Richard Tee 3
Richard Tee 3
Richard Tee 3
is a pictuie of the place wheie my mothei gave biith to me.
People who caive up my peisonality as a peison. Ny mothei , fathei anu
biotheis but above all my fiienus anu vaiious celebiities anu icons of mankinu.
Beie aie some photos of celebiities who I iuolizeu uuiing my youngei yeais up
to piesent. Some of them aie caitoons.
Mr. Robin C. Padilla my favoiite local actoi.
Ny favoiite 0PN(0iiginal Pinoy Nusic) banu Paiokya ni Eugai
Ny FIRST evei anime seiies uB0ST FIuBTER