Lab Report-05 (ME-339 Control Engineering Lab)

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ME-339 Control Engineering Lab

Lab Report – 05

Plotting Characteristic Curve for

LVDT Transducer as Level Control

Submitted to
LE. Usman Ghani

Submitted by

Name Muhammad Talha Nouman

CMS ID 366197
Semester 5th
Section ME-13-C
Group 4

School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering

National University of Science and Technology – Islamabad
Control Engineering Lab
Lab Report - 05
 To understand the working of the liquid level control training system
 To understand the working of the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)
as liquid level transducer
 To plot the characteristics curve between water displacement level in process tank
(cm3) and output voltage reading of LVDT (volts)

1. Liquid Level Process Module
2. Digital Multimeter
3. Connecting Leads
4. Water Supply
5. Digital Multimeter Lead Probes
6. Proper functioning Linear Variable Differential Transformer
7. Data and Power Transfer Supply

Circuit Diagrams & Apparatus Setting

Fig.1.1. Liquid Level Process Module

Control Engineering Lab
Lab Report - 05

Fig.1.2. CRO and Liquid Level Control Panel

Fig.1.3. Circuit Diagram

Fig.1.4. Real-time circuit


Control Engineering Lab
Lab Report - 05

Theoretical Background
Linear Variable Differential Transformer
LVDT stands for Linear Variable Differential
Transformer. It converts a position or linear
displacement in any mechanical device into an
electrical signal containing phase for direction and
amplitude for distance. The LVDT operation does
not require an electrical contact between the
moving parts but relies on electromagnetic
coupling instead.
Working Principle Fig.1.5. LVDT

LVDT has three solenoidal coils or windings placed end-to-end around a tube. The center
coil is primary and the other two are secondary coils. A cylindrical ferromagnetic core, attached
to the object is slided along the axis of the tube. This AC current generates a magnetic field
which in turn induces an emf in the adjacent secondary coils. When the iron core moves to the
left or right side, it couples the magnetic field to one of the secondary coils. This induces a
greater emf in the coil as compared to the other one. This difference in voltage is the signal
which is sent to the control unit. Greater the displacement of the core, greater will be the
induced emf. The frequency range of LVDT is around 1 to 10 𝑘𝐻𝑧.

1. First of all, establish the electrical connection on the control panel as recommended in
the circuit diagram Fig.1.3, and Fig.1.4.
2. Connect the linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) with connecting leads as
per circuit diagram shown in Fig.1.3, and Fig.1.4.
3. Now connect the water pump driver with the set point of the ON-OFF controller in
order to set up and operate the speed of water motor as shown in Fig.1.3, and Fig 1.4.
4. After establishing the tight fitted electrical connection, press the main switch ON and
wait for at least 5 minutes in order to attain smooth motor driver evaluation.
5. Since our main objective is to operate the displacement tank by giving it a set point and
establish a relationship between displacements as determined from the process tank and
output voltage by digital multimeter.
6. Provide the input voltage by connecting the one end of the lead to any one set point and
the other one to the motor.
7. Also, set up a connection by connecting the lead with input of LVDT sensor and the
output is to be checked by multimeter.
8. Perform one experiment by filling the tank up to 13 cm3 and at one particular value of
displacement, note the value of output voltage as recorded by the digital multimeter.

Control Engineering Lab
Lab Report - 05
9. Similarly, on turning off the motor drive it may lead to empty the tank so that note the
values of output voltage as recorded by digital multimeter instantly.
10. Graph both the voltage rise and voltage drop characteristic curves versus the same
water displacement level in process tank in order evaluate the hysteresis (area spacing
between two curves as recorded as deviation) as shown in the Graph 1.1.
11. In order to complete the experiment accurately and properly, we need to follow the
recommended safety precautions in order to avoid any loss during the lab session.

Observations & Calculations

Sr. No. Level of Liquid Rise Voltage Rise
(L) (V)
1 5 0.388
2 6 0.783
3 7 2.09
4 8 3.31
5 9 4.76
6 10 6.12
7 11 7.33
8 12 8.57
9 13 9.77
Table.1.1: Relationship of Voltage rise with liquid level rise

Sr. No. Level of Liquid Drop Voltage Drop

(L) (V)
1 13 10.02
2 12 8.96
3 11 7.80
4 10 6.47
5 9 5.21
6 8 3.83
7 7 2.62
8 6 1.34
9 5 0.167
Table.1.2: Relationship of Voltage drop with liquid level drop

Control Engineering Lab
Lab Report - 05


Output Voltage vs Water Level

y = 1.2539x - 1.1141
10.000 R² = 0.9994
Output Voltage (V)

6.000 y = 1.2397x - 1.4126
R² = 0.995
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Water Displacement Level (cm3)

Support Hysteresis Voltage Rise

Voltage Drop Linear (Voltage Rise) Linear (Voltage Drop)

Graph.1.1. Relationship between Voltage Rise & Drop versus Water Level

Since the experiment is performed in order to determine the effect of the water
displacement level as measured and shown by the float switch in the process tank as recorded
on the process tank graduations on the output voltage of LVDT transducer as recorded by using
digital multimeter instantly with respect to different water displacement level in the process.
As with reference to the Table.1.1, we have observed with the increase in the water
displacement level up to 13cm3 in the process tank the output voltage of Linear Variable
Differential Transformer is also increased. On further investigating from the respective
characteristic curve (Voltage Rise) on the Graph.1.1, it has been observed that it has strictly
followed the linear relationship which means that output voltage of LVDT is (strictly saying)
directly proportional to the water displacement level.
As with reference to Table.1.2, since when motor driver is turned off or operated on the
low speed in reverse direction, so that water displacement level is also dropped which can
significantly affect the output voltage of the LVDT. After evaluation, we have observed that
with the decrease in the water flow, the output voltage of LVDT transducer has also decreased
which is shown from the characteristic curve (Voltage Drop) on Graph.1 that it has strictly
followed the linear relationship which means that output voltage of transducer is (strictly
saying) directly proportional to the water displacement as recorded by marking on process
However, a certain amount of deviation in the voltage rise and voltage drop are recorded
with the same water level displacement in process tank. This certain extent of deviation has
inferred that the hysteresis (area spacing between voltage rise and drop curves) as shown in
the Graph.1.1, has introduced due to certain reasons which may include;

Control Engineering Lab
Lab Report - 05
a) Fluctuation in the pressure of water flow which may impact the reading of output
voltage of flow sensor.
b) This deviation may introduce due to certain level of faultiness in the apparatus either
on the water supply side (piping system and connection) or electrical connection.
c) Turning off the motor driver instantly can cause the certain level of deviation into the
output voltage when the water displacement level is dropped.
d) It can be caused due to poor confinement of the readings as recorded by faulty or non-
synchronized digital multimeter.

After performing this experiment, we have demonstrated the working of level transducer
as an LVDT transducer. The mechanical energy present in the water level is converted into
electrical signal and the voltages of different water levels show the signal of the LVDT. As we
have increased the water level, the output voltage is also increased. On further investigating
from the characteristic curves of voltage rise and voltage drop of LVDT with the same water
displacement level, it has been observed that output voltage of flow is linearly dependent on
the water displacement level. However, a certain amount of deviation (hysteresis) is
significantly observed from the graph which may be caused due to the reasons as
aforementioned. Conclusively, this experiments provides us the insights to the engineers or
manufactures how to work with much precision and calibration while working with the sensor
or transducer technology.

Safety Precautions
i. Avoid instantly turning on or off the water motor driver because it can create the eventual
water splash and cause the greater amount of water pressure on the process tank and its lid
may fly away due to these very reasons which may lead to electrical connection damage
and thus become life threatening in any case.
ii. Since common range for LVDT excitation voltage is between 1 to 20 volts root mean
square (Vrms) for the normal operation so make sure to operate the LVDT transducer in
this range only in order to avoid any damage to LVDT.
iii. Observe the reading from the rotameter on straight line angle in order to avoid from
parallax error which may lead to any electrical damage due to eventual water splashing
into the process tank that fluctuates the output voltage as recorded by digital multimeter.
iv. Switch OFF the setup when not in use.
v. Disconnect the power supply before making any connections or adjustments to the circuit.
vi. Use insulated tools and equipment to handle electrical components.
vii. Operate the motor on nominal input voltage range (0-10V) in order to avoid the motor
overload condition.
viii. To avoid fire or shock hazards, observe all ratings and marks on the instrument
ix. Do not operate the system in wet / damp conditions.
x. Make sure that all the connections are tightly fitted on the control panel and water supply

Control Engineering Lab
Lab Report - 05
xi. Do not overload electrical outlets or use damaged extension cords to prevent short circuits
and potential fires.
xii. Maintain a clean and organized workspace to prevent tripping hazards and facilitate easy
access to emergency equipment.
xiii. Use one hand whenever possible to minimize the risk of a complete electrical path through
the body.
xiv. Do not touch exposed wires or components when the circuit is live.

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