Empalme Viga Zona Cero - Detailed

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Project no:

Project data
Project name
Project number
Date 07/05/2024
Design code AISC 360-16

Steel A36

Project no:

Project item CON1

Name CON1
Analysis Stress, strain/ simplified loading
Design code AISC - LRFD 2016

Beams and columns

β – Direction γ - Pitch α - Rotation Offset ex Offset ey Offset ez
Name Cross-section Forces in
[°] [°] [°] [mm] [mm] [mm]
B1 2 - W(Imp)8X48 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 Node
B2 3 - W(Imp)8X48 180.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 Node

Name Material
2 - W(Imp)8X48 A36
3 - W(Imp)8X48 A36

Diameter fu Gross area
Name Bolt assembly
[mm] [MPa] [mm2]
5/8 A325 5/8 A325 16 827.4 198

Project no:

Load effects (equilibrium not required)

N Vy Vz Mx My Mz
Name Member
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
LE1 B1 0.0 0.0 -9.0 0.0 78.5 0.0


Name Value Check status
Analysis 100.0% OK
Plates 0.3 < 5.0% OK
Bolts 91.7 < 100% OK
Buckling Not calculated

fy Thickness σEd εPl σcEd
Name Loads Check status
[MPa] [mm] [MPa] [%] [MPa]
B1-bfl 1 248.2 17.4 LE1 223.7 0.2 27.8 OK
B1-tfl 1 248.2 17.4 LE1 223.6 0.1 32.9 OK
B1-w 1 248.2 10.2 LE1 181.2 0.0 19.1 OK
B2-bfl 1 248.2 17.4 LE1 223.7 0.2 27.7 OK
B2-tfl 1 248.2 17.4 LE1 223.6 0.1 36.4 OK
B2-w 1 248.2 10.2 LE1 194.3 0.0 36.4 OK
SPL1a 248.2 10.0 LE1 224.0 0.3 26.3 OK
SPL1b 248.2 10.0 LE1 223.7 0.1 32.9 OK
SPL1c 248.2 10.0 LE1 223.7 0.1 32.8 OK
SPL2a 248.2 10.0 LE1 223.7 0.2 26.5 OK
SPL2b 248.2 10.0 LE1 223.7 0.1 27.8 OK
SPL2c 248.2 10.0 LE1 223.7 0.1 27.8 OK
SPL3a 248.2 8.0 LE1 142.8 0.0 8.5 OK
SPL3b 248.2 8.0 LE1 144.2 0.0 8.4 OK

Design data
fy εlim
[MPa] [%]
A36 248.2 5.0

Symbol explanation
εPl Plastic strain
σcEd Contact stress
σEd Eq. stress
fy Yield strength
εlim Limit of plastic strain

Project no:

Overall check, LE1

Strain check, LE1

Project no:

Equivalent stress, LE1

Project no:

Ft V ϕRn,bearing Utt Uts Utts
Shape Item Grade Loads Status
[kN] [kN] [kN] [%] [%] [%]
B1 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 7.8 49.5 198.9 8.5 89.7 - OK
B2 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 12.6 49.3 112.6 13.7 89.3 - OK
B3 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 7.8 49.5 198.9 8.5 89.7 - OK
B4 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 12.6 49.3 112.6 13.7 89.3 - OK
B5 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 7.7 49.5 198.9 8.4 89.6 - OK
B6 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 12.6 49.4 112.6 13.7 89.4 - OK
B7 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 7.7 49.5 198.9 8.4 89.6 - OK
B8 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 12.6 49.4 112.6 13.7 89.4 - OK
B9 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 18.6 49.1 198.9 20.3 89.0 - OK
B10 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 4.2 50.6 198.9 4.6 91.6 - OK
B11 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 18.6 49.1 198.9 20.3 89.0 - OK
B12 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 4.2 50.6 198.9 4.6 91.6 - OK
B13 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 18.7 49.1 198.9 20.3 88.9 - OK
B14 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 4.2 50.6 198.9 4.6 91.7 - OK
B15 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 18.7 49.1 198.9 20.3 88.9 - OK
B16 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 4.2 50.6 198.9 4.6 91.7 - OK
B17 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 2.1 14.4 116.6 2.3 26.1 - OK
B18 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 1.8 14.5 116.6 1.9 26.3 - OK
B19 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 1.6 14.2 116.6 1.7 25.7 - OK
B20 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 2.2 14.2 116.6 2.3 25.7 - OK
B21 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 2.2 14.8 116.6 2.4 26.7 - OK
B22 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 1.8 14.7 116.6 2.0 26.6 - OK
B23 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 1.6 14.6 116.6 1.8 26.4 - OK
B24 5/8 A325 - 1 LE1 2.2 14.3 116.6 2.3 25.9 - OK

Design data

ϕRn,tension ϕRn,shear
[kN] [kN]
5/8 A325 - 1 92.0 55.2

Symbol explanation
Ft Tension force
V Resultant of shear forces Vy, Vz in bolt
ϕRn,bearing Bolt bearing resistance
Utt Utilization in tension
Uts Utilization in shear
Utts Utilization in tension and shear
ϕRn,tension Bolt tension resistance AISC 360-16 J3.6
ϕRn,shear Bolt shear resistance AISC 360-16 – J3.8

Buckling analysis was not calculated.

Project no:

Code settings
Item Value Unit Reference
Friction coefficient - concrete 0.40 - ACI 349 – B.6.1.4
Friction coefficient in slip-resistance 0.30 - AISC 360-16 J3.8
Limit plastic strain 0.05 -
Weld stress evaluation
Detailing No
Distance between bolts [d] 2.66 - AISC 360-16 – J3.3
Distance between bolts and edge [d] 1.25 - AISC 360-16 – J.3.4
Concrete breakout resistance check None
Base metal capacity check at weld fusion
No AISC 360-16: J2-2
Cracked concrete Yes ACI 318-14 – Chapter 17
Local deformation check No
Local deformation limit 0.03 - CIDECT DG 1, 3 - 1.1
Analysis with large deformations for hollow section
Geometrical nonlinearity (GMNA) Yes


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