Risk Management of Material Laboratory Department

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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Risk management of Material Laboratory, Department of Civil

Engineering, Bali State Polytechnic for preparation of Occupational
safety and health program
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ACEER 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 626 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/626/1/012027

Risk management of Material Laboratory, Department of Civil

Engineering, Bali State Polytechnic for preparation of
Occupational safety and health program

I G A I Mas Pertiwi*, I G M Oka Aryawan, W Sri Kristinayanti, K Wiwin

Andayani, A A Putri Indrayanti and K Sudiarta

Civil Engineering Bali State Polytechnic Badung, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine the risks and hazards in the laboratory, it is
necessary to identify hazards, risk assessment and risk control. Laboratories are often found in
research and development institutions, service companies, industry and universities. The
material laboratory is a place to carry out student practicum activities and conduct research which
has a source of danger that can cause work accidents such as chemical explosion, fire, poisoning
and ext. Work accidents can be avoided by improving the quality of Occupational Safety and
Health (OSH) which is related to the process of doing work safely and working conditions that
are safe and comfortable. One effort that can help is to identify hazards and risk assessments so
that effective control efforts can be made to increase work productivity and reduce work
accidents. Hazard identification is a process that can be carried out to identify all situations or
events that have the potential to cause work-related accidents and diseases that may arise in the
workplace [1]. Carry out hazard identification to answer the question of what potential hazards
can occur or befall the company organization and how it can occur. Hazard identification is
the first step in developing OSH risk management and a systematic effort to understand the
existence of organizational hazards and is the foundation of an accident prevention and risk
control program [2].

1. Introduction

1.1. Background
The obligation to introduce the term risk management by ISO 15189: 2012, will define us to focus on
understanding and implementing it in the best possible way. In general, the organization proposes that its
goal is either to provide good services to obtain certain results. For the material laboratory, it is one of
the laboratories that has an important role in student practicum activities, lecturer and student research as
well as tests related to construction projects to ensure the results are in accordance with standards, so that
the test results must be reliable and accurate. [3]
The Government of Republic of Indonesia has the objective of protecting the safety of workers or
laborers by issuing Law No.13, 2003 concerning Manpower, article 86 paragraph 2, namely “to protect
the safety of workers or laborers in order to achieve optimal work productivity, efforts are made to work
safety and health”. In addition, Article 87 paragraph 1 explain that every company is obliged to implement
an occupational safety and health management system. In Regulation of Government No. 50. 2012 article

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ACEER 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 626 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/626/1/012027

7 paragraph 2, explains that in the preparation of OSH policies, an entrepreneur must conduct an initial
review of OSH conditions which includes first the identification of potential hazards, risk assessment and
risk control, second is a comparison of implementation of OSH with companies and other good sectors.
The third is reviewing the cause and effect of dangerous events. The fourth is competence and disruption
as well as the results of previous assessments relating to safety and the last is an assessment of efficiency
and effectiveness of resources provided [4]
The Occupational Safety and Health Management System is part of the overall management system
including the organizational structure, planning, responsibilities, implementation of procedures,
processes and resources required for the development of implementation, achievement, assessment and
maintenance of occupational safety and health policies. in the framework of controlling risks related to
work activities in order to create a safe, efficient and productive workplace.

1.2. Research purposes

The objectives of this study are:
• Identifying sources of risk that occur in the material laboratory of the Civil Engineering department
• Analyze the dominant risks that have the potential to cause work accidents in the material
laboratory, majoring in Civil Engineering
• Designing handling of extreme and high risks that occur in laboratory testing

2. Literature Review

2.1. Risk Management of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

The implementation of OSH starts with good planning starting with hazard identification, assessment
and risk control of HIRARC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control). Risk
assessment according to the AS / NZS 4360 standard, the likelihood is given a range between a risk
that rarely occurs to the risk that occurs at any time. According to OHSAS 18001, HIRARC is a key
element in an occupational safety and health management system that is directly related to the
prevention and control of hazards. HIRARC (Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control)
is also part of Risk Management which must be carried out in all organizational activities to determine
organizational activities that contain potential hazards and have a serious impact on occupational
safety and health [2]. Hazard identification is the cornerstone of an accident prevention or risk control
program. Without recognizing the danger, it cannot be determined so that prevention and risk control
efforts cannot be carried out
The following are the steps for risk management using HIRARC [5]:
• Hazard Identification, namely the process of examining each work area with the aim of identifying
the hazards inherent in a job.
• Risk Assessment, which is a risk process for hazards in the workplace.
• Risk Control, which is a process used to identify and control possible hazards in the workplace
and carry out continuous reviews to ensure that their work is safe.

2.2. Risk Identification

The hazard identification carried out takes into account the following hazard factors:
• Biology (fungi, viruses, bacteria, microorganisms, plants, animals).
• Chemical material/gas/vapor/dust/liquid toxic, dangerous, explosive/flammable, corrosive,
irritant, pressurized, reactive, radioactive, oxidizing, cancer-causing, inhalation hazard,
environmental hazard, etc.).
• Physical/Mechanical (infrastructure, machines/tools/equipment/vehicles/heavy equipment,
altitude, pressure, temperature, confined / confined spaces, light, electricity, radiation, noise,
vibration and ventilation).
• Biomechanics (work posture/position, manual transport, repetitive movements and
ergonomics of workplaces/tools/machines).

ACEER 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 626 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/626/1/012027

• Psychic/Social (excess workload, communication, management control, workplace social

environment, violence and intimidation).
• Environmental impacts (water, soil, air, ambient, energy resources, natural resources, flora
and fauna).
Based on the results of hazard identification carried out in the laboratory, it is known that there are several
potential hazards that can occur including fire, electric shock, explosions, spills / leaks, lacerations,
bruises and toxic / corrosive gas emissions, skin and eye irritation [6]

2.3. Risk Assesment

Hazard assessment identified by risk hazards through analysis and risk hazard evaluation which is
intended to determine the magnitude of the risk by considering the likelihood of occurring and the
magnitude of its consequences. Risk assessment includes two stages of the process, namely risk
analysis and risk evaluation. These two stages are very important because they will determine the
steps and strategies for risk control. Risk assessment uses a risk matrix approach that is relatively
simple and easy to use, apply and present a visual representation in it. Risk assessment is carried
out based on the scale of the Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard for Risk Management
(AS/NZS) 4360: 2004, [4]. There are 2 parameters used in risk assessment, namely likelihood
and severity. The risk assessment scale and the information used can be seen in Table 1 and
Table 2 [7].
Table 1. Likelihood Scale on AS / NZS 4360 standard.
Level Description Note
5 Almost Can happen
Certain at any time
4 Likely Often
3 Posibble Can happen
2 Unlikely Rarely
1 Rare Almost

Table 2. Skala Severity pada standar AS/NZS 4360.

Level Description Note
1 Insignificant No
2 Minor Minor
3 Moderate Moderate

ACEER 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 626 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/626/1/012027

4 Mayor huge
5 Catastrophic Severe
big loss,

2.4. Risk Control

Hazard assessment identified by risk hazards through analysis and risk hazard evaluation which is
intended to determine the magnitude of the risk by considering the likelihood of occurring and the
magnitude of its consequences. Risk assessment includes two stages of the process, namely risk
analysis and risk evaluation. These two stages are very important because they will determine the
steps and strategies for risk control. The parameters used to carry out a risk assessment are likelihood
and severity. Basically, this hierarchy defines the order in which controls are considered; controls can
be selected to implement one or a combination of several types of controls as seen in Figure 1. [8].

3. Research Methods
The method of analysis in this study includes:
a. Identification of potential hazards and risks that may occur in practicum activities in laboratory
b. Risk assessment to determine risks in the low risk, medium risk or high-risk category.
c. Control of dominant risks as the basis for the preparation of a material laboratory K3 work program.
d. Preparation of K3 work program documents as guidelines for implementing practicum activities.
The analysis carried out in this study is an analysis in determining the dominant risks that will become
a priority in handling and controlling risks related to the procurement of personal protective equipment
and work support equipment.

Figure 1. Hierarchy of OHS Risk Control.

4. Research Result

ACEER 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 626 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/626/1/012027

4.1. Description of Material Laboratory of Civil Engineering Department

The material laboratory is one of the laboratories of the Bali State Polytechnic Civil Engineering
Department which is a place to apply scientific theory, theoretical testing, proving trials, research and
so on for teaching staff and students of the Bali State Polytechnic Civil Engineering Department. This
laboratory consists of four rooms with 2 floors, namely the 1st floor consisting of two storage rooms
for equipment and a separate testing area into 2 rooms, where tests are separated based on the room
requirements. While the second floor consists of two rooms, namely one class room to explain testing
theories and an office room for laboratory personnel (PLP) and teaching staff. As for those on duty in
this Material laboratory each semester consists of 2 (two) PLP people and 6 teaching staff.
The tests carried out in the material laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering, State
Polytechnic of Bali consist of 2 (two) tests, namely: Material Testing 1 (Concrete Job Mix) and Material
Testing 2 (Asphalt Job Mix)
From the tests mentioned above, there are several chemicals that are used as testing complementary
materials, such as:
• Trichlorethylene (TCE) is a nonflammable, colorless liquid with a slightly sweet and sweet odor,
burning taste.
• Sulfur is the chemical element in the periodic table which has the symbol S and atomic number 16.
Sulfur is a tasteless, non-metallic element. The resulting effects are shortness of breath, nausea,
dizziness, unclear vision, and loss of consciousness. The toxins contained in the gas can cause
problems in the body.
• Magnesium sulfate is an inorganic salt chemical compound containing magnesium, sulfur and
oxygen, with the chemical formula MgSO4. This ingredient is classified as harmless, however if
inhaled it can cause nausea and vomiting.
• Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), also known as caustic soda, lye, or sodium hydroxide, is a type of
caustic metal base. The potential hazard of this material is that it can be corrosive to metals and
because severe skin burns and eye damage.
• Sodium sulfate is the sodium salt of sulfuric acid. In its anhydrous form, this compound is a white
crystalline solid with the chemical formula Na2SO4, or better known as the mineral thernadite.
This material is categorized as harmless, but if inhaled it can cause nausea, vomiting and
cardiovascular disorders.

4.2. Hazard Identification

Based on the sources and potential hazard factors that can occur in the work environment, in the process
of carrying out tests in the material laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department of the Bali State
Polytechnic, the hazards that may occur can be identified as follows: noise, skin irritation, eye irritation,
nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath and dizziness. The most serious potential hazard is fire. Based on
preliminary data collected, accidents that have occurred in the material laboratory are minor accidents
such as skin irritation, eye irritation and nausea, while serious accidents are almost a fire due to the use
of TCE chemicals in the asphalt flash point testing process. The results of hazard identification can be
seen in Table 3 below:

Table 3. Hazard Identification of Material Laboratory.

No Hazard Appear
1 Technical - Sand powder can cause shortness of breath for students if inhaled for a long time,
the coarse and sharp coarse aggregate can injure and cause accidents for workers
if the placement of the material is carried out carelessly, such as slipping /
- Testing the sieve analysis using a sieve machine that makes noise can
cause noise for students

ACEER 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 626 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/626/1/012027

- Improper use of chemicals such as sulfur, MgSO4, NaOH and NaSO4 can
cause hazards such as skin irritation, eye irritation, nausea, vomiting,
shortness of breath and dizziness if inhaled or touched the skin
- The use of TCE in the testing process can cause a fire
2 Environment - Dusty work environment, can cause disease if inhaled for a long time
- Potential hazard that come from or are caused by germs or viruses in the
air that come from or come from students who suffer from certain diseases
- The effect of chemical potentials on the student body depends on the type
of chemical or contaminant, the form of potential hazards of dust, gas,
vapor. smoke; the toxicity of the substance (toxicity); way into the body
3 Human - Student carelessness in placing and receiving test materials, students do not use
safety shoes, gloves and masks
- Inappropriate attitudes and work methods, inappropriate work
arrangements, workloads that are not in accordance with student abilities
or incompatibility between humans and machines can cause fatigue and
muscle errors
- Placement of workers that are not in accordance with their talents,
interests, personality, motivation, temperament or education,
inappropriate workforce selection and classification systems, lack of skills
of workers in doing their jobs as a result of lack of job training obtained,
and relationships between individuals who are disharmony and
incompatible in work organization, can cause work stress

4.3. Risk Assessment

For known hazards, the level of risk will be sought through a risk assessment. The risk assessment is
carried out based on on-site observations, interviews with PLP, and historical data on work accidents in
the materials laboratory as well as distributing questionnaires to students who have carried out
practicum on material testing 1 and material testing 2 in this material laboratory. Each time given will
be analyzed completely. Risk assessment and analysis can be seen in Table 4. Risk assessment is carried
out on all identified potential hazards. The parameters used to carry out a risk assessment are likelihood
and severity. Likelihood is the probability of a work accident occurring. And severity is an assessment
of the seriousness of the effect.
Based on the results of the risk assessment carried out, it shows that of the total identified potential
hazards, 22% of activities have low risk potential (low risk), 57% of activities that have moderate risk
potential (moderate risk) and 9% of activities that have moderate risk. high potential danger (high risk),
13% do not have activities that have a very high potential hazard (extreme risk).

Table 4. High Risk and Extreme Risk Categories.

Source Level
Potential Potential Priority
No of L S of
Hazard Risk of Risk
Hazard Risk
The work
height of
attitude at
the test
the time
table or
of testing Extreme
1 test Sore 4 3 12
was not Risk
that is too
to the
high or
low can

ACEER 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 626 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/626/1/012027

body cause
posture fatigue /
pain or
error, if
done for a
long time
Students Skin High
3 3 9
do not use irritation Risk
Can be
inhaled or
2 testing
in contact High
with Dizzy 3 3 9
with skin Risk
such as;
and sulfur
The use
of TCE
that is not
with a
to the Extreme
3 flame Fire 2 5 10
procedure Risk
during the
in the
flash point
Students Potential
do not use hazards
masks, that come
face from or
shiled are caused
and do by germs
not or viruses infected
maintain in the air with
a distance that come various Extreme
4 3 4 12
during from or minor and Risk
the are dangerous
testing sourced diseases
process from
which is students
carried who
out by suffer
more than from the
25 people disease

ACEER 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 626 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/626/1/012027

4.4. Risk Control

Risk control aims to minimize the level of risk from the potential hazards that exist. Every risk control
that is carried out will be analysed completely. The risk control and analysis of the potentials including
extreme risk and high risk can be seen in Table 5 below.

Table 5. Risk Control.

Risk Potential
Potential Hazard Risk Control
Rating Risk
- Do a morning talk before doing the test
- Making a guidebook for implementing OSH
In testing with chemicals such as for the implementation of material laboratory
MgSO4, NaOH, NaSO4 and Skin testing
sulfur, can be inhaled or touched irritation - During the testing with chemicals, students
the skin should not touch these chemicals
- Students use PPE in the form of masks and
High gloves
Risk - Do a morning talk before doing the test
- Creating a guidebook for the implementation
In testing with chemicals such as of OSH for the implementation of material
MgSO4, NaOH, NaSO4 and laboratory testing
sulfur, can be inhaled or touched - During the testing with chemicals, students
the skin should not touch these chemicals
- Students use PPE in the form of masks and
- Do a morning talk before doing the test
The working attitude when - Creating a guidebook for the implementation
testing is not adjusted to the of OSH for the implementation of material
student's body posture, because laboratory testing
the height of the test table or test - Changing the work method to suit the student's
aches and
equipment is too high or low body posture, for example placing the test table
can cause fatigue / pain or at its height
muscle error, if done for a long - Replace the test table if the height cannot be
time adjusted
- Doing morning talk before doing the test
- Do a morning talk before doing the test
- Creating a guidebook for the implementation
of OSH for the implementation of material
laboratory testing
- During the implementation of the test, only
Risk Use of TCE that is not in
personnel who are competent in their fields may
accordance with the procedure in
be carried out
the asphalt testing process, if
Fire - Replacing the TCE material with another
TCE reacts with a burning flame
material which is less dangerous
during the asphalt flash point test
- Supervise students when doing tests more
and is not properly controlled
vigilantly and carefully
- Forming a disaster emergency response
- Perform routine disaster emergency response
Students do not use masks, face Contracting - Do a morning talk before doing the test
shield and do not keep their a - Creating a guidebook for the implementation
distance during the testing dangerous of OSH for the implementation of material
process which was carried out by disease laboratory testing

ACEER 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 626 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/626/1/012027

more than 25 people during the - Using complete PPE according to the required
pandemic protocol

5. Conclusion
Based on the results of the above research, it can be concluded that the following are:
1. Based on the results of risk identification, the sources of hazards that have potential hazards in the
implementation of the laboratory test materials are student work attitudes that are not in accordance with
body posture, there are still students who do not use PPE and do not maintain a distance during testing
and use of TCE that is not according to procedure.
2. The dominant risks that occur and are classified as high risk and extreme risk categories are 9%
and 13%, namely the use of hazardous chemicals at the time of testing is classified as high risk and work
attitude, the use of TCE and not using a mask at the time of testing are classified as extreme risk.
3. Risk control is carried out by conducting morning talk before the implementation of the test,
making OSH manuals, changing working methods and using the right PPE for each test.

This research was supported by Bali State of Polytechnic, Institutional Grant 2020. We thank our
colleagues from Civil Engineering Department who provided insight and expertise that greatly assisted
the research. We thank to the research team [Oka Aryawan, Sudiarta,] who help analyse the research, and
to our students [Tika Agustin cs] who help conduct surveys and collect data. And thanks to the research
support team [Prami, Mirah] as well who helped in reporting process. We would also like to show our
gratitude to respondents for giving data collection.

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