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AADvance Controller

Catalog Numbers T9110, T9300, T9310, T9401/2, T9431/2,

T9451, T9481/2

System Build Manual Original Instructions

AADvance Controller System Build Manual

Important User Information

Read this document and the documents listed in the additional resources section about installation, configuration, and
operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate, or maintain this product. Users are required to familiarize
themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all applicable codes, laws, and standards.

Activities including installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are required to
be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with applicable code of practice.

If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be

In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use
or application of this equipment.

The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and
requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for
actual use based on the examples and diagrams.

No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software
described in this manual.

Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is

Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.

WARNING: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment,
which may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.

ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property
damage, or economic loss. Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequence.

IMPORTANT Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.

Labels may also be on or inside the equipment to provide specific precautions.

SHOCK HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that dangerous
voltage may be present.

BURN HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that surfaces may
reach dangerous temperatures.

ARC FLASH HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a motor control center, to alert people to
potential Arc Flash. Arc Flash will cause severe injury or death. Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Follow ALL
Regulatory requirements for safe work practices and for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

2 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021


About This Publication This technical manual describes how to assemble a system, switch on and
validate the operation of your system.

In no event will Rockwell Automation be responsible or liable for indirect or

consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this
equipment. The examples given in this manual are included solely for
illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements related
to any particular installation, Rockwell Automation does not assume
responsibility or reliability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.

No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, with respect to use of

information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.

All trademarks are acknowledged.


It is not intended that the information in this publication covers every possible
detail about the construction, operation, or maintenance of a control system
installation. You should also refer to your own local (or supplied) system safety
manual, installation and operator/maintenance manuals.

Revision And Updating Policy

This document is based on information available at the time of its publication.

The document contents are subject to change from time to time. The latest
versions of the manuals are available at the Rockwell Automation Literature
Library under "Product Information" information "Critical Process Control &
Safety Systems".


The product compatibility and download center is rok.auto/pcdc.

Select the Find Downloads option under Download

In the Product Search field enter "AADvance" and the AADvance® option is

Double click on the AADvance option and the latest version is shown.

Select the latest version and download the latest version.

AADvance Release

This technical manual applies to AADvance system release 1.40 and these
• AADvance® Workbench software version 1.4
• AADvance Workbench software version 2.1

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 3

• AADvance®-Trusted® SIS Workstation software version 1.1

NOTE AADvance system release 1.40 identifies the product family

release. Each hardware, firmware and software component has
its own version within this family release and the details of those
versions can be found in the AADvance System Requirements
for version 1.40 in the PCDC Release Notes, which can be
accessed from the Product Compatibility and Download Center at

Latest Product Information

For the latest information about this product review the Product Notifications
and Technical Notes issued by technical support. Product Notifications and
product support are available at the Rockwell Automation Support Center at

At the Search Knowledgebase tab select the option "By Product" then scroll
down and select the ICS Triplex® product AADvance.

Some of the Answer IDs in the Knowledge Base require a TechConnectSM

Support Contract. For more information about TechConnect Support Contract
Access Level and Features, click this link: Knowledgebase Document ID: IP622
- TechConnect Support Contract - Access Level & Features.

This will get you to the login page where you must enter your login details.

IMPORTANT A login is required to access the link. If you do not have an

account then you can create one using the "Sign Up" link at the
top right of the web page.

Environmental Compliance

Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental information

on its website at rok.auto/pec.

Download Firmware, AOP, Download firmware, associated files (such as AOP, EDS, and DTM), and access
product release notes from the Product Compatibility and Download Center at
EDS, and Other Files rok.auto/pcdc.

Summary of Changes This publication contains the following new or updated information. This list
includes substantive updates only and is not intended to reflect all changes.

Global Changes

This table identifies changes that apply to all information about a subject in the
manual and the reason for the change. For example, the addition of new
supported hardware, a software design change, or additional reference
material would result in changes to all of the topics that deal with that subject.

4 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Subject Reason
Changed workstation to computer Technical improvement
Added AADvance®-Trusted® SIS Workstation Enhancement
software information where applicable
Changed Workbench to software where applicable Technical improvement
Changed Workbench to AADvance Workbench Technical improvement
software where applicable
Added reference to AADvance-Trusted SIS
Workstation Software User Guide, publication Additional reference material
Applied latest publication template Marketing product change

New or Enhanced Features

This table contains a list of topics changed in this version, the reason for the
change, and a link to the topic that contains the changed information.

Subject Reason

AADvance Release on page 3 Updated AADvance system release and software

Added IMPORTANT and ATTENTION tables with
The AADvance Safety Controller on page 13 information on supported languages.
Removed information indicating that AADvance
Safety Features on page 15 processor modules are designed to meet the
requirements for SIL 2 in a simplex configuration.

Scan Times on page 17 Removed footnote on Minimum cycle time

Changed The AADvance Workbench and Software
The AADvance Software Development Environment Development Environment section to The
on page 24 AADvance Software Development Environment.
Updated section content.

Operating Systems on page 25 Updated with reference to the Product

Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC).
Importing and Exporting Data on page 26 Updated supported file formats.
Updated section title and content. Added links to
Software Licenses on page 26 software publications.
Ethernet Communication Protocols on page 48 Updated table.

Programming Language Support on page 49 Added IMPORTANT and ATTENTION tables with
information on supported languages.

Specify software requirements on page 66 Updated with reference to the Product

Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC).
System Security on page 85 Updated security steps.
Digital Input Field Loop Circuits on page 86 Updated suggested range of values

Software on page 130 Removed row for T9085. Added row for T9090.
Removed rows for T9901...T9906.
N on page 143 Removed NFPA 87.
proof test on page 144 Updated definition.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 5

Additional Resources These documents contain additional information concerning related products
from Rockwell Automation.

Resource Description
This technical manual defines how to safely apply AADvance controllers for a Safety
Instrumented Function. It sets out standards (which are mandatory) and makes
AADvance Controller Safety Manual, ICSTT-RM446 recommendations to make sure that installations satisfy and maintain their required safety
integrity level.
This software technical manual defines how to configure an AADvance controller
AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench 1.x, ICSTT-RM405 using the AADvance Workbench software version 1.x to satisfy your system operation and
application requirements.
This software technical manual defines how to configure an AADvance controller
AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench 2.x, ICSTT-RM458 using the AADvance Workbench software version 2.x to satisfy your system operation and
application requirements.
This publication provides how-to instructions for AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation
AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation Software User Guide, ICSTT-UM002 software configuration and use.
This manual describes how to install, configure and use the OPC Server for an AADvance
AADvance Controller OPC Portal Server User Manual, ICSTT-RM407 Controller.
This document contains the PFH and PFDavg Data for the AADvance Controller. It includes
AADvance Controller PFH and PFDavg Data, ICSTT-RM449
examples on how to calculate the final figures for different controller configurations.
This technical manual describes the features, performance and functionality of the
AADvance Controller Solutions Handbook, ICSTT-RM447 AADvance controller and systems. It gives guidance on how to design a system to satisfy
your application requirements.
This technical manual describes how to maintain, troubleshoot and repair an AADvance
AADvance Controller Troubleshooting and Maintenance Manual, ICSTT-RM406 Controller.
Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1 Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.
Product Certifications website, rok.auto/certifications. Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.

You can view or download publications at rok.auto/literature.

6 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Table of Contents

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
About This Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Download Firmware, AOP, EDS, and Other Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Summary of Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Additional Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Chapter 1
The AADvance System Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Chapter 2
The AADvance Safety Controller Safety Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Safety Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Safety System Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Performance and Electrical Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Scan Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
System Installation Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Environment Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Installation Requirements for Non-Hazardous Environment . . . . . . . 20
Investigation File Number E341697 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Installation Requirements for Hazardous Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Installation Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
File Number E251761 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Certifications for Safety System Applications in Hazardous
Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
ATEX Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
IECEx UL Certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Module Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
KCC-EMC Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
The AADvance Software Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Importing and Exporting Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Software Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Corrective Maintenance and Module Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
TUV Approved Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Main Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Physical Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Environmental Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Product Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Compact Module Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Module Polarization Keying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Module Locking Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Field Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Processor Base Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 7

External Ethernet, Serial Data and Power Connections. . . . . . . . . . 34
Serial Communications Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Processor Back-up Battery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Processor Maintenance Socket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
I/O Base Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Termination Assemblies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Backplane Electrical Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Expansion Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Technical Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Controller Internal Bus Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Internal Diagnostics and Fault Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Remote Fault Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
On-line updates I/O Configuration Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Hot Swap I/O for Business Critical Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Processor Firmware Upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Ethernet Communication Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Chapter 3
Application Development Programming Language Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Program Management Facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Support for Variable Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
I/O Connection (Addressing of Physical I/O). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Off-line Simulation and Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Application Program Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Aids to Software Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Chapter 4
Before You Begin Required Tools Standard AADvance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Specifying an Enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Maximum Enclosure Air Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Enclosure Requirements for a Non-hazardous Environment. . . . . 54
Enclosure Requirements for a Hazardous Environment - Class I,
Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Controller Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Free Space around the Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Base Units Rows and Expansion Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Adding Field Cable Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
System Power Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Power Supply and Power Distribution Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Controller Power Supply Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Power Arrangements for Field Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Estimating Power Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
System Design Considerations for Heat Dissipation and Cooling . . . . 63
Estimate Heat Dissipation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Estimate AADvance Controller Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Estimating Center of Gravity Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Design Considerations for Electrical Grounding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Specify software requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Design Considerations for Maintenance Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
8 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021
Maintenance Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Design Provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Connecting the AADvance Controller to the Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Chapter 5
Install the AADvance System Unpacking and Preassembly Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Install Base Units and Termination Assemblies: Enclosure DIN Rail
Assembly Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Fitting Termination Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Allocations of Coding Pegs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Connect the AC Safety Ground Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Connect the 24 Vdc System Power to an AADvance Controller . . . . . . . 78
Procedure to Connect Serial Communications Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Connecting MODBUS Slave Devices to Serial Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Connect a Slave Device, Full Duplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Connect Multiple Slave Devices, Full Duplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Connect a Slave Device, Half Duplex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Connect Multiple Slave Devices, Half Duplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
System Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Connecting Field Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Digital Input Field Loop Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Analogue Input Field loop Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Recommended Field Circuit for Digital Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Recommended Circuit for Analogue Outputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Install Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Install a T9110 Processor Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Replace a Faulty Processor Back-up Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Set the Real Time Clock Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Install I/O Modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Install T9310 Expansion Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Fault Reporting Reference Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Status Indicators on the T94xx Series Input and Output Module 110
Status Indicators on the T9110 Processor Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Chapter 6
System Startup Recommendations to Manage Test Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
System Physical Design Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Procedure to Verify Build State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Procedure to Conduct the Mechanical Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Procedure to Check Ground Bonding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Procedure to Check Power Distribution Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Power Distribution and First Power Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Startup Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Processor Module Startup Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
I/O Module Startup Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Processor Firmware Upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Setting the Controller IP Address for Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Controller IP Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 9
Troubleshooting AADvance Discover Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Configure the Controller Resource Number in the Controller . . . . . . 121
Configure the IP Address in the Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

Chapter 7
Functional Acceptance Testing Devising tests for Functional Acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Test Environment for Functional Acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Managing Functional Acceptance Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Chapter 8
Dismantling the AADvance About Dismantling a System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Chapter 9
Parts List Base Units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Special Application Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Termination Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Expansion Cable Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Blanking Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Spares and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Demonstration Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Miscellaneous Items. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

Appendix A
History of Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

10 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 1

The AADvance System

Introduction An AADvance® system consists of an AADvance controller, an external

operator's computer, field connections, power sources and external network
connections. The flexibility of the design means that a system can meet a wide
variety of business needs. An AADvance system is assembled to a scale and
configuration that is applicable to your initial requirements and can be easily
changed to meet your changing business requirements in the future. A system
is built from an approved range of modules and assemblies.

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Chapter 1 The AADvance System


12 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 2

The AADvance Safety Controller

The AADvance® controller is specifically designed for functional safety and

critical control applications; it gives a flexible solution for smaller scale
requirements. The system can also be used for safety implemented functions
as well as applications that are not related to safety but are nevertheless critical
to a business process. This AADvance controller offers the ability to make a
cost-effective system to a customer's specification for any of the following
• Emergency shutdown system
• Fire and gas installation protection system
• Critical process control
• Burner management
• Boiler and furnace control
• Distributed process monitoring and control

An AADvance controller is particularly useful for emergency shut down and

fire and gas detection protection applications as it offers a system solution
with integrated and distributed fault tolerance. It is designed and validated to
international standards and is certified by independent certifying bodies for
functional safety control installations and UL for use in hazardous

This chapter introduces the primary components that can be used to assemble
an AADvance controller.

A controller is built from a range of compact plug-in modules (see illustration)

that are straightforward to assemble into a system. A system can have just one
or more controllers, a combination of I/O modules, power sources,
communications networks and computers. It can operate as a stand-alone
system or as a distributed node of a larger control system.

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

NOTE The printed circuit boards of all AADvance modules, termination

assemblies and backplanes are coated during manufacture. The
coating meets defense and aerospace requirements, is approved
to US MIL-1-46058C standard and meets IPC-CC-830. The coating
is also UL approved.

A Key benefit of the AADvance system is its flexibility. All of the configurations
are readily achieved by combining modules and assemblies without using
special cables or interface units. System architectures are user configurable
and can be changed without major system modifications. Processor and I/O
redundancy is configurable so you can make a decision between fail safe and
fault tolerant solutions. There is no change to the complexity of operations or
programming that the controller can handle if you add redundant capacity to
create a fault tolerant solution.

They can be mounted onto DIN rails in a cabinet or directly mounted onto a
wall in a control room. Forced air cooling or special environmental control
14 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021
Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

equipment is not necessary. However, important consideration must be given

to the choice of cabinet or when the controller is installed in a hazardous

Specific guidelines are given in this user documentation to help you choose an
enclosure that will make sure that the system operates to its full capability and
reliability and that it also complies with the ATEX and UL certification
requirements for use in hazardous environments.

The Ethernet and serial ports are configurable for a number of protocols in
both simplex and redundant configurations for connection to other AADvance
controllers or external third party equipment. Communications internally
between the processors and I/O modules uses a proprietary communications
protocol over a custom wired harness. The AADvance system supports
transport layer communication protocols such as TCP and UDP for MODBUS,
CIP, SNCP, Telnet and SNTP services.

A secure network communications protocol (SNCP), developed by Rockwell

Automation for the AADvance system, permits distributed control and safety
using new or existing network infrastructure while ensuring the security and
integrity of the data. Individual sensors and actuators can connect to a local
controller, minimizing the lengths of dedicated field cabling. There is no need
for a large central equipment room; rather, the complete distributed system
can be administered from one or more computers placed at convenient

The AADvance controller is developed and built for IEC 61131 compliance and
includes support for all five programming languages.

IMPORTANT AADvance® Workbench software version 1.4 supports the

Instruction List (IL) language.
AADvance Workbench software version 2.x and AADvance®-
Trusted® SIS Workstation software do not support the IL

ATTENTION: The AADvance Workbench software and AADvance-Trusted

SIS Workstation software do not support the Sequential Function Chart
(SFC) language for safety-related applications.

Program access is secured by a "Program Enable" key that you can remove.
Simulation software lets you prove a new application before reprogramming
and downloading, again maximizing system uptime. Additional security
functions are also included to help prevent unauthorized access.

Safety Features The AADvance controller meets non-safety business requirements and SIL 2
and SIL 3 safety related system requirements. The system has comprehensive
built-in redundant capabilities that improve system availability.

The AADvance safety system features are:

• Easily transformed from a simplex non-safety system to a fault tolerant
safety related system.

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

• An AADvance system provides a set of components that can be

configured to meet a range of safety and fault tolerance user
requirements within a single system such as - fault tolerant topologies
1oo1, 1oo2D and 2oo3.
• IEC 61508 certified, reviewed and approved for safety systems up to SIL 3
by independent certifying bodies.
• The scalable characteristics of the system enables independent safety
functions within the same system to be configured with different
architectures to meet a user specific safety and availability requirements.
• The main components that provide the safety architecture are the
processor and I/O modules; the remaining components provide secure
external interfaces and connectivity between the field elements and the
main components and add to the safety functionality.
• AADvance processor modules are designed to meet the requirements for
SIL 3 in a dual or triplicated configuration.
• Individual input modules are designed to meet the requirements for SIL
3 in simplex, dual or triple configurations.
• Individual output modules have been designed to meet the requirements
for SIL 3 in a simplex or dual configurations.
• Safe SIL 3 rated 'Black Channel' external communication over Ethernet.

Safety Configurations An AADvance system supports the following safety configurations:


I/O modules fail-safe in the most basic simplex system.


SIL 2 architectures for fail-safe low demand applications. All SIL 2

architectures can be used for energize or de-energize to trip applications.
• SIL 2 low demand architectures
• SIL 2 fail safe architectures
• SIL 2 fault tolerant input architectures
• SIL 2 triplicated input architectures
• SIL 2 fault tolerant output architectures
• SIL 2 fault tolerant input/output architectures


SIL 3 architectures:
• SIL 3 de-energize to trip applications.
• SIL 3 energize to action applications when fitted with dual digital output
• SIL 3 simplex or dual output module architectures
• SIL 3 fail safe I/O fault tolerant processor architecture
• SIL 3 fault tolerant architecture
• SIL 3 fault tolerant simplex, dual and triple input architectures
• SIL 3 dual or triple processor architectures
• SIL 3 high demand applications where the required safe state is greater
than 4 mA, when fitted with dual analogue output modules (A ‘safe state’

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

is an output configured to go to a specific value, or configured to hold last


Safety System Certification The AADvance Controller is certified by independent certifying bodies. Refer
to the certificate for details of the standards included in the certification.

Performance and Electrical

Specifications Table 1 - Controller Performance and Electrical Specifications
Attribute Value
Performance Characteristics
IEC 61508 SIL 2
Safety Integrity Level IEC 61508 SIL 3
(depending on processor and I/O module configuration)
Safety level Degradation 1oo1D, 1oo2D, 2oo3D
Processor Modules supported Three
I/O Modules supported 48 (8 or 16 channels modules)
Safety Accuracy Limit:
Digital inputs 1.0 Vdc
Analogue inputs 200 µA
Sequence of Event Resolution
Processor Module (for internal Variables):
Event Resolution 1 ms
Time Stamp Accuracy Application Scan
Digital Input Module:
Event Resolution 1 ms
Time Stamp Accuracy 10 ms
Electrical Characteristics

Supply voltage Redundant 24 Vdc nominal, 18 Vdc to 32 Vdc range

Channel isolation (channel to channel and channel

to chassis
Maximum withstanding ± 1.5 kVdc withstand for 1 minute.

IMPORTANT Overall system power consumption, heat dissipation and weight

can be estimated using the values given in the heat dissipation
and weight data tables shown in this manual.

Scan Times

The controller processing scan times listed in the table are taken from a test
system which used only production modules. The tests which were used to
measure the scan times did not measure the effects of logic complexity and
communications loading.

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Table 2 - Typical Module Scan Times

Module Scan
Digital input module, 24 Vdc, 16 channel
Simplex 0.924 ms
T9402 Dual 1.676 ms
Triple 2.453 ms
Analogue input module 24 Vdc, 16 channel
Simplex 1.170 ms
T9432 Dual 1.965 ms
Triple 2.656 ms
Digital output module, 24 Vdc, 8 channel
T9451 Simplex 1.174 ms
Dual 2.202 ms
Analogue output module, 24 Vdc, 8 channel
T9482 Simplex 0.981 ms
Dual 1.761 ms
Minimum cycle time overhead 39.3 ms
Scan overhead for each module 0.04 ms

The scan time is:

Scan time = 39.3 ms (minimum cycle time overhead)

+ Sync time

+ Total number of modules * 0.04 ms

+  (Number of module groups x scan time shown above)


Sync time is a function of the total number of modules defined according

to the following table:

0..10 modules 20 ms
11..20 modules 22 ms
21..30 modules 24 ms
31..40 modules 27 ms
41..48 modules 32 ms.

Though the average scan time will be within 1 ms of the scan time calculated
above the calculation does not take into account the effects of application logic
and network communication, and individual scans can vary by up to +/- 4 ms
around the average scan time.

Throughput time is the time from input change to output action. For
asynchronous inputs the throughput times can be derived from the Scan time
calculated above according to the following formula:
• Minimum throughput time = Scan period + 7 ms
• Maximum throughput time = 2 x Scan time + 13 ms

EXAMPLE: An example configuration scan time:

System configuration includes T9432 Analogue input simplex modules x 30

and T9451 Digital output simplex modules x 18.

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Total I/O modules = 48

Sync time = 32 ms

Scan time = 39.3 ms + 32 ms + (48 x 0.04) ms + (30 x 1.170) ms + (18 x 1.174) ms =>
129.5 ms

Minimum throughput time = 129.5 ms + 7 ms => 136.5 ms

Maximum throughput time = (2 x 129.5) ms + 13 ms = 272.0 ms.

System Installation The installation environment can be a source of common cause failure so it is
Environment necessary that the installation assessment covers the environmental
specification for the AADvance system and includes the following:
• the prevailing climatic conditions
• type of area, e.g. is it a hazardous or non-hazardous area
• location of power sources
• earthing and EMC conditions

In some customer installations parts of the system can be installed in differing

locations; in these cases the assessment must include each location.

Power Sources and Heat Dissipation Calculations

It is highly recommended that module supply power and field loop power
consumption calculations are done to find out the heat dissipation before
designing a suitable enclosure and making a decision about the installation
environment (see topic "System Design for Heat Dissipation").

Safety Related System Installation Process

For a Safety Related System the installation process must also be in line with
the following:

WARNING: You must use the installation guidelines given in this manual
and any installation and commissioning procedures that comply with
applicable international or local codes and standards.

CAUTION: AADvance modules are suitable for use in Class I, Division 2,

Groups A, B, C and D Hazardous locations or Non-hazardous locations only or

ATTENTION: Pour les modules AADvance sont utilisables dans Class I,

Division 2, A, B, C et D pour un environnement dangereux ou pour un
environnement non dangereux ou équivalente.

Environment Standards The AADvance system has been investigated to United States National
Standard (s) UL508, 17th Edition and Canadian National Standard (s) C22.2 No
142, 1st Edition. The investigation covers the following modules and provides

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

requirements for compliance to the standards for use in a non-hazardous and

hazardous environments.

The AADvance controller has been investigated and approved by UL for use as
Industrial Control Equipment in hazardous locations, Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C and D in North America.

The AADvance controller has been assessed for ATEX compliance. The UL
Certification No. is DEMKO 11 ATEX 1129711X. The ATEX marking is Ex nA IIC
T4 Gc.

Additionally the AADvance controller is approved under the IECEx

certification scheme. The certificate number is IECEx UL 12.0032X

Installation Requirements Investigation File Number E341697

for Non-Hazardous
Environment Products Covered

The products investigated and approved:

Programmable Logic Controller Models:

• T9110 Processor Module
• T9401 Digital Input Module
• T9402 Digital Input Module, 16 Channel
• T9431 Analogue Input Module
• T9432 Analogue Input Module, 16 Channel
• T9451 Digital Output Module
• T9481 Analog Output Module
• T9482 Analogue Output Module, 8 Channel.

Listed Accessories for use with PLCs:

• T9100 Processor Backplane
• T9300 I/O Backplane
• T9801 Digital Input Termination Assembly, Simplex
• T9802 Digital Input Termination Assembly, Dual
• T9803 Digital Input Termination Assembly, TMR
• T9831 Analogue input Termination Assembly, Simplex
• T9832, Analogue Input Termination Assembly, Dual
• T9833 Analogue Input Termination Assembly, TMR
• T9851 Digital Output Termination Assembly, Simplex and
T9852 Digital Output Termination Assembly, Dual
• T9892 Digital Output Termination Assembly, Dual
• T9881 Analogue Output Termination Assembly, Simplex
• T9882 Analogue Output Termination Assembly, Dual.

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Non-Hazardous Installation Requirements


In a non-hazardous environment a system can be installed in an enclosure or

on a support/wall; however, the enclosure or the area where it is installed must
not be more than a Pollution Degree 2 or similar environment in accordance
with IEC 60664-1:2007.

The surrounding air temperature ratings are:

• For the T9110 Processor module = 60 °C
• For all other I/O modules, base units and termination assemblies = 60 °C

Pollution Degree Definition

For the purpose of evaluating creepage distances and clearances, the following
four degrees of pollution in the micro-environment are established:
• Pollution Degree 1: No pollution or only dry pollution occurs. The
pollution has no influence.
• Pollution Degree 2: Only non-conductive pollution occurs except that
occasionally a temporary conductivity caused by condensation is to be
• Pollution Degree 3: Conductive pollution occurs or dry non-conductive
pollution occurs which becomes conductive due to condensation which is
to be expected.
• Pollution Degree 4: Continuous conductivity occurs due to conductive
dust, rain or other wet conditions.

Installation Requirements The AADvance controller has been investigated and approved by UL for use as
for Hazardous Environment Industrial Control Equipment in hazardous locations, Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C and D in North America.

The AADvance controller has been assessed for ATEX compliance. The UL
Certification No. is DEMKO 11 ATEX 1129711X. The ATEX marking is
Ex nA IIC T4 Gc.

Additionally the AADvance controller is approved under the IECEx

certification scheme. The certificate number is IECEx UL 12.0032X.

Installation Requirements

To comply with the standards the following conditions must be applied to the

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

WARNING: Special conditions for safe use:

• Model T9110: The ambient temperature range is -25 °C to +60 °C (-13 °F to
+140 °F).
• All other Models: The ambient temperature range is -25 °C to +60 °C
• (-13 °F to +140 °F).
• Subject devices are to be installed in an ATEX/IECEx Certified, IP54, tool
accessible enclosure that has been evaluated to the requirements of EN
60079-0: 2012+A11:2013 and EN 60079-15:2010/IEC 60079-0 Ed 6 and IEC
60079-15 Ed 4. Enclosure is to be marked with the following: "Warning -
Do not open when energized". After installation of subject devices into
the enclosure, access to termination compartments must be
dimensioned so that conductors can be readily connected. Grounding
conductor should have a minimum cross sectional area of 3.31 mm².
• Subject devices are for use in an area of not more than pollution degree
2 in accordance with IEC 60664-1.
• Subject devices are to use conductors with a minimum conductor
temperature rating of 85 °C.
• Subject devices are to be installed in the vertical orientation only.

AADvance meets the essential requirements of EN 60079-0:2012 + A11:2013 &

EN 60079-15:2010 and IEC 60079-0 Ed 6 and IEC 60079-15 Ed 4.

File Number E251761

The AADvance controller investigation and approval is contained in the

following file certifications:
• NRAG.E251761: Programmable Controllers for Use in Hazardous
Locations Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D.

The products have been investigated using requirements contained in the

following standards:
• ANSI/ISA 12.12.01-2013, Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for use in
Class I and II, Division 2 and Class III, Division 1 and 2 Hazardous
• UL508, Industrial Control Equipment, Seventeenth edition, with
revisions through and including April 15, 2010.
• NRAG7.E251761: Programmable Controllers for Use in Hazardous
Locations Certified for Canada; Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D.

The products have been investigated using requirements contained in the

following standards:
• CSA C22.2 No 213-M1987, Nonincendive Control Equipment for Use in
Class I, Division 2, Hazardous Locations.
• CSA C22.2 No 142-M1987, Process Control equipment, Edition 1 -
Revision date 1990-09-01.

Products Covered

The products investigated and approved:

Programmable Logic Controllers Models:

• T9110 Processor Module
• T9401/2 Digital Input Module

22 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

• T9431/2 Analogue Input Module

• T9451 Digital output Module
• T9482 Analogue Output Module.

Listed Accessories for use with PLCs:

• T9100 Processor Backplane
• T9300 I/O Backplane
• T9801 Digital Input Termination Assembly, Simplex
• T9802 Digital Input Termination Assembly, Dual
• T9803 Digital Input Termination Assembly, TMR
• T9831 Analogue input Termination Assembly, Simplex
• T9832, Analogue Input Termination Assembly, Dual
• T9833 Analogue Input Termination Assembly, TMR
• T9851 Digital Output Termination Assembly, Simplex.

Certifications for Safety ATEX Certificate

System Applications in
Refer to AADvance Series T9000 Programmable Control and Safety System -
Hazardous Environments ATEX certificate, publication 9000-CT003.

IECEx UL Certificate

Refer to AADvance Series T9000 Programmable Control and Safety System -

IECEx certificate, publication 9000-CT006.

Module Label The following label information must be attached to each module.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 23

Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

KCC-EMC Registration

The AADvance Software The AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation
Development Environment software lets you design one complete control strategy, and then target parts
of the strategy to individual controllers. Interaction between the resources is
automatic, significantly reducing the complexity of configuration in a multi-
resource system. Programs can be simulated and tested on the computer
running the software before downloading to the controller.

The AADvance Workbench software and AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation

software are compliant with the IEC-61131 industrial standard and have several
powerful features:
• the regulation of the flow of control decisions for an interacting
distributed control system

24 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

• providing for the consistency of data

• providing a means for synchronous operation between devices
• eliminating the need to have separate synchronous schemes
• easing the development and maintenance of robust systems

The AADvance Workbench software and AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation

software are software development environments for a controller. Use the
AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation
software to create local and distributed control applications using the
languages of IEC 61131-3.

IMPORTANT AADvance Workbench software version 1.4 supports the

Instruction List (IL) language.
AADvance Workbench software version 2.x and AADvance-
Trusted SIS Workstation software do not support the IL language.

ATTENTION: The AADvance Workbench software and AADvance-Trusted

SIS Workstation software do not support the Sequential Function Chart
(SFC) language for safety-related applications.

Engineers can use one language or a combination that best suits their
knowledge and programming style and the type of application.

The AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation

software is a secure development environment. There is also a Program Enable
key that must be plugged into the processor base unit to allow the user to
modify and download the application or access the AADvance Discover tool to
set or change the controller IP address. The Program Enable Key when it is
removed protects the application from unauthorized access.

The development environment includes:

• tools for program development
• program documentation
• function block library management
• application archiving
• import/export utilities
• on-line monitoring
• off-line simulation and controlled on-line changes
• Programs can be simulated and tested on the computer before
downloading to the controller hardware.

Operating Systems

For information about supported operating systems and other software

product version support, refer to product release notes from the Product
Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC): rok.auto/pcdc.

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Importing and Exporting Data

The AADvance Workbench software and AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation

software can import and export variables data in standard file formats such as
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and comma-separated values (CSV).

Software Licenses

Refer to the applicable publication for information on software licenses:

• AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench 1.x, publication
• AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench 2.x, publication
• AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation Software User Guide, publication

Corrective Maintenance and Module Replacement

Scheduled maintenance consists of checking the I/O Module calibrations and

proof tests. Detailed scheduled and corrective maintenance information is
given in the AADvance Troubleshooting and Maintenance Manual Doc No:
ICSTT-RM406. Corrective maintenance is by module replacement and where
required fuse replacement in Termination Assemblies. In dual and triple
modular redundant configurations, you can remove a module and install a
new one without interrupting the system operation. In simplex configurations
removing a module will interrupt the system operation. However, certain
restrictions apply on module replacement timing for Safety Related systems
(see the AADvance Safety Manual - ICSTT-RM446 for guidance).

Field connection wiring is attached at the connectors on the termination

assemblies. Ethernet and Serial data connections are made at the T9100
Processor Base Unit. There are no physical links needed to be set up on any
modules or base units. Standard modules are used for all the different

IMPORTANT Processor modules must be replaced with a module containing

the same firmware revision, you cannot use processor modules
with different firmware revisions on the same controller.

TUV Approved Operating System

The AADvance system runs an IEC 61508 approved operating system and the
overall system is certified to IEC 61508, Part 1-7: 1998 - 2000 SIL 3.

Main Components An AADvance controller is built from durable processor and I/O modules and
assemblies designed to IEC 61508 standards for safety systems and runs the
AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

software. Field devices connect direct to a controller and external

communication links over Ethernet and serial links use a secure protocol.

Physical Features A new and innovative style characteristic of the AADvance controller is the
design of the hardware. All the modules and assemblies connect together easily
without the need for inter-module wiring.

CAUTION: The controller contains static sensitive components. When the

controller is installed attach a label that is clearly visible to tell operators to
follow anti-static precautions when they touch or move modules. Failure to
follow these instructions can result in damage to the equipment.

Environmental Specification

An AADvance system can be installed in a non-hazardous or a hazardous

environment. In a non-hazardous environment a system does not have to be
installed in an enclosure; however, the area where it is installed must maintain
a Pollution Degree 2 environment (IEC 60664-1).

The following environmental specification defines the minimum

environmental conditions for an AADvance controller installation. Additional
conditions apply to systems installed in a Hazardous environment.

Table 3 - Environmental Specification

Attributes Value
Operating Temperature Range:
For use in Hazardous Environments:
Processor Modules –25 °C to +60 °C (–13 °F to +140 °F)
I/O Modules and Termination Assemblies –25 °C to +60 °C (–13 °F to +140 °F)
For use in Non-hazardous Environments:
Processor Modules, I/O modules and Termination
Assemblies –25 °C to +60 °C (–13 °F to +140 °F)
Storage and Transport Temperature Range –40 °C to +70 °C (–40 °F to +158 °F)
Module Surface Temperature (during usual 43° C (109 °F) ± 2 °C
Operating 10 % to 95 % RH, non-condensing
Storage and Transport 10 % to 95 % RH, non-condensing
Functional Stress 5 Hz to 9 Hz
Continuous 1.7 mm amplitude
Occasional 3.5 mm amplitude
Withstand 10 Hz to 150 Hz
Acceleration 0.1 g in 3 axes
Endurance 10 Hz to 150 Hz
Acceleration 0.5 g in 3 axes
Shock 15 g peak, 11 ms duration, ½ sine
Operating 0 to 2,000 m (0 to 6,600 ft.)

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Table 3 - Environmental Specification

Attributes Value
0 to 3,000 m (0 to 10,000 ft.)
Storage and Transport This equipment must not be transported in
unpressurized aircraft flown above 10,000 ft.
Tested to the following standards: EN 61326-1:2006,
Electromagnetic Interference Class A; EN 61326-3-1:2008, EN 54-4: 1997, A1; EN
61131-2:2007; EN 62061:2005.
Hazardous Location Capability Suitable for Class I Div 2 Groups A, B, C and D

There is no specific protection against liquids.

Product Dimensions

A typical controller arrangement is shown with processor modules installed on

the processor base unit and an I/O base unit mated with the processor base
unit. I/O modules are installed on the base unit and a termination assembly
plugged into the I/O base unit.

28 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Table 4 - Summary of Dimensions

Attribute Value
233 mm × 126 mm × 18 mm (see text)
Base unit dimensions (H × W × D), approx. (9-¼ in. × 5 in. × ¾ in.)
166 mm × 42 mm × 118 mm
Module dimensions (H × W × D), approx. (6-½ in. × 1-5/8 in. × 4-5/8 in.)

The depth of the base unit (18 mm) excludes the parts of the backplane
connectors that mate inside the module connectors. Adding the depth of a
module (118 mm) to the depth of the base unit gives the overall depth of the
controller assembly at 136 mm.

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Module Dimensions

All modules have the same dimensions.

Figure 1 - Module Dimensions

Compact Module Design

Each processor and I/O module has a flame-retardant and impact-resistant

plastic cover. The cover is designed to help ventilation and heat dissipation
occur naturally without the need for fan assisted cooling. Processor and I/O
modules fit onto standardized base units. Base units plug together by side
connectors and are securely held in position by specially designed plastic clips
which cannot corrode or seize up. Modules are retained by a locking screw
which is easy to access from the front.

30 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Figure 2 - An AADvance Module

NOTE Standard AADvance modules have a plastic casing and are rated
IP20: Protected against solid objects over 12 mm (1/2 in.) for
example "fingers". There is no specific protection against liquids.

Module Polarization Keying

For each I/O Module there is a matched termination assembly. The controller
incorporates module polarization keying to make sure that they are correctly
mated when installed. Sockets on the rear end plate align and mate with
coding pins found on the termination assembly. The alignment of the sockets
and pins make sure that only the matched I/O modules and termination
assemblies can be mated.

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Figure 3 - Coding Sockets

Module Locking Mechanism

Figure 4 - Locking Screw

Each module carries a locking mechanism, which secures the module onto its
base unit. The locking mechanism is in the form of a clamp screw, which can
be seen on the front panel of the module and engaged by a quarter turn of a flat
blade screwdriver. The module senses the locking mechanism position and

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

notifies the controller accordingly. This acts as an interlock device and helps
prevent the module from going on-line when it is not in the locked position.

Field Wiring

Field device wiring connections are made to industry-standard screw terminal

blocks on the termination assemblies. Terminals are easy to access without
needing to dismantle assemblies. The specification for the field wiring sizes is
given in the topic "Power and External Connector Wiring Requirements".

This illustration shows field wiring connections at the termination assemblies.

Figure 5 - Field Wiring Connections

NOTE The recommended torque for termination assembly screw

connectors is 5 Nm.

Processor Base Unit

A processor base unit holds up to three processor modules:

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

External Ethernet, Serial Data and Power Connections

The processor base unit external connections are:

34 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

• Earthing Stud
• Ethernet Ports (E1-1 to E3-2)
• Serial Ports (S1-1 to S3-2)
• Redundant +24 Vdc powers supply (PWR-1 and PWR-2)
• Program Enable security key (KEY)
• The FLT connector (currently not used).
Figure 6 - External Connectors on the Processor Base Unit

The power connections supply all three modules with redundant power, each
processor module each have two Serial ports and two Ethernet port
connectors. The KEY connector supports all three processor modules and helps
prevent access to the application unless the Program Enable key is inserted.

Serial Communications Ports

The serial ports (S1-1 and S1-2; S2-1 and S2-2; S3-1 and S3-2) support the
following signal modes depending on use:
• RS485fd: A four-wire full duplex connection that features different
busses for transmit and receive. This selection must also be used when
the controller is acting as a MODBUS Master using the optional four-
wire definition specified in Section 3.3.3 of the MODBUS-over-serial
• RS485fdmux: A four-wire full-duplex connection with tri-state outputs
on the transmit connections. This must be used when the controller is
acting as a MODBUS Slave on a four-wire bus.
• RS485hdmux: A two-wire half duplex connection applicable for master
slave or slave use. This is shown in the MODBUS-over-serial standard.

Processor Back-up Battery

The T9110 processor module has a back-up battery that powers its internal Real
Time Clock (RTC) and a part of the volatile memory (RAM). The battery only
supplies power when the processor module is no longer powered from the

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

system power supplies. The specific functions that the battery maintains on
complete loss of power are:
• Real Time Clock - The battery supplies power to the RTC chip itself.
• Retained Variables - Data for retained variables is stored at the end of
each application scan in a portion of RAM, backed up by the battery. On
restoration of power' the retained data is loaded back into the variables
assigned as retained variables for use by the application.
• Diagnostic logs - The processor diagnostic logs are stored in the portion
of RAM backed by the battery.

The battery has a design life of 10 years when the processor module is
continually powered; for processor modules that are un-powered, the design
life is up to 6 months. Battery design life is based on operating at a constant
25°C and low humidity. High humidity, temperature and frequent power
cycles will shorten the operational life of the battery.

Low Battery Alarm

A variable in the AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted SIS

Workstation software can be set up and report the battery status. It will give an
alarm and set a warning light on the processor front panel when the battery
voltage is low.

Disabling the Low Battery Alarm

For applications that do not require Real Time Clock functionality, or there are
specific constraints, for example, the controller is in an inaccessible location,
that make it necessary to remove the battery when the system is installed and
set up, the battery failure alarm can be disabled from AADvance Workbench
software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation software.

Battery Location

The battery is supplied separately and inserted into a slot behind a removable
cover on the front panel of the processor module. The battery position is shown
in the illustration:

36 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

CAUTION: The battery may explode if mistreated. Do not recharge,

disassemble or dispose of in a fire.

Battery Specification

A Polycarbon monofluoride Lithium Coin Battery with a nominal voltage of 3V;

Nominal capacity (mAh) 190; Continuous standard load (mA) 0.03; Operating
temperature range -30ºC to +80ºC, manufactured by Panasonic.

Processor Maintenance Socket

Behind the removal cover on the processor front panel is a maintenance socket
SK1. This socket is for maintenance use only.

CAUTION: K1 is for maintenance only. When AADvance is installed in a

hazardous location power must be disconnected or the area known to be free
of ignitable concentrations of flammable gases or vapours when using this

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

ATTENTION: Port SK1 pour les modules T9110 et T9111. « Pour la

maintenance uniquement lorsqu’installé en environnement dangereux.
L’alimentation doit être coupée ou la zone exempte de concentrations
de gaz ou de vapeurs inflammables lorsqu’il est utilisé.

I/O Base Unit

An I/O base unit holds up to three I/O modules:

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Termination Assemblies

The AADvance system provides a range of termination assemblies to connect

field wiring to the I/O modules. A termination assembly is a printed circuit
equipped with screw terminal blocks for the field wiring (and in some cases
fuses) and connectors for the plug-in I/O modules. Termination assemblies
give the system designer flexibility when configuring redundant and fault
tolerant systems.

Termination assemblies come in three types: simplex, dual or triple to

accommodate one two or three I/O modules. Each termination assembly
provides connections for up to 16 channels but can accommodate 8 or 16
channel modules.

The version illustrated is a simplex termination assembly for a digital input

module. The field wiring connectors are located to the left, the fuses have a
cover (shown open) and the module sockets are to the right. Each fuse cover
has a label that identifies the fuse numbers.

Figure 7 - Single Termination Assembly

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Figure 8 - Top View

T9892 Digital Output Termination Assembly

The T9892 Terminal Assembly module operates in conjunction with the T9451
Digital Output Module and provides 8 dual configuration output channels. It
shares the same pin-out as the standard AADvance T9852 Digital Output
Terminal Assembly and has the same coding peg configuration. The difference
is that the T9892 has a separate connector for the field power input voltage
connections (the left most terminal block shown below). It also has additional
fusing to give extra protection against field faults.

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Figure 9 - T9892 Dual Termination Assembly

Backplane Electrical Ratings

To comply with UL/CSA standards use the following voltage and current
ratings for the Processor and I/O Backplanes when designing your power

IMPORTANT These are the maximum allowed electrical ratings given by UL for
the backplane load installed with the relevant TAs and modules.
They are not operating values so don't use them to calculate the
controller power consumption or heat dissipation values. Refer
to the separate topics on estimating Heat Dissipation and Power

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Table 5 - Maximum Electrical Rating Values

Back-plane Electrical Ratings
Module Input/Output Electrical Ratings
Voltage Range (Vdc) Maximum Current (mA)
T9100 18-32 10.4A (400 mA per slot) -
T9300 18-32 9.6A (400 mA per slot) -
T9110 18-32 380 -
T9401 18-32 260 Input: 18-32 Vdc @ 24 mA
T9402 18-32 260 Input: 0-32 Vdc @ 6.5 mA
T9431 18-32 260 Input: 0-32 Vdc @ 6.5 mA
T9432 18-32 260 Input: 18-32 Vdc @ 24 mA
T9481 18-32 260 Output: 18-32 Vdc/0-20 mA
T9482 18-32 260 Output: 18-32 Vdc/0-20 mA
Output: 18-32 Vdc @ 0.5 A, Pilot duty 16
T9451 18-32 165 VA, 1.5 A Inrush
T9801 18-32 6.5 -
T9802 18-32 6.5 -
T9803 18-32 6.5 -
T9831 18-32 0-24 -
T9832 18-32 0-24 -
T9833 18-32 0-24 -
T9851 18-32 500 -
T9852 18-32 500 -
T9892 18-32 500 -
T9881 18-32 0-24 -
T9882 18-32 0-24 -

Expansion Cable

This is used to add extra rows of I/O base units and modules.

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Technical Features Controller Internal Bus Structure

Internal communication between the processor modules and I/O modules is

supported by command and response busses that are routed across the
processor and I/O base units.

The processor modules acts like a communications master, sending

commands to its I/O modules and processing their returned responses. The
two command busses I/O Bus 1 and I/O Bus 2 take the commands from the
processor to the I/O modules on a multi-drop basis. An inter-processor link
(IPL) supplies the communication links between dual or triple processor

Each I/O module has a dedicated response line which returns to the processor.
The unique response line for each I/O module supplies an unambiguous
identification of the source of the I/O data and assists with fault containment.

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

Internal Diagnostics and Fault Reset

The AADvance controller contains comprehensive internal diagnostic systems

to identify faults that occur during operation and trigger warnings and status
indications. The diagnostic systems run automatically and test the system for
faults related to the controller, and field faults related to field I/O circuits.
Serious problems are reported immediately, but faults that are not on non-
critical items are filtered to help prevent spurious alarms. The diagnostic
systems monitor such items at regular times, and need a number of
occurrences of a possible fault before reporting it as a problem.

The diagnostic systems use simple LED status indications to report a problem.
The LED indications identify the module and can also identify the channel
where the fault has occurred. There is also a summary system healthy
indication for all of the controller. The application software uses its variable
structures to report a fault problem; these variables give status reports and are
configured using the AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted
SIS Workstation software.

Faults in the processor modules are none latching. The controller will recover
automatically and the fault indication will clear once the fault condition has
been removed. Faults in the I/O modules are latched. To clear them a fault reset
signal is sent from the processor module by pressing the Fault Reset button on

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

the processor module front panel. Field faults are not latched and will clear as
soon as the field fault is repaired.

When the Fault Reset button on each processor module is pressed it attempts
to clear a fault indication immediately, however, the diagnostic systems will
report a serious problem again so quickly there will be no visible change in the
fault status indications.

Remote Fault Reset

Using the AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted SIS
Workstation software, you can set up a fault reset variable to mimic pressing
the Fault Reset button on the front panel. This feature is provided for systems
in inaccessible locations. Refer to these publications for instructions on how to
set up the variable.
• AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench version 1.x,
publication ICSTT-RM405
• AADvance Controller Configuration Guide WorkBench version 2.x,
publication ICSTT-RM458
• AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation Software User Guide, publication

On-line updates I/O Configuration Changes

The AADvance controller modular design makes it easy to create and change
the I/O configuration. The on-line update facility enables you to make changes
to the I/O configuration after the system is commissioned.

An on-line update can be used for the following changes.

• Expand a system and add new I/O modules, base units and termination
• Change the module type in a simplex or group arrangement.
• Expand a simplex or group arrangement.
• Downgrade a group arrangement.
• Move a module to a different slot.
• Change an application variable.

You only have to plug an additional I/O base unit into the side socket on an
installed I/O base unit. The command busses on the I/O base units do not need
different terminations on the open ends of transmission lines, and the data
response busses and power sources are supplied across all I/O base units.
Termination assemblies are pushed into the I/O base unit for the additional I/
O modules. To put the new modules on-line and make the changes to the
system fully operational, the hardware configuration in the AADvance
Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation software must be
updated by an on-line update.

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Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

IMPORTANT An on-line update could affect the operation of the controller

such that the application is stopped or the I/O data flow is
interrupted. The AADvance Safety Manual outlines the
precautions you need to follow when doing on-line updates on a
Safety System.

When there is not sufficient space for extra I/O base units on a row you can use
the Expansion Cable to connect a new row of I/O base units and modules to
further expand the I/O system.

Hot Swap I/O for Business Critical Channels

You can add a "hot swap" capability for business critical data channels. By
installing a single I/O module into a dual TA. When a dual TA is configured you
are leaving an empty spare slot for a replacement I/O module when a fault
occurs. You can insert a new I/O module into the spare slot and restore a failed
channel without interrupting the operation of the other channels.

Configure this "hot swap" arrangement when you configure your system at
installation and set up time.

Processor Firmware Upgrades

The firmware on the T9110 processor module can be updated with the
following ControlFLASH™ files:
• T9110 ControlFLASH
• T9110 Recovery ControlFLASH

The files are available from th e Product Compatibility and Download Center
website: rok.auto/pcdc.

If the Recovery Mode firmware in the modules is not the latest version, it
should be updated first.

Before starting check that:

• RSLinx® Gateway has been installed and configured
• ControlFLASH program has been installed – minimum version 14
• The ControlFLASH files have been downloaded from the Rockwell
Automation web site and installed in the ControlFLASH program using
the DMK Extraction Tool
• IP addresses have been configured for the processor modules – use the
AADvance Discover tool installed with the AADvance Workbench
software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation software
• The T9110 processor modules have been rebooted in Recovery Mode, if
the modules are rebooted into Recovery Mode at the same time a single
ControlFLASH update will be applied to all the modules

Update procedure:
• Run the ControlFLASH program
• Select the type of module from the list

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 47

Chapter 2 The AADvance Safety Controller

• Browse to the T9110 Processor Module

• Select the version of the firmware to be installed (NOTE: it may be
necessary to tick the “Show all versions” checkbox to see the version
• Update the module
• The firmware will be downloaded and stored on the module – this will
take approximately 5 minutes
• The modules will be rebooted to confirm the firmware has been updated

Refer to document 1756-UM105 ControlFLASH firmware Upgrade Kit User

Manual in the Literature Library for detailed instructions for using

NOTE When updating the firmware, it is recommended that RSWho is

not actively browsing the T9110 Processor module.

Ethernet Communication Protocols

AADvance Ethernet ports are used to support several transport layer services;
these services are listed in the following table:

Protocol Port Number Availability Purpose

TCP 502 When configured MODBUS slave
AADvance, application downloads, update,
TCP 1132 Always available monitor, SoE, and so forth
When configured (and the Transparent Communications Interface (serial
TCP 10001- 10006 application is stopped) tunnelling)
TCP 44818 Always available CIP™ Produce & Consume
TCP 55555 Always available Telnet (diagnostic interface)
UDP 123 When configured SNTP
UDP 1123,1124 Always available SNCP bindings
Discovery and configuration protocol (DCP,
UDP 2010 Always available Rockwell Automation)
UDP 2222 When configured CIP produce and consume I/Os
When at least one P2P
UDP 5000 subnet is active on a Peer-to-peer
UDP 44818 Always available CIP produce and consume

48 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 3

Application Development

The AADvance® Workbench software or AADvance®-Trusted® SIS

Workstation software environment helps you with the task of automation
during the life-cycle of your system, from system design to commissioning and
the day to day operation and maintenance. For application development, the
AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation
software has powerful, intuitive features and functionality to enhance

This chapter introduces the AADvance Workbench software and AADvance-

Trusted SIS Workstation software, and describes basic software features.

Programming Language The AADvance Workbench software and AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation
Support software are IEC 61131-3 compliant, offering up to five of the languages of the
• Ladder diagram (graphical)
• Function block diagram (graphical)
• Structured text (textual)
• Instruction list (textual)
• Sequential function chart (graphical)

IMPORTANT AADvance Workbench software version 1.4 supports the

Instruction List (IL) language.
AADvance Workbench software version 2.x and AADvance-
Trusted SIS Workstation software do not support the IL language.

ATTENTION: The AADvance Workbench software and AADvance-Trusted

SIS Workstation software do not support the Sequential Function Chart
(SFC) language for safety-related applications.

Program Management The development environment is designed for collaborative working. A group
Facilities of engineers can work together, with shared ownership of a project. Each
contributor can simply look at the part of the application on which they wish to

Program management features let you identify each functional module

(program organization unit) and its operations, and the interactions between
modules to form the complete application. This modular construction can help
future use of code units. Engineers can debug their own modules
independently from each other.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 49

Chapter 3 Application Development

Programs can be tried and tested on the computer before downloading to the
controller hardware.

Support for Variable Types For each controller, you can declare variables using all types identified in IEC
61131-3, including Boolean, 16-bit integer (signed and unsigned) and 32-bit real.
Controller-specific types include structures to hold multiple variables for each
I/O channel type. Variables are easily imported from external databases if

Variables are found in a data dictionary. The development environment

supplies a hierarchical tree of variables and a grid-like representation of their

I/O Connection (Addressing To show the links between the hardware-independent logical variables of the
of Physical I/O) AADvance application program and the physical I/O channel available on the
controller, the AADvance Workbench software and AADvance-Trusted SIS
Workstation software have a powerful I/O connection editor. I/O channel links
are easily identified between the logical programming and the I/O wiring
configuration. The I/O configuration can be tested separately from the
application execution such that each module can be debugged separately.

Any I/O device can be represented as a single module or a group of redundant

modules. Different data types are accommodated. You can work directly on a
pre-defined I/O configuration, expand and change the configuration, and the
AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation
software fully supports directly represented I/O variables as described in the
IEC 61131-3 standard.

Off-line Simulation and An engineer can validate a full application off-line, without the target
Testing hardware platform. The powerful simulator within the development
environment can do structural and functional tests of each module and of the
full application.

Application Program The AADvance controller includes a Program Enable key that protects the
Security application from access that has not been approved for change. The key must
be fitted to the KEY connector on the T9100 processor base unit before you can
download and make changes to an application. The program enable key is
supplied with the processor base unit and is fitted as shown.

50 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 3 Application Development

Use security features such as password-protection for AADvance Workbench

software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation software projects and firewall

Aids to Software The development environment automatically verifies the syntax of the source
Development code entered in each of its supported languages. It performs checks at each
stage of development, correcting or prompting the user with the correct use of
the language. There is also extensive on-line help, which includes a cross-
referenced explanation of the IEC 61131-3 standard.

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Chapter 3 Application Development


52 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 4

Before You Begin

This chapter lists important information that should be read before starting to
build the system. It covers preparatory information that you should read tasks
you should complete for a successful installation.

Required Tools Standard The installation and maintenance of the AADvance® controller requires the
AADvance following tools and test equipment:

Standard Tools
• Screwdriver, flat 0.8 mm x 9.0 mm (1/25 inch x 3/8 inch), for the module
clamp screws and blanking covers
• Screwdriver, flat 0.6 mm x 3.0 mm (1/40 inch x 1/8 inch), or a similar that
will open fuse covers on termination assemblies.
• Screwdriver, cross head number 0, for battery cover on T9110 processor
• Screwdriver, flat 0.8 mm x 4.0 mm (1/25 inch x 5/32 inch), for screws on
extension cables
• Torque screwdriver, flat 0.6 mm x 3.0 mm (1/40 inch x 1/8 inch), for dc
power wiring terminals
• Torque screwdriver, flat 0.4 mm x 2.0 mm (1/64 inch x 5/64 inch), for field
wiring terminals
• 2 x wrench, open end, 10 mm, for ground stud nuts
• Allen key (hex wrench), 2.5 mm, for plug and sockets assemblies used
with extension cables

Special Tools
• Long nosed pliers to remove the fuses on termination assemblies.
• Digital voltmeter, for troubleshooting activities
• Resistor 1k8, for troubleshooting analogue input modules
• Resistor 1k 1W, for troubleshooting digital output modules
• Resistor 250R 1W, for troubleshooting analogue output modules

Specifying an Enclosure When the system is installed in an enclosure it must meet the UL508
requirements for the installation environment; hold the modules securely,
provide mechanical protection and should not interfere with other system
components. The enclosure must also be able to handle the heat dissipated by
the modules and other components/devices included in the same enclosure.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 53

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

Maximum Enclosure Air Temperature


The maximum air temperature rating in an enclosure where standard
AADvance processor and I/O modules are installed to support
predictable reliability is +70 °C (+158 °F) for I/O Modules and +60 °C
(+140 °F) for Processor modules. System and field power
consumption by modules and termination assemblies is dissipated
as heat. You should consider this heat dissipation during the design
and positioning of your enclosure; e.g. enclosures exposed to
continuous sunlight will have a higher internal temperature that
could affect the operating temperature of the modules. Modules
operating at the extremes of the temperature band for a continuous
period can have a reduced reliability.


La température ambiante nominale maximum dans une enceinte où un
processeur AADvance et des modules d’E/S standard sont installés pour
assurer une fiabilité prévisible, est de +70 ºC (+158 °F) pour modules d’E/
S et de +60 °C (+140 °F) pour un processeur modules. La consommation
électrique du système et du terrain par les modules et les ensembles de
raccordement est dissipée sous forme de chaleur. Vous devez tenir
compte de l’effet de la dissipation thermique lors de conception et de
disposition de votre enceinte, par exemple, des enceintes
continuellement exposées à la lumière solaire auront une température
interne plus élévée qui pourrait accroître la température de
fonctionnement des modules. La fiabilité des modules fonctionnant aux
limites extrêmes de la plage de température pendant une période
prolongée peut être réduite.

Enclosure Requirements for a Non-hazardous Environment

ATTENTION: An AADvance system must be installed in an IP54 enclosure
for use in a Pollution Degree 2 environment or similar in accordance
with IEC 60664-1: 2007

ATTENTION: Un système AADvance doit être installé dans une enceinte

normalisée IP 54 si l’environnement est classé en degré de pollution 2
conformément à la norme CEI 60664-1: 2007

Pollution Degree Definition

For the purpose of evaluating creepage distances and clearances, the following
four degrees of pollution in the micro-environment are established:
• Pollution Degree 1: No pollution or only dry pollution occurs. The
pollution has no influence.
• Pollution Degree 2: Only non-conductive pollution occurs except that
occasionally a temporary conductivity caused by condensation is to be
• Pollution Degree 3: Conductive pollution occurs or dry non-conductive
pollution occurs which becomes conductive due to condensation which is
to be expected.
54 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021
Chapter 4 Before You Begin

• Pollution Degree 4: Continuous conductivity occurs due to conductive

dust, rain or other wet conditions.

Enclosure Requirements for a Hazardous Environment - Class I,

Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D

The enclosure must comply with the following UL requirements.

WARNING: Special Conditions for Safe Use

• Models T9110: The ambient temperature range is -25 °C to +60 °C (-13 °F
to +140 °F).
• All other Models: the ambient temperature range is -25 °C to +70 °C (-13
°F to +158 °F).
• Subject devices are to be installed in an ATEX/IECEx Certified, IP54, tool
accessible enclosure that has been evaluated to the requirements of EN
60079-0: 2012 + A11:2013, EN 60079-15: 2010/ IEC 60079 -0 Ed 6 and IEC
60079-15 Ed 4. Enclosure is to be marked with the following: "Warning -
Do not open when energized". After installation of subject devices into
the enclosure, access to termination compartments shall be
dimensioned so that conductors can be readily connected. Grounding
conductor should have a minimum cross sectional area of 3.31 mm²
• Subject devices are for use in an area of not more than pollution degree
2 in accordance with IEC 60664-1.
• Subject devices are to use conductors with a minimum conductor
temperature rating of 85 °C.
• Subject devices are to be installed in the vertical orientation only.

AVERTISSEMENT: Conditions spéciales pour une utilisation sûre

• Modèles T9110: la plage de température ambiante est de -25 °C à +60
• Pour tous les autres modèles: la plage de température est de -25 °C à
+70 °C;
• Les dispositifs concernés doivent être installés dans une enceinte
certifiée ATEX/CEIEx, IP54, accessible à l’aide d’un outil et qui a été
évaluée conforme aux exigences des normes EN 60079-0: 2012 +
A11:2013, EN 60079-15: 2010/IEC 60079-0 Ed 6 and IEC 60079-15 ed 4.
Le marquage suivant doit être apposé sur l’enceinte : «
Avertissement – Ne pas ouvrir sous tension ». Après l’installation des
dispositifs concernés dans l’enceinte, l’accès aux compartiments de
raccordement sera dimensionné de façon à faciliter le raccordement
des conducteurs. Le conducteur de mise à la terre devra avoir une
section minimale de 3,31 mm².
• Les dispositifs concernés sont utilisables dans un environnement
présentant un degré de pollution 2 au maximum conformément à la
norme CEI 60664-1 ;
• Les dipositifs concernés doivent utiliser des conducteurs avec une
température nominale minimum de +85 °C ;
• Les dispositifs concernés doivent être installés verticalement


Do not connect or disconnect equipment while the circuit is live or
unless the area is known to be free of ignitable concentrations or

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 55

Chapter 4 Before You Begin


Ne pas connecter ou déconnecter l’équipement alors qu’il est sous
tension, sauf si l’environnement est exempt de concentrations
inflammables ou équivalente

WARNING: Substitution of any component may impair suitability for Class I,

Division 2 or equivalent.

AVERTISSEMENT: La substitution de composants peut rendre impropre à

l’utilisation en Classe I, Division 2 ou équivalente.

CAUTION: For AADvance modules T9110, T9801,- T9803, T9831- T9833,

T9851, T9852, T9892, T9881 and T9882 a disconnect suitable for the location
where they are installed shall be provided to allow for removal of power from
the fuses before replacement.

ATTENTION: Pour les modules AADvance T9110, T9801,- T9803, T9831-

T9833, T9851, T9852, T9892, T9881 et T9882, un sectionneur adapté à
l’environnement où ils sont installés devra être fourni pour couper
l’alimentation en amont des fusibles avant leur remplacement.

Controller Mounting

An AADvance controller and I/O bases can be mounted using one of two
• A pair of parallel TS35 DIN rails.
• Panel mounted using three holes on each base.

Free Space around the Controller

Whichever mounting method is used the minimum depth from the rear
mounting panel to the front panel and space around the base units are shown
in the illustration, if you wish to mount the controller on DIN rails, increase
this allowance by the increased depth of the DIN rails. The DIN rails must be
TS35 rail, which is a 35mm × 7.5mm standard symmetric rail.

You must have sufficient free space around the base units to allow for the
• Space above, to adjust and install field wiring.
• Space below, to let modules fit and to be able to hold a module during
• Space to the right of the last base unit in the row, to move an I/O base
unit during assembly or if you are installing a new base unit.

56 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

If an expansion cable is to connect to the left-most base unit, the controller also
needs space to the left, to fit the expansion cable adapter.

This illustration (Figure 10) shows the minimum recommended clearances

and rail positions for DIN rail mounting. The clearances also apply to flat panel

Figure 10 - Free Space for Din Rails Fitting


Each base unit (2 shown)

occupies 126mm width.

The flat panel drilling holes are shown in the illustration (Figure 11) below:

Figure 11 - Flat Panel Mounting

126 mm 126 mm

19 mm
88 mm
MIN 57 mm

HOLE ‘A’ 7 mm

171 mm

MIN 256 mm

Minimum 50 mm
Clearance Minimum Clearance
50 mm 19 mm
30 mm


Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 57

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

With reference to Figure 11 - Flat Panel Mounting, three mounting units are
illustrated above.

Drill three holes per base unit to suit M5 screws.

The screws are positioned with reference to the datum Hole A, which is shown
on Figure 11 above.
• Set Dimension ‘X’ to suit number of base units:
• Min 157 mm for 1 base unit
• Min 283 mm for 2 base units
• Min 409 mm for 3 base units
• Add 126 mm for each additional base unit


The maximum air temperature rating in an enclosure where standard
AADvance processor and I/O modules are installed to support
predictable reliability is 70 ºC (158 °F) for I/O modules and 60 °C (140
°F) for processor modules. System and field power consumption by
modules and termination assemblies is dissipated as heat. You
should consider the effect of heat dissipation on the design and
positioning of your enclosure; e.g. enclosures exposed to continuous
sunlight will have a higher internal temperature that could increase
the operating temperature of the modules. Modules operating at the
extremes of the temperature band for a continuous period can have
a reduced reliability.


La température ambiante nominale maximum dans une enceinte où un
processeur AADvance et des modules d’E/S standard sont installés pour
assurer une fiabilité prévisible, est de 70 ºC (158 °F) pour modules d’E/S
et de 60 °C (140 °F) pour processeur. La consommation électrique du
système et du terrain par les modules et les ensembles de
raccordement est dissipée sous forme de chaleur. Vous devez tenir
compte de l’effet de la dissipation thermique lors de conception et de
disposition de votre enceinte, par exemple, des enceintes
continuellement exposées à la lumière solaire auront une température
interne plus élévée qui pourrait accroître la température de
fonctionnement des modules. La fiabilité des modules fonctionnant aux
limites extrêmes de la plage de température pendant une période
prolongée peut être réduite.

Base Units Rows and Expansion Cables

AADvance T9300 I/O base units connect to the right hand side of the T9100
processor base unit (I/O Bus 1) and to the right hand side of other T9300 I/O
base units by a direct plug and socket connection. The I/O base units connect
to the left hand side of the processor base unit by using the T9310 expansion
cable (I/O Bus 2). The expansion cable also connects the right hand side of I/O
base units to the left hand side of other I/O base units to install extra rows of I/
O base units. Base units are secured in place by top and bottom clips that are
inserted into the slots on each base unit.

58 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

Figure 12 - Connecting Base Units with Expansion Cables

The expansion bus accessed from the right hand edge of the T9100 processor
base unit is designated I/O Bus 1, while the bus accessed from the left hand
edge is designated I/O Bus 2. The module positions (slots) in the I/O base units
are numbered from 01 to 24, the left most position being slot 01. Any individual
module position within the controller can thus be uniquely identified by the
combination of its bus and slot numbers, for example 1-01.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 59

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

The electrical characteristics of the I/O bus interface limit the maximum
possible length of either of the two I/O buses (the combination of I/O base
units and expansion cables) to 8 meters (26.24 ft.).

NOTE The T9310 Expansion Cable is 2 m (6.56 ft.).

Adding Field Cable Management

The field, power and other system wiring will be connected to terminals along
the top of the base units. It is recommended a length of cable trunking or the
equivalent be put above each set of base units, for cable management.

Figure 13 - Field Wiring Connections

System Power A controller's system power should be supplied from two different 24 Vdc
Requirements (Nominal) power supplies with a common return path; that is, the 0 V return
will be the same between the power feeds. Each controller also requires an
external field power source for the field loops.

WARNING: A controller system must be installed with a power network that

is designed to meet over voltage Category II

60 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

This means that a controller must be supplied with system power from a power
source that complies with SELV and PELV standards.
• SELV (safety extra-low voltage) is a voltage which is no larger than 30
Vrms, 42.4 Vpeak and 60 Vdc between conductors, or between each
conductor and earth in a circuit which is isolated from the line voltage by
a safety transformer.
• PELV (protected extra-low voltage) is an extra low voltage circuit with a
protective partition from other circuits which has a protective earth

To satisfy SELV and PELV requirements the power source must have a safety
transformer with a protective partition between the primary and secondary
windings so that the windings are galvanic and electrically isolated.

Power Supply and Power Distribution Requirements

The power supplies and power distribution, if incorrectly designed, are a
possible electrical or fire safety hazard and can contribute to common cause
failure. It is therefore necessary to:
• Establish the power philosophy, specific earthing philosophy, power
requirements, and the separation requirements where items of
equipment are separately supplied, for example system internal supplies
and field loop supplies.
• Make sure that the chosen Power Supply Units (PSUs) are compatible
with the power feeds supplied. Alternatively, measures must be put in
place to make sure that the power feeds stay within the specifications of
the PSUs.
• Define the power distribution requirements, together with the protective
philosophy for each distribution; for example, current limited at source
or protective devices. Where protective devices are used, it is important
to find out that sufficient current will be available to make sure their
protective action and the protective device can break the maximum
prospective fault current.
• Make sure that the power supplies are sufficient to meet the system load
and for any foreseeable load requirements and load transients.
• Make sure that the power supplies have a minimum hold up time of 10
• Make sure that the power distribution cabling is sized to allow the
maximum prospective fault currents and tolerable voltage losses. This is
specifically important where floating supplies are employed and other
power sources can cause high prospective fault currents if multiple earth
faults occur.

Controller Power Supply Requirements

A controller requires the following power supply sources:

• A dual redundant power supply of + 24 Vdc with an operating range of 18
Vdc to 32 Vdc. The AADvance controller is designed to accept supply
transient and interference according to IEC 61131 part 2.

An over current fault in the controller must not cause the system to lose power.
Consequently, the power sources must be able to supply the peak current to
open any over current protection devices (such as fuses) without failing.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 61

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

The power supply protection of the controller is in the modules, the power
distribution arrangement must have a circuit breaker on the input side of each
power source. The controller is designed to be resistant to a reverse polarity
connection without permanent damage.

The power sources must come from a commercially available industrial un-
interruptible power supply (UPS) system. An applicable UPS must have the
capacity sufficient to satisfy the entire system load (including field devices and
the controller) and an applicable contingency allowance for projected future

WARNING: The power supplies must satisfy the electrical requirements

and tests specified in IEC 61131 EN 61010-1 and EN 60950 and must be big
enough for the system requirements.

Power Arrangements for Field Devices

Output modules use an external source of power for field devices. This may be
the power source used for the controller or a separate power source.
• For digital and analogue outputs a field power supply of +24 Vdc within a
range of 18-32 Vdc is required.

Recommended field circuits are given for each type of I/O module later in the
section "Connecting Field Wiring".

IMPORTANT It is highly recommended that the negative side of the field

supply be connected to earth (ground). This will avoid possible
fail danger conditions that can be caused by some earth fault
monitors used with floating power supplies.

Power Distribution Protection

The power distribution circuit for each field input and for each output module
must be protected, externally to the controller. Rockwell Automation
recommend that power distribution must meet national and local panel wiring
protection standards.

Digital Output Field Power

Special fusing arrangements are required for Digital Output field supplies for
UL, ATEX and IECEx approved installations, (see topic on field loops for
Digital Output Modules).

Estimating Power To estimate the power supply requirements (power supply sizing) you need to
Consumption know the power consumption of all the modules. Use the following table to
estimate the system power consumption.

62 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

Table 6 - Module Supply Power Consumption

Number of Power Consumption
Item Subtotal
T9110 Processor Module × 8.0 W =
T9401 Digital Input Module 24 Vdc, 8 channel × 3.3 W =
T9402 Digital Input Module 24 Vdc, 16 channel × 4.0 W =
T9431 Analogue Input Module, 8 channel × 3.3 W =
T9432 Analogue Input Module, 16 channel × 4.0 W =
T9451 Digital Output Module, 24 Vdc, 8 channel × 3.0 W =
T9482 Analogue Output Module, 8 channel, isolated × 3.6 W =


IMPORTANT The above figures are worst case values calculated from the
range of operating voltages and currents. If your system is
required to meet UL/CSA standards the power consumption and
the corresponding electrical ratings must not exceed the
maximum electrical ratings given in the table included in the
topic "Backplane Electrical Ratings".

Field Power Consumption

To estimate overall controller power dissipation it is necessary to include the

field power component dissipated within the controller. Refer to the table
"Field Loop Power Heat Dissipation". The field power requirements should be
calculated separately and is dependent on the number and type of field
elements. Refer to the specifications for the Digital and Analogue output
modules for details of the channel output electrical specifications.

System Design The controller is designed to operate in its specified environment without
Considerations for Heat forced air cooling. However, forced air cooling may be needed in individual
circumstances when the controller shares its enclosure with other heat
Dissipation and Cooling producing equipment and the internal temperature could exceed the
recommended operating temperature range.

Module Orientation

Rockwell only recommend that modules are oriented vertically, if modules are
mounted in any other orientation then specific temperature tests must be
done to achieve reliable and predictable operation.

Maximum Air Temperature

The maximum air temperature rating in an enclosure where AADvance

modules are installed to support predictable operation is 70 °C (158 ° F).

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Chapter 4 Before You Begin

Estimate Heat Dissipation

The heat in the enclosure is generated from several sources such as the power
supplies, the AADvance modules and some of the field loop power. Use the
following calculation and the data given in the tables to estimate the overall
heat dissipation:
• Power supply consumption (Watts x (100-efficiency) (%) + the sum of the
system power consumed by the modules + part of the field power that is
in the enclosure.

The following module power dissipation values are worst case values over the
range of operating voltages and currents.

Table 7 - Module Supply Power Heat Dissipation

Number of Module Power Subtotal
Item Modules Heat Dissipation (W/BTU/hr)
T9110 Processor Module × 8.0 W (27.3 BTU/hr.) =
T9401 Digital Input Module 24 Vdc, 8 channel × 3.3 W (11.3 BTU/hr.) =
T9402 Digital Input Module 24 Vdc, 16 channel × 4.0 W (13.6 BTU/hr.) =
T9431 Analogue Input Module, 8 channel × 3.3 W (11.3 BTU/hr.) =
T9432 Analogue Input Module, 16 channel × 4.0 W (13.6 BTU/hr.) =
T9451 Digital Output Module, 24 Vdc, 8 channel × 3.0 W (10.2 BTU/hr.) =
T9482 Analogue Output Module, 8 channel, × 3.6 W (12.3 BTU/hr.) =


The field loop power heat dissipation is generated from the input voltages and
currents + the output currents:

Table 8 - Field Loop Power Heat Dissipation

Number of Field Loop Power Subtotal
Item Field Loops Heat Dissipation (W x 3.412 BTU/hr)
Digital Inputs × Input Voltage (V)/5125 =
Analogue Inputs × Input current (A) x 135 =
Digital Outputs x Output current (A) x 0.57 =
x (Field voltage(V) x Output
Analogue outputs Current (A) - load Resistance =
() x Output current (A) 1


The maximum field loop power heat dissipation for analogue outputs should
be calculated at an output current corresponding to the smaller of the
Maximum Channel Output Current OR Field Voltage/(2 x Load Resistance)

Estimate AADvance Use the following table to make an estimate of the weight of your controller.
Controller Weight

64 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

Table 9 - AADvance Controller Module Weight

Number Weight Allowance g
Item Subtotal
Used (oz.)
T9100 Processor Base Unit × 460 g (16 oz.)
T9110 Processor Module × 430 g (15 oz.)
T9401 Digital input module, 24 Vdc, 8 channel × 280 g (10 oz.)
T9402 Digital input module, 24 Vdc, 16 channel × 340 g (12 oz.)
T9431 Analogue input module, 8 channel × 280 g (10 oz.)
T9432 Analogue input module, 16 channel × 340 g (12 oz.)
T9451 Digital output module, 24 Vdc, 8 channel × 340 g (12 oz.)
T9482 Analogue output module, 8 channel × 290 g (10.5 oz.)
T9300 I/O base unit (3 way) × 133 g (5 oz.)
T98x1 Simplex Termination assembly × 133 g (5 oz.)
T98x2 Dual Termination Assembly × 260 g (10 oz.)
T98x3 Triple Termination Assembly × 360 g (13 oz.)
T9310 Expansion cable assembly and 2 m cable × 670 g (24 oz.)
T9841 Termination Assemblies (average weight) × 175 g (6 oz.)

Total estimated controller weight

Estimating Center of If it is necessary to calculate the location of the center of gravity of an

Gravity Information AADvance controller destined for a maritime or other shock-mounted
application, it is reasonable to assume the center of gravity of each assembly of
modules and their base unit is at the geometric center of the assembly.

Design Considerations for Electrical Grounding

All applications of the controller will require at least two separate ground
(earth) systems:
• An AC safety ground (sometimes called the 'dirty ground') to protect
people in the event of a fault. The ground stud on the T9100 processor
base unit, and all exposed metalwork such as DIN rails, will be bonded to
the AC safety ground.
• An instrument ground (sometimes called the 'clean ground' or the
'0 Vdc ground') to provide a good stable 0 V reference for the system.
Every signal return will be referenced to the instrument ground. The
instrument ground will be isolated from the AC safety ground.

The AC safety ground and the instrument ground will usually be made
available through bus-bars. Bus-bars must be of copper; they may be nickel
plated. For a small application, you may use ground studs instead of bus-bars.

Some field wiring, such as communications cables, will need shielded

(screened) cable. There may be a shield ground, in addition to the AC safety
and instrument grounds, to provide a common point to terminate shields of
such cables. The shield ground will usually be connected to the AC safety
ground; or, more rarely, to the instrument ground. In practice, the continuity
of the shield connections will be more important than the goodness of the
ground connection provided.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 65

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

The controller input and output modules incorporate galvanic isolation.

Nevertheless, it is possible that a particular application will require the
provision of barrier strips with galvanic isolation, for example to provide
consistency with an existing installation. In these cases, there may be a
separate intrinsic safety ground as well.

Specify software For information about supported operating systems and other software
requirements product version support, refer to product release notes from the Product
Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC): rok.auto/pcdc.

Design Considerations for Maintenance Activities

Maintenance Activities
The design of the installation must allow preventive and corrective
maintenance activities to take place. Corrective maintenance tasks will
embrace the identification and renewal of defective modules and other
assemblies and, when exhausted, renewal of the back-up battery within the
T9110 processor module.

Fuses on the termination assemblies can be replaced so access to the fuses is

required. There are no user-serviceable parts inside modules therefore repair
is by replacement; defective modules should be returned to Rockwell
Automation for investigation and repair.


Do not connect or disconnect equipment, while the circuit is live or
unless the area is known to be free of ignitable concentrations or


Ne pas connecter ou déconnecter l’équipement alors qu’il est sous
tension, sauf si l’environnement est exempt de concentrations
inflammables ou équivalente.

Design Provisions

The design of the controller installation should make the following provisions:
• Clear access to remove and install modules, termination assemblies, base
units and security dongle (Program Enable key). Repair of controller
modules will be by module replacement.

66 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

A way for plant operations personnel to inspect the status LEDs on each module. The status LEDs report faults.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 67

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

Clear access to examine, remove and install fuses located on the termination assemblies.

68 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

Clear access to terminals and connectors for field, power and network wiring, and access to the wiring itself.

Clear access to the Security Dongle (Program Enable Key)

In addition, it may be appropriate to make the following provisions:

• A lock on the door of the enclosure, to deter unauthorized access and
possible unofficial modifications.
• Lighting.
• Utility sockets.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 69

Chapter 4 Before You Begin

Connecting the AADvance The T9100 processor base unit has six auto-sensing 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet
Controller to the Network ports which allow it to connect to a local area network through standard Rj45
Ethernet cable. These are two ports for each processor module.

If a direct connection is required from the controller to the computer (for

example, during setting up) use a crossover cable. This will depend on the
characteristics of the network interface in the PC.

Figure 14 - Wiring for 100BASE-TX Ethernet Crossover Cable

The fixed connectors on the controller are RJ45 sockets. Use Cat5e (enhanced)
cables with RJ45 modular plugs for the network cabling.

Connect the network cables to the sockets on the T9100 processor base unit.
• For each network connection, insert the RJ45 modular plug on the cable
into the appropriate socket.
• Make sure the length of the cable does not exceed 100m (328 ft).

Refer to the illustration for an example.

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Chapter 4 Before You Begin

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Chapter 4 Before You Begin


72 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5

Install the AADvance System

The system installation defines the steps that will verify that the system is
correctly installed and ready for the on-site factory tests before the system is
brought on-line. This chapter describes how to install the AADvance® system
hardware into the chosen enclosure.

WARNING: In addition to the installation guidelines given in this chapter

you must also use installation and commissioning procedures that obey the
rules and standards of the country of installation. These standards can
include for example, IEC 61511, NFPA72 and ISA 84.00.01 depending on the

Unpacking and The components are packed to make sure they arrive undamaged and ready
Preassembly Checks for assembly. Nevertheless, you should inspect all modules before beginning
the assembly work.

On receipt, carefully inspect all the shipping cartons for damage.

• If any cartons are damaged, note the damage on the carrier's shipping
document before signing it. Save any damaged cartons for inspection by
the carrier.
• If any part of the delivered components has been damaged during
shipping, notify the carrier and Rockwell Automation immediately.

Damaged goods must be returned Rockwell Automation for repair or

replacement (see Warranty and Returns instructions with delivery

CAUTION: Handling Modules Stored at Extreme Temperatures:

It is recommended that modules removed from storage should be
allowed to normalize their temperature before installation. This is
particularly important when modules have been stored at very low
temperatures where condensation can occur. Remove the modules
and place them in an upright position and wipe away any
condensation that might appear on the modules.
Failure to follow these recommendations could lead to damage to
modules or incorrect operation when installed into a running system.

Install Base Units and The following illustration shows how to it the backplanes on to Din rails and
Termination Assemblies: use the retaining clips and lever to hold them in position.
Enclosure DIN Rail
Assembly Method
Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 73
Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Figure 15 - Fit I/O Base Unit onto DIN Rails

IMPORTANT Fit the rubber connector protection cover to exposed connectors

that are not joined to another base unit.

For a system build that uses DIN rails do the following:

1. Install the DIN rails.
• The AADvance controller will be mounted onto one or more pairs of
parallel DIN rails. For each pair of rails, mount the lower rail with its
center line 101.0mm below the center line of the upper rail. M5 thread
rolling screws are suitable.
2. Mount the T9100 processor base unit
• Place the T9100 processor base unit onto the DIN rails and position it
towards the left, leaving space for the T9300 I/O base units to the right.
• Secure the processor base unit onto the DIN rails by sliding the
retaining lever (below the base unit) to the left.
3. Mount each T9300 I/O base unit
• Place a T9300 I/O base unit onto the DIN rails to the right of the T9100
processor base unit.

74 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

• Slide the I/O base unit to the left until the joining connectors are fully
• Insert the retaining clips at the top and bottom of the base units.
• Secure the I/O base unit onto the DIN rails by sliding the retaining
lever (below the base unit) to the left. Then insert the backplane clips
into the top and the bottom slots.
4. Mount end stops onto DIN rails.
• Install two end stops onto the upper DIN rail, one at each end of the

Fitting Termination Assemblies

Figure 16 - How to Fit Termination Assemblies

1. To fit termination assemblies do the following:

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 75
Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

• Insert the retaining clip on the back of the termination assembly into
the slot on the I/O base unit. Press the termination assembly onto the
base unit and then slide the assembly upwards as far as it will go.
• Make sure the retaining tab clips over the printed circuit board to
secure the termination assembly in position.
2. Check coding pegs.
• Observe the legend on the T9100 processor base unit (and repeated on
some termination assemblies) which defines the six possible positions
for a coding peg. The positions are numbered from 1 to 6.

• Examine a coding peg (fitted) and identify the index recess on the
hexagonal flange.

• Refer to the following table and verify each coding peg is fitted so its
index recess is adjacent to the relevant numbered position.

76 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Allocations of Coding Pegs

Coding pegs are assigned to each module type as shown in the following table:

Application Key A Key B Key C

T9100 processor base unit 1 1 1
(for T9110 processor module)
T9801/2/3 digital input termination assemblies 2 1 1
(for digital input modules)
T9831/2/3 analogue input termination assemblies 2 1 3
(for analogue input modules)
T9851/2 digital output termination assemblies 3 1 1
(for digital output modules)
T9842/1 analogue output module 3 1 2

This example shows pins set to positions 2, 1, 1 for a T9401 digital input module.

Connect the AC Safety The T9100 processor base unit has a ground stud which must be connected to
Ground Connection the AC safety ground. Connect the ground stud to the AC safety ground bus-
bar of the system or panel.
• Conductor wire must be a minimum of 12 AWG (3.31 mm2) with a
temperature rating of 85 ºC.
• Use a M6 lug on the end of the ground wire.
• Place the lug below the second nut on the ground stud, between two
washers, and use two 10mm wrenches to tighten the nuts to a torque of
1.2 Nm to 2 Nm (0.88 lb./ft. to 1.48 lb./ft.).

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 77

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Refer to the photograph of the 24 Vdc Power Connectors the earth stud is
shown between the two power leads.

Connect the 24 Vdc System The dual redundant +24 Vdc system power, taken from the chosen power
Power to an AADvance source, is connected to the controller at two plugs labeled PWR-1 and PWR-2
on the processor base unit:

The processor base unit has a link between the +24 Vdc connections to the
center terminal of each connector PWR-1 and PWR-2. This link may be useful
to connect the +24 Vdc supply to further devices:

78 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

24 Vdc Power Connectors

For each power supply connection, do the following:

• Connect the negative line from the power supply, typically labeled '0 V',
to the left-hand terminal.
• Connect the positive line from the power supply, typically labeled '+24 V',
to the right-hand terminal.
• Apply a minimum tightening torque of 0.5 Nm (0.37 ft. lb.) to the
terminal screws.

IMPORTANT Make sure that PWR-1 and PWR-2 are supplied from independent
24 Vdc sources.

Procedure to Connect Serial The serial ports (S1-1 and S1-2; S2-1 and S2-2; S3-1 and S3-2) support the
Communications Cabling following signal modes depending on use:

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

• RS485fd: A four-wire full duplex connection that features different

busses for transmit and receive. This selection must also be used when
the controller is acting as a MODBUS Master using the optional four-
wire definition specified in Section 3.3.3 of the MODBUS-over-serial
• RS485fdmux: A four-wire full-duplex connection with tri-state outputs
on the transmit connections. This must be used when the controller is
acting as a MODBUS Slave on a four-wire bus.
• RS485hdmux: A two-wire half duplex connection applicable for master
slave or slave use. This is shown in the MODBUS-over-serial standard.

Each processor uses the two serial ports above it on the baseplate. Data is not
mirrored between ports. Therefore a single processor system has two ports
available, a dual processor system has four ports and a triple processor system
has six ports available to it.

Connect the serial communications cabling to the six plugs labeled S1-1
through S3-2 on the T9100 processor base unit.
• For each serial communications connection, connect the cabling
according to the following Serial Communications Illustration.
• Apply a minimum tightening torque of 0.22 Nm (0.16 ft. lb.) to the
terminal screws.
• Make sure the length of the cable does not exceed 1,200 m (3,900 ft.).
Serial Communications Illustration

Terminal Function Description (4-wire)(1) Function Description (2-wire)(1)

TRX_A Receive data A (inverting) Transmit/receive data A (inverting)
Transmit/receive data B (non-
TRX_B Receive data B (non-inverting) inverting)

80 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Terminal Function Description (4-wire)(1) Function Description (2-wire)(1)

0V Instrument ground (signal ground) Instrument ground
TX_B Transmit data B (non-inverting) not used
TX_A Transmit data A (inverting) not used
(1) The line functions shown in the table ("receive" and "transmit") are with respect to the processor base unit.

NOTE To connect to the external communication link you should

terminate the receive end of the twisted pairs with a 120 Ω
resistor in series with a 68nF capacitor at the receiver ends.

Connecting MODBUS Slave Devices to Serial Ports

You can use a full duplex or a half-duplex connection for a MODBUS Slave
device on a serial port.

Connect a Slave Device, Full Duplex

You can use a full duplex serial connection to connect one MODBUS Slave
device to the AADvance controller. To make the physical connection, do the

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

1. Select an applicable cable. We recommend 3-pair, overall shielded cable.

2. Remove the serial port connector from the T9100 processor base unit.
3. Make the connections shown in the illustration. Terminate the twisted
pairs with a 120  resistor in series with a 68 nF capacitor at the receiver
4. Connect the signal ground (not illustrated) from the 0 V terminal to the
slave device.

IMPORTANT Do not connect the signal ground to the AC safety ground.

5. Insert the connector into the T9100 processor base unit.

Connect Multiple Slave Devices, Full Duplex

You can use a full duplex serial connection to connect multiple MODBUS Slave
devices to the AADvance controller. To make the physical connection, do the

82 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

1. Select an applicable cable. We recommend 3-pair, overall shielded cable.

2. Remove the serial port connector from the T9100 processor base unit.
3. Make the connections shown in the illustration. Terminate the twisted
pairs with a 120  resistor in series with a 68 nF capacitor at the receiver
4. Connect the signal ground (not illustrated) from the 0 V terminal to the
slave device.

IMPORTANT Do not connect the signal ground to the AC safety ground.

5. Insert the connector into the T9100 processor base unit.

Connect a Slave Device, Half Duplex

You can use a half duplex serial connection to connect a single MODBUS Slave
device to the AADvance controller. To make the physical connection, do the

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 83

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

1. Select an applicable cable. We recommend 3-pair, overall shielded cable.

2. Remove the serial port connector from the T9100 processor base unit.
3. Make the connections shown in the illustration. Terminate the twisted
pairs with a 120  resistor in series with a 68 nF capacitor at the receiver
4. Connect the signal ground (not illustrated) from the 0 V terminal to the
slave device.

IMPORTANT Do not connect the signal ground to the AC safety ground.

5. Insert the connector into the T9100 processor base unit.

Connect Multiple Slave Devices, Half Duplex

You can use a half duplex serial connection to connect multiple MODBUS Slave
devices to the AADvance controller. To make the physical connection, do the

84 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

1. Select an applicable cable. We recommend 3-pair, overall shielded cable.

2. Remove the serial port connector from the T9100 processor base unit.
3. Make the connections shown in the illustration. Terminate the twisted
pairs with a 120  resistor in series with a 68 nF capacitor at the receiver
4. Connect the signal ground (not illustrated) from the 0 V terminal to the
slave device.

IMPORTANT Do not connect the signal ground to the AC safety ground.

5. Insert the connector into the T9100 processor base unit.

System Security Serial networks are closed and local and have limited protocol functionality, so
they are immune to any external attack apart from local deliberate sabotage.
The AADvance system, however, with its computers and DCS interfaces, uses
Ethernet networks which are frequently part of a larger corporate network and
can expose the system to accidental or malicious infection or attack.

These steps help prevent such issues:

• Consider network and computer security, for example:

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 85

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

• The AADvance system must not be on a network with open unsecured

access to the Internet.
• The Firewall must be active on the computer, helping prevent access to
the relevant Ethernet ports on each communication interface. Anti-
virus software must be installed and be kept up-to-date.

IMPORTANT Firewalls have been known to change the operation of the

AADvance Discover tool.
• The computer must be password-protected. If using a laptop, keep the
laptop locked when not in use.
• If the software uses a hardware license USB dongle, keep the USB
dongle secure. The software will not run without the USB dongle.
• The application must be password-protected.
• Removable media, such as USB storage devices and CDs, must be virus
checked before use in the system.

Connecting Field Wiring Connect the field wiring to the screw terminal blocks on the termination

Use conductor wire with a cross section of 16 AWG. The stripping length
should be 6mm (1/4 in.) and a conductor temperature rating of 85 ºC. Apply a
tightening torque of 0.5 Nm (0.37 ft. lb.) to the terminal screws.

Digital Input Field Loop Circuits

Recommended Field Loop Circuits

This section contains recommended field loop circuits for line monitoring
digital inputs used in Emergency Shutdown or Fire & Gas applications.

86 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Field Loop Circuit for Digital Input

Field Loop Circuit for Line Monitored Digital Input for Emergency Shutdown Systems (ESD)

The suggested values for R1 and R2 are as follows:

R1 = 15K  1%, 1W (maximum power dissipated is 47mW at 26.4V)

R2 = 3K9  1%, 1W (maximum power dissipated is 182mW at 26.4V)

Suggested range of values for both of the above circuits are as follows:

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Range Value (mV)

Maximum Allowed = 32000
High = 19000
Low = 18500
ON (nominal 16V)
High = 11000
Low = 10500
High = 6500
Low = 6000
OFF (nominal 8V)
High = 3500
Low = 3000

• Loop supply voltage = 24V ± 10%
• Maximum Field Cable Line Resistance: < 100  total; this means < 50 + 50
 for the two cables.
• Minimum Isolation is 0.75M  between the field loop conductors.
• These values will allow the input to detect more accurately different
voltage levels that represent OPEN CCT - OFF - ON - SHORT CCT and
will also detect Over Voltage and an input which is neither ON nor OFF.
The values verify that a line fault will be declared before it becomes
possible for a false declaration of On and Off states due to a combination
of resistor value drift and loop voltage variation.

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Field Loop Circuit for Line Monitored Digital Input for Fire and Gas Systems (F & G)

• The F&G circuit will also allow two devices to be in alarm without
reporting short circuit.
• All of the input circuits are suitable for simplex, dual and TMR
• The F&G circuit assumes that the devices are volt-free contacts.
• For further information, please refer to application note AN-T90001 Field
Loop Configuration, which is located in the Rockwell Automation
Knowledgebase Support Center. This also includes advice for fire
detectors which are not simple volt free contacts.

Digital Input Slew Tolerance

It is possible during sustained periods of abnormal input voltage slewing that

channels can be declared faulted as a consequence of diagnostics otherwise
designed to verify that the channels are operating within their designed safety

To avoid spurious declaration of channel faults it is necessary to ensure that

the input signal condition satisfies the maximum slew rate criteria defined in
the Solutions Handbook. Accordingly it may be necessary to condition the
input signal such as by filtering or by appropriate choice of process safety time.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 89

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Connections to T9801 Non-isolated Digital Input TA — 16 Channel Simplex

• Apply a minimum tightening torque of 0.5 Nm (0.37 ft. lb.) to the

terminal screws.

90 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Connections to T9802/T9803 Isolated Digital Input TA — 16 Channel Dual/TMR

• Apply a minimum tightening torque of 0.5 Nm (0.37 ft. lb.) to the

terminal screws.

Analogue Input Field loop Circuits

These circuits can be used for simplex, dual and triple configurations of
analogue input modules. Fit a fuse (as shown) in each circuit to protect the
field wiring.

The recommended field loop circuits for analogue inputs are as shown below.

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Field Loop Circuit for 2-Wire Analogue Input

Figure 17 - Wire Analogue Input Field Loop

92 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Field Loop Circuit for 3-Wire Analogue Input

Figure 18 - Wire Analogue Input Field Loop

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 93

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Field Loop Circuit for 4-Wire Analogue Input

Figure 19 - Wire Analogue Input Field Loop

Analogue Input Slew Tolerance

It is possible during sustained periods of abnormal input current slewing that

channels can be declared faulted as a consequence of diagnostics otherwise
designed to verify that the channels are operating within their designed safety

To avoid spurious declaration of channel faults it is necessary to ensure that

the input signal condition satisfies the maximum slew rate criteria defined in
the Solutions Handbook. Accordingly it may be necessary to condition the
input signal such as by filtering, sensor slew rate configuration or by
appropriate choice of process safety time.

94 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Connections to T9831 Non-isolated Analogue Input TA — 16 Channel Simplex

• Apply a minimum tightening torque of 0.5 Nm (0.37 ft. lb.) to the

terminal screws.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 95

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Connections to T9832/T9833 Isolated Analogue Input TA — 16 Channel TMR

• Apply a minimum tightening torque of 0.5 Nm (0.37 ft. lb.) to the

terminal screws.

Recommended Field Circuit for Digital Outputs

This circuit is applicable for simplex and dual configurations of digital output
modules. The two 10 A fuses shown are included on the termination assembly
within the controller. The 5 A fuses satisfy UL508 requirements for digital
output field supplies, see illustration below:

96 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Figure 20 - Digital Output Field Circuit

WARNING: For inductive loads, a back EMF protection diode shall be fitted
at the load.

WARNING: A fuse rated minimum 32 Vdc, maximum 5 A for an input of 0 -

28.3 V and a maximum fuse current rating of 100 V for an input of 28.3 -
42.4 V must be installed in series with the field power terminals on modules
T9451 to comply with the UL 508 certification.

Recommended Fuse Types

The 10A fuses are fitted into the termination assembly and are:
• T9902: SMF Omni-Block, Surface Mount Fuse Block 154 010, with a 10A,
125V Fast Acting Fuse, Littelfuse.

The field power input fuses installed must be 5 A / 125 V, Slow Blow and comply
to UL 248 - 14.

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

NOTE 1. Alternatively instead of fitting two 5A fuses you can use Class 2 power
supplies for the +24 Vdc field voltage. Class 2 is defined by the NEC as
providing less than 100 watts (at 24V).
2. The field power must be wired using 12 AWG wire.
3. The field power must be supplied with an isolating source.
4. The minimum current required for line monitoring is 20mA for a dual

Digital Output Slew Tolerance

It is possible during sustained periods of abnormal input current slewing that

channels can be declared faulted as a consequence of diagnostics otherwise
designed to verify that the channels are operating within their designed safety

To avoid spurious declaration of channel faults it is necessary to ensure that

the field supply voltage and output signal condition satisfies the maximum
slew rate criteria defined in the Solutions Handbook. Accordingly it may be
necessary to condition the field supply voltage or output signal such as by
filtering or by appropriate choice of process safety time.

For further information regarding how the AADvance digital output module
detects field faults, see Knowledgebase Document ID: QA23147 AADvance/
bulletin 1715: Digital output channel diagnostic test.

Sign in to your Rockwell Automation account to view Knowledgebase articles

Connections to T9851/T9852 Digital Output TA — 8 Channel Simplex/Dual

The field element wiring and field power connections are as shown:

98 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Figure 21 - Digital Output Termination Assembly Wiring

• Apply a minimum tightening torque of 0.5 Nm (0.37 ft. lb.) to the

terminal screws.

Recommended Circuit for Analogue Outputs

These circuits are suitable for simplex and dual configurations of analogue
output modules. All channels are isolated from each other but may be bridged
at the '+' terminal if fed by a common system mounted supply.

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

System powered devices

The above circuit is appropriate for devices that are powered by the system.
The channel will pass a requested current between 0mA and 24mA. The field
device could also be connected between the 24V supply and the Loop Plus

IMPORTANT If the 24 V supply is shared between channels or between

modules, the field loops will not be isolated from each other.

100 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Field powered devices

The above circuit is appropriate for devices that are powered locally and expect
a current-controlled signal loop. Ensure that the loop is wired to pass current
to the Loop Plus terminal and return it on the Loop Minus terminal.

Analogue Output Slew Tolerance

Analogue output channels voltage slew is unconstrained with the limits set by
the module’s compliance operating voltage range.

To avoid spurious declaration of channel faults it is necessary to ensure that

the field supply voltage and output signal condition satisfies the maximum
slew rate criteria defined in the Solutions Handbook. Accordingly it may be
necessary to condition the field supply voltage or output signal such as by
filtering or by appropriate choice of process safety time.

Connections to T9881/T9882 Analogue Output TA - 8 Channel Simplex/Dual

This diagram shows the T9882. The T9881 has the same terminal arrangement.

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Apply a minimum tightening torque of 0.5 Nm (0.37 ft. lb.) to the terminal

Install Modules The modules of the AADvance controller mount onto the base units. The
processor module(s) mount onto the T9100 processor base unit, while the
various I/O modules mount onto the T9300 I/O base unit and associated
termination assemblies.

The product range includes two sizes of blanking covers to conceal unused
module positions. The shorter cover is for a spare position on the processor
base unit, while the taller cover is for a spare position on an I/O base unit.

Install a T9110 Processor Do the following:

Module • Before inserting a new processor module, examine it for damage.
• The identification labels on the sides of the module will be hidden after
the module is installed. Therefore before installation make a record of
the location of the module and the details shown on the label.
• If you are installing more than one processor module make sure they all
have the same firmware build.

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

1. Examine the coding pegs on the T9100 processor base unit and make
sure they complement the sockets on the rear of the processor module:

2. Place the processor module on to the coding pegs. Make sure the slot on
the head of the module locking screw is vertical and then push the
module home until the connectors are fully mated.
3. Using a broad (9mm) flat blade screwdriver turn the module locking
screw clockwise to lock.

NOTE The locking screw acts as a power interlock device and must be
locked or the module will not boot up.

Replace a Faulty Processor Back-up Battery

Use the following official Rockwell Automation battery or one of an equivalent


Part No and Description

T9905: Polycarbon monofluoride Lithium Coin Battery, BR2032

(recommended type), 20 mm dia; Nominal voltage 3 V; Nominal capacity
(mAh.) 190; Continuous standard load (mA.) 0.03; Operating temperature -30
°C to +80°C, supplied by Panasonic.

Battery design life is based on operating at a constant 25 ° C and low

humidity (high humidity, temperature and frequent power cycles are all
factors that will shorten the batteries operational life).

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 103

Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

The battery has a design life of 10 years when the processor module is
continually powered; for processor modules that are un-powered, the design
life is up to 6 months.

CAUTION: The battery may explode if mistreated. Do not attempt to

recharge, disassemble or dispose of in a fire.

ATTENTION: La pile peut exploser si elle est maltraitée. Ne tentez pas de

la recharger, désassembler ou de la brûler.

WARNING: Batteries must only be changed in an area known to be non-


AVERTISSEMENT: Les piles ne doivent être remplacées que dans une zone
réputée non dangereuse.


To replace a faulty battery, do the following:

1. Use a small cross head screwdriver to release and remove the battery

2. Remove the battery by pulling on the blue ribbon.

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

3. Insert a new battery, orientate it the positive (+) terminal to the right.
Trap the ribbon behind the new battery so it can be removed in the future
and then push the battery into the holder.
4. Put the cover back and secure it with the cross head screw.
5. Push the Fault Reset button on the processor module. The processor
Healthy LED will go green (applies if the module is part of a running

If the battery is replaced when more than one processor module is installed
then the processor clock will be updated automatically through

If you have previously set up SNTP when you set up your processor module
then the clock will be reset to the current time automatically. If you have not
set up SNTP it is recommended that you do so, as this will not only reset the
processor clock but will also keep the time accurately during operation. Refer
to the applicable software publication for SNTP set up instructions:
• AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench 1.x, publication
• AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench 2.x, publication
• AADvance®-Trusted® SIS Workstation software User Guide, publication

The following applies:

• If the battery is replaced when only one processor module is installed and
the processor module is not powered up and SNTP has not been set up,
you must set the clock to the current time as soon as practicable.
• The battery does not do any function while the processor module is
powered and the application is running. The Processor’s Real Time Clock
provides Date and Time data for SOE functions and also for the
Processor diagnostic log entries.

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

The specific functions that the battery maintains on complete loss of power are
the following:
• Real Time Clock – The battery provides power to the RTC chip itself.
• Retained Variables – Data for retained variables is stored at the end of
each application scan in a portion of RAM, backed by the battery. On
restoration of power, the retained data is loaded back into the variables
assigned as retained variables for use by the application scan.
• Diagnostic logs – The processors diagnostic logs are stored in the portion
of RAM backed by the battery.

Set the Real Time Clock Manually

If the system has only one controller and does not have a different time server,
you have to set the processor real-time clock manually using RTC variables.
The following procedure assists in setting the clock:

Set up the following variables in the Dictionary

RTC Control Rack Variables (all BOOLEAN Outputs)

• RTC Control: RTC_Read
• RTC Control: RTC_Write
• RTC Control: Year
• RTC Control: Month
• RTC Control: Day of Month
• RTC Control: Hours
• RTC Control: Minutes
• RTC Control: Seconds
• RTC Control: Milliseconds

RTC Status Variables (All Word Inputs)

• RTC Status: Year
• RTC Status: Month
• RTC Status: Day of Month
• RTC Status: Hours
• RTC Status: Minutes
• RTC Status: Seconds
• RTC Status: Milliseconds

RTC Program Rack Variables

• RTC Program: Year
• RTC Program: Month
• RTC Program: Day of Month
• RTC Program: Hours
• RTC Program: Minutes
• RTC Program: Seconds
• RTC Program: Milliseconds

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Procedure to Check the Current Date and Time

1. Wire the processor variables. Refer to the topic "Wire Processor
2. Build and download the program or perform an on-line update.
3. Check the current date and time settings:
• Enter Debug mode
• Request IXL Restricted Access
• Force the RTC Read Boolean and all the time fields in the RTC Control
Rack Variables to TRUE

IMPORTANT Do not force the RTC Write Boolean at this point.

• The RTC Status Variables will show the current date and time in the

Procedure to Set the Date and Time

1. Unlock the RTC Read variable so it turns FALSE.
2. Select each RTC Program Rack variable and enter the date and time
3. Toggle the RTC Write variable TRUE then FALSE to write the new date
and time setting to the processor.
4. Lock and force the RTC Read variable to TRUE.
5. The RTC Status rack now displays the new date and time of the
6. Unlock all the RTC Control variables.

Install I/O Modules Do the following:

• Before inserting a new I/O module, examine it for damage.
• The identification labels on the sides of the I/O module will be hidden
when the module is installed. Therefore before installation write down
the location of the module and the details shown on the label.

1. Examine the coding pegs on the termination assembly and make sure
that they complement the sockets on the rear of the new I/O module.
2. Place the I/O module on to the dowel pins on the T9300 I/O base unit.
Make sure the slot on the head of the module clamp screw is vertical and
then push the module home until the module connectors are fully mated
with the I/O base unit and termination assembly connectors.
3. The locking screw requires a quarter turn clockwise to lock. Use a broad
(9mm) flat blade screwdriver to lock the clamp screw. The locking screw
acts as a power interlock device and must be in the locked position when
power is applied otherwise the module will not be configured.

Install T9310 Expansion Use T9310 expansion cables to connect additional groups of T9300 I/O base
Cables units.

The ferrites supplied with the expansion cable are snap on components. Fit the
ferrites 50 mm (2 in.) from each end and secure with cable ties either side of
the ferrites.

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Connect Expansion Cable between T9100 Base Unit and T9300 I/O Base unit
(I/O Bus2)

1. Connect the expansion cable to a T9100 processor base unit for an I/O
Bus 2 connection.
• Insert a cable socket assembly into the left hand connector of the
T9100 processor base unit.
• Secure the socket assembly by inserting the two M3 socket cap screws.
• Tighten the screws with a 2.5 mm Allen key.
• Install the cable to the socket assembly and tighten the retaining
screws by hand.
2. Insert the free end of the expansion cable into a right hand socket of a
T9300 I/O base unit.
• Insert a cable plug assembly into the right hand socket of the processor
or I/O base unit.
• Secure the plug assembly by inserting the two M3 socket cap screws.
• Tighten the screws with a 2.5 mm Allen key.
• Install the cable to the plug assembly and tighten the retaining screws
by hand.
108 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021
Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Connect Between a T9300 I/O Base Unit and a T9300 I/O Base Unit

1. Connect the expansion cable between a T9100 processor base unit (or a
T9300 I/O Base unit) to a T9300 I/O base unit.
• Insert a cable plug assembly into the right hand socket of the processor
or I/O base unit.
• Secure the plug assembly by inserting the two M3 socket cap screws.
• Tighten the screws with a 2.5 mm Allen key.
• Install the cable to the plug assembly and tighten the retaining screws
by hand.
2. Connect the free end of the expansion cable to the left hand plug of an I/
O base unit using a cable socket assembly.
• Insert a cable socket assembly into the left hand connector of the
T9300 processor base unit.
• Secure the socket assembly by inserting the two M3 socket cap screws.
• Tighten the screws with a 2.5 mm Allen key.
• Install the cable to the socket assembly and tighten the retaining
screws by hand.

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Fault Reporting Reference Each module has a set of front panel status indicators. The function and
Information meaning of these indicators related to each module is as follows:

Status Indicators on the T94xx Series Input and Output Module

Table 10 - Status Indicators on the T94xx Series Input and Output Module
Indicator Status Description
OFF No power.
GREEN No module faults present.
The module has one or more faults.
Healthy • The Healthy indicator can turn RED immediately after power is applied to
the module, before then turning GREEN
• If Healthy is GREEN and the Ready and Run are RED then the module is
said to be in its "shutdown state" refer to the Troubleshooting Manual -
Chapter 3 for more information on the shutdown state.
OFF No power or module is unlocked.
Ready GREEN Locked and prepared to report channel values.
RED Locked but not prepared to report channel values.
OFF No power or module is unlocked.
GREEN Module is on-line and supplying data to/receiving data from application
Run Module is inserted into a running system but not on-line. Push the Fault
AMBER Reset button on any processor module to set the module to go on-line.
RED Module is prepared to go on-line but no application is running.
Input module: field switch is open.
Output module: output is in its de-energized condition.
OFF Note: If the run indicator is not green (the module is not reporting channel
values), all channel indicators will be off.
Channel 1 - 8 Input module: input is on.
GREEN Output module: output is in its energized condition.
AMBER Field fault.
RED Channel fault.

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Status Indicators on the T9110 Processor Module

Table 11 - Status Indicators on the T9110 Processor Module

Indicator Status Description
OFF No power.

• Flashes RED briefly after being installed as the module is booting up

• Continuous RED means a Module has a fault.

As the module boots up it goes GREEN, this lasts for 10 to 20 seconds.

Healthy When the module is operational the LED stays GREEN.
When in the recovery mode and no faults are present the LED is GREEN.
Fault Indications:
GREEN • If Healthy is GREEN and all the other indicators on the module are OFF
then the module has failed to boot up.
• If Healthy is GREEN and Ready and Run are RED then the module is in its
shutdown state.

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Chapter 5 Install the AADvance System

Table 11 - Status Indicators on the T9110 Processor Module

Indicator Status Description
OFF No power.
• Module is booting up (10 to 20 seconds) or not educated or synchronized
RED with partners.
• Module is in the shutdown state.
Ready Flashing The module is being educated or synchronized.
GREEN Module is educated and synchronized with partners.
AMBER Module is in Recovery Mode.
OFF No power and stays off while the module is booting up (10 to 20 seconds)
• Module is not educated/synchronized; No application loaded; the
processor module is in the Recovery Mode and the base level firmware is
RED running.
Run • Module is in the shutdown state.
GREEN The module contains an application and it is running.
Module is in Recovery Mode.
AMBER The module contains the application but the application has stopped. Press
Fault Reset to start the application.
OFF No power and stays off while the module is booting up (10 to 20 seconds).
There is a fault on one or more modules.
System Healthy The application has stopped because the module has entered Recovery
No system or module faults present
The system is in Recovery Mode.
OFF No power and stays off while the module is booting up (10 to 20 seconds)
GREEN No variables are being locked/forced
Module is in the Recovery Mode.
An operating controller has at least one variable being locked/forced.

No power and stays off while the module is booting up (10 to 20 seconds),
OFF or under application control.
GREEN The module is under application control.
Module is under application control.
The module is in the Recovery Mode.

OFF No power and stays off while the module is booting up (10 to 20 seconds).
RED Serial port pulse stretched Tx.
Serial 1 and 2
GREEN Serial port pulse stretched Rx.
AMBER Quickly alternating Tx and Rx activity.
OFF No power and stays off while the module is booting up (10 to 20 seconds)
Ethernet 1 and 2 GREEN Ethernet link present
AMBER Tx or Rx activity on Ethernet Port

112 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 6

System Startup

This chapter describes a structured approach to the startup of a controller


When the checks, module installation, and startup is completed successfully,

Configure the system using the AADvance® Workbench software or
AADvance®-Trusted® SIS Workstation software, and then carry out Functional
Acceptance Testing.

Refer to the applicable software publication for setup and configuration

• AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench 1.x, publication
• AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench 2.x, publication
• AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation Software User Guide, publication

Recommendations to It is important that the system is documented when it is installed and this
Manage Test documentation is maintained throughout the testing process system.
Documentation 1. Obtain these items of documentation:
• I/O wiring database with checklist.
• Complete set of drawings.
• Bill of materials.
2. Ensure that each item of documentation is the latest issue.
• Mark each item as 'Test Copy'.
3. Create a system activity log book and ensure the log book accompanies
the system into test.
• Allocate an entry number for each test and record each test against its
number in the log book.
• If, during functional tests, the system does not behave as expected,
record the problem in the log book. Allocate a new entry and fault
number for each problem.

System Physical Design Assess the physical design of the system to determine whether it is ready to be
Check tested. Do the following:
• Verify there is physical segregation of any mains supply circuits from the
24 Vdc controller circuits.
• Review the arrangements of terminals and the provision of cable entries
for field wiring.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 113

Chapter 6 System Startup

• Evaluate the ease of access for maintenance activities.

Procedure to Verify Build Assess the build state of the system against the test documentation. Do the
State following:
• Compare the arrangement of the system with the General Arrangement
drawings to make sure the system has been manufactured and
assembled correctly.
• Verify that every item shown in the bill of materials on the General
Arrangement drawings is either in place or is available to be installed.
• Check that any special features, configurations or options called for on
the drawings are present and correct.
• Check nameplates and identification labels against the drawings.

Identify any non-conformance found between the system and the drawings. If
appropriate, correct the drawing. Record each non-conformance in the log

Procedure to Conduct the Carry out a mechanical inspection to verify that an acceptable standard of
Mechanical Inspection workmanship has been achieved in the assembly and wiring and that the test
arrangements are correct. Do the following:
• Visually inspect the controller and verify that base units, modules and
terminals are free of damage.
• Review the termination of system cabling against the drawings.

Procedure to Check Ground

Bonding SHOCK HAZARD: Connect the AC safety busbar to the building earth
(ground) before doing electrical testing or applying power to the system.
Failure to follow these instructions can cause injury to persons.
• Check that the ground continuity does not exceed 0.2 .
• Check that the isolation between grounds is 10M .

Procedure to Check Power

Distribution Integrity IMPORTANT Before you begin this task, you must have checked the ground

Check the integrity of the power distribution system to verify that each power
distribution sub-section is wired in accordance with the drawings and that the
subsections are isolated from each other. Do the following:
1. Make sure all power sources are isolated.
2. Switch off all circuit breakers and open distribution fuses.
3. Remove all modules from the controller.
4. Check that the circuit breakers and fuses of the correct capacity and
rating are installed in the correct locations.
5. Check that all subsections are isolated from each other.

114 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 6 System Startup

Power Distribution and First

Power Up
NOTE Before you begin this task, you must have checked the power
distribution integrity.

The power distribution and first power up verifies that the power distribution
circuits function as designed and as detailed in the drawings. It shows the
correct voltages are appearing, and only in the correct places. It also provides
an opportunity to verify correct operation of any power indicators outside the
controller itself.

Do the following:
1. Make sure all modules are removed.
2. Trip all circuit breakers and disengage all power distribution fuses and
field fuses.
3. Apply power to the incoming power terminals.
4. It is good practice to switch on power supplies to field devices before
supplies to the controller. Devise a formal sequence in which to switch on
individual circuits.
• In sequence, check each circuit breaker or fuse for zero volts on the
destination side, and then close the circuit breaker or fuse and verify that
the appropriate voltage appears.
• Check that any associated power indicator is lit.
• As each circuit breaker is tested, leave the breaker in the ‘on’ position so
that any unwanted connection between different power circuits can be
5. Trip and re-instate each circuit breaker in turn and verify the correct
circuits are isolated and restored. Similarly disengage and replace each
fuse and verify the associated circuits.
6. At the same time verify correct operation of any power indicators
supplied with the system.

Startup Process Once the procedures for power distribution tests have been successfully
completed, the controller is ready for installation of its modules and its second
power up. The installation process should be completed in the following order:
1. Switch off power to the controller — both field power and controller
power sources.
2. Make a record of the module and base unit serial numbers for future
3. Reinstate the power.
4. Install the modules in the following sequence.
5. Install the program enable key to the connector labeled KEY on the
processor base unit.
6. Install the first Processor module.
• Refer to the Processor Module startup process.
7. Install the second or the third processor module (if required).
• Refer to the Processor Module startup process.
8. Install the I/O modules.
• Refer to the I/O Module startup process.
9. Check system status indications show the system is on-line and
operating as expected.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 115

Chapter 6 System Startup

System Configuration and Application Programming

When the hardware is installed and running, set up the system configuration
by using the AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted SIS
Workstation software.

Refer to the applicable software publication for system configuration

• AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench 1.x, publication
• AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench 2.x, publication
• AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation Software User Guide, publication

Processor Module Startup

NOTE When inserting more than one processor module they MUST be
inserted one at a time and the module be allowed to educate (in
the case of a 2nd and 3rd processor).

Table 12 - Single Processor Module Installation Procedure (New Processor Module)

Step Task
With the power switched on place the processor module into slot A on the Base Unit connectors
1. and push the module home until the connectors are fully mated. Turn the locking screw and lock
the module in position.
All LEDs are off and after applying power the processor will show the following status
Flashes RED for a second then goes GREEN as the module boots up (10-20
Healthy seconds)
Ready Will stay OFF as the module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then goes RED
Run Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then goes RED
System Healthy Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then goes GREEN
Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then stays OFF until
Force the module has educated.
2. Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then depends on data
Aux connection.
Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then depends on data
Serial 1 connection
Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then depends on data
Serial 2 connection
Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then depends on data
Ethernet 1 connection
Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then depends on data
Ethernet 2 connection

116 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 6 System Startup

Table 12 - Single Processor Module Installation Procedure (New Processor Module)

Step Task
Install a Program Enable Key. Download a correct application and push the FAULT RESET button.
When a valid application is downloaded the module shows the following indications:
Valid application downloaded
Healthy GREEN
Run RED to GREEN (Flashes GREEN as the module educates)
3. System Healthy GREEN
Aux Off (Depends on application)
Serial 1 Depends on data connection
Serial 2 Depends on data connection
Ethernet 1 Depends on data connection
Ethernet 2 Depends on data connection

Procedure for Installation of a Second and Third Processor

The second and third processor modules must have the same firmware version
as the first processor. If the firmware revision is different upgrade the
firmware using the ControlFLASH™ utility.

IMPORTANT When inserting a second and third processor module they MUST
be inserted one at a time and allowed to educate before inserting
the next one.

Table 13 - Procedure for Installation of a Second and Third Processor

Step Task
Place the processor module on slot B on the Processor Base Unit connectors and push the
module home until the connectors are fully mated. Turn the locking screw with a flat bladed
screwdriver and lock the module in position.
All the Module LEDs are OFF until the module is installed. As soon as the module receives power
it will boot up then educate and show the following indications:
Flashes RED for a second then goes GREEN as the module boots up (10 to 20
Healthy seconds)
Will stay OFF as the module boots up (10 to -20 seconds) then goes RED for 10
Ready seconds then flashes GREEN as it educates and lastly it goes to steady GREEN
Will stay OFF as the module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then goes RED until
Run educated and then it goes AMBER
System Healthy Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then goes GREEN
Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then stays OFF until
Force the module has educated and the application is running
Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then is depends on
Aux data connection
Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then is depends on
Serial 1 data connection
Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then is depends on
Serial 2 data connection
Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then is depends on
Ethernet 1 data connection
Will stay OFF as the Module boots up (10 to 20 seconds) then is depends on
Ethernet 2
data connection
When the Run indicator goes AMBER push the Fault Reset button and the processor will show the following
2. Healthy GREEN
Ready GREEN (will flash for a short time as the module educates)
Run AMBER to GREEN (AMBER as the module educates)
System Healthy GREEN

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Chapter 6 System Startup

Table 13 - Procedure for Installation of a Second and Third Processor

Step Task
Force Off to GREEN
Aux Depends on application
Serial 1 Depends on data Connection
Serial 2 Depends on data Connection
Ethernet 1 Depends on data Connection
3. To insert a 3rd processor module repeat step 1 and insert in slot C.

I/O Module Startup Process The startup sequence is different when a module is installed into an on-line
system that is running compared to installing the module into a system that is
off-line and has processor modules but no I/O modules installed.

Table 14 - Single Module or First Module of a group Installation Procedure

Step Task
This procedure applies to a single module installation or the first module of a redundant group
1. installation.
2 Install the I/O module and turn the locking screw to the lock position.
The input module will show the following status indications:
Healthy GREEN
3. Ready RED
Channel 1 – 8 Off
4. The input module will follow its startup sequence and the module will educate.
After approximately 3 seconds the module will now show the following status indications:
Healthy GREEN
5. Ready GREEN
Channel 1 – 8 Off
6. Push the Fault Reset button on the processor module and the Run indication goes GREEN.
The module will now be on-line with the following status indications:
Healthy GREEN
7. Ready GREEN
Channel 1 – 8 Dependent on channel status
8. If the module fails to educate (and go on-line) replace the module.

Table 15 - Second or third Module of a Group Installation Procedure

Step Task
1. This procedure applies to a second or third module of a redundant group installation.
2 Install the Input/Output Module and turn the locking screw to the lock position.
The module will provide the following status indications:
Healthy GREEN
3. Ready RED
Channel 1 – 8 Off
4. The input module will follow its startup sequence and the module will educate.

118 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 6 System Startup

Table 15 - Second or third Module of a Group Installation Procedure

Step Task
After approximately 3 seconds the module will now make the following status indications:
Healthy GREEN
5. Ready GREEN
Channel 1 – 8 Off
6. Push the Fault Reset button on the processor module and the Run indication goes GREEN.
The module will now be on-line with the following status indications:
Healthy GREEN
7. Ready GREEN
Channel 1 – 8 Dependent on channel status
8. If the module fails to educate and go on-line replace the module.

Processor Firmware The firmware revision in the processor modules can be checked using RSLinx®
Upgrades RSWho. If the firmware needs to be upgraded, this can be done using

Required software:
• ControlFLASH version 13 or later
• RSLinx Classic Lite version 3.90.00 or later

Required ControlFLASH files for the T9110 Processor Module:

• T9110 Normal Mode ControlFLASH.
• T9110 Recovery Mode ControlFLASH.

The processor module contains two sets of firmware. The normal firmware is
the operational firmware and allows the application to execute and
communicates with the I/O modules. The recovery firmware is used to update
the firmware in the processor module and help diagnose problems. The
normal and recovery firmware are updated with separate ControlFLASH files.

Before starting check that:

• ControlFLASH and RSLinx® Gateway has been installed and configured
• The PC is connected via Ethernet to the processor module
• The correct ControlFLASH file for the processor module has been
• The processor modules are in recovery mode - restart the modules and
press the Fault Reset button, hold until the Aux LED changes to amber

Dual and triple processor modules are updated at the same time.

Update procedure:
• Run the ControlFLASH program
• Select the T9110 module from the list
• Browse to the T9110 module and select it
• Select the version of firmware to be sent to the module
• Update the module

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Chapter 6 System Startup

• The firmware will be downloaded and stored on the module - this take 5
to 10 minutes
• ControlFLASH will report the success or failure of the update.

Refer to document 1756-UM105 ControlFLASH Firmware Upgrade Kit User

Manual in the Literature Library for detailed instructions for using

Setting the Controller IP The AADvance system uses Internet Protocol (IP) to carry communications
Address for between the controller and the AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-
Trusted SIS Workstation software. This chapter shows you how to set up the IP
Communications address in the controller. It is convenient to set up the controller resource
number at the same time.

Controller IP Address

The AADvance controller stores its IP address data in non-volatile memory in

the T9100 processor base unit. The data is independent of the T9110 processor
modules in the controller, and so the controller keeps the address information
when you remove a processor module.

You must set up the IP address data when you create a new system, or if you fit
a new processor base unit.

After having set up the IP address data in the controller, you can configure the
AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation
software to find the controller on the network.

Troubleshooting AADvance This procedure describes how to activate communications using the AADvance
Discover Communications Discover tool. After completing the steps, refresh the AADvance Discover tool's
list of modules to test for communications.
1. Ensure that the Ethernet cable is plugged into a socket above a fitted
AADvance controller – communications will not ‘pass through’ unused
2. Ensure that the controller is activated by turning the locking bar. Wait
for the Ready LED to go green before refreshing the AADvance Discover
tool. (The communications tasks are not active until it is 'Ready').
3. Do not use an office network. Use an isolated hub or switch between the
computer and AADvance controller. Check that the hub/switch has LEDs
lit for the ports to both computer and controller, showing that the ports
are working.
4. Open the Network Connections window. Open the Properties of the
computer’s network adapter (as used for configuring AADvance). Un-tick
all protocol "items" which are not immediately necessary, especially
"Check Point SecuRemote" and "iPass Protocol" (if present). You will
need to leave "Internet Protocol" (or) "IPv4" and "IPv6", "Client for
Microsoft Networks", "File and Printer Sharing" and "Network Monitor
Driver" (if present) for normal Windows operation.
5. Disable the Windows Firewall, or any third-party firewalls and shields.
6. If using a laptop, disable Wireless. If there are multiple network
connections, disable the connections not being used. The AADvance
120 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021
Chapter 6 System Startup

Discover tool does not discover controllers if there are multiple network
connections enabled.

Configure the Controller When assembling a new AADvance controller (or install a new T9100 processor
Resource Number in the base unit) you have to configure the resource number stored in the controller.
The resource number is a type of device address, and it must also be
Controller configured in the application.

The procedure to configure the resource number uses the AADvance Discover
utility. To set the resource number do the following:
1. Write down the controller's MAC address (Controller ID) displayed on a
label on the processor base unit. Install at least one T9110 processor
module into the processor base unit.
2. Make sure the program enable key is inserted in the KEY connector on
the processor base unit.
3. Start the AADvance Discover tool from the Start menu:

The AADvance Discover utility scans the network for controllers and
creates a list.

4. Locate the controller in the list and make sure that the status of the
controller is Configurable.
5. Double-click the MAC address in the Controller ID field.
• The resource and IP Address dialog box is displayed.

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Chapter 6 System Startup

6. Enter the resource value into the Resource Number field, then click
• Returning to the main window of the utility, the controller status will
show Pending Restart.
7. To finish the update, turn off the power to the controller.
8. Start the controller. Refresh the screen to make sure that the new
resource number is shown in the resource field and that the controller
status is configurable.

IMPORTANT The Resource Number must also be configured in the application

in the Resource Properties.

Configure the IP Address in When you assemble a new AADvance controller, or install a new T9100
the Controller processor base unit, you have to configure the IP Address stored in the

The procedure to configure the IP Address uses the AADvance Discover utility.
Changes occur immediately and you do not have to start the controller again.
To set the IP Address do the following:
122 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021
Chapter 6 System Startup

1. Write down the controller's MAC address (the Controller ID) displayed
on a label on the processor base unit. Install at least one T9110 processor
module into the processor base unit.
2. Make sure the program enable key is inserted in the KEY connector on
the processor base unit.
3. Start the AADvance Discover tool from the Start menu:
• The AADvance Discover utility scans the network for controllers, and
creates a list.
• It can also be launched from within the AADvance Workbench
software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation software from the
View menu.
4. Locate the controller in the list and make sure that the status of the
controller is Configurable.
5. Double-click on the MAC address in the Controller ID field.
• The resource and IP address dialog box is displayed.

6. Enter the IP Address and Subnet Mask into the fields for each Ethernet
7. Enter the Gateway values for each processor module, then click Apply.
• Returning to the main window of the utility, the controller status will
shows In Progress and then Configurable.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 123

Chapter 6 System Startup

• The controller uses the new settings.

124 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 7

Functional Acceptance Testing

Functional acceptance testing, also known as factory acceptance testing or

integration testing, tests the controller and its application software to make
sure that it satisfies the requirements specified in the requirements for the
integrated system. If the controller is applied to a safety related application
then the safety requirements are also tested.

Devising tests for The tests performed during functional acceptance testing must include the
Functional Acceptance following:
• Performance tests, including timing, reliability and availability,
integrity, and safety requirements and constraints.
• Interface testing.

Write down the test cases and define the pass criteria for every test. Make sure
that the test cases allow for the associated systems and their interfaces which
the system needs to communicate with.

If a requirement cannot be physically demonstrated, devise a written analysis

to show how the system achieves the requirement.

The AADvance® controller has been tested to the limits given in its module
specifications. If appropriate, do the following:
• Environmental tests, including electromagnetic compatibility, life- and
• Testing in degraded modes and fault modes.
• Exception testing.

Test Environment for It is recommended that the testing is done in a factory environment, before
Functional Acceptance installing and commissioning at the plant.

Managing Functional Define the person or authority which will be responsible for doing each test
Acceptance Testing and also the person or authority (such as the customer or their representative)
who will witness each test.

Testing must be done on a known version of the controller. Record the type,
serial number and physical location of each module so that the system can be
dismantled, shipped and built with the modules in the same locations.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 125

Chapter 7 Functional Acceptance Testing

Review and finalize the technical manuals which have been prepared for the
maintenance and operation of the system.

126 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 8

Dismantling the AADvance System

About Dismantling a System Dismantling

Dismantling is the opposite of the system assembly procedure.


It is necessary to make a plan for the collection, treatment, recovery and

environmentally sound disposal of the equipment at the end of its life. Contact
Rockwell Automation to discuss the applicable way to do this.


Before disposing of serviceable items, contact Rockwell Automation and find

out if it is possible to return unwanted items for possible future

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 127

Chapter 8 Dismantling the AADvance System


128 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 9

Parts List

Base Units
Part No. Part Description
T9100 Processor base unit
T9300 I/O base unit (3 way)

Part No. Part Description
T9110 Processor module

T9401 Digital input module, 24 Vdc, 8 channel, isolated

T9402 Digital input module, 24 Vdc, 16 channel, isolated
T9451 Digital output module, 24 Vdc, 8 channel, isolated, commoned

T9431 Analogue input module, 8 channel, isolated

T9432 Analogue input module, 16 channel, isolated

T9481 Analogue output module, 3 channel, isolated

T9482 Analogue output module, 8 channel, isolated

Special Application Modules

Part No. Part Description
T9441 Frequency Input Module (Product not yet released. Contact Sales for more information)

Termination Assemblies
Part No. Part Description
T9801 Digital input TA, 16 channel, simplex, commoned
T9802 Digital input TA, 16 channel, dual
T9803 Digital input TA, 16 channel, TMR

T9831 Analogue input TA, 16 channel, simplex, commoned

T9832 Analogue input TA, 16 channel, dual
T9833 Analogue input TA, 16 channel, TMR

T9851 Digital output TA, 24Vdc, 8 channel, simplex, commoned

T9852 Digital output TA, 24Vdc, 8 channel, dual

T9881 Analogue output TA, 8 channel, simplex commoned

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 129

Chapter 9 Parts List

Part No. Part Description

T9882 Analogue output TA, 8 channel, dual

T9844 Frequency Input Module TA, Simplex, Active (not yet released)
T9845 Frequency Input Module TA, Dual, Active (not yet released)
T9846 Frequency Input Module TA, TMR, Active (not yet released)
T9847 Frequency Input Module TA, Simplex, Passive (not yet released)
T9848 Frequency Input Module TA, Dual, Passive (not yet released)
T9849 Frequency Input Module TA, TMR, Passive (not yet released)

Expansion Cable Assembly Expansion cable assembly, comprising expansion cable and two adapters

Part No. Part Description

T9310-02 Backplane expansion cable, 2 meter

Blanking Covers
Part No. Part Description
T9191 Blanking cover (tall) for I/O positions with no TA fitted
T9193 Blanking cover (short) for I/O positions with TA or a Processor

Spares and Tools

Part No. Part Description
T9901 Replacement input fuse 50 mA for T9801/2/3 and T9831/2/3, pack of 20 (1)
T9902 Replacement output fuse 10A for T9851/2, pack of 20 (2)

T9903 Replacement coding pegs (pack of 20)

T9904 Replacement backplane clips (pack of 20)
T9905 Replacement processor 3 V lithium cell, pack of 20 (3)
T9906 Replacement program enable key

T9907 Installation tool kit

T9908 Fuse Extractor Tool
(1) T9901: No 396/TE5 50 mA time lag fuse; UL 248-14, 125 V, Leadfree; manufactured by Littelfuse.
(2) T9902: SMF Omni-Block, Surface Mount Fuse Block 154 010, with a 10 A, 125 V Fast Acting Fuse, Littelfuse.
(3) T9905: Polycarbon monofluoride Lithium Coin Battery, BR2032, 20 mm dia; Nominal voltage 3 V; Nominal capacity
(mAh) 190; Continuous standard load (mA) 0.03; Operating temperature -30 °C to +80 °C, supplied by Panasonic.

Part No. Part Description
T9082U IEC 61131 Workbench, USB key, single user, single controller
T9082D IEC 61131 Workbench, hard disk key, single user, single controller

T9083U IEC 61131 Workbench, USB key, multiple controllers

T9083D IEC 61131 Workbench, hard disk key, multiple controllers

T9084U IEC 61131 Workbench, 5 user USB key, multiple controllers

130 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Chapter 9 Parts List

Part No. Part Description

T9087 IEC 61131 Workbench 2
T9090 AADvance®-Trusted® SIS Workstation software AADvance® license

T9030 OPC portal server

T9033 AADvance DTM (for use with HART Pass-Through feature)

Demonstration Unit
Part No. Part Description
T9141 AADvance Demonstration Unit (Including HMI)

Miscellaneous Items
Part No. Part Description

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 131

Chapter 9 Parts List


132 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Appendix A

History of Changes

This appendix contains the new or updated information for each revision of
this publication. These lists include substantive updates only and are not
intended to reflect all changes. Translated versions are not always available for
each revision.

ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P, February 2021

Updated for AADvance® system release 1.40 TÜV Rheinland certification.
Applied latest publication template.
Changed workstation to computer.
Added AADvance®-Trusted® SIS Workstation software information where applicable.
Changed Workbench to software where applicable.
Changed Workbench to AADvance Workbench software where applicable.
Added reference to AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation Software User Guide,
publication ICSTT-UM002.
Updated AADvance system release and software information in the AADvance Release
Added IMPORTANT and ATTENTION tables with information on supported languages in
the The AADvance Safety Controller section.
Removed information indicating that AADvance processor modules are designed to
meet the requirements for SIL 2 in a simplex configuration in Safety Features
Removed footnote on Minimum cycle time overhead in the Scan Times section.
Changed The AADvance Workbench and Software Development Environment section
to The AADvance Software Development Environment. Updated section content.
Updated reference to the Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC) in the
Operating Systems section.
Updated supported file formats in the Importing and Exporting Data section.
Updated section. title and content. Added links to software publications in the
Software Licenses section.
Updated table in the Ethernet Communication Protocols section.
Added IMPORTANT and ATTENTION tables with information on supported languages in
the Programming Language Support section.
Updated reference to the Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC) in the
Specify software requirements section.
Updated security steps in the System Security section.
Updated suggested range of values in the Digital Input Field Loop Circuits section.
Removed row for T9085. Added row for T9090, removed rows for T9901...T9906, in the
Software section.
Removed NFPA 87 from Glossary.
Updated definition for proof test in Glossary.

ICSTT-RM448L-EN-P, July 2019

Updated for Release 1.34 IEC 61508 Edition 2.0 certification

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 133

Appendix A History of Changes

ICSTT-RM448K-EN-P, November 2018

Updates to catalog numbers, ATEX and IECEx UL certificates, and module label

ICSTT-RM448J-EN-P, April 2018

Update for AADvance Release 1.40

Issue 11, May 2015

Correct Documentation Feedback URL and Issue Record

Issue 10, March 2015

Updates for Release 1.34.

Issue 09, May 2014

Updates for UL ATEX/IECEx Certification and T9892 information.

Issue 08, July 2012

Updates for release 1.3 and 1.31

Issue 07, August 2011

Updated for UL Requirements

Issue 06, March 2011

Updated for Release 1.2

Issue 05, October 2010

Updates for UL Certification

Issue 04, July 2010

Update for Release 1.1.1

Issue 03, November 2009

Update for Release 1.1

Issue 02, February 2009

Update for Product Titles

134 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Appendix A History of Changes

Issue 01, April 2008

First Issue

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 135

Appendix A History of Changes


136 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021


The following terms and abbreviations are used throughout this manual. For
definitions of terms not listed here, refer to the Allen-Bradley Industrial
Automation Glossary, publication AG-7.1.

accuracy The degree of conformity of a measure to a standard or a true value. See also

achievable safe state A safe state that is achievable.

NOTE Sometimes, a safe state cannot be achieved. An example is a

non-recoverable fault such as a voting element with a shorted
switch and no means to bypass the effect of the short.

actuator A device which cause an electrical, mechanical or pneumatic action to occur

when required within a plant component. Examples are valves and pumps.

AITA Analogue input termination assembly.

alarms and events (AE) An OPC data type that provides time stamped alarm and event notifications.

allotted process safety time The portion of the total process safety time allotted to a sub function of that

application software Software specific to the user application, typically using logic sequences, limits
and expressions to read inputs, make decisions and control outputs to suit the
requirements of the system for functional safety.

architecture Organizational structure of a computing system which describes the

functional relationship between board level, device level and system level

asynchronous A data communications term describing a serial transmission protocol. A start

signal is sent before each byte or character and a stop signal is sent after each
byte or character. An example is ASCII over RS-232-C. See also 'RS-232-C, RS-
422, RS-485'.

availability The probability that a system will be able to carry out its designated function
when required for use — normally expressed as a percentage.

backplane clip A sprung, plastic device to hold together two adjacent AADvance® base units.
Part number T9904. Used in pairs.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 137

base unit One of two designs which form the supporting parts of an AADvance
controller. See 'I/O base unit' and 'processor base unit'.

bindings Bindings describe a "relationship" between variables in different AADvance

controllers. Once a variable is "bound" to another variable, a unique and strong
relationships is created between the two variables and the SIL 3 Certified
SNCP protocol is used to verify that the consuming variable is updated with
the data from the producing variable.

black channel A communication path whose layer (i.e. cabling, connections, media
converters, routers/switches and associated firmware/software, etc.) has no
requirement to maintain the integrity of safety critical data transferred over it.
Measures to detect and compensate for any errors introduced into the black
channel must be implemented by the safety critical sender and receiver (by
software and/or hardware means) to make sure the data retains its integrity.

blanking cover A plastic moulding to hide an unused slot in an AADvance base unit.

boolean A type of variable that can accept only the values 'true' and 'false'.

BPCS Basic process control system. A system which responds to input signals and
generates output signals causing a process and associated equipment to
operate in a desired manner, but which does not perform any safety
instrumented functions with a claimed safety integrity level of 1 or higher.

Refer to IEC 61511 or to ANSI/ISA—84.00.01—2004 Part 1 (IEC 61511-1 Mod) for

a formal definition.

Equivalent to the Process Control System (PCS) defined by IEC 61508.

breakdown voltage The maximum voltage (AC or DC) that can be continuously applied between
isolated circuits without a breakdown occurring.

BS EN 54 A standard for fire detection and fire alarm systems.

BS EN 60204 A standard for the electrical equipment of machines, which promotes the
safety of persons and property, consistency of control response and ease of

bus A group of conductors which carry related data. Typically allocated to address,
data and control functions in a microprocessor-based system.

bus arbitration A mechanism for deciding which device has control of a bus.

CIP Common Industrial Protocol. A communications protocol, formally known as
'CIP™ over Ethernet/IP™', created by Rockwell Automation for the Logix
controller family, and which is also supported by the AADvance controller.
AADvance controllers use the protocol to exchange data with Logix controllers.
The data exchange uses a consumer/producer model.

clearance The shortest distance in air between two conductive parts.

138 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

coding peg A polarization key, fitted to the T9100 processor base unit and to each
termination assembly, which verifies that only a module of the correct type
may be fitted in a particular slot. Part number T9903.

coil In IEC 61131-3, a graphical component of a Ladder Diagram program, which

represents the assignment of an output variable. In MODBUS language, a
discrete output value.

Compiler Verification Tool (CVT) An automatic software utility that validates the output of the application
compilation process.

configuration A grouping of all the application software and settings for a particular
AADvance controller. The grouping must have a 'target', but for an AADvance
controller it can have only one 'resource'.

consumer The consuming controller requests the tag from the producing controller.

contact A graphical component of a Ladder Diagram program, which represents the

status of an input variable.

continuous mode Where the Safety Instrumented Function in the Safety System is continually
maintaining the process in a safe state.

controller A logic solver; the combination of application execution engine and I/O

controller system One or more controllers, their power sources, communications networks and

coverage The percentage of faults that will be detected by automated diagnostics. See
also 'SFF'.

creepage distance The shortest distance along the surface of an insulating material between two
conductive parts.

cross reference Information calculated by the AADvance® Workbench software or AADvance®-

Trusted® SIS Workstation software relating to the dictionary of variables and
where those variables are used in a project.

data access (DA) An OPC data type that provides real-time data from AADvance controllers to
OPC clients.

de-energize to action A safety instrumented function circuit where the devices are energized under
normal operation. Removal of power de-activates the field devices.

dictionary The set of internal input and output variables and defined words used in a

discrepancy A condition that exists if one or more of the elements disagree.

DITA Digital input termination assembly.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 139

DOTA Digital output termination assembly.

element A set of input conditioning, application processing and output conditioning.

energize to action A safety instrumented function circuit where the outputs and devices are de-
energized under normal operation. Application of power activates the field

EUC Equipment Under Control. The machinery, apparatus or plant used for
manufacturing, process, transportation, medical or other activities.

expansion cable assembly A flexible interconnection carrying bus signals and power supplies between
AADvance base units, available in a variety of lengths. Used in conjunction
with a cable socket assembly (at the left hand side of a base unit) and a cable
plug assembly (at the right hand side of a base unit).

fail operational state A state in which the fault has been masked. See 'fault tolerant'.

fail safe The capability to go to a pre-determined safe state in the event of a specific

fault reset button The momentary action push switch located on the front panel of the T9110
processor module.

fault tolerance Built-in capability of a system to provide continued correct execution of its
assigned function in the presence of a limited number of hardware and
software faults.

fault tolerant The capability to accept the effect of a single arbitrary fault and continue
correct operation.

fault warning receiving station A centre from which the necessary corrective measures can be initiated.

fault warning routing equipment Intermediate equipment which routes a fault warning signal from the control
and indicating equipment to a fault warning receiving station.

field device Item of equipment connected to the field side of the I/O terminals. Such
equipment includes field wiring, sensors, final control elements and those
operator interface devices hard-wired to I/O terminals.

fire alarm device A component of a fire alarm system, not incorporated in the control and
indicating equipment which is used to give a warning of fire — for example a
sounder or visual indicator.

fire alarm receiving station A centre from which the necessary fire protection or fire fighting measures can
be initiated at any time.

140 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

fire alarm routing equipment Intermediate equipment which routes an alarm signal from control and
indicating equipment to a fire alarm receiving station.

function block diagram An IEC 61131 language that describes a function between input variables and
output variables. Input and output variables are connected to blocks by
connection lines. See 'limited variability language'.

functional safety The ability of a system to carry out the actions necessary to achieve or to
maintain a safe state for the process and its associated equipment.

group A collection of two or three input modules (or two output modules), arranged
together to provide enhanced availability for their respective input or output

hand-held equipment Equipment which is intended to be held in one hand while being operated with
the other hand.

HART HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) is an open protocol for

process control instrumentation. It combines digital signals with analogue
signals to provide field device control and status information. The HART
protocol also provides diagnostic data. (For more details of HART devices refer
to the HART Application Guide, created by the HART Communication
Foundation, and their detailed HART specifications. You can download
documents from www.hartcomm.org.)

high demand mode Where the Safety Instrumented Function in the Safety System only performs
its designed function on a demand, and the frequency of demands is greater
than one per year.

hot swap See live insertion.

I/O base unit A backplane assembly which holds up to three I/O modules and their
associated termination assembly or assemblies in an AADvance controller.
Part number T9300. See 'I/O module' and 'termination assembly'.

I/O module A collation of interfaces for field sensors (inputs) or final elements (outputs),
arranged in a self-contained and standardized physical form factor.

IEC 61000 A series of international standards giving test and measurement techniques
for electromagnetic compatibility.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 141

IEC 61131 An international standard defining programming languages, electrical
parameters and environmental conditions for programmable logic controllers.
Part 3, which is entitled 'Programming Languages', defines several limited
variability languages.

IEC 61508 An international standard for functional safety, encompassing electrical,

electronic and programmable electronic systems; hardware and software

IEC 61511 An international standard for functional safety and safety instrumented
systems (SIS) for the process industry, encompassing electrical, electronic and
programmable electronic systems, hardware and software aspects.

indicator A device which can change its state to give information.

input (variable) A value passed from an I/O module to the processor module.

instruction list An IEC 61131 language, similar to the simple textual language of PLCs. See
'limited variability language'.

integer A variable type defined by the IEC 61131 standard.

IXL IXL stands for ISaGRAF® eXchange Layer. This is the communication protocol
between ISaGRAF based components.

key connector The receptacle on the AADvance controller for the program enable key. A 9-way
'D' type socket, located on the T9100 processor base unit.

ladder diagram An IEC 61131 language composed of contact symbols representing logical
equations and simple actions. The main function is to control outputs based
on input conditions. See 'limited variability language'.

LAN Local area network. A computer network covering a small physical area,
characterised by a limited geographic range and lack of a need for leased
telecommunication lines.

live insertion The removal and then reinsertion of an electronic module into a system while
the system remains powered. The assumption is that removal of the module
and reinsertion will cause no electrical harm to the system. Also referred to as
'hot swap'.

low demand mode Where the Safety Instrumented Function only performs its designed function
on demand, and the frequency of demands is no greater than one per year.

142 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

manual call point A component of a fire detection and fire alarm system which is used for the
manual initiation of an alarm.

MODBUS An industry standard communications protocol developed by Modicon. Used

to communicate with external devices such as distributed control systems or
operator interfaces.

MODBUS object Represents the configuration settings for a MODBUS Master or for its
associated slave links in the AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-
Trusted SIS Workstation software. The settings include communication
settings and messages.

module locking screw The AADvance latch mechanism seen on the front panel of each module and
operated by a broad, flat-blade screwdriver. Uses a cam action to lock to the
processor base unit or I/O base unit.

NFPA 85 The Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code. Applies to certain boilers,
stokers, fuel systems, and steam generators. The purpose of this code is to
contribute to operating safety and to help prevent uncontrolled fires,
explosions, and implosions.

NFPA 86 A standard for Ovens and Furnaces. Provides the requirements for the
prevention of fire and explosion hazards in associated with heat processing of
materials in ovens, furnaces and related equipment.

on-line The state of a controller that is executing the application software.

OPC A series of standards specifications which support open connectivity in

industrial automation.

output (variable) A value passed from the processor module to an I/O module.

peer to peer A Peer to Peer network consists of one or more Ethernet networks connecting
together a series of AADvance and/or Trusted® controllers to enable
application data to be passed between them.

pinging In MODBUS communications, sending the diagnostic Query Data command

over a link and by receiving a reply ensuring that the link is healthy and the
controller is able to communicate with the master. No process data is

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 143

transferred or modified. In the case of slave devices that will not support
pinging then the Standby command will default to Inactive state, but no error
will be returned.

portable equipment Enclosed equipment that is moved while in operation or which can easily be
moved from one place to another while connected to the supply. Examples are
programming and debugging tools and test equipment.

process safety time (PST) For equipment under control this represents the period of time a dangerous
condition can exist without the protection of a safety instrumented system
before a hazardous event occurs.

processor base unit A backplane assembly which holds all of the processor modules in an
AADvance controller. Part number T9100. See also 'processor module'.

processor module The application execution engine of the AADvance controller, housed in a self-
contained and standardized physical form factor.

producer A controller producing a tag to one or more consumers, at the request of the

program enable key A security device that protects the application from unauthorized access and
change, in the form factor of a 9-way 'D' type plug. Part number T9906.
Supplied with the processor base unit. See also 'key connector'.

project A collection of configurations and the definition of the linking between them.
See 'configuration'.

proof test A periodic test performed to detect dangerous hidden faults in a safety
instrumented system (SIS) so that, if necessary, a repair can restore the system
to an 'as new' condition or as close as practical to this condition.

Proof tests are designed to reveal both Systematic and Random failures,
Proof tests may be required depending on how the technology has been
AADvance product data is given for a Useful Life of 20 years. For a Mission
Time of up to 20 Years, proof testing is not required. For Mission Times
greater than 20 years, any products that are still in service once that time is
reached should be replaced.

protocol A set of rules that is used by devices (such as AADvance controllers, serial
devices and engineering computers) to communicate with each other. The
rules encompass electrical parameters, data representation, signalling,
authentication, and error detection. Examples include MODBUS, TCP and IP.

PST Process Safety Time. The process safety time for the equipment under control
(denoted PSTEUC) is the period a dangerous condition can exist before a
hazardous event occurs without a safety system as a protection.

real A class of analogue variable stored in a floating, single-precision 32-bit format.

144 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

redundancy The use of two or more devices, each carrying out the same function, to
improve reliability or availability.

resolution The smallest interval measurable by an instrument; the level of detail which
may be represented. For example, 12 bits can distinguish between 4096 values.

RS-232-C, RS-422, RS-485 Standard interfaces introduced by the Electronic Industries Alliance covering
the electrical connection between data communication equipment. RS-232-C
is the most commonly used interface; RS-422 and RS-485 allow for higher
transmission rates over increased distances.

RTC Real-time clock.

RTU Remote terminal unit. The MODBUS protocol supported by the AADvance
controller for MODBUS communications over serial links, with the ability to
multi-drop to multiple slave devices.

safe state A state which enables the execution of a process demand. Usually entered after
the detection of a fault condition; it makes sure the effect of the fault is to
enable rather than disable a process demand.

safety accuracy The accuracy of a signal within which the signal is guaranteed to be free of
dangerous faults. If the signal drifts outside of this range, it is declared faulty.

safety-critical state A faulted state which prevents the execution of a process demand.

sensor A device or combination of devices that measure a process condition.

Examples are transmitters, transducers, process switches and position

sequential function chart An IEC 61131 language that divides the process cycle into a number of well-
defined steps separated by transitions. See 'limited variability language'.

SFF Safe Failure Fraction. Given by (the sum of the rate of safe failures plus the rate
of detected dangerous failures) divided by (the sum of the rate of safe failures
plus the rate of detected and undetected dangerous failures).

SIF Safety Instrumented Function. A form of process control that performs

specified functions to achieve or maintain a safe state of a process when
unacceptable or dangerous process conditions are detected.

SIL Safety Integrity Level. One of four possible discrete levels, defined in IEC 61508
and IEC 61511, for specifying the safety integrity requirements of the safety
functions to be allocated to a safety-related system. SIL4 has the highest level
of safety integrity; SIL1 has the lowest.

The whole of an installation (of which the AADvance system forms a part) must
meet these requirements in order to achieve an overall SIL rating.

SNCP SNCP (Safety Network Control Protocol) is the Safety Protocol that allows
elements of an AADvance System to exchange data. SNCP is a SIL 3 certified

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 145

protocol which provides a safety layer for the Ethernet network making it a
"Black Channel".

SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol. Used for synchronizing the clocks of computer
systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks.

structured text A high level IEC 61131-3 language with syntax similar to Pascal. Used mainly to
implement complex procedures that cannot be expressed easily with graphical

synchronous A data communications term describing a serial transmission protocol. A pre-

arranged number of bits is expected to be sent across a line per second. To
synchronise the sending and receiving machines, a clocking signal is sent by
the transmitting computer. There are no start or stop bits.

TA See 'termination assembly'.

target An attribute of a 'configuration' which describes characteristics of the

AADvance controller on which the configuration will run. Includes
characteristics such as the memory model and the sizes of variable types for
the controller.

TCP Transmission control protocol. One of the core protocols of the Internet
Protocol suite. It provides reliable, ordered delivery of a stream of bytes from a
program on one computer to another program on another computer.
Common applications include the World Wide Web, e-mail and file transfer
and, for an AADvance controller, MODBUS communications over Ethernet.

termination assembly A printed circuit board which connects field wiring to an input or output
module. The circuit includes fuses for field circuits. The board carries screw
terminals to connect field wiring to the controller, and the whole assembly
clips onto the 9300 I/O base unit.

TMR Triple modular redundant. A fault tolerant arrangement in which three

systems carry out a process and their result is processed by a voting system to
produce a single output.

TÜV certification Independent third party certification against a defined range of international
standards including IEC 61508.

U Rack unit. A unit of measure used to describe the height of equipment
intended for mounting in a standard rack. Equivalent to 44.45mm (1-¾ inches).

146 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

validation In quality assurance, confirmation that the product does what the user

verification In quality assurance, confirmation that the product conforms to the


voting system A redundant system (m out of n) which requires at least m of the n channels to
be in agreement before the system can take action.

withstand voltage The maximum voltage level that can be applied between circuits or
components without causing a breakdown.

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 147


148 Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

AADvance Controller System Build Manual

Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021 149

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Publication ICSTT-RM448M-EN-P - February 2021

Supersedes Publication ICSTT-RM448L-EN-P - July 2019 Copyright © 2021 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.

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