Stojanovic Socialaspectsocialecological 2016
Stojanovic Socialaspectsocialecological 2016
Stojanovic Socialaspectsocialecological 2016
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ABSTRACT. We evaluate whether society can adequately be conceptualized as a component of social-ecological systems, given social
theory and the current outputs of systems-based research. A mounting critique from the social sciences posits that resilience theory
has undertheorized social entities with the concept of social-ecological systems. We trace the way that use of the term has evolved,
relating to social science theory. Scientometic and network analysis provide a wide range of empirical data about the origin, growth,
and use of this term in academic literature. A content analysis of papers in Ecology and Society demonstrates a marked emphasis in
research on institutions, economic incentives, land use, population, social networks, and social learning. These findings are supported
by a review of systems science in 18 coastal assessments. This reveals that a systems-based conceptualization tends to limit the kinds
of social science research favoring quantitative couplings of social and ecological components and downplaying interpretive traditions
of social research. However, the concept of social-ecological systems remains relevant because of the central insights concerning the
dynamic coupling between humans and the environment, and its salient critique about the need for multidisciplinary approaches to
solve real world problems, drawing on heuristic devices. The findings of this study should lead to more circumspection about whether
a systems approach warrants such claims to comprehensiveness. Further methodological advances are required for interdisciplinarity.
Yet there is evidence that systems approaches remain highly productive and useful for considering certain social components such as
land use and hybrid ecological networks. We clarify advantages and restrictions of utilizing such a concept, and propose a reformulation
that supports engagement with wider traditions of research in the social sciences.
Key Words: coastal; scientometric analysis; social-ecological; social-ecological systems; social science; socio-ecological
INTRODUCTION finally, and not least, the cognitive challenge of capturing breadth
Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches are increasingly without sacrificing depth of knowledge.
demanded in research to examine the interactions between
We analyze how the term “social-ecological systems” [SES] has
humans and the natural world. We explore the challenges of
evolved within intellectual traditions, and review the outputs of
research that seeks to undertake an interdisciplinary approach.
SES research within the wider literature, and within a large-scale
This is a theoretical and methodological challenge to the practice
interdisciplinary project on the sustainability of coastal zones.
of science.
The term “social-ecological systems” evolved when an ecology-
Although the development of scientific methodology has relied dominated community used this term to differentiate themselves
upon reductionist approaches to isolate phenomena for from those colleagues who disregard the human footprint in
investigation, many sustainability issues faced by society involve ecosystems. Now the term has become used in a broader setting,
complex chains of interaction, involving a broad range of it is apt to review the way that the term relates to conventional
environmental and human factors, spanning global to local scales. social science perspectives. In a recent review of 10 major
This has led to a call for more multidisciplinary and conceptual frameworks, Binder et al. (2013) characterize SES as
interdisciplinary approaches to scientific investigation focused the most comprehensive concept for structuring a research
around real world problems and the emergence of the field of framework, because it allows analysis of two-way dynamics
sustainability science (Kates et al. 2001, Turner et al. 2003). To between social and ecological systems. We review whether the
develop effective methodologies for these interdisciplinary hopes raised by this claim of comprehensiveness are warranted.
approaches, a number of challenges must be overcome (Dronkers (The focus is on the SES concept, though we accept broader
and De Vries 1999, Köhn and Gowdy 1999, Pennington 2008, frameworks for human-nature interactions may be considered
Wesselink 2009, Stock and Burton 2011, Haapasaari et al. 2012, [Flint et al. 2013])
Kueffer et al. 2012, Beichler et al. 2014), including the following:
differing and sometimes philosophically conflicting methodological SOCIAL ENTITIES AND SYSTEMS
approaches; addressing the contrasting terminologies used by a Origins of a systems approach
broad range of academic and professional disciplines; taking Systems approaches are descended from general systems theory,
account of uncertainties within existing fields of knowledge; epitomized in the work of L. Von Bertalanffy, K. E. Boulding,
positioning of research within the social and political context; and J. W. Forrester among others. Key concepts include:
and cultural challenges in the process of interdisciplinary relationships between interacting parts, feedbacks, boundaries,
scientific knowledge production, such as the disciplinary turf emergent properties, self-organization, and hierarchies. Many of
wars, current academic “rewards” systems that inhibit these concepts are reflected in other fields that have developed
interdisciplinary work, and potential for openness and trust, and
University of St Andrews, 2Scottish Association for Marine Science, 3University of Aberdeen, School of Geosciences, 4Cardiff University
from these tenets, areas of complexity science such as complex metaphysical domain an object of scientific study (Habermas
adaptive systems theory; actor-network theory; and agent-based 1987). Figure 1 provides a graphic representation of his synthesis
modeling. The founders of systems theory envisaged a conceptual of system and action in his later writings.
framework that would encourage interdisciplinary research and
Systems approaches are not currently dominant in the social
could span all disciplines. However, defining social aspects in
sciences[2]. J. Habermas makes an extensive review of Parsons’s
systemic ways has proven challenging. In particular, it is
theory in The Theory of Communicative Action Vols1 and 2 (1984,
challenging to define functions in the social domain. For example,
1987). Two key insights may be drawn from Habermas’s critique.
if society and its components do form a “system,” what are the
First, certain components of society are particularly amenable to
functional goals (telos) of that system: Adaptation? Goal
systems analysis, e.g., economy, polity, certain dynamics of
Attainment? Maintenance of a Culture? Integration? Evolution?
human interaction, or collective action. Second, systems
Careful consideration in formulating a social system will reveal a
approaches provide key insights, but on their own are insufficient
paradox in defining the goal of its development. This paradox
for theorizing society in its totality. This is because systems
has been central to the debate in the social sciences and humanities
approaches provide partial and inadequate theorization of social
to characterize, understand, and explain the human condition.[1]
entities[3]. They fail to recognize that an effective cause from the
Roots of systems approaches for social science point of view of culture is also a rationally compelling cause from
Nevertheless, systems approaches have been employed in the the point of view of an agent’s action. Further, this perspective
social sciences for a number of decades. Key theorists include N. tends to introduce an institutional bias in analyses of causality
Luhmann (Luhmann 1995) and T. Parsons (Parsons 1971). More over and above considerations of culture and personality
recently, systems approaches have also been applied in the social formation (because a systems approach renders the latter less
and technical sciences through soft systems methodology susceptible to empirical investigation). In response, Habermas
(Checkland and Scholes 1999). proposes a two-component model of society as “lifeworld plus
system,” which draws on both analytical and hermeneutical
In soft systems methodology, a problem situation is methodologies to characterize social structures and social change.
conceptualized as a human activity system to understand the
actions or interventions that might be required to improve a real LITERATURE REVIEW: CRITIQUING SOCIAL-
world situation to which the system approximates. The ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS
methodology emphasizes social learning, and works by exploring A mounting critique from the social sciences, including diverse
perspectives and perceptions of systems dynamics. It has been fields such as geography, political and human ecology,
applied to the social dimensions of sustainability issues (Potts et anthropology, sociology, planning, and conservation science
al. 2015). The approach is commonly applied at the level of posits that social-ecological systems inadequately theorize and
institutions or organizations. The paradoxical problem of operationalize “the social.” It is beyond the scope of this paper
defining system goals can be circumvented by qualitatively to elucidate whether these critiques have properly understood SES
modeling idealized system outputs, e.g., goals of an education theory. Nevertheless it is interesting to consider the broad themes
system or goals of a healthcare system. of critique. The critiques are often part of a broader critique of
Luhmann’s theory of systems functionalism is based on a three- resilience theory, however it is important to recognize that the
level model of interactions between individuals, organizations, SES concept is deployed in many ways and need not necessarily
and society in social space and historical time. Luhmann’s theory be framed by resilience theory (for an introduction to resilience
aims to explain the functioning of society as a whole (Luhmann theory, see Walker and Salt 2006). Furthermore, some critiques
1995). In particular, it renders human existence as systemic in remain sympathetic to the term SES and seek to refine the term.
bodily, mental, and linguistic ways. For example, the human mind Four broad themes can be categorized from the critiques.
provides the “substrate” for institutions and subsystems that make Critical theory
up society. Communication takes on an important role in this A first critique comes from researchers with a background in
theory as the means by which sense is made of a social system. critical theory[4]. The core of this critique is that systems
Parson’s theory is sometimes termed structural functionalism. approaches depoliticize the situation being represented (Welsh
This theory developed in a number of phases in an attempt to 2014). “Political foreclosure occurs because SES frame the
render the relationship between structure and action. In Parson’s governance choices that are available, often in feedback
theory the key subsystems of society include the cultural, social, mechanisms that are seemingly neutral” (Evans 2011:232). Using
personality, and behavioral systems (Parsons 1971). Each of these a systems metaphor leads to existing social relations being taken
subsystems coordinate the consequences of actions to make up a for granted as “natural” (MacKinnon and Derickson 2013). For
functional whole from the perspective of an actor. Subsystems example, an SES approach might model how flows of capital
are significant according to their contribution to boundary- reduce forest cover, which has a knock on effect on agricultural
maintenance or evolution of the total system. Parsons later practices, which change the culture of subsistence cattle farmers,
proposed a “telic system” (Parsons 1978), a metaphysical but throughout this case globalization (or the nature of capital
component of the system that proffered end goals for the social flows) is seen as an inevitable process. An inherent conservatism
system, based in religious, spiritual, cultural worldviews that make is suspected. In this criticism, commentators align with the
sense of the function of society in different ways, and that are Habermas analysis that a “systems approach alone is insensitive
influential for a large proportion of the world’s population. to social pathologies, because lifeworld is merely assimilated to
However, he was criticized for being unscientific in doing so, in disequilibria in exchange relations” (Habermas 1987:376). Thus
terms of lacking a suitable analytical approach and making the a systems approach is able to elucidate governance pathologies,
for example, how lack of adaptive learning mechanisms in Adequacy of depth of conceptualization
command and control structures prevent knowledge of dynamic A third critique is that systems approaches inadequately
change in ecosystems (McLaughlin and Krantzberg 2012), but is conceptualize social-ecological complexes. This is implicit in the
blind to pathologies of society caused by interactions of social, two critiques above. A systemic approach has particular
cultural, and economic realms such as the breakdown of bonds weaknesses in capturing certain realms of social reality, and
between the individual and community. Critics add that this consequently fails to employ related methodological strategies
misses the question of what analysis aims for (Smith and Stirling such as the double hermeneutic. In the case of power dynamics
2010, Fabinyi et al. 2014) because sustainable futures almost and normative questions, SES approaches fail to “address
always involve questions of politics and power. normative questions and to capture how power and competing
value systems are not external to, but rather integral to the
Antinaturalism development and functioning of SES” (Cote and Nightingale
A second critique comes from a broadly antinaturalist position 2012:475). As a consequence, impacts of material change on
. Here the main critique is that applying a systems approach is certain cultural groups are not well investigated (Crane 2010) nor
a kind of methodological determinism: choosing an approach is the mortality of individuals commonly considered. Of
that fits the requirements of systems modeling rather than an particular interest is the consideration of social dynamics. The
accurate representation of social entities. A naturalistic concept decision to systematize social dynamics rather than rendering “the
is being imported into the social science domain. Systems social” in other comprehensive ways, obscures certain social issues
approaches “fail to recognize that essential differences in such as inequity or economic marginalization which only become
behavior, processes, and structures exist between social systems apparent at certain scales of investigation (Glaser and Glaeser
and ecological systems” (Armitage et al. 2012). Chief among these 2011). Similarly, it is argued that SES approaches do not
differences are the notions of volition or agency, human capacities sufficiently problematize the choice of social variables under
to self-reflect, consciously act, and learn from one another. consideration (Turner 2014). For example, resource extraction,
However, agency is veiled in a systems approach (Coulthard 2012), population, and material benefits receive greater consideration
where the focus is more on rules, material causes, and influence than values, equity, nonmaterial and psychological aspects of
in collective situations, rather than reconstructing intention from well-being.
a subjective point of view. It is argued that this restricts models
of social-ecological evolution, for example, failing to capture the At the same time, leading SES researchers have themselves
potential role of creativity and imagination in dealing with highlighted vagueness or inconsistency in the practice of defining
sustainability issues (Davidson 2010). social components, and setting spatial and functional boundaries
of SES (Walker et al. 2012). Thus, there is a debate whether the
challenge of applying the approach is merely practical or actually consider the limitations or potential improvements to an SES
conceptual. Critics of SES point to problems that are inherent in approach, both analytically and as a foundation for real world
the way SES are conceptualized, and make a distinction between action. In the brief decades since the development of approaches
the principles of systems modeling, which simplifies to explain that operationalize SES, there has been considerable
key drivers, versus social analysis, which aims to deepen methodological and theoretical evolution to respond to a number
understanding to explicate the human significance of change in of gaps recognized within the literature. It is recognized that
a given place. continued development is needed to adequately conceptualize the
interactions between societies and ecosystems (Haberl et al. 2006).
Adequacy of explanatory power and scope In the spirit of constructive dialogue, we explore how these
A fourth and final critique concerns a lack of explanatory power, critiques might be used to further reformulate the SES concept.
and bias in explanations, generated by the preceding assumptions. To empirically investigate the critiques, we review three linked sets
If certain aspects of social reality are not well captured by SES, of analysis: scientometric analysis of the literature, content
as argued above, it follows that these are not translated into the analysis of a journal, and case study analysis of how SES are
ways in which the social-ecological is problematized. Certain operationalized in 18 coastal zones.
categories of explanation are bypassed because the focus on an
external web of interactions is offset by a lack of consideration METHODOLOGY
of internal, socially constructed meanings and normative values Three sets of analysis are provided. Scientometric analysis at the
that may influence material behaviors and environmental level of a corpus of literature reveals general trends in the use of
outcomes (Crane 2010). Top-down functional analysis and a terms. Content analysis of papers (n = 260) at the level of a key
concern with the persistence of system structure, rather than the journal reveals how a systems approach is utilized in the practice
way in which subcomponents of the system differ, leads to of research. Case study analysis at the level of a large-scale
theorization of self-organization or concern with institutions and research project reveals the methodological implications of a
governance, rather than political action or deliberation to systems approach. For the case studies, a questionnaire survey
influence the direction of cultural change. Further, the and focus group workshops were utilized to understand how
explanatory potential of certain modes of analysis are avoided. researchers deployed systems approaches in concrete research
A systems ontology may steer analytical preferences toward situations. Together these analyses allow a broad and deep
collaboration with disciplines that have quantifiable dynamics; exploration of how the term social-ecological systems is deployed
theories of society that avoid questions of power; and highly to structure interdisciplinary research.
aggregated data with little insight into the realm of the subjective
(Glaser and Glaeser 2011). Scientometrics of social-ecological systems
Scientometrics particularly focuses on the evolution of academic
A riposte or receptivity? disciplines and how theoretical concepts are operationalized. To
The above literature review summarizes why many scholars in the identify trends in the use of the terms “social-ecological” and
human sciences have been critical of the notion of SES. A key “socio-ecological,” two global databases were investigated:
riposte to these critiques is that they simply amount to a call for Elsevier’s Scopus, and Thomson Reuter’s Web of Science Core
“doing their kind of research.” Further, one might argue that Collection. The results of the analyses revealed similar trends
certitude about approaches in the social domain is problematic between the databases (Fig. 2). The data reported in this paper is
because there are a great heterogeneity of approaches to research mainly from Web of Science because both the science and social
in social sciences and lack of agreement on key terms such as citation indexes provide coverage from 1900 onward, whereas
equity, well-being, or justice. Proponents of systems approaches complete records are only included in Scopus post 1995[6].
point to the fact that the “social” is well represented within studies However, this is a robust dataset for showing change over time
of SES and that issues of equity, power dynamics, and questions and trends are supported by our initial analysis in Scopus as well.
of agency receive attention. Researchers have begun to respond Two key methods were employed for analysis. First, the corpus
to the above critiques. For example, with respect to power of academic literature was reviewed (Bettencourt and Kaur 2011).
dynamics, there are analyses of the role of political systems in In this case, key terms within papers were the basic units of
predefining desired ecosystem states and trade-offs: these often analysis. The research reviewed change in the use of terms over
favor short-term benefits for those with power (Robards et al. time, across disciplines, and across journals. We also conducted
2011). With respect to agency, there is research by Olsson et al. cited reference analysis of the term “social-ecological systems.”
(2004), Westley et al. (2013), and Moore et al. (2014) that In this case, publications and related academic networks were key
characterizes the use of experimental and innovative strategies by units of analysis. A number of search and analytical strategies
shadow networks and leaders to transform SES. With respect to were adopted (see Appendix A1.1).
equity, Bacon et al. (2012) provides evidence of reduction in
socioeconomic inequities in certain agroecosystems. Altogether, Second, network analysis was conducted to produce visualization
a wide range of social entities are considered within SES of knowledge domains using Citespace Visualization Software
conceptualizations, although these tend to focus on institutional (Chen 2006). This utilizes a smart, local, moving algorithm to
aspects with broader consideration of society, political systems, identify clusters (Waltman and Van Eck 2013). It is possible to
and economy (Anderies et al. 2004). conduct the analysis according to authors, documents (references
cited between them, i.e., cocitation), or journals. In our analysis
However, if founded, the critiques summarized in the literature we consider authors and cocitation between documents. Papers
review above have significant implications for the way in which with the key term social-ecological systems were uploaded to the
SES approaches are applied. A second potential response is to software from Web of Science. For the author network, we used
For the visualization graphic (Fig. 3), visual distance and overlap
provide some indication of the connectedness of clusters. A number
of metrics were available to analyze the significance of patterns.
“Silhouette” provides a measure of the level of homogeneity of the
clusters. Three metrics, Term Frequency Inverse Document
Frequency (TFIDF), Log Likelihood Radio (LLR), and Mutual
Interactions (MI) can be used to characterize the clusters. These
metrics draw on cited article’s titles, keywords, and abstracts to form Analysis of SPICOSA case studies
a corpus of words, from which a characteristic label can be A review of social components of a systems approach was
identified. In the analysis provided below only LLR is used (Table provided at the level of a research project, based on 18
1), to avoid information overload. It is argued that LLR provides interdisciplinary coastal assessments, conducted as part of the
a superior result in terms of uniqueness and coverage (Chen et al. Science Policy Integration for Coastal Systems Assessment
2010). Further details of the methodological steps taken for (SPICOSA) EU Framework 6 research project. The SPIOCSA
visualization and cluster labelling are provided in Appendix 1. project demonstrated a number of properties that can be
Content analysis considered characteristic of the use of the SES concept, including
A content analysis of journal articles for Ecology and Society was a commitment to interdisciplinarity, dynamic exploration of
conducted for the period 1997–2013. This time period was chosen linked socioeconomic and ecological phenomena, and
in line with foundational texts identified for social-ecological identification of feedbacks and emergence. SES terminology is
systems research and the “inception phase” shown from trends in prominent in the synthesis of findings from the research project
the literature. Those articles from Ecology and Society that used the (Hopkins et al. 2011, Tett et al. 2011).
term social-ecological in abstract, title, or keywords were exported We evaluated the types of data and information utilized in this
into the qualitative data analysis software Nvivo 10 (n = 260). The systems based research, and the extent to which the social
creation of a word tree enabled analysis of the range and frequency component of the sustainability issue in the coastal zone was
of coterms used with social-ecological. Coding of documents at addressed. The data collection is described in Reis et al. (2014)
nodes where key terms were used allowed for exploration of their based on a questionnaire survey (n = 14) followed by focus groups
context, and interpretation based on a review of 2569 uses of the to validate findings. In addition, internal project reports (L.
term social ecological system. Axial coding (Strauss and Corbin McFadden, S. Priest, A. Sandberg, D. Bailly, and J.
1998) developed broader themes such as subjects covered, methods D’Hernoncourt 2009, unpublished manuscript) provided a basis
deployed, and aspects of social systems considered. Thematic for comparison of the systems modeling conducted by different
analysis was also conducted using Becker’s (2012) three-way teams in the research project. This analysis allowed investigation
classification of the SES concept in practice, to identify whether of an integrated project seeking to operationalize a systems
the term was being used as a “boundary object,” “epistemic object,” approach across a range of case study contexts (Tett et al. 2011).
or “defined relative to biogeophysical unit.” This adds significantly to the analyses above because it allows an
investigation of how SES frames the practice of research, literature (Fig. 2). From the period of the late 1990s, the use of
including choice of variables, choice of analytical strategies, and these terms expanded rapidly. For example, between 1974-1999
how this influences the way in which social things are considered. there were 62 uses of socio-ecological, and between 1999-2013
there were 1787 uses. This increase in the use of terms is consistent
RESULTS (1): SCIENTOMETIC ANALYSIS- with the exponential rise in the number of journal articles being
INTELLECTUAL PROVENANCE OF THE TERM published. From 2004 onward, social-ecological became the
SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS dominant term, and from 2006 onward, social-ecological saw a
Uses of the term social-ecological much sharper increase than socio-ecological (Fig. 2).
Conceptualizing the interactions between humanity and nature Bibliographic databases produce different tallies because of the
as “social-ecological systems” is an important organizing concept variation in journals that they index, but as of end 2013 there were
within the emerging approach of sustainability science. The term 2381 articles using the term social-ecological and 1404 articles
social-ecological is closely related to the term socio-ecological. using the term socio-ecological (Table 2).
(Furthermore, there are permutations in the use of a hyphen). As Origins and disciplinary norms in the use of terms
with many abstract concepts, the use of these terms has evolved The above analysis provides some indication of the popularity of
in academic literature. The term has been employed in diverse the term. Academic knowledge can be organized according to
fields (see Appendix A1.2), including: (1) public health; (2) fields of literature, and bibliographic databases permit the
ecology, on species-environment interactions; and (3) within a grouping of journals into subject categories, which reveal patterns
constellation of fields such as human/social ecology, systems in the use of the two terms.
theory, and resilience theory, where the term social-ecological has
been coupled with the notion of system to conceptualize the In the Oxford English Dictionary the earliest occurrences of the
relations between society and nature (Walker et al. 2006). It is this forms socioecologic, socioecological, and socioecology are 1970,
third use of the term that is of key interest in this paper, but the 1936, 1952. Literature searches concentrated only on title,
contrasting uses of the term are important to consider as a abstract, and keyword search and show that the phrase social-
preliminary to conducting scientometric analysis. ecological first became dominant in the field of public health and
psychology. Analysis of the period prior to 1990 showed that 86%
Development of the term social-ecological within academic of articles using social-ecological were in psychology or health-
literature related journals and it was only after 1990 that it showed
Before the 1970s there was only single figure use per annum of significant use in the area of environmental sciences. This use of
the keyword social-ecological and its coterms within academic the term within psychology and psychiatry continues, with 13.5%
Records Records
Social-ecological pre-1990 Social-ecological post-1990
Web of Science Categories Web of Science Categories
term social-ecological than there was the total number of articles node) corroborating some evidence from the cited reference
published, indicating a “take-off ” period in the use of the term. analysis above about authors bridging between different
disciplines. The network analysis of document cocitations
Foundational texts and deployment of the term social-ecological produces a visualization formed of 14 clusters. The clusters are
The monographs edited by Berkes and Folke (1998) and Berkes formed from papers (nodes) and the links between them from
et al. (2003) are often referenced as key publications in the modern cited references (edges). The overall network has a modularity Q
development of the concept. These contain early formulations of of 0.6594 and a mean silhouette of 0.8378, indicating a relatively
the linkages between social systems and natural systems. Analysis distinct and relatively homogenous set of clusters (Fig 3 and Table
of the cited articles in the papers using the term social-ecological 1). Labels provide an indication of some of the key themes such
supports this claim, with both monographs appearing in the top as adaptive capacity, resilience, and adaptive governance. Some
10 most frequently cited references. The data shown in Table 4 is of the clusters, such as 8 Violence and 11 Action Research appear
all the more significant, when it is understood that monographs only loosely connected with the core SES literature.
are not well recorded for cocitation. Along with 8+ other
publications they constitute an intellectual base within the In conclusion, the scientometric data shows how the term social-
knowledge domain. ecological has grown and evolved. It is used across a wide variety
of disciplines. There are family resemblances between uses of this
term. But more recently the term social-ecological systems has
Table 4. Publications most frequently cited in social-ecological
taken off and provided a framework for exploring key theories
such as resilience, adaptation, and adaptive governance within a
range of environment related disciplines. However, the
Cited Reference Frequency scientometric analysis is not really able to get at the intentions
behind the use of the term. For a more detailed examination, we
Folke, C., T. Hahn, P. Olsson, and J. Norberg. 2005. 325 turn to interpretation and use of language in practice, with a
Adaptive governance of social-ecological systems.
Annual Review of Environment and Resources
review of a major subset of the literature within one journal,
30:441-473. Ecology and Society.
Folke, C. 2006. Resilience: the emergence of a 298
perspective for social-ecological systems analyses. RESULTS (2): BECKER’S CLASSIFICATION OF SOCIAL-
Global Environmental Change 16(3):253-267. ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS APPLIED TO ECOLOGY AND
Gunderson, L. H., and C. S. Holling. 2002. Panarchy: 288 SOCIETY FINDINGS.
understanding transformations in human and natural Becker (2012:44) defines SES as a concept that allows “an
systems. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA. examination of the system interdependencies between natural and
Walker, B., C. S. Holling, S. R. Carpenter. and A. 255
Kinzig. 2004. Resilience, adaptability and
social processes occurring at different temporal and spatial
transformability in social-ecological systems. Ecology scales.” Becker further distinguishes between three ways the SES
and Society 9(2):5. concept is applied in practice: (1) as a boundary object (Leigh
Berkes, F., J. Colding, and C. Folke. 2003. Navigating 219 Star 2010), which allows a common frame of reference between
social-ecological systems: building resilience for natural science and social science disciplines; (2) as an epistemic
complexity and change. Cambridge University Press, object, a device to structure research investigations through
Cambridge, UK.
investigation of systemic qualities, where “system” goes beyond
Holling, C. S. 1973. Resilience and stability of 208
ecological systems. Annual Review of Ecological Systems a metaphor for “a compound of things”; and (3) as a defined
4:1-23. biogeophysical unit relative to an ecosystem. Becker suggests that
Berkes, F. and C. Folke. 1998. Linking social and 200 the final definition is insufficient for providing system boundaries
ecological systems: management practices and social because other units such as resource systems are relevant for the
mechanisms for building resilience. Cambridge social component. But perhaps it is implicit that these can be
University Press, Cambridge, UK. defined relative to a biogeophysical unit.
Ostrom, E. 1990. Governing the commons: the evolution 195
of institutions for collective action. Cambridge In the journal Ecology and Society, identified earlier as the leading
University Press, Cambridge, UK. journal using the term, 260 articles utilize the term social-
Olsson, P., C. Folke, and F. Berkes. 2004. Adaptive 175
ecological system as a keyword or within the title or abstract.
comanagement for building resilience in social-
ecological systems. Environmental Management 34
These 260 articles make 5236 uses of the term social-ecological
(1):75-90. overall. Over 125 different terms are combined with social-
Carpenter, S., B. Walker, J. M. Anderies, and N. Abel. 171 ecological, i.e., social-ecological resilience, social-ecological
2001. From metaphor to measurement: resilience of dynamics, etc. Table 5 shows the top 10 coterms. In practice, some
what to what? Ecosystems 4(8):765-781. scholars use terms other than system such as assemblages, entities,
mosaics, networks, inter-relationships, or units. For example,
Apostolopoulou and Paloniemi (2012) write of social-ecological
Cluster analysis entities in biodiversity conservation and Michon (2011) writes of
Network analysis and visualization provide a complementary social-ecological units in forestry. Indeed there may be enough
characterization of the literature. From the author network latitude in the common use of the term social-ecological system
analysis, Carpenter, S. emerges as having the maximum that it does not have systemic connotations.
“betweeness centrality” (0.29; a measure of the importance of a
interdisciplinary research project. Analysis of an individual Within SPICOSA, social components were included either within
research project allows exploration of the implications of taking a single model, or as a separate subcomponent, integrated within
a systems approach for the practice of science. This is important a wider modeling structure. The identification of a key policy
for understanding not just which social themes dominate in SES issue by scientists and stakeholders (see second column of Table
research, but why and how they have become dominant. 7) enabled the research to focus which components of the system
were under consideration.
PROJECT ON COASTAL ZONES. In practice, most of the social components included were either
The EU FP6 SPICOSA research project applied a systems economic or easily quantifiable, such as employment, visitor
approach (Tett et al. 2011) to 18 case study coastal zones of numbers, or other measures of human activity (see third column
Europe. These case study zones were selected for of Table 7). An important influence was the need to link model
representativeness of major coastal regions of Europe: Baltic, components. For example, well-being was commonly expressed
North Sea, Atlantic coast, Mediterranean Sea, and Black Sea in economic terms, primarily because monetary units are
(Fig. 4). Two additional criteria were significant. Each case study compatible with numerical modeling. Thus a systems approach
area faced future scenarios with policy implications for encouraged particular types of social investigation. Other reasons
sustainability (e.g., projected 50% expansion in recreational for the choice of social variables were influential, such as the level
activity, Case Study #2), and it was a proviso of the research of involvement of stakeholders; the current expertise of scientists
program that studies should consider economic, social, and involved; and political setting of the research project (Tett et al.
environmental components of the coastal zone system. Findings 2013). But although these influences could conceivably have
are reported in special issues of Ecology and Society and Marine pushed the research in the direction of considering more
Policy (see Table 7). We focus on reviewing how “the social” was quantitative or qualitative social variables, none of these
considered as part of an interdisciplinary research project, based influences appear to overcome the challenge to dynamically link
on a systems approach. social and ecological components.
Therefore, the need to link ecological and social subsystems may
Fig. 4. Science Policy Integration for Coastal Systems tend to rule out those variables that are not easily quantified. In
Assessment (SPICOSA) case study sites. consequence, variables such as power, influence, rationality, and
happiness are not commonly used. However, there are some
notable exceptions within the case studies, and the approach
captured more social variety than the critique outlined in the
earlier literature review would allow. First, subjective perceptions
of the environment, in terms of aesthetic benefits arising from
outputs of ecological subsystems were considered in case studies
#4 and #15. Second, levels of social conflict arising from different
relative uses of ecological resources were considered in case
studies #1 and #17. For example, case study #15 considered the
recreational appeal of beaches, and case study #17 reviewed the
interpretations of management solutions by fishers and farmers.
Yet, in the cases where this did happen, validating the social
variables involved recourse to research that was “interpretive” or
“critical” rather than systems based. Such research involved (1)
exploring the fundamental categorizations used, instead of
testing for causal explanations; or (2) testing the plausibility or
social significance of historical narratives or future scenarios,
instead of validating differential equations that infer a rate of
change. These findings reinforce aspects of the critique considered
in the literature review.
Understanding social change
The modeling approach did encourage an understanding of the
direction of social change in a number of cases, reinforcing the
value of a dynamic approach (see fourth column, Table 7).
Arguably, the most convincing explanations of the social
component went beyond measures of human activity, to consider
social drivers such as cultural identity. For example, case study
#12 explored phenomena such as social deprivation and illegal
fishing, whereas case study #4 explored the phenomena of second
home ownership. In order for these cases to consider such social
phenomena in a dynamic manner, this required a loosely coupled
approach. This commonly entailed stakeholders discussing the
Case Study Site Policy Issue Social Variables Social Dynamics Journal Article
(economic variables not shown)
1. Cork Harbour Marinas and N- Physical infrastructure (marina) S→E→S Recreational opportunity -
loading Access to harbour or coast. driving infrastructure development
Level of conflict between harbor causing water quality issues raising user
users conflicts
2. Clyde Firth/ Aquaculture and Boating (moorings and visiting S→E Recreational boating pressure on Tett et al. 2012
Loch Fyne marinas vessels) nutrient loads
Tourism visits
Land use
3. Limfjord Mussels and N- Fisher behavior E→S Impacts of reduced nutrients on Dinesen et al. 2011
loading Fishing effort mussel competition and related human
Mussel farming effort activities
4. Risor Fjord/ Cod and Tourist visitors by type S→E Second homes giving rise to Moksness et al. 2011
Søndeledfjorden recreational fishing Boat Visitors increased angling activity exacerbating
Fishing effort fishing pressure on stocks, plus conflict.
Angling effort
Second home development
Landscape quality
5. Himmerfjarden Water quality and Local population S→E Impacts of sewage treatment and Franzén et al. 2011
sewage Levels of participation and wetland creation on nitrogen loads.
collaboration with policy measures
6. Gulf of Riga Fishing Fishing effort E→S Impact of reduced fish stocks on -
Recreational opportunities recreational fishing activity
Cultural heritage and identity
7. Gulf of Gdansk/Vistula Water quality and Tourism visits E→S Impacts of nutrient and pollutant -
Lagoon tourism Tourism employment loads on beach user preference
Beach user preferences
8. Oder-Szczecin Aquaculture and N- Mussel farming activity S→E Impacts of mussel farming activity Schernewski et al. 2012
Loading Tourist numbers on nutrient loads and potential for
tourism subsidy
9. Izmit Bay Water quality and People’s preference and satisfaction S→E Impacts of urbanization and Gamze Tolun et al. 2012
real estate with water quality industrialization on water quality
10. Varna Bay/ Danube Water quality and Tourist visits (overnight stays) S→E Impacts of tourism development on Moncheva et al. 2012
Delta tourism Tourist perception of water quality water quality
Tourism employment
11. Thermaikos Gulf Mussels and fishery Perceptions of aquaculture products S→E→S Impacts of mussel farming Konstantinou et al. 2012
Mussel production techniques on environmental quality and
Local employment resultant mix of activities contribution to
Access rights regional welfare
12. Taranto Mar Piccolo Mussels and waste Illegal fishing activity S→E→S Social deprivation driving illegal Caroppo et al. 2012
discharge Public perceptions of mussel quality mussel farming reducing mussel quality.
Aquaculture employment Farming driving demand for mussels and
impacting mussel farms..
13. Venice Lagoon Clams and fishery Employment S→E→S Sustainability of clam fishing in Melaku Canu and
Fishing effort (clams per day, area the face of natural cycles and competing Solidoro 2014
zoned for aquaculture) uses
14. Thau Lagoon Seafood and Land use E→S Impacts of microbial Mongruel et al. 2013
pathogens Population contamination on fish farms and tourism
Tourism activity
Shellfish farm activity
15. Barcelona Coast Discharges and Beach occupancy E→S Stormflow delivery of waste and Tomlinson et al. 2011
beach quality Recreational appeal of beaches litter to beach affecting tourist aesthetics
Beach visitors aesthetic perceptions
16. Guadiana/Ria Formosa E. coli and bathing Tourism employment E→S Impacts of extraction and sewage Guimarães et al. 2012
Population discharge on water quality, beach users,
Social benefits (Blue Flag Status) and beach awards
Beach demand (number of visitors)
Fish Landings
17. Pertuis Charentais Freshwater and Agricultural activity S→S→E Competition between human Mongruel et al. 2011
agriculture Angling activity activities and land use, for space and
Water extraction (consumption and freshwater extraction causing crisis events
agricultural irrigation) for water supply
Intergroup conflict
18. Scheldt Agriculture and N- Farming activity (area, numbers) S→E Agricultural pressure on nutrient Vermaat et al. 2012
Loading Willingness to participate in loads
environmental measures
implications for social entities of the outcomes of dynamic It provides a framework for interdisciplinary research and
models, rather than the social components being included within heuristic devices for social learning. Furthermore, a number of
the systems analytical framework itself (Tett et al. 2013). components of society are particularly amenable to
conceptualization as system, including economic systems, and
Patterns at the level of a systems-based research project functional subsystems such as institutions for administration and
Conclusions at the level of a research project show the policy making. The potential for systems conceptualization of
methodological implications of taking a systems perspective. hybrid nature-culture spaces seems particularly promising, such
Although from the scientometric and content analysis of the as land use, land tenure, and ecological infrastructure. Here, SES
literature, patterns emerge that show an emphasis on key topics as presently conceived, remains highly relevant and useful.
or certain social subsystems, at the level of an integrated research
project it becomes methodologically apparent why certain social On the problematic side, the social-ecological systems concept
themes are dominant. These implications arise from the challenge neglects critique in the social sciences that certain elements of
of operationalizing SES in ways that can meaningfully represent society are less amenable to conceptualization as systems, and
systems dynamics. The consequence is similar in both cases: therefore undertheorizes social entities and processes. People’s
preference for certain social variables and undertheorization of intentions, as reflected by their interpretation of worldviews and
the social. However, the inclusion of variables such as social traditions, cultural norms and relations, power dynamics within
perception of aesthetics hints at some ways in which these civil and political spheres, role formation, and personality, have
neglected social components might be loosely coupled with a a strong bearing on the development of society and its
systems approach. components, i.e., the reasons why humans pursue life in a
collective. The implications of neglecting their analysis will be
CONCLUSION most seriously felt in the transition from research and theory to
This paper provides evidence that, from its growth in the 1970s, action, when particular solutions become privileged. Although
the term social-ecological and its coterms have become a the presentation of dynamic modeling in participatory context
dominant way of conceptualizing nature-society interactions. (Lynam et al. 2002, Jones et al. 2009) might go some way toward
Scientometric and network analysis shows that the term social- ameliorating these issues, it evades major traditions in social
ecological systems has relatively homogenous corpus of literature research that might contribute to this understanding.
in a broad set of disciplines. Different terms are common in
different disciplines. Ecology and Society is a leading journal. SES DISCUSSION AND GROUNDED SPECULATION
has some foundational texts from the late 1990s. A “take-off ” We conclude with some alternative options for future research
period occurred late in the first decade of the 21st century. directions:
Meanwhile the content analysis delineates different uses of the . Let SES function as a productive boundary object (or simple
term SES in practice. It provides evidence for wide use of the term heuristic). In line with the claim of Binder et al. (2013) at
as a boundary object, but less evidence of the term applied to a the beginning of this paper, social-ecological systems may
biogeophysical unit with associated social components. Key issues well be considered the most useful term for sustainability
are being explored such as adaptive capacity, resilience, and research that recognizes dynamic linkages. This allows for
adaptive governance. SES is proving a highly productive term to systems to function as a loose metaphor, without worrying
consider certain social components such as institutions, economic about precise definitions, but ignores the critique above.
systems, social networks, land use, hybrid ecological networks,
and social learning. Other social components are somewhat . Be explicit about SES linking to certain social domains. This
neglected within synthesis studies. This affirms the critique in the would clarify the core social subcomponents under
literature about adequacy of explanatory power and adequacy of consideration, and might entail more precise use of
scope of conceptualization of SES. On the other hand, findings terminology, e.g., institutional-ecological systems.
from the content analysis and the review of case studies show that . Reformulate SES as S2ES, depending on the goals and
conceptualizations of SES do have a broader methodological base context of the research. Here S2 refers to both systems-based
than most critiques allow. Analysis of 18 systems-based approaches, and social research that departs from a systems
assessments from a multisite study of coastal sustainability shows ontology but can be integrated into interdisciplinary
some limitations in social investigation, but demonstrates the understandings. This would highlight the benefits of
benefits of a dynamic approach and hints at possibilities of loose- combining both systems and critical approaches in the social
coupling. domain. It could draw on the variety of frameworks that
Now, to address the core question raised at the start. Walker et human sciences have used, without adherence to a systems-
al. (2006) make the summary proposition that “The ecological based perspective, to explore the relationships between
and social domains of social-ecological systems can be addressed human societies and the biophysical environment. Such
in a common conceptual, theoretical, and modeling framework.” methodological variety is already commonplace within
From the perspective of this research paper, it might be better to journals such as Ecology and Society. However, its synthesis
ask whether all components of the social domain can be addressed is not a trivial matter. It would entail using a variety of
within a general systems framework. The findings of this research diagnostic approaches that draw on both social theory and
are mixed in this regard. dynamic ecological theory, and coupling of approaches that
have different foundational assumptions. Evidence from the
On the constructive side, conceiving of society and its components content analysis in this paper shows that the nature of these
as a system enables a holistic approach that embraces complexity. loose couplings remains a major question for
interdisciplinary research.
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Issue Strategy
Hyphenated words: Both databases treat searches for hyphenated words similarly: social-
ecological will find both social-ecological and social ecological
Boolean searching Terms were combined with the OR operator to ensure all forms of
the word were accounted for e.g. socialecological OR social-
Variant endings Truncation was used to find variant endings e.g. ecolog
Publication types: Search was refined in both databases to only include the document
type (journal) ‘articles’
Fields Searched Topic search in Web of Science which equates to the Title, Abstract
and Keyword search available in Scopus
Time period From the earliest record in the index to end of 2013
Table A1.2 Broad categories of the use of the terms socioecological and socialecological
Fields Meaning
ClusterID Size Silhouette mean(Year) Label (TFIDF) Label (LLR) Label (MI)
0 65 0.458 2004 (12.68) multi-level connection; (10.72) adaptive capacity (68.49, 1.0E-4); complex adaptive
collaborative design; (10.72) management multi-level connection (29.47, 1.0E- network
system; (10.72) rhine basin; (10.72) informal 4); research framework (25.92, 1.0E-
participatory platform 4);
1 49 0.458 2000 (9.48) catastrophic threshold; (8.11) synthesis; catastrophic threshold (35.2, 1.0E- british columbia
(8.04) forest; (8.02) multi-use boreal forest; 4); concept (38.73, 1.0E-4); multi-use
(8.02) interlocking panarchies boreal forest (21.1, 1.0E-4);
2 43 0.803 1997 (12.68) pre-contact pacific; (9.5) history; (9.5) pre-contact pacific (59.41, 1.0E-4); building resilient
urban cultural landscape; (9.5) biodiversity-rich; social ecological system (59.41, 1.0E- social-ecological
(8.68) rural people 4); history (24.68, 1.0E-4); system
3 41 0.942 1996 (12.68) atoll countries; (7.21) pacific island pacific island countries (186.26, urban delta
countries; (7.21) uncertainty; (6.52) countries; 1.0E-4); uncertainty (186.26, 1.0E-4);
(3.69) problem problem (177.19, 1.0E-4);
4 34 0.841 1993 (10.72) resilience management; (10.72) working resilience management (39.41, 1.0E- building resilient
hypothesis; (10.72) participatory approach; 4); working hypothesis (39.41, 1.0E- social-ecological
(7.64) understanding complex eco-social 4); participatory approach (39.41, system
interaction; (7.64) diagrammatic approach 1.0E-4);
5 28 0.762 2003 (8.68) global collaboration; (8.68) open source; social-ecological analysis (33.21, collaborative
(8.68) social-ecological research; (8.68) open 1.0E-4); biodiversity (26.09, 1.0E-4); focus
content; (7.03) interplay multilevel water (26.09, 1.0E-4);
6 17 0.967 1994 (10.45) canadian western arctic community; canadian western arctic community resilience
(4.12) social-ecological resilience; (2.87) (135.77, 1.0E-4); social-ecological
migration; resilience (72.77, 1.0E-4); migration
(14.96, 0.001);