Davis Answer
Davis Answer
Davis Answer
A nurse is caring for a client with type 2 diabetes on a 4. “I will need to notify the physician because a snack at
telemetry unit. The client is scheduled for cardiac this time will affect the client’s blood glucose level and the
ENDOCRINE rehabilitation exercises (cardiac rehab). The nurse notes next dose of glargine insulin.”
588. A clinic nurse is evaluating a client with type 1 that the client’s blood glucose level is 300 mg/dL and the
urine is positive for ketones. Which nursing action should 595. A nurse is teaching a client who has been newly
diabetes who intends to enroll in a tennis class. Which diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Which
statement made by the client indicates that the client be included in the nurse’s plan of care?
teaching point should the nurse emphasize?
understands the effects of exercise on insulin demand? 1. Send the client to cardiac rehab because exercise will
1. Use the arm when self-administering NPH insulin.
1. “I will carry a high-fat, high-calorie food, such as a lower the client’s blood glucose level.
cookie.” 2. Administer insulin and then send the client to cardiac 2. Exercise for 30 minutes daily, preferably after a meal.
2. “I will administer 1 unit of lispro insulin prior to playing rehab with a 15-gram carbohydrate snack. 3. Consume 30% of the daily calorie intake from protein
tennis.” 3. Delay the cardiac rehab because blood glucose levels foods.
3. “I will eat a 15-gram carbohydrate snack before playing will decrease too much with exercise. 4. Eat a 30-gram carbohydrate snack prior to strenuous
tennis.” 4. Cancel the cardiac rehab because blood glucose levels activity.
4. “I will decrease the meal prior to the class by 15-grams will increase further with exercise. 596. A nurse is evaluating a client’s outcome. The client’s
of carbohydrates.” 593. A nurse administers 15 units of glargine (Lantus®) nursing care plan includes the nursing diagnosis of fluid
volume deficit related to hyperosmolar hyperglycemic
589. Two hours after taking a regular morning dose of insulin at 2100 hours to a Hispanic client when the client’s
fingerstick blood glucose reading was 110 mg/dL. At 2300 nonketotic syndrome (HHNS) secondary to severe
Insulin Regular (Humulin R®), a client presents to a clinic hyperglycemia. The nurse knows that the client has a
with diaphoresis, tremors, palpitations, and tachycardia. hours, a nursing assistant reports to the nurse that an
evening snack was not given because the client was positive outcome when which serum laboratory value has
Which nursing action is most appropriate for this client? decreased to a normal range?
sleeping. Which instruction by the nurse is most
1. Check pulse oximetry and administer oxygen at 2 L per appropriate? 1. Glucose
nasal cannula.
1. “You will need to wake the client to check the blood 2. Sodium
2. Administer a baby aspirin, one sublingual nitroglycerin glucose and then give a snack. All diabetics get a snack at
tablet, and obtain an electrocardiogram (ECG). bedtime.” 3. Osmolality
3. Check blood glucose level and provide carbohydrates if 2. “It is not necessary for this client to have a snack 4. Potassium
less than 70 mg/dL (3.8 mmol/L). because glargine insulin is absorbed very slowly over 24 597. A client with type 1 diabetes mellitus is scheduled for
hours and doesn’t have a peak.” a total hip replacement. In reviewing the client’s orders the
4. Check vital signs and administer atenolol (Tenormin®) 25
mg orally if heart rate is greater than 120 beats per 3. “The next time the client wakes up, check a blood evening prior to surgery, a nurse notes that the physician
minute. glucose level and then give a snack.” did not write an order to change the client’s daily insulin
dose. Which nursing action is most appropriate?
1. Notify the physician who wrote the insulin order in the 2. Ensure that the client eats a bedtime snack. 4. Regular insulin infusion per protocol adjusting dose
client’s medical record. based on hourly glucose levels
3. Assess the client’s ability to read small print.
2. Write an order to decrease the morning insulin dose by 602. Which instructions should the nurse provide to a
4. Teach the client how to perform a hemoglobin A1c test.
one-half of the prescribed morning dose. client regarding diabetes management during stress or
5. Instruct the client on storing prefilled syringes in the illness? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.
3. Do nothing because the physician would want the client
to receive the usual insulin dose prior to surgery. 1. Notify the health-care provider if unable to keep fluids
6. Teach the client to take one unit of 70/30 insulin after or foods down.
4. Inform the day shift nurse to check the client’s
eating a snack.
fingerstick glucose before surgery and hold the morning 2. Test fingerstick glucose levels and urine ketones daily
dose of insulin. 600. A friend brings an older adult homeless client to a and keep a record.
free health-screening clinic because the friend is unable to
598. A nurse administers a usual morning dose of 4 units of 3. Continue to take oral hypoglycemic medications and/or
regular insulin and 8 units of NPH insulin at 7:30 a.m. to a continue administering the client’s morning and evening insulin as prescribed.
insulin for type 1 diabetes mellitus. When advocating for
client with a blood glucose level of 110 mg/dL. Which
statements regarding the client’s insulin are correct? this client, which action by the nurse is most appropriate? 4. Supplement food intake with carbohydratecontaining
fluids, such as juices or soups.
1. Notify Adult Protective Services about the client’s
1. The onset of the regular insulin will be at 7:45 a.m. and
the peak at 1:00 p.m. condition and living situation. 5. When on an oral agent, administer insulin in addition to
the oral agent during the illness.
2. Ask where the client lives and if someone else can
2. The onset of the regular insulin will be at 8:00 a.m. and
the peak at 10:00 a.m. administer the insulin. 6. A minor illness, such as the flu, usually does not affect
the blood glucose and insulin needs.
3. Contact the unit social worker to arrange for someone
3. The onset of the NPH insulin will be at 8:00 a.m. and the
peak at 10:00 a.m. to give the client’s insulin at a local homeless shelter. 603. A nurse evaluates a client who is being treated for
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Which finding indicates that
4. Have the client return to the screening clinic mornings
4. The onset of the NPH insulin will be at 12:30 p.m. and the client is responding to the treatment plan?
the peak at 11:30 p.m. and evenings to receive the insulin injections.
1. Eyes sunken, skin flushed
601. Which physician’s order should the nurse question for
599. A home-health nurse is planning the first home visit
for a 60-year-old Hispanic client newly diagnosed with type a newly admitted client diagnosed with diabetic 2. Skin moist with rapid elastic recoil
ketoacidosis (DKA)?
2 diabetes mellitus. The client has been instructed to take 3. Serum potassium level is 3.3 mEq/L
70/30 combination insulin in the morning and at 1. D5W at 125 mL per hour
suppertime. Which interventions should be included in the 4. ABG results are pH 7.25, PaCO2 30, HCO3 17
client’s plan of care? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. 2. KCL 10 mEq in 100 mL NaCl IV now
604. A nurse is documenting nursing diagnoses for a client
1. Instruct the client to inspect the feet daily. 3. Stat arterial blood gases. Administer sodium bicarbonate with elevated growth hormone (GH) levels. Which nursing
if pH is less than 7.0.
diagnosis is least likely to be included in the client’s plan of 3. Fluid restriction of 800 to 1,000 mL per day 3. Report adverse effects of the medication, including
care? weight gain, cold intolerance, and alopecia.
4. 0.3% sodium chloride IV infusion
1. Fluid volume deficit related to polyuria 4. Use levothyroxine sodium (Synthroid®) as a
610. An agitated client is admitted to the emergency replacement hormone for diminished or absent thyroid
2. Insomnia related to soft tissue swelling department (ED) with tachycardia, dyspnea, and function.
intermittent chest palpitations. The client has a blood
3. Impaired communication related to speech difficulties pressure of 170/110 mm Hg and heart rate of 130 beats 5. Have frequent laboratory monitoring to be sure your
4. Disturbed body image related to undersized hands, per minute. The client’s health history reveals thinning levels of T3 and T4 decrease.
feet, jaw, and soft body tissue hair, recent 10-lb. weight loss, increased appetite, fine
hand and tongue tremors, hyperreflexic tendon reflexes, 613. A clinic nurse evaluates that a client’s levothyroxine
605. Which nursing actions are most appropriate when (Synthroid®) dose is too low when which findings are
and smooth moist skin. A physician writes orders for the
caring for a client diagnosed with diabetes insipidus (DI)? client. Which order should the nurse implement first? noted? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.
SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. 1. Increased appetite
1. Obtain 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG).
1. Monitoring fingerstick blood glucose before meals and
2. Administer propranolol (Inderal®) 2 mg intravenously 2. Decreased sweating
at bedtime
q10–15min or until symptoms are controlled. 3. Apathy and fatigue
2. Monitoring urine output hourly
3. Administer propylthiouracil (PTU) 600 mg oral loading 4. Paresthesias
3. Checking urine ketones dose followed by 200 mg orally q4h.
5. Fine tremor of fingers and tongue
4. Administering desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) 4. Obtain thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free T4, and
cardiac enzyme levels. 6. Slowed mental processes
5. Monitoring for signs of hyperkalemia
6. Monitoring daily weights 611. A clinic nurse is teaching a client who has been
diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Which instructions should 614. Which nursing diagnosis should a nurse include when
606. A client has developed syndrome of inappropriate the nurse provide regarding the use of levothyroxine developing a plan of care for a client with hypothyroidism?
antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secondary to a pituitary sodium (Synthroid®)? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.
tumor. The client’s symptoms include thirst, weight gain, 1. Diarrhea related to gastrointestinal hypermotility
and fatigue. The client’s serum sodium is 127 mEq/L. 1. Take the medication 1 hour before or 2 hours after
breakfast. 2. Imbalance nutrition: less than body requirements
Which physician order should the nurse anticipate when
treating SIADH? related to calorie intake insufficient for metabolic rate
2. Obtain a pulse rate before taking the medication, and
call the clinic if the pulse rate is greater than 100 beats 3. Activity intolerance related to increased metabolic rate
1. Elevate the head of the bed
per minute.
2. Administer vasopressin intravenously (IV) 4. Anxiety related to forgetfulness, slowed speech, and
impaired memory loss
616. A nurse is teaching a client experiencing
hypoparathyroidism resulting from a lack of parathyroid
hormone (PTH) about foods to consume. Which should be
included on a list of appropriate foods for a client
experiencing hypoparathyroidism?
1. Dark green vegetables, soybeans, and tofu
2. Spinach, strawberries, and yogurt
3. Whole grain bread, milk, and liver
4. Rhubarb, yellow vegetables, and fish
1334. A nurse explains to a child’s parents that the role of 3. Protect your infant from injury and handle your baby 1. the inability to perceive extremes in temperature
methotrexate (Rheumatrex®) in treating children with carefully because your infant’s bones can break very leading to burns.
juvenile arthritis is to: easily.
2. the circulatory changes that cause vasoconstriction and
1. decrease the inflammatory response. 4. Notify the health-care provider if your infant does not decreased blood supply.
respond to sound because the infant’s central nervous
2. improve functional ability. 3. the inability to feel skin irritation such as wrinkled
system (CNS) fails to develop completely
3. control the febrile response. 1337. During a physical examination of a 1-month-old
4. the increased likelihood of bowel and bladder
4. minimize the effects of uveitis. infant, a nurse notes that the infant has blue sclerae. The
nurse suspects that the infant may have: dysfunction and skin irritation.
1335. A 10-year-old is scheduled to receive methotrexate 1340. An 11-year-old child is hospitalized for elective
(Rheumatrex®) to treat juvenile arthritis. Which laboratory 1. juvenile arthritis.
surgery. The child has a neurogenic bladder from a spinal
2. Tay-Sachs disease. cord injury with a lower motor neuron lesion occurring 2
years previously. In planning care, the nurse considers that 4. Able to perform tasks that requires careful manual
the optimal treatment for neurogenic bladder in the dexterity
hospitalized child is:
1. intermittent catheterization.
2. insertion of a retention catheter.
3. insertion of a suprapubic catheter.
4. administration of an anticholinergic medication.
1341. A pediatric client with a spinal cord injury undergoes
range of motion exercises several times each day. In
teaching the parent how to do range of motion at home,
the nurse observes the client increasing the angle between
the extremity and the midline. The nurse concludes that
the client is safely performing:
1. abduction.
2. adduction.
3. flexion.
4. extension.
1342. When preparing to complete a health history for a 9-
year-old child diagnosed with mental retardation with an
IQ level of 45, which level of participation should a nurse
1. Able to communicate verbally only with twoletter words
2. Able to read and comprehend simple written instruction
with large letters
3. Able to walk independently to perform a simple skill