Plan 4 G 17 02 20
Plan 4 G 17 02 20
Plan 4 G 17 02 20
Learning objectives(s) pronounce an increasing range of words, short phrases and
that this lesson is simple sentences intelligibly
contributing to spell most familiar high-frequency words accurately when
writing independently use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often,
always, never to indicate when and how often, begin to use
simple adverbs of manner example given well, badly, use
common -ly manner adverbs to describe actions example given
slowly, quickly
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pronounce topic related expressions, recognise and ask
question about illnesses and use adverbs of time and frequency
sometimes, often, always, never with teacher’s and visual
Most of learners will be able to:
Planned Interacti Planned activities Resources
timings on
Start (W) Lead in: Good morning! take colored cards colored cards
5 min and sit in 3 groups of 5.
(Children sit in groups)
3 (G) FA Here are cards, Find the right word and worksheet №1
tick. Make up a word
Criterion: Children are able to match new
words with picture 1 point for the each right
word and make a word hygiene:
Descriptors: match words with picture
Headache- головная боль
Stomach ache- боль в животе
Toothache- зубная боль
Cold - простуда
Cough -кашель
Sore throat – воспаленное горло
Medicine – лекарство Interactive board
Make word hygiene slide 3
Additional information
Differentiation – how do Assessment – how are Cross-curricular links
you plan to give more you planning to check Health and safety check
support? How do you plan learners’ learning? ICT links
to challenge the more able Values links