT

1  s + jω − s + jω  11E2 = (–16I1 + 4I2)
2 j  s 2 − j2 ω2  16
Z21 = −
1  2 jω  11
= ∵ j2 = −1
2 j  s 2 + ω2  *610. (a)

1  2 jω  [suše mes mšej ceW keâjves hej

2 j  s 2 + ω2 
s + ω2

*608. (a)
V1 = h11I1 + h12V2 Z11 = Z1 + Z3
I2 = h21I1 + h22V2 = 2.5 + 0.25
h 21 = 2 Z11 = 2.75 Ω
I1 V2 = 0 Z12 = Z3 = 0.25 Ω
V2 = RI2 + R(I1 + I2) *611. (d)
2RI2 + RI1 = V2 y21 = y12
peye V2 = 0 h21 = –h12
2RI2 + RI1 = 0 *612. (b)
2RI2 = –RI1
efyeÇpe balanced nw
I 2 −R
= Zeq = 2 || 4 + 2 || 4
I1 2R
4 4 8
I 1 + =
h 21 = 2 = − 3 3 3
I1 2
Zeq = Ω
*609. (c) 3
Z efmLejebkeâ kesâ efueS, *632. (b)
E1 = Z11I1 + Z12I2 N- keâesveeW Jeeues hetCe& «eeheâ ceW edge keâer
E2 = Z21I1 + Z22I2
LHS uethe ceW KVL ueieeves hej,
mebKÙee = N C2
E1 = 2I1 + 4I1 – 10E1 + 4I2 N N × (N − 1) N − 2
= =
11E1 = 6I1 + 4I2 2 N−2 2 × 1× N − 2
E1 N(N − 1)
Z11 = =
I1 I2 = 0 2
6I1 *636. (a)
Z11 =
Z11 = Ω
Z21 =
I1 I2 = 0

R.H.S. uethe ceW KVL ueieeves hej

E2 = (4I1 + 4I2) – 10E1 vees[es keâer mebKÙee n = 4
 6I + 4I 2  yeÇe@ÛeeW keâer mebKÙee b = 6
E 2 = 4I1 + 4I2 − 10  1 
 11  Chords keâer mebKÙee = b – n + 1
11E2 = 44I1 + 44I2 – 60I1 – 40I2 =6–4+1
11E2 = –16I1 + 4I2
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 338 YCT
*639. (c) *649. (b)
Deferminant of the given matrix.
 1 0 0
= 1×  200 1 0  + 0 + 0 + 0

 200 300 1 
= 1×(1×1+0+0)= 1
*647. (c) r = 2 + ( r + 2 ) || 3
3( r + 2)
r = 2+
r2 = 16
r = 4Ω
*650. (a)
Oeeje meesme& keâes Jeesušspe meesme& ceW yeoueves hej

Applying KVL in the loop

60 – 15 × I – 20 = 0 OegÇJelee kesâ DeeOeej hej 5V kesâ Jeesušspe œeesle ceW Oeeje
8 I3 = I1 – I 2 .......(i)
I= = 2.66A
*648. (d) I1 =   = 2Amp
I 2 =   = 1Amp
Dele: I3 = ( 2 − 1) = 1Amp
Dele: 5V œeesle hej Meefòeâ–
Apply KCL at Node M. P = 5 Jee@š
i1+i2 = i3 *651. (a)
 −8 − Vm   −2 − Vm  Vm − 0
 12  +  = 8
   8 
 8 + Vm   2 + Vm  − Vm
 12 + = 8
   8 
32 + 4Vm + 12 + 6Vm −Vm
48 8 By use of KVL
16Vm = (–44) 0–1–E–5=10
E = –16Volt
 −44 
Vm =   Volt *652. (b)
 16 
 −44 
 
16 
I MN = −0.34Amp.
Dele: I( N.M ) = 0.34Amp.

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 339 YCT

Req = 10+(10||10)=15Ω *656. (c)
heefjheLe ceW Oeeje
100  20 
I= =   Amp.
15  3 
Dele: uees[ kesâ Deej-heej (Across) Jeesušspe
 20 
V = 10 ×  Applying KCL at Node A
 6 
25 4
V = 33.33Volt − =I
7 7
*653. (c) I = 3Amp.
*657. (b)

efoÙee nw, V = 2 Volt

Dele: 2Ω ceW Oeeje =   = 1A

Voltage Across current source = V+IR
RΩ ceW Oeeje =I1 *658. (d)
I1 × 1
1= (By use up current division Rule)
I1 = 4 Amp.
Deye I=(2+I1)
I = 6Amp.
*654. (a) Applying KVL to closed circuit V = IR + E / 2
*659. (d)

P R Applying KVL to middle loop

= mes
Q S – 2I – 12 – 2I + 60 = 0
1 1 4I = 48
= Dele:
1 1 I = 12Amp.
Ùen Skeâ meblegefuele Jnerš mšesve efyeÇpe nw~ *660. (c)
Dele: Yegpee CD ceW keâesF& Oeeje ØeJeen veneR nesiee
ICD = 0Amp
*655. (a)

I2 – I1 = 4 .......(i)
40 – 2I1 – 5I2 – 3I1 = 0
5I1 + 5I2 = 40
I1 + I2 = 8 ......... (ii)

Applying KVL to closed circuit.

meceerkeâjCe (i) Je (ii) mes-
Va –2+5–Vb=0 I1=2Amp.
Vab = –3Volt I2 = 6Amp.
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 340 YCT
*661. (a) *664. (b)

Applying Kcl of node (a)

4 − Va V −0 Current through R
+1 = a
3 1 IR+1=2
4–Va+3 = 3Va IR = 2 − 1
7 IR = 1
Va =   volt
4 Apply KVL in IInd loop
Dele: 1Ω kesâ across voltage =(Va–0) −6 − IR × R + 12 × 1 = 0
7 − I R × R = −6
= volt
−1 × R = −6
*662. (c)
R = 6Ω
*665. (b)

Apply KCL at Node (a)

 Va − 0   40 − Va 
  = 10 +  
 5   5 
Va V 10 Deesce ceW Oeeje =
= 1Amp.
= 10 + 8 − a 10
5 5
Applying KCL at Node 'a'
2Va E − 10
= 18 +5 =1
5 5
Va= 45 volt E–10+25=5

2Ω ceW Oeeje =
( 45 − 0 ) = 9Amp. E = –10 Volt
5 *666. (d)
Dele: Vx = 2 × 9 =18 Volt
*663. (d)

3 Deesce ceW Oeeje = = 1Amp.
∵5Ω Deewj 5A oesveeW meceeblej ceW pegÌ[s nw~ Dele: 5Ω kesâ 3
1 Deesce ceW Oeeje =(6–I) Amp.
Deej-heej Jeesušspe =5A œeesle kesâ Deej-heej Jeesušspe
ceOÙe Jeeues loop ceW KVL ueieeves hej
By using superposition theorem
5Ω ceW Oeeje =3.5Amp.
Voltage across 5Ω = 3.5×5 3I = 3
= 17.5V I = 1Amp.
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 341 YCT
*667. (c) *669. (b)
nce peeveles nQ, meblegefuele Jnerš mšesve efyeÇpe kesâ efueS
Dele: -
⇓ 120 R
150 150
R = 120 Ω
*670. (c)

Applying KCL at Node 'a'

50 − Va Va − 0 Va − 100
= +
10 20 30
After solving-
Va = Volt
50 −
Dele: I1 = 11 = 50 ∵ G ceW keâesF& Oeeje ØeJeeefnle veneR nes jner nw~ Dele:
10 11× 10
R 120
I1 = 0.4545Amp. =
80 80
500 R = 120Ω
− 100
leLee I 2 = 11 =− Deye leguÙe ØeeflejesOe = (120 + 80 ) || (120 + 80 )
30 11
I2 = −1.818Amp. =100Ω

Dele: I B = 
1 
*668. (a)  = 10mA
 100 
*671. (a)

Applying KCL at Node a
15 − Va  −20 − Va  Va − 0
+ =
15  2  3
After solving
Va = –10 Volt
−10 − ( −20 ) ceevee (1+x) = y
Dele: I x =
Ry  y 
Ix= 5Amp Vout ( + ) = ×E =   .E
( Ry + pR ) y+p
Vx = 5 × 2 = 10Volt
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 342 YCT
R E Va V
Vout ( − ) = ×E = 4− +4= a
R + pR (1 + p ) 5 5
Vout = Vout (+) – Vout (–) Dele: Va = 20 Volt
Ey E efveÙeb$eCe Oeeje œeesle Éeje oer ieF& Meefòeâ
= −
( y + p) (1 + p ) V 
P =  1  × ( Va − 0 )
dVout −y 1  5 
= +
dp ( y + p ) (1 + p )2
2 P = 4×20
P = 80 W
Vout kesâ DeefOekeâlece ceeve kesâ efueS =0
dp *674. (d)

y 1
Dele: =
( y + p) 2
(1 + p )2
1 y
Ùee =
( ) ( p)
1 + p y +

p+y = y +p y Applying KVL in closed circuit.

p 1− y = y 1− y ) ( )  VA 
3VA=36–15I ∵ I = 
p= y  7 
p= (1 + x ) ∵ y = (1+x) 3VA = 36 −
*672. (a) VA = 7 Volt
R 2 R 3 65 × 100 Deewj
Rx = =
R1 50
I =   = 1A
Rx = 130Ω 7
∵ 100Ω keâer menveMeeruelee 5% nw~ Dele: efveÙeb$eCe Jeesušspe ceW Meefòeâ DeheJÙeÙe
100 × 0.95 = 95Ω = 2VA×1= 2 × 7 × 1
Dele: R 3 〈
100 × 1.05 = 105Ω = 14 W
*675. (a)
65 × 95
Rx = = 123.50Ω
65 × 105
leLee = = 136.50Ω
Dele: Rx keâer meercee (123.50→136.50) Deesce lekeâ nesieer~
*673. (a) Applying KCL in circuit
5 = I + I + 2I
4I = 5
I = 1.25 A
Dele: V1 = 1.25 × 4 = 5Volt
KVL ueieeves hej,
Applying KCL at Node 'a'
SJeb V2= 4×5+1.25×4
20 − Va V1 Va − 0
+ = V2 = 25 Volt
5 5 5
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 343 YCT
*676. (c) Vab = 1.25 V
Dele: meceerkeâjCe (ii) mes–
i = 1.25A
*679. (b)

V1–Ia–2Ia–2V1–V2 = 0 ............ (i)

∵ V2 = 1 × 2Ia ........... (ii)
meceerkeâjCe (i) Je (ii) mes –
–V1 – 3Ia – 2Ia =0
Ia = − 1 ............. (iii)
5 ⇓
meceerkeâjCe (ii) Je (iii) mes –
V2 = −2 ×
V2 −2
Dele: =
V1 5
*677. (d) Dele: meblegefuele Jneršmšesve mesleg kesâ efueS
R = 2Ω
*684. (d)

 24 
IR =   = 4 A
 6 
Dele: Jeesušspe œeesle Éeje efJeleefjle Meefòeâ
P = VI {I = IR + 2IR } Applying KCL at Node 'a'
= 24×(3IR) 8 − ( −2 )
I +1 =
= 24×3×4 2
= 288 W I = 4A
*678. (b)
*685. (a)

Applying KVL in loop (1)

Oeeje =   = 10 A
I1=2.5 A .........(i) 1Ω ceW
Applying KVL in loop (2)
Applying KVL in close loop
4Vab–4i = 0
– 4I – (10 + I) × 1 + 10 = 0
i = Vab ............. (ii)
– 4I – 10 – I + 10 = 0
– 5I = 0
Va–Vb+Vab = 2.5
2Vab = 2.5 I = 0A

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 344 YCT

*686. (d) *688. (b)
By source transformation the circuit become as
shown below.

1232 − 1100 132

Circuit current, I = = =6A
Voltage across current source 7 + 5 + 10 22
V = 2 × [1+ (3 || 6)] Voltage drop across 5 Ω resistor
V=2×3 =6×5
V = 6 Volt = 30 V
*689. (c)
*687. (d)

When Is = 0, then I = 1 A 3Ω ceW Oeeje = = 1A
Applying KVL in closed loop-
–2I–3+(6–I)×1 = 0
3I =3
Voltage drop across voltage source V = 1×2 = 2V *690. (b)
When Is = 2 A

By using of super position theorem Using superposition therom

(i) When Voltage source are short circuit Current source keâes open keâjves hej

I1 = 2 A
2 ×1
Dele: I1 = = 1A Voltage source keâe short keâjves hej
(ii) When curent source are open then

I'1 = 1A
I = I1 – I'1 = (2–1) A
3 ×1 I=1A
Dele: I 2 = = 1A
3 P=VI
Dele: 1Ω ceW kegâue Oeeje P=2×1
P = 2W
I = (I1+I2) = 1 + 1 = 2 A

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 345 YCT

*691. (b)

I'2 = = 2A
I'2 = 2A
peye VS = 0 leye I = 4 A nw~ I = I 1 + I 1'
peye VS = 16 jKeves hej 7 11
I= +2=
2 2
I=5.5 A
*693. (d)

IS keâes Open keâjves hej

2Ω ceW kegâue Oeeje

16 lees B efyevog hej efJeYeJe 30V nesiee~
I= = 4A
4 efyevog AB ceW yenves Jeeueer Oeeje
Total I = 4 + 4 = 8 A 100 − 30
= 10 − I1
*692. (a) 14
= 10 − I1
I1 = 5A

100 − 40 60
peye VS = 3V jKeles nQ lees R= = = 12 Ω
5 5
I = 4A nes peelee nw
R = 12 Ω
leye IS = 7A nesiee
*694. (c)
peye VS=12V jKe jns nQ lees I = ?

Using superposition therom

vees[ue V hej ueieeves mes
I1 = A V
2 1+ 2 =
I2 = A V=18V
Current source keâes open keâjkesâ ØecesÙe ueieeves hej ∵ =2
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 346 YCT
E − 18 Va hej vees[ue ueieeves hej
6 3 = I1 + I2
E–18=12 Va 3 + Va
3= +
E = 30 V 1 1
*695. (a) 3 = Va + 3 + Va
Va = 0
I1 = 0
I2 = 3A
V = 3×1
1Ω uees[ nw FmeefueS Oeeje Oeveelcekeâ mes ØeJesMe keâj jner nw
Deewj peye voltage source ueWies lees Oeveelcekeâ efmejs mes Oeeje
V1 hej vees[ue ueieeves hej
V1 − 5 V1 − V2 FmeefueS V = −3V
1= +
5 2 *697. (a)
2V1 − 10 + 5V1 − 5V2
10 = 7V1 – 5V2 –10
7V1 – 5V2 = 20 .......(i)
V2 hej vees[ue ueieeves hej
V1 − V2 V2 V2 − 5
= + V hej vees[ue ueieeves hej
2 2 4
V1 − 2V2 V2 − 5 V
= i1 + 5i1 =
2 4 10
2V1 – 4V2 = V2–5 V
6i1 =
2V1 – 5V2 = –5 ........(ii) 10
meceerkeâjCe (ii) – meceerkeâjCe (i) i1 =
2V1 – 5V2 = –5 60
250 − V
7V1 – 5V2 = 20 i1 = ........ (ii)
– + – 2.5
–5V1 = –25 meceerkeâjCe (i) Deewj (ii) mes
V1 = 5V V 250 − V
V2 = 3V 60 2.5
V −5 V=240V
I= 1
5 meceer. (i) mes
5−5 240
I= i1 =
5 60
I=0 i1= 4A
*698. (d)
*696. (c)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 347 YCT

6V–V –20=0 *704. (b)
V = 4V
V 4
I= = = 2A
R 2
*699. (c) I1 = 20 A and I5 = 10 A
Applying KCL at node A.
I1 = I2 + I3
20 = A + I 4 + I5
20 = + + 10
2 1
VA + 2VB = 20 ..........(i)
V − VB
∵ A = I3
Condition I : 2
= I 4 + I5
= + 10
2 1
VA –3VB = 20 ........... (ii)
meceer. (i) Deewj (ii) mes
VA = 20 V and VB = 0 V
*705. (d)


I= 2 = 0.25A
1 3
2 2
Condition II :
Applying KCL at node V
V − 30 V − 36
+ =9
10 20
V V 36
−3+ − =9
10 20 20
V V 36
+ = 3+ +9
10 20 20
3V 60 + 36 + 180
20 20
3V= 276
V = 92 V
*706. (b)

Balanced wheatstone's bridge

∵ I2 = 0

R ceW ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje

I = I 1+ I 2
I = 0.25 + 0 = 0.25 A

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 348 YCT

Applying KCL at node A VA
VA − 10 + =8
VA VA − 5 5
+ +1 = 0
4 1 6VA = 90
VA VA=15 Volt
+ VA − 5 + 1 = 0 V 15
4 ∵ I = A = = 3A
5VA 5 5
=4 *709. (c)
VA = V
Applying KCL at node B
VB VB − 5
+ −1 = 0
3 3
VB VB 5 Applying KCL, at Node A.
+ − −1 = 0
3 3 3 VA − 140 VA VA − 70
+ + = 70
2VB 8 2 4 1
= ⇒ VB = 4 V
3 3 VA V
− 70 + A + VA − 70 = 70
2 4
∵ VAB = VA − VB
7VA= 840
16 VA=120 Volt
= − 4 = −0.8V
5 V 120
Current I = A = = 30 A
*707. (a) 4 4
*712. (d)

Short circuiting the 12V voltage source and open

Applying supper Nodel Theorem 6A current source.
Current coming in total Node = current going
from total Node.
4 + I1 (at node (2) ) = I2 + I1 + I3 + I4 (at node (1))
4 = I2 + I3 + I4
4 = 1 + 2 + 10
2 4
V V Thevenin's equivalent resistance
−6 = 1 + 2
2 4 Rth = RAB = 4|| (6+6)
*708. (d) 4 ×12
= = 3Ω
4 + 12
Applying superposition therom.

Applying at node A we have.

VA − 10 VA
+ =8
1 5
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 349 YCT
6 9 *716. (d)
4Ω Jeeues ØeeflejesOe ceW Oeeje I1 = 6 × = A
10 + 6 4

Thevenin's equivalent resistance

12 3
4Ω Jeeues ØeeflejesOe ceW Oeeje I 2 = = A
16 4
4Ω Jeeues ØeeflejesOe ceW kegâue Oeeje
I = I1 + I 2 =
9 3
+ = 3A  5×5 
RTh =  + 2.5 || 5 = 5 || 5 = 2.5Ω
4 4  5 + 5 
Vth = VAB =3×4 = 12V Thevenin's equivalent voltage, VTh
*713. (c)

Applying KCL at node x

Vx − 50 Vx Vx
Rth = RAB = (2+2)||4||4 + + =0
5 5 2.5 + 5
 4× 4  150
=  || 4 Vx = = 18.75V
 4+4 8
= 2||4 Vx
VTh = ×5
2× 4 8 4 2.5 + 5
= = = = 1.33 Ω
2+4 6 3 18.75
= × 5 = 12.5V
*714. (c) 7.5
Transforming 10 A current source into equivalent *717. (d)
voltage source. 120
VTh = VAB = 100 ×
100 + 68 + 120
= 41.67 Volt
R Th = R AB = (100 + 68) ||120
168 ×120
= = 70 Ω
Vth or VAB = 35 Volt 168 + 120
*715. (a) *718. (b)

For determination of thevenin's equivalent

Applying KCL at Node a. resistance, all the independent source are made
Vab + 30 Vab − 8 dead and the circuit is reduced.
+ =0
15 5 5 × 5 25
R th = 5 || 5 = = = 2.5Ω
4Vab = –6 5 + 5 10
Vab = –1.5 V For determination of Vth

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 350 YCT

*721. (a)
peye I = 0 nes leye Voc= Vth = 3Volt
Deewj peye E = 0 nes leye,
V 2
R th = = = 1Ω
I 2
Applying KCL at node A
Vab Va b − 10
+ =1
5 5
2Vab = 15
Vab = 7.5 V By voltage division Rule
*719. (b) 2 2
V = Vth × = 3× = 2 V
1+ 2 3
*722. (b)
Rth %eele
keâjves kesâ efueS efyevee Deeefßele current source keâes
Using voltage devision Rule open circuit leLee efyevee Deeefßele Voltage source keâes
3 Short circuit keâj osles nQ~
Vth = VAB = 10 × = 6Volt

2×3 6
R th = = = 1.2 Ω Rth = 2Ω
2+3 5 *723. (d)
*720. (b)
ceevee Fveef[heW[Wš œeesle keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe r Ω nes lees
Case I- =3
=3 (∵R = 0Ω) Applying KCL at terminal A
V I1 +99I1 = 0
= 3 ⇒ V=3r .....(i) or I1 = 0
V 1 − Vth
Case II- = 1.5 (∵ R= 2Ω) I1 =
R+r 1× 103
V 1 − Vth
= 1.5 ⇒ 3+1.5r .... (ii) 0= ⇒ Vth = 1Volt
2+r 1×103
meceerkeâjCe (i) mes V keâe ceeve meceerkeâjCe (ii) ceW jKeves hej For determination Rth
3r = 3+1.5r
1.5 r = 3
r = 2Ω
∵ V=3r ⇒ 3×2 = 6
V = 6 Volt
Case III- I1 +99I1+1 = 0
6 100 I1= –1 ............ (i)
I= (R=1Ω)
R+2 VA
I=2A and also I1 = − ........ (ii)
1× 103
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 351 YCT
meceerkeâjCe (i) Je meceerkeâjCe (ii) mes, *731. (d)
 V  yeuye keâe ØeeflejesOe,
100 ×  − A  = −1
 1000  V 2 (1.5) 2
Rb = = = 0.5 Ω
VA= 10Volt P 4.5
VS 10 4.5
R th = = = 10Ω yeuye keâer efveOee&efjle Oeeje, I1 = = 3A
IS 1 1.5
*724. (d) kegâue heefjheLe ØeeflejesOe,
V–I DeefYeue#eCe mes, 0.5 × 1
R T = 2.67 + = 2.67 + 0.33 = 3 Ω
VOC = Vth = 25V 0.5 + 1
ISC = –5A
V 25 ∴ yewšjer Éeje Deehetefle& Oeeje I = =
So R th = th = = 5Ω RT 3
1 E 1
⇒ I1 = I × = ×
∵ Resistance can not be negative. 1 + 0.5 3 1.5
*725. (b) E 1
Ùee 3 = ×
Given IN=4A, RN = 2Ω and IAB = 2A 3 1.5
By current devision Rule ⇒ E = 3 × 3 ×1.5 = 13.5 V
RN *733. (c)
I AB = IN ×
R + RN
2 = 4×
R = 2Ω
*727. (c) 2 Jeesušspe meesme& keâes ueIegheLe keâjves hej,
4× 2 4 3
R AB = (2 + 2) || 2 = 4 || 2 = = Ω 5 Deesce ceW yenves Jeeueer Oeeje A nesieer
4+2 3 17
Deye 1.5 Jeesušspe meesme& keâes ueIegheLe keâjves hej
5 Deesce ceW yenves Jeeueer Oeeje A nesieer
3 2
lees kegâue Oeeje = +
17 17
= Amp
*735. (d)
*730. (c) 0.1× 0.1
GT =
R/2 1/ 2 3 0.2
I1 = 1× = 1× = A
( R / 2 ) + ( R / 3) 5/6 5
= 0.05S
*736. (b)
kegâue Ûeeuekeâlee,
GT = G1+ G2 + G3= 0.5 + 0.3 + 0.2 = 1 S
G1 0.5
∴ G1 ceW Oeeje = 4 × = 4× = 2A
GT 1

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 352 YCT

*737. (c) *745. (a)
560 × R 560 × R
RT = or 344 = ∴R = 892 Ω
560 + R 560 + R
*738. (d)
meceevlej MeeKee keâer Ûeeuekeâlee

= 8 + 2 = 10 mS.
∴heefjheLe Ûeeuekeâlee,
1 1
G= = = 5 mS
1/10 + 1/10 0.1 + 0.1
heefjheLe Oeeje I = VG = 5 V × 5 mS = 25 mA
G3 kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee
I 5V × 5mS
= = = 2.5V 4
G3 10mS I N = 10 × = 5A
*741. (c)
 l 
R2 = 10 Ω  R = ρ mes 
 A 
R1 = ?
A1 1 RN= (4+4)||8
= 8×8
A2 3 =
R1 A 2
= RN = 4Ω
R 2 A1
*746. (b)
R1 3
10 1
R1 = 30Ω
kegâue ØeeflejesOe
= R1 + R2 120 60
I N = ISC = + = 3 + 1 = 4A
= 30 + 10 = 40Ω 40 60
*744. (d) R N = 40 || 60
2V kesâ Jeesušspe œeesle Éeje Øeoeve keâer ieF& Oeeje 40 × 60
40 + 60
4  25
R e q =  || 2  + 3 = Ω 2400
 5  7 = = 24Ω
V 2 14 *749. (d)
I= = = Amp.
R eq 25 25
By current devision Rule.
14 2 2 RL = RN = 1Ω
ISC = I N = × = Amp.
25 4 + 2 5 For maximum power of transformation.
3 5
Load current I L = ×1
R th = ( 3 || 2 ) +
4 1+1
5 IL = 2.5A
6 4 VL = ILRL = 2.5×1=2.5V
= + = 2Ω
5 5 Pmax= VLIL = 2.5×2.5= 6.25W

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 353 YCT

*750. (a)
( Vth )2 36
efoÙee ieÙee nw uees[ Éeje DeJeMeesef<ele Meefòeâ Pmax = =
4R th 4× 4
PL 36 9
Case I - PL = I L2 R ⇒ I L = = = = 2.25
R 16 4
20,000 Pmax = 2.25W
∵ IL = = 20A
*752. (a)
Vth = IL R th + IL R L
= 20×Rth+20×50
= 20 Rth +1000 .......(i)
Case II- ∵ I L = = 10A
Vth = 10Rth +2000 ........ (ii)
uees[ ceW DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ mLeeveevlejCe keâjves kesâ efueS R keâe
meceerkeâjCe (i) Je meceerkeâjCe (ii) mes ceeve vÙetvelece jKevee heÌ[siee~ efJekeâuhe kesâ Devegmeej meyemes keâce
Vth = 3000V and Rth = 100Ω Value MetvÙe nw FmeefueS
uees[ keâes mLeeveevleefjle DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ–
R = 0Ω
PL = th =
( 3000 ) 2
*753. (a)
4R th 4 ×100
= 22.5kW
*751. (b)

Rth = (20 || 10)+5

Rth = 11.66Ω
R ceW DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ mLeeveevlejCe kesâ efueS
R = Rth
R = 11.66Ω
*754. (b)

12 × 6
R th = = 4Ω

Maximum power transfer condition ceW

R L = R th

(Vth )2
6Ω ceW flow current Pmax =
4R th
I= = 1A 3600
18 =
4 × 10
VA –6×1–VB =0
VAB = Vth = 6V Pmax = 90W
*755. (b)

Maximum power condition ceW

R L = R th i= .......(i)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 354 YCT

heefjheLe ceW KVL ueieeves hej *766. (a)
24 – i × 1 + 2Vb – 3i – 4i =0 Rb × Rc 10 ×10
R1 = = = 2.5Ω
24 + 2Vb = 8i R b + R c + R a 10 + 10 + 20
Vb keâe ceeve meceerkeâjCe (i) mes
Ra × Rc 20 × 10
24 + 6i = 8i R2 = = = 5Ω
R b + R c + R a 10 + 10 + 20
24 = 2i
i = 12A Rb × Ra 10 × 20
R3 = = = 5Ω
*756. (c) R b + R c + R a 10 + 10 + 20
*767. (b)
C Keguee nesves kesâ meeLe efmejeW A leLee B kesâ yeerÛe ØeeflejesOe
RA + RB = 6Ω ..............(i)
A Keguee nesves kesâ meeLe efmejeW B leLee C kesâ yeerÛe ØeeflejesOe
RB + RC = 11Ω ..............(ii)
B Keguee nesves kesâ meeLe efmejeW C leLee A kesâ yeerÛe ØeeflejesOe
V2 hej vees[ue ueieeves hej
RC + RA = 9Ω ..............(iii)
i + αi = leerveeW meceerkeâjCeeW keâes pees[Ì ves hej
V 2 ( R A + R B + R C ) = 26
i (1 + α ) = 2
R R A + R B + R C = 13 .............. (iv)
i= .............. (i) meceerkeâjCe (i) Je meceerkeâjCe (iv) mes
R (1 + α )
RC = 7Ω
V − V2
∵ i= 1 meceerkeâjCe (ii) Je meceerkeâjCe (iv) mes
meceerkeâjCe (i) mes RA = 2Ω
V1 − V2 V2 meceerkeâjCe (iii) Je meceerkeâjCe (iv) mes
R ( α) × R
1 + RB = 4Ω
V1 – V2 + V1 α–V2α = V2 *769. (d)
V1(1+α) = V2 (2+α) Star-delta conversion kesâ efveÙeceevegmeej
V2 1 + α
V1 2 + α
*765. (c)
Current, Ix = 10A
Current 5 Ix = 5×10=50A
Current Iy = Ix+ 5Ix= 6Ix= 6×10 = 60A
Output Voltage Vo=125V
Voltage across current source Iy
= Vo –75 = 125–75 = 50V
Voltage across current of 10A
= Vo+50 = 125+50 =175V

Total power developed = 10×175+125×50

= 1750+6250 4 4 8
R ab = + = Ω
= 8000 Jee@š 15 15 15
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 355 YCT
*770. (b) *774. (a)
Rb × Rc Output voltage Vo=AVi
RA =
Ra + Rb + Rc = 106 × 1 × 10–6 = 1V
V1 = Z11I1 +Z12I2
peye K iegCee keâj efoÙee peeS leye
V2 = Z21I1 +Z22I2
KR b × KR c Input current, I1=0
R 'A =
KR a + KR b + KR c V V
Z11 = 1 = 1 = ∞
I1 0
K2 R b × R c
R 'A =
K (Ra + Rb + Rc ) Output current I2 = 0
Rb × Rc Z22 = 2 = = R o = 10Ω
R 'A = K I2 I2
Ra + Rb + Rc
*776. (c)
R 'A = KR A I1 = 5V1 + 3V2
*771. (b) I2 = 2V1–7V2
for I1 = 0
i1 = 2v1 + v 2
i 2 = v1 + v 2 Z12 =
I2 I1 =0
i   Y Y  v 
∵  1  =  11 12   1  5V1 + 3V2 = 0
i Y
 2   21 Y22   v 2 
V2 = − V1
 2 1 3
= 
1 1 ∵ I 2 = 2V1 − 7  − V1 
 2 1 
3 
[ y] =   (∵ Admittance matrix) 35
1 1 I 2 = 2V1 + V1
1  1 −1
z = y −1 = 41V1
2 − 1  −1 2  I2 =
 Z11 Z12   1 −1 3 V1
∴ = =
 Z21 Z22   −1 2  41 I 2

*772. (a) V1 3
∵ Z12 = = Ω
I2 41
i(t) = 1 u(t) ..........
s *777. (b)
s + 3 1 1 + 3/ s I1 = 3V1 + 4V2 ...........(i)
V(s) = × = and 6I2 = 2V1 – 4V2
2s + 3 s 2 + 3 / s
or V1= 2V2+3I2 ............ (ii)
V(0) = Initial value = lim  V ( s )  = 0.5V Substituting V1= 2V2+3I2 in Eq. (i) we have

*773. (c) I1 = 3(2V2+3I2) +4V2 = 10V2+9I2 ........(iii)

V1= AV2–BI2 ........... (iv)
V= AI1 +BI2 mes
Comparing equation (ii) and (iv)
80= 8A+12B ........ (i) A = 2 and B = –3
Now 0 = –8A+4B ......... (ii) and I1 = CV2 – DI2 ........... (v)
meceerkeâjCe (i) Je (ii) mes Comparing equaiton (iii) and (v) .
A=2.5, B=5 C = 10, D = –9
lees V = 2.5×10+5×10 *778. (c)
V = 25+50 P 4
I1 = = = 2A when 4V is applied.
V = 75 Volt R1 1

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 356 YCT

16 2 × 3 11
I2 = = 4A When 8 V is applied. = 1 + 2 || 3 = 1 + = Ω
1 2+3 5
Total current = I1 + I2 When 12 is applied. 6 4
= 2+ 4 = 6A Z11 Z12 5 5
Power consumed by 1Ω Resistor Z21 Z22 4 11
5 5
= (I1+I2)2 ×1
*782. (b)
= (6)2×1
Applying KVL
= 36W
V1 = (3+j4) (I1 + I2)
*779. (d)
V2 = (2 + 2j) I2 + (3 + j4) (I1 + I2)
V1 = 60I1 + 20I2 ............. (i)
= (3 + j4) I1 + (5+j6)I2
V2 = 20I1 + 40I2 ..............(ii)
Form Equation (ii)  Z11 Z12  3 + j4 3 + j4 
Z =
V2 40  21 Z22  3 + j4 5 + j6 
I1 = − I2
20 20 *784. (d)
V2 V1= (i1+I2)Z1= Z1i1+Z1i2
= − 2I 2 ............. (iii)
20 V2= Z2i2+Z1(i1+i2) = Z1i1+(Z1+Z)i2
Substituting equation (iii) into Equ. (i) Z Z1
∴ [Z] =  1
V1 = 3V2 –120I2+20I2  Z1 Z1 + Z2 
= 3V2–100I2 *785. (c)
From equaiton (iv) and (iii)
 3 100 
A B   
 = 1
 C D  2 
 20 
*780. (a)  Z11 Z12   Za + Zb Zb 
Z =
Input admittance  21 Z22   Zb Zb + Zc 

( 20 + 40 ) Ω 40Ω 
[ Z] =  
 40Ω ( 60 + 40 ) Ω 
 60Ω 40Ω 
y(s)= (2s+3) = 
 40Ω 100Ω 
*781. (b)
*786. (c)
V According to reciprocity theorem the ratio of
Z11 = 1
I1 I 2 =0 excitation to responce is constant-
2||(1+2) So-
2×3 6 ( Excitation )1 ( Excitation )2
= =
2+3 5 ( Responce )1 ( Responce )2
V1 1 i
Z12 = =
I2 I1 =0
10 100

2 4 i = 10Amp
= 2× = Ω
2+3 5 *787. (d)
4 V1 = 50I1 + 20I2 ........ (i)
Z21 = Z12 = Ω
5 V2 = 30I1 + 10I2 ......... (ii)
V2 V1
Z22 = = 1 + {2 || (1 + 2)} (a) Z12 =
I2 I1 =0
I2 I1 =0

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 357 YCT

I1 efÛe$e mes- V1= 0 (s/c)
(b) Y12 =
V2 I1 I2
I1 =0 Y12 = ; Y22 =
V2 V2
V1 = 50I1+20I2 ..........(i)
V1 = 0 meceerkeâjCe (i) ceW ∵ efoÙee nw I1=4I2 leLee
I2 = –2.5I1 V2 = 0.5I2
and V2 =30I1+10I2 ........... (ii) V2
= 30I1 +10 (–2.5I1) ∴ I2 = = 2V2
V2 = 5I1
I 1 Deewj I1 = 4 × 2 = 8V2
So, Y12 = 1 = = 0.2℧ 0.5
V2 5
(c) from V1 = h11 I1+h12V2 Dele: Y12 = 2 = 8℧
V1 2V2
Deewj h12 = Deewj Y22 = = 2℧
V2 I1 =0 V2
meceerkeâjCe (i) Je (ii) mes *790. (c)
V1 = 20I2 Deewj V2 = 10I2 Input terminal ceW s/c keâjves hej
Dele: h12 = =2

(d) A =
V2 I 2 =0 I1 = –V2YC
50I1 5 I1
= = Y12 =
30I1 3 V2 V1 =0

∴ A = 25 mener veneR nw~ Y12 = −YC

*788. (c)
*791. (b)
Y12 = 1
V2 V1 =0

3 1
V1 = I1 − I2
4 4
−I1 × 4
3 1 I2 =
0 = I1 − I2 {∵ V1 = 0} 6+4
4 4
I2 = 3I1 = −0.4
−1 1 I1
V2 = I1 + I2
2 2 I2
Dele: h 21 =
−1 3I1 I1
V2 = I1 + ∵ I2 = 3I1 V2 =0
2 2
h 21 = −0.4
V2 = I1 ⇒ = 1℧ I1
V2 *792. (d)

Y12 = = 1℧
V2 V1 =0

*789. (b)
ueIeg-heefjheLe hewje ceeršj- efÛe$e mes mhe° nw–
I1 = Y11V1 + Y12V2 ia = ib
I2 = Y21V1+Y22V2 leLee ic = id nesiee~

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 358 YCT

*793. (d) *797. (d)
h12 =
V2 I1 =0


V1 V1 1 1
h11 = = = = Ω
I1 V2 =0
I1 4 − 2 2
mid Jeeues cesme keâes ∆ → ⅄ ™heevlejCe keâjves hej
I2  −2 
h 21 = = −
I1 V2 =0  −2 + 4 
*794. (c)
Applying KVL to loops (1) and (2)
Ùeefo two port N/W reciprocal nw lees–
E1 = 4I1 + 0.5I1 + 1(I1 + I2)
h12 = −h 21 E2 = 2I2 +1I2 + 1(I1 + I2)
E1 = 5.5I1 +I2 .....(i)
*795. (c)
E2 =I1 + 4I2 ...... (ii)
h11 = h12 =
= 0.25
I1 V2 =0 E2 4I 2
I1 =0
1 1 *798. (b)
= =
I1 Y11
V1 V2 =0

h 22 =
V2 I1 =0
1 1 K (transformation ratio) =  
= = n
V2 Z22
I2 I 2 =0 L' = 2
*796. (d)
L' = n 2 L
Hybrid parameter
*800. (b)
V1 = h11I1 + h12V2
št-heesš& vesšJeke&â ceW, vesšJeke&â kesâ Recipocal kesâ efueS, Mele&
V AD–BC = 1
h12 = 1
V2 I1 =0 4×D–7×5=1
*801. (d)
oes heesš& vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS heejmheefjkeâlee (Recipocal) kesâ efueS
When I1 = 0 AD –BC = 1
R2 A B 
V1 = V2 ×  C D = 1
( 2 + R3 )
R  
*804. (c)
V1 R2
Deewj h12 = = meceefcele efÉhe#eerÙe vesšJeke&â kesâ efueS
V2 I1 =0 ( 2 + R3 )
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 359 YCT
Deewj AD – BC =1
AD − 1 
Dele: C =  
 B 
3× 3 −1 efoÙes ieÙes heefjheLe ceW–
1 1
Z(s) = (R + Ls) ||
C = 8S
*805. (c) (R + Ls) ×
= Cs
meceevlej huesš š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve kesâ efueS GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe keâer  1 
 R + Ls + 
DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee  Cs 
 R 1
Ls + ×
= 
Z0 = Ω L  Cs
C R 1 
L + s + 
*806. (d) L CLs 

 R 
1 
Z(s) =  L

C  s2 + s + 1 
 L LC 
∵ RB= 1||RA
*818. (c)
1× R A
∴ RB =
(1 + R A )
Dele: R B =
1+ RA Oeeje œeesle keâes, Jeesušspe œeesle ceW heefjJee|lele keâjves hej–
*807. (a)
efoÙes ieÙes vesšJeke&â keâe Z efmLejebkeâ
Z Z12  11 1 
=  11 = 9× 2
 Z21 Z22   1 11 Dele: V =
(4 + 2)
∴ ßesCeer vesšJeke&â keâe Z efmLejebkeâ V = 3Volt
 22 2  *819. (a)
ZT = Z X + Z =  
 2 22 
1  22 −2 
YT = ZT−1 =
22 × 22 − 2 × 2  −2 22 

1  22 −2 
480  −2 22 
Dele: Y11 = ℧
*820. (a)
Y11 =
℧ Ùetefveš mšshe HebâkeäMeve–
1 when t ≥ 0
u(t) = 
*808. (a) 0 when t < 0
∴ t > 0, u(t) = 1
*821. (c)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 360 YCT

V  100 KCL ueieeves hej–
I max =  max = = 20 Amp.
 R  5 I2 = I1 + I
(ωt) (ωt) (ωt)
2 4 6 9 − VA VA − 0 VA − (−2)
Deye 1 − + − + ......... are expansion = +
∠2 ∠4 ∠6 6 3 3
of cos ωt 9 − VA 2VA + 2
Dele: i = Im cos ωt 6 3
i = 20cos ωt
Dele: VA = 1 Volt
1 − (−2)
*822. (d) Deye 3 Ω ceW Oeeje I = = 1Amp.
100 Ω ØeeflejesOe ceW DeheJÙeÙe Meefkeäle
*827. (b)
P = I R = (0.3)2 ×100
efkeâmeer vesšJeke&â kesâ JÙegl›eâce nesves keâer Mele&–
Dele: nce 100 Ω, 10 W ØeeflejesOekeâ keâe ÛeÙeve keâjWies~ AD − BC = 1
*823. (c) leLee meceefcele nesves kesâ efueS A = D nw~
Q = 50 ketâuee@ce *828. (a)
EA = 600 petue Øesjkeâ ceW Oeeje i = Im(1 – e–t/λ)
∵ Fueskeäš^e@ve efveÙele oj mes Øemeeefjle nes jne nw, Dele: Ùen Skeâ At t = 0 hej
yewšjer nw~ i = Im(1 – 1)
Tpee& 600 i=0
yewšjer keâe efJeYeJeevlej = = = 12 Volt
Ûee@pe& 50 *829. (d)
Dele: Ùen Skeâ 12 Volt keâer yewšjer nw~ Øesjkeâ ceW Oeeje i = Im(1 – e–t/λ)
*824. (b) t = ∞ hej i = Im(1 – e–∞/λ)
ueehueeme š^ebmeHeâece&– i = Im

F(s) = ∫ f (t)e dt − st
Ùen Skeâ, Oeeje meesme& keâer lejn JÙeJenej keâjlee nw~

*825. (d) *830. (b)

∵ R1 SJeb R2 ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nw, Dele: Oeeje meceeve nesiee~ mebOeeefj$e kesâ Deej-heej (Across) Jeesušlee–
v = Vm(1 – e–t/λ)
ceevee R1 Ω ceW DeheJÙeÙe Meefkeäle P1 nw~
At t = 0+
Dele: P1 = I2 × R1 .....(i)
v = Vm(1 – 1)
Deewj R2 Ω ceW DeheJÙeÙe Meefkeäle = P
v = 0Volt
P = I2R2
∵ R2 = 4R1 Dele: mebOeeefj$e, t = 0+ hej Skeâ Meeš&-mee|keâš heefjheLe keâer lejn
JÙeJenej keâjlee nw~
Dele: P = I2 × 4R1 .....(ii)
*831. (a)
meceer. (i) Je (ii) mes–
Ûee@pe& mebOeeefj$e Skeâ Jeesušspe meesme& keâer YeeBefle JÙeJenej keâjlee nw~
P1 =   ØeejefcYekeâ Ûee@pe& (V0) kesâ meeLe mebOeeefj$e keâer Jeesušlee–
v = (V − V0 )(1 − e − t / λ ) + V0
Deye, heefjheLe ceW kegâue DeheJÙeÙe Meefkeäle =  P +  =  
P 5P
 4  4  *832. (d)
*826. (c) 1× 2 1
R1 = = Ω
6 3
3 ×1 1
R2 = = Ω
6 2
3× 2
R3 = =1 Ω
efyevog A hej *833. (b)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 361 YCT

efoKeeS ieÙes efÛe$e kesâ Devegmeej–
i2 = –i1 = –2A
*834. (d) 1 1 1 5
efkeâjÛee@Heâ kesâ Oeeje efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej, R AB = + + = Ω
3 3 6 6
veesÌ[ E hej, *838. (d)
i4 + i1 = i2 + i3 peye ØeeflejesOe ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[e nw leye:
i4 = i2 + i3 – i1
Rseries ⇒ 50 =NR ...... (i)
i4 = 5 A peye ØeeflejesOe meceevlej ceW peg[Ì e nw–
*835. (c) 1 1 N
⇒ = ........(ii)
meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nesves kesâ keâejCe Jeesušspe meceeve nesiee Deewj R eq 2 R
Oeeje Deueie-Deueie nesieer~ Dele: meceerkeâjCe (i) (ii) mes- N keâe ceeve yejeyej keâjves hej–
V 50 R
I= (V = constant) =
R R 2
1 1 1
I1 : I 2 : I3 = : : R = 10 Ω
R1 R 2 R 3
1 1 1 *839. (d)
= : : meceeblej heefjheLe ceW, Skeâ MeeKee kesâ Kegue peeves hej–
2 4 6
I1 : I 2 : I3 = 6 : 3 : 2 (i) kegâue ØeeflejesOe ceW Je=efæ nes peeleer nw~
*836. (c) (ii) mechetCe& Meefòeâ (power) ceW keâceer nes peeleer nw~
leerveeW ØeeflejesOe meceevlej ceW nes peeÙeWies– (iii) meceeblej heefjheLe kesâ Deej-heej (Across) Jeesušspe meowJe

Req =
=4Ω meceeve jnlee nw~
3 1 1 1 1
*837. (a) = + +
R eq R1 R 2 R 3

 1 
ceevee R3 ØeeflejesOe Deesheve nes peeleer nw Dele:   keâce nes

 R eq 
peelee nw Deewj R eq keâe ceeve yeÌ{ peelee nw~

efyevog A mes ØeJesMe leLee efyevog B mes efvekeâeme kesâ yeejs ceW *840. (d)
mece™helee oMee&leer nw, efkeâ efyevog 1, 3 Je 4 meceeve efJeYeJe hej
nw Deewj efyevog 2, 5 Je 6 Yeer meceeve efJeYeJe hej nw~ Dele:–
Ieve kesâ heefjheLe keâes mejueerke=âle keâjves hej
Req = 500+500||500
Req = 750Ω
*841. (b)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 362 YCT

Node 'a' hej KCL ueieeves hej Dele: 14.5Ω kesâ Deej heej (Across) efJeYeJeevlej
I1 = I 2 + 2 V = 14.5 × 2
V = 29 Volt
100 − Va Va − 0
= +2 *849. (a)
10 10
18 × 18
100–Va=Va+20 kegâue ØeeflejesOe = = 9Ω
2Va=80 18 + 18
Va = 40 volt kegâue Oeeje = = 20Amp
40 − 0 
Dele: R =   6Ω ØeeflejesOekeâ ceW Oeeje (I) = 10 Amp.
 2 
*850. (d)
R = 20Ω
*842. (c)

Req = 8 5 + {6 ( 2 + 4 )}
Req = 4Ω

Deye kegâue Oeeje I =   = 6Amp

using (10 || 10) 24
= 5Ω  4 
Dele: 8 =
( R + 5)
R = 7.5Ω
*843. (c)
2Ω ceW Oeeje
3× 6
I 2Ω =
( + 6)
I2Ω = 1.5 Amp
⇓ *851. (b)
peye Skeâ 12Ω kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâes Je=òe kesâ ™he ceW ceesÌ[ves hej
JÙeeme kesâ Deveg™he ØeeflejesOe

RAD = (10 + 20 || (20 +10) = 30 Ω

*848. (a)

6× 6
R AB = = 3Ω
*853. (b)
Circuit current,
E 2.0 2.0
heefjheLe ceW Oeeje- I= = = = 0.5A
R + r 3.9 + 0.1 4
I= = 2Amp ∴ Voltage across cell,
(100 ) V = E – Ir = 2.0 – 0.5 × 0.1=1.95 V
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 363 YCT
*854. (b) B Deewj C kesâ Deej-heej ØeeflejesOe
R BC =  (10 + 10) 10 + (10 + 10 ) 

 80 
R BC =   Ω
 3 
kegâue ÛeeuekeâlJe-
*865. (d)
G = G1 + G 2 + G 3
efkeâjÛee@heâ keâe Jeesušlee efveÙece ØeÙegòeâ keâjves hej
1 1 1
G= + + VA + 3 − 3 × 1 − 3 × 6 = VB or VA + 3 − 3 − 18 = VB
R1 R 2 R 3
1 1 1 ∴VA − VB = 18V
G= + +
10 2 1 *866. (c)
G = 1.6 S VA – 2 × 3 – 2 – 2 × 1 – VB = 0
*855. (a) VA – VB – 6 – 2 – 2 = 0
R eq = 10 2.5 2 VA – VB = 10V
Req = 1 Ω *867. (b)
V = IR
V = 15 × 1
V = 15V
*857. (a)
R T R1 R 2
R T = R1 + R 2 or = +
V2 V2 V2
1 1 1
or = +
P T P1 P2
P1P2 200 ×100
heefjheLe DAC ceW Oeeje = 1 Amp
∴ PT = = = 66.67 W
P1 + P2 200 + 100 heefjheLe DBC ceW Oeeje = 1 Amp
*858. (c) {∵ oesveeW heefjheLe ceW ØeeflejesOe meceeve nw~
hebKee keâe ØeeflejesOe, Dele:
V2 VA – 3 × 1 + 2 × 1 = VB
Rf =
VAB = VA – VB = 1V
220 × 220
Rf = = 484Ω *868. (b)
1× 1 
neršj keâe ØeeflejesOe, ( 3 + 1) X = (12 + 4 ) ×   or X = 2Ω
 +1 
V 2 220 × 220
Rh = = = 48.4Ω *869. (d)
P 1000
∴ Rh < Rf meblegefuele efyeÇpe kesâ efueS Mele&-
= mes
*862. (d)
( 6 + 6) ( 6 + X )
(1 1) (1 1)
12 ( 6 + X )
0.5 0.5
12 = 6 + X
X = 6Ω

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 364 YCT

*870. (a) *876. (c)

yeeÙeW lejHeâ Jeeues Yeeie keâes mšej ceW yeoueves hej

Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe mes, 2Ω Deewj 3Ω ceW keâesF& Oeeje ØeJeeefnle veneR
nesieer Dele: Gvekeâes Keguee heefjheLe keâjves hej–

Dele: kegâue ØeeflejesOe

Req= 2Ω

Deye I =   = 3Amp
*877. (a)
 53 106  8
R AB =  +
 13 13  13
RAB = 3.33 Ω
R AB = Ω
80Ω kesâ Deej-heej Jeesušspe
*871. (c)
peye meceevlej ceW peg[Ì e nw lees V = 25 × = 20Volt
(80 + 20 )
1 n
= *879. (a)
R r
r nce peeveles nQ – P =
R= R
n Or P = i2 R {∵ V=IR}
r = nR ...(i)
peye series ceW pegÌ[e nw, lees or I=
R se = nr V
Dele: P = mecyevOe mener veneR nw~
r keâe ceeve meceer. (1) mes R2
*880. (b)
R se = n 2 R
*873. (b)
VA – 4 – 3 – 2 – VB = 0 I2R = 18W ..........(i)
VA − VB = 9V = 4.5W ......... (ii)
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 365 YCT
(∵ V = I)

meceerkeâjCe (i) Deewj (ii) keâe iegCee keâjves hej –

I4 = 81 {
R AB = 10 + (10 + 10 ) (10 + 10 ) + 10 }
I = 3Amp
RAB = 30Ω
18 18
Deye R = 2 = = 2Ω *889. (c)
I 9
*881. (c)
peye Skeâ œeesle, meef›eâÙe nw, leye
P1 = (I1)2 R .......(i)
P2 = (I2)2 R ........ (ii)
peye oesveeW œeesle meef›eâÙe nw leye kegâue Oeeje (I1+I2) nesiee~
Dele: leye kegâue Meefòeâ P=(I1 ± I2)2×R
P = I12 + I 22 ± 2I1I 2 × R ) ( 2R ) × ( 2R )
∴ R AB = =R
P P P P  2R + 2R
P =  1 + 2 ± 2 1 × 2  × R
 R R R R  *890. (d)
∵ I1 = 48/6 = 8 A
( )
P= P1 ± P2 I2 = 48/12 = 4 A
*882. (a) ∴ I = I1 + I2 = 8 + 4 = 12 A
*891. (b)

P1 × P2
∵ yeuye ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[s nQ Dele: kegâue Meefòeâ P = Jeeš
P1 + P2
*886. (a)
R AB = (4 + 4 + 4) 4 R AB = 20 + (40 40) + 20
R AB = 3Ω RAB = 20 + 20 + 20
RAB = 60Ω
*887. (b)
*893. (c)
20 × 30
R PQ = 20 Ω ||30 Ω = = 12 Ω
20 + 30
*888. (a)

P leLee Q kesâ yeerÛe kegâue ØeeflejesOe

= 2+4= 6Ω
Dele: VP – VQ = 6×0.5=3 Volt
*894. (b)
∵ 40 × 7 = 10 × R
40 × 7
∴ R= = 28Ω

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 366 YCT

*895. (c) *900. (d)

A leLee B kesâ yeerÛe leguÙe ⇓

ØeeflejesOe RAB = [(3+7) ||10+5] ||10
=(5+5)||10= 10||10
*896. (b)

R e q = (15 ||15) = Ω
I = 15 = Amp
2 15
I1 = Amp
I2 = Amp ]
R AB =  20 + ( 8 16 16 )  6 + ( 9 18 )  30
4 4
RAB = 8Ω VA − × 5 − × 5 − VB = 0
30 30
*898. (d)
40 4
VAB = = V
30 3
*902. (b)
ceevee ØelÙeskeâ ØeeflejesOe R nw
0.9 I × S = 0.1 I × 90 or S = 90/9 = 10 Ω ßesCeer mebÙeespeve kesâ efueS, P1 = (∴R T = R + R = 2R )
*899. (c)
V2  R
meceevlej mebÙeespeve kesâ efueS, P2 = ∴ R T = 
R/2  2
∴ P2 / P1 = 4 or P2 = 4P1
*903. (b)
200 × 200  200 × 200   200 × 200 
R eq = +  ||  
40  100   100 
Req = 1000 + 200
Req = 1200Ω
kegâue ØeeflejesOe = 1Ω *904. (d)
6 VA – 3 × 6 – 8 – 3 × 3 + 6 = VB
I= = 6A
1 VA – VB = 18 + 8 + 9 – 6 = 29 V

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 367 YCT

906. (a) *917. (c)
nce peeveles nQ E = L Jeesuš
36 1
Dele: L= ×
(10 − 1) 2
L = 2H

*918. (c)
L= × dt mes,
{Thej Jeeues [suše keâes mšej ceW yeoueves hej} di
 40 × 0.4 
 2  2 L= 
R AB =  2 ||  +  2 ||   4 
 3  3
1 1 L = 4H
= +
2 2 *919. (b)
R AB = 1Ω
*907. (d)
1.4 × 30
I1 =
I1 = 1Amp
*912. (b) di 2
= = 1Amp / sec
dt 2
 
E 2
Deewj L =   = = 2H
 di  1
 dt 
Ùen Skeâ meef›eâÙe (Active) leLee jwefKeÙe (Linear) heefjheLe nw~ efoÙee ieÙee heefjheLe DeJeÙeJe Skeâ Øesjkeâ nw, efpemekeâe ceeve 2H nw~
*914. (a) *930. (a)

RL mes osKee ieÙee kegâue ØeeflejesOe MetvÙe Deesce nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ

efoÙee nw– VNL = I2NL ....... (i) Jeesušspe ueIegheefLele (Short circuit) nes peeÙesiee~
efÛe$e mes- VNL = 3–2INL .........(ii)
meceerkeâjCe (i) Deewj (ii) mes
Dele: I 2NL = 3 − 2I NL *931. (d)
I 2NL + 2I NL − 3 = 0
INL = –3A or 1A
–3Amp keâes Reject keâjves hej
INL = 1Amp
Dele: DejwefKekeâ ØeeflejesOe ceW efJemeefpe&le Meefòeâ KVL keâe ØeÙeesie keâjves hej
P = VNL ×INL = (INL) 3
– 10 –5×2+Vout = 0
P = 1Watt Vout = 20 Volt

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 368 YCT

*934. (c) 45
15 Ω ØeeflejesOe ceW Oeeje i = = 3A
PQ še|ceveue kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušleeheele = 3 × 50 = 150 V
*940. (a)


20 × 21 420
R eq = = = 10.2 kΩ
20 + 21 41
V 120
I= = = 11.71mA Rth = 0 Ω
R eq 10.24
Vth = 5 V
*935. (b)
*943. (a)
[suše mes mšej ceW yeoueves hej,
RA × RC 18 × 32
R1 = = = 7.024 Ω
R A + R B + R C 18 + 32 + 32
RA × RB 18 × 32
R2 = = = 7.024 Ω
R A + R B + R C 18 + 32 + 32
RB × RC 32 × 32
R3 = = = 12.482 Ω kegâue ØeeflejesOe (R) = 30Ω
R A + R B + R C 18 + 32 + 32
*936. (c) kegâue Oeeje ( I ) =
Req = {(15 || 20) + 5 + 10} || 24 || 8
I = 5A
= {8.571 + 15} || 6
= 23.571 || 6 R3 leLee R2 kesâ Resistance meceeve nw FmeefueS oesveeW ØeeflejesOe
= 4.782 Ω ceW 2.5A keâer Oeeje yensieer~
efoÙee nw, Meefkeäle 20 Ω ØeeflejesOe ceW = 180 Watt *950. (b)
V 2
V 2 Skeâ uethe kesâ yeÇebÛe Jeesušspe kesâ yeerÛe ceW efkeâjÛee@heâ Jeesušlee keâe
180 = =20 20

R 20 efveÙece jwefKekeâ keâevmeš^svšdme hej ØeYeeJe [euelee nw~

V20 = 20 × 180 = 3600
*955. (b)
V20 = 60 Jeesuš
heefjheLe mes
E × (15 || 20)
(15 || 20)Ω keâs S›eâe@me Jeesušleeheele =
(15 || 20) + 5 + 10
E × 8.571 E × 8.571
60 = = Fmes [suše ceW heefjJele&ve keâjves hej –
8.571 + 25 23.571
60 × 23.571 R R
E= ×
R R 2 2
8.571 + +
2 2 R
E = 165.00 Jeesuš
*937. (b)
2R R 2 2
+ ×
2 4 R
R 3R
R+ =
2 2
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 369 YCT
*962. (a) 2000 × 10−6
C1 = C 2 = C 200
C× C C = 10 × 10 −6 F
= C+C
C parallel C+C C = 10 µF

CS *996. (d)
= 1/ 4 Store energy in capacitor
CS : C p = 1 : 4 W = cv 2
*964. (c) 1
= ×1× (4) 2
V = 5V 2
Q = 0.12C C=? 1
= × 16
0.12 12 × 10−2 2
C = Q/V = =
5 5 W =8 J
C = 0.024 F *1001. (c)
*970. (d) Q = CV
C = 10µF = 10 × 10 −6 F = 6 × 10−6 × 200
V = 200V q=? = 1200 ×10 −6
∵ q = CV Q = 1200 µF
= 10 × 10 × 200 *1003. (b)
= 2 × 10 −3 Ceq = 150 pF C1 = 50pF C2 = ?
q = 2.0 mili coulomb Ceq = C1 + C 2 (meceevlej ceW)
*973. (b) 150 = 50 + C2
C1 = C 2 = C3 = 10µF C2 = 150 − 50
Ceq = ?
C2 = 100 pF
Ceq = C1 + C 2 + C3 [In Parallel]
*1014. (d)
Ceq = 10 + 10 + 10 q1 = q 2 = 1C d = 0.5m F=?
C eq = 30 µF 1 qq
∵ F= × 1 2
*981. (d) 4πε0 εr d 2
2µF & 2µF add in parallel– 1×1
= 9 × 109
Ceq = 2 + 2 = 4µF (0.5)2
1µF & 1µF add in paralled 9 × 109
C'eq = 1 + 1 = 2µF 0.25
2µF, 2µF & 4µF capacitor add in series F = 36 ×109 N
1 1 1 1
so ' = + + *1022. (c)
Ceq 2 2 4 Have given –
1 2 + 2 +1 C = 0.3 × 10 −3 µF = 0.3 × 10 −3 ×10 −6 F = 0.3 × 10−9 F
C eq 4 d = 10 mm = 10 × 10 −3 m
4.0 ε r = 2.5
C''eq =
5 We know ε 0 = 8.854 ×10 −12 F / m
C''eq = 0.8 µF ε0 ε r A
∵ C=
*988. (b) d
q C×d
∵ C= ∴ A=
V ε0 ε r

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 370 YCT

0.3 × 10−9 × 10 ×10−3 33 ×103 × 102
A= =
8.854 × 10−12 × 2.5 log e 5 / 2
3 × 10−12 33 × 105
A= =
22.135 × 10−12 0.3979
A = 0.135m 2 E max = 82 × 105 V / m
*1023. (c) *1032. (d)
C1 = 1µF = 1× 10−6 F q = 10 −9 C
C 2 = 2µF = 2 ×10 −6 F r = 50mm = 5 × 10 −2 m
C3 = 4µF = 4 × 10 F E=?
V = 230V q
∵ E=
q=? 4πε 0 r 2
∵ Q = CV 10−9
1 1 1 1 4π × 8.854 ×10−12 × (5 × 10−2 ) 2
= + +
Ceq 1 2 4 10−9
4 4 4 × 3.141× 8.85 ×10−12 × 25 × 10−4
Ceq = µF = ×10−6 F
7 7 10−9 ×1016
4 2781.041
Q= ×10−6 × 230
7 = 0.0003595 × 107
920 × 10−6 E = 3595 V / m
7 *1040. (a)
−6 We have CA×60 = CB × 40 (q charge is same)
Q = 131× 10 C
C A 40 2
*1028. (d) = =
Have given – C B 60 3
C = 5µF = 5 × 10 −6 F CA + 2
V = 10000 V = 10 4 V
W=? 9×3 25
CA + 2 = × CA = 2 = CA
2 2
∵ W= CV 2 4
2 CA = = 0.16 µF
1 25
= × 5 × 10−6 × (104 ) 2
2 CA 2
= 2.5 × 10 −6 × 108 CB 3
= 2.5 × 10 2 3
CB = CA = 1.5 × 0.16
W = 250 joules 2
*1029. (c) CB = 0.24 µF
V = 33000 V *1041. (b)
r = 10 mm= 10×10-3m C = 0.005µF = 5 × 10 −3 × 10−6 = 5 × 10 −9 F
R= 25 mm =25×10-3 m
V = 500 V U=?
Maximum electrostatic stress in cable = ?
E max =
V ∵ U= CV 2 (in air)
R 2
r log 1
r Now = × 5 ×10−9 × (500) 2
33000 2
 25 ×10−3   Cm 
10 × 10−3 log e  in oil According to question ∵ = εr 
−3 
 10 ×10   Cair 

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 371 YCT

1 1
= × 5 × 10−9 × 25 ×104 ∴ F∝
2 d2
125 F1  d 2 
= × 10−5 = 
2 F2  d1 
U = 625 × 10−6 J 2
F  10 
Capacitance charge in 2.5 times = 
F2  50 
since charge is constant, voltage must become
2.5 time F2 = 25F
500 *1074. (b)
New voltage = = 200
2.5 F1 = 120N d1 = d F2 = ? d 2 = 2d
1 q1q 2
U = CV 2 ∵ F=
2 4πε0 εr d 2
× 0.0125 × 10−6 × (200) 2 1
2 ∴ F∝
= 250 × 10 −6 J 2
*1044. (a) F1  d 2 
= 
C = 80 µF = 80×10-6 F2  d1 
V=250 V, q=? 120  2d 

∵ q = CV (we know) = 
F2  d 
= 80 × 10 −6 × 250 120
= 80 × 10 −6 × 250 F2
= 20000 ×10 −6 F2 = 30N
q = 0.02 C *1077. (c)
*1068. (b) F
Electric field intensity (E) =
Ceq = 5 µF q

C1 = 15 µF , C2 = C = ? 1 q
E= (electric field intensity due to a point charge)
4πε0 d 2
15 × C
5= (in series) 1
15 + C E∝
75 + 5C = 15C d2
10C = 75 E1  d 2 
= 
75 E 2  d1 
10 200  2 

= 
C = 7.5 µF E2  4 
*1069. (d) E 2 = 800 N / C
1 1 1 1 1 4
= + + + = *1088. (c)
Ceq 10 10 10 10 10 C1=C2=C3=C
10 first two capacitor add in parallel = C+C
Ceq = Ceq=2C
New Ceq third add in series
Ceq = 2.5 µF
1 1
C'eq = +
*1073. (d) 2C C
d1 = 50 mm , d 2 = 10 mm , F1 = F 2C × C 2C2
C'eq = =
F2 = ? 2C + C 3C
1 qq 2
∵ F= × 1 22 C 'eq = C
4πε0 εr d 3

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 372 YCT

*1098. (d) *1138. (d)
6µF & 12µF add in series– C = 100 µF = 100 ×10 −6 F
1 1 1 R = 8000Ω , τ=?
= +
Ceq 6 12
τ = CR
Ceq = 4µF = 100 × 10 −6 × 8 × 103
New 4µF & 8µF add in parallel– = 8 × 10 −6 × 105 = 8 × 10 −1
C'eq = 4 + 8 τ = 0.8sec
C = 12µF
eq *1156. (a)
εr = 5 (Have given)
*1106. (a)
V = 10V q = 0.24C C=? We know–
∵ q = CV ε 0 = 8.854 × 10 −12 F / m

q 0.24 ∴ εa = ε 0 ε r
C= = = 0.024
V 10 ε a = 8.854 × 10 −12 × 5
C = 0.024 F εa = 44.27 × 10−12 F / m
*1109. (a) *1173. (c)
C1 = C2 = C3 = 15µF l = 1m, i = 5 Amp, θ = 300
Ceq = ? B = 1.5 wb/m2 F=?
1 1 1 1 ∵ F = iBℓ sin θ
∵ = + + [In series]
Ceq C1 C2 C3 = 5 × 1.5 × 1× sin 300
1 1 1 1 = 7.5 ×
= + + 2
Ceq 15 15 15
F = 3.75N
Ceq = =5 *1188. (b)
efoÙee nw–C = 800 pF =800×10-12F
Ceq = 5µF
=8×10-10F V = 100V
*1113. (d) 1
We know that charge on a capacitor is–
meb«eeefnle Tpee& = CV 2
q = CV 1
= × 8 × 10−10 × (100 )
1 C × C C2 C 2
C∝ Ceq = = =
V C + C 2C 2 = 4 × 10−6 Joule
C eq = *1189. (d)
εA ε εA ε A
C= ⇒ C= 0 r ⇒ C=K 0
Vcombinetion = 2V d d d
*1130. (a) ε r = K = Permittivity of dielectric medium
Dielectric constant = k=1 (in air) *1190. (a)
Dielectric onstant =k (in medium) efoÙee nw–
q1q 2 Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâer Oeeefjlee = 15 × 10–3 hewâj[
Fair 4πε0 ε r d 2 Ûetbefkeâ meceevlej ›eâce ceW ÛeejeW mebOeeefj$e pegÌ[s ngÙes nQ FmeefueÙes Fme
Fmedium q1q 2
mebÙeespeve keâer meceleguÙe Oeeefjlee Ceq = C1 + C2 + C3 + C4
4πε0 ε r d 2
meceleguÙe Oeeefjlee (Ceq)
Fair 1/1 = 15×10–3 + 15×10–3 + 15 × 10–3 + 15 × 10–3 hewâj[
Fmedium 1/ K
= 60 × 10–3 hewâj[
Fair :Fmedium = K :1 Ceq = 60 efceueer hewâj[

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 373 YCT

*1191. (a) = ε 0 × 104 cos103 t Amp
Ùen Skeâ meblegefuele efyeÇpe nw Dele: Fmekesâ ceOÙe kesâ mebOeeefj$e keâes
≃ ε 0 × 10 4 cos103 t Amp
nše efoÙee peelee nw~ keäÙeesefkeâ ceOÙe kesâ mebOeeefj$e (C Je D) kesâ
yeerÛe keâesF& DeeJesMe ØeJeeefnle veneR keâjsiee~ *1205. (c)
2 µF & 1µF in parallel-
so Ceq= 2+1=3µF
Ceq = 3µF
3 µF & 2 µF in series
so –
10 × 5 10 × 5 3× 2 6
Ceq = + C'eq = =
10 + 5 10 + 5 3+ 2 5
100 6
Ceq = = 6.7µF C'eq =
15 5
*1192. (d) 6
µF &1µFin parallel
∵ 4µF, 10µF, 40µF kesâ mebOeeefj$e ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nw 5
1 1 1 1
∴ Fvekeâe meceleguÙe Oeeefjlee = + + So –
Ceq 10 4 40
6 11 11
1 4 + 10 + 1 C'eq = + 1 = µF ⇒ C'eq = µF
= 5 5 5
Ceq 40
40 µF& 2 µFin series
Ùee Ceq = = 2.66 µF 5
Oeeefjlee2.66 µF Je 20 µF kesâ mebOeeefj$e meceevlej ›eâce ceW neWies~ So −
heâuemJe™he Deye kegâue meceleguÙe Oeeefjlee Ceq = 2.66 + 20 11 22
meceleguÙe Oeeefjlee (Ceq) = 22.66 µF ×2
C'''eq = 5 = 5
*1193. (b) 11 21
huesš #es$eHeâue 5 mesceer.2 huesš kesâ yeerÛe he=Lekeâ Devlejeue 5 +2
5 5
efceceer Jeeues meceevlej huesš mebOeejef$e ceW 50sin1000t volt keâer
Deehetefle& keâer peeleer nw Ùeefo mebOeeefj$e ceW hejeJewÅegle meecee«eer 2ε0 C'''eq = µF
nes lees mebOeeefj$e Oeeje ε0104cos103t nesleer nw~
efoÙee nw, 22
⇒∵ µF||1µF
A = 5cm 2 = 5 × 10−4 m 2 21
d = 5 mm = 5 × 10 −3 m 22
+ 1 = 2.05 µF
ε0 ε r = 2ε 0
*1210. (d)
V = 50sin1000t V
i = 2A f = 200 sec q = it
A 5 ×10−4
leye, Oeeefjlee C = ε 0 ε r = 2ε 0 × 1× =2×200
d 5 × 10−3
q = 400 C
C = 2ε 0 × ............(i)
10 *1212. (b)
mebOeeefj$e ceW Oeeje 20µF, 20µF leLee 10µF ßesCeer ›eâce ceW nw~ FmeefueÙes Fvekeâe
dv 1 1 1 1
ic = C leguÙe ceeve = + +
dt C1 20 20 10
1 d
= 2ε 0 × × 50 sin (1000t ) 1 1+1+ 2 4
10 dt = = µF
C1 20 20
= ε 0 × 50 cos (1000t ) .1000
5 20
Ùee C1 = = 5µF
= 104 ε 0 cos (1000t ) 4
= 104 ε 0 cos (1000t ) Dele: 30µF SJeb 20µF ßesCeer ›eâce ceW nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 374 YCT
30 × 20
∴ leguÙe ceeve C2 =
30 + 20
C2 = 12 µF formula-
Deye C1 || C2 FmeefueÙes C3 = C1 + C2 C2
V1 = ×V ( According to Voltage divider Rule )
C3 = (12 + 5) µF C1 + C2
C3 =17µF 0.2 2
V1 = × 300 ⇒ V1 = × 300
Dele: Devle ceW 17µF, 17µF leLee 17µF ßesCeer ›eâce ceW nw~ 0.2 + 0.1 3
V1 = 200 V
1 1 1 1
⇒ = + + *1218. (c)
Ceq 17 17 17 R–C heefjheLe ceW Oeeje kesâ efueS JÙebpekeâ

Ceq =
= 5.67µF V  −t 
i= exp  
3 R  RC
*1214. (d) *1219. (a)
efoÙee nw– mebOeeefj$e ÛeeefpeËie kesâ meceÙe Deheves GÛÛelece ceeve (final value) keâe
Oeeefjlee (C) = 1µf 63.2% Ûeepe& nes peelee nw~
Jeesušlee (V) = 12 voltage
∵ meb«eefnle Tpee& (E) = CV 2 petue
E = × 12 ×12 × 1× 10−6
E = 72 × 10−6
Number of time % of final Value
E = 72 ×10−6 J constants
*1215. (c) 1 63
nce peeveles nQ efkeâ Skeâ time constant ceW ef[mÛeeefpeËie Jeesušspe 2 86
Initial voltage keâe 37.7% neslee nw~ 3 95
4 98
5 99 considered 100%
Vd = 50 × 37.7/100
= 18.5V mebOeeefj$e ceW
Jeesušspe keâe growth SkeâIeeleerÙe
(exponential) efveÙece keâe DevegmejCe keâjlee nw~
*1216. (d)
*1223. (a)
efoÙee nw–
q = 0.35 × 10–6, C1 = 100 µF
C = 20 mF = 20 × 10–3 F C2 = 40 × 10–12
R = 150 Ω q
meceÙe efmLejebkeâ ( τ ) = RC C2

= 150 × 20 × 10−3 0.35 ×10−6

40 ×10−12
τ = 3000 × 10–3 V = 8750 Volt
τ = 3 sec *1224. (a)
*1217. (c) V = 400 V , d = 4 mm = 4 ×10 −3 m
efoÙee nw- E=?
C1 = 0.1 µF ∵E=
C2 = 0.2 µF d 4 × 10−3
V = 300 V E = 100 × 103 V / m

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 375 YCT

*1233. (d) *1238. (b)
efoÙee nw– Ùeefo meceÙe Devlejeue (t) = RC
= 1000 × 100 × 10-6 = 0.1
C1 = C2 = 5 µF −t
Ceq = C1 + C2 = 5 + 5 = 10 µF  
v = V 1 − e  RC

*1234. (d)  
5 meceÙe efmLejebkeâ ceW š^ebefpeÙesvš efmLeefle (transient portion) Deheves  − RC

v = 100 1 − e RC 
Deefvlece ceeve keâe 99% mes DeefOekeâ hengBÛe peelee nw~  
Number of time % of final Value v = 100 (1 − e −1 )
v = 100 × 0.632
1 63 Ùee v = 63.2 Jeesuš
2 86 *1239. (c)
3 95 ∈ A
C= 0 (nJee kesâ efueS ε r = 1 )
4 98 d
5 99 considered 100% ∈0 A1
*1235. (d) ⇒ = d
1 C2 ∈0 A2
met$e : meb«eefnle Tpee& ( E ) = CV 2 petue d
C1 A1 C 10 × 10
∵ Q = CV ⇒ = ⇒ 1=
C2 A2 C2 2.5 × 2.5
∴ V= C 2.5 × 2.5 C 2.5 × 2.5 C
C ⇒ 2= ⇒ 2= ⇒ C2 = 1
C1 10 × 10 C1 10 × 10 16
1 Q2
E= C× 2 C
2 C DeLee&led Cnew =
Q2 *1241. (a)
E= petue
2C cdv(t )
i (t ) =
*1236. (d) dt
efmJeÛe S1 3 meskeâsC[ hej yevo neslee nw leLee Gmekesâ henues 10 × 10−6 d (50 sin 2000t )
i (t ) =
Keguee jnlee nw~ efmJeÛe S2 2 meskeâsC[ hej Keguee jnlee nw Deewj dt
Gmekesâ henues yevo jnlee nw~ =10 × 10 −6 × 50 × 2000cos 2000t = Cos 2000tAmp
t = 1 meskesâC[ hej S1 Keguee jnsiee leLee S2 yevo jnsiee *1242. (d)
V = 10V
R = 5kΩ
5 × 103
= 2 × 10–3
= 2 mA Switch keâes long time kesâ efueÙes yebo efkeâÙee peelee nw lees
*1237. (b) capacitor open keâer lejn JÙeJenej keâjlee nw
efoÙee nw, q(t) = 0.50 (1–e–5t) peye t ≥0 12
q (t) = 0 peye t < 0 200
dq 12
leye Oeeje i = VAB = ×100 = 6 volt
dt 200
0.50 1 − e−5t( )) VAB = 6
Dele: capacitor kesâ Across Voltage = 6V
= 0.5 1 − e −5t
( ) *1243. (a)
q × 2d
Polarisation P =
 d  v
=  0 − 0.5 e −5t 
 dt  P = Polarisation
q = magnitude of charges
= 2.5× e −5t
d = distance between charges
i = 2.5e–5t Ampere v = Volume
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 376 YCT
coulomb × meter Coulomb C *1288. (c)
= = OR
meter 3
metre 2
m 2 M = k L1L 2 and maximum value of k is 1.
*1273. (c) Therefore, M ≤ L1L 2
e = L = 2 × 10 = 20V *1291. (c)
*1274. (c) L1 = 0.15H; L2 = 0.25H;
Nφ 4 M = 0.12H
L= = = 2H L1L 2 − M 2
I 2 Total inductance =
*1277. (a) L1 + L 2 − 2M
N = 10 turns
0.15 × 0.25 − ( 0.12 )
S = 100 AT/Wb = = 0.144H
L=? 0.15 + 0.25 − 2 × 0.12
N 2 102 100 *1292. (d)
∵ L= = = L=2H
S 100 100
L=1H S = 200 AT/Wb
*1279. (b) N=?
Magnitude of induced e.m.f. N2
∵ L=
dφ 0.2 × 10−2 S
= = = 0.0167V
dt 0.12 ∴ N2 = LS
*1280. (c) N = LS
Change in flux = φ2–φ1
= BA cos 180o–BA cos 0o = –2BA = 2 × 200
*1281. (a) N = 20 turns
dI 3−0 *1316. (a)
es = M or 15000 = M
dt 0.001 Magnetic flux ( φ )
Magnetic flux density (B) =
∴ M=5H Area ( A )
*1282. (d)
− ( φ2 − φ1 ) − ( 0 − NBA ) NBA 45 × 10−6
e= = = B=
t t t 6 ×10−4

NBA 50 × ( 2 ×10 ) × (100 × 10 )

−2 −4 B = 0.075 T
∴ t= = = 0.1s *1325. (a)
e 0.1
*1283. (c) ∵ One webers = 108 lines or maxwell
Induced e.m.f., 1
∴ One maxwell = 8 = 10−8
dφ d
= ( 5t 2 + 3t + 6 ) = 10t + 3
dt dt 1 maxwell = 10–8 Wb
When t = 3s, e3 = 10×3+3 = 33V; *1328. (d)
When t = 4s, e4 = 10×4+3 = 43V I1 = 100 A and I2 = 100 A
∴ E.M.F. induced in the fourth second d = 20 mm = 20 × 10–3 m
= e4 – e3= 43–33 = 10V µ II l
*1285. (b) F= 0 1 2
For series adding : 40 = 10+15+2M 2πd

∴ 2M = 15mH 4π × 10−7 ×100 ×100 ×1
For series opposing : L T = 10 + 15 − 2M 2π × 20 × 10−3
= 10+15–15 = 10mH F = 0.1 N
*1286. (d) *1329. (c)
Ideal coupling means perfectly tight coupling i.e.
F = IBl sinθ
k = 1 or 100%
*1287. (a) F = 10 × 0.8 × 300 × 10–3 sin 90º
1 2000 = 10 × 0.8 × 3 × 10–1 × 1
1000 = LI2 or L = 2 ; F = 2.4 N
2 I
2000 *1330. (c)
2000 = I2 R or R= 2 ; Torque (T) = 2 BIlNr
L T = 2 × 0.8 × 0.5 × 30 × 10–3 × 200 × 10 × 10–3
∴ Time constant = = 1s
R T = 0.048 N − m

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 377 YCT

*1331. (b) *1351. (a)
NI 1
Magnetic field strength (H) = Ke = mv 2 = 2 MeV
l 2
50 × 1 1
H= = mv 2 = 2 MeV = 2 ×106 ×1.6 × 10−19
200 × 10−3 2
H = 250 AT/m 4 × 106 × 1.6 ×10−19
v2 =
*1342. (d) 1.67 ×10−27
According to Ampere's law– [m = 1.67 × 10–27 mass of proton]
µ IIl v = 1.957 × 107 m/sec
F= 0 1 2 We know that,
2πd F = qvB sin θ
4π ×10−7 ×10 × 10 × 1.1 F = qvB [θ = 90º]
2π × 100 × 10−3 F = 1.6 × 10–19 × 1.957 × 107 × 2.5
F = 22 × 10–5 N F = 7.83 × 10–12 N
*1343. (c) or F = 8 × 10–12 N
efoÙee nw– *1352. (b)
The force F on conductor B is given by;
H= µ II
4πµ 0 µ r .d 2 F = 0 × 1 2 ×ℓ
2π r
1× 10−3 H
H= Here µ 0 = 4π × 10−7
4π × 4π × 10−7 × 1(1×10−1 )
I1= 10A; I2 = 2A; r=10cm.
H = 6338 N/Wb l =2m
*1344. (d) 4π ×10−7 10 × 2
F = B I l sin θ. Here θ = 0o ∴ F= × × 2 = 8 × 10−5 N
2π 0.1
∴F = 0 *1359. (b)
*1346. (d)  500 
Due to semicircular arc, the magnetic field at O is B = µ0nI = (4π×10–7)×  ×5
 1 
given by;
= 0.314 ×10–2T
1µ I µ I
B1 =  0  = 0 *1362. (d)
2  2r  4r 1 1
B = µ 0 nI = × 4π ×10−7 × 800 ×1.6
Due to straight conductor, the magnetic field at O 2 2
is zero (∵sin θ= 0; Biot-Savart law). ≃ 8 × 10 T
*1364. (c)
µ 0 πI
∴ Resultant field at O = At the mid-point, the magnetic field due to these
4π r current carrying conductors will be in the same
*1347. (a) direction.
Section PQ and RS do not contribute to any 4π ×10−7 × 5
µ I
magnetic field at O. ∴ B = 2× 0  = 2× = 4 ×10−5 T
 2 πr  2 π × 0.05
(∵ sin θ = 0; Biot Savart law)
*1366. (b)
Magnetic field at point O due to portion QR is N = 800 turns
1 µ I  µ I NI = 3200
B1 =  0  = 0 3200
2  2R 1  4R 1 I=
Magnetic field at point O due to portion SP 800
I = 4 Amp
1 µ I  µ I
B2 =  0  = 0 *1367. (b)
2  2R 2  4R 2
 NI 
The two fields act in opposite directions and Magnetic field   = 200 AT/m
 l 
B1 > B2 ( ∵ R1 < R2). Air gap length (l) = 2 cm = 2 × 10–2 m
Magnetic potential difference (NI) = ?
µ0I  1 1 
∴Resultant field at O = B1 − B2 =  −  NI
4  R1 R 2  ∵ = 200
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 378 YCT
2 1 2
NI = 200 × l = 200 × 2 × 10–2 = 200 × =4 2e1 = L i2 ........(ii)
100 2
NI = 4 AT (i) ÷ (ii)
*1397. (a) 1 2
Unit of m.m.f . L i1
Unit of reluctance = = AT / Wb = 2
Unit of flux 2e1 1 L i 2
*1398. (b) 2
m.m.f = 400 AT i1 1
S = 2 × 105 AT/Wb =
i2 2
∵ m.m.f = φ.S i.e i1 = 1, i2 = 2
m.m.f 400 i -i
∴φ= = % Increasing current = 2 1 ×100
S 2 ×105 i1
φ = 200 × 10–5 = 2 × 10–3 2 −1
φ = 2 × 10–3 Wb % Increase = × 100
*1399. (d)
Magnetising force, (1.414 – 1) × 100
NI = 41.4%
H= *1420. (c)

Mean magnetic length = 4×6 = 24cm.
10 × ( 750 × 10−3 ) = 0.24 m
= = 375AT / m
2 × 10−2 *1434. (c)
*1400. (c) B = µ0 µr H
φ = 1 m Wb = 1 × 10–3 Wb B 0.005
or H = = = 3980 AT/m
A = 1 inch2 = 2.54 cm × 2.54 cm = 6.45 cm2 µ 0µ r 4π ×10−7 × 1
= 6.45 × 10–4 m2 *1438. (d)
B=? Area of X-section,
φ 1×10−3 a = π r2
∵B= = = 0.155 ×10−3 × 104
A 6.45 ×10−4 = π(1.25×10–3)2
B = 1.55 T = 4.91×10–6m2
*1401. (b) Flux density developed in the core is
ℓ φ 0.6 ×10−5
Reluctance = . B= = = 1.22T
aµ 0µ r a 4.91× 10−6
Therefore, reluctance varies as length ÷ area. B 1.22
H air = air =
*1404. (b) µ 0 4π× 10−7
Relation between (B) and (H)
= 9.71×105 AT/m
1 l l
∵ S= × = *1446. (d)
µ A µ0µ r .A NI NI 70 × 4.5
H= = = = 1672AT/m
and S =
= ℓ 2πr 2π × 0.03
φ φ B = µ H = 6 ×10–5×1672=0.1 T
l NI *1455. (d)
Now = di
µ 0 µ r .A φ ∵e = L
φ NI dt
= di e 16
µ 0µ r .A l ∴ = = = 4 Amp / sec
dt L 4
B φ NI 
=H  A = B & l = H 
= 4 A /s
µ 0µ r dt
B = µ0µr H *1456. (a)
or B = µH µ0µ r AN 2
∵L =
*1406. (c) l
1 1
e1 = L i12 ........(i) ∴L ∝
2 l
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 379 YCT
L1 l2 *1489. (c)
i.e =
L 2 l1 Ndφ
6 400 dt
L 2 200 0.06
60 = 500 ×
6 dt
L2 = =3 0.06
2 dt = 50 ×
L 2 = 3mH
dt = 0.5 sec
*1457. (c) *1490. (b)
L1L 2
0.5 =
8 × 18 LM kesâ ceOÙe ØesjkeâlJe–
M = 0.5 × 4 × 3 = 6.0 1
M = 6.0 mH Leq 1.2 0.6
*1458. (c) 10 10
L1 = 10 H = +
12 6
L2 = 2 H Leq = 0.4
Leq = L1 + L2 ± 2M
= 10 + 2 ± 2 × 0 Ltotal = 0.4 + 0.4 (series)
Leq = 12 H Ltotal = 0.8 H
*1460. (b) *1491. (b)
1 L1 = 300 µH
E = Li 2 L2 = 300 µH
Leq = L1 + L2 (series without mutual)
E = × 0.15 × (18 ×10−2 )
1 2
Leq = 300 + 300
Leq = 600 mH
= 24.3 × 10–4
*1492. (c)
E = 2.43 × 10–3 joules
di = (12 – 8) = 4 Amp
*1462. (c) dt = 1 sec
e = VBl sinθ e = 20 V
= 12.5 × 1×2 × sin 90º L=?
e = 25 V di
∵ e = −L
*1474. (d) dt
∆B = µ ∆H 4
20 = L ×
= 4π × 10–7 × 20 1
= 2.51 × 10–5 T 20
*1486. (a) 4
F = IBL sin θ L=5H
= 50 × 0.67 × 3 × sin 900 *1501. (b)
F = 100 N Total flux
Leakage factor =
*1488. (d) Useful flux
Ndφ 0.6 60
e= = =
dt 0.15 15
dφ Leakage factor = 4
10 = 250 × *1509. (b)
0.5 N2
dφ = = 0.02 Inductance of coil = .
25 Reluctance
dφ = 0.02 Wb Therefore, inductance is increased.

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 380 YCT

dφ 1d ( 6t + 5t + 2 )
*1512. (d) 2

N1 = N, N2 = 2N e= N =
Let L1 = L dt dt
L2 = ? e = 6 × 2 + 5 = 17 V
∵ V = iR
∵ L= V 17
S ∴i= = = 1.7 A
R 10
∴ L ∝ N2
i = 1.7 Amp
L1  N1  *1536. (a)
= 
L2  N 2  N2
∵L =
L1  N 
2 S
=  ∴ L ∝ N2
L 2  2N  2
L1  N1 
L2= 4 L = 
Increased four times L2  N 2 
*1519. (b) 32  400 

µ = 
µr = or L 2  300 
32 × 9
µ = µ 0µ r = ( 4π × 10−7 ) × 10000 L2 = = 18
= 4π ×10–3 H/m L2 = 18 mH
*1520. (c) *1548. (c)

B B 1
or H = = −3 = 1000AT / m
F∝ 12 2 ; F' ∝
( 2m1 )( 2m 2 )
µ 10 ( 2d )
H d
*1522. (d) F'
B ∴ =1
µ r = iron or Biron = µr ×Bair F
Bair *1551. (a)
= 100 × 10 = 1Wb/m
–2 2 ∵ F = IBL sin θ
*1524. (b) ∴ F = 1 × 1 × 1 × sin 0º
According to Ampere's law– =1×0=0
µ IIl F = 0 (zero)
F= 0 1 2 *1553. (c)
The force F between the current-carrying parallel
µ I 2l
F= 0 (∵ I1 = I 2 = I ) conductors is
2πd IIℓ
F = 2 ×10−7 × 1 2
F ∝ I2 d
*1531. (c) 1 × 1 × 0.5
= 2 × 10−7 × = 10−7 N
Nφ 1000 × 400 × 10−8 1
L= =
I 4 *1564. (c)
= 1×10–3H = 1mH f = 1016 Hz
[∵ 1Wb = 108lines] 1
heefjYeüceCe meceÙe, t = 16 = 10−16 mes.
*1533. (c)
LdI 6−0
ef$epÙee, r = 0.5 × 10–10 m
e= or 30 = L #es$eHeâue, A = π × (0.5 × 10-10)2
dt 0.3
= 0.785 × 10-20 m2
∴ L = 1.5H
q 1.6 × 10−19
*1534. (d) Oeeje, I = = = 1.6 × 10-3A
LdI t 10−16
e= = − ( 5 )( −2 ) = 10V ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeeIetCe& keâe heefjceeCe, m = IA
*1535. (b) = 1.6 × 10-3 × 0.785 × 10-20
R = 10 Ω = 1.25 × 10-23 Am2
N=1 *1567. (c)
t = 1 sec m1m 2
∵F =
φ = 6t2 +5t + 2 4πµ 0µ r .d 2
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 381 YCT
10 m 2 i=?
1.5 =
4π × 4π ×10 × ( 25 ×10 ) dφ 1× d ( 6t − 5t + 1)
−7 −2 2 2

∵e = N =
1.5 × 16π2 × 10−7 (25 ×10−2 ) 2 dt dt
m2 = = 12t – 5
m2 = 1.479 × 10–7 Wb = −5 = 2
*1577. (d)
BIl=mg or (e) = 2
−3 V or e 2
mg 3 × 10 × 9.8 ∴i= =
B= = = 3 × 10−3 T R 10
Iℓ 9.8 × 1
i = 0.2 Amp
*1578. (a)
*1596. (b)
µ µ I I ×l
∵ F = 0 r 1 2 = 300 N [in air, µ r = 1] L 2 N 22 N 
2π.d = 2 or L 2 = L1 ×  2 
But F = 300 × 3 = 900 [µr = 3 in oil] L1 N1  N1 
∴ F = 900 N 2
 500 
*1579. (c) = 108 ×   = 75mH
d=b  600 
I1 = i *1597. (d)
I2 = i Changeof flux in onecoil
l=1m M=
Changeof current in the other
µ I × I ×l = = 0.2H
F= 0 1 2 2A
*1598. (b)
µ0 × i × i × l
F= R = 20 Ω
2πb L = 5H
µ0 .i 2 V = 100
2πb E=?
*1580. (b) V 100
∵i = = = 5 Amp
Resultant field = B2 + B2 = 2B. Here B is the R 20
1 1
magnetic field produced by each coil at the E = Li 2 = × 5 × ( 5 )

centre. Therefore, answer is 2 :1 2 2

*1588. (d) E = 62.5 J
dφ *1599. (a)
= − ( 6t 2 + 7t + 1)
e=− φ = AB cos θ = 10–2 ×103 × cos 0o = 10Wb
dt dt
= –(12t +7) *1601. (b)
At t= 2s, e=–(12×2+7) = –31mV 1
Time period, T = sec.
*1590. (c) 50
L = 40 mH = 40 × 10–3 H Time required for current to reach peak value is
dt = 4 m sec = 4 × 10–3 sec (see fig.)
di = (11 – 1) = 10 Amp
∵ e= L
= 40 × 10−3 ×
4 × 10−3
e = 100 V
*1592. (b)
N=1 T 1/ 50 1
R = 10 Ω ∆t = = = sec
4 4 200
1 Magnitude of peak induced voltage in secondary is
t = 0.25 sec = sec
4 ∆i 1− 0
φ = 6t2 – 5t + 1 es = M = 1.5 × = 300V
∆t 1/ 200
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 382 YCT
*1602. (d) d
∆φ = BA = 1×πr2
=N ( BA )
= 1×π×(5)2×10–4
= 500 × (100 × 10−4 ) × 1 = 5V
= 25π ×10–4 Wb = NA
1800 *1615. (b)
Number of revolutions/sec = = 30rev
60 L = 100 mH = 0.1 H
1 I = 1 Amp
Time for 1 rev, ∆t = sec. 1
30 ∵ e = LI 2
∆φ 25π× 10−4 2
∴e= = 1
∆t 1 = × 0.1× 1
30 2
e = 0.05 J
= 25π × 30 ×10–4 = 0.23V
*1617. (d)
*1603. (a) l=1m
1 2 1  500  N = 1000 turns
Energy stored = LI = × 8 ×   = 1J
2 2  1000  A = 10 cm2 = 1 × 10–3 m
*1609. (c) N2 N2
L= =
E.M.F. induced in the second coil is S l / µ0µ r A
dI i Mi
e2 = M × 1 = M × = N 2µ0µ r A
dt t t =
*1610. (c)
L dimension of L 106 × 4π ×10−7 × 1×10−3
Dimension of = =
R dimension of R 1
10−4 × 4 × 3.141
 ML2 T −2 I −2  L=
=  2 −3 −2  1
 ML T I  L = 1.25 mH
*1620. (a)
=  M 0 L0 T  L 0.7
Time constant, τ = =
*1611. (d) R 30
1 1 1 = 23.3×10–3s = 23.3ms
= + Time taken by d.c. current to reach maximum
L t L1 L 2
value is
1 1 1
= + [ L1 = L2 = L] t = 5τ = 5×23.3= 116.7ms
Lt L L *1623. (b)
Lt = L/2 1 aµ µ
Permeance = = 0 r
*1612. (c) Reluctance ℓ
L eq = L1 + L 2 − 2M [Series opposing] Therefore, permeance ∝ a
= 1 + 1.7 – 2 × 0.3 *1625. (a)
= 2.7 – 0.6 φ
Leakage co-efficient = i ;
Leq = 2.1 H φg
*1613. (a) where φi = flux in iron part, φg = flux in air gap
Uncoupled Inductance– *1631. (a)
L1 = 3 H M = k L1L 2 where k = co-efficient of coupling
L2 = 3 H
between two coils of inductances L1 and L2
Leq = ?
*1634. (d)
1 1 1
= + ( Parallel ) M = k L1L 2 = 1 9 × 4 = 6H
Leq L1 L 2
*1635. (a)
1 1+1 M
= ∵ k=
Leq 3 L1L 2
Leq = 1.5 H M = k L1L 2
*1614. (d)
Magnitude of induced e.m.f. is given by; = 0.8 × 12 × 3
e = N ( φ) = 0.8 × 6
dt M = 4.8 mH
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 383 YCT
*1636. (c) di e 200
= =
M = k L1L 2 dt L 10
 Maximum Mutual  di
= 1× 12 × 3 = 20 A / sec
 Inductance  dt
 
=1×6 [i.e. k = 1] *1658. (c)
N = 10 turns
M = 6 mH
*1637. (b) I = 500 mA = = 0.5A
N φ 100 × 0.1 1000
L= 1 1 = = 5H m.m.f = ?
I1 2 ∵ m.m.f = N I
1638. (b) = 10×0.5
φ2 0.08 m.m.f = 5 AT
k= = = 0.8
φ1 0.1 *1659. (c)
*1642. (d) m.m.f = NI
L1 = 9H, L2 = 4H = 100 × 1.3
M = 3H = 130 AT
∵ Leq = L1 + L2 + 2M(series with helping) = 130 × 1.2566
m.m.f = 164 Gilberts
Leq = 9 + 4 + 2 × 3
*1679. (c)
Leq = 19 H
Total length of the magnetic path is
*1643. (d) l = 2(0.05)+2(0.02) = 0.14 m
M NI 35 × 0.2
k= H= = = 50 AT/m
L1L 2 ℓ 0.14
3 3 The permeability of the core is µ
= =
9× 4 6 = µ0 µr = 4π × 10–7 × 750
= 9.425×10–4 Wb/AT-m
k = 0.5
B = µ H = 9.425 × 10–4 × 50
*1644. (b) = 0.047 T
Total inductance = L1+L2–2M = 9+4–2×3 = 7H *1683. (b)
*1645. (b) m.m.f. = NI = 900 ×(100×10–3)= 90AT;
L 5 NI 90
Time constant = = 0.5second H= =
R 10 ℓ 15 × 10−2
*1646. (b) = 600 AT/m
The current will almost reach the final steady Now, B = µ0H = 4π×10–7×600
value after time equal to 5 time constants. = 24π × 10–5 Wb/m2
∴ Time to reach final steady value ∴ Flux, φ = B × A
L  1.5 × 10−2 
= 5 = 5(0.5) = 2.5second = 24π × 10−5 × π 
R 
 2 
*1649. (a)
Area of cross section of the magnetic circuit is = 1.33 × 10–7 Wb
*1684. (a)
a = 0.02 × 0.02 = 4 × 10−4 m 2
φ 50 × 10−6
φ 4 × 10−4 B= =
Flux density, B = = = 1T A 7 × 10−4
a 4 × 10−4 = 7.14×10–2 Wb/m2;
*1650. (d)
B 7.14 × 10−2
The average length of magnetic path is H= =
l = 6+6+6+6 = 24 cm. = 0.24m µ0 4π ×10−7
m.m.f. = H × l = 400×0.24 = 96 AT = 0.568×105 AT/m
Now, NI = 96 ∴ m.m.f. = 0.568×105×(0.5×10–3)
96 96 = 28.4 AT
∴N= = = 320 *1685. (c)
I 300 × 10−3
*1651. (b) Volume (V) = 1000000 mm3 = 1 × 106mm3
= 1 × 10–3m3
e = −L hysteresis coefficient (kh) = 100
dt f = 50 Hz
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 384 YCT
B = 2T *1709. (a)
∵ Wh = kh Bmax1.6 × fV Rate of change of current at the instant of closing
= 100 × (2)1.6 × 50 × 1 × 10–3 V 75
the switch = = = 15A / sec
= 5000 × 3.03143 × 10–3 L 5
= 15157.16 × 10–3 *1750. (a)
= 15.157 watt 20 Ah = 20A×1 hour
Wh = 15.2 watt = 1A × 20 hours = 0.1 A × 200 hours
*1686. (d) 20 Ah is not equal to 20 A × 20 hours.
160 = Kh × (1.1)1.6 × 60 × 1 [let V = 1] *1781. (c)
160 = Kh × 1.164 × 60 efoÙee nw–
160 Z = 11.13 mg/c
Kh = = 2.289 Q=2 coulomb
Wh = Kh (Bmax)1.6 × f × V Z=
= 2.289 × (0.9)1.6 × 50 × 1 Q
= 2.289 × 0.8448 × 50 Ùee m = Z×Q
Wh = 96.64 W =11.13×2
*1687. (b) m =22.26 mg
f = 50 Hz *1791. (d)
B = 1.5 Tesla V
Wh = 93000 watt i=
Kh = ? (r + R)
W 2
Kh = 1.8 h [let V = 1] = =2
Bm × 50 × 1 (0.2 + 0.8)
93000 *1817. (c)
= jemeeÙeefvekeâ leguÙeebkeâ Z = 30. 4×10-8kg/coulomb
(1.5 ) × 50

Z = 30.4×10-5 «eece/ketâuee@ce
93000 m =2.147 kg = 2147 «eece
2.07474 × 50 m 2147
93000 It = = = 1961.80556
= Z × 3600 30.4 × 10−5 × 3600
103.7371 ≅ 1961 Ah
Kh = 896.5 *1819. (d)
*1705. (b) šefce&veue Jeesušspe = 20 V
Mutual inductance between two coils
Fueskeäš^e@ve = 6.28 × 1018
N1 N 2
= ∵ 1 electron hej DeeJesMe = 1.6 × 10–19C
∴ 6.28 × 1018 electron hej DeeJesMe
*1706. (a)
dI = 6.28 × 1018 × 1.6 × 10–19
e M = M = 4 × 2 = 8V = 1.0048
dt ≅1 C
*1707. (d)
GheÙeesieer Tpee& (W) = DeeJesMe (q) × Jeesušlee (V)
Nφ 20 × 2
M = 2 12 = = 2H = 20 × 1
I1 20 = 20 Joule
*1708. (a) *1823. (d)
N1 = 100 V 12
N2 = 1000 I= =
M = 2H R 0.01
S=? = 1200 A
N N *1827. (c)
∵ M= 1 2 ηAH = Id × t d = ηA.H × Ic × t c
100 × 1000 Id td = 0.85 × 5 × 3.5
2= = 14.87
100 × 1000 14.87
S= Id = = 2.47 A
2 6
= 50,000 12
Rin = = 4.85 Ω
S = 5 × 104 AT/Wb 2.47
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 385 YCT
*1828. (c) 0.22 0.11
= =
4 × 1.5 × 5 30 6 3
IL = = = 5A
5 × 0.2 + 4 ×1.25 6 = 0.0366 Ω
*1879. (b) *1931. (a)
E 2.2 2.2 1.2
I= = = = 16.923 Amp ηwh = 0.8 × = 60%
r + R 0.03 + 0.10 0.13 1.6
Pout = I2R = (16.923)2 × .10 = 28.638 *1987. (b)
Pin = EI = 2.2 × 16.923 = 37.2306 ØelÙeskeâ keâeye&ve efpebkeâ mesue keâe Jeesušspe = 1.5 Jeesuš nw
Efficiency of battery 6 keâeye&ve efpebkeâ mesue keâe Jeesušspe = 1.5 ×6
Output power (useful power)
= = 9 Jeesuš
Input power *1995. (c)
P Ampere hour output = 8×10= 80 Ah
%η = out × 100
Pin Ampere hour output
Since, Efficiency = ×100
28.638 Ampere hour input
%η = × 100 = 76.92%
37.2306 80
50 = ×100
= 77% (Approx.) Ampere hour input
*1884. (d) 80
10 ∴ Ampere hour input = ×100 = 160Ah
400 km requires power = × 400 = 80kW 50
50 ∴ Input charge = 160×3600 = 5.76×105A-sec
80 × 1000 = 5.76×105C
Current (Ampere hour) =
10 × 12 *2005. (b)
= 666.67 Ah = 667 Ah. For a cell, V = E – Ir
*1885. (b) ∴ Ir = E–V
2E E − V 2.2 − 1.98
In series, Is = ∴r= =
2r + R I 12
2E = 0.0183Ω
∴ 0.45 = ............... (1)
*2006. (b)
2r + 10
2E E − V 1.40 − 1.02
In parallel, IP = Since r = =
r I 3
+R = 0.12666 Ω
2E = 0.127 Ω
∴ 0.24 = ............... (2) *2007. (c)
r + 20 1.5 + 1.3 + 1.35 + 1.4
Eqn.(1) 0.45 r + 20 I=
From = 0.3 + 0.4 + 0.2 + 0.1 + 10
Eqn.(2) 0.24 2r + 10 5.55
0.9r + 4.5 = 0.24r+4.8 = = 0.5045A
0.9r – 0.24r = 4.8 –4.5 *2008. (c)
0.66r = 0.3 E 2.2
0.3 I= =
∴ r= = 0.4545Ω = 0.45Ω r + R 0.03 + 0.10
0.66 2.2
*1892. (d) = = 16.923A
7 × 25 *2014. (c)
ηAH = = 87.5%
20 × 10 I=
= 16.923A
1.955 r + R 0.03 + 0.10
ηWH = 0.875 × = 72.79%
2.35 Power lost in battery = I2r = (16.923)2×0.03
= 8.5916 = 8.6 Watts
*1893. (c)
*2015. (a)
Ah rating = 0.75 × 10 = 7.5 Ah
E 2.2
*1895. (b) I= = = 16.923A
r + R 0.03 + 0.10
2.2 − 1.98 Useful power of battery = I2R
mesue keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe =
6 = (16.923)2×0.10 = 28.638 watts
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 386 YCT
*2016. (a) 20 × 36.7
e= = 7.36 volt
3 100
I= = 1.5 A
0.25 × 4 + 1 *2075. (b)
*2057. (a) efoÙee nw– ØeefleyeeOee = 16Ω, Oeeje = 4 Amp
RX L 10 × 7.5 Deewmele efJeÅegle Kehele = 200 Jeeš
Z= = = 6kΩ
R + XL (10 ) + ( 7.5 )
2 2 2 2
Meefkeäle 200
ØeeflejesOe = =
*2058. (d) Oeeje 2 16
V = ILXL= 2mA × 7.5kΩ= 15V; 200
V 15 R 200 1
IR = = = 1.5mA Meefkeäle iegCeebkeâ (cos φ) = = 16 = ×
R 10 Z 16 16 16
cos φ = 0.78
(1.5 ) + ( 2 )
2 2
∴ I = I 2R + IL2 = = 2.5mA
*2076. (c)
*2068. (a) L
L ëe=bKeuee heefjheLe RL keâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ keâe ceeve neslee nw~
Dynamic impedance, Zr = R
CR L 0.6
∴ Coil inductance, meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ ( τ ) = mes, =
R 30
L = Zr CR= (500×103)×250×10–12×10
= 1.25 ×10–3H = 1.25mH
( τ ) = 0.02 meskeâC[
*2070. (d) mLeeÙeer DeJemLee ceW hengBÛeves ceW ueiee meceÙe
= 5τ = 5 ×0·02 = 0·1
(10 )
 1 R2  1
ωr =  − 2 = − *2077. (d)
(10−1 )
−1 −9
 LC L  10 × 10 ×10 2
C = 4 F, L = ?, ω = 6rad/sec
= 3.16×104 rad/s ω2 = 6 × 6 = 36 rad/sec
*2073. (d) 1
ω2 =
efoÙee nw, LC
Vc = 150 V, I = 5 A, f = 60 Hz 1 1
L= 2 = = 0.0069 H
ω c 4 × 36
efoÙee ieÙee heefjheLe ßesCeer heefjheLe nw, FmeefueS mebOeeefj$e kesâ
S›eâeme Oeeje keâe ceeve 5 SefcheÙej nesiee~ L = 7mH
Vc *2078. (d)
Xc =
I 5
Xc =
150 1
5 2 × 3.14 × 60 × C keäÙeeWefkeâ meceÙe kesâ meeLe wave keâe magnitude heefjJeefle&le veneR
1 neslee nw~
2 × 3.14 × 60 × 30 *2079. (a)
C = 88.46 µF
1 200
*2074. (a) L= H, C = ×10−6
π π
efoÙee nw– X L = 2πfL
L = 1.8 Henry, R = 90Ω 1
mehueeF& Jeesušspe = 20 volt X L = 2π × 50 × = 100 ohm
R-L heefjheLe keâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ (τ) = XL = 100Ω
L 1.8 1
= = 0.02 second mes XC =
R 90 2πfC
τ = 20 efceueer meskeâC[ 1 1×106
XC = = = 50 ohm
ÛetBefkeâ Skeâ meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ ceW Øesjkeâ 36.7% charge neslee nw
× 10−6 100 × 200
2π× 50 ×
FmeefueÙes 20 efceueer meskeâC[ DeLee&le 1 τ kesâ yeeo Glhevve π
Jeesušlee kegâue Jeesušlee keâe 36.7% nesiee~ XC = 50 ohm

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 387 YCT

Z = R 2 + ( X L − XC ) π
1 sin 2θ
( cos2θ + 1) dθ =  
Z= (120 )
+ (100 − 50 ) = 14400 + 2500
2π ∫
2π  2
+ θ

= 0.5
Z = 16900 = 130
*2095. (c)
Z = 130 ohm I 36
Q= L = = 30
*2080. (c) I 1.2
R *2096. (d)
Bandwidth = V 60V
L IR = = = 3mA;
R R 20kΩ
BW = {for RLC series Ckt IC = I L = QIR
= 40×3 = 120 mA
80 80 × 103 *2097. (b)
= = = 40000 Hz
2 × 10−3 2
BW = 40 kHz IL

*2081. (a)
efoÙee nw,
meceevlej mejue heefjheLe keâer efmLeefle ceW–
 V
  Ic =
Ic − IL sin φL = 0   Xc
Capacitor (C) = 0.4 mF = 0.4 × 10–3 F   V
Ic = I L sin φL  IL = ]
Capacitive susceptance = ? ZL
V V XL  
1 = ×   X
Formula : Capacitive susceptance = Xc ZL ZL  sin φL = L
XC  ZL
Where, XC = Capacitive reactanec nw~ 1 X
= 2L
XC =
2 πfc Z2L = X C X L
1 ωL L
Capacitive susceptance = Z2L = =
1 ωC C
2π × 50 × 0.4 × 10−3 L
Z2L = ............(1)
= 2 × π × 50 × 0.4 × 10 C
= 0.12566 Devegveeo keâer efmLeefle ceW ØeefleyeeOee
Capacitive susceptance = 0.126 Siemens Ir → line current
Ir = ILcosφL
*2082. (c)
V V R  2 L
= × ZL =
Zr Z L ZL  C
1 R
Zr Z2L
1 2
cos2θ = 2cos2θ – 1 R
cos 2 θ =
[ cos 2θ] +1 Zr =
2 CR
∵ cos 2θ DeeJele&keâeue π neslee nw~ ieeflekeâ ØeefleyeeOee
T 1
1 ↓ Zr ∝ ↑
Deewmele ceeve =
T ∫
f ( t ) .dt R
0 Resistance kesâ yeÌ{ves mes ieeflekeâ ØeefleyeeOee keâce nes peeÙesiee~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 388 YCT
*2099. (d) *2102. (c)
efoÙee nw: i = 200Sin ωt efoÙee nw–
f = 50 Hz
Oeeje keâe Deewmele ceeve (Iavg) = 45
keâesCe (ωt) = 30º
i = 200Sin ωt Oeeje keâe leel#eefCekeâ ceeve i = ?
100 = 200Sin ωt Formula = Oeeje keâe leel#eefCekeâ ceeve i = I m sin ωt
= Sin ωt For sinusoidal Iavg =
2 Im
200 π
1 I ×π
= Sin ωt I m = av
2 2
ωt = 300 π
i = 45 × sin 300
2π ft = 30 0 2
45 × π 1  1
π i= × ∵ sin 30º =
30 × 2 2  2
t= 180 ⇒ t =1.66 ms
2π × 50 i = 35.34 A , i ≃ 35.33 A
*2100. (c) *2103. (c)
About parallel circuit P =V.I mes
P = 4.cos 3t. .sin 3t
= .cos 3t.sin 3t
= .cos 3t.sin 3t
V V 6
IR = A leLee IC = A 1 1
R XC = [ 2.cos3t.sin 3t ] = [ 2.sin 3t.cos 3t ]
6 6
V 1
IL = A = .sin(2 × 3t) {sin 2θ = 2sin θ.cos θ mes
XL 6
*2101. (a) P = .sin 6t
*2104. (d)
Devegveeo DeeJe=efòe = 175 kHz
Q = 50
Resonance frequency
Band width =
Quality factor
240 =
hee@Jej Hewâkeäšj 1 keâjves keâe DeLe& nw Devegveeo keâer efmLeefle GlheVe = 3.5 kHz
keâjvee FmeefueS– *2105. (b)
Devegveeo keâer efmLeefle ceW X L = XC
2πfL =

1 GheÙeg&òeâ heefjheLe keâe hesâpej
2 2
4π f .L
4 × 3.14 × 3.14 × 50 × 50 × 0.232
= 0.00004371
= 43.7 µF
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 389 YCT

peye 
1  1
 >
 2RC  LC
∴ (1/ LC ) < (1/ 2RC )
leye ( ξ > 1)
Dele: Fme efmLeefle ceW system overdamped nes peeÙesiee
*2113. (d)

Fig- ßesCeer RLC heefjheLe keâe ØeeflejesOe R DeJeÙeJe L Deewj C

kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW nw KVL ueieeves hej
di 1 −t
V = Ri + L +
dt C 0 ∫
efve<keâ<e&–GÛÛe ØesjkeâerÙe heefjheLe kesâ efueS Skeâ Úesšer Oeeefjlee peneB i heefjheLe ceW current nQ
keâes ßesCeer ceW pees[Ì e peelee nw lees Jeesušlee leLee Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe keâe oesveeW lejheâ ueehuee@me š^evmeheâece& uesves hej
keâesCe Iešsiee~ V 1  I ( S ) CVo 
= RI ( S ) + SLI ( S ) +  +
*2106. (d) S C S S 
50∠0 + 75∠ − 60 peneB V0 initial voltage across capacitor
= 50 ( cos 0 + jsin 0 ) + 75 ( cos 60 − jsin 60 ) V Vo

I (S ) = L L
1 3 R 1
= 50 (1 + 0 ) + 75  − j  S2 + S +
2 2  L LC
the initial current in the circuit has been assumed to
75 75 3 be zero
= 50 + − j DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ meceerkeâjCe
2 2
R 1
 75  75 S2 + S+ =0
=  50 +  − j 3 L LC
 2  2
*2117. (d)
= 50 + 37.5 − 64.95 j A.c. heefjheLe kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee lejbie,
= 87.5 − 64.95 j V = Vm sin ( ωt − θ )
V = Vm sin ( ωt – 15°) Volt
*2110. (c)
∵ Jeesušlee mes Oeeje 10° De«eieeceer nw~
ωt = θ
I = Im sin ( ωt + θ )
2πft = θ peneB t = 2ms (efoÙee nw)
∴I = Im sin ( ωt – 15 + 10 °)
θ = 2π × 50 × 2 × 10 −3
= Im sin ( ωt – 5°)
= 200 × 1800 × 10−3 *2120. (c)
i = 5t
= 36000 × 10 −3 , θ = 360 t = 1, 2 second
*2112. (c) q = ∫ idt = ∫ 5tdt
5t 2
2 1

5 5
s 1 = 22 − 11 = 4 − 1
s2 + + =0 2 2
RC LC 5 15
= ×3 = = 7.5C
−1  1   1 
2 2 2
s1, 2 = ±   −  Dele: q = 7.5C
2RC  2RC   LC 

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 390 YCT

*2123. (a) Im
I rms =
f = 50 Hz , ω = 2πf 2
= 2 × π × 50 I m = Irms × 2
ω = 100π = 100 × 1.414
*2124. (c)
( I m ) = 141.4 A
met$e X C =
2πfC *2140. (b)
1 Im
XC ∝ met$e I rms =
f 2
X C1 f 2 1
= = × Im
X C2 f1 2
20 100 Irms = 0.707 I m
X C2 50 *2141. (a)
X C2 = 10 Hz Average value of sine wave
2E max
*2127. (d) E av =
pÙee lejbie keâer DeJeefOe t = meskesâC[ 2
50 = E max
DeeJe=efòe f = ?
E av = 0.636 E max
1 1
f= =
t 1 *2142. (c)
50 i = 100 sin 314 tA
f = 50 Hz Im= ? f= ?
i = Im sin ωt (cetue meceer. mes leguevee keâjves hej)
*2128. (d)
Im = 100A
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje i = 200 sin 100 πt
peye i = 100, t = ? ω = 314
100 = 200 sin100πt 2πf = 314
100 314
= sin100πt f=
200 2 × 3.14
1 f = 50 Hz
= sin100 πt
2 *2144. (c)
π f = 50 Hz
sin = sin100πt
6 1
1 Vm = 50V t=
=t 600
600 V = Vm sin 2πft
t= Sec = 50 sin 2 ×180 × 50 ×
600 600
*2130. (a)
V = 25 V
Vm = 200V Vav = ?
*2146. (d)
Vav = (pÙee lejbie kesâ efueS) ef$eYegpeekeâej lejbie kesâ efueS (Vrms ) = 200V
2 × 200 Vm = ?
= Vm
3.14 ef$eYegpeekeâej lejbie kesâ efueS Vrms =
Vav = 127.4V 3
*2132. (b) Vm = Vrms 3
pÙee lejbie keâe Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve = 100 A = 200 × 1.732
Im = ? Vm = 346 V

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 391 YCT

*2147. (c) *2159. (a)
v = Vm sin θ mes Im
= 100A (DeOe& lejbie efo°keâejer kesâ efueS)
v = 200 sin 300 {Vm = 200V} 2
I m = 200A
= 200 × θ = 300 Im
2 Irms for full wave =
V = 100 V 2
*2148. (b) =
V 2 200 × 200
met$e R = = Irms = 141.4 A
P 300
400 *2205. (b)
= Ω RX C 1× 1.5
3 Z= =
R +X (1) + (1.5 )
2 2 2 2
Bulb take from the voltage
I rms
Resistance of the bulb = 0.832kΩ = 832Ω
200 3 *2233. (a)
= =
400 2 Vrms = 200 (for Half wave)
3 Vm
= 200
Irms = 1.5A 2
*2149. (d) Vm = 400V
 π Vm 400
i1 = 100 sin  ωt +  Full wave ( Vrms ) = =
 2 2 2
 π = 200 2
i 2 = 150 sin  ωt − 
 4 = 200 ×1.414 b
π π = 282.8V
φ1 = , φ2 = −
3 4 *2234. (c)
Phase Difference v = 100 sin ωt, f = 25Hz V = 50V
φ = φ1 − φ2 t =?
π  π 50 = 100sin(2π × 25t)
= −− 
3  4 1
t= sec.
φ = 105 b 0 300
*2264. (b)
*2155. (a)
If θ is the angle between V and IL, then 110 × 110
X 500
tan θ = L .
R 11× 11
R= Ω
XL 5
Also Q =
R V2
∴ Q = tan θ or θ = tan–1 Q = tan–110 = 84o veÙes DeeGšhegš hej mehueeF& P =
*2156. (b) 220 × 220 × 5
X 2πf r L =
Q coil = L = 11× 11
P = 2000 W
2π × (15 × 103 ) × ( 20 × 10−3 )
= = 37.7 *2265. (c)
V 200
*2157. (c) Z= = = 20 Ω
1 1 I 10
ωr = =
LC 4 ×10 × 1.6 ×10−6
−3 Z = 20Ω
105 P = I2 R
= = 12500rad / s
8 1000 = (10) 2 R
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 392 YCT
1000 *2273. (b)
10 P = 3 VL IL cos φ
R = 10Ω = 3 × 440 × 40 × 0.866 W
*2270. (b) 26399.97
V = 160 + j120 1000
P = 26.4 kW
I = −6 + j15 A
*2297. (d)
Magnitude of current–
= (6) 2 + (15)2
= 16.155
 15 
θ = tan −1  − 
 6
= tan (−2.5) XL = 2πfL
= ∠ − 68.190 = 2 × 3.14 × 50 × 0.02
= 6.28
I = 16.155∠ − 68.190 V
Magnitde of Voltage– i=
(160 ) + (120 )
2 2
= 230
= = 36.6A
= 200 V 6.28
*2304. (b)
 120 
θ = tan −1   Bandwidth =
= 20 × 103 Hz = 20kHz
 160  2πL 2π × 39 × 10−6
= 36.860 *2323. (a)
V = 200∠36.860 V 
Vrms = VDC
+ m 
V 200∠36.860  2
Z= =−
I 16.155∠ − 68.190 2
 4 
( 3)
= −12.38∠105.050 = + 
 2
Z = z ( cos θ + jsin θ ) Vrms = 17V
*2325. (a)
= −12.38 cos(105.050 ) + jsin(105.050 )  2
V(t) = dt
= −12.38 ( −0.259 + j0.965 ) T
= ( 3.2 − j12 ) 1 2 
T/2 T

∫ ∫ (0)
Vrms =  t  dt + dt
*2271. (d)
T 0 T  T/2

Impedance (Z) = 3.2 – j12 1 T/2 4

Magnitude of Z = (3.2) + (−12) 2 2
T ∫
0 T2

= 12.4 Ω 4 1 T

= ×  
 −12  3 T3  2 
θ = tan −1  
 3.2  1
Vrms =
θ = ∠ − 750 6
Z = 12.4∠ − 750 *2329. (a)
*2272. (c) V2
Resistance of the heater (R) =
1 P
Resonance frequency (fr) = 230 × 230
2π LC =
= 52900
2 × 3.14 0.16 ×100 ×10−6 =
fr = 40 Hz = 52.9 Ω
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 393 YCT
*2330. (c) *2346. (d)
Phase Angle φ = 30 – (–30)
= 60º
Reactive Power (Q) = VIsinφ
Q = VI sin 60º
V2 Q= VI
Resistance of each lamp (R) = 2
230 × 230 Reactive power per unit =
= 2
*2348. (c)
2 × 230 × 230  Because two lamp  Impedance of the coil
2R =  
60 Connected in series  V 240
Z= = = 24Ω
Total Power consumed by two lamp when I 10
connected series across 230 V
XL = Z2 − R 2
V2 230 × 230
P= =
( 24 ) − ( 5 )
2 2
2R 2 × 230 × 230 = = 551
XL 551
60 L= = = 74.7mH
= = 30W ω 2π × 50
Power Factor
*2331. (a)
Given waves is sawtooth wave of peak current R 5
cos φ = =
(Im) = 9A Z 24
I 9 = 0.208 Lag
RMS value = m = = 3 3A
3 3 *2349. (b)
Power consumed (P) = i2R VR rms = Vs2rms − VL2rms
( )
= 3 3 ×10
( 250 ) − (150 )
2 2
= 270 W
= 200 V
*2337. (a)
V 200
Reactance of capacitor is given as– Irms = rms = = 2A
1 R 100
XC = V 150
ωc XL = rms = = 75Ω
1 Irms 2
2πfC XL 75
L= = = 0.25H
Reactance of 10 µF capacitor at f = 0 Hz ω 300
1 Irms = 2A, L = 0.25 H
XC = =∞
2π × 0 × 10 × 10−6 *2350. (b)
Reactance of 10 µF Capacitor at f = 50 Hz Phase Angle (φ) = 10–(–20) = 30 Lag
1 Reactive power (Q) = Vrms × Irms sinφ
XC =
2π × 50 ×10 × 10−6 V I
= rms × rms × sin 30º
XC = 318.47 Ω 2 2
*2342. (a) 160 5 1
Phase Angle φ = –45 or 45º = × ×
2 2 2
 ωL 
φ = tan −1  
= 200 VARs
 R  *2351. (c)
ωL Time period
= tan φ
R 1 1
T= = = 0.02sec or 20 msec
ωL 1 f 50
R= =
tan φ tan 45º 2
Power factor Angle (φ) = × 360 = 36º
R=1Ω 20
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 394 YCT
*2355. (d) Inductive reactance of the circuit
Input Volt Ampere XL = Z2 − R 2
S = VI
(12.2 ) − (10 )
2 2
= 200 × 2.5 =
= 500 VA = 7Ω
Reactive Power (Q) = S2 − P 2 5+8−7
jX m =
( 500 ) − ( 300 )
2 2
= 3Ω
= 400 VAR
*2359. (a)
*2356. (b)
VA Drawn from AC source
Resistance of the coil
V2 30 × 30 S= P2 + Q2
R = DC = = 3Ω
(1200 ) + (1600 )
2 2
PDC 300 = = 2000
PAC 108 S 2000
Iac = = = 6A Irms = = = 10A
R 3 V 200
Impedance of the coil Power factor of the load–
V 30 P 1200
Z = ac = = 5Ω cos φ = = = 0.6
Iac 6 S 2000
Reactance of coil *2360. (d)
Applied voltage
XL = Z2 − R 2
V = V1+V2
( 5 ) − ( 3)
2 2
= = I×(–j1) + I(j2)
= V2 – V1
= 4Ω
*2364. (d)
*2357. (c)
Voltage drop across resistance P1 − P2 = ( 3 + j4 ) − ( 6 − j8 ) = ( −3 + j12 )
( −3) + (12 )
2 2
P1 − P2 =
= 5Ve-2t×4
= 20 e-2t = 153
Voltage drop across inductance *2365. (c)
di From the given impedance φ = 30º (Lag)
VL = L
dt X 
Phase angle φ = tan −1  L 
 di   R 
= 1×  5e −2t 
 dt  XL
= tan θ
= −10e −2 t R
So, 1
= tan 30
V = VR − VL R
1 1
= 20e −2t − 10e −2t =
R 3
= 10e −2t V
*2358. (d) R = 3Ω
Current flowing to the circuit *2366. (b)
V = 100 ∠30º V
I= 4 4
R tan φ = , φ = tan −1   φ = ∠53.130
3 3
= = 4.09 Z = 32 + 42
V = 5∠53.13º
Impedance of the circuit (Z) = V 100∠30º
I i= =
50 Z 5∠53.13º
= = 12.2Ω i = 20∠–23.13º
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 395 YCT
Apparent power; S = VI *2376. (d)
= 100 × 20 New Resonant frequency
= 2000 VA 1
True Power P, = S cos [30 – (–23.13)]
f' = f 0 × 2 π 3 × 3 = f0
= 2000 cos 53.13º
1 3
= 2000 × 0.6
= 1200 W 2π 1× 1
Reactive Power Q = S sin φ *2387. (a)
= 2000 × 0.8 VL or VC
Selectivity, Q =
= 1600 VARs VR
*2367. (b)
Applied Voltage V = 240 4150
V 240 125
Load current I = = = 24A = 33.2
Z 10
Phase angle, φ = 60º *2388. (d)
Real power supplied by source Q-Factor is given as
= VI cos φ fr 1
= 240 × 24 × cos 60º Q= =
B.W ωr RC
= 240 × 24 ×
2 B.W
= 2880 W f r × ωr × C
*2368. (d)
1000 × 10
For Maximum power =
XC = R 2π× 1.5 ×10 ×150 × 10−12 × 1.5 ×106

X R = 4.7 Ω
Phase Angle φ = tan C *2389. (c)
R ω0 L 1
= tan = 45º (Lead) Q= =
R R ω0 RC
Power factor = cos 450
= 0.707 (Lead) C=
*2369. (b) ω0 QR
Z = ( − j120 ) || ( 60 + j60 ) 1
− j120 × 60(1 + j) − j120(1 + j) 10 × 50 × 400

= =
60 − j60 (1 − j) = 500 × 10–12 F
−120(+ j − 1) 120(1 − j) = 500 pF
= = *2390. (c)
1− j 1− j
= 120 Ω b R
B.W =
So, L
V 120 = 300 rad/s
I= = = 1 + j0 R = 300 × L
Z 120
*2375. (d) = 300 × 0.1
Source frequency = 30 Ω
1 1 ωr 300
f= Q= =
2π LC B.W 30
1 Q = 10
2π 0.5 × 10 ×10−6 At Resonance
= 71.21 Hz VC = QVs
V 100
Current, I = = = 10 × 100
R 60
= 1.67 A = 1000 V

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 396 YCT

*2392. (d) *2409. (b)
f Zs = Source impedance
Bandwidth = r
Q Zth = 10 + j50Ω
1.5 × 106
= 104 Hz
= 10 kHz
*2398. (a)
Q of parallel RC circuit
= C = = ωCR For maximum power transfer
IR V / R
ZL = Z*th
*2401. (d)
At resonance condition = 10 – j50
XL = XC Vth = 50 ∠00 V
1 Current flowing in circuit
2πfL =
2πfC 50
1 I= = 2.5A
C= 20
( 2πf ) .L
Power dissipated in 10 Ω is
1 P = I 2R
( 2π× 500 )
×2 = (2.5)2 × 10
= 0.05 µF = 62.5 W
*2402. (a) *2423. (b)
At Resonance condition RMS value of curent
R=  5   3 
2 2
C I= 42 +   + 
L  2  2
R2 =
C = 16 + 12.5 + 4.5
C= 2 = 33
1 Power consume by 20 Ω resistor
= F P = I 2R
( 4)

( )
1 = 33 × 20
= F
= 660 W
*2403. (d)
For parallel R-L-C circuit resonance frequency *2434. (c)
1 1 In an R-L series circuit
ω0 = = = 1 rad / s di
LC 2 × 0.5 V = iR + L
Quality factor, Q = ω0RC dt
= 1 × 40 × 0.5 di
200 = 20i + 0.8
= 20 dt
ω 1 di
Bandwidth = 0 = rad / sec = 0.05 rad/sec 0.8 = 200 – 20i
Q 20 dt
*2408. (c)  di  1
For the transfer power 0.8   =  200 − 20 ( 0 ) 
 at t = 0
dt 0.8
R s2 + ( X s + X L )
RL = 200
( 4 ) + ( 3)
2 2
= 250 A/s
= 5Ω
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 397 YCT
*2442. (c) *2458. (a)
Equivalent resistance Req = R || R
Equivalent capacitance Ceq = C + C
= 2C
L 1 Time constant, τ = Req.Ceq
time taken (t) = τ = = = 0.5 sec
R 2 R
= .2C
*2443. (c) 2
V t  = CR
i= 1 − e L  *2459. (b)
R 
= (1 − 1)
*2444. (c)
i(0) = steadystatecurrent Equivalent resistance
Req = 2||2
at t = 0 + =1Ω
V 10 Time constant, τ
i= = = C Req
R 10
= 1 sec
∵ Current through inductor can not change abruptly
*2469. (b)
*2454. (c)
When S is closed t = 0 Time constant (τ) =
Immediately 'C' acts as short ckt. R
100V 0.1× 10−6
i= =
100Ω 100
= + 1A = 1 × 10 −9
τ = 1ns
*2494. (b)
ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušspe V = 25sin 200 πt
V = Vm sin ωt Vm = 25 V
V 2Vm
*2457. (c) Vrms = m Vav =
2 π
25 2× 25
= Vav =
2 π
Equivalent resistance of the circuit Form Factor = = 2
Vav 50
Req = 3 + 3 {Current source is opened} π
=6Ω π 3.14
Equivalent capacitance of the circuit, = =
2 2 2.828
Ceq = C|| (C + C)
Form factor = 1.11032
= 1 || (1 + 1)
= 1||2 *2496. (a)
meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ = 1 meskesâC[
= F ØesjkeâlJe (L) = 8 nsvejer
Time constant τ = Ceq.Req meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ ( τ ) =
= ×6 L 8
3 R= = = 1Ω
τ 1
= 4 sec
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 398 YCT
*2525. (a) *2605. (b)
Devegveeo DeeJe=efòe =160 kHz R.M.S.value
Form factor =
Q Factor = 100 Average value
Bandwidth =? 0.707 I m
f 160 = = 1.11
B.W = r = 0.637 I m
Q 100
2616. (b)
= 1.6 kHz
( 4) + ( 2) + ( 4)
2 2 2
*2526. (a) I r.m.s. = = 6A
Resistance = 10Ω *2622. (d)
Impedance =20 Vm 200 2
Resistance Vr.m.s. = = = 200V;
cos φ = 2 2
ω= 100 rad/s;
cos φ = XC =
= 104 Ω
20 ωC 100 × 1× 10−6
cos φ = cos 60
V 200
Phase angle between current and Voltage ∴ I r.m.s. = r.m.s. = 4 = 20 × 10−3 A = 20 mA
XC 10
φ = 60
*2623. (d)
*2557. (b) ω 200π
Comparing with standard equation, f= = = 100Hz
2π 2π
v = Vm sin ωt, ω = 157 1 1
157 ∴ T= = sec
or f= = 25Hz f 100
2π T 1
*2558. (b) Time taken to reach peak value = = sec
4 400
v = Vm sin θ = 20 sin 135o = 14.14V *2627. (b)
*2559. (c) Peak value of current,
i = Im sin θ or 3=Im sin 120o V 12
3 3 Im = m = = 0.24A
∴ Im = = = 2 3A R 50
sin120° cos 30° Average power dissipated,
*2561. (c)
I 2m R ( 0.24 ) × 50
Vav = 0.637 Vm P= = = 1.44W
= 0.637×100 2 2
= 63.7V *2636. (c)
*2564. (b) Peak power = Vm Im = 250 ×10 = 2500 W
π π *2641. (b)
Area of half cycle = ∫ idθ = ∫ Im sin θdθ
0 0 θ1 = 20º V1 = ? θ2 = 90º V2 = 170 V
= I m [ − cos θ]0 = 2I m V = Vm sinθ

V ∝ sinθ
*2584. (a)
L = 0.1 H, V = 230 V = constant
f = 50 H, XL = ? sin θ
XL = 2πfL V1
= 2 × 3.14 × 50 × 0.1 sin θ1 sin θ2
XL = 31.4 Ω  sin 20º 
*2592. (b) V1 = V2  
f = 50 Hz  sin 90º 
Vrms = 415 V  0.342 
= 170  
Vm = 415 2V ,  1 
ω = 2 πf = 170 × 0.342
= 2 × 3.14 × 50 = 58.1 V
= 314 *2642. (c)
Jeesušlee lejbie meceerkeâjCe– efMeKej mes efMeKej ceeve (2Vm) = ?
V = Vm sin( ωt) Vrms = 120 V
V = 415 2 sin 314t Vm = 2.Vrms
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 399 YCT
= 1.414 × 120 *2659. (c)
2Vm = 2 × 1.414 × 120 Vp− p
= 339 V Vr.m.s. = × 0.707
*2643. (d)
Vm = 2 × Vr.m.s. = 2 × 500volts = × 0.707 = 120V
Vm 2 × 500
Im = = A V
I r.m.s. = r.m.s. =
= 0.8A
R 10 ×103 R 150
2 × 500 *2663. (b)
Now, i = Im sinθ = sin 35° = 40.6 × 10−3 A
10 ×103 1 1
= 40.6mA XC = Note that X C ∝
2πfc f
*2644. (a)
*2665. (a)
t = sec Referring to Fig.
Instantaneous value (i) = 55 sin (2π × 16t)
= 55 sin(2π × 16 × )
= 55 sin π
= 55 × 0
i = 0 mA resultant = 32 + 42 = 5V
*2649. (b) 4
θ = tan −1 = 53.1°
Here ω = 2×103rad/s; 3
1 1
XC = = ∴ VAB = 5∠53.1°V
ωC 2 × 103 × 0.5 × 10−6
*2667. (b)
= 1000Ω = 1kΩ
*2650. (a) 1 1
XC = = = 8000Ω;
C = 20 µF ωC (1.25 ×10 4 ) × 0.01× 10−6
= 20 × 10–6 F
i(t) = 3 sin(800t) Im = = 0.03A
ω= 800 8000
1 *2671. (b)
XC = The half- sine wave pulses shown in fig. are
1 derived from a sine wave whose period is 0.2s.
= 1 1
800 × 20 × 10−6 ∴f = = = 5Hz
= 62.5 Ω T 0.2
voltage Across capacitor ω = 2πf = 2π × 5 = 31.4rad / s
= I m × XC *2678. (c)
= 3 × 62.5 R = 40 Ω
= 187.5 V
V = 15 V, f = 100 Hz
*2651. (c)
Vr.m.s. = ( r.m.s.value ) + ( r.m.s.value )
2 2
ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ Éeje keâer ieÙeer Oeeje (i) =
 8   6 
2 15
=  =
 +  40
 2  2
= 0.375 A
= 32 + 18 = 50 = 7.07V
*2684. (d)
*2658. (b)
The r.m.s. value of this current wave is
VAB = 30∠45° + 30∠ − 45°
I 9
= 30 [ cos 45° + jsin 45°] + 30 [ cos 45° − jsin 45°] I= m = A
3 3
 1 j   1 j 
= 30  +  + 30  − ∴ Power dissipated in the resistor is
 2 2  2 2  2
 9 
30 P = I2R =   × 10 = 270W
= [ 2] = 42.4∠0°V  3
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 400 YCT
*2685. (c) *2706. (c)
The moving coil ammeter gives average value.
( 60 ) + (80 )
2 2
Apparent power = = 100
The average value of current wave shown
I 5 Active power
= m = A Power factor =
π π Apparent Power
*2686. (b) VIcos φ 60
= = = 0.6lagging
The device is doing half-wave rectification. For VI 100
half wave rectified sinusoidal current, average *2711. (b)
value is 200
Z= = 20Ω;
I 10  200  10
Iavg = m = = 3.18A ∵ Im = = 10A 
π π  20  XL = Z sin φ = 20×sin 30o = 10Ω
*2687. (a) *2715. (d)
A hot wire ammeter records r.m.s. value. For the VL = V 2 − VR2 = 1002 − 802 = 60V
full wave rectified sinusoidal current, *2716. (b)
I 5 80
I r.m.s. = m = A Circuit current I = = 10A
2 2 ( 3 + 5)
*2692. (b)
X 
V I Reactive component = I.sin φ = I  L 
Power consumed = m m cos φ  Z 
Vm I m 6
= × cos φ = VIcos φ = 10   = 6A
2 2  10 
Where V and I are the r.m.s. values. *2718. (b)
200 360°
*2693. (d) Z= = 10Ω; φ = = 30°
R 20 12
Power factor = cos φ = R = Z cos φ = 10cos 30° = 8.66Ω
(from impedance triangle) *2719. (c)
*2694. (a) Reading of voltmeter = VC = V 2 − VR2
X 10
tan φ = L = = 1 ( 250 ) − (150 )
2 2
= = 200V
R 10
∴ φ = 45o *2720. (a)
2697. (b) VR 150
Power factor = = = 0.6leading
V 250
Active component = 102 − 62 = 8
*2721. (c)
ActiveComponent Reactive power, Q = VI sin φ
Power factor =
Totalcurrent V 150
Here, I = R = = 1A ;
Icos φ 8 R 150
= = = 0.8 lagging
I 10 V 200
sin φ = C = = 0.8
*2699. (c) V 250
Supply voltage = VR2 + VL2 Q = 250×1×0.8 = 200VAR
*2723. (a)
= (15) + ( 20 )
2 2
= 25V XC = Z sin φ = 100 sin 45o = 70.7Ω
*2725. (c)
*2701. (b) Net reactance. X = XL–XC = 20–12
Power consumed, P = VI cos φ = 8Ω (inductive)
R  6 Z = R 2 + X 2 = 62 + 82 = 10Ω;
= VI   = 200 × 20   = 2400W
Z  10  R 6
*2702. (c) cos φ = = = 0.6 lagging
Z 10
Reactive power = VI sin φ *2727. (c)
X 8 At series resonance,
= VI   = 200 × 20   = 3200VAR
 Z  10  X L = 2πf r L XC =
*2703. (a) 2πf r C
Active component = I cos φ = 20×0.6 = 12A If the supply frequency f < fr, XC > XL
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 401 YCT
*2731. (b) *2750. (a)
Voltage across Vm I m
P= cos φ .
C = Q × supply voltage 2
= 10 × 200 = 2000 V Here Vm= 100V; Im = 100mA = 100 ×10–3A;
*2732. (b) π
φ = = 60°
Applied voltage V = VR2 + VL2 3
100 ×100 × 10−3
(16 ) + (12 ) ∴ P=
2 2
= = 20V cos 60° = 2.5W
V 20 *2751. (c)
Therefore, circuit impedance, Z = = = 4Ω
I 5 Currents in L and C have a phase difference of 180o.
*2736. (a) Therefore, circuit current I=IL–IC=0.7–0.05 = 0.2A
L *2753. (d)
Dynamic impedance =
CR When the coil is connected to d.c. supply, then
*2739. (d) under steady state conditions, current is limited
XL by resistance of the coil only.
Q factor =
R 200
∴ Resistance of coil, R = = 10Ω
*2741. (d) 20
XL Inductive reactance,
Q factor = = tan φ = tan 45o=1
R XL = 2πf L=2π×50×0.03=3πΩ
*2742. (a) ∴ Circuit impedance, Z = R 2 + X 2L
Reactive power
Q factor =
(10 ) + ( 3π )
2 2
Active power = = 13.73Ω
80 80 *2754. (c)
= = = 1.33
100 − 80
2 2 60 Vm 326
Z= = = 163Ω
*2743. (c) Im 2
Net voltage across L-C combination *2755. (a)
= 100–85 = 15V Energy consumed = I2Rt
∴ Applied voltage = ( 20 ) + (15)
2 2
= 625 = 25V = (1)2 ×1×3600 = 3600J
Note that pure inductance and capacitance
*2745. (d) consume no energy.
Reading of voltmeter *2756. (c)
= I ( X L − X C ) = I(0) = 0V 100
Resistance of solenoid, R = = 100Ω;
*2746. (a) 1
It is a case of series resonance. It is easy to see 100
that circuit impedance, Impedance, Z = = 200Ω;
( 200 ) − (100 )
2 2
80 ωL = Z2 − R 2 = = 100 3Ω
Therefore, circuit current = = 2A
40 100 3 100 3
*2747. (c) ∴ L= = = 0.55H
At series resonance, ω 2π× 50
*2759. (c)
 1 
X L ( = 2πf r L ) = X C  =  In a series resonant circuit, the voltage across
 2πf r C  resistance is maximum (=supply voltage) at
If the supply frequency f > fr, then XL > XC. resonance. Supply voltage, V= 50 Volts
Clearly the circuit becomes inductive i.e. circuit 1 1
ωr = or L = 2
current I lags behind the applied voltage V. LC ωr C
*2748. (b) 1
V I = = 0.0156H
Power consumed, P = m m cos φ ( 800 ) × (100 × 10−6 )

Vm Im Vm I m *2760. (a)
or = cos φ Quality factor,
4 2
1 π 1 L 1 100 ×10−6
∴ cos φ = or φ= Q= = = 12.6
2 3 R C 25 1000 × 10−12
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 402 YCT
*2762. (d) *2794. (c)
1000 XL
= sin 30° tan φ = =1 ∴ φ= 45o
1000 *2795. (b)
∴ VA = = 2000VA V = 50V; I=100mA
sin 30°
*2766. (b) = 100 × 10–3 A;
f 150 φ = 25o
Bandwidth, BW = r = = 3kHz Reactive power, Q = VI sin φ
Q 50
= 50×100×10–3sin 25o=2.1 VAR
Lower half-power frequency = f r − *2796. (a)
2 f 150
3 BW = r = = 3kHz
= 150 − = 148.5kHz Q 50
2 *2797. (d)
2772. (a) 4
R = Z cos φ = 10 cos 60o = 5Ω Circuit current, I = = 0.25A
*2775. (a)
Resonant frequency,
Since VL=VC (= 400V), the circuit is in
1 1
resonance. Therefore, the entire applied voltage fr = =
(=100V) appears across R. As a result, circuit 2π LC 2π 0.02 × 0.01×10−6
100 100 = 11.26×103Hz
current is I = = = 2A
R 50 Inductive reactance, XL=2πfL
*2779. (c) XL=2π×11.26×103×0.02 = 1414Ω
100 200 VL=IXL=0.25×1414= 353.5V
R= = 10Ω; Z = = 20Ω; *2798. (c)
10 10
R 10 For pure inductance, the reactive power is
p.f. = cosφ = = = 0.5 V2
Z 20 Q = VL I L = I 2L X L =
*2780. (b) XL
1 Now, XL = 2πfL = 2π × 60 × 50 × 10–3 = 18.8Ω
XL= 2π f L, X C = .
2πfC V 2 (120 )

At f=0, XC= ∞ so that circuit current will be zero. ∴ Q= = = 766VAR

XL 18.8
At f = ∞, XL=∞ and again circuit current will be zero.
*2781. (b) *2799. (b)
P = I2R or R=P/I2 = 108/(3)2 = 12Ω For pure capacitance, the reactive power is
*2784. (c) V2
Q = VC IC = I2C X C =
P = VI cosφ XC
P 200 1 1
∴ cos φ = = = 0.5 Now, X C = = = 80.4Ω
VI 200 × 2 2πfC 2π× 60 × 33 × 10−6
*2786. (c)
V 2 (120 )
XL = 2πfL ∴ Q= = = 179VAR
∴ XL ∝ f so that graph between XL and f will be XC 80.4
a straight line passing through the origin. *2802. (b)
*2787. (d) VC = Q × supply voltage
1 = 50×5= 250V
XC =
2πfC *2804. (b)
1 Suppose a complex number is 2+j3.
∴ X C ∝ or XC × f = constant. Its conjugate will be 2–j3.
Sum = (2+j3) +(2–j3) = 4
Hence XC – f graph is a hyperbola
*2807. (a)
*2788. (a)
Z = R 2 + ( X L − XC )
= 5×3∠40o+20o
= 15∠60o
( 30 ) + ( 20 − 60 )
2 2
= = 50Ω *2808. (b)
*2791. (d) 9∠30o ÷ 3∠10o
π 9
= ∠30° − 10°
2 3
So that cos φ = 0 = 3∠20o
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 403 YCT
*2809. (b) Vm 3
Im = = A
Square root of 64∠36° Z 848.5
36° 3
= 64∠ = 8∠180 = = 3.54mA;
2 848.5
*2814. (a)  600 
Bandwidth, θ = tan −1   = 45°
 600 
BW = 180–150= 30kHz
*2817. (b) ∴i = 3.54 sin (300 t– 45o) mA
Apparent power, *2841. (d)
i = 0.6 sin (100t–10o)A.
( 600 ) + (800 )
2 2
S= = 1000VA
∴ i = 0.6 ∠–10oA
S 1000 XL= ωL=100×4 = 400Ω;
∴ R.M.S. current = = = = 5A
V 200 XL= 400∠90oΩ
*2821. (b) VL= i×XL= 0.6∠–10o×400∠90o
j5 = j4 × j = 240∠80oV
= 1 × j = −1 *2842. (b)
*2827. (c) Fig. shows the solution of the problem.
Suppose two equal complex number are
a + jb and c + jd.
∴ a + jb = c + jd
∴ a = c and b = d
*2829. (b)
Magnitude = 32 + 42 = 5A
*2833. (c)
BC= ωC∠90o = 0 + j ωC = j ωC *2843. (c)
*2834. (b) i = 0.06 ∠–30o A; R = 400∠0oΩ
Inductive susceptance (BL) is the reciprocal of ∴ Voltage across R = i×R
inductive reactance (XL). = 0.06∠–30o×400∠0o
1 1 = 24 ∠–30oV
BL = =
X L ωL∠90° *2844. (a)
Magnitude = 122 + ( −16 ) = 20;
= ∠ − 90°
*2835. (b) θ = tan −1 = −53.13°
1 12
BL = ∠ − 90°
ωL 1 1
∴ =
 1  −j 12 − j16 20∠ − 53.13°
= 0 − j =
 ωL  ωL 1∠0°
= = 0.05∠53.13°
*2836. (d) 20∠ − 53.13°
Conductance (G) is the reciprocal of resistance (R). *2845. (b)
1 1 1 1 1∠0°
G= = = ∠0° =
R R∠0° R j 1∠90°
*2837. (a) = 1∠–90o = –j
1 1 *2846. (d)
G = ∠0° = + j0
R R XL = ωL = 2000×0.2= 400Ω
*2838. (c) ∴ XL = (0+j 400)Ω;
XL= ωL = 400×0.3 = 120Ω; R = (300+ j0) Ω
Z = R + j XL = (90 + j 120) Ω Z = (0+ j 400) + (300+ j 0)
*2839. (a) = (300 + j 400) Ω
XL= ωL = 300×2 = 600Ω; *2849. (a)
R = 200 +400 = 600 Ω Capacitive susceptance (BC) is the reciprocal of
( 600 ) + ( 600 )
2 2
Z= = 848.5Ω capacitive reactance (XC).

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 404 YCT

1 1 *2862. (d)
∴ BC = = = ωC∠90°
XC  1  Z = R + j XL = (10+j 8.66)Ω
  ∠ − 90 °
 ωC  = 13.223∠40.9oΩ
*2852. (b) I = (5–j 10) A = 11.18∠–63.43oA;
Applied voltage, V = I Z
Z = R 2 + X 2L
= 11.18∠–63.43×13.23o∠40.9o
= ( 60 ) + (120 )
2 2
= 134.16Ω = 148∠–22.53oV
*2863. (b)
*2853. (c) Power is consumed only in R as L and C
Net reactance = j 60 +(–j80) = –j 20Ω; consume no power.
Z = (20–j 20)Ω 240
Current in R = = 8A
Magnitude of Z = 202 + ( −20 ) = 28.28 Ω,
−20 ∴ Power consumed = (8)2 × 30 = 1920W
θ = tan −1 = −45°
∴Z = 28.28 ∠–45oΩ
*2855. (b)
V R = i× R
= 0.707∠45o×28.28∠0o
= 14.14∠45oV
*2856. (c) V V 240
IL = IR = = =8A
The circuit will resonate when XL= XC In that XL R 30
case, entire applied voltage will appear across the
Power taken by the circuit (P) = V × I2
resistor R.
= 240 × 8
v 20∠0°
i= = = 1∠0°A = 1920 W
R 20∠0° *2865. (c)
*2857. (a) φ = 45° lag; Impedance,
Capacitive susceptance (BC) is the reciprocal of
V 566
capacitive reactance (XC). Z= m = = 141.5Ω
Im 4
1 1
BC = = = ωC∠90° ∴ Resistance, R = Z cos φ = 141.5 cos 45o
XC  1 
  ∠ − 90 ° = 141.5×0.707= 100Ω
 ωC 
*2866. (a)
= 2π f C ∠ 90 = 2π×16×103×(5×10–6)∠90o
Fig shows the phasor diagram of the circuit. The
= 0.503∠90o siemens
drop across resistance = IR = 40V and that across
*2859. (c) inductive reactance = I XL = 25V.
Conductance (G) is the reciprocal of resistance (R).
1 1
G= =
R R∠0°
1 1
= ∠0° = ∠0° Note, I R = 40 V; I2 R = 160W
R 5
= 0.2∠0o siemens I 2 R 160
∴I= = = 4A
*2860. (a) IR 40
BC = ωC∠90o ∴ I = 4∠0oA; V = (40+j 25) V = 47.2∠32oV
= (1.25×106)×(0.2×10–6)∠90o V 47.2∠32°
= 0.25∠90o siemens ∴Z= = = 11.8∠32°Ω
I 4
*2861. (a) *2867. (d)
V = (8+j 2) = 8.25∠14oV; R = 700
I = (120–j 50) A = 130∠–22.62oA XC = 500
V 8.25∠14°
( 700 ) + ( 500 )
2 2
∴ Z= = Z=
I 130∠ − 22.62°
= 0.0635∠36.62oΩ = 740000
∴ |Z| = 0.0635Ω = 860.2325 Ω Z = R – IXC
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 405 YCT
XC 500  110 
tan θ = =− = 0.7142
R 700 2  
VTh 2
θ = tan–1(-0.7142) ∴ Max. power transferred = = 12.60W
4R L 4 × 120
= ∠–35.53º
*2877. (c)
V 150∠0º
Current (I) = m =
Z 860.2325∠ − 35.53º
= 0.176∠35.54o A
*2869. (b)
= 0.174 ∠35.53 × 500∠–90º
= 87∠–54.47º
*2870. (c) XL = 2πfL
112 = 2 × 3.14 × 500 × 103 × 20 × 10–6
V= ∠10o V(r.m.s.);
2 = 6.28 × 10
4 = 62.8 Ω (Capacitive)
I= ∠ − 50o A(r.m.s.) *2878. (c)
Resistive Load = 10 kW
Conjugate of I is I* = ∠50o A(r.m.s.) Capacitive load = 15 kVAR
2 Inductive load = 22 kVAR
112 4
∴ Complex power, S = VI* = ∠10°× ∠50o
2 2
= (112+j194) VA
*2871. (d)
V 80∠60°
I= = = 1.6∠30°A
Z 50∠30°
Conjugate of I is I* = 1.6 ∠–30oA
Apparent power (s) = P2 + Q2
∴ Complex power, S = VI*
= 80 ∠60o×1.6∠–30o = (10 )
+ (7)

= (110.8 + j 64) VA
*2872. (c) = 149
p.f., cos φ= 0.856 lagging; = 12.21 kVA
φ = cos–1 0.856 =31.13o *2883. (a)
S = 12kVA Active component of line current
P= S cos φ = 12 × 0.856 = 10.272 kW; V 240
Q = S sin φ = 12 × 0.517 = 6.204 kVAR IR = = = 8A
R 30
Since the p.f. is lagging, the complex power is *2884. (b)
S= P+jQ = (10.272+ j6.204)kVA Power factor = 0.8 Lag
*2873. (b)
Consume power (P) = 1000 W
Vr.m.s. = 120∠30°V;
Apparent power ((s) = ?
Z = (40+j60)Ω = 72.11∠56.3oΩ Consume power
V 120∠30° cos θ =
I r.m.s. = r.m.s. = Apparent power
Z 72.11∠56.3°
= 1.664∠ − 26.3°A 0.8 =
Complex power = VI* = 120∠30o×1.664∠26.3o Apparent power
= (110.79+j166.12) VA 1000
Apparent power =
*2874. (d) 0.8
Source impedance (Thevenin impedance of = 1250 VA
source), ZS= (120+j60)Ω. When the load consists *2889. (a)
of RL and XL in series (i.e. ZL=RL+JXL), the R = 30 Ω XL = 30 Ω
condition for maximum power transfer is
ZL = Conjugate of ZS z= R 2 + X 2L
= (120–j60) Ω
( 30 ) + ( 30 )
2 2
110 =
R.M.S. value of VTh = V
2 = 900 + 900 = 1800 = 30 2
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 406 YCT
R 30 1 240
cos θ = = = Impedance of the circuit (z) = = 48 Ω
z 30 2 2 5
cos θ = 0.707 (Lag) *2898. (b)
*2890. (c) V = Vm sin ωt mes leguevee keâjves hej
Total line current of the ckt. Vm = 10V

V 10
Im = m =
R 5 × 103
( IR ) + ( I L )
2 2
I m = 2 × 10−3 = 2mA
(8) + (8)
2 2
= Oeeje- I = Im sin ωt
= 128 I = I m sin πt
= 8 2A Im keâe ceeve jKeves hej–
*2891. (b)
I = 2sin πt mA
V 240
IR = = = 4A
R 60 Meefòeâ JÙeÙe ( P ) = VI
Consume power (W) = I2R P = 10sin πt × 2sin πt
= (4)2 × 60
= 16 × 60 P = 20 sin 2 πt mW
= 960 W *2900. (a)
*2892. (d) efoÙee nw-
Active component of current
Vm = 30V
= IR = = 4A θ = 900
Formula- V = Vm Sin ω t = Vm Sin θ
*2893. (c)
= 30 × sin 90
Line current = I 2R + ( IL − IC )
V = 30 × 1 = 30 V
( 4 ) + ( 6 − 3)
2 2
= 5A
*2894. (a)
I cos φ = 4 ........ active component of current
4 4 *2901. (a)
∴ cos φ = = = 0.8
I 5 efoÙee nw,
*2895. (c) DeeJe=efòe = 60 Hz
V = 240, XL = 40
OeeefjleerÙe memeshšsvme (Bc) = 0.5 meeFcesve
R = 60 Ω, XC = 80
IL =
V 240
= = 6A OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele X C =
XL 40 2πfc
V 240 Bc =
IR = = = 4A Xc
R 60
V 240 1
IC = = = 3A XC = = 2Ω
XC 80 0.5
I= I 2R + ( I L − IC )
Oeeefjlee C =
2πf × c
4 2 + ( 6 − 3)
= 1 1
C= =
= 5A 2π × 60 × 2 120 × 3.14 × 2

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 407 YCT

1 1 1 × 10−3
= Q.F. =
240 × 3.14 75 0.01 ×10−3
= 1.3 × 10−3 Hewâj[ 1
Q.F. = 100
C = 1.3mF 75
*2902. (b) 10
Q.F. = = 0.133
efoÙee nw, 75
Oeeefjlee = 0.08×10-3 Hewâj[ Dele: iegCeJeòee iegCeebkeâ 0.133 nesiee~
*2908. (d)
ØesjkeâlJe = 0.08×10-3 nsvejer V 120
1 I1 = = = 24A;
Devegveeo DeeJe=efòe (f r ) = Z1 4 2 + 32
2π LC
1 I2 = = 24A
= 32 + 42
2π 0.08 × 10−3 × 0.08 × 10−3 R 4 3
cos φ1 = 1 = ; cos φ2 = ; V =120 volts
103 Z1 5 5
2 × 3.14 × 0.08 Power consumed, P = VI1 cos φ1 +VI2 cos φ1
1000 = 120 × 24×4/5+120×24×3/5 = 4032W
= = 1990.45 *2912. (d)
6.28 × 0.08
f r ≃ 2 kHz I1 = = 20A; Reactive component,
32 + 42
*2903. (d) 4
4 I R1 = I1sin φ1 = 20 × = 16A
ωr = 4 rad / sec = Hz, ωr = 2πfr 5
2π 100
I R 2 = IC = = 25A.
L = 3H 4
C=? This is also the reactive component.
1 Since I2R(=IC) is greater than I1R, circuit is
fr = capacitive.
2π LC
*2913. (a)
4 1 Current I1 in Resistive branch
2π 2π 3C V 100
(I1) = = = 20A
1 Z 5
16 = Power loss (P) = I2R
1 = (202) × 3
C= = 400 × 3
= 1200 W
C = 20.83mF *2915. (c)
*2904. (a) Circuit impedance, Z = 62 + 82 = 10Ω
0.35 1 1
Rise time = ∴ Admittance, Y = = = 0.1S
Bandwidth Z 10
= = 7 ms
*2905. (d)
efoÙee nw– V( t ) = Vm sin ( ωt − θ )
v(t) = 120 sin (11t – 20)V *2916. (c)
t = 10 R 6
v(t) = 120 sin (11 × 10 – 20)V Conductance, G = = = 0.06S
Z2 100
v(t) = 120 sin 90o = 120 volt
*2906. (a)
efoÙee C = 0.01 × 10–3 hewâj[, L = 1 × 10–3, nsvejer
1 L
R = 75Ω lees iegCeJeòee iegCeebkeâ (Quality Factor) = mes

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 408 YCT

2 2
1 1  1 
or =   + 
Z  R   XC 
Squaring both sides, we have,
2 2 2
1 1  1 
  =  + 
1 G  Z   R   XC 
∵ Y= cos φ =
Z Y Multiplying by R 2 X C2 throughout, we have,
G = Ycosφ 2
R 1 R R 2 X 2C   = X 2C + R 2
cos φ = = .  Z
R 1
G= 2 or RX C   = X C2 + R 2
Z Z
6 RX C
G= ∴ Z=
(10 )
R 2 + X C2
= 0.065 *2941. (d)
*2917. (c) Applied voltage, V = IR R = 10 mA × 1kΩ
Inductive susceptance, = 10V
X 8 8 8 *2942. (a)
B = 2L = = = = 0.08S
( ) ( ) Fig. shows the current triangle for parallel RC circuit.
2 2
Z 6 +8
2 2
100 100
*2919. (a) IR R Z
cos φ = = = ∴ Z = R cos φ
Power loss in admittance I V R
= V2G= (100)2×0.01 = 100W Z
*2921. (c) 10V
X IC = = 6.67mA
B = 2L 1.5kΩ
∴ XL = B×Z2 = 1 ×(10)2 = 100 Ω
*2926. (c)
X 2 2
B = 2C = 2 = = 0.4S
(1) + ( 2 )
Z 5
(10 ) + ( 6.67 )
2 2
I= = 12.02mA
*2927. (b)
G = Y cos φ, IC
∴ φ = tan −1
G 0.08 IR
∴ cos φ = = = 0.8
Y 0.1 6.67
*2932. (c) φ = tan −1 ⇒ φ = 33.7°
Circulating current between Land C
Q= ∴ Z = R cos φ = 1000 × cos 33.7o
Linecurrent = 1000×0.832= 832Ω
Current through C *2943. (c)
100 =
P = I 2R R = (10 × 10−3 ) × 1000 = 0.1W
∴ Current through C = 100 × 2 = 200 mA *2950. (d)
*2933. (b) Line current,
1 L
(1.5 ) + ( 2 )
2 2
Q= I = I 2R + I2L = = 2.5mA
Clearly, Q of the circuit can be increased by decreasing V 15V
Circuit impedance, Z = = = 6kΩ
R in the inductive branch. I 2.5mA
*2939. (c) *2951. (c)
Referring to fig. I = or = I2R + IC2 Phase angle, φ = tan −1
2 2 2mA
V V  V  = tan −1
= 53.1°
∴ =   +  1.5mA
Z  R   XC 
∴ Circuit power factor = cos φ = cos 53.1o = 0.61
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 409 YCT
*2957. (b) 440
Vph =
Va1 = ( Va + αVb + α 2 Vc )
1 3
α =1∠1200 , Va = 220 ∠ − 36.860 ØeefleyeeOee ( ZPh ) = R 2 + X L 2 = (10 )2 + ( 6.28 )2
Vb = 160 ∠ − 143.1300 , Vc = 188.67 ∠147.990 = 100 + 39.44 = 139.44
= 11.81 Ω
Va1 =
( Va + αVb + α2 Vc ) heâspe Jeesušspe
hesâpe Oeeje ( I ph ) =

1  220∠ − 36.86 + (1∠120 )(160∠ − 143.130 )  Hesâpe ØeefleyeeOee

o o 0

3  + (1∠240o )(188.67∠147.99o )  I ph =
440 / 3
 
11.81 1.732 ×11.81
Va1 = 163.24 − J35.42
I ph = 21.51A = IL ( Star connection )
*2961. (a)
*2967. (b)
The equivalent star load of balanced delta-connected
load is given as efoÙee nw–
Z R = 10 Ω, L = 0.02 H, VL = 440 V
Zs = D
3 XL = 2πfL = 2 × 3.14 × 50 × 0.02
3Z Z XL = 6.28 Ω
= = V 440
3 3 Vph = L Vph =
*2962. (c) 3 3
ZD 9∠30º
Zs = = ØeefleyeeOee ( ZPh ) = R 2 + X L 2 = (10 )2 + ( 6.28 )2
3 3
= 3∠30º Ω = 100 + 39.44 = 139.44
*2963. (b) = 11.81 Ω
Z 5 + j4 heâspe Jeesušspe
Zs = D = hesâpe Oeeje ( I ph ) =
3 3 Hesâpe ØeefleyeeOee
= (1.66 + j1.33) Ω
440 / 3 440
*2964. (d) I ph = =
11.81 1.732 ×11.81
efoÙee nw, Z = (9.8 + j 10) Ω
I ph = 21.51A
ØeefleyeeOee keâe heefjceeCe ( ZPh ) = ( 9.8 )2 + (10 )2 = 196.04
mšej mebÙeespeve ceW–
= 14.0014285
hesâpe Oeeje = ueeFve Oeeje = 21.51A
= 14Ω
Kehele keâer ieF& kegâue efJeÅegle Meefòeâ (P) = 3IPh2R
ueeFve Jeesušspe (VL) = 400 V
P = 3 × (21.51)2 × 10
hesâpe Jeesušspe ( Vph ) =
VL 400
= = 30 × 462.6801
3 3 = 13880.403 W
heâspe Jeesušspe ( V ph ) 400 / 3 P = 13.88 kW
hesâpe Oeeje ( I ph ) = =
Zph 14 *2968. (b)
400 efoÙee nw– z = (4 +j8) Ω, Vph OR VL = 400V
1.732 × 14 [suše keâveskeäMeve kesâ efueS–
Iph = 16.47175
Iph = 16.5A VL = Vph
*2966. (d)
efoÙee nw, R = 10 Ω, L = 0.02 H, VL = 440 V ØeefleyeeOee keâe heefjceeCe ( Z ) = 42 + 82
XL = 2πfL = 2 × 3.14 × 50 × 0.02 = 16 + 64
XL = 6.28 Ω = 80
Vph = L = 8.9Ω
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 410 YCT
*2989. (b)
heefjCeeceer leel#eefCekeâ Jeesušlee keâe Ùeesieheâue · 0
eR + e Y + e B = 0
+70 + e Y − 50 = 0
e Y = −70 + 50
e Y = −20V
keâuee keâesCe ( θ ) = tan −1  
4 *2990. (a)
= 63.43
Vph ∠00
R Hesâpe ceW Oeeje ( IR ) =
= 44.94∠0 − 63.430
IR + I Y + I B = I N = 0
IR = 44.94∠ − 63.40
meblegueve DeJemLee ceW Goemeerve leej mes Oeeje keâe ØeJeen veneR neslee nw~
*2969. (d)
S = VphIph = 120×5= 600VA, *2992. (c)
360 360
Q = S2 − P 2 = ( 600 )2 − ( 500 )2 formula– = = 1200
n 3
= 331.7 VAR π
*2977. (a) jsef[Ùeve ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS mes iegCee efkeâÙee peelee nw~
efoÙee nw–
π 2π
Z = (4 + j3)Ω ×120 =
180 3
Z = 42 + ( 3) = 25
Va = Vm sin ωt
Z = 5Ω Vb = Vm sin ( ωt – 120º)
R 4 Vc = Vm sin ( ωt + 120º)
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ( cos θ ) = =
Z 5 veesš– 2-Hesâpe kesâ efueS 900 neslee nw~
cos θ = 0.8 ( lag ) *2997. (b)
uees[ ØesjkeâerÙe nesves kesâ keâejCe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ he§eieeceer nesiee~ [suše keâveskeäMeve ceW pegÌ[s Yeej ceW ueeFve efJeÅegle Oeeje = + 2.5
*2986. (b) SefcheÙej, leLee –1.25 SefcheÙej nw~
Hint– [suše keâveskeäMeve keâe hesâpej mece MetvÙe neslee nw~
400 DeLee&led– IR + IY + IB = 0
∴ I ph = I L = = 4A
50 + 50 IR + 2.5 + (–1.25) = 0
*2988. (d) IR = –2.5 + 1.25
JÙebpekeâ 3 × VL × I L [suše Ùegòeâ meblegefuele 3-Hesâpe heefjheLe keâer IR = –1.25 Amp.
DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ kesâ efueS mener nw~ *2999. (b)
[suše mebÙeespeve ceW– Skeâ 3-φ Yeej Éeje ueer ieF& Meefòeâ Hesâpe Jeesušlee leLee Oeeje keâe
Phase voltage (VP) = line Voltag (VL) iegCeveHeâue neslee nw~
line current ( I L ) ÛetBefkeâ ueeFve Jeesušspe mšej mebÙeespeve nsleg~
Deewj Phase current (IP) =
VL = 3Vph neslee nw~
DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ, S = 3VPIP
IL = Iph
S = 3 × VL × Meefòeâ, P = 3Vph I ph cosφ
S= 3 × VL × I L P= 3 × IL cos φ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 411 YCT
VL *3009. (b)
P= 3 3 × IL cos φ
3× 3 3–φ voltage 400V Phase to neutral voltage
3 3VL IL
P= cos φ → = 230volt
3 3
P = √3VLIL cosφ *3010. (d)
*3000. (a) 3600
Star-star connection
Hesâpe-keâesCe =
phase voltage Vph =200 V
impedance =100∠60°Ω =
I= = 1200
200 n = HesâpeeW keâer mebKÙee
I= = 2∠ − 60°
100∠60° *3012. (b)
I = 2∠ − 60 vÙetš^ue mebÙeespeve kesâ DevegheefmLeefle cebs MetvÙe Deveg›eâce ueeFve Oeeje MetvÙe
nesleer nw~
I = 2 Amp
*3001. (a)
Z = 82 + 62
= 10 Ω
VL 400
Vph = = = 230V
3 3
V 230
Current, I = = = 23A
Z 10
Øesjkeâ kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušleeheele VL = IX L
= 23 × 8 = 184 V
*3002. (c)
Oeeje, I =
phase voltage 230
= = 23A
efÛe$e-keâveskeäšs[ JeeFef[bie efyevee vÙetš^ue JeeÙej
Impedance 10 Fme efmLeleer cebs- Ia = Ib = Ic = In = 0
Kehele Meefòeâ, P = I 2 R 1
= (23) 2 × 6 Ia0 = Ib0 = Ic0 = ( Ia + I b + I c ) = 0
= 529 × 6 *3020. (a)
= 3174 W VR + VY + VB = 0
*3003. (d) or ( +60V ) + ( −40 ) + VB = 0
[suše mebÙeespeve ceW Meefòeâ Kehele–
= 3×mšej ceW Meefòeâ = 3×4000 ∴ VB = –20V
= 12000W *3023. (a)
*3004. (c) mšej mebÙeesefpele efvekeâeÙe ces ueeFve Deewj Hesâpe Jeesušlee kesâ yeerÛe keâesCe
mšej mebÙeespeve ceW ØelÙeskeâ Hesâpe keâe ØeeflejesOe– keâe Devlej 300 neslee nw~
R delta 15 *3026. (a)
= = = 5Ω
3 3 ∵ Delta to star conversion cebs
*3008. (a)
3-φ system ceW meblegefuele mšej pees[Ì ØeCeeueer kesâ efueÙes JewOe RA =
IR + IY + IB = 0 R AB + R BC + R CA
3Z × 3Z
RA =
3Z + 3Z + 3Z
3Z2 Z
RA = =
3 3Z 3

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 412 YCT

*3032. (c) Kehele Meefòeâ ( P ) = 3Vph I ph cos θ
VL 400
Vph = = = 230 V = 3 × 230 × 30 × cos30o
3 1.7321
*3033. (d) = 20700 × 0.866 = 17926.2 W
Hint– P = 17.93kW
V 400
Hesâpe Jeesušlee, E ph = L = = 230V *3041. (c)
3 3
230 efoÙee nw–
ueeFve Oeeje, I L = Iph = = 23A
10 VL = 400V, IL = 50A, θ = 53.130
∴Meefòeâ jsefšbie = ( I ph ) × R = ( 23)2 × 10 = 5290W
Q = 3VL I Lsin θ
*3034. (a)
= 3 × 400 × 50 sin 53.130
heefjheLe ceW Kehele Meefòeâ = = 27712.7 VAR
400 × 400 Q = 27.712 kVAR
= = 8000 W
veesš– Skeâ Hesâpe Keguee nesves kesâ keâejCe oesveeW ØeeflejesOe ßesCeer ceW nes *3042. (d)
peeÙesies~ [suše mebÙeespeve leerve leej ØeCeeueer nesleer nw peyeefkeâ mšej mebÙeespeve ceW
*3035. (b) Ûeej leej ØeCeeueer nes mekeâleer nw~ [suše ØeCeeueer ceW keâesF& Yeer Goemeerve
Phase Power =
= 230W
efyevog veneR neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ mšej ØeCeeueer ceW Goemeerve efyevog neslee nw~
3 [suše ØeCeeueer ceW -
Phase voltage, E ph = = 230V I L = 3I ph , VL = Vph
or 230 = 230 × Iph × 1 (∵cosφ = 1) mšej ØeCeeueer ceW–
∴ I ph =
= 1A. I L = I ph , VL = 3Vph
*3046. (d)
Now, I L = Iph = 1A
Since load p.f. = 0, φ=90o
*3036. (b)
W2 = VL I L cos ( 30° − 90° ) = VL IL cos 60°
Z = 82 + 62 = 10Ω
W1 = VL IL cos ( 30° + 90° ) = − VL IL cos 60°
R 6
cos φ = = = 0.6 lagging Therefore W1 and W2 will read equal and opposite.
Z 10
*3037. (d) *3050. (a)
efoÙee nw– R = 10 Ω, L = 0.03 H keâuee keâesCe, φ = –50o –(–10o)=–40o
XL = 2πfL = 2 × 3.14 × 50 × 0.03 Meefòeâ iegCekeâ = cos 40o = cos φ = cos 40o =0.766
XL = 9.42 Ω *3053. (b)
Power of 3-φ load = 3×wattmeter reading
z = R 2 + X L2 = (10 ) 2
+ ( 9.42 )
= 3×1420 = 4260 Watt
= 100 + 88.74 = 188.74 *3061. (d)
z = 13.74Ω Hesâpe Jeesušlee (Vph ) = 400V;
R 10
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ( cos θ ) = = Hesâpe Oeeje (I ph ) =
= 20A
z 13.74 3
cos θ = 0.72 (lagging)
14.4 × 103
Yeej hesÇjkeâerÙe nesves kesâ keâejCe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ he§eieeceer nesiee~ Meefòeâ Øeefle Hesâpe = = 4800W
*3040. (d) 3
efoÙee nw, 4800 = I ph
R ph
VL = 230 V 4800
∴ R ph = = 12Ω
IPh = 30 A
( 20 )

θ = 300
[suše mebÙeespeve kesâ efueS, *3062. (c)
Z∆ 9∠30°
VL = Vph I L = 3 I ph ZY = = = 3∠30°Ω
3 3
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 413 YCT
JewÅegle Meefòeâ keâe mebÛejCe SJeb efJelejCe
(Transmission and Distribution of
Electrical Power)
(a) absence of inductance and capacitance
1. JewÅegle ueeFveeW keâe DeefYekeâuheve ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee keâer DevegheefmLeefle
(b) absence of skin effect
(Design of Electrical Lines)
lJeÛeerÙe ØeYeeJe keâe DevegheefmLeefle
(c) better voltage regulation/Jeesušspe efveÙeceve yesnlej
1. Which of the following DC link is not used in
H.V.D.C. transmission? (d) all of the above /GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
SÛe.Jeer.[er.meer. mebØes<eCe ceW keâewve meer [ermeer efuebkeâ GheÙeesie 6. In a supply system, the cost of conductor is
Skeâ Deehetefle& ØeCeeueer ceW Ûeeuekeâ keâer ueeiele ..............
veneR nesleer nw?
nesleer nw~
(a) Monopolar/ceesveesheesuej (b) Bipolar/yeeF& heesuej
(a) directly proportional to area of cross-section
(c) Homopolar/nesceesheesuej (d) Hetropolar/nsš^esheesuej
DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eheâue kesâ meerOes meceevegheeleer
2. In case of a 'High Voltage DC' transmission, (b) inversely proportional to area of cross-section
how many minimum conductors are required? DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eheâue kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
‘GÛÛe Jeesušlee DC mebÛejCe’ kesâ ceeceues ceW keâce mes keâce (c) directly proportional to square of area of
efkeâleves ÛeeuekeâeW keâer pe™jle jnleer nw? cross-section
(a) One/Skeâ (b) Two/oes DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eheâue kesâ Jeie& kesâ meerOes meceevegheeleer
(c) Three/leerve (d) four/Ûeej (d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
3. Most economic load on an overhead line is *7. The cost of transmission line conductor at 132
kV is Rs. 100 per meter. When transmission
Skeâ efMejesheefj ueeFve hej DeefleefceleJÙeÙeer Yeej neslee nw–
voltage is increased to 220 kV, the cost of
(a) greater than the natural load conductor is
Øeeke=âeflekeâ Yeej mes DeefOekeâ 132 kV hej mebÛejCe ueeFve Ûeeuekeâ keâer ueeiele ®. 100
(b) less than the natural load/Øeeke=âeflekeâ Yeej mes keâce Øeefle ceeršj nw~ peye mebÛejCe Jeesušspe 220 kV lekeâ
(c) equal to the natural load/Øeeke=âeflekeâ Yeej kesâ yejeyej yeÌ{eÙee peelee nw, lees Ûeeuekeâ keâer ueeiele nesleer nw-
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) Rs. 36/m (b) Rs. 55/m
(c) Rs. 26/m (d) Rs. 80/m
4. The cost of an overhead line will increase if 8. With the increase in the values of voltage and
Skeâ efMejeshejer ueeFve keâer ueeiele yeÌ{ peeSieer Ùeefo... power factor, the cost of transmission line
(a) conductor spacing is decreased conductor
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ yeerÛe Devlej Ieš peeÙes Jeesušspe Deewj Meefòeâ iegCekeâ kesâ ceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe
(b) conductor spacing is increased mebÛejCe ueeFve Ûeeuekeâ keâer ueeiele .......
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ yeerÛe Devlej yeÌ{ peeÙes (a) decreases /Iešleer nw
(c) ground clearance is decreased (b) increases /yeÌ{leer nw
Yetefce mes Devlej Ieš peeÙes (c) is unaffected /DeØeYeeefJele jnleer nw
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) increases exponentially/lespeer mes yeÌ{leer nw
5. The high voltage d.c. transmission is better 9. High voltage for transmitting power is
than high voltage a.c. transmission because of economically available from:
GÛÛe Jeesušspe [er.meer. mebÛejCe, GÛÛe Jeesušspe S.meer. Meefòeâ mebÛeefjle keâjves kesâ efueS GÛÛe Jeesušspe ............mes
mebÛejCe mes .............. kesâ keâejCe yesnlej neslee nw~ DeeefLeËkeâ ™he mes GheueyOe neslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 414 YCT
(a) D.C. current/D.C. Oeeje 14. With which of the following are step-up
(b) A.C. current/A.C. Oeeje substations associated?
(c) Carrier currents/Jeenkeâ
OeejeSB efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmekesâ meeLe GÛÛeeÙeer (mšshe-Dehe)
Ghekesâvõ pegÌ[e neslee nw?
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) Concentrated load/kesâefvõle Yeej hej
10. High voltage is primarily used, for long
distance power transmission, to: (b) Consumer location/GheYeeskeälee kesâ mLeeve hej
GÛÛe Jeesušlee keâe ØeÙeesie cegKÙe ™he mes uecyeer otjer keâer (c) Distributors/efJelejkeâ
mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW ............ kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (d) Generating stations/Glheeefole kesâvõ hej
(a) Reduce the time of transmission 15. In transmission and distribution system the
mebÛejCe kesâ meceÙe keâes keâce keâjves permissible voltage variation is:
(b) Reduce the transmission losses
mebÛejCe Deewj efJelejCe ØeCeeueer ceW mJeerkeâeÙe& Jeesušlee
mebÛejCe neefveÙeeB keâce keâjves heefjJele&ve neslee nw–
(c) Make the system reliable (a) ± 1 percent (b) ± 10 percent
ØeCeeueer keâes efJeMJemeveerÙe yeveeves (c) ± 20 percent (d) ± 30 percent
16. The following system is not generally used:
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
efvecveefueefKele ØeCeeueer keâe GheÙeesie Deeceleewj hej veneR
11. If the voltage is increased x times, the size of
the conductor would be:
efkeâÙee peelee nw–
Ùeefo Jeesušlee x iegvee yeÌ{eÙee peelee nw lees Ûeeuekeâ keâe (a) 1-phase 3 wire/1 hesâpe 3 leej
Deekeâj nesiee– (b) 1-phase 4 wire/1 hesâpe 4 leej
(a) Reduced to 1/x2 times/1/x2 iegvee keâce nesiee (c) 3-phase 3 wire/3 hesâpe 3 leej
(b) Reduced to 1/x times/1/x iegvee keâce nesieer (d) 3-phase 4 wire/3 hesâpe 4 leej
(c) Increased x times/x iegvee yeÌ{siee 17. As compared to a 2-wire D.C. distributor, a 3-
wire distributor with same maximum voltage
(d) Increased to x2 times/x2 iegvee yeÌ{siee to earth uses only:
12. The charging current in the cables: Skeâ 2- leej [er.meer. efJelejkeâ keâer leguevee ceW, Skeâ 3-leej
kesâefyeueeW ceW DeeJesefMele Oeeje– efJelejkeâ Yetefce mes meceeve DeefOekeâlece Jeesušlee kesâ meeLe
(a) Leads the voltage by 1800 GheÙeesie keâjlee nw kesâJeue–
Jeesušlee mes 1800 De«eieeceer nesleer nw (a) 31.25 percent of copper/keâe@hej keâe 31.25 ØeefleMele
(b) Leads the voltage by 900 (b) 33.3 percent of copper/keâe@hej keâe 33.3 ØeefleMele
Jeesušlee mes 900 De«eieeceer nesleer nw (c) 66.7 percent of copper/keâe@hej keâe 66.7 ØeefleMele
(c) Lags the voltage by 900
(d) 125 percent of copper/keâe@hej keâe 125 ØeefleMele
Jeesušlee mes 900 he§eieeceer nesleer nw
18. The power transmission capacity of a
(d) Lags the voltage by 1800 transmission line is
Jeesušlee mes 1800 he§eieeceer nesleer nw heejs<eCe ueeFve keâer Meefkeäle heejs<eCe #ecelee nesleer nw–
13. Conductors for high voltage transmission lines (a) Proportional to transmission voltage
are suspended from towers to mebÛejCe Jeesušspe kesâ Devegheeeflekeâ
GÛÛe Jeesušlee mebÛejCe ueeFveeW kesâ efueS ÛeeuekeâeW keâes (b) Proportional to the square of transmission
........... kesâ efueS šeJejeW mes efveueefcyele keâj efoÙee peelee voltage/mebÛejCe Jeesušspe kesâ Jeie& kesâ Deevegheeeflekeâ
nw~ (c) Inversely proportional to transmission voltage
(a) increase clearance from ground mebÛejCe Jeesušspe kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
peceerve mes otjer yeÌ{eves (d) Inversely proportional to the square of
transmission voltage
(b) reduce clearance from ground
mebÛejCe Jeesušspe kesâ Jeie& kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
peceerve mes otjer keâce keâjves 19. Large industrial consumers are supplied
(c) take care of extension in length during electrical energy at:
summer yeÌ[s DeewÅeesefiekeâ GheYeeskeäleeDeeW keâes ........... hej efJeÅegle
ieefce&ÙeeW kesâ oewjeve uecyeeF& ceW efJemleej keâe OÙeeve jKeves Tpee& Øeoeve keâer peeleer nw~
(d) reduce wind and snow loads (a) 400 V (b) 11 kV
nJee Deewj yehe&â Yeej keâes keâce keâjves (c) 66 kV (d) 400 kV
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 415 YCT
20. The cause of damage to the lead sheath of a (a) half that of 3-phase single circuit
cable is : ef$ekeâuee Skeâue heefjheLe keâe DeeOee
Skeâ kesâyeue kesâ ues[-MeerLe kesâ #eefle keâe keâejCe neslee nw– (b) same as that of 3-phase single circuit line
(a) Crystallisation of the lead through vibration ef$ekeâuee Skeâue heefjheLe ueeFve kesâ meceeve
keâcheve kesâ ceeOÙece mes ues[ keâe ef›eâmšueerkeâjCe (c) twice that of 3-phase single circuit line
(b) Chemical action on the lead when buried in ef$ekeâuee Skeâue heefjheLe ueeFve keâe oesiegvee
the earth (d) thrice that of 3-phase single circuit line
Yetefce ceW oheâve nesves hej ues[ hej jemeeÙeefvekeâ ef›eâÙee ef$ekeâuee Skeâue heefjheLe ueeFve keâe efleiegvee
(c) Mechanical damage/Ùeebef$ekeâ #eefle 25. The method used to implement an
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer asynchronous link is
21. The voltage of the single phase supply to Skeâ DeleguÙekeâeefuekeâ efuebkeâ keâes ueeiet keâjves kesâ efueS
residential consumers is: GheÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer efJeefOe nw~
DeeJeemeerÙe GheYeeskeäleeDeeW kesâ efueS Skeâue ÛejCe Deehetefle&& (a) D.C. back to back connected converter
keâer Jeesušlee ........... nesleer nw~ [er.meer. yewkeâ št yewkeâ keâveskeäšs[ keâvJeš&j
(a) 110V (b) 210V (b) 0-3600 static phase shifter
(c) 230V (d) 400V 0-3600 efmLej ÛejCe efMeHeäšj
22. Overhead system can be designed for (c) rotary transformer/IetCeea
operation upto:
(d) static VAR compensator/mLeweflekeâ VAR #eeflehetjkeâ
efMejesheefj ØeCeeueer keâes ....... lekeâ ØeÛeeueve nsleg ef[peeFve
26. HVDC monopolar link use
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
Skeâ GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje ceesveesheesuej efuebkeâ
(a) 11kV (b) 33kV
................ keâe GheÙeesie keâjles nw~
(c) 66kV (d) 400kV
23. Which one of the following statements in (a) one conductor usually of negative polarity
respect of HVDC transmission line is not Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ Deeceleewj hej $e+Ceelcekeâ OeÇgJelee keâe
correct? (b) one conductor usually of positive polarity
GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ mebyebOe ceW Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ Deeceleewj hej Oeveelcekeâ OeÇgJelee keâe
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener veneR nw? (c) Two conductor one of positive and the other
(a) The power transmission capability of bipolar of negative polarity/oes Ûeeuekeâ Skeâ Oeveelcekeâ leLee
line is almost the same as that of single circuit otmeje $e+Ceelcekeâ OeÇgJelee keâe
A.C. line (d) Two conductors both of negative polarity
efÉOegÇJe ueeFve keâer Meefòeâ mebÛejCe #ecelee ueieYeie efmebieue oes Ûeeuekeâ oesveeW $e+Ceelcekeâ OeÇgJelee keâe
heefjheLe A.C. ueeFve pewmeer ner nesleer nw~ 27. Back to back HVDC is used to
(b) HVDC link can operate between A.C. yewkeâ št yewkeâ GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee
systems whose frequencies need not be equal peelee nw~
GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje efuebkeâ A.C. ØeCeeueer kesâ yeerÛe (a) increase the transmission capability
keâece keâj mekeâlee nw efpemekeâer DeeJe=efòe yejeyej veneR nesvee mebÛejCe #ecelee yeÌ{eves ceW
(b) decrease line losses/ueeFve neefve Ieševes ceW
(c) There is no distance limitation for HVDC
(c) provide stable interconnection
transmission by UG cable
UG kesâefyeue Éeje GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje mebÛejCe kesâ
Deevleefjkeâ mebÙeespeve keâes efmLejlee Øeoeve keâjves ceW
efueS otjer meercee veneR nw~ (d) reduce voltage drop/Jeesušspe [^e@he keâce keâjves ceW
(d) Corona loss is much higher in HVDC 28. In an HVDC link, power flows.
transmission line GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje efuebkeâ ceW Meefòeâ ØeJeen nesleer nw-
GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW keâesjesvee ne@efve (a) from the rectifier end to the inverter end
yengle DeefOekeâ neslee nw~ jskeäšerHeâeÙej efmejs mes FvJeš&j efmejs keâer Deesj
24. The power transmission capability of bipolar (b) from the inverter end to the rectifier end
lines is approximately FvJeš&j efmejs mes jskeäšerHeâeÙej efmejs keâer Deesj
efÉOeÇgJeer ueeFveeW keâer Meefòeâ mebÛejCe #ecelee ueieYeie (c) Both (a) and (b)/oesveeW (a) Deewj (b)
nesleer nw~ (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 416 YCT
29. In HVDC system a converter acts as a rectifier (b) shunt capacitor/MeCš mebOeeefj$e
when the firing angle α has a value (c) static compensator/mLeweflekeâ #eeflehetefle&
GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje heæefle ceW keâvJe&šj jskeäšerHeâeÙej (d) shunt filters/MeCš efheâušj
keâer lejn keâeÙe& keâjlee nw, peye HeâeÙeefjbie keâesCe (α) keâe 33. In HVDC transmission there are predominant.
ceeve nw~ GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje mebÛejCe ceW ØeYeeJeer nesles nQ-
(a) 0 < α < 1200 (a) voltage harmonics on D.C. side and current
(b) 0 < α < 900 harmonics on A.C. side of converters
(c) 900 < α < 1800 keâveJeš&j kesâ D.C. he#e hej Jeesušlee neceexefvekeâ leLee
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR A.C. he#e hej Oeeje neceexefvekeâ
30. The capital cost on a HVDC converter is (b) current harmonics on D.C. side and voltage
Skeâ GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje keâvJeš&j keâe hetBpeeriele harmonics on A.C. side of converters
ueeiele neslee nw~ keâveJeš&j kesâ D.C. he#e hej Oeeje neceexefvekeâ leLee A.C.
he#e hej Jeesušlee neceexefvekeâ
(a) less than A.C. substation/S.meer. meyemšsMeve mes keâce
(c) current harmonics only on D.C. side of
(b) more than A.C. substation
Smeer meyemšsMeve mes DeefOekeâ keâveJeš&j kesâ kesâJeue D.C. he#e hej Oeeje neceexefvekeâ
(c) same as that of A.C. substation
(d) voltage harmonics only on D.C. side of
S.meer. meyemšsMeve kesâ yejeyej converters
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR keâveJeš&j kesâ kesâJeue D.C. he#e hej Jeesušlee neceexefvekeâ
31. Consider the following statementss regarding 34. High voltage D.C. transmission requires filters
the suitable choice of HVDC converter for
configuration. GÛÛe Jeesušlee D.C. mebÛejCe ceW..........kesâ efueS efheâušj
GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje keâvJeš&j efJevÙeeme kesâ GheÙegòeâ keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw
hemebo kesâ mebyebOe ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW- (a) current harmonics on A.C. side and voltage
1. Pulse number should be high harmonics on D.C. side/A.C. he#e hej Oeeje
heume mebKÙee GÛÛe nesveer ÛeeefnS neceexefvekeâ leLee D.C. he#e hej Jeesušlee neceexefvekeâ
2. Ratio of peak inverse voltage to no-load (b) voltage harmonics on A.C. side and current
D.C. output voltage should be as high as harmonics on D.C. side/A.C. he#e hej Jeesušlee
possible/efMeKej Gl›eâce Jeesušlee Deewj MetvÙe Yeej neceexefvekeâ leLee D.C. he#e hej Oeeje neceexefvekeâ
D.C. DeeGšhegš Jeesušlee peneb lekeâ mebYeJe nes GÛÛe (c) voltage harmonics on both A.C. and D.C.
nesveer ÛeeefnS side/A.C. Deewj D.C. oesveeW he#eeW hej Jeesušlee neceexefvekeâ
3. Transformer utilization factor should be (d) current harmonics on both A.C. and D.C.
nearly unity/š^ebmeheâece&j GheÙeesie hewâkeäšj FkeâeF& kesâ side/ A.C. Deewj D.C. oesveeW he#eeW hej Oeeje neceexefvekeâ
meceerhe nesvee ÛeeefnS 35. In a 3-phase bridge rectifier circuit for HVDC
Which of the statements given above are transmission, the ratio of output D.C. voltage to
correct/Thej efoS ieS keâewve mes keâLeve mener nw? input A.C. voltage is
(a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje mebÛejCe kesâ efueS efkeâmeer 3-φ
(b) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 mesleg efo°keâejer heefjheLe kesâ efueS DeeGšhegš D.C. Jeesušlee
(c) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3 leLee Fvehegš A.C. Jeesušlee keâe Devegheele neslee nw-
(d) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3 (a) 0.5 (b) 0.1
32. Which of the following will be provided to (c) 3 (d) 2
reduce the harmonics on the A.C. side of an 36. In HVDC converter station equipment using
HVDC transmission line? thyristors it is necessary to use a large number
GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ A.C. he#e hej of thyristors in series because
neceexefvekeâ keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes keâewve LeeÙeefjmšj keâe GheÙeesie keâjles ngS GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo°
Øeoeve efkeâÙee peeSiee? Oeeje keâveJeš&j mšsMeve GhekeâjCe ceW ßesCeer ceW DeefOekeâ
(a) synchronous motors in over excited
mebKÙee ceW LeeÙeefjmšjeW keâe GheÙeesie DeeJeMÙekeâ neslee nw
condition/Deefle Gòesefpele DeJemLee ceW leguÙekeâeueer ceesšj keäÙeeWefkeâ-
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 417 YCT
(a) Current ratings of thyristors are low (b) no charging current but skin effect
LeeÙeefjmšjeW keâer Oeeje jsefšbie keâce nesleer nw keâesF& DeeJesMeve Oeeje veneR uesefkeâve efmkeâve ØeYeeJe
(b) voltage ratings of thyristors are low (c) neither charging current nor skin effect
LeeÙeefjmšjeW keâer Jeesušlee jsefšbie keâce nesleer nw ve lees DeeJesMeve Oeeje ve lees efmkeâve ØeYeeJe
(c) thyristors always fail to an internal open (d) both charging current and skin effect
circuit/Deevleefjkeâ Keguee heefjheLe kesâ efueS LeeÙeefjmšj DeeJesMeve Oeeje Deewj efmkeâve ØeYeeJe oesveeW
meowJe Kejeye nes peelee nw 40. The following is not an advantage of D.C.
(d) none ot the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR transmission:
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes Skeâ [er.meer. mebÛejCe keâe ueeYe veneR
37. An HVDC link consists of rectifier, inverter,
transmission line and other equipments, Which nw~
one of the following is true for this link? (a) no charging current/keâesF& DeeJesMeve Oeeje veneR nesleer
Skeâ GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje efuebkeâ ceW jsefkeäšheâeÙej (b) no skin effect/keâesF& lJeÛeerÙe ØeYeeJe veneR neslee
FveJeš&j mebÛejCe ueeFve Deewj DevÙe GhekeâjCe nw, Fme (c) no stability problem/efmLejlee keâer mecemÙee veneR nesleer
efuebkeâ kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes keâewve melÙe nw? (d) cheap converters/memles keâveJeš&j
(a) the transmission line produces/supplies 41. Consider the following advantage with respect
reactive power to HVD.C. transmission:
mebÛejCe ueeFve efjSefkeäšJe heeJej GlheVe keâjleer nw GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje mebÛejCe kesâ mebyebOe ceW
(b) the rectifier consumes reactive power and the efvecveefueefKele ueeYeeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW~
inverter supplies reactive power from/to the 1. Long distance transmission
respective connected A.C. systems uecyeer otjer keâer mebÛejCe
jsefkeäšheâeÙej, efjSefkeäšJe heeJej Kehele keâjlee nw Deewj 2. Low cost transmission/mebÛejCe keâer keâce ueeiele
FveJeš&j mebyebefOele mebÙeesefpele A.C. ØeCeeueer mes efjSefkeäšJe 3. Higher efficiency/GÛÛe o#elee
heeJej mehueeF& keâjleer nw (a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(c) rectifier supplies reactive power and the
(b) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
inverter consumes/efo°keâejer, efjSefkeäšJe heeJej
(c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
Deehetefle& keâjlee nw leLee FveJeš&j Kehele keâjlee nw
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
(d) both the converters (rectifier and inverter)
consume reactive power from the respective 42. In an HVD.C. systme:
connected A.C. systems/oesveeW keâveJeš&j (efo°keâejer Skeâ GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje ØeCeeueer ceW-
leLee FveJeš&j) mebyebefOele mebÙeesefpele A.C. ØeCeeueer mes (a) both generation and distribution are D.C.
efjSefkeäšJe heeJej Kehele keâjlee nw Glheeove Deewj efJelejCe oesveeW D.C. nw~
38. In the HVDC system, the A.C. harmonic which (b) generation is A.C. and distribution is D.C.
gets effectively eliminated with 12 pules bridge Glheeove A.C. Deewj efJelejCe D.C. nw~
converters, are (c) generation is A.C. and transmission is A.C.
GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje ØeCeeueer ceW A.C. neceexefvekeâ pees Glheeove A.C. Deewj mebÛejCe A.C. nw~
ØeYeeJeer ™he mes 12 heume mesleg keâveJeš&j Éeje efvejeke=âle (d) both generation and distribution are A.C.
keâj efoÙee peelee nw, nw- Glheeove Deewj efJelejCe oesveeW A.C. nw~
(a) triplen harmonics/efš^huesve neceexefvekeâ 43. In a D.C. transmission line
efo° Oeeje mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW-
(b) triplen and 5th harmonics
(a) it is necessary for the sending end and
efš^huesve Deewj 5th neceexefvekeâ
receiving end to be operated in synchronism
(c) triplen, 5th and 7th harmonics
Ùen Øesef<ele efmejs Deewj «eener efmejs keâes leguÙekeâeueve ceW
3rd, 5th Deewj 7th neceexefvekeâ
ØeÛeeefuele keâjves kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ neslee nw~
(d) 5th and 7th harmonics/5th Deewj 7th neceexefvekeâ
(b) the effects of inductive and capacitive
39. In the case of an HVDC system, there is reactances are greater than in an A.C.
GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje ØeCeeueer kesâ ceeceues ceW, ........ transmission line of the same rating
neslee nw~ ØesjkeâlJe Deewj mebOeeefj$e ØeefleIeele kesâ ØeYeeJe meceeve
(a) charging current but no skin effect jsefšbie Jeeueer A.C. mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer leguevee ceW
DeeJesMeve Oeeje uesefkeâve efmkeâve ØeYeeJe veneR DeefOekeâ neslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 418 YCT
(c) there are no effects due to inductive and 1. D.C. line inductor/[er.meer.ueeFve ØesjkeâlJe
capacitive reactances/ØesjkeâerÙe Deewj mebOeejleerÙe 2. A.C. line inductor/S.meer. ueeFve ØesjkeâlJe
ØeefleIeele kesâ keâejCe JeneB keâesF& ØeYeeJe veneR 3. Reactive power sources/ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ kesâ œeesle
(d) power transfer capability is limited by
4. Distance relays on D.C. line
stability considerations/efmLejlee kesâ Éeje efJeÛeej
[er.meer. ueeFve hej otjer efjues
keâjles ngS Meefòeâ mLeeveevlejCe #ecelee meerefcele nesleer nw~
(a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
44. High voltage D.C. (HVDC) transmission is
mainly used for (b) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3
GÛÛe Jeesušspe [er.meer. (HVDC) mebÛejCe cegKÙe ™he mes- (c) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4
.............. kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (d) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4
(a) bulk power transmission over very long 47. Bulk power transmission over long HVDC lines
distance is preferred because of
yengle uebyeer otjer hej DeefOekeâ Meefòeâ mebÛejCe kesâ efueS uecyeer GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje ueeFveeW hej .......... kesâ
(b) interconnecting two systems with the same keâjCe DeefOekeâ Meefòeâ mebÛejCe keâes ØeeLeefcekeâlee oer peeleer
nominal frequency/meceeve veeefceveue DeeJe=efòe kesâ meeLe nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ–
oes ØeCeeefueÙeeW keâes Deeheme ceW peesÌ[vee (a) low cost of HVDC terminal
(c) eliminating reactive power requirement in the GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje šefce&veue keâer efvecve ueeiele
operation/ØeÛeeueve ceW ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee (b) no harmonic losses/keâesF& neceexefvekeâ neefve veneR
keâes meceehle keâjvee (c) minimum line power losses
(d) minimizing harmonics at the converter vÙetvelece ueeFve Meefòeâ neefve
station/keâveJeš&j mšsMeve hej neceexefvekeäme keâes keâce keâjvee (d) simple protection/mejue megj#ee
45. Consider the following statements regarding 48. The distributors in residential areas are
HVD.C. power transmission: DeeJeemeerÙe #es$eeW ceW efJelejkeâ nesles nw–
GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje Meefòeâ mebÛejCe kesâ yeejs ceW
(a) single phase, two-wire/Skeâ keâuee, oes leej
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW~
(b) three phase, three-wire/leerve keâuee, leerve leej
1. The modern HVDC systems use 12-pulse
converters (c) three phase, four-wire/leerve keâuee, Ûeej leej
DeeOegefvekeâ GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje ØeCeeueer ceW 12- (d) two phase, four-wire/oes keâuee, Ûeej leej
Pulse heefjJele&keâ ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ 49. The loads on 3-phase, 4-wire distributors are
2. D.C. systems never use ground of sea
return 3-keâuee, 4-leej efJelejkeâ hej Yeej meeceevÙele ..........
[er.meer. ØeCeeueer keâYeer Yeer mecegõ Jeehemeer keâer peceerve neslee nw~
keâe GheÙeesie veneR keâjles (a) balanced/meblegefuele
3. Most of present-day D.C. schemes are two- (b) unbalanced/Demeblegefuele
terminal links/Jele&ceeve efoveeW ceW D.C. ÙeespeveeSB (c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
oes šefce&veue efuebkeâ nesleer nQ (d) none of above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
Which of the statements given above is/are 50. As per electricity regulations in India the
correct. maximum permissible voltage change at
Thej efoÙes ieÙes keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve-mee mener nw? consumer premises should be
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 Yeejle ceW efJeÅegle efJeefveÙeceve kesâ Devegmeej DeefOekeâlece
(b) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 mecYeJe Jeesušspe ceW heefjJele&ve GheYeesòeâe kesâ DeeOeej hej
........... nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
(d) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 (a) ± 5% of declared voltage/Ieesef<ele efJeYeJe keâe ± 5%
46. Choose the appropriate auxiliary components (b) ± 6% of declared voltage/Ieesef<ele efJeYeJe keâe ± 6%
of HVDC transmission system from the (c) ± 10% of declared voltage
following Ieesef<ele efJeYeJe keâe ± 10%
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes GÛÛe Jeesušspe efo° Oeeje mebÛejCe (d) ± 12% of declared voltage
ØeCeeueer kesâ GheÙegòeâ meneÙekeâ Ieškeâ ÛegveW~ Ieesef<ele efJeYeJe keâe ± 12%
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 419 YCT
51. The cost of material used in a distribution 55. Constant voltage transmission have the
circuit per kVA of distributed power varies as advantage (s) of
efJeleefjle Meefòeâ kesâ Øeefle (KVA) efJelejCe heefjheLe ceW efmLej Jeesušlee mebÛejCe kesâ ueeYe nw-
ØeÙegòeâ heoeLe& keâer ueeiele ............. kesâ ™he ceW heefjJeefle&le (a) increase of short-circuit current at the system
nesieer– ØeCeeueer ceW ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje keâer Je=efæ
(a) square of linear dimensions of supply area (b) large reserve of lines in case of line trouble.
Deehetefle& #es$e kesâ jwefKekeâ DeeÙeeceeW keâe Jeie& ueeF&ve efJeheefòe kesâ efmLeefle ceW ueeFve keâer DeefOekeâ efjpeJe&
(b) directly according to (supply area) (c) improvement of power factor at the times of
(Deehetefle& #es$e)2 kesâ Devegmeej meerOes moderate and heavy loads
(c) cube of linear dimensions of supply area ceOÙece Deewj Yeejer Yeej kesâ meceÙe hej Meefòeâ iegCekeâ megOeej
Deehetefle& #es$e kesâ jwefKekeâ DeeÙeeceeW keâe Ieve (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR *56. A transmission line section shows an input
52. For a fixed value of complex power flow in a impedance of 36 Ω and 64 Ω respectively, when
transmission line having a sending end voltage short circuited and open circuited. What is the
V, the real power loss will be proportional to characteristic impedance of the transmission
Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW peefšue efJeÅegle kesâ ØeJeen kesâ Skeâ
Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve DevegYeeie ›eâceMe: 36 Ω Deewj 64 Ω
efveef§ele ceeve kesâ efueS Skeâ Øesef<ele efmeje Jeesušspe (V) nw
lees JeemleefJekeâ efJeÅegle neefve .............. kesâ Deevegheeeflekeâ kesâ ØeefleyeeOee keâes efoKeelee nw, peye ueIegheefjheLe Deewj
nesiee~ Keguee mebÛejCe ueeF&ve keâer DeefYeue#eCe ØeefleyeeOee keäÙee nw?
(a) 100 Ω (b) 50 Ω
(a) V (b) V 2
(c) 45 Ω (d) 48 Ω
(c) 12 (d) 1 *57. A lossless transmission line of characteristic
impedance 300 Ω and length λ/2 is shorted at
53. Constant voltage transmission have the one end and is terminated in its characteristic
drawback (s) of impedance at the other. The input impedance
efmLej Jeesušlee mebÛejCe keâer neefve nw- measured at the mid section of the line is
(a) increase of short-circuit current of the DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee 300 Ω Deewj uecyeeF& λ/2 keâer
system/ØeCeeueer keâer ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje keâer Je=efæ Skeâ neefvejefnle mebÛejCe ueeFve Skeâ efmejs hej ueIegheefLele nw
(b) lower reserve of line in case of line trouble.
Deewj DevÙe hej Fmekeâer DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee ceW
ueeFve efJeheefòe keâer efmLeefle ceW ueeFve keâer efvecve efjpeJe&
meceehle nes peeleer nw~ ueeFve kesâ ceOÙe Yeeie ceW ceehee ieÙee
(c) increased risk of interruption of supply due to
falling of synchronous motors out of Fvehegš ØeefleyeeOee nw–
synchronism/leguÙekeâeueer ceesšj keâe leguÙekeâeueve mes (a) 0 Ω (b) 100 Ω
nšves kesâ keâejCe Deehetefle& ceW ™keâeJeš kesâ efjmkeâ keâer Je=efæ (c) 300 Ω (d) 150 Ω
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer 58. The generalised constant A for a medium line
54. Constant voltage transmission have the has magnitude
advantage (s) of ceOÙece ueeFve kesâ efueS meeceevÙele: efveÙeleebkeâ A keâe
efmLej Jeesušspe mebÛejCe keâe ueeYe nw- heefjceeCe neslee nw~
(a) availability of steady voltage at all loads at (a) Close to but less than 1/ueieYeie uesefkeâve 1 mes keâce
the receiving end/«eener efmeje hej meYeer Yeej hej efmLej (b) Close to but greater than 1
Jeesušspe keâer GheueyOelee~ ueieYeie uesefkeâve 1 mes DeefOekeâ
(b) possibility of better protection for the line due (c) nearly equal to the series impedance of the
to possible use of higher terminal reactance
line/ueeFve kesâ ßesCeer ØeefleyeeOee kesâ ueieYeie yejeyej
GÛÛe šefce&veue ØeefleIeele kesâ mebYeeefJele GheÙeesie kesâ keâejCe
(d) none of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
ueeFve kesâ efueS yesnlej megj#ee keâer mebYeeJevee~
59. For transmission line which one of the
(c) possibility of carrying increased power for a
given conductor size in case of long distance following relations is true
heavy power transmission/uecyeer otjer GÛÛe Yeej- efvecveefueefKele ceW mes mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS Skeâ mecyevOe
Ùegòeâ Meefòeâ mebÛejCe kesâ ceeceues ceW efkeâmeer efoS ieS Ûeeuekeâ mener nw, pees...........nw~
kesâ Deekeâej kesâ efueS yeÌ{er Meefòeâ ues peeves keâer mebYeeJevee (a) AD − BC = 1 (b) −AD − BC = 1
(d) all of the above/GheÙegòeâ ceW meYeer (c) AD − BC = −1 (d) AD − BC = 0

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 420 YCT

60. If a medium transmission line is represented by (a) reduction in transmission losses.
nominal T, the value of B of ABCD constant is mebÛejCe neefve ceW keâceer
Ùeefo Skeâ ceOÙece mebÛejCe ueeFve keâes meebkesâeflekeâ T Éeje (b) reduction in time of transmission.
ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙee peelee nw, lees ABCD efmLejebkeâ B keâe mebÛejCe kesâ meceÙe ceW keâceer
ceeve.............neslee nw~ (c) increase in system reliablility.
ØeCeeueer kesâ efJeÕemeveerÙelee ceW Je=efæ
(a) Z
(b) Y 1+ 1 YZ ) (d) none of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR

(c) Z 1+ 1 YZ
4 ) (d) 1+ 1 YZ
4 ( ) 66. Which of the following distribution systems is
preferred for good efficiency and high
61. The angle of A, constant of the transmission economy?
line normally lies between efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-meer efJelejCe ØeCeeueer DeÛÚer
A keâe keâesCe, efmLej mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW meeceevÙele:........ o#elee Deewj GÛÛe efkeâheâeÙeleer kesâ efueS hemevo keâer peeleer
kesâ yeerÛe ceW neslee nw– nw~
(a) 900-700 (b) 700-400 (a) single-phase, 2-wire system.
(c) 400-100 (d) 100-00 Skeâue keâuee, 2–leej ØeCeeueer
62. The values of A, B, C and D constants for a (b) 2-phase, 3-wire system./2–keâuee, 3–leej ØeCeeueer
short transmission line are respectively
(c) 3-phase, 3-wire system./3–keâuee, 3–leej ØeCeeueer
Skeâ ueIeg mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS A, B, C Deewj D
(d) 3-phase, 4-wire system./3–keâuee, 4–leej ØeCeeueer
efveÙeleebkeâ kesâ efueS ceeve ›eâceMe: ............... neslee nw
67. In a transmission system the weight of copper
(a) Z, 0, 1 and 1./Z, 0, 1 Deewj 1 used is proportional to
(b) 0, 1, 1 and Z /0, 1, 1 Deewj Z Skeâ mebÛejCe ØeCeeueer ceW, GheÙeesie efkeâS ieS leeByes keâe Yeej
(c) 1, Z, 0 and 1./1, Z, 0 Deewj 1 .............. kesâ Devegheeeflekeâ neslee nw~
(d) 1, 1, Z and 0./1, 1, Z Deewj 0 (a) E2. (b) E.
63. The highest transmission voltage used in India 1 1
(c) 2 (d)
is / Yeejle ceW ØeÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer GÛÛe Jeesušlee E E
mebÛejCe nw– 68. Transmission line connects
(a) 400 kV (b) 220 kV mebÛejCe ueeFve ............. peesÌ[leer nw–
(c) 132 kV (d) 765 kV (a) generating station to a switching station/step-
64. With the same maximum voltage to earth, down transformer station./Glheeove mšsMeve keâes
which of the following AC systems with 0.8 pf efmJeefÛebie mšsMeve/mšshe [eGve š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j mšsMeve mes
will need more copper in comparison to DC 2- (b) step-down transformer station to service
wire system? transformer banks.
Yet hej meceeve DeefOekeâlece Jeesušspe kesâ meeLe efo° Oeeje oes- DeJe›eâce heefjCeeefce$e mšsMeve mes mesJee heefjCeeefce$e yeQkeâ keâes
leej ØeCeeueer keâer leguevee ceW 0.8 Meefòeâ iegCekeâ Jeeues efvecve (c) distribution transformer to consumer
ceW mes efkeâme ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje ØeCeeueer ceW DeefOekeâlece leeByes premises./GheYeesòeâe heefjmej keâes efJelejCe heefjCeeefce$e mes
keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesieer? (d) service points to consumer premises.
(a) single-phase, 2-wire (midpoint earthed). mesJee efyevog mes GheYeesòeâe heefjmej keâes
Skeâue keâuee, 2–leej ceOÙe efyevog Yet- mebÙeesefpele 69. The rated voltage of a 3-phase power system is
(b) single-phase, 3-wire (neutral half of outer). given as
3–keâuee Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer keâer efveOee&efjle Jeesušlee..............
Skeâue keâuee, 3–leej (yeenjer DeeOee Goemeerve)
kesâ ™he ceW efoÙee peelee nw~
(c) three-phase, 3-wire./3–keâuee, 3–leej
(a) rms phase voltage./Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue keâuee Jeesušspe
(d) three-phase, 4-wire. (neutral = outer).
3–keâuee, 4–leej (Goemeerve · yeenj) (b) peak phase voltage./efMeKej keâuee Jeesušspe
(c) rms line to line voltage.
65. The main reason for using high voltage for long
distance power transmission is Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ueeFve mes ueeFve Jeesušspe
uecyeer otjer keâer Meefòeâ mebÛejCe kesâ efueS GÛÛe Jeesušspe keâe (d) peak line to line voltage.
GheÙeesie keâjves keâe cegKÙe keâejCe keâjvee neslee nw– efMeKej ueeFve mes ueeFve Jeesušspe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 421 YCT
70. Which of the following is usually not the 75. If we use bundled conductors in EHV
generating voltage. transmission, it will:
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Deeceleewj hej Glheeove Ùeefo nce EHV (DelÙeeefOekeâ GÛÛe Jeesušlee) mebÛejCe
Jeesušspe vener nw? ueeF&ve ceW yeb[ue ÛeeuekeâeW keâe Fmlesceeue keâjles nQ leye Ùen
(a) 6.6 kV (b) 9.9 kV
(a) increase effective radius and decrease the
(c) 11 kV (d) 13.2kV inductance
71. In transmission lines, variation in voltage at the ØeYeeJeer ef$epÙee yeÌ{leer nw Deewj ØesjkeâlJe Iešlee nw
receiving end, expressed as a percentage of full (b) increase capacitance/Oeeefjlee yeÌ{leer nw
load voltage at the receiving end, when full load (c) decrease the inductance/ØesjkeâlJe Iešlee nw
at a given power factor is removed with voltage (d) increase effective radius/ØeYeeJeer ef$epÙee yeÌ{leer nw
at the sending end being kept constant is called: 76. The volume of copper required for in AC
mebÛejCe ueeFveeW ceW, Øeeefhle efmeje hej Jeesušlee ceW heefjJele&ve transmission line is:/Skeâ AC ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje
keâes, Øeeefhle efmeje hej hetCe& uees[ Jeesušlee keâer ØeefleMelelee mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ leeByes keâer cee$ee nw–
kesâ ¤he ceW JÙeòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw, peye efkeâmeer efoS ieS I. proportional to voltage/Jeesušlee kesâ meceevegheeleer
hee@Jej Hewâkeäšj kesâ meeLe Øes<eCe efmejs hej Jeesušlee keâes efmLej II. proportional to power factor
jKeles ngS hetCe& (Hegâue) uees[ keâes nše efoÙee peelee, Fmes Meefòeâ iegCekeâ kesâ meceevegheeleer
III. inversely proportional voltage and proportion
keäÙee keâne peelee nw? to current
(a) Voltage regulation/Jeesušspe jsiÙetuesMeve Jeesušlee kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer leLee Oeeje kesâ meceevegheeleer
(b) Load regulation/uees[ jsiÙetuesMeve (a) Only I/kesâJeue I
(c) Shunt regulation/Mebš jsiÙetuesMeve (b) Both I and II/I Deewj II oesveeW
(d) Current regulation/keâjvš jsiÙetuesMeve (c) Only II/kesâJeue II
72. The size of neutral wire as compared to that of (d) Only III/kesâJeue III
line wire should be in case of single phase supply *77. The data tabulated for a power system is as
Skeâue Hesâpe Deehetefle& ceW ueeFve leej keâer leguevee ceW Goemeerve follows:/Skeâ hee@Jej efmemšce kesâ efueS efJeJejCe
leej keâe Deekeâej– meejCeeryeæ ™he mes veerÛes efoÙee ieÙee nw–
Line voltage = 11 kV
(a) equal/yejeyej nesvee ÛeeefnS
ueeFve Jeesušspe = 11 kV
(b) one and a half/[sÌ{ iegvee nesvee ÛeeefnS
Generated power = 558 kW
(c) half/DeeOee nesvee ÛeeefnS Glheeefole Meefòeâ = 558 kW
(d) double/oesiegvee nesvee ÛeeefnS Load power = 443 kW
73. Three–phase AC supply system is preferred as uees[ Meefòeâ = 443 kW
compared to single–phase AC supply system due Load current = 50 A
to:/Skeâue hesâpe AC Deehetefle& leb$e keâer leguevee ceW leerve hesâpe uees[ Oeeje = 50 A
AC Deehetefle& leb$e keâes ØeeLeefcekeâlee osves keâe keâejCe nw: The resistance of the power line connected to it
(a) High efficiency/GÛÛe o#elee is:/lees Fmemes pegÌ[s ngÙes hee@Jej ueeFve keâe ØeeflejesOe keäÙee
(b) Small number of connections nesiee–
keâveskeäMeveeW keâer keâce mebKÙee (a) 46Ω (b) 40Ω
(c) Small voltage drop/keâce Jeesušlee heele (c) 220Ω (d) 50Ω
78. Usually, what is the generation voltage in
(d) Low cost of switching/efmJeefÛebie keâer keâce ueeiele
India?/meeceevÙele:, Yeejle ceW Glheeove Jeesušlee keäÙee nw?
74. A 30 km transmission line carrying power at 33
(a) Between 50 kV and 133 kV
kV is known as ……/33 kV Meefòeâ Jeeueer 30 efkeâceer
50 kV Deewj 133 kV kesâ yeerÛe
keâer mebÛejCe ueeFve ........ keânueeleer nw– (b) Between 11 kV and 33 kV
(a) short transmission line/Úesšer mebÛejCe ueeFve 11 kV Deewj 33 kV kesâ yeerÛe
(b) long transmission line/uebyeer mebÛejCe ueeFve (c) Between 400 kV and 700 kV
(c) high power line/GÛÛe Meefòeâ ueeFve 400 kV Deewj 700 kV kesâ yeerÛe
(d) ultra high voltage line (d) Between 132 kV and 400 kV
yengle DeefOekeâ Jeesušspe Jeeueer ueeFve 132 kV Deewj 400 kV kesâ yeerÛe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 422 YCT
79. Which of the following distribution system is (b) increasing the standing wave ratio above unity
used for combined power and lighting load? mšsef[bie JesJe Devegheele keâes FkeâeF& mes DeefOekeâ yeÌ{ekeâj
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meer efJelejCe ØeCeeueer keâe (c) shorting the line at the end
GheÙeesie mebÙegòeâ ™he mes Meefòeâ Deewj ØekeâeMe Yeej kesâ efueS ueeFve kesâ Deble keâes Mee@š& keâjkesâ
neslee nw? (d) terminating the line in its characteristic
(a) Single phase 2-wire AC system impedance/ueeFve keâes Fmekesâ DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ Fcheer[Wme
Skeâue-keâuee, 2-JeeÙej ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje ØeCeeueer mes šefce&vesš keâjkesâ
(b) Three phase, 3-wire AC system 84. A3-phase supply feeds a load consisting of
ef$e-keâuee, 3-JeeÙej S.meer. ØeCeeueer three equal star connected resistors. If one of
(c) Three phase, 4-wire AC system the resistor is removed, the load power is :
ef$e-keâuee, 4-JeeÙej S.meer ØeCeeueer Skeâ ef$e-keâuee Deehetefle& Skeâ Yeej keâe YejCe keâjlee nw
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR efpemeceW leerve meceeve mšej Deeyeæ ØeeflejesOekeâ nw~ Ùeefo Skeâ
*80. The transmission line feeding power on either ØeeflejesOekeâ keâes nše efoÙee peelee nw, lees Yeej Meefòeâ :
side of the main transmission line is called : (a) Reduced by 25%/25³ mes Ieš peeleer nw
mebÛejCe ueeFve pees efkeâ cegKÙe mebÛejCe ueeFve mes efkeâmeer (b) Reduced by 33.3%/33.3³ mes Ieš peeleer nw
Yeer efmejs mes heese<f ele nw keânueeleer nw– (c) Reduced by 50%/50³ mes Ieš peeleer nw
(a) Secondary distribution/efÉleerÙekeâ efJelejCe (d) Reduced by 66.6%/66.6³ mes Ieš peeleer nw
(b) Secondary transmission/efÉleerÙekeâ mebÛejCe *85. Match the transmission lines given in Column
(c) Primary transmission/ØeeLeefcekeâ mebÛejCe A with their respective voltage carrying
(d) Primary distribution/ØeeLeefcekeâ efJelejCe capacity in column B./keâe@uece A ceW efoS Skeâ
*81. A bipolar HVDC transmission line has two š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFveeW keâe keâe@uece B ceW Gvekesâ mebyebefOele
poles–/Skeâ efÉOegÇJeerÙe GÛÛe Jeesušlee efo° Oeeje heejs<eCe Jeesušspe Jenve #ecelee kesâ meeLe efceueeve keâjW~
ueeFve kesâ oes OeÇgJe nesles nQ– keâe@uece- A keâe@uece- B
(a) One positive and other negative 1. Primary Transmission a. 132 kV
Skeâ Oeveelcekeâ leLee otmeje $e+Ceelcekeâ ØeeLeefcekeâ š^ebmeefceMeve
(b) Both Positive/oesveeW Oeveelcekeâ 2. Primary Distribution b. 33 kV
(c) Both negative/oesveeW $e+Ceelcekeâ ØeeLeefcekeâ efJelejCe
(d) None of the above alternative 3. Secondary Transmission c. 11 kV
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesFÇ efJekeâuhe veneR efÉleerÙekeâ š^ebmeefceMeve
*82. In bundle conductors, if 'Ds' is the Geometric 4. Secondary Distribution d. 400 V
Mean Radius (GMR) of each subconductor and efÉleerÙekeâ efJelejCe
'd' is the bundle spacing as shown in fig. then (a) 1 - b; 2 - b; 3 - c; 4-d
for the two subconductor bundle– (b) 1 - d; 2 - c; 3 - b; 4-a
Ùeefo yeb[ue Ûeeuekeâes ceW meYeer GheÛeeuekeâeW keâe pÙeeefceefle (c) 1 - a; 2 - c; 3 - b; 4-d
Deewmele ef$epÙee (GMR) 'Ds' nes leLee 'd' yeb[uees kesâ (d) 1 - a; 2 - b; 3 - d; 4-c
yeerÛe keâer otjer nes pewmee efÛe$e ceW oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw leye oes 86. The permissible voltage drop from supply
terminal to any point on the wiring system
GheÛeeuekeâeW kesâ yeb[ue nsleg–
should not exceed?/ØeoeÙe šefce&veue mes leej mLeeheve
ØeCeeueer kesâ efkeâmeer efyebog hej DevegcesÙe Jeesušlee heele efkeâmemes
DeefOekeâ veneR nesvee ÛeeefnS?
1/ 2
(a) Dsb = Ds × d (b) Dsb = ( Ds × d ) (a) 4%+1 volt/Jeesuš
2 (b) 1%+1volt/Jeesuš
(c) Dsb = ( Ds × d ) (d) Dsb = 3 ( Ds × d ) (c) 3%+1volt/Jeesuš
83. Any length of transmission line may be made to (d) 2%+1volt/Jeesuš
appear as an infinitely long line by : 87. Which of the following lines has highest steady
š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve keâer keâesF& Yeer uebyeeF& keâes Deveble uebyeer state limit?/efvecveebefkeâle ceW mes keâewve meer efJeÅegle ueeFve
ueeFve ceevee pee mekeâlee nw– keâer GÛÛelece efmLej DeJemLee meercee nw?
(a) leaving the line open at the end (a) 132 kV (b) 66kV
ueeFve kesâ Skeâ efmejs keâes Keguee ÚesÌ[ keâj (c) 220 kV (d) 400kV

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 423 YCT

93. For torque angle δ, the condition for maximum
2. ueeFveeW kesâ ØeeÛeue Ùee efmLejebkeâ power transmission
(Parameters of Lines) yeueeIetCe& keâesCe δ kesâ efueS, DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ mebÛejCe kesâ
efueS Mele& nw
88. An 800 kV transmission line has a maximum (a) δ = 0
power transfer capacity of P. If it is operated at (b) δ = 90º
400 kV with the series reactance unchanged, 3X
then maximum power transfer capacity is (c) δ = tan −1
approximately R
800 kV mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW DeefOekeâlece Meefkeäle mLeevlejCe R
(d) δ = tan −1 r
#ecelee P nw~ Ùeefo Ùen 400 kV hej DeheefjJee|lele ßeb=Keuee 3X
ØeefleIeele kesâ meeLe ØeÛeeefuele efkeâÙee peeS nw, lees 94. The peak value of power angle curve of a
DeefOekeâlece Meefkeäle mLeevlejCe #ecelee ueieYeie nesieer– transmission line is 50 MVA. If two such
(a) P (b) 2P identical lines are added in parallel, the
(c) P/2 (d) P/4 resulting peak value is
89. Inertia constant of two groups of machines, Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ Meefòeâ keâesCe Je›eâ keâe efMeKej
which swing together are M4 and M2. The ceeve 50 MVA nw~ Ùeefo Fmeer Øekeâej keâer meceeve ueeFveW
inertia constant of the system is
meceeblej ceW peesÌ[er peeleer nQ, lees heefjCeeceer efMeKej ceeve
ceMeerveeW kesâ oes mecetneW keâe pe[lJe efveÙeleebkeâ pees Skeâ meeLe
neslee nw~
oesueve keâjles nw M4 Deewj M2 nw~ ØeCeeueer keâe pe[lJe
(a) 25 MVA (b) 50 MVA
efveÙeleebkeâ nw–
(c) 100 MVA (d) 200 MVA
(a) (b) M 4 − M 2 95. When the length of transmission line increases,
M4 + M2 the resistance (R) of the line
M4 + M2 peye mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer uecyeeF& yeÌ{leer nw, lees ueeFve keâe
(c) M 4 + M 2 (d)
M4M2 ØeeflejesOe (R) ............
90. Ferranti effect on long overhead lines is (a) remains same /DeheefjJeefle&le
experienced when it is (b) decreases /Ieš peelee nw
uecyeer efMejeshejer ueeFve hej Hesâjebšer ØeYeeJe Øeleerle neslee nw, (c) increases /yeÌ{ peelee nw
peye Ùen ...........nw~ (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) lightly loaded/nukesâ Yeej 96. When the length of transmission line increases,
(b) on full load at unity p.f. its inductive reactance (XL)
FkeâeF& Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej hetCe& Yeej peye mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer uecyeeF& yeÌ{ peeleer nw, lees Fmekeâer
(c) on full load at 0.8 p.f. lag ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele (XL)–
0.8 P.F. hej hetCe& Yeej hej (a) increases /yeÌ{ peelee nw
(d) in all these cases/meYeer ceeceuees ceW (b) decreases /Ieš peelee nw
91. For a lumped inductive load, with increase in (c) remains same /meceeve jnlee nw
supply frequency
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Deehetefle& DeeJe=efòe ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe Skeâ uech[ (Skeâ$e)
97. The line resistance (R) and inductive reactance
ØesjkeâerÙe Yeej kesâ efueS– (XL) in a transmission line are related as:
(a) P and Q increase/P Deewj Q yeÌ{les nw~ Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW ueeFve ØeeflejesOe (R) Deewj ØesjkeâerÙe
(b) P increases, Q decreases/ P yeÌ{lee nw, Q Iešlee nw~ ØeefleIeele (XL) mecyeefvOele nw-
(c) P decreases, Q increases/ P Iešlee nw, Q yeÌ{lee nw~ (a) XL = R
(d) P and Q decreases/P Deewj Q Iešlee nw~ (b) XL > R
92. Velocity of travelling wave through a cable of (c) XL < R
relative permittivity 9 is (d) none of above /FmeceW mes keâesF& veneR
meehes#e efJeÅegleMeeruelee 9 kesâ Skeâ kesâyeue kesâ ceeOÙece mes 98. To increase the capacity of a transmission line
mebÛeej lejbie keâe Jesie nw- for transmitting power which of the following
(a) 9 × 108 metres/sec/ 9 × 108 ceer./mes. must be decreased?
(b) 3 × 108 metres/sec/ 3 × 108 ceer./mes. Meefkeäle mebÛeejCe kesâ efueS mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer #ecelee
(c) 108 metres/sec/108 ceer./mes. yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS, efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmekeâes DeJeMÙe
(d) 2 × 108 metres/sec/2 × 108 ceer./mes. keâce keâjvee ÛeeefnS?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 424 YCT
(a) Capacitance/Oeeefjlee keâes 104. % regulation of a transmission line is given by:
(b) Line inductance/ueeFve ØesjkeâlJe keâes mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe ØeefleMele efveÙeceve .......... kesâ Éeje
(c) Voltage/Jeesušlee keâes efoÙee peelee nw~
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer VR − VS VS − VR
(a) × 100 (b) × 100
99. Skin effect exists only in VR 2 VR
lJeefÛekeâ ØeYeeJe kesâJeue ...... ceW ceewpeto neslee nw VS − VR VS − VR
(c) × 100 (d) × 100
(a) A.C. transmission/A.C. mebÛejCe VS VR 2
(b) High voltage d.c. overhead transmission 105. The phenomenon of rise in voltages at the
GÛÛe Jeesušlee d.c. efMejesheefj mebÛejCe receiving end of the open-circuited or lightly
(c) Low voltage d.c. overhead transmission loaded line is called the:
efvecve Jeesušlee d.c. efMejesheefj mebÛejCe Keguee-heefjheLe Ùee nukeâe Yeeefjle keâer ieF& ueeFve kesâ «eener
(d) Cables carrying d.c. current efmeje hej Jeesušspe ceW Je=efæ keâer Iešvee keâes ............. keâne
d.c. Oeeje ues peeves Jeeues kesâefyeueeW peelee nw~
100. The effective resistance of a conductor will be (a) Seeback effect/meeryewkeâ ØeYeeJe
the same as 'ohmic resistance' when (b) Ferranti effect/hesâjebšer ØeYeeJe
Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe, ‘Deesefcekeâ ØeeflejesOe’ kesâ (c) Raman effect/jceve ØeYeeJe
meceeve nesiee, peye– (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) power factor is unity/Meefòeâ iegCekeâ FkeâeF& neslee nw 106. Frequency of resonant vibrations lies in the
range of
(b) current is uniformly distributed in the
Devegveeoer keâcheVe keâer DeeJe=efòe ........ kesâ hejeme ceW nesleer nw~
conductor cross-section/Ûeeuekeâ kesâ DevegØemLe keâeš
(a) 10-20 Hz/10-20 nšdpe&
ceW Skeâ meceeve Oeeje efJeleefjle efkeâÙee peelee nw
(b) 100-200 Hz/100-200 nšdpe&
(c) voltage is low/Jeesušlee efvecve neslee nw
(c) 50-100 Hz/50-100 nšdpe&
(d) current is in true sine wave form
(d) 200-300 Hz/200-300 nšdpe&
Oeeje mener pÙee lejbie ™he ceW nesleer nw
107. The recieving-end voltage of a transmission line
101. Skin effect is noticeable only at ……….. will be greater than the sending-end voltage if
frequencies the load is
lJeeefÛekeâ ØeYeeJe kesâJeue ......... DeeJe=efòe hej OÙeeve osves Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve, ceW «eener efmeje Jeesušlee, Øesef<ele efmeje
ÙeesiÙe neslee nw~ Jeesušlee mes DeefOekeâ Ùeefo Yeej nes–
(a) audio/Dee@ef[Ùees (b) low/efvecve (a) greater than SIL. (surge impedance loading)
(c) high/GÛÛe (d) all/meYeer SIL mes DeefOekeâ
102. Power system stability is least affected by (b) less than SIL/SIL mes keâce
Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer keâer efmLejlee ........ kesâ Éeje keâce mes
keâce (c) equal to SIL/SIL kesâ yejeyej
ØeYeeefJele nesleer nw~ (d) None of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) reactance of generator/peefve$e kesâ ØeefleIeele *108. The SIL of a single circuit 220 kV line is
(b) input torque/efveefJe° yeueeIetCe&
Skeâ 220 kV Skeâue heefjheLe ueeFve ceW SIL ueieYeie
(c) losses/neefveÙeeB .......... neslee nw~
(d) reactance of transmission line (a) 120 MW (b) 90 MW
mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ ØeefleIeele (c) 220 MW (d) 400 MW
103. The skin effect of a conductor will reduce as *109. What is the surge impedance loading of a
the: lossless 400 kV, 3- phase, 50 Hz overhead line
Ûeeuekeâ keâe lJeefÛekeâ ØeYeeJe efvecve nesiee peye– of average of surge impedance of 400 ohms?
(a) Resistivity of conductor material increases 400 Deesce keâer Deewmele efnuueesue (mepe&) ØeefleyeeOee keâer
Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee yeÌ{leer nw neef v e jefnle 400 kV, 3-keâuee, 50Hz DeeJe=efòe keâer
(b) Permeability of conductor material increases efMejeshejer ueeFve ceW mepe& ØeefleyeeOee Yeej keäÙee nesieer~
Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& keâer heejiecÙelee yeÌ{leer nw (a) 400 MW (b) 400 3 MW
(c) Diameter increases/JÙeeme yeÌ{lee nw (c) 400 MW (d) 400 kW
(d) Frequency increases/DeeJe=efòe yeÌ{leer nw 3

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 425 YCT

110. Consider the following statements: 3. mebOeeefj$e kesâ Øeefle mes
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW~ 4. ØesjkeâlJe kesâ Øeefle FkeâeF& mes
Surge impedance loading of a transmission line (a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 (b) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3
can be increased by
(c) 1 and 4/1 Deewj 4 (d) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4
Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe mepe& ØeefleyeeOee Yeej keâes
114. Which of the following statements is correct?
..........Éeje. yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw?
1. increasing its voltage level
(a) surge impedance is the impedance at the time
Fmekesâ Jeesušlee mlej keâes yeÌ{e keâj
of breakdown of voltage
2. addition of lumped increasing in parallel
mepe& ØeefleyeeOee, Jeesušlee kesâ Yebpeve kesâ meceÙe ØeefleyeeOee nw
meceevlej ceW yeÌ{les ngS ueche[ peesÌ[ keâj
(b) surge impedance and Characteristic
3. addition of lumped capacitance in series impedance for a transmission line are the
ßesCeer ceW uech[ mebOeeefj$e peesÌ[ keâj same/mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS mepe& ØeefleyeeOee Deewj
4. reducing the length of the line DeefYeue#eCe ØeefleyeeOee meceeve nw
ueeFve keâer uecyeeF& Iešekeâj (c) surge impedance is the impedance of
Of these statements transmission line when corona takes place
Fve keâLeveeW ceW– mepe& ØeefleyeeOee, mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer ØeefleyeeOee nw, peye
(a) 1 and 3 are correct/ 1 Deewj 3 mener nQ keâesjesvee mLeeve ueslee nw
(b) 1 and 4 are correct/ 1 Deewj 4 mener nQ (d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâeF& veneR
(c) 2 and 4 are correct/ 2 Deewj 4 mener nQ 115. The Characteristic impedance of a transmission
(d) 3 and 4 are correct/ 3 Deewj 4 mener nQ line depends upon
*111. A cable has inductance of 0.22 mH per km and mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee........hej
capacitance of 0.202 µF per km. The surge efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
impecance of the cable is (a) shape of the conductor/Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Deekeâej
Skeâ kesâyeue ceW ØesjkeâlJe 0.22 mH Øeefle efkeâceer keâer nw Deewj
(b) conductivity of the conductor material
Øeefle efkeâceer Oeeefjlee 0.202 µF nw~ lees kesâyeue keâer mepe& Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& keâer Ûeeuekeâlee
ØeefleyeeOee nw– (c) geometrical configuration of the conductors
(a) 28 Ω (b) 33 Ω Ûeeuekeâes kesâ pÙeeefceleerÙe efJevÙeeme
(c) 42 Ω (d) 50 Ω
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
*112. A 50 Ω distortionless transmission line has a
116. For a lossy transmission line, the characteristic
capacitance of 10-10 F/m. What its inductance
impedance does not depend on
per metre?
Skeâ 50 Ω efJeke=âefle jefnle mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ heeme 10-10 neefve mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ
F/m keâe mebOeeefj$e nw~ Fmekeâer Øeefle ceeršj ØesjkeâlJe keäÙee ØeefleyeeOee....... hej efveYe&j veneR keâjlee nw~
nw? (a) the operating frequency of the line
(a) 0.25 µH (b) 500 µH
ueeFve keâer ØeÛeeueve DeeJe=efòe
(c) 5000 µH (d) 50 µH (b) the conductivity of the conductors
113. Consider the following statements: Ûeeuekeâ keâer Ûeeuekeâlee
The characteristic impedance of a transmission (c) conductivity of the dielectric separating the
line can increase with the increase in conductors
1. resistance per unit length. Ûeeuekeâ keâes Deueie keâjves Jeeues hejeJewÅegle keâer Ûeeuekeâlee
2. conductance per unit length. (d) length of the line/ueeFve keâer uecyeeF&
3. capacitance per unit length. 117. In case the characteristic impedance of a
4. inductance per unit length. transmission line is equal to the load
efvecve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW– impedance then
Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee......... Ùeefo mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer efmLeefle ceW, DeefYeue#eCe
ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe Je=efæ nes mekeâleer nw- ØeefleyeeOee, Yeej ØeefleyeeOee kesâ yejeyej nesleer nw lees..........
1. ØeeflejesOe kesâ Øeefle FkeâeF& uecyeeF& ceW (a) the system will Resonant badly
2. Ûeeuekeâlee kesâ Øeefle FkeâeF& uecyeeF& mes ØeCeeueer yegjer lejn mes Devegveeo keâjsiee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 426 YCT
(b) all the energy sent will be absorbed by the 122. A transmission line is distortion less if
load Ùeefo Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve efJe™heCe cegòeâ neslee nw Ùeefo–
Yespeer ieF& meYeer Tpee& Yeej Éeje DeJeMeesef<ele nes peeÙesieer
(a) RG = LC (b) RC = GL
(c) all the energy sent will pass to the earth R G
(c) = (d) R = G
Yespeer ieF& meYeer Tpee& Yet-ceW Ûeueer peeÙesieer C L
(d) all the energy will be lost in transmission line 123. In long transmission line with r, l, g and c are
as transmission losses/mebÛejCe ne@efve kesâ ™he ceW meYeer the resistance, inductance, shunt conductance
Tpee& mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW ve° nes peeÙesieer~ and capacitance per unit length, respectively,
the condition for distortionless transmission is
118. Surge impedance of a transformer is in the
range of r, l, g Deewj c kesâ meeLe uecyeer mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW ›eâceMe:
heefjCeeefce$e ceW efnuueesue ØeefleyeeOee..........keâer hejeme ceW ØeeflejesOe, ØesjkeâlJe, meceevlej mebOeeefj$e Deewj mebOeeefj$e Øeefle
neslee nw~ FkeâeF& uecyeeF& ceW nw~ efJe™heCe cegòeâ mebÛejCe kesâ efueS Mele&
(a) 80−100 Ω nw–
(b) 400−500 Ω (a) rc = lg (b) r = l / c
(c) 1,000−2,000 Ω (c) rc = lc (d) g = c / l
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâeF& veneR 124. The propagation constant of a transmission line
119. The surge impedance of a 400 kV, 100 km is given as
transmission line is 300 ohms. For a 200 km Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW Øemeej efmLejebkeâ keâes..........kesâ ™he
length the line surge impedance will be ceW efoÙee peelee nw~
Skeâ 400 kV, 100 km keâer mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe efnuueesue
(a) jω LC (b) j LC
300 Deesce nw~ 200 efkeâceer uecyeer ueeFve keâe efnuueesue
ØeefleyeeOee nesiee– (c) j L / C (d) j C / L

(a) 300 ohms/Deesce 300 (b) 150 ohms/Deesce 150 125. The transmission capacity of a line at 50 Hz
frequency as compared to that at 60 Hz
(c) 600 ohms/Deesce 600 (d) 400 ohms/Deesce 400 frequency is
120. Surge impedance values for cables are 60 Hz DeeJe=efòe keâer leguevee ceW 50Hz DeeJe=efòe hej Skeâ
kesâyeue keâe efnuueesue (mepe&) ØeefleyeeOee keâe ceeve......... ueeFve keâer mebÛejCe o#elee.........nesleer nw~
neslee nw~ (a) lower/keâce
(a) higher than those of overhead lines (b) higher/DeefOekeâ
efMejesheefj ueeFveeW keâer leguevee ceW DeefOekeâ (c) the same/meceeve
(b) lower than those of overhead lines
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
efMejesheefj ueeFveeW keâer leguevee ceW keâce
126. The maximum efficiency in the transmission of
(c) of the same order as those of overhead bulk AC power will be achieved when the
lines/efMejesheefj ueeFveeW kesâ ner meceeve power factor of the load is
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR DeefOekeâ Meefòeâ kesâ mebÛejCe ceW DeefOekeâlece o#elee Øeehle keâer
121. Multiple conductor lines have peeSieer, peye Yeej keâe Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ ............. neslee nw~
yeng Ûeeuekeâ ueeFveeW ceW .......... neslee nw~ (a) slightly less than unity lagging
(a) lower surge impedance than single conductor FkeâeF& mes LeesÌ[e keâce heMÛeieeceer
lines/Skeâue Ûeeuekeâ ueeFve keâer leguevee ceW keâce efnuueesue (b) slightly less than unity leading
(mepe&) ØeefleyeeOee FkeâeF& mes LeesÌ[e keâce De«eieeceer
(b) higher surge impedance than single line (c) unity/FkeâeF&
conductors/Skeâue Ûeeuekeâ ueeFve keâer leguevee ceW DeefOekeâ (d) considerably less than unity/FkeâeF& mes yengle keâce
efnuueesue (mepe&) ØeefleyeeOee 127. The characteristic impedance of a transmission
(c) higher surge impedance than single conductor line with series impedance Z ohms per unit
lines for short lengths and lower surge length and shunt admittance Y mhos per unit
impedance for long lines length, is given by
Úesšer uecyeeF& kesâ efueS Skeâue Ûeeuekeâ ueeFveeW keâer leguevee Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer DeefYeue#eCe ØeefleyeeOee ßesCeer
ceW GÛÛe efnuueesue (mepe&) ØeefleyeeOee Deewj uecyeer ueeFveeW kesâ ØeefleyeeOee Z Deesce Øeefle FkeâeF& uecyeeF& kesâ meeLe Deewj
efueS keâce efnuueesue (mepe&) ØeefleyeeOee meceevlej ØeJesMÙelee Y cnes Øeefle FkeâeF& uecyeeF&, Éeje efoÙee
(d) all of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer peelee nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 427 YCT
(a) (Z + Y)2 (b) ( Z.Y ) 133. If L, C and Y are the inductance, capacitance
and shunt admittance of a line unit length, then

( YZ ) ( YZ )
(c) (d) for length ℓ.

128. If the open-and short-circuit input impedance Ùeefo L, C Deewj Y Skeâ ueeFve keâer Øeefle FkeâeF& uecyeeF&
of a lossless line are respectively Z1 and Z2, its keâe ØesjkeâlJe, mebOeeefj$e Deewj Mebš ØeJesMÙelee nw, lees ℓ
characteristic impedance will be
Ùeefo Skeâ oes<e jefnle ueeFve kesâ Keguee Deewj ueIegheefjheLe uecyeeF& kesâ efueS nw–
efveJesMe ØeefleyeeOee ›eâceMe: Z1 Deewj Z2 nw, lees Fmekeâer (a) the shunt admittance is Y.l.
DeefYeue#eCe ØeefleyeeOee nesieer- meceevlej ØeJesMÙelee Y.l nesiee
(b) the inductance is L.l./ØesjkeâlJe L.l nesiee
(a) Z1 + Z2 (b) Z12 + Z22
(c) the capacitance is C/l./mebOeeefj$e C/l nesiee
Z12 + Z22
(c) (d) Z1 × Z2 (d) the shunt admittance is Y/l.
Z1 + Z2 meceevlej ØeJesMÙelee Y/l nesiee
129. For A transmission line with resistance R, 134. Transmission efficiency of a transmission line
reactance X and negligible capacitance, the increases with the
generalised constant A is
Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer mebÛejCe o#elee............. kesâ meeLe
ØeeflejesOe R, ØeefleIeele X Deewj veieCÙe mebOeeefj$e kesâ meeLe
Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS meeceevÙeleŠ efveÙeleebkeâ kesâ yeÌ{lee nw~
A........... neslee nw~ (a) decrease in power factor and voltage.
(a) 0 (b) 1 Meefòeâ iegCekeâ Deewj Jeesušspe ceW keâceer kesâ keâejCe
(c) R + j X (d) R + X (b) increase in power factor and voltage.
130. The value of the 'A' parameter of a Meefòeâ iegCekeâ Deewj Jeesušspe ceW Je=efæ kesâ keâejCe
transmission line (c) increase in power factor but decrease in
Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ 'A' hewjeceeršj keâe ceeve– voltage.
(a) increases with the increase in length of the Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceW Je=efæ leLee Jeesušspe ceW keâceer kesâ keâejCe
line/ueeFve keâer uecyeeF& ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw~ (d) increase in voltage but decrease in power
(b) decreases with the increase in line length factor.
ueeFve keâer uecyeeF& ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe Iešlee nw~ Jeesušspe ceW Je=efæ uesefkeâve Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceW keâceer kesâ keâejCe
(c) is independent of line length
135. Under no-load conditions, the current in a
ueeFve kesâ uecyeeF& hej efveYe&j veneR keâjlee nw transmission line is because of
(d) None of these/Fveces mes keâesF& veneR Yeej jefnle efmLeefle kesâ lenle, Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW Oeeje
131. If X is the inductive reactance/ phase and R is efkeâmekeâer keâejCe mes neslee nw?
the resistance/phase of a short transmission
line, what is the power factor angle of the load (a) capacitance effect./mebOeeefj$e ØeYeeJe
for maximum voltage regulation? (b) corona effect. /efkeâjerš ØeYeeJe
Ùeefo Skeâ ueIeg mebÛejCe ueeFve X ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele/hesâpe (c) proximity effect./meceerhelee ØeYeeJe
Deewj R ØeeflejesOe/hesâpe nw, lees DeefOekeâlece Jeesušspe
(d) back flow from earth./Yet mes Jeeheme yeneJe
efveÙeceve kesâ efueS Yeej keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâesCe keäÙee nw?
136. Which of the following statements are correct?
(a) cos-1 X/R (b) tan-1 X/R
(c) cos-1 R/X (d) tan-1 R/X
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw?
132. For an ac transmission line of length not (a) Flow of unduly heavy current is Ferranti
exceeding 80 km, it is usual to lump the line effect./DeveeJeeMÙekeâ ™he mes DeefOekeâ Oeeje keâe ØeJeen
capacitance at hesâjevšer ØeYeeJe nw~
80 efkeâceer mes DeefOekeâ uecyeeF& mes keâce keâer Skeâ S.meer. (b) Ferranti effect occurs under unloaded
mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS, ueeFve mebOeeefj$e keâes keâce keâjvee condition of line./hesâjevšer ØeYeeJe ueeFve keâer DeYeeefjle
Deece leewj hej ............. hej ueieevee neslee nw~ efmLeleer kesâ lenle neslee nw~
(a) the sending end./Øesef<ele efmeje (c) The rise in receiving-end voltage is Ferranti
(b) the receiving end./«eener efmeje effect./«eener efmeje Jeesušlee ceW Je=efæ hesâjevšer ØeYeeJe nw
(c) the midpoint./ceOÙe efyevog (d) Both (b) and (c) combined is Ferranti effcet.
(d) any convenient point./keâesF& megefJeOeepevekeâ efyevog (b) Deewj (c) oesveeW mebÙegòeâ hesâjevšer ØeYeeJe nw~

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 428 YCT

137. In a long transmission line under no-load 142. Which of the following is neglected while
condition analysing a short transmission line?
Yeej jefnle efmLeefle kesâ lenle Skeâ uecyeer mebÛejCe ueeFve ueIeg mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe efJeMues<eCe keâjles meceÙe
ceW............ efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve veneR efueÙee peelee nw?
(a) the receiving-end voltage is less than the (a) shunt admittance./meceeveevlej ØeJesMÙelee keâes
sending-end voltage./«eener efmeje Jeesušspe Øesef<ele (b) power losses./Meefòeâ neefveÙeeB keâes
efmeje Jeesušspe mes keâce neslee nw~ (c) series impedance./ßesCeer ØeefleyeeOee keâes
(b) the sending-end voltage is less than the
(d) none of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
receiving-end voltage./Øesef<ele efmeje Jeesušspe «eener
143. In modelling the equivalent circuit of a short
efmeje Jeesušspe mes keâce neslee nw~ length overhead transmission line, the line
(c) the sending-end voltage is equal to the resistance and inductance are only considered
receiving-end voltage./Øesef<ele efmeje Jeesušspe «eener because line capacitance to ground is
efmeje Jeesušspe kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~ cee@[efuebie ceW Úesšer uecyeeF& kesâ efMejesheefj mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ
(d) none of these./FveceW mes keâesF& veneR leguÙe heefjheLe ceW, kesâJeue ueeFve ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØesjkeâlJe
138. When is the Ferranti effect on long overhead keâes ceevee peelee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ ueeFve mebOeeefj$e Yet-mes.........~
lines experienced? (a) equal to zero/MetvÙe kesâ yejeyej neslee nw
hesâjevšer ØeYeeJe keâes uecyes efMejesheefj ueeFveeW hej keâye (b) finite but very small
DevegYeJe efkeâÙee peelee nw? efveef§ele uesefkeâve yengle keâce neslee nw
(a) the line is lightly loaded. (c) finite but very large
ueeFve hej nukeâe Yeej nesves hej efveef§ele uesefkeâve yengle pÙeeoe neslee nw
(b) the line is heavily loaded. (d) infinite/Devevle
ueeFve DeefOekeâ Yeeefjle nesves hej 144. As compared to sending-end voltage, the
(c) the line is fully loaded./ueeFve hetCe& Yeeefjle nesves hej receiving-end voltage of a short line under no-
(d) the power factor is unity. load condition is
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ FkeâeF& nesves hej Øesef<ele efmeje Jeesušspe keâer leguevee ceW, Yeej jefnle efmLeefle kesâ
139. Ferranti effect happens in transmission line lenle Skeâ Úesšer ueeFve keâe «eener efmeje Jeesušspe neslee nw–
when the line is (a) higher/GÛÛe neslee nw
hesâjevšer ØeYeeJe mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW neslee nw peye ueeFve (b) lower /efvecve neslee nw
nesleer nw– (c) remains the same/Skeâ meceeve jnlee nw~
(a) short and loaded./ueIeg Deewj Yeeefjle (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(b) long and loaded. /uecyeer Deewj Yeeefjle 145. Proximity effect
(c) long and unloaded./uecyeer Deewj DeYeeefjle meceerhelee ØeYeeJe–
(d) none of these./FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) is more pronounced for large conductors, high
140. Which of the following voltage regulation is frequencies and close proximity.
considered to be the best? uecyes Ûeeuekeâ, GÛÛe DeeJe=efòeÙeeB Deewj efvekeâšlee kesâ efueS
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve–mee Jeesušspe efveÙeceve meyemes DeefOekeâ mhe° nw
DeÛÚe ceevee peelee nw? (b) increases the resistance of the conductors and
(a) 2% (b) 30% reduces the self reactance.
(c) 70% (d) 80% Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâes yeÌ{elee nw Deewj ØeefleIeele keâes keâce
141. Equivalent π model is quite suitable for keâjlee nw
analyzing the performance of transmission line (c) is substantially eliminated with stranded
of conductos.
meceleguÙe π cee@[ue ...........keâer mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ ØeoMe&ve IegceeJeoej Ûeeueekeâ kesâ meeLe keâeheâer no lekeâ meceehle nes
keâe efJeMues<eCe keâjves kesâ efueS keâeheâer GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ peelee nw
(a) 50 km length./50 efkeâceer. uecyeeF& kesâ efueS (d) all of the above./Ghejesòeâ meYeer
146. Capacitance in equivalent circuit of a
(b) 150 km length./150 efkeâceer. uecyeeF& kesâ efueS
transmission line is due to
(c) 250 km length./250 efkeâceer. uecyeeF& kesâ efueS Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ meceleguÙe heefjheLe ceW mebOeeefj$e
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer ........... kesâ keâejCe neslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 429 YCT
(a) curent in the line./ueeFve ceW Oeeje 150. In HV transmission the spacing between
(b) difference in potential of line. subconductors of a bundle is approximately
ueeFve kesâ efJeYeJe ceW Devlej GÛÛe Jeesušlee mebÛejCe ceW yeb[ue ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ yeerÛe Devlej
ueieYeie ............ keâe neslee nw~
(c) leakage of current./Oeeje keâe #ejCe
(a) 20 cm (b) 40 cm
(d) presence of magnetic flux. (c) 80 cm (d) 3.5 cm
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme keâer GheefmLeefle~ 151. For a stranded conductor, the ratio of GMR to
147. If the separation between the three phases of a actual radius is
transmission line is increased then Skeâ IegceeJeoej Ûeeuekeâ kesâ efueS GMR leLee JeemleefJekeâ
Ùeefo Skeâ mebjÛeCe ueeFve kesâ leerve keâuee kesâ yeerÛe Devlej ef$epÙee keâe Devegheele nw–
yeÌ{ peelee nw, lees– (a) equal to 1/1 kesâ yejeyej
(a) the inductance will increase and capacitance (b) more than 1/1 mes yeÌ[e
will remain unchanged. (c) equal to 0.7788/0.7788 kesâ yejeyej
ØesjkeâlJe yeÌ{siee Deewj mebOeeefj$e DeheefjJeefle&le jnsiee~ (d) less than 0.7788/0.7788 mes Úesše
(b) both the inductance and capacitance will 152. In a transmission line the distributed constants
increase. are
ØesjkeâlJe Deewj mebOeeefj$e oesveeW yeÌ{siee Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW efJelejCe efmLejebkeâ ........... neslee nw~
(c) the inductance will increase and the (a) resistance and shunt conductance only.
capacitance will decrease. ØeeflejesOe Deewj kesâJeue meceevlej ÛeeuekeâlJe
ØesjkeâlJe yeÌ{siee Deewj mebOeeefj$e Iešsiee~ (b) resistance, inductance and capacitance only.
(d) the inductance will decrease and the
kesâJeue ØeeflejesOe, ØesjkeâlJe Deewj mebOeeefj$e
capacitance will increase. (c) resistance, inductance, capacitance and shunt
ØesjkeâlJe Iešsiee Deewj mebOeeefj$e yeÌ{siee~
ØeeflejesOe, ØesjkeâlJe, mebOeeefj$e Deewj meceevlej ÛeeuekeâlJe
148. The capacitance of an overhead transmission
(d) all of the above./GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
line increases with
153. Skin effect depends upon
efMejesheefj mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW Oeeefjlee ............kesâ meeLe
lJeÛeerÙe ØeYeeJe ............hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
yeÌ{lee nw~ (a) x-section of conductor.
1. increases in mutual geometrical mean Ûeeuekeâ kesâ DevegØemLekeâeš hej
(b) supply frequency./Deehetefle& DeeJe=efòe hej
2. increases in height of conductors above
(c) permeability of conductor material.
Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& kesâ heejiecÙelee hej
Select the correct answer from the following.
(d) all of the above./Ghejesòeâ meYeer
1. DevÙeesvÙe (hejmhej) pÙeeefceleerÙe ceeOÙe otjer ceW Je=efæ~
*154. A 3-phase transmission line has its conductors
2. peceerve kesâ Thej Ûeeuekeâ keâer TBÛeeF& ceW Je=efæ~ at the corners of an equilateral triangle with
efvecveefueefKele mes mener Gòej ÛegveW– side 3 m. The diameter of each conductor is
1.63 cm. The inductance of the line per phase
(a) Both 1 and 2 are true./1 Deewj 2 oesveeW melÙe nw~ per km is
(b) Both 1 and 2 are false./1 Deewj 2 oesveeW DemelÙe nQ~ Skeâ 3–keâuee mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ heeme 3 ceeršj kesâ meeLe
(c) Only 1 is true./kesâJeue 1 mener nw~ meceyeeng ef$eYegpe kesâ keâesveeW hej Ûeeuekeâ nw~ ØelÙeskeâ Ûeeuekeâ
(d) Only 2 is true./kesâJeue 2 mener nw~ keâe JÙeeme 1.63 cm nw~ Øeefle keâuee Øeefle efkeâceer ueeFve keâe
*149. The charging reactance of 50 km length of the ØesjkeâlJe nw–
line is 1500 Ω What is the charging reactance (a) 1.232 mH (b) 45.3 mH
for 100 km length of the line? (c) 23.8 mH (d) 19.6 mH
50 efkeâceer. uecyeer ueeFve keâe DeeJesefMele ØeefleIeele 1500 Ω *155. The self GMD of a conductor with three
strands each of radius r and touching each
nw~ ueeFve keâer 100 efkeâceer. uecyeeF& kesâ efueS DeeJesefMele other is
ØeefleIeele keäÙee nw? Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ pees leerve IegceeJeoej leej pees Skeâ otmejs keâes
(a) 1500 Ω (b) 3000 Ω Útles ngS yevee nw efpeveceW ØelÙeskeâ keâer ef$epÙee r nw mes yevee nw
(c) 750 Ω (d) 600 Ω Gmekeâer GMD nw-
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 430 YCT
(a) r (0.7788×2×2)1/3 *159. The range of surge impedance for an overhead
(b) r (0.7788×2×2×2) transmission line is:/DeesJejns[ š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve kesâ
(c) r (0.7788×2×2×2) efueS yeÌ{leer ØeefleyeeOee (mepe& ØeefleyeeOee) keâer meercee nw:
(d) r (0.7788×2×2) 3
(a) 1600-1800 Ω (b) 400-600 Ω
156. For high-voltage transmission lines, conductors
(c) 800-1000 Ω (d) 1200-1400 Ω
are suspended from towers so as to
GÛÛe Jeesušspe mebÛejCe ueeFveeW kesâ efueS, Ûeeuekeâessb keâes 160. In any case, where the height of transmission
tower is increased/efkeâmeer Yeer ceeceues ceW, mebÛejCe
šeJejeW mes efveuebefyele efkeâÙee peelee nw efkeâmeefueS?
še@Jej keâer TBÛeeF& yeÌ{eves hej–
(a) increase clearance from ground
(a) the line capacitance and inductance will not
Yet mes keäueerÙejsvme keâer Je=efæ kesâ efueS
(b) reduce clearance from ground
ueeFve Oeeefjlee Deewj ØesjkeâlJe ceW heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee
Yet mes keäueerÙejsvme keâer keâceer kesâ efueS
(b) the line capacitance and inductance will
(c) take care of increase in length
decrease/ueeFve Oeeefjlee Deewj ØesjkeâlJe keâce nes peeSiee
uecyeeF& ceW Je=efæ keâes OÙeeve ceW jKeves kesâ efueS (c) the line capacitance will decrease and line
(d) reduce wind and snow effects inductance will increase
nJee Deewj yehe&â kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS ueeFve Oeeefjlee Iešsieer Deewj ueeFve ØesjkeâlJe yeÌ{siee
157. By increasing the transmission voltage double (d) the line capacitance will decrease but line
of its original value, the same power can be
inductance remain unchanged/ueeFve Oeeefjlee
despatched keeping the line loss
mebÛejCe Jeesušspe keâes Gmekesâ cetue ceeve mes oesiegvee yeÌ{eves Iešsieer hejvleg ueeFve ØesjkeâlJe DeheefjJeefle&le jnsiee
hej ueeFve neefve keâes ............jKeles ngS Gleveer ner Meefòeâ 161. Transmission lines/mebÛejCe ueeFve–
mebÛeeefjle keâer pee mekeâleer nw~ (a) absorb reactive power when fully loaded and
(a) equal to its original value. generate reactive power on light loads/hetCe&le:
Deheves cetue ceeve kesâ yejeyej neslee nw Yeeef jle nesves hej ØeefleIeeleer Meefkeäle DeJeMeesef<ele keâjleer nw
(b) half of original value./cetue ceeve keâe DeeOee neslee nw Deewj Yeej keâce nesves hej ØeefleIeeleer Meefkeäle Glhevve keâjleer nw
(c) double the original value. (b) generate reactive power when fully loaded
cetue ceeve keâe oesiegvee neslee nw and absorb reactive power on light loads
(d) one-fourth of original value. hetCe&le: Yeeefjle nesves hej ØeefleIeeleer Meefkeäle Glhevve keâjleer nw
cetue ceeve keâe Skeâ ÛeewLeeF& neslee nw Deewj Yeej keâce nesves hej ØeefleIeeleer Meefkeäle DeJeMeesef<ele
158. If a fixed amount of power is to be transmitted keâjleer nQ
over certain length with fixed power loss, it can (c) generate reactive power on light loads as well
be said that volume of conductor is as fully loaded/hetCe&le: Yeeefjle nesves hej Deewj meeLe ner
Ùeefo efJeÅegle Meefòeâ keâer Skeâ efveef§ele cee$ee keâes, efveef§ele Yeej keâce nesves hej ØeefleIeeleer Meefkeäle Glhevve keâjleer nQ
Meefòeâ neefve kesâ meeLe efveef§ele otjer hej Øesef<ele efkeâÙee peelee (d) absorb reactive power on light loads as well
nw, lees Ùen keâne pee mekeâlee nw keâer Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& keâer as fully loaded/hetCe&le: Yeeefjle nesves hej Deewj meeLe ner
DeeÙeleve ............. nw~ Yeej keâce nesves hej ØeefleIeeleer Meefkeäle DeJeMeesef<ele keâjleer nQ
(a) inversely proportional to magnitude of the *162. For a 3–phase load balanced condition, each
voltage and that of power factor of the phase has the same value of ……
load./Jeesušspe keâe heefjceeCe Deewj Yeej keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ 3–Hesâpe meblegefuele Yeej efmLeefle kesâ efueS, ØelÙeskeâ Hesâpe ceW
kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer~ efkeâmekeâe ceeve meceeve neslee nw?
(b) inversely proportional to square of the voltage
(a) impedance/ØeefleyeeOee
and square of power factor of the load.
(b) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
Jeesušspe kesâ Jeie& kesâ leLee Yeej kesâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ kesâ Jeie& kesâ
JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer~ (c) power factor/Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ
(c) proportional to square of voltage and that of (d) all options are correct/meYeer efJekeâuhe mener nw
power factor of the load./Jeesušspe kesâ Jeie& leLee Yeej 163. The main advantage of AC transmission
kesâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer~ system over DC transmission system is :
(d) proportional to magnitude of the voltage DC mebÛejCe efvekeâeÙe keâer leguevee ceW AC mebÛejCe efvekeâeÙe
only./kesâJeue Jeesušspe kesâ heefjceeCe kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer keâe cegKÙe ueeYe keäÙee nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 431 YCT
(a) easy transformation/Deemeeve ™heeblejCe (c) Fully loaded overhead lines gnerate &
(b) less losses in transmission over long distances Lightly loaded absorb/hetCe& Yeeefjle efMejesheefj ueeFve
uebyeer otjer hej mebÛejCe ceW keâce neefve pevejsš leLee keâce Yeeefjle DeJeMeesef<ele
(c) less insulation problems/keâce leeheJejesOeve mecemÙeeSB (d) Fully loaded and Lightly loaded overhead
(d) less problem of instability lines absorb/hetCe&le: Yeeefjle Deewj keâce Yeeefjle efMejeshejer
DeefmLejlee keâer keâce mecemÙee ueeFve DeJeMeesef<ele
*164. The voltage at the two ends of a line are 132 kV 169. An ac current passing through a conductor
and its reactance is 40 ohms. The capacity of the distributes _______ throughout the cross
line is:/Skeâ ueeFve kesâ oes efmejeW hej Jeesušlee 132 kV keâer nw section and is frequency_____
SJeb Fmekeâe ØeefleIeele 40 Deesÿe nw~ ueeFve keâer #ecelee nw: mebJeenkeâ (conductor) ceW mes heeefjle nesves Jeeuee Smeer
(a) 217.8 MW (b) 251.5 MW
keâjbš hetjs ›eâe@me meskeäMeve ceW..........™he mes efJeleefjle keâjlee
(c) 435.6 MW (d) 500 MW nw Deewj Ùen DeeJe=efòe.......... nesleer nw–
165. DC current flowing through a conductor: (a) Non Uniformly and independent
Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW yenves Jeeueer DC Oeeje– Demeceeve ™he mes Deewj mJeleb$e
(a) concentrates towards the centre (b) Non uniformly and dependent
kesâvõ keâer Deesj mebkesâefvõle neslee nw Demeceeve ™he mes Deewj efveYe&j
(b) concentrates towards the outer periphery (c) Uniformly and independent
yee¢e heefjefOe keâer Deesj mebkesâefvõle neslee nw meceeve ™he mes Deewj mJeleb$e
(c) distributes non-uniformly over the cross- (d) Uniformly and dependent
section/hetjs DevegØemLe keâeš hej Demeceeve ™he mes meceeve ™he mes Deewj efveYe&j
efJeleefjle neslee nw 170. Transmitting power at high voltage requires
(d) distributes uniformly over the cross-section more ............./GÛÛe Jeesušlee hej Meefòeâ mebÛejCe kesâ
hetjs DevegØemLe keâeš hej meceeve ™he mes efJeleefjle neslee nw efueS DelÙeefOekeâ DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw–
166. What is voltage swell?/Jeesušspe mJesue keäÙee nw? (a) Maintenance and protection of the equipment
(a) Dip in frequency of voltage for few cycles GhekeâjCe keâe mebj#eCe Deewj megj#ee
(b) Faster controls for minimising the arcing of
kegâÚ Ûe›eâeW kesâ efueS Jeesušspe keâer DeeJe=efòe ceW Gleej
contacts/keâe@všskeäšdme keâer Deeke&âve (DeeefkeËâie) keâes
(b) Dip in magnitude of voltage for few cycles
vÙetvelece keâjves kesâ efueS MeerIeÇ efveÙeb$eCe
kegâÚ Ûe›eâeW kesâ efueS Jeesušspe kesâ heefjceeCe ceW Gleej
(c) Larger controls for minimising the arcing of
(c) Rise in magnitude of voltage for few cycles contacts/keâe@všskeäšdme keâer Deeke&âve (DeeefkeËâie) keâes
kegâÚ Ûe›eâeW kesâ efueS Jeesušspe kesâ heefjceeCe ceW Je=efæ vÙetvelece keâjves kesâ efueS DeefOekeâ efveÙeb$eCe
(d) Rise in frequency of voltage for few cycles (d) All options are correct/meYeer efJekeâuhe mener nw~
kegâÚ Ûe›eâeW kesâ efueS Jeesušspe keâer DeeJe=efòe ceW Je=efæ 171. The A.C. resistance of the conductor is more
167. At power frequencies, Skin and proximity than D.C resistance, due to:
effects are .......... frequency : efkeâmeer Ûeeuekeâ keâe A.C. ØeeflejesOe, Ûeeuekeâ kesâ D.C.
Meefòeâ DeeJe=efle hej efmkeâve Deewj Øeesefkeämeefcešer ØeYeeJe ØeeflejesOe mes DeefOekeâ neslee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ–
............ DeeJe=efle~ (a) Proximity effect/Øee@eqkeämeefcešer ØeYeeJe kesâ keâejCe
(a) Independent of/kesâ mJelev$e (b) Skin effect/lJeÛee ØeYeeJe kesâ keâejCe
(b) Negligible at small/Úesšs mes keâce (c) Both a & b/a leLee b oesveeW kesâ keâejCe
(c) Important at small/Úesšs hej cenlJehetCe& (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) Negligible at large/yeÌ[s hewceeves hej veieCÙe *172. 10 km long lossless transmission line has a
168. The ............ reactive power : reactance of 0.3 Ω /km and negligible shunt
ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ .............. A B 
capacitance. The value of   is
(a) Fully loaded overhead absorb & Lightly  C D
loaded generate/hetCe& Yeeefjle efMejesheefj ueeFve Skeâ 10 km uecyeer neefvejefnle mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe
DeJeMeesef<ele leLee keâce Yeeefjle efMejesheefj ueeFve pevejsš ØeefleIeele 0.3Ω /km Deewj Mebš mebOeeefj$e veieCÙe nw~
(b) Fully loaded and Lightly loaded overhead
A B 
lines generate/hetCe& Yeeefjle efMejesheefj ueeFve leLee keâce   keâe ceeve nw?
Yeeefjle efMejesheefj ueeFve pevejsš  C D

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 432 YCT

1 0  1 0 (a) The line loss will be maximum
(a)   (b)   ueeFve neefve DeefOekeâlece nesieer
 j3 1  j0.3 1 
(b) The input impedance will be twice the
1 j3  j3 0 terminating resistance
(c)   (d)  
0 1   1 1  šefce&vesefšbie ØeeflejesOe mes Fvehegš ØeefleyeeOee oes iegveer nesieer~
*173. If a medium transmission line is represented by (c) The standing wave ratio will be minimum
nominal T, the value of B of ABCD constant is? mšsef[bie lejbie Devegheele vÙetvelece nesiee
Ùeefo Skeâ ceOÙece mebÛejCe ueeFve keâes veeefceveue T, Éeje (d) The Standing wave Ratio will be maximum
ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙee peelee nw lees ABCD efveÙeleebkeâ kesâ B keâe mšsef[bie lejbie Devegheele DeefOekeâlece nesiee
ceeve nw? 177. The effective resistance of a coil at high
 1  frequencies is more than its d.c. resistance on
(a) Z (b) y 1 + YZ  account of .................../..............kesâ keâejCe kegbâ[ueer
 4 
 1   1 
keâe GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe hej ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe Gmekesâ efo°Oeeje
(c) Z  1 + YZ  (d) 1 + YZ  ØeeflejesOe keâer Dehes#ee DeefOekeâ neslee nw~
 4   2 
*174. Consider the following statements? (a) Skin effects/efmkeâve ØeYeeJe
efvecve keâLeve hej efJeÛeej keâjW? (b) Proximitiy effects/Øeesefkeämeefcešer ØeYeeJe
Surge impedance loading of a transmission line (c) Eddy current losses/YebJej Oeeje #eÙe
can be increased by?/Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer mepe& (d) All of these/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
ØeefleyeeOee ueesef[bie efkeâmekesâ Éeje yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw? 178. AC supply system compared to DC supply
(a) increasing its voltage level system has the advantage :/DC Deehetefle& leb$e keâer
Fmekeâe Jeesušspe mlej yeÌ{ekeâj leguevee ceW AC Deehetefle& leb$e ceW ueeYe nw efkeâ :
(b) addition of lumped capacitance in parallel
(a) Power factor/Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
uech[ mebOeeefj$e keâes meceevlej ceW pees[Ì keâj
(b) Reactive elements/ØeefleIeele lelJe
(c) addition of lumped capacitance in series
(c) Voltage drop/Jeesušlee heele
uech[ mebOeeefj$e keâes ßesCeer peesÌ[keâj
(d) reducing the length of the line (d) Low cost of switching/efmJeefÛebie keâer keâce ueeiele
ueeFve keâer uecyeeF& keâes Iešekeâj 179. Consider the following statements –
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw? Fve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâerefpeÙes :
High voltage is used in long distance power
(a) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3 (b) 1 and 4/1 Deewj 4
transmission in order to :
(c) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4 (d) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4
uecyeer otjer kesâ Meefòeâ mebÛejCe (š^ebmeefceMeve) ceW ........
*175. A loss less transmission line having surge
impedance loading of 2280 MW is provided
GÛÛe Jeesušlee keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
with a uniformly distributed series capacitive (a) Reduce the time of transmission
compensation of 30%. Then SIL of the mebÛejCe kesâ meceÙe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
compensated transmission line will be– (b) Reduce the transmission losses
Skeâ neefve jefnle Øes<eCe ueeF&ve efpemekeâe mepe& ØeefleyeeOee mebÛejCe neefveÙeeW keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
ueesef[bie 2280 MW nw~ Fme Øes#eCe ueeFve ceW meceeve ™he (c) make the system reliable
mes efJeleefjle ßesCeeryeæ 30³ Oeeefjlee #eeflehetefle& keâe ØeCeeueer keâes efškeâeT yeveeves kesâ efueS
ØeeJeOeeve efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ leye Fme mechetefle&le mebÛejCe (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
ueeFve keâer mepe& ØeefleyeeOee ueesef[bie (Yeej) efkeâlevee nesiee– *180. A load power factor of 0.95 lagging implies
(a) 1835 MW (b) 2280 MW reactive power demand of-
(c) 2725 MW (d) 3275 MW 0.95 kesâ he§eieeceer uees[ Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ keâe DeeMeÙe nw
176. If a Transmission line is terminated with a ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ ceeBie-
resistance equal to its characteristic impedance
Ùeefo Skeâ š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve keâes Fmekeâer DeefYeue#eefCekeâ (a) 0.05 k VAR per kW
(b) 0.10 k VAR per kW
ØeefleyeeOee kesâ yejeyej ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe šefce&vesš efkeâÙee
(c) 0.33 k VAR per kW
peelee nw– (d) 0.95 k VAR per kW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 433 YCT
181. When two conductors each of radius r are at a (a) Inversely proportional to magnitude of the
distance D, the capacitance between the two is voltage and that of power factor of the load
proportional to- Jeesušspe kesâ heefjceeCe Deewj Yeej kesâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ kesâ
r ef$epÙee kesâ oes keâv[keäšj efpevekeâer Deeheme ceW otjer D nw JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw~
lees oesveeW kesâ yeerÛe ceW kewâheeefmešWme Deevegheeeflekeâ nesiee– (b) Inversely proportional to square of the
D  r  voltage and square of power factor of the load
(a) log e   (b) log e  
 r D Jeesušspe kesâ heefjceeCe kesâ Jeie& Deewj Yeej kesâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
1 1 kesâ Jeie& kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer~
(c) (d)
D  r  (c) Proportional to square of voltage and that of
log e   log e   power factor of the load
 r  D
*182. If 5000 kW power is transmitted at 220 kV in Jees ušspe kesâ Jeie& Deewj Meefòeâ iegCekeâ kesâ Yeer meceevegheeleer
place of 11 kV, reduction in the value of (d) Proportional to magnitude of the voltage only
electric current will be kesâJeue Jeesušspe kesâ heefjceeCe kesâ meceevegheeleer
Ùeefo 5000 kW Meefòeâ 11 kV kesâ mLeeve hej 220 kV 187. Voltage regulation of an ideal regulated power
hej heejsef<ele keâer peeÙe, lees efJeÅegle Oeeje kesâ ceeve ceW keâceer supply is measured to be equal to–
nesieer : Skeâ DeeoMe& efJeefveÙeefcele efyepeueer Deehetefle& keâer Jeesušspe
(a) 90% (b) 95% efJeefveÙeceve efkeâmekesâ yejeyej ceeheer ieÙeer nw?
(c) 5% (d) 10% (a) 2% (b) 1%
183. If we represent the conductor diameter by 'd', (c) 100% (d) 0%
skin effect will be proportional to– 188. For higher Voltage three phase transmission
Deiej nce kebâ[keäšj JÙeeme keâes 'd' mes oMee&les nQ, lees LeÇer Hesâpe GÛÛe Jeesušlee mebÛejCe kesâ efueS–
efmkeâve Fhesâkeäš ______ kesâ Deevegheeeflekeâ nesiee (a) Thick Neutral Wire is used
(a) d (b) d ceesše vÙetš^ue leej ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw
(c) d 2
(d) d 3 (b) Thin Neutral Wire is used
184. The X/R ratio for distribution lines is: heleuee vÙetš^ue leej ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw
efJelejCe ueeFveeW kesâ efueS X/R Devegheele neslee nw: (c) No Neutral wire is used
(a) Less than unity/FkeâeF& mes keâce keâesF& vÙetš^ue leej ØeÙegkeäle veneR neslee nw
(b) More than unity/FkeâeF& mes DeefOekeâ (d) None of these/ FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) Equal to unity/FkeâeF& kesâ yejeyej 189. A lossless radial transmission line with surge
(d) None of these is necessary impedance loading
FveceW mes keâesF& Yeer pe™jer veneR nw~ mepe& ØeefleyeeOee ueesef[bie kesâ meeLe Skeâ neefvejefnle jsef[Ùeue
*185. An overhead line having surge impedance of mebÛejCe ueeF&ve–.
500 ohms is connected with an underground (a) takes negative VAR at sending end and zero
cable of surge impedance 150 ohms. If a surge VAR at receiving end/ Øesef<ele efmeje hej $e+Ceelcekeâ
of 70 kV travels from line towards the cable
VAR ueslee nw Deewj «eener efmeje hej MetvÙe VAR ueslee nw
junctions, the value of transmitted voltage
wave at the junction is ……… (b) takes positive VAR at sending end and zero
Skeâ 500 Deesce mepe& ØeefleyeeOee Jeeueer efMejesheefj ueeFve VAR at receiving end/ Øesef<ele efmeje hej Oeveelcekeâ
150 Deesce keâer Yetefceiele kesâefyeue mes mebÙeesefpele keâer ieF& nw~ VAR ueslee nw Deewj «eener efmeje hej MetvÙe VAR
Ùeefo 70 kV keâer Skeâ lejbie ueeFve mes kesâefyeue mebefOe keâer (c) has flat voltage and unity power factor at all
points along it/Fmekesâ meeLe meYeer efyevogDeeW hej meceleue
Deesj ieceve keâjleer nw leye mebefOe hej heejsef<ele Jeesušspe lejbie
Jeesušspe Deewj FkeâeF& Meefòeâ iegCekeâ neslee nw~
keâe ceeve .............. nesiee~
(d) None of these/FveceW ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) 31.84 kV (b) 24.48 kV
(c) 32.30 kV (d) 29.89 kV 190. What does the standing wave ratio (SWR) of
unity imply?
*186. If a fixed amount of power is to be transmitted
over certain length with fixed power loss, it can FkeâeF& DeØeieeceer lejbie Devegheele keâe keäÙee leelheÙe& nw?
be said that volume of conductor is? (a) Transmission line is open-circuited
Ùeefo Skeâ efveefMÛele cee$ee keâer Meefòeâ keâes efveefMÛele uecyeeF& Keguee heefjheLe nw, mebÛejCe ueeFve
hej leLee efveefMÛele Meefòeâ #eÙe hej mebÛeefjle efkeâÙee peelee nw (b) Transmission line is shot- circuited
lees Ùen keâne pee mekeâlee nw efkeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe DeeÙeleve? ueIegheefjheLe mebÛejCe ueeFve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 434 YCT
(c) Transmission line's characteristic impedance 194. Full-load compensation in a line requires
is equal to load impedance/mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer Skeâ ueeFve ceW hetCe&-Yeej #eeflehetefle& kesâ efueS............... keâer
DeefYeue#eCe ØeefleyeeOee, Yeej ØeefleyeeOee kesâ yejyej neslee nw~ DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~
(d) Transmission line's characteristic impedance is (a) shunt capacitors/meceevlej mebOeeefj$e
not equal to load impedance/mebÛejCe ueeFve
(b) series capacitors/ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e
DeefYeue#eCe heefjyeeOee, Yeej ØeefleyeeOee kesâ yejeyej veneR neslee nw~
(c) transformers/heefjCeeefce$e
191. Consider the following statements:
(d) shunt reactors/ßesCeer ØeefleIeele
efvecve keâLeve hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
195. Use of additional shunt capacitor can be made
1. Equivalen-T circuit of a long line is preferred for increasing the capability of line as it
to equivalent π circuit.
Deefleefjòeâ meceevlej mebOeeefj$e keâe GheÙeesie ueeFve keâer
uecyeer ueeFve keâe leguÙe T-heefjheLe leguÙe π heefjheLe keâer
#ecelee keâes............yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
Dehes#ee pÙeeoe hemebo efkeâÙee peelee nw~
pewmee efkeâ Ùen–
2. The nature of reactive power compensation is
(a) reduces surge impedance Z0
different for peak load and off-peak load
conditions. mepe& ØeefleyeeOee Z0 keâce keâjlee nw
heerkeâ uees[ Deewj Dee@heâ heerkeâ uees[ keâer efmLeefle ceW efjSefkeäšJe (b) increases phase shift β/keâuee β ceW Je=efæ keâjlee nw
heeJej #eeflehetefle& keâer Øeke=âefle efYeVe nesleer nw~ (c) increase in α/‘α’ keâes yeÌ{e nw
3. Ferranti effect is significant only on medium (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer
and long lines./hesâjeCšer ØeYeeJe kesâJeue ceOÙece Deewj 196. Power dispatch through a line can be increased
uecyeer ueeFvees hej cenlJehetCe& nesleer nw by
Which of the statements given above are Skeâ ueeFve kesâ peefjÙes Meefòeâ Øes<eCe keâes ............Éeje
correct? yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
Ghejesòeâ ceW efoÙee ieÙee keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw? (a) installing series capacitors
(a 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2 ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e ueiee keâjkesâ
(b) 1 and 3 only /kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 (b) installing shunt capacitors
(c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 meceevlej mebOeeefj$e ueiee keâjkesâ
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 (c) installing series reactor/ßesCeer ØeefleIeele ueiee keâjkesâ
192. For a good voltage profile under no-load (d) installing shunt reactor
condition, a long line needs meceevlej ØeefleIeele ueiee keâjkesâ
Yeej jefnle efmLeefle ceW DeÛÚs Jeesušlee ØeesHeâeFue kesâ efueS, 197. The power transmitted will be maximum when
Skeâ uecyeer ueeFve ceW.............keâer pe™jle nesleer nw~ Meefòeâ mebÛeefjle DeefOekeâlece nesiee peye...........
(a) shunt capacitors at receiving end (a) line reactance is high/ueeFve ØeefleIeele DeefOekeâ nes
«eener efmejs hej meceevlej mebOeeefj$e (b) corona losses are minimum/keâerefjš neefve vÙetvelece nes
(b) shunt reactors at the receiving end (c) sending-end voltage is more
«eener efmejs hej meceevlej ØeefleIeele Øesef<ele efmeje hej Jeesušlee DeefOekeâ nes
(c) shunt resistance at receiving end (d) receiving-end voltage is more
«eener efmejs hej meceevlej ØeeflejesOe «eener efmejs hej Jeesušlee DeefOekeâlece nes
(d) None of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 198. The locus of constant received power is circle of
193. No-load compensation of a high voltage line radius
involves Øeehle efmLej Meefòeâ keâe mLeeve ............... ef$epÙee keâe Je=òe
GÛÛe Jeesušlee ueeFve keâer Yeej-jefnle #eeflehetefle&............. neslee
mes nesleer nw~ 2
(a) shunt capacitors/meceevlej mebOeeefj$e (a) (b)
(b) shunt reactors/meceevlej ØeefleIeele
2 2
(c) series capacitors/ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e VR VS − VR
(c) (d)
(d) None of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR B B

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 435 YCT

(a) IXL (b) IR
3. ueIeg ueeFveeW keâe efve<heeove (c) I(XL+R) (d)
(Performance of Short Lines)
206. Series capacitor is used in a transmission line to
199. Series capacitors are used to:
mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee
ßesCeer mebOeeefj$eeW keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw– peelee nw–
(a) Compensate for line inductive reactance (a) Compensate the voltage drop
ueeFve ØesjkeâlJe ØeefleIeele kesâ efueS #eeflehetefle& Jeesušleeheele keâes keâchevemesš keâjves kesâ efueS
(b) Reduce line losses
(b) Compensate for line capacitive reactance
ueeFve Oeeefjlee ØeefleIeele kesâ efueS #eeflehetefle& ueeFve neefveÙeeW keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
(c) Limit short circuit current
(c) Improve line voltage/ueeFve Jeesušspe megOeej keâjves
ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje keâes meerefcele keâjves kesâ efueS
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) Improve load power factor
200. Presence of earth in case of overhead lines Yeej Meefkeäle iegCekeâ keâes megOeejves ceW
efMejesheefj ueeFve kesâ ceeceues ceW Yetefce keâer GheefmLeefle mes *207. A short single phase transmission line has a
(a) increases the capacitance./Oeeefjlee yeÌ{ peelee nw loop impedance of (0.2 +j 1.2)Ω. At what
(b) increases the inductance./ØesjkeâlJe yeÌ{ peelee nw leading power factor the voltage regulation will
(c) decreases the capacitance./Oeeefjlee Ieš peelee nw be zero?
Skeâ Úesšer Skeâue keâuee mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW (0.2 +j
(d) decreases the inductance./ØesjkeâlJe Ieš peelee nw
1.2)Ω keâe uethe ØeefleyeeOee nw~ efkeâme De«eieeceer Meefòeâ
201. Charging current in a transmission line
Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW DeeJesefMele Oeeje..... iegCekeâ hej Jeesušspe efveÙeceve MetvÙe nesiee?
(a) 0.45 lead (b) 0.75 lead
(a) increase the line losses/ueeFve neefveÙeeW keâes yeÌ{elee nw
(c) 0.8 lead (d) 0.986 lead
(b) decreases the line losses 208. Series capacitors are used to
ueeFve neefveÙeeW keâes keâce keâjlee nw ßesCeer mebOeeefj$eeW keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(c) does not effect the line losses (a) Compensate for line inductive reactance and
ueeFve neefveÙeeW hej keâesF& ØeYeeJe veneR [euelee nw improve the stability of the power system
(d) none of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS Deewj efJeÅegle
202. Power distribution by cables is generally ØeCeeueer keâer efmLejlee ceW megOeej keâjves nsleg
adopted for line length (b) Improve the voltage/Jeesušspe ceW megOeej nsleg
kesâyeume Éeje Meefòeâ efJelejCe Deeceleewj hej ...... ueeFve keâer (c) Reduce fault level/oes<e keâe mlej keâce keâjves nsleg
uecyeeF& kesâ efueS DeheveeÙee peelee nw– (d) Improves the power factor
(a) less than 10 km / 10 km mes keâce MeefòeâiegCekeâ ceW megOeej nsleg
(b) above 100 km / 100 km mes Thej 209. If 30 MW power is to be transmitted over a
(c) less than 50 km / 50 km mes keâce distance of 30 km, the desirable transmission
(d) above 200 km / 200 km mes Thej voltage will be
203. Negative voltage regulation of transmission line Ùeefo 30 MW Meefòeâ 30 km keâer otjer hej Øesef<ele keâer
means peeveer nw, lees JeebÚveerÙe mebÛejCe Jeesušspe nesieer~
mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe $e+Ceelcekeâ Jeesušspe efveÙeceve keâe DeLe&
(a) 11 kV (b) 33 kV
nw- (c) 66 kV (d) 3.3 kV
(a) VR = VS (b) VR < VS 210. In overhead transmission lines the effect of
(c) VR > VS (d) None of above capacitance can be neglected when the length
204. For unity p.f., the voltage regulation of a short of line is less than
transmission line is efMejesheefj mebÛejCe ueeFveeW ceW Oeeefjlee keâe ØeYeeJe veieCÙe
FkeâeF& Meefòeâ iegCekeâ kesâ efueS, Skeâ ueIeg mebÛejCe ueeFve
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw, peye ueeFve keâer uecyeeF& ......... mes
keâe Jeesušspe efveÙeceve nw-
(a) IXL (b) IR
keâce nesleer nw~
XL (a) 80 km (b) 110 km
(c) I(XL+R) (d) (c) 150 km (d) 210 km
205. For zero power factor lagging, the voltage 211. For which of the following, the excitation
regulation of a short transmission line is control method is satisfactory?
MetvÙe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ heMÛeieeceer kesâ efueS, ueIeg mebÛejCe efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmekesâ efueÙes Gòespevee efveÙeb$eCe
ueeFve keâe Jeesušspe efveÙeceve .................. neslee nw~ heæefle meblees<epevekeâ nesleer nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 436 YCT
(a) Low voltage lines/efvecve Jeesušlee ueeFveeW (b) voltage in the range of 400-750 kV
(b) High voltage lines/GÛÛe Jeesušlee ueeFveeW 400-750 efkeâuees Jeesuš kesâ hejeme ceW Jeesušspe
(c) Short lines/Úesšer ueeFveeW (c) voltage greater than 750 kV
750 efkeâuees Jeesuš mes DeefOekeâ Jeesušspe
(d) Long lines/uecyeer ueeFveeW
(d) None of these /FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
212. 310 km line is considered as:
310 km ueeFve keâes ........ kesâ ™he ceW ceevee peelee nw~ 218. For a fixed receiving-end and sending-end
voltage in a transmission system, what is the
(a) A long line/Skeâ uecyeer ueeFve locus of the constant power?
(b) A medium line/Skeâ ceOÙece ueeFve Skeâ mebÛejCe ØeCeeueer ceW Skeâ efveef§ele «eener efmeje Deewj
(c) A short line/Skeâ Úesšer ueeFve Øesef<ele efmeje Jeesušspe kesâ efueS, efmLej Meefòeâ keâe efyevog heLe
(d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Skeâ .......... neslee nw~
213. For transmission of power over a distance of (a) A straight line/Skeâ meerOeer jsKee
500 km, the transmission voltage should be in (b) An ellipse/Skeâ oerIe&Je=òe
the range:
(c) A parabola/Skeâ hejJeueÙe
500 km mes DeefOekeâ keâer otjer hej Meefòeâ kesâ mebÛejCe kesâ
(d) A circle/Skeâ Je=òe
efueS mebÛejCe Jeesušlee keâer meercee.......... ceW nesveer ÛeeefnS? 219. Capacitors are used in power system to
(a) 150 to 220kV (b) 100 to 120kV mebOeeefj$e keâe GheÙeesie Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer ceW..........kesâ efueS
(c) 60 to 100kV (d) 20 to 50kV
efkeâÙee peelee nw~
214. The voltage drop, for constant voltage
(a) improve supply power factor
transmission is compensated by installing:
efmLej Jeesušlee mebÛejCe kesâ efueS Jeesušlee heele keâer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ Deehetefle& ceW megOeej
(b) improve voltage regulation
#eeflehetefle& ............. keâes mLeeefhele keâjkesâ, efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Jeesušspe efveÙeceve ceW megOeej
(a) Inductors/ØesjkeâeW
(c) change the load characteristics
(b) Capacitors/mebOeeefj$eeW Yeej DeefYeue#eCe yeoueves ceW
(c) Synchronous motors/leguÙekeâeefuekeâ ceesšjeW (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer 220. When the sending end voltage and current are
215. Transmission voltage of 11kV is normally used numerically equal to the receiving end voltage
for distances upto: and current respectively, then the line is called
11kV kesâ mebÛejCe Jeesušlee keâes meeceevÙele: .............. peye Øesef<ele efmeje Jeeues Jeesušlee Deewj Oeeje mebKÙeelcekeâ
lekeâ keâer otjer kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ ™he mes ›eâceMe: «eener efmeje Jeesušlee Deewj Oeeje kesâ yejeyej
(a) 20–25km (b) 40–50km nesles nw, lees ueeFve keâner peeleer nw–
(c) 60–70km (d) 80–100km (a) a tuned line/Skeâ šŸetv[ ueeFve
216. For enhancing the power transmission in a long (b) a transposed line/Skeâ š^ebmeheesp[ ueeFve
EHV transmission line, the most preferred (c) a long line/Skeâ uecyeer ueeFve
method is to connect a
(d) a short line/Skeâ ueIeg ueeFve
Skeâ uecyeer Deefle GÛÛe Jeesušspe mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW Meefòeâ
221. For constant voltage transmission, the voltage
mebÛejCe yeÌ{eves efueS ............. keâes mebÙeesefpele keâjvee drop along the line is maintained constant by
meyemes DeÛÚe lejerkeâe nw~ installing
(a) series inductive compensator in the line efmLej Jeesušlee mebÛejCe kesâ efueS ueeFve kesâ meeLe .............
#eeflehetefle& ueeFve ceW ßebKeuee Øesjkeâ keâes mLeeefhele keâjkesâ Jeesušspe [^e@he keâes efmLej yeveeÙes jKee
(b) shunt inductive compensator at the receiving peelee nw~
end/«eener efmeje hej heeMJe& Øesjkeâ #eeflehetefle& (a) capacitors/mebOeeefj$e
(c) series capacitive compensator in the line (b) inductors/ØesjkeâlJe
ueeFve ceW ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e (c) resistors/ØeeflejesOe
(d) shunt capacitive compensator at the sending (d) synchronous phase modifiers at the receiving
end/Øesef<ele efmeje hej heeMJe& mebOeeefj$e end/«eener efmejs hej leguÙekeâeefuekeâ keâuee mebMeesOekeâ
217. Extra high voltage transmission means 222. To increase the transmission capability of a
Deefle GÛÛe mebÛejCe Jeesušspe keâe leelheÙe& nw- voltage long line
(a) voltage less than 400 kV Skeâ uecyeer mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer Jeesušlee #ecelee keâes yeÌ{eves
400 efkeâuees Jeesuš mes keâce Jeesušspe kesâ efueS.............~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 437 YCT
(a) the resistance can be increased 226. When surge impedance loading is equal to the
ØeeflejesOe keâes yeÌ{eÙee peelee nw load in the transmission line then.
(b) the resistance can be decreased
mebÛejCe ueeFve hej Yeej peye mepe& ØeefleyeeOee Yeej kesâ
yejeyej nes lees............
ØeeflejesOe keâes IešeÙee peelee nw
(a) the receiving-end voltage is less than the
(c) the series reactance can be reduced sending-end votage/«eener efmejs keâer Jeesušlee, Øesef<ele
ßesCeer ØeefleIeele keâes keâce efkeâÙee peelee nw efmejs keâer Jeesušlee mes keâce nesleer nw
(d) the shunt admittance can be reduced (b) the sending-end voltage is less than the
meceevlej ØeJesMÙelee keâes keâce efkeâÙee peelee nw receiving-end votage/Øesef<ele efmejs keâer Jeesušlee, «eener
223. Which one of the following is the correct efmejs keâer Jeesušlee mes keâce nesleer nw
expression for the propagation constant in a (c) the receiving-end voltage is equal to the
transmission line? sending-end votage/«eener efmejs keâer Jeesušlee, Øesef<ele
mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW Øemeej efmLejebkeâ kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes efmejs keâer Jeesušlee kesâ yejeyej nw
keâewve mee mener JÙebpekeâ nw? (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
227. For a medium length transmission line, A is
(a) ( R − jωL ) ( G − jωC ) ceOÙece uecyeeF& keâer mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS, A,...........
( R − jωL ) neslee nw~
(b) (a) equal to B/B kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
( G − j ωC )
(b) equal to C/C kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
( R + j ωL ) (c) equal to D/D kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
( G + jωC ) (d) not equal to any of the above
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes efkeâmeer kesâ yejeyej veneR neslee nw~
(d) ( R + jωL ) ( G + jωC ) *228. If in a short transmission line, resistance and
224. What is the characteristic impedance Zo of a inductive reactance are found to be equal and
line having resistance R, inductance L, regulation appears to be zero, then the load will
capacitance C and conductance G? Ùeef o Skeâ ueIeg mebjÛejCe ueeFve ceW, ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØesjkeâerÙe
ueeFve keâe ØeeflejesOe R, ØesjkeâlJe L, Oeeefjlee C Deewj Øeef l eIeele meceeve heeF& peeleer nw leLee efveÙeceve MetvÙe Øeleerle
Ûeeuekeâlee G nw lees DeefYeue#eCe ØeefleyeeOee ZO keäÙee neslee nw lees Yeej hej nesiee~
nesiee? (a) have unity power factor./FkeâeF& Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ
(b) have zero power factor./MetvÙe Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ
R + jωL
(a) (c) be 0.707 leading./0.707 De«eieeceer
G + jωC
(d) be 0.707 lagging./0.707 he§eieeceer
G + jωC *229. A short transmission line, having its line
R + jωL impedance angle as θ, is delivering a given
power at the receiving end at a lagging power
(c) R + jωL − G factor angle of φ. Which one of the following is
ωC a set of condition for which this line will have
2 maximum and zero regulation?
(d) R 2 + ωL − 1 ( ωC ) Skeâ ueIeg mebÛejCe ueeFve, efpemekeâe ueeFve ØeefleyeeOee
225. A transmission line has R, L, G, C distributed keâes C e θ, kesâ ™he ceW nw, «eener efMeje hej Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
parameters per unit length of line. If γ is the keâesCe φ hej oer ieF& Meefòeâ efJeleefjle keâjlee nw~
propagation constant of the per unit one of the ef vecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meer Skeâ efmLeefle keâe Skeâ mesš nw
following expressions represents the ef pemekesâ efueS Fme ueeFve ceW DeefOekeâlece Deewj MetvÙe
characteristic impedance of the line? efveÙeceve nesiee–
Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW R, L, G, C, Øeefle FkeâeF& uecyeeF& Maximum Regulation Zero Regulation
ueeFve kesâ efJeleefjle ceeheob[eW keâes nw~ Ùeefo γ Øeefle FkeâeF& ceW DeefOekeâlece efveÙeceve MetvÙe efveÙeceve
mes Skeâ keâe Øemeej efmLejebkeâ nw, lees efvecve ceW mes keâewve (a) φ = θ φ−θ = π
ueeFve keâer DeefYeue#eCe ØeefleyeeOee keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~
(b) φ − θ = π φ=θ
γ R + jωL 2
(a) (b)
R + jωL γ
(c) φ = θ φ+θ= π
G + jωL G + jωC
(c) (d) (d) φ + θ = π φ=θ
γ R + jωL 2

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 438 YCT

230. In a short transmission line, voltage regulation 236. In a 3-phase 4-wire cable, the cross-sectional
is zero what the power factor angle of the load area of neutral conductor is
at the receiving end side is equal to 3-hesâpe 4-leej kesâyeue ceW, Goemeerve Ûeeuekeâ keâe
Skeâ ueIeg mebjÛejCe ueeFve ceW, Jeesušspe efveÙeceve MetvÙe nw~ DevegØemLe-heefjÛÚso #es$eheâue nw~
«eener efMeje meeF[ hej Yeej keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâesCe (a) equal to phase conductor/hesâpe Ûeeuekeâ kesâ yejeyej
efkeâmekesâ yejeyej nw? (b) more than phase conductor
(a) tan −1 X
R ( ) (b) tan −1 R
X ( ) hesâpe Ûeeuekeâ mes DeefOekeâ
(c) half the phase conductor/hesâpe Ûeeuekeâ keâe DeeOee
(c) tan −1 ( XZ ) (d) tan −1 ( RZ )
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
231. The concept of an electrically short, medium *237. What will be the voltage regulation for flat
and long line is primarily based on the voltage profile?/Heäuewš Jeesušspe ØeesHeâeFue kesâ efueS
efJeÅegleerÙe ™he mes Úesšer, ceOÙece Deewj uecyeer ueeFveeW keâer Jeesušspe efveÙeceve keäÙee nesiee
DeJeOeejCee cegKÙele: ........... hej DeeOeeefjle nesleer nw~ (a) 0% (b) 100%
(a) nominal voltage of the line. (c) 50% (d) 10%
ueeFve keâer yengle ceecetueer Jeesušspe 238. In a short transmission line, resistance and
(b) physical length of the line. inductance are found to be equal and
ueeFve keâer Yeeweflekeâ (JeemleefJekeâ) uecyeeF& regulation appears to be zero, then the load
(c) wavelength of the line./ueeFve keâer lejbieowOÙe& will be–
(d) power transmitted over the line.
Ùeefo Skeâ ueIeg heejs<eCe ueeFve ceW ØeeflejesOe SJeb ØesjkeâlJe
mechetCe& ueeFve hej Meefòeâ mebÛejCe~ meceeve nw leLee efveÙeceve MetvÙe Øeleerle neslee nw leye Yeej
232. For a 400 kV line, the spacing between phase nesiee–
conductors is around (a) Unity power factor/Skeâue Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ
400 kV ueeFve kesâ efueS, keâuee ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ yeerÛe efjòeâ (b) Zero power factor/MetvÙeMeefòeâ iegCeebkeâ
mLeeve neslee nw– (c) 0.707 lagging/0.707 heMÛeieeceer
(a) 8m. (b) 11m. (d) 0.707 leading/0.707 De«eieeceer
(c) 14m. (d) 17m.
*239. Transmissiom line whose characteristic
233. 66kV is suitable for transmission of power over
impedance is 100Ω has 300Ω terminating load.
66 kV Meefòeâ keâer mebÛejCe .............. kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ
What is the percentage of reflected voltage.
neslee nw~ 100Ω DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ Fcheer[Wme Jeeueer š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve
(a) 30 km (b) 60 km
keâe šefce&vesefšbie uees[ 300Ω nw~ hejeJeefle&le Jeesušspe keâe
(c) 120 km (d) 200 km
*234. If 3 MW power is to be transmitted over a ØeefleMele keäÙee nw?
distance of 30 km, the desirable transmission (a) 33.3% (b) 50%
voltage will be (c) 66.6% (d) 55%
Ùeefo 3 MW Meefòeâ (efJeÅegle) 30 km keâer otjer hej Øesef<ele 240. If six conductors are used in transmission line,
keâer peeveer nw, lees JeebÚveerÙe mebÛejCe Jeesušlee nesieer- it is called as
(a) 11 kV (b) 33 kV Ùeefo š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve ceW Ún kebâ[keäšme& ØeÙegòeâ efkeâS
(c) 66 kV (d) 3.3 kV peeles nQ, lees Fmes keäÙee keâne peelee nw?
235. The number of conductors in a double circuit (a) Multi circuit line/ceušer meefke&âš ueeFve
transmission line is
efÉ-heefjheLe mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW ÛeeuekeâeW keâer mebKÙee (b) Single circuit line/efmebieue meefke&âš ueeFve
efkeâleveer nesleer nw– (c) Six circuit line/efmekeäme meefke&âš ueeFve
(a) one earth conductor along with four conductors (d) Double circuit line/[yeue meefke&âš ueeFve
Ûeej ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ meeLe Skeâ DeLe&Ûeeuekeâ *241. The surge impedance of a 3-phase, 400 kV
(b) one earth conductor along with six conductors transmission line is 400Ω. The surge
Ú: ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ meeLe Skeâ DeLe&Ûeeuekeâ impedance loading (SIL) is:
(c) one earth conductor along with seven conductors Skeâ 3 -hes
â ]pe 400 kV š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve keâer mepe&
meele ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ meeLe Skeâ DeLe&Ûeeuekeâ Fcheer[Wme 400Ω nww~ mepe& Fcheer[Wme ueesef[bie (SIL) nesiee~
(d) one earth conductor along with eight conductors (a) 400 MW (b) 1600 MW
Dee" ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ meeLe Skeâ DeLe&Ûeeuekeâ (c) 200 MW (d) 100 MW

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 439 YCT

246. Breakdown strength of air at STP is 24 kV/cm.
4. ueeFveeW keâe Ùeebef$ekeâ DeefYekeâuheve Its breakdown strength at 30ºC and 72 cm of
Hg will be
(Mechanical Design of Lines) STP hej nJee keâe Yebpeve meeceLÙe& 24 kV/cm nw~ 30º
mesefumeÙeme Deewj 72 mesceer kesâ heejs hej Fmekeâe Yebpeve
242. ACSR conductors have ................
meeceLÙe& nesiee–
S.meer.Sme.Deej. Ûeeuekeâ ceW ................ nesles nw~
(a) 24.25 kV/cm (b) 20.2 kV/cm
(a) All conductors made of aluminum
(c) 23 kV/cm (d) 49.5 kV/cm
meYeer Ûeeuekeâ, SuÙegefceefveÙece kesâ yeves 247. For an existing A.C. transmission line the
(b) Outer conductors made of aluminum string efficiency is 80. Now of D.C. voltage is
yeenjer Ûeeuekeâ SuÙegefceefveÙece kesâ yeves supplied for the same set up, the string
(c) Inner conductors made of aluminum efficiency will be
Deebleefjkeâ Ûeeuekeâ SuÙegefceefveÙece kesâ yeves Skeâ efJeIeceeve ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje (A.C.) mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ
(d) No conductors made of aluminum efueS efmš^bie o#elee 80 nw~ meceeve mLeehevee kesâ efueS Deye
keâesF& Ûeeuekeâ SuÙegefceefveÙece keâe veneR yevee~ efo°Oeeje Jeesušlee keâer Deehetefle& keâer peeleer nw, efmš^bie o#elee
243. String efficiency is used to measure the degree ............ nesieer~
of utilisation of thyristors connected in series or (a) 80%
parallel. In actual practice, the value of string (b) more than 80%/80% mes DeefOekeâ
efficiency is always
(c) less than 80%/80% mes keâce
efmš^bie o#elee keâe ØeÙeesie efmš^bie ceW LeeFefjmšme& kesâ GheÙeesie
(d) 100%
keâer ef[«eer keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ JeemleefJekeâ 248. Performance tests of power system insulators
¤he mes efkeâS ieS DeYÙeeme ceW, efmš^bie o#elee keâe ceeve are
ncesMee keäÙee neslee nw? Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer efJeÅegle jesOekeâ keâe ØeoMe&ve hejer#eCe nw-
(a) equal to 100 / 100 kesâ yejeyej (a) punture test, mechanical test and porosity test
(b) greater than one / Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ hebÛej šsmš, Ùeebef$ekeâ šsmš Deewj mejvOeÇlee šsmš
(b) temperature cycle test and electromechanical
(c) approaches to infinity / Deveble mebKÙee kesâ keâjerye
test/leeheceeve Ûe›eâ šsmš Deewj efJeÅegle Ùeebef$ekeâ šsmš
(d) less than one / Skeâ mes keâce
(c) dry flashover test and wet flashover test
244. Bundled conductors are employed to improve [^eF& heäuewMe DeesJej šsmš Deewj vece heäuewMe DeesJej šsmš
(d) both (a) and (b) above/Ghejesòeâ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
yeb[ue Ûeeuekeâ .......... keâes megOeejves kesâ efueS efveÙeesefpele
249. Design flashover tests of power system
efkeâÙee peelee nw– insulators are
(a) appearance of the transmission line Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer efJeÅegle-jesOekeâ kesâ ef[peeFve hejer#eCe nw~
mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer GheefmLeefle (a) puncture test, mechanical test and porosity
(b) mechanical stability of the line test/hebÛej šsmš, Ùeebef$ekeâ šsmš Deewj heesefme&šer šsmš
ueeFve keâer Ùeebef$ekeâ efmLejlee (b) dry flashover test and wet flashover tests
(c) decreases system stability metKee huewMe-DeesJej šsmš Deewj ieeruee heäuewMe-DeesJej šsmš
ØeCeeueer keâer efmLejlee Iešlee nw (c) temperature cycle and electromechanical
(d) increases the short circuit current test/leeheceeve Ûe›eâ Deewj efJeÅegle-Ùeebef$ekeâ šsmš
(d) high voltage, proof load tests
ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje yeÌ{ peeleer nw
GÛÛe Jeesušspe, ØeceeCe Yeej heefj#eCe
245. Bundled conductors in EHV tarnsmission
system provide 250. The string efficiency of a string of suspension
insulators is dependent on
Deefle GÛÛe Jeesušlee mebÛejCe ØeCeeueer ceW yeb[ue Ûeeuekeâ efveuebyeve efJemebJeenkeâ keâer efmš^bie keâer efmš^bie o#elee .....
............ Øeoeve keâjlee nw~ ........hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~
(a) reduced capacitance./keâce mebOeeefj$e (a) size of insulators /efJemebJeenkeâ kesâ Deekeâej
(b) increased capacitance./DeefOekeâ mebOeeefj$e (b) number of discs in the string
(c) increased inductance./DeefOekeâ ØesjkeâlJe efmš^bie ceW ef[mkeâ kesâ mebKÙee
(d) increased voltage gradient. (c) size of tower /šeJej kesâ Deekeâej hej
DeefOekeâ Jeesušspe ØeJeCelee (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 440 YCT
251. In a string of suspension insulators, if shunt (a) in the middle of the string /efmš^bie kesâ yeerÛe ceW
capacitance decreases, then string efficiency (b) nearest to the cross-arm
efveuebyeve efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâer Skeâ efmš^bie ceW, Ùeefo Mebš ›eâeme-Deece& kesâ meyemes keâjerye
Oeeefjlee keâce nes peelee nw, lees efmš^bie o#elee ........ (c) nearest to the conductor /Ûeeuekeâ kesâ meyemes keâjerye
(a) decreases /Iešleer nw (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) increases /yeÌ{leer nw *257. In a 33kV overhead line, there are 3 units in
(c) remains the same /meceeve jnleer nw the string of insulators. The voltage across the
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR string is
252. The conductor vibration of an overhead line Skeâ 33kV efMejeshejer ueeFve ceW, Fbmeguesšj kesâ efmš^bie ceW 3
may cause FkeâeFÙeeB nesleer nw, lees efmš^bie kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe .......
Skeâ efMejeshejer ueeFve kesâ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ kebâheve ............ keâe
neslee nw~
keâejCe neslee nw~
(a) 33kV (b) 11 kV
(a) breaking of insulator discs (c) 22 kV (d) 19.05kV
Fvmeguesšj ef[mkeâ kesâ štšves *258. In Q. 257, if the string efficiency is 85.8% then
(b) excessive sag /DelÙeefOekeâ Peesue voltage across the disc nearest to the conductor
(c) collapse of supporting structures is
meneÙekeâ mebjÛeveeDeeW ceW keâesuespeve ØeMve 257 ceW, Ùeefo efmš^bie o#elee 85.8% nw, lees Ûeeuekeâ
(d) all of the above /Ghejesòeâ meYeer kesâ meceerhe ef[mkeâ kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee ........... nw~
253. If the string efficiency is increased, the voltage (a) 11 kV (b) 7.4 kV
across the disc nearest to the conductor
(c) 19.05kV (d) 9.8 kV
Ùeefo efmš^bie o#elee yeÌ{ peeleer nw, pees Ûeeuekeâ kesâ 259. 100% string efficiency means
efvekeâšlece ef[mkeâ kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušspe ..... 100% efmš^bie o#elee keâe celeueye nw–
(a) increases /yeÌ{lee nw (a) self-capacitance is zero /mJe-mebOeeefj$e MetvÙe neslee nw
(b) decreases /Iešlee nw (b) shunt capacitance is maximum
(c) remains the same /meceeve jnlee nw heeMJe& mebOeeefj$e DeefOekeâlece nw
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) self-capacitance is maximum
254. A string of suspension insulators has three mJe-mebOeeefj$e DeefOekeâlece nw
discs. If the disc nearest to the conductor
flashes over (i.e. breaks down), then, (d) shunt capacitance is zero /heeMJe& mebOeeefj$e MetvÙe nw
efveuebyeve efJeÅeglejesOekeâ kesâ Skeâ efmš^bie ceW leerve ef[mkeâ nw~ 260. In a string of suspension insulators, Line
Ùeefo Ûeeuekeâ kesâ heeme keâer ef[mkeâ DeefOekeâ Ûecekeâleer (štš voltage = ......... × Voltage across string
peevee) nw, leye- efveuebyeve efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâer Skeâ efmš^bie ceW, ueeFve Jeesušspe
(a) the remaining discs will flash-over · ..........× efmš^bie kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe
Mes<e ef[mkeâ heäuewme DeesJej nes peeÙesiee~ (a) 3
(b) the remaining discs will remain intact (b) 3
Mes<e ef[mkeâ yejkeâjej jnsiee 1
(c) only the top disc will flash-over (c)
kesâJeue Meer<e& ef[mkeâ heäuewMe-DeesJej nesieer~
(d) None of above /Ghejesòeâ cesb mes keâesF& veneR
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
255. In a string of suspension insulators, the discs 261. Power loss due to corona is not directly
are connected in proportional to
efveuebyeve efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâer Skeâ efmš^bie ceW ef[mkeâ ......... efkeâjerš kesâ keâejCe Meefòeâ neefve............ kesâ meerOes
pegÌ[s nesles nQ~ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer veneR nesleer nw~
(a) parallel /meceevlej ceW (a) spacing between conductors
(b) series /ßesCeer ceW Ûeeuekeâes kesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer
(c) series-parallel /ßesCeer-meceevlej ceW (b) supply voltage frequency
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Deehetefle& Jeesušlee keâer DeeJe=efòe
256. In order to improve string efficiency by the (c) phase-neutral voltage/hesâpe-vÙetš^ue Jeesušspe
method of capacitance grading, the maximum
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
capacitance is of the disc
Oeeefjlee «esef[bie kesâ efJeefOe Éeje efmš^bie o#elee ceW megOeej 262. Poles which carry transformers are usually
keâjves kesâ efueS, DeefOekeâlece Oeeefjlee efkeâme ef[mkeâ keâer Jen heesue efpeme hej heefjCeeefce$e keâes jKee peelee nw,
nesleer nw? meeceevÙele: ........... neslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 441 YCT
(a) circular type/Je=òeerÙe Øekeâej 268. Specific gravity of Aluminium is–
(b) I-type/I-Øekeâej SsuÙegefceefveÙece keâe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe...............nw~
(c) A-type/A-Øekeâej (a) 5.9 g/cc (b) 8.9 g/cc
(d) H-type/H-Øekeâej (c) 2.7 g/cc (d) 4.3 g/cc
263. Out of the following which type of poles are 269. The steel used in steel cored conductors is
bulky? usually:
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ KecYes Yeejer nesles nQ? mšer ue keâesj Jeeues Ûeeuekeâ ceW Deeceleewj hej ............
(a) Transmission towers/mebÛejCe šeJeme& mšerue keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(b) Concrete poles/kebâ›eâerš KecYes (a) Alloy steel/efceße Oeeleg Fmheele
(c) Tubular steel poles/šdÙetyeuej mšerue kesâ KecYes (b) Stainless steel/mšsveuesme Fmheele
(d) Wooden poles/uekeâÌ[er kesâ KecYes (c) Mild steel/ce=og Fmheele
264. In context of corona, if the conductors are (d) High speed steel/GÛÛe ieefle Fmheele
polished and smooth, which of the following
270. Which of the following characteristics should
statements is correct?
the line supports for transmission lines
keâesjesvee kesâ meboYe& ceW, Ùeefo Ûeeuekeâ hee@efueMe Deewj efÛekeâvee
nes lees efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme efJeMes<eleeDeeW mebÛejCe ueeFveeW kesâ
(a) Hissing sound will be more intense
efnefmebie OJeefve DeefOekeâ leer›e nes peeSieer efueS ueeFve meheesš& ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS?
(b) Power loss will be least (a) Low cost/efvecve ueeiele
Meefòeâ neefve keâce mes keâce nesieer (b) High mechanical strength/GÛÛe Ùeebef$ekeâ meeceLÙe&
(c) Corona glow will be uniform along the length (c) Longer life/uecyes peerJevekeâeue
of the conductor/keâesjesvee Ûecekeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâer uecyeeF& (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer
kesâ meeLe Skeâ meceeve nesieer
271. In A.C.S.R. conductors, the insulation between
(d) Corona glow will not occur aluminium and steel conductors is:
keâesjesvee Ûecekeâ Glhevve (Øeehle) veneR nesiee A.C.S.R. ÛeeuekeâeW ceW SuÙegceerefveÙece Deewj Fmheele
265. Aluminium has a specific gravity of:
ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ yeerÛe efJeÅeglejesOeve neslee nw–
SuÙegceerefveÙece keâe efJeefMe<š ieg™lJe neslee nw
(a) 1.5 (b) 2.7 (a) Insulin/Fvmegefueve
(c) 4.2 (d) 7.8 (b) Bitumen/efyešgefceve
266. For aluminium, as compared to copper, all the (c) Varnish/Jeeefve&Me
following factors have higher values except:
(d) No-insulation is required/efJeÅeglejesOeve keâer keâesF&
SuÙegefceefveÙece kesâ efueS, leeByes keâer leguevee ceW ............ kesâ
DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nesleer nw
Deefleefjòeâ efvecveefueefKele meYeer keâejkeâebs keâe ceeve GÛÛe
nesiee~ 272. The minimum clearance between the ground
and a 220 kV line is about:
(a) Specific volume/efJeefMe<š DeeÙeleve
Yetefce leLee 220kV ueeFve kesâ yeerÛe vÙetvelece keäueerÙejsvme
(b) Electrical conductivity/efJeÅegle Ûeeuekeâlee
ueieYeie neslee nw~
(c) Co-efficient of linear expansion
jwefKekeâ efJemleej keâe iegCeebkeâ (a) 4.3 m (b) 5.5 m
(d) Resistance per unit length for same cross- (c) 7.0 m (d) 10.5 m
section/meceeve DevegØemLe keâeš kesâ efueS, Øeefle Skeâebkeâ 273. The spacing between phase conductors of a 220
uecyeeF& hej ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve kV line is approximately equal to:
267. Which of the following materials is used for 220 kV ueeFve kesâ hesâpe ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ yeerÛe Devlej
overhead transmission lines: ueieYeie ............kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee heoeLe& efMejesheefj mebÛejCe (a) 2m (b) 3.5m
ueeFveeW kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? (c) 6m (d) 8.5m
(a) Steel cored aluminium/Fmheele keâesj SuÙegceerefveÙece 274. Transmission line insulators are made of:
(b) Galvanised steel/pemleerke=âle Fmheele mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW efJeÅeglejesOekeâ .......... keâe yevee neslee nw~
(c) Cadmium copper/kewâ[efceÙece leeByee (a) Glass/iueeme (b) Porcelain/heesme&ueerve
(d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (c) Iron/DeeÙejve (d) P.V.C./heer.Jeer.meer.

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 442 YCT

275. Overhead lines generally use: (c) voltage drop across the line
efMejesheefj ueeFveeW ceW meeceevÙele: ............ GheÙeesie efkeâÙee ueeFve kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe [^e@he
peelee nw~ (d) 12R losses/12 R neefve
(a) Copper conductors/leeceü ÛeeuekeâeW keâe 281. The conductor of an EHV line is selected on the
basis of
(b) All aluminium conductors
Deefle GÛÛe Jeesušspe ueeFve kesâ Ûeeuekeâ keâes........kesâ
meYeer SuÙegceerefveÙece ÛeeuekeâeW keâe
DeeOeej hej Ûegveles nw~
(c) A.C.S.R. conductors/A.C.S.R. ÛeeuekeâeW keâe
(a) current carrying capacity/Oeeje Jenve #ecelee
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) corona and RI performance
276. Most of the high voltage transmission lines in keâesjesvee Deewj RI ØeoMe&ve
India are:
(c) line voltage/ueeFve Jeesušspe
Yeejle ceW DeefOekeâebMe GÛÛe Jeesušlee mebÛejCe ueeFveW nesleer
(d) none of these/FmeceW mes keâesF& veneR
282. The ABCD constants of a 3-phase transposed
(a) Underground/Yetefceiele transmission line with linear and passive
(b) Overhead/efMejesheefj elements
(c) Either of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer js KeerÙe Deewj efve<›eâerÙe DeJeÙeJe kesâ meeLe Skeâ 3–hesâpe
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR mLeeveevleefjle mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS ABCD efveÙeleebkeâ
277. The conductors of the overhead lines are:
efMejesheefj ueeFveeW kesâ Ûeeuekeâ nesles nQ– (a) are always equal./ncesMee yejeyej neslee nw
(a) Solid/"esme (b) never equal. /keâYeer yejeyej veneR neslee nw
(c) A and D are equal./A Deewj D yejeyej nesles nw
(b) Stranded/IegceeJeoej
(d) B and C are equal./B Deewj C yejeyej nesles nw
(c) Both solid and stranded/oesveeW "esme Deewj IegceeJeoej
283. Transmission lines are transposed to
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
mebÛejCe ueeFveeW keâes mLeeveebleefjle efkeâÙee peelee nw–
278. High voltage transmission lines use:
(a) reduce corona loss.
GÛÛe Jeesušspe mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW ............ keâe ØeÙeesie keâesjesvee neefve keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
neslee nw~ (b) reduce skin effect.
(a) Suspension insulators/efveuebyeve efJeÅeglejesOekesâ efmkeâve (lJeÛeerÙe) ØeYeeJe keâjves kesâ efueS
(b) Pin insulators/efheve efJeÅeglejesOekesâ (c) prevent interference with neighbouring
(c) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW telephone lines./heÌ[esmeer šsueerheâesve ueeFveeW kesâ meeLe
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR yeeOee keâes jeskeâves kesâ efueS
(d) prevent short-circuit between any two lines.
279. Corona loss in D.C. line is
[er.meer. ueeFve ceW keâesjesvee neefve nw~ efkeâmeer Yeer oes ueeFveeW kesâ yeerÛe ueIeg heefjheLe keâes jeskeâves kesâ
(a) less than in A.C. line operating at same rms
284. Transposition of transmission line is done to
voltage/Skeâ ner rms Jeesušspe hej ØeÛeeefuele A.C.
mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe mLeeveeblejCe ......... kesâ efueS efkeâÙee
ueeFve mes Yeer keâce
peelee nw~
(b) more than that in A.C. line at the same rms
voltage (a) reduce line loss./ueeFve neefve keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
Skeâ ner rms Jeesušspe hej A.C. ueeFve mes DeefOekeâ (b) reduce skin effect./efmkeâve ØeYeeJe keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
(c) same as in A.C. line at equal rms voltage (c) balance line voltage drop.
meceeve rms Jeesušspe hej A.C. ueeFve kesâ yejeyej nesiee ueeFve Jeesušspe keâceer keâes meblegefuele keâjves kesâ efueS
(d) reduce corona./keâesjesvee keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
285. High voltage transmission lines are transposed
280. Bundled conductors are used for EHV because then
transmission lines primarily for reducing the
GÛÛe Jeesušspe mebÛejCe ueeFveeW keâe mLeeveevlejCe efkeâÙee
yeb[ue Ûeeuekeâ keâe GheÙeesie Deefle GÛÛe Jeesušspe mebÛejCe peelee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ leye-
ueeFve ceW cegKÙele:............. keâce keâjves kesâ efueS neslee nw~ (a) corona losses can be minimized.
(a) corona loss/keâesjesvee neefve keâesjesvee ne@efve keâes keâce efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
(b) surge impedance of the line (b) computation of inductance becomes easier.
ueeFve keâer mepe& ØeefleyeeOee ØesjkeâlJe keâer ieCevee Deemeeve nes peeleer nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 443 YCT
(c) voltage drop in the lines can be minimized. 290. Stranded conductors usually have a central
ueeFveeW ceW Jeesušspe [^ehe keâes keâce efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ around which there are successive layers of 6,
(d) phase voltage unbalances can be minimized. 12, 18,24 wires. For n-layers, the total number
of individual wires is
Demeblegueve hesâpe Jeesušspe keâes keâce efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
ueÌ[eroej ÛeeuekeâeW ceW Deeceleewj hej Skeâ kesâvõerÙe leej neslee
286. Bundled conductors are used to
yeb[ue Ûeueekeâ ............. kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw efpemekesâ ÛeejeW Deesj 6, 12, 18, 24 leejeW keâer ›eâefcekeâ
hejleW nesleer nw~ n-hejleeW kesâ efueS Deueie–Deueie leejeW keâer
kegâue mebKÙee nw–
(a) reduce inductance of the line.
(a) 3n (n + 1) (b) 2n (n + 1)
ueeFve kesâ ØesjkeâlJe keâce keâjves
(c) 3n (n + 1) + 1 (d) 2n (n +1) + 1
(b) reduce both inductance and capacitance. 291. The diameter of each strand is d then the
ØesjkeâlJe Deewj mebOeeefj$e oesveeW keâes keâce keâjves diameter of n-layer stranded conductor will be
(c) reduce corona loss./efkeâjerš neefve keâce keâjves ØelÙeskeâ mš^Q[ (ueÌ[er leej) keâe JÙeeme d nw lees n-hejle
(d) reduce corona loss and the line inductance. mšQ[s[ Ûeeuekeâ keâe JÙeeme nesiee–
efkeâjerš neefve Deewj ueeFve ØesjkeâlJe keâce keâjves
(a) (2n + 1) d (b) 3 (n + 1) d
287. Which one of the following statements is not (c) (2n - 1) d (d) 3 (n - 1) d
correct for the use of bundled conductors in 292. Strain type insulators are used
transmission lines? efJeke=âefle Øekeâej kesâ efJeÅegle jesOekeâ keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee
mebÛejCe ueeFveeW ceW yeb[ue Ûeeuekeâ ØeÙeesie keâjves kesâ efueS peelee nw~
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener veneR nw? (a) at dead ends./meceehle efMejeW hej
(a) control of voltage gradient. (b) at intermediate anchor towers.
Jeesušspe ØeJeCelee keâe efveÙev$eCe keâjvee ceOÙeJeleea uebiej (veeRJe) šeJej hej
(b) reduction in corona loss. (c) on straight runs./meerOes jve hej
efkeâjerš neefve ces keâceer keâjvee (d) any of (a) or (b)./(a) Ùee (b) ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(c) reduction in radio interference. 293. Wavy structure of pin insulator increases its
jsef[Ùees yeeOee ceW keâceer keâjvee efkeâueer efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâer uenjoej mebjÛevee Fmekeâer
(d) Increase in interference with communication ........... ceW Je=efæ keâjlee nw~
lines./mebÛeej ueeFveeW kesâ meeLe yeeOee ceW Je=efæ keâjvee (a) mechanical strength./Ùeebef$ekeâ meeceLÙe&
288. Bundled conductors are mainly used in high (b) puncture strength. /hebÛej meeceLÙe&
voltage overhead transmission lines to
(c) flash-over voltage./mhegâefjle DeefOekeâ Jeesušspe
yeb[ue Ûeeuekeâ cegKÙe ™he mes GÛÛe Jeesušlee efMejesheefj
(d) thermal strength./leeheerÙe meeceLÙe&
mebÛejCe ueeFveeW ceW GheÙeesie efkeâS peeles nQ~
294. The voltage rating of a multiple shell (rainshed)
(a) reduce transmission line losses. pin type insulator unit connot be increased
mebÛejCe ueeFve neefve keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS beyond a limiting value by increasing the
(b) increase mechanical strength of the line. number of shells, because
ueeFve keâer Ùeebef$ekeâ meeceLÙe& yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS Skeâ Mesue (jwveMes[) efkeâueer Øekeâej efJeÅeglejesOekeâ FkeâeF& keâer
(c) reduce corona./efkeâjerš ceW keâceer keâjves kesâ efueS Jeesušspe efveOee&efjle keâes Mesue keâer mebKÙee yeÌ{ekeâj meerefcele
(d) reduce sag./Peesue ceW keâceer keâjves kesâ efueS cetuÙe mes DeefOekeâ veneR yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ–
289. Hollow conductors are used in transmission (a) the internal voltage distribution between
lines to shells becomes unequal/Mesue kesâ yeerÛe Deevleefjkeâ
KeesKeues Ûeeuekeâ keâes mebÛejCe ueeFveeW ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee Jeesušspe efJelejCe Demeceeve nes peelee nw~
(b) the leakage path resistance starts diminishing.
peelee nw–
/efjmeeJe heLe ØeeflejesOe DeeÙeece Meg™ keâjlee nw
(a) reduce weight of copper.
(c) the disruptive critical voltage for the material
leeByes keâe Jepeve (Yeej) keâce keâjves
kesâ efueS of the insulator is reached./efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâer heoeLe&
(b) improve stability./efmLejlee ceW megOeej kesâ efueS kesâ efueS efJeIešvekeâejer ›eâeefvlekeâ Jeesušspe hengBÛe peelee nw~
(c) reduce corona./efkeâjerš keâce keâjves kesâ efueS (d) the puncture voltage of the material of the
(d) increase power transmission capacity. insulator is reached./efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâer meece«eer kesâ
Meefòeâ mebÛejCe #ecelee yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS hebÛej Jeesušspe hengBÛe peelee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 444 YCT
295. Which type of insulators are used on 132kV (d) non-uniform distance between the cross-arms
transmission lines and the units.
132kV mebÛejCe ueeFve hej efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ ›eâeme Deecme& Deewj FkeâeFÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe Demeceeve otjer~
keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? 300. 100 per cent string efficiency means
(a) pin type./efkeâueer Øekeâej 100 ØeefleMele efmš^bie o#elee keâe leelheÙe& nw–
(b) disc type. /Ûekeâleer Øekeâej (a) one of the insulator discs shorted.
(c) shackle type./efveieÌ[ (heeMe) Øekeâej efJeÅeglejesOekeâ Ûekeâleer ceW mes Skeâ Mee@š& nw
(d) pin and shackle type./efkeâueer Ùee efveieÌ[ Øekeâej (b) zero potential across each disc.
296. Whenever the conductors are dead-ended or ØelÙeskeâ Ûekeâleer kesâ Deej–heej efJeYeJe MetvÙe nw~
there is a change in the direction of (c) equal potential across each insulator disc.
transmission, the insulators used are of the ØelÙeskeâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ Ûekeâleer kesâ Deej–heej efJeYeJe yejeyej
peye Yeer Ûeeuekeâ meceehle efMejes hej nesles nQ, Ùee mebÛejCe nw~
ueeFve keâer efoMee keâes yeouevee ceW neslee nw, JeneB GheÙeesie (d) none of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
efkeâÙee ieÙee efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâe Øekeâej nw– 301. In a suspension type insulator the potential
(a) pin type./efkeâueer Øekeâej drop is
(b) suspension type./efveuecyeve Øekeâej Skeâ efveuecyeve Øekeâej kesâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ ceW efJeYeJeheele neslee
(c) strain type./efJeke=âefle Øekeâej
nw –
(a) maximum across the lowest disc.
(d) shackle type./efveieÌ[ Øekeâej
efveÛeueer Ûekeâleer kesâ Deej–heej DeefOekeâlece
297. Post type Insulators are generally used in lines
operating (b) maximum across the topmost disc.
heesmš Øekeâej efJeÅeglejesOekeâ Deeceleewj hej ..............hej Thejer Ûekeâleer kesâ Deej–heej DeefOekeâlece
ØeÛeeuele ueeFveeW ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw– (c) uniformly distributed over the discs.
(a) above 100 kV./100 kV mes Thej
Ûekeâleer kesâ Thej Skeâ meceeve efJelejCe
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) below 33 kV. /33 kV mes veerÛes
302. If the frequency of a transmission system is
(c) at any voltage level, hv or ehv./efkeâmeer Yeer Jeesušspe changed from 50 Hz to 100 Hz the string
mlej hej GÛÛe Jeesušspe Ùee Deefle GÛÛe Jeesušspe efficiency.
(d) above 66 kV./66 kV mes Thej Skeâ mebÛejCe ØeCeeueer ceW Ùeefo DeeJe=efòe 50 Hz mes 100 Hz
298. The number of discs in a string of insulators yeoue efoÙee peeS lees efmš^bie o#elee nesieer–
for 400 kV AC. overhead transmission line lies
(a) will increase/yeÌ{ peeSieer
in the range of
400 kV ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje efMejesheefj mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ (b) will decrease. /Ieš peeSieer
efueS efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâer Skeâ efmš^bie ceW ef[mkeâ (Ûekeâleer) keâer (c) remain unchanged./DeheefjJeefle&le jnsieer
mebKÙee keâe meercee nw– (d) may increase or decrease depending on the
line parameters.
(a) 32 to 33/32 mes 33 (b) 22 to 23 /22 mes 23
ueeFve ØeeÛeue kesâ DeeOeej hej yeÌ{ Ùee Ieš mekeâleer nw~
(c) 15 to 16/15 mes 16 (d) 9 to 10/9 mes 10 303. The string efficiency of a high-voltage line is
299. The non-uniform distribution of voltage across around
the units in a string of suspension type Skeâ GÛÛe Jeesušlee ueeFve keâer efmš^bie o#elee ueieYeie
insulators is due to
nesleer nw–
efveuecyeve Øekeâej efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâer Skeâ efmš^bie ceW FkeâeFÙeeW
(a) 100% (b) 80%
kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušspe keâe Demeceeve efJelejCe efkeâmekesâ keâejCe (c) 40% (d) 10%
neslee nw? 304. In three-unit insulator string, voltage across
(a) unequal self-capacitance of the units. the lowest unit is 17.5 kV and string efficiency
FkeâeFÙeeW keâer Demeceeve mJe mebOeeefj$e is 84.28%. the total voltage across the string
(b) non-uniform distance of separation of the will be equal to
units from the tower body./šeJej efvekeâeÙe mes leerve FkeâeF& efJeÅeglejesOekeâ efmš^bie ceW, veerÛes kesâ FkeâeF& kesâ
FkeâeFÙeeW kesâ he=LekeäkeâjCe keâer Demeceeve otjer Deej–heej Jeesušspe 17.5 kV nw Deewj efmš^bie o#elee
(c) the existance of stray capacitance between the 84.28% nw~ efmš^bie kesâ Deej–heej kegâue Jeesušspe .........
metallic junctions of the units and the tower kesâ yejeyej nesieer~
body./FkeâeFÙeeW Deewj šeJej efvekeâeÙe kesâ Oeeleg mebefOeÙeeW kesâ (a) 8.28 kV (b) 44.25 kV
yeerÛe mš^s mebOeeefj$e keâe DeefmlelJe (c) 88.25 kV (d) 4.425 kV

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 445 YCT

*305. Two-insulator discs of identical capacitance
Value C makes up a string for a 22KV, 50 Hz,
single-phase overhead line insulation system. If
the pin to earth capacitance is also C, then the
string efficiency is
meceeve mebOeeefj$e C ceeve kesâ, oes efJeÅeglejesOekeâ Ûekeâleer 50
Hz keâer Skeâ 22 kV Skeâue keâuee efMejesheefj ueeFve
efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeCeeueer kesâ efueS Skeâ efmš^bie yeveeles nw~ Ùeefo
efheve mes Yet lekeâ mebOeeefj$e C nw, lees efmš^bie o#elee............
nesleer nw~ (a) e1 = 3.74 kV, e2 = 2.61 kV
(b) e1 = 3.46 kV, e2 = 2.89 kV
(a) 50% (b) 75%
(c) e1 = 6.0 kV, e2 = 4.23 kV
(c) 90% (d) 86%
(d) e1 = 5.5 kV, e2 = 5.5 kV
*306. The equivalent capacitor arrangement of a
308. Consider the following statements:
two-string insulator is shown in the figure. The
In the case of suspension type insulators, the
maximum voltage that each unit can withstand
string efficiency can be improved by
should not exceed 17.5 kV. The line voltage of
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW–
the complete string is
Skeâ oes efmš^bie efJeÅeglejesOekeâ kesâ meceleguÙe mebOeeefj$e efveuecyeve Øekeâej efJeÅeglejesOekeâ kesâ ceeceues ceW efmš^bie o#elee
ceW ........... kesâ Éeje megOeej efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw–
JÙeJemLee keâes efÛe$e (DeekeâÌ[eW) ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw~ ØelÙeskeâ
(1) using a longer cross arm.
FkeâeF& DeefOekeâlece Jeesušlee 17.5 kV mes DeefOekeâ menve (2) using a guard ring.
vener keâj mekeâleer nw~ hetCe& efmš^bie keâe ueeFve Jeesušspe nw– (3) grading the insulator discs.
(4) reducing the cross-arm length.
Of these statements
(1) Skeâ uecyee ›eâeme Deecme& ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ
(2) Skeâ megj#ee Ûe›eâ ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ
(3) efJeÅeglejesOekeâ Ûekeâleer kesâ «esÌ[erbie mes
(4) ›eâeme Deecme& keâer uecyeeF& Ieševes mes
(a) 1, 2, and 3 are correct./1, 2 Deewj 3 mener nw~
(b) 2, 3 and 4 are correct./2, 3 Deewj 4 mener nw
(a) 17.5 kV (b) 33 kV (c) 2 and 4 are correct./2 Deewj 4 mener nw
(c) 35 kV (d) 37.3 kV (d) 1 and 3 are correct./1 Deewj 3 mener nw~
*307. Consider a three-phase, 50 Hz, 11 kV 309. Aluminium bus bar used in control cabinet
distribution system. Each of the conductors is should be of rectangular cross-section with a
suspended by an insulator string having two current density NOT exceeding______?
identical porcelain insulators. The self- efveÙeb$eCe kewâefyevesš ceW ØeÙegòeâ keâer peeves Jeeueer
capacitance of the insulator is 5 times the shunt SuÙegceerefveÙece yeme yeej jskeäšQiÙeguej ›eâe@me-meskeäMeve nesveer
capacitance between the link and the ground, ÛeeefnS efpemekeâe keâjWš IevelJe FveceW mes efkeâmemes DeefOekeâ
as shown in the figure. The voltage across the
ve nes?
two insulators are
(a) 700 A/sq. inch (b) 600 A/sq. inch
leerve ÛejCe (keâuee) 50 Hz, 11 kV efJelejCe ØeCeeueer
(c) 900 A/sq. inch (d) 800 A/sq. inch
hej efJeÛeej keâjW~ ØelÙeskeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâes Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ 310. The insulators may fail due to
efmš^bie Éeje efveueefcyele efkeâÙee peelee nw~ efpemeceW oes efJeÅeglejesOekeâ ................. kesâ keâejCe efJeheâue (Kejeye) nes
meceeve efÛeveer efceóer kesâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ nesles nQ~ mekeâlee nw~
efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâe mJe mebOeeefj$e efuebkeâ Deewj Yet kesâ yeerÛe (a) flash over./heäuewMe
keâer meceevlej mebOeeefj$e mes 5 iegvee nw~ pewmee keâer efÛe$e (b) short-circuits. /ueIeg heefjheLe
(DeebkeâÌ[s) ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw~ oes efJeÅeglejesOekeâeW kesâ (c) deposition of dust./Oetue keâe peceeJe
yeerÛe (Deej–heej) Jeesušspe nesiee– (d) any of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& Yeer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 446 YCT

311. The purpose of guard ring in transmission lines (3) It causes power loss.
is to (4) It is more prevalent in the middle conductor
mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW iee[& efjbie keâe GösMÙe nw– of a transmission line employing flat
(a) reduce the earth capacitance of the lowest conductor configuration.
unit. Which of the above statements are correct.
meyemes efveÛeues FkeâeF& keâer Yet–Oeeefjlee keâes keâce keâjvee~ 1. Ùen jsef[Ùees Fvšjefheâjsvme (yeeOee) keâe keâejCe yevelee nw~
(b) increase the earth capacitance of the lowest 2. Ùen ØekeâeMe efnuueesue keâes keâce keâjlee nw~
unit. 3. Fmemes Meefòeâ (efJeÅegle) keâer neefve nesleer nw~
meyemes efveÛeues FkeâeF& keâer Yet-Oeeefjlee keâes DeefOekeâ keâjvee 4. Ùen meceleue Ûeeuekeâ DeefYeefJevÙeeme keâes efveÙeesefpele keâjves Jeeueer
(c) reduce the transmission line losses.
mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ ceOÙe Ûeeuekeâ ceW DeefOekeâ ØeÛeefuele nw~
mebÛejCe ueeFve neefve keâes keâce keâjvee
Ghejesòeâ keâLeve ceW mes keâewve mee mener nw~
(d) none of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only./kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 3
312. The use of a guard ring
Skeâ iee[& efjbie keâe GheÙeesie– (b) 1, 2 and 4 only. /kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 4
(a) equalises the voltage division between (c) 1, 2, 3 and 4./1, 2, 3 Deewj 4
insulator discs./efJeÅegle jesOekeâ Ûekeâleer kesâ yeerÛe Jeesušspe (d) 3 and 4 only./kesâJeue 3 Deewj 4
efJeYeepeve Skeâ meceeve keâjlee nw 316. Corona is accompanied by
(b) is unnecessary complication. efkeâjerš ............. kesâ meeLe neslee nw~
DeveeJeMÙekeâ peefšuelee (a) violet visible discharge in darkness.
(c) decreases string efficiency. DebOesjs ceW yeQieveer ÂMÙeceeve efveJe&nve
efmš^bie o#elee keâes Iešelee nw (b) hissing sound./Meer–Meer (efmemekeâer) keâer DeeJeepe
(d) all of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer (c) ozone./Deespeesve
313. Corona is (d) all of the above./Ghejesòeâ meYeer
efkeâjerš (DeeYee) nw– 317. Ozone effect can be detected by
(a) partial breakdown of air./JeeÙeg keâe DeebefMekeâ Yebpeve Deespeesve ØeYeeJe keâe helee ............. kesâ Éeje ueieeÙee pee
(b) complete breakdown of air. /JeeÙeg keâe hetCe& Yebpeve mekeâlee nw–
(c) sparking between lines./ueeFveeW kesâ yeerÛe mheeefkeËâie (a) presence of ozone detected by odour.
(d) all of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer Deespeesve keâer GheefmLeefle keâe helee iebOe mes Ûeuelee nw
314. Which of the following statements is true (b) hissing sound./Meer–Meer keâer DeeJeepe
regarding corona?
(c) faint luminous glow of bluish colour.
keâesjessvee (efkeâjerš) kesâ mecyevOe ceW efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve
Oetmej jbie keâer nukeâe Ûecekeâoej Ûecekeâ
mee keâLeve mener nw?
(d) all of the above./Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(a) Corona takes place at a voltage lower than
breakdown voltage./efkeâjerš Yebpeve Jeesušspe keâer 318. Corona loss increases with
leguevee ceW keâce Jeesušspe hej neslee nw~ efkeâjerš neefve ........... kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw~
(b) Corona takes place at a voltage higher than (a) decrease in conductor size and increase in
breakdown voltage./efkeâjerš Yebpeve Jeesušspe keâer supply frequency./Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Deekeâej ceW keâceer Deewj
leguevee ceW DeefOekeâ Jeesušspe hej neslee nw Deehetefle& DeeJe=efòe ceW Je=efæ~
(c) Corona is current phenomenon. (b) increase in both conductor size and supply
efkeâjerš Skeâ Oeeje Iešvee nw~ frequency. /Ûeeuekeâ keâe Deekeâej leLee Deehetefle& keâer
(d) Corona increases the transmission line DeeJe=efòe oesveeW ceW Je=efæ~
efficiency. (c) decrease in both conductor size and supply
efkeâjerš mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer o#elee yeÌ{elee nw~ frequency.
315. Consider the following statements regarding Ûeeuekeâ keâe Deekeâej leLee Deehetefle& keâer DeeJe=efòe oesveeW ceW
corona: keâceer
efkeâjerš kesâ mecyevOe ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeve hej efJeÛeej (d) increase in conductor size and decrease in
keâjW– supply frequency.
(1) It causes radio interference. Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Deekeâej ceW Je=efæ leLee Deehetefle& DeeJe=efòe ceW
(2) It attenuates lighting surges. keâceer~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 447 YCT
319. The good effect of corona on overhead lines is (c) for a given cross section the radius of the
to conductor is increased./efkeâmeer efoS ieS ›eâe@me
efMejesheefj ueeFve hej efkeâjerš keâe DeÛÚe ØeYeeJe nw– meskeämeve kesâ efueS, Ûeeuekeâ keâer ef$epÙee yeÌ{ peeleer nw
(a) increase the line carrying capacity due to (d) of better ventilation in the conductor.
conducting ionised air envelope around the Ûeeuekeâ ceW yesnlej JesvšeruesMeve (JeeÙeg mebÛeej)
conductor. 323. Bundled conductors reduce
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj DeeÙeefvele nJee kesâ Lewues keâe mebÛeeueve yeb[ue Ûeeuekeâ keâce keâjlee nw–
keâjves kesâ keâejCe ueeFve Jenve #ecelee ceW Je=efæ (a) surface electric stress of conductor.
(b) Increase the power factor due to corona loss. Ûeeuekeâ keâer melen efJeÅegle leveeJe
keâesjesvee (efkeâjerš) neefve kesâ keâejCe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceW Je=efæ (b) increases the line reactance.
(c) reduce the radio interference from the ueeFve ØeefleIeele yeÌ{elee nw
conductor./Ûeeuekeâ mes jsef[Ùees yeeOee keâce keâjvee
(c) decreases the line capacitance.
(d) reduce the steepness of surge fronts. ueeFve Ieefjlee (kewâheeefmešsvme) Iešelee nw~
mepe& øeâvš (De«e efnuueesue) keâer keâ"esjlee keâes keâce keâjvee~
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
320. Compared with a solid conductor of the same
324. What is the approximate breakdown strength
radius, corona appears on a stranded
of atmospheric air at N.T.P ?
conductor at a lower voltage, because stranding
N.T.P hej JeeÙegceC[ueerÙe nJee keâer Devegceeefvele Yebpeve keâer
Skeâ ner ef$epÙee kesâ "esme Ûeeuekeâ keâer leguevee ceW efkeâjerš
meececLe& keäÙee nw–
Skeâ keâce Jeesušspe hej IegceeJeoej Ûeeuekeâ hej efoKeeF& oslee
(a) 0.3 kV/cm (b) 1.0 kV/cm
nw keäÙeeWefkeâ IegceeJeoej
(c) 3 kV/cm (d) 30 kV/cm
(a) assists ionisation. 325. Disruptive corona begins in smooth cylindrical
DeeÙeefvele keâjves ceW meneÙelee keâjlee nw conductors if the electric field intensity at the
(b) makes the current flow spirally about the axis conductor surface up to-
of the conductor. /Ûeeuekeâ keâer De#e ceW Oeeje ØeJeen NTP hej nJee ceW megiece yesueveekeâej ÛeeuekeâeW ceW
keâes kegbâ[efuele ®he ceW yeveelee nw~ efJeIešvekeâejer efkeâjerš Meg™ neslee nw~ Ùeefo Ûeeuekeâ keâer
(c) produces oblique sections to a plane melen hej efJeÅegle #es$e keâer leer›elee .............. lekeâ nesleer nwb~
perpendicular to a axis of the (a) 21.1 kV(rms)/cm
conductor./Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Skeâ De#e kesâ efueS meceleue (b) 21.1 kV(peak)/cm
uecyeJele eflejÚs JeieeX keâe Glheeove keâjlee nw~ (c) 21.1 kV(average)/cm
(d) produces surfaces of smaller radius. (d) 21.1 kV(rms)/m
Úesšs ef$epÙee keâer melen keâe efvecee&Ce keâjlee nw~ 326. The dielectric strength of air is
321. Corona loss can be reduced by using nJee (JeeÙeg) keâer hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& ...........neslee nw~
efkeâjerš neefve keâes efkeâmekesâ GheÙeesie mes keâce efkeâÙee pee (a) proportional to barometric pressure.
mekeâlee nw? yewjesceeršj oyeeJe kesâ meceevegheeleer
(a) solid conductor of diameter 'd. (b) proportional to absolute temperature.
'd JÙeeme keâe "esme Ûeeuekeâ efvejhes#e leeheceeve kesâ meceevegheeleer
(b) hollow conductor of diameter 'd + δd'. (c) inversely proportional to barometric pressure.
'd + δd' JÙeeme keâe KeesKeuee Ûeeuekeâ yewjesceeršj oeye kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
(c) bundle conductor./yeb[ue Ûeeuekeâ (d) none of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) both (b) and (c)/(b) Deewj (c) oesveeW 327. Visual critical voltage is
322. Corona loss can be reduced by the use of ÂMÙe ›eâeefvlekeâ Jeesušspe .........neslee nQ~
hollow conductors because. (a) lower than disruptive critical voltage.
KeesKeues Ûeeuekeâ kesâ GheÙeesie mes efkeâjerš neefve keâes keâce efJeÅešvekeâejer ›eâebeflekeâ Jeesušspe mes keâce
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ– (b) higher than disruptive critical voltage.
(a) the current density is reduced. efJeIešvekeâejer ›eâeefvlekeâ Jeesušspe mes DeefOekeâ
Oeeje IevelJe keâce nes peelee nw (c) equal to critical voltage.
(b) the eddy current in the conductor is ›eâeefvlekeâ Jeesušspe kesâ yejeyej
eliminated./Ûeeuekeâ ceW YebJej Oeeje meceehle nes peelee nw~ (d) none of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 448 YCT
328. Critical voltage limit of a transmission line is (a) 25-30 years/25–30 Je<e&
increased by
(b) 20-25 years/20–25 Je<e&
mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer ›eâeefvlekeâ Jeesušspe meercee ............ kesâ
(c) 10-15 years/10–15 Je<e&
Éeje yeÌ{eF& peeleer nw~
(a) increasing the radius of the conductors. (d) 5-10 years/5–10 Je<e&
Ûeeuekeâ keâer ef$epÙee yeÌ{ekeâj 333. Steel poles for transmission lines need
(b) increasing the spacing between conductors. protection against
ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ yeerÛe Devlej yeÌ{ekeâj mebÛejCe ueeFveeW kesâ efueS mšerue kesâ KecYes keâes .............
(c) reducing the spacing between conductors. kesâ efJe®æ megj#ee keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~
ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ yeerÛe Devlej keâce keâjkesâ (a) borer/yeesjsj (jbOeÇkeâ)
(d) reducing the radius of the conductors.
(b) termites/oercekeâ
Ûeeuekeâesb keâer ef$epÙee keâes keâce keâjkesâ
(c) corrosion/meb#eejCe (pebie)
329. Corona losses are minimised when
efkeâjerš neefve keâes keâce efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw, peye– (d) all of these/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(a) conductor size is reduced. 334. RCC poles usually have the spans of
Ûeeuekeâ keâe Deekeâej keâce keâjkesâ RCC KecYes keâe efJemleej Deeceleewj hej ............. keâe
(b) smooth conductor is used. neslee nw~
efÛekeâvee (megÛee®) Ûeeuekeâ keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ (a) 250-400 m./250–400 ceeršj
(c) sharp points are provided in the line
(b) 80-150 m./80–150 ceeršj
hardware./ueeFve ne[&JesÙej ceW efle#Ce (efleKes) efyevog
GheueyOe keâjkesâ (c) 50-80 m./50–80 ceeršj
(d) current density in conductor is reduced. (d) 25-50 m./25–50 ceeršj
Ûeeuekeâ ceW Oeeje IevelJe keâce keâjkesâ~ 335. In India for distribution of electric power we
*330. The corona loss on a particular system at 50 Hz usually use
is 1 kW/km per phase. What is the corona loss Yeejle ceW efJeÅegle Meefòeâ kesâ efJelejCe kesâ efueS nce Deeceleewj
at 60 Hz in kW/km per phase?
hej GheÙeesie keâjles nQ–
50 Hz hej Skeâ efJeMes<e ØeCeeueer keâe efkeâjerš neefve 1
kW/km nw~ kW/km Øeefle keâuee ceW efkeâjerš neefve 60 Hz (a) wooden poles./uekeâÌ[er keâe heesue
hej nesiee? (b) steel poles. /mšerue heesue
(a) 0.83 (b) 1.0 (c) RCC poles./RCC heesue
(c) 1.13 (d) 1.2 (d) both (b) and (c)./(b) Deewj (c) oesveeW
331. The supports used for transmission lines should
336. Conductors used in HT transmission lines are
have the characteristic(s) of
stranded because of
mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS GheÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer Deeuecye
keâer efJeMes<elee nesveer ÛeeefnS- GÛÛe Jeesušspe mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW ØeÙegòeâ Ûeeuekeâ ............
(a) high mechanical strength and longer life. kesâ keâejCe mš^sv[s[ nesles nQ–
GÛÛe Ùeebef$ekeâ meeceLÙe& leLee uecyee peerJevekeâeue (a) increased tensile strength.
(b) good looking, light in weight and easily levÙelee meeceLÙe& ceW Je=efæ
accessible for painting and erection of line (b) easy in handling./mebYeeueves ceW Deemeeveer
conductors./osKeves ceW DeÛÚe, nukeâe Yeej Deewj heWefšbie
(c) cheaper in cost./ueeiele ceW memlee
Deewj Ûeeuekeâ kesâ efvecee&Ce kesâ efueS Deemeeveer mes megueYe
(c) cheap in initial as well in maintenance (d) reduced resistivity./ØeeflejesOekeâlee ceW keâceer
cost./ØeejefcYekeâ ueeiele kesâ meeLe-meeLe jKe jKeeJe ueiele 337. Which of the following properties has got
ceW Yeer memlee nes higher value for aluminium in comparison to
(d) all of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer that copper?
332. The wooden poles well impregnated with efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee iegCe, keâe@hej keâer leguevee ceW
creosite oil or any preservative compound have SuÙegefceefveÙece kesâ efueS GÛÛe ceeve Øeehle keâjlee nw~
life of
(a) electrical resistivity./efJeÅegle ØeeflejesOekeâlee
uekeâÌ[er kesâ KecYes keâes DeÛÚer lejn mes ef›eâÙeesmeeFš lesue
(Yetjs jbie keâe lesue pees uekeâÌ[er keâes megjef#ele jKelee nw) Ùee (b) melting point. /ieueve efyevog
efkeâmeer Yeer heefjj#ekeâ Ùeewefiekeâ kesâ meeLe mebmesefÛele efkeâÙee (c) thermal conductivity./leehe (G<cee) Ûeeuekeâlee
peelee nw, lees Gmekeâe peerJevekeâeue ............. neslee nw~ (d) specific gravity./efJeefMe° ieg®lJe

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 449 YCT

338. In a 7/30 ACSR conductor why is grease put 341. The function of steel wire in an ACSR
between steel and aluminium conductors? conductor is to
7/30 ACSR Ûeeuekeâ ceW mšerue Deewj SuÙegceerefveÙece Skeâ ACSR Ûeeuekeâ ceW mšerue kesâ leej keâe keâeÙe& nw–
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ yeerÛe «eerme keäÙeeW [euee peelee nw? (a) compensate for skin effect.
(a) to reduce corrosion by electrolytic action lJeÛeerÙe ØeYeeJe kesâ efueS #eeflehetefle&
between zinc (galvanising agent on steel) and (b) take care of surges.
aluminium. mepe& (efnuueesue) keâe OÙeeve jKevee
pemlee (mšerue hej pemleerke=âle) Deewj SuÙegceerefveÙece kesâ yeerÛe (c) provide additional mechanical strength.
efJeÅegle DeheIešveer ef›eâÙee Éeje pebie keâes keâce keâjves kesâ Deefleefjòeâ Ùeebef$ekeâ meeceLÙe& Øeoeve keâjvee
efueS~ (d) reduce inductance./ØesjkeâlJe keâer keâceer keâjvee
(b) to reduce friction between the strands. 342. The approximate cost ratio of a 220 KV
ueefÌ[ÙeeW (IegceeDeeW) kesâ yeerÛe Ie<e&Ce keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS underground cable transmission and 220 kV
(c) to reduce leakage of current from aluminium overhead transmission is.
strands to steel strands. 220 KV Yetefceiele kesâyeue mebÛejCe Deewj 220 KV
SuÙegceerefveÙece ueÌ[er mes mšerue ueÌ[er lekeâ Oeeje kesâ efjmeeJe efMejesheefj mebÛejCe kesâ Devegceeefvele ueeiele keâe Devegheele
keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS neslee nw-
(d) to eliminate air pockets. (a) 50 (b) 25
nJee keâer pesye (hee@kesâšdme) keâes Kelce keâjves kesâ efueS (c) 13 (d) 5
339. ACSR is used in place of copper in overhead 343. Radio Influence Voltage (RIV) generated on a
lines because of transmission line conductor surface is not
................. kesâ keâejCe efMejesheefj ueeFveeW ceW leeByes kesâ mLeeve affected by
hej ACSR keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw– meb ÛejCe ueeFve Ûeeuekeâ melen hej peefvele jsef[Ùees ØeYeeJe
(a) higher current carrying capacity.
Jees ušlee (RIV)................Éeje ØeYeeefJele veneR neslee nw~
GÛÛe Oeeje Jenve #ecelee (a) system voltage /ØeCeeueer Jeesušlee
(b) corona discharges on the conductors
(b) being lighter in weight/Yeej ceW nukeâe nesvee
ÛeeuekeâeW hej keâesjesvee efJemepe&ve
(c) economy/efceleJÙeÙeer (c) rain /Je<ee&
(d) higher tensile strength/GÛÛe levÙe meeceLÙe& (d) nearby radio receivers
340. "Expanded ACSR" are conductors composed Deeme-heeme kesâ jsef[Ùees efjefmeJejeW
of 344. The minimum phase-neutral voltage at which
‘‘efJemleeefjle ACSR’’ Ûeeuekeâ .............. mes yevee neslee corona starts occur in power transmission lines
nw~ is called/vÙetvelece hesâpe-vÙetš^ue Jeesušspe efpeme hej
(a) larger diameter individual strands for a given keâesjesvee keâe heeJej š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFveeW ceW nesvee Meg™ neslee
cross section of the aluminium strands. nw Gmes keäÙee keâne peelee nw?
SuÙegefceefveÙece mš^Q[ kesâ efoS ieS ›eâe@me meskeäMeve kesâ efueS (a) Knee voltage / veer Jeesušspe
yeÌ[e JÙeeme Dekesâuee mš^w[dme~ (b) Visual critical voltage/efJepetDeue ef›eâefškeâue Jeesušpe
(b) larger diameter of the central steel strands for (c) Critical disruptive voltage
a given overall diameter of conductor.
ef›eâefškeâue ef[efmeš^efhšJe Jeesušspe
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ efoS ieS mece«e JÙeeme kesâ efueS ceOÙe (kesâvõerÙe)
(d) Flash voltage / heäuewMe Jeesušspe
mšerue mšwC[dme kesâ yeÌ[s JÙeeme
345. Setting depth of poles is
(c) larger diameter of the aluminium strands only
KebYeeW keâes mesš keâjves keâer ienjeF&–
for a given overall diameter of conductor.
(a) 1/4 part of the length of pole
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ efoS ieS mece«e JÙeeme kesâ efueS kesâJeue
SuÙegceerefveÙece mš^Q[ keâe yeÌ[e JÙeeme KebYes keâer uebyeeF& keâer 1/4 nesleer nw
(b) 1/5 part of the length of pole
(d) a filter between the inner steel and the outer
aluminium strands to increase the overall KebYes keâer uebyeeF& 1/5 nesleer nw
diameter of conductor. (c) 1/8 part of the length of pole
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ mece«e JÙeeme keâes yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS Deevleefjkeâ KebYes keâer uebyeeF& keâer 1/8 nesleer nw
mšerue Deewj yeenjer SuÙegceerefveÙece mš^Q[me kesâ yeerÛe Skeâ (d) 1/2 part of the length of pole
efheâušj~ KebYes keâer uebyeeF& keâer 1/2 nesleer nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 450 YCT
346. Wooden poles are not used because : 352. A pin type insulator is made from
uekeâefÌ[ÙeeW kesâ KbeYeeW keâe Fmlesceeue veneR efkeâÙee peelee, efheve Øekeâej keâe Fvmeguesšj efkeâme mes yevee neslee nw–
keäÙeeWefkeâ : (a) porcelain/heesme&ueerve
(a) they easily rot below the ground level and (b) glass/keâebÛe
limited to line voltage of 11 kV (c) plastic/hueeefmškeâ
Ùes menpelee mes Yetleue kesâ veerÛes meÌ[ peeles nQ Deewj 11 kV (d) all option are correct/meYeer efJekeâuhe mener nQ
kesâ ueeFve Jeesušspe lekeâ meerefcele jnles nQ 353. The insulating material suitable for low
(b) light in weight/Ùes Jepeve ceW nukesâ nesles nQ temperature applications is ……..
(c) can easily he fitted and shifted/FvnW Deemeeveer mes
keâce leeheceeve Jeeues DevegØeÙeesieeW kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ jesOekeâ
ueieeÙee Deewj mLeeveebleefjle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw meece«eer ........... nw–
(a) Cork/keâe@ke&â
(d) cheap in cost/memles nesles nQ
(b) Diatomaceous earth/[eÙešceerce=efòekeâe
347. Pin insulators are normally used up to voltage
(c) Asbestos paper/Smyesmšme keâeiepe
of about/efheve efJeÅeglejesefOeÙeeW keâe GheÙeesie Deeceleewj hej
(d) 75 per cent magnesia/75 ØeefleMele cewefiveefMeÙee
ueieYeie efkeâleves Jeesušspe lekeâ kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw–
354. ACSR stands for :/ACSR keâe DeLe& nw–
(a) 33 KV (b) 66 KV
(a) All Copper Standard Reinforced Conductor
(c) 100 KV (d) 11 KV
Dee@ue keâe@hej mšQ[[& jwveHeâesm[& kebâ[keäšj
348. Which type of insulation covering the
(b) Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced
conductor used for low voltage ?
keâce Jeesušspe nsleg Ûeeuekeâ keâes {keâves kesâ efueS efkeâme
SuÙetefceefveÙece kebâ[keäšj mšerue jwveHeâesm[& kebâ[keäšj
Øekeâej kesâ FbmeguesMeve keâe Fmlesceeue efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(c) Aluminium Copper Steel Reinforced
(a) Poly–vinyl Chloride (P.V.C.) Conductor
hee@ueer–efJeveeFue keäueesjeF[(P.V.C.) SuÙetefceefveÙece keâe@hej mšerue jwveHeâesm[& kebâ[keäšj
(b) Paper/keâeiepe (d) All Copper Steel Reinforced Conductor
(c) vulcanized Indian Rubber (V.I.R.) Dee@ue keâe@hej mšerue jwveHeâesm[& kebâ[keäšj
Jeukeâefvele YeejleerÙe jyej (V.I.R.) *355. The conductivity of aluminium as compared to
(d) Cotton and Silk Insulation copper is :/leebyes keâer leguevee ceW SuÙegceerefveÙece keâer
keâe@šve Deewj efmeukeâ FbmeguesMeve Ûeeuekeâlee keäÙee nesleer nw?
349. Which of the following is not a constituent for (a) 1 (b) 0.7
making porcelain insulators?
(c) 0.6 (d) 0.5
Ûeerveer efceóer keâes Fvmeguesšj yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele 356. The most important components required for
ceW mes keâewve Skeâ Ieškeâ veneR nw? transmission line are/mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS keâewve-
(a) Silica/efmeefuekeâe mes Ieškeâ meyemes DeefOekeâ cenlJehetCe& nesles nw?
(b) Kaolin/keâeDeesefueve (a) poles and towers/KebYes Deewj še@Jeme&
(c) Feldspar/hesâu[mheej (b) conductors/mebJeenkeâ
(d) Quartz/keäJeešd&pe (c) insulators/efJemebJeenkeâ
350. Insulator that is used in low voltage (d) poles, towers, conductors and insulators
distribution lines is known as............... KebYes, še@Jeme&, mebJeenkeâ Deewj efJemebJeenkeâ
Fvmeguesšj pees keâce Jeesušspe efJelejCe ueeFveeW ceW GheÙeesie 357. Method of reducing line reactance in
efkeâS peeles nw efpevnW peevee peelee nw~ transmission line is/are:
(a) shackle/Mewkesâue (b) strain/leveve 1. Parallel transmission lines
2. Using series capacitance
(c) pin/efheve (d) suspension/memheWMeve
3. Using bundled conductors
351. Which insulator is used on dead ends of medium š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve ceW ueeFve efjÙekeäšwvme keâes keâce keâjves
voltage line?/ceOÙece Jeesušspe ueeFve kesâ Debeflece efmejeW hej
keâer efJeefOe nQ
efkeâme efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw–
1- meceevlej mebÛejCe ueeFve
(a) Shackle type/Mewkeâue Øekeâej
2- ßesCeer kewâhesefmešwvme keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ
(b) Pin type/efheve Øekeâej
3- yev[ue kebâ[keäšj keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ
(c) Egg type/Deb[ Øekeâej (a) (1), (2) and (3) (b) only (2)
(d) Disc type/ef[mkeâ Øekeâej (c) only (1) (d) only (3)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 451 YCT

358. String efficiency cannot be improved by: Skeâ leerve Ùetefveš kesâ efmš^bie Fvmeguesšj ceW meyemes veerÛes kesâ
ueÌ[er o#elee keâes veneR yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw– Ùetefveš kesâ heeme Jeesušspe 17.5 KV nw Deewj efmš^bie o#elee
(a) using paint/hesvš keâe Fmlesceeue keâjkesâ 84.28% nw~ efmš^bie kesâ S›eâe@me mechetCe& Jeesušspe nesiee?
(b) using longer cross arm (a) 8.825kV (b) 44.25kV
uecyeer DevegØemLe Yegpee keâe Fmlesceeue keâjkesâ (c) 88.25kV (d) 442.5kV
(c) grading the insulator/Fvmeguesšj keâe «esef[bie keâjkeâs 363. Which of the following is used to make bus
(d) using a guard ring/megj#ee Ûe›eâ keâe Fmlesceeue keâjkesâ bars and tansmission line conductors ?
efvecve ceW mes efkeâmekeâe ØeÙeesie yeme yeej SJeb mebÛejCe ueeFve
*359. A String insulator has 4 units. The voltage
across the lower most unit is 33.33% of total Ûeeuekeâ yeveeves nsleg efkeâÙee peelee nw?
voltage. The string efficiency of the insulator is: (a) Lead/ueer[
Skeâ efmš^bie Fvmeguesšj ceW 4 Ùetefveš nQ~ meyemes efveÛeues Ùetefveš (b) Aluminium/SuÙegceerefveÙece
ceW Jeesušspe kegâue Jeesušspe keâe 33.33³ nw~ Fvmeguesšj keâer (c) Nichrome/veeF›eâesce
efmš^bie o#elee keäÙee nw? (d) Cadmium/kewâ[efceÙece
(a) 30% (b) 25% 364. To prevent the decaying owing to snow and
(c) 75% (d) 50% rain, the wooden poles are protected by ...........
360. A parallel plate lossless transmission line cap at the top.
consists of brass strips of width w and separated yeHe&â Deewj yeeefjMe kesâ keâejCe uekeâÌ[er kesâ KecYeeW keâes meÌ[ves
by a distance d. If both w and d are double then mes yeÛeeves kesâ efueS Gvekesâ Thej..............keâer šesheer (kewâhe)
its characteristic impedance will be:
ueieekeâj GvnW mebjef#ele efkeâÙee peelee nw?
Skeâ meceeblej huesš neefve-jefnle mebÛeejCe ueeFve heerleue keâer
A. Aluminimum/SuÙegefceefveÙece
heefóÙeeW mes yeveer nw efpevekeâer ÛeewÌ[eF& w Deewj yeerÛe keâer otjer
B. Zinc/efpebkeâ
d nw~ Ùeefo w Deewj d oesveeW keâes ogiegvee keâj efoÙee peeÙes lees
C. Cement/meercebsš
DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee:
(a) Only A/kesâJeue A
(a) halfed/DeeOeer nes peeÙesieer
(b) Only B/kesâJeue B
(b) double/ogiegveer nes peeÙesieer
(c) Only C/kesâJeue C
(c) not change/DeheefjJeefle&le nesieer
(d) A, B and C/A, B Deewj C
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
365. Copper conductors are generally used for
361. Which one of the following statement is not transmission lines because it.................
correct for a transmission line?
heejs<eCe (š^ebmeefceMeve) ueeFve ceW meeceevÙele: keâe@hej Ûeeuekeâ
mebÛeejCe ueeFve kesâ efJe<eÙe ceW keâewve-mee keâLeve mener
keâe ØeÙeesie keäÙeebs efkeâÙee peelee nw?
veneR nw– (a) Has longer life and high conductivity
A. Attenuation constant of a lossless line is efškeâeT Deewj GÛÛe Ûeeuekeâlee kesâ efueS
always zero/neefve-jefnle mebÛeejCe ueeFve keâe #eerCeve (b) Is strong enough to allow long spans
efveÙeleebkeâ ncesMee MetvÙe neslee nw Ùen uecyeer DeJeefOe DeeÙeg kesâ efueS heÙee&hle cepeyetle neslee nw~
B. Characteristic impedance of both lossless and (c) Requires more support
distortionless line is real Fmes DeefOekeâ meceLe&ve keâer pe™jle nesleer nw~
efJeke=âefle-jefnle mebÛeejCe ueeFve Deewj neefve-jefnle mebÛeejCe (d) Requires more insulators
ueeFve oesveeW keâer DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee JeemleefJekeâ nesleer nw Fmes DeefOekeâ efJeÅeglejesOeer keâer pe™jle nesleer nw~
C. Attenuation constant of a distortionless line is 366. Steel poles are generally used for transmission
always zero./efJeke=âefle-jefnle mebÛeejCe ueeFve keâe #eerCeve lines because
efveÙeleebkeâ ncesMee MetvÙe neslee nw A. It has more mechanical strength and more
(a) A life/Fmekeâer Ùeebef$ekeâ meeceLÙe& Deewj peerJeve DeefOekeâ neslee nw~
(b) B B. It occupies less space and give better appearance
(c) C Ùen keâce peien Iesjlee nw Deewj yesnlej efoKelee nw~
(d) Both A and C/A Deewj C oesveeW C. It has high cost/Fmekeâer ueeiele DeefOekeâ nesleer nw~
Which of the above provided reason/s is are
*362. In a three unit insulator string, voltage across
the lowest unit is 17.5kV and string efficiency is correct.
84.28%. The total voltage across the string will heejs<eCe (š^ebmeefceMeve) ueeFve kesâ efueS meeceevÙele: mšerue
be equal to? heesue keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 452 YCT
Ghejesòeâ efoS ieS keâejCeeW ceW keâewve mee/mes keâejCe mener nw? 373. Hollow conductors are used in the transmission
(a) Only A/kesâJeue A lines to : /mebÛejCe ueeFveeW ceW KeesKeues Ûeeuekeâ keäÙeeW
(b) Only B/kesâJeue B ØeÙeesie efkeâÙes peeles nQ :
(c) Only C/kesâJeue C (a) Improve heat dissipation
(d) Both A and B/kesâJeue A Deewj B oesveeW G<cee efJemejCe (efJekeâerCe&ve) keâes megOeejves kesâ efueS
367. In transmission lines the cross-arms are made (b) Reduce corona loss
of____: keâesjesvee neefve keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
heejs<eCe ueeFve ceW ›eâe@me-Deecme& efkeâmekesâ yeves nesles nQ? (c) Reduce skin effect
(a) wood/uekeâÌ[er (b) steel/mšerue lJeeefÛekeâ ØeYeeJe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
(d) Reduce the line inductance
(c) RCC (d) copper/leebyee
ueeFve ØesjkeâlJe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
368. What is the effect of critical voltage for corona
374. The ratio of the puncture voltage to the
in case of bundle conductors compared with
flashover voltage of an insulator is–
single conductor?
Skeâue Ûeeuekeâ keâer leguevee ceW yeb[ue Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ceeceues ceW efkeâmeer efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâer hebkeäÛej Jeesušlee keâe heäuewMe DeesJej
keâesjesvee kesâ efueÙes cenlJehetCe& Jeesušspe keâe keäÙee ØeYeeJe nw? Jeesušlee kesâ meeLe Devegheele neslee nw–
(a) equal to one/Skeâ kesâ yejeyej
(a) Remain same/ncesMee meceeve
(b) Decrease/Iešsiee (b) lower than one/Skeâ mes keâce
(c) Increase/yeÌ{siee (c) zero/MetvÙe
(d) Not occur/DeØeYeeefJele jnsiee (d) greater than one/Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ
375. The usual spans with R.C.C. poles is
*369. The corona loss on a particular system at 50 Hz
is 1 KW/Km per phase. What is the corona loss R.C.C. heesume kesâ meeLe meeceevÙe Deblej nw–
at 60 Hz in KW/Km per phase? (a) 300–500 metres/300-500 ceeršj
50 Hz keâer efkeâmeer efJeMes<e Øes#eCe ØeCeeueer ceW keâesjesvee neefve (b) 80–100 metres/80-100 ceeršj
1 KW/Km Øeefle hesâpe (ÛejCe) nw~ 60 Hz DeeJe=efòe hej (c) 40–50 metres/40-50 ceeršj
KW/Km Øeefle phase keâer oj mes keâesjesvee neefve keäÙee (d) 60–100 metres/60-100 ceeršj
nesieer– 376. The mechanical test is done on which type of
(a) 0.83 (b) 1 insulator?/Ùeebef$ekeâ hejer#eCe keâes efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ
(c) 1.13 (d) 1.2 kegâÛeeuekeâ hej efkeâÙee peelee nw?
370. Equivalent π model is quite suitable for (a) Shackle type/Mewkeâue Øekeâej
analyzing the performance of transmission (b) Pin type/efheve šeFhe
line of :/mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efve<heeove keâe efJeMues<eCe (c) Strain type/efJeke=âefle Øekeâej
keâjves kesâ efueS meceleguÙe π cee[ue meJe&Lee GheÙegòeâ nw– (d) Suspension type/Petuee (ueškeâe ngDee) Øee™heer
(a) 50 km length (b) 150 km length 377. Steel poles for transmission lines need
(c) 250 km length (d) All of these/Ùes meYeer protection against-/heejs<eCe ueeFveeW kesâ efueS, Fmheele
371. Corona loss is less when shape of the conductor is– hees ue keâes efkeâmemes mebj#eCe keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw?
keâesjesvee neefve Ûeeuekeâ kesâ efkeâme Deekeâej hej keâce nesieer– (a) Termites/oercekeâ
(a) Circular/Je=òeekeâej (b) Borer/yeesjj
(b) Flat/Ûeheše (c) Corrosion/pebie
(c) Oval/DeC[ekeâej (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
(d) Independent of shape/Deekeâej hej efveYe&j veneR nw 378. The bundled conductor in EHV transmission
372. What does 100% string efficiency imply? line system provides
ueÌ[er o#elee 100% nw, Fmekeâe keäÙee leelheÙe& EHV heejs<eCe leb$e ceW yeb[ue Ûeeuekeâ Øeoeve keâjlee nw
(implication) nw? (a) increased inductance/yeÌ{e ØesjkeâlJe
(a) One of the insulator disc is shorted (b) reduced capacitance/Ieše Oeeefjlee
Skeâ kegâÛeeuekeâ ef[mkeâ ueOegheefLele nw (c) increased capacitance/yeÌ{e Oeeefjlee
(b) Shunt capacitance ia 1 MF/Mebš Oeeefjlee 1 MF nw (d) increased voltage gradient/yeÌ{e Jeesušspe ØeJeCelee
(c) Potential across each disc is same 379. Corona loss is minimum in:
ØelÙeskeâ ef[mkeâ kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe meceeve nw keâesjesvee neefve efvecve ceW vÙetvelece nesleer nw:
(d) Potential across each disc is zero (a) Monopolar HVDC line/SkeâOegÇJeerÙe HVDC ueeFve
ØelÙeskeâ ef[mkeâ kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe MetvÙe nw (b) Bipolar HVDC line/efÉOegÇJeerÙe HVDC ueeFve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 453 YCT
(c) Both in monopolar & Bipolar HVDC lines 386. The effect of ice on transmission line
Skeâ OegÇJeerÙe leLee efÉOegÇJeerÙe oesveeW HVDC ueeFve conductors is to increase the
(d) EHV AC lines/EHV AC ueeFveW meb ÛejCe ueeFve ÛeeuekeâeW hej yehe&â keâe ØeYeeJe ........... keâes
380. If the shunt capacitance is reduced then the yeÌ{elee nw~
string efficiency of an insulator is (a) transmission losses/mebÛejCe neefveÙeeB
Ùeefo Mebš kewâhesefmešWme keâce keâj efoÙee peelee nw lees efkeâmeer (b) weight of the conductor/Ûeeuekeâ keâs Yeej
Fbmeguesšj keâer efmš^bie o#elee (c) tendency for corona/keâesjesvee keâer ØeJe=efòe
(a) Increased/yeÌ{leer nw
(d) resistance to flow of current
(b) Decreased/Iešleer nw Oeeje ØeJeen kesâ efueS ØeeflejesOe
(c) Constant/efveÙece jnleer nw
387. A long wire composed of a smooth round
(d) Independent of shunt capacitance conductor runs above and parallels to the
Mebš kewâheesefmešWme mes mJeleb$e jnleer nw ground (assumed to be a large conducting
*381. If AC corona losses in a transmission line is 0.6 plane). A high voltage exists between the
kW, then for the same line voltage, approximate conductor and the ground. The maximum
value of DC corona loss will be ………….. electric stress occurs at
Ùeefo Skeâ heejs<eCe jsKee ceW keâesjesvee neefve 0.6 efkeâuees Jeeš nw Skeâ efÛekeâvee ieesue Ûeeuekeâ mes yevee uecyee leej Yet mes
leye meceeve Jeesušspe keâer efJeÅegle ueeFve kesâ efueS DC Thej Deewj meceevlej ceW Ûeue jne nw~ (Skeâ uecyes Ûeeuekeâ
keâesjesvee neefve keâe ueieYeie ceeve .......... nesiee~ keâes meceleue ceevee peelee nw~) Ûeeuekeâ Deewj Yet kesâ yeerÛe
(a) 1800 W (b) 1.2kW Skeâ GÛÛe Jeesušspe nw~ DeefOekeâlece efJeÅegle leveeJe
(c) 0.2 kW (d) 0.3kW ............hej neslee nw~
382. The dielectric strength of air at 25ºC and 76 cm
(a) The upper surface of the conductor
of mercury is
25ºC Deewj 76 cm heeje hej nJee keâer hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe&
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Thejer melen hej neslee nw~
(b) the lower surface of the conductor
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ veerÛeues melen hej neslee nw~
(a) 2.11 kV rms/cm (b) 21.1 kV rms/cm
(c) the ground surface/peceerveer melen hej
(c) 211 kV rms/cm (d) 2110 kV rms/cm
(d) midway between the conductaor and ground
383. If D is the diameter of the conductor and t is
radial thickness of ice on it, then volume of ice Ûeeuekeâ Deewj peceerve kesâ yeerÛe ceW~
per meter length of conductor is 388. The sag of a transmission line is least affected
Ùeefo D Ûeeuekeâ keâe JÙeeme nw Deewj t Gmekeâe ef$epÙekeâ owing to
ceesšeF& nw, lees Ûeeuekeâ keâer Øeefle ceeršj uecyeeF& ceW yehe&â keâe Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe Peesue ............ kesâ keâejCe keâce mes
DeeÙeleve nw- keâce ØeYeeefJele neslee nw~
2 (a) weight of the conductor./Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Yeej
(a) πt 2 ( D + t ) (b) π(D + t )
(b) current through the conductor.
(c) πt ( D + t ) (d) π2 t ( D + t ) Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ceeOÙece mes Oeeje
384. If safety factor is doubled, the sag of the line (c) atmospheric temperature./JeeÙegceC[ueerÙe leeheceeve
(d) ice deposition on the conductor.
Ùeefo megj#ee iegCekeâ oesiegvee nes peelee nw, lees ueeFve keâer
Ûeeuekeâ hej yehe&â pecee nesvess
Peesue ......... nw~
389. Effcet of temperature rise in overhead lines is
(a) decrease /Ieš peelee nw to
(b) increase /yeÌ{ peelee nw efMejesheefj ueeFveeW ceW leeheceeve Je=efæ keâe ØeYeeJe neslee nw–
(c) remain the same /ncesMee meceeve jnlee nw (a) increase the sag and decrease the tension.
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Peesue yeÌ{lee nw leLee leveeJe Iešlee nw~
385. On an overhead line, the wind load acts (b) decrease the sag and increase the tension.
efMejeshejer ueeFve hej, nJee keâe Yeej........... keâeÙe& keâjlee Peesue Iešlee nw leLee leveeJe yeÌ{lee nw~
nw~ (c) increase both./oesveeW yeÌ{lee nw~
(a) horizontally /#eweflepe (d) decrease both./oesveeW Iešlee nw~
(b) vertically downward /TOJee&Oej veerÛes keâer Deesj 390. The sag of transmission line conductor in
(c) vertically upward /TOJee&Oej Thej keâer Deesj summer is
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR ieefce&ÙeeW ceW mebÛejCe ueeFve Ûeeuekeâ keâe Peesue neslee nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 454 YCT
(a) less than that in winter./meefo&ÙeeW mes keâce 396. Hot template curves are plots of
(b) more than that in winter./meefo&ÙeeW mes DeefOekeâ ne@š šscheuesš Je›eâ .............. keâe huee@š
neslee nw~
(c) same as in winter./meefo&ÙeeW kesâ yejeyej (a) temperature and humidity/leeheceeve Deewj Deeõ&lee
(d) all of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer (b) conductor sag and span lengths.
391. In a transmission line, sag depends upon Ûeeuekeâ Peesue Deewj efJemleej uecyeeF&
Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW Peesue ............. hej efveYe&j keâjlee (c) conductor weight and sag./Ûeeuekeâ Yeej Deewj Peesue
(d) none of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) span length./meheeš uecyeeF&
397. If live conductors of an electric power
(b) tension in conductors./Ûeeuekeâ ceW leveeJe transmission line fall and touch the ground,
(c) weight of the conductor per unit length. which of the following incidents will happen?
Øeefle FkeâeF& uecyeeF& Ûeeuekeâ keâe Yeej Ùeefo Fuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve kesâ ueeFJe kebâ[keäšj
(d) all of the above./Ghejesòeâ meYeer~ efiej kesâ peceerve keâes Útles nQ, lees efvecve ceW mes keâewve meer
392. Which of the tollowing statements is correct?
Iešvee nesieer?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw
(a) Supply voltage will increase
(a) ice on conductors increases skin effect.
Ûeeuekeâ hej yehe&â lJeÛeerÙe ØeYeeJe keâes yeÌ{elee nw~ Deehetefle& Jeesušspe yeÌ{ peeSiee
(b) wind pressure reduces corona effect. (b) No current will flow in the conductor
JeeÙeg oeye keâesjesvee (efkeâefjš) ØeYeeJe keâes Iešelee nw~ kebâ[keäšj ceW keâesF& keâjWš ØeJeeefnle veneR nesiee
(c) wind pressure is taken to act at perpendicular (c) Supply voltage will remain constant
to that for ice./JeeÙeg oyeeJe keâes yehe&â hej uecyeJeled keâeÙe& Deehetefle& Jeesušspe efmLej jnsiee
keâjves kesâ efueS efueÙee peelee nw~ (d) Current will flow to earth
(d) ice on conductors reduces sag. keâjWš Yetefce ceW ØeJeeefnle nesiee
Ûeeuekeâ hej yehe&â Peesue keâes keâce keâjlee nw~ 398. Galloping in transmission line conductors
393. Wind loading in coastal regions is in the range arises due to
mebÛejCe ueeFve Ûeeuekeâ ceW iewueesefhebie.............. kesâ keâejCe
lešerÙe #es$eeW ceW JeeÙeg Yeej (ueesef[bie) keâer meercee nw–
G"lee nw~
(a) 40-50 kg/m2
(b) 150 kg/m 2 (a) asymmetrical layers of ice formation.
(c) 96 kg/m2 yehe&â ie"ve keâer efJe<ece hejleW~
(d) all of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer (b) vortex phenomenon in light winds.
394. The maximum tension in a section of overhead nukeâer nJeeDeeW ceW Ûe›eâJeeleer Iešvee
line conductor between two supports of (c) heavy weight of the line conductors.
unequal height occurs at
Demeceeve TBÛeeF& kesâ oes KecYeW (meeceLÙeeW) kesâ yeerÛe ueeFve Ûeeuekeâ kesâ DeefOekeâ Yeej
(d) adoption of horizontal conductor
efMejesheefj ueeFve Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Skeâ meskeäMeve ........... hej ceW
configuration./#eweflepe Ûeeuekeâ efJevÙeeme keâes Deheveevee~
DeefOekeâlece leveeJe neslee nw~
399. Which one of the following is reduced by using
(a) the higher support./GBÛes KecYes
stock bridge dampers on power overhead
(b) the lower point. /veerÛes efyevog transmission lines?
(c) the midpoint of the conductor. efJeÅegle efMejesheefj mebÛejCe ueeFveeW hej mše@keâ efyeÇpe [wchej
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ yeerÛeeW–yeerÛe
(DeJecebokeâ) kesâ GheÙeesie Éeje efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve
(d) none of the above./Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
mee keâce efkeâÙee peelee nw?
395. Stringing chart is useful
efmš^befiebie Ûeeš& GheÙeesieer nw– (a) sag./Peesue
(a) for finding the sag in the conductor. (b) conductor vibration. /Ûeeuekeâ keâcheve
Ûeeuekeâ ceW Peesue (mewie) helee keâjves kesâ efueS (c) line losses./ueeFve neefveÙeeB
(b) in the design of tower. /šeJej kesâ DeefYekeâuheve ceW (d) mechanical tension./Ùeebef$ekeâ leveeJe
(c) in the design of insulator string. 400. The sag of the conductors of a transmission line
efJeÅeglejesOeve ueÌ[er kesâ DeefYekeâuheve ceW is 2.5 when the span is 250m. Now if the height
(d) finding the distance between towers. of supporting tower is increased by 25%, the
šeJejeW kesâ yeerÛe otjer keâes helee keâjves kesâ efueS~ sag will

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 455 YCT

Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe Peesue 2.5 ceeršj nw 405. If span length is doubled with no change in
peye meheeš 250 ceeršj nw~ Deye Ùeefo meheesefšËie šeJej keâer other factors, the sag of the line will become?
GBâÛeeF& 25³ yeÌ{e oer peeS lees Peesue nesiee– Ùeef o DevÙe keâejkeâeW ceW heefjJele&ve efkeâS efyevee efJemle=le
(a) reduce by 25%/25³ keâceer uecyeeF& ogieveer keâj oer peeleer nw lees ueeFve keâes Peesue
(b) increase by 25% /25³ Je=efæ efkeâlevee nes peeSiee?
(c) reduce by 12.5%/12.5³ keâceer (a) 2 times/iegvee (b) 8 times/iegvee
(d) remain unchanged./DeheefjJeefle&le jnvee (c) 4 times/iegvee (d) 0.5 time/iegvee
401. In an overhead transmission line with the 406. The annual charge of a transmission line can
conductors supported between two supports, be expressed as
the variation in tension T with atmospheric Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ Jeeef<e&keâ ØeYeej ....... kesâ ™he ceW
temperature t is represented by JÙeòeâ efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
Skeâ efMejesheefj mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ meeLe Ûeeuekeâ oes meheexšes P1 + P2
(a) P1 + P2a (b)
kesâ yeerÛe mLeeefhele nw~ JeeÙegceC[ueerÙe leeheceeve t kesâ meeLe a
leveeJe T ceW heefjJele&ve keâes.............kesâ Éeje ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙee (c) P1 + P2 a 2
(d) P1a + P2 a 2
peelee nw~ 407. If variable part of annual cost on account of
interest and depreciation on the capital out lay
is equal to the annual of electrical energy
wasted in the conductors, the total annual cost
will be minimum and the corresponding size of
conductor will be the most economical this
statement is known as.
Ùeefo yÙeepe hej nesves Jeeueer Jeeef<e&keâ ueeiele keâe
heefjJele&veerÙe efnmmee Deewj yeenj jKeer hetbpeer hej cetuÙe¢eme,
ÛeeuekeâeW ceW JÙeÙe keâer ieF& efJeÅegle Tpee& keâer Jeeef<e&keâ
(a) curve I./Je›eâ I (b) curve II./Je›eâ II
ueeiele kesâ yejeyej nw, lees kegâue Jeeef<e&keâ DeeÙe meyemes
(c) curve III./Je›eâ III (d) curve IV./Je›eâ IV
efceleJÙeÙeer nesiee leLee Deveg™heer Ûeeuekeâ keâe Deekeâej
*402. An overhead transmission line has a span of
220 m between two supports at the same level.
meyemes efceJÙeÙeer nesiee, Fme keâLeve keâes ............. kesâ ®he ceW
The conductor weights 804 kg/km. Assuming a peevee peelee nw~
safety factor of 2, what is the maximum sag if (a) Lenz's law./ueWpe keâe efveÙece
the ultimate tensile strength of the conductor is
(b) Kelvin's law./kesâefuJeve keâe efveÙece
6000 kg?/Skeâ DeesJejns[ š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve ceW meceeve
mlej hej oes meheesšdme& kesâ yeerÛe 220 m keâer mhewve nesleer nw~ (c) Faraday's law./hewâje[s keâe efveÙece
kebâ[keäšj keâe Jepeve 804 kg/km neslee nw~ megj#ee keâejkeâ (d) Ohm's law./Deesce keâe efveÙece
2 ceevekeâj, Ùeefo kebâ[keäšj keâer hejce (Deušercesš) levÙelee 408. Which of the curves shown in the figure
represents the relation between capital cost and
Meefòeâ 6000 kg nw lees DeefOekeâlece mewie keäÙee nw?
the transmission voltage?
(a) 214 m (b) 162.14 m
Deeke=âefle ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee keâewve mee Je›eâ hetBpeeriele ueeiele
(c) 1.6214 m (d) 16.214 m
403. The effect of wind pressure is more predominant Deewj mebÛejCe Jeesušspe kesâ yeerÛe mebyebOe keâes oMee&lee nw?
on :
JeeÙeg oeye keâe ØeYeeJe .......... DeefOekeâ Øeyeue neslee nw~
(a) Supporting tower/meheesefš&ie še@Jeme& ceW
(b) Neutral wires/Goemeerve leejeW ceW
(c) Transmission lines/ØeÛeejCe (š^ebmeceerMeve) ueeFveeW ceW
(d) Insulators/kegâÛeeuekeâeW ceW
404. Find the approximate value of sag for a 66 kV
line which has a span of 200 m between towers.
Skeâ 66kv ueeFve efpemekesâ še@Jeme& keâer otjer (span) 200m
nw, keâe Peesue (sag) ueieYeie efkeâlevee nesiee?
(a) Curve I/Je›eâ I (b) Curve II/Je›eâ II
(a) 0.02 m (b) 2 m
(c) 0.2 m (d) 20 m (c) Curve III/Je›eâ III (d) Curve IV/Je›eâ IV

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 456 YCT

415. In a cable immediately above metallic sheath
5. Yetefceiele kesâefyeueW ............... is provided.
Skeâ kesâefyeue ceW OeeeflJekeâ MeerLe kesâ "erkeâ Thej .............
(Underground Cables) Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) earthing connection/DeefLeËie mebÙeespeve
409. The insulating material for a cable should
(b) bedding/mebmlejCe DeLee&le Jesef[bie
Skeâ kesâefyeue kesâ efueS efJeÅeglejesOeve heoeLe& nesvee ÛeeefnS– (c) armouring/keâJeÛeve DeLee&le Deece&efjbie
(a) low cost/efvecve cetuÙe (d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) high dielectric strength 416. The current carrying capacity of cables in
D.C. is more than that in A.C. mainly due to
GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& [er.meer. ceW kesâefyeueeW keâer Oeeje Jenve #ecelee S.meer. keâer
(c) high mechanical strength/GÛÛe Ùeebef$ekeâ meeceLÙe& Dehes#ee cegKÙele: ............. kesâ keâejCe DeefOekeâ nesleer nw~
(d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer (a) absence of harmonics/neceexefvekeäme kesâ DeYeeJe
410. Which of the following protects a cable against (b) non-existence of any stability limit
mechanical injury?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve Ùeebef$ekeâ Ûeesš mes kesâefyeue keâer megj#ee efkeâmeer Yeer efmLejlee meercee keâer iewj ceewpetoieer
(c) smaller dielectric loss/efvecve hejeJewÅegle neefve
keâjlee nw?
(d) absence of ripples/Gefce&keâe keâe DeYeeJe
(a) Bedding/mebmlejCe Ùee yesef[bie
417. .................. cables are used for 132 kV lines.
(b) Sheath/keâes<e Ùee MeerLe 132 kV ueeFve kesâ efueS ............ kesâefyeue ØeÙeesie keâer
(c) Armouring/keâJeÛeve Ùee Deece&efjbie peeleer nw–
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mesW keâesF& veneR (a) High tension/GÛÛe Jeesušlee
411. Which of the following insulation is used in
(b) Super tension/ßes‰ Jeesušlee
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee efJeÅeglejesOeve kesâefyeueeW ceW (c) Extra high tension/Deefle GÛÛe Jeesušlee
ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? (d) Extra super voltage/Deefle ßes‰ Jeesušlee
418. Conduit pipes are normally used to protect
(a) Varnished cambric/Jeeefve&Me kewâefcyeÇkeâ
.................. cables.
(b) Rubber/jyej veueer heeFheeW keâes Deece leewj hej ............kesâefyeueeW keâer j#ee
(c) Paper/heshej kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (a) unsheathed cables/DeMeerLe kesâefyeue
412. The thickness of the layer of insulation on the (b) armoured/keâJeÛeve
conductor, in cables, depends upon
(c) PVC sheathed cables/PVC MeerLe kesâefyeue
kesâefyeuees ceW, Ûeeuekeâ kesâ efJeÅeglejesOeer hejle keâer ceesšeF&
(d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer
........ hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
419. The minimum dielectric stress in a cable is at
(a) reactive power/ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ
Skeâ kesâefyeue ceW vÙetvelece hejeJewÅegle leveeJe ............. hej
(b) power factor/Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ neslee nw~
(c) voltage/Jeesušlee
(a) armour/keâJeÛeve
(d) current carrying capacity/Oeeje Jenve #ecelee (b) bedding/mebmlejCe
413. The bedding on a cable consists of
(c) conductor surface/Ûeeuekeâ kesâ he=‰
Skeâ kesâefyeue hej mebmlejCe Ùee yesef[bie ......... kesâ yeves nesles
(d) lead sheath/ues[ MeerLe
420. In single core cables armouring is not done to
(a) hessian cloth/nsefmeÙeve keâheÌ[e Skeâue keâesj kesâefyeue ceW keâJeÛeve ............. kesâ efueS veneR
(b) jute/petš efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(c) any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (a) avoid excessive sheath losses
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer veneR DelÙeefOekeâ MeerLe neefve mes yeÛeves
414. The insulating material for cables should (b) make it flexible/Fmes ueÛeeruee yeveeves
kesâefyeueeW kesâ efueS efJeÅeglejesOeve heoeLe& ........... ÛeeefnS~ (c) either of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW keâesF& Yeer
(a) be acid proof/Decue mes megjef#ele nesvee (d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW keâesF& veneR
(b) be non-inflammable/DepJeueveMeerue nesvee 421. Dielectric strength of rubber is around
(c) be non-hygroscopic/Deveeõ&lee«eener nesvee jyej keâe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& ueieYeie neslee nw–
(d) have all above properties (a) 5 kV/mm (b) 15 kV/mm
Ghejesòeâ meYeer iegCe nesvee (c) 30 kV/mm (d) 200 kV/mm

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 457 YCT

422. Low tension cables are generally used upto 429. Cables, generally used beyond 66 kV are
efvecve leveeJe kesâefyeue meceevÙele: .............. lekeâ ØeÙeesie 66 efkeâuees Jeesuš kesâ Thej meeceevÙele: ØeÙeesie keâer peeves
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Jeeueer kesâefyeue nw–
(a) 200 V (b) 500 V
(a) oil filled/lesue Yeje ngDee
(c) 700 V (d) 1000 V
423. In a cable, the maximum stress under (b) S. L. type/S. L. Øekeâej
operating conditions is at (c) belted/yesušs[
Skeâ kesâefyeue ceW heefjÛeeueve keâer efmLeefle ceW DeefOekeâlece (d) armoured/keâJeÛeve
leveeJe.........hej neslee nw~ 430. The relative permittivity of rubber is
(a) insulation layer/ØeeflejesOeve hejle jyej keâer meehesef#ekeâ efJeÅegleMeeruelee nesleer nw–
(b) sheath/MeerLe
(a) between 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3 kesâ yeerÛe
(c) armour/keâJeÛeve
(b) between 5 and 6/5 Deewj 6 kesâ yeerÛe
(d) conductor surface/Ûeeuekeâ kesâ he=‰
424. High tension cables are generally used upto (c) between 8 and 10/8 Deewj 10 kesâ yeerÛe
GÛÛe leveeJe kesâefyeueW Deeceleewj hej ............ lekeâ GheÙeesie (d) between 12 and 14/12 Deewj 14 kesâ yeerÛe
keâer peeleer nw~ 431. Solid type cables are considered unreliable
(a) 11 kV (b) 33 kV beyond 66 kV because
(c) 66 kV (d) 132 kV "esme Øee®heer kesâefyeue keâes 66 kV mes Thej DeefJeÕemeveerÙe
425. PVC stands for ceevee peelee nw keäÙeesefkeâ–
PVC keâe DeLe& neslee nw-
(a) insulation may melt due to higher
(a) polyvinyl chloride/hee@ueerefJeveeFue keäueesjeF[ temperature
(b) post varnish conductor/heesmš Jeeefve&Me kebâ[keäšj efJeÅeglejesOekeâ GÛÛe leeheceeve kesâ keâejCe efheIeue mekeâlee nw
(c) pressed and varnished cloth
(b) skin effect dominates on the conductor
Øesm[ Deewj Jeeefve&Me keäuee@Le
(d) positive voltage conductor
lJeÛee ØeYeeJe Ûeeuekeâ hej neJeer neslee nw
Oeveelcekeâ Jeesušspe Ûeeuekeâ (c) of corona loss between conductor and
426. In the cables, the location of fault is usually sheath material
found out by comparing Ûeeuekeâ Deewj MeerLe heoeLe& kesâ yeerÛe keâesjesvee neefve nesiee
kesâefyeueeW ceW oes<e keâe mLeeve Deeceleewj hej ............ Éeje (d) there is a danger of breakdown of insulation
leguevee keâjkesâ Øeehle efkeâÙee peelee nw~ due to the presence of voids
(a) the resistance of the conductor efjefòeâÙeeW keâer GheefmLeefle kesâ keâejCe efJeÅeglejesOeve kesâ štšves
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe Keleje nw~
(b) the inductance of conductors 432. If the length of a cable is doubled, its
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ØesjkeâlJe capacitance
(c) the capacitances of insulated conductors Ùeefo kesâefyeue keâer uecyeeF& oesiegveer nes peeleer nw, lees Fmekeâer
jesOekeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâer Oeeefjlee Oeeefjlee nesieer-
(d) all above parameters/Ghejesòeâ meYeer ceeheoC[
(a) becomes one-fourth/Skeâ ÛeewLeeF& nes peelee nw
427. In capacitance grading of cables we use a
.................... dielectric. (b) becomes one-half/DeeOee nes peelee nw
kesâefyeueeW keâer Oeeefjlee «esef[bie ceW nce ...... [eF-Fuesefkeäš^keâ (c) becomes double/oesiegvee nes peelee nw
keâe GheÙeesie keâjles nQ~ (d) remains unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw
(a) composite/Ùeewefiekeâ 433. In cables the charging current
(b) porous/efÚõhetCe& kesâefyeueeW ceW DeeJesefMele Oeeje–
(c) homogeneous/mepeeleerÙe (a) lags the voltage by 900
(d) hygroscopic/Deeõ&lee«eener Jeesušspe mes 900 he§e nesleer nw
428. Which of the following is a leading power (b) leads the voltage by 900
factor system?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ ØecegKe Meefòeâ keâejkeâ ØeCeeueer nw? Jeesušspe mes 900 De«e nesleer nw
(a) Underground cables/Yetefceiele kesâyeume (c) lags the voltage by 1800
(b) Reactors/efjSkeäšme& Jeesušspe mes 1800 he§e nesleer nw
(c) Mercury arc rectifiers/heejo Deeke&â efo°keâejer (d) leads the voltage by 1800
(d) Transformers/š^ebmeheâe@ce&me& Jeesušspe mes 1800 De«e nesleer nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 458 YCT
434. A certain cable has an insulation of relative 439. The breakdown of insulation of the cable can
permittivity 4. If the insulation is replaced by be avoided economically by the use of
one of relative permittivity 2, the capacitance kesâefyeue kesâ efJeÅeglejesOeve keâe štšvee DeeefLe&keâ ®he mes
of the cable will become ........... kesâ ØeÙeesie Éeje jeskeâe pee mekeâlee nw~
efkeâmeer kesâefyeue kesâ heeme efJeÅeglejesOeve keâer meehesef#ekeâ
(a) inter-sheaths/Devlej-MeerLe
efJeÅegleMeeruelee 4 nw~ Ùeefo efJeÅeglejesOeve keâes meehesef#ekeâ
(b) insulating materials with different dielectric
efJeÅegleMeeruelee 2 mes yeoue efoÙee peeÙes lees kesâefyeue keâer constants
Oeeefjlee nesieer? efJeefYeVe hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâes kesâ efJeÅeglejesOeve heoeLe&
(a) one half/DeeOee (c) both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(b) double/oesiegvee (d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) four times/Ûeej iegvee 440. The insulation resistance of the cable
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR decreases with
435. If a cable of homogeneous insulation has a kesâefyeue keâe efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOe...... kesâ meeLe Iešlee nw~
maximum stress of 10 kV/mm, then the (a) the increase in length of the insulation
dielectric strength of insulation should be efJeÅeglejesOeve keâer uecyeeF& ceW Je=efæ
Ùeefo mece®he efJeÅeglejesOeve keâer Skeâ kesâefyeue keâe (b) the decrease in the length of the insulation
DeefOekeâlece leveeJe 10 kV/mm keâe nes, leye efJeÅeglejesOeve keâer uecyeeF& ceW keâceer
efJeÅeglejesOeve keâe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& nesvee ÛeeefnÙes–
(c) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b)
(a) 5 kV/mm (b) 10 kV/mm
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) 15 kV/mm (d) 30 kV/mm
436. In the cables, sheaths are used to 441. A cable carrying alternating current has
kesâefyeuees ceW, MeerLe keâe ØeÙeesie ........... kesâ efueS efkeâÙee ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje ues peeves Jeeues kesâefyeue......... ceW nesleer nw~
peelee nw~ (a) hysteresis losses only/kesâJeue ceboeÙeve neefveÙeeB
(a) prevent the moisture from entering the (b) hysteresis and leakage losses only
cable/kesâefyeue ceW Deeõ&lee keâes Iegmeves mes jeskeâves kesâJeue ceboeÙeve Deewj efjmeeJe neefveÙeeB
(b) provide enough strength (c) hysteresis, leakage and copper losses only
heÙee&hle meeceLÙe& Øeoeve keâjves kesâJeue ceboeÙeve, efjmeeJe Deewj leeByee neefveÙeeB
(c) provide proper insulation (d) hysteresis, leakage, copper and friction
GefÛele efJeÅeglejesOeve Øeoeve keâjves losses/ceboeÙeve, efjmeeJe, leeByee Deewj Ie<e&Ce neefveÙeeB
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR 442. Capacitance grading of cable implies
437. The inter-sheaths in the cables are used to kesâefyeue keâer Oeeefjlee «esef[bie keâe leelheÙe& neslee nw–
kesâefyeueeW ceW FvšjMeerLe keâe ØeÙeesie ........... kesâ efueS (a) use of dielectrics of different permeabilities
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ efJeefYevve heejiecÙeleeDeeW kesâ [eF-Fuesefkeäš^keäme keâe GheÙeesie
(a) minimize the stress/leveeJe keâes keâce keâjves (b) grading according to capacitance of cables
per km length/kesâefyeueeW kesâ Øeefle efkeâceer. uecyeeF& keâer
(b) avoid the requirement of good insulation
DeÛÚs FbmeguesMeve keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee mes yeÛeves Oeeefjlee kesâ Devegmeej «esef[bie
(c) provide proper stress distribution (c) cables using single dielectric in different
concentrations/efJeefYevve meevõleeDeeW ceW efmebieue [eF&-
GefÛele leveeJe efJelejCe Øeoeve keâjves
Fuesefkeäš^keâ kesâefyeue keâe GheÙeesie
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
(d) capacitance required to be introduced at
438. The electrostatic stress in underground cables different lengths to counter the effect of
inductance/ØesjkeâlJe kesâ ØeYeeJe keâe cegkeâeyeuee keâjves
Yetefceiele kesâefyeueeW ceW JewÅegle mLeweflekeâ leveeJe neslee nw–
kesâ efueS Deueie-Deueie uecyeeF& ceW Øemlegle efkeâÙes peeves
(a) same at the conductor and the sheath
Jeeues Oeeefjlee keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~
Ûeeuekeâ Deewj MeerLe hej Skeâ meceeve
443. Underground cables are laid at sufficient
(b) minimum at the conductor and maximum at depth
the sheath
Yetefceiele kesâefyeueW heÙee&hle ienjeF& hej jKes peeles nQ–
Ûeeuekeâ hej efvecvelece leLee MeerLe hej DeefOekeâlece
(a) to minimise temperature stresses
(c) maximum at the conductor and minimum at
the sheath leeheceeve mes leveeJe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
Ûeeuekeâ hej DeefOekeâlece leLee MeerLe hej efvecvelece (b) to avoid being unearthed easily due to
(d) zero at the conductor as well as on the removal of soil/efcešdšer nšves kesâ keâejCe Deemeeveer
sheath/Ûeeuekeâ leLee MeerLe oesveeW hej MetvÙe mes helee ueieves mes yeÛeves kesâ efueS
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 459 YCT
(c) to minimise the effect of shocks and 449. The insulating material should have
vibrations due to passing vehicles, etc. efJeÅeglejesefOele heoeLe& ..... keâe nesvee ÛeeefnS–
iegpejves Jeeues JeenveeW Deeefo kesâ keâejCe Peškeâes Deewj (a) low permittivity/keâce efJeÅegleMeeruelee
keâchevees kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS (b) high resistivity/GÛÛe ØeeflejesOekeâlee
(d) for all of the above reasons
(c) high dielectric strength/GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe&
Ghejeskeäle meYeer keâejCeeW kesâ efueS
(d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer
444. The advantage of cables over overhead
transmission lines is 450. The advantage of oil filled cables is
DeefleYeeefjle mebÛejCe ueeFveeW kesâ yeeJepeto kesâefyeueeW keâe lesue mes Yejs kesâefyeueeW keâe ueeYe neslee nw–
ueeYe neslee nw– (a) more perfect impregnation
(a) easy maintenance/Deemeeve jKejKeeJe
DeefOekeâ Gòece mebmesÛeve
(b) low cost/keâce ueeiele (b) smaller over all size/Úesše mece«e Deekeâej
(c) can be used in congested areas (c) no ionisation, oxidation and formation of
voids/keâesF& DeeÙeveerkeâjCe, Dee@keämeerkeâjCe Deewj Keeueer
YeerÌ[ Jeeues #es$eeW ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
(d) can be used in high voltage circuits
peien keâe ie"ve vener
GÛÛe Jeesušspe meefke&âš ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw (d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer
445. Cables for 220 kV lines are invariably 451. The disadvantage with paper as insulating
material is
220 kV ueeFveeW kesâ efueS kesâefyeueW ncesMee nesleer nQ–
efJeÅeglejesefOele meece«eer kesâ ™he ceW keâeiepe kesâ neefve nw–
(a) mica insulated/ceeFkeâe jesefOele
(a) it is hygroscopic/Ùen Deeõ&lee«eener neslee nw
(b) paper insulated/heshej jesefOele
(b) it has high capacitance
(c) compressed oil or compressed gas insulated
FmeceW GÛÛe Oeeefjlee nesleer nw
mecheeref[le lesue Ùee mecheeref[le iewme jesefOele
(c) it is an organic material
(d) rubber insulated/jyej jesefOele
Ùen Skeâ pewefJekeâ heoeLe& neslee nw
446. Is a cable is to be designed for use on 1000 kV,
which insulation would you prefer? (d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
keäÙee kesâefyeue keâes 1000 kV hej GheÙeesie kesâ efueS 452. The breakdown voltage of a cable depends on
ef[peeFve efkeâÙee peelee nw, Deehe efkeâme efJeÅeglejesOeve keâes Skeâ kesâefyeue keâe Yebpeve Jeesušlee .......... hej efveYe&j
hemebo keâjWies? keâjlee nw~
(a) Polyvinyle chloride/hee@ueerefJeveeFue keäueesjeF[ (a) presence of moisture/veceer keâer GheefmLeefle
(b) Vulcanised rubber/JeukeâveeFp[ jyej (b) working temperature/keâeÙe&keâejer leeheceeve
(c) Impregnated paper/FcØesivesšs[ heshej (c) time of application of the voltage
(d) Compressed SF6 gas/mecheeref[le SF6 iewme
Jeesušspe kesâ DevegØeÙeesie kesâ meceÙe
447. If a power cable and a communication cable (d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer
are to run parallel the minimum distance 453. The insulation resistance R of a cable and its
between the two, to avoid interference, should length l are related as
be Skeâ kesâyeue keâe efJeÅegle jesOeve ØeeflejesOe R Deewj Fmekeâer
Ùeefo Skeâ heeJej kesâefyeue Deewj Skeâ mebÛeej kesâefyeue uecyeeF& l ceW mecyevOe ......... neslee nw~
meceevlej ceW ieefle keâjles nw, nmle#eshe mes yeÛeves kesâ efueÙes 1
(a) R ∝ ℓ (b) R ∝
oesveeW kesâ yeerÛe vÙetvelece otjer nesveer ÛeeefnÙes– ℓ
(a) 2 cm (b) 10 cm 2 1
(c) R ∝ ℓ (d) R ∝ 2
(c) 50 cm (d) 400 cm ℓ
448. Copper as conductor for cables is used as 454. The insulation resistance R of a cable and
kesâefyeueeW kesâ efueS Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ™he ceW leeByee keâes ............. resistivity ρ of insulation are related as
kesâ ™he ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Skeâ kesâyeue kesâ efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOe R Deewj efJeÅeglejesOeve
(a) annealed/Sveeru[ keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee (ρ) ceW ........ mecyevOe neslee nw~
(b) hardened and tempered/keâ"esj Deewj mebÙeefcele 1
(a) R ∝ ρ2 (b) R ∝ 2
(c) hard drawn/ÂÌ{ efJeke=âle ρ
(d) alloy with chromium 1
(c) R ∝ (d) R ∝ ρ
›eâesefceÙece kesâ meeLe efceße Oeeleg ρ

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 460 YCT

455. The capacitance C of a cable and its length l 462. The materials used for armouring of an
are related as underground cable is/are
Skeâ kesâyeue keâe mebOeeefj$e C leLee uecyeeF& l ceW ......... Skeâ Yetefceiele kesâyeue kesâ Deece&efjbie kesâ efueS GheÙeesie keâer
mecyevOe neslee nw~ peeves Jeeueer meece«eer nw~
(a) C ∝
(b) C ∝ 2
1 (a) galvanised steel wire/pemleeke=âòe mšerue leej
ℓ ℓ (b) steel tape/mšerue šshe
(c) C ∝ ℓ (d) C ∝ ℓ 2 (c) aluminium/SuÙetefceefveÙece
456. The capacitance C of a cable and the relative (d) either (a) or (b)/Ùee (a) Ùee (b)
permittivity εr of the insulation are related as
463. Metallic shielding is provided on underground
Skeâ kesâyeue keâer mebOeeefj$e C Deewj efJeÅegle jesOeve keâer cables to
meehes#e heejiecÙelee εr ]ceW mecyevOe ....... kesâ ™he ceW neslee .................Yetefceiele kesâyeue hej Oeeleg Meerefu[bie Øeoeve
nw~ efkeâÙee peelee nw~
1 (a) reduce thermal resistance
(a) C ∝ (b) C ∝ εr
εr leeheerÙe ØeeflejesOe keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
1 (b) reduce corona effect
(c) C ∝ ε2r (d) C ∝ 2
εr keâerjerš neefve keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
457. The potential gradient g at a point x meters (c) control the electrostatic voltage stress
from the centre of the cable varies as JewÅegle mLeweflekeâ Jeesušspe leveeJe keâes efveÙebef$ele keâjves kesâ efueS
kesâyeue kesâ kesâvõ mes efyevog x ceeršme& hej efJeYeJe ØeJeCelee (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
g.............. kesâ ™he ceW heefjJeefle&le neslee nw~ 464. Metallic shielding provided on cables is usually
(a) g ∝ x (b) g ∝ x2 of thickness.
(c) g ∝ 2
(d) g ∝
1 kes âyeueeW hej GheueyOe Oeeleg Meerefub[ie Deeceleewj
x x hej .........ceesšeF& keâe neslee nw~
458. In capacitance grading of cables, we use (a) 0.1−0.8 mm (b) 3−5 mm
kesâyeueeW keâer mebOeeefj$e «esef[bie ceW nce GheÙeesie keâjles nQ~ (c) 10−15 mm (d) 15−25 mm
(a) one dielectric /Skeâ hejeJewÅegle 465. The effect of bonding the cable is
(b) a large number of dielectrics kesâyeue keâes yeeOeves keâe ØeYeeJe neslee nw–
DeefOekeâ mebKÙee ceW hejeJewÅegle (a) to increase the effective resistance and
(c) two or three dielectrics /oes Ùee leerve hejeJewÅegle inductance
(d) none of above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØesjkeâlJe keâes yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS
459. For the same safe potential, the size of a graded (b) to increase the effective resistance but reduce
cable is
inductance/ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe keâes yeÌ{eves Deewj ØesjkeâlJe
Skeâ megjef#ele #ecelee kesâ efueS, Skeâ Jeieeake=âle kesâyeue keâe
Deekeâej ............ neslee nw~ keâes Ieševes kesâ efueS
(a) less than non-graded cable (c) to reduce the effective resistance and
iewj Jeieeake=âle kesâyeue mes keâce
(b) more that non-graded cable ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØesjkeâlJe keâes Ieševes kesâ efueS
iewj Jeieeake=âle kesâyeue mes DeefOekeâ (d) to reduce the effective resistance but increase
(c) same as for non-graded cable the inductance/ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe keâes Ieševes ueefkeâve
iewj Jeieeake=âle kesâyeue kesâ meceeve ØesjkeâlJe keâes yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS
(d) none of above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 466. The insulating material used for cables should
460. The fault(s) which is /are likely to occur in have all of the following except
cables is /are kesâyeueeW kesâ efueS GheÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer efJeÅeglejesOeve
oes<e pees kesâyeueeW ceW nesves keâer mebYeeJevee nesleer nw meece«eer ..........keâes ÚesÌ[keâj meYeer nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(a) breakdown of cable insulation (a) high dielectric strength, high mechanical
kesâyeue keâe yeÇskeâ[eGve efJeÅeglejesOeve strength, high tensile strength and plasticity,
(b) short-circuit fault /ueIegheefjheLe oes<e high resistivity and high viscosity at
(c) open-circuit fault /Keguee heefjheLe oes<e impregnation temperature
(d) all of the above /Ghejesòeâ meYeer mebmesÛeve leeheceeve hej GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& GÛÛe
461. Transmission of power by A.C. cables is Ùeeefv$ekeâ meeceLÙe&, GÛÛe leveeJe meeceLÙe& Deewj hueeefmšefmešer,
impossible beyond GÛÛe ØeeflejesOekeâlee Deewj GÛÛe MÙeevelee
A.C. kesâyeueeW Éeje Meefòeâ keâe mebÛejCe......... mes Thej (b) low thermal coefficient, low permittivity,
DemecYeJe nw~ Acid proof, noninflammable and non-
(a) 35−45 km (b) 500 km hygroscopic/keâce leeheerÙe iegCeebkeâ, keâce hejeJewÅegleebkeâ,
(c) 300 km (d) 400 km Sefme[ ØetHeâ, iewj-pJeueveMeerue Deewj iewj-neF«eesmkeâesefhekeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 461 YCT
(c) high water absorption/GÛÛe peue DeJeMees<eCe 473. Single-core cable should have armour made of
(d) capability of withstanding high rupturing Skeâue keâesj kesâyeue keâe keâJeÛe ........... yevee neslee nw~
voltages/GÛÛe efJeoejkeâ Jeesušspe keâer #ecelee (a) magnetic mataaerial/ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâe~
467. The undesirable property of an electrical (b) non-magnetic and non-conducting material
insulating material is iew j-ÛegcyekeâerÙe Deewj iewj ÛeeuekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâe
efJeÅeglejesOeve meece«eer keâe Skeâ DeJeebÚveerÙe iegCe ......... (c) non-magnetic but conducting material
neslee nw~ iewj-ÛegcyekeâerÙe Deewj ÛeeuekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâe
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer~
(a) high dielectric strength/GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle #ecelee
474. Multi-core cables generally use
(b) high relative permittivity meeceevÙe leewj hej yeng-keâesj kesâyeue keâe ØeÙeesie..........neslee
GÛÛe meehesef#ekeâ efJeÅegleMeeruelee nw~
(c) high thermal conductivity/GÛÛe leeheerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee (a) oval shaped conductors
(d) high insulation resistivity DeC[ekeâej Deekeâej kesâ ÛeeuekeâeW pewmee
GÛÛe FvmeguesMeve ØeeflejesOekeâlee (b) sector shaped conductors
468. Empire tape is meskeäšj kesâ Deekeâej keâe Ûeeuekeâ
ScheeÙej šshe nw~ (c) square conductors/Jeiee&keâej ÛeeuekeâeW pewmee
(a) varnished cambric/Jeeefve&m[ kewâefcyeÇkeâ (d) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee lees (b)
(b) impregnated paper/mebmesefÛele keâeiepe 475. In a 3-phase, 4-wire cable, the x-sectional area
of neutral conductor is
(c) vulcanised rubber/JeukeâveeFp[ jyej 3- keâuee, 4-leej kesâyeue ceW Goemeerve Ûeeuekeâ keâe DevegØemLe
(d) enamel insulation/Svesceue ØeeflejesOeve keâeš #es$eHeâue neslee nw~
469. Paper as an insulating material has the main (a) half of the area of phase conductor
drawback that it keâuee Ûeeuekeâ kesâ #es$eHeâue keâe DeeOee
efJeÅeglejesOeve heoeLe& kesâ ™he ceW heshej keâe Skeâ cegKÙe oes<e (b) equal to the area of phase conductor
Ùen nw efkeâ- keâuee Ûeeuekeâ kesâ #es$eHeâue kesâ yejeyej
(a) is hygroscopic/neF«eesmkeâesefhekeâ nesleer nw~ (c) double the area of phase conductor
(b) has poor dielectric strength keâuee Ûeeuekeâ kesâ #es$eHeâue keâe ogiegvee
Kejeye hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& neslee nw (d) 1.5 times the area of phase conductor
(c) has low insulation resistivity
keâuee Ûeeuekeâ kesâ #es$eHeâue keâe 1.5 iegCee
476. SL type cables, over H-type cables, have the
keâce efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOekeâlee nesleer nw advantage (s) of
(d) has high capacitance/GÛÛe Oeeefjlee neslee nw H-Øee™heer kesâyeue kesâ Dehes#ee SL-Øee™heer kesâyeue keâe
470. In paper insulated cable the conductor x- ueeYe nw~
section is usually limited to (a) possibility of bending of cables owing to no
heshej efJeÅeglejesOeve Ûeeuekeâ ceW kesâyeue keâe DevegØemLe keâeš overall lead sheath/keâesF& ues[MeerLe veneR nesves kesâ
Deeceleewj hej ......... lekeâ meerefcele neslee nw~ keâejCe kesâyeueeW kesâ vece nesves keâer mecYeeJevee~
(a) 50 mm2 (b) 250 mm2 (b) less tendency for oil drainage on hilly routes
2 owing to elimination of filler spaces
(c) 600 mm (d) 1200 mm2
containing compound
471. The dielectric strength of impregnated paper is heneÌ[er Ùegòeâ ceeieeX hej lesue keâer efvekeâemeer kesâ efueS keâce
ØeJe=efòe, Ùeewefiekeâ YejeJe mLeeveeW Kelce keâjves kesâ keâejCe~
mebmesefÛele keâeiepe keâer hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& ueieYeie ..........
(c) easy manufacturing/efJeefvecee&Ce ceW Deemeeveer
neslee nw~ (d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(a) 30 kV/mm (b) 320 kV/mm 477. Screened type cables, over belted cables, have
(c) 15 kV/mm (d) 5 kV/mm the advantage (s) of
472. Paper used as an insulating material is usually m›eâerve Øee™heer kesâyeue keâe, yesušs[ kesâyeue mes DeefOekeâ
treated with oily compound because it ueeYe neslee nw~
efJeÅeglejesefOele heoeLe& kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙegòeâ keâeiepe Deeceleewj (a) reduces possibility of core to core faults
hej lesueerÙe Ùeewefiekeâ kesâ meeLe JÙeJenej keâjlee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ keâesj-mes-keâesj, oes<e keâer mebYeeJevee keâce keâjlee nw~
Ùen- (b) uniform radial electric stresses in all sections
(a) is hygroscopic/Deeo&Çlee«eener nw~ of the dielectric/hejeJewÅegle kesâ meYeer YeeieeW ceW meceeve
jsef[Ùeue efJeÅegle leveeJe~
(b) gets electrostatically charged at high voltage
(c) no possibility of formation of voids within the
GÛÛe Jeesušspe hej efJeÅegle mLeweflekeâ DeeJesMe dielectric/hejeJewÅegle ceW efjefòeâ kesâ efvecee&Ce keâer keâesF&
(c) is porous/efÚõÙegòeâ nw~ mecYeeJevee veneR nw~
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 462 YCT
478. In a 3-core extra high voltage cable, a 482. Oil-filled cables have the drawback (s) of
metallic screen around each core insulation is lesue mes Yejs kesâyeueeW keâer keâefceÙeeB nesleer nw-
provided to
(a) no possibility of impregnation after sheathing
3-keâesj Deefleefjòeâ GÛÛe Jeesušspe kesâyeue ceW, ØelÙeskeâ keâesj
MeerefLebie kesâ yeeo mebmesÛeve keâer keâesF& mecYeeJevee vener nesleer nw~
kesâ efJeÅeglejesOeve kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj Skeâ Oeeleg DeeJejCe Øeoeve
(b) greater cost and complicated laying of cables
keâer peeleer nw~
and maintenance/DeefOekeâ ueeiele leLee kesâyeue keâer
(a) facilitate heat dissipation/ieceea efJemejCe keâer megefJeOee
cejccele leLee efyeÚeves ceW keâef"veeFÙeeb~
(b) give mechanical strength
(c) high thermal ressistance/GÛÛe leeheerÙe ØeeflejesOe
Ùeebef$ekeâ meeceLÙe& osves kesâ efueS
(c) obtain radial electric stress (d) all ot he above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
jsef[Ùeue efJeÅegle leveeJe Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS 483. Sulphur hexafluoride cable is insulated by
(d) obtain longitudinal electric stress meuHeâj nskeämeeheäueesje[ kesâyeue ........... kesâ Éeje
DevegowOÙe& efJeÅegle leveeJe Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS efJeÅeglejesefOele nesleer nw~
479. As the operating voltage and consequently the (a) impregnated paper/mebmesefÛele heshej
electric stress on the dielectric of solid type (b) polyviny chloride/heeefueefJeveeFue keäueesjeF[
cable is increased from a low value, the
dielectric power factor cos φ remains almost (c) high pressure oil/GÛÛe oeye lesue
unchanged up to a certain value of the stress (d) compressed gas/mebheeref[le iewme
beyond which cos φ in increases very rapidly. 484. In compressed gas insulated cable SF6 has the
This is due to increase in gas pressure in the range of
ØeÛeeueve Jeesušspe heefjCeecemJe™he Deewj "esme Øekeâej kesâ mebcheeref[le iewme efJeÅegle jesefOele kesâyeue SF6 ceW ........... keâer
kesâyeue kesâ hejeJewÅegle hej efJeÅegle keâe leveeJe keâce ceeve mes meercee ceW iewme keâe oyeeJe neslee nw~
yeÌ{ peelee nw~ hejeJewÅegle Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ cosφ leveeJe kesâ (a) 10−20 mm Hg (b) 80−100 mm Hg
Skeâ efveefMÛele ceeve lekeâ ueieYeie DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw~ (c) 3−5 kg/cm 2
(d) 40−50 kg/cm2
efpemekesâ Deeies cosφ yengle lespeer mes yeÌ{lee nw~ FmeceW Je=efæ 485. At bridge crossings and near the railway track
kesâ keâejCe nw~ ternary lead cables are used because they
(a) resistivity of dielectric material efyeÇpe ›eâeefmebie kesâ heeme Deewj jsueJes š^wkeâ kesâ heeme šve&jer
hejeJewÅegle heoeLe& keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee~ ues[ kesâyeue keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Jes-
(b) ionisation in the voids present in the dielectric (a) are of high tensile strength
hejeJewÅegle ceW ceewpetoe Keeueer mLeeve ceW DeeÙeveerkeâjCe~ GÛÛe levÙelee meecLÙe& kesâ nw~
(c) core-to-core capacitance of the cable
(b) are of low coefficient of thermal expansion
kesâyeue keâe keâesj-mes-keâesj mebOeeefj$e~
efvecve leeheerÙe efJemleej iegCeebkeâ kesâ nesles nw~
(d) core-to-earth capacitance of the cable
(c) are of low specific gravity
kesâyeue kesâ keâesj-mes-Yet mebOeeefj$e~
480. Oil-filled cables have the advantage (s) of
keâce efJeefMe° ieg™lJe kesâ nesles nQ~
lesue mes Yejs kesâyeue keâe ueeYe neslee nw~ (d) can withstand shocks and vibrations
(a) no ionisation, oxidation and formation of meleke&â Deewj keâcheVe keâer meecevee keâj mekeâles nw~
voids/ve efkeâmeer DeeÙeveerkeâjCe, DeekeämeerkeâjCe Deewj Keeueer 486. Internal pressure cables have the advantage (s)
mLeeve keâe efvecee&Ce of
(b) possibility of increased temperature range in Deevleefjkeâ oyeeJe kesâyeue kesâ ueeYe nw~
service/meefJe&me ceW yeÌ{er ngF& leeheceeve meercee keâer mebYeeJevee (a) elimination of external Accessories
(c) more maximum permissible stresses yeenjer GhemeeOeve keâe efJeueesheve~
DeefOekeâ mes DeefOekeâ cegveeefmeye leveeJe (b) suitability for vertical run without any fear of
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer drainage with suitable designs
481. Oil-filled cables have the advantage (s) of GheÙegòeâ ef[peeFve kesâ meeLe peue efvemmeejCe kesâ efkeâmeer Yeer
lesue mes Yejs kesâyeue keâe ueeYe neslee nw~ Yeüce kesâ efyevee GOJee&Oej Ûeueeves kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâlee~
(a) smaller overall size/mechetCe& Úesše Deekeâej (c) marked improvement in the pf of the cable
(b) most perfect impregnation/meyemes Gòece mebmesÛevee dielectric with the increased pressure
(c) easy detection of fault yeÌ{s ngS oyeeJe kesâ meeLe kesâyeue kesâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceW
oes<e keâes henÛeeveves ceW Deemeeveer megOeej~
(d) all ot he above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (d) all of th above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer~

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 463 YCT

487. With the rise in temprature, the insulation (b) stranding the copper couductors around a
resistivity hemp centre/Skeâ keâeiepe kesâvõ kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj leeByes kesâ
leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe, efJeÅegle jesOeve ØeeflejesOekeâlee ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ mLeeveerÙe Deble®heCe mes
.......... (c) stranding the copper conductors over a lead
(a) remains unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le tube
(b) decreases linearly/jwefKekeâ ™he mes Iešlee nw~ ues[ šŸetye hej leeByes kesâ Ûeeuekeâes kesâ mLeeveerÙe Deble®heCe mes
(c) increases linearly/jwefKekeâ ™he mes yeÌ{lee nw~ (d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(d) reduces exponentially/lespeer mes Iešlee nw~ 493. In a 3-core cable, the capacitance between two
488. The insulation resistance of a single-core cable conductors (with sheath earthed) is 3 µF. The
is 200 MΩ/km. The insulation resistance for 5 capacitane per phase will be
km length is Skeâ 3-keâesj kesâyeue ceW, oes Ûeeuekeâ((MeerLe kesâ meeLe Yet-
Skeâue-keâesj kesâyeue keâe efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOe 200 mecheefke&âle) kesâ yeerÛe mebOeeefj$e 3 ceeF›eâes Hewâj[ nw~ Øeefle
MΩ/km nw~ 5 efkeâceer uecyeeF& kesâ efueS efJeÅeglejesOeve Hesâpe mebOeeefj$e nesiee~
ØeeflejesOe ........... nw~
(a) 15 µF (b) 3 µF
(a) 40 MΩ (b) 1000 MΩ (c) 6 µF (d) 12 µF
(c) 200 MΩ (d) 8 MΩ 494. While crossing the road the cable should be
489. The power factor of an open-ended cable can
be improved by
meÌ[keâ heej keâjles meceÙe kesâyeue nesvee ÛeeefnS-
Skeâ Kegues Sb[s[ kesâyeue kesâ Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ ceW megOeej efkeâÙee (a) buried in trenches/ieºes ceW efyeÚeÙee ieÙee
pee mekeâlee nw~ (b) surrounded by sawdust to absorb vibrations
(a) increasing the capacitance/mebOeeefj$e keâes yeÌ{ekeâj kebâheve keâes DeJeMeesef<ele keâjves kesâ efueS uekeâÌ[er kesâ ÛetCe& mes
(b) decreasing the capacitance/mebOeeefj$e keâes keâce keâjkesâ efIeje ngDee
(c) increasing the conductor resistance (c) laid in conduits or pipes
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâes yeÌ{ekeâj keâv[Ÿetš Ùee heeFhe ceW jKee ieÙee
(d) increasing the insulation resistance (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOe ceW Je=efæ 495. The source (s) of heat generation in cables
490. The capacitance of a cable increases is/are
Skeâ kesâyeue keâer mebOeeefj$e yeÌ{ peeleer nw........... kesâyeue ceW leehe Glheeove keâe Œeesle nw~
(a) linearly with the increase in cable length (a) copper loss in conductor/Ûeeuekeâ ceW leeceü neefve
jwefKekeâ ™he mes kesâyeue keâer uecyeeF& ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe (b) dielectric losses in cable insulation
(b) linearly with the decrease in cable length kesâyeue kesâ efJeÅeglejesOeve ceW hejeJewÅegle neefve
jwefKekeâ ™he mes kesâyeue keâer uecyeeF& ceW keâceer (c) losses in metallic sheathings and armouring
(c) exponentially with the increase in cable Deece&efjbie Deewj cewšsefuekeâ MeerefLebie ceW neefve
length/lespeer mes kesâyeue keâer uecyeeF& ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 496. Dielectric hysteresis loss in a cable varies as
491. The capacitance of a cable depends upon the Skeâ kesâyeue ceW hejeJewÅegle MewefLeuÙe neefve ............ kesâ ™he
Skeâ kesâyeue keâer Oeeefjlee........... hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~ ceW heefjJele&veerÙe neslee nw~
(a) length of the cable/kesâyeue keâer uecyeeF&
(a) (impressed voltage)/(ØeYeeefJele efJeYeJe)
(b) relative permittivity of dielectric used in
cable/kesâyeue ceW ØeÙegòeâ hejeJewÅegle kesâ meehes#e heejiecÙelee (b) (impressed voltage)2/(ØeYeeefJele efJeYeJe)2
(c) ratio of sheath diameter and core diameter (c) (impressed voltage)1/2/(ØeYeeefJele efJeYeJe) 1/2
MeerLe JÙeeme Deewj keâesj JÙeeme keâe Devegheele (d) (impressed voltage)3/2/(ØeYeeefJele efJeYeJe)3/2
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer 497. The current carrying capacity of cables in D.C.
492. The desired overall diameter of the conductor is more than that in A.C.. It is mainly due to
without increasing its x-sectional area can be kes âyeueeW keâe Oeeje Jenve #ecelee [er.meer. ceW S.meer. keâer
had by Dehes#ee DeefOekeâ neslee nw, Fmekeâe cegKÙe keâejCe nw~
Ûeeuekeâ kesâ DevegØemLe keâeš #es$eHeâue ceW efyevee Je=efæ efkeâÙes (a) smaller hysteresis losses
Fmekeâe JeebefÚle mece«e JÙeeme Øeehle efkeâÙee peelee nw yengle keâce MewefLeuÙe neefveÙeeb
.............~ (b) absence of harmonics/nejceesefvekeäme keâer DevegheefmLeefle
(a) using aluminium core instead of copper (c) absence of ripples/Tefce&keâe keâer DevegheefmLeefle
leeByes kesâ yepeeÙe SuÙetceerefveÙece keâesj keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 464 YCT
498. The lead sheath of the cable may get damaged (b) transpose the cables only
due to kesâJeue kesâefyeueeW keâes he#eebleefjle keâjvee
kesâyeue keâe ues[ MeerLe #eefle nesves keâe keâejCe nw– (c) cross bonding the cables is enough
(a) mechanical injury/Ùeebef$ekeâ #eefle ›eâe@me yee@efv[bie kesâyeue heÙee&hle nw
(b) crystallisation of lead through vibrations (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
keâcheVe kesâ keâejCe meermes keâe ef›eâmšueerkeâjCe 503. Most economic load on an underground cable
(c) chemical action with impurities present in the will be
soil when buried in earth/Yet ceW oyes efceóer ceW Skeâ Yetefceiele kesâyeue hej DeefOekeâebMe DeeefLe&keâ Yeej ..........
GheefmLele DeMegæer kesâ meeLe jemeeÙeefvekeâ ef›eâÙee nesiee~
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& (a) greater than its surge loading
499. The cables should not be operated too hot Fmekesâ mepe& ueesef[bie mes DeefOekeâ
(b) Less than the surge loading
kesâyeue keâes iece& nesves hej ØeÛeeefuele veneR keâjvee ÛeeefnS
mepe& ueesef[bie mes keâce nw
(c) equal to the surge loading/mepe& ueesef[bie kesâ yejeyej
(a) expansion of oil may cause sheath to burst
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
lesue kesâ HewâueeJe kesâ keâejCe MeerLe Heâš peelee nw~
(b) the oil may loose its viscosity and it may start 504. ______ is used to connect cable ends to a
drawing off from higher levells device. It also protects the cable and offer
strain relief.
lesue keâe MÙeevelee {eruee nes mekeâlee nw Deewj Ùen GÛÛe leue
______ keâe GheÙeesie kesâyeue ÚesjeW keâes Skeâ GhekeâjCe mes
mes Deevee Meg™ keâj mekeâlee nw~
peesÌ[ves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Ùen kesâyeue keâer j#ee Yeer
(c) unequal expansion may create voids in the
insulation leading to ionization keâjlee nw Deewj leveeJe cegòeâ jKelee nw~
Demeceeve HewâueeJe DeeÙeveerkeâjCe keâer Deesj ues peeves Jeeues (a) Lugs/ueime
efJeÅegle ØeeflejesOeve keâes MetvÙe yevee mekeâlee nw~ (b) Cable gland/kesâyeue iueQ[
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (c) tubing/šÙegefyebie
500. Breakdown of cable insulation may occur due (d) cable clips/kesâyeue efkeäuehme
to 505. Breakdown of insulation of a cable can be
kesâyeue keâe efJeÅeglejesOeve Yebpeve ........... kesâ keâejCe neslee avoided economically by the use of
nw~ Skeâ kesâyeue kesâ efJeÅegle jesOeve keâe štšves mes........... kesâ
(a) thermal instability/leeheerÙe DeefmLejlee GheÙeesie Éeje DeeefLe&keâ ™he mes yeÛee pee mekeâlee nw~
(a) insulating material with different dielectric
(b) puncture/efÚõ
(c) tracking/mecePevee efJeÅegle jesOeve heoeLe& efYeVe-efYeVe hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâ
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (b) intersheath/FbšjMeerLe
501. Fibre-optic cables are used in power system (c) both (a) and (b) above/Ghejeskeäle (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
applications mainly for
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
HeâeFyej Deeefhškeâ kesâyeue Meefòeâ heæefle keâe cegKÙe ™he mes
506. For operating voltages beyond 66 kV, the
GheÙeesie nw~ cables used are
(a) SCADA/mkeâe[e 66 kV mes Thej ØeÛeeueve Jeesušspe kesâ efueS ...... kesâyeue
(b) communication between power station and keâe GheÙeesie neslee nw~
substation/Meefòeâ mšsMeve Je meyemšsMeve kesâ yeerÛe mebÛeej (a) belted type /yesušs[ Øekeâej
(c) communication between power station and (b) S.L. type /Sme.Sue. Øekeâej
load control centre
(c) Oil-filled /lesue-hetefjle
Meefòeâ mšsMeve Deewj Yeej efveÙeb$eCe kesâvõ kesâ yeerÛe mebÛeej (d) none of above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) all of these/Ghejesòeâ meYeer 507. The surge resistance of cables is:
502. In order to eliminate sheath losses, a successful kesâefyeueeW keâe mepe& ØeeflejesOe neslee nw–
method is
(a) 20 ohms (b) 50 ohms
MeerLe neefve keâes meceehle keâjves kesâ efueS, meheâue efJeefOe (c) 200 ohms (d) 300 ohms
........... kesâ ›eâce ceW nw~ 508. The electrostatic stress in underground cable
(a) to transpose the cable along with cross is:
bonding Yetefceiele kesâefyeueeW ceW JewÅegle mLeweflekeâ leveeJe ........... neslee
›eâeme yee@efv[bie kesâ meeLe ceW kesâyeue keâes he#eebleefjle keâjvee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 465 YCT
(a) Zero at the conductor as well as on the 515. The operating voltage of supertension cables is
sheath/Ûeeuekeâ kesâ meeLe ner meeLe MeerLe hej Yeer MetvÙe upto:
(b) Same at the conductor and sheath meghejšWMeve kesâefyeueeW keâe ØeÛeeueve Jeesušspe ............ lekeâ
Ûeeuekeâ Deewj MeerLe hej meceeve neslee nw~
(c) Minimum at the conductor and minimum at (a) 3.3 kV (b) 6.6 kV
the sheath/Ûeeuekeâ hej vÙetvelece Deewj MeerLe hej vÙetvelece (c) 11 kV (d) 33 kV
(d) Maximum at the conductor and minimum at 516. The operating voltage of extra high tension
the sheath cables is upto:
Ûeeuekeâ hej DeefOekeâlece Deewj MeerLe hej vÙetvelece Deefle-GÛÛe leveeJe kesâefyeueeW keâe ØeÛeeueve Jeesušspe
509. The material commonly used for sheaths of .............. lekeâ neslee nw~
underground cables is: (a) 6.6 kV (b) 11 kV
Yetefceiele kesâefyeueeW ceW MeerLe kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙes peeves (c) 33 kV (d) 66 kV
Jeeuee heoeLe& meeceevÙele: .......... neslee nw~ 517. Which of the following methods is used for
(a) Lead/meermee (b) Rubber/jyej laying of underground cables:
(c) Copper/leeByee (d) Iron/ueewn
Yetefceiele kesâyeue efyeÚeves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele ceW mes
keâewve meer efJeefOeÙeeW keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
510. The material generally used for armour of high
voltage cables is: (a) Direct laying/ØelÙe#e efyeÚeves
Deeceleewj hej GÛÛe Jeesušlee kesâefyeueeW kesâ keâJeÛe kesâ efueS (b) Draw-in-system/[^e-Fve-ØeCeeueer
ØeÙeesie efkeâÙes peeves Jeeuee heoeLe& .......... neslee nw~ (c) Solid system/"esme ØeCeeueer
(a) Aluminium/SuÙegceerefveÙece (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
(b) Steel/mšerue 518. Due to which of the following reasons the
cables should not be operated too hot:
(c) Brass/heerleue efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme keâejCe mes kesâefyeueeW keâes yengle
(d) Copper/leeceü iece& DeJemLee ceW ØeÛeeefuele veneR efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS?
511. Multicore cables generally use: (a) Expansion of the oil may cause the sheath to
ceušerkeâesj kesâefyeueeW ceW Deeceleewj hej .............. keâe ØeÙeesie burst
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ lesue keâe Øemeej MeerLe efJemheâesš keâe keâejCe nes mekeâlee nw
(a) Square conductors/Jeiee&keâej ÛeeuekeâeW ceW (b) Unequal expansion may create voids in the
(b) Circular conductors/Je=òeekeâej ÛeeuekeâeW ceW insulation which will lead to ionization
(c) Rectangular conductors/DeeÙeleekeâej ÛeeuekeâeW ceW Demeceeve Øemeej efJeÅeglejesOeve ceW efjefòeâÙee GlheVe keâj mekeâlee
(d) Sector-shaped condutors nw pees efkeâ DeeÙeveerkeâjCe keâes yeÌ{eJee osiee~
#es$e Deekeâej kesâ Ûeeuekeâes ceW (c) The thermal instability may rise due to the
512. The material commonly used for insulation in rapid increase of dielectric losses with
high voltage cables is: temperature/leeheceeve kesâ meeLe hejeJewÅegle neefveÙeeW keâer
meeceevÙe ®he mes GÛÛe Jeesušlee kesâefyeueeW ceW efJeÅeglejesOeve leer›e Je=efæ kesâ keâejCe T<ceerÙe DeefmLejlee yeÌ{ mekeâleer nw
kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙes peeves Jeeues meece«eer nw– (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW meYeer
(a) Lead/meermee 519. Consider the following properties regarding
insulation for cables:
(b) Paper/heshej
1. A low specific resistance
(c) Rubber/jyej 2. High temperature withstand
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR 3. High dielectric strength
513. Low voltage cable are meant for use up to: Which of the above properties of insulation are
efvecve Jeesušspe kesâyeue keâe GheÙeesie ........... lekeâ kesâ efueS correct while using cables?
kesâefyeue kesâ JewÅeglejesOeve kesâ mebyebOe ceW efvecve iegCeeW hej
efkeâÙee peelee nw~
efJeÛeej keâjW-
(a) 1.1 kV (b) 3.3 kV
1. efvecve efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe
(c) 6.6 kV (d) 11 kV
514. The operating voltage of high voltage cables is 2. GÛÛe leeheceeve meecevee/menve
upto: 3. GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle meeceeLÙe&
GÛÛe Jeesušspe kesâefyeueeW keâe ØeÛeeueve Jeesušspe........... (a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
lekeâ neslee nw~ (b) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
(a) 1.1 kV (b) 3.3 kV (c) 2 and 3 only /kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
(c) 6.6 kV (d) 11 kV (d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 466 YCT

520. The bedding of a cable consist of (c) absorb reactive power at light loads as well
kesâefyeue mebmlejCe efkeâmemes yevee neslee nw– as full load/keâce YeejCe Deewj meeLe ner hetCe& YeejCe hej
(a) jute/petš ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ GlheVe keâjleer nw
(b) hessian cloth/nsmeve keäuee@Le (d) absorb reactive power at light loads and
(c) both jute and hession cloth generate reactive power at full load
petš Deewj nsmeve keäuee@Le oesveeW mes keâce YeejCe hej ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ DeJeMeesef<ele keâjleer nw Deewj
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR hetCe& YeejCe hej ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ GlheVe keâjleer nw
521. The charging current in cables 526. Which of the following is a leading power
kesâyeue keâer DeeJesMeve Oeeje– factor system?
(a) lags the voltage by 900 efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ De«eieeceer Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer nw?
Jeesušspe mes 900 heerÚs jnleer nw (a) Underground cables/Yetefceiele kesâyeume
(b) lags the voltage by 1800 (b) Reactors/efjSkeäšme&
Jeesušspe mes 1800 heerÚs jnleer nw (c) Mercury arc rectifiers/heejo Deeke&â efo°keâejer
(c) leads the voltage by 900 (d) Transformers/š^ebmeheâe@ce&me&
Jeesušspe mes 900 Deeies jnleer nw 527. The metallic sheath is usually made of
(d) leads the voltage by 1800 OeeeflJekeâ DeeJejCe meeOeejCele: efkeâme mes yevee neslee nw?
Jeesušspe mes 1800 Deeies jnleer nw (a) lead/meermee
522. The material for armouring on cable is usually (b) aluminium/SuÙegceerefveÙece
kesâyeue kesâ keâJeÛe kesâ efueS meeOeejCele: efkeâme heoeLe& keâe (c) lead or aluminium/meermee Ùee SuÙegceerefveÙece
Fmlesceeue efkeâÙee peelee nw? (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) galvanized steel wire/pemlesoej Fmheele leej 528. What is the relation between length of the cable
and the capacitance?
(b) steel tape/Fmheele Heâerlee kesâyeue keâer uebyeeF& Deewj Oeeefjlee kesâ yeerÛe mebyebOe keäÙee nw?
(c) Both galvanized steel wire and steel tape
(a) No relationship/keâesF& mecyevOe veneR
pemlesoej Fmheele leej Deewj Fmheele Heâerlee oesveeW
(b) Equal/meceeve
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) Directly Proportional/Deveg›eâceevegheeleer
*523. A cable has an insulation of relative
permittivity 2. If the insulation is replaced by (d) Indirectly Proportional/JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
one of relative permittivity 4, the capacitance 529. What is the maximum operating voltage for
of the cable will become underground cable?/Yetefceiele kesâyeue kesâ efueS
kesâefyeue ceW 2 Deehesef#ekeâ efJeÅegleMeeruelee Jeeuee efJemebJeenkeâ Deef Oekeâlece Dee@hejsefšbie Jeesušspe keäÙee nw
nw~ efJemebJeenkeâ keâes 4 Deehesef#ekeâ efJeÅegleMeeruelee (a) 33 kV (b) 66 kV
efJemebJeenkeâ mes yeoueves hej kesâefyeue keâer Oeeefjlee– (c) 11 kV (d) 132 kV
*530. The minimum width of the trench for laying a
(a) one fourth/Skeâ ÛeewLeeF& nes peeSieer single cable shall be:/Skeâ kesâyeue efyeÚeves kesâ efueS
(b) half/DeeOeer nes peeSieer ieºs keâer vÙetvelece ÛeewÌ[eF& nesieer
(c) double/oesiegveer nes peeSieer (a) 1000 cm (b) 25 mm
(d) four times/Ûeewiegveer nes peeSieer (c) 7 mm (d) 35 cm
524. The insulating material for cables should be …. 531. In an underground cable, the insulation
kesâyeue ceW GheÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer efJeÅeglejesOeer meece«eer thickness mainly depends on:
............ nesveer ÛeeefnS– Skeâ Yetefceiele kesâyeue ceW, jesOeve ceesšeF& cegKÙe ™he mes -
(a) non–hygroscopic/iewj–õJe«eener _______ hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~
(b) non–inflammable/iewj–pJeueveMeerue (a) Reactive power flow/Øeefleef›eâÙee Meerue Meefòeâ ØeJeen
(c) acid proof/Decue jesOeer (b) Load current/Yeeefjle Oeeje
(d) all options are correct/meYeer efJekeâuhe mener nw (c) Operating voltage/Dee@hejsefšbie Jeesušspe
525. Cables :/kesâyeue – (d) Real power flow/JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ ØeJeen
(a) generate reactive power at light loads and 532. Armouring in cable is used to protect the cable
absorb reactive power at full load from :
keâce YeejCe hej ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ GlheVe keâjleer nw Deewj hetCe& kesâefyeue ceW keâJeÛeve keâe GheÙeesie efkeâmemes megj#ee nsleg neslee nw–
YeejCe hej ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ DeJeMeesef<ele keâjleer nw (a) Voltage surge/Jeesušlee mepe&
(b) generate reactive power at light loads as well (b) Mechanical Injury/Ùeebef$ekeâ DeeIeele
as full load/keâce YeejCe Deewj meeLe ner hetCe& YeejCe hej (c) Surge current/mepe& Oeeje
ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ GlheVe keâjleer nw (d) Increased voltage/yeÌ{er Jeesušlee

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 467 YCT

533. The most commonly used insulation for cables (a) Single-phase ac system
in the low voltage to 33kV range is : Skeâue-hesâpe keâer S.meer. JÙeJemLee
efvecve Jeesušspe mes 33kV hejeme kesâ kesâefyeue kesâ (b) Three-phase ac system
efJeÅeglejesOeve nsleg meyemes pÙeeoe GheÙeesie nesves Jeeueer leerve-hesâpe keâer S.meer. JÙeJemLee
efJeÅeglejesOeve nesiee– (c) High voltage ac voltage system
GÛÛe Jeesušlee keâer S.meer. JÙeJemLee
(a) Paper insulation/heshej efJeÅegle jesOeve
(d) dc transmission system/[er.meer. Øes<eCe JÙeJemLee
(b) Cross linked polyethylene 540. Power distribution by cable is generally
›eâeme efuebkeä[ heeueerLeerefueve adopted for line length
(c) Vulcanized India Rubber/JeukeâveeFp[ Fbef[Ùee jyej kesâefyeue Éeje efJeÅegle efJelejCe Deeceleewj hej efkeâleveer uebyeer
(d) Poly Vinyl Chloride/heeueer efJeveeFue keäueesjeF[ ueeFve kesâ efueS DeheveeÙee peelee nw?
534. Core is insulated by.............in a belted cable: (a) less than 10 km/10 efkeâceer mes keâce
yesušs[ kesâyeue ceW keâesj keâe jesOeve................mes efkeâÙee (b) above 10 km/10 efkeâceer mes DeefOekeâ
peelee nw– (c) less than 50 km/50 efkeâceer mes keâce
(a) Impregnated paper/FcØesivesšs[ heshej (d) above 50 km/50 efkeâceer mes DeefOekeâ
541. The small pockets of air in the high voltage
(b) VIR/Jeer.DeeF&.Deej.
cable provide_______relative permittivity,
(c) PVC/heer.Jeer.meer. _______ electric field and at these sites
(d) Gutta Percha/iegóe heÛee& breakdown is likely to be initiated.
535. The minimum permissible size of the GÛÛe Jeesušlee kesâefyeue ceW JeeÙeg keâer ueIeg keâesšefjkeâeSB
aluminium cable for lighting circuits is____: ( hee@ e f k eâšs ) ____Deehesef#ekeâ ÛegbyekeâMeeruelee, _____
ueeFefšbie heefjheLe kesâ efueS SuÙegefceefveÙece kesâyeue keâe efJeÅegle-#es$e GheueyOe keâjeleer nQ Deewj Fve mLeueeW hej
vÙetvelece mJeerkeâeÙe& Deekeâej efkeâlevee neslee nw- Yebpeve DeejbYe nes mekeâlee nw~
(a) 1.1 sq.mm (b) 1.5 sq.mm (a) high, high/GÛÛe, GÛÛe
(c) 2.4 sq.mm (d) 3.6 sq.mm (b) low, low/efvecve, efvecve
536. Cables in power transmission line are provided (c) low, high/efvecve, GÛÛe
with inter sheaths to:/Meefòeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW (d) high, low/GÛÛe, efvecve
kesâefyeue ceW Deebleefjkeâ DeeJejCe keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw- 542. In the case of three core flexible cable the
(a) Minimize charging current colour of the neutral is
DeeJesMeve Oeeje keâce keâjves nsleg leerve keâesj ueÛeerueer kesâyeue kesâ ceeceues ceW lešmLe keâe jbie
(b) Minimize stress/leveeJe keâce keâjves nsleg
(a) Black/keâeuee (b) Blue/veeruee
(c) Provide uniform stress distribution
(c) Brown/Yetje (d) Green/nje
Skeâmeceeve leveeJe efJelejCe Øeoeve keâjves nsleg *543. Characteristics of a cable are as follows:-
(d) Minimize high voltage L= 0.102µH/m
GÛÛe Jeesušspe keâes keâce keâjves nsleg C=149.2pF/m
537. A.C.S.R conductor having 7 steel strands What is the velocity of propagation through the
surrounded by 25 aluminium conductors will cable?
be specified as Skeâ kesâyeue keâe DeefYeue#eCe Fme Øekeâej nQ?
25 SuÙegceerefveÙece ÛeeuekeâeW mes efIejs mšerue kesâ 7 leejeW L= 0.102µH/m
Jeeues S. meer.Sme.Deej. Ûeeuekeâ keâes .......... oMee&Ùee C=149.2pF/m
peeSiee~ kesâyeue kesâ ceeOÙece mes mebÛejCe keâe Jesie keäÙee nesiee?
(a) 25/7 (b) 7/25 (a) 156.23 m/µs (b) 256.41 m/µs
(c) 50/15 (d) 15/50 (c) 141.67 m/ µ s (d) 183.53 m/µs
538. Least number of faults occur in : 544. Which of the following faults is most likely to
............ keâce mes keâce mebKÙee ceW oes<e nesleer nw~ occur in cables:
(a) Transmission lines/mebÛejCe ueeFveeW ceW ef vecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mes oes<e keâer kesâefyeueeW ceW GlheVe
(b) Cables/kesâyeueeW ceW nes ves keâer mecYeeJevee nesleer nw?
(c) Switchgears/efmJeÛeefieÙeme& ceW (a) Cross or short-circuit fault
(d) Transformers/š^ebmeHeâece&j ceW
›eâe@me Ùee ueIeg-heefjheLe oes<e
539. In a 60km underground power transmission (b) Open circuit fault/Keguee-heefjheLe oes<e
system, the best transmission system is : (c) Breakdown of cables insulation
Skeâ 60 efkeâceer. Yetefce kesâ Devoj efJeÅegle Øes<eCe JÙeJemLee kes âefyeue efJeÅeglejesOeve keâe Yebpeve
ceW, meJeexòece efJeÅegle Øes<eCe JÙeJemLee nw : (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 468 YCT

545. The main drawback(s) of underground system 551. In 95 sqmm. Aluminium three and half (3.5)
overhead system is/are core UG cable, what is the size of half core?
efMejeshejer ØeCeeueer keâer leguevee ceW Yetefceiele ØeCeeueer keâe SuÙegefceefveÙece kesâ 95 efceceer2, 3.5 keâesj Yetefceiele kesâyeue ceW
cegKÙe oes<e ........... neslee nw~ Deæ&keâesj keâe Deekeâej neslee nw-
(a) exposure to lightning./efJeÅegle kesâ mecheke&â ceW
(a) 70 Sqmm/70 efceceer2 (b) 50 Sqmm/50 efceceer2
(b) heavy initial cost./DeefOekeâ ØeejefcYekeâ ueeiele
(c) 25 Sqmm/25 efceceer2 (d) 35 Sqmm/35 efceceer2
(c) exposure to atmospheric hazards such as
smoke, ice, wind etc./OegSB, yehe&â, nJee Deeefo pewmes 552. The advantage of the Varley loop test over
JeeÙegceC[ueerÙe KelejeW kesâ mecheke&â Murray loop test is :/cegjx uethe hejer#eCe keâer leguevee ceW
(d) inductive interference between power and Jeeuex uethe hejer#eCe keâe ueeYe nw :
communication circuits. (a) Can be used for localizing the short circuit
Meefòeâ Deewj mebÛeej heefjheLe kesâ yeerÛe ØesjkeâerÙe nmle#eshe fault/Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie ueIegheLe oes<e keâes mLeeveiele keâjves kesâ
546. The main drawback(s) of overhead system over efueS efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
underground system is/are
(b) Loop resistance can be determined
Yetefceiele ØeCeeueer keâer leguevee ceW efMejeshejer ØeCeeueer keâer
uethe ØeeflejesOe keâe efveOee&jCe efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
cegKÙe keâefceÙeeB ............... nesleer nw~
(c) Can be used for localizing the earth fault
(a) underground system is more flexible than
overhead system./efMejesheefj ØeCeeueer keâer leguevee ceW Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie Yetoes<e keâes mLeeveiele keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee
Yetefceiele ØeCeeueer DeefOekeâ ueÛeeruee nesleer nw pee mekeâlee nw
(b) higher charging current./GÛÛe DeeJesefMele Oeeje (d) Their accuracy is higher
(c) surge problem./mepe& (efnuueesue) mecemÙee Gvekeâer Megælee GÛÛelej nesleer nw
(d) high initial cost./GÛÛe ØeejefcYekeâ ueeiele 553. When localizing ground fault with the help of a
547. Murray loop and Varley loop tests employ the loop test, the resistance of a fault:
principles of the/cegjx uethe Deewj Jejues uethe hejer#eCe uethe hejer#eCe kesâ ceeOÙece mes Yetoes<e keâes mLeeveiele keâjles
keâewve-mee efmeæeble ueeiet keâjles nQ? meceÙe, oes<e keâe ØeeflejesOe:
(a) Wheatstone bridge/Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe (a) Affects the balance condition
(b) Schering bridge/efMeÙeefjbie efyeÇpe meblegueve efmLeefle keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjlee nw
(c) Shannon-Hartley law/Mewveve-neš&ues efveÙece (b) Affects the value of the cable resistance
(d) Maxwell law/cewkeämeJesue efveÙece kesâyeue ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeve keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjlee nw
548. Ùetšerheer (UTP) kesâyeue kesâ ceeceues ceW Ùetšerheer keâe hetCe& ®he nw: (c) Affects the sensitivity of the bridge
(a) DeveefMeefu[[ š^ebmeefceMeve hesÙej kesâyeue mesleg keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjlee nw
(b) ÙetefveJeme&ue efšdJeefmš[ hesÙej kesâyeue (d) All of these/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
(c) DeveefMeefu[[ efšdJeefmš[ hesÙej kesâyeue *554. A piece of co-axial cable has a 75Ω
(d) ÙetefveJeme&ue š^ebmeefceMeve hesÙej kesâyeue characteristic impedance and a nominal
549. In construction of power transmission cables, capacitance of 69F/m. What is the inductance
Armouring is done by using: per meter?
hee@Jej š^ebmeefceMeve kesâyeume kesâ efvecee&Ce ceW, Deece&efjbie kewâmes Skeâ mecee#eerÙe kesâyeue keâer DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee
efkeâÙee peelee nw? 75Ω Deewj Oeeefjlee 69F/m nw~ Øeefle ceeršj ØesjkeâlJe
(a) Metallic sheath of lead efkeâlevee nesiee?
ues[ keâer OeeeflJekeâ MeerLe kesâ Éeje (a) 0.0388 µH/m (b) 3.88 µH/m
(b) Galvanized steel wire
(c) 38.8 µH/m (d) 0.388 µH/m
iewuJesveeFp[ mšerue (Fmheele) leej Éeje 555. Murray, varley and fisher loop tests are used
(c) Hessian tape/nsefmeÙeve šshe Éeje for/cegjx, Jeeue&s Deewj efHeâMej uethe šsmš keâe ØeÙeesie ...........
(d) Tinned copper/keâueF&&oej leebyes Éeje kesâ efueS neslee nw~
550. The test used to locate high-resistance faults in (a) Short circuit fault in cables
low-resistance conductor circuits is:
keâce ØeeflejesOe Ûeeuekeâ heefjheLe ceW GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe oes<e keâes kesâefyeue ceW Meeš& meefke&âš Heâeuš
(b) Open circuit fault in the cables
mLeeefhele keâjves kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙes peeves Jeeuee šsmš nw–
kesâefyeue ceW Deesheve meefke&âš Heâeuš
(a) Open-circuit test/Keguee heefjheLe šsmš
(c) Short circuit and ground fault in cables
(b) Murray loop test/cegjx uethe šsmš kesâefyeue ceW Mee@š& meefke&âš Deewj «eeGC[ Heâeuš
(c) Star/delta loop test/mšej/[suše uethe šsmš (d) Open circuit and ground fault in cables
(d) Hopkinson's test/ne@heefkeâvmeve šsmš kesâefyeue cebs Deesheve meefke&âš Deewj «eeGC[ Heâeuš
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 469 YCT
560. Transmitted power remaining the same, if
6. efo°Oeeje efÉleej SJeb leerve-leej supply voltage of a D.C. 2-wire feeder is
increased 100 percent, saving in copper is:
efJelejCe ØeCeeueer mebÛeefjle Meefòeâ keâes meceeve jKeles ngS, Ùeefo [er.meer. oes
(D.C. Two and 3-Wire leej hees<ekeâ keâer Deehetefle& Jeesušlee 100 ØeefleMele yeÌ{e efoÙee
Distribution System) peeS, leeByes keâer yeÛele nesleer nw–
(a) 25 percent/25 ØeefleMele
556. In engineering drawing, which of the following (b) 50 percent/50 ØeefleMele
solids/surfaces are well-suited for employing (c) 75 percent/75 ØeefleMele
radial line development? (d) 100 percent/100 ØeefleMele
FbpeerefveÙeefjbie [^eFbie ceW, jsef[Ùeue-ueeFve efJekeâeme keâe 561. Which of the following D.C. distribution system
is the simplest and lowest in first cost:
ØeÙeesie keâjves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meer D.C. efJelejCe ØeCeeueer ØeLece
"esme/melen GheÙegkeäle nw?
ueeiele ceW meyemes mejue Deewj efvecvelece nesleer nw?
(a) Cylinder and cube/yesueveekeâej Deewj keäÙetye
(a) Radial system/DejerÙe ØeCeeueer
(b) Cube and pyramid/keäÙetye Deewj efhejeefce[
(b) Ring system/eEjie ØeCeeueer
(c) Cone and pyramid/Mebkegâ Deewj efhejeefce[ (c) Inter-connected system/Devle: mecyeæ ØeCeeueer
(d) Cone and cylinder/Mebkegâ Deewj yesueveekeâej (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
557. In case of a 3-phase short circuit in a system, 562. A uniformly loaded D.C. distributor is fed at
the power fed into the system is both ends with equal voltage in comparison to a
Skeâ ØeCeeueer ceW 3-keâuee ueIeg heefjheLe kesâ ceeceues ceW similar distributor fed at one end only, the
ØeCeeueer ceW Øesef<ele ......... Meefòeâ nesleer nw~ maximum voltage drop will be
(a) mostly reactive/DeefOekeâlej Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Skeâ meceeve ™he mes Yeeefjle [er.meer. efJelejkeâ hej oesveeW
(b) mostly active/DeefOekeâlej meef›eâÙe
efmejeW hej meceeve Jeesušspe Yespee pee jne nw, kesâJeue Skeâ
(c) active and reactive both equal
efmejs hej Hesâ[ efkeâS peeves Jeeues meceeve efJelejCe keâer leguevee
meef›eâÙe Deewj Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue oesveeW yejeyej ceW lees DeefOekeâlece Jeesušspe [^e@he nesiee–
(a) one-fourth/Skeâ-ÛeewLeeF& (b) one-half/DeeOee
(d) reactive only/kesâJeue Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue
*558. A distribution transformer is rated at 100 kVA. (c) one-third/Skeâ efleneF& (d) one-sixth/Skeâ-Ú"JeeB
The maximum active power that it can supply 563. The null point of a uniformly loaded
is distributor fed at equal voltage at both ends lies
Skeâ efJelejCe heefjCeeefce$e keâer 100 kVA hej efveOee&jCe keâer at
ieF& nw~ Ùen DeefOekeâlece efkeâlevee meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ mehueeF& Skeâ meceeve ™he mes Yeeefjle efJelejkeâ kesâ oesveeW efmejes hej
meceeve Jeesušspe Yespee peelee nw lees MetvÙe efyevog .............
keâj mekeâlee nw–
hej efveefnle neslee nw~
(a) 200 kW (b) 75 kW
(c) 150 kW (d) 100 kW (a) mid point/ceOÙe efyevog
559. When the interconnector between two stations (b) either end/efkeâmeer Yeer efmejs hej
has large reactance: (c) two-third distance from one end
peye oes mšsMeveeW kesâ ceOÙe GÛÛe ceeve keâe ØeefleIeele Skeâ efmejs mes oes-efleneF& otjer
Devle:mebÙeesefpele nes leye– (d) one-fourth distance from one end
(a) The transfer of power will take place with Skeâ efmejs mes Skeâ-ÛeewLeeF& otjer
voltage fluctuation and noise 564. An approximate formula for loss factor in a
Meefòeâ keâe mLeeveevlejCe, Jeesušlee ceW Gleej ÛeÌ{eJe Deewj distribution system is
Meesj kesâ meeLe nesiee efJelejCe heæefle ceW neefve iegCekeâ kesâ efueS ueieYeie met$e nw~
(b) The transfer of power will take place with (a) Loss factor =0.3×load factor+0.7(load factor)2
least loss/Meefòeâ keâe mLeeveevlejCe, keâce mes keâce neefve kesâ neefve iegCekeâ · 0.3 × Yeej iegCekeâ ± 0.7 (Yeej iegCekeâ)2
meeLe mLeeveevleefjle nesiee (b) Loss factor = 0.5 (load factor)
(c) The stations will fall out of step because of neefve iegCekeâ · 0.5 (Yeej iegCekeâ)
large angular displacement between the (c) Loss factor = load factor
stations/mšsMeveeW kesâ ceOÙe yeÌ[s keâesCeerÙe efJemLeeheve kesâ neefve iegCekeâ · Yeej iegCekeâ
keâejCe, mšsMeve mšshe (keâoce) kesâ yeenj nes peeÙesiee (d) Loss factor =0.7×load factor+0.3(load factor)2
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR neefve iegCekeâ · 0.7 Yeej iegCekeâ ± 0.3 (Yeej iegCekeâ)2
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 470 YCT
565. In a distribution system which of the following (a) transformer substations (step-up).
items shares the major cost? heefjCeeefce$e Ghekesâvõ (mšsheDehe)/GÛÛeeÙeer
Skeâ efJelejCe ØeCeeueer ceW efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meer (b) service mains./mesJee cesvme
Jemleg ØecegKe ueeiele meePee keâjleer nw? (c) distributors./efJelejkeâ
(a) conductors/Ûeeuekesâ (d) all of the above./Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(b) earthing/DeefLeËie 570. Feeder is designed mainly from the point of
view of
(c) distribution transformer/efJelejCe heefjCeeefce$e
mebYejkeâ cegKÙe ®he mes ..............kesâ Âef°keâesCe mes yeveeÙee
(d) insulators/efJemebJeenkeâ
peelee nw~
566. The main criterion for selection of the size of a
(a) its current carrying capacity.
distributor for a radial distribution system is
Fmekeâer Oeeje Jenve #ecelee
jsef[Ùeue efJelejCe heæefle kesâ efueS efJelejkeâ keâe Deekeâej
(b) Voltage drop in it./Fmekesâ Jeesušspe [^ehe
Ûegveves kesâ efueS cegKÙe ceeheoC[ .......... neslee nw~
(c) operating voltage./ØeÛeeueve Jeesušspe
(a) voltage drop/Jeesušleeheele
(d) operating frequency./ØeÛeeueve DeeJe=efòe
(b) corona loss/keâesjesvee neefve 571. Distributors are designed from the point of
(c) temperature rise/leehe Je=efæ view of
(d) capital cost/hetBpeer cetuÙe efJelejkeâ ............ kesâ Âef°keâesCe mes yeveeÙes peeles nw~
567. The distribution systems in India are mostly (a) its current carrying capacity.
Yeejle ceW cegKÙele: efJelejCe heæefle ............ nesleer nw~ Fmekeâer Oeeje Jenve #ecelee
(b) operating voltage./ØeÛeeueve Jeesušspe
(a) radial/jsef[Ùeue
(c) voltage drop in it./Fmekesâ Jeesušspe [^ehe
(b) parallel/meceevlej
(d) operating frequency./ØeÛeeueve DeeJe=efòe
(c) network/vesšJeke&â
572. The size of a feeder is determined primarily
(d) either (b) or (c)/Ùee lees (b) Ùee (c) by?/ØeoeÙekeâ keâe Deekeâej ØecegKele: FveceW mes efkeâmekesâ Éeje
568. Why is a ring main distribution system efveOee&efjle efkeâÙee peelee nw?
preferred to a radial system? (a) The current it is to carry/Oeeje pees Gmes Jenve keâjveer nw
jsef[Ùeue heæefle keâer Dehes#ee efjbie-cesve heæefle keäÙeeW hemebo (b) The percentage variation of voltage in the
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ feeder/ØeoeÙekeâ ceW Jeesušlee keâer ØeefleMele efJeefYeVelee
1. Voltage drop in the feeder is less. (c) The voltage across the feeder
Heâer[j ceW Jeesušleeheele keâce neslee nw ØeoeÙekeâ kesâ heej Jeesušlee
2. Power factor is higher. (d) The distance over which the transmission is
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ GÛÛe neslee nw~ made/otjer efpemekesâ Thej mebÛeejCe efkeâÙee ieÙee nw
573. A line which connects a distributor to
3. Supply is more reliable.
substation is called?/pees ueeFve Skeâ ef[mš^eryÙetšj keâes
Deehetefle& DeefOekeâ efJeÕemeveerÙe neslee nw
meye-mšsMeve mes peesÌ[leer nw, keânueeleer nw?
Select the correct answer using the code given
(a) Distributor/ef[mš^eryÙetšj
(b) Feeder/Heâer[j
veerÛes efoÙes keâes[ keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ mener Gòej keâes ÛegefveS-
(c) Line/ueeFve
(a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(d) Service main/meefJe&me cesve
(b) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
574. The main consideration is designing
(c) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 Distributor is :/efJelejkeâ keâer jÛevee ceW cegKÙele; efkeâme
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 hej efJeÛeej efkeâÙee peelee nw?
569. In a transmission system the feeder supplies (a) transmission voltage/mebÛeejCe Jeesušspe
power to (b) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
Skeâ mebÛejCe ØeCeeueer ceW mebYejkeâ ............ keâes efJeÅegle keâer (c) voltage drop/Jeesušspe heleve
Deehetefle& keâjlee nw~ (d) current carrying capacity/Oeeje Jeenkeâ #ecelee

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 471 YCT

575. The name of the wires which connect the (c) Supplying low voltage current to instruments
consumers with supply distribution line is GhekeâjCeeW keâes keâce Jeesušspe Oeeje keâer Deehete|le keâjves
known as _____/pees leej GheYeesòeâe keâes efJelejCe Deehetefle& (d) Both stepping up and stepping down the
mes peesÌ[lee nw Gme ______ veece mes peevee peelee nw~ voltage
Jeesušspe keâes mšsheDehe Deewj mšshe[eGve oesveeW keâjves
(a) supply mains/mehueeF& cesvme
581. The best location for use for a booster
(b) distributors/efJelejkeâ transformer in a transmission line is
(c) feeders/Heâer[j mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW yetmšj heefjCeeefce$e kesâ GheÙeesie nsleg efueS
(d) service lines/meefJe&me ueeFve meyemes DeÛÚe mLeeve nw–
*576. The percentage ratio of copper for 3-wire DC (a) At the sending end/Øes<ekeâ efmeje hej
system to 2-wire DC distribution system for (b) At the receiving end/Øeehle efmeje hej
same cross-section of neutral wire as outer (c) At the intermediate point/ceOÙece efyevog hej
wire is :/yeenjer leej kesâ leewj hej vÙetš^ue leej kesâ meceeve (d) Any where in the line/ueeFve ceW keâneR hej
DevegØemLe keâeš kesâ efueS 3-leej DC ØeCeeueer mes 2-leej 582. The material used for the manufacture of
DC efJelejCe ØeCeeueer kesâ efueS keâe@hej keâe ØeefleMele ground wire is
Yet–leej kesâ efvecee&Ce kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ meece«eer nw–
Devegheele ----------- nw~
(a) aluminium./ SuÙegceerefveÙece
(a) 40.5% (b) 40.6%
(b) galvanised steel. /pemleerke=âle mšerue (Fmheele)
(c) 31.25% (d) 37.5%
577. Which one of the following is a part of the (c) cast iron./{ueJeeB ueesne
tower that is buried under the ground? (d) stainless steel./pebiejesOeer Fmheele
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee efkeâmeer še@Jej keâe Jen Yeeie 583. Guy wire is employed for
nw, efpemes Yetefce kesâ Yeerlej ieeÌ[e peelee nw? ies (šskeâ) leej............. kesâ efueS keâeÙe&jle neslee nw~
(a) providing protection against surges.
(a) strut inclined support/mš^š FvkeäueeFv[ meheesš&
mepe& kesâ efJe®æ megj#ee Øeoeve keâjves
(b) Anchor/Sbkeâj
(b) providing emergency earth route.
(c) Braces/yeÇsmespe Deeheelekeâeueerve Yet–ceeie& Øeoeve keâjves
(d) Gaurd wire/iee[& Jee@Ùej (c) supporting the pole.
578. Guy is attached to a transmission line pole to heesue keâes meeceLÙe& (meheesefšËie) Øeoeve keâjves
iesS, Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve heesue mes pegÌ[e neslee nw– (d) all of the above./Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(a) reduce the sag/Peesue keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS 584. Which connect the consumer's terminals to the
(b) hold the telephone lines distribution
šsueerheâesve ueeFve keâes hekeâÌ[s jnves kesâ efueS GheYeeskeälee kesâ šefce&veueeW keâes efJelejCe mes keâewve peesÌ[lee nw–
(c) strengthen the pole (a) distributors/efJelejkeâ
heesue keâes cepeyetleer Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS (b) service mains/meefJe&me cesvme
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) feeder/heâer[j
579. In transmission lines the cross-arms are made (d) substation/GhekeWâõ
of: 585. Transmission lines and distribution lines can
be discriminated by
mebÛejCe ueeFveeW ceW ›eâeme Deece& .................. keâe yevee
š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve Deewj efJelejCe ueeFve ceW Devlej neslee nw–
neslee nwb~
(a) the size of conductor / kebâ[keäšj keâe Deekeâej
(a) Copper/keâe@hej (b) Wood/uekeâÌ[er
(b) the operating voltage / Dee@hejsefšbie Jeesušspe
(c) R.C.C/Deej.meer.meer. (d) Steel/mšerue
(c) The amount of current carried by the liner
580. Tap changing transformers are employed for jsKeerÙe Éeje ues peeves Jeeueer Oeeje keâer jeefMe
šshe heefjJee|lele heefjCeeefce$e ................ kesâ efueS keâeÙe&jle (d) None of these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
neslee nw~ 586. For secondary distribution, the transformer(s)
(a) Stepping down the voltage used is/are–
Jeesušspe keâes mšshe [eGve ceeOÙeefcekeâ efJelejCe kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee (efkeâÙes) peeves
(b) Stepping up the voltage/Jeesušspe keâes mšsheDehe keâjves Jeeuee š^ebmeheâece&j Fme Øekeâej nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 472 YCT
(a) Auto Transformer/Dee@šes š^ebmeheâece&j (c) sub station is far away from load station
(b) Star-Delta and Delta-Star Transformer both meye mšsMeve uees[ keWâõ mes otj nes
mšej [suše Deewj [suše-mšej š^ebmeheâece&j oesveeW (d) number of consumers are more
(c) Star-Delta Power Transformer peye GheYeesòeâeDeeW keâer mebKÙee DeefOekeâ nes~
mšej [suše heeJej š^ebmeheâece&j *591. In a d.c. 2-wire feeder, the voltage drop per
(d) Delta-Star Distribution Transformer wire is 2.5%. The transmission efficiency of the
[suše-mšej ef[mš^eryÙetMeve š^ebmeheâece&j feeder is
587. In radial distribution system the distributor is Skeâ [er.meer. 2-leej heâer[j ceW, Øeefle leej Jeesušspe [^e@he
fed :/jsef[Ùeue (Dejer Ùe) efJelejCe lev$e ceW, efJelejkeâ 2.5% nw~ heâer[j keâer mebÛejCe o#elee nw-
heesef<ele neslee nw– (a) 97.5% (b) 95%
(a) From both end/oesveeW efmejeW mes (c) 93.75% (d) 98.75%
(b) From the centre/kesâvõ mes heesef<ele 592. for effective application of counterpoise it
should be buried into the ground to a depth
(c) From one end/Skeâ efmejs mes heesef<ele
keâeGvšjhJeeFpe kesâ ØeYeeJeer DevegØeÙeesieeW kesâ efueS Fmes
(d) At different point/efJeefYeVe efyevogDeeW mes
588. A radial power system is represented by–
peceerve ceW ........ ienjeF& lekeâ oheâve efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS~
ef$epÙe efJeodÙegle ØeCeeueer (jsef[Ùeue heeJej efmemšce) keâes (a) of 1 metre./1 ceeršj keâer
efvecve Éeje efve™efhele efkeâÙee peelee nw– (b) of 2 metres./2 ceeršj keâer
(a) Closed paths/yebo ceeie& (c) of just enough to avoid theft.
(b) Closed and open paths/yebo Deewj Kegues ceeie& Ûeesjer mes yeÛeeves kesâ efueS heÙee&hle nw
(c) Only open paths/kesâJeue Kegues ceeie& (d) none of these/keâesF& veneR
(d) None of the other options/Fvecebs mes keâeF& Yeer veneR 593. A system is said to be effectively grounded if
589. Consider the following statements. its.
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW Skeâ ØeCeeueer keâes ØeYeeJeer ™he mes Yetefceiele keâne peelee nw,
Statement A : Electricity is distributed from a Ùeefo Fmekeâe-
single point in a radial distribution system. (a) neutral is grounded directly
keâLeve A: ef$epÙeerÙe efJelejCe leb$e ceW efyepeueer Skeâ efyebog mes Goemeerve keâes meerOes Yetefceiele keâjles nQ~
efJeleefjle keâer peeleer nw X0 X
Statement B : There are less fluctuation in supply (b) ratio of > 3.0 / 0 > 3.0 keâe Devegheele
X1 X1
at the consumer's terminal.
keâLeve B : GheYeeskeälee kesâ šefce&veue hej Deehetefle& ceW Gleej X0 X
(c) ratio of > 2.0 / 0 > 2.0 keâe Devegheele
ÛeÌ{eJe keâce nesles nQ~ X1 X1
Which of the following is correct? X0 X
(d) ratio of < 3.0 / 0 < 3.0 keâe Devegheele
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee mener nw? X1 X1
(a) A and B are ture and B is the correct 594. A 110-V, 2-wire dc line is converted into a 3-
explanation of A wire 110/220 V line by adding a wire similar to
A Deewj B mener nQ Deewj B, A keâer mener JÙeeKÙee nw~ that used in the 2-wire line. If same lines loss is
(b) B is true but A is false. maintained then
B mener nw, uesefkeâve A ieuele nw~ Skeâ 110-V, 2-leej D.C ueeFve keâes 3-leej 110/220
(c) A is true but B is false. Jeesuš ueeFve ceW heefjJee|lele efkeâÙee peelee nw, Fmeer lejn kesâ
A mener nw, uesefkeâve B ieuele nw~ meceeve leej keâes 2-leej ueeFve ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw
(d) A and B are true but B is not the correct mebÙeespeve kesâ Éeje~ Ùeefo meceeve ueeFve neefve yeveeS jKee
explanation of A./A Deewj B mener nQ uesefkeâve B, A peelee nw lees–
keâer mener JÙeeKÙee veneR nw~ (a) Power transmission would be doubled
590. Radial system is used when: Meefkeäle mebÛejCe oes iegvee nes peeÙesiee
ef$epÙekeâ ØeCeeueer keâe ØeÙeesie leye efkeâÙee peelee nw peye: (b) each wire will carry one-third of the load
(a) energy is to be produced on high potential current when the load is equally balanced
pÙeeoe efJeYeJe hej Meefòeâ Glheeove keâjvee nes between the two sides of the line./ØelÙeskeâ leej,
(b) energy is to be produced on low potential Yeej kesâ Skeâ efleneF& efnmmes keâes leye ues peeSiee peye ueeFve
keâce efJeYeJe hej Meefòeâ Glheeove keâjvee nes kesâ oesveeW efkeâveejeW kesâ yeerÛe Yeej meceeve ™he mes meblegefuele nes
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 473 YCT
(c) the only advantage is that 200-V motors can 600. Which of the following is a static exciter?
be operated/Skeâ cee$e ueeYe Ùen nw efkeâ 200 Volt kesâ efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ efmLej Gòespekeâ nw?
ceesšj keâe mebÛeeueve efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(a) Rectifier/efo°keâejer
(d) the amount of copper would have been
increased by 33.3% (b) Rotorol/jesšesjue
leebyes keâer cee$ee ceW 33.3% keâer Je=efæ nesleer nw (c) Amplidyne/Schueer[eFve
595. In a balanced 3-wire d.c. system, the voltage (d) D.C. separately excited generator
across the outers is 500 V. The voltage between
any outer and neutral wire is
[er.meer. he=Lekeâ mes Gòesefpele peefve$e
Skeâ meblegefuele 3-leej [er.meer. ØeCeeueer ceW, Jee¢e Jeesušspe 601. For exact compensation of voltage drop in the
500V nw~ efkeâmeer Yeer yeenjer Deewj vÙetš^ue leej kesâ yeerÛe feeder the booster
Jeesušspe nw hees<ekeâ ceW Jeesušlee heele kesâ mecegefÛele #eeflehetefle& kesâ efueS
(a) 500V (b) 100V JeOe&keâ ......... ~
(c) 125V (d) 250V
(a) must be earthed/Yet mecheefke&âle nesvee ÛeeefnS
596. In a 3-wire D.C. system, the load on the +Ve
side is 400A and on –Ve side it is 300A. Then (b) must work on line voltage
current in neutral wire is ueeFve Jeesušlee hej DeJeMÙe keâeÙe& keâjvee ÛeeefnS
Skeâ 3-leej D.C. ØeCeeueer ceW, Oeveelcekeâ efmejs hej uees[ (c) must work on linear portion of its V-I
400A nw Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ efmejs hej 300A nw, Goemeerve
characteristics/Fmekesâ V-I DeefYeue#eCe kesâ jsKeerÙe Yeeie
leej ceW Oeeje ........ nesleer nw~
(a) 50 A (b) 100 A
hej keâeÙe& keâjvee ÛeeefnS
(c) 350 A (d) 150 A (d) must work on non-linear portion of its V-I
597. With the same maximum voltage between to characteristics/ Fmekesâ V-I DeefYeue#eCe kesâ DejsKeerÙe
conductors, the ratio of volume needed in 3- Yeeie hej keâeÙe& keâjvee ÛeeefnS
phase, 3-wire system and single phase, 2-wire
system is 602. The angular displacement between two
ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ yeerÛe Skeâ meceeve DeefOekeâlece Jeesušspe kesâ interconnected stations is mainly due to:
meeLe, 3-keâuee, 3-leej ØeCeeueer Deewj Skeâue keâuee, 2- oes DevlejmebÙeesefpele mšsMeveeW kesâ ceOÙe keâesCeerÙe efJemLeeheve
leej ceW DeeJeMÙekeâ DeeÙeleve keâe Devegheele nw~ cegKÙele:............ kesâ keâejCe neslee nw–
(a) 4/3 (b) 3/4 (a) Armature reactance of both alternators
(c) 5/3 (d) 3/5
598. System grounding is done so that
oesveeW ØelÙeeJele&keâes kesâ DeecexÛej ØeefleIeele
ØeCeeueer Yet-Ùeesefpele FmeefueS efkeâÙee peelee nw leeefkeâ– (b) Reactance of the interconnector
(a) inductive interference between power and Devle:mebÙeespekeâ kesâ ØeefleIeele
communication circuits can be controlled (c) Synchronous reactance of both the
Meefòeâ Deewj mebÛeej heefjheLe kesâ ceOÙe Øesjkeâ nmle#eshe keâes alternators/oesveeW ØelÙeeJele&keâes kesâ
leguÙekeâeefuekeâ ØeefleIeele
efveÙebef$ele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(b) the floating potential on the lower voltage
winding for a transformer is brought down to 603. Which of the following equipment, for
an insignificant value/heefjCeeefce$e kesâ efueS efvecve regulating the voltage in distribution feeder,
Jeesušlee keâer kegâC[ueer hej heäueesefšbie #ecelee keâes Skeâ will be most economical?
cenlJehetCe& ceeve mes veerÛes ueeÙee peelee nw efJelejCe hees<ekeâ ceW Jeesušlee keâes efJeefveÙeefcele keâjves kesâ
(c) the arcing faults to earth would not set up efueS, efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee GhekeâjCe meyemes
dangerously high voltage on healthy phases efkeâheâeÙeleer nesiee?
Yetefce keâe DeeefkeËâie oes<e megjef#ele hesâpe hej, Kelejveekeâ GÛÛe
(a) Static condenser/mLeweflekeâ mebOeeefj$e
Jeesušlee keâes veneR yeveves ve osiee
(d) for all above reasons (b) Synchronous condenser/leguÙekeâeefuekeâ mebOeeefj$e
Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer keâejCeeW mes (c) Tap changing transformer
599. Basically the boosters are šwhe heefjJele&veerÙe heefjCeeefce$e
cetue ™he mes JeOe&keâ neslee nw– (d) Booster transformer/JeOe&keâ heefjCeeefce$e
(a) synchronous motors/leguÙekeâeefuekeâ ceesšme& 604. In a D.C. 3-wire distribution system, balancer
(b) capacitors/mebOeeefj$e fields are cross-connected in order to:
(c) inductors/Øesjkeâ DC leerve leej efJelejCe ØeCeeueer ceW, yewueWmej heâeru[
(d) transformers/heefjCeeefce$e ............. kesâ ›eâce ceW Deej-heej mebÙeesefpele efkeâS peeles nQ~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 474 YCT
(a) Boost the generated voltage (b) is a low voltage and high current generator
Glhevve Jeesušspe keâes yeÌ{eves operating on straight or linear portion of its
(b) Balance loads on both sides of the neutral voltage-current characteristic
Goemeerve kesâ oesveeW lejheâ Yeej mevlegueve keâjves Skeâ keâce Jeesušspe Deewj GÛÛe Oeeje peefve$e nw, pees Fmekesâ
(c) Make both machines run as unloaded motors Jeesušspe Oeeje DeefYeue#eCe kesâ meerOes Ùee jwefKekeâ efnmmes hej
oesveeW ceMeerveeW keâes efveYee&j Jeeues ceesšme& kesâ ™he ceW Ûeueeves ØeÛeeefuele neslee nw~
(d) Equalize voltages on the positive and (c) is a high voltage and low circuit machine
negative outers/Oeveelcekeâ Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ kesâ yee¢e Ùen GÛÛe Jeesušspe Deewj efvecve heefjheLe ceMeerve nw~
melen hej Jeesušspe meceeve keâjves (d) both (a) and (b)/oesveeW (a) Deewj (b)
605. Installation of capacitors at suitable locations 608. The booster is inserted in the circuit to
and of optimum size in a distribution system yetmšj heefjheLe ceW ........... kesâ efueS ueieeÙee peelee nw~
results in
(a) reduce current/Oeeje keâce keâjves
Skeâ efJelejCe ØeCeeueer ceW GheÙegòeâ mLeeveeW Deewj meJeexòece
Deekeâej kesâ mebOeeefj$e keâer mLeehevee keâe heefjCeece neslee nw– (b) increase current/Oeeje
1. improved voltage regulation (c) reduce voltage drop/Jeesušspe [^e@he keâce keâjves
Jeesušspe efveÙeceve keâes megOeejves ceW (d) compensate for voltage drop
2. reduction in distribution power losses Jeesušspe [^e@he keâes #eeflehetefle& keâjves
efJelejCe Meefòeâ neefve ceW keâceer 609. For the same conductor length, same amount of
power, same losses and same maximum voltage
3. reduction of kVA rating of distribution
to earth, which system requires minimum
conductor area?
efJelejCe heefjCeeefce$e keâer KVA jsefšbie ceW keâceer
meceeve Ûeeuekeâ keâer uecyeeF&, Meefòeâ keâer meceeve cee$ee,
Select the correct answer from the codes given
below: meceeve neefve Deewj Yet-kesâ efueS DeefOekeâlece Jeesušspe nsleg,
veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ mes mener Gòej keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW~ efkeâme ØeCeeueer kesâ efueS vÙetvelece Ûeeuekeâ #es$e keâer
(a) 1 alone/kesâJeue 1 DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw?
(b) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 (a) single-phase AC/Skeâue-keâuee ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje
(c) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 (b) 3-phase AC/3–keâuee ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje
(d) 3 alone/kesâJeue 3 (c) 2-wire AC/2–leej ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje
606. In a D.C. 3-wire distributor using balancers (d) 3-wire DC/3–leej efo° Oeeje
and having unequal loads on the two sides. 610. Which of the following leads to a low voltage
Skeâ 3-leej [er.meer. efJelejkeâ ceW yewuesvmej GheÙeesie efkeâÙes and a low power factor?
ieÙes nQ Deewj oesveeW lejHeâ Yeej Demeceeve nw- efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve efvecve Jeesušlee Deewj Skeâ efvecve
(a) both balancers operate as generators Meefòeâ iegCekeâ jKelee nw~
oesveeW yewuesvmej peefve$e keâer lejn ØeÛeeefuele neWies (a) Resistor/ØeeflejesOe
(b) both balancers operate as motors (b) Balanced load/meblegefuele uees[
oesveeW yewuesvmej ceesšj keâer lejn ØeÛeeefuele neWies
(c) Active power/meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ
(c) balancer connected to lightly loaded side
(d) Harmonics/neceexefvekeäme
operates as a geneator/keâce Yeej keâer lejHeâ pegÌ[e
yewuesvmej peefve$e keâer lejn ØeÛeeefuele nesiee 611. In a power system, active power control is
related to :
(d) balancer connected to heavily loaded side
Meefkeäle ØeCeeueer ceW meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ (Active power)
operates as a geneator/DeefOekeâ Yeej keâer lejHeâ peg[
Ì e
yewuesvmej peefve$e keâer lejn ØeÛeeefuele nesiee efveÙeb$eCe mecyeefvOele nw–
(a) Both Voltage and frequency control
607. The booster
yetmšj Jeesušspe leLee DeeJe=efòe efveÙeb$eCe mes
(b) Frequency control/DeeJe=efòe efveÙeb$eCe mes
(a) is a series wound D.C. generator driven by
D.C. shunt motor/Skeâ ßesCeer JeeGC[ [er.meer. peefve$e (c) Voltage control/Jeesušspe efveÙeb$eCe mes
nw, pees [er.meer. Mevš ceesšj Éeje ÛeueeÙee peelee nw~ (d) Steam control/mšerce (Yeehe) efveÙeb$eCe mes
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 475 YCT
(a) Unity/FkeâeF&
7. Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve (b) Lagging/he§eieeceer
(Power Factor Improvement) (c) Leading/De«eieeceer
(d) Zero/MetvÙe
612. For a synchronous phase modifier the load
angle is 617. Shunt reactors are sometimes used in high
Skeâ leguÙekeâeefuekeâ ÛejCe mebMeesOekeâ kesâ efueS Yeej keâesCe voltage transmission systems to
............. nw~ meceevlej ØeefleIeele keâYeer-keâYeer GÛÛe Jeesušspe mebÛejCe
(a) 0º ØeCeeueer ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙes peeles nQ~
(b) 25º (a) limit the short circuit current through the line
(c) 30º ueeFve kesâ ceeOÙece mes ueIeg-heefjheLe Oeeje keâes meerefcele keâjves ceW
(d) none of these (b) compensate for the series reactance of the line
613. The limit of distance of transmission line may under heavily loaded condition
be increased by the use of
Yeejer uees[ keâer efmLeefle kesâ lenle ueeFve keâer ßesCeer ØeefleIeele
mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer otjer keâer meercee keâes ............ keâe
keâer #eeflehetefle& keâjlee nw~
GheÙeesie keâjkesâ yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(c) limit over voltage at the load side under
(a) series resistances/ßesCeer ØeeflejesOe
lightly loaded condition
(b) shunt capacitors and series reactors
nukesâ Yeej keâer efmLeefle kesâ lenle Yeej hej Deefle Jeesušlee keâes
Mebš mebOeeefj$e Deewj ßesCeer ØeefleIeele
meerefcele keâjvee
(c) series capacitors and shunt reactors
(d) compensate for the voltage drop in the line
ßesCeer mebOeeefj$eeW Deewj Mebš ØeefleIeeleeW
under heavily loaded condition
(d) synchronous condensers/leguÙekeâeefuekeâ mebOeeefj$eeW
Yeejer Yeej efmLeefle kesâ lenle ueeFve ceW Jeesušspe [^e@he keâer
614. Which of the following equipment should be
installed by the consumers having low power #eeflehetefle& keâjvee
factor? 618. Series capacitor is used in a transmission line to
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee GhekeâjCe efvecve Meefòeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
iegCekeâ nesves hej GheYeeskeäleeDeeW Éeje mLeeefhele efkeâÙee peevee (a) compensate the voltage drop
ÛeeefnS– Jeesušspe [^e@he keâer #eeflehetefle& keâjles nw
(a) Synchronous condensers/leguÙekeâeefuekeâ mebOeeefj$e (b) reduce line loss/ueeFve neefve keâes Iešeles nw
(b) Capacitor bank/mebOeeefj$e yeQkeâ (c) limit short-circuit current
(c) Tap changing transformer ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje keâes meerefcele keâjves
šwhe heefjJele&veerÙe heefjCeeefce$e (d) improve load power factor
(d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer Yeej Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâes megOeejves
615. Series capacitors on transmission lines are of 619. Series capacitive compensation in EHV
little use when the load VAR requirement is:
transmission lines is used to
mebÛejCe ueeFveeW hej peye Yeej VAR keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee
Deefle GÛÛe Jeesušspe mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e
............. nes lees ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e keâe GheÙeesie LeesÌ[e keâce
#eeflehetefle& keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
neslee nw~
(a) reduce the line loading
(a) Large/GÛÛe
ueeFve Yeej keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
(b) Small/efvecve
(b) improve the stability of the system
(c) Fluctuating/Gleej-ÛeÌ{eJe
ØeCeeueer keâer efmLejlee ceW megOeej kesâ efueS
(d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(c) reduce the voltage profile
616. The power factor of industrial load is
generally: Jeesušspe ØeesHeâeFue keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
DeewÅeesefiekeâ Yeej keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ meeceevÙele: ............ (d) improve the protection of the line
neslee nw~ ueeFve keâer megj#ee ceW megOeej
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 476 YCT
620. Series capacitors. 624. Series capacitors on transmission lines are of
ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e– little use when
(a) increase the power transmission capability of mebÛejCe ueeFve hej ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e ............ kesâ efueS yengle
an EHV long line/Skeâ Deefle GÛÛe Jeesušspe keâer uecyeer keâce GheÙeesie nesles nw peye–
ueeFve keâer Meefòeâ mebÛejCe #ecelee ceW Je=efæ (a) the load VAR requirement is small
(b) provide voltage control peneB Yeej hej VAR keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee keâce nes~
Jeesušspe efveÙev$eCe Øeoeve keâjlee nw (b) the load VAR requirement is large
(c) increase the shunt admittance of the line peneB Yeej hej VAR keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee DeefOekeâ nes
ueeFve keâer heeMJe& ØeJesMÙelee keâes yeÌ{elee nw (c) the load VAR requirement is fluctuating
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR Yeej hej VAR DeeJeMÙekeâleeDeeW ceW Gleej-ÛeÌ{eJe nes jne
621. Series capacitors can be used in lines nes
efJelejCe ueeFve ceW ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee pee (d) series capacitors are never used in
mekeâlee nw- transmission lines
(a) to provide reactive power compensation ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e keâe GheÙeesie mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW keâYeer vener
ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ keâer #eeflehetefle& Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS neslee nw~
(b) to reduce the receiving-end voltage at light 625. The reactive power transfer over line mainly
load conditions/nukesâ Yeej keâer efmLeefle ceW Øeehle «eener depends on
efmeje Jeesušspe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ Yespeves kesâ efueS hetjer ueeFve cegKÙe
(c) to reduce the voltage drop ™he mes.............efveYe&j keâjleer nw~
Jeesušspe [^e@he keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
(a) power angle δ/Meefòeâ keâesCe δ
(d) to reduce line losses
(b) VS − VR
ueeFve ne@efve keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
622. Shunt compensation in an EHV line is used to (c) VS.
improve (d) VR.
Skeâ Deefle GÛÛe Jeesušspe ueeFve ceW heeMJe& #eeflehetefle& 626. A synchronous condensor is a
............ keâes megOeejves kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Skeâ leguÙekeâeefuekeâ mebOeeefj$e nw–
(a) stability and fault level/efmLejlee Deewj oes<e mlej (a) synchronous generator/leguÙekeâeefuekeâ pevejsšj
(b) fault level and voltage profile (b) paper condensor/heshej mebOeeefj$e
oes<e mlej Deewj Jeesušspe ØeesHeâeFue (c) synchronous motor/leguÙekeâeefuekeâ ceesšj
(c) voltage profile and stability (d) none of these/FveceW ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Jeesušspe ØeesHeâeFue Deewj efmLejlee 627. A synchronous compensator absorbs inductive
(d) stability, fault level and voltage profile reactive power. It is
efmLejlee, oes<e mlej Deewj Jeesušspe ØeesHeâeFue Skeâ leguÙekeâeefuekeâ Øeeflekeâejkeâ ØesjkeâlJe Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue
623. The most accurate and versatile method of Meefòeâ keâes DeJeMeesef<ele keâjlee nw~ Ùen ............. neslee nw~
achieving reactive power compensation is by
using (a) overexcited/Deefle Gòespeve
ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ #eeflehetefle& keâes Øeehle keâjves keâe meyemes (b) normally excited/meceevÙe Gòespeve
mešerkeâ Deewj yengcegKeer efJeefOe ............ kesâ Éeje ØeÙegòeâ (c) underexcited/efvecve Gòespeve
neslee nw~ (d) none of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) switched capacitors/efmJeÛ[ mebOeeefj$e 628. A synchronous phase modifier supplies
(b) fixed capacitor with controlled reactor Skeâ leguÙekeâeefuekeâ keâuee-megOeejkeâ..........Deehetefle& keâjlee
efveÙebef$ele ØeefleIeele kesâ meeLe efveefMÛele mebOeeefj$e nw~
(c) saturable reactor with capacitor bank (a) both active and reactive power
mebOeeefj$e yeQkeâ kesâ meeLe mele=hle ØeefleIeelekeâ meef›eâÙe Deewj Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ oesveeW
(d) switched capacitor with controlled reactors (b) both lagging and leading reactive power
efveÙebef$ele ØeefleIeelekeâ kesâ meeLe efmJeÛ[ mebOeeefj$e he§e Deewj De«e Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ oesveeW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 477 YCT
(c) inductive reactive power only 633. At times of peak loads, a power system needs
kesâJeue ØesjkeâerÙe Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ Ûejce Yeej kesâ meceÙe, Meefòeâ leb$e keâes DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw–
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) injection of lagging vars
629. A synchronous phase modifier as compared to he§eieeceer Jeej Deble: #esefhele keâjves keâer
synchronous motor of the same rating has (b) Injecting of leading VAR
Skeâ ner jsefšbie kesâ leguÙekeâeefuekeâ ceesšj keâer leguevee ceW Skeâ De«eieeceer Jeej Deble:#esefhele keâjves hej
leguÙekeâeefuekeâ keâuee mebMeesOekeâ ceW neslee nw- (c) none of (a) and (b) / (a) leLee (b) ceW mes keâesF& Yeer veneR
(a) larger shaft diameter and higher speed (d) both of (a) and (b) alternately
uecyee Meeheäš JÙeeme Deewj DeefOekeâ ieefle (a) leLee (b) oesvees yeejer-yeejer mes
(b) smaller shaft diameter and higher speed 634. Power factor can be improved by:
hee@Jej Hewâkeäšj keâes efvecve kesâ Éeje megOeej mekeâles nw:
Úesše Meeheäš JÙeeme Deewj GÛÛe ieefle
(a) Synchronous machine/efmeve›eâesveme ceMeerve
(c) larger shaft diameter and smaller speed
uecyee Meeheäš JÙeeme Deewj keâce ieefle (b) STATCOM/mšsškeâesce
(c) Static VAR Compensator
(d) smaller shaft diameter and smaller speed
mLeweflekeâ JeerSDeej #eeflehetjkeâ
Úesše Meeheäš JÙeeme Deewj keâce ieefle
(d) All of above/Ghejeskeäš meYeer
630. Phase modifier is normally installed in case of
keâuee mebMeesOekeâ keâes meeceevÙele:............kesâ ceeceues ceW 635. The positive sequence reactance will be equal
to negative sequence reactance in case of
ueieeÙee peelee nw~ heesefpeefšJe efmekeäJeWme efjSHeäšWme yejeyej nesiee efveiesefšJe
(a) short transmission lines/ueIeg mebÛejCe ueeFve efmekeäJeWme efjSkeäšWme kesâ–
(b) medium length lines/ceOÙece mebÛejCe ueeFve (a) Transformer/š^ebmHeâe@ce&j kesâ efueS
(c) long lines/uecyeer ueeFve (b) None/keâesF& veneR
(d) for any length of lines (c) Generator/pevejsšj kesâ efueS
efkeâmeer Yeer uecyeeF& keâer ueeFve ceW (d) Motor/ceesšj kesâ efueS
631. Which of the following statements is not true? 636. Which one of the following capacitors is suitale
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe veneR nQ? for compensation of harmonic and reactive
(a) synchronous phase modifiers are installed at power?/efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee mebOeeefj$e neceexefvekeâ Deewj
sending end/leguÙekeâeefuekeâ keâuee mebMeesOekeâ keâes Øesef<ele Øeefleef›eâÙee Meefòeâ kesâ #eeflehetefle& kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ nw?
efmeje hej ueieeÙee peelee nw~ (a) Mica capacitor/ceeFkeâemebOeeefj$e
(b) synchronous phase modifiers are installed at
(b) Glass capacitor/iueeme mebOeeefj$e
load end/leguÙekeâeefuekeâ keâuee mebMeesOekeâ keâes Yeej efmeje
(c) Polypropylene capacitor/hee@ueerØeesheerueerve mebOeeefj$e
hej ueieeÙee peelee nw~
(c) synchronous phase modifiers are nothing but (d) Electrolytic capacitor/Fueskeäš^esueerefškeâ mebOeeefj$e
synchronous motors (specially designed) 637. In order to reduce the inductive interference to
leguÙekeâeefuekeâ ÛejCe mebMeesOekeâ kegâÚ Deewj veneR legukeâeefuekeâ parallel communication circuits to the
ceesšj nw (efJeMes<e ™he mes yevee)
meceevlej mebÛeej heefjheLe ceW ØesjkeâerÙe nmle#eshe keâes vÙetvelece
(d) synchronous phase modifiers do not carry
load keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
leguÙekeâeefuekeâ keâuee mebMeesOekeâ Yeej veneR Jenve keâjles nQ~ (a) the conductors are transposed at regular
632. Improving pf intervals
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceW megOeej– efveÙeefcele Devlejeue hej Ûeeuekeâ keâes mLeeveevleefjle efkeâÙee
(a) reduces current for a given output. peelee nw
efkeâmeer efoS ieS efveie&le kesâ efueS Oeeje keâes keâce keâjlee nw (b) bundle conductors are used
(b) increases losses in line./ueeFve ceW neefve yeÌ{lee nw yeC[ue Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw
(c) increases the cost of station equipment. (c) thick conductors are used
efJeÅegle kesâvõ kesâ GhekeâjCeeW keâer ueeiele keâes yeÌ{elee nw ceesšs Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw
(d) All of the above/ Ghejesòeâ meYeer (d) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 478 YCT

(a) Diesel power plants/[erpeue Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
8. efJeÅegle Glheeove keâe DeLe&MeeŒe (b) Nuclear power plants/veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
(Economics of Power (c) Hydro-electric power plants
Generation) peue-efJeÅegle Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
(d) Thermal power plants/T<ceerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
638. In ….fuel transportation cost is least: *644. The initial cost of an equipment is Rs. 10,000
.....ceW FËOeve heefjJenve ueeiele keâce mes keâce nesleer
nw~ and its scrap value after useful life is zero. (The
annual rate of depreciation is 10%.) Using
(a) Nuclear power plants/veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e diminishing value method, the depreciation
(b) Diesel generating plants/[erpeue Glheeokeâ mebÙev$e charge for the second year is
(c) Steam power stations/Jee<he Meefòeâ kesâvõ Skeâ GhekeâjCe keâer ØeejefcYekeâ ueeiele Rs. 10,000 nw Deewj
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR GheÙeesieer peerJeve kesâ yeeo Fmekeâe DeJeefMe° cetuÙe MetvÙe nw~
639. Which of the following equipment provides (cetuÙeÜeme keâer Jeeef<e&keâ oj 10% nw~) Iešeslejer ceeve efJeefOe
fluctuating load? keâe GheÙeesie keâjles ngS efÉleerÙe Je<e& kesâ efueS DeJecetuÙeve
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee GhekeâjCe heefjJeleea Yeej Øeoeve Ûeepe& nw-
keâjlee nw? (a) Rs. 1000 (b) Rs. 500
(a) Exhaust fan/efvekeâemeer hewâve (c) Rs. 900 (d) Rs. 750
645. The fixed cost of energy generated
(b) Lathe machine/Kejeo ceMeerve peefvele Tpee& keâer efmLej ueeiele–
(c) Welding transformer/Jesefu[bie heefjCeeefce$e (a) depends on maximum demand
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer DeefOekeâlece ceebie hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw
640. …..... offers the highest electric load: (b) depends on units generated
............ GÛÛelece efJeÅegle uees[ Øeoeve keâjlee nw– peefve$e FkeâeF& hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
(a) Television set/otjoMe&ve mecetn (c) is independent of (a) and (b)
(a) Deewj (b) mes mJeleb$e neslee nw
(b) Toaster/šesmšj
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) Vacuum cleaner /efveJee&le meheâeF&keâej
646. A consumer who consumes more electrical
(d) Washing machine/JeeefMebie ceMeerve energy should pay
641. ……industry has the least power Skeâ GheYeesòeâe pees DeefOekeâ efJeÅegle Tpee& keâer Kehele
consumption per tonne of product: keâjlee nw Gmes Yegieleeve keâjvee ÛeeefnS-
......GÅeesie ceW Øeefle šve Glheeo keâer keâce mes keâce heeJej (a) more fixed charges per unit
Kehele nw~ Øeefle FkeâeF& DeefOekeâ efmLej ØeYeej
(a) Soap/meeyegve (b) less fixed charges per unit
(b) Sugar/Ûeerveer Øeefle FkeâeF& keâce efmLej ØeYeej
(c) less running charges per unit
(c) Vegetable oil/meypeer lesue
Øeefle FkeâeF& keâce Ûeeueve ØeYeeJe
(d) Caustic soda/keâeefmškeâ mees[e (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
642. In a power plant if the maximum demand on *647. A transformer costing Rs. 90,000 has a useful
the plant is equal to the plant capacity, then: life of 20 years. If the scrap value of the
Meefòeâ mebÙev$e ceW Ùeefo mebÙev$e keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeBie equipment is Rs. 10,000 the annual depreciation
mebÙev$e keâer #ecelee kesâ yejeyej nw, lees– charge using straight line method is
(a) Plant reserve capacity will be zero Skeâ š^ebmeheâece&j efpemekeâer ueeiele Rs. 90,000 nw, keâe
mebÙev$e keâer Deejef#ele #ecelee MetvÙe nesieer GheÙeesieer peerJeve 20 Je<e& nw~ Ùeefo GhekeâjCe keâe DeJeefMe°
(b) Diversity factor will be unity cet uÙe Rs. 10,000 nw lees meerOeer jsKee efJeefOe keâe GheÙeesie
efJeefJeOelee iegCekeâ FkeâeF& nesiee keâjles ngS Jeeef<e&keâ DeJecetuÙeve ØeYeej nw–
(c) Load factor will be unity/Yeej-iegCekeâ FkeâeF& nesiee (a) Rs. 8000 (b) Rs. 4500
(c) Rs. 5000 (d) Rs. 4000
(d) Load factor will be nearly 60%
*648. The equipment in a power station cost Rs.
Yeej-iegCekeâ 60% kesâ ueieYeie nesiee 15,60,000 and has a salvage value of Rs. 60,000
643. In case of ……fuel transportation is the major at the end of 25 years. Using diminishing value
problem : method, the depreciated value of equipment at
........ kesâ ceeceues ceW FËOeve heefjJenve yeÌ[er mecemÙee nw~ the end of 20 years is
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 479 YCT
Skeâ hee@Jej mšsMeve ceW Skeâ GhekeâjCe keâer ueeiele Rs. 653. In which of the following power plants the
15,60,000 nw Deewj 25 Je<e& kesâ Devle ceW Gyeej cetuÙe Rs. maintenance cost is usually high?
60,000 nw~ Iešesòejer ceeve efJeefOe keâe GheÙeesie keâjles ngS ef vecve ceW mes keâewve mes Meefòeâ mebÙev$e ceW jKejKeeJe ueeiele
20 Je<e& kesâ Devle ceW GhekeâjCe keâe DeJecetuÙeve cetuÙe nw– Deeceleewj hej DeefOekeâ nesleer nw–
(a) Rs. 1,30,000 (b) Rs. 350000 (a) Nuclear power plant/veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
(c) Rs. 1,15,615 (d) Rs. 2,50,000 (b) Hydro-electric power plants
649. If n is the useful life of equipment in years and peue-efJeÅegle Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
r is the annual rate of interest expressed as a (c) Thermal power plants/T<ceerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
decimal, then sinking fund factor is
(d) Diesel engine power plants
Ùeefo n GhekeâjCeeW keâe Je<eeX ceW GheÙeesieer peerJeve nw Deewj r
[erpeue Fbpeve Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
oMeceueJe ceW JÙeòeâ Jeeef<e&keâ yÙeepe keâer oj nw, leye
654. ……is invariably used for peak load:
efmebefkebâie heâC[ hewâkeäšj nw– .......... ncesMee efMeKej Yeej kesâ efueS GheÙeesie neslee nw
(1+ r ) −1
1+ r (a) Nuclear power plant/veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
(a) (b)
rn r (b) Steam turbine plant/Jee<he šjyeeFve mebÙev$e
( r − 1)

(c) (d)
r (c) Pumped storage plant/hech[ mšesjspe mebÙev$e
(1 + r ) − 1
r (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
650. In the diminishing value method for calculating 655. Which of the following is not an operating cost?
depreciation, the annual depreciation charge is efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ heefjÛeeueve ueeiele veneR
independent of nw?
DeJecetuÙeve keâer ieCevee kesâ efueS Iešesòejer ceeve efJeefOe ceW
(a) Maintenance cost/jKejKeeJe ueeiele
Jeeef<e&keâ DeJecetuÙeve ØeYeej ........... mes mJeleb$e neslee nw~
(b) Fuel cost/FËOeve ueeiele
(a) useful life of equipment
(c) Salaries of high officials
GhekeâjCe keâe GheÙeesieer peerJeve
(b) scrap value /DeJeefMe° cetuÙe
GÛÛe DeefOekeâeefjÙeeW kesâ Jesleve
(d) Salaries of operating staff
(c) the rate of interest /yÙeepe oj
(d) initial value of equipment
heefjÛeeueve mšeheâ kesâ Jesleve
GhekeâjCe keâe ØeejefcYekeâ ceeve 656. In a straight line method, annual depreciation
charges are calculated by
651. Which of the following power plants need the
least period for installation?
meerOeer jsKee efJeefOe ceW, Jeeef<e&keâ DeJecetuÙeve ØeYeej
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Meefòeâ mebÙev$eeW keâer DeefOe‰eheve ............ Éeje ieCevee efkeâÙee peelee nw~
kesâ efueS efvecvelece DeJeefOe keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw? (a) the capital cost minus salvage value divided
by the number of years of life
(a) Thermal power plant/G<ceerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
hetBpeer ueeiele –Gyeej ceeve keâes Je<eeX keâer mebKÙee mes Yeeie
(b) Diesel power plant/[erpeue Meefòeâ mebÙev$e oskeâj
(c) Nuclear power plant/veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e (b) the capital cost divided by the number of
(d) Hydro-electric power plant years of life
peue-efJeÅegle Meefòeâ mebÙev$e heBtpeer ueeiele keâes Je<eesË keâer mebKÙee mes Yeeie oskeâj
652. For which of the following power plants highly (c) making a provision for setting each year a
skilled engineers are required for running the fixed rate first applied to the original cost and
plants? then to the diminishing value, depending
efvecve ceW efkeâme mebÙe$e kesâ ØeÛeeueve kesâ efueS, mebÙe$e keâes upon the useful life of the plant/ØelÙeskeâ Je<e& Skeâ
DelÙeefOekeâ kegâMeue DeefYeÙevleeDeeW (FbpeerefveÙejeW) keâer efveef§ele oj efveOee&efjle keâjves keâe ØeeJeOeeve keâjkesâ, henues
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw? cetue ueeiele hej Deewj efheâj Iešles cetuÙe hej ueeiet efkeâÙee
(a) Nuclear power plants/veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
ieÙee pees mebÙeb$e kesâ GheÙeesieer peerJeve hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Gas turbine power plants
657. Annual installment towards depreciation
iewme šyeeFve heeJej mebÙev$e
increases with the decrease in interest rate in
(c) Solar power plants/meewj Meefòeâ mebÙev$e case of
(d) Hydro-electric power plants ............ keâer efmLeefle ceW, cetuÙeÜeme kesâ Øeefle Jeeef<e&keâ
peue-efJeÅegle Meefòeâ mebÙev$e efkeâmle, yÙeepe oj Iešves kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 480 YCT
(a) straight line depreciation/meerOeerjsKee cetuÙeÜeme 663. Which of the following are not repayable after
(b) sink fund depreciation/efmebkeâ heâC[ cetuÙeÜeme a stipulated period ?
efveOee&efjle DeJeefOe kesâ yeeo efvecve ceW mes keâewve Ûegkeâeves ÙeesiÙe
(c) reducing balance depreciation
veneR nw?
js[Ÿetefmebie yewuesvme cetuÙeÜeme
(a) Fixed deposits/meeJeefOe pecee
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(b) Shares/MesÙeme&
658. Annual depreciation of the plant is
(c) Bonds/yeeb[dme
proportional to the earning capacity of the
plant in case of (d) Cash certificates/kewâMe ØeceeCe–he$e
.......... keâer efmLeefle ceW mebÙeb$e keâe Jeeef<e&keâ cetuÙeÜeme mebÙeb$e 664. During summer season load on the system
increases, this is due to
keâer Gheepe&ve #ecelee kesâ meceevegheeleer neslee nw~ ieefce&ÙeeW kesâ ceewmece kesâ oewjeve efmemšce hej Yeej yeÌ{ peelee
(a) straight line depreciation/meerOeer jsKee cetuÙeÜeme nw, Ùen ......... keâejCe mes neslee nw~
(b) sinking fund depreciation/$e+CejesOeve cetuÙeÜeme (a) increase in demand of water supply
(c) reducing balance depreciation peue Deehetefle& keâer ceeBie ceW Je=efæ
js[Ÿetefmebie yewuesvme cetuÙeÜeme (b) increased business activity
(d) none of the abvoe/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR efyepevesme ef›eâÙee–keâueehe yeÌ{ves
659. Annual estimated depreciation charges for a (c) increased use of fans, air coolers and air
plant are heavy during early year in case of conditioners /hebKee, SÙej ketâuej Deewj SÙej kebâ[erMevej
............ keâer efmLeefle ceW, Skeâ mebÙeb$e kesâ efueS Jeeef<e&keâ
keâe GheÙeseie yeÌ{ves
(d) vacations in schools and institutions
Devegceeefvele Megukeâ ØeejbefYekeâ Je<eeX kesâ oewjeve pÙeeoe nesles
mketâue Deewj GÅeesieeW ceW ÚgefóÙeeB
nQ~ 665. The connected load of a domestic consumer
(a) diminishing value method/cetuÙeÜeme cetuÙe efJeefOe (medium income group) is usually about
(b) sinking fund method/$e+CejesOeve efJeefOe Skeâ Iejsuet GheYeesòeâe (ceOÙece DeeÙe mecetn keâe) keâe
(c) straight line method/meerOeer jsKee efJeefOe mebÙeesefpele Yeej ueieYeie .......... neslee nw~
(a) 2 – 5 kW
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) 10 – 20 kW
660. In a power plant insurance cover is provided (c) 20 – 30 kW
(d) below 1 kW/1 kWmes keâce
Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e ceW yeercee keâJej .......kesâ efueS efoÙee peelee nw~ 666. A load curve is a plot of
(a) equipment only/kesâJeue GhekeâjCeeW Skeâ Yeej–Je›eâ Skeâ ...........keâe #es$e (hueeš) nw~
(b) unskilled workers only/kesâJeue DekegâMeue ßeefcekeâeW (a) load versus duration of time
(c) skilled workers/ kegâMeue ßeefcekeâeW meceÙeeJeefOe kesâ oewjeve Yeej heefjJele&ve
(d) equipment and skilled and unskilled workers (b) load versus current/Yeej keâer leguevee ceW (yeveece) Oeeje
GhekeâjCeeW, kegâMeue Deewj DekegâMeue ßeefcekeâeW (c) load versus time/Yeej keâer leguevee ceW (yeveece) meceÙe
661. A company can raise funds thorugh (d) total number of units generated versus time
Skeâ keâcheveer ......... keWâ ceeOÙece mes Oeve pegše mekeâleer nw~ Glheeefole F&keâeF&ÙeeW keâer kegâue mebKÙee keâer leguevee ceW (yeveece)
(a) fixed deposits/meeJeefOe pecee
667. …… will be least affected due to change in
(b) shares/MesÙejeW supply voltage frequency:
(c) bonds/yee@[ DeeJe=efòe Jeesušlee ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ keâejCe ........... keâce mes
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& keâce ØeYeeefJele neslee nw~
662. All of the following are the sources of (a) Electric clock/efJeÅegle IeÌ[er
borrowing money except (b) Mixer grinder/efceßeCe Ùev$e Ûekeäkeâer
efvecve ceW mes meYeer hewmes GOeej uesves kesâ œeesle nQ ................. (c) Ceiling fan/meerefuebie hewâve
keâes ÚesÌ[keâj~ (d) Room heater/™ce neršj
(a) shares/MesÙejeW 668. For the same maximum demand, if load
factor is decreased, the cost of generation
(b) debentures/ef[yeWÛeme&
(c) bonds/yeeb[dme meceeve DeefOekeâlece ceeBie kesâ efueS, Ùeefo Yeej-iegCekeâ
(d) fixes deposits/meeJeefOe pecee Ieš peelee nw lees Glheeove keâer ueeiele nesieer–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 481 YCT
(a) Remain unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le jnsieer (a) Sinking fund method/efmebeEkeâie hebâ[ efJeefOe
(b) Decrease/Iešsieer (b) Straight line methdod/meerOeer jsKee efJeefOe
(c) Increase/yeÌ{sieer (c) Diminishing value method/Iešleer ceeve efJeefOe
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) Halsey's 50–50 formula
669. Which of the following is not necessarily an nsuemeer keâe 50-50 heâe@cet&uee
advantage of interconnecting various power 675. The expected useful life of an hydroelectric
stations? power station is around:
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mes efJeefYeVe Meefòeâ kesâvõeW keâes Skeâ peue-efJeÅegle Meefòeâ kesâvõ keâer Dehesef#ele GheÙeesieer
Devle&mebÙeesefpele keâjves keâe DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nw? ueeFheâ ueieYeie nesleer nw–
(a) Improved frequency of power supplied (a) 15 years/15 Je<e& (b) 30 years/30 Je<e&
Meefòeâ Deehetefle& keâer megOeej DeeJe=efòe (c) 60 years/60 Je<e& (d) 100 years/100 Je<e&
(b) Reduction in total installed capacity 676. In a load curve the highest point represents:
kegâue mLeeefhele #ecelee ceW keâceer Skeâ Yeej Je›eâ ceW GÛÛelece efyevog oMee&lee nw-
(a) Peak demand/Meer<e& ceeBie
(c) Increased reliability/yeÌ{leer efJeMJemeveerÙelee
(b) Average demand/Deewmele ceeBie
(d) Economy in operation of plants
mebÙev$eeW kesâ ØeÛeeueve ceW efceleJÙeÙelee (c) Diversified demand/efJeefJeOelee ceeBie
670. A power transformer is usually rated in: (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Skeâ heeJej š^ebmeheâece&j Deeceleewj hej efveOee&efjle efkeâÙee 677. Which of the following source of power is
least reliable?
peelee nw– efvecveefueefKele keâewve-mee Meefòeâ keâe œeesle keâce mes keâce
(a) kW (b) kVAR efJeMJemeveerÙe nw?
(c) kWh (d) kVA
(a) Solar energy/meewj Tpee&
671. …... public sector undertaking is associated
with erection and sometimes running of (b) Geothermal power/Yet-leeheerÙe Meefòeâ
thermal power plants: (c) Wind power/heJeve Meefòeâ
........ meeJe&peefvekeâ #es$e Ghe›eâce efvecee&Ce kesâ meeLe (d) MHD/Sce.SÛe.[er.
efceuekeâj Deewj keâYeer keâYeer Lece&ue heeJej hueebšeW keâer 678. In India production and distribution of
jefvebie nesleer nw~ electrical energy is confined to:
Yeejle ceW efJeÅegle Tpee& kesâ Glheeove Deewj efJelejCe lekeâ
(a) NTPC (b) SAIL
(c) BEL (d) BHEL
ner meerefcele nw–
672. Most efficient plants are normally used as: (a) Private sector/efvepeer #es$e
meyemes kegâMeue meÙeb$ees keâe Deeceleewj hej GheÙeesie efkeâÙee (b) Public sector/meeJe&peefvekeâ #es$e
peelee nw– (c) Government sectors/mejkeâejer #es$e
(a) Peak load plants/efMeKej Yeej mebÙev$e (d) Joint sector/mebÙegkeäle #es$e
679. Which of the following is an advantage of
(b) Base load plants/cetue Yeej mebÙev$e static capacitor for power factor
(c) Either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b) inprovement:
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR mLeweflekeâ mebOeeefj$e kesâ Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ megOeej kesâ efueS
673. For a diesel generating station the useful life efvecveefueefKele keâewve-mee Skeâ ueeYe nw?
is expected to be around: (a) Little maintenance cost/efvecve jKejKeeJe ueeiele
Skeâ [erpeue Glheeefole kesâvõ kesâ efueS GheÙeesieer ueeFheâ (b) Easy in installation/mLeehevee ceW Deemeeveer
ueieYeie nesves keâer Gcceero nesleer nw– (c) Low losses/keâce neefveÙeeB
(a) 15 to 20 years/15 mes 20 Je<e& (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
(b) 20 to 50 years/20 mes 50 Je<e& 680. For any type of consumer the ideal tariff is:
(c) 50 to 75 years/50 mes 75 Je<e& efkeâmeer Yeer Øekeâej kesâ GheYeeskeälee kesâ efueS DeeoMe&
(d) 75 to 100 years/75 mes 100 Je<e& ØeMegukeâ nw–
674. Which of the following is not a method for (a) Two part tariff/efÉ-Yeeie ØeMegukeâ
estimating depreciation charges? (b) Three part tariff/ef$eYeeie ØeMegukeâ
DeJecetuÙeve ØeYeej keâe Devegceeve ueieeves kesâ efueS efvecve (c) Block rate tariff/KeC[ oj ØeMegukeâ
ceW mes keâewve-meer Skeâ efJeefOe veneR nw? (d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 482 YCT
681. The efficiency of a plant is of least concern 687. Which of the following may not be the effect
when it is selected as: of low plant operating power factor?
Skeâ mebÙev$e keâer o#elee keâe efvecvelece efJeÛeej keâe efJe<eÙe efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee efvecve mebÙev$e ØeÛeeefuele Meefòeâ-
nw peye Fmes...........keâer lejn ÛeÙeefvele efkeâÙee peelee nw~ iegCekeâ keâe ØeYeeJe veneR nes mekeâlee nw?
(a) Peak load plant/efMeKej Yeej mebÙev$e
(a) Improved illumination from lighting
(b) Casual run plant/Deekeâefmcekeâ Ûeeefuele mebÙev$e
ØekeâeMe mes yesnlej Øeoerheve
(c) Either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b)
(b) Reduced voltage level/efvecve Jeesušspe mlej
(d) Base load plant/cetue (DeeOeej) Yeej mebÙev$e
682. The depreciation charges in diminishing (c) Overloaded transformers
value method are: DeefleYeeefjle heefjCeeefce$e
Iešles ceeve efJeefOe ceW DeJecetuÙeve ØeMegukeâ neslee nw– (d) Overloaded cables/DeefleYeeefjle kesâyeume
(a) Light in early years/ØeejefcYekeâ Je<eeX ceW keâce 688. Which of the following component in a steam
(b) Heavy in early years/ØeejefcYekeâ Je<eeX ceW GÛÛe power plant, needs maximum maintenance
(c) Heavy in later years/yeeo kesâ Je<eeX ceW GÛÛe attention?
(d) Same in all years/meYeer Je<eeX ceW meceeve Skeâ Jee<he Meefòeâ mebÙev$e ceW, efvecveefueefKele keâewve mes
683. Maximum demand tariff is generally not Ieškeâ keâes DeefOekeâlece jKe-jKeeJe (Devegj#eCe)
applied to domestic consumers because:
Iejsuet GheYeesòeâeDeeW hej Deeceleewj hej DeefOekeâlece ceeBie meeJeOeeveer keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw?
ØeMegukeâ ueeiet veneR neslee keäÙeeWefkeâ– (a) Steam turbine/Jee<he šjyeeFve
(a) They consume less power (b) Condenser/mebIeefve$e
Jes efvecve Meefòeâ GheYeesie keâjles nQ (c) Water treatment plant/peue GheÛeej mebÙev$e
(b) Their load factor is low (d) Boiler/Yeóer
Gvekeâe Yeej-iegCekeâ efvecve neslee nw
689. For the same cylinder dimensions and speed,
(c) Their maximum demand is low
which of the following engine will produce
Gvekeâer DeefOekeâlece ceeBie efvecve nesleer nw
least power?
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
meceeve efmeueW[j DeeÙeeceeW Deewj ieefle kesâ efueS, efvecve ceW
684. A 130 MW generator is usually……cooled:
Skeâ 130 MW peefve$e meeceevÙele:.......... ketâefuele neslee mes keâewve mee Fbpeve efvecvelece Meefòeâ keâe Glheeove
nw~ keâjsiee?
(a) Air/nJee (b) Oxygen/Dee@keämeerpeve (a) Supercharged engine/Deeflelehle Fbpeve
(c) Nitrogen/veeFš^espeve (d) Hydrogen/neF[^espeve (b) Diesel engine/[erpeue Fbpeve
685. For cooling of large size generators hydrogen (c) Petrol engine/hesš^esue Fbpeve
is used because:
(d) All of the above engines will equal power
yeÌ[s Deekeâej kesâ peefve$e keâes "b[e keâjves kesâ efueS
neF[^espeve GheÙeesie ceW efueÙee peelee nw keäÙeebsefkeâ– Ghejeskeäle meYeer Fbpeve meceeve Meefòeâ kesâ nesieW
(a) It is light/Ùen nukeâe neslee nw 690. Improving the power factor means making it
(b) It offers reduced fire risk Meefòeâ iegCekeâ megOeejves keâe leelheÙe& nw efkeâ Fmes yeveevee-
Ùen keâce Deeie peesefKece Øeoeve keâjlee nw (a) close to unity / FkeâeF& kesâ meceerhe
(c) It has high thermal conductivity (b) zero / MetvÙe
Fmekeâer GÛÛe leeheerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee nesleer nw (c) less than 0.5 / 0.5 mes keâce
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer (d) none of the above / Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
686. Major share of power produced in India is 691. When power factor is improved, the lagging
kVAR drawn from the supply will
Yeejle ces Glheeefole Meefòeâ keâe DeefOekeâlece Deeoeve-
peye Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesefOele efkeâÙee peelee nw lees mehueeF&
Øeoeve............ kesâ ceeOÙece mes nw~
mes ueer ieF& heMÛeieeceer kVAR–
(a) Diesel power plants/[erpeue Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
(b) Hydroelectric power plants (a) increases /yeÌ{leer nw
peue-efJeÅegle Meefòeâ mebÙev$e (b) decreases /Iešleer nw
(c) Thermal power plants/leeheerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e (c) remains same /meceeve jnleer nw
(d) Nuclear power plants/veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e (d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 483 YCT

692. A load draws an active power P at a lagging *698. The total load taken from an a.c. supply
p.f. of cos φ1. If the p.f. is improved to cos φ2, consists of / a.c. mehueeF& mes efueÙes ieÙes kegâue Yeej ceW nw
the leading kVAR supplied by p.f. corection (i) a heating load of 15 kW
equipment will be 15 kW keâe G<ceerÙe Yeej
Skeâ Yeej cos φ1 heMÛeieeceer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej meef›eâÙe (ii) a motor load of 40 kVA at p.f. 0.6 lagging
Meefòeâ 'P' ueslee nw~ Ùeefo Meefòeâ iegCekeâ cos φ2 lekeâ 0.6 he§eeieceer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej 40 kVA keâe ceesšj
mebMeesefOele efkeâÙee peelee nw lees Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve Yeej
GhekeâjCe Éeje Deehetefle& keâer peeves Jeeueer De«eieeceer kVAR (iii) a load of 20 kW at p.f. 0.8 lagging
nesieer– 0.8 he§eieeceer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej 20 kW keâe Yeej
(a) P (cos φ2 – cos φ1) (b) P (sin φ2 – sin φ1) The total active power drawn from the supply is
(c) P (tan φ1 + tan φ2) (d) P (tan φ1 – tan φ2) mehueeF& mes efueÙee ieÙee kegâue meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ–
*693. A load draws a power of 10 kW at a p.f. of (a) 45 kW (b) 75 kW
0.707 lagging. The lagging kVAR drawn from (c) 25 kW (d) 59 kW
the supply will be 699. When the power factor is unity, the relation
Skeâ Yeej 0.707 heMÛeieeceer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej 10 kW keâer between line current I and supply voltage V is
Meefòeâ ueslee nw~ mehueeF& mes ueer ieF& heMÛeieeceer kVAR peye Meefòeâ iegCekeâ FkeâeF& nes leye ueeFve Oeeje I Deewj
nesieer– mehueeF& Jeesušlee V kesâ ceOÙe mecyevOe nw
(a) 5 kVAR (b) 20 kVAR (a) I leads V by 90o / I, V mes 90o De«eieeceer nw
(c) 10 kVAR (d) 15 kVAR (b) I lags V by 90o / I, V mes 90o he§eeieeceer nw
*694. An alternator is supplying a load of 300 kW at (c) I is in phase with V / I, V kesâ meeLe keâuee ceW nw
a p.f. of 0.6 lagging. If the p.f. is raised to unity,
(d) none of above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
how many more kW can alternator supply?
Skeâ ØelÙeeJele&keâ 0.6 heMÛeieeceer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej 700. For a given active power and voltage, the
current drawn is minimum when the value of
300kW kesâ Yeej keâes mehueeF& keâjlee nw~ Ùeefo Meefòeâ power factor is
iegCekeâ keâes FkeâeF& lekeâ yeÌ{eÙee peelee nw~ lees ØelÙeeJele&keâ efoS ieS meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ Deewj Jeesušlee kesâ efueS ueer ieF&
efkeâlevee Deewj kW mehueeF& keâj mekeâlee nw? Oeeje vÙetvelece nesleer nw peye Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâe ceeve nw
(a) 200 kW (b) 100 kW (a) 0.8 lag/0.8 he§e (b) 0.8 lead /0.8 De«e
(c) 300 kW (d) 150 kW
(c) 0.75 lag/0.75 he§e (d) 1
695. In order to improve p.f. in case of 3-phase
loads, the capacitors are connected in 701. The least share of power is provided in India,
3-φ Yeej kesâ ceeceues ceW Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve kesâ efueS by which of the following power plants?
mebOeeefj$e .......... ceW mebÙeesefpele efkeâS peeles nQ~ Yeejle ceW efvecvelece Meefòeâ keâe Yeeie (efnmmee),
(a) star /mšej
efvecveefueefKele efkeâme Meefòeâ mebÙev$e kesâ Éeje Øeoeve efkeâÙee
(b) delta /[suše peelee nw?
(c) star or delta /mšej Ùee [suše (a) Diesel power plants/[erpeue Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) Thermal power plants/leeheerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
*696. In a 3-phase system, the line losses are W at a (c) Hydro-electric power plants
p.f. of 1. If the power factor becomes 0.8 peue-efJeÅegle Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
lagging, the losses will become (d) Nuclear power plants/veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
Skeâ 3-φ ØeCeeueer ceW, Meefòeâ iegCekeâ 1.0 hej ueeFve 702. Submarines for under water movement, are
neefveÙeeB W nQ~ Ùeefo Meefòeâ iegCekeâ 0.8 heMÛeieeceer nes powered by which of the following:
peelee nw lees neefveÙeeB nesieer– peueerÙe ieefle kesâ efueS heve[gyyeer, efvecve ceW mes efkeâmekesâ
(a) 2 W (b) 0.8 W Éeje mebÛeeefuele nesleer nw?
(c) 1.25 W (d) 1.57 W
697. A synchronous condenser improves p.f. by (a) Steam accumulators/Yeehe mebÛeeÙekeâ
taking (b) Air motor/nJee ceesšj
Skeâ leguÙekeâeueer mebOeeefj$e .......... uesles ngS Meefòeâ iegCekeâ (c) Diesel engines/[erpeue Fbpeve
keâes megOeejlee nw~ (d) Batteries/yewšjer
(a) lagging kVAR /heMÛeieeceer kVAR 703. The effect of electric shock on human body
(b) leading kVAR /De«eieeceer kVAR depends on which of the following:
(c) both (a) and (b) / (a) Deewj (b) ceeveJe Mejerj hej heeJej kesâ Peškesâ keâe ØeYeeJe efvecve ceW
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR mes efkeâme hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 484 YCT
(a) Current/Oeeje 708. Anything having some heat value can be used
(b) Voltage/Jeesušspe as fuel in case of:
kegâÚ T<cee ceeve Jeeues efkeâmeer Yeer FËOeve kesâ ™he
(c) Duration of contact/mecheke&â keâer DeJeefOe
ceW.........keâer oMee ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
(a) Open cycle gas turbines
704. Which lightening stroke is most dangerous?
Keguee Ûe›eâ iewme šjyeeFve
keâewve-mee efyepeueer DeeIeele meyemes Kelejveekeâ nw?
(b) Closed cycle gas turbines
(a) Direct stroke on line conductor yebo Ûe›eâ iewme šjyeeFve
ueeFve Ûeeuekeâ hej meerOee DeeIeele (c) Petrol engines/hesš^esue Fbpeve
(b) Indirect stroke on conductor
(d) Diesel engines/[erpeue Fbpeve
Ûeeuekeâ hej DeØelÙe#e DeeIeele
709. The unit of transmission loss coefficient is
(c) Direct stroke on tower top
š^ebmeefceMeve neefve iegCeebkeâ keâer FkeâeF& ........nw~
ceerveej kesâ MeerKej hej DeØelÙe#e DeeIeele (a) MW (b) (MW)–1
(d) Direct stroke on ground wire (c) (MW)–2 (d) unitless/FkeâeF& jefnle
Yet-mebÙeesefpele leej hej ØelÙe#e DeeIeele 710. If penalty factor of a plant is unity, its
705. When the demand of consumers is not met incremental transmission loss is
by a power plant, it will resort to which of Ùeefo mebÙeb$e keâe hesveeušer iegCeebkeâ FkeâeF& nes lees Fmekeâer
the following ? Je=efæMeerue mebÛejCe neefve .........nw~
peye GheYeeskeäleeDeeW keâer ceeBie keâess Skeâ Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e hetje
(a) 1.0 (b) – 1.0
vener keâj heelee nw, lees Ùen efvecve ceW mes efkeâme Øekeâej keâe (c) 0.0 (d) 2.0
meneje uesleer nw? 711. In terms of power generation and Bmn
(a) Load shedding/uees[ Mesef[bie coefficients, the transmission loss for a two-
(b) Power factor improvement at the generators plant system is (notations having their usual
peefve$e hej Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ megOeej heeJej pevejsMeve Deewj Bmn iegCeebkeâ kesâ heoeW ceW oes–mebÙeb$e
(c) Penalising high load consumers by
efmemšce nsleg mebÛejCe neefve ............nw~ (Gvekesâ meeceevÙe
increasing the charges for electricity
DeLe& nesves keâer metÛevee)
efyepeueer kesâ efueS ØeYeej (Megukeâ) yeÌ{ekeâj GÛÛe uees[
GheYeeskeäleeDeeW keâes obef[le keâjvee (a) P12 B11 + 2P1P2 B12 + P22 B22
(d) Efficient plant operation/kegâMeue mebÙev$e mebÛeeueve (b) P12 B11 − 2P1P2 B12 + P22 B22
706. Load shedding is possible through which of
(c) P22 B11 + 2P1P2 B12 + P12 B22
the following?
uees[ Mesef[bie efvecve ceW mes efkeâme kesâ ceeOÙece mes mecYeJe (d) P12 B11 + P1P2 B12 + P22 B22
nw? 712. In AGC, the voltage and frequency is
(a) Switching of the loads/uees[ efmJeefÛebie controlled by
AGC ceW Jeesušspe Deewj DeeJe=efòe ........ Éeje efveÙebef$ele
(b) Frequency reduction/DeeJe=efòe keâceer
nesles nQ~
(c) Voltage reduction/Jeesušspe keâceer
(a) excitation control/Gòespeve efveÙeb$eCe
(d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(b) turbine control/šjyeeFve efveÙeb$eCe
707. Which of the following is the disadvantage of
static capacitor for power factor (c) turbine speed control and excitation control
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ megOeej kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes keâewve-meer ›eâceMe: šjyeeFve ieefle efveÙeb$eCe Deewj Gòespeve efveÙeb$eCe
(d) excitation control and turbine speed control
mLeweflekeâ mebOeeefj$e keâer neefve nw? respectively
(a) Easily damaged by high voltage ›eâceMe: Gòespeve efveÙeb$eCe Deewj šjyeeFve ieefle efveÙeb$eCe
Deemeeveer mes GÛÛe Jeesušspe Éeje #eefle«emle 713. The main objective of load frequency controller
(b) Cannot be repaired/cejccele veneR keâer pee mekeâleer nw is to apply control of :
(c) Short service life/ueIeg mesJee peerJevekeâeue Yeej DeeJe=efòe efveÙeb$ekeâ keâe cegKÙe GösMÙe ......... kesâ efueS
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer efveÙeb$eCe ueeiet keâjvee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 485 YCT
(a) frequency alone/ Dekesâues DeeJe=efòe (b) Total plant capacity is utilised for most of
(b) frequency and at the same time of real power the time/kegâue hueebš #ecelee DeefOekeâebMe meceÙe kesâ
exchange via the outgoing lines efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw
DeeJe=efòe Deewj Skeâ ner meceÙe hej DeeGšieesFbie ueeFveeW kesâ (c) Total plant cpapcity is not properly utilised
ceeOÙece mes JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ keâe efJeefveceÙe for most of the time
(c) frequency and at the same time of reactive kegâue hueebš #ecelee DeefOekeâebMe meceÙe kesâ efueS GefÛele
power exchange via the outgoing lines ™he mes GheÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw
DeeJe=efòe Deewj Skeâ ner meceÙe hej DeeGšieesFbie ueeFveeW kesâ (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW keâesF& veneR
ceeOÙece mes ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ keâe efJeefveceÙe 719. A load curve indicates:
(d) frequency and bus voltages Skeâ Yeej Je›eâ oMee&lee nw–
DeeJe=efòe Deewj yeme Jeesušlee (a) Average power used during the period
714. Load frequency control uses DeJeefOe kesâ oewjeve GheÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer Deewmele Meefòeâ
Yeej DeeJe=efòe efveÙeb$eCe .............. GheÙeesie keâjlee nw~ (b) Average kWh (kW) energy consumption
during the period
(a) proportional controllers alone
DeJeefOe kesâ oewjeve Deewmele kWh (kW) Tpee& Kehele
Dekesâues Devegheeeflekeâ efveÙeb$ekeâ
(c) Either of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(b) integral controllers alone/Dekesâues DeefYeVe efveÙeb$ekeâ
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW keâesF& veneR
(c) both proportional and integral controllers
720. Approximate estimation of power demand
Devegheeeflekeâ Deewj DeefYeVe efveÙeb$ekeâ oesveeW can be made by:
(d) either proportional or integral controllers Meefòeâ ceeBie keâe ueieYeie Devegceeve ueieeÙee pee mekeâlee
Ùee lees Devegheeeflekeâ Ùee lees DeefYeVe efveÙeb$ekeâ nw–
715. Load frequency controls are carried out with (a) Load survey method/Yeej meJex#eCe efJeefOe Éeje
Yeej DeeJe=efòe efveÙeb$eCe ................. kesâ meeLe efkeâÙee peelee (b) Statistical method/meebefKÙekeâerÙe efJeefOe Éeje
nw~ (c) Mathematical method/ieefCeleerÙe efJeefOe Éeje
(a) P controllers only/kesâJeue P efveÙeb$ekeâeW (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
(b) I controllers only/kesâJeue I efveÙeb$ekeâeW 721. A consumer has to pay lasser fixed charges
(c) D controllers only/kesâJeue D efveÙeb$ekeâeW in:
(d) PID controllers/kesâJeue PID efveÙeb$ekeâeW Skeâ GheYeesòeâe keâes ........ ceW ueIeglej efveÙele ØeYeej
716. Annual depreciation cost is calculated by: Yegieleeve keâjvee heÌ[lee nw~
Jeeef<e&keâ DeJecetuÙeve kesâ ueeiele keâer ieCevee ........kesâ Éeje (a) Flat rate tariff/meceoj šwefjheâ
keâer peeleer nw~ (b) Two part tariff/oes Yeeie šwefjheâ
(a) Sinking fund method/efmebefkebâie hebâ[ efJeefOe (c) Maximum demand tariff/DeefOekeâlece ceeBie šwefjheâ
(b) Straight line method/meerOeer jsKee efJeefOe (d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF&
(c) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW 722. In two part tariff, variation in load factor
will affect:
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW keâesF& veneR
oes Yeeie šwefjheâ ceW, Yeej-iegCekeâ ceW heefjJele&ve keâe ØeYeeJe
717. Depreciation charges are high in case of: nesiee-
........... kesâ ceeceues (oMee) ceW DeJecetuÙeve ueeiele
(a) Fixed charges/efmLej ØeYeej
DeefOekeâ neslee nw~
(b) Operating or running charges
(a) Thermal plant/leeheerÙe mebÙev$e heefjÛeeueve Ùee Ûeeefuele ØeYeej
(b) Diesel plant/[erpeue mebÙev$e (c) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(c) Hydroelctric plant/peue-efJeÅegle mebÙev$e (d) Either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b)
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW keâesF& veneR 723. In Hopkinson demand rate or two part tariff
718. High load factor indicates: the demand rate or fixed charges are:
GÛÛe Yeej-iegCekeâ oMee&lee nw– ne@heefkebâmeve cee@ie oj Ùee št-heeš& šwefjHeâ ceW cee@ie oj Ùee
(a) Cost of generation per unit power is efveÙele ØeYeej nesles nw–
increased (a) Dependent upon the energy consumed
Øeefle FkeâeF& Meefòeâ Glheeove keâer ueeiele ceW Je=efæ ngF& nw Tpee& Kehele hej efveYe&j
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 486 YCT
(b) Dependent upon the maximum demand of 3. šeF&–ueeFve Yeej DeeOeeefjle keâCš^esue ceW ØelÙeskeâ #es$e kesâ efueS
the consumer keâCš^esue efmeiveue, DeeJe=efòe ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ meeLe–meeLe šeF&–
GheYeeskeälee kesâ DeefOekeâlece ceeBie hej efveYe&j ueeFve heeJej ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ meceevegheeleer neslee nw~
(c) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mes keâLeve mener nw?
(d) Nither (a) or (b)/ve lees (a) ve ner (b)
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
724. Which plant can never have 100 percent load (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3
*729. A power system has two synchronous
efkeâme mebÙev$e keâe Yeej-iegCekeâ 100 ØeefleMele keâYeer generators having governor turbine
veneR nes mekeâlee nw? characteristics as
(a) Peak load plant/efMeKej Yeej mebÙev$e P1 = 50(50 – f)
(b) Base load plant/cetue Yeej mebÙev$e P2 = 100(51 – f)
(c) Nuclear power plant/veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e Where f represents the system frequency.
(d) Hydro electric plant/peue efJeÅegle mebÙev$e Assuming a lossless operation of the complete
power system, what is the system frequency for
725. Different generating stations use following
a total load of 800 MW ?
prime movers:
Skeâ Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e ceW 2 leguÙekeâeueer pevejsšj nw Deewj
efJeefYevve Glheeove kesâvõ efvecveefueefKele ØeeFce cetJeme& keâe
GheÙeesie keâjles nQ- efpevekeâe ieJeve&j šjyeeFve DeefYeue#eCe Fme Øekeâej nw–
(a) Diesel engine/[erpeue Fbpeve P1 = 50(50 – f)
P2 = 100(51 – f)
(b) Hydraulic turbine/õJeerÙe šjyeeFve
peneB f efmemšce DeeJe=efòe keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjleer nw~ hetjs
(c) Gas turbine/iewme šjyeeFve
efmemšce kesâ ØeÛeeueve keâes neefvejefnle ceeveles ngS, mechetCe&
(d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
Yeej 800 MW kesâ efueS efmemšce DeeJe=efòe nw–
726. Following power plant has instant starting:
efvecveefueefKele hee@Jej hueebš keâe leelkeâeefuekeâ DeejcYeve (a) 55.33 Hz (b) 50 Hz
(c) 45.33 Hz (d) 40 Hz
neslee nw–
730. For a synchronous generator connected to an
(a) Hydro power plant/neF[^es heeJej hueebš infinite bus through a transmission line, how
(b) Diesel power plant/[erpeue heeJej hueebš are the change of voltage (∆V) and the change
(c) Both (a) and (b)/oesveeW (a) Deewj (b) of frequency (∆f) related to the active power (P)
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW keâesF& veneR and the reactive power (Q)?
727. Which of the following generating station has Skeâ leguÙekeâeueer pevejsšj pees mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ ceeOÙece mes
minimum running cost? Devevle yemeyeej mes mebÙeesefpele nw~ SefkeäšJe heeJej (P) Deewj
efvecve ceW mes efkeâme Glheeove kesâvõ keâer vÙetvelece Ûeeefuele efjSefkeäšJe heeJej (Q) kesâ mebyebOe ceW Jeesušspe ceW heefjJele&ve
ueeiele nw? (∆V) Deewj DeeJe=efòe ceW heefjJele&ve (∆f) kewâmes nesles nQ?
(a) Nuclear/veeefYekeâerÙe (b) Hydro/neF[^es (a) ∆V is proportional to P and ∆f to Q.
(c) Thermal/G<ceerÙe (d) Diesel/[erpeue ∆V, P kesâ leLee ∆f , Q kesâ meceevegheeleer nw~
728. Consider the following statements regarding (b) ∆V is proportional to Q and ∆f to P.
load frequency control :
∆V, Q kesâ leLee ∆f , P kesâ meceevegheeleer nw~
Yeej DeeJe=efòe efveÙeb$eCe kesâ mebyebOe ceW efvecve keâLeveeW hej
(c) Both ∆V and ∆f are proportional to P.
efJeÛeej keâjW–
∆V Deewj ∆f oesveeW P kesâ meceevegheeleer nw~
1. Time constant of automatic load frequency
control is about 15 seconds (d) Both ∆V and ∆f are proportional to Q.
2. Integral control eliminates static frequency ∆V Deewj ∆f oesveeW Q kesâ meceevegheeleer nw~
drop 731. The voltage of a bus can be controlled by
3. In tie-line load bias control, the control signal controlling the.
for each area is proportional to change in Skeâ yeme kesâ Jeesušspe keâe efveÙeb$eCe .............. kesâ Éeje
frequency as well as change in tie-line power efveÙebef$ele efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Which of the statements given above are
correct ? (a) phase angle/keâuee keâesCe
1. Dee@šescewefškeâ Yeej DeeJe=efòe kebâš^esue keâe meceÙe efveÙeleebkeâ 15 (b) reactive power of the bus/yeme kesâ efjSefkeäšJe heeJej
meskesâC[ neslee nw~ (c) active power of the bus/yeme kesâ SefkeäšJe heeJej
2. DeefJeYeepÙe keâCš^esue efmLej DeeJe=efòe [^ehe keâes meceehle (d) phase angle and the reactive power
keâjlee nw keâuee keâesCe Deewj efjSefkeäšJe heeJej
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 487 YCT
732. The permissible variation of frequency in 737. For high value of diversity factor, a power
power system is station of given installed capacity will be in a
Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e ceW Devegcele DeeJe=efòe heefjJele&ve .............nw~ position to supply:
(a) ± 1% (b) ± 3% efJeefJeOelee iegCekeâ kesâ GÛÛe ceeve kesâ efueS, Skeâ Meefòeâ
(c) ± 5% (d) ± 10% kesâvõ efoÙes ieÙes mLeeefhele #ecelee keâer Deehetefle& keâer efmLeefle
733. When there is a change in load in a power ........... ceW nesiee~
station having a number of generator units (a) Less number of consumers
operating in parallel, the system frequency is GheYeeskeäleeDeeW keâer keâce mebKÙee
controlled by (b) More number of consumers
DeefOekeâ mebKÙee ceW meceevlej ceW ØeÛeeefuele pevejsšj FkeâeF& GheYeeskeäleeDeeW keâer DeefOekeâ mebKÙee
Jeeues Skeâ Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e ceW peye Yeej ceW heefjJele&ve efkeâÙee (d) Neither (a) nor (b)/ve lees (a) ve ner (b)
peelee nw lees efmemšce DeeJe=efòe ......... Éeje efveÙebef$ele efkeâÙee (d) Either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b)
peelee nw~ 738. ….can generate power at unpredictable or
(a) adjusting the steam input to the units uncontrolled times:
FkeâeFÙeeW keâer Jee<he Fvehegš meceeÙeesefpele keâjkesâ .....DeØelÙeeefMele Ùee DeefveÙebef$ele meceÙe hej Meefòeâ Glhevve
(b) adjusting the field excitation of the generators keâj mekeâles nQ~
pevejsšjeW kesâ #es$e Gòespeve keâes meceeÙeesefpele keâjkesâ (a) Solar power plant/meewj Tpee& mebÙev$e
(c) changing the load divisions between the (b) Tidal power plant/pJeejerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
units/FkeâeFÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe Yeej ef[JeerpeveeW keâes yeouekeâj
(c) Wind power plant/heJeve Tpee& mebÙev$e
(d) injecting reactive power at the station bus-
(d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF&
bar./mšsMeve–yeme yeej hej efjSefkeäšJe heeJej Fbpeskeäš keâjkesâ
739. Direct conversion of heat into electric power is
734. Load frequency control is achieved by properly
possible through:
matching the individual machine's
efJeÅegle Meefòeâ ceW leehe keâe ØelÙe#e (meerOee) ™heevlejCe
Yeej DeeJe=efòe kebâš^esue keâes Deueie–Deueie ceMeerveeW mes
.......... kesâ ceeOÙece mes mecYeJe nw~
.................. keâe "erkeâ mes efceueeve keâjkesâ Øeehle efkeâÙee
(a) Fuel cell/FËOeve mesue
peelee nw~
(b) Batteries/mesueeW
(a) reactive powers/efjSefkeäšJe heeJeme&
(c) Thermionic converter/Leceexefvekeâ heefjJeòe&keâ
(b) generated voltages/pevejsšs[ JeesušspeeW
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
(c) turbine inputs/šjyeeFve Fvehegšdme
740. A low utilization factor for a plant indicates
(d) turbine and generator ratings that:
šjyeeFve Deewj pevejsšj jsefšbime Skeâ mebÙev$e kesâ efueS efvecve GheÙeesefielee iegCeebkeâ oMee&lee
735. Power plant having maximum demand more nw efkeâ–
than the installed rated capacity will have
utilisation factor: (a) Plant is used for stand by purpose only
mLeeefhele jsšs[ #ecelee mes DeefOekeâ ceeBie Jeeues Meefòeâ mebÙev$e keâe GheÙeesie kesâJeue mšwC[yeeF& GösMÙe kesâ efueS
mebÙev$e ceW GheÙeesefielee iegCekeâ nesiee– efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(b) Plant is under maintenance
(a) Equal to unity/FkeâeF& kesâ yejeyej
mebÙev$e jKejKeeJe kesâ DeOeerve nw
(b) Less than unity/FkeâeF& mes keâce
(c) Plant is used for base load only/mebÙev$e kesâJeue
(c) More than unity/FkeâeF& mes DeefOekeâ
DeeOeej Yeej kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW keâesF& veneR (d) Plant is used for peak load as well as base
736. Load curve is useful in deciding the: load/mebÙev$e efMeKej Yeej kesâ meeLe-meeLe DeeOeej Yeej kesâ
Yeej Je›eâ efveCe&Ùe uesves ceW GheÙeesieer nw– efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw
(a) Operating schedule of generating units 741. Which of the following is not a source of
Glheeokeâ FkeâeFÙeeW kesâ heefjÛeeueve keâeÙe&›eâce power?
(b) Sizes of generating units efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee Meefòeâ keâe Skeâ œeesle veneR nw?
Glheeokeâ FkeâeFÙeeW kesâ DeekeâejeW (a) Thermocouple/leeheÙegice
(c) Total installed capacity of the plant (b) Photovoltaic cell/heâesšes-JeesušeFkeâ mesue
mebÙev$e keâer kegâue mLeeefhele #ecelee (c) Solar cell/meesuej mesue
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer (d) Photoelectric cell/heâesšes-Fuesefkeäš^keâ mesue
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 488 YCT
742. Which of the following should be used for 747. When load shedding is resorted to, it can be
extinguishing electrical fires? concluded that
efvecve ceW mes efkeâmekeâe GheÙeesie efJeÅegle Deeie yegPeeves kesâ peye Yeej Mesef[bie keâe meneje efueÙee peelee nw lees Ùen
efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? efve<keâ<e& efvekeâuelee nw efkeâ–
(a) Water/peue
(a) plant is under repair/mebÙeb$e keâer cejccele nes jner nw~
(b) Carbon tetrachloride fire extingusher
(b) load on the system is more than the installed
keâeye&ve šsš^ekeäueesjeF[ DeefiveMeecekeâ capacity
(c) Foam type fire extinguisher
Pee@ie Øekeâej keâe DeefiveMeecekeâ efmemšce hej Yeej mebmLeeefhele #ecelee mes DeefOekeâ nw~
(c) both of the above (a) and (b)
(d) CO2 fire extinguisher/CO2 DeefiveMeecekeâ
743. Low power factor is usually not due to: Ghejesòeâ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
efvecve Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ keâe Deeceleewj hej keâejCe veneR neslee (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
nw– 748. Generators for base load plants are usually
(a) Arc lamps/Deeke&â uewche designed for maximum efficiency around
(b) Induction motors/ØesjCe ceesšme& yesme Yeej mebÙeb$eeW kesâ efueS DeefOekeâlece #ecelee kesâ efueS
(c) Fluorescent tubes/Øeefleoerefhle šdÙetye pevejsšj keâes meeceevÙele: .......... kesâ Deeme-heeme ef[peeFve
(d) Incandescent lamp/leeheoerhle (Göerhle) uewche efkeâS peeles nQ~
744. In the load-frequency control system with free (a) 20% over-load/20% DeesJej-uees[
governor action, the increase in load-demand (b) full-load/hetCe& Yeej
under steady conditions is met
cegòeâ ieJeve&j ef›eâÙee kesâ meeLe Yeej–DeeJe=efòe efveÙeb$eCe (c) 75% full-load/75% hetCe& Yeej
ØeCeeueer ceW efmLele DeJemLee kesâ Devleie&le Yeej ceeBie ceW Je=efæ (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
................... Éeje hetje neslee nw~ 749. Generators for power plants to supply
(a) only by increased generation due to opening exclusively peak loads are usually designed for
of steam valve maximum efficiency to occur at
Jee<he JeeuJe Kegueves kesâ keâejCe kesâJeue yeÌ{s Glheeove efJeMes<e leewj hej heerkeâ Yeej nsleg heeJej mehueeF& keâjves kesâ
(b) only by decrease of load-demand due to drop efueS pevejsšj meeceevÙele: efkeâme Yeej hej DeefOekeâlece
in system frequency/efmemšce DeeJe=efòe ceW [^ehe kesâ o#elee nsleg ef[peeFve efkeâS peeles nQ?
keâejCe kesâJeue Yeej ceeBie Iešves mes
(a) full load/hetCe& Yeej
(c) partly by increased generation and partly by
decrease of load demand (b) 50 – 75% full load/50 – 75% hetCe& Yeej
DeMeble: yeÌ{s Glheeove Deewj DeMeble: Iešs Yeej ceeBie Éeje (c) 25 – 50% full load/25 – 50% hetCe& Yeej
(d) partly by increase generation and partly by (d) 10% full load/10% hetCe& Yeej
increased excitation
750. Annual operating cost of a generating plant
DeMeble: yeÌ{W Glheeove Deewj DeMeble: yeÌ{W Gòespeve Éeje consists of
745. During load shedding
pevejsefšbie mebÙeb$e keâer Jeeef<e&keâ heefjÛeeueve ueeiele ceW
Yeej Mesef[bie kesâ oewjeve–
.............meefcceefuele neslee nw~
(a) system voltage is reduced
efmemšce Jeesušspe Ieš peeleer nw (a) fixed charges/efmLej Ûeepes&pe
(b) system frequency is reduced (b) semifixed charges/Deæ& efmLej Ûeepe&spe
efmemšce DeeJe=efòe Ieš peeleer nw (c) operating or running charges
(c) system loads are switched off ØeÛeeueve Ùee jefvebie Ûeepe&spe
efmemšce Yeej yebo keâj efoÙee peelee nw (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(d) system power factor is changed
751. For a power plant the expenditure on which of
efmemšce heeJej iegCeebkeâ heefjJeefle&le nes peeles nQ the following items is expected to be almost
746. Load shedding is done for negligible?
Yeej Mesef[bie ............ kesâ efueS keâer peeleer nw~ Skeâ Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes efkeâme meeceef«eÙeeW
(a) reducing peak demand on the system
hej JÙeÙe ueieYeie veieCÙe nesves keâer DeeMee nesleer nw?
efmemšce mes heerkeâ ef[ceeb[ keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
(a) Publicity/ØeÛeej
(b) repairing of machines/ceMeerveeW kesâ cejccele
(c) power factor improvement/Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve (b) Taxes/keâjeW hej
(d) efficient operation of equipment (c) Insurance/yeercee
GhekeâjCeeW kesâ o#e ØeÛeeueve (d) Maintenance/jKejKeeJe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 489 YCT
752. In a steam power station which of the following 757. The capital cost of a power plant depends on
is not a fixed cost ? Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e keâer hetBpeer ueeiele ........ hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
Jee<he Meefòeâ kesâvõ nsleg efvecve ceW mes keâewve efmLej ueeiele veneR (a) total installed capacity only
nw~ kesâJeue mechetCe& mebmLeeefhele #ecelee
(a) Interest on capital cost of land and buildings (b) total number of units only
Yetefce Deewj YeJeveeW kesâ hetbpeer ueeiele hej yÙeepe kesâJeue mechetCe& mebKÙee keâer FkeâeF&
(b) Salaries of high officials (c) total installed capacity and number of units as
well/mebhetCe& mebmLeeefhele #ecelee kesâ meeLe–meeLe FkeâeFÙeeW keâer
GÛÛe DeefOekeâeefjÙeeW keâe Jesleve
(c) Fuel and lubricating oil cost
(d) neither the installed capacity nor number of
FËOeve Deewj mvesnve lesue keâer ueeiele units
(d) Insurance charges/yeercee ØeYeej ve lees mebmLeeefhele #ecelee hej Deewj ve ner Ùetefveš keâer mebKÙee
753. In a power plant which of the following items 758. The long term load forecast is required for
does not fall in the category of operating cost ? .......... kesâ efueS oerIe&keâeefuekeâ Yeej hetJee&vegceeve keâer
Skeâ Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e ceW efvecve ceW mes keâewve meece«eer ØeÛeeueve DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~
ueeiele kesâ Devleie&le veneR Deelee nw? (a) operation of plant/mebÙeb$e kesâ ØeÛeeueve
(a) Salaries of operational and maintenance staff (b) economic operation of plant
ØeÛeeueve Deewj jKejKeeJe ueeiele mšeheâ keâe Jesleve mebÙeb$e kesâ efceleJÙeÙeer ØeÛeeueve
(b) Maintenance and repair cost (c) planning the addition in generation capacity
jKe–jKeeJe Deewj cejccele ueeiele Glheeove #ecelee ceW Je=efæ keâer Ùeespevee yeveeves ceW
(c) Salaries of supervisory staff engaged on the (d) both (b) and (c)/(b) Deesj (c) oesveeW
running of the plant 759. Ships are generally powered by:
mebÙeb$e kesâ Ûeueves hej ueies meghejJeeFpejer mše@heâ keâe Jesleve mecegõer penepe meeceevÙele:........kesâ Éeje mebÛeeefuele nesles nQ~
(d) Salaries of management and clerical staff (a) Nuclear power plants/veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e
ØeyebOeve Deewj keäueke&â mše@heâ keâe Jesleve (b) Hydraulic turbines/õJeerÙe šjyeeFve
754. In a power plant, which of the following items (c) Diesel engines/[erpeue Fbpeve
fall in the category of semifixed charges ? (d) Steam accumulators/mšerce mebÛeeÙekeâ
Skeâ Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e ces efvecve ceW mes keâewve Deæ&efmLej ueeiele 760. Direct conversion of heat into electrical energy
kesâ Devleie&le Deelee nw? is possible through:
(a) Annual interest and depreciation on capital T<cee keâe efJeÅegle Tpee& ceW meerOee ™heevlejCe......... kesâ
cost/heBtpeer ueeiele hej Jeeef<e&keâ yÙeepe Deewj DeJecetuÙeve ceeOÙece mes mecYeJe nw~
(b) All types of taxes and insurance charges (a) Fuel cells/FËOeve mesue
meYeer Øekeâej kesâ keâj Deewj yeercee ØeYeej (b) Solar cells/meewj mesue
(c) Salaries of management and clerical staff (c) MHD generators/ Sce.SÛe.[er. peefve$e
ØeyebOeve Deewj keäueke&â mše@heâ keâe Jesleve (d) None of the above/GheÙegòeâ keâesF& veneR
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer 761. Which of the following place is not associated
with nuclear power plants in India?
755. For a nuclear power plant, the useful life is
expected to be about efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee mLeeve Yeejle ceW veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ
veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e nsleg GheÙeesieer peerJeve nsleg mebÙev$ees kesâ meeLe pegÌ[e veneR nw?
...........Je<e& keâer DeeMee keâer peeleer nw~ (a) Narora/vejesje (b) Tarapur/leejehegj
(c) Kota/keâesše (d) Benglore/yewiebueesj
(a) 10 years/10 Je<e& (b) 30 years/30 Je<e&
762. Efficiency is the secondary consideration in
(c) 60 years/60 Je<e& (d) 80 years/80 Je<e& which of the following plants?
756. The interest on the capital cost is included in efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee mebÙev$e ceW o#elee meskesâC[jer
heBtpeer ueeiele hej ..........yÙeepe Meeefceue neslee nw~ efJeÛeej nw?
(a) annual fixed cost/Jeeef<e&keâefmLej ueeiele (a) Base load plants/DeeOeej Yeej mebÙev$e
(b) annual operating cost/Jeeef<e&keâ ØeÛeeueve ueeiele (b) Peak load plants/efMeKej Yeej mebÙev$e
(c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (c) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(d) neither (a) nor (b)/ve lees (a) Deewj ve lees (b) (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 490 YCT

763. Air will not be the working substance in (c) on the method of calculation depreciation
which of the following? reserve/cetuÙeÜeme efjpeJe& keâer ieCevee heæefle hej
nJee efvecve ceW mes efkeâme ceW keâeÙe&keâejer heoeLe& veneR nesiee? (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(a) Closed cycle gas turbine/yebo Ûe›eâ iewme šjyeeFve 770. Salvage value of a plant
(b) Open cycle gas turbine/Keguee Ûe›eâ iewme šjyeeFve Skeâ mebÙeb$e keâe Gyeej cetuÙe .................
(c) Diesel engine/[erpeue Fbpeve (a) is always positive/meowJe Oeveelcekeâ neslee nw~
(d) Petrol engine/hesš^esue Fbpeve (b) is always zero/meowJe MetvÙe neslee nw~
764. A nuclear power plant is invariably used as a: (c) is always negative/meowJe $e+Ceelcekeâ neslee nw~
Skeâ veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e ........Skeâ efmLejlee keâer (d) may be any of the above
lejn ØeÙegòeâ nw~ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer nes mekeâlee nw~
(a) Peak load plant/efMeKej Yeej mebÙev$e 771. An equipment purchased for Rs. 25 lakhs, 3
(b) Base load plant/cetue Yeej mebÙev$e years before, has now market value of 32 lakhs,
It shows that
(c) Stand-by plant/mšwC[-yeeF& mebÙev$e
Skeâ GhekeâjCe pees 3 meeue henues 25 ueeKe ®. ceW Kejeroe
(d) Spinning reserve plant/efmheefvebie Deejef#ele mebÙev$e
ieÙee Lee Deye Fmekeâer ceekexâš keâercele 32 ueeKe ®. nw, lees
765. …... power plant is expected to have the
longest life: Ùen ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw efkeâ–
........ Meefòeâ mebÙev$e keâer meyemes uecyeer peerJeve nesves keâer (a) the value has depreciated as per straight line
Gcceero nesleer nw~ method /cetuÙe keâes meerOeer jsKee efJeefOe Éeje cetuÙe Üeme
efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~
(a) Steam/Jee<he
(b) the value has depreciated as diminishing
(b) Diesel/[erpeue
value method/cetuÙe keâes Ieševee/#eerCe efJeefOe Éeje
(c) Hydroelectric/peue-efJeÅegle cetuÙeÜeme efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~
(d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& (c) the value has depreciated as per sinking fund
766. ……power plant cannot have single unit of method/cetuÙe keâes $e+CejesOeve efJeefOe Éeje cetuÙeÜeme
100MW. efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~
....... Meefòeâ mebÙev$e ceW 100 MW keâer Skeâue FkeâeF&
(d) the value has appreciated with the time
veneR nes mekeâleer nw~ cetuÙe meceÙe kesâ meeLe yeÌ{e nw~
(a) Hydroelectric/peue-efJeÅegle 772. Ideally depreciated value of the plant plus the
(b) Nuclear/veeefYekeâerÙe accumulation in the depreciation fund should
(c) Steam/Jee<he be equal to
(d) Diesel/[erpeue DeeoMe& ™he mes mebÙeb$e keâe cetuÙeÜeme ceeve leLee cetuÙeÜeme
767. Which of the following in a thermal power efveefOe ceW mebÛeÙe .................. kesâ yejeyej nesvee ÛeeefnS~
plant, is not a fixed cost? (a) obsolescence rate/DeØeÛeueve oj
efvecve ceW mes T<ceerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙev$e ceW, efveefMÛele ueeiele (b) sinking fund/$e+Ce jesOeve efveefOe
veneR nw? (c) original invested value/cetue efveJesMe cetuÙe
(a) Fuel cost/FËOeve ueeiele (d) salvage value/Gyeej cetuÙe
(b) Interest on capital/hetbpeer hej yÙeepe 773. The chronological load curve indicates
(c) Depreciation/DeJecetuÙeve keâeueeveg›eâefcekeâ Yeej Je›eâ ......... keâes Fbefiele keâjlee nw~
(d) Insurance charges/yeercee Megukeâ (a) variation in demand factor during 24 hours
768. ….will offer the least load: 24 IebšeW kesâ oewjeve ceeBie iegCekeâ ceW heefjJele&ve
...... keâce mes keâce Yeej Øeoeve keâjsiee~ (b) variation in demand from instant to instant
(a) Vacuum cleaner/efveJee&le meheâeF&keâej during 24 hours
(b) Television/otjoMe&ve 24 IebšeW kesâ oewjeve heue-heue ceW ceeBie ceW heefjJele&ve
(c) Hair dryer/nsÙej [^eÙej (c) the total energy consumed upto different
times of the day
(d) Electric shaver/efJeÅegle MesJej
efove kesâ Deueie–Deueie meceÙe lekeâ kegâue Tpee& keâer Kehele
769. The annual depreciation reserve depends on
(d) the total number of hours for which a
Jeeef<e&keâ cetuÙeÜeme efjpeJe& efkeâme hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw? particular load ......... during the day
(a) capital cost only/kesâJeue hetBpeer ueeiele hej Iebšs keâer kegâue mebKÙee efpemekesâ efueS Skeâ efJeMes<e Yeej hetjs
(b) salvage value only/Gyeej cetuÙe hej efove kesâ oewjeve jnlee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 491 YCT
774. The area under the load curve represents Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
Yeej Je›eâ kesâ Devleie&le #es$eheâue .....ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~ (a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1
(a) system voltage/efmemšce Jeesušspe (b) 2 only/kesâJeue 2
(b) current/Oeeje
(c) Both 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 oesveeW
(c) energy consumed/Kehele Tpee&
(d) Neither 1 nor 2/ve lees 1 ve lees 2
(d) maximum demand/DeefOekeâlece ceeBie
779. Load duration curve gives
775. The area under daily load curve divided by 24
gives Yeej DeJeefOe Je›eâ ...........oslee nw~
owefvekeâ Yeeie Je›eâ #es$eheâue keâes 24 mes Yeeie osves hej (a) the variations of laod during different hours
............ Øeehle neslee nw~ of the day
(a) average load for the day/efove kesâ efueS Deewmele Yeej efove kesâ efJeefYeVe IebšeW kesâ oewjeve Yeej ceW heefjJele&ve
(b) maximum demand/DeefOekeâlece ceeBie (b) average load/Deewmele Yeej
(c) connected load/mebÙeesefpele Yeej (c) the number of hours for which a particular
(d) demand factor/ceeBie iegCekeâ load lasts during the day
776. Which of the following statemetns regarding IebšeW keâer kegâue mebKÙee efpemekesâ efueS Skeâ efJeMes<e Yeej hetjs
load curve is true ? efove kesâ oewjeve jnlee nw~
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve Yeej Je›eâ kesâ mebyebOe ceW (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
melÙe nw?
780. The load duration curve for unity load factor
(a) The area under the curve gives average will be of
FkeâeF& Yeej iegCekeâ nsleg Yeej DeJeefOe Je›eâ ........ keâe nesiee~
Je›eâ kesâ Devleie&le #es$eheâue Deewmele ceeBie oslee nw~
(b) The ratio of area under the load curve to the (a) rectangular shape/DeeÙeleekeâej Deekeâej
total area of the rectangle in which it is (b) triangular shape/ef$eYegpeekeâej Deekeâj
contained gives the load factor for the day
(c) L-shape/L-Deekeâej
DeeÙele kesâ kegâue #es$e ceW Yeej Je›eâ kesâ lenle #es$e keâe
(d) I-shape/I-Deekeâej
Devegheele efpemeceW Ùen efveefnle nw, efkeâ Jen efove kesâ efueS
Yeej iegCele oslee nw~ 781. The mass curve represents
(c) The area of the load curve divided by the õJÙeceeve Je›eâ ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw–
number of hours gives the load factor (a) average load/Deewmele Yeejle
Yeej Je›eâ keâe #es$eheâue keâes IebšeW keâer mebKÙee mes Yeeie osves (b) the total energy consumed by the load up to a
hej Yeej iegCeebkeâ oslee nw~ particular time in a day/Skeâ efove ceW Skeâ efJeMes<e
(d) The area of the load curve divided by the meceÙe lekeâ Yeej Éeje kegâue Tpee& Kehele
number of hours gives the demand factor
(c) the number of hours for which a particular
Yeej Je›eâ keâe #es$eheâue keâes IebšeW keâer mebKÙee mes Yeeie osves
load lasts during the day
hej ceeBie iegCekeâ Øeehle neslee nw~
777. Load curve of a power generating station is of
IebšeW keâer kegâue mebKÙee efpemekesâ efueS Skeâ efJeMes<e Yeej hetjs
always efove kesâ oewjeve jnlee nw~
Meefòeâ peveve kesâvõeW keâe Yeej Je›eâ ncesMee .........neslee nw~ (d) the variation of load during different hours of
negative slope/$e+Ceelcekeâ {ueeve
(a) the day
zero slope/MetvÙe {ueeve
(b) efove kesâ efJeefYeVe IebšeW kesâ oewjeve Yeej ceW heefjJele&ve
positive slope/Oeveelcekeâ {ueeve
(c) 782. A mass curve can be plotted from
any combination of (a), (b) and (c) õJÙeceeve Je›eâ ........ kesâ Éeje DeeuesefKele keâer pee mekeâleer
(a), (b) Deewj (c) kesâ efkeâmeer keâe mebÙeespeve nw~
778. The load curve is useful in deciding (a) load duration curve/Yeej DeJeefOe Je›eâ
Yeej Je›eâ ......... efveOee&jCe keâjves ceW GheÙeesieer nw~
(b) chronological load curve/keâeueeveg›eâefcekeâ Je›eâ
1. the operating schedule of generating units
2. the total installed capacity (c) energy load curve/Tpee& Yeej Je›eâ
Which of the above statements is/are correct? (d) both load duration curve and chronological
1. pevejsefšbie FkeâeF& keâe ØeÛeeueve DevegmetÛeer load curve
2. mechetCe& mebmLeeefhele o#elee Yeej DeJeefOe Je›eâ Deewj keâeueeveg›eâefcekeâ Je›eâ oesveeW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 492 YCT
783. Integrated load duration curve representing (b) maximum load a consumer draws
total number of units (kWh) generated for a Skeâ GheYeesòeâe Éeje efueÙee ieÙee DeefOekeâlece Yeej
given demand in kW can be plotted directly
(c) load drawn by consumer at any instant
Skeâerke=âle Yeej DeJeefOe Je›eâ peesefkeâ kW ceW oer ieF& ceeBie kesâ GheYeesòeâe Éeje efkeâmeer #eCe efueÙee ieÙee Yeej
efueS GlheVe FkeâeFÙeeW (kWh) keâer kegâue mebKÙee keâes (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw, ...... kesâ Éeje meerOes mebÙeb$e efkeâÙee pee 788. The maximum demand of a power station is
mekeâlee nw~ Skeâ Meefòeâ kesâvõ keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeBie ...... nesleer nw~
(a) load curve/Yeej Je›eâ (a) sum of the maximum demands of all its
(b) load duration curve/Yeej DeJeefOe Je›eâ
Fmekesâ meYeer GheYeesòeâeDeeW kesâ DeefOekeâlece ceeBieeW keâe Ùeesie
(c) mass curve/õJÙeceeve Je›eâ
(b) greatest average load in a specified time
(d) any of these/FveceW mes keâesF& Yeer
Skeâ efveefo&° meceÙe ceW cenòece Deewmele Yeej
784. In a load duration curve for an integrated
system, the uppermost crest represents the (c) peak value of load in a specified time
energy contributed by which one of the Skeâ efveefo&° meceÙe ceW Yeej keâe heerkeâ ceeve
following? (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
Skeâerke=âle Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e kesâ efueS Yeej DeJeefOe Je›eâ ceW 789. Demand factor is defined as the ratio of
meyemes GBâÛeer Ûeesšer efvecve ceW mes efkeâmekesâ Éeje Tpee& ceeBie iegCeebkeâ ......... kesâ Devegheele kesâ ™he ceW heefjYeeef<ele
Ùeesieoeve keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjleer nw? efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) Base power stations/yesme Meefòeâ kesâvõeW (a) average load to maximum demand
(b) Major thermal stations/ØecegKe Lece&ue mšsMeveeW Deewmele Yeej Deewj DeefOekeâlece ceeBie
(c) Peaking hydro or gas turbine stations (b) maximum demand to connected load
heerefkebâie neF[^es Ùee iewme šjyeeFve mšsMeveeW DeefOekeâlece ceeBie Deewj mebÙeesefpele Yeej
(d) Non-conventional power stations (c) connected load to maximum demand
Dehejchejeiele Meefòeâ kesâvõeW mebÙeesefpele Yeej Deewj DeefOekeâlece ceeBie
785. Maximum demand on the power system is (d) maximum demand to average load
Meefòeâ leb$e hej DeefOekeâlece ceeBie ..........nesleer nw~ DeefOekeâlece ceeBie Deewj Deewmele Yeej
(a) the greatest of all 'short time interval
790. Demand factor on a power system is
averaged' demand during a period
Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e hej ceeBie iegCekeâ ......neslee nw~
Skeâ DeJeefOe kesâ oewjeve meYeer keâce meceÙe Deblejeue keâer
meyemes yeÌ[er Deewmele ceeBie (a) always greater than unity/meowJe FkeâeF& mes DeefOekeâ
(b) instantaneous maximum value of kW (b) normally greater than unity
supplied during a period/Skeâ DeJeefOe kesâ oewjeve meeceevÙele: FkeâeF& mes DeefOekeâ
Deehetefle& keâer ieF& leelkeâeefuekeâ DeefOekeâlece kW ceeve (c) always lesser than unity/meowJe FkeâeF& mes keâce
(c) instantaneous maximum value of kVA (d) normally lesser than unity
supplied during a period/Skeâ DeJeefOe kesâ oewjeve meeceevÙele: FkeâeF& mes keâce
Deehetefle& keâer ieF& leelkeâeefuekeâ DeefOekeâlece kVA ceeve 791. The load factor is equal to
(d) maximum value of units (kWh) supplied Yeej iegCeebkeâ .................... kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
during a period/Skeâ DeJeefOe kesâ oewjeve Deehetefle& keâer
(a) average load/peak load/Deewmele Yeej/heerkeâ Yeej
ieF& FkeâeF& (kWh) keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeve
(b) peak load/average load/heerkeâ Yeej/Deewmele Yeej
786. The power system experience peak demand
from (c) average load/connected load
Meefòeâ leb$e ........ efMeKej ceeBie keâe DevegYeJe keâjlee nw~ Deewmele Yeej/mebÙeesefpele Yeej
(a) midnight to 8 A.M./ceOÙejeef$e mes 8 A.M.lekeâ (d) average load/base load/Deewmele Yeej/yesme Yeej
(b) 8 A.M. to 2 P.M./8 A.M. mes 2 P.M lekeâ. 792. Load factor of a power plant is
(c) 2 P.M. to 6 P.M./ 2 P.M.mes 6 P.M. lekeâ Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e keâe Yeej iegCeebkeâ ......... neslee nw~
(d) 6 P.M. to 10 P.M./6 P.M.mes 10 P.M. lekeâ (a) generally equal to unity
787. Connected load means meeceevÙele: FkeâeF& kesâ yejeyej
mebÙeesefpele Yeej keâe celeueye ........neslee nw– (b) always less than unity/meowJe FkeâeF& mes keâce
(a) installed electrical load in the premeises of a (c) always more than unity/meowJe FkeâeF& mes DeefOekeâ
consumer (d) normally more than unity
Skeâ GheYeesòeâe kesâ YeJeve ceW mLeeefhele efJeÅegle Yeej meeceevÙele: FkeâeF& mes DeefOekeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 493 YCT
793. The load factor for domestic loads may be
taken as
Iejsuet YeejeW kesâ efueS Yeej iegCeebkeâ ........ efueÙee pee
mekeâlee nw~
(a) about 85% (b) 50 – 60%
(c) 25 – 50% (d) 10 – 15%
794. Load factor for heavy industries may be taken (a) 1.66% (b) 6.013%
as (c) 16.6% (d) 60.13%
Yeejer GÅeesieeW nsleg Yeej iegCeebkeâ ..........efueÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ 800. Diversity factor is the ratio of
(a) 70 – 80% (b) 40 – 50% efJeefJeOelee iegCeebkeâ .............Devegheele nw~
(c) 25 – 40% (d) 20 – 25% (a) sum of maximum demands of consumers/
*795. An industrial consumer has a load pattern of system maximum demand/GheYeesòeâeDeeW kesâ
2,000 kW 0.8 lag for 12 hours and 1,000 kW DeefOekeâlece ceeBie keâe Ùeesie / ØeCeeueer DeefOekeâlece ceeBie
unity power factor for 12 hours. The load
(b) maximum demand of consumers/average
factor is
demand/GheYeesòeâeDeeW keâer DeefOekeâlece ceeBie/Deewmele ceeBie
Skeâ GheYeesòeâe keâe 12 Iebšs nsleg Yeej hewšve& 2,000 kW
(c) demand of all consumers/average demand
0.8 uewefiebie nw leLee 12 Iebšs kesâ efueS ner FkeâeF& Meefòeâ
meYeer GheYeesòeâeDeeW keâer ceeBie/ Deewmele ceeBie
iegCekeâ hej 1,000 kW nw~ leye Yeej iegCeebkeâ ..........nw~
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.75
*801. The load duration curve for a power station is
(c) 0.6 (d) 2.0
as shown in the given figure. The reserve
*796. The maximum demand on a steam power capacity in the plant at 70% capacity factor is
station is 480 MW. If the annual load factor is
40%, then the tatal energy generated annually
hee@ Jej mšsMeve keâs efueS uees[ DeJeefOe Jekeâ, pewmee efkeâ efoÙes
is ieÙes DeeBkeâ[s ces efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw~ 70% #ecelee keâejkeâ
Skeâ Jee<he Meefòeâ kesâvõ hej DeefOekeâlece ceeBie 480 MW nw~ mebÙe$e ces Deejef#ele #ecelee nw~
Ùeefo Jeeef<e&keâ Yeej iegCeebkeâ 40³ nw lees Jeeef<e&keâ ™he mes
mechetCe& Glheeefole Tpee& ..........nw~
(a) 19819.2 × 105 kWh (b) 18819.2 × 105 kWh
(c) 17819.2 × 105 kWh (d) 16819.2 × 105 kWh
*797. A power station has a maximum demand of
2,500 kW and number of kWh generated per
year is 45 × 105. The load factor is
Skeâ Meefòeâ kesâvõ keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeBie 2,500 kW leLee (a) zero/MetvÙe (b) 10 MW
Øeefle Je<e& GlheVe kWh keâer mebKÙee 45 × 105 nw~ Yeej (c) 30 MW (d) 50 MW
iegCeebkeâ .........nw~ 802. If the rated plant capacity and maximum load
(a) 10.25% (b) 20.5% of power station are equal then
(c) 41% (d) 82% Ùeefo Skeâ Meefòeâ kesâvõ keâer Debefkeâle mebÙeb$e #ecelee Deewj
*798. The maximum power demand of a consumer is DeefOekeâlece Yeej yejeyej neW lees–
2 kW and the corresponding daily energy
(a) capacity factor is unity/#ecelee iegCeebkeâ FkeâeF& nw
consumption is 30 units. What is the
corresponding load factor ? (b) utilisation factor is unity/GheÙeesie iegCekeâ FkeâeF& nw~
Skeâ GheYeesòeâe keâer DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ ceeBie 2 kW leLee (c) load factor and capacity factor are equal
owefvekeâ Tpee& Kehele 30 Ùetefveš nw~ mebyebefOele Yeej iegCeebkeâ Yeej iegCeebkeâ Deewj #ecelee iegCeebkeâ yejeyej nw~
keäÙee nw? (d) both (b) and (c)/oesveeW (b) Deewj (c)
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.5 803. Spinning reserve is
(c) 0.625 (d) 0.75 mheeFefvebie efjpeJe& ...........neslee nw~
*799. The load curve of a system is shown in the (a) the reserve generating capacity which is
figure. The load factor of the system is available for service but not in operation
Skeâ ØeCeeueer keâe Yeej Je›eâ efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le nw~ ØeCeeueer efjpeJe& pevejsefšbie #ecelee pees mesJee kesâ efueS GheueyOe jnlee
keâe Yeej iegCeebkeâ ........ nw~ nw uesefkeâve ØeÛeeueve ceW veneR neslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 494 YCT
(b) the reserve generating capacity which is 808. A large diversity factor of the load in a power
connected to the bus and is ready to take system
load/efjpeJe& pevejsefšbie #ecelee pees yeme mes mebÙeesefpele nesleer Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e ceW Yeej keâe DeefOekeâ efJeefJeOelee iegCekeâ .......
nw Deewj Yeej uesves nsleg lewÙeej jnlee nw~ (a) reduces the installation cost
(c) the reserve generating capacity which is in mebmLeeheve ueeiele keâce keâjlee nw~
operation but is not in service (b) increases the installation cost
efjpeJe& pevejsefšbie #ecelee pees ØeÛeeueve ceW neslee nw uesefkeâve mebmLeeheve ueeiele yeÌ{elee nw~
mesJee ceW veneR neslee nw~ (c) does not affect the installation cost
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR mebmLeeheve ueeiele hej ØeYeeJe veneR [euelee nw~
804. The power which must be available even under (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
emergency conditions is known as 809. As the load factor of a generating plant
Jen Meefòeâ pees Deeheelekeâeueerve efmLeefleÙeeW kesâ lenle keâYeer increases, the generation cost per kWh
Yeer GheueyOe nesveer ÛeeefnS .......... kesâ ™he ceW peevee peelee
peveve mebÙeb$e keâe Yeej iegCeebkeâ pewmes–2 yeÌ{eles nQ lees Øeefle
kWh Glheeefole Glheeove ueeiele ..........
(a) spinning reserve/efmheefvebie efjpeJe&
(a) decreases/Iešlee nw
(b) cold reserve/keâesu[ efjpeJe&
(b) increases/yeÌ{lee nw
(c) firm reserve/heâce& efjpeJe& (c) remains same/meceeve jnlee nw
(d) hot reserve/ne@š efjpeJe& (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
805. In a power plant, a reserve generating capacity 810. In order to have lower cost of power generation
which is in operation but not in service, in Meefòeâ Glheeove keâer ueeiele vÙetvelece nesves kesâ efueS......
called the
(a) the load factor and diversity factor should be
Skeâ Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e ceW Skeâ efjpeJe& pevejsefšbie #ecelee pees low
ØeÛeeueve ceW nw uesefkeâve mesJee ceW veneR nw......... keânueeleer nw~ Yeej iegCekeâ Deewj efJeefJeOelee iegCekeâ efvecve nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(a) cold reserve/keâesu[ efjpeJe& (b) the load factor and diversity factor should be
(b) hot reserve/ne@š efjpeJe& high
(c) spinning reserve/efmheefvebie efjpeJe& Yeej iegCekeâ Deewj efJeefJeOelee iegCekeâ GÛÛe nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(c) the load factor should be low but diversity
(d) firm reserve/heâce& efjpeJe&
factor should be high/Yeej iegCekeâ efvecve nesvee ÛeeefnS
806. In a power plant, a reserve generating capacity,
uesefkeâve efJeefJeOelee iegCekeâ GÛÛe nesvee ÛeeefnS~
which is in operable condition and available for
service, but not in operation is called the (d) the load factor should be high but diversity
factor should be low/Yeej iegCekeâ GÛÛe nesvee ÛeeefnS
Skeâ Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e ceW Skeâ efjpeJe& pevejsefšbie kewâhesefmešer pees
ØeÛeeefuele efmLeefle ceW leLee mesJee nsleg GheueyOe nw uesefkeâve leLee efJeefJeOelee iegCekeâ efvecve nesvee ÛeeefnS~
811. The economics of power plant is greatly
ØeÛeeueve ceW veneR nw............ keânueelee nw~ influenced by:
(a) spinning reserve/efmheefvebie efjpeJe& Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e keâer efceleJÙelee keâeheâer no lekeâ .......... Éeje
(b) firm reserve/heâce& efjpeJe& ØeYeeefJele nesleer nw~
(c) cold reserve/keâesu[ efjpeJe& 1. load factor 2. utilization factor
(d) hot reserve/ne@š efjpeJe& 3. unit capacity 4. type of load
807. Which of the following relations holds good ? 1. Yeej ieg Ceeb k eâ 2. GheÙeesie iegCekeâ
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee mecyevOe DeÛÚe neslee nw? 3. FkeâeF& #ecelee 4. Yeej keâe Øekeâej
(a) Maximum demand = Connected load × (a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 3 and 4
demand factor (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 2, 3 and 4
DeefOekeâlece ceeBie · mebÙeesefpele Yeej × ceeBie iegCeebkeâ 812. Flat rate tariff can be charged on the basis of
(b) Average load = Maximum load × load factor Heäu ew š oj šw e f j heâ ......... kes â DeeOeej hej ØeYeeefjle efkeâÙee
Deewmele Yeej · DeefOekeâlece Yeej × Yeej iegCeebkeâ pee mekeâlee nw~
(c) Capacity factor = Utilisation factor × load (a) connected load/mebÙeesefpele Yeej
factor (b) units consumed/FkeâeF& Kehele
kewâheefmešer iegCeebkeâ · GheÙeesie iegCekeâ × Yeej iegCekeâ (c) maximum demand/DeefOekeâlece ceeBie
(d) All of the abvoe/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 495 YCT

813. Domestic consumers are usually charged 818. Diversity factor in a power system is
Iejsuet GheYeesòeâe Deeceleewj hej ØeYeeefjle efkeâS peeles nQ– Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e ceW efJeefJeOelee iegCekeâ .......neslee nw~
(a) flat demand tariff/heäuewš ceeBie šwefjheâ (a) always less than unity/meowJeFkeâeF& mes keâce
(b) block rate tariff/yuee@keâ jsš šwefjheâ (b) normally less than unity/meeceevÙele: FkeâeF& mes keâce
(c) flat rate tariff/heäuewš jsš šwefjheâ (c) always more than unity/meowJe FkeâeF& mes DeefOekeâ
(d) off peak tariff/Dee@heâ heerkeâ šwefjheâ (d) normally more than unity
814. If the tariff for electrical energy charges meeceevÙele: FkeâeF& mes DeefOekeâ
provides incentive by way of reduced charges
819. Diversity factor × maximum demand is
for higher consumption, then it may be
concluded that the efJeefJeOelee iegCekeâ × DeefOekeâlece ceeBie ...........nwb~
Ùeefo efJeÅegle Tpee& Megukeâ keâe šwefjheâ GÛÛe Kehele kesâ efueS (a) average demand/Deewmele ceeBie
keâce Megukeâ kesâ ceeOÙece mes Øeeslmeenve Øeoeve keâjlee nw lees (b) sum of consumer's maximum demands
Ùen efve<keâ<e& efvekeâeuee pee mekeâlee nw– GheYeesòeâe mes DeefOekeâlece ceeBieeW keâe Ùeesie
(a) load factor is high/Yeej iegCekeâ GÛÛe nw (c) installed capacity/mebmLeeefhele #ecelee
(b) power factor is high/Meefòeâ iegCekeâ GÛÛe nw (d) generated power/Glheeefole Meefòeâ
(c) plant has sufficient reserve capacity 820. Diversity factor has direct effect on
mebÙeb$e ceW heÙee&hle Deejef#ele #ecelee nw~ efJeefJeOelee iegCekeâ keâe meerOee ØeYeeJe ................ hej heÌ[lee
(d) power is generated through hydropower plant nw~
heeJej keâe Glheeove neF[^esmebÙeb$e Éeje ngDee nw~ (a) fixed cost per unit generated
815. Two part tariff is charged on the basis of Øeefle FkeâeF& Glheeefole efmLej ueeiele
efÉYeeie šwefjheâ.......kesâ DeeOeej hej ØeYeeefjle keâer peeleer nw~ (b) operating cost per unit generated
(a) connected load/mebÙeesefpele Yeej Øeefle FkeâeF& Glheeefole ØeÛeeueve ueeiele
(b) units consumed/FkeâeF& Kehele (c) both (a) and (b)/oesveeW (a) Deewj (b)
(c) maximum demand/DeefOekeâlece ceeBie
(d) neither (a) nor (b)/vee lees (a) vee ner (b)
(d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
821. the knowledge of diversity factor helps in
816. Block rate tariff, where energy charge computing
decreases with the increase in energy
efJeefJeOelee iegCekeâ keâer peevekeâejer....... ieCevee ceW meneÙelee
peneB Tpee& Kehele yeÌ{ves kesâ meeLe Tpee& ØeYeej Iešlee nw, keâjlee nw~
yuee@keâ jsš šwefjheâ ........ (a) plant capacity/mebÙeb$e
(a) encourages the consumers for more (b) average load/Deewmele Yeej
consumption /GheYeesòeâeDeeW keâes Deewj DeefOekeâ Kehele kesâ (c) units (kWh) generated/Glheeefole FkeâeF& (kWh)
efueS Øeeslmeeefnle keâjlee nw~ (d) peak demand/Meer<e& ceebie
(b) discourages the consumers for more 822. Plant capacity factor is
consumption /GheYeesòeâeDeeW keâes Deewj DeefOekeâ Kehele kesâ mebÙeb$e #ecelee iegCekeâ .........nw~
efueS nleeslmeeefnle keâjlee nw~
(a) actual energy produced/maximum possible
(c) encourages the consumers to restrict their
energy that could have been produced (based
demands / GheYeesòeâDeeW keâes Deheveer ceeBieeW keâes ØeefleyebefOele
on installed capacity)/JeemleefJekeâ Glheeefole Tpee&/
keâjves kesâ efueS Øeeslmeeefnle keâjlee nw
DeefOekeâlece mebYeJe Tpee& pees Glheeefole keâer pee mekeâleer Leer~
(d) encourage the consumers to improve the
(mLeeefhele #ecelee kesâ DeeOeej hej)
power factor/GheYeesòeâeDeeW keâes MeefòeâiegCekeâ mebMeesOeve
nsleg Øeeslmeeefnle keâjlee nw~ (b) actual energy produced/plant capacity hours
for which the plant has been in
*817. The daily energy produced in thermal power
station is 720 MWh at a load factor of 0.6. what operation/JeemleefJekeâ Glheeefole Tpee&/mebÙeb$e #ecelee Iebšs
is the maximum demand of the station ? efpemekesâ efueS mebÙeb$e ØeÛeeueve ceW jnlee nes
Yeej iegCeebkeâ 0.6 hej Lece&ue Meefòeâ kesâvõ ceW owefvekeâ Tpee& (c) energy generated in a given period/(maximum
Glheeove 720 MWh nw~ mšsMeve keâer DeefOekeâlece ceeBie demand × hours of operation in given
keäÙee nw? period)/efoS ieS DeJeefOe ceW Glheeefole Tpee&/(DeefOekeâlece
(a) 50 MW (b) 30 MW ceeBie × efoS ieS DeJeefOe ceW ØeÛeeueve Iebše)
(c) 72 MW (d) 720 MW (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 496 YCT
823. Which of the following statement is correct ? *827. A power generating station has a maximum
efvecve ceW mes keâewve–mee keâLeve melÙe nw? demand of 1,000 MW. The annual load factor
(a) Load factor=Capacity factor×utilisation factor is 75% and plant capacity factor is 60%.
Calculate the reserve capacity.
Yeej iegCeebkeâ · #ecelee iegCekeâ × GheÙeesie iegCekeâ
Skeâ Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e keâer DeefOekeâlece ceeBie 1,000 MW nw~
(b) Utilisation factor=Capacity factor×load factor
Jeeef<e&keâ Yeej iegCeebkeâ 75% Deewj mebÙeb$e #ecelee iegCeebkeâ
GheÙeesie iegCekeâ · #ecelee iegCekeâ × Yeej iegCekeâ
60% nw~ jef#ele #eceleekeâer ieCevee keâjW–
Load factor
(c) Capacity factor = (a) 250 MW (b) 500 MW
Utilisation factor
(c) 750 MW (d) 1,250 MW
#ecelee iegCekeâ = uees[ heâwkeäšj 828. The penalty for low power factor is imposed on
GheÙeesie iegCekeâ efvecve Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ nsleg...........hej pegcee&vee ueieeÙee peelee nw~
(d) Capacity factor=Load factor×utilisation factor (a) residential and commercial consumers
#ecelee iegCekeâ · Yeej iegCeebkeâ × GheÙeesie iegCekeâ DeeJeemeerÙe SJeb JeeefCeefpÙekeâ GheYeesòeâeDeeW
824. Utilisation factor is defined as the ratio of (b) industrial consumers/DeewÅeesefiekeâ GheYeesòeâeDeeW
GheÙeesie iegCekeâ .........kesâ Devegheele kesâ ™he ceW heefjYeeef<ele (c) agricultural consumers/ke=âef<e GheYeesòeâeDeeW
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(a) average demand to rated capacity of the 829. Doherty rate tariff is applied to
power plant [esnšea jsš šwefjheâ ............... hej ueeiet neslee nw~
Deewmele ceeBie leLee Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e keâer Debefkeâle #ecelee (a) domestic consumers/Iejsuet GheYeesòeâeDeeW
(b) maximum demand on the power plant to the (b) medium industrial consumers
rated capacity of the power plant / Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e
ceOÙece DeewÅeesefiekeâ GheYeesòeâeDeeW
hej DeefOekeâlece ceeBie leLee Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e keâer Debefkeâle #ecelee (c) bulk supplies/Yeejer Deehetefle&keâòee&
(c) rated capacity of the power plant to the
(d) municipal loads/veiej efveiece Yeej
maximum demand
830. Maximum demand tariff is generally not
Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e keâer Debefkeâle #ecelee leLee DeefOekeâlece ceeBie
applied to the domestic consumers owing to
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR their
825. Capacity factor will be very low when the DeefOekeâlece ceeBie šwefjheâ Iejsuet GheYeesòeâeDeeW hej
power plant meeceevÙele: Gvekesâ ................. kesâ keâejCe ueeiet veneR
#ecelee iegCeebkeâ yengle efvecve nesiee peye Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e...... efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) is operated as base load plant (a) low maximum demand/efvecve DeefOekeâlece ceeBie
yesme Yeej mebÙeb$e keâer lejn ØeÛeeefuele neslee nw~ (b) low load factor/efvecve Yeej iegCekeâ
(b) is operated for supplying base loads as well as
(c) low power factor/efvecve Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
peak loads/yesme Yeej kesâ meeLe heerkeâ Yeej keâes mehueeF&
(d) low energy consumption/efvecve Tpee& Kehele
keâjves nsleg ØeÛeeefuele neslee nw~
831. The primary reason for low power factor is
(c) is operated in emergency only
owing to installation of
kesâJeue Deeheelekeâeue ceW ØeÛeeefuele neslee nw~ efvecve Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâe ØeeLeefcekeâ keâejCe ..................
(d) is under maintenance keâe mebmLeeheve neslee nw~
jKejKeeJe keâer efmLeefle ceW neslee nw~ (a) synchronous motors/leguÙekeâeueer ceesšj
*826. A thermal generating station has an installed
(b) dc motors/dc ceesšj
capacity of 15 MW and supplies a daily load of
10 MW for 12 hours and 5 MW of remaining (c) induction motors/ØesjCe ceesšj
12 hours. The plant capacity factor for this (d) commutator motors/keâcÙetšsšj ceesšj
sations is 832. Low power factor has the drawback(s) of
Skeâ Lece&ue pevejsefšbie mšsMeve keâer mebmLeeheve #ecelee 15 efvecve Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ keâer keâefceÙeeB ..........nQ~
MW nw Deewj Ùen owefvekeâ ™he mes 12 Iebšs nsleg 10 MW (a) increased transmission and distribution losses
keâe Yeej mehueeF& keâjlee nw leLee Mes<e yeÛes ngS 12 Iebšs nsleg mebÛejCe Deewj efJelejCe neefveÙeeW keâe yeÌ{vee
5 MW Yeej mehueeF& keâjlee nw~ Fme mšsMeve keâer mebÙeb$e (b) poor voltage regulation/Kejeye Jeesušspe efveÙeceve
#ecelee iegCeebkeâ ......... nw~ (c) high cost of equipment for a given load
(a) 1 (b) 0.75 efoS ieS Yeej kesâ efueS GhekeâjCeeW keâer GÛÛe ueeiele
(c) 0.67 (d) 0.5 (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 497 YCT
833. The low power factor of an industrial plant is 839. The most fundamental method for calculating
uneconomical for the depreciation of equipment is
DeewÅeesefiekeâ mebÙeb$e keâe efvecve Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ....... kesâ efueS GhekeâjCe kesâ DeJecetuÙeve keâer ieCevee kesâ efueS meyemes cetue
KeÛeeauee neslee nw~ efJeefOe nw–
(a) electric supply utility only (a) straight line method /meerOeer jsKee efJeefOe
kesâJeue efJeÅegle Deehetefle& Ùetšerefuešer (b) diminishing value method
keâce keâjves Jeeueer ceeve efJeefOe
(b) owner of the plant only/kesâJeue mebÙeb$e kesâ mJeeceer
(c) sinking fund method /efmebefkebâie heâC[ efJeefOe
(c) both the owner of the plant and the electric
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
supply utility
840. The straight line method for calculating
mebÙeb$e kesâ mJeeceer SJeb efJeÅegle Deehetefle& Ùetšerefuešer oesveeW depreciation is based on the assumption that
(d) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee lees (b) depreciation charge is
834. For a consumer the most economical power DeJecetuÙeve keâer ieCevee kesâ efueS meerOeer jsKee efJeefOe Fme
factor is usually mebkeâuhevee hej DeeOeeefjle nw efkeâ DeJecetuÙeve ØeYeej –
Skeâ GheYeesòeâe nsleg Deeceleewj hej efceleJÙeÙeer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ (a) constant every year /ØelÙeskeâ Je<e& efmLej jnlee nw
neslee nw– (b) more in early years
(a) 0.25 – 0.5 lagging/0.25 – 0.5 heMÛeieeceer ØeejefcYekeâ Je<eeX ceW DeefOekeâ neslee nw
(b) 0.25 – 0.5 leading/0.25 – 0.5 De«eieeceer (c) less in early years /ØeejefcYekeâ Je<eeX ceW keâce neslee nw
(d) more in later years
(c) 0.85 – 0.95 lagging/0.85 – 0.95 heMÛeieeceer
yeeo kesâ Je<eeX ceW DeefOekeâ neslee nw~
(d) 0.85 – 0.95 leading/0.85 – 0.95 De«eieeceer 841. If P is the capital cost of equipment, n is the
835. Static capacitors are rated in terms of useful life of the equipment in years, S is the
mLeweflekeâ mebOeeefj$e ............ kesâ heo ceW efveOee&efjle efkeâS scrap value of x is annual unit depreciation,
peeles nQ~ then, using diminishing value method
Ùeefo 'P' GhekeâjCe keâe hetbpeeriele ueeiele nw, 'n' Je<eeX ceW
(a) kVAR (b) kW
(c) kVA (d) kWh
GhekeâjCe keâe GheÙeesieer peerJevekeâeue nw, 'S' DeJeefMe° cetuÙe
836. For power factor improvement static Deewj 'x' Jeeef<e&keâ FkeâeF& DeJecetuÙeve nw leye keâce keâjves
capacitors have the advantage(s) of Jeeueer ceeve efJeefOe–
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve nsleg mLeweflekeâ mebOeeefj$e keâe ueeYe (a) S = P (1 + x )
(b) P = S (1 − x )

(c) S = P (1 + x ) (d) S = P (1 − x )
n −1 n

(a) small losses/efvecve neefveÙeeB

842. For power factor improvement static
(b) easy installation/Deemeeve mebmLeeheve capacitors have the drawback(s) of
(c) low initial cost and little maintenance Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve nsleg mLeweflekeâ mebOeeefj$eeW keâer
efvecve ØeejefcYekeâ ueeiele leLee efvecve jKejKeeJe keâefceÙeeB ...........nQ~
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (a) short-service life/Úesšer–meefJe&me peerJeve
837. The depreciation of equipment is (b) getting damaged by high voltage
GhekeâjCe keâe DeJecetuÙeve neslee nw– GÛÛe Jeesušlee Éeje #eefle«emle nesvee
(a) more is early years /ØeejcYe kesâ Je<eeX ceW pÙeeoe (c) not repairable/cejccele ÙeesiÙe veneR
(b) less in early years /ØeejcYe kesâ Je<eeX ceW keâce (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(c) same every year /ØelÙeskeâ Je<e& meceeve 843. For power factor improvement synchronous
(d) none of above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR condensers have the drawback(s) of
838. The annual deposit is ........ in sinking fund Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve nsleg leguÙekeâeueer keâb[svmej keâer
method as compared to straight line method. keâefceÙeeB .........nQ~
Jeeef<e&keâ pecee jeefMe meerOeer jsKee efJeefOe keâer leguevee ceW (a) comparatively higher maintenance and
efmebefkebâie HeâC[ efJeefOe mes ........... neslee nw~ operating costs/legueveelcekeâ ™he mes GÛÛe jKejKeeJe
(a) smaller /Úesše Deewj ØeÛeeueve ueeiele
(b) greater /yeÌ[e (b) requirement of auxiliary equipment for their
(c) the same /meceeve starting /Gvekesâ ØeejcYeve kesâ efueS meneÙekeâ GhekeâjCeeW
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 498 YCT
(c) possibility of falling out of synchronism *848. A distribution transformer costing Rs. 50,000
causing in interruption of supply has a salvage value of Rs. 5000. If annual
efmeb›eâesefvepce mes nš peeves keâer mebYeeJevee jnleer nw efpemekesâ depreciation charge is Rs. 3000 on straight line
keâejCe mehueeF& yeeefOele nes peeleer nw~ method, the useful life of the transformer is
Rs. 50,000 ueeiele kesâ efJelejCe š^ebmeheâece&j keâe Gyeej
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
cetuÙe Rs. 5000 nw~ Ùeefo meerOeer jsKee efJeefOe hej Jeeef<e&keâ
844. Advantages of the improved power factor are
DeJecetuÙeve ØeYeej Rs. 3000 nw lees š^ebmeheâece&j keâe
mebMeesefOele Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâs ueeYe .........nbw~
GheÙeesieer peerJevekeâeue nw–
(a) increase in operating efficiency of the power
(a) 10 years (b) 15 years
system/Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e kesâ ØeÛeeueve o#elee ceW Je=efæ
(c) 5 years (d) 25 years
(b) improvement in voltage regulation *849. A generating plant has a maximum capacity of
Jeesušspe efveÙeceve ceW megOeej 100kW and costs Rs. 1,60,000. The annual
(c) reduction in overall cost per unit fixed charges are 12%. If the load factor is
kegâue Øeefle FkeâeF& ueeiele ceW keâceer 50%, the fixed charges per kWh will be
(d) better utilization of kW capacities of prime Skeâ peveve mebÙeb$e keâer DeefOekeâlece #ecelee 100kW nw Deewj
movers, transformers, switchgear and the ueeiele Rs. 1,60,000 nw~ Jeeef<e&keâ efmLej ØeYeej 12% nw~
lines./ØeLece Ûeeuekeâ š^ebmeheâe@ce&j, efmJeÛe efieÙej Deewj Ùeefo Yeej iegCekeâ 5% nw lees Øeefle kWh efmLej ØeYeej
ueeFveeW kesâ kW keâe yesnlej GheÙeesie nesiee–
845. The most suitable location for a power factor (a) 5.24 paise (b) 7.82 paise
improvement device is (c) 4.38 paise (d) 3.82 paise
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve Ùegefòeâ kesâ efueS meyemes GheÙegòeâ 850. An ideal value of power factor is
mLeeve neslee............. nw Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâe DeeoMe& ceeve nw~
(a) 1 (b) 0.5
(a) near the electrical appliance which is
(c) 0.8 (d) 0.75
responsible for the poor power factor
*851. A factory draws as apparent power of 300 kVA
efJeÅegle GhekeâjCe kesâ heeme pees Kejeye Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve at a lagging power factor of 0.65. The active
kesâ efueS GòejoeÙeer nesles nQ~ power drawn by the factory is
(b) at the receiving end, in case of a transmission Skeâ keâejKeevee 0.65 heMÛeieeceer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej 300
line/š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve keâer efmLeefle ceW, efjmeerefJebie efmeje hej kVA keâe DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ ueslee nw~ keâejKeeves Éeje ueer
(c) at the sending end/Øes<eCe efmejs hej peeves Jeeueer meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ nw-
(d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (a) 285 kW (b) 228 kW
846. An industrial installation has a power factor of (c) 185 kW (d) 195 kW
0.8 lagging. It would be economical to improve 852. The lagging reactive power drawn by a load is
pf to zero. The power factor of the load is
Skeâ efJeÅegle mebmLeeheve keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ 0.8 he§eieeceer nw~ Skeâ Yeej Éeje ueer peeves Jeeueer heMÛeieeceer Øeeflekeâejer
Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ keâes ............... lekeâ megOeejves ceW efceleJÙeÙeer Meefòeâ MetvÙe nw~ Yeej keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keäÙee nw?
(a) 0.5
nesiee~ (b) 0.75
(a) unity/FkeâeF& (c) 1
(b) about 0.8 leading/ueieYeie 0.8 De«eieeceer (d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) about 0.95 lagging/ueieYeie 0.95 he§eieeceer 853. Alternators and transformers are rated in
(d) about 0.95 leading/ueieYeie 0.95 De«eieeceer
ØelÙeeJele&keâ Deewj š^ebmeheâece&j ........... ceW efveOee&efjle efkeâÙee
847. The most economical limit of power factor
peelee nw~
correcting is governed by (a) kVA
(b) kW
Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ megOeejves keâer meyemes efkeâheâeÙeleer meercee (c) kVAR
...........Éeje efveÙebef$ele nesleer nw~ (d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) original power factor/cetue Meefòeâ iegCekeâ 854. When the power factor is increased,
(b) relative costs of the supply and power factor peye Meefòeâ iegCekeâ yeÌ{eÙee peelee nw–
correction equipment /Deehetefle& Deewj heeJej iegCeebkeâ (a) active power increases /meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ yeÌ{leer nw~
megOeej GhekeâjCe keâer meehes#e ueeiele (b) active power decreases /meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ Iešleer nw~
(c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (c) line current increases /ueeFve Oeeje yeÌ{leer nw~
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) line current decreases /ueeFve Oeeje Iešleer nw~

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 499 YCT

*855. The following two tariffs are offered: 860. When p.f. at the generating station is
efvecve oes šwefjheâ ØemleeefJele nQ– improved, the cost per unit
(i) Rs. 100 plus 15 piase per unit peveve kesâvõ hej Meefòeâ iegCekeâ peye mebMeesefOele efkeâÙee peelee
Rs. 100+15 hewmee Øeefle FkeâeF& nw lees Øeefle FkeâeF& ueeiele
(ii) A flat rate of 30 paise per unit
(a) decreases /Iešleer nw
30 hewmee Øeefle FkeâeF& keâe Skeâ meceeve oj
At what consumption is first tariff economical? (b) increases /yeÌ{leer nw
efkeâme Kehele hej ØeLece šwefjheâ efceleJÙeÙeer nw? (c) remains same /meceeve jnleer nw
(a) above 666.67 units /666.67 FkeâeF& mes Thej (d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) below 350 units /350 FkeâeF& mes veerÛes 861. The only motor that can be worked at leading
(c) above 560 units /560 FkeâeF& mes Thej power factor is
(d) none of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR kesâJeue Skeâ ceesšj pees De«eieeceer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej keâeÙe&
*856. A generating station has an installed capacity keâjleer nw
of 50,000 kW and delivers 220×106 units per (a) 3-phase induction motor /$eer-keâuee ØesjCe ceesšj
annum. If the annual fixed charges are Rs. 160
per kW installed capacity and running charges (b) 1-phase induction motor /1-φ ØesjCe ceesšj
are 4 paise per kWh, the cost per unit (c) synchronous motor /leguÙekeâeueer ceesšj
generated is (d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Skeâ peveve kesâvõ keâer mLeeefhele #ecelee 50,000 kW nw 862. If C is the capacitance per phase for delta
Deewj Øeefle Je<e&220×106 Ùetefveš oslee nw Ùeefo Jeeef<e&keâ efmLej connected capacitor bank, then capacitance per
ØeYeej 160 ®. Øeefle kW nw leLee mebmLeeefhele #ecelee Deewj phase for star-connected capacitor bank is
Ûeeueve ØeYeej 4 hewmee Øeefle kW nw~ Øeefle FkeâeF& peefvele C [suše mebÙeesefpele kewâheefmešj yeQkeâ kesâ efueS Øeefle keâuee
ueeiele nw Oeeefjlee nw lees mšej mebÙeesefpele kewâheeefmešj yeQkeâ kesâ efueS
(a) 4.38 paise /4.38 hewmes Øeefle keâuee Oeeefjlee nw–
(b) 9.92 paise/5.92 hewmes C
(c) 7.64 paise /7.64 hewmes (a) 3C (b)
(d) 11.72 paise/11.72 hewmes C
*857. The tariff in force is Rs. 150 per kVA of (c) (d) 3C
maximum demand and 8 paise per unit 3
consumed. If the load factor is 30%, the overall 863. For a large installation, it is better to apply
cost per unit at 0.7 p.f. lagging is yeÌ[s mebmLeeheve kesâ efueS keäÙee ØeÙegòeâ keâjvee yesnlej neslee
heâesme& ceW Skeâ šwefjheâ DeefOekeâlece ceebie keâe 150 ®. Øeefle nw?
kVA Deewj 8 hewmee Øeefle Ùetefveš GheYeesie keâer ieF& kesâ (a) individual correction to small motors
yejeyej nw~ Ùeefo Yeej iegCekeâ 30% nw lees 0.7 he§eieeceer Úesšer ceesšjeW nsleg JÙeefòeâiele mebMeesOeve
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej Øeefle FkeâeF& mechetCe& ueeiele nw (b) individual correction to large motors
(a) 13.7 paise (b) 22.4 paise yeÌ[er ceesšjes nsleg JÙeefòeâiele mebMeesOeve
(c) 16.15 paise (d) 25.6 paise (c) bulk correction to large motors
858. When p.f. is improved the kW capacity of
alternators is yeÌ[er ceesšjes nsleg efJemle=le mebMeesOeve
peye Meefòeâ iegCekeâ mebMeesefOele neslee nw lees ØelÙeeJele&keâ keâer (d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
kW #ecelee 864. Which of the following is the essential
(a) increased /yeÌ{leer nw requirement of peak load plant?
(b) decreased /Iešleer nw efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee efMeKej Yeej mebÙev$e keâer
(c) unaffected /DeØeYeeefJele jnlee nw DeejefcYekeâ DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw?
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) It should run at high speed
859. The smaller the lagging reactive power drawn Ùen GÛÛe ieefle hej Ûeuevee ÛeeefnS
by the circuit,
(b) It should produce high voltage
heefjheLe mes ueer ieF& he§eieeceer Øeeflekeâejer Meefòeâ efvecve nw lees
(a) the higher is the p.f. /Meefòeâ iegCekeâ GÛÛe nw
Fmes GÛÛe Jeesušspe Glheeove keâjvee ÛeeefnS
(b) the smaller is the p.f. /Meefòeâ iegCekeâ efvecve nw (c) It should be small in size
(c) the higher is the active power Ùen Deekeâej ceW Úesše nesvee ÛeeefnS
meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ GÛÛe nw (d) It should be capable of starting quickly
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Ùen peuoer mšeš& nesves ceW me#ece nesvee ÛeefenS
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 500 YCT
865. Large capacity generators are invariably: (a) High, high, high/GÛÛe, GÛÛe, GÛÛe
yeÌ[er #ecelee kesâ peefve$e ncesMee GheÙeesieer nesles nQ– (b) High, low, high/GÛÛe, efvecve, GÛÛe
(a) Water cooled/Jeešj ketâu[ (c) Low, low, low/efvecve, efvecve, efvecve
(b) Natural air cooled/Øeeke=âeflekeâ SÙej ketâu[ (d) Low, high, low/efvecve, GÛÛe, efvecve
(c) Forced air cooled/yeefuele SÙej ketâu[ 871. Which of the following is the disadvantage of
(d) Hydrogen cooled/neF[^espeve ketâu[ a synchronous condenser?
866. By the use of which of the following power efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee leguÙekeâeefuekeâ mebOeeefj$e keâe
factor can be improved? DeJeiegCe nw?
efvecve ceW mes efkeâmekeâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceW (a) High maintenance cost/GÛÛe jKe-jKeeJe ueeiele
megOeej efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw? (b) Continuous losses in motor
(a) Phase advancers/hesâpe S[Jeebmej ceesšj ceW efvejvlej neefveÙeeB
(b) Synchronous compensators (c) Noise/keâesueenue (Meesj)
leguÙekeâeefuekeâ #eeflehetefle& (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
(c) Static capcitors/mLeweflekeâ mebOeeefj$eeW 872. For a consumer the most economical power
(d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& factor is generally:
867. An induction motor has relatively high Skeâ GheYeesòeâe kesâ efueS Deefle-efceleJÙeÙeer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
power factor at: meeceevÙele: nw-
Skeâ ØesjCe ceesšj keâe Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ .......hej Dehes#eeke=âle (a) 0.5 lagging/0.5 heMÛeieeceer
GÛÛe neslee nw~ (b) 0.5 leading/0.5 De«eieeceer
(a) Rated r.p.m/efveOee&efjle r.p.m (c) 0.95 lagging/0.95 heMÛeieeceer
(b) No load/MetvÙe Yeej (d) 0.95 leading/0.95 De«eieeceer
(c) 20 percent load/20 ØeefleMele Yeej 873. A synchronous condenser is virtually which
(d) Near full load/hetCe& Yeej kesâ efvekeâš of the following?
868. Which of the following is the disadvantange Skeâ leguÙekeâeefuekeâ mebOeeefj$e JeemleJe ceW efvecve ceW mes
due to low power factor? keâewve mee nw?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve meer efvecve Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ kesâ keâejCe
(a) Induction motor /ØesjCe ceesšj
neefve nw? (b) Under excited synchronous motor
(a) Poor voltage regulation/Kejeye Jeesušspe efveÙeceve vÙetve-Gòesefpele leguÙekeâeefuekeâ ceesšj
(b) Increased transmission losses (c) Over excited synchronus motor
mebÛejCe neefveÙeeW ceW Je=efæ Deefle-Gòesefpele leguÙekeâeefuekeâ ceesšj
(c) High cost of equipment for a given load
(d) D.C. generator/D.C. peefve$e
efoS ieS Yeej kesâ efueS GÛÛe ueeiele Jeeues GhekeâjCe
874. For a power plant which of the following
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer constitutes running cost?
869. In a distribution system, in order to improve Meefòeâ mebÙev$e kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee ie"ve
power factor, the synchronous capacitors are Ûeeefuele ueeiele nw?
Skeâ efJelejCe ØeCeeueer ceW, Meefòeâ-iegCekeâ keâes yesnlej (a) Cost of wages/cepeotjer keâer ueeiele
yeveeves kesâ efueS leguÙekeâeefuekeâ mebOeeefj$e mLeeefhele nesles (b) Cost of fuel/FËOeve keâer ueeiele
nQ– (c) Cost of lubricants/mvesnkeâ keâer ueeiele
(a) At the receiving end/DeefYe«eener efmejs hej (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
(b) At the sending end/Øes<eCe efmejs hej 875. In an interconnected system, the diversity
factor of the whole system:
(c) Either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b)
Skeâ Devlej-mebÙeesefpele ØeCeeueer ceW hetjs ØeCeeueer keâe
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
efJeefJeOelee iegCekeâ–
870. Base load plants usually have….capital
cost,….operating cost and ….load factor: (a) Remains unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw
DeeOeej Yeej mebÙev$e ceW Deeceleewj hej ....... hetbpeer ueeiele, (b) Decreases/keâce nes peelee nw
.......... heefjÛeeueve ueeiele Deewj ...... Yeej-iegCekeâ neslee (c) Increases/yeÌ{ peelee nw
nw~ (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle keâesF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 501 YCT

876. Most of the loads are /DeefOekeâlej Yeej nesles nw 882. The annual working cost of a power plant is
(a) inductive /ØesjkeâerÙe represented by the formula Rs. (a+b kW +c
kWh) where the various terms have their usual
(b) capacitive /OeeefjleerÙe meaning . The value of a is maximum for
(c) resistive /ØeeflejesOeer Skeâ Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e keâer Jeeef<e&keâ keâeÙe&keâejer ueeiele met$e
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a+b kW +c kWh) Éeje ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙee ieÙee nw peneb
*877. A generating station has an installed capacity ef JeefYevve heoeW keâe Gvekeâe Dehevee meeceevÙe DeLe& nQ 'a' keâe
of 50,000 kW and delivers 220×106 units per ceeve.... kesâ efueS DeefOekeâlece nw~
annum. If the annual fixed charges are Rs.
(a) Hydro power plant /peue Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e
1600 per kW installed capacity and running
charge are Rs. 2 per kWh, the cost per unit (b) Steam power plant /Yeehe Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e
generated is /Skeâ peveve kesâvõ keâer mebmLeeheve #ecelee (c) Diesel power plant /[erpeue Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e
50,000 kW nw Deewj 220×10 Ùetefveš Øeefle Je<e& Øeoeve
6 (d) nuclear power plant /veeefYekeâerÙe Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e
883. Ideally, depreciated value of the power plant
keâjlee nw~ Ùeefo Jeeef<e&keâ efmLej ØeYeej 1600 ®. Øeefle kW plus the accumulation in the depreciation fund
nw Deewj mebmLeeefhele #ecelee Deewj Ûeeueve ØeYeej 2 ®. Øeefle should be equal to
kWh nw~ Øeefle FkeâeF& peefvele ueeiele nw DeeoMe& ™he mes Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e keâe (DeJecetuÙeve ceeve ±
(a) Rs. 4..24 (b) Rs. 5.60 DeJecetuÙeve heâC[) ceW mebÛeÙe efkeâmekesâ yejeyej nesvee
(c) Rs. 1.85 (d) Rs. 2.36 ÛeeefnS?
878. The capital cost of a power plant depends on (a) sinking fund /efmebefkebâie heâC[
efkeâmeer Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e keâer hebtpeeriele ueeiele..... hej efveYe&j (b) original value /cetue ceeve
keâjleer nw (c) salvage value /DeJeefMe<š ceeve
(a) installed capacity only /kesâJeue mLeeefhele #ecelee (d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) number of units only /kesâJeue F&keâeFÙeeW keâer mebKÙee 884. The annual depreciation reserve depends on
(c) both (a) and (b) /(a) Deewj (b) oesvees Jeeef<e&keâ DeJecetuÙeve efjpeJe&...... hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) capital cost only /kesâJeue hebtpeeriele ueeiele
879. The annual fixed cost of a power plant is (b) salvage value only /kesâJeue DeJeefMe° ceeve
independent of /efkeâmeer Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e keâe Jeeef<e&keâ (c) method of calculating depreciation reserve
efmLej ueeiele... mes mJeleb$e neslee nw DeJecetuÙeve efjpeJe& keâer ieCevee keâjves keâer efJeefOe
(d) all of the above / Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
(a) maximum demand only /kesâJeue DeefOekeâlece ceebie *885. A consumer needs one million units per year
(b) units generated /annum only and his annual load factor is 50%. The tariff in
peefvele FkeâeF& kesâJeue ØeefleJe<e& force is Rs. 1200 per kW of maximum demand
(c) both (a) and (b) /(a) Deewj (b) oesvees plus Rs. 2.40 per unit. If he improves his load
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR factor to 100 %, saving in energy cost per
880. The annual cost of fuel of a power plant is annum is /Skeâ GheYeesòeâe keâes Øeefle Je<e& Skeâ ceerefueÙeve
included in Ùet efvešdme keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw Deewj Gmekeâe Jeeef<e&keâ Yeej
efkeâmeer Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e kesâ FËOeve keâer Jeeef<e&keâ ueeiele ........ ceW ieg C ekeâ 50% nw heâesme& ceW šwefjheâ DeefOekeâlece ceebie keâe
meefcceefuele efkeâÙee peelee nw 1200 Øeefle +2.4 ®. Øeefle Ùetefveš Ùeefo Je<e& Deheves Yeej
(a) annual fixed cost /Jeeef<e&keâ efmLej ueeiele ieg Cekeâ keâes 100 % lekeâ megOeejlee nw lees ØeefleJe<e& Tpee&
(b) annual running cost /Jeeef<e&keâ Ûeeueve ueeiele ueeiele ceW yeÛele nw
(c) both (a) and (b) /(a) Deewj (b) oesvees (a) Rs. 1,37,040
(b) Rs. 2,28,500
(d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) Rs. 1,82,800
881. The annual expenditure on the central (d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
organisation and salaries of high officials for a 886. The most economical limit of power factor is
power plant is included in governed by /Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâer meyemes efceleJÙeÙeer
efkeâmeer Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e kesâ efueS kesâefvõle mebie"veeW Deewj GÛÛe meercee.......... kesâ Éeje Meeefmele keâer peeleer nw~
DeefOekeâeefjÙeeW kesâ mewuejer hej Jeeef<e&keâ JÙeÙe...... meefcceefuele (a) original power factor /cetue Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
efkeâÙee peelee nw (b) relative cost of supply and p.f. correction
(a) annual fixed cost /Jeeef<e&keâ efmLej ueeiele equipment /mehueeF& keâer meehes#e ueeiele Deewj Meefòeâ
(b) annual semi-fixed cost /Jeeef<e&keâ Deæ& efmLej ueeiele iegCekeâ mebMeesOeve GhekeâjCe
(c) annual running cost /Jeeef<e&keâ Ûeue ueeiele (c) both (a) and (b) /(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(d) both (a) and (b) /(a) Deewj (b) oesvees (d) None of the above /Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 502 YCT

887. Static voltage regulators use 892. ______ are use to provide compensation at
efmLej Jeesušspe efveÙeecekeâeW ceW ........... keâe GheÙeesie neslee nw the receiving end of a transmission line so as
(a) saturable reactor/meble=hle ØeefleIeelekeâ to improve its voltage profile.
...........keâe GheÙeesie mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ «eener efmejs hej
(b) integrated circuit/Skeâerke=âle heefjheLe
(c) microprocessors/ceeF›eâesØeesmesmej vegkeâmeeve #eeflehetefle& keâes Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee
(d) all of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer peelee nw leeefkeâ Fmekesâ Jeesušspe ØeesHeâeFue ceW megOeej nes
888. Induction regulators are used for voltage mekesâ~
control in. (a) Condensers/keâv[svmej
ØesjCe jsieguesšj keâe GheÙeesie ........... Jeesušspe efveÙeb$eCe kesâ (b) Resistors/ØeeflejesOe
efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (c) Reactors/ØeefleIeele
(a) alternators/ØelÙeeJele&keâ (d) Condensers, resistors or reactors
(b) primary distribution/ØeeLeefcekeâ efJelejCe keâv[svmeme&, ØeeflejesOe Ùee ØeefleIeele
(c) secondary distribution/efÉleerÙekeâ efJelejCe 893. Electro-mechanical voltage regulators are
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR generally used in:
889. In which of the following voltage regulators the JewÅegle Ùeebef$ekeâ Jeesušlee efveÙeecekeâes keâe ØeÙeesie
effect of dead zero is found? meeceevÙele: ......... ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Jeesušspe efveÙeecekeâeW ces ce=le #es$e
(a) Reactors/ØeefleIeelekeâeW
keâe ØeYeeJe heeÙee peelee nw?
(b) Generators/peefve$eeW
(a) Electromagnetic type/efJeÅegle-ÛegcyekeâerÙe Øekeâej
(c) Transformers/heefjCeeefce$eeW
(b) Magnetic amplifier/ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeJeOe&keâ
(c) Electronic type using integrated circuits (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
Fueskeäš^eefvekeâ Øekeâej keâe efpemeceW Skeâerke=âle heefjheLe keâe 894. The frequency of voltage generated, in case of
GheÙeesie neslee nw generators, can be increased by:
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer
peefve$e kesâ efmLeefle ceW, Glheeefole Jeesušlee keâer DeeJe=efòe keâes
890. By which of the following method voltage of ............. kesâ Éeje yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw –
transmission can be regulated? (a) Using reactors/ØeefleIeelekeâeW kesâ ØeÙeesie
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme efJeefOe kesâ Éeje mebÛejCe Jeesušlee (b) Increasing the load/Yeej Je=efæ
keâes efJeefveÙeefcele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw? (c) Adjusting the governor/efveÙeb$ekeâ kesâ meceeÙeespeve
(a) Use of series capacitors to neutralise the
(d) Reducing the terminal voltage
effect of series reactance
ßesCeer ØeefleIeele kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes efve<ØeYeeefJele keâjves efueS ßesCeer efmeje Jeesušlee ceW keâceer
mebOeeefj$eeW keâe ØeÙeesie 895. In a tap changing transformer, the tappings
(b) Switching is shunt capacitors at the reciving are provided on:
end during heavy loads Skeâ šwhe heefjJele&veerÙe heefjCeeefce$e ceW, šwefhebie hej Øeoeve keâer
Yeejer Yeej kesâ oewjeve «eener efmejs hej efmJeefÛebie Mebš mebOeeefj$e peeleer nw–
neslee nw (a) Primary winding/ØeeLeefcekeâ kegâC[ueve
(c) Use of tap changing transformers (b) Secondary winding/efÉleerÙekeâ kegâC[ueve
šwhe heefjJele&veerÙe heefjCeeefce$e keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) High voltage winding/GÛÛe Jeesušlee kegâC[ueve
(d) Any of the above methods
(d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
Ghejeskeäle efJeefOe ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
891. The voltage regulation in magnetic amplifier 896. Which load flow method..........to initial guess in
type voltage regulator is effected by: respect of reliability of convergence of solution?
ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeJeOe&keâ Øekeâej kesâ Jeesušspe efveÙeecekeâ ceW nue keâer DeefYemejCe keâer efJeMJemeveerÙelee kesâ mebyebOe ceW efkeâme
Jeesušspe efveÙeceve .......... kesâ Éeje ØeYeeJeer neslee nw~ Yeej (uees[) ØeJeen efJeefOe kesâ ØeejbefYekeâ Devegceeve kesâ Øeefle
(a) Electromagnetic induction mebJesoveMeerue nw–
efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØesjCe (a) Newton-Raphson method/vÙetšve jwhmeve efJeefOe
(b) Varying the resistance/heefjJele&veerÙe ØeeflejesOe (b) Runge-Kutta method/jvpe keâóe efJeefOe
(c) Varying the reactance/ heefjJele&veerÙe ØeefleIeele (c) Gauss - Seidel method/iee@me-mes[ue efJeefOe
(d) Variable transformer/heefjJele&veerÙe heefjCeeefce$e (d) Gauss elimination/iee@me efJeueesheve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 503 YCT
ANSWER : Transmission and Distribution
of Electrical Power
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (a)
8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (b) 11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (d)
15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (d) 21. (c)
22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (a)
29. (b) 30. (b) 31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (d)
36. (b) 37. (b) 38. (d) 39. (c) 40. (d) 41. (d) 42. (d)
43. (c) 44. (a) 45. (d) 46. (b) 47. (c) 48. (c) 49. (b)
50. (b) 51. (b) 52. (c) 53. (d) 54. (d) 55. (c) 56. (d)
57. (c) 58. (a) 59. (a) 60. (c) 61. (d) 62. (c) 63. (d)
64. (d) 65. (a) 66. (d) 67. (c) 68. (a) 69. (c) 70. (b)
71. (a) 72. (a) 73. (a) 74. (a) 75. (a) 76. (d) 77. (a)
78. (b) 79. (c) 80. (b) 81. (a) 82. (a) 83. (d) 84. (c)
85. (c) 86. (d) 87. (d) 88. (d) 89. (c) 90. (a) 91. (c)
92. (c) 93. (b) 94. (c) 95. (c) 96. (a) 97. (b) 98. (b)
99. (a) 100. (b) 101. (c) 102. (c) 103. (a) 104. (b) 105. (b)
106. (c) 107. (b) 108. (a) 109. (a) 110. (a) 111. (b) 112. (a)
113. (c) 114. (b) 115. (c) 116. (d) 117. (b) 118. (c) 119. (a)
120. (b) 121. (a) 122. (b) 123. (a) 124. (a) 125. (b) 126. (b)
127. (c) 128. (d) 129. (b) 130. (a) 131. (b) 132. (b) 133. (a)
134. (b) 135. (a) 136. (d) 137. (b) 138. (a) 139. (c) 140. (a)
141. (c) 142. (a) 143. (b) 144. (c) 145. (d) 146. (b) 147. (c)
148. (b) 149. (c) 150. (b) 151. (b) 152. (c) 153. (d) 154. (a)
155. (a) 156. (a) 157. (d) 158. (b) 159. (b) 160. (d) 161. (a)
162. (d) 163. (a) 164. (c) 165. (d) 166. (c) 167. (b) 168. (a)
169. (b) 170. (d) 171. (c) 172. (c) 173. (c) 174. (a) 175. (c)
176. (c) 177. (d) 178. (d) 179. (b) 180. (c) 181. (c) 182. (b)
183. (c) 184. (b 185. (c) 186. (b) 187. (d) 188. (c) 189. (c)
190. (c) 191. (c) 192. (b) 193. (b) 194. (a) 195. (a) 196. (a)
197. (c) 198. (a) 199. (a) 200. (a) 201. (a) 202. (a) 203. (c)
204.(b) 205. (a) 206. (a) 207. (d) 208. (a) 209.(c) 210. (a)
211. (c) 212. (a) 213. (a) 214. (c) 215. (a) 216. (c) 217. (b)
218. (d) 219. (b) 220. (a) 221. (d) 222. (c) 223. (d) 224. (a)
225. (b) 226. (c) 227. (c) 228. (c) 229. (a) 230. (b) 231. (b)
232. (a) 233. (b) 234. (b) 235. (b) 236. (c) 237. (a) 238. (d)
239. (b) 240. (d) 241. (a) 242. (b) 243. (d) 244. (c) 245. (b)
46. (d) 247. (d) 248. (d) 249. (b) 250. (b) 251.(b) 252. (d)
253. (b) 254. (a) 255. (b) 256. (c) 257. (d) 258. (b) 259. (d)
260. (a) 261. (a) 262. (d) 263. (b) 264. (c) 265. (b) 266. (b)
267. (d) 268. (c) 269. (c) 270. (d) 271. (d) 272. (c) 273. (c)
274. (b) 275. (c) 276. (b) 277. (b) 278. (a) 279. (a) 280. (a)
281. (b) 282. (c) 283. (c) 284. (c) 285. (d) 286. (d) 287. (d)
288. (c) 289. (c) 290. (c) 291. (a) 292. (d) 293. (c) 294. (a)
295. (b) 296. (c) 297. (c) 298. (b) 299. (c) 300. (c) 301. (a)
302. (c) 303. (b) 304. (b) 305.(b) 306. (b) 307. (b) 308. (a)
309. (d) 310. (d) 311. (a) 312. (a) 313. (b) 314. (a) 315. (c)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 504 YCT

316. (d) 317. (d) 318. (a) 319. (d) 320. (d) 321. (d) 322. (c)
323. (a) 324. (d) 325. (a) 326. (a) 327. (b) 328. (a) 329. (b)
330. (c) 331. (d) 332. (a) 333. (c) 334. (b) 335. (d) 336. (b)
337. (a) 338. (a) 339. (c) 340. (b) 341. (c) 342. (c) 343. (c)
344. (c) 345. (b) 346. (a) 347. (a) 348. (d) 349. (a) 350. (a)
351. (a) 352. (d) 353.(b) 354. (b) 355. (c) 356. (d) 357. (a)
358. (a) 359. (c) 360. (c) 361. (c) 362. (b) 363. (b) 364. (d)
365. (a) 366. (d) 367. (b) 368. (c) 369. (c) 370. (c) 371. (a)
372. (c) 373. (b) 374. (d) 375. (b) 376. (b) 377. (c) 378. (c
379. (a) 380. (a) 381. (c) 382. (b) 383. (c) 384.(b) 385. (a)
386. (b) 387. (b) 388. (b) 389. (a) 390. (b) 391. (d) 392. (c)
393. (b) 394. (a) 395. (a) 396. (b) 397. (d) 398. (a) 399. (b)
400. (d) 401. (a) 402. (c) 403. (a) 404. (b) 405. (c) 406. (a)
407. (b) 408. (a) 409. (d) 410. (c) 411. (d) 412. (c) 413. (c)
414. (d) 415. (b) 416. (c) 417. (d) 418. (a) 419. (d) 420. (a)
421. (c) 422. (d) 423. (d) 424. (a) 425. (a) 426. (d) 427. (a)
428. (a) 429. (a) 430. (a) 431. (d) 432. (c) 433. (b) 434. (a)
435. (b) 436. (a) 437. (c) 438. (c) 439. (c) 440. (a) 441. (b)
442. (a) 443. (c) 444. (c) 445. (c) 446. (d) 447. (c) 448. (a)
449. (d) 450. (d) 451. (a) 452. (d) 453. (b) 454. (d) 455.(c)
456. (b) 457.(d) 458.(c) 459. (a) 460. (d) 461. (a) 462. (d)
463. (d) 464. (b) 465. (b) 466. (c) 467. (b) 468. (a) 469. (a)
470. (c) 471. (a) 472. (b) 473. (c) 474. (d) 475. (b) 476. (d)
477. (d) 478. (c) 479. (b) 480. (d) 481. (d) 482. (b) 483. (d)
484. (c) 485. (c) 486. (d) 487. (d) 488. (a) 489. (d) 490. (a)
491. (d) 492. (d) 493. (c) 494. (c) 495. (d) 496. (b) 497. (a)
498. (d) 499. (d) 500. (d) 501. (d) 502. (a) 503. (b) 504. (b)
505. (c) 506. (c) 507. (b) 508. (d) 509. (a) 510. (b) 511. (d)
512. (b) 513. (a) 514. (d) 515. (d) 516. (d) 517. (d) 518. (d)
519. (c) 520. (c) 521. (c) 522. (c) 523. (c) 524. (d) 525. (b)
526. (a) 527. (c) 528. (c) 529. (d) 530. (c) 531. (c) 532. (b)
533. (b) 534. (a) 535. (b) 536. (c) 537. (a) 538. (b) 539. (d)
540. (a) 541. (c) 542. (b) 543. (b) 544. (d) 545. (b) 546. (c)
547. (a) 548. (c) 549. (b) 550. (b) 551. (b) 552. (c) 553. (b)
554. (d) 555. (c) 556. (c) 557. (a) 558.(d) 559. (c) 560. (b)
561. (a) 562. (a) 563. (a) 564. (a) 565. (c) 566. (a) 567. (a)
568. (c) 569. (c) 570. (a) 571. (c) 572. (a) 573. (b) 574. (c)
575. (d) 576. (c) 577. (b) 578. (c) 579. (d) 580. (d) 581. (c)
582. (b) 583. (c) 584. (b) 585. (b) 586. (d) 587. (c) 588. (c)
589. (d) 590. (b) 591.(b) 592. (a) 593. (d) 594. (a) 595.(d)
596. (b) 597. (b) 598. (d) 599. (d) 600. (a) 601. (c) 602. (b)
603. (d) 604. (d) 605. (c) 606. (d) 607. (d) 608. (d) 609. (d)
610. (d) 611. (b) 612. (a) 613. (c) 614. (b) 615. (b) 616. (b)
617. (c) 618. (a) 619. (b) 620. (a) 621. (a) 622. (c) 623. (d)
624. (a) 625. (b) 626. (c) 627. (c) 628. (b) 629. (b) 630. (c)
631. (a) 632. (a) 633. (a) 634. (d) 635. (a) 636. (d) 637. (d)
638. (a) 639. (c) 640. (b) 641. (c) 642. (a) 643. (d) 644.(c)
645. (c) 646. (b) 647. (d) 648. (c) 649. (d) 650. (c) 651. (b)
652. (a) 653. (c) 654. (c) 655. (c) 656. (a) 657. (b) 658. (c)
659. (a) 660. (d) 661. (d) 662. (a) 663. (b) 664. (c) 665. (a)
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 505 YCT
666. (c) 667. (d) 668. (c) 669. (a) 670. (d) 671. (a) 672. (b)
673. (a) 674. (d) 675. (d) 676. (a) 677. (c) 678. (b) 679. (d)
680. (b) 681. (c) 682. (b) 683. (c) 684. (d) 685. (d) 686. (c)
687. (a) 688. (d) 689. (c) 690. (a) 691. (b) 692. (d) 693. (c)
694. (a) 695. (b) 696. (d) 697.(b) 698. (d) 699. (c) 700. (d)
701. (a) 702.. (d) 703. (d) 704. (a) 705. (a) 706. (d) 707. (d)
708. (b) 709. (b) 710. (c) 711. (a) 712. (d) 713. (b) 714. (c)
715. (d) 716. (c) 717. (a) 718. (b) 719. (b) 720. (d) 721. (c)
722. (b) 723. (b) 724. (a) 725. (d) 726. (c) 727. (b) 728. (d)
729. (c) 730. (b) 731. (b) 732. (b) 733. (a) 734. (c) 735. (c)
736. (d) 737. (b) 738. (d) 739. (c) 740. (a) 741. (a) 742. (b)
743. (d) 744. (a) 745. (c) 746. (a) 747. (b) 748. (b) 749. (b)
750. (d) 751. (a) 752. (c) 753. (d) 754. (d) 755. (b) 756. (a)
757. (c) 758. (c) 759. (c) 760. (c) 761. (d) 762. (b) 763. (a)
764. (b) 765. (c) 766. (d) 767. (a) 768. (d) 769. (d) 770. (d)
771. (d) 772. (c) 773. (b) 774. (c) 775. (a) 776. (b) 777. (d)
778. (c) 779. (c) 780. (a) 781. (b) 782. (b) 783. (b) 784. (d)
785. (a) 786. (d) 787. (a) 788. (b) 789. (b) 790. (c) 791. (a)
792. (b) 793. (d) 794. (a) 795. (b) 796. (d) 797. (b) 798. (c)
799. (d) 800. (a) 801. (b) 802. (d) 803. (b) 804. (c) 805. (b)
806. (c) 807. (d) 808. (a) 809. (a) 810. (b) 811. (a) 812. (b)
813. (b) 814. (c) 815. (d) 816. (a) 817. (a) 818. (c) 819. (b)
820. (a) 821. (a) 822. (a) 823. (d) 824. (b) 825. (c) 826. (d)
827. (a) 828. (b) 829. (c) 830. (a) 831. (c) 832. (d) 833. (c)
834. (c) 835. (a) 836. (d) 837.(b) 838. (a) 839. (c) 840. (a)
841. (d) 842. (d) 843. (d) 844. (d) 845. (d) 846. (c) 847. (b)
848. (b) 849. (c) 850. (a) 851. (d) 852.(c) 853. (a) 854. (d)
855. (a) 856. (c) 857. (c) 858. (a) 859. (a) 860. (a) 861. (c)
862. (a) 863. (b) 864. (d) 865. (d) 866. (d) 867. (d) 868. (d)
869. (a) 870. (b) 871. (d) 872. (c) 873. (c) 874. (d) 875. (c)
876. (a) 877. (d) 878. (c) 879. (c) 880. (b) 881. (a) 882. (d)
883. (b) 884. (d) 885. (a) 886. (b) 887. (d) 888. (b) 889. (a)
890. (d) 891. (c) 892. (a) 893. (b) 894. (c) 895. (c) 896. (a)

7. (a) 56. (d)
1 ZC = ZOC ZSC = 64 × 36 = 48Ω
Ûeeuekeâ keâer ueeiele C ∝
57. (c)
1 For length λ/2
henueer yeej kesâ efueS C1 ∝
(132)2 Input impedance measured at the mid-section of the
1 line = Line characteristic impedance
otmejer yeej kesâ efueS C2 ∝
( 220 )
2 77. (a)
C 2  132 
∴ =  efoÙee nw–
C1  220  Line voltage (VL) = 11 kV
 132 
2 Generated Power (P) = 558 kW
C 2 = 100 ×   Load Power (PL) = 443 kW
 220  Load current (IL) = 50 A
= Rs. 36 / m Resistance (R) = ?

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 506 YCT

∵ Power loss (PC ) = generated power (Pg ) 85. (c)
(i) ØeeLeefcekeâ š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve – 132 kV
−load power (PL )
(ii) ØeeLeefcekeâ efJelejCe ueeFve – 11 kV
IL2 R = Pg – PL {∵ P C = I L2 R}
(iii) efÉleerÙekeâ š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve – 33 kV
Pg − PL (iv) efÉleerÙekeâ efJelejCe ueeFve – 400 V
I L2 108. (a)
(558 − 443) × 10 3 Surge impedance loading is given as
R= V 2 2202
(50) 2 SIL= = = 121MW `
115 × 1000 Z0 400
50 × 50 109. (a)
1150 (Vp) 2
R= Surge impedance loading =
25 Z0
R = 46Ω (400 × 103 ) 2
80. (b) =
mebÛejCe ueeFve pees efkeâ cegKÙe mebÛejCe ueeFve mes efkeâmeer Yeer efmejs mes
heesef<ele nw efÉleerÙekeâ mebÛejCe keânueeleer nw~ = 400 × 106
= 400 MW
111. (b)
Surge impedance
L 0.22 ×10−3
Zs = = = 33Ω
C 0.202 × 10−6
112. (a)
Since Zs =
So inductance per meter
L = ZS2 × C = 50 2 × 10−10 = 0.25 µH
149. (c)
81. (a) 1
XC =
efÉOeÇgJeerÙe (HVDC) GÛÛe Jeesušlee efo° Oeeje heejs<eCe ueeFve kesâ oes ω Cℓ
OegÇJe Skeâ Oeveelcekeâ leLee otmeje $e+Ceelcekeâ neslee nw~ 1
So, X C ∝

ℓ1 1
X C2 = X C1 × = 1500 × = 750 Ω
ℓ2 2
154. (a)
Inductance of each conductor of a 3-phase line having
its conductors at the corner of an equilateral triangle is
given as
efÛe$e- yeeFheesuej D.C. efuebkeâ keâe@vheäÙegiegjsMebme
82. (a) 3 d×d×d
L = 2 × 10−7 log e
Bundle conductor (yeb[ue Ûeeuekeâ) d
= 2 × 10−7 log e H / m
Twin moose → Conductor keâe veece r'
µ I 1 µ A 1  1.63
ψ = 2  o log  + o log n   r ' = 0.7788 × r = 0.7788 × = 0.6347 cm
 2 π 2  d 2 π 2 D  2
d = 3m = 300 cm
GMR = ( DS × d )
So inductance of line per phase
= 2 × 10−7 log e × H/m
= 12.316 × 10 −7 H / m = 1.2316 mH / km

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 507 YCT

155. (a) Z = j3 Ω jKeves hej
Self GMD of three strands is given as
 A B  1 j3
Self GMD = 3 r '× S × S  C D  = 0 1 
  
Where r' is imaginary radius due to internal as well as
external turn linkages and S is distance between two 173. (c)
conductors (centre to centre) and is equal to 2r ceOÙece uecyeeF& kesâ š^evmeefceMeve ueeFve ceW–
So self GMD = 3 0.7788r × 2r × 2r cewefš^keäme heâece& ceW ABCD hewjeceeršj
= r(0.7788 × 2 × 2)1/ 3 Nominal T method kesâ efueS–
159. (b)  YZ  YZ  
Skeâ meceeve mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS mepe& ØeefleyeeOee keâe ceeve ØelÙeeJeleea 1+ Z 1 + 
 Vs   2  4    Vr 
Oeeje kesâ Skeâue lejbie mebÛejCe kesâ efueS Jeesušlee leLee Oeeje kesâ DeeÙeece I  =  = 
 s  YZ   Ir 
keâe Devegheele neslee nw~  Y 1+ 
 2 
mepe& ØeefleyeeOee (Z0) = =  VS   A B   VR 
I C  =   ]
 IS   C D   I R 
ØeCeeueer mepe& ØeefleyeeOee keâe ceeve
efMejesheefj mebÛejCe ueeFve 400 – 600Ω  YZ 
B = Z 1 + b
efJeÅegle kesâyeue 40- 60Ω  4 
š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j 1000Ω 174. (a)
162. (d) mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe mepe& ØeefleyeeOee ueesef[bie
( KVL )2
(SIL ) =

( KVL )2 , SIL =
meblegefuele DeJemLee ceW ueies uees[ kesâ keâejCe ØelÙeskeâ phase ceW Z0 C
Impedance, Resistance, power factor meYeer yejeyej neWies peneB V = mebÛejCe Jeesušspe Z0= mepe& ØeefleyeeOee
keäÙeeWefkeâ 3-Hesâpe meblegefuele DeJemLee ceW nw~
164. (c)
GheÙeg&òeâ mecyevOees mes mhe° nw efkeâ SIL keâes Jeesušspe mlej keâes yeÌ{ekeâj
formula– leLee lumped capacitance keâes ßesCeer ceW pees[Ì keâj yeÌ{eÙee mekeâlee nw~
efoÙee nw– VL = 132 kV = 132×10 V 3
175. (c)
Zo = 40 Deesÿe efoÙee ngDee nw efkeâ ueeFve keâes 30³ series capacitive
V 2
compensation Øeoeve efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ Dele: ueeFve keâe series
Capacity = L
Zo impedance original value keâe 70³ nw~

(132 ×10 ) 3 2
Z New =
= 0.836
132 × 132 × 103 ×103
1 ( SIL )2 Z1
SIL ∝ , =
Z (SIL )1 Z2
= 435.6 ×106 W 1
(SIL) 2 = × 2280 = 2727.27 MW
= 435.6 MW 0.836
172. (c) 180. (c)
š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve keâer uecyeeF& = 10 km ∵ cos φ = 0.95
Øeefle efkeâceer ØeefleIeele = 0.3Ω/km ∵ P.F =
leye kegâue ØeefleIeele = 10 × 0.3 = 3 Ω KVA
For ABCD hewjeceeršj– ∴ KW = 0.95KVA
A = 1, B = Z, C = 0, D = 1
∵ KVA = KW 2 + KVAR 2
 A B  1 Z 
 C D = 0 1 
    KVA = ( 0.95kVA )2 + KVAR 2
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 508 YCT
KVAR = 0.312249 KVA 207. (d)
KVAR 0.312249 KVA MetvÙe Jeesušlee efveÙeceve kesâ efueS–
SO = = 0.32868
KW 0.95kVA R 0.2
tan φR = = = 0.1667
X L 1.2
KVAR / KW = 0.33
182. (b) φR = 9.460
efJeÅegle Oeeje kesâ ceeve ceW 95% keâer keâceer nesieer~ cos φR = 0.986 lead
peye Voltage 11 KV hej heejsef<ele nes jne leye Oeeje 228. (c)
VI = 5000 kW For a short transmission line voltage relation is given as
= 454.54 Amp IR cos φR + IX sin φR
11 Vs
peye 220 kv Jeesušspe heejsef<ele nes jne leye Oeeje
Voltage regulation will be zero if IR cos φR + IX sin
5000 φR=0
= = 22.73 Amp
220 or R cosφR = -XsinφR
efJeÅegle Oeeje kesâ ceeve ceW keâceer ØeefleMele R
454.54 − 22.73 431.81 or sin φR = − cos φR (∵ X = R )
= × 100 = × 100 = 95% X
454.54 454.54 or Tan φR = –1
185. (c)
or φR=-450 or 450 (leading)
heejsef<ele Jeesušspe v′′ = v + v′ So Pf = cos 450 = 0.707 Leading
Heejsef<ele Oeeje I′′ = I + I′ 229. (a)
peneb, Since regulation of the line is given by
V ′ = efjheäueskeäšs[ Jeesušspe R X 
V = Fbefme[svš Jeesušspe IR cos φ + IX sin φ = IZ  cos φ + sin φ 
Z Z 
I′ = efjheäueskeäšs[ Oeeje
= IZ [ cos θ.cos φ + sin θ.sin φ]
I = Fbefme[Wš Oeeje
= IZ cos(φ − θ)
V ′′
Jeesušspe keâe heejs<eCe Ùee efjheäueskeäMeve iegCeebkeâ Tv =
V Where, Z is line impedance and is equal to R 2 + X 2
I′′ and θ is the line impedance angle and is equal to
Oeeje keâe heejs<eCe Ùee efjheäuesMeve iegCeebkeâ Ti =
tan −1
V ′′ 2ZL R
V ZL + Zs The regulation will be zero when
2ZL π
V ′′ = ×V φ−θ =
ZL + Zs 2
pene@, Regulation will be maximum if
ZL = uees[ keâe mepe& ØeefleyeeOee dθ
ZS = ueeFve keâe mepe& ØeefleyeeOee d
So [ IZ cos(φ − θ)] = 0
 150  dφ
V′′ = 70 × 103 × 2  
 150 + 500  or IZsin(φ − θ) = 0
V′′ = 32.30kV or φ = θ
186. (b) 234. (b)
GÛÛe heejs<eCe Jeesušspe kesâ keâejCe Ûeeuekeâ DeeÙeleve keâce nes peelee nw– km P
= 5.5 +
ρP 2 l 1.6 100
Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& keâe DeeÙeleve ∝
WV 2 cos 2 φ So for transmission of 3 MW power over a distance of
peneB, W = Power loss in conductor 30 km, voltage required in kV
A = Area of Conductor 30 3000
= 5.5 + = 34.24
V = š^ebmeefceMeve Jeesušspe 1.6 100
cosφ = Meefkeäle iegCekeâ Standard voltage of transmission is 33 kV

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 509 YCT

237. (a) 2+K
formula η= × 100
2(1 + K)
 V − VR  2 +1
% voltage regulation =  S  × 100 = ×100 = 75%
 VR  2(1 + 1)
∵ flat efmLeefle ceW, 306. (b)
Generate voltage (Eg) = terminal voltage (Vt) Shunt capacitance, C '
 E g − Vt  Mutual capacitance C
% voltage regulation =   × 100
 Vt  1/ 8C 1
= = = 0.125
Eg − Eg C 8
= × 100 = 0%
Eg Voltage across the lower disc,
V2 = (K + 1) × Voltage across upper disc.
239. (b)
Z L − Z0 = (K + 1)V1
hejeJeefle&le Jeesušspe ρ =
Z L + Z0 V2
or V1 =
peneB = Z0 DeefYeue#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee K +1
ZL uees[ ØeefleyeeOee 17.5
ZL = 300Ω, Z0 = 100Ω 0.125 + 1
300 − 100 = 15.55 kV ]
ρv =
300 + 100 Line voltage of the complete string
ρv = 0.5 V = V1 + V2 = 15.55 + 17.5 = 33 KV
Dele: hejeJeefle&le Jeesušspe 50% nesiee~ 307. (b)
241. (a) Applying Kirchhoff's current law to node A we have
V2 I 2 = I1 + i
Surge Impedance loading ( SIL ) =
Zc or ω× 5Ce1 = ω× 5Ce 2 + ωCe2

( 400 ×103 )
2 6
400 × 400 ×106 or e1 = e 2 = 1.2e 2
SIL = ⇒ SIL = = 400 MW 5
400 400 e 11
257. (d) e1 + e 2 = ep = L = = 6.35 kV
3 3
ueÌ[er kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušlee = Hesâpe Jeesušspe
1.2e 2 + e 2 = 6.35
= = 19.05 kV 6.35
3 or e 2 = = 2.89 kV
258. (b) 2.2
ueÌ[er keâs S›eâe@me Jeesušlee and e1 = e p − e 2 = 6.35 − 2.89 = 3.46 kV
ueÌ[er o#elee = ×100
n × V3 330. (c)
Corona loss, PC ∝ (f + 25)
where f is the supply frequency
n→ ef[mkeâ keâer mebKÙee So corona loss at 60 Hz
V3→ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ efvekeâš ef[mkeâ kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe ( f 2 + 25 )
P2 = Corona loss at 50 Hz ×
19.05 ( f1 + 25 )
85.8 = × 100
3 × V3 60 + 25
= 1× = 1.13kW / km / phase
19.05 50 + 25
V3 = ×100 = 7.4 kV
3 × 85.8 343. (c)
305.(b) mebÛejCe ueeFve Ûeeuekeâ melen hej peefvele jsef[Ùees ØeYeeJe Jeesušlee
Ratio of shunt capacitance to mutual ccapacitance, (RIV) Je<ee& Éeje ØeYeeefJele veneR neslee nw~
C 355. (c)
K = 1 =1 ∵ C1 = C
C leebyes keâer leguevee ceW SuÙegceerefveÙece keâer Ûeeuekeâlee (Conductivity) keâce
String efficiency for two disc string is given as (0.6) nesleer nw leLee ØeeflejesOekeâlee GÛÛe nesleer nw~

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 510 YCT

359. (c) ultimate stress
safety factor =
efoÙee nw– working stress
No. of insulator (n)=4
Voltage across one insulator(V4)=33.33% V working stress = = 3000
efmš^bie o#elee (ηs) = ×100 WL2
n ×V4 Sag =
×100 0.804 × 220 × 220
4×V =
100 8 × 3000
= 0.75 × 100 38913.6
= = 1.6214 m.
ηs = 75% 24000
523. (c)
362. (b) ε r = 2, ε r2 = 4
Ùetefveš kesâ heeme keâe Jeesušspe = 7.5 kV 1

εo ε r A
efmš^bie #ecelee (n) = 84.28%=0.8428 Formula: C=
efmš^bie kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušlee (V) = ?
C1 ∝ ε r1 , C2 ∝ εr2
Ùetefveš keâer meb. = 3
efmš^bie keâs S›eâeme Jeesušspe ( V ) C2 εr 2 4
efmš^bie o#elee (n) = = = =2
C1 ε r 2
n × lowest Ùetefveš keâs heeme Jeesušspe 1

V C2 = 2C1
0.8428 =
3×17.5 Dele: Oeeefjlee henues keâer Dehes#ee oesiegveer nes peeÙesieer~
V = 0.8428 × 3 × 17.5 530. (c)
V = 44.247
V ≈ 44.25 kV
369. (c)
keâejesvee neefve P ∝ (f + 25)
f1 = 50 Hz single cable ceW keâce mes keâce hejle keâer ienjeF& 7 mm jKeer peeleer nw~
P1 ∝ ( f1 + 25)  543. (b)
f 2 = 60Hz
P2 ∝ ( f 2 + 25)  P =1kW / km 1
 1 mebÛejCe keâe Jesie VP =
P2 ( f 2 + 25 ) pene@ C = efJelejCe mebOeeefj$e Øeefle FkeâeF& uecyeeF&
P1 ( f1 + 25 )
L = efJelejCe Øesjkeâ Øeefle FkeâeF& uecyeeF&
60 + 25
= VP =
50 + 25 0.102 × 149.2
85 1
P2 = ×1 VP =
75 3.9
P2 = 1.13 kW/km Øeefle hesâpe VP = 0.25641
381. (c) VP = 256.41 m / µs
DC keâesjesvee neefve · 1 × AC keâesjesvee neefve (meceeve ueeFve Jeesušspe 548. (c)
3 UTP– Unshielded Twisted Pair cable
kesâ efueS) 554. (d)
1 ZC = 75Ω
= × 0.6 C = 69 × 10–12 F/m
DC keâesjesvee neefve · 0.2 KW L=?
402. (c) DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee (ZC) =
efoÙee nw– L = 220 m. safety factor = 2 C
Ûeeuekeâ keâe Yeej · 804 Kg per km, Ùee 0.804 Kg per m., , L
Zc2 =
ultimate stress = 6000 Kg C

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 511 YCT

Zc2 C = L 693. (c)
L = Z2c C ueer ieÙeer meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ P = 10 kW
L = 75 × 75 × 69 × 10–12 cosφ = 0.707
L = 0.388 µH/m cosφ = cos450
558.(d) Lagging kVAR drawn from the supply = P tanφ
nue– = 10 tan 450
meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ kW= kVA×cosφ = 10 kVAR
=100 kW
576. (c)
D.C. 2 wire system net volume
 1
V1 = 2l×A1  A3 / A1 = 4 
  694. (a)
D.C. 3 wire system V2 = 2.5 lA3 ØelÙeeJele&keâ keâer
V2 2.5 A3l 2.5 1 kW 300
= = × × 100 KVA Rating = = = 500 KVA
V1 2 A1l 2 4 cos φ 0.6
= 31.25% 0.6 Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej Yeej (kW) = 300 kW
591.(b) 1 Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej Yeej (kW) = 500×1=500 kW
Transmission efficiency = 1– per unit drop
ØelÙeeJele&keâ keâer yeÌ{er ngF& efJeÅegle mehueeF&
= 1–2×0.025=.95
or = 95% = 500 kW–300 kW = 200 kW
644.(c) 696. (d)
ØeLece Je<e& kesâ efueS DeJecetuÙeve ØeYeej 1
Line losse ∝ mes
10 cos 2 φ
= 1000 ×
100 1
ØeLece Mele& ceW efJeÅegle neefveÙeeB W1 ∝
= `1000 cos 2 φ1
mebÙev$e keâe keâce ngDee ceeve = (10000–1000)= ` 9000 1
10 efÉleerÙe Mele& ceW efJeÅegle neefveÙeeB W2 ∝
otmejs Je<e& kesâ efueS DeJecetuÙeve Øekeâej = 9000× =` 900 cos 2 φ2
647. (d)
W1 cos 2 φ1
mebÙev$e keâe ØeejefcYekeâ cetuÙe P = ` 90000 =
W2 1
GheÙeesieer peerJeve n = 20 Je<e&
cos 2 φ2
DeJeefMe° ceeve S = ` 10000
P −S W1 cos 2 φ2
Jeeef<e&keâ DeJecetuÙeve ØeYeej = =
n W2 cos 2 φ1
90000 − 10000 W1 (0.8) 2
= =
20 W2 (1) 2
= ` 4000
W1 0.64
648. (c) =
P = ` 1560000 , S = ` 60000, n = 25 Je<e& W2 1
1 1
W2 =
Jeeef<e&keâ FkeâeF& DeJeceguÙeve (x) = 1 −   ceW
S n W1
W2 = 1.57 W1
 60000  25 veesš– keâce Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej meeceevÙele: ueeF&ve neefveÙeeB yeÌ{ peeleer
= 1−  
 1560000  nw~
= 1 − 0.878 = 0.122 698. (d)
20 Je<e& yeeo mebÙev$e keâe cetuÙe mehueeF& mes ueer ieÙeer kegâue meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ
= P(1 − x) 20 = 1560000(1 − 0.122) 20 PT = Pa+ Pb+Pc
= ` 115615 = 15+40×0.6+20 = 59 kW

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 512 YCT

729. (c) 799. (d)
Deehetefle&le efkeâÙee ieÙee kegâue Yeej– Electrical energy consumed per annum
P = P1 + P2 = 800 (100 − 10) × (8760 − 1000)
= 100 × 1000 + + 10 × (8760 − 1000)
Ùee 50(50 − f ) + 100(51 − f ) = 800 2
= 100000 + 349200 + 77600
Ùee (50 − f ) + 2(51 − f ) = 16
= 526800 kWh
152 − 16
f= = 45.33Hz kWh consume
3 Average load =
795. (b) 24 × 365
Electrical energy consumed 526800
= 2000×12+1000×12 8760
=36000 kWh = 60.13 kW
Energy consumed during 24Hours
Average load =
= = 1500 kW
Average load 1500
Load factor = = = 0.75
Maximum demand 2000
796. (d) Average load
Load factor =
Annual Average load– max imum demand
= max demand on power station × Annual load factor
= 480×0.4 =
= 192 MW 100
Total energy generated per annum = 0.6013
= Average load in kW ×365×24 = 60.13%
= 192×103 ×365×24 801. (b)
= 16819.2×105 kWh 1
797. (b) 90 ×100% − (40 × 100%)
Deewmele Yeej = 2
Average load in KW 100%
energy(kWh) Generated per annum
=  1 
365 × 24 100%  90 − × 40 
=  2  = 70 MW
45 × 105 100%
= = 513.7 kW
365 × 24
Deewmele Yeej 70
Average load mebmLeeefhele #ecelee = = = 100 MW
Load factor = mebÙeb$e #ecelee iegCeebkeâ 0.7
maximum demand
Deejef#ele #ecelee = mebmLeeefhele #ecelee – DeefOekeâlece ceeBie
= = 0.205 100 − 90 = 10 MW
= 20.5% 817. (a)
798. (c) Daily average load
Daily Average load Energy kWh generated per day
Daily energy consumption in kWh 24
24 720 ×10 3
= = 30000 kW
30 24
24 Maximum demand on power station
= 1.25 kW Daily average load
Average load Load factor
Load Factor =
Maximum power demand 30000
1.25 0.6
2 = 50000kW
= 0.625 = 50 MW

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 513 YCT

826. (d) 100
hueevš #ecelee iegCeebkeâ– 0.15
efoÙes ieÙes meceÙe ces FkeâeF& Glheeove = 666.67 units
KW cesW Meefòeâ hueebš keâer efveOee&efjle #ecelee × Gme oewjeve IeCšs ce efoÙee ieÙee meceÙe Tarrif (i) is economical if consumption is more than
666.67 units
10 × 103 ×12 + 5 × 103 ×12
= = 0.5 856. (c)
15 × 103 × 24 Jeeef<e&keâ efveÙele ØeYeej
827. (a) = 160×Plant capacity (mebÙev$e #ecelee)
DeefOekeâlece ceeBie = 160×50000
#ecelee iegCeebkeâ = × Yeej iegCeebkeâ
efveOee&efjle #ecelee = 80×105 ®heÙes
DeLeJee Jeeef<e&keâ Ûeue ØeYeej = 0.40×220×106
= 88×105 ®heÙes
DeefOekeâlece ceeBie × Yeej iegCeebkeâ
mebÙeb$e efveOee&efjle #ecelee = kegâue Jeeef<e&keâ ØeYeej = (80×105+88×105)
#ecelee iegCeebkeâ
= 168×105 ®heÙes
1000 × 0.75 168 × 105
= = 1250 MW cetuÙe Øeefle FkeâeF& =
0.60 220 ×106
mebÙev$e Deejef#ele #ecelee = mebÙev$e efveOee&efjle #ecelee – DeefOekeâlece ceeBie = 0.0764 ®heÙee
= 1250 − 1000 = 7.64 hewmes
= 250 MW 857. (c)
ceevee DeefOekeâlece ceeBies 1 kVA nw
848. (b)
150 ×100
P −S DeefOekeâlece ceeBies ØeYeej Øeefle FkeâeF& = hewmes
Jeeef<e&keâ DeJecetuÙeve ØeYeej = 8760 × 0.30 × 0.7
= 8.15 hewmes
50000 − 5000
GheÙeesieer peerJeve keâeue n = Tpee& ØeYeej Øeefle FkeâeF& = 8 hewmes
kegâue cetuÙe Øeefle FkeâeF& = 8.15+8 = 16.15 hewmes
45000 877. (d)
3000 Jeeef<e&keâ efveÙele ØeYeej = 1600×mebÙev$e #ecelee
GheÙeesieer peerJeve keâeue n = 15 Je<e& = 1600×50000
849. (c) = 80×106 ®heÙes
ØeefleJe<e& peefvele FkeâeF& Jeeef<e&keâ Ûeue ØeYeej = 2×220×106
= DeefOekeâlece ceeBie × uees[ Hewâkeäšj = 44 × 107 ®heÙes
× Skeâ Je<e& ceW kegâue Iebšs kegâue Jeeef<e&keâ ØeYeej = 80 × 106 + 440 + 106
= 520×106
= 100×0.5×8760
520 × 106
=438000 kWh peefve$e cetuÙe Øeefle FkeâeF& =
Jeeef<e&keâ mLeeÙeer ØeYeej = 160000 keâe 12% 220 ×106
= 160000×0.12 = 2.36 ®heÙes
= 19200 ®heÙes 885. (a)
Jeeef<e&keâ Tpee& Kehele 106
19200 Deewmele Yeej = =
mLeeÙeer ØeYeej Øeefle efkeâueesJeeš IeCše = = 0.0438 ®heÙes 1 Je<e& cesW keâgue IeCšs 8760
= 114.2 kW
= 4.38 hewmes
Deewmele Yeej 114.2
851. (d) DeefOekeâlece ceeBie = = = 228.4 kW
Active Power drawn P = S cosφ Yeej iegCekeâ 0.5
= 300 × 0.65 peye GheYeesòeâe Yeej iegCekeâ keâes 100% lekeâ mebMeesefOele keâjlee nw lees
= 195 kW 114.2
DeefOekeâlece ceeBie =
855. (a) 1
Let X be the number of the units at which charges for = 114.2 kW
both tarrifs become equal Jeeef<e&keâ yeÛele = 1200(228.4-114.2) ®heÙes
than, 100 + 0.15 x = 0.3x = 137040 ®heÙes
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 514 YCT
JewÅegle efmJeÛeefieÙej SJeb j#eCe
(Electrical Switchgear and Protection)
*5. four alternators, each rated at 5 MVA, 11 kV,
1. JewÅegle Øeoes<e (Electrical Faults) with 20% reactance are working in parallel.
The short circuit level at bus- bars is
Ûeej ØelÙeeJele&keâ, ØelÙeskeâ 5MVA, 11kV hej efveOee&efjle
1. Negative sequence voltages in the stator induces efkeâÙes ieÙes nQ pees 20³ ØeefleIeele kesâ meeLe meceevlej ceW
mšsšj ceW $e+Ceelcekeâ-Deveg›eâce Jeesušspe Øesefjle keâjlee nw–
(a) High frequency current in the rotor
keâeÙe& keâj jns nQ~ yeme yeej ceW ueIeg heefjheLe mlej nw-
jesšj ceW GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe Oeeje (a) 6.25 MVA (b) 20 MVA
(b) High frequency voltage in the rotor (c) 25 MVA (d) 100 MVA
jesšj ceW GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe Jeesušspe 6. The symmetrical components are used in the
(c) Low frequency currents in the rotor fault analysis because/meceefcele IeškeâeW keâe GheÙeesie
jesšj ceW efvecve DeeJe=efòe Oeeje oes<e efJeMues<eCe ceW efkeâÙee peelee nQ keäÙeeWefkeâ
(d) High frequency currents in the stator (a) The number of equations becomes smaller
mšsšj ceW GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe Oeeje meceerkeâjCeeW keâer mebKÙee Úesšer nes peeleer nw
2. In a 3-phase circuit, residual current means the (b) The sequence networks do not have mutual
flow of ...... current. /ef$ekeâuee heefjheLe ceW, DeJeefMe° couplings
Oeeje keâe leelheÙe& ............. keâe ØeJeen nw~ Deveg›eâce vesšJeke&â ceW heejmheefjkeâ Ùegiceve veneR nesles nQ~
(a) Negative sequence/$e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce (c) The results are required in terms of
(b) Zero sequence/MetvÙe Deveg›eâce symmetrical components
(c) DC transient/#eefCekeâ [er.meer. meceefcele IeškeâeW kesâ meboYe& ceW heefjCeece DeeJeMÙekeâ nw~
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) All of the above/GheÙegòe&â ceW meYeer
3. The probable cause(s) for fail in insulation 7. Symmetrical components are used in power
resistance between phase terminal and earthed
system for the analysis of
frame could be/keâuee še|ceveue Deewj Yet øesâce kesâ yeerÛe
Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer ceW meceefcele IeškeâeW keâe ØeÙeesie ......... kesâ
efJeÅegle jesOeve ØeeflejesOe kesâ efJeHeâue nesves keâe mecYeeefJele
keâejCe nes mekeâlee nw– efJeMues<eCe ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) Dirty insulation surface/ievoe efJeÅeglejesOeve melen (a) Balanced 3-phase fault/meblegefuele ef$ekeâuee oes<e
(b) Ingress of moisture/veceer keâe ØeJesMe (b) Unbalanced 3-phase fault/Demeblegefuele ef$ekeâuee oes<e
(c) Sticking of carbon or copper particles to the (c) Normal power system under steady
internal surface conditions
Deevleefjkeâ melen hej keâeye&ve Ùee leeByes kesâ keâCeeW keâe efÛehekeâvee efmLej heefjefmLeefleÙeeW ceW meeceevÙe Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer (d) Stability of system under disturbance
*4. An isolated synchronous generator with DeMeebefle kesâ lenle ØeCeeueer keâer efmLejlee
transient reactance equal to 0.1 pu on a 100 8. In a star connected system without neutral
MVA base is connected to the high voltage bus grounding, zero sequence currents are
through a step up transformer of reactance 0.1
pu on a 100 MVA base. The fault level at the efyevee vÙetš^ue «eeGbefC[ie kesâ mšej mebÙeesefpele ØeCeeueer ceW,
bus is MetvÙe Deveg›eâce OeejeSB nesleer nw-
100 MVA DeeOeej hej 0.1 pu kesâ yejeyej #eefCekeâ (a) Zero/MetvÙe
ØeefleIeele kesâ meeLe Skeâ he=Lekeäke=âle leguÙekeâeefuekeâ peefve$e (b) Phasor sum of phase currents
Skeâ 100 MVA DeeOeej hej ØeefleIeele 0.1 pu kesâ keâuee OeejeDeeW keâe Hesâpej Ùeesie
GÛÛeeÙeer heefjCeeefce$e kesâ ceeOÙece mes GÛÛe Jeesušspe yeme mes (c) Same as rms value of phase currents
pegÌ[e ngDee nw~ yeme hej oes<e mlej nesiee- keâuee OeejeDeeW kesâ rms ceeve kesâ meceeve
(a) 1000 MVA (b) 500 MVA (d) Same as peak value of phase currents
(c) 50 MVA (d) 10 MVA keâuee OeejeDeeW kesâ Meer<e& ceeve kesâ meceeve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 515 YCT
9. For a fully transposed transmission line 13. In case of single line to ground fault.
hetCe& ™he mes š^ebmeheesp[ mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS- Skeâue ueeFve mes Yet Øeoes<e kesâ ceeceues ceW–
(a) Positive, negative and zero sequence (a) All sequence networks are connected in
impedance are equal/Oeveelcekeâ, $e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj parallel/meYeer Deveg›eâce vesšJeke&â meceevlej ceW peg[
Ì s nQ
MetvÙe Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee meYeer yejeyej nQ~ (b) All sequence networks are connected in series
(b) Positive and negative sequence impedances meYeer Deveg›eâce vesšJeke&â ßesCeer ›eâce ceW pegÌ[s nQ
are equal (c) Positive and negative sequence networks are
Oeveelcekeâ Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee yejeyej nQ~ connected in parallel/Oeveelcekeâ Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ
(c) Zero and positive sequence impedance are Deveg›eâce vesšJeke&â meceevlej ceW pegÌ[s nQ~
equal/MetvÙe Deewj Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee yejeyej nQ~ (d) Zero and negative sequence networks are
(d) Negative and zero sequence impedance are connected in series/MetvÙe Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce
equal/$e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj MetvÙe Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee yejeyej nQ~ vesšJeke&â ßesCeer ›eâce ceW pegÌ[s nQ~
10. In an un-transposed three phase transmission *14. When a line-to-ground fault occurs, the current
line in the faulted phase is 100 A. The Zero
Skeâ Deveš^ebmeheesp[ ef$ekeâuee mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW- sequence current in this case will be
(a) The sequence network do not have mutual peye Skeâ ueeFve mes Yetefceiele oes<e Øeehle neslee nw lees oes<eer
coupling Hesâpe ceW Oeeje 100 A nw~ Fme ceeceues ceW MetvÙe Deveg›eâce
Deveg›eâce vesšJeke&â ceW hejmhej Ùegiceve veneR neslee nw~ Oeeje nesieer-
(b) A positive sequence current may cause a
(a) Zero (b) 33.3A
negative sequence voltage drop
(c) 66.6 A (d) 100 A
Skeâ Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Oeeje Skeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce 15. Zero-sequence fault current is absent when
Jeesušlee heele keâe keâejCe nes mekeâleer nw fault is
(c) The sequence impedance matrix is diagonal MetvÙe Deveg›eâce oes<e Oeeje DevegheefmLele nesleer nw peye oes<e
Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee cewefš^keäme efJekeâCe& nw nes-
(d) All of the above/GheÙegòe&â ceW meYeer (a) Single- line –to ground fault
11. In case of an unbalanced star connected load Skeâue ueeFve mes Yetefceiele oes<e
supplied from an unbalanced 3-phase, 3-wire
(b) Line-to-line ground fault/ueeF&ve mes ueeF&ve Yetefceiele oes<e
system, load current will consist of
Skeâ Demeblegefuele mšej mebÙeesefpele Yeej keâes Demeblegefuele 3- (c) Double line to ground fault/efÉ-ueeFve mes Yetefceiele oes<e
keâuee, 3-leej ØeCeeueer mes Deehetefle& keâer peeleer nw Fmekesâ (d) Line to line/ueeFve mes ueeFve
16. The current of a single- phase load drawn from
ceeceues ceW Yeej Oeeje ceW efveefnle nesiee-
a 3-phase system has
(a) Positive sequence components Skeâ ef$ekeâuee ØeCeeueer mes ueer ieF& Skeâue keâuee Yeej keâer
Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Ieškeâ
Oeeje ceW neslee nw-
(b) Negative sequence components
$e+Ceelcekeâ `Deveg›eâce Ieškeâ (a) Zero sequence component of current as zero
(c) zero sequence components/MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Ieškeâ
Oeeje keâe MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Ieškeâ MetvÙe nesiee
(b) Negative sequence component of current
(d) Only (a) and (b)/kesâJeue (a) Deewj (b) more than positive sequence component
12. For an unbalanced fault, with paths for zero Oeeje keâe $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Ieškeâ, Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce
sequence currents at the point of fault
oes<e kesâ efyevog hej, MetvÙe Deveg›eâce OeejeDeeW kesâ heLe kesâ Ieškeâ mes DeefOekeâ nesiee~
(c) Positive, negative and zero sequence
meeLe, Demevlegefuele oes<e kesâ efueS- components are equal/Oeveelcekeâ, $e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj
(a) The negative and zero sequence voltages are
MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Ieškeâ yejeyej neWies~
(d) Negative sequence component of current is
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Jeesušspe vÙetvelece nw less than positive sequence component
(b) The negative and zero sequence voltages are
Oeeje keâe $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Ieškeâ, Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Jeesušspe DeefOekeâlece nw Ieškeâ mes keâce nesiee~
(c) The negative sequence voltage is minimum 17. Zero sequence currents can flow from a line to
and zero sequence voltage is maximum transformer bank if the winding are in
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Jeesušspe vÙetvelece Deewj MetvÙe Deveg›eâce MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Oeeje Skeâ ueeFve mes š^eBmeHeâece&j yeQkeâ ceW
Jeesušspe DeefOekeâlece nw ØeJeeefnle nes mekeâleer nw, Ùeefo JeeFef[bie ........... nes-
(d) The negative sequence voltage is maximum (a) Grounded star/delta/«eeGC[s[ mšej/[suše
and zero sequence voltage is minimum (b) Delta/star/[suše/mšej
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Jeesušspe DeefOekeâlece Deewj MetvÙe (c) Star/grounded star/mšej/«eeGC[s[ mšej
Deveg›eâce Jeesušspe vÙetvelece nw~ (d) Delta/delta/[suše/[suše
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 516 YCT
18. If the positive, negative- and zero sequence The zero sequence current will be
reactances of an element of a power system are MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Oeeje nesieer-
0.3, 0.3 and 0.8 pu respectively, then the (a) 1 + j2 A (b) 5 + j7A
element would be a (c) 1 + j4A (d) –2 –j1A
Ùeefo efkeâmeer efJeÅegle ØeCeeueer kesâ efkeâmeer DeJeÙeJe kesâ 24. The zero sequence circuit of the three phase
Oeveelcekeâ, $e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj MetvÙe Deveg›eâce ØeefleIeele transformer shown in the figure is .
›eâceMe: 0.3, 0.3 Deewj 0.8 pu nQ, lees Jen DeJeÙeJe ef$ekeâuee heefjCeeefce$e keâer MetvÙe Deveg›eâce heefjheLe efÛe$e ceW
nesiee- ØeoefMe&le nw-
(a) Synchronous generator/leguÙekeâeueer peefve$e
(b) synchronous motor/leguÙekeâeueer ceesšj
(c) Static load/efmLej Yeej
(d) Transmission line/mebÛejCe ueeFve
19. Zero sequence impedance of the transmission
line is
mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe MetvÙe-Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee nw~
(a) equal to the positive sequence impedance of r
the line
ueeFve kesâ Oeveelcekeâ-Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee kesâ yejeyej~
(b) About 2.5-3 times of the positive sequence
impedance of the line
ueeFve kesâ Oeveelcekeâ-Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee (2.5-3) iegvee~
(c) Less than positive sequence impedance of the
line/ueeFve kesâ Oeveelcekeâ-Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee mes keâce
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR 25. One current transformer (CT) is mounted
over a 3-phase 3-core cable with its sheath and
20. Negative sequence reactance of a transformer
armour removed from the portion covered by
the CT. an ammeter placed in the CT
Skeâ heefjCeeefce$e keâe $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleIeele neslee Secondary would measure .
nw– Skeâ Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e (CT) efkeâmeer 3-Hesâpe, 3-keâesj
(a) Equal to the positive sequence reactance kesâyeue hej ueieeÙee ieÙee nw, efpemekesâ MeerLe Deewj Deece&j keâes
Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleIeele kesâ yejeyej CT Éeje keâJej efkeâS ieÙes Yeeie mes nše efoÙee ieÙee nw~
(b) Larger than the positive sequence reactance
CT meskesâC[jer ceW jKee ieÙee Skeâ Sceeršj ceehesiee-
Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleIeele mes DeefOekeâ
(c) Smaller than the positive sequence reactance (a) The positive sequence current
Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleIeele mes keâce Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Oeeje
(b) The negative sequence current
(d) All of the above/GheÙegòe&â ceW meYeer
21. The three sequence voltages at the point of
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Oeeje
fault in a power system are found to be equal. (c) The zero sequence current/MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Oeeje
The nature of the fault is (d) Three times the zero sequence current
Skeâ efJeÅegle ØeCeeueer ceW oes<e kesâ efyevog hej leerve Deveg›eâce MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Oeeje keâe leerve iegvee
Jeesušspe meceeve heeÙes peeles nQ, oes<e keâer Øeke=âefle nw- *26. A 3-phase transformer rated for 33 kV/11kV is
connected in delta/ star as shown in figure. The
(a) L–G (b) L–L–L
current transformers (CTs) on low and high
(c) L–L (d) L–L–G
voltage sides have a ratio of 500/5. Find the
*22. The zero sequence current of a generator for
currents i1 and i2, if the fault current is 300 A
line to ground fault is j2.4 pu. Then the
as shown in figure
current though the neutral during the fault is
33 kV/11kV kesâ efueS efveOee&efjle 3-keâuee heefjCeeefce$e
ueeFve mes Yetefceiele oes<e kesâ efueS MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Oeeje
j2.4 pu nw~ leye oes<e kesâ oewjeve Goemeerve ceeOÙece mes Oeeje
[suše/mšej ceW pegÌ[e ngDee nw pewmee efkeâ efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee
nw– ieÙee nw~ Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e kesâ efvecve Deewj GÛÛe Jeesušspe
(a) j2.4 pu (b) j0.8 pu he#eeW keâe Devegheele 500/5 nw~ efÛe$e ceW oes<e Oeeje 300A
(c) j7.2 pu (d) j0.24 pu ØeoefMe&le nw lees i1 Deewj i2 Oeeje keâes %eele keâjW-
*23. The line current of a 3 - phase power supply
ef$ekeâuee Meefòeâ Deehetefle& keâer ueeFve Oeeje nw-
IR = 3 + j5A
IY = 2 + j2A
IB = –2 – j1A
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 517 YCT
1 *30. A 10 kVA, 400 V/200 V single phase transformer
(a) i1 = A,i 2 = 0A with 10% impedance, draws a steady short-
circuit current of:
(b) i1 = 0A,i 2 = 0A 10³ ØeefleyeeOee kesâ meeLe Skeâ 10 kVA, 400 V/200 V
1 Skeâue ÛejCe heefjCeeefce$e efmLej ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje ueslee nw-
(c) i1 = 0A,i 2 = A
3 (a) 50 A (b) 150 A
1 1 (c) 250 A (d) 350 A
(d) i1 = A,i 2 = A *31. A transformer rated for 500 kVA, 11 kV/0.4
3 3
kV has an impedance of 10% and is connected
*27. The parameters of a transposed overhead to an infinite bus. the fault level of the
transmission line are given as: transformer is
mLeeveebleefjle efMejesheefj mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ ØeeÛeue 500 kVA, 11 kV/0.4 kV kesâ efueS efveOee&efjle
efvecveevegmeej efoÙes ieS nQ- heefjCeeefce$e ceW 10³ keâer ØeefleyeeOee nw Deewj Ùen Skeâ
Self reactance Xs = 0.4 Ω/km and Mutual Devevle yeme mes pegÌ[e nw~ š^eBmeHeâece&j keâe oes<e mlej nw-
reactance Xm = 0.1 Ω/km. (a) 500 kVA (b) 5000 kVA
The positive sequence reactance X1 and zero (c) 500 MVA (d) None of these
sequence reactance X0 respectively, in Ω/km *32. The positive, negative and Zero sequence per
are unit impedance of two generators connected in
mJe ØeefleIeele Xs = 0.4 Ω/km Deewj hejmheefjkeâ ØeefleIeele parallel are X1 = 0.12 pu, X2 = 0.096 pu and X0
= 0.036 pu. for a L-G fault at generator
Xm = 0.1 Ω/km nw~ Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleIeele X1
terminals (with 1 pu voltage) the positive
Deewj MetvÙe Deveg›eâce ØeefleIeele X0 ›eâceMe: Ω/km ceW sequence current will be.
nesiee- meceeveeblej ceW pegÌ[s oes peefve$e kesâ Oeveelcekeâ, $e+Ceelcekeâ
(a) 0.3, 0.2 (b) 0.5, 0.2 Deewj MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Øeefle Ùetefveš ØeefleyeeOee X1 = 0.12
(c) 0.5, 0.6 (d) 0.3, 0.6 pu, X2 = 0.096 pu Deewj X0 = 0.036 pu nw~ peefve$e
28. The sequence components of the fault current šefce&veue hej (1 pu Jeesušspe kesâ meeLe) L-G oes<e kesâ efueS
are as follows:
Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Oeeje nesiee-
oes<e Oeeje kesâ Deveg›eâce Ieškeâ efvecveevegmeej nw- (a) 7.936 pu (b) 11.936 pu
Ipositive = j1.5 pu, Inegative = –j0.5 pu, Izero = –j1.0 (c) 10.936 pu (d) 8.936 pu
pu *33. An unloaded generator with a pre fault voltage
The type of fault in the system is 1 pu has the following sequence impedances:
IOeveelcekeâ = j1.5 pu, I$e+Ceelcekeâ = –j0.5 pu, IMetvÙe = –j1.0 hetJe& oes<e Jeesušspe 1 pu kesâ meeLe Skeâ efveYee&j efkeâÙes ieÙes
pu peefve$e ceW efvecveefueefKele Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee nw-
ØeCeeueer ceW oes<e keâe Øekeâej nw- Z0 = j0.15 pu, Z1 = Z2 = j0.25 pu
(a) LG (b) LL the neutral is grounded with a reactance of 0.05
(c) LLG (d) LLLG pu. The fault current in pu for a single line to
29. A fault occurring at the terminals of a ground fault in
unloaded synchronous generator operating at lešmLe keâes 0.05 pu Øeefleef›eâÙee kesâ meeLe Yetefceiele efkeâÙee
its rate voltage has resulted in the following ieÙee nw~ Skeâue keâuee mes Yetefceiele-oes<e kesâ efueS Øeefle
values of currents and voltages Ùetefveš oes<e Oeeje nesieer-
Ia0 = j2.37 pu, Ia1 = –j3.05 pu, Ia2 = j0.68 pu, Va0 (a) 3.75 pu (b) 4.28 pu
= Va1 = Va2 = 0.237 pu (c) 6 pu (d) 7.25 pu
Which one of the following faults has 34. Short-circuit currents are due to
occurred? ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje ......... kesâ keâejCe nesleer nw~
Deheves oj Jeesušspe hej ØeÛeeefuele nes jns Skeâ Yeej jefnle (a) Single-phase to earth fault
leguÙekeâeefuekeâ peefve$e kesâ še|ceveueeW hej oes<e Ieefšle nesves Skeâue keâuee mes Yetmebheke&â oes<e
kesâ heefjCeece mJe™he OeejeDeeW Deewj Jeesušspe keâe ceeve (b) All the three phases-to earth fault
efvecve nQ– meYeer leerveeW keâuee mes Yet oes<e
Ia0 = j2.37 pu, Ia1 = –j3.05 pu, Ia2 = j0.68 pu, Va0 (c) All the three phases short-circuited
= Va1 = Va2 = 0.237 pu meYeer leerveeW keâuee kesâ ueIeg-heefjheLe
FveceW mes keâewve-mee oes<e Ieefšle nesiee? (d) Any of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(a) L-L fault/L-L oes<e 35. The most serious consequence of a major
(b) L-G fault/L-G oes<e uncleared short-circuit fault could be-
(c) L-L-G fault/L-L-G oes<e Skeâ ØecegKe Demhe° ueIeg heefjheLe oes<e keâe meyemes iebYeerj
(d) L-L-L fault/L-L-L oes<e heefjCeece nes mekeâlee nw-
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 518 YCT
(a) Blowing of fuse/HeäÙetpe keâe GÌ[vee 42. The load current in short circuit calculation
(b) Fire/Deeie are neglected because.
(c) Heavy voltage drop/GÛÛe Jeesušlee heele ueIeg heefjheLe ieCevee ceW Yeej Oeeje keâes veieCÙe ceevee peelee
(d) Non of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR nw keäÙeeWefkeâ-
36. Which of the following results in a symmetrical 1. Short-circuit currents are much larger than
fault? load currents
efvecve ceW keâewve mee meceefcele oes<e keâe heefjCeece nw~ ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje, Yeej Oeeje mes yengle DeefOekeâ nesleer nw~
(a) Single - phase-to earth/Skeâue keâuee mes Yet oes<e 2. Short-circuit current are greatly out of phase
(b) Phase-to-phase/keâuee mes keâuee with load currents/ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje Yeej Oeeje mes
(c) All the three phases to earth DeefOekeâ efJeheefjle keâuee ceW nesleer nw~
meYeer leerveeW keâuee mes Yet-oes<e Which of these statement(s) is/ are correct?
(d) Two phases-to earth/efÉkeâuee mes Yet-oes<e FveceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
37. Which portion of the transmission system is
(a) Neither 1 nor 2/vee lees 1 vee lees 2
more prone to faults?
mebÛejCe ØeCeeueer kesâ keâewve mes Yeeie ceW meyemes DeefOekeâ oes<e (b) 2 alone/Dekesâues 2
keâe Keleje neslee nw? (c) 1 alone/Dekesâues 1
(a) Alternator/ØelÙeeJele&keâ (d) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
(b) Transformer/heefjCeeefce$e 43. Various power system faults in increasing
(c) Overhead lines/efMejesheefj ueeFve order of severity are
(d) Underground cable/Yetefceiele kesâyeue efJeefYeVe Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer oes<e leer›elee mes yeÌ{les ngS ›eâce ceW nw~
38. Which portion of the power system is least (a) LG, LL, LLG, LLLG
prone to faults? (b) LLG, LLG, LG, LL
Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer kesâ keâewve-mes Yeeie ceW meyemes keâce oes<e keâe (c) LLG, LLLG, LL, LG
Keleje neslee nw? (d) LL, LG, LLLG, LLG
44. The fault MVA is given by
(a) Alternators/ØelÙeeJele&keâ
oes<e MVA..............efoÙee ieÙee nw-
(b) Switchgear/efmJeÛeefieÙej
Base MVA
(c) Transformers/heefjCeeefce$e (a)
(d) Overhead lines/efMejesheefj ueeFve
(b) Base MVA × P.U.Xeq
39. The magnitude of fault current depends upon
oes<e Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe efkeâme hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw? Base MVA
( P.U.Xeq )
(a) Total impedance up to fault
oes<e keâer kegâue ØeefleyeeOee (d) none of these/FmeceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Voltage at the fault point/oes<e efyevog hej Jeesušlee 45. The positive sequence impedance of a
(c) Load current being supplied before transmission line is:
occurrence of fault Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee
oes<e keâer Iešvee nesves mes henues mehueeF& keâer peeves Jeeueer nw–
(d) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (a) Three times the negative sequence current
40. The most common type of fault is $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Oeeje keâe leerve iegCee
meyemes Deece Øekeâej keâe oes<e nw- (b) Equal to negative sequence current
(a) Single-phase-to ground/Yet mes Skeâue keâuee $e+Ceelcekeâ Oeeje Deveg›eâce kesâ yejeyej
(b) Phase-to- phase /keâuee mes keâuee (c) One-third of negative sequence current
(c) Two-phase to ground/efÉkeâuee mes Yet $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Oeeje keâe Skeâ efleneF&
(d) Three phase to ground/ef$ekeâuee mes Yet (d) Always zero/ncesMee MetvÙe
41. The maximum short-circuit current occurs in 46. Least number of faults are generally
the case of: reported for:
efkeâme ceeceues ceW DeefOekeâlece ueIeg-heefjheLe Oeeje Øeehle meeceevÙele: keâce mes keâce oes<ees keâer mebKÙee Øeehle nesleer nw
nesleer nw? ..............
(a) Three-phase bolted fault/leerve-keâuee Jee|pele oes<e (a) Transmission lines/mebÛejCe ueeFve
(b) Double-line-to-ground fault/efÉ-ueeFve mes Yet-oes<e (b) Cables/kesâyeue
(c) Line-to-line fault/ueeFve mes ueeFve oes<e (c) Switchgears/efmJeÛe efieÙej
(d) Single-line-to-ground fault/Skeâue keâuee mes Yet-oes<e (d) Transformers/heefjCeeefce$e

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 519 YCT

47. ….... gives rise to symmetrical fault? (a) The percentage of total phase voltage leading
......... mes meceefcele oes<e Øeehle neslee nw– total load current/kegâue Hesâpe Jeesušspe keâer ØeefleMelelee
(a) Phase-to-phase/keâuee mes keâuee pees kegâue uees[ efJeÅegle Oeeje mes De«eieeceer nw
(b) Single phase to ground/Skeâue keâuee mes Yet (b) The percentage of total phase voltage dropped
(c) Double phase to ground/efÉ-keâuee mes Yet in the circuit when full load current is flowing
(d) Three phase short circuit/leerve keâuee ueIeg heefjheLe Hegâue uees[ keâjbš ØeJeeefnle nesves hej meefke&âš ceW kegâue Hesâpe
48. A short-circuit is identified by: Jeesušspe [^ehe keâer ØeefleMelelee
Skeâ ueIeg heefjheLe henÛeevee peelee nw– (c) The percentage of total phase voltage lagging
(a) No current flow/keâesF& Oeeje ØeJeen veneR total load current/kegâue Hesâpe Jeesušspe keâer ØeefleMelelee
(b) Heavy current flow/DelÙeeefOekeâ Oeeje ØeJeen pees kegâue uees[ efJeÅegle Oeeje mes heMÛeieeceer nw
(c) Voltage drop/Jeesušleeheele (d) The percentage of total phase voltage dropped
(d) Voltage rise/Jeesušlee Je=efæ Âef°keâesCe in the circuit for no load condition
49. An example for class D fire is ____ MetvÙe uees[ kesâ efmLeefle kesâ efueS meefke&âš ceW kegâue Hesâpe
Class D Deeie keâe GoenjCe nw- Jeesušspe [^ehe keâer ØeefleMelelee
(a) Fire on the wooden Structure 54. If a live wire comes in contact with metal
uekeâÌ[er mebjÛevee ceW Deeie casing, excess current moves to............
(b) Fire on the flammable liquids Deiej Keguee leej Oeeleg kesâ mecheke&â ceW Deelee nw, lees
pJeueveMeerue lejue ceW Deeie DelÙeefOekeâ Oeeje keâneB peeSieer?
(c) Fire on the LPG cylinder
(a) power house/efyepeueer Iej
LPG efmeuesC[j ceW Deeie
(b) dynamos/[eÙeveeceesme
(d) Fire on the flammable metal
pJeueveMeerue Oeeleg ceW Deeie (c) earth/DeLe&
50. For the grounding of an entire sub–station: (d) transformers/š^ebmeheâe@ce&j
mechetCe& meye-mšsMeve kesâ Yet-mecheke&âve kesâ efueS– *55. The zero sequence component of the unblanced
(a) Counterpoises are used system of vector VA; VB and VC is ______ of
keâeGvšjhJee@Fpe ØeÙeesie efkeâS peeles nQ their vector sum.
(b) Grounding rods are used meeeffoMeeW VA; VB Deewj VC keâer Demeblegefuele ØeCeeueer kesâ
Yet-mecheke&âve ÚÌ[ ØeÙeesie efkeâS peeles nQ MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Ieškeâ Gvekesâ meefoMeerÙe Ùeesie keâe ____
(c) Grounding mats are used neslee nw~
Yet-mecheke&âve cewš ØeÙeesie efkeâS peeles nQ (a) one-third/Skeâ efleneF&
(d) Peterson coil is used
(b) one-fourth/Skeâ ÛeewLeeF&
heeršjmeve kegbâ[ueer ØeÙeesie keâer peeleer nw
*51. A 10 kVA, 400 V/200 V single-phase (c) half/DeeOee
transformer with 10% impedance, draws a (d) two-third/oes efleneF&
steady short circuit current of? *56. A fault occurs in the R phase of a solidly
Skeâ 10 kVA, 400 V/200 V, 10% ØeefleyeeOee keâe grounded unloaded alternator. The fault
Skeâue keâuee š^ebmeHeâece&j, efmLej ueIegheefjheLe Oeeje ueslee current IR1 and neutral current IN are given–
nw? Skeâ meeefue[ueer «eeGv[s[ Deušjvesšj kesâ R Hesâpe ceW Skeâ
(a) 50 A (b) 150 A oes<e GlheVe ngDee nw~ oes<e keâe keâjbš IR1 Deewj vÙetš^ue keâjbš
(c) 250 A (d) 350 A IN Fme lejn efoÙee ieÙee nw–
52. The maximum permissible time of de- (a) IR1=Ea/z1+z2+ z0 and IN=Ia0
energization of the faulty circuit is dependent on (b) IR1=Ea/z1+z2 and IN=2Ia0
Øeoes<eer heefjheLe kesâ energization keâe DeefOekeâlece (c) IR1=Ea/z1+z2+ z0 and IN=3Ia0
DevegcevÙe meceÙe............hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~ (d) IR1=Ea/z1+z2+ z0 and IN=0
(a) voltage of the system /ØeCeeueer keâer Jeesušlee 57. Leakage current allowed by IE rules is:
(b) the number of conductors involved IE efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej efjmeeJe Oeeje keâer Devegceefle nw~
meefcceefuele ÛeeuekeâeW keâer mebKÙee (a) 1/500 parts of the total current
(c) load carried by the faulty circuit kegâue Oeeje keâe 1/500 Yeeie
Øeoes<eer heefjheLe Éeje Jenve efkeâÙee peeves Jeeuee Yeej (b) 1/5000 parts of the total current
(d) fault current and its duration kegâue Oeeje keâe 1/5000 Yeeie
Øeoes<eer Oeeje Deewj Fmekeâer DeJeefOe (c) 1/1500 parts of the total current
*53. The percentage reactance of a circuit is defined as kegâue Oeeje keâe 1/1500 Yeeie
Skeâ meefke&âš keâer ØeefleMelelee ØeefleIeele (hemeXšspe jerSskeäšvme) (d) 1/3000 parts of the total current
efkeâme ¤he ceW heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee peelee nw? kegâue Oeeje keâe 1/3000 Yeeie
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 520 YCT
58. Which components of the symmetrical system Meefkeäle DeeOeej Sold
B Deewj Jeesušspe DeeOeej VBold hej Øeefle
have three phasors with equal magnitude but
are displaced from each other by 120 degree
Ùetefveš ØeefleyeeOee Zold
pu nw, veS Meefkeäle DeeOeej SnewB

having reverse phase sequence as compared to Deewj Jeesušspe DeeOeej VBnew hej Øeefle Ùetefveš ØeefleyeeOee
that of original? keäÙee nesieer?
efmecesefš^keâue efmemšce kesâ efkeâme keâcheesvesvš ceW meceeve 2
cewiveeršŸet[ Jeeues hesâpeme& nesles nQ uesefkeâve Jes JeemleefJekeâ kesâ Sold  VBnew 
(a) Zpu = Zold
 old 
cegkeâeyeues efjJeme& hesâpe meerkeäJeWme ceW 120 ef[«eer hej Skeâ Snew
B  VB 
otmejs mes efJemLeeefhele nesles nQ? Snew  VBold 

(a) Positive sequence components (b) Z new

pu =Z old
 new 
B  VB 
hee@efpeefšJe meerkeäJesvme keâcheesveWšdme
(b) Negative sequence components Snew  VBold 
(c) Zpu = Zold B
 new 
efveiesefšJe meerkeäJesvme keâcheesveWšdme pu
B  VB 
(c) Zero sequence components
peerjes meerkeäJesvme keâcheesveWšdme Sold  VBnew 
(d) Zpu = Zold
 old 
(d) Unity sequence components Snew
B  VB 
Ùetefvešer meerkeäJesvme keâcheesveWšdme 64. A 75 MVA, 10 kV synchronous generator has
59. The per unit impedance of an alternator Xd = 0.4 pu. The Xd value (in pu) to a base of
corresponding to base values 13.2 kV and 30 100 MVA, 11 kV is
MVA is 0.2 pu. The pu value of the impedance 75 MVA, 10 kV leguÙekeâeueer peefve$e keâer Xd = 0.4 pu
for base values of 13.8 kV and 50 MVA in pu nw~ 100 MVA, 11 kV DeeOeej hej Xd keâe ceeve Øeefle
will be Ùetefveš nesiee–
13.2 kV Deewj 30 MVA DeeOeej ceeve kesâ Deveg™he Skeâ
(a) 0.578 (b) 0.279
ØelÙeeJele&keâ keâer Øeefle Ùetefveš ØeefleyeeOee 0.2 pu nw~ 13.8 (c) 0.412 (d) 0.44
kV Deewj 50 MVA DeeOeej ceeve hej Øeefle Ùetefveš 65. For a given base voltage and base volt-amp, the
ØeefleyeeOee keâe ceeve nesiee- per unit impedance value of an element is X.
(a) 0.131 (b) 0.226 What will be the per unit impedance value of
(c) 0.305 (d) 0.364 this element when the voltage and a volt-amp
bases are both doubled?
*60. A 25 MVA, 33 kV transformer has a pu
impedance of 0.9. The per unit impedance at a
efkeâmeer efoS ieÙes DeeOeej Jeesušspe Deewj DeeOeej Jeesuš Oeeje
new base 50 MVA at 11 kV would be kesâ efueS, efkeâmeer lelJe keâer Øeefle Ùetefveš ØeefleyeeOee X nw~
Skeâ 25 MVA, 33 kV heefjCeeefce$e keâer Øeefle Ùetefveš Fme lelJe keâer Øeefle Ùetefveš ØeefleyeeOee ceeve keäÙee nesiee peye
ØeefleyeeOee 0.9 nw~ 11 kV hej, veS DeeOeej 50 MVA hej Jeesušspe Deewj Jeesuš-SefcheÙej DeeOeej oesveeW oesiegveer keâj
Øeefle FkeâeF& ØeefleyeeOee nesieer– oer peeSb-
(a) 10.4 (b) 12.2 (a) 4 X (b) 2 X
(c) X (d) 0.5 X
(c) 14.4 (d) 16.2
*66. The one line diagram of a simple power system
*61. The per unit value of a 4 Ω resistor at 100 is given below. The transformation ratio of the
MVA base and 10 kV base voltage is step up transformer is 11/220 kV. the base
100 MVA DeeOeej Deewj 10 KV DeeOeej Jeesušspe hej 4 MVA = 100 and base kV = 11 on the generator
Ω ØeeflejesOe keâe Øeefle Ùetefveš ceeve nesiee– side the base kV on the transmission side is
(a) 2 pu (b) 4 pu Skeâ Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer keâer Skeâ jsKeerÙe DeejsKe veerÛes oer ieF&
(c) 0.4 pu (d) 40 pu nw~ GÛÛeeÙeer heefjCeeefce$e keâe heefjJele&ve Devegheele 11/220
62. The per unit impedance Z(pu) in a 3-phase kV nw~ peefve$e he#e keâer Deesj DeeOeej MVA = 100 Deewj
system is DeeOeej kV = 11 nw lees š^eBmeefceMeve he#e keâer Deesj DeeOeej
ef$ekeâuee ØeCeeueer ceW Øeefle Ùetefveš ØeefleyeeOee Z(pu) nw-
kV nesiee-
Z(ohms) × (MVA) B Z(ohms) × (KV) 2B
(a) (b)
(KV) 2B (MVA) B
1000 × (KV) B 1000 × (KV) B
(c) (d)
3IB I B × 106 (a) 11 kV (b) 220 kV
63. Zold (c) 220 3kV (d) 3 × 220kV
pu is the per unit impedance on the power
67. Standard impulse testing of a power
base S old B and voltage base VBold . What would transformer requires
be the per unit impedance on the new power Skeâ Meefòeâ heefjCeeefce$e kesâ ceevekeâ DeeJesie hejer#eCe ceW
base S newB and voltage base V B
? DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 521 YCT
(a) two applications of chopped wave followed (b) usually on both sides of a circuit breaker
by one application of a full wave Deeceleewj hej Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ oesveeW efkeâveejeW hej~
keâšs ngS lejbie kesâ oes DevegØeÙeesie hetCe& lejbie kesâ Skeâ (c) As a substitute for a circuit breaker
DevegØeÙeesie kesâ Éeje Devegieceve nw heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ efJekeâuhe kesâ ™he ceW~
(b) One application of chopped wave followed by (d) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW~
one application of a full wave 72. Current rating is not necessary in case of
keâšs ngS lejbie kesâ Skeâ DevegØeÙeesie hetCe& lejbie kesâ Skeâ Oeeje jsefšbie ......... kesâ ceeceues ceW DeeJeMÙekeâ veneR nesleer
DevegØeÙeesie kesâ Éeje Devegieceve nw nw-
(c) one application of chopped wave followed by (a) Isolators/efJeueiekeâejer
two applications of a full wave (b) Circuit breakers/heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
keâšs ngS lejbie kesâ Skeâ DevegØeÙeesie hetCe& lejbie kesâ oes (c) Load break switches/Yeej jesOekeâ efmJeÛe
DevegØeÙeesie kesâ Éeje Devegieceve nw (d) Circuit breakers and load break switches
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ Deewj Yeej jesOekeâ efmJeÛe
68. Insulation co-ordination for UHV lines (above 73. An isolator is meant for
500 kV) is done based on Skeâ DeeFmeesuesšj keâe leelheÙe& nw-
Deefle GÛÛe Jeesušspe ueeFveeW (500 KV mes Thej) kesâ efueS (a) Breaking abnormal current
efJeÅeglejesOeve mecevJeÙe ....... kesâ DeeOeej hej efkeâÙee peelee nw~ DemeeceevÙe Oeeje keâes leesÌ[vee~
(a) lightning surges/ueeFšefvebie mepe& (b) Making under fault condition
(b) lightning surges and switching surges oes<e keâer efmLeefle ceW yeveevee~
(c) Breaking the circuit under no load condition
ueeFšefvebie mepe& Deewj efmJeefÛebie mepe&
vees uees[ efmLeefle keâer lenle heefjheLe keâes leesÌ[vee~
(c) switching surges/efmJeefÛebie mepe&
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR~
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 74. Isolators used in transmission lines are capable
69. On what is the insulation level of a 400 kV, of breaking
EHV overhead transmission line decided? mebÛejCe ueeFveeW ceW GheÙeesie efkeâS peeves Jeeues efJeueiekeâejer
400 kV mes Deefle GÛÛe efMejesheefj mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe ........ keâes leesÌ[ves ceW me#ece nesles nQ~
efJeÅeglejesOeve mlej efkeâme DeeOeej hej efveefMÛele efkeâÙee peelee nw? (a) Fault current/oes<e Oeeje
(a) lightning over voltage/leefÌ[le Deefle Jeesušlee hej (b) No current/keâesF& Oeeje veneR
(b) corona inception over voltage (c) Charging current/DeeJesefMele Oeeje
keâesjesvee Meg™Deele Deefle Jeesušlee hej (d) Load current/Yeej Oeeje
(c) switching overvoltage/efmJeefÛebie Deefle Jeesušspe hej 75. Which of the following is provided with arcing
(d) radio and TV interference horns
jsef[Ùees Deewj šsueerefJepeve nmle#eshe hej efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Deee\keâie neve& kesâ meeLe
70. Solid state power supplies are protected from Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw?
medium surge voltage using:/Solid state power (a) Isolator/efJeieuekeâ
supplies keâes medium surge voltage mes megjef#ele (b) Air break switch/SÙej yeÇskeâ efmJeÛe
keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâmekeâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw– (c) Oil switch/Dee@Ùeue efmJeÛe
(a) Silicon-carbide varistors (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer veneR
efmeefuekeâe@ve-keâeyee&F[ Jewefjmšme& 76. Capacitor switching in 33 kV power system is
(b) Zinc-oxide-based varistors better done with circuit breakers.
eEpekeâ-Dee@keämeeF[ DeeOeeefjle Jewefjmšme& 33 kV Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer ceW mebOeeefj$e efmJeefÛebie ..............
(c) Cemet resistors/mecexš jsefmemšme& heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâeW kesâ meeLe meyemes yesnlej neslee nw~
(d) Metal glaze resistors/Oeeleg iuespe jsefmemšme& (a) Air blast/JeeÙeg-yueemš
(b) Minimum oil/efvecveleced lesue
(c) Vacuum/efveJee&le
2. efmJeÛe leLee DeeFmeesuesšme& (d) All of the above/GheÙegòe&â ceW meYeer
(Switches and Isolators) 77. Fault diverters are basically
heâeuš [eÙeJeš&j (oes<e ceesÌ[vee) cetue ™he mes nw
71. An isolator is installed (a) circuit breakers/heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
Skeâ efJeueiekeâejer mLeeefhele efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(b) fast switches/lespe efmJeÛe
(a) To isolate one portion of the circuit from
another (c) relays/efjues
heefjheLe kesâ Skeâ efnmmes keâes otmejs mes Deueie keâjves~ (d) fuse/heäÙetpe

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 522 YCT

78. An isolator is installed: 84. The fuse unit is made from:
Skeâ he=Lekeäkeâejkeâ mLeeefhele efkeâÙee peelee nw– heäÙetpe FkeâeF& ............ mes yevee neslee nw~
(a) To operate the relay of circuit breaker (a) Bakelite/yewkesâueeFš (b) Porcelain/heesefme&uesve
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ efjues keâes mebÛeeefuele keâjves kesâ efueÙes (c) Ceramic/Ûeerveer-efceóer (d) Iron/ueesne
(b) As a substitute for circuit breaker 85. Fuses have got advantages of
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ efueS Skeâ efJekeâuhe kesâ ™he ceW HeäÙetpe mes ueeYe Øeehle neslee nw~
(c) Always independent of the position of circuit (a) Cheapest type of protection
breaker meyemes memles Øekeâej keâer megj#ee
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâer heespeerMeve mes ncesMee mJeleb$e (b) Inverse time current characteristic
(d) Generally on both sides of a circuit breaker
efJehejerle meceÙe-Oeeje DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ
(c) No maintenance/keâesF& jKe-jKeeJe veneR
Deeceleewj hej Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ oesveeW lejheâ
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
79. Material used for making knife switch is
veeFheâ efmJeÛe yeveeves kesâ efueS efkeâme heoeLe& keâe Fmlesceeue 86. The primary function of a fuse is to
HeäÙetpe keâe ØeeLeefcekeâ keâeÙe& nw–
efkeâÙee peelee nw– (a) Open the circuit/heefjheLe keâes Keesuevee
(a) nickel/efveefkeâue (b) aluminium/SuÙegceerefveÙece (b) Protect the appliance/GhekeâjCe keâer megj#ee
(c) brass/heerleue (d) nichrome/veeF›eâesce (c) Protect the line/ueeFve keâer megj#ee
80. If a circuit has to switch between two power (d) Prevent excessive currents from flow through
sources then which type of switch is required. the circuit
Ùeefo Skeâ mee|keâš keâes oes heeJej œeesle kesâ yeerÛe eqmJeÛe keâjvee heefjheLe ceW ØeJeeefnle DelÙeefOekeâ Oeeje keâes jeskeâves ceW
nw lees efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ eqmJeÛe keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesieer Š 87. The material used in liquid fuses is
(a) SPST (b) DPST lejue HeäÙetpe ceW ØeÙegòeâ meece«eer nw–
(c) DPDT (d) All of these/Ghejeskeäle meYeer (a) SF6
81. Electronic switching are becoming more and (b) Distilled water/Deemegle peue
more popular because of– (c) Carbon tetra chloride/keâeye&ve šsš^e keäueesjeF[
Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ efmJeefÛebie DeefOekeâeefOekeâ ueeskeâefØeÙe nesles pee (d) transformer oil/heefjCeeefce$e Dee@Ùeue
jns nQ– 88. In comparison to rewirable fuses HRC fuses
(a) noiseless operation/Meesj-jefnle ØeÛeeueve kesâ keâejCe have the advantage(s) of
efjJeeÙejsyeue HeäÙetpe keâer leguevee ceW HRC HeäÙetpe keâe ueeYe
(b) long life/oerIe& peerJeve keâeue kesâ keâejCe
(c) smaller size and weight
ueIeg Deekeâej leLee Yeej kesâ keâejCe (a) High speed operation/GÛÛe ieefle ØeÛeeueve
(d) all the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer kesâ keâejCe (b) High rupturing capacity/GÛÛe leesÌ[ves keâer #ecelee
82. The contacts of high voltage switches used in (c) No ageing effect/Gceü keâe ØeYeeJe veneR
power system are submerged in oil. The main (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
purpose of the oil is to: 89. In HRC fuse the time between cut-off and final
Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer ceW GÛÛe Jeesušspe efmJeÛe kesâ mecheke&â lesue ceW current zero is called the
[gyes nesles nw~ ÙeneB lesue keâe cegKÙe GösMÙe nw– HRC HeäÙetpe ceW keâš-Dee@Heâ Deewj Deefvlece Oeeje MetvÙe kesâ
(a) Lubricate the contacts yeerÛe meceÙe keâes keâne peelee nw~
mechekeâeX keâes efÛekeâveenš keâjves (a) Pre arcing time/Øeer-Deee\keâie šeFce
(b) Insulate the contacts from switch body (b) Arcing time/DeeefkeËâie šeFce
efmJeÛe yee@[er mes mechekeâeX keâes jesOeve keâjves (c) Total operating time/kegâue ØeÛeeueve meceÙe
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) Extinguish the arc/Deeke&â keâes meceehle keâjves
90. The least expensive protection for over current
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR in low voltage system is
efvecve Jeesušspe ØeCeeueer ceW DeefleOeeje kesâ efueS keâce mes keâce
3. HeäÙetpe (Fuse) cenBieer megj#ee nw–
(a) Rewirable fuse/efjJeeÙejsyeue HeäÙetpe
(b) Isolator/efJeueiekeâejer
83. H.R.C. fuses provide best protection against:
(c) Circuit breaker/heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
H.R.C. heäÙetpe ........ kesâ efJe™æ meJeexòece megj#ee
(d) Air break switch/JeeÙeg yeÇskeâ efmJeÛe
Øeoeve keâjlee nQ–
91. If a combination of HRC fuse and circuit
(a) Overload/DeefleYeej breaker is used, the C.B. operates for
(b) Reverse current/efJehejerle Oeeje Ùeefo heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ Deewj HRC heäÙetpe keâe Skeâ
(c) Open-circuits/Keguee heefjheLe mebÙegòeâ GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
(d) Short-circuits/ueIeg heefjheLe ØeÛeeefuele keâjves kesâ efueÙes neslee nw-
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 523 YCT
(a) low overload current/efvecve DeefleYeej Oeeje 98. A fuse is connected:
(b) short circuit current/ueIeg heefjheLe Oeeje Skeâ heäÙetpe pegÌ[e neslee nw–
(c) under all abnormal current (a) In series with circuit/heefjheLe kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW
meYeer DemeeceevÙe Oeeje kesâ lenle (b) In parallel with circuit
(d) the combination is never used in practice heefjheLe kesâ meeLe meceeveeblej ceW
mebÙeespeve keâe GheÙeesie DeYÙeeme ceW keâYeer veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (c) Either in series or in parallel with circuit
92. Which fuse material is more susceptible to heefjheLe kesâ meeLe meceeveeblej ceW Ùee ßesCeer ceW
oxidation as compared to the remaining:
efvecveefueefKele keâer leguevee ceW keâewve mee HeäÙetpe meece«eer (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
DeekeämeerkeâjCe kesâ efueS DeefOekeâ mebJesoveMeerue nw– 99. The fuse rating is expressed in terms of:
(a) Silver/ÛeeBoer HeäÙetpe jsefšbie keâes............kesâ mevoYe& ceW JÙeòeâ efkeâÙee
(b) Copper/keâe@hej peelee nw~
(c) Tin lead alloy/efšve-MeerMee efceßeCe (a) Current/Oeeje (b) Voltage/Jeesušspe
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW keâesF& veneR (c) VAR (d) kVA
93. The fuse wire, in D.C. circuits, is in: 100. The fuse blows off by:
[er.meer. heefjheLe ceW HeäÙetpe leej, ceW nw– HeäÙetpe peue peelee nw
(a) Negative circuit only/kesâJeue $e+Ceelcekeâ heefjheLe (a) Burning/peueves
(b) Positive circuit only/kesâJeue Oeveelcekeâ heefjheLe (b) Arcing/Deee\keâie
(c) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (c) Melting/efheIeueves
(d) Either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b) (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
94. By which of the following methods major 101. One which of the following effects of electric
portion of the heat generated in a H.R.C. current a fuse operates:
fuse is dissipated:
efJeÅegle Oeeje kesâ efvecve ceW mes efkeâme ØeYeeJe hej heäÙetpe
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme lejerkeâeW mes SÛe.Deej.meer
HeäÙetpe ceW GlheVe T<cee keâe cegKÙe efnmmee efJeueghle nes mebÛeeefuele neslee nw–
peelee nw (a) Photoelectric effect/heâesšesFuesefkeäš^keâ ØeYeeJe
(a) Radiation/efJeefkeâjCe (b) Electrostatic effect/ efJeÅegle efmLej ØeYeeJe
(b) Convection/mebJenve (c) Heating effect/leehe ØeYeeJe
(c) conduction/Ûeeueve (d) Magnetic effect/ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeYeeJe
(d) All of the above/GheÙegòeâ meYeer 102. The material used for fuse must have:
95. Protection by fuses is generally not used heäÙetpe kesâ efueS GheÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeues heoeLe& ceW nesvee
beyond: ÛeeefnS–
heäÙetpe Éeje mebj#eCe Deeceleewj hej efvecve kesâ Thej veneR (a) Low melting point and high specific
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw– resistance
(a) 20A (b) 50A efvecve ieueveebkeâ efyebog Deewj GÛÛe efJeefMe<š ØeeflejesOe
(c) 100A (d) 200A
(b) Low melting point and low specific
96. A fuse is never inserted in: resistance
Skeâ heäÙetpe keâYeer veneR peesÌ[e peelee nw– efvecve ieueveebkeâ eEyeog Deewj efvecve efJeefMe<š ØeeflejesOe
(a) Neutral wire/Goemeerve leej
(c) High melting point and low specific
(b) Negative of D.C. circuit resistance
D.C. heefjheLe kesâ $e+Ceelcekeâ GÛÛe ieueveebkeâ eEyeog Deewj efvecve efJeefMe<š ØeeflejesOe
(c) Positive of D.C. circuit
(d) Low melting point and any specific
D.C. heefjheLe kesâ Oeveelcekeâ resistance
(d) Phase line/keâuee heLe efvecve ieueveebkeâ efyebog Deewj keâesF& Yeer ØeeflejesOe
97. A fuse wire possesses:
103. The delay fuses are used for the protection of:
Skeâ heäÙetpe leej kesâ heeme neslee nw– ef[ues heäÙetpe keâe GheÙeesie ......... keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS
(a) Direct time characteristics
efkeâÙee peelee nw–
ØelÙe#e meceÙe DeefYeue#eCe
(b) Inverse time charcteristics (a) Moters/ceesšjeW
JÙegl›eâce meceÙe DeefYeue#eCe (b) Power outlet circuits/hee@Jej DeeGšuesš heefjheLeeW
(c) Either of above/GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& Yeer (c) Fluourescent lamps/heäueesjesmeWš uewche
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) Light circuits./ueeFš heefjheLeeW

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 524 YCT

104. The protective device which will not open the 110. Which of the following materials can be used as
circuit even after 4 h when the current is 1.5 an are quenching medium in High Rupturing
times the excess of the rated current will be Capacity (HRC) fuse?
efveOee&efjle Oeeje mes 1.5 iegvee Oeeje nesves hej 4 IebšeW kesâ ef vecveefueefKele heoeLeeX ceW mes keâewve meer HRC HeäÙetpe ceW Skeâ
yeeo Yeer heefjheLe keâes vee Keesueves Jeeuee megj#ee GhekeâjCe Deeke&â keäJeWeEÛeie ceeOÙece kesâ ™he ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee
mekeâlee nQ~
keâewve-mee nw–
(a) Plaster of Paris/ hueemšj Dee@Heâ hesefjme
(a) HRC fuses/HRC heäÙetpe (b) Argon gas/Deeie&ve iewme
(b) cartridge fuses/keâeefš&pe heäÙetpe (c) Mica/ceeFkeâe
(c) circuit breaker/heefjheLe efveÙeb$ekeâ (d) Aluminium/SuÙegefceefveÙece
(d) rewirable fuses/efjJeeÙejsyeue heäÙetpe 111. Which among these fuse is very fast in
105. Fusing factor of fuse is always FveceW mes keâewve-mee HeäÙetpe, ØeÛeeueve ceW yengle lespe (Heâemš)
HeäÙetpe keâe mebueÙeer keâejkeâ ncesMee– neslee nw?
(a) more than 1/1 mes DeefOekeâ neslee nw (a) Semiconductor fuses
(b) less than 1/1 mes keâce neslee nw DeOe&Ûeeuekeâ (mesceerkebâ[keäšj) HeäÙetpe
(b) High rupturing capacity type
(c) infinity/Deveble neslee nw neF& jhÛeefjbie kewâhesefmešer šeFhe
(d) zero/MetvÙe neslee nw (c) Cartridge type/keâeš&efjpe šeFhe
106. Interlocking is not possible in which type of (d) Kit Kat type/efkeâš kesâš šeFhe
fuse 112. According to fuse law, the current carrying
efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ HeäÙetpe ceW Deble yebOeve mecYeJe vener nw? capacity varies as................
HeäÙetpe kesâ efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej, Oeeje Jenve #ecelee,..........
(a) rewirable fuse/efjJeeÙejsyeue HeäÙetpe ceW
kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le nesleer nw~
(b) High rupturing capacity fuse
(a) Diameter/JÙeeme
GÛÛe DeueieeJe #ecelee HeäÙetpe ceW (b) (Diameter)1.5/(JÙeeme) 1.5
(c) Aerial fuse/nJeeF& HeäÙetpe ceW (c) (Diameter)1/2/(JÙeeme) 1/2
(d) Kit Kat fuse/efkeâš kewâš HeäÙetpe ceW (d) 1/(Diameter)/1/(JÙeeme)
107. Which one of the given fuse is bigger ……? 113. For better performance the suitable one is:
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee HeäÙetpe DeefOekeâ yeÌ[e nw? yesnlej ØeoMe&ve kesâ efueS FveceW mes GheÙegkeäle nw–
(a) Open type fuse/Kegues Øe™heer mebieuekeâ keâer
(a) DC/[ermeer
(b) Kit-kat fuse/efkeâš-kewâš mebieuekeâ keâer
(b) AC/Smeer
(c) HRC fuse/SÛe.Deej.meer. mebieuekeâ keâer
(c) DC or AC/DC Ùee AC (d) Cut-outs fuse/keâš-DeeGš mebieuekeâ keâer
(d) AC and DC are same 114. HRC fuse has rupturing capacity of capability
Smeer Deewj [ermeer oesveeW meceeve nQ ________in comparison with a circuit breaker–
108. Material used for making small rating fuses is : meefke&âš yeÇskeâj keâer leguevee ceW HRC HeäÙet]pe keâer štšves keâer
keâce jsefšbie kesâ HeäÙetpe yeveeves kesâ efueS efkeâme heoeLe& keâe #ecelee ..................... nw–
Fmlesceeue efkeâÙee peelee nw? (a) Equal/yejeyej
(b) Greater than/DeefOekeâ
(a) aluminium/SuÙegceerefveÙece
(c) Less than/keâce
(b) copper/leebyee (d) None of the other options/FveceW mes keâeF& veneR
(c) silver/Ûeeboer *115. The fusing current depends on-
(d) lead and tin/meermee Deewj efšve Fusing current efkeâme hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw-
(a) Diameter of fuse wire/heäÙetpe leej kesâ JÙeeme
109. The common material, which is used to make
an HRC fuse is (b) Number of wire/leejes keâer mebKÙee
HRC heäÙetpe yeveeves ceW meeceevÙele: efkeâme heoeLe& keâe (c) Length of the fuse wire/heäÙetpe leej keâer uecyeeF&
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
Fmlesceeue efkeâÙee peelee nw?
116. yuees DeeGš Ùev$e efpemekesâ peueves mes HeäÙetpe GÌ[ peeves keâe
(a) Plastic/hueeefmškeâ helee Ûeue peelee nw, efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmeceW ØeÙeesie
(b) Glass/keâebÛe efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(c) Aluminium/SuÙegceerefveÙece (a) hueie šeFhe HeäÙetpe (b) ieesue HeäÙetpe
(d) Copper/leebyee (c) HRC HeäÙetpe (d) keâeefš^&pe HeäÙetpe

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 525 YCT

(c) Decreases the system stability
4. heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ (Circuit Breaker) ØeCeeueer efmLejlee keâes keâce keâjlee nw
(d) Increase short circuit current
ueIeg—heefjheLe Oeeje keâes yeÌ{elee nw
117. Which of the following sequence of operation is
corrects for operation of circuit breaker, 122. The probable cause(s) for failure of circuit
isolator and earthing switch while opening a Breaker on electrical compound could be
circuit? ef JeÅegle heefjmej ceW heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâer efJeHeâuelee kesâ
heefjheLe Keesueves kesâ oewjeve heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ, efJeueiekeâejer mebYeeefJele keâejCe nes mekeâlee nw-
Deewj Yet-efmJeÛe kesâ mebÛeeueve kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele ceW mes (a) Trip circuit open/efš^he heefjheLe Keguee
keâewve mee Deveg›eâce mener nw? (b) Trip latch defective/efš^he uewÛe DeØeYeeJeer
(a) Open circuit breaker, open isolator, close (c) Spring defective/DeØeYeeJeer eEmØeie
earthing switch/heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ Keguevee, (d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
efJeueiekeâejer Keesuevee, Yet-efmJeÛe yebo keâjvee~ 123. Routine tests are conducted on
(b) Open isolator – open circuit breaker– close efveÙeefcele hejer#eCe ......... hej efkeâS peeles nQ~
earthing switch (a) Bulk oil circuit breakers
Keguee efJeueiekeâejer-Keguee heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ-yebo Yet-efmJeÛe yeukeâ lesue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
(c) Open earthing switch–open isolator–then (b) Minimum oil circuit breakers
open circuit breaker vÙetvelece lesue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
Keguee Yet-efmJeÛe-Keguee efJeueiekeâejer-Keguee heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ (c) Air blast circuit breakers
(d) Open circuit breaker–Close earthing switch– JeeÙeg yueemš heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
Open isolator
Keguee heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ-yebo Yet-efmJeÛe-Keguee efJeueiekeâejer (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
118. The arc voltage in a circuit breaker is 124. Which of the following circuit breakers has the
Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW Deeke&â Jeesušlee............. lowest voltage range?
(a) In the phase with the arc current
efvecveefueefKele heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâeW ceW keâewve meyemes keâce keâe
Deeke&â Oeeje kesâ keâuee ceW neslee nw~ Jeesušlee hejeme jKelee nw?
(b) Lagging the arc current by 90° (a) SF6 circuit breaker/SF6 heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâ
Deeke&â Oeeje mes 90° heMÛeieeceer nesleer nw~ (b) Air blast circuit breaker
(c) Leading the arc current by 90° JeeÙeg-yueemš heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâ
Deeke&â Oeeje mes 90° De«eieeceer nesleer nw~ (c) Tank type oil circuit breaker
(d) Lagging the arc current by 180° šQkeâ šeFhe lesue heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâ
Deeke&â Oeeje mes 180° heMÛeieeceer nesleer nw~ (d) Air break circuit breaker
119. In a circuit breaker, ionization is facilitated by JeeÙeg-yeÇskeâ heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâ
Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW DeeÙeveerkeâjCe keâer megefJeOee 125. Which of the following circuit breakers
.............. kesâ Éeje nesleer nw~ produce the least arc energy
(a) Increase in field strength/#es$e #ecelee ceW Je=efæ efvecveefueefKele heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâeW ceW keâewve meyemes keâce
(b) Increase of mean free length Deeke&â Tpee& GlheVe keâjleer nw?
ceeOÙe mJeleb$e uecyeeF& kesâ yeÌ{ves (a) Plain oil/meceleue lesue
(c) High temperature of surrounding medium (b) Minimum oil/vÙetvelece lesue
Deemeheeme kesâ ceeOÙece kesâ GÛÛe leeheceeve hej (c) Air blast/JeeÙeg-yueemš
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (d) Air break/JeeÙeg-yeÇskeâ
120. The use of high speed circuit breakers 126. Which of the following circuit breakers has
GÛÛe ieefle heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâe GheÙeesie – high reliability and negligible maintenance?
(a) Improves transient stability efvecve heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâeW ceW mes efkeâmeceW GÛÛe efJeMJemeveerÙe
#eefCekeâ efmLejlee keâes megOeejlee nw Deewj keâce jKejKeeJe keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw?
(b) Decreases transient stability
(a) Air blast/JeeÙeg-yueemš (b) SF6
#eefCekeâ efmLejlee keâce keâjlee nw
(c) Oil/lesue (d) Vacuum/efveJee&le
(c) Has no effect on system stability/efmemšce
127. Which of the following circuit breakers take
(ØeCeeueer) keâer efmLejlee hej keâesF& ØeYeeJe veneR heÌ[lee nw~ minimum time in installation?
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR efvecveefueefKele heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâeW ceW keâewve mLeeheve ceW
121. The use of high speed circuit breakers meyemes keâce meceÙe ueslee nw?
GÛÛe ieefle heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâe GheÙeesie –
(a) Air blast/JeeÙeg-yueemš
(a) Reduces the short circuit current
ueIeg-heefjheLe Oeeje keâes keâce keâjlee nw (b) Minimum oil/efvecve lesue
(b) Improve the system stability (c) Bulk Oil/yeukeâ lesue
ØeCeeueer efmLejlee ceW megOeej keâjlee nw (d) SF6

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 526 YCT

128. Where voltages are high and current to be 133. In a circuit breaker, the active recovery voltage
interrupted is low the circuit breaker preferred depends upon
is one Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW, meef›eâÙe efjkeâJejer Jeesušlee
peneB Jeesušlee GÛÛe leLee yeeefOele nesves Jeeueer Oeeje keâce ......... hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~
nesleer nes, DeefOeceevÙe heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ neslee nw– (a) Circuit conditions/heefjheLe efmLeefle
(a) Air break/JeeÙeg-yeÇskeâ (b) Power factor/Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
(b) Vacuum/efveJee&le (c) Armature reaction/DeecexÛej Øeefleef›eâÙee
(c) Oil/lesue (d) All of these/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(d) Air blast/JeeÙeg-yueemš 134. In a circuit breaker the current that exists at
129. The stability of arc in vacuum depends on the instant of contact separation is called the
efveJee&le ceW Deeke&â keâer efmLejlee................hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~ ____ current
Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW Oeeje pees mecheke&â kesâ Deueie
(a) The contact material only/kesâJeue mecheke&â meece«eer
nesves kesâ meceÙe ceewpeto neslee nw..............Oeeje keânueeleer nw~
(b) The contact material and its vapour pressure
mecheke&â meece«eer Deewj Gmekesâ Jee<heerÙe oeye (a) Restriking/efjmš^eFefkebâie (b) Braking/yeÇsefkebâie
(c) The circuit parameters only (c) Arc/Deeke&â (d) Recovery/efjkeâJejer
kesâJeue heefjheLe kesâ ØeeÛeue 135. The rate of rise of restriking voltage (RRRV) is
depends upon
(d) The combination of (b) and (c)
efjmš^eFefkebâie Jeesušlee kesâ yeÌ{ves keâer oj (RRRV)
(b) Deewj (c) oesveeW kesâ mebÙeespeve hej
................ hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~
130. The interrupting time of a circuit breaker is the
period between the instant of (a) Resistance of the system only
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâe DeJejesOe meceÙe...............kesâ #eCe kesâJeue ØeCeeueer kesâ ØeeflejesOe
(b) Inductance of the system only
kesâ yeerÛe keâe meceÙe neslee nw~ kesâJeue ØeCeeueer kesâ ØesjkeâlJe
(a) Initiation of short circuit and the arc (c) Capacitance of the system only
extinction on an opening operation/ueIeg heefjheLe kesâJeue ØeCeeueer keâer Oeeefjlee
kesâ ØeejcYeve Deewj DeesheeEveie ØeÛeeueve hej Deeke&â kesâ yegPeves (d) Inductance and capacitance of system
(b) Energizing of the trip circuit and the arc ØeCeeueer keâer Oeeefjlee Deewj ØesjkeâlJe
extinction on an opening operation 136. It is difficult to interrupt of capacitive circuit
efš^he heefjheLe kesâ Ge|pele keâjves Deewj DeesheeEveie ØeÛeeueve hej because
Deeke&â kesâ yegPeves mebOeeefj$e heefjheLe keâes yeeefOele keâjvee cegefMkeâue nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ
(c) Initiation of short circuit and the parting of (a) The current has a leading power factor
primary arc contacts/ueIegheefLele keâer Meg™Deele Deewj Oeeje De«eieeceer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ neslee nw~
ØeeLeefcekeâ Deeke&â mecheke&â keâe efJeueieeJe (b) The restriking voltage can be high
(d) Energizing of the trip circuit and the parting efjmš^eFefkebâie Jeesušlee GÛÛe nes mekeâleer nw~
of primary arc contacts/efš^he heefjheLe kesâ Tefpe&le Deewj (c) Current magnitude is very small
ØeeLeefcekeâ Deeke&â mecheke&â keâe efJeueieeJe Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe yengle keâce neslee nw~
131. For a high speed circuit breaker the total (d) Stored energy in the capacitor is very high
clearing time is around Oeeefjlee ceW meb«eefnle Tpee& yengle GÛÛe nw~
GÛÛe ieefle heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ efueÙes kegâue keäueerÙeeEjie 137. For rural electrification in a country like India
with complex network, the circuit breaker
meceÙe ueieYeie ............ neslee nw~ preferred is one
(a) Few minutes/kegâÚ efceveš Yeejle pewmes osMe ceW peefšue heefjheLe kesâ meeLe «eeceerCe
(b) Few seconds/kegâÚ meskesâC[me efJeÅegleerkeâjCe kesâ efueÙes ........... heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
(c) 1 to 2 cycles/1 mes 2 Ûe›eâ meJe&ceeve neslee nw~
(d) 5 to 20 cycles/5 mes 20 Ûe›eâ (a) Air break/JeeÙeg-yeÇskeâ
132. The resistance of an electric arc can be (b) Oil/lesue
increased by (c) Vacuum/efveJee&le
efJeÅegle Deeke&â keâe ØeeflejesOe.............kesâ Éeje yeÌ{eÙee pee (d) Minimum oil/vÙetvelece lesue
mekeâlee nw~ 138. The most suitable circuit breaker for short line
(a) Increasing the concentration of ion particles fault without switching resistor is one
DeeÙeefvele keâCeeW kesâ mekesâvõCe keâes yeÌ{ekeâj efyevee efmJeefÛebie ØeeflejesOe kesâ ueIeg ueeFve oes<e kesâ efueÙes
(b) Reducing the arc length meyemes GheÙegòeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ.............nw~
Deeke&â keâer uecyeeF& keâes Iešekeâj (a) Minimum Oil/vÙetvelece lesue
(c) Splitting the arc/Deeke&â keâes yeeBškeâj (b) Air Blast/JeeÙeg-yueemš
(d) Increasing the arc x-section (c) SF6
Deeke&â kesâ DevegØemLe KeC[ keâes yeÌ{ekeâj (d) Air break/JeeÙeg-yeÇskeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 527 YCT
139. Circuit breakers usually operate under 144. The making capacity of a circuit breaker is
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ Deeceleewj hej ................. kesâ lenle Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâer cesefkebâie #ecelee...........nesleer nw~
ØeÛeeefuele nesles nQ~ (a) Less than the asymmetrical braking capacity
(a) Steady short circuit current/efmLej ueIeg-heefLele Oeeje of the breaker
(b) Sub transient state of short circuit current
efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ Demeceefcele yeÇsefkebâie #ecelee mes keâce~
(b) Greater than the asymmetrical breaking
ueIegheefLele Oeeje keâe Ghe-#eefCekeâ efmLeefle capacity of the breaker
(c) Transient state of short circuit current efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ Demeceefcele yeÇsefkebâie #ecelee mes DeefOekeâ
ueIegheefLele Oeeje keâe #eefCekeâ efmLeefle (c) Equal to the symmetrical breaking capacity of
(d) None of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR the breaker
140. The restriking voltage is measured in efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ meceefcele yeÇsefkebâie #ecelee kesâ yejeyej
efjmš^eFefkebâie Jeesušlee..............ceW ceeheer peeleer nw~ (d) Equal to the asymmetrical braking capacity
(a) RMS value/RMS ceeve Demeceefcele yeÇsefkebâie #ecelee kesâ yejeyej
(b) Peak value/efMeKej ceeve *145. A three phase, 33 kV oil circuit breaker is rated
(c) Instantaneous value/#eefCekeâ ceeve 1200A. 2000MVA, 3s. the symmetrical
breaking current is
(d) Average value/Deewmele ceeve Skeâ leerve keâueerÙe, 33 kV lesue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâe
141. The making and breaking currents of 3-phase efveOee&jCe 1200A, 2000 MVA, 3s nw~ meceefcele yeÇsefkebâie
ac circuit breakers in power system are
respectively in what form Oeeje.............nw~
Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer ceW 3-keâueerÙe S.meer. heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâeW (a) 1,200 A (b) 3,600A
(c) 35 kA (d) 104.8 kA
keâer cesefkebâie Deewj yeÇsefkebâie OeejeSb efkeâme ™he ceW nesleer nQ? *146. A three phase breaker is rated 2,000 MVA, 33
(a) RMS value, RMS value/RMS ceeve, RMS ceeve kV. its making current will be
(b) Instantaneous value, RMS value Skeâ leerve keâueerÙe efJeÙeespekeâ 2000 MVA, 33 kV hej
#eefCekeâ ceeve, RMS ceeve efveOee&efjle nw~ Fmekeâer cesefkebâie Oeeje.............nesieer~
(c) RMS value/RMS ceeve (a) 35 kA (b) 48 kA
(d) Instantaneous value, instantaneous value (c) 70 kA (d) 89 kA
#eefCekeâ ceeve, #eefCekeâ ceeve *147. In a 220 kV system, the inductance and
142. Rated breaking capacity (MVA) of a circuit capacitance up to the circuit breaker location
breaker is equal to are 25 mH and 0.025 µ F respectively. the value
Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâer efveOee&efjle yeÇsefkebâie #ecelee of resistor required to be connected across the
breaker contacts which will give not transient
(MVA)............... kesâ yejeyej nesleer nw~ oscillation is
(a) The product of rated breaking current (kA) Skeâ 220 kV ØeCeeueer ceW, heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ mLeeve
and rated voltage (kV)/efveOee&efjle yeÇsefkebâie Oeeje (kA) lekeâ ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee ›eâceMe: 25 mH Deewj 0.025
Deewj efveOee&efjle Jeesušspe (kV) keâe iegCeveHeâue µF nw~ DeeJeMÙekeâ ØeeflejesOe keâer Jen ceeve pees efJeÙeespekeâ
(b) The product of rated symmetrical breaking mechekeâeX kesâ Deej-heej ueieeves hej keâesF& #eefCekeâ oesueve ve
current (kA) and rated voltage (kV)
os, nw–
efveOee&efjle meceefcele yeÇsefkebâie Oeeje (kA) Deewj efveOee&efjle
(a) 25 Ω (b) 250 Ω
Jeesušspe (kV) keâe iegCeveHeâue (c) 500 Ω (d) 1000Ω
(c) The product of braking current (kV) and fault 148. Which of the following sequence of operations
voltage (kV)/yeÇsefkebâie Oeeje (kA) Deewj Øeoes<e Jeesušlee represents the rated operating duty cycle of a
(kV) keâe iegCeveHeâue circuit breaker?
(d) Twice the value of rated current (kA) and efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve ØeÛeeueve keâe ›eâce Skeâ heefjheLe
rated voltage (kV)/efveOee&efjle Oeeje (kA) Deewj efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ efveOee&efjle heefjÛeeueve [Ÿetšer Ûe›eâ keâes
efveOee&efjle Jeesušlee (kV) ceeve keâe oesiegvee ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw?
143. The making to breaking current ratio of an (O-open; C-close; t= 3s; T = 3 minutes )
EHV circuit breaker is (a) O-t-CO-T-CO (b) O-CO-t-CO-T-C
Skeâ EHV heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ efueÙes cesefkebâie Deewj (c) O-C-t-OC-T (d) O-CO-T-CO-T-C
yeÇsefkebâie Oeeje keâe Devegheele.............neslee nw~ 149. Which of the following statements is not
(a) More than 1/1 mes DeefOekeâ efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener veneR nw?
(b) Equal to 1/1 kesâ yejeyej (a) Arc chutes are used in air break circuit
(c) Less than 1/1 mes keâce breakers/JeeÙeg heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâeW ceW Deeke&â-Metš keâe
(d) A negative number/Skeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ mebKÙee ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 528 YCT
(b) Air blast circuit breakers are employed for 154. Main purpose of oil in OCB is to
high voltage traction system lesue efJeÙeespekeâ heefjheLe ceW lesue keâe cegKÙe GösMÙe.
GÛÛe Jeesušlee mebkeâ<e&Ce ØeCeeueer kesâ efueÙes JeeÙeg-yueemš ............. kesâ efueÙes neslee nw~
heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâeW keâes efveÙeesefpele keâjles nQ~ (a) Provide insulation/efJeÅegle jesOeve Øeoeve keâjves
(c) Resistance switching is employed for (b) Provide cooling of contacts
overcoming current chopping mechekeâeX keâes Meerleueve Øeoeve keâjves
Oeeje Ûee@eEheie keâes efveÙeefv$ele keâjves kesâ efueÙes ØeeflejesOe (c) Quenching arc/Deeke&â Meceve keâjves
efmJeefÛebie keâes efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (d) None of above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) Linear resistor are used in resistance
155. Arc interruption in an oil circuit breaker takes
switching/jsKeerÙe ØeeflejesOeeW keâe ØeÙeesie ØeeflejesOe efmJeefÛebie
place when
ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Skeâ lesue heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâ ceW Deeke&â yeeOee leye mLeeve
*150. If the inductance and capacitance of a power
uesleer nw peye–
system are respectively 1 H and 0.01µF and the
instantaneous value of interrupted current is (a) Contacts apart/mecheke&â Deueie nesles nQ~
10A, then the voltage across the breaker (b) voltage goes through zero
contact will be Jeesušlee MetvÙe kesâ ceeOÙece mes peeleer nw~
Ùeefo Skeâ Meefòeâ-ØeCeeueer keâe ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee (c) Current goes through zero
›eâceMe: 1 H Deewj 0.01µF Deewj #eefCekeâ jeskeâ Oeeje keâe Oeeje MetvÙe ceeOÙece mes neskeâj iegpejleer nw~
ceeve 10 A nw, leye yeÇskeâj mecheke&â kesâ Deej-heej keâer (d) All of the above/GheÙegòe&â ceW meYeer
Jeesušlee ............nesieer~ 156. The chances of arc interruption in subsequent
(a) 50 kV (b) 57 kV current zeros
(c) 60 kV (d) 100 kV DevegJeleea MetvÙe Oeeje ceW Deeke&â yeeOee nesves keâe mebÙeesie nQ–
*151. A 50 Hz, 17.32 kV generator is connected to a (a) Increase in case of ABCB but decrease in
power system. The system reactance and OCB
capacitance per phase are: 10 mH and 0.02 µF, ABCB kesâ ceeceues ceW Je=efæ uesefkeâve OCB ceW keâceer
respectively. What is the maximum voltage (b) Decrease in case of ABCB but increase in
across the contact of the circuit breaker at an OCB
instant when it passes through zero? ABCB kesâ ceeceues ceW keâceer uesefkeâve OCB ceW Je=efæ
Skeâ 50 Hz, 17.32 kV peefve$e keâes Skeâ Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer (c) Decrease in both cases/oesveeW ceeceueeW ceW keâceer
mes peesÌ[e ieÙee nw~ heæefle keâer ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee (d) Increase in both cases/oesveeW ceeceueeW ceW Je=efæ
›eâceMe: 10 mH Deesj 0.02 µF Øeefle keâuee nw~ Gme meceÙe 157. In a minimum oil circuit breaker the oil is used
peye Ùen MetvÙe kesâ ceeOÙece mes iegpejleer nw leye heefjheLe Skeâ vÙetvelece lesue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW lesue ØeÙeesie neslee
efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ mecheke&â kesâ Deej-heej DeefOekeâlece Jeesušlee nw–
keäÙee nw? (a) To act as circuit breaking medium only/kesâJeue
(a) 28.28 kV (b) 29.28 kV heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceeOÙece kesâ pewmes keâeÙe& keâjves kesâ efueS
(c) 30.28 kV (d) 31.28 kV (b) For circuit breaking and providing insulation
152. In circuit breakers, oil, as quenching medium, heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ Deewj efJeÅegle jesOeve Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueÙes
has the advantage(s) of (c) For providing insulation only
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâes ceW lesue keâe, Meceve ceeOÙece kesâ ™he nw, kesâJeue efJeÅegle jesOeve Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueÙes
Fmekeâe ueeYe nw~ (d) For non of the above purposes
(a) Good cooling properties/DeÛÚe Meerleueve iegCe Ghejesòeâ ceW mes efkeâmeer Yeer GösMÙe kesâ efueÙes Yeer veneR
(b) Absorption of arc energy 158. The air blast circuit breakers for 400 kV
Deeke&â Tpee& keâe DeJeMees<eCe system are designed to operate in
(c) High dielectric strength/GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& 400 kV ØeCeeueer kesâ efueÙes JeeÙeg-yueemš heefjheLe
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer efJeÙeespekeâ........ceW ØeÛeeefuele nesves kesâ efueS ef[peeFve efkeâÙee
153. In circuit breaker, oil, as quenching medium, peelee nw~
has the disadvantage(s) of (a) 0.1 s (b) 0.5 s
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâeW ceW lesue keâe Meceve ceeOÙece kesâ ™he ceW (c) 50 ms (d) 100 µs
nw, Fmekeâe neefve nw~ 159. The minimum oil circuit breaker has less
(a) Need of periodical reconditioning or volume of oil because
replacement vÙetvelece lesue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ lesue keâe keâce DeeÙeleve
DeeJeefOekeâ megOeej Ùee ØeeflemLeeheve keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee jKelee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ–
(b) Risk of formation of explosive mixture with (a) The oil between the breaker contacts has
air/nJee kesâ meeLe efJemHeâesškeâ efceßeCe keâer ie"ve keâe Keleje greater strength
(c) Possibility of causing fire hazards yeÇskeâj mechekeâeX kesâ yeerÛe lesue DeefOekeâ meeceLÙe& jKeleer nw~
Deeie kesâ Kelejs keâer mecYeeJevee (b) There is insulation between the breaker
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer contacts/yeÇskeâj mechekeâeX kesâ yeerÛe efJeÅeglejesOeve neslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 529 YCT
(c) solid insulation is provided for insulating the (c) Deterioration of SF6 with time
contacts from the earth/Yet mes efJeÅeglejesOeve mechekeâeX meceÙe kesâ meeLe SF6 keâe #eÙe nesvee
kesâ yeerÛe "esme efJeÅeglejesOeve Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (d) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 165. Which of the following statements is not
160. While using air blast circuit breaker current correct
chopping is a phenomenon often observed efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve keâLeve melÙe veneR nw~
when (a) SF is non toxic and non-inflammable gas
JeeÙeg-yueemš heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ ØeÙeesie kesâ meceÙe Oeeje 6
SF6 DeefJe<eeòeâ Deewj iewj-pJeueveMeerue iewme nw~
Ûee@eEheie keâer Iešvee ØeeÙe: osKeer peeleer nw peye– (b) SF6 has very high dielectric strength roughly
(a) A long overhead line is switched off 24 times that of air/SF6 yengle GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle
Skeâ oerIe& Meerjesheefj ueeFve yebo nesleer nw~
(b) A bank of capacitors is switched off
meeceLÙe& jKeleer nw, ceesšs leewj hej nJee mes 24 iegvee
mebOeeefj$e yeQkeâ peye yebo neslee nw~ (c) SF 6 is yellow in colour/SF6 jbie ceW heeruee neslee nw~
(c) A transformer on no load is switched off (d) SF6 has density 5 times that of air at 20°C
efyevee-Yeej keâer DeJemLee ceW Skeâ heefjCeeefce$e yebo nes 20 °C hej SF6 keâe IevelJe nJee keâe 5 iegvee neslee nw~
(d) A heavy load is switched off 166. The single most important property that
Skeâ GÛÛe Yeej yebo nes makes SF6 a very efficient medium for circuit
161. In air blast circuit breaker resistance switching braking is
is to used meyemes cenlJehetCe& iegCe pees SF6 keâes heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ
JeeÙeg-yueemš heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW ØeeflejesOe efmJeefÛebie ceeOÙece kesâ efueÙes meyemes o#e ceeOÙece yeveelee nw~
...........kesâ efueÙes ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ (a) It is non toxic and noninflammable
(a) Reduce the magnitude of fault current Ùen DeefJe<eeòeâ leLee iewj-pJeueveMeerue neslee nw~
oes<e Oeeje keâe heefjceeCe keâce keâjves (b) It has high dielectric constant
(b) Control the CB operating time Ùen GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ jKeleer nw~
CB heefjÛeeueve meceÙe keâes efveÙebef$ele keâjves (c) It has high breakdown strength
(c) Damp out the fast transient Ùen GÛÛe Yebpeve meeceLÙe& jKeleer nw~
lespe #eefCekeâ keâes yeenj vece (d) It is highly electro negative in character
(d) Change the fault current power factor Øeke=âefle ceW Ùen GÛÛe $e+Ceelcekeâ efJeÅegleerÙe neslee nw~
oes<e Oeeje kesâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâes yeoueves 167. During arc extinction SF6 gas gets
162. SF6 gas has excellent heat transfer properties
because of its
Deeke&â yegPeles meceÙe SF6 iewme nes peeleer nw~
SF6 iewme Deheves ......... kesâ keâejCe Glke=â° T<cee (a) Decomposed into SF4 and SF2
mLeeveeblejCe iegCe jKelee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen- SF4 Deewj SF2 ceW efJeIeefšle
(a) Low gaseous viscosity/efvecve iewmeerÙe MÙeevelee (b) Decomposed into S and F ions
S Deewj F DeeÙeve ceW efJeIeefšle
(b) High dielectric strength/GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe&
(c) Higher molecular weight/DeefOekeâ DeeCeefJekeâ Yeej (c) Reduced to SF2/keâce neskeâj SF2
(d) Both (a) and (c)/(a) Deewj (c) oesveeW (d) Oxidised/Deekeämeerke=âle
163. SF6 circuit breakers have the advantages of 168. SF6 gas is transported in
SF6 heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâe ueeYe nw– SF6 iewme.............ceW hengBÛeeÙee peelee nw~
(a) Very much reduced electrical clearance, (a) Air cylinders/JeeÙeg efmeefueC[jeW
reduced moisture problem and minimum (b) Gas cylinders/iewme efmeefueC[jeW
current chopping problem (c) Liquid form in cylinders/efmeefueC[jeW ceW lejue ™he
efJeÅegle meceeMeesOeve ceW yengle keâceer, keâce veceer keâer mecemÙee (d) Solid form/"esme ™he
Deewj keâce Oeeje Ûee@eEheie keâer mecemÙee
169. The current chopping tendency is minimized
(b) Noiseless operation, less arcing time resulting
by using SF6 gas at relatively
in less contact erosion/Meesjjefnle heefjÛeeueve, keâce
SF6 iewme kesâ ØeÙeesie kesâ Éeje Oeeje Ûee@eEheie keâer Iešvee
DeeefkeËâie meceÙe kesâ keâejCe mecheke&â ceW keâce keâšeJe
(c) No reduction in dielectric strength of SF6 ›eâceMe:............hej keâce keâer peeleer nw~
SF6 kesâ hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& Meefòeâ ceW keâesF& keâceer veneR (a) Low pressure and high viscosity
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer efvecve oeye leLee GÛÛe MÙeevelee
164. SF6 circuit breakers have the drawback(s) of (b) Low pressure and low viscosity
SF6 heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâer keâceer (keâefceÙeeB) nw– efvecve oeye leLee efvecve MÙeevelee
(a) Sealing problem of gas/iewme keâer meerefuebie mecemÙee (c) high pressure and low viscosity
(b) Ingress of moisture in the gas system is GÛÛe oeye leLee efvecve MÙeevelee
dangerous (d) High pressure and high viscosity
iewme ØeCeeueer ceW veceer keâe ØeJesMe Kelejveekeâ nes mekeâlee nw GÛÛe oeye leLee GÛÛe MÙeevelee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 530 YCT
170. A thermal protection switch provides 176. In a circuit breaker, the arc is produced due to
protection against. heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW Deeke&â hewoe nesves keâe keâejCe nw–
Skeâ leeheerÙe megj#ee efmJeÛe..........kesâ efJe™æ megj#ee Øeoeve 1. Thermal emission/leeheerÙe Glmepe&ve
keâjlee nw~ 2. High temperature of air/JeeÙeg keâe GÛÛe leeheceeve
(a) Overload/DeefleYeej 3. Field emission/#es$e Glmepe&ve
(b) Temperature/leeheceeve which of the above statements are correct?
(c) Short circuit/ueIegheefjheLe Ghejesòeâ ceW keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw?
(d) Over voltage/DeefleJeesušlee (a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
171. For remote operation, the circuit breaker must (b) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
be equipped with (c) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1Deewj 2
efjceesš heefjÛeeueve kesâ efueÙes, heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ .............. (d) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
mes megmeefppele nesvee ÛeeefnÙes~ 177. The initiation of electric arc at the instant of
(a) Inverse time trip/Øeefleueesce meceÙe efš^he contact separation is caused by
(b) Shunt trip/heeMJe& efš^he mecheke&â kesâ DeueieeJe hej Fuesefkeäš^keâ Deeke&â keâer Meg™Deele
(c) Time delay trip/Deeflekeâeue meceÙe efš^he .......... kesâ keâejCe nesleer nw~
(d) All of these/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (a) Thermionic emission of electrons
172. Which of the following circuit breaker is Fueskeäš^e@veeW kesâ leeheeÙeefvekeâ Glmepe&ve
generally used in railway electrification? (b) Field emission of electrons
efvecve heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâeW ceW meeceevÙele: keâewve jsueJes Fueskeäš^e@veeW kesâ #es$e Glmepe&ve
efJeÅegleerkeâjCe ceW ØeÙeesie neslee nw? (c) (a) and (b) both/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(a) Air blast circuit breaker (d) None of above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
JeeÙeg yueemš heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâ 178. Arcing voltage will be the least in case of
(b) Minimum oil circuit breaker DeefkeËâie Jeesušlee ........ kesâ ceeceues ceW meyemes keâce nesiee~
vÙetvelece Dee@Ùeue heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâ (a) Carbon/keâeye&ve (b) Copper/leeByee
(c) Bulk oil circuit breaker (c) Silver/ÛeeBoer (d) Tungsten/šbiemšve
yeukeâ DeeÙeue heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâ 179. The heat produced at the contact point owing
(d) SF6 circuit breaker/SF6 heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ to flow of electric current is least affected by
173. What is the preferred type of CB to be installed efJeÅegle Oeeje kesâ ØeJeen kesâ keâejCe mecheke&â efyebog hej
in extra high voltage ac system? Glheeefole T<cee .......... kesâ Éeje keâce mes keâce ØeYeeefJele
Deefle GÛÛe Jeesušspe A.C. ØeCeeueer ceW mLeeefhele keâjves kesâ neslee nw~
efueS CB keâe meJe&-ØeOeeve Øekeâej keäÙee nw? (a) Temperature of the surrounding medium
(a) Bulk oil type CB/yeukeâ Dee@Ùeue Øekeâej CB Deemeheeme kesâ ceeOÙece kesâ leeheceeve
(b) Air blast CB/JeeÙeg-yueemš CB (b) Contact resistance/mecheke&â ØeeflejesOe
(c) Vacuum CB/efveJee&le CB (c) Magnitude of electric current flowing
(d) Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) CB ØeJeeefnle efJeÅegle Oeeje kesâ DeeÙeece
meuHeâj nskeämeeHeäueesjeF[ (SF6) CB (d) Duration of flow of current/Oeeje ØeJeen kesâ meceÙe
174. Consider the following circuit breakers for 220 180. Which of the following should have low value
kV substations of the contacts and their material?
220 kV meye-mšsMeve kesâ efueÙes efvecve heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâeW efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmeceW mecheke&â Deewj Gvekeâer meeceieÇber
hej efJeÛeej keâjW– kesâ keâce ceeve nesves ÛeeefnÙes?
1. Air/JeeÙeg 2. SF6 3. Vacuum/efveJee&le (a) Thermal capacity/T<ceerÙe #ecelee
Which of the above circuit breakers can be (b) Contact resistance/mecheke&â ØeeflejesOe
used in an indoor substation.
(c) Thermal conductivity/T<ceerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mes heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâeW keâes FC[esj
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
meyemšsMeve ceW ØeÙeesie keâj mekeâles nQ? 181. In a CB contact wipe is necessary
(a) 1, 2, 3 (b) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 Skeâ CB mecheke&â ceW JeeFhe DeeJeMÙekeâ nw–
(c) 2 only/kesâJeue 2 (d) 3 only/kesâJeue 3 (a) To decrease the speed of opening of the CB
175. Keeping in view the cost and overall CB kesâ Kegueves keâer ieefle keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueÙes
effectiveness, the following circuit breaker is (b) To increase the speed of opening and reduce
best suited for capacitor bank switching the arcing of contacts/Kegueves keâer ieefle keâes yeÌ{eves
ueeiele Deewj mece«e ØeYeeJeMeeruelee keâes OÙeeve ceW jKeles
leLee mecheke&â kesâ DeeefkeËâie keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueÙes
ngÙes, efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâ, (c) To increase the dielectric strength across the
mebOeeefj$e yeQkeâ efmJeefÛebie kesâ efueÙes meyemes DeÛÚe neslee nw? CB contacts/CB mecheke&â kesâ Deej-heej hejeJewÅegle
(a) Vacuum/efveJee&le (b) Air blast/JeeÙeg-yueemš meeceLÙe& yeÌ{eves kesâ efueÙes
(c) SF6 (d) Oil/lesue (d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 531 YCT
182. Interrupting medium in a contactor may be (c) limit the short-circuit current
Skeâ keâevšwkeäšj ceW jeskeâ ceeOÙece nes mekeâlee nw– ueIeg-heefjheLe Oeeje keâes meerefcele keâjves
(a) SF6 gas/SF6 iewme (d) reduce the damage to the contacts due to
(b) Oil/lesue arcing
(c) Compressed air/mebheeref[le JeeÙeg DeefkeËâie kesâ keâejCe mechekeâeW& kesâ vegkeâmeeve keâce keâjves
(d) Any of these/FveceW mes keâesF& Yeer 188. The normal practice to specify the making
183. The fluids used in circuit breakers should be of current of a circuit breaker is in terms of
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW ØeÙegkeäle lejue heoeLe&..................keâe Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ cesefkebâie Oeeje keâes efveefo&° keâjves
nesvee ÛeeefnÙes~ keâer meeceevÙe ØeLee Fmekesâ meboYe& ceW nw-
(a) High dielectric strength and thermal stability (a) r.m.s. value/Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve
GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& Deewj T<ceerÙe efmLejlee (b) peak value/Meer<e& ceeve
(b) Non inflammability/iewj-pJeueveMeeruelee (c) average value/Deewmele ceeve
(c) Arc extinguishing ability/Deeke&â Meceve #ecelee (d) both r.m.s. and peak value
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer Jeie& ceeOÙe cetue ceeve Deewj Meer<e& ceeve oesveeW
184. Sparking between contacts can be reduced by 189. Chances of arc interruption in subsequent
inserting current zero
mechekeâeX kesâ yeerÛe mheeefkeËâie..............keâes [euekeâj keâce MetvÙe Oeeje kesâ yeeo Deeke&â ™keâeJeš keâer mebYeeJevee.....
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ (a) increases in case of OCB
(a) A capacitor in parallel with the contacts OCB kesâ ceeceues ceW Je=efæ
mechekeâeX kesâ meeLe meceevlej ceW Skeâ mebIeeefj$e (b) decrease in case of OCB
(b) A capacitor in series with the contacts OCB kesâ ceeceues ceW keâceer
mechekeâeX kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW Skeâ mebIeeefj$e (c) interruption is always at first current zero (in
(c) A resistor in the line/ueeFve ceW Skeâ ØeeflejesOe OCB)
(d) A reactor in the line/ueeFve ceW Skeâ ØeefleIeelekeâ OCB ceW ØeLece MetvÙe Oeeje hej ncesMee ™keâeJeš nesleer nw
185. For magnetic blow out of arc the magnetic field (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
is produced
Deeke&â mes ÛegcyekeâerÙe efJeKeC[ve kesâ efueÙes, ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e 190. The basic problem in a circuit breaker is to
Glhevve neslee nw– Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW yegefveÙeeoer mecemÙee nw~
(a) In the load circuit/Yeej heefjheLe ceW (a) maintain the arc/Deeke&â (Ûeehe) yeveeÙes jKevee
(b) At right angles to the axis of the arc (b) Extinguish the arc/Deeke&â (Ûeehe) yegPeeves ceW
Deeke&â kesâ De#e kesâ mecekeâesCe hej (c) emit ionization electrons
(c) In line with the axis of the arc DeeÙeveerkeâjCe Éeje Fueskeäš^eveeW keâe Glmepe&ve keâjvee
Deeke&â kesâ De#e kesâ jsKee ceW (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& 191. Air blast circuit breaker is operated at a
186. A circuit breaker normally operates pressure of
Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ meeceevÙe ™he mes ØeÛeefuele neslee JeeÙeg yeefuele heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâes..............oeye hej
nw– ØeÛeeefuele keâjles nQ~
(a) When the power is to be supplied (a) 5 to 10 kg/cm2/5 mes 10 kg/cm2
peye efyepeueer keâer Deehetefle& keâer peeleer nw (b) 10 to 15 kg/cm2/10 mes 15 kg/cm2
(b) When the line is to be tested
(c) 15 to 20 kg/cm2/15 mes 20 kg/cm2
peye ueeFve keâe hejer#eCe efkeâÙee peelee nw
(d) 20 to 30 kg/cm2/20 mes 30 kg/cm2
(c) When the switch is to be put on
peye efmJeÛe keâes Ûeeuet keâjvee nes 192. Which of the following circuit breaker is
(d) Whenever fault occurs in the line generally used in applications in railways?
peye keâYeer Yeer ueeFve ceW oes<e Deelee nw jsueJes ceW efvecve ceW mes efkeâme heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâe GheÙeesie
187. Shunt resistor is connected across the contacts
meeceevÙele: efkeâÙee peelee nw?
of a circuit-breaker in order to (a) bulk oil circuit breakers
Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW Mevš jefpemšj mecheke&â kesâ heeÕe& yeukeâ (Yeejer) lesue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
ceW...............kesâ ›eâce ceW pegÌ[e neslee nw~ (b) minimum oil circuit breakers
(a) damp out the restriking transient vÙetvelece lesue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
efjmšeFefkebâie š^eefpeÙesvš keâes vece kesâ meeLe yeenj (c) air break circuit breakers
(b) bypass the are current JeeÙeg yeÇskeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
Deeke&â Oeeje keâes yeeÙeheeme keâjves (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 532 YCT
193. The following medium is employed for 198. Bulk oil circuit breaker is suitable for voltages
extinction of arc in air break circuit breakers? upto
JeeÙeg yeÇskeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâeW ceW Deeke&â kesâ efJeueghle nesves yeukeâ lesue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ...............Jeesušlee lekeâ kesâ
kesâ efueS efvecve ceeOÙece keâeÙe&jle nQ? efueS GheÙegòeâ nw~
(a) 4 kV (b) 10 kV
(a) oil/lesue
(c) 25 kV (d) 36 kV
(b) air/JeeÙeg 199. Outdoor switchgear is generally used for
(c) water/heeveer voltage beyond:
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR DeeGš[esj efmJeÛeefieÙej Deeceleewj hej Jeesušspe kesâ efueS
194. The voltage across the circuit breaker pole
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw–
after final current zero is (a) 11 kV (b) 33 kV
(c) 66 kV (d) 132 kV
Deefvlece Oeeje MetvÙe nesves kesâ yeeo heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ KecYes
200. In a circuit breaker ionization is not facilitated
kesâ Deej-heej Jeesušlee nesieer~ by:
(a) restriking voltage Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ DeeÙeveerkeâjCe ceW kesâ Éeje veneR keâer
efjmšeFefkebâie Jeesušlee (hegve:mLeeheve Jeesušlee) pee mekeâleer–
(b) recovery voltage (a) Material of contacts/mechekeâeX keâe heoeLe&
hegve:Øeeefhle Jeesušlee (efjkeâJeefj Jeesušlee) (b) Increase of mean path/ceeOÙe heLeeW keâer Je=efæ
(c) supply voltage/Deehetefle& Jeesušlee (c) Increase of field strength/#es$e meeceLÙe& keâer Je=efæ
(d) none of these/FmeceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) High temperature of surrounding medium
195. To limit current chopping in vacuum circuit Deemeheeme kesâ ceeOÙece keâe GÛÛe leeheceeve
breakers, the contact material used has 201. The breaking capacity of a 3-phase circuit
breaker is given by:
efveJee&le heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW Oeeje Ûeesefhebie keâes meerefcele Skeâ ef$ekeâuee heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâer efJeÙeespeve #ecelee oer
keâjves kesâ efueS ................... mecheke&â meece«eer keâe GheÙeesie peeleer nw–
efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) 3 × service voltage × rated symmetrical
(a) high vapour pressure and low conductivity current
properties./GÛÛe Jee<he oeye Deewj keâce Ûeeuekeâlee iegCe
3 × GheÙeesieer Jeesušlee × efveOee&efjle meceefcele Oeeje
(b) high vapour pressure and high conductivity
(b) 3 × service voltage × rated symmetrical
properties./GÛÛe Jee<he oeye Deewj GÛÛe Ûeeuekeâlee iegCe current
(c) low vapour pressure and high conductivity 3 × GheÙeesieer Jeesušlee × efveOee&efjle meceefcele Oeeje
properties./efvecve Jee<he oeye Deewj GÛÛe Ûeeuekeâlee iegCe (c) 2 × service voltage × rated symmetrical
(d) low vapour pressure and low conductivity current
properties./efvecve Jee<he oeye Deewj efvecve Ûeeuekeâlee iegCe 2 × GheÙeesieer Jeesušlee × efveOee&efjle meceefcele Oeeje
196. The power factor of the arc in a circuit (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer veneR
breaker is 202. The contact space in circuit breakers is
Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW Deeke&â keâe Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ ionized by:
neslee nw~ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ mechekeâeW& kesâ yeerÛe efjòeâ mLeeve
DeeÙeveerke=âle neslee nw–
(a) zero leading/MetvÙe De«eieeceer
(a) Field emission form the surface of
(b) zero lagging/MetvÙe heMÛeieeceer contacts/mechekeâex keâer melen mes #es$e Glmepe&ve
(c) unity/FkeâeF& (b) Thermal emission from surface of contacts
(d) any value from zero to unity mechekeâex keâer melen mes T<ceerÙe Glmepe&ve
MetvÙe mes FkeâeF& lekeâ keâesF& Yeer ceeve (c) Thermal ionization of gas
197. A high speed circuit breaker can complete its iewme keâe G<ceerÙe DeeÙeveerkeâjCe
operation in (d) Any of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW keâeF& Yeer
Skeâ GÛÛe Ûeeue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ Dehevee ØeÛeeueve 203. A circuit breaker will normally operate:
......... ceW hetje keâj mekeâlee nw~ Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ meeceevÙe ™he mes ØeÛeeefuele
(a) 2 to 3 cycles/2 mes 3 Ûe›eâ ceW
neslee nw–
(a) Whenever fault in the line occurs
(b) 3 to 8 cycles/3 mes 8 Ûe›eâ ceW
peye Yeer ueeFve ceW oes<e neslee nw
(c) 6 to 12 cycles/6mes 12 Ûe›eâ ceW (b) When the switch is put on
(d) 10 to 20 cycles/10 mes 20 Ûe›eâ ceW peye efmJeÛe Ûeeuet efkeâÙee peelee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 533 YCT
(c) When the line is to be checked (a) Automatically/mJeÛeeefuele ™he mes
peye ueeFve keâes peeBÛe efkeâÙee peelee nw (b) Manually/nmle-Ûeeueve mes
(d) When the power is to be supplied (c) Manually through control switch
peye Meefòeâ keâer Deehetefle& keâer peeleer nw~ efveÙev$eCe efmJeÛe Éeje nmleÛeeueve mes
204. Breaking capacity of a circuit breaker is (d) Depends on the design/efveefce&le hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw
usually expressed in terms of:
210. A switchgear is device used for:
Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâer efJeÙeespeve #ecelee Skeâ efmJeÛe efieÙej Ùegefòeâ keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw–
meeceevÙele: efvecve MeyoeJeueer ceW JÙeòeâ keâer peeleer nw–
(a) Interrupting an electrical circuit
(a) Volts/Jeesušlee Skeâ JewÅegle heefjheLe ceW yeeOee [euevee
(b) Amperes/SefcheÙej (b) Switching an electrical circuit
(c) MVA/cesieeJeesuš SefcheÙej Skeâ efJeÅegle heefjheLe keâer efmJeefÛebie
(d) MW/cesieeJeeš (c) Switching and controlling an electrical
205. Which of the following is not a part of the circuit
circuit breaker? Skeâ efJeÅegle heefjheLe keâer efmJeefÛebie Deewj efveÙev$eCe
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâe Yeeie (d) Switching, controlling and protecting the
veneR nw– electrical circuit and equipment/efJeÅegle heefjheLe
(a) Operating mechanism/ØeÛeeueve lev$e leLee GhekeâjCe keâer megj#ee, efveÙev$eCe leLee efmJeefÛebie
(b) Conservator/mebj#ekeâ 211. A circuit breaker, under normal conditions,
(c) Explosion pot/efJemHeâesš hee$e should be inspected:
(d) Fixed and moving contacts meeceevÙe heefjefmLeefleÙeeW ceW Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâe
efmLej Deewj Ûeue mecheke&â hejer#eCe efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS–
206. In a circuit breaker the time duration from (a) Every day/Øeefleefove
the instant of the fault to extinction of arc is (b) Every week/Øeefle mehleen
known as:
(c) Every month/Øeefle cenerves
Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW lelkeâeue oes<e ceW Dee@ke&â kesâ (d) Once in 6 month or 12 months
meceehle nesves kesâ meceÙeevlejeue keâes peevee peelee nw– 6 Ùee 12 cenerves ceW Skeâ yeej
(a) Clearing time/meceeOeeve meceÙe 212. The transient voltage that appears across the
(b) Operation time/ØeÛeeueve meceÙe contacts at the instant of arc extinction is
(c) Lag time/he§e meceÙe Devlejeue called……voltage:
(d) Lead time/De«e meceÙe Devlejeue Deeke&â efJeueghle nesves kesâ legjvle yeeo mecheke&â ceW efoKeeF&
207. Air used in air blast circuit breaker: osves Jeeuee Skeâ #eefCekeâ Jeesušspe keâes......... Jeesušlee
JeeÙeg efJemHeâesš heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW ØeÙegòeâ nJee– keâne peelee nw~
(a) Must be free from moisture (a) Supply/Deehetefle&
veceer mes cegòeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS (b) Recovery/hegve&Øeeefhle
(b) Must have least CO2 (c) Restriking/hegve: DeejcYeve
keâce mes keâce CO2 nesvee ÛeeefnS (d) Peak/efMeKej
(c) Must be ionized/DeeÙeefvele nesvee ÛeeefnS 213. Arc in a circuit breaker is interrupted at:
(d) Must have oil mist/lesue OegBOe nesvee ÛeeefnS heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW Deeke&â yeeefOele efkeâÙee peelee nw–
208. The rating of a circuit breaker is generally (a) Zero current/MetvÙe Oeeje
determined on the basis of:
(b) Maximum current/DeefOekeâlece Oeeje
Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ ÙeesiÙelee keâe efveOee&jCe
Deeceleewj hej efvecve DeeOeej hej efveOee&efjle efkeâÙee peelee (c) Minimum voltage/vÙetvelece Jeesušspe
nw– (d) Maximum voltage/DeefOekeâlece Jeesušspe
(a) Line-to-line fault current 214. The arc voltage produced in A.C. circuit
breaker is always:
ueeFve mes ueeFve oes<e Oeeje S.meer. heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW Glheeefole Deeke&â Jeesušspe
(b) Symmetrical fault current/meceefcele oes<e Oeeje ncesMee neslee nw–
(c) Single line to ground fault current
(a) In phase with the arc current
Skeâue ueeFve mes Yet-oes<e Oeeje
(d) Double line to graund fault current
Deeke&â Oeeje kesâ meeLe keâuee ceW
(b) Lagging the arc current by 90o
oes ueeFve mes Yet-oes<e Oeeje
209. In the event of a fault on connected circuit, a
Deeke&â Oeeje mes 90o he§eieeceer
circuit breaker will operate: (c) Leading the arc current by 90o
mebÙeesefpele heefjheLe hej oes<e keâer efmLeefle ceW, Skeâ heefjheLe Deeke&â Oeeje mes 90o De«eieeceer
efJeÙeespekeâ mebÛeeefuele nesiee– (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 534 YCT
215. The time of closing the cycle, in modern 222. Arc in a circuit behaves as:
circuit breakers is: Dee@ke&â Skeâ heefjheLe ceW ............ kesâ ™he ceW JÙeJenej
DeeOegefvekeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW Ûe›eâ keâes yebo keâjves keâjlee nw~
keâe ............ meceÙe neslee nw– (a) An Capacitive reactance/Skeâ OeeefjleerÙe ØeefleIeele
(a) 0.003 sec (b) 0.001 sec (b) An inductive reactance/Skeâ ØesjkeâerÙe ØeefleIeele
(c) 0.01 sec (d) 0.10 sec
(c) A resistance increasing with voltage
216. Insulation resistance of high voltage circuit resistance in the arc
breakers is more than:
GÛÛe Jeesušspe heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ efJeÅegle jesOeve Dee@ke&â Jeesušspe Je=efæ kesâ meeLe ØeeflejesOe yeÌ{lee nw~
(d) A resistance decreasing with voltage rise
ØeeflejesOe mes DeefOekeâ neslee nw– across the arc
(a) 1 mega ohms/1 cesiee Deesÿe Dee@ke&â Jeesušspe Je=efæ kesâ meeLe ØeeflejesOe Iešlee nw~
(b) 10 mega homs/10 cesiee Deesÿe 223. Thermal circuit breaker has:
(c) 100 mega ohms/100 cesiee Deesÿe T<ceerÙe heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ neslee nw–
(d) 500 mega ohms/500 cesiee Deesÿe (a) Delayed trip action/ef[ues efš^he SkeäMeve
217. The voltage appearing across the contacts (b) Instantaneous trip action/leel#eefCekeâ efš^he SkeäMeve
after opening of the circuit breaker is
(c) Both of the above/Ghejeskeäle oesveeW
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ Kegueves kesâ yeeo mechekeâeX ceW efoKeeF& (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
osves Jeeueer Jeesušspe keâes ..... Jeesušspe keâne peelee nw– 224. The current zero interruption, in oil and air
blast circuit breakers, is achieved by:
(a) Recovery/hegve&Øeeefhle
lesue Deewj JeeÙeg efJemHeâesš heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW MetvÙe
(b) Surge/efnuueesue
Oeeje ®keâeJeš Øeehle efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(c) Operating/ØeÛeeefuele
(a) Lengthening of the gap/Deblejeue keâes yeÌ{ekeâj
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Cooling and blast effect
218. Air blast circuit breaker is used for: Meerleueve Deewj efJemheâesš ØeYeeJe
JeeÙeg efJemheâesš heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâe GheÙeesie neslee
(c) Both (a) and (b)/oesveeW (a) Deewj (b)
(d) Deionizing the oil with forced air
(a) Over currents/DeefOekeâ OeejeDeeW yeefuele nJee kesâ meeLe lesue keâe efJeDeeÙeveerkeâjCe
(b) Short duty/ueIeg [dÙetšer 225. The recovery voltage that appears across the
(c) Intermediate duty/Fbšjceeref[Sš [dÙetšer circuit breaker contacts will be maximum for
(d) Repeated duty/efjheeršs[ [dÙetšer power factor of
219. Magnetic circuit breaker has……trip action: heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ mechekeâeX kesâ efieo& Øekeâš nesves Jeeueer
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW........... efš^he SkeäMeve hegve®lLeeve Jeesušlee efkeâme Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ hej DeefOekeâlece
neslee nw– nesieer?
(a) Delayed/efJeueefcyele (a) zero/MetvÙe (b) 0.5
(b) Instantaneous/leel#eefCekeâ (c) 0.707 (d) unity/Skeâkeâ
(c) Both of the above/Ghejeskeäle oesveeW 226. Sce.meer.yeer. (MCB) keâe hetCe& ®he keäÙee nw?
(d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& Yeer veneR (a) Maximum current breaker/cewefkeämecece keâjsvš yeÇskeâj
220. SF6 gas: (b) Miniature circuit Board/efceefveSÛej meefke&âš yees[&
SF6 iewme (c) Miniature circuit Breaker/efceefveSÛej meefke&âš yesÇkeâj
(a) Is yellow in colour/jbie ceW heeruee neslee nw (d) Minimum Current Breaker/efceefvecece keâjsvš yeÇskeâj
(b) Is lighter than air/JeeÙeg mes nukeâe neslee nw 227. Break down voltage in gasses depends on:
(c) Is nontoxic/DeefJe<ewuee neslee nw iewmees ceW Yebpeve Jeesušlee efveYe&j nesleer nw–
(a) Distance between electrode
(d) Has pungent smell/leer#Ce ievOe Jeeuee neslee nw
Fueskeäš^es[eW kesâ ceOÙe keâer otjer hej
221. The arcing contacts in circuit breaker are
made of: (b) Relative air density/Deehesef#ekeâ JeeÙeg IevelJe hej
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW DeeefkeËâie mechekeâ& yevee neslee nw– (c) Humidity/Deeõ&lee hej
(d) All of these/FveceW mes meYeer hej
(a) Copper tungsten alloy/keâe@hej šbiemšve efceße Oeeleg
228. The breakdown strength of SF6 gas is–
(b) Porcelain/Ûeerveer efcešdšer SF6 iewme keâer štšves keâer #ecelee nw–
(c) Electrolytic copper/efJeÅegle DeheIešveerÙe leeByee (a) 30 KV/cm (b) 60KV/cm
(d) Aluminium alloy/SuÙegceerefveÙece efceße Oeeleg (c) 90KV/cm (d) 120KVcm
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 535 YCT
229. Which one of the following is used for 235. The de-ionisation of the medium in current
communication with the aim of achieving high zero method of are extinction is NOT achieved
figure of merit of HVDC circuit breakers? by:/Deeke&â yegPeeves keâer Oeeje MetvÙe efJeefOe ceW ceeOÙece keâe
HVDC heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâeW keâer GÛÛe ‘‘DeebkeâÌ[eW keâer efJeDeeÙeveve Fmekesâ Éeje Øeehle vener efkeâÙee peelee nQ~
ÙeesiÙelee’’ Øeehle keâjves kesâ GösMÙe kesâ meeLe mebÛeej kesâ efueS (a) lengthening of the gap between the contacts
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw? mechekeâeX kesâ yeerÛe kesâ Devlej keâes uecyee keâjvee
(b) increasing the pressure in the vicinity of arc
(a) Oil interrupter /lesue FCšjhšj Deeke&â kesâ Deeme-heeme oyeeJe yeÌ{evee
(b) Air interrupter /JeeÙeg FCšjhšj (c) cooling the arc/Deeke&â keâes "C[e keâjvee
(c) Vacuum interrupter /efveJee&le FCšjhšj (d) splitting the arc/Deeke&â keâes efJeYeeefpele keâjvee
(d) SF6 interrupter / SF6 FCšjhšj 236. .........does not have any repairable component :
230. The contact resistance of the circuit breaker ...............ceW keâesF& Yeer hegpee& cejccele ÙeesiÙe veneR neslee nw–
should be? (a) Air Blast CB/SÙej yueemš CB
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâe mecheke&â ØeeflejesOe nesvee ÛeeefnS? (b) MCB
(a) 20 µΩ (b) 4 Ω (c) OCB
(c) 40 Ω (d) 20 kΩ (d) Air Break CB/SÙej yeÇskeâ CB
231. Which type of circuit breaker having higher 237. ............is not a method of high resistance
interruption of arc extinction :
.............Deeke&â meceeefhle kesâ GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe FbšjhMeve keâer
efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâer jsefšbie GÛÛe nesleer
efJeefOe veneR nw–
(a) Blast effect/yueemš ØeYeeJe
(a) miniature circuit breaker/ueIeg heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
(b) Arc lengthning/Deeke&â uesvLeefvebie
(b) Oil circuit breaker/lesue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ (c) Arc constraining/Deeke&â keâebmš^sefvebie
(c) air circuit breaker/JeeÙeg heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ (d) Arc cooling/Deeke&â kegâefuebie
(d) vacuum circuit breaker/efveJee&le heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ 238. Which of the following circuit breakers has the
232. Which electrical device is used to reduce the highest dielectric strength?
arc produced between conductors: efvecveefueefKele heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW mes meyemes DeefOekeâ
ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ ceOÙe GlheVe efkeâS ngS Deeke&â keâes Ieševes kesâ [eF&uesefkeäš^keâ meeceLÙe& (dielectric strength) efkeâmeceW
efueS keâewve–meer JewÅegle Ùegefòeâ ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw: nesleer nw?
(a) Capacitor/mebOeeefj$e (b) Resistance/ØeeflejesOe (a) Bulk oil circuit breakers
(c) Diode/[eÙees[ (d) Transistor/š^ebeefpemšj Yeejer cee$ee ceW DeeÙeue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
233. In a DC circuit breaker, the current (b) Air blast circuit breakers
interruption and arc quenching is obtained by: SÙej yueemš heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
[er.meer. meefke&âš yeÇskeâj ceW, Oeeje yeeOee Deewj Ûeehe Meceve (c) Minimum oil circuit breakers
efkeâmekesâ Éeje %eele efkeâÙee peelee nw? vÙetvelece lesue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
(d) Vaccum circuit breakers/efveJee&le heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
(a) natural zero current interruption
239. Which one of the following is not a routine test
meeceevÙe MetvÙe Oeeje yeeOee of a circuit breaker?
(b) low-resistance interruption/keâce ØeeflejesOe yeeOee efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve–mee heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâe
(c) high-resistance interruption/GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe yeeOee efveÙeefcele hejer#eCe veneR nw?
(d) increasing the arc current/ Ûeehe Oeeje keâe yeÌ{vee (a) Short circuit test/ueIeg heefjheLe hejer#eCe
234. Which of the following is a commonly used (b) Dielectric test/hejeJewÅegle hejer#eCe
circuit breaker in India, for rural outdoor (c) Thermal test/leeheerÙe hejer#eCe
applications ranging from 22 KV to 66 KV? (d) DC resistance voltage drop test
efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve-mee heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ pees Yeejle efo.Oee. ØeeflejesOe Jeesušspe heele hejer#eCe
ceW meeceevÙele: 22 KV - 66 KV «eeceerCe DeeGš[esj kesâ 240. In a circuit breaker, the time duration from the
efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nQ~ instant of the fault to the extinction of arc is
(a) Air blast circuit breaker know as :–/Skeâ heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ceW oes<e kesâ #eCe mes
JeeÙeg efJemHeâesš mee|keâš yeÇskeâj Deeke&â efveJee&le lekeâ kesâ meceÙe Devlejeue keânueelee nw–
(b) Vacuum circuit breaker/JewkeäÙegce mee|keâš yeÇskeâj (a) Total clearing time/kegâue keäueerÙeefjbie meceÙe
(c) SF6 circuit breaker/SF6 mee|keâš yeÇskeâj (b) Operation time/ØeÛeeueve meceÙe
(d) Plain break oil circuit breaker (c) Protection time/megj#ee meceÙe
huesve yeÇskeâ Dee@Ùeue mee|keâš yeÇskeâj (d) Recovery time/hegve: Øeeefhle meceÙe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 536 YCT
241. For average values of load current, current (a) Circuit breaker operates then the relay
chopping occurs more freqently in : heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ØeÛeeefuele neslee nw leye efjues
Yeej Oeeje kesâ Deewmele ceeve kesâ efueS, efkeâmeceWs Oeeje keâle&ve (b) Relay operates then the circuit breaker
yeej-yeej neslee nw? efjues ØeÛeeefuele nesleer nw leye heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
(a) ACB'S (b) SF6 CB'S (c) Relay operates, then successively the isolator
(c) VCB'S (d) OCB'S and the circuit breaker/efjues ØeÛeeefuele neslee nw efHeâj
*242. There will be voltage across the gap in circuit ›eâefcekeâ ™he mes efJeueiekeâejer Deewj heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
breakers when………./heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâeW kesâ ÛeejeW (d) Isolator operates, then successively the relay
Deesj efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Jeesušspe neslee nw peye........... and the circuits breaker/efJeueiekeâejer ØeÛeeefuele neslee
(a) R= ∞ (b) R= 0 nw, efHeâj ›eâefcekeâ ™he mes efjues Deewj heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
1 L 248. In a 3- step distance protection, the reach of the
(c) R ≤ (d) R= (1/2)√L/C
2 C three zones of the relay at the beginning of the
243. Temperature of the generated heat in first line typically extends into
maximum oil circuit breaker is : leerve ÛejCe otjer megj#ee ceW, henueer ueeFve keâer Meg™Deele ceW
DeefOekeâlece DeeÙeue heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ cebs GlheVe T<cee efjues kesâ leerve peesve keâer hengBÛe Deeceleewj hej nesleer nw–
keâe leeheceeve neslee nw ueieYeie : (a) 100% of the first line, 50% of the second line
(a) 550ºC (b) 2500ºC and 20% of the third line/henues ueeFve keâe 100³
(c) 5000ºC (d) 10000ºC otmejs ueeFve keâe 50³ Deewj leermejs ueeFve keâe 50³
(b) 80% of the first line, 50% of the second line
5. efjues (Relay) and 20% of the third line/henues ueeFve keâe 80³
otmejs ueeFve keâe 50³ Deewj leermejs ueeFve keâe 20³
244. Which of the following statements is (c) 80% of the first line, 50% of the second line
incorrect: and 10% of the third line/henues ueeFve keâe 80³
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve ieuele nw– otmejs ueeFve keâe 50³ Deewj leermejs ueeFve keâe 10³
(a) Station batteries are used to operate relay (d) 50% of the first line, 50% of second line and
only/mšsMeve yewšjer kesâJeue efjues ØeÛeeefuele keâjves kesâ 20% of the third line/henues ueeFve keâe 50³ otmejs
efueS GheÙeesie keâer peeleer nw ueeFve keâe 50³ Deej leermejs ueeFve keâe 20³
(b) The lightning arresters are basically surge *249. The plug setting of a negative sequence relay is
diverters/ueeFšeEveie Dejsmšj cetue ™he mes mepe& 0.2A. The current transformer ratio is 5 : 1.
[eFJeš&j neslee nw The minimum value of line to line fault current
for the operation of the relay is
(c) An impedance relay has maximum fault
current when fault occurs near the relay $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce efjues keâer hueie mesefšbie 0.2 A nw~ Oeeje
efjues kesâ heeme oes<e Oeeje nesves hej ØeefleyeeOee efjues ceW š^ e b m eHeâece& j Devegheele 5:1 nw~ efjues kesâ mebÛeeueve kesâ efueS
DeefOekeâlece oes<e neslee nw ueeFve mes ueeFve oes<e Oeeje keâe vÙetvelece ceeve nw~
(d) A high speed relay has an operation of 1 to 1
(a) 1 A (b) A
2 cycles/Skeâ GÛÛe ieefle efjues ceW 1 mes 2 Ûe›eâ 1.732
ØeÛeeueve neslee nw 0.2
(c) 1.732 A (d) A
245. Admittance relay is ……relay: 1.732
ØeJesMÙelee efjues.......efjues neslee nw– 250. Zero- sequence current is used for relaying
(a) Impedance/ØeefleyeeOee purposes only in the case of
............. kesâ ceeceues ceW MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Oeeje keâe GheÙeesie
(b) Directional/efoMeelcekeâ
(c) Non-directional/DeefoMeelcekeâ
kesâJeue efjues keâjves kesâ GösMÙe kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nQ~
(a) Phase over current relay/keâuee Deefle Oeeje efjues
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Phase impedance relay/keâuee ØeefleyeeOee efjues
246. Discrimination between main and back up
protection is provided by the use of relays (c) Ground over current relay/Yet Deefle Oeeje efjues
which are:/cegKÙe Deewj yewkeâDehe megj#ee kesâ yeerÛe (d) Ground impedance relay/Yet ØeefleyeeOee efjues
efJeYeso efkeâme efjues kesâ GheÙeesie Éeje Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~ 251. Over conventional electromechanical relays,
the transistor relays have the advantage of
(a) Fact/hewâkeäš
heejbheefjkeâ efJeÅegle Ùeeefv$ekeâ efjues keâer Dehes#ee š^ebefpemšj
(b) Sensitive/mebJesoveMeerue
efjues kesâ ueeYe nQ–
(c) Slow/Oeerceer (a) Low power consumption, less maintenance
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR and greater sensitivity/keâce efJeÅegle keâer Kehele, keâce
247. When a fault occurs in a high voltage jKejKeeJe Deewj DeefOekeâ mebJesoveMeeruelee
transmission line, first the (b) Quick operation and high reset to pick-up
peye Skeâ GÛÛe Jeesušspe mebÛejCe ueeFve ceW oes<e Ieefšle ratio/lJeefjle mebÛeeueve leLee GÛÛe efjmesš Deewj efhekeâ-Dehe
neslee nw, lees meyemes henues– Devegheele
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 537 YCT
(c) Wide range of characteristics approaching (c) Higher than that of it the fault occurs away
more or less to ideal requirements from the relay
DeeoMe& DeeJeMÙekeâleeDeeW kesâ efueS keâce Ùee pÙeeoe Dee jner Ùeefo oes<e efjues mes otj nesleer nw, Gmekeâer Dehes#ee GÛÛe
efJeMe<eleeDeeW keâer Skeâ efJemle=le ëe=bKeuee (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer 257. Impedance relay may use
252. Over conventional electromechanical relays, ØeefleyeeOee efjues GheÙeesie keâj mekeâles nw–
the transistor relays have the limitations of . (a) Balance beam structure/meblegefuele yeerce mebjÛevee
heejbheefjkeâ efJeÅegle Ùeebef$ekeâ efjues keâer Dehes#ee, š^ebefpemšj (b) Induction cup structure/ØesjCe keâhe mebjÛevee
efjues keâer meerceeSb nQ– (c) Shaded pole structure/ÚeÙeebefkeâle OeÇgJe mebjÛevee
(a) Characteristics varying with temperature and (d) Either (a) or (b)/ Ùee lees (a) Ùee lees (b)
ageing 258. An impedance relay is a
leeheceeve Deewj Gceü yeÌ{ves kesâ meeLe yeoueles DeefYeue#eCe Skeâ ØeefleyeeOee efjues nesleer nw–
(b) Low short time overload capacity (a) Voltage restrained over current relay
efvecve ueIeg meceÙe Deefle Yeej #ecelee Jeesušspe efveÙebef$ele Deefle Oeeje efjues
(c) Reliability dependends upon the large number (b) Voltage restrained directional relay
of small components and their electrical Jeesušspe efveÙebef$ele efoMeelcekeâ efjues
connections/efJeMJemeveerÙelee yeÌ[er mebKÙee ceW Úesšs IeškeâeW
(c) Directional restrained over current
Deewj Gvekesâ efJeÅegle mebÙeespeveeW hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~ efoMeelcekeâ efveÙebef$ele Deefle Oeeje efjues
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (d) Directional restrained over voltage
253. In a static over current relay, inverse time efoMeelcekeâ efveÙebef$ele Deefle Jeesušspe efjues
characteristics are obtained by 259. Threshold characteristics of a plain impedance
Skeâ efmLej Deefle Oeeje efjues ceW efJehejerle meceÙe DeefYeue#eCe relay in a complex Z plane is a
........... Éeje Øeehle efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Skeâ peefšue Z huesve ceW Skeâ meeOeejCe ØeefleyeeOee efjues keâer
(a) A transistor amplifier/Skeâ š^ebefpemšj ØeJeOe&keâ LeÇerMeesu[ efJeMes<eleeSb nQ–
(b) An integrating circuit/Skeâerke=âle heefjheLe (a) Circle passing through origin
(c) A transistor switch/Skeâ š^ebefpemšj efmJeÛe cetue efyevog mes neskeâj iegpejlee ngDee Je=òe
(d) A differentiating circuit/Skeâ efJeYesokeâ heefjheLe (b) Circle with the centre at the origin
254. Two input phase comparator in a static relay is cetue efyevog hej kesâvõ kesâ meeLe Je=òe
made up of a (c) Straight line passing through origin
Skeâ efmLej efjues ceW oes-Fvehegš Hesâpe keâchewjsšj .......... keâe cetue efyevog mes neskeâj iegpejleer ngF& meerOeer jsKee
yevee neslee nQ~ (d) Straight line offset from the origin
(a) Transformer amplifier/heefjCeeefce$e ØeJeOe&keâ cetue efyevog mes uecyeJele otjer hej meerOeer jsKee
(b) Transistor logic circuit/š^ebefpemšj uee@efpekeâ heefjheLe 260. On transient fault OC and impedance relay
(c) Rectifier bridge/jsefkeäšHeâeÙej efyeÇpe #eefCekeâ oes<e hej DeefleOeeje Deewj ØeefleyeeOee efjues–
(d) Thyristor bridge/LeeÙeefjmšj efyeÇpe (a) Under reaches/Dev[j efjÛe
255. The phase comparators in case of static relays (b) Over reaches/DeesJej efjÛe
and electro-mechanical relays normally are (c) Reach unaffected/DeØeYeeefJele efjÛe
meeceevÙe ™he mes efmLej efjues Deewj efJeÅegle-Ùeebef$ekeâerÙe efjues (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
kesâ ceeceues ceW Hesâpe keâchewjsšj neslee nw– 261. The structure used in reactance relays is
(a) Cosine and sine comparators respectively Øeefleef›eâÙee efjues ceW ØeÙegòeâ mebjÛevee nw–
›eâceMe: keâespÙee Deewj pÙee keâchewjsšj (a) Induction cup/ØesjCe keâhe
(b) Sine and cosine comparators respectively (b) Double induction loop/[yeue ØesjCe heeMe
›eâceMe: pÙee Deewj keâespÙee keâchewjsšj (c) Single induction loop/efmebieue ØesjCe heeMe
(c) Both are sine comparators/oesveeW pÙee keâchewjsšj (d) Either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees a Ùee b
(d) Both are cosine comparators
262. A reactance relay is
oesveeW keâespÙee keâchewjsšj Skeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee efjues nesleer nw~
256. If the fault occurs near the relay, the V/I ratio
will be (a) Voltage restrained over current relay
Deiej oes<e efjues kesâ heeme neslee nw, lees V/I Devegheele Jeesušspe efveÙebef$ele Deefle Oeeje efjues
nesiee– (b) Voltage restrained directional relay
(a) Lower than that of if the fault occurs away Jeesušspe efveÙebef$ele efoMeelcekeâ efjues
from the relay (c) Directional restrained over current relay
Ùeefo oes<e efjues mes otj neslee nw, Gmekeâer Dehes#ee keâce efoMeelcekeâ efveÙebef$ele Deefle Oeeje efjues
(b) Constant for all distances (d) Directional restrained over voltage relay
meYeer otefjÙeeW kesâ efueS efmLej efoMeelcekeâ efveÙebef$ele Deefle Jeesušspe efjues
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 538 YCT
263. The operating characteristics of a reactance (a) Is a straight line off set from the origin
relay in the complex impedance plane is a cetue efyevog mes uecyeJele otjer hej Skeâ meerOeer jsKee nes
peefšue ØeefleyeeOee huesve ceW Skeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee efjues keâer (b) Is a circle that passes through the origin
heefjÛeeueve DeefYeue#eCe nw– cetue efyevog mes neskeâj iegpejlee ngDee Skeâ Je=òe nes
(a) Circle with its origin at the centre of the R-X (c) Is a circle that encloses the origin
plane cetue efyevog mes mebueive Skeâ Je=òe nes
R-X huesve kesâ kesâvõ hej Deheves cetue efyevog kesâ meeLe Je=òe (d) Always a separate directional relay is
(b) Circle passing though the origin required/ncesMee Skeâ Deueie efoMeelcekeâ efjues keâer
cetue efyevog mes neskeâj iegpejlee ngDee Je=òe DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~
(c) Straight line passing through the origin 269. Which of the following relays has inherent
cetue efyevog mes neskeâj iegpejleer ngF& meerOeer jsKee directional characteristics?
(d) Straight line parallel to the X-axis efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-meer efjues ceW mJeeYeeefJekeâ
X-De#e kesâ meceevlej meerOeer jsKee efoMeelcekeâ DeefYeue#eCe nesles nQ–
264. Reactance relay is normally used of protection (a) Mho/cnes
against (b) Reactance/Øeefleef›eâÙee
Øeefleef›eâÙee efjues keâe GheÙeesie Deece leewj hej ........... kesâ
(c) Impedance/ØeefleyeeOee
efJe™æ megj#ee kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) Earth fault only/kesâJeue Yet oes<e 270. An over current relay is said to over reach
(b) Phase fault only/kesâJeue keâuee oes<e when it operates at a current
(c) Both earth and phase faults peye Ùen .............. Oeeje hej ØeÛeeefuele neslee nw, leye Skeâ
Yet oes<e Deewj keâuee oes<e oesveeW Deefle Oeeje efjues keâes hengBÛe kesâ Thej keâne peelee nw~
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) Higher than its setting
265. For the protection of lines against faults Fmekesâ mesefšbie efkeâ leguevee ceW DeefOekeâ
involving variable fault resistance, the (b) Equal to its setting/Fmekesâ mesefšbie kesâ yejeyej
preferred relaying scheme is a
(c) Lower than its setting
Ûej oes<e ØeeflejesOe mes pegÌ[s oes<eeW kesâ efJe™æ ueeFveeW kesâ
Fmekesâ mesefšbie efkeâ leguevee ceW keâce
mebj#eCe kesâ efueS hemeboeroe efjues Ùeespevee nw– (d) 2/3rd of its setting/Fmekesâ mesefšbie kesâ 2/3rd
(a) Plain impedance relay/huesve ØeefleyeeOee efjues 271. Mho relay is usually employed of the protection
(b) Directional over current relay of
efoMeelcekeâ DeefleOeeje efjues cnes efjues Deeceleewj hej efkeâmekeâer megj#ee kesâ efueS efveÙeesefpele
(c) Mho relay/cnes efjues efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(d) Reactance relay/Øeefleef›eâÙee efjues (a) Short lines only/kesâJeue Úesšer ueeFveeW
266. The relay used for phase fault protection of (b) Medium lines only/kesâJeue ceOÙece ueeFveeW
short transmission lines is
ueIeg mebÛejCe ueeFveeW kesâ keâuee oes<e megj#ee kesâ efueS (c) Long lines only/kesâJeue uecyeer ueeFvesb
(d) Any lines/keâesF& Yeer ueeFveW
GheÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer efjues nw~
272. Where sever synchronizing swing occur, the
(a) Reactance relay/Øeefleef›eâÙee efjues relay employed is
(b) Impedance relay/ØeefleyeeOee efjues peneB iebYeerj efme›eâesveeFefpebie efmJebie nesleer nw JeneB .............
(c) Mho relay/cnes efjues keâeÙe&jle nesleer nw~
(d) IDMT relay/IDMT efjues (a) Impedance relay/ØeefleyeeOee efjues
267. A distance relay with inherent directional (b) Mho relay/cnes efjues
property is known as
Deblee|veefnle efoMeelcekeâ iegCe kesâ meeLe Skeâ otjer efjues (c) Reactance relay/Øeefleef›eâÙee efjues
(d) Induction relay/ØesjCe efjues
............ kesâ ™he ceW peevee peelee nw~
273. A differential relay responds to
(a) Buchholz relay/yegKeesupe efjues Skeâ efJeYesokeâ efjues ............ kesâ Øeefle Øeefleef›eâÙee keâjleer nw~
(b) Admittance relay/ØeJesMÙelee efjues (a) Algebraic difference of two or more similar
(c) Directional over current relay electrical quantities/oes Ùee DeefOekeâ meceeve efJeÅegle
efoMeelcekeâ DeefleOeeje efjues cee$eeDeeW keâe yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Devlej
(d) Directional switched relay/efoMeelcekeâ efmJeÛ[ efjues (b) Phasor difference of two or more similar
268. A distance relay is said to be inherently electrical quantities
directional if its characteristics on R-X oes Ùee DeefOekeâ meceeve efJeÅegle cee$eeDeeW keâe keâueevlej
(c) Algebraic difference between two currents
Skeâ otjer efjues keâes mJeYeeefJekeâ ™he mes efoMeelcekeâ keâne oes OeejeDeeW kesâ yeerÛe yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Devlej
peelee nw Ùeefo R-X DeejsKe hej Fmekeâer efJeMes<eleeSb ........ (d) Algebraic difference between two voltage
nw– oes JeesušleeDeeW kesâ yeerÛe yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Devlej
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 539 YCT
274. Differential relays are used for protection of 280. In the case of transmission line protection, over
equipment against current relay is used
efJeYesokeâ efjues keâe GheÙeesie ............... kesâ efJe™æ mebÛejCe ueeFve mebj#eCe kesâ ceeceues ceW Deefle Oeeje efjues keâe
GhekeâjCeeW keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) Internal faults/Deebleefjkeâ oes<e (a) Only up to 110 kV/kesâJeue 110 kV lekeâ
(b) Over current/DeefleOeeje (b) Only up to 220 kV/kesâJeue 220 kV lekeâ
(c) Reverse current/JÙegl›eâce Oeeje (c) Only up to 50 kV/kesâJeue 50 kV lekeâ
(d) Only up to 1,100 kV/kesâJeue 1100 kV lekeâ
(d) Reverse power/efJehejerle Meefòeâ
281. Phase relays are used to provide protection
275. Differential relays are used for protection of
efJeYesokeâ efjues keâe GheÙeesie efkeâmekesâ megj#ee kesâ efueS efkeâÙee keâuee efjues keâe ØeÙeesie ............. kesâ efJe™æ megj#ee Øeoeve
peelee nw? keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nQ~
(a) Feeders/mebYejkeâ (a) Single line to ground fault/Skeâue ueeFve mes Yet-oes<e
(b) Alternators/ØelÙeeJele&keâ (b) Three phase fault only/kesâJeue ef$ekeâuee oes<e
(c) Transformers/heefjCeeefce$e (c) Phase faults involving two or more phases
(d) All of these/Ùes meYeer oes Ùee oes mes DeefOekeâ ÛejCeeW mes Ùegòeâ keâuee oes<e
276. Under voltage relays are mainly used for (d) Double phase to ground fault only
DeC[j Jeesušspe efjues cegKÙe ™he mes .............. kesâ efueS kesâJeue efÉkeâuee mes Yet-oes<e
ØeÙeesie efkeâÙes peeles nw~ 282. In distance protection, the relay measures
(a) Motor protection/ceesšj megj#ee
otjmLe megj#ee ceW, efjues ceeheve keâjlee nw–
(a) Negative sequence impedance of the line
(b) Transformer protection/heefjCeeefce$e megj#ee
from relay up to the fault point/ }eFve keâer efjues
(c) Transmission line protection/mebÛejCe ueeFve megj#ee
mes oes<e efyevog lekeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee
(d) All of these/Ùes meYeer (b) Positive sequence impedance of the line from
277. In a biased differential relay the bias is defined relay up to the fault point/}eFve keâer efjues mes oes<e
as a ratio of
Skeâ DeefYevele efJeYesokeâ efjues ceW DeefYevele keâes ........... kesâ efyevog lekeâ Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee
(c) Self impedance of the line from relay up to
Devegheele kesâ ™he ceW heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee peelee nw~ the fault point
(a) Number of turns of restraining and operating }eFve keâer efjues mes oes<e efyevog lekeâ mJe ØeefleyeeOee
coil (d) Zero sequence impedance of the line from
efveÙebef$ele Deewj ØeÛeeueve kegâC[ueer kesâ Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee relay up to the fault/}eFve keâer efjues mes oes<e efyevog
(b) Operating coil current and restraining coil
lekeâ MetvÙe Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee
ØeÛeeueve kegâC[ueer Oeeje Deewj efveÙebef$ele kegâC[ueer Oeeje 283. Protective relays are the devices that detect
abnormal condition in electrical circuits by
(c) Fault current and operating coil current
oes<e Oeeje Deewj ØeÛeeueve kegâC[ueer Oeeje megj#eelcekeâ efjues Jes GhekeâjCe nesles nQ pees ........ keâes ceehe
(d) Fault current and restraining coil current
keâjkesâ efJeÅegle heefjheLeeW ceW DemeeceevÙe efmLeefleÙeeW keâe helee
oes<e Oeeje Deewj efveÙebef$ele kegâC[ueer Oeeje
278. Both voltage and current signals are required
ueieeles nw~
for (a) Voltage/Jeesušspe
Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje mebkesâle oesveeW ............ kesâ efueS (b) Current/Oeeje
DeeJeMÙekeâ nesles nwb~ (c) Constantly the electrical quantities which
(a) A plain over current relay differ during normal and abnormal conditions
Skeâ huesve Deefle Oeeje efjues efveÙele efJeÅegle jeefMeÙeeB pees meeceevÙe Deewj DemeeceevÙe
(b) A differential relay/Skeâ efJeYesokeâ efjues efmLeefleÙeeW kesâ oewjeve efYeVe nesleer nw~
(c) A directional relay/Skeâ efoMeelcekeâ efjues (d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR~
(d) A biased differential relay 284. The actuating quantity for the relays may be
Skeâ DeefYevele efJeYesokeâ efjues efjues kesâ efueS meef›eâÙe keâjves Jeeueer jeefMe nes mekeâleer nw-
279. The relay used for feeder protection is (a) Magnitude/heefjceeCe
mebYejkeâ megj#ee kesâ efueS efkeâme efjues keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee (b) Frequency/DeeJe=efòe
peelee nw? (c) Phase angle/keâuee keâesCe
(a) Under voltage relay/DeC[j Jeesušspe efjues (d) Any of these/FveceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(b) Translay relay/š^ebmeues efjues 285. Protective relays can be designed to respond to
(c) Thermal relay/leeheerÙe efjues ........kesâ Øeefle Øeefleef›eâÙee keâjves kesâ efueS megj#eelcekeâ efjues
(d) Buchholz relay/yegKeesupe efjues ef[peeFve efkeâS pee mekeâles nQ~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 540 YCT
(a) Light intensity/ØekeâeMe keâer leer›elee R = ef[mkeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe
(b) Temperature/leeheceeve ØesjCe efjues ceW efJekeâefmele yeueeIetCe& efvecveefueefKele ceW mes
(c) Resistance, reactance or impedance efkeâmekesâ Deevegheeeflekeâ nesiee?
ØeeflejesOe, ØeefleIeele Ùee ØeefleyeeOee (1) φ1m and φ2m/φ1m Deewj φ2m
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer~ (2) 1/R
286. The protective relay is provided to (3) R
megj#eelcekeâ efjues Øeoeve keâer peeleer nw– (4) sin θ
(a) Provide additional safety to the circuit Select the correct answer using the codes given
breaker in its operation/Fmekesâ mebÛeeueve ceW heefjheLe below codes
efJeÙeespekeâ keâes Deefleefjòeâ megj#ee Øeoeve keâjves nsleg~ veerÛes efoS ieS keâes[ keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ mener Gòej ÛegveW-
(b) close the contacts when the actuating quantity (a) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2, Deewj 4
attains a certain predetermined value (b) 1, 3 and 4/1, 3 Deewj 4
peye SkeäÛegSeEšie jeefMe Skeâ efveefMÛele hetJe& efveOee&efjle ceeve (c) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
Øeehle keâj ueslee nw lees mebheke&â yebo keâjves nsleg~ (d) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4
(c) Limit the arcing current during the circuit 291. The most efficient torque producing actuating
breaker operation/heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ ØeÛeeueve kesâ structure for induction Type relays is
oewjeve DeeefkeËâie Oeeje keâes meerefcele keâjlee nw~ ØesjCe Øekeâej kesâ efjues kesâ efueS meyemes kegâMeue yeueeIetCe&-
(d) Earth any stray voltage Glheeokeâ meef›eâÙe mebjÛevee ......... nw~
efkeâmeer Yeer mš^s Jeesušspe hej DeLe&~ (a) Shaded pole structure/ÚeÙeebefkeâle heesue mebjÛevee
287. The operating speed of a relay depends upon (b) Watt-hour meter structure
the Jee@š-IeCše ceeršj mebjÛevee
efjues keâer heefjÛeeueve ieefle ....... hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~ (c) Induction cup structure/ØesjCe keâhe mebjÛevee
(a) Rate of flux built up/Heäuekeäme yeveves keâer oj (d) single induction loop structure
(b) Armature core air gap/DeecexÛej keâesj JeeÙeg Deblejeue Skeâue ØesjCe uethe mebjÛevee~
(c) Spring tension/efmØebie leveeJe 292. A bimetal strip, in a thermal relay, consists of
(d) All of these/Ghejesòeâ meYeer two metal strips of different
288. Plug setting of an electro magnetic relay can be leeheer Ù e ef j ues ceW Skeâ efÉOeÇgJeerÙe heóer ceW efYevve-efYevve ......
altered by varying kesâ oes Oeeleg efmš^hme nesles nQ~
efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe efjues keâer hueie mesefšbie keâes ........ (a) Specific heat/efJeefMe° T<cee
heefjJee|lele keâjles ngS yeouee pee mekeâlee nw~ (b) Thermal conductivity/T<ceerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee
(a) Number of ampere turns/ScheerÙej šve& keâer mebKÙee (c) Coefficients of expansion/efJemleej kesâ iegCeebkeâ
(b) Air gap of magnetic path (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
ÛegcyekeâerÙe ceeie& keâe JeeÙeg Deblejeue 293. Thermal relays are used for protection of
(c) Adjustable back stop/mecebpeveerÙe yewkeâ mšehe motors against over current owing to
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR leeheer Ùe efjues keâe GheÙeesie ............ kesâ keâejCe DeefleOeeje
289. The torque produced in shaded pole structure kes â ef J e™æ ceesšjeW keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
induction type relay is (a) Short circuits/ueIeg heefjheLe
ÚeÙeebefkeâle heesue mebjÛevee ØesjCe Øekeâej kesâ efjues ceW GlheVe (b) Heavy loads/GÛÛe Yeej
DeeIetCe& neslee nw– (c) Earth fault/Yet-oes<e
(a) Proportional to the square of the current (d) All of these/Ùes meYeer
Oeeje kesâ Jeie& kesâ meceevegheeleer 294. Buchholz relays are used on
(b) Proportional to the current/Oeeje kesâ meceevegheeleer yegKeesupe efjues keâe GheÙeesie ........... hej efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(c) Inversely proportional to the current (a) Air cooled transformers/JeeÙeg Meerleefuele heefjCeeefce$e
Oeeje kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer (b) Instrument transformers/GhekeâjCe heefjCeeefce$e
(d) Inversely proportional to the square of the (c) Distribution transformers/efJelejCe heefjCeeefce$e
current/Oeeje kesâ Jeie& kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer (d) Oil immersed power transformers of ratings
290. Given φ1m, φ2m = the fluxes produced by the two above 500 kVA/500 kVA mes Thej kesâ jsefšbie Jeeues
portions of the shaded pole. lesue efveceefppele Meefkeäle heefjCeeefce$e
efoÙee nw, ÚeÙeebefkeâle heesue kesâ oes YeeieeW Éeje GlheVe 295. Which of the following relays is/are overload
Heäuekeäme φ1m, φ2m nw~ relays?
θ = The angle between φ1m and φ2m ef vecve ceW mes keâewve meer efjues Deefle Yeej efjues nw?
θ = φ1m Deewj φ2m kesâ yeerÛe keâe keâesCe (a) Thermal/leeheerÙe
R = resistance of the disc, (b) Electromagnetic/efJeÅegleÛegcyekeâerÙe
The torque developed in an induction relay (c) Induction/ØesjCe
would be proportional to which of the following (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 541 YCT
296. In an over current protection the setting of the (a) Saturation of the magnetic circuit
earth fault relay is ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjheLe keâer meble=efhle
Skeâ Deefle Oeeje megj#ee ceW Yet-oes<e efjues keâer mesefšbie nesleer (b) Proper mechanical design/GefÛele Ùeebef$ekeâ ef[peeFve
nw– (c) Appropriate time delay element
(a) More than the phase fault relay GheÙegòeâ meceÙe-efJeuecye DeJeÙeJe
keâuee oes<e efjues mes DeefOekeâ (d) Electromagnetic damping
(b) Equal to the phase fault relay efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeJecebokeâ
keâuee oes<e efjues kesâ yejeyej 302. Earth fault relays are
(c) Less than the phase fault rely Yet-oes<e efjues nQ–
keâuee oes<e efjues mes keâce (a) Directional relays/efoMeelcekeâ efjues
(d) The two settings are unrelated to each other (b) Non–directional relays/DeefoMeelcekeâ efjues
oesveeW mesefšbime Skeâ otmejs mes DemebyeefvOele nesleer nQ (c) Short operate time relays/ueIeg ØeÛeeueve meceÙe efjues
297. Inverse time current relays are used for the (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
protection of 303. The domains of power system where
JÙegl›eâce meceÙe-Oeeje efjues .............. kesâ mebj#eCe kesâ efueS directional over current relay is indispensable
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ are
(a) Feeders/mebYejkeâ efJeÅegle ØeCeeueer kesâ [escesve peneB efoMeelcekeâ Deefle Oeeje
(b) Transformers/heefjCeeefce$e efjues DeheefjneÙe& nw, nQ–
(c) Alternators/ØelÙeeJele&keâ (a) In case of parallel feeder protection
(d) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) meceeveeblej hees<ekeâ mebj#eCe kesâ ceeceues ceW
298. IDMT relays are used to protect the power (b) In case of ring main feeder protection
transformers against efjbie cesve hees<ekeâ mebj#eCe kesâ ceeceues ceW
DeeF&.[er.Sce.šer. efjues keâe GheÙeesie ............ kesâ efJe™æ (c) Both (a) and (b)(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
Meefkeäle heefjCeeefce$e keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) External short circuits/yeenjer ueIeg heefjheLe 304. Directional over current relays have two
(b) Overload/Deefle Yeej exciting coils connected across
(c) Internal short circuits/Deevleefjkeâ ueIeg heefjheLe ef oMeelcekeâ Deefle Oeeje efjues ceW oes Gòesefpele kegâC[ueerÙeeB
(d) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW ........ kesâ Deej-heej pegÌ[er nesleer nQ~
*299. A relay is connected to a 400/5 A current (a) CT secondaries of two different phases
transformer and set for 150%. The primary meer . šer . efÉleerÙekeâ kesâ oes Deueie-Deueie keâuee ceW
fault current of 2,400 A needs a plug setting (b) VT secondaries of two different phase
multiplier of Jeer.šer. efÉleerÙekeâ kesâ oes Deueie-Deueie keâuee ceW
Skeâ efjues 400/5 A Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e mes pegÌ[e ngDee nw, (c) CT and VT secondaries of the same phase
Deewj 150% kesâ efueS mesš nw~ 2400 SefcheÙej keâer meer.šer. Deewj Jeer.šer. efÉleerÙekeâ kesâ meceeve keâuee ceW
ØeeLeefcekeâ oes<e Oeeje ceW ............ hueie meseEšie (d) CT and VT secondaries of two different phase
ceušerhueeÙej keâer pe™jle nesleer nw~ meer.šer. Deewj Jeer.šer. efÉleerÙekeâ kesâ oes Deueie-Deueie
(a) 2 (b) 4
keâuee ceW
(c) 6 (d) 8 305. Consider the following statements. Distance
*300. A fault current of 2,000 A is passing on the relays used for protection of transmission lines
primary side of a 400/5 C.T. On the secondary might operate undesirably due to
side of the C.T., an inverse time over current efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW~ mebÛejCe ueeFveeW kesâ
relay is connected whose plug setting is set at megj#ee kesâ efueS GheÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer otjer efjues
50%. the plug setting multiplier will be ............. kesâ keâejCe DeJeebÚveerÙe ™he mes mebÛeeefuele nes
2000A Oeeje Skeâ oes<e Oeeje 400/5 meer.šer. kesâ ØeeLeefcekeâ mekeâleer nw~
efmejs mes iegpej jner nw~ meer.šer. kesâ efÉleerÙekeâ efmejs hej, 1. Magnetizing current inrush
JÙegl›eâce meceÙe Deefle Oeeje efjues mes mebÙeesefpele nw~ efpemekeâer ÛegcyekeâerÙe Oeeje FvejMe
hueie mesefšbie 50³ hej mesš nw~ hueie mesefšbie ceušerhueeÙej 2. Power swings/hee@Jej efmJebie
nesiee– 3. Series compensating capacitors
(a) 25 (b) 50 ëe=bKeuee #eeflehete|le mebOeeefj$e
(c) 10 (d) 30 4. Switching over voltages/efmJeefÛebie DeesJej Jeesušspe
301. In an inverse definite minimum time, Of these statements
electromagnetic type over current relay, the Fve keâLeveeW ceW mes–
minimum time feature is achieved because of (a) 1 and 2 are correct/1 Deewj 2 mener
Skeâ JÙegl›eâce efveefMÛele vÙetvelece meceÙe ceW efJeÅegle (b) 2 and 3 are correct/2 Deewj 3 mener
ÛegcyekeâerÙe Øekeâej kesâ Deefle Oeeje efjues ceW ............. kesâ (c) 1, 2 and 4 are correct/1, 2 Deewj 4 mener
keâejCe, vÙetvelece meceÙe megefJeOee Øeehle nesleer nw~ (d) 1, 3 and 4 are correct/1, 3 Deewj 4 mener
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 542 YCT
306. Phases comparison relaying is (a) thermocouple type/Leceexkeâheue Øekeâej
keâuee legueveelcekeâ efjues nw~ (b) induction type/ØesjCe Øekeâej
(a) used for providing back-up protection to (c) permanent magnet moving coil type
transmission lines/mebÛejCe ueeFve keâes yewkeâ-Dehe mLeeF& Ûegcyekeâ Ûeue kegâC[ueer Øekeâej
megj#ee Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (d) shaded pole type/Mes[s[ heesue Øekeâej
(b) immune to the effects of power surges 312. Which of the following is a directional relay?
mepe& Meefkeäle kesâ ØeYeeJe keâe Øeeflej#ee efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee efoMeelcekeâ efjues nw
(c) Adversely affected by the currents flowing in (a) mho relay/cnes efjues
the protected line due to mutual induction
from another nearby circuit/efÉleerÙe heeme kesâ heefjheLe (b) reactance relay/ØeefleIeele efjues
mes DevÙeesve ØesjCe kesâ keâejCe megjef#ele ueeFve ceW yenves Jeeueer (c) impedance relay/ØeefleyeeOee efjues
OeejeDeeW mes Øeefleketâue ØeYeeJe heÌ[lee nw~ (d) both (a) and (b) above/Ghejesòeâ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(d) adversely affected by the loss of synchronism 313. Protective relays are devices which detect
between sources of generation beyond the abnormal conditions in electrical circuits by
ends of the protected line measuring
megjef#ele ueeFve kesâ efmejeW mes Glheeove œeesle kesâ yeerÛe megj#eelcekeâ efjues Jes GhekeâjCe nesles nQ pees ceehe kesâ Éeje
leguÙekeâeueve kesâ vegkeâmeeve mes Øeefleketâue ™he mes ØeYeeefJele nw~ efJeÅegle heefjheLeeW ceW DemeceevÙe efmLeefleÙeeW keâe helee ueieeles nQ-
307. Which of following are the desirable qualities (a) current during abnormal condition
of protective relays? DemeeceevÙe efmLeefle kesâ oewjeve Oeeje
efvecve ceW mes keâewve megj#eelcekeâ efjues kesâ JeebÚveerÙe iegCe neslee (b) voltage during abnormal condition
nw? DemeeceevÙe efmLeefleÙeeW kesâ oewjeve Jeesušlee
(c) both (a) and (b) simultaneously
(a) speed sensitivity/ieefle, mebJesoveMeeruelee
Skeâ meeLe (a) Deewj (b) oesvees
(b) stability, reliability/efmLejlee, efJeÕeveerÙelee (d) constantly the electrical quantities which
(c) selectivity, adequacy/ÛeÙeveelcekeâlee, ØeÙee&hlelee differ during normal and abnormal condition
(d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer ueieeleej efJeÅegle cee$eeSB pees meceevÙe Deewj DemeeceevÙe
308. Drop out to cutoff ratio for most relays is of the efmLeefleÙeeW kesâ oewjeve efYeVe nesleer nQ
order of 314. A distance relay measures
DeefOekeâebMe efjues kesâ efueS keâšDee@heâ Devegheele ceW efiejeJeš Skeâ otjer efjues ceehelee nw-
keâe ›eâce nw? (a) current difference/Oeeje Devlej
(a) 0.2 to 0.3/0.2 mes 0.3 (b) 0.3 to 0.4/0.3 mes 0.4 (b) voltage difference/Jeesušlee Devlej
(c) 0.4 to 0.6/0.4 mes 0.6 (d) 0.6 to 1.0/0.6 mes 1.0 (c) impedance difference/ØeefleyeeOee Devlej
309. If the operation of a relay does not involve any (d) distance between two CT's/oes CT's yeerÛe Devlej
change in air gap, then the ratio of rest to pick 315. Impedance relays can be used for
up is usually ØeefleyeeOee efjues keâe GheÙeesie kesâ efueS keâj mekeâles nQ–
Ùeefo efjues kesâ mebÛeeueve ceW JeeÙeg Deblej ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve (a) phase faults only/kesâJeue keâuee oes<e
veneR neslee nw, lees Deeceleewj hej efmLejlee mes efhekeâDehe keâe (b) earth faults only/kesâJeue Yet-oes<e
Devegheele neslee nw~ (c) both phase and earth faults
(a) low/efvecve
oesveeW keâuee Deewj Yet-oes<e
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) medium/ceOÙece
316. Thermal relays are often employed in:
(c) high/GÛÛe T<ceerÙe efjues ØeeÙe: Fmlesceeue nesles nw–
(d) independent of the change in air gap (a) Motor starters/ceesšj ØeejcYekeâ ceW
nJee kesâ Deblej ceW heefjJele&ve mes mJeleb$e (b) Transformer protection/heefjCeeefce$e megj#ee ceW
310. Which of the following is not an instantaneous (c) Generator protection/peefve$e megj#ee ceW
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve leel#eefCekeâ veneR nw~ 317. Reactance relays are used for phase fault
(a) induction disc type/ØesjCe ef[mkeâ Øekeâej in…….line:
(b) hinged armature type/efnbp[ DeecexÛej Øekeâej ............. ueeFve ceW keâuee oes<e kesâ efueS ØeefleIeele efjues
(c) balanced beam type/meblegefuele efyece Øekeâej keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(d) polarized type/OeÇgJeerÙe Øekeâej (a) Short/ueIeg
311. Which of the following is an instantaneous (b) Medium/ceOÙece
relay? (c) Long/uecyeer
efvecve ceW keâewve mee leel#eefCekeâ efjues nw- (d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 543 YCT
318. The pilot relay is provided to obtain: (a) Single phase motors only
heeÙeueš efjues Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee kesâJeue Skeâue keâuee ceesšj
nw,– (b) Two phase motors only/kesâJeue oes keâuee ceesšj
(a) High speed tripping/GÛÛe ieefle efš^efhebie (c) Two single phase motors running in
(b) Deleyed tripping/efJeuecye efš^efhebie parallel/meceeveevlej ceW Ûeeefuele oes keâuee ceesšjeW
(c) Preset tripping/hetJe& efveef§ele efš^efhebie (d) Three phase motors/leerve keâuee ceesšj
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW keâesF& veneR 325. Distance relays are generally:
319. Which of the following relays is used for otjer efjues Deeceleewj hej neslee nw–
protection of motors against overload? (a) Split-phase relays/efJeYeòeâ keâuee
efvecve ceW mes efkeâme efjues keâe ØeÙeesie DeefOeYeej kesâ efJe™æ (b) Reactance relays/ØeefleIeele efjues
ceesšj keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (c) Impedance relays/ØeefleyeeOee efjues
(a) Buchholz relay/yegKeesupe efjues (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Thermal relay/T<ceerÙe efjues 326. To protect most of the electrical equipment
(c) Impedance relay/ØeefleyeeOee efjues handling low power, the types of relays used
(d) Electromagnetic attraction type are:
efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe Deekeâ<e&Ce Øee™heer vÙetvelece Meefòeâ mebÛeeefuele DeefOekeâebMe efJeÅegle GhekeâjCeeW
320. A differential relay responds to: keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS, GheÙeesie efkeâÙes ieÙes efjues kesâ Øekeâej
Skeâ DeJekeâuekeâ efjues Øeefleef›eâÙee oslee nw– nesles nQ–
(a) Vector difference between two electrical (a) Thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue
quantities/oes efJeÅegle jeefMe kesâ yeerÛe meefoMe Devlej (b) Electronic and bimetallic
(b) Algebraic difference between two voltages Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ Deewj efÉOeeeflJekeâ
oes JeesušspeeW kesâ yeerÛe yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Devlej (c) Both (a) and (b)/oesveeW (a) Deewj (b)
(c) Algebraic difference between two currents (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
oes OeejeDeeW kesâ yeerÛe yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Devlej 327. Induction cup relay is operated due to
(d) Algebraic difference between two electrical changes in:
quantities ØesjCe keâhe efjues efvecve ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ keâejCe ØeÛeeefuele
oes efJeÅegle jeefMeÙeeWW kesâ yeerÛe yeerpeieefCeleerÙe Deblej efkeâÙee peelee nw–
321. The information to the circuit breaker under (a) Current/Oeeje
fault conditions is provided by: (b) Voltage/Jeesušspe
oes<e keâer efmLeefle ceW heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâes metÛevee Øeehle
(c) Impedance/ØeefleyeeOee
nesleer nw–
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer
(a) Relay/efjues
328. Overheating of relay contacts or contact born
(b) Rewirable fuse/hegve&leejerÙe heäÙetpe out is due to:
(c) H.R.C. only/kesâJeue H.R.C. efjues mechekeâeX Ùee mecheke&â keâer Deefle Tef<cele mes peueves
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer keâe keâejCe neslee nw–
322. The under voltage relay can be used for: (a) Slow making and breaking of load circuit
vÙetvelece Jeesušspe efjues keâe ØeÙeesie nes mekeâlee nw– contacts/Yeej heefjheLe mechekeâeX keâe Oeerceer ieefle mes
(a) Generators/pevejsšme& yeveevee Deewj štšvee
(b) Busbars/yemeyeeme& (b) Foreign matter on the contact surgace
(c) Transformers/š^ebmeheâece&me& mecheke&â meleneW hej yeenjer heoeLe&
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer (c) Too low contact pressure
323. The relay with inverse time characteristic
Deefle efvecve mecheke&â oeye
will operate within: (d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer
JÙegl›eâce meceÙe DeefYeue#eefCekeâ kesâ meeLe efjues kesâ Devoj 329. Interruption of large currents by relay
ØeÛeeefuele nesiee– requires:
(a) 1.5 sec (b) 5 to 10 sec
DeefOekeâ Oeeje kesâ JÙeJeOeeve kesâ efueS efjues keâer
(c) 5 to 20 sec (d) 20 to 30 sec DeeJeMkeâlee nw–
324. The single phasing relays are used for the (a) Arc suppressing blow out coils
protection of: kegâC[ueer keâe Deeke&â oyeekeâj yegPeevee
Skeâ keâuee efjues keâe GheÙeesie megj#ee kesâ efueS efkeâÙee (b) Wide separation of the opened contacts
peelee nw– Kegues mechekeâeX kesâ JÙeehekeâ he=LekeäkeâjCe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 544 YCT
(c) High speed opening of contacts 336. In order that current should flow without
mechekeâeX keâe GÛÛe ieefle mes Keguevee causing excessive heating or voltage drop, the
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer relay contacts should:
330. An efficient and a well designed protective DelÙeeefOekeâ Oeeje ØeJeen keâe ›eâce leeheceeve Je=efæ Ùee
relaying should have: Jeesušlee heele kesâ yeiewj Jenve kesâ efueS efjues kesâ mechekeâex
Skeâ kegâMeue Deewj DeÛÚer lejn mes efveefce&le efkeâÙes ieÙes ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS–
megj#eelcekeâ efjues ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS (a) Have low contact resistance
(a) Good selectivity and reliability
keâce mecheke&â ØeeflejesOe neslee nw
DeÛÚer ÛeÙeveelcekeâlee Deewj efJeMJemeveerÙelee
(b) Be clean and smooth/mJeÛÚ Deewj efÛekeâveer nesleer nw
(b) Economy and simplicity
DeLe&JÙeJemLee Deewj mejuelee (c) Be of sufficient size and proper shape
(c) High speed and selectivity heÙee&hle Deekeâej Deewj GefÛele Deekeâej kesâ nesles nQ
GÛÛe ieefle Deewj ÛeÙeveelcekeâlee (d) Have all above properties
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer Ghejeskeäle meYeer iegCe nesles nQ
331. Burden of a protective relay is the power: 337. In which of the following type of relay, solenoid
Skeâ megj#eelcekeâ efjues keâe yeesPe Meefòeâ neslee nw– is used to move in iron core or plunger
(a) Required to operate the circuit breaker efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ efjues ceW meesuesveesF[
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ mebÛeeefuele keâjves kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ keâe ØeÙeesie DeeÙejve keâesj Ùee huebpej keâes Ietceeves kesâ efueS
(b) Absorbed by the circuit of relay efkeâÙee peelee nw?
efjues kesâ heefjheLe Éeje DeJeMeesef<ele (a) electrodynamic type / Fueskeäš^es[eÙeveeefcekeâ Øekeâej
(c) Developed by the relay circuit
(b) solenoid type / meesuesveesF[ Øekeâej
efjues heefjheLe Éeje efJekeâefmele
(c) induction type / Fb[keäMeve Øekeâej
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
332. Directional relays are based on flow of: (d) attracted armature type / Deš^wkeäšs[ DeecexÛej Øekeâej
efoMeelcekeâ efjues ........... kesâ ØeJeen hej DeeOeeefjle nw– 338. A contactor coil is designed for 220V, D.C.
(a) Power/heeJej What happens if it is connected to 220V, A.C.?
(b) Current/Oeeje
Skeâ keâe@všskeäšj keäJee@Fue keâes 220V D.C. kesâ efueS
(c) Voltage wave/Jeesušspe lejbie
ef [peeFve efkeâÙee ieÙee nw? keäÙee nesiee, Ùeefo Fmes 220V,
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer A.C. kesâ meeLe peesÌ[ efoÙee peeS?
333. A differential relay measures the vector (a) A too large current is drawn by the coil and it
difference between: is destroyed/yengle pÙeeoe keâjWš ØeJeeefnle nesiee Deewj
Skeâ efJeYesokeâ efjues, meefoMe .............. kesâ Deblej keâes Ùen ve° nes peeSiee~
ceehelee nw– (b) A too small current is drawn by the coil and
(a) Two currents/oes OeejeDeeW the operation of the contactor is no longer
(b) Two voltages/oes JeesušspeeW certain/yengle keâce keâjWš ØeJeeefnle nesiee Deewj keâe@všskeäšj
(c) Two or more similar electrical quantities keâe ØeÛeeueve DeefOekeâ meceÙe lekeâ efveef§ele veneR jnsiee~
oes Ùee oes mes DeefOekeâ meceeve efJeÅegle jeefMe (c) The permanent magnet of the magnetic
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR system is demagnetized/ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeCeeueer keâer
334. Overload relays are of ……type: mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ, DeÛegcyekeâerÙe nes peeSieer~
DeefleYeej efjues ...... Øekeâej kesâ nesles nw– (d) The coil insulation is quickly damaged by the
(a) Induction/ØesjCe alternating voltage/ØelÙeeJeleea Jeesušlee Éeje keäJee@Fue
(b) Solid state/"esme DeJemLee FbmeguesMeve yengle peuoer ve° nes peeSiee~
(c) Thermal/T<ceerÙe 339. The time multiplier for an inverse time relay is:
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer efJehejerle meceÙe efjues kesâ efueS meceÙe ceušerhueeÙej nw–
335. D.C. shunt relays are made of: (a) TMS = T × TM (b) TMS = T / TM
D.C. Mebš efjues yevee neslee nw– (c) TMS = TM / T (d) TMS = T × √2TM
(a) Few turns of thin wire/heleueer leej kesâ kegâÚ Jele&ve 340. In Earth breaker circuit uses
(b) Few turns of thick wire/ceesšer leej kesâ kegâÚ Jele&ve DeLe& yeÇskeâj heefjheLe ceW ØeÙeesie neslee nw–
(c) Many turns of thin wire (a) Polarized Relay/OegÇJeerÙe efjues keâe
heleueer leej kesâ yengle Jele&ve (b) Reed relay/jer[ efjues keâe
(d) Many turns of thick wire (c) Latching Relay/ uewefÛebie efjues keâe
ceesšer leej kesâ yengle Jele&ve (d) Machine tool Relay/ceMeerve štue efjues keâe

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 545 YCT

341. Programmable Logical controllers are the (b) Joining main and transfer bus in a
devices that were invented basically to replace substation/Skeâ meyemšsMeve ceW cegKÙe Deewj mLeeveeblejCe
Øees«eecesyeue uee@efpekeâue keâvš^esueme& keâe DeeefJe<keâej cetue yeme mes pegÌ[vee~
™he mes efkeâmes ØeeflemLeeefhele keâjves kesâ efueS ngDee Lee? (c) Joining the generator with transfer
(a) Switches/efmJeÛeeW keâes mLeeveevlejCe kesâ meeLe pevejsšj mes pegÌ[vee
(d) Joining the neutral of the generator with
(b) Circuit Breakers/heefjheLe efJeÛÚsokeâeW keâes
earth/Yet kesâ meeLe pevejsšj kesâ Yet ceW pegÌ[vee~
(c) Relays/efjuespe keâes
347. In busbar protection, what is the method of
(d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR providing an earthed metal barrier
342. Restoring force in an electromagnetic relay is surrounding a bus bar throughout its length
produced by/Fueskeäš^escewivesefškeâ efjues cebs jermšesefjbie yeue called?
efkeâmekesâ Éeje GlheVe neslee nw~ yemeyeej megj#ee ceW, yemeyeej kesâ hetjs uecyeeF& kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj
Yetmechee|keâle Oeeleg yewefjÙej Øeoeve keâjves keâer efJeefOe keäÙee nQ~
(a) Magnet/Ûegcyekeâ (b) Spring/efmhebÇie
(a) Distance protection/otjer megj#ee
(c) actuator/SskeâÛegSšj (d) Beam/yeerce
(b) Differential protection/efJeYesoer megj#ee
343. Which of the following is not a kind of relay on (c) Fault bus protection/yeme oes<e megj#ee
the basis of constructional features?
(d) Time graded over current protection
mebjÛevee kesâ DeeOeej hej efvecveefueefKele cebs mes keâewve Skeâ meceÙe Jeieeake=âle DeefleOeeje megj#ee
efjues keâe Øekeâej veneR nw? 348. In differential protection of bus-bars the CTs
(a) Moving iron type/Ûeeefuele DeeÙejve ™heer on both side must be connected in :
(b) Static/mLeweflekeâ yeme-yeejeW ceW Deueie-Deueie megj#ee ceW oesveeW meeF[eW hej
(c) Induction/hesÇjCe™heer CTs keâes ------ ceW keâveskeäš efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS –
(d) Current/Oeeje (a) Series / meerjer]pe (b) Star / mšej
344. efoÙee ngDee efÛe$e keäÙee oMee&lee nw? (c) Parallel / meceeveeblej (d) Delta / [suše
349. Which of the following section can be employed
for bus bars?
yeme yeej kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Yeeie keâes
efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(a) Bars/meueeKeeW
(b) Rods/ÚÌ[s
(c) Tubes/veefuekeâeSB
(d) Any of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(a) leeheerÙe efjues keâe Øekeâej 350. The material used for bus bars should have
(b) megj#ee efjues keâe Øekeâej yeme-yeej kesâ efueS GheÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer meece«eer ceW
(c) mee@efue[ mšsš efjues keâe Øekeâej nesveer ÛeeefnS–
(d) Fueskeäš^escewivesefškeâ efjues keâe Øekeâej (a) Low resistivity/keâce ØeeflejesOekeâlee
(b) Low cost/keâce keâercele
(c) High softening temperature/GÛÛe vejce leeheceeve
6. yeme-yeej (Bus-Bar)
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
351. A bus bar is rated by
345. The material used for bus-bars should have: Skeâ yeme-yeej ................. kesâ Éeje efveOee&efjle efkeâÙee
yeme-yeej kesâ efueS– Fmlesceeue heoeLe& keâes nesvee ÛeeefnS peelee nw~
(a) Low cost/vÙetvelece ueeiele (a) Current only/kesâJeue Oeeje
(b) Higher softening temperature/GÛÛe ce=og leeheceeve (b) Voltage only/kesâJeue Jeesušspe
(c) Low resistivity/efvecve ØeeflejesOekeâlee (c) Current, voltage and frequency
(d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
Oeeje, Jeesušspe Deewj DeeJe=efòe
(d) Current, voltage, frequency and short circuit
346. A bus coupler circuit breaker is utilized in a current/Oeeje, Jeesušspe, DeeJe=efòe Deewj ueIeg-heefjheLe Oeeje
substation for
352. Single bus-bar arrangement
Skeâ yeme keâheuej heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ efueS Skeâ efmebieue yeme-yeej JÙeJemLee nw~
meyemšsMeve ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (a) Is cheapest initial as well as maintenance
(a) Joining the transmission line with station bus cost/ØeejefcYekeâ ueeiele kesâ meeLe-meeLe jKejKeeJe ueeiele ceW
bar/mšsMeve yeme-yeej kesâ meeLe mebÛejCe ueeFve mes peg[
Ì vee~ meyemes memlee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 546 YCT
(b) Provides simple operation and relaying 357. In a power system each bus or node is
system associated with four quantities, namely
mejue ØeÛeeueve Deewj efjuesFbie ØeCeeueer Øeoeve keâjlee nw~ Skeâ Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer ceW, ØelÙeskeâ yeme Ùee vees[ Ûeej
(c) Has the drawback that there will be complete cee$eeDeeW mes mebyebefOele nw, DeLee&led
shutdown when fault occurs on the bus it (1) Real power/JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ
self/ne@efve Ùen nw efkeâ yeme ceW mJele: oes<e nesves hej hetCe&
(2) Reactive power/Øeefleef›eâÙee Meefòeâ
Meš[eGve nesiee~ (3) Bus voltage magnitude/yeme Jeesušspe heefjceeCe
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (4) Phase angle of the bus voltage
353. Double bus bar arrangement makes use of two yeme Jeesušspe keâe keâuee keâesCe
identical bus bars and has the advantage (s)
For load flow solution, among these four, the
number of quantities to be specified is
[yeue yeme-yeej JÙeJemLee oes meceeve yeme-yeej keâe
Fve Ûeej ceW mes Yeej-ØeJeen meceeOeeve kesâ efueS efveefo&° keâer
GheÙeesie keâjles nQ Deewj Fmekeâe ueeYe nw~
peeves Jeeueer cee$ee keâer mebKÙee nw~
(a) It does not require any bus coupler and
permits switchover from one bus to another (a) Any one/keâesF& Yeer Skeâ
whenever desired/Fmekesâ efueS efkeâmeer Yeer yeme keâheuej (b) Any two/keâesF& Yeer oes
keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nesleer nw Deewj peye Yeer ÛeenW Skeâ (c) Any three/keâesF& Yeer leerve
yeme mes otmejer yeme ceW efmJeÛe DeesJej keâer Devegceefle oslee nw~ (d) all the four/meYeer ÛeejeW
(b) It provides maximum flexibility and 358. Consider the following quantities:
reliability/DeefOekeâlece ueÛeerueeheve Deewj efJeMJemeveerÙelee efvecveefueefKele cee$eeDeeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW~
Øeoeve keâjlee nw~ (1) Real power/JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ
(c) Either bus bar may be taken up for (2) Reactive power/Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ
maintenance/jKejKeeJe kesâ efueS keâesF& Yeer yeme-yeej (3) Power factor/Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ
efueÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ (4) Input current/Fvehegš Oeeje
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (5) Bus voltage magnitude/yeme Jeesušspe keâe heefjceeCe
(6) Bus voltage phase angle
354. Transient state stability is generally improved
yeme-Jeesušspe keâe keâuee-keâesCe
#eefCekeâ efmLej DeJemLee ceW Deeceleewj hej megOeej neslee nw~ For the purpose of the load flow studies of a
power system, each bus or node is associated
(a) Using high speed governors on machines with which one of the combinations of the
ceMeerveeW hej GÛÛe ieefle efveÙeb$ekeâeW keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ above four quantities?/Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer kesâ Yeej ØeJeen
(b) Using low inertia machines DeOÙeÙeve kesâ GösMÙe kesâ efueS, ØelÙeskeâ yeme Ùee vees[
keâce peÌ[lJe ceMeerveeW keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ Ghejesòeâ Ûeej cee$eeDeeW ceW mes efkeâme Skeâ mes pegÌ[e ngDee nw?
(c) Dispensing with neutral grounding
(a) 1, 3, 4 and 5 (b) 1, 2, 3 and 4
lešmLe «eeGbef[bie kesâ meeLe efJelejCe keâjkesâ (c) 2, 3, 5 and 6 (d) 1, 2, 5 and 6
(d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer 359. In load flow studies of a power system, a
355. Load flow study is carried out for voltage control bus is specified by:
}es[-ØeJeen DeOÙeÙeve ........... kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Skeâ efJeÅegle ØeCeeueer kesâ Yeej ØeJeen DeOÙeÙeve ceW, Jeesušspe
(a) Load frequency control/Yeej-DeeJe=efòe efveÙeb$eCe efveÙeb$eCe yeme ............ Éeje efveefo&° efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(b) Planning of power system (a) Real power and reactive power
efJeÅegle JÙeJemLee keâer Ùeespevee JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ Deewj Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ
(c) Fault calculations/oes<e keâer ieCevee nsleg (b) Reactive power and voltage magnitude
(d) Study of stability of the system Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ Deewj Jeesušspe heefjceeCe
ØeCeeueer keâer efmLejlee keâe DeOÙeÙeve (c) Voltage and voltage phase angle
356. Load flow studies involve solving simultaneous Jeesušspe Deewj Jeesušspe keâuee keâesCe
Yeej-ØeJeen DeOÙeÙeve ceW Skeâ meeLe nue keâjvee Meeefceue nw~ (d) Real power and voltage magnitude
(a) Linear algebraic equations JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ Deewj Jeesušspe heefjceeCe
jwefKekeâ yeerpeerÙe meceerkeâjCe 360. For a load flow solution and quantities
normally specified at a voltage controlled bus
(b) Non-linear algebraic equation are
DejwefKekeâ yeerpeerÙe meceerkeâjCe Yeej-ØeJeen kesâ efueS Jeesušspe efveÙebef$ele yeme ceW meeceevÙe
(c) Linear differential equations ™he mes efveefo&° nue Deewj jeefMeÙeeB nw–
jwefKekeâ Devlej meceerkeâjCe
(a) P and Q/P Deewj Q (b) P and V /P Deewj V
(d) Non linear differential equations
De-jwefKekeâ Deblej meceerkeâjCe (c) Q and V /P Deewj V (d) P and δ/P Deewj δ

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 547 YCT

361. At slacks bus, which one of the following 366. In load flow analysis, the load connected at a
combinations of variables is specified? bus is represented as
Skeâ muewkeâ yeme hej Ûejes keâe efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee Yeej ØeJeen efJeMues<eCe ceW Skeâ yeme mes pegÌ[s Yeej keâes Fme
mebÙeespeve efveefo&° nw? Øekeâej oMee&Ùee peelee nw–
(a) V , δ (b) P, Q (a) Constant current drawn from the bus
(c) P, V (d) Q, V yeme mes ueer ieF& efmLej Oeeje
362. In a power system, the maximum number of (b) Constant impedance connected at the bus
buses are yeme mes peg[er ngF& efmLej ØeefleyeeOee
Skeâ Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer ceW, yemeeW keâer DeefOekeâlece mebKÙee nesleer (c) Voltage and frequency dependent source at
nw~ the bus/yeme ceW Jeesušspe Deewj DeeJe=efòe hej efveYe&j œeesle
(a) Generator buses/pevejsšj yeme (d) Constant real and reactive power drawn from
(b) Load buses/Yeej yeme the bus/yeme mes ueer ieF& efmLej JeemleefJekeâ Deewj
(c) Slack buses/muewkeâ yeme Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ
(d) P-V buses/heer.Jeer. yeme 367. The voltage of a particular bus can be
363. Buses for a load flow studies are classified as controlled by controlling
Yeej ØeJeen DeOÙeÙeve kesâ efueS yemeeW keâes Jeieeake=âle efkeâÙee efkeâmeer efJeMes<e yeme kesâ Jeesušspe keâes ............ keâes efveÙebef$ele
peelee nw– keâjkesâ efveÙebef$ele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
1. Load bus/Yeej yeme
(a) Phase angle/keâuee-keâesCe
2. PV bus/P-V yeme
(b) Reactive power of the bus/yeme keâer ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ
3. Slacks Bus/muewkeâ yeme
(c) Active power of the bus/yeme keâer JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ
Which one of the following is the correct
combination of the pair of quantities specified (d) Phase angle and reactive power
having their usual meaning for different keâuee-keâesCe Deewj Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ
buses? 368. The principal information obtained from load
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meer cee$ee keâe mener mebÙeespeve nw, flow studies in a power system are
pees efJeefYeVe yemeeW kesâ efueS Gvekesâ meeceevÙe DeLe& keâes Skeâ Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer ceW Yeej-ØeJeen DeOÙeÙeveeW mes Øeehle
efveefo&° keâjlee nw~ peevekeâejer nw~
Load bus PV bus slack bus (1) Magnitude and phase angle of the voltage
Yeej yeme heer.Jeer. yeme muewkeâ yeme at each bus/ØelÙeskeâ yeme hej Jeesušspe Deewj keâuee
(a) P, V P, Q P, δ keâesCe keâe heefjceeCe
(b) P, Q P, V V, δ (2) Reactive and real power flows in each of
the lines/ØelÙeskeâ ueeFve ceW Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Deewj
(c) V , Q P, δ P, Q
JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw~
(d) P, δ Q, V Q, δ (3) Total power loss in the network
364. If a voltage controlled bus is treated as a load vesšJeke&â ceW kegâue Meefòeâ neefve
bus, then which one of the following limits (4) Transient stability limit of the system
would be violated?
Ùeefo Skeâ Jeesušspe efveÙebef$ele yeme keâes Yeej yeme kesâ ™he ceW ØeCeeueer keâer #eefCekeâ efmLejlee meercee
Select the correct answer from the codes given
peevee peelee nw, lees efvecveefueefKele meerceeDeeW ceW mes efkeâme below
Skeâ keâe GuuebIeve efkeâÙee peeSiee? veerÛes efo ieS keâes[ mes mener Gòej keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW–
(a) Voltage/Jeesušspe (a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
(b) Active power/JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ (b) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4
(c) Reactive power/ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ
(c) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
(d) Phase angle/keâuee-keâesCe
(d) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4
365. In a load flow study a PV bus is treated as a PQ
bus when 369. YBUS as used in load flow study, and ZBUS as
Yeej-ØeJeen DeOÙeÙeve ceW Skeâ PV yeme keâes PQ yeme kesâ used for short circuit study are:
Y-yeme Yeej ØeJeen DeOÙeÙeve ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw,
™he ceW peevee peelee nw-peye...........
(a) Voltage limit is violated Deewj ueIeg-heefjheLe DeOÙeÙeve kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâS peeves
Jeesušspe meercee keâe GuuebIeve nes Jeeues Z-yeme nesles nQ–
(b) Active power limit is violated (a) The same/meceeve
JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ meercee keâe GuuebIeve nes (b) Inverse of each other/Skeâ otmejs kesâ efJehejerle
(c) Phase angle is high/keâuee keâesCe GÛÛe nes (c) Are not related to each other
(d) Reactive power limit is violated Skeâ otmejs mes mecyeefvOele vener
Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ meercee keâe GuuebIeve nes (d) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 548 YCT
370. Gauss-Seidel interative method can be used for (b) Less number of iterations and less time per
solving a set of iteration/hegvejeJe=efòeÙeeW keâer keâce mebKÙee Deewj hegvejeJe=efòe
ieewme-meW[sue FbšjsefkeäšJe efJeefOe keâe ØeÙeesie .......... kesâ kesâ efueS keâce meceÙe
mecetn keâes nue keâjves kesâ efueS neslee nw~ (c) More number of iterations and more time per
(a) Linear differential equations only iteration/hegvejeeJe=efòeÙeeW keâer DeefOekeâ mebKÙee Deewj
kesâJeue jwefKekeâ DeJekeâue meceerkeâjCe hegvejeJe=efòeÙeeW keâe DeefOekeâ meceÙe
(b) Linear algebraic equations only (d) More number of iterations and less time per
kesâJeue jwefKekeâ yeerpeieefCeleerÙe meceerkeâjCe iteration/hegvejeJe=efòeÙeeW keâer DeefOekeâ mebKÙee Deewj hegvejeJe=efòe
(c) Both linear and nonlinear algebraic equations keâe keâce meceÙe
oeveeW jwefKekeâ Deewj DejwefKekeâ yeerpeieefCeleerÙe meceerkeâjCe 375. Consider the following statements in respect of
(d) Both linear and non linear differential load flow studies in power system
equations Meefòeâ heæefle ceW Yeej-yeneJe kesâ DeOÙeÙeve kesâ meehes#e
oesveeW jwefKekeâ Deewj DejwefKekeâ DeJekeâue meceerkeâjCe efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW~
371. Fault calculation using computer program are (1) Bus admittance matrix is a sparse matrix
usually done by yeme ØeJesMÙelee DeeJÙetn efJejue DeeJÙetn nw
keâchÙetšj Øees«eece keâe GheÙeesie keâjles ngS oes<e keâer ieCevee (2) Gauss-seidel method is preferred over Newton
meeceevÙele: ........... kesâ Éeje keâer peeleer nw~ Raphson method for load flow studies
(a) YBUS method/yeme ØeJesMÙelee efJeefOe (YBUS) Yeej yeneJe DeOÙeÙeve kesâ efueS vÙetšve jHeâmeve keâer Dehes#ee
(b) ZBUS method/yeme ØeefleyeeOee efJeefOe (ZBUS) iee@me efme[sue efJeefOe keâe JejerÙelee nw~
(c) Both of the above/Ghejesòeâ oesveeW (3) One of the buses is taken as slack bus in load
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR flow studies/Yeej yeneJe DeOÙeÙeve ceW Skeâ yeme efveye&ue
372. What is the form of the YBUS matrix for yeme keâer lejn efueÙee peelee nw~
carrying out load flow studies by gauss- Seidal Which of the statement given above are
method of a power system having mesh correct/Thej efoÙes ieÙes keâLeveeW ceW keâewve mener nw?
connection of nodes?
vees[dme kesâ vesšJeke&â peesÌ[ves Jeeues Meefòeâ heæefle kesâ iee@me- (a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
mes[Wue efJeefOe Éeje Yeej ØeJeen DeOÙeÙeve keâjves kesâ efueS (b) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
yeme ØeJesMÙelee DeeJÙetn YBUS keâe keäÙee ™he nw~ (c) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3
(a) Symmetric but not diagonal matrix (d) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3
meceeve uesefkeâve efJekeâCe& DeeJÙetn veneR 376. Regulating transformers are used in power
(b) Diagonal matrix/efJekeâCe& DeeJÙetn systems for control of
(c) Antisymmetric matrix/efJeheefjle meceefcele DeeJÙetn
Meefòeâ heæefle ceW jsieguesefšbie š^eBmeHeâece&j keâe GheÙeesie
(d) Spare asymmetric matrix/efvejue Demeceefcele DeeJÙetn ............ kesâ efveÙeb$eCe keâjves kesâ efueS neslee nw~
373. The gauss siedel load flow method has (a) Voltage/efJeYeJe
following disadvantages. Tick the incorrect (b) Power factor/Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
statement. (c) Power flow/Meefòeâ yeneJe
efvecveefueefKele ceW iee@me mes[sue Yeej yeneJe efJeefOe ceW neefveÙeeB (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
nw~ 377. A 12-bus power system has 3 voltage controlled
ieuele keâLeve keâes efÛeefvnle keâjW~ buses. The dimension of the Jacobian Matrix
(a) Unreliable convergence/DeefJeÕeemeveerÙe DeefYemejCe will be
(b) Slow convergence/Oeercee DeefYemejCe Skeâ 12-yeme Meefòeâ heæefle ceW 3-efJeYeJe efveÙebef$ele yeme
(c) Choice of slack bus affects convergence nwb~ pewkeâesefJeÙeve DeeJÙetn keâer efJecee nesieer–
DeefYemejCe keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjves Jeeues efveye&ue yeme keâes (a) 21 × 21 (b) 21 × 19
Ûegvevee~ (c) 19 × 19 (d) 19 × 21
(d) A good initial guess for voltages is essential 378. Pole mounted substation are used in
for convergence/DeefYemejCe kesâ efueS efJeYeJe kesâ efueS heesue ceeGCšs[ meyemšsMeveeW keâe GheÙeesie .......... ceW neslee nw~
DeÛÚe ØeejefcYekeâ Devegceeve DeeJeMÙekeâ nw~ (a) Primary transmission system
374. Compared to gauss seidel method, Newton ØeeLeefcekeâ mebÛejCe ØeCeeueer
Raphson method takes (b) Secondary transmission system
iee@me efme[sue efJeefOe keâer leguevee ceW vÙetšve jHeâmeve efJeefOe efÉleerÙekeâ mebÛejCe ØeCeeueer
ueslee nw~ (c) Primary distribution system
(a) Less number of iterations and more time per ØeeLeefcekeâ efJelejCe ØeCeeueer
iteration/hegvejeJe=efòeÙeeW keâer keâce mebKÙee Deewj hegvejeJe=efòe (d) Secondary distribution system
kesâ efueS DeefOekeâ meceÙe efÉleerÙekeâ efJelejCe ØeCeeueer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 549 YCT
379. AC network analyzer is employed for solving Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ leguÙekeâeueer peefve$e Jeeues 3-Hesâpe Meefòeâ
the problem of. ØeCeeueer keâer š^eefpeSbš efmLejlee efvecve ceW mes efkeâme Skeâ
A.C vesšJeke&â efJeMues<ekeâ ......... keâer mecemÙee keâes nue
efJeefveoxMe Éeje ØeYeeefJele veneR nesleer nw?
keâjves kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) Initial operating conditions of generations
(a) Load flow/Yeej ØeJeen
GlheeoveeW keâer ØeejbefcYekeâ heefjÛeeueve efmLeefle
(b) Load flow and stability/Yeej ØeJeen Deewj efmLejlee
(b) Quantum of large power disturbance
(c) Load flow and short circuit.
Yeej ØeJeen Deewj ueIeg heefjheLe yeÌ[er Meefkeäle DeemeeJeOeeveer keâer cee$ee
(d) Load flow, stability and short circuits (c) Fast fault clearance and reclosure
Yeej ØeJeen, efmLejlee Deewj ueIeg heefjheLe leer›e oes<e keäueerÙejWme Deewj jerkeäueespej
380. Power system stability is defined as (d) Small changes in system frequency
Meefkeäle ØeCeeueer efmLejlee keâes ...... kesâ ™he ceW heefjYeeef<ele ØeCeeueer DeeJe=efòe ceW efvecve heefjJele&ve
efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ 384. The load carrying capability of a long ac
(a) That attribute of the system or part of the transmission line is
system which enables it to develop restoring Skeâ uecyeer AC mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer Yeej Jeenve #ecelee–
forces between the elements there of equal or (a) Always limited by the conductor size
greater than disturbing forces so as to restore ncesMee Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Deekeâej Éeje meerefcele nesleer nw
a state of equilibrium between of elements (b) Limited by stability considerations
ØeCeeueer Ùee ØeCeeueer kesâ Gme Yeeie keâer efJeMes<elee pees Fmes efmLejlee efJeÛeejeW Éeje meerefcele nesleer nw
efJe#eghle keâjves Jeeueer MeefkeäleÙeeW kesâ yejeyej Ùee Gmemes DeefOekeâ (c) Reduced at low ambient temperature
lelJeeW kesâ yeerÛe hegve&mLeehevee yeue efJekeâefmele keâjves ceW me#ece keâce heefjJesMe kesâ leeheceeve hej keâce nes peeleer nw
yeveelee nw~ leeefkeâ lelJeeW kesâ yeerÛe meblegueve keâer efmLeefle keâes (d) Decreased by the used of bundled conductors
ueeiet efkeâÙee pee mekesâ~ of single conductors/Skeâue ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ yeb[ue
(b) The maximum power flow possible through Ûeeuekeâ kesâ GheÙeesie mes Ieš peeleer nw
some particular point in the system when the
entire or part of the system disturbed./efmemšce ceW 385. Maximum power will be transferred from the
sending end to the receiving end by a
kegâÚ efJeMes<e efyevog kesâ ceeOÙece mes DeefOekeâlece Meefkeäle ØeJeen transmission line when
mebYeJe nw~ peye efmemšce keâe hetje Ùee Yeeie efJe#eghle neslee nw~ Øes<eCe efmejs mes «enCe efmejs lekeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ Éeje
(c) Both (a) and (b)/oesvee (a) Deewj (b)
DeefOekeâlece Meefkeäle mebÛeefjle nesieer peye–
(d) Neither (a) or (b)/ve lees (a) Ùee ve lees (b)
381. Steady state stability of a power system is the (a) The line reactance is 3 times its resistance,
ability of the power system i.e., X = 3R /ueeFve Øeefleef›eâÙee Fmekesâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ
Skeâ Meefkeäle ØeCeeueer keâer efmLej efmLeefle efmLejlee hee@Jej 3 iegvee nes DeLee&le X = 3R
efmemšce keâer #ecelee nw~
(b) The torque angle δ = 900/DeeIetCe& keâesCe δ = 90°
(a) Maintain voltage at the rated voltage
level/efveOee&efjle Jeesušlee mlej hej Jeesušspe yeveeS jKesiee (c) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(b) Maintain frequency exactly at 50 Hz (d) Neither (a) nor (b)/ve lees (a) Deewj ve lees (b)
efyeukegâue 50 nš&pe hej DeeJe=efòe yeveeS jKeves keâer 386. Power transmission capacity of a high voltage
(c) Maintain a spinning reserve margin at all line can be increased by
times GÛÛe Jeesušspe ueeFve keâer Meefkeäle mebÛejCe #ecelee kesâ
nj meceÙe Skeâ mheeFefvebie efjpeJe& ceee\peve yeveeS jKevee ..............Éeje yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(d) Maintain synchronism between machines and (a) Increasing the resistance of the line
on external tie lines./ceMeerveeW Deewj yeenjer šeF-ueeFve ueeFve kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâes yeÌ{ekeâj
kesâ yeerÛe efmeb›eâesefvepce keâes yeveeS jKevee (b) Increasing the inductive reactance of the line
382. Transient disturbances are caused by ueeFve kesâ Øesjkeâ ØeefleIeele keâes yeÌ{ekeâj
#eefCekeâ yeeOee .............. kesâ keâejCe neslee nw~ (c) Reducing the effective series reactance of the
(a) Sudden load changes/DeÛeevekeâ Yeej heefjJele&ve line
(b) Switching operations/efmJeeEÛeie ØeÛeeueve ueeFve keâer ØeYeeefJele ßesCeer ØeefleIeele ØeYeeJe keâes keâce keâjkesâ
(c) Inadvertent tripping of lines and generators (d) Reducing the shunt admittance of the line
ueeFveeW Deewj pevejsšj kesâ DemeeJeOeeve efš^eEheie ueeFve kesâ heeMJe& ØeJesMÙelee keâes Iešekeâj
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer *387. An 800 kV transmission line is having per
383. Transient stability of a 3– phase power system phase line inductance of 1.1 mH/km and per
having more than one synchronous generator phase line capacitance of 11.68 nF/km.
is not affected by which one of the following Ignoring the length of the line, its ideal power
specifications? transfer capability in MW is
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 550 YCT
Skeâ 800 kV mebÛejCe ueeFve 1.1 mH/km Øeefle keâuee 392. The methods employed in improving the
ueeFve ØesjkeâlJe Deewj 11.68 nF/km Øeefle keâuee ueeFve system stability are
mebOeeefj$e nw~ ueeFve keâer uecyeeF& keâes DeveosKee keâjles ngS, ØeCeeueer keâer efmLejlee keâes yesnlej yeveeves ceW ØeÙegòeâ lejerkesâ nw–
MW ceW Fmekeâer DeeoMe& Meefkeäle #ecelee nw~ (a) Increasing the system voltage only
(a) 1,204 MW (b) 1,504 MW kes â Jeue ØeCeeueer efJeYeJe keâes yeÌ{ekeâj
(c) 2,085 MW (d) 2,606 MW (b) Reducing the transfer reactance only
388. The stability of the power system is not affected kesâJeue š^ebmeHeâj ØeefleIeele keâes Iešekeâj
by (c) Using high speed out reclosing circuit breaker
Meefkeäle ØeCeeueer keâer efmLejlee ......... kesâ Éeje ØeYeeefJele only/kesâJeue GÛÛe ieefle efveie&le efjkeäueesefpebie heefjheLe Yebpekeâ
veneR nesleer nw~ keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ
(a) Generator reactance/peefve$e ØeefleIeele (d) using all (a), (b) and (c) together
(b) Line reactance/ueeFve ØeefleIeele (a), (b) Deewj (c) meYeer keâes Skeâ meeLe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ
(c) Line losses/peefve$e kesâ neefveÙeeB 393. Stability of a power system can be improved by
(d) Excitation of generators/peefve$e kesâ Gòespeve Skeâ Meefkeäle ØeCeeueer keâer mLeeefÙelJe ceW ............. megOeej
389. A salient pole synchronous generator efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw–
connected to an infinite bus will deliver 1. Using series compensations.
maximum power at a power angle of ßesCeer #eeflehetjkeâ keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ
Skeâ Devevle yeme mes pegÌ[s Skeâ mecegVele OeÇgJe leguÙekeâeefuekeâ 2. Using parallel transmission lines
pevejsšj, ......... Meefkeäle keâesCe hej DeefOekeâlece Meefkeäle meceeveeblej mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ
efJeleefjle keâjsiee~ 3. Reducing voltage of transmission
(a) δ = 0 (b) δ = 90° mebÛejCe Jeesušlee keâes keâce keâjkesâ
(c) δ = 45 °
(d) δ = 46° Which of the above statement are correct?
390. A salient pole synchronous generator Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw?
delivering power to an infinite bus through a (a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 (b) 2 only /kesâJeue 2
reactive tie line reaches its steady state stability
(c) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3 (d) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
limit. What is the power angle of the generator
relative to the infinite bus voltage reference? *394. If a generator of 250 MVA rating has an inertia
efjSefkeäšJe šeF& ueeFve kesâ ceeOÙece mes Devevle yeme keâes constant of 6 MJ/ MVA, its inertia constant on
a 100 MVA base is
Meefòeâ Øeoeve keâjlee ngDee Skeâ mewefueSvš OeÇgJe leguÙekeâeueer Ùeefo 250 Sce.Jeer.S. (MVA) jsefšbie Jeeues pevejsšj ceW 6
peefve$e Deheves efmLej efmLeefle efmLejlee meercee hej heng@Ûelee nw~ MJ/MVA keâe peÌ[lJe efmLejebkeâ nw, lees 100 MVA
Devevle yeme Jeesušlee efjHeâjsvme kesâ meehes#e peefve$e keâe DeeOeej Fmekeâe peÌ[lJe efmLejebkeâ nw–
Meefòeâ keâesCe keäÙee nw? (a) 15 MJ/MVA (b) 10.5 MJ/MVA
(a) Greater than 90 degrees/90 ef[«eer mes pÙeeoe (c) 6 MJ/MVA (d) 2.4 MJ/MVA
(b) Equal to 90 degrees /90 ef[«eer kesâ yejeyej *395. If the inertia constant H = 8 MJ/MVA for a 50
(c) Less than 90 degrees/90 ef[«eer mes keâce MVA generator, the stored energy is
(d) Zero/MetvÙe
Ùeef o Skeâ 50 MVA pevejsšj kesâ efueS peÌ[lJe efmLejebkeâ H
391. Which one of the following statements is true? = 8 MJ/MVA, nw lees meb«enerle Tpee& nw~
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw? (a) 50 MJ (b) 8 MJ
(c) 400 MJ (d) 6.25 MJ
(a) Steady state stability limit is greater than
396. A 90 MVA, 11kV water wheel generator has an
transient stability limit/efmLej efmLeefle efmLejlee meercee inertia constant H= 3. The stored energy in the
#eefCekeâ efmLejlee meercee mes DeefOekeâ nesleer nw rotor at synchronous speed is
(b) Steady state stability limit is equal to transient Skeâ 90 MVA, 11KV Jeešj Jnerue pevejsšj ceW Skeâ
stability limit/efmLej efmLeefle efmLejlee meercee, #eefCekeâ peÌ[lJe efmLejebkeâ H = 3, leguÙekeâeefuekeâ ieefle hej jesšj ceW
efmLejlee meercee kesâ yejeyej nesleer nw meb«enerle Tpee& nw–
(c) Steady state stability limit is less than the (a) 40 kJ (b) 270 kJ
transient stability limit/efmLej efmLeefle efmLejlee meercee, (c) 270 MJ (d) 40 MJ
#eefCekeâ efmLejlee meercee mes keâce nesleer nw 397. A 50 MVA, 11 kV, 3- phase generator has a
(d) No generalization can be made regarding the stored energy of 400 MJ. Its inertia constant is
equality or otherwise of the steady, state Skeâ 50 MVA, 11-KV, 3-Hesâpe pevejsšj ceW 400 MJ
stability limit and transient stability limit keâer Tpee& meb«enerle nw lees Fmekeâe peÌ[lJe efmLejebkeâ
meceevelee Ùee efmLej efmLeefle efmLejlee meercee Deewj #eefCekeâ ............. nw~
efmLejlee meercee kesâ mecyevOe ceW keâesF& meeceevÙeerkeâjCe venerb (a) 4 (b) 8
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ (c) 2 (d) 16

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 551 YCT

398. The stability of a system, when subjected to a 402. For what value of damping parameter the
disturbance is assessable by which of the transient stability is assured by equal area
following methods? criterion.
Skeâ ØeCeeueer keâer efmLejlee peye oes<e kesâ DeOeerve nes lees DeJecebefole hewjeceeršj kesâ efkeâme ceeve kesâ efueS, #eefCekeâ
efkeâme efJeefOe Éeje %eele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ efmLejlee keâes meceeve #es$e ceeveob[ Éeje DeeMJeemeve efoÙee
1. Swing curve/efmJebie Je›eâ peelee nw?
2. Equal area criterion/meeceeve #es$e ceeveob[ (a) Independent of systems damping
3. Power angle diagram/Meefkeäle keâesCe DeejsKe ØeCeeueer DeJecebove mes mJeleb$e
(b) If only damping is exactly zero
4. Power circle diagram/Meefkeäle -Je=òe DeejsKe
Ùeefo kesâJeue DeJecebokeâ MetvÙe nw~
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only/ kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 4 (c) For all values of damping parameters
(b) 1, 3 and 4 only/ kesâJeue 1, 3 Deewj 4 DeJecebokeâ ceeheob[es kesâ meYeer ceevees kesâ efueS
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only/ kesâJeue 2, 3 Deewj 4 (d) If only damping is positive and finite
(d) 1, 2 and 3 only/ kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 3 Ùeefo kesâJeue DeJecebokeâ Oeveelcekeâ Deewj efveefMÛele nw~
399. In a multi-machine interconnected system, 403. Critical clearing angle is related to
subsequent to a 3–phase fault, the transient ›eâebeflekeâ keäueerÙeefjbie keâesCe efkeâmemes mecyeefvOele nw?
stability is examined by (a) Stability study of power system
ceušer-ceMeerve hejmhej pegÌ[s ØeCeeueer ceW 3-Hesâpe kesâ oes<e kesâ Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer keâer efmLejlee DeOÙeÙeve mes
yeeo, #eefCekeâ efmLejlee keâer peeBÛe ............ kesâ Éeje keâer (b) Power flow study of power system
peeleer nw~ Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer keâe Meefòeâ ØeJeen DeOÙeÙeve mes
(a) Equal area criterion/meceeve #es$e ceeveob[ (c) Regulation of transmission line
(b) Solution of swing equation mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efJeefveÙeceve mes
efmJebie meceerkeâjCe keâe meceeOeeve (d) Power factor improvement of the system
(c) Either by equal area criterion or by solution ØeCeeueer kesâ MeefòeâiegCekeâ megOeej nsleg
of swing equation/Ùee lees meceeve #es$e ceeveob[ mes Ùee 404. For a fault in a power system the term clearing
efmJebie meceerkeâjCe meceeOeeve mes time is related to
(d) Combination of equal area criterion and
efkeâmeer Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer ceW oes<e kesâ efueS, keäueerÙeefjbie meceÙe
solution of swing equation/meceeve #es$e ceeveob[ ........... mes mecyeefvOele nselee nw~
Deewj efmJebie meceerkeâjCe kesâ meceeOeeve kesâ mebÙeesie mes (a) Reactive power limit/Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ keâer meercee
400. Equal area criterion is employed to determine (b) Transient stability limit/#eefCekeâ efmLejlee keâer meercee
meceeve #es$e ceeveob[ ............. efveOee&efjle keâjves kesâ efueS (c) Short circuit current limit
efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw~ ueIegheefjheLe Oeeje keâer meercee
(d) Steady state stability limit
(a) The steady state stability/mLeeÙeer DeJemLee efmLejlee efmLej DeJemLee efmLejlee meercee
(b) The transient stability/#eefCekeâ efmLejlee 405. In a power system, which of the following is/are
(c) The reactive power limit critical clearance time of a fault related to?
Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ meercee Skeâ Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer ceW, efvecve ceW mes keâewve meer Skeâ oes<e mes
(d) The rating of a circuit breaker mecyeefvOele ›eâeefvlekeâ meceeMeesOeve meceÙe nw?
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ keâer jsefšbie (1) Transient reactance/#eefCekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee
401. Equal area criteria in power system is used in
(2) Sub-transient reactance/Ghe-#eefCekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee
the context of
(3) Reactive power limit
Meefòeâ ØeCeeefueÙeeW ceW meceeve #es$e ceeveob[ ........... kesâ
Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Meefòeâ keâer meercee
meboYe& ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (4) Transient stability limit/#eefCekeâ efmLejlee keâer meercee
(a) Deciding maximum loading for a given
(a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 (b) 2 only/2 kesâJeue
excitation/ efoS ieS Gòespeve kesâ efueS DeefOekeâlece Yeej
(c) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4 (d) 4 only/4 kesâJeue
keâe efveOee&jCe keâjvee 406. For which one of the following type of motors,
(b) Stability of a machine connected to infinite is the equal area criterion for stability
bus bar/Deveble yeme-yeej mes peg[
Ì er ceMeerve keâer efmLejlee applicable?
(c) Stability of power system in which many efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Øekeâej keâer ceesšj kesâ efueS
machines are connected of infinite bus bar efmLejlee ØeÙegòeâ keâjves kesâ efueS meceeve #es$e ceeveob[ nw~
efJeÅegle ØeCeeefueÙeeW keâer efmLejlee efpemeceW keâF& ceMeerves Deveble (a) Three phase synchronous motor
yeme-yeej mes pegÌ[er nesleer nw~ leerve-keâuee leguÙekeâeefuekeâ ceesšj
(d) Load distribution between a single machine (b) three phase induction motor
and load drawn from infinite bus bar leerve-keâuee ØesjCe ceesšj
Skeâ ceMeerve Deewj Deveble yeme yeej mes efueÙes ieÙes Yeej kesâ (c) DC series motor/[er.meer. ëe=bKeuee ceesšj
yeerÛe Yeej efJelejCe (d) DC compound motor/[er.meer. kebâheeGb[ceesšj
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 552 YCT
407. The transient stability limit of a power system (a) Stability and fault level/efmLejlee Deewj oes<e mlej
can be appreciably increased by introducing (b) Fault level and voltage profile.
Skeâ Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer keâer #eefCekeâ efmLejlee keâer meercee keâes oes<e mlej Deewj Jeesušspe ØeesHeâeFue
ØeMebmeveerÙe ™he mes yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ (c) Voltage profile and stability
(a) Series inductance/ßesCeer ØesjkeâlJe Jeesušspe ØeesHeâeFue Deewj efmLejlee
(b) Shunt inductance/Mebš ØesjkeâlJe (d) Stability, fault level and voltage profile.
(c) Series capacitance/ßesCeer mebOeeefj$e efmLejlee, oes<e mlej Deewj Jeesušspe ØeesHeâeFue
(d) Shunt capacitance/Mebš mebOeeefj$e 412. Consider the following statements:
408. Consider the following statements. efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW–
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW :
Addition of lumped capacitances in parallel to
The transient stability of the power system
under unbalanced fault condition can be a loss-free transmission line increases
effectively improved by neefve-cegkeäle mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ meeceevlej iegÛÚs Jeeueer
Demeblegefuele oes<e efmLeefle kesâ lenle ØeCeeueer keâer #eefCekeâ Oeeefjlee keâes peesÌ[ves mes yeÌ{ peelee nw
efmLejlee ............kesâ Éeje ØeYeeJeer {bie mes megOeejer pee 1. Characteristicimpedance
mekeâleer nw~ DeefYeue#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee
1. Excitation control/Gòespevee efveÙeb$eCe 2. Propagation constant/Øemeej efmLele efveÙeleebkeâ
2. Phase shifting transformer 3. System stability/ØeCeeueer efmLejlee
keâuee mLeeveeblejCe heefjCeeefce$e 4. Charging current/DeeJesefMele Oeeje
3. Single-pole switching of circuit breakers
heefjheLe-efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ Skeâue-heesue efmJeefÛebie Which of these statements are correct?
4. Increase the turbine input
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw?
šjyeeFve Fvehegš keâes yeÌ{ekeâj (a) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3
Of these statements (b) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4
Fve keâLeveeW ceW- (c) 2, 3 and 4/2, 3 Deewj 4
(a) 1 and 2 are correct/Skeâ Deewj oes mener nw~ (d) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2 Deewj 4
(b) 2 and 3 are correct/oes Deewj leerve mener nw~ 413. What will happen if a short circuit fault occurs
(c) 3 and 4 are correct/leerve Deewj Ûeej mener nw~ in a switched capacitor controlled reactor?
(d) 1 and 3 are correct/Skeâ Deewj leerve mener nw~ Ùeefo efmJeÛe efkeâS ieÙes mebOeeefj$e efveÙebef$ele efjSkeäšj ceW ueIeg
409. In ac distribution system the voltage can be heefjheLe oes<e neslee nw lees ............. nesiee~
controlled by using (a) Oscillation/oesueve
Skeâ AC efJelejCe ØeCeeueer ceW ............. keâe GheÙeesie (b) Capacitor discharge/mebOeeefj$e ef[mÛeepe&
keâjkesâ Jeesušspe efveÙebef$ele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ (c) Over voltage/Deefle Jeesušspe
(a) Tap changing transformer/šwhe Ûesefpebie š^ebmeHeâece&j (d) Noise/Meesj
(b) booster transformer/yetmšj heefjCeeefce$e 414. An AC capacitor is to be switched in parallel
(c) Induction regulator/ØesjCe jsieguesšj with AC line using back to back connected
(d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer thyristor. What is the firing angle of thyristor
410. For voltage control in ac distribution system for first switching?
the induction regulation have the advantage(s) Skeâ AC mebOeeefj$e keâes AC ueeFve kesâ meceeveevlej yewkeâ-
of št-yewkeâ keâveskeäšs[ LeeÙeefjmšj keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ efmJeÛe
AC efJelejCe ØeCeeueer ceW Jeesušspe efveÙeb$eCe kesâ efueS
efkeâÙee peevee nw~ henues efmJeeEÛeie kesâ efueS LeeÙeefjmšj keâe
FC[keäMeve jsieguesšj keâe ueeYe neslee nw–
HeâeÙeeEjie keâesCe keäÙee nw?
(a) Reliability of operation/ØeÛeeueve keâer efJeMJemeveerÙelee
(a) 0° (b) 180°
(b) Operation independent of load and power °
(c) 90 (d) 45°
factor variations
uees[ Deewj Meefkeäle iegCekeâ efJeefJeOeleeDeeW mes mJeleb$e ØeÛeeueve 415. In between the generating station (power
house) and consumers a number of
(c) Step less voltage variations without arcing or transformation switching station exist, these
short circuiting or turns as in the case of
are called the
heefjCeeefce$e kesâ ceeceues ceW efyevee Deee\keâie DeLeJee ueIeg pevejseEšie mšsMeve (heeJej neGme) Deewj GheYeesòeâeDeeW kesâ
heefjheLe DeLeJee Jele&ve kesâ ÛejCejefnle Jeesušlee heefjJele&ve yeerÛe keâF& heefjJele&ve efmJeeEÛeie mšsMeve ceewpeto nesles nQ, FvnW
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer keâne peelee nw–
411. Shunt compensation in an EHV line is used to (a) Switchgears/efmJeÛe efieÙej
improve (b) Substation/meyemšsMeve
EHV ueeFve ceW Mebš keâchesveMesmeve keâe ØeÙeesie ....... kesâ (c) Intermediate substations/ceOÙeJeleea meyemšsMeve
efueS neslee nw~ (d) Transformation station/heefjJele&ve mšsMeve

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 553 YCT

416. The transient phenomenon lasts in a power *421. In an n-bus power system, considering n-nodes
system for a period ranging from network, the size of Ybus is
Skeâ Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer ceW #eefCekeâ Iešvee Skeâ meceÙe meercee Skeâ n yeme hee@Jej efmemšce ceW, n- vees[ vesšJeke&â ceevee
..............kesâ efueÙes neslee nw~ peeS, Ybus keâe Deekeâej nesiee
(a) Few ms to 1s/kegâÚ ms mes 1 s (a) (n–1)×(n–1) (b) (n+1) × (n+1)
(c) n×n (d) 2n×2n
(b) 1 s to 2 s/1 s mes 2 s
422. Which type of Bus Bar system is being depicted
(c) 2 s to 3 s/2 s mes 3 s in the given figure?
(d) Greater than 3 s/3 s mes DeefOekeâ efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW efkeâme Øekeâej keâe yeme yeej efmemšce
*417. A 50 Hz. 3- phase synchronous generator has oMee&Ùee pee jne nw?
inductance per phase of 15 mH. the capacitance
of generator and circuit breaker is 0.002 µF.
What is its natural frequency of oscillation
Skeâ 50 Hz, 3-keâueerÙe leguÙekeâeefuekeâ peefve$e 15mH Øeefle
keâuee keâe ØesjkeâlJe jKelee nw~ peefve$e Deewj heefjheLe
efJeÙeespekeâ keâer Oeeefjlee 0.002 µF nw~ Fmekesâ oesueve keâer
Øeeke=âeflekeâ DeeJe=efòe keäÙee nw?
(a) 29 kHz (b) 2.9 kHz
(c) 290 kHz (d) 29 MHz (a) Cannot be determined/leÙe veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee
418. Match the items in List I to items in List-II and (b) Duplicate Bus-Bar System
select the correct answer from the codes given [ghueerkesâš yeme-yeej efmemšce
below the lists
(c) Single Bus-Bar System with Sectionalization
Items Application meskeäMeveueeFpesMeve meefnle efmebieue yeme-yeej efmemšce
A Surge arrester P. Reduction of (d) Single Bus-Bar System/efmebieue yeme-yeej efmemšce
. charging current 423. The bus admittance matrix of a power system
B. Circuit breaker Q. Over Voltage (with respect to diagonal), has :
protection hee@Jej efmemšce keâe yeme S[efcešsvme cewefš^keäme (efJekeâCe& kesâ
C. Series capacitor R. Increase of power mecyevOe ceW) nw–
transfer (a) only value symmetry/kesâJeue ceeve mece™helee
D Shunt reactor S. Over current (b) both position and value symmetry
. protection.
efmLeefle leLee mece™helee ceeve oesveeW
(c) only position symmetry/kesâJeue efmLeefle mece™helee
Codes: (d) complete asymmetry/hetCe& efJe<ecelee
(a) A–P, B–Q, C–R, D–S 424. Which of the following buses are used to form
(b) A–Q, B–S, C–R, D–P bus admittance matrix for load flow analysis?
(c) A–R, B–P, C–Q, D–S Yeej ØeJeen efJeMues<eCe kesâ efueS yeme ØeJesMÙelee cewefš^keäme
(d) A–S, B–R, C–Q, D–P yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes keâewve mes yeme ØeÙegòeâ efkeâS
419. The steady state stability of the power system peeles nQ?
can be increased by:
1. Load bus/ Yeej yeme
efJeÅegle ØeCeeueer keâer efmLej DeJemLee efmLejlee ceW Je=efæ keâer
2. Generator bus/ peefve$e yeme
pee mekeâleer nw–
3. Slack bus muewkeâ/ yeme
(a) Connecting lines in parallel
ueeFveeW keâes meceeveeblej ceW pees[Ì ves mes (a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(b) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
(b) Connecting lines in series
ßesCeer ceW ueeFveeW keâes peesÌ[ves (c) 2 and 3 only /kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
(c) Using machines of high impedance
425. Stability and transient response can be best
GÛÛe ØeefleyeeOee keâer ceMeerveeW keâe GheÙeesie keâjves determined by which of the following
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR techniques?
420. For cost and safety, the outdoor substations are efvecve ceW mes keâewve-meer efmLejlee Deewj #eefCekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee
installed for voltages above: keâe efveOee&jCe keâjves kesâ efueS meyemes DeÛÚe lejerkeâe nw?
ueeiele Deewj megj#ee kesâ efueS yeenjer meyemšsMeve..........mes (a) Root locus/™š ueeskeâme
Thej Jeesušspe kesâ efueS mLeeefhele nw– (b) Time response analysis/meceÙe Øeefleef›eâÙee efJeMues<eCe
(a) 11kV (b) 33kV (c) Bode plot/yees[ hueeš
(c) 60kV (d) 110kV (d) Nyquist plot/veerkeäJeermš hueeš

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 554 YCT

ANSWER : Electrical Switchgear and Protection
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b)
8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (b) 11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (b)
15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (a) 21. (d)
22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (d) 28. (c)
29. (c) 30. (c) 31. (b) 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (b)
36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (d) 40. (a) 41. (a) 42. (c)
43. (a) 44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (d) 48. (b) 49. (d)
50. (c) 51. (c) 52. (d) 53. (b) 54. (c) 55. (a) 56. (c)
57. (b) 58. (b) 59. (c) 60. (d) 61. (b) 62. (a) 63. (b)
64. (d) 65. (d) 66. (b) 67. (a) 68. (c) 69. (c) 70. (b)
71. (d) 72. (a) 73. (c) 74. (c) 75. (b) 76. (c) 77. (b)
78. (d) 79. (c) 80. (c) 81. (d) 82. (c) 83. (d) 84. (b)
85. (d) 86. (d) 87. (c) 88. (d) 89. (b) 90. (a) 91. (a)
92. (b) 93. (c) 94. (c) 95. (c) 96. (a) 97. (b) 98.(a)
99. (a) 100. (c) 101. (c) 102. (b) 103. (a) 104. (a) 105. (a)
106.(b) 107. (a) 108. (d) 109. (b) 110. (a) 111. (a) 112. (b)
113. (c) 114. (c) 115. (d) 116. (d) 117. (a) 118. (a) 119. (d)
120. (a) 121. (b) 122. (d) 123. (d) 124. (d) 125. (c) 126. (b)
127. (d) 128. (b) 129. (d) 130. (b) 131. (c) 132. (c) 133. (d)
134. (b) 135. (d) 136. (b) 137. (c) 138. (c) 139. (b) 140. (b)
141. (b) 142. (b) 143. (a) 144. (b) 145. (c) 146. (d) 147. (c)
148. (a) 149. (d) 150. (d) 151. (a) 152. (d) 153. (d) 154. (c)
155. (c) 156. (b) 157. (a) 158. (c) 159. (c) 160. (c) 161. (c)
162. (d) 163. (d) 164. (d) 165. (c) 166. (d) 167. (a) 168. (c)
169. (b) 170. (a) 171. (b) 172. (a) 173. (d) 174. (c) 175. (a)
176. (d) 177. (c) 178. (c) 179. (a) 180. (b) 181. (c) 182. (d)
183. (d) 184. (a) 185. (b) 186. (d) 187. (a) 188. (b) 189. (a)
190. (b) 191. (d) 192. (c) 193. (b) 194. (b) 195. (a) 196. (c)
197. (b) 198. (d) 199. (c) 200. (a) 201. (a) 202. (d) 203. (a)
204. (c) 205. (b) 206. (a) 207. (a) 208. (b) 209. (a) 210. (d)
211. (d) 212. (c) 213. (a) 214. (a) 215. (a) 216. (c) 217. (a)
218. (d) 219. (b) 220. (c) 221. (a) 222. (d) 223. (a) 224. (c)
225. (a) 26. (c) 227. (d) 228. (c) 229. (c) 230. (a) 231. (c)
232. (a) 33. (c) 234. (b) 235.(d) 236. (b) 237. (a) 238. (b)
239. (a) 40. (a) 241. (c) 242. (c) 243. (c) 244. (a) 245. (b)
246. (c) 47. (b) 248. (b) 249. (c) 250. (c) 251. (d) 252. (d)
253. (b) 54. (c) 255. (a) 256. (a) 257. (d) 258. (a) 259. (b)
260. (a) 61. (d) 262. (c) 263. (d) 264. (a) 265. (d) 266. (a)
267. (b) 68. (b) 269. (a) 270. (c) 271. (c) 272. (b) 273. (b)
274. (a) 275. (d) 276. (d) 277. (a) 278. (c) 279. (b) 280. (c)
281. (c) 282. (b) 283. (c) 284. (d) 285. (d) 286. (b) 287. (d)
288. (a) 289. (a) 290. (a) 291. (c) 292. (c) 293 (b) 294. (d)
295. (d) 296. (c) 297. (d) 298. (d) 299. (b) 300. (c) 301. (a)
302. (a) 303. (c) 304. (c) 305. (b) 306. (a) 307. (d) 308. (d)
309. (c) 310. (a) 311. (c) 312. (d) 313. (d) 314. (c) 315. (a)
316. (a) 317. (a) 318. (a) 319. (b) 320. (a) 321. (a) 322. (d)
323. (b) 324. (d) 325. (c) 326. (c) 327. (d) 328. (d) 329. (d)
330. (d) 331. (b) 332. (a) 333. (c) 334. (d) 335. (c) 336. (d)
337. (b) 338. (b) 339. (b) 340. (c) 341. (c) 342. (b) 343. (d)
344. (d) 345. (d) 346. (b) 347. (c) 348. (a) 349. (d) 350. (d)
351. (d) 352. (d) 353. (d) 354. (a) 355. (b) 356. (b) 357. (b)
358. (d) 359. (d) 360. (b) 361. (a) 362. (b) 363. (b) 364. (c)
365. (d) 366. (d) 367. (b) 368. (a) 369. (c) 370. (b) 371. (a)
372. (a) 373. (a) 374. (a) 375. (c) 376. (c) 377. (c) 378. (d)
379. (d) 380. (a) 381. (d) 382. (d) 383. (d) 384. (b) 385. (c)
386. (c) 387. (c) 388. (c) 389. (b) 390. (c) 391. (a) 392. (d)
393. (d) 394. (a) 395. (c) 396. (c) 397. (b) 398. (d) 399. (b)
400. (b) 401. (b) 402. (b) 403. (a) 404. (b) 405. (d) 406. (a)
407. (c) 408. (d) 409. (d) 410. (d) 411. (b) 412. (c) 413. (a)
414. (c) 415. (b) 416. (a) 417. (a) 418. (b) 419. (a) 420. (b)
421. (c) 422. (c) 423. (b) 424. (d) 425. (a)
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 555 YCT
4. (b) So,
Fault level at the bus  5 
3 × 33 × 103 × IL = 3 × 11× 103 ×  300 × 
(MVA)Base 100  500 
(MVA)SC = = = 500 MVA
Zpu G + Zpu T 0.1 + 0.1 IL=1 Amp
5. (d) 1
Iph= IL/ 3 = Amp. (Iph = i1)
Four identical alternators are operating in parallel. then 3
20 27. (d)
Equivalent % reactance = = 5%
In transmission line
(MVA)SC = × 100 Positive sequence reactance X1 = XS – Xm
%X eq
= 0.4 – 0.1 = 0.3 Ω/km
(MVA)SC = ×100 Zero sequence reactance X0 = XS + 2Xm
= 0.4 + 2 × 0.1 = 0.6 Ω/km
(MVA)SC = 100 MVA
30. (c)
14. (b) Short circuit current
In L.G. fault all the three sequence current are present 100
= I rated ×
and are equal to each other. % age Z
Ia 100
Ia 0 = = = 33.33Amp. Srated 10 × 1000
3 3 Rated current = = = 25A
Vrated 400
22. (c)
In 1-φ to ground fault zero sequence current, ISC = 25 × = 250 A
Ia 0 = J 2.4 pu 31. (b)
then fault current If = 3Ia 0 Short circuit KVA,
(KVA) rated
= J 7.2 pu (KVA)SC = × 100
% impedance
23. (a)
500 × 100
Zero-sequence current =
I R 0 = IY0 = I B0
= 5000 KVA
= [ IR + I Y + I B ] 32. (a)
Positive sequence current
=  (3 + ˆj5) + (2 + ˆj2) + (−2 − ˆj1)  Ea 1
3  Ia1 = =
(Z1 + Z2 + Z3 ) 0.12
( )
= 1 + ˆj2 Amp 2 2 2
∵ Two generators with same pu sequence impedance
26. (a)
as conneted in parallel
i2=0 Amp
1 1
entire current flows through fault, and primary kVA= = = = 7.9365 pu
0.06 + 0.048 + 0.018 0.126
secondry kVA

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 556 YCT

33. (a)
Fault current in case of LG fault is given as–
If = I a = 3Ia1 =
Z1 + Z2 + Z0 + 3Z F

3 × 1 ∠0 0
j(0.25 + 0.25 + 0.15 + 3 × 0.05)

= = − j3.75pu = 3.75 pu

51. (c)
efveOee&efjle Oeeje = = 25A
Dele: Ia1 =
400 Z1 + Z2 + Z0
Base impedance = = 16Ω
60. (d)
Actual Impedance We know that,
Per unit Impedance =
Base Impedance
MVA(new) (kV) 2 old
Zpu (new) = Zpu (old) ×
actualimpedance MVA(old) (kV) 2 new
0.10 =
50 33 × 33
= 0.9 × × = 18 × 0.9
actual impedance = 1.6Ω 25 11× 11
400 Zpu (new) = 16.2
Steady State Short Circuit current =
61. (b)
= 250A
We know that,
53. (b)
Zpu = (Z) actual ×
IX (kVb ) 2
ØeefleMele ØeefleIeele = ×100
Zpu = 4 × =4
55. (a) (10) 2
Demeblegefuele ØeCeeueer kesâ MetvÙe Deveg›eâce Ieškeâ Gvekesâ meefoMeerÙe Ùeesie keâe Zpu = 4 pu
Skeâ efleneF& neslee nw~ 66. (b)
KVBHV = KVBLV × K ( K → Transformation Ratio )
Vo =
(VA + VB + V C )
= 11× = 220 KV
veesš- MetvÙe Hesâpe Deveg›eâce Yet-oes<e keâes {tÌ{leer (Sense) nw~ 11

56. (c) 115. (d)

Fusing current efvecve ÛeerpeeW hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw–
Deušjvesšj ceW Hesâpe ØeeflejesOe · R
(1) Diameter of fuse wire
oes<e keâjbš · IR1
(2) Number of wire
vÙetš^ue keâjbš · IN (3) Length of fuse wire

lees IR1 = Ea/z1+z2+ z0 Deewj IN = 3Ia0 I = Kd3 / 2

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 557 YCT

145. (c) 249. (c)
Symmetrical breaking current Primary current (phase value)
MVA Ip=0.2×5=1 Amp
3 × line voltage in kV rated
Line to line current = 3 × 1 = 3 Amp
= = 35 kA = 1.732 A
3 × 33
299. (b)
146. (d)
Fault current in relay coil
Making current = 2.55 × Breaking current PSM =
current setting × C.T ratio × C.T secondary
= 2.55 × 2400 2400 6
3 × 33 = = = =4
 400  400 1.5
= 89 kA  1.5 × 5 × 
 5 
147. (c)
300. (c)
The condition of damp out the oscillation is
Fault current in relay coil
Given as. PSM =
current setting × CT secondary × C.T ratio
1 L 1 25 × 10−3
R= = = 500 Ω 2000
2 C 2 0.025 ×10−6 = = 10
150. (d) 0.5 × 5 ×
The voltageAcross the breaker contacts
387. (c)
V 2 ( 800 × 1000 )
C P= =
Z0 306.88
V = 10
0.01× 10−6 = 2085 × 106 W or 2085 MW

V = 100 k Volt 394. (a)

H old × Sold 6 × 250
151. (a) Hnew = = = 15 MJ/MVA
Sb 100
Maximum value of restriking voltage
= 2 × Vm (phase voltage) 395. (c)

17.32 K.E stored

= 2× × 2 Inertia constant (H) = MJ / MVA
Rating of machine
= 28.28 kV K.E Stored = H × Rating of machine = 8 × 50 = 400 MJ

242. (c) 417. (a)

Ùeefo meefke&âš yeÇskeâj kesâ mecheke&â ceW ØeeflejesOe keâer JewuÙet R ≤ (1/2)√L/C Natural frequency of oscillation
nesslee nw lees keâesF& #eefCekeâ Dee@efmeuesMeve veneR neslee nw~ 1 1 1
f= =
2π LC 2π 15 × 10−3 × 0.002 × 10−6

= 29000 Hz

f = 29 KHz

421. (c)
Ybus = n × n,
Skeâ n yeme hee@Jej efmemšce ceW n-vees[ vesšJeke&â ceevee peeÙes lees Ybus keâe
Deekeâej n × n nesiee~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 558 YCT
6. We do not require any protection against
1. JewÅegle ceMeerveeW keâe j#eCe prime mover failure in case of
(Protection of Electrical ............ kesâ ceeceues ceW ØeeFce-cetJej kesâ Kejeye nesves hej

Machines) nceW efkeâmeer megj#ee keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nesleer nw~

(a) Turbo generator sets/šyeex-pevejsšj mesš
1. Large internal faults are protected by: (b) Transient reactance/#eefCekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee
yeÌ[s Deebleefjkeâ oes<eeW keâes mebjef#ele efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(c) Synchronous reactance/leguÙekeâeefuekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee
(a) Merz price percentage differential protection
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
cepe& ØeeFpe ØeefleMele ef[øeWâefMeÙeue mebj#eCe
7. For the protection of stator winding of an
(b) Mho and ohm relays/cnes Deewj Deesÿe efjues
alternator against internal fault involving
(c) Horn gaps and temperature relays
ground, the relay used is a
ne@ve& Deblejeue Deewj leeheceeve efjues
Yet mes pegÌ[s Deevleefjkeâ oes<e kesâ efJe™æ Skeâ ØelÙeeJele&keâ kesâ
(d) Earth fault and positive sequence relays
Yet oes<e Deewj Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce efjues mšsšj kegâC[ueer kesâ mebj#eCe kesâ efueS, GheÙeesie keâer peeves
2. Merz-Price protection is employed for Jeeueer efjues nw–
protection of (a) Biased differential relay/DeefYevele efJeYesokeâ efjues
...............kesâ mebj#eCe kesâ efueS
cepe&-ØeeFpe mebj#eCe
(b) Directional over current relay/efoMeelcekeâ Deefle
ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Oeeje efjues
(a) Alternators/ØelÙeeJele&keâ
(b) Transformers/heefjCeeefce$e (c) Plain impedance relay/huesve ØeefleyeeOee efjues
(c) Transmission line/mebÛejCe ueeFve (d) Buchholz relay/yegKeesupe efjues
(d) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW 8. The bias factor 'S' in unit protection
3. For a fault at the terminals of synchronous synchronous generators
generator, the fault current is maximum for a FkeâeF& megj#ee leguÙekeâeefuekeâ pevejsšj ceW DeefYevele keâejkeâ
leguÙekeâeueer peefve$e kesâ šefce&veue hej oes<e Deeves hej oes<e `S' nw–
Oeeje ......... kesâ efueS DeefOekeâlece nesieer~ (a) Lies between 0.05 and 0.1 pu
(a) 3-Phase fault/ef$ekeâuee oes<e 0.05 Deewj 0.1 pu kesâ yeerÛe efmLele neslee
(b) 3-phase to ground fault/ef$ekeâuee mes Yet-oes<e (b) Is less than 0.05 pu/0.05 pu mes keâce
(c) Line-to-ground fault/ueeFve mes Yet-oes<e (c) Lies between 0.1 to 0.25 pu
(d) Line-to-line fault/ueeFve mes ueeFve oes<e 0.1 Deewj 0.25 pu kesâ yeerÛe efmLele neslee
4. A negative sequence relay is commonly used to
(d) Is greater than 0.025 pu/0.025 pu mes DeefOekeâ
Skeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce efjues keâe GheÙeesie Deeceleewj 9. Field failure in an alternator occurs due to
hej.............megj#ee kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Skeâ ØelÙeeJele&keâ ceW #es$e efJeHeâuelee..............kesâ keâejCe
(a) An alternator/Skeâ ØelÙeeJele&keâ nesleer nw~
(b) A transformer/Skeâ heefjCeeefce$e (a) Failure of exciter/Gòespekeâ keâer efJeHeâuelee
(c) A transmission line/Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve (b) Faulty field circuit breaker
(d) A bus bar/Skeâ yeme-yeej oes<ehetCe& #es$e heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
5. The short-circuit current of an alternator, in
(c) Inrush of large currents/Deefle OeejeDeeW keâe FvejMe
case of line to line fault, depends on its.
ueeFve mes ueeFve oes<e kesâ ceeceues ceW Skeâ ØelÙeeJele&keâ keâer (d) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
ueIeg-heefjheLe Oeeje Deheves.............. hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~ *10. An alternator having an induced emf of 1.6 pu
(a) Short circuit resistance/ueIeg-heefjheLe ØeeflejesOe is connected to an infinie bus of 1.0 pu. If the
(b) Transient reactance/#eefCekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee bus bar has reactance of 0.6 pu and alternator
(c) Synchronous reactance/leguÙekeâeefuekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee has reactance of 0.2 pu, what is the maximum
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR power that can be transferred?

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 559 YCT

Skeâ ØelÙeeJele&keâ efpemeces GlheVe emf 1.6 pu nw, pees 1.0 pevejsšj kesâ mšsšj kegâC[ueer hej efJeÅegle jesOeve keâer
pu kesâ Devevle yeme yeej mes pegÌ[e nw~ Ùeefo yeme yeej keâe efJeHeâuelee heefjCeece keâjlee nw–
ØeefleIeele 0.6 pu nw, leLee ØelÙeeJele&keâ keâe ØeefleIeele 0.2 (a) Short circuit between turns
pu nw, lees mLeeveevleefjle DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ keäÙee nes šve& kesâ yeerÛe ueIeg heefjheLe
mekeâleer nw? (b) Short circuit between phases
(a) 2 pu (b) 2.67 pu
keâueeDeeW kesâ yeerÛe ueIeg heefjheLe
(c) 5 pu (d) 6 pu (c) Short circuit between one or more phases and
11. If there is an open circuit in the field circuit of earth
a generator Skeâ Ùee DeefOekeâ keâueeDeeW Deewj Yet kesâ yeerÛe ueIeg heefjheLe
Ùeefo efkeâmeer pevejsšj kesâ #es$e heefjheLe ceW Keguee heefjheLe nw, (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
lees– 15. A large-size alternator is protected against
(a) The generator will continue to operate as an overloads by providing
induction generator supplying load at a very Skeâ yeÌ[s Deekeâej kesâ ØelÙeeJele&keâ ceW DeesJejuees[ kesâ
low leading power factor/pevejsšj yengle keâce efKeueeheâ megj#ee kesâ efueS Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~
De«eieeceer Meefkeäle iegCekeâ hej Yeej keâer Deehetefle& keâjves Jeeues (a) over current relays./DeefleOeeje efjues
ØesjCe pevejsšj kesâ ™he ceW keâece keâjlee jnsiee~ (b) temperature sensitive relays./leeheceeve mebJesoveMeerue
(b) The supply voltage will drop and the system efjues
stability will be affected/Deehetefle& Jeesušspe efiej
(c) thermal relays/T<ceerÙe efjues
peeSieer, Deewj ØeCeeueer efmLejlee ØeYeeefJele nesieer~
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) The circulating current at slip frequency may
16. Merz-Price protection is used for:
overheat the generator/efmuehe DeeJe=efòe hej heefjmebÛeejer
Oeeje pevejsšj keâes Deefle iece& keâj mekeâleer nw~ cepe&-cetuÙe megj#ee keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer (a) Alternators/ØelÙeeJele&keâeW
12. A soon as a fault develops in a generator (b) Short transmission lines/Úesšer mebÛejCe ueeFve
stator, it is essential to suppress field excitation, (c) Long transmission lines/uecyeer mebÛejCe ueeFve
otherwise (d) Air cooled transformers/JeeÙeg Meerleefuele heefjCeeefce$e
pewmes ner pevejsšj mšsšj ceW Skeâ oes<e efJekeâefmele neslee nw, 17. A……is used to measure the stator winidng
lees #es$e Gòespevee keâes oyeevee DeeJeMÙekeâ nes peelee nw, temperature of the generator:
DevÙeLee– pevejsšj kesâ mšsšj JeeFbef[bie leeheceeve keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS
(a) Terminal voltage will drop/šefce&veue Jeesušspe keâce Skeâ ......... keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw–
nes peeSiee (a) Thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue
(b) It may lead to loss of synchronism/Ùen (b) Pyrometer/heeÙejesceeršj
leguÙekeâeueve kesâ neefve keâe vesle=lJe keâj mekeâlee nw (c) Resistance thermometer/ØeeflejesOe Leceexceeršj
(c) It will continue to supply power to the stator
(d) Thermometer/Leceexceeršj
winding fault/Ùen mšsšj kegâC[ueer oes<e keâes efJeÅegle keâer
18. For which of the following protection from
Deehetefle& ueieeleej keâjlee jnsiee~
negative sequence current is provided?
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
efvecve ceW efkeâmekeâes $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Oeeje mes megj#ee
13. The earth fault in stator causes
mšsšj ceW Yet oes<e........... keâe keâjCe neslee
nw~ Øeoeve keâer peeleer nw~
(a) Arcing to core/keâesj kesâ efueS DeeefkeËâie (a) Generators/pevejsšj
(b) Severe heating in conductors and thereby (b) Motors/ceesšme&
damaging the insulation/ÛeeuekeâeW ceW iebYeerj nerefšbie (c) Transmission line/mebÛejCe ueeFve
Deewj efpememes efJeÅegle jesOeve keâes vegkeâmeeve hengBÛes~ (d) Transformer/š^ebmeheâece&j
(c) Open circuit in the stator/mšsšj ceW Keguee heefjheLe 19. The schematic arrangement given is of
(d) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW protection of alternator against:
14. Failure of insulation on stator winding of efoS ieS Ùeespeveeyeæ JÙeJemLee mes Deušjvesšj keâes efkeâmemes
generator results in yeÛeeves kesâ efueS megj#ee Øeoeve keâer peeleer nQ~

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 560 YCT

24. Buchholz relay is used for the protection of
yegKeesupe efjues keâe GheÙeesie............keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS
efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) switch yard/efmJeÛe Ùee[&
(b) transformers/š^evmeheâece&j
(c) alternators/ØelÙeeJele&keâ
(d) transmission lines/mebÛejCe ueeFve
25. Any winding of a power transformer develops
short circuit owing to
Meefkeäle heefjCeeefce$e keâer keâesF& Yeer kegâC[ueer ............ kesâ
(a) insulation failure of stator windings keâejCe ueIeg-heefjheLe efJekeâefmele keâjleer nw~
mšsšj JeeFeEv[ie keâer FvmeguesMeve efJeHeâuelee (a) Loose connection/{eruee mebÙeespeve
(b) earth fault/Yet-oes<e (b) Insulation failure/efJeÅeglejesOeve efJeHeâuelee
(c) unbalanced loading/Demevlegefuele Yeej (c) Impulse voltage/Fcheume Jeesušspe
(d) turn-to-turn fault in any single stator winding (d) Mechanical vibrations/Ùeebef$ekeâ kebâheve
efkeâmeer Skeâue mšsšj JeeFeEv[ie ceW šve& mes šve& oes<e 26. Which one of the following relays has the
20. Buchholz relay cannot be used on: capability of anticipating the possible major
fault in a transformer?
yegKeesupe efjues keâe GheÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee– efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme efjues ceW Skeâ heefjCeeefce$e ceW
(a) Three phase transformers/ef$ekeâuee heefjCeeefce$e mebYeeefJele yeÌ[s oes<e keâer mecYeeJevee nw?
(b) Air cooled transformers/JeeÙeg ØeMeerlekeâ heefjCeeefce$e (a) Over current relay/Deefle Oeeje efjues
(c) 500kV transformers/500 kV heefjCeeefce$e (b) Differential relay/efJeYesokeâ efjues
(d) 1000kV transformers/1000kV heefjCeeefce$e (c) Buchholz relay/yegKeesupe efjues
21. Buchholz's relay is: (d) Over fluxing relay/Deefle Heäueefkeäbmeie efjues
yegKeesupe efjues neslee nw– 27. Which relay is used to detect and protect
internal faults of a transformer?
(a) Installed inside the breaker
efkeâmeer heefjCeeefce$e kesâ Deebleefjkeâ oes<eeW keâe helee ueieeves
efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ Devoj mLeeefhele
Deewj Gvekeâer megj#ee kesâ efueS efkeâme efjues keâe GheÙeesie
(b) Located on the top of conservator
efkeâÙee peelee nw?
tank/mebj#ekeâ šQkeâ kesâ Meer<e& hej efmLele
(a) Buchholz/yegKeesupe
(c) Connected in the pipe connecting main tank
(b) Directional relay/efoMeelcekeâ efjues
of transformer and conservator/heefjCeeefce$e Deewj
(c) Thermal relay/leeheerÙe efjues
mebj#ekeâ kesâ cegKÙe šQkeâ keâes peesÌ[ves Jeeueer heeFhe ceW pegÌ[e
(d) Distance relay/otjer efjues
ngDee 28. A three phase transformer having zero
(d) Part of circuit breaker installed near the sequence impedance of Z0 has the zero-
transformer/heefjCeeefce$e kesâ heeme mLeeefhele heefjheLe sequence network as shown in the figure. The
efJeÙeespekeâ keâe efnmmee connections of its windings are
22. Buchholz relays are used for transformers of Skeâ leerve-keâuee heefjCeeefce$e efpemeceW MetvÙe-Deveg›eâce
rating above ØeefleyeeOee Z0 nw, ceW MetvÙe-Deveg›eâce vesšJeke&â nw pewmee efkeâ
š^ebmeheâece&j ceW yegKeesupe efjues keâe ØeÙeesie...............mes Thej efÛe$e ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw~ Fmekesâ kegâC[ueer kesâ mebÙeespeve nw~
jsefšbie kesâ efueS neslee nw~
(a) 100 kVA (b) 200 kVA
(c) 500 kVA (d) 1000 kVA
23. The Buchholz relay protects a transformer
yegKeesupe efjues heefjCeeefce$e keâes ............. mes yeÛeelee nw~ (a) Star-Star/mšej-mšej
(a) Types of internal faults/Deevleefjkeâ oes<e kesâ Øekeâej~ (b) Delta-Delta/[suše-[suše
(b) A turn to turn fault/šve& št šve& oes<e~ (c) Star-Delta/mšej-[suše
(c) Winding to winding fault/kegâC[ueve mes kegâC[ueve (d) Delta-star with neutral grounded
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR~ Goemeerve Yet kesâ meeLe [suše-mšej
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 561 YCT
29. To protect the power transformer (Y-Y with (a) large transformer primary only when the
neutral grounded) against fault, what type of transformer is switched on/kesâJeue yeÌ[s š^ebmeHeâece&j
connection do the CTs have? ceW peye š^ebmeHeâece&j keâer ØeeFcejer Ûeeuet nes
Meefkeäle heefjCeeefce$e (Goemeerve Yetefceiele kesâ meeLe Y-Y) (b) Large transformer primary when a 3–phase
keâes oes<e kesâ efJe™æ megjef#ele jKeves kesâ efueS meer.šer. fault occurs in the secondary/yeÌ[s š^ebmeHeâece&j kesâ
mebÙeespeve keâe efkeâme Øekeâej keâe nw? ØeeFcejer ceW peye efÉleerÙekeâ ceW 3-keâuee oes<e neslee nw
(a) ∆–Y connection/∆–Y mebÙeespeve (c) Large transformer secondary only when the
(b) ∆–∆ connection/∆–∆ mebÙeespeve transformer is switched on in the
(c) Y–Y connection/Y–Y mebÙeespeve primary/kesâJeue yeÌ[s š^ebmeHeâece&j ceW peye š^ebmeHeâece&j kesâ
(d) Y–∆ connection/Y–∆ mebÙeespeve efÉleerÙekeâ keâe ØeeLeefcekeâ Ûeeuet nes
30. In Merz-Price percentage differential (d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
protection of a ∆-Y transformer, the CT 35. For the protection of transformers, harmonic
secondary connection in the primary and restrain is used to guard against.
secondary winding of the transformer would be heefjCeeefce$e keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS, neceexefvekeâ efjmš^sve keâe
in the form of GheÙeesie .......... kesâ efJe™æ megj#ee kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee
∆-Y heefjCeeefce$e kesâ cepe&-ØeeFpe ØeefleMele efJeYesokeâ
mebj#eCe ceW heefjCeeefce$e kesâ ØeeLeefcekeâ Deewj efÉleerÙekeâ
(a) Magnetising inrush current/ÛegcyekeâerÙe oyeeJe Oeeje
kegâC[ueer ceW meer.šer. efÉleerÙekeâ keâe mebÙeespeve ............ kesâ (b) Unbalanced operation/Demeblegefuele mebÛeeueve
™he ceW nesiee~ (c) Lightning/DeekeâeMeerÙe efyepeueer
(a) ∆ - Y (b) Y - ∆ (d) Switching over voltage/efmJeefÛebie DeesJej Jeesušspe
(c) ∆ - ∆ (d) Y - Y 36. For preventing the mal operation of Merz Price
31. The connections of CTs are opposite to that of protection scheme on inrush of magnetizing
transformer windings so that current in the current
pilot wires of two are/have ÛegcyekeâerÙe Oeeje kesâ DeeIeele hej cepe&-ØeeFpe megj#ee
CT kesâ mebÙeespeve heefjCeeefce$e kegâC[ueer kesâ efJehejerle nesles nw Ùeespevee kesâ cee@ue mebÛeeueve keâes jeskeâves kesâ efueS ......~
leeefkeâ oes heeÙeueš leejeW ceW Oeeje nes- (a) The relay restraining coil is biased with
(a) Same phase/meceeve keâuee second harmonic current/efjues efveÙeb$eCe keâe@Fue otmejs
(b) Opposite in Phase/efJehejerle keâuee ceW neceexefvekeâ kesâ meeLe DeefYevele keâer peeleer nw
(c) A phase difference of 600/600 keâe keâueevlej (b) Time lag is provided in the relay
(d) A phase difference of 900/900 keâe keâueevlej efjues ceW meceÙe Debleje@ue Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(c) Relay sensitivity is reduced by employing a
32. To prevent mal operation of differentially
shunt/Mebš keâes efveÙeesefpele keâjles ngS efjues keâer
connected relay while energising a transformer,
the relay restraining coil is biased with mebJesoveMeeruelee keâce nes peeleer nw~
heefjCeeefce$e keâes meef›eâÙe keâjles ngS efJeYesokeâ mes pegÌ[s efjues (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
kesâ Kejeye mebÛeeueve keâes jeskeâves kesâ efueS, efjues efveÙebef$ele 37. In case of power transformer
Meefkeäle heefjCeeefce$e kesâ ceeceues ceW-
kegâC[ueer ........... kesâ meeLe DeefYeveefle neslee nw~ (a) Positive negative and zero sequence
(a) Second harmonic current/otmeje neceexefvekeâ Oeeje impedance all are equal/Oeveelcekeâ, $e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj
(b) Third harmonic current/leermeje neceexefvekeâ Oeeje MetvÙe Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee meYeer yejeyej nesles nQ~
(c) Fifth harmonic current/heebÛeJeer neceexefvekeâ Oeeje (b) Positive and zero sequence impedance are
(d) Seventh harmonic current/meeleJeer neceexefvekeâ Oeeje equal but less than negative sequence
33. The inrush current of a transformer at no load impedance/Oeveelcekeâ Deewj MetvÙe Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee
is maximum if the supply voltage is switched yejeyej nesles nW uesefkeâve $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee mes
on keâce nesles nw~
efyevee Yeej kesâ heefjCeeefce$e keâer FvejMe Oeeje DeefOekeâlece (c) Positive sequence impedance is greater than
nesleer nw Ùeefo Deehetefle& Jeesušlee Ûeeuet keâjs– both negative and zero sequence impedance
(a) At peak voltage value/Meer<e& Jeesušspe ceeve hej $e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj MetvÙe Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee oesveeW mes,
(b) At zero voltage value/MetvÙe Jeesušspe ceeve hej Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee DeefOekeâ neslee nw~
(c) At half voltage value/DeeOes Jeesušspe ceeve hej (d) Positive sequence impedance is less than
(d) At 0.866 time voltage value/0.866 meceÙe Jeesušspe negative sequence impedance but equal to
ceeve hej zero sequence impedance/Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce
34. Magnetising inrush phenomena occur in ØeefleyeeOee $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee mes keâce nesleer nw
ÛegcyekeâerÙe FvejMe IešveeSB .......... ceW nesleer nw~ uesefkeâve MetvÙe Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee kesâ yejeyej neslee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 562 YCT
38. Problems associated with differential 43. For which of the following ratings of the
protection is/are transformer differential protection is
efJeYesokeâ megj#ee kesâ meeLe mecyeefvOele mecemÙeeSB nw~ recommended?
(a) Magnetizing inrush current DeJekeâue megj#ee kesâ efueS š^ebmeHeâece&j keâes efkeâme jsefšbie kesâ
ÛegcyekeâerÙe DevleJee&n Oeeje efueS efmeHeâeefjMe keâer peeleer nw~
(b) Mismatching characteristics of CTs (a) Above 30kVA/30 kVAmes Thej
meer.šer. keâer yescesue DeefYeue#eCe (b) Equal to and above 5MVA
(c) Change of ratio as a result of tapping
5MVA kesâ yejeyej Deewj Gmemes Thej
šwefhebie kesâ heefjCeecemJe™he Devegheele ceW heefjJele&ve
(c) Equal to and above 25MVA
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
25MVA kesâ yejeyej Deewj Gmemes Thej
39. The oil switches may be
lesue efmJeÛe nes mekeâles nQ~ (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) Remote or manually controlled 44. The short circuit in any winding of the
efjceesš Ùee cewvÙegDeue ™he mes efveÙeefv$ele transformer is the result of:
(b) Used for capacitor switching, street lighting š^ebmeheâece&j keâer efkeâmeer Yeer kegâC[ueer ceW ueIeg heefjheLe keâe
control and automatic disconnect on power heefjCeece neslee nw–
failure/efJeÅegle keâer efJeHeâuelee hej mebOeeefj$e efmJeefÛebie, (a) Mechanical vibration/Ùeebef$ekeâ keâcheve
mš^erš ueeFefšbie efveÙeb$eCe Deewj mJeÛeeefuele efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ (b) Insulation failure/efJeÅegle jesOeve efJeheâuelee
efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (c) Loose connection/{eruee keâveskeäMeve
(c) Used for high voltage and large current
(d) Impulse voltage/DeeJesie Jeesušspe
circuits/GÛÛe Jeesušspe Deewj GÛÛe Oeeje heefjheLe kesâ efueS
*45. In the Merz-Price system of protection of
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
alternator, if i1 and i2 are the CT secondary
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer~ currents, and nr and no are the number of
40. Purpose of backup protection is restraining coils and operating coils respectively,
yewkeâ-Dehe megj#ee keâe GösMÙe nw- then the torque-balance equation is
(a) To increase the speed/ieefle yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS ØelÙeeJele&keâ keâer mebj#ee kesâ ce]pe&-ØeeFme leb$e ceW, Ùeefo i1 leLee
(b) To increase a reach/hengBÛe yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS i2, CT efÉleerÙekeâ OeejeSB nQ Deewj nr leLee no ›eâceMe:
(c) To leave no blind spot efvejesOekeâ kegbâ[efueÙeeW Deesj ØeÛeeueve kebgâ[efueÙeeW keâer mebKÙeeSB
‘vees yueeFv[ mhee@š’ ÚesÌ[ves kesâ efueS~ nQ, lees yeue-DeeOetCe& meblegueve meceerkeâjCe nQ
(d) To guard against failure of primary
i1 + i2 n i1 + i2 n
ØeeLeefcekeâ keâer efJeHeâuelee mes yeÛeeJe kesâ efueS (a) = r (b) = o
(i1 − i2 ) / 2 no (i1 − i2 ) / 2 nr
41. Overfluxing protection is recommended for:
ØeJeen Deefle megj#ee keâs efueS efmeHeâeefjMe keâer peeleer nw~ i1 − i 2 n i1 − i2 n
(c) = r (d) = o
(a) Distribution transformer/efJelejCe š^ebmeheâece&j (i1 + i 2 ) / 2 n o (i1 + i2 ) / 2 nr
(b) Generator transformer of the power plant 46. Earth fault protection for an electric motor is
provided by means of
Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e kesâ pevejsšj š^ebmeheâece&j
efJeÅegle ceesšj kesâ efueS Yet oes<e mebj#eCe ............. kesâ ceeOÙece
(c) Auto-transformer of the power plant
Meefòeâ mebÙeb$e keâe Dee@šes š^ebmeheâece&j mes Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) Instantaneous over current relay
(d) Station transformer of the power plant
leelkeâeefuekeâ Deefle Oeeje efjues
heeJej hueebš kesâ mšsMeve š^ebmeheâece&j (b) Instantaneous relay having a setting of
42. The inverse definite mean time relays are used approximately 30% of motor rated current in
for over current and earth fault protection of the residual circuit of two CTs/oes Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e
transformer against:
kesâ DeJeefMe° heefjheLeeW ceW ueieYeie 30³ ceesšj keâer efveOee&efjle
JÙegl›eâce efveef§ele ceOÙe meceÙe efjues keâe GheÙeesie Yet-oes<e
Oeeje keâer mesefšbie Jeeueer leelkeâeefuekeâ efjues
leLee DeefleOeeje kesâ efJe®æ heefjCeeefce$e keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS (c) Ground wire/Yet-leej
keâer peeleer nw– (d) Both (b) and (c)/ (b) Deewj (c) oesveeW
(a) Heavy loads/Yeejer uees[ 47. For the protection of large squirrel cage
(b) Internal short-circuits/Deebleefjkeâ ueIeg heefjheLe induction motor against single phase normally.
(c) External short-circuits/yeenjer ueIeg heefjheLe meeceevÙe ™he mes Skeâue keâuee kesâ efJe™æ Skeâ yeÌ[er
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer mkeäJewjue efhebpeje ØesjCe ceesšj keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS ........
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 563 YCT
(a) An over current relay is used
Skeâ Deefle Oeeje efjues keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ 2. hees<ekeâeW keâe j#eCe
(b) A differential relay is used
Skeâ efJeYesokeâ efjues keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (Protection of Feeder)
(c) A directional relay is used
Skeâ efoMeelcekeâ efjues keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ 53. Distance protection scheme is preferred over
(d) Negative sequence current sensitive relay is graded time lag over current protection in HV
used/$e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Oeeje mebJesoveMeerue efjues keâe and EHV lines because:
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ otjmLe megj#ee Ùeespevee keâes HV Deewj EHV ueeFveeW ceW
48. The main function of under voltage protective «ew[s[ meceÙe he§e Deefle Oeeje megj#ee mes DeefOekeâ hemebo
device generally employed with a motor starter efkeâÙee peelee nw keäÙeesefkeâ–
is to
Deeceleewj hej ceesšj mšeš&j kesâ meeLe efveÙeesefpele DeC[j (a) It is faster in operation/Ùen ØeÛeeueve ceW lespe neslee nw
Jeesušspe megj#eelcekeâ GhekeâjCe keâe cegKÙe keâeÙe& nw– (b) It is simple/Ùen meeOeejCe nw
(a) Open the supply circuit on failure of power (c) It is cheaper in cost/Ùen keâercele ceW memlee nw~
supply/efJeÅegle keâer efJeHeâuelee hej Deehetefle& heefjheLe Keesuevee (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
(b) Control the motor voltage/ceesšj Jeesušspe keâes 54. Three step time distance characteristic of
efveÙebef$ele keâjvee distance relay can be had by
(c) Prevent the opening of supply circuit/Deehetefle& otjmLe efjues keâer leerve ÛejCe meceÙe otjer DeefYeue#eCe
heefjheLe keâes Kegueves mes jeskeâvee ........... kesâ Éeje keâj mekeâles nw~
(d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) Changing taps on voltage transformer/efJeYeJe
49. While adding extra stop buttons to an existing heefjCeeefce$e hej šwhe yeouekeâj
control system the must be in
Skeâ ceewpetoe efveÙeb$eCe ØeCeeueer ceW Deefleefjòeâ mše@he yešve (b) Separate measuring elements for zones 2 and
peesÌ[ves kesâ oewjeve GvnW .......... nesvee ÛeeefnS~ 3/peesve 2 Deewj peesve 3 kesâ efueS ceehekeâ Ùeb$e Deueie keâjkesâ
(a) Parallel to the load/Yeej kesâ meceeveevlej (c) Switching resistance in relay restraint circuit
at preset time interval by means of timer
(b) Series with the contactor coil/mebheke&âlee kegâC[ueer kesâ
meeLe ßesCeer ceW element/efjues efveÙeb$eCe heefjheLe ceW ØeeflejesOe keâes šeFcej
(c) Series with the motor/ceesšj kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW lelJe kesâ ceeOÙece mes hetJe& efveOee&efjle meceÙe Devleje@ue hej
(d) Parallel to the start button/mšeš& yešve kesâ efmJeÛe keâjkesâ
meceeveevlej ceW (d) Any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
50. Negative sequence current flow in the stator 55. Which is the pilotless protection method for
winding of an ac motor due to feeder line
Skeâ S.meer. ceesšj kesâ mšsšj kegâC[ueer ceW ............. kesâ ...........pees mebYejkeâ ueeFve kesâ efueS heeÙeueš jefnle megj#ee
keâejCe $e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw~ efJeefOe nw~
(a) Unbalance in the supply voltage/Deehetefle& Jeeušspe
ceW Demeblegueve (a) Differential protection/efJeYesokeâ mebj#eCe
(b) Unbalanced load/Demeblegefuele Yeej (b) Carrier current protection/Jeenkeâ keâer Oeeje megj#ee
(c) Phase reversal/keâuee Gl›eâce (c) Time graded protection/meceÙe ›eâefcekeâ mebj#eCe
(d) Either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee lees (b) (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
51. A fuse in a motor circuit provides protection 56. The most commonly used method for the
against: protection of 3-phase feeder is
ceesšj heefjheLe ceW Skeâ heäÙetpe...........kesâ efJe™æ megj#ee 3-keâuee mebYejkeâ keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS meyemes DeefOekeâ
Øeoeve keâjlee nw– GheÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer efJeefOe nw~
(a) Overload/DeefleYeej (a) Time graded protection/meceÙe ›eâefcekeâ mebj#eCe
(b) Short-circuit and overload (b) Differential protection/efJeYesokeâ mebj#eCe
ueIeg heefjheLe Deewj DeefleYeej (c) Reverse power protection/Gl›eâce Meefkeäle megj#ee
(c) Open circuit, short-circuit and over load (d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW meYeer
Keguee heefjheLe ueIeg heefjheLe Deewj DeefleYeej 57. A transmission line is protected by:
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve keâe...........kesâ Éeje megj#ee neslee nw~
52. The simplest form of motor controller is : (a) Distance protection/otjer megj#ee
ceesšj kebâš^esuej keâe mejuelece Øekeâej nw : (b) Current graded over current protection
(a) Relay/efjues Oeeje ›eâefcekeâ Deefle Oeeje megj#ee
(b) Toggle switch/še@ieue efmJeÛe (c) Time graded over current protection
(c) Drum switch/[^ce efmJeÛe meceÙe ›eâefcekeâ Deefle Oeeje megj#ee
(d) Magnetic switch/ÛegcyekeâerÙe efmJeÛe (d) All of the above/FveceW mes meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 564 YCT
58. Which is the main relay for protecting up to 63. Pilot wire protection scheme is most
90% of the transmission line length in the economical and provides high speed relaying
forward direction? for
Deeies keâer efoMee ceW mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer uecyeeF& kesâ 90³ heeÙeueš leej mebj#eCe Ùeespevee meyemes efkeâHeâeÙeleer nw Deewj
lekeâ keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS cegKÙe efjues keâewve meer nw? ......... kesâ efueS GÛÛe ieefle efjues Øeoeve keâjleer nw~
(a) Directional over current relay (a) Short length of lines up to 15 km.
efoMeelcekeâ Deefle Oeeje efjues 15 efkeâceer lekeâ Úesšer uebyeeF& keâer ueeFve
(b) Mho relay/cnes efjues (b) Medium length of lines up to 60 km.
(c) Carrier current protective relay 60 efkeâceer lekeâ keâer ceOÙece uebyeeF& keâer ueeFve
Jeenkeâ Oeeje megj#eelcekeâ efjues (c) Long length of lines up to 200 km
200 efkeâceer lekeâ uecyeeF& keâer ueeFve
(d) Impedance relay/ØeefleyeeOee efjues
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
59. For complete protection of a 3-phase line
3-keâuee ueeFve keâer hetCe& megj#ee kesâ efueS ....... 64. Adjustable resistor are connected in the pilot
wires in order to
(a) Three phase and three earth fault relays rare
meceeÙeespÙe ØeeflejesOe ............ kesâ efueS heeÙeueš leejeW ceW
required/leerve-keâuee Deewj leerve-Yet oes<e efjues keâer
pegÌ[s nesles nw~
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~ (a) Change the phase of the current flowing
(b) Three phase and two earth fault relays are
through the relay/efjues kesâ ceeOÙece mes yenves Jeeueer
required/leerve-keâuee Deewj oes-Yet oes<e efjues keâer
Oeeje kesâ keâuee keâes yeoueves
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~ (b) Get equipotential points on pilot wires
(c) Two phase and two earth fault relays are heeÙeueš leejeW hej meceefJeYeJe efyevog Øeehle keâjves
required/oes-keâuee Deewj oes-Yet oes<e efjues keâer (c) Reduce current flowing through the relay
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~ efjues kesâ ceeOÙece mes Oeeje keâce keâjves
(d) Two phase and one earth fault relays are (d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
required/oes-keâuee Deewj Skeâ-Yet oes<e efjues keâer 65. Signal mixing transformers are used for
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~ efmeiveue efceefkeämebie heefjCeeefce$e ............ kesâ efueS GheÙeesie
60. How many relays are used to detect interphase efkeâÙee peelee nw~
fault of a three line system (a) Induction disc type over current relay
leerve-ueeFve ØeCeeueer kesâ Deebleefjkeâ keâuee oes<e keâe helee ØesjCe ef[mkeâ Øekeâej kesâ Deefle Oeeje efjues
ueieeves kesâ efueS efkeâleves efjues keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? (b) Direction sensitive distance relay
(a) One/Skeâ (b) Two/oes efoMee mebJesoveMeerue otjer efjues
(c) Three/leerve (d) Six/Ú: (c) Pilot wire feeder protection
61. The transmission line distance protection relay heeÙeueš-leej mebYejkeâ megj#ee
having the property of being inherently (d) Plain differential relay/huesve efJeYesokeâ efjues
directional is 66. In a balance voltage pilot wire protection
mebÛejCe ueeFve otjer mebj#eCe efjues efpemeceW mJeeYeeefJekeâ ™he scheme if the pilot circuit gets opened, the relay
mes efoMeelcekeâ nesves kesâ iegCe neW, nw– will
Skeâ meblegefuele Jeesušspe heeÙeueš leej mebj#eCe Ùeespevee ceW
(a) Impedance relay/ØeefleyeeOee efjues
Ùeefo heeÙeueš heefjheLe Kegue peelee nw, lees efjues nesiee~
(b) mho relay/cnes efjues
(a) Fail to trip on internal faults
(c) Ohm relay/Deesÿe efjues
Deebleefjkeâ oes<eeW hej efš^he keâjves ceW efJeHeâue
(d) Reactance relay/Øeefleef›eâÙee efjues
(b) Trip on full load/hetCe& Yeej hej efš^he
62. Time graded protection of a radial feeder can (c) Trip instantaneously on external faults
be achieved by using
Jee¢e oes<eeW hej leel#eefCekeâ efš^he
jsef[Ùeue mebYejkeâ keâer meceÙeyeæ megj#ee .............. keâe
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
GheÙeesie keâjkesâ Øeehle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ 67. In a balanced voltage pilot wire protection
(a) Definite time relays/efveefMÛele meceÙe efjues scheme, if the pilot circuit gets short circuited,
(b) Inverse time relays/efJehejerle meceÙe efjues the relay will
(c) Both definite and inverse time relays Skeâ meblegefuele Jeesušspe heeÙeueš-leej mebj#eCe Ùeespevee ceW
efveefMÛele Deewj efJehejerle meceÙe efjues oesveeW Ùeefo heeÙeueš heefjheLe ueIeg heefLele nes peelee nw, lees efjues
(d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR keâjsiee~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 565 YCT
(a) Fail to trip on internal faults (a) Trapping power frequency waves
Deevleefjkeâ oes<eeW hej efš^he keâjves ceW efJeHeâue Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòe lejbie š^wefhebie
(b) fail to trip on external faults (b) Trapping high frequency waves entering into
yeenjer oes<eeW hej efš^he keâjves ceW efJeHeâue generators/transformer unit/peefve$e heefjCeeefce$e
(c) Trip on full load/hetCe& Yeej hej efš^he FkeâeF& ceW ØeJesMe keâjves Jeeues GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe lejbie keâer šwefhebie
(d) Trip instantaneously/#eefCekeâ efš^he (c) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) Je (b) oesveeW
68. The distribution system shown in figure is to be (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
protected by over current system of protection. 72. A line trap in a long transmission line is used to
efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le efJelejCe heæefle keâer megj#ee DeefleOeeje uecyes heejs<eCe ueeFve ceW ueeFve š^whe keâe GheÙeesie efkeâme
megj#ee ØeCeeueer Éeje efkeâÙee ieÙee nw efueS neslee nw?
At which locations are directional over current (a) Improve the power factor/Meefòeâ iegCekeâ megOeejves ceW
relays required for proper fault (b) Dampen the over voltage oscillations
discrimination? DeefleefJeYeJe oesueve kesâ DeJecevove ceW
GefÛele oes<e efveCe&Ùe kesâ efueS efoMeelcekeâ Deefle Oeeje efjues (c) Confine the carrier signals in the line
keâewve-mes mLeeve hej DeeJeMÙekeâ nw? ueeFve ceW Jeenkeâ efmebiveue keâes ØeefleyeefvOele keâjves
(d) Protect the line against direct lightning
stroke/ueeFve keâes meerOes ueeFšefvebie mš^eskeâ kesâ efJe™æ
megj#ee Øeoeve keâjves~
73. For protection of parallel feeders fed from one
end the relays required are
Skeâ Úesj mes meceevlej hees<ekeâeW kesâ mebj#eCe kesâ efueS efjues
(a) 1 and 4/1 Deewj 4 keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw-
(b) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3 (a) non-directional realys at the source end and
(c) 1, 4 and 5/1,4 Deewj 5 directional relays at the load end/meesme& hej
(d) 2, 3 and 5/2, 3 Deewj 5 DeefoMeelcekeâ efjues Deewj uees[ hej efoMeelcekeâ efjues
69. The frequency of carrier in the carrier current (b) non-directional relays at both the ends
pilot scheme is in the range of oesveeW efmejs hej DeefoMeelcekeâ efjues
Jeenkeâ Oeeje heeÙeueš Ùeespevee ces Jeenkeâ kesâ DeeJe=efòe keâer (c) directional relays at the source end and non-
meercee nw– directional at the load end
(a) 1 kHz to 10 kHz/1 efkeâuees nšd&pe mes 10 efkeâuees nšd&pe meesme& hej efoMeelcekeâ efjues Deewj uees[ hej DeefoMeelcekeâ efjues
(b) 10 kHz to 25 kHz (d) directional relays at both the ends
10 efkeâuees nšd&pe mes 25 efkeâuees nšd&pe oesveeW efmejs hej efoMeelcekeâ efjues
(c) 25 kHz to 50 kHz 74. Carrier current protection scheme is normally
25 efkeâuees nšd&pe mes 50 efkeâuees nšd&pe used for
(d) 50 kHz to 500 kHz Oeeje Jeenkeâ megj#ee Deeceleewj hej...........kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie
50 efkeâuees nšd&pe mes 500 efkeâuees nšd&pe neslee nw
70. The frequency of carrier transmitted by (a) HV transmission lines only
microwave pilot is in the ranges of kesâJeue HV mebÛejCe ueeFve
ceeF›eâes JesJe heeÙeueš Éeje mebÛeefjle Jeenkeâ keâer DeeJe=efòe (b) HV cables only/kesâJeue HV kesâefyeue
keâer meercee nw– (c) HV transmission and cable
(a) 1,000 kHz to 1,500 kHz HV mebÛejCe ueeFve Deewj kesâefyeue
1,000 efkeâuees nšd&pe mes 1,500 efkeâuees nšd&pe (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) 2,000 kHz to 5,000 kHz
75. The main factor in favour of the use of
2000 efkeâuees nšd&pe mes 5,000 efkeâuees nšd&pe aluminium as bus-bar material is its:
(c) 900 MHz to 6,000 MHz yeme-yeej meece«eer kesâ ™he ceW SuÙegceerefveÙece kesâ GheÙeesie
900 cesiee nšd&pe mes 6,000 cesiee nšd&pe kesâ he#e ceW Fmekeâe cegKÙe keâejkeâ nw–
(d) 10,000 MHz to 15,000 MHz
(a) Low cost/efvecve ueeiele
10,000 ceWiee nšd&pe mes 15,000 cesiee nšd&pe
71. In carrier current protection the purpose of the (b) Low density/efvecve IevelJe
wave trap is for (c) Low melting point/efvecve ieueveebkeâ efyevog
Jeenkeâ Oeeje megj#ee ceW JesJe š^whe keâe GösMÙe neslee nw– (d) High resistivity/GÛÛe ØeeflejesOekeâlee

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 566 YCT

76. A transmission line is protected by:
Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve .......... kesâ Éeje mebjef#ele neslee nw 3. DeefOeJeesušleeDeeW kesâ efJe®æ j#eCe
(a) Inrush protection/oeye mebj#eCe (Protection Against
(b) Distance protection/otjer megj#ee Overvoltage)
(c) Time graded and current graded over 80. Lightning is a huge spark caused by electrical
current protection discharge taking place between
meceÙe «es[s[ Deewj Oeeje «es[s[ mes Deefle Oeeje megj#ee DeekeâeMeerÙe efyepeueer Skeâ efJeMeeue efÛebieejer nw pees efJeÅegle
kesâ efveJe&nve kesâ keâejCe neslee nw, pees ........ yeerÛe neslee nw~
(d) Both (b) and (c)/oesveeW (b) Deewj (c)
(a) Clouds/yeeoueeW
77. The type of protection that does not respond to (b) Within the same cloud/meceeve yeeoue kesâ yeerÛe
faults occurring beyond its zone even though (c) Cloud and earth/yeeoue Deewj he=LJeer
the fault current may pass through the zone is: (d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF&
mebj#eCe keâe Jen Øekeâej keâewve-mee nw pees Deheves #es$e mes 81. Switching over voltages are more hazardous
yeenj nesves Jeeues oes<eeW kesâ Øeefle Øeefleef›eâÙee veneR keâjlee, than lightning surges in case of
GÛÛe efJeYeJe efmJeeEÛeie ............ kesâ ceeceues ceW DeekeâeMeerÙe
Yeues ner, oes<e Oeeje Gme #es$e mes ieg]pej jner nes? efyepeueer kesâ efnuueesue Iešvee keâer leguevee ceW DeefOekeâ
(a) Unit protection/Ùetefveš mebj#eCe Kelejveekeâ nw~
(b) Generator protection/pevejsšj mebj#eCe (a) Low voltage system/efvecve efJeYeJe heæefle
(b) 33 kV system/33 kV heæefle
(c) Back - up protection/yewkeâ-Dehe mebj#eCe
(c) EHV and UHV system/EHV Deewj UHV heæefle
(d) Busbar protection/yemeyeej mebj#eCe (d) All of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
78. Radial system is used when : 82. The over voltage surges in power systems may
jsef[Ùeue ØeCeeueer keâe ØeÙeesie leye efkeâÙee peelee nw, peye : be caused by
(a) The number of consumers should be more Meefkeäle ØeCeeueer ceW GÛÛe efJeYeJe efnuueesue kesâ keâejCe nesleer nw-
GheYeesòeâeDeeW keâer mebKÙee DeefOekeâ nes (a) Lightning/leefÌ[le
(b) Resonance/Devegveeo
(b) The sub-station should be away from the load
(c) Switching/efmJeefÛebie
center/Ghe mšsMeve, Yeej keWâõ mes otj nes
(d) All of these/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
(c) To produce power at low voltage/keâce efJeYeJe hej 83. Requirements of protection power station
Meefòeâ keâe Glheeove keâjvee nes buildings against direct strokes are
ØelÙe#e DeeIeele kesâ efJe™æ megj#ee kesâ efueS hee@Jej mšsMeve
(d) To produce power at high voltage/pÙeeoe efJeYeJe
kesâ YeJeveeW keâes DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~
hej Meefòeâ keâe Glheeove keâjvee nes (a) Interception/DeJejesOeve
*79. The following image represents a section of a (b) Conduction/Ûeeueve
single bus scheme. The isolator is represented (c) Dissipation/efJemejCe
by which of the follwoing? (d) (a), (b) and (c)/(a), (b) Deewj (c)
efvecve efÛe$e ceW he=Lekeäkeâejkeâ (isolator) efkeâmemes ØeoefMe&le 84. The protection against direct lightning strokes
efkeâÙee ieÙee nw? and high voltage steep waves is provided by
ØelÙe#e efyepeueer DeeIeele Deewj GÛÛe Jeesušspe lejbie kesâ
efJe™æ megj#ee.................kesâ Éeje Øeoeve keâer peeleer nw~
(a) Ground wires/Yet-leej
(b) Lightning arresters/ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj
(c) Lightning arresters and ground wires/ueeFšefvebie
Dejsmšj Deewj Yet-leej
(d) Earthing of neutral/vÙetš^ue keâe DeefLeËie
85. Which of the following factors should be
considered in the design of a transmission line
against lightning with ground wire?
(a) A
(b) B
DeLe& JeeÙej kesâ meeLe ueeFšefvebie kesâ efJe™æ heejs<eCe
(c) C ueeFve keâes yeveeves ceW efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mes keâejkeâ
(d) A and D efueÙes peeves ÛeeefnS?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 567 YCT
(a) Mechanical strength of ground wire 89. Lighting arrester are used in power systems to
DeLe&-JeeÙej keâe Ùeebef$ekeâ leveeJe protect electrical equipment against.
(b) Clearance between line conductor and ground Meefkeäle ØeCeeueer ceW efJeÅegle GhekeâjCe keâer ............ kesâ
wire/Yet-leej Deewj Ûeeuekeâ kesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer efJe®æ megj#ee kesâ efueS ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj keâe GheÙeesie
(c) Clearance between line conductor and earth efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Yet Deewj ueeFve Ûeeuekeâ kesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer (a) Direct strokes of lightning/ueeFšefvebie keâe meerOes
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer mš^eskeâ
86. For protection of rotating machines against (b) Over voltages due to indirect lightning
lightning surges ______ is used stroke/DeØelÙe#e ueeFšefvebie mš^eskeâ kesâ keâejCe GÛÛe
ueeFšefvebie efnuueesue kesâ efJe™æ Ietceves Jeeueer ceMeerve kesâ Jeesušspe
megj#ee kesâ efueS ........ keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (c) Power frequency over voltage/GÛÛe Jeesušspe keâer
(a) Lightning arrester/ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòe
(b) Capacitor/mebOeeefj$e
(d) Over currents due to lightning/ueeFšefvebie kesâ
(c) Combination of lightning arrester and
capacitor keâejCe GÛÛe Oeeje
ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj Deewj mebOeeefj$e keâe mebÙeespeve 90. Which of the following is the protective device
(d) Lightning conductor and arrester/ueeFšefvebie against lightning over voltages?
Ûeeuekeâ Deewj Dejsmšj efvecveefueefKele ceW mes ueeFšefvebie GÛÛe Jeesušspe kesâ efJe™æ
87. Consider the following statements. to provide megj#ee Ùegefòeâ nw–
reliable protection for a distribution (a) Rod gaps/je[ iewhe
transformer against over voltage using (b) Surge absorbers/mepe& Sypeeye&j
lightning arresters, it is essential that the
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW~ (c) Horn gaps/neve& iewhe
ueeFeEšie Dejsmšj keâe GheÙeesie keâjles ngS Jeesušspe kesâ (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
efJe™æ efJelejCe š^ebmeHeâece&j keâes efJeÕeveerÙe megj#ee Øeoeve 91. Overhead ground wires are used to protect a
transmission line against
keâjves kesâ efueS Ùen DeeJeMÙekeâ nw efkeâ– DeesJejns[ «eeGb[ leejeW keâe GheÙeesie Skeâ š^ebmeefceMeve
1. Load resistance is high ueeFve ceW .......... kesâ efJe™æ megj#ee kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee
Yeej ØeeflejesOe yengle DeefOekeâ nw nw~
2. Distance between the transformer and the (a) Line to ground faults/ueeFve mes Yet oes<e
arrester is small
(b) Arcing earths/DeeefkeËâie DeLe&
š^ebmeHeâece&j Deewj Dejsmšj kesâ yeerÛe keâer otjer keâce nes~ (c) Voltage surges due to direct lightning
3. transformer and the arrester have a common stroke/meerOes ueeFšefvebie mš^eskeâ kesâ keâejCe mepe& Jeesušspe
interconnecting ground/š^ebmeHeâece&j Deewj Dejsmšj (d) High voltage oscillation due to
kesâ heeme Skeâ meeceevÙe Fbšj keâvesefkeäbšie «eeGv[ nes~ switching/efmJeefÛebie kesâ keâejCe GÛÛe Jeesušpe oesueve
4. Spark over voltage of the arrester is greater 92. An overhead transmission line is provided with
than the residual voltage/Dejsmšj keâe mheeke&â earth wire for protection against
DeesJej Jeesušspe, DeJeefMe° Jeesušspe mes DeefOekeâ nw~ efkeâmekesâ efJe™æ megj#ee kesâ efueS DeesJejns[ š^ebmeefceMeve
of these statements ueeFve keâes DeLe& JeeÙej Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw?
Fve keâLeveeW ceW (a) Switching surge/efmJeefÛebie mepe&
(a) 1, 3 and 4 are correct/1, 3 Deewj 4 mener nw~ (b) Lightning surge/ueeFšefvebie mepe&
(b) 2 and 3 are correct/2 Deewj 3 mener nw~ (c) Power frequency over voltage/GÛÛe Jeesušspe keâe
(c) 2, 3 and 4 are correct/2, 3 Deewj 4 mener nw~ Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòe
(d) 1 and 4 are correct/1 Deewj 4 mener nw~ (d) None of these/FmeceW mes keâesF& veneR
88. Impulse ratios of insulators and lightning 93. In a thyrite lighting arrester the resistance.
arresters should be Skeâ LeeFjeFš ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj keâe ØeeflejesOe nw
efJeÅegle jesOekeâ Deewj ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj keâe Fcheume (a) Varies with the applied voltage
Devegheele nesvee ÛeeefnS~ Deejesefhele Jeesušspe kesâ meeLe heefjJele&veerÙe
(a) Both low/oesveeW efvecve (b) Increases with the applied voltage
(b) High and low respectively Deejesefhele Jeesušspe kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw~
›eâceMe: GÛÛe Deewj efvecve (c) Decreases linearly with the applied voltage
(c) Low and high respectively Deejesefhele Jeesušspe kesâ meeLe jsKeerÙe ™he mes Iešlee nw~
›eâceMe: efvecve Deewj GÛÛe (d) Is high at low current and low at high currunt
(d) Both high/oesveeW GÛÛe efvecve Oeeje hej GÛÛe Deewj GÛÛe Oeeje hej efvecve neslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 568 YCT
94. A lightning arrester provides (a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
Skeâ ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj Øeoeve keâjlee nw– (b) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
(a) Low impedance path/efvecve ØeefleyeeOee heLe (c) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3
(b) High impedance path/GÛÛe ØeefleyeeOee heLe (d) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3
(c) Low resistance path/efvecve ØeeflejesOe heLe 98. A thyrite type lightning arrester
(d) High resistance path between line and earth Skeâ LeeFjeFš Øekeâej keâe ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj ......~
during operation/Ûeeueve kesâ meceÙe ueeFve Deewj he=LJeer (a) Blocks the surge voltage appearing in a line/
kesâ yeerÛe GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe heLe ueeFve ceW mecceefuele nesves Jeeues mepe& efJeYeJe keâes jeskeâlee nw
95. A lightning arrester connected between the line (b) Absorbs the surge voltage appearing in a
and earth in a power system line/ueeFve ceW mecceefuele nesves Jeeues mepe& efJeYeJe keâes
Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer ceW ueeFve Je he=LJeer kesâ yeerÛe mebÙeesefpele DeJeMeesef<ele keâjlee nw
ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj– (c) Offers a low resistance path to the surge
(a) Protects the terminal equipment against appearing in a line/ueeFve ceW mecceefuele nesves Jeeues
traveling surges/š^wJeeEueie mepe& kesâ efJe™æ še|ceveue mepe& kesâ efueS efvecve ØeeflejesOe heLe Øeoeve keâjlee nw
GhekeâjCe keâer j#ee keâjlee nw (d) Returns the surge back to the source/mepe& keâes
(b) Protects the terminal equipment against direct Jeeheme œeesle keâes Yespelee nw~
lightning stroke/ØelÙe#e ueeFšefvebie mš^eskeâ kesâ efJe™æ 99. Which of the following is a non linear diverter?
še|ceveue GhekeâjCe keâer j#ee keâjlee efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee DejsKeerÙe [eF&Ješ&j nw?
(c) Suppresses high frequency oscillations in the (a) Expulsion type arrester/Skeämeheumeve šeFhe Dejsmšj
line/ueeFve ceW GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe kesâ oesueve keâes oyeelee nw (b) Valve type arrester/JeeuJe šeFhe Dejsmšj
(d) Reflects back the traveling waves (c) Electrolytic type arrester
approaching it/š^wJeefuebie lejbie keâes hengBÛeves mes henues Fueskeäš^esueeFš šeFhe Dejsmšj
Jeeheme heefjJee|lele keâj oslee nw~ (d) Rod gap arrester/je@[ iewhe Dejsmšj
96. Surge absorber are used for protection against 100. A valve type lightning arrester in a substation
mepe& Sypeeye&j keâe GheÙeesie............ kesâ efJe™æ megj#ee kesâ should be placed
efueS neslee nw~ JeeuJe šeFhe ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj meyemšsMeve ceW jKee peevee
(a) High voltage low frequency oscillations ÛeeefnS~
GÛÛe efJeYeJe efvecve DeeJe=efòe oesueve (a) Close to the circuit breaker
(b) High voltage high frequency oscillations
heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ heeme
GÛÛe efJeYeJe GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe oesueve (b) Close to the transformer/heefjCeeefce$e kesâ heeme
(c) Low voltage high frequency oscillations (c) Away from the transformer/heefjCeeefce$e mes otj
efvecve efJeYeJe GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe oesueve (d) None of these/FmeceW mes keâesF& veneR
101. Surge absorber ____ the energy of traveling
(d) Low voltage low frequency oscillations
efvecve efJeYeJe efvecve DeeJe=efòe oesueve mepe& Sypeeye&j š^wJeefuebie lejbie kesâ Tpee& keâes............keâjlee
97. Which of the following are the important nw~
limitations of rod gap surge arresters?
(a) Absorbs/DeJeMeesef<ele
je[ iewhe mepe& Dejsmšj kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve
(b) Reflects/Øeefleefyeefcyele
meer cenlJehetCe& meerceeÙeW nQ~
(c) Diverts/heefjJeefle&le
(1) they are not capable of sealing off power
(d) Partly absorbs and partly diverts/kegâÚ DeJeMeesef<ele
frequency follow up current/Jes efJeÅegle
Deewj kegâÚ heefjJee|lele
DeeJe=efòe keâes Ûeeuet keâjves kesâ yeeo yebo keâjves ceW 102. Coupling factor of a ground wire can be
me#ece veneR nw~ increased by
(2) After a discharge the rods are destroyed Yet-leej keâe Ùegiceve iegCekeâ ........... kesâ Éeje yeÌ{eÙee pee
completely/efveJen&ve kesâ yeeo ÚÌ[s hetjer lejn mes ve° mekeâlee nw~
peeleer nQ~ (a) Reducing the footing impedance
(3) Performance is affected by climatic DeeOeej ØeefleyeeOee keâes Iešekeâj
condition/JeeleeJejCe heefjefmLeefleÙeeW kesâ Éeje ØeoMe&ve (b) Increasing the ground wire size
ØeYeeefJele neslee nw~ Yet-leej keâe Deekeâej yeÌ{ekeâj
Use the following codes for selecting the (c) Using cantilever rods on the crossing along
correct answer with the areas of ground wire/Yet-leej kesâ #es$e kesâ
mener Gòej keâes Ûegveves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele keâes[ meeLe ›eâeefmebie hej keâwvšerueerJej ÚÌ[ keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ~
keâe GheÙeesie keâjW~ (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 569 YCT
103. When a transmission line is energized, 108. The steepness of the wave front can be reduced
________ propagate on it by connecting
peye heejs<eCe ueeFve keâes Gefpe&le efkeâÙee peelee nw lees Gme lejbiee«e keâer mšerhevesme ............. mebÙeesefpele keâjkesâ keâce
hej...............Øemeeefjle nesleer nw~ efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(a) Voltage wave only/kesâJeue efJeYeJe lejbie (a) An inductor in series with the line/Skeâ Øesjkeâ
(b) Current wave only/kesâJeue Oeeje lejbie ueeFve kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ›eâce ceW
(c) Both voltage and current waves (b) A capacitor between line and earth/ he=LJeer Deewj
efJeYeJe lejbie Deewj Oeeje lejbie oesveeWs ueeFve kesâ yeerÛe Skeâ mebOeeefj$e
(d) None of above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) Either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b)
104. When a wave propagate on a transmission line, (d) An inductor between line and earth or a
it suffers reflection several times at capacitor in series with the line/ he=LJeer Deewj
peye Skeâ lejbie heejs<eCe/mebÛejCe ueeFve hej Ûeueleer nw, lees ueeFve kesâ yeerÛe Skeâ Øesjkeâ Ùee ueeFve kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ›eâce
Ùen efJeefYevve peieneW hej hejeJele&ve keâes menve keâj mekeâleer ceW Skeâ mebOeeefj$e
nw~ 109. If a traveling wave traveling along a loss free
(a) Load end/Yeej efmeje overhead line does not result in any reflection
after it has reached the far end, then the far
(b) Sending end/Yespeves Jeeues efmeje end of the line is
(c) Sending end and other end Ùeefo Skeâ Ûeeefuele lejbie Skeâ uecyes neefve jefnle efMejesheefj
Yespeves Jeeues Deewj otmejs efmejs ueeFve kesâ meeLe Ûeeueve keâj jner nw, otjmLe efmeje hej
(d) Tapping point/šsefhebie efyevog hengBÛeves kesâ yeeo keâesF& hejeJele&ve heefjCeece veneR keâjlee nw,
105. Traveling voltage wave and current wave have leye ueeFve keâe otjmLe efmeje–
the same wave forms and travel together along
(a) Open circuited/Keguee heefjheLe
the transmission line at a velocity.
Ûeefuele Jeesušlee lejbie Deewj Oeeje lejbie ceW Skeâ ner lejbie (b) Short circuited/ueIeg heefjheLe
(c) Terminated into a resistance equal to surge
™he nesles nw Deewj Skeâ meeLe heejs<eCe ueeFve hej Jesie mes impedance of the line/ueeFve kesâ mepe& ØeefleyeeOee kesâ
ieefle keâjles nQ? yejeyej ØeeflejesOe ceW meceehle
(a) of sound/OJeefve kesâ (d) Terminated into a capacitor/mebOeeefj$e ceW meceehle
(b) of light/ØekeâeMe kesâ 110. A long overhead lossless power transmission
(c) slightly lesser than that of light/ØekeâeMe mes LeesÌ[e line is terminated with its characteristic
keâce impedance while the line is in operation
(d) slightly lesser than that of sound/OJeefve mes LeesÌ[e Skeâ uecyeer efMejesheefj neefve jefnle Meefòeâ heejs<eCe ueeFve
keâce Deheves DeefYeue#eCe ØeefleyeeOee mes meceehle keâer peeleer nw,
106. The relation between traveling voltage wave peye ueeFve ØeÛeeueve ceW neslee nw~
and current wave is given as (a) A resonance of reactive power occurs in the
Ûeue Jeesušlee lejbie Deewj Oeeje lejbie kesâ yeerÛe mecyevOe line/ ueeFve ceW Øeefleef›eâÙee Meefòeâ keâe Devegveeo neslee nw
(b) The line becomes purely inductive/ueeFve
efoÙee peelee nw–
Megælece ØesjkeâlJe nes peeleer nw~
(a) ei =
L e
(b) =
L (c) The line becomes purely capacitive/ueeFve
C i C Megælece mebOeeefj$e nes peeleer nw~
(c) ei = LC (d) e / i = LC (d) There is no reflected wave on the line/ueeFve hej
107. For a transmission line the standing wave ratio keâesF& hejeJee|lele lejbie veneR neslee nw~
is the ratio of 111. A rectangular voltage wave is impressed on a
Skeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ efueS mLeeefÙelJe lejbie keâe Devegheele loss free overhead line, with the far end of the
line being short circuited on reaching the end
............ keâe Devegheele neslee nw~ of this line
(a) Peak voltage to rms voltages Skeâ DeeÙeleekeâej efJeYeJe lejbie Skeâ neefvejefnle efMejesheefj
efMeKej Jeesušlee mes rms Jeesušlee ueeFve hej Dejesefhele nw~ ueeFve kesâ otj efmeje hej ueIeg
(b) Maximum current to minimum current heefjheLe kesâ meeLe ueeFve kesâ Úesj hes hengBÛeves hej
DeefOekeâlece Oeeje mes efvecvelece Oeeje keâe (a) The current wave ;is reflected back with
(c) Maximum voltage to minimum voltage positive sign, but the voltage wave with
DeefOekeâlece efJeYeJe mes efvecvelece efJeYeJe keâe negative sign/Oeeje lebjie Oeveelcekeâ mebkesâle kesâ meeLe
(d) Maximum impedance to minimum impedance heerÚs HejeJee|lele nesleer nw, uesefkeâve efJeYeJe lejbie $e+Ceelcekeâ
DeefOekeâlece ØeefleyeeOee mes efvecvelece ØeefleyeeOee keâe mebkesâle kesâ meeLe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 570 YCT
(b) The current wave is reflected back with negative (a) 1/3 (b) 2/3
sign but the voltage wave with positive sign (c) –1/3 (d) –1/2
Oeeje lejbie $e+Ceelcekeâ mebkesâle kesâ meeLe heerÚs HejeJee|lele nesleer nw 117. The reflection coefficient for the transmission
uesefkeâve efJeYeJe lejbie Oeveelcekeâ mebkesâle kesâ meeLe line shown in figure at point P is
(c) Both the current and the voltage waves are ef Ûe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve kesâ efueS efyevog P hej
reflected with positive sign/Oeeje Deewj efJeYeJe lejbie hejeJele&ve iegCeebkeâ nw–
oesveesb Oeveelcekeâ mebkesâle kesâ meeLe HejeJee|lele nesleer nQ
(d) Both the current and the voltage waves are
reflected with negative sign/Oeeje Deewj efJeYeJe lejbie
oesveeW $e+Ceelcekeâ mebkesâle kesâ meeLe HejeJee|lele nesleer nQ
112. If a line of surge impedance Z0 is terminated in
an impedance Z then the reflection for current
and voltage surges at the termination are given (a) +1 (b) 0.5
respectively by (c) 0 (d) –1
mepe& ØeefleyeeOee Z0 keâer Ùeefo Skeâ ueeFve keâes ØeefleyeeOee Z 118. The reflection coefficient at the load end of a
short circuited line is
mes meceehle efkeâÙee nw leye Úesj hej Oeeje mepe& Deewj efJeYeJe ueIeg heefjheLe ueeFve kesâ Yeej efmejeW hej HejeJele&ve iegCeebkeâ
mepe& kesâ efueS efjHeäueskeäMeve ›eâceMe: ............ kesâ Éeje efoÙee neslee nw–
peelee nw~ (a) Zero (b) 1 ∠00
Z − Z 2Z Z − Z Z − Z0 (c) 1∠90 0
(d) 1∠1800
(a) 0 , (b) 0 ,
Z0 + Z Z0 + Z Z0 + Z Z0 + Z 119. An overhead line with surge impedance of
2Z0 2Z 2Z0 Z − Z0 400Ω is terminated through a resistance R. A
(c) , (d) , surge traveling over the line will not suffer any
Z0 + Z Z0 + Z Z0 + Z Z0 + Z reflection at the junction, if the value of R is
*113. If the load impedance is 100 ohm and input Skeâ ØeeflejesOe R kesâ ceeOÙece mes 400 Deesce mepe& ØeefleyeeOee
impedance is 25 ohm, then the characteristic keâer efMejesheefj ueeFve šefce&vesš keâer peeleer nw~ ueeFve kesâ
impedance of the transmission line is
Ùeefo Yeej ØeefleyeeOee 100 Deesce Deewj efveJesMe ØeefleyeeOee 25 Thej Ûeeueve keâjves Jeeues Skeâ mepe& keâes pebkeäMeve hej
Deesce nw leye mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ efkeâmeer Yeer HejeJele&ve keâe vegkeâmeeve veneR nesiee, Ùeefo R keâe
ØeefleyeeOee nw– ceeve nw–
(a) 100 Ω (b) 200 Ω
(a) 70 ohm/70 Deesce (b) 60 ohm/60 Deesce
(c) 400 Ω (d) 800 Ω
(c) 50 ohm/50 Deesce (d) 40 ohm/40 Deesce 120. A surge voltage rising at 100 kV/µs travels
*114. A transmission line of characteristic impedance along a lossless open circuited transmission
of 50 ohm is terminated by a load impedance of line. It takes 10µs to reach the open end. The
(15–j20) ohm. What is the normalized load reflected wave from the open end will be
impedance rising at
50 Deesce DeefYeue#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee keâer Skeâ mebÛejCe 100 kV/µs hej yeÌ{lee ngDee Skeâ mepe& Jeesušspe Skeâ
ueeFve keâes (15–j20) Deesce Yeej ØeefleyeeOee Éeje meceehle oes<ejefnle Keguee-heefjheLe mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ meeLe Ùee$ee
efkeâÙee peelee nw lees meeceevÙeerke=âle ØeefleyeeOee nw? keâjlee nw~ Kegues efmejs hej hengÛeves nsleg Ùen 10µs ueslee nw~
(a) 0.6 – j0.8 (b) 0.3 – j0.6
Kegues efmejs mes hejeJeefle&le lejbie, ................ Thej G" jner
(c) 0.3 – j0.4 (d) 0.3 + j0.4
*115. A loss less transmission line with characteristic
impedance of 600 ohms is terminated in a (a) 1,00 kV/µs (b) 200 kV/µs
purely resistive load of 900 ohms. the reflection (c) 1,000 kV/µs (d) 2000 kV/µs
coefficient is 121. A short length of cable between the dead end
Skeâ oes<ejefnle 600 Deesce keâer DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee tower and the power transformer
[s[FC[ še@Jej Deewj Meefòeâ š^ebmeHeâece&j kesâ yeerÛe Úesšer
keâer mebÛejCe ueeFve 900 Deesce kesâ Megæ ØeeflejesOeer Yeej ceW uecyeeF& keâe Skeâ kesâefyeue–
meceehle nes peeleer nw, lees hejeJele&ve iegCeebkeâ nw– (a) Reduces the steepness of the wave under
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.5 certain conditions only/kesâJeue kegâÚ MeleeX kesâ lenle
(c) 0.667 (d) 4.5 lejbie keâer {ueJeeheve keâce keâj oslee nw~
116. For a line of characteristic impedance Z0 (b) Always reduces the steepness of the incident
terminated in a load of VR such that ZR = Z0/3, wave/ncesMee Deekeâefmcekeâ lejbie keâer {ueJeeheve keâes keâce
what is the reflection coefficient Γ ?
keâj oslee nw
VR kesâ Yeej ceW šefce&vesš nesleer ngF& Z0 DeefYeue#eCe
(c) Steepness of the incident wave remains unaffected
ØeefleyeeOee keâer mebÛejCe ueeFve nsleg Fme Øekeâej nw efkeâ ZR = Deekeâefmcekeâ lejbie keâe {ueJeeheve DeØeYeeefJele jnlee nw~
Z0/3 lees hejeJele&ve iegCeebkeâ Γ keäÙee nw? (d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 571 YCT
122. The insulation strength of an EHV 128. The impulse ratio of a rod gap is
transmission line is mainly governed by Skeâ je@[ iewhe keâe DeeJesie Devegheele nw-
Skeâ EHV mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer efJeÅeglejesOeve meeceLÙe&
(a) unity/FkeâeF&
cegKÙe ™he mes ........... kesâ Éeje efveÙebef$ele nesleer nw~
(b) between 1.2 and 1.5/1.2 Deewj 1.5 kesâ yeerÛe
(a) Load power factor/Yeej Meefkeäle iegCeebkeâ
(b) Switching over voltages/efmJeÛeve Deefle Jeesušlee (c) between 1.6 and 1.8/1.6 Deewj 1.8 kesâ yeerÛe
(c) harmonics/ne@ceexefvekeäme (d) between 2 and 2.2/2 Deewj 2.2 kesâ yeerÛe
(d) Corona/keâesjesvee 129. For a 400 kV system, the capacity of lightning
123. The insulation coordination of UHV lines arrester should be
(above 500 kV) is done based on 400 kV ØeCeeueer kesâ efueS ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj keâer #ecelee
UHV ueeFveeW (500 kV mes Thej) kesâ efueS efJeÅeglejesOeve nesveer ÛeeefnS~
mecevJeÙe ........... kesâ DeeOeej hej efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (a) 1 kA (b) 5 kA
(a) Lightning surges/DeekeâeMeerÙe efJeÅegle lejbie (c) 10 kA (d) 50 kA
(b) Lightning surges and switching surges
130. Lightening arrester should be located
DeekeâeMeerÙe efJeÅegle lejbie Deewj efmJeefÛebie lejbie
ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj efmLele nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(c) Switching surges/efmJeefÛebie lejbie
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) away from the circuit breaker
124. In comparison to line insulation, the insulation heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ mes otj
level of the station equipment is (b) near the circuit breaker/heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ kesâ heeme
ueeFve FvmeguesMeve keâer leguevee ceW mšsMeve GhekeâjCe keâe (c) away from the transformer/š^evmeheâece&j mes otj
FvmeguesMeve mlej neslee nw– (d) near the transformer/š^evmeheâece&j kesâ heeme
(a) Less/keâce
131. Which of the following protective devices can
(b) More/DeefOekeâ
be used against lightning surges?
(c) Equal/yejeyej
efvecve ceW mes keâewve meer megj#eelcekeâ Ùegefòeâ efyepeueer efnuueesue
(d) Not related directly with each other
Skeâ otmejs kesâ meeLe meerOes mebyebefOele veneR kesâ efKeueeHeâ GheÙeesie nes mekeâleer nw–
125. When a wave reaches an open circuit the _____ (a) Lightning arrestors/ueeFefšbie Dejsmšj
at the termination is/are double the incident (b) Horn gap/ßeb=ie Devlejeue
peye lejbie Kegues heefjheLe hej hengBÛeleer nw lees šefce&vesMeve hej (c) Surge diverters/efnuueesue heefjJele&ve
............. Deeheeflele ceeve keâe ogiegvee neslee nw~ (d) Any of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW keâesF& Yeer
(a) Voltage/Jeesušspe 132. Swithcing over voltages arc more hazardous
(b) Current/Oeeje than lightning surges in case of:
(c) Both the voltage and current/Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje Deef le Jeesušlee kesâ efmJeefÛebie kesâ ceeceues ces efyepeueer kesâ
oesveeW efnuueesue mes DeefOekeâ Kelejveekeâ nw––
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) Unbalanced systems/Demeblegefuele ØeCeeueer
126. When a wave reaches a short circuit the _____ (b) Low voltages/efvecve Jeesušspe
at the termination is/are zero
peye lejbie ueIeg heefjheLe hej hengÛeleer nw lees šefce&vesMeve hej (c) 11kV system/11 kV ØeCeeueer
........... MetvÙe nesleer nw~ (d) EHV and UHV systems
(a) Voltage/Jeesušspe EHV Deewj UHV ØeCeeueer
(b) Current/Oeeje 133. Surge modifiers are used to:
(c) Both the voltage and current efnuueesue mebMeesOekeâ keâe Fmlesceeue efkeâÙee peelee nw–
Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje oesveeW (a) Modify the shape of wave front
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW keâesF& veneR cegKÙe lejbie keâer Deekeâej keâes mebMeesefOele keâjves ceW
127. A backward wave means a (b) Reduce the steepness of wave front
Skeâ efheÚÌ[er lejbie keâe celeueye nw–
cegKÙe lejbie keâer {euetheve keâce keâjves ceW
(a) Negative voltage wave/$e+Ceelcekeâ Jeesušspe lejbie
(c) Reduce the current of wave front
(b) Negative current wave/$e+Ceelcekeâ Oeeje lejbie
(c) a wave traveling in the negative direction Oeeje keâer cegKÙe lejbieeW keâes keâce keâjves ceW
$e+Ceelcekeâ efoMee ceW Ùee$ee keâjleer ngF& lejbie (d) Reduce the voltage of wave front
(d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW meYeer Jeesušlee keâer cegKÙe lejbie keâes keâce keâjves ceW
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 572 YCT
134. Basically a lightning arrester is a: (c) The peak short current is (1.8× 2 ) times
cegKÙe ™he mes Skeâ ueeFšeEveie Dejsmšj nw– the A.C. component/efMeKej ueIegheLe Oeeje mes
(a) Surge diverter/efnuueesue heefjJele&keâ (1.8× 2 ) iegvee S.meer. keâcheesveWš nesleer nw
(b) Surge alternator/efnuueesue ØelÙeeJele&keâ (d) The MVA at fault is equal to base MVA
(c) Surge reflector/efnuueesue hejeJele&keâ divided by per unit equivalent fault
(d) Surge absorber/efnuueesue DeJeMees<ekeâ reactance/oes<e hej MVA DeeOeej MVA kesâ yejeyej
135. An earth conductor provided on the top of the neslee nw, pees Øeefle FkeâeF& meceeve oes<e Éeje efJeYeeefpele
transmission line provides protection against: nesleer nw
mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ Meer<e& hej efmLele Skeâ Yet-Ûeeuekeâ megj#ee 140. Which of the following device is commonly
Øeoeve keâjlee nw– used for lightening protection?
efvecveefueefKele GhekeâjCeeW ceW mes efkeâmekeâe GheÙeesie
(a) Direct lightning stroke/ØelÙe#e efyepeueer kesâ Peškesâ
meeOeejCeleÙee efyepeueer mebj#eCe kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(b) Travelling waves/Ûeue lejbies
(a) Isolator/DeeFmeesuesšj
(c) Electrostatically induced voltage due to a
charged cloud/DeeJesefMele yeeoueeW kesâ keâejCe (b) Over voltage relay/DeesJej Jeesušspe efjues
efmLejJewÅegeflekeâer Øesefjle Jeesušlee (c) Circuit Breaker/meefke&âš yeÇskeâj
(d) ZnO Varistor/ZnO Jewefjmšj
(d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
141. Given curve represents which of the following’s
136. Over voltage protection is recommended for:
voltage current characterstics?/efoÙee ngDee Je›eâ
Deefle Jeesušlee mebj#eCe efvecve kesâ efueS DeefveJeeÙe& keâer
efvecveefueefKele cebs mes efkeâmekeâe Jeesušspe Oeeje iegCe nw?
peeleer nw
(a) Hydro-electric generators/peue efJeÅegle pevejsšjeW
(b) Steam turbine generators/Yeehe šjyeeFve pevejsšjeW
(c) Gas turbine generators/iewme šjyeeFve pevejsšjeW
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer
137. ……transmission line has reflection coefficient (a) switch gear/efmJeÛe efieÙej
as one: (b) lightning arrester/leefÌ[le Øe«eener
......š^ebmeefceMeve ueeFve ceW efjheäueskeäMeve iegCeebkeâ Skeâ neslee (c) lightning conductor/leefÌ[le megÛeeuekeâ
nw– (d) circuit breaker/heefjheLe efJeÙeespekeâ
(a) Open circuit/Keguee heefjheLe *142. Switching surge is :/efmJeefÛebie mepe& nw–
(b) Short-circuit/ueIeg heefjheLe (a) High voltage D.C./GÛÛe Jeesušspe [er.meer.
(c) Long/yeÌ[er (b) High voltage A.C./GÛÛe Jeesušspe S.meer.
(c) Short duration transient voltage
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR ueIeg keâeefuekeâ š^eefvpeSvš Jeesušspe
138. Which of the following devices will receive (d) Low impedance transformer
voltage surge first traveling on the transmission ueIeg ØeefleyeeOee š^evmeheâece&j
line: *143. The coefficient of reflection of voltage for a
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee GhekeâjCe henues mebÛejCe ueeFve hej short circuited line is–
Ùee$ee keâjles ngS Jeesušspe Je=efæ/mepe& keâes Øeehle keâjsiee~ ueIegheefLele ueeFve ceW Jeesušlee keâe hejeJele&ve iegCeebkeâ neslee nw–
(a) Lightning arresters/ueeFefšefvebie Dejsmšj (a) 1.0 (b) –1.0
(c) 0 (d) 2.0
(b) Relays/efjues 144. Which of the following conditions is unlikely to
(c) Step-down transformer/DeheÛeeÙeer š^ebmeheâece&j occur in a voltage surge?
(d) Switchgear/efmJeÛeefieÙej efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-meer efmLeefle mepe& Jeesušlee ceW
139. Which of the following statements is incorrect: Ieefšle vener nesleer nw?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve ieuele nw– (a) Damage to electronic components
(a)Lightning arrestors are used before the Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ GhekeâjCeeW keâe Kejeye nes peevee
switchgear/efmJeÛe efieÙej mes henues ueeFšefvebie Dejsmšj keâe (b) Damage to insulation/efJeÅeglejesOeve ve° nes peevee
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw (c) Tripping of sensitive equipment
(b)Shunt reactors are used as compensation mebJesoveMeerue GhekeâjCeeW keâe efš^he nesvee
reactors/Mebš efjSkeäšjeW keâe GheÙeesie keâchesvemesMeve efjSkeäšjeW (d) Flicker in incandescent lamps
kesâ ™he ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw Göerhle uewche ceW efheäuekeâj
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 573 YCT
145. Solid state power supplies are protected from 150. Series reactors are used to
high voltage surges due to lightning using: ßesCeer ØeefleIeelekeâ ØeÙeesie efkeâS peeles nQ–
meesefue[ mšsš mehueeF& keâes ueeFšeEveie kesâ keâejCe GÛÛe
(a) Improve the transmission efficiency
Jeesušspe mepe& mes megj#ee Øeoeve keâjeÙee peelee nQ, ØeÙeesie
keâjkesâ– mebÛejCe o#elee keâes megOeejves ceW
(a) Zinc-oxide-based varistors (b) Improve the power factor of the power
pemlee Dee@keämeeF[ DeeOeeefjle Jewefjmšj system/Meefòeâ ØeCeeueer kesâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâes megOeejves ceW
(b) Metal film resistors/Oeeleg efHeâuce ØeeflejesOe (c) Improve the voltage regulation
(c) Metal glaze resistors/Oeeleg MeerMee ØeeflejesOe Jeesušspe jsieguesMeve keâes megOeejves ceW
(d) Silicon-carbide varistors
efmeefuekeâe@ve keâeyee&F[ Jewefjmšj (d) Bring down the fault level within the capacity
*146. A lightning discharge between clouds, during a of the switch gear
thunderstorm is of 10 C. The time of the efmJeÛe efieÙej keâer #ecelee kesâ Yeerlej oes<e mlej keâes veerÛes
discharge is 10 ms. Determine the average
ueeves kesâ efueS
lightning current.
leer›e DeebOeer-letheâeve kesâ oewjeve yeeoueeW kesâ ceOÙe leefÌ[le 151. Current limiting reactors may be:
efvejeJesMeve (ueeFšefvebie ef[mÛeepe&) 10 C nw~ ef[mÛeepe& Oeeje meerefcele ØeefleIeelekeâ nes mekeâlee nw–
keâe meceÙe 10 ms nw~ Deewmele leefÌ[le Oeeje keâer ieCevee (a) Air cooled air cored/JeeÙeg Meerleueerle JeeÙeg keâesj
(b) Oil immersed magnetically shielded/
(a) 10 A (b) 1 A
(c) 1000 A (d) 100 A ÛegcyekeâerÙe {bie mes lesue ceW [tyee hejerj#ekeâ
147. The reflection co-efficient at the open circuit (c) Oil immersed non-magnetically shielded/
end of a transmission line: DeÛegcyekeâerÙe {bie mes lesue ceW [tyee hejerj#ekeâ
mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ Keguee heefjheLe Úesj hej hejeJele&ve
iegCeebkeâ neslee nw– (d) Any of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& Yeer
(a) Zero/MetvÙe 152. The use of oil immersed reactors is generally
(b) Infinity/Deveble restricted upto:
(c) Unity/FkeâeF& lesue efJemeefpe&le ØeefleIeelekeâeW kesâ Fmlesceeue meeceevÙeleÙee
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR ØeefleyeefvOele efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(a) 5kV
4. ØeefleIeelekeâ (Reactors) (b) 11kV
(c) 22kV
148. Which of the following type of reactors are
popularly used in power systems? (d) Normally no restriction of voltage
efvecve ceW mes efkeâme Øekeâej keâer ØeefleIeelekeâ ØeCeeueer ceW meeceevÙele: Jeesušlee keâe keâesF& ØeefleyevOe veneR
ueeskeâefØeÙe ™he mes GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw- 153. Series reactors should have:
(a) compensation reactors/#eeflehetefle& ØeefleIeelekeâ ßesCeer ØeefleIeelekeâ kesâ heeme nesvee ÛeeefnS
(b) current limiting reactors/Oeeje meerefcele ØeefleIeelekeâ
(a) Low resistance/keâce ØeeflejesOe
(c) suppression or Peterson reactors
(b) High resistance/GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe
oeye Dee efhešjmeve ØeefleIeelekeâ
(c) Low impedance/keâce ØeefleyeeOee
(d) all of these/FveceW mes meYeer
149. Shunt reactors are connected with transmission (d) High impedance/GÛÛe ØeefleyeeOee
lines for 154. To reduce short circuit fault currents ……
Mevš ØeefleIeelekeâ mebÛejCe ueeFve kesâ meeLe ........ kesâ efueS are used:
pegÌ[lee nw– ueIeg heefjheLe oes<e OeejeDeeW keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
(a) limiting fault current/oes<eOeeje meerefcele ........ GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(b) limiting fault voltage/oes<e Jeesušspe meerefcele
(a) Reactors/ØeefleIeelekeâ
(c) absorbing reacting power
(b) Resistors/ØeeflejesOeeW
Øeefleef›eâÙee Meefkeäle DeJeMeesef<ele
(d) absorbing high voltage surges (c) Capacitors/mebOeeefj$eeW
GÛÛe mepe& Jeesušspe DeJeMeesef<ele (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 574 YCT

(c) Simplified design of earth fault protection.
5. Goemeerve Yet-Ùeespeve Ùee Yet-mecheke&âve DeLe& oes<e mebj#eCe keâe mejueerke=âle ef[peeFve
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer
(Neutral Earthing or 160. The advantage of neutral earthings is
Grounding) Yet-Goemeerve keâe ueeYe nw–
(a) Safety of personnel/keâce&ÛeeefjÙeeW keâer megj#ee
155. The size of the earth wire is determined on the (b) Reduction of earth fault current
basis of /DeLe& leej keâe Deekeâej efkeâmekesâ DeeOeej hej Yet-oes<e Oeeje keâer keâceer
efveOee&efjle efkeâÙee peelee nw (c) Elimination of arcing ground
(a) Voltage of the service line Yet-Deee\keâie keâe meceeheve
mee|Jeme ueeFve keâs Jeesušspe (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Current carrying capacity of the service 161. Resistance earthing is employed for voltages
line/mee|Jeme ueeFve keâer Oeeje Jenve #ecelee between
ØeeflejesOe Dee\Leie ....... kesâ yeerÛe Jeesušspe kesâ efueS
(c) Atmospheric conditions/JeeÙegceC[ueerÙe efmLeefle
efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) 3.3 Deewj 11 kV
156. Neutral earth is provided for
Yet-Goemeerve ............. kesâ efueS Øeoeve keâer peeleer nw– (b) 11 Deewj 33 kV
(a) The safety of personnel from electric (c) 33 Deewj 66 kV
shock/efyepeueer kesâ Peškesâ mes keâe|ceÙeeW keâer megj#ee (d) 66 kV Deewj 132 kV
(b) Controlling the earth fault current for 162. Earthing of transformer neutral through
protective relaying/megj#eelcekeâ efjues kesâ efueS Yet-oes<e reactance will improve its
ØeefleIeele kesâ ceeOÙece mes heefjCeeefce$e Goemeerve keâer Dee\Leie
Oeeje keâe efveÙeb$eCe Fmekesâ ............. megOeej keâjsiee~
(c) Reducing the voltage stress on lines and
equipment with respect to earth under various (a) Transient stability/#eefCekeâ efmLejlee
operating and fault conditions/efJeefYevve Dee@hejseEšie (b) Steady state stability/efmLej efmLeefle efmLejlee
Deewj Heâe@uš efmLeefleÙeeW kesâ lenle he=LJeer kesâ mecyevOe ceW (c) Both of the above/Ghejeskeäle oesveeW
ueeFveeW Deewj GhekeâjCeeW hej Jeesušspe leveeJe keâes keâce keâjves (d) None of these/Fvecebs mes keâesF& veneR
(d) Both (b) and (c)/(b) Deewj (c) oesveeW 163. Which of the following neutral system will
require the lightning arrester of least voltage
157. Isolated neutral system has the disadvantage(s) rating?
of/efJeueefiele Goemeerve ØeCeeueer keâer neefve nw– efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee Goemeerve ØeCeeueer kesâ efueS keâce mes
(a) Voltage oscillations/Jeesušspe oesueve keâce Jeesušspe jseEšie Jeeues ueeFšeEveie Dejsmšj keâer
(b) Difficult earth fault relaying DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesieer?
keâef"ve Yet-oes<e efjuesFbie
(a) Insulated/efJeÅeglejesOekeâ
(c) Persistent arcing ground./ÂÌ{ Yet-Deee\keâie
(b) Solidly earthed/cepeyetle Yetmechee\keâle
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
(c) Resistance earthed/ØeeflejesOe Yetmechee\keâle
158. Isolated neutral transmission system is not
recommended as the (d) Reactance earthed/ØeefleIeele Yetmechee\keâle
efJeueefiele Goemeerve mebÛejCe ØeCeeueer kesâ ™he ceW DevegMebefmele 164. Petersan coil is used for
veneR keâer peeleer nw keäÙeesefkeâ– efhešjmeve keäJee@Ùeue ........... kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) Grounding of system neutral/Goemeerve ØeCeeueer keâer
(a) System insulation is overstressed due to over
voltages./ØeCeeueer keâe efJeÅeglejesOeve Deefle Jeesušspe kesâ «eeGbeE[ie
keâejCe DeesJej mš^sp[ nes peelee nw (b) To reduce fault current/oes<e Oeeje keâes keâce keâjves kesâ
(b) Insulation over stress may lead to its failure ef ueS
resulting in phase to phase faults./Deefle leveeJe hej (c) Connecting two interconnected systems/
efJeÅeglejesOeve ceW efJeHeâuelee nes mekeâleer nw efpemekesâ heefjCeece hejmhej peg [
Ì s ng S oes ØeCeeueer keâes mebÙeesefpele keâjves
(d) For shunt compensation of transmission
mJe™he keâuee mes keâuee oes<e neslee nw lines/mebÛejCe ueeFveeW kesâ heeMJe& #eeflehete|le kesâ efueS
(c) System is not adequately protected against 165. Which one of the following grounding methods
earth fault/ØeCeeueer keâes Yet-oes<e kesâ efJe™æ heÙee&hle ™he is used to reduce the lower footing resistance
mes mebjef#ele veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw where earth resistance is low?
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer efvecve Hetâefšbie ØeeflejesOe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS efvecve ceW
159. Neutral earthing has the advantage (s) of mes keâewve-meer «eeGeEC[ie efJeefOe keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ peneB Yet
Yet-Goemeerve keâe ueeYe neslee nw–
(a) Elimination of arcing grounds.
ØeeflejesOe keâce nesiee–
Yet-Deee\keâie keâes meceehle keâjvee (a) Single driven rod/Skeâue mebÛeeefuele je@[
(b) Low maintenance and operating costs over (b) Multiple rods/keâF& je@[
isolated neutral system/efJeueefiele Goemeerve ØeCeeueer (c) Counter poises/keâeGbšj hJeeFpe
hej keâce jKejKeeJe Deewj heefjÛeeueve ueeiele (d) Plates/huesšdme
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 575 YCT
166. Tower footing resistance of a transmission (a) The winding connections/kegâC[ueer mebÙeespeve
toward should be (b) The method of neutral grounding
š^ebmeefceMeve kesâ Deesj keâe šeJej HetâeEšie ØeeflejesOe nesvee vÙetš^ue «eeGbef[bie keâer efJeefOe
ÛeeefnS– (c) Unmatched characteristics of CTs
(a) As high as possible/efpelevee DeefOekeâ nes mekesâ meeršer keâer yescesue efJeMes<eleeSB
(b) As low as possible/efpelevee keâce nes mekesâ (d) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(c) Moderately high/ceOÙece mes DeefOekeâ 172. For effective use of a counterpoise wire
Skeâ peeueer leej kesâ ØeYeeJeer GheÙeesie kesâ efueS–
(d) Moderately low/ceOÙece mes keâce (a) its leakage resistance should be greater than
167. The method of neutral grounding affected the the surge impedance/Fmekeâe #ejCe ØeeflejesOe mepe&
vÙetš^ue «eeGbeE[ie keâer efJeefOe ØeYeeefJele keâjlee nw ØeefleyeeOee mes yeÌ[e nesvee ÛeeefnS
(a) Positive sequence network. (b) three-phase and two-earth fault relays are
Oeveelcekeâ Deveg›eâce vesšJeke&â keâes required/leerve keâuee Deewj oes Yet-oes<e efjues keâer pe™jle
(b) Negative sequence network (c) tow-phase and two-earth fault relays are
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deveg›eâce vesšJeke&â keâes required/oes keâuee Deewj oes Yet-oes<e efjues keâer pe™jle
(c) Zero sequence network/MetvÙe Deveg›eâce vesšJeke&â keâes (d) two-phase and one-earth fault relays are
(d) Both positive and zero sequence network. required/oes keâuee Deewj Skeâ Yet-oes<e efjues keâer pe™jle
Oeveelcekeâ Deewj MetvÙe Deveg›eâce vesšJeke&â oesveeW 173. The advantage of neutral earthing is:
168. The earth transformer is used to Goemeerve Yet-mecheke&âve keâe ueeYe nw–
Yet heefjCeeefce$e keâe ØeÙeesie ....... kesâ efueS neslee nw~ (a) Freedom from persistent arcing grounds
(a) Avoid the harmonics in the transformers ueieeleej Yet efÛevieejer mes mJelev$elee
heefjCeeefce$e keâes neceexefvekeäme mes yeÛeeves kesâ efueS (b) Over voltages due to lightning can be
(b) Provide artificial neutral earthing where discharged to erth/efyepeueer kesâ keâejCe Deefle
neutral point is not accessible. Jeesušlee Yet ceW efJemeefpe&le nes mekeâleer nw
ke=âef$ece lešmLe Dee\Leie Øeoeve keâjves ceW peneB Goemeerve efyevog (c) Simplified design earth fault protection
megueYe veneR neslee nw mejueerke=âle heefjkeâuheve Yet oes<e mebj#eCe
(c) Improve stability of the system. (d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes meYeer
ØeCeeueer keâer efmLejlee megOeejves ceW 174. Ungrounded neutral transmission system is
not recommended because of system:
(d) Measure of the voltage/Jeesušlee keâes ceeheves ceW mebÛejCe ØeCeeueer ceW Yetefceiele Goemeerve keâe efmeHeâeefjMe
169. The positive-, negative- and zero- sequence veneR efkeâÙee ieÙee nQ, efpemekeâe keâejCe nw–
impedances of a solidly grounded system under (a) Insulation being overstressed due to over
steady state condition always follow the voltages/Deefle Jeesušlee kesâ keâejCe efJeÅegle jesOekeâ keâe
"esme «eeGC[s[ ØeCeeueer kesâ Oeveelcekeâ, $e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj DeefOekeâ efKebÛeeJe
(b) Insulation overstress may lead to failure
MetvÙe Deveg›eâce ØeefleyeeOee efmLej DeJemLee efmLeefle kesâ and subsequent phase to phase faults
Devleie&le ›eâce ncesMee ................ mebyevOeeW keâe heeueve MeerMes kesâ efJeÅeglejesOeve kesâ efKeÛeeJe mes Kejeye nesves mes
keâjles nw~ keâuee mes keâuee oes<e GlheVe nesvee
(a) Z0 < Z1 <Z2 (b) Z1 >Z2 >Z0 (c) Being inadequately protected against
(c) Z1 < Z2 < Z3 (d) Z0 > Z1 > Z2 ground fault
170. In an isolated neutral system, when a single line Yet-oes<e kesâ efJe™æ DeheÙee&hle ™he mes mebjef#ele nesvee
to ground fault occurs (d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes meYeer
Skeâ efJeueefiele Goemeerve ØeCeeueer ceW, peye Skeâue keâuee mes 175. The ground wire should not be smaller than
Yet-oes<e neslee nw– peceerveer leej keâer mebKÙee .....keâe@hej mes Úesše veneR nesvee
(a) persistent arcing grounds will be developed ÛeeefnS–
efvejblej Deee\keâie «eeGC[ efJekeâefmele nesiee (a) 2 (b) 4
(b) Voltage in the healthy phases rise to full line (c) 6 (d) 10
*176.During arcing ground conditions, the phase
value causing insulation breakdown voltage of the system rises to
mJemLe keâueeDeeW ceW Jeesušspe hetjer ueeFve ceeve lekeâ yeÌ{lee DeeefkeËâie Yet DeJemLeeDeeW kesâ oewjeve, ØeCeeueer keâer Hesâpe
nw efpemekesâ keâejCe JewÅeglejesOeve Yebpeve neslee nw Jeesušlee yeÌ{ peeleer nw–
(c) The capacitive current in the faulty phase rises (a) 15 times its normal value
to 3 times its normal value./oes<e keâuee ceW mebOeeefj$e Deheves meeceevÙe ceeve kesâ 15 iegCee lekeâ
Oeeje Deheves meeceevÙe ceeve mes 3 iegvee yeÌ{ peelee nw (b) 10 times its normal value
Deheves meeceevÙe ceeve kesâ 10 iegCee lekeâ
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer
(c) 5 to 6 times its normal value
171. The magnitude of earth fault current for a
Deheves meeceevÙe ceeve kesâ 5 mes 6 iegCee lekeâ
given fault position, depends on
efkeâmeer efoS ieS oes<e keâer efmLeefle kesâ efueS Yet-oes<e Oeeje (d) 3 times its normal value/Deheves meeceevÙe ceeve kesâ
........... hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~ 3 iegCee lekeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 576 YCT
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (a)
8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (a) 11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (d)
15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (b) 21. (c)
22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28.(b)
29. (b) 30. (b) 31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (a)
36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (d) 40. (d) 41. (b) 42. (b)
43. (b) 44. (d) 45. (c) 46. (d) 47. (d) 48. (a) 49. (b)
50. (d) 51. (b) 52. (b) 53. (a) 54. (d) 55. (b) 56. (b)
57. (d) 58. (b) 59. (d) 60. (c) 61. (b) 62. (c) 63. (a)
64. (b) 65. (c) 66. (a) 67. (c) 68. (b) 69. (d) 70. (c)
71. (b) 72. (c) 73. (a) 74. (a) 75. (a) 76. (d) 77. (a)
78. (c) 79. (d) 80. (d) 81. (c) 82. (d) 83. (d) 84. (c)
85. (d) 86. (c) 87. (c) 88. (b) 89. (b) 90. (d) 91. (c)
92. (b) 93. (d) 94. (a) 95. (a) 96. (c) 97. (d) 98. (c)
99. (b) 100. (b) 101. (d) 102. (d) 103. (c) 104. (c) 105. (c)
106. (b) 107. (c) 108. (c) 109. (c) 110. (d) 111. (a) 112. (b)
113. (c) 114. (c) 115. (a) 116. (d) 117. (c) 118. (d) 119. (c)
120. (c) 121. (b) 122. (b) 123. (c) 124. (d) 125. (a) 126. (a)
127. (c) 128. (b) 129. (c) 130. (d) 131. (d) 132. (d) 133. (b)
134. (a) 135. (d) 136. (d) 137. (a) 138. (a) 139. (a) 140. (d)
141. (b) 142. (c) 143. (b) 144. (d) 145. (d) 146. (c) 147. (c)
148. (d) 149. (c) 150. (d) 151. (d) 152. (d) 153. (a) 154. (a)
155. (b) 156. (d) 157. (d) 158. (d) 159. (d) 160. (c) 161. (a)
162. (a) 163. (b) 164. (a) 165. (a) 166. (b) 167. (c) 168. (b)
169. (b) 170. (d) 171. (d) 172. (b) 173. (d) 174. (d) 175. (d)
176. (d)

10. (a) Pmax =
1.6 × 1.0
= 2 pu
114. (c) mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer meeceevÙe Yeej ØeefleyeeOee
X b + X a 0.6 + 0.2 ZL 15 − j20
Znormal = = = ( 0.3 − j0.4 )
45. (c) DeeOetCe& meblegueve meceerkeâjCe Z0 50
i1 − i 2 n ZL − Z0 900 − 600
= r 115. (a) hejeJele&ve iegCeebkeâ Γ = = = 0.2
(i1 + i 2 ) / 2 n o ZL + Z0 900 + 600
79. (d)
142. (c) efmJeefÛebie mepe& Skeâ ueIeg keâeefuekeâ š^eefvpeSvš Jeesušspe nesleer nw~
Z2 − Z1
143. (b) Refflection coefficient =
Z2 + Z1
0 − Z1
= = −1
0 + Z1
146. (c) efoÙee nw-
Q = 10 ketâuee@ce, t = 10 mS
ØeoefMe&le efÛe$e ceW Isolator keâe keâeÙe& A & D keâj jne nw~ Q 10
I= = = 103 A
113. (c) mebÛejCe ueeFve keâer DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ ØeefleyeeOee t 10 × 10–3
Z0 = Zin × ZL I = 1 × 103 A
Z0 = 25 × 100 Ùee I = 1000A
Z0 = 50 Deesÿe 176. (d) Deheves meeceevÙe ceeve kesâ 3 = 1.73 Ùee 173% lekeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 577 YCT
JewÅegle GheÙeb$e SJeb ceeheve
(Electrical Instruments and Measurement)
4. The technique used to check quantitatively
1. JewÅegle ceeheÙeb$eeW kesâ efueS heefjÛeÙe whether the given data distribution is close to
Gaussian distribution is
(Introduction to Electrical Jen lekeâveerkeâ pees cee$eelcekeâ ™he mes peebÛeves kesâ efueS
Measuring) GheÙeesie keâer peeleer nw efkeâ efoÙee ieÙee [sše efJelejCe
ieeTmeerÙeve efJelejCe kesâ keâjerye nw–
1. For time and frequency, the working standard (a) curve fitting.
is / meceÙe Deewj DeeJe=efòe kesâ efueS keâeÙe& ceevekeâ nw– efHeâefšbie Je›eâ
(a) microwave oscillator. / ceeF›eâesJesJe oesefue$e (b) method of least squares.
(b) crystal controlled oscillator. keâce mes keâce Jeieex keâer efJeefOe
ef›eâmšue efveÙebef$ele oesefue$e (c) Chi-square test.
(c) LASER / uespej Ûeer-Jeie& hejer#eCe
(d) A RF oscillator. / Skeâ jsef[Ùees DeeJe=efòe oesefue$e (d) standard deviation of mean.
2. Which of the following is/are primary ceeOÙe keâe ceevekeâ efJeÛeueve~
standard(s) for voltage maintained by National 5. The units whose size cannot be chosen
Standards Laboratories? independently are called
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee je<š^erÙe ØeÙeesieMeeuee kesâ Éeje Jen F&keâeF& efpemekeâe Deekeâej mJeleb$e ™he mes veneR heeÙee pee
Jeesušlee yeveeÙes jKeves kesâ efueS ØeeLeefcekeâ ceevekeâ (s) nw? mekeâlee nw................ keânles nQ-
1. Zener diode with 1.5 V output at 20oC. (a) absolute units. / efvejhes#e FkeâeF&~
200C hej 1.5V DeeGšhegš kesâ meeLe peervej [eÙees[ (b) primary fundamental units.
2. Nickel cadmium rechargeable cell of 1.25 ØeeLeefcekeâ ceewefuekeâ F&keâeF&~
V output at 20oC.
200C hej 1.25V DeeGšhegš keâe efveefkeâue kewâ[efceÙece (c) derived units. / JÙeglhevve FkeâeF&
(d) auxiliary fundamental units.
hegve: DeeJesefMele mesue
meneÙekeâ ceewefuekeâ FkeâeF&
Select the correct answer using the codes given
below : 6. What is the prefix tera equivalent to?
veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ mener Gòej keâe efØeefheâkeäme šsje ........... kesâ yejeyej keäÙee nw?
ÛeÙeve keâjW~ (a) 103 (b) 106
(c) 10 (d) 1012
(a) 1 only / kesâJeue 1
7. A coherent system of units is to be evolved
(b) 2 only / kesâJeue 2 which has N kinds of quantities to evaluate
(c) Both 1 and 2 / 1 Deewj 2 oesveeW and M independent physical equations
(d) Neither 1 nor 2. / ve lees 1 ve 2 expressing relationship between them, we can
3. Standard cell / ceevekeâ mesue– independently choose the sizes of
(a) will have precise and accurate constant FkeâeF&ÙeeW keâer Skeâ megmebiele ØeCeeueer efJekeâeme keâer peeveer nw,
voltage when current drawn from it is few efpemeceW Deewj keâe cetuÙeebkeâve keâjves kesâ efueS N Øekeâej keâer
microamperes only. cee$eeSb nQ M mJeleb$e Yeeweflekeâ meceerkeâjCes Gvekesâ ceOÙe
heefjMegæ Deewj ÙeLeeLe& efmLej Jeesušspe nesiee peye Fmemes ueer
ieF& Oeeje kesâJeue kegâÚ ceeF›eâesSefcheÙej neslee nw~ mecyevOe JÙeòeâ keâjles ngS nQ~, nce mJeleb$e ™he mes Deekeâej
(b) will have precise and accurate constant keâe ÛeÙeve keâj mekeâles nQ–
voltage when few milliamperes are drawn (a) N + M quantities./ N + M jeefMeÙeeB
from it. (b) N quantities./ N jeefMeÙeeB
heefjMegæ Deewj ÙeLeeLe& efmLej Jeesušspe nesiee, peye kegâÚ (c) M quantities./ M jeefMeÙeeB
efceueerSefcheÙej Fmemes [^e efkeâÙee peeS~ (d) N - M quantities./ N – M jeefMeÙeeB
(c) will continue to have constant voltage 8. For defining the standard metre, wavelength
irrespective of loading conditions. of which material is considered?
ueesef[bie keâer efmLeleer kesâ yeeJepeto efmLej Jeesušlee yevee jnsiee~ ceevekeâ ceeršj keâes heefjYeeef<ele keâjves kesâ efueS............efkeâme
(d) can supply voltages up to 10 V.
10V lekeâ Jeesušspe keâer Deehetefle& keâj mekeâlee nw~ heoeLe& keâs lejbieowOÙe& keâes ceevee peelee nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 578 YCT
(a) Neon. / efveDee@ve (b) Krypton. / ef›eâhše@ve 1. Moving iron/Ûeue-ueewn
(c) Helium. / nerefueÙece (d) Xenon. / pesvee@ve 2. Moving-coil permanent magnet
9. What is the unit of measurement of Ûeue-kegâC[ueer efmLej-Ûegcyekeâ
surface/sheet resistivity? 3. Induction/ØesjCe
melen/Meerš ØeeflejesOekeâlee keâs ceeheve keâer FkeâeF& keäÙee nw? Select the correct answer using the codes given
(a) ohm/metre. / Deesce/ceeršj below?/veerÛes efoÙes keâes[ keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ mener Gòej
(b) ohm metre. / Deesce ceeršj keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS?
(c) ohm/sq.metre. / Deesce/Jeie& ceeršj (a) 1, 3, 2 (b) 1, 2, 3
(d) ohm. / Deesce (c) 3, 1, 2 (d) 2, 1, 3
17. Consider the following statements about hot-
10. The dimension of flux density is wire instruments?/ iece&-leej GheÙeb$e kesâ efJe<eÙe ceW
heäuekeäme IevelJe keâer efJecee nw-
(a) MT-1 Q-1 (b) MT-2 Q-2
efvecve keâLeve hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
(c) ML Q 1 1
(d) ML-1 Q-2 1. They read equally well on DC and/or AC
circuits/Ùes DC Deewj AC heefjheLe ceW yejeyej jeref[bie osles nQ~
L 2. They are simple and robust in construction
11. has the dimension of
C and power consumption is low/Ùes mejÛevee ceW
L ...............keâer efJecee nw~ mejue Deewj cepeyetle nw, Deewj Fvekeâer Meefòeâ Kehele efvecve nw~
C 3. They are quite suitable for measurement of
(a) time. / meceÙe (b) capacitance. / Oeeefjlee currents at very high frequencies/Ùes GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe
(c) inductance / ØesjkeâlJe (d) resistance. / ØeeflejesOe hej Oeeje kesâ ceeheve ceW yengle GheÙegòeâ nw~
12. More power is required to operate a moving- Which of these statements are correct?
iron meter than a PM-MC meter because of the FveceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw?
magnetic circuit's high____: (a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
PM-MC ceeršj keâer leguevee ceW cetefJebie DeeÙejve ceeršj kesâ (b) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
ØeÛeeueve ceW DeefOekeâ Meefòeâ keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee ÛegbyekeâerÙe (c) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
heefjheLe kesâ GÛÛe____kesâ keâejCe nesleer nw- (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1, 2, 3 Deewj 4
(a) resistance/ØeeflejesOe (b) relucatance/Øeefle°bYe 18. Which on of the following is basically a current
sensitive instrument?
(c) retentivity/OeejCe #ecelee (d) resilience/ØelÙeemLelee efvecve ceW mes keâewve cetue ™he mes Oeeje-mebJesefole GheÙeb$e nw?
13. In which of the following do the measurements (a) Permanent magnet moving coil instrument
find their application?
i. Automatic control of processes & operations efmLej Ûegcyekeâ Ûeue kegâC[ueer GheÙeb$e
ii. Engineering experimental analysis (b) Cathode ray oscilloscope/kewâLees[-js Deeefmeueesmkeâeshe
iii. Monitoring of processes and operations (c) Electrostatic instrument/efmLej-efJeÅeglekeâerÙe GheÙeb$e
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmeceW ceeheve, DevegØeÙeesie ceW Deelee nw? (d) FET input electronic voltmeter
i. Øeef›eâÙee Deewj ØeÛeeueve ceW mJele: efveÙeb$eCe FET efveefJe° Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ Jeesušceeršj
ii. FbpeerefveÙeefjbie ØeÙeesieelcekeâ efJeMues<eCe *19. Match List-I (Instruments) with List-II
(Application) and select the correct answer
iii. Øeef›eâÙee Deewj ØeÛeeueve keâer efveiejeveer using the codes given below?
(a) i only/kesâJeue i (b) i and ii/i Deewj ii efuemš-I (GheÙeb$e) keâe efuemš-II (DevegØeÙeesie) mes efceueeve
(c) ii and iii /ii Deewj iii (d) i, ii and iii /i, ii Deewj iii keâjW (GheÙeesefielee kesâ DeeOeej hej) Deewj veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes
14. An electrodynamometer type of instruments keâes[ keâe ØeÙeesie keâj mener Gòej keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW?
finds its major use as List-I/efuemš-I
Fueskeäš^es[eÙevecees (electrodynamo) ceeršj Øekeâej kesâ
(a) Dynamometer instrument/[eÙeveceesceeršj GheÙeb$e
Ùeb$eeW keâe cegKÙele: GheÙeesie efvecve YeeBefle neslee nw: (b) Thermocouple based instrument
(a) standard instrument only/kesâJeue ceevekeâ Ùeb$e Leceexkeâheue DeeOeeefjle GheÙeb$e
(b) transfer instrument only (c) Ramp generator/jwche pevejsšj
kesâJeue š^evmeHeâj (transfer) Ùeb$e (d) Weston Standrd Cell/Jesmšve mšwC[j[& mesue
(c) both standard and transfer instruments List-II/efuemš-II
ceevekeâ SJeb š^evmeHeâj Ùeb$e oesveeW 1. True r.m.s. value meter
(d) an indicator type of instrument/metÛekeâ Ùeb$e JeemleefJekeâ r.m.s. ceeve ceeršj
15. Due to overdamping, the instrument will 2. Transfer instrument between A.C. and D.C.
become–/DeesJej[wefchebie kesâ keâejCe GhekeâjCe nes peeSiee– A.C. Deewj D.C. kesâ ceOÙe mLeeveevlejCe GheÙeb$e
(a) Both Lethargic and Slow/megmle Deewj Oeercee oesveeW 3. Time base of CRO/CRO keâe DeeOeej meceÙe
(b) Fast/lespe 4. Standard of Electromotive force (Emf)
(c) Slow/Oeercee efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue keâe ceevekeâ
(d) Lethargic/megmle Codes/keâes[
*16. What is the correct sequence of the following A B C D
types of ammeters and voltmeters with (a) 4 1 3 2
increasing accuracy? (b) 4 3 1 2
efvecveefueefKele Øekeâej kesâ Sceeršj leLee Jeesušceeršj keâe (c) 2 1 3 4
ÙeLeeLe&lee kesâ yeÌ{les ›eâce ceW mener Deveg›eâce keäÙee nw? (d) 2 3 1 4
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 579 YCT
(a) Increases/yeÌ{leer
2. ceeheve leLee $egefšÙeeB (b) Decreases/Iešleer nw
(Measurements and Errors) (c) Remains the same/meceeve jnleer nw
(d) Depends upon the type of meter
20. The accuracy of a meter is determined by.........
ceeršj kesâ Øekeâej hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw
Skeâ ceesšj keâer Megælee..............efJe#esheCe Oeeje efveOee&efjle 26. A 0-100 V voltmeter has a guaranteed accuracy
of 2% full scale reading. The voltage measured
efkeâÙee peelee nw– by the voltmeter is 75V. The limiting error is in
1 percentage?
(a) One-tenth of full scale/hetCe& mkesâue keâer
10 Skeâ 0-100 V Jeesušceeršj ceW Hegâue mkesâue hee"Ÿeebkeâ hej
1 2³ keâer ÙeLeeLe&lee efveefMÛele nw~ Jeesušceeršj Éeje ceehee
(b) One-fourth of full scale/hetCe& mkesâue keâer
4 ieÙee Jeesušspe 75V nw, lees meerefcele $egefš ØeefleMele ceW nesieer?
(c) Half scale/Deæ& mkesâue (a) 3.33% (b) 2.66%
(d) Full scale/hetCe& mkesâue (c) 2% (d) 1%
21. In measurement system, which of the following 27. The measured value of a resistance is 10.25
static characteristics are desirable? ohm, whereas its value of 10.22 ohm. What is
ceeheve ØeCeeueer ceW, efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve efmLej absolute error of the measurement:
DeefYeue#eCe JeebÚveerÙe nw? Skeâ ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeefhele ceeve 10.25 Deesce nw peyekeâer
(a) Accuracy/ÙeLeeLe&lee
Fmekeâe JeemleefJekeâ ceeve 10.22 Deesce nw lees ceeheve keâer
(b) Sensitivity/mebJesoveMeeruelee
efvejhes#e $egefš keäÙee nesieer?
(c) Reproducibility/hegve™lheeokeâlee (a) 0.01 ohm/0.01 Deesce
(d) All of these/FveceW mes meYeer (b) 0.03 ohm/0.03 Deesce
22. The static error band of an instrument does not (c) 15.36 ohm/15.36 Deesce
include: (d) 10.26 ohm/10.26 Deesce
efkeâmeer GhekeâjCe keâe mLeweflekeâ $egefš yewC[ Meeefceue veneR nw– 28. A pressure measurement instrument is
(a) Non-linearity/DejsKeerÙe calibrated between 10 bar and 260 bar. The
scale absolute span of the instrument is:
(b) Electrical shift/JewÅegle efMeHeäš
Skeâ oeyeceeheer GhekeâjCe keâes 10 yeej Deewj 260 yeej kesâ
(c) Hysteresis in the instrument/Ùeb$e ceW MewefLeuÙe
yeerÛe kewâefueyeÇsš efkeâÙee peelee nw~ GhekeâjCe keâe mkesâue
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
efvejhes#e bmheeve nw–
23. The difference between the measured value and
the true value is called the: (a) 10 bar/10 yeej
ceeefhele ceeve Deewj JeemleefJekeâ ceeve kesâ yeerÛe kesâ Deblej keâes (b) 250 bar/250 yeej
keâne peelee nw– (c) 260 bar/260 yeej
(a) Relative error/meehes#e $egefš (d) 270 bar/270 yeej
(b) Absolute error/hejce $egefš 29. If two meters X and Y require 40 mA and 50
(c) Gross error/kegâue $egefš mA respectively, to give full scale deflection,
(d) Probable error/mebYeeefJele $egefš
Ùeefo oes ceeršj X Deewj Y keâes ›eâceMe: hetCe& hewceeves hej
24. The errors committed by a person in the
measurement are: efJe#esheCe osves kesâ efueS ›eâceMe: 40mA Deewj 50 mA keâer
ceeheve ceW efkeâmeer JÙeefòeâ Éeje keâer ieF& $egefšÙeeB nesleer nQ– DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw, lees–
(a) Gross errors/kegâue $egefšÙeeB (a) Y is more sensitive/Y DeefOekeâ mebJesoveMeerue nw
(b) Random errors/DeefveÙeefcele $egefšÙeeB (b) X is more sensitive/X DeefOekeâ mebJesoveMeerue nw
(c) Instrumental errors/GhekeâjCeerÙe $egefšÙeeB (c) Both X and Y are equally sensitive
(d) Environmental errors/JeeleeJejCeerÙe $egefšÙeeB X Deewj Y oesveeW yejeyej mebJesoveMeerue nw
25. At high frequency the accuracy of all (d) It would not be possible to asses then
measuring meters: sensitivity on the basis of the given data
GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe hej meYeer ceehekeâ ceeršjeW keâer ÙeLeeLe&lee efoS ieÙes DeebkeâÌ[eW kesâ DeeOeej hej leye mebJesoveMeeruelee keâe
keäÙee nesleer nw– DeeMJeemeve osvee mebYeJe veneR nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 580 YCT
30. Systematic errors are: (a) frequency response/DeeJe=efòe Øeefleef›eâÙee
JÙeJeefmLele $egefšÙeeB nQ– (b) hysteresis/MewefLeuÙe
(a) environmental errors/heÙee&JejCeerÙe $egefšÙeeB (c) amplitude distortion/DeeÙeece efJe™heCe
(b) observational errors/DeJeueeskeâve $egefšÙeeB
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(c) instrument errors/GhekeâjCe $egefšÙeeB
36. The error, when reading at half-scale in an
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer instrument, is
31. The smallest change in measured variable to Skeâ GhekeâjCe ceW Deæ&hewceevee hej hee"Ÿeebkeâ uesves mes $egefš
which instrument will respond is:
ceeefhele jeefMe ceW LeesÌ[e heefjJele&ve keâjves hej GhekeâjCe efkeâ nesleer nw–
Øeefleef›eâÙee keäÙee nesieer– (a) equal to half of full-scale error
(a) resolution/DevlejCe ÂÌ{lee hetCe& hewceevee hej $egefš kesâ DeeOes kesâ yejeyej
(b) accuracy/ÙeLeeLe&lee (b) equal to full-scale error
(c) precision/met#celee hetCe& hewceevee hej $egefš kesâ yejeyej
(d) sensitivity/mebJesoveMeeruelee (c) less than full-scale error
32. Resolution of an instruments is: hetCe& hewceevee hej $egefš mes keâce
GhekeâjCeeW keâe efj]peuetMeve (DevlejCe ÂÌ{lee)
nw– (d) greater than full-scale error
(a) the maximum non linearity/DeefOekeâlece DejsKeerÙe hetCe& hewceevee hej $egefš mes DeefOekeâ
(b) the maximum quantity it can measure 37. An instrument's reliability means
Jen DeefOekeâlece cee$ee efpemes Jen ceehe mekeâlee nw Skeâ GhekeâjCe keâer efJeMJemeveerÙelee keâe DeLe& neslee nw
(c) the minimum quantity it can measure (a) the extent to which the characteristics
Jen vÙetvelece cee$ee efpemes Jen ceehe mekeâlee nw remain linear
(d) ability to distinguish polarity efpeme meercee lekeâ efJeMes<eleeSB jwefKekeâ jnleer nw
OeÇJelee keâes Yesove keâjves keâer #ecelee (b) the life of the instrument/GhekeâjCe keâer DeeÙeg
33. The degree of reproducibility among several
(c) the degree to which the repeatability
independent measurements of same true value
under reference condition is known as: continues to remain within specific limits
mevoYe& efmLeefle kesâ Debleie&le meceeve JeemleefJekeâ ceeve kesâ ef[«eer pees oesnjeves ÙeesiÙe nw efJeefMe<š meerceeDeeW kesâ Devoj
efJeefYeVe mJeleb$e ceeheeW kesâ yeerÛe Øeefleefueefhe Øemlegle keâjves keâer yeveer jnleer nw
ef[«eer keâes..........kesâ ™he ceW peevee peelee nw~ (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(a) accuracy/Megælee 38. Changes in atmospheric temperature,
(b) precision/heefjMegefæ humidity etc. cause ............... errors.
(c) linearity/jwefKekeâlee JeeÙegceC[ueerÙe leeheceeve, veceer Deeefo ceW heefjJele&ve
(d) calibration/DebMeMeesOeve ........... $egefšÙeeW keâe keâejCe yevelee nw~
34. The static error band of an instrument (a) cummulative/mebÛeÙeer
implies (b) systematic/JÙeJeefmLele
Skeâ GhekeâjCe kesâ efmLej $egefš yewC[ keâe leelheÙe& nw
(c) environmental/heÙee&JejCe
(a) the error introduced in low varying inputs
keâce heefjJele&veerÙe Fvehegš ceW ØeJesefMele $egefš (d) instrumental/GhekeâjCe
(b) the error produced when the pen is stopped 39. The desirable static characteristics of a
at some deflection/kegâÚ efJe#esheCe hej peye hesve measuring system are
yevo nes peelee nw lees GlheVe $egefš Skeâ ceeheve ØeCeeueer keâe JeebefÚle efmLej DeefYeue#eCe nesles
(c) the accuracy of the instrument nQ–
GhekeâjCe keâer Megælee (a) accuracy and reproducibility
(d) the irrepeatibility of the instrument ÙeLeeLe&lee Deewj hegve®lheeove
GhekeâjCe keâer DeheefjJele&veerÙelee (b) accuracy, sensitivity and reproducibility
35. The sensitivity inaccuracy of an instrument ÙeLeeLe&lee, mebJesoveMeeruelee Deewj hegve®lheeove
does not depend on
Skeâ GhekeâjCe keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee DeMegælee ............ (c) drift and dead zone/ef[^heäš Deewj ce=le #es$e
hej efveYe&j veneR keâjleer nw~ (d) static error/efmLej $egefš

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 581 YCT

40. The ratio of maximum displacement The application of the instrument in wrong
deviation to full scale deviation of the manner in the procedure of measurement
instrument is called result in a/an
GhekeâjCe kesâ DeefOekeâlece efJemLeeheve efJeÛeueve mes hetCe& ceeheve keâer Øeef›eâÙee ceW Skeâ GheÙeb$e keâe ieuele {bie mes
hewceevee efJeÛeueve keâe Devegheele keâne peelee nw DevegØeÙeesie ............ keâe heefjCeece oslee nw~
(a) static sensitivity/efmLej mebJesoveMeeruelee (a) systematic error. / JÙeJeefmLele $egefš~
(b) dynamic deviation/ieefleMeerue efJeÛeueve (b) random error. / ÙeeÂefÛÚkeâ $egefš~
(c) linearity/jwefKekeâlee (c) gross error. / mekeâue $egefš~
(d) precision or accuracy/Megælee Ùee ÙeLee&Lelee (d) instrument error. / GhekeâjCe $egefš~
*41. A dc circuit can be represented by an internal 45. What are the causes of gross error in the
voltage source of 50 V with an output instruments?
resistance of 100 kΩ in order to achieve GhekeâjCe ceW kegâue $egefš keâe keäÙee keâejCe nw?
accuracy better than 99% for voltage
1. Misreading of instruments.
measurement across its terminals, the voltage
measuring device should have a resistance of at GhekeâjCe keâe ieuele hee"dÙeebkeâ~
least 2. Incorrect adjustment of instruments.
Skeâ [er.meer. heefjheLe 100kΩ kesâ Skeâ DeeGšhegš ØeeflejesOe GhekeâjCe keâe ieuele meceeÙeespeve~
kesâ meeLe 50V kesâ Skeâ Deevleefjkeâ Jeesušspe œeesle mes 3. Errors due to defective instrument.
ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw, Deheves šefce&veueeW ceW Jeesušspe oes<ehetCe& GhekeâjCe kesâ keâejCe $egefšÙeeb~
ceehe kesâ efueS 99% mes DeefOekeâ mešerkeâlee Øeehle keâjves kesâ 4. Errors due to effect of environment on the
efueS, Jeesušspe ceeheves Jeeues GhekeâjCe ceW keâce mes keâce instrument.
.......... ØeeflejesOe nesveer ÛeeefnS~ ceeheve GheÙeb$e hej heÙee&JejCe ØeYeeJe kesâ keâejCe $egefš
(a) 10 MΩ (b) 1 MΩ (a) 1 and 2. / 1 Deewj 2 (b) 2 and 3. / 2 Deewj 3
(c) 10 kΩ (d) 10 kΩ (c) 3 and 1. / 3 Deewj 1 (d) 2 and 1. / 2 Deewj 1
42. Industrial measuring instruments are of 46. Consider the following : / efvecve hej efJeÛeej keâjWs-
accuracy classes
1. Human errors./ceeveJe $egefš~
DeewÅeesefiekeâ ceehekeâ Ùeb$e keâe ÙeLeeLe&lee Jeie& --------
2. Improper application of instruments.
neslee nw~
GhekeâjCe keâe DevegefÛele DevegØeÙeesie~
(a) 0.5 and 1. /0.5 Deewj 1
3. Error due to worn parts of an instrument.
(b) 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5 and 5./0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5 Deewj 5
Skeâ GhekeâjCe kesâ efIemes ngS YeeieeW kesâ keâejCe $egefš~
(c) 1, 1.5, 2.5 and 5./1, 1.5, 2.5 Deewj 5
4. Errors due to effects of environment.
(d) 1.0, 0.2 and 0.5./1.0, 0.2 Deewj 0.5
GhekeâjCeeW hej JeeleeJejCeerÙe ØeYeeJe kesâ keâejCe $egefš~
43. Which one of the following statements
correctly represents the systematic error? Which of the above come under the type of
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ keâLeve Megæ ®he mes systematic errors?
JÙeJeefmLele $egefš keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw? Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâewve JÙeJeefmLele $egefš kesâ Øekeâej kesâ
(a) These errors can be calculated from the Devleie&le Deelee nw?
details of the instruments. (a) 1 and 2 / 1 Deewj 2 (b) 2 and 3 / 2 Deewj 3
Fve $egefšÙeeW keâer ieCevee GhekeâjCe keâer efJeJejCe mes keâer pee (c) 3 and 4 / 3 Deewj 4 (d) 1 and 4 / 1 Deewj 4
mekeâleer nw~ 47. Which of the following types of errors come
(b) These are the residual errors. under systematic errors?
Ùes DeJeefMe° $egefšÙeeB nw~ efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mes Øekeâej keâer $egefš JÙeJeefmLele $egefš kesâ
(c) These errors may occur under controlled Devleie&le Deeleer nw?
1. Irregular spring tension.
Ùes $egefšÙeeB efveÙebef$ele DeJemLee ceW nes mekeâleer nw~ DeefveÙeefcele efmØebie leveeJe~
(d) These are the errors committed by the
experimenters. 2. Improper readings of an instrument.
Ùes $egefšÙeeB ØeÙeesiekeâlee&DeeW Éeje keâer ieF& nQ Skeâ GhekeâjCe keâe DevegefÛele hee"dÙeebkeâ~
44. Which one of the following statements is 3. Loading effects./YeejCe ØeYeeJe
correct? 4. Errors due to the presence of electric field
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ keâLeve mener nw? or magnetic field.

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 582 YCT

efJeÅegle #es$e Ùee ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer GheefmLeefle kesâ keâejCe (b) 2 represents greater precision but 1 and 3
$egefš~ represent same precision.
1 Deewj 3 meceeve Megælee ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw uesefkeâve 2
(a) 1 and 2. / 1 Deewj 2 (b) 2 and 3. / 2 Deewj 3
DeefOekeâlece Megælee ØeoefMe&le keâjles nw~
(c) 3 and 1. / 3 Deewj 1 (d) 4 and 1. / 4 Deewj 1
(c) 2 and 3 represents greater precision than 1.
48. Systematic error of an instrument for 1 keâer leguevee ceW 2 Deewj 3 DeefOekeâlece Megælee ØeoefMe&le keâjles nw~
measurement can be minimized by (d) 1, 2 and 3 represent same precision.
ceeheve kesâ efueS Skeâ GhekeâjCe keâer JÙeJeefmLele $egefš 1, 2 Deewj 3 meceeve Megælee ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~
.............. kesâ Éeje vÙetvelece keâer pee mekeâleer nw~ 51. Precision is composed of two characteristics, one
(a) selecting a proper measuring device for the is the number of significant figures to which a
particular application. measurement may be made, the other is
JÙeefkeäleiele DevegØeÙeesie kesâ efueS Skeâ GefÛele ceeheve Ùegefòeâ heefjMegælee oes DeefYeue#eCeeW mes yevee nw, efpemeceW mes Skeâ
keâe ÛeÙeve keâjkesâ cenlJehetCe& Deeke=âefle keâer mebKÙee nw efpemeceW ceeheve efkeâÙee pee
(b) calibrating the measuring device against a mekeâlee nw, lees DevÙe otmeje nw-
standard device. (a) conformity. / Deveg®helee~
Skeâ ceeheve Ùev$e keâe ceevekeâ Ùegefòeâ kesâ efJe™æ DebMeekeâve (b) meter error. / ceeršj $egefš~
keâjkesâ (c) inertia effects. / peÌ[lJe ØeYeeJe~
(c) applying correction factors for change of (d) noise. / Meesj~
ambient conditions. 52. Consider the following statements regarding
precision in measurements of a quantity :
JÙeehekeâ efmLeefleÙeeW kesâ heefjJele&ve kesâ efueS megOeej iegCekeâ ueeiet Skeâ jeefMe kesâ ceeheve ceW Megælee kesâ yeejs ceW efvecve keâLeveeW
keâjvee~ hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
(d) carrying out all of the above. 1. Precision is the measure of the spread of
Ghejeskeäle meYeer keâes hetje keâjvee~ the incident errors.
49. Dynamic characteristics of instruments leading heefjMegælee, Iešvee $egefšÙeeW kesâ efJemleej keâer ceehe nw~
to variations during measurement are: 2. Precision is independent of the realizable
ceeheve kesâ oewjeve efYevvelee kesâ efueS De«eCeer GhekeâjCeeW keâer correctness of the measurement.
ieefleMeerue efJeMes<eleeSb nQ- heefjMegælee ceeheve keâer keâeÙee&efvJele nesves ÙeesiÙe
melÙelee mes mJeleb$e nw~
1. Speed of response. /ieefle keâer Øeefleef›eâÙee
3. Precision is usually described in terms of
2. Fidelity. / efJeMJemeveerÙelee number of digits used in the measurement
3. Dynamic error. / ieefleMeerue $egefš by a digit instrument.
mešerkeâlee keâes Deeceleewj hej DebkeâerÙe GheÙeb$eeW Éeje
Which of the above are correct?
Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâewve-mee mener nw? ceehe ceW GheÙeesie efkeâS peeves Jeeues DebkeâeW keâer mebKÙee
kesâ meboYe& ceW JeefCe&le efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) 1 and 2 only. / kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
Which of the above statements are correct?
(b) 1 and 3 only. / kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve melÙe nw?
(c) 2 and 3 only. / kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 (a) 1, 2 and 3. / 1, 2 Deewj 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3. / 1, 2 Deewj 3 (b) 1 and 2 only. / kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
50. A resistance of 105 ohms is specified using (c) 1 and 3 only. / kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
significant figures as indicated below: (d) 2 and 3 only. / kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
105 Deesce keâe ØeeflejesOe veerÛes efoS ieS cenlJehetCe& 53. Which one of the following is the best definition
of accuracy?
DeebkeâÌ[eW keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ efveefo&° efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee ÙeLeeLe&lee keâer meyemes DeÛÚer
1. 105 ohms (Deesce) heefjYee<ee nw?
2. 105.0 ohms (Deesce) (a) It is the measure of consistency or
3. 0.000105 MΩ (cesiee. Deesce) reproducibility of measurements.
Ùen ceeheve kesâ efmLejlee Ùee hegve®lheeokeâlee keâer ceehe nw~
Among these / FveceW mes............
(b) It is the ratio of the change in output signal
(a) 1 represents greater precision than 2 and 3. to the change in input signal.
2 Deewj 3 keâer leguevee ceW 1 DeefOekeâ Megælee efve™efhele Ùen Fvehegš efmeiveue ceW heefjJele&ve mes DeeGšhegš efmeiveue ceW
keâjlee nw~ heefjJele&ve keâe Devegheele nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 583 YCT
(c) It is the smallest change in measurable input. Skeâ lejue 1 ceer./mes. kesâ Jesie hej 100 efceceer JÙeeme kesâ
Ùen ceeefhele Fvehegš ceW meyemes Úesše heefjJele&ve nw~ heeFhe kesâ ceeOÙece mes yenleer nw~ Ùeefo JÙeeme ± 1% kesâ
(d) It is the closeness with which an instrument
reading approaches the true value of the meeLe ieejbšerke=âle nw Deewj Jesie keâes ceeheve ceeve kesâ ± 3%
quantity being measured. kesâ Devoj peevee peelee nw, lees ØeJeen keâer oj kesâ efueS
Ùen Jen efvekeâšlee nw, efpemekesâ meeLe Skeâ GhekeâjCe keâer meerefcele $egefš nw-
hee"Ÿeebkeâ ceeheer pee jner jeefMe kesâ mener ceeve kesâ keâjerye (a) ±1% (b) ±2%
hengbÛeleer nw~ (c) ±3% (d) ±5%
54. Which one of the following defines resolution? *57. A 0 to 300 V voltmeter has an error of ±2% of
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee DevlejCe efJeYesove keâes heefjYeeef<ele fsd. What is the range of readings if true
voltage is 30 V? / Skeâ 0 mes 300 Jeesuš Jeesušceeršj ceW
keâjlee nw?
(a) The least interval between two adjacent fsd keâer ±2% keâer $egefš nw lees hee"Ÿeebkeâ keâe hejeme keäÙee
discrete details, which can be distinguished nw, Ùeefo mener Jeesušspe 30 V nw?
from one another. (a) 24 V - 36 V (b) 20 V - 40 V
oes Deemevve he=Lekeâ efJeJejCe kesâ yeerÛe keâe meyemes keâce Deblejeue (c) 29.4 V - 30.6 V (d) 20 V - 30 V
pees efkeâ Skeâ otmejs mes Deueie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ *58. The pressure in a tank varies from 20 psi to
100 psi. Further pressure in the tank is desired
(b) The largest interval between highest and
to be kept at 50 psi. The full-scale error when
lowest measured values, that the devices can
the pressure inside the tank is 30 psi will be
be adjusted to measure.
Skeâ šbkeâer ceW oyeeJe 20 psi mes 100 psi lekeâ heefjJeefle&le
GÛÛelece Deewj efvecvelece ceeefhele ceeveesb kesâ yeerÛe DeefOekeâòece
neslee nw~ šQkeâ ceW oyeeJe 50 psi hej jKee peevee JeebefÚle nw,
Deblejeue keâer ef[JeeFme ceeheves kesâ efueS meceeÙeesefpele keâer pee
peye šQkeâ kesâ Deboj oyeeJe 30 psi nes lees hetCe& hewceeves hej
$egefš nesiee–
(c) The least interval between highest and
lowest measured values, that the device can (a) –62.5% (b) 25%
be adjusted to measure. (c) 40% (d) 15%
GÛÛelece Deewj efvecvelece ceeefhele ceeveeW kesâ yeerÛe keâce mes keâce *59. A thermometer is calibrated from 150o to
200oC. The accuracy specified is ±0.25%. The
Deblejeue keâer ef[JeeFme ceeheves kesâ efueS meceeÙeesefpele keâer pee maximum static error in measurement is
mekesâ Skeâ Leceexceeršj keâes 150 mes 200oC kesâ yeerÛe DebMeebefkeâle
(d) The ratio of a change in output magnitude to efkeâÙee peelee nw ÙeLeeLe&lee ±0.25% efveefo&° keâer peeleer nw~
the change in the input which causes it, after
the steady state has been reached.
lees ceeheve keâer DeefOekeâlece efmLej $egefš nw-
efmLej DeJemLee ceW Deeves kesâ yeeo Fvehegš ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ (a) ± 0.5oC (b) 0.375oC
efueS DeeGšhegš heefjceeCe ceW heefjJele&ve keâe Devegheele~ (c) ± 0.125oC (d) ± 0.0125oC
60. Threshold of sensitivity in reference to
*55. A 200 V PMMC voltmeter is specified to be
instruments is / GhekeâjCe kesâ meboYe& ceW osnueer keâer
accurate within ±2% of full scale. The limiting
error, when the instrument is used to measure
mebJesoveMeeruelee nesleer nw-
a voltage of 100 V, is (a) the smallest signal that causes detectable
output. / meyemes Úesše efmeiveue pees efkeâ helee ueieeves ÙeesiÙe
Skeâ 200V PMMC Jeesušceeršj hetCe& ceeve kesâ ± 2%
DeeGšhegš keâe keâejCe yevelee nw~
lekeâ ÙeLeeLe& nesves kesâ efueS efveefo&° efkeâÙee peelee nw~ peye
(b) the largest signal which can be measured.
Ùen GheÙeb$e 100 V keâer Jeesušlee ceeheve kesâ efueS ØeÙegkeäle
meyemes yeÌ[e efmeiveue efpemes ceehee pee mekeâlee nw~
efkeâÙee peelee nw, lees meerefcele $egefš nw- (c) the value of sensitivity on the highest scale.
(a) ±8% (b) ±4% GÛÛelece hewceeves hej mebJesoveMeeruelee keâe ceeve~
(c) ±2% (d) ±6% (d) the value of sensitivity on the lowest scale.
*56. A liquid flows through a pipe of 100 mm vÙetvelece hewceeves hej mebJesoveMeeruelee keâe ceeve~
diameter at a velocity of 1 m/s. If the diameter
61. The voltage across an impedance is measured
is guaranteed within ±1% and the velocity is by a voltmeter having input impedance
known to be within ±3% of measured value, comparable with the impedance causing an
the limiting error for the rate of flow is error in the reading. What is this error called?

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 584 YCT

Skeâ ØeefleyeeOee kesâ S›eâe@me Jeesušspe keâes Jeesušceeršj Éeje 66. The degree to which an instrument indicates
ceehee peelee nw efpemeceW ØeefleyeeOee kesâ meeLe legueveerÙe Fvehegš the changes in measured variable without
ØeefleyeeOee nesleer nw efpememes hee"Ÿeebkeâ ceW $egefš nesleer nw~ Fme dynamic error is / Jen ef[«eer efpeme hej keâesF& GhekeâjCe
$egefš keâes keäÙee keânles nQ~ ieefleMeerue $egefš kesâ efyevee ceeefhele heefjJeefle&le jeefMe ceW
heefjJele&ve keâes Fbefiele keâjlee nw–
(a) Random error. / ÙeeÂefÛÚkeâ $egefš
(a) repeatability. / hegve: DeefYeJÙeefòeâ
(b) Gross error. / «ee@me $egefš
(b) hysteresis. / efnmšsefjmeerme
(c) Systematic error. / JÙeJeefmLele $egefš
(d) Loading effect error. / YeejCe ØeYeeJe $egefš (c) precision. / met#celee
62. The errors introduced by an instrument fall in (d) fidelity. / efHeâ[sefuešer
which category? 67. The region between the limits within which a
Skeâ GhekeâjCe Éeje Øemlegle keâer ieF& $egefšÙeeB efkeâme ßesCeer ceW quantity is measured received of transmitted,
expressed by stating the lower and upper limits
Deeleer nQ~
is called the
(a) Systematic errors. / JÙeJeefmLele $egefš Gve meerceeDeeW kesâ yeerÛe keâe #es$e efpemekesâ Yeerlej Skeâ jeefMe
(b) Random errors. / ÙeeÂefÛÚkeâ $egefš keâes Øeehle Ùee Øemeeefjle keâjves kesâ efueS ceehee peelee nw,
(c) Gross errors. / kegâue $egefš~ efpemes veerÛeueer Deewj Thejer meerceeDeeW keâes yeleeles ngS JÙekeäle
(d) Environmental errors. / JeeleeJejCeerÙe $egefš~ efkeâÙee peelee nw, keânueelee nw–
*63. The expected value of the voltage across a (a) range. / hejeme
resistor is 80 V. However, the voltmeter
reads 79 V. The absolute error in the (b) span. / mLeeve
measurement is (c) range limit. / hejeme meercee
Skeâ ØeeflejesOe keâes S›eâeme Jeesušspe kesâ mecYeeefJele ceeve (d) none of these. / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
80V nw~ neueebefkeâ Jeesušceeršj 79 V heÌ{lee nw lees ceeheve *68. The span of a zero-centered voltmeter having a
ceW efvejhes#e $egefš nesleer nw- scale from -10V to +10 V is
(a) 0.875 V (b) 0.125 V MetvÙe kesâefvõle Jeesušceeršj keâer DeJeefOe efpemekeâe hewceevee
(c) 1.00 V (d) 1.125 V −10V mes +10V nw, neslee nw-
*64. If the transfer function of a second order (a) 0 V (b) -10 V
b0 (c) 10 V (d) 20 V
instrument is 2
then the static
a2 s + a1 s + a0 69. Comparison methods are used
sensitivity is legueveelcekeâ efveÙece ØeÙegkeäle efkeâS peeles nQ-
Ùeefo Skeâ efÉleerÙe Deveg›eâce Ùeb$e keâe š^ebmeheâj Heâueve (a) because these are most simple.
b0 keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùes meyemes mejue nesles nQ~
nw, lees efmLej mebJesoveMeeruelee nesleer nw-
a2 s 2 + a1 s + a0 (b) because these are inexpensive.
(a) (b0/a0) (b) (a0/a2) keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùes memles nQ~
(c) (a1/a0) (d) 2 a0 a2 (c) because these take least time in measurement.
65. In measurement systems, which of the
keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùes ceeheve ceW keâce mes keâce meceÙe uesles nQ~
following are undesirable static characteristics. (d) when a high accuracy of measurement is
ceeheve ØeCeeueer ceW, efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-meer required. / peye ceeheve kesâ Skeâ GÛÛe Megælee keâer
DevegheÙegòeâ efmLej efJeMes<eleeSb nQ? DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~
(a) Sensitivity and accuracy. 70. A set of observations has a wide range so it has
mebJesoveMeeruelee Deewj Megælee DeJeueeskeâveeW kesâ Skeâ mesš keâer Skeâ efJemle=le ëe=bKeuee nesleer
(b) Drift static error and dead zone. nw, FmeefueS FmeceW neslee nw–
mebÛeÙe efmLej $egefš Deewj DeØeÛeeefuele #es$e (a) low accuracy. / keâce ÙeLeeLe&lee
(c) Reproducibility and non-linearity. (b) low precision. / keâce heefjMegælee
hegve®lheeokeâlee Deewj DejsKeerÙe (c) high accuracy but low precision.
(d) Drift, static error, dead zone and non- GÛÛe ÙeLeeLe&lee uesefkeâve keâce heefjMegælee
linearity. (d) high precision but low accuracy.
mebÛeÙe, efmLej $egefš, DeØeÛeeefuele #es$e Deewj DejsKeerÙe GÛÛe heefjMegælee uesefkeâve keâce ÙeLeeLe&lee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 585 YCT
*71. Two resistances R1 = 100 ± 10% Ω and R2 = Ûeej Øes#ekeâeW kesâ Éeje efueÙee ieÙee ceeefhele mJeleb$e Oeeje keâe
300 ± 5% Ω are connected in series. The Skeâ mesš 117.02 mA, 117.11 mA, 117.08 mA Deewj
resulting limiting error of the series 117.03 mA kesâ ™he ceW efjkeâe[& efkeâÙee ieÙee nw, $egefš keâer
combination is
oes ØeeflejesOe R1 = 100 ± 10% Ω Deewj R2 = 300 ± 5% meercee keäÙee nw?
Ω ëe=bKeuee ceW peg[s nQ~ ëe=bKeuee meceeÙeespeve keâer heefjCeeceer (a) ± 0.045 (b) ± 0.054
meerefcele $egefš nw– (c) ± 0.065 (d) ± 0.056
*76. Five observers have taken a set of
(a) 5 Ω (b) 15 Ω
independent voltage measurements and
(c) 25 Ω (d) 30 Ω recorded as 110.10 V, 110.20 V, 110.15 V.
*72. Resistances R1 and R2 have, respectively 110.30 V and 110.25 V. Under the situation
nominal values of 10Ω and 5Ω and tolerances mentioned above, the range of error is
of ± 5% and ± 10%. The range of values for heeBÛe Øes#ekeâeW Éeje mJeleb$e Jeesušspe ceeheveeW keâe Skeâ mesš
the parallel combination of R1 and R2 is
efueÙee ieÙee nw Deewj 110.10V, 110.20V, 110.15V,
ØeeflejesOe R1 Deewj R2 kesâ ceecetueer ceeve ›eâceMe: 10Ω leLee
110.30V leLee 110.25V kesâ ™he ceW efjkeâe[& efkeâÙee ieÙee
5Ω nw, Deewj menveMeeruelee ›eâceMeŠ ± 5% leLee ±10%
nQ~ R1, Deewj R2 kesâ meceeveevlej mebÙeespeve kesâ efueS ceeveeW nw ~ Ghejeskeäle ceW GuuesefKele efmLeefle kesâ Devleie&le $egefš keâer
keâe hejeme nw- meercee nw-
(a) ± 0.3 (b) ± 0.1
(a) 3.077 Ω to 3.636 Ω./3.077 Ω mes 3.636 Ω
(c) ± 0.2 (d) ± 1.0
(b) 2.805 Ω to 3.371 Ω./2.805 Ω mes 3. 371 Ω
*77. With reference to 'random errors' in
(c) 3.237 Ω to 3.678 Ω/3.237 Ω mes 3.678 Ω
measurement, the standard deviation σ can be
(d) 3.192 Ω to 3.435 Ω/3.192 Ω mes 3.435 Ω expressed, in terms of deviation of any
*73. Suppose that resistor R1 and R2 are connected individual observation from the mean of the
in parallel to give an equivalent resistor R. If group 'dm' and the number of observations in
resistors R1 and R2 have tolerance of 1% each, the group 'n' as
the equivalent resistor R for resistor R1= 300 Ω ceeheve ceW ÙeeÂefÛÚkeâ $egefšÙeeW kesâ meboYe& ceW ceevekeâ
and R2 = 200 Ω will have tolerance of efJeÛeueve..............kesâ ™he ceW 'n' «eghe ceW Øes#ekeâeW keâer meb0
ceevee keâer ØeeflejesOe R1 Deewj R2, leguÙe ØeeflejesOe R osves kesâ
Deewj «eghe 'dm'kesâ ceeOÙe mes efkeâmeer JÙeefkeäleiele Øes#ekeâeW kesâ
efueS meceeveevlej ceW pegÌ[s ngS nQ~ Ùeefo ØeeflejesOe R1 Deewj
efJeÛeueve kesâ šce& ceW JÙekeäle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
R2 ceW ØelÙeskeâ keâer menveMeeruelee 1% nw, lees ØeeflejesOe R1
= 300Ω Deewj R2 = 200Ω kesâ efueS leguÙe ØeeflejesOe R keâer (a) σ =
∑ dm
menveMeeruelee nesieer- n
(a) 0.5% (b) 1%
(b) σ =
∑d 2

(c) 1.2% (d) 2% n

*74. The limiting errors of measurement of power
consumed by and the current passing through (c) σ =
∑d 2

a resistance are ± 1.5% and ± 1% respectively. n −1

The limiting error of measurement of
resistance will then be (d) σ = 0.6745
∑d 2

n −1
Skeâ ØeeflejesOe mes iegpejves Jeeueer Oeeje Deewj Meefkeäle Kehele
*78. The total current I = I1 + I2 in a circuit
kesâ ceeheve keâer meerefcele $egefš ›eâceMeŠ ± 1.5% Deewj 1%
measured as I1 = 150 ± 1A and I2 = 250 ± 2 A
nw~ lees ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeheve keâer meerefcele $egefš leye nesieer- where the limits of error are given as standard
(a) ± 0.5% deviations. It is measured as
(b) ± 1.0% Skeâ heefjheLe ceW hetCe& Oeeje I = I1+I2, I1 = 150 ± 1A
(c) ± 2.5% Deewj I2 = 250 ± 2A kesâ ™he ceW ceehee peelee nw, peneB $egefš
(d) ± 3.5% keâer meercee ceevekeâ efJeÛeueve kesâ ™he ceW efoÙee peelee nw~
*75. A set of independent current measurements Fmes.................kesâ ™he ceW ceehee peelee nw~
taken by four observers was recorded as:
117.02 mA, 117.11 mA, 117.08 mA and 117.03 (a) (400 ± 3) A (b) (400 ± 2.4) A
mA. What is the range of error? (c) (400 ± 1.5) A (d) (400 ± 1) A

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 586 YCT

*79. A zero mean random signal is uniformly 83. Which of the following comes under the
distributed between limits -a and +a and its category of systematic errors in instruments?
mean square value is equal to its variance. efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve GhekeâjCe ceW efmemšcewefškeâ $egefš
Then the rms value of the signal is keâer ßesCeer kesâ Debleie&le Deelee nw?
Skeâ MetvÙe ceeOÙe ÙeeÂefÛÚkeâ efmeiveue meercee –a Deewj +a
(a) blunders/yueb[me&
kesâ yeerÛe meceeve ™he mes efJelejerle efkeâÙee peelee nw Deewj
(b) gross errors/mekeâue $egefšÙeeb
Fmekeâe ceeOÙe Jeie& ceeve Fmekesâ heefjJele&ve kesâ yejeyej nw~ lees
(c) random errors/jQ[ce $egefšÙeeb
efmeiveue keâe rms ceeve nw-
(d) instrumental errors/FbmšÎceWšue $egefšÙeeb
a a
(a) (b) 84. Radio frequency can be measured by which of
3 2 the following?/jsef[Ùees øeâerkeäJeWmeer efvecveefueefKele ceW mes
(c) a 2 (d) a 3 efkeâmemes ceeheer pee mekeâleer nw?
*80. In electronic measurements, when the quantity (a) Weston frequency meter/Jesmšve DeeJe=efòe ceeršj
determined is the sum of two different (b) Vibrating reed vibrator frequency meter
measurements, the total possible error is the
jer[ kebâheeÙeceeve DeeJe=efòe ceeršj
Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ ceeheeW ceW, peye efveOee&efjle keâer ieF& cee$ee oes efYeVe
(c) heterodoxy frequency meter
ceeheeW keâe Ùeesie nesleer nw, lees kegâue mebYeJe $egefš keäÙee nesieer? nsšjes[ekeämeer DeeJe=efòe ceeršj
(a) Difference of relative errors in each measurement (d) ferrodynamic frequency meter
ØelÙeskeâ ceehe ceW meehes#e $egefšÙeeW keâe Mes<eheâue Hesâjes[eÙevesefcekeâ DeeJe=efòe ceeršj
(b) Sum of absolute values of each individual
*85. Two resistance, R1 = 50 ±1% and R2 = 50 ± 2%
error/ØelÙeskeâ efJeefMe° $egefš kesâ efvejhes#e cetuÙeeW keâe Ùeesie
are connected in parallel. What will be the
(c) Net tolerance in each measurement percentage error for equivalent resistance?
ØelÙeskeâ ceehe keWâ kegâue me¢elee oes ØeeflejesOe, R1 = 50 ± 1% Deewj R2 = 50 ± 2%,
(d) Difference between absolute values of the meceeveeblej ceW pegÌ[s ngS nQ~ meceleguÙe ØeeflejesOe ceW ØeefleMele
two individual errors
oes Deueie $egefšÙeeW kesâ efvejshe#e cetuÙe kesâ yeerÛe keâe Mes<eheâue $egefš keäÙee nesieer?
81. The dead time of an instrument refers to.......... (a) 25 ± 2% (b) 25 ± 1.5%
GhekeâjCe kesâ [s[ šeFce keâe keäÙee celeueye nw? (c) 25 ± 4.5% (d) 50 ± 3%
(a) Large change of input quantity for which 86. Errors that occur after taking care of all gross
there is no output./Deeiele (Fvehegš) cee$ee cebs Yeejer and systematic errors are called as:
heefjJele&ve efpemekesâ efueS efveie&le (DeeGšhegš) veneR neslee~ «eeme (mece«e) $egefš (Gross error) Deewj efmemšcewefškeâ
(b) The time encountered when the instrument $egefš keâe OÙeeve jKeves kesâ yeeo Yeer pees $egefš Deeleer nw,
has to wait for some reactions to take keânueeleer nw-
place/Jees meceÙe peye GhekeâjCe keâes kegâÚ Øeefleef›eâÙeeDeeW kesâ
(a) Limiting errors / meerefcele $egefš
efueS Fblepeej keâjvee heÌ[lee nw~
(c) The time before the instrument begins to (b) Instrumental errors / GheÙeefv$eÙe $egefš
response after the quantity has altered. (c) Random errors / ÙeeÂefÛÚkeâ $egefš
Jees meceÙe pees cee$ee kesâ heefjJele&ve kesâ yeeo GhekeâjCe (d) Environmental errors / JeeleeJejCeerÙe $egefš
Øeefleef›eâÙee DeejbYe nesves cebs ueslee nw~ 87. Which of the following types of errors are
(d) Retardation or delay in the response of an dynamic errors?
instrument to a change in the input signal.
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-meer $egefš keâe Øekeâej [eFvesefcekeâ $egefš nw-
Deeiele mebkesâle (Fvehegš efmeiveue) cebs heefjJele&ve kesâ he§eele
(a) Instrument errors caused due to slow
GhekeâjCe keâer Øeefleef›eâÙee cebs cebolee DeLeJee osjer response of instruments
*82. A 60A, 220V energy meter makes 51
revolutions in 35 seconds on full load test. GhekeâjCe kesâ muees efjmheebme kesâ keâejCe Ieefšle GheÙeb$e $egefš
Calculate the percentage error (in %) if meter (b) Environmental errors / JeeleeJejCe $egefšÙeeB
constant is 420 rev/kWh. (c) Observational errors / Øes#eCeerÙe $egefšÙeeB
Skeâ 60 SefcheÙej, 220 Jeesuš Tpee& ceeršj hetCe& uees[ hej (d) Human errors / ceeveJe $egefšÙeeB
35 meskebâ[ ceW 51 Ûekeäkeâj ueieelee nw~ ØeefleMele $egefš keâer *88. Determine the secondary voltage (in V) of a
ieCevee (% ceW) keâjW, Ùeefo ceeršj efveÙeleebkeâ 420 potential transformer when the value of the
Ûekeäkeâj/efkeâuees-Jeeš-Dee@Jej nw~ system voltage is 11,000 V, the turn's ratio of the
(a) 4.23 (b) 5.13 potential transformer is 102 and the percentage
(c) 7 (d) 8.93 voltage error of the transformer is 3%.

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 587 YCT

heesšWefMeÙeue š^ebmeheâece&j keâe efÉleerÙekeâ Jeesušspe (Jeesuš ceW) (c) variation of atmospheric pressure.
efveOee&efjle keâjW, peye ØeCeeueer Jeesušspe keâe ceeve 11,000 JeeÙegceC[ueerÙe oeye ceW heefjJele&ve
Jeesuš nw, heesšWefMeÙeue š^ebmeheâece&j kesâ šve& keâe Devegheele 102 (d) incorrect readings of the scale due to
nw Deewj š^ebmeheâece&j keâer ØeefleMele Jeesušspe $egefš 3³ nw– parallax./uebyeve kesâ keâejCe mkesâue keâer ieuele jere[
E ie
(a) 102.5 (b) 104.6 94. The measurement of surface temperature in
exposed situations where atmospheric variation
(c) 108.8 (d) 109.4
can interfere with temperature measurement
*89. Determine the percentage voltage error of a
gives rise to ..............
potential transformer with the system voltage
of 11,000 V and having a turn's ratio of 104, if
Kegueer heefjefmLeefleÙeeW ceW melen leeheceeve keâe ceeheve, peneB
the measured secondary voltage is 98 V. JeeÙegceC[ueerÙe heefjJele&ve, leeheceeve keâes ØeYeeefJele keâj
11,000 Jeesuš kesâ ØeCeeueer Jeesušspe kesâ meeLe Skeâ mekeâlee nw, Gmemes..............GlheVe nesleer nw~
heesšWefMeÙeue š^ebmeHeâece&j keâer ØeefleMele Jeesušspe $egefš keâes (a) transmission error/š^ebmeefceMeve $egefš
efveOee&efjle keâjbs peye 104 keâe ceesÌ[ Devegheele nesves hej (b) interaction error/DevÙeesved $egefš
efÉleerÙekeâ Jeesušspe 98 Jeesuš nw~ (c) operation error/heefjÛeeueve $egefš
(a) 7.35 (b) 5.75 (d) interference error/JÙeeflekeâjCe $egefš
(c) 6.25 (d) 8.84 95. Error detector is also called as
*90. What will be the secondary voltage (in V) of a $egefš mebmetÛekeâ keâes keâne peelee nw–
potential transformer, if the value of system (a) Multiplexer/ceušerhueskeämej (b) Decoder/ef[keâes[j
voltage is 11,000 V, the turn's ratio of the
(c) Comparator/keâe@chesjsšj (d) Integrator/Fbšer«esšj
potential transformer is 108 and the percentage
voltage error of the transformer is 5% ? *96. A 300 V voltmeter has an accuracy of ± 2% of
heesšsbefMeÙeue š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j kesâ efÉleerÙekeâ Jeesušspe (Jeesuš ceW) full scale deflection. When the reading is 222 V,
the actual voltage:/Skeâ 300 V Jeesušceeršj keâer
keäÙee nesieer, Ùeefo ØeCeeueer Jeesušspe keâe ceeve 11,000
Jeesuš nw, heesšQefMeÙeue š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j keâe šve& Devegheele 108 nw heefjMegælee hetCe& mkesâue efJe#esheve keâe ± 2% nw~ peye
Deewj š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j keâer ØeefleMele Jeesušspe $egefš 5³ nw~ Jeesušceeršj keâe he"ve 222 V nes lees JeemleefJekeâ Jeesušspe-
(a) lies between 217.56 and 226.44 V
(a) 86.8 (b) 93.6
(c) 84.6 (d) 96.8 217.56 Deewj 226.44 V kesâ yeerÛe nesieer
91. Calculate the scale span of the instrument that (b) lies between 217.4 and 226.6 V
is calibrated between 20 bar and 200 bar and 217.4 Deewj 226.6 V kesâ yeerÛe nesieer
used for the measurement of pressure. (c) lies between 216 and 228 V
Gme GhekeâjCe keâer heefjceeCe meercee keâer ieCevee keâjW efpemes 216 Deewj 228 V kesâ yeerÛe nesieer
20 yeej Deewj 200 yeej kesâ yeerÛe DebMeebefkeâle efkeâÙee ieÙee nw (d) is exact 222 V/"erkeâ 222 V nesieer
Deewj efpemes oyeeJe kesâ ceehe kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ *97. Repeatability and Reproducitibility are related
to :/oesnjeves Deewj hegve:Glheeove keâer #ecelee mebyeefvOele nw:
(a) 20 bar/yeej (b) 180 bar/yeej
(a) Accuracy of the instrument
(c) 190 bar/yeej (d) 220 bar/yeej
GhekeâjCe keâer heefjMegælee mes
92. Perfect reproducibility means the instrument
(b) Precision of the instrument
has :/mešerkeâ Øepeveve mes DeefYeØeeÙe nw efkeâ Ùeb$e cebs–
GhekeâjCe keâer ÙeLeeLe&lee mes
(a) Zero drift/MetvÙe ef[^Heäš nw (c) Both accuracy of the instrument & precision
(b) High accuracy/GÛÛe mešerkeâlee nw of the instrument/GhekeâjCe keâer heefjMegælee mes Je
(c) Maximum drift/DeefOekeâlece ef[^Heäš nw GhekeâjCe keâer ÙeLeeLe&lee mes oesveeW
(d) Minimum accuracy/vÙetvelece mešerkeâlee nw (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
93. Systematic errors in bourdon tube pressure *98. The Guage factor of a Resistance wire strain
gauge may be caused by guage, is a measure of/ØeeflejesOekeâ JeeÙej mš^sve iespe
yees[&ve šdÙetye Øesmej iespe ceW efmemšcesefškeâ $egefšÙeeB...........kesâ keâe iespe hewâkeäšj –––––– keâe ceehekeâ nw–
keâejCe nes mekeâleer nQ~
(a) Sensitivity of the Guage / iespe keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee
(a) friction in the pins and gears of the
amplifying mechanism. (b) Dynamic range of displacement measure
Schueer]heâeFbie ØeCeeueer kesâ efhevme Deewj efieÙej ceW Ie<e&Ce efJemLeeheve ceeheve keâer ielÙeelcekeâ hejeme
(b) incorrect zero setting of the pointer. (c) Resolution / efjpeesuÙetMeve
hJeebFšj ceW ]ieuele MetvÙe meseEšie (d) Resistivity / ØeeflejesOekeâlee

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 588 YCT

99. In a measurement systems, which of the *104. What would be the sensitivity of an ammeter,
following static characteristic are desirable. which requires a change of 3A in its coil to
Skeâ ceehe ØeCeeueer ceW, efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mLeweflekeâ produce a change in deflection of the pointer by
efJeMes<elee JeebÚveerÙe nw? 6mm?/Skeâ Deceeršj keâer meg«eeefnlee (sensitivity)
(a) accuracy / ÙeLeeLe&lee
efkeâleveer nesieer, Ùeefo Gmekeâer kegbâ[ueer ceW 3A Oeeje keâe
heefjJele&ve 6mm efJe#eshe (deflection) Glhevve keâjlee nw–
(b) sensitivity / mebJesoveMeeruelee
(a) 0.4 mm/A (b) 0.4 A/mm
(c) reproducibility / hegve®&lheeove
(c) 2 mm/A (d) 2 A/mm
(d) All of these / Ghejeskeäle meYeer 105. Errors which may be variable both in
100. Which one of the following types of instruments magnitude and nature (positive or negative)
does suffer from error due to magnetic are classified as ............ error.
hysteresis?/efvecve ceW efkeâme Øekeâej keâe Ùeb$e ÛegbyekeâerÙe heefjceeCe leLee Øeke=âefle (mekeâejelcekeâ Ùee vekeâejelcekeâ)
efnmšsefjefmeme kesâ keâejCe $egefš keâjves ueielee nw? oesveeW ceW nesves Jeeueer $egefšÙeeB pees heefjJeleea nesleer nw, keâes
(a) Induction type/ØesjCe Øekeâej keâewve-meer $egefš keânles nQ?
(b) Electrodynamic/efJeÅegleieleerÙe (a) Hysteresis/MewefLeuÙe (b) Random/yeslejleerye
(c) Moving Iron/Ûeue ueesn (c) Interaction/Devle:ef›eâÙee (d) Systematic
(d) PMMC/ *106. A PMMC type voltmeter, having a full scale
*101. A generated voltage is equally dependent on reading of 250 V and an internal resistance of
three resistances R1, R2, R3 and its value V = 400 kilo–ohms, is connect with a series
(R1R2)/(R3). If tolerance of each resistor is resistance of 100 Kilo–ohms. Calculate the
0.1%, what will be the maximum error in senstivity of the voltmeter (in Ohms/Volts).
voltage?/Glhevve Jeesušspe ceW leerve ØeeflejesOe R1, R2, R3 Skeâ heerSceScemeer šeFhe Jeesušceeršj, efpemeceW 250 Jeesuš
hej Skeâ meceeve ™he mes efveYe&j keâjlee nw Deewj Fmekeâe ceeve keâer ceehekeâ jeref[bie Deewj 400 efkeâuees–Deesce keâe Deebleefjkeâ
V = (R1R2)/(R3) nw~ Ùeefo ØelÙeskeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâer ØeeflejesOe nw, efpemes 100 efkeâuees–Deesce keâer Skeâ ØeeflejesOe
menveMeeruelee 0.1% nw, lees Jeesušspe ceW DeefOekeâlece $egefš kesâ meeLe ëe=bKeuee ceW peesÌ[e peelee nw~ Jeesuš ceeršj keâer
keäÙee nesieer? mebJesoveMeeruelee keâer ieCevee (Deesnce/Jeesušdme ceW) keâjW–
(a) 0.30% (b) ±0.3% (a) 2400 (b) 2000
(c) 0.10% (d) ±0.1% (c) 20000 (d) 24000
102. Which one of the following statements 107. Which one of the following is the CORRECT
correctly response the systematic error? expression for voltmeter sensitivity of PMMC
efvecveefueefKele yeÙeeveeW ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ mener {bie mes type instrument ?
JÙeJeefmLele $egefš keâe ØeefleefveefOelJe keâjlee nw? heerSceScemeer Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCe keâe mebJesoveMeeruelee kesâ
(a) These error can be calculated from the details efueS efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee meceerkeâjCe nw?
of the instrument. Rm + Rs R mRs
Ùes $egefš GhekeâjCe kesâ efJeJejCe mes ieCevee keâer pee mekeâleer ns~ (a) (b)
(b) These are the residual errors.
Rm + Rs R mRs
Ùes jsefpe[gDeue $egefšÙeeB nw~ (c) (d)
(c) These errors may occur under controlled V2 V2
conditions. 108. Which one of the following statement is NOT
Ùes $egefšÙeeB efveÙebef$ele heefjefmLeefleÙeeW ceW nes mekeâleer nw~ TRUE about the MI type instruments ?
(d) These are the error committed by the
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve SceDeeF& Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCeeW
experiments./Ùes $egefšÙeeB ØeÙeesieeW Éeje nes mekeâleer nw~ kesâ yeejs ceW mener veneR nw?
103. Instruments having_______are primarily (a) MI type instruments are suitable for both AC
responsible for loading effect. and DC circuits/SceDeeF& Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCe ØelÙeeJeleea
YeejCe ØeYeeJe (loading effect) kesâ efueS Ùeb$eeW keâe efvecve Oeeje Deewj efo<š Oeeje oesveeW heefjheLeeW kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ nw~
ceW mes keäÙee GllejoeÙeer neslee nw– (b) Frictional error in MI type instruments is
very less
(a) high resistance/GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe
SceDeeF& Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCeeW ceW Ie<e&Ce $egefš yengle keâce nw~
(b) high sensitivity/GÛÛe meg«ee¢elee (c) The torque weight ratio of MI type
(c) low sensitivity/efvecve meg«eenlee instruments is high/SceDeeF& Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCeeW keâe
(d) high range/GÛÛe hejeme yeueeIetCe& Jepeve Devegheele DeefOekeâ neslee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 589 YCT
(d) The instrument cost is much higher as (c) Former is active instrument and later is
compared to PMMC type instruements passive instrument/henues meef›eâÙe GhekeâjCe nw Deewj
heerSceScemeer Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCeeW keâer leguevee ceW SceDeeF& yeeo ceW efveef<›eâÙe GhekeâjCe nw
Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCeeW keâer ueeiele yengle DeefOekeâ nesleer nw (d) Passive instruments/efveef<›eâÙe Ùeb$e
*109. The inductance of a moving iron instrument is 113. If the instrument have a wide range, then
(10 + 6θ) µH, where θ is the deflection in instrument should have................
radian from zero position. Assuming spring Ùeef o GhekeâjCe keâer Skeâ efJemle=le hejeme nesleer nw, lees
constant k = 10 × 10 Nm/rad, the deflection GhekeâjCe ceW................nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(in rad) for a current of 6A is …….. (a) Square-law scale/mkeäJeeÙej uee@ hewceevee
Skeâ cetefJebie DeeÙejve GhekeâjCe keâe ØesjkeâlJe (10 + 6θ) (b) Linear scale/jwefKekeâ hewceevee
µH nw, peneB θ MetvÙe efmLeefle mes jsef[Ùeve ceW efJe#esheCe nw~ (c) Exponential scale/Ieeleebkeâ hewceevee
efmØebie keâebmšWš k = 10 × 10–6Nm/rad ceeveles ngS 6 (d) Logarithmic scale/ueIegieCekeâ hewceevee
SefcheÙej efJeÅegle Oeeje kesâ efueS efJe#esheCe (jsef[Ùeve ceW) 114. When the pointer of an indicating instrument
........ nw– is in motion, then the deflecting torque is
opposed by:/peye efkeâmeer GhekeâjCe keâe mebkesâlekeâ ieefle ceW
(a) 10.8 (b) 10
(c) 9.8 (d) 9 neslee nw lees efJe#esheCe keâjves Jeeues šeke&â keâe efJejesOe
*110. What will happen to the operating torque of efkeâmekesâ oddJeeje neslee nw?
moving iron instrument, if current through the (a) Damping torque/DeJecebove šeke&â
operating coil is halved ? (b) Controlling torque/efveÙeb$eCe šeke&â
cetefJebie DeeÙejve GhekeâjCe keâe mebÛeeefuele yeueeIetCe& efkeâlevee (c) Both damping torque and controlling torque
nesiee, Ùeefo mebÛeeefuele kegbâ[ueer kesâ ceeOÙece mes efJeÅegle Oeeje DeJecebove šeke&â Deewj efveÙeb$eCe šeke&â oesveeW
DeeOeer nes peeleer nw? (d) Roatating torque/IetCe&ve šeke&â
(a) Halved/DeeOeer 115. In an electrical measuring instrument, the
(b) Doubled/oesiegveer controlling torque also known as:
Skeâ Fuesefkeäš^keâue ceeheve GheÙev$e ceW, keâvš^esefuebie šeke&â
(c) Remain same/Skeâ ner jnlee nw
....... kesâ ™he ceW Yeer peevee peelee nw-
(d) One–fourth/Skeâ ÛeewLeeF&
(a) Damping torque / [wefchebie šeke&â
*111. A permanent magnet moving coil instrument
has a coil of dimension 10 mm × 20 mm The (b) Restoring torque/ efjmšesefjbie šeke&â
flux density in the air gap is 2 × 10 Wb/m –3 2 (c) Operating torque / Dee@hejsefšbie šeke&â
and the spring constant is 0.25 × 10 Nm/rad. –6
(d) Deflecting torque / ef[heäuesefkeäšbie šeke&â
If the current of 10 mA is flowing through the 116. Dynamometer type moving coil instruments
coil, then calculate the number of turns are provided with ..............
required to produce an angular deflection of 60 [eÙeveceesceeršj Øekeâej keâer Ûeue kegbâ[ueer GhekeâjCe..........
degrees./Skeâ hejceeveWš cewievesš cetefJebie keâe@Fue GhekeâjCe kesâ meeLe Øeoeve efkeâS peeles nw~
ceW kegbâ[ueer keâe DeeÙeece 10 mm × 20 mm nw~ nJee ceW (a) Eddy current damping/S[[er keâjWš DeJecebokeâ
Heäuekeäme IevelJe 2 × 10 Wb/m nw Deewj efmØebie iegCeebkeâ
–3 2
(b) Pneumatic damping/vÙetcesefškeâ DeJecebokeâ
0.25 × 10 Nm/rad nw~ Ùeefo 10 efceueer-SefcheÙej keâer
–6 (c) Fluid friction damping/lejue Ie<e&Ce DeJecebokeâ
efJeÅegle Oeeje kegbâ[ueer kesâ ceeOÙece mes yen jner nw, lees 60 (d) Electrostatic damping/mLeweflekeâ efJeÅegle DeJecebokeâ
ef[«eer kesâ keâesCeerÙe efJe#esheCe keâe Glheeo keâjves kesâ efueS 117. Swamping resistance is used to compensate
error due to–/leehe efve<ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe keâe ØeÙeesie Gme
švme& kesâ mebKÙee keâer ieCevee keâjW~
DeMegefæ kesâ Øeeflekeâej kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw pees–
(a) 50 (b) 55
(c) 60 (d) 65 (a) Stray magnetic field
112. Which of the following are cost effective ØekeâerCe& ÛegbyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ keâejCe nes
instruments? (b) Large supply voltage
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee ueeiele ØeYeeJeer GhekeâjCe nw? efJeMeeue ØeoeÙe Jeesušlee kesâ keâejCe nes
(a) Active instruments/meef›eâÙe leb$e (c) Large supply frequency
(b) Former is passive instrument and later is efJeMeeue ØeoeÙe DeeJe=efòe kesâ keâejCe nes
active instrument/henues efveef<›eâÙe GhekeâjCe nw Deewj (d) Temperature variations
yeeo ceW meef›eâÙe GhekeâjCe nw leeheceeve ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ keâejCe nes
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 590 YCT
121. If the pointer of measuring instrument moves
03. GheÙeb$e leLee Gvekeâer DeeJeMÙekeâleeSB quickly to its final deflected position, it is?
Ùeefo ceehekeâ leb$e keâe hJeeFbšj Deheves Debeflece efJe#esefhele
(Instruments and their efmLeefle ceW peuoer hengÛe keâj peelee nw lees Ùen nw?
Requirements) (a) Critically damped/›eâebeflekeâ DeJecebefokeâ
118. Torque/weight ratio will be least in........ (b) Not damped/vees DeJecebefokeâ
instruments : (c) Over damped/Deefle DeJecebefokeâ
efkeâme GheÙev$e ceW yeueeIetCe&/Yeej Devegheele meyemes efvecve (d) Under damped/vÙetve DeJecebefokeâ
nesiee? 122. The class of measuring instrument that used
for industrial and panel board application is?
(a) Dynamometer/[eÙevesceesceeršj ceeheve leb$e keâe Jeie& pees DeewÅeesefiekeâ Deewj hewveue yees[&
(b) Moving iron/Ûeue DeeÙejve DevegØeÙeesie kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(c) Moving coil/Ûeue kegâC[ueer (a) Class 0.1/Jeie& 0.1 (b) Class 1/Jeie& 1
(d) all of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer (c) Class 0.5/Jeie& 0.5 (d) Classes 2/Jeie& 2
119. Consider the following statements? 123. If the damping factor of a system is 1 the
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW? system is :/Ùeefo efmemšce ceW DeJecevove Hewâkeäšj 1 nw, lees
1. The main shortcomings of diaphragms are
Jen efmemšce nw–
that they are prone to shock vibrations/[eÙeøeâece (a) under damped/vÙetve DeJecebove
keâer cegKÙe keâceer Ùen nw efkeâ Jes Mee@keâ kebâheve mes «emle nw~ (b) over damped/Deefle DeJecebove
2. Diaphragms have the advantages of high (c) critically damped/›eâebeflekeâ DeJecebove
accuracy and good dynamic response/[eÙeøeâece (d) unstable/DeefmLej
kesâ ueeYe, GÛÛe mešerkeâlee Deewj DeÛÚe [eÙevesefcekeâ 124. The pointer of an indicating instrument is in
the final deflected position, when?
jsmeheevme nw~ Skeâ mebkesâlekeâ Ùeb$e keâe metÛekeâ Debeflece efJe#esheCe efmLeefle ceW
3. Selection of material for diaphragms mainly neslee nw, peye?
depends upon temperature range and (a) The deflecting torque is zero
chemical nature of fluid coming in contact efJeÛeueve yeueeIetCe& MetvÙe nes
with diaphragm during pressure measurement
(b) The controlling torque is zero
[eÙeøeâece kesâ efueS meece«eer keâe ÛeÙeve cegKÙe ™he mes efveÙebef$ele yeueeIetCe& MetvÙe nes
leeheceeve jWpe Deewj jemeeÙeefvekeâ Øeke=âefle mecheke&â ceW Deeves mes (c) The damping torque is zero
ØeYeeefJele oyeeJe ceehe kesâ oewjeve [eÙeøeâece kesâ meeLe hej [wefchebie yeueeIetCe& MetvÙe nes
efveYe&j keâjlee nw~ (d) Both deflecting and controlling torques are
Which of the above statements is/are zero/efJeÛeueve Deewj efveÙebef$ele yeueeIetCe& oesveeW MetvÙe nes
correct? 125. Deflection method direct measurements are
Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve mee mener nw? most widely used as. These are:
efJe#esheCe efJeefOe ceW ØelÙe#e ceehe meyemes JÙeehekeâ ™he mes
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ–
(b) 2 and 3 only/2 Deewj 3 (a) Most simple and least time consuming
(c) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 meyemes meeOeejCe leLee keâce-mes-keâce meceÙe Jeeuee nw
(d) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2 (b) least time consuming/keâce mes keâce meceÙe ueielee nw
120. Class 0.1 instruments are used as? (c) most simple/meyemes meeOeejCe
Jeie& 0.1 GhekeâjCe................ kesâ ™he ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙes (d) most accurate/meyemes mešerkeâ
peeles nw~ 126. A null type instrument as compared to a
deflected type instrument has:
(a) Portable/heesšxyeue
Skeâ efJe#esheCe Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCe keâer leguevee ceW Skeâ
(b) Industrial measuring instruments MetvÙe Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCe ceW neslee nw–
DeewÅeesefiekeâ ceehekeâ Ùeb$e (a) a lower sensitivity/keâce mebJesoveMeeruelee
(c) Precision measuring instruments (b) a higher accuracy/GÛÛe Megælee
Megæ ceehekeâ Ùeb$e (c) a faster response/lespe Øeefleef›eâÙee
(d) Panel measuring instruments/hewveue ceehekeâ Ùeb$e (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 591 YCT
127. Comparison methods are used: (c) non-conductor and non-magnetic
legueveelcekeâ efJeefOeÙeeW keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw– DeÛeeuekeâ Deewj iewj-ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(a) when a high accuracy of measurement is (d) non-conductor but magnetic
required/peye ceehe keâer GÛÛe ÙeLeeLe&lee keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee DeÛeeuekeâ uesefkeâve ÛegcyekeâerÙe
nesleer nw~ 133. In general, fluid friction damping is not
(b) because they are most simple employed in indicating instruments although
keäÙeeWefkeâ Jes yengle meeOeejCe nesles nw~ one can find its use in........ :
(c) because they take least time in measurement
meeceevÙe leewj hej, õJe Ie<e&Ce DeJecevove keâe GheÙeesie
keäÙeeWefkeâ Jes ceehe ceW keâce mes keâce meceÙe uesles nQ~ metÛekeâ GhekeâjCe ceW veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw ÙeÅeefhe Fmekeâe
(d) because they are expensive
Skeâ GheÙeesie..............ceW efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
keäÙeeWefkeâ Jes cenBies nesles nQ~ (a) dynamometer wattmeter/[eÙevesceesceeršj Jeeš ceeršj
128. The high torque to weight ratio in an analog (b) hot-wire ammeter/iece& Jee@Ùej Deceeršj
indicating instrument indicates: (c) induction type energy meter
Skeâ Sveeuee@ie efmeiveue GhekeâjCe ceW šeke&â Deewj Yeej keâe ØesjCe šeFhe Tpee& ceeršj
GÛÛe Devegheele Fbefiele keâjlee nw– (d) Kelving electrostatic voltmeter
(a) low friction loss/efvecve Ie<e&Ce ne@efve kesâefuJeve efmLej efJeÅegle Jeesuš ceeršj
(b) high friction loss/GÛÛe Ie<e&Ce ne@efve 134. The controlling torque of an indicating
instrument......as the deflection of the moving
(c) nothing related to friction loss system increases:
Ie<e&Ce ne@efve mes mecyeefvOele kegâÚ veneR metÛekeâ GhekeâjCe keâe efveÙeb$eCe yeueeIetCe&............peye Ûeue
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR ØeCeeueer keâe efJe#esheCe yeÌ{lee nw~
129. The absolute instruments are also called as: (a) remains unchanged/DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw
hejce GhekeâjCe keâes Deewj keâne peelee nw– (b) decreases/Iešlee nw~
(a) standard instruments/ceevekeâ GhekeâjCe (c) increases/yeÌ{lee nw~
(b) sub standard instruments/Gheceevekeâ GhekeâjCe (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) commercial instruments/JÙeJemeeefÙekeâ GhekeâjCe 135. When the pointer of an indicating instrument
(d) secondary instruments/efÉleerÙekeâ GhekeâjCe comes to rest in the final deflected position,.......
130. Which one of the following is under peye Skeâ metÛekeâ GhekeâjCe keâe metÛekeâ Deefvlece efJe#esheCe
classification of recording type of instrument? DeJemLee mes efJejeceeJemLee ceW Deelee nw lees...........~
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee DeefYeuesKeer Øekeâej kesâ (a) only controlling torque acts
GhekeâjCe kesâ JeieeakeâjCe kesâ lenle Deelee nw? kesâJeue efveÙeb$eCe yeueeIet&Ce keâeÙe& keâjlee nw~
(a) Energy meter/Tpee& ceeršj (b) only deflecting torque acts
(b) ECG/F&.meer.peer. kesâJeue DeJecevokeâ yeueeIet&Ce keâeÙe& keâjlee nw~
(c) Wattmeter/Jee@š ceeršj (c) both deflecting and controlling torque acts
(d) Thermometer/Leceexceeršj
DeJecevokeâ yeueeIet&Ce Deewj efveÙeb$eCe yeueeIet&Ce oesveeW keâeÙe&
131. The instrument is precise if the reading:
keâjles nw~
GhekeâjCe ÙeLee&Le nesiee Ùeefo jeref[bie ceW – (d) one of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
136. The main function of the damping torque in an
(a) has no error/keâesF& $egefš ve nes
indicating electrical instrument is to:
(b) is accurate/Megælee nes metÛekeâ JewÅegle GhekeâjCe ceW DeJecevove DeeIetCe& keâe cegKÙe
(c) is true/JeemleefJekeâ nes keâeÙe& nw–
(d) is repeatable/oenjeves ÙeesiÙe (a) bring the pointer to rest quickly
132. In eddy current damping, disc or former is metÛekeâ keâes lespeer mes efJejece ceW ueeves kesâ efueS
made of a material that is a........: (b) prevent sudden movement of the pointer
YeBJej Oeeje DeJecevove ceW, ef[mkeâ Ùee Heâece&j metÛekeâ kesâ DeÛeevekeâ ieefle keâes jeskeâves kesâ efueS
............heoeLe& keâe yevee neslee nw– (c) control deflecting torque
(a) conductor but non-magnetic efJe#esheCe DeeIet&Ce keâes efveÙebef$ele keâjves kesâ efueS
Ûeeuekeâ uesefkeâve iewj-ÛegcyekeâerÙe (d) control controlling torque
(b) conductor but magnetic/Ûeeuekeâ uesefkeâve ÛegcyekeâerÙe efveÙeb$eCe DeeIet&Ce keâes efveÙebef$ele keâjves kesâ efueS
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 592 YCT
137. Most efficient form of damping used in (a) Measured/ceeefhele
instruments : (b) Sine-inverse of measure and
GhekeâjCeeW ceW ØeÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer DelÙeefOekeâ kegâMeue ceeheve ÙeesiÙe keâe meeFve JÙegl›eâce
DeJecevove nw– (c) sine of the measure /ceeheve ÙeesiÙe keâe meeFve
(a) Eddy current damping/YeBJej Oeeje DeJecevove (d) Square of the measure and/ceeheve ÙeesiÙe keâe Jeie&
(b) Air friction damping/JeeÙeg Ie<e&Ce DeJecevove 143. Which of the following materials is most
(c) Fluid friction damping/lejue Ie<e&Ce DeJecevove preferred for control spring?
(d) Natural damping/Øeeke=âeflekeâ DeJecevove efvecve ceW mes keâewve heoeLe& keâvš^esue efmØebie kesâ efueS DeefOekeâ
138. Which type of damping is generally preferred GheÙegòeâ neslee nw?
in case of instruments having weak magnetic (a) Silicon bronze/efmeefuekeâeve yeÇevpe
(b) Phosphor bronze/Heâe@mHeâj yeÇevpe
keâcepeesj ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e Jeeues GhekeâjCe ceW meceevÙeleÙee
(c) Platimum silver/huesefšvece efmeuJej
efkeâme Øekeâej efkeâÙee DeJecevokeâ ØeÙeesie keâer peeleer nw?
(d) German silver/pece&ve efmeuJej
(a) Air friction damping/JeeÙeg Ie<e&Ce DeJecevokeâ
144. The preferred damping condition to indicating
(b) Fluid friction damping/lejue Ie<e&Ce DeJecevokeâ instrument is:
(c) Eddy current damping/YeBJej Oeeje DeJecevokeâ meebkesâeflekeâ GheÙev$eeW keâer DeJecevokeâ efmLeefle hemevo nesleer
(d) Hysteresis damping/MewefLeuÙe DeJecevokeâ nw–
139. Which instrument gives the value of the (a) Over damped/Deefle DeJecevove
quanftity to be measured in terms of the
(b) Under damped/efvecve DeJecevove
constants of the instruments and their
deflection only? (c) A damping coefficient of 0.8 to 1
GheÙeb$e kesâ efmLejebkeâ Deewj Gvekeâer efJe#esheCe kesâ heo ceW efvecve DeJecevokeâ iegCeebkeâ 0.8 mes 1 lekeâ
ceW mes keâewve mee GheÙeb$e ceeheer peeves Jeeueer jeefMe keâe ceeve (d) Critically damped/›eâeefvlekeâ DeJecevove
oslee nw? 145. In an indicating instrument the returns to zero
position, when the current is removed, due to:
(a) Integrating instruments/meceekeâefuele GheÙev$e
meebkesâeflekeâ GheÙev$e ceW peye Oeeje nše efueÙee peelee nw lees
(b) Secondary instruments/efÉleerÙekeâ GheÙev$e
Jen MetvÙe DeJemLee ceW efkeâmekesâ keâejCe hengBÛe peelee nw–
(c) Recording instruments/efjkeâe@ef[Ëie GheÙev$e
(a) Controlling torque/efveÙev$eCe yeueeIetCe&
(d) Absolute instruments/hejce GheÙev$e
(b) Damping torque/DeJecevokeâ yeueeIetCe&
140. What is the function of jewels in analog
instruments? (c) Mass of the pointers/mebkesâlekeâ keâe Yeej
Svee@uee@ie GheÙev$eeW ceW pJewue keâe keäÙee keâeÙe& neslee nw? (d) Action of gravity/ieg™lJe keâer ef›eâÙee
(a) Bearing/efyeÙeefjbie 146. In an indicating instrument, the error at half
scale is:
(b) Damping/[wefchebie
meebkesâeflekeâ GheÙev$e ceW DeeOes mkesâue hej $egefš nesleer nw–
(c) Torque control/yeueehetCe& keâvš^esue
(a) Equal to half of full scale error
(d) Suppressing noise/Meesj meceehle keâjvee
hetCe& mkesâue $egefš kesâ DeeOee kesâ yejeyej
141. In case of instruments having weak magnetic
field which damping is preferred? (b) Equal to full scale error/hetCe& mkesâue $egefš kesâ yejeyej
efpeve GheÙev$eeW ceW keâcepeesj ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e neslee nw Gveces (c) Less than full scale/hetCe& mkesâue mes keâce
keâewve meer [wefchebie DeÛÚer nesleer nw? (d) Greater than full scale error
(a) Eddy current damping/YebJej Oeeje DeJecevove hetCe& mkesâue $egefš mes DeefOekeâ
(b) Hysteresis damping/MewefLeuÙe DeJecevove 147. The pointer of an indicating instrument
(c) Fluid friction damping/lejue Ie<e&Ce DeJecevove
Skeâ mebkesâeflekeâ GheÙev$e keâe metÛekeâ neslee nw–
(d) Air friction damping/JeeÙeg Ie<e&Ce DeJecevove
(a) Very heavy/yengle Yeejer
142. In a gravity controlled instrument, the
deflection angle is proportional to: (b) Very light/yengle nukeâe
ieg™lJe efveÙeefv$ele GheÙev$eeW ceW efJe#esheCe keâesCe ............ (c) Either A or B/Ùee lees A DeLeJee B
kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw~ (d) Neither A nor B/ve lees A vee B

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 593 YCT

148. A......... device prevents the Oscillation of the 152. Scale of an instrument will be uniform if
moving system and enables the latter to reach Skeâ GhekeâjCe keâe hewceevee Skeâ meceeve nesiee, Ùeefo–
its final position quickly:
(a) deflecting torque varies directly as the
Skeâ..............Ùegefòeâ Ûeue efmemšce keâer oesueve keâes keâce deflection angle/efJe#esheCe yeue DeeIetCe& meerOes
keâjlee nw leLee Gmekesâ yeeo peuoer mes Fmekeâer Deefvlece efJe#esheCe keâesCe kesâ ™he ceW yeouelee nw
DeJemLee ceW hengBÛeves lekeâ me#ece yeveelee nw~
(b) control torque varies directly as the
(a) Controlling/efveÙev$eCe deflection angle/efveÙebef$ele yeue DeeIetCe& meerOes
(b) Damping /DeJecevokeâ efJe#esheCe keâesCe kesâ ™he ceW yeouelee nw
(c) Deflecting/efJe#esheCe (c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(d) Any of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (d) damping torque varies directly as the
149. Damping in an instrument provides deflection angle/DeJecebokeâ yeue DeeIetCe& meerOes
Skeâ GhekeâjCe ceW DeJecebokeâ Øeoeve keâjlee nw efJe#esheCe keâesCe kesâ ™he ceW yeouelee nw
(a) counter torque to deflection torque 153. Air friction damping is achieved by the
efJejesOeer yeue DeeIetCe& mes efJe#esheCe yeue DeeIetCe& movement of aluminium piston in a cylinder
(b) good accuracy/DeÛÚer ÙeLeeLe&lee when
(c) braking action on a meter pointer JeeÙeg Ie<e&Ce DeJecebokeâ, efmeuesC[j ceW SuÙegefceefveÙece
ceeršj metÛekeâ hej yeÇseEkeâie SkeäMeve efhemšve kesâ nueÛeue Éeje Øeehle efkeâÙee peelee nw peye–
(d) starting torque on the meter pointer (a) piston will have close fitting in the cylinder
ceeršj metÛekeâ hej ØeejefcYekeâ yeueeIetCe& so that no air can pass from the circular
150. In an instrument hysteresis means contact between the two/efmeuesC[j ceW efhemšve
Skeâ GhekeâjCe ceW MewefLeuÙe keâe celeueye nw– keâer yengle ner keäueesp[ efHeâefšbie nesveer ÛeeefnS efpememes
(a) the inaccuracy due to change in temperature oesvees Je=efòeÙe mecheke&â kesâ ceOÙe keâesF& JeeÙeg heeme ve nes
leeheceeve ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ keâejCe DeMegælee mekesâ
(b) the reliability of the instrument (b) piston will have small circular clearance so
GhekeâjCe keâer efJeMJemeveerÙelee that air can pass with hinderance/efhemšve ceW
(c) the repeatability of the instrument Je=òeerÙe efkeäueÙejWme yengle keâce nesvee ÛeeefnS leeefkeâ JeeÙeg
GhekeâjCe kesâ oesnjeves keâer ÙeesiÙelee ®keâ-®keâ (yeeOee kesâ meeLe) kesâ heeme nes mekesâ
(d) the change in same reading when input is (c) piston will have circular clearance so that
first increased and then decreased/peye Fvehegš air can pass freely/efhemšve ceW Je=òeerÙe efkeäueÙejWme
henueer yeej yeÌ{lee nw Deewj efheâj Ieš peelee nw, lees nesvee ÛeeefnS leeefkeâ JeeÙeg cegòeâ ®he mes heeme nes mekesâ
Gmekesâ hee"Ÿeebkeâ ceW heefjJele&ve (d) none of the above/GhejeWòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
151. In measuring instruments a mirror is
154. Control springs are made up to
provided behind the pointer with a purpose
that efveÙeb$eCe eEmØeie ................ keâe, yevee neslee nw~
ceeheve GhekeâjCeeW ceW metÛekeâ kesâ heerÚs Skeâ ohe&Ce ........... (a) phosphor bronze/heâe@mheâj yeÇebpe
kesâ GösMÙe mes Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (b) copper/keâe@hej
(a) with the help of the mirror it may be seen (c) silver/efmeuJej
whether the pointer is bent or not/ohe&Ce keâer (d) steel/mšerue
meneÙelee mes Ùen osKee pee mekeâlee nw efkeâ metÛekeâ 155. In the case of indicating instruments the
mebkesâeflekeâ nw Ùee veneR function of the control spring is
(b) the scale is illuminated through the mirror mebkesâlekeâ GhekeâjCe kesâ mecyevOe ceW efveÙeb$eCe eEmØeie keâe
hewceevee ohe&Ce kesâ ceeOÙece mes ØekeâeefMele nw keâeÙe& neslee nw
(c) reading errors due to inclined observation (a) to apply controlling torque
are eliminated by removing parallax
between the pointer and its image in the
efveÙebef$ele yeue DeeIetCe& keâjvee
mirror/IegceeJeoej DeJeueeskeâve kesâ keâejCe hee"Ÿeebkeâ (b) to pass electric current to moving system
$egefšÙeeW keâes ohe&Ce ceW metÛekeâ Deewj Gmekeâer Øeefleefyecye kesâ Ûeue ØeCeeueer mes JewÅegle Oeeje heeme keâjvee
yeerÛe uecyeve keâes nše efoÙee peelee nw (c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 594 YCT
156. In electrical measuring instruments, electrical 161. In order to get best results, indicating
energy is converted to instruments are
efJeÅegle ceeheve GhekeâjCeeW ceW, efJeÅegle Tpee& keâes ............. meJeexòece heefjCeece Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS mebkesâlekeâ
ceW heefjJee|lele keâj efoÙee peelee nw~
GhekeâjCe neslee nw
(a) mechanical energy/Ùeebef$ekeâ Tpee&
(a) overdamped/Deefle DeJecebove
(b) heat energy/G<cee Tpee&
(c) chemical energy/jemeeÙeefvekeâ Tpee& (b) underdamped/vÙetve DeJecebove
(d) light energy/ØekeâeMeerÙe Tpee& (c) critically damped/›eâebeflekeâ DeJecebove
157. For protecting a galvanometer during (d) damped slightly less than the critical value
transport ›eâebeflekeâ ceeve mes LeesÌ[e keâce DeJeceefvole
heefjJenve kesâ oewjeve iewuJesveesceeršj keâer megj#ee kesâ efueS
162. Which of the following instruments can be
(a) a capacitor is connected across the
terminals / še|ceveueeW kesâ S›eâeme Skeâ mebOeeefj$e pees[
Ì e made using magnetic effect?
peelee nw efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee GhekeâjCe ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(b) the terminals are kept shorted/ ØeYeeJe keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ yeveeÙee pee mekeâlee nw?
še|ceveue keâes ueIegheefLele jKee peelee nw (a) Wattmeters/Jeešceeršj
(c) the terminals are kept open circuited/ (b) Energy meters/Tpee&ceeršj
še|ceveueeW keâes Keguee heefjheLe jKee peelee nw (c) Voltmeters/Jeesuš ceeršj
(d) critical damping resistance is connected
across the terminals/še|ceveueeW kesâ S›eâebme ›eâebeflekeâ (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
DeJecebokeâ ØeeflejesOe pees[Ì e peelee nw 163. In instruments the term 'artificial aging' is
158. ................ give the value of the quantity to be associated with
measured in terms of the constants of the GhekeâjCe ceW heo ‘DeešeaefheâefMeÙeue Sefpebie’ ........... kesâ
instruments and their direction only.
............. ceehes peeves Jeeueer jeefMe keâe ceeve kesâJeue
meeLe mebyebefOele neslee nw~
GheÙev$e kesâ efmLejebkeâ Deewj Gmekesâ efoMee kesâ heo ceW oslee nw~ (a) permanent magnets/mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ
(a) Secondary instruments/efÉleerÙekeâ GhekeâjCe (b) damping/DeJevokeâ
(b) Recording instruments/DeefYeuesKeve GhekeâjCe (c) springs/eEmØeie
(c) Absolute instruments/efvejhes#e GhekeâjCe (d) controlling torque/efveÙeb$eCe yeue DeeIetCe&
(d) Integrating instruments/meceekeâueve GhekeâjCe
164. The gravity controlled instrument has
159. A portable instrument is likely to have ........... crowded scale because current is
proportional to
Skeâ heesšxyeue GhekeâjCe ceW ............. DeJecevove keâer
mecYeeJevee nesleer nw~ ieg®lJeekeâ<e&Ce efveÙebef$ele GhekeâjCe ceW meIeve hewceeves nesles
(a) eddy current/YebJej Oeeje nQ, keäÙeeWefkeâ Oeeje.........kesâ meceevegheeleer nesleer nQ~
(b) gravitational/ieg®lJeekeâ<e&Ce (a) balancing weight/mevlegefuele Yeej
(c) pneumatic/JeeÙegJeerÙe (b) deflection angle/efJe#esheCe keâesCe
(d) fluid friction/õJe Ie<e&Ce (c) sine of deflection angle
160. When the damping of an instrument is efJe#esheCe keâesCe keâs pÙee
adjusted to enable the pointer to rise quickly
to its deflected position without overshooting, (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
in that case the instrument is said to be 165. Operating torques in analogue instruments
peye efkeâmeer GhekeâjCe keâer DeJecebokeâ keâes meceeÙeesefpele are
keâjves kesâ efueS hJeeFbšj keâes Deheveer nšeS ieS efmLeefle ceW Sveeuee@ie GhekeâjCeeW ceW ØeÛeeueve yeueeIetCe& neslee nw
lespeer mes yeÌ{ves kesâ efueS efyevee DeesJejMetefšbie meceeÙeesefpele
(a) deflecting and control/efJe#esheCe Deewj efveÙeb$eCe
efkeâÙee peelee nw, lees Gme Iešvee ceW GhekeâjCe
keâes.........keâne peelee nw~ (b) deflecting and damping
(a) under-damped/Dev[j [wche[ efJe#esheCe Deewj DeJecevokeâ
(b) over-damped/DeesJej [wche[ (c) deflecting, control and damping
(c) dead beat/[s[ yeerš efJe#esheCe efveÙeb$eCe Deewj DeJecevokeâ
(d) off beat/Dee@heâ yeerš (d) vibration and balancing/keâcheve Deewj mevlegueve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 595 YCT
166. Damping of the Ballistic galvanometer is 171. The pointer of an indicating instrument
made small to should be
yewefueefmškeâ iewuJesveesceeršj keâe DeJecevokeâ .......... kesâ Skeâ mebkesâlekeâ GhekeâjCe keâe metÛekeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS–
efueS Úesše yeveeÙee peelee nw~ (a) very light/yengle nukeâe
(a) get first deflection large (b) very heavy/yengle Yeejer
henues yeÌ[e efJe#esheCe keâes Øeehle keâjveW~ (c) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b)
(b) make the system oscillatory (d) neither (a) nor (b)/ve lees (a) Deewj ve ner (b)
ØeCeeueer keâes oesueveerÙe yeveeves 172. According to application, instruments are
classified as
(c) make the system critically damped
GheÙeesie kesâ Devegmeej, GhekeâjCeeW keâes.........kesâ ™he ceW
ØeCeeueer keâes ›eâeefvlekeâ DeJecevokeâ yeveeves Jeieeake=âle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(d) get minimum overshoot
(a) switch board/efmJeÛe yees[&
vÙetvelece Deefle›eâceCe heeves
(b) portable/heesšxyeue
167. If an instrument has cramped scale for larger
(c) both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
values, then it follows
(d) moving coil/ Ûeue kegâC[ueer
Ùeefo Skeâ GhekeâjCe kesâ heeme yeÌ[s ceeve kesâ efueS lebie
173. Which of the following is essential features
hewceevee nw, lees Ùen DevegmejCe keâjlee nw possessed by an indicating instrument?
(a) square law/Jeie& efveÙece efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee DeeJeMÙekeâ iegCe mebkesâleve
(b) logarithmic law/ueIegiegCekeâerÙe efveÙece GhekeâjCe Éeje DeefOeke=âle efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(c) uniform law/mece™he efveÙece (a) Deflecting device/efJe#eshekeâ GhekeâjCe
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) Controlling device/efveÙeefv$ele GhekeâjCe
168. In a portable instrument, the controlling (c) Damping device/DeJecebokeâ GhekeâjCe
torque is provided by (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
Skeâ heesšxyeue GhekeâjCe ceW efveÙeb$eCe yeueDeeIetCe& .......... 174. A ................. device prevents the oscillation of
kesâ Éeje Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~ the moving system and enables the latter to
reach its final position quickly
(a) spring/efmØebie Skeâ ............. GhekeâjCe Ûeue ØeCeeueer kesâ oesueve keâes
(b) gravity/ieg®lJe jeskeâlee nw Deewj yeeo ceW Ùen peuoer mes Deefvlece efmLeefle
(c) eddy currents/YeBJej OeejeDeeW lekeâ hengBÛeves kesâ efueS me#ece yeveelee nw~
(d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer (a) deflecting/efJe#eshekeâ
169. The switch board instruments (b) controlling/efveÙev$ekeâ
efmJeÛe yees[& GhekeâjCe keâes– (c) damping/DeJecebokeâ
(a) should be mounted in vertical position (d) any of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW keâesF& Yeer
TOJee&Oej efmLeefle ceW ueiee nesvee ÛeeefnS 175. The spring material used in a spring control
device should have the following property.,
(b) should be mounted in horizontal position
efmØebie efveÙeb$eCe GhekeâjCe ceW ØeÙegòeâ efmØeb«e meecee«eer ceW
#eweflepe efmLeefle ceW ueiee nesvee ÛeeefnS
efvecve iegCe nesvee ÛeeefnS–
(c) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b)
(a) Should be non-magnetic
(d) neither (a) nor (b)/ve lees (a) Deewj ve ner (b) DeÛegcyekeâerÙe nesvee ÛeeefnS
170. In majority of instruments damping is (b) Most be of low temperature co-efficient
provided by efvecve leehe iegCeebkeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS
DeefOekeâebMe GhekeâjCeeW ceW DeJecevove..........kesâ Éeje (c) Should have low specific resistance
Øeoeve keâer peeleer nw~ efvecve efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe jKevee ÛeeefnS
(a) fluid friction/õJe Ie<e&Ce (d) All of the above/GheÙe&gòeâ ceW mes meYeer
(b) spring/efmØebie 176. Which of the following properties a damping
oil must possess?
(c) eddy currents/YeBJejOeejeDeeW efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee iegCe Skeâ DeJecebokeâ lesue
(d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 596 YCT
(a) Must be a good insulator Skeâ heesšxyeue GheÙeb$e kesâ keâeÙe&keâejer DeeIetCe& hej mš^s
Skeâ DeÛÚe DeJejesOekeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâe ØeYeeJe leye DeefOekeâlece neslee nw, peye
(b) Should be non-evaporating GhekeâjCe keâe mebÛeeefuele #es$e Deewj mš^s #es$e nesles nQ–
DeJee<heerkeâjCe nesvee ÛeeefnS
(a) perpendicular. / uebyeJele
(c) Should not have corrosive action upon the
metal of the vane/Jesve kesâ Oeeleg hej meb#eejkeâ (b) parallel. / meceevlej
keâeÙe&Jeener veneR nesveer ÛeeefnS (c) inclined at 600 / 600 hej Pegkesâ ngS
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer (d) inclined at 300 / 300 hej Pegkesâ ngS
177. The use of ................. instruments is merely 182. Which one of the following statements is
confined within laboratories as standardizing correct?
instruments. Spriral springs are used in instruments to.
GhekeâjCeeW keâe GheÙeesie kesâJeue ØeÙeesieMeeueeDeeW kesâ Devoj efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw?
ceevekeâeW kesâ ™he ceW ner meerefcele neslee nw
mheeFjue efmØebie keâes GhekeâjCe ceW ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(a) absolute/efvejhes#e
(a) provide controlling torque.
(b) indicating/mebkesâleve
efveÙebef$ele DeeIetCe& Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS
(c) recording/DeefYeuesKeve
(b) provide damping torque.
(d) integrating/meceekeâueve
178. Which of the following instruments indicate
DeJecebove DeeIetCe& Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS
the instantaneous value of the electrical (c) lead the current to moving coil as well as to
quantity being measured at the time at which provide the controlling torque.
it is being measured? Ûeue kegâC[ueer kesâ Oeeje kesâ vesle=lJe kesâ meeLe-meeLe efveÙeefv$ele
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee GhekeâjCe ceeheves Jeeues DeeIetCe& Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS
JewÅegle jeefMe kesâ lelkeâeue ceeve keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw (d) provide linear deflection.
efpeme hej Fmes ceehee pee jne nw? jsKeerÙe efJe#esheCe Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS
(a) Absolute instruments/efvejhes#e GhekeâjCe
183. The following is not essential for the working of
(b) Indicating instruments/mebkesâleve GhekeâjCe an indicating instrument
(c) Recording instruments/DeefYeuesKeve GhekeâjCe efvecveefueefKele ceW mes Skeâ metÛekeâ GheÙeb$e kesâ keâeÙe& keâes
(d) Integrating instruments/meceekeâueve GhekeâjCe oMee&ves kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ veneR nw–
179. ................. instruments are those which
(a) deflecting torque. / efJe#esheCe DeeIetCe&
measure the quantity of electricity delivered
in a particular time. (b) braking torque. / yeÇsefkebâie DeeIetCe&
................. GhekeâjCe Jes nesles nQ pees efkeâmeer efJeMes<e (c) damping torque. / DeJecebove DeeIetCe&
meceÙe ceW efJeÅegle keâer cee$ee keâes ceeheles nQ~ (d) controlling torque. / efveÙebef$ele DeeIetCe&
(a) Absolute/efvejhes#e 184. To achieve the optimum transient response, the
(b) Indicating/mebkesâleve indicating instruments are so designed as to
(c) Recording/DeefYeuesKeve meJeexòece #eefCekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS, metÛekeâ
(d) Integrating/meceekeâueve GhekeâjCe ------ kesâ ¤he ceW DeefYekeâefuhele efkeâÙes peeles nQ~
180. Which of the following are integrating (a) be critically damped.
instruments? ›eâebeflekeâ DeJecebove
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee meceekeâueve GhekeâjCe nw? (b) be undamped.
(a) Ammeters/Sceeršme& Deve[wche[d nesvee
(b) Voltmeters/Jeesušceeršme&
(c) providing damping which is slightly more the
(c) Wattmeters/Jee@šceeršme& critical value.
(d) Ampere-hour and watt-hour meters DeJecebove Øeoeve keâjvee, pees efkeâ ›eâebeflekeâ ceeve mes Lees[Ì e
SefcheÙej IeCše Deewj Jeeš IeCše ceeršj DeefOekeâ nw
181. The effect of stray magnetic fields on the
(d) providing damping which is slightly less than
actuating torque of a portable instrument is
the critical value.
maximum when the operating field of the
instrument and the stray fields are DeJecebove Øeoeve keâjvee pees efkeâ ›eâebeflekeâ ceeve mes Lees[Ì e keâce nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 597 YCT
185. In eddy current damping systems, the disc 2. The flexible leads, used for taking current
employed should be of into the moving coil, must not exert
YebJej Oeeje DeJecebove ØeCeeueer ceW, ØeÙegkeäle ef[mkeâ nesves appreciable torque upon the moving
ÛeeefnS– system.
(a) conducting and magnetic material. ueÛeerues ueer[dme, pees Ûeue kegâC[ueer ceW Oeeje uesves kesâ efueS
ÛeeuekeâerÙe Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw, Gmes Ûeue hej efJeMJemeveerÙe
(b) conducting but non magnetic material. DeeIetCe& veneR [euevee ÛeeefnS~
ÛeeuekeâerÙe uesefkeâve DeÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& Select the correct answer using the code given
(c) magnetic but non conducting material. below :
ÛegcyekeâerÙe uesefkeâve DeÛeeueve heoeLe& veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ mener Gòej keâe ÛeÙeve
(d) non-conducting and non magnetic material. keâjW-
DeÛeeueve Deewj DeÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& (a) 1 only / kesâJeue 1
186. Ideally, the damping torque should be
(b) 2 only / kesâJeue 2
DeeoMe& ¤he mes, DeJecebove DeeIetCe& nesveer ÛeeefnS–
(c) Both 1 and 2. / 1 Deewj 2 oesveeW
(a) proportional to the velocity of moving system
and operating current. (d) Neither 1 nor 2. / ve lees 1 ve 2
ØeÛeeueve Oeeje Deewj ieefleceeve ØeCeeueer kesâ Jesie kesâ 189. "The current internationally recognized unit of
meceevegheeeflekeâ time and frequency is based on the cesium
(b) proportional to the velocity of the moving clock, which gives an accuracy better than 1µs
system but independen of operating current. per day." This statement is related to
ieefleceeve ØeCeeueer kesâ Jesie mes meceevegheeeflekeâ uesefkeâve ØeÛeeueve Oeeje Devleje&°^erÙe ™he mes meceÙe Deewj DeeJe=efòe keâer
Oeeje mes mJelev$e heefjefÛele FkeâeF& nw pees meerefpeÙece IeÌ[er hej DeeOeeefjle nw~
(c) independent of the velocity of the moving pees Øeefleefove Skeâ ceeF›eâes meskesâC[ mes yesnlej mešerkeâlee
system and proportional to the operating oslee nw Ùen keâLeve efkeâmemes mebyebefOele nw?
(a) working standards./keâece keâjves kesâ ceevekeâ
ieefleceeve ØeCeeueer kesâ Jesie mes mJelev$e Deewj ØeÛeeueve Oeeje
kesâ meceevegheeeflekeâ (b) international standards./ Debleje&°^erÙe ceevekeâ
(d) independent of the velocity of the moving (c) primary standards./ ØeeLeefcekeâ ceevekeâ
system and operating current. (d) secondary standards./ efÉleerÙekeâ ceevekeâ
ØeÛeeueve Oeeje Deewj ieefleceeve ØeCeeueer kesâ Jesie mes mJelev$e 190. The most suitable primary atomic standard for
187. The materials to be used in the manufacture of frequency is
a standard resistance should be of DeeJe=efòe kesâ efueS meyemes GefÛele ØeeLeefcekeâ hejceeCeefJekeâ
Skeâ ceevekeâ ØeeflejesOe keâes yeveeves ceW ØeÙegkeäle nesves Jeeues
ceevekeâ nw–
heoeLe& ------- keâe nesveer ÛeeefnS~
(a) Rubidium vapour standard.
(a) high resistivity and low temperature
coefficient. ¤efyeef[Ùece Jee<he ceevekeâ
GÛÛe ØeeflejesOekeâlee Deewj efvecve leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ (b) Quartz standard. / keäJeešdpe& ceevekeâ
(b) low resistivity. / efvecve ØeeflejesOekeâlee (c) Hydrogen maser standard.
(c) high temperature coefficient. neF[^espeve cesmej ceevekeâ
GÛÛe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ (d) Caesium beam standard. / meerefpeÙece yeerce ceevekeâ
(d) low resistivity and high
temperature 191. The simplest and most common method of
coefficient. reducing any 'effect of inductive coupling'
efvecve ØeeflejesOekeâlee Deewj GÛÛe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ between measurement and power circuits is
188. What precaution(s) is/are required for absolute achieved by using
measurement of current by Rayleigh current ceeheve Deewj Meefòeâ heefjheLe kesâ yeerÛe efkeâmeer ØesjCe Ùegiceve
balance? kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes keâce keâjves nsleg meyemes mejue Deewj meeceevÙe
jsues Oeeje meblegueve Éeje Oeeje kesâ efvejhes#e ceeheve kesâ efueS
efJeefOe................ ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ Øeehle efkeâÙee peelee nw~
keäÙee meeJeOeeveer DeeJeMÙekeâ nesleer nw?
(a) a screen around the entire measurement
1. Precision balance of special form must be
used for the accuracy of measurement. circuit./mechetCe& ceeheve heefjheLe kesâ Deeme-heeme Skeâ
ceehe keâer ÙeLeeLe&lee kesâ efueS efJeMes<e ™he kesâ heefjMegæ m›eâerve~
meblegueve keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS~ (b) twisted pairs of cable./kesâyeue keâs šdJeermšs[ pees[Ì es keâe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 598 YCT
(c) capacitor(s) to be connected at the power 196. An indicating instrument is more sensitive of
circuit. / mebOeeefj$e keâes Meefòeâ heefjheLe hej peesÌ[keâj~ its torque to weight ratio is / Skeâ metÛekeâ GheÙeb$e
(d) capacitor(s) to be connected at the
measurement circuit.
yengle DeefOekeâ mebJesoveMeerue nw, Ùeefo Fmekeâe DeeIetCe&/Yeej
mebOeeefj$e keâes ceeheve heefjheLe hej peesÌ[keâj~ Devegheele neslee nw-
192. The resolution of an indicating instrument can (a) much larger than unity. / FkeâeF& mes yengle DeefOekeâ~
be defined as:
(b) of the order of unity. / FkeâeF& kesâ ›eâce keâe
Skeâ metefÛele Ùeb$e keâe DeblejCe efJeYesove efkeâme ™he ceW
heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw? (c) much less than unity. / FkeâeF& mes yengle keâce~
1. Variation in the meter reading for the same (d) made deflection dependent.
applied input. efJe#esheCe efveYe&j yeveevee~
Skeâ ner ØeÙegkeäle Fvehegš kesâ efueS ceeršj hee"Ÿeebkeâ ceW
197. Dynamic response consists of
2. Detectable change in the deflection due to ieefleceeve Øeefleef›eâÙee ceW nesles nw-
smallest change in the applied input. (a) two parts - one steady state and the other
ØeÙegkeäle Fvehegš ceW meyemes Úesše heefjJele&ve kesâ keâejCe transient state response. / oes Yeeie-Skeâ mLeeÙeer
efJe#esheCe ceW helee ueieeves ÙeesiÙe heefjJele&ve DeJemLee Deewj DevÙe DemLeeÙeer DeJemLee Øeefleef›eâÙee
3. Detectable change in the output due to
drifting of pointer./ metÛekeâ kesâb ef[^efHeäšbie kesâ keâejCe (b) transient state response only.
helee ueieeves ÙeesiÙe heefjJele&ve kesâJeue DemLeeÙeer DeJemLee Øeefleef›eâÙee~
Which of the above statements are correct? (c) steady state response only.
Ghejeskeäle keâLeve ceW mes keâewve-mee mener nw? kesâJeue mLeeÙeer DeJemLee Øeefleef›eâÙee~
(a) 1 only. / kesâJeue 1 (b) 2 only. / kesâJeue 2 (d) both steady state and transient frequency
(c) 3 only. / kesâJeue 3 (d) 1 and 3 / 1 Deewj 3 responses.
193. An example of a first order instrument system mLeeÙeer DeJemLee Deewj DemLeeÙeer DeeJe=efòe Øeefleef›eâÙee oesveeW~
is / Skeâ ØeLece keâesefš kesâ GhekeâjCe keâe GoenjCe nw-
198. The efficiency of instrument is defined as the
(a) potentiometer. / efJeYeJeceeheer~
ratio of the measured quantity at full scale to
(b) transformer (ideal) / š^e@vmeheâece&j (DeeoMe&)~
the power taken by the instrument at
(c) thermocouple dipped in a liquid.
õJe ceW [gyee ngDee Leceexkeâheue~ Skeâ GhekeâjCe keâer o#elee keâes, hetCe& hewceeves hej ceeheer ieÙeer
(d) mass-spring-dashpot system. jeefMe Deewj...................hej GhekeâjCe Éeje ueer ieÙeer Meefòeâ
õJÙeceeve-efmheübie [wMe hee@š ØeCeeueer~ kesâ Devegheele kesâ ™he ceW heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee peelee nw~
*194. A first order system has time constant of 20 s
(a) one-fourth scale/Skeâ ÛeewLeeF& hewceeves~
and it is subjected to a step input. The settling
time to reach 95% of its final steady state value (b) half scale./Deæ& hewceeves
is / Skeâ ØeLece Deveg›eâce ØeCeeueer keâe meceÙe efmLejebkeâ 20
(c) three-fourth scale./ leerve-ÛeewLeeF& hewceeves
meskesâC[ nw Deewj Ùen Skeâ mšshe Fvehegš kesâ DeOeerve nw~
Fmekesâ Deefvlece efmLej DeJemLee ceeve kesâ 95³ lekeâ hengÛeves (d) full scale/hetCe& hewceeves
keâe mLeeveerkeâjCe meceÙe nw– 199. Dead zone of an instrument is
(a) 100 s (b) 60 s Skeâ GhekeâjCe keâe DeØeÛeeefuele #es$e neslee nw-
(c) 20 s (d) infinity. / Devevle (a) the time required by an instrument to warm
195. For a second order instrument, the optimum up initially. / ØeejefcYekeâ Je=efæ kesâ efueS Skeâ GhekeâjCe
range of ξ (damping ratio), which gives good Éeje DeeJeMÙekeâ meceÙe~
frequency response over a wide range of
frequencies is (b) the largest change of input quantity for which
there is no output of the instrument.
Skeâ efÉleerÙe Deveg›eâce GhekeâjCe kesâ efueS ξ (DeJecebove
Fvehegš jeefMe keâe DeefOekeâlece heefjJele&ve efpemekesâ efueS JeneB
Devegheele) keâe meJeexòece ceeve pees Skeâ efJemle=le DeeJe=efòe
GhekeâjCe keâe keâesF& DeeGšhegš veneR nw~
hejeme kesâ Thej DeÛÚer DeeJe=efòe Øeefleef›eâÙee oslee nw, nw–
(c) the time required by an instrument to begin
(a) 0.5 to 0.6 / 0.5 mes 0.6 to respond to a change in measured.
(b) 0.6 to 0.7 / 06 mes 0.7 ceehe ceW heefjJele&ve keâer Øeefleef›eâÙee osves kesâ efueS Skeâ
(c) 0.7 to 0.8 / 0.7 mes 0.8 GhekeâjCe Éeje DeeJeMÙekeâ DeejefcYekeâ meceÙe~
(d) 0.8 to 1.0 / 0.8 mes 1.0 (d) none of the above. / Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 599 YCT
200. Which of the following statements is true for a (c) it gives quick measurement.
measuring instrument? Ùen leer›e ceeheve oslee nw~
Skeâ ceeheve Ùeb$e kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve (d) it is not affected by temperature variation.
mener nw? Ùen leeheceeve heefjJele&ve mes ØeYeeefJele veneR neslee nw~
(a) If it is precise, it is accurate. 205. Consider the following statements in
Ùeefo Ùen ÙeLeeLe& nw, lees Ùen Megæ nw~ connection with deflection and null type
(b) If it is linear, it is sensitive. instruments:
Ùeefo Ùen jwefKekeâ nw, lees Ùen mebJesoveMeerue nw~ efJe#esheCe Deewj MetvÙe Øee™heer GhekeâjCeeW kesâ mecyevOe ceW
(c) if it has a digital display, it is accurate.
Ùeefo FmeceW ef[efpešue ef[mhues nw, lees Ùen ÙeLeeLe& nw~ efvecve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
(d) if it uses null balances technique, it has a high 1. Null type instrument is more accurate than the
input impedance. deflection type one.
Ùeefo Ùen MetvÙe meblegueve lekeâveerkeâ keâe ØeÙeesie keâjlee nw, lees efJe#esheCe Øee™heer GhekeâjCe keâer Dehes#ee MetvÙe Øee™heer
Ùen Skeâ GÛÛe Fvehegš ØeefleyeeOee nw~ GhekeâjCe yengle DeefOekeâ Megæ neslee nw~
201. A first order instrument is characterized by 2. Null type of instrument can be highly
Skeâ ØeLece Deveg›eâce GhekeâjCe keâer efJeMes<elee nw- sensitive as compared with deflection type
(a) time constant only. / kesâJeue efmLej meceÙe~ instrument.
(b) static sensitivity and time constant. efJe#esheCe Øee™heer GhekeâjCe keâer leguevee ceW MetvÙe Øee™heer
efmLej mebJesoveMeeruelee Deewj meceÙe efmLejebkeâ GhekeâjCe GÛÛe mebJesoveMeerue neslee nw~
(c) static sensitivity and damping coefficient. 3. Under dynamic conditions, null type
efmLej mebJesoveMeeruelee Deewj DeJecebove iegCeebkeâ~ instrument is not preferred to deflection type
(d) static sensitivity, damping coefficient and instrument.
natural frequency of oscillations. ieeflekeâerÙe DeJemLee kesâ Devleie&le, MetvÙe Øee™heer GhekeâjCe
efmLej mebJesoveMeeruelee, DeJecebove iegCeebkeâ Deewj oesueve keâer keâes efJe#esheCe Øee™heer GhekeâjCe mes JejerÙelee veneR oer peeleer
Øeeke=âeflekeâ DeeJe=efòe~ nw~
202. Thermal zero-shift in an instrument refers to 4. Response is faster in null type instrument as
Skeâ GhekeâjCe ceW Lece&ue MetvÙe efJemLeeheve Øeoeve keâjlee nw- compared to deflection type instrument.
(a) maximum variation in pen zero due to efJe#esheCe Øee™heer GhekeâjCe keâer leguevee ceW MetvÙe Øee™heer
temperature variation. / leeheceeve heefjJele&ve kesâ keâejCe
GhekeâjCe kesâ Øeefleef›eâÙee ceW lespeer nesleer nw~
hesve MetvÙe ceW DeefOekeâlece heefjJele&ve~ Which of these statements are correct?
(b) inaccuracy in measurement due to
temperature variation. / leeheceeve heefjJele&ve kesâ keâejCe FveceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw?
ceeheve ceW DeMegælee~ (a) 1, 2 and 3 only. / kesâJeue 1, 2, Deewj 3
(c) shift in zero adjustment due to expansion of (b) 1, 2 and 4 only. / kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 4
springs due to temperature variation. (c) 2, 3 and 4 only. / kesâJeue 2, 3 Deewj 4
leeheceeve efYevvelee kesâ keâejCe efmØebie kesâ efJemleej kesâ keâejCe
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4. / kesâJeue 1, 2, 3 Deewj 4
MetvÙe meceeÙeespeve ceW yeoueeJe~
(d) none of the above. / Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR~ 206. What will be the nature of the indicating scale
203. In which part of the scale does the pointer if a moving coil instrument is used as an ohm
indicate most accurately?/hewceevee kesâ efkeâme efnmmes meter?
ceW, metÛekeâ meyemes mener {bie mes mebkesâle keâjlee nw? metÛekeâ mkesâue keâer keäÙee Øeke=âefle nesieer Ùeefo Skeâ Ûeue
(a) In the first of the scale. keäJee@Ùeue GheÙev$e Deesce ceeršj kesâ YeeBefle GheÙeesie efkeâÙee
hewceevee kesâ ØeejcYe ceW~ peeS?
(b) In the first half of the scale. (a) Linear/jsKeerÙe
hewceevee kesâ henues DeeOes ceW~
(b) Hyperbolic/DeeflehejJeefuekeâ
(c) In about middle of the scale.
hewceevee kesâ ueieYeie yeerÛe ceW~ (c) Inverse linear/JÙegl›eâce jsKeerÙe
(d) In the last third of the scale. (d) Logarithmic/ueIegieCekeâ
hewceevee kesâ Debeflece efleneF& ceW~ 207. The advantage of PMMC type instrument is:
204. The main advantage of the null balance PMMC Øekeâej GheÙev$e keâe ueeYe neslee nw–
technique of measurement is that
ceeheve kesâ MetvÙe meblegueve lekeâveerkeâ keâe cegKÙe ueeYe nw (a) low power consumption/efvecve Meefòeâ Kehele
efkeâ– (b) no hysteresis loss/keâesF& MewefLeuÙe neefve veneR
(a) it does not load the medium. (c) efficient eddy current damping
Ùen ceeOÙece Yeej veneR keâjlee nw~ ØeYeeJeer YebJej Oeeje DeJecevove
(b) it gives a centre zero value at its input.
(d) all of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
Ùen Deheves Fvehegš hej Skeâ kesâvõ MetvÙe ceeve oslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 600 YCT
(a) Current/Oeeje
04. Sceeršme& SJeb Jeesušceeršme& (b) Square root of current/Oeeje kesâ Jeie&cetue
(Ammeters and Voltmeters) (c) square of current/Oeeje kesâ Jeie&
(d) voltage/Jeesušspe
208. The internal resistance of the milliameter must 213. The frequency error in induction type ammeter
be very low for: is compensated by:
efceueerceeršj keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe ........... kesâ efueS ØesjCe Øekeâej Sceeršj ceW DeeJe=efòe $egefš keâer #eeflehetefle&
yengle keâce nesvee ÛeeefnS~ .......... kesâ Éeje keâer peeleer nw~
(a) high accuracy/GÛÛe Megælee (a) Self compensated/mJele: #eeflehetefle&
(b) high sensitivity/GÛÛe mebJesoveMeeruelee (b) not required/DeeJeMÙekeâ veneR nw
(c) minimum effect on the current in the circuit (c) non inductive shunt/DeØesjkeâerÙe Mebš
heefjheLe ceW Oeeje hej efvecvelece ØeYeeJe (d) inductive shunt/ØesjkeâerÙe Mebš
(d) maximum voltage drop across thermometer 214. A 50 voltmeter want to be extend to measure
Lecees&ceeršj kesâ Deej-heej DeefOekeâlece Jeesušspe [^e@he 250 voltmeter. The resistance of the meter is
209. A common element in most of the 5000Ω. What will be the value of multiplier
instrumentation systems for reasons of its required?
compactness and linearity in its characteristics Skeâ 50 Jeesušceeršj keâes ceeheves kesâ 250 V efueS yeÌ{e
is? efoÙee peelee nw~ ceeršj keâe ØeeflejesOe 5000Ω nw ~DeeJeMÙekeâ
Fmekeâer efJeMes<eleeDeeW ceW Fmekeâer meIevelee Deewj jwefKekeâlee kesâ iegCekeâ keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee?
keâejCeeW mes DeefOekeâebMe FbmšÍceWšsMeve ØeCeeueer ceW Skeâ (a) 40000Ω (b) 20000Ω
meceevÙe lelJe nw? (c) 50000Ω (d) 25000Ω
(a) cantilever beams/kewâvšerueerJej yeerce 215. The use of thermocouple meters for AC
(b) helical spiral springs/nsueerkeâue mheeFjue efmØebie measurement leads to scale which is?
(c) load cells/uees[ mesue
S.meer. ceeheve kesâ efueS Leceexkeâheue ceeršj keâe GheÙeesie
efkeâme hewceeves hej neslee nw?
(d) torsion bars/šemeËve yeej
210. The moving iron voltmeter indicates? (a) Linear/jsKeerÙe
Ûeue DeeÙejve Jeesušceeršj Fbefiele keâjlee nw? (b) Square law/Jeie& efveÙece
(a) the same value for dc and ac voltages (c) Exponential/IeeleebkeâerÙe
[er.meer. Deewj S.meer. Jeesušspe kesâ efueS Skeâ meceeve ceeve (d) Logarithmic/ueIegieCekeâ
(b) lower values for ac voltage than for 216. The calibration of a voltmeter can be carried
corresponding dc voltage/[er.meer. Jeesušspe keâer out by using:
leguevee ceW S.meer. Jeesušspe kesâ efueS keâce ceeve Jeesušceeršj keâe DebMeekeâve efkeâmekeâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ %eele
(c) higher value for ac voltage than for efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw?
corresponding dc voltage/[er.meer. Jeesušspe keâer (a) A frequency meter/Skeâ DeeJe=efòe ceeršj
leguevee ces S.meer. Jeesušspe kesâ efueS DeefOekeâ ceeve (b) A potentiometer/Skeâ efJeYeJeceeheer
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) An ammeter/Skeâ Deceeršj
211. The needle of a MI Ammeter oscillates around (d) A function generator/Skeâ HebâkeäMeve pevejsšj
a central value: 217. Which of following are needed both for
MI Sceeršj keâer metF& kesâvõerÙe Heâuekeâ kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj oesueve protection and metering?
keâjleer nw– megj#ee Deewj ceeheve oesveeW kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele ceW mes
(a) Damping torque/DeJecebove DeeIetCe& efkeâmekeâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw?
(b) Controlling torque/efveÙeb$eCe DeeIetCe& (a) Energy meter/Tpee& ceeršj
(c) Deflecting torque/efJe#esheCe DeeIetCe& (b) Wattmeters/Jee@šceeršj
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ keâesF& veneR (c) Instrument transformer/GheÙeb$e š^ebmeHeâece&j
212. In thermocouple ammeter the heat produced is (d) Power factor meters/Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceeršj
proportional to? 218. A voltmeter using thermocouple measures:
Leceexkeâheue Sceeršj ceW GlheVe G<cee (H) ............ kesâ Skeâ Leceexkeâheue keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ Jeesušceeršj Éeje
meceevegheeleer nesleer nw~ ceehee peelee nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 601 YCT
(a) Peak value/efMeKej ceeve 224. To increase the range of a voltmeter:
(b) rms value/Deej.Sce.Sme. ceeve Jeesušceeršj keâe hejeme yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS–
(c) Average value/Deewmele ceeve (a) a low resistance is connected in series
(d) Peak to peak value/efMeKej mes efMeKej lekeâ keâe ceeve Skeâ efvecve ØeeflejesOe keâes ßesCeer ceW peesÌ[e peelee nw
219. In an induction type meter, maximum torque is (b) a low resistance is connected in parallel
produced when the phase angle between two Skeâ efvecve ØeeflejesOe keâes meceevlej ceW peesÌ[e peelee nw
fluxes is? (c) a high resistance is connected in series
Skeâ Fb[keäMeve šeFhe ceeršj ceW, DeefOekeâlece še@ke&â leye Skeâ GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe keâes ßesCeer ceW peesÌ[e peelee nw
GlheVe neslee nw, peye oes Heäuekeäme kesâ yeerÛe keâe Hesâ]pe keâesCe (d) a high resistance is connected in parallel
neslee nw? Skeâ GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe keâes meceevlej ceW pees[Ì e peelee nw
(a) 0o (b) 45o 225. Primary of an instrument transformer (C.T) is
o o connected in:
(c) 60 (d) 90
220. The effect of load resistance is important in GheÙeb $e š^e@meHeâece&j (CT) keâe ØeeFcejer ........... ceW pegÌ[e
measurement of: neslee nw~
.......... kesâ ceehe ceW Yeej ØeeflejesOe keâe ØeYeeJe cenlJehetCe& (a) series with the line/ueeFve kesâ ßesCeer ceW
neslee nw~ (b) parallel with the line/ueeFve kesâ meceevlej ceW
(a) Resistance of shunt/Mebš keâe ØeeflejesOe (c) across two lines/oes ueeFve kesâ Deej-heej
(b) Resistance of ammeter/Sceeršj keâe ØeeflejesOe (d) any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(c) Resistance of shunt winding 226. The deflecting torque of a moving iron
Mebš kegâC[ueer keâe ØeeflejesOe instrument is proportional to:
(d) Both A and B/A and B oesveeW Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe keâe efJe#esheCe yeueeIetCe&...........kesâ
221. The moving coil-meters, damping is provided meceevegheeleer neslee nw~
by: (a) 1 (b) 12
Ûeue kegâC[ueer ceeršjeW keâe DeJecevove ........... Éeje Øeoeve (c) 11/2 (d) 13/2
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ 227. In a thermocouple elements, heat energy
(a) The aluminium frame of the coil transferred to the hot junction is converted
kegâC[ueer kesâ SuÙegceerefveÙece øesâce back to electrical energy by:
(b) The coil spring attached to the moving part Leceexkeâheue lelJe ceW, T<ceerÙe Tpee& keâes iece& pebkeäMeve hej
Ûeue Yeeie mes peg[Ì er kebgâ[ueer eEmØeie mLeeveebleefjkeâ keâjkesâ .............. kesâ Éeje hegve: efJeÅegle Tpee&
(c) Eddy current disk/YeBJej Oeeje ef[mkeâ ceW heefjJeefle&le efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(d) Damping vane in the airtight chamber (a) Johnson effect/pee@vemeve ØeYeeJe
JeeÙeg™æ Ûewcyej ceW DeJecevove Jesve (b) Seebeck effect/meeryewkeâ ØeYeeJe
222. The scale of hot wire ammeter is: (c) Hall effect/ne@ue ØeYeeJe
ne@š Jee@Ùej Sceeršj keâe hewceevee neslee nw~ (d) Faraday's effect/Hewâje[s ØeYeeJe
(a) Linear/jsKeerÙe 228. The scale of a permanent magnet moving coil
(b) Non Linear/DejsKeerÙe instrument is uniform because........:
(c) Cramped/›ewâch[
mLeeÙeer ÛegcyekeâerÙe Ûeue kegâC[ueer GheÙeb$e keâe mkesâue
........... kesâ keâejCe Skeâ meceeve neslee nw~
(d) Absolute linear/efvejhes#e jsKeerÙe
(a) of effective eddy current damping
223. A galvanometer with a full scale current of 10
mA has a resistance of 1000Ω. The multiplying ØeYeeJeer YeBJej Oeeje DeJecevove
power (the ratio of measured current to (b) external magnetic fields have no effect
galvanometer current) of 100Ω shunt with this yeenjer ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâe keâesF& ØeYeeJe veneR neslee nw~
galvanometer is: (c) it is spring controlled/FmeceW eEmØeie efveÙeb$eCe neslee nw~
Skeâ iewuJesveesceeršj ceW 10 mA keâer Oeeje hetCe& hewceevee kesâ (d) it has not hysteresis loss
meeLe 1000Ω keâe ØeeflejesOe nw~ 100Ω Mevš Jeeues FmeceW efnmšwefjmeerme neefve veneR nesleer nw~
iewuJesveesceeršj keâe iegCekeâ Meefòeâ (iewuJesveesceeršj Oeeje leLee 229. The range of an ammeter can be increased by
ceeheve Oeeje keâe Devegheele) nesiee– using:
(a) 110 (b) 100 Skeâ Deceeršj keâe hejeme ......... kesâ GheÙeesie Éeje yeÌ{eÙee
(c) 11 (d) 10 peelee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 602 YCT
(a) Multiplier/iegCekeâ (a) Moving iron-Attraction/Ûeue ueewn Deeke&â<eCe
(b) Shunt/Mebš (b) Moving iron-Repulsion/Ûeue ueewn Øeefleke&â<eCe
(c) Multiplier and shunt/iegCekeâ Deewj Mebš (c) Permanent magnetic moving coil
(d) Rectifier/efo°keâejer mLeeÙeer ÛegcyekeâerÙe Ûeue kegâC[ueer
230. Most accurate instrument in the following: (d) Hot wire/iece& leej
efvecveefueefKele ceW meyemes ÙeLee&Le GhekeâjCe nw– 236. Which of the following materials will be used
(a) Moving Iron/Ûeue ueewn as a resistance for extending the range of
measurement of a voltmeter?
(b) PMMC
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme meece«eer keâe GheÙeesie Jeesušceeršj
(c) Dynamometer/[eÙevesceesceeršj
kesâ hejeme keâer meercee keâes efJemleeefjle keâjves kesâ efueS Skeâ
(d) Repulsion type/Øeeflekeâ<e&Ce Øekeâej
ØeeflejesOe kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
231. Deflecting torque in P.M.M.C. thermo couple
type instrument is proportional to: (a) Copper/keâe@hej
P.M.M.C. Leceexkeâheue Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCe ceW efJe#esheCe (b) Steel/mšerue
yeueeIetCe& ............... kesâ Devegheeleer neslee nw– (c) Aluminium/SuÙegceerefveÙece
(a) r.m.s. value of the alternating quantity (d) Manganin/cewiveerve
ØelÙeeJeleea jeefMe kesâ r.m.s. ceeve 237. Sensitive of a voltmeter is given by the:
(b) average value of the alternating quantity Jeesušceeršj keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee oer peeleer nw–
ØelÙeeJeleea jeefMe kesâ Deewmele ceeve (a) reciprocal of full scale deflection current
(c) instantaneous value of the alternating hetCe& hewceeves hej efJe#esheCe Oeeje keâe JÙegl›eâce
quantity/ØelÙeeJeleea jeefMe kesâ leelkeâeefuekeâ ceeve (b) ohms per volt/Deesce Øeefle Jeesuš
(d) maximum value of the alternating quantity (c) both of above/Thej kesâ oesveeW
ØelÙeeJeleea jeefMe kesâ GÛÛelece ceeve (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
232. An ammeter is........ instrument: 238. Heavy current in d.c. circuit can be measured
Skeâ Deceeršj...............GhekeâjCe nw– with the aid of:
(a) an indicating/Skeâ metÛekeâ [er.meer. heefjheLe ceW DelÙeefOekeâ Oeeje keâes keäÙee peesÌ[ keâj
(b) an integrating/Skeâ meceekeâefuele ceehee pee mekeâlee nw?
(c) a recording/Skeâ DeefYeuesKeer (a) C.T. in the line/ueeFve ceW CT
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) shunt resistance in series with the meter
233. In a moving iron instrument 12A current ceeršj kesâ ßesCeer ceW Mebš ØeeflejesOe
causes a deflection of the needle by 60o. For a (c) shunt resistance in parallel with the meter
deflection of 15o the current required will be: ceeršj kesâ meceevlej ceW Mebš ØeeflejesOe
Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe ceW 12A keâer Oeeje mes megF& keâe (d) none of these/Fveces mes keâesF& veneR
efJe#esheCe 600 nw~ megF& kesâ 150 efJe#esheCe kesâ efueS efkeâleveer 239. In which of the following instruments the
Oeeje keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesieer– deflefction depends on the average value?
(a) 9A (b) 6A efvecve ceW mes efkeâme GheÙeb$e ceW efJe#esheCe Deewmele ceeve hej
(c) 4A (d) 3A efveYe&j keâjlee nw?
234. For the measurement of true r.m.s value of (a) Rectifier meter/efo°keâejer ceeršj
square wave currents, which of the instrument
will be most suitable? (b) Hot wire meters/lehle leej ceeršj
Jeie& lejbie OeejeDeeW kesâ mener r.m.s. ceeve kesâ ceeheve kesâ (c) Moving coil meter/Ûeue kegâC[ueer ceeršj
efueS, keâewve mee GhekeâjCe meyemes GheÙegòeâ nesiee? (d) Moving iron meter/Ûeue ueewn ceeršj
(a) M.C type/Sce.meer. Øekeâej 240. Which of the following instruments does have a
deflecting torque governed by frequency?
(b) M.I. type/Sce.DeeF&. Øekeâej
efvecve ceW mes efkeâme GheÙev$e keâe efJe#esheCe yeueeIetCe& DeeJe=efòe
(c) electro dynamic type/efJeÅegle ieeflekeâerÙe Øekeâej
Éeje ieJeve& efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) Induction type instrument/ØesjCe Øekeâej GheÙev$e
235. Which of the following types of instruments
can be used for d.c. only? (b) Hot wire instruments/iece& leej GheÙev$e
efvecve ceW mes efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCees keâe GheÙeesie kesâJeue (c) Moving coil instruments/Ûeue kegâC[ueer GheÙev$e
DC kesâ efueS efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw? (d) Moving iron instruments/Ûeue DeeÙejve GheÙev$e

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 603 YCT

241. If torque/weight ratio of an instrument is low, (a) Mean value/ceOÙe ceeve
then: (b) Peak value/heerkeâ ceeve
Ùeefo Skeâ GheÙev$e keâe yeueeIetCe&/Yeej Devegheele efvecve nes
(c) R.M.S. value/ R.M.S. ceeve
(d) Equivalent value/leguÙeebkeâ ceeve
(a) The meter does not have uniform scale
ceeršj keâer mkesâue meceeve veneR neslee nw 247. Why is a MI meter not ordinarily
recommended for DC measurement?
(b) The meter does not have non-uniform scale
ceeršj keâer mkesâue Demeceeve veneR nesleer nw meeceevÙeleÙee MI ceeršj keâes DC ceeheve kesâ efueS keäÙeeW
(c) The sensitivity of the meter is high veneR meueen oer peeleer nw?
ceeršj keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee GÛÛe nesleer nw (a) The meter does not respond to DC signals
(d) The sensitivity of the meter is low ceeršj DC efmeiveue hej Øeefleef›eâÙee veneR oslee nw~
ceeršj keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee efvecve nesleer nw (b) The meter is calibrated for AC and its error
242. Which of the following elements to be added for DC would be high
with moving iron ammeter for its ceeršj AC kesâ efueS DebMeeefkeâle efkeâÙee peelee nw Deewj DC
compensation against frequency errors? kesâ efueS Fmekeâer $egefš GÛÛe nesieer~
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee DeJeÙeJe Ûeue DeeÙejve Deceeršj kesâ (c) The error is high due to eddy-current for DC
meeLe Fmekesâ DeeJe=efle $egefš keâes #eeflehetefle& keâjves kesâ efueS would be high/DC kesâ efueS YebJej-Oeeje kesâ keâejCe
peesÌ[e peelee nw? $egefš neefve GÛÛe nesleer nw~
(a) Shunt capacitance/Mebš kesâhesefmešsvme (d) The error is high due to hysteresis effect
(b) A shunt resistance/Mebš ØeeflejesOe MewefLeuÙe ØeYeeJe kesâ keâejCe $egefš GÛÛe nesleer nQ~
(c) Series resistance/ßesCeer ØeeflejesOe 248. The lowest non-zero marking of a 0-100V MI
(d) A series inductance/ßesCeer ØesjkeâlJe voltmeter would normally by:
243. A PMMC ammeter can be converted to a 0-100V MI Jeesušceeršj keâe efvecvelece DeMetvÙe ceeve
voltmeter by: ceeefkeËâie meeceevÙeleÙee nesieer–
Skeâ PMMC Deceeršj keâes Jeesušceeršj ceW efkeâmekesâ Éeje (a) 5V (b) 15V
yeouee pee mekeâlee nw– (c) 10V (d) 20V
(a) Installing the instrument in parallel with the 249. In an attraction type instrument, the operating
circuit/GheÙev$e keâes heefjheLe kesâ meceevlej ceW ueieekeâj force is approximately proportional to:
(b) Changing the scale of the instrument Deekeâ<e&Ce Øekeâej GheÙev$e ceW, Deehejsefšbie yeue ueieYeie
GheÙev$e keâs mkesâue keâes yeouekeâj .......... kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw~
(c) Putting a high resistance in parallel (a) Current/Oeeje
meceevlej ceW GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe ueieekeâj
(b) Square of the current/Oeeje keâe Jeie&
(d) Putting a high resistance in series
(c) Inverse of the square of the current
ßesCeer ceW GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe ueieekeâj
244. In MC type instruments, the scale used is:
Oeeje kesâ Jeie& kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
MC Øekeâej GheÙev$eeW ceW mkesâue ØeÙeesie neslee nw– (d) Inverse of the current/Oeeje kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
(a) Linear scale/jsKeerÙe mkesâue 250. Which condition cannot be described as the
advantage of PMMC type instruments?
(b) Non-linear scale/DejsKeerÙe mkesâue
efkeâme efmLeefle keâes PMMC GheÙev$e keâer ßes‰lee kesâ ™he ceW
(c) Log scale/uee@ie mkesâue
JeefCe&le veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw?
(d) Square law scale/Jeie& efveÙece mkesâue
(a) They have no hysteresis loss
245. In MI type instruments error due to hysteresis
is minimised by using: FveceW MewefLeuÙe neefveÙeeb veneR nesleer nw
MI Øekeâej GheÙev$eeW ceW MewefLeuÙe kesâ keâejCe neefve efkeâmekeâe (b) They have uniform scale
ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ keâce efkeâÙee peelee nw– Fvekeâe mkesâue Skeâ meceeve neslee nw
(a) Permalloy/hejcexueeÙe (c) They have low torque/weight ratio
(b) Silver coating/efmeuJej keâesefšbie Fvekeâe yeueeIetCe&/Yeej Devegheele efvecve neslee nw
(c) Stainless steel/mšsveuesme mšerue (d) They have efficient eddy-current damping
(d) High speed steel/GÛÛe ieefle mšerue FveceW o#e YebJej Oeeje DeJecebvove neslee nw~
246. A repulsion type voltmeter when used in A.C. 251. For DC measurements least expensive
circuits indicates: instrument is:
efJekeâ<e&Ce Øekeâej GheÙev$eeW keâe ØeÙeesie peye AC heefjheLeeW ceW DC ceeheve kesâ efueS meyemes keâce KeÛeeauee GheÙev$e neslee
efkeâÙee peelee nw lees Fbefiele keâjlee nw– nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 604 YCT
(a) PMMC instrument/PMMC GheÙev$e 256. High voltage tests are
(b) Hot wire instrument/iece& leej GheÙev$e GÛÛe Jeesušspe hejer#eCe nQ
(c) Dynamometer type instrument (a) High frequency tests/GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe hejer#eCe
[eÙevesceesceeršj Øekeâej GheÙev$e (b) sustained low frequency tests
(d) Attraction type moving iron instrument efvejvlej efvejvlej DeeJe=efòe hejer#eCe
(c) constant direct current tests
Deeke&â<eCe Øekeâej Ûeue ueewn GheÙev$e
efmLej ØelÙe#e Oeeje hejer#eCe
252. MC and MI type instruments can be
distinguished by looking at: (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
MC Deewj MI Øekeâej GheÙev$eeW keâes keâneB osKekeâj Devlej 257. An electrodynamic meter can be used to
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw– Skeâ efJeÅegle [eÙevesceesceeršj keâe GheÙeesie ............ keâes
(a) Their range/Gvekeâer heefjmeercee ceeheves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(b) Pointer/metÛekeâ (a) A.C. voltages/A.C. Jeesušspe
(c) Scale/mkesâue (b) D.C. voltages/D.C. Jeesušspe
(d) Size of terminals/šefce&veue keâe Deekeâej (c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
253. When AC voltage is applied to a PMMC meter, (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
then? 258. Which of the following is the merit of a
peye PMMC GheÙev$e hej AC Jeesušspe Deejesefhele efkeâÙee moving iron instrument?
peelee nw lees? efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe keâe
(a) The reading is zero/hee"Ÿeebkeâ MetvÙe nesleer nw iegCe nw?
(b) The meter will get damaged (a) It can be used under severe over load
conditions/iecYeerj DeefleYeej kesâ lenle Fmes ØeÙeesie
ceeršj Kejeye nes peeSiee
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
(c) The pointer will not move at all
(b) It has linear scale/Fmeces jwefKekeâ hewceevee neslee nw
metÛekeâ ieefle veneR keâjsiee
(c) It can be used at high frequencies
(d) The pointer will Oscillate to and from Ùen GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe hej GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
metÛekeâ FOej-GOej oesueve keâjsiee (d) Its current sensitivity is high
254. ............ is a low cost thermocouple Fmekeâer Oeeje mebJesoveMeeruelee GÛÛe nesleer nw
.......... Skeâ keâce ueeiele keâe Leceexkeâheue nw~ 259. Which of the following will happen if a
(a) Iron-constantan/DeeÙejve keâebmšwvšve voltmeter is connected like an ammeter in
series to the load?
(b) Chromel-constantan/›eâescesue-keâebmšwvšve
Ùeefo Jeesušceeršj keâes Deceeršj kesâ Yee@efle ner (Yeej kesâ
(c) Rhodium-indium/jesef[Ùece-Fefv[Ùece
efueS) ßesCeer ceW ueieeÙee ieÙee nes lees efvecveefueefKele ceW
(d) Tungsten-rhenium/šbiemšve-jsefveÙece keâewve meer Iešvee Iešsieer~
255. For thermocouple measuring instruments (a) There will be almost no current in the
which of the following statements is circuit/heefjheLe ceW ueieYeie keâesF& Oeeje veneR nesiee
(b) The measurement will be too high
Leceexkeâheue ceeheve GhekeâjCe kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes keâewve- ceehe yengle DeefOekeâ nesiee
mee keâLeve ieuele nw? (c) The meter will burn out/ceeršj peue peeÙesiee
(a) Their calibration does not change with time (d) A very high current will flow
or temperature/Gvekeâe DebMeebkeâve meceÙe Ùee leeheceeve Skeâ yengle ner GÛÛe Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesiee
kesâ meeLe veneR yeouelee nw 260. ................ meter has the best accuracy.
(b) They read r.m.s. values ........... ceeršj keâer ÙeLeeLe&lee meyemes DeÛÚer nesleer nw~
Jes r.m.s. ceeve keâes heÌ{les nw (a) Thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue
(c) They are incapable of standing any (b) Moving-coil/Ûeue kegâC[ueer
overloads/Jes efkeâmeer Yeer DeesJejYeej mšQeE[ie kesâ efueS (c) Moving-iron/Ûeue ueewn
DemeceLe& nesleer nQ (d) Rectifier type/efo<škeâejer Øekeâej
(d) If calibrated on D.C., they cannot be used 261. ............ damping method is common in
for A.C. signals moving coil instruments.
Ùeefo D.C. hej DebMeebefkeâle nw, lees GvnW A.C. mebkesâleeW ............ DeJecebokeâ efJeefOe, Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCeeW ceW
kesâ efueS GheÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw meeceevÙe nesleer nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 605 YCT
(a) Eddy current/YeBJej Oeeje 266. A high resistance is usually connected in
(b) Fluid/õJe series with an electrostatic voltmeter
Skeâ GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe Deeceleewj hej Skeâ efJeÅegle mLeweflekeâ
(c) Spring/eEmØeie
Jeesušceeršj kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee
(d) Air/SÙej nw–
262. In an ammeter the shunt resistance is usually (a) to render the measurement accurate
............... meter resistance.
ÙeLeeLe& ceehe keâes Øemlegle keâjves kesâ efueS
Skeâ Sceeršj ceW HeeMJe& ØeeflejesOe Deeceleewj hej ceeršj
(b) to increase the range/hejeme yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS
ØeeflejesOe ........... neslee nw (c) for safety reasons/megj#ee keâejCeeW mes
(a) equal to/kesâ yejeyej (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) less than/mes keâce 267. A milli-ammeter can be used as
(c) greater than/mes DeefOekeâ Skeâ efceueer Deceeršj keâe GheÙeesie .......... kesâ ™he ceW
(d) of any value/keâesF& Yeer ceeve kesâ efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
263. A very accurate voltmeter, when used to (a) an ammeter only/kesâJeue Skeâ Deceeršj
measure voltage across a low resistance, gives (b) a voltmeter/Skeâ Jeesuš ceeršj
inaccurate reading because (c) both voltmeter and ammeter
Skeâ yengle ÙeLeeLe&lee Jeesušceeršj, peye efvecve ØeeflejesOe oesveeW Deceeršj Deewj Jeesušceeršj
kesâ S›eâeme Jeesušspe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
peelee nw, lees DeMegæ hee"Ÿeebkeâ oslee nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ– 268. Weston cell is a
(a) the current drawn by the meter is too low Jesmšve mesue neslee nw Skeâ–
ceeršj Éeje efueÙee ieÙee Oeeje yengle keâce nw (a) good source of current/Oeeje keâe DeÛÚe œeesle
(b) the higher scale has been selected (b) good source of power/Meefòeâ keâe DeÛÚe œeesle
GÛÛe hewceevee keâe ÛeÙeve efkeâÙee ieÙee nw (c) good standard of voltage
(c) the sensitivity of the meter is too low Jeesušpe keâe DeÛÚe ceevekeâ
ceeršj keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee yengle keâce nw (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer 269. For measuring an unknown electrical
quantity, select the meter with
264. Swamping resistance is used to
De%eele JewÅegle cee$ee keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS ............ kesâ
efve<ØeYeeJeer ØeeflejesOe .......... kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee
meeLe ceeršj keâe ÛeÙeve keâjles nQ~
peelee nw
(a) highest range and work down
(a) compensate the error due to temperature
GÛÛelece hejeme Deewj veerÛes keâeÙe&
(b) lowest range and work up
leeheceeve efYeVeleeDeeW kesâ keâejCe $egefš keâer #eeflehetefle& efvecvelece hejeme Deewj Thej keâeÙe&
(b) compensate the error due to strong
(c) with middle range and work up and down
magnetic field on trial and error basis
cepeyetle ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ keâejCe $egefš keâer #eeflehetefle& ceOÙece meercee kesâ meeLe Deewj hejer#eCe Deewj $egefš kesâ
(c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW DeeOeej hej Thej Deewj veerÛes keâeÙe& keâjles nQ
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
265. Which of the following instruments may be 270. Moving iron meters are extensively used for
used to measure D.C. voltage accurately? the measurement of A.C. voltage and current
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme GhekeâjCe keâe GheÙeesie D.C. because
Jeesušspe keâes mešerkeâlee mes ceeheves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee pee A.C. Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS Ûeue
mekeâlee nw? ueewn ceeršj keâe JÙeehekeâ ™he mes GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw
(a) Moving iron type instrument
(a) no current flows through the moving
Ûeue ueewn Øekeâej GhekeâjCe element and is robust/Ûeue lelJe kesâ ceeOÙece mes
(b) Moving coil type instrument keâesF& Oeeje ØeJeen veneR nesleer Deewj cepeyetle neslee nw
Ûeue kegâC[ueer Øekeâej GhekeâjCe (b) its torque weight ratio is more
(c) Electrodynamic type instrument Fmekeâe yeueDeeIetCe& Yeej Devegheele DeefOekeâ neslee nw
efJeÅegle [eÙeveeefcekeâ Øekeâej GhekeâjCe (c) it is very accurate/Ùen yengle ÙeLeeLe& neslee nw
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF Yeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 606 YCT
271. Moving iron instruments are rarely used in 276. The internal resistance of a voltmeter must be
low power high resistance circuits because of very high so that
Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCeeW keâe MeeÙeo ner keâYeer keâce Meefòeâ Jeesušceeršj keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe yengle GÛÛe nesvee
GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe heefjheLe ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw ÛeeefnS leeefkeâ
keäÙeeWefkeâ (a) minimum current passes through the meter
(a) high resistance of the coil ceeršj kesâ ceeOÙece mes vÙetvelece Oeeje heeme nes
kegâC[ueer keâe GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe (b) range is high/hejeme DeefOekeâ nes
(b) low reluctance of magnetic path (c) accuracy is high/ÙeLeeLe&lee GÛÛe nes
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heLe keâe efvecve Øeefle<šcYe (d) loading effect is maximum
(c) high reluctance of magnetic path ueeseE[ie ØeYeeJe DeefOekeâlece nes
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heLe keâe GÛÛe Øeefle<šcYe 277. Permanent magnets used in instruments are
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR generally made of
272. For making shunts the material suitable is GhekeâjCeeW ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙes peeves Jeeues mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ
that which has Deeceleewj hej ........... mes yeves nesles nQ
HeeMJe& yeveeves kesâ efueS Jen heoeLe& GheÙegòeâ neslee nw, (a) stainless steel/pebiejesOeer Fmheele
(b) Alnico/Sefuvekeâes
(a) negligible thermoelectric e.m.f. with copper
(c) Y-alloy/Y-efceßeOeeleg
keâe@hej kesâ meeLe veieCÙe Leceex-Fuesefkeäš^keâ F.Sce.SHeâ. nes
(b) same resistance temperature co-efficient as (d) cast iron/{ueJeeB ueesne
the coil of the instrument/GhekeâjCe kesâ kegâC[ueer 278. ............ voltmeter has the least power
kesâ meceeve ØeeflejesOe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ nes consumption.
........... Jeesuš ceeršj ceW keâce-mes-keâce Meefòeâ keâer Kehele
(c) been annealed properly so that its resistance
does not change with time nesleer nw
"erkeâ mes Sveeru[ efkeâÙee ieÙee nw leeefkeâ Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe (a) Electrostatic type/efJeÅegle mLeweflekeâ Øekeâej
meceÙe kesâ meeLe ve yeoues (b) Hot wire type/iece& leej Øekeâej
(d) all of the above properties/Ghejesòeâ meYeer iegCe (c) Induction type/ØesjCe Øekeâej
273. Torque weight ratio will be least in ............. (d) Moving iron attraction type
instruments. Ûeue ueewn Deekeâ<e&Ce Øekeâej
.............. GhekeâjCe ceW, yeue-DeeIetCe& Yeej keâe Devegheele 279. Highest flux density exists inside which of the
keâce mes keâce nesvee nesiee– following instruments?
(a) dynamometer/[eÙevesceesceeršj efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme GhekeâjCeeW ceW meyemes DeefOekeâ
(b) moving iron/Ûeue ueewn heäuekeäme IevelJe ceewpeto neslee nw?
(c) moving coil/Ûeue kegâC[ueer (a) Moving coil instruments
(d) all above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCeeW
274. In resistance thermometers platinum is used (b) Moving iron instruments
because of Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCeeW
ØeeflejesOe Leceexceeršj ceW, .............. kesâ keâejCe huesefšvece (c) Hot wire instruments/iece& leej GhekeâjCeeW
keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw– (d) Electrodynamic instruments
(a) low cost/keâce ueeiele efJeÅegle [eÙeveeefcekeâ GhekeâjCeeW
(b) low cost and high stability 280. The ratio error of a current transformer is
keâce ueeiele Deewj GÛÛe efmLejlee due to
(c) low cost, high stability and wide operating Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e keâer Devegheele $egefš.......... kesâ keâejCe
range nesleer nw~
keâce ueeiele, GÛÛe efmLejlee Deewj efJemle=le Dee@hejseEšie jWpe (a) lagging power factor/heMÛeieeceer Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) exciting current/Gòesefpele Oeeje
275. Moving parts of instruments are supported in (c) stray magnetism/mš^s ÛegcyekeâlJe
................ bearings.
(d) corona effects/keâesjesvee ØeYeeJe
GhekeâjCeeW kesâ Ûeue Yeeie ........... efJeÙeeEjie ceW mecee|Lele
281. The advantage of moving coil permanent
nesles nQ~ magnet type instrument is
(a) jewelled/pJesu[ (b) ball/yee@ue Ûeue kegâC[ueer mLeeÙeer ÛegcyekeâerÙe Øekeâej GhekeâjCe keâe
(c) roller/jesuej (d) bush/yegme ueeYe nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 607 YCT
(a) no hysteresis loss/keâesF&
MewefLeuÙe neefve vener 287. By which of the following methods an
(b) low power consumption/keâce Meefòeâ Kehele ammeter can be converted to a voltmeter?
(c) efficient eddy current damping
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-meer efJeefOe mes Deceeršj keâes Jeesušceeršj
heÙee&hle YeBJej Oeeje DeJecebokeâ ceW heefjJee|lele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw?
(a) By installing the instrument in parallel with
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
the circuit/heefjheLe kesâ meeLe meceeveevlej ceW GhekeâjCe
282. A moving iron type ammeter has few turns of
mLeeefhele keâjkesâ
thick wire so that
(b) By changing the scale/hewceeves keâes yeouekeâj
Skeâ Ûeue ueewn Øekeâej Deceeršj ceW ceesšs leej kesâ kegâÚ šve&
(c) By putting a large resistance in series with
nesles nQ efpemekeâer the actual measuring part of the instrument
(a) sensitivity is high/mebJesoveMeeruelee GÛÛe nesleer nw GhekeâjCe kesâ JeemleefJekeâ ceeheves Jeeues Yeeie kesâ meeLe,
(b) damping is effective/DeJecebokeâ ØeYeeJeer neslee nw Skeâ yeÌ[s ceeve kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâes ßesCeer ceW jKekeâj
(c) scale is large/hewceevee yeÌ[e neslee nw (d) By putting a large resistance in parallel
(d) resistance is less/ØeeflejesOe keâce neslee nw with the actual measuring part of the
283. Hot wire instruments read
GhekeâjCe kesâ JeemleefJekeâ ceeheves Jeeues Yeeie kesâ meeLe Skeâ
iece& leej GhekeâjCe heÌ{lee nw
yeÌ[s ceeve kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâes meceeveevlej ceW jKe keâj
(a) average value/Deewmele ceeve 288. ............... will always indicate true r.m.s. value
(b) r.m.s. value/Jeie&ceeOÙe cetue ceeve in respective of the wave form?
(c) peak value/Meer<e& ceeve lejbie ™he kesâ mecyevOe ceW ............ JeemleefJekeâ
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Deej.Sce.Sme. ceeve keâe ncesMee mebkesâle osiee~
284. Which of the following instruments can be (a) Digital voltmeter/ef[efpešue Jeesušceeršj
used for measuring 132 kV A.C. voltage? (b) Thermocouple meter/Leceexkeâheue ceeršj
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee GhekeâjCe 132 kV A.C. (c) Moving iron meter/Ûeue ueewn ceeršj
Jeesušspe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
nw? 289. ............... type of instrument has identical
(a) Electrostatic voltmeter calibration for A.C. as well as D.C. values?
JewÅegle mLeweflekeâ Jeesušceeršj ...........Øee™heer kesâ GhekeâjCe ceW S.meer. kesâ meeLe-meeLe
(b) Hot wire voltmeter/iece& leej Jeesušceeršj [er.meer. ceeve efueS meceeve DebMeekeâve neslee nw
(c) Moving coil voltmeter (a) Hot wire/iece& leej
Ûeue kegâC[ueer Jeesušceeršj (b) Moving coil/Ûeue kegâC[ueer
(d) Moving iron voltmeter/Ûeue ueewn Jeesušceeršj (c) Induction/ØesjCe
285. In ............. instruments the deflecting torque (d) Moving iron/Ûeue ueewn
depends on the frequency. 290. ............. type instrument can have full scale
...........GhekeâjCeeW ceW efJe#esheCe yeue DeeIetCe& DeeJe=efòe deflection of 300 degrees.
hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw .......... Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCe ceW, 300 ef[«eer kesâ hetCe&
hewceevee keâe efJe#esheCe nes mekeâlee nw~
(a) induction type/ØesjCe Øekeâej
(a) Induction/ØesjCe
(b) hot wire/iece&
(b) Rectifier/efo<škeâejer
(c) moving coil/Ûeue kegâC[ueer
(c) Hot wire/iece& leej
(d) moving iron/Ûeue ueewn
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
286. ............. is the commonly used material for
291. ............... instrument will draw least current
from the circuit in which it is incorporated.
Leceexkeâheume kesâ efueS Deeceleewj hej GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peeves ........... GhekeâjCe heefjheLe mes keâce mes keâce Oeeje uesiee,
Jeeuee heoeLe& neslee nw~ efpemeceW Fmes mecceefuele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~
(a) Platinum-rhodium/huesefšvece jesef[Ùece (a) Hot wire/iece& leej
(b) Chromel-alumel/›eâescesue SuÙetcesue (b) Rectifier/efo<škeâejer
(c) Chromel-copal/›eâescesue-keâesheue (c) Electrostatic/JewÅegle mLeweflekeâ
(d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (d) Thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 608 YCT

292. Which of the following instruments cannot be (a) potential transformers/efJeYeJe heefjCeeefce$e
used for the measurement of A.C. as well as (b) current transformers/Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e
D.C. quantities? (c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee GhekeâjCe S.meer. kesâ meeLe-meeLe (d) power transformers/Meefòeâ heefjCeeefce$e
[er.meer. jeefMe kesâ ceeheve efueS GheÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee pee 297. An instrument transformer is used to extend
mekeâlee nw? the range of
(a) Electrostatic instruments Skeâ GhekeâjCe heefjCeeefce$e keâe GheÙeesie ........... keâes
JewÅegle mLeweflekeâ GhekeâjCe meercee keâe efJemleej keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(b) Induction type instruments (a) induction instrument/ØesjCe GhekeâjCe
ØesjCe Øekeâej GhekeâjCe (b) electrostatic instrument/JewÅeglemLeweflekeâ GhekeâjCe
(c) Moving iron instruments /Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe (c) moving coil instrument/Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCe
(d) Hot wire instruments/iece& leej GhekeâjCe (d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
293. ................. instrument is free from hysteresis 298. A multirange instrument has
and eddy current errors Skeâ ceušerjWpe GhekeâjCe ceW neslee nw–
.......... GhekeâjCe ceboeÙeve Deewj YebJej Oeeje $egefšÙeeW mes (a) multiple shunt or series resistances inside
cegòeâ neslee nw the meter
(a) Electrostatic/JewÅegle mLeweflekeâ ceeršj kesâ Devoj ceušerheue heeMJe& Ùee ßesCeer ØeeflejesOe
(b) Moving iron/Ûeue ueewn (b) multicoil arrangement/ceušer kegâC[ueer JÙeJemLee
(c) Moving coil permanent magnet type (c) variable turns of coil/kegâC[ueer keâe heefjJeleea šve&
Ûeue kegâC[ueer mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ Øekeâej (d) multirange meters inside the measurement
system/ceeheve ØeCeeueer kesâ Devoj ceušerjWpe ceeršj
(d) Moving coil dynamometer type
299. The rectifier instrument is not free from
Ûeue kegâC[ueer [eÙevesceesceeršj Øekeâej efo<škeâejer GhekeâjCe ........... mes cegòeâ veneR neslee nw
294. Which of the following is measured by using
a vector voltmeter? (a) temperature error/leeheceeve $egefš
meefoMe efJeYeJe ceeheer keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ efvecveefueefKele (b) wave shape error/lejbie Deekeâej $egefš
ceW mes keâewve-mee ceehee peelee nw? (c) frequency error/DeeJe=efòe $egefš
(a) Amplifier gain and phase shift (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
ØeJeOe&keâ ueeYe Deewj keâuee efMeheäš 300. Alternating current is measured by
(b) Filler transfer functions
ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje ............ kesâ Éeje ceeheer peeleer nw~
YejeJe mLeeveeblejCe keâeÙe& (a) induction ammeter/ØesjCe Deceeršj
(b) permanent magnet type ammeter
(c) Complex insersion loss
peefšue meefcceueve neefve mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ Øee™heer Deceeršj
(c) electrostatic ammeter/efJeÅegle mLeweflekeâ Deceeršj
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(d) moving iron repulsion type voltmeter
295. The principle on which vector voltmeter is
Ûeue ueewn Øeeflekeâ<e&Ce Øee™heer Jeesušceeršj
based is
301. Commonly used instruments in power system
meefoMe efJeYeJe ceeheer efkeâme efmeæeble hej DeeOeeefjle nw? measurement are
(a) that it works on the principle of complex Meefòeâ ceeheve ØeCeeueer ceW Deeceleewj hej GheÙeesie efkeâÙes
peeves Jeeuee GhekeâjCe neslee nw
Ùen peefšue efYeVelee kesâ efmeæevle hej keâece keâjlee nw
(a) induction/ØesjCe
(b) that it measures the response of linear ramp
voltage (b) moving coil or iron/Ûeue kegâC[ueer Ùee ueewn
Ùen jwefKekeâ {ueeve Jeesušspe keâer Øeefleef›eâÙee keâes ceehelee nw (c) rectifier/efo°keâejer
(c) same as digital meter (d) electrostatic/JewÅegle mLeweflekeâ
ef[efpešue ceeršj kesâ ™he ceW meceeve 302. Volt box is a component to
(d) that it measures the amplitude of a single at
Jeesuš yee@keäme ............. kesâ efueS Skeâ Ieškeâ nw
two points and at the same time measures (a) extend voltage range
their phase difference Jeesušspe hejeme keâe efJemleej keâjves
Ùen oes efyevogDeeW hej Skeâ ner meceÙe ceW Skeâ Skeâue (b) measure voltage/Jeesušspe ceeheves
DeeÙeece Deewj keâuee-Devlej keâes ceehelee nw (c) compare voltage in a box
296. Instrument transformers are yee@keäme ceW Jeesušspe keâer leguevee keâjves
GhekeâjCe heefjCeeefce$e neslee nw (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 609 YCT
303. E.m.f. of a Weston cell is accurately (a) secondary instrument/efÉleerÙekeâ GhekeâjCe
measured by (b) absolute instrument/efvejhes#e GhekeâjCe
Jesmšve mesue kesâ F&.Sce.Sheâ. keâes ÙeLee&Le ™he mes (c) recording instrument/DeefYeuesKeve GhekeâjCe
.............Éeje ceehee peelee nw~
(d) integrating instrument/meceekeâueve GhekeâjCe
(a) electrostatic voltmeter
310. Which of the following meters are not used
efJeÅeglemLeweflekeâ Jeesušceeršj on D.C. circuits?
(b) hot wire voltmeter/iece& leej Jeesuš ceeršj [er.meer. heefjheLe ceW efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee ceeršj
(c) isothermal voltmeter/meceleeheerÙe Jeesušceeršj GheÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(d) electrodynamic voltmeter (a) Mercury motor meters/ceke&âjer ceesšj ceeršme&
JewÅegle ieeflekeâerÙe Jeesušceeršj (b) Commutator motor meters
304. The function of shunt in an ammeter is to keâcÙetšsšj ceesšj ceeršme&
Skeâ Deceeršj ceW HeeMJe& keâe keâeÙe& neslee nw– (c) Induction meters/ØesjCe ceeršme&
(a) bypass the current/Oeeje keâes yeeF&-heeme keâjvee (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) increase the sensitivity of the ammeter 311. A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument
Deceeršj kesâ mebJesoveMeeruelee ceW Je=efæ can be used as flux-meter
(c) increase the resistance of ammeter Skeâ Ûeue kegâC[ueer mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ GhekeâjCe heäuekeäme
Deceeršj kesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW Je=efæ ceeršj kesâ ™he ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) by using a low resistance shunt
305. The multiplier and the meter coil in a efvecve ØeeflejesOe HeeMJe& keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ
voltmeter are in (b) by using a high series resistance
Skeâ Jeesušceeršj ceW ceušerhueeÙej Deewj ceeršj kegâC[ueer Skeâ GÛÛe ßesCeer ØeeflejesOe keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ
............ ceW nesleer nw~ (c) by eliminating the control springs
(a) series/ßesCeer efveÙebef$ele efmØebie keâes Kelce keâjkesâ
(b) parallel/meceeveeblej (d) by making control springs of large moment
(c) series-parallel/ßesCeer-meceeveeblej of inertia
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
efveÙebef$ele efmØebie keâes yeÌ[s peÌ[lJe DeeIetCe& keâe yeveekeâj
312. Which of the following devices may be used
306. A moving iron instrument can be used for
for extending the range of instruments?
Skeâ Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe............kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mes GhekeâjCe keâe GheÙeesie
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ GhekeâjCeeW keâs heefjmej keâes efJemleeefjle keâjves kesâ efueS
(a) D.C. only/kesâJeue [er.meer. efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw?
(b) A.C. only/kesâJeue S.meer. (a) Shunts/ heeÕeex
(c) both D.C. and A.C./[er.meer. Deewj S.meer. oesveeW (b) Multipliers/ceušerhueeÙeme&
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (c) Current transformers/Oeeje š^ebmeheâece&j
307. The scale of a rectifier instrument is
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
Skeâ efo°keâejer GhekeâjCe keâe hewceevee neslee nw–
313. An induction meter can handle current upto
(a) linear/jwefKekeâ Skeâ ØesjCe ceeršj ueieYeie ........ Oeeje efveÙebef$ele keâj
(b) non-linear/DejwefKekeâ mekeâlee nw~
(c) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b) (a) 10 A (b) 30 A
(d) neither (a) nor (b)/ve lees (a) Deewj ve ner (b) (c) 60 A (d) 100 A
308. For measuring current at high frequency we 314. A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument
should use can be used as ............ by using a low
GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe hej Oeeje ceeheves kesâ efueS nceW GheÙeesie resistance shunt.
keâjvee ÛeeefnS– efvecve ØeeflejesOe HeeMJe& keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ Skeâ Ûeue
(a) moving iron instrument/Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe kegâC[ueer mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ GhekeâjCe ....... kesâ ™he ceW
(b) electrostatic instrument/efmLej efJeÅegle GhekeâjCe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(c) thermocouple instrument/Leceexkeâheue GhekeâjCe (a) ammeter/Deceeršj
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) voltmeter/Jeesušceeršj
309. An ammeter is a (c) flux-meter/heäuekeäme ceeršj
Skeâ Deceeršj neslee nw Skeâ– (d) ballistic galvanometer/yewefueefmškeâ iewuJesveessceeršj
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 610 YCT
315. Which one of the following is basically a
current sensitive instrument?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ cetue ™he mes Oeeje
mebJesoveMeerue GhekeâjCe nw?
(a) PMMC instrument/PMMC GhekeâjCe
(b) CRO
(c) Electrostatic instrument/efJeÅeglemLeweflekeâ GhekeâjCe
(d) FET input electronic voltmeter (a) -2% (b) -5%
FET Fvehegš Fueskeäš^eefvekeâ Jeesušceeršj (c) 2% (d) 5%
316. Consider the following statements: 319. Consider the following statements about hot-
wire instruments:
Sphere gap method of voltage measurements is
used ne@š-JeeÙej GhekeâjCeeW kesâ yeejs ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW
efvecve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW- hej efJeÛeej keâjW :
Jeesušspe ceeheve keâer efmheâÙej iewhe efJeefOe keâe GheÙeesie neslee 1. They read equally well on dc and/or ac
circuits./Jes [er.meer. Ùee S.meer. heefjheLeeW hej meceeve
Deewj DeÛÚer lejn mes heÌ{les nQ~
1. for measuring rms value of a high voltage.
GÛÛe Jeesušspe kesâ rms ceeve keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS~ 2. They are simple and robust in constuction
and power consumption is low.
2. for measuring peak value of a high voltage. Jes efvecee&Ce ceW mejue Deewj cepeyetle nesles nQ Deewj Meefkeäle
GÛÛe Jeesušspe kesâ Meer<e& ceeve keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS~
Kehele keâce keâjles nQ~
3. as the standard for calibration purposes.
3. They are quite suitable for measurement of
DebMeekeâve GösMÙe kesâ efueS ceevekeâ kesâ ™he ceW~ currents at very high frequencies.
Which of the above statements are correct? Jes yengle GÛÛe DeeJe=efòeÙeeW hej OeejeDeeW keâer ceehe kesâ
Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW keâewve mener nw- efueS keâeHeâer GheÙegkeäle nesles nw
(a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2 Which of the above statements are correct?
(b) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw?
(c) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 (a) 1 and 2 only / kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1,2 Deewj 3 (b) 2 and 3 only / kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
*317. In the circuit shown below, the ammeter reads (c) 1 and 3 only / kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
0.1 A and the voltmeter reads 10 V. The
(d) 1, 2 and 3 / 1, 2 Deewj 3
internal resistance of the ammeter is 1 Ω and
that of the voltmeter is 500 Ω. Value of R? 320. Which of the following are the characteristics
of a thermocouple type of indicating
veerÛes efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe ceW, Sceeršj 0.1A heÌ{lee nw Deewj instrument ?
Jeesušceeršj 10V heÌ{lee nw~ Sceeršj keâe Deebleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee metÛekeâ GhekeâjCe kesâ
1Ω nw Deewj Jeesušceeršj keâe 500Ω nw~ R keâe ceeve nw- Leceexkeâheue keâer efJeMes<eleeSb nQ?
1. Its accuracy is very high, as high as about 1
percent./Fmekeâer ÙeLee&Lelee yengle DeefOekeâ, ueieYeie
1 ØeefleMele nw~
2. It has a linear scale because a d' Arsonval
movement is used for measuring the
(a) 100 Ω (b) 125 Ω output./Fmekeâe hewceevee jsKeerÙe neslee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ
(c) 90 Ω (d) 120 Ω DeeGšhegš ceeheves kesâ efueS d' Deemeexveue ieefle keâe
*318. The values of ammeter and voltmeter GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
resistances are 0.1Ω respectivly as shown in the 3. It is an RF instrument and can be used for
figure below. The percentage error in the frequency up to about 50 MHz.
calculated value of R = 100Ω (voltmeter Ùen Skeâ RF GheÙeb$e nw Deewj Fmes ueieYeie 50 cesiee
reading 200 V/ammeter reading 2 A) is nearly nšd&pe lekeâ DeeJe=efòe kesâ efueS Fmlesceeue efkeâÙee pee
Sceeršj Deewj Jeesušceeršj ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeve ›eâceMe: 0.1Ω mekeâlee nw~
nQ pewmee veerÛes efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le nw~ R keâer ieCevee ceeve ceW 4. It cannot be damaged by overloads.
ØeefleMele $egefš (Jeesušceeršj hee"Ÿeebkeâ 200V/Sceeršj Fmes DeefOeYeej Éeje #eefle«emle veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee
hee"Ÿeebkeâ 2A) ueieYeie nw- nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 611 YCT
Select the correct answer from the codes given −4 + 3 2 sin (ωt + 300) SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje Skeâ
kesâvõ-MetvÙe heer.Sce.Sce.meer. ceeršj Deewj Ûeue DeeÙejve
veerÛes efoS ieS keâes[ mes mener Gòej keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW~
ceeršj kesâ ceeOÙece mes heeme nesleer nw~ lees oesveeW ceeršjeW keâe
(a) 1 and 2 / 1 Deewj 2 (b) 2 and 3 / 2 Deewj 3
mecyeefvOele hee"Ÿeebkeâ ›eâceMe: nesiee–
(c) 3 and 4 / 3 Deewj 4 (d) 1 and 3 / 1 Deewj 3
(a) −8 A and −5 A/– 4 SefcheÙej Deewj –5 SefcheÙej
321. Consider the following statements in respect of
the thermoelectric instruments. (b) 4 A and −5 A/4 SefcheÙej Deewj –5 SefcheÙej
leeheefJeÅegle GhekeâjCeeW kesâ mecyevOe ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW (c) −4 A and 5 A/– 4 SefcheÙej Deewj 5 SefcheÙej
hej efJeÛeej keâjW (d) 4 A and 5 A/4 SefcheÙej Deewj 5 SefcheÙej
1. They indicate the rms value of current or 325. Rectifer moving coil instruments respond to
voltage./Ùes Oeeje Ùee Jeesušspe kesâ Deej.Sce.Sme. efo°keâejer Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCe kesâ Øeefle Øeefleef›eâÙee
ceeve keâe mebkesâle osles nQ keâjles nQ–
2. They suffer from waveform errors. (a) peak value, irrespective of the nature of the
Ùes lejbie $egefšÙeeW mes yegjer lejn mes ØeYeeefJele nesles nQ~ waveform.
3. They can be used for frequency ranges of lejbie keâer Øeke=âefle kesâ he=Lekeâ, efMeKej ceeve
the order of MHz. (b) average value for all waveforms.
Fvekeâe GheÙeesie cesieenšd&pe kesâ ›eâce keâer DeeJe=efòe meYeer lejbie®heeW kesâ efueS Deewmele ceeve
hejemeeW kesâ efueS efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw (c) rms value for all waveforms.
4. They have a low overload capacity. meYeer lejbie®heeW kesâ efueS rms ceeve
FveceW keâce DeefOeYeej #ecelee nesleer nw~ (d) rms value, for square waveforms.
Which of these statements are correct ? Jeie& lejbie®heeW kesâ efueS rms ceeve
FveceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw? 326. An ac voltmeter using full-wave rectification
(a) 1, 3, 4. (b) 1, 2 and 4. and having a sinusoidal input has an ac
(c) 1, 2 and 3. (d) 2, 3 and 4. sensitivity equal to
*322. A current i = 5 + 14.14 sin (314t + 450) is passed hetCe& lejbie efo°keâjCe keâe GheÙeesie keâjles ngS Deewj pÙeelejbie
through a centre zero PMMC, hot-wire, and
moving iron instruments, the respective
Fvehegš nesves kesâ keâejCe Skeâ S.meer. Jeesušceeršj ceW S.meer.
reading are mebJesoveMeeruelee kesâ yejeyej nesleer nw
Oeeje i = 5 + 14.14 sin (314t + 450) Skeâ mesvšj MetvÙe (a) 1.414 times D.C. sensitivity
heer.Sce.Sce.meer., ne@š-JeeÙej Deewj Ûeue ueewn GheÙeb$e, kesâ 1.414 iegvee [er.meer. mebJesoveMeeruelee
ceeOÙe mes heeme nes jner nw, lees ›eâceMe: hee"Ÿeebkeâ nw (b) dc sensitivity/[er.meer. mebJesoveMeeruelee
(a) -5, 15 and 125 (b) 5, 125 and 125 (c) 0.9 times dc sensitivity
0.9 iegvee [er.meer. mebJesoveMeeruelee
(c) -5, 125 and 19.14 (d) 5, 10 and 10
(d) 0.707 times dc sensitivity
*323. A current of −8 + 6 2 (sin ωr + 300) A is
0.707 iegvee [er.meer. mebJesoveMeeruelee
passed through three meters. They are a centre
zero PMMC meter, a true rms meter and a *327. A 100 kV, 50 Hz supply is fed to a rectifier
moving iron instaruments. The respective ammeter (using a bridge rectifier) through
reading (in A) will be capacitor. The PMMC ammeter of the rectifier
instrument read 45 × 10-3 Amp. What is the
−8 + 6 2 (sin ωr + 300) SefcheÙej keâer Oeeje leerve
value of the capacitor ?
ceeršjeW kesâ ceeOÙece mes iegpejleer nw~ Jes kesâvõ MetvÙe mebOeeefj$e kesâ ceeOÙece mes Skeâ 100 kV, 50 nšd&pe Deehetefle&,
heer.Sce.Sce.meer. ceeršj, Skeâ melÙe Deej.Sce.Sme. ceeršj Skeâ jsefkeäšHeâeÙej Sceeršj (Skeâ efyeÇpe jsefkeäšHeâeÙej keâe
Deewj Skeâ Ûeue ueewn GheÙeb$e nQ lees mebyebOeer hee"Ÿeebkeâ (A
GheÙeesie keâjkesâ) keâes Hesâ[ efkeâÙee peelee nw~ jsefkeäšHeâeÙej
ceW) nesieer?
GhekeâjCe keâe heer.Sce.Sce.meer. Sceeršj 45 × 10-3 SefcheÙej
(a) 8, 6, 10 (b) 8, 6, 8
(c) −8, 10, 10 (d) −8, 2, 2
heÌ{lee nw lees mebOeeefj$e keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?
(a) 15.90 × 10-10 F/15.90 × 10-10 Hewâj[
*324. A current of −4 + 3 2 sin (ωt + 300) A is passed
through a centre zero PMMC meter and a (b) 15.90 × 10-12 F/15.90 × 10-12 Hewâj[
moving-iron meter. The two meters will read (c) 17.66 × 10-9 F/17.66 × 10-9 Hewâj[
respectively (d) 17.66 × 10-11 F/17.66 × 10-11 Hewâj[

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 612 YCT

328. Electrostatic voltmeters are particularly for (c) these instruments are costlier and consume
measuring high voltage because the more power in comparison to other
construction is simplified due to instruments
efmLej efJeÅegle Jeesušceeršj GÛÛe Jeesušspe keâes ceeheves kesâ Ùes GhekeâjCe cebnies nQ Deewj DevÙe GhekeâjCeeW keâer leguevee ceW
efueS efJeMes<e ¤he mes GheÙegkeäle nesles nQ keäÙeeWefkeâ mebjÛevee DeefOekeâ efyepeueer keâer Kehele keâjles nQ~
(d) both (b) and (c) / (b) Deewj (c) oesveeW
keâes ............. kesâ keâejCe mejueerke=âle efkeâÙee peelee nw~
333. Decible scale is useful while measuring voltages
(a) large electrostatic forces./ GÛÛe efmLej efJeÅegle yeue covering
(b) small electrostatic forces./efvecve efmLej efJeÅegle yeue Jeesušlee keâJeefj&ie keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS [sefmeyeue hewceevee
(c) large value of current./Oeeje kesâ GÛÛe ceeve GheÙeesieer neslee nw~
(d) small value of current./Oeeje kesâ efvecve ceeve (a) wide frequency ratio / DeefOekeâ DeeJe=efòe Devegheele
329. Which of the following meters does not exhibit (b) wide voltage ratio / DeefOekeâ Jeesušspe Devegheele
square law response? (c) narrow frequency range / meerefcele DeeJe=efòe hejeme
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee ceeršj Jeie& efveÙece Øeefleef›eâÙee (d) narrow voltage range / meerefcele Jeesušspe hejeme
keâes ØeoefMe&le veneR keâjlee nw? 334. Consider the following instruments:
(a) moving coil / Ûeue kegâC[ueer efvecveefueefKele GhekeâjCeeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW :
(b) moving iron / Ûeue ueewn 1. MI instrument.
MI GhekeâjCe
(c) electrodynamometer / efJeÅegle [eÙevesceesceeršj
2. Electrostatic instrument.
(d) hot wire instrument / iece& leej GhekeâjCe
efmLej efJeÅegle GhekeâjCe
330. Which one of the following instruments is
3. Electrodynamometer instrument.
commonly used to measure primary current of
a transformer connected to mains?
efJeÅegle [eÙevesceesceeršj GhekeâjCe
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee GhekeâjCe Deeceleewj hej cesvme Which of the above instruments is/are free
from hysteresis and eddy-current losses ?
mes pegÌ[s Skeâ heefjCeeefce$e keâer ØeeLeefcekeâ Oeeje keâes ceeheves Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâewve-mee GhekeâjCe MewefLeuÙe Deewj YeBJej-
kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? Oeeje neefve mes cegkeäle nw?
(a) electrostatic meter / efmLej efJeÅegle ceeršj (a) 1 only / kesâJeue 1
(b) current transformer / Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e (b) 2 only / kesâJeue 2
(c) moving coil type meter (c) 3 only / kesâJeue 3
Ûeue kegâC[ueve Øekeâej keâe ceeršj (d) 1, 2 and 3 / 1, 2 Deewj 3
(d) moving iron meter / Ûeue ueewn ceeršj 335. Which one of the following measuring
331. For a given frequency, the deflecting torque of instruments would consume the LOWEST
an induction ammeter is directly propotional to power from the source during measurement?
efkeâmeer oer ieF& DeeJe=efòe kesâ efueS, Skeâ ØesjCe Sceeršj keâe efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee ceeheve GhekeâjCe ceeheve kesâ
efJe#esheCe DeeIetCe& ............. kesâ meerOes meceevegheeleer neslee nw oewjeve œeesle mes meyemes keâce Meefkeäle keâer Kehele keâjsiee?
(a) permanent magnet moving coil.
(a) current2 / Oeeje2 (b) current3 / Oeeje3 mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ Ûeue kegâC[ueer
(c) current / Oeeje (d) current / Oeeje (b) electronic multimeter./Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ ceušerceeršj
332. Induction type instruments are not usually (c) electrostatic instrument./efmLej efJeÅegle GhekeâjCe
used as ammeters and voltmeters because (d) moving iron instraument./Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe
ØesjCe Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCeeW keâe GheÙeesie Deeceleewj hej 336. Which one of the following types of
Sceeršj Deewj Jeesušceeršj kesâ ¤he ceW veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw instruments can be used to determine the rms
values of ac voltage of high magnitude (10kV)
keäÙeeWefkeâ– and of any wave shape?
(a) their indication are affected by stray magnetic efvecve ceW mes efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCeeW keâe GheÙeesie GÛÛe
field considerably / Gvekesâ mebkesâle DevÙe ÛegcyekeâerÙe heefjceeCe (10 kV) kesâ S.meer. Jeesušspe Deewj efkeâmeer Yeer
#es$e mes keâeHeâer ØeYeeefJele nesles nQ~ lejbie kesâ Deej.Sce.Sme. ceeveeW keâes efveOee&efjle keâjves kesâ efueS
(b) variation in supply frequency and temperature efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw?
may cause serious errors unless compensating (a) moving iron instruments/ Ûeue-ueewn GhekeâjCe
device is used (b) dynamometer type instruments
Deehetefle& DeeJe=efòe Deewj leeheceeve ceW efYevvelee iecYeerj $egefšÙeeW [eFvesceesceeršj Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCe
keâe keâejCe yeve mekeâleer nw peye lekeâ efkeâ #eeflehetefle& Ùegefkeäle (c) induction instruments./ØesjCe GhekeâjCe
(Ùeb$e) keâe GheÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (d) electrostatic instruments/efmLej efJeÅegle GhekeâjCe

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 613 YCT

337. Which of the following indicating instruments *341. An 1 mA, 50Ω galvanometer is required to
has/have linear scale ? measure 5 Amp (full scale). Find out the value
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mes meebkesâeflekeâ GhekeâjCeeW ceW of resistance to be added, across (shunt) the
galvanometer to accomplish this measurement.
jsKeerÙe hewceevee neslee nw? 5 SefcheÙej (hetCe& hewceeves) keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS 1 efceueer
1. moving iron meter./Ûeue ueewn ceeršj SefcheÙej, 50Ω iewuJesveesceeršj keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~
2. PMMC meter./heer.Sce.Sce.meer. ceeršj Fme ceehe keâes hetje keâjves kesâ efueS iewuJesveesceeršj kesâ heej
3. thermocouple meter./Leceexkeâheue ceeršj (Mebš) peesÌ[s peeves Jeeues ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve %eele keâerefpeS~
4. rectifier type meter./efo°keâejer Øekeâej keâe ceeršj (a) 10 Ω (b) 0.01 Ω
(c) 1.0 Ω (d) 0.001 Ω
Select the correct answer using codes given
*342. A moving coil instrument of resistance 5Ω
below : requires a potential difference of 75 mV to give
veerÛes efoS ieÙes keâes[ keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ mener Gòej keâe a full scale deflection. The value of shunt
ÛeÙeve keâjW resistance needed to give a full scale deflection
at 30 A is
Codes: keâes[ : 5Ω ØeeflejesOe kesâ Skeâ Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCe keâes hetCe&
(a) only 1 and 2 / kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2 hewceeves hej efJe#esheCe osves kesâ efueS 75 efceueer Jeesuš kesâ
(b) only 2 and 3 / kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 efJeYeJeevlej keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~ 30 SefcheÙej hej
(c) only 3 and 4 / kesâJeue 3 Deewj 4 hetCe& hewceeves efJe#esheCe osves kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ Mebš
(d) only 2 / kesâJeue 2
ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve nw
(a) 2.5 mΩ / 2.5 efceueer Deesce
338. Which voltmeter would you select for
measuring 50,000 V direct current ? (b) 9.99 Ω / 9.99 Deesce
50,000 Jeesuš efo<š Oeeje keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS Deehe efkeâme (c) 5 Ω / 5 Deesce
Jeesušceeršj keâe ÛeÙeve keâjWies? (d) 9.95 Ω / 9.95 Deesce
343. A 1 mA galvanometer with internal resistance
(a) moving coil voltmeter./Ûeue kegâC[ueer Jeesušceeršj of 50 Ω is to be converted to measure 5 A (full-
(b) hot wire voltmeter./iece& leej Jeesušceeršj scale). What is the value of the shunt resistance
(c) electrodynamometer./Fueskeäš^es[eFveceesceeršj required for this conversion?
50 Ω kesâ Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe 1 efceueer SefcheÙej
(d) electrostatic ovltmeter./efmLej efJeÅegle Jeesušceeršj
iewuJesveesceeršj keâes 5 SefcheÙej (hetCe&-hewceeves) keâes ceeheves kesâ
339. What is the correct sequence of the following efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ ¤heebleefjle efkeâÙee peelee nw, Fme
types of ammeters and volteters with insreasing
¤heeblejCe kesâ efueS Mebš ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve keäÙee nw?
accuracy ?
(a) 1 Ω (b) 0.01 Ω
yeÌ{leer ÙeLeeLe&lee kesâ meeLe efvecveefueefKele Øekeâej kesâ Sceeršj
(c) 1 kΩ (d) 10 Ω
Deewj Jeesušceeršj keâe mener ›eâce keäÙee nw? *344. A 100 µA ammeter has an internal resistance of
1. moving iron/Ûeue ueewn 100 Ω. For extending its range to measure 500
2. moving coil permanent magnet. µA, the required shunt resistance is
Ûeue ueewn mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ Skeâ 100 µA Sceeršj ceW 100 Ω keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe
nw~ 500 µA keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS Fmekeâer meercee keâe efJemleej
3. induction / ØesjCe
keâjves kesâ efueS, DeeJeMÙekeâ Mebš ØeeflejesOe nw?
Select the correct answer using the codes given
(a) 10 Ω (b) 15 Ω
below. / veerÛes efoS ieS keâes[ keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ mener
(c) 20 Ω (d) 25 Ω
Gòej ÛegveW– *345. A 0.5 Ω resistane is required to be connected in
(a) 1, 3, 2 (b) 1, 2, 3 parallel to a moving coil instrument whose full
(c) 3, 1, 2 (d) 2, 1, 3 scale deflections is 1 mA; so that this
instrument can measure 10 mA current.
*340. What is the multiplying power of a shunt of
Internal resistance of this instruments is
200Ω resistance when used with a Skeâ Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCe kesâ meceevlej ceW 0.5 Ω
galvanometer of 1000Ω resistance? ØeeflejesOe keâes mebÙeesefpele keâer peeves keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer
200Ω ØeeflejesOe kesâ Mebš keâe iegCekeâ Meefòeâ keäÙee nw, peye nw efpemekeâe hetCe& hewceeves hej efJe#esheCe 1 mA nw; leeefkeâ Ùen
1000Ω ØeeflejesOe keâes iewuJesveesceeršj kesâ meeLe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee GhekeâjCe 10 mA Oeeje keâes ceehe mekeWâ~ Fme GhekeâjCe keâe
peelee nw? Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe nw
(a) 4 (b) 6 (a) 5.0 Ω (b) 4.5 Ω
(c) 12 (d) 20 (c) 2.25 Ω (d) 0.45 Ω
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 614 YCT
*346. A shunt resistance of 25Ω is required for Skeâ [er.meer. Jeesušceeršj kesâ efueS iegCekeâ ØeeflejesOe keâe
extending the range of an ammeter from 100µA ceeve 5 kΩ/V mebJesoveMeeruelee kesâ meeLe 5 Jeesuš lekeâ nw,
to 500µA. The value of internal resistance of 200 µA ceeršj DeeIetCe& keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ 100 Ω keâe
the ammeter will be Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe Øeehle efkeâÙee peelee nw efkeâmekesâ Éeje–
Skeâ Sceeršj keâer meercee keâes 100µA mes 500µA lekeâ (a) 249.9 kΩ (b) 200 Ω
yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS 25Ω kesâ Mebš ØeeflejesOe keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee (c) 200 kW (d) 2.5 kW
nesleer nw~ Sceeršj kesâ Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve nw– 352. The primary current in a CT is dictated by
Skeâ CT ceW ØeeLeefcekeâ Oeeje........... Éeje efveOee&efjle efkeâÙee
(a) 25 Ω (b) 50 Ω
peelee nw?
(c) 100 Ω (d) 1,000 Ω
(a) the secondary burden. / efÉleerÙekeâ ye[xve
*347. The sensitivity of 200 µA meter movement
when it is used as a dc voltmeter is given by (b) the core of the transformer. / heefjCeeefce$e keâe keâesj
[er.meer. Jeesušceeršj kesâ ¤he ceW GheÙeesie efkeâS peeves 200 (c) the load current. / Yeej Oeeje
µA ceeršj keâer ieefle keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee ...............Éeje (d) none of the above. / Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
353. The primary mmf is least affected by the
oer peeleer nw~ secondary terminal conditions in a
(a) 500 Ω/mV (b) 5 Ω/V ........ ceW ØeeLeefcekeâ efJe.Jee.yeue efÉleerÙekeâ efmLeefleÙeeW mes
(c) 0.5 Ω/mV (d) 5 Ω/mV keâce mes keâce ØeYeeefJele neslee nw
*348. What is the series resistance required to extend (a) power transformer. / Meefkeäle š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j
the 0−100 V range of a 20,000Ω/V meter to (b) potential transformer. / efJeYeJe š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j
0−1000 V ? (c) current transformer. / Oeeje š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j
20,000Ω/V ceeršj kesâ keâer hejeme keâes 0−100 V mes (d) distribution transformer. / efJelejCe š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j
0−1000 Jeesuš lekeâ yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ ßesCeer 354. The secondary of a CT is never left open-
ØeeflejesOe nw? circuited because
(a) 10 MΩ (b) 16 MΩ Skeâ Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e kesâ efÉleerÙekeâ keâes keâYeer Yeer Keguee
(c) 18 MΩ (d) 20 MΩ
veneR ÚesÌ[vee ÛeeefnS keäÙeeWefkeâ
1. the heat dissipation in the core will be very
*349. A 50 µA meter with an internal resistance of 1
large. / keâesj ceW yeÌ[er cee$ee ceW G<cee #eÙe nesieer~
kΩ is to be used as a dc voltmeter of range 50
V. Then the voltage multiplaying factor n is 2. the core will be saturated and get
permanently magnetized rendering it
1 kΩ kesâ Skeâ Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe Skeâ 50 µA useless. / keâesj meble=hle nes peeÙesieer Deewj mLeeÙeer
ceeršj keâe GheÙeesie 50 V hejeme kesâ [er.meer. Jeesušceeršj kesâ Ûegcyeefkeâle neskeâj Ùen Kejeye nes peeÙesieer~
¤he ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ leye Jeesušspe iegCekeâ Hewâkeäšj n 3. dangerously high emf will be induced in the
nw– secondary. / efÉleerÙekeâ ceW Kelejveekeâ GÛÛe
(a) 100 (b) 10 efJe.Jee.yeue Øesefjle nesiee~
(c) 1000 (d) 10000 Which of the above statements are correct?
*350. The value of resistance Rs to be added in series Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
with an ammeter whose full scale deflection is (a) 1 and 2 only. / kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
of 0.1 mA and internal resistance is of 500Ω, to (b) 1 and 3 only. / kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
make it suitable to measure (0−10) V is (c) 1, 2 and 3. / 1, 2 Deewj 3
Skeâ Sceeršj kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[e ØeeflejesOe Rs keâe ceeve (d) 2 and 3 only. / kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
keäÙee nesiee, efpemekeâe hetCe& hewceeves efJe#esheCe 0.1 mA nw 355. In using instrument transformers care should
Deewj Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe 500Ω nw, leeefkeâ Fmes (0–10) be taken not to open circuit the
Jeesuš yeveeÙee peeS ceeheves kesâ efueS GheÙegkeäle yeveeÙee GheÙeb$e š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j keâes GheÙeesie keâjles meceÙe heefjheLe keâes
Keguee veneR jKevee ÛeeefnS
(a) primary of a voltage transformer when the
(a) 0.02 kΩ (b) 99.5 kΩ secondary is connected to the rated load.
(c) 500.02 Ω (d) 499.98 Ω efJeYeJe heefjCeeefce$e keâer ØeeLeefcekeâ keâes peye efveOee&efjle Yeej
351. The value of the multiplier resistance for a dc efÉleerÙekeâ mes peg[Ì e neslee nw
voltmeter, having 50 V range with 5 kΩ/V (b) secondary of a voltage transformer when the
sensitivity, employing a 200 µA meter primary is energized with the rated voltage.
movement and having internal resistance of efJeYeJe heefjCeeefce$e keâs efÉleerÙekeâ keâes peye efveOee&efjle Jeesušspe
100 Ω, is given by kesâ meeLe efÉleerÙekeâ Gefpe&le neslee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 615 YCT
(c) primary of a current transformer when the *359. A 50 Hz, bar primary CT has a secondary with
secondary is connected to the rated load. 500 turns. The secondary supplies 5 A current
Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e keâs ØeeLeefcekeâ keâes peye efveOee&efjle Yeej into a purely resistive burden of 1Ω. The
efÉleerÙekeâ mes peg[Ì e neslee nw~ magnetizing ampere turns is 200. The phase
(d) secondary of a current transformer when the angle between the primary and secondary
primary is carrying the rated current. currents is
Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e keâer efÉleerÙekeâ keâes peye efveOee&efjle Oeeje keâes Skeâ 50 Hz, ÚÌ[ ØeeLeefcekeâ CT ceW 500 efÉleerÙekeâ šve& nQ~
ØeeLeefcekeâ ues peelee nw~ efÉleerÙekeâ, 1Ω kesâ Megæ ØeeflejesOe Yeej ceW 5 A keâer Oeeje
356. Consider the following statements regarding keâer Deehetefle& keâjlee nw~ Ùeefo cewivesšeFefpebie SefcheÙej šve&
error occurring in current transformer: 200 nw lees ØeeLeefcekeâ leLee efÉleerÙekeâ OeejeDeeW kesâ yeerÛe
Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e ceW nesves Jeeueer $egefš kesâ yeejs ceW keâe keâuee keâesCe nw–
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW : (a) 4.60 (b) 85.40
1. It is due to the magnetic leakage in (c) 94.6 (d) 175.40
seconday winding./efÉleerÙekeâ kegâC[ueve ceW 360. What is clamp-on ammeter used for ?
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #ejCe kesâ keâejCe Ùen neslee nw keäuewche-Dee@ve Sceeršj efkeâmekesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee
2. It is due to power consumption in the nw?
metering circuit./Fmekesâ ceeršefjbie heefjheLe ceW (a) low ac current. / efvecve S.meer. Oeeje
Meefkeäle Kehele kesâ keâejCe Ùen nesleer nw (b) high ac current. / GÛÛe S.meer. Oeeje
3. It is due to the exciting mmf required by (c) low dc current. / efvecve [er.meer. Oeeje
the primary winding to produce flux. (d) high dc current. / GÛÛe [er.meer. Oeeje
Heäuekeäme keâes Glheeove keâjves kesâ efueS ØeeLeefcekeâ 361. In case of a PT with the increase in load on
kegâC[ueve Éeje DeeJeMÙekeâ Gòespekeâ mmf keâe secondary side
keâejCe Ùen neslee nw efJeYeJe heefjCeeefce$e ceW efÉleerÙekeâ he#e hej Yeej ceW Je=efæ kesâ
4. It is due to the non-linear relation between meeLe–
flux density in the core and magnetizing (a) both of the ratio error and phase angle
force. increase.
Ùen keâesj Deewj ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe yeue ceW Heäuekeäme kesâ Devegheele $egefš Deewj keâuee keâesCe oesveeW ceW Je=efæ nesleer nw~
yeerÛe DejsKeerÙe mecyevOe kesâ keâejCe neslee nw~ (b) the ratio error increases but phase angle
Which of the above statements are correct? decreases.
Ghejeskeäle keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve-mee mener nw? Devegheele $egefš yeÌ{lee nw hejvleg keâuee keâesCe Iešlee nw~
(c) the ratio error decreases but phase angle
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4. / 1, 2, 3 Deewj 4
(b) 1, 2 and 4 only. / kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 4 Devegheele $egefš Iešlee nw hejvleg keâuee keâesCe Iešlee nw~
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only. / kesâJeue 2, 3 Deewj 4 (d) both of the ratio error and phase angle error
(d) 1, 2 and 3 only. / kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 3 decrease.
*357. A current transformer has a phase error of +30. Devegheele $egefš Deewj keâuee keâesCe oesveeW Iešlee nw~
The phase angle between the primary and 362. In potential transformers, the secondary turns
secondary current is are increased slightly and the primary and
Skeâ Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e ceW +30 keâuee $egefš nw~ ØeeLeefcekeâ secondary windings are wound as closely as
efÉleerÙekeâ Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe keâe keâuee keâesCe nw– possible to compensate for
(a) 300 (b) 1770 efJeYeJe heefjCeeefce$e ceW, efÉleerÙekeâ kegâC[ueveeW keâes LeesÌ[e
(c) 180 0
(d) 1830 yeÌ{eÙee peelee nw Deewj ØeeLeefcekeâ leLee efÉleerÙekeâ kegâC[ueeW
358. A 500/5 A, 50 Hz current transformer has a bar keâes............. keâer #eeflehetefle& kesâ efueS peneb lekeâ mebYeJe nes
primary. The secondary burden is a pure ueieYeie efvekeâš kegâC[efuele keâjW~
resistance of 1Ω and it takes a current of 5 A. (a) phase angle and ratio error, respectively.
If the magnetic core requires 250 AT for keâuee keâesCe Deewj Devegheele $egefš, ›eâceMe:
magnetization the percentage ratio error is
(b) ratio and phase angle error, respectively.
Skeâ 500/5 A, 50 Hz Oeeje heefjCeeefce$e ceW Skeâ ÚÌ[ Devegheele Deewj keâuee keâesCe $egefš, ›eâceMe:
ØeeLeefcekeâ nw~ efÉleerÙekeâ Yeej keâe Megæ ØeeflejesOe 1Ω nw (c) any eddy current loss and hysteresis loss,
Deewj Ùen 5 A efkeâ Oeeje ueslee nw~ Ùeefo ÛegcyekeâerÙe keâesj keâes respectively.
ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe keâjves kesâ efueS 250 AT keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee keâesF& YeBJej Oeeje neefve Deewj MewefLeuÙe neefve, ›eâceMe:
nesleer nw lees ØeefleMele ceW Devegheele $egefš nw– (d) the hysteresis loss and eddy current loss,
(a) 10.56 (b) −10.56 respectively.
(c) 11−80 (d) -11− 80 MewefLeuÙe neefve Deewj YeBJej Oeeje neefve, ›eâceMe:
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 616 YCT
363. In a statement "the wattmeter commonly used 367. An unshielded moving iron voltmeter is used to
for power measurement at commercial measure the voltage in an ac circuit. If a stray
frequencies is of the X type. This meter consists dc magnetic field having a component along the
of two coil systems, the fixed system being the axis of the meter coil appears, the meter
Y coil and the moving system being the Z coil" reading would be
X Y and Z stand respectively for Skeâ S.meer. heefjheLe ceW Jeesušspe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS Skeâ
Skeâ keâLeve ceW ‘‘JÙeJemeeefÙekeâ DeeJe=efòeÙeeW hej Meefkeäle kesâ DeveMeeru[ Ûeue ueewn efJeYeJe ceeršj keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee
ceeheve kesâ efueS Deeceleewj hej X Øekeâej kesâ Jee@šceeršj keâe peelee nw~ Ùeefo Skeâ mš^s [er.meer. ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW ceeršj
Fmlesceeue efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Fme ceeršj ceW oes kegâC[ueer kegâC[ueer Oegjer kesâ meeLe Skeâ Ieškeâ efoKeeF& oslee nw lees
ØeCeeueer nesles nQ, efHeâkeäme heæefle Y kegâC[ueer nesleer nw Deewj ceeršj hee"dÙeebkeâ nesieer~
Ûeue ØeCeeueer Z kegâC[ueer nesleer nw~’’ ›eâceMe: X, Y Deewj (a) unaffected./DeØeYeeefJele
Z kesâ mLeeve hej keäÙee nesiee? (b) decreased./ Ieš peeÙesiee
(a) dynamometer, voltage and current. (c) increased./yeÌ{ peeÙesiee
[eÙevesceesceeršj, Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje (d) either decreased or increased depending on
(b) dynamometer, current and voltage. the direction of the dc field.
[eÙevesceesceeršj, Oeeje Deewj Jeesušspe [er.meer. #es$e keâer efoMee kesâ DeeOeej hej Deeefßele Ùee lees
(c) induction, voltage and current. Iešsiee Ùee yeÌ{siee~
ØesjCe, Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje *368. A spring-controlled moving iron voltmeter
(d) induction, current and voltage. draws a current of 1 mA for full-scale value of
100 V. If it draws a current of 0.5 mA the
ØesjCe, Oeeje Deewj Jeesušspe
meter reading is
364. The deflecting torque of a moving iron Skeâ efmhebÇie-efveÙebef$ele Ûeue ueewn Jeesušceeršj 100 Jeesuš
instuments is
Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe keâe efJe#esheCe DeeIetCe& neslee nw– kes â hetCe& hewceeves hej ceeve kesâ efueS 1 efceueer ScheerÙej keâe
Oeeje ueslee nw Ùeefo Ùen 0.5 efceueer ScheerÙej kesâ Oeeje keâes
(a) I 2 dL (b) 1 I2 dL ueslee nw lees ceeršj hee"Ÿeebkeâ nesiee–
dθ 2 dθ
(a) 25 V (b) 50 V
(c) I dL (d) 1 I dL (c) 100V (d) 200V
dθ 2 dθ
365. The moving iron instruments *369. A moving iron ammeter produces a full-scale
Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe – torque of 240 µNm with a deflection of 1200 at
a current of 10 A. The rate of change of self
(a) indicate the same values of measurand for
inductance (µH/radian) of the instrument at
both ascending and descending values.
full scale is
Deejesner Deewj DeJejesner oesveeW ceeveeW kesâ efueS Skeâ ner ceeve Skeâ Ûeue ueewn Sceeršj 10 ScheerÙej kesâ Oeeje hej 1200 kesâ
kesâ mebkesâle osles nQ~ efJe#esheCe kesâ meeLe 240µNm kesâ meeLe Skeâ hetCe& mkesâue
(b) indicate higher value of measurand for
DeeIetCe& GlheVe keâjlee nw~ hetCe& hewceeves hej GheÙeb$e kesâ
descending value/DeJejesner ceeve kesâ efueS ceeheve kesâ
GÛÛe ceeve keâe mebkesâle ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw mJeØesjCe (µH/jsef[Ùeve) kesâ heefjJele&ve keâer oj nw~
(c) indicate lower value of measurand for (a) 2.0 µH/radian. (b) 4.8 µH/radian.
ascending values./Deejesner ceeveeW kesâ efueS ceeheve kesâ (c) 12.0 µH/radian. (d) 114.6 µH/radian.
keâce ceeve keâe mebkesâle keâjlee nw *370. A current of (10 +5 sin ωt + 3 sin 2ωt ) is
measured using a moving iron instrument. The
(d) may indicate any of the higher of lower value reading would be
of measurand for ascending or descending
Skeâ Ûeue ueewn GheÙeb$e keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ (10 + 5 sin
value./ Deejesner Ùee DeJejesner ceeve kesâ efueS ceeheve kesâ
ωt + 3 sin 2ωt ) Oeeje keâes ceehee peelee nw lees hee"dÙeebkeâ
efvecve ceeve kesâ GÛÛelee keâes ØeoefMe&le keâj mekeâlee nw~
366. Hysteresis error, in moving iron instruments,
may be reduced by using (a) 08.82 A (b) 10.00 A
Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe ceW efnmšwefjefmeme $egefš .......... keâe (c) 10.82A (d) 12.75A
371. The different torques acting on a coil of a
GheÙeesie keâjkesâ keâce efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw moving coil instrument are
(a) mumetal of permalloy./ hejceuee@Ùe keâe cÙetcesšue Skeâ Ûeue kegâC[ueer GheÙeb$e kesâ kegâC[ueer hej keâece keâjves
(b) stainless steel. /mšsveuesme mšerue Jeeues Deueie-Deueie DeeIetCe& nQ-
(c) silver coating./ ÛeeBoer keâe uesheve (a) deflecting torque and control torque.
(d) high speed steel./ neF& mheer[ mšerue efJe#esheCe DeeIetCe& Deewj efveÙebef$ele DeeIetCe&
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 617 YCT
(b) deflecting torque and damping torque. (b) has high torque-to-weight ratio of moving
efJe#esheCe DeeIetCe& Deewj DeJecebove DeeIetCe& parts.
(c) control torque and damping torque. Ûeue YeeieeW keâe Yeej-DeeIetCe& Devegheele GÛÛe neslee nw
efveÙebef$ele DeeIetCe& Deewj DeJecebove DeeIetCe& (c) has low torque-to- weight ratio.
(d) deflecting torque, control torque and damping Yeej-DeeIetCe& Devegheele efvecve neslee nw
torque. / efJe#esheCe DeeIetCe&, efveÙebef$ele DeeIetCe& Deewj (d) can be used on both AC and DC.
DeJecebove DeeIetCe& S.meer. Deewj [er.meer. oesveeW ceW GheÙeesie nes mekeâlee nw
372. If one of the control spring of a permanent 376. A PMMC voltmeter is connected across a series
magnet coil ammter is broken, then on being combination of a dc voltage source V1 = 2 V
connected it will read. and an ac voltage source V2(t) = 3 sin (4t) volts.
Ùeefo Skeâ mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ kegâC[ueer Sceeršj keâe efveÙeb$eCe The meter reads
efmØebie štš ieÙee nes, lees pegÌ[e nesves hej Ùen heÌ{siee– Skeâ heer.Sce.Sce.meer. Jeesušceeršj Skeâ ßesCeer mebÙeesefpele
(a) zero. / MetvÙe [er.meer. Jeesušspe œeesle V1 = 2 V Deewj Skeâ S.meer. Jeesušspe
(b) half of the correct value. / mener ceeve keâe DeeOee
œeesle V2(t) = 3 sin (4t) Jeesuš mes pegÌ[e ngDee nw~ ceeršj
heÌ{lee nw–
(c) twice of the correct value. / mener ceeve keâe oes iegvee
(a) 2 V (Jeesuš) (b) 5V (Jeesuš)
(d) an finite value. / Skeâ heefjefcele ceeve
 
*373. A waveform shown in the figure is fed to a dc (c)  2 + 3  V (Jeesuš) (d) 17 V (Jeesuš)
ammeter. What is the reading shown by the  2  2
meter? 377. Moving iron and PMMC instruments can be
Deeke=âefle ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee Skeâ lejbie efpemeceW Skeâ [er.meer. distinguished from each other by looking at
Sceeršj keâes Hesâ[ efkeâÙee peelee nw ceeršj Éeje efoKeeÙee Ûeue ueewn Deewj heer.Sce.Sce.meer. GhekeâjCeeW keâes...........hej
ieÙee hee"Ÿeebkeâ keäÙee nw? osKeles ngS GveceW Devlej efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(a) pointer / metÛekeâ
(b) terminal size / šefce&veue meeFpe
(c) scale / hewceevee
(d) scale range / hewceevee hejeme
378. The disadvantage of PMMC instrument is
(a) zero / MetvÙe heer.Sce.Sce.meer. GheÙeb$e keâe oes<e nw–
(b) 50 mA / 50 efceueer SefcheÙej (a) high power consumption
(c) 75 mA / 75 efceueer SefcheÙej GÛÛe Meefkeäle keâer Kehele
(d) 100 mA / 100 efceueer SefcheÙej (b) high cost relative to moving iron instruments.
374. A PMMC (0-10) ammeter is not provided with Ûeue ueewn GheÙeb$e kesâ meehes#e GÛÛe ueeiele
any controlling mechanism and the moving (c) low torque/weight ratio
parts are free to rotate. If a current of 1 A dc is efvecve DeeIetCe&/Yeej Devegheele
passed through the moving coil the instrument (d) absence of effective and efficient eddy
Skeâ heer.Sce.Sce.meer. (0–10) Sceeršj efkeâmeer Yeer efveÙeb$eCe current damping. / ØeYeeJeer Deewj kegâMeue YeBJej Oeeje
leb$e kesâ meeLe Øeoeve veneR efkeâÙee peelee Deewj Ûeue Yeeie DeJecebove keâer DevegheefmLeefle
Ietceves kesâ efueS mJeleb$e nQ~ Ùeefo 1 SefcheÙej [er.meer. Oeeje 379. Consider the following types of damping:
Ûeue kegâC[ueer mes iegpejlee nw lees GheÙeb$e– efvecveefueefKele Øekeâej kesâ DeJecebove hej efJeÛeej keâjW–
(a) will read 1 A. / 1 SefcheÙej heÌ{siee 1. Air-friction damping / JeeÙeg-Ie<e&Ce DeJecebove
(b) will read 10 A. / 10 SefcheÙej heÌ{siee 2. Fluid-friction damping / lejue-Ie<e&Ce DeJecebove
(c) pointer will continuously rotate. 3. Eddy-current damping / YeBJej-Oeeje DeJecebove
metÛekeâ ueieeleej Ietcelee jnsiee PMMC type instruments use which of the
(d) pointer will remain stationary. above? / Ghejeskeäle ceW mes efkeâmekeâe GheÙeesie
metÛekeâ efmLej jnsiee heer .Sce.Sce.meer. Øee™heer GhekeâjCeeW ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw
375. An advantage of PMMC instrument is that it (a) 1 only / kesâJeue 1
heer.Sce.Sce.meer. GheÙeb$e keâe Skeâ ueeYe Ùen nw efkeâ– (b) 2 only / kesâJeue 2
(a) is free from friction error. (c) 3 only / kesâJeue 3
Ie<e&Ce $egefš mes cegòeâ neslee nw (d) 1, 2 and 3 / 1, 2 Deewj 3
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 618 YCT
380. An angular deflection type indicating PMMC *384. A moving coil of a meter has 100 turns, and a
meter is provided with spring control and length and depth of 10 mm and 20 mm
Skeâ keâesCeerÙe efJe#esheCe Øekeâej keâe meebkesâeflekeâ respectively. It is positioned in a uniform radial
heer.Sce.Sce.meer. ceeršj kesâ efmØebie efveÙeb$eCe Deewj ....... kesâ flux density of 200 mT. The coil carries a
current of 50 mA. The torque on the coil is
meeLe Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Skeâ ceeršj keâer Ûeue kegâC[ueer ceW 100 šve& nw, Deewj
(a) damping by air dashpot uecyeeF& leLee ienjeF& ›eâceMe: 10 efce.ceer. leLee 20 efceceer.
JeeÙeg ØeefleIeelejesOeer mes DeJecebove nw~ Ùen 200 efceueer šsmuee keâer Skeâ meceeve jsef[Ùeue
(b) electromagnetic damping in the aluminium
former only
Heäuekeäme IevelJe ceW efmLele nw~ kegâC[ueer 50 efceueer0 ScheerÙej
kesâJeue hetJe& SuÙegceerefveÙece ceW efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeJecebove keâer Oeeje keâe Jenve keâjleer nw~ kegâC[ueer hej DeeIetCe& nw
(c) electromagnetic damping in the aluminium (a) 200 µNm / 200µ vÙetšve ceeršj
former and the moving coil as well. (b) 100 µNm / 100µ vÙetšve ceeršj
hetJe& SuÙegceerefveÙece Deewj Ûeue kegâC[ueer ceW efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe (c) 2 µNm / 2µ vÙetšve ceeršj
DeJecebove (d) 1 µNm / 1µ vÙetšve ceeršj
(d) no damping / keâesF& DeJecebove veneR 385. Which of the following factors limit the
381. If a high frequency AC signal, whose rms value deflection of the pointer of a PMMC
instrument of about 900 ?
is 2V , is applied to a PMMC instument, then
the reading of the instument will be efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee keâejkeâ heer.Sce.Sce.meer.
Ùeefo Skeâ GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe S.meer. efmeiveue, efpemekeâe GhekeâjCe kesâ metÛekeâ kesâ efJe#esheCe keâes ueieYeie 900 meerefcele
keâjlee nw?
Deej.Sce.Sme. ceeve 2V nw, keâes heer.Sce.Sce.meer. GhekeâjCe
1. Its damping mechanism / Fmekeâe DeJecebove leb$e
hej ueeiet efkeâÙee peelee nw, lees GhekeâjCe keâe hee"Ÿeebkeâ
nesiee- 2. Linearity of the magnetic field in which the
coil moves / ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer jwefKekeâlee,
(a) 2V (Jeesuš) (b) 2V (Jeesuš) efpemeceW kegâC[ueer Ietceleer nw
(c) 1V (Jeesuš) (d) zero / MetvÙe 3. Control spring arrangement
382. A sinusoidal voltage of 1Vrms value at 10 Hz is efveÙeb$eCe efmØebie JÙeJemLee
applied across the two terminals of a PMMC 4. Shape of the pole shoe of the horseshoe
type ot voltmeter. What is the deflection of the magnet / IeesÌ[s kesâ veeue kesâ Ûegcyekeâ kesâ heesue Met
10 nšd&pe hej 1 Jeesuš Deej.Sce.Sme. ceeve keâe Skeâ
keâe Deekeâej
Select the correct answer using the codes given
pÙeeJe›eâerÙe Jeesušspe, Skeâ heer.Sce.Sce.meer. Øee™heer kesâ below:
Jeesušceeršj keâes, oes šefce&veueeW kesâ S›eâe@me ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee veerÛes efoS ieS keâes[ keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ mener Gòej keâe
peelee nw lees metÛekeâ keâe efJe#esheCe keäÙee nesiee? ÛeÙeve keâjW :
(a) zero volt / MetvÙe Jeesuš Codes:
(b) 1 V / 1 Jeesuš (a) only 1 and 3 / kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
(c) 2V / 2 Jeesuš (b) only 2 and 4 / kesâJeue 2 Deewj 4
(d) The pointer oscillates around zero volt. (c) only 2 and 3 / kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
metÛekeâ MetvÙe Jeesuš kesâ Deeme-heeme oesueve keâjsiee (d) only 1 and 4 / kesâJeue 1 Deewj 4
383. In a PMMC instrument, if the control spring is 386. In a PMMC instrument, the central spring
replaced by another one having a higher spring stiffness and the strength of the magnet
constant, then the natural frequency and decreases by 1.15% and 0.02% respectively due
damping ratio will to a rise in temperature by 10C. With a rise in
heer.Sce.Sce.meer. GhekeâjCe ceW, Ùeefo efveÙebef$ele efmØebie keâes temperature of 100C, the instrument reading
yeoue keâj Skeâ GÛÛe efmØebie efmLejebkeâ ueiee efoÙee peeS, will
lees Øeeke=âeflekeâ DeeJe=efòe Deewj DeJecebove Devegheele keäÙee heer .Sce.Sce.meer. GhekeâjCe ceW 10C leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ
nesiee? keâejCe kesâvõerÙe efmØebie keâ"esjlee Deewj Ûegcyekeâ keâer Meefkeäle
(a) decrease / Iešsiee
›eâceMe: 0.04³ Deewj 0.02³ Ieš peeleer nw~ Ùeefo 100C
(b) increase and decrease respectively
leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ keâj oer peeÙes lees GhekeâjCe heÌ{siee?
›eâceMe: yeÌ{siee Deewj Iešsiee (a) increase by 0.2% / 0.2³ mes Je=efæ
(c) decrease and increase respectively (b) decrease by 0.2% / 0.2³ mes keâceer
›eâceMe: Iešsiee Deewj yeÌ{siee (c) increase by 0.6% / 0.6³ mes Je=efæ
(d) increase / yeÌ{siee (d) decrease by 0.6% / 0.6³ mes keâceer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 619 YCT

387. The scale of an electrodynamometer usually Skeâ 20 Ω ØeeflejesOekeâ ceW yenves Jeeueer Oeeje i = 2 + 4 sin
reads the/Skeâ efJeÅegle [eÙevesceesceeršj hewceevee 314t Éeje oer ieÙeer nw~
meeceevÙele: heÌ{lee nw– Fme Oeeje keâes Skeâ iece& leej Sceeršj Éeje ceehee peelee nw~
(a) average value of the ac / S.meer. keâe Deewmele ceeve ceehee ieÙee ceeve keäÙee nesiee?
(b) mean value of the ac / S.meer. keâe ceeOÙe ceeve
(a) 2 A / 2 SefcheÙej
(c) effcetive value of the ac / S.meer. keâe ØeYeeJeer ceeve
(b) 3.46 A / 3.46 SefcheÙej
(d) squared value of the ac / S.meer. keâe Jeie& ceeve
(c) 4 A / 4 SefcheÙej
388. The scale of a dynamometer type instrument
marked in terms of rms value would be (d) 2.83 A / 2.83 SefcheÙej
RMS ceeve kesâ mevoYe& ceW efÛeefÖle [eÙevesceesceeršj Øekeâej *392. Consider the network shown in the given
kesâ GhekeâjCe keâe hewceevee nesvee ÛeeefnS figure. If a voltmeter of internal resistance 10
kΩ read V1 and V2 respectively when connected
(a) uniform throughout / hetCe&leÙee Skeâ meceeve
across 5 kΩ and 10 kΩ in turns, then
(b) non-uniform crowded near full scale
efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW efoKeeS ieS vesšJeke&â hej efJeÛeej keâjW~
hetCe& hewceeves hej Demeceeve
Ùeefo 10kΩ Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe keâe Skeâ Jeesušceeršj
(c) non-uniform crowded at the beginning
Meg®Deele ceW Demeceeve peye šve& ceW 5 kΩ Deewj 10 kΩ kesâ S›eâe@me mebÙeesefpele
(d) non-uniform crowded around midscale efkeâÙee peelee nw lees ›eâceMe: V1 Deewj V2 heÌ{lee nw leye-
Demeceeve ceOÙe mkesâue kesâ Deeme-heeme
389. In an electrodynamometer type instrument
astatic movement is provided in order to
Skeâ Fueskeäš^es[eÙevesceesceeršj Øee™heer kesâ GhekeâjCe ceW
DeefmLej ieefle Øeoeve keâer peeleer nw -
(a) eliminate error owing to stray magnetic fields
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ Yeškeâves kesâ keâejCe $egefš keâes meceehle (a) V1 > 2 (b) V1 < 2
2 2
keâjves kesâ efueS
(b) provide damping torque (c) V1 = 2 (d) V1 = 6.67V2
DeJecebove DeeIetCe& Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS
393. Horizontally mounted moving iron instruments
(c) increase the instrument operating torque
GhekeâjCe keâe ØeÛeeueve DeeIetCe& yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS #eweflepe ¤he mes pegÌ[e ngDee Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe Fmlesceeue
(d) eliminate temperature error
keâjlee nw–
leeheceeve $egefš keâes Kelce keâjves kesâ efueS
390. In a dynamometer type moving coil instrument (a) eddy current damping./YebJej Oeeje DeJecebove
a swamping resistance is provided in order to (b) air friction damping./JeeÙeg Ie<e&Ce DeJecebove
Skeâ [eFvesceesceeršj Øee™heer Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCe ceW (c) fluid fiction damping./õJe Ie<e&Ce DeJecebove
Skeâ mJewefchebie ØeeflejesOe Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw– (d) electromagnetic damping.
(a) control the deflecting torque efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeJecebove
efJe#esheCe DeeIetCe& keâes efveÙebef$ele keâjves kesâ efueS 394. Consider the following statements associated
(b) reduce the bulk of the moving system with moving iron instruments.
Ûeue heæefle kesâ yeukeâ keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCeeW kesâ meeLe pegÌ[s efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW
(c) reduce the current flowing through the hej efJeÛeej keâjW–
moving coil / Ûeue kegâC[ueer kesâ ceeOÙece mes yenves 1. These can be used in D.C. as well as A.C.
Jeeueer Oeeje keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS circuits.
(d) provide equal time constant for moving coil Fvekeâe ØeÙeesie D.C. kesâ meeLe-meeLe A.C. ceW Yeer efkeâÙee
and fixed coil, when used for ac measurement pee mekeâlee nw~
peye S.meer. ceeheve kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw, efmLej 2. The scale is non-uniform.
kegâC[ueer Deewj DeefmLej kegâC[ueer kesâ efueS meceeve meceÙe hewceevee Demeceeve nw~
efmLejebkeâ Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS
3. The moving iron is placed in a field of
*391. The current flowing in a 20 Ω resistor is given permanent magnet.
by i = 2 + 4 sin 314t
This current is measured by a hot wire
Ûeue ueewn keâes mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâve kesâ Skeâ #es$e ceW jKee
ammeter. What is the measured value ? peelee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 620 YCT
Which of these statements are correct ? The voltages read by the meters A, B and C are
FveceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw? respectively
(a) 1, 2 and 3. / 1, 2 Deewj 3 leerve D.C. Jeesušceeršj Skeâ 120V [er.meer. Deehetefle& kesâ
(b) 1 and 2. / 1 Deewj 2
S›eâeme ëe=bKeuee ceW pegÌ[s nQ~ Jeesušceeršj efvecveevegmeej
(c) 2 and 3. / 2 Deewj 3
efveefo&<š efkeâS ieS nw–
Jeesušceeršj A : 100V, 5 mA
(d) 1 and 3. / 1 Deewj 3
395. In moving iron instruments, eddy current
Jeesušceeršj B : 100V, 250Ω/V
damping cannot be used as Jeesušceeršj C : 10mA, 15000Ω
Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe ceW YebJej Oeeje DeJecebove ØeÙegkeäle veneR Jeesuš ceeršj A, B Deewj C Éeje heÌ{s ieÙes Jeesušspe,
keâer pee mekeâleer, nw~ pewmeeefkeâ– ›eâceMe: nw–
(a) they have a strong operating magnetic field. (a) 40, 50 and 30 V. (b) 40, 40 and 40 V.
(c) 60, 30 and 30 V. (d) 30, 60 and 30 V.
GveceW Skeâ cepeyetle ØeÛeeefuele ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e nesles nQ~
398. Due to which one of the following reasons
(b) they are not normally used in vertical bearings of PMMC instrument are made of
position./Jes meeceevÙele: GOJee&Oej efmLeleer ceW ØeÙegkeäle veneR Jewel ?
efkeâÙes peeles nQ~ efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme keâejCe mes PMMC GhekeâjCe
(c) they need a large damping force. which can keâe efyeÙeefjbie pJewue keâe yevee neslee nw?
only be provided by air friction. (a) to avoid wear and tear of the moving system.
FmeceW Skeâ GÛÛe DeJecebove yeue keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw, Ûeue ØeCeeueer kesâ štš-hetâš keâes otj keâjves kesâ efueS
pees kesâJeue JeeÙeg Ie<e&Ce Éeje Øeoeve efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw (b) to provide a small support.
(d) the introduction of a permanent magnet Deuhe DeeOeej Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS
required for eddy current damping would (c) it can be easily replaced.
distort the existing weak operating magnetic Fmes Deemeeveer mes yeouee pee mekeâlee nw
field. /YebJej Oeeje DeJecebove kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ mLeeÙeer (d) to make the system robust.
Ûegcyekeâ keâe ØeJes<eCe ceewpeto keâcepeesj ØeÛeeueve ÛegbyekeâerÙe #es$e ØeCeeueer megÂÌ{ keâes yeveeves kesâ efueS
keâes efJeke=âle keâj osiee~ 399. What is the swamping' resistane, which is
396. Consider the following statements with regard connected in series with the working coil of a
to moving iron (MI) instruments. voltmeter to drastically reduce the error in
Ûeue ueewn (Sce DeeF&) GhekeâjCeeW kesâ mebyebOe ceW measurement caused due to variation in
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW– temperature, made of ?
mJewefchebie ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nw, pees Skeâ Jeesušceeršj kesâ keâeÙe&
1. These instruments possess high operating
torque. keâj jns kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe ëe=bKeuee ceW pegÌ[e ngDee neslee nw,
Fve GhekeâjCeeW ceW GÛÛe ØeÛeeueve DeeIetCe& neslee nw leeheceeve ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ keâejCe ceehe ceW $egefš keâes keâeHeâer
2. These instruments can be used in ac and dc keâce keâj oslee nw efkeâmemess yevee neslee nw?
circuits./ Fve GhekeâjCeeW keâe GheÙeesie S.meer. Deewj (a) constantan. / keâevmešsvšve
[er.meer. heefjheLe ceW efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw (b) eureka. / Ùetjskeâe
3. Power consumption in these instruments is (c) manganin. / cewieveerve
lower for low voltage range./ Fve GhekeâjCeeW ceW (d) nichrome. / veeF›eâesce
efJeÅegle keâer Kehele keâce Jeesušspe hejeme kesâ efueS keâce nesleer 400. A manganin swamp resistance is connected in
nw series with a moving coil ammeter consisting of
a milliameter and a suitable shunt in order to
Which of the above statements are correct?
Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve-mee mener nw? Skeâ efceueerDeceeršj Deewj Skeâ GheÙegkeäle Mebš mes efceuekeâj
(a) 1 and 2 only./ kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
yeves ngS Ûeue kegâC[ueer Skeâ cewieveerve mJewche ØeeflejesOe
(b) 1 and 3 only./ kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 Deceeršj kesâ meeLe ëe=bKeuee ceW efkeâme efueS peesÌ[e peelee nw?
(c) 2 and 3 only./ kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 (a) minimise the effect of temperature variation.
leeheceeve heefjJele&ve kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
(d) 1, 2 only 3. /kesâJeue 1, 2, 3
(b) obtain large deflecting torque.
*397. Three dc voltmeters are connected in series
across a 120 V dc supply. The voltmeters are
DeefOekeâ efJe#esheCe DeeIetCe& keâes Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS
specified as follows. (c) reduce the size of the meter.
Voltmeter A : 100V, 5 mA. ceeršj kesâ meeFpe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
Voltmeter B : 100V, 250 Ω/V. (d) minimise the effect of stray magnetic fields.
Voltmeter C : 10mA, 15000 Ω. mš^s ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 621 YCT
401. By mistake, an ammeter is used as a voltmeter. (a) a high resistance in series with the meter.
In all probabilities, it will ceeršj kesâ meeLe ëe=bKeuee ceW Skeâ GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe
ieueleer mes, Skeâ Sceeršj keâes Skeâ Jeesušceeršj kesâ ¤he ceW (b) a high resistance across the meter.
ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ meYeer mecYeeJeveeDeeW ceW Ùen – ceeršj kesâ S›eâeme Skeâ GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe
(a) give much high reading. (c) a low resistance across the meter.
yengle DeefOekeâ hee"dÙeebkeâ osiee ceeršj kesâ S›eâeme Skeâ efvecve ØeeflejesOe
(b) give extremely low reading. (d) a low resistance in series with the meter.
DelÙeefOekeâ efvecve hee"dÙeebkeâ osiee ceeršj kesâ meeLe ëe=bKeuee ceW Skeâ efvecve ØeeflejesOe
(c) indicate no reading at all. 406. The internal resistance of the milliammeter
meYeer hej hee"dÙeebkeâ ØeoefMe&le veneR keâjsiee must be very low for..................
(d) get damaged. / #eefle«emle nes peeSiee efceueerceeršj keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe ------ kesâ efueS
402. During measurement of voltage and current in yengle keâce nesvee ÛeeefnS~
a load, ammeter and voltmeter are connected
(a) high sensitivity. / GÛÛe mebJesoveMeeruelee
in series and across the load respectively. If
ammeter and voltmeter positions are (b) high accuracy. / GÛÛe ÙeLeeLe&lee
interchanged by mistake, then (c) maximum voltage drop across the meter.
efkeâmeer Yeej ceW Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje kesâ ceeheve kesâ oewjeve, ceeršj kesâ S›eâeme DeefOekeâlece Jeesušspe [^e@he
Sceeršj Deewj Jeesušceeršj ›eâceMe: ëe=bKeuee ceW Deewj Yeej kesâ (d) minimum effect on the current in the circuit.
S›eâeme pegÌ[ nQ~ Ùeefo Sceeršj Deewj Jeesušceeršj keâer efmLeefle heef jheLe ceW Oeeje hej vÙetvelece ØeYeeJe
keâes ieueleer mes yeoue efoÙee peeS lees– 407. An ideal voltage source and an ideal voltmeter
have internal impedance respectively
(a) voltmeter will be damaged.
Jeesušceeršj #eefle«emle nes peeSiee Skeâ DeeoMe& Jeesušspe œeesle Deewj Skeâ DeeoMe& Jeesušceeršj
(b) ammeter will be damaged. keâer Deevleefjkeâ ØeefleyeeOee ›eâceMe: nesleer nw–
Deceeršj #eefle«emle nes peeSiee (a) zero, zero. / MetvÙe, MetvÙe
(c) both the meters will be damaged. (b) zero infinite. / MetvÙe, Devevle
oesveeW ceeršj #eefle«emle nes peeSiee (c) infinite, zero. / Devevle, MetvÙe
(d) both the meters will be safe. (d) infinite, infinite. / Devevle, Devevle
oesveeW ceeršj megjef#ele jnsiee 408. To minimize voltmeter loading
*403. A D.C. voltmeter has a sensitivity of 1000 Ω/V. Jeesušceeršj YeejCe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS–
When it measures half full scale in 100 V range, (a) voltmeter operating current has to be very
the current through the voltmeter is small.
Skeâ D.C. Jeesušceeršj keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee 1000Ω/V nw~ Jeesušceeršj ØeÛeeefuele Oeeje yengle keâce nesvee ÛeeefnS~
peye Ùen 100V hejeme ceW DeOe& hetCe& hewceeves keâes ceehelee nw, (b) voltmeter operating current has to be very
lees Jeesušceeršj keâer Oeeje nw– high.
(a) 100 mA. (b) 50 mA. Jeesušceeršj ØeÛeeefuele Oeeje yengle DeefOekeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(c) 1 mA. (d) 0.5 mA. (c) resistance connected in series with the coil
*404. If two 300V full-scale voltmeters V1 and V2 should be low./kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe ëe=bKeuee ceW peg[ Ì s
having sensitivites of 100 kΩ/V and 150 kΩ/V
are connected in series to measure 500 V, then
Øeef lejes O e efv ecve nes v es Ûeeef n S~
Ùeefo 100kΩ/V Deewj 150kΩ/V kesâ mebJesoveMeeruelee Jeeues (d) resistance connected in parallel with the coil
should be high./kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe meceevlej ceW peg[ Ì s
oes 300V hetCe& hewceevee kesâ Jeesušceeršj V1 Deewj V2 keâes
500V ceeheves kesâ efueS ëe=bKeuee ceW peesÌ[e peelee nw, lees
Øeefl ejes O e GÛÛe nes v es Ûeeefn S~
409. Consider the following statements.
(a) V1 and V2 will read 250V each.
V1 Deewj V2 oesveeW 250V heÌ{Wies
efvecve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
(b) V1 will read 200V and V2 will read 300V. The absolute value of current can be measured
V1 200V heÌ{siee Deewj V2 300V heÌ{siee
(c) V1 will read 300V and V2 will read 200V.
Oeeje keâe efvejhes#e ceeve..................kesâ Éeje ceehee pee
V1 300V heÌ{siee Deewj V2 200V heÌ{siee mekeâlee nw~
(d) V1 will V2 will read 0V each. 1. dynamometer type moving coil ammeters.
V1 Deewj V2 ØelÙeskeâ 0V heÌÌ{Wies [eÙevesceesceeršj Øee™heer Ûeue kegâC[ueer Deceeršj~
405. A moving-coil galvanometer can be used as a 2. tangent galvanometers.
dc ammeter by connecting šwvpesvš iewuJesveesceeršj~
Skeâ Ûeue kegâC[ueer iewuJesveesceeršj ------ keâes peesÌ[keâj 3. current balance instruments.
[er.meer. Deceeršj kesâ ¤he ceW ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw Oeeje meblegueve GheÙev$e
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 622 YCT
Of these statements/Fve keâLeveeW ceW ............ (b) The deflection produced when a unit of
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct. / 1, 2 Deewj 3 mener nw~ current passes through the Galvanometer
(b) 1 and 2 are correct. / 1 Deewj 2 mener nw~ iewuJesveesceeršj kesâ ceeOÙece mes Ùetefveš keâjWš iegpejves hej
(c) 1 and 3 are correct. / 1 Deewj 3 mener nw~ efveefce&le efJe#esheCe
(d) 2 and 3 are correct. / 2 Deewj 3 mener nw~ (c) The deflection produced when a unit of
potential difference is applied between the
410. Consider the following statements regarding
moving coil instrument. ends of a Galvanometer
Skeâ Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCe kesâ yeejs ceW efvecve keâLeveeW hej efveefce&le efJe#esheCe peye iewuJesveesceeršj kesâ efmejeW kesâ yeerÛe Skeâ
efJeÛeej keâjW- FkeâeF& efJeYeeJeeblej ueeiet efkeâÙee peelee nw
1. The sensitivity of a moving coil voltmeter (d) The voltage required in producing a unit
is specified in terms of ohms per volt. deflection in the scale of the Galvanometer
Skeâ Ûeue kegâC[ueer Jeesušceeršj keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee iewuJesveesceeršj kesâ mkesâue ceW Skeâ efJe#esheCe kesâ Glheefòe ceW
Deesce Øeefle Jeesuš kesâ šce& ceW efveefo&° keâer peeleer nw~ DeeJeMÙekeâ Jeesušlee
2. A higher range moving coil voltmeter has 414. A generating voltmeter uses.............
higher sensitivity. Glheeokeâ (pesvejsefšbie) Jeesušceeršj ceW keâewve meer ceesšj
Skeâ GÛÛelece hejeme Jeeueer Ûeue kegâC[ueer ØeÙeesie keâer peeleer nw?
(a) a constant speed motor/efmLej ieefle ceesšj
Jeesušceeršj ceW GÛÛelece mebJesoveMeeruelee nesleer nw~
3. A higher current moving coil instrument (b) a variable speed motor/Ûej ieefle ceesšj
has higher sensitivity. (c) a variable speed motor with a capacitor
Skeâ GÛÛelece Oeeje Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCe ceW mebIeefve$e (kewâhesefmešj) meefnle Ûej ieefle ceesšj
GÛÛelece mebJesoveMeeruelee nesleer nw~ (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
4. Higher sensitivity meters give more 415. What happens when the shunt resistance of a
reliable results. galvanometer circuit is increased?
GÛÛelece mebJesoveMeeruelee keâer ceeršj DeefOekeâ peye iewuJeesveesceeršj heefjheLe kesâ MeCš ØeeflejesOe keâes yeÌ{eÙee
efJeMJemeveerÙe heefjCeece osleer nw~ peeÙes lees keäÙee nesiee?
Which of the statements are correct? (a) Its current sensitivity increases
Ghejeskeäle keâLeve ceW mes keâewve-mee mener nw? Fmekeâer Oeeje meg«eeefnlee yeÌ{sieer
(a) 1, 2 and 3. / 1, 2 Deewj 3 (b) Its current sensitivity decreases
(b) 1 and 3 only. / kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 Fmekeâer Oeeje meg«eeefnlee Iešsieer~
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only. / kesâJeue 1,2 Deewj 4 (c) It's damping increasing/Fmekeâer [sefchebie ye{sieer~
(d) 1, 2 and 3. / 1, 2 Deewj 3 (d) It's controlling torque increasing
411. Sensitivity of a voltmeter is given as Fmekeâer efveÙebefv$ele DeeIetCe& yeÌ{sieer~
Skeâ Jeesušceeršj keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee keâes ................... kesâ *416. A moving coil instrument has ful scale
™he ceW efoÙee peelee nw~ deflection at 50 mV and 10 mA. The value of
(a) Ω/V shunt resistance required to be connected to
(b) reciprocal of full-scale deflection current. convert it into a (0-5A) ammeter is:
hetCe&-hejeme efJe#esheCe Oeeje kesâ JÙegl›eâce Skeâ Ûeefuele keäJeeFue GhekeâjCe 50 mV leLee 10 mA
(c) both (a) and (b). / (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW~ hej hetCe& hewceevee efJemLeeheve jKelee nw, lees (0-5A)
(d) none of these. / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR~ Deceeršj ceW heefjJee|lele keâjves kesâ efueS peesÌ[s peeves Jeeueer
412. A rectifier type instrument is connected to 10V Mebš ØeeflejesOe keâe DeeJeMÙekeâ ceeve nw–
DC supply. It would show the reading to be: (a) 0.01Ω (b) 1Ω
Skeâ jskeäšerHeâeÙej Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCe keâes 10 Jeesuš DC (c) 0.001Ω (d) 0.005Ω
mehueeF& peesÌ[e peelee nQ Ùen jeref[bie efoKeeSiee– 417. A voltmeter with a broadband width has____:
(a) 5V/5 Jeesuš (b) 10V/10 Jeesuš yeÇe@[yeQ[ efJe[dLe kesâ meeLe Jeesušceeršj ceW_____neslee nw–
(c) 10.1V/10.1 Jeesuš (d) 11.1V/11.1 Jeesuš (a) high noise level and high sensitivity
*413. Figure of Merit of a Galvanometer is defined as GÛÛe Meesj mlej Deewj GÛÛe mebJesoveMeeruelee
iewuJesveesceeršj kesâ efHeâiej Dee@Heâ cesefjš keâes efkeâme Øekeâej (b) low noise level and low sensitivity
heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee peelee nw? efvecve Meesj mlej Deewj efvecve mebJesoveMeeruelee
(a) The current required in producing a unit (c) low noise level and high sensitivity
deflection in the scale of the Galvanometer efvecve Meesj mlej Deewj GÛÛe mebJesoveMeeruelee
iewuJesveesceeršj kesâ mkesâue ceW Skeâ efJe#esheCe kesâ Glheefòe ceW (d) high noise level and low sensitivity
DeeJeMÙekeâ keâjWš GÛÛe Meesj mlej Deewj efvecve mebJesoveMeeruelee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 623 YCT
418. What should be observed when connecting a *424. A galvanometer (G) measures upto 100mA
voltmeter into a DC circuit? current. It is to be converted to voltmeter to
Skeâ [er.meer heefjheLe ceW Jeesušceeršj keâes peesÌ[keâj keäÙee measure upto 100 volts. What is required to be
efvejer#eCe efkeâÙee peelee nw? Skeâ iewuJesveesceeršj pees 100 mA Oeeje ceehelee nw~ Ùeefo
(a) RMS Gmekeâer Jeesušceeršj ceW ™heevlejCe keâjles nw~ leye Jen 100
(b) Resistance/ØeeflejesOe volts ceeheve keâjlee nw~ leye nce FmeceW keäÙee heeles nw~
(c) Polarity/OeÇgJelee (a) Add 100Ω resistance in series with G
(d) Power factor/efJeÅegle Meefòeâ iegCekeâ iewuJeesveesceeršj kesâ ßesCeer ceW 100 Ω keâe ØeeflejesOe peesÌ[les nw~
419. A bulb-type voltage tester is recommended (b) Add 1000 Ω resistance in series with G
only for circuits at or under how many volts? iewuJeesveesceeršj kesâ ßesCeer ceW 1000 Ω keâe ØeeflejesOe pees[Ì les nw~
Skeâ yeuye-Øekeâej kesâ Jeesušlee šsmšj keâer efmeHeâeefjMe (c) Add 1 Ω resistance in parallel with G
kesâJeue efkeâleves Jeesušdme lekeâ Ùee Gmemes veerÛes kesâ heefjheLe ceW iewuJeesveesceeršj kesâ meeceevlej ceW 1 Ω keâe ØeeflejesOe peesÌ[les nw~
nesleer nw? (d) Add 0.1 Ω resistance in parallel with G
iewuJeesveesceeršj kesâ ßesCeer ceW 1.0 Ω keâe ØeeflejesOe peesÌ[les nw~
(a) 120 volts (b) 240 volts
*425. A wave form shown in the figure below, is fed
(c) 480 volts (d) 600 volts
to a a.c. ammeter. What is the reading shown
*420. The deflecting torque of an Ammeter is by the meter?
directly proportioanl to the current passing veerÛes efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le lejbie ™he ceW Skeâ S. meer. Deceeršj keâes
through it and the instrument has full scale efoÙee peelee nw lees ceeršj Éeje ØeoefMe&le hee"dÙeebkeâ keäÙee nw?
deflection of 90 degree for a current of 10 A.
What deflection will occur for a current of 5 A
when the instrument has gravity control?
Skeâ Sceeršj (Ammeter) keâe efJeÛeueve DeeIetCe& GmeceW mes
ØeJeeefnle Oeeje kesâ meceevegheeleer nw~ 5 A Oeeje hej efkeâlevee
efJeÛeueve Øeehle nesiee peye Ghejeskeäle GhekeâjCe ceW ieg®lJeerÙe(a) zero/MetvÙe (b) 50 mA
efveÙeb$eCe nw– (c) 71 mA (d) 100 mA
426. Match List-I (Type of Electronic Voltmeter)
(a) 30 degree (b) 45 degree with List-II (Major Characteristic) and select
(c) 60 degree (d) 90 degree the correct answer using the code given below
421. The advantage of using a dual slope ADC in a the lists?/efuemš-I (Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ Jeesušceeršj keâe Øekeâej)
digital voltmeter is that–/ef[efpešue Jeesušceeršj ceW keâe efuemš-II (cenlJehetCe& efJeMes<eleeSb) keâe efceueeve keâjW
[dÙetue mueeshe ADC ØeÙeesie keâjves keâe keäÙee ueeYe nw? Deewj veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ mener Gòej
(a) its conversion time is small keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW?
Gmekeâe heefjJele&ve meceÙe keâce neslee nw List-I/efuemš-I
(b) its accuracy is high / Gmekeâer Megælee DeefOekeâ nesleer nw (a) Amplifier-rectifier dynamic range
(c) it gives output in BCD format ØeJeOe&keâ-efo°keâejer ieefleMeerue hejeme
Gmekeâe DeeGšhegš BCD Øee¤he ceW efceuelee nw (b) Rectifier-amplifier/efo°keâejer ØeJeOe&keâ
(d) None of these / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) True R.M.S./JeemleefJekeâ R.M.S.
422. In a 3.5 digital voltmeter, the largest number (d) Logarithmic/ueIegieCekeâerÙe
that can be read is:/3.5 ef[efpešue Jeesušceeršj ceW, List-II/ efuemš-II
1. Wide input-signal/efJemle=le efveefJe°-efmeiveue
DeefOekeâlece, mebKÙee efpemes heÌ{e pee mekeâlee nw-
2. High sensitivity, limited bandwidth
(a) 999 (b) 1999 GÛÛe mebJesoveMeeruelee, meerefcele JewC[efJe[dLe
(c) 4999 (d) 9999
3. Limited sensitivity, large bandwidth
423. Clamp on ammeter is used for measurement of : meerefcele mebJesoveMeeruelee, efJeMeeue JewC[efJe[dLe
keäuewche Dee@ve Sceeršj keâe ØeÙeesie efvecve ceeheve kesâ efueS 4. Capability to read non-sinusoidal AC
efkeâÙee peelee nw : De-pÙeeJe›eâerÙe AC keâes heÌ{ves keâer #ecelee
(a) Large alternating currents Codes/keâes[ :
efJeMeeue ØelÙeeJeleea OeejeSb A B C D
(b) Small direct currents/ueIeg efo° OeejeSb (a) 4 1 2 3
(b) 2 3 4 1
(c) Small alternating currents/ueIeg ØelÙeeJeleea OeejeSb (c) 4 3 2 1
(d) Large direct currents/efJeMeeue efo° OeejeSb (d) 2 1 4 3
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 624 YCT
(a) d.c. meter/[er.meer.ceeršj
05. Jee@šceeršme& SJeb cewefkeämecece ef[ceeb[ (b) d.c voltmeter/[er.meer. Jeesušceeršj
Fefv[kesâšj (c) wattmeter/Jee@šceeršj
(Wattmeters and Maximum (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
Demand Indicator) 432. Which type of Wattmeter is widely used?
efkeâme Øekeâej keâe Jee@š ceeršj JÙeehekeâ ™he mes GheÙeesie
427. An induction watt meter consist of: efkeâÙee peelee nw?
Skeâ ØesjCe Jee@šceeršj ............ keâe yevee neslee nw–
(a) Induction type/ØesjCe šeFhe
(a) series electromagnet/ßesCeer efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ
(b) Moving iron type/Ûeue ueewn šeFhe
(b) shunt electromagnet/Mevš efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ
(c) Dynamometer type/[eÙevesceesceeršj šeFhe
(c) permanent magnet/mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ
(d) series and shunt electromagnet (d) Electrostatic type/efmLej efJeÅegle šeFhe
ßesCeer Deewj Mevš efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ 433. Damping generally used in dynamometer type
428. When Dynamometer type meters are used as Wattmeter:
watt meters, the fixed and movable coils are? [eÙevesceesceeršj šeFhe Jeeš ceeršj ceW meceevÙeleÙee keâewve-meer
peye [eÙevesceesceeršj šeFhe ceeršjeW keâe GheÙeesie Jee@šceeršj DeJecevokeâ GheÙeesie keâer peeleer nw–
kesâ ™he ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw lees efmLej Deewj Ûeue kegâC[ueve (a) eddy current damping/YeBJej Oeeje DeJecevove
nesles nQ? (b) air friction damping/JeeÙeg Ie<e&Ce DeJecevove
(a) Fixed coil is pressure coil and moving coil is (c) fluid friction damping/lejue Ie<e&Ce DeJecevove
current coil/efmLej kegâC[ueer, oeye kegâC[ueer nw Deewj
(d) no damping is required/ efkeâmeer DeJecevove keâer
Ûeue keäJee@Ùeue, Oeeje kegâC[ueer Uw
DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nesleer nw
(b) Fixed coil is current coil and moving coil is
pressure coil/efmLej kegâC[ueer, Oeeje kegâC[ueer Deewj 434. The main error in dynamometer type
wattmeter is due to–
Ûeue kegâC[ueer, oeye kegâC[ueer nw
[eÙevesceesceeršj Øekeâej kesâ Jeeš ceeršj ces cegKÙe $egefš
(c) Both coils are movable/oesveeW kegâC[ueer Ûeue nQ~
........... kesâ keâejCe nesleer nw~
(d) Both coils are fixed/oesveeW kegâC[ueer efmLej nQ~
429. Ratio of readings of two wattmeter connected (a) pressure coil capacitance/oeye kegâC[ueer mebOeeefj$e
to measure power in a balanced 3-phase load is (b) pressure coil inductance/oeye kegâC[ueer ØesjkeâlJe
5:3 and the load is inductive. The power factor (c) eddy current/YeBJej Oeeje
at load is?
(d) mutual inductance/heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe
Skeâ meblegefuele 3-Hesâpe Yeej kesâ Meefòeâ ceehe kesâ efueS peesÌ[s
ieÙes oes Jee@šceeršj keâer hee"dÙeebkeâ keâe Devegheele 5:3 nw Deewj 435. The resistance in the circuit of the moving coil
of a dynamometer watt meter should be:
Yeej ØesjkeâerÙe nw~ Yeej keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ nw?
[eÙevesceesceeršj Jeeš ceeršj kesâ Ûeue keäJee@Fue heefjheLe ceW
(a) 0.6 lag (b) 0.6 lead
(c) 0.917 lead (d) 0.917 lag ØeeflejesOe nesvee ÛeeefnS–
430. Which of the following is not a type of (a) low/keâce
wattmeter? (b) high/GÛÛe
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Jee@šceeršj keâe Øekeâej veneR (c) almost zero/ueieYeie MetvÙe
(d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) Moving coil permanent magnet
436. A watt meters can measure :
Ûeue kegbâ[ue mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ
Skeâ Jeeš ceeršj ceehe mekeâlee nw–
(b) Induction/ØesjCe
(a) DC power only/kesâJeue [er.meer. Meefòeâ
(c) Dynamometer/[eÙevesceesceeršj
(b) AC power only/kesâJeue S.meer. Meefòeâ
(d) Electrostatic/efmLej efJeÅegle
431. A dynamometer instrument is chiefly used as (c) AC as well as DC power
a....... : S.meer. kesâ meeLe-meeLe [er.meer. Meefòeâ
Skeâ [eÙevesceesceeršj GhekeâjCe cegKÙe ™he mes...........kesâ (d) DC power and AC power rectification
™he ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw– [er.meer. Meefòeâ Deewj S.meer. Meefòeâ efo°keâjCe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 625 YCT
437. The minimum number of wattmeters (a) voltage coil resistance is zero
required to measure power in an unbalanced efJeYeJe kegâC[ueer ØeeflejesOe MetvÙe nes
three-wire system is (b) damping is not provided
Skeâ Demeblegefuele leerve leej ØeCeeueer ceW Meefòeâ keâes ceeheves DeJecebokeâ Øeoeve veneR efkeâÙee ieÙee nes
kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ JeešceeršjeW keâer vÙetvelece mebKÙee (c) pressure coil inductance is zero
nesleer nw oeye kegâC[ueer ØesjCe MetvÙe nes
(a) one/Skeâ (b) two/oes (d) a capacitance is connected in parallel to
(c) three/leerve (d) four/Ûeej pressure coil/Oeeefjlee, oeye kegâC[ueer mes meceevlej ceW
438. The total power delivered to a three-phase mebÙeesefpele nes
load is equal to 443. Which of the following methods is used to
leerve keâuee Yeej keâes oer ieF& kegâue Meefòeâ ........... shield a dynamometer type watt meter
yejeyej nesleer nw~ against stray fields?
(a) algebraic sum of two-wattmeter readings mš^s heâeru[ kesâ efJe™æ [eÙevesceesceeršj Øekeâej Jeešceeršj
oes Jeešceeršj hee"Ÿeebkeâ kesâ yeerpe ieefCeleerÙe Ùeesie kesâ keâes {eueves kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes efkeâve efJeefOeÙeeW keâe
(b) algebraic difference of two-watt meters GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
readings/oes Jeešceeršj hee"Ÿeebkeâ kesâ yeerpe ieefCeleerÙe (a) Meter components are made of non
Devlej kesâ magnetic materials/ceeršj Ieškeâ DeÛegcyekeâerÙe
(c) vectorial sum of two-wattmeter readings heoeLe& mes yeves nesles nQ
oes Jeešceeršj hee"Ÿeebkeâ kesâ meefoMe Ùeesie kesâ (b) Meter is housed in a soft iron case
(d) vectorial difference of two-watt meters ceeršj keâes vece& ueesns kesâ mevotkeâ ceW jKee ieÙee nw
readings/oes Jeešceeršj hee"Ÿeebkeâ kesâ meefoMe Devlej (c) Neutral wire connection is provided
kesâ vÙetš^ue leej mebÙeespeve Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw
439. Electrodynamic types of instruments are used (d) Meter is earthed/ceeršj Yet-mecheefke&âle neslee nw
commonly for the measurement of 444. The readings of a dynamometer type
efJeÅegle [eÙeveeefcekeâ Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCeeW keâe GheÙeesie wattmeter can be highly erratic at
Deeceleewj hej .................... keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee [eÙevesceesceeršj Øekeâej kesâ Jeešceeršj kesâ hee"Ÿeebkeâ...........
peelee nw hej DelÙeefOekeâ DeefveÙeefcele nes mekeâles nw
(a) current/Oeeje (b) resistance/ØeeflejesOe (a) low frequencies/keâce DeeJe=efòeÙeeW
(c) voltage/Jeesušspe (d) power/Meefòeâ (b) fluctuating loads/Yeej ceW Gleej-ÛeÌ{eJe
440. An induction wattmeter measures (c) low power factors/keâce Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ
Skeâ ØesjCe Jeešceeršj ceehelee nw (d) high voltages/GÛÛe Jeesušspe
(a) only the true power/kesâJeue JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ 445. A dynamometer type wattmeter has
(b) the reactive power/Øeefleef›eâÙee Meefòeâ Skeâ [eÙevesceesceeršj Øekeâej Jeešceeršj ceW neslee nw–
(c) the apparent power/DeeYeemeer Meefòeâ (a) square law scale/Jeie& efveÙece hewceevee
(d) the true power and the reactive power (b) non-linear scale/DejwefKekeâ hewceevee
JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ Deewj Øeefleef›eâÙee Meefòeâ (c) logarithmic scale/ueIeg ieCekeâ hewceevee
441. The instrument used for the measurement of (d) uniform scale/Skeâ meceeve hewceevee
power at 500 MHz is 446. The power of a n-phase circuit can be
500 MHz hej Meefòeâ keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee measured by using a minimum of
peeves Jeeuee GhekeâjCe nw n-keâuee heefjheLe kesâ Meefòeâ keâes vÙetvelece .......... keâe
(a) compensated wattmeter/keâchesvemesšs[ Jeešceeršj GheÙeesie keâjkesâ ceehee pee mekeâlee nw
(b) electrodynamometer wattmeter (a) (n – 1) wattmeter elements
efJeÅegle [eÙevesceesceeršj Jeešceeršj (n – 1) Jeešceeršj lelJe
(c) bolometer/yeesueesceeršj (b) n wattmeter elements
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR n Jeešceeršj lelJe
442. A wattmeter will be free from the effects of (c) (n + 1) wattmeter elements
power factor and frequency variations in case (n + 1) Jeešceeršj lelJe
Skeâ Jeešceeršj kesâ ceeceues ceW Meefòeâ iegCekeâ Deewj (d) 2n wattmeter elements
DeeJe=efòe heefjJele&ve kesâ ØeYeeJe mes cegòeâ nesiee– 2n Jeešceeršj lelJe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 626 YCT
447. Wattmeter cannot be designed on the (b) to the load side of the current coil
principle of Oeeje kegâC[ueer kesâ Yeej he#e kesâ lejheâ
Jeešceeršj .......... kesâ efmeæevle hej ef[peeFve veneR efkeâÙee (c) in any of the two meters at connection
pee mekeâlee nw~ mebÙeespeve ceW oes ceeršjeW ceW mes efkeâmeer Skeâ ceW
(a) electrostatic instrument/JewÅeglemLeweflekeâ GhekeâjCe (d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) thermocouple instrument/Leceexkeâheue GhekeâjCe 453. In a low power factor wattmeter the
(c) moving iron instrument/Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe compensating coil is connected
(d) electrodynamic instrument/ keâce Meefòeâ iegCekeâ Jeešceeršj ceW mecekeâejer kegâC[ueer
JewÅegle ieeflekeâerÙe GhekeâjCe pegÌ[e neslee nw–
448. The resistance in the circuit of the moving (a) in series with current coil
coil of a dynamometer watt-meter should be Oeeje kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW
Skeâ [eÙevesceesceeršj Jeešceeršj kesâ Ûeue kegâC[ueer kesâ (b) in parallel with current coil
heefjheLe ceW ØeeflejesOe nesvee ÛeeefnS– Oeeje kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe meceeveeblej ceW
(a) almost zero/ueieYeie MetvÙe (c) in series with pressure coil
(b) low/efvecve
oeye kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW
(d) in parallel with pressure coil
(c) high/GÛÛe
oeye kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe meceeveeblej ceW
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
454. In a 3-phase power measurement by two
449. A dynamometer wattmeter can be used for
wattmeter method, both the watt-meters had
Skeâ [eÙevesceesceeršj Jeešceeršj keâe GheÙeesie ........ kesâ identical readings. The power factor of the
efueS efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw– load was
(a) both D.C. and A.C./[er.meer. Deewj S.meer. oesveeW oes Jeešceeršj efJeefOe Éeje leerve keâuee Meefòeâ ceeheve ceW
(b) D.C. only/kesâJeue [er.meer. oesveeW Jeešceeršj kesâ hee"Ùeebkeâ meceeve nQ~ Yeej keâe Meefòeâ
(c) A.C. only/kesâJeue S.meer. iegCeebkeâ Lee–
(d) any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (a) unity/FkeâeF&
450. An induction wattmeter can be used for (b) 0.8 lagging/0.8 heMÛeieeceer
Skeâ ØesjCe Jeešceeršj keâe GheÙeesie ................ kesâ efueS (c) 0.8 leading/0.8 De«eieeceer
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(d) zero/MetvÙe
(a) both D.C. and A.C./[er.meer. Deewj S.meer. oesveeW
455. In a 3-phase power measurement by two
(b) D.C. only/kesâJeue [er.meer. wattmeter method the reading of one of the
(c) A.C. only/kesâJeue S.meer. wattmeter was zero. The power factor of the
(d) any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer load must be
451. The pressure coil of a wattmeter should be oes Jeešceeršj efJeefOe Éeje ef$e-keâuee Meefòeâ ceeheve ceW
connected on the supply side of the current Skeâ Jeeš ceeršj keâe hee"Ÿeebkeâ MetvÙe Lee~ lees Yeej keâe
coil when Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS-
Skeâ Jeešceeršj keâe oeye kegâC[ueer Oeeje kegâC[ueer kesâ (a) unity/FkeâeF& (b) 0.5
mehueeF& he#e hej peesÌ[e peevee ÛeeefnS peye–
(c) 0.3 (d) zero/MetvÙe
(a) load impedance is high/Yeej ØeefleyeeOee GÛÛe nes
456. For handling greater currents induction
(b) load impedance is low/Yeej ØeefleyeeOee efvecve nes wattmeters are used in conjunction with
(c) supply voltage is low/mehueeF& Jeesušspe efvecve nes DeefOekeâ OeejeDeeW keâes efveÙebef$ele keâjves kesâ efueS ØesjCe
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR Jeešceeršj keâe GheÙeesie efkeâmekesâ mebÙeespeve kesâ meeLe
452. In a low power factor wattmeter the pressure efkeâÙee peelee nw?
coil is connected
(a) potential transformers/efJeYeJe š^ebmeheâece&j
Skeâ efvecve Meefòeâ iegCekeâ Jeešceeršj ceW oeye kegâC[ueer
(b) current transformers/Oeeje š^ebmeheâece&j
pegÌ[e neslee nw–
(a) to the supply side of the current coil (c) power transformers/heeJej š^ebmeheâece&j
Oeeje kegâC[ueer kesâ mehueeF& he#e kesâ lejheâ (d) either of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 627 YCT

457. A dynamometer type of wattmeter is connected (c) across the current coil.
in an ac circuit. The power indicated by the Oeeje kegâC[ueer kesâ S›eâeme
wattmeter is the (d) across the potential coil.
Skeâ [eÙevesceesceeršj Øee™heer Jee@šceeršj S.meer. heefjheLe mes efJeYeJe kegâC[ueer kesâ S›eâeme
Ì e ngDee nw~ Jee@šceeršj Éeje ØeoefMe&le keâer ieÙeer Meefkeäle nw~
461. A capacitor is connected across a portion of
(a) rms power. / Deej. Sce. Sme. Meefkeäle resistance of the multiplier in order to make
(b) average power. / Deewmele Meefkeäle the pressure coil circuit of the wattmeter non-
inductive. The value of this resistance is r while
(c) peak power. / Meer<e& Meefkeäle the total resistance and inductance of the
(d) instantaneous power. / leelkeâeefuekeâ Meefkeäle
pressure circuit are respectively RP and L. The
458. Electrodynamic type wattmeter have large value of the capacitance C is
errors while measuring power in ac circuits at Jee@šceeršj kesâ oeye kegâC[ueer heefjheLe keâes DeØesjCeerkeâ
low power factor conditions, since the voltage yeveeves kesâ efueS Skeâ mebOeeefj$e iegCekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ Skeâ
across and the current through the efmejs ceW pegÌ[e ngDee nw~ Fme ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve r nw, peyeefkeâ
Fueskeäš^es[eÙeveeefcekeâ Øee™heer Jee@šceeršj ceW yeÌ[er $egefšÙeeB oeye heefjheLe keâe kegâue ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØesjkeâlJe ›eâceMe: Rp
nesleer nQ, pees S.meer. heefjheLe ceW Meefkeäle keâes keâce Meefkeäle Deewj L nw~ Oeeefjlee C keâe ceeve nw
iegCekeâ keâer efmLeefle ceW ceeheles nQ, ÛetBefkeâ Jeesušspe S›eâe@me
(a) L (b) 0.41L
Deewj Oeeje......... kesâ ceeOÙece mes nesles nQ– R 2P r2
(a) current coil are not in phase.
Oeeje kegâC[ueer Hesâpe ceW veneR nw~ (c) L2 (d) 0.41L
r R 2P
(b) current coil are not in quadrature.
462. Consider the following statements:
Oeeje kegâC[ueer #es$ekeâueve ceW veneR nw~ efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW :
(c) pressure coil are not in phase.
(i) The compensating coil of a low power factor
ØesMej kegâC[ueer Hesâpe ceW veneR nw~ wattmeter compensates the effect of the
(d) pressure coil are not in quadrature. impedance of the current coil.
ØesMej kegâC[ueer #es$ekeâueve ceW veneR nw~ efvecve Meefkeäle iegCekeâ Jeeues Jee@šceeršj keâer #eeflehetefle&
459. Due to the effect of inductane in the pressure kegâC[ueer keâer Oeeje kegâC[ueer kesâ ØeefleyeeOee kesâ ØeYeeJe
coil, a dynamometer type wattmeter keâer #eeflehetefle& keâjleer nw~
oeye kegâC[ueer ceW ØesjkeâlJe kesâ ØeYeeJe kesâ keâejCe, Skeâ (ii) The compensating coil of a low power factor
[eÙeveesceesceeršj Øee™heer Jee@šceeršj– wattmeter compensates the effect of the
(a) reads low on lagging power factor and high impedance of the voltage coil circuit.
on leading power factor. efvecve Meefkeäle iegCekeâ Jeeues Jee@šceeršj #eeflehetefle&
uewefiebie Meefkeäle iegCekeâ hej keâce Deewj ueeref[bie Meefkeäle iegCekeâ kegâC[ueer keâer Jeesušspe kegâC[ueer heefjheLe kesâ
hej DeefOekeâ heÌ{lee nw~ ØeefleyeeOee kesâ ØeYeeJe keâer #eeflehetefle& keâjleer nw~
(b) reads high on lagging power factor and low (a) (i) is true but (ii) is false.
on leading power factor.
(i) melÙe nw hejvleg (ii) DemelÙe nw
uewefiebie Meefkeäle iegCekeâ hej GÛÛe Deewj ueeref[bie Meefkeäle
(b) (i) is false but (ii) is true.
iegCekeâ hej keâce heÌ{lee nw~
(i) DemelÙe nw hejvleg (ii) melÙe nw
(c) reading is independent of the power factor.
(c) but (i) and (ii) are true.
hee"Ÿeebkeâ MeefkeäleiegCekeâ hej efveYe&j veneR keâjlee nw~
(i) Deewj (ii) oesveeW melÙe nQ
(d) always reads lower than the actual value.
(d) but (i) and (ii) are false.
meowJe JeemleefJekeâ ceeve mes keâce heÌ{lee nw~
(i) Deewj (ii) oesveeW DemelÙe nw
460. In a low power factor wattmeter the
compensating coil is connected 463. In a low power factor wattmeter, sometimes
Skeâ efvecve Meefkeäle iegCekeâ Jee@šceeršj ceW #eeflehetefle& kegâC[ueer compensating coil is connected in order to
pegÌ[er nesleer nw~ Skeâ efvecve Meefkeäle iegCekeâ Jee@šceeršj ceW, keâYeer-keâYeer
(a) in series with the current coil. #eeflehetefle& kegâC[ueer keâes ...... kesâ efueS peesÌ[e peelee nw
Oeeje kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW (a) neutralize the capacitive effect of pressure
(b) in series with the pressure coil.
oeye kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW oeye kegâC[ueer kesâ OeeefjleerÙe ØeYeeJe keâes efve<ØeYeeefJele keâjves
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 628 YCT
(b) compensate for inductance of pressure coil. (a) capacitor across a part of series resistance in
oeye kegâC[ueer kesâ ØesjkeâlJe kesâ efueS #eeflehetefle& keâjves the pressure coil circuit/oeye kegbâ[ueer heefjheLe ceW
(c) compensate for power loss in pressure coil. ßesCeer ØeeflejesOe kesâ Skeâ Yeeie kesâ S›eâeme mebOeeefj$e
oeye kegâC[ueer ceW Meefkeäle neefve kesâ efueS #eeflehetefle& keâjves (b) capacitor in series with the series resistance in
(d) reduce the error caused by eddy current. the pressure coil circuit/oeye kegbâ[ueer heefjheLe kesâ
YeBJej Oeeje mes nesves Jeeues $egefš keâes keâce keâjves ßesCeer ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW mebOeeefj$e
464. In an electrodynamometer wattmeter (c) capacitor across a part of series inductor in
Skeâ Fueskeäš^es[eÙeveceesceeršj Jee@šceeršj ceW– the pressure coil circuit/oeye kegbâ[ueer heefjheLe ceW
(a) the fixed coils providing magnetic flux are ßesCeer ØesjkeâlJe kesâ Skeâ Yeeie kesâ S›eâe@me mebOeeefj$e
connected across the power line. (d) capacitor in series with the series inductor in
ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme Øeoeve keâjves Jeeueer efmLej kegâC[ueer keâes the pressure coil circuit/oeye kegbâ[ueer heefjheLe ceW
efJeÅegle ueeFve kesâ S›eâe@me pees[Ì e peelee nw~ ëe=bKeuee Øesjkeâ kesâ meeLe ëe=bKeuee ceW mebOeeefj$e
(b) the compensated wattmeter improves its 467. The current and potential coils of a wattmeter
accuracy by using winding with opposite were accidentally interchanged while
currents with respect to series windings. connecting. After energizing the circuit, it was
observed that the wattmeter did not show the
#eeflehetefle& Jee@šceeršj ßesCeer kegâC[ueveeW kesâ meboYe& ceW efJehejerle
reading. This would be due to/Skeâ Jeešceeršj kesâ
OeejeDeeW kesâ meeLe kegâC[ueve keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ Deheveer
Oeeje Deewj efJeYeJe kegbâ[ueer keâes peesÌ[les meceÙe ieueleer mes
ÙeLeeLe&lee keâes megOeejlee nw~
yeoue efoÙee ieÙee~ heefjheLe keâes meef›eâÙe keâjves kesâ yeeo, Ùen
(c) If the full-scale power measured is 100 W,
then the half-scale power will be 10 W. osKee ieÙee efkeâ Jeešceeršj ceW hee"Ÿeebkeâ veneR efoKeeF& efoÙee,
Ùeefo hetCe& hewceeves hej Meefkeäle efkeâ ceehe 100 W nw lees Deæ& Fmekeâe keâejCe nw–
hewceeves hej Meefòeâ 10 W nesieer~ (a) damage done to the potential coil/efJeYeJe kegbâ[ueer
(d) it can measure ac power but is unsuitable for ceW ngF& #eefle
dc power. / Ùen S.meer. Meefkeäle keâes ceehe mekeâlee nw (b) damage done to the current coil/Oeeje kegbâ[ueer ceW
hejvleg [er.meer. Meefkeäle kesâ efueS GheÙegkeäle veneR nw~ ngF& #eefle
465. In a low power factor wattmeter, why is a (c) damage done to both potential and current
compensating coil employed?/ Skeâ efvecve Meefòeâ coils/efJeYeJe Deewj Oeeje kegbâ[ueer oesveeW ceW ngF& #eefle
iegCekeâ Jeešceeršj ceW, Skeâ #eeflehetefle& kegâC[ueer keäÙeeW (d) loose contact/mebheke&â ef{uee nesvee
keâeÙe&jle nesveer nw? 468. The magnetic field responsible for the
(a) to neutralize the capacitive effect of pressure production of the deflecting torque in an
accurate dynamometer type wattmeter, being
coil/oeye kegâC[ueer kesâ kewâhesefmeefšJe ØeYeeJe keâes ØeYeeJenerve
very weak, the accuracy of the measurement
keâjves kesâ efueS can be increased by providing a/Skeâ ÙeLeeLe&
(b) to compensate for inductaned of pressure
[eÙevesceesceeršj Øekeâej Jeešceeršj ceW efJe#esheCe DeeIetCe& kesâ
coil/oeye kegâC[ueer kesâ ØesjkeâlJe keâes #eeflehetefle& keâjves kesâ
Glheeove kesâ efueS GòejoeÙeer ÛegbyekeâerÙe #es$e, yengle
keâcepeesj nesves kesâ keâejCe, ceehe keâer ÙeLeeLe&lee keâes ............
(c) to compensate for the error caused by power
loss in the pressure coil/ oeye kegâC[ueer ceW efJeÅegle Øeoeve keâjkesâ yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw–
Meefòeâ neefve kesâ keâejCe ngF& $egefš keâer #eeflehetefle& keâjves kesâ (a) magnetic shield around the instrument/GhekeâjCe
efueS kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj ÛegbyekeâerÙe keâJeÛe
(d) to compensate for the error caused by eddy (b) compensating winding along with the
currents/YebJej Oeeje kesâ keâejCe ngF& $egefš keâer #eeflehetefle& pressure coil/oeye kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe #eeflehetefle& JeeFbef[bie
keâjves kesâ efueS (c) astatic arrangement to the moving system of
466. The error caused by pressure coil inductance in the instrument/GhekeâjCe keâer Ûeue ØeCeeueer kesâ efueS
a wattmeter is compensated by connecting efmLejlee ØeyevOe
a/Skeâ Jeešceeršj ceW oeye kegâC[ueer ØesjkeâlJe kesâ keâejCe
(d) capacitance shunt across a portion of the
nesves Jeeueer $egefš keâes................ peesÌ[keâj keâce efkeâÙee pee pressure ciol/oeye kegbâ[ueer kesâ Skeâ Yeeie ceW Mebš
mekeâlee nw– Oeeefjlee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 629 YCT
469. Which one of the following methods decreases the same in the two cases is/Jeešceeršj oeye kegâC[ueer
the error due to connections in a dynamometer keâes oess Øekeâej mes mebÙeespeve, efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le nw~ Jeešceeršj
type wattmeter? /[eÙevesceesceeršj Øekeâej Jeešceeršj ceW
Oeeje kegâC[ueer ØeeflejesOe r keâe ceeve nw-
mebÙeespeve kesâ keâejCe efvecve ceW mes keâewve meer Skeâ efJeefOe $egefš
pees oesveeW efmLeefle ceW meceeve mebÙeespeve $egefš yeveelee nw~
keâes keâce keâj osleer nw–
(a) using bifilar compensating winding in place A A
of current coil/Oeeje kegbâ[ueer kesâ mLeeve hej yeeFefheâuej
#eeflehetefle& JeeFbef[bie keâe GheÙeesie
(b) using non-inductive pressure coil
circuit/DeØesjkeâlJe oeye kegbâ[ueer heefjheLe keâe GheÙeesie
(c) using a capacitor across a part of high b
resistance of pressure coil circuit/oeye kegbâ[ueer (a) 00.5 Ω (b) 0.1 Ω
heefjheLe kesâ GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe kesâ Skeâ Yeeie kesâ S›eâeme (c) 0.01 Ω (d) 0.125 Ω
mebOeeefj$e keâe GheÙeesie 473. Consider the following statements in respect of
(d) using a swamping resistance two types of a dynamometer wattmeter
mJewefchebie ØeeflejesOe keâe GheÙeesie connections as shown in Fig. (a) and (b)? /efÛe$e
470. Consider the following statements with regrad efÛe$e (a) Deewj (b) ceW efoKeeS ieS oes Øekeâej kesâ
to induction type wattmeter. /ØesjCe Øee™heer [eÙevesceesceeršj Jeešceeršj keâveskeäMeve kesâ yeejs ceW efvecve
Jeešceeršj kesâ yeejs ceW efvecve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW– keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW–
1. It can be used on both ac and dc systems/Ùen S.meer.
Deewj [er.meer. ØeCeeueer oesveeW hej GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
2. power consumption is relatively low
efJeÅegle keâer Kehele Dehes#eeke=âle keâce neslee nw
3. It is accurate only at stated frequency and
(a) (b)
temperature/Ùen kesâJeue efveef§ele DeeJe=efòe Deewj leeheceeve hej
1. Figure (a) is used when applied voltage is
ÙeLeeLe& neslee nw
high and load curent flowing is low/efÛe$e (a)
Which of the above statements is/are correct.
GheÙeesie neslee nw peye ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe DeefOekeâ nesiee Deewj
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw?
ØeJeen nes jner Yeej Oeeje keâce
(a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1
2. Figure (b) is used when applied voltage is low
(b) 2 only/kesâJeue 2
and load current flowing is high/efÛe$e (b) GheÙeesie
(c) 3 only/kesâJeue 3 neslee nw peye ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe keâce Deewj ØeJeen nes jner Yeej
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 Oeeje DeefOekeâ
471. How can the power supplied to a high 3. If the order of connections in Statements 1
frequency heating system be measured? /GÛÛe and 2 are in opposite order, gross error will be
DeeJe=efòe nerefšbie ØeCeeueer keâes Deehetefle& keâer peeves Jeeueer increased/Ùeefo keâLeve 1 Deewj 2 ceW keâveskeäMeve keâe ›eâce
Meefòeâ keâes kewâmes ceehee pee mekeâlee nw? efJehejerle ›eâce ceW nw, lees «eeme (mekeâue) $egefš yeÌ{ peeSieer~
(a) by dynamometer wattmeter 4. If the order of connections in Statements 1
[eÙevesceesceeršj Jeešceeršj Éeje and 2 are in opposite order, gross error will be
(b) by induction wattmeter/ØesjCe Jeešceeršj Éeje reduced/Ùeefo keâLeve 1 Deewj 2 ceW keâveskeäMeve keâe ›eâce
(c) by thermocouple type wattmeter efJehejerle ›eâce ceW nw, lees «eeme $egefš keâce nes peeSieer
Leceexkeâheue Øekeâej Jeešceeršj Éeje Which of the statements given above are
(d) by moving iron ammeter and voltmeter correct?/Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW keâewve mener nw?
Ûeue ueewn Sceeršj Deewj Jeesušceeršj Éeje (a) Only 1 and 2/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
*472. Two types of connections of wattmeter pressure (b) Only 1 and 3/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
coil are shown in the figures.
(c) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
The value of the wattmeter current coil
resistance r, which makes the connection error (d) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2 Deewj 4

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 630 YCT

*474. The circuit given in the figure is used to (a) the power consumed by the load
measure the power consumed by the load. The Yeej Éeje Kehele Meefòeâ
current coil and the voltage coil of the (b) the sum of power consumed by the load and
wattmeter has 0.02 Ω and 1000 Ω resistances ammeter/Yeej Deewj Sceeršj Éeje Kehele Meefòeâ keâe Ùeesie
respectively. The measured power compared to
(c) the sum of power consumed by the load and
the load power' will be/ efÛe$e ceW efoÙes ieS heefjheLe
voltmeter/Yeej Deewj Jeesušceeršj Éeje Kehele Meefòeâ keâe
keâe GheÙeesie Yeej Éeje Kehele keâer ieF& Meefòeâ keâes ceeheves Ùeesie
kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Jeešceeršj kesâ Oeeje kegbâ[ueer Deewj (d) the sum of power consumed by the load,
Jeesušspe kegbâ[ueer ceW ›eâceMe: 0.02 Ω Deewj 1000 Ω ammeter and Voltmeter/Yeej, Sceeršj Deewj
ØeeflejesOe nQ~ Yeej Meefòeâ keâer leguevee ceW ceeheer ieF& Meefòeâ Jeesušceeršj Éeje GheÙegòeâ Meefòeâ keâe Ùeesie
nesieer– 477. A wattmeter is connected as shown in the
0.02 Ω figure. The wattmeter reads/pewmee efkeâ efÛe$e ceW
efoKeeÙee ieÙee nw, Skeâ Jeešceeršj pegÌ[e ngDee nw–
Jeešceeršj heÌ{siee–

(a) 1.4% less/keâce

(b) 0.2% less/keâce
(c) 0.2% more/DeefOekeâ
(d) 0.4% more/DeefOekeâ
475. Consider the following statements regarding
measurement of power in single phase ac (a) zero always/ncesMee MetvÙe
circuits: (b) total power consumed by Z1 and Z2
It is possible to measure power without using a Z1 Deewj Z2 Éeje Kehele kegâue Meefòeâ
wattmeter by (c) power consumed by Z1 /Z1 Éeje Kehele Meefòeâ
Skeâue-keâuee S.meer. heefjheLe ceW Meefòeâ ceeheve kesâ mebyebOe ceW (d) power consumed by Z2 /Z2 Éeje Kehele Meefòeâ
efvecve keâLeve hej efJeÛeej keâjW– 478. In calibration of dynamometer wattmeter by
......... Éeje Jeešceeršj keâe GheÙeesie efkeâS efyevee Meefòeâ keâes potentiometer, phantom loading arrangement
ceeheve mebYeJe nw is used because/efJeYeJeceeheer Éeje [eÙevesceesceeršj
1. using one voltmeter and one ammeter Jeešceeršj keâes DebMeekeâve ceW heQâšce ueesef[bie JÙeJemLee keâe
Skeâ Jeesušceeršj Deewj Skeâ Sceeršj kesâ GheÙeesie GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ–
2. using two voltmeter and two ammeters (a) the arrangement gives accurate results
oes Jeesušceeršj Deewj oes Sceeršj kesâ GheÙeesie JÙeJemLee ÙeLeeLe& heefjCeece osleer nw
3.using three voltmeters/leerve JeesušceeršjeW kesâ GheÙeesie (b) the power consumed in calibration work is
4. using three ammeters/leerve SceeršjeW kesâ GheÙeesie minimum/ceeheebkeâve keâeÙe& ceW GheÙegòeâ Meefòeâ vÙetvelece nw
Of these statements/Fve keâLeveeW ceW (c) the method gives quick results
efJeefOe lJeefjle heefjCeece osleer nw
(a) 1 and 2 are correct/1 Deewj 2 mener nQ
(d) the on site calibration is possible
(b) 2 and 3 are correct/2 Deewj 3 mener nQ
Dee@ve meeFš ceeheebkeâve mebYeJe nw
(c) 3 and 4 are correct/3 Deewj 4 mener nQ
479. The minimum number of wattmeter(s)
(d) 1 and 4 are correct/1 Deewj 4 mener nQ required to measure 3-phase 3-wire balanced
476. In the power measurement by ammeter- or unbalanced power is/Demeblegefuele leerve-hesâpe
voltmeter method, if the voltmeter is connected leerve-leej ØeCeeueer ceW Meefòeâ keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS
across the load, then the value of the power will
be/Sceeršj Deewj Jeesušceeršj efJeefOe Éeje Meefòeâ ceeheve ceW
DeeJeMÙekeâ Jeešceeršj keâer vÙetvelece mebKÙee nw-
Ùeefo Jeesušceeršj Yeej kesâ S›eâeme pegÌ[e nw, lees Meefòeâ keâe (a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
ceeve nesiee-
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 631 YCT
480. Two-wattmeter method of power measurement 483. Consider the following statements regarding
in three-phase system is valid for/leerve-keâuee measurement of 3-phase power by two-
ØeCeeueer ceW Meefòeâ ceeheve kesâ efueS oes-Jeešceeršj wattmeter method; one of the wattmeter reads
negative implying:
efJeefOe.......... kesâ efueS ceevÙe nw~
oes Jeešceeršj efJeefOe Éeje 3-ÛejCe Meefòeâ keâer ceehe kesâ
(a) balanced star-connected load only mebyebOe ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeve hej efJeÛeej keâjW; Skeâ
kesâJeue meblegefuele mšej-mebÙeespeve-Yeej Jeešceeršj $e+Ceelcekeâ heÌ{lee nw, efpemekeâe DeLe& nw-
(b) unbalanced star-connected load only 1. Power factor is less than 0.5. /Meefòeâ iegCekeâ 0.5 mes
kesâJeue Demeblegefuele mšej- mebÙeespeve Yeej keâce nw~
(c) balanced delta-connected load only 2. Power flow is in the reverse direction. /Meefòeâ keâe
kesâJeue meblegefuele [suše-mebÙeespeve Yeej ØeJeen Gl›eâce efoMee ceW neslee nw~
(d) balanced or unbalanced star-as well as delta- 3. Load power factor angle is greater than 60o.
connected loads/meblegefuele Ùee Demeblegefuele mšej Deewj /Yeej Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâesCe 60º mes yeÌ[e nw~
[suše mebÙeesefpele Yeej 4. Load is unbalanced. /Yeej Demeblegefuele nw~
481. The two wattmeter method is used to measure Which of the above statements are correct?
active power on a three-phase, three-wire Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW keâewve mener nw?
system. If the phase voltage is unbalanced, then
the power reading is/oes Jeešceeršj efJeefOe keâe (a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
GheÙeesie leerve-keâuee, leerve-leej ØeCeeueer hej meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ (b) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
ceeheve kesâ efueS neslee nw~ Ùeefo keâuee Jeesušspe Demeblegefuele (c) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
nw, lees Meefòeâ hee"Ÿeebkeâ– (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1, 2, 3 Deewj 4
(a) affected by both negative sequence and zero *484. In the measurement of power on balanced load
sequence voltage/ $e+Ceelcekeâ ›eâce Deewj MetvÙe ›eâce by two-wattmeter method in a 3-phase circuit,
the reading of the wattmeters are 3 kW and 1
Jeesušspe oesveeW mes ØeYeeefJele neslee nw kW respectively, the latter being obtained after
(b) affected by negative sequence voltage but not reversing the connections of the current coil.
by zero sequence voltages/$e+Ceelcekeâ ›eâce Jeesušspe The pf of the load is
mes ØeYeeefJele uesefkeâve MetvÙe ›eâce Jeesušspe Éeje veneR Skeâ 3-ÛejCe heefjheLe ceW oes Jeešceeršj efJeefOe Éeje
(c) affected by zero sequence voltages but not by meblegefuele Yeej hej Meefòeâ keâer ceehe ceW, Jeešceeršj keâer
negative sequence voltages/MetvÙe ›eâce Jeesušspe mes hee"Ÿeebkeâ ›eâceMe: 3 kW Deewj 1 kW nw, yeeo Jeeuee Oeeje
ØeYeeefJele uesefkeâve $e+Ceelcekeâ ›eâce Jeesušspe Éeje veneR kegbâ[ueer kesâ mebÙeespeve keâes Guešves kesâ yeeo Øeehle keâer ngDee
(d) not affected by negative or zero sequence nw~ Yeej keâe pf nw-
voltages/$e+Ceelcekeâ Ùee MetvÙe ›eâce JeesušspeeW Éeje (a) 0.277 (b) 0.554
ØeYeeefJele veneR (c) 0.625 (d) 0.866
482. If 3-phase power is measured with the help of 485. In the two-wattmeter method of measuring 3-φ
two-wattmeter method in a balanced load with power, the wattmeter indicate equal and
the application of 3-phase balanced voltage, opposite readings when load power factor is
variation in readings of wattmeters will depend 3-ÛejCe Meefòeâ keâes ceeheves keâer oes Jeešceeršj efJeefOe ceW,
on Jeešceeršj yejeyej Deewj efJehejerle hee"Ÿeebkeâ keâes metefÛele
Ùeefo 3-keâuee Meefòeâ keâes $eer-keâuee meblegefuele Jeesušlee kesâ keâjlee nw, peye Yeej Meefòeâ iegCekeâ nw-
DevegØeÙeesie keâer meneÙelee meblegefuele Yeej keâes oes-Jeešceeršj (a) 90 leading/ 90 ueeref[bie
efJeefOe keâer meneÙelee mes ceehee peelee nw, lees Jeešceeršj keâer (b) 90 lagging/ 90 uewefiebie
hee"Ÿeebkeâ ceW efYeVelee ......... hej efveYe&j keâjsiee- (c) 30 leading/ 30 ueeref[bie
(a) load only/kesâJeue Yeej (d) 30 lagging/ 30 uewefiebie
(b) power factor only/kesâJeue Meefòeâ iegCekeâ 486. Power consumed by a balanced 3-phase, 3-wire
(c) load and power factor/Yeej Deewj Meefòeâ iegCekeâ load is measured by the two wattmeter method.
The first wattmeter reads twice that of the
(d) neither load nor power factor second. Then the load impedance angle in
ve lees Yeej ve ner Meefòeâ iegCekeâ radians is
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 632 YCT
Skeâ meblegefuele 3- ÛejCe, 3 leej Yeej Éeje Kehele keâer ieF& meblegefuele 3- ÛejCe 200 Jeesuš heefjheLe ceW, ueeFve Oeeje
Meefòeâ keâes oes Jeešceeršj efJeefOe Éeje ceehee peelee nw~ henuee 115.5 A nw~ peye Meefòeâ keâes oes Jeešceeršj efJeefOe Éeje ceehee
Jeešceeršj otmejs keâer leguevee ceW oes iegvee heÌ{lee nw, lees Yeej peelee nw, lees Jeešceeršj ceW mes Skeâ 20 kW heÌ{lee nw Deewj
ØeefleyeeOee keâesCe, jsef[Ùeve ceW nw- otmeje MetvÙe heÌ{lee nw~ Yeej keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keäÙee nw?
(a) π/12 (b) π/8 (a) 0.5 (b) 0.6
(c) π/6 (d) π/3 (c) 0.7 (d) 0.8
*487. Two wattmeters are used to measure the power 491. An electrodynamometer type wattmeter is
in a 3-phase balanced system. What is the connected (as shown in the given figure) in a 3-
power factor of the load when one wattmeter phase supply and having a 3-phase balanced
reads twice the other? load, E and I are the values of phase voltage
3- ÛejCe meblegefuele ØeCeeueer ceW Meefòeâ keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS and current and φ is the phase angle between
oes Jeešceeršj keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ peye Skeâ them. The wattmeter reading will be
Jeešceeršj otmejs keâer leguevee ceW oes iegvee heÌ{lee nw, lees Yeej Skeâ Fues keäš^es [eÙevesceesceeršj Øekeâej Jeešceeršj (pewmee efkeâ
keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keäÙee neslee nw? efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le nw) 3- ÛejCe Deehetefle& ceW pegÌ[e nw Deewj
3- ÛejCe meblegefuele Yeej neslee nw E Deewj I ÛejCe Jeesušspe
(a) 0
(b) 0.5 Deewj Oeeje kesâ ceeve nQ Deewj φ Gve oesveeW kesâ yeerÛe keâe
(c) 0.866 ÛejCe keâesCe nw~ Jeeš ceeršj keâer hee"Ÿeebkeâ nesieer-
(d) 1
488. In a two-wattmeter method of measuring
power in a balanced 3-phase circuit, the ratio
of the two wattmeter readings is 1 : 2. The
circuit power factor is
Skeâ meblegefuele 3- ÛejCe heefjheLe ceW Meefòeâ keâes ceeheves keâer (a) proportional to EI sin φ/ EI sin φ kesâ Devegheeeflekeâ
oes-Jeešceeršj efJeefOe ceW, oes Jeešceeršj hee"Ÿeebkeâ keâe (b) proportional to EI cos φ/ EI cos φ kesâ Devegheeeflekeâ
Devegheele 1:2 nw~ heefjheLe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ nw- (c) proportional to EI tan φ/ EI tan φ kesâ Devegheeeflekeâ
(a) 0.707 (d) zero/ MetvÙe
(b) 0.5 492. The voltage coil of a single phase house energy
(c) 0.866 meter
(d) indeterminate/Deefveef§ele Skeâue ÛejCe ie=n Tpee& ceeršj keâer Jeesušspe kegbâ[ueer
*489. A 400 V, three-phase, rated frequency balanced (a) is highly resistive/ DelÙeefOekeâ ØeeflejesOe nesleer nw
source is supplying power to a balanced three-
phase load carrying a line current of 5 A at an (b) is highly inductive/ DelÙeefOekeâ ØesjkeâerÙe nesleer nw
angle of 30o lagging. The readings of the two (c) is highly capacitive
wattmeters W1 and W2, used for measuring the DelÙeefOekeâ OeeefjleerÙe Jeeuee nesleer nw
power drawn by the circuit, are respectively
(d) has a phase angle equal to load power factor
Skeâ 400 Jeesuš, 3- ÛejCe, efveOee&efjle DeeJe=efòe meblegefuele angle/ ceW Yeej Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâesCe kesâ yejeyej keâuee keâesCe
Œeesle 30º uewefiebie kesâ keâesCe hej 5A keâer Skeâ ueeFve Oeeje neslee nw
ues peeves Jeeues meblegefuele 3- ÛejCe Yeej keâes efJeÅegle keâer
*493. The balanced load of a delta connection is
Deehetefle& keâj jne nw~ heefjheLe Éeje ueer ieF& Meefòeâ keâes powered by a three-phase balanced 400 V, 50
ceeheves kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâS peeves Jeeues oes Jeešceeršj kesâ Hz, AC power supply. The readings of the two
hee"Ÿeebkeâ ›eâceMe: nQ- powermeters are 970W and 480W respectively.
(a) 2000 W and 1000 W Each phase load consists of a series of resistors
and inductors. Calculate the power factor.
(b) 1500 W and 1500 W
(c) 2000 W and 1500 W
efkeâmeer leerve hesâpeer meblegefuele 400 V, 50 Hz AC Deehetefle& mes
(d) 1500 W and 1000 W
Skeâ [suše keâveskeäšs[ meblegefuele Yeej keâes mebÛeeefuele efkeâÙee
490. In a balanced 3-phase 200 V circuit, the line
peelee nw~ oesveeW heeJej ceeršjeW hej jeref[bie ›eâceMe: 970 W Deewj
current is 115.5 A. When the power is 480 W nw~ Yeej ØelÙeskeâ hesâpe hej ßesCeer ceW ØeeflejesOe Deewj
measured by two wattmeter method, one of the Øesjkeâ Meeefceue nw~ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâer ieCevee keâjs~
wattmeters reads 20 kW and the other one (a) 0.98 he§e (b) 0.65 he§e
reads zero. What is the power factor of the
load? (c) 1 (d) 0.86 he§e
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 633 YCT
*494. The two-wattmeter method is used to measure (a) Damage to potential coils
the input power of a three-phase induction efJeYeJe kegâC[efueÙeeB keâer #eefle
motor. If the two wattmeter readings are 1,700 (b) Damage to current coil/Oeeje kegâC[efueÙeeB keâer #eefle
W and 1100 W determine the power factor of
(c) Damage to both current coil and pressure coil
the motor./leerve hesâpeer hesÇjCe ceesšj (induction
Oeeje kegâC[efueÙeeB Deewj efJeYeJe kegâC[efueÙeeB -oesveeW keâer #eefle
motor) keâer Fvehegš heeJej keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS oes
(d) Loose contacts/{erues mebÙeespeve
Jeešceeršj heæefle keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Ùeefo oes
499. A 3-phase balanced supply system is connected
Jeešceeršj jeref[bie 1700 W Deewj 1100 W nw, lees ceesšj to a 3-phase unbalance load. Power supplied to
kesâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâe efveOee&jCe keâjW~ this load can be measured using
(a) 0.85 Lagging/He§e (b) 0.9784 Leagging/he§e 1. two wattmeters
2. one wattmeter
(c) 0.9375 Lagging/he§e (d) Unity/Ùetefvešer
3. three wattmeters
495. Poynting-vector Wattmeter works on _______. Which of these statements is/are correct?
hJeeFefvšbie Jeskeäšj Jeešceeršj keâeÙe& keâjlee nw– Skeâ 3-Hesâ]pe meblegefuele Deehetefle& efmemšce keâes Skeâ 3-Hesâ]pe
(a) magnetic effect/ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeYeeJe Demeblegefuele uees[ mes peesÌ[e peelee nw~ Fme uees[ ceW Deehetefle&
Meefòeâ keâes ceehee pee mekeâlee nw-
(b) hall effect/neue
1. oes JeešceeršjeW
(c) induction effect/ ØesjCe ØeYeeJe
2. Skeâ Jeešceeršj
(d) heating effect/T<ceerÙe ØeYeeJe
3. leerve JeešceeršjeW
496. In dynamometer type of wattmeter, which of
FveceW mes keâewve keâLeve melÙe nw-
the coil is spilt up into two parts?
(a) 1 & 2 (b) 1 & 3
[eFveceesceeršj Øekeâej kesâ Jee@šceeršj ceW keâewve-meer kegbâ[ueer
(c) 2 & 3 (d) 3 & alone
oes YeeieeW ceW yebšer nesleer nw? 500. Consider the following statement:
(a) pressure coil/oeye kegbâ[ueer A Linear Variable Differential Transformer
(b) current coil/Oeeje kebgâ[ueer (LVDT) has
i. One primary winding
(c) both the pressure coil and current coil
ii. Two exactly similar secondary windings
oeye kegbâ[ueer Deewj Oeeje kegbâ[ueer iii. A toroidal magnetic core
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR Of these statements which is/are correct?
497. A demand meter is a means of indicating which veerÛes efoÙes keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâerefpeÙes-
of the following?/ef[ceeb[ ceeršj efvecveefueefKele ceW mes Skeâ ueerefveÙej JewefjSyeue ef[øeQâefMeÙeue š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j
efkeâmekeâes Fbefiele keâjves kesâ efueS neslee nw? (LVDT) ceW neslee nw~
(a) Peak power periods/heerkeâMeefòeâ DeJeefOe i. Skeâ ØeeLeefcekeâ kegbâ[ueer

(b) A high load factor/GÛÛe Yeej iegCeebkeâ ii. oes efyeukegâue meceeve efÉleerÙekeâ kegbâ[ueer
iii. Skeâ šesjesF[ue ÛegcyekeâerÙe keâesj
(c) Low kWh consumption/efvecve kWh GheYeesie
(a) ii & iii (b) i & ii
(d) All options are correct/meYeer efJekeâuhe mener nw~
(c) i & iii (d) i, ii & iii
498. The current and potential coils of a 501.In dynamometer wattmeter the compensation
dynamometer type wattmeter were accidentally coil/[eÙeveceesceeršj Jeešceeheer ceW Øeeflekeâejer kegbâ[ueer ceW
interchanged while connecting. After energizing
(a) has equal number of turns of voltage coil and is
the circuit, it was observed that the wattmeter connected in series with current coil
did not show the reading. This could be due
Jeesušlee kegbâ[ueer kesâ Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee yejeyej nesleer nw Deewj
to:/[eÙeveceesceeršj Øekeâej kesâ Jeešceeršj keâer Oeeje Deewj
Oeeje kegbâ[ueer kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nesleer nw
efJeYeJe keäJee@ÙeueW mebÙeesefpele keâjles meceÙe ieueleer mes hejmhej (b) has equal number of turns of current coil and is
yeoue ieF&~ heefjheLe keâe Tpee&Ùeve keâjles meceÙe Ùen heeÙee connected in series with voltage coil
ieÙee efkeâ Jeešceeršj ceW keâesF& he"ve Øekeâš veneR ngDee, Fmekeâe Oeeje kegbâ[ueer kesâ Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee yejeyej nesleer nw~ Deewj
keâejCe nes mekeâlee nw– Jeesušlee kegbâ[ueer kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nesleer nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 634 YCT
(c) has equal number of turns of current coil and is (a) -2.43% (b) 2.43%
connected in series with current coil (c) -4.86% (d) 4.86%
Oeeje kegbâ[ueer kesâ Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee yejeyej nesleer nw~ Deewj *506.In an induction type energy meter, everything
Oeeje kegbâ[ueer kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nesleer nw else remaining same, if the radial distance of the
(d) has equal number of turns of voltage coil and is brake magnet poles from the spindle is
connected in series with voltage coil decreased by 10%, the rotational speed of the
disc will ________ approximately./ØesjCe Øekeâej kesâ
Jeesušlee kegbâ[ueer kesâ Jele&veeW keâer mebKÙee yejeyej nesleer nw~ Deewj
Tpee&ceeheer ceW, DevÙe meYeer JemlegDeeW keâes Jener jnles ngS, Ùeefo
Jeesušlee kegbâ[ueer kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nesleer nw
leke&gâ mes yeÇskeâ Ûebgyekeâ OeÇgJeeW keâer ef$epÙe otjer 10% keâce keâj
*502. The breaking torque of induction type single-
phase energy meter is–/Fv[keäMeve Øekeâej Skeâue-
oer peeS, lees ef[mkeâ keâer IetCee&lcekeâ Ûeeue ueieYeie
hesâ]pe Tpee& ceeršj keâe yeÇsefkebâie šeke&â Ùen neslee nw– (a) increase by 23.5% /23.5% yeÌ{sieer
(a) Directly proportional to the square of the flux (b) decrease by 10.6% /10.6% Iešsieer
ØeJeen kesâ Jeie& kesâ meerOes Devegheeeflekeâ (c) decrease by 19.4% /19.4% Iešsieer
(b) Directly proportional to the flux (d) increase by 11% /11% yeÌ{sieer
ØeJeen kesâ meerOes Deevegheeeflekeâ 507. Creep occurs in 1-φ energy meters when …….
(c) Inversely proportional to the flux Is energized and it is mainly because of ……
ØeJeen kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeeflekeâ 1-φ Tpee&ceeršj cebs ›eâerhe neslee nw peye ............ Gòesefpele
(d) Inversely proportional to the square of the neslee nw leLee Ùen cegKÙele: ............ kesâ keâejCe neslee nw–
flux/ØeJeen kesâ Jeie& kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeeflekeâ (a) Current-coil …..… over-compensation
503. Copper shading is provided in energy meter to Oeeje kegâC[ueer, DeesJej keâchevemesMeve
Tpee& ceeršj ceW keâe@hej Mesef[bie Øeoeve keâjelee nw– (b) pressure-coil …..… over-compensation
(a) Bring flux exactly in quadrature with applied
oeye kegâC[ueer, DeesJej keâchevemesMeve
voltage/mehueeF& Jeesušspe kesâ meeLe heäuekeäme keâes "erkeâ
heeoefmLeefle hej ueelee nw~ (c) pressure-coil …..… under-compensation
(b) To increase speed of aluminium disc/ oeye kegâC[ueer, DeC[j keâchevemesMeve
SuegefceefveÙece ef[mkeâ keâer ieefle yeÌ{elee nw~ (d) current-coil …..… under-compensation
(c) To count the rotation/jesšsMeve keâer efieveleer~ Oeeje kegâC[ueer, DeC[j keâchevemesMeve
(d) To balance the system from vibration/ *508. A strain gauge with a resistance of 250 Ω
ØeCeeueer keâes JeeFyeÇsMeve mes mevlegefuele keâjlee nw~ undergoes a change of 0.150 Ω during a test.
The strain is 1.5×10-4. Then the gauge factor is
504. Creeping in a single-phase induction type
energy meter may be due to– Skeâ hejer#eCe kesâ oewjeve 250 Ω kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe Skeâ
Skeâ Skeâue keâuee ØesjCe Øekeâej kesâ Tpee& ceeršj ceW ›eâerefhebie mš^sve iespe 0.150 Ω kesâ heefjJele&ve mes iegpejlee nw~ efJeke=âefle
efvecve kesâ keâejCe nes mekeâleer nw– -
(mšs^ve) 1.5×10 4 nw~ lees iespe hewâkeäšj keäÙee nw?
(a) Overcompensation for friction (a) 0.5 (b) 4
Ie<e&Ce nsleg DeesJej keâchevmesMeve (c) 0.25 (d) 8
(b) Over voltages/DeefOekeâ Jeesušlee 509. How will you test the supply in plug point
(c) Vibrations/keâcheve hueie hJee@Fbš keâer Deehetefle& keâer peebÛe kewâmes keâer peeleer nw–
(d) All of these/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (a) tester/šsmšj
*505.The meter constant of a single phase energy
(b) multimeter/ceušerceeršj
meter is 500 rev/kwh the meter takes 86 seconds
to make 50 revolutions while measuring a full (c) voltmeter/Jeesušceeršj
load of 4.4 kilowatt. The percentage error in the (d) all option are correct/meYeer efJekeâuhe mener nQ
meter is
510. Moire fringes are used to measure rotary
Skeâ Fvepeeaceeršj keâe efmLejebkeâ 500 Ûe›eâ/efkeâueesJeeš Iebše displacement along with ____.
nw~ 4.4 efkeâueesJeeš kesâ hetCe& Yeej hej ceeršj 86 meskeâC[ ceW ceesÙej eføebâpe keâe GheÙeesie IetCeea efJemLeeheve (jesšjer
50 Ûekeäkeâj ueieelee nw~ ceeršj keâer ØeefleMele $egefš nesieer? ef[mehuesmeceWš) keâes ceeheves ceW efkeâmekesâ meeLe efkeâÙee peelee nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 635 YCT
(a) contact type encoders only 514. Ballastic galvanometer is calibrated to measure:
kesâJeue mebheke&â šeFhe kesâ ketâšuesKeve (Svekeâes[j) kesâ meeLe yewueeefmškeâ iewuJesveesceeršj ................ceeheve nsleg kewâefueyeÇsš
(b) optical encoders only efkeâÙee peelee nw–
kesâJeue Dee@efhškeâue ketâšuesKeve (Svekeâes[j) kesâ meeLe (a) Current/Oeeje (b) Voltage/Jeesušlee
(c) contact type encoders and optical encoders (c) Resistance/ØeeflejesOe (d) Charge/DeeJesMe
mebheke&â šeFhe kesâ Svekeâes[j Deewj Dee@efhškeâue ketâšuesKeve 515. Strain gauge rosettes are used when ............
(Svekeâes[j) kesâ meeLe efJeke=âefle Øeceehekeâ (mš^sve iespe) jesmesšdme keâe GheÙeesie leye
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR neslee nw peye .............
511. Which one of the following can act as an (a) The direction of hoop stress is not known
inverse transducer? nthe Øeefleyeue (mš^sme) keâer efoMee keâer peevekeâejer veneR nesleer nw~
FveceW mes FvJeme& š^evme[Ÿegmej keâewve mee nw? (b) The direction of principal stress is not known
(a) LVDT/Sue Jeer [er šer ØeOeeve Øeefleyeue (mš^sme) keâer efoMee keâer pevekeâejer veneR nesleer nw~
(b) Strain Gauge/mš^sve iespe (c) The direction of principal stress is known
(c) Capacitive Transducer/kewâhesmesefšJe š^evme[Ÿegmej ØeOeeve Øeefleyeue (mš^sme) keâer efoMee keâer pevekeâejer nesleer nw~
(d) Piezoelectric Crystal/heerpeesFuewefkeäš^keâ ef›eâmšue (d) The direction of longitudinal stress is not
*512. While measuring the insulation resistance of known/DevegowOÙe& Øeefleyeue (mš^sme) keâer efoMee keâer
complete wiring installation to earth using pevekeâejer veneR nesleer nw~
Megger, the resistance measured must not be 516. Dummy strain gauge is used in conjuction with
less than:/Skeâ hetCe& leej mLeeheve keâer DeJejesOeve ØeeflejesOe the main gain strain gauge to................
keâes cesiej mes ceeheves kesâ oewjeve, ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve Fmemes cesve efJeke=âefle Øeceehekeâ kesâ mebÙeespeve ceW Øeefle™heer efJeke=âefle
keâce vener nesvee ÛeeefnS~ Øeceehekeâ keâe ØeÙeesie...............kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw-
50 MΩ (a) calibrate the system/efmemšce ceW DebMe-MeesOeve
no. of outlets (Point + switches) (b) compensate temperature effects
50 MΩ leeheceeve ØeYeeJe keâer Øeeflehetefle&
DeeGšuesš keâer mebKÙee (efyevog ± efmJeÛe) (c) improve sensitivity/mebJesoveMeeruelee keâes megOeejves
500 MΩ (d) reduce strain on the gauge
no. of outlets (Point + switches) iespe ceW efJeke=âefle keâes keâce keâjves
500 MΩ 517. Match list-1 (transducer) with list-2
DeeGšuesš keâer mebKÙee (efyevog ± efmJeÛe) (characterstics) and select the correct answer
using codes given below the lists:
(c) 25 MΩ
metÛeer-1(š^ebme[Ÿetmej) keâe efceueeve metÛeer-2 (efJeMes<elee) kesâ
50 KΩ meeLe keâerefpeÙes Deewj efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ keâe ØeÙeesie keâj mener
no. of outlets (Point + switches) GoenjCe keâe ÛegveeJe keâerefpeS-
50 KΩ
List- 1 List- 2
DeeGšuesš keâer mebKÙee (efyevog ± efmJeÛe)
P Thermocouple 1 Modulated output
513. What are the components of a digital multimeter Leceexkeâheue cee@[Ÿetuesšs[ DeeGšhegš
Skeâ ef[efpešue ceušerceeršj kesâ Ieškeâ keäÙee nw?
Q Thermistor 2 Resistance change with
(a) A comparator and a pulse generator pressure/leeheceeve kesâ meeLe
Skeâ keâchesjsšj Deewj Skeâ heume pevejsšj ØeeflejesOe ceW heefjJele&ve
(b) An attenuator, a rectifier and a filter
R Strain gauge 3 Negative temperature
Skeâ DešsvÙegSšj, Skeâ jsefkeäšHeâeÙej Deewj Skeâ efHeâušj mš^sve iespe coefficents
(c) An attenutor, an ADC, a display and a $e+Ceelcekeâ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ
recording mechanism/Skeâ Deušjvesšj, Skeâ
S LVDT 4 Constant temperature
S[ermeer, Skeâ ef[mhues Deewj Skeâ efjkeâe@ef[Ëie cewkesâefvepce one end
(d) A PLL and a counter/Skeâ heerSueSue Deewj Skeâ keâeGbšj Skeâ Úesj hej efmLej leeheceeve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 636 YCT
(a) P-3; Q-2; R-4; S-1 (b) P-4; Q-3; R-2; S-1 metÛeer- I metÛeer- II
(c) P-2; Q-1; R-4; S-3 (d) P-1; Q-2; R-3; S-4 P. efhejeveer Øeceeheer 1. leehe›eâce ceeheve
518. Resistivity measurements are often used to
determine____:/ØeeflejesOekeâlee kesâ ceeheve keâe ØeÙeesie Q. JeWÛegjerceeršj 2. efveJee&le oeye ceehe
efkeâmekeâes efveOee&efjle keâjves ceW neslee nw? R. efJeefkeâjCe heeFjesceeršj 3. yeue ceeheve
(a) carrier concentration in intrinsic semiconductor S. uees[ mesue 4. yeneJe ceeheve
Deebleefjkeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW Jeenkeâ meebõlee
(a) P–2, Q–1, R–4, S–3
(b) carrier concentration in extrinsic semiconductor
(b) P–4, Q–3, R–2, S–1
yee¢e Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW Jeenkeâ meebõlee
(c) P–2, Q–4, R–1, S–3
(c) life time of polycrystalline materials
(d) P–4, Q–3, R–1, S–2
hee@ueeref›eâmšueeFve heoeLe& keâe peerJeve keâeue
523. Speed of the megger is kept at:
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
519. Thermistors are made of ..........
cesiej keâer ieefle efkeâleveer jKeer peeleer nw ?
Lee|cemšj..............mes yeves nesles nQ~ (a) 120 rpm (b) 140 rpm
(a) pure metals/Megæ Oeeleg (c) 160 rpm (d) 100 rpm
(b) pure insulators/Megæ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ 524. Which of the following devices is used to
(c) sintered mixtures and metallic oxides measure flow in an open channel?
efvemeeefole efceßeCe Deewj cesšeefuekeâ Dee@keämeeF[ Kegueer veueer ceW yeneJe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes
(d) pure semiconductor/Megæ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ efkeâme Ùegefòeâ keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
520. At what temperature value is the insulation (a) Venturimeter/JesvÛegjerceeršj
resistance corrected if it is measured to be
(b) Rotameter/jesšeceeršj
efkeâme leeheceeve hej efJeÅeglejesOeve (FbmeguesMeve) ØeeflejesOe keâes (c) Orifice/Dee@efjefHeâme
mener efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw, Ùeefo Fmekesâ ceeheve ceW Devlej nes?
(d) Pitot tube/efheše@š veueer
(a) 30 ºC 525. The limitation of the voltage multiplying circuit
(b) 25 ºC is that/Jeesušspe iegCekeâ heefjheLe keâer meercee Ùen nw efkeâ-
(c) 22 ºC
(a) The output has high ripple content
(d) 15 ºC
521. Instrument used for the comparison of DeeGšhegš ceW GÛÛe efjheue keâeBšWš neslee nw
different source is :/Deueie-Deueie œeesle kesâ leguevee (b) High output voltage is difficult to obtain
kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙes peeves Jeeuee GhekeâjCe neslee nw : GÛÛe DeeGšhegš Jeesušspe Øeehle keâjvee keâef"ve neslee nw
(a) Photo-meter / Heâesšes-ceeršj (c) High output current is difficult to obtain
(b) Candle meter / keQâ[ue ceeršj GÛÛe DeeGšhegš keâjWš Øeehle keâjvee keâef"ve neslee nw
(c) Radio meter / jsef[Ùees ceeršj
(d) The size of the capacitors becomes very large
(d) Bunsen meter / yevemesve ceeršj
kewâhesefmešj keâe Deekeâej yengle yeÌ[e nes peelee nw
*522. Match List–I with List–II and choose the
correct option below/metÛeer I keâe metÛeer II mes efceueeve 526. If an ohm meter reading immediately goes
keâerefpeS, Deewj veerÛes mener efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ practically to zero and stays there while checking
a capacitor, the capacitor is/efkeâmeer mebOeeefj$e keâes Ûeskeâ
List-I List-II
P. Pirani gauge 1. Temperature keâjles meceÙe, Ùeefo Deesceceeršj keâer jeref[bie DeÛeevekeâ peerjes
measurement neskeâj, JeneR "nj peeS, lees mebOeeefj$e nesiee–
Q. Venturimeter 2. Vacuum pressure
(a) Leaky/ueerkeâ
R. Radiation pyrometer3. Force (b) Short circuited/Meeš& meefke&âš
measurement (c) Open circuited/Keguee heefjheLe
S. Load cells 4. Flow
measurement (d) Satisfactory/mevlees<e pevekeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 637 YCT
532. Time of the day meter can measure.......
06. Fvepeeaceeršj (Tpee&ceeheer) exactly:
šeFce Dee@Heâ [s ceeršj Éeje...........keâes mešerkeâlee mes
(Energy Meter)
ceehee pee mekeâlee nw~
527. For a single phase induction type energy (a) the time/meceÙe
meter, to obtain true value reading the shunt
magnet flux must lag the applied voltage by? (b) resistance and time/ØeeflejesOe Deewj meceÙe
efmebieue Hesâpe Fb[keäMeve šeF&he Tpee& ceeršj kesâ efueS, (c) maximum value of voltage and current
mener ceeve keâe hee"Ÿeebkeâ Øeehle keâjves nsleg Mebš Ûegcyekeâ Jeesušspe Deewj Oeeje keâe GÛÛelece ceeve
keâe Heäuekeäme .......... Éeje Jeesušlee mes he§eieeceer nesvee (d) maximum demand/GÛÛelece ceeBie
ÛeeefnS~ 533. The testing of energy meter with low power
(a) 180 degree/180 ef[«eer (b) 0 degree/0 ef[«eer loss :
(c) 45 degree/45 ef[«eer (d) 90 degree/90 ef[«eer
efvecve Meefòeâ neefve kesâ meeLe Tpee& ceeršj keâe hejer#eCe
528. In order to reduce the loading effect of the nw–
circuit under test, the input impedance of an (a) phantom loading/HeQâšce ueesef[bie
electronic meter should be? (b) Predetermination test/hetCe& efveOee&jCe hejer#eCe
hejer#eCe kesâ lenle meefke&âš kesâ ueesef[bie ØeYeeJe keâes keâce
(c) Direct load test/ØelÙe#e uees[ hejer#eCe
keâjves kesâ efueS, Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ ceeršj keâe Fvehegš
(d) Low current test/efvecve Oeeje hejer#eCe
ØeefleyeeOee nesvee ÛeeefnS?
534. The pulse/KWh is 1200. The pulse rate in the
(a) low/keâce (b) high/GÛÛe meter is 20 pulses/10 minutes. The meter
(c) medium/ceOÙece (d) constant/efmLej reading for one hour is:
529. An energy meter whose constant is 700 heume/KWh 1200 nw~ ceeršj ceW heume oj 20
revolutions/kWH makes 5 revolutions in 15
heume/10 efceveš nQ~ Skeâ IeCšs kesâ efueS ceeršj jeref[bie
second. Calculate the load in kW?
Skeâ Tpee&ceeršj efpemekeâe efmLejebkeâ 700 Ûe›eâ/kWH nw–
nw, 15 meskesâC[ ceW 5 Ûe›eâ ueieelee nw~ kW ceW uees[ keâer (a) 0.1 KWh (b) 10 KWh
ieCevee keâerefpeS? (c) 20 KWh (d) 0.01 KWh
535. The function of copper shading band in an
(a) 11.51 kW (b) 1.71 kW
energy meter is:
(c) 1.21 kW (d) 1.91 kW
530. Braking torque in energy meter is produced
Skeâ Tpee& ceeršj ceW leeceü Úeove hešdšer keâe keâeÙe& nw–
to: (a) to make the power factor 1
Tpee& ceeršj ceW yeÇsefkebâie šeke&â keâe Glheeove .........kesâ Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ keâes Skeâ yeveevee~
efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (b) to adjust the phase displacement to 90o
(a) Brake the instrument/Ùeb$e keâes yeÇskeâ keâjves Hesâpe keâes 900 kesâ efJemLeeheve hej meceeÙeesefpele keâjvee
(b) Bring energy meter to standstill (c) to increase the magnetic power
Tpee&ceeršj keâes efmLej DeJemLee ceW ueeves ÛegcyekeâerÙe Meefòeâ keâes yeÌ{evee
(c) Safeguard it against creep (d) to reduce the burden/ye[&ve keâes keâce keâjvee
mejkeâve kesâ efJe™æ megjef#ele keâjves 536. If the copper shading band on the shunt
(d) Maintain steady speed and equal to driving magnet is removed; the induction type
torque/efmLej ieefle Deewj [^eFeEJeie šeke&â keâes yeveeÙes energy meter will read:
jKeves Ùeefo leeByee Úeove hešdšer keâes Mebš Ûegcyekeâ mes nše efoÙee
531. From the following constant of energy meter peeS lees FC[keäšMeve Øekeâej keâe Tpee& ceeršj heÌ{siee–
which one gives more accuracy?
(a) active power/meef›eâÙe Meefòeâ
Tpee&ceeršj kesâ efmLejebkeâeW ceW mes efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee
(b) reactive power/Øeeflekeâejer Meefòeâ
Skeâ DeefOekeâ heefjMegælee oslee nw?
(a) 600 rev/kWh (b) 1200 rev/kWh (c) apparent power/DeeYee<eer Meefòeâ
(c) 800 rev/kWh (d) 1000 rev/kWh (d) power factor/Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 638 YCT

537. Induction instruments have found widest 542. In a single phase energy meter the rotating
application as : aluminium disc passes through the space
ØesjCe GhekeâjCe ............. kesâ ™he ceW keâe JÙeehekeâ GheÙeesie between the two poles of a permanent magnet.
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ What is the function of the permanent magnet?
efmebieue Hesâpe Tpee& ceeršj ceW IetCe&ve SuÙegceerefveÙece ef[mkeâ
(a) voltmeter/Jeesušceeršj
Skeâ mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ kesâ oes OeÇgJeeW kesâ efyeÛe kesâ mhesme mes
(b) ammeter/Deceeršj
neskeâj iegpejleer nw~ Fme mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ keâe keäÙee keâeÙe& nw?
(c) frequency meter/DeeJe=efòe
ceeršj (a) It controls the rotation of disc
(d) watthour meter/Jeeš IeCše ceeršj Ùen ef[mkeâ keâe IetCe&ve efveÙebef$ele keâjlee nw~
538. The meter constant of single phase energy (b) It provides a braking torque
meter is expressed in terms of:
Ùen jesOekeâ DeeIet&Ce Øeoeve keâjlee nw
efmebieue Hesâpe Tpee& ceeršj keâe ceeršj efveÙebleekeâ ..........kesâ
(c) It provides damping/Ùen DeJecevove Øeoeve keâjlee nw
šce& ceW JÙeòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR~
(a) revolution/KWH /heefj›eâceCe/KWH
543. Induction watt hour meter is free from error:
(b) Volts/KWH /Jeesuš/KWH ØesjCe Jeeš IeCše ceeršj efkeâme $egefš mes cegòeâ neslee nw–
(c) Amps/KWH /SefcheÙej/KWH (a) Creeping/›eâerefhebie
(d) KW (b) Temperature/leeheceeve
539. If permanent brake magnet is moved away
(c) Frequency/DeeJe=efòe
from the spindle of the moving disc, energy
meter: (d) Sight/DeJeueeskeâve
Ùeefo mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ keâes Ûeue ef[mkeâ kesâ Oegjs mes otj ues 544. The major cause for creeping in energy meter
peeÙee peelee nw lees Tpee& ceeršj–
Tpee& ceeršj ceW ›eâerefhebie keâe ØecegKe keâejCe nw–
(a) will run fast/lespeer mes Ûeuesiee
(a) Vibrations/keâcheve
(b) will run slow/Oeercee Ûeuesiee
(b) Stray magnetic fields/heLe Yeü° ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e
(c) no effect/keâesF& ØeYeeJe veneR nesiee
(c) Excessive voltage across the potential coil
(d) will come to a stop/™keâ peeSiee
efJeYeJe kegâC[ueer kesâ Deej-heej DelÙeefOekeâ Jeesušspe
540. If voltage supply to the energy meter is more (d) Over compensation for friction
than the rated and no load is connected, the
Ie<e&Ce kesâ efueS Deefle #eeflehetefle&
energy meter may run?
Ùeefo Tpee& ceeršj keâes Gmekesâ efveÙele Jeesušspe mes pÙeeoe 545. In energy meter, the speed of disc is steady
when :
Jeesušspe Deehetefle& efkeâ peeS Deewj keâesF& Yeej ve peesÌ[e peeS Tpee& ceeršj ceW, ef[mkeâ keâer Ûeeue efmLej nesleer nw peye–
leye Tpee& ceeršj Ûeue mekeâlee nw? (a) Operating torque is equal to or less than half
(a) slow/Oeercee the braking torque/Deehejsefšbie šeke&â keâe ceeve yeÇsefkebâie
(b) fast/lespe šeke&â kesâ ceeves kesâ DeeOes kesâ yejeyej Ùee keâce neslee nw~
(c) could be A and B/A Deewj B nes mekeâles nw (b) Operating torque is equal to the braking
(d) not run at all/efyeukegâue veneR Ûeuesiee torque/Deehejsefšbie šeke&â keâe ceeve, yeÇsefkebâie šeke&â kesâ
541. In induction type energy meter two holes are yejeyej neslee nw~
drilled in the aluminium disc is to reduce an (c) Braking torque is zero/yeÇsefkebâie šeke&â MetvÙe neslee nw~
error. Name the error: (d) Braking torque is more than operating torque
ØesjCe Øekeâej kesâ Tpee& ceeršj ceW $egefš keâes keâce keâjves kesâ yeÇsefkebâie šekeâ&, Deehejsefšbie šeke&â mes pÙeeoe neslee nw?
efueS SuÙegceerefveÙece kesâ ef[mkeâ hej oes Úso yeveeÙes peeles nQ~ 546. The induction type energy meter is basically:
Gme $egefš keâe veece nw– ØesjCe Øekeâej kesâ Tpee& ceeršj cetue ™he mes nesles nwb–
(a) Creeping error/›eâerefhebie $egefš (a) Watt meter/Jee@š ceeršj
(b) Frictional error/Ie<e&Ce $egefš (b) True watt-hour meter/JeemleefJekeâ Jeeš-IeCše ceeršj
(c) Mechanical error/Ùeeefv$ekeâ $egefš (c) an ampere hour meter/ScheerÙej-IeCše ceeršj
(d) Systematic error/JÙeJeefmLele $egefš (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 639 YCT

547. Which instrument utilises magnetic effect 552. In an energymeter braking torque is
principle? produced to
keâewve-mee GheÙev$e ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeYeeJe efmeæevle keâe Skeâ Tpee& ceeršj ceW yeÇseEkeâie yeueeIetCe& ................ kesâ
GheÙeesie keâjlee nw? efueS Glheeefole efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) Energy meters/Tpee& ceeheer (a) safe guard it against creep
(b) Volt meters/Jeesušceeršj mejkeâve kesâ efJe®æ megjef#ele iee[&
(c) Watt meters/Jee@šceeršj (b) brake the instrument/GhekeâjCe jesOekeâ
(d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (c) bring energy meter to stand still
548. If voltage supply to the energy meter is more Tpee& ceeršj keâes efJejece ceW ueeves kesâ efueS
than the rated value, energy meter will run (d) maintain steady speed and equal to driving
Ùeefo Tpee& ceeršj ceW Jeesušspe mehueeF& jsšs[ ceeve mes torque/efmLej ieefle yeveeÙes jKeves Deewj [^eFeEJeie yeue
DeefOekeâ nw, lees Tpee& ceeršj Ûeuesiee DeeIetCe& kesâ yejeyej
(a) slow/Oeercee 553. Various adjustments in an energy meter
(b) fast/lespe
Skeâ Tpee& ceeršj ceW efJeefYeVe meceeÙeespeve Meeefceue nesles nQ
(c) either of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(a) light load or friction/nukeâe Yeej Ùee Ie<e&Ce
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) lag and creep/Oeerjs Ûeuevee Deewj mejkeâvee
549. Aluminium is selected as the material for
(c) temperature compensation
rotating disc of energy meter because
Tpee&ceeršj kesâ IetCe&keâ ef[mkeâ kesâ efueS heoeLe& kesâ ™he ceW leeheceeve #eeflehetefle&
SuÙegefceefveÙece keâes Ûegvee peelee nw keäÙeesefkeâ– (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
554. The adjustment of position of shading bands,
(a) it is good conductor/Ùen DeÛÚe Ûeeuekeâ nw
in an energy meter is done to provide
(b) it is light/Ùen nukeâe neslee nw
Skeâ Tpee& ceeršj ceW ÚeÙeebefkeâle yewC[ keâer efmLeefle keâe
(c) it is indigenously available
meceeÙeespeve ................. Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee
Ùen mJeosMeerÙe GheueyOe nw
peelee nw~
(d) all of the above reasons
(a) friction compensation/Ie<e&Ce #eeflehetefle&
Ghejesòeâ meYeer keâejCeeW mes
(b) creep compensation/›eâerhe #eeflehetefle&
550. The phenomenon of 'creeping' occurs in
‘›eâereEheie’ keâer Iešvee .......... ceW nesleer nw (c) braking torque/yeÇsefkebâie yeueeIetCe&

(a) Ammeters/DeceeršjeW (d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
555. The chemical effect of current is used in
(b) Voltmeters/JeesušceeršjeW
Oeeje keâs jemeeÙeefvekeâ ØeYeeJe keâe ØeÙeesie ...........ceW
(c) Wattmeters/Jee@šceeršjeW
efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(d) Watthour meters/Jee@šDee@Jej ceeršjeW
(a) D.C. ammeter hour meter
551. Two holes in the disc of energymeter are
drilled at the opposite sides of the spindle to
[er.meer. Deceeršj IeCše ceeršj
Tpee& ceeršj keâer ef[mkeâ ceW oes nesue............ kesâ efueS (b) D.C. ammeter/[er.meer. Deceeršj
Oetjer kesâ efJehejerle efkeâveejeW hej ef[^ue efkeâÙes peeles nQ (c) D.C. energy meter/[er.meer. Tpee& ceeršj
(a) improve its ventilation (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Fmekesâ JeeÙeg-mebÛeeueve ceW megOeej 556. The household energy meter is
(b) eliminate creeping at no load Iejsuet Tpee& ceeršj neslee nw–
efveYee&j hej mejkeâve keâes Kelce keâjves (a) an indicating instrument/Skeâ mebkesâlekeâ GhekeâjCe
(c) increase its deflecting torque (b) a recording instrument/Skeâ DeefYeuesKeve GhekeâjCe
Fmekesâ efJe#esheCe yeue DeeIetCe& ceW Je=efæ (c) an integrating instrument
(d) increase its braking torque Skeâ meceekeâueve GhekeâjCe
Fmekesâ yeÇseEkeâie yeue DeeIetCe& keâes yeÌ{eves (d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 640 YCT

557. Which of the following is an essential part of 3. It uses a permanent magnet for rotation of
a motor meter? aluminium disc./ Ùen SuÙegefceefveÙece ef[mkeâ kesâ
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee ceesšj ceeršj keâe IetCe&ve kesâ efueS Skeâ mLeeÙeer Ûegbyekeâ keâe GheÙeesie
DeeJeMÙekeâ Yeeie nw? keâjlee nw~
(a) An operating torque system 4. It employs a high control torque./Ùen Skeâ
Skeâ ØeÛeeefuele DeeIetCe& ØeCeeueer GÛÛe efveÙebef$ele DeeIetCe& keâes ØeÙeesie keâjlee nw
(b) A braking device/Skeâ yeÇsefkebâie GhekeâjCe Which of these statements are correct?
(c) Revolution registering device FveceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw?
efjJee@uÙetMeve hebpeerkeâjCe GhekeâjCe (a) 1, 2, 3 and 4/ 1,2,3 Deewj 4
(d) All of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer (b) 1 and 2 only/ kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
558. Induction type single phase energy meters (c) 2 and 3 only/ kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
measure electric energy in
(d) 3 and 4 only/ kesâJeue 3 Deewj 4
ØesjCe Øee™heer Skeâue keâuee Tpee& ceeršj JewÅegle Tpee& keâes
562. For controlling the vibration of the disc of an
.......... cesb ceeheles nQ~ AC energy meter, damping torque is produced
(a) kW (b) Wh by
(c) kWh (d) VAR Skeâ Smeer Tpee& ceeršj kesâ ef[mkeâ kesâ kebâheve keâes efveÙebef$ele
559. Most common form of A.C. meters met with in keâjves kesâ efueS, DeJecebove DeeIetCe&..........Éeje GlheVe
every day domestic and industrial installations efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) eddy current/ YebJej Oeeje
A.C. ceeršj keâe meyemes meeOeejCe ™he pees nj efove Iejsuet
(b) chemical effect/ jemeeÙeefvekeâ ØeYeeJe
Deewj DeewÅeesefiekeâ Øeefle<"eveeW mes efceuelee nw–
(c) electrostatic effect/ efJeÅegle mLeweflekeâ ØeYeeJe
(a) mercury motor meters/ceke&âjer ceesšj ceeršme&
(d) magnetic effect/ ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeYeeJe
(b) commutator motor meters/keâcÙetšsšj ceesšj ceeršme&
563. Creep error may occur in induction type
(c) induction type single phase energy meters
energy meter due to
ØesjCe Øee™heer Skeâue keâuee Tpee& ceeršme& ØesjCe Øekeâej Tpee& ceeršj ceW ›eâerhe $egefš......kesâ keâejCe
(d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes meYeer GlheVe nesleer nw~
560. The current coil of a single-phase energy meter (a) incorrect position of brake magnet
is wound on
yeÇskeâ Ûebgyekeâ keâer ieuele efmLeefle
Skeâue ÛejCe Tpee& ceeršj keâer Oeeje kebgâ[ueer ........... hej
(b) incorrect adjustment of position of shading
JeeGb[b nesleer nw~ band/ Úeove heóer keâer efmLeefle keâes ieuele meceeÙeespeve
(a) one limb of the laminated core (c) overvoltage across voltage coil
uewefcevesšs[ keâesj kesâ Skeâ efuebye hej Jeesušspe kegâC[ueer kesâ S›eâeme DeesJej Jeesušspe
(b) both the limbs of the laminated core with (d) increase in temperature/ leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ
same number of turns/ meceeve šveeX keâer mebKÙee kesâ 564. Which one of the following is the main cause of
meeLe uewefcevesšs[ keâesj keâer oesveeW efuecye hej creeping in the induction type energy meters?
(c) both the limbs of the laminated core with ØesjCe Øekeâej kesâ Tpee& ceeršj ceW efvecve ceW mes keâewve ›eâerefhebie
different number of turns/ efYeVe šveeX keâer mebKÙee kesâ keâe cegKÙe keâejCe nw-
meeLe uewefcevesšs[ keâesj keâes oesveeW efuebye hej (a) Friction compensation/ Ie<e&Ce
(d) the center of the limb on the laminated core (b) Lag/Lead compensation/ uewie/ueer[ kebâhevemesMeve
uewefcevesšs[ keâesj hej efuebye kesâ keWâõ hej (c) Overload compensation/ DeesJej Yeej kebâhevemesMeve
561. Consider the following statements associated (d) Braking torque producing system
with an energy meter :
yeÇsefkebâie DeeIetCe& Glheeove ØeCeeueer
Tpee& ceeršj mes mecyeefvOele efvecve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
565. In a single-phase induction type energy meter,
1. It is an integrating type instrument. the lag adjustment is done to ensure that
Ùen Skeâ meceekeâefuele Øekeâej keâe GhekeâjCe nw~ Skeâue keâuee ØesjCe Øekeâej kesâ Tpee& ceeršj ceW .............
2. It is an induction type instrument. Ùen megefveef§ele keâjves kesâ efueS he§e meceeÙeespeve efkeâÙee
Ùen Skeâ ØesjCe Øekeâej keâe GhekeâjCe nw~ peelee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 641 YCT
(a) current coil flux lags the applied voltage by 568. Consider the following statements:
90o./Oeeje kegâC[ueer heäuekeäme ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe mes 90º uewie nw efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
(b) pressure coil flux lags the applied voltage by Adjustment is required in an induction type
90 ./ oeye kegâC[ueer heäuekeäme ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe mes 90º uewie nw
o energy meter in the following manner so that it
can be compensated for slowdown of speed on
(c) pressure coil flux is in phase with the applied
the specified load due to some unspecified
voltage./ oeye kegâC[ueer heäuekeäme ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe kesâ meeLe reason :
hesâpe ceW nw efvecveefueefKele Øekeâej mes Skeâ ØesjCe Øekeâej kesâ Tpee& ceeršj
(d) current coil flux lags the pressure coil flux by ceW meceeÙeespeve keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw, leeefkeâ efkeâmeer
90o./ Oeeje kegâC[ueer heäuekeäme, oeye kegâC[ueer heäuekeäme mes Deefveefo&° kesâ keâejCe efveefo&° Yeej hej ieefle ceW keâceer kesâ
90º mes uewie nw efueS Fmes meceeÙeesefpele efkeâÙee pee mekesâ :
566. In an induction type energy meter, the steady 1. Adjusting the position of braking magnet
speed attained by the rotating disc is and moving it away from the centre of the
Skeâ ØesjCe Øekeâej Tpee& ceeršj ceW, IetCe&ve ef[mkeâ Éeje Øeehle disc./yesef›ebâie Ûegbyekeâ keâer efmLeefle keâes meceeÙeesefpele
efmLej ieefle nw- keâjvee Deewj Fmes ef[mkeâ kesâ keWâõ mes otj ues peevee~
2. Adjusting the position of braking magnet
1. proportional to the deflecting torque. and moving it closer to the centre of the
efJeÛeueve DeeIetCe& kesâ Deevegheeeflekeâ disc./yesef›ebâie Ûegbyekeâ keâer efmLeefle keâes meceeÙeesefpele
2. proportional to the resistance of the path of keâjvee Deewj Fmes ef[mkeâ kesâ keWâõ kesâ keâjerye ues peevee~
eddy currents./ YebJej OeejeDeeW kesâ ceeie& kesâ 3. Adjusting the load./Yeej keâes meceeÙeesefpele keâjvee~
ØeeflejesOe kesâ Deevegheeeflekeâ Which of these statements are correct?
3. inversely proportional to the effective FveceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw?
radius of disc from its axis./ Deheves De#e mes (a) 1, 2 and 3/ 1, 2 Deewj 3
ef[mkeâ kesâ ØeYeeJeer ef$epÙee kesâ efJehejerle Deevegheeeflekeâ (b) 1 only/ kesâJeue 1
4. inversely proportional to the square of (c) 2 only/ kesâJeue 2
brake magnet flux./ yeÇskeâ Ûegbyekeâ Heäuekeäme kesâ Jeie& (d) 3 only/ kesâJeue 3
kesâ efJehejerle Deevegheeeflekeâ 569. Consider following statements:
Which of the above are correct? efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mee mener nw? A 'phantom' load used while testing a high
capacity energy meter
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only/ kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 3 Skeâ GÛÛe #ecelee Tpee& ceeršj keâe hejer#eCe keâjles meceÙe
(b) 1, 2 and 4 only/ kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 4 Skeâ ‘heQâšce’ Yeej keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only/ kesâJeue 2, 3 Deewj 4 1. consists of inductances and capacitances so
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/ 1, 2, 3 Deewj 4 that there is no energy loss during testing./
ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Oeeefjlee mes efceuekeâj yevee nw leeefkeâ
567. If an induction type energy meter runs fast, it
hejer#eCe kesâ oewjeve keâesF& Tpee& neefve ve nes~
can be slowed down by
2. saves energy during testing because its
Ùeefo Skeâ ØesjCe Øekeâej Tpee& ceeršj lespeer mes Ûeuelee nw, lees value changes very rapidly from the
Fmes ............. Éeje Oeercee efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ highest to the lowest, thus enabling quick
(a) lag adjustment./ uewie meceeÙeespeve Éeje measurement./hejer#eCe kesâ oewjeve Tpee& keâer
yeÛele nesleer nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekeâe ceeve GÛÛelece mes
(b) light load adjustment./ nukesâ Yeej meceeÙeespeve Éeje
efvecvelece lekeâ yengle lespeer mes yeouelee nw, Fme Øekeâej
(c) adjusting the position of braking magnet and
lJeefjle ceehe keâes me#ece keâjlee nw~
moving it closer to the centre of the disc.
3. involves supplying the voltage circuit with
yeÇsefkebâie Ûegbyekeâ keâer efmLeefle keâes meceeÙeesefpele keâjkesâ Deewj Fmes the required voltage and the current
ef[mkeâ kesâ keWâõ kesâ keâjerye ues peekeâj circuit from a separate low voltage supply.
(d) adjusting the position of the braking magnet DeeJeMÙekeâ Jeesušspe kesâ meeLe Jeesušspe heefjheLe keâer
and moving it away from the centre of the Deehetefle& keâjvee Deewj Skeâ Deueie efvecve Jeesušspe
disc./ yesÇefkebâie Ûegbyekeâ keâer efmLeefle keâes meceeÙeesefpele keâjkesâ Deehetefle& mes Oeeje heefjheLe keâer Deehetefle& keâes Meeefceue
Deewj Fmes ef[mkeâ kesâ keWâõ mes otj ues peekeâj keâjlee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 642 YCT
Of these statements 575. If an energy meter makes 5 revolutions in 100
Fve keâLeveeW ceW- seconds, when a load of 225 W is connected, the
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct/ 1, 2 Deewj 3 mener nQ meter constant is
(b) 1 and 2 are correct/ 1 Deewj 2 mener nQ Ùeefo Skeâ Tpee& ceeršj 100 meskebâ[ ceW 5 heefj›eâceCe keâjlee
(c) 1 and 3 are correct/ 1 Deewj 3 mener nQ nw, peye 225W keâe Skeâ Yeej pegÌ[e nw, ceeršj efmLejebkeâ nw-
(d) 2 and 3 are correct/ 2 Deewj 3 mener nQ (a) 800 rev/kWh (b) 222 rev/kWh
*570. A dc A-h meter is rated for 15 A. 250 V. The (c) 147 rev/kWh (d) 13 rev/kWh
meter constant is 14.4 A-s/rev. The meter 576. The meter constant of a single-phase energy
constant at rated voltage may be expressed as meter is 500 rev/kWh. It is found that with a
Skeâ [er.meer A-h ceeršj 15A, 250V kesâ efueS jsšs[ nw~ load of 5 kW, it makes 40 revolutions in 50 sec.
ceeršj efmLejebkeâ 14.4 A-s/rev nw~ jsšs[ Jeesušspe hej ceeršj The percentage error is
efmLejebkeâ ............ kesâ ™he ceW JÙeòeâ efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw- Skeâue keâuee Tpee& ceeršj keâe ceeršj efmLejebkeâ 500 rev/kWh
(a) 3750 rev/kWh (b) 3600 rev/kWh nw~ Ùen heeÙee ieÙee efkeâ 5 kW Yeej kesâ meeLe, Ùen 50 meskebâ[
(c) 1000 rev/kWh (d) 960 rev/kWh ceW 40 heefj›eâceCe keâjlee nw~ ØeefleMele $egefš nw-
*571. If an energy meter disc makes 10 revolutions in (a) 5.25% (b) 10.5%
100 seconds when a load of 450 W is connected
to it, the meter constant (in rev/kWh) is (c) 15.20% (d) 20%
Ùeefo keâesF& Tpee& ceeršj ef[mkeâ 100 meskebâ[ ceW 10 Ûekeäkeâj 577. An energy meter having a meter constant of
1,200 rev per kWh is found to make 5
ueieeleer nw peye 450 Jeeš keâe Yeej Gmemes pegÌ[e neslee nw, revolutions in 75 seconds. The load power is
ceeršj efmLejebkeâ (rev/kWh ceW) nw- Skeâ Tpee& ceeršj efpemeceW 1,200 rev Øeefle kWh keâe ceeršj
(a) 1000 (b) 500 efmLejebkeâ neslee nw, 75 meskebâ[ ceW 5 heefj›eâceCe keâjlee heeÙee
(c) 1600 (d) 800 peelee nw~ Yeej Meefòeâ nw-
*572. A single-phase energy meter having meter
(a) 500 W (b) 100 W
constant of 200 rev/kWh is operating on 230 V,
(c) 200 W (d) 1,000 W
50 Hz supply with a load of 10 A, and at unity
578. An energy meter connected to an immersion
power factor for three hours continuously. The
heater (resistive) operating on an ac 230V, 50
number of revolutions shown by the meter
Hz, ac single phase source reads 2.3 units
during this period is
(kWh) in one hour. The heater is removed from
Skeâ Skeâue-ÛejCe Tpee& ceeršj efpemeceW 200 rev/kWh the supply and now connected to a 400 V peak-
keâe ceeršj efmLejebkeâ nw, 10A Yeej kesâ meeLe 230V, 50 Hz to-peak wave source of 150 Hz. The power in
Deehetefle& hej ØeÛeeueve keâj jne nw Deewj leerve Iebšs ueieeleej kW dissipated by the heater will be
FkeâeF& Meefòeâ iegCekeâ hej nw~ Fme DeJeefOe kesâ oewjeve ceeršj Skeâ efJemepe&ve neršj (ØeeflejesOekeâ) mes pegÌ[e Skeâ Tpee&
Éeje efoKeeS ieS heefj›eâceCe keâer mebKÙee nw- ceeršj pees Skeâ 230 Jeesuš Smeer, 50 Hz hej mebÛeeefuele nw,
(a) 13800 Skeâ Skeâue ÛejCe Œeesle ceW 1 Iebšs ceW 2.3 Ùetefveš (kWh)
(b) 1380 heÌ{lee nw~ neršj keâes Deehetefle& mes nše efoÙee peelee nw Deewj
(c) 276 400 Jeesuš kesâ 150 Hz kesâ heerkeâ-št-heerkeâ lejbie Œeesle mes
(d) 138 peesÌ[e peelee nw~ neršj Éeje #eÙe ceW Meefòeâ kW nesieer-
573. One single-phase energy meter operating on
(a) 3.478 (b) 1.739
230 V and 5 A for 5 hours makes 1940
(c) 1.540 (d) 0.870
revolutions. Meter constant is 400 rev/kWh.
579. An instrument always extracts some energy
The power factor of the load is
from the measured medium. Thus the
Skeâ Skeâue-ÛejCe Tpee& ceeršj 230V Deewj 5A hej 5 Iebšs measured quantity is always disturbed by the
lekeâ Ûeueves hej 1940 heefj›eâceCe keâjlee nw~ ceeršj efmLejebkeâ act of measurement, which makes a perfect
400 rev/kWh nw~ Yeej keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ nw- measurement theoretically impossible and it is
(a) 1.0 (b) 0.8 due to
(c) 0.7 (d) 0.6 Skeâ GhekeâjCe ncesMee ceeheve kesâ ceeOÙece mes kegâÚ Tpee&
*574. The meter constant of a single-phase 230 V efvekeâeuelee nw~ Fme Øekeâej ceeheer ieÙeer jeefMe ncesMee ceeheve
induction watt hour meter is 400 rev/kWh. The kesâ keâeÙe& mes nesleer nw~ pees mewæebeflekeâ ™he mes Skeâ mešerkeâ
speed of the meter disc for a current of 10 A of
0.9 pf lagging will be
ceehe keâes DemebYeJe yeveelee nw, Deewj Ùen -------kesâ
Skeâ Skeâue-ÛejCe 230V ØesjCe Jee@š Iebše ceeršj keâe keâejCe neslee nw~
ceeršj efmLejebkeâ 400 rev/kWh nw~ 0.9 pf uewefiebie kesâ 10 (a) skin-effect. / efmkeâve ØeYeeJe
A kesâ Oeeje kesâ efueS ceeršj ef[mkeâ keâer ieefle nesieer- (b) inductive effect. / ØesjkeâerÙe ØeYeeJe
(a) 13.80 rpm (b) 16.02 rpm (c) loading effect. / YeejCe ØeYeeJe
(c) 18.20 rpm (d) 21.10 rpm (d) Lorenz effect. / ueejsvpe ØeYeeJe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 643 YCT
*583. A synchro transmitter transformer pair is used
07. efJeefJeOe ceeheve GheÙeb$e DeLee&le as error detector. The sensitivity of the pair is
100 V/radian. The rotor of the transformer
ceeheÙeb$e /(Miscellaneous turns through an angle of 0.5 radian while the
Measuring Instrument) transformer rotor turns through an angle of
0.45 radian. The value of error signal
representing the two shaft positions is?
580. A synchro transmitter consists of a? Skeâ efmev›eâes š^ebmeceeršj š^ebmeHeâece&j Ùegice $egefš ef[šskeäšj kesâ
Skeâ efmev›eâesš^evmeceeršj ceW neslee nw? ™he ceW ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Ùegice keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee
(a) salient pole rotor winding excited by an ac
100V/jsef[Ùeve nw~ š^ebmeHeâece&j keâe jesšj 0.5 jsef[Ùeve kesâ
supply and a 3-phase balanced stator
winding/ Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Deewj 3-ÛejCe mevlegefuele
keâesCe mes iegpejlee nw peyeefkeâ š^ebmeHeâece&j jesšj 0.45
mšsšj JeeFef[bie Éeje Gòesefpele cegKÙe OeÇgJe jesšj kegbâ[ueve, jsef[Ùeve kesâ keâesCe mes cegÌ[lee nw~ oes Mee@Heäš efmLeefle keâe
(b) three phase balanced stator winding excited ØeefleefveefOelJe keâjves Jeeues $egefš mebkesâle keâe ceeve nw?
by a three-phase balanced ac signal and rotor (a) 5 V (b) 99.5 V
connected to a dc voltage source (c) 90 V (d) 10 V
ef$e-keâuee meblegefuele mšsšj JeeFbef[bie, efkeâmeer $eer-keâuee 584. Consider the following statements regarding
meblegefuele S.meer efmeiveue Deewj [er.meer. Jeesušlee Œeesle mes constructional features of synchros?
mebÙeesefpele jesšj Éeje Gòesefpele nesleer nw efmev›eâesme keâer jÛeveelcekeâ efJeMes<elee kesâ yeejs ceW
(c) salient pole rotor winding excited by a dc efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
signal/ØecegKe mecegvvele OeÇgJe jesšj kegbâ[ueve [er.meer. 1. Synchro repeater has a three phase stator and
efmeiveue Éeje Gòesefpele neslee nw a three phase rotor/efmeb›eâes efjheeršj ceW leerve ÛejCe
(d) cylindrical rotor winding and a stepped stator mšsšj Deewj leerve ÛejCe jesšj nesles nQ
excited by pulses/yesueveekeâej jesšj kegbâ[ueve Deewj Skeâ 2. Disc shaped rotor of the synchro control
transformer offers a low resistance to the
mšsh[ mšsšj heumeeW Éeje Gòesefpele neslee nw magnetic path
581. A synchro is used to?
efmeb›eâeW kebâš^esue š^ebmeHeâece&j kesâ ef[mkeâ Deekeâej Jeeues jesšj
Skeâ efmeb›eâes keâe GheÙeesie .......... kesâ efueS neslee nw~ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heLe kesâ efueS efvecve ØeeflejesOe Dee@Heâj keâjles nw
(a) accelerate a rotating shaft 3. Synchro transmitter has a frictionless bearing
Skeâ IetCe&ve Mee@Heäš keâes lJeefjle keâjves efmeb›eâes š^ebmeceeršj ceW Ie<e&Ce jefnle efyeÙeefjbie neslee nw
(b) convert an angular position of a shaft into an Of these statements?
electrical signal
Fve keâLeveeW ceW?
Mee@Heäš kesâ keâesCeerÙe efmLeefle keâes efJeÅegle mebkesâle ceW heefjJeefle&le
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct/1, 2 Deewj 3 mener nw
(b) 1 alone is correct/1 Dekesâues mener nw
(c) convert linear motion into angular position
jwefKekeâ ieefle keâes keâesCeerÙe efmLeefle ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves (c) 2 alone is correct/2 Dekesâues mener nw
(d) amplify low frequency signals (d) 2 and 3 are correct/2 Deewj 3 mener nw
efvecve DeeJe=efòe mebkesâlees keâes ØeJeefOe&le keâjves 585. The limitation of bellow element application to
measurement is due to their lack of?
582. Which of the following statements is not true?
ceehe keâjves kesâ efueS yesuees Sueercesvš ShueerkesâMeve keâer meercee
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe veneR nw?
Gvekeâer efkeâme keâceer kesâ keâejCe nw?
(a) Potentiometric linear displacement can give
high output signal (a) flexural rigidity/ceesÌ[ves keâer keâ"esjlee
heesšWefMeÙeescesefš^keâ jwefKekeâ efJemLeeheve GÛÛe DeeGšhegš (b) low spring rate/keâce efmØebie jsš
efmeiveue os mekeâlee nw (c) zero stability/MetvÙe efmLejlee
(b) LVDT transformer has low output impedance (d) flexibility/ueÛeerueeheve
LVDT š^ebmeHeâe@ce&j ceW efvecve DeeGšhegš ØeefleyeeOee nesleer nw 586. The shunt type ohmmeter will have zero
(c) Synchros and resolvers have low accuracy reading at the:
efmeb›eâesme Deewj efjmeeuJej keâer ÙeLee&Lelee efvecve nesleer nw Mebš Øekeâej Deesåceceeršj ceW ........... hej MetvÙe jeref[bie
(d) Eddy current proximity transducers are non- nesieer–
contact type transducers (a) centre of the scale/hee"dÙeebkeâ kesâ yeerÛe ceW
YebJej Oeeje efvekeâšlee š^ebme[Ÿetmej iewj-mebheke&â Øekeâej kesâ (b) right hand end of the scale
š^ebme[Ÿetmeme& nesles nQ hee"dÙeebkeâ kesâ oeefnves efmejs hej
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 644 YCT
(c) left hand end of the scale 592. The working principle of earth tester is:
hee"dÙeebkeâ kesâ yeeBÙes efmejs hej DeLe& šsmšj keâe keâeÙe& efmeæevle nw–
(d) anywhere according to manufacturer (a) fall of potential method/efJeYeJe heleve efJeefOe
efvecee&lee kesâ Devegmeej keâneR Yeer (b) Wheatstone bridge principle
587. Instruments which must not be used in the ef£šmšesve efyeÇpe efmeæevle
circuit when the power is ON are?
Meefòeâ ON nesves hej heefjheLe ceW efkeâme GhekeâjCe keâe (c) Voltage divider method/Jeesušspe efJeYeòeâ efJeefOe
GheÙeesie veneR keâjvee ÛeeefnS? (d) Meter bridge principle/ceeršj efyeÇpe efmeæeble
(a) ohm meter and Megger/ ohm ceeršj Deewj cesiej 593. VAh metering can be done by using?
(b) Phase sequence meter and energy meter VAh ceeršefjbie ............ keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ efkeâÙee pee
keâuee Deveg›eâce ceeršj Deewj Tpee&ceeršj mekeâlee nw?
(c) Frequency meter and tong tester (a) A ball and disc friction gearing
DeeJe=efòe ceeršj Deewj šeBie šsmšj ieWo Deewj ef[mkeâ Ie<e&Ce efieÙej
(d) Watt meter and PF meter (b) Trivector meter/š^eF&Jeskeäšj ceeršj
Jee@šceeršj Deewj PF ceeršj (c) Bridge connected rectifier
588. The ratio error of a current transformer is due efyeÇpe mebÙeesefpele efo°keâejer
Oeeje š^ebmeHeâece&j ceW Devegheele $egefš.......... kesâ keâe keâejCe (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
nesleer nw~ 594. Which of following statement are correct in
case of power factor meter?
(a) exciting current/Gòesefpele Oeeje
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceeršj kesâ mecyevOe ceW efvecveefueefKele ceW mes
(b) stray magnetic field/efJeheefLele ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e
keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
(c) corona effect/keâesjesvee ØeYeeJe
(a) The restoring torque is provided by a
(d) leakage flux/#ejCe Heäuekeäme
controlling torque/kebâš^esefuebie šeke&â Éeje efjmšesefjbie
589. The phase difference between the currents in
the two pressure coils in PF meter is: šeke&â Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Meefkeäle iegCekeâ ceeršj ceW oes oeye kegâC[ueer ceW OeejeDeeW kesâ (b) It consist of two coils mounted at right angles
yeerÛe keâueeblej nw– to each other/FmeceW oes keäJee@Ùeue nesles nQ pees Skeâ otmejs
(a) Approximately 0o/ueieYeie 00 kesâ mecekeâesCe hej efmLele nesles nQ~
(b) Approximately 90o/ueieYeie 900 (c) The deflection is proportional to phase angle
between field coil and crossed
(c) Exactly 0o/"erkeâ 00
(d) Exactly 90o/"erkeâ 900
#es$e kegbâ[ueve Deewj ›eâe@me kesâ yeerÛe keâuee keâesCe efJe#esheCe kesâ
590. The scale range marked on the dial of the
meceevegheeleer neslee nw
megger is: (d) Both B and C/B Deewj C oesveeW
cesiej kesâ [e@Ùeue hej efÛeefvnle mkesâue hejeme neslee nw– 595. In measurement system, the function of the
(a) 500 Megaohm to zero ohm signal manipulating elements is to:
500 cesiee Deesåce mes MetvÙe Deesåce ceeheve ØeCeeueer ceW, efmeiveue cewveerhegguesefšbie DeJeÙeJe kesâ
(b) Infinity to zero ohm/Devevle mes MetvÙe Deesåce ØeÙeesie keâe cetue keâeÙe& nw–
(c) 50 Megaohm to zero ohm (a) to perform linear operation like addition and
50 cesiee Deesåce mes MetvÙe Deesåce multiplication/Ùeesie Deewj iegCee keâer lejn jsKeerÙe
(d) 1000 Megaohm to zero ohm ØeÛeeueve hejHeâece& keâjvee
1000 cesiee Deesåce mes MetvÙe Deesåce (b) to perform non linear operation like clipping
591. In a cross coil megger, when two currents are filtering, chopping and clamping
passing through them. The torque acting up on efkeäueefhebie, efHeâušefjbie, Ûeesefhebie Deewj keäuewefchebie keâer lejn
the coil? jsKeerÙe ØeÛeeueve hejHeâece& keâjvee
Skeâ ›eâe@me kegâC[ueer cesiej ceW, peye oes OeejeSB Gvekesâ yeerÛe (c) change the magnitude of the input signal
mes iegpej jner nesleer nw, kegâC[ueer hej DeefYeveÙe keâjves Jeeuee while retaining its identity
DeeIetCe& nesiee? Deheveer henÛeeve yeveeÙes jKeles ngS Fvehegš efmeiveue kesâ
(a) opposite direction/efJehejerle efoMee heefjCeece keâes yeoueves kesâ efueS
(b) same direction/meceeve efoMee (d) change the quantity under measurement to an
(c) Tanφ analogues signal/ceeheve kesâ Devleie&le cee$ee keâes
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW keâesF& veneR Sveeuee@ie efmeiveue ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 645 YCT
596. The secondary of a C.T. should never be open voltmeter/Jeesušceeršj
circuit: ammeter/Deceeršj
C.T. keâer efÉleerÙekeâ keâYeer Deesheve meefke&âš veneR nesveer ohm meter/Deesÿe ceeršj
ÛeeefnS– (d)
megger (megaohm meter)
(a) because it cause saturation of the iron core cesiej (cesiee Deesÿe ceeršj)
keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen ueewn keâesj kesâ meble=efhle keâe keâejCe yevelee nw~ 601. Which is the apparatus used for testing rotor of
(b) because it induces very high voltage in the an induction motor?
secondary causing breakdown of insulation Fb[keäMeve ceesšj kesâ jesšj kesâ hejer#eCe kesâ efueS efkeâme
and danger to operating personnel GhekeâjCe keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen efÉleerÙekeâ ceW yengle DeefOekeâ Jeesušspe Øesefjle
(a) Digital multimeter/ef[efpešue ceušerceeršj
keâjlee nw efpememes efJeÅeglejesOeve ve° nes peelee nw Deewj
(b) Megger/cesiej
Deehejsefšbie keâefce&ÙeeW keâes Keleje neslee nw~
(c) Tong tester/šeBie šsmšj
(c) because it may cause permanent saturation of
(d) Growler/«eeGuej
core in the event of primary becoming
opened there by reducing its permeability and 602. Megger is used to find out insulation resistance
increasing ratio and phase angle error in preference to ohm meter because:
keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen ØeeLeefcekeâ Keguee nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW keâesj keâer Deesce ceeršj kesâ yepeeÙe cesiej keâe GheÙeesie efJeÅeglejesOeve
mLeeÙeer meble=efhle keâe keâejCe yeve mekeâlee nw~ leeefkeâ Fmekeâer ØeeflejesOe keâe helee ueieeves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
heejiecÙelee keâes keâce keâjles ngS Deewj Devegheele Deewj ÛejCe keäÙeeWefkeâ–
keâesCe $egefš keâes yeÌ{eles ngS (a) it avoids the use of cells
Ùen mesueeW kesâ GheÙeesie mes yeÛeelee nw~
(d) all above the true/Thej ceW meYeer melÙe~
(b) it has higher potential than ohm meter
597. An ohmmeter is basically:
Fmekeâe efJeYeJe, Deesce ceeršj kesâ leguevee ceW pÙeeoe neslee nw~
Skeâ Deesceceeršj meceevÙele: neslee nw–
(c) it can record wide range of resistance
(a) an ammeter/Skeâ Deceeršj Ùen ØeeflejesOe keâe efJemle=le ßeb=Keuee efjkeâe[& keâj mekeâlee nw~
(b) a voltmeter/Skeâ Jeesuš ceeršj (d) of all above reasons/Ghejesòeâ kesâ meYeer keâejCe
(c) a multimeter/Skeâ ceušerceeršj 603. When a CT supplies current coils of a
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR wattmeter, power factor meter, energy meter
598. Which instrument is used in AC where the and ammeter, the connection is?
current is too high to be handled directly? peye Skeâ CT Skeâ Jee@šceeršj, Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceeršj,
peneB GÛÛe Oeeje keâes meerOes ceehee peelee nw JeneB A.C ceW Tpee&ceeršj Deewj Sceeršj keâer Oeeje kegâC[ueer keâes Deehetefle&
keâewve mee GhekeâjCe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? keâjlee nw, lees mebÙeespeve neslee nw?
(a) Potential transformer/heesšWefMeÙeue š^ebmeHeâece&j (a) all coils in series/meYeer keäJee@Fue ßesCeer ceW
(b) Current transformer/Oeeje š^ebmeHeâece&j (b) all coils in parallel/meYeer keäJee@Fue meceevlej ceW
(c) Booster transformer/yetmšj š^ebmeHeâece&j (c) series parallel connection with two in each
(d) Auto transformer/Dee@šes š^ebmeHeâece&j
ØelÙeskeâ Deece& ceW oes kesâ meeLe ßesCeer-meceeveeblej mebÙeespeve
599. Name the instrument used for locating short (d) a separate CT is needed for each instrument
circuited coil on moderate size machines:
ØelÙeskeâ GhekeâjCe kesâ efueS Deueie CT keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee
ceOÙece Deekeâej keâer ceMeerveeW hej ueIeg heefjheLe kegâC[ueer keâe nesleer nw
helee ueieeves kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâS peeves Jeeues GhekeâjCe 604. A PT is a device which is:
keâe veece– PT Skeâ Ùegefòeâ nw efpemes–
(a) Synchroscope/efmeb›eâesmkeâeshe (a) electrically coupled
(b) Megger/cesiej efJeÅegleerÙe ™he mes peesÌ[e peelee nw~
(c) Growler/«eeGuej (b) electro-statically coupled
(d) Ohmmeter/Deesceceeršj efmLej efJeÅegle ™he mes peesÌ[ peelee nw~
600. Continuity of an electrical circuit is usually (c) conductively coupled
checked by: ÛeeuekeâerÙe ™he mes peesÌ[e peelee nw~
JewÅegle heefjheLe keâer efvejblejlee keâer peeBÛe Deeceleewj hej (d) electromagnetically coupled
............. kesâ Éeje keâer peeleer nw~ efJeÅegle ÛeeuekeâerÙe ™he mes pees[Ì e peelee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 646 YCT
605. The standard secondary voltage for a PT is: (a) The Ohm meter has its own internal battery
PT kesâ efueS ceevekeâ efÉleerÙekeâ Jeesušspe nw– Deesce ceeršj kesâ heeme Deheveer Devleefjkeâ yewšjer nesleer nw
(a) 5V/5 Jeesuš (b) Voltage source will increase resistance
(b) 10V/10 Jeesuš Jeesušspe Œeesle ØeeflejesOe keâes yeÌ{e osiee
(c) 60V/60 Jeesuš (c) Current will decrease resistance
(d) 110V/ 110 Jeesuš Oeeje ØeeflejesOe keâes Ieše osieer
606. A CT is overloaded when? (d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
Skeâ CT DeefleYeej nesleer nw peye– 613. The operating voltage of a meggar is about:
(a) Its terminals are short-circuited cesiej keâe ØeÛeeueve Jeesušspe ueieYeie neslee nw–
Fmekesâ šefce&veue Mee@š& meefke&âš nesles nw~ (a) 6V (b) 12V
(b) It terminals are open-circuited (c) 40V (d) 500V
Fmekesâ šefce&veue Deeshesve meefke&âš nesles nw~ 614. Which of the following is the pH value of
(c) the load connected to it is less than its burden pure water?
Fmemes pegÌ[e ngDee Yeej Fmekesâ ye[&ve mes keâce neslee nw~ efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Megæ heeveer keâe pH ceeve
(d) the primary current is 110% of its rated value nw?
ØeeLeefcekeâ Oeeje jsšs[ ceeve keâe 110³ neslee nw~ (a) Infinity (b) 50
607. The errors in CT are mainly due to? (c) 20 (d) 7
CT ceW $egefš cegKÙe ™he mes ............ kesâ keâjCe nesleer nw? 615. ........... is not a signal conditioner
(a) secondary load/efÉleerÙekeâ Yeej .......... efmeiveue kebâ[erMevej veneR nw~
(b) leakage flux/ueerkesâpe Heäuekeäme (a) Amplifier/ØeJeOe&keâ
(c) core loss/keâesj neefve (b) Signal converter/efmeiveue
(d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) Equalising network/vesšJeke&â yejeyej keâjvee
608. The working scale of M.I. type P.F. meter
is........: (d) Damping network/DeJecebokeâ vesšJeke&â
Ûeue ueewn P.F. ceeršj keâe keâeÙe&keâejer hewceevee neslee nw– 616. A wave guide acts as a ........... pass filter
(a) 45o (b) 60o Skeâ lejbie ieeF[ .......... heeme efheâušj kesâ ™he ceW keâeÙe&
(c) 75 o
(d) 90o keâjlee nw~
609. Megger essentially is a: (a) low/efvecve
cesiej DeefveJeeÙe& ™he mes nw Skeâ – (b) high/GÛÛe
(a) Dynamometer/[eÙevesceesceeršj (c) band/yewC[
(b) Mega ohm meter/cesiee Deesce ceeršj
(d) none of the these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) Series type ohm meter
617. A .......... is used to measure frequency in wave
meerjerpe Øekeâej keâe Deesce ceeršj guides.
(d) Shunt type Ohm meter/Mebš Øekeâej keâe Deesce ceeršj .......... lejbie ieeF[ ceW DeeJe=efòe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS
610. The number of coils in the megger is:
ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw
cesiej ceW keäJee@Ùeue keâer mebKÙee nesleer nw–
(a) galiometer/iewefueÙeesceeršj
(a) One/Skeâ (b) Two/oes
(b) klystron/keäueeFmš^esve
(c) Three/leerve (d) Four/Ûeej
611. In a series ohm meter, the resistance is to have: (c) bolometer/yeesueesceeršj
meerjerpe Deesce ceeršj ceW, ØeeflejesOe neslee nw– (d) cavity resonator/kewâefJešer Devegveeokeâ Ùeb$e
(a) Series with the battery/yewšjer kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW 618. Harmonic distortion is due to which of the
(b) Series with the meter/ceeršj kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW following?
(c) Parallel with the meter/ceeršj kesâ meeLe meceevlej ceW
neceexefvekeâ efJe™heCe efvecve ceW mes efkeâme keâejCe mes neslee
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
612. When using Ohm meter, applied voltage is to (a) Linear behaviour of circuit elements
be disconnected from the circuit because? heefjheLe lelJeeW kesâ jwefKekeâ JÙeJenej
peye Deesce ceeršj keâe GheÙeesie keâjles nw lees heefjheLe keâes (b) Non-linear behaviour of circuit elements
ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe mes he=Lekeâ keâj uesles nQ, keäÙeeWefkeâ? heefjheLe lelJeeW kesâ DejwefKekeâ JÙeJenej
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 647 YCT
(c) Change in behaviour of circuit elements 624. Meggar is operated by
due to change in temperature cesiej ............. kesâ Éeje mebÛeeefuele efkeâÙee peelee nw~
leeheceeve ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ keâejCe heefjheLe lelJeeW kesâ (a) internal battery/Deevleefjkeâ yewšjer
JÙeJenej ceW heefjJele&ve (b) an external voltage source
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Skeâ yeenjer Jeesušspe œeesle
619. In brewing process the degree of (c) an internal hand driven generator
fermentation is measured by Skeâ Deevleefjkeâ nmle mebÛeeefuele pevejsšj
ØemebmkeâjCe Øeef›eâÙee ceW efkeâCJeve keâer ef[«eer ........... Éeje (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
ceeheer peeleer nw~ 625. Meggar will give resistance values which
cesiej ØeeflejesOe ceeve osiee, pees
(a) combustibility meter/onveMeeruelee ceeršj
(a) increase with the speed of the hand driven
(b) conductivity meter/Ûeeuekeâlee ceeršj dynamo/neLe mes mebÛeeefuele ieefleMeeruelee keâer ieefle kesâ
(c) bolometer/yeesueesceeršj meeLe yeÌ{lee nw
(d) pH meter/pH ceeršj (b) decrease with the speed of the hand driven
620. The Q-meter works on the principle of dynamo/neLe mes mebÛeeefuele ieefleMeeruelee keâer ieefle kesâ
Q-ceeršj ............ kesâ efmeæevle hej keâece keâjlee nw~ meeLe Iešlee nw
(a) self-inductance/mJeØesjkeâlJe (c) remain constant irrespective of the speed
(b) mutual inductance/DevÙeesvÙe ØesjkeâlJe
ieefle kesâ yeeJepeto efveÙeleebkeâ yevee jnlee nw
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(c) series resonant circuit/ßesCeer Devegveeo heefjheLe
626. A power factor meter has ............ control
(d) parallel resonant circuit springs.
meceeveevlej Devegveeo heefjheLe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceeršj ceW .......... efveÙeb$eCe eEmØeie nesleer nw~
621. Which of the following properties are (a) one/Skeâ (b) two/oes
measured by a Q-meter? (c) four/Ûeej (d) no/keâesF& veneR
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâve iegCeeW keâes Q-ceeršj Éeje 627. To measure radio frequency, the suitable
ceehee peelee nw? frequency meter is
(a) Electrical properties of the coils only jsef[Ùees DeeJe=efòe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS GefÛele DeeJe=efòe
kesâJeue kegâC[ueer kesâ efJeÅegle iegCe ceeršj nw
(b) Mechanical properties of the coils only (a) Weston frequency meter/Jesmšve DeeJe=efòe ceeršj
kesâJeue kegâC[ueer kesâ Ùeebef$ekeâ iegCe (b) reed vibrator frequency meter
(c) Electrical properties of capacitors only jer[ JeeFyeÇsšj DeeJe=efòe ceeršj
kesâJeue mebOeeefj$e kesâ efJeÅegle iegCe (c) hetrodyne frequency meter
(d) Electrical properties of both the coils and nsš^es[eFve DeeJe=efòe ceeršj
capacitors (d) electrical resonance frequency meter
kegâC[ueer Deewj mebOeeefj$e oesveeW kesâ efJeÅegle iegCe JewÅegle Devegveeo DeeJe=efòe ceeršj
622. Meter ranges are so selected that the 628. High voltage tests are
indications are obtained near the GÛÛe Jeesušspe hejer#eCe neslee nw
ceeršj hejeme keâes Fme Øekeâej Ûegvee peelee nw efkeâ mebkesâleve (a) high frequency tests/GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe hejer#eCe
............... ceW Øeehle nes~ (b) constant direct current tests
efveÙeleebkeâ ØelÙe#e Oeeje hejer#eCe
(a) top of the scale/hewceevee kesâ Ghej (c) sustained low frequency tests
(b) bottom of the scale/hewceevee kesâ veerÛes efvejblej efvecve DeeJe=efòe hejer#eCe
(c) middle of the scale/hewceevee kesâ ceOÙe (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 629. A power factor meter has
623. Vibrating reeds are used in which of the Skeâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceeršj kesâ heeme neslee nw
following instruments? (a) one current circuit and two pressure circuits
keâcheVekeâejer hee"Ÿeebkeâ keâe GheÙeesie efvecveefueefKele ceW mes Skeâ Oeeje heefjheLe Deewj oes oeye heefjheLe
efkeâme GhekeâjCe ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw? (b) one current circuit and one pressure circuit
(a) Power factor meter/Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceeršj Skeâ Oeeje heefjheLe Deewj Skeâ oeye heefjheLe
(b) Frequency meter/DeeJe=efòe ceeršj (c) two current circuits and one pressure circuit
(c) Wattmeter/Jeešceeršj oes Oeeje heefjheLe Deewj Skeâ oeye heefjheLe
(d) Synchronoscope/eEme›eâesveesmkeâeshe (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 648 YCT
630. The two pressure coils of a single phase (a) moving coil instrument/Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCe
power factor meter have (b) moving iron instrument/Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe
Skeâ Skeâue keâuee Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceeršj keâer oesveeW oeye (c) dynamometer instrument
kegâC[ueer ceWs nesleer nw [eÙevesceesceeršj GhekeâjCe
(a) the same dimensions and the same number (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
of turns 636. A Weston synchronoscope is a
meceeve DeeÙeece Deewj meceeve Jele&vees keâer mebKÙee Skeâ Jesmšve eEme›eâesveesmkeâeshe neslee nw
(b) the same dimensions but different number (a) moving coil instrument/Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCe
of turns
(b) moving iron instrument/Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe
meceeve DeeÙeece uesefkeâve Jele&vees keâer efJeefYeVe mebKÙee (c) dynamometer instrument
(c) the same number of turns but different [eÙevesceesceeršj GhekeâjCe
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Jele&vees keâer meceeve mebKÙee uesefkeâve efJeefYeVe DeeÙeece
637. In a Weston synchronoscope, the fixed coils
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR are connected across
631. In a single phase power factor meter the Skeâ Jesmšve eEme›eâesveesmkeâeshe ceW efmLej kegâC[efueÙeeb
phase difference between the currents in the ........... kesâ S›eâeme pegÌ[er nesleer nwb~
two pressure coils is
(a) bus-bars/yeme yeej
Skeâ Skeâue keâuee Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceeršj ceW oesveeW oeye
(b) incoming alternator/FvekeâeEceie Deušjvesšj
kegâC[efueÙeeW ceW OeejeDeeW kesâ yeerÛe keâueeblej neslee nw
(c) a lamp/Skeâ uewche
(a) exactly 00/"erkeâ 0o
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) approximately 00/ueieYeie 0o 638. In Weston synchronoscope the moving coil is
(c) exactly 900/"erkeâ 90o connected across
(d) approximately 900/ueieYeie 90o Jesmšve eEme›eâesvees mkeâeshe ceW Ûeue kegâC[ueer ............. kesâ
632. In a dynamometer 3-phase power factor S›eâeme pegÌ[er nesleer nw~
meter, the planes of the two moving coils are (a) bus-bars/yeme yeej
at (b) incoming alternator/FvekeâeEceie Deušjvesšj
Skeâ [eÙevesceesceeršj leerve keâuee Meefòeâ iegCekeâ ceeršj ceW (c) fixed coils/efmLej kegâC[ueer
oes Ûeue kegâC[efueÙeeW kesâ huesve .......... hej nesles nQ~ (d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF&
(a) 00 (b) 600 639. The power factor of a single phase load can
(c) 90 (d) 1200 be calculated if the instruments available are
633. In a vibrating reed frequency meter the Ùeefo ................. GhekeâjCe GheueyOe nes, lees Skeâue keâuee
natural frequencies of two adjacent reeds Yeej kesâ Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâer ieCevee keâer pee mekeâleer nw
have a difference of
(a) one voltmeter and one ammeter
Skeâ keâchevekeâejer jer[ DeeJe=efòe ceeršj ceW oes mebueive jer[
Skeâ Jeesušceeršj Deewj Skeâ Deceeršj
keâer Øeeke=âeflekeâ DeeJe=efòeÙeeW ceW ............. keâe Devlej neslee
(b) one voltmeter, one ammeter and one
nw~ wattmeter
(a) 0.1 Hz (b) 0.25 Hz Skeâ Jeesušceeršj Skeâ Deceeršj Deewj Skeâ Jeešceeršj
(c) 0.5 Hz (d) 1.5 Hz (c) one voltmeter, one ammeter and one energy
634. In a Weston frequency meter, the magnetic meter
axes of the two fixed coils are Skeâ Jeesušceeršj, Skeâ Deceeršj Deewj Skeâ Tpee& ceeršj
Skeâ Jesmšve DeeJe=efòe ceeršj ceW oes efveefMÛele kegâC[efueÙeeW (d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF&
kesâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe De#e nesles nQ– 640. An ohmmeter is a
(a) parallel/meceeveevlej Skeâ Deesÿeceeršj neslee nw–
(b) perpendicular/uecyeJele (a) moving iron instrument/Ûeue ueewn GhekeâjCe
(c) inclined at 600/60o hej Pegkeâe (b) moving coil instrument/Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCe
(d) inclined at 1200/1200 hej Pegkeâe (c) dynamometer instrument
635. A Weston frequency meter is [eÙevesceesceeršj GhekeâjCe
Jesmšve DeeJe=efòe ceeršj neslee nw (d) none of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 649 YCT
641. When a capacitor was connected to the If the flux linking 10 turns of a search coil of
terminal of ohmmeter, the pointer indicated a 200 mm2 area connected to the fluxmeter is
low resistance initially and then slowly came to reversed in a unifrom field of 0.5 Wb/m2, then
infinity position. This shows that capacitor is the deflection of the fluxmeter will be
peye Skeâ mebOeeefj$e Deesÿeceeršj kesâ šefce&veue mes peesÌ[e Skeâ efveefMÛele Heäuekeäme ceeršj ceW, efvecveefueefKele efveoxMe
peelee nw lees metÛekeâ ves ØeejcYe ceW efvecve ØeeflejesOe keâe nQ–
mebkesâle efoÙee Deewj efheâj Oeerjs-Oeerjs Deveble efmLeefle ceW JeeÙeg Devlejeue heäuekeäme IevelJe = 0.05 Wb/m2
DeeÙee~ Ùen efoKeelee nw efkeâ mebOeeefj$e nw– Ûeue kegâC[ueer hej šve& keâer mebKÙee = 40
(a) short-circuited/ueIeg heefjheLe Ûeue kegâC[ueer keâe #es$e = 750mm2
(b) all right/"erkeâ Ùeefo Heäuekeäme ceeršj mes pegÌ[s 200mm2 #es$e kesâ Skeâ meÛe&
(c) faulty/oes<ehetCe& kegâC[ueer kesâ 10 šve& keâes peesÌ[ves Jeeues Heäuekeäme keâes 0.5
Wb/m2 kesâ Skeâ meceeve #es$e ceW he§e keâj efoÙee peelee nw,
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
lees Heäuekeäme ceeršj keâer efJe#esheCe nesiee–
642. A 3-phase moving coil type power factor meter
has three fixed and symmetrically spaced (a) 87.40 (b) 76.50
current coils. inside of which are three other (c) 65.60 (d) 54.70
similarly placed moving potential coils. While 645. Transmission channels for telemetry are
in operation, rotating magnetic field is otjceeheer kesâ efueS š^ebmeefceMeve Ûewveue neslee nw
produced (a) optical links/Dee@efhškeâue eEuekeâ
Skeâ 3- ÛejCe ieefleMeerue kegbâ[ueer Øekeâej Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
(b) radio links/jsef[Ùees eEuekeâ
ceeršj ceW leerve efmLej Deewj meceefcele ™he mes efjòeâ Oeeje
(c) cables/kesâyeue
kegbâ[ueer nesles nQ efpemekesâ Deboj leerve DevÙe meceeve ™he mes
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
jKes peeves Jeeues efJeYeJe kegbâ[ueer nesleer nQ~ mebÛeeueve kesâ
646. Vertical delay line in CRO
oewjeve, IetCe&ve ÛegyebkeâerÙe #es$e GlheVe neslee nw-
meer.Deej.Dees. ceW GOJee&Oej efJeuecye jsKee–
(a) in the current coils but not in the potential
(a) Gives proper time for thermionic emission of
coils./ Oeeje kebgâ[ue ceW uesefkeâve efJeYeJe kegbâ[ue ceW veneR
electrons./Fueskeäš^e@ve kesâ leeheeÙeefvekeâ Glmepe&ve kesâ efueS
(b) in the potential coils but not in the current GefÛele meceÙe oslee nw
coils./ efJeYeJe kegbâ[ue ceW uesefkeâve Oeeje kegbâ[ue ceW veneR
(b) Delays the signal voltage by 200 ns.
(c) in both potential coils and the current coils.
200 ns Éeje efmeiveue ceW osjer keâjleer nw
efJeYeJe kegbâ[ue Deewj Oeeje kegbâ[ue oesveesb ceW
(c) Allows the horizontal sweep to start prior to
(d) in neither the potential coils nor the current vertical deflection./GOJee&Oej efJe#esheCe mes henues
coils./ ve ner efJeYeJe kegbâ[ue ceW ve ner Oeeje kegbâ[ue ceW #eweflepe mJeerhe Meg™ keâjves keâer Devegceefle Øeoeve keâjleer nw
643. In a flux meter, the controlling torque is (d) Delays the generation of sweep voltage.
Skeâ Heäuekeäme ceeršj ceW, efveÙebef$ele DeeIetCe&– mJeerhe Jeesušlee kesâ pevejsMeve ceW osjer keâjleer nw
(a) produced by weight attached to the moving *647. Determine the deflection factor (in V/m) of a
coil./Ûeue kegâC[ueer mes pegÌ[s ngS Yeej Éeje GlheVe efkeâÙee CRO, when the deflection sensitivity of the
peelee nw~ CRO is 4 m/V./meer.Deej.Dees. keâe efJe#esheCe keâejkeâ
(b) produced by spring./efmØebie mes Glheeefole neslee nw (Jeesuš/ceeršj cebs) efveOee&efjle keâjW, peye meer.Deej.Dees. keâer
(c) not provided at all. efJe#esheCe mebJesoveMeeruelee 4 ceeršj/Jeesuš nw~
efyeukegâue veneR Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw (a) 0.2 (b) 0.25
(d) produced by crossed- coil mechanism. (c) 0.35 (d) 0.45
eflejÚs kegâC[ueve JÙeJemLee Éeje efveefce&le neslee nw *648. Determine the bandwidth (in Hz) of a sine
wave that is reproduced by a CRO having a
*644. A certain fluxmeter has the following rise time of 70 ms.
specifications: Skeâ meeFve lejbie (meeFve JesJe) keâer yeQ[efJe[dLe keâes (nš&dpe
Air gap flux density = 0.05 Wb/m2 ceW) efveOee&efjle keâjW pees Skeâ 70 efceueer-meskebâ[ kesâ
Number of truns on moving coil = 40 GoÙekeâeue (jeFpe šeFce) kesâ meer.Deej.Dees. Éeje oesyeeje
Area of moving coil = 750 mm2 lewÙeej efkeâÙee peelee nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 650 YCT
(a) 5 (b) 10 efÉleerÙekeâ Glmeefpe&le Fueskeäš^e@vme
(c) 15 (d) 20 (c) Both/oesveeW
*649. Calculate the fastest rise time (in ms) a sine (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
wave can have to be reproduced by a CRO, if
the bandwidth ranges from (0 to 10) Hz 654. A vertical for a CRO will be desinged for...........
meyemes lespe Je=efæ meceÙe keâer ieCevee (efceueer–meskebâ[ ceW) CRO kesâ efueS TOJee&Oej ØeJeOe&keâ .................... kesâ
keâjW pees Skeâ pÙeeJe›eâerÙe lejbie keâes meer.Deej.Dees. Éeje hegve: efueS ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Øemlegle keâj mekeâleer nw, Ùeefo yeQ[efJe[dLe 0 nšd&pe mes 10 (a) only a high gain/kesâJeue GÛÛe ueeYe
nšd&pe lekeâ nw– (b) only a broad bandwidth/kesâJeue ÛeewÌ[er yeQ[efJe[dLe
(a) 17.5 (b) 0.35 (c) a constant gain times bandwidth produ ct
(c) 35 (d) 1.75 efveÙele ueeYe-meceÙe-yeQ[efJe[dLe iegCeveheâue
650. Null type recorders are ...........recorders. (d) all of these/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
MetvÙe (veue) Øekeâej kesâ efjkeâe@[&j...........efjkeâe@[&j nesles nw~ 655. The delay line in CRO is placed after
(a) Potentiometer/heesšsefvMeÙeesceeršj CRO cebs osjer keâer jsKee kesâ yeeo jKee ieÙee nw–
(b) Bridge/mesleg (a) Horizontal Amplifier/#eweflepe ØeJeOe&keâ
(c) LVDT (b) Vertical amplifier/TOJee&Oej ØeJeOe&keâ
(d) Any of these/efJekeâuheeW ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (c) Trigger circuit/efš^iej heefjheLe
651. In a CRO, when set for internal trigger (d) Power supply/hee@Jej mehueeF&
(INT)____:/Skeâ CRO ceW, peye Deebleefjkeâ efš^iej
656. The frequency range of vibrating read
(INT) kesâ efueS mesš efkeâÙee peelee nw- frequency meter is –––––––/JeeFyeÇsefšbie jer[ šeFhe
(a) trigger circuit input will vertical amplifier eføeâkeäJesvmeer ceeršj keâer eføeâkeäJesvmeer ................... nesleer nw–
efš^iej heefjheLe keâe efveefJe<š TOJee&Oej ØeJeæ&keâ nesiee~ (a) 67 Hz to 83 Hz / 67 Hz mes 83 Hz
(b) trigger circuit receive input from the (b) 50 Hz to 100 Hz / 50 Hz mes 100 Hz
horizontal amplifier
(c) 47 Hz to 53 Hz / 47 Hz mes 53 Hz
efš^iej heefjheLe #eweflepe ØeJeæ&keâ mes efveefJe<š Øeehle keâjlee nw~
(d) 60 Hz to 100 Hz / 60 Hz mes 100 Hz
(c) trigger circuit receives input from the
horizontal amplifier/efš^iej heefjheLe efveefJe<š #eweflepe *657. A digital voltmeter has a read-out range from 0
to 9999 counts. When full scale reading is 9.999
ØeJeæ&keâ mes Øeehle keâjlee nw~
V, the resolution of the instrument will be
(d) trigger circuit receives input from the vertical
Skeâ Debkeâkeâ Jeesušceeheer keâe ØeoeÙeer he"ve hejeme 0 mes
amplifer/efš^iej heefjheLe TOJee&Oej ØeJeæ&keâ mes efveefJe<š
9999 ieCeveebkeâ nw~ peye hetCe& ceehe›eâce hee"dÙeebkeâ 9.999V
Øeehle keâjlee nw~
nw, lees GheÙeb$e keâe efJeYesove nesiee
652. In CRT, the secondary electons are collected by
a conductive coating aquadag which is made (a) 100 mV (b) 99 mV
up of _____./CRT ceW, odefJeleerÙekeâ Fueskeäš^eve Skeâ (c) 9 mV (d) 1 mV
mebJeenkeâ hejle SkeäJee[wie, pees ......... mes yevee neslee nw, kesâ *658. Determine the quality factor in Hay's bridge
given below, if the bridge is supplied by a
odJeeje Skeâef$ele efkeâÙes peeles nw~
frequency of 50 Hz./Ùeefo efyeÇpe keâes 50 nšd&pe keâer
(a) Hydrazine solution/neF[^epeerve efJeueÙeve DeeJe=efòe mes Deehetefle& oer peeleer nw, lees veerÛes efoS ieS nsÙe
(b) Zirconium solution/efpekeâexefveÙeceefJeueÙeve efyeÇpe ceW iegCeJeòee keâejkeâ efveOee&efjle keâjW–
(c) Graphite solution/«esHeâeFš efJeueÙeve
(d) Rubber/jyeÌ[
653. An Acquadag is used in a CRO to collect–
Skeâ CRO ceW SkeäJee[sie keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw efvecve
kesâ meb«en nsleg–
(a) Primary electrons/ØeeLeefcekeâ Fueskeäš^e@vme
(b) Secondary emmission electrons

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 651 YCT

(a) 2 (b) 1 662. The transducer that converts the input-signal
(c) 0 (d) 4 into the output signal, which is a continuous
function of time is known as.........transducers.
*659. Calculate the value of quality factor in the
Hay's Bridge given below when supplied by a
Jen š^ebme[Ÿetmej pees Fvehegš efmeiveue keâes DeeGšhegš
frequency of 50 Hz?/50 nšd&pe keâer DeeJe=efòe mes efmeiveue ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjles nQ, pees meceÙe kesâ melele
Deehetefle& efkeâS peeves hej veerÛes efoS ieS nsÙe efyeÇpe kesâ ØekeâeÙe& (keâvšervÙetDeme HebâkeäMeve) nesles nQ, Gvns efkeâme
iegCeJeòee keâejkeâ kesâ ceeve keâer ieCevee keâjW~ š^ebme[Ÿetmej kesâ ™he ceW peevee peelee nw ?
(a) Active/meef›eâÙe
(b) Passive/efveef<›eâÙe
(c) Analog/meeÂMÙe (Sveeuee@ie)
(d) Digital/DebkeâerÙe (ef[efpešue)
663. Which of the following devices is used for the
measurement of liquid flow through a channel?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee GhekeâjCe efkeâmeer Ûewveue ceW mes ØeJeen
(a) 31.83 (b) 15.91
õJe keâe ceeheve keâjlee nw?
(c) 10.61 (d) 6.36
(a) Venturimeter/JeWÛegjerceeršj
*660. Match the following Instruments given in
(b) Rotameter/jesšeceeršj
column I with the respective quantities they
read in column 2. (c) Weirs and flumes/JeerÙej SJeb Heäuetce
Column I Column 2 (d) Pitot tube/efheše@š veueer
1. De'Sauty Bridge a. Capacitance 664. For wire wound strain gauges, the gauge factor
is defined as–/leej kegâC[efuele efJeke=âle ceeheer kesâ efueS
2. Potentiometer b. Low Resistance
ceehekeâ iegCeebkeâ keâer heefjYee<ee nw–
3. Megger c. High Resistance
2 ∆R
4. Wattmeter d. Power (a) 1 + (b) 1+
keâe@uece 'I' Deewj keâe@uece '2' keâe mener efceueeve keâjW– (c) 1+2µ (d) 1–
keâe@uece 'I' keâe@uece 2 665. Pirani gauge is used for the measurement of
1. [er mee@šer efyeÇpe (a) mebOeeefj$e pressure in the range of-/Pirani gauge Skeâ oeye
ceehekeâ Ùeb$e nw pees efvecve ceW efkeâmes ceehelee nw-
2. heesšWefMeÙeesceeršj (b) keâce ØeeflejesOe
(a) 10-8 mm to 10-5 mm of Hg
3. cesiej (c) DeefOekeâ ØeeflejesOe (b) 10-3 mm to 10-1 mm of Hg
4. Jeešceeršj (d) Meefòeâ (c) 10 mm to 10-3 mm of Hg
(d) 10-5 mm to 10-8 mm of Hg
(a) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-b
666. A transducer converts/Skeâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej yeouelee nw–
(b) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a (a) mechanical energy into electrical energy
(c) 1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d Ùeebef$ekeâ Tpee& keâes efJeÅegle Tpee& ceW
(d) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d (b) mechanichal displacement into electrical
*661. Which expression depicts the sensitivity (S) of a signal/Ùeebef$ekeâ efJemLeeheve keâes efJeÅegle efmeiveue ceW
Wheatstone Bridge ? (c) one form of energy into another form of
(Where: D is Deflection and I is current) energy/Tpee& kesâ Skeâ ¤he keâes Tpee& kesâ DevÙe ¤he ceW
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee JÙebpekeâ (expression) Jnerš mšesve (d) electrical energy into mechanical form
mesleg (Wheatstone Bridge) keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee efJeÅegle Tpee& keâes Ùeebef$ekeâ Tpee& ceW
667. Hall effect can be used for measurement of........
(sensitivity) keâe heefjÛeeuekeâ nw? Which depicts the
ne@ue FHesâkeäš š^ebme[Ÿetmej............... ceeheve kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie
(S) of a?
neslee nw~
(D =efJe#eshe (Deflection) I = Oeeje current)
(a) Power/Meefòeâ
(a) S = D/I (b) Current/Oeeje
(b) S = DI
(c) Displacement/efJemLeeheve
(c) S = D+I
(d) S = D-I (d) All of these/Ghejesòeâ meYeer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 652 YCT

(a) low sensitivity/keâce mebJesoveMeeruelee
08. ØeeflejesOe (R), ØesjkeâlJe (L), leLee (b) high sensitivity/GÛÛe mebJesoveMeeruelee
Oeeefjlee (C) keâe ceeheve (c) low nonlinearity/efvecve vee@ve efueefveÙeefjšer
(Measurement of Resitance, (d) less error/keâce $egefš
673. If the number of bellows elements is made
Inductance and Capacitance) double and the thickness of the bellows element
is made half, the displacement of the element
668. Megger is used to measure......... : for the same applied pressure would be the?
cesiej keâe ØeÙeesie.............ceeheves ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Ùeefo yesueespe lelJeeW keâer mebKÙee oesiegveer keâer peeleer nw Deewj
(a) Breakdown voltage of insulation ceesšeF& (thickness) DeeOeer keâer peeleer nw, meceeve ØeÙegòeâ
FvmeguesMeve keâe yeÇskeâ[eGve Jeesušspe oeye kesâ efueS lelJe keâe efJemLeeheve nesiee?
(b) Earth resistance/DeLe& ØeeflejesOe
(a) 16 times/16 iegvee
(c) Insulation resistance/DeJejesOeve ØeeflejesOe
(b) 4 times/4 iegvee
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) same/meceeve
669. The resistivity of the wire material can be
expressed in terms of LMTI system of (d) one-fourth/Skeâ ÛeewLeeF&
dimensional parameter as 674. Galvanometer type recorders use?
leej kesâ heoeLe& keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee...............kesâ ™he ceW iewuJesveesceeršj Øekeâej efjkeâe[&j GheÙeesie keâjles nQ?
DeeÙeeceer hewjeceeršj kesâ LMTI ØeCeeueer kesâ meboYe& ceW (a) vibration galvanometer/kebâheve iewuJesveesceeršj
JÙekeäle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ (b) ballistic galvanometer/yewefueefmškeâ iewuJesveesceeršj
(a) ML2 T-2I-2. (b) ML2 T-3I-2.
(c) D'Arsonval galvanometer
(c) ML3 T-3I-2. (d) ML3 T-2I-2.
ef[-Deemeexveue iewuJesveesceeršj
670. A galvanometer has a current sensitivity of 1
µA/mm and a critical damping resistance of 1 (d) tangent galvanometer/mheMe& iewuJesveesceeršj
kΩ. The voltage sensitivity and the megaohm 675. Galvanometer used in recorders is?
sensitivity respectively are efjkeâe[&j ceW ØeÙegòeâ iewuJesveesceeršj nw?
Skeâ iewuJesveesceeršj ceW 1 µA/mm keâe Skeâ mebJesoveMeerue (a) an ordinary D'Arsonval galvanometer
Oeeje Deewj 1 kΩ keâe ›eâebeflekeâ DeJecebove ØeeflejesOe nw~ Skeâ meeOeejCe [er Deemexveue iewuJesveesceeršj
›eâceMe:eesušspe mebJesoveMeeruelee Deewj cesieeDeesce (b) somewhat different from the ordinary
mebJesoveMeeruelee nw– D'Arsonval galvanometer
(a) 1 m V/mm and 1 MΩ. meeOeejCe [er Deemeexveue iewuJesveesceeršj mes kegâÚ Deueie
(b) 1 m V/mm and 2 MΩ. (c) a D'Arsonval galvanometer with large moving
(c) 2 m V/mm and 2 MΩ. coil, strong magnetic field and critical
(d) 2 m V/mm and 1 MΩ. damping
671. In a resistance potentiometer, the nonlinearity? yeÌ[e cetefJebie keäJee@Ùeue, MeefòeâMeeueer ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e Deewj
Skeâ ØeeflejesOe heesšsefvMeÙeesceeršj ceW, iewj jwefKekeâlee? ef›eâefškeâue [Qefheie kesâ meeLe Skeâ [er Deemeexveue iewuJesveesceeršj
(a) decreases with the increase in ratio of (d) both (b) and (c)/ (b) Deewj (c) oesveeW
potentiometer to load resistance
676. The sensitivity of a potentiometer can be
heesšWefMeÙeesceeršj Deewj Yeej ØeeflejesOe kesâ Devegheele ceW Je=efæ kesâ increased by?
meeLe Iešlee nw Skeâ efJeYeJeceeheer keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee keâes ............... kesâ
(b) increases with the increase in ratio of
potentiometer to load resistance
Éeje yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw?
heesšWefMeÙeesceeršj Deewj Yeej ØeeflejesOe kesâ Devegheele ceW Je=efæ kesâ (a) decreasing the length of potentiometer
meeLe yeÌ{lee nw wire/efJeYeJeceeheer kesâ leej keâer uecyeeF& keâes Iešekeâj
(c) is independent of the ratio of potentiometer to (b) decreasing the resistance of potentiometer
load resistance/heesšWefMeÙeesceeršj Deewj Yeej ØeeflejesOe kesâ wire/efJeYeJeceeheer kesâ leej keâe ØeeflejesOe Iešekeâj
Devegheele mes mJeleb$e nw (c) increasing the length of potentiometer wire
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer veneR efJeYeJeceeheer kesâ leej keâer uecyeeF& keâes yeÌ{ekeâj
672. High value pot resistance leads to? (d) increasing the voltage applied
GÛÛe ceeve heeš ØeeflejesOe.......... keâe vesle=lJe keâjlee nw~ ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe keâes yeÌ{ekeâj
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 653 YCT
677. Among the which method of measurement is (a) Contact resistance/mecheke&â ØeeflejesOe
not used for low resistance measurement: (b) Resistance of connecting leads
efvecve ØeeflejesOe ceeheves kesâ efueS efkeâme heæefle keâe GheÙeesie mebÙeespeve ueer[ keâe ØeeflejesOe
veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(c) Thermoelectric emfs/LeceexFuesefkeäš^keâ efJe.Jee.ye.
(a) Kelvins bridge/kesâefuJeve efyeÇpe
(d) All of above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(b) Potentiometer method/efJeYeJeceeheer heæefle
682. Potentiometer method of DC voltage
(c) Wheat stone bridge/Jnerš mšesve efyeÇpe measurement is more accurate than direct
(d) Ammeter-voltmeter method measurement using a voltmeter because:
Sceeršj-Jeesušceeršj efJeefOe Skeâ Jeesušceeršj keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ ØelÙe#e ceeheve mes
678. The transfer instrument which is used for DC Jeesušspe kesâ ceeheve keâer efJeYeJeceeheer efJeefOe ceW DeefOekeâ
standardisation of a polar type AC
potentiometer is: ÙeLeeLe&lee nesleer nw keäÙeeWefkeâ–
Jen mLeeveeblejCe GhekeâjCe pees Skeâ OeÇgJeerÙe Øekeâej kesâ (a) It loads the circuit moderately
S.meer. efJeYeJeceeheer kesâ ceevekeâerkeâjCe kesâ efueS GheÙeesie Ùen heefjheLe keâes ceOÙece ™he mes uees[ keâjlee nw~
efkeâÙee peelee nw– (b) It loads the circuit to maximum extent
(a) An electrostatic instruments Ùen heefjheLe keâes DeefOekeâlece meercee lekeâ uees[ keâjlee nw~
efJeÅegle mLeweflekeâ GhekeâjCe (c) It uses centre zero galvanometer instead of
(b) A moving coil instruments/Ûeue kegâC[ueer GhekeâjCe voltmeter/Ùen Jeesušceeršj kesâ mLeeve hej meWšj peerjes
(c) A dynameter instruments/[eÙevesceesceeršj GhekeâjCe iewuJesveesceeršj keâe GheÙeesie keâjlee nw~
(d) A thermal instruments/Lece&ue GhekeâjCe (d) It does not load the circuit at all
679. When a potentiometer is used for measurement Ùen heefjheLe hej keâesF& uees[ veneR oslee nw~
of voltage of an unknown source, the power 683. Null type recorders are:
consume in the circuit of the unknown source MetvÙe Øekeâej kesâ efjkeâe[&j nQ–
under null condition is?
peye Skeâ De%eele Œeesle kesâ Jeesušspe kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS (a) bridge recorders/efyeÇpe efjkeâe[&j
Skeâ efJeYeJeceeheer keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ lees MetvÙe (b) LVDT recorders/LVDT efjkeâe[&j
efmLeefle kesâ Devleie&le De%eele Œeesle kesâ heefjheLe ceW efyepeueer (c) potentiometric recorder/heesšsefmeÙeescesefš^keâ efjkeâe[&j
keâer Kehele nw? (d) any one of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF&
(a) High/GÛÛe 684. Loss of charge method is used for
(b) Small/keâce measurement of:
(c) Ideally zero/DeeoMe& MetvÙe uee@ me Dee@Heâ Ûeepe& efJeefOe keâe GheÙeesie efkeâmekesâ ceeheve ces
(d) Very high/yengle GÛÛe ef k eâÙee peelee nw?
680. For measuring an AC voltage by an AC (a) low R/efvecve R (b) high R/GÛÛe R
potentiometer it is desirable that the supply for (c) low L/efvecve L (d) high L/GÛÛe L
the potentiometer is taken from:
685. A simple potentiometer may be called as a:
Skeâ Smeer. efJeYeJeceeheer Éeje Smeer. Jeesušspe keâes ceeheves kesâ Skeâ meeOeejCe efJeYeJeceeheer keâes keâne pee mekeâlee nw–
efueS Ùen JeebÚveerÙe nw efkeâ efJeYeJeceeheer kesâ efueS mehueeF&
(a) Current divider/Oeeje efJeYeepekeâ
........... mes ueer ieÙeer nw~
(b) Voltage stabilizer/Jeesušspe mLeeÙeerkeâejer
(a) A battery/yewš^er
(b) The same source as the unknown voltage (c) Voltage divider/Jeesušspe efJeYeepekeâ
De%eele Jeesušspe kesâ meceeve Œeesle (d) Variable resistor/heefjJele&veerÙe ØeeflejesOe
(c) A source other than the source of unknown 686. Which of the following methods will be suitable
voltage for the measurement of the resistance of an
De%eele Jeesušspe kesâ Œeesle kesâ DeueeJee DevÙe Œeesle ammeter shunt?
(d) Any of above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer Sceeršj Mebš kesâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele
681. A wheatstone bridge cannot be used for ceW mes keâewve-meer efJeefOe GheÙegòeâ nesieer?
precision measurements because errors are (a) Wheatstone bridge/Jnerš mšesve efyeÇpe
introduced into on account of:
(b) Kelvin's double bridge/kesâefuJeve [yeue efyeÇpe
Megælee ceeheves keâs efueS ef£š mšesve efyeÇpe keâe GheÙeesie
veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee keäÙeeWefkeâ FveceW $egefšÙeeW keâer Jepen (c) Maxwell's bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe
mes meceeefJe° nw– (d) Wien's bridge/Jesve efyeÇpe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 654 YCT
687. Low resistance is measured by: 693. Null type recorders are
efvecve ØeeflejesOe keâes ..........Éeje ceehee peelee nw~ MetvÙe Øekeâej kesâ efjkeâe@[&j nesles nw–
(a) Maxwell's bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe (a) bridge recorders/efyeÇpe efjkeâe@[&j
(b) Anderson's bridge/Sv[jmeve efyeÇpe (b) LVDT recorders/LVDT efjkeâe@[&j
(c) Kelvin's bridge/kesâefuJeve efyeÇpe (c) potentiometric recorder/efJeYeJe cesefš^keâ efjkeâe@[&j
(d) Hay's bridge/ns efyeÇpe (d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
688. Frequency is measure by: 694. Meggar is used to measure
DeeJe=efòe ........... kesâ Éeje ceehee peelee nw– cesiej keâes .......... ceeheves kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee
(a) De Sauty's bridge/[er-meeGšer efyeÇpe nw
(b) Wien's bridge/Jesve efyeÇpe (a) breakdown voltage of insulation
(c) Anderson's bridge/Sv[jmeve efyeÇpe efJeÅegle jesOeve keâe yeÇskeâ [eGve Jeesušspe
(d) Campebell's bridge/keâschesyesue efyeÇpe (b) earth resistance/Yet ØeeflejesOe
689. The resistance can be measured most (c) insulation resistance/ efJeÅegle jesOeve ØeeflejesOe
accurately by: (d) none of above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
ØeeflejesOe keâes DelÙeefOekeâ mener ™he ceW ........... kesâ Éeje 695. ............... bridge is used for the precise
ceehee peelee nw~ measurement of inductances over a wide
(a) meggar/cesiej range.
........... efyeÇpe keâe GheÙeesie efJemle=le hejeme hej ØesjkeâlJe
(b) multimeter/ceušer ceeršj
kesâ ÙeLeeLe&lee ceehe kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw
(c) bridge method/efyeÇpe efJeefOe
(d) Voltmeter-ammeter method (a) Hay's/ns (b) Wien's/Jesve
Jeesušceeršj-Deceeršj efJeefOe (c) Anderson/Sb[jmeve (d) maxwell/cewkeämeJesue
690. Relative permittivity can be measured by 696. Which of the following bridges is used to
............. bridge measure power factor?
meehes#e heejiecÙelee .......... efyeÇpe Éeje ceehee pee mekeâlee efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mes efyeÇpe keâe GheÙeesie Meefòeâ
nw~ iegCekeâ keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(a) Wheatstone/£eršmšesve (a) Wien's bridge/Jesve efyeÇpe
(b) Hay's/ns (b) Maxwell bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe
(c) Schering/efMeÙeefjbie (c) Schering bridge/MesÙeeEjie efyeÇpe
(d) De sauty/[er mee@Gšer (d) Kelvin bridge/kesâefuJeve efyeÇpe
691. For measuring the resistance of the elements 697. In A.C. bridge if the supply frequency is 1000
of an attenuator which of the following is the Hz, the detector will be
best choice? A.C. efyeÇpe ceW Ùeefo mehueeF& DeeJe=efòe 1000 Hz nw, lees
Skeâ #eerCekeâejer heoeLe& kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS mebmetÛekeâ nesiee
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee meyemes DeÛÚe efJekeâuhe nw? (a) Ballistic galvanometer/yewefueefmškeâ iewuJesveesceeršj
(a) Maxwell's bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe (b) D' Arsonval galvanometer
(b) Meggar/cesiej [er-Deemeexveue iewuJesveesceeršj
(c) Ohmmeter/Deesÿeceeršj (c) Vibration galvanometer
(d) Wheatstone bridge/£eršmšesve efyeÇpe
keâcheve iewuJesveesceeršj
692. Which of the following devices may be used (d) Telephone/šsueerheâesve
to measure accurately the inter-electrode 698. The e.m.f. of a Weston standard cell can be
capacitances? measured by
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Ùeb$e keâe GheÙeesie FCšj Jesmšve ceevekeâ mesue keâe F&.Sce.Sheâ. Éeje ceehee pee
Fueskeäš^es[ Oeeefjlee keâes ÙeLeeLe& ™he mes ceeheves kesâ efueS mekeâlee nw?
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw? (a) potentiometer/efJeYeJeceeršj
(a) VTVM (b) galvanometer/iewuJesveesceeršj
(b) De Sauty's bridge/[er-mee@Gšer efyeÇpe (c) hot wire voltmeter/iece& leej Jeesušceeršj
(c) Wien's bridge/Jesve efyeÇpe (d) electrodynamometer type volt-meter
(d) Schering's bridge/MesÙeeEjie efyeÇpe efJeÅegle [eÙevesceesceeršj Øekeâej Jeesušceeršj
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 655 YCT
699. Which of the following resistances is shown 705. Most sensitive galvanometer is
by a needle in a meggar not in operation? meyemes mebJesoveMeerue iewuJesveesceeršj nw–
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee ØeeflejesOe Skeâ cesiej megF& (a) elastic galvanometer/ueesÛeoej iewuJesveesceeršj
kesâ Éeje efoKeeÙee peelee nw~ peye ØeÛeeueve ceW veneR nes– (b) vibration galvanometer/keâcheve iewuJesveesceeršj
(a) zero ohm/MetvÙe Deesÿe (c) Duddle galvanometer/[g[ue iewuJesveesceeršj
(b) 500 ohms/500 Deesÿe (d) spot ballistic galvanometer/
(c) 1000 ohms/1000 Deesÿe
mhee@š yewefueefmškeâ iewuJesveesceeršj
706. A sensitive galvanometer produces large
(d) infinity/Devevle deflection for a
700. A potentiometer works on Skeâ mebJesoveMeerue iewuJesveesceeršj ............ kesâ efueS yeÌ[e
Skeâ efJeYeJe ceeršj ..........hej keâeÙe& keâjlee nw efJe#esheCe Glheeefole keâjlee nw
(a) heating effect/G<ceerÙe ØeYeeJe hej (a) small value of current/Oeeje kesâ Úesšs ceeve
(b) magnetic effect/ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeYeeJe hej (b) large value of current/Oeeje kesâ yeÌ[s ceeve
(c) electromagnetic induction (c) large value of power/Meefòeâ kesâ yeÌ[s ceeve
JewÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØesjCe hej (d) large value of voltage/Jeesušspe kesâ yeÌ[s ceeve
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 707. Standard resistor is made from
ceevekeâ ØeeflejesOe ............ mes yevee neslee nw~
701. Which of following can be measured by the
use of a Schering bridge? (a) platinum/huesefšvece (b) maganin/cewieefveve
efMeÙeeEjie efyeÇpe kesâ GheÙeesie mes efvecveefueefKele ceW mes (c) silver/efmeuJej (d) nichrome/veeF›eâesce
708. For measuring a very high resistance we
efkeâmekeâes ceehee pee mekeâlee nw? should use
(a) Dielectric loss and power factor yengle GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS nceW GheÙeesie
hejeJewÅegle neefve Deewj Meefòeâ iegCekeâ keâjvee ÛeeefnS~
(b) Frequency and capacitance (a) Kelvin's double bridge/kesâefuJeve [yeue efyeÇpe
DeeJe=efòe Deewj Oeeefjlee (b) Wheat stone bridge/Jnerš mšesve efyeÇpe
(c) Variable resistances/heefjJeefle&le ØeeflejesOe (c) Meggar/cesiej
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR
702. ............... method is suitable for the 709. The electrical power to a meggar is provided
measurement of a resistance of expected by
value less than one ohm. Skeâ cesiej kesâ efueS JewÅegle Meefòeâ .......... kesâ Éeje Øeoeve
.......... efJeefOe Skeâ Deesÿe mes keâce Deehesef#ele ceeve kesâ keâer peeleer nw–
ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceehe kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ (a) battery/yewšjer
(b) permanent magnet D.C. generator
(a) Substitution/ØeeflemLeeheve
mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ [er.meer. pevejsšj
(b) Loss of charge/Ûeepe& keâer neefve (c) A.C. generator/S.meer. pevejsšj
(c) Wheatstone bridge/£eršmšesve efyeÇpe (d) any of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(d) Kelvin's double bridge/kesâefuJeve [yeue efyeÇpe 710. In a meggar controlling torque is provided by
703. Potentiometer is a Skeâ cesiej ceW efveÙeb$eCe yeue DeeIetCe& ............ kesâ Éeje
efJeYeJe ceeršj Skeâ neslee nw Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) calibrating instrument/DebMeeefkeâle GhekeâjCe (a) spring/eEmheie
(b) comparison instrument/legueveelcekeâ GhekeâjCe (b) gravity/ieg®lJe
(c) indicating instrument/mebkesâleve GhekeâjCe (c) coil/kegâC[ueer
(d) eddy current/YeBJej Oeeje
(d) integrating instrument/meceekeâueve GhekeâjCe
711. Murray loop test can be used for location of
704. Ring specimens can be tested for its magnetic cetjx uethe heefj#eCe keâe GheÙeesie ................ kesâ efmLeefle
properties by
keâe DeJeueeskeâve keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
eEjie mhesmeercesvme keâe hejer#eCe Fmekesâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe iegCeeW kesâ
(a) ground fault on a cable/kesâyeue hej Yet- oes<e
efueS .......... kesâ Éeje efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(b) short circuit fault on a cable
(a) A.C. potentiometer/S.meer. efJeYeJe ceeršj kesâyeue hej ueIeg-heefjheLe oes<e
(b) Campbell's bridge/kewâcheyesue efyeÇpe (c) both the ground fault and the short-circuit
(c) Maxwell's bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe fault/Yet oes<e Deewj ueIeg heefjheLe oes<e oesveeW
(d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 656 YCT
712. Which of the following devices should be used (a) necessary to standardise the potentiometer
for accurate measurement of low D.C. efJeYeJeceeršj ceevekeâerke=âle keâjves kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ
voltage? (b) not necessary to standardise the
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme GhekeâjCe keâe GheÙeesie efvecve potentiometer
D.C. Jeesušspe kesâ mešerkeâ ceehe kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee efJeYeJeceeršj ceevekeâerke=âle keâjves kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ veneR
nw? (c) necessary to use a volt ratio box in
conjunction with the potentiometer
(a) Small range moving coil voltmeter
efJeYeJe ceeršj kesâ meeLe mebÙeespeve ceW Skeâ Jeesuš Devegheele
keâce hejeme Ûeue kegâC[ueer Jeesušceeršj yee@keäme keâe GheÙeesie keâjves kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ
(b) D.C. potentiometer/[er.meer. efJeYeJe ceeršj (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) Small range thermocouple voltmeter 717. A phase shifting transformer is used in
keâce hejeme Leceexkeâheue Jeesušceeršj conjunction with
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Skeâ keâuee efMeeEheäšie š^ebmeheâece&j ............. kesâ meeLe
713. It is required to measure the true open circuit mebÙeespeve kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
e.m.f. of a battery. The best device is (a) D.C. potentiometer/[er.meer. efJeYeJeceeršj
Skeâ yewšjer kesâ mener Keguee heefjheLe efJe. Jee. yeue keâes (b) Drysdale potentiometer/[^eF&m[sue efJeYeJeceeršj
ceeheves keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~ meyemes DeÛÚe GhekeâjCe nw (c) A.C. co-ordinate potentiometer
(a) D.C. voltmeter/ D.C. Jeesušceeršj S.meer. mecevJeÙe efJeYeJeceeršj
(b) Ammeter and a known resistance (d) Crompton potentiometer/›eâe@chšve efJeYeJeceeršj
Deceeršj Deewj Skeâ %eele ØeeflejesOe 718. Basically a potentiometer is a device for
meeceevÙele: Skeâ efJeYeJeceeršj ........... kesâ efueS
(c) D.C. potentiometer/ D.C. efJeYeJe ceeršj
GhekeâjCe neslee nw
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) comparing two voltages/oes Jeesušspees keâer leguevee
714. A voltage of about 200 V can be measured
(b) measuring a current/Oeeje ceeheves
ueieYeie 200 V keâe Skeâ Jeesušspe ceehee pee mekeâlee nw
(c) comparing two currents/oes OeejeDeeW keâer leguevee
(a) directly by a D.C. potentiometer
(d) measuring a voltage/Jeesušspe ceeheves
meerOes [er.meer. efJeYeJe ceeršj Éeje 719. In order to achieve high accuracy, the slide
(b) a D.C. potentiometer in conjunction with a wire of a potentiometer should be
volt ratio box/Skeâ Jeesuš Devegheele yeekeäme kesâ meeLe GÛÛe ÙeLeeLe&lee Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS, Skeâ efJeYeJeceeršj
mebÙeespeve ceW [er.meer. efJeYeJeceeršj keâer efheâmeueve leej nesveer ÛeeefnS
(c) a D.C. potentiometer in conjunction with a (a) as long as possible
known resistance/Skeâ %eele ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe efpelevee mecYeJe nes mekesâ Gleveer yeÌ[er
mebÙeespeve ceW Skeâ [er.meer. efJeYeJe ceeršj (b) as short as possible
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR efpelevee mecYeJe nes mekesâ Gleveer Úesšer
715. A direct current can be measured by (c) neither too small nor too large
Skeâ ØelÙe#e Oeeje kesâ Éeje ceeheer pee mekeâleer nw~ ve lees yengle Úesšer ve ner yengle yeÌ[er
(a) a D.C. potentiometer directly (d) very thick/yengle ceesšer
meerOes [er.meer. efJeYeJeceeršj Éeje 720. To measure an A.C. voltage by using an A.C.
potentiometer, it is desirable that the supply
(b) a D.C. potentiometer in conjunction with a for the potentiometer is taken
standard resistance/ceevekeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe S.meer. efJeYeJeceeršj keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ S.meer. Jeesušspe
mebÙeespeve ceW Skeâ [er.meer. efJeYeJeceeršj keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS, Ùen JeebefÚle nw efkeâ heesšQefMeÙeesceeršj
(c) a D.C. potentiometer in conjunction with a kesâ efueS mehueeF& .......... efueÙee peeÙesiee~
volt ratio box/Jeesuš Devegheele yee@keäme kesâ meeLe (a) from a source which is not the same as the
mebÙeespeve ceW Skeâ [er.meer. efJeYeJeceeršj unknown voltage
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Skeâ œeesle mes pees De%eele Jeesušspe kesâ meceeve veneR nw
716. To measure a resistance with the help of a (b) from a battery/Skeâ yewšjer mes
potentiometer it is (c) from the same source as the unknown
Skeâ efJeYeJeceeršj keâer meneÙelee mes Skeâ ØeeflejesOe keâes voltage/De%eele Jeesušspe kesâ meceeve œeesle
ceeheves kesâ efueS neslee nw– (d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 657 YCT

721. The stator of phase shifting transformer for 725. In an Anderson bridge, the unknown
use in conjunction with an A.C. potentio- inductance is measured in terms of
meter usually has a Skeâ Sb[jmeve efyeÇpe ceW De%eele ØesjkeâlJe .............. kesâ
Skeâ S.meer. efJeYeJeceeršj kesâ meeLe mebÙeespeve kesâ efueS mevoYe& ceW ceehee peelee nw~
keâuee heefjJele&ve š^ebmeheâece&j keâe mšsšj ceW Deeceleewj hej (a) known inductance and resistance
neslee nw– %eele ØesjkeâlJe Deewj ØeeflejsOe
(a) single-phase winding/Skeâue keâuee JeeFbeE[ie (b) known capacitance and resistance
(b) two-phase winding/oes keâuee JeeFbeE[ie %eele Oeeefjlee Deewj ØeeflejesOe
(c) three-phase winding/leerve keâuee JeeFbeE[ie (c) known resistance/%eele ØeeflejesOe
(d) known inductance/%eele ØesjkeâlJe
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
726. Wagner earthing device is used to eliminate
722. In an A.C. co-ordinate potentiometer, the
errors due to
currents in the phase and quadrature
potentiometer are adjusted to be
Jewivej DeeefLeËie GhekeâjCe keâe GheÙeesie ......... kesâ keâejCe
Skeâ A.C. mecevJeÙe efJeYeJeceeršj ceW keâuee Deewj $egefš keâes meceehle keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw
keäJee[^sÛej efJeYeJeceeršj ceW OeejeDeeW keâes meceeÙeesefpele (a) electrostatic coupling/Fueskeäš^esmšwefškeâ Ùegiceve
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ (b) electromagnetic coupling
JewÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe Ùegiceve
(a) out of phase by 900/900 keâuee kesâ yeenj
(c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(b) out of phase by 600/600 keâuee kesâ yeenj
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) out of phase by 300/300 keâuee kesâ yeenj
727. For measurement of mutual inductance we
(d) out of phase by 00/00 keâuee kesâ yeenj can use
723. A universal RLC bridge uses DevÙeesvÙe ØesjkeâlJe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS nce GheÙeesie keâj
Skeâ ÙetefveJeme&ue RLC efyeÇpe .......... keâe GheÙeesie keâjles mekeâles nQ
nQ~ (a) Anderson bridge/Sb[jmeve efyeÇpe
(a) Maxwell bridge configuration for (b) Maxwell's bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe
measurement of inductance and De-Sauty's (c) Heaviside bridge/nwJeermeeF[ efyeÇpe
bridge for measurement of capacitance
(d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
ØesjkeâlJe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe efJevÙeeme
728. For measurement of inductance having high
Deewj Oeeefjlee keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS [er-mee@Gšer efyeÇpe value, we should use
(b) Maxwell Wein bridge for measurement of GÛÛe ceeve Jeeues ØesjkeâlJe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS nceW
inductance and modified De-Sauty's bridge GheÙeesie keâjvee ÛeeefnS
for measurement of capacitance
(a) Maxwell's bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe
ØesjkeâlJe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS cewkeämeJesue Jesve efyeÇpe Deewj
(b) Maxwell Wein bridge/cewkeämeJesue Jesve efyeÇpe
Oeeefjlee keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS mebMesefOele [er-mee@Gšer efyeÇpe
(c) Hay's bridge/ns efyeÇpe
(c) Maxwell Wein bridge for measurement of
inductance and Wein Bridge for (d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
measurement of capacitance 729. If the current in a capacitor leads the voltage
ØesjkeâlJe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS cewkeämeJesue Jesve efyeÇpe Deewj by 800, the loss angle of the capacitor is
Oeeefjlee keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS Jesve efyeÇpe Ùeefo Skeâ mebOeeefj$e ceW Oeeje Jeesušspe mes 80o De«e nw, lees
(d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
mebOeeefj$e keâe neefve keâesCe neslee nw
(a) 100 (b) 800
724. For measurements of high voltage capacitors, 0
(c) 120 (d) 1700
the suitable bridge is
730. In a Schering bridge the potential of the
GÛÛe Jeesušspe Oeeefjlee keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ detector above earth potential is
efyeÇpe nw Skeâ MesÙeeEjie efyeÇpe ceW DeLe& efJeYeJe kesâ Thej mebmetÛekeâ
(a) Wein bridge/Jesve efyeÇpe keâe efJeYeJe neslee nw
(b) Modified De-Sauty's bridge (a) a few volts only/kesâJeue kegâÚ Jeesuš
mebMeesefOele [er-mee@Gšer efyeÇpe (b) 1 kV
(c) Schering bridge/MesÙeeEjie efyeÇpe (c) 5 kV
(d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (d) 10 kV

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 658 YCT

731. To avoid the effect of stray magnetic field in (a) very high voltages./ yengle GÛÛe Jeesušspe
A.C. bridges we can use (b) very low voltages./ yengle efvecve Jeesušspe
A.C. efyeÇpe ceW mš^s ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ ØeYeeJe mes yeÛeves
(c) very high resistances./ yengle GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe
kesâ efueS nce GheÙeesie keâj mekeâles nQ
(d) very low resistances./ yengle efvecve ØeeflejesOe
(a) magnetic screening/ÛegcyekeâerÙe m›eâereEveie
737. The maximum sensitivity of a Wheatstone
(b) Wagner earthing device/Jewivej Dee\Leie ef[JeeFme
bridge is achieved when the bridge
(c) wave filters/lejbie efheâušj
Skeâ Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe keâer DeefOekeâlece mebJesoveMeeruelee
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
Øeehle nesleer nw peye efyeÇpe-
732. If an inductance is connected in one arm of
bridge and resistances in the remaining three (a) uses DC supply.
arms [er.meer. Deehetefle& keâe GheÙeesie keâjlee nw~
Ùeefo efyeÇpe kesâ Skeâ Yegpee ceW ØesjkeâlJe leLee Mes<e leerve (b) uses AC supply.
Yegpee ceW ØeeflejesOe pegÌ[e nes, lees S.meer. Deehetefle& keâe GheÙeesie keâjlee nw~
(a) the bridge can always be balanced (c) has unity arm ratio.
efyeÇpe ncesMee meblegefuele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw FkeâeF& Deece& (Yegpee) Devegheele neslee nw~
(b) the bridge cannot be balanced
(d) has 1 : 2 arm ratio./ 1 : 2 Yegpee Devegheele neslee nw~
efyeÇpe meblegefuele veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
738. The null balance potentiometric measurement
(c) the bridge can be balanced if the resistances
of voltage technique is not capable of
have some specific values
Ùeefo ØeeflejesOe kesâ kegâÚ efJeefMe<š ceeve nQ, lees efyeÇpe
Jeesušspe lekeâveerkeâ keâe MetvÙe meblegueve efJeYeJe ceeheer
meblegefuele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
efJeefOe...... ceeheves cebs me#ece veneR nw-
(d) any of the above/ Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
733. A potentiometer may be used for (a) dc voltage/ [er.meer. Jeesušspe
Skeâ efJeYeJe ceeršj........... kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee pee (b) ac voltage/ S.meer. Jeesušspe
mekeâlee nw~ (c) voltage with higher accuracy and sensitivity
(a) measurement of resistance/ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeheve as compared to deflection-type instrument
(b) measurement of current/Oeeje keâe ceeheve efJe#esheCe Øekeâej kesâ GhekeâjCe keâer leguevee ceW GÛÛe ÙeLeeLe&lee
(c) calibration of ammeter / Deceeršj keâe DebMeekeâve Deewj mebJesoveMeeruelee kesâ meeLe Jeesušspe
(d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer (d) dynamic and transient voltage changes
734. .................. is an instrument which measures ieeflekeâ Deewj #eefCekeâ Jeesušspe heefjJele&ve
the insulation resistance of an electric circuit 739. Measurement of an unknown voltage with a dc
relative to earth and one another. potentionmeter losses its advantage of open-
.................. Skeâ GhekeâjCe nw pees he=LJeer kesâ meehes#e circuit measurement when
Skeâ DevÙe JewÅegle heefjheLe kesâ efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOe keâes [ermeer efJeYeJeceeheer neefve kesâ meeLe Skeâ De%eele Jeesušspe keâer
ceehelee nw– ceehe, Kegues heefjheLe ceeheve keâe Fmekeâe ueeYe nw peye-
(a) Tangent galvanometer/šQpeWš iewuJesveesceeršj (a) the primary circuit battery is changed.
(b) Meggar/cesiej ØeeLeefcekeâ heefjheLe yewšjer keâes yeoue efoÙee peelee nw~
(c) Current transformer/Oeeje š^ebmeheâece&j (b) standardization has to be done again to
(d) None of the above/Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR compensate for drifts./ ef[^heäš keâes #eeflehetefle& keâjves kesâ
735. Resistances can be measured with the help of efueS ceevekeâerkeâjCe efheâj mes efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS
ØeeflejesOe efkeâmekeâer meneÙelee mes ceehee pee mekeâlee nw (c) voltage is larger than the range of the
(a) wattmeters/Jeešceeršme& potentiometer.
(b) voltmeters/Jeesušceeršme& Jeesušspe, efJeYeJeceeheer keâer meercee mes yeÌ[e neslee nw~
(c) ammeters/Sceeršme& (d) range reduction by a factor of 10 is employed.
(d) ohmmeters and resistance bridges 10 kesâ iegCekeâ Éeje meercee ceW keâceer efveÙeesefpele nw~
Deesÿeceeršme& Deewj ØeeflejesOe efyeÇpe 740. The potentiometer is standardised for making
736. A megger is an instrument used for measuring: it
cesiej Skeâ GhekeâjCe nw efpemekeâe GheÙeesie ..........keâes ceeheves efJeYeJeceeheer keâes ceevekeâerke=âle efkeâÙee ieÙee nw, Fmes yeveeves
kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ kesâ efueS-
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 659 YCT
(a) accurate/ ÙeLeeLe& *744. A dc potentiometer is designed to measure up
(b) precise/ met#celee to about 2 V with a slide wire of 800 mm. A
(c) accurate and direct reading standard cell of emf 1.18 V obtains balance at
ÙeLeeLe& Deewj ØelÙe#e hee"Ÿeebkeâ 600 mm. A test cell is seen to obtain balance at
(d) accurate and precise/ ÙeLeeLe& Deewj met#celee 680 mm. The emf of the test cell is
741. In dc potentiometer measurements, a second Skeâ [er.meer. efJeYeJeceeheer keâes 800 efceceer kesâ mueeF[ JeeÙej
reading is often taken after reversing the kesâ meeLe ueieYeie 2V lekeâ ceeheves kesâ efueS ef[peeFve
polarities of dc supply and the unknown efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ F&.Sce.Sheâ. 1.18V keâe Skeâ ceevekeâ mesue
voltage, and the average of the two readings is
taken. This is with a view to eliminate the 600 mm hej meblegueve Øeehle keâjlee nw~ Skeâ hejer#eCe mesue
effects of keâes 680 mm hej meblegueve Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS osKee
[er.meer. efJeYeJeceeheer ceeheve ceW, [ermeer Deehetefle& Deewj De%eele peelee nw~ šsmš mesue keâe F&.Sce.Sheâ. nw-
Jeesušspe keâer OeÇgJeerÙelee keâes efjJeme& keâjves kesâ yeeo ØeeÙe:
(a) 1.00 V (b) 1.34 V
otmeje hee"Ÿeebkeâ efueÙee peelee nw Deewj oes hee"Ÿeebkeâ keâe
(c) 1.50 V (d) 1.70 V
Deewmele efueÙee ieÙee nw~ Ùen...... kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes Kelce keâjves
745. In the potentiometer circuit shown in the given
kesâ efueS Skeâ ÂMÙe kesâ meeLe nw- figure, the value of unknown voltage 'E' under
(a) ripples in the DC supply/ [er.meer. Deehetefle& ceW efjheue balanced condition will be
(b) stray magnetic fields/ efJeheefLele ÛegyebkeâerÙe #es$e efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le, efJeYeJeceeheer heefjheLe ceW, meblegefuele
(c) stray thermal emfs/ efJeheefLele Lece&ue F&.Sce.Sheâ. efmLeefle kesâ lenle De%eele Jeesušspe keâe ceeve nesiee-
(d) erroneous standardisation/ $egefšhetCe& ceevekeâerkeâjCe
742. Consider the following statements.
DC potentiometre is the best means available
for measurement of dc voltages because
efvecve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
[ermeer efJeYeJeceeheer [ermeer Jeesušspe keâer ceehe kesâ efueS meyemes
DeÛÚe GheueyOe meeOeve nw keäÙeeWefkeâ-
1. The precision in measurement is independent
of the type of detector used./ ceehe ceW Megælee (a) 200 mV (b) 2.8 V
ØeÙegòeâ ef[šskeäšj kesâ Øekeâej mes mJeleb$e neslee nw~ (c) 3 V (d) 3.2 V
2. It is based on null-balance technique./Ùen 746. Which one of the following is not the criterion
MetvÙe (MetvÙe) meblegueve lekeâveerkeâ hej DeeOeeefjle neslee nw~ used to select potentiometer in a control
3. It is possible to standardize before a system?
measurement is undertaken./ ceehe efkeâS peeves mes ef vecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve Skeâ efveÙeb$eCe ØeCeeueer ceW
henues Fmes ceevekeâerke=âle keâjvee mebYeJe nw~ efJeYeJeceeheer keâe ÛeÙeve keâjves kesâ efueS GheÙeesie keâer peeves
4. It is possible to measure dc voltages ranging Jeeueer ceeveob[ veneR nw?
in value from mV to hundreds of volts.
(a) Accuracy/ ÙeLeeLe&lee
mV mes 100 Jeesuš lekeâ kesâ ceeve Jeeues dc Jeesušspe keâes
ceehevee mebYeJe nw~ (b) Noise/ Meesj
Of these statements/ Fve keâLeveeW ceW- (c) Time response/ meceÙe Øeefleef›eâÙee
(a) 2 and 3 are correct/ 2 Deewj 3 mener nQ (d) Frequency response/ DeeJe=efòe Øeefleef›eâÙee
(b) 1 and 4 are correct/ 1 Deewj 4 mener nQ 747. For measuring an ac voltage by an ac
(c) 2 and 4 are correct/ 2 Deewj 4 mener nQ potentiometer, it is desirable that the supply for
(d) 3 and 4 are correct/ 3 Deewj 4 mener nQ the potentiometer is taken from
743. Volt-box is basically a device used for Skeâ S.meer. efJeYeJeceeheer Éeje Skeâ S.meer. Jeesušspe keâes
Jeesuš-yee@keäme cetue ™he mes Skeâ GhekeâjCe nw, efpemekeâe ceeheves kesâ efueS, Ùen JeebÚveerÙe nw efkeâ efJeYeJeceeheer kesâ efueS
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw- Deehetefle& ........... mes uesveer ÛeeefnS~
(a) measuring the voltage/Jeesušspe ceeheves kesâ efueS (a) the same source as the unknown voltage
(b) extending the range of voltmeter De%eele Jeesušspe keâer Yeebefle meceeve Œeesle mes
Jeesušceeršj keâer meercee keâe efJemleej keâjves kesâ efueS (b) a battery/yewšjer mes
(c) extending the voltage range of the
potentiometer (c) a source other than the source of unknown
efJeYeJeceeheer keâer Jeesušspe jbspe kesâ efJemleej kesâ efueS voltage/De%eele Jeesušspe kesâ Œeesle kesâ DeueeJee DevÙe Œeesle mes
(d) measuring power/Meefòeâ ceeheves ceW (d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 660 YCT
748. Which one of the following instruments is used (a) resistance and inductance in series
for standardization of a Drysdale ac ØeeflejesOe Deewj ØesjkeâlJe ßesCeer ceW
potentiometer? (b) resistance and capacitance in parallel
[^eÙeme[sue, S.meer. efJeYeJeceeheer kesâ ceevekeâerkeâjCe kesâ efueS ØeeflejesOe Deewj mebOeeefj$e meceeveeblej ceW
efvecve ceW mes efkeâme GhekeâjCe keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? (c) capacitance only/kesâJeue mebOeeefj$e
(a) Rectifier type ammeter/ efo°keâejer Øekeâej Sceeršj (d) inductance only/kesâJeue Øesjkeâ
(b) PMMC ammeter/PMMC Sceeršj 751. The bridge circuit shown in the figure below is
(c) Precision type electrodynamometer used for the measurement of an unknown
element ZX. The bridge circuit is best suited
heefjMegælee Øekeâej efJeÅegle [eÙevesceesceeršj
when ZX is a
(d) Thermocouple ammeter/Leceexkeâheue Sceeršj veerÛes efoS ieS efÛe$e ceW ØeoefMe&le Skeâ efyeÇpe heefjheLe keâe
749. Consider the following statements in GheÙeesie De%eele lelJe Zx kesâ ceehe kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
connection with the null or balance condition in efyeÇpe heefjheLe meyemes GheÙegòeâ neslee nw, peye Zx nw-
a bridge circuit:
Skeâ efyeÇpe heefjheLe ceW MetvÙe Ùee meblegueve efmLeefle kesâ meeLe
keâveskeäMeve ceW efvecve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW: R1
1. It is always independent of the magnitude of
the source voltage or its impedance.
Ùen ncesMee Œeesle Jeesušspe Ùee Fmekesâ ØeefleyeeOee kesâ
heefjceeCe mes mJeleb$e neslee nw~
2. It is independent of the sensitivity of the
(a) low resistance/efvecve ØeeflejesOe
detector or its impedance./Ùen ef[šskeäšj keâer
(b) high resistance/GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe
mebJesoveMeeruelee Ùee Fmekesâ ØeefleyeeOee kesâ heefjceeCe mes
(c) low Q inductor/efvecve Øesjkeâ
mJeleb$e neslee nw~
(d) lossy capacitor/neefvehetCe& mebOeeefj$e
3. It is unchanged if the impedances of one set
752. Inductance of a coil having Q value in the
of adjacent arms are interchanged./Ùen range of (1 < Q < 10) can be measured by using
DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw Ùeefo Skeâ mesš kesâ mebueive Yegpee (1 < Q < 10) keâer jWpe ceW Q ceeve Jeeues kegbâ[ueer kesâ
keâer ØeefleyeeOee keâes Deeheme ceW yeoue efoÙee peelee nw~ ØesjkeâlJe keâes...... keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ ceevee pee mekeâlee nw~
4. It is unchanged if the source and the detector (a) Hay's bridge/nspe efyeÇpe
are interchanged./Ùen DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw Ùeefo (b) De Sauty's bridge/Ç[er meeGšer efyeÇpe
Œeesle Deewj ef[šskeäšj keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peelee nw~ (c) Maxwell bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe
Which of these statements are correct? (d) Carey Foster's bridge/kewâjer Heâesmšj efyeÇpe
FveceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nQ? 753. Which one of the following is represented by
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 the circuit shown below:
(b) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2 Deewj 4 efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee veerÛes efoKeeS ieS heefjheLe
(c) 2, 3 and 4/2, 3 Deewj 4 Éeje oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw-
(d) 1, 3 and 4/1, 3 Deewj 4
750. The ac bridge shown in the given figure will
remain balanced if impedance Z consists of D
Deeke=âefle ceW efoKeeÙee ieÙee Smeer efyeÇpe meblegefuele jnsiee Ùeefo
ØeefleyeeOee Z ceW meefcceefuele nw-

(a) De Sauty bridge/[er meeGšder efyeÇpe

(b) Anderson bridge/Sb[jmeve efyeÇpe
(c) Heaviside-Campbell bridge
nwJeermeeF[-kewâcheyesue efyeÇpe
(d) Hay bridge/nspe efyeÇpe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 661 YCT
754. Which of the following bridges can be used for (a) Even if both the capacitors are imperfect.
inductance measurement? mece Ùeefo oesveeW mebOeeefj$e DehetCe& neW
ØesjkeâlJe ceeheve kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes efkeâme efyeÇpe keâe (b) If one of the capacitors is perfect.
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw– Ùeefo keâesF& Skeâ mebOeeefj$e mener nes
1. Maxwell bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe (c) Only if both the capacitors are perfect.
2. Hay's bridge/ns efyeÇpe Ùeefo kesâJeue oesveeW mebOeeefj$e mener nw~
3. Wein bridge/Jesve efyeÇpe (d) All of the above./Ghejesòeâ meYeer
4. Wheatstone bridge/Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe 759. Schering bridge is a very versatile ac bridge
Select the correct answer using the codes given and is used for capacitor testing in terms of
below: efMeÙeeEjie efyeÇpe Skeâ yengle ner DeefmLej S.meer. efyeÇpe nw Deewj
veerÛes efoS ieS keâes[ keâe GheÙeesie keâj mener Gòej keâe Fmekeâe GheÙeesie ....... kesâ meboYe& ceW mebOeeefj$e hejer#eCe kesâ
ÛeÙeve keâjW- efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
1. capacitance value (magnitude)
(c) 3, 4 and 5 (d) 1 and 4
Oeeefjlee ceeve (heefjceeCe)
755. Inductance is measured by which one of the
following? 2. loss angle measurement/neefve keâesCe ceeheve
efvecve ceW mes efkeâmekeâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ ØesjkeâlJe ceehee pee 3. simple balance detector like PMMC
mekeâlee nw? instrument
(a) Wien bridge/Jesve efyeÇpe meeceevÙe meblegueve ef[šskeäšj pewmes PMMC Ùeb$e
(b) Schering bridge/efMeÙeefjbie efyeÇpe 4. providing safety to operators by
(c) Maxwell bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe incorporating Wagner earthing device
Jewievej DeefLeËie ef[JeeFme keâes Meeefceue keâjkesâ Dee@hejsšjeW
(d) Owen bridge/DeesJeve efyeÇpe
*756. An imperfect capacitor is represented by a
keâes megj#ee Øeoeve keâjvee~
capacitance C in parallel with a resistance R. Which of the above are correct?
The value of the dissipation factor tan δ is Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mener nw?
Skeâ DehetCe& mebOeeefj$e keâes Skeâ ØeeflejesOe R kesâ meeLe (a) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
meceeveeblej ceW Oeeefjlee C Éeje oMee&Ùee peelee nw~ efJemepe&ve (b) 3 and 4 only/kesâJeue 3 Deewj 4
iegCeebkeâ tanδ keâe ceeve nw- (c) 1, 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1,2 Deewj 4
(a) ωCR (b) ω2CR
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/kesâJeue 1,2,3 Deewj 4
1 1
(c) 2 (d) 760. Schering bridge can be used to measure which
ω CR ωCR
one of the following?
757. Consider the following statements in respect of
a Wien bridge.
ef MeÙeeEjie efyeÇpe keâe GheÙeesie efvecve ceW mes efkeâme Skeâ kesâ
Jesve efyeÇpe mes mebyebefOele efvecve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW- ceeheve kesâ efueS neslee nw-
1. It is suitable for measurement of capacitance. (a) Q of a coil/kegbâ[ueer keâe Q
Ùen Oeeefjlee kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ nw~ (b) Inductance and its Q-value
2. It is not affected by harmonics present in the ØesjkeâlJe Deewj Fmekeâe Q-ceeve
applied voltage./Ùen ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe ceW GheefmLele (c) Very small resistance/yengle efvecve ØeeflejesOe
neceexefvekeäme mes ØeYeeefJele veneR neslee nw~ (d) Capacitance and its power factor
3. It is suitable for measurement of frequency. Oeeefjlee Deewj Fmekeâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ
Ùen DeeJe=efòe kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ nw~
761. Dissipation factor, tan δ, of a capacity can be
Which of these statements are correct? measured by which bridge?
FveceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw? #ecelee keâe DeheJÙeÙe iegCekeâ tan δ efkeâme efyeÇpe Éeje ceehee
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 (b) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 pee mekeâlee nw-
(c) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3 (d) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3
(a) Anderson bridge/Sb[me&ve efyeÇpe
758. In De Sauty Bridge (unmodified form) it is
possible to obtain balance. (b) Hay bridge/nsefyeÇpe
[er meeGšer efyeÇpe ceW (DemebMeesefOele ™he) meblegueve Øeehle (c) Schering bridge/efMeÙeeEjie efyeÇpe
keâjvee mebYeJe nw- (d) Wien bridge/Jesve efyeÇpe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 662 YCT
762. The dielectric loss of a capacitor can be (a) vibration galvanometers and headphones.
measured by which one of the following? keâcheve iewuJesveesceeršj Deewj ns[heâesve
mebOeeefj$e kesâ hejeJewÅegle neefve keâes efvecve ceW mes efkeâmekesâ Éeje (b) headphones and tunable amplifiers.
ceehee pee mekeâlee nw? ns[heâesve Deewj šŸetvesyeue ØeJeOe&keâ
(a) Wien bridge/Jesve efyeÇpe (c) vibration galvanometers and tunable
(b) Owen bridge/DeesJeve efyeÇpe amplifiers./keâcheve iewuJesveesceeršj Deewj šŸetvesyeue ØeJeOe&keâ
(c) Schering bridge/efMeÙeeEjie efyeÇpe (d) vibration galvanometers, head-phones and
(d) Maxwell bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe tunable amplifers.
763. With the help of which bridge are the keâcheve iesuJesveesceeršj, ns[-heâesve Deewj šŸetvesyeue ØeJeOe&keâ
capacitance and dielectric loss of a capacitor
768. Wagner's earthing device is used in a.c. bridge
generally measured?
efkeâme efyeÇpe keâer meneÙelee mes Oeeefjlee Deewj mebOeeefj$e keâer
S.meer. efyeÇpe ceW Jewiveme& DeefLeËie ef[JeeFme keâe GheÙeesie......
hejeJewÅegle neefve keâes Deeceleewj hej ceehee pee mekeâlee nw?
kesâ efueS keâjles nQ~
(a) De Sauty/[er meeGšer (b) Wien series/Jesve ßesCeer
(a) shielding the bridge elements.
(c) Anderson/Sb[jmeve (d) Schering/efMeÙeeEjie
764. The imperfect capacitance which is shunted by
efyeÇpe lelJeeW keâer Meerefu[bie
a resistance can be measured by which one of (b) eliminating the stray electrostatic field
the following? effects.
Skeâ DehetCe& mebOeeefj$e pees efkeâ Skeâ ØeeflejesOe Éeje Mebš efJeheefLele efJeÅegle-mLeweflekeâ #es$e kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes meceehle keâjves
efkeâÙee peelee nw, keâes efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmekesâ Éeje (c) eliminating the effect of earth capacitance.
ceehee pee mekeâlee nw? DeLe& Oeeefjlee kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes meceehle keâjves
(a) Carey Foster bridge/kewâjer heâesmšj efyeÇpe (d) eliminating the effect of inter-component
(b) Owen bridge/DeesJeve efyeÇpe capacitance.
(c) Schering bridge/efMeÙeeEjie efyeÇpe Deblej-Ieškeâ Oeeefjlee kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes meceehle keâjves
(d) Wien bridge/Jesve efyeÇpe 769. What should be the main characteristics of the
765. Which one of the following bridges is used for null detector in a bridge measurement?
measurement of dielectric loss and power efyeÇpe ceeheve ceW MetvÙe mebmetÛekeâ keâer cegKÙe efJeMes<eleeSb keäÙee
factor of a capacitor? nesveer ÛeeefnS?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee efyeÇpe mebOeeefj$e kesâ hejeJewÅegle neefve 1. Accuracy/ÙeLeeLe&lee
Deewj Meefòeâ iegCekeâ kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS GheÙeesie neslee nw?
2. Precision/Megælee
(a) Maxwell's bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe
3. Sensitivity/mebJesoveMeeruelee
(b) Anderson bridge/Sb[me&ve efyeÇpe
(c) De Sautty's bridge/[er meeGšer efyeÇpe 4. Resolution/efJeYesove
(d) Scheringbridge/efMeÙeefjbie efyeÇpe Select the correct answer using the codes given
766. AC bridges: below:
Smeer efyeÇpeeW ceW- veerÛes efoÙes ieS keâes[ keâe GheÙeesie keâj mener Gòej keâe
(a) have leakage error and eddy current erros ÛeÙeve keâjW-
only. Codes :
kesâJeue #ejCe $egefš Deewj YebJej Oeeje $egefšÙeeb nesleer nQ~ (a) Only 1 and 2/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(b) have residual error, frequency errors and (b) Only 2 and 3/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
waveform errors only./kesâJeue DeJeefMe° $egefš,
(c) Only 3 and 4/kesâJeue 3 Deewj 4
DeeJe=efòe $egefš Deewj lejbie $egefšÙeeb nesleer nQ~
(d) Only 3/kesâJeue 3
(c) both (a) and (b)./(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(d) are free from erros./$egefšÙeeW mes cegòeâ nesleer nw~ 770. Which of the following factors decide the
accuracy in a bridge measurement?
767. A bridge circuit works at a frequency of 2KHz.
The following can be used as detectors for efvecve ceW mes keâewve mes keâejkeâ efyeÇpe ceeheve ceW ÙeLeeLe&lee leÙe
detection of null conditionsin in the bridge keâjles nQ?
Skeâ efyeÇpe heefjheLe 2KHz keâer DeeJe=efòe hej keâece keâjlee 1. Accuracy of the null indicator.
nw~ efyeÇpe ceW MetvÙe efmLeefle keâe helee ueieeves kesâ efueS MetvÙe mebkesâlekeâ keâer ÙeLeeLe&lee
ef[šskeäšj kesâ ™he ceW efvecveefueefKele keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee pee 2. Accuracy of the bridge components.
mekeâlee nw- efyeÇpe DeJeÙeJeeW keâer ÙeLeeLe&lee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 663 YCT
3. Sensitivity of the null indicator. 775. A Schering bridge used for testing of a
MetvÙe mebkesâlekeâ keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee porcelain insulator should be shielded by a
metallic screen so that
4. Applied voltage to the bridge system.
Skeâ heesme&efueve efJeÅeglejesOeve kesâ hejer#eCe kesâ efueS GheÙeesie
efyeÇpe ØeCeeueer kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušspe efkeâÙee peeves Jeeues Skeâ efMeÙeeEjie efyeÇpe keâes Skeâ Oeeleg
Select the correct answer using the codesgiven m›eâerve Éeje Meeru[ efkeâÙee peelee nw, efpememes
(a) no crack develops in the insulator during
veerÛes efoS keâes[ keâe GheÙeesie keâj mener Gòej keâe ÛeÙeve testing./hejer#eCe kesâ oewjeve efJeÅeglejesOeve ceW keâesF& ojej
keâjW: efJekeâefmele ve nes~
(a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 (b) Earth's magnetic field does not affect it.
(b) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3 DeLe& ÛegbyekeâerÙe #es$e Fmes ØeYeeefJele ve keâjW~
(c) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4 (c) it is safe for the operator.
Ùen Dee@hejsšj kesâ efueS megjef#ele jns
(d) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3
(d) external electrostatic field does not affect it.
771. Vibration galvanometer, tuneable amplifiers
yeenjer efJeÅegle-mLeweflekeâ #es$e Fmes ØeYeeefJele veneR keâjlee nw~
and head phones are used in
776. Illumination is measured using which one of
keâcheve iewuJesveesceeršj, šŸetvesyeue ØeJeOe&keâ Deewj ns[heâesve the following?
keâe GheÙeesie neslee nw- Øeoerheve keâes efvecve ceW mes efkeâmekeâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ ceehee
(a) dc bridges/[er.meer. efyeÇpe ceW peelee nw?
(b) ac bridges/S.meer. efyeÇpe ceW (a) Millivoltmeter/efceueer Jeesušceeršj
(c) both dc and ac bridges (b) Stroboscope/mš^esyeesmkeâeshe
oesveeW S.meer. Deewj [er.meer. efyeÇpe
ceW (c) Luxmeter/uekeämeceeršj
(d) Kelvin double bridge/kesâefuJeve oesnjs efyeÇpe ceW (d) pH meter/pH ceeršj
772. Iron losses in a magnetic specimen can be 777. R1 and R4 are the opposite arms of a
measurd by using Wheatstone bridge as are R3 and R2. The
source voltage is applied across R1 and R3.
Skeâ ÛegbyekeâerÙe Øeefle™he ceW ueewn neefve keâe ceeheve..... keâe Under balanced conditions which one of the
GheÙeesie keâjkesâ keâjles nQ~ following is true?
(a) Campbell bridge method/kewâcheyesue efyeÇpe efJeefOe R1 Deewj R4 Skeâ Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe kesâ efJehejerle Deece& nQ
(b) Anderson bridge method/Sb[me&ve efyeÇpe efJeefOe pew mes R3 Deewj R2~ Œeesle Jeesušspe keâes R1 Deewj R3 kesâ
S›eâeme ØeÙegòeâ keâjles nQ~ meblegefuele efmLeefle ceW efvecve ceWs mes
(c) Hay bridge method/ns efyeÇpe efJeefOe
keâewve-mee mener nw?
(d) Schering bridge method/efMeÙeeEjie efyeÇpe efJeefOe
R 3R 4
773. Magnetic flux can be measured by (a) R1 =
ÛebgyekeâerÙe ØeJeen ceehee pee mekeâlee nw-
(a) capacitive pick-up/mebOeeefj$e efhekeâ-Dehe (b) R1 = 2 3
(b) inductive pick-up/ØesjefCekeâ efhekeâ-Dehe R 2R 4
(c) R1 =
(c) resistive pick-up/ØeeflejesOeer efhekeâ-Dehe R3
(d) Hall-effect pick-up/ne@ue-ØeYeeJe efhekeâ-Dehe (d) R 1 = R 2 + R 3 + R 4
774. In magnetic measurements, Lloyd-Fisher 778. A Wheatstone bridge cannot be employed for
square is used in the determination of which measurement of very low resistance as it
one of the following? introduces error on account of
ÛegbyekeâerÙe ceehe ceW, uee@Ùe[-efheâMej mkeäJeeÙej keâe GheÙeesie Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe keâes yengle efvecve ØeeflejesOe keâer ceehe kesâ
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmekesâ efveOee&jCe ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw? efueS efveÙeesefpele veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen .......
kesâ keâejCe $egefš keâe heefjÛeÙe oslee nw–
(a) B-H curve/B-H Je›eâ
(a) contact resistance./ mebheke&â ØeeflejesOe
(b) B-H loop/B-H uethe (b) resistance of connecting leads.
(c) Both B-H curve and B-H loop mebÙeespeve ueer[ keâe ØeeflejesOe
oesveeW B-H Je›eâ Deewj B-H uethe (c) thermoelectric emfs./ leehe efJeÅegle F&.Sce.Sheâ.
(d) Iron losses/ueewn neefve (d) all of the above./ Ghejesòeâ meYeer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 664 YCT

779. During the measurement of resistance by 783. A high resistance cannot be measured by
Carey Foster bridge, no error is introduced due simple ammeter-voltmeter principle because
to Skeâ GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe keâes meeceevÙe Sceeršj-Jeesušceeršj
kewâjer heâesmšj efyeÇpe Éeje ØeeflejesOe keâer ceehe kesâ oewjeve,.... efmeæeble Éeje veneR ceehee pee mekeâlee nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ-
kesâ keâejCe keâesF& $egefš ØeJesefMele veneR keâer peeleer nw- (a) voltmeter rating will be too high.
1. contact resistance./ mebheke&â ØeeflejesOe Jeesušceeršj jsefšbie yengle DeefOekeâ nesieer~
2. connecting leads./ mebÙeespeve ueer[dme (b) ammeter rating will be too low.
3. thermoelectric e.m.f./ leehe efJeÅegle F&.Sce.Sheâ. Sceeršj jsefšbie yengle keâce nesieer~
Which of the above are correct? (c) leakage current cannot be neglected.
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mener nw- #ejCe Oeeje veieCÙe veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee
(a) 1 and 2 only/ kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(d) power loss will be high.
(b) 1 and 3 only/ kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
Meefòeâ #eÙe DeefOekeâ nesiee~
(c) 2 and 3 only/ kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
784. Which of the following methods is used for the
(d) 1, 2 and 3/ 1, 2 Deewj 3 measurement of high resistances?
780. The sensitivity of a Wheatstone bridge depends efvecve ceW mes keâewve efJeefOe GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe ceeheve kesâ efueS
Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee ................hej efveYe&j GheÙeesie nesleer nw?
(a) Carey Foster's bridge method.
keâjleer nw?
(a) galvanometer voltage sensitivity.
kewâjer heâesmšj efyeÇpe efJeefOe
iewuJesveesceeršj Jeesušspe mebJesoveMeeruelee (b) Substitution method./ ØeeflemLeeheve efJeefOe
(b) galvanometer resistance./ iewuJesveesceeršj ØeeflejesOe (c) Loss of charge method./ DeeJesMe neefve efJeefOe
(c) bridge supply voltage./ efyeÇpe mehueeF& Jeesušspe (d) Potentiometer method./ efJeYeJeceeheer efJeefOe
(d) all of the above./ Ghejesòeâ meYeer 785. `To measure low resistance, four-terminal
781. High resistances are provided with a guard approach is preferred because it
terminal in order to efvecve ØeeflejesOe keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS, Ûeej-šefce&veue heæefle
GÛÛe ØeeflejesOeeW kesâ ............. kesâ efueS iee[& šefce&veue kesâ keâes ØeeLeefcekeâlee osles nQ, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen-
meeLe Øeoeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (a) eliminates the effect of thermoelectric emf.
(a) protect the resistance against stray leeheerÙe-efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes meceehle keâjlee nw~
electrostatic field./ efJeheefLele efJeÅegle mLeweflekeâ #es$e kesâ
(b) minimises the effects of parasitic
efJe®æ ØeeflejesOe keâes mebjef#ele keâjves capacitances.
(b) bypass the leakage current. hewjeefmeefškeâ Oeeefjlee kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes keâce keâjlee nw~
#ejCe Oeeje keâes yeeF&heeme keâjves
(c) reduces the effects of parasitic inductances.
(c) protect the resistance against overloads.
DeesJejYeej kesâ efJe™æ ØeeflejesOe keâes mebjef#ele keâjves hewjeefmeefškeâ ØesjkeâlJe kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes keâce keâjlee nw~
(d) protect the resistance against stray (d) eliminates the effects of lead and contact
electromagnetic field./ efJeheefLele efJeÅegle ÛegbyekeâerÙe resistances.
#es$e kesâ efJe™æ ØeeflejesOe keâes mebjef#ele keâjves ueer[ Deewj mebheke&â ØeeflejesOe kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes meceehle keâjlee
782. Guard circuits are used in insulation resistance nw~
measurements to 786. The preferred methods of measuring low
iee[& heefjheLe keâe GheÙeesie efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOe ceeheve kesâ resistance and the resistance of cable insulation
are respectively
efueS keâjles nQ-
efvecve ØeeflejesOe Deewj kesâyeue FvmeguesMeve kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâes
(a) increase the range of resistance values
measured./ceehes peeves Jeeues ØeeflejesOe ceeveeW keâer jWpe ceeheves keâer cegKÙe efJeefOe ›eâceMe: nw-
yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS~ (a) V/I method and loss-of-charge method.
(b) reduce the effect of leakage current on V/I efJeefOe Deewj uee@me-Dee@heâ-Ûeepe& efJeefOe
measurement. (b) Kelvin's double-bridge and Megger test.
ceeheve hej #ejCe Oeeje kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes keâce keâjlee nw~ kesâefuJeve [yeue-efyeÇpe Deewj cesiej hejer#eCe
(c) protect against external electric fields. (c) Wheatstone bridge and Kelvin's double
yeenjer efJeÅegle #es$eeW kesâ efJe™æ j#ee keâjlee nw~ bridge./ neršmšesve efyeÇpe Deewj kesâefuJeve [yeue efyeÇpe
(d) protect against external magnetic fields. (d) potentiometer method and Wheatstone
yeenjer ÛegbyekeâerÙe #es$eeW kesâ efJe™æ j#ee keâjlee nw~ bridge./heesšsefMeÙeesceeršj efJeefOe Deewj Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 665 YCT

787. For low resistance (from few micro ohms to one (a) across the supply./ Deehetefle&
kesâ S›eâeme
ohm) measurement, which bridge is used? (b) across the resistance./ ØeeflejesOe kesâ S›eâeme
efvecve ØeeflejesOe ceeheve kesâ efueS (kegâÚ ceeF›eâes Deesce mes
(c) either across the supply or across the
Skeâ Deesce lekeâ), efkeâme efyeÇpe keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee resistance.
nw- Ùee lees Deehetefle& kesâ S›eâeme Ùee ØeeflejesOe kesâ S›eâeme
(a) Wheatstone bridge/Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe (d) neither across the supply nor across the
(b) Kelvin bridge/kesâefuJeve efyeÇpe resistance.
(c) Guarded Wheatstone bridge ve ner Deehetefle& kesâ S›eâeme ve ØeeflejesOe kesâ S›eâeme
mebjef#ele Jneršmšesve efyeÇpe *791. A resistor R is measured using the V-I method,
(d) Maxwell bridge/cewkeämeJesue efyeÇpe with V read as 10.14 V and I as 5.07 mA.
788. The accuracy of Kelvin's double bridge for the Which one of the following expresses the value
measurement of low resistance is high because of resistance?
the bridge Skeâ ØeeflejesOe R keâes V-I efJeefOe keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ ceehee
efvecve ØeeflejesOe keâer ceeheve kesâ efueS kesâefuJeve [yeue efyeÇpe peelee nw, V, 10.14V Deewj I, 5.07 mA heÌ{lee nw~ efvecve
keâer ÙeLeeLe&lee DeefOekeâ nw keäÙeeWefkeâ efyeÇpe- ceW mes keâewve ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeve keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw?
(a) uses two pairs of resistance arms. (a) 2 kΩ (b) 2.00 kΩ
ØeeflejesOe Deece& kesâ oes peesÌ[es keâe GheÙeesie keâjlee nw~ (c) 2000 Ω (d) 2.0 kΩ
(b) has medium value resistances in the ratio
792. The reflecting mirror mounted on the moving
arms./ jsefMeÙeeW Deece& ceW ceOÙece ceeve ØeeflejesOe nw~
coil of a vibration galvanometer is replaced by
(c) uses a low resistance link between standard a bigger size mirror. This will result in
and test resistances./ ceevekeâ Deewj hejer#eCe ØeeflejesOe Skeâ keâcheve iewuJesveesceeršj kesâ Ûeueles ngS kegâC[ueer hej ueies
kesâ yeerÛe efvecve ØeeflejesOe efuebkeâ keâe GheÙeesie keâjlee nw~ Øeefleefyebye ohe&Ce keâes yeÌ[s Deekeâej kesâ ohe&Ce mes yeoue efoÙee
(d) uses a null indicating galvanometer.
peelee nw~ Fmekeâe heefjceeCe Ùen nesiee–
MetvÙe metÛekeâ iewuJesveesceeršj GheÙeesie keâjlee nw
(a) lower frequency of resonance and lower
789. In a Kelvin's double bridge two sets of readings
amplitude of vibration.
are taken when measuring low resistance, one
with current in one direction and the other Devegveeo keâer keâce DeeJe=efòe Deewj kebâheve keâe keâce DeeÙeece
with direction of current reversed. This is done (b) lower frequency of resonance but the
to amplitude of vibration is unchanged./Devegveeo
kesâefuJeve [yeue efyeÇpe ceW hee"Ÿeebkeâ keâe oes mesš efueÙee keâer keâce DeeJe=efòe uesefkeâve kebâheve keâe DeeÙeece DeheefjJeefle&le nw
peelee nw, peye efvecve ØeeflejesOe keâes ceehee peelee nw, Skeâ keâes (c) higher frequency of resonance and lower
Oeeje kesâ Skeâ efoMee ceW Deewj otmejs keâes Oeeje kesâ efJehejerle amplitude of vibration.
efoMee ceW~ Ùen efkeâÙee peelee nw– Devegveeo keâer GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe Deewj kebâheve keâe keâce DeeÙeece
(a) eliminate the effect of contact resistance. (d) higher frequency of resonance but the
mebheke&â ØeeflejesOe kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes Kelce keâjves kesâ efueS amplitude of vibration is unchanged.
(b) eliminate the effect of resistance of leads. Devegveeo keâer GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe uesefkeâve kebâheve keâe DeeÙeece
ueer[ kesâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes Kelce keâjves kesâ efueS DeheefjJeefle&le nw
(c) correct the effect of changes in battery 793. In a ballistic galvanometer, the inertia of the
moving system is large so that
voltage./ yewšjer Jeesušspe ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes mener
keâjves kesâ efueS Skeâ yewefueefmškeâ iewuJesveesceeršj ceW, Ûeue ØeCeeueer keâe
peÌ[lJe DeefOekeâ neslee nw, leeefkeâ–
(d) eliminate the effect of thermoelectric emfs.
(a) it is paractically stationary during the period
leehe efJeÅegle F&.Sce.Sheâ. kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes Kelce keâjves kesâ when the electricity is passing through the
efueS coil./Ùen JÙeJeneefjkeâ ¤he mes efmLej nw, Gme DeJeefOe kesâ
790. In measuring resistance by voltmeter-ammeter oewjeve peye efJeÅegle Oeeje kegâC[ueer mes iegpej jner nw~
method, the voltmeter can be connected either
(b) it is accelerating fast as soon as the coil is
across supply or across the resistance. If the
resistance is low, the voltmeter should be
connected kegâC[ueer kesâ meef›eâÙe nesles ner Ùen lespeer mes yeÌ{ jne nw~
Jeesušceeršj-Sceeršj efJeefOe Éeje ØeeflejesOe keâes ceeheves ceW, (c) the amplitude of oscillations is small.
Jeesušceeršj keâes Ùee lees Deehetefle& Ùee ØeeflejesOe kesâ S›eâe@me oesueve keâe DeeÙeece keâce neslee nw~
peesÌ[les nQ~ Ùeefo ØeeflejesOe efvecve nw, lees Jeesušceeršj keâes (d) the frequency of oscillation is large.
peesÌ[e peevee ÛeeefnS~ oesueve keâer DeeJe=efòe yeÌ[er nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 666 YCT
794. Why is damping of a ballistic galvanometer (a) suspension. / efveuebyeve
kept small?
(b) taut suspension. / meKle efveuebyeve
Skeâ yewefueefmškeâ iewuJesveesceeršj keâe DeJecebove keâce keäÙeeW
(c) unipivot suspension. / ÙetveerefheJeš efveuebyeve
jKeles nQ?
(d) none of these. / FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) to get minimum over shoot.
798. Consider the following statements about the D'
vÙetvelece DeesJejMetš Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS
Arsonval movement:
(b) to make the system critically damped.
[er-Demeexveue ieefle kesâ yeejs ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej
ØeCeeueer keâe ›eâebeflekeâ DeJecebove yeveeÙes jKeves kesâ efueS efJeÛeej keâjW–
(c) to make the system ocsillatory.
1. It is best suited for dc current
ØeCeeueer keâes oesueveMeerue yeveeÙes jKeves kesâ efueS measurement.
(d) to get first deflection large. Ùen [er.meer. Oeeje ceeheve kesâ efueS meyemes GheÙegkeäle nw~
henuee efJe#esheCe DeefOekeâ Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS 2. It responds to the average value of current.
795. When a steady current is passed through a Ùen Oeeje kesâ Deewmele ceeve mes Øeefleef›eâÙee keâjlee nw~
ballistic galvanometer, then the conduction will
be 3. It measures the rms value of ac currents.
peye Skeâ efmLej Oeeje, Skeâ yewefueefmškeâ iewuJesveesceeršj ceW mes Ùen S.meer. Oeeje kesâ rms ceeve keâes ceehelee nw~
iegpejleer nw, leye Ûeeueve nesiee– 4. it could be used for power measurements.
(a) maximum. / DeefOekeâlece Ùen Meefkeäle ceeheve kesâ efueS ØeÙegkeäle efkeâÙee pee
(b) zero. / MetvÙe
mekeâlee nw~
(c) twice the normal value as it depends on Which of these statements is/are correct ?
Hibbert magnetic./meeceevÙe ceeve mes oes iegvee keäÙeeWefkeâ FveceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw?
Ùen efnyeš& Ûegcyekeâ hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~ (a) only 1. / kesâJeue 1
(d) none of the above. / Ghejeskeäle ceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) 1 and 2. / 1 Deewj 2
796. Flux meter is a special type of ballistic (c) 2 and 3. / 2 Deewj 3
galvanometer providded with which one of the
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4. / 1, 2, 3 Deewj 4
following ?
Heäuekeäme ceeršj Skeâ efJeMes<e Øekeâej keâe yewefueefmškeâ 799. The principle of working of a D' arsonval
Galvanometer is based upon
iewuJesveesceeršj nw, pees efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Skeâ kesâ
[er-Deemeexveue iewuJesveesceeršj keâe keâeÙe& keâe efmeæevle ---
Éeje Øeoòe neslee nw?
- hej DeeOeeefjle neslee nw~
(a) heavy electromagnetic damping and very
small controlling torque./ Yeejer efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe (a) heating effect of current. / Oeeje kesâ leehe ØeYeeJe
DeJecebove Deewj yengle keâce efveÙebef$ele DeeIetCe& (b) induction effect of current. / Oeeje kesâ ØesjCe ØeYeeJe
(b) heavy electromagnetic damping and large (c) magnetic effect of current.
controlling torque. Oeeje kesâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeYeeJe
Yeejer efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeJecebove DeefOekeâ efveÙebef$ele DeeIetCe& (d) electrostatic effect of current.
(c) small electromagnetic damping and large Oeeje kesâ efmLej efJeÅegle ØeYeeJe
controlling torque./keâce efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeJecebove
800. Which one of the following passive components
Deewj DeefOekeâ efveÙebef$ele DeeIetCe& has the most precise and accurate standard?
(d) large electromagnetic damping and small efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mes Skeâ efveef<›eâÙe Ieškeâ ceW meyemes
electromagnetic damping./DeefOekeâ efJeÅegleÛegcyekeâerÙe
mešerkeâ Deewj ÙeLeeLe& ceevekeâ neslee nw?
DeJecebove Deewj keâce efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeJecebove
(a) resistance. / ØeeflejesOe
797. For a sensitive galvanometer, the type of
support used is (b) inductance. / ØesjkeâlJe
Skeâ mebJesoveMeerue iewuJesveesceeršj kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâS (c) capacitance. / mebOeeefj$e
peeves Jeeues meheesš& keâe Øekeâej nw– (d) conductance. / ÛeeuekeâlJe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 667 YCT
801. Consider the following statements about (a) they are likely to melt under excessive eddy
secondary standard of mutual inductances: current. / Gvekeâes DelÙeefOekeâ YebJej Oeeje kesâ veerÛes efheIeue
DevÙeesvÙe ØesjkeâlJe kesâ efÉleerÙekeâ ceevekeâ kesâ yeejs ceW efvecve peeves keâer mecYeeJevee nw~
keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW– (b) they exhibit unwanted inductive and
1. They shall remain constant under all capacitive effects. / Jes DeJeebefÚle mebOeeefj$e Deewj
conditions of use. ØesjkeâlJe ØeYeeJe ØeoefMe&le keâjles nQ~
Jes GheÙeesie keâer meYeer DeJemLeeDeeW kesâ lenle efmLej (c) they create more electrical noise.
jnWies~ Jes DeefOekeâ efJeÅegle Meesj Glhevve keâjles nQ~
2. Their construction should be such that the (d) they consume more power.
mutual inductance varies as little as Jes DeefOekeâ Meefòeâ keâer Kehele keâjles nQ~
possible with change in temperature.
804. If R, L and C are the parameters of a resistor,
Gvekeâe yeveeJeš Fme Øekeâej nesveer ÛeeefnS efkeâ what is the condition for the resistor to be non-
DevÙeesvÙe ØesjCe, leeheceeve ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ meeLe keâce inductive?
mes keâce heefjJeefle&le nes~ Ùeefo R, L Deewj C, Skeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ hewjeceeršj nw, lees
3. As far as possible, their inductance should DeØesjkeâerÙe ØeeflejesOe kesâ efueS keäÙee DeJemLeeSb nQ?
be independent of excitation frequency. (a) L = CR (b) L = CR2
efpelevee mecYeJe nes mekesâ, Gvekeâe ØesjCe Gòespevee (c) C = LR2 (d) C = R/L
DeeJe=efòe mes mJelev$e nesveer ÛeeefnS~ 805. How can resolution of a wire wound
4. They usually consist of two coils wound on potentiometer be improved?
a bobbin of hard magnetic material, coils Skeâ JeeÙej JeeGC[ heesšWefMeÙeesceeršj kesâ efjpeeuÙetMeve keâes
being separated by a flange. kewâmes yesnlej yeveeÙee pee mekeâlee nw?
GveceW Deeceleewj hej keâ"esj ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ Skeâ
(a) By increasing the applied voltage
yeesefyeve hej kegâC[efuele efkeâS ieS oes nesleer nQ, peneB
ueeiet Jeesušspe keâes yeÌ{ekeâj
kegâC[ueer keâes Skeâ efvekeâues ngS efkeâveejs Éeje Deueie
(b) By decreasing the applied voltage
efkeâÙee peelee nw~
ueeiet Jeesušspe keâes keâce keâjkesâ
Of these statements / Fve keâLeveeW ceW–
(c) By reducing the diameter of the resistance
(a) 2, 3 and 4 are correct. / 2, 3 Deewj 4 mener nw~ wire/ØeeflejesOe leej kesâ JÙeeme keâes keâce keâjkesâ
(b) 1, 2 and 3 are correct. / 1, 2 Deewj 3 mener nw~ (d) By increasing the diameter of the resistance
(c) 1, 3 and 4 are correct. / 1, 3 Deewj 4 mener nw~ wire/ØeeflejesOe leej kesâ JÙeeme keâes yeÌ{ekeâj
(d) 1, 2 and 4 are correct. / 1, 2 Deewj 4 mener nw~ *806. What is the number of turns of wire needed to
provide a potentiometer with a resolution of
802. Which one of the following techniques reduces
0.05 per cent?
the residual inductance of standard resistance?
0.05 ØeefleMele kesâ efjpeeuÙetMeve kesâ meeLe Skeâ
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-meer Skeâ lekeâveerkeâer ceevekeâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ
DeJeefMe<š ØesjkeâlJe keâes keâce keâjlee nw? heesšWefMeÙeesceeršj keâes efkeâleves mebKÙee ceW leej kesâ IegceeJeeW
(turns) keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw?
(a) Using high resistivity material
(a) 200 turns/200 Jele&ve
GÛÛe ØeeflejesOekeâlee Jeeues heoeLe& keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ
(b) Using material of low temperature coefficient (b) 2000 turns/2000 Jele&ve
of resistance. / ØeeflejesOe kesâ efvecve leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ kesâ (c) 20 turns/20 Jele&ve
heoeLe& keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ (d) 20000 turns/20000 Jele&ve
(c) Using proper shielding. *807. A 3-turn 100kΩ potentiometer with 1%
GefÛele Meerefu[bie keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ linearity uses 30 V supply. What is the
(d) Making a bifilar winding on a card. potentiometer constant?
Skeâ keâe@[& hej Skeâ efÉmeg$eer kegâC[ueve keâes yevee keâj 1% jwefKekeâlee kesâ meeLe 3-turn 100kΩ heesšWefMeÙeesceeršj
30 V mehueeF& keâe GheÙeesie keâjlee nw~ heesšWefMeÙeesceeršj
803. Wire-wound resistors are unsuitable for use at
high frequencies because efmLejebkeâ keäÙee nw?
JeeÙej JeeGv[ ØeeflejesOekeâ GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe hej ØeÙeesie kesâ (a) 0.1 V/turn (b) 10 V/turn
efueS DevegheÙegkeäle neslee nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ– (c) 33.32 V/turn (d) 0.3 V/turn

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 668 YCT

813. Capacitive transducers have the advantages of?
09. Øe›eâce GheÙeb$eCe kesâ DeJeÙeJe OeeefjleerÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe ueeYe nw?
(a) very high input impedance, excellent
(Elements of Process frequency response, high sensitivity, and not
Instrumentation) being affected by stray magnetic fields
yengle DeefOekeâ Fvehegš ØeefleyeeOee, Glke=≠DeeJe=efòe
808. Purely mechanical instrument cannot be used Devegef›eâÙee, GÛÛe mebJesoveMeeruelee Deewj mš^s ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e
for dynamic measurements because they have: mes ØeYeeefJele veneR neslee nw
efJeMegæ ™he mes Ùeebef$ekeâ GhekeâjCe keâe GheÙeesie ieefleMeerue (b) very high output impedance
ceehe kesâ efueS veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ GveceW yengle DeefOekeâ efveie&le ØeefleyeeOee
neslee nw– (c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(a) high inertia/GÛÛe peÌ[lJe (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) higher response time/GÛÛe Øeefleef›eâÙee meceÙe 814. A strain gauge is passive transducer and is
employed for converting?
(c) large time constant/yeÌ[e meceÙe efmLejebkeâ Skeâ leveeJe iespe efveef<›eâÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw Deewj Fmes
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
heefjJeefle&le keâjves kesâ efueS efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw?
809. Synchro is a
(a) mechanical displacement into a change of
eEme›eâes, nw Skeâ– resistance
(a) parabolic transducer/hewjeyeesefuekeâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej Ùeebef$ekeâ efJemLeeheve keâes ØeeflejesOe kesâ heefjJele&ve ceW
(b) an angular position transducer (b) pressure into a change of resistance
Skeâ keâesCeerÙe efmLeefle š^ebme[dÙetmej oeye keâes ØeeflejesOe kesâ heefjJele&ve ceW
(c) a synchronizing transducer (c) force into displacement/yeue keâes efJemLeeheve ceW
Skeâ efmeb›eâesveeFefpebie š^ebme[dÙetmej (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) a variable transducer
815. Which one of the following gives gauge factor
Skeâ heefjJele&veerÙe š^ebme[dÙetmej of a strain gauge?
810. Which of the following is the most suitable efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve Skeâ mš^sve iespe keâe iespe Hewâkeäšj
transducer for monitoring continuously
variations in very fine thickness (say of paper oslee nw?
in a paper industry)? ∆L ∆R ∆R ∆L
(a) (b)
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee yengle DeÛÚer ceesšeF& ceW L R R L
ueieeleej yeoueeJeeW keâer efveiejeveer kesâ efueS meyemes ∆R ∆D ∆R ∆p
(c) (d)
GheÙegòeâ š^ebme[dÙetmej nw (heshej GÅeesie ceW heshej keân R D R p
mekeâles nQ)? 816. Gauge factor of a strain gauge is defined as the
(a) Diaphragm/[eÙeeøeâece ratio of a per unit change in the?
(b) LVDT mš^sve iespe kesâ iespe Hewâkeäšj keâes .......... kesâ Øeefle Ùetefveš
(c) Strain gauge/mš^sve iespe heefjJele&ve kesâ Devegheele kesâ ™he ceW heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee peelee
(d) Capacitance transducer/Oeeefjlee š^ebme[dÙetmej nw?
811. .......... is not an element of electropneumatic (a) conductivity to the per unit change in applied
pressure transmitter. force acting on the element/lelJe hej ØeÙegòeâ yeue ceW
.......... Fueskeäš^esvÙetcesefškeâ oeye š^ebmeceeršj keâe Skeâ Øeefle Ùetefveš heefjJele&ve kesâ efueS Ûeeuekeâlee
DeJeÙeJe veneR nw~ (b) resistance to the per unit change in the length
(a) Flapper nozzle mechanism/heäuewhej veespeue Ùeb$e of the element
(b) LVDT lelJe keâer uecyeeF& ceW Øeefle Ùetefveš heefjJele&ve keâe ØeeflejesOe
(c) Bellows/Oeewkeâveer (c) stress to the per unit change in strain of the
(d) Operational amplifier/Dee@hejsMeveue ØeJeOe&&keâ element
812. The principle of operation used in capacitive lelJe kesâ efJeke=âefle ceW Øeefle FkeâeF& heefjJele&ve hej leveeJe
transducers to measure level of liquid is change (d) current to the per unit change in the length of
of? the element/lelJe keâer uecyeeF& ceW Øeefle Ùetefveš heefjJele&ve
lejue kesâ mlej keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS OeeefjleerÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej kesâ efueS Oeeje (Current)
ceW GheÙeesie efkeâS peeves Jeeues Dee@hejsMeve keâe efmeæevle 817. The sensitivity factor of strain gauge is
........... keâe heefjJele&ve nw? normally of the order of?
(a) area of plates/huesšeW keâe #es$eHeâue mš^sve iespe keâe mebJesoveMeeruelee keâejkeâ meeceevÙe ™he mes kesâ
(b) dielectric strength/hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& ›eâce keâe neslee nw?
(c) distance between plates/huesšeW kesâ yeerÛe otjer (a) 1 to 1.5 (b) 1.5 to 2.0
(d) shape of plates/huesšeW kesâ Deekeâej (c) 0.5 to 1 (d) 5 to 10
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 669 YCT
*818. A structural member is compressed to produce (b) exclusively used for stress analysis/efJeMes<e ™he
a strain of 5 µm/m. The nickel wire strain mes leveeJe efJeMues<eCe kesâ efueS ner GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw
gauge has a gauge factor of -12.1. The pre- (c) commonly used for both stress analysis and
stress resistance of the gauge is 120Ω. The transducer applications/meeceevÙele: leveeJe efJeMues<eCe
change in resistance due to compressive strain Deewj š^ebme[Ÿetmej DevegØeÙeesie oesveeW kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie neslee nw
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Skeâ mebjÛeveelcekeâ meomÙe 5 µm/m keâe efJeke=âefle GlheVe
823. Bonded strain gauge are?
keâjves kesâ efueS mecheeref[le neslee nw~ efvekeâue leej mš^sve iespe yee@v[s[ mš^sve iespe nw?
keâe iespe Heâwkeäšj -12.1 neslee nw~ iespe kesâ hetJe& leveeJe (a) exclusively used for construction of
ØeeflejesOe 120Ω nw mecheeref[le leveeJe kesâ keâejCe ØeeflejesOe ceW transducers/efJeMes<e ™he mes š^ebme[Ÿetmej kesâ efvecee&Ce kesâ
heefjJele&ve nesiee? efueS ØeÙeesie neslee nw
(a) increase the resistance by 7.26 mΩ (b) exclusively used for stress analysis
7.26 mΩ keâe ØeeflejesOe ceW Je=efæ efJeMes<e ™he mes mš^sme efJeMues<eCe kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie neslee nw
(b) decrease the resistance by 7.26 mΩ (c) used for both stress analysis and for
7.26 mΩ keâe ØeeflejesOe ceW keâceer construction of transducers/mš^sme efJeMues<eCe Deewj
(c) increase the resistance by 49.6 mΩ š^ebme[Ÿetmej kesâ efvecee&Ce oesveeW kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie neslee nw
49.6 mΩ keâe ØeeflejesOe ceW Je=efæ (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) decrease the resistance by 49.6 mΩ 824. Over wire strain gauges foil strain gauges have
the advantages of?
49.6 mΩ keâe ØeeflejesOe cesb keâceer JeeÙej mš^sve iespe kesâ leguevee ceW HeâeÙeue mš^sve iespe kesâ ueeYe
*819. The resistance of 125Ω strain gauge changes by nw?
1Ω for 4000 micro-strain. The gauge factor for
(a) higher heat dissipation capacity and better
strain gauge is? bonding
4000 ceeF›eâes mš^sve kesâ efueS 125Ω mš^sve keâe ØeeflejesOe GÛÛe G<cee DeheJÙeÙe #ecelee Deewj yesnlej yee@efv[bie
1Ω Éeje heefjJeefle&le neslee nw~ mš^sve iespe kesâ efueS iespe (b) superior mechanical stability under prolonged
Hewâkeäšj nw? strained and high temperature conditions, low
hysteresis and creeping effects/yesnlej Ùeebef$ekeâ
(a) 1.5 (b) 2.0
(c) 2.5 (d) 3.0
ef mLejlee kesâ lenle uecyes meceÙe lekeâ leveeJe Deewj GÛÛelece
820. A strain gauge with a resistance of 250Ω
leeheceeve keâer efmLeefle, keâce efnmšsefjefmeme Deewj ›eâerefhebie ØeYeeJe
undergoes a change of 0.150 Ω during a test. (c) excellent reproducibility and longer life
The strain is 1.5 × 10 . Then the gauge factor
-4 Glke= â ‰ ef j Øees [Ÿetefmeefyeefuešer Deewj uecyee peerJevekeâeue
is? (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
250Ω kesâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ meeLe mš^sve iespe Skeâ hejer#eCe kesâ 825. In a semiconductor strain gauge, the change in
oewjeve 0.150Ω heefjJele&ve mes iegpejlee nw~ mš^sve resistance on application of strain is mainly due
- to change in?
1.5×10 4 nw, leye iespe Hewâkeäšj nw? Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ mš^sve iespe ceW, mš^sve kesâ DevegØeÙeesie hej
(a) 2.0 (b) 3.0 ØeeflejesOe ceW heefjJele&ve cegKÙe ™he mes efkeâmekesâ heefjJele&ve kesâ
(c) 4.0 (d) 100 keâejCe neslee nw?
821. In wire wound strain gauges, the change in (a) length of the wire/leej keâer uecyeeF&
resistance under strained condition is mainly
on account of? (b) diameter of the wire/leej kesâ JÙeeme
JeeÙej JeeGC[ mš^sve iespe ceW, leveeJehetCe& efmLeefle kesâ lenle (c) resistivity of the material of the wire
ØeeflejesOe ceW heefjJele&ve cegKÙe ™he mes? leej kesâ heoeLe& keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee
(d) both the length and diameter of the wire
(a) change in diameter of wire
leej kesâ JÙeeme ceW heefjJele&ve nw leej kesâ uecyeeF& Deewj JÙeeme oesveeW
826. Which of the following is not an advantage of
(b) change in length of wire semiconductor gauges as compared in
leej keâer uecyeeF& ceW heefjJele&ve nw conventional strain gauges?
(c) change in both length and diameter of efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ iespe keâe
wire/leej keâer uecyeeF& Deewj JÙeeme oesveeW ceW heefjJele&ve nw keâvJesvMeveue mš^sve iespe keâer leguevee ces ueeYe veneR nw?
(d) change in resistivity/ØeeflejesOekeâlee ceW heefjJele&ve nw (a) Excellent hysteresis characteristics
822. Unbonded strain gauges are? Glke=â° MewefLeuÙe DeefYeue#eCe
Deveyee@v[s[ mš^sve iespe nw? (b) Least sensitive to temperature changes
(a) exclusively used for transducer applications leehe heefjJele&ve kesâ Øeefle keâce mebJesoveMeerue
efJeMes<e ™he mes š^ebme[Ÿetmej DevegØeÙeesie kesâ efueS efkeâÙee (c) High fatigue life/GÛÛe keäueebefle peerJeve
peelee nw (d) Smaller size/Úesše Deekeâej
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 670 YCT
827. In semiconductor strain gauges, what happens 831. Measurement of pressure can be done by using
when a tensile strain is applied? wire, foil or semiconductor type strain gauges.
Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ mš^sve iespe ceW, keäÙee neslee nw, peye levÙe mš^sve The disadvantage of the semiconductor type of
strain gauge compared to the other two is in
ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw? terms of?
(a) Resistance increases in N-type of materials oeye keâe ceeheve leej, heVeer Ùee Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ Øekeâej kesâ
N-Øekeâej kesâ heoeLe& kesâ ØeeflejesOe yeÌ{lee nw mš^sve iespe keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ DevÙe
(b) Resistance increases in P-type of materials oes keâer leguevee ceW Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ Øekeâej kesâ mš^sve iespe keâe
P-Øekeâej kesâ heoeLe& kesâ ØeeflejesOe yeÌ{lee nw vegkeâmeeve nw?
(c) Resistance increases in both P and N-type of (a) gauge factor/iespe Hewâkeäšj
materials (b) hysteresis characteristics/MewefLeuÙe DeefYeue#eCe
P leLee N- oesveeW Øekeâej keâe heoeLe& kesâ ØeeflejesOe yeÌ{lee (c) temperature sensitivity/leehe mebJesoveMeeruelee
(d) Resistance decreases in both P and N-type of (d) frequency response/DeeJe=efòe Devegef›eâÙee
materials/P leLee N- oesveeW Øekeâej keâe heoeLe& kesâ 832. The wire material of strain gauges should
ØeeflejesOe Iešlee nw have?
828. The drawbacks of strain gauges are? mš^sve iespe keâes leej heoeLe& ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS?
mš^sve iespe keâe oes<e nw? (a) high resistivity and high thermo-emfs
(a) low fatigue life/efvecve keäueebefle peerJeve GÛÛe ØeeflejesOekeâlee Deewj GÛÛe Leceex-FSceSHeâ
(b) that they are expensive, brittle, highly (b) low resistivity and high thermo-emfs
sensitive to temperature variations ef vecve ØeeflejesOekeâlee Deewj GÛÛe Leceex-FSceSHeâ
Jes cenbies, Yebiegj leLee leehe heefjJele&ve kesâ Øeefle GÛÛe (c) low resistivity and low thermo-emfs
mebJesoveMeerue nesles nw efvecve ØeeflejesOekeâlee Deewj efvecve Leceex-FSceSHeâ
(d) high resistivity and low thermo-emfs
(c) poor linearity/Kejeye jwefKekeâlee
GÛÛe ØeeflejesOekeâlee Deewj efvecve Leceex-FSceSHeâ
(d) both (b) and (c)/(b) Deewj (c) oesveeW 833. The strain gauge should have?
829. Strain gauges are constructed with Germanium mš^sve iespe ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS?
chips because Germanium?
1. high gauge factor/GÛÛe iespe Hewâkeäšj
mš^sve iespe pecexefveÙece efÛehe mes efveefce&le neslee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ 2. low resistance temperature coefficient
pecexefveÙece? efvecve ØeeflejesOe leehe iegCeebkeâ
(a) has a strong Hall Effect/neue FHesâkeäš ÂÌ{ neslee nw 3. high resistance/GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe
(b) is crystalline in nature/Øeke=âefle ceW ef›eâmšueerÙe nw Which of the above statements are correct?
(c) can be doped/[esh[ nes mekeâlee nw Ghejesòeâ keâLeve ceW mes keâewve mener nw?
(d) has piezoelectric property (a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ iegCe jKelee nw (b) 1 and 3 only/ kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
830. In a semiconductor strain gauge, the change in (c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
resistance on application of strain is? (d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ mš^sve iespe ceW, mš^sve kesâ DevegØeÙeesie hej 834. The carrier material employed with strain
ØeeflejesOe ceW heefjJele&ve nw? gauges at room temperature is?
(a) much higher than the case of metal strain kewâefjÙej meece«eer pees keâcejs kesâ leeheceeve hej mš^sve iespe kesâ
gauges and this is mainly due to change in meeLe ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw–
dimensions/Oeeleg mš^sve iespe kesâ ceeceues keâer leguevee ceW (a) impregnated paper/mebmesefÛele heshej
yengle DeefOekeâ nw Deewj Ùen cegKÙe ™he mes efJeceeDeeW ceW (b) Bakelite/yewkesâueeFš
heefjJele&ve keâe keâejCe nw (c) epoxy/Fhee@keämeer
(b) much higher than the case of metal strain (d) aluminium foil/SuÙegceerefveÙece heVeer
gauges and this is mainly due to change in 835. A rosette gauge is used to determine?
resistivity Skeâ jesmesš iespe ............ efveOee&efjle keâjves kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie
cesšue mš^sve iespe ceeceues keâer leguevee ceW yengle DeefOekeâ nw neslee nw~
Ùen cegKÙelee ØeeflejesOekeâlee ceW heefjJele&ve keâe keâejCe nw (a) principal stress direction only
(c) lower than the case of metal strain gauges kesâJeue ØecegKe leveeJe efoMee keâes
Oeeleg mš^sve iespe kesâ ceeceues mes keâce nw (b) principal strain direction only
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR kesâJeue ØecegKe efJeke=âefle efoMee keâes
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 671 YCT
(c) principal stress or strain direction and 841. The temperature coefficient of resistance for a
magnitude thermistor is?
Gòece leveeJe Ùee efJeke=âefle efoMee Deewj heefjceeCe keâes Leefce&mšj kesâ efueS ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ nw?
(d) principal strain direction and magnitude (a) low and negative/efvecve Deewj vekeâejelcekeâ
ØecegKe efJeke=âefle efoMee Deewj heefjceeCe keâes (b) low and positive/efvecve Deewj mekeâejelcekeâ
836. Rosette gauges are employed for measuring? (c) high and negative/GÛÛe Deewj vekeâejelcekeâ
jesmesš iespe .......... keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ neslee nw? (d) high and positive/GÛÛe Deewj Oeveelcekeâ
(a) strain in a direction/Skeâ efoMee ceW efJeke=âefle 842. For which one of the following measurements a
(b) variable strain/heefjJele&veer Ùee efJeke=âefle thermistor can be used?
(c) strain in more than one direction efvecveefueefKele ceW efkeâmekesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS Leefce&mšj
Skeâ mes pÙeeoe efoMee ceW efJeke=âefle GheÙeesie nes mekeâlee nw?
(d) small strains/Úesšer efJeke=âefle (a) Velocity/Jesie
837. Platinum is the commonly used metal for (b) Humidity/Deeõ&lee
resistance-temperature detectors (RTDs) (c) Displacement/efJemLeeheve
because? (d) Percent of CO2 in air/JeeÙeg ceW CO2 keâe ØeefleMele
huesefšvece ØeeflejesOe-leeheceeve ef[šskeäšj (RTD) kesâ efueS 843. Which of the following statements is not correct
meeceevÙele: GheÙeesie nesves Jeeuee Oeeleg nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ– for thermistors?
(a) it is commercially available in pure form at efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee keâLeve Leefce&mšj kesâ efueS mener
reasonable rates/Ùen GefÛele oj hej Megæ ™he ceW veneR nw?
JÙeJemeeefÙekeâ ™he mes GheueyOe neslee nw (a) They have negative temperature coefficient of
(b) It is relatively stable under various resistance
environment conditions/Ùen efJeefYeVe JeeleeJejCe Jes ØeeflejesOe keâe vekeâejelcekeâ leehe iegCeebkeâ jKeles nQ
efmLeefle ceW Dehes#eeke=âle efmLej neslee nw (b) The sensing element is made of sintered
(c) it has wide operating temperature range ceramics, which are oxides of metals in the
Ùen DeefOekeâ leeheceeve ØeÛeeueve hejeme jKelee nw form of beads/mesefvmebie lelJe efmevš[& efmejsefcekeâ keâe yevee
(d) all of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer neslee nw pees yeer[dme kesâ ™he ceW Oeeleg keâe Dee@keämeeF[ nw
838. The best use of a resistance thermometer is in (c) The variation of resistance with temperature
which range? is linear
ØeeflejesOe Leceexceeršj efkeâme jsvpe ceW meyemes DeefOekeâ ØeÙeesie ØeeflejesOe keâe heefjJele&ve leehe kesâ meeLe jwefKekeâ neslee nw
neslee nw? (d) The resistance value at ambient temperature
(a) Between 6000C to about 11000 C may range from 100 Ω to 100 kΩ
6000C mes ueieYeie 11000 C kesâ yeerÛe ØeeflejesOe keâe ceeve JÙeehekeâ leeheceeve jsvpe hej 100 Ω mes
(b) Between 11000C to 14000C 100 kΩ nes mekeâlee nw~
11000C mes 14000C kesâ yeerÛe 844. Consider the following statements in
(c) Between 14000C to 18000C connection with measurement of temperature?
14000C mes 18000C kesâ yeerÛe leehe kesâ ceehe kesâ mecyevOe ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej
(d) Above 18000C/18000C mes Thej efJeÛeej keâjW?
839. Resistance thermometer elements made from 1. A thermistor is highly sensitive as compared
semiconductor compounds are called? with platinum resistance thermometer
Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ Ùeewefiekeâ mes yevee ØeeflejesOe Leceexceeršj lelJe huesefšvece ØeeflejesOe Lecee&ceeršj keâer leguevee ceW Skeâ Leefce&mšj
keânueelee nw? DelÙeefOekeâ mebJesoveMeerue neslee nw
(a) hot wire anemometer/ne@š JeeÙej Sveerceesceeršj 2. The resistance of a thermistor is only a
(b) semiconductor temperature sensors function of its absolute temperature whether
Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ leeheceeve mesvmej the source of heat is external, internal or
(c) thermistors/Leefce&mšj both/Skeâ Leefce&mšj keâe ØeeflejesOe kesâJeue Fmekesâ hetCe& leehe
(d) hot wire resistance transducer keâe keâeÙe& nw Ûeens G<cee keâe Œeesle yeenjer Deebleefjkeâ Ùee
ne@š JeeÙej ØeeflejesOe š^ebme[Ÿetmej oesveeW nes
840. A semiconductor device made out of a material
3. A thermistor has linear resistance temperature
having very high temperature coefficient of
resistance is? characteristics
Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ Ùegefòeâ Skeâ meece«eer mes yevee nw efpemekeâe Leefce&mšj ceW jwefKekeâ ØeeflejesOe leeheceeve DeefYeue#eCe neslee nw
ØeeflejesOe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ yengle GÛÛe neslee nw– 4. Most thermistors exhibit negative resistance
(a) transistor/š^ebefpemšj (b) varistor/Jewefjmšj temperature coefficient/DeefOekeâebMe Leefce&mšj
(c) thyristor/LeeÙeefjmšj (d) thermistor/Leefce&mšj vekeâejelcekeâ ØeeflejesOe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ ØeoefMe&le keâjles nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 672 YCT
Which of these statements are correct? *849. For a certain thermistor, the material constant
FveceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw? (β) is 3,000 Kelvin and its resistance at 270C is
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 1,050 ohm. What is the temperature coefficient
of resistances for this thermistor?
(b) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2 Deewj 4
Skeâ efveefMÛele Leefce&mšj kesâ efueS, meece«eer efmLejebkeâ (β)
(c) 2, 3 and 4/2, 3 Deewj 4
3,000 kesâefuJeve Deewj 270C hej Fmekeâe ØeeflejesOe 1,050
(d) 1, 3 and 4/1, 3 Deewj 4 Deesce nw~ Fme Leefce&mšj kesâ efueS ØeeflejesOeeW keâe leeheceeve
845. Consider the following statements?
iegCeebkeâ keäÙee nw?
efvecveefueefKele keâLeve hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
(a) 0.033 × 10-3 ohm/ohm/0C
The causes of error in the measurement of
(b) -0.033 ohm/ohm/0C
temperature using a thermistor are?
(c) -3.33 ohm/ohm/0C
Leefce&mšj keâe GheÙeesie keâjles ngS leeheceeve kesâ ceeheve ceW
(d) -3.0 ohm/ohm/0C
$egefš keâe keâejCe neslee nw? 850. Which of the following should be incorporated
1. self heating/mesuHeâ nerefšbie in the RTD to make a temperature sensing
2. poor sensitivity/Kejeye mebJesoveMeeruelee bridge most sensitive to temperature?
3. nonlinear characteristics/DejsefKeÙe DeefYeue#eCe leeheceeve mebJesoer mesleg keâes leeheceeve kesâ Øeefle mebJesoveMeerue
Which of these statements are correct? yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmes RTD ceW
FveceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw? Meeefceue efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS?
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 (a) Platinum/huesefšvece (b) Nickel/efvekesâue
(b) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2 (c) Thermistor/Leefce&mšj (d) Copper/keâe@hej
(c) 2 and 3 only/ kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 851. When compared with other transducers
(d) 1 and 3 only/ kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 measuring temperature, a four-lead platinum
846. Which one of the following is the most sensitive
device?/efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee meyemes DeefOekeâ
peye leeheceeve ceeheves Jeeues DevÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej kesâ meeLe
mebJesoveMeerue Ùegefòeâ nw? leguevee keâer peeleer nw, lees Ûeej-ueer[ huesefšvece RTD?
1. has better linearity over a wide operating
(a) Thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue range
(b) RTD JÙeehekeâ Deehejsefšbie hejeme hej yesnlej jwefKekeâlee nesleer nw
(c) Thermistor/Leefce&mšj 2. has better accuracy and precision
(d) Pyrometer/heeÙejesceeršj yesnlej ÙeLeeLe&lee Deewj Øeermeerpeve neslee nw
847. Which of the following closely represents the 3. has better stability at high temperature
temperature (T)-Resistance (R) characteristics GÛÛe leeheceeve hej yesnlej efmLejlee nesleer nw
of a thermistor? 4. is inexpensive/memlee neslee nw
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ Leefce&mšj keâer leeheceeve Which of these are correct?
(T) -ØeeflejesOe (R) efJeMes<eleeDeeW keâes heeme mes oMee&lee nw? FveceW mes keâewve mener nw?
(a) R T = a R 0 e b / T (b) R T = a R 0 e− b / T (a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
(c) −a R 0 e − b / T (d) R T = −a R 0 e b / T (b) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2 Deewj 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4/1, 3 Deewj 4
848. If ∆T is the difference in temperature, then for
thermistors, the variation of resistance with (d) 2, 3 and 4/2, 3 Deewj 4
temperature follows a law of the nature? 852. A fixed resistor of suitable value is usually
Ùeefo leeheceeve ceW Devlej ∆T nw, efHeâj Leefce&mšj kesâ efueS, connected across a thermistor to?
GheÙegòeâ ceeve keâe efmLej ØeeflejesOekeâ Deeceleewj hej Leefce&mšj
leehe kesâ meeLe ØeeflejesOe keâer efYeVelee .......... kesâ Øeke=âefle kesâ
kesâ S›eâeme pegÌ[e neslee nw?
Skeâ efveÙece keâe heeueve keâjlee nw? (a) decrease its resistance
1 1 
β − 
 T T0  Fmekesâ ØeeflejesOe keâes keâce keâjves kesâ efueS
(a) R T = R 0 e
(b) increase its sensitivity
(b) R T = R 0 (1 + α∆T ) Fmekeâer mebJesoveMeeruelee keâes yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS
(c) R T = a ( T2 − T1 ) + b ( T − T )
2 2 (c) compensate its self-heating effect
2 1
Fmekesâ mesuHeâ nerefšbie keâer #eeflehete|le keâjves kesâ efueS
(d) R T = Ae ∆T (d) improve linearity/jwefKekeâlee ceW megOeej
a, b, A, β, α are constants, T1, T2, T0 are different 853. Three phenomena which govern the behaviour
temperature values, R0,RT are resistances/a, b, A, of a thermocouple are?
β, α efveÙeleebkeâ nw, T1, T2, T0 efJeefYeVe leeheceeve ceeve nw, leerve IešveeSb pees Leceexkeâheue kesâ JÙeJenej keâes efveÙebef$ele
R0,RT ØeeflejesOe nw keâjleer nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 673 YCT
(a) Thomson effect, Seebeck effect, anisotropic (a) they are less accurate than RTDs and
effect thermistors
Leecemeve FHesâkeäš meeryeskeâ FHesâkeäš, Deefvemeesš^e@efhekeâ FHesâkeäš Jes RTD Deewj Leefce&mšj keâer Dehes#ee keâce ÙeLeeLe& nesles nQ
(b) Hall effect, Seebeck effect, Peltier effect (b) they need compensating leads
neue FHesâkeäš, meeryeskeâ FHesâkeäš, hesefušÙej FHesâkeäš GvnW #eeflehete|le ueer[dme keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw
(c) Peltier effect, Thomson effect, anisotropic (c) reference junction compensation is required
effect/hesefušÙej FHesâkeäš, Lee@cemeve FHesâkeäš, in thermocouples
Deefvemeesš^e@efhekeâ FHesâkeäš Leceexkeâheue ceW meboYe& pebkeäMeve #eeflehetefle& DeeJeMÙekeâ nesleer nw
(d) Seebeck effect, Peltier effect, Thomson effect (d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer
meeryeskeâ FHesâkeäš, hesefušÙej FHesâkeäš, Lee@cemeve FHesâkeäš 858. For a thermocouple pair (A, B) the extension
854. Cold junction to a thermocouple is? wires (C,D)?
Skeâ Leceexkeâheue ceW "b[e pebkeäMeve nw? Skeâ Leceex keâheue Ùegice (A, B) kesâ efueS efJemleej leejeW
(a) the reference junction maintained at a known
(a) should be identical pair elements
constant temperature/Skeâ %eele efmLej leehe hej
meceeve peesÌ[er lelJe nesves ÛeeefnS
yeveeS jKee ieÙee meboYe& pebkeäMeve (b) should be identical temperature emf
(b) the junction maintained at a very low relationship
temperature meceeve leeheceeve F&SceSHeâ mecyevOe nesvee ÛeeefnS
yengle keâce leeheceeve hej yeveeS jKee ieÙee pebkeäMeve (c) can be of any two dissimilar materials
(c) the junction at which the temperature is keâesF& Yeer oes Demeceeve meece«eer nes mekeâleer nw
sensed/Jen pebkeäMeve efpeme hej leeheceeve keâes cenmetme (d) should have very small temperature emf
efkeâÙee peelee nw sensitivity
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR yengle Úesšs leeheceeve F&SceSHeâ mebJesoveMeerue nesveer ÛeeefnS
855. In a thermocouple, two metal junctions 859. Which one of the following thermocouples has
between metals M1 and M2 are kept at the highest temperature measuring range?
temperatures, T1 and T2. The thermocouple efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Leceexkeâheue GÛÛelece
emf is produced because? leeheceeve ceehe jWpe jKelee nw?
Leceexkeâheue ceW, oes Oeeleg pebkeäMeve M1 Deewj M2 kesâ yeerÛe (a) Copper-Constantan/keâe@hej-keâevmešsvšve
T1 Deewj T2 leehe hej jKee peelee nw~ Leceexkeâheue ceW emf
(b) Iron-Constantan/DeeÙejve-keâevmešsvšve
GlheVe neslee nw? keäÙeeWefkeâ
(c) Alumel-Chromel/SuÙegcesue-›eâescesue
(a) M1 and M2 are similar and T1 and T2 are also
similar (d) Platinum Rhodium-Platinum
M1 Deewj M2 meceeve nw Deewj T1 Deewj T2 Yeer meceeve nw huesefšvece jesef[Ùece huesefšvece
(b) M1 and M2 are dissimilar while T1 and T2 are *860. The measurement junction of a thermocouple
similar is taken from an environment of 3000C to
M1 Deewj M2 Demeceeve nw peyeefkeâ T1 Deewj T2 meceeve nw 6000C. If the time constant of the thermocouple
is 1 s, temperature indicated by it after 1
(c) M1 and M2 are similar while T1 and T2 are
second is will be nearly?
M1 Deewj M2 meceeve nw peyeefkeâ T1 Deewj T2 Demeceeve nw
Leceexkeâheue keâe ceehe pebkeäMeve 3000C mes 6000C kesâ
(d) M1 and M2 are dissimilar while T1 and T2 are JeeleeJejCe mes efueÙee peelee nw~ Ùeefo Leceexkeâheue keâe meceÙe
also dissimilar efmLejebkeâ 1 meskeâC[ nw, lees 1 meskeâC[ kesâ yeeo Fmekesâ Éeje
M1 Deewj M2 Demeceeve Deewj T1 Deewj T2 Yeer Demeceeve nw Fb efiele leeheceeve ueieYeie nesiee?
856. Thermocouples? (a) 3000C (b) 4000C
Leceexkeâheue? (c) 500 C 0
(d) 6000C
(a) are most commonly employed for indication *861. The emf is measured for a junction
or rapidly changing temperature and for use temperature difference of 200C by the
in localized and in otherwise accessible thermocouples made from materials A, B and
positions/Deeceleewj hej lespeer mes yeoueles leeheceeve Ùee C. The pair A-B gives an emf of 165 µV, with
mebkesâle kesâ efueS Deewj mLeeveerÙeke=âle Deewj DevÙeLee megueYe end of A being positive. The pair B-C gives 100
heoeW hej GheÙeesie kesâ efueS efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw µV with the end of C being positive. The pair
A-C will give?
(b) need reference junction compensation
ceW meboYe& pebkeäMeve keâchevemesMeve keâer pe™jle nesleer nw F&0Sce0SHeâ0 keâer meece«eer A, B Deewj C mes yeves Leceexkeâheue
(c) have a low output voltage level Éeje pebkeäMeve kesâ 200C leeheceeve Deblej kesâ efueS ceehee
keâce DeeGšhegš Jeesušspe mlej neslee nw peelee nw~ Ùegice A-B, A kesâ Deble ceW Oeveelcekeâ nesves kesâ
(d) all of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer meeLe 165µV F&0Sce0SHeâ0 oslee nw~ Ùegice B-C, C kesâ
857. The drawbacks of thermocouples are that? Deble ceW Oeveelcekeâ nesves kesâ meeLe 100µV keâe F&0Sce0SHeâ0
Leceexkeâheue keâe oes<e nw? os lee nw~ Ùegice A-C osiee?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 674 YCT
(a) 265 µV with the end of A being positive 866. Bridge circuits using resistance temperature
A kesâ Oeveelcekeâ nesves kesâ meeLe 265 µV detectors (RTD's) in temperature
measurements usually employ the "three lead
(b) 265 µV with the end of C being positive system" so as to obtain?
C kesâ Oeveelcekeâ nesves kesâ meeLe 265 µV leeheceeve ceeheve ceW ØeeflejesOe leeheceeve ef[šskeäšj (RTD)
(c) 65 µV with the end of A being positive keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ efyeÇpe meefke&âš Deeceleewj hej ‘‘leerve
A kesâ mekeâejelcekeâ nesves kesâ meeLe 65 µV ueer[ efmemšce’’ keâes efveÙeesefpele keâjles nQ leeefkeâ Øeehle nes?
(d) 65 µV with the end of C being positive (a) higher sensitivity/GÛÛe mebJesoveMeeruelee
C kesâ Oeveelcekeâ nesves kesâ meeLe 65 µV (b) better impedance matching
862. A thermocouple arrangement is to be used to yesnlej ØeefleyeeOee efceueeve
measure temperature in the range of 700- (c) compensation for the signal wire resistance to
8000C. Point out the pair that would be most the detector/ef[šskeäšj kesâ efueS efmeiveue leej ØeeflejesOe
suitable for this application?
kes â efueS #eeflehetefle&
700-8000C keâer meercee ceW leeheceeve keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS
(d) reduction in power consumption
Skeâ Leceexkeâheue JÙeJemLee keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peevee nw~ efyepeueer keâer Kehele ceW keâceer
Gme peesÌ[er keâes Fbefiele keâjW pees Fme DevegØeÙeesie kesâ efueS 867. The incorrect statement is?
meyemes GheÙegòeâ nesieer? ieuele keâLeve nw?
(a) Copper-constantan/keâe@hej–keâevmšsvšve (a) thermistor has a high sensitivity
(b) Iron-constantan/DeeÙejve–keâevmšsvšve Leefce&mšj ceW GÛÛe mebJesoveMeeruelee nesleer nw
(c) Chromel-alumel/›eâescesue-SuÙegcesue (b) thermocouple does not require an external
(d) Platinum-platinum rhodium electrical source for its operation
huesefšvece-huesefšvece jesef[Ùece Leceexkeâheue kesâ mebÛeeueve kesâ efueS yeenjer efJeÅegle Œeesle keâer
*863. A thermocouple with its reference junction DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nesleer nw
exposed to room temperature of 200C gives an (c) platinum has a linear R-T relationship
open-circuit voltage of 5 mV. If the huesefšvece, jwefKekeâ R-T mecyevOe jKelee nw
thermocouple has temperature sensitivity of 50 (d) thermistor does not require an external source
µV/0C, the measured temperature is? for its operation/Leefce&mšj kesâ mebÛeeueve kesâ efueS
Skeâ Leceexkeâheue Fmekesâ mevoYe& pebkeäMeve kesâ meeLe keâcejs kesâ yeenjer Œeesle keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nesleer nw
leeheceeve 200C kesâ mebheke&â ceW nw pees 5 mV keâe Skeâ 868. The following transducer is used for accurate
Deesheve-meefke&âš Jeesušspe oslee nw~ Deiej Leceexkeâheue ceW 50 and precise measurement of temperature?
µV/ C keâer leeheceeve mebJesoveMeerue nw lees ceehee ieÙee
0 ef vecveefueefKele š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe GheÙeesie leeheceeve kesâ
leeheceeve nw? ÙeLeeLe& Deewj heefjMegæ ceehe kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(a) 100 C 0
(b) 120 C 0 (a) Thermistor/Leefce&mšj
(c) 800C (d) 200C (b) Thermocouple (Alumel-Chromel)
864. For surface temperature measurement one can Leceexkeâheue (SuÙegcesue-›eâescesue)
use? (c) Semiconductor temperature sensor chip
melen kesâ leeheceeve ceeheve kesâ efueS keâesF& Yeer Skeâ GheÙeesie Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ leehe meWmej efÛehe
keâj mekeâlee nw? (d) Platinum resistance thermometer
(a) strain gauge/mš^sve iespe huesefšvece ØeeflejesOe Leceexceeršj
869. What is differential transformer?
(b) diaphragm/[eÙeøeâece
ef[HeâjsefvMeÙeue š^ebmeHeâece&j keäÙee nw?
(c) RTD
(a) Constant pressure transducer
(d) thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue
efmLej oeye š^ebme[Ÿetmej
865. It is required to measure temperature in the
range of 13000C to 15000C. The most suitable (b) Variable pressure transducer
thermocouple to be used as a transducer would heefjJeleea oeye š^ebme[Ÿetmej
be? (c) Constant displacement transducer
13000C mes 15000C kesâ jsvpe ceW leehe ceeheves keâer efmLej efJemLeeheve š^ebme[Ÿetmej
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw lees DeefOekeâ GheÙegòeâ Leceexkeâheue, (d) Variable inductance transducer
š^ebme[Ÿetmej kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS? heefjJeleea heÇsjCe š^ebme[Ÿetmej
(a) Chromel-constantan/›eâescesue-keâevmešsvšve 870. The expansion for the acronym LVDT, a
transducer used for displacement
(b) Iron-constantan/DeeÙejve-keâevmšsvšve measurement, is?
(c) Chromel-alumel/›eâescesue-SuÙegcesue efJemLeeheve ceehe kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙes peeves Jeeues
(d) Platinum-rhodium/huesefšvece-jesef[Ùece š^ebme[Ÿetmej, LVDT keâe efJemleej neslee nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 675 YCT
(a) low voltage displacement transducer Which of the above advantages is/are correct?
uees Jeesušspe ef[mehuesmeceWš š^ebme[Ÿetmej Ghejesòeâ kesâ keâewve mes ueeYe mener nw?
(b) light vision displacement transducer (a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1
ueeFš efJepeve ef[mehuesmeceWš š^ebme[Ÿetmej (b) 2 only/kesâJeue 2
(c) linear variable displacement transducer (c) 3 only/kesâJeue 3
ueerefveÙej JewefjSyeue ef[mehuesmeceWš š^ebme[Ÿetmej (d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
(d) linear variable differential transformer 876. LVDT has following advantage(s)?
ueerefveÙej yewefjSyeue ef[HeâjsefvMeÙeue š^ebmeHeâece&j LVDT keâe efvecveefueefKele ueeYe nw?
871. LVDT core is made up of a? (a) infinite resolution, high sensitivity and very
LVDT keâesj ........... keâe yevee neslee nw? high output/Devevle efjpeesuÙetMeve,GÛÛe mebJesoveMeeruelee
(a) non-magnetic material/DeÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& Deewj yengle GÛÛe DeeGšhegš
(b) a solid ferroelectrical material (b) low hysteresis, good repeatability and
"esme HesâjesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe& capability of tolerating shock and vibrations
efvecve MewefLeuÙe, DeÛÚer jerheeršsefyeefuešer Deewj Mee@keâ leLee
(c) nickel iron hydrogen annealed material in
order to produce low harmonics, low null kebâheve menveMeeruelee keâer #ecelee
voltage and high sensitivity/keâce neceexefvekeâ, keâce (c) good dynamic response/yesnlej ieefleMeerue Øeefleef›eâÙee
veue Jeesušspe Deewj GÛÛe mebJesoveMeeruelee keâe Glheeove keâjves (d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
kesâ efueS efveefkeâue DeeÙejve neF[^espeve Sveeru[ heoeLe& 877. Consider the following statements related to
LVDT type of transducer?
(d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer LVDT Øekeâej kesâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej mes mebyebefOele efvecveefueefKele
872. Inductive transducers are used in differential keâLeve hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
configuration because the output is not
1. A soft iron core provides the magnetic
influenced by? coupling between a primary coil and two
Øesjkeâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe GheÙeesie efJeYesokeâ efJevÙeeme ceW efkeâÙee secondary coils, connected in series
peelee nw keäÙeeW efkeâ DeeGšhegš ............ Éeje ØeYeeefJele veneR opposition/Skeâ vejce ueesns keâe keâesj Skeâ ØeeLeefcekeâ
neslee nw~ kegbâ[ueer Deewj oes efÉleerÙekeâ kegbâ[ueer kesâ yeerÛe ÛegyebkeâerÙe Ùegiceve
(a) external magnetic fields/yeenjer ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e mes Øeoeve keâjlee nw, pees ëe=bKeuee kesâ efJejesOe ceW peg[Ì s ngS nw~
(b) temperature changes/leeheceeve heefjJele&ve 2. The output is proportional to the displacement
(c) variations of supply voltage and frequency of the iron core
Deehetefle& Jeesušlee Deewj DeeJe=efòe kesâ heefjJele&ve DeeGšhegš ueesns kesâ keâesj kesâ efJemLeeheve kesâ Devegheeeflekeâ nw~
3. The device is very sensitive and is linear over
(d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer a wide range of motion/Ùev$e yengle mebJesoveMeerue nw
873. LVDT can be used for? Deewj ieefle keâer Skeâ efJemle=le ëe=bKeuee ceW jwefKekeâ nw~
LVDT keâe ØeÙeesie ........... kesâ efueS nes mekeâlee nw? 4. This is a variable inductance transducer
(a) vibration measurement/kebâheve ceeheve Ùen heefjJeleea ØeefleIeele š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw~
(b) angular velocity measurement/keâesCeerÙe Jesie ceeheve Which of the statements given above are
(c) force measurement in a beam correct?
Skeâ yeerce ceW yeue ceeheves Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes keâLeveeW ceW keâewve mener nw?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 3 and 4
(d) load measurement on a column (c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Skeâ mlecYe hej Yeej ceeheves 878. In an LVDT, there are two secondary coils
874. The principle of operation of LVDT is based on which are connected for a single output. Which
variation of? one of the following is correct?
LVDT keâe ØeÛeeueve efmeæevle efkeâmekesâ heefjJele&ve hej LVDT ceW, oes efÉleerÙekeâ kegbâ[ueer nQ pees Skeâue DeeGšhegš
DeeOeeefjle neslee nw? kesâ efueS pegÌ[s ngS nw ~ efvecve ceW mes keâewve Skeâ mener nw?
(a) self-inductance/mJe ØesjkeâlJe (a) The coils are in series and in phase opposition
(b) mutual inductance/heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe
kebgâ[ueer ëe=bKeuee ceW nw Deewj keâuee efJejesOe ceW nw
(b) The coils are in parallel and in phase
(c) reluctance/Øeefle°cYe opposition
(d) permeance/heejiecÙelee kegbâ[ueer meceeveevlej Deewj efJehejerle keâuee (Phase) ceW nQ
875. The advantages of an LVDT is/are? (c) The coils are in series and in the same phase
LVDT kesâ ueeYe nQ? condition
1. Linearity/jwefKekeâ kegbâ[ueer ëe=bKeuee ceW Deewj Skeâ ner keâuee (phase) ceW nw
(d) The coils are in parallel and in the same phase
2. Infinite resolution/Devevle efjpeesuÙetMeve condition
3. Low hysteresis/efvecve MewefLeuÙe kegbâ[ueer meceeveevlej Deewj meceeve keâuee efmLeefle ceW nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 676 YCT
879. In an LVDT, the two secondary windings are 884. Which one of the following statements for a
connected in differential mode to obtain? potentiometric transducer is correct?
LVDT ceW, oes efÉleerÙekeâ JeeFef[bie keâes ............ Øeehle efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve heesšWefMeÙeescesefš^keâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej
keâjves kesâ efueS ef[HeâjsefvMeÙeue cees[ ceW peesÌ[e peelee nw? kesâ efueS mener nw?
(a) higher output voltage/GÛÛe efveie&le Jeesušlee
(a) It is a zero order displacement transducer
(b) a reduction in output impedance
efveie&le ØeefleyeeOee ceW keâceer Ùen MetvÙe Dee[&j efJemLeeheve š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw~
(c) an increase in input impedance (b) It is a first order displacement transducer
Fvehegš ØeefleyeeOee ceW Je=efæ Ùen ØeLece Dee[&j efJemLeeheve š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw~
(d) the null for particular position of core (c) It is a zero order temperature transducer
keâesj keâer efJeMes<e efmLeefle kesâ efueS veue Ùen MetvÙe Dee[&j leehe š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw~
*880. An ac LVDT is given 6.3 V input and produces (d) It is a second order displacement transducer
5.2 V for a range of ±0.25 inch. When the core Ùen efÉleerÙe Dee[&j efJemLeeheve š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw~
is -0.25 inch from the centre, what is the output
produced? 885. A rotameter works on the principle of
Skeâ ac LVDT ceW 6.3 V Fvehegš efoÙee ieÙee nw Deewj variable?
±0.25 FbÛe kesâ jWpe kesâ efueS 5.2 V keâe Glheeove keâjlee Skeâ jesšeceeršj heefjJele&veerÙe.........kesâ efmeæevle hej keâeÙe&
nw peye kesâvõ mes keâesj -0.25 FbÛe neslee nw, lees DeeGšhegš keâjlee nw?
Glheeove keäÙee neslee nw? (a) pressure/oeye (b) length/uecyeeF&
(a) -2.0 V (b) +2.0 V (c) area/#es$e (d) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
(c) -2.6 V (d) +2.6 V 886. Consider the following units for the
881. Sensitivity of LVDT is mainly due to? measurement of pressure directly?
LVDT keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee cegKÙe .......... keâejCe nesleer meerOes oeye keâer ceehe kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele FkeâeFÙeeW hej
nw~ efJeÛeej keâjW?
(a) magnetic shielding of the core
keâesj keâer ÛegcyekeâerÙe Meerefu[bie 1. Rotameter/jesšeceeršj
(b) permeability of the core/keâesj keâer ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee 2. Bourdon tube/yees[&ve šŸetye
(c) exact cancellation of secondary voltages 3. Planti meter/hueebšer ceeršj
efÉleerÙekeâ Jeesušspe keâe mešerkeâ efvejmleerkeâjCe 4. Vanes/Jesvme
(d) insulation used in the winding Of these, the pressure can be measured by?
kegbâ[ueve ceW ØeÙegòeâ efJeÅeglejesOeve FveceW mes efkeâmekesâ Éeje oeye ceehee pee mekeâlee nw?
882. In an LVDT, the output quantity?
LVDT ceW, DeeGšhegš jeefMe? (a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(a) is algebraically summed to zero (b) 3 and 4 only/kesâJeue 3 Deewj 4
yeerpeerÙe ™he mes MetvÙe kesâ efueS meejebefMele nesleer nww (c) 2 only/kesâJeue 2
(b) is difference of the two currents flowing in (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1, 2, 3 Deewj 4
the two secondaries 887. A diaphragm has a natural frequency of 30
oes efÉleerÙekeâ ceW yenves Jeeueer oes OeejeDeeW ceW Devlej nw kHz. If both its diameter and thickness are
(c) depends upon its rating halved, the natural frequency is?
Fmekeâer jsefšbie hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw Skeâ [eÙeøeâece ceW 30KHz keâer Skeâ Øeeke=âeflekeâ DeeJe=efòe nw,
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Ùeefo Fmekesâ JÙeeme Deewj ceesšeF& oesveeW DeeOee keâj efoÙee
*883. An LVDT is used to measure 1 mm peelee nw lees, Øeeke=âeflekeâ DeeJe=efòe nw?
displacement for which a voltmeter of range 0
to 2 V through an amplifier having a gain of (a) 15 kHz (b) 240 kHz
500 is connected at the output of the LVDT. If (c) 60 kHz (d) 120 kHz
the output of the LVDT is 2 mV, then the 888. The instrumentation amplifiers are used
sensitivity of the instrument will be? principally to amplify signals from which of the
LVDT keâe GheÙeesie 1 mm efJemLeeheve keâes ceeheves kesâ following?
efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw, efpemekesâ efueS 500 kesâ ueeYe Jeeues FbmšÍceWšsMeve ScueerHeâeÙejeW keâe GheÙeesie cegKÙele: efvecve ceW
ScueerHeâeÙej kesâ ceeOÙece mes jWpe 0 mes 2 keâe Jeesušceeršj mes efkeâve efmeiveueeW kesâ ØeJeOe&ve kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw?
LVDT kesâ DeeGšhegš hej pegÌ[e nw Ùeefo LVDT keâe
(a) Transducers/š^ebme[Ÿetmeme&
DeeGšhegš 2 mV nw leye GhekeâjCe keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee
nesieer? (b) Active filter/meef›eâÙe efHeâušj
(a) 1 V/mm (b) 0.5 V/mm (c) Choppers/Ûeesheme&
(c) 0.1 V/mm (d) 0.05 V/mm (d) D/A converters/D/A keâveJeš&j

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 677 YCT

889. Which one of the following in simple elemental 894. Which one of the following is not a self-
forms is not a pressure sensor? generating type transducer?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee mejue leeeflJekeâ ™heeW ceW efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee Skeâ mesuHeâ pevejsefšbie šeFhe
oyeeJe mebJesokeâ veneR nw? š^ebme[Ÿetmeme& veneR nw?
(a) Thermocouple and thermopile
(a) Cantilever beam/kewâvšerueerJej yeerce
Leceexkeâheue Deewj LeceexheeFue
(b) Bourdon tube/yees[&ve šŸetye
(b) Piezoelectric pick-up/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ efhekeâ–Dehe
(c) Diaphragm/[eÙeøeâece
(c) Photovoltaic cell/HeâesšesJeesušeFkeâ mesue
(d) Bellows/yesueespe (d) Magnetostriction gauge/cewivesšesefmš^keäMeve iespe
890. Consider the following statement? 895. Which one of the following is a passive
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW? transducer?
A transducer converts efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee Skeâ efveef<›eâÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw?
Skeâ š^ebme[Ÿetmeme& keâveJeš& keâjlee nw? (a) Piezoelectric/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ
1. mechanical energy into electrical energy (b) Thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue
Ùeebef$ekeâ Tpee& keâes efJeÅegle Tpee& ceW (c) Photovoltaic cell/HeâesšesJeesušeFkeâ mesue
2. mechanical displacement into electrical signal (d) LVDT
Ùeebef$ekeâ efJemLeeheve keâes efJeÅegle mebkesâle ceW 896. Which one of the following transducers is an
active transducer?
3. one form of energy into another form of
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee š^ebme[Ÿetmej Skeâ meef›eâÙe
energy/Tpee& kesâ Skeâ ®he keâes otmejs ®he ceW
š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw?
4. electrical energy into mechanical form
(a) Piezoelectric pressure transducer
efJeÅegle Tpee& keâes Ùeebef$ekeâ Tpee& ceW heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ oeye š^ebme[Ÿetmej
Which of these statements is/are correct? (b) Metallic strain gauge/OeeeflJekeâ mš^sve iespe
FveceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw? (c) Semiconductor strain gauge
(a) 1 and 4/1 Deewj 4 (b) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 mesceerkeâv[keäšj mš^sve iespe
(c) 3 alone/kesâJeue 3 (d) 1 alone/kesâJeue 1 (d) Platinum resistance thermometer
891. An inverse transducer converts? huesefšvece jefpemšsvme Leceexceeršj
Skeâ FveJeme& š^ebme[Ÿetmej yeouelee nw? 897. Consider the following transducers?
(a) electrical energy to any other form of efvecveefueefKele š^ebme[Ÿetmej hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
energy/efJeÅegle Tpee& keâes otmejer Øekeâej keâer Tpee& ceW 1. LVDT
(b) electrical energy to light energy 2. Piezoelectric/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ
efJeÅegle Tpee& keâes ØekeâeMe Tpee& ceW 3. Thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue
(c) mechanical displacement into electrical 4. Photovoltaic cell/HeâesšesJeesušeFkeâ mesue
signal/Ùeebef$ekeâ ef[mehuesmecesvš keâes efJeÅegle efmeiveue ceW Which of the above are active transducers?
(d) electrical energy to mechanical form Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve meef›eâÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw?
JewÅegle Tpee& keâes Ùeebef$ekeâ ™he ceW (a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
892. Transducers that are based on the variation of (b) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2 Deewj 4
parameters due to application of any external (c) 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 4
stimulus are known as? (d) 2, 3 and 4/2, 3 Deewj 4
š^ebme[Ÿetmej pees efkeâmeer yee¢e ØesjCee kesâ DevegØeÙeesie keâer 898. Which of the following transducers is classified
Jepen mes Gme hewjeceeršj keâer efYeVelee hej DeeOeeefjle nesles nwb as an active transducer?
............, kesâ ™he ceW peeves peeles nQ~ ef vecve š^ebme[Ÿetmej ceW mes efkeâmekeâes Skeâ meef›eâÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej
kesâ ™he ceW Jeieeake=âle efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(a) resistive transducers/ØeeflejesOekeâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej
(a) Metallic strain gauge/cesšeefuekeâ mš^sve iespe
(b) active transducers/meef›eâÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej
(b) Capacitive microphone/kewâhesefmeefšJe ceeF›eâesHeâesve
(c) passive transducers/efveef<›eâÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej (c) LVDT
(d) displacement transducers/efJemLeeheve š^ebme[Ÿetmej (d) Piezoelectric transducer/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej
893. Self-generating type transducers are________ 899. Pair of active transducers is?
transducers? meef›eâÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe Ùegice nw?
mesuHeâ pevejsefšbie Øekeâej keâe š^ebme[Ÿetmeme&............. (a) Thermistor, Solar cell/Leefce&mšj, meesuej mesue
š^ebme[Ÿetme&me nesles nQ? (b) Thermocouple, Thermistor/Leceexkeâheue, Leefce&mšj
(a) active/meef›eâÙe (b) passive/efveef<›eâÙe (c) Thermocouple, Solar cell/Leceexkeâheue, meesuej mesue
(c) secondary/efÉleerÙekeâ (d) inverse/JÙegl›eâce (d) Solar cell, LVDT/meesuej mesue, LVDT
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 678 YCT
900. Which of the following can act as an inverse 904. While selecting a transducer for a particular
transducer? application, only?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee JÙegl›eâce š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâer efkeâmeer efJeMes<e ShueerkesâMeve kesâ efueS š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe ÛeÙeve
lejn keâeÙe& keâj mekeâlee nw? keâjles meceÙe, kesâJeue?
(a) LVDT (a) input characteristics should be considered
(b) Strain Gauge/mš^sve iespe Fvehegš DeefYeue#eCeeW hej efJeÛeej efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS~
(c) Piezoelectric crystal/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ ef›eâmšue (b) output characteristics should be considered
DeeGšhegš DeefYeue#eCeeW hej efJeÛeej efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS
(d) Bimetal strip/yeeF&cesšue efmš^he
(c) transfer characteristics should be considered
901. The lower limit of useful working range of a
transducer is determined by?
mLeeveevlejCe DeefYeue#eCeeW hej efJeÛeej efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS
(d) input, output and transfer characteristics
š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâer GheÙeesieer keâeÙe& meercee keâer efveÛeueer meercee
should be considered/Fvehegš, DeeGšhegš Deewj
........... kesâ ™he efveOee&efjle nesleer nw?
mLeeveevlejCe DeefYeue#eCeeW hej efJeÛeej efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS
(a) minimum useful input level 905. Pitot tubes are used for?
vÙetvelece GheÙeesieer Fvehegš mlej efhešeš šŸetyeeW keâe GheÙeesie ............ kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee
(b) transducer error and noise nw?
š^ebme[Ÿetmej $egefš Deewj Meesj (a) industrial applications/DeewÅeesefiekeâ DevegØeÙeesie
(c) cross-sensitivity/›eâe@me-mebJesoveMeeruelee (b) laboratory experimental purposes
(d) dynamic response/ieefleMeerue Øeefleef›eâÙee ØeÙeesieMeeuee ØeÙeesieelcekeâ GösMÙeeW
902. Consider the following statements associated (c) both industrial and laboratory applications
with electrical/electronic transducers? oesveeW DeewÅeesefiekeâ Deewj ØeÙeesieMeeuee DevegØeÙeesieeW
efJeÅegle/Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej mes mecyeefvOele efvecve (d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& Yeer veneR
keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW? 906. The instrument servomechanism is actually an
1. Mass-inertia effects are minimized instrument system made of components, which
õJÙeceeve-peÌ[lee ØeYeeJe keâce neslee nw~ are?
2. These transducers consume very little power GheÙeb$e meJeexcewkesâefvepce JeemleJe ceW IeškeâeW mes yeves Skeâ
Ùes š^ebme[Ÿetmej yengle keâce efyepeueer Kehele keâjles nQ~ GheÙeb$e ØeCeeueer nw, pees nesles nw–
3. The response time is large (a) exclusively passive transducers
Øeefleef›eâÙee meceÙe yeÌ[e neslee nw~ kesâJeue efveef<›eâÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmeme&
(b) exclusively active transducers
4. Transmission and processing the signal for
the purpose of measurement are easier kesâJeue meef›eâÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmeme&
š^ebmeefceMeve Deewj ceeheve kesâ GösMÙe kesâ efueS efmeiveue keâer (c) combination of passive transducers and active
ØeesmeseEie Deemeeve nesleer nw efveef<›eâÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej Deewj meef›eâÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe mebÙeespeve
Select the correct answer using the codes given (d) exclusively primary sensing elements
kesâJeue ØeeLeefcekeâ mebJesove lelJe
veerÛes efoS ieÙes keâes[ keâe GheÙeesie keâj mener Gòej ÛegveW?
907. The dynamic characteristic of capacitive
Codes/keâes[ : transducers are similar to those of?
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 OeeefjleerÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe ieeflekeâ DeefYeue#eCe ........... kesâ
(b) 2, 3 and 4/2, 3 Deewj 4 meceeve neslee nw?
(c) 1, 3 and 4/1, 3 Deewj 4 (a) low-pass filter/uees-heeme efHeâušj
(d) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2 Deewj 4 (b) high-pass filter/neF&-heeme efHeâušj
903. An ac signal conditioning is normally used for? (c) notch filter/vee@Ûe efHeâušj
AC efmeiveue kebâef[Meefvebie meeceevÙe ™he mes ........... kesâ (d) band-stop filter/yewC[-mšehe efHeâušj
efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ *908. A capacitive transducer consists of two parallel
(a) resistive transducers like strain gauge plates of diameter 2 cm each and separated by
an air gap of 0.25 mm. What is the
leveeJe iespe keâer lejn ØeeflejesOekeâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej displacement sensitivity?
(b) inductive and capacitive transducers Skeâ kewâhesefmeefšJe š^ebme[Ÿetmej ceW 2 mesceer JÙeeme kesâ oes
Fv[efkeäšJe Deewj kewâhesefmeefšJe š^ebme[Ÿetmej meceeveeblej huesš nQ Deewj 0.25 efceceer kesâ JeeÙeg Devleje@ue mes
(c) piezoelectric transducers Deueie nQ~ efJemLeeheve mebJesoveMeeruelee keäÙee nw?
heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej (a) +200 pF/cm (b) -300 pF/cm
(d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer (c) -444 pF/cm (d) +44.4 pF/cm
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 679 YCT
909. A capacitance transducer uses two quartz 913. Piezoelectric crystals produce an emf?
diaphragms of area 750 mm2 separated by a heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ ef›eâmšue Skeâ F&0Sce0SHeâ0 keâe Glheeove
distance 3.5 mm. The capacitance is 370 pF. keâjlee nQ?
When a pressure of 900 kN/m2 is applied, the (a) when external mechanical force is applied to
deflection is 0.6 mm. The capacitance at this it/peye yeenjer Ùeebef$ekeâ yeue Fme hej ueieeÙee peelee nw
pressure would be? (b) when external magnetic field is applied
Skeâ kewâhesefmešsvme š^ebme[Ÿetmej 750 efceceer2 #es$e kesâ oes peye yeenjer ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ueieeÙee peelee nw
keäJeešd&pe [eÙeøeâece keâe GheÙeesie keâjlee nw pees 3.5 efceceer (c) when radiant energy stimulates the crystal
keâer otjer mes Deueie efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ Oeeefjlee 370 heerkeâes peye efJeefkeâjCe Tpee& ef›eâmšue keâes Gòesefpele keâjlee nw
Hewâj[ nw~ peye 900 KN/m oeye ueieeÙee peelee nw, lees
(d) when the junction of two such crystals is
efJe#esheCe 0.6 mm nw~ Fme oeye hej Oeeefjlee nesieer? heated
(a) 619 pF (b) 447 pF peye oes Ssmes ef›eâmšue keâe pebkeäMeve iece& efkeâÙee peelee nw
(c) 325 pF (d) 275 pF 914. Which of the following transducers measures
the pressure by producing emf as a function of
910. Which of the following are piezoelectric its deformation?
substances? efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve š^ebme[Ÿetmej F&0Sce0SHeâ0 keâes
efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe& nw? Fmekesâ efJe™heCe kesâ Skeâ HebâkeäMeve kesâ ™he ceW GlheVe keâjkesâ
1. Barium titanate/yesefjÙece šerševesš oeye keâes ceehelee nw?
2. Lead titanate/ues[ šerševesš (a) Photoelectric transducer
3. Lead zirconate/ues[ efpekeâexvesš HeâesšesFuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej
4. Cadmium sulphate/kewâ[efceÙece meuHesâš (b) Capacitive transducer/OeeefjleerÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej
(a) 1, 2, and 4/1, 2, Deewj 4 (c) Inductive transducer/ØesjCeerÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej
(b) 1, 3 and 4/1, 3 Deewj 4 (d) Piezoelectric transducer/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej
915. Piezoelectric materials owe their property to
(c) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
(d) 2, 3 and 4/2, 3 Deewj 4 heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ meece«eer keâe Dehevee iegCe nw?
911. Rochelle salt is a crystalline material used in (a) presence of a centre of symmetry
producing? mece™helee kesâ Skeâ kesâvõ keâer GheefmLeefle
jesMesue Meeuš ef›eâmšueeFve meece«eer nw efpemekeâe GheÙeesie (b) lack of a centre of symmetry
............Glheeove ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw? mece™helee kesâ kesâvõ keâe DeYeeJe
(a) velocity transducer/Jesie š^ebme[Ÿetmej (c) presence of axis of symmetry
(b) photoelectric transducer mece™helee kesâ De#e keâer GheefmLeefle
HeâesšesFuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej (d) lack of axis of symmetry
(c) piezoelectric transducer/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej mece™helee kesâ De#e keâe DeYeeJe
916. Consider the following statements?
(d) differential transducer/ef[HeâjsefvMeÙeue š^ebme[Ÿetmej
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
912. Which one of the following defines
Piezoelectric materials are useful for
piezoresistive effect? converting?
efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve efhepeesjefpeefmšJe ØeYeeJe keâes heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ meece«eer heefjJeefle&le keâjves kesâ efueS GheÙeesie
heefjYeeef<ele keâjlee nw? neslee nw?
(a) Production of voltage in a crystal subjected to 1. mechanical energy into electrical energy
mechanical strain/Ùeebef$ekeâ efJeke=âefle kesâ DeOeerve Skeâ Ùeebef$ekeâ Tpee& keâes efJeÅegle Tpee& ceW
ef›eâmšue ceW Jeesušspe keâe Glheeove 2. electrical energy into mechanical energy
(b) Changes in the value of resistivity of a efJeÅegle Tpee& keâes Ùeebef$ekeâ Tpee& ceW
conductor which is strained/Ûeeuekeâ keâer 3. mechanical energy into chemical energy
ØeeflejesOekeâlee kesâ ceeve ceW heefjJele&ve pees leveeJehetCe& nw Ùeebef$ekeâ Tpee& keâes jemeeÙeefvekeâ Tpee& ceW
(c) Creation of strain in a crystal when electricity 4. chemical energy into mechanical energy
is passed through the crystal jemeeÙeefvekeâ Tpee& keâes Ùeebef$ekeâ Tpee& ceW
ef›eâmšue kesâ ceeOÙece mes efyepeueer kesâ iegpejves hej Skeâ Of these statements?
ef›eâmšue ceW leveeJe keâe efvecee&Ce Fve keâLeveeW ceW?
(d) Increase in the frictional resistance of a (a) 1 and 2 are correct/1 Deewj 2 mener nw
sliding contact under the influence of (b) 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct/1, 2, 3 Deewj 4 mener nw
magnetic field/ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ ØeYeeJe kesâ lenle Skeâ (c) 1 alone is correct/1 Dekesâuee mener nw
mejkeâve mecheke&â kesâ Ie<e&Ce ØeeflejesOe ceW Je=efæ (d) 2, 3 and 4 are correct/2, 3 Deewj 4 mener nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 680 YCT
917. Consider the following statements? (c) Voltage developed per unit stress
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW? Øeefle FkeâeF& leveeJe, efJekeâefmele Jeesušlee
Piezoelectric materials serve as? (d) Voltage developed per unit force
heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ meece«eer ............ kesâ ™he ceW GheÙegòeâ Øeefle FkeâeF& yeue, efJekeâefmele Jeesušlee
nesleer nw? 920. Piezoelectric crystal is generally employed for
1. A source of ultrasonic waves the measurement of which one of the
Deuš^emeesefvekeâ lejbie keâe Œeesle following?
2. When electric field is applied, the mechanical heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ ef›eâmšue Deeceleewj hej efvecveefueefKele ceW mes
dimensions of the substances are not at all efkeâmekeâer ceehe kesâ efueS efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw?
altered/peye efJeÅegle #es$e ueieeÙee peelee nw, lees heoeLeeX kesâ
(a) Flow/ØeJeen (b) Velocity/Jesie
Ùeebef$ekeâ DeeÙeece efyeukegâue heefjJeefle&le veneR nesles nQ
3. Converts electrical energy to mechanical and (c) Acceleration/lJejCe (d) Temperature/leehe
vice versa/efJeÅegle Tpee& keâes Ùeebef$ekeâ Gpee& Deewj Fmekesâ 921. Which one of the following is the principal
efJehejerle ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjlee nw disadvantage of a piezoelectric transducer?
4. Converts thermal energy to electrical energy efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee Skeâ heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ
leeheerÙe Tpee& keâes efJeÅegle Tpee& ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjlee nw š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe cegKÙe oes<e nw?
Which of the above statements is/are correct? (a) It can measure force only
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw? Ùen kesâJeue yeue keâes ceehe mekeâlee nw
(a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 (b) It cannot measure static conditions
(b) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 Ùen mLeweflekeâ efmLeefle keâes vener ceehe mekeâlee nw
(c) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 (c) It is too small to handle
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1, 2, 3 Deewj 4 Ùen mebYeeueves kesâ efueS yengle Úesše nw
918. Consider the following statements? (d) It produces only dc voltage
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW? Ùen kesâJeue [er.meer. Jeesušspe GlheVe keâjlee nw
Piezoelectric materials? 922. A 1 cm piezoelectric transducer having a g-
heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ meece«eer? coefficient of 58 V/kg/m2 is subjected to a
1. Crystal can be shown as electrical equivalent constant pressure of 10-3 kg/m3 for about 15
circuit similar to an inductor and a capacitor minutes. The piezo voltage developed by the
(Tank circuit)/ef›eâmšue keâes JewÅegle meceleguÙe heefjheLe kesâ transducer will be?
58 V/kg/m2 kesâ g-iegCeebkeâ Jeeues 1 mesceer heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ
™he ceW Skeâ Øesjkeâ Deewj Skeâ mebOeeefj$e šQkeâ heefjheLe) kesâ
meceeve efoKeeÙee pee mekeâlee nw š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâes ueieYeie 15 efceveš kesâ efueS 10-3 kg/m3
2. Quartz, Rochelle salt, tourmaline kesâ efveÙele oeye kesâ DeOeerve efkeâÙee peelee nw~ š^ebme[Ÿetmej
keäJeeš&dpe, je@Mesue mee@uš, štjcewefueve Éeje efJekeâefmele heerpees Jeesušlee nesieer?
3. Used in voltage stabilizers (a) 116 mV (b) 58 mV
Jeesušlee mLeeefÙelJe ceW GheÙeesie neslee nw (c) 29 mV (d) 0 mV
4. This exhibits the reverse effect of *923. A piezoelectric crystal has a thickness of 2.5
electrostriction/Ùen Fueskeäš^esefmš^keäMeve kesâ efJehejerle mm and a voltage sensitivity of 0.05 Vm/N. The
piezoelectric crystal is subjected to an external
ØeYeeJe keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw pressure of 1.6 × 106 N/m2, then the
Which of the above statements are correct? corresponding output voltage is?
Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw? Skeâ heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ ef›eâmšue keâer ceesšeF& 2.5 efceceer Deewj
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 4 Jeesušlee mebJesoveMeeruelee 0.05 Vm/N nw~ heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ
(b) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2 ef›eâmšue 1.6 × 106 N/m2 kesâ yeenjer oeye kesâ DeOeerve nw,
(c) 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 4 efHeâj mecyeefvOele efveie&le Jeesušlee nw?
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1, 2, 3 Deewj 4 (a) 200 volts/200 Jeesuš
919. The piezoelectric crystal voltage sensitivity is (b) 3.2 × 109 volts/m of thickness
defined as? 3.2 × 109 Jeesuš/ceeršj keâer ceesšeF&
heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ ef›eâmšue Jeesušlee mebJesoveMeeruelee keâes
(c) 0.07 × 10-9 V/(m3/New)
........... kesâ ™he ceW heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(d) 200 m volts/200 ceeršj Jeesuš
(a) Field developed per unit force
*924. A barium titanate crystal has a thickness of 2
Øeefle FkeâeF& yeue efJekeâefmele #es$e mm. Its voltage sensitivity is 12 × 10-3 Vm/N. It
(b) Field developed per unit stress is subjected to a pressure of 0.5 MN/m2. What
Øeefle FkeâeF& leveeJe, efJekeâefmele #es$e is the voltage generated?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 681 YCT
Skeâ yesefjÙece šeFšsvesš ef›eâmšue keâer ceesšeF& 2 efceceer nw~ 930. The measurement of Hall coefficient of a
Fmekeâer Jeesušlee mebJesoveMeeruelee 12 × 10-3 Vm/N nw~ semiconductor with one type of charge carrier
Ùen 0.5 MN/m kesâ oeye kesâ DeOeerve nw~ GlheVe Jeesušlee
2 gives the information about?
keäÙee nw? Skeâ Øekeâej DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ kesâ meeLe Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ kesâ
(a) 3 V (b) 6 V neue iegCeebkeâ keâe ceeheve ........... kesâ yeejs ceW metÛevee oslee
(c) 5 V (d) 12 V nw?
*925. A piezoelectric crystal has a coupling (a) sign of charge carrier/DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ keâe efÛevn
coefficient K of 0.32. How much electrical (b) density of charge carrier/DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ keâe IevelJe
energy must be applied to produce output
(c) both sign and density of charge carrier
energy of 7.06 × 10-3 J?
Skeâ heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ ef›eâmšue keâe Ùegiceve iegCeebkeâ 0.32 nw~ DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ keâe efÛevn Deewj IevelJe oesveeW
7.06 × 10-3 J kesâ efveie&le Tpee& keâe Glheeove keâjves kesâ (d) mass of the charge carrier
efueS efkeâleveer efJeÅegle Tpee& ueeiet nesveer ÛeeefnS? DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ keâe õJÙeceeve
931. Magnetoelastic transducers work on the
(a) 25.18 mJ (b) 22.19 mJ
principle of?
(c) 4.80 mJ (d) 2.26 mJ
926. Piezoelectric transducers have the following
cewivesšesFueeefmškeâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej .............. kesâ efmeæevle hej
advantage(s)? keâeÙe& keâjlee nw?
heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe efvecveefueefKele ueeYe nw? (a) change of dimensions with change of applied
(a) These are small in size, light in weight and stress/ØeÙegòeâ leveeJe kesâ heefjJele&ve kesâ meeLe efJeceeDeeW keâe
very rugged in construction/Ùes Deekeâej ceW Úesšs, heefjJele&ve
Yeej ceW nukesâ Deewj efvecee&Ce ceW efJe<ece nesles nw (b) change of permeability with change in stress
(b) wide operating temperature range leveeJe ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ meeLe ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee ceW heefjJele&ve
JÙeehekeâ ØeÛeeueve leeheceeve hejeme (c) change of coercive force with change of stress
(c) very good frequency response and quite large leveeJe ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ meeLe efve«eener yeue ceW heefjJele&ve
output (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
yengle DeÛÚer DeeJe=efòe Devegef›eâÙee Deewj keâeHeâer yeÌ[e efveie&le 932. The phenomenon of magnetostriction is
(d) all of the above/Ghejeskeäle meYeer significant in?
927. Hall effect transducers have the drawbacks of? ÛegcyekeâerÙe efJe™heCe keâer Iešvee efkeâmeceW cenlJehetCe& nesleer
ne@ue ØeYeeJe š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe oes<e nw? nw?
(a) high sensitivity to temperature variations (a) germanium/pecexefveÙece
leeheceeve efYeVeleeDeeW kesâ efueS GÛÛe mebJesoveMeeruelee (b) nickel and nickel-iron/efveefkeâue Deewj efvekesâue ueewn
(b) variation of Hall coefficient from plate to (c) barium titanate/yesefjÙece šerševesš
plate/huesš mes huesš lekeâ ne@ue iegCeebkeâ keâer efYeVelee
(d) lead zirconate-titanate/ues[ efpekeâexvesš šerševesš
(c) poor resolution/Kejeye efJeYesove
933. A solar cell is a……….transducer?
(d) both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
meesuej mesue............š^ebme[Ÿetmej neslee nw?
928. A hall effect transducer is generally used for
the measurement of? (a) photovoltaic/HeâesšesJeesušeFkeâ
neue ØeYeeJe š^ebme[Ÿetmej Deeceleewj hej .......... keâes ceeheves (b) photoemissive/HeâesšesSefceefmeJe
kesâ efueS GheÙeesie neslee nw? (c) photoconductive/Heâesšes keâv[efkeäšJe
(a) power/Meefòeâ (d) photoresistive/HeâesšesjefpeeqmšJe
(b) current/Oeeje 934. Which of the following does not require
(c) displacement/efJemLeeheve auxiliary circuitry if used as transducer?
(d) voltage/Jeesušspe
efvecveefueefKele ceW efkeâmeceW meneÙekeâ heefjheLe keâer
929. Hall effect device can be used to?
DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nesleer nw Ùeefo š^ebme[Ÿetmej kesâ ™he ceW
neue ØeYeeJe Ùegefòeâ keâe GheÙeesie ............ kesâ efueS efkeâÙee GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peeS?
pee mekeâlee nw? (a) Capacitance/mebOeeefj$e
(a) multiply two signals/oes mebkesâle keâe iegCeveHeâue (b) Photovoltaic cell/HeâesšesJeesušeFkeâ mesue
(b) divide one signal by another on an (c) Resistance/ØeeflejesOe
instantaneous basis/leelkeâeefuekeâ DeeOeej hej Skeâ (d) Inductance/ØesjkeâlJe
mebkesâle keâes otmejs mes efJeYeeefpele keâjves 935. The most light sensitive transducer for
(c) add two signals/oes mebkesâle keâes pees[
Ì ves conversion of light into electrical power is the?
(d) subtract one signal from another ØekeâeMe keâes JewÅegle hee@Jej ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves kesâ efueS
Skeâ mebkesâle keâes otmejs mebkesâle mes Ieševes ØekeâeMe mebJesoveMeerue š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 682 YCT
(a) photodiode/Heâesšes[eÙees[ (a) one revolution/Skeâ heefjYeüceCe
(b) solar cell/meesuej mesue (b) continuous speed in clockwise direction
(c) photoconductive cell/Heâesšeskeâv[efkeäšJe mesue efvejblej ieefle oef#eCeeJele& efoMee ceW (clockwise)
(c) continuous speed in counter clockwise
(d) photovoltaic cell/HeâesšesJeesušeFkeâ mesue
direction/efvejblej Ûeeue keâeGvšj keäuee@keâJeeFpe efoMee ceW
936. The tachometer encoder has?
(d) counting least significant bits
šskeâesceeršj Svekeâes[j ceW neslee nw? Deuhelece cenlJehetCe& efyešdme keâer efieveleer
(a) one output/Skeâ DeeGšhegš 941. Absolute encoders are used where?
(b) two outputs/oes DeeGšhegš efvejhes#e Svekeâes[j ØeÙeesie neslee nw peneB?
(c) three outputs/leerve DeeGšhegš (a) fast varying signals are not used
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer lespeer mes heefjJeefle&le nesves Jeeues mebkesâle keâe ØeÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee
937. A tachometer encoder can be used for peelee nw~
measurement of speed? (b) when position data is to be recovered even
Skeâ šskeâesceeršj Svekeâes[j mheer[ kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie after a temporary power outage
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw? peye efmLeefle [eše Skeâ DemLeeÙeer hee@Jej DeeGšspe kesâ yeeo
(a) of false pulses because of electrical noise Yeer hegveØee&hle efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(c) transient noise can be tolerated as it causes
Fuesefkeäš^keâue Meesj kesâ keâejCe ieuele heume only a transient disturbance
(b) in forward and reverse directions #eefCekeâ Meesj keâes menve efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen
De«e efoMee Deewj heMÛe efoMee ceW kesâJeue #eefCekeâ yeeOee keâe keâejCe yevelee nw~
(c) in one direction only/kesâJeue Skeâ efoMee ceW (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(d) for single revolution in a multiple track 942. A spatial encoder is an/a?
ceušerheue š^Qkeâ ceW Skeâue heefjYeüceCe kesâ efueS Skeâ mheeFšue Svekeâes[j nw?
938. Incremental encoders use? (a) digital to analog converter/D/A keâveJeš&j
Fv›eâercesvšue Svekeâes[j ØeÙeesie keâjlee nw? (b) analog to digital converter/A/D keâveJeš&j
(a) one channel/Skeâ Ûewveue (c) optical encoder/Dee@efhškeâue Svekeâes[j
(b) two channels/oes Ûewveue (d) passive device/efveef<›eâÙe GhekeâjCe
(c) two channels and sometimes three channels 943. Optical and photoelectric sensing systems are
oes Ûewveue Deewj kegâÚ meceÙe leerve Ûewveue used by?
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâle ceW mes keâesF& veneR Dee@efhškeâue Deewj HeâesšesFuesefkeäš^keâ mebJesove ØeCeeueer keâe
939. The drawbacks of incremental encoders are GheÙeesie efkeâmekesâ Éeje efkeâÙee peelee nw?
that? (a) shaft-angle encoders/Mee@Heäš-keâesCe Svekeâes[j
Fv›eâercesvšue Svekeâes[j keâe oes<e nw? (b) optical encoders/Dee@efhškeâue Svekeâes[j
(a) any false pulse resulting from electric noise (c) photosensors/Heâesšesmesvmej
will cause error, which will persist even on (d) magnetic encoders/ÛegcyekeâerÙe Svekeâes[j
disappearance of noise 944. Moire fringes are used for measurement of
efJeÅegle Meesj mes GlheVe efkeâmeer Yeer ieuele heume ceW $egefš nesieer rotary displacement along with?
pees Meesj kesâ ieeÙeye nesves hej Yeer yeveer jnsieer ceesj eføebâpe keâe GheÙeesie efkeâmekesâ meeLe jesšjer efJemLeeheve kesâ
(b) the failure of power supply causes total loss ceeheve kesâ efueS neslee nw?
of position data which cannot be retrieved (a) only contact-type encoder
even after restoration of power supply kesâJeue mebheke&â Øekeâej Svekeâes[j
efyepeueer Deehetefle& keâer efJeHeâuelee mes efmLeefle [sše keâe kegâue (b) only optical encoder/kesâJeue Dee@efhškeâue Svekeâes[j
vegkeâmeeve neslee nw efpemes efyepeueer Deehetefle& keâer yeneueer kesâ (c) both contact type and optical encoders
yeeo Yeer hegveŠ Øeehle veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ mebheke&â Øekeâej Deewj Dee@efhškeâue Svekeâes[j oesveeW
(c) these encoders are usually limited to a (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
measurement of single revolution
945. Name the instrument for angular
Ùes Svekeâes[j Deeceleewj hej efmebieue efjJeesuÙetMeve kesâ ceehe measurement?
lekeâ meerefcele nesles nQ keâesCeerÙe ceeheve kesâ efueS GhekeâjCe keâe veece?
(d) both (a) and (b)/oesveeW (a) Deewj (b) (a) Tachometer/šskeâesceeršj
940. Absolute encoders are normally used for? (b) Strobometer/mš^esyeesceeršj
hetCe& Svekeâes[j ............... keâs efueS meeceevÙele: GheÙeesie (c) Shaft encoder/Mee@Heäš Svekeâes[j
neslee nw? (d) LVDT
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 683 YCT
946. The resolution of a 8-bit shaft encoder is? 952. One of the following transducer has excellent
8-efyeš Mee@Heäš Svekeâes[j keâe efjpeeuÙetMeve nw? frequency response?
(a) 3600/27 efvecve ceW mes efkeâme š^ebme[Ÿetmej ceW Glke=≠DeeJe=efòe
(b) 3600/29 Øeefleef›eâÙee nesleer nw?
(c) 3600/28 (a) inductive transducer/ØesjkeâerÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej
(d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) capacitive transducer/OeeefjleerÙe š^ebme[Ÿetmej
947. The operation of converting an input data into
(c) piezoelectric transducer/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej
a code consisting of a series of logic level signals
of zero and one forming a binary number is? (d) All of the three above/Ghejesòeâ kesâ leervees
Skeâ Fvehegš [sše keâes Skeâ keâes[ ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves keâer 953. Which of the following transducers requires a
ef›eâÙee efpemeceW MetvÙe kesâ leke&â mlej kesâ mebkesâleeW keâer Skeâ high input impedance preamplifier for proper
ëe=bKeuee nesleer nw pees Skeâ yeeFvejer vebyej keânueeleer nw? measurements?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâes GefÛele ceehe kesâ
(a) coding/keâesef[bie
efueS GÛÛe Fvehegš ØeefleyeeOee ØeerSchueerHeâeÙej keâer
(b) decoding/ef[keâesef[bie
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw?
(c) frequency counter/øeâerkeäJesvmeer keâeGbšj
(a) Thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue
(d) converter/keâveJeš&j
948. A bolometer is an element that? (b) Piezoelectric/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ
yeesueesceeršj Skeâ lelJe nw pees efkeâ? (c) Thermistor/Leefce&mšj
(a) senses thermal output (d) LVDT
leeheerÙe efveie&le keâe mebJesove keâjlee nw 954. Consider the following statements?
(b) senses optical input and gives thermal efvecve keâLeveeW hej OÙeeve oW?
output/Dee@efhškeâue efveJesMe keâe mebJesove keâjlee nw Deewj 1. A variable capacitance type transducer gives
leeheerÙe efveie&le oslee nw an output proportional to acceleration
(c) senses optical input and gives electrical Skeâ heefjJeleea mebOeeefj$e Øekeâej keâe š^ebme[Ÿetmej lJejCe kesâ
output/Dee@efhškeâue efveJesMe keâe mebJesove keâjlee nw Deewj meceevegheeleer efveie&le oslee nw
efJeÅegle efveie&le oslee nw 2. LVDT is a self-generating type of transducer
(d) senses electrical input and gives optical LVDT mJeGlheeove Øekeâej keâe š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw
output/efJeÅegle efveJesMe keâe mebJesove keâjlee nw Deewj 3. Eddy current type of transducer gives an
Dee@efhškeâue efveie&le oslee nw output proportional to velocity/YeBJej Oeeje Øekeâej
949. Bolometers are used for measuring? keâe š^ebme[Ÿetmej, Jesie kesâ Deveg›eâceevegheeleer efveie&le oslee nw
yeesueesceeršj keäÙee ceeheves kesâ efueS GheÙeesie neslee nw? 4. A piezoelectric transducer cannot be used to
(a) electrical signals/efJeÅegle efmeiveue measure static variable
(b) optical inputs/Dee@efhškeâue efveJesMe Skeâ heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej mLeweflekeâ heefjJeleea ceeheve
(c) thermal radiations/leeheerÙe efJeefkeâjCe kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR Which of these statements is/are correct?
950. Ring-balance meter cannot be used for FveceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw?
measuring? (a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
JeueÙe meblegueve ceeršj efkeâmekesâ ceeheve ceW ØeÙeesie veneR nes (b) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
mekeâlee nw? (c) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4
(a) pressure/oeye (d) 4 only/kesâJeue 4
(b) differential pressure/efJeYesokeâ oeye 955. The class of transformer type displacement
(c) mass flow rate/õJÙeceeve ØeJeen oj transducers that develop induced emfs related
(d) total flow/kegâue ØeJeen to the angular position of its rotor when excited
951. Which displacement transducer is used for by ac supply is called?
accurate and linear measurement? š^ebmeHeâece&j Øekeâej kesâ efJemLeeheve š^ebme[Ÿetme&me keâe Jeie& pees
efvecve ceW mes keâewve efJemLeeheve š^ebme[Ÿetmej ÙeLeeLe& Deewj Smeer Deehetefle& Éeje Gòesefpele nesves hej Fmekesâ jesšj keâer
jsKeerÙe ceeheve kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? keâesCeerÙe efmLeefle mes mecyeefvOele Øesefjle efJe.Jee.yeue efJekeâefmele
(a) LVDT keâjlee nw keânueelee nw?
(b) Strain gauge/efJeke=âefle iespe (a) variable permeability/Ûej heejiecÙelee
(c) Potentiometer/efJeYeJeceeheer (b) LVDT
(d) Capacitive displacement transducer (c) variable reluctance/heefjJeleea Øeefle<šcYe
OeeefjleerÙe efJemLeeheve š^ebme[Ÿetmej (d) synchro/efmev›eâes
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 684 YCT
956. Converters of mechanical energy into magnetic (c) compensating for different expansions
energy are known as? efJeefYeVe efJemleej kesâ #eeflehetefle& kesâ efueS
Ùeebef$ekeâ Tpee& keâes ÛegcyekeâerÙe Tpee& ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves (d) calibration of strain gauge
Jeeues kesâ ............... ™he ceW peevee peelee nw~ efJeke=âefle iespe kesâ DeMeebkeâve kesâ efueS
(a) Hall effect transducers/neue ØeYeeJe š^ebme[Ÿetmej 961. Why is strain gauge bridge sometimes excited
(b) Piezoelectric transducers with ac?
heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej efJeke=âefle iespe mesleg keâes kegâÚ meceÙe kesâ efueS ØelÙeeJeleea
(c) Magnetoelastic transducers Oeeje mes keäÙeeW Gòesefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw?
cewivesšesFueeefmškeâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej (a) It has a stable performance with ac
(d) Tachometers/šwkeâesceeršj Fmekeâe S.meer. kesâ meeLe Skeâ efmLej hejHeâecexvme neslee nw
957. A semiconductor based temperature (b) Its sensitivity is more with ac
transducer has a temperature coefficient of - Fmekeâer mebJesoveMeeruelee S.meer. kesâ meeLe DeefOekeâ nesleer nw
2500 µV/0C. This transducer is indeed a? (c) Power frequency pick-up can be avoided with
Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ DeeOeeefjle leehe š^ebme[Ÿetmej efpemekeâe ac/S.meer. kesâ meeLe hee@Jej eføeâkeäJeWmeer efhekeâ Dehe mes yeÛee
leehe iegCeebkeâ -2500 µV/0C nw~ Ùen š^ebme[Ÿetmej JeemleJe pee mekeâlee nw
ceW nw? (d) AC output can be easily amplified
(a) thermistor/Leefce&mšj
S.meer. efveie&le Deemeeveer mes ØeJeefOe&le keâer pee mekeâleer nw
962. Very small displacements are effectively
(b) forward-biased pn junction diode measured using?
De«e DeefYevele PN mebefOe [eÙees[ yengle keâce efJemLeeheve efkeâmekeâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ ØeYeeJeer ™he
(c) reverse-biased pn junction diode mes ceehee peelee nw?
heMÛe DeefYevele PN mebefOe [eÙees[ (a) LVDT
(d) FET (b) Strain gauge/efJeke=âefle iespe
958. Which of the following primary detector type
transducers are employed for displacement (c) Thermistor/Leefce&mšj
measurement? (d) Tachogenerator/šskeâespevejsšj
efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee ØeeLeefcekeâ ef[šskeäšj Øekeâej keâe 963. Load cells employ?
š^ebme[Ÿetmej efJemLeeheve ceeheves kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ neslee nw? uees[ mesue ØeÙegòeâ keâjlee nw–
1. Thermistor/Leefce&mšj (a) piezoelectric crystal/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ ef›eâmšue
2. Diaphragm/[eÙeøeâece (b) capacitor/mebOeeefj$e
3. Thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue (c) mutual inductance/heejmheefjkeâ ØesjkeâlJe
4. Pivot Torque/efheJeesš yeueeIetCe& (d) strain gauges/efJeke=âefle iespe
Select the correct answer using the codes given 964. The following transducer(s) may employ strain
below? gauge as a secondary transducer-
veerÛes efoS ieÙes keâes[ keâe ØeÙeesie keâj mener Gòej ÛegveW? efvecveefueefKele š^ebme[Ÿetmej efveÙeesefpele keâj mekeâlee nw efkeâ
(a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 (b) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4
efJeke=âefle iespe Skeâ efÉleerÙekeâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw?
(a) load cell only/kesâJeue uees[ mesue
(c) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4 (d) 1 and 4/1 Deewj 4
(b) load cell and torque meter only
959. Why are dummy strain gauges employed?
[ceer efJeke=âefle iespe keäÙeeW GheÙegòeâ neslee nw? kesâJeue uees[ mesue Deewj yeueeIetCe&ceeršj
(c) load cell, torque meter and accelerometer
(a) For calibration of strain gauges only
efJeke=âefleiespe kesâ ceeheebkeâve kesâ efueS kesâJeue uees[mesue, yeueeIetCe& ceeršj Deewj Skeämeeruejesceeršj
(b) For increasing the sensitivity of the bridge (d) load cell, torque meter, accelerometer and
mesleg keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS flow meter
(c) For compensation of temperature variations uees[ mesue, yeueeIetCe& ceeršj, lJejCeceeheer Deewj ØeJeenceeheer
leehe heefjJele&ve keâer #eeflehetefle& kesâ efueS 965. The factors to be considered in the selection of
(d) For neutralizing the influence of bridge a load cell for a particular application are?
voltage supply variations/mesleg Jeesušlee Deehetefle& Skeâ efJeMes<e DevegØeÙeesie kesâ efueS uees[ mesue kesâ ÛeÙeve ceW
heefjJele&ve kesâ ØeYeeJe keâes Goemeerve keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâme iegCekeâ hej efJeÛeej efkeâÙee peelee nw?
960. Dummy strain gauges are used for? (a) type of loading tensile or compressive
[ceer efJeke=âefle iespe keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw? Yeeefjle levÙe Ùee mecheer[ve keâe Øekeâej
(a) compensation of temperature changes (b) required accuracy, loading conditions,
leehe heefjJele&ve keâer #eeflehetefle& kesâ efueS environment, space available, scale capacity
(b) increasing the sensitivity of bridge DeeJeMÙekeâ ÙeLeeLe&lee, ueesef[bie efmLeefle, JeeleeJejCe, GheueyOe
mesleg keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS mLeeve hewceeves keâer #ecelee keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 685 YCT
(a) very low pressures/yengle keâce oeye
(c) desired output characteristics and number of
cells required/JeebefÚle efveie&le DeefYeue#eCe Deewj mesueeW
(b) high pressures/GÛÛe oeye
keâer mebKÙee keâer pe™jle (c) pressures in the region of 1 atm
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer 1 atm kesâ #es$e ceW oyeeJe
966. Which one of the following additional devices is (d) fluid flow/õJe ØeJeen
required in order to measure pressure using 971. Pirani gauge is used for the measurement of
LVDT? pressure in the range of?
efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve Deefleefjòeâ GhekeâjCe nw, efpemeceW efhejeveer iespe oeye kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS efkeâme hejeme ceW
LVDT keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ oeye ceeheve keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
nw? (a) 10-8 mm to 10-5 mm of Hg
(a) Strain gauge/efJeÅegleerÙe iespe Hg kesâ 10-8 mm mes 10-5 mm
(b) Pitot tube/efheše@š šŸetye (b) 10-3 mm to 10-1 mm of Hg
(c) Bourdon tube/yees[&ve šŸetye Hg kesâ 10-3 mm mes 10-1 mm
(d) Rotameter/jesšeceeršj (c) 10 mm to 103 mm of Hg
Hg kesâ 10 mm mes 103 mm
967. Which of the following transducers can be used
for measurement of pressures as high as (d) 105 mm to 108 mm of Hg
100,000 atmosphere? Hg kesâ 105 mm mes 108 mm
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee š^ebme[Ÿetmej GÛÛelece 972. The advantages of ionization vacuum gauges
100000 JeeÙegceC[ue kesâ oeye ceeheve kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie are?
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw? DeeÙeveerkeâjCe efveJee&le iespe keâe ueeYe nw?
(a) linearity/jsKeerÙelee
(a) Mcleod gauge/cewkeâuee[ iespe
(b) interchangeability/Deebleefjkeâ yeoueeJe
(b) Pirani gauge/efhejeveer iespe
(c) that these can be used for measurement of
(c) Bridgman gauge/efyeÇpecewve iespe vacuum pressure below 10-10 torr
(d) Knudsen gauge/veg[mesve iespe Fvekeâe ØeÙeesie efveJee&le oeye ceeheve kesâ efueS 10-10 šej kesâ
968. Thermal conductivity gauges have the veerÛes efkeâÙee peelee nw
following shortcomings? (d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
leeheerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee iespe keâe efvecveefueefKele oes<e nw? 973. Which one of the following statements is
(a) these gauges need individual calibration and correct?
frequent checking/Fme iespe ceW Deueie-Deueie efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw?
ceeheebkeâve Deewj ueieeleej peeBÛe keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw (a) A piezoelectric pressure transducer can be
(b) these gauges burn out when exposed to used for measuring both static and dynamic
atmospheric pressure during operation pressures
Ùes iespe peue peeles nw peye ØeÛeeueve kesâ oewjeve heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe ØeÙeesie mLeweflekeâ Deewj
JeeÙegceC[ueerÙe oeye Gpeeiej neslee nw ieeflekeâ oeye oesveeW ceeheve kesâ efueS nes mekeâlee nw
(c) these gauges get easily damaged by organic (b) A resistance strain gauge type pressure
vapours transducer cannot be used for dynamic
Ùes iespe keâeye&efvekeâ Jee<he mes Deemeeveer mes Kejeye nes peeles nQ pressure measurement
ØeeflejesOe efJeke=âefle iespe Øekeâej kesâ oeye š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
GheÙeesie ieeflekeâ oeye ceeheve kesâ efueS veneR nes mekeâlee nw
969. The working principle of a Pirani gauge
(c) Vacuum levels lower than 1 micron can be
pressure transducer is based on which one of
measured with an ionization gauge
the following?
1 ceeF›eâe@ve mes keâce efveJee&le leue keâes Skeâ DeeÙeveerkeâjCe kesâ
efhejeveer iespe oeye š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe keâeÙe& efmeæevle
meeLe ceehee pee mekeâlee nw
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme hej DeeOeeefjle nw?
(d) Accuracy of a manometer is affected by the
(a) Humidity of the medium/ceeOÙece kesâ Deeõ&lee hej shape or size of the tubes/cewveesceeršj keâer ÙeLeeLe&lee
(b) Thermal conductivity of the medium šŸetye kesâ Deekeâej Ùee Deeke=âefle mes ØeYeeefJele neslee nw
ceeOÙece kesâ leeheerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee hej 974. Which one of the following statements is not
(c) Combustibility of the medium correct?
ceeOÙece kesâ pJeueveMeeruelee hej efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener veneR nw?
(d) Electrical resistivity of the medium (a) Vacuum can act as a dielectric material
ceeOÙece kesâ JewÅegle ØeeflejesOekeâlee hej efveJee&le hejeJewÅegle meece«eer kesâ ™he ceW keâeÙe& keâj mekeâlee nw
970. Pirani gauge is used to measure? (b) Piezoelectric materials can act as transducers
efhejeveer iespe .................. kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS GheÙeesie heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe&, š^ebme[Ÿetmej kesâ ™he ceW keâeÙe& keâj
neslee nw? mekeâlee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 686 YCT
(c) Quartz crystal is a ferroelectric material (a) it is possible to know the direction of rotation
keäJeešd&pe ef›eâmšue Skeâ HesâjesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe& nw Ietceves keâer efoMee peeveves kesâ efueS mebYeJe neslee nw
(d) The dielectric constant of dielectrics depends (b) they have no maintenance problems
on the frequency of the applied field GvnW jKejKeeJe keâer keâesF& mecemÙee veneR nesleer nw
hejeJewÅegle keâe hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâ ueieeÙes ieÙes #es$e kesâ (c) it is possible to know the direction of rotation
DeeJe=efòe hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw and magnitude of speed with the help of a
975. In strain gauge torque transducers, the strain simple dc voltmeter/Skeâ meeOeejCe [er.meer.
gauges are mounted at which one of the Jeesušceeršj keâer ceoo mes IetCe&ve keâer efoMee Deewj ieefle keâe
following? heefjceeCe peevevee mebYeJe neslee nww
mš^sve iespe šeke&â š^ebme[Ÿetmej ceW, mš^sve iespe efvecveefueefKele (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
ceW mes efkeâme hej peÌ[e neslee nw? 980. Which of the following types of transducers can
be used for the measurement of the angular
(a) 0 to the shaft axis/Mee@Heäš De#e mes 0
0 0
position of a shaft?
(b) 450 to the shaft axis/Mee@Heäš De#e mes 450 efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Øekeâej keâe š^ebme[Ÿetmej, Mee@Heäš
(c) 900 to the shaft axis/Mee@Heäš De#e mes 900 keâer keâesCeerÙe efmLeefle kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee pee
(d) at any angle with the shaft axis mekeâlee nw?
Mee@Heäš De#e mes efkeâmeer Yeer keâesCe hej 1. Circular potentiometer/Je=òeekeâej heesšWefMeÙeesceeršj
976. Tachometers are used for only? 2. LVDT
šskeâesceeršj kesâJeue ........... kesâ efueS ner GheÙeesie neslee nw? 3. e-pickup/F&-efhekeâDehe
(a) angular speed measurement/keâesCeerÙe ieefle ceeheve 4. Synchro pair/efmeb›eâes Ùegice
(b) linear speed measurement/jsKeerÙe ieefle ceeheve (a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 (b) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3
(c) both angular and linear speed measurements (c) 1 and 4/1 Deewj 4 (d) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4
keâesCeerÙe Deewj jsKeerÙe ieefle ceeheve oesveeW 981. Which of the following can be used/modified
(d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR for measurement of angular speed?
977. The generated emf of a dc tachogenerator is?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve keâesCeerÙe ieefle kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS
Skeâ [er0meer0 šskeâespevejsšj keâe GlheVe F&0Sce0SHeâ0 neslee GheÙeesie mebMeesefOele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw?
nw? 1. LVDT
2. Magnetic pick-up/ÛegcyekeâerÙe efhekeâDehe
(a) directly proportional to angular speed
3. Tachogenerator/šskeâespevejsšj
keâesCeerÙe ieefle kesâ meerOes meceevegheeleer
4. Strain gauge/mš^sve iespe
(b) inversely proportional to angular speed
Select the correct answer using the codes given
keâesCeerÙe ieefle kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer below?
(c) proportional to square root of angular speed veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ keâe ØeÙeesie keâj mener Gòej Ûegves?
keâesCeerÙe ieefle kesâ Jeie&cetue kesâ meceevegheeleer (a) Only 1 and 2/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(d) proportional to square of angular speed
(b) Only 2 and 3/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
keâesCeerÙe ieefle kesâ Jeie& kesâ meceevegheeleer (c) Only 3/kesâJeue 3
978. AC tachometers are often built with thin
(d) Only 2, 3 and 4/kesâJeue 2, 3 Deewj 4
metallic drag-cup rotor to?
S0meer0 šskeâesceeršj ØeeÙe: heleues OeeeflJekeâ [^wie-keâhe jesšj 982. In a stroboscopic method of rotational speed
measurement of a machine shaft?
mes yevee neslee nw? Skeâ ceMeerve Mee@Heäš kesâ IetCe&ve ieefle ceeheve kesâ
(a) reduce inertia/peÌ[lJe (inestia) Ieševes kesâ efueS mš^esyeesmkeâesefhekeâ efJeefOe ceW–
(b) obtain low Q/efvecve Q Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS N= the machine shaft speed of rotation in
(c) make them suitable for high frequency (400 revolutions/minute
Hz) operation/GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe (400 Hz) ØeÛeeueve kesâ N= jesšsMeve keâe ceMeerve MeeHeäš ieefle
efueS Fvekeâes GheÙegòeâ yeveevee efjJeeuÙetMeve/efceveš ceW
(d) eliminate direct coupling between two stator n= Number of points on the circular
winding/oes mšsšj JeeFef[bie kesâ yeerÛe [eÙejskeäš keâheefuebie pattern
keâes meceehle keâjves kesâ efueS n= Je=òeekeâej hewšve& hej efyevog keâer mebKÙee
979. DC tachometer generators are sometimes F= Number of flashes per minute
preferred over ac tachometer generators F= HeäuewMe/efceveš keâer mebKÙee
because? The speed of rotation N will be?
[er0meer0 šskeâesceeršj pevejsšj keâes keâYeer-keâYeer AC jesšsMeve keâer ieefle (N) nesiee?
šskeâespevejsšj mes DeefOekeâ JejerÙelee efoÙee peelee nw, (a) N = F + n (b) N = F-n
keäÙeeWefkeâ– (c) N = F/n (d) N = Fn
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 687 YCT
983. Transducer for measurement of rotational 988. The accelerometer used for measurement of
displacement is? vibration of large structures is?
IetcevesJeeuee efJemLeeheve kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw? yeÌ[s mebjÛevee kesâ kebâheve kesâ ceehe kesâ efueS efkeâme lJejCeceeheer
(a) shaft encoder/Mee@Heäš Svekeâes[j keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(b) differential capacitor/efJeYesove mebOeeefj$e (a) servo-accelerometer/meJeex- lJejCeceeheer
(c) LVDT (b) piezoelectric accelerometer
(d) strain gauge/mš^sve iespe heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ lJejCeceeheer
*984. An inductive pick-up used to measure the (c) potentiometric accelerometer
speed of a shaft has 120 tooth wheel. If the hees šs e f v MeÙees c es e f š^ k eâ lJejCeceeheer
number of pulses produced in a second is 3000, (d) strain gauge accelerometer/efJeke=âefle iespe lJejCeceeheer
the rpm of the shaft is? 989. The most common transducer for shock and
Skeâ ØesjkeâerÙe efhekeâDehe, MeeHeäš keâer ieefle ceeheves kesâ efueS vibration measurement is?
ØeÙeesie neslee nw efpemekeâe štLe Jnerue 120 nw~ Ùeefo Skeâ Peškeâe Deewj kebâhevve ceehe kesâ efueS meyemes meeceevÙe
meskesâC[ ceW GlheVe nesves Jeeueer mheboeW keâer mebKÙee 3000 nes š^ e b m e[Ÿet m ej nw?
lees Mee@Heäš keâe (rpm) nQ? (a) dial gauge/[eÙeue iespe
(a) 1200 (b) 1500 (b) ring-type load cell/efjbie-Øekeâej uees[ mesue
(c) 1800 (d) 3600 (c) LVDT
985. Doppler shift principle is used in the (d) piezoelectric pickup/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ efhekeâDehe
measurement of? 990. The drawbacks of radiation pyrometers are
[ehuej efMeHeäš efmeæevle efkeâmekesâ ceeheve ceW ØeÙeesie neslee that?
nw? efJeefkeâjCe heeÙejesceeršj keâer keâceer nw?
(a) their initial as well as installation costs are
(a) temperature/leeheceeve (b) frequency/DeeJe=efòe
high/Gvekeâer ØeejefcYekeâ Deewj mLeeheve ueeiele DeefOekeâ nw
(c) speed/ieefle (d) pressure/oeye (b) they need maintenance
986. A Seismic transducer using a spring-mass- GvnW jKejKeeJe keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw
damper system as shown below will have an (c) each pyrometer needs individual calibration
output displacement of zero when the input xi ØelÙeskeâ heeFjesceeršj keâes Deueie-Deueie ceeheebkeâve keâer
is a?
veerÛes efoKeeS ieS efÛe$e kesâ Devegmeej efmØebie õJÙeceeve mhebpe DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(Damper) ØeCeeueer keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ Skeâ YetkebâheerÙe
991. The commercial thermopiles are formed by?
(Seismic) š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe DeeGšhegš efJemLeeheve MetvÙe
JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ LeceexheeFume efkeâmekesâ Éeje ieef"le neslee nw?
nesiee peye Fvehegš keâe xi neslee nw?
(a) series of Si-Al thermocouples in an IC by
doping Al layers on p-type Si on n-type Si
expitaxial layers/efmeefuekeâe@ve-SuÙegefceefveÙece Leceexkeâheume
keâer ßeb=Keuee ceW N-Øekeâej efmeefuekeâe@ve SefhešwefkeämeÙeue hejleeW
hej P-šeFhe efmeefuekeâe@ve hej [esefhebie SuÙegefceefveÙece hejleeW
Éeje Skeâ IC ceW?
(b) series of Cu-W thermocouple strips
Cu-W Leceexkeâheume efmš^hme keâer ßeb=Keuee
(c) piezoelectric material strips piled together
heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe& efmš^hme keâe Skeâ meeLe {sj
X (d) series of bismuth-telluride couples
efyemceLe-šsuegjeF[ peesÌ[es keâer ßeb=Keuee
(a) Constant displacement/efmLej efJemLeeheve
992. In optical pyrometers temperature is measured
(b) Constant velocity/efmLej Jesie by?
(c) Constant acceleration/ efmLej lJejCe Dee@efhškeâue heeÙejesceeršj ceW leehe .............. Éeje ceehee
(d) Sinusoidal displacement/pÙeeJe›eâerÙe efJemLeeheve
peelee nw?
987. The accelerometer using LVDT has the
advantage of? (a) thermocouple effect/Leceexkeâheue ØeYeeJe
LVDT ØeÙeesie keâj lJejCeceeheer keâe ueeYe nw? (b) photocell principle/Heâesšesmesue efmeæevle
(a) high natural frequency/GÛÛe Øeeke=âeflekeâ DeeJe=efòe (c) comparison of brightness of the source with
(b) being contactless device/mecheke&â jefnle Ùegefkeäle nesvee that of a standard source
(c) better resolution/yesnlej heefjYeüceCe Skeâ ceevekeâ Œeesle kesâ meeLe Œeesle keâer Ûecekeâ keâer leguevee
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& Yeer veneR

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 688 YCT

993. Which one of the following is the best method (a) low pressure/keâce oeye
for measurement of temperature of hot bodies (b) low temperature/keâce leeheceeve
radiating energy in visible spectrum?
(c) high temperature/GÛÛe leeheceeve
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee ÂMÙe mheskeäš^ce ceW Tpee&
(d) high pressure/GÛÛe oeye
efJeefkeâjCe keâjves Jeeues iece& efheb[eW kesâ leeheceeve keâes ceeheves 999. Radiation pyrometers are used for the
kesâ efueS meyemes ßes‰ efJeefOe nw? measurement of temperature in the range of?
(a) Thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue jsef[SMeve heeÙejesceeršj efkeâme leeheceeve hejeme ceW ceeheve kesâ
(b) Thermopile/LeceexheeFue efueS GheÙeesie neslee nw?
(c) Optical pyrometer/Dee@efhškeâue heeÙejesceeršj (a) -2000 to 5000C/-2000 mes 5000C
(d) Bolometer/yeesueesceeršj (b) 00C to 5000C/00C mes 5000C
994. Which one of the following is used to measure (c) 5000C to 1,2000C/5000C mes 1,2000C
temperature inside a boiler furnace? (d) 1,2000C to 2,5000C/1,2000C mes 2,5000C
efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee yee@Ùeuej Yeóer kesâ Devoj leehe 1000. A Reynold's number of 1000 indicates?
ceeheve keâjves nsleg ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw? jsveeu[ mebKÙee 1000 Fbefiele keâjleer nw?
(a) Resistance thermometer/ØeeflejesOe Leceexceeršj (a) turbulent flow/šyeg&uesvš ØeJeen
(b) Bimetallic thermometer/yeeFcesšeefuekeâ Leceexceeršj (b) laminar flow/uesefceveej Heäuees
(c) Optical pyrometer/Dee@efhškeâue heeÙejesceeršj (c) both turbulent and laminar flow
(d) Thermistor/Leefce&mšj šyeg&uesvš Deewj uesefceveej Heäuees oesveeW
*995. The dead zone in a pyrometer is 0.125 per cent (d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
of span. The instrument is calibrated from 1001. Consider the following devices?
5000C to 2,0000C. What temperature change efvecveefueefKele Ùegefòeâ hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
must occur before it can be detected in degree 1. Anemometer/Sveerceesceeršj
2. Stroboscope/mš^esyeesmkeâeshe
heeÙejesceeršj ceW [s[ peesve mhewve keâe 0.125³ nw~ Ùeb$e
3. Accelerometer/Skeämeeruejesceeršj
5000C mes 2,0000C lekeâ kewâefueyeÇsš efkeâÙee peelee nw~ ef[«eer
The correct sequence of these devices to
mesvšer«esš ceW Fmekeâe helee ueieves mes henues leehe ceW keäÙee measure the rotational speed, vibration and
heefjJele&ve nesvee ÛeeefnS? airflow, respectively is?
(a) 187.5 (b) 1.875 Fve GhekeâjCeeW keâe ›eâceMe: IetCe&ve ieefle, kebâheve Deewj JeeÙeg
(c) 18.75 (d) 0.1875 ØeJeen keâes ceeheves keâe mener ›eâce nw?
996. Which is the most suitable thermocouple (a) 2, 3 and 1/2, 3 Deewj 1
transducer for the measurement of (b) 2, 1 and 3/2, 1 Deewj 3
temperature in the range of 1,3000C to
1,500 C? 0 (c) 1, 3 and 2/1, 3 Deewj 2
1,300 C mes 1,500 C kesâ hejeme ceW leehe kesâ ceeheve kesâ
0 0 (d) 3, 2 and 1/3, 2 Deewj 1
efueS DeefOekeâ GheÙegòeâ Leceexkeâheue š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâewve mee 1002. According to King's law, in a hot wire
anemometer, the film coefficient of heat
nw? transfer h is related to the flow velocity V using
(a) Chromel-alumel/›eâescesue-SuÙegcesue the relation?
(b) Platinum-rhodium/huesefšvece-jesef[Ùece efkebâime efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej, Skeâ iece& leej Sveerceesceeršj ceW,
(c) Iron-constantan/DeeÙejve-keâevmešwvšve nerš š^ebmeHeâj h keâe iegCeebkeâ ØeJeen Jesie V mes mebyebefOele
(d) Chromel-constantan/›eâescesue-keâevmešwvšve nes lee nw .............. mebyebOe keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ~
997. Which one of the following thermocouple pairs (a) h = C0 + C1 V (b) h = C0 +V1/3
has maximum sensitivity around 273 K? (c) h = C0 +C1(V) (d) h = C1 +C1V2
efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mes Leceexkeâheue peesÌ[e (Pair) ceW kesâ 1003. The flow rate of electrically conducting liquid
without any suspended particle cannot be
Deeme-heeme DeefOekeâlece mebJesoveMeeruelee nw? measured by?
(a) Nichrome-constantan/veeF›eâesce-keâevmšsvšve efveuebefyele keâCe hej efyevee efJeÅegle mebÛeeueve kesâ lejue ØeJeen
(b) Copper-Nickel/keâe@hej-efvekesâue keâer oj keâes.............. Éeje ceehee veneR pee mekeâlee nw~
(c) Platinum-constantan/huesefšvece-keâevmešsvšve (a) turbine flow meters/šjyeeFve ØeJeen ceeršj
(d) Nickel-constantan/efvekesâue-keâevmešsvšve (b) electromagnetic flow meters
998. Optical pyrometer is generally used to Fueskeäš^escewivesefškeâ ØeJeen ceeršj
measure? (c) ultrasonic flow meters/Deuš^emeesefvekeâ ØeJeen ceeršj
Dee@efhškeâue heeÙejesceeršj keâe GheÙeesie Deeceleewj hej (d) thermistor based heat flowmeter
............ ceeheves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw? Leefce&mšj DeeOeeefjle nerš Heäueesceeršj
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 689 YCT
1004. A hot-wire anemometer is a device used to (a) LVDT
measure? (b) RTD
ne@š-JeeÙej Sveerceesceeršj Skeâ ef[JeeFme nw efpememes ceehee (c) Piezoelectric crystals/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ ef›eâmšue
peelee nw? (d) Strain gauge/mš^sve iespe
(a) Gas velocities/iewme Jesie 1009. Consider the following statements?
(b) Pressure in gases/iewmeeW ceW oeye efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
(c) Liquid discharge/lejue efveJe&nve I. Ultrasonic technique cannot be used for
(d) Temperature/leehe measurements of flow of a liquid having air
1005. The device used for measuring flow of air bubbles in it
around an aeroplane is? Deuš^emeesefvekeâ lekeâveerkeâ keâe GheÙeesie Gme lejue kesâ ØeJeen
nJeeF& penepe kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj nJee kesâ ØeJeen keâes ceeheves kesâ kesâ ceeheve kesâ efueS venerb efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw efpemeceW nJee
efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeves Jeeuee GhekeâjCe nw? kesâ yegueyegues neW
(a) rotameter/jesšeceeršj II. Attenuation of ultrasonic signal is less in air
compared to that in a liquid
(b) venture meter/JesvÛegjer ceeršj
Deuš^emeesefvekeâ efmeiveue ceW #eerCeve lejue keâer leguevee ceW nJee
(c) anemometer/Sveerceesceeršj
ceW keâce neslee nw
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
Of these statements?
1006. Consider the following statements?
Fve keâLeveeW ceW?
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
(a) II is false and I is true/II ieuele nw Deewj I melÙe nw
1. Electromagnetic flow-meter is independent of
(b) I and II are true/I Deewj II melÙe nw
liquid density/Fueskeäš^escewivesefškeâ Heäueesceeršj õJe IevelJe
hej efveYe&j veneR keâjlee nw (c) II is true and I is false/II melÙe nw Deewj I ieuele nw
2. Electromagnetic flow meter cannot be (d) I and II are false/I Deewj II ieuele nw
employed for measuring flow of non- 1010. The main drawbacks of ultrasonic flow-meter
conducting fluids are?
Fueskeäš^escewivesefškeâ ØeJeen ceeršj, DeÛeeuekeâerÙe lejue kesâ Deuš^emeesefvekeâ Heäueesceeršj keâe cegKÙe oes<e nw?
ØeJeen ceehe kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ veneR nes mekeâlee nw~ (a) low accuracy and slow response
Which of the above statements is/are correct? keâce ÙeLeeLe&lee Deewj Oeercee Øeefleef›eâÙee
Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW keâewve mener nw? (b) complexity and relatively high cost
(a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 peefšuelee Deewj Dehes#eeke=âle GÛÛe ueeiele
(b) Both 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 oesveeW (c) affected by pressure and temperature
(c) 2 only/kesâJeue 2 variations
(d) Neither 1 nor 2/ve lees 1 veneR 2 oeye Deewj leehe heefjJele&ve mes ØeYeeefJele
1007. Which of the following flow meters is capable (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
of giving the rate of flow as well as the total 1011. Consider the following statements about
flow? ultrasonic flow meters?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee ØeJeen ceeršj, ØeJeen keâer oj Deewj Deuš^emeesefvekeâ Heäueesceeršj kesâ yeejs ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW
kegâue ØeJeen osves ceW me#ece nw? hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
(a) Nutating disc flow meter 1. The measurement is insensitive to viscosity,
vÙegšsefšbie ef[mkeâ ØeJeen ceeršj pressure and temperature variations
(b) Electromagnetic flow meter ceeheve MÙeevelee, oeye Deewj leehe heefjJele&ve kesâ efueS
Fueskeäš^escewivesefškeâ ØeJeen ceeršj DemebJesoveMeerue nw
(c) Orifice meter/DeeefjefHeâme ceeršj 2. It has bidirectional measuring capability and
(d) Lobed impeller flow meter can be used for any pipe size
ueesy[ Fchesuej ØeJeen ceeršj FmeceW efÉ efoMeelcekeâ ceeheve #ecelee nesleer nw Deewj efkeâmeer Yeer
1008. Which of the following transducers is used for heeFhe Deekeâej kesâ efueS Fmlesceeue efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw
transmitting as well as receiving the acoustic 3. It has a relatively lower cost
energy in an ultrasonic flow-meter? Fmekeâer keâercele Dehes#eeke=âle keâce nesleer nw
efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee š^ebme[Ÿetmej Skeâ Deuš^emeesefvekeâ 4. It has good accuracy, fast response and wide
ØeJeen-ceeršj ceW OJeefvekeâ Tpee& Øeehle keâjves kesâ meeLe-meeLe frequency range/Fmekeâer DeÛÚer ÙeLeeLe&lee, lespe
mebÛeejCe kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? Øeefleef›eâÙee, JÙeehekeâ DeeJe=efòe jWpe nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 690 YCT
Which of the above statements is/are correct? (a) resistive hygrometers/jefpeefmšJe neF«eesceeršj
Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve mee mener nw? (b) electrolytic hygrometers
(a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 Fueskeäš^esefueefškeâ neF«eesceeršj
(b) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2 (c) aluminium oxide hygrometers
(c) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2 Deewj 4 SuÙegceerefveÙece Dee@keämeeF[ neF«eesceeršj
(d) 3 and 4 only/kesâJeue 3 Deewj 4 (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
1012. Hydrometer is employed for determination of? 1017. Measurements of flow, thermal conductivity
neF[^esceeršj..............kesâ efveOee&jCe kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ neslee and liquid level using thermistors make use of?
nw? Leefce&mšme& keâes GheÙeesie keâjles ngS ØeJeen leeheerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee
(a) relative humidity/Deehesef#ekeâ Deeõ&lee Deewj lejue mlej keâer ceehe keâe ........... kesâ GheÙeesie keâes
(b) specific gravity of liquids/õJe keâe efJeefMe° ieg®lJe yevelee nw~
(c) fluid level/õJe keâe mlej (a) resistance decrease with temperature
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR leeheceeve kesâ meeLe ØeeflejesOe ceW keâceer
1013. Variation of which of the following parameters (b) resistance increase with temperature
is related to the level change in the leeheceeve kesâ meeLe ØeeflejesOe ceW Je=efæ
measurement of liquid level using two parallel
(c) self-heating phenomenon/mJele: nerefšbie Iešvee
metal rods immersed in a liquid tank?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme hewjeceeršj keâe efYeVelee Skeâ (d) change of resistivity/ØeeflejesOekeâlee ceW heefjJele&ve
lejue šQkeâ ceW [tyes ngS oes meceevlej Oeeleg keâer ÚÌ[ keâe 1018. In viscosity meters the quantity measured is?
GheÙeesie keâjkesâ lejue mlej keâer ceehe ceW mlej heefjJele&ve mes MÙeevelee ceeršj mes ceeheer ieF& jeefMe nw?
mecyeefvOele nw? (a) Buoyant force/yeeÙevš yeue
(a) Area of plates/huesšeW keâe #es$e (b) Frictional force/eføeâkeäMeveue yeue
(b) Distance between plates/huesšeW kesâ ceOÙe otjer (c) Coriolis force/keâesefjDeesefueme yeue
(c) Dielectric medium/[eFuesefkeäš^keâ ceeOÙece (d) Centrifugal force/Dehekesâvõ yeue
(d) Length of plates immersed in the liquid 1019. The pH value of a solution is defined as?
õJe ceW [tyes ngS huesš keâer uecyeeF& Skeâ efJeueÙeve keâe pH ceeve ............ kesâ ™he ceW
1014. Which of the following transducers is most heefjYeeef<ele neslee nw~
suitable for monitoring continuous variations (a) - log (H+ ion concentration)
in very fine thickness of a material?
- log (H+ DeeÙeve meevõlee)
efvecveefueefKele š^ebme[Ÿetmeme& ceW mes keâewve mee efkeâmeer heoeLe&
(b) log (H+ ion concentration)
keâer yengle cenerve ceesšeF& ceW efvejblej efYeVelee keâer efveiejeveer
log (H+ DeeÙeve meevõlee)
kesâ efueS meyemes GheÙegòeâ nw? -
(a) Diaphragm/[eÙeøeâece (c) -log-1 (OH ion concentration)
(b) Capacitor/mebOeeefj$e -log-1 (OH DeeÙeve meevõlee)
(c) LVDT (d) -log (OH ion concentration)
(d) Piezoelectric crystal/heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ ef›eâmšue -
-log (OH DeeÙeve meevõlee)
1015. In hygrometers the principle of measurement 1020. The function of the reference electrode in a pH
is? meter is to?
neF«eesceeršme& ceW ceehe keâe efmeæevle nw? pH ceeršj ceW meboYe& Fueskeäš^es[ keâe keâeÙe& nw?
(a) change in resistance of salts with humidity
(a) produce a constant voltage
Deeõ&lee kesâ meeLe ueJeCe kesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW heefjJele&ve
efveÙele Jeesušspe keâe Glheeove
(b) change in microwave power using klystron
efkeäuemš^eve keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ ceeF›eâesJesJe keâer Meefòeâ ceW (b) provide temperature compensation
heefjJele&ve leeheceeve #eeflehetefle& GheueyOe keâjevee
(c) change in thermal conductivity using (c) provide a constant current
thermistor/Leefce&mšj keâe GheÙeesie keâjkesâ leeheerÙe efveÙele Oeeje GheueyOe keâjevee
Ûeeuekeâlee ceW heefjJele&ve (d) measure average pH value
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ mes keâesF& Yeer veneR Deewmele pH ceeve keâe ceeheve
1016. The electrical transducers used for continuous 1021. The method used for analysis of gases and their
recording and control of humidity are? mixtures is called as?
efvejvlej efjkeâeef[Ëie Deewj Deeõ&lee kesâ efveÙeb$eCe kesâ efueS iewme Deewj Gvekesâ efceßeCe kesâ efJeMues<eCe kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ
ØeÙegòeâ JewÅegle š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw~ efJeefOe...........keânueeleer nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 691 YCT
(a) thermal conductivity/leeheerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee (c) capability of detecting of x-rays
(b) electrical conductivity/efJeÅegle Ûeeuekeâlee Skeäme-js kesâ helee ueieeves ceW me#ece
(c) relative humidity/Deehesef#ekeâ Deeõ&lee (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(d) specific gravity/efJeefMe° ieg™lJe 1028. Data acquisition systems are usually of?
1022. The disadvantage(s) of capacitor microphones [eše SefkeäJeefpeMeve ØeCeeueer Deeceleewj hej nesleer nw?
is/are? (a) analog type/Sveeuee@ie šeFhe
mebOeeefj$e ceeF›eâesHeâesve keâer neefve nw? (b) digital type/ef[efpešue šeFhe
(a) higher cost/GÛÛe ueeiele (c) integrating type/Fvšer«esefšbie šeFhe
(b) high voltage supply requirement
(d) hybrid type/neFefyeÇ[ šeFhe
GÛÛe Jeesušspe Deehetefle& keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee
1029. Which one of the following definitions correctly
(c) limited frequency range/meerefcele DeeJe=efle hejeme represents a data acquisition system (DAS)?
(d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meer heefjYee<ee [sše DeefOe«enCe
1023. The devices extensively used in sound ØeCeeueer keâe mener ØeefleefveefOelJe keâjleer nw?
measurement systems are?
(a) DAS is a group of electronic devices that are
OJeefve ceeheve ØeCeeueer ceW efJeMes<e™he mes ØeÙeesie nesves Jeeues connected to perform the measurement and
GhekeâjCe nw? quantization of electrical signals for digital
(a) capacitor microphones/mebOeeefj$e ceeF›eâesHeâesve processing
(b) carbon microphones/keâeye&ve ceeF›eâesHeâesve DAS Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ GhekeâjCeeW keâe Skeâ mecetn nw pees
(c) dynamic microphones/ieeflekeâerÙe ceeF›eâesHeâesve ef[efpešue ØemebmkeâjCe kesâ efueS efJeÅegle mebkesâleeW keâer ceehe
(d) vibration pickups/kebâhevve efhekeâDehe Deewj cee$ee keâe ØeoMe&ve keâjves ceW pegÌ[e ngDee neslee nw
1024. A linear displacement digital transducer uses? (b) DAS is a group of devices that are connected
Skeâ jwefKekeâ efJemLeeheve ef[efpešue š^ebme[Ÿetmej ØeÙeesie to store different signals
keâjlee nw? DAS GhekeâjCeeW keâe Skeâ mecetn nw pees efJeefYeVe mebkesâleeW keâes
(a) BCD code/BCD keâes[ meb«enerle keâjves kesâ efueS pegÌ[e ngDee neslee nw
(c) DAS is a system to control a process
(b) Gray code/«es-keâes[
DAS Skeâ Øeef›eâÙee keâes efveÙebef$ele keâjves keâer ØeCeeueer nw
(c) hexadecimal code/nskeämee [sefmeceue keâes[
(d) DAS is a signal conditioner
(d) binary code/yeeFvejer keâes[
DAS Skeâ efmeiveue kebâ[erMevej nw
1025. Which of the following moving particles
cannot be deflected by magnetic fields? 1030. Consider the following statements?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve Ûeue keâCe cewivesefškeâ Heâeru[ efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâerefpeS?
Éeje efJeÛeefuele veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw? 1. Low-pass filter/uees-heeme efHeâušj
(a) α-particles/α-keâCe (b) Neutrons/vÙetš^e@vme 2. Signal transmission medium
(c) Protons/Øeesševme (d) Electrons/Fueskeäš^e@vme mebkesâle mebÛejCe ceeOÙece
1026. Geiger counter has the advantages of? 3. Amplifier/ØeJeOe&keâ
ieeriej keâeGvšj keâe ueeYe nw? 4. Digital-to-analog converter
(a) being relatively inexpensive, reliable and ef[efpešue-št-Sveeuee@ie keâvJeš&j
rugged in construction/Dehes#eeke=âle memles, 5. Analog-to-digital converter
efJeMJemeveerÙe Deewj efvecee&Ce ceW efJe<ece Svee@ueeie-št-ef[efpešue keâvJeš&j
(b) producing easily countable large pulses Which one of the following sequences is the
Deemeeveer mes efieveves ÙeesiÙe yeÌ[er heumeeW keâe Glheeove correct sequence for effective signal
(c) having response independent of variations in reconstruction in a data acquisition and
humidity, temperature and atmospheric processing scheme?
pressure/Deeo&lee, leeheceeve Deewj JeeÙegceb[ueerÙe oeye ceW efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Deveg›eâce [sše DeefOe«enCe
efJeefJeOeleeDeeW mes mJeleb$e Øeefleef›eâÙee nesvee Deewj ØemebmkeâjCe Ùeespevee ceW ØeYeeJeer efmeiveue hegveefve&cee&Ce
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer kesâ efueS mener Deveg›eâce nw?
1027. Scintillation counters have the advantage(s) of? (a) 1-3-5-2-4 (b) 3-1-5-2-4
efmebefšuesMeve keâeGvšjeW keâe ueeYe nw? (c) 1-5-3-2-4 (d) 3-5-1-4-2
(a) very fast counting rate/yengle lespe keâeGefvšbie oj
1031. Analog data acquisition systems are used
(b) capability of detecting of radiations of lower when?
levels Sveeuee@ie [sše DeefOe«enCe ØeCeeueer keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee
efveÛeues mlejeW kesâ efJeefkeâjCeeW keâes helee keâjves ceW me#ece peelee nw, peye–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 692 YCT
(a) wide bandwidth and low accuracy are (d) When quantity to be monitored is time-
required/sufficient/JÙeehekeâ yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF& Deewj keâce variant, while digital data acquisition system
is preferred when quantity is time invariant
ÙeLeeLe&lee keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee /ØeÙee&hlelee nesleer nw
peye efveiejeveer keâer peeves Jeeueer jeefMe meceÙe-heefjJele&veMeerue
(b) narrow bandwidth and low accuracy are
nesleer nw, peyeefkeâ [sše DeefOe«enCe ØeCeeueer keâes ØeeLeefcekeâlee
required /sufficient/mebkeâerCe& yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF& Deewj keâce
oer peeleer nw peye jeefMe meceÙe DeheefjJele&veerÙe nesleer nw
ÙeLeeLe&lee keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee /ØeÙee&hlelee heÙee&hle nesleer nw 1034. In a digital data acquisition system a scanner
(c) wide bandwidth and high accuracy are multiplexer?
required/JÙeehekeâ yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF& Deewj GÛÛe ÙeLeeLe&lee keâer Skeâ ef[efpešue [sše DeefOe«enCe ØeCeeueer ceW Skeâ mkewâvej
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw ceušerhueskeämej?
(d) narrow bandwidth and high accuracy are (a) scans the printed diagram and converts it into
required/mebkeâerCe& yewC[ ÛeewÌ[eF& Deewj keâce ÙeLeeLe&lee keâer digital data/cegefõle DeejsKe keâes mkewâve keâjlee nw Deewj Fmes
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw ef[efpešue [sše ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjlee nw
1032. Which of the following are the objectives of a (b) accepts multiple digital inputs and output any
data acquisition system? one of them with select lines/keâF& ef[efpešue
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee [sše DeefOe«enCe ØeCeeueer keâe Fvehegš keâes mJeerkeâej keâjlee nw Deewj GveceW mes efkeâmeer Skeâ
GösMÙe nw? keâes Ûegefveboe ueeFveeW kesâ meeLe DeeGšhegš oslee nw
(c) accepts multiple analog inputs and
1. It must acquire necessary data at correct
sequentially connects them to an ADC
speed and time/Fmes mener ieefle Deewj meceÙe hej
keâF& Sveeuee@ie Fvehegš keâes mJeerkeâej keâjlee nw Deewj ›eâefcekeâ
DeeJeMÙekeâ [sše Øeehle keâjvee nesiee~ ™he mes GvnW ADC mes peesÌ[lee nw
2. It must collect and store data (d) checks the correct functioning of the modules
Fmes [sše Skeâ$e Deewj meb«enerle keâjvee nesiee~ one by one/Skeâ-Skeâ keâjkesâ cee[Ÿetue kesâ mener
3. There should be provision for real-time data keâecekeâepe keâer peeBÛe keâjlee nw
display/JeemleefJekeâ meceÙe [sše ef[mheues kesâ efueS 1035. Consider the following regarding essential
ØeeJeOeeve nesvee ÛeeefnS~ functional operations of a digital (data
acquisition system)?
4. There should be provision for stored data
display on request./DevegjesOe hej meb«enerle [sše ØeoMe&ve
ef [efpešue ([sše DeefOe«enCe ØeCeeueer) kesâ DeeJeMÙekeâ
mebÛeeueve kesâ yeejs ceW efvecveefueKele hej efJeÛeej keâjW?
kesâ efueS ØeeJeOeeve nesvee ÛeeefnS~
1. Handling of analog signals
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 1, 3 and 4 only
Sveeuee@ie efmeiveueeW keâer nQ[efuebie
(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4 only
2. Converting the data to digital form and
1033. In data acquisition system, analog data handling it/[sše keâes ef[efpešue ™he ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjvee
acquisition system is used?
Deewj Fmes mebYeeuevee
[sše DeefOe«enCe (Acquisition) ØeCeeueer ceW, Sveeuee@ie
3. Making the measurement/ceehe keâjvee
[eše DeefOe«enCe ØeCeeueer keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? 4. Internal programming and telemetry
(a) for narrow frequency width, while digital data Deebleefjkeâ Øees«eeefcebie Deewj šsueercesš^er
acquisition system is used when wide Which of the above are valid in the stated
frequency width is to be monitored context?
mebkeâerCe& DeeJe=efòe ÛeewÌ[eF& kesâ efueS, peyeefkeâ ef[efpešue [sše Ghejesòeâ meboYe& ceW keâewve mee ceevÙe nw?
DeefOe«enCe ØeCeeueer keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw peye (a) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1, 2, 3 Deewj 4
JÙeehekeâ DeeJe=efòe ÛeewÌ[eF& keâer efveiejeveer keâer peeleer nw (b) 1, 3 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1, 3 Deewj 4
(b) for wide frequency width, while digital data (c) 1, 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 3 ner
acquisition system is used when narrow
(d) 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 4
frequency width is to be monitored
1036. Digital data acquisition systems are used?
JÙeehekeâ DeeJe=efòe ÛeewÌ[eF& kesâ efueS, peyeefkeâ mebkeâerCe& DeeJe=efòe ef[efpešue [eše DeefOe«enCe (Acquisition) ØeCeeueer keâe
ÛeewÌ[eF& hej vepej jKeves kesâ efueS ef[efpešue [sše GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
DeefOe«enCe ØeCeeueer keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw 1. only when the output of the transducers is in
(c) when quantity to be monitored varies slowly, digital form/kesâJeue peye š^ebme[Ÿetmej keâe DeeGšhegš
while is counter-part is preferred if the ef[efpešue ™he ceW neslee nw~
quantity to be monitored varies very fast 2. when physical process being monitored is
peye efveiejeveer keâer peeves Jeeueer jeefMe Oeerjs-Oeerjs yeoueleer nw, slowly varying (narrow bandwidth)
peyeefkeâ keâeGbšj Yeeie keâes ØeeLeefcekeâlee oer peeleer nw Ùeefo peye Yeeweflekeâ Øeef›eâÙee hej vepej jKeer pee jner nw lees Oeerjs-
efveiejeveer keâer peeves Jeeueer jeefMe yengle lespeer mes yeoueleer nw Oeerjs Deueie-Deueie (mebkeâerCe& yeQ[efJeLe) nesleer nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 693 YCT
3. when low accuracy can be tolerated (a) tachometer/šskeâesceeršj
peye keâce mešerkeâlee keâes menve efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ (b) potentiometer/efJeYeJeceeheer
4. when high accuracy and low per channel cost (c) sysnchros/efmev›eâesme
is required/peye GÛÛe mešerkeâlee Deewj keâce Øeefle Ûewveue (d) none of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
cetuÙe keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~ 1042. Piezoelectric effect is carried out in:
Which of these statements are correct? heer]peesFuesefkeäš^keâ ØeYeeJe ........... ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
FveceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw? (a) composite filter/keâcheesefpeš efHeâušj
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 (b) crystal filter/ef›eâmšue efHeâušj
(b) 1, 3 and 4/1, 3 Deewj 4 (c) m derived filter/m JÙeglheVe efHeâušj
(c) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3 (d) constant k prototype filter
(d) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4 efveÙeleebkeâ k ØeesšesšeFhe efHeâušj
1037. An induction type transducers are based on: 1043. Which is the meter used for measuring heavy
ØesjCe Øekeâej š^ebme[Ÿetmej ..........hej DeeOeeefjle neslee nw~ currents in A.C. circuits?
A.C. heefjheLe ceW DelÙeefOekeâ Oeeje ceeheve kesâ efueS efkeâme
(a) Faraday's law/Hewâje@[s efveÙece
ceeršj keâe GheÙeesie keâjles nQ?
(b) Seebeck effect/meeryeskeâ ØeYeeJe
(a) Neon tester/efveÙee@ve šsmšj
(c) Peltier effect/hesefušÙej ØeYeeJe
(b) Line tester/ueeFve šsmšj
(d) Thomson effect/Lee@cemeve ØeYeeJe
(c) Earth tester/DeLe& šsmšj
1038. Which of the following instrument is used for
(d) Tong tester/šeBie šsmšj
the measurement of temperature of a furnace?
Yeªer kesâ leeheceeve keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes efkeâme 1044. Instrument used for finding rotational speed of
GhekeâjCe keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? ceMeerve kesâ heefj›eâceCe Ûeeue keâes %eele keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâme
(a) Pyrometer/heeÙejesceeršj GhekeâjCe keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(b) Anemometer/Sveerceesceeršj (a) Speedometer/mheer[esceeršj
(c) Hygrometer/neF«eesceeršj (b) Tachometer/šwkeâesceeršj
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) Hydrometer/neF[^esceeršj
1039. Piezoelectronic accelerometer? (d) Manometer/cewvesceeršj
heerpeesFueskeäš^e@efvekeâ Skeämesuesjesceeršj ceW? 1045. A Hall's effect pick up can be used for the
(a) Have a low natural frequency measurement of
efvecve Øeeke=âeflekeâ DeeJe=efòe nesleer nw~ neue ØeYeeJe efhekeâDehe keâe ØeÙeesie ............. keâes ceeheves
(b) Should be used for low frequency kesâ efueS efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
efvecve DeeJe=efòe keâes efueS GheÙeesie keâjvee ÛeeefnS (a) pressure/oeye
(c) Should not be used for high frequencies (b) temperature change/leeheceeve heefjJele&ve
above 100 Hz/100 Hz kesâ Thej GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe kesâ (c) relative humidity/meehes#e Deeõ&lee
efueS GheÙeesie veneR keâjvee ÛeeefnS~ (d) magnetic flux/ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme
(d) Should use a monitoring source low input 1046. ............ is a digital transducer.
impedance/Skeâ cee@efvešefjbie Œeesle efvecve Fvehegš Skeâ ef[efpešue š^ebme[dÙetmej nw
ØeefleyeeOee keâe GheÙeesie keâjvee ÛeeefnS~ (a) Encoder/Svekeâes[j
1040. ....... cannot be used to measure pressure: (b) Photovoltaic/heâesšes JeesušeFkeâ
.......... keâe GheÙeesie oeye ceeheves ceW veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee (c) Thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue
nw~ (d) Piezoelectric transducer
(a) Strain gauge/mš^sve iespe efhepeesFuesefkeäš^keâ š^ebme[dÙetmej
(b) Pyrometer/heeFjesceeršj 1047. The output of LVDT is in the form of
(c) LVDT LVDT keâe DeeGšhegš kesâ ........... ™he ceW neslee nw
(d) Pirani gauge/efhejeveer iespe (a) pulses/keâcheVe
1041. Which of the following is a variable (b) high frequency signals/GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe efmeiveuees
displacement transducer? (c) rotary movement of core/keâesj keâer jesšjer ieefle
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve Skeâ Ûej efJemLeeheve (d) linear displacement of core
š^ebme[Ÿetmej nw? keâesj kesâ jwefKekeâ efJemLeeheve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 694 YCT
1048. LVDT is a ............ transducer. 1054. Which of the following can be measured by a
LVDT Skeâ ........... š^ebme[dÙetmej nw~ hot wire anemometer?
(a) eddy current/YeBJej Oeeje efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee iece& leej Sveerceesceeršj
(b) resistance/ØeeflejesOe Éeje ceehee pee mekeâlee nw?
(c) magnetostriction/ÛegcyekeâerÙe efJe™heCe (a) Gas velocities/iewme Jesie
(d) inductive/ØesjkeâerÙe (b) Liquid discharges/lejue yeneJe
1049. LVDT possesses the following advantage (c) Very low pressures/yengle efvecve oeye
LVDT kesâ heeme efvecveefueefKele ueeYe neslee nw– (d) Pressure of gases/iewmeeW keâe oeye
(a) Excellent repeatability 1055. Thermistors have ............ temperature co-
Glke=â<š oesnjeves keâer ÙeesiÙelee efficient.
(b) Infinite resolution/Deveble efmLejlee Leceeamšme& ceW .......... leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ neslee nw
(c) High linearity of output (a) low and positive/efvecve Deewj Oeveelcekeâ
DeeGšhegš keâer GÛÛe jwefKekeâlee (b) high and positive/GÛÛe Deewj Oeveelcekeâ
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (c) low and negative/efvecve Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ
1050. Which of the following is an analogue (d) high and negative/GÛÛe Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ
1056. A dummy bridge employing strain gauge
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee Sveeuee@ie š^ebme[dÙetmej nw? provides............
(a) Strain gauge/mš^sve iespe mš^sve iespe efveÙeesefpele Skeâ [ceer efyeÇpe .......... Øeoeve
(b) Thermistor/Leefce&mšj keâjlee nw~
(c) LVDT (a) linearity/jwefKekeâlee
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer (b) stability/efmLejlee
1051. In optical pyrometer temperature is
measured by (c) temperature compensation/leeheceeve #eeflehetefle&
Dee@efhškeâue heeFjesceeršj ceW leeheceeve keâes ............. kesâ (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Éeje ceehee peelee nw~ 1057. Which of the following can be measured with
the help of piezo-electric crystal?
(a) photocell principle/heâesšesmesue efmeæevle
efhepees-Fuesefkeäš^keâ ef›eâmšue keâer meneÙelee mes
(b) thermocouple effect/Leceexkeâheue ØeYeeJe
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee ceehee pee mekeâlee nw?
(c) comparing the brightness of the source with
the brightness of a standard source/ceevekeâ (a) Acceleration/lJejCe
meesme& keâer Ûecekeâ kesâ meeLe meesme& keâer Ûecekeâ keâer leguevee (b) Temperature/leeheceeve
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) Velocity/Jesie
1052. For better results a strain gauge should have (d) Flow/ØeJeen
low 1058. ........... can measure only pressure.
yesnlej heefjCeeceeW kesâ efueS Skeâ mš^sve iespe ceW efvecve .......... kesâJeue oeye keâes ceehe mekeâlee nw
......... nesvee ÛeeefnS~ (a) Displacer/efJemLeehekeâ
(a) resistance value/ØeeflejesOe ceeve (b) Radioactive method/jsef[ÙeesOeceea efJeefOe
(b) gauge factor/iespe iegCekeâ (c) Belt type meter/yesuš Øekeâej ceeršj
(c) resistance temperature co-efficient
(d) Bubble gauge method/yeyeue iespe efJeefOe
ØeeflejesOe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ
1059. ........... can measure only level.
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer .......... kesâJeue uesJeue keâes ceehe mekeâlee nw
1053. Rosette gauges are used to
(a) Bellow/yesuees
jesmesóer iespe keâe GheÙeesie ............ kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee
nw? (b) Diaphragm/[eÙeeøeâece
(a) amplify strain values (c) Strain gauge/mš^sve iespe
mš^sve ceeve keâes ØeJeefOe&le keâjves (d) Radioactive method/jsef[ÙeesOeceea efJeefOe
(b) measure variable strain 1060. By a 'Rotameter' we can measure
heefjJeefle&le mš^sve keâes ceeheves jesšeceeršj Éeje nce ceehe mekeâles nQ
(c) compensate for temperature variations (a) specific gravity/efJeefMe<š ieg®lJe
leeheceeve efJeefJeOelee kesâ #eeflehetefle& (b) viscosity/MÙeevelee
(d) measure strain in more than one direction (c) flow/ØeJeen
Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ efoMee ceW mš^sve keâes ceeheves (d) rotation/IetCe&ve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 695 YCT
1061. Which of the following cannot be measured 1067. The principle of Pirani gauge is based on
by Ring-balance meter? ............... of the medium.
efvecveefueefKele ces mes keâewve-mee eEjie yewueWme ceeršj Éeje efhejeveer iespe keâe efmeæevle ceeOÙece kesâ .......... hej
veneR ceehee pee mekeâlee nw? DeeOeeefjle neslee nw~
(a) Mass flow rate/õJÙeceeve ØeJeen oj (a) combustibility/pJeueveMeeruelee
(b) Flow/ØeJeen (b) thermal conductivity/leeheerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee
(c) Differential pressure/ef[øesâefvMeÙeue oeye
(c) humidity/Deeõ&lee
(d) Pressure/oeye
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
1062. Load cell is essentially a ...............
1068. Which of the following can be measured by
Yeej mesue DeefveJeeÙe& ™he mes Skeâ .........nw~
(a) photovoltaic cell/heâesšesJeesušeefÙekeâ mesue
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee ‘yeesueesceeršj’ Éeje ceehee
(b) strain gauge/mš^sveiespe
pee mekeâlee nw?
(c) thermistor/Leceeamšj
(a) Thermal radiations/Lece&ue efJeefkeâjCe
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Electrical signals/JewÅegle efmeiveue
1063. ............ can measure pressure directly?
.......... oeye keâes meerOes ceehe mekeâles nQ~ (c) Optical inputs/Dee@efhškeâue efveefJe°
(a) Rotameter/jesšeceeršj (d) Temperature inputs/leeheceeve efveefJe°
(b) Bourden tube/yees[xve šdÙetye 1069. The temperature of a furnace can be
(c) LVDT measured by
(d) Strain gauge/mš^sve iespe Yešdšer keâe leeheceeve ............. mes ceehee pee mekeâlee nw~
1064. .......... is used to measure flow of air around (a) bimetallic thermometer/efÉOeeeflJekeâ leeheceeheer
an aeroplane. (b) mercury thermometer/heeje leeheceeheer
.......... keâe GheÙeesie nJeeF& penepe kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj nJee
(c) clinical thermometer/efkeäueefvekeâue leeheceeheer
kesâ ØeJeen keâes ceeheves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw
(d) optical pyrometer/Dee@efhškeâue heeFjesceeršj
(a) Anemometer/Sveerceesceeršj
*1070.Some of the functional building blocks of a
(b) Venturimeter/JeWÛegjerceeršj measurement system are:
(c) Orifice/efÚõ Primary Sensing Element (PSE)
(d) Rotameter/jesšeceeršj Variable Conversion Element (VCE), or
1065. Which of the following is determined by a Transducer
hydrometer? Data Transmission Element (DTE)
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee neF[^esceeršj Éeje efveOee&efjle efkeâÙee Variable Manipulation Element (VME).
peelee nw? Data Presentation Element (DPE)
(a) Specific gravity of gases The correct sequential connection of the
iewmeeW keâe efJeefMe<š ieg®lJe functional building blocks for an electronic
(b) Relative humidity/meehes#e Deeõ&lee pressure gauge will be
(c) Specific gravity of liquids Skeâ ceeheve ØeCeeueer kesâ kegâÚ keâeÙee&lcekeâ efyeefu[bie yueekeâ
lejue heoeLeeX keâe efJeefMe<š ieg®lJe keâe nesles nQ–
(d) Specific gravity of solids ØeeFcejer mesefvmebie Sueercesvš (PSE)
"esme keâe efJeefMe<š ieg®lJe JewefjSyeue keâveJepe&ve Sueercesvš Ùee š^evme[Ÿetmej (VCE)
1066. A differential transformer is a
Skeâ ef[øeWâefMeÙeue š^ebmeheâece&j nw [eše š^evmeefceMeve Sueercesvš (DTE)
(a) constant pressure transducer JewjerSyeue cewveerheguesMeve Sueercesvš (VME)
efveÙeleebkeâ oeye š^ebme[dÙetmej [eše ØespesvšsMeve Sueercesvš (DPE)
(b) constant displacement transducer Skeâ Fueskeäš^eefvekeâ oeye iespe kesâ efueS keâeÙee&lcekeâ efyeefu[bie
efveÙeleebkeâ efJemLeeheve š^ebme[dÙetmej yueekeâ keâe mener Deveg›eâefcekeâ mebÙeespeve nw-
(c) variable inductance transducer (a) PSE, VME, VCE, DPE, DTE.
heefjJeleea ØesjkeâlJe š^ebme[dÙetmej (b) PSE, VCE, VME, DTE, DPE.
(d) variable pressure transducer (c) DTE,DPE, VCE, PSE, VME.
heefjJeleea oeye š^ebme[dÙetmej (d) PSE, VCE, DTE, DPE, VME.
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 696 YCT
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (d)
8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (a) 11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (c)
15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (d) 21. (d)
22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (a) 25. (b) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (b)
29. (b) 30. (d) 31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (d)
36. (d) 37. (c) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (c) 41. (a) 42. (c)
43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (a) 46. (c) 47. (c) 48. (d) 49. (d)
50. (b) 51. (a) 52. (d) 53. (d) 54. (a) 55. (b) 56. (d)
57. (a) 58. (b) 59. (c) 60. (a) 61. (d) 62. (a) 63. (c)
64. (a) 65. (d) 66. (d) 67. (a) 68. (d) 69. (d) 70. (b)
71. (c) 72. (a) 73. (b) 74. (d) 75. (a) 76. (b) 77. (b)
78. (b) 79. (a) 80. (b) 81. (c) 82. (b) 83. (d) 84. (c)
85. (c) 86. (c) 87. (a) 88. (b) 89. (a) 90. (d) 91. (b)
92. (a) 93. (b) 94. (d) 95. (c) 96. (c) 97. (b) 98. (a)
99. (d) 100. (c) 101. (b) 102. (a) 103. (c) 104. (c) 105. (b)
106. (b) 107. (a) 108. (d) 109. (a) 110. (d) 111. (d) 112. (d)
113. (d) 114. (c) 115. (b) 116. (b) 117. (d) 118. (a) 119. (a)
120. (c) 121. (a) 122. (b) 123. (c) 124. (c) 125. (a) 126. (b)
127. (a) 128. (a) 129. (a) 130. (b) 131. (d) 132. (a) 133. (d)
134. (c) 135. (c) 136. (a) 137. (a) 138. (a) 139. (d) 140. (a)
141. (d) 142. (c) 143. (b) 144. (c) 145. (a) 146. (d) 147. (b)
148. (b) 149. (c) 150. (d) 151. (c) 152. (c) 153. (b) 154. (a)
155. (c) 156. (a) 157. (d) 158. (c) 159. (a) 160. (c) 161. (d)
162. (d) 163. (a) 164. (c) 165. (c) 166. (a) 167. (b) 168. (a)
169. (a) 170. (c) 171. (a) 172. (c) 173. (d) 174. (c) 175. (d)
176. (d) 177. (a) 178. (b) 179. (d) 180. (d) 181. (b) 182. (c)
183. (b) 184. (d) 185. (b) 186. (b) 187. (a) 188. (c) 189. (c)
190. (d) 191. (b) 192. (b) 193. (c) 194. (b) 195. (a) 196. (a)
197. (a) 198. (d) 199. (b) 200. (d) 201. (b) 202. (a) 203. (c)
204. (a) 205. (a) 206. (b) 207. (d) 208. (c) 209. (b) 210. c)
211. (a) 212. (c) 213. (c) 214. (b) 215. (b) 216. (b) 217. (c)
218. (b) 219. (d) 220. (d) 221. (c) 222. (b) 223. (c) 224. (c)
225. (a) 226. (b) 227. (b) 228. (c) 229. (b) 230. (b) 231. (a)
232. (a) 233. (b) 234. (c) 235. (c) 236. (d) 237. (c) 238. (c)
239. (c) 240. (a) 241. (d) 242. (a) 243. (d) 244. (a) 245. (a)
246. (c) 247. (d) 248. (d) 249. (b) 250. (c) 251. (d) 252. (c)
253. (a) 254. (a) 255. (d) 256. (d) 257. (c) 258. (a) 259. (a)
260. (b) 261. (a) 262. (b) 263. (c) 264. (a) 265. (b) 266. c)
267. (c) 268. (c) 269. (a) 270. (a) 271. (c) 272. (d) 273. (a)
274. (c) 275. (a) 276. (a) 277. (b) 278. (a) 279. (a) 280. (b)
281. (d) 282. (d) 283. (b) 284. (a) 285. (a) 286. (d) 287. c)
288. (b) 289. (a) 290. (a) 291. (c) 292. (b) 293. (a) 294. (d)
295. (d) 296. (c) 297. (a) 298. (a) 299. (c) 300. (a) 301. (a)
302. (a) 303. (a) 304. (a) 305. (a) 306. (c) 307. (a) 308. c)
309. (a) 310. (c) 311. (c) 312. (d) 313. (d) 314. (a) 315. (a)
316. (d) 317. (b) 318. (b) 319. (c) 320. (d) 321. (a) 322. (b)
323. (c) 324. (c) 325. (b) 326. (c) 327. (a) 328. (d) 329. (a)
330. (d) 331. (a) 332. (d) 333. (a) 334. (b) 335. (c) 336. (d)
337. (d) 338. (d) 339. (c) 340. (b) 341. (b) 342. (a) 343. (b)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 697 YCT

344. (d) 345. (b) 346. (c) 347. (d) 348. (c) 349. (c) 350. (b)
351. (a) 352. (c) 353. (c) 354. (d) 355. (d) 356. (a) 357. (b)
358. (b) 359. (a) 360. (b) 361. (a) 362. (b) 363. (b) 364. (b)
365. (b) 366. (a) 367. (d) 368. (a) 369. (b) 370. (c) 371. (d)
372. (a) 373. (b) 374. (b) 375. (b) 376. (a) 377. (c) 378. (b)
379. (c) 380. (b) 381. (d) 382. (d) 383. (b) 384. (a) 385. (b)
386. (a) 387. (c) 388. (c) 389. (a) 390. (d) 391. (b) 392. (a
393. (b) 394. (b) 395. (d) 396. (a) 397. (a) 398. (a) 399. (c)
400. (a) 401. (d) 402. (b) 403. (d 404. (b) 405. (c) 406. (d)
407. (b) 408. (a) 409. (d) 410. (c) 411. (c) 412. (d) 413. (a)
414. (a) 415. (b) 416. (a) 417. (d) 418. (c) 419. (a) 420. (a)
421. (b) 422. (b) 423. (a) 424. (b) 425. (c) 426. (b) 427. (d)
428. (b) 429. (d) 430. (a) 431. (c) 432. (c) 433. (b) 434. (b)
435. (b) 436. (c) 437. (b) 438. (a) 439. (d) 440. (a) 441.(c)
442. (a) 443. (b) 444. (c) 445. (d) 446. (a) 447. (c) 448.(c)
449. (a) 450. (c) 451. (a) 452. (b) 453. (c) 454. (a) 455. (b)
456. (b) 457. (b) 458. (c) 459. (b) 460. (b) 461. (c) 462. (b)
463. (c) 464. (b) 465. (c) 466. (a) 467. (b) 468. (c) 469. (a)
470. (c) 471. (c) 472. (c) 473. (c) 474. (c) 475. (c) 476. (c)
477. (d) 478. (b) 479. (b) 480. (d) 481. (d) 482. (c) 483. (c)
484. (a) 485. (b) 486. (c) 487. (c) 488. (c) 489. (a) 490. (a)
491. (a) 492. (b) 493. (d) 494. (c) 495. (b) 496. (b) 497. (d)
498. (b) 499. (b) 500. (b) 501. (b) 502. (a) 503. (a) 504. (d)
505. (c) 506. (d) 507. (b) 508. (b) 509. (d) 510. (b) 511. (d)
512. (b) 513. (c) 514. (d) 515. (b) 516. (b) 517. (b) 518. (b)
519. (c) 520. (b) 521. (d) 522. (c) 523. (c) 524. (d) 525.(c)
526. (b) 527. (d) 528. (b) 529. (b) 530. (d) 531. (b) 532. (d)
533. (a) 534. (a) 535. (b) 536. (b) 537. (d) 538. (a) 539. (b)
540. (a) 541. (a) 542. (b) 543. (d) 544. (d) 545. (b) 546. (b)
547. (d) 548. (a) 549. (d) 550. (d) 551. (b) 552. (d) 553. (d)
554. (a) 555. (a) 556. (c) 557. (d) 558. (c) 559. (c) 560. (b)
561. (b) 562. (a) 563. (c) 564. (a) 565. (b) 566. (d) 567. (d)
568. (c) 569. (d) 570. (c) 571. (d) 572. (b) 573. (b) 574. (a)
575. (a) 576. (c) 577. (c) 578. (b) 579. (c) 580. (a) 581. (b)
582. (c) 583. (a) 584. (c) 585. (b) 586. (c) 587. (a) 588. (a)
589. (d) 590. (b) 591. (a) 592. (a) 593. (d) 594. (d) 595. (c)
596. (d) 597. (a) 598. (b) 599. (c) 600. (c) 601. (d) 602. (b)
603. (a) 604. (d) 605. (d) 606. (b) 607. (c) 608. (d) 609. (c)
610. (b) 611. (b) 612. (a) 613. (d) 614. (d) 615. (a) 616. (b)
617. (a) 618. (b) 619. (d) 620. (c) 621. (a) 622. (c) 623. (b)
624. (c) 625. (c) 626. (d) 627. (c) 628. (d) 629. (a) 630. (a)
631. (c) 632. (d) 633. (c) 634. (b) 635. (b) 636. (c) 637. (b)
638. (a) 639. (b) 640. (b) 641. (b) 642. (c) 643. (c) 644. (b)
645. (d) 646. (b) 647. (b) 648. (a) 649. (c) 650. (d) 651. (d)
652. (c) 653. (b) 654. (c) 655. (b) 656. (c) 657. (d) 658. (a)
659. (a) 660. (d) 661. (a) 662. (c) 663. (c) 664. (c) 665. (b)
666. (c) 667. (d) 668. (c) 669. (c) 670. (a) 671. (b) 672. (b)
673. (a) 674. (c) 675. (d) 676. (c) 677. (c) 678. (d) 679. (c)
680. (b) 681. (d) 682. (d) 683. (c) 684. (b) 685. (c) 686. (b)
687. (c) 688. (b) 689. (c) 690. (c) 691. (d) 692. (d) 693.(c)
694. (c) 695. (c) 696. (c) 697. (d) 698. (a) 699. (d) 700. (d)
701. (a) 702. (d) 703. (b) 704. (d) 705. (d) 706. (a) 707. (b)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 698 YCT

708. (c) 709. (b) 710. (c) 711. (c) 712. (b) 713. (c) 714. (b)
715. (b) 716. (b) 717. (b) 718. (a) 719. (a) 720. (c) 721. (b)
722. (a) 723. (b) 724. (c) 725. (b) 726. (a) 727. (c) 728.(c)
729. (a) 730. (a) 731. (a) 732. (b) 733. (d) 734. (b) 735. (d)
736. (c) 737. (c) 738. (d) 739. (c) 740. (c) 741. (c) 742. (a)
743. (c) 744. (b) 745. (a) 746. (b) 747. (a) 748. (c) 749. (b)
750. (b) 751. (c) 752. (c) 753. (a) 754. (a) 755. (c) 756. (a)
757. (d) 758. (c) 759. (c) 760. (d) 761. (c) 762. (c) 763. (d)
764. (c) 765. (d) 766. (c) 767. (b) 768. (c) 769. (d) 770. (b)
771. (b) 772. (a) 773. (d) 774. (d) 775. (d) 776. (c) 777. (b)
778. (d) 779. (d) 780. (d) 781. (b) 782. (b) 783. (c) 784. (c)
785. (d) 786. (b) 787. (b) 788. (a) 789. (d) 790. (b) 791. (b)
792. (a) 793. (a) 794. (d) 795. (b) 796. (a) 797. (a) 798. (b)
799. (c) 800. (a) 801. (b) 802. (d) 803. (b) 804. (b) 805.(c)
806. (b) 807. (a) 808. (d) 809. (b) 810. (b) 811. (a) 812. (b)
813. (a) 814. (a) 815. (b) 816. (b) 817. (b) 818. (b) 819. (b)
820. (c) 821. (c) 822. (b) 823. (c) 824. (d) 825. (c) 826. (b)
827. (b) 828. (d) 829. (c) 830. (a) 831. (c) 832. (d) 833. (d)
834. (a) 835. (c) 836. (c) 837. (d) 838. (a) 839. (c) 840. (d)
841. (c) 842. (d) 843. (c) 844. (b) 845. (d) 846. (c) 847. (a)
848. (a) 849. (b) 850. (c) 851. (a) 852. (d) 853. (d) 854. (a)
855. (d) 856. (d) 857. (d) 858. (a) 859. (c) 860. (c) 861. (c)
862. (b) 863. (b) 864. (d) 865. (d) 866. (c) 867. (d) 868. (d)
869. (d) 870. (d) 871. (b) 872. (d) 873. (c) 874. (b) 875. (d)
876. (d) 877. (d) 878. (a) 879. (d) 880. (c) 881. (c) 882. (b)
883. (a) 884. (a) 885. (c) 886. (c) 887. (c) 888. (a) 889. (a)
890. (c) 891. (a) 892. (c) 893. (a) 894. (d) 895. (d) 896. (a)
897. (d) 898. (d) 899. (c) 900. (c) 901. (b) 902. (d) 903. (b)
904. (d) 905. (c) 906. (c) 907. (b) 908. (c) 909. (b) 910. (c)
911. (c) 912. (a) 913. (a) 914. (d) 915. (b) 916. (a) 917. (c)
918. (d) 919. (b) 920. (c) 921. (b) 922. (d) 923. (a) 924. (d)
925. (b) 926. (d) 927. (d) 928. (b) 929. (a) 930. (c) 931. (b)
932. (b) 933. (a) 934. (b) 935. (d) 936. (a) 937. (c) 938. (c)
939. (d) 940. (a) 941. (d) 942. (b) 943. (b) 944. (b) 945. (c)
946. (c) 947. (a) 948. (b) 949.. (c) 950. (c) 951. (a) 952. (c)
953. (b) 954. (d) 955. (d) 956. (c) 957. (b) 958. (b) 959. (c)
960. (a) 961. (c) 962. (a) 963. (d) 964. (c) 965. (d) 966. (c)
967. (c) 968. (d) 969. (b) 970. (a) 971. (b) 972. (d) 973. (c)
974. (c) 975. (b) 976. (a) 977. (a) 978. (c) 979. (c) 980. (c)
981. (b) 982. (c) 983. (a) 984. (b) 985. (c) 986. (c) 987. (d)
988. (a) 989. (d) 990. (d) 991. (a) 992. (c) 993. (c) 994. (c)
995. (b) 996. (b) 997. (a) 998. (c) 999. (d) 1000.(b) 1001.(a)
1002. (c) 1003. (d) 1004. (a) 1005. (c) 1006. (b) 1007. (b) 1008.(c)
1009. (c) 1010. (b) 1011. (c) 1012. (b) 1013. (c) 1014. (b) 1015.(a)
1016. (d) 1017. (a) 1018. (b) 1019. (a) 1020. (a) 1021. (a) 1022.(c)
1023. (d) 1024. (b) 1025. (b) 1026. (d) 1027. (d) 1028. (b) 1029.(a)
1030. (b) 1031. (a) 1032. (c) 1033. (b) 1034. (c) 1035. (a) 1036.(d)
1037. (a) 1038. (a) 1039. (b) 1040. (b) 1041. (b) 1042. (b) 1043.(d)
1044. (b) 1045. (d) 1046. (a) 1047. (d) 1048. (d) 1049. (d) 1050.(d)
1051. (c) 1052. (c) 1053. (d) 1054. (a) 1055. (d) 1056. (c) 1057.(a)
1058. (c) 1059. (d) 1060. (c) 1061. (a) 1062. (b) 1063. (b) 1064.(a)
1065. (c) 1066. (c) 1067. (b) 1068. (a) 1069. (d) 1070. (b)
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 699 YCT
16. (c) ÙeLeeLe&lee kesâ yeÌ{les ›eâce ceW mener Deveg›eâce 57. (a) efoÙee nw–
Induction < Moving iron < Moving-coil permanent hetCe& ceeheve hee"dÙeebkeâ = 300 V
magnet $egefš = ± 2%
19. (c) hee"dÙeebkeâ keâe hejeme = ?
(a) [eÙeveceesceeršj GheÙeb$e 2. A.C. Deewj D.C. kesâ ceOÙe 300
mLeeveevlejCe GheÙeb$e meerefcele $egefš = ± 2% ×
(b) LeceexkeâheueDeeOeeefjle GheÙeb$e 1. JeemleefJekeâ r.m.s. ceeve ceeršj = ± 20%
(c) jwche pevejsšj 3. CRO keâe DeeOeej meceÙe hee"Ÿeebkeâ keâe meercee = 30 ± (30V keâe 20%)
(d) Jesmšve mšwC[[& mesue 4. efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue keâe ceevekeâ = (30 ± 6)V
= 24 V Ùee 36 V
41. (a) ceeršj Jeesušspe (Vm)
58. (b) met$e–
= mešerkeâlee × Deebleefjkeâ Jeesušspe m$eesle keâe Jeesušspe Am − A
= 0.99 × 50 % full-scale $egefš = × 100
= 49.5 V 50 − 30
= × 100
Rm 100 − 20
Vm = Vs ×
R out + R m = 25%
Rm 49.5 59. (c) hegâue-mkesâue hejeme = 200 – 150 = 50ºC
R out + R m 50 ØeefleMele $egefš = ± 0.25%
Rm (1 – 0.99) = 0.99 Rout ØeefleMele $egefš
DeefOekeâlece efmLej $egefš = × heâgue mkeâsue hejeme
0.99 100
Rm = × 100 kΩ ± 0.25
0.01 = × 50
= 10 MΩ 100
= ± 0.125ºC
55. (b) efoÙee nw–
63. (c) efoÙee nw–
hetCe& ceeheve hee"dÙeebkeâ = 200 V
mecYeeefJele ceeve = 80 V
hetCe& ceeve $egefš = ± 2% Jeesušceeršj hee"dÙeebkeâ = 79 V
ceeefhele Jeesušspe = 100 V met$e mes–
met$e mes– efvejhes#e $egefš (δA) = Am – A
hetCe& ceeve $egefš × hetCe& ceeheve hee"dÙeebkeâ = 79 – 80
meerefcele $egefš =
ceeefhele ceeve δA = 1.00 heefjCeece ceW
200 64. (a) Skeâ efÉleerÙe Deveg›eâce ØeCeeueer keâer Øeefleef›eâÙee–
= 2% ×
100 2
d q0 dq
= ± 4% a2 + a 1 0 + a 0 q 0 = b0 q i ........(i)
dt 2 dt
56. (d) eeuÙetcesefš^keâ ØeJeen oj (Q) = b
š^ebmeheâj heâueve = 2 0
Jesie × heeFhe kesâ ›eâe@me meskeäMeve #es$e a 2 s + a1s1 + a 0

V × πD 2 Laplace transform uesves hej–

Q= Q (s) b0
4 G(s) = 0 =
Lmiting error– Q1 (s) a 2 s + a1s + a 0

δQ  δV δD  K
× 100 = ±  +2 × 100 G(s) = ............(ii)
Q V D  a  a 
s  2  + s  1  +1

 3 1   a0   a0 
=±  + 2× ×100
100 100  b0
efmLej mebJesoveMeeruelee (K) =
= ± 5% a0

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 700 YCT

68. (d) MetvÙe kesâefvõle Jeesušceeršj keâer DeJeefOe– GÛÛe ceeve kesâ ØeeflejesOe ceW menveMeeruelee–
= 10 – (–10) 121.2 − 120
=20V 120
71. (c) ØeeflejesOe R1 ceW $egefš keâe heefjCeece– = 1%
74. (d) efoÙee nw–
δR 1 = ± ×100 = 10 Ω Oeeje ceW meerefcele $egefš = ± 1.5%
Meefkeäle ceW meerefcele $egefš = 1%
ØeeflejesOe R2 ceW $egefš keâe heefjCeece–
ØeeflejesOe kesâ ceeheve keâer meerefcele $egefš –
δR 2 = ± × 300 = 15 Ω δR  δP 2δI 
100 × 100 = ±  +  × 100
R  P I 
ßebb=Keuee meceeÙeespeve keâer heefjCeeceer meerefcele $egefš = δR = δR1 + δR2 = ± (1.5 + 2 × 1)
= 10 + 15 = ± 3.5%
= 25 Ω 75. (a) Deewmele Oeeje (Iavg)
72. (a) efoÙee nw– 117.02 + 117.11 + 117.08 + 117.03
ØeeflejesOe (R1) = 10 Ω ± 5% 4
Iavg = 117.06 mA
ØeeflejesOe (R2) = 5 Ω ± 10%
Oeeje keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeve (Imax) = 117.11 mA
ØeeflejesOe (R1) keâe hejeme–
hejeme = Imax – Iavg
5 = 117.11 – 117.06
= 10 ± × 10
100 = 0.05 mA
= 10 ± 0.5 Oeeje keâe vÙetvelece ceeve (Imin) = 117.02 mA
= (9.5 mes 10.5) Ω hejeme = Iavg – Imin
ØeeflejesOe (R2) keâe hejeme– = 117.06 – 117.02
= 0.04
= 5 ± 10%
0.05 + 0.04
10 $egefš keâer Deewmele hejeme = ±
=5± ×5 2
= ± 0.045
= 5 ± 0.5
76. (b) Deewmele Jeesušspe–
= 4.5 mes 5.5 Ω
110.10 + 110.20 + 110.15 + 110.30 + 110.25
R1 leLee R2 kesâ meceevlej mebÙeespeve kesâ efueS hejeme keâe ceeve– 5
9.5 × 4.5 10.5 × 5.5 = 110.20
9.5 + 4.5 10.5 + 5.5 110.30 − 110.10
$egefš keâer meercee = ±
= 3.054 mes 3.609 Ω 2
73. (b) efoÙee nw– = ± 0.1
77. (b) Standard deviation–
ØeeflejesOe (R1) = 300 Ω
ØeeflejesOe (R2) = 200 Ω d12 + d 22 + d 32 + .........d 2m ∑ d 2m
σ= =
n n
meceeveevlej ceW peg[Ì s leguÙe ØeeflejesOe keâe meebkesâeflekeâ ceeve–
78. (b) efoÙee nw–
R 1 × R 2 300 × 200
RP = = = 120 Ω I1 = 150 ± 1A
R1 + R 2 300 + 200
I2 = 250 ± 2A
GÛÛe ceeve kesâ ØeeflejesOe (R1) Deewj ØeeflejesOe (R2) kesâ meceeveeblej I = I1 + I2
mebÙeespeve keâe leguÙe ØeeflejesOe–
ceevekeâ efJeÛeueve (σ) = ± d12 + d 22
(200 + 200 keâe 1%) (300 + 300 keâe 1%)
RPH = = ± 12 + 22
(200 + 200 keâe 1%) + (300 + 300 keâe 1%)
202 × 303 = ± 5
202 + 303 = ± 2.24
= 121.2 Ω I = 400 ± 2.24 A

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 701 YCT

 a − ( −a ) 
∵ R1 = ( 50 ± 1% ) Ω, R 2 = ( 50 ± 2% )
79. (a) heefjJele&ve = 
12 R1 × R 2 50 × 50
Dele R = = = 25Ω
4a 2 R1 + R 2 50 + 50
12  R1 × 1% R 2 × 2% 
Dele R e q = R ± 1% + 2% + + 
=  R1 + R 2 R1 + R 2 
 50 ×1% 50 × 2% 
efmeiveue keâe r.m.s ceeve = heefjJele&ve = 25 ± 1% + 2% + + 
 50 + 50 50 + 50 
= = 25 ± {3% + .5% + 1%}
80. (b) Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ ceeheeW ces, peye efveOee&efjle keâer ieF& cee$ee oes efYeVe R e q = 25 ± 4.5%
ceehees keâe Ùeesie nesleer nw lees kegâue mebYeJe $egefš ØelÙeskeâ efJeefMe° $egefš kesâ 88. (b) efoÙee nw,
efvejhes#e cetuÙeeW kesâ Ùeesie nesleer nw~ % Jeesušspe $egefš = 3% Turn ratio = 102
A = a ± ε1 System voltage = 11000 V
B = b ± ε2 Secondary voltage V2 = ?
A + B = ( a + b ) ± ( ε1 + ε 2 )
GlheVe ØeeLeefcekeâ Jeesušlee (V1)
 3 
Total error = ε1 + ε 2 =  11000 − 11000 ×  Volt
 100 
Dele ØelÙeskeâ efJeefMe° $egefš kesâ efvejhes#e cetuÙeeW keâe Ùeesie nesiee~
= (11000 − 330 ) Volt
82. (b) efoÙee nw,
I = 60 A, V = 220 V = 10670 Volt
K= 420 rev/kWh t = 35 s V1 10670
∵ = 102 ∴ = 102
E t = True Energy V2 V2
= VI cos φ × t 10670
= 220 × 60 × 1 × 35 V2 =
= 462000 J = 104.6V
Et = = 0.128 kWh 11000
3600 × 103 89. (a) actual ratio = = 112.24
No of revolutions
E revolution =
nominal ratio − actual ratio
51 % Voltage error = ×100
= = 0.121 actual ratio
E − Et 104 − 112.24
% error = r × 100 % Voltage error = × 100
Et 112.24
0.121 − 0.128 % Voltage error = −7.35
= × 100
0.128 90. (d) efoÙee nw,system voltage (V) = 11000 V
=− × 100 % Voltage error = 5% = 0.05, Turn's ratio (K) = 108
Secondary voltage (Vs) = ?
% error = −5.4 Formula
85. (c) Ùeefo A = a ± x.% System voltage − K secondary voltage
Voltage error =
B= b ± y.% System voltage
(1) A.B = a.b ± (x% + y%) V − KVS
Voltage error =
(2) = a / b ± ( x% + y% )
B 11000 − 108 VS
0.05 =
 x% y%  11000
(3) A + B = a + b ±  + 
a + b a + b  108 VS = 11000 − 0.05 × 11000

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 702 YCT

11000 − 550 109. (a) Given–
VS =
108 K = 10 × 10 −6 Nm / rad, I = 6A
VS = 96.75
θ=? L = (10+6θ)µH
VS = 96.8 volt The rate of change of inductance with deflection is
dL d
96. (c) = [10 + 6θ]
300 × 2% dθ dθ
% Relative limiting error = × 100 = 2.7%
222 dL
= 6 µH
Measured value = 222 keâe 2.7% = 5.9 ≈ 6 dθ
Dele mkesâue keâer jsvpe - from the torque equation
(222 ± 6) = (216–228) 1 I 2 dL
97. (b) oesnjeves Deewj hegveGlheeove keâer #ecelee GhekeâjCe keâer ÙeLeeLe&lee θ=
2 K dθ
mes mecyeefvOele nw~ Accuracy ceeefhele ceeve keâer melÙeceeve mes vepeoerkeâer
1 62 36 × 6
keâes oMee&lee nw~ θ= × −6
× 6 × 10−6 =
2 10 × 10 2 × 10
4.80 Amp.
4.85 Amp. θ=
 ceeefhele ceeve 10
4.90 Amp.
θ = 10.8 rad
Accurate Value ⇒ 4.95 Amp. 
98. (a) ØeeflejesOekeâ JeeÙej mš^sve iespe keâe iespe Hewâkeäšj iespe keâer 110. (d) cetefJebie DeeÙejve GheÙeb$e keâe mebÛeeefuele yeueeIetCe&
mebJesoveMeeruelee keâe ceehekeâ nw~ Ùen mš^sve iespe passive š^evme[dÙetmej 1
T ∝ I2
neslee nw~ DeÛÚs heefjceeCe nsleg strain gauge keâe ØeeflejesOe leehe iegCeebkeâ 2
keâce nesvee ÛeeefnÙes~ ØeMveeveg meej,
1 2
δR / R T1 ∝ I ..............(i)
Gf = 2
δℓ / ℓ 2
1 I 
Gf = iespe Hesâkeäšj T2 ∝  
G = 1 + 2γ
T2 ∝
ceW DeefOekeâlece $egefšÙeeb = ± ( ε r1 + ε r2 + ε r3 )
101. (b) Jeesušspe 8
± (0.1% + 0.1% + 0.1%) = ± 0.3% meceerkeâjCe (ii) ÷ (i) mes,
104. (c) Sceeršj keâer meg«eeefnlee– T2 I 2 2
= × 2
D T1 8 I
S= m / A
peneB D = efJe#eshe meg«eeefnlee T2 = T1
Ed = kegâC[ueer keâer Oeeje
111. (d) efoÙee nw,
S = = 2 mm/A
3 efmØebie efveÙeleebkeâ ( K ) = 0.25 × 10−6 Nm / rad
106. (b) efoÙee nw, Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe = 400 × 103 Ω π
θ = 600 ⇒ rad B = 2 × 10−3 Wb / m 2
ßesCeer ØeeflejesOe = 100 × 10 Ω 3 3
Td = Kθ
Dele R e q = ( 400 + 100 ) × 103 Ω = 500 × 103 Ω
0.25 × 10−6 × 3.14
Td =
(∵ voltmeter keâer Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe ßesCeer cesW neslee nw~) 3
1 R = 2.6 × 10−7 Nm
Formula S = = m Ω/V T
500 × 103
= 2.6 × 10−7
250 =
= 2kΩ/V = 2000 Ω/volt 2 × 10−3 × 10 × 10−3 × 10 × 20 × 10−6

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 703 YCT

2.6 × 10−7 × 106 × 106 322. (b) efoÙee nw–
2 × 10 × 10 × 20 Oeeje (i) =5 + 14.14 sin (314t + 45º)
2.6 × 105 PMMC Deewmele ceeve keâes ceehelee nw~ FmeefueS PMMC keâe ceeheebkeâ–
= = 65Turn
4000 5A
N = 65Turn ne@š JeeÙej Deewj Ûeue ueewn GheÙeb$e r.m.s ceeve keâes ceehelee nw~
194. (b) efoÙee nw– FmeefueS
meceÙe efmLejebkeâ = 20 second 2
 Imax1 
q = Q × 95% I r.m.s = I + 2
0 
= 0.95 Q  2 
met$e mes– 2
 14.14 
q = Q(1 – e ) –t/τ
= 5 + 2

0.95 Q = Q(1 – e–t/20)  2 
e–t/20 = 1 – 0.95 = 125 A
t = –20 loge 0.05
323. (c) kesâvõ MetvÙe PMMC ceeršj keâe ceeheebkeâ–
t = 60 seconds
(Iav) = –8A
317. (b)
R keâe ceeve – melÙe r.m.s ceeršj keâe ceeheebkeâ–
V 6 2
( −8 )
 V  = +  
I 1 −   2 
 IR V 
= 10 A
= Ûeue ueewn GheÙeb$e keâe ceeheebkeâ (Ir.m.s) = 10A
 10 
0.11 −  324. (c) efoÙee nw–
 0.1× 500 
10 Oeeje (I) = −4 + 3 2 sin (ωt + 300)
0.1(1 − 0.2) kesâvõ MetvÙe PMMC ceeršj keâe ceeheebkeâ = –4A
10 Ûeue DeeÙejve ceeršj keâe ceeheebkeâ–
= = 125 Ω
0.08 2
3 2 
( −4 ) + 
318. (b) De%eele ØeeflejesOe keâe DeeYee<eer ceeve – I r.m.s = 
V 200  2 
Rm = = =5A
I 2
= 100 Ω 327. (a) Hegâue-JesJe efyeÇpe jsefkeäšHeâeÙej Jeesušceeršj kesâ efueS–
De%eele ØeeflejesOe keâe JeemleefJekeâ ceeve– 2Vmax
Vave =
V π
Rx =
 V  Vave
I 1 −  I=
 I RV  XC
200 Vave 2Vmax
= XC = =
 200  I π× I
2 1 − 
 2000  2 ×100 × 103 × 2
200 π× 45 × 10−3
2 × (1 − 0.05) = 0.02 × 108 Ω
= 105.26 Ω
Rm − Rx mebOeeefj$e (C) =
ØeefleMele $egefš = ×100 2πf × X C
100 − 105.26 =
= × 100 2π× 50 × 0.02 ×108
= −5% = 15.9 × 10−10 F

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 704 YCT

340. (b) Mebš keâe iegCekeâ Meefòeâ (m) DeeJeMÙekeâ Mebš ØeÇeflejesOe–
I Rm
(m) = Rs =
Im N −1
Rm Rs =
= +1 5 −1
R s = 25Ω
1000 Mebš keâe iegCekeâ Meefòeâ–
= +1 345. (b)
200 I
=6 m=
341. (b) GheÙev$e keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe Rm = 50Ω 10 × 10−3
GheÙev$e keâe Hegâue-mkesâue ef[HeäueskeäMeve Oeeje Im=1 mA m=
1× 10−3
kegâue ceehee ieÙee Oeeje (I) = 5A m = 10
I GhekeâjCe keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe–
m= R m = R s (m − 1)
= 0.5 × (10 − 1)
m= = 4.5Ω
1× 10−3
346. (c) Mebš keâe iegCekeâ Meefòeâ–
m = 5000
DeeJeMÙekeâ Mebš ØeeflejesOe– m=
Rs = 500
N −1 m=
50 m=5
Rs =
5000 − 1 GheÙeb$e keâe Deevleefjkeâ ØeeflejesOe–
R s = 0.01Ω R m = R s (m − 1)
342. (a) hetCe& hewceevee efJe#esheCe Oeeje– = 25 × (5 − 1)
= 100 Ω
75 ×10−3
Im = 347. (d) ceeršj ieefle keâer mebJesoveMeeruelee–
= 15 × 10 −3 A SV =
Mebš keâe iegCekeâ Meefòeâ N = 1
Im SV =
200 × 10−6
30 SV = 5 k Ω / V
15 ×10−3 SV = 5 Ω / mV
N = 2000 348. (c) 0 – 100 V keâes 0 – 1000 V
Rm lekeâ jWpe keâes yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ ßesCeer ØeeflejesOe –
DeeJeMÙekeâ Mebš ØeeflejesOe ( R s ) =
N −1 R se = SV × 1000V – SV×100V
5 = 20 KΩ / V × 1000V − 20kΩ / V × 100
2000 − 1 = 20 MΩ − 2 MΩ = 18 MΩ
R s ≃ 2.5 mΩ 349. (c) ßesCeer ØeeflejesOe keâe iegCekeâ Meefòeâ –
Mebš keâe iegCekeâ Meefòeâ – V
344. (d) =
N= V
Im =
Ifsd × R m
= 50
100 =
50 ×10−6 × 1×103
=5 = 1000
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 705 YCT
350. (b) Sceeršj kesâ meeLe ßesCeer ceW pegÌ[e ØeeflejesOe (Rs) 370. (c) Ûeue ueewn GheÙeb$e Oeeje kesâ r.m.s ceeve keâes oMee&lee nw~
V FmeefueS–
RS = − Rm
Im 2 2
 Imax1   I max 
10 Ir.m.s = I02 +   + 
Rs = − 500  2   2
0.1× 10−3
2 2
R S = 99500 Ω  5   3 
= 102 +   + 
 2  2
R S = 99.5 kΩ
25 9
357. (b) heefjCeeefce$e ceW ØeeLeefcekeâ leLee efÉleerÙekeâ Oeeje kesâ yeerÛe keâe = 100 + +
2 2
keâuee keâesCe–
= 10.82 A
= 180 − 30
373. (b) keäJee@Ùeue kesâ Éeje D.C Sceeršj Oeeje kesâ Deewmele ceeve keâes
= 177 0 ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~ FmeefueS–
N2 Sceeršj hee"dÙeebkeâ–
359. (a) šve& jsefMeÙees (N) =
N1 1 2

Id.c =
2 ∫ idt

1 1 1 2

N = 500
= ∫
2  0
100 mAdt + ∫ 0.dt 

efÉleerÙekeâ Oeeje (Is ) = 5A 100 mA

mmf 2
cewivesšeFefpebie Oeeje– (I m ) = = 50 mA
ØeeLeefcekeâ šve& keâer mebKÙee
384. (a) efJe#esheCe šeke&â (Td) = NBilr
= Td=100 × 200 × 10–3 × 50 × 10–3 × 10 × 10–3 × 20 × 10–3
= 200 µNm
= 200 A
391. (b) ne@š JeeÙej Sceeršj Oeeje kesâ r.m.s ceeve keâes oMee&lee nw~
180 200
keâuee keâesCe $egefš (θ) = = 4.6 FmeefueS–
π 500 × 5
368. (a) efJe#esheCe (θ) ∝ I2  Imax1 
I r.m.s = I02 +  
FmeefueS– V ∝ I2  2 
I   4 
V2 = V1  2  = 22 + 
 I2  
 2
 0.5  = 12
= 100 ×  
 1  = 3.46 A
= 25 392. (a) peye Jeesušceeršj 5 KΩ kesâ meeLe mebÙeesefpele nelee nw leye
369. (b) hetCe& hewceeves efJe#esheCe šeke&â (Td)– 5 × 10
leguÙe ØeeflejesOe (R1) =
Td = 240 × 10 N-m –6 5 + 10
Oeeje (I) = 10A R1 = 3.333 kΩ
1 dL Jeesušceeršj V1 keâe ceeheebkeâ –
Td = I 2
2 dθ 3.333KΩ
V1 = 20 ×
dL 2Td 2 kΩ + 3.333kΩ + 10 kΩ
= 2
dθ I = 4.348 V
2 × 240 ×10 −6
peye Jeesušceeršj 10 KΩ kesâ meeLe mebÙeesefpele nelee nw leye leguÙe
102 10 ×10
ØeeflejesOe (R2) =
dL 10 + 10
= 4.8 µH/radian
dθ = 5 kΩ

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 706 YCT

Jeesušceeršj V2 keâe ceeheebkeâ– 403. (d) efoÙee nw–
5 kΩ mebJesoveMeeruelee = 1000 Ω/V
V2 = 20 ×
2 kΩ + 5 kΩ + 5 kΩ Jeesušspe =100 V
= = 8.433V mebJesoveMeeruelee (S) =
V2 < 2V1 1
Ifsd =
FmeefueS– V1 > =
1000 Ω / V
397. (a) eesušceeršj A keâe ØeeflejesOe (RA)– 1
100 DeOe& hetCe& hewceeves hej efJe#esheCe Oeeje = × 1
RA = 2
5 × 10−3 = 0.5 mA
= 20,000 Ω 404. (b) Jeesušceeršj V1 keâe ØeeflejesOe ( R m1 ) –

Jeesušceeršj B keâe ØeeflejesOe (RB)– R m1 = Sv1 × hegâue mkesâue jWpe

RB = Sv × Jeesušceeršj jWpe
= 100 kΩ × 300
= 250 × 100 = 30 MΩ
= 25,000 Ω Jeesušceeršj V2 keâe ØeeflejesOe (R m2 ) –
Jeesušceeršj C keâe ØeeflejesOe (RC)– R m2 = Sv2 × hegâue mkesâue jWpe
RC = 15,000 Ω
V = 150 kΩ × 300
meefke&âš Oeeje (I) =
RA + RB + RC = 45 MΩ
= Jeesušceeršj (V1) keâe ceeheebkeâ–
20,000 + 25,000 + 15,000
= 0.002 A R m1
V1 = V ×
ceeršj A Éeje heÌ{e ieÙee Jeesušspe (VA)– R m1 + R m2

VA = I × R A 30
= 500 ×
= 0.002 × 20,000 30 + 45
= 200 V
40 V
Jeesušceeršj V2 keâe ceeheebkeâ = 500 – 200
ceeršj B Éeje heÌ{e ieÙee Jeesušspe (VB)– = 300 V
VB = I × RB 413. (a) iewuJesveesceeršj kesâ efHeâiej Dee@Heâ cesefjš keâes iewuJesveesceeršj kesâ
= 0.002 × 25,000 mkesâue ceW Skeâ efJe#esheCe keâer Glheefòe ceW DeeJeMÙekeâ Oeeje kesâ ™he ceW
= 50 V heefjYeeef<ele efkeâÙee peelee nw~
ceeršj C Éeje heÌ{e ieÙee Jeesušspe (VC)– T
VC = I × RC θ
= 0.002 × 15,000 peneB I= Oeeje (current)
= 30 V θ= efJe#esheCe (deflection)

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 707 YCT

416. (a) efoÙee nw– 1
∴rms Value = 100mA ×
Full scale deflection voltage Vm = 50 mv 2
Full scale deflection current Im = 10 mA = 71mA
Ammeter current I = 5A
472. (c) Jeešceeršj kesâ Oeeje kegâC[ueer keâe ØeeflejesOe
Shunt Resistance Rsh = ?
V2 1 2002 1
Deflective Resistance Rm = m
V (r) = × 2 ⇒ ×
Im R I 10 × 10 400

r = 0.01Ω
Rm = = 5Ω
10 474. (c) Jeešceeršj kesâ Éeje ØeoefMe&le Meefòeâ–
Rm = Yeej Éeje Kehele Meefòeâ + Oeeje kegâ[bueer ceW Meefòeâ neefve
Formula Shunt Re sis tan ce R sh =
(m − 1) = VL I L + I 2 R CC

I = 200 × 20 + 20 2 × 0.02
Multiplying factor m = = 4008
uees[ kesâ Éeje Kehele Meefòeâ –
5 1
= −3
= A P = 200 × 20
10 × 10 2 × 10 −3
P = 4000 W
R sh = 4008 − 4000
 1  = × 100
 −3
− 1 4000
 2 × 10 
= 0.2% DeefOekeâ
R sh = 0.01Ω
484. (a) efoÙee nw–
420. (a) Tc = mgl sinθ W1 = 3 kW
at equilibrium
W2 = −1kW
Tc = Td
heefjheLe keâe Meefòeâ iegCeebkeâ–
Td ∝ I  w − w2 
cos φ = cos  tan −1 1 × 3
 w1 + w 2 
Dele sin θ∝ = I
 3 − (−1) 
sin θ1 I1 = cos  tan −1 × 3
=  3 + (−1) 
sin θ2 I2
sin 90 10 = cos  tan −1 2 3 
sin θ2 5 = cos 73.89 '
= 0.2771 lag
θ2 = 30o
487. (c) uees[ ØeefleyeeOee keâesCe φ kesâ ™he ceW efoÙee ieÙee nw–
Deewj GheÙev$e keâe hetCe& mkesâue efJemLeeheve 10A Oeeje kesâ efueS 900 nw~
 W − W2 
424. (b) efoÙee nw~ φ = tan −1 3  1 
 W1 + W2 
IG = 100 mA
peye W1 = 2W2
VG = 100 Volt
VG 100  2W2 − W2 
leye R= ⇒ φ = tan −1 3  
IG 100 × 10−3  2W2 + W2 
R = 103 ⇒ 1000 Ω 1
= tan −1 3 ×
425. (c) Deceeršj keâer jeref[bie = Deej.Sce.Sme ceeve 3
rms value = I max α = radians
Where α = duty cycle π
Yeej keâe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ = cos
1 6
2 = 0.866

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 708 YCT

489. (a) Jeešceeršj keâe hee"Ùeebkeâ – 500 revolution
505. (c) Meter constant =
W1 = VL IL cos (30 − φ) kWh
Full load hej Tpee& JÙeÙe = 4.4 kW
= 400 × 5cos(300 − φ)
ÛetBefkeâ Meter 1 kW Load hej 1 IeCšs ceW Ûekeäkeâj ueieelee nw = 500
= 400 × 5cos(300 − 300 ) FmeefueS ceeršj keâes 4.4 kW hetCe& uees[ hej Skeâ IeCšs ceW Ûekeäkeâj
= 2000 W ueieevee ÛeeefnS Ns = 500 × 4.4
= 2200
W2 = VL IL cos(300 + φ)
ÛeBtefkeâ ceeršj hetCe& Yeej 4.4 kW hej ceeršj 86 meskesâC[ ceW Ûekeäkeâj
= 400 × 5 × cos ( 300 + 300 ) ueieelee nw = 50
= 1000 W FmeefueS hetCe& Yeej 4.4 kW hej 60 × 60 sec ceW Ûekeäkeâj ueieeSiee
50 × 60 × 60
493. (d) efoÙee nw– W1 = 970 W, W2 = 480 W = = 2093 Ûekeäkeâj
VL = 400 V
N − Ns
 W − W2  % $egefš = ×100
 970 − 480  Ns
formula– tan θ = 3  1  = 3 
 1 + W2   970 + 480  2093 − 2200
= ×100
490 2200
= 3× = – 4.86%
506. (d) ØesjCe Øekeâej kesâ Tpee&ceeheer ceW,
tan θ = = 0.585 N∝ 1
1450 d
peneB N → IetCee&lcekeâ Ûeeue
sec θ = 1 + tan 2 θ = 1 + ( 0.585 )
d → ef$epÙe otjer
sec θ = 1.15 FmeefueS, 100 = 90
1 1 N2 100
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ = cos θ = = = 0.86 N2 = 111.11
sec θ 1.15
FmeefueS IetCee&lcekeâ Ûeeue 11% kesâ Éeje yeÌ{sieer~
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ = 0.86
∆R / R
494. (c) efoÙee nw– 508. (b) iespe Hewâkeäšj =
∆L / L
W1 = 1700 W
0.150 / 250
W2 = 1100 W =
1.5 ×10 –4
 W − W2 
formula– tan θ = 3  1  0.150 ×103
 W1 + W2  0.150 × 250
 1700 − 1100  600 =4
= 3  = 3 × 2800 500 MΩ
 1700 + 1100  512. (b)
no. of outlets (Point + switches)
tan θ = 0.3711
522. (c) metÛeer- I metÛeer- II
sec θ = 1 + tan 2 θ = 1 + ( 0.3711)
P. efhejeveer Øeceeheer 1. efveJee&le oeye ceehe
sec θ = 1.068 Q. JeWÛegjerceeršj 2. yeneJe ceeheve
1 1 R. efJeefkeâjCe heeFjesceeršj 3. leehe›eâce ceeheve
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ = cos θ = = = 0.937
S. uees[ mesue 4. yeue ceeheve
sec θ 1.068
Meefòeâ iegCekeâ = 0.937 570. (c) ceeršj efmLejebkeâ –
Yeej ØesjkeâerÙe (inductive) nesves kesâ keâejCe Meefòeâ iegCekeâ he§eieeceer = 14.4 A − Sec / Revelution
(lagging) nesiee~ =
× 250 W − H / Revelution
502. (a) Fb[keäMeve šeFhe keâe efmebieue hesâpe kesâ Tpee& ceeršj ceW yeÇsefkebâie 3600
šeke&â heäuekeäme ØeJeen kesâ Jeie& kesâ meerOes meceevegheeleer neslee nw~ 14.4
= × 250 W − H / Revelution
TB ∝ φ2
= 1W − H / Revelution

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 709 YCT

ceeršj efmLejebkeâ– ∆φ = 2 × 1 × 10–4
= 1 Revolution/watt - hout = 2 × 10–4 Wb
{1KWH = 1000W - H N
=1000 Revolution per KWH θ = × ∆φ
P × hours = × 2 ×10−4
571. (d) Kehele Tpee& = 15 × 10−4
= 1.33 radians
450 100
= × 1.33 × 1800
1000 3600 =
= 0.0125 kWh = 76.2º
10 1
ceeršj efmLejebkeâ = 647. (b) efJe#esheCe keâejkeâ =
0.0125 efJe#esheCe mebJesoveMeeruelee
= 800 (Revolution/kWh) 1
efJe#esheCe keâejkeâ =
572. (b) leerve Iebšs ceW Kehele Tpee& – 4m / v

V × I × cos φ efJe#esheCe keâejkeâ = 0.25 Jeesuš/ceeršj

= ×T
1000 0.35
648. (a) Bandwidth =
230 × 10 × 1.0 rise time
= ×3
1000 0.35
= 6.9 kWh 70 × 10−3
0.35 × 1000 350
3 Iebšs ceW keâer ieF& heefj›eâceCe keâer mebKÙee – = =
70 70
= ceeršj efmLejebkeâ × Tpee& Kehele BW = 5
= 200×6.9 649. (c) efoÙee nw–
= 1380
yeQ[efJe[Le (bandwidth) = 10 Hz
574. (a) Skeâ efceveš ceW Tpee& keâer Kehele–
CRO keâe Rise time (tr) = ?
V × I × cos φ 1
= × kWh 0.35
1000 60 Formula B.W =
230 × 10 × 0.9 1
= × = 0.0345 kWh 0.35
1000 60 tr =
hetCe& uees[ ieefle –
= efceveš efveÙeleebkeâ rev/kWh× Tpee& Kehele kWh/efceveš tr =
= 400 × 0.0345 rpm = 0.035 sec
= 13.80 rpm
t r = 35ms
583. (a) Value of error signal
= sensitivity of the synchro-transmitter pair 657. (d) ØeoeÙeer keâe he"ve hejeme = 9999 ieCeveebkeâ
×(Angle of rotation of transformer rotor) ceehe›eâce hee"dÙeebkeâ = 9.999V
=100×(0.5-0.45)=5V hee"dÙeebkeâ 9.999
efJeYesove · = = 1mV
644. (b) heäuekeäme ceeršj efmLejebkeâ (G) = NcBcAc he"ve hejeme 9999
= 40 × 0.05 × 750 × 10–6 658. (a) efoÙee nw–
= 15 × 10–4 R4 = 40 Ω
C4 = 40×10–6 Farad
meÛe& kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe peesÌ[ves Jeeues heäuekeäme
= 0.5 × 200 × 10–6  1 
Hay bridge keâe Quality factor  Q = 
 ωR 4C 4 
= 1 × 10–4 Wb
heäuekeäme ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ keâejCe meÛe& kegâC[ueer kesâ meeLe heäuekeäme keâes =
peesÌ[ves ceW heefjJele&ve– 2πf × 40 × 40 × 10−6

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 710 YCT

2 × 3.14 × 50 × 40 × 40 × 10−6
314 ×1600
Q.F. = 1.99
Q.F. ≃ 2
659. (a) efoÙee nw, ωCV
frequency (f) = 50Hz V/R
= ωCR
791. (b) R =
5.07 ×10−3
R = 2.00 kΩ
formula; Quality factor of coil Q = 806. (b) efjpeeuÙetMeve = 0.05%
ωR 4 C4
1 =
Q= 100
2πfR 4 C 4
= 0.0005
1 heesšWefMeÙeesceeršj keâes DeeJeMÙekeâ leej kesâ IegceeJees keâer mebKÙee
2π × 50 × 10 × 10 × 10−6
1 =
Q= efjpee@uÙetMeve
10000 × π × 10−6
100 =
Q= Q = 31.83 0.0005
= 2000
660. (d) keâeuece–1 keâeuece–2
807. (a) Je=òeerÙe heesšWefMeÙeesceeršj kesâ efueS–
1. [er–mee@šerefyeÇpe a. Oeeefjlee
heesšsbefMeÙeesceeršj efmLejebkeâ
2. heesšWefMeÙeesceeršj b. efvecve ØeeflejesOe
mehueeF& Jeesušspe
3. cesiej c. GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe = × jwefKekeâlee
šve& keâer mebKÙee
4. Jeešceeršj d. Meefòeâ
30 1
D = ×
661. (a) S = 3 100
= 0.1V / turn
744. (b) ceevekeâ mesue keâe F&.Sce.SHeâ–
E1 = 1.18 , ℓ1 = 600 mm , ℓ 2 = 680 mm 818. (b) ØeeflejesOe ceW heefjJele&ve
since E ∝ ℓ ( ∆R ) = G × R × ε
E2 ℓ 2 = −12.1 ×120 × 5 ×10 −6 Ω
FmeefueS =
E1 ℓ1 = −7.26 ×10−3 Ω
ℓ2 = −7.26 mΩ
E 2 = E1 ×
ℓ1 ∆R / R ∆R / R
819. (b) iespe Hewâkeäšj (G) = =
680 ∆ℓ / ℓ ε
=1.18 ×
600 1/125
= 1.34 V 4000 × 10−6
756. (a) Phasor diagram mes – G=
IC 125 × 4000 × 10−6
tan θ =
IR G = 2.0

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 711 YCT

849. (b) Leefce&mšj kesâ efueS ØeeflejesOees keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ– ε0 ε r A
908. (c) kewâhesefmeefšJe š^ebme[Ÿetmej (C) =
dR1 d
R dC
(α) = 1 mebJesoveMeeruelee (S) =
dT dd
β −3000 −ε0 ε r A
=− = =
( 273 + 27 )
2 2
T d2
= −0.033 Ω / Ω / 0 C π
−8.854 × 10−12 × 1× (0.02) 2
= 4
860. (c) Leceexkeâheue keâe leeheceeve– (0.25 ×10−3 )2
T = T0 − ( T0 − Ti ) e − t / τ
= −0.0444 × 10−6 F / m
T = 600 − ( 600 − 300 ) e −1/1
= −444 pF / cm
T = 489.63• C 923. (a) efveie&le Jeesušlee ( Vout ) = g × t × P
T ≃ 500 C Vout = 0.05 × 2.5 × 10 −3 × 1.6 ×106
861. (c) Leceexkeâheue kesâ efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej– = 200 V
E AC = E AB + E BC
924. (d) GlheVe Jeesušspe–
E AB = 165 µV With A is Positive
Vout = g × t × P
E CB = 100 µV = − E BC
= 12 × 10−3 × 2 × 10−3 × 0.5 × 106
E AC = (165 − 100 ) µV
= 12V
E AC = 65 µV With A is Positive efveie&le Tpee&
925. (b) efJeÅegle Tpee& =
V − V1 K
863. (b) mebJesoveMeerue = 2
T2 − T1 7.06 × 10−3
5 ×10−3 0.32
50 × 10−6 =
T2 − 20 = 22.0625 × 10−3 J

5 ×10−3 = 22.19 mJ
T2 − 20 =
50 × 10−6 984. (b) Mee@Heäš keâe ieefle –
T2 − 20 = 100 DeeGšhegš heumees keâe DeeJe=eflòe × 60
T2 = 120 0C jesšj hej štLe keâer mebKÙee
880. (c) LVDT keâe mebJesoveMeeruelee – 3000 × 60
(S) = N = 1500 rpm
S = 10.4 V / inch 995. (b) Span = The algebraic difference between
DeeGšhegš Jeesušspe = 10.4 × (−0.25) the upper and lower range values
= 20000C – 5000C = 15000C
= −2.6V
Dead Zone = 0.125 per cent of span
883. (a) The output voltage of LVDT for displacement = 0.125×1500 = 1.8750C
of 1mm. Thus a change of 1.8750C Must occur before it is
Vout = 2mV detected.
So sensitivity of LVDT 1070. (b)
Vout 2mV Hint –
S= = = 2mV / mm
Displacement 1mm
Sensitivity of entire set up
= Amplification factor × sensitivity of LVDT
= 500×2×10-3 = 1V/mm
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 712 YCT
JewÅegle SJeb Fueskeäš^e@efvekeäme DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâer meece«eer
(Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Material)
1. The characteristics of the material that allows (c) shortest distance between two conducting
it to be pulled out into a wire is called as _____. parts along the surface of the insulating
meece«eer keâer Ssmeer efJeMes<elee, pees Gmes KeeRÛeves kesâ yeeo leej material/Fbmeguesefšbie meece«eer keâer melen kesâ meceeveeblej oes
kesâ ™he ceW yeoue osleer nw, Gmes ......... keâne peelee nw~ Ûeeuekeâ YeeieeW kesâ ceOÙe vÙetvelece otjer
(a) Malleability/DeeIeeleJeOe&veerÙelee (d) shortest distance between two conducting
(b) Superconductivity/DeefleÛeeuekeâlee parts along a stretched string/leveg ngS leej kesâ
(c) ductility/ueÛeerueeheve meceeveeblej oes Ûeeuekeâ YeeieeW kesâ ceOÙe vÙetvelece otjer
(d) Solderability/[eKekeâece keâer #ecelee 6. What is Eureka?/Ùetjskeâe keäÙee nw?
2. Which of the following compounds is widely (a) It is an alloy of iron, chromium and
used in the manufacture of ferrites? aluminium/Ùen DeeÙejve, ›eâesefceÙece leLee SuÙetceerefveÙece
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Ùeewefiekeâ hesâjeFšdme kesâ keâer efceßeOeeleg nesleer nw
efvecee&Ce ceW JÙeehekeâ ™he mes GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw? (b) It is an alloy of nickel and copper
(a) MgO (b) FeO
(c) Fe2O3 (d) CuO
Ùen efveefkeâue Je leebyes keâer efceßeOeeleg nesleer nw
3. The resistance offered by one layer of fluid (c) It is an alloy of nickel, chromium and
over the adjacent layer is known as: aluminium/Ùen efveefkeâue, ›eâesefceÙece leLee SuÙetceerefveÙece
lejue keâer Skeâ hejle keâe DeemeVe hejle hej ueieeÙee ieÙee keâer efceßeOeeleg nesleer nw
ØeeflejesOe efvecve keânueelee nw: (d) It ia an alloy of nickel and chromium
(a) Viscosity/MÙeevelee Ùen efveefkeâue Je ›eâesefceÙece keâer efceßeOeeleg nesleer nw
(b) Compressibility/mebheer[Ÿelee 7. The materials having low retentivity are
(c) Density/IevelJe suitable for making
(d) Bulk modulus/ Leeskeâ ceeheebkeâ efvecve OeejCe #ecelee (efjšWefšefJešer) Jeeueer meeceef«eÙeeW kesâ
4. Hooke's law is obeyed by every material up efvecee&Ce kesâ efueS ................. GheÙeg&òeâ neslee nQ~
to____. (a) Temporary magnets/DemLeeF& Ûegbyekeâ
ØelÙeskeâ meece«eer Éeje ngkeâ kesâ efveÙece keâe efvecve lekeâ (b) Permanent magnets/mLeeF& Ûegbyekeâ
Devegheeueve efkeâÙee peelee nw: (c) Weak magnets/keâcepeesj Ûegbyekeâ
(a) yield point/Ùeeru[ hee@Fbš (d) None of these/Fvecebs mes keâesF& veneR
(b) fracture limit/øewâkeäÛej efueefceš 8. Reluctance offered by the magnetic circuit
(c) viscous limit/efJemkeâme efueefceš depends upon .............
(d) proportional limit /ØeheesMe&veue efueefceš ÛegbyekeâerÙe heefjheLe Éeje Øemlegle Øeefle°bYe efkeâme hej efveYe&j
5. Creepage distance is _______. keâjlee nw?
›eâerhespe ef[mšWme efvecve nw– (a) Nature of magnetic material
(a) distance between two poles ÛegbyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâer Øeke=âefle hej
oes KebYees kesâ ceOÙe keâer otjer (b) Length of magnetic flux path
(b) distance between ground and the highest ÛegbyekeâerÙe DeefYeJeen heo keâer uebyeeF& hej
earthed point on the equipment (c) Cross–sectional area of the material
Yetefce leLee efkeâmeer GhekeâjCe ceW DeLe& efkeâS ieS GÛÛelece heoeLe& kesâ DevegØemLe heefjÛÚso kesâ #es$eHeâue hej
efyebog kesâ ceOÙe keâer otjer (d) All options are correct/meYeer efJekeâuhe mener nQ~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 713 YCT
9. The tiny block formed by the arrangement of (a) Copper/keâe@hej
a small group of atoms is called the (b) Aluminium/SuÙetceerefveÙece
hejceeCegDeeW kesâ Skeâ Úesšs mecetn keâer JÙeJemLee kesâ Éeje (c) Steel reinforced copper/mšerue Øeyeefuele keâe@hej
Úesšs keâCe keâes yeveeÙee peelee nw, Ùen keânueelee nw (d) Steel reinforced aluminium
(a) unit cell/Ùetefveš mesue mšerue Øeyeefuele SuÙetceerefveÙece
(b) space lattice/mhesme uewefšme 16. The kinetic energy of a bounded electron is
(c) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b) Skeâ yeeGv[s[ Fueskeäš^e@ve keâer ieeflepe Tpee& nesleer nw
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) less than that of unbounded electron
10. The co-ordination number of a simple cubic DeveyeeGv[s[ Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer leguevee ceW keâce
structure is (b) greater than that of unbounded electron
Skeâ mejue Ieve mebjÛevee keâer mecevJeÙe mebKÙee nesleer nw DeveyeeGv[s[ Fueskeäš^eveeW keâer leguevee ceW DeefOekeâ
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) equal to that of unbounded electron
(c) 6 (d) 8 DeveyeeGv[s[ Fueskeäš^e@veeW kesâ yejeyej
11. The covalent bond is formed by (d) infinite/Devevle
menmebÙeespekeâ yevOe ............. kesâ Éeje yeveeÙee peelee nw~ 17. A highly conductive material must have
(a) transfer of electrons between atoms Skeâ DelÙeefOekeâ ÛeeuekeâerÙe heoeLe& nesvee ÛeeefnS
hejceeCegDeeW kesâ yeerÛe Fueskeäš^eveeW kesâ mLeeveeblejCe (a) highest conductivity/GÛÛelece Ûeeuekeâlee
(b) sharing of electrons between atoms (b) lowest temperature co-efficient
hejceeCegDeeW kesâ yeerÛe Fueskeäš^eveeW keâe meePee keâjves vÙetvelece leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ
(c) sharing of variable number of electrons by (c) easy solderable and drawable quality
a variable number of atoms Deemeeve meesu[jsyeue Deewj ØeoMe&veerÙe iegCeJeòee
hejceeCegDeeW keâer Skeâ Ûej mebKÙee Éeje Fueskeäš^eveeW keâer (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
heefjJele&veerÙe mebKÙee meePee keâjves 18. The conductivity of a conductor can be
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR increased by
12. A perfect conductor has Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâer Ûeeuekeâlee ............ kesâ Éeje yeÌ{eÙeer
Skeâ DeeoMe& Ûeeuekeâ ceW ............ neslee nw~ pee mekeâleer nw
(a) zero conductivity/MetvÙe Ûeeuekeâlee (a) decreasing its temperature
(b) unity conductivity/FkeâeF& Ûeeuekeâlee Fmekesâ leeheceeve ceW keâceer
(c) infinite conductivity/Devevle Ûeeuekeâlee (b) increasing its temperature
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Fmekesâ leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ
13. The metal having the lowest temperature co- (c) decreasing its vibration/Fmekesâ keâcheve ceW keâceer
efficient of resistance is (d) increasing its vibration/Fmekesâ keâcheve ceW Je=efæ
meyemes keâce ØeeflejesOe leehe iegCeebkeâ keâe Oeeleg .............. 19. The superconductivity is due to
neslee nw~ DeefleÛeeuekeâlee ............ kesâ keâejCe nesleer nw
(a) gold/ieesu[ (a) the crystal structure having no atomic
(b) copper/keâe@hej vibration at 0K/ef›eâmšue mebjÛevee 0K hej keâesF&
(c) aluminium/SuÙetceerefveÙece
hejceeCeg keâcheve veneR neslee nw
(b) all electrons interact in the superconducting
(d) kanthal/keQâLeeue state/meYeer Fueskeäš^e@ve meghej kebâ[eEkeäšie mšsš ceW
14. Commonly used conducting materials are Fvšsjwkeäš nesles nQ
Deeceleewj hej ØeÙeesie keâer peeves Jeeueer ÛeeuekeâerÙe heoeLe& (c) the electrons jump into nucleus at 0K
nesleer nw– Fueskeäš^e@ve 0K hej veeefYekeâ ceW Ûeues peeles nw
(a) copper/keâe@hej (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) aluminium/SuÙetceerefveÙece 20. The value of critical field below the transition
(c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW temperature will
(d) platinum and gold/huewefšvece Deewj ieesu[ meb›eâceCe leeheceeve kesâ veerÛes ›eâeefvlekeâ heâeru[ keâe ceeve ceW
15. Which of the following materials is preferred ............ nesieer~
for transmitting electrical energy over long (a) increase/Je=efæ
distance? (b) decrease/keâceer
uecyeer otjer hej efJeÅegle Tpee& š^ebmeefceš keâjves kesâ efueS (c) remain unchanged/DeheefjJee|lele
efvecve ceW mes efkeâme heoeLe& keâes ØeeLeefcekeâlee oer peeleer nw? (d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 714 YCT
21. In a superconductor the value of critical (a) Electromagnets /efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ
density depends upon (b) Permanent magnects/mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ
Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ ceW ›eâeefvlekeâ IevelJe keâe ceeve ........... (c) Weak magnets/keâcepeesj Ûegcyekeâ
hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw– (d) One pole magnets/Skeâ OeÇgJe Ûegcyekeâ
(a) magnetic field strength 28. Magnetic moment is the :/ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeeIetCe& nw–
ÛegcyekeâerÙe heâeru[ keâer meeceLÙe& (a) Pole strength/OeÇgJe Meefòeâ
(b) temperature/leeheceeve (b) Vector quantity/DeeJesie (meefoMe) heefjceeCe
(c) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b) (c) Scalar quantity/DeefoMe heefjceeCe
(d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (d) Universal constant/meeJe&ef$ekeâ efveÙeleebkeâ
29. Measurement of Hall coefficient in a
22. Superconductors are becoming popular for
semiconductor provides information on the–
use in
Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceWs ne@ue iegCeebkeâ (Hall coefficient) efkeâme
DeefleÛeeuekeâ .............. ceW GheÙeesie kesâ efueS Øeefmeæ nw ~
mecyevOe ceW peevekeâejer Øeoeve keâjlee nw–
(a) generating very strong magnetic field
(a) Sign and mass of charge carriers
yengle cepeyetle ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e GlheVe keâjves
DeeJesMe JeenkeâeW keâe efÛevn Deewj õJÙeceeve
(b) manufacture of bubble memories
(b) Mass and concentration of charge carriers
yeyeue cesceesjer kesâ efvecee&Ce õJÙeceeve Deewj DeeJesMe JeenkeâeW keâer meebõlee
(c) generating electrostatic field (c) Sign of charge carrier alone
Fueskeäš^esmšwefškeâ #es$e GlheVe keâjves kesâJeue DeeJesMe JeenkeâeW keâe efÛevn
(d) generating regions free from magnetic (d) Sign and concentration of charge carriers
field/ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e mes cegòeâ #es$e GlheVe keâjvee DeeJesMe JeenkeâeW keâe efÛevn Deewj meebõlee
23. What is thermal conductivity of silver 30. Which one of the following is the Fermi
material? function f (E)?
ÛeeBoer heoeLe& keâer leeheerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee efkeâleveer nesleer nw? efvecveefueefKele keâewve mee Skeâ heâceea heâueve f(E) nw?
(a) 429 W/mK (b) 385 k W/mK 1 1
(c) 225 k W/mK (d) 1.20 k W/mk (a) ( E − EF ) / ( kT )
(b) ( E − EF ) / ( kT )
24. Super conducting materials can be used for 1+ e 1− e
Deefle-Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& ØeÙeesie efkeâÙes pee mekeâles nQ 1 1
(c) ( E F − E ) / ( kT )
(d) ( EF − E ) / ( kT )
(a) ore refining./DeÙemkeâ DeefOeMeesOeve kesâ efueS 1+ e 1− e
(b) magnetic levitation in high speed trains. 31. The Fermi function for an electron is f (E)
where E is energy. Then, the Fermi function for
GÛÛe ieefle jsueeW ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe GlLeeheve kesâ efueS
a hole is
(c) medical resonance imaging.
Skeâ Fueskeäš^eBve kesâ efueS heâceea heâueve f(E) nw peneb E
efÛeefkeâlmeerÙe Devegveeo Øeefleefyecye kesâ efueS
Tpee& nw~ leye, Skeâ nesue kesâ efueS heâceea heâueve nQ-
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(a) f (E) (b) 1- f (E)
25. The thermocouple pair that gives the
(c) 1/f (E) (d) 1+ f (E)
maximum sensitivity around 273 k is
32. The Fermi energy EF of a metal is proportional
273 k kesâ ueieYeie leeheceeve hej keâewve mee leehe-JewÅegle
to (n is the number of free electrons per unit
Ùegice meyemes DeefOekeâ mebJesoveMeerue nw? volume of the metal) as
(a) Platinum–Constantan/huewefšvece–keâe@vmšsvšve Skeâ Oeeleg keâer heâceea Tpee& (EF) .......... kesâ (Oeeleg kesâ
(b) Nichrome–Constantan/vee@F›eâesce–keâe@vmšsvšve Skeâebkeâ DeeÙeleve ceW GheefmLele Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee n nw)
(c) Nickel–Constantan/efveefkeâue–keâe@vmšsvšve meceevegheeleer nesleer nw~
(d) Copper–Nickel/keâe@hej–efveefkeâue (a) n2 (b) n1/2
26. What is operating temperature of thoriated (c) n (d) n3/2
tungsten emitter? 33. Assuming the Fermi level EF to be independent
LeesefjSšs[ šbiemšve Sceeršj keâe Dee@hejsefšbie leeheceeve keäÙee of temperature, EF may be defined as the level
neslee nw? with an occupancy probability of
(a) 17000C (b) 23270C heâceea mlej EF keâe leeheceeve mes mJeleb$e ceeveles ngS, EF Fme
(c) 750 C (d) 32270C Øekeâej mes heefjYeeef<ele nw pewmes Skeâ DeefOeYeesie (Dee›eâceCe)
27. Magnets of low retentivity but high mebYeeJevee kesâ meeLe mlej-
permeabillity are called :/efvecve DeJejesOeve efkeâvleg (a) 0% (b) 50%
GÛÛe heejiecÙelee Jeeues Ûegcyekeâ keânueeles nw– (c) 75% (d) 100%

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 715 YCT

34. A semiconductor differs from a conductor in 38. With an increase in temperature, the Fermi
that it has-/Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ mes Demeceeve level in an intrinsic semiconductor
nw efpemeceW efkeâ Ùen nw- leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe, Skeâ Fefvš^efpekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
(a) only one path for the free- electrons in the ceW heâceea mlej–
valence band./mebÙeespeer yevOe ceW mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^eBve kesâ (a) moves closer to the conduction band edge
efueS kesâJeue Skeâ jemlee Ûeeueve yevOe efkeâveejs kesâ efvekeâš efKemekeâlee nw
(b) only one path for holes in the conductance (b) moves closer to the valence band edge
band/Ûeeueve yevOe ceW nesume kesâ efueS kesâJeue Skeâ jemlee mebÙeespeer yevOe efkeâveejs kesâ efvekeâš efKemekeâlee nw
(c) two paths followed by free electrons and (c) moves into the conduction band
holes, one an ordinary path in the conduction Ûeeueve yevOe keâer Deesj efKemekeâlee nw
band and the other one an extraordinary path (d) remains at the centre of the forbidden gap
in the valence band, respectively
Jeefpe&le-Devlejeue kesâ kesâvõ hej efmLej jnlee nw
mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^e@ve Deewj nesume Éeje oes jemles DevegmejCe
39. The Rutherford's atomic model based on
keâjles nw, ›eâceMe: Skeâ meeOeejCe jemlee Ûeeueve yevOe ceW experimental observations could not be
Deewj otmeje Skeâ DemeeOeejCe jemlee mebÙeespeer yevOe ceW accepted. This is because.
(d) two paths followed by free electrons and ØeÙeesieelcekeâ Øes#eCeeW kesâ DeeOeej hej jojHeâes[& kesâ hejceeCeg
holes, one an extraordinary path in the cee@[ue keâes mJeerkeâej vener efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ
conduction band and the other one an Ùen nw–
ordinary path in valence band, respectively.
(a) it does not take into account the quantization
oes jemles mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^eBve Deewj nesume Éeje DevegmejCe condition of angular momentum of an
efkeâÙes peeles nw, ›eâceMe: Skeâ DemeeOeejCe jemlee Ûeeueve electron./Ùen Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve kesâ keâesCeerÙe mebJesie keâer
yevOe ceW Deewj otmeje Skeâ DevÙe jemlee mebÙeespeer yevOe ceW, cee$ee keâer efmLeefle keâes OÙeeve ceW veneR jKelee nw
35. In an intrinsic semiconductor, the number of (b) It does not consider orbital motion of an
electrons is equal to the number of holes at electron
which temperature? Ùen Fueskeäš^e@ve keâer keâ#eerÙe ieefle hej efJeÛeej veneR keâjlee nw
Skeâ FefCš^efpekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW, efkeâme leeheceeve hej (c) It does not explain hydrogen spectrum
Fueskeäš^eveeW keâer mebKÙee nesume keâer mebKÙee mes yejeyej nw? Ùen neF[^espeve mheskeäš^ce keâer JÙeeKÙee vener keâjlee nw
(a) 0 K (d) Above statement is false/Ghejeskeäle keâLeve ieuele nw~
(b) 0°C 40. Total number of electrons that can be
(c) High temperature/GÛÛe leeheceeve accommodated in various electron states in a
valence band of a given solid is equal to-
(d) All temperatures/meYeer leeheceeveeW
Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer kegâue mebKÙee pees efJeefYeVe Fueskeäš^e@ve mšsš
36. An intrinsic semiconductor has equal number
of electrons and holes in it. This is due to
ceW Skeâ efoS ieS "esme kesâ mebÙeespeer Deblejeue ceW meceeÙeesefpele
Skeâ FefCš^befpekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ efpemeceW Fueskeäš^eveeW keâer efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw .......... kesâ yejeyej neslee nw~
mebKÙee nesume keâer mebKÙee kesâ yejeyej nw~ Ùen...........kesâ (a) Atomic number of the solid
"esme kesâ hejceeCeg mebKÙee
keâejCe nw~
(b) Half the number of atoms in the solid
(a) doping/[esefhebie "esme ceW hejceeCegDeeW keâer mebKÙee keâer DeeOeer
(b) free electrons/mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^evme (c) The number of atoms in the solid.
(c) thermal energy/T<ceerÙe Tpee& "esme ceW hejceeCegDeeW keâer mebKÙee
(d) valence electrons/mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@vme (d) Twice the number of atoms in the solid
37. Which one of the following statements is "esme ceW hejceeCegDeeW keâer mebKÙee keâe oesiegvee
correct? 41. Consider the following statements: Secondary
If the Fermi level lies midway between the (or molecular) bonds are-
conduction and valence bands, then the efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW, efÉleerÙekeâ (Ùee
semiconductor is- DeeefCJekeâ) yebOe nw–
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ keâLeve melÙe nw? 1. The attraction forces exist between atoms
Ùeefo heâceea mlej Ûeeueve Deewj mebÙeespeer yevOe kesâ ceOÙe ceW or molecules.
Deekeâ<e&Ce yeue hejceeCegDeeW Ùee DeCegDeeW kesâ yeerÛe
nes, leye Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ nw-
ceewpeto nesles nQ~
(a) intrinsic/FefCš^efvpekeâ (b) extrinsic/Fkeämeefš^efvpekeâ
2. Stronger than primary bonds.
(c) p-type/p- Øekeâej (d) n-type/n- Øekeâej ØeeLeefcekeâ yebOe mes DeefOekeâ cepeyetle nesles nQ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 716 YCT
3. Can be divided as electrostatic bonds. (b) A group of atoms which forms the cubic
Fueskeäš^esmšwefškeâ yebOe kesâ ™he ceW efJeYeeefpele efkeâÙee pee structure/hejceeCegDeeW keâe Skeâ mecetn pees Ieve mebjÛevee
mekeâlee nw~ keâe efvecee&Ce keâjlee nw
4. Weaker than primary bonds. (c) The smallest group of atoms which when
ØeeLeefcekeâ yebOe keâer leguevee ceW keâcepeesj regularly repeated forms the crystal of the
Which of the above statements is/are correct? given substance
Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve mee mener nw– hejceeCegDeeW keâe meyemes Úesše mecetn pees efveÙeefcele ™he mes
(a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 oesnjeÙes peeves hej efoÙes ieÙes ef›eâmšue keâes yeveelee nw~
(b) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) 1 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 4 48. Elements can reach a stable atomic structure
(d) 1,2,3 and 4/1,2,3 Deewj 4
42. Ionic bonding in solids depends primarily on
DeJeÙeJe........... kesâ Éeje Skeâ mLeeÙeer hejceeCeg mebjÛevee hej
"esmeeW ceW DeeÙeefvekeâ yebOe cegKÙe ®he mes .......... hej efveYe&j hengBÛe mekeâlee nw~
keâjlee nw~ (a) loosing electrons only/kesâJeue Fueskeäš^e@vme kesâ lÙeeie
(a) Transfer of electrons/Fueskeäš^e@vme kesâ mLeeveevlejCe (b) gaining electrons only/kesâJeue Fueskeäš^e@vme kesâ Øeeefhle
(b) Sharing of electrons/Fueskeäš^e@vme kesâ meePee (c) loosing or gaining or sharing electrons
(c) Electrical dipoles/efJeÅegleerÙe efÉOeÇgJe Fueskeäš^e@ve kesâ lÙeeie Ùee Øeeefhle Ùee meePee
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
43. The tiny block formed by the arrangement of a 49. According to classical free electron theory,
small group of atoms is called the electrons in a metal are subjected to-
hejceeCegDeeW kesâ Skeâ Úesšs mecetn keâer JÙeJemLee Éeje ieef"le Øeefleef‰le mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^e@ve efmeæevle kesâ Devegmeej Skeâ Oeeleg
nesves Jeeues yengle Úesšs yueekeâ keâes keâne peelee nw– ceW Fueskeäš^e@ve .........kesâ DeOeerve nesles nQ~
(a) Space lattice/mhesMe peeueer (a) Constant potential/efveÙele efJeYeJe
(b) Unit cell/Ùetefveš mesue (b) Sinusoidal potential/pÙeeJe›eâerÙe efJeYeJe
(c) Cubic cell/Ieveekeâej mesue (c) Square-wave potential/Jeie&-lejbie efJeYeJe
(d) Primitive cell/ØeeLeefcekeâ mesue
(d) non-periodic potential/iewj-DeeJeefOekeâ efJeYeJe
44. The corecive force of alnico is …………..
50. An electrically balanced atom has 30 protons in
Deefuvekeâes kesâ efueS efve«en yeue ........... nw~ its nucleus and 2 electrons in its outermost
(a) 44000A/m (b) 40A/m shell. The material made of such atoms is
(c) 4 A/m (d) 0.16 A/m
Skeâ efJeÅegleerÙe ™he mes meblegefuele hejceeCeg kesâ heeme veeefYekeâ
45. The electron-hole mobility ratio in Germanium
ceW 30 Øeesš^e@ve Deewj Fmekesâ yeenjer keâ#ee ceW 2 Fueskeäš^e@ve nQ~
pecexefveÙece cebs Fueskeäš^eve-nesue keâer ieefleMeeruelee keâe heoeLe& efkeâme hejceeCeg keâe yevee nw?
Devegheele nw : (a) A conductor /Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1.1 (b) An insulator/Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ
(c) (2.8) 1 (d) (1.2) 1 (c) A semiconductor/Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
46. Which of the following is a ferroelectric (d) A super conductor/Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ
material? 51. De Broglie wavelength associated with a
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee hewâjesFuesefkeäš^keâ cewšsefjÙeue material particle is
nw– [er-yeÇesieueer lejbieowOÙe& Skeâ heoeLe& keâCe kesâ meeLe
(a) Brass/heerleue mecyeefvOele neslee nw–
(b) Stainless steel/mšsveuesme mšerue (a) Inversely proportional to its energy
(c) Wrought iron/efhešJee ueesne Fmekesâ Tpee& mes JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
(d) Barium nitrate/yesefjÙece veeFš^sš (b) Directly proportional to its momentum
47. A unit cell is Fmekesâ mebJesie mes ØelÙe#e meceevegheeleer neslee nw
Skeâ Ùetefveš mesue nw (c) Directly proportional to its energy
(a) A unit cube containing the smallest number of Fmekesâ Tpee& kesâ ØelÙe#e meceevegheeleer neslee nw
atoms/hejceeCeg keâer meyemes Úesšer mebKÙee Jeeuee Skeâ (d) Inversely proportional to its momentum
Ùetefveš Ieve nw Fmekesâ mebJesie mes JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer neslee nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 717 YCT
52. The average drift velocity Vd of electrons is a 57. If the resistance of a conductor does not vary
metal is related to electric field E and collision in accordance with Ohm's law it is known as
time T as- Ùeefo Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe Deesÿe kesâ efveÙece kesâ
Skeâ Oeeleg ceW Fueskeäš^e@vme keâer Deewmele efJemejCe ieefle Vd nw Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le veneR neslee nw, lees Fmes peevee peelee nw
pees efJeÅegle #es$e E Deewj škeâjeJe keâe meceÙe T mes (a) non-linear conductor/DejwefKekeâ Ûeeuekeâ
mecyeefvOele nw– (b) reverse conductor/efjJeme& Ûeeuekeâ
Qe ET (c) bad-conductor/Kejeye Ûeeuekeâ
(a) Vd = (b) Vd = m e Qe T
me (d) non-conductor/DeÛeeuekeâ
m e Qe T Q ET 58. Spark plug makes use of which of the
(c) Vd = (d) Vd = e following materials for insulation?
2E 2m e
53. Consider the following characterizing
mheeke&â hueie FvmeguesMeve efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mes heoeLe& keâe
parameters of a material GheÙeesie keâjkesâ yeveeÙee peelee nw?
1. Magnetic permeability (a) Porcelain/Ûeerveer efcešdšer
2. Electron relaxation time (b) Slate/muesš
3. electron effective mass (c) Mica/DeYeükeâ
4. Energy band gap
(d) Glass/meermee
In case of metals, increase in one of the above
parameters decreases its conductivity, while 59. The forbidden gap in an insulator is
increase in another decreases the conductivity . Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ ceW Tpee& Devlejeue .............. neslee nw
These are respectively (a) large/yeÌ[e
Skeâ heoeLe& kesâ efvecve DeefYeue#eefCekeâ hewjeceeršj (ØeeÛeue) (b) small/Úesše
hej efJeÛeej keâjW – (c) nil/veneR kesâ yejeyej
1. ÛegcyekeâerÙe heejiecÙelee (d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
2. Fueskeäš^e@ve efJeßeece meceÙe 60. Which of the following factors affect
3. Fueskeäš^e@ve ØeYeeJeer õJÙeceeve resistivity of metals?
4. Tpee& yewC[ Devlejeue efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee hewâkeäšj OeelegDeeW keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee
OeelegDeeW keâer oMee ceW, Ghejesòeâ ØeeÛeueeW ceW mes Skeâ keâes keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjlee nw?
yeÌ{eves hej Fmekeâer Ûeeuekeâlee Iešleer nw, peyeefkeâ otmejer ceW (a) Age hardening/DeeÙeg ÂÌ{erkeâjCe
yeÌ{esòejer mes Yeer Ûeeuekeâlee Iešleer nw~ Ùes ›eâceMe: nw– (b) Alloying/efceße Oeeleg
(a) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3 (b) 3 and 2/3 Deewj 2 (c) Temperature/leeheceeve
(c) 4 and 3/j/4 Deewj 3 (d) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer
54. The unit of mobility is- 61. Effect of moisture on the insulating materials
ieefleMeeruelee keâer FkeâeF& nw– is to
(a) m2V-1s-1 (b) mV-1s-1 DeÛeeuekeâ heoeLe& hej veceer kesâ ØeYeeJe mes neslee nw–
(c) Vsm (d) Vms-1 (a) decrease dielectric constant
55. .............. has the best damping properties. hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ Iešleer nw
.......... keâe meyemes DeÛÚe [weEcheie iegCe neslee nw (b) decrease dielectric strength
(a) Diamond/nerje hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& Iešleer nw
(b) High speed steel/leer›e ieefle mšerue (c) decrease insulation resistance
(c) Mild steel/ceeFu[ mšerue efJeÅeglejesOeer ØeeflejesOe Iešleer nw
(d) Cast iron/{ueJee ueesne (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer
56. The photo-electric effect occurs only when 62. Surface resistance of an insulating material is
the incident light has more than a certain reduced due to the
critical Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& keâer melen ØeeflejesOe ............ kesâ
heâesšes Fuesefkeäš^keâ ØeYeeJe kesâJeue leye neslee nw, peye keâejCe keâce nesleer nw
Deeheeflele ØekeâeMe Skeâ efveefMÛele ef›eâefškeâue .............. (a) smoky and dirty atmosphere
mes DeefOekeâ neslee nw OegbOeuee Deewj ievoe JeeleeJejCe
(a) intensity/leer›elee (b) humidity in the atmosphere
(b) speed/ieefle JeeleeJejCe ceW Deeõ&lee
(c) frequency/DeeJe=efòe (c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(d) wave length/lejbie uecyeeF& (d) neither (a) nor (b)/ve (a) Deewj ve ner (b)
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 718 YCT
63. In conductors conduction of electricity takes (c) Holes may constitute an electric current
place due to movement of nesue Skeâ efJeÅegle Oeeje keâe efvecee&Ce keâj mekeâles nQ
ÛeeuekeâeW ceW efJeÅegle keâe mebÛeeueve ............ keâer ieefle kesâ (d) Holes can be considered as a net positive
keâejCe neslee nw~ charge/nesue keâes Megæ Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe kesâ ™he ceW
(a) electrons only/kesâJeue Fueskeäš^eveeW ceevee pee mekeâlee nw
(b) positive ions only/kesâJeue Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeveeW 69. ............ is an element used in semiconductors
(c) negative ions only/kesâJeue $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeÙeveeW whose atoms have three valence electrons.
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR Deæ& Ûeeuekeâ ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peeves Jeeuee lelJe Skeâ
64. The carbon percentage is least in ............. nw, efpemekeâs hejceeCeg ceW 3 mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@ve
............ ceW keâeye&ve ØeefleMele keâce mes keâce neslee nw nw–
(a) low carbon steel/efvecve keâeye&ve mšerue (a) An acceptor/Skeâ «eener
(b) wrought iron/efhešJee@ ueesne (b) a donor/Skeâ oelee
(c) cast iron/{ueJee@ ueesne (c) Germanium/pecexefveÙece
(d) malleable iron/vejce ueesne (d) Silicon/efmeefuekeâe@ve
65. For a particular material the Hall co-efficient 70. For germanium the forbidden energy gap is
was found to be zero. The material is pecexefveÙece kesâ efueS ØeefleyeefvOele Tpee& Devlejeue neslee nw
Skeâ efJeMes<e heoeLe& kesâ efueS ne@ue iegCeebkeâ MetvÙe heeÙee
(a) 0.15 eV/0.15 Fueskeäš^e@ve Jeesuš
ieÙee~ lees heoeLe& nw–
(b) 0.25 eV/0.25 Fueskeäš^e@ve Jeesuš
(a) insulator/efJeÅeglejesOekeâ
(c) 0.5 eV/0.5 Fueskeäš^e@ve Jeesuš
(b) metal/Oeeleg
(d) 0.7 eV/0.7 Fueskeäš^e@ve Jeesuš
(c) intrinsic semiconductor/efvepe Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
71. In an intrinsic semiconductor
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Skeâ efvepe Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW
66. The conductivity of an extrinsic
semiconductor ................ with temperature (a) there are no electrons in the material
Skeâ yee¢e Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ keâer Ûeeuekeâlee, leeheceeve kesâ heoeLe& ceW keâesF& Fueskeäš^e@ve veneR neslee nw
meeLe .......... (b) there are no holes in the material
(a) decreases/keâce nes peeleer nw heoeLe& ceW keâesF& nesue veneR neslee nw
(b) increases/yeÌ{ peeleer nw (c) the number of holes is too small
(c) remains constant/DeheefjJeefle&le jnleer nw
nesue keâer mebKÙee yengle keâce neslee nw
(d) Electron is neutralised by holes
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
67. The current due to electron flow in
Fueskeäš^e@ve nesume Éeje Goemeerve neslee nw
conduction band is ............... the hole current 72. A pure semiconductor, under ordinary
in valence band. conditions, behaves like
Ûeeueve yewC[ ceW Fueskeäš^e@ve ØeJeen kesâ keâejCe Oeeje Skeâ Megæ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ, meeceevÙe heefjefmLeefleÙeeW ceW
mebÙeespeer yewC[ ceW nesue Oeeje .......... nesleer nw~ ............ pewmes JÙeJenej keâjlee nw~
(a) equal to/kesâ yejeyej (a) a conductor/Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ
(b) less than/mes keâce (b) an insulator/Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ
(c) greater than/mes DeefOekeâ (c) a magnetic material/Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (d) a ferroelectric material/Skeâ hesâjesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe&
68. For a hole which of the following statements 73. Germanium possesses
is incorrect? pecexefveÙece kesâ heeme neslee nw
Skeâ nesue kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve DemelÙe
(a) two valence electrons/oes mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@ve
(b) three valence electrons/leerve mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@ve
(a) Holes can exist in certain semiconductors
only/nesue kesâJeue efveefMÛele Deæ&ÛeeuekeâeW ceW ceewpeto nes (c) four valence electrons/Ûeej mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@ve
mekeâlee nw (d) five valence electrons/heeBÛe mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@ve
(b) Holes can exist in any material including 74. In a semiconductor, the hole formed is a
conductors/Ûeeuekeâes meefnle efkeâmeer Yeer heoeLe& ceW efÚõ Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW, nesue (efÚõ) ............keâe. efvecee&Ce
(nesue) ceewpeto nes mekeâles nQ keâjlee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 719 YCT
(a) positive charge carrier/Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ (a) Independent of temperature/leeheceeve mes mJeleb$e
(b) negative charge carrier/$e+Ceelcekeâ DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ (b) Directly proportional to temperature
(c) either of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer leeheceeve mes meerOes meceevegheeleer
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) Inversely proportional to temperature
75. In ............ semiconductor, the Fermi level lies leeheceeve mes JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
midway between the conduction and valence (d) Inversely proportional to square of
bands. temperature/leeheceeve kesâ Jeie& mes JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
........... Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW heâceea mlej Ûeeueve Deewj mebÙeespeer 79. The conductivity of material 'A' is half that of
yewC[ kesâ ceOÙe ceW neslee nw material 'B'. The ratio of relaxation time of 'A'
to that of 'B' is
(a) intrinsic/efvepe
meece«eer 'A' keâer Ûeeuekeâlee meece«eer 'B' keâer DeeOeer nw~ A
(b) P-type/P-šeFhe
mes B kesâ efJeßeece meceÙe keâe Devegheele nw
(c) N-type/N-šeFhe
(a) 0.5 (b) 1
(d) both (b) and (c)/(b) Deewj (c) oesveeW (c) 2 (d) 4.1
76. The conductivity of semiconductors depends 80. When temperature of a conductor is
on which of the following factors? approaching zero Kelvin, the mean free path of
Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ keâer Ûeeuekeâlee efvecve ceW mes efkeâve iegCeebkeâes the free electrons in the conductor is
hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw? proportional to
(a) Number of current carriers present per unit peye Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe leeheceeve MetvÙe kesâefuJeve kesâ heeme
volume/Øeefle FkeâeF& DeeÙeleve ceW GheefmLele Oeeje hengbÛelee nw lees Ûeeuekeâ ceW mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^e@vme keâe ceeOÙe
JeenkeâeW keâer mebKÙee cegòeâ heLe .............. kesâ meceevegheeleer neslee nw~
(b) The mobility of the current carriers (a) T (b) T3
Oeeje JeenkeâeW keâer ieefleMeeruelee 1
1/ 3
(c) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (c)   (d) 3
T T
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 81. Ohm's law in point form in field theory can be
77. The following data are obtained by expressed as-
measurement on gold. Heâeru[ efmeÉevle kesâ efyevog ®he ceW Deesce kesâ efveÙece keâes
Density = 19.32 gm/cc ............ ™he ceW JÙeòeâ efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
Resistivity= 2.42 µ Ω –cm
Atomic weight = 197.2 (a) V=RI (b) J =
The mobility of electrons in gold is σ
meesvee hej ceeheve Éeje efvecveefueefKele DeekeâÌ[s Øeehle efkeâÙes (c) J = σ E
(d) r = σ
peeles nw~ A
82. The electrical conductivity of metals is typically
IevelJe = 19.32 gm/cc
of the order of (in ohm-1 m-1)
ØeeflejesOekeâlee =2.42 µΩ/cm OeelegDeeW keâer efJeÅegle Ûeeuekeâlee Deece leewj hej ............. kesâ
hejceeCeg Yeej =197.2 ›eâce (Deesce-1 ceeršj-1 ceW) keâer nesleer nw~
Oeeleg ceW Fueskeäš^e@ve keâer ieefleMeeruelee nw– (a) 107 (b) 10-4
(a) 4.39 × 10-3 m2/V-sec (c) 10 5
(d) 10-6
4.39 × 10-3 ceeršj2/Jeesuš-meskesâC[ 83. Specific resistance of a conductor depends
(b) 4.39 × 10-2 m2/V-sec. upon-
4.39 × 10-2 ceeršj2/Jeesuš-meskesâC[ Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâe efJeefMe° ØeeflejesOe .......... hej efveYe&j
(c) 4.39 m2/V-sec/4.39 ceeršj2/Jeesuš-meskesâC[ keâjlee nw~
(d) 4.39 × 103 m2/V-sec. (a) Dimensions of the conductor/Ûeeuekeâ keâer efJecee
4.39 × 103 ceeršj2/Jeesuš-meskesâC[. (b) Composition of conductor material
78. According to Wiedemann-Franz law the ratio Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& kesâ mebIeškeâ
of thermal conductivity to electrical (c) Resistance of the conductor/Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe
conductivity of a conductor is- (d) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
yes[sceeve øeâevpe efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ keâer 84. The resistivity of hard drawn copper at 20°C is
T<ceerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee keâe efJeÅegle Ûeeuekeâlee mes Devegheele 1.9×10-6 Ω cm. The resistivity of annealed
neslee nw– copper compared to hard drawn copper is
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 720 YCT
keâ"esj keâef<e&le leeceü keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee 20°C hej (a) metals/OeelegSB
1.9×10-6 Deesce mesceer nw~ Sveeru[ leeceü keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee (b) semiconductors/Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
keâ"esj keâef<e&le leeceü keâer leguevee cesW ............neslee nw~ (c) insulators/efJeÅeglejesOekeâ
(a) lesser/efvecve (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) slightly larger/LeesÌ[e pÙeeoe 89. The resistivity of a metal is a function of
(c) same/meceeve temperature because
Skeâ Oeeleg keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee leeheceeve keâe Skeâ Heâueve nw
(d) much larger/yengle pÙeeoe
85. What is the correct sequence of the following
materials in ascending order of their resistivity? (a) the electron density varies with temperature
1. Iron 2. Silver 3. Constantan Fueskeäš^e@ve IevelJe leeheceeve kesâ meeLe heefjJeefle&le neslee nw
4. Mica 5. Aluminium (b) the electron gas density varies with
Select the correct answer using the codes given temperature/Fueskeäš^e@ve iewme IevelJe leeheceeve kesâ meeLe
below heefjJeefle&le neslee nw
efvecveefueefKele heoeLe& keâe Deheves ØeeflejesOekeâlee kesâ Deejesner (c) the lattices vibration increases with
›eâce ceW mener Deveg›eâce keäÙee nw? temperature/peeueer keâcheVe leeheceeve kesâ meeLe yeÌ{leer nw
1. ueesne 2. ÛeeBoer 3. keâebmšsvšve (d) collision of electrons increases as temperature
increase/Fueskeäš^e@veeW kesâ škeâjeJe yeÌ{les nw pewmes-2
4. DeYeükeâ 5. SuÙetceerefveÙece
leeheceeve yeÌ{lee nQ
veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mener Gòej keâe ÛeÙeve 90. The conductivity of a metal is determined by
keâjs– Skeâ Oeeleg keâer Ûeeuekeâlee ............ kesâ Éeje efveOee&efjle keâer
(a) 2,5,1,3 and 4/2,5,1,3 Deewj 4 peeleer nw~
(b) 4,5,3,1 and 2/4,5,3,1 Deewj 2 (a) the number of valence electrons per atom
(c) 2,3,1,5 and 4/2,3,1,5 Deewj 4 Øeefle hejceeCeg hej mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee
(d) 4,5,1,3 and 2/4,5,1,3 Deewj 2 (b) the electron concentration and the mobility of
86. The correct sequence of increasing order of the free electrons./Fueskeäš^e@ve mebkesâvõCe Deewj mJeleb$e
electrical resistivity of the given materials is. Fueskeäš^e@ve keâer ieefleMeeruelee
efoÙes ieÙes heoeLe& kesâ efueS JewÅegle ØeeflejesOekeâlee kesâ yeÌ{les (c) both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
ngS ›eâce keâe mener Deveg›eâce nw? (d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) diamond, doped germanium, silicon, gold. 91. In metals, resistivity is composed of two parts:
[eÙeceC[,[esh[ pecexefveÙece, efmeefuekeâe@ve, ieesu[ one part is characteristic of the particular
substance. The other part is due to
(b) Gold, silicon, doped germanium, diamond
ieesu[, efmeefuekeâe@ve, [esh[ pecexefveÙece, [eÙeceC[ OeelegDees ceW ØeeflejesOekeâlee oes YeeieeW mes efceuekeâj yeveer nesleer
(c) Gold, doped germanium, silicon, diamond
nw~ Skeâ Yeeie efkeâmeer efJeMes<e heoeLe& keâer efJeMes<elee nesleer nw
ieesu[, [esh[ pecexefveÙece, efmeefuekeâe@ve, [eÙeceC[ DevÙe Yeeie ........... kesâ keâejCe nesleer nw~
(d) Gold, diamond, silicon, doped germanium (a) applied voltage/ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee
ieesu[, [eÙeceC[, efmeefuekeâe@ve, [esh[ pecexefveÙece (b) crystal imperfections/ef›eâmšue DehetCe&lee
87. Pure metals generally have- (c) applied magnetic field/ØeÙegòeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e
Megæ OeelegDeeW ceW meeceevÙele: nesleer nw– (d) supplied thermal energy/Deehetefle& G<ceerÙe Tpee&
(a) high conductivity and low temperature 92. The temperature coefficient of resistance of a
coefficient/GÛÛe Ûeeuekeâlee Deewj efvecve leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ wire is 0.0008° C. If the resistance of the wire is
8 ohm at 0°C, what is the resistance at 100°C?
(b) high conductivity and large temperature
Skeâ leej kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ 0.0008° C
coefficient/GÛÛe Ûeeuekeâlee Deewj GÛÛe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ
nw~ Ùeefo leej keâe ØeeflejesOe 0°C hej 8 Deesce nw, lees
(c) low conductivity and zero temperature
100°C hej ØeeflejesOe keäÙee nesiee nw?
coefficient/efvecve Ûeeuekeâlee Deewj MetvÙe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ
(d) low conductivity and high temperature (a) 8.64 Ohm/Deesce (b) 8.08 Ohm/Deesce
coefficient/efvecve Ûeeuekeâlee Deewj GÛÛe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ (c) 7.92 Ohm/Deesce (d) 7.20 Ohm/Deesce
88. The materials not having negative temperature 93. A copper conductor has a resistance of
coefficient of resistivity are 15.5 Ω at 0°C. What is the percentage
conductivity at 16°C (at nearest unit value)
heoeLe& pees $e+Ceelcekeâ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee
assuming the temperature coefficient of copper
vener jKeles nQ~ is 0.00428 per °C at 0°C?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 721 YCT
Skeâ leeceü Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe 0°C hej 15.5 Ω nw~ (c) is independent of temperature of cold junction
16°C hej ØeefleMele Ûeeuekeâlee (ueieYeie FkeâeF& ceeve hej) of the couple/"C[s meefvOe kesâ Ùegice kesâ leeheceeve hej
keäÙee nw, Ùen ceeveles ngS efkeâ leeceü keâe 0°C hej leeheceeve efveYe&j veneR keâjlee nw
iegCeebkeâ 0.00428 Øeefle ef[«eer mesCšer«esš nw~ (d) all of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
(a) 54% (b) 68% 99. Thermocouple is based on
(c) 94% (d) 98 leeheÙegice .......... hej DeeOeeefjle neslee
94. Two materials having temperature coefficients (a) Seebeck effect/meeryeskeâ ØeYeeJe
of 0.004 and 0.0004 respectively are joined in
(b) Thomson effect/Lee@cemeve ØeYeeJe
series. The overall temperature coefficient is
approximately (c) Joule's /petume
oes heoeLe& efpevekesâ leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ ›eâceMe: 0.004 Deewj (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
0.0004 nw ßesCeer ceW mebÙeesefpele nQ mechetCe& leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ 100. Which effect is the converse of Peltier effect?
ueieYeie nw– keâewve mee ØeYeeJe hesefušÙej ØeYeeJe keâe nw?
(a) 0.08 (b) 0.04 (a) Seebeck effect/meeryeskeâ ØeYeeJe
(c) 0.001 (d) 0.0001 (b) Thomson effect/Lee@cemeve ØeYeeJe
95. When a very small amount of higher
(c) Hall effect/ne@ue ØeYeeJe
conducting metal is added to a conductor, its
conductivity will (d) Joule effect/petue ØeYeeJe
peye GÛÛelece ÛeeuekeâerÙe Oeeleg keâer yengle efvecve cee$ee keâes 101. Super conductivity is a material property
Skeâ Ûeeuekeâ ceW efceueeÙee peelee nw lees Fmekeâer Ûeeuekeâlee associated with-
............ nesieer~ DeefleÛeeuekeâlee heoeLe& keâe Skeâ iegCe nw pees mecyeefvOele nw–
(a) increase/yeÌ{sieer (a) changing shape by stretching
(b) decrease/Iešsieer KeerÛee@Je kesâ Éeje Deekeâej heefjJele&ve
(c) remain the same/DeheefjJeefle&le jnsiee (b) stretching without breaking/efyevee lees[s KeerÛee@Je
(d) increase or decrease depending on the (c) a loss of thermal resistivity
impurity G<ceerÙe ØeeflejesOekeâlee keâer neefve
DeMegælee hej efveYe&j keâjles ngS yeÌ{sieer Ùee Iešsieer (d) a loss of electrical resistance
96. EMF of a thermocouple depends upon the efJeÅegle ØeeflejesOe keâer neefve
Leceexkeâheue keâe EMF efkeâme hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw– 102. Materials, whose resistivity at very low
(a) nature of material of metals temperature plunges from a finite value to zero
Oeeleg kesâ heoeLe& keâer Øeke=âefle hej and remains there upon further cooling, are
known as
(b) difference of temperature of two junctions
oes meefvOe kesâ leeheceeve kesâ Devlej hej heoeLe&, efpemekeâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee yengle efvecve leeheceeve hej
meerefcele ceeve mes MetvÙe lekeâ ØeJesMe keâjleer nw Deewj Fmekesâ
(c) both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
Thej Meerleueve yevee jnvee ............ kesâ ®he ceW peevee
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& vener
97. The temperature of hot junction of a
peelee nw~
thermocouple at which the thermo-emf is (a) ferromagnetic materials/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
maximum is known as (b) high energy hard magnetic materials
Skeâ leeheÙegice kesâ iece& meefvOe kesâ leeheceeve keâes efpeme hej GÛÛe Tpee& keâ"esj ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
Leceex efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue DeefOekeâlece nw peevee peelee nw– (c) superconductors/DeefleÛeeuekeâlee
(a) neutral temperature./leeheceeve kesâ Goemeerve kesâ ®he ceW (d) ferrimagnetic materials/HesâjerÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
(b) temperature of inversion 103. Which of the following properties is not correct
leeheceeve kesâ efJeueesceve kesâ ®he ceW for a superconductor in its superconducting
(c) neither (a) nor (b)/vee lees (a) ve ner (b) stage?
(d) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW Deheves DeefleÛeeuekeâlee keâer efmLeefle ceW Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ kesâ
98. Neutral temperature of a thermocouple efueÙes efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee iegCe mener vener nw?
Skeâ leeheÙegice keâe Goemeerve leeheceeve– (a) Its resistivity is zero
(a) is constant for a given thermocouple Fmekeâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee MetvÙe nesleer nw
Skeâ efoÙes ieÙes leeheÙegice kesâ efueS efveÙele neslee nw (b) Magnetic flux density inside the conductor is
(b) depends upon the nature of the metals of the zero/Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Deboj ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme IevelJe MetvÙe
couple/OeelegDeeW kesâ Øeke=âefòe kesâ Ùegice hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw nesleer nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 722 YCT
(c) Its relative permeability is unity 109. The ratio intensity of magnetisation to
Fmekeâer meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee FkeâeF& nesleer nw~ magnetising force is called.
(d) Its magnetic susceptibility is negative ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer leer›elee Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue kesâ
Fmekeâer ÛegcyekeâerÙe DevegkeâeÙe&lee $e+Ceelcekeâ nesleer nw~ Devegheele keâes keânles nQ~
104. Superconducting metal in superconducting (a) susceptibility/ØeJe=efòe (DevegkeâeÙe&lee)
state has relative permeability of (b) permeability/heejiecÙelee
DeefleÛeeuekeâerÙe DeJemLee ceW DeefleÛeeuekeâerÙe Oeeleg keâer (c) magnetic potential/ÛegcyekeâerÙe efJeYeJe
meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee ............. nesleer nw~ (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) more than one/Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ 110. ............. is that property of material which
(b) one/Skeâ opposes the production of magnetic flux in it
heoeLe& keâe Jen iegCe nw, pees GmeceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme kesâ
(c) zero/MetvÙe
Glheeove keâe efJejesOe keâjleer nw
(d) negative/$e+Ceelcekeâ
(a) Magnetic reluctance/ÛegcyekeâerÙe Øeefle<šcYe
105. The major use of ferroelectrics is in ..............
hesâjesFuesefkeäš^keäme keâe DeefOekeâ GheÙeesie .......... ceW neslee (b) Remanence/efjcesvme
nw (c) Retentivity/ OeejCe Meefkeäle
(d) Susceptibility/ØeJe=efòe (DevegkeâeÙe&lee)
(a) active transducers/meef›eâÙe š^ebme[dÙetmej
111. Curie temperature is the temperature above
(b) passive transducers/efveef<›eâÙe š^ebme[dÙetmej which a ferro-magnetic material becomes
(c) electro-mechanical transducers keäÙetjer leeheceeve Jen leeheceeve nw, efpemekesâ Thej Skeâ
Fueskeäš^es-cewkesâefvekeâue š^ebme[dÙetmej hesâjes-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ............. neslee nw~
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) paramagnetic/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe
106. The materials having permanent electric (b) diamagnetic/Øeefle–ÛegcyekeâerÙe
moment are called
(c) either of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
mLeeÙeer efJeÅegle DeeIetCe& Jeeues heoeLeeX keâes keâne peelee nw
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) antiferroelectric materials
112. For ferromagnetic materials the susceptibility
Sbšer hesâjesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe& ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ efueS ØeJe=efòe (DevegkeâeÙe&lee)
(b) dielectries hejeJewÅegle
(a) is constant/efmLej nesleer nw
(c) electrets/Fueskeäš^sšdme
(b) is not constant/efmLej veneR nesleer nw
(d) semiconducting materials/Deæ&–Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& (c) is zero/MetvÙe nesleer nw
107. Capacitors with very high dielectric constants
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
have been developed by treating BaTiO3 in
113. For which of the following materials the
BaTiO3 kesâ GheÛeej Éeje ............. ceW yengle GÛÛe
relative permeability is much greater than
hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâ Jeeues mebOeeefj$e efJekeâefmele efkeâÙes ieÙes unity?
nQ efvecve ceW mes efkeâve heoeLe& kesâ efueS meehes#e heejiecÙelee
(a) an oxidising atmosphere FkeâeF& mes yengle DeefOekeâ nesleer nw?
Skeâ Dee@keämeerkeâjCe JeeleeJejCe (a) Diamagnetic materials/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
(b) a reducing atmosphere/Skeâ Iešles JeeleeJejCe (b) Paramagnetic materials/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
(c) either of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (c) Ferromagnetic materials/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
108. The readiness of a material to accept 114. ................... materials have relative
magnetism is expressed by its permeability slightly less than unity
ÛegcyekeâlJe kesâ iegCe keâes «enCe keâjves keâes heoeLe& keâer ........... heoeLeeX keâer meehes#e heejiecÙelee FkeâeF& mes LeesÌ[e
............ keânles nw~ keâce nesleer nw~
(a) permeability/heejiecÙelee (a) Ferromagnetic/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe
(b) permittivity/efJeÅegleMeeruelee (b) Paramagnetic/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe
(c) either of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (c) Diamagnetic/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 723 YCT
115. The permeability of iron is around (c) Small eddy current loss within the range of
DeeÙejve keâer heejiecÙelee ueieYeie nesleer nw small magnetizing forces and over the wide
(a) 500 (b) 800 range of frequencies met in such
(c) 1200 (d) 2000 applications/Úesšs ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeueeW keâer jWpe kesâ
116. The spontaneous magnetisation is the most Devoj Deewj DeeJe=efòeÙeeW keâer ÛeewÌ[s efJemleej kesâ oewjeve
important characteristic of ............. materials. Úesšs YeJebj Oeeje neefve Ssmes DevegØeÙeesie ceW efceues
mJeeYeeefJekeâ ÛegcyekeâlJe .......... heoeLe& keâer meyemes (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
cenlJehetCe& efJeMes<elee nw 121. Which one of the following statements is
(a) ferro-magnetic/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe correct?
(b) paramagnetic/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve mener nw?
(c) diamagnetic/Øeefle-ÛegcyekeâerÙe Superconductors are popularly used for
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer DeefleÛeeuekeâ meeceevÙeleÙee .......... kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee
117. Practically all organic substances are peelee nw~
JÙeJeneefjkeâ ™he mes meYeer keâeye&efvekeâ heoeLe& ............. (a) Generating very strong magnetic field
neslee nw yengle Øeyeue ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e Glheeefole keâjves kesâ efueS
(a) ferromagnetic/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe (b) reducing i2R losses/ i2R neefveÙeeB Ieševes kesâ efueS
(b) paramagnetic/DeveÛegcyekeâerÙe (c) generating electrostatic field
(c) diamagnetic/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe efmLej efJeÅegle #es$e Glheeefole keâjves kesâ efueS
(d) generating regions free from magnetic field
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
118. In carbon steels, if the percentage of carbon is
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e mes mJeleb$e #es$e Glheeove kesâ efueS
increased, it has which of the following 122. A superconductor may be used for generating
effects? Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ .......... kesâ Glheeove kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie
keâeye&ve mšerume ceW, Ùeefo keâeye&ve keâe ØeefleMele yeÌ{lee nw, efkeâÙee peelee nw~
lees FmeceW efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee ØeYeeJe neslee nw (a) voltage/Jeesušlee
(a) Resistivity is increased (b) pressure/oeye
ØeeflejesOekeâlee ceW Je=efæ nesleer nw (c) temperature/leeheceeve
(b) Saturation temperature is lowered
(d) magnetic field/ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e
meble=hle leeheceeve keâce nes peelee nw
123. Superconductivity is observed for
(c) Permeability is decreased
DeefleÛeeuekeâlee ......... kesâ efueS Øesef#ele nw~
heejiecÙelee keâce nes peeleer nw
(a) D.C. and low frequency
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
efo° Oeeje Deewj efvecve DeeJe=efòe
119. Magnetically hard materials possess which of
the following characteristics? (b) A.C. and high frequency
ÛegcyekeâerÙe ™he mes keâ"esj heoeLe& ceW efvecve ceW mes keâewve- ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje Deewj GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe
mee DeefYeue#eCe nw? (c) infrared frequencies/DeJejòeâ DeeJe=efòeÙeeB
(a) High value of B.H. product (d) frequencies having no effect
B.H. Glheeove keâer GÛÛe ceeve DeeJe=efòe kesâ meeLe keâesF& ØeYeeJe veneR
(b) High retentivity/GÛÛe ØeefleOeeefjlee 124. Superconductivity is destroyed
(c) High co-ercivity/GÛÛe efve«eeefnlee DeefleÛeeuekeâlee ............ ve° nes peeleer nw~
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (a) at high temperature/GÛÛe leeheceeve hej
120. The ideal core material for small reactors and (b) at high magnetic field/GÛÛe ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e hej
transformers employed in communication (c) in presence of magnetic impurities
equipment should possess which of the ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeMegefæÙeeW keâer GheefmLeefle ceW
following characteristics? (d) in all the above cases
mebÛeej GhekeâjCeeW ceW efveÙeesefpele Úesšs efjSkeäšjeW Deewj Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer DeJemLeeDeeW ceW
š^ebmeheâece&jeW kesâ efueS DeeoMe& keâesj heoeLe& ceW efvecve ceW mes
125. It is possible to destroy the superconductivity
keâewve-meer efJeMes<eleeSB nesveer ÛeeefnS? of a material by applying
(a) Constant permeability/efmLejebkeâ heejiecÙelee .............. keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ Skeâ heoeLe& keâer
(b) Small hysteresis loss/Úesšs MewefLeuÙe neefve DeefleÛeeuekeâlee keâes ve° keâjvee mecYeJe nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 724 YCT
(a) A strong magnetic field/Skeâ cepeyetle ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e 130. Dielectric strength of a medium
(b) A temperature much below the transition Skeâ ceeOÙece keâer hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe&–
temperature/meb›eâceCe leeheceeve kesâ yengle veerÛes leeheceeve (a) Increase with the increase in temperature
(c) A strong electric field/Skeâ cepeyetle efJeÅegle #es$e leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw
(d) A pressure bellow that of the atmosphere (b) Decreases with the increase in thickness
JeeÙegceC[ue kesâ veerÛes keâe Skeâ oeye ceesšeF& ceW yeÌ{esòejer kesâ meeLe Iešlee nw~
126. What type of magnetic behaviour is observed (c) Increase with moisture content
in a type-1 superconductor? veceer cee$ee kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw
efkeâme Øekeâej keâe ÛegcyekeâerÙe JÙeJenej, šeFhe-1 Øekeâej kesâ (d) Is not affected by the moisture content
DeefleÛeeuekeâ ceW osKee peelee nw? veceer cee$ee kesâ Éeje ØeYeeefJele veneR neslee nw
(a) Perfect diamagnetism/hetCe& ØeefleÛegcyekeâlJe 131. At what condition of surrounding air, does
(b) Perfect paramagnetism/hetCe& DevegÛegcyekeâlJe electrochemical breakdown occur?
(c) Perfect ferromagnetism/hetCe& ueewnÛegcyekeâlJe JeeleeJejCeerÙe nJee keâer efmLeefle keäÙee nw, efpeme hej efJeÅegle
(d) Perfect ferrimagnetism/hetCe& HesâjerÛegcyekeâlJe DeheIešve Yebpeve Øeehle neslee nw?
127. The chief deterrent to the widespread (a) High temperature and high humidity
application of superconductivity materials is GÛÛe leeheceeve Deewj GÛÛe Deeõ&lee
DeefleÛeeuekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ yeÌ[s hewceeves hej DevegØeÙeesie keâe (b) High temperature and low humidity
cegKÙe efveJeejkeâ (yeÛeeJe) nw– GÛÛe leeheceeve Deewj efvecve Deeõ&lee
(a) Very difficult to form, machine or cast (c) Low temperature and high humidity
ceMeerve Ùee efve#eshe yeveevee yengle keâef"ve nw efvecve leeheceeve Deewj GÛÛe Deeõ&lee
(b) The difficulty in attaining and maintaining (d) Low temperature and low humidity
extremely low temperature/DelÙevle vÙetvelece efvecve leeheceeve Deewj efvecve Deeõ&lee
leeheceeve Øeehle keâjves Deewj yeveeS jKeves ceW keâef"veeF&
132. The dielectric strength of rubber is 40,000
(c) The poor strength - to - weight ratio V/mm at frequency of 50 Hz. What is the
Kejeye meeceLÙe& mes Yeej keâe Devegheele thickness of insulation required on an electrical
(d) The lower oxidation rate at elevated conductor at 33 kV to sustain the breakdown?
temperatures 50 nš&pe kesâ DeeJe=efòe hej jyej keâe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe&
GÛÛe leeheceeve hej vÙetvelece Dee@keämeerkeâjCe oj 40000 Jeesuš/efceceer nw~ 33 efkeâueesJeesuš hej Skeâ
128. A medium behaves like-dielectric when the efJeÅegleerÙe Ûeeueve kesâ efJeÅeglejesOeve kesâ ceesšeF& keâer
Skeâ ceeOÙece hejeJewÅegle keâer lejn JÙeJenej keâjlee nw peye– DeeJeMÙekeâlee keâes menves kesâ efueS JÙeJeOeeve keäÙee nw?
(a) Displacement current is just equal to the
(a) 0.83 mm/efceceer (b) 8.3 mm/efceceer
conduction current
efJemLeeheve Oeeje Ûeeueve Oeeje kesâ "erkeâ yejeyej nw (c) 8.3 cm/mesceer (d) 0.083 mm/efceceer
(b) Displacement current is less than the 133. In a solid or liquid dielectric with externally
conduction current applied electric field as the interatomic distance
efJemLeeheve Oeeje Ûeeueve Oeeje mes keâce nw~ increases the internal field Ei
(c) Displacement current is much greater than the JeenÙe: ØeÙegòeâ efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ meeLe Skeâ "esme Ùee õJe
conduction current. hejeJewÅegle ceW pewmes Devlej DeeCeefJekeâ otjer yeÌ{leer nw lees
efJemLeeheve Oeeje Ûeeueve Oeeje mes yengle DeefOekeâ nw~ Deevleefjkeâ #es$e Ei-
(d) Displacement current is almost negligible (a) Increase/yeÌ{lee
efJemLeeheve Oeeje ueieYeie veieCÙe nw~ (b) Decrease/Iešlee
129. Dielectric strength of a material depends on (c) Remains unaltered/DeheefjJeefle&le jnlee nw
Skeâ heoeLe& keâer hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& .......... hej efveYe&j (d) Increase or decreases based on temperature
keâjleer nw~ leeheceeve hej DeeOeeefjle yeÌ{lee Ùee Iešlee nw
(a) Temperature/leeheceeve 134. The relative dielectric constant of solid
(b) Thickness/ceesšeF& dielectrics in the alternating field is
(c) Moisture content/veceer cee$ee ØelÙeeJeleea #es$e ceW "esme hejeJewÅegle keâer meehes#e hejeJewÅegle
(d) All of these/FveceW mes meYeer efveÙeleebkeâ nw–
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 725 YCT
(a) Maximum at the power frequencies and (c) Proportional to temperature and inversely
decreases to unity at frequencies in the proportional to the square of the permanent
ultraviolet range/Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòe hej DeefOekeâlece Deewj dipole moment/leeheceeve kesâ meceevegheeleer Deewj mLeeÙeer
hejeyeQieveer hejeme ceW DeeJe=efòe hej FkeâeF&& lekeâ Iešleer nw~ OeÇgJe DeeIetCe& kesâ Jeie& kesâ meceevegheeleer
(b) Maximum at the power frequencies and (d) Inversely proportional to temperature as well
decrease to zero at frequencies in the as to the square of the dipole moment/leeheceeve
ultraviolet range/Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòeÙeeW hej DeefOekeâlece kesâ meeLe ner meeLe OeÇgJe DeeIetCe& kesâ Jeie& kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
Deewj hejeyeQieveer hejeme ceW DeeJe=efòe hej MetvÙe lekeâ Iešleer nw~ 137. The electronic polarisability of an inert gas
atom is proportional to which one of the
(c) Unity at the power frequencies and increases following?
to its maximum value at frequencies in the
Skeâ Deef›eâÙe iewme hejceeCeg keâer Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ OeÇgJeerÙelee
ultraviolet range
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmekesâ meceevegheeleer nesleer nw?
Meefòeâ DeeJe=efòeÙeeW hej FkeâeF& Deewj hejeyeQieveer hejeme DeeJe=efòe
(a) R (b) R2
hej Deheves DeefOekeâlece ceeve lekeâ yeÌ{leer nw (c) R3
(d) R4
(d) Independent of frequency variations 138. Which one of the following is the correct
DeeJe=efòe heefjJele&ve mes mJeleb$e statement? The orientational polarizability in a
135. Consider the following statements: polyatomic gas is proportional to
An insulating material shows polarization due efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ keâLeve melÙe nw? Skeâ
to charged atoms. Its polarizability yeng hejceeCeJeerÙe iewme ceW DeesefjSWšsMeve OeÇgJeerkeâjCe ...........
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjs kesâ meceevegheeleer neslee nw~
Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe&, DeeJesefMele hejceeCeg kesâ keâejCe (a) Temperature T/leeheceeve T
OeÇgJeCelee ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~ Fmekeâer OeÇgJeerÙelee– (b)
1. Decrease with applied electric field. T
ØeÙegòeâ efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ meeLe Iešlee nw~ (c) T2
(d) Independent of T/ T mes mJeleb$e
2. Remains independent of temperature at a →
given field. 139. On the application of the field E , the modified
efoÙes ieÙes #es$e hej leeheceeve mes mJeleb$e jnlee nw field due to polarization P in solids and liquids
having cubic symmetry is given by
3. Increase with applied electric field at

constant temperature. efJeÅegle #es$e E kesâ DevegØeÙeesie hej IeveerÙe meceefcele Jeeue
efveÙele leeheceeve hej ØeÙegòeâ efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ meeLe "esme Deewj õJeeW ceW OeÇgJeerkeâjCe P kesâ keâejCehe mebMeesefOele
yeÌ{lee nw #es$e ......... kesâ Éeje efoÙee peelee nw~
Which of the statements given above is/are → →
→ P → P
correct? (a) E + (b) E −
ε0 ε0
GheÙeg&òeâ efoÙes ieÙes keâLeve ceW mes keâewve mee melÙe nw?
→ →
(a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 → P → P
(c) E + (d) E −
(b) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2 3ε0 3ε 0
(c) 3 only/kesâJeue 3 140. The polarization in a solid dielectric is related

(d) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 to the electric field E and the electric flux

136. Orientational polarization is D according to which one of the following
OeÇgJeerkeâjCe DeefYeefJevÙeeme neslee nw– equations?
(a) Inversely proportional to temperature and efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme meceerkeâjCe kesâ Devegmeej, Skeâ
proportional to the square of the permanent →
dipole moment/leeheceeve kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer Deewj
"esme hejeJewÅegle ceW OeÇgJeCelee efJeÅegle #es$e E Deewj efJeÅegle

mLeeÙeer OeÇgJe DeeIet&Ce kesâ Jeie& kesâ meceevegheeleer Heäuekeäme D mes mecyeefvOele nw?

(b) Proportional to temperature as well as to the → → → → →
square of the permanent dipole moment (a) E = ε 0 D+ P (b) D = ε 0  E + P 
 
leeheceeve kesâ meeLe ner meeLe mLeeÙeer OeÇgJe DeeIetCe& kesâ Jeie& kesâ → → → → → →
meceevegheeleer (c) D = ε 0 E + P (d) E = D + ε 0 P

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 726 YCT

141. For a given dielectric, with increase in 147. When a dielectric is subjected to an alternating
temperature the ionic polarizability electric field of angular frequency 'ω', its
Skeâ efoÙes ieÙes hejeJewÅegle kesâ efueS, leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ power loss is proportional to
meeLe DeeÙeefvekeâ OeÇgJeerÙelee– peye Skeâ hejeJewÅegle Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ
(a) Increase/yeÌ{leer nw keâesCeerÙe DeeJe=efòe 'ω' kesâ DeOeerve nw, Fmekeâer Meefòeâ neefve
(b) decrease/Iešleer nw ........... kesâ meceevegheeleer nw~
(c) Remains same/DeheefjJeefle&le jnleer nw (a) ω (b) ω2
(d) Fluctuates/Iešleer-yeÌ{leer 1 1
(c) (d) 2
142. At optical frequencies, the major contribution ω ω
to the total polarization comes from 148. Consider the following statements: Factors
ØekeâeMeerÙe DeeJe=efòe hej, kegâue OeÇgJeCelee kesâ efueS ØecegKe affecting the dielectric loss are
Ùeesieoeve ........... mes Deelee nw~ efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW~ Ieškeâ pees
(a) Space charge polarization/Jee¢e DeeJesMe OeÇgJeCelee hejeJewÅegle neefve keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjles nQ–
(b) Orientational polarization/DeefYeefJevÙeeme OeÇgJeCelee 1. directly proportional to the frequency of
(c) Ionic polarization/DeeÙeefvekeâ OeÇgJeCelee supply voltage.
(d) Electronic polarization/Fueskeäš^eefvekeâ OeÇgJeCelee Deehetefle& Jeesušlee keâer DeeJe=efòe kesâ meerOes meceevegheeleer
143. The dielectric susceptibility determines the 2. inversely proportional to the supply
value of frequency
hejeJewÅegle mebJesoveMeeruelee ........... kesâ ceeve keâes efveOee&efjle Deehetefle& DeeJe=efòe kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
keâjlee nw~ 3. inversely proportional to the square of the
(a) Dielectric strength/hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& supply voltage.
(b) Dielectric permittivity/hejeJewÅegle efJeÅegleMeeruelee Deehetefle& Jeesušlee kesâ Jeie& kesâ JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
(c) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesvees 4. directly proportional to the square of the
(d) None of above/GheÙeg&òeâ ces mes keâesF& vener supply voltage.
144. The dielectric losses occur in all solid and Deehetefle& Jeesušlee kesâ Jeie& kesâ meceevegheeleer
liquid dielectric due to Which of the above statements are correct?
meYeer "esme Deewj õJe hejeJewÅegle ceW hejeJewÅegle neefve ........ GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
kesâ keâejCe neslee nw~ (a) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
(a) Hysteresis/MewefLeuÙe (b) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
(b) Conduction current/Ûeeueve Oeeje (c) 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 4
(c) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (d) 1 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 4
(d) None of these/FveceWb mes keâesF& veneR 149. The losses in a dielectric subjected to an
145. In the case of a dielectric subjected to an alternating electric field are determined by-
alternating electric field of frequency f, the Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ Devle&iele Skeâ hejeJewÅegle ceW
dielectric loss is proportional to which one of neefve ............ kesâ Éeje %eele keâer peeleer nw~
the following?
(a) Real part of the complete dielectric constant
Skeâ ØelÙeeJeleea efJeÅegle #es$e keâer DeeJe=efòe f kesâ DeOeerve,
hejeJewÅegle kesâ ceeceues ceW hejeJewÅegle neefve efvecveefueefKele ceW meefcceße hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ kesâ JeemleefJekeâ Yeeie
(b) Imaginary part of the complex dielectric
efkeâmekesâ meceevegheeleer nw? constant
(a) f (b) f
meefcceße hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ kesâ keâeuheefvekeâ Yeeie
1 1
(c) (d) 2 (c) absolute value of the complex dielectric
f f constant/meefcceße hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ kesâ efvejhes#e ceeve
146. With the increase in applied frequency, the (d) Ratio of the magnitudes of the real and
dielectric loss in a material will imaginary parts of the complex dielectric
ØeÙegòeâ DeeJe=efòe ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe, Skeâ heoeLe& ceW constant./meefcceße hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ kesâ JeemleefJekeâ
hejeJewÅegle neefve nesieer– Yeeie Deewj keâeuheefvekeâ Yeeie kesâ heefjceeCe keâe Devegheele
(a) increase/Je=efæ 150. The imaginary part of dielectric constant
(b) decrease/keâceer determines
(c) remain constant/DeheefjJeefle&le hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ keâe keâeuheefvekeâ Yeeie ............ keâes
(d) become zero/MetvÙe %eele keâjlee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 727 YCT
(a) Component of current which Is in phase with 155. At a measuring frequency of 1012 Hz the
the applied field. dielectric constant of a material will be due to
Oeeje kesâ DeJeÙeJe pees ØeÙegòeâ #es$e kesâ meeLe Heâspe ceW nw Skeâ ceeefhele DeeJe=efòe kesâ 1012 nš&pe hej Skeâ heoeLe& keâer
(b) Component of energy absorbed per m3 hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ ........... kesâ keâejCe nesieer~
Øeefleceeršj3 keâer Tpee& keâer DeJeMeesef<ele Yeeie
(a) Electronic polarization/Fueskeäš^eefvekeâ OeÇgJeerkeâjCe
(c) Amount of applied field/ØeÙegòeâ #es$e keâer cee$ee
(d) Component of voltage which is in phase with (b) Ionic polarization/DeeÙeefvekeâ OeÇgJeerkeâjCe
the applied field. (c) Electronic, ionic and oriental polarization
Jeesušlee kesâ DeJeÙeJe pees ØeÙegòeâ #es$e kesâ meeLe keâuee ceW nw Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ, DeeÙeefvekeâ Deewj hetJeeaÙe OeÇgJeerkeâjCe
151. A dielectric material has the real part of the (d) Electronic and ionic polarisation
dielectric constant ( ε′r ) as 4 and its loss tangent Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ Deewj DeeÙeefvekeâ OeÇgJeerkeâjCe
is 0.004. What is the complex dielectric
156. Ferroelectric materials are characterized by
constant ( ε r*) represented by?
ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ........... kesâ Éeje DeefYeue#eefCele
Skeâ hejeJewÅegle heoeLe& kesâ JeemleefJekeâ Yeeie keâe hejeJewÅegle
efveÙeleebkeâ ( ε′r ) 4 Deewj Fmekeâer mheMeea neefve 0.004 nw~ nw~
meefcceße hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ ( ε r*) .......... kesâ Éeje (a) Very high degree of polarization
efve®efhele keäÙee nw? OeÇgJeerkeâjCe keâer yengle GÛÛe cee$ee
(a) 4 + j 0.016 (b) 4 – j 0.016 (b) A sharp dependence of polarization on
(c) 4 + j 0.001 (d) 4 – j 0.001 temperature/leeheceeve hej OeÇgJeerkeâjCe keâer leer›e efveYe&jlee
152. The complex permeability and resulting wave (c) Nonlinear dependence of the charge on the
losses are due to applied voltage
meefcceße ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee Deewj heefjCeeceer lejbie neefve ......... ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee hej DeeJesMe kesâ DejwefKekeâ efveYe&jlee
kesâ keâejCe nesleer nw~
(d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
(a) Free electrons or ion oscillation and dipole
relaxation./mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^e@vme Ùee DeeÙeve oesueve Deewj 157. When does BaTiO3 lose its ferroelectric
efÉOeÇgJeerÙe efJeßeece properties?
(b) Free electrons oscillation and relaxation of BaTiO3 Deheveer ueewn efJeÅegleerÙe iegCe keâye Kees osleer nw?
free space charge/mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^e@vme oesueve Deewj (a) Above 0 K/0 K kesâThej
mJelev$e Jee¢e DeeJesMe keâe efJeßeece (b) Above is Curie point/keäÙetjer efyevot kesâ Thej
(c) Bound electrons oscillation and relaxation of
(c) Above room temperature/®ce leeheceeve kesâ Thej
free space charge/meerefcele Fueskeäš^evme oesueve Deewj
mJeleb$e yee¢e DeeJesMe keâe efJeßeece (d) Above its melting point/ieueveebkeâ efyevog kesâ Thej
(d) Bound electrons or ion oscillation and dipole 158. What are the materials which exhibit electric
relaxation./meerefcele Fueskeäš^e@vme Ùee DeeÙeve oesueve Deewj polarization even in the absence of an applied
efoOeÇgJeerÙe efJeßeece electric field called?
153. When the time period of the applied voltage is Jen meece«eer pees Skeâ ØeÙegòeâ efJeÅegle #es$e keâer DevegheefmLeefle
much shorter than the relaxation time of a kesâ yeeJepeto Yeer efJeÅegle OeÇgJeerkeâjCe keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjleer nw
polarization process, the loss of angles δ is
Gmes keâne peelee nw–
Skeâ OÇegJeerkeâjCe Øe›eâce kesâ efJeßeece meceÙe mes, peye ØeÙegòeâ
Jeesušlee keâe DeeJele&keâeue yengle keâce nes lees neefve keâesCe (a) Ferromagnetic/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe
δ nw- (b) Paramagnetic/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe
(a) Zero/MetvÙe (c) Ferroelectric/HesâjesFuesefkeäš^keâ
(b) Between 0 and 90°/0° Deewj 90° kesâ ceOÙe (d) Antiferroelectric/SbšerHesâjesFuesefkeäš^keâ
(c) 90° 159. The property characteristic of ferroelectric
(d) greater than 90°/ 90° mes DeefOekeâ materials is-
154. The dissipation factor of good dielectric is of HesâjesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe& keâer DeefYeuee#eefCekeâ iegCe nw–
the order of
(a) Dielectric relaxation/hejeJewÅegle efJeßeece
DeÛÚs hejeJewÅegle kesâ DeheJÙeÙe Ieškeâ ............ kesâ ›eâce keâe
neslee nQ~ (b) Dielectric breakdown/hejeJewÅegle Yebpeve
(a) 0.0002 (b) 0.002 (c) Spontaneous polarization/mJeeYeeefJekeâ
(c) 0.02 (d) 0.1 (d) Spontaneous magnetization/mJeeYeeefJekeâ Ûegcyekeâve

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 728 YCT

160. Ferroelectric materials have a 165. Consider the following statements:
HesâjesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe& ceW neslee nw– efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW~
(a) High dielectric constant which varies There will be no spontaneous polarization, if
nonlinearly/DejwefKekeâerÙe ™he mes yeouelee ngDee GÛÛe keâesF& mJeYeeefJekeâ OeÇgJeerkeâjCe veneR nesiee, Ùeefo
hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ 1. There is no hysteresis loop in a plot of
(b) Low dielectric constant and is non-linear polarization against field.
DejwefKekeâerÙe ™he mes yeouelee ngDee efvecve hejeJewÅegle Heâeru[ kesâ efJehejerle OeÇgJeerkeâjCe kesâ Skeâ YetKeC[ ceW
efveÙeleebkeâ keâesF& MewefLeuÙe uethe veneR nw~
(c) High dielectric constant which varies linearly 2. There is a hysteresis loop in a plot of
jwefKekeâerÙe ™he mes yeouelee ngDee GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ polarization against field./Heâeru[ kesâ efJehejerle
(d) Low dielectric constant but linear OegÇJeerkeâjCe kesâ YetKeC[ ceW MewefLeuÙe uethe neslee nw~
efvecve hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ uesefkeâve jsefKeÙe
3. They material is, below the Curie
161. A ferroelectric material contains small regions temperature
which are polarized in different directions even
in the _____ of an electric field. peye heoeLe&, keäÙetjerleehe mes veerÛes neslee nw~
Skeâ HesâjesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe& ceW Úesšs #es$e nesles nw, pees 4. The material is, above the Curie
efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ .......... ceW Yeer Deueie-Deueie efoMeeDeeW ceW temperature.
OeÇgJeerke=âle nesles nQ~ peye heoeLe&, keäÙetjerleehe mes Thej neslee nw~
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) Presence/GheefmLeefle
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
(b) Absence/DevegheefmLeefle
(c) Either of the above/oesveeW ceW mes keâesF& (a) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3 (b) 1 and 4/1 Deewj 4
(d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR (c) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3 (d) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4
162. The____ polarization vanishes at Curie 166. Which of the following statements are true of
temperature of the material. piezoelectric crystals?
heoeLe& kesâ keäÙetjer leeheceeve hej .......... OeÇgJeerkeâjCe ve° nes ef vecve ceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve, heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ ef›eâmšue mes
peelee nw– mecyeefvOele melÙe nw?
(a) Dipolar/efÉOeÇgJeerÙe 1. Their crystal structure possesses a centre
(b) Spontaneous/mJeYeeefJekeâ of symmetry
(c) Ionic/DeeÙeefvekeâ
Fmekeâer ef›eâmšue mebjÛevee mece™helee keâe kesâvõ nw~
2. They always exhibit ferroelectricity.
(d) Polar/OeÇgJeerÙe
163. The ferroelectric materials, above the Curie
Ùen ncesMee ueewn efJeÅegleerÙe keâes Øeoe|Mele keâjlee nw~
temperature, loss ferroelectric properties and 3. The exhibit a relative permittivity less than
become ordinary_______ materials. unity./Fmekeâer Deehesef#ekeâ efJeÅegleMeeruelee 1 mes keâce
keäÙetjer leehe mes Thej HesâjesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe&, Deheveer Øeoe|Mele keâjleer nw~
HesâjesFuesefkeäš^keâ iegCe keâes Keeskeâj meeOeejCe ......... heoeLe& 4. Converts thermal energy to electrical
yeve peelee nw~ energy./leeheerÙe Tpee& keâes efJeÅegle Tpee& ceW
(a) insulating /efJeÅeglejesOeer heefjJee|lele keâjlee nw~
(b) dielectric/hejeJewÅegle Select correct answer using the code given
(c) ferromagnetic/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe below./veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ mener
(d) super conducting/DeefleÛeeuekeâ Gòej keâes ÛegefveÙes~
164. Which of the following exhibit hysteresis? Codes:keâes[
efvecve ceW mes keâewve MewefLeuÙe keâe ØeoMe&ve keâjlee nw? (a) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2 Deewj 4
(a) Ferromagnetic materials only (b) 2, 3 and 4/2, 3 Deewj 4
kesâJeue ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& (c) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3
(b) Ferroelectric materials only
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
kesâJeue ueewnefJeÅegle heoeLe&
167. Piezoelectricity has been observed in
(c) Ferrielectric materials only
oeye efJeÅegeflekeâer ............ ceW osKee ieÙee nw~
kesâJeue HesâjerefJeÅegle heoeLe&
(d) Both ferromagnetic and ferroelectric (a) Nickel/efveefkeâue (b) Glass/iueeme
materials/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe Deewj ueewnefJeÅegle heoeLe& oesveeW (c) Quartz/keäJeeš&dpe (d) Mica/DeYeükeâ

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 729 YCT

168. Piezoelectric effect is generally observed in 2. keäJeešd&pe, jesMesue meeuš, štcexueeFve
oeye efJeÅegle ØeYeeJe meeceevÙele: .................... ceW osKee 3. Jeesušlee mLeeÙeerkeâejer (mšsyeueeFpej) ceW ØeÙeesie
peelee nw~ 4. efJeÅegleerÙe efJe®heCe JÙegl›eâce ØeYeeJe ØeoefMe&le keâjves
(a) Insulators/efJeÅeglejesOekeâ FveceW keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
(b) Insulators and semiconductors (a) 1, 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1,2 Deewj 4
efJeÅeglejesOekeâ Deewj Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ (b) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(c) Conductors and superconductors
(c) 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 4
Ûeeuekeâ Deewj DeefleÛeeuekeâ
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1, 2, 3 Deewj 4
(d) Conductors and semiconductors
171. Which of the following is piezoelectric
Ûeeuekeâ Deewj Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ material?
169. Consider the following statements: efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee oeyeefJeÅegle heoeLe& nw?
Piezoelectric materials serve as:
(a) Quartz/keäJeešd&pe
1. A source of ultrasonic waves
2. When electric field is applied, the (b) Silica sand/efmeefuekeâe jsle
mechanical dimension of substances are (c) Corundum/keâesjC[ce
not at all altered. (d) Polystyrene/hee@efuemšeFjerve
3. Converts electrical energy to mechanical 172. In a piezoelectric crystal oscillator, the
energy and vice versa. oscillation or turning frequency is linearly
4. Converts thermal energy to electrical proportional to the
Skeâ oeye ef›eâmšue oesuekeâ ceW, oesueve Ùee IegceeJe DeeJe=efòe
Which of these statements is/are correct?
jwefKekeâle: ........... kesâ meceevegheeleer nesleer nw~
efvecve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW–
(a) Mass of the crystal/ef›eâmšue kesâ õJÙeceeve
heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe& efkeâme ®he ceW mesJee keâjlee nw–
(b) Square root of the mass of the crystal
1. Deuš^emeesefvekeâ lejbieeW keâe Skeâ œeesle~
ef›eâmšue kesâ õJÙeceeve kesâ Jeie&cetue
2. peye efJeÅegle #es$e ueeiet efkeâÙee peelee nw, lees heoeLeeX
(c) Square of the mass of the crystal
kesâ Ùeebef$ekeâ DeeÙeece ceW keâesF& yeoueeJe veneR neslee nw~ ef›eâmšue kesâ õJÙeceeve kesâ Jeie&
3. efJeÅegle Tpee& mes Ùeebef$ekeâ Tpee& ceW heefjJele&ve Deewj (d) Inverse of the square root of the mass of the
Fmekeâe efJehejerle Yeer crystal./ef›eâmšue kesâ õJÙeceeve kesâ Jeie&cetue kesâ JÙegl›eâce
4. G<ceerÙe Tpee& mes efJeÅegle Tpee& ceW heefjJele&ve 173. Piezoelectricity is the reverse effect of-
FveceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw? oeyeefJeÅegeflekeâer ............ keâe JÙegl›eâce ØeYeeJe nw~
(a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 (a) Electroluminescence/efJeÅeglemeboerefhle
(b) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 (b) Electrostriction/efJeÅegleerÙe efJe™heCe
(c) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 (c) Peltier effect/hesefušÙej ØeYeeJe
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1,2,3 Deewj 4 (d) Hall effect/neue-ØeYeeJe
170. Consider the following statements: 174. Quartz and BaTiO3 exhibit which of the
Piezoelectric materials following properties?
1. Crystal can be shown as electrical keäJeeš&dpe Deewj BaTiO3 efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee iegCe
equivalent circuit similar to an inductor ØeoefMe&le keâjles nw?
and a capacitor (tank circuit). (a) Magnetostriction/ÛegcyekeâerÙe efJe®heCe
2. Quartz, Rochellel salt, tourmaline.
(b) Ferromagnetism/ueewnÛegcyekeâlJe
3. Used in voltage stabilizers.
4. Exhibits the reverse effect electrostriction. (c) Piezoelectricity/oeye efJeÅegeflekeâer
Which of these statements are correct? (d) Ferroelectricity/ueewnJewÅeglekeâerÙe
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW– 175. Which of the following are piezoelectric
heerpeesFuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe& substances?
1. Barium Titanate
1. Skeâ Øesjkeâ Deewj Skeâ mebOeeefj$e (šQkeâ heefjheLe) kesâ
2. Lead Titanate
meceeve ef›eâmšue efJeÅegle meceleguÙe heefjheLe keâer lejn 3. Lead Zirconate
ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ 4. Cadmium Sulphate
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 730 YCT
efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee oeye efJeÅegle heoeLe& nw? 179. The undesirable property of an electrical
1. yesefjÙece šeFšsvesš insulating material is
Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& kesâ DeJeebÚveerÙe iegCe nw–
2. ues[ šeFšsvesš
(a) High dielectric strength/GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe&
3. ues[ efpekeâexvesš
(b) High relative permittivity
4. kewâ[efceÙece meuHesâš GÛÛe meehesef#ekeâ heejiecÙelee (efJeÅegleMeeruelee)
(a) 1, 2 and 4/1, 2 Deewj 4 (c) High thermal conductivity/GÛÛe G<ceerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee
(b) 1, 3 and 4/1, 3 Deewj 4 (d) High insulation resistivity
(c) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 GÛÛe efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOekeâlee
(d) 2, 3 and 4/2, 3 Deewj 4 180. Consider the following properties of insulators:
176. The following material is not used for making a 1. Insulation resistance
piezoelectric transducer 2. Dielectric breakdown strength
Skeâ oeyeefJeÅegle š^ebme[Ÿetmej yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecve efkeâme 3. Dielectric losses
heoeLe& keâe ØeÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw? 4. Permittivity
Some of these properties are for dc use and
(a) Rochelle salt/jesMesue meeuš
some are for ac use. The correct combination
(b) Barium titanate/yesefjÙece šeFšsvesš is.
(c) Chlorium sulphide/keäueesefjÙece meuHeâeF[ efJeÅeglejesOekeâes kesâ efvecveefueefKele iegCeeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW–
(d) Quartz/keäJee&šdpe 1. efJeÅeglejesOekeâ ØeeflejesOe
177. Consider the following: Application of low 2. hejeJewÅegle Yebpeve meeceLÙe&
permittivity ceramics include which of the 3. hejeJewÅegle neefve
1. Suspension insulators for high voltage 4. efJeÅegleMeeruelee
lines. FveceW mes kegâÚ iegCe efo°Oeeje kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie nesles nw Deewj
2. Superconductors kegâÚ ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie nesles nw~ mener
3. Pin insulators for low voltage lines. mebÙeespeve nw–
Select the correct answer using the code given DC use AC use
below efo°Oeeje keâe ØeÙeesie ØelÙeeJeleea Oeeje ØeÙeesie
efvecveefueefKele hej efJeÛeej keâjWs– (a) 1, 2 and 3 1, 2 and 4
efvecve efJeÅegleMeeruelee keâes efmejsefcekeâ keâe DevegØeÙeesie 1,2 Deewj 3 1,2 Deewj 4
efvecveefueefKele efkeâmekesâ efueÙes efkeâÙee peelee nw? (b) 1 and 2 1, 2 and 3
1. GÛÛe Jeesušlee ueeFvees kesâ efueS efveuecyeve efJeÅeglejesOekeâ 1 Deewj 2 1,2 Deewj 3
2. DeefleÛeeuekeâlee (c) 2 and 4 1 and 2
3. efvecve Jeesušlee ueeFveeW kesâ efueS efheve efJeÅeglejesOekeâ 2 Deew j 4 1 Deewj 2
efveÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mener Gòej keâe ÛeÙeve (d) 1 and 2 1, 2, 3 and 4
1 Deewj 2 1,2,3 Deewj 4
181. The conductivity of insulating materials (a very
(a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 small value) is called as
(b) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3 efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& keâer ÛeeuekeâerÙelee (Skeâ yengle efvecve
(c) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3 ceeve) keânueeleer nw–
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1,2 Deewj 3 (a) Residual conductivity/DeJeefMe° Ûeeuekeâlee
178. The material which obstructs the flow of (b) Dielectric conductivity/hejeJewÅegle Ûeeuekeâlee
current without any appreciable loss of power
(c) Ionic conductivity/DeeÙeefvekeâ Ûeeuekeâlee
is called the ____ material.
(d) Bipolar conductivity/efÉOeÇgJeer Ûeeuekeâlee
heoeLe& pees Oeeje kesâ ØeJeen ceW efyevee efkeâmeer GuuesKeveerÙe
Meefòeâ neefve kesâ efJejesOe keâjlee nw ............. heoeLe& 182. Consider the following statements:
Characteristics of a good insulating material
keânueelee nw~ are.
(a) Dielectric/hejeJewÅegle 1. Given uniform electric and thermal
(b) Insulating/efJeÅeglejesOeer properties.
2. High permittivity
(c) Antiferromagnetic/efJe<eceueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe
3. Low dissipation factor
(d) Superconducting/DeefleÛeeuekeâerÙe 4. Low insulating resistance.
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 731 YCT
Which of the above statements are correct? (a) Composition of the material/heoeLe& kesâ mebIeškeâ
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjs (b) Moisture content/veceer keâer cee$ee
Skeâ DeÛÚs efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& kesâ DeefYeue#eCe nw– (c) Thickness of material/heoeLe& keâer ceesšeF&
1. efoÙes ieÙes Skeâmeceeve efJeÅegle Deewj G<ceerÙe iegCe (d) All of the above/GheÙeg&keäle meYeer
2. GÛÛe efJeÅegleMeeruelee 187. An insulating material starts conducting when
3. efvecve DeheJÙeÙe iegCekeâ the
4. efvecve efJeÅeglejesOeer ØeeflejesOe Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& keâer Ûeeueve ØeejcYe nesleer nw peye–
GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw? (a) Temperature is raised to a very high level
(a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2 leeheceeve Skeâ GÛÛe mlej lekeâ yeÌ{lee nw
(b) 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 4 (b) voltage applied exceeds the breakdown
(c) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
ØeÙegòeâ Jeesušlee Yebpeve Jeesušlee mes DeefOekeâ nes peelee nw
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1,2,3 Deewj 4
183. Lead (c) Either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b)
1. Is not used to form cable sheaths (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& vener
2. Is least affected by sea water. 188. Consider the following statements regarding
3. Has good malleable and ductile properties. electrical properties of ceramic materials:
4. Will not allow with many other metals. efmejsefcekeâ heoeLeeX kesâ efJeÅegleerÙe efJeMes<eleeDeeW kesâ yeejs ceW
ues[ efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW–
1. MeerLe kesâyeue yeveeves ceW ØeÙeesie veneRr neslee nw~ 1. They are practically non-conductors at lower
2. mecegõer peue Éeje keâce ØeYeeefJele neslee nw~ temperatures
3. DeÛÚs ueÛeerues Deewj veceveerÙe efJeMes<eleeS nesleer nQ~ Jes efvecve leeheceeve hej JÙeJeneefjkeâ ceW DeÛeeuekeâ nwb
4. keâF& DevÙe OeelegDeeW kesâ meeLe Devegceefle vener keâjsiee~ 2. Ordinary glass and silicates in molten state
are dependable as electrical non-conductors.
(a) 1 and 2 are correct/1 Deewj 2 melÙe nw
meeOeejCe iueeme Deewj efmeefuekesâš efheIeues ngS DeJemLee ceW
(b) 2 and 3 are correct/2 Deewj 3 melÙe nw
efJeÅegle DeÛeeuekeâ pewmes nesles nw
(c) 3 and 4 are correct/3 Deewj 4 melÙe nw
3. They offer high resistance to current
(d) 1 and 4 are correct/1 Deewj 4 melÙe nw
transmission and get heated soon when
184. Exposure of insulating material to moisture conducting electric current.
causes increase in
Jes mebÛejCe Oeeje keâes GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe Øeoeve keâjles nw Deewj
efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& kesâ veceer kesâ efueS DeveeJejCe ...........
ÛeeuekeâerÙe efJeÅegle Oeeje mes MeerIeÇ lehle nes peeles nQ
ceW Je=efæ keâe keâejCe nw~
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) Dielectric loss/hejeJewÅegle neefve
GheÙeg&keäle keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
(b) Dielectric constant/hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ
(a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(c) Dielectric strength/hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe&
(b) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
(d) Insulation resistance/efJeÅegle jesOeve ØeeflejesOe
(c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
185. Surface resistivity of an insulating material is
reduced _____ atmosphere. (d) 1, 2 and 3/1,2 Deewj 3
Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& keâer melen ØeeflejesOekeâlee Iešleer nw 189. Electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity
............ JeeleeJejCe hej and magnetic properties of ceramic material
(a) Humid/veceer
efmejsefcekeâ heoeLe& keâer efJeÅegle ÛeeuekeâerÙelee, G<ceerÙe
(b) Smoky and dirty/OegSB mes Yeje ngDee Deewj ieboe
ÛeeuekeâerÙelee Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe efJeMes<eleeS nw–
(c) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(a) Very high all the time/meYeer meceÙe hej yengle GÛÛe
(d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
186. The electric breakdown strength of an (b) Very low all the time/meYeer meceÙe hej yengle efvecve
insulating material depends on (c) Dependent on the material/heoeLe& hej efveYe&jlee
Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& keâe efJeÅegle Yebpeve meeceLÙe& (d) Ascertainable, instance to instance
............ hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~ efveOee&jCe GoenjCe mes GoenjCe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 732 YCT
190. The ceramic dielectrics used in electrical 195. Enameled wires are preferred to cotton-
engineering include covered wires to
efJeÅegle FbpeerefveÙeefjbie ceW ØeÙeesie nesves Jeeues efmejsefcekeâ keâheeme mes {kesâ leej mes Fvescesu[ leej hemeboeroe nw–
hejeJewÅegle ceW meefcceefuele neles nQ– (a) Withstand higher temperature.
(a) Cermet and silicide/efmejefceš Deewj efmeefuemeeF[ GÛÛelece leeheceeve menve keâjves ceW
(b) Improve heat dissipation
(b) Porcelain and cermet/Ûeerveer efcešdšer Deewj efmejefceš
T<cee DeheJÙeÙe megOeej keâjves ceW
(c) Cordierite and Porcelain
(c) Reduce the resistivity/ØeeflejesOekeâlee keâes Ieševes ceW
keâe[exjeFš Deewj Ûeerveer efcešdšer
(d) Increase the mechanical strength
(d) Silicide and cordierite/efmeefuemeeF[ Deewj keâe[exjeFš
Ùeebef$ekeâ meeceLÙe& yeÌ{eves ceW
191. Which one of the following materials has the
196. Which one of the following materials is used for
highest dielectric strength? cable insulation?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Skeâ heoeLe& keâer hejeJewÅegle efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ heoeLe& kesâyeue
meeceLÙe& GÛÛelece nw? efJeÅeglejesOeve kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie neslee nw?
(a) Polystyrene/heeueermšeFjerve (a) Phenol formaldehyde/efHeâveeue Heâeceexefu[neF[
(b) Marble/mebiecejcej (b) Polytetrafluoroethylene/heeueeršsš^eHeäueesjesSefLeueerve
(c) Cotton/keâheeme (®F&) (c) Polyvinyl chloride/hee@ueer efJeveeFue keäueesjeF[
(d) Transformer oil/heefjCeeefce$e lesue (d) Acrylonitrile butadiene
192. Which of the following insulating materials has styrene/S›eâeFueesveeF&š^eFue yÙetše[eFve mšeFjerve
the least affinity for moisture? 197. Which of the following dielectric is not
efvecveefueefKele efkeâme efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& keâe veceer kesâ meeLe preferred for high frequency applications?
keâce ueieeJe nw? efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee hejeJewÅegle GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe
(a) Cotton/keâheeme (®F&) (b) Paper/heshej DevegØeÙeesie kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ veneR nw?
(c) Asbestos/Smyesmšme
(d) Mica/DeYeükeâ (a) Teflon/šsHeäuee@ve
193. Which one of following statements is not (b) Butyl rubber/yÙetšeFue jyej
correct? (c) Polysterene/heeueermšsjerve
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ keâLeve melÙe veneR nw? (d) Polyethylene/hee@ueerSefLeueerve
(a) Vacuum can act as a dielectric material 198. Which of the following is a polar dielectric?
efveJee&le hejeJewÅegle heoeLe& keâer lejn keâeÙe& keâj mekeâlee nw efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ OeÇgJeerÙe hejeJewÅegle nw?
(b) Piezoelectric materials can act as transducers (a) Teflon/šsHeäuee@ve
oeye efJeÅegle heoeLe& šebme[Ÿetmej keâer lejn keâeÙe& keâj mekeâlee nw (b) Polyethylene/hee@ueerSefLeueerve
(c) Quartz crystal is a ferroelectric material (c) Nylon/veeÙeuee@ve
keäJeeš&dpe ef›eâmšue Skeâ ueewn-efJeÅegle heoeLe& nw (d) Quartz/keäJeeš&pe
(d) The dielectric constant of dielectrics depends 199. Which of the following is a nonpolar dielectric?
on the frequency of the applied field. efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ DeOegÇJeerÙe hejeJewÅegle nw?
hejeJewÅegle keâer hejeJewÅegle efveÙeleebkeâ ØeÙegòeâ #es$e kesâ DeeJe=efòe
(a) Polystyrene/hee@efuemš^erve
hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw (b) Castor oil/DejC[er keâe lesue
194. The temperature coefficient of resistance of an (c) Phenolic plastics/efHeâveesefuekeâ hueeefmškeâ
insulator is (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ nw– 200. Ionization of dielectric cause
(a) Positive and independent of temperature hejeJewÅegle kesâ DeeÙeveve .............. keâe keâejCe yevelee nw~
Oeveelcekeâ Deewj leeheceeve mes mJeleb$e (a) Thermal instability/T<ceerÙe DeefmLejlee
(b) Negative and independent of temperature (b) A real power loss in insulation
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj leeheceeve mes mJeleb$e efJeÅeglejesOeve ceW JeemleefJekeâ Meefòeâ neefve
(c) Negative and dependent on temperature (c) Lowering of breakdown voltage of the
$e+Ceelcekeâ Deewj leeheceeve hej efveYe&j insulating material
(d) Positive and dependent on Temperature efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& kesâ Yebpeve Jeesušlee keâes Ieševes Jeeuee
Oeveelcekeâ Deewj leeheceeve hej efveYe&j (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 733 YCT
201. Which one of the following is NOT true for 207. Some magnetic materials may be classified on
Sulphur Hexafluoride gas. the basis of
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ meuHeâj nskeämeeHeäueesjeF[ 1. Susceptibility
iewme kesâ efueS melÙe vener nw? 2. Saturation
(a) It is electronegative in nature 3. Spin arrangement
Ùen Øeke=âefle ceW efJeÅegle $e+Ceelcekeâ nw 4. Nature of hysteresis loop
(b) It has high dielectric strength 5. Domain structure
GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& nw 6. Critical temperature above which it
behaves as a paramagnetic materials.
(c) It is non-toxic/Ùen efJe<ewueer venerb nw
Which of these can be used to distinguish
(d) It is highly flammable./GÛÛelece pJeueveMeerue nw
between ferrimagnetic and ferromagnetic
202. Refractive index of a silica glass can be reduced materials?
by doping it with tiny amount of
kegâÚ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ............ kesâ DeeOeej hej Jeieerke=âle
Skeâ keâeBÛe kesâ šgkeâÌ[s keâe DeheJele&veebkeâ ............ keâer efvecve
nes mekeâles nQ~
cee$ee kesâ meeLe [esefhebie Éeje IešeÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
1. ØeJe=efòe (DevegkeâeÙe&lee)
(a) GeO2 (b) B2O3
(c) P2O5 (d) Al2O3 2. meble=efhle
203. A permeable substance is one 3. Ûe›eâCe JÙeJemLee
heejiecÙe heoeLe& Skeâ nw– 4. MewefLeuÙe uethe keâer Øeke=âefle
(a) Which is strong magnetic/pees cepeyetle ÛegcyekeâerÙe nw 5. ØeYeeJe #es$e mebjÛevee
(b) Which is weak magnetic/pees keâcepeesj ÛegcyekeâerÙe nw
6. ›eâeefvlekeâ leeheceeve efpemekesâ Thej Ùen DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe
(c) Which is a good conductor
heoeLe& keâer lejn JÙeJenej keâjlee nw
pees Skeâ DeÛÚe Ûeeuekeâ nw
(d) Through which magnetic lines of force can
FveceW mes efkeâmekeâe ØeÙeesie HesâjerÛegcyekeâerÙe Deewj ueewn
pass easily/efpememes ÛegcyekeâerÙe ueeFvees kesâ yeue Deemeeveer ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeex kesâ yeerÛe Devlej %eele keâjves nsleg efkeâÙee
mes heeme keâj mekeWâ pee mekeâlee nw?
204. Permeance is inversely related to (a) 1, 3 and 4/1, 3 Deewj 4
ÛegcyekeâlJe ......... mes efJeueesceevegheeleer mecyeefvOele nw~ (b) 2, 3 and 6 only/kesâJeue 2, 3 Deewj 6
(a) Resistance/ØeeflejesOe (c) 3, 4 and 5 only/kesâJeue 3,4 Deewj 5
(b) Conductance/Ûeeuekeâlee (d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6/1,2,3,4, 5 Deewj 6
(c) Reluctance/Øeefle°cYe 208. Magnetic field of Earth has no vertical
(d) Capacitance/Oeeefjlee component at
205. The magnetic materials exhibit the property of he=LJeer kesâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ heeme ........... hej keâesF&
magnetization due to- GOJee&Oej DeJeÙeJe vener nesles nw~
ÛegcyekeâerÙekeâjCe keâer efJeMes<elee ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ..........
(a) Magnetic poles/ÛegcyekeâerÙe OeÇgJe
kesâ keâejCe ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~
(b) Magnetic equator/ÛegcyekeâerÙe YetceOÙe jsKee
(a) Spin of nucleus/veeefYekeâ kesâ Ûe›eâCe
(c) Latitude 45°/45°De#eebMe
(b) Spin of electrons/Fueskeäš^e@veeW kesâ Ûe›eâCe
(d) Longitude 45°/45° osMeevlej
(c) Orbital motion of electrons
Fueskeäš^e@vme keâer keâ#eerÙe ieefle 209. All magnetic materials loss their magnetic
properties when
(d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
meYeer ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&, Dehevee ÛegcyekeâerÙe iegCe Kees osles
206. Magnetism is mainly due to only electron spin
around their own axis in case of nQ, peye–
..........keâe ÛegcyekeâlJe cegKÙele: Fueskeäš^e@ve kesâ Deheves De#e (a) Cooled to low temperature
kesâ ÛeejeW lejHeâ Ietceves kesâ keâejCe neslee nw~ efvecve leeheceeve lekeâ "C[e efkeâÙee peelee nw
(a) Diamagnetic materials/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& (b) Heated to high temperature
(b) Paramagnetic materials/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& GÛÛe leeheceeve lekeâ iece& efkeâÙee peelee nw
(c) Ferromagnetic materials/ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& (c) Kept in an aluminium box
(d) Paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials SuÙetceerefveÙece yee@keäme ceW jKee peeS
DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe Deewj ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& (d) Kept in Vacuum/efveJee&le ceW jKee peeS
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 734 YCT
210. The total magnetic moment 1. hejceeCegJeerÙe keâcheVe
1. Is called saturation magnetization. 2. efÉOeÇgJe keâcheVe
2. Depends on the number of magnetic
3. efÉOeÇgJe kesâ hegveefve&cee&Ce
dipoles per unit volume, the instant electric
current and the area of the current loop. GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve mee melÙe nw?
Which of the above statements is/are correct? (a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
kegâue ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeeIetCe&– (b) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
1. meble=hle ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe keânueelee nw~ (c) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
2. Øeefle FkeâeF& DeeÙeleve keâer ÛegcyekeâerÙe efÉOeÇgJe kesâ (d) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
mebKÙee, leelkeâeefuekeâ efJeÅegle Oeeje Deewj uethe Oeeje kesâ 215. Heating a permanent magnet results in the loss
#es$eHeâue hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~ of magnetic behaviour because
GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw? Skeâ mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ kesâ leeheve mes ÛegcyekeâerÙe JÙeJenej ceW
(a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 neefve keâe heefjCeece nw keäÙeesefkeâ–
(b) 2 only/kesâJeue 2 (a) The atoms start vibrating
(c) Both 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 oesvees hejceeCeg keâcheVe ØeejcYe keâjles nw
(d) Neither 1 nor 2/ve lees 1 ve ner 2 (b) The magnetic dipoles start vibrating
211. Orbital magnetic moment of an electron, in an ÛegcyekeâerÙe efÉOeÇgJe keâcheVe ØeejcYe keâjles nw
atom, is of the order of (c) The magnetic dipoles start realigning
Skeâ hejceeCeg ceW Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve keâe keâ#eerÙe ÛegcyekeâerÙe ÛegcyekeâerÙe efÉOeÇgJe hegveefve&cee&Ce ØeejcYe keâjles nw
DeeIetCe& ........... keâer keâesefš keâe neslee nw~ (d) Both (b) & (c) / (b) Deewj (c) oesveeW
(a) 0.1 Bohr magneton/0.1 yeesnj cewivesševe 216. What is a material with equal, antiparallel
(b) 1.0 Bohr magneton/1.0 yeesnj cewivesševe atomic magnetic moments, known as
(c) 10 Bohr magneton/10 yeesnj cewivesševe Jen heoeLe& pees, yejeyej, Demeceeveevlej, hejceeCeefJekeâ
(d) 100 Bohr magneton/100 yeesnj cewivesševe ÛegcyekeâerÙe efÉOeÇgJe jKelee nw, peevee peelee nw–
212. Bohr magneton is unit of (a) Ferrimagnetic/HesâjerÛegcyekeâerÙe
yeesnj cewivesševe ........... keâer FkeâeF& nw~ (b) Ferrite/HesâjeFš
(a) Magnetic energy/ÛegcyekeâerÙe Tpee& (c) Ferromagnetic/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe
(b) Permanent dipole moment due to spin (d) Antiferromagnetic/efJe<eceueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe
Ûe›eâCe kesâ keâejCe mLeeÙeer efÉOeÇgJe DeeIetCe& 217. Ferromagnetic property may be explained on
(c) Polarisability/OeÇgJeCelee the basis of
(d) Hysteresis loss/MewefLeuÙe neefve ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe iegCe keâer ............ kesâ DeeOeej hej
213. The relative permeability of a medium is equal JÙeeKÙee nes mekeâle nw~
to (with M = magnetization of the medium and (a) Faraday's theory/Hewâje[s efmeæevle
H = magnetic field strength)
(b) Curie-Weiss theory/keäÙetjer-efJeme efmeæevle
Skeâ ceeOÙece keâer meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee ............ kesâ
yejeyej nesleer nw~ (c) Domain theory/[escesve efmeæevle
(M = ceeOÙece keâer ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe Deewj H = ÛegcyekeâerÙe (d) Einstein's theory/DeeFbefmšve efmeæevle
]#es$e meeceLÙe&) 218. If the domain walls in a magnetic material can
easily be moved, the material displays.
M M Ùeefo Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ceW [escesve oerJeejs Deemeeveer mes
(a) 1 + (b) 1 −
H H ieefle keâj mekeâleer nQ, lees heoeLe& ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw–
M M (a) High flux density/GÛÛe Heäuekeäme IevelJe
(c) 1 + (d) 1 −
H H (b) High permeability/GÛÛe ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
214. Permanent magnet loses the magnetic
(c) Permanent magnetic behaviour
behaviour when heated because of
1. Atomic vibration mLeeÙeer ÛegcyekeâerÙe JÙeJenej
2. Dipole vibration (d) High permittivity/GÛÛe efJeÅegleMeeruelee
3. realignment of dipoles 219. In which one of the following magnetic
Which of the above are correct? materials, is the net magnetic moment zero?
mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe JÙeJenej Kees oslee nw peye Fmes efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâe, vesš
iece& efkeâÙee peelee nw ............ kesâ keâejCe ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeeIetCe& MetvÙe nw?
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 735 YCT
(a) Paramagnetic/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe (a) non-magnetic and magnetic, respectively
(b) Ferromagnetic/ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe ›eâceMe:, DeÛegcyekeâerÙe Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(c) Ferrimagnetic/HesâjerÛegcyekeâerÙe (b) magnetic and non-magnetic, respectively
(d) Anti-ferrimagnetic/efJe<ece Hesâjer ÛegcyekeâerÙe ›eâceMe: ÛegcyekeâerÙe Deewj DeÛegcyekeâerÙe
220. When the temperature exceeds the transition (c) both magnetic/oesveeW ÛegcyekeâerÙe
temperature, a ferromagnetic material (d) both non-magnetic/oesveeW DeÛegcyekeâerÙe
becomes similar to 225. Consider the following statements
peye leeheceeve meb›eâceCe leeheceeve mes DeefOekeâ neslee nw, Skeâ 1. The susceptibility of diamagnetic materials
ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ........... kesâ meceeve nes peelee nw~ is small and negative
(a) Anti-ferromagnetic material 2. The susceptibility of para and
efJe<ece ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& antiferromagnetic materials is small but
(b) Diamagnetic material/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& 3. The susceptibility has a finite value for free
(c) Ferrimagnetic material/HesâjerÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& space or air.
(d) Paramagnetic material/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& Which of the above statements are correct?
221. Which one of the following is the temperature ef vecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW–
below which certain materials are 1. Øeefle ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâer ØeJe=efòe (DevegkeâeÙe&lee)
antiferromagnetic and above which they are efvecve Deewj $e+Ceelcekeâ nesle nw
2. DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe Deewj efJe<eceueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeex keâer
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ leeheceeve nw, efpemekesâ
veerÛes kegâÚ heoeLe& efJe<eceueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe nw Deewj Gmekesâ ØeJe=efòe efvecve nw uesefkeâve Oeveelcekeâ nesleer nw
Thej DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe nw? 3. efveJee&le Ùee nJee efkeâ efueS ØeJe=efòe (DevegkeâeÙe&lee) keâe
ceeve Skeâ meerefcele ceeve neslee nw~
(a) Curie temperature/keäÙetjer leeheceeve
(a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(b) Neel temperature/veerue leeheceeve
(b) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
(c) Transition temperature/meb›eâceCe leeheceeve
(c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
(d) Weiss temperature/efJeme leeheceeve
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
222. Temperature below which certain materials
are antiferromagnetic is called 226. Susceptibility of a diamagnetic material is
leeheceeve efpemekesâ veerÛes efveef§ele heoeLe& 1. Negative 2. Positive
3. Dependent on the temperature
efJe<eceueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe nw ............ keânueelee nw~
4. Independent of temperature
(a) Curie temperature/keäÙetjer leeheceeve Select the correct answer using the codes given
(b) Neel temperature/veerue leeheceeve below.
(c) Wein temperature/Jeerve leeheceeve Skeâ ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâer ØeJe=efòe (DevegkeâeÙe&lee) nw–
(d) Debye temperature/ef[yeeÙe leeheceeve 1. $e+Ceelcekeâ 2. Oeveelcekeâ
223. The spins in a ferromagnetic material are 3. leeheceeve hej efveYe&j
Skeâ ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ceW Ûe›eâCe nw– 4. leeheceeve mes mJeleb$e
(a) All aligned parallel/meYeer meceevlej mebjsefKele veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mener Gòej Ûetves–
(b) Partially aligned antiparallel without exactly (a) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
cancelling out sublattice magnetism
(b) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
DeebefMekeâ ™he mes mebjsefKele, Demeceeblej efyevee hetjer lejn mes
(c) 1 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 4
meyeuewefškeâ ÛegcyekeâlJe keâes jodo efkeâS
(d) 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 4
(c) Randomly oriented/DeefveÙeefcele ®he mes DeefYeefJevÙeeme
227. Ferromagnetic behaviour is shown by those
(d) All aligned antiparallel such that the transition metals where the ratio of the atomic
sublattice magnetism cancels out exactly diameter to 3d orbital diameter is
hetjer lejn mes mebjsefKele, Demeceeblej Fme lejn efkeâ Jen hetjer Gve meb›eâceCe OeelegDeeW kesâ Éeje ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe JÙeJenej
lejn mes meyeuewefškeâ ÛegcyekeâlJe keâes jodo keâjkesâ ØeoefMe&le neslee nw peneB hejceeCeg JÙeeme mes 3d keâ#eerÙe
224. Which one of the following is the correct JÙeeme keâe Devegheele neslee nw–
statement? YIG and YAG are two types of
crystals used extensively in technology and are (a) in the range of 0.5 to 1/0.5 mes 1 kesâ heefjmej ceW
efvecveefueefKele ceW keâewve mee Skeâ keâLeve melÙe nw? YIG (b) in the range of 1 to 1.5/1 mes 1.5 kesâ heefjmej ceW
Deewj YAG oes Øekeâej kesâ ef›eâmšue yeÌ[s hewceeves hej (c) in the range of 1.5 to 2/1.5 mes 2 kesâ heefjmej ceW
lekeâveerkeâ ceW ØeÙeesie neslee nw, Deewj Jes nQ– (d) greater than 2/2 mes DeefOekeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 736 YCT
228. With increase in temperature, magnetic 232. As per Curie-Weiss law, the magnetic
susceptibility of a ferromagnetic material will susceptibility of a material varies as
leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe, Skeâ ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keäÙetjer-efJeme efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej, Skeâ heoeLe& keâer ØeJe=efòe
keâer ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeJe=efòe (DevegkeâeÙe&lee) ceW nesieer– (DevegkeâeÙe&lee) ............ kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le nesleer nw~
(a) increase/Je=efæ (a) T-2 (b) 1/T
(b) decrease/keâceer (c) T (d) T2
(c) increase initially and then decrease 233. Consider the following statements regarding
magnetic materials.
ØeejcYe ceW ye{leer nw efHeâj Iešleer nQ 1. A diamagnetic material has no permanent
(d) remain constant/DeheefjJeefle&le jnsieeR dipole.
229. Consider the following statements regarding a 2. Paramagnetic material has anti parallel
ferromagnetic material orientation of equal moments with
1. Below the Curie temperature, the neighbouring dipoles.
ferromagnetic materials exhibit hysteresis 3. Ferrimagnetic material has anti parallel
effect. orientation of unequal moments between
2. The coercive force is the field required to neighbouring dipoles
reduce the flux density to zero. 4. Anti ferromagnetic material has negligible
Which of the above statements is/are correct? interaction between neighbouring di poles.
Skeâ ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ mevoYe& ceW efvecveefueefKele Which of these statements are correct?
keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW– ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ mevoYe& ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej
1. keäÙetjer leeheceeve kesâ veerÛes, ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& efJeÛeej keâjW–
MewefLeuÙe ØeYeeJe ØeoefMe&le keâjleer nw~ 1. Skeâ ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ heeme keâesF& mLeeÙeer
2. efve«en yeue, Heäuekeäme IevelJe keâes MetvÙe keâjves kesâ efueS efÉOeÇgJe veneR neslee nQ~
DeeJeMÙekeâ Heâeru[ nw~ 2. DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ heeme, heÌ[esmeer efÉOeÇgJeeW kesâ
GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw? meeLe yejeyej DeeIetCeeX keâe Demeceeveevlej
(a) Both 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 oesveeW
DeefYeefJevÙeeme neslee nw~
(b) Neither 1 or 2/vee lees 1 Ùee vee lees 2 3. Hesâjer ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ heeme efJejesOeer
(c) 1 only/kesâJeue 1
DeefYeefJevÙeeme kesâ meceerhe efÉOeÇgJe kesâ yeerÛe Demeceeve
(d) 2 only/kesâJeue 2
DeeIetCe& neslee nw~
4. efJe<eceueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ heeme heÌ[esmeer efÉOeÇJeeW
230. Paramagnetic susceptibility of a material
Skeâ heoeLe& keâer DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeJe=efòe (DevegkeâeÙe&lee)– kesâ yeerÛe hejmhej ef›eâÙee veieCÙe nesleer nw~
(a) increases linearly with temperature FveceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
leeheceeve kesâ meeLe jsKeerÙe ®he mes yeÌ{leer nw (a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 (b) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4
(b) decreases linearly with temperature (c) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4 (d) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3
leeheceeve kesâ meeLe jsKeerÙe ®he mes Iešleer nw234. Consider the following statements: Magnetic
(c) increases linearly with (1/T) susceptibility
(1/T) kesâ meeLe jsKeerÙe yeÌ{leer ®he mes nw 1. Depends on the nature of the magnetic
(d) decreases linearly with (1/T)
2. Is not dependent on the relative
(1/T) kesâ meeLe jsKeerÙe Iešleer ®he mes nw permeability of the medium.
231. Curie law of paramagnetism (with χ = 3. Cannot be determined by measuring the
susceptibility B = flux density and C = a force exerted on a magnetic material when
constant) is placed in a magnetic field.
DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe keâe keäÙetjer efveÙece (χ = ØeJe=efòe 4. Can be determined from B-H curve
(DevegkeâeÙe&lee) B = Heäuekeäme IevelJe Deewj C = Skeâ Which of the above statements is/are correct?
efveÙeleebkeâ) nw– efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjs, ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeJe=efòe
CB (DevegkeâeÙe&lee)
(a) χ = CT (b) χ=
T 1. ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ Øeke=âefle hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~
CT 2
C 2. meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee kesâ ceeOÙece hej efveYe&j vener
(c) χ = (d) χ =
2B T keâjleer nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 737 YCT
3. Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& hej ueieeS ieS yeue kesâ ceeheve 240. A keeper is used for
Éeje %eele vener efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw peye Skeâ Skeâ keâerhej (jKeves Jeeuee) .................. kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie
ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW efmLele nes~ neslee nw~
4. B-H Je›eâ mes %eele efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ (a) restoring of lost flux/#eÙe Heäuekeäme keâes efjmšesj keâjves
Ghejeskeäle keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve-mee melÙe nw? (b) amplification of flux/Heäuekeäme keâes ØeJeefOe&le keâjves
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1,2,3 Deewj 4 (c) providing a closed path for the magnetic flux
(b) 1 only /kesâJeue 1 ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme kesâ efueS Skeâ yevo jemlee Øeoeve keâjves
(c) 1 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 4 (d) changing the direction of magnetic lines of
(d) 2 only/kesâJeue 2 force/ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue jsKeeDeeW keâer efoMee heefjJeefle&le keâjves
235. Which of the following magnetic materials has 241. When a piece of iron is placed in a magnetic
the highest reluctance? field,
efvecveefueefKele ceW efkeâme ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX kesâ heeme peye Skeâ ueesns keâe šgkeâÌ[e ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e ceW mLeeefhele
GÛÛelece Øeefle°cYe neslee nw? efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) Ferromagnetic/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe (a) There will be no effect on the magnetic field
(b) Paramagnetic/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e hej keâesF& ØeYeeJe veneR neslee~
(c) Diamagnetic/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe (b) The magnetic lines of force will bend away
(d) None of the above/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR from their usual paths in order to go away
236. In a diamagnetic material, the effect of an from the piece./ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue jsKeeÙeW šgkeâÌ[s mes otj
applied magnetic field is that nesles ngS Deheves meeceevÙe heLe mes otj nes peeleer nw
Skeâ ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ceW, ØeÙegòeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâe (c) Usual phaths so as to pass through the pices
Skeâ ØeYeeJe nw efkeâ– (d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) there is a net reduction in flux density 242. Materials which lack permanent magnetic
Heäuekeäme IevelJe ceW vesš keâceer dipoles are known as
(b) the induced magnetization is in opposition to heoeLe& efpemeceW mLeeÙeer ÛegcyekeâerÙe efÉOeÇgJe keâer keâceer nesleer nw
the applied field Gmes ............ keânles nQ~
Øesefjle ÛegcyekeâerÙekeâjCe ØeÙegòeâ #es$e kesâ efJehejerle ceW neslee nw (a) paramagnetic/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe
(c) a net dipole moment is induced in the
material (b) diamagnetic/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe
heoeLe& ceW Skeâ vesš efÉOeÇgJe DeeIetCe& Øesefjle neslee nw (c) ferromagnetic/ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(d) all of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer (d) ferrimagnetic/Hesâjer ÛegcyekeâerÙe
237. Diamagnetic materials possess 243. Magnetically saturated ferrite
Øeefle ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& OeejCe keâjlee nw– ÛegcyekeâerÙe ®he mes meble=hle HesâjeFš–
(a) permanent dipoles/mLeeÙeer efÉOeÇgJe (a) interacts with electromagnetic waves.
(b) induced dipoles/Øesefjle efÉOeÇgJe ÛegcyekeâerÙe lejbiees kesâ meeLe hejmhej ØeYeeJe [eueleer nw~
(c) both permanent and induced dipoles (b) produces large hysteresis.
mLeeÙeer Deewj Øesefjle efÉOeÇgJe oesveeW DelÙeefOekeâ MewefLeuÙe GlheVe keâjleer nw~
(d) no dipoles/keâesF& efÉOeÇgJe veneR (c) produce low eddy current.
238. If the magnetic susceptibility of a specimen is efvecve YebJej Oeeje GlheVe keâjleer nw~
small and positive, the specimen is (d) all of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ kesâ meYeer
Ùeefo ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeJe=efòe (DevegkeâeÙe&lee) Skeâ Øeefle®he keâer 244. The resistivity of 'Ferrites' is very much higher
efvecve Deewj Oeveelcekeâ nw, Øeefle®he nw– than that of the ferromagnetic materials,
(a) diamagnetic/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe because
(b) paramagnetic/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe HesâjeFšdme keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeex mes
(c) ferromagnetic/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe yengle GÛÛelece nw keäÙeesefkeâ
(d) non-magnetic/DeÛegcyekeâerÙe (a) ferrites are chemical compounds and the
239. The bar magnet has electrons in them are subject to the restraint
yeej Ûegcyekeâ kesâ heeme neslee nw– of valence forces
(a) monopole moment/SkeâOeÇgJeerÙe DeeIetCe& HesâjeFšdme jemeeÙeefvekeâ Ùeewefiekeâ nesles nQ Deewj GveceW ceewpeto
(b) dipole moment/efÉOeÇgJeerÙe DeeIetCe& Fueskeäš^e@ve mebÙeespeer yeueebs mes yebOes nesles nw
(c) both (a) and (b)/ (a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (b) ferrites have a low eddy current loss
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR HesâjeFšdme ceW efvecve YeJeBj Oeeje neefve nesleer nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 738 YCT
(c) ferrites have a non-homogenious molecular 250. For paramagnetic materials, the relative
structure. permeability is
HesâjeFšdme keâer Skeâ Demece™he DeCeg mebjÛevee nesleer nw~ DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX kesâ efueS meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
(d) ferrites have varying flux-density inside the nw–
core (a) less than unity but magnetic susceptibility is
HesâjeFšdme kesâ keâesj ceW heefjJeleea Heäuekeäme IevelJe neslee nw~ relatively small and positive/FkeâeF& mes keâce
245. Manganese ferrite is a 1:1 mixture of uesefkeâve ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeJe=efòe meehes#ele: efvecve Deewj Oeveelcekeâ nw
ceQieveerpe HesâjeFš 1:1 keâe efceßeCe nw– (b) greater than unity and magnetic susceptibility
(a) manganese nitride and iron oxide. is relatively small but positive/FkeâeF& mes DeefOekeâ
ceQieveerpe veeFš^eF&[ Deewj DeeÙejve Dee@keämeeF[ Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeJe=efòe meehes#ele: efvecve uesefkeâve Oeveelcekeâ nw
(b) manganese oxide and iron oxide (c) equal to unity and magnetic susceptibility is
ceQieveerpe Dee@keämeeF[ Deewj DeeÙejve Dee@keämeeF[ large but positive./FkeâeF& kesâ yejeyej Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(c) manganese nitride and iron sulphide ØeJe=efòe GÛÛe uesefkeâve Oeveelcekeâ nw
ceQieveerpe veeFš^eF&[ Deewj DeeÙejve meuHeâeF[ (d) less than unity but magnetic susceptibility is
(d) manganese oxide and iron sulphide. relatively large and positive./FkeâeF& mes keâce
ceQieveerpe Dee@keämeeF[ Deewj DeeÙejve meuHeâeF[ uesefkeâve ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeJe=efòe meehes#ele: GÛÛe Oeveelcekeâ nw
246. Which one of the following is correct? Ferrites
251. Consider the following statements:
are particularly suited for high frequency
applications because of their In the case of paramagnetic materials, there
efvecve ceW keâewve mee Skeâ melÙe nw? HesâjeFš Deheves .......... 1. is no permanent dipole moment
kesâ keâejCe GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe kesâ DevegØeÙeesie kesâ efueS efJeMes<e 2. are permanent dipole moments.
3. is no alignment of dipoles in the absence of
®he mes GheÙegòeâ nw~ magnetic field.
(a) low distortion/efvecve efJe™heCe 4. is no interaction among the dipoles.
(b) low eddy current loss/efvecve YeBJej Oeeje neefve Which of these statement(s) is/are correct?
(c) high conductivity/GÛÛe ÛeeuekeâerÙelee efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW–
(d) high mobility/GÛÛe ieefleMeeruelee DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeex kesâ oMee ceW,
247. Ferrites can be considered as mixed oxides of 1. mLeeÙeer efÉOeÇgJe DeeIetCe& veneR neslee nw
metals A and B having inverse spinel structure.
Their formula can be written as 2. mLeeÙeer efÉOeÇgJe DeeIetCe& nw
HesâjeFšdme Oeeleg A Deewj B kesâ JÙegl›eâce Ûe›eâCe mebjÛevee kesâ 3. ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer DevegheefmLeefle ceW efÉOeÇgJe kesâ
efceßeCe Dee@keämeeF[ kesâ ®he ceW ceevee pee mekeâlee nw~ Gvekesâ mebjsKeCe vener nesles nQ
met$e Fme ®he ceW efueKes pee mekeâles nQ– 4. efÉOeÇgJe kesâ yeerÛe hejmhej ef›eâÙee veneR nesleer nw
(a) ABO2 (b) A2BO2 FveceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
(c) AB2O3 (d) AB2O4 (a) 1 alone/Dekesâues 1
248. Which one of the following classes of materials
can be categorised as ferrites? (b) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes Skeâ heoeLe& keâe keâewve-mee Yeeie (c) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4
HesâjeFšdme kesâ ™he ceW Jeieeake=âle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw? (d) 2,3 and 4/2,3 Deewj 4
(a) Plastics/hueeefmškeâ (b) Metals/OeelegSB 252. Iron is a
(c) Alloys/efceefßele Oeeleg (d) Ceramics/efmejsefcekeâ ueesne Skeâ nw–
249. Which one of the following statements is (a) ferromagnetic/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe
correct? A ferrite core has lower specific eddy (b) ferrimagnetic/HesâjerÛegcyekeâerÙe
current loss compared to an iron core because (c) paramagnetic/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe
the ferrite core has
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ keâLeve melÙe nw? Skeâ (d) antiferromagnetic material
HesâjeFš keâesj keâer efJeefMe° YeBJej Oeeje neefve Skeâ DeeÙejve ØeefleueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
keâesj keâer leguevee ceW keâce nw keäÙeeWefkeâ HesâjeFš keâesj ceW 253. Air exhibits
neslee nw– JeeÙeg ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nQ-
(a) higher electrical resistance/GÛÛe efJeÅegle ØeeflejesOe (a) ferromagnetism/ueewnÛegcyekeâlJe
(b) lower electrical resistance/efvecve efJeÅegle ØeeflejesOe (b) paramagnetism/DevegÛegcyekeâlJe
(c) higher permeability/GÛÛe ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee (c) antiferromagnetism/ØeefleueewnÛegcyekeâlJe
(d) lower permeability/efvecve ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee (d) ferrimagnetism/ueewnÛegcyekeâlJe

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 739 YCT

254. Permalloy and mumetal are examples of 259. Magnetic material which may be readily
hejceeSuee@Ùe Deewj cÙetcesšue ........... kesâ GoenjCe nw~ magnetized in either direction are
(a) silicon and iron alloys ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& pees Deemeeveer mes ØelÙeskeâ efoMee ceW
efmeefuekeâe@ve Deewj ueesne efceßeOeeleg Ûegcyeefkeâle nes mekeâles nQ~
(b) nickel and iron alloys/efveefkeâue Deewj ueesne efceßeOeeleg (a) Soft magnetic materials/vece& ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
(c) cobalt and iron alloys/keâesyeeuš Deewj ueesne efceßeOeeleg (b) Hard magnetic materials/keâ"esj ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
(d) permanent magnet materials (c) High eddy current loss materials
mLeeÙeer ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& GÛÛe Ye@Jej Oeeje neefve heoeLe&
255. Fermion particles obey (d) High hysteresis loss materials
Heâcee&Ùeve keâCe heeueve keâjlee nw– GÛÛe MewefLeuÙe neefve heoeLe&
(a) Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics 260. Up to about 4% silicon is added in iron to be
cewkeämeJesue yeesušdpeceeve DeebkeâÌ[s keâe used as a soft magnetic material. The major
reason for this is to
(b) Bose-Einstein statistics/yeesme DeeFbmšerve DeebkeâÌ[s keâe Skeâ vece& ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& yeveeves kesâ efueS, ueieYeie
(c) Pauli's exclusion principle 4% lekeâ efmeefuekeâe@ve ueesne ceW efceueeÙee peelee nw~ Fmekeâe
heeGueer DeheJepe&ve efmeæevle keâe ØecegKe keâejCe nw–
(d) Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
(a) increase permeability of the material
neFpesveyeie& DeefveefMÛelee kesâ efmeæevle keâe heoeLe& keâer ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee ceW Je=efæ
256. Which one of the following is not a (b) increase electrical resistivity of the material
ferromagnetic material?
heoeLe& keâer efJeÅegleerÙe ØeeflejesOekeâlee ceW Je=efæ
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
(c) increase the coercive force/efve«een yeue ceW Je=efæ
vener nw?
(d) increase the saturation flux density
(a) Cobalt/keâesyeeuš (b) Iron/ueesne
meble=hle Heäuekeäme IevelJe ceW Je=efæ
(c) Nickel/efveefkeâue (d) Bismuth/efyemceLe 261. Consider the following statements with regard
257. Which one of the following pairs is NOT to soft iron
correctly matched? 1. It is a magnetic material
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ Ùegice mener megcesefuele 2. It conducts electricity
vener nw? 3. It is an alloy of iron and copper
(a) Copper - Diamagnetic 4. It is used to make permanent magnets
leeceü ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe Which of these statements are correct?
(b) Sodium - Antiferromagnetic vece& ueesne kesâ mevoYe& ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLevees hej efJeÛeej
meesef[Ùece ØeefleueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe keâjs–
(c) Iron - Ferromagnetic 1. Ùen Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& nw
ueesne ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe 2. Ùen efJeÅegleerÙe Ûeeueve keâjlee nw
(d) Ferrite - Ferrimagnetic 3. Ùen Skeâ ueesne Deewj leeceü keâe efceßeOeeleg nw
HesâjeFš HesâjerÛegcyekeâerÙe 4. Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ yeveeves kesâ efueS neslee nw
258. Soft magnetic materials should have keâewve mee Fve keâLevees ceW melÙe nw?
vece& ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS– (a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 (b) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4
(a) large saturation magnetization and large (c) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4 (d) 1 and 4/1 Deewj 4
262. Magnetically hard materials do not possess
GÛÛe meble=hle ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe Deewj GÛÛe ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee which of the following characteristics?
(b) low saturation magnetization and large efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee DeefYeue#eCe keâ"esj
permeability ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& OeejCe veneR keâjlee nw?
efvecve meble=hle ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe Deewj GÛÛe ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
(a) high retentivity/GÛÛe OeejCee Meefòeâ
(c) large saturation magnetization and low
permeability (b) high coercivity/GÛÛe efve«eeefnlee
GÛÛe meble=hle ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe Deewj efvecve ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee (c) strong magnetic reluctance
(d) low saturation magnetization and low
cepeyetle ÛegcyekeâerÙe Øeefle°cYe
permeability (d) zero differential permeability
efvecve meble=hle ÛeggcyekeâerkeâjCe Deewj efvecve ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee MetvÙe DeJekeâefuele ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 740 YCT
263. Consider the following statements: Electrets (a) high saturation magnetisation only
are the materials which are kesâJeue GÛÛe meble=hle ÛegbyekeâerkeâjCe
1. having permanent electric moments. (b) low retentivity only/kesâJeue efvecve OeejCee Meefòeâ
2. electromagnets
(c) low coercive field only/kesâJeue efvecve efve«eeefnlee #es$e
3. very similar to permanent magnet materials
(d) high saturation magnetisation low retentivity
4. similar to anti-ferroelectric materials.
and low coercive force./GÛÛe meble=hle ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe,
Which of these statements is/are correct?
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW~ efvecve OeejCe Deewj efvecve efve«eeefnlee
268. Soft iron is used to manufacture
Fueskeäš^sšdme heoeLe& nQ pees nQ– electromagnets because it has
1. mLeeÙeer efJeÅegle DeeIetCe& vece& ueesne keâe ØeÙeesie efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ kesâ efvecee&Ce ceW neslee
2. efJeÅegle-Ûegcyekeâ nw keäÙeesefkeâ FmeceW neslee nw–
3. mLeeÙeer Ûegcyekeâ heoeLe& kesâ ueieYeie meceeve (a) high retentivity/GÛÛe OeejCe
4. Øeefle-ueewn efJeÅegleerÙe heoeLeeX kesâ meceeve (b) high coercive field/GÛÛe efve«een #es$e
FveceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw? (c) low rententivity/efvecve OeejCe
(a) 2 only/kesâJeue 2 (d) low coercive field/efvecve efve«een #es$e
(b) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 269. High frequency transformer cores are
(c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 generally made of
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1,2,3 Deewj 4 GÛÛe DeeJe=efòe kesâ heefjCeeefce$e keâesj meceevÙele: ............
264. Which one of the following materials can not be keâer yeveer nesleer nQ~
used for permanent magnets? (a) cast iron/{ueJeeB ueesne (b) mu-metal/cÙetcesšue
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Skeâ heoeLe& keâe ØeÙeesie mLeeÙeer (c) ferrite/HesâjeFš (d) graphite/«esHeâeFš
Ûegcyekeâ kesâ efueS veneR keâj mekeâles ? 270. For high-speed reading and storing of
(a) Alnico/Sefuvekeâes information in a computer the material used is
(b) Barium ferrite/yesefjÙece HesâjeFš Skeâ mebieCekeâ ceW metÛevee keâes GÛÛe ieefle he"ve Deewj
(c) Carbon steel/keâeye&ve-mšerue
Skeâef$ele keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâme heoeLe& keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee
(d) Iron-cobalt alloy/ueesne-keâesyeeuš efceßeOeeleg
peelee nw?
265. Which one of the following is not a permanent (a) ferrite/HesâjeFš
magnetic material? (b) piezoelectric/oeyeefJeÅegle
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ mLeeÙeer ÛegcyekeâerÙe (c) pyroelectric/heeFjesFuesefkeäš^keâ
heoeLe& veneR nw? (d) ferromagnetic above 768°C
(a) Chromium steel/›eâesefceÙece mšerue 768°C kesâ Thej ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe
(b) Silicon iron/efmeefuekeâe@ve DeeÙejve 271. Which one of the following have the maximum
(c) Cobalt steel/keâesyeeuš mšerue
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Skeâ heoeLe& keâer DeefOekeâlece
(d) Alnico/Sefuvekeâes
ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee nw?
266. Which among the following magnetic materials
has the highest energy-product to make it a (a) Grain oriented silicon steel
permanent magnet? «esve DeesefjSCšs[ efmeefuekeâe@ve mšerue
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâe mLeeÙeer (b) 4% silicon steel/4% efmeefuekeâe@ve mšerue
Ûegcyekeâ yeveeves kesâ efueS GÛÛelece Tpee&-iegCeve nw? (c) Pure iron/Megæ ueesne
(a) Alnico/Sefuvekeâes (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) Ferrite/HesâjeFš 272. Which one of the following materials is the
(c) Samarium cobalt/mescesefjÙece keâesyeeuš hardest?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ heoeLe& keâ"esjlece nw?
(d) Cobalt-iron alloy/keâesyeeuš-DeeÙejve efceßeOeeleg
267. Soft iron is used in the manufacture of (a) Cementite/meercesvšeFš
electromagnets because of its (b) Ferrite/HesâjeFš
vece& ueesne keâe ØeÙeesie efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ kesâ efvecee&Ce ceW neslee (c) Austenite/Dee@mšsveeF&š
nw keäÙeeWefkeâ FmeceW nesslee nw– (d) Iron/ueesne

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 741 YCT

273. Which of the following materials is commonly B B
used for making magnetic recording tape?
meeceevÙele: efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee heoeLe&
ÛegcyekeâerÙe efjkeâeef[Ëie šshe yeveeves kesâ efueS ØeÙeseie efkeâÙee
peelee nw?
(a) Ferric oxide/Hesâefjkeâ Dee@keämee@F[ X X
(b) Silicon iron/efmeefuekeâe@ve DeeÙejve B B

(c) Iron dust/ueesne keâe Oetue

(d) Silver nitrate/efmeuJej veeFš^sš
274. Metallic copper is
OeeeflJekeâ leeByee neslee nw
(a) Paramagnetic substance/DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& X

(b) Diamagnetic substance/ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& 278. The coercive force in a ferromagnetic material
is related to the
(c) Ferromagnetic substance/ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
ueewnÛegcyekeâlJe heoeLe& ceW efve«een yeue efkeâmemes mebyebefOele nw~
(d) Ferrimagnetic substance/hesâjercewivesefškeâ heoeLe&
275. The phenomenon by which a ferromagnetic
material is magnetized to its final state by a
magnetic field is attributed to
Jen heefjIešvee efpemekesâ Éeje keâesF& ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe&
efkeâmeer ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e Éeje Deheveer Debeflece efmLeefle ceW
Ûegcyeefkeâle efkeâÙee peelee nw, keâes efpeccesoej "njeÙee peelee nw~
(a) eddy currents and magnetic viscosity
YeBJej Oeeje Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe MÙeevelee
(a) area enclosed by the B-H loop.
(b) magnetic viscosity and hysteresis
B-H uethe mes efIeje #es$e
ÛegcyekeâerÙe MÙeevelee Deewj MewefLeuÙe
(b) intercept on the negative H axis of the B-H
(c) hysteresis and eddy currents
loop/B-H uethe kesâ $e+Ceelcekeâ H- De#e hej DeJejesOeve
MewefLeuÙe Deewj YeBJej Oeeje (c) intercept on the positive B axis of the B-H
(d) ageing and magnetic viscosity loop/B-H uethe kesâ Oeveelcekeâ B- De#e hej DeJejesOeve
DeeÙegJe=efæ Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe MÙeevelee (d) maximum value of B on the B-H loop.
276. The magnetic domains, during the process of B-H uethe hej B keâe DeefOekeâlece ceeve
magnetization of ferromagnetic materials 279. The magnetic field required to reduce the
ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ Ûegcyekeâve Øeef›eâÙee kesâ oewjeve residual magnetization to zero is called.
ÛegcyekeâerÙe [escesve,– DeJeefMe° ÛegcyekeâerÙekeâjCe keâes MetvÙe lekeâ keâce keâjves kesâ
(a) only expand/kesâJeue Hewâuelee nw~ efueS DeeJeMÙekeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâes keâne peelee nw~
(b) rotate first and then expand (a) retentivity/OeejCeerÙelee
henues Ietcelee nw efHeâj Hewâuelee nw~ (b) coercivity/efve«ee¢elee
(c) expand first and then rotate (c) hysteresis/MewefLeuÙe
henues Hewâuelee nw efHeâj Ietcelee nw~ (d) saturation/meble=hle
(d) neither rotate nor expand 280. Consider the following statements: The
ve Ietcelee nw ve ner Hewâuelee nw~ coercive force can be increased by
277. The dependence of B (flux density) on H efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW : efve«ee¢e yeue
(magnetic field intensity) for different types of yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
materials is- 1. adding cobalt because it is ferromagnetic
efJeefYeVe Øekeâej keâer meeceef«eÙeeW kesâ efueS H (ÛebgyekeâerÙe #es$e material./keâesyeeuš efceueekeâj keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen
keâer leer›elee) hej B (heäuekeäme IevelJe) efveYe&jlee nw~ ueewnÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 742 YCT
2. adding gold because it is a diamagnetic 284. In a magnetic material, hysteresis loss takes
material./meesvee efceueekeâj keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen place primarily due to-
ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& nw~ Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& ceW, MewefLeuÙe neefve cegKÙe ™he mes
3. adding super alloy./meghej efceßeOeeleg efceueekeâj~ .......kesâ keâejCe nesleer nw~
4. space charge polarizing. (a) flux density lagging behind magnetising force
efveJee&le DeeJesMe keâe OegÇJeerkeâjCe keâjkesâ Fmekesâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe yeue mes heäuekeäme IevelJe keâe he§eieeceer
Which of the above statements is/are correct? nesvee
Ghejesòeâ keâLeveeW ceW mes keâewve-mee mener nw/nQ? (b) molecular friction/DeeCeefJekeâ Ie<e&Ce
(a) 1,2,3 and 4/1,2,3 Deewj 4 (c) its high retentivity/Fmekesâ GÛÛe OeejCe meeceLÙe&
(b) 1 only/kesâJeue 1 (d) rapid reversal of its magnetisation
(c) 2 only/kesâJeue 2 ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe kesâ leer›e heefjJele&ve
(d) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 285. The area of hysteresis loop is a measure of-
281. Consider the following statements regarding MewefLeuÙe uethe keâe #es$eheâue........keâe Skeâ ceeheve nw~
hysteresis loops of hard and soft magnetic (a) magnetic flux/ÛegcyekeâerÙe heäuekeäme
keâ"esj Deewj ce=og ÛegcyekeâerÙe meeceef«eÙeeW kesâ MewefLeuÙe uetheeW (b) permeance/ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee
kesâ yeejs ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW- (c) mmf per cycle/Øeefle
Ûe›eâ mmf
1. Hysteresis loss of hard magnetic material (d) energy loss per cycle/Øeefle Ûe›eâ Tpee& neefve
will be less than that of soft material 286. Hysteresis loss least depends on-
keâ"esj ÛegcyekeâerÙe meece«eer keâe MewefLeuÙe neefve vece& MewefLeuÙe neefve...........hej keâce mes keâce efveYe&j keâjlee nw~
meece«eer keâer leguevee ceW keâce nesiee~ (a) volume of material/heoeLe& kesâ DeeÙeleve
2. Coercivity of hard material will be (b) frequency/DeeJe=efòe
greater than that of soft material
(c) Steinmetz coefficient of material
keâ"esj ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâer efve«ee¢elee vece& heoeLe&
heoeLe& kesâ mšervcesšdpe iegCeebkeâ
keâer leguevee ceW DeefOekeâ nesiee~
(d) ambient temperature/JÙeehekeâ leeheceeve
3. Retentivity of the two materials will
always be equal./oes heoeLeeX keâer OeejCeerÙelee 287. Hystersis loss is proportional to
#ecelee ncesMee yejeyej nesieer~ MewefLeuÙe neefve.........kesâ meceevegheeleer nesleer nw~
(a) f (b) f
Which of these statements are correct? 2
(c) f (d) f 3
FveceW mes keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nQ~
288. On which of the following factors does
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1,2 Deewj 3
hysteresis loss not depend?
(b) 2 only/kesâJeue 2 efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Ieškeâ hej MewefLeuÙe neefve efveYe&j
(c) 3 only/kesâJeue 3 veneR keâjleer nw?
(d) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
(a) Magnetic field intensity/ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e leer›elee
282. The shape of B-H curve for air gap is-
(b) Frequency of the field/#es$e keâer DeeJe=efòe
B-H Je›eâ keâe Deekeâej nJee Devlejeue kesâ efueS........neslee
(c) Volume of the material/heoeLe& kesâ DeeÙeleve
(d) Neel temperature/veerue leeheceeve
(a) parabola/hejJeueÙe
289. Compared to other materials, a material with a
(b) sinusoidal/pÙeeJe›eâerÙe
wider hysteresis loop has
(c) ellipse/oerIe&Je=òe
DevÙe heoeLeeX keâer leguevee ceW, Skeâ ÛeewÌ[s MewefLeuÙe uethe
(d) straight line/meerOeer jsKee
Jeeues heoeLe& ceW neslee nw-
283. Iron loss is known as-
(a) lower permeability, higher retentivity and
ueewn neefve .......... kesâ ®he ceW peevee peelee nw~ neslee nw-
higher coercivity/efvecvelece ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee, GÛÛelece
(a) hysteresis loss/MewefLeuÙe
neefve OeejCe meeceLÙe& Deewj GÛÛelece efJeÛegcyekeâ ceeheebkeâ
(b) eddy current loss/YeJeBj Oeeje neefve (b) higher permeability, lower retentivity and
(c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW higher coercivity./GÛÛelece ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee, efvecvelece
(d) none of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR OeejCe meeceLÙe& Deewj GÛÛelece efJeÛegcyekeâ ceeheebkeâ
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 743 YCT
(c) lower permeability, higher retentivity and (c) Surface conditions of brush and
lower reluctance/efvecvelece ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee, GÛÛelece commutator
OeejCe meeceLÙe& Deewj efvecvelece Øeefle°cYe yeÇMe Deewj keâcÙetšsšj keâer melen keâer oMee
(d) lower permeability, lower retentivity and (d) All of the above/GheÙegòeâ ceW meYeer
lower residual magnetism. 295. Which of the following are non-conductors of
efvecvelece ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee, efvecvelece OeejCe meeceLÙe& Deewj electricity?
efvecvelece DeJeefMe° ÛegcyekeâlJe FveceW mes keâewve-mee, efJeÅegle keâe DeÛeeuekeâ nw?
290. The hysteresis loop of a magnetic material has (a) Non-metal solids except carbon
an area of 5 cm2 with the scales given as 1 cm= "esme DeOeeleg kesâ Deefleefjòeâ keâeye&ve
2AT and 1 cm = 50 mWb . At 50 Hz, the total (b) Air and most other gases
hysteresis loss is-
SÙej Deewj DeefOekeâebMe DevÙe iewmeW
Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& kesâ MewefLeuÙe uethe keâe #es$eHeâue 5 (c) Pure water and liquids in general except
Jeie& mesceer. nw pees 1 mesceer. = 2AT Deewj 1 mesceer. = 50 mercury
efceueer Jesyej hewceeves kesâ meeLe efoÙee ieÙee nw~ 50 nšd&pe hej, meeOeejCe ceW ceke&âjer kesâ DeueeJee Megæ heeveer Deewj lejue
kegâue MewefLeuÙe neefve nw- (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW meYeer
(a) 15 W (b) 20 W 296. Carbon bearings are used under which of the
(c) 25 W (d) 50 W following conditions?
291. Which of the following material is not a efvecve ceW mes efkeâve efmLeefleÙeeW ceW keâeye&ve ueieeves keâe
semiconductor? GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee heoeLe& Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ veneR nw? (a) Where lubrication is difficult or impossible
(a) Silica/efmeefuekeâe peneB mvesnkeâ keâef"ve Ùee DemecYeJe nw
(b) Germanium/pecexefveÙece (b) Where corrosive chemical action exists
(c) Selenium/mesuesefveÙece peneB meb#eejkeâ jmeeÙeefvekeâ ef›eâÙee ceewpeto nw
(d) Gallium-arsenide/iewefueÙece DeemexveeF[ (c) Where high temperature exists
292. Carbon resistors are used extensively because peneB GÛÛe leeheceeve ceewpeto nw
they are (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
keâeye&ve ØeeflejesOekeâeW keâe JÙeehekeâ ™he mes GheÙeesie efkeâÙee 297. Which of the following high resistance
peelee nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ ............. nesleer nw~ materials has the highest operating
(a) easy to make/yeveeves ceW Deemeeveer temperature?
(b) compact/keâe@chewkeäš ("esme)
efvecve ceW mes efkeâme GÛÛe ØeeflejesOeer heoeLe& ceW GÛÛelece
(c) inexpensive/memlee Ùee efceleJÙeÙeer
Dee@hejseEšie leeheceeve neslee nw?
(d) all of the above reasons/Ghejesòeâ meYeer keâejCeeW mes (a) Kanthal/kebâLeeue (b) Manganin/ceQieefveve
293. Carbon rods are used in wet and dry cells (c) Nichrome/veeF›eâesce (d) Eureka/Ùetjskeâe
because 298. Steel wire is used as
ieerues Deewj Meg<keâ mesueeW ceW keâeye&ve je@[ keâe GheÙeesie mšerue JeeÙej ........ kesâ ™he ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw
efkeâÙee peelee nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ (a) overhead telephone wire
(a) carbon rod serves as conductor DeesJej ns[ šsueerheâesve leej
keâeye&ve je@[ Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ™he ceW keâeÙe& keâjlee nw (b) earth wire/DeLe& JeeÙej
(b) carbon can resist the attack of battery acid (c) core wire of ACSR/ACSR kesâ keâesj JeeÙej
keâeye&ve, yewšjer Sefme[ kesâ nceues keâe efJejesOe keâj (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
mekeâles nQ 299. Low resistivity materials are used in
(c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW keâce ØeeflejesOeer heoeLe& ............... ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee
(d) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b) peelee nw
294. Due to which of the following factors the (a) transformer, motor and generator windings
brush wear rate is altered? š^ebmeheâece&j, ceesšj Deewj pevejsšj JeeFbeE[ie
efvecve ceW mes efkeâve hewâkeäšjeW kesâ keâejCe yeÇMe ueieeve keâer (b) transmission and distribution lines
oj yeoue oer peeleer nw? mebÛejCe Deewj efJelejCe ueeFveW
(a) Speed of the machine/ceMeerve keâer ieefle (c) house wiring/Iejsuet JeeÙeeEjie
(b) Contact pressure/mecheke&â oeye (d) all above applications/meYeer Ghejesòeâ DevegØeÙeesieeW

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 744 YCT

300. The presence of one of the following materials, 3. It does not saturate easily.
in iron or steel for use as a magnetic material, Ùen Deemeeveer mes meble=hle veneR nesleer nw
tends to reduce the hysteresis loss- Which of the above statements are correct?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Skeâ heoeLe& keâe ØeÙeesie ueewn Ùee GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
mšerue ceW ÛegcyekeâerÙe MewefLeuÙe neefveÙeeW keâes keâce keâjves ceW
(a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(b) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
(a) carbon/keâeye&ve (b) sulphur/meuheâj
(c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
(c) phosphorus/heâemheâesjme (d) silicon/efmeefuekeâe@ve
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1,2 Deewj 3
301. Maximum flux density in cold rolled grain
oriented steel is- 306. The main reason why Ni-Zn ferrites are used
keâesu[ jesu[ «esve DeeefjSvšs[ mšerue ceW DeefOekeâlece for audio and TV transformers is that-
Ni-Zn hesâjeF&š keâe ØeÙeesie Deeef[ÙeeW Deewj šer.Jeer.
heäuekeäme IevelJe nw-
(a) 0.5 (b) 1.1
heefjCeeefce$e kesâ efueS keäÙeeW neslee nw, keâe cegKÙe keâejCe Ùen
(c) 1.5 (d) 2.1 nw efkeâ-
302. Cold working operation (a) they have large saturation magnetization
"C[e keâeÙe&keâejer ØeÛeeueve - GveceW yeÌ[s meble=hle ÛegbyekeâerkeâjCe neslee nw
(a) increase conductivity/ÛeeuekeâerÙelee ceW Je=efæ keâjlee nw (b) they are easy to fabricate by rolling/jesefuebie
(b) increases resistivity/ØeeflejesOekeâlee ceW Je=efæ keâjlee nw (uegÌ{keâveer) kesâ Éeje Fvekeâe Deemeeveer mes efvecee&Ce keâjvee
(c) converts a thicker wire into a thin wire (c) they are totally free from pores and voids
ceesšs leej keâe heleues leej ceW ™heevlejCe keâjlee Jes hetCe& ™he mes jesce Deewj efjefòeâÙeeW mes mJeleb$e nesles nQ
(d) removes internal stresses (d) they have a high electrical resistivity
Deevleefjkeâ leveeJe nševee nw GveceW GÛÛe efJeÅegle ØeeflejesOekeâlee nesleer nw
303. The hysteresis loop for the material of the core 307. The best variety of copper from the point of
of the transformer should be- view of electrics conductivity is-
heefjCeeefce$e kesâ keâesj kesâ heoeLe& keâe MewefLeuÙe uethe nesvee efJeÅegle Ûeeuekeâlee kesâ ÂMÙe mes DeÛÚs Øekeâej keâe lee@yee nw-
ÛeeefnS- (a) pure annealed copper/Megæ Sveeru[ leeceü
(a) short and narrow/Úesše Deewj heleuee (b) hard drawn copper/keâ"esj keâef<e&le leeceü
(b) tall and narrow/uecyee Deewj heleuee (c) induction hardened copper/ØesjCe keâ"esj leeceü
(c) short and wide/Úesše Deewj ÛeewÌ[e (d) copper containing silicon traces
(d) tall and wide/uecyee Deewj Ûeew[ Ì e leeceü Ùegòeâ efmeefuekeâe@ve efveMeeve
304. Why is the core of the transformer built of 308. Copper though costly, finds use in windings for
laminations? electrics machines because
heefjCeeefce$e kesâ keâesj hešefuele keäÙeeW yeveeÙes peeles nw? leeByee cenbiee neslee nw efHeâj Yeer, Fmes efJeÅegle ceMeerve ceW
(a) To reduce eddy current loss JeeFbef[bie kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie keâjles nw keäÙeesefkeâ-
YeJebj Oeeje neefve keâce keâjves kesâ efueS (a) it offers low contact resistance
(b) For convenience of fabrication Ùen efvecve mecheke&â ØeeflejesOe Øeoeve keâjlee nw~
efvecee&Ce keâer megefJeOee kesâ efueS (b) it can be easily soldered and welded
(c) No specific advantage/keâesF& efJeefMe° ueeYe veneR Fmeces šebkeâe ueieevee Deewj peesÌ[vee Deemeeveer mes nes mekeâlee
(d) For increasing the permeability nw~
ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS (c) it gives less bulky windings leading to
305. Consider the following statements regarding an compact machine/Ùen keâce Yeejer JeeFefC[bie meIeve
ideal core material: ceMeerve mes De«eieeceer oslee nw~
Skeâ DeeoMe& keâesj heoeLe& kesâ meboYe& ceW efvecveefueefKele (d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ ces mes meYeer
keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW- 309. Conductivity of aluminium is_____ time of that
1. It has very high permeability. of copper.
Fmekeâer yengle GÛÛe ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee nesleer nw SuÙegefceefveÙece keâer Ûeeuekeâlee keâe@hej keâer Dehes#ee ............
2. It loses all its magnetism when there is no nesleer nw~
current flow./Ùen Deheveer meYeer ÛegcyekeâlJe Kees (a) 1.63 (b) 0.6
oslee nw peye Fmemes keâesF& Oeeje ØeJeeefnle veneR nesleer nw (c) 2.5 (d) 0.4

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 745 YCT

310. In many applications copper is being replaced 314. Platinum is employed in-
by aluminium is due to- huesefšvece keâe ØeÙeesie ceW neslee nw~
Deveskeâ DevegØeÙeesieeW ceW leeceü, SuÙegefceefveÙece Éeje (a) electrical contacts and thermocouples
ØeeflemLeeefhele nes jne nw~ Ùen........kesâ keâejCe nw~ efJeÅegle mecheke&â Deewj leeheÙegice
(a) low cost, abundantly availability and low (b) heating elements for electric furnaces
specific gravity of aluminium in comparison
to that of copper
efJeÅegle Yeªer kesâ efueS leeheve DeJeÙeJe
(c) grids for special purpose vacuum tubes
efvecve keâercele, yengleeÙele mes GheueyOelee Deewj leeceü keâer
leguevee ceW SuÙegefceefveÙece keâe efvecve efJeefMe° ieg®lJe efJeMes<e GösMÙe efveJee&n šŸetye kesâ efueS «eer[
(b) low resistivity of aluminium in comparison to (d) all of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
that of 315. ____ is employed as heating element for
keâer leguevee ceW SuÙegefceefveÙece keâer efvecve ØeeflejesOekeâlee leeceü temperature up to 1, 3500C
(c) more ductility and malleability of aluminium .........1350ºC lekeâ leeheceeve kesâ efueS leehekeâ DeJeÙeJe kesâ
in comparison to that of copper ™he ceW ............ ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peelee nw~
leeceü keâer leguevee ceW, SuÙegefceefveÙece keâer DelÙeefOekeâ (a) Nichrome/veeF›eâesce
ueÛeerueeheve Deewj DeeIeeleJeOe&veerÙelee (b) Silicon carbide/efmeefuekeâe@ve keâeyeeF&[
(d) low temperature coefficient of resistance of
(c) Copper/leeceü
aluminium in comparison to that of copper
leeceü keâer leguevee ceW SuÙegefceefveÙece keâe efvecve ØeeflejesOe leehe (d) Carbon/keâeye&ve
iegCeebkeâ 316. ___ is employed for winding of coils for dc
motor starters-
311. Aluminium does not corrode in atmosphere
because- ......... efo° Oeeje ceesšj mše&šj kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ kegâC[ueer
SuÙegefceefveÙece keâe JeeÙegceC[ue ceW #ejCe veneR neslee nw keâer JeeFefC[bie nw~
keäÙeesefkeâ - (a) Constantan/keâebmšsvšve
(a) it is a noble metal/Ùen Skeâ DeeoMe& Oeeleg nw~ (b) Nichrome/veeF›eâesce
(b) atmospheric oxygen can only diffuse very (c) Copper/leeceü
slowly through the oxide layer which is (d) Aluminium/SuÙegefceefveÙece
formed on the surface of the aluminium
317. A good electrical contact material should have
JeeÙegceC[ue ceW Deekeämeerpeve hejle kesâ ceeOÙece mes yengle Oeerjs- the properties of
Oeerjs kesâJeue efJemeefjle nes mekeâleer nw pees SuÙetceerefveÙece keâer Skeâ DeÛÚs efJeÅegle mecheke&â heoeLe& kesâ iegCe nesves ÛeeefnÙes~
hejle hej efveYe&j nesleer nw~
(a) high melting point/GÛÛe ieueveebkeâ efyevog
(c) it does not react with oxygen
(b) good thermal conductivity
Ùen Deekeämeerpeve kesâ meeLe Øeefleef›eâÙee veneR keâjlee nw~
DeÛÚer T<ceerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee
(d) all of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
(c) high resistance to corrosion
312. Carbon is ___ material.
keâeye&ve........heoeLe& nw~ GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe mes meb#eejCe
(d) all of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
(a) conducting/ÛeeuekeâerÙe
318. Which of the following is not a conducting
(b) dielectric/hejeJewÅegle
(c) semiconducting/Deæ&ÛeeuekeâerÙe efvecveefueefKele keâewve-mee Skeâ ÛeeuekeâerÙe heoeLe& veneR nw?
(d) non-conducting/DeÛeeuekeâerÙe
(a) Copper/leeceü (b) Tungsten/šbiemšve
313. Constantan is an alloy composed of-
(c) Germanium/pecexefveÙece (d) Platinum/huesefšvece
keâebmšsvšve...........keâe yevee Skeâ efceßeOeeleg nw~
319. Which one of the following materials has
(a) 86% copper, 12% maganese and 2% nickel
temperature coefficient of resistance very close
86% leeceü, 12% ceQieefvepe Deewj 2% efveefkeâue to zero-
(b) 76% nickel, 21% chromium, 2% magnese efvecveefueefKele ceW efkeâme heoeLe& kesâ ØeeflejesOe keâe leeheceeve
and 1% iron/76% efveefkeâue, 21% ›eâesefceÙece, 2%
iegCeebkeâ MetvÙe kesâ "erkeâ vepeoerkeâ nw?
ceQieefvepe Deewj 1% ueesne
(a) Manganin/ceQieveerve
(c) 60% copper and 40% nickel
60% leeceü Deewj 40% efveefkeâue (b) Nichrome/veeF›eâesce
(d) 40% copper, 40% nickel and 20% carbon (c) Carbon/keâeye&ve
40% leeceü, 40% efveefkeâue Deewj 20% keâeye&ve (d) Aluminium/SuÙegefceefveÙece
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 746 YCT
320. Manganin alloy used for making resistors for 324. Consider the following statements with regard
laboratory instruments contains to manufacture of a standard resistor:
ØeÙeesieMeeuee GhekeâjCeeW kesâ efueS ØeeflejesOekeâ yeveeves kesâ Skeâ ceevekeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ efvecee&Ce kesâ meboYe& ceW
efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙes peeves Jeeues cewieveerve efceßeOeeleg ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
neslee nw- 1. The material should be of high resistivity
(a) Copper, Aluminium and Manganese and low temperature coefficient.
leeceü,SuÙegefceefveÙece Deewj ceQieveerpe heoeLe& GÛÛe ØeeflejesOekeâlee Deewj efvecve leeheceeve
(b) Copper, Nickel and Manganese iegCeebkeâ keâe nesvee ÛeeefnS~
leeceü, efveefkeâue Deewj ceQieveerpe 2. Resistors are shielded against magnetic
(c) Aluminium, Nickel and Manganese field./ØeeflejesOekeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ efJe™æ
SuÙegefceefveÙece, efveefkeâue Deewj ceQieveerpe heefjjef#ele nw~
(d) Chromium, Nickel and Manganese
3. Nickel-chromium is best suited for
›eâesefceÙece, efveefkeâue Deewj ceQieveerpe
resistance of high value./efveefkeâue-›eâesefceÙece
321. Resistive films in MIC's are needed to fabricate
resistors and attenuators. The features GÛÛe ceeve kesâ ØeeflejesOe kesâ efueS Gòece Devegketâue nw~
desirable in resistive films are Which of the above statements is/are correct?
ØeeflejesOekeâ Deewj DešsvegSšme& efveefce&le keâjves kesâ efueS GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
MIC's ceW ØeeflejesOeer efheâucees keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~ (a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
ØeeflejesOeer efheâucees ceW JeebefÚle (JeebÚveerÙe) efJeMes<eleeSB nw- (b) 1 only/kesâJeue 1
(a) low temperature coefficient of resistance
(c) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
(TCR)/efvecve leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe (TCR)
(d) 3 only /kesâJeue 3
(b) lower loss/efvecvelece neefve
(c) good adhesion to the substrate 325. Metal film resistors are made by depositing a
very thin layer of metal on a
meymeš^sš nsleg DeÛÚe Deemebpeve
(d) good etchability and solderability
Oeeleg efHeâuce ØeeflejesOekeâ yeveeves kesâ efueS ............. hej
DeÛÚer ÛebÛeuelee Deewj efceueehe Oeeleg keâer Skeâ yengle heleueer hejle ÛeÌ{eÙeer peeleer nw~
322. The fuse material used in electrical lines must (a) metal rod/Oeeleg ÚÌ[
have which one of the following properties? (b) bakelite sheet/yewkesâueeFš Meerš
efJeÅegle ueeFveeW ceW ØeÙeesie nesves Jeeues HeäÙetpe heoeLeex ceW (c) ceramic rod/meerjsefcekeâ ÚÌ[
efvecve ceW mes keâewve mee iegCe nesvee ÛeeefnS? (d) metal sheet/Oeeleg Meerš
(a) High resistivity/GÛÛe ØeeflejesOekeâlee
326. The maximum power handling capacity of a
(b) Low conductivity/efvecve Ûeeuekeâlee resistor depends on
(c) High melting point/GÛÛe ieueveebkeâ efyevog Skeâ ØeeflejesOekeâ keâer DeefOekeâlece Meefòeâ mebÛeeueve #ecelee
(d) Low melting point/efvecve ieueveebkeâ efyevog .......... hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~
323. Consider the following properties pertaining to (a) total surface area/kegâue melen #es$eheâue
an alloy used as a precision resistor-
Skeâ efceßeOeeleg mes mecyeefvOele efvecveefueefKele iegCees hej (b) resistance value/ØeeflejesOe ceeve
efJeÛeej keâjs pees Skeâ ÙeLeeLe& ØeeflejesOekeâ keâer lejn (c) thermal capacity of the resistor
ØeÙegòeâ nw~ ØeeflejesOe keâer G<ceerÙe #ecelee
1. Uniform resistance/Skeâ meceeve ØeeflejesOe (d) resistivity of the material used in the resistor
2. Stable resistance/mLeeÙeer ØeeflejesOe
ØeeflejesOekeâ ceW ØeÙegòeâ heoeLe& keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee
3. Zero or low temperature coefficient of 327. Wire-would resistances are used only when-
resistivity/MetvÙe Ùee efvecve leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ keâer JeeÙej-JeeGC[ ØeeflejesOe ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw kesâJeue peye-
ØeeflejesOekeâlee (a) precision is essential/ÙeLeeLe&lee DeeJeMÙekeâ nesleer nw
Which of these properties are desirable? (b) low values are required
FveceW mes keâewve mee iegCe JeebÚveerÙe nw? efvecve ceeve keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 (c) high power rating is necessary
(b) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 GÛÛe Meefòeâ jsefšbie DeefveJeeÙe& nesleer nw
(c) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3 (d) costly equipments are manufactured
(d) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3 yengcetuÙe keâerceleer GhekeâjCe efveefce&le nesleer nw
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 747 YCT
328. The precision resistors are 333. Which one of the following capacitors is
heefjMegæ ØeeflejesOekeâ nQ- suitable for compensation of harmonic and
(a) Carbon composition resistor reactive power?
keâeye&ve keâcheesefpeMeve ØeeflejesOe efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ mebOeeefj$e neceexefvekeäme
(b) Wire wound resistor/JeeÙej JeeGC[ ØeeflejesOe (DeeJele&) Deewj ØeefleIeeleer Meefòeâ keâer Øeeflehetefle& kesâ efueS
(c) resistors with a negative temperature GheÙegòeâ nw?
cofficient/$e+Ceelcekeâ leehe iegCeebkeâ kesâ meeLe ØeeflejesOe (a) Mica capacitor/DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e
(d) resistors with a positive temperature (b) Glass capacitor/iueeme mebOeeefj$e
cofficient/Oeveelcekeâ leehe iegCeebkeâ kesâ meeLe ØeeflejesOe
(c) Polypropylene capacitor/hee@ueerØeesheerueerve mebOeeefj$e
329. The four band colour code on a carbon
composite resistor is as follows: (d) Electrolytic capacitor/efJeÅegle-DeheIešŸe mebOeeefj$e
Skeâ keâeye&ve mebÙegòeâ ØeeflejesOe hej Ûeej yeQ[ jbie keâes[ nw 334. Which among the following has/have
Fme Øekeâej nQ– capacitance value(s) from few µF to high µF?
First band colour/ØeLece yeQ[ jbie : Yellow/heeruee ef vecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmekeâer Oeeefjlee kegâÚ ceeF›eâes-hewâj[
Second band colour/efÉleerÙe yeQ[ jbie : Violet/yeQieveer mes GÛÛe ceeF›eâes-hewâj[ kesâ yeerÛe nw?
Third band colour/le=leerÙe yeQ[ jbie : Red/ueeue (a) Mica, glass, low loss ceramic
Fourth band colour/ÛelegLe& yeQ[ jbie : Silver/ÛeeBoer DeYeükeâ, iueeme, efvecve neefve efmejsefcekeâ
The specification of resistor is- (b) High permittivity ceramic
ØeeflejesOekeâ kesâ efJeefveoxMe nQ- GÛÛe JewÅegleMeeruelee efmejsefcekeâ
(a) 35k kΩ ± 10% (b) 4.7 kΩ ± 10% (c) Paper/keâeiepe
(c) 6.7 kΩ ± 5% (d) 46 kΩ ± 20% (d) electrolytic/efJeÅegle-DeheIešŸe
330. Commonly used dielectric in electrolytic 335. How much (approximate) is the frequency
capacitors is independent power factor of a plastic dielectric
efJeÅegle DeheIešŸe mebOeeefj$e ceW meeceevÙele: ØeÙegòeâ hejeJewÅegle capacitor?
nw- efkeâmeer hueeefmškeâ hejeJewÅegle mebOeeefj$e keâe efkeâlevee Meefòeâ
(a) magnesium oxide/cewiveerefMeÙece Dee@keämeeF[ iegCeebkeâ DeeJe=efòe mes mJeleb$e neslee nw?
(b) cadmium nitride/kewâ[efceÙece veeFš^eF[ (a) 0.00002 (b) 0.0002
(c) aluminium oxide/SuÙegefceefveÙece Dee@keämeeF[ (c) 0.002 (d) 0.02
(d) manganese oxide/ceQieveerpe Dee@keämeeF[ 336. The maximum number of electrons which the
331. Which one of the following is the remaining valence shell of an atom can have is-
grade of paper used in paper capacitors, DeefOekeâlece mebKÙee ceW Fueskeäš^eBve pees Skeâ hejceeCeg kesâ
besides the other two grades of paper-low loss mebÙeespeer Mewue kesâ nes mekeâles nw-
and extra low loss?
(a) 6 (b) 8
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ heshej mebOeeefj$eeW ceW
(c) 18 (d) 2
ØeÙeesie nesves Jeeues Mes<e ßesCeer kesâ heshej nw, DevÙe oes ßesCeer
337. An electron with velocity u is placed in an
kesâ efvecve neefve Deewj Deefle efvecve neefve heshej kesâ Deefleefjòeâ? electric field E and magnetic field B. The force
(a) Strong dielectric/cepeyetle hejeJewÅegle experienced by the electron is given by
(b) Regular/efveÙeefcele u ieefle kesâ meeLe Skeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve Skeâ efJeÅegle #es$e (E) Deewj
(c) Rough/Kegjogje ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e (B) ceW efmLele nw~ Fueskeäš^e@ve kesâ Éeje
(d) High loss/GÛÛe neefve DevegYeJe efkeâÙee ieÙee yeue .......... kesâ Éeje efoÙee nw~
332. The capacitance per unit volume is maximum (a) –eE (b) –eu×B
for- (c) –e(u×E+B) (d) –e(E+u×B)
.......... kesâ efueS Øeefle FkeâeF& DeeÙeleve keâer Oeeefjlee
338. The band-gap of a semiconductors is 1.43 eV.
DeefOekeâlece nesleer nw~ Its cut-off wavelength is
(a) air capacitor/JeeÙeg mebOeeefj$e Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ keâe Tpee& Devlejeue 1.43 Fueskeäš^eBve
(b) mica capacitor/DeYeükeâ mebOeeefj$e Jeesuš nw~ Fmekeâe keâš-DeeBheâ lejbie-owOÙe& nw-
(c) ceramic capacitor/efmejsefcekeâ mebOeeefj$e (a) 1 µm (b) 0.81 µm
(d) electrolytic capacitor/efJeÅegle-DeheIešŸe mebOeeefj$e (c) 0.56 µm (d) 0.27 µm

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 748 YCT

339. III-V alloy semiconductor crystallizes in what 345. Conduction electrons have more mobility than
form? holes because they
III-V efceßeOeeleg Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ef›eâmšueerke=âle efkeâme ™he ceW Ûeeueve Fueskeäš^ev@ me keâer ieefleMeeruelee nesume mes DeefOekeâ
nw? nesleer nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Jes-
(a) Simple cubic structure/meeOeejCe IeveerÙe mebjÛevee (a) Are lighter/nukesâ nw
(b) Body-centered cubic structure (b) Experience collision less frequently
kesâvõerÙe yee[er IeveerÙe mebjÛevee Dehes#eeke=âle yeejcyeej škeäkeâj keâer DevegYetefle
(c) Zinc blend structure/efpebkeâ efceßeCe mebjÛevee (c) Have negative charge
(d) Wurtzite structure/yegš&peeFš mebjÛevee $e+Ceelcekeâ DeeJesMe jKelee nw
340. Which one of the following properties is not (d) Need less energy to move them
observed in the carbon nanotubes? Gmes Ûeueeves kesâ efueS keâce Tpee& keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee
efvecveefueefKele keâewve-mee Skeâ iegCe keâeye&ve vewveesšŸetye ceW 346. Which of the following statements is correct?
veneR neslee nw? efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
(a) High stiffness and strengths (a) Copper has partially filled conduction band
GÛÛe keâ"esjlee Deewj meeceLÙe& leeceü keâe DeebefMekeâ ™he mes Yeje ngDee Ûeeueve yevOe neslee nw
(b) Low densities/efvecve IevelJe (b) Diamond has a completely filled conduction
(c) Unusual electrical property/DemeeceevÙe efJeÅegle iegCe band but an empty valence band/nerje keâe Ûeeueve
(d) Non-ductile/iewj veceveerÙe yevOe hetCe& Yeje ngDee uesefkeâve mebÙeespeer yevOe Keeueer neslee nw
341. Typical value of ionisation energy of an (c) Silicon has a partially filled conduction band
electron for an N-type semiconductor can be and an empty valence band
about efmeefuekeâe@ve DeebefMekeâ ™he mes Yeje ngDee Ûeeueve yevOe Deewj
Skeâ N- Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ kesâ efueS Skeâ Fueskeäš^eBve keâer efjòeâ mebÙeespeer yevOe neslee nw
DeeÙeveerkeâjCe Tpee& keâe Øe™heer ceeve ueieYeie ......... nes (d) Energy gap between conduction and valence
mekeâlee nw~ bands in diamond is smaller than in silicon
nerje ceW Ûeeueve Deewj mebÙeespeer yevOe kesâ yeerÛe Tpee&
(a) 0.001 eV (b) 0.01 eV
(c) 1.1 eV (d) 0.15 eV
Devlejeue efmeefuekeâe@ve mes efvecvelece neslee nw
342. The bonding forces in compound 347. Fermi level is the-
semiconductors, such as GaAs, arise from heâceea mlej nw-
iewefueÙece DeemexveeF[ (GaAs), pewmes Ùeewefiekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâes (a) Highest occupied energy level at 0K
ceW yevOe yeue ............ mes GlheVe neslee nw~ 0K hej GÛÛelece DeefOeke=âle Tpee& mlej
(a) Ionic bonding/DeeÙeefvekeâ yevOe (b) Highest occupied energy level at 0°C
(b) Metallic bonding/OeeeflJekeâ yevOe 0°C hej GÛÛelece DeefOeke=âle Tpee& mlej
(c) Energy level at which electron emission
(c) Covalent bonding/men-mebÙeespekeâ yevOe
(d) Combination of ionic and covalent bonding
Tpee& mlej efpeme hej Fueskeäš^e@ve Glmepe&ve Øeehle neslee nw
DeeÙeefvekeâ Deewj men-mebÙeespekeâ yevOe kesâ mebÙeespeve
(d) Minimum energy level in the conduction
343. Which one of the following materials does not band/Ûeeueve yevOe ceW vÙetvelece Tpee& mlej
have a covalent bond?
348. An intrinsic semiconductor at a temperature of
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Skeâ heoeLe& kesâ heeme men- absolute zero behaves like an insulator because
mebÙeespekeâ yevOe vener neslee nw? of
(a) Metal/Oeeleg Skeâ FefCš^efvpekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ hejceMetvÙe leeheceeve hej
(b) Silicon/efmeefuekeâe@ve efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâer lejn JÙeJenej keâjlee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ-
(c) Organic polymers/keâeye&efvekeâ heeueerceme& (a) non-availability of free electrons.
(d) diamond/nerje mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^e@vme keâer DeheÙee&hlelee
344. The nature of crystal binding in germanium is- (b) non-recombination of electros with holes
pecexefveÙece ceW ef›eâmšue yevOe keâer Øeke=âefle nw- nesume kesâ meeLe Fueskeäš^e@vme keâe hegve&mebÙeespeve veneR
(a) Ionic/DeeÙeefvekeâ (c) low drift velocity of free-electrons
(b) Metallic/OeeeflJekeâ mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^e@vme kesâ efueS DeefYeØeJeen ieefle
(c) Covalent/men-mebÙeespekeâ (d) low (almost zero) electron energy
(d) Van der Waal type/JeeC[ue Jeeue Øekeâej efvecve (ueieYeie MetvÙe) Fueskeäš^e@ve Tpee&
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 749 YCT
349. In a semiconductor, the movement of holes is 353. Mobility of electrons and holes
due to Fueskeäš^e@vme Deewj nesume keâer ieefleMeeruelee-
Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW, nesume keâer ieefle........kesâ keâejCe nw~ (a) remain constant irrespective of temperature
(a) movement of electrons in conduction band and electric field intensity/leeheceeve Deewj efJeÅegle
Ûeeueve yevOe ceW Fueskeäš^e@vme keâer ieefle #es$e leer›elee kesâ efvejhes#e efmLej jnleer nw
(b) movement of holes in conduction band (b) varies with temperature alone
Ûeeueve yevOe ceW nesume keâer ieefle Dekesâues leeheceeve kesâ meeLe heefjJeleeale nesleer nw
(c) varies with electric field intensity alone
(c) movement of holes in valence band
Dekesâues efJeÅegle #es$e leer›elee kesâ meeLe heefjJeleeale nesleer nw
mebÙeespeer yevOe ceW nesume keâer ieefle
(d) varies with both temperature and electric field
(d) movement of electrons in valence band
intensity/leeheceeve Deewj efJeÅegle #es$e leer›elee oesveeW kesâ
mebÙeespeer yevOe ceW Fueskeäš^e@vme keâer ieefle meeLe heefjJeleeale nesleer nw
350. Major part of the current in an intrinsic 354. Which of the following is the poorest
semiconductor is because of conductor of electricity?
Skeâ Fvš^sefvpekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW Oeeje keâe DeefOekeâlej Yeeie FveceW mes keâewve-mee efyepeueer keâe meyemes Kejeye Ûeeuekeâ
............ kesâ keâejCe nw~ nw?
(a) valence band electrons/mebÙeespeer yevOe Fueskeäš^e@ve (a) Carbon/keâeye&ve
(b) conduction band electrons/Ûeeueve yevOe Fueskeäš^e@vme (b) Steel/mšerue
(c) thermally generated electrons (c) Silver/ÛeeBoer
T<ceerÙe Tpee& mes Glhevve Fueskeäš^e@ve (d) Aluminium/SuÙetceerefveÙece
(d) holes in the valence band/mebÙeespeer yevOe ceW nesume 355. ............. has zero temperature co-efficient of
351. There is no hole current in good conductors
because they- ......... ceW ØeeflejesOe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ MetvÙe neslee nw~
DeÛÚs ÛeeuekeâeW ceW nesue Oeeje veneR nesleer nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Jes- (a) Aluminium/SuÙetceerefveÙece
(a) have overlapping of conduction and valence (b) Carbon/keâeye&ve
bands (c) Porcelain/Ûeerveer efcešdšer
Ûeeueve Deewj mebÙeespeer yevOeeW kesâ DeefleJÙeeheve nesles nw (d) Manganin/cewieefveve
(b) have no valence band/mebÙeespeer yevOe veneR nesles nw 356. Piezoelectric materials serve as a source of
(c) have large forbidden energy gap
efhepees–Fuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe& .......... kesâ œeesle kesâ ™he ceW
DeefOekeâ Jeefpe&le Tpee& Devlejeue nesles nQ
keâeÙe& keâjleer nw
(d) are full of electron gas
(a) resonant waves/Devegveeo lejbies
Fueskeäš^e@ve mes hetCe& iewme nesles nw
(b) musical waves/OJeefve lejbies
352. On which of the following factors does the
electrical conductivity of a semiconductor (c) microwaves/met#ce lejbies
depend? (d) ultrasonic waves/Deuš^emeesefvekeâ lejbies
efvecveefueefKele efkeâve Ieškeâesb hej Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ keâer 357. In thermocouples which of the following pairs
efJeÅegle ÛeeuekeâerÙelee efveYe&j keâjleer nw? is commonly used?
Leceexkeâheume ceW efvecveefueefKele peesÌ[s keâe meeceevÙe ™he mes
1. Carrier concentration/mebkesâvõCe Jeenkeâ
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
2. Carrier mobility/ieefleMeeruelee Jeenkeâ
(a) Copper-constantan/keâe@hej keâe@vmšWšve
3. Sign of the carrier/Jeenkeâ kesâ mebkesâle
(b) Aluminium-tin/SuÙetceerefveÙece efšve
Select the correct answer using the codes given (c) Silver-German silver/efmeuJej-pece&ve efmeuJej
(d) Iron-steel/DeeÙejve mšerue
veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles ngÙes mener Gòej
358. ........... is viscoelastic.
Ûegves- efJemkeâesFueeefmškeâ neslee nw
(a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 (a) Cast-iron/keâemš DeeÙejve
(b) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3 (b) Graphite/«esheâeFš
(c) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3 (c) Rubber/jyeÌ[
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1,2 Deewj 3 (d) Glass/iueeme
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 750 YCT
359. Carbon electrodes are not used in (c) good thermal conductivity
keâeye&ve Fueskeäš^es[ keâe GheÙeesie ............. ceW veneR efkeâÙee DeÛÚer T<ceerÙe Ûeeuekeâlee
peelee nw (d) high melting point/GÛÛe ieueveebkeâ efyevog
(a) GLS lamps/GLS uewche 366. Most of the common metals have
(b) electric arc furnace/Fuesefkeäš^keâ Deeke&â heâvexme ...................... structure.
(c) dry cells/Meg<keâ mesue DeefOekeâebMe meeceevÙe OeelegDeeW keâer ......... mebjÛevee nesleer
(d) cinema projectors/efmevescee Øeespeskeäšj nw
360. Solder is an alloy of (a) linear/jwefKekeâ
meesu[j keâe efceße Oeeleg neslee nw (b) hexagonal/nskeämeeieesveue
(a) copper and aluminium/keâe@hej Deewj SuÙetceerefveÙece (c) orthogonal/Dee@Leexieesveue
(b) tin and lead/efšve Deewj ues[ (d) cubic/Ieve
(c) nickel, copper and zinc 367. Which of the following affect greatly the
efveefkeâue, keâe@hej Deewj efpebkeâ resistivity of electrical conductors?
(d) silver, copper and lead/ efmeuJej keâe@hej Deewj ues[ efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee efJe]Åegle ÛeeuekeâeW keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee
361. ............... is most commonly used making keâes keâeheâer ØeYeeefJele keâjlee nw?
magnetic recording tape (a) Composition/mebIešve
.......... ÛegcyekeâerÙe efjkeâee\[ie šshe yeveeves ceW meyemes (b) Pressure/oeye
DeefOekeâ GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw (c) Size/Deekeâej
(a) Silver nitrate/efmeuJej veeFš^sš (d) Temperature/leeheceeve
(b) Ferric oxide/hesâefjkeâ DeekeämeeF[ 368. Thermonic emission occurs in
(c) Small particles of iron/DeeÙejve kesâ Úesšs keâCe Leceexefvekeâ Glmepe&ve .......... ceW neslee nw~
(d) Silicon-iron/efmeefuekeâe@ve DeeÙejve (a) vacuum tubes/efveJee&le šdÙetye
362. Overhead telephone wires are made of (b) copper conductors/keâe@hej Ûeeuekeâ
DeesJej ns[ šsueerheâesve .......... kesâ JeeÙejeW mes yevee neslee (c) ferrite cores/hesâjeFš keâesj
(d) transistors/š^ebefpemšj
(a) aluminium/SuÙetceerefveÙece
369. .............. is a hard solder.
(b) steel/mšerue .......... Skeâ ne[& meesu[j nw
(c) ACSR conductors/ACSR ÛeeuekeâeW (a) Tin-lead/efšveues[
(d) copper/keâe@hej
(b) Tin-silver-lead/efšve efmeuJej ues[
363. .............. is an example of piezoelectric
(c) Copper-zinc/keâe@hej eEpekeâ
........... efhepees–Fuesefkeäš^keâ heoeLe& keâe Skeâ GoenjCe nw~ (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(a) Glass/iueeme 370. Addition of 0.3% to 4.5% silicon to iron
.............. the electrical resistivity of iron.
(b) Quartaz/keäJeeš&pe
ueesns ceW 0.3% mes 4.5% efmeefuekeâe@ve efceuee osves mes ueesns
(c) Corrundum/keâesjv[ce
keâer efJeÅegle ØeeflejesOekeâlee–
(d) Neoprene/efveÙeesØeerve
(a) increases/yeÌ{ peeleer nw
364. .............. is the main constituent of glass
(b) decreases/keâce nes peeleer nw
........... iueeme keâe cegKÙe Ieškeâ nw
(c) does not change/veneR yeouelee nw
(a) Fe2O3 (b) SiO2
(c) Al2O3 (d) B2O3 (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
365. A good electric contact material should have 371. Super conductivity can be destroyed by
all of the following properties except Deefle Ûeeuekeâlee keâes ve<š efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw–
Skeâ DeÛÚs efJeÅegle mecheke&â heoeLe& ceW ........... kesâ (a) adding impurities/DeMegælee efceueeves mes
efmeJeeÙe efvecve meYeer iegCe nesvee ÛeeefnS~ (b) reducing temperatures/leeheceeve keâes keâce keâjves mes
(a) high resistivity/GÛÛe ØeeflejesOekeâlee (c) application of magnetic field
(b) high resistance to corrosion ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ DevegØeÙeesie mes
meb#eejCe kesâ efueS GÛÛe ØeeflejesOe (d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 751 YCT
372. Non-linear resistors/DejwefKekeâ ØeeflejesOe (b) to provide heat transfer
(a) produce harmonic distortion G<cee mLeeveevlejCe mes Øeoeve
neceexefvekeâ efJe™heCe keâes GlheVe keâjlee nw (c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(b) follows Ohm's law at low temperatures (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
only/Deesce kesâ efveÙece keâes kesâJeue efvecve leeheceeve hej 377. Which of the following tests is carried out on
ner heeueve keâjlee nw transformer oil?
(c) result in non-uniform heating š^ebmeheâece&j Dee@Ùeue hej efvecve ceW mes keâewve mes hejer#eCe
Demeceeve nerefšbie ceW efjpeuš efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) Moisture test/veceer hejer#eCe
373. A carbon resistor contains
(b) Acidity test/Decuelee hejer#eCe
Skeâ keâeye&ve ØeeflejesOe ceW Meeefceue neslee nw
(c) Sludge resistance test/keâerÛeÌ[ ØeeflejesOe hejer#eCe
(a) carbon crystals/keâeye&ve ef›eâmšue
(d) All of the above/GheÙegkeä&le meYeer
(b) solid carbon granules/"esme keâeye&ve «esvegume
378. Presence of even a frace of water in
(c) pulverized coal/ÛetefCe&le efkeâÙee ngDee keâesÙeuee transformer oil ................ its insulation
(d) finely divided carbon black strength considerably.
yeeefjkeâ mes efJeYeeefpele keâeye&ve yuewkeâ š^ebmeheâece&j DeeÙeue ceW heeveer keâer Skeâ øesâme/leepeer
374. Consider the following statements regarding GheefmLeefle Fmekeâer efJeÅeglejesOeve Meefòeâ keâes keâeheâer
electrical conductivity (σ).
(a) reduces/keâce keâj oslee nw
efJeÅegle ÛeeuekeâerÙelee (σ) kesâ meboYe& ceW efvecveefueefKele
(b) increases/yeÌ{ peeleer nw
keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
(c) does not affect/ØeYeeefJele veneR keâjlee nw
1. It increases with temperature in
semiconductors. (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Deæ&ÛeeuekeâeW ceW leeheceeve kesâ meeLe Ùen yeÌ{lee nw~ 379. Flash point temperature of fresh dry oil is
2. Its increases with temperature in Megæ Meg<keâ lesue keâe heäuewMe hJeeFbš leeheceeve ............
exponential neslee nw~
Ieeleebkeâer ™he ceW leeheceeve kesâ meeLe Ùen yeÌ{lee nw (a) 55°C (b) 75°C
3. It increases in metals and their alloys, (c) 100°C (d) 135°C
linearly with temperature. 380. Which of the following effects is produced by
Ùen OeelegDeesW Deewj Gvekesâ DeÙemkeâeW ceW leeheceeve kesâ 'sludge' formation?
meeLe jwefKeS yeÌ{lee nw~ efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee ØeYeeJe keâerÛeÌ[ heâe@jcesMeve Éeje
Which of the above statements are correct? Glheeefole efkeâÙee peelee nw?
GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
(a) Rate of heat transfer is reduced
(a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
T<cee mLeebvlejCe keâer oj keâce keâjves
(b) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
(b) Ducts are clogged/veefuekeâeÙeW ÛeÌ{ peeleer nQ
(c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
(c) Increase in operating temperature results
(d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
Dee@hejseEšie leeheceeve kesâ heefjCeeceeW ceW Je=efæ
375. Which of the following insulating material is
in common use for 'overhead power lines'? (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
‘DeesJej ns[ hee@Jej ueeFve’ kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes keâewve- 381. Insulating gases entail which of the following
mee efJeÅeglejesOekeâ heoeLe& meeceevÙe GheÙeesie ceW neslee nw? major problems?
efJeÅeglejesOeer iewme ceW efvecve ceW mes keâewve-meer DeefOekeâlej
(a) Porcelain/Ûeerveer efcešdšer
(b) Toughened glass/keâ"esj keâeBÛe
mecemÙee nw?
(c) Both of the above/Ghejesòeâ oesveeW (a) Temperature instability/leeheceeve DeefmLejlee
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (b) Abnormalities in dielectric behaviour at
high pressures
376. The function of insulating liquids is
õJeerÙe efJeÅeglejesOeerÙe keâe keâeÙe& neslee nw– GÛÛe oeye hej hejeJewÅegle JÙeJenej ceW DemeeceevÙeleeSB
(a) to provide electrical insulation (c) Fire hazards/Deeie mes Kelejs
efJeÅegle FvmeguesMeve Øeoeve keâjves kesâ efueS (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 752 YCT

382. Which of the following gases is classified as 388. Consider the following statement:
electronegative? Extrinsic semiconductors show high electrical
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-meer iewme keâes efJeÅegle $e+Ceelcekeâlee kesâ conductivity because the impurities are-
™he ceW Jeieeake=âle efkeâÙee ieÙee nw? efvecveefueefKele keâLeve hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
(a) Nitrogen/veeFš^espeve Fkeämeefš^efvpekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ GÛÛe efJeÅegleerÙe ÛeeuekeâerÙelee
(b) Methane/cesLesve ØeoefMe&le keâjles nw keäÙeeWefkeâ DeMegefæÙeeB nw-
(c) Propane/ØeesØesve 1. of high conductivity/GÛÛe Ûeeuekeâlee keâer
(d) Sulphur hexafluoride/meuheâj nskeämee heäueesjeF[ 2. highly mobile/DelÙeefOekeâ ieefleMeerue
383. Electronegative gases are 3. highly charged/DelÙeefOekeâ DeeJesefMele
Fueskeäš^es efveiesefšJe iewme nesleer nw (a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2
(a) inflammable/DepJeueveMeerue (b) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3
(b) non-explosive/DeefJemheâesškeâ (c) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3
(c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
389. In an extrinsic semiconductor the conductivity
384. Insulation resistance ............ with increase in significantly depends upon
temperature. Skeâ Fkeämeefš^befpekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW Ûeeuekeâlee keâeHeâer........
leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOe hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~
(a) decreases/keâce nes peelee (a) majority charged carriers generated due to
impurity doping/DeMegefæ [esefhebie kesâ keâejCe GlheVe
(b) increases/yeÌ{ peelee nw
yengmebKÙekeâ DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ
(c) remains unaffected/DeØeYeeefJele jnlee nw
(b) minority charge carriers generated due to
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR thermal agitation./G<ceerÙe Gòespeve kesâ keâejCe GlheVe
385. The resistivity of the insulator ............... in the DeuhemebKÙekeâ DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ
presence of moisture.
(c) majority charge carriers generated due to
veceer keâer GheefmLeefle ceW efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee thermal agitation/G<ceerÙe Gòespeve kesâ keâejCe GlheVe
(a) is considerably lowered/keâeheâer keâce neslee nw yengmebKÙekeâ DeefOekeâebMe DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ
(b) is considerably increased/keâeheâer yeÌ{ peelee nw (d) minority charge carriers generated due to
(c) remains unaffected/DeheefjJee|lele jnlee nw impurity doping/DeMegefæ [esefhebie kesâ keâejCe GlheVe
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR DeuhemebKÙekeâ DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ
386. The value of dielectric strength is useful in 390. At very high temperature, an n-type
which of the following? semiconductor behave like-
hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& keâe ceeve efvecve ceW mes efkeâme ceW yengle GÛÛe leeheceeve hej, Skeâ n- Øekeâej keâe Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
GheÙeesieer neslee nw .............. keâer lejn JÙeJenej keâjlee nw~
(a) Comparing insulating materials a p- type semiconductor/Skeâ P- Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
efJeÅeglejesOeerÙe heoeLe& keâer leguevee an intrinsic semiconductor /FefCš^befpekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
(b) Measuring uniformity/Skeâ™helee ceeheve ceW a superconductor/Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ
(c) Determining the effect of environmental (d)
an n-type semiconductor
and operating conditions/heÙee&JejCe Deewj Skeâ n- Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
heefjÛeeueve efmLeefleÙeeW kesâ ØeYeeJe keâe efveOee&jCe 391. Atomic number of silicon is-
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer efmeefuekeâe@ve keâe hejceeCeg mebKÙee nw-
387. Controlled addition of group III element to an (a) 12 (b) 13
elemental semiconductor results in the (c) 14 (d) 15
formation of 392. Behaviour of conductors, semiconductors and
mecetn III lelJe keâes Skeâ ceewefuekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ heefjCeece insulators is explained on the basis of
kesâ ie"ve ceW......... efveÙebef$ele keâjlee nw ÛeeuekeâeW, Deæ&Ûeeuekeâes Deewj efJeÅeglejesOekeâeW keâs JÙeJenej
(a) intrinsic semiconductor/FefCš^efvpekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ keâe ..........kesâ DeeOeej hej JÙeeKÙee keâer peeleer nw~
(b) n-type semiconductor/n- Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ (a) atomic structure/hejceeCeg mebjÛevee
(c) p-type semiconductor/p- Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ (b) molecular structure/DeeCefJekeâ mebjÛevee
(d) degenerate semiconductor (c) energy band structure/Tpee& yeQ[ mebjÛevee
Deheke=â° (heefšle) Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ (d) All of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 753 YCT
393. Consider the following statements: 398. The temperature coefficient of a resistance of a
Pure germanium and pure silicon are example doped semiconductor is-
of Skeâ [esh[ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ keâe ØeeflejesOe leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ nw-
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW- (a) always positive/ncesMeeOeveelcekeâ
Megæ pecexefveÙece Deewj Megæ efmeefuekeâe@ve ... kesâ GoenjCe nw~ (b) always negative/ncesMee $e+Ceelcekeâ
1. direct bandgap semiconductors (c) zero/MetvÙe
ØelÙe#e Tpee& Devlejeue Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ (d) positive or negative depending on the level of
2. indirect bandgap semiconductors doping
DeØelÙe#e Tpee& Devlejeue Deæ&Ûeeuekeâes Oeveelcekeâ Ùee $e+Ceelcekeâ [esefhebie kesâ mlej hej efveYe&j
3. degenerate semiconductros 399. Most outstanding property of indium
ve°Oeceea Deæ&Ûeeuekeâes antimonide is
Of these statements/Fve keâLeveeW keâe- FefC[Ùece SvšerceesveeF[ keâe meyemes DeÛÚe iegCe nw–
(a) 1 alone is correct/Dekesâues 1 melÙe nw (a) a very wide range gap/Skeâ yengle JÙeehekeâ jWpe iewhe
(b) 2 alone is correct/Dekesâues 2 melÙe nw (b) high resistivity at room temperature
(c) 3 alone is correct/Dekesâues 3 melÙe nw keâcejs kesâ leeheceeve hej GÛÛe ØeeflejesOekeâlee
(d) 1 and 3 are correct/1 Deewj 3 melÙe nw (c) high carrier mobility/GÛÛe Jeenkeâ ieefleMeeruelee
394. The bandgap of Silicon at room temperature is (d) very low conductivity at room temperature
keâcejs kesâ leeheceeve hej efmeefuekeâe@ve keâe Tpee& Devlejeue nw- keâcejs kesâ leeheceeve hej yengle keâce Ûeeuekeâlee
(a) 1.3 eV (b) 0.7 eV 400. In an n-type silicon crystal at room
(c) 1.1 eV (d) 1.4 eV temperature, which of the following can have a
concentration of 4×1019 cm-3?
395. Which of the following has the greatest
mobility? Skeâ n- šeFhe efmeefuekeâe@ve ef›eâmšue keâcejs kesâ leeheceeve hej,
efvecveefueefKele ceW efkeâme ceW GÛÛelece ieefleMeeruelee nesleer nw? ef vecveefueefKele ceW efkeâmekeâer meebõlee 4×1019 mesceer-3 nes
(a) Positive ion/Oeveelcekeâ DeeÙeve mekeâleer nw?
(b) Negative ion/$e+Ceelcekeâ DeeÙeve (a) Silicon atoms/efmeefuekeâe@ve hejceeCeg
(c) Electron/Fueskeäš^e@ve (b) Holes/nesume
(d) Hole/nesue (c) Dopant atoms/[esefhele hejceeCeg
396. The mobility of electrons in a material is (d) Valence electrons/mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@vme
expressed in units of 401. A long specimen of p-type semiconductor
Skeâ heoeLe& ceW Fueskeäš^eBve keâer ieefleMeeruelee......... kesâ FkeâeF& material
kesâ ™he ceW ØeoefMe&le nesleer nw~ Skeâ P- Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& kesâ uecyee vecetvee-
(a) V/s (b) m2/V-s (a) is positively charged/Oeveelcekeâ DeeJesefMele nQ
(c) m /s (d) J/K (b) is electrically neutral/efJeÅegleerÙe Goemeerve nQ
397. The drift velocity of electron in silicon (c) has an electric field directed along its length
efmeefuekeâe@ve ceW Fueskeäš^ev@ e keâe ØeJeeefnle Jesie nw- Skeâ efJeÅegle #es$e Fmekesâ uecyeeF& kesâ meeLe efveefo&°
(a) is proportional to electric field for all values (d) acts as a dipole/Skeâ efÉOegÇJe keâer lejn nw
of electric field/ efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ meYeer ceeveeW kesâ efueS
402. A region of negative differential resistance is
efJeÅegle #es$e mes meceevegheeleer nw observed in the current voltage characteristics
(b) is independent of electric field of a silicon PN junction if
efJeÅegle #es$e mes mJeleb$e Skeâ efmeefuekeâe@ve P-N meefvOe kesâ Oeeje Jeesušlee
(c) increases at lower values and decreases at DeefYeue#eCe ceW Skeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ DeJekeâue ØeeflejesOe kesâ Skeâ
higher values of electric field/efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ #es$e osKes peeles nQ Ùeefo-
efvecvelece ceeve hej ye{leer nw GÛÛelece ceeve hej Iešleer nw~ (a) both the P-region and the N-region are
(d) increases linearly with electric field at low heavily doped
values and gradually saturates at higher P- #es$e Deewj N- #es$e oesveeW DeefOekeâ [esh[ nQ
values of electric field./efvecve ceevees hej efJeÅegle #es$e
(b) the N-region is heavily doped compared to
kesâ meeLe jwefKekeâle: yeÌ{leer nw Deewj efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ GÛÛelece the P-region
ceeveesb hej Oeerjs-Oeerjs meble=hle nesleer nw N- #es$e DeefOekeâ [esh[, P- #es$e keâer leguevee mes
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 754 YCT
(c) the P-region is heavily doped compared to the (c) Fermi level lies closer to the conduction band
N-region between the conduction and valence bands
P- #es$e DeefOekeâ [esh[ nw, N- #es$e keâer leguevee mes Ûeeueve Deewj mebÙeespeer yevOe kesâ yeerÛe heâceea mlej Ûeeueve
(d) an intrinsic silicon region is inserted between yevOe kesâ meceerhe efveefnle
the P-region and N-region. (d) It is formed by adding an acceptor impurity to
Skeâ FefCš^efvpekeâ efmeefuekeâe@ve #es$e P- #es$e Deewj N- #es$e kesâ germanium/pecexefveÙece ceW Skeâ mJeerkeâejkeâ DeMegefæ
yeerÛe DevlemLee&efhele nw peesÌ[ves keâer ef›eâÙee Éeje Ùen efveefce&le neslee nw~
406. Consider the following statements:
403. Fermi level in a p-type semiconductor lies close
In an n-type semiconductor
to which one of the following?
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
Skeâ P- Øekeâej kesâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW heâceea mlej
Skeâ n- Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW-
efvecveefueefKele efkeâmekesâ meceerhe neslee nw?
1. Fermi level lies below the donor level at
(a) The top of the valence band room temperature (T)/keâcejs kesâ leeheceeve (T)
mebÙeespeer yevOe kesâ Thej hej heâceea mlej oelee mlej kesâ veerÛes efveefnle neslee nw
(b) The bottom of the valence band 2. Fermi level lies above the donor level as
mebÙeespeer yevOe kesâ efveÛeues Yeeie T → 0./ T → 0 hej heâceea mlej oelee mlej kesâ Thej
(c) The top of the conduction band efveefnle neslee nw
Ûeeueve yevOe kesâ Thej 3. Fermi level lies in valence band
(d) The bottom of the conduction band heâceea mlej mebÙeespeer yevOe ceW efveefnle
Ûeeueve yevOe kesâ efveÛeues Yeeie 4. Fermi level remains invariant with
temperature./heâceea mlej leeheceeve kesâ meeLe
404. Consider the following statements:
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW- DeheefjJele&veerÙe jnlee nw
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
1. Fermi level in a p-type semiconductor lies
close to the top of the valence bond.
GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
Skeâ p-Øekeâej kesâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW heâceea mlej mebÙeespeer (a) 1 only/kesâJeue 1
yevOe kesâ efMeKej kesâ meceerhe efmLele neslee nw (b) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(c) 2, 3 and 4/2,3 Deewj 4
2. The forbidden energy in Germanium at 0
K is exactly 0.75 eV./pecexefveÙece ceW Jeefpe&le Tpee& (d) 1, 2 and 3/1,2 Deewj 3
0K hej hetjer lejn mes 0.75eV neslee nw 407. For an n-type semiconductors having any
doping level, which of the following hold(s)
3. When a p-n type junction is reverse biased, good:
then electrons and holes move away from Skeâ n-Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâes kesâ efueS efkeâmeer [esefhebie mlej
the junction. kesâ meeLe, efvecveefueefKele keâewve mee mecyevOe DeÛÚe nw?
peye Skeâ p-n šeFhe mebefOe efjJeme& yeeÙeme nes, leye
1. PnND = n i2 2. PpND= n i2
Fueskeäš^e@vme Deewj nesume meefvOe mes otj ieefle keâjles nw~
3. nn ND= n i2 4. Pn nn= n i2
Which of these statements are correct?
FveceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw? Select the correct answer using the code given
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1,2 Deewj 3 veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mener Gòej Ûegves-
(b) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2 (a) 1 and 4/1 Deewj 4 (b) 2 and 4/2 Deewj 4
(c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 (c) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4 (d) only 4/kesâJeue 4
(d) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 408. In a p-type silicon sample, the hole
405. Which one of the following statements is not concentration is 2.25 × 1015 cc. If the intrinsic
true for a p-type semiconductor? carrier concentration is 1.5 × 1010/cc, what is
the electron concentration in the p - type silicon
Skeâ p- Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele ceW mes sample?
keâewve mee Skeâ keâLeve melÙe veneR nw? Skeâ p-Øekeâej efmeefuekeâe@ve vecetves ceW, nesue meebõlee
(a) Conduction is by the movement of holes in 2.25×1015cc nw~ Ùeefo FefCš^efvpekeâ meebõlee Jeenkeâ
the valence band 1.5×1010 cc nw~ p-Øekeâej efmeefuekeâe@ve vecetves ceW Fueskeäš^eBve
mebÙeespeer yevOe ceW nesume keâer ieefle kesâ Éeje Ûeeueve meebõlee keäÙee nw?
(b) Holes constitute the majority charge carriers (a) zero/MetvÙe (b) 1010/cc
yengmebKÙekeâ DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ Éeje nesume keâe efvecee&Ce (c) 105/cc (d) 1.5×1025/cc
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 755 YCT
409. A specimen of intrinsic germanium with the 4. increase linearly with increase of
density of charge carriers of 2.5×1013/cm3 is temperature.
doped with donor impurity atoms such that leeheceeve kesâ yeÌ{ves kesâ meeLe jwefKekeâ yeÌ{leer nw~
there is one donor impurity atom for every 106 Which of the above statements are correct?
germanium atoms. The density of germanium
atoms is 4.4 ×1022/cm3. The hole density
GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
would be- (a) 1, 2 and 3/1,2 Deewj 3
FefCš^efvpekeâ pecexefveÙece keâe Skeâ vecetvee DeeJesMe JeenkeâeW kesâ (b) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
IevelJe kesâ meeLe 2.5×1013/cm3 oelee DeMegefæ hejceeCegDees (c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
kesâ meeLe [esh[ hejceeCeg DeMegefæ nw~ 106 pecexefveÙece (d) 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 4
hejceeCegDeeW keâe IevelJe 4.4 ×1022/cm3 nw~ nesue IevelJe 413. A heavily doped n-type semiconductor has the
nesiee- following data:
(a) 4.4 × 1016/cm3 (b) 1.4 × 1010/cm3 Hole-electron mobility ratio: 0.4
(c) 4.4 × 10 /cm 10 3
(d) 1.4 × 1016/cm3 Doping concentration: 4.2×108 atoms/m3
410. For intrinsic GaAs, the room-temperature Intrinsic concentration: 1.5×104 atoms/m3
electric conductivity is 10-6(ohm-m)-1, the The ratio of conductance of then n-type
electron and hole motilities are, respectively, semiconductors to that of the intrinsic
0.85 and 0.04 m2/V-s. What is the intrinsic semiconductor of same material and at the
carrier concentration ni at the room same temperature is given by-
temperature? Skeâ GÛÛelece [esefhele n-Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ kesâ
GaAs FefCš^efvpekeâ keâer, keâcejs kesâ leeheceeve hej efJeÅegle efvecveefueefKele [eše nw-
Ûeeuekeâlee 10-6(ohm-m)-1 nw, Fueskeäš^eBve Deewj nesue keâer nesue-Fueskeäš^eBve ieefleMeeruelee Devegheele: 0.4
ieefleMeeruelee ›eâceMe: 0.85 Deewj 0.04 m2/V-s nw~ keâcejs [esefhebie mebkesâvõCe: 4.2×108 hejceeCeg/ceer3
kesâ leeheceeve hej FefCš^efvpekeâ Jeenkeâ meebõlee ni keäÙee nw? FefCš^efvpekeâ mebkesâvõCe: 1.5×104 hejceeCeg/ceer3
(a) 1021 m-3 (b) 10-20 m-3 n- Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ mes Gmekesâ FefCš^efvpekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
+12 -3
(c) 7.0 × 10 m (d) 7.0 × 10-20 m-3 kesâ meceeve heoeLe& Deewj meceeve leeheceeve hej ÛeeuekeâlJe keâe
411. The concentration of minority carriers in an
extrinsic semiconductor under equilibrium is-
Devegheele...........kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~
Skeâ Fkeämeefš^efvpekeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW DeuhemebKÙekeâ Jeenkeâ (a) 0.00005 (b) 2,000
keâer meevõlee meblegueve kesâ Devleie&le nw- (c) 10,000 (d) 20,000
414. The resistivity of intrinsic germanium at 30°C
(a) directly proportional to doping concentration
is 0.46 Ω m What is the intrinsic carrier
[esefhebie mebkesâvõCe mes meerOes meceevegheeleer density at 300C if the electron mobility is 0.38
(b) directly proportional to intrinsic concentration m2/V-s and hole mobility is 0.18 m2/V-s?
FefCš^efvpekeâ mebkesâvõCe mes meerOes meceevegheeleer FefCš^efvpekeâ pecexefveÙece keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee 30ºC hej 0.46
(c) inversely proportional to doping Deesce-ceer. nw~ FefCš^efvpekeâ Jeenkeâ IevelJe 30ºC hej keäÙee
concentration/[esefhebie mebkesâvõCe mes JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer nw? Ùeefo Fueskeäš^eBve ieefleMeeruelee 0.38 m2/V-s nw Deewj
(d) inversely proportional to intrinsic nesue ieefleMeeruelee 0.18 m2/V-s nw~
concentration/FefCš^efvpekeâ mebkesâvõCe mes JÙegl›eâceevegheeleer
(a) 9.2 × 105/m3 (b) 2.77 × 103/m3
412. Consider the following statements: (c) 2.43 × 10 /m 19 3
(d) 8.9 × 1012/m3
The intrinsic carrier concentration of a 415. For intrinsic gallium arsenide the conductivity
semiconductor at room temperature 25°C is 10-6( Ω -m)-1, the
efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW- electron and hole mobilities are, respectively
Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ keâe FefCš^efvpekeâ Jeenkeâ mebkesâvõCe- 0.85 and 0.04 m2/V-s. The intrinsic carrier
1. depends on doping./[esefhebie hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~ concentration n at room temperature is-
FefCš^efvpekeâ iewefueÙece DeemexveeF[ keâer Ûeeuekeâlee keâcejs kesâ
2. increases exponentially with decrease of
band gap of the semiconductor. leeheceeve 25°C hej 10-6( Ω -m)-1 nw, Fueskeäš^e@ve Deewj
Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ kesâ yeQ[ Devlejeue kesâ Iešves kesâ meeLe nesue keâer ieefleMeeruelee ›eâceMe: 0.85 m2/V-s Deewj 0.04
ÛejIeleebkeâerÙe ™he ceW yeÌ{lee nw~ m2/V-s nw~ keâcejs kesâ leeheceeve hej FefCš^efvpekeâ Jeenkeâ
3. increase non-linearity with increase of meevõlee ni nw~
temperature./leeheceeve kesâ ye{ves kesâ meeLe (a) 7.0×1012 m-3 (b) 0.7×1012 m-3
-12 -3
DejwefKekeâle: yeÌ{leer nw~ (c) 7.0×10 m (d) 0.7×10-12 m-3

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 756 YCT

416. Drift current in semiconductors depends upon nesume ›eâceMe: 1.5×1016/m3, 0.13 m2/Vs Deewj
Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW ØeJeeefnle Oeeje...........hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~ 0.05 m2/Vs nw, Fvekeâer Ûeeuekeâlee nesieer-
(a) only the electric field/kesâJeue efJeÅegle #es$e (a) 2.4×10-3 ( Ω -m) (b) 3.15×10-3( Ω -m)
(b) only the carrier concentration gradient (c) 5×10-4 ( Ω -m) (d) 4.32×10-4( Ω -m)
kesâJeue Jeenkeâ mebkesâvõCe ØeJeCelee 421. The Fermi function for hole is expressed as-
(c) both the electric field and the carrier nesue kesâ efueS heâceea heâueve DeefYeJÙeòeâ nw-
concentration/efJeÅegle #es$e Deewj Jeenkeâ mebkesâvõCe oesveeW (a)
(d) both the electric field and the carrier  E − EF 
1 + exp  
concentration gradient.  kT 
efJeÅegle #es$e Deewj Jeenkeâ mebkesâvõCe ØeJeCelee oesveeW 1
417. If n is the number of electrons per unit volume   E − E F 
of the semiconductor and vd is the drift velocity 1 + exp  −  
  kT  
of the electrons, then the current flowing
through a semiconductor is given by-   E − EF 
(c) exp  −  
Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ kesâ Øeefle FkeâeF& DeeÙeleve ceW Fueskeäš^eBve keâer   kT  
mebKÙee Ùeefo n nes Deewj vd Fueskeäš^e@vme keâer ØeJeeefnle ieefle (d) None of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
nw, leye Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ mes neskeâj ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer 422. Which one of the following equations
Oeeje .......... kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee nw~ represents the energy gap (EG) variation of
silicon with temperature (T)?
n efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee Skeâ meceerkeâjCe efmeefuekeâe@ve
(a) i = (b) i= nvd
vd kesâ leeheceeve (T) kesâ meeLe Tpee& (EG) heefjJele&ve keâes
(c) i =
(d) i = nv1/d 2
ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw?
n (a) EG (T) = 2.11 – 3.60 × 10–4 T
418. If µe and µp represent the impurity scattering (b) EG (T) = 1.21 – 3.60 × 10–4 T
and photon scattering limited values of (c) EG (T) = 1.41 – 2.23 × 10–4 T
mobility of a semiconductor, the overall (d) EG (T) = 0.785 – 2.23 × 10–4 T
mobility would be 423. Consider the following statements:
Ùeefo µe Deewj µp DeMegæ ØekeâerCe&ve keâes ØeoefMe&le Deewj In a Hall effect experiment, the sign of Hall
heâesše@ve ØekeâerCe&ve Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ieefleMeeruelee kesâ voltage will change if
ceeve mes meerefcele nw, mechetCe& ieefleMeeruelee nesieer- efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
µe + µ p
Skeâ ne@ue ØeYeeJe ØeÙeesie ceW, ne@ue Jeesušlee kesâ efÛevn
(a) µe + µ p (b) yeouesieW (heefjJele&ve nesieW) Ùeefo
1. direction of applied electric field is
µeµ p
(c) µeµp (d) changed/ØeÙegòeâ efJeÅegle #es$e keâer efoMee yeoueleer nw~
µe + µ p 2. direction of applied magnetic field is
419. Einstein relation is referred between changed
DeeFbmšerve mecyevOe.............kesâ yeerÛe efveefo&° nw~ ØeÙegòeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer efoMee yeoueleer nw~
(a) diffusion constant and the mobility 3. directions of both applied electric and
efJemejCe efveÙeleebkeâ Deewj ieefleMeeruelee magnetic field are changed./ØeÙegòeâ efJeÅegle #es$e
(b) the conduction and diffusion currents Deewj ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâer efoMee yeoueleer nw~
Ûeeueve Deewj efJemejCe Oeeje 4. direction of current is changed.
(c) the conduction and diffusion voltages Oeeje keâer efoMee yeoueleer nw~
Ûeeueve Deewj efJemejCe Jeesušlee Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(d) None of the above/GheÙeg&òeâ keâesF& veneR
GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1,2 Deewj 3 (b) 3 only/kesâJeue 3
420. If for intrinsic silicon at 270 C, the charge
concentration and motilities of free electrons (c) 1, 2 and 4/1,2 Deewj 4 (d) 3 and 4/3 Deewj 4
and holes are 1.5×1016/m3, 0.13 m2/Vs and 424. What is the output voltage produced across the
0.05 m2/Vs respectively, its conductivity will be- crystal by Hall effect, due to
27ºC hej Ùeefo FefCš^efvpekeâ efmeefuekeâe@ve kesâ efueS, DeeJesMe ne@ue ØeYeeJe kesâ Éeje ef›eâmšue kesâ S›eâeme Glheeefole
mebkesâvõCe Deewj mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^e@vme keâer ieefleMeeruelee Deewj efveie&le Jeesušlee keäÙee nw,...............kesâ keâejCe
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 757 YCT
(a) drop across the crystal due to current passing 429. Which one of the following is the correct
through it./ef›eâmšue kesâ S›eâeme [^ehe Fmemes neskeâj statement? The type of majority charge
ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje carriers in a semiconductor can be found by
(b) movement of charged carriers towards one
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee Skeâ keâLeve melÙe nw? Skeâ
end/Skeâ efmejs keâer Deesj DeeJesMe Jeenkeâes keâer ØeJe=efòe
Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW yengmebKÙekeâ DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ kesâ Øekeâej
......... kesâ Éeje %eele keâj mekeâles nw~
(c) induced voltage by the applied magnetic
field/ØeÙegòeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ Éeje Øesefjle Jeesušlee (a) Hall effect/ne@ue ØeYeeJe
(d) induced voltage by the applied electric (b) Voltameter/efJeYeJeceeheer
field/ØeÙegòeâ efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ Éeje Øesefjle Jeesušlee (c) Photoelectric effect/heâesšes Fuesefkeäš^keâ ØeYeeJe
425. In which one of the following ways can the Hall (d) Meissner effect/efceMevej ØeYeeJe
voltage across at impurity semiconductor 430. The measurement of which one of the following
crystal be increased? will reveal the sign of charge carriers?
DeMegæ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ef›eâmšue kesâ S›eâeme efvecveefueefKele ceW efvecveefueefKele ceW mes Skeâ keâewve mee ceeheve DeeJesMe Jeenkeâes
Skeâ efkeâme lejerkesâ mes ne@ue Jeesušlee yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw? kesâ mebkesâle keâes Øekeâš keâjsiee?
(a) By increasing the thickness of the crystal (a) Conductivity/Ûeeuekeâlee
ef›eâmšue keâer ceesšeF& keâes yeÌ{ekeâj (b) Mobility/ieefleMeeruelee
(b) By increasing the concentration of impurity (c) Hall coefficient/ne@ue iegCeeBkeâ
atoms in the crystal (d) Diffusion constant/efJemejCe efveÙeleeBkeâ
ef›eâmšue ceW DeMegefæ hejceeCegDeeW kesâ mebkesâvõCe yeÌ{ekeâj 431. The Hall voltage, VH, for a thin copper plate of
(c) By increasing the width of the crystal 0.1 mm carrying a current of 100A with the
flux density in the z-direction, Bz = 1 Wb/m2
ef›eâmšue keâer ÛeewÌ[eF& yeÌ{ekeâj and the Hall coefficient, RH = 7.4 ×10-11 m3/C, is
(d) By increasing the current flowing through the ne@ue Jeesušlee VH, 0.1 efceceer. heleues leeceü keâer huesš kesâ
efueS z- efoMee ceW heäuekeäme IevelJe kesâ meeLe ØeJeeefnle nesves
ef›eâmšue mes ØeJeeefnle nesves Jeeueer Oeeje keâes yeÌ{ekeâj Jeeueer Oeeje 100 SefcheÙej, Bz = 1 Jesyej/ceeršj2 Deewj
426. The Hall effect voltage in intrinsic silicon ne@ue iegCeeBkeâ RH = 7.4 × 10–11 m3/c nw-
FefCš^efvpekeâ efmeefuekeâe@ve ceW ne@ue ØeYeeJe Jeesušlee - (a) 148 µV (b) 111 µV
(a) is positive /Oeveelcekeâ nw (c) 74 µV (d) 37 µV
(b) is zero/MetvÙe nw 432. In a Hall effect experiment, a P-type
(c) is negative/$e+Ceelcekeâ nw semiconductor sample with hole concentration
p1 is used. The measured value of the Hall
(d) changes its sign based on application of voltage is VH1. If the P-type sample is now
magnetic field./ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e kesâ DevegØeÙeesie hej replaced by another P-type sample with hole
DeeOeeefjle Fmekesâ efÛevn heefjJele&ve concentration p2 where p2 = 2p1, what is the
427. For which one of the following materials, is the new Hall voltage VH2?
Hall coefficient closest to zero? Skeâ ne@ue ØeYeeJe ØeÙeesie ceW, Skeâ P- Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme heoeLe& keâe, ne@ue iegCeeBkeâ MetvÙe vecetvee nesue mebkesâvõCe p1 kesâ meeLe ØeÙegòeâ nw~ ne@ue
kesâ vepeoerkeâ nw? Jeesušlee Éeje ceeefhele ceeve VH1 nw~ Ùeefo P- Øekeâej vecetves
keâes otmejs P- Øekeâej vecetves mes ØeeflemLeeefhele efkeâÙee peelee nw
(a) Metal/Oeeleg
lees, nesue mebkesâvõCe p2 kesâ meeLe peneB p = 2p1, veÙee ne@ue
(b) Insulator/efJeÅeglejesOekeâ
Jeesušlee VH2 keäÙee nw?
(c) Intrinsic semiconductor/efvepe Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ (a) 2 VH1 (b) 4 VH2
(d) Alloy/efceßeOeeleg (c) 1/2VH1 (d) 1/4VH1
428. The principle of Hall effect is made use of in 433. The majority carriers in an n-type
the construction of which one of the following? semiconductor have an average drift velocity in
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmes ne@ue ØeYeeJe kesâ efmeæevle hej a direction perpendicular to a uniform
magnetic field B. The electric field E induced
yeveeÙee ieÙee nw? due to Hall effect acts in the direction.
(a) Ammeter/Oeejeceeheer Skeâ n-Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW yengmebKÙekeâ DeeJesMe Jeenkeâes
(b) Voltmeter/efJeYeJeceeheer keâer Deewmele ØeJeeefnle Jesie Skeâ meceeve ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e B
(c) Gaussmeter/iee@meceeršj kesâ uecyeJele efoMee ceW~ E ne@ue ØeYeeJe Éeje Øesefjle efJeÅegle
(d) Galvanometer/iewuJeveesceeršj #es$e.............. efoMee ceW keâeÙe& keâjlee nw~
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 758 YCT
(a) v×B (c) by the holes and thermal vibrations of atoms.
(b) B×v nesue Deewj hejceeCegDeeW kesâ T<ceerÙe keâcheve Éeje
(c) along v/v kesâ DevegefoMe (d) by the electrons and thermal vibrations of
(d) opposite to v/v kesâ efJehejerle atoms
434. A magnetic field B of 2 T is normal to a Fueskeäš^eBvme Deewj hejceeCegDeeW kesâ G<ceerÙe keâcheve Éeje
copper strip 0.5 mm thick carrying an electron 438. The current flow in a semiconductor is due to
current of 40A. If the electron density is Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW Oeeje keâe ØeJeen........kesâ keâejCe nw~
10.0×1028 per cubic metre, then voltage across 1. drift current/ØeJeeefnle Oeeje
the strip in micro volt is
2. displacement current/efJemLeeheve Oeeje
2T kesâ Skeâ Ûegcyekeâer Ùe #es $e B Skeâ 0.5 efc eceer cees šer
3. diffusion current/efJemejCe Oeeje
leeceü keâer heóer 40 SefcheÙej kesâ ØeJeeef nle nesves Jeeues
Fuesk eäš^ eBv e Oeeje mes meeceevÙe nw~ Ùeefo Fueskeäš^ eBve (a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3
IevelJe 10.0×1028/ceeršj3, leye heóer kesâ S›eâeme (b) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
Jeesušlee..........ceeF›eâesJeesuš ceW nw~ (c) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
(a) 40 (b) 30 (d) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
(c) 20 (d) 10 439. The diffusion current is proportional to
435. Consider the following statements for a p-n efJemejCe Oeeje.........mes meceevegheeleer nw~
junction diode: (a) applied electric field/ØeÙegòeâ efJeÅegle #es$e
Skeâ p-n meefvOe [eÙees[ kesâ efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej (b) square of the electric field/efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ Jeie&
efJeÛeej keâjW- (c) concentration gradient of charge carriers.
1. It is active component. DeeJesMe Jeenkeâes kesâ mebkesâvõCe ØeJeCelee
Ùen Skeâ meef›eâÙe DeJeÙeJe nw~ (d) both (a) and (c)/(a) Deewj (c) oesveeW
2. Depletion layer width decreases with
440. In a P-N junction, to make the depletion region
forward biasing./De«e yeeÙeme kesâ meeLe DeJe#eÙe
extend predominantly into P-region, the
hejle keâer ÛeewÌ[eF& Iešleer nw~ concentration of impurities in the P-region
3. In the reverse biasing case, saturation must be
current increases with increasing Skeâ P-N mebefOe ceW, DeJe#eÙe hejle keâes P-#es$e ceW yeÌ{eves
temperature./he§e yeeÙeme keâer oMee ceW, meble=hle kesâ efueS, P-#es$e ceW DeMegælee keâer meevõlee nesveer
Oeeje leeheceeve yeÌ{ves kesâ meeLe yeÌ{leer nw~ ÛeeefnS–
Which of the statements given above are (a) much less than the concentration of impurities
correct? in N-region
GheÙeg&òeâ efoÙee ieÙee keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw? N-#es$e ceW DeMegælee kesâ meevõlee mes yengle efvecve
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 (b) much higher than the concentration of
(b) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2 impurities in N-region
(c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 N- #es$e ceW DeMegælee kesâ meevõlee mes yengle DeefOekeâ
(d) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 (c) equal to the concentration of impurities in N-
436. In an open circuited p-n junction diode space region /N- #es$e ceW DeMegælee kesâ meevõlee mes yejeyej
charge density at the junction is (d) zero/MetvÙe
Skeâ Keguee heefjheLe p-n [eÙees[ ceW meefvOe hej mhesme 441. Consider the following statements:
DeeJesMe IevelJe ........ neslee nw~ An applied bias voltage in a P-N junction diode
(a) maximum/DeefOekeâlece (b) zero/MetvÙe (N-region) positive with respect to P-region
results in
(c) positive/Oeveelcekeâ (d) negative/$e+Ceelcekeâ
Skeâ P-N pebkeäMeve [eÙees[ ceW Skeâ yee@Ùeme Jeesušspe ØeÙegòeâ
437. Heat conduction in a semiconductor takes place
Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW T<cee Ûeeueve ........... keâe mLeeve keâjves hej P-#es$e kesâ meehes#e N-#es$e kesâ Oeveelcekeâ nesves kesâ
ueslee nw~ keâejCe–
(a) by the mobility of the carriers efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
JeenkeâeW keâer ieefleMeeruelee kesâ Éeje 1. increase in potential barrier
(b) due to energy gap between conduction band efJeYeJe ØeeÛeerj ceW Je=efæ
and valency band/Ûeeueve yevOe Deewj mebÙeespeer yevOe kesâ 2. reduction in space charge layer width.
yeerÛe Tpee& Devlejeue kesâ keâejCe mhesme (efJemleej) DeeJesMe hejle ÛeewÌ[eF& ceW keâceer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 759 YCT
3. increase in space charger layer width (a) diffusion of majority carriers across junction
mhesme (efJemleej) DeeJesMe hejle ÛeewÌ[eF& ceW Je=efæ mebefOe kesâ S›eâe@me (Deej-heej) yengmebKÙekeâ JeenkeâeW kesâ
4. increase in magnitude of electric field efJemejCe
efJeÅegle #es$e kesâ heefjceeCe ceW Je=efæ (b) drift of minority carriers across junction
Which of the statements given above are mebefOe kesâ S›eâe@me DeuhemebKÙekeâ Jeenkeâes kesâ ØeJeen
correct? (c) generation of minority carriers due to thermal
GheÙeg&òeâ efoÙes ieÙes keâLevees ceW keâewve-mee keâLeve mener nw? energy/T<ceerÙe Tpee& kesâ keâejCe DeuhemebKÙekeâ Jeenkeâes
(a) 1 and 2/1 Deewj 2 kesâ Glheeove
(d) initial flow of conduction current
(b) 1 and 3/1 Deewj 3
Ûeeueve Oeeje kesâ ØeejefcYekeâ ØeJeen
(c) 1 and 4/1 Deewj 4
446. The potential barrier existing across a P-N
(d) 1, 3 and 4/1,3 Deewj 4 junction
442. Increase in the applied reverse voltage to a p-n Skeâ P-N meefvOe kesâ S›eâe@me ceewpeto efJeYeJe yewefjÙej-
junction results an increase in the (a) prevents flow of minority carriers
p-n mebefOe hej ØeÙegòeâ he§e Jeesušlee ceW Je=efæ kesâ heefjCeece DeuhemebKÙekeâ Jeenkeâes kesâ ØeJeen keâes jeskeâlee nw~
mJe™he ................ ceW Je=efæ nesleer nw~ (b) prevents neutralization of acceptor and donor
(a) depletion width/DeJe#eÙe hejle Ûeew[
Ì eF& ions/«eener Deewj oelee DeeÙevees kesâ GoemeerveerkeâjCe keâes
(b) barrier height/yewefjÙej TBÛeeF& jeskeâlee nw~
(c) depletion width and barrier height (c) prevents total recombination of holes and
DeJe#eÙe hejle ÛeewÌ[eF& Deewj yewefjÙej TBÛeeF& electrons./nesume Deewj Fueskeäš^e@vme kesâ kegâue hegvemeËÙeespeve
(d) junction temperature/mebefOe leeheceeve keâes jeskeâlee nw~
443. Which one of the following is the correct (d) facilitates recombination of holes and
statement? electrons./nesume Deewj Fueskeäš^e@vme kesâ hegvemeËÙeespeve keâes
Which a p-n junction is reverse biased, then Deemeeve yeveelee nw
efvecveefueefKele ceW mebs keâewve-mee Skeâ mener keâLeve nw? 447. The minority carrier concentration is largely a
function of
peye Skeâ p-n meefvOe he§e yeeÙeme (DeefYeveefle) ceW nes, leye DeuhemebKÙekeâ Jeenkeâes keâe mebkesâvõCe ............ Skeâ heâueve
(a) holes and electrons move away from the
keâe efJemleej nw~
(a) temperature/leeheceeve
nesume Deewj Fueskeäš^e@vme meefvOe mes otj ieefle keâjles nQ
(b) the amount of doping/[esefhebie keâer cee$ee
(b) depletion region decreases
DeJe#eÙe hejle #es$e Iešlee nw~ (c) forward biasing voltage/De«e DeefYeveefle Jeesušlee
(c) barrier breaks down/yewefjÙej yeÇskeâ[eGve nselee nw (d) reverse biasing voltage/he§e DeefYeveefle Jeesušlee
448. In an unbiased P-N junction, the junction
(d) minority carriers are not affected
current at equilibrium is/Skeâ efyevee DeefYeveefle P-N
DeuhemebKÙekeâ Jeenkeâ ØeYeeefJele veneR nesles nw~
meefvOe ceW, meblegueve hej mebefOe Oeeje ........... nw~
444. In a p-n junction diode under reverse bias, the
(a) due to diffusion of minority carriers only
magnitude of electric field is maximum at
Skeâ p-n meefvOe [eÙees[ kesâ he§e yeeÙeme kesâ Devleie&le, kesâJeue DeuhemebKÙekeâ Jeenkeâes kesâ efJemejCe kesâ keâejCe
(b) due to diffusion of majority carrier only
efJeÅegle #es$e keâe heefjceeCe........... hej DeefOekeâlece nw~
kesâJeue yengmebKÙekeâ Jeenkeâes kesâ efJemejCe kesâ keâejCe
(a) the edge of the depletion region on the p
(c) zero, because equal and opposite drift and
side./p- efmejs hej DeJe#eÙe hejle #es$e kesâ efkeâveejs diffusion currents for electrons and holes
(b) the edge of the depletion region on the n cross the junction/MetvÙe, keäÙeeWefkeâ yejeyej Deewj
side/n- efmejs hej DeJe#eÙe hejle #es$e kesâ efkeâveejs efJehejerle ØeJeeefnle Deewj Fueskeäš^eBvme kesâ efueS efJemejCe Oeeje
(c) the p-n junction/ p-n mebefOe Deewj mebefOe kesâ heej nesume
(d) the center of the depletion region on the side (d) zero, because no charges cross the junction
efmejs hej DeJe#eÙe hejle #es$e kesâ ceOÙeefyevog MetvÙe, keäÙeeWefkeâ mebefOe kesâ S›eâeme keâesF& DeeJesMe veneR
445. The development of barrier potential in the 449. The maximum depletion layer width in silicon
depletion zone of a PN junction is consequent is-/efmeefuekeâe@ve ceW DeJe#eÙe hejle keâer DeefOekeâlece
to ÛeewÌ[eF&......... nw~
Skeâ P-N meefvOe kesâ DeJe#eÙe hejle #es$e ceW yewefjÙej efJeYeJe (a) 0.1463 µm (b) 0.857 µm
keâe efJekeâeme.........kesâ heefjCeecemJe™he neslee nw~ (c) 1 µm (d) 1.143 µm
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 760 YCT
450. Reverse saturation current in a germanium 455. If xp and xn denote the extent of the
diode is of the order of-/pecexefveÙece [eÙees[ kesâ he§e penetration of depletion region of a P-N
meble=hle Oeeje ......... kesâ ›eâce keâer nw~ junction on the P and N sides, the
(a) 1 nanoampere/1 vewvees SefcheÙej Skeâ P-N mebefOe kesâ P Deewj N efmejes hej Ùeefo xp Deewj xn
(b) 1 microampere/1 ceeF›eâes SefcheÙej DeJe#eÙe #es$e kesâ ØeJesMe meercee keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjles nw,
(c) 1 mA/1 efceueer SefcheÙej (a) xp.xn = NAND (b) xP NA= xn ND
(d) 10 mA/10efceueer SefcheÙej NA ND
(c) xPND= xn NA (d) x p x n =
451. The reverse saturation current of a reverse- n2
biased P-N junction diode increases 32 times 456. Consider the following statements:
due to rise in ambient temperature. If the
E nF and E pF are the energies of the Fermi levels
original temperature was 400C, what is the
final temperature? on the n and p sides of p-n junction diode,
Skeâ he§e DeefYeveefle P-N meefvOe [eÙees[ kesâ he§e meble=hle respectively. They will vary with applied bias
Oeeje JÙeehekeâ leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ kesâ keâejCe 32 iegvee yeÌ{ as follows:
peeleer nw~ Ùeefo JeemleefJekeâ leeheceeve 40ºC Lee, Deefvlece ef vecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
leeheceeve keäÙee nw? p-n mebefOe [eÙees[ kesâ n Deewj p efmejes hej heâceea mlej
(a) 900C (b) 720C ›eâceMe: E nF Deewj E pF Tpee& nw ØeÙegòeâ DeefYeveefle (yeeÙeme)
(c) 45 C (d) 500C kesâ meeLe Jes Fme Øekeâej DevegmejCe keâjWies-
452. In a biased step-graded P-N junction, what is
1. E nF = E pF with no bias applied
the correct expression for the equilibrium
contact potential (V0)? E nF = E pF efyevee efkeâmeer ØeÙegòeâ DeefYeveefle kesâ meeLe
Skeâ DeefYeveefle mšshe-«es[s[ P-N mebefOe ceW, meblegefuele melen 2. E nF increase and E pF decrease with forward
efJeYeJe (V0) kesâ efueS mener yÙebpekeâ keäÙee nw?
bias/De«e DeefYeveefle kesâ meeLe E nF yeÌ{lee nw Deewj E pF
(a) V0 = VT log ( N A N D n i2 )
Iešlee nw~
(b) V0 = VT log ( N D N A n i2 ) 3. E nF decrease and E pF increase with reverse
(c) V0 = VT log ( N A N D n i2 ) bias/he§e DeefYeveefle kesâ meeLe E nF Iešlee nw Deewj
(d) V0 = VT log ( n i2 N A N D E pF yeÌ{lee nw~
453. The number of electrons excited into the 4. E nF decrease and E pF increase with forward
conduction band from valence band (with ∆ E bias/De«e DeefYeveefle kesâ meeLe E nF Iešlee nw Deewj
= forbidden energy gap and k = Boltzmann's
constant) is proportional to E pF yeÌ{lee nw~
mebÙeespeer yevOe mes Ûeeueve yevOe ceW Gòesefpele nesves Jeeues 5. E nF increase and E pF decrease with reverse
Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee ...........mes meceevegheeleer nw ( ∆ E = bias/he§e DeefYeveefle kesâ meeLe E nF yeÌ{lee nw Deewj
Jeefpe&le Tpee& Devlejeue kesâ meeLe Deewj k = Jeesušdmeceeve E pF Iešlee nw~
efveÙeleebkeâ) nw~
Select the correct answer using the codes given
 ∆E   2 ∆E  below:
(a) exp   (b) exp  
 kT   kT  veerÛes efoÙes ieÙes keâes[ keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles ngS mener Gòej
 ∆E   2 ∆E  Ûegves-
(c) exp  −  (d) exp  − 
 kT   kT  (a) 1,4 and 5/1,4 Deewj 5
454. The impact ionization phenomenon in (b) 2 and 3/2 Deewj 3
semiconductor may be viewed as the reverse
process of (c) 4 and 5/4 Deewj 5
Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW ØeYeeJeer DeeÙeveerkeâjCe Iešvee he§e Øeef›eâÙee (d) 1, 2 and 3/1,2 Deewj 3
keâer lejn osKee pee mekeâlee nw~ 457. Consider the following statements about p-n
(a) radiative recombination/efJekeâjCe-Meerue hegvemeËÙeespeve junction:
p-n mebefOe kesâ yeejs ceW efvecve keâLeve hej efJeÛeej keâjs–
(b) Auger recombination/yejcee hegvemeËÙeespeve
(c) surface recombination/melen hegvemeËÙeespeve 1. p-n junction behaves as a capacitor when
forward biased/p-n meefvOe Skeâ mebOeeefj$e keâer
(d) Shockley-Read-Hall recombination
MeeBkeäues-efj[-ne@ue hegvemeËÙeespeve lejn JÙeJenej keâjleer nw peye De«e DeefYeveefle nes
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 761 YCT
2. p-n junction has p and n type (c) establishes a potential difference creating a
semiconductor source of emf./emf keâe Skeâ ßeesle me=peve keâj
p-n meefvOe ceW p Deewj n Øekeâej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ nesles nw (yeveekeâj) Skeâ efJeYeJe Devlej mLeeefhele keâjvee
3. p-n junction has a wider depletion layer as (d) produces heat raising the temperature
compared to a zener diode. leeheceeve TB Ûee G"ekeâj leehe Glheeefole keâjvee
peervej [eÙees[ keâer leguevee mes p-n meefvOe kesâ ÛeewÌ[s 461. Consider the following statements:
DeJe#eÙe hejle DeefOekeâ nw efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjW-
Which of the statements given above are 1. Nano means 10-9 so that nano materials
correct have an order of dimension higher than the
size of atom and come in the form of rods,
GheÙeg&òeâ efoÙee ieÙee keâewve-mee keâLeve melÙe nw? tubes, spheres or even thin sheets/films.
(a) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3 vewvees keâe DeLe& 10–9 FmeefueS vewvees heoeLe& GÛÛelece
(b) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2 DeeÙeece kesâ ›eâce kesâ nw hejceeCegDeeW kesâ Deekeâej mes
(c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3 Deewj ÚÌ[ kesâ ™he ceW Deeles nw, veeue (šŸetyees) ieesues
(d) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3 Ùee ÙeneB lekeâ efkeâ heleues Ûeöj/efheâuceeW
458. The static characteristic of an adequately 2. Nano materials have enhanced or changed
forward biased p-n junction is a straight line if structural property./vewvees heoeLeeX kesâ JeefOe&le
the plots is of (yeÌ{eÙee ngDee) yeouee ngDee mebjÛeveelcekeâ iegCe
mLeweflekeâ DeefYeue#eCe heÙee&hle ™he mes p-n meefvOe De«e 3. Nano elements lend themselves to
DeefYeveefle Skeâ meerOeer jsKee nw Ùeefo hueesšdme nw........kesâ~ mechanical processing like rolling,
twisting, positioning.
(a) log I vs, log V (b) log I vs. V
vewvees DeJeÙeJe mJeÙeb (Deheves) keâes GOeej ossles nw
(c) I vs. log V (d) I vs. V
Ùeebef$ekeâ ØemebmkeâjCe ØeewÅeesefiekeâer mes, pewmes jesefuebie,
459. Consider the following energy momentum (E-
k) curves labelled as 1, 2, 3 and 4 of different IegceeJe, efmLeefle efveOee&jCe
semiconductors 4. Nano elements show important electrical,
efvecveefueefKele Tpee& mebJesie (E-k) Je›eâ Deueie-Deueie magnetic and optical characteristics that
are useful in electrical industry.
Deæ&Ûeeuekeâes 1, 2, 3 Deewj 4 keâer lejn Jeieeake=âle nw, hej vewvees DeJeÙeJe DeeJeMÙekeâ (cenlJehetCe&) efJeÅegle
efJeÛeej keâjW- ÛegcyekeâerÙe Deewj ØekeâeMeerÙe DeefYeue#eCe ØeoefMe&le
keâjles nw, pees efJeÅegle GÅeesie ceW GheÙeesieer nw~
Which of the above statements are correct?
GheÙeg&òeâ keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
(b) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1,2,3 Deewj 4
(c) 3 and 4 only/kesâJeue 3 Deewj 4
(d) 1, 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1, 2 Deewj 4
462. The converse of hardness is known as
(a) (1, 2) and (3, 4)/ (1, 2) Deewj (3, 4) keâ"esjlee keâes efJehejerle (Guše) kesâ ™he ceW peevee peelee nw
(b) (1, 4) and (2, 3)/ (1, 4) Deewj (2, 3) (a) malleability/vejcelee
(c) (1, 3) and (2, 4)/ (1, 3) Deewj (2, 4) (b) toughness/ÛeerceÌ[heve
(d) 2, 3) and (1, 4)/ (2, 3) Deewj (1, 4) (c) softness/keâesceuelee
460. Photoconductivity is a characteristic of (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
semiconductors. When light falls on certain
463. On which of the following factore does the
semiconductors, it resistant of a material depend?
heâesšesÛeeuekeâlee Deæ&Ûeeuekeâes keâe Skeâ DeefYeue#eCe nw~ efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee keâejkeâ heoeLe& keâer ØeeflejesOe hej
peye kegâÚ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâes hej ØekeâeMe heÌ[lee nw, Ùen- efveYe&j keâjlee nw?
(a) sets free electrons from some of the atoms, (a) Resistance of the conductor
increasing the conductivity Ûeeuekeâ kesâ ØeeflejesOe
Ûeeuekeâlee yeÌ{ves mes kegâÚ hejceeCegDeeW mes mJeleb$e Fueskeäš^eveeW (b) Area of the conductor section
keâe mecetn mJeleb$e neslee nw Ûeeuekeâ DevegYeeie kesâ #es$eHeâue
(b) ejects electrons into space (c) Length of the conductor/Ûeeuekeâ keâer uecyeeF&
efJemleej ceW Fueskeäš^e@vme efvekeâeuevee (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 762 YCT
464. ................... is a negatively charged particle 471. Rochelle salt is used as a/an -------- in hearing
present in an atom. aids.
.......... Skeâ hejceeCeg ceW GheefmLele Skeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ jesMesue ueJeCe ßeJeCe-meneÙekeâ GhekeâjCeeW ceW Skeâ -----
DeeJesMe keâCe neslee nw~ kesâ ¤he ceW ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw–
(a) Proton/Øeesše@ve
(a) multivibrator / yengkebâefhe$e ceušeryeeFyeÇsšj)
(b) Neutron/vÙetš^e@ve
(b) oscillator / oesuekeâ (Dee@meeruesšj)
(c) Electron/Fueskeäš^e@ve
(c) strain gauge / efJeke=âefle Øeceehekeâ (mš^sve iespe)
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
465. The formula .............. determines the number (d) transducer / heej›eâcekeâ (š^ebm[dÙetmej)
of electrons that can be accommodated in any 472. Materials with low resistivity do not find their
level. applications in:
heâe@cet&uee .......... Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee efveOee&efjle keâjlee efvecve ØeeflejesOekeâlee Jeeues heoeLeex keâe GheÙeesie efkeâme
nw, efpevnW efkeâmeer Yeer mlej hej meceeÙeesefpele efkeâÙee pee DevegØeÙeesie ceW vener efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw–
mekeâlee nw
(a) heating element/G<cekeâ DeJeÙeJe
(a) 2n2 (b) 4n2
(c) 2n 3
(d) 4n3 (b) transformers/heefjCeeefce$e
466. LNG is stored and transported in insulated low (c) house wiring/Iej kesâ leej mLeeheve ceW
temperature containers. LNG stands for (d) transmission lines/mebÛejCe ueeFveeW ceW
LNG keâes efJeÅegle jesOeer keâce leeheceeve Jeeues kebâšsvej ceW
473. A varistor is madfe of:
meb«eefnle efkeâÙee peelee Deewj heefjJeefnle efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Skeâ JewwefjÙemšj yevee nesles nQ–
LNG keâe hetCe& ¤he keäÙee nw?
(a) Carborundum crystals/keâeyeexjb[ce ef›eâmšue
(a) Liquid nitrogen gas/efueefkeäJe[ veeFš^espeve iewme
(b) Liquefied natural gas/efueefkeäJeHeâeF[ vesÛegjue iewme (b) Carbon film/keâeye&vehejle
(c) Low nitrogen content gas/uees veeFš^espeve kebâšWš iewme (c) Aluminium/SuÙetceerefveÙece
(d) Liquid natural gas/efueefkeäJe[ vesÛegjue iewme (d) Copper/keâe@hej
467. The impurity added to extrinsic 474. The rasistance of certain metals or compounds
semiconductors is of the order of vanishes under certain conditions due to a
DeheõJÙeer Deæ&ÛeeuekeâeW ceW efceueeF& ieF& DeMegælee efkeâme property known as _____
keâesefš keâer nesleer nw– kegâÚ OeelegDeeW Ùee ÙeewefiekeâeW keâe ØeeflejesOe .......... veecekeâ
(a) 1 in 10/10 ceW 1 efJeMes<elee kesâ keâejCe kegâÚ efmLeefleÙeeW ceW ieeÙeye nes peelee nw~
(b) 1 in 1000/1000 ceW 1 (a) magnetostriction/ÛegcyekeâerÙe efJe™hejCe
(c) 1 in million/efceefueÙeve ceW 1
(b) semiconductivity/Deæ&-Ûeeuekeâlee
(d) 1 in billion/efyeefueÙeve ceW 1
(c) Superconductivity/DeefleÛeeuekeâlee
468. When an electron is removed from an atom, it
becomes (d) curi point/keäÙetjer efyevog
hejceeCeg mes Fueskeäš^e@ve efvekeâeues peeves hej, Ùen yeve peelee 475. High resistivity materials are used in
nw– GÛÛe ØeeflejesOeer heoeLeex keâe GheÙeesie ............ ceW efkeâÙee
(a) Covalent/menmebÙeespekeâ (b) Positron/hee@efpeš^e@ve peelee nw
(c) Molecule/DeCeg (d) Ionised/DeeÙeveerke=âle (a) precision instruments/heefjMegælee GhekeâjCe
469. The conductivity of silicon can be expected
(b) heating elements/nereEšie GhekeâjCe
around :
efmeefuekeâe@ve keâer Ûeeuekeâlee ueieYeie efkeâleveer nes mekeâleer (c) motor starters/ceesšj mšeš&j
nw? (d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
(a) 0.5 × 1014 s/m (b) 0.5 × 10–3 s/m 476. Mercury as an electric contact material is
(c) 0.5 × 10 s/m
(d) 0.5 × 10–14 s/m Skeâ efJeÅegle mecheke&â heoeLe& kesâ ™he ceW cejkeâjer ..........
470. Carborundum is also known as :-
keâejyeesjb[ce keâes Deewj efkeâme veece mes peevee peelee nw? nesleer nw~
(a) Silicon Carbide/efmeefuekeâe@ve keâeyee&F[ (a) a liquid/Skeâ lejue
(b) Germanium/pecexefveÙece (b) a metal/ Skeâ Oeeleg
(c) Lead sulphide/uew[ meuHeâeF[ (c) a metal liquid/ Skeâ lejue Oeeleg
(d) Galium arsenide/iewefueÙece DeemexveeF[ (d) a gas/ Skeâ iewme
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 763 YCT
477. An H.R.C. fuse is 483. At transition temperature the value of critical
Skeâ H.R.C. heäÙetpe neslee nw field is
(a) a ceremic body having metal and caps meb›eâceCe leeheceeve hej ›eâeefvlekeâ #es$e keâe ceeve nw–
Oeeleg Deewj kewâhme kesâ meeLe Skeâ efmejsefcekeâ efheC[ (a) zero/MetvÙe
(b) a wire of platinum/huesefšvece keâe Skeâ leej (b) negative real value/$e+Ceelcekeâ JeemleefJekeâ ceeve
(c) a heavy cross-section of copper or (c) positive real value/Oeveelcekeâ JeemleefJekeâ ceeve
aluminium (d) complex value/meefcceße ceeve
keâe@hej Ùee SuÙetceerefveÙece keâe Yeejer DevegØemLe keâeš 484. Which of the following variety of copper has
(d) a ceramic tube having carbon rod inside it the best conductivity?
Skeâ efmejsefcekeâ šdÙetye efpemekesâ Deboj keâeye&ve je@[ nw efvecve ceW mes efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ keâe@hej keâer meJe&ßes<"
478. Which of the following resistive materials has Ûeeuekeâlee nesleer nw?
the lowest temperature co-efficient of (a) Induction hardened copper/ØesjCe keâ"esj keâe@hej
resistance? (b) Hard drawn copper/keâ"esj keâef<e&le keâe@hej
efvecve ceW mes efkeâme ØeeflejesOeer heoeLe& keâe ØeeflejesOe leehe (c) Pure annealed copper/Megæ Sveeru[ keâe@hej
iegCeebkeâ meyemes keâce neslee nw? (d) Copper containing traces of silicon
(a) Nichrome/veeF›eâesce keâe@hej efpemeceW efmeefuekeâe@ve kesâ efveMeeve nesles nQ
(b) Constantan/keâebmšsvšve 485. Imperfections in the crystal structure result
(c) Kanthal/keQâLeeue
ef›eâmšue mebjÛevee ceW KeeefceÙeeW keâe keäÙee heefjCeece neslee
(d) Molybdenum/ceesefuey[svece
479. The coils of D.C. motor starter are wound
with wire of (a) increased conductivity/Ûeeuekeâlee yeÌ{ peeleer nw~
D.C. ceesšj mšeš&j keâer kegâC[ueer keâes .............. leej mes (b) decreased conductivity/Ûeeuekeâlee Ieš peeleer nw~
uehesšer peeleer nw~ (c) increased mobility/ieefleMeeruelee yeÌ{ peeleer nw~

(a) copper/keâe@hej (b) kanthal/keQâLeeue (d) decreased mobility/ieefleMeeruelee Ieš peeleer nw~
486. Epitaxial growth is best suited for growing___:
(c) manganin/ceQieveerve (d) nichrome/veeF›eâesce
DeefOejesner Je=efæ efkeâmekesâ JeOe&ve kesâ efueS meyemes GheÙegòeâ
480. The conductors have transport phenomena of
electrons due to
neslee nw-
ÛeeuekeâeW kesâ heeme Fueskeäš^eveeW keâer heefjJeenve Iešvee kesâ (a) polycrystalline silicon/hee@ueeref›eâmšueeFve efmeefuekeâe@ve
keâejCe nesleer nw (b) very thin single crystal layer on a substrate
ØeeflemLeeheer hej yengle heleueer Skeâue ef›eâmšue melen
(a) electric field/efJeÅegle #es$e
(c) single crystals several inches in size
(b) magnetic field/ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e
kegâÚ FbÛe kesâ Deekeâej kesâ keâF& Skeâue ef›eâmšue
(c) electromagnetic field/efJeÅegle ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e(d) single crystal of several mm in size
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR keâF& efce.ceer. kesâ Deekeâej keâe Skeâue ef›eâmšue
481. The transition temperature of mercury is *487. A semiconductor has a band gap of 2 eV. The
ceke&âjer keâe meb›eâceCe leeheceeve neslee nw wavelength of radiation emitted from the
(a) 18.0 K 0
(b) 9.22 K 0 semiconductor when electrons and holes
0 0 recombine is ...........
(c) 4.12 K (d) 1.14 K
482. By increasing impurity content in the metal
Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ keâe keâefšyebOe Deblej (yeQ[ ieQhe) 2 eV
alloy the residual resistivity always nw ~ Fueskeäš^e@vme Deewj efÚõeW (nesume) kesâ hegve: mebÙeesefpele
Oeeleg kesâ efceßeCe ceW DeMegæ heoeLe& keâes yeÌ{eves mes nesves hej Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ mes Glmeefpe&le efJeefkeâjCe keâer
DeJeefMe<š ØeeflejesOekeâlee ncesMee lejbieowOÙe& efkeâleveer nesieer?
(a) decreases/keâce nes peelee nw (a) 625 nm (b) 625 µm
(c) 625 mm (d) 625 cm
(b) increases/yeÌ{ peelee nw
488. The value of free electron density of copper
(c) remains constant/efmLej yevee jnlee nw keâe@hej (leeceü) ces cegòeâ Fueskeäš^e@ve IevelJe nw–
(d) becomes temperature independent (a) 16 × 1028/m3 (b) 1.69 × 1019/m3
leeheceeve mes mJeleb$e nes peelee nw (c) 8 × 1028/m3 (d) 8.5 × 1028/m3
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 764 YCT
489. A solid in which the atoms are arranged in a 497. In graphite, bonding is
regular periodic geometrical pattern is known «esheâeFš ceW yevOe neslee nw
as :/Skeâ "esme efpemeceW hejceeCegDeeW keâes efveÙeefcele
(a) covalent/men mebÙeespekeâ
DeeJeefOekeâ pÙeeefceleerÙe hewšve& ceW JÙeJeefmLele efkeâÙee peelee
(b) metallic/OeeeflJekeâ
nw, kesâ ™he ceW peevee peelee nw–
(c) Vander Waals/Jeev[jJeeume
(a) conductor/Ûeeuekeâ
(d) Vander Waals and covalent
(b) semi-conductor/Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
(c) insulator/DeÛeeuekeâ
JeeC[jJeeume Deewj menmebÙeespekeâ
(d) crystal/ef›eâmšue 498. Total number of crystal systems is
490. The ratio of reverse resistance and forward
ef›eâmšue efmemšce keâer kegâue mebKÙee nesleer nw
resistance of a germanium crystal diode is (a) 2 (b) 4
about :/pecexefveÙece ef›eâmšue keâe efjJeme& ØeeflejesOe leLee (c) 7 (d) 12
heâejJe[& ØeeflejesOe keâe Devegheele- 499. The number of atoms per unit cell in B.C.C.
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 100 : 1 structure is
(c) 1000 : 1 (d) 40000 : 1 B.C.C. mebjÛevee ceW Øeefle Ùetefveš mesue hej hejceeCegDeeW
491. The conductor used for High Quality surface keâer mebKÙee nesleer nw
to surface contacts is (a) 1 (b) 2
GÛÛe iegCeJeòee kesâ melen mes melen mecheke&â ceW ØeÙegkeäle (c) 4 (d) 8
Ûeeuekeâ neslee nw– 500. The conductivity of a metal is determined by
(a) Silver / ÛeeBoer (b) Copper / leebyee Oeeleg keâer Ûeeuekeâlee ............ kesâ Éeje efveOee&efjle keâer
(c) Aluminium/SuÙetceerefveÙece (d) Gold / meesvee peeleer nw
492. Which of the following industries will consume (a) the electronic concentration and the
maximum power per tonne of product? mobility of the free electrons/Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ
efvecveefueefKele GÅeesieeW ceW mes keâewve-mee Øeefle šve Glheeo kesâ meebõlee Deewj cegòeâ Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer ieefleMeeruelee
efueS DeefOekeâlece efJeÅegle keâer Kehele keâjsiee? (b) the number of valence electrons per atom
(a) Zinc/efpebkeâ Øeefle hejceeCeg mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer mebKÙee
(b) Aluminium/SuÙegefceefveÙece (c) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b)
(c) Alloy steel/efceße Oeeleg Fmheele (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(d) Cement/meerceWš
501. The resistivity of a metal is a function of
493. The unit of volume resistivity is temperature because
DeeÙeleve ØeeflejesOekeâlee keâer Ùetefveš keäÙee nw? Oeeleg keâer ØeeflejesOekeâlee leeheceeve keâe Skeâ keâeÙe&/Heâueve
(a) Ohm-m3/m2 (b) ohm-m2/m nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ
(c) ohm-gram-m/gram (d) ohm-m4/m3
(a) the amplitude of vibration of the atoms
494. What is the temperature coefficient in
varies with temperature/hejceeCegDeeW kesâ keâcheve
percentage per 0C of nichrome material?
veeF›eâesce cešsefjÙeue keâe Øeefle 0C šschejsÛej keâesSefheâefMeSbš keâe DeeÙeece leeheceeve kesâ meeLe yeouelee nw
ØeefleMele ceW efkeâlevee neslee nw? (b) the electron density varies with
(a) 0.04 (b) 0.36 temperature/leeheceeve kesâ meeLe Fueskeäš^e@ve keâe IevelJe
(c) 0.4 (d) 0.03 heefjJeefle&le neslee nw
495. What is the relative permittivity of slate (c) the electron gas density varies with
dielectric?/muesš [eF&-Fueseqkeäš^keâ keâer efjuesefšJe temperature
hejefcešerefJešer efkeâleveer nesleer nw? Fueskeäš^e@ve iewme IevelJe leeheceeve kesâ meeLe yeouelee nw
(a) 6–7.5 (b) 4.1–6.5 (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
(c) 2–2.5 (d) 5.5–6.5 502. In a crystal, an atom vibrates at a frequency
496. Which of the following materials does not determined by
have covalent bonds?/efvecve ceW mes efkeâme heoeLe& ceW Skeâ ef›eâmšue ceW, DeeJe=efòe hej hejceeCeg keâcheVe keâes
menmebbÙeespekeâ yevOe veneR neslee nw ........... kesâ Éeje efveOee&efjle efkeâÙee peelee nw
(a) Organic polymers/keâeye&efvekeâ yenguekeâ (a) the heat content of the crystal
(b) Silicon/efmeefuekeâe@ve ef›eâmšue keâer G<ceerÙe meece«eer
(c) Metals/OeelegSB (b) the temperature of the crystal
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR ef›eâmšue kesâ leeheceeve
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 765 YCT
(c) the stiffness of the bonds it makes with efvecve ceW mes efkeâme keâejCe kesâ Éeje keâe@hej Deewj
neighbours/yeeC[dme keâer keâ"esjlee Deheves efvekeâšJeleea SuÙetceerefveÙece keâe GheÙeesie nereEšie lelJeeW kesâ efueS veneR
kesâ meeLe yeveelee nw~ efkeâÙee peelee nw?
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) Both have great tendency for oxidation
503. Due to which of the following reasons oesveeW Dee@keämeerkeâjCe kesâ efueS DeefOekeâ ØeJe=efòe nw
aluminium does not corrode in atmosphere? (b) Both have low melting point
efvecve ceW mes efkeâme keâejCe mes JeeleeJejCe ceW SuÙetceerefveÙece oesveeW kesâ keâce ieueveebkeâ efyevog nw
keâe #ejCe veneR neslee nw? (c) Very large length of wires will be required
(a) Aluminium is a noble metal leej keâer yengle DeefOekeâ uecyeeF& keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesieer
SuÙetceerefveÙece Skeâ DeeoMe& Oeeleg nw (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(b) Atmospheric oxygen can only diffuse very 508. Thermocouples are mainly used for the
slowly through the oxide layer which is measurement of
formed on the surface of aluminium Leceexkeâheume cegKÙe ™he mes ceehe kesâ efueS GheÙeesie efkeâÙee
JeeÙegceC[ueerÙe Dee@keämeerpeve kesâJeue Dee@keämeeF[ hejle kesâ peelee nw
ceeOÙece mes yengle Oeerjs-Oeerjs hewâue mekeâlee nw, pees (a) temperature/leeheceeve
SuÙetceerefveÙece keâer melen hej yevelee nw (b) resistance/ØeeflejesOe
(c) No reaction with oxygen occurs (c) eddy currents/YeJebj Oeeje
Dee@keämeerpeve kesâ meeLe keâesF& Øeefleef›eâÙee veneR nesleer nw (d) coupling co-efficient/Ùegiceve iegCeebkeâ
(d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer 509. Due to which of the following fact, in India,
aluminium is replacing copper?
504. The impurity atoms is semiconductors efvecve keâejCe ceW mes keâewve-mee leLÙe Yeejle ceW
DeMegæ hejceeCeg Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW neslee nw SuÙegefceefveÙece keâe@hej keâer peien ues jne nw?
(a) inject more charge carriers (a) Aluminium is more ductile and malleable
DeefOekeâ Ûeepe& Jeenkeâ keâjves Jeeuee than copper/keâe@hej keâer leguevee ceW SuÙegefceefveÙece
(b) reduce the energy gap DeefOekeâ vejce Deewj levÙe neslee nw
Tpee& iewhe keâes keâce keâjves Jeeuee (b) Aluminium is available in plenty, cheaper
(c) increase the kinetic energy of valence and lighter than copper/ SuÙegefceefveÙece keâe@hej keâer
electrons/mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^e@veeW keâer ieefleMeerue Tpee& ceW leguevee ceW yengle memlee Deewj nukesâ ceW GheueyOe nw
Je=efæ keâjves Jeeuee (c) Aluminium has lower resistivity than that
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer of copper/keâe@hej keâer leguevee SuÙegefceefveÙece keâe
505. Platinum is used in
ØeeflejesOekeâ keâce nw
(d) Aluminium has less temperature co-
huesefšvece ........... ceW GheÙeesie efkeâÙee
peelee nw
efficient than copper/keâe@hej keâer leguevee ceW
(a) electrical contacts/efJeÅegle mecheke&â SuÙegefceefveÙece ceW keâce leeheceeve iegCeebkeâ neslee nw
(b) thermocouple/Leceexkeâheue 510. The conduction of electricity, in
(c) grids of special purpose vacuum tubes semiconductors, takes place due to movement
efJeMes<e GösMÙe efveJee&le šdÙetyeeW kesâ ef«e[ of
(d) all of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW efJeÅegle Ûeeueve .......... kesâ ieefle kesâ
506. Which of the following is an advantage of
keâejCe neslee nw~
stranded conductor over equivalent single (a) positive ions only/kesâJeue hee@efpeefšJe DeeÙeveeW
conductor? (b) negative ions only/kesâJeue efveiesefšJe DeeÙeveeW
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee meceleguÙe eEmeieue Ûeeuekeâ hej (c) positive and negative ions
mš^wv[s[ Ûeeuekeâ keâe ueeYe nw? hee@efpeefšJe Deewj efveiesefšJe DeeÙeveeW
(a) Less liability to kink/eEkeâkeâ kesâ efueS keâce oeefÙelJe (d) electrons and holes/Fueskeäš^e@ve Deewj nesume
(b) Greater flexibility/yesnlej ueÛeerueeheve 511. Which of the following is a semiconductor
(c) Less liability to break
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ heoeLe& nw
leesÌ[ves kesâ efueS keâce oeefÙelJe
(a) Phosphorous/HeâemHeâesjme
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(b) Rubber/jyej
507. Due to which of the following reasons copper
(c) Silicon/efmeefuekeâe@ve
and aluminium are not used for heating
elements? (d) Aluminium/SuÙetceerefveÙece

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 766 YCT

512. Selenium is .......... semiconductor. (c) The external magnetic field has no effect on
mesuesefveÙece .......... Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ neslee nw superconductors/yee¢e ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e keâe DeefleÛeeuekeâ
(a) extrnisic/Skeämeš^Wefpekeâ (b) intrnisic/Fbefš^eEpekeâ hej keâesF& ØeYeeJe vener heÌ[lee nw
(d) Entropy increases on going from
(c) N-type/N-šeFhe (d) P-type/P-šeFhe superconducting state to normal state.
513. The D.C. resistivity and permeability exhibited DeefleÛeeuekeâerÙelee DeJemLee mes meeceevÙe DeJemLee lekeâ
by a type-1 superconductor are respectively SCš^e@heer yeÌ{leer peeleer nw
Skeâ šeFhe-1 DeefleÛeeuekeâ kesâ Éeje [er.meer. ØeeflejesOekeâlee 517. Consider the following statements:
Deewj ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee ›eâceMe:............ nesleer nw– efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjs–
(a) zero and zero/MetvÙe Deewj MetvÙe 1. The critical magnetic field of a
superconductor is maximum at absolute
(b) zero and unity/MetvÙe Deewj FkeâeF&
(c) unity and zero/FkeâeF& Deewj MetvÙe DeefleÛeeuekeâ keâe ›eâebeflekeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e efvejhes#e
(d) unity and unity/FkeâeF& Deewj FkeâeF& MetvÙe hej DeefOekeâlece neslee nw~
514. What is the magnetic susceptibility χ of an 2. Transition temperature of a
ideal superconductor superconductor is sensitive to its Structure
DeeoMe& DeefleÛeeuekeâ keâer ÛegcyekeâerÙe DevegkeâeÙe&lee χ keäÙee Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ keâe meb›eâceCe leeheceeve Fmekeâer
nesleer nw? mebjÛevee kesâ Øeefle mebJesoveMeerue neslee nw~
(a) 1 (b) -1 3. The critical magnetic field of a
superconductor is zero at its critical
(c) 0 (d) Infinte/Demeerefcele temperature
515. In general, for a superconductor, which of the Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ keâe ›eâebeflekeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e Deheves
following statements is true? ›eâeefvlekeâ leeheceeve hej MetvÙe neslee nw~
meeceevÙe leewj hej, Skeâ meghej kebâ[keäšj kesâ efueS, 4. Superconductors show very high
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw? conductivity below the critical
(a) A superconductor is a perfect paramagnetic temperature.
material with the magnetic susceptibility DeefleÛeeuekeâlee ›eâeefvlekeâ leeheceeve kesâ veerÛes yengle
equal to positive unit GÛÛe Ûeeuekeâlee ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~
ÛegcyekeâerÙe DevegkeâeÙe&lee Oeveelcekeâ FkeâeF& kesâ yejeyej kesâ meeLe Which of the above statements are correct?
Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ Skeâ hetCe& DevegÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& nw GheÙeg&keäle ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw?
(b) A superconductor is a perfect diamagnetic (a) 1,2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1,2 Deewj 3
material with the magnetic susceptibility (b) 1,2, and 4 only/kesâJeue 1,2 Deewj 4
equals to negative one. (c) 2,3 and 4 only/kesâJeue 2,3 Deewj 4
ÛegcyekeâerÙe DevegkeâeÙe&lee $e+Ceelcekeâ FkeâeF& kesâ yejeyej kesâ (d) 1,3 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1,3 Deewj 4
meeLe Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ Skeâ hetCe& ØeefleÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& nw 518. Consider the following statements:
(c) A superconductor is a perfect ferromagnetic efvecve keâLeveeW hej efJeÛeej keâjs–
material with the magnetic susceptibility 1. Metal conductors have more R at higher
equals to positive one temperatures./ Oeeleg Ûeeuekeâes keâe GÛÛelece
ÛegcyekeâerÙe DevegkeâeÙe&lee FkeâeF& Oeveelcekeâ kesâ yejeyej kesâ meeLe leeheceeve hej R DeefOekeâ neslee nw~
Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ hetCe& ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& nw 2. Tungsten can be used as a resistance wire.
(d) A superconductor is a perfect piezoelectric šbiemšve keâe ØeÙeesie ØeeflejesOe leej kesâ ™he ceW efkeâÙee
material with the magnetic susceptibility pee mekeâlee nw~
equals to negative unity
3. A superconductive material is one which
ÛegcyekeâerÙe DevegkeâeÙe&lee FkeâeF& $e+Ceelcekeâ kesâ yejeyej kesâ has practically zero resistance.
meeLe Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ hetCe& efhepees efJeÅegle heoeLe& nw Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ heoeLe& Jen nw efpemeceW ØeeÙeesefiekeâ
516. Which of the following statements is NOT ®he mes MetvÙe ØeeflejesOe neslee nw~
true? Which of the above statements are correct?
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe vener nw? GheÙeg&keäle keâLeveeW ceW keâewve mee melÙe nw?
(a) Superconductors show perfect diamagnetism (a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
DeefleÛeeuekeâ hetCe& ØeefleÛegcyekeâlJe ØeoefMe&le keâjles nw (b) 1 and 3 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 3
(b) Superconductors have almost zero resistivity (c) 2 and 3 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 3
DeefleÛeeuekeâeW ceW DeefOekeâebMele: MetvÙe ØeeflejesOekeâlee nesleer nw (d) 1, 2 and 3/1, 2 Deewj 3

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 767 YCT

519. Consider the following statements about 523. The conductivity of a conducting material on
superconductors: being subjected to critical magnetic field
DeefleÛeeuekeâ kesâ mevoYe& ceW efvecveefueefKele keâLeveeW hej changes to
efJeÛeej keâjs– Skeâ ÛeeuekeâerÙe heoeLe& keâer Ûeeuekeâlee ›eâeefvlekeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe
1. The temperature at which the conductor #es$e kesâ DeOeerve nesves hej .............. ceW yeouelee nw~
becomes a superconductor is called (a) Normal state/meeceevÙe DeJemLee
transition temperature.
(b) Unstable state/DemLeeÙeer DeJemLee
leeheceeve efpeme hej Ûeeuekeâ Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ neslee nw
(c) Temperature-independent state
Gmes meb›eâceCe leeheceeve keânles nQ~
leeheceeve mes mJeleb$e DeJemLee
2. Superconductors repel magnetic flux lines
(d) Temperature-dependent state
DeefleÛeeuekeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe Heäuekeäme ueeFveeW keâes
Øeeflekeâef<e&le keâjleer nw~ leeheceeve hej efveYe&j DeJemLee
524. A superconductor material is
3. All superconductors are paramagnetic
materials. Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ heoeLe& nw–
meYeer DeefleÛeeuekeâ Deveg-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& nesles nw~ (a) Copper/leeceü (b) Silver/ÛeeBoer
4. Superconductors become normal when (c) Mercury/heeje (d) Gold/meesvee
placed in a magnetic field of certain critical 525. Materials in superconducting state have the
value. property of
DeefleÛeeuekeâ meeceevÙe neslee nw, peye Jen ÛegcyekeâerÙe DeefleÛeeuekeâerÙe DeJemLee ceW heoeLe& ceW iegCe neslee nw–
#es$e ceW efveÙele ›eâebeflekeâ ceeve hej efmLele neslee nw~ (a) Absorbing magnetic field
Which of the above statements are correct? DeJeMeesef<ele ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e
GheÙeg&keäle keâewve mee keâLeve melÙe nw? (b) Repelling magnetic field/Øeeflekeâef<e&le ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e
(a) 1 and 2 only/kesâJeue 1 Deewj 2
(c) Absorbing electric field/DeJeMeesef<ele efJeÅegle #es$e
(b) 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 2 Deewj 4
(d) Repelling electric field/Øeeflekeâef<e&le efJeÅegle #es$e
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only/kesâJeue 1,2 Deewj 4
526. The magnetic field at which a superconductor
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4/1,2,3 Deewj 4 remains in its superconducting state at a
520. The transition temperature of mercury at temperature less than the transition
which it becomes superconductive is temperature is
ceke&âjer keâe meb›eâceCe leeheceeve efpeme hej Jen DeefleÛeeuekeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e, efpeme hej Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ Deheves
nes peelee nw~ DeefleÛeeuekeâlee keâer DeJemLee ceW meb›eâceCe leeheceeve mes keâce
(a) 4.12°F (b) 4.12°C leeheceeve hej jnlee nw–
(c) 4.12 K (d) 41.2 K
(a) zero/MetvÙe
521. The energy gap of a superconductor
(b) greater than the critical field corresponding to
Skeâ DeefleÛeeuekeâ keâe Tpee& Devlejeue–
the given temperature/efoÙes ieÙes leeheceeve kesâ
(a) is independent of temperature
Deveg™he ›eâeefvlekeâ #es$e mes DeefOekeâ neslee nw
leeheceeve mes mJeleb$e neslee nw
(c) less than the critical field corresponding to the
(b) increases with temperature
given temperature/efoÙes ieÙes leeheceeve kesâ Deveg™he
leeheceeve kesâ meeLe yeÌ{lee nw
›eâeefvlekeâ #es$e mes keâce neslee nw
(c) is maximum at a critical temperature
(d) equal to the critical field corresponding to the
›eâeefvlekeâ leeheceeve hej DeefOekeâlece neslee nw
transition temperature./meb›eâceCe leeheceeve kesâ
(d) is minimum at a critical temperature
›eâeefvlekeâ leeheceeve hej vÙetvelece neslee nw Deveg™he ›eâeefvlekeâ #es$e kesâ yejeyej neslee nw
527. Thermistors find use in which of the
522. The structure sensitive property of a
superconductor is following?
meghejÛeeuekeâ keâe mebjÛevee mebJesoveMeerue iegCe neslee nw– Leefce&mšj efvecve ceW mes efkeâme ceW GheÙeesie keâjles nQ
(a) Transition temperature/meb›eâceCe leeheceeve (a) In thermometry/Leceexceeršj ceW
(b) Critical magnetic field/›eâeefvlekeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe #es$e (b) In measurement of microwave power
(c) Critical current density/›eâeefvlekeâ Oeeje IevelJe met#ce lejbie Meefòeâ kesâ ceeheve ceW
(d) Temperature-dependent state (c) As a thermal relay/Lece&ue efjues kesâ ™he ceW
leeheceeve hej efveYe&j DeJemLee (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer

Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 768 YCT

528. In a semiconductor the resistivity decreases 533. Emitter arrow, in a transistor, shows the
............. with temperature. direction of
Skeâ Deæ& Ûeeuekeâ ceW ØeeflejesOekeâlee leeheceeve kesâ meeLe Skeâ š^ebefpemšj ceW Sceeršj leerj keâer efoMee ............
.......... keâce nes peeleer nw oMee&lee nw~
(a) linearly/jwefKekeâ ™he mes (a) flow of conventional current
(b) non-linearly/DejwefKekeâ ™he mes keâveJesvMeveue Oeeje keâe ØeJeen
(c) exponentially/Ûej IeeleebkeâerÙe ™he mes (b) electron flow/Fueskeäš^e@ve keâe ØeJeen
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer (c) either of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
529. A thermistor has ............. temperature co- (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
efficient of resistance 534. As compared to thermionic tubes, transistors
Skeâ Lee|cemšj kesâ heeme .......... ØeeflejesOe leehe iegCeebkeâ claim which of the following advantages?
neslee nw– Leceexefvekeâ šdÙetye keâer leguevee ceW, š^ebefpemšj keâe efvecve ces
mes keäÙee ueeYe nw?
(a) zero/MetvÙe
(a) Compact size, light in weight
(b) a negative/Skeâ $e+Ceelcekeâ
keâe@chewkeäš meeFpe, Jepeve ceW nukeâe
(c) a positive/ Skeâ Oeveelcekeâ
(b) Instantaneous operation/leel#eefCekeâ ØeÛeeueve
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(c) Long life if operated within the permissible
530. When radiation is incident on a semi- limits of temperature
conductor, its conductivity increases, this DeefOekeâ peerJeve Ùeefo leeheceeve keâer Devegceefle meerceeDeeW kesâ
effect is called
Devoj mebÛeeefuele efkeâÙee peelee nw
peye Skeâ Deæ& Ûeeuekeâ hej efJeefkeâjCe keâer Iešvee nesleer
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes meYeer
nw, lees Fmekeâer Ûeeuekeâlee yeÌ{ peeleer nw, Fme ØeYeeJe keâes
535. Conduction of heat in a semiconductor takes
keâne peelee nw place in which of the following ways?
(a) Hall effect/ne@ue ØeYeeJe Skeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ ceW T<cee keâe Ûeeueve efvecve ceW mes
(b) Seeback effect/meeryewkeâ ØeYeeJe efkeâme lejerkesâ mes nesleer nw
(c) photo conductive effect/heâesšes ÛeeuekeâerÙe ØeYeeJe (a) By the thermal vibrations of the atoms
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR hejceeCegDeeW kesâ Lece&ue keâchevve Éeje
531. In a P.N.P. transistor majority charge (b) By the electrons/Fueskeäš^e@veeW Éeje
carriers are (c) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
Skeâ P.N.P. š^ebefpemšj ceW DeefOekeâlej DeeJesMe Jeenkeâ (d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
..........neslee nw~ 536. Non-linear resistors are also called
(a) electrons/Fueskeäš^eveeW DejwefKekeâ ØeeflejesOe ncesMee keâne peelee nw
(b) holes/nesume (a) thermistors/Leefce&mšme&
(c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (b) varistors/Jewefjmšme&
(d) either (a) or (b)/Ùee lees (a) Ùee (b) (c) either of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
532. In a P.N.P. transistor the collector current is (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
always 537. Thermistors possess
Skeâ P.N.P. š^ebefpemšj ceW keâueskeäšj Oeeje ncesMee Leefce&mšj kesâ heeme neslee nw
........... nesleer nw~ (a) zero resistivity/MetvÙe ØeeflejesOekeâlee
(a) less than the emitter current (b) a negative temperature resistivity of high
Sceeršj Oeeje mes keâce absolute value/GÛÛe efvejhes#e ceeve keâer $e+Ceelcekeâ
(b) equal to the emitter current leeheceeve ØeeflejesOekeâlee
Sceeršj Oeeje kesâ yejeyej (c) a positive temperature resistivity of high
(c) greater than the emitter current absolute value/GÛÛe efvejhes#e ceeve keâer Oeveelcekeâ
Sceeršj Oeeje mes DeefOekeâ leeheceeve ØeeflejesOekeâlee
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 769 YCT
538. Photo-voltaic cells find applications in which 543. The ionically and covalently bonded
of the following? materials are known as
heâesšes JeesušeFkeâ mesueeW keâes efvecve ceW mes efkeâme DevegØeÙeesie DeeÙeefvekeâ Deewj menmebÙeesefpele yevOe heoeLe& kesâ ™he ceW
kesâ efueS keâjles nQ peevee peelee nw
(a) Automatic control systems
(a) insulators/efJeÅeglejesOekeâ
mJeÛeeefuele efveÙeb$eCe ØeCeeueer
(b) poor conductors/Kejeye Ûeeuekeâ
(b) Television circuits/šsueerefJepeve heefjheLe
(c) Sound motion, picture recording and (c) either of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
reproducing equipment/OJeefve ieefle, efhekeäÛej (d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
efjkeâe@e\[ie Deewj hegve: Glheeefole GhekeâjCe 544. A good insulating material should possess
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer which of the following characteristics?
539. Hall effect may be used for which of the Skeâ DeÛÚs efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& ceW efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee
following? iegCe nesvee ÛeeefnS?
efvecve ceW mes efkeâmekesâ efueS ne@ue ØeYeeJe keâe GheÙeesie (a) Large insulation resistance
efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw? GÛÛe efJeÅeglejesOeve ØeeflejesOe
(a) Determining whether a semiconductor is N-
(b) High dielectric strength
type or P-type/Ùen efveOee&efjle keâjvee efkeâ Deæ&Ûeeuekeâ
N-šeFhe Ùee P-šeFhe nw
GÛÛe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe&
(b) Determining the carrier concentration (c) Least thermal expansion/keâce T<ceerÙe Øemeej
Jeenkeâ keâer meevoÇlee efveOee&efjle keâjvee (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
(c) Calculating the mobility, having measured 545. The dielectric strength of mica varies from
the conductivity/Ûeeuekeâlee keâes ceeheves, ieefleMeeruelee DeYeükeâ keâe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& ............. lekeâ heefjJeefle&le
keâer ieCevee neslee nw–
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (a) 10 to 20 kV/mm thickness
540. The change of resistance in a magnetic field is 10 mes 20 kV/mm ceesšeF&
called the
Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe heâeru[ ceW ØeeflejesOe heefjJele&ve keâes (b) 20 to 30 kV/mm thickness
............. keâne peelee nw~ 20 mes 30 kV/mm ceesšeF&
(a) magneto-resistance effect (c) 30 to 40 kV/mm thickness
ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeeflejesOe ØeYeeJe 30 mes 40 kV/mm ceesšeF&
(b) Seeback effect/meeryewkeâ ØeYeeJe (d) 40 to 150 kV/mm thickness
(c) photo-electric effect/heâesšes-Fuesefkeäš^keâ ØeYeeJe 40 mes 150 kV/mm ceesšeF&
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR 546. Mica is usually avoided for slot linings of high
541. Insulators are the materials in which valence voltage machines because its
electrons are bounded DeYeükeâ Deeceleewj hej GÛÛe Jeesušspe ceMeerve kesâ muee@š
efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& ceW mebÙeespeer Fueskeäš^eve ............. yebOee ueeFeEveie kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie vener neslee nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekeâe
neslee nw~ (a) space factor is low/mhesme hewâkeäšj keâce neslee nw
(a) loosely to their parent atoms (b) space factor is high/mhesme hewâkeäšj GÛÛe neslee nw
Deheves GheefmLele hejceeCeg mes Ì{eruee (c) space factor is nil/mhesme hewâkeäšj MetvÙe neslee nw
(b) moderately to their parent atoms
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR
Deheves GheefmLele hejceeCeg mes ceOÙece
547. The dielectric strength of asbestos is
(c) very tightly to their parent atoms
Deheves GheefmLele hejceeCeg mes yengle cepeyetle Smyesmšesme keâer hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& nesleer nw
(d) none of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR (a) 1.5 to 2.5 kV/mm thickness
542. Insulators have which of the following? 1.5 mes 2.5 kV/mm ceesšeF&
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efJeÅeglejesOekeâ ceW ............. neslee nw~ (b) 3 to 4.5 kV/mm thickness
(a) A full valence band/Skeâ hetCe& mebÙeespeer yewC[ 3 mes 4.5 kV/mm ceesšeF&
(b) An empty conduction band (c) 5 to 6.5 kV/mm thickness
Skeâ Keeueer Ûeeueve yewC[ 5 mes 6.5 kV/mm ceesšeF&
(c) A large energy gap/Skeâ yeÌ[e Tpee& Devlejeue (d) 8 to 9.5 kV/mm thickness
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer 8 mes 9.5 kV/mm ceesšeF&
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 770 YCT
548. Which of the following processes is used to 553. The dielectric loss is affected by which of the
produce porcelain? following factors?
heesme&ueerve kesâ Glheeove kesâ efueS efvecve ceW mes keâewve-meer hejeJewÅegle neefve efvecve ceW mes efkeâmekesâ Éeje ØeYeeefJele
Øeefleef›eâÙeeDeeW keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw neslee nw?
(a) Dry process/Meg<keâ Øeef›eâÙee (a) Presence of humidity/Deeõ&lee keâer GheefmLeefle
(b) Wet process/vece Øeef›eâÙee (b) Voltage increase/Jeesušspe Je=efæ
(c) Casting process/keâeeEmšie Øeef›eâÙee (c) Temperature rise/leeheceeve Je=efæ
(d) Any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer (d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
549. Porcelain insulators are employed for 554. Which of the following is a consequence of
insulating terminals of ionisation?
............. kesâ efJeÅeglejesOeer efmejes hej heesme&ueerve efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee DeeÙeveerkeâjCe keâe heefjCeece nw?
efJeÅeglejesOekeâ keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (a) A great power loss in the insulation
(a) low voltage machines/efvecve Jeesušspe keâer ceMeerveW efJeÅeglejesOeve ceW yengle DeefOekeâ Meefòeâ neefve
(b) medium voltage machines
(b) Thermal instability/G<ceerÙe DeefmLejlee
ceOÙece Jeesušspe keâer ceMeerveW
(c) Lowering of the breakdown voltage of the
(c) high voltage machines insulation
GÛÛe Jeesušspe keâer ceMeerveW efJeÅeglejesOeve kesâ yeÇskeâ[eGve Jeesušspe keâes keâce keâjvee
(d) any of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& Yeer
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer
550. The dielectric strength of paper is
555. The electromagnet is made of-
heshej keâe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& neslee nw
efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ.........keâe yeveeÙee peelee nw~
(a) 2 to 4 kV/mm thickness
(a) soft iron core/vece& ueewn keâesj
2 mes 4 kV/mm ceesšeF&
(b) 4 to 10 kV/mm thickness (b) steel core/mšerue keâesj
4 mes 10 kV/mm ceesšeF& (c) soft iron core wrapped in a coil of fine wire
with current flowing through it
(c) 12 to 15 kV/mm thickness
12 mes 15 kV/mm ceesšeF&
vece& ueewn keâesj hej heleues leej mes uehesše ngDee Skeâ
(d) 15 to 20 kV/mm thickness kegâC[ueer efpememes neskeâj Oeeje ØeJeeefnle nesleer nw
15 mes 20 kV/mm ceesšeF& (d) any of the above methods
551. The insulating materials to be used for most GheÙeg&òeâ ceW mes keâesF& efJeefOe
of electronic equipment should possess which 556. Core of an electromagnet should have-
of the following characteristics? efJeÅegle Ûegcyekeâ keâes keâesj ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS-
DeefOekeâebMe Fuesefkeäš^e@efvekeâ GhekeâjCeeW kesâ efueS GheÙeesie (a) low coercivity/efvecve efve«eeefnlee
keâer peeves Jeeueer efJeÅeglejesOeerÙe heoeLe& ceW efvecve ceW mes (b) high susceptibility/GÛÛe ØeJesMÙelee
keâewve-meer efJeMes<eleeSB nesveer ÛeeefnS? (c) both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(a) High electric strength/GÛÛe efJeÅegle meeceLÙe&
(d) none of these/FveceW mes keâesF& veneR
(b) High mechanical strength/GÛÛe Ùeebef$ekeâ meeceLÙe&
557. For a permanent magnetic material-
(c) Arc resistance/Deeke&â ØeeflejesOe Skeâ mLeeÙeer ÛegcyekeâerÙe ØeoeLe& kesâ efueS-
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (a) the residual induction and the coercive field
552. The dielectric losses occur in all solid and should be large
liquid dielectrics due to which of the DeJeefMe° ØesjCe Deewj efve«een #es$e yeÌ[e nesvee ÛeeefnS
(b) the residual induction and the coercive field
hejeJewÅegle neefve meYeer "esme Deewj lejue hejeJewÅegle ceW nesles
should be small
nQ, pees efvecve kesâ keâejCe nesleer nw–
DeJeefMe° ØesjCe Deewj efve«een #es$e Úesše nesvee ÛeeefnS
(a) Conduction current/Ûeeueve Oeeje
(c) the area of hysteresis loop should be small
(b) Hysteresis/MewefLeuÙe MewefLeuÙe uethe keâe #es$eheâue Úesše nesvee ÛeeefnS
(c) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW (d) the initial permeability should be large
(d) None of the above/Ghejesòeâ ceW mes keâesF& veneR ØeejefcYekeâ meehes#e ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee yeÌ[e nesvee ÛeeefnS
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 771 YCT
558. In the magnetic core the electromotive forces (c) change in permeability of ferromagnetic
(emf) induced in accordance with Faraday's materials during magnetisation
law of electromagnetic induction give rise to ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe kesâ oewjeve ueewn- ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX kesâ
hewâje[s kesâ efJeÅegleÛegcyekeâerÙe ØesjCe kesâ efveÙeceevegmeej ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee ceW heefjJele&ve
ÛegcyekeâerÙe keâesj ceW Øesefjle efJeÅegle Jeenkeâ yeue (emf).........
(d) change in physical dimension of
ceW Je=efæ keâjlee nw~ ferromagnetic materials during magnetisation
(a) eddy current/YebJej Oeeje ÛegcyekeâerkeâjCe kesâ oewjeve ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX kesâ Yeeweflekeâ
(b) excitation current/Gòespeve Oeeje DeeÙeece ceW heefjJele&ve
(c) armature current/DeecexÛej Oeeje
563. When a ferromagnetic substance is magnetized,
(d) field current/#es$e Oeeje small changes in dimension occur. Such a
559. Which of the following inductors will have the phenomenon is known as
least eddy current losses? peye Skeâ ueewn-ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& Ûegcyeefkeâle neslee nw, lees
efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme Øesjkeâ ceW efvecve YebJej Oeeje neefve
DeeÙeece ceW met#ce heefjJele&ve neslee nw~ Ùen Iešvee nesleer nw–
(a) magnetic hysteresis/ÛegcyekeâerÙe MewefLeuÙe
(a) air-cored/nJee-›eâesef[le
(b) iron cored/ueewn-›eâesef[le (b) magnetic expansion/ÛegcyekeâerÙe Øemeej
(c) wooden cored/uekeâÌ[er ›eâesef[le (c) magnetostriction/ÛegcyekeâerÙe efJe™heCe
(d) laminated iron cored/uesefhele ueewn ›eâesef[le (d) magneto-calorisation/cewivesšes-kewâueesjeFpesMeve
560. A coil wound on a magnetic core is excited 564. The converse of magnetostriction effect is-
from an ac source. The source voltage and its ÛegcyekeâerÙe-efJe™heCe kesâ ØeYeeJe keâe efJehejerle nw-
frequency are both doubled. What will be the
eddy current loss in the core? (a) Villari effect/efJeueejer ØeYeeJe
Skeâ kegâC[ueer Skeâ ÛegcyekeâerÙe keâesj hej uehesšer ieF& nw pees (b) Curie effect/keäÙetjer ØeYeeJe
S.meer. œeesle mes Gòesefpele nw~ œeesle Jeesušlee Deewj Fmekeâer (c) Skin effect/lJeefÛekeâ ØeYeeJe
DeeJe=efòe oesveeW oesiegvee keâj oer ieF& nQ~ keâesj ceW YebJej Oeeje (d) Seebeck effect/meeryeskeâ ØeYeeJe
neefve keäÙee nesieer? 565. The important consideration (s) to be made in
(a) Four times the original value selection of materials is/are-
cetue ceeve keâe Ûeej iegvee heoeLeeX kesâ ÛeÙeve ceW cenlJehetCe& efJeÛeej pees yeveeves heÌ[les
(b) Double the original value/cetue ceeve keâe oesiegvee nQ–
(c) Same as the original value/cetue ceeve kesâ meceeve (a) easy of fabrication/efvecee&Ce ceW Deemeeveer
(d) Half the original value/cetue ceeve keâe DeeOee
(b) cost/ueeiele
561. When a ferromagnetic substance is magnetized,
the phenomenon of 'magnetostriction' causes (c) availability/GheueyOelee
peye Skeâ ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLe& Ûegcyeefkeâle neslee nw, lees (d) All of these/FveceW mes meYeer
ÛegcyekeâerÙe efJe™heCe keâer Iešvee .......... keâe keâejCe yeveleer 566. Annealing of metals
nw~ Oeeleg keâe leeheevegMeerleve-
(a) increase in the body temperature (a) removes internal stresses
efheC[ leeheceeve ceW Je=efæ Deevleefjkeâ leveeJe nšelee nw
(b) change in the permeability of the substance
(b) increases conductivity/Ûeeuekeâlee yeÌ{lee nw
heoeLe& kesâ ÛegcyekeâMeeruelee ceW heefjJele&ve
(c) increases the grain size/DeVe-keâCe yeÌ{lee nw
(c) small changes in its dimensions
Fmekesâ DeeÙeece ceW met#ce heefjJele&ve (d) Both (a) and (b)/(a) Deewj (b) oesveeW
(d) decrease in the saturation flux-density 567. The moisture absorbed by an insulating
meble=hle heäuekeäme IevelJe ceW keâceer material causes which of the following?
562. Magnetostriction is a phenomenon of- Skeâ efJeÅeglejesOeer heoeLe& Éeje DeJeMeesef<ele veceer efvecve ceW
ÛegcyekeâerÙe efJe™heCe........keâer Skeâ Iešvee nw~ mes keâewve-mee keâejCe yeveeleer nw?
(a) generation of electricity in ferromagnetic (a) A decrease in the volume resistivity,
materials/ueewn ÛegcyekeâerÙe heoeLeeX ceW efJeÅegle keâe Glheeove especially surface resistivity
(b) generation of magnetism in conductors DeeÙeleve ØeeflejesOekeâlee ceW keâceer, efJeMes<e ™he mes melen
Ûeeuekeâes ceW ÛegcyekeâlJe keâe Glheeove ØeeflejesOekeâlee
Electerical MCQ 50000 Volume-I 772 YCT
(b) An increase in the dissipation factor and a 574. Which of the following kind of breakdown is
certain increase in dielectric constant possible in solid dielectrics?
DeheJÙeÙe iegCeebkeâ ceW Je=efæ Deewj hejeJewÅegle efmLejebkeâ ceW "esme hejeJewÅegle ceW efkeâme Øekeâej keâe yeÇskeâ[eGve nes
Skeâ efveefMÛele Je=efæ mekeâlee nw–
(c) Decrease in dielectric strength due to
change in field distribution within the (a) Electrothermal breakdown
insulating material Fueskeäš^esLece&ue yeÇskeâ[eGve
FvmegueseEšie heoeLe& kesâ Devoj #es$e efJelejCe ceW heefjJele&ve (b) Purely electrical breakdown
kesâ keâejCe hejeJewÅegle meeceLÙe& ceW keâceer Megæ Fuesefkeäš^keâue yeÇskeâ[eGve
(d) All of the above/Ghejesòeâ meYeer (c) Electrochemical breakdown
568. By which of the following methods the Fueskeäš^es kesâefcekeâue yeÇskeâ[eGve
insulation can be protected against moisture?
efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee

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