Cilostazol A
Cilostazol A
Cilostazol A
Molecular Sciences
The Role of Cilostazol, a Phosphodiesterase-3 Inhibitor, in the
Development of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology: A Review
with Meta-Analysis
Minji Sohn and Soo Lim *
Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University
College of Medicine, Seongnam 13620, Republic of Korea; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) stands as the leading global cause of
mortality. Addressing this vital and pervasive condition requires a multifaceted approach, in which
antiplatelet intervention plays a pivotal role, together with antihypertensive, antidiabetic, and lipid-
lowering therapies. Among the antiplatelet agents available currently, cilostazol, a phosphodiesterase-
3 inhibitor, offers a spectrum of pharmacological effects. These encompass vasodilation, the impedi-
ment of platelet activation and aggregation, thrombosis inhibition, limb blood flow augmentation,
lipid profile enhancement through triglyceride reduction and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
elevation, and the suppression of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. However, the role of
cilostazol has not been clearly documented in many guidelines for ASCVD. We comprehensively
reviewed the cardiovascular effects of cilostazol within randomized clinical trials that compared it to
control or active agents and involved individuals with previous coronary artery disease or stroke,
as well as those with no previous history of such conditions. Our approach demonstrated that the
administration of cilostazol effectively reduced adverse cardiovascular events, although there was
less evidence regarding its impact on myocardial infarction. Most studies have consistently reported
its favorable effects in reducing intermittent claudication and enhancing ambulatory capacity in
patients with peripheral arterial disease. Furthermore, cilostazol has shown promise in mitigating
restenosis following coronary stent implantation in patients with acute coronary syndrome. While
Citation: Sohn, M.; Lim, S. The Role research from more diverse regions is still needed, our findings shed light on the broader implications
of Cilostazol, a Phosphodiesterase-3 of cilostazol in the context of atherosclerosis and vascular biology, particularly for individuals at high
Inhibitor, in the Development of risk of ASCVD.
Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology:
A Review with Meta-Analysis. Int. J. Keywords: atherosclerosis; cardiovascular diseases; cilostazol; platelet aggregation inhibitors; aspirin
Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 2593. https://
These vascular diseases are mainly caused by atherosclerosis, which starts with the
development of fibrofatty lesions known as atherosclerotic plaques. Several mechanisms
are involved in this process: the accumulation of modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
in the intima, the attraction of pro-inflammatory monocytes and T lymphocytes to the
arterial wall, the proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), the
aggravation of oxidative stress and the increase in adhesion molecules, and the aggregation
of platelets [1]. The rupture of the fibrous cap in an atherosclerotic plaque can result in the
development of a life-threatening ASCVD, such as myocardial infarction and stroke, both of
which can also lead to various complications that significantly impact the patient’s quality of
life [6,7]. Furthermore, ASCVD is commonly asymptomatic up until the occurrence of acute
coronary syndrome or stroke [8]. Therefore, preventive measures and early interventions
aimed at reducing the risk of these conditions are crucial.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is closely linked to an increased risk of CAD and cere-
brovascular disease. Patients with T2DM have a 2–4-fold higher CVD risk compared to that
of the general population, regardless of the presence/absence of other risk factors [9]. Thus,
diabetes mellitus is regarded as being equivalent to the risk of CAD. Furthermore, ASCVD
is the principal cause of death and disability among patients with diabetes mellitus [10].
Diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, inflammation, and
hypercoagulability, which exacerbate the underlying causes of atherosclerosis and heart
failure [11]. To date, the cardiovascular benefit of multifactorial risk-reduction approaches
using antidiabetic agents, antihypertensive drugs, and lipid-lowering therapy has been
proven, thus reducing the incidence of cardiovascular complications [12]. However, the cur-
rent therapeutic strategies are not sufficient for preventing adverse cardiovascular events,
and a substantial number of patients with diabetes mellitus still face a risk of CVD, leading
to the term “residual risk” [12].
For the management of the residual risk, international guidelines from the USA
and Europe recommend the use of antiplatelet agents as a main management strategy
in patients with diabetes and a high CVD risk [13,14]. Hence, antiplatelet agents such
as aspirin, clopidogrel, and cilostazol could be contemplated in the management of the
residual risk, pending additional supportive evidence.
Cilostazol is an antiplatelet agent that inhibits phosphodiesterase-3 (PDE-3) and in-
creases cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) concentrations, leading to the inhibition
of platelet aggregation and thrombus formation [15]. PDE-3 is expressed in cell populations
such as platelets, VSMCs, cardiac myocytes, and adipocytes [16]. Therefore, cilostazol is
expected to have some effects in these tissues.
Cilostazol has been approved for improving intermittent claudication symptoms
in various countries. In further research, cilostazol treatment reduced the progression of
atherosclerosis in patients with carotid artery stenosis [17,18] and the recurrence of stroke in
patients with cerebrovascular disease [19,20]. In addition, previous studies have shown that
cilostazol therapy is beneficial for CAD when administered immediately after percutaneous
coronary intervention or in addition to other antiplatelet agents [21,22].
In 2015, a critical review of the literature regarding cilostazol and its role against
CVD was reported [23]. Since then, many basic and clinical studies have been published;
however, its role has not been reviewed systematically. Moreover, cilostazol has not been
well documented in the literature with regard to its role in CVD and diabetes mellitus. In
this review, we discuss the mechanism of action of cilostazol and evaluate the efficacy and
safety of the drug based on the results of clinical trials. Furthermore, we comprehensively
explore the role of cilostazol in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.
aspirin for CVD in patients with T2DM reported an absence of significant differences in the
incidence of CVD between the aspirin treatment group and the non-aspirin group [25,26]. A
meta-analysis of several clinical studies in which aspirin was administered for the primary
prevention of CVD also showed that aspirin did not reduce the incidence of CVD in patients
with diabetes [27]. The six-year follow-up of the primary preventive effect of aspirin against
CVD in more than 14,000 Japanese elderly patients also failed to demonstrate the beneficial
effect of aspirin on the incidence of CVD [28].
Moreover, it was reported that the use of aspirin not only increased the number of
adverse events, such as major bleeding and gastrointestinal discomfort, but also did not
reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in primary prevention (Table 1) [25,26,28–34].
There is some evidence from basic studies suggesting that aspirin might not be suffi-
cient to reduce abnormal platelet activation. The platelet multidrug resistance protein 4
(MRP4) is upregulated after aspirin administration, which could represent one of the
mechanisms underlying the high residual platelet reactivity after aspirin intake [35]. Impor-
tantly, patients with persistent high platelet reactivity while on aspirin therapy exhibited
an increased risk of recurrent cardiovascular events [36].
Based on these findings, the role of aspirin in this context has changed drastically
since 2018. The US Preventive Services Task Force did not recommend the initiation of low-
dose aspirin among patients aged 60 years or older [37]. The American Heart Association
(AHA) and American College of Cardiology (ACC) Foundation’s statement on aspirin
for the primary prevention of cardiovascular events in individuals with diabetes suggests
that low-dose aspirin should not be administered to those with a low risk for ASCVD
(10-year risk < 5%), but can be considered in patients with an increased cardiovascular risk
(10-year risk > 10%) [38,39]. Unfortunately, no direct evidence from a clinical trial supports
these risk-based treatment recommendations, resulting in controversy in the primary
prevention among patients with a high CVD risk. Moreover, the primary preventive effect
of aspirin was not clearly demonstrated, even for high-risk patients, such as those with
T2DM (Table 1).
In contrast, the guidelines for the secondary prevention of diabetes recommend aspirin
therapy (75–162 mg daily) for individuals with diabetes and a history of ASCVD [13].
Nevertheless, concerns regarding the side effects of this therapy remain unaddressed.
In the Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE) study, cancer-related death
occurred in 3.1% of the participants in the aspirin group and in 2.3% of those in the placebo
group (hazard ratio: 1.31; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.10–1.56), indicating a higher
cancer mortality rate in the aspirin therapy compared with that of the placebo group [33].
Although the risk of cancer development was not confirmed in other studies (Table 1),
concerns regarding this issue remain.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 2593 4 of 26
Table 1. Randomized controlled studies with aspirin for preventing primary cardiovascular events since 2000.
Trial Information * Efficacy and Safety Outcomes
Bibliographic Characteristics
Information Patients’ Men (%)/Age Diabetes Cardiovascular
Population Duration ** Bleeding Risks Cancer Risks
Number (Years) Comorbidity Events ***
No difference in
RR of 3P-MACE a Severe bleedings more
Participants with at least cancer risks with
with aspirin vs. frequent in the aspirin
PPP study [29] one already known major 5 years 4495 42.5/64.4 16.5% aspirin vs.
no-aspirin: group (1.1% vs. 0.3%;
cardiovascular risk factor no-aspirin
0.71 (0.48–1.04) p < 0.0008)
(3.9% vs. 3.5%)
Female health Any gastrointestinal
RR of 3P-MACE a
professionals, aged ≥45 bleeding: RR
with aspirin vs.
WHS study [30] and without a history of mean 10.1 years 39,876 0/54.6 2.6% 1.22 (1.10–1.34) Not reported
placebo: 0.91
cardiovascular disease Requiring transfusion:
or cancer RR 1.40 (1.07–1.83)
No difference in
HR of atherosclerotic significant
Patients with events b with aspirin gastrointestinal
JPAD study [25] mean 4.37 years 2539 54.6/64 100% Not reported
type 2 diabetes vs. no-aspirin: bleeding with aspirin
0.80 (0.58–1.10) vs. no-aspirin
(1.0% vs. 0.3%)
Participants aged ≥40
with type 1 or type 2 No difference in No difference in
No difference in
diabetes and an ankle atherosclerotic events gastrointestinal
POPADAD median 6.7 years c with aspirin vs. malignancy with
brachial pressure index of 1276 44.1/60.3 100% bleeding with aspirin
study [26] (4.5~8.6 years) aspirin vs. placebo
0.99 or less but no no-aspirin: vs. no-aspirin:
(8.3% vs. 10.7%)
symptomatic 0.98 (0.76–1.26) 0.90 (0.53–1.52)
cardiovascular disease
Participants aged 60 to Major gastrointestinal
85 years, presenting with HR of 3P-MACE a and extracranial
hypertension, 6 years (median with aspirin vs. bleedings more
JPPP study [28] 14,658 42.3/70.5 33.9% Not reported
dyslipidemia, or diabetes 5.02 years) no-aspirin: frequent in the aspirin
mellitus without 0.94 (0.77–1.15) group (0.1% vs. 0.07%;
cardiovascular disease p < 0.001)
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 2593 5 of 26
Table 1. Cont.
Trial Information * Efficacy and Safety Outcomes
Bibliographic Characteristics
Information Patients’ Men (%)/Age Diabetes Cardiovascular
Population Duration ** Bleeding Risks Cancer Risks
Number (Years) Comorbidity Events ***
RR of serious vascular
Patients with type 2 RR of any major
ASCEND at least 7 years events d with aspirin RR of any cancer:
diabetes without 15,480 62.6/63.3 100% bleeding:
study [31] (mean 7.4 years) vs. placebo: 1.01 (0.92–1.11)
cardiovascular disease 1.29 (1.09–1.52)
0.88 (0.79–0.97)
Participants aged
≥55 years (men) or
HR of 3P-MACE a No difference in
≥60 years (women) and HR of gastrointestinal
ARRIVE study 6 years (mean with aspirin vs. cancer with aspirin
had moderate 12,546 70.4/63.9 0% bleeding:
[32] 5 years) no-aspirin: vs. placebo (not
cardiovascular risk, 2.11 (1.39–3.28)
0.79 (0.61–1.02) sufficient events)
without at high risk of
bleeding or diabetes
HR of ischemic HR of major
Elderly participants who HR of cancer-related
events-related deaths hemorrhage-related
ASPREE did not have 6 years (median deaths with aspirin
19,114 43.6/median 74 10.8 with aspirin vs. deaths with aspirin vs.
study [33] cardiovascular disease, 4.7 years) vs. placebo:
placebo: placebo:
dementia, or disability 1.31 (1.10–1.56)
0.82 (0.62–1.08) 1.13 (0.66–1.94)
Participants without No difference in major
HR of 3P-MACE a by HR of cancer with
Yusuf S. et al., cardiovascular disease 6 years (mean bleeding with aspirin
5713 47.1/63.9 36.7% aspirin vs. placebo: aspirin vs. placebo:
2021 [34] who had an elevated 4.6 years) vs. placebo
0.86 (0.67–1.10) 0.83 (0.54–1.27)
INTERHEART Risk Score (1.5% vs. 1.3%)
Abbreviations: 3P-MACE, 3-point major adverse cardiovascular events; HR, hazard ratio; and RR, risk ratio. * Aspirin (100 mg) was compared to placebo or control therapy. ** Study
drug was administered during the whole study period. *** Definition of cardiovascular events were different between the groups: a 3P-MACE: cardiovascular death, non-fatal,
myocardial infarction, and stroke. b Composite of sudden death; death from coronary, cerebrovascular, and aortic causes; non-fatal acute myocardial infarction; unstable angina; newly
developed exertional angina; nonfatal ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke; transient ischemic attack; or nonfatal aortic and peripheral vascular disease (arteriosclerosis obliterans, aortic
dissection, mesenteric arterial thrombosis). c Death from coronary heart disease or stroke, non-fatal myocardial infarction or stroke, or above ankle amputation for critical limb ischemia.
d Composite of nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke (excluding confirmed intracranial hemorrhage) or transient ischemic attack, or death from any vascular cause (excluding
3. Beneficial RoleRole
3. Beneficial of Cilostazol in the
of Cilostazol in Development of Atherosclerosis
the Development of Atherosclerosis
3.1. 3.1.
Antiplatelet Activity
Antiplatelet Activity
Cilostazol inhibits
Cilostazol platelet
inhibits function
platelet by inhibiting
function PDE-3
by inhibiting and increasing
and increasing levels lev-
(Figure 1). Platelet
[40] (Figure reactivity
1). Platelet is mediated
reactivity by the
is mediated byintracellular calcium
the intracellular levels,
calcium which
levels, which
induce a molecular
induce a molecular cascade including
cascade cAMP,
including cAMP,resulting in platelet
resulting degranulation,
in platelet degranulation, confor-
mational changes,
changes, and and aggregation
aggregation [41]. [41]. Elevated
Elevated cAMPcAMP levels levels upregulate
upregulate the activity
the activity of
of protein
protein kinase A kinase
(PKA),A which
which phosphorylates key intermediary
key intermediary moleculesmolecules that are
that are essen-
tial for plateletforaggregation
platelet aggregation
[42]. PKA [42]. PKA
has also hastied
been alsotobeen tied to the downregulation
the downregulation of platelet of
adhesion adhesion
through the through the phosphorylation
phosphorylation of the GP-Ib-IXof the GP-Ib-IX
complex, thecomplex,
of inhibition
intracel- of
calcium store calcium storethromboxane
release, release, thromboxane
receptor receptor desensitization,
desensitization, and theand the inhibition
inhibition of
of the phosphorylation
the phosphorylation of myosin
of myosin light kinase
light chain chain kinase
[43]. [43].
Recent evidence
Recent hashas
evidence suggested
suggesteda role forfor
a role cilostazol in in
cilostazol thethe
MRP4 [44]
and in
in overcoming a high on-aspirin-treatment residual platelet reactivity in a
overcoming a high on-aspirin-treatment residual platelet reactivity in a cAMP-independent cAMP-inde-
pendent manner
manner [45]. MRP4,
[45]. MRP4, which which is expressed
is expressed in platelets
in platelets primarily
primarily in theinmembranes
the membranesof dense
of dense granules [46], promotes platelet aggregation by transporting
granules [46], promotes platelet aggregation by transporting cyclic nucleotides, cyclic nucleotides,
cAMP cAMP and cGMP,
and cGMP, outside outside of platelets
of platelets [47]. MRP4
[47]. MRP4 has also
has also beenbeen
shown shown to de-
to desensitize
sensitize platelets
platelets to thetoinhibitory
the inhibitory effects
effects of endothelial-derived
of endothelial-derived nitric
nitric oxide
oxide andand sensitize
sensitize them
them to ADP-mediated activation [44]. Thus, the inactivation of MRP4 and
to ADP-mediated activation [44]. Thus, the inactivation of MRP4 and the inhibition of the inhibition
of phosphodiesterase-4
phosphodiesterase-4by bycilostazol
reported toto
have synergistic and
synergistic andpotent
tic antiplatelet effects [46].
antiplatelet effects [46].
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 2593 7 of 26
The clinical findings of decreased platelet reactivity after cilostazol treatment have
been described in various populations, including patients with acute coronary syndrome
and ischemic stroke [40,48], and even when administered in addition to aspirin and clopido-
grel [49]. Cilostazol is likely to be more effective in inhibiting platelet activation, especially
in patients with diabetes mellitus. Platelets themselves have insulin receptors which, when
activated, initiate a molecular cascade, leading to increased cAMP levels and platelet inhi-
bition [50]. Insulin resistance is associated with an attenuated P2Y1 response caused by
low cAMP levels, which may explain the observation that patients with T2DM are at an
increased risk of thrombosis [50]. Another study further established a relatively higher
degree of platelet inhibition by cilostazol in patients with diabetes compared with those
without this condition [51].
production of hepatocyte growth factor, which is known for its favorable role in attenuating
the malformation and apoptosis of endothelial cells [71].
Also, in a clinical setting, a three-month intervention using cilostazol improved en-
dothelial function, as measured by flow-mediated dilation, compared with aspirin in
patients with stroke (1.0% vs. 0.8%) [72]. Moreover, a six-month treatment with cilosta-
zol improved vasomotor reactivity, as evidenced by an increase in the coronary luminal
diameter following the administration of N-monomethyl-L-arginine [73].
Figure PRISMAflow
All 33
All 33 studies
studies mentioned
mentionedabove abovewerewereincluded
includedin the meta-analysis
in the meta-analysis of cilostazol ther-
of cilostazol
apy for for
therapy thethe
prevention of of
MACE.The Thedefinition
definitionofof MACE
MACE varied among among thethe
trials, which might be attributed to differences in patient characteristics
trials, which might be attributed to differences in patient characteristics (Supplementary (Supplementary
Table S2).Cilostazol
both thecontrol
(Figure3A)3A) and
and aspirin
aspirin (RR:
(RR: 0.74;
95% CI:
95% CI: 0.63–0.87) treatments
treatments (Figure
exhibited a superior
a superior efficacy over
efficacy overas-
pirin forfor
aspirin secondary
secondary prevention,
prevention, whereas
evidenceis needed
is neededto draw a solid
to draw con-
a solid
clusion regarding
conclusion regardingits efficacy in primary
its efficacy in primaryprevention
prevention(Figure 3B).3B).
(Figure OurOurresults confirmed
results confirmedthe
the effects
favorable of of
effects cilostazol onon
cilostazol stroke,
better than
than those of aspirin
aspirin [126]
4B).The beneficial
The efficacy
beneficial of cilostazol
efficacy in reducing
of cilostazol the risk of
in reducing themyocardial infarction
risk of myocardial
and cardiovascular death was not demonstrated (Figure 4A,C). The distinction in responses
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 2593 11 of 26
between ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction might lie in their differing associations
with underlying etiologies [127]. Ischemic stroke is primarily associated with the clogging
of blood vessels. In contrast, in myocardial infarction, multiple blood vessels may be
involved, and other risk factors often play a significant role before an attack occurs.
Cilostazol therapy yielded a reduced bleeding risk compared with aspirin (Figure 4E).
However, its usage was limited because of adverse events, leading to therapy discontin-
uation (Figure 4F), such as headache and palpitation (Supplementary Figure S3). This
suggests the need for improvements in this medication to address its side effects.
Table 2. Cont.
Table 2. Cont.
Figure 3. Forest plots of3.cilostazol
Forest plots of cilostazolmajor
in composite in composite
adversemajor adverse cardiovascular
cardiovascular events (MACEs)events (MAC
compared with thepared with (A)
following: thethe
control, (A) the control,
(B) aspirin, (B) clopidogrel.
and (C) aspirin, andCI,
clopidogrel. CI, confidence
RR, risk ratio. RR, risk ratio.
Int.Int. J. Mol.
J. Mol. Sci.
Sci. 2024,
2024, 25,25, x FOR PEER REVIEW
2593 1816ofof29
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
(E) (F)
Figure Forestplots
cardiovascular and
and safety
safety events: (A) myocardial
events: (A) myocardial infarction,
death, (E)
(E) bleeding, and (F) discontinuation
discontinuation of
of the
study drug.
The clinical excellence ofcilostazol
clinical excellence of cilostazolisissufficient
recommendit it asas
a first-line
a first-linedrug
PAD, because it increases NO in vascular endothelial cells in a dose-dependent
in PAD, because it increases NO in vascular endothelial cells in a dose-dependent manner, manner, to
dilate blood vessels [130]. A meta-analysis of 16 RCTs reported that intermittent
to dilate blood vessels [130]. A meta-analysis of 16 RCTs reported that intermittent clau- claudica-
tion was significantly
dication improved
was significantly by cilostazol
improved therapy
by cilostazol (100–300
therapy mg per
(100–300 mgday) compared
per day) comparedwith
the placebo [131]. An RCT including 698 patients with moderate-to-severe
with the placebo [131]. An RCT including 698 patients with moderate-to-severe claudica- claudication
tion symptomsreported that that
reported a 6-month
a 6-monthcilostazol
cilostazol therapy
therapy improved
improvedthe themaximal walking
maximal walking
distance by 54%, compared with pentoxifylline therapy (30% increase)
distance by 54%, compared with pentoxifylline therapy (30% increase) [132]. Another [132]. Another study
including 394 patients with intermittent claudication showed that cilostazol
study including 394 patients with intermittent claudication showed that cilostazol treat- treatment for
6 ment
months improved the maximal walking distance compared with the
for 6 months improved the maximal walking distance compared with the placebo placebo [133]. A 2021
Cochrane Systematic
[133]. A 2021 CochraneReview and Meta-analysis
Systematic Review and including
Meta-analysis16 double-blind
including 16RCTs reported
reported that taking cilostazol
participants hadcilostazol
taking a higher had initial claudication
a higher distance, by
initial claudication 26.5 m
(95% CI: 18.9–34.1 m), compared with those taking the placebo [131].
by 26.5 m (95% CI: 18.9–34.1 m), compared with those taking the placebo [131]. Cilostazol Cilostazol exerted
beneficial effects regarding
exerted beneficial the primary
effects regarding the prevention of diabetic
primary prevention of foot ulcers
diabetic viaulcers
foot a lowering
via a
effect on MMP-9 levels [134].
lowering effect on MMP-9 levels [134].
Recently, a prospective study with 794 participants showed that the adjunctive ad-
ministration of cilostazol to clopidogrel-treated patients with T2DM with symptomatic
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 2593 17 of 26
PAD lowered the risk of ischemic events and improved intermittent claudication symp-
toms, without increasing the bleeding risk [122]. Based on this evidence, the ACC/AHA
guidelines provided a class I recommendation for the use of cilostazol in the treatment of
intermittent claudication in 2016 and thereafter [135].
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Figure 5. 5. Forest
Forest plots
plots of cilostazol’s
of cilostazol’s effect
effect on composite
on composite majormajor adverse
adverse cardiovascular
cardiovascular eventsevents
and and individual
individual components components
categorizedcategorized by regional
by regional background:
background: (A) MACE,
(A) MACE, (B) myocar-
(B) myocardial infarc-
dial infarction (MI), (C) stroke, and (D) cardiovascular death. CI, confidence interval; RR, risk ratio.
tion (MI), (C) stroke, and (D) cardiovascular death. CI, confidence interval; RR, risk ratio.
7. Conclusions
Cilostazol has multifaceted beneficial effects through various mechanisms, including
platelet inhibition, vasodilation via NO production, protective effects on vascular endo-
thelial cells, antiproliferative effects on VSMCs, and favorable changes in lipid profiles
(Figure 6). These beneficial effects of cilostazol are attributable to its pleiotropic properties,
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 2593 19 of 26
7. Conclusions
Cilostazol has multifaceted beneficial effects through various mechanisms, includ-
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, x FOR PEERing
REVIEW inhibition, vasodilation via NO production, protective effects on 22
platelet of 29
endothelial cells, antiproliferative effects on VSMCs, and favorable changes in lipid profiles
(Figure 6). These beneficial effects of cilostazol are attributable to its pleiotropic properties,
anti-inflammatory and antioxidative actions.AAneuroprotective
antioxidative actions. neuroprotective effect
effect waswas
also found in a few clinical studies of cilostazol.
also found in a few clinical studies cilostazol.
Based onthe
be recommended in primary prevention settings, cilostazol treatment may
recommended in primary prevention settings, cilostazol treatment may be a viable option be a viable op-
for for preventing
preventing the development
the development and progression
and progression of vascular
of vascular diseases.
diseases. Obviously,
Obviously, ci-
lostazol is effective in PAD, and recent evidence supports its effectiveness in CAD
is effective in PAD, and recent evidence supports its effectiveness in CAD as well as ischemic as well
as ischemic stroke. Notably, recent studies reported that cilostazol treatment was effica-
stroke. Notably, recent studies reported that cilostazol treatment was efficacious in reducing
cious in reducing atheromatous plaque progression in coronary arteries and decreasing
atheromatous plaque progression in coronary arteries and decreasing cardiovascular events
cardiovascular events compared with aspirin in patients with diabetes and subclinical
compared with aspirin in patients with diabetes and subclinical CAD. Thus, cilostazol
CAD. Thus, cilostazol might be helpful in the comprehensive vascular management of
might be helpful in the comprehensive vascular management of patients with a high risk
patients with a high risk of CV. However, it is noteworthy that these results were mainly
of CV. However, it is noteworthy that these results were mainly derived from East-Asian
derived from East-Asian populations. Additional trials including other ethnic groups are
populations. Additional trials including other ethnic groups are needed to generalize
needed to generalize the beneficial effects of this drug. Adverse events occurring after ci-
the beneficial effects of this drug. Adverse events occurring after cilostazol therapy, such
lostazol therapy, such as headache and heart rate increase, have not been completely re-
as headache and heart rate increase, have not been completely resolved; therefore, the
solved; therefore, the development of more-advanced PDE-3 inhibitors that do not exhibit
development of more-advanced PDE-3 inhibitors that do not exhibit these unwanted effects
these unwanted effects is warranted. Longer-term studies with a robust outcome are
is warranted. Longer-term studies with a robust outcome are needed to confirm the efficacy
needed to confirm the efficacy and safety of cilostazol therapy.
and safety of cilostazol therapy.
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at:
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.S. and S.L.; methodology, M.S. and S.L.; validation,
M.S. andContributions: Conceptualization,
S.L.; formal analysis, M.S. and S.L.;M.S. and S.L.; M.S.
investigation, methodology, M.S. and M.S.
and S.L.; resources, S.L.; and
dataand S.L.; formal
curation, analysis,
M.S. and M.S. and S.L.; investigation,
S.L.; writing—original M.S. and
draft preparation, M.S.S.L.;
andresources, M.S. and S.L.;
S.L.; writing—review
data editing, M.S.
S.L.;visualization, M.S. and
writing—original S.L.;
draft supervision,
preparation, S.L.;and
M.S. project
writing—review S.L.
All authors
editing, M.S. have read visualization,
and S.L.; and agreed to M.S.
the published
and S.L.; version of theS.L.;
supervision, manuscript.
project administration, S.L. All
Funding:have read
This and agreed
research to the
received published
no external version of the manuscript.
Funding: ThisReview
Institutional researchBoard
received no external
Statement: funding.
This is not applicable as this project did not involve humans
or animals.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The supporting data for the findings can be obtained from the corre-
sponding author upon a reasonable request.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 2593 20 of 26
Institutional Review Board Statement: This is not applicable as this project did not involve humans
or animals.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The supporting data for the findings can be obtained from the corre-
sponding author upon a reasonable request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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