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Quarter 1 - Module 4
Growth and Development

Health – Grade 7
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Growth and Development
Revised Copy 2021

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Compiler: Wivil Oporto Sinining, T1- CC Don Carlos A. Gothong MNHS

Editors: Roy C. Genares, P1- Sirao Integrated School

Desiree Y. Perales, P1 – Lahug National High School
Arlene L. Cubian, P1 – Binaliw Integrated School
Belen Gahi, MT 1- Pardo National High School
Rowena Aguilon MT– Pardo National High School

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Rhea Mar A. Angtud
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Bernadette A. Susvilla, EdD
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Vanessa L. Harayo
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Attaining holistic health should be everybody’s goal. At this point of your life
you have many health concerns that need to be addressed. You need to develop all
dimensions of your health. You also need coping skills to be able to face the
challenges of adolescent life. Correct health information, a positive attitude, healthy
practices, and desirable coping skills will help you attain and maintain holistic

About the Module

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
your mastery about Various Text Types. The scope of this module permits it to be
used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of the students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

This module is divided into two (2) lessons, namely:

Lesson 1 – Dimensions of Holistic Health
Lesson 2 – Changes in Adolescent

Pre-Assessment (Pretest)
The result of this pretest will check your present knowledge, understanding
and skills about growth and development, issues, and concerns.
A. Read the questions well and encircle the letter of your answer.
1. Which dimension of holistic health does this belong when you go to church
and attend mass with your family?
A. physical B. mental C. emotional D. moral-spiritual
2. Lack of sleep affect an individual’s proper growth and development because
body cells ______________________.
A. grow and repair more rapidly if the body is not moving.
B. grow and repair themselves more rapidly during sleep.
C. are active and repair themselves rapidly without sunlight.
D. grow rapidly when the body is in horizontal position.
3. What is the best way to improve your moral-spiritual well-being?
A. Get adequate rest and sleep.
B. Show respect and affection for others.
C. Choose friends who share the same interests.
D. Spending quality time with your family and friends.
4. Which dimension is involved when you express your emotions in positive
A. emotional B. mental C. physical D. moral spiritual

5. How can we prevent having an unpleasant body odor caused by the active
secretion of the sweat glands?
A. Change clothes more often
B. Shave the hair of the armpit
C. Take a bath regularly
D. Use perfume to hide the odor
6. What stage of psychosocial development where you have a sense of
contentment or be disappointed about their lives and fearful of the future.
A. Infancy
B. Childhood
C. Adolescence
D. Old age
7. Which of the following is not a physical change to adolescence?
A. Have erratic emotions and behaviors
B. Rapid increase in height and weight
C. Sweat and oil glands become more active
D. Sudden increase in hormone production
8. What is the best way to improve your moral-spiritual wellbeing?
A. Choose friends who share the same interest
B. Get adequate rest and sleep
C. Show respect and affection for others
D. Spending quality time with your family and friends
9. Responsible hormones that create moodiness among adolescent.
A. Adrenaline and hypothalamus
B. Estrogen and testosterone
C. Parathyroid and pancreas
D. Pituitary gland and thymus
10. Which of the following is not common physical change to adolescence?
A. Adam’s apple becomes bigger
B. Rapid increase in height and weight
C. Sudden increase in hormone reduction
D. Sweat and oil glands become more active

B. Identification: Identify what type of changes during puberty is described by the

given statements below. Write P for physical changes, S for social changes, E for
emotional changes, and M for mental changes.

1. Involved hobbies or clubs

2. Frequently sleep longer
3. Heightened level of consciousness
4. Clumsy because of growth spurt
5. Spending more time with friends

Lesson 1
Dimensions of Holistic Health

What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson you would be able to:
• Explains the dimensions of holistic health (physical, mental/intellectual,
emotional, social, and moral-spiritual);
• Analyzes the interplay among health dimensions in developing holistic health;
• Practice health habits to achieve holistic health.

What’s In
How healthy are you?
What do you know about health and wellness? Answer the following chart:
What I expect to
What I want to
Topics What I know learn from this

What’s New/What Is It
Dimensions of Holistic Health
(Adapted from Deped LM, 2017, pages 221-233)

When you were younger, you did not have to think much about your health.
Your parents, teachers, and other caring adults looked out for your health. They
made sure that you ate the right food, had regular medical check-ups and
immunizations, and other health practices.
As an adolescent, your personal health now becomes your responsibility.
Every day you make health decisions, so it is very important that you know correct
health information. It is, therefore, your responsibility to use health information
wisely to guide your day- to-day activities.

Live a healthy and happy life. This must start early in life. Your health habits
and practices today as well as in the past will greatly affect the status of your future
Nowadays, health focuses on wellness. It is a positive approach that includes
all the dimensions of health: physical, mental, emotional, social, and moral-spiritual.
Health is the well-being of your body, mind, and your relationship with others. On
the other hand, wellness means striving to live your life to achieve your fullest
potential, making decisions, and acting in healthy ways. It is practicing positive
health behaviors based on sound knowledge and healthy attitudes. You are likely to
have a high degree of wellness if you have a balanced life. Being healthy means
having a balance of the dimensions of health. This results in attaining holistic health.

What is Holistic Health?

Holistic health is your overall state of wellness on all levels
of your being: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It
encompasses the health of your entire being and extends to
everyone and everything that interacts with you in any way. That
includes your resources, your environment, and your relationships.
( https://bit.ly/3jH9cHR )

There are Five (5) Dimensions of Health, they are the following:

Dimension of Health Example

1. Physical Health - means how

well your body functions. It ✓ keeping your body fit by exercising
means you can carry out and participating in active games
everyday tasks without ✓ eating a well-balanced diet
becoming too tired. It also means ✓ getting adequate sleep and rest
you have enough energy to enjoy ✓ drinking enough water
activities and to meet ✓ practicing cleanliness and good
emergencies. It means ✓ grooming habits
developing healthful habits and ✓ getting regular medical and dental
avoiding destructive habits, checkup and treatment
such as smoking, drinking ✓ avoiding harmful substances, such
alcoholic beverages and taking as tobacco, alcohol, and drugs of
dangerous drugs and harmful abuse

✓ feel good about ourselves.

✓ do not become overwhelmed by
2. Mental or Intellectual Health -
emotions, such as fear, anger, love,
It includes how you feel about
jealousy, guilt, or anxiety.
yourself and how you adjust to
✓ have lasting and satisfying personal
life events.
✓ feel comfortable with other people.

✓ can laugh at themselves and with
✓ have respect for themselves and for
others even if there are differences.
✓ can accept life’s disappointments.
✓ can meet life’s demands and handle
problems when they arise.
✓ make own decisions.
✓ shape environment whenever
possible and adjust to it when
✓ It is Okay to Ask for Help
✓ face life’s problems squarely
3. Emotional Health - involves ✓ handle stress and seek help, if
understanding and liking needed
yourself as well as accepting and ✓ express your emotions in positive
learning from your mistakes. It ways
refers to how well you meet the ✓ deal with life’s pressures and
demands of daily life and how stresses in positive ways
you adjust to new situations. ✓ build strong communication network
among family, friends, and peers
✓ make and keep friends
✓ play/work well with a group
4. Social Health - refers to how
✓ give and get help from others when
well you get along with other
✓ communicate well and show respect
and care for yourself and others
5. Moral-Spiritual Health – means
✓ Believe in a higher power that gives
being at peace and in harmony
purpose or meaning of life
with yourself, others and a
✓ A sense of meaning and purpose in
higher power or bigger reality.
life and desire to contribute to the
What you feel, think, and say
what you believe in or value are
✓ Believe that humans are all
shown in how you act. It refers
interconnected and interrelated
to your personal

How are the

Dimensions of Health
being interrelated
with each other?

The five dimensions of holistic health are interrelated. An individual is affected
physically if food and shelter are not fully satisfied. This person will also be affected
emotionally as she/he may feel inadequate, insecure, and unsafe. And how will this
affect the mental health of the person? Anxiety may develop when a person is
worrying about his/her condition. Relationship with family, friends, and with others
may suffer also when a person is not contented and his/her longing for love and
affection is not met. When the physical, mental, emotional, and social needs are not
satisfied, a person may resort to unethical behavior to satisfy his/her basic needs.

It is very clear that each dimension affects the other. The dimensions are
equally important to attain wellness or good health. These are like puzzle pieces that
need to be fitted together for meaningful health dimensions interrelationship.
We all seek a harmonious balance of all health dimensions to lead a happy
and fulfilled life. It may sound difficult to attain but developing each dimension at
this stage in your life will benefit you for a lifetime.

What I Have Learned

List down 2 behaviors and practices you have that you think are healthy and
unhealthy. Classify them using the chart below and answer the questions ask.

Enhances Health Hinders Health

What I can do
Activity 1.1: Check Your Health Habits and Practices
Instructions: Think of your health habits and practices. Put a check (/) in the column
after each item to show how often you practice the health activity
Health Habits/Practices Always Sometimes Never
1. I eat a full breakfast.
2. I eat a balanced diet.
3. I sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
4. I exercise/play outdoors.
5. I face my problems and stresses.

Lesson 2
Changes in Adolescents

What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, you would be able to:
• Recognize changes in different aspects of growth that normally happen during
adolescence years such as:
- describe changes in different aspects of growth that happen to boys
and girls during puberty
- explain that the patterns of change during puberty for each
adolescent are similar, but the pace of growth and development is
unique for each adolescent.

What’s In
Check Your Health and Life Skills
Write YES if you practice the health and life skill and NO if you do not on the space
1. I take care of my body.
2. I take pride in being unique
3. I show respect for all people.
As you study this lesson, try to think of how you can develop these
health and life skills. If you are already practicing some, plan how you can
continue to enhance them. Remember, these health and life skills will help
you face challenges that you will meet today and in the future.

What’s New/What Is it
Changes in Adolescents
(Adapted from Deped LM, 2017, pages 221-233)

You may be experiencing significant changes in yourself because you are now
in another stage of life—adolescence! This occurs between puberty and adulthood.
Puberty is the time when you start to become sexually mature. It usually happens at
the age of 10 or 11 for girls and 12 or 13 for boys. However, this is not true for

everybody. Some adolescents experience puberty either ahead or later than others.
Some have their growth spurt earlier and some later. Still others may experience
having pimples while others may not. The age when you experience puberty is
influenced by heredity, nutrition, exercise, and other environmental factors. You
undergo significant changes in the health dimensions -- physical, intellectual,
emotional, social, and moral-spiritual. All adolescents undergo similar changes as
they grow and develop. However, there are differences in the way these changes
happen to an adolescent; hence, change is similar and at the same time unique for
each adolescent.
The changes that happen during puberty are normal to adolescents. You must
know and understand these changes so that they will not surprise nor scare you.
They are a normal part of your growth and development as a person. What is
important is for you to learn how to cope with them in appropriate ways. You will
learn that your wonderful body has built-in mechanisms that help you grow and
develop as an individual. You just must recognize and use them well.

Your Endocrine Glands Affect Your Growth and Development

Your body grows rapidly during your growth spurt. Your growth during childhood
and the changes during puberty are controlled by your endocrine system. This
system is made up of a set of organs called endocrine glands. Your endocrine glands
direct your growth. Endocrine glands produce hormones, which are released into the
bloodstream and travel to other organs and tissues where they stimulate growth and
regulate activity. Some hormones cause your body to grow and some cause other
changes of growth.

Image 2.1 https://tinyurl.com/y2368wvu

Your pituitary gland affects your growth more than any other gland. This
gland produces many kinds of hormones and one of these is the growth hormone.
This hormone regulates the development of long bones and muscles in the body. It
causes growth throughout childhood and adolescence and helps your body reach its
adult size or height. Remember, when your pituitary gland starts making growth
hormones, your growth spurt begins. When it stops making much growth hormone,
then your growth stops. When happens. you have reached your adult size or height.
Your pituitary gland also releases hormones that cause your reproductive
glands to become active. Important changes occur inside and outside your body as
your reproductive organs become more active. The testes produce the male sex
hormone testosterone while the ovaries produce the female sex hormone estrogen.
These hormones stimulate the many physical changes that adolescents go through
during puberty. These include secondary sex characteristics such as development of

the breast, appearance of maxillary and pubic hair, and others. Boys’ testes also
begin to produce sperm cells. Girls’ ovaries begin to develop egg cells.

Physical Changes
These are some of the general changes that happen to adolescent boys and
girls during puberty:
✓ There is a rapid increase in height and weight. Boys experience this
usually two years later than girls. The head, hands and feet grow faster
first, then the arms and legs, and then the chest and shoulders. This
is why the body of an adolescent seems to be out of proportion.
✓ Changes in circulatory and respiratory systems—The heart and lungs
grow bigger and work better, so the adolescent becomes stronger and
can work longer, although the increase is more in boys than in girls.
✓ Body composition—Muscles develop rapidly, although boys’ muscles
grow faster than girls’. Body fat increases, although the increase in
girls’ body fat is more than the boys’.
✓ Other changes:
o There is a sudden increase in hormone production.
o Bones become harder.
o Sweat and oil glands become more active.
Primary sex characteristics are changes directly related to sexual
reproduction. The reproductive organs of both boys and girls grow and develop. The
boys experience their first release of seminal fluid or ejaculation from the penis. The
girls experience menarche or the first release of blood and fluids from the vagina,
later called menstruation. Secondary sex characteristics are changes not directly
related to sexual
• The voice becomes deeper.
• The Adam’s apple becomes bigger.
• The shoulders become wider than the hips.
• Hair grows on the face, body and pubic area.
• The skin on the upper arms and thighs becomes rough.
• Breasts develop.
• The hips become wider than the shoulders.
• Hair grows on the underarm and pubic area.
Mental or Intellectual Changes

Adolescents experience rapid mental development. There are changes in the

structure of the brain. These make it work more efficiently.
✓ The development of their intellectual ability makes adolescents less
accepting of what others say. They learn to question what others say.
They try to get to the bottom of things—trying to find out what to believe
in and what to doubt.
✓ The adolescents make better decisions because they can evaluate risks
and rewards better. They can sense the disadvantages and dangers as

well as the advantages and rewards that might happen because of their
actions. They can already think well before acting as well as know the
importance of planning ahead. These characteristics help adolescents
make better decisions. However, adolescents take more risks than
adults because they enjoy the rewards that result from their actions.
✓ On the other hand, adolescents have a tendency to become bored with
routine activities; they need to be challenged.
✓ Adolescents are already capable of thinking deeply. This helps them
understand proverbs, poems and figures of speech.
✓ Adolescents also think less of themselves. This allows them to think
and reason better. This also makes them good debaters, since they can
reason out against what a friend or an adult thinks.
✓ Adolescents have the skills that let them control and coordinate their
thoughts with their actions.
✓ Adolescent students can focus their attention on what they want to
listen to. They can also focus their attention on two or more things at
the same time.
✓ There is likewise an improvement in adolescents’ memory and speed in

Emotional Changes

✓ Adolescents are more responsive to rewards and stress

✓ Adolescents are more emotional and this makes them open to being
hurt or in danger.
✓ Adolescent boys are also sexually active; therefore, they are prone to
participate in risky behavior. Due to the sudden increase in the
manufacture of hormones, adolescent boys become more aggressive.
✓ Adolescent girls become self-conscious because of the changes that are
happening to them. These also give them a feeling of insecurity.
✓ Early maturing boys are usually taller and stronger; they have a good
body image, so they are more confident, secure and independent.

Social Changes
✓ Adolescents are very self- conscious. They consider approval of friends
and other adolescents or peers as very important.
✓ Adolescents enjoy being with friends, so they stay longer with them
after school. They enjoy choosing clothes to wear; they also crave
privacy. These sometimes cause conflicts between adolescents and
their parents.
✓ Young adolescents choose friends who share the same interest with
✓ Adolescents who grow up with family members showing love, guidance
and support for each other are less likely to get involved with bad
company and engage in fights, vandalism, smoking , drinking, or drug

Moral-spiritual Changes
Adolescents begin analyzing themselves during this stage. They try to find out
who they really are and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. As a result, they
understand themselves better and learn to accept and like themselves, including
their weaknesses.
They learn that house rules imposed by their parents are there to promote
order and harmony at home. However, they are not absolute and some are negotiable
as they mature. They begin to distinguish between rules that are negotiable and
those that are non-negotiable. Non-negotiable rules, like smoking, are imposed
because they are for their own good.

During adolescence, boys and girls realize what they could become in the
future. This helps them analyze what they are doing and how it could affect their
future. This can be scary for some adolescents. It might create conflict between how
they look at themselves now and what they want to become.

What I Have Learned

We are Growing and Developing
List down two (2) changes you have experienced or are experiencing – physically,
mentally, socially, emotionally, and moral-spiritually. Follow this format.
Physical Mental Social Emotional Moral-
changes changes changes changes spiritual
Trying to find
Enlargement Egocentric Rebellious Moody
out who I am
of breast

What I can do
Activity 1.2: My Health Plan of Action
Instruction: On a separate sheet, copy the table below and write what you will do to
change the habit/practice in any dimension you want to improve or what you will
do to maintain it, example is given.
What I will do to
Dimension I want to What I want to change,
improve/maintain the
improve or maintain improve, or maintain
I will avoid eating to much.
Gaining to much weight I will eat a balanced diet.
Physical Health
I will exercise regularly

Assessment (Post-test)
The result of this post-test will check your present knowledge, understanding and
skills about growth and development, issues, and concerns.
A. Read the questions well. On a separate whole sheet of paper write the letter of
your answer.
1. It refers to the ability to build and maintain harmonious and satisfying
A. Emotional health
B. Social health
C. Mental health
D. Physical health
2. How can we prevent having an unpleasant body odor caused by the active
secretion of the sweat glands?
A. Change clothes more often
B. Shave the hair of the armpit
C. Take a bath regularly
D. Use perfume to hide the odor
3. Lack of sleep affect an individual’s proper growth and development because
the body cells ______________
A. grow and repair more rapidly if the body is not moving.
B. grow and repair themselves more rapidly during sleep.
C. are active and repair themselves rapidly without sunlight.
D. grow rapidly when the body is in horizontal position.
4. Which of the following is not common physical change to adolescence?
A. Adam’s apple becomes bigger
B. Rapid increase in height and weight
C. Sudden increase in hormone reduction
D. Sweat and oil glands become more active
5. Which dimension of holistic health does this belong when you go to church
and attend mass with your family?
A. physical B. mental C. emotional D. moral-spiritual
6. Which of the following is not a physical change to adolescence?
A. Have erratic emotions and behaviors
B. Rapid increase in height and weight

D. Sweat and oil glands become more active
E. Sudden increase in hormone production
7. What is the best way to improve your moral-spiritual well-being?
A. Choose friends who share the same interests.
B. Get adequate rest and sleep.
C. Show respect and affection for others.
D. Spending quality time with your family and friends.
8. What stage of psychosocial development where you have a sense of
contentment or be disappointed about your lives and fearful of the future?
A. infancy
B. childhood
C. adolescence
D. old age
9. Which dimension is involved when you express your emotions in positive
A. emotional B. mental C. physical D. moral spiritual
10. Responsible hormones that create moodiness among adolescent.
A. Adrenaline and hypothalamus
B. Estrogen and testosterone
C. Parathyroid and pancreas
D. Pituitary gland and thymus
B. Identification: Identify what type of changes during puberty is described by the
given statements below. Write P for physical changes, S for social changes, E for
emotional changes, and M for mental changes.
1. Clumsy because of growth spurt.
2. Spending more time with friends.
3. Involve hobbies or clubs
4. Heightened level of consciousness
5. Frequently sleep longer

Students answer may vary…


Health Guide Philippines 18 2013
Physical Education and Health 7 (Learners Material), First Edition, 2017
Lacia, Gerardo.et al., 2018. The 21 st Century MAPEH in Action. Manila: Rex Book
Image 2.1 https://tinyurl.com/y2368wvu
Holistic Mind Body Healing

Minding Your Mental Health™



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