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Haryana Government Gazette

Published by Authority
© Govt. of Haryana

gfj;k.kk ljdkj
ifjogu fOkHkkx
fnukad 23 uoEcj] 2022
la[;k 22@20@2022&3Vh¼1½.& eksVj;ku vf/kfu;e] 1988 ¼1988 dk dsUnzh; vf/kfu;e 59½] dh /kkjk 65 dh
mi/kkjk ¼2½ ds lkFk ifBr mi&/kkjk ¼1½ }kjk iznÙk ’kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, rFkk gfj;k.kk ljdkj] ifjogu foHkkx]
vf/klwpuk la[;k 22@20@2022&3Vh¼k½] fnukd 27 vDrwcj] 2022] ds izfrfunsZ’k ls] gfj;k.kk ds jkT;iky] blds }kjk]
gfj;k.kk eksVjokgu fu;e] 1993] dks vkxs la’kksf/kr djus ds fy, fuEufyf[kr fu;e cukrs gaS] vFkkZr~ %&
1- ;s fu;e gfj;k.kk eksVj okgu ¼ikapoka la'kks/ku½ fu;e] 2022 dgs tk ldrs gSaA
2- gfj;k.kk eksVj okgu fu;e] 1993 ¼ftUgsa] blesa] blds ckn] mä fu;e dgk x;k gS½ esa] fu;e 33 esa] mi&fu;e ¼1½
esa] f}rh; ijUrqd esa] 'kCnksa] vad rFkk dks"Bd ^^izFke 100 fMftVksa ¼v{kjksa½^^ ds LFkku ij ^^fu;e 33[k esa] rkfydk esa
fofufnZ"V vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpàksa^^ ’kCn rFkk vad çfrLFkkfir fd, tk,axsA^^
3- mDr fu;eksa es]a fu;e 33d ds LFkku ij] fuEufyf[kr fu;e çfrLFkkfir fd, tk,axs] vFkkZr~%&
^^33d- eksVj okguksa dks iathdj.k fpàksa dk vkcaVu- ¼1½ xSj&ifjogu okguksa dks iathdj.k fpàksa dk vkcaVu ;k rks
bZ&uhykeh }kjk ;k dEI;wVj flLVe dk iz;ksx djrs gq, Øejfgr l`tu }kjk fd;k tk ldrk gSA
¼2½ ifjogu okguksa dks iathdj.k fpàksa dk vkcaVu ;k rks igys vkvks igys ikvks ds vk/kkj ij ;k dEI;wVj
flLVe dk iz;ksx djrss gq, Øejfgr l`tu }kjk fd;k tk ldrk gSA
¼3½ fdlh dEI;wVj flLVe }kjk Øejfgr l`tu }kjk fu;r lHkh iathdj.k fpà ^^lk/kkj.k iathdj.k fpà^^ dgs
¼4½ LkHkh iathdj.k fpà] tks fu;e 33[k vkSj 33x esa fofufnZ"V gS]a dks ^^vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà^^ dgk tk,xkA
¼5½ lHkh iathdj.k fpà] tks fu;e 33[k ds mi&fu;e ¼2½ esa fofufnZ"V gSa] dks ^^ilanhnk iathdj.k fpà^^ dgk

4288 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), NOV. 23, 2022 (AGHN. 2, 1944 SAKA)

33[k- xSj&ifjogu okguksa ds fy, bZ&uhykeh }kjk vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpàksa dk vkcaVu-& ¼1½ fuEufyf[kr
vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà iathdj.k çkf/kdkjh }kjk eksVj okguksa dks bZ&uhykeh ds ek/;e ls fuEufyf[kr rkfydk esa
mfYyf[kr vkjf{kr ewY; ij ;k mlls vf/kd ewY; ij fn, tk,axs] vFkkZr~%
Øe iathdj.k fpà izfr fpà ds fy,
la[;k vkjf{kr ewY;
1. 0001 5]00]000@&:i;s
2. 0002] 0007] 0009 1]50]000@&:i;s
3. 0003] 0004] 0005] 0006] 0008 1]00]000@&:i;s
4. 0010] 0011] 0022] 0033] 0044] 0055] 0066] 0077] 0088 0099] 0100 rFkk 0786 75]000@&:i;s
5. Åij Øe la[;k 4 esa n’kkZ, x, fpàksa dks NksM+dj 0012 ls 0098] 0101] 0110] 50]000@&:i;s
0111] 0200] 0202] 0220] 0222] 0300] 0330] 0303] 0333] 0400] 0404] 0444]
0500] 0505] 0550] 0555] 0600] 0606] 0660] 0666] 0700] 0707] 0770] 0777]
0800] 0808] 0880] 0888] 0900] 0909] 0990] 0999] 1000] 1001] 1111] 2000]
2002] 2222] 3000] 3003] 3333] 4000] 4004] 4444] 5000] 5005] 5555] 6000]
6006] 6666] 7000] 7007] 7777] 8000] 8008] 8888] 9000] 9009] 9999
¼2½ bZ&uhykeh }kjk xSj&ifjogu okguksa ds fy, ilanhnk iathdj.k fpàksa dk vkcaVu%& ;fn dksbZ O;fä xSj
vkacfVr iathdj.k fpàksa] tks vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà ugha gSa] esa ls vius LokfeRo okys okgu gsrq vkcaVu ds fy,
fdlh Hkh iathdj.k fpà dks pquuk pkgrk gS] rks og fufnZ"V iksVZy ij viuh ilan dks minf’kZr dj ldrk gSA
fQj ,sls iathdj.k fpà dks dEI;wVj flLVe }kjk Øejfgr l`tu gsrq iathdj.k fpàksa ds iwy ls gVk fn;k tk,xk
vkSj bZ&uhykeh gsrq iathdj.k fpàksa ds iwy esa tksM+ fn;k tk,xkA ,sls ilanhnk iathdj.k fpàksa ds fy, vkjf{kr
ewY; 20]000@& :i;s gksxkA
33x- igys vkvks igys ikvks lsok ds vk/kkj ij ifjogu okguksa ds fy, vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpàksa dk vkcaVu-&
fuEufyf[kr vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà] iathdj.k izkf/kdkjh }kjk] igys vkvks igys ikvks lsok ds vk/kkj ij] fuEu
rkfydk esa n’kkZ, x, vuqlkj eksVj okguksa ds Lokfe;kas }kjk vfrfjä 'kqYd ds Hkqxrku ij vkcafVr fd, tk,axs%&
Øe iathdj.k fpà izfr fpà ds fy,
la[;k vkjf{kr ewY;
1. 0001 1]00]000@& :i;s
2. 0002 ls 0021] 0022] 0033] 0044] 0055] 0066] 0077] 0088] 099 vkSj 0786 30]000@& :i;s
3. 0100] 0111] 0222] 0333] 0444] 0555] 0666] 0777] 0888] 0999] 1111] 2222] 3333] 20]000@& :i;s
4444] 5555] 6666] 7777] 8888] 9999
4. dksbZ vU; iathdj.k fpà 10]000@&:i;s
^^33?k xSj&ifjogu okguksa gsrq iathdj.k fpàksa dh bZ&uhykeh-& ¼1½ iathdj.k fpàksa dh bZ&uhykeh ds fy, ,d
fufnZ"V iksVZy gksxkA
¼2½ iathdj.k fpàksa dk iwy% iathdj.k fpàksa dh bZ&uhykeh fuEufyf[kr ls feydj cus iathdj.k fpàksa ds iwy
ls dh tk,xh%
¼d½ lHkh ^^vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà^^]
¼[k½ lHkh ^^ilanhnk iathdj.k fpà^^
¼3½ ,d bZ&uhykeh cksyh pØ esa] iathdj.k fpàksa ds iwy esa] vafre pkj leku vadksa okys nks ls vuf/kd leku
^^vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà^^ 'kkfey ugha fd, tk,axsA mnkgj.k ds fy,] ^^0001^^ ds vafre pkj vad okys nks
ls vuvf/kd fpà 'kkfey ugha fd, tk,axsA
¼4½ çR;sd ds vkjf{kr ewY; lfgr] bZ&uhykeh ds fy, çLrqr vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpàksa dk iwy] lHkh
cksyhnkrkvksa dh tkudkjh ds fy, fufnZ"V iksVZy ij çnf'kZr fd;k tk,xkA
¼5½ cksyhnkrkvksa dk iathdj.k% bZ&uhykeh çfØ;k esa Hkkx ysus ds fy, çR;sd cksyhnkrk dks fufnZ"V iksVZy ij
iathdj.k djuk gksxkA dksbZ Hkh cksyhnkrk fdlh Hkh le; fufnZ"V iksVZy ij iathdj.k dj ldrk gSA
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), NOV. 23, 2022 (AGHN. 2, 1944 SAKA) 4289

¼6½ iathdj.k dh vko';drk,a%& iathdj.k ds fy,] fdlh cksyhnkrk dks fuEufyf[kr fooj.k çLrqr djus dh
vko';drk gksxh] vFkkZr~%
¼i½ uke] firk dk uke vkSj iwjk irkA
¼ii½ bZ&uhykeh ls lEcfU/kr lwpuk çkIr djus ds fy, eksckby Qksu uacj vkSj bZ&esy vkbZMhA
¼iii½ O;SfDrd ds fy, ifjokj igpku i= ¼ihihih½ vkbZMh vkSj O;olkf;d m|fe;kasa ds fy,] gfj;k.kk
m|e Kkiu ¼,p;w,e½ vkbZMh ekdZA
¼iv½ vkbZ0,Q0,l0lh dksM lfgr cSad [kkrs dk fooj.kA
¼v½ dksbZ vU; çklafxd lwpuk] tks ekaxh tk ldrh gSA
¼7½ ,d fof’k"V igpku la[;k%& iathdj.k ds lQyrkiwoZd lekiu ij] çR;sd cksyhnkrk dh ,d fof'k"V
igpku la[;k fufnZ"V dh tk,xh] ftls cksyhnkrk dks iath—r eksckby uacj ;k bZ&esy vkbZMh ;k nksuksa ij]
lwfpr fd;k tk,xkA
¼8½ iathdj.k fpà lkSaius dh le; vof/k%& bZ&uhykeh esa Hkkx ysus ls iwoZ fdlh Hkh cksyhnkrk dks vius uke ij
iathd`r gksus ds fy, ik= gksus gsrq mlds ikl eksVj okgu gksus dh vko';drk ugha gksxhA rFkkfi]
bZ&uhykeh cksyh esa lQyrkiwoZd iathdj.k fpà thrus ij] cksyhnkrk dks] uCcs fnuksa ds Hkhrj iathdj.k fpà
dks ,d ik= eksVj okgu ij fu;r djokuk gksxk] ,slk u djus ij mlds iathdj.k fpà dk vkcaVu
[kqn&c&[kqn jnn~ dj fn;k tk,xkA jnn~dj.k ds ekeys esa cksyhnkrk dks dksbZ izfrnk; ugha fn;k tk,xkA
¼9½ vkosnu 'kqYd% çR;sd cksyhnkrk] çR;sd bZ&uhykeh esa Hkkx ysus ds fy,] ,d vçfrnk; vkosnu 'kqYd tek
djok,xkA 50]000@& :i;s vkSj mlls vf/kd vkjf{kr ewY; ds vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpàksa ds fy, 1000@&
:i;s vkSj vU; lHkh iathdj.k fpàksa ds fy, 500@& :i;s Qhl gksxhA rFkkfi] vkosnu Qhl okfil ykSVk
nh tk,xh] ;fn] fdlh Hkh dkj.k ls bZ&uhykeh vk;ksftr ugha dh tkrh gS ;k jí gks tkrh gSA
¼10½ cksyh lqj{kk% çR;sd cksyhnkrk dks] çR;sd vf/kekU; fpà] ftlds fy, og cksyh yxkuk pkgrk gS] ds fy, fu;e
33[k ds mi&fu;e ¼2½ esa mfYyf[kr vkjf{kr ewY; ds 20 izfr’kr ds cjkcj cksyh lqj{kk jkf'k tek djuh
gksxhA ;fn cksyhnkrk ,d ls vf/kd vf/kekU; fpà ds fy, cksyh yxkuk pkgrk gS] rks mls ,sls çR;sd
iathdj.k fpà ds fy, vyx cksyh lqj{kk jkf'k tek djuh gksxhA fdlh Hkh cksyhnkrk dks cksyh çfØ;k esa
rc rd Hkkx ysus dh vuqefr ugha nh tk,xh] tc rd fd mlds }kjk vkosnu Qhl vkSj cksyh lqj{kk jkf'k
tek ugha dj nh tkrhA
¼11½ cksyh dh çfØ;k%
¼i½ cksyh çfØ;k lkIrkfgd pØksa esa iwjh dh tk,xhA
¼ii½ çR;sd lkIrkfgd cksyh pØ çR;sd 'kqØokj dks 1200 cts 'kq: gksxk vkSj çR;sd xq#okj dks 1700
cts lekIr gksxkA
¼iii½ iathdj.k fpàksa dk iwy] çR;sd ds fy, vkjf{kr ewY; ds lkFk] tks cksyh pØ esa bZ&uhykeh esa çLrqr
fd;k tkrk gS] 'kqØokj dks nksigj 1200 cts çR;sd cksyh pØ ds çkjaHk gksus ij fufnZ"V iksVZy ij
çnf'kZr fd;k tk,xkA
¼iv½ cksyh lkseokj dks lqcg 0900 cts izkjEHk gksxhA
¼v½ cksyh cq/kokj dks 1700 cts lekIr gksxhA
¼vi½ çR;sd cksyh pØ ds ifj.kke fufnZ"V iksVZy ij çnf'kZr fd, tk,axs vkSj lHkh Hkkx ysus okys
cksyhnkrkvksa dks iath—r eksckby uacj ij ;k bZ&esy ;k nksuksa ds ek/;e ls cksyh lEkkfIr ds pkSchl
?kaVs ds Hkhrj lalwfpr fd;k tk,xkA
¼vii½ bZ&uhykeh esa cksyh jkf'k dh dsoy 1000@& #i;s ds xq.kdksa esa o`f) dh tk,xhA
¼viii½ iathdj.k fpà] blesa ;Fkkfofgr çR;sd iathdj.k fpà ds fy, mPpre cksyhnkrk dks vkcafVr fd;k
¼ix½ fu;e 33[k esa] rkfydk esa mfYyf[kr ^^vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà^^ esa ls fdlh Hkh iathdj.k fpà ds
vkcaVu gsrq cksyh çfØ;k ds lQy gksus ds fy, U;wure rhu cksyhnkrkvksa dh vko';drk gksxhA
;fn] rhu cksyhnkrkvksa dh U;wure vko';drk iwjh ugha gksrh gS] rks ml vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà ds
fy, ml cksyh pØ esa cksyh dks iww.kZ ugha ekuk tk,xkA dksbZ Hkh cksyhnkrk] ftlus cksyh esa Hkkx
fy;k gS] dh cksyh dks vxkeh cksyh pØ esa vkxs c<+k;k tk,xkA ;fn] cksyhnkrkvksa dh U;wure la[;k
dh deh ds dkj.k] fdlh vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà ds fy, cksyh çfØ;k dks yxkrkj rhu cksyh pØksa
esa iwjk ugha ekuk tkrk gS] rks rhuksa cksyh pØksa esa ls lcls mPpre cksyh yxkus okys cksyhnkrk dks
vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà iznku fd;k tk,xkA
4290 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), NOV. 23, 2022 (AGHN. 2, 1944 SAKA)

¼x½ fu;e 33[k ds mi&fu;e ¼2½ essa mfYyf[kr ^^ilanhnk iathdj.k fpà^^ ds vkcaVu ds fy, fdlh
cksyh pØ esa cksyhnkrkvksa dh U;wure la[;k dh vko';drk ugha gSA ,sls iathdj.k fpà ,d cksyh
pØ ds ckn mPpre cksyh yxkus okys dks vkcafVr fd, tk ldrs gSAa
¼xi½ fdlh Hkh dkj.k ls fdlh Hkh bZ&uhykeh cksyh dks jí djus ds ekeys esa] vkosnu Qhl ds lkFk&lkFk
çR;sd cksyhnkrk }kjk tek djokbZ xbZ cksyh izfrHkwfr okil dj nh tk,xhA
¼xii½ lQy cksyhnkrk dks mldh lQy cksyh dh jkf'k dh 'ks"k jkf'k] cksyh pØ dh lekfIr ds le; ls
ikap dSysaMj fnuksa ds Hkhrj tek djuh visf{kr gksxh] ftlesa vlQy jgus ij ml iathdj.k fpà
dh bZ&uhykeh dks jí ekuk tk,xk vkSj mldh cksyh izfrHkwfr leig`r dj yh tk,xhA ,sls
iathdj.k fpà dks] jí ekus tkus ds mijkar] vkxkeh cksyh pØ esa cksyh yxkus gsrq miyC/k djok;k
tk,xkA ;fn fdlh rduhdh dkj.k ls lQy cksyh ds ckn Hkqxrku ifjogu foHkkx ds cSad [kkrs esa
çnf'kZr ugha gksrk gS] ysfdu lQy cksyhnkrk ds cSad [kkrs ls dkVkSrh gks tkrh gS] rks mlds fy,
ifjogu foHkkx ftEesnkj ugha gksxkA rFkkfi] tek jkf'k] ;fn cksyh jí djus ds ckn çkIr gksrh gS] rks
çkfIr ds iaæg fnu ds Hkhrj foHkkx }kjk okil dj nh tk,xhA
¼xiii½ cksyhnkrkvksa }kjk lHkh Hkqxrku] ifjogu foHkkx ;k jkT; ljdkj] tSls Hkh fufnZ"V iksVZy ij n'kkZ;k
tk,] ds cSda [kkrs esa bySDVª‚fud :i ls fd, tk,axsA
¼xiv½ ifjogu foHkkx }kjk lHkh izfrnk; iath—r cksyhnkrkvksa ds cSad [kkrksa esa fufnZ"V iksVZy ij muds
}kjk çLrqr fooj.k ds vuqlkj bySDVª‚fud :i ls fd, tk,axsA
¼12½ iathdj.k fpàksa dk vkcaVu% bZ&uhykeh çfØ;k esa lQy cksyhnkrkvksa dks çnku fd, x, çR;sd iathdj.k
fpà dk vkcaVu i=] iw.kZ cksyh jkf'k dh izkfIr ds ckn] lkr dSysaMj fnolksa ds Hkhrj Lor% :i ls mRiUu
gks tk,xkA iathdj.k fpà dk vkcaVu ykxw fu;eksa ds vuqlkj lacaf/kr J`a[kyk ds iathdj.k çkf/kdkjh }kjk
fd;k tk,xkA
¼13½ cksyh izfrHkwfr dk izfrnk;% tek dh xbZ cksyh izfrHkwfr lHkh vlQy cksyhnkrkvksa dks muds lacaf/kr cksyh
pØ dh lekfIr ls iaæg dSysaMj fnolksa ds Hkhrj okil dj nh tk,xh] tc rd fd cksyh izfrHkwfr dks
fu;e 33?k ds mi&fu;e ¼ll½ ds [k.M+ ¼ix½ esa ;Fkk micfU/kr vuqlkj vxkeh cksyh pØ esa vkxs ugha c<+k;k
tkrk gSAA
¼14½ C;kt ns;rk% ifjogu foHkkx vkosnu Qhl ;k cksyhnkrkvksa }kjk tek dh xbZ cksyh izfrHkwfr jkf'k ij fdlh
Hkh C;kt dk Hkqxrku djus ds fy, nk;h ugha gksxkA
¼15½ bZ&uhykeh jí djuk% ifjogu vk;qä] gfj;k.kk dks] fcuk dksbZ dkj.k crk, fdlh Hkh Lrj ij bZ&uhykeh
cksyh çfØ;k dks iqufuZ/kkZfjr ;k jí djus dk vf/kdkj gksxkA ,sls jnn~dj.k ds ekeys esa] cksyhnkrkvksa dks
izfrnk; blesa ;Fkk micfU/kr ds vuqlkj fd;k tk,xkA
¼16½ bZ&uhykeh çfØ;k dk ç'kklu% ifjogu vk;qä] blesa ;Fkk micfU/kr ds vuqlkj bZ&uhykeh dh iw.kZ çfØ;k
dk ç'kklu djsaxAs
33³A iathdj.k fpàksa ds gLrkarj.k vkSj çfr/kkj.k dh 'krZsa%& ¼1½ gfj;k.kk ljdkj ;k bldh laLFkkvksa tSls
foHkkxksa@cksMksaZ@fuxeksa vkfn ds LokfeRok/khu ^^th0oh0^^ J`a[kyk ds iathdj.k fpà ;k fu;e 33[k rFkk 33x dh
rkfydkvksa esa ;Fkk ifjHkkf"kr vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà j[kus okys fdlh Hkh eksVj okgu dk] fcØh ;k vU;Fkk }kjk
fuiVku djus ls iwoZ] iathdj.k fpà ifjogu foHkkx dks vH;fiZr fd;k tk,xk vkSj ,sls okgu dks ,d oSdfYid
iathdj.k fpà vkcafVr fd;k tk,xkA
¼2½ ;fn fdlh iathdj.k fpà dk /kkjd dksbZ O;fä] bls fdlh vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà ;k ilanhnk iathdj.k
fpà ;k lk/kkj.k iathdj.k fpà esa cnyuk pkgrk gS] rks og ,sls iathdj.k fpà ds fy, blesa ;Fkk
micfU/kr izfd;k dk ikyu djds ,slk dj ldrk gSA mls ,sls iathdj.k fpà ds fy, fofgr fdlh vU;
Qhl ;k cksyh jkf’k ds vfrfjDr] ,sls izR;sd gLrkarj.k ds fy, Qhl ds :Ik esa dsoy 2000@& #i;s dh
jkf’k dk Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA
¼3½ ;fn fdlh vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà ;k ilanhnk iathdj.k fpà ;k lk/kkj.k iathdj.k fpà dk /kkjd dksbZ
O;fDr] ,sls fpà dks vius uke ij ;k vius ifjokj ds lnL;ksa ds uke ij gLrkrafjr djuk pkgrk gS] rks
mls Qhl ds :Ik esa dsoy 2000@& #i;s dh jkf'k dk Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA bl fu;e ds ç;kstu ds
fy,] ifjokj esa gfj;k.kk ifjokj igpku i= vf/kfu;e] 2021 ¼2021 dk 20½ }kjk ;Fkk ifjHkkf"kr ,dy
ifjokj igpku i= vkbZMh ds v/khu ifjokj ds lnL; 'kkfey gksaxAs ;fn] eksVj okgu] laxBuksa] QeksaZ ;k
daifu;ksa ds uke ls iath—r gSa] rks ;s dsoy mlh uke ij gLrkarfjr fd, tk ldrs gSAa
¼4½ ;fn dksbZ vf/kekU; iathdj.k fpà ;k ilanhnk iathdj.k fpà ;k lk/kkj.k iathdj.k fpà dk /kkjd dksbZ
O;fä] fdlh Hkh dkj.k ls] fdlh Hkh eksVj okgu ij vkoaVu ds fcuk] vius Lo;a ds uke ij ,sls fpà dks
j[kuk pkgrk gS] rks lacaf/kr iathdj.k çkf/kdj.k 180 fnu dh vof/k ds fy, ,sls çfr/kkj.k dks vuqer
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), NOV. 23, 2022 (AGHN. 2, 1944 SAKA) 4291

djsxkA rFkkfi] 180 fnu dh lekfIr ds ckn izfr/kkj.k fpà fu;eksa esa ;Fkk micfU/kr vuqlkj fdlh vU;
eksVj okgu dks vkcafVr djus gsrq ifjogu foHkkx dks gLrkafjr fd;k gqvk le>k tk,xkA
33p- iathdj.k fpàksa dks cnyuk ;k okil ysuk%& jkT; ljdkj ds ikl gfj;k.kk ljdkj ;k bldh laLFkkvksa tSls
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The 23rd November, 2022
No. 22/20/2022-3T(1).— In exercise of the powers conferred under Sub-section (1) read with Sub-section (2)
of Section 65 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Central Act 59 of 1988) and with reference to the Haryana
Government, Transport Department, notification No. 22/20/2022-3T(I), dated the 27th October, 2022, the Governor
of Haryana hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Haryana Motor Vehicles Rules, 1993, namely:-
1. These rules may be called the Haryana Motor Vehicles (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022.
2. In the Haryana Motor Vehicles Rules, 1993 (hereinafter called the said rules), in rule 33, in sub-rule (1), in the
second proviso, for the words and figure “first 100 digits”, the words and figure “preferential registration marks
specified in the table in rule 33B” shall be substituted.
3. In the said rules, for rule 33A, the following rules shall be substituted, namely:-
“33A. Assignment of registration marks to Motor Vehicles.- (1) Assignment of registration marks to Non-
Transport Vehicles may either be by e- auction or by random generation using a computer system.
(1) Assignment of registration marks to Transport Vehicles may either be on first come first serve basis or
by random generation using a computer system
(2) All registration marks assigned by random generation by a computer system shall be called as “ordinary
registration marks”.
(3) All registration marks that are specified in tables in rule 33B and 33C shall be called as “preferential
registration marks”.
(4) All registration marks that are specified in sub-rule (2) of rule 33B shall be called as “choice
registration marks”.
33B. Assignment of Preferential Registration Marks for Non-Transport Vehicles by e- Auction.- (1)
The following preferential registration marks shall be assigned to the motor vehicles by the Registering
Authority, through e-auction, on or above the reserve price,as mentioned in the following table, namely:-
Serial Registration Mark Reserve Price for
Number each mark

1 0001 Rs. 5,00,000/-

2 0002, 0007, 0009 Rs. 1,50,000/-
3 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0008 Rs. 1,00,000/-
4 0010, 0011, 0022, 0033, 0044, 0055, 0066, 0077, 0088, 0099, 0100, and 0786 Rs. 75,000/-
4292 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), NOV. 23, 2022 (AGHN. 2, 1944 SAKA)

5 0012 to 0098 except those mentioned in Serial No 4 above, 0101, 0110, 0111, 0200, Rs. 50,000/-
0202, 0220, 0222, 0300, 0330, 0303, 0333, 0400, 0404, 0440, 0444, 0500, 0505,
0550, 0555, 0600, 0606, 0660, 0666, 0700, 0707, 0770, 0777, 0800, 0808, 0880,
0888, 0900, 0909, 0990, 0999, 1000, 1001, 1111, 2000, 2002, 2222, 3000, 3003,
3333, 4000, 4004, 4444, 5000, 5005, 5555, 6000, 6006, 6666, 7000, 7007, 7777,
8000, 8008, 8888, 9000, 9009, 9999
(2) Assignment of choice registration marks for non-transport vehicles by e- auction.- If any person
wishes to choose any registration mark for assignment to a vehicle owned by him, from among the
unassigned registration marks that is not a “preferential registration mark”, he can indicate his choice on the
designated portal. Such a registration mark shall then be removed from the pool of registration marks for
random generation by a computer system and would be added to the pool of registration marks for e-auction.
The reserve price for such choice registration marks shall be Rs. 20,000/-.
33C. Assignment of preferential registration marks for transport vehicles on first come first serve
basis.- The following preferential registration marks shall be assigned to the motor vehicles by the
Registering Authority, on first come first serve basis, on payment of additional fee by the owners of the
motor vehicles, as mentioned in the following table:
Serial Registration Mark Additional
for each mark
1 0001 Rs. 1,00,000/-
2 0002 to 0021, 0022, 0033, 0044, 0055, 0066, 0077, 0088, 0099 and 0786 Rs. 30,000/-
3 0100, 0111, 0222, 0333, 0444, 0555, 0666, 0777, 0888, 0999, 1111, 2222, 3333, Rs. 20, 000/-
4444, 5555, 6666, 7777, 8888, 9999
4 Any other registration mark Rs. 10,000/-
33D. E-auction of registration marks for non-transport vehicles.-(1) There shall be a designated portal for
e-auction of registration marks.
(2) Pool of registration marks:- E-auction of registration marks shall be carried out from registration
marks in the pool consisting of:
(a) all the “preferential registration marks”,
(b) all the “choice registration marks”.
(3) Not more than two similar “preferential registration marks” having the same last four digits shall be
included in the pool of registration marks in one e-auction bidding cycle. For example, not more than
two marks having last four digits of “0001” shall be included.
(4) The pool of preferential registration marks offered for e-auction, along with the reserve price for each,
shall be displayed on the designated portal for the information of all bidders.
(5) Registration of bidders: Every bidder shall have to register on the designated portal to participate in
the e-auction process. A bidder can register on the designated portal at any time.
(6) Registration requirements:- A bidder shall be required to furnish the following particulars for
registration, namely:-
(i) Name, Father’s name and complete address.
(ii) Mobile phone number and e-mail id for receiving communication regardingthe e-Auction.
(iii) Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) ID for individuals and Haryana UdhyamMemorandum
(HUM) ID Mark for business enterprises.
(iv) Bank Account Details with IFSC code.
(v) Any other relevant information that may be asked for.
(7) A Unique Identification Number:- A unique identification number shall be assigned to each bidder on
successful completion of the registration which shall be communicated to the bidder on the registered
mobile number or email id or both.
(8) Time period for assigning registration mark:- It shall not be a requirement for any bidder to have a
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), NOV. 23, 2022 (AGHN. 2, 1944 SAKA) 4293
motor vehicle to be eligible for registration in his name prior to participation in the e-auction. However,
upon successfully having won a registration mark in an e-auction bid, the bidder shall have to get the
registration mark assigned to an eligible motor vehicle within ninety days, failing which the allotment
of his registration mark shall be automatically cancelled. In case of such a cancellation no refund shall
be given to the bidder.
(9) Application fee:- Each bidder shall submit a non-refundable application fee for participating in each e-
auction. The fee shall be Rs. 1000/- for preferential registration marks with a reserve price of Rs.
50,000/- and above, and Rs. 500/- for all the other registration marks. The application fee shall however
be refunded in case the e-auction is not held or cancelled due to any reason.
(10) Bid security:- Each bidder shall be required to deposit a bid security amount equal to 20% of the reserve
price mentioned in sub-rule (2) of rule 33B for each preferential mark for which he wants to bid. In case
the bidder wants to bid for more than one preferential mark he shall deposit separate bid security
amount for each such registration mark. No bidder shall be allowed to participate in the bidding process
unless the application fee and bid security amount has been deposited by him.

(11) Bidding process.-

(ii) Bidding process shall be completed in weekly cycles.
(iii) Each weekly bidding cycle shall commence on every Friday at 1200 hours and end on every
Thursday at 1700 hours.
(iv) The pool of registration marks, along with the reserve price for each, that are offered in e-auction
in the bidding cycle shall be displayed on the designated portal on commencement of every
bidding cycle on Friday at 1200 hours.
(v) Bidding shall commence on Monday at 0900 hours.
(vi) Bidding shall end on Wednesday at 1700 hours.
(vii) The results of each bidding cycle shall be displayed on the designated portal and communicated
to all the participating bidders within twenty-four hours of the end of the bidding on the
registered mobile number or through e-mail or both.
(viii) The bid amount in e-auction shall increment in the multiples of Rs. 1000/- only.
(ix) The registration mark shall be allotted to the highest bidder for each registration mark as
prescribed herein.
(x) A minimum number of three bidders shall be required for bidding process to be successful for
allotment of any registration mark out of “preferential registration marks” mentioned at
table in rule 33B. In case the minimum requirement of three bidders is not met then the bidding
for that preferential registration mark shall not be considered completed in that bidding cycle. Any
bidder who has participated in the bidding, his bid shall be carried forward to the next bidding
cycle. If the bidding process for any preferential registration mark is not considered completed
in three consecutive bidding cycles, on account of lack of minimum number of bidders, then the
preferential registration mark shall be awarded to the highest bidder out of the three bidding
(xi) For allotment of “choice registration marks” mentioned in sub-rule (2) of rule 33B there is no
requirement of minimum number of bidders in a bidding cycle. Such registration marks may be
allotted to the highest bidder after one biddingcycle.
(xii) In case of cancellation of any e-auction bid due to any reason, the application fees as well as the
bid security deposited by each bidder shall be refunded.
(xiii) A successful bidder shall be required to deposit the balance amount of his successful bid amount
within five calendar days from the time of end of the bidding cycle, failing which the e-auction
of that registration mark shall be treated as cancelled and his Bid Security shall be forfeited. Such
a registration mark shall be made available for bidding in the next bidding cycle, after the e-
auction of that registration mark is treated as cancelled. In case the payment after a successful
bid is not reflected in the bank account of the Transport Department due to any technical reason
but is deducted from the bank account of the successful bidder then the Transport Department shall
not be responsible for the same. The deposited amount, if received after the cancellation of the
bid shall however be refunded by the Department within fifteen days of receipt.
4294 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), NOV. 23, 2022 (AGHN. 2, 1944 SAKA)
(xiv) All payments by bidders shall be made electronically into the bank account of the Transport
Department or State Government as may be indicated on the designated portal.
(xv) All refunds by the Transport Department shall be made electronically into the bank accounts of
the registered bidders as per the details submitted by them on the designated portal.
(12) Assignment of registration marks.- The assignment letter of each registration mark awarded to
successful bidders in the e-auction process shall be generated automatically within seven calendar days,
after receipt of full bid amount. Assignment of the registration mark shall be done by the Registering
Authority ofthe concerned series as per applicable rules.
(13) Refund of bid security.- The bid security deposited shall be refunded to all unsuccessful bidders
within fifteen calendar days from end of their respective bidding cycle, unless the bid security is carried
forward to the next bidding cycle as provide for in clause (ix) of sub-rule (11) of rule 33D.
(14) Interest liability. The Transport Department shall not be liable to pay any interest on the application
fees or bid security amount deposited by the bidders.
(15) Cancellation of e-auction.- The Transport Commissioner, Haryana shall have the right to reschedule or
cancel the e-auction bid process at any stage without assigning any reason. In the event of such
cancellation, refunds to bidders shall be made as provided herein.
(16) Administration of e-auction process.- The Transport Commissioner shall administer the entire
process of e-auction, as prescribed herein.
33E. Conditions of transfer and retention of Registration marks.- (1) Before disposing any motor vehicle
owned by Government of Haryana or its entities like Departments/Boards/Corporations etc. bearing a
registration mark of “GV” series or a preferential registration mark as defined in tables in rule 33B and 33C,
by sale or otherwise, the registration mark shall be surrendered to the Transport Department and an alternate
registration mark shall be assigned to such vehicle.
(2) If any person holding any registration mark desires to change the same to any preferential registration
mark or choice registration mark or ordinary registration mark, then he can do so by following the
procedure prescribed herein, for such registration mark. He shall have to pay a sum of Rs. 2000/- only
as fees for each such transfer, in addition to any other fees or bid amount prescribed for such
registration mark.
(3) If any person holding any preferential registration mark or choice registration mark or ordinary
registration mark wants to transfer such a mark in his own name or in the name of his family members,
then he shall have to pay a sum of Rs. 2000/- only as fees for each such transfer. For the purpose of this
rule, family will include only the members of the family under a single Parivar Pehchan Patra ID as
defined by the Haryana Parivar Pehchan Patra Act, 2021 (20 of 2021). In case of motor vehicle
registered in the names of organisations, firms or companies then these can be transferred only on the
same name.
(4) If any person holding any preferential registration mark or choice registration mark or ordinary
registration mark wants to retain such a mark in his own name, without allocation on any motor vehicle,
for any reason, then the concerned Registering Authority shall allow such retention for a period up to
180 days. However, after the expiry of 180 days, the retained mark shall stand transferred to the
Transport Department for allocation to any other motor vehicle as provided for in the rules.
33F. Change or withdrawal of Registration marks.- The State Government shall have the power to
withdraw any registration mark allotted to any vehicle owned by the Government of Haryana or its entities like
Departments/Boards/Corporations etc. and assign an alternateregistration mark to such vehicle.
33G. Reserving particular series for a class of vehicles:- The State Government may reserve a particular
series of registration marks or selected numbers of registration marks of any series at any time, for a
particular class or category of vehicles through a notification in the Official Gazette.”


Principal Secretary to Government Haryana,
Transport Department.

9989—C.S.—H.G.P., Pkl.

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