Rotavirus-Vaccination-Expert Opinion-September-2017
Rotavirus-Vaccination-Expert Opinion-September-2017
Rotavirus-Vaccination-Expert Opinion-September-2017
September 2017
The scientific panel included the following external experts (in alphabetical order):
Gualtiero Grilli, MD, PhD, former Coordinator, Infectious Diseases Control and Vaccinations; Public Health
Department; Marche Region, Italy.
Daniel Levy-Bruhl, MD, PhD, Medical Epidemiologist, Head of the Vaccine Preventable Diseases Surveillance Unit
at the Institut de Veille Sanitaire, Paris, France.
Aurora Limia, MD, PhD, Public Health Officer, National Vaccination Program Coordination Area, Directorate General
of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, Madrid, Spain.
Paul McKeown, MD, MPH FFPHM(I), Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Head of Gastro-zoonotic Unit, Health
Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland
Miriam Wiese-Posselt, MD, MPH, Medical Epidemiologist, Department for Infectious Disease Epidemiology,
Immunisation Unit, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany.
The following internal disease experts from ECDC contributed to the literature reviews and assessment of articles:
Tek-Ang Lim, Benedetto Simone and Pier Luigi Lopalco.
The literature searches were conducted by Irene Munoz, ECDC Library.
ECDC wishes to thank the EuroRotaNet strain surveillance network for supplying genotyping results of circulating
rotavirus strains in the EU/EEA for the time period 2006 to 2016 and the Eudravigilance team at the European
Medicines Agency for providing information on spontaneously reported intussusception cases retrieved from the
Eudravigilance database.
Suggested citation: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. ECDC Expert opinion on rotavirus
vaccination in infancy. Stockholm: ECDC; 2017
ISBN 978-92-9498-084-7
doi 10.2900/362947
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................ v
Executive summary ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Aim ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Methods................................................................................................................................................... 1
Results .................................................................................................................................................... 1
Conclusions and possible implications for public health practice and research ................................................. 3
1. Background .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Rotavirus disease ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Rotavirus vaccines available in EU/EEA countries ......................................................................................... 8
Rotavirus vaccines authorised in non-EU/EEA countries and vaccine candidates ............................................ 12
Overview of human rotaviruses ................................................................................................................ 14
Post-authorisation monitoring of circulating rotavirus strains in EU/EEA countries ......................................... 15
Rotavirus immunisation programmes in EU/EEA countries .......................................................................... 18
2. Methods .................................................................................................................................................. 22
Methodology used for evaluating burden of severe rotavirus disease in EU/EEA ............................................ 22
Methodology used for evaluating rotavirus vaccine efficacy......................................................................... 22
Methodology used for evaluating rotavirus vaccine effectiveness ................................................................. 22
Methodology used for evaluating rotavirus vaccine-induced herd protection ................................................. 23
Methodology used for evaluating rotavirus vaccine safety ........................................................................... 23
Methodology used for evaluating rotavirus vaccine cost-effectiveness in the EU/EEA ..................................... 24
Methodology used for evaluating attitudes to rotavirus vaccination .............................................................. 24
Expert panel opinion ............................................................................................................................... 24
Updated expert opinion following ECDC Advisory Forum review and public consultation ................................ 24
3. Results .................................................................................................................................................... 25
Burden of rotavirus disease in EU/EEA countries ........................................................................................ 25
Rotavirus vaccine efficacy ........................................................................................................................ 29
Rotavirus vaccine effectiveness ................................................................................................................ 31
Herd protection provided by infant rotavirus vaccination ............................................................................. 33
Rotavirus vaccine safety .......................................................................................................................... 34
Rotavirus vaccine cost-effectiveness in EU/EEA countries ........................................................................... 45
Attitudes to rotavirus vaccination among parents and healthcare workers .................................................... 50
4. Options for monitoring and evaluating impact of rotavirus vaccination .......................................................... 51
Preparing for rotavirus vaccine introduction............................................................................................... 51
Monitoring impact of rotavirus vaccine programmes ................................................................................... 51
5. Conclusions and possible implications for public health practice and research ................................................ 53
6. Strengths of methodology used in this expert opinion .................................................................................. 54
7. Limitations of methodology used in this expert opinion ................................................................................ 54
8. Next steps ............................................................................................................................................... 54
9. Expert opinion update .............................................................................................................................. 54
10. Annexes ................................................................................................................................................ 55
11. References ............................................................................................................................................ 64
Figure 1. Number of rotavirus samples per age group submitted to16 EU/EEA countries’ rotavirus reference
laboratories for genotyping 2006-2016............................................................................................................ 5
Figure 2. Rotavirus particle .......................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 3. Schematic overview of the rotavirus reassortment process when two sero/genotypes infect one enterocyte
simultaneously ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 4. Temporal distribution of rotavirus positive samples submitted to the EuroRotanet strain surveillance
network database in consecutive seasons, 2006-2016 .................................................................................... 16
Figure 5. Overall distribution of rotavirus genotypes by EU/EEA country reported to the strain surveillance network,
2006-2016 ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 6a. Rotavirus vaccine efficacy compared with placebo over a follow-up period of 2 years in randomised
control trials reported as risk ratio – RVGE leading to hospitalisation, first and second year ............................... 30
Figure 6b. Rotavirus vaccine efficacy compared with placebo over a follow-up period of 2 years in randomised
control trials reported as risk ratio – RVGE any severity, first and second year .................................................. 30
Figure 7. Forest plot of pooled odds ratios for occurrence of hospitalisation due to RV disease in fully RV-vaccinated
children, case-control studies published between 2010 and 2013 .................................................................... 31
Figure 8. Forest plot of pooled risk ratios for occurrence of hospitalisation due to RV disease in fully RV-vaccinated
children, cohort studies, published between 2007 and 2011 ........................................................................... 32
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Figure 9. Schematic overview of the most common form of intussusception and its treatments with enema ........ 35
Figure 10. Global annual incidence of intussusception by month of life during first year of life ............................ 37
Figure 11a. Cases reported to EMA Eudravigilance database until 1 July 2014, known interval between dose 1 RV1
and development of intusussception ............................................................................................................. 39
Figure 11b. Cases reported to EMA Eudravigilance database until1 July 2014, known interval between dose 1 RV5
and development of intussusception ............................................................................................................. 44
Table 1. Rotavirus vaccine contents, indications, contraindications, route of administration, dose regimens and
frequency of reported undesirable effects according to EU/EEA Summary of Product Characteristics ...................... 9
Table 2. Percentage of RV1-vaccinated subjects developing serum rotavirus-specific IgA antibody titers >20 U/mL
post-immunisation, using different EU immunisation schedules ............................................................................. 11
Table 3. Percentage of RV5-vaccinated subjects developing at least a threefold rise in serum rotavirus-specific IgA
antibodies from baseline 42 days post immunisation using different EU immunisation schedules ............................ 11
Table 4. Current status of rotavirus immunisation programmes in EU/EEA countries as of May 2017 ................... 20
Table 5. Overview of EU/EEA studies evaluating percentage of children < 5 years hospitalised due to acute
gastroenteritis in whom rotavirus excretion was identified ............................................................................... 27
Table 6. Background intussusception incidence in eight European countries before rotavirus vaccination ............. 36
Table 7. Incidence of intussusception by month during first year of life, assessed in two EU/EEA countries .......... 36
Table 8. Risk estimates for intussusception and RV1 ....................................................................................... 41
Table 9. Risk estimates for intussusception and RV5 ....................................................................................... 42
Table 10. Main assumptions/parameter values of cost-effectiveness studies in the EU/EEA on infant RV vaccination .......... 48
Table 11. Main results of cost-effectiveness studies in the EU/EEA on infant rotavirus vaccination....................................... 49
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
ADR adverse drug reaction
AGE acute gastroenteritis
Australian TGA Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration
CI confidence interval
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
EC European Commission
ECDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
ED emergency department
EEA European Economic Area
ELISA enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay
EMA European Medicines Agency
EMA CHMP European Medicines Agency Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use
EMA EV European Medicines Agency Eudravigilance database
EU European Union
GMT geometric mean titers
GSK GlaxoSmithKline
IgA immunoglobulin A
IgG immunoglobulin G
IS intussusception
MSD Merck Sharp Dome Vaccins
NICU neonatal intensive care unit
NITAG national immunisation technical advisory group
OR odds ratio
PCV porcine circovirus
QALY quality-adjusted life year
RCT randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial
RR relative risk
RV rotavirus
RV1 monovalent rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix™)
RV5 pentavalent rotavirus vaccine (RotaTeq™)
RVGE group A rotavirus-induced gastroenteritis
SCID severe combined immunodeficiency
SMR standardised morbidity ratio
SPC Summary of Product Characteristics
German STIKO German Standing Committee on Vaccination
UK JCVI United Kingdom Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunization
US ACIP United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, Centers for Disease Control and
US CDC United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
US FDA United States Food and Drug Administration
US NIAID United States National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
US VAERS United States Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
VLP virus-like particle
VP viral protein
WHO World Health Organization
WHO SAGE World Health Organization Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Executive summary
Since 2006, two oral live vaccines (RV1 and RV5) have been available in the European Union/European Economic
Area (EU/EEA) for prevention of rotavirus-induced gastroenteritis (RVGE). The main objective of rotavirus
vaccination in organised national immunisation programmes is to provide protection against moderate-to-severe
disease and thereby prevent hospitalisation and death. To exclude possible strain replacement induced by
immunological pressure following vaccination, strain monitoring was requested in the EMA Risk Management Plan.
The aim of this expert opinion is to provide EU/EEA Member States with relevant scientific information and expert
opinion to support the decision-making process on the possible introduction and monitoring of routine vaccination
of infants against RVGE.
The evidence presented in this document are based on reviews of the literature published in scientific journals,
grey literature and a search in the European Medicines Agency Eudravigilance database (EMA EV) for reported
cases of intussusception following rotavirus vaccination. The information collected summarises:
burden of RVGE in the EU/EEA in children under five years of age
rotavirus vaccine efficacy in countries with low mortality due to RVGE (hereafter referred to as ‘low-mortality
rotavirus countries’)
rotavirus vaccine effectiveness in low-mortality rotavirus countries
herd protection provided by infant rotavirus vaccination in low-mortality rotavirus countries
rotavirus vaccine safety in low-mortality rotavirus countries
cost-effectiveness of using rotavirus vaccines in EU/EEA immunisation programmes
attitudes to rotavirus vaccination among parents and healthcare workers
The expert opinion provided in this document, is based on available evidence evaluated by a group of independent
EU/EEA public health experts. The opinion highlights issues to be considered before and after introduction of
rotavirus vaccines. It also identifies knowledge gaps and areas in need of further research.
Burden of rotavirus disease in the EU/EEA
A literature review identified 46 studies conducted in eighteen EU/EEA Member States assessing severe disease
leading to hospitalisation, suggesting that approximately 300−600 children per 100 000 under the age of five years
are hospitalised due to RVGE annually. However, significant variation occurs over time and between countries.
Extrapolating these data to the whole EU/EEA with a birth cohort of approximately five million infants suggests that
~75 000−150 000 hospitalisations in children under five years occur on an annual basis. In addition, an estimated
2-4 times more children seek medical evaluation in emergency rooms or other out-patient facilities. Mortality rates
reported in two studies were low (one study found death rates of less than 0.1/100 000 and the other less than
0.2/100 000 children under five years of age). A few risk factors for development of severe RVGE were identified,
but severe disease may develop in any child. The risk factors identified were low-birth-weight (<2 500 g) (OR 2.8;
95% CI 1.6−5.0), day-care attendance (OR 3.0; 95% CI 1.8−5.3) and having another child aged under 24 months
in the same household (OR 1.6; 95% CI 1.1−2.3).
Children seeking medical attention in emergency departments/out-patient clinics or those hospitalised with RVGE
have the potential to be sources of nosocomial infection in other children attending medical services. In a recent
meta-analysis of studies of nosocomial RVGE, an adjusted year-round incidence of 0.7 (95% CI 0.0−1.8) per 100
hospitalisations was estimated for children under five years.
The vast majority of human cases with RVGE within EU/EEA are caused by six genotypes within serogroup A
rotaviruses, namely G1P[8], G2P[4], G3P[8], G4P[8], G9P[8] and G12P[8]. New emerging genotypes for EU/EEA
were identified at lower incidence but no novel emerging strain causing larger outbreaks had been detected until
2016, although the time period surveyed is short for virus evolution. However, there is no evidence to date that
rotavirus vaccination programmes are driving the emergence of vaccine escape strains.
Vaccine efficacy
A Cochrane review published in 2012 evaluated vaccine efficacy of RV1 and RV5 in 41 randomised controlled trials
with 186 263 participants. The trials compared one of the rotavirus vaccines with placebo, no intervention or
another vaccine. The RV1 vaccine was evaluated in 29 trials involving 101 671 participants and the RV5 vaccine in
12 trials involving 84 592 participants. The large trials were conducted in low- and high-mortality settings
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
throughout the world. The Cochrane analysis showed that in the first two years of life, RV1 and RV5 prevent more than
80% of severe cases of RVGE in low-mortality developed country settings. Furthermore, a German systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomised placebo-controlled clinical trials (RCTs) assessing RV1 and RV5, conducted in Europe, Australia,
Canada, USA, Latin America and Asia and published in 2013 suggests a vaccine efficacy against rotavirus-induced
hospitalisation during the first two years following vaccination of 92% (95% CI 82−96%).
Vaccine effectiveness
Rotavirus vaccine effectiveness was assessed in observational studies using either case-control or cohort study
designs in the following rotavirus low-mortality and developed countries: Australia (RV1 and RV5), Austria (RV1 and
RV5), Belgium (RV1 and RV5), Finland (RV5), France (RV5), Germany (RV1 and RV5), Spain (RV5), and the US (RV1
and RV5). After at least two doses of rotavirus vaccine, pooled vaccine effectiveness in preventing severe RVGE
leading to hospitalisation was estimated at 84% (95%CI 75−89%) in case-control studies (based on 15 studies) and
at 91% (95%CI 88−94%) in cohort studies (based on four studies).
Herd protection
A meta-analysis of studies conducted to estimate herd protection in children less than one year of age in low-mortality
rotavirus countries (n=5) reporting on RVGE outcomes suggest a median herd effect on RVGE morbidity of 22%
(19−25%) across 12 study years.
Vaccine safety
An earlier first generation, US-licensed oral live rotavirus vaccine RRV-TV (Rotashield, authorised 1998) was withdrawn
from the market because of an associated estimated excess of one additional case of intussusception (IS) per 4 670
to 9 474 infants vaccinated (beyond the natural background incidence of IS).
In pre-authorisation trials, which served as the basis for authorisation of the new second generation of rotavirus
vaccines in the EU/EEA, no increased risk of IS was observed in recipients of either rotavirus vaccine (RV1 or RV5),
compared to the placebo groups. This was also the conclusion of the 2012 Cochrane systematic review assessing
vaccine safety in randomised placebo-controlled clinical trials. However, a risk of IS lower than one additional case in
10 000 vaccinated infants could not be excluded in the conducted trials. Formal pharmaco-epidemiological studies in
Australia, Brazil, Mexico and the US assessing the second generation of rotavirus vaccines used in routine vaccination
programmes indicate that rotavirus vaccines carry an increased risk of intussusception during the first seven days
following dose 1, ranging between 1 per 20 000 to 1 per 69 000 for RV1 vaccinated infants and 1 per 14 000 to 1 per
67 000 for RV5 vaccinated infants in the different studies. Contrary to this, in the studies conducted by Belongia et al,
Shui et al and Haber et al, using the US VAERS or US VSD data, no increased risk of intussusception following RV5
was observed, possibly due to small sample size. Following a formal review of available data by the EMA, the EU
Summaries of Product Characteristics (SPCs) for both rotavirus vaccines were updated in May 2014:
‘Data from observational safety studies performed in several countries indicate that rotavirus vaccines carry an
increased risk of intussusception, mostly within 7 days of vaccination. Up to 6 additional cases per 100,000
infants have been observed in the US and Australia against a background incidence of 33 to 101 per 100,000
infants (less than one year of age) per year, respectively. There is limited evidence of a smaller increased risk
following the second dose. It remains unclear whether rotavirus vaccines affect the overall incidence of
intussusception based on longer periods of follow up’.
Risk minimisation strategies to reduce incidence of intussusception following rotavirus vaccination have been
recommended by a few European public health agencies/NITAGs in three countries (Germany, Norway and two
regions in Sweden) recommending initiation of vaccination early within the first 6-8 or 12 weeks of life. The impact of
these strategies needs to be carefully studied but a recent meta-analysis indicates that if vaccination with the first
dose is provided at under 12 weeks of age, rather than later than 12 weeks, the risk of intussusception following
vaccination is reduced from approximately 1 in 20 000 to approximately 1 in 50 000.
Other identified adverse events include severe gastroenteritis and long-term excretion of rotaviruses by severely
immunocompromised vaccinated infants (SCID), for whom RV vaccines now are contraindicated. Furthermore, any
vaccinated infant may transmit vaccine virus to severely immunocompromised contacts of any age and therefore
contact between a newly vaccinated child and such individuals should be avoided.
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
1. Background
In 2006, two live rotavirus vaccines for oral use in infants were authorised by the European Commission for
prevention of group A rotavirus-induced gastroenteritis (RVGE); Rotarix™ (RV1), and RotaTeq™ (RV5) (1, 2).
Uptake of rotavirus vaccines into EU/EEA routine immunisation programmes has been limited. As of May 2017
thirteen EU/EEA Member States were recommending vaccination against RVGE in their national paediatric
immunisation programmes and had initiated or were about to initiate the programme and one further Member
State have implemented regional programmes.
Rotaviruses are classified serologically into serogroups (A-G) (see Figure 2 in the Section ‘Overview of human
rotaviruses’). Rotaviruses in group A are the most common cause of gastroenteritis in young children worldwide
and the new rotavirus vaccines offer protection against these infections.
Estimates suggest that by the age of five years, every child in the world will have been infected with group A
rotaviruses at least once. While infected, many of these children will suffer severe disease and be in need of
medical attention due to extensive fluid loss (3). Furthermore, group A rotaviruses are a frequent cause of
diarrhoea-associated deaths estimated at approximately 528 000 (range, 465 000-591 000) worldwide annually in
year 2000 (4, 5), occurring mainly in developing countries while in developed countries mortality is low, thanks to
medical supportive healthcare being readily available (6).
Already in 2007 WHO SAGE recommended the inclusion of rotavirus vaccines into national immunisation
programmes in regions where efficacy data from randomised clinical trials suggested that rotavirus vaccines would
provide significant protection against severe disease, mainly in the Americas and Europe (7).
In 2009, after clinical trials had been performed in more deprived settings, the recommendation was extended to
include all infants throughout the world, with the vaccination being provided any time between six and fifteen
months of age (8). Furthermore, in 2013, although still favouring early immunisation, starting as soon as possible
after six weeks of age along with DTP vaccination, WHO SAGE recommended the removal of the upper age
restriction of 15 months for the first dose, to also enable children whose immunisation was delayed to be fully
vaccinated (9). By recommending that the age restriction be removed, it was hoped that it would be possible to
help protect vulnerable children in settings where DTP doses are given late. However, because of the typical age
distribution of rotavirus infections, rotavirus vaccination of children > 24 months of age was not recommended.
The aim of this expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy is to provide EU/EEA countries with relevant
scientific information to support the decision-making process on the possible introduction and monitoring of routine
vaccination to prevent RVGE.
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Rotavirus disease
The clinical spectrum of RVGE is wide in young children, ranging from transient mild diarrhoea to severe
gastroenteritis with concomitant fever. Primary infections frequently result in a symptomatic episode of acute
gastroenteritis (AGE), while reinfections are often asymptomatic or mild and only rarely lead to hospitalisation (10,
11). Symptoms such as diarrhoea, vomiting and fever may all contribute to the significant dehydration observed in
some children (12).
The vast majority of RVGE episodes are mild or moderate, however, severe rotavirus disease leading to
hospitalisation is often observed in the age group 0–36 months (see Figure 1), an age group when children are
particularly vulnerable to dehydration. This is also the age when most children acquire their first rotavirus infection
(13, 14).
The incubation period for RVGE is 1–2 days. Symptoms are commonly relieved within three to eight days, but may
last up to two or occasionally even three weeks in healthy, well-nourished children.
Figure 1. Number of rotavirus samples per age group (years) submitted to 16 EU/EEA countries’
rotavirus reference laboratories for genotyping 2006–2016 and reported to EuroRotaNet*, showing
that the major burden of disease is in the 0–3 year age group but disease is reported in all age
Age in years
In some children extensive nausea and vomiting results in difficulties in providing oral rehydration in home settings,
and may lead to severe fluid loss with or without accompanying electrolyte disturbances (hypo-, iso- or hypertonic
dehydration that may require prolonged rehydration treatment). Further complications may include seizures due to
high fever or electrolyte disturbances, encephalitis/meningitis, shock and possibly death. Long-term, some children
develop chronic diarrhoea and in more deprived settings malnutrition. In an observational retrospective cohort
study conducted in Sweden (n=987), complications requiring additional medical attention, other than general
dehydration, were observed in >15% of hospitalised children with RVGE (15). Younger children (<12 months) were
particularly prone to more severe dehydration (>10% of body weight).
Extraintestinal spread of rotaviruses to blood, cerebrospinal fluid, heart and liver has been reported and is
suggestive of rotaviruses causing an invasive viral infection, rather than one confined to the intestinal mucosa (16-
21). In previously healthy well-nourished children, treated for rehydration before development of shock, no residual
sequelae develop following an acute rotavirus infection. However, access to good clinical supportive care is crucial.
Natural rotavirus disease has only rarely been identified as a cause of intussusception (22).
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Nosocomial infections
Children seeking medical attention in emergency departments/out-patient clinics or hospitalised with rotavirus
disease have the potential to become sources of nosocomially-acquired infections (26-29).
Asymptomatic infections
Asymptomatic rotavirus infections are common among neonates (31-33), older children and adults (34, 35),
including healthcare workers (36). All these groups are likely to be protected against symptomatic disease due to
an immune response acquired during one or more previous rotavirus infections earlier in life or, in the case of
neonates, through maternal antibodies providing protection during the first 3–4 months of life (37, 38). Viral load in
stool samples from individuals with symptomatic infection is significantly higher than in individuals with
asymptomatic infection (39). Nonetheless, asymptomatic carriers are likely to play a role in sustained transmission
of rotaviruses in the human population as well as boosting the initial acquired primary immune response.
Rotaviruses, first discovered in 1973 (43, 44), primarily infect mature intestinal epithelial cells on the tips of the
small intestinal villi. Destruction of infected cells and subsequent development of villous atrophy reduces digestion
and absorption of fluid and nutrients, resulting in secretory diarrhoea with loss of fluids and electrolytes into the
intestinal lumen. In addition, one of the viral non-structural proteins, NSP4, which can be detected early during a
rotavirus infection has been reported to function as a viral enterotoxin, and is thought to play a role in the
development of symptoms (45). Further, spread of rotaviruses systemically may be more common than previously
understood, since antigenemia/viraemia and subsequently elevated transaminases (S-AST and S-ALT) have been
reported (17-21, 46, 47).
Mode of transmission
Rotaviruses are mainly transmitted from person-to-person through the faecal-oral route, but transmission may also occur
through contaminated objects (e.g. door-handles, water-taps, toilet-seats and toys), airborne droplets or contaminated
water or food (48, 49). Rotaviruses may persist on dry surfaces for up to two months (48). Animal rotaviruses from
infected animals are also occasionally transmitted to humans and may result in co-infections with human rotaviruses and
development of new emerging serotypes/genotypes through the reassortment mechanism (50).
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Routine diagnostics
As mentioned earlier, there are several serogroups of rotaviruses that may infect humans, including A, B and C.
Serogroup A is the most common and therefore most laboratory assays only detect serogroup A rotaviruses.
Excretion of rotaviruses may be confirmed by using antigen-detecting assays (enzyme immunoassays,
immunochromatographic rapid tests), genome-detecting assays (PCR) or electron microscopy.
Clinical management
Clinical management is directed towards early replacement of fluid losses using oral rehydration at home. However,
with more extensive fluid losses there may be a need for nasogastric or intravenous rehydration, alone or in
combination, provided in hospital settings. Earlier no other treatment apart from fluid replacement was available
and no other therapy is required in previously healthy individuals since the condition is self-limiting. In some clinical
settings probiotics (e.g. Lactobacillus GG) have been used to reduce duration of gastroenteritis (52). However, with
the authorisation of racecadotril (Lincoln Medical Limited, UK), an additional treatment option is available that will
reduce the number of days with diarrhoea (53). Racecadotril, an enkephalinase inhibitor with potent antisecretory
activity but only limited effect on gut motility, is intended for children older than three months and is administered
via the oral route together with oral rehydration solution. Treatment should be continued until two normal stools
are recorded and should not exceed seven days. No antiviral drugs are available. In the rare instances that
immunodeficient children develop chronic excretion of rotaviruses, treatment with intravenous or oral
immunoglobulin may be indicated, however, oral immunoglobulin administered for prevention of rotavirus disease,
although safe, did not provide protection against rotavirus disease in hospitalised low birth-weight infants (birth-
weight <2500 g) according to a 2011 Cochrane review (54).
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
EU dose recommendations
The dose recommendations, as mentioned in respective EU/EEA SPC, vary for the two rotavirus vaccines:
RV1 should be administered in two doses any time from the age of six weeks, with an interval of at least four weeks
between the doses. The full vaccination course of two doses should preferably be given before 16 weeks of age, but
must be completed by the age of 24 weeks. RV1 should not be used in infants >24 weeks of age (see Table 1).
RV5 should be administered in three doses any time from the age of six weeks, with an interval of at least four weeks
between each of the three doses. The first dose should be provided at no later than 12 weeks of age, and it is preferable
that all three doses should be administered before the age of 20–22 weeks. If necessary, the third dose may be given up
to the age of 32 weeks (see Table 1).
The reason for the narrow age window for dose 1 in particular, but also for completion of the whole series, is to ensure
protection before observed peak of rotavirus infection and the experience with an earlier first generation oral live
rotavirus vaccine, Rotashield® (RRV-TV), licensed in 1998 in the US. Following the introduction of this rotavirus vaccine
into the US national immunisation programme it was found to be effective in providing protection against hospitalisation
due to RVGE (60), but an adverse event was reported – development of intussusception (IS). IS was later found to be
epidemiologically associated with this vaccine and the vaccine was therefore withdrawn from the US market (61, 62). An
estimated risk of one additional case of intussusception per 4 670 to 9 474 infants vaccinated was identified. Infants with
intussusception who had received the first or second dose of RRV-TV fourteen or fewer days before the onset of this
condition were younger than other infants with naturally occurring intussusception (mean age at the time of
hospitalisation, 4.1 vs. 6.4 months, P<0.001; range, 2.0 to 7.0 vs. 1.0 to 11.0 months) (61). In further follow-up studies
of this vaccine it was also shown that infants vaccinated before day 60 of life had no increased risk (>70 000 doses
administered) and infants vaccinated day 61–90 of life were significantly less prone to develop intussusception than
children vaccinated after day 90. (63).
EU/EEA countries may recommend immunisation schedules within the span of the EU/EEA SPC recommendations (see
Table 4 for choices made by countries that have introduced rotavirus vaccines.)
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Rotavirus genotypes Human rotavirus strain P1A[8]G1 Five reassortant strains with a bovine rotavirus
included in vaccine strain WC3, P7 [5] G6 expressing viral surface
proteins corresponding to the human rotavirus
genotypes G1, G2, G3 and G4, and P [8]
Formulations Live attenuated Live
Vaccine production Vero cells Vero cells
Excipients Lyophilised Rotarix: 9 mg sucrose per dose, 1080 mg sucrose per dose
13.5 mg sorbitol per dose
Liquid Rotarix: 1073 mg sucrose per dose
Indications Prevention of GE due to rotavirus disease Prevention of GE due to rotavirus disease
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to Hypersensitivity to the active substance or
any of the excipients. to any of the excipients.
Hypersensitivity after previous Hypersensitivity after previous
administration of rotavirus vaccines administration of rotavirus vaccines
Previous history of intussusception. Previous history of intussusception.
Subjects with uncorrected congenital Subjects with uncorrected congenital
malformation of the gastrointestinal tract malformation of the gastrointestinal tract
that would predispose for intussusception. that would predispose for intussusception.
Diarrhoea and vomiting. Known or suspected immunodeficiency
Febrile illness. including HIV.
Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) Diarrhoea and vomiting
Febrile illness.
Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
Route of
Oral Oral
Dose regimensǂ Two doses from the age of 6 weeks. Three doses from the age of 6 weeks.
Interval of at least four weeks between Interval of at least four weeks between
doses. doses.
The vaccination course should preferably be The first dose should not be given later
given before 16 weeks of age, but all doses than the age of 12 weeks.
must be completed by the age of 24 weeks. It is preferable that all three doses should
RV1 should NOT be used in the paediatric be administered before age of 20–22
population over 24 weeks of age. weeks. If necessary, the third (last) dose
may be given up to the age of 32 weeks.
RV5 is NOT indicated in the paediatric
population from 33 weeks to 18 years.
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Interchangeability between the two vaccines RV1 and RV5 has formally been evaluated (77-79). Mixed schedules
are safe and induce comparable immune responses when compared with vaccination with only one of the licensed
rotavirus vaccines given in the full series.
Vaccine-induced immunity
The immunological mechanisms by which rotavirus infection with either wild-type or vaccine strains protect against
subsequent rotavirus disease are not completely understood. Humoral and mucosal immunity is believed to play an
important role. Since no serological correlate of protection has been identified, serum IgA has been used as a
surrogate marker by both vaccine manufacturers in the clinical trials. A high level of serum IgA antibody has been
shown to correlate with clinical protection against rotavirus disease (80, 81). However, the IgA assays used by the
two manufacturers are different and not comparable. In addition, for RV5 neutralising antibodies directed against
rotavirus genotype G1 have been utilised (Goveia et al Poster ESPID 2014).
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Table 2. Percentage of RV1-vaccinated subjects developing serum rotavirus-specific IgA antibodies antibody
titers > 20 U/mL post-immunisation, using different EU immunisation schedules (82)
Vaccine-recipients Placebo-recipients
Immunisation schedules Studies
evaluated conducted in % seropositive % seropositive
n n
[95% CI] [95% CI]
Immunogenicity has been evaluated in many of the European childhood immunisation schedules. Both rotavirus
vaccines induce a high percentage of seropositive individuals after a complete vaccination course. The percentages
of seropositive infants following vaccination with the two available rotavirus vaccines used in different EU
immunisation schedules are presented in Tables 2 and 3.
Table 3. Percentage of RV5-vaccinated subjects developing at least a threefold rise in serum rotavirus-
specific IgA antibodies from baseline 42 days post-immunisation, using different EU immunisation
schedules (83,84)
Vaccine-recipients Placebo-recipients
Immunisation Studies
schedules evaluated conducted in % seropositive % seropositive
n n
[95% CI] [95% CI]
Storage of vaccines
Storage of RV1 and RV5 is recommended at 2–8ºC, but immunogenicity after seven days storage at 37ºC was
similar to that of vaccine stored at the recommended temperature (85).
1 and
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Clinical trials registration NTC 00981669
Clinical trials registration NCT02133690
Clinical trials registration NCT01764256
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
In addition to the clinical trials listed on the website, a neonatal rotavirus strain (RV3-BB isolated
from an Australian infant) candidate has been tested in a randomised placebo-controlled Phase I study that
evaluated safety and tolerability of a single oral dose of the RV3-BB rotavirus vaccine candidate in 20 adults, 20
children and 20 infants (10 vaccine recipients and 10 placebo recipients per age cohort) (96). Most infants (8/9)
who received RV3-BB demonstrated vaccine take developing IgA antibodies following a single dose. These data
support progression of the RV3-BB candidate to Phase 2I immunogenicity, safety and efficacy trials that will be
conducted by academic groups in New Zealand and Indonesia with funding from the Australian National Health and
Medical Research Council, New Zealand Health Research Council, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the
vaccine producer, Bio Farma in Indonesia. Neonatal and infant schedules will be evaluated.
Finally, in animal models both inactivated rotavirus whole virion and virus-like particles (VLPs) provided parentally
have been shown to provide protective immunity. No human clinical trials appear to have been initiated for any of
these technologies.
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
The virus particle consists of a triple-layered icosahedral protein capsid, composed of an outer protein (VP7 in yellow), an
intermediate protein (VP6 in blue) and an inner core (VP2 in green) layer.
From the smooth surface of the outer layer, sixty spikes extend ~12 nm (VP4 in orange).
Mature and infectious virus particles are approximately 70–75 nm in diameter. The infectivity of rotavirus particles depends
on the presence of the outer protein layer. Viral particles present on objects may be infectious for months.
Rotaviruses are relatively stable when inactivated. Infectivity is retained within pH range 3 to 9 and virus samples are
stable for months to years at + 4ºC.
The virus genome contains eleven segments of double-stranded RNA, providing a possibility for reassortment.
Rotaviruses are classified serologically into serogroups. A serogroup comprises viruses that share cross-reacting antigens
detectable by a number of immunological tests. Seven distinct serogroups have been identified (A–G). Serogroups A, B and
C cause disease in humans, while the others have primarily been identified in animals. Domestic animals commonly excrete
rotavirus of different types, which occasionally can be transmitted to humans as a zoonosis. Cross-immunity between
serotypes has been shown.
Rotaviruses may also be genotyped. Generally, genotyping is currently used for classification of circulating rotavirus strains
but must be correlated to the knowledge of serotypes/serogroups. Determination of the potential development of
protective immunity after vaccination to current and emerging new rotavirus strains is correlated to serotypes.
Serotype/genotype classification of group A rotaviruses uses the specificities of the two outer capsid proteins; viral protein
4 (VP 4) and viral protein 7 (VP 7). The VP7 specificity is referred to as G - type (glycoprotein) and the VP4 specificity as P-
type (protease-sensitive protein, trypsin cleavage of VP4 initiates penetration of intestinal epithelial cells). Both VP4 and
VP7 induce production of neutralising antibodies. 15 G-sero/genotypes have been identified in animals and humans, while
11 distinct P-serotypes and 28 P-genotypes have been described. Various combinations of G- and P-types have been
identified in field isolates from humans. Classification of rotaviruses is a binary system that includes both the VP4 and
VP7 types.
Knipe D, Howley P Rotaviruses Fields Virology 6th Edition 2012
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
* The uncoating process of each virus particle after entry into enterocytes expose the different segmented genes and provide the
possibility for reassortment of different genes that may result in new rotavirus geno-/serotypes with different surface proteins [G-
and P-types]. Infecting viruses enter the epithelial cell from the intestinal surface and new progeny viruses are released back into
the intestine resulting in epithelial cell death and subsequent villous atrophy.
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
support the network long-term beyond 2017 and no formal surveillance of rotavirus infections and circulating
rotavirus strains are foreseen in the EU/EEA in the near future.
* With seven of the countries conducting rotavirus strain surveillance having introduced routine rotavirus vaccination for all
infants, an overall decline in number of samples sent for genotyping has been observed since 2014.
Source: Eurorotanet
The vast majority of human cases within EU/EEA and worldwide (more than 90% of all human rotavirus disease)
are caused by six genotypes within serogroup A rotaviruses, namely G1P[8], G2P[4], G3P[8], G4P[8], G9P[8] and
G12P[8]. Results obtained within the EuroRotaNet network confirm that G1P[8] was the most prevalent rotavirus
strain since its inception, but all six genotypes circulated in all countries (see Figure 5). However, for two seasons
G1P[8] was identified in < 50% of infected children and for the first time in the 2015/16 season G1P[8] was only
the fourth most prevalent strain and identified in only 13% of typed samples8. In the 2015/16 season G9P[8] was
the predominant strain, present in 34% of all specimen tested and the most common strain in five countries. This
change in predominant strain occurred in countries with and without routine rotavirus vaccination. Further analysis
of the 2015/16 season is on-going and expected to be published late 2017. A new emerging genotype G12P[8] was
identified in most seasons in the majority of participating EU/EEA countries in 0.5–0.8% of all stool samples and
other new emerging G8- and G10-containing strains were also identified, but with lower incidence. Vaccine efficacy
has been evaluated against G1P[8], G2P[4], G3P[8] and G4P[8] and G9P[8] in the clinical trials performed in the
Americas and Europe (1, 2)] for RV1 and in addition against G12P[8] for RV5.
Significant cross-protection is expected, also for new emerging genotypes, as suggested by clinical trials performed
in Malawi (RV1), South Africa (RV1) and Ghana (RV5), which are countries with a more diverse picture of co-
circulating rotavirus genotypes (100, 101). Vaccine efficacy in these studies ranged between 49.4% and 76.9%,
where only approximately 13% of the rotavirus strains were G1P[8]. However, the circulating genotypes may not
be the only reason for a lower efficacy observed in these countries. In a recent study genetics involving the histo-
blood group antigens appeared to play a role in susceptibility and vaccine take measured as an immunoglobulin A
response (102).
EuroRotaNet: Annual report 2016 (unpublished data)
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Figure 5. Overall distribution of rotavirus genotypes by EU/EEA country reported to the EuroRotaNet
strain surveillance network 2006 to 2016 (n=61 959)
Source: Eurorotanet
In the data collection by EuroRotaNet, 1.5% of the rotavirus strains were reassortments among common human
strains, while 1.2% were likely to have emerged through zoonotic transmission or by reassortment between human
and animal rotavirus strains. Mixed infections with more than one genotype present in stool sample were detected
in 5.7% of cases and 3.8% of strains were only partially characterised.
However, until 2016 no novel emerging group A rotavirus strains causing larger outbreaks had been detected in
any of the countries under surveillance, although the time period surveyed is short for virus evolution. The number
of rotavirus positive cases available for typing has diminished in all the countries that have introduced rotavirus
vaccination, as a consequence of the reduction in rotavirus disease (see Figure 4). There is no evidence to date
that rotavirus vaccination programmes are driving the emergence of vaccine escape strains, and shifts in strain
distribution and predominant type in the post-vaccine era need to be interpreted with caution and in the context of
differences in distribution of genotypes according to age and seasonality9.
EuroRotaNet: Annual report 2016 (unpublished data)
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
VENICE III report on the current status of introduction of rotavirus vaccination into national immunisation programmes in
Europe, submitted to ECDC May 2016. Publication pending.
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
United Kingdom
Rotavirus vaccination was initiated in 2013. RV1 is currently used in the country.
Furthermore, it should be noted that rotavirus vaccine is being provided to additional European children through
the private sector, this being more common in southern Europe than in other parts of Europe, based on vaccine
distribution statistics.
The main reasons for not including the rotavirus vaccine into the national routine paediatric programme
investigated in the recent VENICE III survey (see footnote 11 above) were cost/cost-effectiveness ratio, insufficient
anticipated epidemiological impact, and other competing health priorities. Other reasons mentioned included risk of
emergence of serotypes not covered by the vaccine, improved clinical management preferred to vaccination, and
concerns regarding safety (intussusception).
As of mid-2016, 81 countries worldwide had introduced rotavirus vaccines into their routine immunisation
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Table 4. Current status of rotavirus immunisation programmes in EU/EEA countries as of May 2017
Year of Proportion of
Stage of decision- Vaccine
introduction into cost covered
Member making Age group coverage
national by public or
State Positive/negative recommended reported
immunisation insurance
decision/not started (%)
programme funding
Positive decision by
D1-D3 7 weeks -
Austria national health 2007 77 100%
6 months
Positive decision by
D1 8 weeks
national health
Belgium 2006 D2 12 weeks 86 75%
authorities (partly
D3 (16 weeks)
No decision by national
Bulgaria - - - -
health authorities
Recommended for risk
Croatia - - - -
groups only
Negative decision by
Cyprus national health - - - -
No decision by national
Czech republic - - - -
health authorities
Negative decision by
Denmark national health - - - -
Positive decision by D1 2 months
No data
Estonia national health 2014 D2 3 months 100%
authorities D3 4.5 months
Positive decision by D1 2 months
Finland national health 2009 D2 3 months 93 100%
authorities D3 5 months
Negative decision by
France national health - - - -
Positive decision by D1 6 weeks
No data
Germany national health 2013 D2 2 months 100%
authorities D3 (3-4 months)
Positive decision by D1 2 months
No data
Greece national health 2012 D2 4 months 100%
authorities D3 (6 months)
No decision by national
Hungary - - - -
health authorities
No decision by national
Iceland - - - -
health authorities
Positive decision by
national health
Ireland - - - -
authorities but no
implementation yet
Positive decision by
No data
Italy national health 2017 - -
Positive decision by D1 8 weeks
No data
Latvia national health 2015 D2 12 weeks -
authorities D3 (16 weeks)
No decision by national
Lichtenstein - - - -
health authorities
No decision by national
Lithuania - - - -
health authorities
Positive decision by 89%
D1 2 months
Luxembourg national health 2006 measured in -
D2 3 months
authorities 2012
No decision by national
Malta - - - -
health authorities
No decision by national
Netherlands - - - -
health authorities
Positive decision by D1 1.5 months
No data
Norway national health 2014 D2 3 months 100%
authorities D3 (5) months*
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Year of Proportion of
Stage of decision- Vaccine
introduction into cost covered
Member making Age group coverage
national by public or
State Positive/negative recommended reported
immunisation insurance
decision/not started (%)
programme funding
Positive decision by
national health
Poland - - - -
authorities but no
implementation yet
No decision by national
Portugal - - - -
health authorities
No decision by national
Romania - - - -
health authorities
No decision by national
Slovakia - - - -
health authorities
No decision by national
Slovenia - - - -
health authorities
Negative decision by
Spain national health - - - -
100% in these
No decision by national two regions.
(two regions D1 6-8 weeks
health authorities Stockholm Partly (RV5) or
with ~30% of 2014 D2 3 months
Two regions – positive region 82% fully (RV1)
the paediatric D3 (5) months
decision reimbursed in
other regions
Positive decision by 94.1% for
D1 2 months
UK national health 2013 dose 1 and 100%
D2 3 months
authorities 89.7% for
dose 2
Source: data adapted from national official websites and the 2016 VENICE III survey, submitted to ECDC according to contract
and available upon written request (publication pending).
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
2. Methods
The aim of this expert opinion is to provide EU/EEA Member States with relevant scientific information to support
the decision-making process on possible introduction and monitoring of routine vaccination to prevent rotavirus-
induced gastroenteritis.
The evidence presented in this document are based on reviews of the published literature in scientific journals,
grey literature and a search in the EMA Eudravigilance database for spontaneously reported cases of
intussusception following rotavirus vaccination. The information collected summarises:
burden of rotavirus disease in the EU/EEA in children under five years of age
rotavirus vaccine efficacy in countries with low mortality due to rotavirus infections (hereafter referred to as
‘low-mortality rotavirus countries’)
rotavirus vaccine effectiveness in low-mortality rotavirus countries
herd protection provided by infant rotavirus vaccination in low-mortality rotavirus countries
rotavirus vaccine safety in low-mortality rotavirus countries
cost-effectiveness using rotavirus vaccines in EU/EEA immunisation programmes
attitudes to rotavirus vaccination among parents and healthcare workers.
The literature searches were conducted by ECDC library staff in PubMed, Embase and Cochrane databases to
collect relevant articles and systematic reviews published in English between 1 January 1995 and 14 February
2014. Search strategies and results are available in Annex 4 and 5. The systematic searches were complemented
by manual searches that included websites of public health institutes in the EU/EEA for current immunisation
schedules. An Endnote database was created and complemented with references identified using all search
strategies. Identified article titles with abstracts were reviewed by ECDC experts. Based on inclusion and exclusion
criteria taking into account the different search queries mentioned above, a second screening of selected full text
articles was performed. A decision on study inclusion was made jointly by ECDC staff (consensus of at least two
reviewers). For each study included, information on study design, number of participants, sampling and group
allocation, intervention if relevant, outcomes, and study results was extracted and summarised. All outcomes for
which meta-analysis was conducted were dichotomous (occurrence of the event or not, e.g. efficacy and
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
the EU/EEA. Data for both vaccines were pooled, as the objective of this expert opinion was to evaluate the effectiveness of
rotavirus vaccination and not individual products. The final analysis presents pooled data for both vaccines.
Meta-analyses of effectiveness data from included case-control and cohort studies were performed in relation to rotavirus
vaccine status (at least two doses). Extracted data were entered into the computer software Review Manager (version
5.3, Nordic Cochrane Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark). Pooled estimates were calculated using random effects models.
The dichotomous data were analysed by calculating Mantel-Haensel random effects risk ratios (RR) or odds ratios (OR)
and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for rotavirus vaccine recipients versus placebo recipients in the
RCTs, or no vaccine in the observational studies. The pooled RR or were used to calculate pooled vaccine effectiveness
using the following formula: (1-[Relative Risk or Odds Ratio]) x 100 (103). Judgement of the extent of heterogeneity was
based on similarity of point estimates, extent of confidence interval overlap, and statistical criteria including tests of
heterogeneity and I2 (104).
N.B. The analysis and interpretation of Eudravigilance data presented in this expert opinion may not be understood or quoted
as being made on behalf of the European Medicines Agency or any of its working parties.
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. The
information provided in the line listings was based on a query performed in EV using the following search criteria: all
reports submitted as spontaneous to EV up to 1 July 2014, where Rotarix or Rotateq were reported as a suspect or
interacting medicinal product. Line listings of IS cases were analysed for number of cases by product, gender, age at
vaccination, dose number in vaccine series, time to onset of IS from vaccination and clinical outcome. Chart review of
reported cases of IS to validate the diagnosis against a common case definition was not possible due to country-specific
and EU-level data protection laws. Number of vaccinated infants during the same time period is unknown but 9.7 million
doses of RV1 and 7.9 million doses of RV5 were distributed from the manufacturer.
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
3. Results
Burden of rotavirus disease in EU/EEA countries
A number of prospective and retrospective epidemiological studies published between 1995 and 2014 described country-
specific burden of rotavirus disease in eighteen EU/EEA Member States (13, 107-137). Most studies focused on
describing severe rotavirus disease and addressed the burden of hospitalisation (see Table 5). A limited number of
European studies addressed deaths, the most severe outcome of rotavirus disease, nosocomial infections and burden in
out-patient facilities.
Hospital admissions
In the EU/EEA, all 49 studies identified from eighteen Member States reported that rotavirus is the most common
pathogen isolated from children hospitalised with AGE. The contribution of rotavirus as a cause of acute gastroenteritis in
hospitalised children < 5 years of age varied between years and between countries, ranging from 26 to 69% (see Table
5). The reasons for this wide range is not entirely clear, however there are probably some seasonal fluctuations. Methods
used for diagnostics (antigen-detection and more recently PCR) and differences in surveillance in Member States may
also influence results.
The number of children hospitalised per year also differs significantly; from 100 in Spain to 1 190 in Ireland per 100 000
children less than five years of age. However, in a majority of countries around 300–600 cases per 100 000 children <5
years are hospitalised per year (see Table 5).
In a review performed by WHO Regional Office for Europe hospital admission rates were similar across country income
groups (medians 200, 280, 420 and 190/100 000 per year in low-, lower-middle-, upper-middle- and high-income
countries in 49/52 WHO European Region countries, respectively) (6)].
The median duration of hospitalisation for rotavirus disease varied in the EU/EEA studies, ranging from 1.3 days in one
study conducted in nation-wide registries in Norway (127) to 9.5 days in one study hospital in Poland (128). The duration
of hospitalisation may also vary within countries, as observed in Italy (see Table 5).
By way of international comparison, studies among US children aged <5 years have shown that rotaviruses accounted
for 30–50% of all hospitalisations for acute gastroenteritis and approximately 70% of hospitalisations for gastroenteritis
during the seasonal peaks (138, 139). The US CDC researchers further estimated that in the first five years of life, four
out of five children in the United States will develop a symptomatic rotavirus disease, one in seven will require a clinic or
emergency department visit, and one in 70 will be hospitalised (3).
The need for intensive care in the EU/EEA setting has been evaluated in several studies. One study conducted in Sweden
suggests 1–2% of hospitalised children with rotavirus disease appear to be in need of intensive care, often due to very
severe dehydration (>10% of body weight) (15). In a prospective study by the German Paediatric Surveillance Unit,
assessing children with very severe rotavirus disease12 , 101 cases were identified during a two-year period (140). Based
on this the annual incidence of very severe rotavirus disease was estimated at 1.2 per 100 000 (95% CI 0.9–
1.4/100 000). Among the 101 children, 48 of the children were in need of intensive care, 12 suffered from necrotising
enterocolitis, and 58 had signs of encephalopathy.
Five studies were identified addressing rotavirus-disease-associated deaths in the EU/EEA (6, 109, 141-143).
Using an adaptation of the U.S. CDC mortality model for Europe, an estimate was made of the number of RV-
associated deaths in children <5 years of approximately 200 deaths per annum (143). This study has been
criticised for over-estimating the mortality rate, as indicated by country-specific data presented below.
A study from the UK using national statistical reports from two different sources indicates 3.3 and 3.8 deaths per
year in children <5 years of age due to rotavirus disease, suggesting a mortality rate of <0.1 per 100 000 children
<5 years of age and a hospital case-fatality rate of around 0.2% (141).
A study from Germany, suggests a hospital case-fatality rate of 0.1% during a 10-year period of surveillance (142).
Additional data from Germany reveal that 1–2 deaths due to rotavirus disease are reported each year in children <5
years of age13.
Czech Republic reported three deaths in children <2 years over a nine-year period of surveillance but interestingly
also reported three deaths in elderly people related to rotavirus disease outbreaks in retirement homes (109).
Finally, in a study from the Netherlands RV-related mortality was determined for all children who had died within
three weeks of confirmed RV infection between 2000 and 2006 (144). Seven deaths were identified. All seven had
defined as in need of intensive care treatment, or hyper- or hyponatremia (>155 mmol/L or <125 mmol/L), or clinical signs of
encephalopathy (somnolence, seizures or apnoea) or RV-associated deaths
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
congenital pathology and two patients also had a history of low birth weight. One child died before 2 months of
age, the remaining six children died between 2 and 14 months of age.
In a review from 2009 of 49/52 countries of the WHO European Region, using published literature or WHO data
sources, rotavirus disease caused an estimated 6 550 deaths (range 5 671–8 989) and 146 287 (range 38 374–
1 039 843) hospital admissions each year in children aged <5 years (6). Seven countries, mostly in the low- and
lower-middle-income groups, accounted for 93% of estimated deaths. In total, three EU Member States - Slovakia,
Bulgaria and Slovenia - reported mortality data as part of this review. Bulgaria and Slovenia did not report any
deaths, while Slovakia reported a mortality rate of 0.1 per 100 000 children.
By way of international comparison, researchers from US CDC estimated in a study that one in 200 000 children
would die each year in the US from rotavirus disease(3).
Nosocomial infections
Evaluating the burden of intra-healthcare-acquired rotavirus disease suggests that up to ~25–30% of rotavirus
infections diagnosed in hospitalised children may be due to rotavirus infections acquired within the healthcare
system (27, 29, 145-153). Nosocomial rotavirus infections often occur in younger children than the community-
acquired rotavirus infections, and fewer complications develop (136, 154). Furthermore, nosocomial infections
often develop in children with underlying chronic diseases spending time in hospital settings where rotavirus is
easily transmitted.
In a German study assessing cases hospitalised during 2002–2008, 14% of reported cases were nosocomial (155).
A five-year (2006–2010) Polish study suggested that the mean proportion of nosocomial rotavirus disease among
all hospitalised rotavirus infected cases was 24% (156)]. A Spanish study reported an incidence of 59.0 nosocomial
cases per 100 000 children <5 years of age during 1998–2007(154). Another longitudinal prospective study in
paediatric in-patients 0–48 months old in Austria, Germany and Switzerland suggested that almost one third of
nosocomial cases occurred in infants aged two months or younger (149)].
In a review of nosocomial rotavirus disease in European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and the
United Kingdom) rotaviruses were found to be the major cause of paediatric nosocomial diarrhoea (ranging from
31 to 87%) (27) and in a recent meta-analysis of twenty surveillance studies of nosocomial rotavirus disease, an
adjusted year-round incidence of 0.7 (95% CI 0.0–1.8) per 100 hospitalisations was calculated for children under
five years (157). Highest nosocomial rotavirus infection incidence rate was found in children <2 years of age,
hospitalised during the epidemic months (8.1/100 hospitalisations 95% CI 6.4–9.9). The authors conclude that
nosocomial rotavirus infections are an important problem for those children affected and for the quality of the
healthcare systems.
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Table 5. Overview of EU/EEA studies evaluating percentage of children <5 years of age hospitalised due to
acute gastroenteritis in whom rotavirus excretion was identified, number of hospitalised children <5 years
of age per 100 000/year due to rotavirus disease and median duration of hospitalisation
% hospitalised
AGE with Number of
laboratory- children
Country Authors Study year duration of
verified hospitalised <5
rotavirus years per
disease <5 100 000/year
Austria Rendi-Wagner et al (107) 1997-2003 - 770 4.7
Van Damme et al, REVEAL (13) 2004-2006 58 990 -
Belgium Zeller et al (108) 1986-2006 19 - -
Bilcke et al (158)] 2004-2006 - 676 4.4
Pazdiora et al (109) 1998-2006 - 698 -
Fischer et al (110) 1995-1999 - 280 -
Fischer et al (159) 2009-2010 39 380 -
Ryan et al (111) 1993-1994 43 520 2
Harris et al (112) 1995-2003 45 450 -
Vesikari et al (113) 1985-1995 54 600 2.3 for all AGE
Finland Rasanen (160)] 2006-2007 38 - -
Rasanen (160) 2007-2008 63 - -
Fourquet et al (114) 1997 51 210 -
France Van Damme et al, REVEAL (13) 2004-2006 56 870 -
Forster et al, SHRIK (115) 2005-2006 64 - -
Berner et al (142) 1987-1996 25 - 4
Poppe et al (116) 41 770 4.9
Germany* Van Damme et al, REVEAL (13) 2004-2006 66 500 -
Koch et al (117) 2001-2008 - 510 -
Forster et al, SHRIK (115) 2005-2006 61 - -
Kavaliotis et al (118) 2006 49 - -
Konstantopoulus et al* (119) 2008-2010 24 - 4
Ireland Lynch et al (120) 1997-1998 50 1190 4.1
Ruggeri et al (121) 27 - -
Van Damme et al, REVEAL (13) 2004-2006 69 520 -
Gabutti et al (122) 2001-2005 36 - 5.7
Mattei et al (123) 2002-2005 - 157-204 -
Marsella et al (161) 2003-2005 - 154ǂ 5
Panatto et al (162) 2006 33 550 4.2
Forster et al SHRIK (115) 2005-2006 33 - -
Saia et al (163) 200-2007 - 196 3.5
Hungary* Szúcs et al (125) 1993-1996 21 840 -
de Wit et al (126) 1997-1998 32-58 90-340 3-4
Bruijning-Verhagen et al (164) - 510 -
Norway Flem et al (127) 2006-2008 63 300 1.3
Poland Mrukowicz JZ (128) 1994-1996 41 310 9.5
Romania Lesanu et al (165) 2011 58 - 6.4
Visser et al (129) 1999-2000 25 100 4.8
Luquero Alcade et al (130) 2000-2004 32 480 -
Cilla et al (166) 1996-2008 39 215 4.7
Spain Garcia-Basteiro et al (132) 2003-2008 22 104 3.2
Forster et al, SHRIK (115) 2005-2006 52 - -
Van Damme et al, REVEAL (13) 2004-2006 53 650 -
Sanchez-Fauquier et al (167) 2006-2008 40 - -
Johansen et al (136)* 1993-1996 36-45 370 2.4
Sweden Van Damme et al, REVEAL (13) 2004-2006 62 770 -
Rinder et al (137) 2007-2008 41 388 -
United Van Damme et al, REVEAL (13) 2004-2006 61 290 -
Kingdom Forster et al, SHRIK (115) 2005-2006 51 - -
ǂ up to 14 years of age
* up to 4 years of age
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Outpatient visits
Few European studies have focused on evaluating the burden of rotavirus disease handled within the healthcare
system in out-patient clinics/emergency departments. The large number of children being assessed in outpatient
settings (emergency departments or primary care) do contribute to the significant burden of rotavirus disease on
the healthcare systems and societal costs (112, 135, 168-170). The burden of rotavirus disease in the outpatient
setting was estimated in the REVEAL study and was observed to be 2–4 times higher than the incidence of children
hospitalisations due to rotavirus disease (13).
Epidemiological studies conducted in eighteen EU/EEA Member States suggest that acute rotavirus disease
results in around 300–600/100 000 children under five years of age being hospitalised annually, however
significant variation occurs within and between countries. Extrapolating these data to the whole EU/EEA with a
birth cohort of around 5 million infants suggests that about 75 000–150 000 hospitalisations in children <5
years occur yearly.
Further epidemiological studies in ten EU/EEA Member States suggest that around two to four times more
children seek medical evaluation for dehydration in outpatient settings, leading to significant burden on
healthcare systems.
Finally, limited mortality due to rotavirus disease is reported in studies conducted in eight EU/EEA Member States. An
estimated mortality rate of <0.1 per 100 000 children <5 years and a hospital case-fatality rate of around 0.1–0.2%
is reported.
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Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Figure 6a. Rotavirus vaccine efficacy compared with placebo over a follow-up period of 2 years in
randomised control trials reported as risk ratio - RVGE leading to hospitalisation, first and second
Figure 6b. Rotavirus vaccine efficacy compared with placebo over a follow-up period of 2 years in
randomised control trials reported as risk ratio- RVGE any severity, first and second year*
A Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis published in 2012, evaluating 41 randomised controlled trials
with 186 263 participants, showed that in the first two years of life, the second generation rotavirus vaccines
RV1 and RV5 prevented more than 80% of severe cases of rotavirus diarrhoea in low-mortality developed
A German systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs conducted (published in 2013) suggests a vaccine
efficacy of 92% against rotavirus-induced hospitalisation during the first two years following vaccination (95%
CI 82–96%) as well as 74% (95%CI 61-83%) against any rotavirus infection.
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Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Figure 8. Forest plot of pooled risk ratios for the occurrence of hospitalisation due to rotavirus disease in
fully rotavirus-vaccination children, as observed in cohort studies published between 2007 and 2011*
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
gastroenteritis cases were reduced by 59% in this study and norovirus was the major causative agent of acute
gastroenteritis identified in the post-introduction period. However, persistent rotavirus circulation was observed six years
post-introduction of vaccine in laboratory-investigated older children and elderly with acute gastroenteritis (211). Further
long-term studies of RV1 and RV5 in the US revealed statistically significant vaccine effectiveness for each year of life for
which sufficient data allowed analysis which was 7 years for RV5 and 3 years for RV1 (212). Both vaccines provided
statistically significant genotype-specific protection against predominant circulating rotavirus strains.
As observed above, it is expected that rotaviruses will continue to circulate in Europe and provide a natural immunity
boost to vaccinated individuals. Therefore the ultimate outcome of introducing rotavirus vaccines is containment and not
Protection by the two rotavirus vaccines, RV1 and RV5, against severe rotavirus disease leading to hospitalisation,
was assessed in observational studies conducted in rotavirus low-mortality and developed countries, including:
Australia (RV1 and RV5), Austria (RV1 and RV5), Finland (RV5), France (RV5), Germany (RV1 and RV5), Spain
(RV5), and the US (RV1 and RV5). A meta-analysis of identified case control studies suggests a vaccine
effectiveness against severe rotavirus disease leading to hospitalisation of 84% (95% CI 75–89%) and a meta-
analysis of identified cohort studies suggests a vaccine effectiveness of 91% (95% CI 88–94%).
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Furthermore, Pollard et al. recently conducted a meta-analysis to estimate the herd protection effect in children aged
under one year in studies published between 2008 and 2014 (108, 193, 197, 203, 217-238, 243). The meta-analysis of
studies conducted in low-mortality rotavirus countries reporting on rotavirus-specific gastroenteritis outcomes suggested
a median herd effect on rotavirus-specific gastroenteritis morbidity/mortality of 22% (19–25%) for 12 study years
presented in five studies [(195, 197, 225, 237, 238).
Finally, first data on herd protection in older age groups have become available from a developing country using a time-
series analysis conducted in Rwanda. The greatest effect was recorded in children age-eligible to be vaccinated, but the
authors also noted a decrease in the proportion of children with diarrhoea testing positive for rotavirus in almost every
age group <5 years and eligible for the study (244).
Observational effectiveness studies suggest that herd protection in children of the same age group, as well as older
age groups, evolve after vaccination. Herd protection may contribute significantly to the overall impact of rotavirus
vaccination programmes.
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Intussusception (IS) is a condition characterised by telescoping of the intestine onto itself. Intussusception
commonly occurs at the ileo-cecal junction (see Figure 9).
Figure 9. Schematic overview of the most common form of intussusception (when ileum enters cecum) and its
common treatments with air/barium enema.
NB. Other types of intussusception are known to occur, such as when a part (the intussusceptum) of the ileum or
jejunum prolapses into itself.
The incidence is about twice as high in male infants as female infants. IS can be treated by air/barium enema (see
Figure 9) or, if necessary, manual reduction during surgery. However, treatment traditions vary within the EU/EEA
and in some EU/EEA Member States or regions surgery may be the first treatment option. According to a recent
review, 77% of treatments provided in Europe are by air/barium enema (248).
There is an approximately 50% chance of success with a non-surgical reduction if it is initiated within 24–48 hours
from onset of symptoms. In a review of an IS case series, presence of reported symptoms for at least two days
before hospital admission was an independent predictor of the need for surgical reduction (adjusted odds ratio 2.7
95% CI 1.5–4.8) (249). If not repaired or repaired late, entrapment will lead to intestinal wall oedema, possibly
followed by necrosis and intestinal perforation. The latter leads to fever, peritonitis, septicaemia, shock and, if not
reversed, death. Moreover, in the above-mentioned case series fever at admission was noted to significantly
increase risk for need of surgical reduction (adjusted odds ratio 2.7, 95% CI 1.2–6.0). Mortality due to
intussusception is very rare in developed countries, estimated in the US at 2.1 per 1 million live births [(250). The
EU/EEA studies mentioned below confirm that mortality is very rare.
The pathogenesis of intussusception is not fully understood. IS may occur in any child, although a few
gastrointestinal malformations are known to induce intussusceptions, such as polyps, which are often referred to as
a ‘lead point’. Structural lead points were identified in 3% in a systematic review of IS cases reported in the WHO
European region from 1995 onwards (251). In this review recurrence was reported in approximately 1 in 10 IS
patients and only one death was reported. A few studies have identified the presence of wild-type rotavirus in the
stool or intestine of infants with intussusception; however this association seems uncommon, while adenovirus was
strongly associated (OR 44 reported from Australia) (252, 253).
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Further assessment of the incidence of IS per month during the first year of life has been conducted in Germany
and the United Kingdom (England). Interestingly, the peak in Germany was noted to occur at the age of 180 to 269
days while in the United Kingdom (England) the peak was noted to be earlier, in infants aged 120–149 days (see
Table 7). The reason for such differences is unknown.
Table 7. Incidence of intussusception by month, first year of life assessed in two EU/EEA countries before
rotavirus vaccination
Few studies have assessed the treatment needed to resolve IS before rotavirus vaccine introduction. In a Swiss
study including 288 IS cases, confirmed with the Brighton Collaboration standardised case definition, spontaneous
devagination occurred in 38 patients, enemas reduced IS successfully in 183 cases, while surgical treatment was
required in 67 cases. In this series of cases all patients recovered without sequelae (260, 264). Management
practices have also been mapped in the United Kingdom and Ireland (264).
In a recently published international literature review the global intussusception incidence was estimated at 74 per
100 000, peaking at 3–9 months (248) (see Figure 10). However the variation was significant, with the lowest
incidence of 9 per 100 000 reported from Bangladesh compared to 328 per 100 000 reported from South Korea.
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Figure 10. Global annual incidence of intussusception by month of life during first year of life
Global annual incidence <1 year of age estimated to 74 per 100 000
Source: (248)
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
The analysis and interpretation of EudraVigilance data presented may not be understood or quoted as being made on behalf of
the European Medicines Agency or one of its committees or as reflecting the position of the European Medicines Agency, one of
its committees or one of its working parties.
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Figure 11a. Cases reported to the EMA Eudravigilance database (not validated with chart review)
until 1 July 2014 with known interval between dose 1 vaccination of RV1 and development of
intussusception (n=164)*
Number of reported IS cases
Day 11
Day 21
Day 31
Day 41
Day 51
Day 61
Day 71
Day 81
Day 91
Day 101
Day 110
Day 139
Day 149
Day 159
Day 169
Day 179
Day 189
Day 1
Day 120
Day 130
Days post-immunisation RV1 dose 1
Figure 11b. Cases reported to the EMA Eudravigilance database (not validated with chart review) to
1 July 2014 with known interval between dose 1 vaccination of RV5 and development of
intussusception (n=86)*
Number of reported IS cases
Day 1
Day 101
Day 110
Day 139
Day 149
Day 159
Day 169
Day 179
Day 189
Day 61
Day 11
Day 21
Day 31
Day 41
Day 51
Day 71
Day 81
Day 91
Day 120
Day 130
*A cluster of IS cases is observed during the first seven days following dose 1.
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
* based on Brighton Collaboration Level 1 case definition including surgical criteria, radiological criteria demonstration of intestinal
invagination by either air or liquid contrast barium enema, or demonstration of an intra-abdominal mass with specific features by ultrasound,
or autopsy criteria
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
* based on Brighton Collaboration Level 1 case definition including surgical criteria, radiologic criteria demonstration of intestinal
invagination by either air or liquid contrast barium enema, or demonstration of an intra-abdominal mass with specific features by
ultrasound, or autopsy criteria.
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Kawasaki disease
During review of RV5 clinical trial data a higher, though not statistically significantly rate of Kawasaki Disease (KD)
was observed among RV5 vaccinees than placebo recipients. Therefore risk management plans for both rotavirus
vaccines included post-authorisation requirements to monitor KD. In a review of all KD reports received by US
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from 1990 to mid-October 2007, no clustering of cases and no
increased risk of KD in the post-authorisation phase for the RV5 vaccine was observed (282 ). Instead, the
reporting rate for RV5 (1.47/100 000 person-years) was lower than the US background rate.
Severe gastroenteritis with vaccine viral shedding in patients with severe combined immunodeficiency
A review of US VAERS identified nine reports of severe gastroenteritis with vaccine viral shedding in patients who were
subsequently diagnosed with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). This observation resulted in a label change
in the SPCs in 2013 for both rotavirus vaccines, stating that SCID is a contraindication for rotavirus vaccination.
In pre-authorisation RCTs with these second generation rotavirus vaccines, which served as the basis for vaccine
authorisation in 2006 in the EU, no increased risk of intussusception was observed in recipients compared to the
placebo groups. This was also concluded in a 2012 Cochrane systematic review assessing vaccine safety in
randomised placebo-controlled clinical trials published in 2012. However, a risk of IS lower than one additional case
in 10 000 vaccinated individuals could not be excluded and risk management plans from regulatory agencies
requested post-authorisation monitoring.
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
After the introduction of rotavirus vaccines into routine immunisation programmes, IS cases following vaccination
with RV1 and RV5 were initially reported in early adopter countries (Australia, Brazil, Mexico and the Unites States).
Similarly, IS cases have been reported to the EU/EEA Eudravigilance database following vaccination with both
rotavirus vaccines.
Formal observational studies conducted in non-EU/EEA countries such as Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Singapore
and the US indicate that rotavirus vaccines carry an increased risk of intussusception, mostly within seven
days of vaccination with dose 1. An observational study conducted in one EU/EEA country, Germany confirms
the reported increased risk. Following these studies the EU/EEA SPCs have been updated accordingly: ‘Up to
6 additional cases per 100,000 infants have been observed in the US and Australia against a background
incidence of 33 to 101 intussusception episodes per 100,000 infants per year, respectively’.
Strategies for IS risk minimisation are currently being explored, with vaccinators and healthcare workers
caring for affected children being trained for early recognition of symptoms suggestive of intussusception and
vaccines being provided early in the recommended age window from six weeks of age. However, no results
are available yet on the impact of these strategies. A recent meta-analysis indicates that if vaccination with
first dose is given at less than 12 weeks of age around 1 in every 50 000 children vaccinated may suffer from
intussusception due to vaccination, while if the first dose of vaccine is administered later 1 in every 20 000
children will be at risk.
Regulatory agencies in low-mortality rotavirus countries such as those in the EU/EEA have concluded that the
benefits of rotavirus vaccination outweigh the risks.
Kawasaki disease
No increased risk of Kawasaki disease has been observed in the post-authorisation period.
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Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Identified studies on cost-effectiveness of universal rotavirus vaccination in the EU/EEA provide discrepant
results. The inclusion of societal costs, and/or positive indirect benefits of the vaccines such as herd
protection, significantly affects the cost-effectiveness ratios.
There are differences among Member States, not only in the conclusions of the studies but also in the
impact of the studies on whether countries have introduced the rotavirus vaccine into their programmes.
Until now a recent survey in EU/EEA Member States found that eight out of eleven countries having
undertaken economic assessments have introduced rotavirus vaccines into their programmes while only six
have published their results (Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy and the United Kingdom)18.
First impact data after implementation of rotavirus vaccines in national immunisation programmes are now
becoming available and herd protection effect is significant. Countries still wanting to conduct cost-
effectiveness modelling should consider including herd effects in dynamic or semi-dynamic models.
VENICE III report on the current status of introduction of rotavirus vaccination into national immunisation programmes in
Europe, submitted to ECDC May 2016. In press but available upon request.
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Table 10. Main assumptions and parameter values of cost-effectiveness studies conducted in the
EU/EEA on infant rotavirus vaccination – base case analysis
Country Author, year Perspective of Quality of Discount Nosocomial Vaccine Vaccine Vaccine
(reference) analysis1 life rates rotavirus efficacy coverage price
included disease against (%) (full series)
infections severe forms
included of rotavirus
Belgium Bilcke et al 2008 HCP/societal Yes Cost: 3% Yes 96% to 100% 98 EUR 111
(158) Effect: 1.5% + waning rate
England & Jit et al 2007 (283) HCP/societal Yes Cost:3.5% Yes 94 % 95 GBP 70/75
Wales (in sensit. Effect: 3,5% ( EUR
analysis) (3% after 30 102/110)
UK (1) Lorgelly et al 2008 HCP/societal No Cost: 3.5% No 92 % 91 GBP 60 (EUR
(168) Effect: 3.5 88)
UK (2) Martin et al 2009 HCP/societal Yes Cost: 3.5% Yes 100% year 1 88 GBP 83.76
(284) Effect: 3.5 92,2 % year 2 (EUR 122)
Finland Salo et al 2007 HCP/societal Yes Cost: 3% Yes (in 96% 100 EUR 79
(285) Effect: 3% sensitivity
Finland Nohynek et al HCP/societal Yes - No 96% 100 EUR 79( RV1)
2009 (286) EUR 88.50
France (1) Melliez et al 2008 Societal (direct Yes Cost: 3% No 85 % 75 EUR 150
(287) costs) Effect: 3%
France (2) Standaert et al Societal (direct Yes Cost: 3% Yes 87% 85 EUR 114 (RV1)
2008 (288) costs) Effect: 1,5%
France (3) Yamin et al 2016 HCP/societal Yes Cost:4% Yes 62-65% first 2 75 EUR 115 (RV5)
(289) Effect: 2-4% years EUR 135 (RV5)
71-75% 10
years later
Germany Knoll et al 2013 HCP/Societal No Cost: 3% Yes 94% 87.5 EUR 102
Germany Aidelsburger et al HCP/societal Yes Cost:3% Yes 87% for 80 EUR 135
2014 (291) Effect: 3% Rotarix yr 2
92% for
RotaTeq yr 2
Ireland Tilson et al 2011 HCP/societal Yes Cost: 4% Yes 100% 90 EUR 100
(292) Effect: 4%
Italy Giammanco et al HCP/societal No Cost: 3 % No 85 % to 90 % 90 EUR 164.1
2009 (293) Effect: 3 % + waning rate EUR 65.6
(estimate used if
bought byNHS)
Netherlands Goossens et al Societal Yes Cost: 4% Yes 100 % 100 EUR 80/100
(1) 2008 (294) Effect: 1.5
Netherlands Zomer et al 2008 HCP /societal Yes Cost:4% Yes 84,7% to 97 EUR 135/138
(2) (295) Effect: 1.5% 94,5%
Netherlands Mangen et al 2010 HCP/societal Yes Cost: 4% Yes 88% 97 EUR 84(RV5)
(3) (296) Effect: 1.5% (RotaTeq) EUR 90(RV1)
92% (RotaRix)
Netherlands Rozenbaum et al Societal Yes Cost: 3.5% Yes 94.5% 95 EUR 75
(4) 2011 (297) Effect: 3.5%
Spain García-Basteiro et HCP No Cost: nd Yes 81.8-100% 96 EUR 187
(Catalonia) al 2011 (132) Effect: nd
Spain (Castilla Pérez-Rubio et al HCP/societal Yes Cost: 5% No 94% 100 EUR 139 (RV5)
y León) 2011 (298) Effect: 5% EUR 187.1
Spain Imaz et al 2014 HCP/Societal Yes Cost: 3% Yes 74% 96 EUR 133.5
(299) Effect: 3% (RV5)
1: HCP: healthcare payer, TP: third payer
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Table 11. Main results of cost-effectiveness studies conducted in the EU/EEA of infant rotavirus
vaccination – base case analysis
Author, year
Country Main results
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
A study from the Netherlands assessed parental attitudes to rotavirus vaccination and identified that vaccine
safety, effectiveness, duration of protection and whether the vaccine is offered free of charge were the most
important factors contributing whether they would vaccinate their children.
Limited information was identified addressing healthcare worker attitudes beyond a study among public
health residents and identified a need for further education.
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Three generic study protocols for rotavirus vaccine effectiveness and impact studies using different methodologies are available
on the ECDC website:
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
8. Next steps
The final Expert Opinion with the scientific advice contained in this document will be disseminated by ECDC
through the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (SANTE), the Health Security
Committee, the ECDC Advisory Forum and the ECDC Vaccine Advisory Group (EVAG). The document will also be
published on the ECDC website along with the comments/suggested edits provided by external stakeholders in the
public consultation phase and assessment by ECDC and possible implemented change to the Expert Opinion.
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
10. Annexes
Annex 1. Rotavirus disease severity scales used in clinical
Availability of objective clinical severity scales for assessing the disease is important for vaccine efficacy and
effectiveness studies. The two severity scales, the Vesikari 20-point scale and the Clark 24-point scale, used to
assess rotavirus gastroenteritis in clinical trials differ and have recently been compared (Table A1) (303)]. A
comparison of the severity assessment results revealed that more than 50% of the cases defined as severe by the
Vesikari scale were defined as moderate (63%) and mild (2%) by the Clark scale. Furthermore, 19% defined as
mild by the Clark scale were defined as severe by the Vesikari scale. It was also impossible to analyse the results
from the two severity scales statistically because the distribution categories were not even; the Clark scale is
divided into three ranges (<9, 9-16 and >16), while the Vesikari scale is divided into two ranges (<11 and >11).
The authors attempted to further divide the children in the study by creating three categories using the Vesikari
scale. This improved the correlation between the two scales but still did not achieve a high correlation, since only
55% of those with a scoring of >15 in the Vesikari scale were defined as severe by the Clark scale. The authors
concluded that future rotavirus vaccine trials should use only one severity scale for uniformity, or use clinical
parameters fitting to both the Clark and Vesikari scales, enabling the calculation of both severity scores. This would
facilitate the interpretation of efficacy/effectiveness results and comparisons between current and future rotavirus
Table A1. Overview of the Clark 24-point and the Vesikari 20-point severity scoring scales used in the
efficacy trials
Point values
1 2 3
Clark scale (ref)
Number of stools/day 2-4 5-7 >8
Duration in days 1-4 5-7 >8
Number of emeses/day 1-3 4-6 >7
Duration in days 2 3-5 >6
Rectal temperature
Temperature (C°) 38.1-38.2 38.3-38.7 >38.8
Duration in days 1-2 3-4 >5
Behavioural symptoms/ signs
Description Irritable/less playful Lethargic/listless Seizure
Duration in days 1-2 3-4 >5
Vesikari scale (ref)
Duration of diarrhoea (days) 1-4 5 >6
Maximum number of diarrhoea stools/24h 1-3 4-5 >6
Duration of vomiting (days) 1 2 >3
Maximum number of vomiting episodes/24h 1 2-4 >5
Temperature (C°) 37.1-38.4 38.5-38.9 >39.0
Dehydration - Mild Moderate to severe
Treatment Rehydration Hospitalisation -
According to the Vesikari scale, an episode of gastroenteritis with a score of >11 is considered severe, while the Clark scale
considers an episode with a score 9–16 as moderate to severe and an episode with a score of >16 as severe.
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
Level 2 • Two major or one major and three minor criteria (see below)
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
#1 'Rotavirus infection'/exp OR 'Rotavirus'/exp OR rotavirus:ti,ab OR rotaviruses:ti,ab OR 'rota virus':ti,ab
#2 'disease surveillance'/exp OR 'epidemic'/exp OR outbreak:ab,ti OR outbreaks:ab,ti OR surveillance:ab,ti OR
epidemic:ab,ti OR epidemics:ab,ti OR 'communicable disease'/exp/dm_ep
#3 'European Union'/exp OR 'Europe'/exp OR Europe:ab,ti OR (Europe*:ab,ti AND (union:ab,ti OR
community:ab,ti)) OR EU:ab,ti OR Austria*:ab,ti OR vienn*:ab,ti OR austro*:ab,ti OR Belgium:ab,ti OR
Belgian*:ab,ti OR Brussels:ab,ti OR Antwerp*:ab,ti OR ghent*:ab,ti OR Bulgaria*:ab,ti OR sofia:ab,ti OR
Cyprus:ab,ti OR Cypriot*:ab,ti OR Lefkosia:ab,ti OR Nicosia:ab,ti OR Czech*:ab,ti OR prague:ab,ti OR praha:ab,ti
OR Denmark:ab,ti OR Danish:ab,ti OR copenhagen:ab,ti OR Aarhus:ab,ti OR Estonia*:ab,ti OR Tallinn:ab,ti OR
finland:ab,ti OR finnish:ab,ti OR finns:ab,ti OR finn:ab,ti OR Helsinki:ab,ti OR france:ab,ti OR French:ab,ti OR
paris:ab,ti OR Marseille:ab,ti OR lyon:ab,ti OR Toulouse:ab,ti OR nantes OR Strasbourg OR lille OR Germany OR
german*:ab,ti OR berlin*:ab,ti OR hamburg:ab,ti OR munich:ab,ti OR munchen:ab,ti OR cologne:ab,ti OR
koln:ab,ti OR Frankfurt:ab,ti OR Stuttgart:ab,ti OR dusseldorf:ab,ti OR Greece:ab,ti OR greek*:ab,ti OR Athens:ab,ti
OR Athenian:ab,ti OR Thessaloniki:ab,ti OR hungary:ab,ti OR Hungarian*:ab,ti OR Budapest:ab,ti OR Ireland:ab,ti
OR irish:ab,ti OR eire:ab,ti OR Dublin*:ab,ti OR Italy:ab,ti OR Italian*:ab,ti OR rome:ab,ti OR roman:ab,ti OR
Milan:ab,ti OR naples:ab,ti OR turin:ab,ti OR Latvia*:ab,ti OR riga:ab,ti OR lithuania*:ab,ti OR Vilnius:ab,ti OR
Luxembourg*:ab,ti OR luxemburg*:ab,ti OR malta:ab,ti OR maltese:ab,ti OR Mdina:ab,ti OR Notabile:ab,ti OR
Imdina:ab,ti OR netherland*:ab,ti OR Holland:ab,ti OR dutch:ab,ti OR Amsterdam:ab,ti OR Rotterdam:ab,ti OR
hague:ab,ti OR Utrecht:ab,ti OR Eindhoven:ab,ti OR polish:ab,ti OR Poland:ab,ti OR warsaw:ab,ti OR Krakow:ab,ti
OR lodz:ab,ti OR Wroclaw:ab,ti OR Portuguese*:ab,ti OR Portugal:ab,ti OR Lisbon:ab,ti OR porto:ab,ti OR
Romania*:ab,ti OR Bucharest:ab,ti OR Slovakia*:ab,ti OR Bratislava:ab,ti OR pozsony:ab,ti OR slovenia*:ab,ti OR
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
#1 (('Rotavirus infection'/exp OR 'Rotavirus'/exp OR rotavirus:ti,ab OR rotaviruses:ti,ab OR 'rota virus':ti,ab) AND
('vaccination'/de OR 'vaccine'/exp OR vaccine*:ti,ab OR vaccination*:ti,ab OR immunization*:ti,ab OR
'immunization'/exp OR immunisation*:ti,ab OR 'virus vaccine'/exp)) OR 'Rotavirus vaccine'/exp OR rotarix:ti,ab OR
rotateq:ti,ab OR Rotashield:ti,ab OR 'RIX4414 vaccine':ti,ab OR 'RIX4414 vaccines':ti,ab
#2 'adverse drug reaction'/exp OR 'adverse effect':ti,ab OR 'adverse effects':ti,ab OR 'side effects':ti,ab OR 'side
effect':ti,ab OR 'adverse reaction':ti,ab OR 'adverse reactions':ti,ab OR 'undesirable effects':ti,ab OR 'undesirable
effect':ti,ab OR 'injurious effect':ti,ab OR 'Injurious effects':ti,ab OR 'complication':ti,ab OR complications:ti,ab OR
'immunology'/exp OR immunology:ti,ab OR 'pharmacology'/exp OR pharmacology:ti,ab OR immunogenicity:ti,ab
OR toxicity:ti,ab OR toxicities:ti,ab OR toxic:ti,ab OR contraindicat*:ti,ab OR hazard*:ti,ab OR harm:ti,ab OR
danger:ti,ab OR dangers:ti,ab OR dangerous:ti,ab OR poisoning:ti,ab OR 'safety'/exp OR safe:ti,ab OR safety:ti,ab
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
Herd immunity
#1 (("Rotavirus Infections"[Mesh] OR "Rotavirus"[Mesh] OR rotavirus[tiab] OR rotaviruses[tiab] OR "rota
virus"[tiab]) AND ("Vaccination"[Mesh] OR "Vaccines"[Mesh] OR Vaccine*[tiab] OR vaccine*[tiab] OR
vaccination*[tiab] OR immunization*[tiab] OR "Viral Vaccines"[Mesh])) OR "Rotavirus Vaccines"[Mesh] OR
"RIX4414 vaccine"[Supplementary Concept] OR "RotaTeq" [Supplementary Concept] OR "rhesus rotavirus vaccine"
[Supplementary Concept] OR "rotavirus vaccine 89-12" [Supplementary Concept] OR rotarix[tiab] OR rotateq[tiab]
OR Rotashield[tiab] OR "RIX4414 vaccine"[tiab] OR "RIX4414 vaccines"[tiab]
#2 "herd immunity"[tiab] OR "Immunity, Herd"[Mesh]
#3 #1 AND #2
Limits: English, date from 1995
#1 (('Rotavirus infection'/exp OR 'Rotavirus'/exp OR rotavirus:ti,ab OR rotaviruses:ti,ab OR 'rota virus':ti,ab) AND
('vaccination'/de OR 'vaccine'/exp OR vaccine*:ti,ab OR vaccination*:ti,ab OR immunization*:ti,ab OR 'virus
vaccine'/exp)) OR 'Rotavirus vaccine'/exp OR rotarix:ti,ab OR rotateq:ti,ab OR Rotashield:ti,ab OR 'RIX4414
vaccine':ti,ab OR 'RIX4414 vaccines':ti,ab
#2 'herd immunity'/exp OR 'herd immunity':ab,ti
#3 #1 AND #2
Limits: English, date from 1995, Embase
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
#1 'rotavirus infection'/exp OR 'rotavirus'/exp OR rotavirus:ab,ti OR rotaviruses:ab,ti OR 'rota virus':ab,ti AND
('vaccination'/de OR 'vaccine'/exp OR vaccine*:ab,ti OR vaccination*:ab,ti OR immunization*:ab,ti OR 'virus
vaccine'/exp) OR 'rotavirus vaccine'/exp OR rotarix:ab,ti OR rotateq:ab,ti OR rotashield:ab,ti OR 'rix4414
vaccine':ab,ti OR 'rix4414 vaccines':ab,ti
#2 'economic aspect'/exp AND 'economics'/exp AND 'economic evaluation'/exp OR Cost:ab,ti OR costs:ab,ti OR
economic*:ab,ti OR costly:ab,ti OR costing:ab,ti OR price:ab,ti OR prices:ab,ti OR pricing:ab,ti OR
pharmacoeconomic*:ab,ti OR (expenditure*:ab,ti NOT energy:ab,ti) OR 'Cost effective':ab,ti OR 'Cost
effectiveness':ab,ti OR 'value for money':ab,ti OR budget*:ab,ti OR burden:ab,ti OR burdens:ab,ti
#3 #1 AND #2
Limits: English, date from 1995, Embase
Cochrane Library
1 MeSH descriptor: [Rotavirus Infections] explode all trees
#2 MeSH descriptor: [Rotavirus] explode all trees
#3 rotavirus:ti,ab,kw or rotaviruses:ti,ab,kw or "rota virus":ti,ab,kw
#4 #1 or #2 or #3
#5 MeSH descriptor: [Vaccination] explode all trees
#6 MeSH descriptor: [Vaccines] explode all trees
#7 MeSH descriptor: [Immunization] explode all trees
#8 vaccine*:ti,ab,kw or vaccination*:ti,ab,kw or immunization*:ti,ab,kw
#9 #6 or #7 or #8
#10 MeSH descriptor: [Rotavirus Vaccines] explode all trees
#11 rotarix:ti,ab,kw or rotateq:ti,ab,kw or Rotashield:ti,ab,kw or "RIX4414 vaccine":ti,ab,kw or "RIX4414
#12 #11 or #10
#13 #5 and #9
#14 #12 or #13
Limits: English, date from 1995
((rotavirus)) and ((Economic evaluation:ZDT and Bibliographic:ZPS) OR (Economic evaluation:ZDT and
Abstract:ZPS)) FROM 1995 TO 2014
SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy
#1 'rotavirus infection'/exp OR 'rotavirus'/exp OR rotavirus:ab,ti OR rotaviruses:ab,ti OR 'rota virus':ab,ti AND
('vaccination'/de OR 'vaccine'/exp OR vaccine*:ab,ti OR vaccination*:ab,ti OR immunization*:ti,ab OR
'immunization'/exp OR immunisation*:ti,ab OR 'virus vaccine'/exp) OR 'rotavirus vaccine'/exp OR rotarix:ab,ti OR
rotateq:ab,ti OR rotashield:ab,ti OR 'rix4414 vaccine':ab,ti OR 'rix4414 vaccines':ab,ti
#2 'attitude'/exp OR 'health behavior'/exp OR 'lifestyle'/exp OR 'health promotion'/exp OR attitude:ti OR attitudes:ti
OR 'health personnel attitude':ab,ti OR 'health personnel attitudes':ab,ti OR 'family attitude':ab,ti OR 'family
attitudes':ab,ti OR 'parental attitude':ab,ti OR 'parental attitudes':ab,ti OR 'paternal attitude':ab,ti OR 'paternal
attitudes':ab,ti OR 'maternal attitude':ab,ti OR 'maternal attitudes':ab,ti OR 'staff attitude':ab,ti OR 'staff
attitudes':ab,ti OR behaviours:ti OR behaviour:ti OR behavior:ti OR behaviours:ti OR perception:ti OR perceptions:ti
OR acceptance:ti OR 'health attitude':ab,ti OR 'health attitudes':ab,ti OR 'health behaviors':ab,ti OR 'health
behavior':ab,ti OR 'health behaviour':ab,ti OR 'health behaviours':ab,ti OR 'life style':ab,ti OR 'life styles':ab,ti OR
lifestyle:ti OR lifestyles:ti OR 'patient nonadherence':ab,ti OR 'patient noncompliance':ab,ti OR refusal:ab,ti OR
elopement:ab,ti OR compliance:ab,ti OR 'promotion of health':ab,ti OR 'health promotion':ab,ti OR 'wellness
program':ab,ti OR 'wellness programme':ab,ti OR 'wellness programmes':ab,ti OR 'wellness programming':ab,ti OR
'wellness programs':ab,ti OR 'health campaign':ab,ti OR 'health campaigns':ab,ti
#3 #1 AND #2
Limits: English, date from 1995, Embase
Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy SCIENTIFIC ADVICE
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