Multiscale Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Self
Multiscale Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Self
Multiscale Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Self
Multiscale Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Self-Organized
Growth of GaN/AlN Quantum Dots
Jorge A. Budagosky 1 and Alberto García-Cristóbal 2, *
1 Nanotechnology on Surfaces and Plasma Group, Materials Science Institute of Seville (CSIC-US),
C/ Américo Vespucio 49, 41092 Seville, Spain
2 Instituto de Ciencia de los Materiales (ICMUV), Universidad de Valencia, C/ Catedràtic José Beltrán 2,
46980 Paterna, Spain
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: A three-dimensional kinetic Monte Carlo methodology is developed to study the strained
epitaxial growth of wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum dots. It describes the kinetics of effective GaN
adatoms on an hexagonal lattice. The elastic strain energy is evaluated by a purposely devised proce-
dure: first, we take advantage of the fact that the deformation in a lattice-mismatched heterostructure
is equivalent to that obtained by assuming that one of the regions of the system is subjected to
a properly chosen uniform stress (Eshelby inclusion concept), and then the strain is obtained by
applying the Green’s function method. The standard Monte Carlo method has been modified to
implement a multiscale algorithm that allows the isolated adatoms to perform long diffusion jumps.
With these state-of-the art modifications, it is possible to perform efficiently simulations over large
areas and long elapsed times. We have taylored the model to the conditions of molecular beam
epitaxy under N-rich conditions. The corresponding simulations reproduce the different stages of
the Stranski–Krastanov transition, showing quantitative agreement with the experimental findings
concerning the critical deposition, and island size and density. The influence of growth parameters,
Citation: Budagosky, J.A.; such as the relative fluxes of Ga and N and the substrate temperature, is also studied and found
García-Cristóbal, A. Multiscale to be consistent with the experimental observations. In addition, the growth of stacked layers of
Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of quantum dots is also simulated and the conditions for their vertical alignment and homogenization
Self-Organized Growth of GaN/AlN are illustrated. In summary, the developed methodology allows one to reproduce the main features
Quantum Dots. Nanomaterials 2022, of the self-organized quantum dot growth and to understand the microscopic mechanisms at play.
12, 3052.
Keywords: kinetic Monte Carlo; heteroepitaxy; Stranski-Krastanov growth mode; strain relaxation;
Academic Editors: Walter III-N semiconductors; gallium nitride; nucleation; self-organized quantum dots
Lacarbonara and Giovanni Formica
PACS: 64.75 Yz; 68.55 A-; 77.80 bn; 77.84 Bw; 81.16 Rf
Received: 10 August 2022
Accepted: 27 August 2022
Published: 2 September 2022
advantage of this approach is the ease of the fabrication of high density ensembles of QDs,
a necessary condition for their use in optoelectronic devices [2]. On the other hand, due to
the stochastic nature of the growth process, the resulting islands present a certain size and
position dispersion. This inhomogeneity makes difficult to control the desired properties
necessary for device implementation. The most studied examples of strained heteroepitaxy
are the InAs/GaAs and Ge/Si systems (with lattice mismatch of 6% and 4%, respectively),
but there are many more combinations of potential technological interest, such as InAs/InP,
CdSe/ZnSe, PbSe/PbTe, and GaN/AlN, to name a few.
The parameters and mechanisms that underlie the self-assembly of 3D islands have
long been the subject of great interest. From the experimental point of view, the goal
has been to master the specific conditions that allow to select the growth mode, and
provide control over the size and density of the islands. In this respect, experimental
data indicate that the growth of self-organized QDs is sensitive to parameters such as
substrate temperature, fluxes of the constituent materials, growth interruption time, etc.
Although these studies provide a valuable empirical knowledge, the microscopic origin
of the established general trends is not fully understood, owing to the complexity of
the physics of strained layer growth. A complementary approach is the development
of numerical simulations. At present, the most common and versatile growth modeling
strategy is based on the kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) method. Its advantage lies in that,
due to its stochastic nature, it is able to cover the experimentally relevant growth times
and system sizes, while having access in principle to the full atomistic structure. Since
the growth of self-assembled QDs in the SK mode is driven by the elastic relaxation, the
incorporation of the strain in the KMC methodology is mandatory. It has to be noted
though that the computational cost in simulating epitaxial systems with strain is more
expensive than for systems without strain because the elastic displacement field has to
be dynamically updated following the changes in the growing film. The KMC method
has been implemented with a varying degree of sophistication for the simulation of self-
assembled epitaxial growth [3–10].
Most of the existing work on the growth of self-assembled QDs, both experimental
and simulation, is devoted to the study of InAs/GaAs and Si/Ge systems with cubic
crystalline structures. There has followed, however, a remarkable progress with the strained
heteroepitaxial growth of group-III nitrides with wurtzite structure, which have a wide
range of applications in the field of optoelectronics and high power electronics [11]. The
GaN/AlN heterostructure, normally grown along the polar axis of the crystal structure,
is a typical example; it is characterized by a lattice mismatch of the order of 2.4% and has
been demonstrated to present a SK growth transition leading to wurtzite GaN QDs. In the
literature, GaN/AlN quantum dots have been obtained by three major epitaxial growth
methods: plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy [12], ammonia-assisted molecular beam
epitaxy [13], and metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy [14,15]. In this paper, we focus on the
GaN/AlN QDs obtained by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PA-MBE) at CEA
Grenoble, since their growth has been thoroughly analyzed by a range of experimental
techniques [12,16–25]. Concerning the KMC simulations, there exist just a few studies
devoted to the growth of III-N wurtzite-type materials. They are, however, mainly focused
on GaN homoepitaxy [26–31]. To the best of our knowledge, nobody has reported KMC
simulations of self-organized growth of III-N QDs so far.
In this paper, we propose a 3D lattice kinetic Monte Carlo model to study the growth
of self-organized GaN/AlN QDs. Our aim is to perform simulations on length scales
close to one hundred nanometers and time scales of tens of seconds, by including the
evolving strain distribution in the system. This goal poses a strong computational challenge
that we have tackled by: (i) simulating effective GaN adatoms, instead of following in
detail the separate behavior of real Ga and N atoms, (ii) implementing a fast multiscale
algorithm that allows the adatoms to perform long diffusion jumps across multiple sites [32],
and (iii) developing an efficient procedure to obtain the elastic strain energy distribution
based on continuum elasticity theory. In order to validate the proposed model, we have
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3052 3 of 21
tailored it for its comparison against the experimental resuls on GaN/AlN QDs grown
by PA-MBE under N-rich conditions. The corresponding simulations of the evolution
of the surface morphology reproduce the different stages of the SK transition from an
initial two-dimensional (2D) layer to the full development of 3D QDs, and demonstrate
quantitative agreement with the experimental findings concerning the critical deposition,
and island size and density. The influence of relevant growth parameters, such as growth
temperature and the relative fluxes of Ga and N, is also studied and found to be consistent
with the experimental observations. Additionally, we have briefly simulated the growth of
multiple stacked QD layers, and demonstrated how the strain field can lead to both vertical
alignment and increase the uniformity of the QD ensembles of the upper layers. These
findings are in qualitative agreement with the reported experimental results [22].
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the theoretical background
and the procedure used in our simulations. In Section 3, we discuss the results obtained,
including a comparison with available experiments. Finally, Section 4 contains the overall
discussion and the conclusions extracted from the work.
Ga adatom
deposition (iii)
GaN film hI
I a*
Figure 1. (a) Cross section of the system under study. The actual domain of simulation is the indicated
GaN film, modeled as a set of adatoms located at predefined lattice sites, and represented here as
spheres in hexagonal unit cells of parameters a∗ and c∗ . The in-plane sites are labeled by integers
I, and the corresponding local heights are denoted by h I (see text). Also sketched are the possible
processes that a given adatom can experience: (i) deposition, (ii) diffusion, and (iii) desorption.
(b) Top view of the GaN film, with indication of the 2D hexagonal lattice, and illustration of the
possible diffusion jumps that an adatom at x I can make.
For the simulation of the epitaxial growth we have included three types of pro-
cesses: deposition (adsorption), surface diffusion, and evaporation (desorption), which
are schematically indicated in Figure 1a. Each elementary event is associated with a rate,
as follows:
(i) During the growth simulation, the adatoms are randomly deposited onto the
surface, with a deposition rate rdep = FNl , where F represent the deposition flux (in ML/s).
(ii) The adatoms sitting on the surface are allowed to randomly hop to one of its six
nearest neighbor sites, see Figure 1b, with a jump rate defined by an Arrhenius-type ex-
rdif = ν0 exp − dif , (1)
kB T
where Edif is the diffusion energy barrier, k B the Boltzmann constant, and T the substrate
temperature. The factor ν0 , called attempt frequency, defines the time scale of the surface
processes, and is typically related with the vibrational frequency of a surface adatom. Here,
we take ν0 = 1013 s−1 .
(iii) The adatom desorption process is analogously described by the rate:
rdes = ν0 exp − des , (2)
kB T
(0) (0)
The terms Edif (Edes ) are the contribution to the diffusion (desorption) barriers due
to the binding to the underlying surface. For both diffusion and desorption barriers we
assumed a simple bond-counting rule, where the energy Eb is a measure of the binding
energy between lateral neighbor adatoms. Accordingly, in case a given adatom is bonded to
n neighbors, an increase +nEb of the diffusion and desorption barriers is introduced. In the
case of the hexagonal lattice, n runs from 0 (isolated adatom) to 6 (completely surrounded
adatom). In some instances, the selected diffusion jump would take place across a single
step, i.e., between sites with a difference in height of c∗ , as would occur at an island edge.
Single jumps across multiple steps are explicitly forbidden in our model. In the single
step jumps one has to take into account the (Ehrlich-)Schwöbel effect [30,37–39]. This is
effectively accounted for here by adding a term +mEstep , where Estep is the magnitude
of the Schwöbel barrier that the adatom has to surmount to cross the step edge, and m
is the number of in-plane jump directions in which there is a step. For simplicity, in our
simulations the additional step barrier is only included for downward step jumps. In the
growth of a material lattice-mismatched to the substrate (as in the case of GaN on AlN), the
growing layer is (inhomogeneously) strained and there is a corresponding accumulation of
elastic energy. Consequently, the surface adatoms will diffuse (desorb) more often from
the strained sites than from the relaxed ones [40]. As time passes by, this will lead to a
net flux of adatoms from the strained to the relaxed areas, which is at the origin of the
self-assembly of islands in these heteroepitaxial systems. To incorporate this effect into
our simulation procedure, we introduce a strain-induced barrier term − Estr , reflecting
the increased likelihood of diffusion and evaporation events at sites where Estr is larger.
The calculation of Estr will be discussed in Section 2.2. We note that both Edif and Edes
actually depend on the local environment (through n and m) and absolute position (through
space-dependent Estr ) of the surface adatom considered.
During the KMC simulations, the system just described is evolved in time by using
an event-based Bortz–Kalos–Lebowitz (BKL) algorithm [32,41]. The corresponding time
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3052 6 of 21
interval ∆t is calculated and added to the elapsed simulation time. In this work, compelled
by the general requirement to increase the efficiency of growth simulations in large surfaces
and for sufficiently long times, and the specific need to include in a simple way the effect of
strain on the surface kinetics, we have incorporated the following modifications over the
standard BKL algorithm:
• At every time step, the systematic search across the entire surface for the sites attainable
by the process selected by the BKL algorithm has a cost in CPU time scaling with
the surface size. To avoid this problem, we have used an inverted-list algorithm [42].
Since the updating of the inverted lists is a local procedure, the adatom search process
becomes now independent of the surface size. This approach is specially efficient in the
case of having a not too extensive catalog of possible events. In our case, in the absence
of Schwöbel and strain-induced barriers, the system would have a very simple rate
structure: There are only seven transitions for the diffusion and desorption processes,
corresponding to the possible bonds to nearest neighbors (n = 0, . . . , 6). To include
the (Ehrlich-)Schwöbel effect (in cases where the jump occurs across a step) and the
inhomogeneous strain-induced barrier Estr , without having to modify the structure of
inverted lists mentioned above, we use an acceptance-rejection algorithm [42].
• In growth regimes where surface diffusion plays a dominant role, most of the com-
putation time is spent in calculating the adatom diffusion random walks. However,
the associated jump rates for isolated and bonded adatoms can differ by orders of
magnitude, due to the relative factor exp − knETb . We use the multiscale kinetic Monte
Carlo method proposed in Ref. [32] that takes advantage of this disparity in the
adatom dynamics by allowing the isolated adatoms to make longer jumps than the
bonded ones. This reduces drastically the number of Monte Carlo steps required to
complete the simulation. For example, for a surface with Nl = 500 × 500 lattice sites,
a tenfold reduction in computation time can be easily achieved. The long jumps in
the multiscale model are an effective way of simulating by a single event a chain of
multiple short jumps. We mentioned earlier that the presence of a nonuniform surface
elastic energy is expected to lead, for sufficiently long times, to a preferential diffusion
towards more relaxed regions. Therefore, it is natural to introduce, for long jumps
(with associated long elapsed times), a bias in the jump direction that gives preference
to the arrival sites with the lowest values of Estr . In this work, we have implemented
that idea as follows: Once an isolated adatom (n = 0) has been selected, we scan its
neighborhod in search of obstacles (steps to upper terraces, other isolated adatoms or
clusters). This search sets the number of sites L (>1) for the long jump, and the jump
direction α (α = 1, . . . , 6) is chosen according to the following probability distribution:
pα = wα / ∑ w β , (4)
β =1
ηα Estep + k( L − 1)∆Estr
wα = exp − , (5)
kB T
where the term ηα Estep accounts for the possible presence of Schwöbel barriers: ηα = 1
(ηα = 0) if there is (there is not) a step when making a jump of L sites along direction
α. The strain-induced bias term k( L − 1)∆Estr is proportional to the elastic energy
difference ∆Estr between the target site, located L sites away along direction α, and
the initial site. The factor ( L − 1) introduces an explicit dependence of the bias on
the jump length L. The coefficient k is a free input parameter of the model. A similar
parameter was used in Ref. [9] to simulate superlattices of PbSe/PbEuTe QDs. In our
case, the optimum value k = 12 was determined so that the simulations reproduce the
general features of growth experiments in GaN/AlN systems.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3052 7 of 21
In principle, one could try to determine the parameters of the KMC model on the basis
of the energetics obtained from ab initio total energy calculations [29,43]. However, this is
outside the scope of this work, and we will instead estimate the strain-independent model
(0) (0)
parameters (Edif , Edes , Eb , Estep ) by trying to reproduce various well established features of
the homoepitaxial growth of GaN (see Section 3.1).
Since this work is ultimately interested in the growth of QDs in the Stranski–Krastanov
mode, all the simulations begin with a first monolayer of GaN already formed. The output
of the simulation at later times is a certain array {h I }, which defines the inhomogeneous
thickness of the GaN film. The simulations can be analyzed qualitatively by direct obser-
vation of the resulting surface morphology, and quantitatively by computing, at selected
stages of the simulation, quantities such as the dot density or the dot height and diam-
eter distribution. A quantity of special interest that we extract from our simulations is
the surface step density Sd (associated to the degree of surface roughness), which has
been demonstrated to provide a direct representation of the specular electron diffraction
(RHEED) intensities recorded in a variety of growth experiments [33]. In the analysis
of RHEED experiments that we present below, we have represented the quantity 1 − Sd
instead of Sd , since the maxima (minima) in the RHEED traces occur at situations when the
density of steps at the surface of the GaN layer is minimal (maximal).
Figure 2. Schematic illustration of an epitaxial GaN layer on a semi-infinite AlN substrate. Both the
original discrete description {h I } (a) and the smoothed version h( x⊥ ) (b) of the surface morphology
are shown. The topography in part (b) is overlaid by a color map representing the strain energy
Estr ( x⊥ ), as calculated within continuum elasticity theory (see text).
Estr ( x⊥ ) = Ω∗ U ( x⊥ ) f ( x⊥ ) , (6)
where Ω∗ = 3/2 a∗ 2 c∗ is the volume of the unit cell occupied by each GaN adatom, and
f ( x⊥ ) is a function that heuristically takes into account the formation of the GaN wetting
layer [52]:
f ( x⊥ ) = 1 − h i . (7)
h( x )
1 + exp 4 c∗⊥ − γ
The parameter γ = 1.5 has been chosen in order to obtain a critical thickness of 2 ML
for the SK transition, as occurs in the growth experiments that we compare below with our
simulations. In Figure 2b, we illustrate the calculation of Estr ( x⊥ ) for a typical situation.
The discrete values of the strain-induced barrier energy appearing in the KMC simulations
are then given by Estr ( I ) = Estr ( x⊥ = x I ).
Despite the efficiency of the procedure devised, the cost in CPU time to update
the surface strain energy density of the film at each time step would still be prohibitive.
However, major changes in the surface morphology occur at a time scale much greater than
that of the individual surface events. Therefore, in all the simulations we have updated the
strain-induced energy only at every nstr = 500(l/64) time steps. Tests using lower values
of nstr show no qualitative changes.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3052 9 of 21
3. Simulation Results
In this section, we present the results of our numerical simulations. We first present a
strategy to calibrate some of the parameters of the model by a comparison of the simulations
with GaN homoepitaxial growth experiments. We will afterwards investigate the effect of
some relevant parameters (GaN coverage Θ, flux ratio φGa /φN and substrate temperature
T) on the morphology of a single GaN QD layer grown on AlN. Finally, we will study
the growth of stacks of GaN/AlN QD layers. All our simulations have been performed
on a lattice of Nl = l × l = 256 × 256 sites (corresponding to an area of S ∼ 128.4 nm
× 111.2 nm).
Edif ' 1.78 − 4.87 × 10−3 e4η eV ,
Eb ' 0.41 − 0.12 η eV ,
Edes ' 2.53 − 0.17 η eV ,
η 14.4
Estep ' 0.12 − 0.06 eV . (8)
0.7514.4 + η 14.4
As we noted above, due to the simplicity of the growth model, the activation energies
of the different processes should be regarded as effective parameters, i.e., parameters whose
values have to be understood as averages of the microscopic processes that we are not
considering explicitly.
3.2. Onset of the Stranski–Krastanov Growth Mode and Formation of Quantum Dots
In this section, we analyze the heteroepitaxial growth of a GaN film on an AlN
substrate as a function of the coverage Θ (amount of deposited GaN). The substrate
temperature is fixed to T = 730 ◦ C. The Ga and N fluxes are chosen so that φGa /φN = 0.8,
and the growth rate is ∼0.15 ML/s, i.e., the growth is performed under a slight excess of N.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3052 10 of 21
RHEED intensity
1 Sd
GaN 0.89
1 Sd (arb.unts)
GaN 0.82
GaN 0.68
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (s)
Figure 3. Comparison between the RHEED traces measured during GaN homoepitaxial growth at
T = 730 ◦ C under different ratios φGa /φN in Ref. [20] with the step density 1 − Sd curves obtained
from simulations with the fitted activation energies. In all cases, φN = 0.28 ML/s.
Figure 4 shows the evolution of the GaN film morphology as the deposition progresses,
from a completely formed first monolayer up to a final GaN coverage of Θ = 5 ML. It can
be observed that the growth of the second monolayer takes place by the 2D layer-by-layer
mode, i.e., by the formation of 1 ML high nuclei that grow progressively into laterally
extended 2D islands (platelets) by capturing the adatoms that had been deposited on the
surface (see the results in Figure 4 for a coverage of 1.5 ML). These platelets coalesce until
the second monolayer is fully completed. However, from that point on the morphology
changes drastically: although initially 2D platelets start to grow as before, at a deposition
of 2.2–2.4 ML new clusters are formed on top of some of those platelets, and simultane-
ously, due to the strain effects, the lateral growth of the platelets becomes energetically
inconvenient and therefore strongly inhibited before coalescence becomes important. This
qualitative change, with the formation of stable 3D islands (2 or more ML high) on top of
the flat surface (clearly observed in Figure 4 for a coverage of 2.6 ML), marks the onset of the
Stranski–Krastanov transition [21]. In order to quantitatively assess these observations, we
show in Figure 5a the evolution of the calculated step density 1 − Sd as a function of Θ. The
oscillation between the first and second ML is indicative of the layer-by-layer growth mode.
Shortly after the completion of the second ML (identified by the disappearance of the oscil-
lation), the critical thickness is reached at Θ ∼ 2.25 ML, and the growth is changed to the
SK mode, with the formation of the first 3D islands (quantum dots), as commented above.
The SK transition does not manifest itself very clearly in this representation, although
a very small elbow associated to it can be hinted at 2.25–2.4 ML. For further deposition,
from 2.2 to 3 ML, the quantity 1 − Sd decreases monotonically, in that part of the process
the existing islands continue to grow, while at the same time new 3D islands begin to
form. This is best observed in Figure 5b, where we depict the evolution of the QD density
with increasing GaN coverage. The simulation results demonstrate that the QD density
increases rapidly from the onset of the SK transition until approximately 3.0 ML. From
that moment on and up to 5 ML, the number of QDs remains constant, and the growth
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3052 11 of 21
continues exclusively by increasing the volume of the existing QDs, as can be observed
in Figure 4. For the sake of comparison, we also present in Figure 5b the corresponding
experimental results of the QD density reported in Ref. [21]. We conclude that the results
from the numerical simulations concerning the different stages of the growth process and
the overall features of the quantum dot ensemble are generally in good agreement with the
growth experiments. There remain, however, some discrepancies that could be addressed
in further work. Most noticeably, the experiments demonstrate the appearance, with in-
creasing coverage after density saturation, of a bimodal height distribution, with fixed
height islands coexisting with larger islands ever growing in size. Our present model does
not reproduce such behavior.
Figure 4. Simulation of the process of growth of 5 ML of GaN on AlN. The various panels show
the GaN surface morphology at different instants (corresponding to the specified values of the GaN
coverage Θ). The color scale indicating the discrete height is independently chosen in each panel, but
the corresponding maximum height is specified in every case.
1Sd (arb. units)
0.9 2D 3D
QDs density (cm-2)
Experimental data
1010 (b) KMC simulation
1 2 3 4 5
GaN coverage (ML)
Figure 5. (a) Evolution of the step density 1 − Sd as a function of Θ. The vertical line at ≈2.25 ML
indicates the critical thickness at which the 2D-3D SK transition occurs. (b) QD density as a function
of Θ. The results obtained from the KMC simulations are compared with the experimental data of
Ref. [21].
resulting QDs, is the ratio between the nominal fluxes of Ga and N, φGa /φN [18–20]. In this
section, we use our simulations to study the morphology of the QD layer as a function of
φGa /φN . The total amount of GaN deposited is Θ = 3 ML and the substrate temperature is
fixed to T = 730 ◦ C.
Figure 6 shows the film morphologies simulated for values of φGa between 0.15
and 0.28 ML/s. The N flux φN has been set at 0.28 ML/s. As can be observed, for φGa
eff /φ
less than 0.23 ML/s (φGa N ≈ 0.88), the SK transition competes with the kinetically
induced formation of extended 2D platelets: in this regime the mobility of the adatoms on
the surface, directly dependent on the ratio φGa eff /φ , is not high enough to promote the
nucleation of 3D precursor islands well defined and separated from each other. Therefore,
the system partially relaxes its elastic energy by means of a rough surface instead of
through a genuine 2D-3D transition. This behavior generally agrees with that observed in
growth experiments [18,19]. Furthermore, for simulations with increasing φGa /φN beyond
φGa ≥ 0.23, we observe a significant increase in the average island height, along with a
slight decrease in the diameter, together with a progressive size homogenization. The origin
of this trend lies in the decrease in both the diffusion barrier Edif and the binding energy
Eb (that can be associated to an increase in the effective mobility of the adatoms) as φGa
increases, so that the diffusion of the GaN adatoms across the surface is predominantly
determined by the inhomogeneities in the elastic energy. Therefore, the precursor 2D
islands slow down their lateral growth earlier than for growth under lower φGa /φN , and
the SK transition to 3D growth sets is clear. Our calculations (not shown) also demonstrate
that for Ga fluxes beyond 0.23 ML/s, the QD density decays linearly as we get closer to
the stoichiometry (which corresponds to φGa = φN + δφGaN ∼ 0.3 ML/s). Simulations
carried out considering a higher N flux of value φN = 0.34 ML/s (not shown here) reveal a
tendency of the GaN layer to relax its elastic energy via the formation of irregular islands
of small height and large diameter (instead of fully developed 3D dots), with essentially
constant density.
Figure 6. Surface morphology of a GaN epitaxial layer grown on an AlN substrate for simulations
with different nominal Ga fluxes φGa (specified in each panel of the figure). The N flux φN has been
set at 0.28 ML/s. The color scale indicating the discrete height is the same for all panels. A reference
height is provided in the panel for φGa = 0.28 ML/s.
Figure 7. Surface morphology of a GaN epitaxial layer grown on an AlN substrate as obtained by
simulations performed at different temperatures (specified in each panel of the figure). The color
scale indicating the discrete height is the same for all panels. A reference height is provided in the
panel for T = 760 ◦ C.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3052 14 of 21
1 density after 3 ML
saturation density
KMC simulation
Figure 8. QD density obtained from the KMC simulations as a function of temperature (blue circles).
For comparison, we also display two sets of experimental densities (red circles and green squares)
measured in Ref. [21] (see text).
of (tensile) strain energy in the regions of the AlN spacer above the buried dots can act as a
driving factor for the aligned growth of the QDs in the following layers.
Figure 9. Vertical cross sections through the simulated stacks consisting of five QD layers separated by
different spacer thicknesses: d = 10.2 nm (stack A), d = 5.2 nm (B), d = 4.2 nm (C), and d = 3.2 nm
(D). For each stack, the distribution of the elastic energy density U ( x) is shown by means of a
pixelated color map. The color scale has been truncated at 0.1 eV/nm3 , so that most the GaN volume,
which is strained beyond that value, appears as black colored.
4. Discussion
We have developed a (3D) lattice kinetic Monte Carlo model for the simulation of
the heteroepitaxial growth of GaN/AlN systems. The species simulated are effective GaN
adatoms. The model is standard in that it includes the relevant processes of deposition,
diffusion and desorption, and implements the BKL algorithm. In addition, it incorporates
several special characteristics that we highlight in the following. On account of the usual
wurtzite crystalline structure of the III-N semiconductors, the simulation domain is built
on an hexagonal lattice. The influence of the elastic strain inherent to lattice-mismatched
growth is incorporated through an inhomogeneous correction Estr ( I ) to the diffusion and
desorption energy barriers. This quantity defined at the lattice sites is related to the strain
energy density at the surface of the growing GaN film U ( x⊥ ). The latter quantity is in
turn calculated within linear elastic continuum theory by an efficient procedure purposely
devised and based on the combined use of the Eshelby inclusion concept and the Green’s
function method. This procedure accounts for the elastic anisotropy of the system and
allows to dynamically account for the deformation at the free surface of the irregular profile
of the growing film. The above strain energy considerations supersede previous works on
similar topics, which make drastic simplifications in various respects [8,9,55]. On the other
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3052 16 of 21
hand, our goal to study the self-organization effect imposes the need to perform simulations
over a large area domain on long time scales. In order to improve the computational speed
so as to fulfill the above requirements, we have introduced various modifications to the
standard BKL algorithm. The most important one has been to allow the isolated adatoms to
perform longer discrete jumps than the laterally bound adatoms (multiscale kinetic Monte
Carlo algorithm). The direction of these jumps has been selected according to the strain
landscape in which they take place. With these improvements, efficient realistic simulations
on surfaces with side lengths close to one hundred nanometers, over time intervals of tens
of seconds (multiplied by up to 5 in the case of stacks) are possible. We note that our
model assumes a flat substrate surface. In practice, most often the substrates present some
degree of deviation from flatness. For example, in the experiments of Ref. [21] to which we
compare our simulations, the AlN surface is characterized by about 30 nm wide terraces
and spiral hillocks. This structure however does not seem to affect the nucleation of the
dots which are distributed rather homogeneously. In some other works, vicinal substrates
with an intentional miscut are used, resulting in a step organization, made of regularly
ordered terraces, at the AlN surface [56]. When the terrace width is larger than the diffusion
length of the adatoms, their kinetics is essentially equal to that in a flat surface. This leads
to a homogeneous nucleation, with dots covering the entire surface. On the contrary, when
the diffusion length is comparable to the width of the terraces, the GaN nucleation at steps
is energetically favorable, leading to a clear alignment of the dots along the AlN steps. The
modeling of this specific behavior is interesting and could motivate future extensions of
our KMC model.
Let us now comment on what we consider the main limitations of the described
KMC model. In the first place, we note that it is not strictly atomistic since the simulated
units are effective GaN adatoms. This means that the parameters are also effective and, in
principle, their values must be obtained by trial and error. However, in our case we have
developed a systematic strategy to ascertain the optimal values adapted to our purposes.
Initially, simulations of homoepitaxial GaN PA-MBE growth have been quantitatively
compared with corresponding available experiments. This comparison has allowed one
to estimate the intrinsic parameters governing the growth dynamics on the GaN surface
in the N-rich regime, and its dependence on the nominal fluxes. Afterwards, the strain-
related parameters, notably the parameter k commented below, have been fixed to achieve
agreement with some key experimental results, such as the SK critical thickness, and
the correlation spacing in QD stacks. The other noteworthy point of the model is the
introduction of the free parameter k in Equation (5). As mentioned above, in the case of
isolated adatoms we have replaced the short jumps with longer jumps, which allow us
to considerably speed up the simulations. However, in doing this we are eliminating the
cumulative effect of the elastic inhomogeneities after many short jumps. To compensate
for it, we have added a bias in the direction of the long jumps. This bias is proportional to
the difference between the elastic energies of the initial and arrival sites and to the number
of lattice sites between them. The free parameter k does not alter the surface distribution
of Estr ( x⊥ ) calculated by the elastic continuum theory but just magnifies the amplitude
of the strain-induced modulation between the initial and final sites to compensate for the
loss of the cumulative effect of many short random jumps. A similar parameter has been
introduced in the KMC simulations of Ref. [9]. It is remarkable that a single parameter k is
sufficient for obtaining a reasonably good correspondence with the experimental data, as
commented below.
The capabilities of the developed KMC model have been demonstrated by comparing
its simulations to the comprehensive growth experiments of Ref. [21]. In particular, the
influence of macroscopic growth parameters such as the surface coverage, the deposition
fluxes and the substrate temperature has been investigated. We summarize here the main
findings obtained in the simulations that are in qualitative (and even quantitative in many
instances) agreement with the experiments: (i) The KMC simulations demonstrate clearly
that the GaN growth passes four stages: (1) initially, the growth is layer by layer; (2) sub-
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3052 17 of 21
sequently, 2D precursor islands form, which (3) later transform into genuine 3D islands
through the SK transition; (4) during further GaN growth, the 3D islands increase their size,
whereas their density remains constant. (ii) Within the model the adatom mobility, which is
coded through the diffusion rate, depends directly on the temperature and indirectly on the
impinging material fluxes. The simulations have demonstrated that these parameters (and
therefore the adatom mobility) strongly influence the SK transition. This is in agreement
with the experiments where it is observed that the surface morphology of GaN layers grown
by PA-MBE depends crucially on the Ga/N flux ratio and the substrate temperature. Finally,
we have presented simulations of the growth of stacked GaN QD layers separated by AlN
spacers, fully taking into account the elastic strain field in the multilayer system. The study
as a function of the spacer layer thickness reveals the important role of the in-plane lattice
parameter modulation in each spacer layer surface (induced by the buried QDs) in directing
the vertical alignment of the dots, together with their size and density homogenization.
Again, the simulations yield results in good qualitative agreement with experimental data
concerning the observed vertical correlations [23]. Still, the model fails to reproduce some
features clearly observed in the experiments. The most notable is the bimodal distribution
of sizes observed in these systems under certain growth conditions [21]. On the other
side, although the simulations results for the QD height and diameter are compatible with
those reported in the experiments, they do not clearly reproduce the typical hexagonal base
pyramid shapes found in real systems of self-assembled GaN QDs [17]. This is probably
due to the lack of an explicit atomistic description of the GaN wurtzite structure.
In summary, the KMC model developed here for the simulation of strained het-
eroepitaxial growth can be considered as an excellent compromise between continuum
models [57] and fully atomistic simulations [58,59]. We note that, even though the model
has been tailored to the study of PA-MBE growth of the GaN/AlN system under N-rich
conditions, the general set up can be modified or extended to have wider applicability. In
this respect, it could be easily adapted, e.g., to deal with the growth of GaN quantum dots
on non-polar surfaces [25].
Author Contributions: J.A.B. and A.G.-C. contributed to the modeling, analysis of the results, and
writing the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The contribution of J. A. Budagosky to this work was made under the auspices of the EU
H2020 program through the ERC Starting Grant 3DScavengers (grant agreement 851929). The work
of A. García-Cristóbal was performed in the framework of the project I+D+I PID2020-112507GB-I0,
funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, and under
Grant PROMETEO/2021/082 (ENIGMA), funded by Generalitat Valenciana.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
Appendix A. Model for the Effective Flux φGa
eff that incorporates the influence of
We propose a simple model for the effective flux φGa
the thermal decomposition of GaN. If we would only take into account the Ga evaporation,
the net Ga flux should be less than the nominal one leaving the Knudsen cell. This effect
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3052 18 of 21
can be represented by a sticking factor α (α ∈ [0, 1]), which is the fraction of Ga atoms
impinging on the surface that will not evaporate and remain on the surface.
However, within the growth temperature range relevant here, the decomposition
of GaN previously formed on the surface represent an extra source of Ga that must be
incorporated into the global calculation of the effective flux. The rate of GaN decomposition
is the thermal decomposition rate of GaN in the vacuum, δφGaN , which can be described as
an Arrhenius type function:
− kB T
δφGaN = νGaN e , (A1)
whose parameters, νGaN = 6.3 × 1013 s−1 and EGaN = 3.1 eV, are taken from Ref. [53].
In our model, we start from the above observations and define the growth rate of
GaN as:
νGaN = αφGa − δφGaN + αδφGaN . (A2)
The term δφGaN , given by (A1), represents the correction to the growth rate due to
the decomposition of GaN, whereas αφGa is the net flux of deposited Ga that remains on
the surface without evaporating, and αδφGaN is the extra Ga flux resulting from the GaN
decomposition which, given the N-rich environment, will remain on the surface. The
effective Ga flux on the surface is therefore:
φGa = α(φGa + δφGaN ) . (A3)
The coefficient α itself depends in general on the nominal fluxes φGa and φN . We
assume this dependence to follow a distribution type function with the form:
α(φGa , φN ) = A + . (A4)
1 + e B(φGa −φN −δφGaN )
In order to determine the parameters A and B, we focus on the stoichiometry condition
at the surface which, for a given nominal N flux φN , is reached by increasing the nominal Ga
flux up to a value φGa equal to φN plus the correction corresponding to the Ga desorption
rate that, in these conditions, coincides with the GaN decomposition rate:
φGa = φN + δφGaN . (A5)
νGaN = φN − δφGaN . (A6)
Substituting (A6) and (A5) into (A2), we obtain an expression for the coefficient α in
stoichiometry conditions:
α(s) = . (A7)
φN + 2δφGaN
Now, by requiring α φGa , φN = α(s) , we determine A:
φN − 2δφGaN
A(φN ) = . (A8)
φN + 2δφGaN
Then, by imposing
the condition that the growth rate is maximum in stoichiometry
conditions, i.e., ∂φGa (s) = 0, the parameter B is found to be:
B(φN ) = . (A9)
δφGaN (φN + 2δφGaN )
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3052 19 of 21
Finally, with the coefficient α determined by the above procedure, the effective Ga
eff can be obtained by means of (A3) for any growth condition within the N-rich
flux φGa
regime. In order to test the validity of our model, we have compared in Figure A1 our
results for νGaN as a function of φGa with the growth rates measured experimentally in
Refs. [20,53]. An excellent agreement with the experiments is found even at temperatures
as high as 770 ◦ C. This shows that, at least up to this temperature, the desorption of N can
be considered negligible.
N flux N = 0.28 ML/s
N flux N = 0.32 ML/s
N flux N = 0.45 ML/s
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
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