The Rubyville Schools Grade Three.

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The Rubyville Schools.

First term examination 2019/2020

Subject:- Home Economics Class:- Grade Three,
1. _________ and ______ are examples of traditional cleaning
materials (a) toothpaste and charcoal (b) chewing stick and salt (c)
liquid mouth wash and alum (d) hypo and water.
2. Using ___________ as a mouth wash can help in heal mouth soar
(a) sugar (b) magi (c) salt (d) pepper.
3. All of the options are dangers of not caring for the mouth except
(a) lack of mouth care may cause tooth decay (b) cause mouth
odour (c) make a loose some of his/her teeth (d) promote healthy
4. Daily care of the body is necessary _________ (a) sweating (b) too
much bathing (c) too much reading (d) eating balanced diet.
5. Maintaining personal _________ is one of the reasons for daily
care of the body (a) cleanliness (b) dirtiness (c) readiness (d)
6. Bathing, washing and wearing appropriate dress are _______
activities (a) schooling (b) grooming (c) growing (d) maintaining.
7. Good hygiene requires that we carry short and clean nails because
dirty nails harbor _____ (a) water (b) germ (c) thirst (d) fitness.
8. Dirty and bushy hair are not part of ________ hygiene (a) good (b)
bad (c) poor (d) no idea.
9. Wearing clean and neat clothes is one of the ways of maintaining a
healthy body (a) Yes (b) No (c) not sure (d) none of the above.
10. We must always remember to wash our hands with soap after using
the ____________(a) bedroom (b) kitchen (c) toilet (d) bathroom.
11. The condition of your hair depends on the food you eat, heredity and
________ (a) your kind of exercise (b) where your sleep (c) amount of
water you drink (d) proper care.
12. The human hair like a mass of __________ that grows on the head or
body (a) fine rope (b) cable wire (c) fine thread (d) macaroni.
13. _______ and _______are examples of human hair (a) wavy and
charcoal hair (b) straight and kinking hair (c) curly and long hair (d)
straight and round hair.
14. Which of the following appear as scales on scalp (a) lice (b) migraine
(c) dandruff (d) ezema.
15. To avoid ringworm keep bedspread and pillow case _________ (a)
wet (b) clean (c) dirty (d) dry.
16. _______ have on the human cuticle and feed on the affected person
blood (a) ringworm (b) earthworm (c) dandruff (d) lice.
17. People may get ringworm by direct contract or by indirect contract
which is ________ (a) skin to skin (b) eating and drinking (c) breathing
in an open space (d) contract with surface or an object.
18. The skin is the _______ covering of the human body (a) inner (b) fat
(c) outer (d) internal.
19. The part of the skin that we bath with soap and rub with cream is
called ______ (a) hypoderms (b) epidermis (c) dermis (d) skin.
20. The second layer of the skin is called __________ (a) dandruff (b)
dermis (c) follicle (d) body.
21. The part of the mouth that pours saliva into the mouth is called
_______ (a) tooth (b) gum (c) muscles (d) salivary.
22. The hard white objects in the mouth are used for _______ and
_______ (a) biting and chewing (b) chewing and singing (c) biting and
beating (d) none of the above.
23. The human mouth is also called ________ (a) stomach (b) trunk (c)
cuticle (d) oral cavity.
24. __________ is used for scrubbing the body in order to have a clean
skin (a) water (b) powder (c) sponge (d) cloth.
25. Powder is used on the face to makes it ________ and ______ (a)
rough and dirty (b) smooth and beautiful (c) smelly and shiny (d) hard
and clean.
26. The most problematic and fragile skin is called _______(a) normal
skin (b) sensitive skin (c) oily skin (d) dry skin.
27. _______ is the type of skin that does not produce enough sebum or
fat (a) dry skin (b) oily skin (c) sensitive skin (d) normal skin.
28. ______ hair has ‘S’ shape (a) straight (b) kinky (c) curly (d) fine hair.
29. When we neglect or fail to take good care of our hair, it can be
become infected with _______, ______ or _______ (a) lice, dandruff
and ringworm (b) mosquito, lice and dandruff (c) ringworm, lice and
earthworm (d) birds, lice and spider.
30. The human skin protect _______ and _______ (a) shoe and bones (b)
soap and muscles (c) bones and internal organs (d) none of the above.
Section B.
Answer any 4 questions.
1a. Define the human skin.
b. List 3 layers of human skin.
c. Mention 3 types of human skin you have been taught.
2a.What is grooming activities.
b. Mention 8 types of grooming activities.
3a. Define the human mouth.
b. State 5 parts of the mouth.
c. List 3 traditional mouth cleaning materials.
4a. Describe how the human hair look like.
b. Mention the 4 types of human hair.
c. State 5 materials for hair care and cleaning.
5. Mention 3 ways each of caring for hands and feet.
The Rubyville Schools.
First term examination 2019/2020
Subject:- AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Class:- Grade Three,
1.__________ is the regular pattern of weather conditions of a place
(a)sunshine (b) moon light (c) climate (d) weather.
2.Climate take several ______ to change in a place or region (a) mouth
(b) days (c) people (d) years.
3.Areas that are close to the ______ have higher temperature than areas
farther away (a) equator (b) moon (c) land (d) lagos.
4.________ is the amount of moisture in the atmosphere (a) cloud
cover (b) humidity (c) altitude (d) sunlight.
5.When there is much _______ the amount of sun heating the earth
reduces and this lower the temperature (a) air (b) sun (c) cloud (d)
6.Which of these crops is not common with rainforest region? (a) neem
tree (b) banana (c) oil palm (d) timber.
7.Areas with lots of rain described as _____ (a) savannah area (b) rain
forest (c) arid region (d) semi arid region.
8._______ talks about natural sharing of crops as a result of the climate
in the area (a) agric science (b) farming (c) cash crops (d)
9.The types of crops that requires less _________ are planted in semi-
arid region (a) sun (b) moon (c) dew (d) water.
10. ________ is an area with wide flat land that is covered with
grasses, shrubs and few trees (a) rainforest (b) climate (c) savannah
(d) semi-arid.
11. _______ and _____ are examples of crops planted in savannah
areas (a) banana and coffee (b) maize and millet (c) fish and cocoa
(d) cassava and yam.
12. There are more small animals than large animals in the _______
(a) savannah (b) tropical (c) rainfall (d) rain forest.
13. Which of these grasses can be found in the savannah? (a) termite
grass (b) cockroach grass (c) lion grass (d) elephant grass.
14. Plants have simple needs like _____, ____, and ______ (a) light,
air good soil and water (b) oil, salt, light and water (c) rain, weed,
water and good soil (d) air, sand, water and cloud.
15. An animal that kills and eats another animals that is called a
________ (a) predator (b) producer (c) peacock (d) porcupine.
16. ________ helps to enrich the soil in order to promote plant growth
(a) weeds (b) climate (c) manure (d) seed.
17. Removal of unwanted plants or grasses from a pieces of farm land
is called _________ (a) maturing (b) transplanting (c) increasing (d)
18. A place where new plants are grown in seedlings is known as (a)
secondary (b) nursery (c) primary (d) tertiary.
19. Seedlings are ready for transplanting when they have grown about
_______ leaves (a) 15-20 (b) 4-6 (c) 6-10 (d) 1-2.
20. Raising healthy and well grown seedlings in the nursery is
essential for the success of a _________ or farm (a) home (b) school
(c) market (d) garden.
21. The covering of the ground with any plant material to protect the
roots of plants is known as ________ (a) pruning (b) covering (c)
mulching (d) maturing.
22. Newly transplanted seedlings should be ______ regularly (a)
watered (b) dried (c) cut off (d) ignored.
23. Watering keeps the soil _______ enough for the plants to grow (a)
moist (b) deep (c) dried (d) hot.
24. Removing weak disease infected or pests damaged plants from the
nursery beds is known as ______ (a) mulching (b) pruning (c)
transplanting (d) seedlings.
25. Transplanting is done on a cool day either in the ___________ or
________ (a) afternoon or night (b) weekend or Mondays (c)
morning or afternoon (d) morning or evening.
26. Sowing seed at the proper depth and spaces ensures proper
________ (a) harvesting (b) flowering (c) growth (d) steming.
27. Ornamental crops should be grown or sited in ______ and _____
position (a) a closed and sunny (b) a hidden and sunny (c) dirty and
sunny (d) an open and sunny.
28. ________ clearing is the first thing to do before planting (a) house
(b) land (c) harvesting (d) mulching.
29. _______ and ______ simple farm implements (a) hoe and sickle
(b) book and rake (c) shovel and pen (d) cutlass and spatula.
30. Large animals like ________ can turn a forest into a savannah by
knocking trees down and trampling on tree seedlings (a) elephant (b)
mice (c) cow (d) goat.
Section B.
1a.Write six animals that can be found in savannah region.
b. Write six animals that can be found in rain forest region.
2a. What is an ornamental crops.
b. Mention the 5 steps in grooming ornamental.
3a. Define climate.
b. State 4 factors of climate.
4. Briefly define the following.
i. rainforest area.
ii. savannah area.
iii. semi-arid area.
5a. What is a plant nursery?
b. List ways of raising seedlings in the nursery.

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