Machine Learning Process

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Machine Learning Process

➢Machine learning is the process of making systems that learn and improve by themselves,
by being specifically programmed.

➢The ultimate goal of machine learning is to design algorithms that automatically help a
system gather data and use that data to learn more.

Steps In Developing A ML Application.

1. Gathering data
2. Preparing that data
3. Choosing a model
4. Training
5. Evaluation
6. Hyper parameter tuning
7. Prediction
Steps In Developing a ML Application.
1. Gathering data
This step is very important because the quality and quantity of data that you
gather will directly determine how good your predictive model can be.
• Investigate and obtain data that you will use to feed your machine.
• The quality and quantity of data
• Existing dataset
• Develop your own datasets ( survey forms/experiments)
• Web scraping technique to automatically collect information from various
sources such as APIs.
2. Preparing that data
i. Not all the collected data is useful for a machine learning application.
ii. We may need to clean the irrelevant data, which may affect the accuracy of prediction
or may take additional computation without aiding in the result.
iii. Once the data ready for the machine learning algorithm, we need to transform the
data in the form that the ML system can understand.
iv. Machines cannot understand an image or text. We need to convert it into numbers.
v. It also requires building data pipeline depending on the machine learning application
3.Choosing Model
• Choose an appropriate machine learning algorithm to build the price
comparison model. This could involve techniques such as natural language
processing (NLP) for text analysis, clustering or similarity algorithms for
product matching, or regression models for price prediction. The choice of
model depends on the specific requirements and characteristics of the data.
• The goal of training is to answer a question or make a prediction correctly as
often as possible.
• Linear regression example: algorithm would need to learn values for m (or W)
and b (x is input, y is output)
• Each iteration of process is a training step
• Split the preprocessed data into training and validation sets. Use the training set
to train the machine learning model on historical data, including product
information and prices. Validate the model's performance using the validation set
to assess its accuracy and generalization capabilities

• Uses some metric or combination of metrics to "measure" objective
performance of model.
• Test the model against previously unseen data.
• This unseen data is meant to be somewhat representative of model performance
in the real world, but still helps tune the model (as opposed to test data, which
does not). • Good train/eval split? 80/20, 70/30, or similar, depending on domain,
data availability, dataset particulars, etc.
6.Hyper parameter Tuning
• Once the evaluation is over, any further improvement in your training can be
possible by tuning the parameters
. • There were a few parameters that were implicitly assumed when the training
was done.
• Another parameter included is the learning rate that defines how far the line is
shifted during each step, based on the information from the previous training
• These values all play a role in the accuracy of the training model, and how
long the training will take.
• Tune model parameters for improved performance
• Simple model hyper parameters may include: number of training steps,
learning rate, initialization values and distribution, etc.
7. Prediction
 Using further (test set) data which have, until this point, been withheld from the
model (and for which class labels are known), are used to test the model; a better
approximation of how the model will perform in the real world

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