Chapter Wise Part A and B - Past Paper Questions
Chapter Wise Part A and B - Past Paper Questions
Chapter Wise Part A and B - Past Paper Questions
1(a) Choose two from the following passages and write in detail about the various ways in which the
passages describe God and how He is unique: 6.101–103, 42.4–5, 112, 41.37. [10]
(b) In your opinion, why should Muslims try to understand God’s attributes? Give reason(s) for
your answer. [4]
2 (a) The Qur’an has been preserved in writing for over 1400 years. Give an account of the way in
which it was compiled in the written format. [10]
(b) Do you think, for Muslims nowadays, having the Qur’an in a written format outweighs the
benefits of having the oral tradition? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
3 (a) The Qur’an teaches Muslims about their relationship with God. Write about this relationship using
the passages you have studied. [10]
(b) ‘God gave humankind guidance and teachings.’ Why does the Qur’an lay emphasis on the
need to gain knowledge? [4]
4 (a) Write an account of the different ways in which revelations came to the Prophet. Include
examples in your answer. [10]
(b) Muslims around the world memorise/recite the Qur’an in Arabic even if they do not understand
it. What do you think are the benefits of this? [4]
5 (a) Using the Qur’an passages set for special study in the syllabus, outline the relationship
between God and two of His Messengers:
• Adam,
• Abraham,
• Jesus. [10]
(b) God’s Messengers experienced trials. How can their responses help Muslims face difficulties in
their own lives? [4]
6 (a) Write about the way in which the Qur’an was compiled after the Prophet’s death. [10]
(b) How does the Qur’an in written form help Muslims around the world? [4]
7 (a) Using three passages you have studied from the syllabus, write about God’s relationship with
His created world. [10]
(b) How might teachings from these passages encourage people to take care of their environment? [4]
8 (a) Using passages from the syllabus write about what God says about His relationship with two
of His Messengers. [10]
(b) How might Muslims use the Qur’an to have a closer connection with God? [4]
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9 (a) Describe the different ways that the Prophet (pbuh) received revelation from God. [10]
(b) Why do you think that the revelation was sent to someone who could not read or write? [4]
10 (a) Write about the ways in which Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthman were involved in the compilation
and preservation of the Qur’an. [10]
(b) What is the significance for Muslims to have the Qur’an written in the form of a book? [4]
11 (a) Give an account of the different ways in which the Prophet (pbuh) received revelation. [10]
(b) The Qur’an was not revealed all at one time. Why do you think this was important? [4]
12 (a) Describe the main events of the Prophet’s migration (hijra) from Makka to his welcome in
Madina. [10]
(b) The Companions showed friendship and support for the Prophet (pbuh). How can Muslims show
friendship and support for each other? [4]
13 (a) Using passages from the syllabus, write about the duties of humankind towards God and the
created world. [10]
(b) What do Muslims have to consider when looking after their environment? [4]
15 (a) Write about events from the Prophet’s life that show his qualities of generosity, honesty and
simplicity in action. [10]
(b) Can Muslims adopt a life of simplicity like the Prophet in current times? Give reasons for your
answer. [4]
16 (a) The Prophet went to Ta’if to teach the people there about one God. Write about his experience
of this event. [10]
(b) The Prophet showed great forgiveness despite the cruelty of the people of Ta’if. Do you think
Muslims now can follow this example? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
17 (a) Write about the battle of the Trench (Khandaq) fought in 627. [10]
(b) What can Muslims learn from the Prophet’s involvement in the digging of the trench? [4]
18 (a) The Prophet exercised a lot of self-restraint and patience when preaching Islam in Makka.
Write about at least three events from this period of time that show these virtues. [10]
(b) Giving examples, say how in your opinion Muslims can show self-restraint and patience in
their everyday lives. [4]
19 (a) Give a detailed account of the Prophet’s journey from Makka to Madina in 622. [10]
(b) How is the migration of the Prophet like the migration of some Muslims now? Give reasons
for your answer. [4]
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20 (a) Write an account of the events of the first revelation and the Prophet’s reaction afterwards. [10]
(b) The Qur’an was revealed in parts over a number of years. Why was this important? [4]
21 (a) Write about the main events of the battles of Khaybar and Tabuk. [10]
(b) The Battle of Tabuk became a mission of peace instead of war. What can Muslims learn from this?
22 (a) The Prophet’s relationship with the Quraysh changed after he began to receive revelations.
Describe the differences in the way the Quraysh treated him after this event. [10]
(b) The Prophet did not change his character despite the way the Quraysh changed towards him. What
can Muslims learn from this? [4]
23 (a) ‘Uthman and Ja’far were among the companions who migrated to Abyssinia. Write an account of
this migration and the events in it. [10]
(b) How does this migration compare to recent migrations of Muslims to other countries? [4]
24 (a) How did Islam grow in the years between the Prophet’s first revelation and his first public
preaching in Makka? [10]
(b) How can the behaviour of the first converts to Islam provide an example for Muslims today?
25 (a) Giving at least four examples from his life, write about the ways in which the Prophet
Muhammad showed generosity and humility. [10]
(b) Giving examples, write about how Muslims can be generous with their neighbours. [4]
26 (a) The Prophet Muhammad migrated to Madina from Makka. Write about the Ansar and the
Muhajirun and the way they helped each other. [10]
(b) Using this example, what can Muslims do for those people who have left their homes and
come to live amongst them in their communities? [4]
27 (a) The Prophet had different experiences in the caves of Hira and Thawr. Give an account of his
experiences in both caves. [10]
(b) How did the events in the cave of Thawr help strengthen the Prophet’s relationship with God?
28 (a) The Prophet Muhammad brought the message of Islam to Makka. Describe the ways the
main clans treated him after hearing his message. [10]
(b) Why did the Quraysh fear the Prophet and his message even though he was not violent or
aggressive towards them? [4]
29 (a) Give an account of the Prophet’s migration (hijra) from Makka to Madina. [10]
(b) Why was it significant that one of the Prophet’s first tasks was to construct mosques at Quba and
Madina? [4]
30 (a) Write about the events of the final year of the Prophet’s life. [10]
(b) Which of the Prophet’s teachings from his final sermon do you think is the most important for
Muslims today? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
31 (a) Describe the events of the Prophet’s night journey and ascension (al-isra wal miraj). [10]
(b) Why do you think it was important for God to take the Prophet (pbuh) on this journey? [4]
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32 (a) Describe the main events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from his childhood until he
received revelation. [10]
(b) The Prophet (pbuh) faced challenges in his early years but maintained his good character.
How can Muslims learn from this today? [4]
33 (a) Write about the Prophet Muhammad’s first experience of revelation. [10]
(b) The Prophet (pbuh) could not read or write. In what way has this always been significant for
Muslims? [4]
34 (a) Write about the events related to the signing of the Treaty of Hudaybiyya and the main terms
in it. [10]
(b) What in your opinion were the benefits, if any, for the Muslims signing the Treaty of
Hudaybiyya? [4]
35 (a) Describe the events of the first battle in Islam, the Battle of Badr. [10]
(b) How important was the outcome of this battle for the Prophet (pbuh) and his followers? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]
36 (a) The Prophet (pbuh) was generous and forgiving. Write about events from his life that
demonstrate these qualities in action. [10]
(b) How easy is it for Muslims in the present day to follow the Prophet’s generosity? Give reasons
for your answer. [4]
37 (a) By referring to the Treaty of Madina, describe the relationship between the Muslims and the
non-Muslims when the Prophet (pbuh) first arrived. [10]
(b) How can Muslims apply the Prophet Muhammad’s example of compassion when building
community relations? [4]
38 (a) Some Muslims travelled to Abyssinia. Describe what happened to the groups that migrated.
(b) In your opinion, was this migration similar to Muslim migrations today? Give reasons for your
answer. [4]
39 (a) Give an account of the main events of the Prophet’s preaching up until the public declaration
on Mount Safa. [10]
(b) What do the Prophet’s struggles in these early years teach Muslims about dealing with their
own difficulties? [4]
40 (a) Describe the main events of the Battle of Mu’ta and the Battle of Hunain. [10]
(b) From these battles, what can be learnt about good leadership skills? [4]
41 (a) Write about the events of the first revelation received by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and
how he was reassured afterwards. [10]
(b) What can Muslims today learn from the first revelation about the importance of reading and
understanding the Qur’an? [4]
42 (a) The Prophet (pbuh) went to spread Islam in Ta’if. Write about the background and details of
this event. [10]
(b) Giving examples, show how Muslims can practise forgiveness in their lives. [4]
43 (a) The Battle of the Trench (Khandaq) was fought in 627. Give an account of the main events
that took place. [10]
(b) What can Muslims learn from this event about taking advice from others? [4]
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44 (a) The Prophet (pbuh) conquered Makka in 630. Write an account of the main events of the
conquest. [10]
(b) Why was it important for the Prophet (pbuh) to offer refuge to the Makkans? [4]
45 (a) Choose three events from the Prophet’s life that demonstrate his moral character, and write
in detail about them. [10]
(b) Which of these events do you think is the most relevant as a lesson for Muslims today? [4]
46 (a) The Prophet (pbuh) was mistreated by the Makkans after preaching the message of Islam.
Write an account of the difficulties he faced. [10]
(b) How can the Prophet’s response to opposition help Muslims when they are mistreated? [4]
47 (a) Describe the events of the migration (hijra) from Makka to Madina. [10]
(b) In what way is this journey significant for the Muslim community now? [4]
48 (a) Write about the events of the Battle of Uhud fought in 625. [10]
(b) What lessons might be learned from the outcome of the Battle of Uhud? [4]
49 (a) Giving examples from the Prophet’s life, write about how he showed both the qualities of
patience and forgiveness. [10]
(b) Why should Muslims show patience in their everyday lives? [4]
50 (a) Write about the events of the Battle of Khaybar and the Battle of Hunain. [10]
(b) In your opinion, which of these two battles was the most significant for Muslims? [4]
51 (a) Outline the main events from the Prophet’s night journey and ascension (al-isra wal-mi’raj).
(b) In what way did this event give hope to the Prophet (pbuh)? [4]
52 (a) Write about the events of the migration to Abyssinia by some of the early Muslims. [10]
(b) What might be learned from the way the Muslims were treated in Abyssinia? [4]
53 (a) Describe the main events of the Pledges of Aqaba and the details in the Pledges. [10]
(b) What might Muslims do to set an example and welcome others who move to their areas? [4]
54 (a) Write about the main events of the Battle of Badr. [10]
(b) What can the events of the Battle of Badr teach Muslims? [4]
55 (a) Write about the lives of Fatima and any one other of the Prophet’s daughters. [10]
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(b) Explain the importance of the statement, ‘Daughters are a mercy (rahma)’. [4]
56 (a) Khadija bint Khuwaylid was the Prophet’s first wife. Write an account of her life in the period
she knew the Prophet. [10]
(b) The Prophet’s employer was a woman who was successful in business. What lessons can be
derived from this for Muslims now? [4]
57 (a) Write about the lives of the Companions Bilal ibn Rabah, Ja’far ibn Abi Talib and Salman
al-Farsi. [10]
(b) In your opinion, what is the significance of the Prophet encouraging the liberation of Bilal and
Salman from slavery? [4]
58 (a) Write an account of the main events in the life of Abu Bakr during the life of the Prophet. [10]
(b) How can Muslims use the example of Abu Bakr in showing loyalty to their friends and
colleagues? [4]
59 (a) Describe in detail the roles of Halima and Abu Talib in the early years of the Prophet’s life.[10]
(b) From these relationships, what can be learnt about keeping family ties? [4]
60 (a) Write a detailed account of the lives of the Prophet Muhammad’s daughters, Zaynab and
Fatima. [10]
(b) What can Muslims learn from the Prophet about the relationship between fathers and
daughters? [4]
61 (a) Two of the Prophet’s wives were Aisha and Hafsa. Write an account of their lives during the
lifetime of the Prophet. [10]
(b) Both wives were narrators of Hadith. What can Muslims learn from this about women and
education? [4]
62 (a) Write a detailed account of the lives of Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib and Khalid ibn Walid during
the lifetime of the Prophet (pbuh). [10]
(b) Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib showed loyalty to the Prophet (pbuh). How can Muslims show
loyalty in their everyday lives? [4]
63 (a) In Madina, the Helpers (Ansar) and Emigrants (Muhajirun) were made brothers. Give an
account of the main developments of this relationship. [10]
(b) How can Muslims apply this model of brotherhood to help their communities? [4]
64 (a) Write about the lives of ‘Uthman and ‘Ali during the lifetime of the Prophet (pbuh). [10]
(b) From ‘Ali’s early life, what lessons can young people learn about their role in the community?
65 (a) Give an account of the life of the Prophet’s wife Aisha during the lifetime of the Prophet
(pbuh). [10]
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(b) From the example of Aisha, what lessons can be learnt about education in Islam? [4]
66 (a) Write an account of the life of the Prophet’s Companion Abu Bakr, during the Prophet’s
lifetime. [10]
(b) Abu Bakr used his wealth to help others. How can Muslims follow his example today? [4]
67 (a) Describe the main difficulties faced by the early followers of Islam. [10]
(b) How can these events give hope to Muslims today? [4]
68 (a) Write about the brotherhood in Madina that developed between the Helpers (Ansar) and the
Emigrants (Muhajirun). [10]
(b) How can Muslims today show their brotherhood and sisterhood towards each other? [4]
69 (a) Write about the life of the Prophet’s daughter, Fatima. [10]
(b) What can be learned from her life about the relationship between parents and children? [4]
70 (a) The first wife of the Prophet (pbuh) was Khadija. Write about the main events of her life. [10]
(b) What does Khadija’s marriage to the Prophet (pbuh) teach Muslims about family relationships?
71 (a) Write about the lives of ‘Umar and ‘Uthman during the lifetime of the Prophet (pbuh). [10]
(b) What lessons can be learned from ‘Uthman’s life before he became Caliph? [4]
72 (a) Write about the lives of two of the following Companions: Salman al-Farsi, Ja’far ibn Abi
Talib, Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf. [10]
(b) Even when they had wealth, some Companions lived simple lives. How can Muslims show
simplicity in their everyday lives? [4]
73 (a) Write a descriptive account of the terms isnad and matn of a Hadith and the role they play in
establishing the genuineness of a Hadith. [10]
(b) How does the Muslim community benefit by having genuine compilations of Hadiths? [4]
74 (a) Write an account of how the Hadiths of the Prophet stress upon the unity of the Islamic
community. Use at least four set Hadiths from the syllabus to develop your answer. [10]
(b) Why do you think Islam gives so much importance to maintaining unity within the Islamic
community? [4]
75 (a) Write about the relationship between the Qur’an and the Hadiths of the Prophet and say what
the difference is between Hadith Qudsi and Hadith Nabawi. [10]
(b) Why do you think it was important for the Prophet to give permission to his companions to
write down his Hadiths? [4]
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76 (a) Why did it become important to compile the prophetic Hadiths after the time of the Rightly
Guided Caliphs? [10]
(b) In your opinion, can Islam be practised without the Hadiths? [4]
77 (a) What measures were taken in early Islamic times to check the reliability of Hadiths? [10]
(b) Why was it important for the Muslim community to have authentic Hadiths? [4]
78 (a) Hadiths are broadly classified as sound (sahih), good (hasan) and weak (da’if ). Write a
detailed account of these three categories of Hadiths. [10]
(b) What in your opinion is the importance of classifying Hadiths? [4]
79 (a) Write an account of the compilation of Hadiths during the period of the Successors of the
Successors (tabi’ al-tabi’in). [10]
(b) Why do you think the chain of narrators (isnad) of a Hadith is given so much importance in
establishing its genuineness? [4]
80 (a) Give a detailed account of the checks made on the text and narrators of Hadiths. [10]
(b) In your opinion what are the main advantages of carrying out checks to confirm the reliability
of Hadiths? [4]
81 (a) From the set Hadiths you have studied outline the Prophet’s teachings on the individual
conduct of Muslims. [10]
(b) How do Muslims benefit in their community life by following the guidance given in the
Prophet’s Hadiths? [4]
82 (a) Write a detailed account of the musannaf and musnad collections of Hadith. [10]
(b) In your opinion, from the two Hadith collections above, which is the more useful to Muslims?
Give reasons for your answer. [4]
83 (a) Write an account of the collection of Hadiths during:
• the Prophet’s lifetime, and
• the time of the Companions immediately after the Prophet’s death. [10]
(b) In your opinion what were the main reasons for Hadith collections? Give reasons for your
answer. [4]
85 (a) Write a detailed account of the two components of Hadiths:
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• chain of transmission (isnad) and
• text (matn) [10]
(b) Both of these components are equally important for establishing the authenticity of Hadiths.
Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer. [4]
86 (a) Write about the importance of knowing the Prophet’s Hadiths and following his Sunna for
Muslims. [10]
(b) Why are belief and action both important for Muslims? Give reasons to support your answer.
87 (a) Write about the checks made on the transmitters of Hadiths and on the text of Hadiths to
ensure their authenticity. [10]
(b) Why was so much importance given to collecting and preserving authentic Hadiths? [4]
88 (a) Referring to the set Hadiths write about the benefits to the community of following the
Prophet’s guidance. [10]
(b) Why is the example of the Prophet (pbuh) important for Muslims today? [4]
91 (a) Outline the reasons why the caliphs Abu Bakr and ‘Uthman thought it necessary to compile
the Qur’an and describe how they went about completing this task. [10]
(b) In your opinion, how important was it to have a compiled copy of the Qur’an and what could
have been the dangers of not having one? [4]
92 (a) Write a detailed account about the election and administration of Abu Bakr. [10]
(b) In your opinion, what was the greatest service performed by Abu Bakr during his caliphate?
Give reasons for your choice. [4]
93 (a) Outline the characteristics of the caliphates of all four Rightly Guided Caliphs which make
them an example of leadership for Muslim rulers. [10]
(b) In your opinion, which characteristic of the rules of the caliphs, if adopted by the present day
rulers, would improve the lives of ordinary people in the countries they live in? [4]
94 (a) Write a detailed account of two battles under the caliphate of ‘Umar. [10]
(b) Give reasons for why you have selected the two battles in Part (a) as being the most
important. [4]
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95 (a) Write a detailed account of Abu Bakr’s achievements as Caliph. [10]
(b) What was the significance of his actions in dealing firmly with the apostate tribes? [4]
96 (a) How did the arbitration following the Battle of Siffin lead to the emergence of the Kharijites?
(b) ‘The Kharijites were the main reason for ‘Ali not winning the Battle of Siffin’. Do you agree or
disagree? Give reasons to support your answer. [4]
97 (a) Choose any two caliphs from the three given below and say how and why they were martyred:
• ‘Umar;
• ‘Uthman; and
• ‘Ali. [10]
(b) In your opinion what lesson(s) can be learnt by the martyrdom of ‘Umar? [4]
98 (a) Write an account of the campaign led by Abu Bakr against the tribes refusing to pay zakat.
(b) How important in your view was the campaign against the tribes refusing to pay zakat? [4]
99 (a) Mu‘awiya was opposed to ‘Ali’s caliphate. Give reasons for his opposition and write an
account of the Battle of Siffin which resulted from this opposition. [10]
(b) In your opinion what was the most serious consequence of the outcome of this battle? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]
100 (a) Outline the reasons for the unrest against ‘Uthman and write an account of the rebellion in
Madina that led to his martyrdom. [10]
(b) ‘Umar and ‘Uthman stood by what they believed to be just and were martyred for the position
they took. What lessons can be learnt from their martyrdom? Give reasons for your answer.
101 (a) Write an account of the achievements of Abu Bakr as the first caliph of Islam. [10]
(b) Which was his greatest contribution as caliph? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
103 (a) Write a detailed account of the election of Abu Bakr as the first caliph and the action he took
against any two of the false prophets. [10]
(b) What was the most serious danger faced by the Islamic state during Abu Bakr’s caliphate?
Give reasons for your answer. [4]
104 (a) Write a detailed account about the Battle of Yarmuk fought in the caliphate of ‘Umar. [10]
(b) What was the significance of the conquest of Jerusalem in ‘Umar’s caliphate? Give reasons
for your answer. [4]
105 (a) Write about the compilation of the Qur’an in the caliphates of both Abu Bakr and ‘Uthman.
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(b) In your opinion was the compilation of the Qur’an the greatest achievement of the two
caliphs? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
106 (a) Write an account of the administration of the caliphate under ‘Umar. [10]
(b) In your opinion what was the most important feature of ‘Umar’s administration? Give reasons
for your answer. [4]
107 (a) Write an account of how Abu Bakr led the Islamic empire when he became the first caliph.
(b) Why was defeating the false prophets so important to the stability of the Islamic state during
Abu Bakr’s caliphate? [4]
108 (a) Give an account of the administration of the caliphate under ‘Uthman. [10]
(b) In your opinion what was ‘Uthman’s greatest achievement as caliph? [4]
109 (a) Write a descriptive account of the Battle of Siffin and the arbitration that followed it. [10]
(b) What in your opinion was the most serious outcome of the arbitration?
Give reasons to support your answer. [4]
110 (a) Write an account of the false prophet Musailimah and the battle fought against him in 632.
(b) What was the importance of this battle to future generations of Muslims? [4]
111 (a) Give an account of the election of Abu Bakr and the expedition he sent to Syria soon after
becoming caliph. [10]
(b) Explain the most significant action Abu Bakr took as caliph. [4]
112 (a) Write in detail about the Battle of Siffin and the events that led up to it. [10]
(b) In your opinion, what was the main consequence of this battle? Give reasons to support your
answer. [4]
113 (a) Write a detailed account of the Battle of the Camel. [10]
(b) What was the most serious consequence of this battle to the Muslims at the time it was
fought? Give reasons to support your answer. [4]
114 (a) Write about the role of ͑ Umar and ͑ Uthman in preserving the Qur’an. [10]
(b) In your opinion, were the two stages of the preservation of the Qur’an equally important?
Give reasons to support your answer. [4]
115 (a) ͑ Uthman was the third caliph of Islam. Write an account of his election and the administration
of his caliphate. [10]
(b) ‘ ͑ Uthman’s greatest achievement as caliph was the compilation of the Qur’an’. Do you agree
or disagree? Give reasons to support your answer. [4]
120 (a) Outline the various kinds of circumambulations (tawaf) around the Ka’ba required during the
annual pilgrimage (hajj) and describe the conditions of performing them. [10]
(b) Why in your opinion is it desirable that the pilgrims should visit Madina after the performance
of hajj or umra? [4]
121 (a) Write an account about the relationship between belief in God’s divine decree and human
responsibility. [10]
(b) How does this belief in God’s divine decree affect the day-to-day life of Muslims? [4]
122 (a) Prayers (salat), whether obligatory or voluntary, require preparation. Write an account of how
a Muslim prepares for it. [10]
(b) Invocation (dua) is highly recommended immediately after the obligatory prayer. Why do you
think this is so? [4]
123 (a) Write in detail about Muslim belief in Life after Death and the Day of Judgement. [10]
(b) How does belief in life after death affect the life of a Muslim? [4]
124 (a) ‘There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.’ Write about the significance of
the shahada to a Muslim. [10]
(b) Why is the second Pillar of Islam prayer (salat ) so important in a Muslim’s life? [4]
125 (a) List the Six Articles of Faith and give an account of what any two of them teach. [10]
(b) What, in your opinion, is the importance of prophets being sent to humanity? [4]
126 (a) Write about the moral, social and economic benefits of a Muslim fasting. [10]
(b) What, in your opinion, is the greatest reward of fasting? Support your answer by giving
reasons for your choice. [4]
127 (a) According to Muslim belief what part do angels play in the everyday lives of human beings?
(b) What in your opinion is the primary link between angels and prophets in Islam? [4]
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• armed fighting (jihad bis-saif ) and;
• what rules and limitations apply to this jihad? [10]
(b) What do you understand by the term jihad? [4]
130 (a) Islamic teachings revolve around six main Articles of Faith. Write about the following two:
• belief in God, and
• belief in angels. [10]
(b) Why is the belief in angels important for Muslims? [4]
131 (a) ‘Prophets played a central part in conveying God’s message to humanity.’ Write an account of
Muslim belief in prophets. [10]
(b) Why do you think God gave miracles to his chosen prophets? [4]
133 (a) Describe how Muslims observe the fast of Ramadan and how this month should be spent.
(b) What is the purpose of fasting during the month of Ramadan? [4]
134 (a) Describe any three of the following elements of pilgrimage (hajj):
• ihram (garment worn)
• sa’i (running between the hills of Safa and Marwa)
• rami (stoning the Jamarat), and
• qurbani (sacrifice). [10]
(b) Why do you think pilgrims strive so hard to touch the Black Stone (Hajr al Aswad)? [4]
136 (a) Write an account of alms-giving (zakat) and say who is liable to pay it and who it can be
paid to. [10]
(b) What is the importance of zakat in Muslim society? [4]
137 (a) Write about Muslim belief in:
• divine books, and
• prophets. [10]
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(b) Why is belief in all prophets important in Islam? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
138 (a) How do Muslims prepare themselves for Friday (Jum’a) prayers and what are the special
features of this prayer? [10]
(b) In your opinion what are the benefits of praying in a mosque? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
139 (a) There are five forms of jihad. Write an account of any three of them. [10]
(b) In your opinion which is the most important kind of jihad? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
141 (a) Describe how the fast in the month of Ramadan should be observed by Muslims. [10]
(b) In your opinion what is the most important benefit of fasting in Ramadan?
Give reasons for your choice. [4]
142 (a) Write about the rituals that take place on the first three days of the annual pilgrimage (hajj).
(b) In your opinion should hajj be performed as many times as possible in a Muslim’s life?
Give reasons for your answer. [4]
143 (a) Fasting in Ramadan benefits Muslims in many ways. Write about the major benefits of fasting
in Ramadan. [10]
(b) Explain why the Night of Power (Layla-tul-Qadr) is so important for Muslims. [4]
145 (a) Write a detailed account about the second Pillar of Islam: prayer (salat). [10]
(b) What is the importance of praying in the mosque for Muslims? [4]
146 (a) Write an account of Muslim belief in divinely revealed books and their content and purpose.
(b) In your opinion, why is the Qur’an the most important source of Islamic law? Give reasons to
support your answer. [4]
147 (a) Describe how and when the two Eids are celebrated and give an account of the Eid prayer.
(b) What is the importance of celebrating religious festivals? Give reasons to support your answer.
148 (a) Write about the different types of purification before the performance of salat:
• wudu
• tayammum and
• ghusl. [10]
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(b) In your opinion, what is the most important benefit of salat in the lives of Muslims? Give
reasons to support your answer. [4]
150 (a) Write about the function of the Qur’an and Sunna as the two primary sources of Islamic law.
(b) Why do you think the Qur’an and Sunna are not the only sources of Law and are supplemented
by ijma’ and qiyas? Give examples to support your answers. [4]
151 (a) Outline the relationship between the Hadith and the Qur’an as sources of Islamic law. Give
examples to support your answer. [10]
(b) Why have Muslims, right from the earliest years of Islam, attached so much importance to the
Prophet’s Hadiths? [4]
152 (a) Write an account of how the four sources of Islamic Law are used together. [10]
(b) How useful are ijma’ and qiyas when dealing with modern issues? [4]
153 (a) Outline the relationship between the Qur’an and Hadith when formulating Islamic law. [10]
(b) What is the importance of consensus (ijma’ ) in the Muslim world today? Give reasons for
your answer. [4]
154 (a) Write an account of how the four sources of Islamic Law are used together. [10]
(b) Why do you think some scholars do not favour the use of qiyas? [4]
155 (a) Describe the method used to make a judgement by analogy (qiyas) using the Qur’an and
Hadith. Give examples to support your answer. [10]
(b) Why do you think the Prophet (pbuh) encouraged the use of personal reasoning amongst his
Companions? [4]
156 (a) Write about the way in which the Qur’an and Sunna are used in Islamic Law. [10]
(b) Give one example where using ijma or qiyas has been significant for Muslims today. [4]
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