June Issue e Dinar
June Issue e Dinar
June Issue e Dinar
Dr. Zeno Dahinden, CEO of e-dinar, (far right) at dinner with Dr. Tun Mohamed Mahathir in Istanbul, spring 2007.
DGC Magazine June Issue § 9
has rendered payment for it. We actually started to mint the first gold dinars and
silver dirhams in 1992, at that time still hammered
(Q) When was the original e-dinar company by hand....
founded? (A silver dirham from the first batch in 1992)
This is done to prevent money laundering at its Even though our Customer Acceptance Policy
root: slows down the growth in new accounts, our
key customers appreciate the strict controls we
• We do not allow third party in-exchanges have in place and thus feel more secure given
into e-dinar accounts. In other words, in- our tight control of operational risk. Operational
exchanges are only accepted from the e-dinar risk is incidentally at the core of the new Basel
account holder. We have in the past returned II regulations from the BIS (Bank of International
third-party in-exchanges for that reason. Settlement).
• We carefully track and monitor the
comparatively small number of third-party out- (Q) Why Dubai and what are the advantages
exchanges of being located in Dubai?
(Q) Does e-dinar have established mints in the Dubai is where the action is. Today, Dubai is the
United Arab Emirates or Indonesia? key business and trade hub for the Middle East,
the Subcontinent and South-East Asia.
We do most of our minting with Emirates Gold in
Dubai. We have some local minting operations in The main advantages of being in Dubai are:
Indonesia and are looking for ways to mint silver • Centre of bullion trade for the Middle East
dirhams in Malaysia to avoid import and custom and Asia (Dubai is also called the ‘City of
duties on silver. Gold’)
• Excellent security and governance of bullion
(Q) Can you say that the e-dinar system is free trade (the expropriation that occurred in
from any financial or counter party risk like the US during the depression would be
those associated with the banking industry? unthinkable in Dubai)
• Very business friendly allowing 100%
Yes, absolutely. Since we always have more bullion foreign ownership
in stock than we have in circulation, there are no • Ideally situated for our target groups both
financial counter party risks. through its trade hub function as well as its
DGC Magazine June Issue § 13
time zone (e.g. 80% of the East-West trade 1000 USD in total gold and silver need to send
passes through Dubai) their certified copies by postal mail.
• No VAT or income taxes
(Q) Regarding financial compliance, what (Q) May I ask approximately how many
jurisdiction’s regulation does e-dinar follow? account holders are currently in the e-dinar
e-dinar follows UAE Financial Regulations. Even
though e-dinar is not a bank, we require full Out of approximately 9000 customer accounts in
compliance with key UAE (United Arab Emirates) total, we have roughly 6000 active accounts, i.e.
financial regulations to: accounts with a gold or silver balance.
• prevent any kind of criminal behavior or (Q) Can you offer us any stats on how much
wrong doing gold or silver is currently on deposit backing
• best protect the long-term interests of our the electronic units?
• avoid potential business disruption as a At present, we do not publish figures on total bullion
result of regulatory compliance issues in storage. What I can tell you is that roughly 45%
of all in-exchanges remain in long-term bullion
(Q) As a new account holder, am I required storage under the custody of e-dinar while 55%
to send you certified copies of my proper are, within one year of deposit, out-exchanged
legal identification before wiring funds to my or for the most part redeemed in gold dinars and
e-dinar account? silver dirhams, bullion bars and sometimes custom
Yes, absolutely. As a matter of fact, we do not
publish our bank details on the e-dinar website. (Q) If my online account contains 10 e-dinar
and 10 e-dirham, can I redeem the electronic
version into actual gold dinar and silver dirham
and have your shop send them to me?
You therefore have no choice except to go through Smaller orders can occur through our web store
our Customer Acceptance Process as follows: and be sent by postal mail while larger orders
should go through e-dinar and will be delivered
All e-dinar customers must - in addition to their by VIA MAT Securitas. If you do not have gold in
contact information entered online - send us a your e-dinar account, you can pay your web store
certified photocopy of their passport or ID card balance via bank transfer.
before we release our bank contact details to
them. (Q) Can you tell us, are the majority of e-dinar
online accounts used by individuals, merchants
Small account holders who plan to buy less than and/or companies for online commerce?
1000 USD in total gold and silver can scan and
email their certified copies of passport or ID card. Most of our accounts are held by individuals. Over
Large account holders who plan to buy more than the last two years, we have begun to build up a
DGC Magazine June Issue § 15
(Q) Who is your preferred customer? With the exception of some newly emerging
Our preferred customers are: global magazines, we do not pursue an active
advertisement strategy but rather depend on
• individuals who want to keep some of their passive marketing through newspapers and TV,
long-term savings in bullion as protection particularly in Malaysia and Indonesia.
against inflation (Q) Can I fund my e-dinar or withdraw funds
• bullion and coin dealers that we supply with through a third party exchange agent?
bullion, dinars & dirhams and custom products
• international trade companies There are some third party exchangers for e-dinar.
• governments such as the Malay Opposition Funding accounts directly through e-dinar is
Party that we supply with DGC services and naturally more cost effective and probably also
gold dinars & silver dirhams safer.
(Q) Do you have a target demographic (Q) How does an e-dinar account accrue
audience which you would like to attract? fees? Is there an annual storage fee or is it
based on the amount in the account?
Our demographic target groups are the Middle East
and South East Asia, increasingly also China. We A storage fee of 1% per annum applies to
hope to attract more companies in international every account. This fee is covering storage and
trade as well as government agencies that want to insurance costs. The storage fee is calculated
promote the gold dinar. based on the average account balance and is
deducted monthly from the account.
(Q) Are e-dinar accounts promoted as online
savings accounts which offer an alternative to (Q) I think the dinar & dirham shop online is
Islamic banking?