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Customizing Form Guides Using

Flex™ Builder™

Adobe® LiveCycle™ ES
July 2007 Version 8.0
© 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Adobe® LiveCycle® ES 8.0 Customizing Form Guides Using Flex™ Builder™ for Microsoft® Windows®
Edition 1.0, July 2007
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About This Document.................................................................................................................. 4

Who should read this document? ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Additional information................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1 About Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder................................................................ 6
2 Creating Flex Library Projects for Custom Form Guides ......................................................... 7
Flex library project folder structure ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Building your custom Flex library project ............................................................................................................................. 8
Importing sample Flex library projects................................................................................................................................... 9
What’s next? ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3 Creating Form Guide Layouts................................................................................................... 10
Creating custom form guide layouts ....................................................................................................................................11
Form guide layout sample ........................................................................................................................................................12
What’s next? ...................................................................................................................................................................................13
4 Creating Panel Layouts ............................................................................................................. 14
Panel layout sample ....................................................................................................................................................................15
What’s next? ...................................................................................................................................................................................16
5 Creating Controls....................................................................................................................... 17
Next panel button example......................................................................................................................................................18
Tree navigation example...........................................................................................................................................................18
What’s next? ...................................................................................................................................................................................19
6 Custom Component Lists .......................................................................................................... 20
Button components ....................................................................................................................................................................21
Help components.........................................................................................................................................................................21
Label components .......................................................................................................................................................................22
Navigation components ............................................................................................................................................................22
Output components....................................................................................................................................................................22
7 Form Guide CSS Styles .............................................................................................................. 23
Form guide CSS classes ..............................................................................................................................................................23
Form guide CSS properties .......................................................................................................................................................34
Index ........................................................................................................................................... 51

About This Document

Welcome to Customizing Form Guides Using Flex™ Builder™. This document provides information about
creating custom form guide layouts, panels layouts, and controls using Adobe® Flex Builder.

Note: You must use either Flex Builder 2.0.1 Hot Fix 2 or higher, or Flex SDK 2.0.1 Hot Fix 2 or higher.

Who should read this document?

This document is intended for Flex developers who are interested in learning about how to create custom
form guide components to extend existing form guide components shipped with Guide Builder, or to
create new form guide components to meet specific needs.

A knowledge of form guides, Guide Builder, and Flex Builder is assumed.

Additional information
Adobe has a wide variety of resources about form guides focused at a variety of audiences. The following
illustration and section outline the various resources available.

To view these resources, go to the location specified in the See column in the following table.

Adobe LiveCycle ES About This Document
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder Additional information 5

For information about See

Detailed information about creating and editing LiveCycle Designer ES Help, available within
form guides using Guide Builder. LiveCycle Designer ES and also available at
The starting point for learning about form guides. Getting Started with Form Guides, available at
This guide includes a walkthrough of creating a http://www.adobe.com/go/learn_lc_fgGetStart
form guide from an existing form design and an
example of how to render and deploy a form guide
to Adobe LiveCycle Workspace ES by using
processes created in LiveCycle Workbench ES.
The ActionScript™ classes and properties included LiveCycle ES ActionScript Language, available at
with LiveCycle ES (Enterprise Suite). www.adobe.com/go/learn_lc_fgActionScript
Rendering and deploying form guides using LiveCycle Workbench ES Help, available within
processes created in LiveCycle Workbench ES. LiveCycle Workbench ES and also available at
Rendering a form guide using the Developing Applications Using LiveCycle ES APIs,
Adobe LiveCycle LiveCycle Forms ES API. available at
Detailed information about the classes and LiveCycle ES Java API Reference, available at
methods included with LiveCycle ES. www.adobe.com/go/learn_lc_JavaAPI
LiveCycle ES terminology LiveCycle ES Glossary, available at
Other services and products that integrate with www.adobe.com
LiveCycle ES
Patch updates, technical notes, and additional www.adobe.com/support/products/enterprise/in
information on this product version dex.html
1 About Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder

Using Flex Builder, you can go beyond the form guide customizing options available in Guide Builder to
create custom form guide components designed to suit your specific needs. For example, a Flex developer
could create a new custom control that displays form guide sections and panels in a tree structure.

The process for creating new custom form guide components, whether they are form guide layouts, panel
layouts, or form guide controls, follows the same general steps:

1. Create a new Flex Library project in Flex Builder. For more information, see Creating Flex Library
Projects for Custom Form Guides.

2. Create new customized form guide components as part of the Flex Library project. For more
information, see one of the following sections:
● Creating Form Guide Layouts
● Creating Panel Layouts
● Creating Controls

3. Compile the Flex library project to a SWC file. For more information, see Building your custom Flex
library project.

4. Import the SWC file into Guide Builder. For more information about importing SWC files into Guide
Builder, see LiveCycle Designer ES Help.

5. Apply the new form guide components to a form guide.

Creating Flex Library Projects for Custom Form
2 Guides
The first step in creating custom form guide components is to create a new Flex library project in
Flex Builder. When completed, the Flex library projects you create must be saved to a SWC file for
importing into Guide Builder. A SWC file is an archive file for Flex components and other assets.

Each Flex library project you create must include the following elements:
● Locale-specific form guide SWC files.
● Locale-specific form guide SWC resource bundles.
● A folder structure with specific subfolders for each type of form guide component. For more
information about creating the correct folder structure, see Flex library project folder structure.

In addition, you can optionally include additional SWC files that contain MXML components or
ActonScript classes that you want to leverage, or you can include other assets such as image files or videos.

➤ To create a custom form guide Flex library project:

1. Start Flex Builder.

2. Select File > New > Flex Library Project.

3. Type a project name, assign a workspace, and then click Next.

4. Click Library Path.

5. Click Add SWC.

6. Browse to the \plugins\GuideBuilder folder where Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES is installed. By default,
the path is C:\Program Files\Adobe\LiveCycle Designer ES\8.1\plugins\GuideBuilder. Add the following
SWC files to the project:
● GAClientRuntime.swc
● XFAModel.swc

7. Browse to the \plugins\GuideBuilder\locale folder and add the following SWC files from the
appropriate language folder to the project:
● GAClientRuntime_rb.swc
● XFAModel_rb.swc

8. Click Finish.

After you create the Flex library project, you must create a folder structure to store your custom form guide
components. Guide Builder requires that each type of custom form guide component be in a specifically
named project folder.

Adobe LiveCycle ES Creating Flex Library Projects for Custom Form Guides
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder Flex library project folder structure 8

Flex library project folder structure

Each custom Flex library project must include form guide components stored within a specific folder
structure. When you compile the project to a SWC file and import the SWC file into Guide Builder, form
guide components are loaded from the project folders and made available through the Guide Builder

The custom Flex library folder structure must contain the following elements:
● A top-level folder that has a unique name. The top-level folder in the basic folder structure example
below is named custom.

Note: The folder cannot be named ga.

● At least one nested subfolder that has one of the following names:
wrappers To contain form guide layouts.
layouts To contain panel layouts.
controls To contain form guide controls, such as panel navigation.

For example, the images below illustrate valid folder structures.

A basic folder structure that includes

subfolders for all form guide components.

A more common project folder

structure that includes one custom
panel layout and additional assets,
such as images, in the assets folder.

Building your custom Flex library project

After you create custom form guide components, to make them available for use in form guides you must
compile the Flex library project to a SWC file and then import the SWC file into Guide Builder.

➤ To compile your custom Flex library project:

1. Start Flex Builder.

Adobe LiveCycle ES Creating Flex Library Projects for Custom Form Guides
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder Importing sample Flex library projects 9

2. If your Flex library project is set to compile automatically, proceed to step 3. If your Flex library project is
not set to compile automatically, in the Navigation view, select your project and click Project > Build

3. Make the compiled project SWC file available to Guide Builder in one of the following ways:
● If you are compiling form guides as part of a LiveCycle ES solution and you want to distribute your
SWC files by way of the LiveCycle ES repository, open LiveCycle Workbench ES and drag your SWC
file to a folder within the repository.
● Publish your SWC file to a shared network location.

Importing sample Flex library projects

Included with the LiveCycle ES SDK are preconfigured Flex Builder projects to help you start creating
custom components more quickly. The LiveCycle ES SDK contains the following projects:
GuideControls Contains copies of the Adobe form guide controls that are included with the Guide
Builder SWC files.
GuideLayouts Contains copies of the form guide layouts that are included with Guide Builder.
GuideSource Contains all form guide source ActionScript and MXML files.
PanelLayouts Contains copies of the Adobe panel layouts that are included with Guide Builder.
TLALife A practical sample of a custom Flex library project. The TLALife project is used to create the
TLA Life sample form guide that is included with LiveCycle Designer ES, and is used as an example
throughout this document.

You can use the Flex Builder projects as a reference when creating your own custom Flex library projects.

Note: You should only copy content from the sample Flex Builder projects, and not use them as a starting
point for creating new custom form guide components.

➤ To import the sample form guide Flex Builder projects:

1. Navigate to the LiveCycle ES SDK\samples\FormGuides folder located where you installed LiveCycle ES
(by default, C:\Adobe\LiveCycle8).

2. Copy the files to your Flex Builder workspace.

3. Start Flex Builder.

4. Select File > Import.

5. Select Existing Projects Into Workspace and click Next.

6. Ensure that Select Root Directory is selected and click Browse.

7. Select the folder from which you extracted the contents of the ZIP file and click Finish.

What’s next?
After you have imported the sample form guide Flex Builder projects, you can start creating your own form
guide layouts. For information about form guide layouts, see Creating Form Guide Layouts.
3 Creating Form Guide Layouts

A form guide layout defines the visual layout and structure of a form guide that remains constant
throughout a form-filling session. In general, a form guide layout consists of the following components:
● Guide help
● Progress bar
● Previous button
● Next button
● Navigation control
● Panel content

The following image illustrates an example of how a form guide layout is structured.

Displays the form guide

navigation control.

Displays form guide help

text entered by a form
author in Guide Builder.

Displays the content for each panel that is Previous and Next buttons for
defined in the Guide Builder form guide navigating the form guide, and a
hierarchy. Each data entry panel defines its progress bar to indicate the
own individual layout. percentage of mandatory fields
into which the user has entered

Adobe LiveCycle ES Creating Form Guide Layouts
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder Creating custom form guide layouts 11

Creating custom form guide layouts

Follow this procedure to create each custom guide layout.

➤ To create a custom form guide layout:

1. Start Flex Builder.

2. Select File > New > MXML Component.

3. Type a unique file name.

4. In the Based On list, select Wrapper.

5. (Optional) Set values for Width and Height.

6. Click Finish.

After you create the shell of the new form guide layout, you add Flex Builder components, either in Source
view or Design view, based on the behavior you are trying to achieve. Typically, a form guide layout
includes standard Flex Builder layout containers such as VBox, HBox, Canvas, and Panel. In addition, you
can add specific form guide components from the list in the Custom folder within the Components view.
The following form guide components are the most common ones that appear in a form guide layout:
● Navigation control such as AccordionNav, MXTreeNav, ProgressSectionBarNav, or TabTabNav
● ProgressBar
● HelpBox
● ToolBar
● PanelContent
● Guide actions such as PreviousPanelButton, NextPanelButton, AddPanelButton, CopyPanelButton,
RemovePanelButton, and SubmitButton
● PDFBox

For more information about these form guide components, see Custom Component Lists.
Adobe LiveCycle ES Creating Form Guide Layouts
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder Form guide layout sample 12

Form guide layout sample

To better understand how to structure form guide layouts, this document will use the TLALife Flex Builder
project as an example. Of the sample Flex Builder projects, TLALife is the most representative in terms of
project structure, folder naming, and incorporating custom components into a form guide design. The
TLALife Flex Builder project was used to create the TLALife form guide included with the TLALife form
design. For more information, see Importing sample Flex library projects.

At the form guide layout level, the TLALife project uses the default Button Bar layout included with Guide
Builder. The following image illustrates the Outline view of the Button Bar form guide layout.
Adobe LiveCycle ES Creating Form Guide Layouts
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder What’s next? 13

The Button Bar layout is structured using a series of standard Flex Builder VBox and HBox components
combined with custom form guide components. The following image illustrates the output of the TLALife
sample form guide and calls out the various custom form guide components.
This Image component, when selected,
reveals the HelpBox component that
displays the form guide help text.

Text {pageManager.gaModel.name}



ProgressBar PreviousPanelButton

What’s next?
After you are familiar with how a form guide layout is structured, start with a new Flex library project and
create a variation on an existing form guide layout. For example, restructure the Button Bar layout by
reordering the HBox containing the logo, form guide title, ToolBar component, and Image component so
that it appears at the bottom of the layout instead of at the top.

After you create a custom form guide layout, you must compile your Flex library project and then import
the SWC file into Guide Builder. After the new layout is imported, it can be applied to form guides.

For information about building your Flex library project, see Building your custom Flex library project. For
more information about importing SWC files into Guide Builder, see LiveCycle Designer ES Help.
4 Creating Panel Layouts

A panel layout defines the visual layout and presentation of form design objects associated with a single
form guide hierarchy panel. In general, a panel layout consists of the following components:
● Panel help
● Panel content
● Questions to further structure form guide navigation

The following image illustrates an example of how a panel layout is structured.

Displays panel help text a

form author entered
using Guide Builder.

Although not represented

visually, questions associated
with a particular panel can
occur anywhere on a panel
layout. The default panel
Panel content that
layouts included with Guide
consists of form design
Builder display questions
objects and Flex Builder
immediately after the user
navigates away from the
current panel.

➤ To create a panel layout:

1. Start Flex Builder.

2. Select File > New > MXML Component.

3. Type a unique file name.

4. In the Based On list, select LayoutTemplate.

5. (Optional) Set values for Width and Height.

6. Click Finish.

After you create the shell of the new panel layout, you add Flex Builder components, either in Source view
or Design view, based on the behavior you are trying to achieve. Typically, a panel layout includes standard
Flex Builder layout containers such as VBox and HBox. In addition, you might add specific form guide
components from the list in the Custom folder within the Components view. The following form guide
components are the most common ones that appear in a panel layout:

Adobe LiveCycle ES Creating Panel Layouts
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder Panel layout sample 15

● HelpPanel
● PanelItem
● QuestionItem

However, panel layouts are not required to contain any specific form guide components. For example, a
panel may contain hard-coded text objects, such as legal text or instructions, that must be read prior to
filling the form guide. The TLALife sample form guide discussed in Panel layout sample includes a section
called Processing Instructions that consists of a panel that contains a single text object.

For more information about form guide components, see Custom Component Lists. For more information
about panel layouts and their components, see LiveCycle ES ActionScript Reference, available at

Panel layout sample

Using the TLALife project as an example, most of the panels in the form guide hierarchy use the One
Column panel layout included with Guide Builder. The following image illustrates the Outline view of the
One Column panel layout.

The One Column layout is structured as a single VBox that contains the following form guide components
in the order shown:
HelpPanel Displays panel help text entered by a form author using Guide Builder.
PanelItem Displays form design objects contained within a panel.
QuestionItem Displays any questions entered by a form author using Guide Builder.
Adobe LiveCycle ES Creating Panel Layouts
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder What’s next? 16

The following image illustrates the output of the first panel in the TLALife sample form guide and calls out
the various form guide components within the panel.
By default, the panel does not include panel help text;
therefore, no help text is displayed in the output.

Each text object and

field contained within
the panel in the Guide
Builder form guide
hierarchy is displayed
vertically as a series of
PanelItem components.

When a form author includes answer-based navigation

for this panel, any questions will be displayed when the
end user navigates away from the current panel, either
by using the Previous/Next buttons or by selecting
another entry in the form guide navigation panel.

What’s next?
After you are familiar with how a panel layout is structured, start with a new Flex library project and create
a variation of an existing panel layout. For example, restructure the One Column layout by reordering the
QuestionItem component so that it occurs before the HelpPanel component.

After you create a custom panel layout, you must compile your Flex library project and then import the
SWC file into Guide Builder. After the new layout is imported, it can be applied to form guides.

For information about building your Flex library project, see Building your custom Flex library project. For
more information about importing SWC files into Guide Builder, see LiveCycle Designer ES Help.
5 Creating Controls

Controls are form guide components that communicate directly with a form guide to perform specific
actions. For example, controls allow users to navigate through a form guide, add and remove panels, and
display panel and section titles. In general, a control performs only a single action.

To take full advantage of custom controls within a form guide, you should be familiar with the form guide
ActionScript packages. For more information, see the LiveCycle ES ActionScript Reference available at

➤ To create a new custom MXML control:

1. Start Flex Builder.

2. Select File > New > MXML Component.

3. Type a unique file name.

4. In the Based On list, select a component that is the most similar to the component you want to create,
in terms of behavior. This allows you to take advantage of existing behaviors through inheritance.

5. (Optional) Set values for Width and Height.

6. Click Finish.

➤ To create a new custom ActionScript control:

1. Start Flex Builder.

2. Select File > New > ActionScript Class.

3. Type a unique class name.

4. In the Superclass field, specify the ActionScript class that is the most similar to the component you
want to create, in terms of behavior. This allows you to take advantage of existing behaviors through

5. (Optional) Set values for Width and Height.

6. Click Finish.

After you create the shell of the new control, you add functionality using the Source view in Flex Builder
based on the behavior you are trying to achieve. Most controls will require you to add ActionScript that
takes advantage of the form guide ActionScript packages included with the form guide SWC files and
resource bundles. For more information, see the LiveCycle ES ActionScript Reference available at

Adobe LiveCycle ES Creating Controls
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder Next panel button example 18

Next panel button example

A simple example of a form guide control is a button that navigates an end user forward one panel within
a form guide. In this case, the button should behave according to the following rules:
● Disable if the current panel is the last panel in the form guide.
● Move to the next panel as defined by the Guide Builder form guide hierarchy.

The following ActionScript is an example of a next panel button control that extends the default Flex
button control.

Example: Next panel button

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- Specifies that the button should only be enabled if the current panel is
not the last panel, and if a user clicks the button the form guide retrieves
the next panel in the hierarchy. -->

<mx:Button click="{panels.selectedIndex++}"
enabled="{panels.selectedIndex &lt; panels.length-1}"

<!-- Gets the panels ActionScript class instance that includes the list of
visible the panels in a form guide. -->
import ga.views.PanelListView;
private var panels:PanelListView = PanelListView.instance;

Tree navigation example

Another example of a form guide control is a tree navigation control that displays a list of the sections and
panels within a form guide. The tree navigation control button should demonstrate the following
● When a user selects a section in the tree, the section expands to display the panels within the section.
In addition, the first panel in the section is displayed in the area of the form guide designated to display
panel content.
● When a user selects a panel in the tree, that panel is displayed in the area of the form guide designated
to display panel content.

The following ActionScript is an example of a tree navigation control that uses the default Flex Builder
mx:Tree class.
Adobe LiveCycle ES Creating Controls
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder What’s next? 19

Example: Tree navigation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- Information about the form guide sections and panels is passed to the
mx:Tree object as a new dataProvider. The currently selected item in the tree
is always the currently selected section or panel within the form guide. -->

<mx:Tree dataProvider="{treeView}"
change="{treeView.selectedItem = this.selectedItem}"

<!-- References the TreeView ActionScript class to create a new TreeView

instance that includes information on the sections and panels within a form
guide. -->

import ga.views.TreeView;
private var treeView:TreeView = TreeView.instance;

What’s next?
After you create custom components, you must include them in custom form guide layouts or panel

For information about creating custom form guide layouts and panel layouts, see Creating Form Guide
Layouts and Creating Panel Layouts.
6 Custom Component Lists

When you create a custom Flex library project, you must include the form guide SWC files and resource
bundles specific to your locale. Including the SWC files and resource bundles adds a collection of custom
form guide components to the Custom folder in your Flex Builder Components view. The custom form
guide components include everything you need to create custom form guide layouts and panel layouts.

Note: When you are in Design view, you cannot add all of the custom form guide components that appear
in the Custom folder to form guide layouts or panel layouts. Components that you can add are
indicated with an active component icon , and those you cannot add are indicated with an
inactive component icon . Additionally, custom components that you create appear in the
Custom folder with a new component icon .

The custom components that you can add to layouts are listed alphabetically in the Flex Builder
Components view but conceptually fall into the following categories:
● Button components
● Help components
● Label components
● Navigation components
● Output components

Adobe LiveCycle ES Custom Component Lists
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder Button components 21

Button components
Button components provide the most common form guide actions.
AddPanelButton Adds a new panel to a list of repeating panels. This button is available only when the
following statements are true:
● The current panel can repeat.
● Adding a new panel does not conflict with the maximum occurrence value of the associated
subform object on the form.
CopyPanelButton Creates a copy of the currently selected panel and adds it to the list of repeating
panels. This button is available only when the following statements are true:
● The current panel can repeat.
● Adding a copy of the current panel does not conflict with the maximum occurrence value of the
associated subform object on the form.
NextPanelButton Displays the next panel in the form guide hierarchy. If the current panel is the last
panel in the hierarchy, this button is not available.
PreviousPanelButton Displays the previous panel in the form guide hierarchy. If the current panel is
the first panel in the hierarchy, this button is not available.
RemovePanelButton Removes the current panel from the list of repeating panels. This button is
available only when the following statements are true:
● The current panel can repeat.
● Removing the current panel does not conflict with the minimum occurrence value of the
associated subform object on the form.
SubmitButton Displays a submit button, but only when the current panel is the last panel in the form
guide hierarchy. When clicked, this button performs one of the following actions, depending on the
values selected in the Submit From list in Guide Builder:
PDF Submits the form guide data from the PDF form. Clicking the submit button in the form guide
opens the PDF form, from which the form filler can submit the data. If the PDF form is not available,
clicking the submit button in the form guide instructs LiveCycle Forms ES to create the PDF form
and return it to the browser so that the form filler can verify it and then click the Submit button in it.
Printed Form Clicking the submit button opens the PDF form so that the form filler can print the
Guide Clicking the submit button submits the data from the form guide.
Hosted Application Specifies that the hosted application, such as LiveCycle Workspace ES, controls
the data submission. In this case, the form guide does not have a submit button. The hosted
application extracts the data from the form guide and performs the data submission.

Help components
Help components provide the ability to display help to end users in either text or video format:
HelpBox Displays form guide help, either text or video.
HelpPanel Displays panel help, either text or video.
HelpVideo Displays the help video control.
Adobe LiveCycle ES Custom Component Lists
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder Label components 22

Label components
Label components provide objects that display section and panel titles:
PanelTitle A label that displays the name of the currently selected panel.
SectionTitle A label that displays the name of the currently selected section.

Navigation components
Navigation components provide the system for navigating the sections and panels of a form guide:
AccordionNav An accordion menu composed of sections that each contain a list of panels. The default
Guide Builder form guide layout named Left Accordion is an example of the usage of the AccordionNav
MxTreeNav A tree structure that lists multiple section and panel levels. The default Guide Builder form
guide layout named Left Multilevel is an example of the usage of the MxTreeNav component.

Note: The MxTreeNav component is the only navigation component that displays nested section and
panel levels.
ProgressSectionBarNav A horizontal list of buttons that represents each section in the form guide
hierarchy. The default Guide Builder form guide layout named Button Bar is an example of the usage of
the ProgressSectionBarNav component.

Note: This navigator is useful when each form guide section includes only one panel.
TabTabNav A navigation system that consists of two corresponding levels of tab menus. The top-level
tabs list the sections in the form guide hierarchy and the bottom-level tabs list the panels for the
currently selected top-level tab. The default Guide Builder form guide layout named Workspace is an
example of the usage of the TabTabNav component.

Output components
Output components provide objects that display content or functionality to users at run time.
PanelContent Displays the content of form guide panels.
PDFBox Contains the PDF view of the form if the PDF is rendered with the form guide.
ProgressBar Displays the percentage of mandatory fields into which an end user has entered data.
This control is not available if the form guide does not contain mandatory fields.
ToolBar Displays the form guide toolbar, which includes the Save PDF, Print PDF, Email PDF, and
Show/Hide PDF controls.
7 Form Guide CSS Styles

This section lists the form guide CSS styles recognized by Guide Builder. You can use this style information
to create a common CSS file that you can share among multiple form guides to maintain common styling.

Form guide CSS classes

The .application class specifies overall style properties for a form guide application.

Property Default value

backgroundAlpha 1.0
backgroundColor #336699
backgroundGradientColors #336699, #3366CC
basewrapper ga.wrappers.LeftAccordion
paddingBottom 10
paddingLeft 10
paddingRight 10
paddingTop 5
version 1.0.0

The .buttons class defines the style properties for button objects.

Property Default value

alpha 1.0
backgroundAlpha 1.0
color #FFFFFF
fillAlphas 1.0,1.0
fillColors #336699, #006699
themeColor #336699

Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder .fieldhelp 24

The .fieldhelp class specifies properties for field level help on a form guide.

Property Default value

backgroundColor #666666
borderColor #666666
color #FFFFFF
dropShadowEnabled true
gradientColors #333333, #666666
fontSize 12
fontStyle normal
fontWeight normal
textDecoration normal

The .guide class specifies style properties for the top level layer of the form guide application as defined
in the Guide Wrapper/Layout definition.

Property Default value

backgroundAlpha 1.0
backgroundColor #0099CC
barColor #3366cc
borderAlpha 0.7
borderColor #0099CC
borderStyle solid
cornerRadius 15
headerHeight 56
paddingBottom 15
paddingLeft 15
paddingRight 15
paddingTop 15
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder .guidehelp 25

The .guidehelp class specifies properties for guide level help on a form guide.

Property Default value

alpha 1.0
backgroundAlpha 1.0
backgroundColor #FFFFFF
borderColor #336699
color #FFFFFF
cornerRadius 10
headerAlphas 1.0,1.0
headerColors #336699, #336699
roundedBottomCorners true
textDecoration normal

The .layoutobjects class defines the margins around an object within a panel layout.

Property Default value


The .layoutrepeaterobjects class defines the margins around an object within a repeating panel

Property Default value

paddingBottom 20
paddingLeft 25
paddingRight 25
paddingTop 25
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder .logo 26

The .logo class controls the space reserved for a logo graphic.

Property Default value

paddingBottom 0
paddingRight 0

The .navigationbase class specifies that area that surrounds the navigation buttons.

Property Default value

horizontalAlign center
paddingBottom 10
paddingLeft 50
paddingRight 50
paddingTop 10

The .navigationlevel1 class specifies properties for the first level navigation heading.

Property Default value

backgroundAlpha 0
backgroundColor #FFFFFF
borderStyle none
color #0b333c
fillColors #336699
fontSize 14
fontWeight bold
rollOverColor #006699
selectionColor #FFFFFF
textDecoration normal
textRollOverColor #333333
textSelectedColor #000000
themeColor #006699
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder .navigationlevel2 27

The .navigationlevel2 class specifies properties for the second level navigation heading.

Property Default value

alpha 1.0
backgroundColor #006699
color #FFFFFF
fillColors #3399CC, #3399CC
fontSize 12
fontWeight normal
rollOverColor #006699
selectionColor #006699
textDecoration normal
textRollOverColor #333333
textSelectedColor #000000
themeColor #006699

The .navigationlevel3 class specifies properties for the third level navigation heading.

Property Default value

backgroundColor #FFFFFF
color #0b333c
fillColors #FFFFFF, #FFFFFF
fontSize 14
fontWeight bold
rollOverColor #FFFFFF
selectionColor #FFFFFF
textDecoration normal
textRollOverColor #888888
textSelectedColor #FFFFFF
themeColor #FFFFFF
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder .navigationlevel4 28

The .navigationlevel4 class specifies properties for the fourth level navigation heading.

Property Default value

backgroundColor #FFFFFF
color #0b333c
fillColors #FFFFFF, #FFFFFF
fontSize 14
fontWeight bold
rollOverColor #FFFFFF
selectionColor #FFFFFF
textDecoration normal
textRollOverColor #888888
textSelectedColor #FFFFFF
themeColor #FFFFFF

The .navigationlevel5 class specifies properties for the fifth level navigation heading.

Property Default value

backgroundColor #FFFFFF
color #0b333c
fillColors #FFFFFF, #FFFFFF
fontSize 9
fontWeight normal
rollOverColor #FFFFFF
selectionColor #FFFFFF
textDecoration normal
themeColor #FFFFFF
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder .navigationOver 29

The .navigationOver class specifies the border color that is used when the form filler moves the mouse
pointer over a navigation control.

Property Default value

fillColors #3366CC, #3366CC

The .navigationSelected class specifies the background color that is used when the form filler selects
a navigation control.

Property Default value

fillColors #3366CC, #3366CC

The .panelcaption class defines the text attributes of field captions in a panel.

Property Default value

color #333333
fontSize 12
fontStyle normal
fontWeight normal
textDecoration normal

The . paneldata class defines the properties for the area of a panel layout that displays form objects and

Property Default value

backgroundAlpha 1.0
backgroundColor #FFFFFF
borderAlpha 1.0
borderColor #336699
color #FFFFFF
cornerRadius 10
headerAlphas 1.0,1.0
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder .panelhelp 30

Property Default value

headerColors #336699, #336699
roundedBottomCorners true

The .panelhelp class specifies a background color for the help that appears in the data entry panel.

Property Default value

alpha 1.0
backgroundAlpha 1.0
backgroundColor #999999
borderColor #336699
borderStyle solid
color #000000
cornerRadius 5
headerAlphas 1.0, 1.0
headerColors #336699, #336699

The .panelitem class specifies style properties for form guide fields.

Property Default value

backgroundAlpha 1.0
backgroundColor #CCCCCC
borderStyle inset
color #333333
dropShadowEnabled false
fontSize 12
fontStyle normal
fontWeight normal
textDecoration normal
themeColor #336699
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder .panelnav 31

The .panelnav class defines the colors for the controls in the navigation panel, such as accordions or

Property Default value

backgroundAlpha 1.0
backgroundColor #FFFFFF
barColor #3366cc
borderAlpha 1.0
borderColor #336699
color #FFFFFF
cornerRadius 10
headerAlphas 1.0, 1.0
headerColors #336699, #336699
roundedBottomCorners true

The .paneltext class defines text attributes of the panel text.

Property Default value

color #000000
fontSize 12
fontStyle normal
fontWeight normal
textDecoration normal

The .progressbar class defines the background colors of the progress bar.

Property Default value

backgroundColor #336699
barColor #336699
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder .repeater 32

The .repeater class defines the background colors of the repeater components.

Property Default value

backgroundColor #336699
themeColor #336699

The .videocontrol class controls the color of the background and of text.

Property Default value

backgroundColor #AFAFAF
color #000000

The ComboBox class specifies the default styles for all drop-down lists in a form guide.

Property Default value

color #000000
dropShadowEnabled true
fontFamily Myriad Pro
fontSize 11

The DateField class specifies the default formatting for all date fields in a form guide.

Property Default value

color #000000
dropShadowEnabled true
fontFamily Myriad Pro
fontSize 12
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder GAIcon 33

The GAIcon class specifies the format for the logo in a form guide.

Property Default value

iconColors #336699, #336699
iconTextColor #FFFFFF

The Label class specifies the format for static text in a form guide.

Property Default value

color #000000

The RadioButton class specifies formatting for all radio buttons used in a form guide.

Property Default value

dropShadowEnabled true
fontFamily Myriad Pro
fontSize 12

The TextInput class specifies the format for all text fields used in a form guide.

Property Default value

color #000000
dropShadowEnabled true
fontFamily Myriad Pro
fontSize 12
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder TextInputMask 34

The TextInputMask class specifies the style properties of the mask input comb field. It enables guided
data entry by providing visual cues to the user filling the form guide. For example, a postal code field
would display as a field with 6 cells.

Property Default value

backgroundColor #333333
cellColor #CCCCCC

The TextInputSymbol class specifies the format for currency symbols used in a form guide.

Property Default value

prefixBackgroundColor #333333
prefixColor #CCCCCC
suffixBackgroundColor #333333
suffixColor #CCCCCC

Form guide CSS properties

The alpha property specifies the transparency of the color of text on a button.


Applies to
● .buttons
● .guidehelp
● .navigationlevel2
● .panelhelp
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder backgroundAlpha 35

The backgroundAlpha property specifies the transparency of the background color.


Applies to
● .application
● .buttons
● .guide
● .guidehelp
● .navigationlevel1
● .paneldata
● .panelhelp
● .panelitem
● .panelnav
● TextInputMask

The backgroundColor property specifies the guide background color.

backgroundColor="color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent"

Applies to
● .application
● .fieldhelp
● .guide
● .guidehelp
● .navigationlevel1
● .navigationlevel2
● .navigationlevel3
● .navigationlevel4
● .navigationlevel5
● .paneldata
● .panelhelp
● .panelitem
● .panelnav
● .progressbar
● .repeater
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder backgroundGradientColors 36

● .videocontrol
● TextInputMask

The backgroundGradientColors property specifies the two color extremes of the background color

backgroundGradientColors="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to

The barColor property specifies the color of the progress indicator.

barColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to



The basewrapper property specifies the name of the form guide layout.

basewrapper="[form guide layout name]"

Applies to
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder borderAlpha 37

The borderAlpha property specifies the standard Flex style for a panel.


Applies to




The borderColor property specifies the color of the border around field help.

borderColor="color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent"

Applies to






The borderStyle property specifies the required default border value used by the supplied layouts.


Applies to



Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder cellColor 38

The cellColor property specifies the style attribute for the TextInputMask.

cellColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to

The color property specifies the color to use for text in form guide help.

color="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to
















Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder cornerRadius 39



The cornerRadius property specifies the roundness of the panel border.


Applies to
● .guide
● .guidehelp
● .paneldata
● .panelhelp
● .panelnav

The dropShadowEnabled property specifies whether to add a drop shadow effect to field help.

dropShadowEnabled="true | false"

Applies to






The fillAlphas property specifies the transparency of the gradient colors defined by the fillColors


Applies to
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder fillColors 40

The fillColors property specifies the two color extremes of the color gradient to use for button color.

fillColors="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to








The fontFamily property specifies the font typeface.

fontFamily="[font name]"

Applies to



Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder fontSize 41

The fontSize property specifies the font size.


Applies to













The fontStyle property specifies whether to use italicized font.

fontStyle="normal | italic"

Applies to



Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder fontWeight 42

The fontWeight property specifies whether to use font bolding.

fontWeight="normal | bold"

Applies to









The gradientColors property specifies two colors for the form guide container. Guide Builder uses the
two colors to create a gradient fill.

gradientColors="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder headerAlphas 43

The headerAlphas property controls the transparency of the title area.


Applies to




The headerColors property specifies the color of the guide help title area.

headerColors="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to




The headerHeight property specifies title bar size for panel areas (auto defined).


Applies to
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder horizontalAlign 44

The horizontalAlign property specifies the standard Flex style for most containers.


Applies to

The iconColors property specifies a pair of fill colors for the icon component. The icon component
consists of a sphere with a gradient fill and the letter “i” in the middle. The icon component is used for the
information icon.

iconColors="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to

The iconTextColor property specifies the color of the text inside the gradient sphere of the icon

iconTextColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder paddingBottom 45

The paddingBottom property specifies the border around the bottom edge of the form guide.


Applies to






The paddingLeft property specifies the border around the left edge of the form guide.


Applies to





The paddingRight property specifies the border around the right edge of the form guide.


Applies to


Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder paddingTop 46




The paddingTop property specifies the border around the top edge of the form guide.


Applies to





The prefixBackgroundColor property specifies the background color of the prefix area of the
TextInputSymbol component.

prefixBackgroundColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to

The prefixColor property specifies the color of the text inside the prefix area of the TextInputSybmol

prefixColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to
Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder rollOverColor 47

The rollOverColor property specifies the border color that is used when the form filler moves the
mouse pointer over a navigation control.

rollOverColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to





The roundedBottomCorners property specifies whether the panel border is rounded.

roundedBottomCorners="true | false"

Applies to



The selectionColor property specifies the background color that is used when the form filler selects a
navigation control.

selectionColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to




Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder suffixBackgroundColor 48

The suffixBackgroundColor property specifies the background color of the suffix area of the
TextInputSymbol component.

suffixBackgroundColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to

The suffixColor property specifies the color of the text inside the suffix area of the TextInputSybmol

suffixColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to

The textDecoration property specifies whether to use font underlining.

textDecoration="normal | underline"

Applies to









Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder textRollOverColor 49

The textRollOverColer property specifies the text color that is used when a form filler moves the
mouse pointer moves over a navigation control.

textRollOverColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to




The textSelectedColor property specifies the text color of an element of a component when the
element is selected.

textSelectedColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to




The themeColor property specifies the theme color to use for buttons on a form guide.

themeColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"

Applies to



Adobe LiveCycle ES Form Guide CSS Styles
Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder version 50





The version property specifies the version of the CSS file.

Note: This property is for information purposes only.

version="[version number]"

Applies to

AccordionNav component 22 HelpBox component 21
ActionScript HelpPanel component 21
control, creating 17 HelpVideo component 21
examples 18
AddPanelButton component 21
label components 22
building Flex library projects 8
Button Bar form guide layout 12
MXML control, creating 17
button components 21
MxTreeNav component 22

components, custom 20
navigation components 22
controls, creating 17
navigation tree, example 18
CopyPanelButton component 21
Next panel button 18
NextPanelButton component 21
controls 17
Flex library projects 7
form guide layouts 11 O
panel layouts 14 Outline view, panel layout 15
output components 22
documentation resources 4 P
panel layouts
E creating 14
Outline view, example 15
structure 14
form guide layout 12
PanelContent output component 22
navigation tree 18
PanelTitle label component 22
Next panel button 18
PDFBox output component 22
panel layout structure 14
PreviousPanelButton component 21
ProgressBar output component 22
F ProgressSectionBarNav component 22
Flex Builder 7
Flex library projects
building 8
RemovePanelButton component 21
creating 7
resources, documentation 4
folder structure 8
folder structure, Flex library project 8
form guide layouts S
about 10 SectionTitle label component 22
creating 11 SubmitButton component 21
example 12 SWC files
form guides adding to a Flex library project 7
creating Flex library projects for 7 importing into Guide Builder 8

Guide Builder, making SWC files available to 8 TabTabNav component 22
ToolBar output component 22


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