GhostNet Version 1.3

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GhostNet Overview VERSION 1.

GhostNet is the overarching term for a collection of communications networks set up to allow users
around the world to exchange information without relying on pre-established infrastructure. Far from
being just an emergency plan, GhostNet is intended to ease the transition of radio technology into everyday
life. Though radio networks cannot truly replace the internet, we hope that we can replace a substantial
portion of a person’s daily information requirements, and promote a culture of off-grid information sharing.
Weekly JS8Call Nets on 40m
Once per week (or more often, based on world events), users can gather on JS8Call for a brief chat in a
casual atmosphere. JS8 is simple to use, easy to work with, and extremely common among radio hams.
Users that are perhaps not as experienced in other HF data modes might find JS8Call to be an easy way
to maintain contact. JS8 also serves as a great meeting point in the event of catastrophic communication
loss; if a major societal event is occurring, simply hop on JS8 to find out what’s going on and to coordinate
other communications plans.
What About My Baofeng?
Data Bridges (On Multiple Bands) Unencrypted analog
In the world of HF radio, everything is a trade-off. The configurations, fre- communications are not gen-
quencies, and antennas needed to communicate over long distances are erally recommended for use in
not best suited for local comms, and vice versa. Therefore, to allow users non-permissive environments.
to have the best chance of success with extreme-long range comms, Even using brevity codes and
networks have been established to allow links between continents and other EMCOM procedures, voice
regions, at the time and frequency that is most effective for each link. recognition, direction finding,
Understandably, one weekly net, on only one or two bands is not robust and meta-data analysis make
enough to handle substantial message traffic. When we start to consider analog voice comms a risk on
global partners, and the 24 hours in a day, we realize that a more sub- the modern battlefield. However,
stantial plan is needed to allow users around the world to communicate. due to their low cost and ex-
Users in North America can usually only link up with Europeans during treme popularity, handheld VHF/
certain times of day. Similar situations appear with other long-range UHF radios will always have a
links, such as USA/Australia, Mediterranean/South America, Far East/ place in emergency prepared-
Europe, etc. As such, various comm plans have been established to allow ness or for local Line of Sight
communications to occur between major regions, at the times of day comms. the GhostNet is not
when there is the highest chance of success. In due time, we hope to meant to replace local VHF/UHF
incorporate major relay stations which can facilitate the movement of traffic, which warrants it’s own
traffic 24/7. In this way, a person wishing to communicate with another comm plan. Rather, GhostNet
continent can wait for the data bridge to open at a certain time of day, plans are intended to serve as
then use antenna configurations, power levels, frequencies, and data a more strategic, region-wide
modes that are more suited to long-range communications instead of communications network using
more local contacts. HF transceivers.
Receive-Only Options (For Decoding RTTY, JS8)
To incorporate those who do not have the ability to transmit radio messages, various networks have
been established to allow users to receive crucial information. Radio Teletype, despite being an ancient
communication method, is a great tool for transmitting one-way communications, news updates, or other
critical information to a wide audience. Those wishing to monitor various JS8Call networks or Data Bridges
can also do so with a simple Software Defined Radio (SDR) receiver, a computer/phone, and an appropriate
antenna. Understanding that radio communications are difficult, complex, and boring, special emphasis has
been placed on creating networks for users who don’t want/need to dedicate so much time to radios.
In short, we have simple and easy-to-understand networks that users can monitor cheaply and without
any technical knowledge at all. And since receiving messages does not require a license (in the US, at
least), anyone can listen in. Various tutorials have been created (and are continuing to be made) guiding
users step by step through the whole process. The goal for Receive-Only comm networks is to make the
process as easy as possible, and incentivize many people to start treating radio as a viable information
source, rather than a novelty.
Ion2G ALE Networks (“Right Now” Comms)
A bit more advanced than JS8, several ALE networks are set up for persistent communication. Automatic
Link Establishment protocols are the future of HF radio, and a gold standard for determining the best band/
frequency to maintain a comm link. ALE removes the guesswork of which band to choose based on time
of day, or other propagation factors. Simply fire up the program, and the software will determine the best
frequency for you automatically. This makes comm plans obsolete, and allows for “right now” communica-
tions to be possible at any time of day. 1
GhostNet Concept
Establishing a truly global communications plan is difficult, simply due to the physics of ionospheric propa-
gation. There is no one plan that will allow the globe to communicate at the exact same time; various factors
such as time of day, frequency, and scheduling conflicts make this a challenge. Even if a solution can be
agreed upon, scheduling conflicts would add in another layer of complexity. Therefore, multiple networks are
required. We can get by with two main concepts for communication: Local comms nets, and long-range links
with other continents or major population centers. This way, a person can get their gear set up for local infor-
mation exchange during one comm window, and if so desired can switch their gear and data modes to make
contact with extremely long range regions, when band conditions allow for the highest chance of success.
GhostNet Provides Two Main Paths of Info Exchange
40m Networks Data Bridges
For more local communications throughout a region, A variety of networks using bands, times, antenna
set up on a schedule that is most convenient for configs, and data modes best for making long
people within that region range contacts.
Scheduled weekly every Thursday night at times con- Scheduled weekly, every Saturday with time
venient for those working standard business hours. windows to allow for multiple DX contacts.
Most users will likely find great utility in local communications throughout a region. For instance, if an
incident were to occur within North America, most people in that region would likely tune in to JS8Call on
40m to obtain more information. This is easy to do with a wide variety of equipment, and can be done even in
a comparatively small location. Using a local 40m network, comms can be reliably established even in the
worst of times, using minimal gear, and very little power.
However, the gear, space, power, and experience needed to make that same network functional around the
world is quite a challenge. Different antenna arrangements, and an extensive knowledge of band conditions
is usually required to make reliable links with contacts at extremely long ranges. The average radio operator
can easily make contact throughout Europe, but making a contact at any time of day from Sweden to Australia
is another story entirely. Band conditions alone require very specific parameters to be met to ensure the
highest chance of success. Therefore, we need to establish specific times of day, freqs, and antenna configs to
make these long range comms reliable.
Though seemingly complex, the plan is quite simple. Need to check in to a local net, or see what’s going
on throughout your region? Pick up this guide and flip to the card for your local area. Fire up whatever HF
transceiver you have (or even just a receiver) and tune in.
Need to send an email around the world? Flip the card over, find the link you want to make, wait until the
appropriate Data Bridge comm window opens up, and give it your best shot. This also allows for more
complicated relay stations to be set up in the future. For instance, a person in the US might be able to briefly
make limited contact with Australia on 80m, but contact might be sketchy or difficult to maintain. To send a
full email, they might have to relay longer messages through stations in Africa or the Mediterranean. This
comm plan allows for the network to grow and eventually make that a reliable option.
Leaving Room for Automatic Link Establishment
Ideally, ALE technology would make the concept of Data Bridges irrelevant. Even with enough power, reliable
contact can be made at will without waiting for a comm window. These Data Brides are made with the
portable operator in mind who might have to rearrange his/her antenna to make long range contacts. With
ALE, there is no guesswork to determine which band or time of day is most appropriate for a data link, as
the software computes this automatically. This is why ALE is the gold standard for military communications
links around the world. However, among radio amateurs, ALE is still in its infancy. Ion2G is the front-runner
software package intended to encourage more ALE-based comms in the ham radio world, but the antenna
and transceiver requirements make ALE cost prohibitive for most radio operators.
However, since ALE is the future, we can still allow for an ALE comm window. ALE is not magic, it simply
chooses the best frequency to make a link between two points. At the moment, Ion2G in particular can only
really be used for simple text messages, or voice calls. Sending emails must still be done using traditional
Winlink P2P methods. This means that ALE can remove the guesswork when it comes to frequency choice, but
the time of day must still be chosen by the operator*, and using different data modes (like RTTY) still requires
manual decision making by the radio operator. One must remember that cutting-edge technology (in the ham
world anyway), is perhaps not the most reliable in a serious emergency. Therefore, we can allow for the use
of Ion2G by creating a specific time window for its use, but we also want to allow for other more manually
selected networks to function using the equipment that most people already have.
*Ion2G is best used by leaving the software to run 24/7. However, this is not the best option for most radio operators as 1- it ties up resources, and 2- the
clicking of relays in the radio 24/7 is not appealing to most people. Various work-arounds exist to make Ion2G a viable persistent system, but as this
software is still in development trusting it with one’s life is not advised unless a highly reliable backup solution is also in a Data Bridge. 2
Emergency C2 Nodes
In the event of incidents occurring that require more active monitoring or response from average citizens,
ad hoc Tactical Operations Centers may be required for monitoring the situation. Command and Control
(C2) nodes may also be needed to coordinate the response of community members. In the event the situ-
ation becomes untenable, or if breakout operations are necessary, various considerations and equipment
choices can ensure that communications can be maintained, even if on the run.
Communications are a Priority
No Command and Control is possible without communication with other units, groups, or communities.
Among a prepared citizenry, which is not likely to be as organized, hierarchical, or disciplined as a formal
military unit, communications will be difficult during the best of times. If there is any hope of maintaining
even the most basic coordination during a time of crisis, extremely robust plans and standards must be
in place. Constant training and practice must be routinely carried out, specifically with communications
equipment, to ensure that at a moment’s notice, alternative communications plans can instantly put in
place, without any loss of capability. Snap drills simulating a widespread cellular/internet outage are
great for ensuring skills do not become rusty.
Waking up in the middle of the night to
HF vs VHF/UHF Radios and the the distant thumping of artillery rounds
Fog of War is never pleasant.
Though handheld VHF/UHF radios are far more com- What do you do? Do you stay put and take cov-
mon, if a C2 Node needs to relocate to ensure safety, or er, or do you enact your escape plan before
in the worst case, is on the run and being pursued by you become encircled by enemy forces? Who
vastly superior forces, chances are the escapees will do you need to talk to, or coordinate with?
quickly be far out of range of Line of Sight communi- And how will you do this? And how will you
cations. In that case, HF radio is really the only feasible communicate with those around the region
option to maintain contact without using preestablished to share the news, or determine where the
infrastructure. HF radio equipment must be as compact front lines are?
and lightweight as possible, in the event that evasion All of this requires substantial communica-
plans are enacted. Maintaining small QRP (low-power) tions planning, equipment, expertise, and ded-
HF transceivers may not be as powerful as larger 50- ication even when you don’t know what to do.
100 watt radios, but smaller rigs are easier to take with When you are groggily standing in your living
you when you break out of encirclement, break contact room, listening to the war inching closer, it
from an ambush, survive a drone strike, or any number would be preferable to be combat effective,
of serious issues. QRP radios allow the possibility of instead of the only option being running for
establishing emergency C2 nodes upon rallying locals one’s life. Having a plan to get comms up,
following an attack. Though usually discarded as being rallying local contacts, beginning an incident
underpowered, a lot can be done with little power using response plan, and getting ready for the fight
digital modes such as JS8Call, VarAC, Winlink, or any ahead makes you a valuable asset to your
other data modes. community, instead of a noncombatant.
Setting Expectations
If you are in the middle of a crisis that requires you to relocate for your personal safety, it is unrealistic
to expect a professional TOC to be set up, with all the amenities and perfect communications. You may
be cold, tired, hungry, and living out of a vehicle...yet still expected to provide critical communications
for your community during a crisis. Obviously, the bare minimum communications and battle tracking
capabilities are the only feasible options in situations of desperation. If you can get an HF radio up on
JS8Call, that might be the best you can do.
Expectations must be tempered in
the civilian environment; it is a hard
to expect someone to establish
communications in extreme circum-
stances. However, nothing worth
having is free...and nothing worth
doing comes easy. For a minimum
investment, the average person can
be vastly more prepared. And for
a moderate investment, can be in-
finitely capable in a changing world.
GhostNet Survivability
We all live in strange and uncertain times. What is certain, however, is that accurate information is necessary
for survival. Consequently, censorship has become a household term as most citizens around the world
become victims of information warfare. This plainly obvious truth, while largely unspoken in the ham radio
community, is a fact of life for most of the Earth.
Therefore, network survivability must be a priority, but not in the ways that we traditionally think of. Yes, we
must prepare for power outages, systems going down, or any number of natural disasters. The ham radio
world is well prepared for these contingencies. What tends to get ignored, are the more nefarious communi-
cations issues. Repeaters being kinetically targeted. Ham radio club members being arrested. Jamming. And
of course, surveillance. These real world events are not fear-mongering, these events have already occurred
and are fairly routine around the world. We mustn’t dwell on this negativity, but we have to acknowledge
that a substantial portion of the ham radio infrastructure is not entirely suited to operate in a contested or
non-permissive environment. What good is a radio network if it reports directly to agencies that are targeting
it in the first place?
And what does this mean for those of us who do wish to operate in a less-than-friendly environment?
Organization will be haphazard: No net control or “main” station means that a single airstrike cannot disrupt
communications...taking out the leader won’t work when there is no one leader. This makes for haphazard
and disorganized communications, but it’s the best that we can hope for in a situation of desperation.
Competing Interests Cloud Information Exchange: It’s easy to create echo chambers, and only allow the free
speech that a particular group of people agree on. However, if one has the very broad goal of simply allowing
others to communicate with each other over long distances, when all other methods of communication
are either surveilled or not available, ideology, politics, and personalities will become a problem over time.
Everyone is different, and has different ideas of solutions to the world’s problems. With no strong, top-down
leadership, a system such as this has the potential to descend into cliques, political echo chambers, and
general chaos. As HF radio is not super popular right now amongst the general public, these kinds of
communications networks tend to attract the more dedicated and altruistic personalities, which is why this
is not a large problem for now. Over time, as censorship becomes even more constricting, it becomes ever
more important for every user to be the best person they can be, and reflect the goodness they wish to see
in the world.
The Issue of Timing: One of the first questions we must ask ourselves when responding to any issue is: How
much time do we have to work with? Though this idea is a concern with more formalized public-service
incident and Rescue organizations, from a more “prepared citizenry” perspective, timing is more important.
Unlike public services, which have strict “work the problem until it’s solved, escalating assistance to higher
levels as needed until mission complete” mindset, the average citizen might have to “break contact” while
working an incident if it is determined that not enough time remains to be of any use.
Complications and the Fog of War: “No plan survives first contact”. This phrase, a common utterance on the
battlefield, also most certainly applies to the entire field of communications...especially the communications
on the battlefield. Reliable communications in combat, while rarely given credit when things go the
most often cited complaint when people get killed. Communications is not alluring to most, but if you don’t
get it right, your chances of survival are remote. This is why understanding the unique nature of combat
is necessary for success; if comms are good, clean, and efficient during peacetime, they might be barely
successful during wartime. But if comms are nonexistent during the best of times, it will be impossible to
establish comms during the worst of times. Communications in war is often times utter chaos; an adventure
of utter madness, with no one knowing what’s going on until the combat situation has reached a conclusion.
Thus, we must often times choose the communications methods that are not the best, or even the most
efficient...but rather the comms methods that are functional, rugged, reliable, repeatable, and accessible by
the lowest common denominator. However, despite the assertations that “simple is best”, a certain level of
complexity is required in order to ensure that all the bases are covered, and as many situations as possible
are planned for.
A Plan Comes Together All of this means that there is no one single communications method...
each communications choice can compliment each other method. 20m HF transmissions can be used for
extreme-long-range comms, with 40m filling regional comms requirements, and VHF/UHF comms can
handle close range messaging needs. There are other options, such as Automatic Link Establishment pro-
grams, which are vastly more capable (and automated). But remember: Communications, much like training,
defaults to the lowest common denominator. If you have a high speed HF ALE data-link setup, but the person
you need to talk to has a Baofeng, your communications efforts will be in vain. Everything is a balance...a
balance of what everyone on the net is capable of, all being influenced by the unpredictable and confusing
nature of the Fog of War. 4
Architecture of Privacy
Operational Security (OPSEC) is of great concern to those wishing to establish communications networks
in non-permissive environments. However, if maximum OPSEC procedures were to be followed 24/7, no
one would ever communicate at all. Therefore a careful balance must be struck, allowing for some com-
munications to be completely public (for the masses to consume), while other communications methods
are only shared with trusted users, or those who have a vested interest in a local area (semi-trusted
entities). Trust is a finite resource, and once it’s gone, it’s very difficult to obtain again. Why does this matter
for communications?
- You need to exchange information and communicate with people, but powerful entities have invested
significantly in making that difficult. You want to find like minded people, but you need to communicate to
do that, and all internet based comms are surveilled. You need to organize, but the moment you get too
popular, you meet Icarus’s fate. Everything is a balance between keeping your head down, and flying too
close to the sun (so to speak). GhostNet should enable everyone to participate at their own pace (and risk
level), allowing people to assume an appropriate level of risk in order to make progress, but also not take
on so much risk that safety is compromised. GhostNet should allow people to ride the line between doing
nothing, and risking it all.
- You may have friends or family that know your cell phone number, but you wouldn’t give out that cell
phone number to just anyone. On the other hand, you may program in national calling freqs into your
handheld radio, with the full intention of maybe having to talk to strangers during an emergency. There
are many layers of communication between these two examples, and many ways of building networks on
varying levels of trust.
Modular Privacy
With Operational Security (OPSEC) being a very important consideration, GhostNet comms can fit into any
local or private communications plan. If you need to make contact with trusted contacts, or even people
you don’t know (but have a shared interest, such as for community defense), GhostNet hopes to enable
this. On a more strategic level, GhostNet can fill a need for strategic communications, where no
pre-organized solution is available. If an entity doesn’t wish to use GhostNet, anyone can duplicate the
idea fairly easily, and tailor a plan to their own needs. Communications cannot be established after a
disaster, only before....but most people still will not plan for this. So even if a group of prepared citizens
wants to create their own plan, GhostNet can temporarily serve as something, where nothing currently

*Radio based communications can require a license, depending on the situation. For daily use in a non-permissive environment, a license would be
required. However, in an apocalyptic-level emergency where users are no longer concerned with regulations, many radio modes can technically
be used regardless of callsign. This means that privacy, while non-existent under normal ham radio operating conditions, is extremely feasible in
the event of an emergency.
“What’s the Point?”
Understandably, such a seemingly complicated plan/infrastructure is bound to result in the question “Why
even bother with all this?”. Though the answers should be fairly obvious, below are few concepts that are
perhaps not adequately explained in the field of emergency communications:
- He who owns the wires, owns the communication. All internet communications are vulnerable to
censorship, surveillance, entrapment, manipulation, and information warfare. Granted, this can apply to
all communications on Earth, but there is a reason that powerful entities have spent substantial portions
of defense budgets on information warfare and censorship tools. You can jump from platform to platform,
being banned from one social media site before moving to the next. But the inconvenient truth is that radio
is exceptionally difficult to influence by anyone. Though this may change in the future, radio is the ONLY
option for communicating over long distances, without using anyone else’s infrastructure.
- Comms can’t be established after a disaster, only before. No meaningful comms network has ever been
set up after a natural disaster strikes, and certainly not after a man-made disaster (such as war) breaks
out in a region. During a crisis, people tend to be rather busy as the time-saving conveniences that make
our modern society function stop working. There are only so many hours in the day, and if a person has
to spend a lot of time establishing even the most basic comms links (and assuming risk doing so), this is
time lost that could have been better spent on other tasks. It’s better to create the plan, practice it, and
integrate it into daily life NOW, so that when all other comms are shut down or censored, the transition to
radio is as seamless as possible.
- A couple of “prepper freqs” is not good enough. Shouting into your radio handset on doomsday is hardly
likely to be effective. In 2024, even during significant emergencies, traditional voice comms that hams are
known for are extremely ineffective. If we factor in the sheer number of people who own radios (even HF
radios), we can clearly see that more significant network planning is needed. If the HF bands are so busy
that the average user has a hard time breaking through on the average sunny Saturday afternoon, during
a time of emergency, comms won’t be possible at all. Thus the need for more substantial networks, modes,
and methods that can handle higher volumes of varying kinds of traffic.
- The average citizen is now playing for keeps. No one lives forever, and in today’s world many people are
finding out how true that adage really is. As such, resiliency in the face of an airstrike/raid is paramount.
If a ham radio group cannot survive even a basic raid, they are of no help when the chips are down. this
means that a “work-in-progress” plan is better than no plan at all. And more importantly, a
non-hierarchical framework is essential for the network’s survival in the event of kinetic targeting.
Typical Use Case Examples
Standard natural disaster preparedness: A great use of the GhostNet would be to serve as a common
network that many people can use to share news regarding natural disasters which may have degraded
cellular networks.
Decentralized, uncensorable, off-grid news network: The unique nature of HF radio makes censorship very
very difficult. If someone wanted to stop a station from transmitting, they would have to either jam that sta-
tion, or physically visit the actual location of the station, and physically stop the transmission. As the world
discovered from the Cuban Jamming incident of 2021, even military grade jamming is not entirely effective
enough to totally stop all communications. Where there is a will, there is a way, and JS8Call (and other
tools) make alternative communications not just possible, but a reliable alternative for the average user.
Group Messaging: JS8Call is a powerful group messaging tool. Due to the nature of using offsets, many
people can send messages at the same exact time, only being limited by the time one is transmitting them-
selves. A listen-only user can pull up JS8Call and automatically decode multiple messages simultaneously,
receiving messages from many different regions. JS8’s store-and-forward capability allows users to send
messages far beyond their own station’s range. This forms a very basic form of a mesh network, which
although not a true mesh, still offers many of the capabilities of exchanging messages far beyond the line
of sight of just one station.
ATAK Compatibility: Through the use of various plugins, the TAK suite of software can function within JS-
8Call. Obviously sending extremely high amounts of CoTs data is not best suited to HF radio, but this could
be a useful feature for those who wish to integrate HF comms into their TAK network.
GhostNet is simply meant to help ensure communications. It’s not
intended to replace anything, or override any pre-existing networks or
plans. If you want to use it, Great! If not, that’s fine too. But it’s there for
those that need a reliable plan, where nothing similar currently exists.
Data Bridge Overview
North America-Europe Data Bridge
Established almost entirely on 20m, as this has the best chance of success over such a distance, while
also being accessible to most people. Set up during the hours of 1800-2000 GMT so as to take advantage of
afternoon DX potential.

Europe-Australia Data Bridge

Established on 20m, with an additional plan for 80m. Due to the long range, very short text-based options
like JS8Call and VarAC will be most reliable. RTTY for blind transmissions or for maintaining comms in the
worst of ionospheric conditions.

Australia-South Pacific Data Bridge

Established on 20m, with an additional plan for 40m. Due to the combination of low population density and
long range, most comms will have to use the traditional DX bands for “semi-local” comms to be reliable.
40m can also be used more effectively due to open ocean eliminating vegetation/terrain restricting ground
waves. However, ocean conditions can also hinder transmissions, so relying on the F2 layer of traditional DX
bands can also help to ensure reliable comms.

North America-Australia Data Bridge

Established almost entirely on 80m, as this has the best chance of success over such a distance. This
will limit users to those who have an 80m antenna system, but due to distance this is the best chance
for reliable success. Set up during the hours of 1200-1400 GMT due to 80m being most useful when both
continents are in darkness (mostly), while also considering the feasibility of operating hours for those on a
tight schedule..

Note that the time of day is listed in ZULU time (UTC). This means that the comm window can technically be across the International
Date Line (and therefore the next day), depending on where you are in the world. For instance, the GhostNet for North America starts
GhostNet Schedule at 0100Z. This is technically the next day, on Friday morning ZULU time. Local to North America, this translates to Thursday night.










GhostNet North
America (40m)
GhostNet EUR (40m)

GhostNet AUS (40m)










NA/EUR Data Bridge (20m)

EUR/AUS Data Bridge (20m,80m)

AUS/PAC Data Bridge (20m, 40m)

NA/AUS Data Bridge (20m, 80m)

Ad Hoc Crisis Nets Persistent Comms Networks

In the event GhostNet communications are needed, For those who have the resources to spare, simply keeping an eye on the predetermined JS8Call
GhostNets can be established at will. Chances are, freqs throughout the day can be quite helpful. Setting up a receive-only JS8Call arrangement and just
if a major incident is underway of grave importance, leaving it running all day and night can be a great way to receive critical indications and warnings
someone will be talking about it on GhostNet. Hopping of world events in real time. Though this may be a bit resource intensive for some, running JS8Call
on JS8Call to check for message traffic, or firing up around the clock requires very little CPU power, especially in receive-only mode. Though it would be
Ion2G during a crisis is not only helpful for sharing great to see JS8Call being used to share information 24/7, right now JS8 is more of a hobby for hams
information, but also great practice for when GhostNets than a tool for circumventing censorship/targeting. However, in due time JS8Call’s unique character-
might be needed for more substantial emergencies. istics are great for group messages, and the heartbeat feature is a very resilient way to make sure
comms networks are functional at any time of day.

GhostNet North America
Weekly HF radio communications network. For efficiency, this will largely be a
data-only net, with voice comms only being used in an emergency to coordinate
further link-ups.

Weekly Every Thursday Night

Due to Time Zones, these times are technically the next day (Friday). Locally to North America, this comm window is Thursday Night.

All Times GMT Details

JS8Call (40m) Offset chosen based on availability. For standard message traffic,
check-ins and POSREPs. Heartbeats sent below offset of 1000 Hz.
NVIS If many stations are present, JS8 can be used to allocate freqs for
further comms. Groups shall be used to organize traffic and all
0100-0130 UTC

7.107 MHz stations shall monitor at minimum @GHOSTNET and

@GSTFLASH. See below for complete list of Group Names.
Use Offsets to @GHOSTNET - Generalized group for tagging routine messages.
find a clear space Also very useful for identifying callsigns not previously known.
to transmit. All @GN(Country Three Letter Code)(State Two-Letter Code) - For
messages along example: “@GNUSASC” is the GhostNet group for South Carolina,
USA. For regional comms directed to a specific state. State-level
the band will be organizations may choose to further divide into districts within a
decoded anyway, so state or other geographic area.
pick any offset that’s @GSTFLASH - Emergency FLASH traffic: Any station in receipt of
available. a GSTFLASH message shall transmit at once to highest level HQ
within range via any means necessary.

Winlink P2P Stations wishing to exchange emails may do so during this comm
0130-0200 UTC

window. Use Vara HF Peer-to-Peer Connection with

(Vara, USB) designated callsigns to avoid linking with formal Winlink nodes.
Handshakes start at 0135Z, data burst as long as it takes. Use the
NVIS JS8Call window to determine callsigns, and the order of stations
sending emails. Emails should be posted to outbox BEFORE comm
7.107 MHz window to maximize efficiency.
0200-0230 UTC

Use short RTTY bursts to transmit blindly to stations that missed

RTTY check-in. Stations missing windows are to use RTTY presets on
radio to communicate problem.
7.077 MHz If contact is re-acquired, can re-send critical msg traffic that was
missed earlier. If so desired, RTTY can also be used to send traffic
to SWL-only stations during this window.


0230-0300 UTC

HF voice freq shall be monitored for the last five minutes of all
Simplex LSB comm windows, no matter how the window flexes. If a station
misses all prior check-ins, stations with highest likelihood of
(40m) comm success will initiate voice calls for missing station as
required. If station is expected to participate in the net, but is still
7.190 MHz not heard, proceed with Emergency PACE plan.

Though set up to be a weekly event, during contingent circumstances

this plan can be used for battle tracking incidents as needed.

North America Data Bridges
40 meters is a great band for region-wide communications. Long-range data links are
perhaps best served by the more traditional DX bands, but 40m offers a good blend of
range and ease-of-use as it is usually the lowest band of frequencies that most radio
amateurs are capable of transmitting on regularly.

Weekly Every Saturday

1800-1900 UTC - JS8Call Net on 20m @ 14.107 mHz
Use same Ghostnet groups and naming conventions as on
North America-Europe previous page.
1900-2000 UTC - Ion2G ALE Comm Window. Use provided config
Data Bridge file for frequency list, or refer to Ion2G setup page for complete
frequency list. Best for point-to-point comms between known
1200-1300 UTC - JS8Call Net on 20m @ 14.107 mHz
Use same Ghostnet groups and naming conventions as on
previous page.
1300-1330 UTC - Ion2G ALE Comm Window. Use provided config
North America-Australia file for frequency list, or refer to Ion2G setup page for complete
Data Bridge frequency list.
1330-1400 UTC - JS8Call Net on 80m @ 3.575 mHz
Use same Ghostnet groups and naming conventions as on
previous page.

Use this blank space for notes, such as converting comm windows into your local time.

GhostNet Europe
Weekly HF radio communications network. For efficiency, this will largely be a
data-only net, with voice comms only being used in an emergency to coordinate
further link-ups.

Weekly Every Thursday Night

All Times GMT Details
JS8Call (40m) Offset chosen based on availability. For standard message traffic,
check-ins and POSREPs. Heartbeats sent below offset of 1000 Hz.
NVIS If many stations are present, JS8 can be used to allocate freqs for
further comms. Groups shall be used to organize traffic and all
1800-1830 UTC

7.107 MHz stations shall monitor at minimum @GHOSTNET and

@GSTFLASH. See below for complete list of Group Names.
Use Offsets to @GHOSTNET - Generalized group for tagging routine messages.
find a clear space Also very useful for identifying callsigns not previously known.
to transmit. All @GN(Country Three Letter Code)(State Two-Letter Code) - For
messages along example: “@GNUSASC” is the GhostNet group for South Carolina,
USA. For regional comms directed to a specific state. State-level
the band will be organizations may choose to further divide into districts within a
decoded anyway, so state or other geographic area.
pick any offset that’s @GSTFLASH - Emergency FLASH traffic: Any station in receipt of
available. a GSTFLASH message shall transmit at once to highest level HQ
within range via any means necessary.

Winlink P2P Stations wishing to exchange emails may do so during this comm
1830-1900 UTC

window. Use Vara HF Peer-to-Peer Connection with

(Vara, USB) designated callsigns to avoid linking with formal Winlink nodes.
Handshakes start at 1835Z, data burst as long as it takes. Use the
NVIS JS8Call window to determine callsigns, and the order of stations
sending emails. Emails should be posted to outbox BEFORE comm
7.107 MHz window to maximize efficiency.
1900-1930 UTC

Use short RTTY bursts to transmit blindly to stations that missed

RTTY check-in. Stations missing windows are to use RTTY presets on
radio to communicate problem.
7.077 MHz If contact is re-acquired, can re-send critical msg traffic that was
missed earlier. If so desired, RTTY can also be used to send traffic
to SWL-only stations during this window.


1930-2000 UTC

HF voice freq shall be monitored for the last five minutes of all
Simplex LSB comm windows, no matter how the window flexes. If a station
misses all prior check-ins, stations with highest likelihood of
(40m) comm success will initiate voice calls for missing station as
required. If station is expected to participate in the net, but is still
7.190 MHz not heard, proceed with Emergency PACE plan.

Though set up to be a weekly event, during contingent circumstances

this plan can be used for battle tracking incidents as needed.

Europe Data Bridges
40 meters is a great band for region-wide communications. Long-range data links are
perhaps best served by the more traditional DX bands, but 40m offers a good blend of
range and ease-of-use as it is usually the lowest band of frequencies that most radio
amateurs are capable of transmitting on regularly.

Weekly Every Saturday

1800-1900 UTC - JS8Call Net on 20m @ 14.107 mHz
Use same Ghostnet groups and naming conventions as on
North America-Europe previous page.
1900-2000 UTC - Ion2G ALE Comm Window. Use provided config
Data Bridge file for frequency list, or refer to Ion2G setup page for complete
frequency list. Best for point-to-point comms between known
2000-2100 UTC - JS8Call Net on 20m @ 14.107 mHz
Use same Ghostnet groups and naming conventions as on
previous page.
2100-2130 UTC - Ion2G ALE Comm Window. Use provided config
Europe-Australia Data file for frequency list, or refer to Ion2G setup page for complete
Bridge frequency list.
2130-2200 UTC - JS8Call Net on 80m @ 3.575 mHz
Use same Ghostnet groups and naming conventions as on
previous page.

Use this blank space for notes, such as converting comm windows into your local time.

GhostNet Australia
Weekly HF radio communications network. For efficiency, this will largely be a
data-only net, with voice comms only being used in an emergency to coordinate
further link-ups.

Weekly Every Thursday Night

All Times GMT Details
JS8Call (40m) Offset chosen based on availability. For standard message traffic,
check-ins and POSREPs. Heartbeats sent below offset of 1000 Hz.
NVIS If many stations are present, JS8 can be used to allocate freqs for
further comms. Groups shall be used to organize traffic and all
0700-0730 UTC

7.107 MHz stations shall monitor at minimum @GHOSTNET and

@GSTFLASH. See below for complete list of Group Names.
Use Offsets to @GHOSTNET - Generalized group for tagging routine messages.
find a clear space Also very useful for identifying callsigns not previously known.
to transmit. All @GN(Country Three Letter Code)(State Two-Letter Code) - For
messages along example: “@GNUSASC” is the GhostNet group for South Carolina,
USA. For regional comms directed to a specific state. State-level
the band will be organizations may choose to further divide into districts within a
decoded anyway, so state or other geographic area.
pick any offset that’s @GSTFLASH - Emergency FLASH traffic: Any station in receipt of
available. a GSTFLASH message shall transmit at once to highest level HQ
within range via any means necessary.

Winlink P2P Stations wishing to exchange emails may do so during this comm
0730-0800 UTC

window. Use Vara HF Peer-to-Peer Connection with

(Vara, USB) designated callsigns to avoid linking with formal Winlink nodes.
Handshakes start at 2035Z, data burst as long as it takes. Use the
NVIS JS8Call window to determine callsigns, and the order of stations
sending emails. Emails should be posted to outbox BEFORE comm
7.107 MHz window to maximize efficiency.
0800-0830 UTC

Use short RTTY bursts to transmit blindly to stations that missed

RTTY check-in. Stations missing windows are to use RTTY presets on
radio to communicate problem.
7.077 MHz If contact is re-acquired, can re-send critical msg traffic that was
missed earlier. If so desired, RTTY can also be used to send traffic
to SWL-only stations during this window.


0830-0900 UTC

HF voice freq shall be monitored for the last five minutes of all
Simplex LSB comm windows, no matter how the window flexes. If a station
misses all prior check-ins, stations with highest likelihood of
(40m) comm success will initiate voice calls for missing station as
required. If station is expected to participate in the net, but is still
7.190 MHz not heard, proceed with Emergency PACE plan.

Though set up to be a weekly event, during contingent circumstances

this plan can be used for battle tracking incidents as needed.

Australia Data Bridges
40 meters is a great band for region-wide communications. Long-range data links are
perhaps best served by the more traditional DX bands, but 40m offers a good blend of
range and ease-of-use as it is usually the lowest band of frequencies that most radio
amateurs are capable of transmitting on regularly.

Weekly Every Saturday

1200-1300 UTC - JS8Call Net on 20m @ 14.107 mHz
Use same Ghostnet groups and naming conventions as on
previous page.
1300-1330 UTC - Ion2G ALE Comm Window. Use provided config
North America-Australia file for frequency list, or refer to Ion2G setup page for complete
Data Bridge frequency list.
1330-1400 UTC - JS8Call Net on 80m @ 3.575 mHz
Use same Ghostnet groups and naming conventions as on
previous page.
2000-2100 UTC - JS8Call Net on 20m @ 14.107 mHz
Use same Ghostnet groups and naming conventions as on
previous page.
2100-2130 UTC - Ion2G ALE Comm Window. Use provided config
Europe-Australia Data file for frequency list, or refer to Ion2G setup page for complete
Bridge frequency list.
2130-2200 UTC - JS8Call Net on 80m @ 3.575 mHz
Use same Ghostnet groups and naming conventions as on
previous page.
0800-0900 UTC - JS8Call Net on 20m @ 14.107 mHz
Use same Ghostnet groups and naming conventions as on
previous page.
0900-0930 UTC - JS8Call Net on 40m @ 7.107 mHz
Australia-South Pacific Use same Ghostnet groups and naming conventions as on
Data Bridge previous page.
0930-1000 UTC - Ion2G ALE Comm Window. Use provided
config file for frequency list, or refer to Ion2G setup page for
complete frequency list.

Use this blank space for notes, such as converting comm windows into your local time.

GhostNet Best Practices
Any decentralized, uncensorable platform is a double-edged sword. Offering on the one hand truly free
speech, but on the other providing a network for malign actors to influence. On the radio waves, there is no
“block” button, and users may hear opinions that they do not agree with. This is even more true of a network
like the GhostNet, which has no Net Control, no single point of failure. To us, this is a an acceptable com-
promise toward the goal of attaining real free speech. However, as the overall goal is information exchange
that is helpful for the average person, below are some best practices that can help us all make the most of
the platform. Users will get out of GhostNet what they put into it; garbage in, garbage out. Let’s work toward
providing quality content for all:
Check in Early for Testing
A major part of GhostNet is the ability to test gear, and check in with friends. However, with such a small
comm window (and hundreds of users), the waterfall can get pretty busy. As such, if you are just beginning
or testing out gear, feel free to hop on 30 minutes to an hour before the actual comm window starts. There
is enough persistent traffic 24/7 to check your gear before the meeting time, so that we can save a bit of
bandwidth for communication.
Try to Limit CQs/MSG checks/SNR Reports During Comm Window
All of these features are excellent, and should certainly be used. However, with so many users active during
the comm windows, it would be a good idea to do these checks before or after the window. Turning off Au-
toreplies during the comm window is encouraged. One user requesting an SNR report from the @GhostNet
tag causes dozens of rigs to transmit simultaneously...and if a different person does this ever minute or two,
most people’s inboxes are filled with SNR reports instead of news reports, intel updates, etc. Likewise, if you
want, feel free to share a brief news report or two during the comm window. Sharing information is what this
is all about!
Be Mindful of QRP Stations
Always remember that one often transmits farther than their antenna can hear. It is quite common for more
high powered stations to accidentally transmit over smaller stations. Remember the golden rule of radio:
Only use enough power to complete the communication. Remember, we’re trying to give the smaller stations
a shot, as QRP rigs are extremely common transceivers for beginners. We don’t want to alienate newer oper-
ators because they don’t have a really powerful rig, or a super efficient antenna.
Understand the Cultural Barriers
Ham radio has a unique culture. Sometimes this culture is not great, and really discouraging towards new
users. As much as we might not like to talk about it, it’s the truth. Some operators don’t like new things, and
don’t respect the effort we have undertaken to simply provide another communication option. Some other
networks think that the GhostNet is hostile towards their own work (which it most certainly is not!). Hams
have been observed trying to intentionally jam the network, and generally cause trouble. No plan is perfect,
but we are at least trying to improve communications in a time when humanity’s freedoms are at risk. It is
with this in mind that we move forward, helping people where we can, and learning a lot along the way. The
unspoken cultural issues within amateur radio are obvious to any newcomer, but let’s remind ourselves that
the culture is changing for the better...even if we have a long way to go.
Use Common Sense
Though perhaps a dying virtue throughout the general public these days, simply observing what’s going
on and making rational decisions is really helpful in the field of radio. Again, with radio there’s very little
content moderation. If it weren’t for the FCC’s regulations there would be no rules at all, and even so most
radio etiquette is all but impossible to enforce. Radio is the last bastion of the technical ability to remain
free to speak. With that comes great responsibility and the duty to ensure that the goodness we wish to see
in the world is reflected in our actions. If someone is sharing a valuable information report, or is providing
updates on a world even in real time, it might not be a super great idea to rag-chew right next to them. If
the band is a bit busy, and you have a smaller group of friends you’d like to contact, feel free to move to a
clear freq. The main freq is just a common gathering place; a tool for all of you to use. And remember, these
Best Practices are just helpful tips. Not hardline rules. It would be foolish for anyone to expect any type of
enforcement of these recommendations, though many will certainly try. There’s no need to shout someone
down for the tiniest transgression of these helpful tips; we’re all learning together and people sometimes
make mistakes. The self-policing nature of radio is what turns off many new users, so lets encourage and
guide each other, rather than cracking down on the smallest error. We’re all in this together, for better or
worse. We may all be strangers separated by distance, but we all want to make the world a better place. So
let’s build a team and work together toward the common goal of helping each other in these tough times.
Malign Actors
Despite our best efforts to create a wholesome project, various issues have become problematic since the
launch of this Net. Below are some of the concerns to be aware of.
Cultural Problems
Though somewhat perplexing to new radio amateurs, cultural problems comprise nearly 100% of the issues
on ham radio, and are by far the Number One reason new operators feel uncomfortable fitting in. The fact
that this much text has been dedicated to addressing this problem (in a pocket-able field guide) should
confirm the seriousness of the cultural problems within the world of radio. Though it is uncomfortable to
discuss, these problems need to be addressed in the interest of moving forward and improving the GhostNet.
The ham radio world is full of clubs and groups, and there tends to be a lot of over- GOT THERE
lap among users who may be members of multiple groups. However, the GhostNet
was not intended to be a free advertising service for other networks. While we
want to allow users to feel comfortable in creating their own GhostNets, we also
want to remind everyone that the farther you get from the GhostNet’s main freqs,
TTPs, and operating schedule, the farther you get from the intended purpose of the
GhostNet. Feel free to mimic our work on your own, but be mindful of mission-creep
that might pull your attention from the main GhostNet plan. Be extremely wary of
users that want you to change frequency to their own net, especially if that network
belongs to a group that places radio communications behind a paywall. Multiple
users have reported hams intentionally jamming GhostNet comm windows with WOULD BE A SHAME IF
SNR requests, then saying “hmm, this band sure is busy. Come join me on my own SOMEONE USED IT TO
freq!”...which turns out to be a paid, members-only radio club. RECRUIT PEOPLE INTO A
Cliques, Bullying, and Deception
In the absence of a highly organized Net Control, power vacuums are inevitable. Be mindful of anyone who
claims to be operating as Net Control. Most hams strive to improve efficiency, but sometimes these efforts
are really just attempts to control other people. More often than not, this results in hams bullying users
into following their arbitrary rules, or using their airwaves as their own fiefdom. GhostNet was created with
the good intentions of working alongside preexisting groups, and have gone above and beyond to ensure
our work has not interfered with any other network. Despite this, other groups have attempted to take over
GhostNet comm windows, using their own software, reporting procedures, infrastructure, etc. Do not let oth-
er radio amateurs bully you into you into joining their own network if you don’t want to. If you are a member
of another ham radio group or club, that’s great, but please keep your own procedures on your own network
and respect the work that has been done here. Nothing will be officially supported by the S2 Underground
beyond what is published in this guide. Also be mindful of people who want you to join a network, or use their
reporting format. Someone might say to you “hey, try this report format, or this software, it’s really efficient
and cool!”. That may be true, and we applaud attempts to grow and improve network efficiency. However, in
many cases these claims of “efficiency” are less about improving a network, and more about getting users
to use a common format, which is intercepted over the airwaves and published on a closed network behind
a paywall. You may think you’re using a neat tool which improves efficiency, but in reality you are jamming
the airwaves with a proprietary tool/format that is nothing more than a way to generate paid content for
other people. Don’t end up the unwitting writer/content creator for another group that steals your work, and
secretly charges other people money for it. Not everyone in the ham radio world has good intentions, which
is a fact not often repeated aloud but is nonetheless true.
These Issues Are Real
Understandably, reading these somewhat harsh words might be discouraging to new users who are not
aware of the cultural problems we face. Most radio hams are also highly likely to be offended by discussing
these topics. More drama within the community is annoying, but we need to talk about these topics in the
open, because they have caused real world problems: The user who is afraid to transmit in a life or death
emergency because some Elmer chastises them for using “their” repeater. The user who wants to receive
the news regarding serious world events, but can’t because someone is describing their entire shack over
the radio. Or the radio amateur that joins a club, and over time slowly begins to enjoy radio less and less,
because of hams creating barriers to growth. The GhostNet is intended to refresh the world of radio, and
really challenge users to think outside the box when it comes to preparedness, as well as the daily use of
radio. So let’s move forward despite the hate, and do the best we can to improve the world around us.


Emissions Control (EMCON)

EMCON Guidelines
Transmissions: RADIO ROUTINE. Any and all radio calls are authorized. ¹
Emitters: Any and all comm emitters are authorized. All non-comm emitters are authorized:
1 PED, vehicles, generators, radars.
Adversary: IMPROBABLE (45%) ES collections or EA. REMOTE (5%) threat of receiving fire
ROUTINE Scenario: Garrison or friendly country. Training, evaluations, and administrative movements.
Note: Even during training, leaders should limit radio calls to mission-critical information.
Standard for most amateur radio in a permissive environment.

Transmissions: RADIO ESSENTIAL. Mission-critical and emergency radio calls ONLY. ² ³

Emitters: Any and all comm emitters are authorized. All non-comm emitters are authorized.
Emitters are SHUT OFF except when in use. Constant emitters (BFT / JBC-P, ALE / 3G ALE
HF, and ANW2) OR (standard Meshtastic and Ion2G ALE) are restricted or OFF. Non-essential
2 PED is OFF.
Adversary: PROBABLE (80%) ES collections or EA. IMPROBABLE (45%) threat of effective
ESSENTIAL Scenario: Friendly, neutral, or hostile country. Contingency operations or pre-hostilities.
Note: EMCON 2 is the desired standard for operations.
Note: Emitters that are normally constant can be turned on for brief periods during sched-
uled comm windows, for data exchange. Unencrypted analog transmissions generally not
recommended at this level.

Transmissions: RADIO SILENCE: NO voice radio calls. Text and burst data only. HF ideal. Wire.
Emitters: Selected bands are restricted, receive-only, or OFF. Constant emitters (BFT /
JBC-P, ALE / 3G ALE HF, and ANW2) OR (standard Meshtastic and Ion2G ALE) are OFF.
Unencrypted UHF black gear is OFF. Non-comm emitters are restricted or OFF. Passive
3 receivers—GPS, GBS—are restricted or OFF. Voice CFF / CAS are OFF.
Adversary: HIGHLY PROBABLE (95%) ES collections or EA. PROBABLE (80%) threat of IDF.
RADIO Scenario: Conflict. Enemy is collecting and targeting. Precision IDF weapons are in range.
Note: Some units, executing fast-moving operations without key equipment, cannot rely on
Note: Constant-emitter features of JS8Call are not recommended at this level. Turn OFF au-
tomatic heartbeats and replies. Passive receiving is generally okay, but make sure to verify
that automatic transmissions are OFF. SCHEDULE short comm windows. NVIS antennas for
localized HF operations ideal for reducing DF potential.

Transmissions: BLACKOUT. NO radio calls—voice or data—are authorized.

Emitters: ALL emitters are OFF. ALL radios, ALL PED are OFF. Batteries are OUT, generator
power is off. ALL non-comm emitters are OFF. Vehicles are OFF. Lights are OFF.
Adversary: NEARLY CERTAIN (99%) ES collections or EA. HIGHLY PROBABLE (95%) threat of
Scenario: Conflict. Enemy is collecting and targeting. Precision IDF weapons are activated.
4 Note: When missiles are inbound, units avoid being located, but cannot operate long at
BLACKOUT Note: This level will be rarely used by prepared citizens, but is useful in the event of stra-
tegic homeland threats such as enemy reconnaissance flights over US soil or for operation
within military occupation zones when active collection methods are regularly used.

1. Specific EMCON actions taken under each option are defined by each unit for each operation. Restrictions on
calls, nets, bands, and equipment are clearly defined by unit SOP.
2. Unit PACE plans specify alternate comms.
3. For emergency radio calls, leaders violate EMCON for safety, enemy engagement, or CASEVAC.
4. Adversary descriptions are ICD 203 language on the likelihood of enemy action. An actual attack or EA may
not yet have occurred.
Passive GPS Recievers are generally authorized at all EMCON levels, as long as all emissions from the device
(bluetooth, WiFi, etc) are turned OFF. Satellite communicators are considered to be Constant Emitters as most
commercial satellite messangers constantly ping satellite networks.

Reducing Emissions

While not a concern for those operating radios in a friendly and civil environment, the use of radios as a tool
sometimes precludes many of the operating habits currently used by the majority of the amateur community.
Below are the Ten Commandments of EMCON as described in the USMC Electromagnetic Protection Emis-
sions control Standard Operating Procedure. The TEXT IN GREEN describes recommended adaptations and
interpretations for a prepared citizenry.
Technique Guidelines
TALK less. TRANSMIT only mission-critical information.
1 TALK Less TALK short. TALK correct.
‘Ragchewing’ not recommended. Think before transmitting.

2 MINIMIZE required reports. SCHEDULE comm windows.

SCHEDULE Less Do NOT send NSTR reports.
MOVE units. MOVE radios. When in doubt, MOVE.
3 Do not “yardsale” comms gear. Keep all items in your pack
MOVE until needed. Prioritize setups that maximize the ability to
break down quickly. Be ready to move at a moments notice.

4 CHAT. Do NOT Call. CHAT reports, requests, and brevity codes.

CHAT Text-based data modes are preferred for efficiency.
SIGNAL movement, tactical action, and convoys with one-
arm hand and arm signals.
5 SIGNAL Non-radio-based signals are also needed to round out a
comms plan at the local level. Pre-established rally points
are also helpful additions to this category.

6 COMMUNICATE between stationary positions with comm wire

WIRE and field phones.
PLACE CP, vehicle, and manpack antennas behind barriers,
7 MASK Antennas buildings, woods, or hills.
Directional antennas are recommended for targeted comms.

8 REDUCE Power SHUT it OFF when not in use. SET radio to low power.

COMMUNICATE on radio nets that have LPD.

9 KNOW which nets are more vulnerable.
PRIORITIZE LPD Nets Data modes are less vulnerable and offer the opportunity for
encryption, if the need arises in contingent situations.
PLAN operations that require less radio calls.
PLAN less nets.
10 PLAN Simple Flexible Ops Simple is best.
Be considerate of working hours, sleep schedules, techical
knowledge gaps, and operational experience of the populace.

NOTE: The tactics described are provided verbatim from doctrine and therefore are more for reference.
Obviously, many of the proceedures from miltiary doctrine do not perfectly translate into usage by citizens,
thus the TEXT IN GREEN notes and additions. However, knowing the textbook answers (along with the adap-
tations) sometimes helps establish (and adapt) local proceedures.
Authorized Emitter Matrix
Below is a sample of the recommended emitters for each EMCON level. As always, there are more excep-
tions to real-world usage than can be described in a manual, so experiences may vary. Just because the
manual indicates a technology is safe to use, it may not be advisable for use in your specific situation.
Also consider the constant use of emitters, versus the use during a comm window. For instance, at EMCON
Level 3, Satellite messengers are not recommended for constant use. However, briefly turning one on to use
during a short comm window may be authorized.
HF (Encrypted w/ OTP) YES YES YES NO
Satellite Messenger TEXT YES YES NO NO
Satellite Phone VOICE YES YES NO NO
(w/o OFF switch)
(w/ OFF switch)
Field Telephones1 WIRE YES YES YES YES
Panels, hand
Non-Radio Signals1 YES YES YES YES
signals, etc
UAS Platforms - YES YES NO NO
Receive-Only Equipment 1
1 - Technically not emitters, but helpful to have on the chart as a reminder
2 - Though varying widely, most data modulation modes offer similar enough vulnerabilities to be classified
together. Some modes are more efficient and faster than others, so understanding each modulation method
is helpful.
3 - Some “receive-only” consumer electronics contain Bluetooth and WiFi emitters. This should be factored
in and turned OFF during periods of heightened EMCON levels. If a consumer electronic does not have the
ability to be completely powered off, or signals mitigated, this much be considered as well.

Readiness Conditions FM 71-1
Full Alert: Unit Ready to Move and Fight:
WMD Alarms and hot loop equipment stowed. OPs pulled in.
All personnel alert and mounted on weapons. Weapons manned.
REDCON 1 Engines started.
Company team is ready to move immediately.
Full Alert: Unit Ready to Fight:
Equipment stowed (except hot loop and WMD alarms)
Precombat checks complete
All personnel alert and mounted in vehicles; weapons manned and
charged, round in chamber, weapon on safe.
REDCON 2 (NOTE: Depending on tactical situation and orders from local command-
er, dismounted OPs may remain in place.
All (100 percent) digital and FM communications links operational
Status reports submitted IAW TF SOP
Company team ready to move within 15 minutes of notification
Reduced Alert:
50 percent of the unit executes work and rest plans
Remainder of the unit executes security plan. Based on the command-
REDCON 3 er’s guidance and the enemy situation, some personnel executing the
security plan may execute portions of the work plan
Company team is ready to move within 30 minutes of notification.
Minimum Alert:
OPs manned; one soldier per platoon designated to monitor radio and
man turret weapons.
REDCON 4 Digital and FM links with TF and other company teams maintained
Company team is ready to move within one hour of notification.
Stand-To encompasses all actions take to bring the company to a max-
imum state of preparedness. Times for Stand-To are derived from TF
commander’s OPORD. Unit SOP should specify Stand-To requirements,
STAND-TO which will usually include procedures for sending and receiving reports,
use of accountability checks for personnel and equipment, and criteria
for assuming REDCON levels 1 and 2.


Mask Carried Carried Carried Carried Worn 1
Worn Worn

Overgarment Ready 3
Available 4
Worn 1
Worn 1
Worn 1

Overboots Ready3 Available4 Available4 Worn Worn Worn

Gloves Ready3 Available4 Available4 Available4 Available4 Worn

Helmet Ready3 Available4 Available4 Worn Worn Worn
Protective Ready3 Available4 Worn2 Worn2 Worn2 Worn2
1. In hot weather, coat or hood can be left open for ventilation.
2. The chemical protective undergarment is worn under the BDU (this primarily applies to armor vehicle crewmen and SOF).
3. These items must be available to the soldier within two hours, with a second set available within six hours.
4. These items must be positioned within arms reach of the soldier.

Basic Incident Response
Immediate Concerns
Step 1: Physical Security
Don’t Panic. Establish personal security FIRST! All other comms and incident response actions can wait
until you are secure. If security is not guaranteed, some level of tactical comms might be prioritized over
personal safety, depending on the tactical situation and the nature of the emergency.
Step 2: Establish Comms, Determine Players, Send 5 W’s
Once personal safety is established, the originator of the incident/distress call shall make every effort to
establish a communications net and transmit a brief description of the incident. The 5 W’s of Who, What,
When, Where, and Why are a good format to stick to, if no other format exists. If a Troops-in-Contact
report, or a SALUTE report is preferred, use that format instead. If the originator of the incident report is
unable to establish an Incident Response Comms Net, other Net participants shall make every effort to
coordinate a response as needed. As a prepared citizenry is often non-hierarchical, there are no Command
requirements (beyond local group SOPs), so whomever is capable of maintaining the Nets and passing
communications, is the primary party responsible for such action until no longer able.

In the more likely scenario of a person simply hearing of a national event, and wishing to obtain more
information, tuning in to the appropriate radio communications net would be a good idea. Chances are, if
something substantial is going on, people will be sharing information on the GhostNet.

Battle Tracking
Step 3: Establish TOC, Staff Functions Begin
A Tactical Operations Center, appropriate to the incident, is to be established as needed. All staff functions
begin to work the issue as their skillsets and capabilities allow. Intelligence and Operations maintain the
primary responsibilities of Threat Assessments and Friendly Forces, respectively. Logistics, Weather, Med-
ical, Administrative, and dedicated Communications experts also contribute as able. Amongst a prepared
citizenry, most of the standard TOC functions (such as Battle Tracking) will fall to a single person. Do the
best you can, and realize that perfection is not possible. Realistic expectations of operational capabilities
are paramount to maintaining even the smallest measure of effectiveness.
Once a good Battle Rhythm is established, start working on improving effectiveness. Try to improve
communications networks, and get some of the more advanced options (like Ion2G ALE or Winlink) up
and running to make contact with personnel near the affected area. These more advanced actions take
time, and will not be possible to create prior to the incident. Even though very basic comms are the bare
minimum, highly efficient data exchange networks will need to be the eventual end goal if time, skill, and
prior planning makes it possible.
Step 4: Reassess Situation and Response, Schedule 2-Minute
Drills, Assess Logistical/Personnel Needs
As the incident progresses, people fall into the roles they have trained for. As a citizen-based response will
not have a strong Command element like traditional Incident Command Structures, consideration must be
given to logistical and personnel constraints that will affect operations. Ensure that clear schedules are
communicated. For multi-day incidents be aware that personnel tracking incidents will be volunteers with
other obligations which might dictate their retirement from the operation at a critical juncture. Create a
template and a schedule for Two-Minute Drills, which allow each responding entity convey a status update
from their department quickly and efficiently. Be mindful of logistical needs, particularly energy require-
ments. Maintain flexibility as plans change.

Follow-On Actions
Step 4: Hotwash, After Action Review, Logistical Recovery
As an incident comes to a close, or begins to settle in for the long haul, logistical capabilities must be
considered. Personnel issues will be paramount as prepared citizens often are not capable of assisting
with incident recovery 24/7. Conducting Hotwashes/AAR’s will help increase efficiency, identify deficiencies,
and improve response efforts for the next incident.
Incident Response Monitoring
Basic Monitoring Capabilities
The capabilities listed below are intended to help concerned citizens track events in real time, without
forgetting a particular capability or tool. Not every item listed will be necessary for every event, but this
checklist can be helpful for setting up an ad hoc monitoring station, listening post, or TOC as needed.
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
ADS-B receiver - Aircraft Monitoring
KrakenSDR Passive Radar - For limited Passive Radar capability, as well as Direction Finding capabilities.
SDR w/ Scanner feature - For identifying signals of interest in a local area.
Laptop, Tablet, or PC capable of running Windows or Linux OS - For processing signals with an SDR. Note:
Several options exist for processing SDR signals on an Android smartphone, so this can be an option for
limited work. However, for more substantial SIGINT processing tools, most smartphones do not have the
processing (or CPU cooling capabilities) to get the job done, making a laptop or tablet the best overall

Imagery Intelligence (IMINT)

Satellite Imagery - Helpful to download before internet connections are lost. Also, basic SRTM elevation
data would be helpful to have on hand to make maps with if needed. If internet connection is not available,
intercepting weather imagery from orbiting satellites would be useful as well.
Drone Imagery - For local imagery collection.
Magnified Optics - A good pair of binoculars of a spotting scope is very helpful for local observation.
Thermal Optics - Consumer grade thermal optics provide substantial force multiplication.
Night Vision Optics - Mandatory for observation of the local area at night.

Communications Intelligence (COMINT)

ACARS receiver (HF and VHF bands) - Configured to decode ACARS traffic from aircraft in the local area.
L-Band Antenna for SDR - For intercepting commercial aviation SATCOM ACARS messages.
General Purpose Scanner - Preferably with trunking capability. For monitoring unsecured local comms.
SDR w/ Scanner feature - Additional tool for monitoring unsecured comms in a local area.
HF Transceiver - Communication and information sharing/collection tool.
Laptop, Tablet, or PC capable of running Windows or Linux OS - For interfacing with an SDR or Transceiver.
Handheld Analog VHF/UHF Transceiver - Can be used for unsecured local comms, but also can be used
to monitor local ham radio repeater networks in a time of crisis. These info networks are historically
unreliable for HUMINT purposes, but worth monitoring to determine how widespread an incident is.

Measurements and Signatures Intelligence (MASINT)

CBRN detection networks - Though reliant on internet connections, various CBRN detection networks
allow users around the world to be aware of increases in baseline HAZMAT activity.
Weather Station/Kestrel Meter - Establishing WX sensors early on during a crisis is helpful for determin-
ing weather patterns, which in turn aid weather forecasts.

Human Intelligence (HUMINT)

Local Sneakernet - Information shared by physical, face-to-face meetings with people in a local area.
Text-Based Word-of-Mouth Information Exchange - Simply texting local contacts (or trusted/high-confi-
dence sources) directly can provide real-time intelligence of the situation on the ground. Even if cellular
networks are overwhelmed, text-based services (either standard SMS messages or satellite-based
communications) can be very effective.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Social Media Feeds - If internet access permits, social media can be a valuable source for determining
what’s going on around the world. Social media will be the only source of information that most people
have, despite being heavily censored, surveilled, and increasingly unreliable. In a case of total devastation,
internet access will be limited or nonexistent. Plan accordingly, and use OSINT tools as long as they
are available, but always plan for that data link to be interrupted, censored, or subject to Information
Help! My JS8Call Isn’t Working!
Follow this checklist in the event your receive-only JS8Call setup is not working.
SDR Functioning?
1 - Check to see if your SDR is plugged in.
2- If using a WebSDR, check that you have clicked the button to “start audio” within the web browser.
If using VBCable, your sound bar should look like this
Check Audio Cables and Settings
1 - If using Virtual Audio Cables, check to make sure
that VBCable is selected as the output device.
2- If using a physical USB SDR, check that your
antenna connection has not become unscrewed, either
at the SDR itself or the antenna.

Check Time Sync

1 - Make sure you have run BKTTimeSync, and that a connection to an appropriate server/GPS has been
made. Without super-accurate time, JS8Call will not decode messages as depicted below:

If messages are between the green lines

on the waterfall, they will be decoded. If
not, either your or the transmitting station’s
time sync is off and no messages will be

This is what a proper time sync should look

like, all messages within the green.

Check Audio Sources within JS8

1 - Check to make sure your audio settings are
appropriate for the SDr you are using. Depicted
below is what your settings should look like if using
VBCable with an online SDR:

Platform Overview
Primarily an HF-based platform that, when installed on a computer linked to an HF radio, provides
the operator with keyboard-to-keyboard texting capabilities. JS8 excels at weak-signal interception,
and is well known for it’s comparatively user friendly interface. JS8 can also be used to relay
messages to stations BLOS, and is also capable of sending automated “heartbeat” messages to all
stations, providing instantaneous confirmation of range. Groups can also be established, creating ad
hoc nets as needed, with every station being notified of a group message, regardless of that station’s
callsign. As a result, JS8Call can be used to easily create medium-to-long range communications
networks as needed. And if a person knows which Group to follow, it’s not necessary for everyone to
know each other’s callsign. JS8 can also easily be used with custom, user-defined callsigns, in the
event of a cataclysmic emergency. JS8 is ideal for monitoring 24/7 as it requires little power, and the
automated Heartbeat messages periodically confirm that you are on the net. All the while, you can
receive messages, including messages from all over the world via JS8 relays. By primarily staying
on JS8, one’s own station can be readily available to relay others’ messages as well. Though far from
perfect, JS8 is the closest to an all-in-one solution for medium-long range text-based comms.

One of the most effective Automatic Link Establishment platforms for civilian HF radios. This
program, when installed on a computer linked to an HF radio (with compatible antenna), allows
operators to remove the guesswork of which HF band will work best for their intended communica-
tion. In short, ALE software such as this simply “scans” all of the HF bands, and automatically selects
the best one for a link to be established between two or more radios. This provides the advantages
of being very hard to direction find, and very resistant to jamming, albeit with a much more complex
system that is relatively new to civilian HF radio. ALE is tough to implement on the civilian side of
radio comms, but with better SDR-based radios, and easier to use software coming to the market,
ALE technology is a very valuable addition to any comm plan. However, the somewhat developmental
nature of ALE software is still not reliable enough to forgo the usual contingency communication
methods (such as JS8Call), which are much more established, reliable, and easy for everyone to use
with most hardware and antenna systems.

The undisputed champion of HF data connections, WinLink is one of the only email clients for sending
emails over HF radio. Comprising of a global network of gateways, WinLink is one of the most reliable
methods of sending emails with zero local infrastructure. However, there are some significant dis-
advantages. Any connection whatsoever to internet servers presents very serious data privacy and
censorship concerns. Additionally, WinLink developers routinely verify callsigns on their platform,
so using WinLink without an FCC-approved callsign, even during an emergency, will result in your
account being deleted. We have verified this personally many times. Gatekeeping behavior such as
this is normally a dealbreaker for reliable communications. However, WinLink can be used in Peer-to-
Peer mode, completely bypassing WinLink gateways to send an email from one radio, to another.
This eliminates the main benefit of using WinLink (the global network of internet gateways), but is
censorship proof and hard to tamper with, either by authorities or by the developers themselves.

A relatively new addition to the world of communications, Meshtastic has become the primary tool
for communities centered around low-power mesh communications using DIY LoRa (Long Range)
devices. The extremely low cost of equipment, and the compatibility of Meshtastic with the TAK suite
of software has resulted in Meshtastic becoming an extremely popular platform for short-medium
range text based communication, or CoT-style data exchange. Though this seems like a miracle
platform, the nature of open-source, grassroots development undertaken by volunteers means
that Meshtastic as an enterprise solution has had trouble getting out of the developmental phase.
Meshtastic will be hard pressed to replace military-grade comms tools, and it is quite buggy at times.
But Meshtastic is a fantastic, low-cost addition to any comm plan, and is one of the most reliable
ways to run ATAK effectively without using cellular data.
Ion2G Setup and Configuration
Standard Config Works
As you install Ion2G ALE, the base configuration works fine to make contacts. However, you will need to
check a few settings to make sure everyone is on the same page.
1 - Load Codeplug: Without a codeplug, you will talk
to no one. You have three main options: You can If you already have a
load the standard codeplug using the “Load from Codeplug or are using the
Web” button (requires an internet connection). You GhostNet Codeplug, select
can also load the GhostNet codeplug which can be Load From File and choose
downloaded via a variety of sources. Or you can the codeplug file.
manually create a list of channels, choosing fre-
quencies by hand. If you wish to manually recreate
the GhostNet freqs without access to the digital
file, you can do so easily on the next page. If you are starting from
If you are setting this up scratch, and have internet
without internet access, access, you can load the
and without a pre-es- standard codeplug here.
tablished codeplug file,
you will need to go to
Settings -> Channels ->
Click the Plus symbol
on the upper right, and
add in each channel
2 - Set Self Address: It’s not super clear in the docu-
mentation, but you cannot transmit at all unless you
set a self address for each of the networks you want
Put your callsign here to operate on. This setting is not cross-referenced
with any database, so in the event of an apocalyptic
Check this box emergency, or for MARS work, any callsign will
be accepted by the software. To change this, click
Settings -> ALE Self Addresses -> Click Plus symbol
at upper right to add New ALE Address.
Put your callsign in the Address box, select a network
in the drop down menu, and check the box marked
Primary. You will need to create a Self Address for
each of the networks you operate on. This is just
putting in your callsign for each of these networks.
When using the standard code-plug, this means you
will need 3 addresses, one for HFN, HLN, and HFN
AQC. If using the GhostNet, you will need an additional
address for that.
3 - Check Audio Source: This is not set automatically, you need to select your audio input and output
manually. Go to Settings -> Audio and select the appropriate input and output audio sources from the drop
down menus.
4 - Check Radio CAT Control: If you are familiar with setting up JS8Call or FT8, this should be familiar.
This is found under Settings -> Radio Control. Make sure the appropriate radio is selected, along with the
correct CI-V address, com port, and baud rate. If any of these settings do not match your radio, comms will
not be successful.
5 - Disable Bands not compatible with your antenna: Using the standard codeplugs, BE CAREFUL! Most
people do not have 160m, 80m, or 60m antennas, but these freqs are a part of the standard codeplugs. This
means that your radio will try to transmit on theses freqs, even if your antenna is not tuned for it. This can
damage your transceiver.

GhostNet ALE Frequency List DROARFKTING
Channel Name Frequency (USB) Note: All of the frequencies are intended for data
modes, not voice transmissions. This is for sever-
al reasons mostly pertaining to the efficiency of
01GHOSTNET 3598.5 kHz data transmissions.
ALE, by its very nature, is not necessarily a
02GHOSTNET 7104.5 kHz low-power mode. Thus, smaller QRP transceiv-
ers will have trouble maintaining strong links
03GHOSTNET 7106.5 kHz with other ALE stations. By restricting ourselves
to data-only modes during ALE nets, we can
squeeze as much efficiency out of the system as
04GHOSTNET 7108.5 kHz possible. In other words, you will probably not
be able to use Ion2G to make a voice phone call
05GHOSTNET 10128.5 kHz using a QRP radio. However, sending a text might
be more feasible. Developments are being made
06GHOSTNET 14111.5 kHz in the world of ALE, and as technology improves
more reliable links can be established by equip-
07GHOSTNET 14113.5 kHz ment that today is less than desirable.

08GHOSTNET 14115.5 kHz

This is a work-in-progress, so some problems
09GHOSTNET 18108.5 kHz may be reported with these freqs. Expect future
updates to address any concerns that may be
present with thisrather new communications
10GHOSTNET 28108.5 kHz tool. ALE has been around for a long time, but as
more people begin to use it, more problems be-
come exposed. Consider these freqs to be a sort
of Early Alpha version as we begin to implement
ALE more heavily.

If you would like to verify your codeplug, or make sure that you have input all channels correctly, below is a
screenshot of the channels as they are set up in the codeplug file.

GhostNet Receive-Only Options
Persons limited by a lack of license or transceiver, but still desiring to participate in GhostNets can set up
a receive-only station to listen in on transmissions. Though there are many ways of doing this, a common
setup requires the following:
Needed Hardware
1 - Software Defined Radio with a Windows (or Linux) PC to run it: A simple SDR dongle can be configured
to receive HF radio transmissions. Some SDRs are more efficient on HF frequencies, but with an appropri-
ate antenna any SDR should be sufficient.
2 - HF Antenna: Suitable for the frequencies you wish to receive. HF antennas for receiving can be built
more easily than ones used for transmitting, and in a pinch a long, random length of wire will work (albeit,
not very well).
3 - GPS Receiver: A simple USB GPS dongle will function perfectly. You may need to install specific USB
drivers to allow it to function on your particular operation system.

Needed Software
1 - A simple SDR software package: A common option is SDR# (also known as SDRSharp). This will be used
for a variety of tasks, but mostly to ensure that your HF antenna and audio settings are functional.
2 - Virtual Audio Cable: A common option is VBAudio Cable. Radio signals are received by your SDR, where
they are displayed as audio. That audio has to be input into the appropriate software in order to be decoded.
If your radio isn’t “piped in” to software that will hear it, no communications will be heard. Since our SDR is
a device plugged in to a USB hub, we have to make this connection virtually, with software. VBAudio cable
is a simple software package to allow the audio from the SDR, to be input into JS8Call, instead of coming
out of your computer’s speakers.
3 - JS8Call: The main software package for decoding the bulk of our GhostNet signals, which use the JS8
protocol. This program will decode the audio that is fed into it (the audio that comes from your SDR) and
decode those digital signals into plain text.
4 - FLRig and FLDigi: Supplementary software that is similar to JS8 in that it decodes signals, but
instead of decoding the JS8 protocol, FLDigi decodes a variety of other signals, such as Ratio Teletype or
RTTY. This software will be needed for GhostNet comm windows that require decoding RTTY.
5 - BKTTimeSync: Software to set your computer’s time to accurate GPS time. Necessary to decode
JS8Call messages which rely on a very accurate clock.
6 - Zadig: Software to install the proper driver for your SDR device.

Simplified Setup Checklist for Receive-Only JS8Call

1 - Install SDR# and Complete Setup: Install SDR Software, install appropriate drivers for your SDR dongle.
2 - Open VBCable: Download VBAudio Cable, open the .exe file, and install the driver.
3 - Insert SDR, launch Driver Replacement: Plug in your antenna to the SDR, and insert your SDR into an
open USB port, and use the Zadig software to install the proper driver for your SDR (the Windows operating
system will automatically install the incorrect driver for most SDRs, so Zadig is needed to correct this
4 - Note Com Port: With your SDR dongle inserted into your PC, open Device Manager and ensure that your
SDR shows up under Ports. Note the Comm Port number.
5 - Open SDR#: Confirm the SDR is working by clicking Settings -> Device, and from the drop down menu,
select your SDR device. You should see signals coming in on the waterfall. This program is necessary to
receive signals using your SDR (if you don’t want to use FLRig/FLDigi). You can pipe the audio from SDR#
directly into JS8Call using VBCable.
6 - Install and open BKTTimeSync. This will sync your PC clock to the most accurate time. This is required
forJS8Call to decode messages. This app will require an internet connection (not ideal) or a GPS dongle/
internal GPS on your computer/tablet. Alternatively, you can use the Automatic Time Drift function in JS8.
7 - Install and Open JS8Call: Follow the prompts for installation. When prompted to select a rig, choose
“none”. Open File -> Settings -> Audio, and under the Input drop down menu, make sure to select the VBAu-
dio OUTPUT. Remember, your SDR (using the VBAudio cable software) is OUTPUTTING audio, which needs
to be piped in to the INPUT of JS8Call. This “connects” the audio cable so that JS8Call can hear the audio
signals that are being received by your SDR. You should now begin decoding JS8 signals.
8 - Install and open FLRig and FLDigi: These software packages can be set up in a similar fashion as
JS8Call. FLDigi can be used to send and receive RTTY messages (along with many other data modes). A
receive-only arrangement can be established using FLDigi as well. 27
Last-Ditch Receive-Only Options
Unfortunately, the sharp reality is that most people will simply not take the appropriate precautions to estab-
lish a comm plan before comms are lost. Most people will simply be caught unaware and uninformed in the
event of an incident of some kind taking out internet servers, cellular networks, or satellite ground control
stations. Nevertheless, how can we help these people at minimum receive some communications?
The tips below are a suggested standard for absolute last-ditch communications methods, to be used by
those who have not taken measures to get on HF radio.
You Still Need a Radio!
Preferably, prepared citizen should own a small battery powered Shortwave radio. These radios can usually
receive most radio transmissions on Earth. If you have a shortwave radio, here’s what’s worth monitoring:

The Gear
What You Can Receive Best Practices
You Have
- Global news reports - Try scanning every hour for the first 24 hrs
- Any voice comms transmitted by following an incident. Though this will burn through
hams on amateur freqs battery power, most shortwave receivers store the
- All commercial AM/FM signals frequencies on which they received transmissions.
- With a 3.5mm aux cable and In short, if you let your receiver scan for a while
a USB sound card, can be used (or run the scan function throughout the day, as
Simple as a primitive receiver for JS8/ band conditions change), it will build a library of
Shortwave FT8/RTTY messages (which are channels that you can quickly change between. Not
Receiver decoded on a computer). all shortwave receivers do this efficiently, so check
your specific model to determine if it’s worth it.
- At minimum, scan the airwaves with your receiver
at sunrise and sunset. This conserves maximum
battery power, and also creates a standard plan for
those who may be blindly transmitting to others in
their local area.
- All digital HF data modes SDRs have infinite uses. Scanning utilities are useful
- Most digital voice modes for local traffic. Can also be used to decode modes
Software - Almost every radio signal in like RTTY and JS8Call in listen-only modes. Requires
Defined Radio existence (depending on the SDR) a computer to process signals.
(with antenna - Weather satellite imagery
and Windows/ - Weather balloon data
Linux PC) - Aircraft ACARS data
- ADS-B/Mode S data
- Unencrypted, analog local radio When not used for limited communications, analog
Analog VHF/UHF traffic VHF/UHF radios are very useful for scanning local
Transceiver - NOAA Weather Radio freqs or monitoring local ham radio repeaters for
(Such as a - Local amateur radio repeaters information.
- Trunked radio signals, such as Scanning local radio traffic persistently is beneficial
public service traffic for local events. Be mindful of battery usage.
Handheld - All publicly available govern-
Scanner mental agency frequencies
- All common radio signals used
for voice communications.

GhostNet ____________

Template 29
GhostNet ____________

Template 30

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