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TIONAL POPULATION COMMISSION | — 164, KPOBA SLOPE, PMB. 1187 BENIN CITY, EDO STATE, NIGERIA. ‘www. population goung “mai satin ocponaion 8. Ref, No.: S2C/TD/E-65/7RD/004076, rooms ‘elephone:08035923079 3314 Date:__ 1008 Mar, 202%, Os13700398 SE Stee nv pee ate § ‘Reece mn a a tr ATTESTATION OF BIRTH ‘That Act No. 69 of December, 1992 on Births, Death: ote (Compulsory Registration) ofthe Federal Republic of Nigeria assigned the function ofthe registration of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Divorces ete ty National Population Commission, This was reinforced by section 23 ofthe 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republicof ‘Nigeria, ae iat ATHUFUA FRAGT _OSEMWONTEMAEH e having made a solemn and statutory declaration conscientiously believing same to be tue on the feet day of. Es holding at 7 2 BETH SAEE OF IGERTA ¥ ROGEMART OWAGHIANEE ‘was bom at ho yo Ee SEDO 2 BRR SRS TESS Rear Stay ay of ig to the amity of a MR. ADMURUA THVEVTZAM JORIDUTZ, (Father, and bail fom EXO-ATHUPUA in URUIPROTE Local Government Area of EDO State, and AIWOFUA ESTHER in URUaAWODE LocalGovernmentAreaof_— FP State, hee ATMURUA ROSEMARY _OWAGHTAN isan indigene of TERO-ATMUFUA Areal. ‘cal Goverment State of Nigeria, 5. That the time of her/his birth fal beyond the coverage of Act No. 69 of Devemiber,1992 on Births, Deaths ete (Compulsory Registration) ofthe Federal Republic of Nigeri for the issuance of National Birth Cerificate. 6 In the light of the above information, gratefully accept this Birth Attestation ADAUPUA TOSDARRE OWAGHTATE AIGLOKHAN RITA Ee State Director ___ ecuneneuaracnaiioa 10 HAY 204 EDO STATE. EI AFFIDAVIT OF AGE DECLARATION 1, AIMUFUA TRACY OSEMWONYENMWEN (Female), a Christian and Citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, residing at No. 4, Uwa Street, Off Medical Store Road, Universal, Benin City, Edo State of Nigeria, do hereby make an oath and state as follows:— 1. That AIMUFUA ROSEMARY OWAGHIANYE is my sister 2. That the said AIMUFUA ROSEMARY OWAGHTANYE was born on the 12" day of February, 1983 in Eko-Aimufua, Ununmwode Local Government Area, Edo State of Nigeria. 3. That her birth was not offically registered with National Population Commission as constitutionally required, hence this affidavit. 44, That the name of her parents are: a. Father: MR, AIMUFUA IMUETIYAN JOHNBULL hails from Eko- ‘Aimufua in Uhunmwode Local Goverment Area, Edo State of Nigeria. Mother: MRS. AIMUFUA ESTHER bails from Iguoghae in Uhunmwvode Local Government Area, Edo State of Nigeria 5. That the said ATMUFUA ROSEMARY OWAGHTANYE is an INDIGENE of Eko-Aimufua in Uhunmwode Local Government Area, Edo State of Nigeria, 6, And that I make this affidavit conscientiously believing same to be true and ‘correct in accordance with the Defunct Bendel State Statutory Declaration Law of 1976, now applicable in Edo State of Nigeria, soni DECLARANT SWORN TO AT THE HIGH COURT REGISTRY, a BENIN CITY, THIS_{©~_DAY OF BEFORE ME OW FEDERAL MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS-HORS = 011900100100 INFORMATION AIMUFUA ROSEMARY 0 ‘elakingsiey543@99mal com 2408168819819 PHONE NUMBER AYMENT DETAILS. PP amousreem AUTETICATION OF wars 100 TOTAL PAID sexs 1800 enance UE R-REQUIRED INFORMATION Gis Cos - (unknown Conte sonppsaes way Desereton Autheicaton YMENT CHANNEL INFORMATION ZENITHBRANGH Paymont Receipt ora Rettoval Reference RRR) 2810-4531-6329 600.00 600.00 00

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