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All content following this page was uploaded by René Schenkendorf on 28 May 2015.
Institute of Transportation Systems, German Aerospace Center (DLR e.V.), Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108 Braunschweig, Germany
{rene.schenkendorf, joern.groos}
important RAMS-killers and the track geometry as well as rail jima, Matsumoto, & Mizuma, 2010; Molodova et al., 2011))
head quality as the most important cost drivers (International as well as track geometry (e.g. (Kawasaki & Youcef-Toumi,
Union of Railways (UIC), 2010). The recent approach to in- 2002; Feldmann, Kreuzer, & Pinto, 2000; M. Kobayashi, Na-
crease RAMS and to reduce costs is to establish optimized ganuma, Nakagawa, & Okumura, 2008; Weston, Ling, Good-
condition-based preventive maintenance strategies in the field man, et al., 2007; Weston, Ling, Roberts, et al., 2007)). The
of Prognostics ans Health Management (PHM). The task of a different approaches differ in the applied data analysis method-
modern railway condition monitoring is therefore to provide ologies. The common approaches are based on model-free
a sufficient data base of reliable condition information. Once time domain, frequency domain or time-frequency analyses of
the current infrastructure condition can be reliably monitored the time domain acceleration data (e.g. (Caprioli, Cigada, &
and assessed, the future trend of infrastructure degradation Raveglia, 2007; Molodova et al., 2014; Feldmann et al., 2000;
is of utmost interest in condition based preventive mainte- Naganuma, Kobayashi, & Okumura, 2010)) as well as model-
nance. For instance, by applying suitable degradation mod- based inversion methods (e.g. (T. Kobayashi, Naganuma, &
els the remaining useful life (RUL) of technical devices (e.g. Tsunashima, 2013; Kawasaki & Youcef-Toumi, 2002; Weston,
switch engines, signals) or critical track defects (e.g. track Ling, Goodman, et al., 2007)).
settlement/misalignment, rail fatigue) of rail segments under
study can be prognosticated. Subsequently, ongoing mainte-
nance actions can be re-scheduled optimally taking account of
the actual infrastructure condition. Nowadays, rail condition
monitoring is typically done in fixed time intervals by vi-
sual inspection, with manually operated measurement devices
(hand-held, trolleys) or with measurement systems mounted
on dedicated measurement trains. The recent developments to
improve rail condition monitoring are to replace visual inspec-
tion by automatic procedures and to replace manually operated (a) Squat-type failure (b) Corrugation
measurement systems by autonomous systems mounted on
trains. These improvements reduce significantly the costs and Figure 1. Two snapshots of different rail surface failures.
track possession time for condition monitoring. At the same
time, condition monitoring systems to be installed on in-line
commercial trains are developed to further reduce costs and The analyses by inversion methods are typically applied to
to provide a nearly continuous monitoring of railway track accelerations measured at the bogie or the car body which are
condition. Main foci for in-line condition monitoring systems significantly influenced by the damping systems of the railway
are the two main costs drivers: defects of the rail head / rolling vehicles. Especially the utilization of car body accelerations is
contact fatigue (e.g. head-checks, squats, corrugation (Fig. of high interest, as these can be measured with very low effort
1)) and misalignments of track geometry (vertical and lateral even by small portable measurement systems (e.g. (Mori et al.,
track alignment, gauge). One approach is the migration of 2013)). Nevertheless, inversion analyses depend on a careful
(expensive) measurement systems from dedicated measure- selection of parameters influencing the model outcome. Thus,
ment trains to a small number of commercial in-line trains. a parameter sensitivity analysis should be mandatory in this
This approach typically implies a significant shortening of context and deserves a detailed explanation. This paper is
the maintenance intervals for the equipped in-line vehicles. focused on the application of model-based analyses of the dy-
Another approach is the development of comparably low-cost namic reactions of a rail vehicle to assess the condition of the
railway track condition monitoring systems based on MEMS rail surface (e.g. corrugation, squats). In particular, it is shown
sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes and microphones) which how global parameter sensitivities can be calculated efficiently
can be installed with low maintenance effort on usual in-line by combining Polynomial Chaos Expansion and Point Esti-
freight and passenger trains (e.g. (Ward et al., 2011; Lee, mate Method principles. Some illustrative, preliminary results
Choi, Kim, Park, & Kim, 2012; Naganuma et al., 2013b; and the conclusion complete this manuscript.
Molodova, Li, Nunez, & Dollevoet, 2014; Mori, Sato, Ohno,
Tsunashima, & Saito, 2013; Bocciolone, Caprioli, Cigada, & 3. M ODELING OF THE V EHICLE DYNAMICS
Collina, 2007; Weston, Ling, Roberts, et al., 2007)). These The dynamic response of the vehicle dynamic might be de-
systems are based on the idea to utilize the dynamic train-track- scribed by mechanical vehicle suspension systems. These
interaction caused by track defects for condition monitoring systems may include the full vehicle-body motion up to single
(e.g. (R. B. Lewis & Richards, 1986; R. Lewis & Richards, axis movements (Fig. 2) known as quarter-vehicle models
1988)). The feasibility of this basic idea is proved by a number (Imine, 2011; Naganuma, Kobayashi, & Tsunashima, 2013a).
of numerical as well as experimental studies for defects of the For instance, the governing equations for a quarter-vehicle
rail (e.g. (Sunaga, Sano, & Ide, 1997; Mori, Tsunashima, Ko- system are given as:
mus ẍus = ks (xs − xus ) + c(ẋs − ẋus )+ (1)
kus (u(t) − xus )
Track Irregularity in mm
Direction of travel
ks c mus
mus 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
xus Time in s
(a) Simulated track irregularity, u(t).
Inversion +
Inverse Model
Input Output
(Acceleration Data)
Acceleration in m/s²
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time in s
Figure 4. Workflow of Model Inversion: The DLR two-way vehicle RailDriVE is affected by the track quality. The resulting
vehicle response given by acceleration data in combination with the inverse model is used to recalcualted the track quality.
4. M ODEL I NVERSION BY I NVERSE S IMULATION input matrix B, the output matrix C, and the feedthrough
matrix D.
The objective of model-based inverse solutions is to recal-
culate the time history of inputs which had caused a given Applied to the suspension system (Eq. (1)) the corresponding
model output result. These recalculated inputs might be ap- matrices assuming ẋ = [ẍs , ẍus , ẋs , ẋus ]> and y = ẍs are:
plied to vehicles to follow a predefined trajectory (Thomson
& Bradley, 2006) or to force technical systems to desired op-
c c ks ks
erating conditions (Graichen, Hagenmeyer, & Zeitz, 2005). − ms −m
ms s ms
In this contribution, however, the intention is a different one.
A =
mus − mcus ks
mus − (ksm+kus )
Here, the focus is to recalculate model inputs which are as- 1 0 0 0
sociated to the rail track quality, i.e. rail surface failures (e.g. 0 1 0 0
squats and corrugations) and rail track misalignments. As rail
irregularities impact the mechanical train/vehicle suspension 0
system, acceleration measurements of the resulting vehicle B = mus
dynamic might be used to reconstruct the actual track quality
by a model inversion strategy. 0
h i
ks ks
C = − mcs c
ms −m s ms
For the special case of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems D = [0]
the model can be represented in its state-space form:
ẋ = Ax + Bu Within the inverse simulation concept the original model is
(2) extended by a feedback control loop (Murray-Smith, 2011).
y = Cx + Du
For the purpose of illustration the state-space model is trans-
where u ∈ Rnu and y ∈ Rny are the systems inputs and the fered into the transfer function first, i.e. applying Laplace
outputs, respectively. The system states are given by x ∈ Rnx . Transformation:
The system matrices are known as the dynamic matrix A, the
mapping problem: mean and higher moments (e.g. skewness or kurtosis) are
η = g(θ) (8) neglected. Unsurprisingly, a parameter which cause a strong
In particular, the simulation result, η ∈ Rnη , may express offset/bias onto the model-based result but contributes less to
the vehicle dynamic (forward simulation; η := y) and the rail the response variance might be important for the model per-
quality (inverse simulation; η := u), respectively. The model formance, too. Alternatively, so-called moment-independent
parameters (e.g. stiffness coefficients and damping constants) importance measures have been recently introduced in the field
are given as elements of vector θ ∈ Rnθ . Depending on the of GSA (Borgonovo, 2007) analyzing the entire probability
test case, g(·) represents the classical feedforward model (e.g. density function instead of isolated statistical moments.
Eq. (1)) and the inverse model (e.g. Eq. (7)), respectively. The The moment-independent global sensitivity analysis (MI-GSA)
impact of the ith model parameter onto the simulation result aims to identify the impact of a parameter, [θ]i , onto the model-
can be determined by a global sensitivity analysis. based result and its probability density distribution (PDF),
In most global sensitivity analysis (GSA) methods the uncer- respectively (Fig. 7). Explicitly, the difference between the un-
tainty of model parameters is addressed explicitly, i.e. model- conditional PDF, pdf (η), and a conditional PDF, pdf (η|[θ]i ),
based results and parameters are considered as random vari- is determined according to:
ables. Most often as well as in this study, the uncertainty is Z
represented by general second-order random variables (ran- s([θ]i ) = |pdf (η) − pdf (η|[θ]i )|dη (9)
dom variables of finite variance), i.e. [θ]i ∈ L2 (Ω, F, P). The Ω
set Ω is a sample space, F is an appropriate σ-algebra on
Ω, and P is a probability measure (Grigoriu, 2002). Com- To address the uncertainty of [θ]i the expected value of s([θ]i )
monly, the global sensitivity is quantified by the analysis of has to be analyzed:
variance (ANOVA principle). While operating in a pure prob- Z
abilistic framework, the basic idea of so-called Sobol’ Indices E [s([θ]i )] = pdf ([θ]i )s([θ]i )d[θ]i (10)
(SI-GSA) is to identify the variance contribution that each Ω
parameter, [θ]i , adds to the variance of the model-based result,
η. Finally, the normalized importance measure of MI-GSA (Borgonovo,
2007) is given by:
η S[θ]
S[θ] η
1,2,3 1
S[θ] δi = E [s([θ]i )] (11)
1,3 2
Similar to the Sobol’ Indices, an insensitive factor has an
η Sobol’Indices importance measure close to zero and the overall sum holds
S[θ] 1,2 the inequality:
(Normalized nθ
Variance η δi ≤ 1 (12)
of η) S[θ]3 i=1
To sum up MI-GSA is an appropriate concept for the pur-
η Sobol’Indices pose of sensitivity analysis, its numerical calculation, however,
S[θ]1 might be a challenge. In most cases, the required probability
density functions cannot be calculated analytically and have to
be derived numerically, e.g. by Kernel density approximations.
This is achieved by a large number of model runs representing
Figure 6. Sobol’ Indices illustrated by a generic 3-dimensional the variation of the uncertain parameters. In case of cpu-
parameter problem, θ ∈ R3 . intensive model evaluations this might be prohibitive due to
limited cpu-power and time, respectively. A remedy might be
to evaluate handy surrogate functions, ĝ(·), instead. Here, the
To address the joint impact of uncertain parameters (Fig. 6) Polynomial Chaos Expansion comes into play and is applied
higher-order Sobol’ Indices can be derived additionally. For to bypass potential cpu-intensive processes as indicated in Fig.
more details see (Saltelli, Ratto, Tarantola, & Campolongo, 8. The basics of PCE and its efficient parameterization by the
2005; Sobol’, 1993) and references therein. Point Estimate Method are described in the sequel.
Obviously, SI-GSA takes the variance contribution into con-
sideration solely. Hence effects caused by variations of the
Probability Density Function
pdf (η)
pdf (η|[θ]i ) Bypass Processing
s([θ]i )
Default Processing
-5 0 5 10 15
Model-based result, η
Exponential(λ) − λ1 log 12 + 12 erf [ξ]
Such an isoprobabilisitic transform (Sudret, 2007) can also
be applied to incorporate non-parametric empirical PDFs
(Schöniger, Nowak, & Franssen, 2012) as well. Thus an effi-
cient sampling strategy for (standard) Gaussian distributions is −4
−4 −2 0 2 4
of utmost significance within the proposed framework of sen-
sitivity analysis. For this purpose the Point Estimate Method
is tailor-made and explained in the sequel.
Figure 9. Bivariate standard Gaussian distribution: Contour
plot superimposed by sample points generated by PEM3( , )
7. P OINT E STIMATE M ETHOD and PEM5( , , ), respectively.
In the last two decades the so-called Unscented Transforma-
tion (UT) introduced by Julier and Uhlmann in 1994 (Julier &
Uhlmann, 1994) has become the gold standard in non-linear
filtering. The roots of UT, however, date back more than 60 Now, an nξ -dimensional integration problem can be solved
years in time (Tyler, 1953). In detail, Point Estimate Meth- approximatively by a weighted superposition of function eval-
ods (PEM) had been introduced to solve multi-dimensional uations at these deliberately chosen sample points according
integration problems over symmetrical regions, e.g. symmet- to:
ric probability density functions (Evans, 1967, 1974). Due Z 2nξ
to this symmetry, numerical integration techniques can be X
g(ξ)pdfξ dξ ≈ w0 g(ξ0 ) + w1 g(ξk ) (20)
derived which scale polynomially (quadratic or cubic) to n- Ω k=1
dimensional integration problems (e.g. Eq. (15)). Essentials of
PEM are briefly reviewed in the sequel following annotations As only a finite number of raw moments of the input random
given in (Tyler, 1953; Lerner, 2002). variable, ξ, is considered, a non-linear function, g(·), is approx-
The main idea of PEM as a sampling approach is to generate imated by monomials of finite degree (Evans, 1967; Lerner,
sample points, ξk , by permuting at most one element of ξ ∈ 2002). For the proposed sampling strategy (Eqs. (19)-(20))
Rnξ at once as: monomials up to order three are approximated correctly and
[ξk ]i := [ξ0 ]i ± ϑ (19) consequently labeled as PEM3 in what follows.
Due to combinatorics 2nξ sample points can be derived addi- Moreover, the general precision of the PEM approach can
tionally to the original random vector, ξ0 = E[ξ]. To deter- be increased gradually by incorporating an increased sample
mine the permutation constant, ϑ, and the associated sampling number and considering higher order raw moments of ξ, re-
weights, wi , the first raw statistical moments of ξ are utilized spectively. Hence an approximation scheme can be applied
(Lerner, 2002) and read as: which represents monomials of g(·) correctly up to the preci-
sion of 5 via: vehicle response (Eq. (3)) by means of the frequency response,
Z Bode Diagram (Fig. 10), it can be seen that: i) Excluding sta-
g(ξ)pdfξ dξ ≈ w0 g(ξ0 )+ tionary changes (very low frequencies) both sensor setups, i.e.
acceleration data of the unsprung mass and the sprung mass,
2nξ 2nξ (nξ −1) (21)
X X respectively, are feasible configurations. ii) Track irregularities
w1 g(ξk ) + w2 g(ξf ) impact the unsprung mass at most, i.e. associated acceleration
k=1 f =1
data are more informative. Thus data of the unsprung mass
The approximation scheme given in Eq. (21) is labeled as might be preferable in theory.
PEM5 subsequently. In this case, the number of generated In this study, however, the focus is on acceleration data of the
sample points correlates to 2n2ξ + 1 for a nξ -dimensional sprung mass for the simple reason that the sensor hardware can
integration problem. For the purpose of parametrization of wi be installed inside of the vehicle body and maintained easily -
and ϑ an equation system can be derived taking into account a basic requirement for the intended purpose of a continuously
monomials of degree 5 or less (Lerner, 2002). operating rail condition monitoring system on a large number
The four unknowns can be uniquely determined as: of commercial in-line trains.
Bode Diagram
ϑ = 3 100
n2ξ − 7nξ
Magnitude (dB)
w0 = 1+
18 50
4 − nξ
w1 =
1 0
w2 =
100 101 102 103 104
Resulting sample points, for example, are illustrated in Fig.
(9) for a bivariate standard Gaussian distribution.
Phase (deg)
In summary, the proposed PEM5 framework provides a trade- 45
off between accuracy and computational demands and is ap- 0
plied in subsequent considerations for this very reason. The −45
deliberately chosen sample points can be applied to determine −90
the PCE coefficients (Eq. (15)) efficiently. In so doing, Sobol’ 100 101 102 103 104
Indices might be derived immediately by the PCE coefficients Frequency (rad/sec)
(Sudret, 2007; Alexanderian, 2013) at a total cost of 2n2ξ + 1
function evaluations. As conditional probabilities have to be
incorporated in case of MI-GSA explicitly, the overall sample Figure 10. Bode Diagram of the proposed quarter-vehicle
model assuming the acceleration of the sprung mass (Gs ) and
number scales cubically (while eliminating redundant identical the unsprung mass (Gus ) as the system output, respectively.
Track Irregularity in mm
-2 -1.95 -1.9 -1.85 -1.8 -1.75
Track Irregularity in mm
Figure 12. Histogram of the recalculated track irregularity (t =
7s) representing the uncertainty induced by model parameter
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time in s
Figure 11. Benchmark of the original and the recalculated In a similar way, the associated model parameter sensitivities
track irregularity: Almost no differences can be seen. (MI-GSA) are derived at a total cost of 27 (Eq. (22)) cpu-
intensive inverse simulations (Eq. (7)). Any subsequent cal-
culation is based on easily to evaluate PCE model surrogates
To be more realistic, it is assumed that the stiffness constants (Eq. (14)). For instance, parameter sensitivities associated to
and the damping constant are only vaguely known, i.e. these 3 the recalculated track quality are illustrated in Fig. 13 for time
model parameters are described by random variables (Tab. 3). point t = 7s.
Obviously, the stiffness constant ks has the strongest impact
Table 3. Assumed parameter uncertainties following a Gaus-
sian distribution, [θ]i ∼ N (µi , σi ). onto the recalculated track quality at t = 7s. Minor contribu-
tions of the parameters kus , c, and parameter combinations
Mean Value Standard Deviation {ks , kus , c} can also be detected. In consequence, the model
µks = ks σks = 1/3ks parameter ks has to be known as precisely as possible to ensure
µkus = kus σkus = 1/3kus a reliable recalculation of track irregularity maximum.
µc = c σc = 1/3c
8.2. Scenario 2: Classical Simulation
In this case, the uncertainty of the model parameters is trans- The proposed concept of an efficient global parameter sensitiv-
fered onto the model-based results. For instance, in Fig. 12 a ity analysis can also be applied to classical simulations, e.g. to
histogram of the recalculated track quality is illustrated at the simulate the vehicle response (Eq. (1)) for given artificial track
time point of maximum displacement (t = 7s) shown in Fig. quality configurations. Here, the same parameter uncertainties
11. This histogram is based on 100.000 accelerated Monte as in the previous study and the same track profile as shown
Carlo simulations, i.e. a truncated third-order PCE model in Fig. 11 are assumed. In Fig. 14 parameter sensitivities are
(Eq. (14)) is evaluated instead of the inverse model (Eq. (7)). shown of the simulated sprung mass acceleration at time point
Here, the parameterization of the PCE model was done by 9 t = 7s. Compared to the sensitivities derived for the inverse
(2n2ξ + 1; nξ = 3) evaluations of the original inverse model simulation, a different range of parameter sensitivities can be
which means a significant reduction in computational costs seen. Here, the stiffness parameter ks determines the simu-
(i.e. 100.000 runs of the cpu-intensive inverse model). In prin- lation result almost exclusively. In principle, it may happen
ciple, advanced sampling methods like Importance Sampling that a sensitive model parameter for the classical simulation is
and MCMC can be applied to the surrogate model as well to insensitive for the inverse simulation and vice versa. Thus in-
improve the overall computational time additionally. dividual sensitivity analysis studies for the inverse simulation
c,ks ,kus
c,ks ,kus
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Importance Measure, δi Importance Measure, δi
Figure 13. Sensitivity Analysis applied to the inverse simula- Figure 14. Sensitivity Analysis applied to the classical simu-
tion. lation.
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Schöniger, A., Nowak, W., & Franssen, H.-J. H. (2012). Pa- monitoring and prognostics of a pem fuel cell. Interna-
rameter estimation by ensemble kalman filters with tional Journal of Prognostics and Health Management,
transformed data: Approach and application to hy- 5.
draulic tomography. Water Resources Research, 48.
Sira-Ramirez, H., Matamoros-Sanchez, A., & Goodall, R. M.
(2011). Flatness based control of a suspension system: B IOGRAPHIES
A gpi observer approach. In 18th ifac world congress. René Schenkendorf René received his
Sobol’, I. M. (1993). Sensitivity analysis for nonlinear mathe- Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. in Engineering
matical models. Mathematical Modeling and Computa- Cybernetics from the Otto-von-Guericke-
tional Experiment, 1, 407–414. University Magdeburg, Germany in 2007
Sobol’, I., Tarantola, S., Gatelli, D., Kucherenko, S., & and 2014, respectively. From 2007 until
Mauntz, W. (2007). Estimating the approximation 2012 he had been a Ph.D. student at the Max
error when fixing unessential factors in global sensitiv- Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex
ity analysis. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Technical Systems in Magdeburg, Germany.
92(7), 957 - 960. Since 2013 he is with the German Aerospace Center at the
Stengel, R. F. (1994). Optimal control and estimation. Dover Institute of Transportation Systems in Brunswick, Germany.
Publications. His current research interests include data analysis, statisti-
Sudret, B. (2007). Uncertainty propagation and sensitivity cal process control, uncertainty propagation, and modeling in
analysis in mechanical models. Universite BLAISE PHM.
PASCAL - Clermont II.
Sunaga, Y., Sano, I., & Ide, T. (1997). A method to control the Jörn C. Groos Jörn received is diploma in
short wave track irregularities utilizing axlebox acceler- geophysics from the University of Karlsruhe,
ation. Railway Technical Research Institute, Quarterly Germany, in 2007 and his Dr. rer. nat. from
Reports, 38(4), 176–181. the faculty of physics of the Karlsruhe In-
Thomson, D., & Bradley, R. (2006). Inverse simulation stitute of Technology in 2010. Since 2014
as a tool for fight dynamics research - principles and he is with the German Aerospace Center at
applications. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 42, 174- the Institute of Transportation Systems in
210. Brunswick, Germany. His current research
Tyler, G. W. (1953). Numerical integration of functions of interests include data acquisition, data analysis, and pattern
several variables. Canadian Jn. Math., 5, 393-412. recognition for condition monitoring of railway tracks.