BIO 102 Exam Questions

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Km 46/48 Lagos–Ibadan Expressway, Redemption City, Ogun State





2013/2014 SESSION


Section A : Answer all Questions

Section B: Answer all Questions

Section C: Answer one Question

Section D: Answer one Question



1. All these belong to the Cyanophyta except

a) Oscilltoria

b) Gleocapsa

c) Rivularia

d) Anabaena

e) Botryococcus

2. Liverworts, hornworts and mosses are all members of the....

a) Rhodophyta

b) Basidiomycota

c) Bryophyta

d) Pteridophyta
e) Phaeophyta

3. Which group of the fungi are referred to as the sac fungi…………

a) Glomeromycota

b) Ascomycota

c) Basidiomycota

d) Zygomycota

e) Urediniomycetes

4. Members of the …………………. are referred to as the Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi

a) Basidiomycota

b) Zygomycota

c) Urediniomycetes

d) Glomeromycota

e) Ustilaginomycetes

5. ………………….…. demonstrated that bacteria were responsible for fermentation and decay.

a) Anton Von Leewenhoek

b) Alexander Fleming

c) Louis Pasteur

d) Robert Koch

e) Christian Gram

6. Which of these organisms is acid fast

a) Salmonella typhi

b) Vibrio cholera

c) Bacillus anthracis

d) Mycobacterium leprae

e) Escherichia coli
7. The bacterial cell wall contains

a) Chitin

b) Glucan

c) Peptidoglycan

d) Griseofulvin

e) Giberellic acid

8. The largest of the algae belong to the ….

a) Chlorophyta

b) Rhodophyta

c) Phaeophyta

d) Euglenophyta

e) Desmids

9. ……………………… is the source of agar-agar used in laboratories

a) Gracilaria

b) Spirogyra

c) Fucus

d) Ectocarpus

e) Volvox

10. ………….. is a liverwort

a) Dropteris

b) Laminaria

c) Riccia

d) Selaginella

e) Pandorina

11. ……………………. Is referred to as a living fossil

a) Pteridium aquilinum

b) Ginkgo biloba

c) Gnetum africanum

d) Pinus oocarpa

e) Drynaria laurentii

12. Which of these does not belong to the Phylum Cycadophyta

a) Cycas revoluta

b) Zamia furfuracea

c) Dioon edule

d) Sequoiadenron giganteum

e) Stangeria eriopus

13. A carpel is made up of the stigma, ovary and ……………….

a) Calyx

b) Style

c) Corolla

d) Filament

e) Receptacle

14. In pteridophytes the sori are enclosed within special structures called ………………

a) Indusium

b) Sporophylls

c) Sorus

d) Gametangia

e) Antheridium

15. The giant Sequoia Sequoiadenron giganteum belongs to the

a) Coniferophyta

b) Cycadophyta

c) Gnetophyta

d) Gingkophyta

e) Spermatophyta

16. The male part of the flower is the ………….

a) Corolla

b) Pedicle

c) Ovule

d) Androecium

e) Gynoecium

17. After fertilization in the flower, the …………….. develops into the seed

a) Corolla

b) Calyx

c) Ovary

d) Style

e) Ovule

18. ………………….. are used as food supplements because of their iodine content

a) Sargassum

b) Marchantia

c) Kelps

d) Porphyra

e) Gelidium

19. …………………………. are referred to as the amphibians of the plant kingdom

a) Gymnosperms
b) Bryophytes

c) Pteridophytes

d) Algae

e) Diatoms

20. Which of these is the largest living organism on earth

a) Whale

b) Sargassum

c) Sequoiadenron giganteum

d) Ginkgo biloba

e) Iroko (Milicia excelsa)

21…………………. Is referred to as the maiden hair tree

a) Milicia excelsa

b) Podocarpus milanjianus

c) Ginkgo biloba

d) Gnetum africanum

e) Pinus oocarpa

For questions 22-25 Answer True or False

22. In the Bryophytes, the dominant phase is the Gametophyte. True or False

23. In monocots, the venation of leaves is parallel. True or False

24. The Microsporidia unlike other fungi lack mitochondria, peroxisomes and centrioles. True or

25. The most diverse fungi are the Ascomycota. True or False

26. The ___________ serves as a hydroskeleton in nematodes and rotifers. (Ceolom, Pseudocoel,
rods, gills)
27. __________ means spiny skins (Reptiles, Amphibians, Echinoderms, Annelids)
28. The only Arthropods with 2 pairs of antennae are the _________ (Crustaceans, Insects,
Arachnids, Millipeds)
29. A tongue-like organ used by Molluscs to rasps away food destined for the gut is called________
30. ___________ and ________help to strengthen the bodies of the sponges
31. The ___________is used for buoyancy in bony fishes
32. ____________________________________respiration supplement the use of lungs in
33. Which of these roll into a flat coil. Milleped or centipede
34. Vertebrates are also called the ______________ chordates because their brains are encased
within the skull.
35. The turbellarians are parasitic Platyhelminthes. True or false
36. What type of skeleton is found in Nematodes. ____________ skeleton
37. Hagfish and lamprey are examples of ______fishes
38. Which of these is not a mammal a. Whale, b. Rats c. Bats, d. Eagles.
39. The inconspicous third eye on top of the head of Rhyncocephalis (Tautaras) is called

(20 marks)

SECTION B: Answer all Questions

1 a) Describe the process of sexual reproduction in Spirogyra (7 marks)

b) Outline the different Phyla of Algae (3 marks)

c). Mention two differences between ;

i. Toads and frogs
ii. Cartilaginous fishes and bony fishes
iii. Old world monkeys and new world monkey (6 marks)

d). Write short notes on the 3 groups of mammals (6 marks)

e). Describe the functions of the mantle found in the Class Bivalvia (Molluscs) (3 marks)

SECTION C: Answer one question from this section

2a) Are monocots different from dicots? Explain (5 marks)

b) Draw and label the common moss Funaria hygrometrica (5 marks)

c) Differentiate between Pandorina and Eudorina (3 marks)

d) What is double fertilization? (2 marks)

3 a) Describe the life cycle of a typical Fern (5 marks)

b) Outline six economic importance of the algae (3 marks)

b) Draw and label a typical flower (5 marks)

d) Which pigments are responsible for the red and brown colours of the Rhodophyta and
Phaeophyta (2 marks)

SECTION D: Answer one question from this section

4. a). Describe the amniotic egg found in reptiles (4 marks)

b). Mention any 2 general characteristics of the Chelicerates and describe a special feature of
spiders ( 6 marks)

5. a). Mention the 4 characteristics of chordates exhibited at some point in their life history (4

b). Describe the radula of molluscss (3 marks)

c). Describe the wings of insects (3 marks)

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