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Literature review on the impact of wellness policy review, wellness council

activity, and student health on overall school wellness climate

Jonh alron R. Mayores & Jermine Flores

This paper examines the impact of the three wellness infrastructures' ongoing wellness policy
review, wellness council activity, and a plan for evaluating objectives. The purpose of this study
is to help the school create an effective health wellness plan for the student and provide a set of
goals to support them in growing their academic skills, good health, and lifetime health benefits.
(Alicia M Hoke, Krista L Pattison, Elizabeth A. Hivner, Erick B Lehman, and Jennifer L
Kraschnewski 2022) study the role of technical assistance in school wellness policy
enhancement. Program staff provided technical assistance to evaluate wellness policies before
and after program implementation. Professional development and tailored training were provided
for school personnel to create sustainability. Statistical analysis was performed to assess policy
improvement. Several studies focus on students’ consumption of high and low-nutrition foods
and reduced plate waste through schools’ wellness-related policies and garden program
participation. Other studies focus on strategies for enhancing the implantation of school-based
policies or practices targeting risk factors for chronic disease (Luke Wolfenden, Nicole K.
Nathan, Rachel Sutherland, Sze Lin Yoong, Rebeka K Hodder, Rebeka J Wyse, Tessa Delaney,
Alice Grady, Alison Fielding, Flora Tzelepis, Tara Clinton-Mcharg, Benjamin Parmenter, Peter
Butler, Jhon Wiggers, Adrian Bauman, Andrew Milat, Debbie Booth, Christopher M. Williams,
2017) in this study, the researcher prove that current research provide weak and inconsistent
evidence of the effectiveness of such strategies in improving the implementation of policies and
practices, childcare service staff knowledge or attitudes, or child diet, physical activity or weight
status. Further research in the field is required.
Throughout the literature, there is consistent evidence that the wellness policy review, wellness
council activity, and a plan for evaluating overall school wellness climate objectives can help the
school help students maintain their mental and physical health. Not only the students but all the
staff of the school including teachers and other workers are under this implementation. It is a
holistic approach to finding out the problem of the school and providing an effective solution by
providing a plan and evaluating the objectives. Conversely, the schools that reported holding
monthly or quarterly wellness council meetings, annually reviewing school wellness policy, and
revising student health promotion objectives generally performed better across the assessed
WSCC domains. While the school reviewed the wellness council with year intervals, and the
school did not report having a wellness policy got lower findings. It is one of the problems in this
However, other research prove that the school
Luke Wolfenden, Nicole K. Nathan, Rachel Sutherland, Sze Lin Yoong, Rebeka
K Hodder, Rebeka J Wyse, Tessa Delaney, Alice Grady, Alison Fielding, Flora Tzelepis, Tara
Clinton-Mcharg, Benjamin Parmenter, Peter Butler, Jhon Wiggers, Adrian Bauman, Andrew
Milat, Debbie Booth, Christopher M. Williams (2017), on strategies for enhancing the
implantation of school-based policies or pra ctices targeting risk factors for chronic disease, 5627/
Alicia M Hoke, Krista L Pattison, Elizabeth A. Hivner, Erick B Lehman, and Jennifer L
Kraschnewski (2022) The Role of technical assistance in School Wellness Policy Enhancement, /abs/1 0.1111/josh.13136

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