HCL - Functional Requirements Mapping - Ver0.5
HCL - Functional Requirements Mapping - Ver0.5
HCL - Functional Requirements Mapping - Ver0.5
Supported as delivered "out-of-the-box"
Supported via modifications (screen configurations, reports, GUI
tailoring, etc)
Supported via customization (changes to source code)
Not supported
Critical (C), Desirable (D), or Nice to Have (N)
Critical (C): The functionality is vital for NIC to run its business.
Desirable (D): The functionality is desirable for NIC to meet its
strategic objectives.
Nice To Have (N): This is an optional functionality.
Oracle Financials 79.71 10.14 10.14 0.00 100.00
PeopleSoft HRMS 85.93 5.19 8.89 0.00 100.00
Siebel CRM 60.23 19.32 20.45 0.00 100.00
Oracle Portal 97.50 2.50 0.00 0.00 100.00
Oracle IDM 97.87 2.13 0.00 0.00 100.00
Oracle SOA 97.22 2.78 0.00 0.00 100.00
Hyperion 41.46 58.54 0.00 0.00 100.00
REBI 93.02 2.33 4.65 0.00 100.00
OBIEE 85.26 12.63 1.05 0.00 98.95
Platforms -Gen req 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
Platforms -DB 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
Platforms -DW 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
ETL 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
MDM 86.96 0 4.35 8.70 100.00
MRM_DQ_DM 61.40 7.02 3.51 21.05 92.98
ID Functional Requirements - Enterpris Priority SUP MOD CST NS Remarks
General Requirements
Oracle General Ledger (OGL), part of the Oracle Financials suite, is a single repository for all accounting
information for the company. OGL provides unique features that help managing the company’s accounting
information in one single place - like Flexible Chart of Accounts (CoA) design, automated journal processing and
financial consolidation & closing process etc. The design of a CoA structure is key to delivering the complex
statutory & management reporting requirements of NIC. OGL provides a very flexible CoA structure comprising of
up to 30 segments, which can be configured to capture financial information about different dimensions as per
the business needs of NIC, from different sources. Each segment can contain segment values comprising of up
to 25 alphanumeric characters, thus providing unmatched strength and flexibility in managing information about
all dimensions of the business. This flexibility allows for configuring a thin or a thick general ledger as per
business needs.
Should be a comprehensive package An unlimited parent-child roll up hierarchy further provides for comprehensive segmental reporting at various
catering to all accounting and levels of the organizational tree. The integrated ledger architecture guarantees data integrity, audit ability, and
reporting needs of the NIC at various control. It simultaneously maintains all financial balances—including actual, budget, summary, foreign currency,
levels (Operating Office, Regional statistical, and average balances—in a single balanced ledger. OGL automatically synchronizes and updates
Office, Head Office, Processing detail and summary balances with a single posting process, rendering accurate reports immediately available.
FIN1 Centres, etc.) C X
Should allow centralization of the
accounts function at Accounts All accounting from multiple offices and systems can potentially be interated into one single repository, Oracle
FIN2 Processing
Should haveCentre
a Reinsurance C X General Ledger. Please refer to the response in FIN1
Accounting module to facilitate RI
accounting at the Accounts RI functionality is not supported in Oracle Finance. However, Accounting entries can be captured from RI system
FIN3 Processing Centre C X to Oracle Finance.
Oracle Payables (OP), a component of the Oracle Financials suite will serve as a centralized payment
workbench for all the invoices of NIC. OP has the flexibility to create single disbursements for immediate payment
needs or to create payment batches. If you routinely create the same groups of payments you can schedule the
automatic initiation of your payment batches. You can also manage how you group your payments using flexible
criteria to select which customers / suppliers / agents you want to pay and what payment method you want to
use. In case of vendor payments, OP helps ensure that you take all favorable discounts while at the same time
Should allow centralized payments of preventing duplicate or unauthorized payments.
claims, commissions, various service
charges, etc. OP supports local tax calculation and reporting needs. For example, OP has support for automated calculation
and accounting of partially recoverable and non-recoverable value-added tax (VAT) and withholding tax. You can
capture VAT detail on expense report receipts to allow for reporting and reclamation of VAT.
OP also lets you issue future dated payments and automatically manage the accounting issues of liability relief
FIN4 C X and payment maturity.
Oracle General Ledger can be designed to act as the single repository of all accounting information from multiple
systems and processes. The level of granularity at which this information is captured can be decided at the time
Should be capable of addressing all of implementation. The company has two options, one to configure a thick GL, which would essentially capture all
transaction accounting needs such transaction level details into the repository. Second option is to configure a 'thin' GL - capturing summary
as receipts, payments, etc. at all information that would be useful in management and financial reporting. Having said this, all accounting, from
FIN5 offices of the Company C X receipts and payments from all offices will be stored in Oracle General Ledger
OGL comes with an integrated reporting solution called as the Financial Statement Generator (FSG) that
improves the timeliness and accuracy of financial reporting. It's reusable and interchangeable report components
allow you to mix and match existing rows and columns to create entirely new financial or management reports in
seconds. FSG supports different output options, including eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), text,
PDF, HTML, and spreadsheet outputs. Additionally, it allows you to give your reports a customized look with no
programming effort required—you can easily apply multiple layouts to the same report to include different font
colors, corporate logos, headers and footers. With FSG, you can:
Should be able to generating all · Generate financial reports, such as income statements and balance sheets, based upon data in your general
standard accounting reports at every ledger
accounting center (individual offices · Define security rules to restrict financial information contained in FSG report output generated by specific users
and processing centres) for the and responsibilities.
purpose of audit and profit-centre · Define your reports with reusable report objects, making it easy to create new reports from the components of
FIN6 analysis C X reports you’ve already defined.
Should be able to generate
consolidated accounting reports at
the OO, Regional and Head Office The CoA structure in OGL holds the key to the analysis and reporting output you require. The CoA can be so
levels without necessity for physical designed to track accounting entries by each business unit in the organization hierarchy and reporting may be
transfer of files or a separate done so as to support drill up, drill down and drill across. The Financial Statement Generator (FSG) can be used
FIN7 consolidation procedure C X to build reports as needed based on data stored in the GL repository
Should provide control over Oracle Applications provide for an utility called 'Approval Management Engine' (AME) that enables you to build
designation of authorized signatories organisation specific approval rules for various business processes. AME can be completely user defined with
and control on authority limits of multiple levels of approval, iterations, rule / tolerance based approvals depending upon the requirements for
FIN8 signatories
Should have standardized error C X each business process
handling routines with facility for Available. For every record entered, wherever fileds are marked mandatory, the system checks and flashes
FIN9 seeking help C X errors if no input is provided.
Should be capable of handling
FIN10 revised 8 digit pin codes C X Available. The pin code as a part of the address information for a counterparty can be captured
Should provide integration with
knowledge management to enable
access to FAQs (Frequently Asked
FIN11 Questions) and other help C X Available
Should support accounting of long- Oracle Financials will integrate with the Core Insurance systems. It is expected that all accounting information
FIN12 term policies C X from the core systems will be moved into Oracle Finance at regular intervals.
Should have facility to define
comprehensive workflow for different Combination of the Approval Management Engine and Oracle Workflow can be used to configure business
FIN13 account processes C X processes with controls within Oracle applications
General Ledger
Oracle General Ledger provides a very flexible chart of account structure comprising of up to 30 segments, which
can be configured to capture financial information about different dimensions as per the business needs for each
organization, from different sources. Each segment can contain segment values comprising of up to 25
alphanumeric characters, thus providing unmatched strength and flexibility in managing information about all
dimensions of the business. This flexibility allows for configuring a thin or a thick general ledger as per business
needs of each individual entity. An unlimited parent-child roll up hierarchy further provides for comprehensive
segmental reporting at various levels of the organizational tree. A key feature of the system is the capability to
Should be able to maintain chart of capture user defined information where required. The feature 'Descriptive Flex Field' (DFF) is omni present within
FIN14 accounts C X Oracle Applications.
Should be able to create and
maintain accounts and account
FIN15 information on-line C X Available
Should be able to create memo
accounts for collecting non-financial Memo accounts can be created and statistics like head count, square feet etc information can be imported or
FIN16 statistical information C X entered into General ledger
Should be able to segregate expense
accounts by division, department and
FIN17 work, cost or profit center C X The Chart of Accounts definition can be used for this
Consolidation of accounts / account balances across various dimensions such as multiple business units /
operating offices , multiple sub accounts (example total assets, total current liabilities etc) , multiple regions /
Should be able to transfer or geographical locations etc can be delivered easily by defining the chart of accouns in a manner that is most
consolidate accounts and suitable for NIC's reporting and accounting requirements. In addition, the solution provides the flexibility to build
FIN18 automatically
Should combine
be able allsettlements
to record details C X parent child hierarchies to an unlimited detail
and adjustments through journal
FIN19 entries C X Available
Oracle General Ledger lets you build reversing journal entries to reverse accruals, estimates, errors or
temporary adjustments and reclassifications. You can assign a reversal period and, if average balances is
Should be able to carry out reversal enabled, a reversal effective date to a journal entry. You can enter a reversal period and effective date at any
FIN20 of journal entries C X time,can
You even after thejournal
organize journal is posted.
entries with common attributes into batches. For example, you might group your journal
Should be able to post journal entries entries by type or date. You can have multiple journals in one batch, or you can have a separate batch for each
FIN21 in batchbe able to sort information
Should C X journal entry.
from a header record in each
FIN22 transaction C X Reports can be generated based on information recorded at the journal level
Should be able to repeat details from
the previous journal (e.g. date,
description) while at the same time New journals can be created using existing journals through the 'Copy' feature. To automatically number journals
FIN23 preventing duplication of journal entry D X and avoid duplication, sequential numbering may be used.
Should be able to enter description
FIN24 for each detail line of a journal D X Descriptions may be entered for batch, journal header and each journal line
Should be able to create multiple The Journal Approval Process feature of Oracle General Ledger can be used to configure necessary authority /
batches of journal entry at one time, approval levels within NIC obtains the necessary management approvals for journal batches. The process
with predefined authority levels for validates the journal batch, determines if approval is required, submits the batch to
FIN25 the same
Should be able to automatically C X approvers (if required), then notifies appropriate individuals of the approval results.
accept and post journal entries from General ledger is tightly integrated with Oracle Payables, Oracle Receivables, Oracle Cash Management and
Account Payable, Accounts Oracle Assets (all of these form a part of the Oracle Financials suite), the latter acting as subledgers. All
FIN26 Receivable, etc. C X accounting from the subledgers is directly posted into Oracle General Ledger
Should have unique number for each
FIN27 journal entry C X Automatic sequential numbering maybe enabled to create unique id for each journal
Should be able to look-up by account
FIN28 number and description during entry C X Available
Should be able to create automatic
recurring entries that allocate one
account balance among several
FIN29 others based on ratios C X Mass allocation journals can be used to create required allocations
Should be able to terminate a
recurring journal entry based on the
automatic accumulation of all
FIN30 payments
Should be equaling total
able to set commitment
starting and C X Oracle Payables may be used to manage recurring commitments with a threshold.
ending period/year for recurring
FIN31 entries
Should be able to enter and maintain C X Available
statistical information either along
with or independently of journal Statistical information may be maintained in the form of journal entries or against journal lines based on
FIN32 entries D X relevance.
Should prevent duplicate posting to
FIN33 the same account C X Journals once posted cannot be posted again. Journals can be sequentially numbered to avoid duplication
Should be able to check before a
period close that all the vouchers
have been authorized and posted
and Should give a warning if some All unauthorized / unposted journals are stored separately. These can be viewed and actioned upon before
unauthorized /unposted voucher period closing. The system generates reports of list of oustanding items that need to be addrssse d before
FIN34 remains in the system C X closing. You can configure alerts to warn the user about unposted journals
Should ensure at year-end close that
all entries are in balance and that all
FIN35 periods have been closed C X Available. Opening and closing period can be done through a user interface.
In general, a large number of reversals happen as part of month end closing and opening procedures. This can
be done automatically using the feature Automatic Journal Reversal. First you define journal reversal criteria for
journal categories. You can also choose to enable automatic generation and posting of journals. When you
create a journal entry you want to automatically reverse, specify a journal category that has assigned reversal
criteria. Your journal will be reversed based on the method, period and date criteria you defined for that journal
Once you have posted journals using journal categories associated with journal reversal criteria, you can:
• automatically generate reversals when a new period is opened.
Should identify and process accruals • manually launch a reversal program which finds and generates all journals marked for reversal for a
with automatic reversal in the next specific period, including any journals that were manually selected for reversal.
FIN36 accounting period C X • automatically post any reversal journals including reversals that were not automatically generated.
You can use the feature 'summary templates' to create summary accounts, whose balances are the sums of
multiple detail accounts. All those aggregate balances that you use for routine analysis can be configured as
summary acounts. Summaryaccounts can be queried online and also be used in financial reports,
MassAllocations, and recurring journal formulas. You specify when you want General Ledger to begin
Should automatically roll-up detail maintaining your summary account balances. You can also assign budgetary control options to a summary
FIN37 accounts to summary accounts C X template for which you want to perform summary level budgetary control.
Should be able to calculate and
maintain current, prior, and previous Accounting information is maintained by date / period. Reporting can be done across present and past periods.
FIN38 year comparative
Should information
provide capability to revise C X Very commonly used time dimensions in reporting are PTD, QTD and YTD
invalid journals, subject to predefined
FIN39 authority C X Journal entries maybe changed with requisite authority till the time they are posted.
Should be able to define a number of General Ledger allows you to define suspense accounts to post unbalanced amounts. Suspense accounts
FIN40 suspense
Should be codes
able to post errors to C X maybe defined for each journal source / category.
different suspense codes according
FIN41 to the source
Should be able to correct C X Please refer to response to FIN40 above
transactions posted to suspense real
FIN42 time C X Available
Oracle General Ledger’s Financial Statement Generator (FSG) improves the timeliness and accuracy of financial
reporting. Its reusable and interchangeable report components allow you to mix and match existing rows and
columns to create entirely new financial or management reports in seconds. FSG supports different output
options, including eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), text, PDF, HTML, and spreadsheet outputs.
Additionally, you can quickly create professional quality reports by defining report layouts using a word
processing application and leveraging all of the formatting features, such as changing the font size and color,
adding corporate logos, etc. By applying multiple layouts to the
FIN43 Should have a GL report writer C X same report, you can quickly produce reports for different audiences.
Should be able to generate unlimited
number of financial reports for
balance sheet, income statement,
supporting schedule, cash flow and Available - Standard Reports are available for Account Analysis. Howerver, Financial Reports like Balance
FIN44 other specific account analysis C X Sheet, Income Statement, etc. can be built using FSG feature in Oracle Finance.
Financial Statement Generator is a intuitive, user driven reporting tool. Range of accounts, dimensions, periods
etc can all be specified while creating the report. Optionally, using Oracle Business Intelligence dashboards /
Should be able to specify account for viewlets may be built such that a user can drag / drop pr choose elements from a lookup or drill down to further
FIN45 inclusion by : C X details. The reporting possibilities are unlimited.
- natural account number
- profit center / cost center
- range of account numbers
- range of account numbers with
specified exceptions
Should be able to specify the
contents of each column with no
restriction i.e. current month, current
budget, year to date, budget to date,
FIN46 last year to date C X Available
Should support online posting of all
financial transactions in GL and
FIN47 updating of all reports C X Available
As mentioned earlier, the subledger architecture withing Oracle Financials lets a user drill across applications
seamlessly provided he has necessary authority. For example, a user can drill down from a GL Summary
Should support drilldown from GL Balance in Oracle General Ledger to detailed journal lines, to individual transactions and down to purchase order
FIN48 entries to individual transactions C X and invoice in Payables / Receivables and back
Should support mapping of
transactions to respective operating
office based on user id / office code
to facilitate generation of various Journal entries / transactions from source systems need to be fetched in a manner that they are mapped to the
FIN49 reports office wise C X relevant operating offices / branches / business units/ products. Based on this reports may be generated.
Should allow OO, RO, HO,
Processing Centres to drill down to
transaction level in respect of Access control in the application maybe configured according to requirements. Security rules is a feature that can
offices/intermediaries under their be used to allow access to specific segments / dimension values, for example employees of company A may be
FIN50 administrative control C X able to access transactions of A alone.
Should provide for “what if” analysis
FIN51 with option to post / not post to GL D X Report may be configured to combine existing account balance with unposted journal entries.
Should have ability to track earned /
unearned premium based on the Risk
Commencement Date to date of
financial year ending (should have
FIN52 provision for 1/365) D X Accounting and Invoicing Rule feature in Oracle Receivables can be used.
Should be capable of recognizing
and accounting Premium Received in
Advance and subsequent accounting
of premium from date of risk
FIN53 commencement C X Accounting and Invoicing Rule feature in Oracle Receivables can be used.
You can set up your accounting periods in the Calendar during the initial set up of Oracle GL. Each ledger / set of
Should allow user to indicate closure books is associated with a Calendar and consequently periods. At the time of setup you can define the number of
of an accounting period for a given future periods you want to keep open for future transaction entry. Periods can be closed when accounting
office and prevent further accounting processes are finished. They can be reopened for changes unless they are completely closed, which means that
FIN54 in the closed period C X no changes will be allowed in that period.
Should enforce uniformity in
transaction date and accounting date
in respect of all accounting
transactions except those done
through Journal Vouchers, in which
case the accounting can be
backdated. The Accounting date will
FIN55 change automatically with the c C X Oracle GL stores transaction / accounting date against each journal
Should have ability to track
FIN56 backdated adjustments C X Transaction entered and posted in prior periods can be categorized into a separate journal category for tracking
Should have facility for Multi currency
transaction, indexation, exchange
gain / loss, accounting treatment to
Exchange Gains/Loss as per Oracle General Ledger provides multi-currency functionality to satisfy the most demanding global financial
company’s stated Significant requirements. You can capture and report on any number of currencies from the balance level to the subledger
Accounting Policy in the Annual transaction level. Currency conversion, revaluation, remeasurement, and translation are all performed in
FIN57 Report D X accordance with local and international accounting standards.
Should be able to override standard
currency exchange rate with each
FIN58 input transaction D X Available
When the standard exchange rate is
overridden, output report generated
FIN59 should show: D X Report may be configured for the same.
- the standard exchange rate
- the override exchange rate
- the person entering the override
All postings and account balances
should be maintained in both local
currency and user-defined foreign Oracle General Ledger supports the configuration of reporting ledgers which can be in currencies other than
FIN60 currencies D X functional / base currency to store / report on transactions
Should be able to calculate foreign
FIN61 exchange gains/losses D X Oracle General Ledger calculates the currency translation loss / gain and posts it to a account that you define
Should maintain a history of
exchange rates. The history shall
capture the effective date of a
change to an exchange rate, the date Oracle GL lets you maintain daily exchange rate for chosen currencies. Whenever a transaction / journal entry of
it was changed and by whom and a particular currency whose conversion rate has been defined, Oracle GL automatically displays the exchange
details of what the rate was changed rate. Descriptive flex fields can be used to define any additional information while entering the daily exchange
FIN62 from/to D X rates. The exchange rates are archived for reporting.
Should provide multi-currency
support with ability for authorized
user to create a new currency and
exchange rate in addition to those All ISO standard currencies are preseeded in the application. Additional currencies and exchange rates may be
FIN63 already available D X defined as required.
Should permit modification /
cancellation of receipts / payment
FIN64 vouchers only by designated users C X Available through system security.
Should support integration with the
Core Insurance application to update
Agent/ Broker/ Corporate
Agent/Statutory & Regulatory
Payments in the database when a It can be achieved by integration with Oracle Payables. Oracle Payables may be used to store master details of
FIN76 policy is issued C X all agents / brokers / insured / vendors for making payments.
Should be able to check & generate
alert for Claims Processing Centre, if
the claims payment can not be made
within 3 days of acceptance of offer Alerts may be configured from Payables to trigger alerts / reminders / messages on payment of claim or any
FIN77 by the client C X event relating to the invoice processing.
Should be able to generate agent
commission statements
weekly/monthly, and upload it on the
FIN78 agents portal D X Through Customization.
Should provide ability to modify
commission rates at defined authority
level with cap as per IRDA
FIN79 guidelines/company
Should policies
allow for creation of C Through Customization (Only Commission amount can be captured through DFF.)
receivables and payables at policy
level, client level, and agent/broker Receivables / Payables may be created at individual party / customer / supplier level. Oracle applications lets you
FIN80 and coinsurer levels C X maintain a master of all your customers / suppliers
Should allow client level account
maintenance for both receivables and
FIN81 payables C X Available.
The feature 'Netting Agreements' can be used to support this. The standard report "Supplier Customer Netting
Report" displays the net balance in Oracle Payables and Oracle Receivables for Suppliers and Customers The
Supplier Customer Netting report will show a transaction listing and total balance for Receivables and Payables
Should allow set off of receivables where the transactions are in the selected currency and for the selected range of customers or suppliers. The
FIN82 and payables at client level D X report will calculate a net amount owed where a customer and supplier exist with exactly the same name
Should allow for creation of payable
at the policy level or client level in Excess premium may be paid off back to the customer through Oracle Payables. Another option is to treat the
FIN83 case of provide
Should receipt of excess
facility premium
to inform C X premium as an advance and recognise it over the life of the policy or until it is exhausted
clients /agents /brokers of excess
payments, subject to minimum
FIN84 amount configurable C X Alerts may be configured to check for payments beyond a threshold
Should support integration with the
Human Resource Management
System (HRMS) to retrieve payroll Payroll data will be uploaded on a regular interval into Oracle Financials for accounting and reporting through the
FIN85 data every month C X GL APIs
Should allow retrieval of statutory &
regulatory payment information from
FIN86 the database C X All information stored in the application schema can be retrieved for reporting
Should maintain a Payables register Oracle Payables lets you enter payment information through Invoice entry. All the information required for
FIN87 with the following: C X payment can be recorded through preseeded fields or user defined attributes
- Account Head
- Nature of Payment
- Statutory Classifications
- Invoice Number
- Date of receipt
- Amount
- Date sent for approval
- Person sent for approval
- Approval receipt date (later)
- Transmittal number (later)
- Invoice Numbers
Should be able to maintain master All supplier/ customer detail relevant for payment such as name, PAN, address, bank account numbers, payment
FIN88 accounts payable data C X terms or any other details as required
With Oracle Payables, you have support for your global payment needs. You can issue future dated payments
and automatically manage the accounting issues of liability relief and payment maturity. You can efficiently
handle prepayments and any associated taxes. And you have the flexibility to remit payments to your suppliers to
Should allow centralized payments as many bank accounts as they request.
FIN106 through processing centres C X
Should provide control on authority
limits of signatories (temporary limits
in case a person is absent) and allow
for online approval of payments by
FIN107 the authorized users C X Can be delivered using the Approval Management engine
When Payables formats payments, it creates an output file that you can use to print checks or, if you are making
electronic payments without the e–Commerce Gateway, you can deliver the output file to your bank for
processing. If you are making electronic payments with Oracle e–Commerce Gateway, during formatting, the
Remittance Advice Outbound Extract Program from the Oracle e–Commerce Gateway application automatically
Should support cheque printing with formats the payment batch and creates a flat file in your e–Commerce Gateway output directory.
dynamic incorporation of signatures
based on the user ids of the persons Incorporation of digital signatures will have to be customized
FIN108 authorizing the payment D X
Should enable electronic funds
transfer to agents towards payment
FIN109 of commissions C X Available. Please refer to response in FIN103
Should enable salary transfer directly
to the bank accounts of employees,
FIN110 every month C X Available. Please refer to response in FIN103
Co Insurance Accounting
Accounting entries from the Co Insurance solution can be posted into Oracle General Ledger. The net amount
Should have provision for Co- payable / receivable from a co insurer will have to be communicated to Oracle Financials for further processing
FIN136 insurance accounting C X (creating a receipt or processing a payment as the case maybe)
Re - Insurance Accounting
Should enable the Accounts
Processing Centre to retrieve Claim
wise/ Policy wise Re-insurance
payment details (no input should be
required from the operating offices as
all the data is updated real time in the Accounting from the reinsurance system may be posted regularly to Oracle General Ledger for consolidation.
FIN140 database) C X Payments on account of reinsurance can be processed through oracle Payables
Should be able to capture accounting RI accounting entries can be captured in Oracle Finance.
details for various types of treaties
(Proportional / Non – proportional),
including inflation adjustments
(indexing) where required as per RI
FIN144 program for the relevant year C X
- Facultative
- Surplus
- Quota Share
- Pool (Motor, Terrorism & Hull, etc.)
- Retro-cession
Non - proportional
- Facultative
- XL Treaties
- Risk XL
- Location XL
Feature Available. Standard reports for Statement of Accounts are available in Oracle Finance. However, If
Should allow generation of Periodical
some parameters have to be modified, it can be customized.
Statement of Accounts for ceded
business - Posting of Accounts to
respective accounts – Treaty
wise/broker wise/Country
FIN145 wise/Currency
Should enable wise/Reinsurer
accounting of wise C X
Business placed on behalf of Co- Feature Available.
insurer/Business Associates/Foreign
FIN146 Branches C X
India localization reports different TDS transactions which could be used for compiling the tax returns. India
Localization support the reports listed below.
· Withholding tax certificate – Form 16
· Details of Tax credited or paid during the period and of TDS at prescribed rate - in the case of companies
· Details of Tax credited or paid during the period and of TDS at lower rate or no tax deducted in accordance with
the provision of section 197- in the case of companies
· Details of Tax credited or paid during the period and of TDS at prescribed rate - in the case of persons other
than companies
Should be able to generate all · Details of Tax credited or paid during the period and of TDS at lower rate or no tax deducted in accordance with
necessary TDS related certificates the provision of section 197- in the case of persons other than companies
FIN155 and returns C X Any other reports may be configured
Should support automatic generation
of e-TDS returns file as per formats
prescribed by the Income Tax
FIN156 department (Quarterly/Yearly) C X Oracle Payables can provide eTDS returns as per the income tax act
Should maintain a history of tax rate
changes, capturing the effective date
of a change to a tax rate, the date it
was changed and by whom and
details of what the rate was changed
FIN157 from/to C X Available
Should allow for computation,
collection and accounting of service
tax as per existing rates, allow for
modification of service tax rates and
specifying the effective date of
change and maintain a history of The Service Tax functionality in the Localization feature covers the regulation prescribed for service tax
FIN158 service tax rate changes C X calculation
Should generate necessary returns
for Service Tax collected, service tax The Service Tax functionality in the Localization feature covers the regulation prescribed for service tax
FIN159 exempted premium C X calculation
Should be able to account for service
tax on service charges to TPAs, and
FIN160 deduct TDS for the same C X Localization feature of Oracle Payables will support this
India Localization feature capture the service tax registration details for the organization as well as for the parties
at party site level. User can define the service tax and its associated tax components like Education Cess and
Should not allow service tax release Higher Education Cess; associate the tax rate applicable for every tax component, define the tax computation
unless Service Tax registration logic; define the tax recovery rules etc. Organizations can classify the service tax transactions to the appropriate
FIN161 number is recorded C X service tax categories
Should provide facility for deduction
of Tax at Source on interest paid on
FIN162 TP claims (per claimant) C X Available through TDS feature of Localization
FIN163 Should take care of exception rules
Accounts Consolidation
Should enable the Accounts
Processing Centre to retrieve
consolidated quarterly/annual
accounts (no input should be Oracle Financials will maintain all accounting information centrally, avoiding any data silos at branch / region
required from the operating offices as level. Consolidation and reporting would be centralised.
all the accounting data is updated
FIN164 real time in the database) C X You can maintain multiple ledgers within Oracle General Ledger and consolidate these for reporting using the
Global Consolidation System (GCS). You would maintain multiple ledgers when you have entities with different
currency / chart of accounts / calendar or accounting basis. A brief description of GCS below:
OGL offers a multi-source consolidation solution that streamlines the consolidation process by centralizing all
consolidation tasks, enabling you to quickly close your books and rapidly distribute vital financial information
throughout your enterprise. With the Global Consolidation System (GCS) you can either do:
· Reporting Consolidations: Define an FSG report which consolidates data stored in a single ledger or which
sums data across separate sets of books on the same applications instance.
· Data Transfer Consolidations: With data transfer consolidations, you move your financial data from diverse
Should be able to consolidate ledgers and data sources into a single consolidation set of books. You can report on and analyze consolidated
general ledgers using different financial information from this consolidated set of books.
FIN165 accounting
Should periods
be able to define period start C X
and end dates in the consolidation
FIN166 module
Should be able to make consolidation C X You can define the period for which you want to run the consolidation process
for the subsequent periods even if
the consolidation of first period is still
FIN167 open C X Period for consolidation can be chosen from the GUI. Process can be run for individual periods
To consolidate multiple sets of books that have different functional currencies, accounting calendars, or charts of
accounts, you can first map your subsidiaries’ charts of accounts to your parent’s chart of accounts. A
consolidation mapping is a set of instructions for mapping accounts or entire account segments from a subsidiary
set of books to the parent set of books. When you subsequently transfer amounts from a subsidiary to your
parent, General Ledger creates an unposted consolidation journal batch in your parent set of books based on the
subsidiary’s mapping information. For each dimension of the chart of accounts, you can use segment / dimension
rules or account rules, or a combination of both to specify how to consolidate balances or transactions from your
subsidiary to your parent.
Segment rules: map subsidiary account segments to parent account segments. For example, you can map your
All codes entered should be able to subsidiary’s Department
be validated on-line, and the code segment to your parent’s Cost Center segment.
description displayed for visual Account rules: map a specific subsidiary account or a range of accounts to a specific account in your parent set
FIN168 checking C X of books. For example,
Should be able to reproduce the
chart of accounts from any of the
general ledgers in the consolidation Chart of Accounts for consolidation may be defined separately, or any of the COA in ledgers may be used for
FIN169 module as a basis for consolidation C X consolidation
Should display list of all valid codes
and their descriptions at points when
FIN170 codes are required to be entered C X Please refer to response in FIN168. Available
Consolidated trial balance, account analysis etc are standard reports from Oracle GL. Oracle General Ledger
porvides numerous standard reports relating to account / journal analysis, budget reports, chart of account
reports, currency listings, trial balance reports (average, budget, detail, summary etc), etc. Segmental revenue
can be reported provided chart of accounts is designed in a manner to support such reporting. All other reports
Should be able to generate the can be easily created through Financial Statement Generator, a tool inside Oracle General ledger or through
FIN171 required reports, including: C X Oracle Business Intelligence
- trial balance
- three main revenue accounts (fire,
marine, misc)
- segmental revenue accounts
- profit and loss account
- balance sheet
- Cash Flow
- Reports & Schedules as per IRDA,
other statutory requirements
-- net
movementof ratios
by account showing
opening balance at start of the
month, all transactions and closing
- net movement by account showing
opening balance at start of the range
of continuous vouchers , net
transactions during the range and
closing balance at the end of the
Should be able to convert various Oracle General Ledger provides extensive multicurrency capabilities. You can translate your actual and budget
office balances of foreign offices in account balances from your functional currency to another currency. If average balance processing is enabled,
various currencies into rupees and you can translate both average and standard balances. Translation is an integral part of the consolidation
generate consolidated balance sheet process. The Consolidation workbench guides you through all steps for consolidation including Mapping,
FIN172 of all such offices D X Translation, Transfer, Review, Post, Eliminate and Report
Should support prep of a/c where
transfer of office takes place during
the financial year from one controlling
FIN173 office to another C X Mass allocation engine can be used to transfer accounting entries from one office to another
Should have provision for calculation
FIN174 of solvency ratio X Can be done through Financial Statement Generator or Oracle Business Intelligence
Should have provision to track actual
transaction dates for various Available. Online query is a powerful feature in Oracle General Ledger that lets you query summary, detail, actual
FIN175 transactions (prior period items) C X or budget balances / journals. Drill up / through detail is provided
Should be capable of supporting
FIN176 migration of legacy accounting data C Historical accounting data can be stored inside oracle applications for reporting.
It is likely that most reports will be
produced by means of an end-user
report writer. Such a report writer
should be able to access all data
items in the database to enable a Oracle Financial Statement Generator is an inbuilt reporting tool in Oracle General ledger. For all custom / ad hoc
wide range of custom reports to be reporting NIC may use Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) which provides powerful fucntionality for reporting,
FIN177 written (subject to approval) C X analytics, dashboarding, alerts, etc
Budgetary Control
Should allow uploading of a Budget
Form, to be accessible to NIC offices,
for capturing expenses under various
FIN178 budget heads C X Based on security profile, relevant forms are available. Hyperion Planning
Should enable the NIC offices to
access, fill and submit the Budget
forms uploaded by accounts (existing Based on security users can fill budget data. Existing data will need to be interfaced from relevant applications
FIN179 data should be automatically filled) C X into Hyperion Planning
Should enable accounts department
to analyse expense data of previous
years, to review budget forms
submitted by NIC offices (through
FIN180 system) D X Such reviews can be done using forms and reports from within the application. Hyperion Planning
Should have a built in workflow, to
enable accounts department to
upload consolidated budget in the
database and forward it to
FIN181 appropriate authorities for approval C X The system allows for workflow along with notes. The system sends out email alerts of workflow notifications
Should be able to monitor budget
utilization periodically to check for
revision (e.g. if the expense is found
to have reached 80% of the budget at
the time of quarterly monitoring,
check if revision is required in the
FIN182 budget) C X The system allows creating revised budget and forecasting. Hyperion Planning
Should have an in-built budget
preparation & Control module.
Should be capable of preventing
charging of expenses to a given head
of account, other than
fixed/committed in nature, if the
budget allocated for that head of Once budgets are created and finalised in Hyperion Planing, they wil be moved to Oracle General Ledger from
FIN183 account is exhausted, with a prior C X where budgetory control can be enabled
Should allow review of performance
vis-à-vis Budget by authorized
persons at various levels (OO, RO,
FIN184 HO, Processing Centres) C X Based on security review reports can be made available. Hyperion Planning
Should allow to store the budgeted
data for 5 years; also it should have
the facility of making the budgets for
FIN185 5-8 years C X Allows users to store multi years data. Hyperion Planning
Should be able to create different
FIN186 type of budgets in the same year C X The solution can have multi-scenario and multi version. Hyperion Planning
Should monitor effects of expenses The percentage of GA Expenses to Gross Premium receipts can be monitored via reports/forms. Hyperion
FIN187 on 40C C X planning
Should allow the user to maintain
FIN188 budgets on-line C X It is a centralized web application giving single version of truth. Hyperion Planning
Should be able to maintain original
budget, revised budget and latest
FIN189 forecast C X Multi scenarios can be maintained. Hyperion Planning
Should automatically allocate an
annual budget over multiple
accounting periods based on an
equal amount or a specific monthly Equal split and a few monthly profiles are available out –of the box. Any specific profile can be easily configured.
FIN190 profile C X Hyperion Planning
Should automatically generate a
budget from previous years actual or
budget with a percentage increase or Business Rules can be easily configured to carry out such exercise. It also has this functionality built in during
FIN191 decrease C X form inputs. Hyperion Planning
Should have a facility for project wise
FIN192 budget spreading across years C X Allocation rules can be configured. Hyperion Planning
Funds Management
Should support integration with Core
insurance to be able to retrieve
information on payment commitments
(like Claim payments, Reinsurance
Premium Payment, Claims payment
for inward reinsurance, Payroll,
Agent/Broker Commissions,
FIN208 Surveyor/Investigator/Adv
Should have an interface with the C X On Integrating with other financial modules and core insurance solution, will support these requirements.
bank account to monitor daily
FIN209 balances C X Bank statements may be uploaded daily to monitor and reconcile bank accounts
Oracle Cash Management supports forecasting in any currency, across different organizations, for multiple time
periods. With the external cash flow interface distributed database support, you can generate a forecast that
combines relevant transaction information from both local and remote databases. You can define multiple
forecast templates for different purposes and different time buckets.
Should be able to generate a Oracle Cash Management can build a cash forecast based on forecasted transactions, such as outstanding
projected cash flow statement, orders and invoices that will produce a cash flow some time in the future. With it you can analyze historical
FIN215 monthly C X transactions, such as past payments and receipts, and project the historical trend into the future.
Cahs requirements can be analysed using the Cash Positioning functionality of Oracle Cash Management. Real
time cash positioning is essential for preventing bank balance overdrafts and for effectively managing liquidity.
Oracle Cash Management gives you direct access to daily cash flows from your operational systems as well as
those reported by your bank. You can quickly analyze your daily cash position by currency, bank account, or
cash pool, allowing you to project your daily cash needs and evaluate your company's liquidity position. Oracle
Cash Management supports positioning in multiple currencies, across different organizations, for multiple bank
accounts. You can define reusable
Should generate comprehensive worksheets to easily generate daily cash positions. You can quickly analyze your positions at a summary level or
cash requirements reports as defined drill down to the specific transactions for more detailed information. Once you have ascertained an accurate cash
FIN216 by the user C X position and decided how to handle your cash surplus or deficit, you can execute bank account transfers.
Should be able to process manual
FIN217 cheques C X Available
When you void a payment, or confirm a stop payment, Oracle Payables automatically reverses the payment
Should automatically reverse GL status and accounting records for the invoices that you paid. Payables automatically reverses and voids interest
FIN218 posting if a posted payment is voided C X invoices associated with a void payment or stop payment.
Oracle Cash Management lets you automatically or manually record and reconcile bank statements, matching
against system transactions using rules and tolerance levels. You can review and correct any import validation or
reconciliation errors online. Oracle Cash Management can automatically reconcile correcting statement lines
against error statement lines and provide an audit trail for verifying correction of bank errors. Oracle Cash
Management provides an easy-to-use reconciliation report that compares your bank statement balance with your
cash account in Oracle General Ledger, identifying any discrepancies in your cash position. You can also archive
and purge historical bank statements.
Oracle Cash Management offers extensive reconciliation integration with Oracle Payables and Oracle
Receivables for effective cash management. Oracle Payables and Oracle Receivables generate reconciliation
Should perform automatic bank accounting entries for cash clearing, bank charges, and foreign currency fluctuations. You can clear transactions
reconciliation every 15 days or as set prior to reconciliation to maintain more up-to-date cash balances. Oracle Cash Management further streamlines
FIN219 by the user C X
Should have in-built bank
FIN220 reconciliation facilities C X Please refer to response in FIN219
Should identify and report gaps in
FIN221 cheque be
Should sequence
able to identify and C X Can be tracked
generate a listing of outstanding
FIN222 cheques C X Report can be generated
Should include voided, cancelled or
FIN223 returned cheques in reconciliations C X Please refer to response in FIN219
Should be able to identify and flag
FIN224 the un reconciling items C X Unreconciled items can be flagged and rules be built to automatically resolve them and maintain a audit trail
Should be able to specify the date of Actual value dates can be captured directly from the bank statement during the reconciliation process against
FIN225 realization of cheques or collection C X transactions
Should be able to capture date of
FIN226 Bank Transfer C X This will be a part of the bank statement
You can setup Oracle Cash Management to electronically download bank statements from your bank to your
local directory. Once you receive the file, you can load the bank statement information into the Bank Statement
Open Interface tables using the Bank Statement Loader program or a custom loader program. The Bank
Statement Loader program supports standard formats such as BAI2 and SWIFT940, as well as user-defined
formats. Once you have populated the open interface tables, you can import the bank statement information into
Oracle Cash Management for reconciliation. If your bank delivers previous day account statements in the IFX
XML format, you can set up Oracle XML Gateway to receive and process these bank statements using a secure
internet connection. Oracle XML Gateway validates the XML messages using the IFX Release 1.2 specifications
Should be able to import the bank and predefined Oracle Cash Management mapping rules. Upon successful validation, Oracle XML Gateway
statements for the purpose of bank populates the Bank Statement Open Interface tables and launches the Bank Statement Import program to
FIN227 reconciliation C X transfer the bank statement information to Oracle Cash Management.
Should be able to capture cash Cash advances paid to employees can be recorded and applied whenever expense reimbursements are made to
FIN228 advances paid to the employees C X the employee
Should be able to generate Cash
Payment vouchers based on these
FIN229 settlement expenses C X Available
Should be able to maintain Bank
required formats for Payroll payment Although the delivered Electronic Transfer Formats (EFT_NAME) component is available for ICICI, yet
FIN230 advice be able to allow direct
Should C X EFT_Name compenent can be used to meet specific requirements.
payments of Payroll in case of There are various modes of payment available in GP. Org may use either multiple mode like Cash or cheque or
FIN231 discrepancy C X both for payment.
Fixed Assets When you add an asset in Oracle Fixed Assets, you can enter the asset number, or leave the field blank to use
automatic asset numbering. If you enter an asset number, it must be unique and not in the range of numbers
Should accommodate a user- reserved for automatic asset numbering. Automatic asset numbering is a feature you can enable to automatically
FIN232 definable asset number C X code your assets
Should be able to accommodate
FIN233 unlimited number of assets C X Available. Assets may be categorised, numbered and assigned information as per NIC's requirements
Should be able to maintain details of
written-off assets, whilst excluding
these from general reporting and all
FIN234 current asset valuation calculations C X The Asset Workbench lets you manage all asset related operations such as addition, transfer, retirements etc
Should generate sequential number
FIN235 per asset C X Please refer to response in FIN232 above
Should be able to enter Project /
Department cost center codes in the
fixed assets system at the time of
FIN236 approval of Capex C X theinformation,
All chart of accounts definition
financial may be
or otherwise done to
related in the
be maintainproject / cost Assets
in the Fixed centersregister such as
Should be able to maintain name, number, value, assigned cost center / employee / department, depreciation rule, prorate convention,
comprehensive fixed assets register, original cost, supplier, PO number etc. Any information specific to an asset can be recorded in the user defined
FIN237 including: C X fields available
- value of asset
- date of purchase
- asset reference code
- description
- short name
- memorandum notes (optional, and
up to 1,000 characters)
- depreciation type
- depreciation formula
- accumulated depreciation
The Physical Inventory feature in Oracle Assets assists you in comparing and reconciling your physical inventory
data. To use the Physical Inventory feature, you must first take physical inventory of your assets. You can track
physical inventory using a unique identifier, which can be either the asset number, tag number, or serial number,
the location of the asset, the number of units or any other information that may make it easier for you to keep
track of the assets you are comparing, such as a description of each asset. You can load physical inventory data
into Oracle Assets using the interface tables or import it from an excel sheet using the Application Desktop
Integrator. The Physical Inventory comparison program highlights the differences between the asset information
in Oracle Assets and the actual assets in physical inventory. You can view the results of the comparison online
Should facilitate inventory verification by running the Physical Inventory Comparison Report. You can reconcile the differences between physical
FIN238 periodically C X inventory and the information in your database by updating each asset manually, or you can use the mass
Should be able to categorize assets Assets may be categorized as per regulatory / internal requirements and depreciation rules be assigned. The
to facilitate a variety of depreciation system allows the flexibility to do 'what if' analysis on assets. So you can evaluate the impact of changing a
FIN239 rates C X depreciation rule on an asset
Should be able to change the method
FIN240 of depreciation C X Available
Should be able to maintain the status
of an asset and related details stored The financial inquiry feature within Oracle Assets gives you a complete view about the status of the asset such
when the asset is sold or discarded as orginal cost, book value, depreciation, accumulated depreciation, rate of depreciation, method, life of asset. In
along with a flag to highlight 'sold addition, the 'retirement' window shows all retirement details suhc as the cost of retirement, gain/loss, status of
FIN241 /discarded' C X retirement etc
Should automatically generate the
necessary transactions to support All accounting entries on transfer / addition/ retirement / depreciation etc automatically generated and deposited
FIN242 asset write-on's/write-off's C X in Oracle General Ledger. You can define the rules for accounting from fixed assets
Should automatically generate the All accounting entries on transfer / addition/ retirement / depreciation etc automatically generated and deposited
FIN243 entry for loss/Profit of sale of assets C X in Oracle General Ledger
Should automatically generate the
necessary transactions to support All accounting entries on transfer / addition/ retirement / depreciation etc automatically generated and deposited
FIN244 asset transfers C X in Oracle General Ledger
Oracle Assets allows you to schedule repair and service events for your long–term capital assets, to help ensure
you maintain your long–term assets in a timely manner. You can plan for maintenance to occur at appropriate
times, such as seasonal downtime. You can also schedule maintenance to occur at specific intervals, for
Should facilitate tracking of example, monthly. Using Oracle Assets to schedule your asset maintenance also allows you to record the
FIN245 maintenance
Should (AMC) update the
automatically C X maintenance history of assets, in addition to scheduling future maintenance events.
location of an Asset as soon as a
Transfer Note is approved for transfer
FIN246 of the asset C X Transfer can be done online through the Asset workbench
Should automatically post write-on,
write-off and transfer transactions to
FIN247 the General
Should Ledger post
automatically C X Available
depreciation allocations as per user You can run depreciation program to automatically calculate and create accounting entries for depreciation.
FIN248 defined criteria C X Accounting entries will be created as per the rules set up by the user
Should request user verification for all Oracle applications provides comprehensive security and control for access to specific features. Rule based
FIN249 transactions/processes performed C X access / approval can be configured using the Approval Management Engine
Should be able to post adjustment
transactions online to the General
FIN250 Ledger generate annual insurance
Should C X Available
re-valuation and replacement cost Provided the revaluation and replacement cost figures are loaded / calculated against assets, reports can be
FIN251 reports C X generated
Should be able to generate Asset
FIN252 Valuation Report, by category C X Available
Fixed Assets generates a wide variety of standard reports. Some of them are:Budget and Capital spend
reports, Asset Listings: Fixed Asset Book Report, Asset Depreciation Listing, Asset Inventory Report, Asset
Register, Asset Tag Report, Unassigned Assets, Expensed Property Report, Parent Asset Report, Physical
Inventory Comparison Report, Maintenance Reports: Asset Maintenance Report, Depreciation Reports:
Depreciation Projection Report, What – if Analysis Reports, Unplanned Depreciation Report, Accumulated
Depreciation Balance Report, Accounting Reports: Journal Entry Reserve Ledger Report, Revaluation
Reserve Report, Cost Clearing Reconciliation Report, IT Fixed Asset Schedule & Depreciation Report,
Transaction Reports: Asset Transfer Reports, Asset Retirement Reports, Asset Additions Reports, Asset
Should be able to generate Asset Reclassification Reports, etc…
Write-On, Transfer and write-off
FIN253 Report, for a given period C X Any additonal reports may be configured using Oracle Business Intelligence
Should be able generate Asset Write-
On, Transfer and write-off Report, by
FIN254 Cost Center / Project C X Please refer to the response in FIN253 above
Should be able to track insurance
status of assets, with alerts when You can maintain insurance details of each asset and generate alerts to relevant officials for renewal. Similar
FIN255 renewal is due C X process can be followed for maintenance
GP has capability to run payroll any number of times based on organisational need. It has also got the capability
Should be able to run multiple to run different payrolls for different kinds of payments like for salary & re-imbursements two payroll or even more
FIN256 payrolls in a single instance C X than two payrolls can be run.
Should be able to maintain a single
central payroll repository and be able
to run and access payroll from any
location in a centralized or The payroll data is maintained in a single database which can be access from any location provided the access is
FIN257 decentralized manner C X given. It can also be run centrally or decentrally based on organisational need.
Audit Trail Oracle Financials audits user activity. The system allows each user access to be recorded. The username,
date and times of the user access is recorded, as well as the responsibility / role selected, screens and reports
used and the concurrent processes executed. The auditing facility allows the administrator to select the
level of auditing required. This may be dynamically changed at any time. The application can also monitor
unauthorized user access. An audit log is maintained of invalid authorization attempts. The user name, user id
System should audit all activities in and data and time of the attempted login are logged. Business documents, such as purchase orders, invoices,
the core insurance solution and other offers, requisitions, etc. have an automatic “paper trail” of changes and additions in the form of versioning. When
integrated applications and maintain a PO is changed by a user, the system actually creates a new version of the PO, leaving the original PO
logs of the same. The following unchanged. This makes it easy to view the history of changes to any given business document. Basic auditing is
activities should be mandatorily performed on all data and transactions within the Oracle applications, regardless of whether they are a business
FIN272 logged: C X
Workflow changes
Changes in Master Tables
Rate Changes
Manual Overrides
Failed Authentications
Generation of Duplicate documents
Set Off and Write Off activities
All mails and alerts originating from
the application
All customer activities having a
financial implication
Exception reports for all categories
Changes in Database, Control files
including DML commands
Following information should be
FIN273 available along with the log C X Available
User ID and User Name
Office Code
Business Channel Code
Resource ID of hardware
Time and Date
FIN274 logs
Should be able to query the activities C X Available
on any of the dimensions defined
FIN275 above C X Available
Integration Requirements
Should also be able to integrate with
FIN276 various applications including: C X Integration can be done through Standard APIs &
Core Insurance X Custom Interface, where APIs are not involved.
Customer Relationship Management
Human Resource Management
System (HRMS) X
Investment Management System X
Investment Accounts X
276 220 28 28 0
79.71014 10.14 10.1 0
64 VB says that no risk can be assumed by an
insurer unless premium is received in advance.
System to update receipt of premium in
cash/bank statements before the policy coverage
64 VB says that no risk can be assumed by an
insurer unless premium is received in advance.
System to update receipt of premium in
cash/bank statements before the policy coverage
HRMS1 Recruitment X
HRMS1 Posting X
HRMS1 Promotions X
HRMS1 Transfers X
HRMS1 Deputation X
HRMS1 Advances X
HRMS5 Appropriate authorities should be D X
able to raise and monitor Resource
Requests (Recruitment
Authorization Form)
Reporting Requirements:
HRMS47 Should be able to generate the following reports D X
Recruitment Status report
(Positions filled versus budget)
Status in terms of candidates short listed, kept on hold,
finally selected, etc.
Interview Report - Schedule
Performance Management
HRMS48 Should be able to set up C X
Performance Rating/Definition
Should provide comparison between planned and real
HRMS99 Should be able to record and review D X
employee feedback for various
parameters viz., training facility,
instructor, and course materials
Leave Management
HRMS11 Should be able to define and C X
5 maintain leave calendars for
different types of leave
Competency Management
HRMS21 Should be able to create and maintain jobs & job D X
9 descriptions
HRMS22 Should be able to maintain a skill set dictionary D X
HRMS22 Should track employee D X
1 competencies and
HRMS22 Should be able to list the skills and accomplishments of D X
2 each
employee, and also qualify each to
a role, job, or training regime within the organization
HRMS22 Track & Maintain Competencies : Competencies are D X
3 directly related to an employee’s current role and may
encompass skills, abilities, knowledge, or behavior.
accomplishments, competencies
are measured using a defined scale (one employee
might have more sophisticated computer skills than
another, for example).
Employee Separation
HRMS23 Should be able to maintain (enter C X
8 and update) employee exit details
with proper validation
HRMS23 Should send alerts/notification for C X
9 employee exit (via Email) to the
- Access Card processing Unit
- Payroll
- Accounts
- Administration department
Integration Requirement
HRMS25 Should also be able to integrate C X
1 with the other applications including
Enterprise Financial
Workplace Management System
Access Management System
270 232 14 24
85.93 5.1852 8.889
Remarks No of Mandays of Interdepend
Effort required for encies/
Modification / Overlaps/
Cutomization) Inputs
from the
Position Management &
Reporting tool helps identify
vacant & planned positions
End to end recruitment
solution helps track, maintain
applicant data
Vacancies can be posted on
various sites & job portals
Workforce admin helps
maintain complete employment
history of employee from hire
to retire admin module
maintains the complete
promotions records. Using self
service manager can
recommend for promotions.
Workforce admin module
maintains the complete
transfer records. Using self
service manager can
recommend for transfers.
Global & local assignments
can be maintained &
processed with deputation
Disciplinary Actions, grievance
handling are part of core HR
Using Base Benefits of core 40 Mandays
HR, various staff welfare can (Aprox)
be maintained.However some
enhancemengts may be
needed to meet PSU specific
In Workforce Administration
Module using the Job
Elements are building blocks
of payroll. Various rules and
validations can be written to
process those elements based
on org need. Terminal benefit
elements can also be defined
and processed based on org
policies & need.
Elements are building blocks 25 Mandays
of payroll. Various rules and (Aprox)
validations can be written to
process those elements based
on org need. PF management
elements can also be defined
and processed based on org
policies & need.
Candidate gateway in
Recruiting Solution has such
Administer Training
Position Management is
capable to handle this.
Position Management is
capable to handle this.
Delivered functionality of
Delivered functionality of
Delivered functionality of
Delivered functionality of
Inbuilt Feature
Workforce Administration
workforce Administration (Job 30 Mandays
Competency definitions,
proficiency etc are configured
at set up level and updated
Teams can also be created
and compared to various roles
& jobs
Competency Repository can
be maintained in Profile
e Benefits(By Self Service) 10 mandays
Administer Workforce(Manager
Self Service)
Proration functionality of
Payroll calculate the balance
or due amount and process.
General Requirements
Should have
standardized error
handling routines
with facility for
CRM1 seeking help C X
Should be capable
of handling
revised 8 digit pin
CRM2 codes C X
Should provide
integration with
management to
enable access to
(Frequently Asked
CRM3 and other help C X
Customer Identification
Should enable
customers to
interact with NIC
through multiple
channels (including
the following),
by providing web
based access to
CRM4 these channels: X
NIC Office (Walk-
CRM4 Fax/Letter) C X X
CRM4 Alliance Partner D X
Should provide
anytime (365 X 24 X
functioning i.e.
should enable
independent and
transactions such as
policy issue,
claims intimation
CRM5 and settlement D X X
Should be able to
unify customer
information and
provide a single,
integrated, multi
channel view of
total relationship
profile of the
CRM7 including: C X
Should be able to
assign a unique
Prospect ID to a
CRM8 customer C X
Should be able to
identify and
merge duplicate
CRM9 client records C X
Should avoid
CRM10 duplicate data entry C X
Should allow
capture of highly
detailed information
on Personal,
Demographic and
even Lifestyle
areas of any
stakeholder like
customer, agent,
broker, TPA,
Hospital, even TP
CRM11 claimants etc. C X
Should have
provision to capture
client's personal
information such
tastes/hobbies in
order to provide
information about
the other
CRM15 products D X
Should provide
facility to capture
client bank details
for Electronic
Clearing System
Should be able to
contact (employee,
partner, etc.)
by picking from a
CRM17 drop-down list C X
Should provide a
view of the
customer in one
screen, including
details, policies,
claims, policy
quotes and
applications, policy
service requests,
service requests,
any important
CRM18 alerts, etc. C X
Should provide a
complete history
of the multi-channel
with the customer
across all
interaction channels
face to face
interaction, inbound
and outbound calls,
email, fax,
CRM19 internet, etc. C X
Customer Self-Service
Should be able to
direct the
customer to the right
based on the
recorded purpose of
interaction (e.g. if
purpose is
related to Sales
this is an input to
Policy Sales
Process; if purpose
is related to
some information
required, this is
an input to
process; if the
purpose is related
to any
this is an input to
CRM20 Grievance process) D X
Should enable
by facilitating direct
transactions through
CRM21 phone/SMS, etc. D X
Should provide
proposal and claim
CRM22 forms D X
Grievance Redressal
Should provide
facility to
customers for
grievance reporting
through multiple
CRM23 channels: X
CRM27 Phone/SMS D X
CRM28 Partners/Brokers D X
Should provide
facility to track the
status of grievance
through a ticket
CRM29 number C X
Should maintain
record of all
complaints received
and action
CRM30 taken till disposal C X
Should be able to
reports on the time
taken in
dealing with the
CRM31 grievance C X
Should enable
review of pending
CRM32 grievances C X
Should be able to
reports like cause
wise, region
wise, product wise,
age wise
analysis of
grievances and their
CRM33 disposal C X
Should be able to
capture service
request information
requester contact
service request
date/time resolution
service request
status, type of
service request,
activities and
interaction involved
or planned,
reply channel
CRM34 preference, etc. C X
Should be able to
identify the
concerned NIC
office in case of a
grievance (after
identification) and
forward the
grievance to the
CRM35 same C X
Should be able to
capture the
source of grievance
(referred by
the ministry,
ombudsman, IRDA,
directly by
customer), and
CRM36 priority accordingly C X
Should be capable
of checking if
the grievance is
resolved in time
(or the customer
has been
informed in case of
delays), and
escalate the same
CRM38 case of delay C X
Should be able to
close the ticket
number once the
grievance is
resolved to the
satisfaction of the
CRM39 customer C X
Customer Service Requests
Should provide
facility to
customers to make
information &
other service
requests through
CRM40 multiple channels: X
CRM40 NIC Offices C X
CRM40 Phone/SMS D X
CRM40 Partners/Brokers D X
Should enable
Service staff to
view policy and
claim information
to handle common
requests such as
inquiries about
premium due dates,
past claims
and payment
transactions, and
CRM41 interaction history C X
Should provide a
common front
end and ability to
create FNOL
(Claim) across the
CRM42 organization C X
Should be able to
Service, Sales and
operations to
capitalize on
and up-selling
opportunities when
serving an
CRM43 inbound request D X
Should provides
alert message
capability to prompt
the service
staff of any up-
selling and
opportunities when
CRM44 servicing customers D X
Should be able to
check (after
identification) if the
customer query is a
1st level
query (readily
CRM45 available) C X
Should be able to
response to the
customer directly,
if Customer request
is a 1st level
CRM46 query C X
Should be able to
assign a ticket
number and update
the CRM
database to track
the request, if it
is not a 1st Level
CRM47 query C X
Should be able to
check if a SLA
driven response
time is available,
and communicate
the same to the
CRM48 customer C X
Should be able to
with respective
department and
request for expected
time, if a SLA driven
CRM49 time is not available C X
Should have a built-
in workflow to
forward the query to
the relevant
department, along
generation of an
alert (email,
SMS) for the
concerned NIC
CRM50 officer C X
Should be capable
of checking if the
request is serviced
in time (or the
customer has been
informed in case of
genuine delays),
and escalate the
same in case of
CRM51 delay C X
Should be able to
close the ticket
number once the
query/request is
serviced to the
satisfaction of the
CRM52 customer C X
Should allow NIC
service staff to
create public notes
that everyone with
access to the
service record can
see, or personal
notes that only they
CRM53 can see C X
RTI Requirements
Should enable
uploading the
obligations to be
fulfilled by a public
authority as per
CRM54 section 47 of the Act C X
Should enable a
separate rule based
CRM55 workflow for RTI C X
Should enable
scanning of
at the time of
CRM59 registration C X
Should enable
generating a Unique
Application No. for
each application
(indicating source)
and tagging of the
application with
Customer ID (when
application is from a
customer) or
Employee number
(when the
application is from
CRM60 an employee) C X
Should be able to
define and maintain
the segment
information for high-
valued NIC
customers (segment
ID and segment
attributes e.g. total
relationship size
range, Customer
Lifetime Value
CRM62 Indicator, etc.) D X
Should be able to
maintain information
about individuals or
institutions who
have been identified
by NIC as potential
target customers
(who may not have
had any previous
CRM63 contact with NIC) D X
Should be able to
transfer prospect
information into
phone/e-mail lists
for telemarketing or
CRM64 campaign purposes D X
Should be able to
maintain various
measurements at
customer segment
or individual
customer level
(Customer value /
profitability, Share of
CRM65 wallet, etc.) D X
Should be able to
maintain trends of
customer values /
profitability and
identify necessary
corrections to the
marketing plan or
overall customer
CRM66 strategy D X
Should enable client
status labeling
( e.g., VIP status or
CRM67 blacklisted status)
Corporate D X
Should be able to
maintain and view
account information,
CRM68 including: C X
Static information,
such as account
type, name, main
CRM68 contact, etc. X
CRM68 Account's status X
Account's business
profile, investor
profile, management
team, market
CRM68 statistics X
organization chart,
which includes
profiles of each
contact entity, and
between these
CRM68 entities X
Service address,
where the statement
will be sent to, if not
same as the main
CRM68 contact address X
Should provide
ability to define an
Account Plan for a
corporate customer,
CRM69 with: C X
Specification of
goals and objectives
(e.g. target revenue
CRM69 to achieve) X
Specification of
sales and service
CRM69 activities X
Marketing & Campaign Management
Should enable
Department to
retrieve data of
existing customers
CRM70 from the Database C X
Should support
integration with the
Application, to
enable the
department conduct
customer & market
analysis to arrive at
arrive at
Segmentation &
Target Marketing
CRM71 Strategies for NIC D X
Should support
integration with
System (DMS) to
enable the
department to
upload the finalized
Segmentation &
Target Marketing
Strategies, Branding
Strategy and
Positioning Strategy
documents for NIC
CRM72 in the database D X
Support integration
with Document
System to enable
the Marketing
Department to
upload reports in the
database on Market
CRM76 conducted by it D X
Should be able to
provide a
centralized view of
all the marketing
programs and
CRM77 activities: C X
Already conducted
in the past, currently
in progress and
planned for future
Across channels
Across the entire
Should provide
ability to organize,
track and maintain
all the components
of a marketing
CRM78 campaign including: C X
Customer segment
and list
Campaign results /
Campaign schedule
Other campaign
Should provide
ability to associate a
marketing target
prospect and
customer lists with a
CRM79 campaign, either: D X
Through standard
queries within the
application UI, or
By performing
upload / import from
an external data
Should enable
associating a list
with multiple
CRM80 campaigns D X
Should provide
ability to
assign/distribute call
list to branch sales
representatives and
call center agents
based on their skill
CRM81 sets D X
Should be able to
define and save (for
reuse) campaign
CRM82 customer segments D X
Should provide
ability to use
graphical campaign
design tool to
flexibly plan and
design campaigns
CRM83 that are: N X
Across multi-
channels, including
branch, call center,
email and internet
Should enable
maintaining and
viewing offers
CRM84 belonging to: D X
A particular
department (e.g.
Retail or Corporate)
A particular product
or product group
Should provide
ability to create and
associate calling
script with a
campaign to guide
agents through the
interactions with the
s to ensure the
quality of calls and
consistent tele-
marketing campaign
CRM85 execution D X
Should provide
graphical tool to
create and modify
CRM86 calling scripts D X
Should provide
capability to define
associated with the
CRM87 campaign D X
Should be able to
provide design tool
to enable Marketing
users to target
customers or
prospects by
personalized web
CRM88 and email content N X
Should be able to
capture customer
response to a given
marketing campaign
and analyze the
overall return
relative to cost, by a
salesperson or
sales team or the
entire campaign
CRM89 execution channels D X
Should provide
ability to keep track
of the status of each
campaign call, such
as complete, no
answer, call back
later, not interested,
CRM90 etc. C X
Should be able to
detect & trigger
Marketing Events
CRM91 based on: D X
behavioral change
from average
Customer inactivity
Significant events
(e.g. birthdays)
Sales Process Management
Should enable
systematic sales
workflow processes,
to ensure the staff
execute the sales in
CRM92 an orderly way X
Should provide
ability to suggest
alternative offers or
offers in addition to
the one requested
by the customer /
prospect, within the
defined sales
CRM93 process C X
Should be able to
monitor leads and
opportunities to
provide automatic
alert, escalation or
reassignment if the
employee who owns
that leads /
opportunities does
not follow-up within
a prescribed time
CRM100 frame D X
Should be able to
qualify leads
CRM101 using standardized D
methods and
processes X
Should provide
ability to select
CRM102 and view lead D
source category,
such as: X
organization unit
Marketing campaign
Should provide
ability to select /
CRM103 update opportunity D
status and
probability of win X
Should provide
ability to send
regarding new
CRM104 D
products as and
required within the
framework X
Should be able to
capture and
track information
CRM105 regarding lost D
opportunity (reason
for loss,
information, etc.) X
Should be able to
track leads
against policy
CRM106 purchases to D
provide a view of
close rates and
productivity X
Should provide
customer need
functionality that
CRM107 D
the NIC employee
or agent to
determine customer
including: X
Simple qualifying
questions to
determine which
cover or policy
might be best
suitable for the
Should manage
quote approval
CRM110 process, maintain C
versions and
status X
Should support
guided interactive
customer selling via
a series of
Questions &
Answers related to
the customer needs
CRM111 and product D
preferences, as well
as illustrating
the tradeoffs
between the offers
(based on the
preference, a set of
products could be
suggested) X
Should enable
carrying out
manual or
configurable, rule-
based automatic
allocation or
routing of
CRM112 requests, contacts, C
and activities,
to the right sales
team entity
(assignment rule
could be based
on territory, career
industry, monetary
values, etc.) X
Should be able to
report revenue
by account or
product, employee,
CRM113 C
organization unit,
over a time
period (monthly,
quarterly or
yearly) X
Should be able to
CRM114 snapshots of C
historical revenue
data for analysis,
and monitor
revenue trends,
shortfalls and
increments X
Should be able to
track forecast
revision history and
CRM115 calculate net C
changes between
revisions X
Should be able to
split revenue
CRM116 for sharing between C
multiple sales
persons X
Should be able to
measure real-
time actual
performance to date
CRM117 versus quota and C
forecast, by the
dimensions: X
units -
il or Corporate
By customer
By customer
By product
By channel
By industry
By limit or exposure
range /
Over a time period
quarterly or yearly)
Should be able to
send letters in
CRM118 predefined formats D
to clients, agents,
stakeholders X
CRM119 C
Should enable
updation of CRM
module with the
conclusion of
each transaction X
Should be able to
generate report
on proposals which
CRM120 have not D
matured into
policies for follow
up/analysis X
Should maintain a
history of
changes made to
parties' reference
CRM121 Changes to C
interested parties
information shall be
stored i.e. the date,
time, user's id
and what the data
changed from /
to. X
Should provide
capability to
predefined authority
CRM122 C
levels for user
groups (creating
logs and audit trails
to monitor
and control) X
Should provide
ability to derive
static data like
name, address,
contact details, mail
ids etc. from
CRM123 the database, select D
them from
dropdown lists and
insert them in
documents and
automatically or
manually created X
Should be able to
identify valued
CRM124 irrespective of the D
of communication X
Should use
reference to the
ID to invoke all
static information
CRM125 and populate the D
same in future
transactions, without
express data
entry, palpable to
the customer X
Should allow
policies to be linked
and reported on a
linked basis in
order to manage
and control
CRM126 accumulation of risk. C
E.g. where
the same
policyholder has a
policy covering
vehicles and
another for private
cars X
Should have
flexibility to
additional data
CRM127 requirements e.g. a C
supplies new
information or a
different broker is
used X
Should be able to
provide both
client and specific
centric views of
business. An
authorized business
user shall
view a client record
that provides
CRM128 a summary of all C
policies held
and/or quotes
obtained by that
client. The user
shall also view a
summary of a given
broker's and
portfolio detailing all
policies placed
and/or quotes
obtained through
them. X
Should link
customer’s claims
history with the
CRM129 renewal module to D
help decide whether
to invite
renewal of his policy
or not X
Channel Management
Should enable
sending auto
reminders to agents,
CRM133 D
corporate agents
about the expiry
of their licence
through email,
SMS, etc. X
Should provide
facility to
CRM134 channel partners to D
view their customer
through portal X
Should provide
information to the
partners on their
CRM135 D
target, amount of
brought in by them,
earned etc. X
Should enable
setting up of a
CRM136 structure C
based on product,
region, vehicle
make, etc.
Should be able to
CRM137 provide leads D
to agents through
agent portal X
Should provide
portals designed
uniquely for
CRM138 each sales & D
distribution channel,
other stakeholders
(agent, broker,
alliance partners,
etc.) X
Should provide
access to
partners, agents,
brokers for
CRM139 online quotations, D
policy issue,
claims registration,
statements, sales
campaigns, etc. X
Should enable the
department to
CRM140 C
parameters for the
partners in the
database X
Should be able to
monitor the
service levels
provided by the
channel partners,
CRM143 taking data C
from Core Insurance
and compare them
against the
agreed SLAs with
partners X
Should be able to
monitor the
sales performance
of channel
CRM144 partners against the C
targets set
for them, using the
evaluation matrix
uploaded in the
database X
Should be able to
generate status
reports on service
CRM145 levels and C
sales performance
of channel
partners X
Should support
integration with
CRM to monitor
CRM146 /satisfaction levels C
service provided by
partners, and
generate status
reports for the same
periodically X
Should have
capability for
deactivation of
codes for
CRM147 C
whose licenses
have been
cancelled or not
renewed X
Integration Requirement
CRM148 C
Core Insurance
176 106 34 36
60 19.32 20.5
No of
Remarks of Effort
(This could be application Snaphots that show required Interdependencies/Overlaps/
the feature being supported, explanation for for Inputs required from the allied
how the application can be customized or Modificati applications
modified to meet the requirement, etc) on /
eneral Requirements
CRM system would interface with the Refer Integration with the KM portal to
knowledge management system built for all NIC CRM148 be developed for NIC
CRM system would interface with the customer Refer Integration with customer
selfservice portal to capture transaction details CRM148 selfservice portal for NIC
Supported as Out of the box functionality, it can
be configured to save it as an attachment and it
can be associated with specific contacts or
service requests based on the needs.
Grievance Redressal
Siebel provides elaborate data model, that
captures various information about customers
like, segment, industry, customer type etc.
objects like leads and opportunities are linked
and related to the customer. Lead or opportunity
actually indicates the closure of the business,
this can be used for analysis in the form of
report or analytics. And Siebel's attachment
functionality also can be used to preserve the
snapshots of the historical revenue trends if
information is in Document based. 10
Siebel allows to customize the portals for all Refer There is a dependency on the
channels uniquely. This requires customization. CRM148 extranet and web portal
40 39 1 0
97.5 2.5 0
NS Remarks
the data exchange mechanism can be
based on XML. Both Portal and
Webcenter provide ou-ofbox portlet
( Omni Portlet) which can display
data/graph based on XML/WSDL
Oracle Appilcation server will be front-
ended by Oracle Webcache which is used
for caching and hence enhancing the
As all the portal components are based on
the roles and responsiblities in Portal
which is integrated by the identity
management system
Both Portal and Webcenter being web 2.0
complaint support Ajax and Ajax security
Oracle WEBCENTER has in-built
integration engine which helps in
integrating with the different collaborative
suites like Team calendar , conferencing
Support for Webservices for interactive
applications is always there both in Portal
and Webcenter. Both of the tools provide
out-of-box Omni Portlet which can
consume webservices
Oracle Portal is based on OC4J
technology which is used to host the portal
application in Oracle Application Server.
Oc4J supports 2-phase commit
Oracle Portal porvides with a development
environment where forms can be
generated online and used for data-entry.
Also x-form can be generated and easily
integrated with the Portal solution
Supported. While uploading of eforms ,
digital signatures can be used to check
the authenticity of the documents
Omniportlet which is available to both
WEBCENTER and Portal can upload data
from flat files. Moreover the fileupload
facility can upload any flat fils in portal
Oracle Portal and Webcenter comes with
portlets with Rich text editor which can be
given to users for customizatrion
Supported for all portlets based on JSR
168 specifications
Supported for all portlets based on JSR
168 specifications
Oracle Portal can publish data to outside
sites depending on the rights being given
in the identity management system which
can be based on single user or on
Both Portal and Webcenter uses out of
box portlet called Omni Portlet which can
consume webservices. The
communication to webservices happens
using SOAP messaging on HTTP only
oth Oracle Portal and Webcenter support templates for various aspects like look and feel etc.
Both Oracle Portal and Webcenter comes
with Portlets which does integration to
exchange,lotusnotes,Oracle Collaboration
Suite etc.
The Identity management system which
will be used for user registration can be
modified with custom inbuilt workflow for
the registration
In The portal builder whenever the users
use the navigator feacture all the page
and templates are available as hierarchial
structure for ease of navigation
ID Functional RequirementsPrioritySUP MOD CST NS
Should be able to
IDM2 provide user creation C X
request functionality
Should be able to
IDM3 delegate user creation C X
Should provide self
service for password
IDM4 management to users C X
with configurable
Should provide self
service identity
verification and
password retrieval
with configurable
Should provide
IDM6 configurable security C X
and password policies
Should be able to
provide federated
access to the
Should beresources
able to
provide federated sign
on to users from
partner (Strategic
Alliance) domain, who
is already
authenticated by
partners identity
server. Should
support SAML, Liberty
standards & WS-
Should be provided
for not only the users
accessing the
IDM29 applications from PCs C X
but also from other
devices such as PDAs,
Mobile phones etc.
Should adhere to
standards for easeof-
integration with
existing systems and
future IT investments.
Native support for
IDM30 known industry C X
standards, such as
aznAPl, JAAS, J2EE,
LDAP, PKIX, x.509v3,
X.500, Triple-DES
encryption, SSL and
WAP is necessary.
Should support
Certification Authority
IDM31 (CA) as part of a C X
infrastructure (PKI)
Should be able to
integrate with
industry-leading Web
application servers
Should be able to
deprovision a user
when the user retires
from the system
Should be able to
remove all access
IDM34 rights when the user C X
retires from the
Should be able to
handle any exception
that occurs during
user provisioning and
Should have a fail safe
IDM36 capability in case of C X
Should maintain
transaction tracking
and integrity while
user provisioning and
synchronization across
various systems and
managed resources
Should provide
connectors and
adapters for all the
IDM38 databases, operating C X
systems, messaging
frameworks, directory
services and all other
managed resources
Should provide
regular updates and
IDM39 patch updates for the C X
connectors and
Should be able to
reconcile user
accounts across all
managed resources
Should be able to
identify rouge
accounts and notify
47 46 1 0 0
97.872 2.12766 0 0
Should enable Service Oriented Architecture
BPM32 based application and BPM development C X
Should be based on Enterprise Service Bus
BPM33 (ESB(SOA Suite))
Should conform to architecture
Web Services standards – C X
BPM34 etc C X
Should conform to industry Service Component
BPM35 Architecture and Service Data Objects C X
Should provide out-of-the-box JMS and JCA-
BPM36 complaint adapters C X
Integration Framework
Should be able to integrate services published in
BPM66 the service bus C X
108 105 3 0 0
97.22 2.7778 0
Oracle Business Rules comes with the Rule Monitor which halps to
monitor and produce reports on the Rules
Oracle Business Process Manager ( SOA Suite) in conjuction with
Business Activity Monitoring will be able to give the required
Oracle BPA Suite and SOA Suite are based on Service Oriented
Oracle BPEL Process Manager and the ESB runs on the
Enterprise Service BUS which is the messaging backbone
SAME as BPM 46
As ESB(SOA Suite) is able to talk to disparate systems through
various adapters , handling of Business Events is possible within
ESB(SOA Suite) as default functionality
Oracle ESB(SOA Suite) comes with various out-of-box adapters l
which helps to connect to disparate systems with various protocols
. Oracle Jdeveloper the development tool for ESB(SOA Suite)
based project will help to do application programming using the
interface APIs
Out Of box functionality
Oracle BPEL Process Manager(SOA Suite) processes all
documents internally as XML. Xpath and Xquery are both used for
processing the message variables (such as transforms, message
enrichment, etc).
Oracle BPEL Process Manager( SOA Suite) provides a Notification
activity that can be added to the process design. This notification
node support multiple channels of delivery such as email, SMS
and fax notification.
Both Oracle ESB and Oracle BPEL Process Manager ( SOA Suite)
support streming of data to different message queues. Business
Activity Monitoring can pick data using the Enterprise Link to its
Active Data Cache
Oracle BPEL PM provides out-of-the-box, integrated process
reports. Users are able to view execution times for instances,
measure them against SLAs, or simply just view how many
processes have been completed in the past week.
X. Oracle BPEL PM allows configurable logging for multiple levels
(Debug, Info, None) at the domain level. Log4J (an open, popular
logging framework) is used internally for logging, and is
configurable to meet custom logging requirements
Oracle Application Server security services include the ability to
restrict or allow access to files and services based on the identity
of users established by means of basic authentication, by client-
supplied X.509 certificates, and by IP or hostname addresses.
The web server component of Oracle Application Server provides
the standard web server security features including Encryption,
Authentication and Authorization. Using standard SSLv3 and TLS,
Oracle Application Server is able to provide network encryption
using the more recent NIST (National Institute of Standards and
Technology) approved AES Cipher suites.In order to secure back
end communication between the application server and the
database, you have a choice of using SSL or other native
encryption algorithms offered by Oracle Advanced Security, an
Oracle Database Enterprise
BPEL Process Edition option.
Manager(SOA Suite) has got the error
catching facility and roolback to the previous state should there be
any error
X. Oracle Application Server provides high availability through
clusterable components. Various components within Oracle
Application Server (iSOA Suite amongst them), can be deployed in
an active-active configuration, providing scalability and high
availability to the middleware tier. Load balancing between multiple
tiers within the Application Server is provided, and multiple
algorithms (weighted, random, round-robin) are available to meet
different needs.
One usingJava
can inbuilt the same fileBPEL
code in adapter mentioned
Process in BPM84
Manager or ESB(SOA
Suite) which can be used for creating /reading Java Serialized
Oracle BPEL Process Designer includes a visual XSLT designer
for message transformation.
Oracle BPEL Process Designer includes a visual XSLT designer
for message transformation.
Oracle BPEL Process Designer includes a visual XSLT designer
for message transformation.
After the XSLT has been built, Oracle JDeveloper offers the option
to test the XSLT to review if the desired results are generated. The
tool can generate a test document, and parse the document using
the defined XSLT.
Default functionality
Default functionality
Oracle BPA Suite provides the interface for doing event simulation.
As the simulation environment is part of the same modeling
environment where one define the business proess so the ability of
creating and vaing custom components is available out-of-
box.Debugging environment is available out-of-box. Simulator also
gives the faacility to save the simulation process models
ID Product Features Priority SUP MOD
Should have the capability to determine
and re-calibrate the asking rate against a
Should allow indication at an aggregate
level that one of the sub-measures is “red”
(under-performing) although the aggregate
CPM6 level is still “given” or “orange” C X
Should refresh tables and charts
automatically to get the latest version of
the truth
Should support strategy maps. These
maps should be customizable and values,
alerts, traffic lights etc should be inherited
CPM8 from the source data C X
Should support frameworks like Balance
Scorecard and also allow developing
CPM9 Customizable frameworks C X
Should also support support six sigma
CPM10 framework N X
Should have the ability to create
CPM11 scorecards through wizards C X
Should have the ability to configure
CPM12 (add/modify/delete) and define KPI’s C X
Should provide features to create any
CPM13 number of threshold ranges for KPI’s C X
and benchmarks
Should provide the flexibility in defining
any detailed tolerances for any measure
CPM14 and any scorecard C X
Should provide for a communication
channel at individual KPI level. It should be
able to store a history of comments
CPM15 associated with a KPI, with a Date and C X
Time stamp.
Should be able to configure alerts and
notifications for defined metrics and
notification by delivery channels such as
CPM16 email/sms/warning at dashboards, etc C X
Should be able to send alerts to specific
people when specific measures need input
or are performing exceptionally (under or
over performance) through integration with
CPM17 email / sms C X
Should allow drill down and drill through
CPM18 onto pre-configured reports and views C X
Should allow comparison of business unit
structures (company level, department
level, regional office level, branch office
level) in different models with mapping of
CPM19 changes where ever necessary C X
Should have the ability to link related
performance measures within the
organizational hierarchy to ensure integrity
CPM20 of calculation of these measures D X
Should allow appropriate report to
CPM21 appropriate people. C X
CPM22 Should allow configuration of groups C X
Should provide dashboard views Channel
wise reports – Region wise, year wise
(with drill down capability – for Operating
office/Regional Office : month on month
and quarter on quarter basis), Product
wise, Product Segment Wise, strategic
partner group wise, any other logical
grouping) for:
Premium Growth C
Outstanding Claims Number
No of Policies
No of livesGrowth
Customer covered(Retail, Corporate,
Claim Turn Around time
Should provide dashboard views for
Employee Performance – region wise,
CPM24 year wise, function wise (claims, sales etc) C X
Should provide dashboard views for
Business targets-Financial goats, plans
and metrics such as such as premiums,
revenues, controllable expenses, key
CPM25 ratios and profitability and incidences of C X
Should provide dashboard views for
CPM26 Investment Income growth C X
Should provide dashboard views for
CPM27 IRDA/IFRS/regulatory compliance C X
Should provide dashboard views for
CPM28 management of asset/liabilities D X
Should provide dashboard views for
Forecasting and budgeting, and large
CPM29 variances C X
Should provide dashboard views for
CPM30 Performance SLAs C X
Should provide dashboard views for
CPM31 Customer satisfaction rating C X
Should provide dashboard views for
CPM32 Agency/broker satisfaction rating C X
Should provide dashboard views for
Unfavourable changes in risk exposures,
CPM33 portfolio concentration or product mix C X
Should provide dashboard views for
Operational risk exposures such as
information security, systems failture and
CPM34 transaction processing problems C X
41 17 24
41.46341463 59
CST NS Remarks
planning around
financials and
scenarios can be
built using the
OLAP cubes and
visualized on the
The writeback
feature enables
us to re-
caliberate against
a target
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
0 0
0 0
ID Product Features Priority SUP MOD CST NS
REBI1 Should provide features for:
1. Canned Reports X
2. Parameterized Reports C
3. Ad-Hoc reports
REBI2 Should provide access to a
list of self-serve report types, X
adaptable to any data source, and
operate from a single metadata
layer for a variety of benefits such
as multilingual reporting.
REBI3 Should provide self-sufficient and
access to enterprise data sources X
on multiple platforms, operating
systems and databases.
REBI4 Should have the ability to visually
access any supported database
and support for native data types
OLAP, and others such as DB4,
Flat files, Excel / Access, etc.
REBI5 Should provide support for data
sources of any class provided in the C X
solution basket.
REBI6 Should provide flexibility to choose
customise the template of reports & C X
report output formats.
REBI7 Should provide flexibility to design
the template of reports & report
output formats based on role
specific rights
favorite queries C
Should have static or dynamic
REBI32 interactive (Java or ActiveX) charts D X
and graphs.
REBI33 Should allow linking to other reports C X
Should be web enabled and provide
portlets that provide shortcuts to the X
folders or to the documents and be
delivered through the enterprise
REBI34 portal C
The presentation layer should have
web based delivery channel based
on HTML/DHTML/JavaScript. The
main idea is that there should be
NO client downloads, no plug-in’s,
No ActiveX controls, No Applets.
Should be able to deliver reports at X
run time, and also to email and
REBI36 inbox C
Should allow browsing of metadata
repositories to locate applications, X
dashboards, performance indicators
and reports.
Should be able to print reports and
specify page range while printing
Should provide expansion and
collapse capabilities to let users
REBI39 consume
act and
on information with fewer clicks D X
Should be able to configure start X
page number while configuring
REBI40 reports D
Should allow passing of parameters X
to the reports at run- time.
Should provide Ad-hoc reports X
REBI42 through
the portal C
Should provide report on the usage, X
frequency, and severity of the
REBI43 reports C
43 40 1 2
93.02326 2.325581 4.651163
OBI is supported
OBI supports
OBI supports
OBI supports
Campaign Management
Should be able to integrate with budgeting of campaigns
Should also provide reports for inferred campaigns X
Should be able to deliver all customer issues in single view X
Should provide real time information
AnCRM64 of targets and actuals related to campaigns C
Should provide information of potential opportunities X
Should be able to analyse and forecast ROI from a X
AnCRM66 campaign C
Should allow features for campaign optimization. X
Contact Center Analytics
Should provide features for Contact
AnCRM68 center agent adherence and occupancy C X
Should provide features to monitor
call center cost (overall fixed and variable) and average X
cost per episode
Should provide contact center utilization and gains and X
AnCRM70 losses C
Should provide customer analytics
(experience, service, satisfaction) of customer avaiing X
contact center services
Should provide contact center X
AnCRM72 scorecard C
Should provide end to end view of
cases registered in contact center (open, close, recurrence, X
ageing, and forecasting)
Should provide detailed analytics of abandon rate X
Should provide detailed service level exceptions and X
AnCRM75 performance analysis C
Should provide analytics for customer query trends X
Should be able to integrate with
AnCRM77 campaigns originating from contact centers C X
Should provide product profitability
AnCRM78 for product sales attributable to contact center C X
Should provide customer profitability for business from
AnCRM79 customers through contact center C X
Sales Analytics
Should be able to analyse sales profitability by region
Should be able to analyse sales profitability by agency X
Should be able to analyse sales by discounts X
Should be able to analyse sales force by discounts X
Should be able to analyse sales vis- X
AnCRM84 à-vis discounts, incentives to sales force C
Should be able to establish patterns of sales X
Should be able to analyse sales force performance as a X
whole and drill down to details
Should be able to categorize sales X
AnCRM87 force based on targets and performance C
Should be able to identify sales force underwriting profitable X
AnCRM88 customers C
Should be able to identify sales force underwriting X
AnCRM89 unprofitable customers C
Should provide feature for pipeline X
AnCRM90 analytics C
Should be able to identify opportunities in the pipeline X
Should be able to forecast sales by agencies X
Should be able to forecast sales by X
AnCRM93 regions C
Should be able to forecast sales force that may miss X
AnCRM94 targets C
Should be able to forecast regions that may miss targets X
95 81
MOD CST NS Remarks
OBI Presentation
Services (Log Files
OBI Administration &
Presentation Services
Some configuration as to
be done for IVRS
OBI Administration &
Presentation Services
X ( Login details are
Configuration as to be
done in OBI Admin &
OBI Presentation Services
(Answers & Dashboard )
OBI Presentation Services
(Answers & Dashboard )
OBI Presentation Services
(Answers & Dashboard )
OBI Presentation Services
(Answers & Dashboard )
iBots as to be created
Customer behavioral
attributes needs to be
Need some configuration
Configuration as to be
done in OBI Presentation
OBI Presentation Services
(Answers & Dashboard )
OBI Presentation Services
(Answers & Dashboard )
OBI Presentation Services
(Answers & Dashboard )
Cross sell and upsell
depending upon the
products offered
Configuration as to be
done in OBI Admin &
Presentation (Marketing)
OBI Presentation Services
(Answers & Dashboard )
Attributes of CSI needs to
be defined
Need to know definition of
seasonal customer
Different channel needs to
be configured
Different channel needs to
be configured
Campaign as to be
Supported in conjunction
with the operational CRM
X Need configuration
OBI Presentation Services
(Answers & Dashboard )
iBots as to be configured
iBots as to be configured
iBots as to be configured
12 1 0
12.63158 1.052632
ID Functional Requirements - CORE Insurance Priority SUP MOD CST
General Requirements
Platform / Middleware
Should be a Enterprise class middle Ware with
PLAT1 proven scalability C X
PLAT2 Should support 64-bit architecture. C X
Shall be capable of scaling up in capacity without
PLAT3 losing function. C X
PLAT4 Shall support real time deployment of applications C X
Shall provide tools and shall be capable of
providing an environment for developing and
PLAT5 deploying distributed applications. C X
Shall accommodate the interconnection of multiple
applications without compromising security,
PLAT6 performance etc. C X
Shall provide support for multiple platform
PLAT7 including hardware and operating systems. C X
Should allow interoperability with all Operating
Systems, Databases, Application servers, Web
PLAT8 services and other third party tools. C X
Shall allow flexible and reliable access control
mechanisms to assure that business partner data
is accessed only in the intended ways, and only by
PLAT9 the intended parties. C X
Shall allow system administrators to manage large
numbers of business logic components in a
uniform way, without having to understand or apply
PLAT10 unique procedures to particular components. C X
Shall allow system administrators to make
infrastructure component selections without
impacting applications, and to tune and scale
those components and have a uniform and generic
means of measuring the performance and
PLAT11 resource needs of all applications. C X
Should provide native support for SOAP (Simple
object access Protocol), WSDL (Web Services
Language Description and UDDI (Universal
Description Discovery and Integration) for standard
PLAT12 based application connectivity. C X
Should support a comprehensive BPEL process
PLAT13 manager to allow process integration. C X
Shall provide business process integration based
PLAT14 on BPEL standards. C X
PLAT15 Shall provide adaptors required for integration. C X
Shall provide support for native web services that
provides easy exposure of application functions as
standards- based Web services that leverage the
reliable, scalable, and high- performance
PLAT16 infrastructure provided by the application server. C X
Shall provide integrated in-built messaging to have
high-performance, reliable, and scalable
messaging for asynchronous processing in
PLAT17 distributed applications. C X
Shall provide database drivers tested for all
PLAT18 leading relational databases. C X
Shall provide rules engine based on real-world
conditions that facilitate flexible and powerful
PLAT19 securityprovide
Should policies.a messaging bridge to provide C X
built-in interoperability with other messaging
PLAT20 products. C X
Should provide pluggable security framework like
Open Service Provider Interface that allows
extension of application server security by
leveraging existing security solutions, developing
custom security service providers, or using off-the-
PLAT21 shelf third- pa C X
Data Warehouse
Should support various table joins such as inner,
outer, left, right, full. Joins can be run in parallel
PLAT69 and can use indexes. C
PLAT70 Should support Star Schema optimization. C
Should support Parallel Aggregation management
PLAT71 for optimization. C
Should provide partitioning capabilities for its data /
tables across multiple storage devices and I/O
Channels. Provide Partitioning capabilities by size
PLAT72 or by overflow. C
Should provide bitmap Indexing and B-Tree
Indexing capability and also dynamically adapt to
PLAT73 the cardinality and distribution of the data. C
Operating Systems
PLAT90 Should be a 64-bit architecture C
PLAT91 Should support hotswappable addition of memory C
PLAT92 Should support Multicore Processors. C
PLAT93 Should support IPv6. D
Should support IPSEC enhancements for better
PLAT94 security and Performance. C
PLAT95 Should support 32 way/ 64way multiprocessing. C
Should support very High scalability in terms of
PLAT96 processing capacity and Physical memory. C
PLAT97 Should support Non - uniform memory access C
PLAT98 management. C
PLAT99 Should support IP Masquerading. C
PLAT100 Should support server and storage virtualization. C
PLAT101 Performance. C
Should support High Performance File systems,
PLAT102 which enables concurrent file access. C
PLAT103 Should support Network Load C end of 210
38 38 0 0
NS Remarks
end of 205
ID Functional Requirements Priority SUP MOD CST NS
PLAT39 Should be an Enterprise class C X
Database with the ability to
support connection pooling,
Load sharing and Load
balancing when the load on the
application increases.
30 30 0 0 0
21 21
MOD CST NS Remarks
ID Functional Requirements - CORE Insurance Priority SUP MOD CST
General Requirements
Should be able to seamlessly access native
interface to ORACLE, SQL Server, DB2 and have
specific data access application to access various
ETL1 application platforms C X
32 32
NS Remarks
23 20 0
86.95652174 0
1 2
4.347826087 8.695652174
Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) provides built-in native support for SOA. ODI
Scenarios can be called as webservices and also ODI workflows can make
webservice calls as part of the ODI workflow. ODI also provides features to
convert any data source into a Data Service.
Oracle Data Quality (ODQ) - a related component of ODI supports advanced
Match and Merge Features. Duplicate records are identified and
merged into a unique “best” record, and all duplicates are linked to it
ODI services could be exposed as webservices which could further be
used/extended as a MDM business service, built using Oracle's SOA platform
and exposed a web-enabled services in portal
ODI alongwith ODQ can extract master data from different types of sources filter
and synchronize using SOA-based services as core functionalities attached to a
specific type of master data
SOA approach of synchronization functions are inherently capable of flexible
modifications of MDM business services and relevant definitions, rules
ODI supports out of the box Knowledge modules for Excel, CSV and XML
formats. For more details please refer to -
ODI supports audit trail and change log of ODI and processes with versioning. It
also provides features like Markers to assign to different objects to visually
display different phases of the project.
ODI can work in trigger mode. ODI has out-of -the-box trigger mechanisms for
waiting for files, data in database, message on MQ etc. Using these ODI features
automatic harmonization/synchronization of data can be achieved. ODI also
supports Change Data Capture (CDC) using which only the changed data needs
to be transferred, thereby reducing the bulk of the messages.
ODI can work in trigger/event-driven mode. ODI has out-of-the-box triggers for
waiting for files, data in database, message on MQ etc. Using these ODI features
event-based synchronization of data can be achieved.
ODI jobs can be scheduled or triggered on data events. Thus ODI supports both
modes of data syndication.
This MDM solution approach directly exploits the foundation of middleware and
database platform for high availability requirements as these infrastructural
services directly work with the underlying hardware platform
Oracle Data Profiling tool can be used to display errors in the Master Data.
Profiling data includes reverse-engineering metadata from various data stores,
detecting patterns in the data so that additional metadata can be inferred, and
comparing the actual data values to expected data values. Profiling provides an
initial baseline for understanding the ways in which actual data values in your
systems fail to conform to expectations. Advanced Oracle Data Quality ensures
that bad data is automatically detected and recycled before it is inserted in the
target applications.
Oracle Data Integrator offers standard data quality features, while more
advanced matching and de-duplication capabilities are available with Oracle Data
profiling capabilities which ensure that data assessment is not a one-time activity,
but an ongoing practice that ensures data quality over time.
ODI does not support versioning of MetadataModels. This has to be custom built
Data QualitX
Should provide intuitive Graphic User interfaces for Data
Profiling, Data Standardization, Clustering and Data
Augmentation capabilities. In Data Profiling it should be
able to conduct the following analXsis : • structure
MMDQDM17 discoveries, • frequencX distribu C
Data Mining
Should have a graphical user interface supporting the data
mining process with a drag and drop features for building
MMDQDM37 data mining processes C
The Oracle Data Integrator
Metadata Navigator web
application provides access to
repositorX metadata from anX web
browser. Users can browse the
entire repositorX metadata and
graphical views of the data flows.
With the Data Lineage feature,
theX can easilX track data to the
source items from which theX were
derived and subsequentlX
integrated bX Oracle Data
Integrator. The Metadata is stored
in the entral ODI repositorX and
can be modified using the ODI
Designer module bX anX
authorized user. Thus centralized
administration can be achieved.
ODI provides a securitX manager
utilitX using which user profiles can
be created to grant access to
different modules/projects in ODI.
This can be used for centralized
management of access control
Not supported
Not supported
ODI provides versioning of ODI
Interfaces, packages and
X scenarios. Metadata versioning is
can be used to reverse
engineer metadata from
operational sources like files,
database tables etc. Business
X rules cannot be automaticallX
Not supported
ODI can reverse-engineer
metadata from operational sources
like files, Oracle database etc. It
can export the metadata models to
xml files. Import of metadata in
third-partX tools would be a custom
ODI Metadata navigator provides a
data lineage feature which can be
used to do Impact analXsis of
changes to metadata and loading
X processes.
Through the ODI metadata
navigator the taxonomX definations
can be incorporated within the
metadata. The same can be
X enhanced depending on the need
with the use of APIs
Some reports are available out-of-
box and other reports can be
X easilX developed using APIs
X Available out-of-box
ODI does not support versioning of
metadata models.
Oracle Data Profiling and Oracle
Data QualitX for Data Integrator
provide a single data qualitX
management interface from which
Xou can evaluate and manage the
data assets and operations critical
to Xour business. When integrated
with Xour business strategX for
data governance, the Oracle Data
QualitX products allow Xou to
monitor and improve data qualitX
throughout Xour enterprise,
regardless of where it is located,
and track Xour data qualitX
improvements over time.
The Time Series feature set is
delivered as part of Oracle Data
Profiling. Time Series is a
monitoring application that lets Xou
evaluate and monitor changes to
Xour data over a period of time. It
utilizes the Profiling data analXsis
features and compares snapshots
of Xour data over successive
inquiries. Time Series Projects
enable Xou to see trends in Xour
data usage and identifX anomalies,
as well as areas for improvement.
When Xou create a Time Series
Project, Xou identifX the Entities
Xou want to track and set the
parameters for monitoring changes
within these Entities.
Not supported
Oracle Data QualitX for Data
Integrator is a total data qualitX
and governance product that gives
Xou a powerful tool set for
repairing and correcting fields,
values and records across multiple
business contexts and
applications. ODQ supports
duplicate suspect processing and
lots of other standardization
processes. More details are
available at -
ODQ Identifies the relationship
between rows in a file at the
business and consumer level. It
performs these functions:
■Identifies whether duplicate rows
exist in several files.
■Uses comparison routines to
determine the level of similaritX
between rows. Results are
categorized as Pass, Suspect, or
Fail, depending on the similaritX of
data elements.
■Uses window keXs to match
rows, and attempts to match rows
in the same window keX set.
X Not supported
X Not supported
X Not supported
ODI Parser rule and pattern files
correct and recognize citX names,
common names/businesses,
misspellings and manX other best
practices that Trillium has built into
the product.
X Not supported
ODI Parser rule and pattern files
correct and recognize citX names,
common names/businesses,
misspellings and manX other best
practices that Trillium has built into
the product.
Data qualitX rules can be created
for addresses, phone numbers,
pan numbers, passport numbers
etc. ODI Parser rule and pattern
files correct and recognize citX
names, common
names/businesses, misspellings
and manX other best practices that
X Trillium has built into the product.
The results of completed Metabase
activities can be viewed in the
Oracle Data Profiling and QualitX
Event Log. The Event Log
organizes final results of Metabase
activities into folders in the
Explorer. The information that
displaXs in a List View is based on
user access privileges. Users with
limited privileges can see the
events for Entities theX own or
have permission to access. Users
X with full privileges can see all
events in the log.
Not supported
X Not supported
35 4 2 12
61.40351 7.01754386 3.50877193 21.05263158