Forklift-Truck Learner-Workbook SAMPLE
Forklift-Truck Learner-Workbook SAMPLE
Forklift-Truck Learner-Workbook SAMPLE
Licence to operate a forklift truck
National Licence RTO-VET Learning Materials
Language – Literacy – Numeracy (LLN) .................................................................. 4
How to get the most out of this book...................................................................... 5
Things to consider when learning............................................................................ 6
Learning support materials.................................................................................... 7
Learning and practical tasks................................................................................... 8
What is a forklift truck?......................................................................................... 9
Basic forklift concepts......................................................................................... 10
Thank you........................................................................................................111
Continuous improvement form ...........................................................................112
How to get the most out of this book
As a trainer you know there are many ways a learner can find information to complete
the training tasks in these learning materials. Below are some examples.
Thinking questions
Thinking questions train your learner to think for themselves. For example,
the Information Book does not directly state the answer.
At the end of each element in the workbook, the learner gets to review their
training. The review gives the learner a chance to talk with classmates and
you about what they learned. Sharing their learning experiences with others
helps them learn.
Review questions
You’ll find the review questions on the Trainer’s Resource CD. Give the
questions to the learner toward the end of training to determine if they
understand the information they have covered. You can ask your learner
to fill in these questions alone or as a group.
Review—practical tasks
The practical tasks handout is on the Trainer’s Resource CD. There is one task
for each element and the learner should do all tasks under your supervision.
Reach truck
Counterbalance forklift truck (non-counterbalance) forklift
The forklift centre of gravity must stay within the stability triangle
The centre of gravity in the stability triangle is like a ball floating in water and
can easily move. The centre of gravity moves by the driver lifting, lowering, tilting,
turning, accelerating, braking, and driving over uneven ground. Any of these movements
done too quickly can send the centre of gravity outside the stability triangle.
If the centre of gravity goes outside If the centre of gravity goes outside
the fulcrum (forward point of balance) either side of the triangle the forklift
then the forklift will tip lengthways will tip over sideways (lateral tipping).
(longitudinal tipping).
WA WorkSafe
NT WorkSafe
NSW WorkCover
SA SafeWork
ACT WorkCover
VIC WorkSafe
TAS WorkSafe
You can read more about the new WHS Act at
Plan Work
a) Give examples of hazards you should look for before you begin work.
Above head height
b) Tick any of these hazards you may have come across in past or
present workplaces.
a) Circle all the hazards (dangers) you can find in the picture below.
b) How could the people in this picture be a hazard if you were using a
forklift near them?
c) Can you think of ways to ensure these people do not get in the way
of the forklift?
a) Circle all the hazards (dangers) you can find in the picture below.
Circle the eight (8) hazardous work practices you can see in the
worksite picture below.
b) If you notice these hazards (or others) taking place what should you do?
freezer carpark
Check the safe working distances for powerlines in your state or territory.
How many metres is the NO GO zone for distribution lines on poles in your
state or territory?
b) Where can you find out more information about the right forklift to use?
What are some examples of information that a Safety data sheet (SDS)
previously called a Materials safety data sheet (MSDA) tells you?
b) What other forms could you use to show how you will control a hazard?
What are the tasks involved? What are the hazards and risks? How will hazards and risks be controlled?
(describe the control measures and how they
will be used)
Think about the worksite and each stage of the project, including preparation and clean-up.
b) What is the first thing you should try if you find a hazard?
b) Circle the two (2) items that must be worn on every work site when using a forklift.
Give an example of why you might have to wear each of the following.
a) Where can you find out the rules, regulations and information about using
a forklift safely? List three.
b) What kinds of information might you find in the operator’s manual? List three.
a) Draw a line to match the forklift truck with the work area you think it is
best suited for.
a) What could happen if you use a forklift on rough terrain and it’s not
suited for it?
a) W
hy is it important to decide on an agreed travel plan/path before
moving a load?
Forklift Entrance/
Truck Exit
It’s important to communicate with your workmates
when you are on a work site. There are many ways
you can communicate. You may need to read things
like work permits and written instructions.
a) List at least three (3) ways you might have instructions communicated to
you in the workplace.
b) Where can you find information about what you should do when
an incident occurs?
b) In an emergency, such as a fire, what are the general steps you might take?