Arch 112 Try Questions-1

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ARCH 112

.Q1. What is heritage?

Ans: Heritage can be defined as both tangible and intangible legacies that are

inherited by people.

Q2. Explain the following;

a. Natural heritage.

b. Cultural heritage.

c. Mixed heritage

d. Tangible heritage

e. Intangible heritage.

Ans: a.Natural heritage consist of all landscapes, landforms and biological

components of the earth.

b. Cultural heritage consist of cultural practices, knowledge systems and indigenous

technologies with extrinsic cultural and socio-economic value.

c .Mixed heritage. This type of heritage consist of both the natural and the

cultural heritage.

d. Tangible heritage . Tangible heritage are inherited legacies/resources that are

physical and touchable.

e. Intangible heritage. They are the non-physical or non-touchable cultural, natural

and supernatural practices and legacies of a group or society

Q3. List four examples of mixed heritage.


1. Mole national park.

2. Kakum national park.

3. Shai national park.

4. Paga crocodile pond.

Q4. Identify four attributes of heritage.

Ans: 1. It can be values and disvalued.

2. It is shared. is inherited from the past by present generation.

4. Heritage comes with baggage. is unique.

Q5. Identify four reasons why our cultural heritages are ignored?

1. Fear.

2. Ignorance

3. Poverty.

4. Inefficient heritage management body.

Q6. Explain natural selection.

Ans: Natural selection is the preservation of a functional advantage of a specie to

compete better in the wild.

Q7. Explain the following evolutionary theories.

a. Big bang theory.

b. Pangea.

Ans: a. The big bang theory explains that, the universe started as a small singular

unit and then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years ago.

b. Pangaea theory explains that, the universe was formed as a result of super and

single continental land mass that split up approximately 200 million years ago.

Q8. Explain the following terms.

a. Hominid.

b. Hominin.

c. Speciation.

d. Primates.

Ans; Hominid is the ground of all modern and extinct apes. Example; modern

humans, chimpanzees etc.

b. Hominin consist of a family of all modern humans, extinct humans and their

immediate ancestors.
c. Speciation is an evolutionary process that leads to the formation of new distinct

species that are reproductively isolated.

d. Primates are mammals that belong to biological order with species commonly


Q9. According to the big bang theory, how old is the universe?

Ans: 13.8 billion

Q10. Life on earth began about….. Years ago.

Ans; 3.8 billion years ago.

Q11. Identify four characteristics of mammals.

Ans; 1. Collar bone.

2. Nails instead of claws.

3. Pentadactyls .

4. Longer gestation period.

5. Heterodonts.

Q12. Identify 3 reasons why Africa is considered as the cradle of human kind.

Ans; 1. Largest number of biological finds were discovered in Africa.

2. Earliest form of biological remains were found in Africa.

3. The cradle of human kind is located in South Africa serving as UNESCO world

heritage site

Q13. Mention three legacies of human evolution.

Ans: 1. The legacy of bipedalism.

2. Heritage of human evolution.

Q14. What is bipedalism?

Ans: it is the ability of humans to fully walk upright.

Q15. Mention 2 evidences of bipedalism.

Ans;.1. The laeotoli foot prints.

2. The tibia of Australopithecus anamensis.

Q16. Name the age of the following species.

a. Australopithecus Afarensis

b. Australopithecus anamensis.

c. Homo erectus.

d. Sahelantropus tchadensis.

Ans; a. 4_2.7mya

b. 4.2_3.9mya

c. 2.0mya

d. 7mQ16

Q17. Who discovered the osteodontokeratic tools?

Ans: Raymond Dart.

Q18. What is the earliest stone tools that were discovered?

Ans; Oldowan tools.

Q19. Who discovered the Oldowan tools?

Ans: Louis Leakey in 1930.

Q20. The earliest evidence of the control and use of fire was found in…

Ans: Koobi Fora in Kenya.

Q21. The use of fire is dated around…

Ans: 1.5mya.

Q22. Mention two other sites with evidences of the use of fire.

Ans: 1. Lake Baringo.

2. olorgesaillie sites in Kenya.

3. Wonderwork cave.
Q23. State 4 importance of the use of fire to early hominins.

Ans; 1. Fire provided warmth and light.

2. Protection from predators and hence increase in population.

3. Change in diet.

4. Production of more advanced weaponry.

Q24. The middle stone age dates around….

Ans; 300,000 to 30, 000ya.

Q25. Mention places that still undergo hunting and gathering.

Ans; 1. Mbuti pigmies of Congo.

2. Hadza of Tanzania.

3. The sane people.

Q26. Earliest evidence of domestication and food production is dated around..

Ans: 12000_8000.

Q27. What is sedentism?

Ans. Sedentism means settling and living in a place over long period of time.

Q28. Mention four plant species that were first domesticated.

Ans; 1. Pearl millet

2. Sorghum.

3. Yams

4. Cowpea.

Q29. Mention four evidences of plant domestication.

Ans; 1. Pollen gray samples.

2. Paintings.

3. Seed impressions on pottery.

4. Starch residues on grinding stones and harvesting tools.

Q30. Animal domestication was both conscious and unconscious, explain.

Ans; conscious because, some breeds of animals with desired traits were selected

and carefully domesticated.

Unconscious because, some animals drew closer to man and ended up being


Q31. The earliest piece of evidence of domestication of animals date around..

Ans; 7000BCE.

Q32. Mention 3 examples of domesticated animals.

Ans; 1. Cats.

2. Sheep.

3. Goats.

4. Cattle.
Q33. Mention four archaeological pieces of evidence for animal domestication.

Ans: 1. Paintings.

2. Faunal remains-Ovacaprids.

3. Traces of holding pens.

4. Biofacts.

Q34. What is the stretch of the Nile?

Ans; 4,132 miles (6,500 kilometers)

Q35. Mention 3 usefulness of the Nile to Egyptian civilization.

Ans; 1. Water for irrigation.

2. Means of transport that boosted trade.

3. Fertile soil through alluvial silt deposition when it overflows it’s banks.

Q36. Mention the two periods of Egyptian civilization.

1. Pre-dynastic (5500 BCE to 3100 BCE)

2. Dynastic.

Q37. The economy of pre-dynastic Egypt was referred to as ‘wealth of the hoof’,


Ans; This was because, the people depended heavily on hoofed animals for food,

agricultural labor and transport.

Q38. Mention the seven pottery traditions of Egypt.

Ans; 1. Qadan

2. Sebilian.

3. Tasian (Black top ware)

4. Nakada I (Amratian)

5. Nakada II ( Gerzian).

6. Nakada III ( proto dynastic)

7. Dynastic.
Q39. Dynastic Egypt is largely known from ….

Ans; Manetho’s Aegyptiaca (history of Egypt).

Q40. What archaeological evidence symbolizes dynastic Egypt.

Ans; The palette of Namer.

Q41. Name three divisions of dynastic Egypt.

Ans; 1. Old kingdom

2. Middle kingdom.

3. New kingdom.

Q42. How many dynasties were established in Egypt.

Ans; 31 dynasties.

Q43. Mention four legacies of ancient Egypt.

Ans; 1. Writing system.

2. Believe system.

3. Science and mathematics.

4. Architecture.

Q44. Explain the following;

a. Polytheism.

b. Monotheism.

Ans; a. Polytheism is the worship of many gods and goddesses who serve particular


b. Monotheism is the worship of a single god or goddess.

Q45. Identify 2 legacies of bipedalism.

Ans: 1. Heritage of migration.

2. Heritage of tool making and technology.

Q46. Name the materials that were used to make up the osteodontokeratic.
a. Horn b.anthlete.

b. Bone d. Ivory e. Teeth.

Q47. To what extent do heritage resources have multiple owners?

Ans; This is because, the creators can say they own the heritage, those who

posses it(owners) can say they own it, and the consumers can also say they

own it. That’s why it has multiple ownership.

Q48. Mention 3 examples of intangible heritage.


1. Language.

2. Myths

3. Customs.

Q49. “The distinction that exists between tangible and Intangible

heritage is a permeable thin line” explain.

Ans: this is because, they both depend on each other to make meaning.

For instance, Elmina castle which is a tangible heritage depends on an oral

historical account which is an Intangible heritage to make meaning to the


Solve these questions on your own

Q1. To what extent is this assertion true?

" Blacks were among the very earliest builders of a great civilization on

this planet, including the development of writing, science, engineering,

medicine, architecture, religion and the fine arts ".

Q2. What's your view on these?

" Before even the British came into relations with the people, we were a

developed people, having our own institutions, having our own ideas of

Q3. If the blacks were among the very first builders of civilization, what

has happened to them that has that has left them since then, at the

bottom of world society precisely what happened?"

Q4. Briefly explain two characteristics of a tangible heritage and provide

two specific examples of an

intangible African heritage

q5. Which technologies/techniques were used in making the following

stone tool industries in Africa

Middle Stone Age tools?

Upper paleolithic?

Q6. It is a complex of ________ tangible and intangible legacies that

are usually _______________ by individuals, families groups,

communities, societies, nations, continents and the global to their


Q7. List the nature of forms of heritage with three (3) examples each.

Q8. Explain the type of heritage with two examples each

Q9. State five attributes of heritage.

Q10. Explain African cultural heritage and Mixed heritage

Q11. Evolution is the gradual change in the __________ _________ of

____________ ______ in a population on a micro or macro level.

Q12. Explain the following terms as associated with Archaeology

- microevolution

- macroevolution
- speciation

- variation

- primates

- Hominid

- Hominin

Q13. Give five features or characteristics of primates

Q14. Outline the following theories and state the people who pronounced


- Theory of natural selection?

- The law of hereditary

- Theory of catastrophism

- Theory of acquired characteristics

- Theory of uniformitarianism

Q15. Explain Big Bang Theory

Q16. Explain five reasons why Africa is the cradle of humanity?

Q17. What are some advantages of bipedalism?

Q18. List the three distinct of culture

Q19. List 4 things that Australopithecus made tools from.

Q20 mention 5 evidences of domestication of plants. And 3 evidence of

domestication of animals.

Q21.Domestication of animals was unconscious and conscious? Explain

Q22. Write short notes on the following

- olduwan culture

- Acheulian culture

Q23. Briefly explain two characteristics of a tangible heritage and

two specific examples of an

intangible African heritage

Q24. Which technologies/techniques were used in making the


stone tool industries in Africa

Middle Stone Age tools?


Upper Paleolithic tools? ______

Q25. The distinction that exists between tangible and intangible he

heritage is ephemeral' discuss

Q26. In what three ways can Ghanaian cultural heritage be harnessed for

conservation and tourism

Q27. List three UNESCO protected World Heritage Sites in West


Q28. ZWhat is a museum? List two specific museums in Ghana


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