CC Top Up Latest 2023

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CC Top UP 2023

This is like the easiest job ever. Lets get straight into it.

A credit card is a card that allows the user purchase things

on credit but every amount must be paid right back at the
end of a given period.

The aim of loading a credit card is to clear the card debt so

the owner can purchase stuff for you so you clear the debt

You repeat this till log burns!

Earlier on the channel y’all saw me ask for credit cards to top
up. Here’s how do it

Tools Needed
- A credit card account. (NOT A CC FROM A VENDOR)
- A bank log. ( no need to get email access logs)
That’s all.
Lets learn some terms first.

This is the
shot I posted
a bit ago

Current Balance:
This is the total amount you owe the
credit card company. The owner here
has spent all these bands.

Minimum Payment due:

This is the minimum amount you are to

pay to keep using a credit card. It can be
less than what you really owe. (As at the time

of this screenshot I had already payed for the debt.

That’s why its $0, it was initially $2,838.54 )
Credit Limit:
This is the amount the company allows
you to spend on the card before having
to pay back.

Available Credit:
This is the amount of money left for the
user to spend before he/she exhausts The
credit limit.

Now how did I load the card?

Head to manage account and go to payment sources

Next add a payment source. Use a bank not debit, the debit
will charge back faster than the speed of light.

Add the payment manually. If you login it’ll say your name
doesn’t match.
The beauty of this is most credit cards don’t need any kind of
verification, not even micros. Like this one.
(Some credit cards do ask for micros but very few).

You just add your account and routing that’s all…

Head back to the payment page, change your payment

source to the bank you added and submit payment.

It will clear next business day for most credit cards.

You’ll know when it clears when the payment status changes
from “scheduled” to “credited”
The holder is now ready to go pull the funds. The best way to
cash a cc is for the holder to go buy gift cards at a store and
convert it to etc.. Trust.

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