Targeting Nickel Sulfide Deposits From 3D Seismic
Targeting Nickel Sulfide Deposits From 3D Seismic
Targeting Nickel Sulfide Deposits From 3D Seismic
ABSTRACT over the ultrasalty lake surface produced seismic data of very
high quality. Processing focused on computation of accurate sta-
The greenstone belts of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Austra- tic and dynamic corrections, whereas imaging was helped by the
lia, host numerous Archaean gold, nickel, and iron ore deposits. existing geologic model. Advanced volumetric interpretation
These deposits typically are found in complex geologic struc- supported by seismic forward modeling was used to guide map-
tures hidden by a deep, heterogeneous, and often conductive ping of the main lithological interfaces and structures. Forward
regolith profile. This added complexity limits the depth of modeling was carried out using rock properties obtained from
penetration for the potential field methods, but at the same time ultrasonic measurements and one borehole, drilled in the proxi-
opens new revenue possibilities through the application of seis- mity of the 3D seismic volume. Using this information, geo-
mic methods. To explore this opportunity, we acquired high- metric constraints based on the typical size of ore bodies
resolution, experimental, 3D seismic data over Lake Lefroy found in this mine and a simple window-based seismic attribute,
in Kambalda, Western Australia. The main objective was to several new targets were proposed. Three of these targets sub-
map exceptionally complex, deep structures associated with sequently have been drilled and new zones of mineralization
Kambalda dome. Survey design used 3D ray tracing to improve were intercepted. The case study presented demonstrates that
the distribution of the common reflection points across ultrama- high-quality, high-resolution, 3D seismic data combined with
fic-basalt contacts which host numerous small, high-grade nick- volumetric seismic interpretation could become a primary meth-
el sulfide deposits. A combination of small explosive sources, odology for exploration of deep, small, massive sulfide deposits
high-shot/receiver density, and exceptionally good coupling distributed across the Kambalda area.
Manuscript received by the Editor 19 December 2011; revised manuscript received 30 April 2012; published online 6 September 2012.
Curtin University, Department of Exploration Geophysics, and Deep Exploration Technologies Corporative Research Centre (DETCRC), Perth, Western
Australia. E-mail: [email protected].
Consolidated Minerals Limited, Perth, Western Australia. E-mail: [email protected].
Curtin University, Department of Exploration Geophysics, Perth, Western Australia. E-mail: [email protected].
© 2012 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.
applicability for exploration of deep and complex MS deposits in volcanogenic massive sulfides category. The currently accepted hy-
Kambalda, in the eastern goldfields district of Western Australia. pothesis is that during the Archaean era, “lava rivers” were spilled
Such an attempt was encouraged by several successful experimental over this area on top of preexisting basalt rocks. The Ni sulfide par-
surveys reported by Greenhalgh and Mason (1997), Calvert and Li ticles clogged up together to form MS deposits. Because their den-
(1999), Milkereit et al., (1991, 1996, 2000). Moreover, successful sity is higher than the surrounding silicate minerals, most of the
case histories in the Kambalda region, which is thoroughly studied nickel sulfides were deposited at the bottom of lava channels near
by explorers for nickel and gold deposits (Neumayr et al., 2004) the basalt contact. Some of the sulfide masses were remobilized
were reported by Stolz (2003) and Urosevic et al. (2005). during later hydrothermal metamorphic events. As such, most of
The main objective of this study was to assess the true potential the massive sulfide mineralization deposits are of a small size. A
of 3D seismic methodology for delineation of the Kambalda dome typical ore body size will be 3 m thick and occupy an area of
and its complex nickel-bearing structures. The expectation of this 600 m2 . For a specific gravity value of 4000 kg∕m3 and nickel as-
study was to improve the knowledge of subsurface geology related say of 5%, a body of that size will contain approximately 360 tons
to massive sulfide deposits between depths of 300 and 1200 m. For of nickel. At the current market value, such a find would be worth
that purpose, we designed a high-resolution, mini-3D seismic sur- several million dollars. However, a target of such a size is hard to
vey. Available 3D geologic models, core sample tests, and borehole find by drilling, particularly at several hundreds of meters to 1.5
information were used in the design, and also later during the pro- kilometer depths.
cessing and interpretation stages. Advanced volumetric interpreta- The Kambalda nickel sulfide deposits occur on either side of a
tion tools were used to delineate main structures, map rock contacts tectonically controlled, doubly plunging anticline known as the
of relevance for the mineralization, and, in the last stage, to indicate Kambalda Dome (Stone and Masterman, 1998). Due to structural
seismic anomalies that could relate to nickel sulfide deposits. The complexities in the area, exploration for massive sulfides becomes
methodology used resulted in new discoveries. very challenging at greater depths (600 m and deeper). On the po-
sitive side, tests on drill core showed that the elastic properties of
LOCAL GEOLOGY mineralized rocks stand out from their host rock, and are expected to
Nickel sulfide deposits in the Kambalda area are closely asso- provide sufficient contrast in acoustic impedance to produce readily
ciated with Archean komatiite, a type of ultramafic rock (Lesher, detectable reflection events (Figure 1). Some sparse measurements
1989; Cowden and Roberts, 1990). The identification of interfaces of high-grade Ni ore (5.0 to 5.5%) extracted from two boreholes
between the Lunnon basalt, Kambalda Komatiite, Devon Consols close to the northern edge of seismic volume are presented in
basalt, and various intrusive rocks is very important in the nickel Figure 1a. The nickel sulfide samples clearly stand out from the
exploration process. Most individual ore shoots are located either host rocks in the impedance density crossplot. A significant number
on or very close to the contact between Lunnon basalt and the of core tests were completed for BH-336, which penetrated a low-
overlying ultramafic rock termed “Kambalda komatiite” (Stone grade Ni ore 0.5 m thick. A pseudoreflectivity log was created for
and Archibald, 2004). Kambalda sulfide deposits belong to the BH-336, which shows that the low-grade Ni ore plots within the
background trend (Figure 1b). Full-waveform-sonic and density
logs only were available for one surface borehole (LD105). Unfor-
tunately, this borehole was drilled at the southern edge of the seis-
mic volume and dipping 60° away. Consequently, it did not intersect
any of the rock interfaces of interest within the seismic volume.
However, the borehole intersected two very thin (0.2 to 0.3 m) sul-
fide lenses at shallow depths. These thin lenses have high density
(3.5 and 4 g∕cm3 , respectively) which has contributed to an ele-
vated reflectivity as marked by the red arrow in Figure 2. The com-
puted synthetic seismogram for LD105 suggests that sulfides in
contact with the host rock could create an elevated reflectivity.
However, the sonic log is of poor quality and does not permit further
generalizations. We can suggest that the Kapai Slate when in contact
with basalts is likely to produce good reflection. Significant velocity
variations appear to be present within the Kambalda komatiites and
Paringa basalt.
Noise generated by the underground drilling
activities and heavy vehicles of Beta Hunt nickel
mine were, to a large extent, avoided by careful
recording that included frequent breaks in
acquisition until the noise level was acceptable. Figure 3. Three-dimensional seismic experimental survey was carried out close to Kam-
Consequently, excessive ambient noise bursts balda, some 600 km west of Perth. Aerial photo shown in (a). Salt lake is shown in blue
contaminated less than 5% of the shots recorded. (flooded at the time). Broun is the elevated regolith surface. Most of the 3D area was
located on the salt lake (Lake Lefroy) and as shown in (b) it is surrounded by: Aban-
The data acquired after flooding included doned gold mines (AGM), Mine dumps (MD), dikes (D), main causeway, or mine road
reacquiring half of patch three (west of cause- (MR). Receiver and source lines are labelled as R-line and S-line, respectively. Four
way, Figure 3c). The repeated geophone stations overlapping patches were used for this survey, as shown in (c).
did not exactly match previous positions due to additional mining One of the key objectives in hard rock seismic data processing in
activities and ground disturbance, resulting in a misalignment be- Australia is to “homogenize” the regolith; that is, to solve for time
tween old and new stations. Noise bursts and misaligned geophone delays caused by heterogeneous near-surface low-velocity zones
stations for the repeated patch made the application of surface (Urosevic et al., 2007). In the case of the Beta Hunt 3D survey,
consistent amplitudes less effective. Consequently, true relative- which was shot mainly across the salt lake, the regolith heteroge-
amplitudes — strictly speaking — were not preserved because, neities were only moderate in comparison to other areas in the Kam-
after initial amplitude compensation, we applied a long window balda region. A 3D raw shot record before and after application of
(1000 ms) AGC operator. However, coupling of the source and re- refraction statics is shown in Figure 7. The total magnitude of statics
ceivers was exceptionally good because over 90% of the 3D area (shot þ receiver) topped 54 ms over the salt lake and was up to
was acquired over hypersaline clay, close to suspension in places. 70 ms away from the lake due to elevated shot statics (Figure 8).
Consequently, shot records that were partially scaled (spherical Shot statics were significantly greater over the hard ground in com-
divergence correction and gain) were not too dissimilar from shots parison to shots fired on the salt lake. Accurate computations of the
with the AGC applied (Figure 6). The processing flow is depicted in delay times through the regolith were necessary to retain frequency
Table 1. content of the stacked section and achieve reflection continuity. A
geologically meaningful velocity field was estimated through con-
stant velocity stacks (CVS) computed along the full line length in
the inline and crossline directions at an interval of 200 m. An ex-
ample of CVS panels for the central crossline is shown in Figure 9.
It is relatively easy to form a mental picture of the underground
structures and derive discrete velocity functions from CVS panels.
Subsequent velocity runs included interactive semblance analysis
centered around CVS-derived velocity functions. The maximum de-
parture of the semblance-derived velocities from CVS guide func-
tions was limited to 200 m∕s. Therefore, the main purpose of
semblance analysis was to fine-tune CVS derived velocities.
A selection of four inlines, extracted from the cube after applica-
tion of residual statics and AGC before stack, is shown in Figure 10.
Very strong reflectivity originating from Beta West complex is seen
at around 250 ms. The difference in overall reflectivity between the design that used high data density, and (3) high-precision data
western and eastern part of the section is apparent. The amplitude processing, particularly static and dynamic corrections.
ratio of strong to weak reflectors is of the order of 20∶1. It also
appears that the reflection continuity could benefit from further DATA INTERPRETATION
scaling. This was not performed, but the inspection of 3D stacks Application of seismic technology for the mineral industry is not
at various stages of the processing suggested that the adopted pro- a common practice, hence typical mining software designed for re-
cessing flow has not significantly affected relative amplitudes. Se- source calculations, such as Micromine, Vulcan, and Surpac, are not
lected in and crosslines, after application of DMO and 3D depth suitable for interrogating 3D seismic data cube. To overcome this,
migration, are shown in Figure 11. High data quality enables early we loaded our data into an oil-type interpretation package capable
identification of a known Beta shoot Ni deposit and a less explored of volumetric interpretation. The issue then becomes how to inte-
deep Alpha shoot deposit. High data quality is attributed to (1) next grate 3D geologic models, other geophysical measurements, and
to perfect coupling of source and receiver over the salt lake, (2) 3D mining information with a seismic cube. The use of local mine co-
ordinates in production further complicates seismic data analysis.
Apart from geologic models, which are important for guiding
Table 1. Basic 3D processing flow. the initial interpretation, it is necessary to calibrate seismic to assign
geologic meaning to the measured reflectivity, achieve proper cali-
bration, and speed up the interpretation process. Because only one
Geometry specification/binning sonic log, of low quality and away from the seismic cube, was avail-
Trace edit/reverse/mute able, we loaded drillhole trajectories and intercepts (or tops) corre-
sponding to relevant geologic interfaces to help calibrate
Shot energy equalization, spherical divergence correction, and seismic data.
6DB/s gain
First-arrival picking, editing, and refraction static calculations VOLUMETRIC VERSUS CONVENTIONAL
Signal and noise analysis INTERPRETATION
Application of spiking deconvolution (80 ms operator, 1000 ms
window), followed by broad band-pass filtering There are two different methodologies available to seismic inter-
preters. One approach is to interpret 3D volumes based on 2D slices,
Constant velocity stacks: Selected inlines and crosslines (200 m
increments) interpreting line-by-line. This is called “conventional” interpreta-
tion and has been used for decades in the oil industry. Another ap-
Application of NMO
proach, called “volumetric,” is to interpret 3D volumes in a real 3D
Stack 1, pick 3D horizon for residual statics way. This is performed by applying opacity and transparency filters,
Residual reflection static computation displaying and rotating objects, using special visualization techni-
Stack 2, with surface consistent residual reflection statics applied ques (like stereoscopy), and so on. The latter approach allows a
Dip moveout correction (3D DMO, shot domain), inverse NMO much more comprehensive understanding of the volume under in-
Final velocity analysis vestigation. In the present study, we interpret the Kambalda seismic
volume using the volumetric interpretation approach.
DMO stack (scaled, AGC 1000 ms)
Initially, structural patterns from seismic data were analyzed, and
F-XY deconvolution then the semblance attribute was computed, aiming to enhance dis-
DMO FXY stack continuities. Despite testing various parameters, semblance did not
Poststack time migration work well due to the presence of no data zones and associated low
Depth conversion S/N in some parts of the cube. Consequently, a simple “Perigram”
Depth migration (low-pass filtered envelope, multiplied by the cosine of the instan-
taneous phase) and amplitude were the most useful attributes to map
faults at all scales (Figure 12). Investigating the seismic volume in
vertical planes at different directions, and in horizontal and dipping
slices, made it possible to reveal full diversity and complexity of
underground structures. Normal, reverse, dextral, and other fault
patterns were identified based on breaks in continuity of several
discrete reflections, or changes in dips of successive reflectors,
or based on a termination of a reflective package (Figure 12).
The major (known) faults, such as the Alpha Island fault, were in-
terpreted first. Despite the decrease in seismic quality toward the
edges of the seismic volume where the fault is located, it was still
possible to identify and interpret this fault by examining depth slices
and considering its predominantly dextral movement component.
Figure 13a shows the previously interpreted Alpha Island fault in-
ferred from drilling and the new interpretation based on seismic
Figure 7. A 3D shot record before (left) and after (right) application
of refraction statics. Equalized amplitudes shown. Note that statics data. Both interpretations show similar direction (north–northeast
have significant magnitude across receiver line 2 (white arrow). The — south–southwest) in the area covered by the seismic volume,
shot static also is large, as marked by the horizontal yellow arrow. but they differ in dip angle and fault complexity. We interpreted
Figure 9. Constant velocity stacks for the central crossline 65. De- Figure 11. Extracted lines from seismic cube: (a) Inlines (top) and
rivation of a geologically meaningful velocity model is relatively (b) crosslines. Line interval is 20 m. High data quality enables early
straightforward from these panels. Identification of artifacts also identification of a known Beta shoot Ni deposit and less explored
is much easier than when using semblance analysis. CVS analysis Alpha shoot. Crossline sections appear smoother due to different
was repeated after the application of residual static corrections and horizontal scale. Average inline is approximately 2.4 km in length,
DMO. about twice as long as the average crossline.
Figure 10. Selected inlines after preprocessing and application re- Figure 12. Inlines 87 and 89 depth sections: (a) Amplitude section
sidual reflection statics. High-reflectivity patches are present in each and (b) Perigram section (low pass envelope scaled by instanta-
section. The amplitude variation is significant, as is the difference neous phase, corrected for 90 phase shift. Subtle faults easily are
between strong and weak events. identified in Perigram section as indicated by the arrows.
interpreted on seismic data using existing geologic models, litho- from 10 to 0 m. As expected, the resultant reflectivity is roughly
logical markers from drillholes, core sample tests, and forward- proportional to the thickness of the ore body and a strong amplitude
modeling experiments. The main geologic units interpreted are anomaly is not expected for nickel mineralization that is less than
the Devons Consol basalt, Kambalda Komatiite, intrusive rocks into 43 m in thickness.
the Kambalda Komatiite, and intrusive rocks into basalts. Opacity The seismic response of a 10 m thick nickel sulfide body not in
filters were particularly effective in highlighting sill and dike intru- constant contact with and dipping away from the ultramafic-Lunnon
sions into ultramafic rocks. The seismic signature of those inter- basalt contact is more complex due to the interference of multiple
faces has predominantly high amplitudes with
good lateral continuity. Some of the intrusives
mapped in the seismic volume are shown in
Figure 15.
reflecting interfaces (Figure 18). The interference pattern changes because this interface is the most likely place for nickel sulfide de-
from constructive to destructive, and for a specific geometrical con- posits to occur. Very high reflectivity originating from intrusives
dition, a 10-m thick nickel body may not be detected by seismic. In into ultramafics (often porphyries) was excluded from the targeting
all other cases, constructive interference occurs and the reflections process. Discrimination of intrusives was largely based on signifi-
from nickel deposits are amplified to a variable degree. If the nickel cant divergence from the interpreted Lunnon interface and areal ex-
body is at a favorable separation/distance from the ultramafic/basalt tent of typical nickel bodies encountered at this mine.
interface, then constructive interference is at its maximum and a A set of seismic attributes was computed in an attempt to further
strong seismic anomaly is produced. For noisy data, mapping these enhance nickel deposits. None of the standard instantaneous attri-
variations may be challenging. butes helped the detection process. Instead, we used the average
Having a better understanding of the seismic signature of various maximum amplitude over a 100 m window, 60 m above,
nickel ore body geometries, we investigated the seismic response and 40 m below the Lunnon basalt and by limiting their size to
close to stratigraphic markers (intercepts) of existing drillholes 20–100 voxels, some 78 potential nickel targets were identified
(Figure 16). No boreholes were drilled from the surface within (Figure 19). An improved target selection was subsequently
the 3D volume. A good correlation was observed between the main achieved by computing the root mean square (rms) amplitude for
stratigraphic markers and our interpreted contacts such as the ultra- a narrow window encompassing only 10 m above and 4 m below
mafic/Lunnon basalt interface. Further interpretation was then the Lunnon basalt, and limiting the spatial extent of the potential
guided by expected reflectivity in the vicinity of this interface mineralizations to 30 × 30 m. Figure 20 shows the rms amplitude
around the ultramafic-Lunnon basalt interface. There are two
known deposits as marked by the black arrows. Four other potential
targets were identified in this section of the seismic volume. Three
targets (white circles) shown in Figure 20 were drilled from under-
ground drill chambers. Individual drillhole details, ore intercepts,
and assay results are shown in Table 2. Note that these diamond
core drillholes have positive dip, which means that the targets were
intercepted from underneath, because a drill chamber is located at
deeper level than are the ore bodies.
Massive sulfide deposits occurring at shallow depths in the Kam-
balda area have now been mined, and the main objective of explora-
Figure 16. Arrays of diamond drillholes made from suitable under- tion programs is to discover deeper targets to extend the life of
ground drill chambers to locate small size massive sulfide ore existing mines. Consequently, the main objective of this experimen-
bodies in Beta Hunt nickel mine.
tal seismic program was to investigate the potential of 3D seismic
reflection methods for mapping complex deep structures that could
host massive sulfides. Apart from the issues typical for the applica-
tion of hard rock seismic in brown fields, specific to Beta Hunt was mine. A 3 m thick by 30 m strike by 20 m dip is considered a modest
the challenge of detecting deep seated concealed ore bodies. ore body at Beta Hunt. The value of such a discovery is well above
The Beta Hunt Nickel Mine hosts numerous small sized massive five million dollars, and most of the proven mineralization is more
sulfide ore bodies. In quantities, they represent good value for the or less of this value. Of course, there will be large costs involved in
ore recovery from these depths; however, cost can be reduced by
using already established infrastructure should nearby ore bodies
be located. The probability of hitting such small bodies by under-
ground fan drilling is small. Hence, the role of high-resolution seis-
mic for targeting ore bodies underneath Lake Lefroy may be crucial
for further development of Beta Hunt and expansion of nickel
mining in the Kambalda region.
Further improvements of the methodology presented here could
be made by attempting true relative amplitude processing. If any
time in the future, high-quality full-waveform sonic and density
logs become available within the 3D seismic volume, it would
be possible to achieve proper correlation and inversion of the seis-
mic data. The impedance cube should bring additional value and
further increase the precision in targeting nickel sulfide deposits.
Three-dimensional surveys of the size of 9 km2 or larger would en-
able further refinements of the interpretation process.
Table 2. Drilling results and assays for three boreholes projected to verify seismic anomalies.
Hole_id Hole type Date drilled Azim Dip Depth From To Intercpt_m Grade_NiS%