Sangam Literature
Sangam Literature
Sangam Literature
Tamil, one of the classical languages of the world has a continuous history of literature for more than
2500 years. The earliest Tamil work, now extant is Tolkappiyam, a treatise on Tamil phonology,
morphology, syntax and poetics. (300 B. C) The earliest Tamil literature that has come down to us is
popularly known as Sangam literature.
The Pandya line of Tamil monarchs patronized three academies, one after the other, in their successive
capitals namely Thenmadurai, Kapaatapuram and the temple city of modern Madurai. Sangam literature
is believed to have been authored by the poets who were attached to the third Academy which
ourished in Madurai from 300 B. C to 300 A. D. The poems were composed by poets drawn from
almost all the sections of the ancient Tamil society and belonging to different villages and towns. These
poems were later compiled and made into nine anthologies called Eṭṭuttokai and Pattuppāṭṭu. The
Eṭṭuttokai division includes eight separate anthologies — Naṟṟiṇai, Kuṟuntokai, Aiṅkuṟunūṟu,
Patiṟṟuppattu, Paripāṭal, Kalittokai, Akanaṉūṟu and Puṟanāṉūṟu. The Pattuppāṭṭu division has ten long
poems — Tirumurukāṟṟuppaṭai, Poruṇarāṟṟuppaṭai, Ciṟupāṇāṟṟuppaṭai, Perumpāṇāṟṟuppaṭai,
Mullaippāṭṭu, Maturaikkāñci, Neṭunalvāṭai, Kuṟiñcippāṭṭu, Paṭṭiṉappālai, Malaipaṭukaṭām.
The Twofold Division
The ancient Tamils conceived a twofold division of themes namely Akam and Puram. Akam means
‘interior’ and deals with love in its purest form. Puram means ‘exterior’ and deals with everything else.
This twofold division of poetry is peculiar to Tamil.
The Akam Theme and Its Characters
The theme of love dealt with Akam is not in relation to any particular man or woman. It is love that is
universal in its sweep. The ancient poets took care that even by suggestion the lovers are not to be
identi ed. These love poems are dramatic monologues. In them, we don’t hear the voice of the
composers. No poem is addressed to the reader. The characters of the Akam poetry are limited. The
hero and the heroine are the main characters. The con dante of the heroine occupies the next place of
importance. The other characters are the friend of the hero, the parents and brothers of the heroine, the
charioteer of the hero, the aides, panan, patini, velan, hetaera, parappan, dancer, bystanders, village
folk and other minor characters. Some of these characters are not vocal, but their ideas are referred to
by other characters. The father and the brother of the heroine remain mute participants. There is almost
no mention of the hero’s parents.
The Sevenfold Division of Akam Poetry
The Akam poems are highly conventional. They are based on well-established and strict literary
tradition, the knowledge of which is a basic necessity to understand and appreciate the poems. The
grammarian Tolkappiyar divides the Tamil country into four distinct geographical regions and each one of
them is a world by itself. They are the pastoral, montane, riverine and littoral regions which are presided
over by Lord Tirumal, Lord Murukan, Lord Indira and Lord Varuna respectively. There is also a fth
division, the wasteland, which is temporary in nature and it is presided over by Goddess Kotravai.
These regions are denoted as Mullai, Kurinci, Marutam, Neythal and Palai in Sangam poems. The lands
are named after the plants peculiar to the respective regions. These names, by extension of meaning
also denote the Tinais, the love life of the people and the literature belonging to the Tinais.
According to Tolkappiyar, the theme of love is sevenfold. They are,
1. Kaikkilai
2. Kurinci
3. Mullai
4. Marutam
5. Neytal
6. Palai
7. Peruntinai.
Of these, Kaikkilai is unrequited love and Peruntinai is mismatched love.The other ve are compositely
called Aintinai (the ve tinais) and Anpin Aintinai (the ve structured on true love)
The Akam Triad
There are three aspects which are very basic to Akam poetry. They are:
1. Mutal Porul
2. Karupporul
3. Uripporul.
The geographical division (Nilam — land) and the element of time namely, the six seasons of the year
and the six parts of the day are included in the Mutal Porul.
The natural, as well as the social aspects of the various regions, constitute the Karupporul. The aspects
may include in them the deity, foodstuff, animals, birds, Theloveplants, music, drum, occupation etc.,
The Uripporul is the emotional content of the poem without which no Akam poetry can come into
existence. In Tamil tradition, the love-life of ideal pairs is described in ve thematic divisions of Uripporul.
They are as follows:
1. Punartal – Secret union of the lovers.
2. Pirital – Separation and the suffering associated with it.
3. Iruttal – Patient waiting of the heroine for the return of the hero.
4. Irankal – Feeling of despair of the woman in the absence of the hero.
5. The love-quarrel between the lovers.
Though these aspects are common to all the Tinas, convention links a particular Uripporul to a particular
Tinai or geographical unit. According to the convention, the following is the distribution.
1. Kurinci – Mountain – Secret union
2. Mullai – Forest – Patient waiting of the wife
3. Marutam – Plain – Love quarrel
4. Neytal – Coastal region – Mood of despair
5. Palai – Wasteland – Separation of lovers and the suffering associated with it and the elopement of the
The Two Phases of Love life
There are two distinctive phases of love-life. They are,
1. Kalavu (Premarital)
2. Karpu (Marital)
So long as the love-affair remains unknown to the society at large, it is called Kalavu. The close
associates of the lovers are an exception. When it becomes a public affair, it is treated on a par with
marital love. Tradition divides this phase into three aspects, thematically — the providential meeting of
the lovers, their subsequent meeting in the same place and their meeting in the secret during the day or
night with the aid of their friends. The part played by the con dante during this period is signi cant. It is
through her the lovers gain union. Her major objective is to hasten the lovers’ wedding. She consoles the
heroine when she becomes sad when the lover is absent or when he is away in a foreign land, in quest
of wealth needed for their wedded life; she serves as the prop for the heroine. When parents detect
symptomatic change in their daughter’s physique or deportment, they are prone to attribute it to some
divine interference.Normally, the Velan (priest) ascribes it to Lord Murukan and so the mother arranges
for a ritualistic dance namely Veriyattu in their house.
The word Karpu means many things. It means chasity of a woman and also the phase in love life. This
phase covers the aspects of marriage itself, the joyous married life, love quarrels, the resolution of such
quarrels and the separation of the hero for various reasons.
The Puram Theme
The Puram division has seven Tinas or divisions corresponding to the seven divisions or Tinais of Akam.
This theory is peculiar to Tolkappiyam. But in later ages, this seven fold division gave place to the twelve
fold division. It is followed in the grammatical works like the Pannirupadalam and the Purapporul venba
maalai. The compilers of the Sangam poems have adopted the later day classi cations. According to the
later tradition, the following will be the various divisions.
1. Vetchi – Stealing away of the cattle of the enemies
2. Karanthai – Redemption of the stolen cattle
3. Vanji – A king’s march against a foe with his armies
4. Kanchi – The defensive warfare by the attacked king
5. Uzhinai – Seize of a fort by an invader
6. Nochi – Defense of the fort
7. Tumpai – Heroic exploits and personal valour of kings and warriors
8. Vagai – Victory in war and excellence in other pursuits of every section of the community
9. Padan – Singing the glory of patrons and victorious kings and seeking rewards
10.Podhuviyal – Special themes dealing with higher values of life and experiences of loss and sorrow
11.Kaikilai – One-sided attachment
12.Perunthinai – Relationship between unequal people and its sorrows
Every Tinai has anumber of subdivisions called Turais. Every Turai is an integral aspect of the
corresponding Tinai which de ne the particular activity of war, the glori cation of patrons, and other
higher aspects of life.
The Puram poetry covers all areas of experience related to the socio-political life of ancient Tamils. It
also includes in it the ripe experience of wise men and saints. It ranges over vast thematic landscapes of
praises of heroic exploits, just rule of kings and their muni cent patronage of bards and poets and other
groups of suppliants. The Puram poems form the main source of information for writing the social history
of the Tamils.