72 Gender-Roles Can Student

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Gender Roles

Discussion Starters

A. Warm-Up Questions

1.  re women typically the primary

caregivers in your country?

2. W
 hat jobs would you be
surprised to see a woman doing?

3. What are traditional gender roles?

4. Are most households dual income?

B. Vocabulary Preview

Match up as many words and meanings as you can.

Check this exercise again after seeing the words in context on page 2.

1. traditional a) having two adults in a family that both contribute financially

2. primary b) based on old-fashioned ideas

3. homemaker c) a duty that needs to be done to keep a household clean and functioning

4. breadwinner d) a person who looks after the household duties such as cleaning and shopping

5. dual income e) main

6. chore f) the person who earns the money for the family

7. nuclear g) referring to a mother, father, and their children living together

8. spouse h) stress

9. pressure i) a balanced option that satisfies everyone

10. happy medium j) a husband or wife

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Gender Roles
Discussion Starters

Whose job is it to take out the trash?

1. Have you ever heard of the terms pink jobs and blue jobs? It wasn’t long “My father always
ago when men and women held traditional roles at home and in the defined my gender
workplace. Women were the primary caregivers and homemakers
and men were the sole breadwinners. Wars and women’s rights
to my brothers.
changed how average households are run. When traditions go out He’d say, ‘This is
the window, gender roles are the first thing to go. your sister; you
2. In many parts of the world, households are now dual income. Two must take care
adults share the bills and the chores. Women go back to work after of her.’ ”
having children. They are educated and hold careers similar to their
—Sandra Cisneros, author
spouses. Children are raised by a village of helpers. This includes
childcare workers, extended family, and community services. The
nuclear family isn’t the norm anymore. Single-parent families are
more and more common. Some families are run by two men or two
women. Many people opt to stay single.

3. Was life easier when gender roles were specific? That depends on who
you ask. A woman may say no. She had to do all of the work at home
and never got a break from the children. A man may say no too. He
was out of the home for most of the day. All of the pressure to support
the family was on him. What would the children say if you asked them?

4. As humans, we are always looking for a happy medium. We want

what we don’t have and we have what others want. This is one
personality trait that women and men share. Who takes out the
trash in your family?

Discuss these questions in pairs, and write the answers in your notebook.

1. What are pink and blue jobs? 4. According to the author, was life easier
when gender roles were more specific?
2. What role do men have in households
where women primarily look after the children? 5. Why does the author mention
trash in the last sentence?
3. What does the reading say about
the traditional nuclear family?

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Gender Roles
Discussion Starters

Vocabulary Review
A. Complete the Sentences

Complete each sentence with the correct word from the vocabulary list on page 1.

1. One role of a 4. Even small children can help out with

is to keep a home clean. household .

2. Parents have the added 5. A family

of finding suitable childcare. refers to a mother, father, and their kids.

3. When I lost my job, my wife

became the .

B. Choose the Correct Word

Choose the word or phrase with the closest meaning to

the underlined word or phrase in the following sentences.

1. Dual-income families 3. I don’t want to quit, but 5. None of my friends

sometimes pay hired help for I don’t want to work full-time. come from nuclear families.
household chores. I need a happy medium.
a) breadwinning
a) female a) role b) pressured
b) two b) happiness c) high-income
c) fighting c) balance d) traditional
d) rich d) life

2. My primary role is to 4. Bill Davidson is my spouse.

make sure my kids get
a) nuclear
home safely from school.
b) dual
a) early c) colleague
b) main d) husband
c) homemaker
d) young

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Gender Roles
Discussion Starters

1. Do parents treat their baby boys and girls differently?

2. How do children develop stereotypes about gender?

3. Why does a woman feel guilty about going back to work after having a baby?

4. Why does a man feel guilty for taking time off work to be with his family?

Class Opinion
Walk around the class and ask your classmates about chores. Which
chores do males in their families usually do? Which chores do females
usually do? Which chores do both genders do? Use two different colours
of pens to mark responses from male and female students. Then discuss
the results with your class.

Male Chores Female Chores Chores Suited to Either Gender

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Gender Roles
Discussion Starters

 http://blog.esllibrary.com/2013/03/13/podcast-gender-roles/

Fill in the blanks as you listen to the recording.

Whose job is it to take out the trash?

1. Have you ever heard of the terms pink jobs and blue jobs? It wasn’t long
ago when men and women held roles at
home and in the workplace. Women were the primary caregivers and
homemakers and men were the sole . Wars
and women’s rights changed how average households are run. When
traditions go out the window, gender roles are the first thing to go.

2. In many parts of the world, households are now

. Two adults share the bills and the chores.
Women go back to work after having children. They are educated and
hold careers similar to their . Children are
raised by a village of helpers. This includes childcare workers, extended
family, and community services. The family
isn’t the norm anymore. Single-parent families are more and more
common. Some families are run by two men or two women. Many
people opt to stay single.

3. Was life when gender roles were specific?

That depends on who you ask. A woman may say no. She had to do all
of the work at home and never got a break from the children. A man
may say no too. He was out of the home for most of the day. All of
the to support the family was on him.
What would the children say if you asked them?

4. As humans, we are always looking for a .

We want what we don’t have and we have what others want. This
is one trait that women and men share.
Who takes out the trash in your family?

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